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Space Suicide
02-09-2019, 10:46 PM
Finished Leon Scenario A tonight (finally). Managed a B Rank but mainly due to time (5 hrs 50 minutes and some odd seconds) but I took my time to explore and familiarize. I also got every secret item and Mr. Raccoon possible. I got 11/15 and 3 are Claire only and the last one is right by RPD front doors in the bushes. So I'll get all 15.

I had to retry the last two boss fights a bit. G third form was mostly easy but I'd fuck up due to my aim being off for the eyes. Super Tyrant on the other hand was an asshole but once I stopped focusing on using the shotgun and started using Matilda and the flamethrower he was a piece of cake. Felt satisfying to use the rocket launcher to shoot him in the face point blank and watch the upper torso disappear haha.

I managed all boss specific achievements, time based achievements, all the files and got all attachments for every weapon in the Leon play through. Since I'm familiarized with RPD and other areas of the game, my Claire Scenario B run should be faster and much more smooth! I'll start her's tomorrow.

Love this remake! That's how you do it. This is the Capcom I know and love.

02-10-2019, 12:31 AM
I have a HDR TV,Sony X900F, it makes the games I've tried look washed out. I have researched it bit and most people have just turned off HDR. The picture is really nice looking regardless but it would be nice to implement the HDR.

HDR will only work using HDMI port 2 or 3 on that particular TV; you will also need an HDMI 2.0 cable to take advantage of 4K @ 60Hz, HDR, HDCP, etc.

From the External Input menu, select HDMI Signal Format, and then select Enhanced Format. Also, verify that X-tended Dynamic range is set to High.

02-10-2019, 05:22 AM
HDR will only work using HDMI port 2 or 3 on that particular TV; you will also need an HDMI 2.0 cable to take advantage of 4K @ 60Hz, HDR, HDCP, etc.

From the External Input menu, select HDMI Signal Format, and then select Enhanced Format. Also, verify that X-tended Dynamic range is set to High.

I’ve done that and it looks great it’s just the HDR on video games just looks too bright. I been through 3 expensive 2.0 HDMI cables and decided to keep the Audioquest one. I didn’t think different HDMI cables would make a diifernce but the Audioquest definitely runs smoother. The PS4 pro is running 4K at 60 FPS, it’s just the HDR mode that I’m having problems with. I been on reddit trying to figure it out and for the most part people are just turning off the HDR option on the PS4. Thanks for the response, if you hear anything different please share.

While playong Resident Evil 2 the difference between HDR being on or off is literally night and day for me.

Also the footsteps by Mr X in this game is freaking me out, reminds me of the Xenomorph from alien Isolation.

02-10-2019, 08:28 AM
Love this remake! That's how you do it. This is the Capcom I know and love.

I never played the original REs (my parents wouldn't let me get any other system besides an NES, but they let me get a PC...bigger mistake for them). This game was a pleasant surprise, and it sounds like they're going to do Nemesis if this does well, and it is.

02-11-2019, 01:25 PM

the part after you open the jewel box ☠️��☠️��. Done for the day

Space Suicide
02-19-2019, 10:35 PM
I haven't finished Claire Scenario B yet. Been busy and lacking motivation and concentration to try. I made it to Irons Office for the first go.

I booted up Revelations on my Xbox One and wanna beat it. Might start up REmake and RE0 (managed to get off the train but haven't played since).

I downloaded some of the OSTs since the new RE2 made me rekindle my love for this series. Vendetta has a kickass theme.


Very tempted to buy this bitch:


Space Suicide
12-10-2019, 07:52 PM

It's here.

12-11-2019, 12:08 AM
It is so beautiful. Loving the remodeling of the characters, and attaching Resistance is a pretty genius idea with how they revealed it. Between this, Cyberpunk, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and fucking Doom? I'm done for.

12-11-2019, 07:45 AM
The way they revealed it was amazing. Looks awesome. Not sure how i feel about the nemesis redesign. Wonder how stressful this one will be. RE3 is one of the few RE games ive never finished.

Space Suicide
12-11-2019, 08:00 AM
The way they revealed it was amazing. Looks awesome. Not sure how i feel about the nemesis redesign. Wonder how stressful this one will be. RE3 is one of the few RE games ive never finished.

I hate the grey skin tone and new nose. Absolutely despise it.

I never played the game myself but I know it’s intense due to the asshole following you the entire time. Partially why I stayed away from ever playing it along with the tank controls. This remake should make it more manageable.

12-11-2019, 08:01 AM
His face is weird. Looks like he's dressed in trash bags. Maybe I'll change my mind when i see him in action.

12-11-2019, 09:57 AM

12-11-2019, 12:50 PM
He didn't follow you nearly as much as Mr. X does in the remake; I really hope they don't follow that same formula, as it became quite tiresome after awhile in RE:2. Getting different perspectives of the city in the original was cool to see, along with a dodge feature that felt groundbreaking back then.

My main gripe with RE:2 was not being able to smash any zombie skulls on the ground and being forced to either run or let them live. I want this one to feel somewhat different from its predecessor.

12-12-2019, 03:44 PM
I wish it could be April already.

I love when the tyrants hunt us, its the best part of these games, to me at least.

Space Suicide
12-13-2019, 07:32 PM
I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition! I never did for RE2 and people flipped it for 200%+ profit (or tried to). Assholes like that coupled with the LE run at only Gamestop made it so I couldn't get it.



He didn't follow you nearly as much as Mr. X does in the remake; I really hope they don't follow that same formula, as it became quite tiresome after awhile in RE:2. Getting different perspectives of the city in the original was cool to see, along with a dodge feature that felt groundbreaking back then.

My main gripe with RE:2 was not being able to smash any zombie skulls on the ground and being forced to either run or let them live. I want this one to feel somewhat different from its predecessor.

That's why I still haven't beaten RE2 like a dumbass. He's a pain in the ass.

I'm on the Claire (B Scenario) run back to the underground garage and frankly I was exhausted playing the tedious thing and other games came along. I need to beat it.

12-13-2019, 08:32 PM
So psyched for the RE3 remake!! This gives me good incentive to finish my Leon "B" campaign.

Amazing that it's coming out so (relatively) soon. The multiplayer mode is a potentially very cool addition, too.

I never played the original RE3 – technically, I never played the OG RE2 but felt like I did since I obsessively watched my brother play through it way back – how does it compare in terms of action, location, etc?

12-13-2019, 10:31 PM
That's why I still haven't beaten RE2 like a dumbass. He's a pain in the ass.

I'm on the Claire (B Scenario) run back to the underground garage and frankly I was exhausted playing the tedious thing and other games came along. I need to beat it.

Nice grab! I noticed you really have to want to beat this game against putting up with the nonsense at the middle to end. I took a long break from it for awhile and that was a HUGE mistake since I was lost on the controls and the overall layout of the dept. I didn't even need the map I was playing this game so fucking much until I stopped. Once you get used to how he moves you can dodge and avoid him pretty easily.

I almost fucked myself at the end so make sure you have enough friggin' ammo for the last boss. I was moments away from restarting (From a very old save file) but I pressed on and had to literally make EVERY shot count at the weak points and I prevailed. I am also a trophy hunter, so I got about 63% finished and I don't think I'm ever going back lol.

Do yourself a favor and beat this fucker. It will make you feel pretty dam good about yourself.

how does it compare in terms of action, location, etc?

The action is definitely amped up from how the camera zooms in when you're getting attacked, along with being able to hear Mr. X's footsteps that I do not believe you could hear in the original. The locations are almost spot on; they did an excellent job with keeping the aesthetic of the original, but keeping that modern feeling. My only gripe like I said above is not being able to step on their heads when they try to bamboozle you into thinking they're dead.

You also have imagine playing this game with tank controls. Back then we didn't think anything of it. They still sucked but it was more of the norm. I tried to play Resident Evil 1 the other night and I kept getting killed by the infamous first hallway zombie.... 4.... Fucking.... Times and I gave up. Mind you, I played the first 3 Resident Evil games religiously when they came out.

Space Suicide
12-14-2019, 12:41 PM
New easter egg/RE3 tie-in trophy/achievement in RE2 was released this past week. Letter from Jill at Kendo Gun Shop in Leon A Scenario story

New photo. I hate the nose but I kinda dig the stretched skin look they gave his face this go around. Adds to the gruesome factor and definitely makes for a more body horror aspect.


12-16-2019, 06:06 AM
New easter egg/RE3 tie-in trophy/achievement in RE2 was released this past week. Letter from Jill at Kendo Gun Shop in Leon A Scenario story

New photo. I hate the nose but I kinda dig the stretched skin look they gave his face this go around. Adds to the gruesome factor and definitely makes for a more body horror aspect.


I dunno, i'm hearing a lot of negative feedback about the nose, but i think it's adds to the unsettling look of it. Very much into the body horror aspect of it.

Space Suicide
12-16-2019, 07:46 AM
I dunno, i'm hearing a lot of negative feedback about the nose, but i think it's adds to the unsettling look of it. Very much into the body horror aspect of it.

He’s had no nose and iconic look in the franchise for 20 years and in various games and movies.

12-17-2019, 03:38 PM

12-17-2019, 11:17 PM
I've pretty much never played a Resident Evil game because I'm a huge weeny and 90% of these games were notorious for spiders (big arachnophobe) but i heard they took them out of RE2 for the remake which makes me a happy camper, i can deal with everything else that's fucked up but spiders have always been a no go.

I hope they do the same with RE3 remake, then i could pretty much play 2 through 4, skip 5 and 6 then play 7 ( i know there are some little ones but i think i can deal with those).

Space Suicide
01-01-2020, 09:33 PM
skip 5

Uh no. I'll defend 5 to my death.

The plaga parasites you're talking about are only in the caves really. Not a super frequent enemy.

01-03-2020, 12:46 AM
Uh no. I'll defend 5 to my death.

The plaga parasites you're talking about are only in the caves really. Not a super frequent enemy.
I'll consider it haha however i had always heard 5 and 6 were the worst of the franchise?

Space Suicide
01-03-2020, 09:16 AM
I'll consider it haha however i had always heard 5 and 6 were the worst of the franchise?

6? Sure. (even though I do like it)

5? Fuck no. Screw those people.

01-03-2020, 09:50 AM
5 is good if you do co-op. Single player experience sucked. Spent more time babysitting than enjoying the game.

6 got co-op right. You didn't have to share a single thing with the AI. The way it should've been in 5.

Imo, both of those games are kind of ridiculous. 6 was evidence that no matter how much capcom wanted to keep doing action games, it had run its course. Like, they ran out of ideas and just threw everything they could hoped it would stick.

7 salvaged and saved the series. Been a forward sprint ever since.

01-03-2020, 11:23 AM
I will always love RE5 for co-op Mercenaries. Playing that with my brother = one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences.

01-03-2020, 01:31 PM
5 and 6 do not feel like RE games to me. 5 was really trite, but I did enjoy myself despite the terrible AI partner. 6 just felt like a mishmash of ideas that didn't really come together in a cohesive way; 5 gets a pass for me.

Dr Channard
01-12-2020, 05:25 PM
Recently got a PS4 copy of RE4 and currently giving it a go after nearly a decade. Man, this is still just a fun game. It's lost nothing over the years.

Space Suicide
01-14-2020, 12:06 PM

03-09-2020, 01:18 PM
Lol, yea I played the shit out of both games, but I felt CVX was pretty dam challenging. I enjoyed the story a lot, and I played it on Dreamcast so it holds a little nostalgia for me.

I also played it on DC as well. Fuck, I rememeber barely having enough sniper ammo for the boss at the end in the fog I believe? I wouldn't mind a remake of this as well.

03-18-2020, 05:55 AM

Older article but god damn it, so much for continuing the trend of keeping the spiders out. Fuck.

Did anyone seriously miss them not being there in RE2 Remake to want them in 3 so bad?

03-20-2020, 06:36 PM

Older article but god damn it, so much for continuing the trend of keeping the spiders out. Fuck.

Did anyone seriously miss them not being there in RE2 Remake to want them in 3 so bad?

Ugh....fuck no.

03-20-2020, 06:59 PM
Spiders will be the least of your worries. Have you played the demo? That big fucker is fast and is much more of an obstacle than the original.

03-24-2020, 02:02 AM
My heart blew up when he found me out of no where on top of the stairs trying to get back to the fire. I could barely handle RE2 there’s no way

03-24-2020, 05:33 AM
recently ordered for the Switch Revelations 1&2 and Resident Evil 0/Resident Evil . can't wait! Played Revelations 1 on the 3DS a couple years ago and loved it. Played the original RE on the PS1 (never beat it) but haven't played any of the others.

Maybe after I beat those games I'll order the triple pack on Switch (4,5,6) . I had 4 for the PS2 and...kinda liked t, but kinda didn't.

Space Suicide
03-28-2020, 04:23 PM
I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 3....however this coronavirus lockdown, quarantine and overall bullshit might make it so I cannot pick up the game or play it for ages afterwards. Gotta see how Friday is.

Either way: it sucks.

03-28-2020, 04:47 PM
I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 3....however this coronavirus lockdown, quarantine and overall bullshit might make it so I cannot pick up the game or play it for ages afterwards. Gotta see how Friday is.

Either way: it sucks.I'm debating whether or not to cancel my preorder, and just go digital. Amazon still seems up and running as well as USPS. Not sure if I want to risk it or not though.

03-30-2020, 12:53 PM
If you preordered from bestbuy.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200330/9ce044ef491e49006fdff47fa0982e6d.jpg

04-02-2020, 12:49 AM
If you preordered from bestbuy.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200330/9ce044ef491e49006fdff47fa0982e6d.jpg

ohhhhhh hell yes!! I’m so excited !

04-02-2020, 05:47 PM
Picked my copy at my Best Buy.. BIG PROPS TO PIKO

Also the steel cases are being shipped

Space Suicide
04-02-2020, 08:34 PM
I'm playing on Standard.

People that whined in reviews about Nemesis being dumbed down can fuck off. He's a pain in the ass and never stops. The dodge system could be a bit better though. I have been hit and bit several times even though I performed a dodge. Unless the dodge is a timing based mechanic to avoid hits?

I like the game so far but It feels a lot more tense and difficult than Resident Evil 2 was last year.

04-02-2020, 10:02 PM
I'm playing on Standard.

People that whined in reviews about Nemesis being dumbed down can fuck off. He's a pain in the ass and never stops. The dodge system could be a bit better though. I have been hit and bit several times even though I performed a dodge. Unless the dodge is a timing based mechanic to avoid hits?

I like the game so far but It feels a lot more tense and difficult than Resident Evil 2 was last year.

It’s extremely tense. I can never play these games more than a few a hours. VERY EARLY SPOILER - but I can’t believe how much they changed from the demo

04-03-2020, 03:20 PM
Started last night, but realized I was playing with my file still downloading so my PS4 kicked me out lol. Finishing Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare and then diving right into this.

Space Suicide
04-03-2020, 09:15 PM
Finished the first Nemesis boss fight where he wields the flamethrower. Super fun.

Fuck the sewers, same shit as Resident Evil 2's sewer exploration. Hated that area.

04-04-2020, 06:56 PM
Finished the game. Didn’t feel too short as people said. The game was never meant to be long, neither was resident evil 2. The game is a remake of a 90’s game that was short, it was just harder to play

I do have some negative things to say but I’ll save it and say overall it was a blast. Also I thought the boss fights were very hard

Space Suicide
04-05-2020, 05:18 PM
Finished the game. Didn’t feel too short as people said. The game was never meant to be long, neither was resident evil 2. The game is a remake of a 90’s game that was short, it was just harder to play

I do have some negative things to say but I’ll save it and say overall it was a blast. Also I thought the boss fights were very hard

I'm at the end right before you fight Nemesis for the final time. Disagree about the boss fights. G was more of a prick to fight for me than Nemesis, especially the third form.

I like the game. It's given me a kick in the ass to finally finish Claire Scenario B on RE2 that I've put off for over a year.

On another note I finally played Resistance. It's a mixed bag for me, enough where I kinda regret getting it on my gamerscore list. The potential for the game to be fun and good is there but it's a clunky, aggravating mess to play as it stands now. Too much focus on microphone and coordination play (not complaining about that but I rarely have time for that now approaching 30). The Mastermind matchmaking is also broken for me so I haven't been able to try it for real. The survivor learning curve is stupidly high and a good chunk of the gameplay mechanics is rather bland compared to how good RE2 and RE3 were in those regards. Hopefully a patch outside of adding Jill to the survivor list can make it more balanced and make you want to play as Survivor. Watching Jimpressions where he called it a Grief Simulator is definitely something I agree with. I would've rather much had a full blown Mercenaries Mode stand alone game that encapsulated 2, 3, 5 and 6.

04-06-2020, 12:30 AM
I'm at the end right before you fight Nemesis for the final time. Disagree about the boss fights. G was more of a prick to fight for me than Nemesis, especially the third form.

I like the game. It's given me a kick in the ass to finally finish Claire Scenario B on RE2 that I've put off for over a year.

On another note I finally played Resistance. It's a mixed bag for me, enough where I kinda regret getting it on my gamerscore list. The potential for the game to be fun and good is there but it's a clunky, aggravating mess to play as it stands now. Too much focus on microphone and coordination play (not complaining about that but I rarely have time for that now approaching 30). The Mastermind matchmaking is also broken for me so I haven't been able to try it for real. The survivor learning curve is stupidly high and a good chunk of the gameplay mechanics is rather bland compared to how good RE2 and RE3 were in those regards. Hopefully a patch outside of adding Jill to the survivor list can make it more balanced and make you want to play as Survivor. Watching Jimpressions where he called it a Grief Simulator is definitely something I agree with. I would've rather much had a full blown Mercenaries Mode stand alone game that encapsulated 2, 3, 5 and 6.

I agree about everything about the multiplayer game, I tried a couple of times and just said screw it, too complicated for what is should be.

the one thing about RE2 that I liked more was the AI of Mr X, he was truly terrifying. Another thing I don’t like about RE3 is almost every time Nemesis comes out it a cut scene, like the gameplay stops and that kind of takes the scare jump away. Now I’m playing the game on hardcore and man that’s putting it lightly, the first nemesis fight was incredibly hard it took me like 20 times to beat him. Maybe I just suck at resident evil lol

04-08-2020, 06:38 AM
RE8 new information ! Sounds like a 2021 release with 4 years in production! capom is killing it.

watch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se1mhSoEvms)

05-08-2020, 08:39 AM
Just started the remake of 2 last night...amazing! I sucked at the original as a kid, I had a strategy guide to help me back in the day. I also loved 3 as a kid (even more than 2) , so I'm looking forward to getting that remake down the line too.

Space Suicide
05-08-2020, 09:28 PM
Just started the remake of 2 last night...amazing! I sucked at the original as a kid, I had a strategy guide to help me back in the day. I also loved 3 as a kid (even more than 2) , so I'm looking forward to getting that remake down the line too.

I'm one of the biggest fans of the series but never successfully played anything prior to the Gamecube RE1 remake. Everything on N64 and PS1 plays like absolute garbage and they're hard due to the shitty controls and design flaws, not because they made zombies harder to kill or bullets scarce. Unpopular hot take I'm sure.

I loved both RE2 and RE3 remakes.

05-08-2020, 10:48 PM
I didn't mind the controls or zombies. I just sucked at puzzles. I'm finding out that I still kinda suck at puzzles, just slightly better hah!

05-09-2020, 06:32 PM
I'm one of the biggest fans of the series but never successfully played anything prior to the Gamecube RE1 remake. Everything on N64 and PS1 plays like absolute garbage and they're hard due to the shitty controls and design flaws, not because they made zombies harder to kill or bullets scarce. Unpopular hot take I'm sure.

I loved both RE2 and RE3 remakes.

I think even if the controls were brushed up, the original games would still be harder. I started playing when the original RE came out and it's funny because I never told myself back then "Omg these controls suck, this is unplayable." I'm trying to figure out if this is due to us early gamers being used to the OG controls from the yesteryears and they felt normal, or they really were just shit all together.

For me, the zombies were easier to kill in the earlier titles since it was much simpler to detect if they were dead, it didn't take fucking 8 headshots to kill one zombie, plus, you could stomp on their heads if they grabbed hold of you (Infuriates me that the remakes don't have this mechanic) also much easier to dodge.

Honestly, back then, if you complained about controls you would be told the old fashioned way to "Git gud". I'll always love the originals more than these remakes we have been getting; the pre-rendered environments, the music, the feels are just different for me all together.

Thinking about playing an RE game on an N64 then and now makes my head hurt.

01-21-2021, 05:21 PM
Resident Evil 8 looks amazing and I want Tall Lady to do whatever she feels like it to me. Downloading the demo tonight.

01-21-2021, 08:01 PM
Well it scared the shit out of me, so it will be good. Graphics are incredible on PS5.

01-23-2021, 03:47 AM
It scares me that village looks like it’s inspired by RE4. I mean like RE4 but it just worries me that the RE8 won’t go back to the original roots of being scary and not an adventure game . We can only hope. Played through the demo and it looks like a first person RE4 mixed in with some bloodbourne inspiration. I’m sure the game will turn out ok

01-23-2021, 06:08 AM
People on my socials are REAL thirsty for the Tall Lady...but then i'm following a lot of art accounts and they are all just horny on main for everything :rolleyes:

01-23-2021, 09:19 AM
People on my socials are REAL thirsty for the Tall Lady...but then i'm following a lot of art accounts and they are all just horny on main for everything :rolleyes:

Yeah she doesn't do it for me..must be the goth look.

01-24-2021, 06:59 PM
That big bitch has got to be a tyrant, right ?

Space Suicide
01-30-2021, 03:51 PM
I pre-ordered the deluxe edition. Can't wait!

05-07-2021, 05:12 PM
They done FUCKED IT UP. I care even less about Ethan, he acts like nothing happened a few years prior in 7, same healing animations, TERRIBLE writing... it's a mess. You can literally take the RE title off of this game and it could be anything else at this point. This is not RE to me at all; what a colossal disappointment.

05-07-2021, 05:41 PM

Space Suicide
05-08-2021, 08:24 AM
They done FUCKED IT UP. I care even less about Ethan, he acts like nothing happened a few years prior in 7, same healing animations, TERRIBLE writing... it's a mess. You can literally take the RE title off of this game and it could be anything else at this point. This is not RE to me at all; what a colossal disappointment.

I prefer playing as the core characters from all the Classics but I must say I’m enjoying this game so far. I grew to like Ethan more in this. At least he had training and experience since 7 to explain how he’s more adept at combat. The Mold injection to his biology by Jack Baker also helps explain his resiliency for his major injuries. As for the writing, I’m not super far into it yet as I just got to the Castle. To slander this game's writing though would be a bit silly to me because the other RE games exist. They've always been inconsistent, goofy and melodramatic. I love Albert Wesker but his gravitas is on another level, especially in 5 (one my fave games ever). It’s been just fine so far for me.

Only thing I’m kinda iffy on is Ethan’s hands and the damage they take. His left was severed in 7 and reattached. Now in Village, he has lost two fingers on his left and has the palms ripped from the center to the top on both hands from hooks. Then got his right severed. Pretty battered at this point to where I don't know how they're usable aside the Mold healing.

The game feels like it’s RE4 but not really a remake of it. Makes me think they scratched their itch on whether or not to revisit the same setting and atmosphere. They did it but in a different way. Desolate village and citizens cursed, a religious fanatic, a royal family and castle, etc. lots of similar characters in Village remind me of 4 characters (Lady Dimitrescu = Salazar, Mother Miranda = Saddler, Urias, the Hammer Lycan = Executioner Majini from 5/Village Chief in 4, Duke = Merchant). A lot of the same tropes as well. This Lycan/Mother Miranda cult mirrors the Los Illuminados plagas worship cult and doctrine Saddler spewed from 4.

I vastly prefer third person in these games but first works just fine for these experiences. I wish Mercenaries was third person. That’s gonna be so bizarre playing in first. I assume you have to beat single player story before it unlocks.

05-08-2021, 08:32 PM
I'm risking mutating this in to the MK movie thread, but I have always thought the plots in RE were ridiculous and outrageous and the dialogue a fine wine level of terrible. I only played the opening and so far it has all of those things that I showed up for.

By contrast Returnal is just cringe dialogue all the way through and I can't stand it.

I wish it was in third person.

05-08-2021, 09:35 PM
They done FUCKED IT UP. I care even less about Ethan, he acts like nothing happened a few years prior in 7, same healing animations, TERRIBLE writing... it's a mess. You can literally take the RE title off of this game and it could be anything else at this point. This is not RE to me at all; what a colossal disappointment.

I'm with you. This series is pretty much dead to me now. It has gone off the rails. Thankfully we have the remakes.

05-10-2021, 09:01 AM
Played a few hours of it over at my neighbour's house as we have done the same with Biohazard, but good god, this game angers me so much. Is this really what players like these days? I can't get over how decadent this game is and how little I care about the human characters. The Duke and Lady Dimitrescu are somewhat cool, but I have no desire to finish this. And I really don't understand the flaming reviews this one gets... it's awful and bears zero resemblance to the RE that I know from my earliest PlayStation days. :(

05-10-2021, 11:35 PM
The cringe dialogue was enjoyable though. I'm not saying the writing was grade A level, but at least our main protagonists HAD dialogue... This is Ethan out of a span of two games: "You son of a bitch." "You're a crazy bitch", "ARGGGGHHH" "GAHHHHHH" or insert literally ANY textbook generic Hollywood line here.

How can anyone take this game seriously when Chris was too busy building a fucking remote control death robot. I laughed way too much during that scene... Fuck this game.

While the previous installments had the cringe, there was more to be said and to read/listen along to besides grunts and screams with the occasional "Insert curse line here" dialogue. They were cheese, but damn memorable. Ethan is as interesting as a block of wood; they don't even give the player the courtesy of seeing his damn face. I don't wanna hear that "Ethan is all of us" nonsense like we got with fucking Cole Young from MK. I simply don't give a shit about what is happening.

05-11-2021, 01:33 PM
This game is so much fucking fun, I don't understand the hate for it here. It takes the best parts of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 4 and combines them. I have had a blast in the first seven hours and just left the Beneviento house. Ethan healing is silly, but I can look past that in a game that has Zombies and Werewolves and is fictional.

05-11-2021, 02:37 PM
Finished RE8 Village last night. Enjoyed it. Agree that it felt like 7 mixed with 4; that was good enough for me.

05-11-2021, 05:42 PM
In a recent interview, Resident Evil Village producer Tsuyoshi Kanda said that some of the scarier elements of the game were toned down after fan feedback. (https://www.nme.com/news/resident-evil-village-scares-toned-down-according-producer-2935000)

“Some of the feedback we received regarding [Resident Evil 7 (https://www.nme.com/games/resident-evil-7) was] that it was too scary to play,” Kanda began.

He added: “At the same time, it’s always our goal to create something that anybody can feel comfortable jumping in and playing, so we eased up on the tension curve [in Resident Evil Village] relative to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, so that players aren’t in constant fear.”

Too scary to play?!?! Are you frigging kidding me?!?! Resident Evil launched the survival horror genre! It is supposed to be horror. And you don't want it to be tense and scary? People are seriously crying that it was too scary???

No wonder Village feels like a complete joke.

05-11-2021, 06:38 PM
This was nowhere as bad as something like RE6, you guys are high. RE6 is the real joke and RE7 and RE8 are bring things back up to snuff. It's not perfect and its not like RE1 or even 4 but hell, its bette rthan what we have been getting, outside of the remakes . To say 'THIS IS NOT MY RE" and to complain about why its getting good reviews is a sign that you are not welcome to change, at least, from what I can tell. It's fine if you don't like it, I can respect that opinion just fine, but saying shit like "I don't understand why this game is so good to some people" is so fucking childish and inmature that I wonder how some of you guys are like 10-15 years older than with that level of maturity and logic.

05-12-2021, 10:17 PM
I don’t get the hate the game is a blast and super tense. I played 3 hours on Standard and thought it was too easy so I put it on nightmare and I think the game is MUCH BETTER, the AI is smarter and the game in general is more more tense. I don’t get what some people want from a a story line from a resident evil game. When has resident evil not been cheesy? It’s kind of a part of the charm

05-13-2021, 10:27 AM

05-13-2021, 10:31 AM
I am definitely not a fan of puzzles in video games and I’m less of a fan of never having enough ammo/weapons to kill enemies so aside from RE 5, I am not into this series.

I did watch a play through of House Bienvento because everyone on my Twitter feed were talking about it and yep, there’s puzzles and lots of running away because you have no weapons. The monster looked cool, though.

Space Suicide
05-14-2021, 08:47 PM
Man, House Beneviento was super creepy and disturbing! Also a lot to do with the room puzzles and that disgusting fetus baby mutant following you around. I defeated Donna Benviento and Angie. Time for Moreau.

05-16-2021, 01:19 AM
I enjoyed every minute of this stupid fucking game

05-20-2021, 12:57 AM
Game of the year so far. Absolutely loved it. Already playing new game plus

Space Suicide
10-21-2022, 07:31 AM



10-21-2022, 09:37 AM
Jesus Christ that gameplay video is amazing, seems more faithful than RE2 was. I need to do RE8, just haven’t got around to it yet

10-21-2022, 11:03 AM

03-09-2023, 04:56 PM
RE4 Remake Chainsaw Demo is available today! No time limit for the demo, can play it as long as you'd like.

Space Suicide
03-09-2023, 09:06 PM
My RE4 Collector's Edition pre-order was cancelled so that's cool.

03-26-2023, 01:46 AM
Really impressed with the remake. I think it stands alongside the other remakes in greatness, so your mileage will vary on each depending on how you take to the differences in tone and pacing. RE4 obviously has the most modern references for comparison to its original and I'm pretty surprised with how successfully they we stepped up the action but also at how they've wrangled some of the dialogue in so it's not *quite* so cheesy. I do miss some of the old one liners that got cut. But Leon is a more convincing action hero in this version... They've even made the spin kick kind of work in this context. The action sequences are more tense and involved than even in RE 3 remake, which already had me at the edge of my seat. This one delivers on the huge zombie crowds that just keep coming. And the lighting effects with the fire and torches in the darkness are fantastic with raytracing o.

03-27-2023, 03:41 AM
Agree with above... I miss my "No thanks, BRO" line.

03-27-2023, 08:48 PM
I just finished it. Done so perfectly 10/10

game is almost the same with a darker feel to it

03-27-2023, 09:52 PM
Agree with above... I miss my "No thanks, BRO" line.

I do miss all the cheesy one liners. That weird line the zombies would chant over and over again? but the trade off is a game I can almost take seriously from a dialogue standpoint, which is more than any other RE game has accomplished. It's more point break/Keanu levels of cheesy now rather than whatever shit show we had before. Which was fun, don't get me wrong, it's all classic. But this stuff works too it's funny I think the achievement for that scene is still called "No thanks, bro!"

03-28-2023, 03:06 AM
I do miss all the cheesy one liners. That weird line the zombies would chant over and over again? but the trade off is a game I can almost take seriously from a dialogue standpoint, which is more than any other RE game has accomplished. It's more point break/Keanu levels of cheesy now rather than whatever shit show we had before. Which was fun, don't get me wrong, it's all classic. But this stuff works too it's funny I think the achievement for that scene is still called "No thanks, bro!"

They definitely gave us one liners enough to sate, but I do think it's expecting too much for them to copy paste the dialog exactly from the original like I want hahaha. I don't think I've ever wanted solid plot or great, even good dialogue out of an RE game (hell I think RE6 was a GREAT game), but I miss how campy the original was, even though I get they wanted to go for a more believable, serious direction with this remake.

Just finished my first playthrough a 21.21:21 (h/m/s), B rank. I'll be playing this for the next month exclusively hunting that S+ and Plat trophy, but very much looking forward. I think it might be better than REmake2, but it's such a long game I'll have to see how much fun it is ro replay and do the challenges for. I'll stop talking before you cut me off, say "You talk too much", and shoot me in the face.

03-28-2023, 05:23 AM
Does it still have the cringe bit when he suddenly realises Hannigan is hot when she takes her glasses off?

Finally got round to finishing off RE3 remake which is fantastic, just a bit short. Love that Nemesis follows you about more rather than just set pieces. Kind of miss the choices bit though which improves replay. Liked that they also redeemed Brad's character a bit and made him more heroic. Still think that RE2 is best remake but waiting for RE4 to come down in price a bit, £50 is a bit too much currently. The demo is insane though, still haven't finished it

03-28-2023, 08:06 PM
I've ended up playing 3 more than 2 just because it's so short and so fast paced. It also, for some reason, looks significantly better than 2. That said, now that 4 exists alongside it's contemporary counter parts I think I ultimately like 2 the best followed by Village and maybe also 7. You really can't beat that "trapped in a police station with a hangover" hook and the tension brought in by Mr. X and I think the atmosphere ultimately exceeds the others. That said in retrospect I appreciate that they all do feel pretty distinct and each entry feels justified in that way.

Frozen Beach
04-02-2023, 04:09 PM
This situation with Ada's voice is stupid. I honestly think lily gao's performance IS bad. Whether it's her fault or the voice director's fault is another question. There is a group of people that are harassing her over it. That is gross and over the line. What's also gross is that there are defenders of her lumping people legitimately critical of her performance with those people. I've seen people accuse Suzi Hunter of being the reason for the toxic trolls, despite her only offering legitimate criticism. Can people really not accept criticism anymore?

10-18-2023, 06:02 PM
Somebody found a Debug Build of Resident Evil 4, for the PS2. What an amazing find!


10-18-2023, 09:01 PM
This situation with Ada's voice is stupid. I honestly think lily gao's performance IS bad. Whether it's her fault or the voice director's fault is another question. There is a group of people that are harassing her over it. That is gross and over the line. What's also gross is that there are defenders of her lumping people legitimately critical of her performance with those people. I've seen people accuse Suzi Hunter of being the reason for the toxic trolls, despite her only offering legitimate criticism. Can people really not accept criticism anymore?

I would look to both people harassing her and the people that are mad that she's less sexualized because yeah instinctively I just tend to think that's what that's about especially in a resident evil game where all of the performances and dialogue are comically bad

Space Suicide
04-24-2024, 09:52 AM
May or may not be true.
