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11-20-2019, 09:08 AM
It's considered sexist to say your wife is an all-around, awesome person?

i guess that's just not how it came across to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

wight rabbit
11-20-2019, 03:06 PM
i guess that's just not how it came across to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Perhaps try understanding the intention instead of assuming the worst.

11-20-2019, 04:42 PM
Perhaps try understanding the intention instead of assuming the worst.

i did try to understand the intention. but josh has said some shitty things in the past, and done some shitty things as well. i sat there for a while re-reading the quote. i thought about how people i've known who have been in relationships have said similar things and i've found out later they were being abusive toward their partners. i read the article with the full interview that botley linked, and it didn't really change my opinion of what he said. so i didn't just assume the worst. i also phrased my thoughts in a way that indicated it being a widespread problem, not simply a josh problem. am i maybe misinterpreting what his intention was? possibly. i have said things in the past i wish i had said differently because the perception of what i said did not match my intention at all...but i learned from it and started communicating more clearly so as not to be misunderstood. i'm sorry that my reaction seems strong. i'm not saying i'm 100% right, either. just expressing how it made me feel.

wight rabbit
11-20-2019, 05:15 PM
i did try to understand the intention. but josh has said some shitty things in the past, and done some shitty things as well. i sat there for a while re-reading the quote. i thought about how people i've known who have been in relationships have said similar things and i've found out later they were being abusive toward their partners. i read the article with the full interview that @botley (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=469) linked, and it didn't really change my opinion of what he said. so i didn't just assume the worst. i also phrased my thoughts in a way that indicated it being a widespread problem, not simply a josh problem. am i maybe misinterpreting what his intention was? possibly. i have said things in the past i wish i had said differently because the perception of what i said did not match my intention at all...but i learned from it and started communicating more clearly so as not to be misunderstood. i'm sorry that my reaction seems strong. i'm not saying i'm 100% right, either. just expressing how it made me feel.

Fair enough. Josh DOES have a history of blunders, but I think he also tries to make up for it after realizing he was wrong. I truly believe he felt remorse for the camera incident and that it wasn't just a publicity thing to save face. I think, ultimately, he has an issue with having too loose of a personality which tends to bring out a lot of poor decisions. He's said some things on The Alligator Hour that I'm sure were teetering on a line of "should I/shouldn't I" comments, but I think he's mostly just a playfully sarcastic person. He should probably not drink so much, though. He seems to get into bad situations when that happens.

As for your statement about trying to communicate more clearly, I would just like to point out that your reaction came off as someone trying to get praise for being an ally to women. I certainly don't disapprove of supporting women, but it just seemed too forced given the quote. I read it multiple times and never once thought he was belittling her as a woman, but praising her for what he perceived as strong traits that he truly admired about her.

11-21-2019, 12:52 AM
I'm all for being open about gender roles, and their pertinence to this discussion about a rock band. Some of us aren't trying to ally with women for the praise, as a matter of fact. Women have it tough, particularly in the music business. It's not like rock 'n roll is teeming with the best sorts of male role models. Joshua's apology for injuring the photographer at the front of the stage at a festival (yes, he was probably intoxicated or at least had some kind of impairment in order to act with such recklessness) highlighted that he wanted to work on that part of himself, and acknowledged he'd fallen short. Personally, I'm all for giving him a second shot at being in my list of favourite entertainers, but I totally respect anyone who doesn't feel that way about him anymore for whatever reason. Again, it was indefensible behaviour.

I can see why @eversonpoe (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) read the quote the way they did, even given the context it does problematically assume that a woman is exceptional just on the basis of being "one of the guys", whatever that means. That's not exactly an empowering sentiment, in isolation. But given his commendable willingness to show sensitivity and a vulnerable side, it's also kind of charming that he has some gender hangups. The band is called Queens, for cryin' out loud, they're not exactly playing the macho card out front and centre like most heavy rockers.

11-24-2019, 10:16 AM
For anyone who missed it before, the Songs for the Deaf red and black vinyl is available currently without signing up for the monthly subscription:


11-25-2019, 07:59 PM
Josh was also quite recently on Joe Rogan (https://www.mixcloud.com/TheJoeRoganExperience/1387-josh-homme/) and I'm pretty sure he was profusely praising Brody in it. I think he said something like she is his greatest muse. The show was posted just six days ago, which would have been on the 19th (Brody filed on the 15th). I don't think there's that much of a delay between when they tape it and when they post it, but who knows. Anyway... there's another weird thing to add to the weird things pile with Qotsa and Josh Homme.

11-25-2019, 09:40 PM
peeps get divorced because they just no longer can be together, doesnt mean they're gone from their lives forever, specially with kids... besides, I think JH did the ultimate non-shitty thing by kicking Nick out at their commercial peak for beating his girl... idk...

11-25-2019, 09:43 PM
Josh was also quite recently on Joe Rogan (https://www.mixcloud.com/TheJoeRoganExperience/1387-josh-homme/) and I'm pretty sure he was profusely praising Brody in it. I think he said something like she is his greatest muse. The show was posted just six days ago, which would have been on the 19th (Brody filed on the 15th). I don't think there's that much of a delay between when they tape it and when they post it, but who knows. Anyway... there's another weird thing to add to the weird things pile with Qotsa and Josh Homme.

It's streamed live, and I honestly don't remember him even mentioning her once

11-25-2019, 09:47 PM
It's streamed live, and I honestly don't remember him even mentioning her once

Found the quotes. He mentioned her several times, but did not address the divorce.


11-25-2019, 09:59 PM
If we could avoid further speculating about Josh's personal relationship statuses, at this point... that would be great.

11-25-2019, 10:19 PM
Found the quotes. He mentioned her several times, but did not address the divorce.


My mistake :)

11-25-2019, 10:27 PM
...besides, I think JH did the ultimate non-shitty thing by kicking Nick out at their commercial peak for beating his girl... idk...

You know, I was much more on the same page as @botley (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=469) and others before I wandered into this thread. In the process of digging up the Rogan stuff I ran into the quote mentioned briefly above, and just... yuck.

From a recent 2019 interview where Homme was asked about kicking Chelsea Lauren:

Homme told Rolling Stone: “Well, that’s really just a very insignificant part of all the things I’ve done in my life. I think in the time frame, certainly much more was made of it than necessary, and I think people take things and they run. And it’s not like anyone was going to listen to what I had to say, so I didn’t say really anything. And I don’t see the real reason to do it now.”

Prior to reading that comment I had written out a whole post detailing all the abuse, trauma, and dysfunction of Homme and his inner circle. Some of it their fault, some clearly not. In a way it's a wonder things aren't worse after the Bataclan, but since then the whole camp has seemed kind of extra fucked. From Jesse calling the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High shooting, "pathetic" and "disgusting vile abusers of the dead" to Josh kicking a girl in the face. Before that (and before the Bataclan obviously) he told Marc Maron he did too much meth (or strongly implied it) and that's how he wound up with the staph infection that almost ended his life (Like Clockwork era). Before that he kicked that one bass player guy out of the band for hitting his girlfriend and now they're friends again afaik. Then there's all this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Homme#Legal_issues_and_controversy) stuff (which isn't all bad, but paints a certain picture).

His world seems to reek of trauma, tragedy, drugs, fighting, and abuse (not always by him). I really don't know what to think anymore. It's hard to make excuses for someone mired in all that well into their 40s. I am very resistant to the idea of not giving people second chances but I have such a bad taste in my mouth.

edited for clarity

12-31-2019, 12:15 AM
From Mikey’s Instagram:

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wight rabbit
12-31-2019, 12:50 AM
Before that he kicked that one bass player guy out of the band for hitting his girlfriend and now they're friends again afaik.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. People CAN change for the better. I'm pretty sure Nick knows he fucked up, feels like shit, and has attempted to not continue being that person. That's likely why they're cool again. I hate this concept that once someone does something bad in their life, they can't come back from it. Give people a fucking chance to grow!


I am very resistant to the idea of not giving people second chances but I have such a bad taste in my mouth.

I reacted to your other comment before I saw this. My bad.

From Mikey’s Instagram:

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And on a positive note: FUCK YEAH!

12-31-2019, 04:19 AM
ultimately, he has an issue with having too loose of a personality which tends to bring out a lot of poor decisions.After watching his recent podcast with Rogan, I'd say you're probably right about that. They were talking about persona and Josh said that he doesn't have one except there's an energy on stage sometimes that's aggressive and it's supported by how random he likes to be. It's also because of the artists he was influenced by where they made a show feel intimidating or scary and he relishes in that opportunity to let loose since it's not an appropriate feeling anywhere else.

04-06-2020, 05:35 PM
I don't know if there was an Them Crooked Vulture thread but this just popped up.


05-20-2020, 10:09 AM

07-31-2020, 02:33 PM

07-31-2020, 04:09 PM

that beard!

07-31-2020, 07:39 PM
It's a good look for him.

07-31-2020, 09:13 PM
Spinning in Daffodils was an excellent choice. And interesting. Give me more Vultures!

08-01-2020, 01:18 AM
Damn I need a new Queens or Crooked Vultures album

bobbie solo
08-01-2020, 02:32 AM
that beard!


08-01-2020, 02:36 AM
Quarantine really did good things to him it seems. Spending time with the kids, hopefully making music and kickig his habits that made me feel grossed out by him over the last few years. Return of the Homme, I'm in!

08-01-2020, 06:59 AM

08-02-2020, 11:58 PM
Damn I need a new Queens or Crooked Vultures album

What you really need is a new Alain Johannes solo album — and you're in luck, one just came out! It's brilliant.

Space Suicide
08-23-2020, 02:14 PM

Awesome remix.

08-23-2020, 05:04 PM
Could anyone point me in the direction of a lossless version of the title track from Era Vulgaris? Still seems crazy that it was left off the album here in the States.

Space Suicide
08-23-2020, 05:21 PM
Could anyone point me in the direction of a lossless version of the title track from Era Vulgaris? Still seems crazy that it was left off the album here in the States.

It pisses me off it's a bonus track for the UK or even a bonus track at all. It's better than half of the album and I like every song.

I don't have a lossless version but I have it and the Richard File Remix if you want 'em. Let me know.

08-23-2020, 05:54 PM
I don't have a lossless version but I have it and the Richard File Remix if you want 'em. Let me know.

I've got MP3s of both already, but I appreciate it. Just looking to upgrade everything in my QOTSA collection.

08-24-2020, 08:53 AM

Love everything about this. The song choice, the cover, the performance. Great stuff.

08-24-2020, 09:18 AM
Could anyone point me in the direction of a lossless version of the title track from Era Vulgaris? Still seems crazy that it was left off the album here in the States.

Yeah, me too! I've been looking for this for a while myself!

wight rabbit
08-24-2020, 12:13 PM
Could anyone point me in the direction of a lossless version of the title track from Era Vulgaris? Still seems crazy that it was left off the album here in the States.

I could rip my copy of Era Vulgaris and send the track your way. I've been slowly converting my CD collection to digital, so it wouldn't even be a hassle to do it.

08-24-2020, 12:20 PM
I could rip my copy of Era Vulgaris and send the track your way. I've been slowly converting my CD collection to digital, so it wouldn't even be a hassle to do it.

Thank you, but someone already sent it to me, so I'm covered.

08-25-2020, 08:09 AM
I could rip my copy of Era Vulgaris and send the track your way. I've been slowly converting my CD collection to digital, so it wouldn't even be a hassle to do it.

Yeah same I realized I need to rip this album. I suppose I will right now.

11-07-2020, 01:02 PM
Member live shows? I member...

Three years ago today I've seen QOTSA on Villains tour in Paris, France, and last month I did a multicam edit of that show.


Did it as a little detour from my NIN edit projects as I wait for a few people to sent me videos...

11-07-2020, 06:12 PM
^ Great job! BOSS version of "Headache", too.

acrid avid jam shred
11-13-2020, 11:26 PM

Pretty awesome acoustic set live from the MONA in Hobart, Tasmania from 2018! The acoustic versions of Better Living Through Chemistry and Go With the Flow are great.

11-14-2020, 11:30 PM
Loved the set, but it was too sort!

acrid avid jam shred
11-14-2020, 11:46 PM
Loved the set, but it was too sort!

Bit of a shame that they didn't show Hideaway too, it would've been nice to see it played acoustically!

11-15-2020, 06:18 AM
would've been nice to see it played acoustically!
Which is also the only time they played it ever

11-16-2020, 03:16 PM
Bit of a shame that they didn't show Hideaway too, it would've been nice to see it played acoustically!
It also reminded me to the "...Like Cologne" set, nice acoustic versions, but way too short!

I would love to hear an unplugged album done by them!

*EDIT* Looked for "Like Cologne" in Youtube, it's no longer there, so i will post this acoustic playlist instead...


acrid avid jam shred
11-16-2020, 08:45 PM
Woah, I didn't know there was an acoustic version of Avon out there! I'll have to give it a listen, there's a bunch of stuff on there I don't think I've heard before.

11-16-2020, 08:51 PM
Woah, I didn't know there was an acoustic version of Avon out there! I'll have to give it a listen, there's a bunch of stuff on there I don't think I've heard before.
It has some great rarities, like the cover for "White Wedding"...

acrid avid jam shred
11-16-2020, 09:00 PM
The version of I Never Came that's on there is so good. So many QOTSA tracks work well acoustically, like you wouldn't think stuff like Better Living Through Chemistry would work without a full band kind of setup, but then they do it and it sounds sweet!

03-15-2021, 06:39 AM
Desert Sessions 11/12 won a Grammy for best special/limited packaging. So that's nice.

04-01-2021, 12:45 AM
So... qotsa is playing reading in August???? New music?

04-01-2021, 01:59 AM
So... qotsa is playing reading in August???? New music?

No one knows.

04-01-2021, 05:55 AM

acrid avid jam shred
07-26-2021, 01:24 AM
There's a new Queens song in the new film about Anthony Bourdain! It sounds pretty cool, I wonder if it was just written with the film in mind or if it's gonna indicate how the next record's gonna sound. Josh's vocals are awesome as always.


07-26-2021, 09:08 AM
^ It's actually just an AI that was fed a bunch of Queens albums and created its own song.

07-26-2021, 11:34 AM
^ It's actually just an AI that was fed a bunch of Queens albums and created its own song.


07-26-2021, 03:03 PM
So, i got hard for nothing?

07-26-2021, 03:51 PM
So, i got hard for nothing?

It was a joke about what the director of the documentary did, using AI to fake Bourdain's voice to read some emails he wrote for the movie.

07-28-2021, 07:01 AM
Meanwhile QOTSA are no longer playing Leeds & Reading. I ain't even surprised.

Good to know I've seen almost all bands that are important to me by now (except Radiohead).
(Not that that I was going to these shows, just a random rant)

02-19-2022, 05:31 PM
Shues in the news. They make a cute couple! https://people.com/movies/lily-james-boyfriend-michael-shuman-instagram-official/

10-04-2022, 03:09 PM
I take it 2023 is the year for the new album, with the first new live dates announcement and new promo picture

10-04-2022, 04:50 PM
I've been hoping for a full on Them Crooked Vultures reunion record & tour.

10-10-2022, 10:36 AM
According to Jesse Hughes "Boots Electric" Queens finished recording a new album.

https://metalinjection.net/news/queens-of-the-stone-age-recently-recorded-a-new-album-confirms-eagles-of-death-metal-vocalist (https://metalinjection.net/news/queens-of-the-stone-age-recently-recorded-a-new-album-confirms-eagles-of-death-metal-vocalist)

10-10-2022, 11:23 AM
About time, i'm up for a new album!

bobbie solo
01-03-2023, 03:39 AM
That Rockville festival in Daytona Beach has a pretty solid lineup. You wouldn't catch me dead at that thing, but I was impressed with who they booked. Plenty of trash on there too, but this is pretty good for a heavy leaning mainstream festival in 2023.


03-29-2023, 08:36 PM
Anyone have any thoughts about this?


03-30-2023, 12:59 AM
I think it's a shame that the details of a personal matter are thrust into the public when you've got a certain level of fame and celebrity. Sounds like a bit of a mess and I hope it all works out.

03-30-2023, 08:41 AM
It's a shame. And that boyfriend got to go - who the hell does he think he is.

03-30-2023, 09:59 PM
Well i can understand why we dont have new QOTSA yet, he's a bit distracted

But i have a feeling when we do get a new record, it'll be a good one

03-30-2023, 11:39 PM
Anyone have any thoughts about this?

I don't care, i just want a new QOTSA album. (but it might take longer than i expected...)

03-31-2023, 09:56 AM
(but it might take longer than i expected...)

They're going on tour soon, so it might not be that far off.

03-31-2023, 04:16 PM
They're going on tour soon, so it might not be that far off.
Lets hope so, i can't believe it's almost 6 years since "Villains"

03-31-2023, 04:28 PM
I'm almost positive Jesse Hughes went on some podcast and said the Queens album was done...probably late 2022. Whatever you think about him (I think he's a huge piece of shit, for the record) he's definitely in the know when it comes to whatever Josh is up to.

03-31-2023, 09:52 PM
Anyone have any thoughts about this?


I read the article Pitchfork had on it. While I agree that it's a shame that something as personal as this is out there for all to read about, in this case, I'm sort of glad it is. I remember seeing the articles that news organizations had over the last two years at various points reporting on the court stuff because its public record. At the time, it made Josh out to be shitty parent which honestly made my cringe a bit. I'm glad the record has been set straight. I saw a lot of comments on Facebook on some of the articles where people just assume he's a bad person, but saw others pointing out how hard it actually is for men in general to prevail in family court or how hard it is to actually get a restraining order in general. So the fact that this is the outcome should speak to his character as a person.

It can be hard to separate the personal lives of musicians and actors from the art they create. This has been debated ad nauseam. When I read about a celebrity whose art I enjoy being a bad person to that degree, it's hard not to look at them in a different light. So yes, it's none of our business, but because things were made public previously, I'm glad the record has been corrected.

04-01-2023, 12:16 PM
Yeah, I enjoy that Josh has given official statement through the reps. I mean, Josh produced an album for someone, whose name I cannot recall and it's like scrubbed from Wiki (and I know pitchfork ding'd the review because of his involvement).

04-18-2023, 03:47 AM
New logo/album art reveal? Or is it just some UK thing I'm not getting?


05-01-2023, 09:42 AM
The band's IG account has been posing stories linking past music videos, one every couple days. Seems like there might be a lead up to a new single / video? Hopefully a pre-order comes with it.

05-01-2023, 11:25 AM
Word on the street is that the new album drops in June.

05-01-2023, 11:29 AM
Word on the street is that the new album drops in June.

Which street? I have to imagine it's coming sometime this year if they're playing all these shows.

05-01-2023, 11:45 AM
June? They should start preorders fairly soon then.

05-01-2023, 11:53 AM
Which street? I have to imagine it's coming sometime this year if they're playing all these shows.

Looks like Duff McKagan spilled the beans this past weekend...

05-03-2023, 02:44 PM
The back cover with the song titles have been leaked. Courtesy of Reddit:


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05-03-2023, 02:52 PM

Front cover, also from Reddit.

05-03-2023, 03:04 PM
$45 is a bit salty unless that is somehow a deluxe presentation. Glad to see what appears to be a continuation of the Boneface art.

05-03-2023, 03:12 PM
$45 is a bit salty unless that is somehow a deluxe presentation. Glad to see what appears to be a continuation of the Boneface art.

That deluxe edition of Villians was $45 or $50 and the only difference was the art prints I believe. They usually have several variants to choose from.

05-03-2023, 03:16 PM
Huh, you go to their store and it takes you to a password page.

Queens of the Stone Age Store (qotsa.com) (https://store.qotsa.com/password)

In Times New Roman seems a strange title but OK.

05-03-2023, 03:17 PM
That deluxe edition of Villians was $45 or $50 and the only difference was the art prints I believe. They usually have several variants to choose from.

Yeah, makes sense. I was pretty impressed with the recent reissues of Clockwork and Villains but IIRC the deluxer did come with a bunch of art stuffs.

05-03-2023, 03:18 PM
That's pretty common when they're revamping a shopify storefront.

05-03-2023, 03:22 PM
Someone on Reddit said when it was briefly up on the web store, it said "ships May 6."

05-03-2023, 03:29 PM
so...any second now it could be live and sold out immediately. cool.


05-03-2023, 03:38 PM
Was some of their old music videos (No One Knows, Go With The Flow, In My Head) already in 1080p for a while or this is new?

05-03-2023, 04:53 PM
The back cover with the song titles have been leaked. Courtesy of Reddit:


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The ribbons on the backcover (bottom of that pole) have "Villains" and "Like Clockwork"...

05-03-2023, 09:16 PM
guy on reddit called (https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/comments/137492e/ok_i_know_nobody_cares_but_i_somehow_predicted/) the name of the album. wtf

05-04-2023, 07:09 AM
"I can't think of an album title. I just know it should be on the cover in times new roma-- I GOT IT!"

05-04-2023, 09:04 AM
New logo/album art reveal? Or is it just some UK thing I'm not getting?


Turns out you were right on this, based on the album title.

05-04-2023, 09:49 AM
According to Reddit, the new single is out next week.

Emotional Sickness is the track.


05-04-2023, 10:38 AM
Vinyl variants were leaked (https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/comments/137kz6f/spoiler_in_times_new_romans_vinyl_variantscompact/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)

05-09-2023, 12:27 PM
Very late in finding out there is a new album. God I miss Twitter keeping me up to date.

05-09-2023, 01:36 PM
looks like promo is starting, this week it is it seems

05-09-2023, 02:58 PM

05-09-2023, 03:07 PM

05-09-2023, 03:32 PM
Hard to catch a vibe off a 3 second clip but seems promising. A friend, who dislikes Villains, says it sounds more like Villians (specifically Domesticated Animals). I hear more Clockwork flavor so I already told him he's wrong. Domesticated Animals is a badass song anyway. Looking forward to this.

05-10-2023, 11:02 AM
The new song (Emotion Sickness) leaked over on Reddit and it's pretty good! It has better production than Villains, so hopefully people won't get so hung up on that this time! Also, the release date for the album is June 16.

05-10-2023, 11:38 AM
The new song (Emotion Sickness) leaked over on Reddit and it's pretty good! It has better production than Villains, so hopefully people won't get so hung up on that this time! Also, the release date for the album is June 16.

Hm, can’t seem to find a working link to it.

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05-10-2023, 01:44 PM
got link if anybody wants, pretty good one!
should be out soon now

05-10-2023, 02:04 PM
Yeah, this is hittin' the spot

05-10-2023, 02:22 PM
My best guess at the words

Youse want some destroy?
Single servings of pain
A dose of emotion sickness
It just can't sink

And my fever broke
(Oooh-oooh, oooh-oooh) Woo, yeah

You got no possessions, just reflections, girl
See the sights, hold your bare feelings
You might blow up
But some pieces fade

You're atrocious, f-ferocious
Save the price and the bye-byes are precise
Oh, absolu-te-ly

(Chorus: ) Baby don't care for me (x2)
I will let it go, oh (repeat, then: )
Gotta let it go

(Got) OH!

Got a vacuum of a perfume
Hit the lights
Keep your chin out of sight
(Roll out?) giving me the creeps

Where'd you come, go and get some, girl?
Put up a fight?
Well, let's have it right... now

(repeat chorus, then: )
Evil come and go on the breeze
For our whole life, possibly
I don't really know, oh

Flick of the switch
So smooth and clean
That we grow is so painful, believe me

Then my fever broke (x3)

(Repeat chorus)
Evil come and go on the breeze
For our whole life, possibly

Gotta let it go, oh (repeat to fade)

05-10-2023, 03:28 PM
There's the classic Josh Homme swagger. Digging this big time.

(I also need a QOTSA cover of Silverchair's 'Emotion Sickness.')

acrid avid jam shred
05-10-2023, 09:38 PM
Managed to listen to Emotion Sickness on Apple Music before it got taken down, it sounds awesome! I've only heard it twice and the chorus is already stuck in my head. Sounds like it's got a 70s kind of vibe with a bit of that Villains type of production. Love how herky jerky the verses sound with Josh's vocals as it goes into the chorus with those cool harmonies.

Very excited to listen to the new record, definitely going to pick it up on vinyl on release day and blast it loud!

05-11-2023, 07:25 AM

05-11-2023, 07:35 AM
new facebook cover pic

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=793459635469072&set=a.276228627192178&type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=793459635469072&set=a.276228627192178&type=3)

nothing that we didn’t know already anyway

05-11-2023, 08:02 AM
Its now official, june 16!

05-11-2023, 08:08 AM
This single kicks ass. I have to be careful not to wear this out before June 16. Glowy to Wome!

05-11-2023, 08:26 AM
Excellent news. Looking forward to hearing this. In Times New Roman or ATUM will probably be my favorite album of 2023.

05-11-2023, 09:28 AM
$50 w/tax & shipping for a 2xLP? i fucking hate inflation :(

05-11-2023, 09:40 AM
Kind of "meh" about the new track. It's not bad by any means, and I like the lyrics, but it's not exactly knocking my socks off either.

05-11-2023, 09:49 AM
$50 w/tax & shipping for a 2xLP? i fucking hate inflation :(

Another reason I prefer CDs over records. Only $16.00 on Amazon.

05-11-2023, 10:11 AM
Not bad at all! Glad to hear some new QOTSA.

Although the title shares a name with one of my favourite Silverchair songs which which means I have to specify which one I mean when using Siri in the car. Ah good old first world problems.

05-11-2023, 10:21 AM
The promos are dope!


05-11-2023, 10:40 AM
New song just kind of meanders around; it's ok.

Just glad they're back. I have to revisit everything, since it's been a very long time that I've sat down, and listened to them.

05-11-2023, 11:37 AM
This is a weird song to listen to. The Atmos mix on Apple Music sounds like it was mixed by someone with an inner ear infection. When I listen to it on YouTube Music it sounds much fuller, like an actual band. It's so fucking weird. There's better instrumentation, better panning, better everything. I can see why some people are saying it sounds terrible: it actually does sound terrible!

05-11-2023, 11:57 AM
This is a weird song to listen to. The Atmos mix on Apple Music sounds like it was mixed by someone with an inner ear infection. When I listen to it on YouTube Music it sounds much fuller, like an actual band. It's so fucking weird. There's better instrumentation, better panning, better everything. I can see why some people are saying it sounds terrible: it actually does sound terrible!
Just turn off Atmos, then. The same stereo mix is on Apple too, but it defaults to a downmixed stereo version of the Atmos track (stupidly).

05-11-2023, 12:36 PM
I think it's fair to say there's an evolution of some musical ideas that we were first introduced to with Eagles of Death Metal in this track. It's a more unconventional listen than usual - I'm not quite counting out loud, but it's herky jerky in a way that takes a little getting used to, at least until you get to the chorus. While I miss some of the chonkier sound (desert stoner rock?) of earlier QOTSA, I appreciate the continued exploration of more complex texture and orchestration. All that said, I want to hear the rest of the album before I pony up for vinyl.

It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.

05-11-2023, 12:51 PM
This is a weird song to listen to. The Atmos mix on Apple Music sounds like it was mixed by someone with an inner ear infection. When I listen to it on YouTube Music it sounds much fuller, like an actual band. It's so fucking weird. There's better instrumentation, better panning, better everything. I can see why some people are saying it sounds terrible: it actually does sound terrible!

I often wonder if the (random people, not you) making these Atmos comments are listening on a "proper" setup or just using some new-fangled codec their headphones offer.

I am not allowed to get water in my ears, should I be offended by your inner ear infection comment? :p

05-11-2023, 01:27 PM
Just turn off Atmos, then. The same stereo mix is on Apple too, but it defaults to a downmixed stereo version of the Atmos track (stupidly).
I did turn it off, just saying that if that's how someone hears the song and doesn't then they could complain - as I'm seeing on reddit - that it sounds like a tin can.

I think it's fair to say there's an evolution of some musical ideas that we were first introduced to with Eagles of Death Metal in this track. It's a more unconventional listen than usual - I'm not quite counting out loud, but it's herky jerky in a way that takes a little getting used to, at least until you get to the chorus. While I miss some of the chonkier sound (desert stoner rock?) of earlier QOTSA, I appreciate the continued exploration of more complex texture and orchestration. All that said, I want to hear the rest of the album before I pony up for vinyl.

It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.It reminds me of 3's & 7's with the start/stops, maybe a little bit Sick, Sick, Sick as well. And yeah, LC is the album of theirs that I go back to the most, I blame it on life at the time needing that.
I often wonder if the (random people, not you) making these Atmos comments are listening on a "proper" setup or just using some new-fangled codec their headphones offer.

I am not allowed to get water in my ears, should I be offended by your inner ear infection comment? :pguilty of listening to Airpods Pro Atmos. But this is the first mix where I've had this happen so I don't know. Also I'm at work, so yeah I'm stuck with headphones for the minute. I have thought about installing a better speaker system here but I need permission to drill into the walls. ;)

Also lol, I'm the same hence why the direct comparison to water in my ears.

05-11-2023, 02:25 PM
It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.
Right? I would NOT have predicted they would still be going with more-or-less the same lineup (and art director!) this long, for the third straight album, either.

I also see in the credits on Tidal that Matt Helders plays on the new track, in addition to Jon Theodore. Though I don't hear a second drum kit... so maybe just extra backing vocals?

05-11-2023, 02:42 PM
It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.

...Like Clockwork is, in my opinion, the greatest rock album of the last 50 years

05-11-2023, 02:55 PM
I think it's fair to say there's an evolution of some musical ideas that we were first introduced to with Eagles of Death Metal in this track. It's a more unconventional listen than usual - I'm not quite counting out loud, but it's herky jerky in a way that takes a little getting used to, at least until you get to the chorus. While I miss some of the chonkier sound (desert stoner rock?) of earlier QOTSA, I appreciate the continued exploration of more complex texture and orchestration. All that said, I want to hear the rest of the album before I pony up for vinyl.

It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.

I'm in the same boat, waiting to hear the full album before I splurge on vinyl, single did not grab me. And yes, agree, Like Clockwork is their best work.

05-11-2023, 04:06 PM
It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.
I agree "Like Clockwork" is the best QOTSA album!

As for the single, i liked it, actually it reminded me more to "Era Vulgaris" than the Like Clockwork/Villains era, definitely it has an Eagles of Death Metal Vibe, i need to listen to the whole album!

05-11-2023, 04:17 PM
It's weird typing this up and thinking about how ...Like Clockwork is a decade old. That's my peak QOTSA album.

Same here. I still remember the leadup to it. The fact that we got a track with both Trent AND Elton John on it still blows my mind.

05-11-2023, 04:57 PM
I'm dedicating tomorrow as a QOTSA listening extravaganza. I just did this over the past two weeks with all of Sevendust's gigantic, 14 LP discography and found a lot of gems I never heard.

It will be like listening to them for the first time again. I rememeber really liking Lullabies, but I haven't listened to that album since the year it came out!

05-11-2023, 07:32 PM
The new song isn't grabbing me, it definitely feels like an odd choice of a first single. Like others have said, it's not bad, just not as catchy as I would have expected. The production sounds better than Villains, the drums sound much better. I agree, Like Clockwork is definitely their high water mark, I don't see anything topping that album. Looks like most of the vinyl has sold out already from their webstore, though an indie store variant is certainly coming.

05-12-2023, 08:16 AM
Unless they drop a deluxe vinyl later (which would be a dick move IMO) it seems like these are flavors for all retailers: label, band, bandcamp, indies. Several indies have the same colors as pre-orders.

I REALLY like the single. It's the perfectly oddball musical progression from Villains and I love it. Glad they produced the album (and not Ronson) and I'm happy it seems to have some added kind of decadent darkness to it, with the Roman visual theme. And the choice for a single makes sense given the subject matter...which could be viewed as petty but whatever.

05-12-2023, 09:13 AM
Much better lead single than The Way You Used To Do and My God is the Sun IMO. Those are probably my least favorite tracks on their respective albums.

05-12-2023, 09:51 AM
"Post Pop Depression" is still my favorite "queens" record of the past 10 years...ish. Like the new track, feels very introspective.

05-12-2023, 11:19 AM
Music Video:


05-12-2023, 02:21 PM
FYI as of now Amoeba appears to be the least expensive at $35ish https://www.amoeba.com/queens-of-the-stone-age/artist/142292/stock-hide

05-12-2023, 08:04 PM
So, due to work, I had to start my listening party a tad late.

Songs for the Deaf, Lullabies, and Era Vulgaris are the 3 that I have fully listened to multiple times, so for some reason I wound up listening to Era, Lullabies, and currently on their Self-titled (Reissue). "You Would Know" is on now, and DAHMM, this album is a beast so far. One aspect about the band I can commend them for is completely fleshing out their sound, and sticking to that since their introduction into the rock universe. It really amazes me that they are able to continue pushing out quality music, at such an impressive clip.

Very cool that the creation of the reissue inspired them to continue working, and start recording Like Clockwork.

Era Vulgaris:5/10
I rememeber enjoying this album much more when it first came out, but after another listen, it is definitely at the bottom of their discography for me so far. While there are some meaty tracks, it sounds hollow, and blends together. The vibe they went with does seem thought out, but even with some interesting guitar work (As always), it sounds like something is missing and they ran out of ideas.

Make it Wit Chu
River in the Road
Run, Pig, Run

Lullabies To Paralyze:10/10
The minute the album started, I was instantly sent back into my friend Andy's Volkswagen Golf, blasting this thing to kingdom come. Was surprised how much I remembered, with each song bringing back the nostalgia of yesteryear, only putting a huge smile on my face.

Not only does this album set the tone early, it maintains that dreery, dark, vibe that reflects the album cover. They are masters at changing up the tone of the song from slow, right into a fast paced berage of strings and heavy drums, and progressive sections that show of their chops.

The album does lose some steam towards the end, but I feel if the track list was tweaked, it would work better. There is so much interesting stuff going on in this album, it is a crime to not listen with headphones. Easily one of their best so far, with Someone's in the Wolf being one of their best songs in general. Album is an absolute masterpiece.

Everybody Knows That You're Insane
Burn The Witch
Little Sister
Someone's in the Wolf
Skin On Skin
You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...

That's all I have for now, will continue this later, and during work tomorrow!

05-13-2023, 10:52 AM
Lullabies To Paralyze:
The minute the album started, I was instantly sent back into my friend Andy's Volkswagen Golf, blasting this thing to kingdom come. Was surprised how much I remembered, with each song bringing back the nostalgia of yesteryear, only putting a huge smile on my face.

Not only does this album set the tone early, it maintains that dreery, dark, vibe that reflects the album cover. They are masters at changing up the tone of the song from slow, right into a fast paced berage of strings and heavy drums.

The album does lose some steam towards the end, but I feel if the track list was tweaked, it would work better. There is so much interesting stuff going on in this album, it is a crime to not listen with headphones. Easily one of their best so far, with Someone's in the Wolf being one of their best songs in general.

Everybody Knows That You're Insane
Burn The Witch
Little Sister
Someone's in the Wolf
You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...

That's all I have for now, will continue this later, and during work tomorrow!
Lullabies... is an underrated jewel, i always considered them among their best and most solid albums, "Like Clockwork..." is better of course, but "Lullabies..." gets no love IMO.
"I never Came", man, that's a killer track!

05-13-2023, 02:17 PM
Lullabies... is an underrated jewel, i always considered them among their best and most solid albums, "Like Clockwork..." is better of course, but "Lullabies..." gets no love IMO.
"I never Came", man, that's a killer track!

Gahhh, for some reason I forgot to add "I Never Came." What a beautiful song, and a nice change of pace!

Zur En Arrh
05-14-2023, 10:28 AM
I'm dedicating tomorrow as a QOTSA listening extravaganza. I just did this over the past two weeks with all of Sevendust's gigantic, 14 LP discography and found a lot of gems I never heard.

It will be like listening to them for the first time again. I rememeber really liking Lullabies, but I haven't listened to that album since the year it came out!

You're in for a treat. Imo they're the best rock band of the century so far and it's not really close. Every album is different yet so queens. I love them so much. Don't forget to listen to all the b sides esp from the lullibies/era vulgaris albums. Fun machine is one of their best songs and it's not even on an album lol. That's how good they are.

So as far as the new track. I adore it. This is now you break up with someone. You make art. It's so smarmy yet vulnerable. Totally Josh. The album title is fantadtic. All the promos have been dope. I'm super excited for the record.

Zur En Arrh
05-14-2023, 10:31 AM
Lullabies... is an underrated jewel, i always considered them among their best and most solid albums, "Like Clockwork..." is better of course, but "Lullabies..." gets no love IMO.
"I never Came", man, that's a killer track!

I disagree. I think lullabies is their masterpiece. I think not only is it their best album it's one of the very best albums of the century so far. I like clockwork a lot. a lot a lot. Still for me lullabies is just so menacing and sexy and supernatural.

05-14-2023, 06:42 PM
Ok, listened to three more albums last night, and man... What a ride!

Self-titled: 7/10
This one was a pleasant surprise. The album really showcases the start of what the band is made of, and begins that good old, hard, grungy twang the band always puts forth. Funny, because it sounds like it could have been released between 1993 - 1996. You can really hear that quintessential QOTSA sound trying to tear itself out in some tracks.

While the first 8 tracks are really solid, the album starts to feel bogged down by repetitive riffs, and way too many instrumentals, or tracks with barely any vocals. I'm sure the original release may sound a bit more raw, and a tad easier to get through with less tracks on it, but it loses focus after Mexicola. There are definitely some tracks where I tell myself "I feel like I've heard this song before." Homme's vocals really drives this one forward, whenever they are used.

Regular John
If Only
Walkin' On The Sidewalks
The Bronze

Rated R:6/10
Ok... I actually gave this one 1 1/2 listens, due to the huge departure from the first albums sound. It really didn't open up for me, until track 5. The first 4 tracks, and then the last 3 or so, sound like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall, and see what stuck. Seems like there were too many hands in the cookie jar on this one.

Must I say, Nick Oliveri's harsh vocals are fucking awesome. Like, what a crazy, but nice change of pace, along with Mark Lanegan's calm and collective, voice which adds such a great dynamic on the next album up.

I will commend the band for changing up their sound so much that I'm sure alienated fans back in the day, but the musicianship here cannot be overlooked. The album for me, suffers from a lack of focus, cohesively, and some tracks that just do not work for me. At times, it almost sounds like a compilation album.

Better Living Through Chemistry
Monsters In The Parasol
Quick And To The Pointless
In The Fade
Tension Head

Songs For The Deaf:9/10
Queens Of The Stone Age, finally refine their sound from the first two releases, and make one of the best modern rock/alt albums made in the last 30 years.

WOW, where do I begin? Let me remind everyone that this album, and Lullabies were the two I was most familiar with, and I enjoyed this even more than I did when I bought the album when it was released. The concept works throughout the entire album, with a dude driving through the California desert, all the way to Vegas, giving this Fear and Loathing feeling.

The album sounds like an amalgamation of S/T, and Rated R, with adding tracks that are straight up Alt-metal at times. It is incredibly balanced (As all things should :p) with only 2 tracks that sound like borderline b-sides: "Gonna Leave You" and "Do It Again" could have been ripped from the track listing and the album wouldn't miss a beat. The harsher vocals are utilized much better, and it gives more breathing room for all 3 vocalsits.

This album, in my opinion is top tier QOTSA, and could be released today with no hiccups. I forgot how huge of a song "First It Giveth" was. And I have to give a shout out to Dave Grohl for his drumming on this masterpiece. I find him such a better drummer, than a vocalist/guitarist, but that just me.

First it Giveth
The Sky Is Fallin'
Six Shooter
God Is In The Radio
Song For The Deaf
Mosquito Song

I will save all of the b-sides and unreleased stuff when I finish all of the albums! Two more to go!

05-15-2023, 01:28 PM
Lullabies... is an underrated jewel, i always considered them among their best and most solid albums, "Like Clockwork..." is better of course, but "Lullabies..." gets no love IMO.
"I never Came", man, that's a killer track!

the (sadly vinyl only) bonus track "like a drug" is also soooooo fucking good (and used in one of my fav horror movies of the last decade, The Devil's Candy)

05-15-2023, 03:32 PM
The lineup for Riot Fest will be announced tomorrow at 10am, but it's a safe bet that QotSA will be one of the headliners this year.

05-16-2023, 03:07 PM
Stupid sexy Riot Fest. I didn’t want to go to a fest this year. Riot Fest, why must you bless us with one of the best lineups I’ve ever seen?

05-16-2023, 03:10 PM
Stupid sexy Riot Fest. I didn’t want to go to a fest this year. Riot Fest, why must you bless us with one of the best lineups I’ve ever seen?

That really is a ridiculous lineup. There are going to be some crazy good aftershows this year. If i didn't have a bunch of shit going on this fall I'd definitely fly in just for the Friday and Saturday latenight shows.

05-17-2023, 01:59 PM
Stupid sexy Riot Fest. I didn’t want to go to a fest this year. Riot Fest, why must you bless us with one of the best lineups I’ve ever seen?

Absolutely incredible. Definitely my favorite festival in America (and still independent right?). I think most of the other ones are now either owned by Live Nation or AEG.

05-17-2023, 09:57 PM
So I finally finished the rest of Queens discography (Not counting the b-sides), and what a ride! I finished out with... Like Clockwork, followed by the album a lot of fans seem to dislike, which is obviously Villains.

... Like Clockwork: 9/10
This album definitely sticks out in their discography as a triumph, but in its own right. There is something that seperates itself from the rest of the bunch, and you can hear in the music itself, why it was approached the way it was. The sprinkled on, inspiration from the reissue of the Self-titled to get this album off the ground, makes sense to me. Sometimes, starting from where you began, can shake the barell of ideas in your head, and wiggle something loose that you never thought would be there. Out came "... Like Clockwork."

The guest appearances on this one seemed more contained, musically, with bringing back long time friend, and former band members in Nick Oliveri, and Mark Lanegan (RIP :(). They only did backing vocals for "If I Had A Tail" which is unironically one of the best tracks on the album. Grohl returns, Reznor adds some input, along with Elton John. While these appearances can be a "Blink, and you'll miss it" for casual listeners, it really is cool to decipher what they're doing in the respective songs they're featuring in.

Every track here is treated with kitten gloves, really showcasing what Homme had in mind for this masterful release. The album really doesn't flow all that well if you cherry pick songs from the track list, with each song feeling like it is contained in its own atmosphere, but somehow, someway, when you listen in its entirety... It works like... Clockwork :p. There are some points during the album where it can drag, but for me personally, I need to kick back, throw on some shades, and soak in every minute the album has to offer. It really feels like a send-off album, if Queens Of The Stone Age were going to call it quits, so the fascinating allure of this band keeps on chugging along.

If we were on an alternate timeline, this would be the bands best album. While I can understand why a lot of fans put this album at the pinnacle of their discography, I just cannot put it over Songs For The Deaf, nor their best effort in my opinion, Lullabies To Paralyze. Those albums are damn near perfect, and Queens at their absolute best.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled
The Vampyre of Time and Memory
If I Had a Tail
My God Is the Sun
Smooth Sailing

Villains: 8.5/10
Ok...so here we are with the most controversial album of the bands entire discography, and rightfully so. Right off the bat, going with Mark Ronson as a producer was a very oddball choice for Homme to go with, with his pop music background, and that does show here without a doubt.

What is so weird about this album is, the first 3 tracks are arguably the bands lowest point, even if I find "Feet Don't Fail me", and "The Way You Used To Do." very fun, I have no reason to ever revisit them again. "Domesticated Animals" is possibly their worst song to date; damn is it rough, and it makes the beginning of the album DRAG. The album really doesn't kick off until after "Fortress", which is a beautiful song, but where it all comes together is when "Head Like A Haunted House" comes rolling in, with heavy, kick-ass bass, and thundering drums and guitar. This song exploded into my list of all time favorite songs from the band, and sounds like what the first two tracks should have embodied, execution wise. It sounds as if Ronson had a lot of input for the first 4 tracks, and Homme just said "Fuck it, I'm taking over from here."

The first half of the album, next to the second half are night and day, with the second half being the saving grace. I find myself revisiting the last 5 tracks on Villains over and over as of recent, even more so than Clockwork, and I'm sure I'm in the minority with that take lol. "The Evil Has Landed" is so fucking good, with an awesome, balls-to-the-wall outro, leading into another one of Queens best tracks, "Villains of Circumstance." That track is gorgeous, and I adore the chorus and the little things going on in the background.

Villains is such an anomaly of an album, but I feel it gets lost in the mix, along with Lullabies which nobody seems to ever speak on, which is a tad odd since that album in my opinion, really showcases what the band is made of, and what they're all about. Villains sounds like the band was able to breathe a little bit, and having a lot of fun that even Era Vulgaris put off in energy. The first album with no guest appearances, the same line up from Like Clockwork, with the addition of Jon Theodore helming full drum responsibility is refreshing to hear. If the album started as strong as it finishes, I would gladly put this over Like Clockwork.

Head Like A Haunted House
Un-Reborn Again
The Evil Has Landed
Villains Of Circumstance

So, after hearing almost everything Queens Of The Stone Age has to offer, they are definitely one of my favorite bands to date. Not only are they a staple in modern rock, they subtly just keep pumping out quality music. I gave Emotional Sickness another go, and it still remains as just a by the numbers QOTSA track. But I will hold off completely counting it out, since it IS track 9 off the new album. So maybe, a more cohesive listen will change that thought.

Final rankings:

Lullabies to Paralyze - 10/10
Songs For the Deaf - 9/10
...Like Clockwork - 9/10
Villains - 8.5/10
Self-titled - 7/10
Rated R - 6/10
Era Vulgaris - 5/10

Cheers, y'all!

05-18-2023, 07:11 AM
i really gotta dig back into the catalog. Clockwork and Villains are the only two I spin anymore but you guys are getting me motivated to revisit.

05-28-2023, 11:11 PM

05-28-2023, 11:51 PM
Sick tune, can't wait to hear the whole thing!

05-30-2023, 11:03 AM
Carnavoyeur (https://www.whyp.it/tracks/101096/carnavoyeur?token=Bp0fo)

It seems that a vinyl rip of 'Negative Space' is out there but the thread on r/qotsa was deleted.

05-30-2023, 11:22 AM
I was listening to all the old albums this past weekend, and I honestly don't think they have a single bad song.

05-30-2023, 11:37 AM
Absolutely love that new song. Hope the leak appears somewhere where it can be found by people who are looking for it or may be able to describe such a thing to others.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-30-2023, 11:50 AM
Negative Space - Shitty Quality rip (https://www.whyp.it/tracks/101153/negative-space-shitty-quality-rip?token=tdA13) (with a few seconds of Time & Space at the end)

miss k bee
05-30-2023, 06:24 PM
Jealous of anyone who is going to Margate or Glastonbury

05-30-2023, 11:07 PM
Official YT link


05-31-2023, 09:08 AM
there's also a lyric video if you want to read along.


06-01-2023, 11:35 AM
In my opinion, with their new mixer since Like Clockwork, their music feels kind of shallow and doesn't have that stoner rock punch with those heavy basslines that I like about them. Do you know what I mean. I have the same feeling with those new songs

06-01-2023, 04:02 PM
I was browsing around and found this again so sharing here

"Finally Radio Free - DJ Skits removed"

00 The Real Song For The Deaf
01 You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire
02 No One Knows
03 First It Giveth
04 A Song For The Dead
05 The Sky Is Fallin'
06 Six Shooter
07 Hangin' Tree
08 Go With The Flow
09 Gonna Leave You
10 Do It Again
11 God Is In The Radio
12 Another Love Song
13 A Song For The Deaf
14 Hidden Track
15 Mosquito Song

While amusing at first, over the years the radio skits that pepper QOTSA's classic album 'Songs For The Deaf' have become increasing annoying, getting in the way of an overwise enjoyable listening experience. I need the songs, not a saga.

So I decided to take the time to carefully remove the skits, patching up the few song intros and outros that they (slightly)
overlapped, using other sources available:

Millionaire - 'WWF Tough Enough 2' compilation
No One Knows - 'Sample This School Boy' promo
First It Giveth - CD single
Hangin' Tree - leaked demo version (mastered by thir13en)
Go With The Flow - CD single
Do It Again - leaked demo version (mastered by thir13en)
Another Love Song - leaked demo version (mastered by thir13en)
Song for The Deaf - leaked demo version (mastered by thir13en)

Care was taken to ensure that edits are audibly invisible, and that the new gap transitions between songs are suitable.

I'd be surprised if this hasn't been done in some form by someone somewhere before, but as far as I know this is
the first time such a version of the album has been distributed over the interweb.

Given the difficulty in playing and ripping the pre-gap track 'The Real Song For The Deaf', I've included it here as a stand alone track for anyone interested, along with the 'Hidden Track' (the rhymthic laughing version of 'Feel Good Hit') which you may or may not want to include in this skit-free version of the album (I prefer not, personally).

This was a very satisfying project to work on, so I hope you enjoy the radio-free listen as well.

Compiled by ridleybradout, June 2013.

SOURCE: Original CDs > FLAC > WAV > edits made in Nero Wave Editor > WAV > FLAC > TLH to fix SBE > FLAC

Download link (https://mega.nz/file/HhExUSRC#nBZ5aRWZxlw5tK1UCchjsOrpDXWi0WBLPLap0D1jv KI)

06-01-2023, 07:24 PM
In my opinion, with their new mixer since Like Clockwork, their music feels kind of shallow and doesn't have that stoner rock punch with those heavy basslines that I like about them. Do you know what I mean. I have the same feeling with those new songs

The old desert stoner sound is largely gone. "The Evil Has Landed" off Villains felt like a throwback to earlier QOTSA, but the last two albums have a particular sound to them that's hard to really peg. Lots of harmonic guitar work, less chonky riffing, and 70s elements like spring reverb and Moog leads. One of the things I find interesting is that there are more elements to the mix, and the compositions are more complex, but it somehow feels more lean, skeletal.

06-01-2023, 09:08 PM
One of the things I find interesting is that there are more elements to the mix, and the compositions are more complex, but it somehow feels more lean, skeletal.

What an accurate description of their modern sound. Lots more stuff going on, but mixed in a way so it still feels kind of garage rock, maybe even more so than some of their earlier albums.

06-02-2023, 09:33 AM
Jealous of anyone who is going to Margate or Glastonbury

What about Cardiff? Haha. I'm doing a DJ set afterwards if anyone is going, send me a DM for more info

06-02-2023, 04:49 PM
there's also a lyric video if you want to read along.

I can't get enough of "Carnavoyeur", this one is the one that has the most "Like Clockwork... vibes", from all the music released so far...

06-02-2023, 05:50 PM

miss k bee
06-02-2023, 06:02 PM
What about Cardiff? Haha. I'm doing a DJ set afterwards if anyone is going, send me a DM for more infoWell i'm jealous of anyone getting to see QOTSA live this year!

bobbie solo
06-03-2023, 12:33 AM

my buddy got picked to go to the one in Soho. I'm currently kissing his ass to take me with.

06-03-2023, 07:19 AM
"The Evil Has Landed" off Villains felt like a throwback to earlier QOTSA

Funny you should mention that, because that song has always given me a Them Crooked Vultures vibe so hard that I can't help but think it was either an unfinished leftover from that album, or something he might have been tossing around for a follow-up, but, when he realized it wasn't going to happen anytime soon, he just worked it into a QOTSA song.

06-03-2023, 09:06 AM
Funny you should mention that, because that song has always given me a Them Crooked Vultures vibe so hard that I can't help but think it was either an unfinished leftover from that album, or something he might have been tossing around for a follow-up, but, when he realized it wasn't going to happen anytime soon, he just worked it into a QOTSA song.

That's sorta what has happened. There's somewhere a video of JHo explaining that he had Evil main riff written years ago, and that he only just now found a way to make a song around it. I think it was some sort of song-by-song commentary on youtube from when the album was fresh.

06-03-2023, 04:50 PM
Looks like recent social media posts are confirming that the new album is the final album of a trilogy. I think it had been suggested before too, but I’ve only just seen it myself.

I had no idea Villains was meant to be in some way linked to …Like Clockwork

So is the order meant to be Times New Roman… Villains …Like Clockwork?

06-03-2023, 05:09 PM
Looks like recent social media posts are confirming that the new album is the final album of a trilogy. I think it had been suggested before too, but I’ve only just seen it myself.

I had no idea Villains was meant to be in some way linked to …Like Clockwork

So is the order meant to be Times New Roman… Villains …Like Clockwork?

No, release order. I don't think is THAT kind of conceptual trilogy tho... but I think they'll go "Sleep Token" with the ending of the last song tying up with the beginning of '...Like Clockwork'.

Edit: it seems you were right with the reverse order.

06-03-2023, 06:52 PM
Their last two albums certainly share a vibe, the new single shares it. Really hard to describe, too. But the last two albums were big growers on me, they took a minute to "click" so to speak. Which is a rewarding feeling, since so many albums have this catchy immediacy that over time, end up sounding very dated. Quite excited for this new album.

06-04-2023, 07:23 PM
Looks like recent social media posts are confirming that the new album is the final album of a trilogy. I think it had been suggested before too, but I’ve only just seen it myself.

I had no idea Villains was meant to be in some way linked to …Like Clockwork

So is the order meant to be Times New Roman… Villains …Like Clockwork?
I remember an old interview with Homme where he compared "Like Clockwork..." with (Iggy Pop's) "The Idiot" and "Villains" with "Lust for life", called them "Night and day" and said that he wants to release a third album that is a mix between the two, makes sense this one is part 3.

06-05-2023, 09:04 PM
Looks like recent social media posts are confirming that the new album is the final album of a trilogy. I think it had been suggested before too, but I’ve only just seen it myself.

I had no idea Villains was meant to be in some way linked to …Like Clockwork

So is the order meant to be Times New Roman… Villains …Like Clockwork?

Why is it always when an artist releases a “trilogy”, it seems like it’s announced as the final part is being released. Makes me think of when MM released Holy Wood, it was suddenly a “triptych” with AS and MA. It’s like they are making this stuff up as they go along. Would be nice for them to state their intentions up front.

06-06-2023, 04:14 AM
Why is it always when an artist releases a “trilogy”, it seems like it’s announced as the final part is being released. Makes me think of when MM released Holy Wood, it was suddenly a “triptych” with AS and MA. It’s like they are making this stuff up as they go along. Would be nice for them to state their intentions up front.

Were the NIN EPs announced this way too?

06-06-2023, 07:49 AM
Why is it always when an artist releases a “trilogy”, it seems like it’s announced as the final part is being released. Makes me think of when MM released Holy Wood, it was suddenly a “triptych” with AS and MA. It’s like they are making this stuff up as they go along. Would be nice for them to state their intentions up front.

Honest question: does it matter? Would you experience the release of the other two differently if you knew a third was coming at some point in the future?

Conversely, TR announced a trilogy shortly after the release of NTAE and by the time Bad Witch came around the "story" changed. So yeah, even if the plan is laid out...they are making it up as they go. It's their art.

06-06-2023, 08:28 AM
New US tour dates announced…including Philly (Mann Center). Pre-Sale starts in 32 minutes. Pre-Sales code anyone?? Hah..

06-06-2023, 08:33 AM
Pre-Sales code anyone?? Hah..


06-06-2023, 08:41 AM
Everyone I know got an email with that information (except for me). Thanks man. Why on earth would they just announce this today and have an immediate pre-sale? Shady..

06-06-2023, 09:49 AM

Thank you!

Got pit tickets for Indy, I've always wanted to see them.

06-06-2023, 09:55 AM
Another band choosing to now skip Wisconsin. Or stupid fucking Riot Fest has a radius clause.

06-06-2023, 09:57 AM
See ya in Forest Hills!

Mr. Blaileen
06-06-2023, 10:13 AM
Got my St. Louis tickets..great seats for a pretty solid price!

It'll be a five hour drive for me, but I can at least make a weekend of it with the show being on a Saturday.

06-06-2023, 10:26 AM
See ya in Forest Hills!

Have you been to this venue? I've never been but I'm tempted...$100 for floor is (sadly) not that unreasonable. Fucnk AXS though.

06-06-2023, 10:29 AM
Have you been to this venue? I've never been but I'm tempted...$100 for floor is (sadly) not that unreasonable. Fucnk AXS though.
Yes, several times (going again next week for LCD Soundsystem/IDLES). One of my favorite venues!

06-06-2023, 10:33 AM
Yes, several times (going again next week for LCD Soundsystem/IDLES). One of my favorite venues!

I've heard good things. How is parking, getting in / out? Haven't decided whether or not I want grab from AXS or take a chance on Stubhub closer to the date.

06-06-2023, 10:36 AM
I've heard good things. How is parking, getting in / out? Haven't decided whether or not I want grab from AXS or take a chance on Stubhub closer to the date.
I've only ever taken the train, so I can't speak to the parking situation, but I think there is plenty of street parking, but don't quote me on that. Train station is like a block away from the venue.

06-06-2023, 10:41 AM
Got my St. Louis tickets..great seats for a pretty solid price!

It'll be a five hour drive for me, but I can at least make a weekend of it with the show being on a Saturday.
I'll be on the floor!

06-06-2023, 10:43 AM
I've never been to the location in Portland and it's on a Monday night so I'm hesitant. Plus we just spent almost 2k on tires and alignment so it's slim right now.

06-06-2023, 12:12 PM
Were the NIN EPs announced this way too?

It was along the Add Violence announcement.

06-07-2023, 09:28 PM
Holyyy, they have Phantogram as a support for select shows? I may need to venture to a date! Its been too long!

06-11-2023, 09:44 AM
It's leaked btw

06-11-2023, 09:44 AM
It's leaked btw

That’s horrible! Where would something like that even happen nowadays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-11-2023, 02:27 PM
That’s horrible! Where would something like that even happen nowadays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't look at getmetal or rutracker!

06-11-2023, 07:49 PM
I also wouldn't seek for it anywhere in a soul...ok that didn't work at all.

06-11-2023, 09:59 PM
Happy to have scored tickets for the DC show at The Anthem during the presale.

06-12-2023, 05:22 AM
I also wouldn't seek for it anywhere in a soul...ok that didn't work at all.

I’m still in the dark over here. I never can never find any of this stuff anymore. I’m getting old.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-2023, 05:31 AM
Album is a grower. It took me 4 listens to really click. Josh always puts his full heart into these records. I hope he keeps leaning into the Bowie stuff. Those moments are my favorite parts of the entire thing. Can't wait for the show!

06-12-2023, 09:15 AM
I’m still in the dark over here. I never can never find any of this stuff anymore. I’m getting old.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you use torrent just go on rutracker but I'll leave u a dm just in case.

Album is a grower. It took me 4 listens to really click. Josh always puts his full heart into these records. I hope he keeps leaning into the Bowie stuff. Those moments are my favorite parts of the entire thing. Can't wait for the show!

Agree but this one left me interested in hearing it again unlike Villians when it was released. Time & Place hooked me already tho.

06-12-2023, 09:16 AM
Listened twice so far. I like this album a lot. Infinitely better than Villains, which was the first Queens record where I would actually be surprised if it was anyone's favorite. Prior to that I always thought an argument could be made for any of their albums being the best (although S/T is far and away the best). This is a return to form to my ears. Held off on pre-ordering the vinyl due to the buyer's remorse I felt after pre-ordering the deluxe edition of Villains, but I'll definitely be picking this baby up now.

06-12-2023, 11:00 AM
I also wouldn't seek for it anywhere in a soul...ok that didn't work at all.

Sir... oof.

06-12-2023, 11:20 AM
New interview: https://www.revolvermag.com/music/josh-homme-queens-stone-age-return

Josh mentioned having cancer last year and recovering since.

06-12-2023, 11:33 AM
So, I haven't heard it yet. How is the production on this thing? I love QotSA, but as others have said, Villains did not do it for me. It felt very small and dry. Loved Like Clockwork. The Vampyre of Time and Memory is an all time great song. Songs for the Deaf is so good. Lullabies to Paralyze is probably my personal favorite of theirs. So how does this one stack up against those three? I don't dislike the singles that were released, but I like it when the band gets weird and does new stuff at this point.

06-12-2023, 12:09 PM
So, I haven't heard it yet. How is the production on this thing? I love QotSA, but as others have said, Villains did not do it for me. It felt very small and dry. Loved Like Clockwork. The Vampyre of Time and Memory is an all time great song. Songs for the Deaf is so good. Lullabies to Paralyze is probably my personal favorite of theirs. So how does this one stack up against those three? I don't dislike the singles that were released, but I like it when the band gets weird and does new stuff at this point.

I'm currently on listen two and I can say with absolute confidence this is better than Villains (I say that as someone that likes that album). It's got some familiar sounds but with a bunch of new, weird shit mixed in. They struck a really nice balance, IMO. Negative Space > Time & Place are to back to back bops, with the intro to the latter is kinda genius. I think you're going to dig this album.

06-13-2023, 01:52 AM
"Carnavoyeur", music video:


06-13-2023, 07:49 AM
New interview: https://www.revolvermag.com/music/josh-homme-queens-stone-age-return

Josh mentioned having cancer last year and recovering since.
He really had it rough in the past few years.
Grateful that he came through all that and is making great music again.

06-14-2023, 11:06 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq6YXsw6x1Q&pp=ygUdcXVlZW5zIG9mIHRoZSBzdG9 uZSBhZ2UgcGFwZXI%3D

06-14-2023, 11:11 AM
I really love this album. It might be my favorite of the trilogy.

06-14-2023, 02:47 PM
Got the record a few days early and I am really really digging it, I look forward to spinning it a few more times today.

Also my shop has copies of the Translucent blue, green, red, silver, and black variants (https://www.vinyldevotion.fm/search?q=queens+of+the+stone+age&options%5Bprefix%5D=last) if anyone is looking and we have a small handful of double-sided 11 x 17 promo posters I can toss in with the first few orders.

06-14-2023, 08:17 PM

miss k bee
06-15-2023, 10:48 AM
Alas can't see them in London in November as will be out of the country, drat!! Anyways looking forward to the album dropping tomorrow, oldstyle

06-15-2023, 01:52 PM
Really loving the 3-song run of Paper Machete > Negative Space > Time & Place.

Zur En Arrh
06-15-2023, 06:36 PM
God what a fantastic album...I'm just in awe...

06-16-2023, 06:29 AM
still on my first listen but already I’m impressed. the singles in context sound so much better

06-16-2023, 06:46 AM
Another band choosing to now skip Wisconsin. Or stupid fucking Riot Fest has a radius clause.

Go see the Cure at Riot Fest. They were great at the show I saw this tour. Mars Volta is playing the same day.

Mr. Blaileen
06-16-2023, 09:36 AM
This album fucks. It's sleek yet dense; it's groovy, it's sexy, it's catchy, it's fuzzy. The guitar and bass work wonderfully with each other (the production is awesome). I'd have preferred another song or two, but this is pretty much all killer, no filler as is. There isn't really anything I dislike.

Favorites so far are 'Time and Place', 'Emotion Sickness', and 'Sicily'.

06-16-2023, 09:49 AM
Listening now after the Sigur Ros playthrough... shit slaps so far. Damn.

06-16-2023, 09:58 AM
Not bad, but not really blown away by it either. I really would have liked more of the energy and variety that it had in the second half.

06-16-2023, 01:12 PM
Southside Festival Livestream

Friday June 16
2:30pm East
1:30pm Central
12:30pm Mtn
11:30am Pacific

06-16-2023, 02:50 PM
"Time & Place" is a standout track for me so far. I mean, the way the guitar starts and then the drums come in like 'nope we're going thataway' and the song drives itself all over the place throughout, that's pretty fun.

06-16-2023, 07:29 PM
Yeah, this shit's really good. I love the production - a big step up from Villains (which I actually liked, but would rank toward the bottom of their discography). It's shorter on hooks and memorable choruses than previous outings, but it's got some great grooves, riffs, and fuzz. Not a weak track on this fucker.

06-17-2023, 03:57 AM
Had a read through the lyrics too. Jesus that man can write…

acrid avid jam shred
06-17-2023, 05:44 AM
Really digging the new record! I love how they've focused on this dark and dramatic scuzziness that adds to the atmosphere of the whole thing. Obscenery is such a great opener, the moment when the track drops out and the strings come in is brilliant. Paper Machete and Negative Space is an awesome pair in the track list as well, they both have Lullabies-era vibes particularly with the guitars. Sicily is one of the most unique tracks the band's done I reckon, absolutely love those giant string parts and the groove. All the orchestral stuff in the album is so well done! Straight Jack Fitting is fantastic too, love the guitars and Josh's lyrics/vocals.

The whole album's peppered with these cool moments that just elevate everything!

06-17-2023, 07:10 AM
It's a fantastic album. While I don't have huge mind-blowing expectations for the exercise, I'm looking forward to listening to the trilogy straight through to see how it feels as a whole. ITNR though...I just can't get enough of it. There's just not a weak track in the bunch. I'm seeing talk about there not being enough variation and, man, I just don't get that take. There's so much nuance in there...and so much big, massive sound without ever feeling like 'too much.' Someone already mentioned it, and I agree: all killer, no filler.

06-17-2023, 12:40 PM
The community, arguing all over about the trilogy concept, is a funny one, indeed. It is literally sprinkled right there, in Boneface' artwork.


Diving into the album, tonight! Headphones, with dim lighting to follow. Was also reading about what Josh recently went through, in his personal life, and over the years... Damn.

06-17-2023, 01:48 PM
My initial impressions are that the album is pretty damn good, certainly better than Villains. Negative Space and Carnavoyeur are early favorites. It feels like a grower - but ...Like Clockwork took time to grow on me as well, and that's my favorite album from them.

06-17-2023, 03:35 PM
I'm currently on Made to Parade, and while Villains holds some of my favorite tracks from the band, the direction on this one seems more focused as whole. Villains almost felt like 2 different albums, in one.

Time & Place is fucking fantastic, and cdm is absolutely correct. There is so many little things going on, the tweeters in my car are going nuts. The subtle clapping, and finger snapping in Time & Place makes me smile.

Edit: The singles work so much better as a whole, rather than listening to them individually. Emotional Sickness guitars, and overall feeling just hit so much different after hearing what lead up to it. Sicily is easily one of my favorites so far, but it really isn't THAT much of a departure from what they have done in the past. You could throw Sicily in Songs for the Deaf, or Lullabies, and those albums wouldn't miss a beat.

Musically, everything is top notch, but the bass and drums are the winners here. I hear a lot of Lullabies in this album, and that is really leaving a lasting impression.

Straight Jacket Fitting seems to be the only hiccup, for me. It's a fantastic track, but I was a bit perplexed with the decision to add that little guitar segment at the end. I feel it would have worked better the other way around, with starting the track that way, and having a better transition into the main song. The way it stops abruptly, then starts again with a completely different sounding end, was a tad jarring.

06-17-2023, 06:59 PM
Still feeling like the trilogy is in reverse order somehow…


06-17-2023, 07:40 PM
Still feeling like the trilogy is in reverse order somehow…

If you click through to Spotify that's how it's arranged in the playlist...interesting.

06-18-2023, 03:30 AM
New album is great, gets better with every listen and it has a vibe of the first albums, it's not "Like Clockwork"; but it's awesome in it's own way

06-18-2023, 04:47 AM
Damn fine album! I agree with most of the opinions already voiced that there don't seem to be any weak songs in this. Every song has its own thing going, its vibe, its cool little twist, its boombastic-ness! Sounds like what you'd expect from QOTSA, but it's fresh enough to be distinct. I'm a happy listener.

06-18-2023, 10:23 AM
4.5/5 star review from the AMG. (https://www.allmusic.com/album/in-times-new-roman-mw0003997022)

06-18-2023, 11:01 AM

06-18-2023, 12:14 PM
"I am weightless, yet heaviness defines
Between what home was and the yellow moon
My love will not survive
Emotion sickness, I wanna die"

I love when bands use titles for other tracks, in lyrics for others. The first half of the album is definitely my favorite so far, with Time & Place being an absolute banger of a track; I cannot stop listening to it.

06-18-2023, 10:58 PM
One of my favourite albums this year so far for sure.

06-19-2023, 01:49 AM

...Like Clockwork
Songs for the Deaf
Lullabies to Paralyze
Rated R
In Times New Roman...
Queens of the Stone Age
Era Vulgaris

06-19-2023, 02:14 AM
I always have trouble ranking albums - they always appeal to me differently in different phases of my life or where my state of mind is - but here's where I'm at right now

...Like Clockwork
Lullabies to Paralyse
In Times New Roman
Era Vulgaris
Songs for the Deaf
Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

It's not that I don't like the first 3 albums, Songs for the Deaf in itself is one hell of an album but I was a bit of a latecomer fan and I don't have that same appreciation/nostalgia for the earlier part of their career as a lot of the fans do. Their style Lullabies to Paralyse onwards is more my style.

I came onboard during the Like Clockwork tour. I saw QOTSA for the first time knowing of them but not really KNOWING them during the NIN/QOTSA Australia tour. They opened the Perth show and I was blown away, especially by I Appear Missing.

The set that night - Queens of the Stone Age Concert Setlist at Perth Arena, Perth on March 11, 2014 | setlist.fm (https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/queens-of-the-stone-age/2014/perth-arena-perth-australia-53c2ebd5.html)

People may crucify me for rating Villains above Songs for the Deaf but Feet Don't Fail Me now might be one of my favourite openers to an album of all time, Un-Reborn Again hits me in a way I can't explain and Villains of Circumstance is beautiful to me.

06-19-2023, 08:23 AM
...but Feet Don't Fail Me now might be one of my favourite openers to an album of all time, Un-Reborn Again hits me in a way I can't explain and Villains of Circumstance is beautiful to me.

YES! Amazing opening track.

06-19-2023, 09:15 AM
A few pages back, I wrote extensive reviews for each album, and the rankings came out like this. After listening to the new album about 6 times now, it sounds like it could have come out right in between Lullabies and Era Vulgaris.

Lullabies to Paralyze
Songs For the Deaf
...Like Clockwork
In Times, New Roman
Rated R
Era Vulgaris

People may crucify me for rating Villains above Songs for the Deaf but Feet Don't Fail Me now might be one of my favourite openers to an album of all time, Un-Reborn Again hits me in a way I can't explain and Villains of Circumstance is beautiful to me.

And I felt I would be crucified for almost putting Villains, above Like Clockwork, if the first half of the album was better.

Head Like a Haunted House
Un-Reborn Again
The Evil Has Landed
Villains of Circumstance

This is a heavy hit of a second half, with HLAHH, The Evil Has Landed, and Villains of Circumstance being some of my favorite songs they have ever written. Villains gets unwarranted criticism, but that's just me; it's actually a fantastic album. The new album is just a tad more fun to listen to, and is very consistent. That, and Like Clockwork edge it out, jussst enough for me to rank them over Villains by a hair.

06-19-2023, 10:06 AM
Let's see...rankings...rankings...

...Like Clockwork
Songs For The Deaf
Rated R
Era Vulgaris
Lullabies To Paralyze
In Times New Roman...

I should point out that ranking an album on the lower end of things doesn't make it a bad album. I just like the others more.

06-19-2023, 10:56 AM

...I think. Only one I know for certain is S/T at number 1 and Villains last. Everything else can and does move.

06-19-2023, 11:26 AM
YES! Amazing opening track.

https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/comments/7h4drd/every_time_feet_dont_fail_me_kicks_in/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/comments/7h4drd/every_time_feet_dont_fail_me_kicks_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)

06-19-2023, 01:21 PM
True ten years ago, true now:

I personally could give two shits about "rankings" for each album, I love them all...

06-19-2023, 03:20 PM
It's not that I don't like the first 3 albums, Songs for the Deaf in itself is one hell of an album but I was a bit of a latecomer fan and I don't have that same appreciation/nostalgia for the earlier part of their career as a lot of the fans do. Their style Lullabies to Paralyse onwards is more my style.

Same. Other than hearing No One Knows, I didn't really get into them until Lullabies. To me, that album feels like a shift away from the early albums, maybe due to Nick not being a member anymore. Not that I'm going to rank them, but Rated R is the one I never listen to.

The new album has grown on me a lot. When I first heard Emotion Sickness, I didn't really like it. Now it's one of my favorites. It has a bit of an Eagles of Death Metal vibe to it. Paper Machete is my favorite track, I can't stop listening to it.

06-19-2023, 03:24 PM

1:36 No One Knows

6:21 Feel Good Hit Of The Summer (first time since 2018)

9:49 Smooth Sailing

14:47 My God Is The Sun

18:34 Carnavoyeur

22:57 The Way You Used To Do

27:34 If I Had a Tail

33:03 Emotion Sickness

38:55 Little Sister

42:15 Make it Wit Chu

47:49 God Is in the Radio (first time since 2010; dedicated to Mark Lanegan RIP)

57:34 Go With The Flow

1:01:04 A Song For the Dead

06-19-2023, 04:34 PM
Same. Other than hearing No One Knows, I didn't really get into them until Lullabies. To me, that album feels like a shift away from the early albums, maybe due to Nick not being a member anymore. Not that I'm going to rank them, but Rated R is the one I never listen to.

The new album has grown on me a lot. When I first heard Emotion Sickness, I didn't really like it. Now it's one of my favorites. It has a bit of an Eagles of Death Metal vibe to it. Paper Machete is my favorite track, I can't stop listening to it.

Same here, for Emotion Sickness. It has really grown on me, and I find myself humming the chorus all the time, now :D

06-19-2023, 10:50 PM
Gave the new album a spin tonight. It's very good after one listen, but I also think it will be a grower.

06-20-2023, 12:37 AM
The latest shows have been great! they also posted this one and i was rocking to it last weekend:



- Misfit Love
- Little Sister
- I Sat by the Ocean
- My God Is the Sun
- Carnavoyeur
- The Way You Used to Do
- If I Had a Tail
- Emotion Sickness
- Smooth Sailing
- The Evil Has Landed
- Paper Machete
- Make It Wit Chu
- Go With the Flow
- No One Knows
- A Song for the Dead

Love that they are playing different setlists!

06-20-2023, 01:46 AM
At the end of Carnavoyeur I keep waiting for all hell to break loose, so weird that it just abruptly stops there! But weird in a good, unexpected way.

06-20-2023, 11:17 AM
I finally listened to the album via the Atmos mix on Apple music and apparently the whole album suffers from the same thing the single did: it sounds horrible. It's like 3/4 as loud as the regular mix and it is constrained in a way that I don't understand, like it's being piped over a dialup connection circa 1999 RealPlayer or something.

06-20-2023, 11:22 AM
I finally listened to the album via the Atmos mix on Apple music and apparently the whole album suffers from the same thing the single did: it sounds horrible. It's like 3/4 as loud as the regular mix and it is constrained in a way that I don't understand, like it's being piped over a dialup connection circa 1999 RealPlayer or something.

That's a shame. I've not listened to the Atmos mix through my MacBook or AirPods yet. That has me worried. A love a good Atmos mix but the bad ones can be pretty craptacular and this sounds like one of those from your description :/
The volume been lower is sorta standard for an Atmos mix but the mix actually has to be good for it to benefit...

edit: ok yeah no this Atmos mix sucks. It sounds like I'm underwater or something.

06-20-2023, 11:23 PM
In Times New Roman and the Foo Fighters But Here We are Are, are tied as my favorite albums of 2023.

Also, listening to the new album, like any QOTSA album without weed is like eating lobster without the melted better.