View Full Version : [Music] My music : Indefinite Cure

07-12-2012, 10:02 AM
Hello people, my name is Francis Brûlé and I'm a musician/composer/songwriter. I have many projects but one of my longest standing is Indefinite Cure. It is a personal project in which I write and produce my own songs. I also do a lot of covers that I post on my youtube page (see below). The genre is a blend of experimental and electronic with a definite pop sensibility.

On a side note, I have updated this first post to include a few words on my current Master's degree research-creation project. In this research, I aim to explore, extract and merge together the formal, stylistic and technical paradigms of musical genres "musique concrète" and popular music. I would strongly recommend giving a listen to this soundcloud playlist of the studies I have done so far on that project here:

If you only have time for one listen, I would recommend "Étude 3" which is very Industrial and might appeal to you NIN fans out there.

Here is my bandcamp :

youtube account:


I hope you'll like what you hear and please please please share it with friends and family and spread the word!

Facebook page:

10-04-2012, 10:48 PM
Rebooting my thread to let you know of my new song called «Shining»

Enjoy your listen and please share if you like what you hear!

http://indefinitecure.bandcamp.com/track/shining (http://indefinitecure.bandcamp.com/track/shining-crystals)

11-08-2012, 10:54 AM
I have a song that I think you people would like called "The Break Down" http://indefinitecure.bandcamp.com/track/the-break-down

11-13-2012, 03:38 PM
I checked out the ??? quickly. Very good all around. Production, songwriting and vocal performance.

You interested in having remixes done?

11-13-2012, 05:16 PM
I checked out the ??? quickly. Very good all around. Production, songwriting and vocal performance.

You interested in having remixes done?
Thanks a lot!

Maybe, somewhere down the road. I'm currently having a website built up, I don't deny the possibility of putting up tracks for some songs...

01-31-2013, 02:36 PM
*edited* cause: Out of date information.

01-20-2015, 07:39 PM
New post, bumping this because:
I've had quite a year...a lot of things happened

Here's one of the first results of this:

It's acoustic, it's song oriented and it's something that I'm very proud of. Please. enjoy!

04-09-2015, 04:42 PM
I've started a new project on my youtube: I'm going to make and upload one cover per week.

I'm open to suggestions!

Here's the first one:

Here's the second one:

08-07-2015, 12:02 PM
I tried to stay faithful to the original:


02-11-2016, 03:29 AM
Most of what's written here is out of date...

Here's my latest release: https://indefinitecure.bandcamp.com/album/my-delirium

08-22-2016, 10:44 AM
Here is my attempt at an acoustic guitar cover of Daydreaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qc5su4QJ1w

08-11-2022, 01:15 PM


Here is a tribute / cover of Depeche Mode in honour of Andrew Fletcher. May he rest in peace and may my rendition of this song be worthy. Depeche Mode has had such a profound impact and influence on me and my craft.

I sincerely hope you will enjoy this!


11-19-2023, 10:50 AM
Hey, I have bumped this thread again and updated the first post with info on my master's degree in composition and sound creation with new links. Check it out!