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01-06-2015, 09:23 PM
the only reason people even talk about this is because it is Sarah Palin. people need to stop giving her attention.
Add Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to the list, yeah?

01-06-2015, 09:25 PM
Add Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to the list, yeah?

Absofuckinglutely. Although, they're actually STILL IN politics; Sarah Palin is a has-been not actually DOING anything other than trying to get attention.

Sarah who?
That's the thing, really, if people would stop giving her attention and inviting her to stupid Tea Party campaign fundraisers, maybe she'll go away. The Tea Party will go away (just like the Moral Majority) and when that happens, "Sarah Who?" will become reality.

01-06-2015, 09:35 PM
Add Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to the list, yeah?

actual politicians have their own category (right next to Feinstein and Bush) but hey, this is the thread about things that piss you off... let's do a collective list of shitty people! Add Nancy Grace in there for starters.

01-06-2015, 09:37 PM
Absofuckinglutely. Although, they're actually STILL IN politics; Sarah Palin is a has-been not actually DOING anything other than trying to get attention.

That's the thing, really, if people would stop giving her attention and inviting her to stupid Tea Party campaign fundraisers, maybe she'll go away. The Tea Party will go away (just like the Moral Majority) and when that happens, "Sarah Who?" will become reality.
I'm as conservative as it gets, but Palin is a joke to the GOP, and I can imagine Pelosi is the same to the DRP. You understand none of these fuckers have the peoples in mind, right?


Add Nancy Grace in
If there is a hell, TV. Evangelists and Nancy Grace will be there to greet us with open arms.

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 09:43 PM
On more than one occasion, I've pondered what Nancy Grace sounds like when she's fucking.

01-06-2015, 09:44 PM
I'm as conservative as it gets, but Palin is a joke to the GOP, and I can imagine Pelosi is the same to the DRP. You understand none of these fuckers have the peoples in mind, right?
Absolutely NOT. They sold their souls. They're in it for themselves, only.

01-06-2015, 09:55 PM
On more than one occasion, I've pondered what Nancy Grace sounds like when she's fucking.


This is the worst thing I've read in a very long time. I'm pretty desensitized to horrible shit but this is killing me.

01-06-2015, 09:57 PM
Absolutely NOT. They sold their souls. They're in it for themselves, only.
The irony? is that we the people, far outnumber those in power. If the majority would just accept the implications, then we wouldn't have unnecessary wars or financial divide keeping us at each other's throats.

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 09:58 PM
Do you think she just randomly screams out "TOT MOM" like she always used to in the middle of her show?


01-06-2015, 10:00 PM
(dying laughing)

01-06-2015, 10:01 PM
. She's dumber than a box of rocks.
Ok, now you're stealing my lines!

01-06-2015, 10:01 PM


This is the worst thing I've read in a very long time. I'm pretty desensitized to horrible shit but this is killing me.

But, the funny thing is, I'VE THOUGHT THE SAME THING!! Because Grace seems to be TURNED ON by all of the shit she talks about on her show, she's so fucking PASSIONATE about it, you can almost see her rubbing herself below her desk.

01-06-2015, 10:02 PM
Ok, now you're stealing my lines!
Nope, Michael Sneed, longtime Chicago Sun-Times Columnist, her trademark.
See almost the last paragraph (http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/search/31544842-452/sneed-the-royal-mane.html#.VKyvr2TF-Q4)
Sneed: http://jobs.suntimes.com/news/sneed/

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 10:03 PM
I wish I could like my own posts tonight. I'm laughing so hard. lololol

01-06-2015, 10:06 PM
you have all mentally scarred me now. my skin is absolutely crawling and i want to take a shower.


01-06-2015, 10:09 PM
you have all mentally scarred me now. my skin is absolutely crawling and i want to take a shower.


"I'm PASSIONATE about finding the REAL KILLER of that little ANTHONY girl and my CLITORIS is a HONING DEVICE that is gonna FIND THAT BABY'S KILLER."

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 10:09 PM

01-06-2015, 10:10 PM

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 10:15 PM
I bet she makes this face right before she gets off and then eats whoever she was banging.


01-06-2015, 10:20 PM
On more than one occasion, I've pondered what Nancy Grace sounds like when she's fucking.
Gross, lol.

She's a despicable person, but she's smart and knows how to make a fast buck, I'll give her that.

01-06-2015, 10:20 PM
She's on Good Morning, America sometimes as a "Legal Expert" and she's always such a pain-in-the-ass, never sees both sides of the coin, only HER side. If justice relied on her, everybody would be in prison. "YOU go to jail! YOU go to jail! GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!!"

01-06-2015, 10:20 PM
Ok, fine... let's go all out. Who could we breed Nancy Grace with to produce the worst spawn possible? Sean Hannity? Sarah Palin? Don Imus?

edit: http://shirttalkers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/nancy-grace-nipslip.jpg goodbye eyes

Sarah K
01-06-2015, 10:22 PM
Dick Cheney and Glenn Beck in a threeway.

01-06-2015, 10:26 PM
Nobody said a thing about animal cruelty when Ellen DeGeneres posted this:

Yeah... they did.

01-06-2015, 10:27 PM
Ok, fine... let's go all out. Who could we breed Nancy Grace with to produce the worst spawn possible? Sean Hannity? Sarah Palin? Don Imus?

I wanna put her in a sealed room for a few hours with this woman:

01-06-2015, 10:29 PM
The thing that I really don't like about Nancy Grace is her fake outrage. I don't think she cares about Jonbenet Ramsey or Bill Cosby's alleged victims or anyone else on her show, she just likes to sensationalize stories that should seen through by the legal system, without her trying to influence public opinion.

ETA--I still think Cosby is guilty.

01-07-2015, 12:00 AM
this thread was an awesome distraction to a shitty week

01-07-2015, 04:34 AM
my right ear seems to be fucked up.

01-07-2015, 10:25 AM
We've had no water since yesterday morning. It's now 3:22 am the next morning and still no water - no toilet flushing, nothing. All due to 3 problematic water mains nearby. Yesterday they said it would be fixed by 8pm last night, then midnight, now who knows? Funnily enough this exact same thing happened last year in February.

It's highly unsanitary, especially the toilet part.

01-08-2015, 05:01 AM
Anti-abortion legislation make me SO ANGRY.

01-08-2015, 05:06 AM
We've had no water since yesterday morning. It's now 3:22 am the next morning and still no water - no toilet flushing, nothing. All due to 3 problematic water mains nearby. Yesterday they said it would be fixed by 8pm last night, then midnight, now who knows? Funnily enough this exact same thing happened last year in February.

It's highly unsanitary, especially the toilet part.

Looks like someone screwed with our water faucets. It's fixed now, thank God!

01-08-2015, 07:29 AM
Belle & Sebastian just released a new song called "The Cat with the Cream."

I haven't heard it.

Fuck you Belle & Sebastian.

01-08-2015, 07:37 AM
Why are Fox News and other conservative American media outlets giving hate Preacher Anjem Choudry air time? Here we dont feed him, we keep him under surveillance but mostly ignore him.., Its like asking the Westboro Baptist church their opinion on recent global events.

01-08-2015, 07:46 AM
Our Keurig machine consistently refusing to give me a full cup of coffee.

01-08-2015, 11:57 AM
ugh, I'm off to see the ENT and hopefully they can fix what's happening with my right ear. I hate this shit, it's the biggest phobia I have. I don't like people touching my ears, let alone sticking metal objects into them. I'd rather have people stick needles in my eyes.

edit: and I just freaked out and didn't go. I can't explain it... it's an irrational fear to a certain extent, but it really freaks me the fuck out. So instead, I'm sitting here with ringing tinnitus and barely any hearing in my right ear, and it's fucking with my equilibrium and driving me sort of insane... this is pretty close to my personal version of hell.I'm sure you not the first person who has called the ENT before an appointment to tell them you have this fear. I have to believe they'd be sensitive to it and try and work around it. Goooo. Your ears are important.

01-08-2015, 07:20 PM


01-08-2015, 07:26 PM
RE: Nancy Grace: We were just talking about what a terrible person she is, and she is, but I can't help but watch tonight. Three new accusers have come forward.

01-08-2015, 07:29 PM
ugh, I'm off to see the ENT and hopefully they can fix what's happening with my right ear.

Good luck. From what I hear they take a long time to get around to doing anything.

01-08-2015, 10:21 PM
I bet she makes this face right before she gets off and then eats whoever she was banging.

This just turned me into, "that weird guy in 313 who just randomly laughs like an idiot sometimes. For seemingly no reason."

I just had some weird sinus infection after I got a cold that messed up my right here. I'm guessing a mild infection. It never hurt but I pretty much couldn't hear out of it. If you do go in you'll probably just end getting some antibiotics.

01-09-2015, 12:41 AM
I shouldn't talk about my health problems online.

01-09-2015, 01:52 AM
Do you think she just randomly screams out "TOT MOM" like she always used to in the middle of her show?


oh jesus.
Tot Mom.
Words cannot describe how crazy that soulless vampire drives me.

Her "righteous indignation" is what makes her money, so she has to LIKE it when terrible things happen to kids, at least on some level.

I thought the Anthony girl was guilty as sin, but it made me happy that she got off...JUST because i imagined how bad it pissed Nancy Grace off.

01-10-2015, 02:18 AM
It's a thing now.
SJWs are mad at men for having nuts.

01-10-2015, 02:35 AM
It's a thing now.
SJWs are mad at men for having nuts.
As someone who commuted into London for ten years, it's about time this became a proper thing, women have moaned about this for years. Imagine if women spread their legs right out taking up two seats all the time, it's fucking annoying.

Read this, so true

01-10-2015, 02:50 AM
As someone who commuted into London for ten years, it's about time this became a proper thing, women have moaned about this for years. Imagine if women spread their legs right out taking up two seats all the time, it's fucking annoying.

Read this, so true

Women do this by putting their purses and bags next to them, it's not a gender issue.

01-10-2015, 03:03 AM
Women do this by putting their purses and bags next to them, it's not a gender issue.
Not even a tenth as much in my experience, most women on trains I used made themselves as small as possible, crossing legs etc

01-10-2015, 03:20 AM
Not even a tenth as much in my experience, most women on trains I used made themselves as small as possible, crossing legs etc
Key phrase bolded. not sure what's going on up in london but over where I live people in general are usually pretty accommodating on public transit. If they're not there's a real awesome way to fix that:

"Excuse me sir/mam, do you mind moving your bag/closing your legs a little bit please? I would like to sit here, thank you!"

If they refuse after that they're not perpetrating da patriarchy or matriarchy, they're just shitty people.

01-10-2015, 08:00 AM
It's a thing now.
SJWs are mad at men for having nuts.
What's next, are men to sit down to pee because of manstanding? I sit this way in public because I'm 6'3" 205lbs, so my legs naturally take up space.

01-10-2015, 09:01 AM
I live in NYC and take public transit, it's VERY MUCH a thing. Nobody gives a shit about guys not crushing their nuts, but you do not need to spread your legs over 2 seats for that shit. It is very common to see 2 guys taking up a 3 person bench.

I'm fine with playing comfort chicken and smushing myself between them but it's FUCKING STUPID.

Men often unwittingly take up extra space because they don't realize it's uncool. Women are used to making themselves small.

I also don't like when a woman sits closer to me than a guy, or when anyone gives the person sitting like an idiot extra space. Nah, get close to THEM.

Guys do it more than women. The term "manspreading" is usually accurate and you say "patriarchy" like you think it's some sort of special all-bro Illuminati.

01-10-2015, 09:20 AM
^^^ugh on my flight to Greece the guy in the seat next to me kept spreading his legs into my space. I had to ask him to move them back several times. He kept saying sorry and didn't realize he was doing it but then 10min later his leg would be halfway across mine again

01-10-2015, 01:42 PM
lol I guess I forgot what board I was on.

01-10-2015, 01:51 PM
At least @green (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4856) relates!

Also two different people sent me the New Yorker cartoon.

01-10-2015, 02:19 PM
It's a thing now.
SJWs are mad at men for having nuts.

Your balls aren't that big to need two seats.

01-10-2015, 03:03 PM

This will forever be the face of the "movement".

GG guys

01-10-2015, 05:36 PM
When I go to the little things that cheer you up thread to read small, happy things that kinda boost my mood a little bit and instead see a bunch of dumb in-fighting.

01-10-2015, 10:29 PM
manspreading = I am a dude and it pisses. me. the. fuck. off.

Get your knees together, wtf!
I don't want your legs pressing on me in this aggressive manner. Just sit normally jackass. And tuck your balls on top of your thighs if they're bothering you, it's totally doable.

These days if there's a manspreader I'm not even going to try to sit next to him. I'm just going to stand.

01-10-2015, 11:03 PM
Women who have no clue as to the room needed for male anatomy. It doesn't piss me off so much as it annoys me, though. I hear the pain of natural child birth is beyond explanation, but as a male the pain of passing a kidney stone is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The point is, unless you're a fucking shape-shifter, don't assume your wants are more important than their needs.

01-10-2015, 11:06 PM
I never take the bus or subway because all people are assholes.

01-10-2015, 11:44 PM
I'm dog sitting for my folks on a Saturday night, not that I'm pissed because my parents mean the world to me, but it's Saturday night. Understand?

01-11-2015, 08:47 AM
Women who have no clue as to the room needed for male anatomy. It doesn't piss me off so much as it annoys me, though. I hear the pain of natural child birth is beyond explanation, but as a male the pain of passing a kidney stone is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The point is, unless you're a fucking shape-shifter, don't assume your wants are more important than their needs.

My boyfriend is hanging out with me.

"It's true, supposedly the pain of passing a kidney stone can be worse than child birth. Therefore I need 8 feet for my balls? There is no correlation, what the fuck is he talking about?"

01-11-2015, 08:49 AM
Pretty sure both sexes have urethras.

01-11-2015, 08:51 AM
Are you a fucking shapeshifter ?

01-11-2015, 09:33 AM
Watch as my innie becomes an outie!

In other news, my fucking shower is broken for the second time in four months. The second we're back into business hours, I'm destroying a certain bathroom supply shop.

01-12-2015, 07:04 AM
"You gotta start getting protein powder if you want your workouts to add up to anything."

No. Just...no. Not hopping on that train. Know how else I can get extra protein and nutrients and shit? By. Eating. Food.

01-12-2015, 08:46 AM
"You gotta start getting protein powder if you want your workouts to add up to anything."

No. Just...no. Not hopping on that train. Know how else I can get extra protein and nutrients and shit? By. Eating. Food.

Thats some primo level broscience if I ever heard it. Protein powder is a supplement, meaning it supplements your diet. If you meet your 1 gram per pound of lean body mass per day (if you're building muscle) there's no need for protein.

Thats one of the reasons I hate GNC so much, their broscience bullshit their employees spout and how they prey on people who don't know what's up when it comes to nutrition and fitness.

That being said gold standard is my favorite and the cappuccino flavor is my JAM.

EDIT: That could have sounded like I was on the side of the person saying you need the protein powder, I agree with you just to be certain.

01-12-2015, 08:56 AM
"You gotta start getting protein powder if you want your workouts to add up to anything."

No. Just...no. Not hopping on that train. Know how else I can get extra protein and nutrients and shit? By. Eating. Food.

I strongly agree with this! The BEST proteins are food-delivered ones. I think most people just get lazy about it (myself included) and go to the powders/mixes but they are NOT the end and be all for muscle protein. I do admit that I like the mixes as a "recovery" but I don't expect them to be my daily need of protein. I'll stick with chicken and steaks thank you.

But just thinking about this pisses me off as I haven't touched a workout in months. I've been a lousy, lazy ass since winter started.

01-12-2015, 09:33 AM
The only time I use protein powders are in smoothies, otherwise I just take a recovery drink right after strength training.

Your Name Here
01-12-2015, 11:23 AM

01-12-2015, 12:36 PM
Takei's links never working because servers just can't

01-12-2015, 02:11 PM
I believe there were some posts in here about tinnitus (@jinsai @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) ?).

There are actually some newish methods that you can use to DIY treat it. "Notching" is what I recently encountered. You just have to identify the exact frequency (or frequencies) of your tinnitus and then run audio of your choosing through an app that blocks out that frequency (with a 1 octave spread). There are some websites that do it (like http://www.audionotch.com/app/tune/ ) but there are several smartphone apps (Tinnitus Pro on iPhone) that do the same thing and will dynamically notch your music library.

Not entirely sure how effective it is or how long it takes, but it seems promising.

01-12-2015, 02:29 PM
I believe there were some posts in here about tinnitus (@jinsai @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) ?).

There are actually some newish methods that you can use to DIY treat it. "Notching" is what I recently encountered. You just have to identify the exact frequency (or frequencies) of your tinnitus and then run audio of your choosing through an app that blocks out that frequency (with a 1 octave spread). There are some websites that do it (like http://www.audionotch.com/app/tune/ ) but there are several smartphone apps (Tinnitus Pro on iPhone) that do the same thing and will dynamically notch your music library.

Not entirely sure how effective it is or how long it takes, but it seems promising.

I've been "masking" for 30 years, it works great. Excess alcohol and stress makes tinnitus way worse, so I avoid that, obviously. Silence is also bad, hence masking.

01-12-2015, 02:47 PM
I've been "masking" for 30 years, it works great. Excess alcohol and stress makes tinnitus way worse, so I avoid that, obviously. Silence is also bad, hence masking.

does it actually fix the tinnitus or just make it not noticeable? This notching thing is supposed to actually decrease the level of your tinnitus. After doing some reading, it sounds like tinnitus in the 8,000Hz+ range require smaller/different types of "notches" for it to work. The Italians researching this have some studies available, apparently.

01-12-2015, 02:49 PM
My tinnitus is not too bad. 8 years of drums (especially drum set and the even louder marching snare) did most of it. Living in an urban area is both masking it and probably making it worse. I'm moving to a more rural area soon so... we will see.

01-12-2015, 05:18 PM
does it actually fix the tinnitus or just make it not noticeable?

Doesn't fix it, makes me not notice it. Running a fairly quiet air cleaner in the bedroom is usually a good enough mask. Honestly, I've had it so long that I don't notice it anymore until it's totally silent.

G has custom-made professional ear plugs to avoid further ear damage and wears them for all kinds of things, not just at concerts or while playing in a band (e.g. snow-blowing, etc.).

The Topamax (topiramate) that I'm on for migraines ... HOOOOOOLY SHIT did that cause my tinnitus to freak the fuck out when I first started it, I almost stopped the meds but G and my neurologist talked me into hanging in there and the doc split the dose - 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night - and that worked but JESUS that was nuts, like a SWARM OF CICADAS IN MY HEAD.

01-12-2015, 08:29 PM
I've been "masking" for 30 years, it works great. Excess alcohol and stress makes tinnitus way worse, so I avoid that, obviously. Silence is also bad, hence masking.
I get it bad when I'm drinking, my father has it all the time though. He said it never went away, only became tolerable. Yikes!

01-13-2015, 06:55 AM
I get it bad when I'm drinking, my father has it all the time though. He said it never went away, only became tolerable. Yikes!

Mine never goes away, either, it's just different levels of noticable or maybe tolerable. Like I said, silence is when it's most noticable for me. Right now, I'm up early and the house is really quiet and my head is ringing like crazy, until the furnace kicks on and then it's not as bad. If I turn on the TV, I will hardly notice the ringing unless I really pay attention. Right now it's particularly bad because it's my worst allergy season, my sinuses and ears being stuffed up seems to just make it worse.

01-13-2015, 07:42 AM
My boyfriend is hanging out with me.

"It's true, supposedly the pain of passing a kidney stone can be worse than child birth. Therefore I need 8 feet for my balls? There is no correlation, what the fuck is he talking about?"

I guess I'm late to the game here... but the worst part of passing the kidney stone for me was the pain through my kidneys and the tubes. Once it got to that point, I strained in front of the toilet and pissed it out. It was awful, but that was not the worst part... The worst part for me was the awful persistent streaking pain up and down my back.

The idea that a guy's relatively tiny dickhole warrants some special sympathy in the kidney stone story is silly. I did my best to help out my friend (female) who passed a kidney stone a couple years ago, and it seemed like she was having a much more painful experience than myself. Any dude who brings up kidney stones as a "shut up woman" point against women discussing the pains of childbirth is probably the biggest sort of asshole, and I have a somewhat hard time believing he's actually had to experience the pain of passing a kidney stone. This may sound ridiculous, but I've actually heard people use it as a way to shut down complaints about the pains of childbirth.

The final pissing the spiky stone out part was awful. It felt like about ten sleepless hours of pissing blood, moaning in sheer misery.... it really sucked It still wasn't the worst part of it. My female friends who went through it didn't seem much happier.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm not implying that anyone here is saying this... just the discussion jogged my memory of hearing people actually say that kind of stuff, and thought while I was in the "piss you off" thread...

01-13-2015, 11:43 PM
My boyfriend is hanging out with me.

"It's true, supposedly the pain of passing a kidney stone can be worse than child birth. Therefore I need 8 feet for my balls? There is no correlation, what the fuck is he talking about?"
It was in response to all the hate directed towards men sitting with legs agape.

01-14-2015, 08:37 AM
It was in response to all the hate directed towards men sitting with legs agape.

how were those two topics even remotely related?

when i was on the train to work on monday, literally EVERY GUY in my train compartment was sitting with his legs spread. the guy next to me was, and his elbow was consistently invading my space. i have serious back issues, and they were very aggravated by the fact that i was only able to sit half on my seat and had to lean awkwardly because he couldn't scrunch up a little. and he was a skinny dude. he had no excuse.

01-14-2015, 12:23 PM
More fucking car troubles. My alternator died last night. At least it's fixable, but I seem to run into an issue with my car every few months. Pouring $$$ into this machine.

01-14-2015, 02:17 PM
when i was on the train to work on monday, literally EVERY GUY in my train compartment was sitting with his legs spread. the guy next to me was, and his elbow was consistently invading my space. i have serious back issues, and they were very aggravated by the fact that i was only able to sit half on my seat and had to lean awkwardly because he couldn't scrunch up a little. and he was a skinny dude. he had no excuse.I don't know what the subway seats are like in Chi-town, but I was riding the NYC subway the other day and I figured out why this manspreading thing has become a thing. The seats are curved to fit the "average" size butt so one length of bench is suppose to fit 8 people. Between the guy on one side of me spreading his legs into the empty seat and the woman on the other side who's legs are larger than average (I suppose) spreading into the seat to her left, me in the middle, I actually got two whole seats to myself. Every time the train stopped I could see people getting on and eyeballing the seats on either side of me, but then changing their mind. Get rid of these dam butt shaped seats and maybe all varieties could figure out how to share the bench. On the ride back uptown I sat next to my Dad and spread my legs real wide playfully shoving him over. The dude across the car started laughing out loud. He knew exactly what was going on.

01-14-2015, 02:52 PM
I don't know what the subway seats are like in Chi-town, but I was riding the NYC subway the other day and I figured out why this manspreading thing has become a thing. The seats are curved to fit the "average" size butt so one length of bench is suppose to fit 8 people. Between the guy on one side of me spreading his legs into the empty seat and the woman on the other side who's legs are larger than average (I suppose) spreading into the seat to her left, me in the middle, I actually got two whole seats to myself. Every time the train stopped I could see people getting on and eyeballing the seats on either side of me, but then changing their mind. Get rid of these dam butt shaped seats and maybe all varieties could figure out how to share the bench. On the ride back uptown I sat next to my Dad and spread my legs real wide playfully shoving him over. The dude across the car started laughing out loud. He knew exactly what was going on.

Someone asked me to move once when I was in a similar situation, I did, but I got scrunched against the people sitting like assholes, who of course didn't move.

Only about 1/2 of the NYC trains have the butt shaped seats (which I don't like either, they are too narrow, and they do result in people sitting like all over them and cramping people's spaces). I mostly take trains that are the other kind. They comfortably fit 6 people no matter what their body types are unless they're all like 300lbs. Not 2 people. Not 2 people and your 2 kids. THREE. PEOPLE.

I would actually like train benches to be like THIS (http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2013/soundings/common/content/12/media/st_bench_02.jpg).

Much wider than those butt-shaped seats on the 1/2/3 & A/C/E and whateva trains, people who are pretty substantially overweight can sit pretty easily, and it makes it way harder to manspread/invade the space of the person next to you.

If it's not obvious, I strongly resent people invading my personal space thoughtlessly. Some dude had a backpack on in the elevator at work with me this morning and I flat out kept my hand on his backpack and pushed on it until he moved (for other reasons) because fuck you and your stupid bag hitting me.

01-14-2015, 02:56 PM
http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2013/soundings/common/content/12/media/st_bench_02.jpgThis bench is a giant fuck you to homeless people. No really, this is an outside bench in a museum??

Yes, it was the #1 train. :)

Sarah K
01-14-2015, 02:57 PM
Those are the benches in a lot of the train stations.

01-14-2015, 02:58 PM
I initially said something like that in my post and I edited. It is a giant fuck you to homeless people, which is why I'd like them to not be on subway platforms. But on trains? Yes please.

01-15-2015, 08:43 AM
I initially said something like that in my post and I edited. It is a giant fuck you to homeless people, which is why I'd like them to not be on subway platforms. But on trains? Yes please.

Ahhh, misread. Makes sense now. I must have been in a caffeine blur.

Maybe we should just get individual pods for subway commuting.

01-15-2015, 10:07 AM
Homophobia in the metal community. Made the mistake of reading the comment section on an article about motionless in white, my god the amount of times I saw the word faggot was insane. I don't even LIKE MIW and I was just beside myself.

01-15-2015, 10:13 AM
Maybe we should just get individual pods for subway commuting.

My vote:

01-15-2015, 11:09 AM
Condo delayed....again. Now we won't be in until the beginning of May fml. Sure it gives us another two months which will equate to another $2500 or so of savings towards it, but still come on...

01-15-2015, 12:12 PM
Ahhh, misread. Makes sense now. I must have been in a caffeine blur.

Maybe we should just get individual pods for subway commuting.

I would love this.

01-15-2015, 05:12 PM
One of the worst days I've ever had at work today. Just fucking disheartening.

01-16-2015, 08:43 AM
Just a little thing ...

I can't drink tap water because there has been diesel spill (28,000 liters) at one of the distribution center. Five cities hit with the ban. Over 300,000 citizens affected by this.

It's just water. Who needs water? Grocery stores are completely out of bottled water. It was madness yesterday. People were stealing water from other people's cart.
One thing I learned is that we're definitely not ready for the end of the world.

01-16-2015, 09:21 AM
Just a little thing ...

I can't drink tap water because there has been diesel spill (28,000 liters) at one of the distribution center. Five cities hit with the ban. Over 300,000 citizens affected by this.

It's just water. Who needs water? Grocery stores are completely out of bottled water. It was madness yesterday. People were stealing water from other people's cart.
One thing I learned is that we're definitely not ready for the end of the world.

so normal filtering doesn't work? that's shitty.

01-16-2015, 01:07 PM
1. The snow here is awful.

2. It's been 48 hours since Slipknot and my muscles still ache all over.

01-17-2015, 11:52 AM
This doesn't piss me off, it's just kind of weird.

I've started looking at the guests to users ratio here, and it seems to stay pretty steady at 8 to 1 or so.

And there's no NIN news.

What are all of those people doing?

01-17-2015, 12:42 PM
Sorry for the double post, but FUCK.

There is no more online support for the Wii.

I can't fucking believe it! I was going to actually BUY some shit from them.

What is Nintendo thinking? Nobody has a wii u

01-17-2015, 01:06 PM
Sorry for the double post, but FUCK.

There is no more online support for the Wii.

I can't fucking believe it! I was going to actually BUY some shit from them.

What is Nintendo thinking? Nobody has a wii u

You can't even buy stuff from the online store anymore? What happens to the credit I had?

01-17-2015, 01:45 PM
You can't even buy stuff from the online store anymore? What happens to the credit I had?

well, i did some more checking.

the online store supposedly still works. i can't get it to work though.

When i tried to reconnect to the internet, it offered an update but said that if it detected modifications, your console may become inoperable.

i have homebrew, so i didn't do the update. that MAY be why i can't get into the store.

01-17-2015, 05:09 PM
Trisquit crackers. I got a box of broken ones. Not one is the square it's suppose to be. Grrrrrrr.

01-17-2015, 07:36 PM
This doesn't piss me off, it's just kind of weird.

I've started looking at the guests to users ratio here, and it seems to stay pretty steady at 8 to 1 or so.

And there's no NIN news.

What are all of those people doing?

A good chunk are probably Marilyn Manson fans who were redirected here to read about the new album, since all Manson-centric forums had banned even mentioning the new album's leak.

Halo Infinity
01-17-2015, 11:40 PM
This doesn't piss me off, it's just kind of weird.

I've started looking at the guests to users ratio here, and it seems to stay pretty steady at 8 to 1 or so.

And there's no NIN news.

What are all of those people doing?
I can somehow understand that as somebody that still likes to lurk. Lurking always seemed to be the other half of the fun with Internet forums to me, as well as being the definitive age-old way to get the overall feel of the forums, should you be a newcomer. (And well, lurking is fun, but with the exception of lurking through bad threads/posts one has made.)

The "Like" feature has actually made lurking a bit more enjoyable too.

01-17-2015, 11:44 PM
Rude/schizophrenic neighbours making my and my family's nerves on edge.

01-18-2015, 12:14 AM
I can somehow understand that as somebody that still likes to lurk.

i understand...it's just so weird to me that there are so MANY of them!

edit: like right now, there are 21 of us, and 51 people watching us.

What REALLY gets me is when there's like 12 of us and 90 something watching us.
Kris , it's not weird to me that YOU lurk...i know who you are.

Halo Infinity
01-18-2015, 12:28 AM
i understand...it's just so weird to me that there are so MANY of them!

edit: like right now, there are 21 of us, and 51 people watching us.
That actually seems to be a normal thing for almost any type of online community, as the lurkers always outnumber the posters. I remember looking it up on Google, and lots of sites and forums seemed to state that.


What REALLY gets me is when there's like 12 of us and 90 something watching us.
I suppose it's just always inevitable as the forum is accessible to the public anyway.

@Kris (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=244) , it's not weird to me that YOU lurk...i know who you are.
Oh, no problem, as I didn't mean to say that either, but I've also been on that other side lots of times before, so I still kind of get it. And well, I've always seen it as a good thing anyway, as attention is the life-force of a forum.

However, I can also see what you mean, since an increase of posters can also benefit the forums too.

01-18-2015, 12:32 AM
don't get me wrong, it doesn't piss me off and it's not that big of a deal.

i just recently started paying attention to it and found it a little strange.

Halo Infinity
01-18-2015, 12:42 AM
Oh, I know. This is also the first time that I saw somebody find it strange though. Anyway, my bad for that, as I got curious... since this is drift again. I'll stop now. Thanks for your responses though, as I now see a little bit more of what you mean too. :)

01-18-2015, 12:56 AM
don't get me wrong, it doesn't piss me off and it's not that big of a deal.

i just recently started paying attention to it and found it a little strange.

There are currently 85 users online (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/online.php). 16 members and 69 guests


01-18-2015, 04:02 AM
My guess is that the majority of lurkers/guests only check the NIN-related threads, for news and such. They never even wander off into non-NIN-related threads like this one.

Then of course there's a minority of lurkers who like to read everything... we see you... muahaha ;)

Sorry for offtopic. Back to lurking.

01-20-2015, 12:00 PM
again, this doesn't actually "piss me off," in fact we're paying a shitload of money for it.

but can i just express how much i don't want to ride in the car for 1.5 hours to amarillo and strip down to my underwear and lay on my stomach in a room full of people and have them inject my back with huge needles, causing excruciating pain at the time they do it and for the next week?

that's what i'm about to go do. that's what these back surgeries are. first they do the injections (today) to make sure the surgery will work.

then in about a week, they do the actual surgery, which will hurt for a fucking MONTH.

i've had eight of them and i'm going in for either four or six more this week.


i am not looking forward to it.

Frozen Beach
01-20-2015, 05:34 PM
Having to deal with people who can't handle their alcohol. I don't think people who can barely walk have much right in saying "I'M NOT DRUNKK!!"

01-20-2015, 07:53 PM
I got to leave work half an hour early (yay!), got a call for a leak in an apartment at the time I would have normally had to leave work (fuck), so I had to go back, and then after I get home and CONTINUE cooking my dinner, I get ANOTHER call. (FUUUUUUUUUUUU-) LET A MOTHERFUCKER EAT.

Joy Prevention Hotline
01-20-2015, 11:03 PM
Why do they think that giving me a credit line increase (which they've been trying to do for months) will magically turn me into one of those people who carry a balance on their credit cards?

If I don't want to owe you money with the credit limit I've got now, why would I want to owe you even more money? Wankers.

01-21-2015, 10:01 AM
I'm at work and browsing because I've missed ETS, and I saw the spice thread and thought "OOO, I remember you, let's see how this is going." But I'm at work. The definition of NSFW is that thread. Boo work. And there's no real work that I need to be doing so I'm pissed off I'm not at home.

01-22-2015, 04:05 PM
fucking anti-vaccine people

Of all the stupid movements...

01-22-2015, 04:38 PM
finding out that adam baldwin, aka Jayne from firefly, was possibly the main progenitor of the #gamergate bullshit, and was one of the people who posted personal info on his twitter.
he was so great as jayne, and as casey on chuck, and i always thought he'd be a cool dude in real life, but apparently he's a fucking piece of shit.

01-22-2015, 05:21 PM
He's a total right wing asshole. It was a total bummer when I found out (Sarah Silverman got into it with him about something, I started reading his Twitter feed and was all "NOOOOOOO! ").

01-23-2015, 07:58 AM
dried blood in library books. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????
so frequent as well

01-23-2015, 09:41 AM
Just spent over $10,000 on furniture. Thinking of the myriad of other things I could've spent that on...

Halo Infinity
01-23-2015, 10:21 AM
fucking anti-vaccine people

Of all the stupid movements...



01-23-2015, 01:13 PM
Just spent over $10,000 on furniture. Thinking of the myriad of other things I could've spent that on...Yes, but you'll be sitting so comfy.

I need your income, dahum.

01-23-2015, 01:22 PM
Yes, but you'll be sitting so comfy.

I need your income, dahum.

Haha it's true, but I was blown away at how fast that shit added up when we went and got it all...

Sectional: $2,000
Bedroom flatscreen: $250
Dining set: $1000
Balcony patio set: $400
Bed frame with drawers: $800

Each time the credit card was swiped I had to take a knee and catch my breath lol. As for my income, I do ok haha...but trust me, there are sacrifices being made. I've been to 2 concerts in the past 10 months or so if not longer, refuse to ever not buy a used car (currently a 2009 Mazda 3 because who cares, it's just a car lol), one vacation a year tops. I guess it's good practice since once we move in May, our cost of living will be going up anyways. Ugh...I just wanna not have bills anymore lol. RRSP, RESP, Insurance this, Insurance that, Homeowner's insurance...fml lol.

01-23-2015, 01:29 PM
^^^ So I assume your budget is now excluding ink, mmmmm?

01-23-2015, 01:34 PM
I'm getting my calf tattooed on Jan.31st lol. One of my best friends co-owns a local shop and inks me for next to nothing. Two hour sit, $80. And I'm not even joking, I've set aside a $20 bill every paycheck for the past two months just for it. I swear I'm budgeting our finances down to the last dime it seems sometimes...

01-23-2015, 01:57 PM
I'm getting my calf tattooed on Jan.31st lol. One of my best friends co-owns a local shop and inks me for next to nothing. Two hour sit, $80. And I'm not even joking, I've set aside a $20 bill every paycheck for the past two months just for it. I swear I'm budgeting our finances down to the last dime it seems sometimes...That's awesome.

Little thing pissing me off: stagnation. I'm moving forward, but it feels like I'm doing it in three feet of water.

01-23-2015, 07:55 PM
yesterday, every news outlet seemed to be obsessing over "deflategate," an apparently huge scandal where a football team intentionally let the air out of the football to make it easier to grip. I'm still hearing about it now. People aren't over this yet.

I cannot think of a single thing I give less of a fuck about... and there it was, constantly, over and over again. Let's hear what this football player thinks about deflategate, oh, holy shit, we have an update from the people who weighed the ball... SHUT THE FUCK UP! Who cares!? WHO actually fucking cares! A terrorist militia just murdered two thousand people in Nigeria, but here's an update about that deflated football. FUCK YOU.

01-23-2015, 08:02 PM
I just hate that the suffix "gate" is added to everything even slightly perceived as a scandal... Except for Kent Brockman's "Waitergate" line on The Simpsons.

Sarah K
01-23-2015, 08:21 PM
FOOTBALLS <3 <3 <3

But yes on the "gate" thing. I mean, I know it's just meant as jokes now. But it's weird.

I still laugh when I think of the man standing outside of the train the other morning. He was singing "DEFLATRIOTS DEFLATRIOTS" and I giggled about it for like 5 minutes. I think that's the last time I smiled!

01-23-2015, 11:59 PM
I just hate that the suffix "gate" is added to everything even slightly perceived as a scandal... Except for Kent Brockman's "Waitergate" line on The Simpsons.

Oh no, they've made it worse. I've heard ballghazi. That's fucking offensive!

01-24-2015, 12:22 AM
At least it's not "Bergen-Ballsen"...

01-24-2015, 01:00 AM
Brother, best friend and my stupidity for trying to deal with them like they're actually human beings.

01-24-2015, 01:02 AM
Tom Brady quotes regarding deflategate:

"They also know how I like the balls and how perfect they are before every game.... they know how I like it."

"I don't want anyone touching the balls. I don't want anyone rubbing them... Whatever feels good that day... To me, those balls are perfect, and that's what I expect when I show up on the field."

"I'm not squeezing the balls. It's not part of my process. Breaking the balls. Some guys like old balls. They're all different. I tell them how great they are."

"It's a very serious topic."

01-24-2015, 10:05 AM
Jesus, that reads like quotes from a sitcom from the 70s.

Sarah K
01-24-2015, 12:05 PM
YESSSSS. Tom trolled that beautifully.


01-24-2015, 02:06 PM
Joe Biden weighs in on deflategate: Having been a receiver, I prefer a softer ball (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/21/joe-biden-patriots-deflategate-having-been-receive/)

WHAT THE FUCK... how is this conversation even happening?!?!?!?!

01-24-2015, 05:57 PM
Joe Biden weighs in on deflategate: Having been a receiver, I prefer a softer ball (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/21/joe-biden-patriots-deflategate-having-been-receive/)

WHAT THE FUCK... how is this conversation even happening?!?!?!?!

You're still talking about it. ;)

01-24-2015, 06:48 PM
You're still talking about it. ;)

True. I'm about to leave my home and go to a local cafe and eat a sandwich. If I can do this without hearing people talk about this bullshit, I promise, I will stop complaining about it.

EDIT: before I go and get my sandwich, I want to complain about something else. Have any of you guys/gals collected an unfortunate friend over the years when you might have been smoking too much pot and your filter wasn't properly restricting totally stupid people from being your friend? And then, MANY years later, you are occasionally reminded of this because this person posts really stupid shit on your Facebook wall? Have any of you had this happen frequently, and then, finally this person says something that really offends you? Something so stupid and generically jock/frat/dumbass that you feel like your reputation is at stake if you don't delete contact with this person immediately.... but then you worry that this might be the person's plan all along. That they're just fucking with you, and finally they're egging you on to tell them to go fuck off.

Like, say, you wrote a brief eulogy for a musician that you really appreciated and admired who just recently died... and this bumbling clown fuckhead jumps in and calls you a sissy? I don't "unfriend" people on Facebook. I'm the one who is unfriended.

Maybe it's time.

01-24-2015, 06:58 PM
No loss there.

01-25-2015, 10:35 AM
but then you worry that this might be the person's plan all along. That they're just fucking with you, and finally they're egging you on to tell them to go fuck off.

Like, say, you wrote a brief eulogy for a musician that you really appreciated and admired who just recently died... and this bumbling clown fuckhead jumps in and calls you a sissy? I don't "unfriend" people on Facebook. I'm the one who is unfriended.

Maybe it's time.
Why keep a troll as a facebook friend? What's the worry? THERE IS NO WORRY, STOP THAT! ;)

01-25-2015, 11:13 AM
Why keep a troll as a facebook friend? What's the worry? THERE IS NO WORRY, STOP THAT! ;)

Yep... I already unceremoniously blocked him.

01-26-2015, 03:36 PM
Avocado and guacamole are fucking everywhere and on fucking everything, and everyone gives me incredulous looks when I order food and ask them not to include them. They're disgusting and don't you dare try to convince me that I'm wrong... they are the devil's food and they are trying to kill me. They're only a half step behind horseradish on my (extremely short) list of horrible foods that I wish didn't exist.

01-26-2015, 06:37 PM
House flooded a bit over the weekend. Thankfully my stuff is okay and it's still currently habitable but the floor is fucked so I might have to move again which will be the third time in like 18 months.

01-28-2015, 12:18 PM
YouTube comments sections.

Musician's solo: Nonstop arguments about who's the best drummer/guitarist/bassist in history.
Music video: Dissertations on why this band is the best or worst in the world.
Movie or TV show: Fights about whether or not the movie or show is good, followed by rants about the actor/actress (usually about their looks).
Anything with a female between the ages of 5 and 50: Violently sexual comments and rape jokes.
Political news: Global warming. Is it real or fake? Who's to blame for it?
Satire: Condemning the creator thinking that it's actually real and trying to make fans feel ashamed for opinions that they don't actually have.
Honest racist rants: "This guy is my hero. LONG LIVE HITLER!"
Anything uploaded by or watched by males ages 12-25: Dick measuring contests and Internet-screaming homosexual slurs at each other.
Movie trailers: "This is going to be the best movie ever" followed by 40 pages of "this is going to be the worst movie ever" and "Hollywood raped/ruined my childhood again".
Adorable baby animals: Shockingly racist and uninformed "political" debates on whether it was Bush and Conservative Republicans Obama and Ultra Liberal Democrats who ruined the country, blaming the government for everything in the entire world and paranoid ravings about Big Pharm making us sick to sell placebos and make money from the dying. Also, vaccines make you autistic.

01-29-2015, 07:09 AM
Seems like I should really have
http://youtu.be/3flv5nWZgII in general.

01-29-2015, 07:25 AM
@Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) I don't think anyone was really lumping you into any groups or shitting on you last night man. I'm not sure why you got as offended as ya did, I didn't see anyone really being that out of hand.

01-29-2015, 07:52 AM
That's only a small portion of me thinking and subsequently posting that. It's directed at many not few.

01-29-2015, 07:54 AM
That's only a small portion of me thinking and subsequently posting that. It's directed at many not few.
I just hated seeing you so upset over it, despite our differing thoughts on politics and the like.

01-29-2015, 08:28 AM
People who hate avocado and think it is evil food both amuse me and piss me off. More good avocado for the rest of us, monounsaturated goodness. Enjoy your Lipitor.

01-29-2015, 10:07 AM
Gastric Bypass surgery. The weight loss that results isnt from the surgery, it's literally because the patient is eating less. I understand that most of the time if you have to consider that surgery you absolutely have a real eating disorder along with other mental health problems but gastric bypass always gets all the "praise" when in reality the individual is doing literally 100% of the work. Maybe it helps some individuals as a motivation thing or something but goddamn, the surgery doesn't change the individuals eating habits which is why it has a 5% success rate. I wish there was a way to help people get over the hopeless feeling instead of going under then knife, there's ALWAYS a better way through that struggle over surgery.

01-29-2015, 10:15 AM
Gastric Bypass surgery. The weight loss that results isnt from the surgery, it's literally because the patient is eating less. I understand that most of the time if you have to consider that surgery you absolutely have a real eating disorder along with other mental health problems but gastric bypass always gets all the "praise" when in reality the individual is doing literally 100% of the work. Maybe it helps some individuals as a motivation thing or something but goddamn, the surgery doesn't change the individuals eating habits which is why it has a 5% success rate. I wish there was a way to help people get over the hopeless feeling instead of going under then knife, there's ALWAYS a better way through that struggle over surgery.

But the only people who are eligible for gastric bypass are people who are morbidly obese who have failed all other attempts at losing weight and whose health is at stake; the surgery is risky, post-surgery is very risky, and I've seen people gain ALL THE WEIGHT BACK, so I've never seen anybody say the surgery, itself, is the reason "why" they lose the weight; OF COURSE the reason why they lose weight is because the patient, literally, cannot eat anything more than the size of a GOLF BALL or they will puke. (My cousin had the surgery and spent a lot of time puking until she figured it out, but my friend's husband stretched his stomach out so much he gained over 200 pounds back.) I agree that all those surgeries should come with counseling, lots of it. Because food, for those people, is an addiction. And the surgery doesn't take that addiction away.

01-29-2015, 10:20 AM
but my friend's husband stretched his stomach out so much he gained over 200 pounds back.) I agree that all those surgeries should come with counseling, lots of it. Because food, for those people, is an addiction. And the surgery doesn't take that addiction away.

This 10000%
You don't get to 400+ pounds on accident, you get there because of addiction and surgery isn't going to fix that part. GB is to eating disorders as methadone is to heroin addiction IMO
One doesn't exactly fix the other. I've had friends that went to methadone clinics every morning and still struggled with drug abuse.

Sarah K
01-29-2015, 10:22 AM
I hope to at least have the Lap Band within the next few years.

In the past, I did all of the testing, did the medically supervised diet, etc, etc, etc.

If you're fat enough to have a weight loss surgery, you have a food addiction. Period. So what happens with a lot of people is that they are no longer able to binge like they used to, so they turn to other things for that relief. Usually alcohol. Now, I've never had an issue with alcohol. But this is the thing about the surgery that terrifies me the most. I think it would just be asking for my drug problem to come roaring back. Then it becomes an internal battle... which is worse? A food addiction or a drug addiction? During my drug years, I was still mostly "functional". I held a job except for about 7 months towards the end. I really, really go back and forth on all of this.

01-29-2015, 10:25 AM
That's the thing though sarah, if you have a food addiction it's still going to be there after lapband. Like I said it has a 5% success rate, you have to fix the underlying cause of the addiction...people see that surgery as a magic fix and it is anything but. I just feel like there's a better way, I have more faith in humanity than that.

01-29-2015, 10:31 AM
I hope to at least have the Lap Band within the next few years.

In the past, I did all of the testing, did the medically supervised diet, etc, etc, etc.

If you're fat enough to have a weight loss surgery, you have a food addiction. Period. So what happens with a lot of people is that they are no longer able to binge like they used to, so they turn to other things for that relief. Usually alcohol. Now, I've never had an issue with alcohol. But this is the thing about the surgery that terrifies me the most. I think it would just be asking for my drug problem to come roaring back. Then it becomes an internal battle... which is worse? A food addiction or a drug addiction? During my drug years, I was still mostly "functional". I held a job except for about 7 months towards the end. I really, really go back and forth on all of this.

That's a valid concern; AA meetings are usually filled with people smoking 400 cigarettes. People who quit drinking alcohol seem to drink a LOT of coffee. You push one thing down and it pops up somewhere else. But I've read a lot of articles about meditation and holistic medicine doing a lot to "reprogram" the reptilian brain (which is the thing that's causing all the trouble). It's certainly worth a shot. (I have this same problem, so I can relate, it's totally hereditary.)

Sarah K
01-29-2015, 10:38 AM
And I fucking HATE all of the "Anonymous" groups - NA, AA, OA, SA... been to all of them! Both for my personal issues, and for classes. God. I get angry just thinking about them.

01-29-2015, 10:40 AM
And I fucking HATE all of the "Anonymous" groups - NA, AA, OA, SA... been to all of them! Both for my personal issues, and for classes. God. I get angry just thinking about them.

I know I keep going on and on around here about Mindfulness but eating is so full of MindLESSNESS that Mindfulness seems such a natural cure. (my mindlessness is boredom or eating while I'm reading the paper or watching TV or while on the computer.)

see this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/emily-bennington/food-addiction_b_3446088.html

I really enjoyed this book: http://www.amazon.com/Savor-Mindful-Eating-Life/dp/0061697702

This reviewer of the above book really summed it up for me, perfectly, like DUH omg:

"Have you ever been guilty of eating while talking on the phone, driving, walking, reading, working, e-mailing or watching TV? If so, you have probably noticed that the sandwich, protein bar--or whatever you were eating--vanished before you even realized you had begun eating it. And this makes you want to eat more so you can relish the taste (since you didn't enjoy the first one). This mindless eating is no doubt part of the cause of our obesity epidemic. Eating should be a sacred act, not part of our multi-tasking."

01-29-2015, 11:41 AM
I don't bother to mess around with physical CD's much these days but when I do, I make sure I put them away (so I thought)
I was doing a quick cleanup of my car before I went to pick up my kids and to my horror I found Disc 2 of the Fragile on the rear floor. Scratched, scuffed and cracked in half..
[Single tear runs down cheek]
Pour a little of your 40oz out tonight in remembrance..

Sarah K
01-29-2015, 11:46 AM
I just need to start smoking weed again. SOMEONE SELL ME SOME WEED.

01-29-2015, 11:49 AM
I just need to start smoking weed again. SOMEONE SELL ME SOME WEED.
That just makes me eat an entire bag of Doritos and I don't even remember eating the bag of Doritos. "Hey, where did those Doritos go?"

Now, I have these Special K Sea Salt chips and I get out EIGHT of them and I treat each one as if I'm eating some magic truffle from France and I chew it about 20 times, LOL.

01-29-2015, 11:51 AM
That just makes me eat an entire bag of Doritos and I don't even remember eating the bag of Doritos. "Hey, where did those Doritos go?"

Step one: don't have Doritos in the house lol

01-29-2015, 11:53 AM
Step one: don't have Doritos in the house lol

Oh, EXACTLY. They are NOT allowed in my house, no way, not even on Superbowl Sunday. Doritos are on the TOP of my BANNED list.

Sarah K
01-29-2015, 11:54 AM
Hahaha. Weirdly, the time I had the most success losing weight was when I was a HUGE pothead. Like, smoking all day at work and shit. AND I worked in a kitchen... But I was also in the gym 2+ hours every night, and had no social life at ALL. No thanks.

But if you're high all the time, everything tastes better. So it makes boring food more interesting.

01-29-2015, 04:42 PM
ugh roommates... every morning after I eat my cereal I quickly rinse it and leave it next to the sink to wash when I get home. Every day when I get home the bowl is in the sink but filled with old milk and leftover oatmeal that my roommate dumps into it. Why??? And she leaves all her dishes in the sink for way too long so its not like she is making a point about me leaving dishes out, she just dumps her food crap onto my stuff and leaves her dishes next to them.
The other roommates and I have decided that she is trying to be sneaky mean. Other things she does to piss us off include turning the bathroom lights off while other people are showering, scrunching up the bathmat and shoving it into the corner behind the toilet, somehow getting her hair wrapped around the soap in the non shower bathroom. She must do it after we leave for class because otherwise we never see her use that bathroom. Also when watching movies she likes to cook loudly and talk on her phone over the volume of the movie. And messing with the fridge temp so all my veggies freeze and go bad.

01-30-2015, 12:09 PM
totally forgot about faith no more tickets going on sale this morning because i was out running errands because my wife and i are leaving on our honeymoon tomorrow.

Sarah K
01-31-2015, 12:00 AM
sheepdean just RUINED MY NIGHT!

01-31-2015, 02:53 PM
You probably wouldn't have gotten them anyway. I didn't and was on top of it. Hopefully they'll come back around later this year and play venues bigger than my living room.

02-01-2015, 01:31 PM
Ugh searching for literary agents is the most frustrating thing, especially when almost every site seems to offer a totally different description of what genres mean or what they are looking for. Nothing is worse than seeing a lengthy "what this agent is looking for" description that seems spot-on only to include "set in Victorian times" or "with erotic horse-riding passages" at the end.

02-01-2015, 01:54 PM
lime flavored anything.


02-01-2015, 02:32 PM
Am I the only person in this entire town that owns jumper cables??? Don't get me wrong, I love helping people, but damn. Even the friends I have that KNOW cars don't have cables. They're $25.

02-01-2015, 02:34 PM
Ugh searching for literary agents is the most frustrating thing, especially when almost every site seems to offer a totally different description of what genres mean or what they are looking for. Nothing is worse than seeing a lengthy "what this agent is looking for" description that seems spot-on only to include "set in Victorian times" or "with erotic horse-riding passages" at the end.

Please explain, I am interested. You have written a book and are looking for an agent? I have written a book and would like to find an agent, but I need to revise a few things first, and I have a good feeling I'm not going to do those revisions any time soon.

02-01-2015, 02:43 PM
Please explain, I am interested. You have written a book and are looking for an agent? I have written a book and would like to find an agent, but I need to revise a few things first, and I have a good feeling I'm not going to do those revisions any time soon.

Yep, over the course of about seven years I ended up managing to finish a novel late last year and am starting to seriously look into agents after having a few people read it and give me positive feedback. There's so many agencies, agents and sub-genres that different agents say they're interested in that it makes it really frustrating to go through so many sites and try to narrow it down to a decent list of people worth sending queries out to.

02-01-2015, 02:53 PM
Well congratulations! How about looking at agents who have represented similar books, if that can apply?

02-01-2015, 03:02 PM
Well congratulations! How about looking at agents who have represented similar books, if that can apply?

Oh I'm definitely trying to, the biggest thing is I've never done this before and the only author I personally know is entirely self-published so it's a matter of figuring out how best to go about it. I'd hate to send a cover letter that blows my chances, if that makes sense. Good luck with yours as well, whatever it is! I swear I feel like if there was an agent to find agents I'd have to use them.

Digital Twilight
02-01-2015, 04:01 PM
ugh roommates... every morning after I eat my cereal I quickly rinse it and leave it next to the sink to wash when I get home. Every day when I get home the bowl is in the sink but filled with old milk and leftover oatmeal that my roommate dumps into it. Why??? And she leaves all her dishes in the sink for way too long so its not like she is making a point about me leaving dishes out, she just dumps her food crap onto my stuff and leaves her dishes next to them.
The other roommates and I have decided that she is trying to be sneaky mean. Other things she does to piss us off include turning the bathroom lights off while other people are showering, scrunching up the bathmat and shoving it into the corner behind the toilet, somehow getting her hair wrapped around the soap in the non shower bathroom. She must do it after we leave for class because otherwise we never see her use that bathroom. Also when watching movies she likes to cook loudly and talk on her phone over the volume of the movie. And messing with the fridge temp so all my veggies freeze and go bad.

Wow, that sounds tough. I never understood why people want to make their lives more stressful and harder. It's one of the reasons I so want to live on my own.

02-01-2015, 05:26 PM
Smelly people at yoga. Too much cologne or stinky clothes, doesn't matter.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-01-2015, 06:05 PM
Hopefully they'll come back around later this year and play venues bigger than my living room.
How do we know your living room wouldn't be a good venue, hmmmm?

02-01-2015, 08:40 PM
I fucking hate the Rupert Murdoch owned Vice.. the news magazine/website.
I think its just as bad as Fox News or the Daily Mail.
One of my worst nightmares is to be trapped in a room with Vice Journalists.

02-02-2015, 01:42 AM
Southwest Airlines and snow storms.

Digital Twilight
02-02-2015, 09:13 AM
Hold music :mad:

02-02-2015, 09:59 AM
Hold music :mad:
My work just introduced an alternative selection recently. I was calling another department last week and got sex type thing, head over feet AND hand that feeds. For reals.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-02-2015, 10:58 AM
Hold music :mad:
The worst is when I'm stuck listening to the same generic melody the whole time … and it's still playing in my head hours later. GUH.

02-02-2015, 12:13 PM
The worst is when I'm stuck listening to the same generic melody the whole time … and it's still playing in my head hours later. GUH.Ear worm.....

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-02-2015, 02:07 PM
Ear worm.....
More like an ear cockroach. That runs up and down your ear canal, and you can feel its little legs skittering …

Digital Twilight
02-02-2015, 03:04 PM
For my old job I had to call another department regularly and the hold music was some horrible midi version of Green Sleeves. I still wince everytime I hear that song.

02-02-2015, 03:45 PM
Updating a fresh install of Windows 7 to have all the patches

02-02-2015, 04:04 PM
The fact that a parking ticket cannot be voided as of the very second the pen hits the pad of paper. Wtf.

02-04-2015, 05:10 PM
Spending money on a CD that my computer refuses to recognize and read. My laptop (an older Mac Book) can't read Dual Discs, so every CD that I own that's a Dual Disc (pretty much everything from between 2004 and 2006/2007), I had to buy again on iTunes. Recently, I got Marilyn Manson's new album. Specifically, I got the deluxe edition because I'm a whore for bonus tracks, and it came on a black carbon disc, and the fucking computer wouldn't read it so I had to buy it again on iTunes.
I tried using an external CD drive to see if it would work, but it wouldn't even connect to the computer because it already has a CD drive built in. The thing turned on when I plugged it in, but that's literally all I could do with it. I couldn't even get it to accept a disc.

02-06-2015, 12:33 AM
When people try and say that Marilyn Monroe would be considered overweight by todays standards and try and use her as some sort of "real woman" icon. Yeah nope, she was 37-23-36


02-06-2015, 02:32 AM
This explains the dress size differences back then, which probably caused the confusion now


02-06-2015, 09:06 AM
when I was drunk the other week I sent a FB friend request to one of the teachers at daycare
she's awesome, really great with the kid
she rejected it - and I feel so ashamed, I knew I shouldn't have done it
I mean there's lots of reasons I can understand why teachers at daycare wouldn't want to be FB friends with parents
But still
Now I feel awkward and stupid

02-06-2015, 09:21 AM
Hold music :mad:

one of the banes of my existence
it's always distorted to the point of sheer torture
it's a big mistake and needs to be replaced with something less annoying

02-06-2015, 07:21 PM
Bloody tennis elbow! Or, in fancier terms: bloody lateral epicondylitis!

02-08-2015, 01:48 PM
some friends of mine recently had their newborn baby contract measles. As a gesture encouraging people to get vaccinated, they uploaded a couple pictures of the development of the disease.

The picture has gone viral.... and there's a ton of people commenting now claiming that the pictures are either photoshopped, or that the person (whom I know personally) isn't real, and they have "proof." This is also a huge conspiracy by the new world order as well.

Fuck people, especially anti-vaccine arrogant conspiracy theorists.

02-08-2015, 01:59 PM
That's fucking horrible! I absolutely loathe anti-vaxxers.

02-08-2015, 04:26 PM
That's fucking horrible! I absolutely loathe anti-vaxxers.

It's really maddening... here's one of the facepalmiest discussions happening on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RtAVM/photos/a.414675905269091.96547.414643305272351/854024234667587/?type=1

Space Suicide
02-08-2015, 04:36 PM
Yeah, I never understood ignorant and arrogant people/parents who swear off vaccinations. They're not bad. AT. ALL.

02-08-2015, 05:57 PM
Fuck's sake, I hate stupid people so much.

02-08-2015, 06:22 PM
Not vaccinating your children for any other reason other than them being too young or not being able to have them should be considered child abuse. Absolutely fucking inexcusable and enraging.

02-08-2015, 06:36 PM
I had measles when I was a baby (3 years old) in the early-1960s (I was too young for the measles vaccine) and I almost died; never mind the spots; high fever, hallucinating, couldn't breathe. Nonetheless, my doctor recently told me to go get my measles, mumps and rubella shot updated, and I'm gonna. Right away.

These anti-vax parents are morons.

I even have one of these (https://doublebhomestead.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/800px-1.jpg) on my leg and at least I won't get smallpox, LOL.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-08-2015, 06:45 PM
If I wanted white powder I'd buy a fucking donut.

These Sunday-Monday snowstorms are getting old … and I don't have any donuts to cheer myself up.

02-08-2015, 07:29 PM
when I was drunk the other week I sent a FB friend request to one of the teachers at daycare
she's awesome, really great with the kid
she rejected it - and I feel so ashamed, I knew I shouldn't have done it
I mean there's lots of reasons I can understand why teachers at daycare wouldn't want to be FB friends with parents
But still
Now I feel awkward and stupid
Don't feel bad, the way I see it- it would just be awkward for her if you were friends. Like, I work in day care so I wouldn't really want the parents seeing pictures of me a party of a picture of me where I'm pretending to look horrified with the world. Or like, maybe a vent about "Today was loud and I have a head ache" type posts that MAY happen. Well, I'm sure you understand that. I had a co-worker be like 'Do you have facebook? I spend so much time on that!" I tactfully engaged her in the conversation in a way that discouraged that we should "connect on facebook". She was just as tactful though by not just flat out saying she'll look for me. Even if she does, she won't be able to beacuse of the variation i put on my name anyways...

02-08-2015, 08:48 PM
I had measles when I was a baby (3 years old) in the early-1960s (I was too young for the measles vaccine) and I almost died; never mind the spots; high fever, hallucinating, couldn't breathe. Nonetheless, my doctor recently told me to go get my measles, mumps and rubella shot updated, and I'm gonna. Right away.

These anti-vax parents are morons.

I even have one of these (https://doublebhomestead.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/800px-1.jpg) on my leg and at least I won't get smallpox, LOL.

Yeah, my mom said I had a mild case so she thinks I should go get checked. Apparently, they can test for your immunity now.
Jinsai - many of the folks commenting don't understand what happened there. The baby got the measles because someone else had it, not that he hadn't be vaccinated. He's too young for the shot.

People are dumb. They just want to win an argument.

02-09-2015, 09:19 AM
Don't feel bad, the way I see it- it would just be awkward for her if you were friends. Like, I work in day care so I wouldn't really want the parents seeing pictures of me a party of a picture of me where I'm pretending to look horrified with the world. Or like, maybe a vent about "Today was loud and I have a head ache" type posts that MAY happen. Well, I'm sure you understand that. I had a co-worker be like 'Do you have facebook? I spend so much time on that!" I tactfully engaged her in the conversation in a way that discouraged that we should "connect on facebook". She was just as tactful though by not just flat out saying she'll look for me. Even if she does, she won't be able to beacuse of the variation i put on my name anyways...

Yes, I totally get that. Also, maybe it's even workplace policy, that wouldn't surprise me. Still I feel super-awkward: I saw her today. I kind of even want to apologize for it or something, but then that would make it worse, because it'd seem like I'm asking for an explanation or accusing or whining about it or wanting assurance she doesn't dislike me. I think what is probably happening is that I am fixating on this thing, projecting all my other problems atm onto it. I feel stupid because I knew I shouldn't have done it, but did it anyway, and now I feel I created a problem in a relationship which was great and didn't need any such complication.

Right now I feel a bit like:

Ah well, I guess it will blow over.

02-09-2015, 09:49 AM
trying to catch up on ETS after being gone for over a week. that was difficult.

02-09-2015, 09:56 AM
i'm right there with you eversonpoe .

02-09-2015, 02:48 PM
AAAAND I just CCed instead of BCCing, revealing the email of someone I shouldn't have. Gah.

02-09-2015, 03:51 PM
Selfies from cars. I saw one that implied the car was moving too. STOP IT PEOPLE.

02-09-2015, 04:19 PM
Selfies from cars. I saw one that implied the car was moving too. STOP IT PEOPLE.

the only time i ever do that is right before leaving for a trip (it's a tradition for my wife and i) so the car isn't even started yet.

02-09-2015, 08:21 PM
Selfies from cars. I saw one that implied the car was moving too. STOP IT PEOPLE.

Car selfies used as pro pics on Facebook or LinkedIn. Put a bit of effort in peeps.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-09-2015, 08:58 PM
At least 12 counties denied licenses to same-sex couples, according to AL.com, an Alabama news site. More than 40 stopped issuing marriage licenses altogether Monday, though at least 20 of those were still accepting applications for marriage licenses. Nine counties agreed to marry everyone.
Leave it to Alabama to be the asshole. I'm really starting to think that winning the Civil War was a bad idea. :mad:

02-10-2015, 09:04 AM
"Reesees Peesees" along with the justification of "Well, that's what I learned to call it when I was 7 and everyone still recognizes what I'm trying to describe so it doesn't matter."

02-10-2015, 03:07 PM
I just read something I probably shouldn't have read (that had a trigger warning) and brought back a flood of bad memories and feelings about some really terrible experiences I had when I was younger and now I'm feeling angry and shitty.

02-10-2015, 03:37 PM
I hope it wasn't 50 Shits of Grey.

02-11-2015, 11:40 AM
I give up on humanity.

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-health-officials-warn-against-measles-parties/ (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-health-officials-warn-against-measles-parties/)

Big Fat Matt
02-11-2015, 03:14 PM
In a pathfinder campaign where my buddy and I are the only two people who A) show up every session B) Roleplay C) Have thought-out backstories and proposed endgames for our characters*. DM decides to pit us against a lv12 dragon. We are both lv 3's. The Dragons's damage reduction exceeds the amount of damage we can do. No one speaks draconic** and our two characters die.

Have to write a new character.

After I bought and painted a model.

After I commissioned a portrait of the two of them.

* Cool backstory does not include "he is a demon hunter" or "he is the only survivor of his village"

** one of the character creation rules was NOTHING draconic. No dragon people, no taking draconic as a language.

TL;DR My DM has made it not fun to play Pathfinder anymore.

02-12-2015, 11:04 PM
more FB woes
got FB-rejected by a woman...who I am writing a book with
Strange; I guess everyone has their FB boundaries.
But we follow each other on twitter. OK.

My new policy: I'm going to ASK before I friend-request anyone

also been under a lot of fire and abuse online for a black metal queer theory symposium I'm organizing
apparently there's a bunch of jerks who don't want it to happen
and death threats, according to FB, do not violate their community standards.

let me repeat that: death threats do not violate FB's community standards.


02-12-2015, 11:28 PM
Dude, you need to disconnect from FB. It's reached an unhealthy stage. Ick.

02-12-2015, 11:30 PM

the innernet in general; next weekend I will be in NYC for three days and I am so looking forward to it (and not looking at a screen all day).

Halo Infinity
02-13-2015, 12:10 PM
Internet cafes that don't allow you to print and save stuff by yourself.

02-14-2015, 12:14 PM
FML! this seems to be my favorite thread as of late

recap of my Friday the 13th

wake up- roommate who showers first is taking way too long with her shower. Screw it no shower today.
head out to catch bus for school, turn corner of street just as bus is pulling away 5min ahead of schedule.
start running to catch alternate bus- again just in time to see it pulling away from stop.
finally catch bus option #3 across town to a connecting bus.
Connecting bus is delayed 20 min...
realize new phone is no longer in designated pocket.
freak the fuck out! phone already going straight to voicemail.
Get to school late for test. Almost get denied entry. thankfully there was 7 other people who were also in the same situation so they made an exception and let us in.
not know half the info on test/ too stressed about lost phone to care.
spill scalding tea on myself at lunch between four hours of reproductive anatomy classes
get bus home--bus breaks down
take alternate bus home.
go to bus company lost and found. no hope for getting phone back.
Valentines dinner? nope restaurant gave reservations to another group.

Digital Twilight
02-14-2015, 01:16 PM
FML! this seems to be my favorite thread as of late

recap of my Friday the 13th

wake up- roommate who showers first is taking way too long with her shower. Screw it no shower today.
head out to catch bus for school, turn corner of street just as bus is pulling away 5min ahead of schedule.
start running to catch alternate bus- again just in time to see it pulling away from stop.
finally catch bus option #3 across town to a connecting bus.
Connecting bus is delayed 20 min...
realize new phone is no longer in designated pocket.
freak the fuck out! phone already going straight to voicemail.
Get to school late for test. Almost get denied entry. thankfully there was 7 other people who were also in the same situation so they made an exception and let us in.
not know half the info on test/ too stressed about lost phone to care.
spill scalding tea on myself at lunch between four hours of reproductive anatomy classes
get bus home--bus breaks down
take alternate bus home.
go to bus company lost and found. no hope for getting phone back.
Valentines dinner? nope restaurant gave reservations to another group.

Ouch! What a terrible day :( I hope your week makes up for it.

Space Suicide
02-14-2015, 07:54 PM
Not little but having a father that flirts with alcoholism isn't fun. It's downright atrocious and hard to deal with. So over this bullshit.

02-15-2015, 06:46 PM
Holy shit. Someone stole money from my savings account! PayPal has me giving a decent amount of money to someone I have never heard of before in my life. I immediately called my bank, they froze my account, I'm going into a branch tomorrow to close out my account and they are going to investigate and get me my money back. In the meantime, is there any way to file a police report on this? I guess there must be. Would it do any good? I've never had this happen before. I'm very freaked out and very, VERY angry right now.

02-15-2015, 07:00 PM
Not little but having a father that flirts with alcoholism isn't fun. It's downright atrocious and hard to deal with. So over this bullshit.

How does one flirt with alcoholism? Is it just like, he doesn't think it's a problem when it could be though it isn't really yet or...?

Space Suicide
02-15-2015, 07:03 PM
How does one flirt with alcoholism? Is it just like, he doesn't think it's a problem when it could be though it isn't really yet or...?

Some days he's a full blown drunk and other days he's completely proper and doesn't touch a drop. He drinks more than he doesn't so I'd be inclined to say he's an alcoholic as he truly does abuse alcohol to the maximum limit 5/7 days a week usually. I said he flirts with it as he could do without it if he truly tried. It's hard to classify honestly.

02-15-2015, 07:11 PM
Ok, I understand now. I only ask because the topic of alcoholism is in a book I'm reading and is something I grew up kind of fearing. I used to think that the one drink my dad would have a night was him being an alcoholic. I feel guilty myself when I want a beer or two at night because of how habitual it is. I feel guilty a little too just wanting coffee in the morning (this morning I didn't need the caffeine so I ended up putting in two thirds of decaf). My perspective is so skewed....

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-15-2015, 07:21 PM
Hearing the wind blowing like that in midwinter is disturbing. I'll be seriously tempted to stay in bed on Monday.

02-16-2015, 09:00 AM
Some days he's a full blown drunk and other days he's completely proper and doesn't touch a drop. He drinks more than he doesn't so I'd be inclined to say he's an alcoholic as he truly does abuse alcohol to the maximum limit 5/7 days a week usually. I said he flirts with it as he could do without it if he truly tried. It's hard to classify honestly.

He's an alcoholic. The dry days are just to prove to himself that he doesn't need it. Denial.

Call me cynical with just enough experience with walking alcoholics.

02-17-2015, 02:15 AM
Fucking snow. For a child, snow means freedom. No school, building snowmen, snowball fights, making snow angels. For me, snow means imprisonment. We currently have about seven or eight inches on the ground right now, and it's not supposed to stop for the next few hours. I live out on back roads that don't get plowed and take a lot longer to melt because they don't get direct sunlight... I'll be lucky to make it out of the house by Thursday or Friday.
I have a gig on Friday night that I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to because of the fucking snow.

02-17-2015, 09:28 AM
My stepfather's mother is dying of pancreatic cancer, which we found out she had in September after she had lost a bunch of weight while on vacation. It really sucks seeing one of the most driven and eccentric people in my life wither away with really not a thing anyone can do about it.

Sarah K
02-17-2015, 11:58 AM
This dude I know had a child yesterday, and named it "Zephyr Diesel".

Fuckin' hippies, man.

02-17-2015, 07:31 PM
My job, which I loved for many reasons, is undergoing changes under a new boss that makes it much less lovable. I should mention I am adverse to change but am trying to make the best of it. Despite my efforts, it's been stressful, overwhelming and disheartening.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-17-2015, 09:36 PM
Wait. What?

As of 2013, 41% of Americans believed themselves to be living in the End Times as described by Bible, with a full third of Americans believing that the current civil war in Syria is a sign of the coming Apocalypse.
41% … the fuck? Who are these people?


Sarah K
02-17-2015, 09:39 PM
Ya ever been to the south or the midwest?

02-17-2015, 09:41 PM
Snow, snow and more snow.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-17-2015, 09:52 PM
Ya ever been to the south or the midwest?


… But if these freaks promise to stay there, I'm good.

02-17-2015, 10:12 PM


… But if these freaks promise to stay there, I'm good.
Please allow me to remind people that "The Midwest" includes CHICAGO and DETROIT and we most assuredly are educated and ain't buying that shit. Thank you.

Pisses me off: Polls and people who don't question them.

02-18-2015, 07:59 AM
BOTH of my bands are playing a show together tonight (it's a 4-band show that starts at 9pm, my two bands are playing third and fourth), i have to drive my wife to a 9:30am job interview tomorrow morning, and i woke up today sick with some kind of sinus/chest thing that's making it impossible to breathe and making my limbs feel like noodles.

02-18-2015, 08:11 AM
I've had swollen tonsils and a sore throat and generally feel like shit for 2 days, but my boss' daughter and little granddaughters are in town AND he's had a migraine for 3 days so he's getting nothing done and I have to run the office. But I am barred from making a shitload of decisions due to ethical limitations so everything is on hold and people are pissed and he's just out to lunch. And I want to go to bed and say fuck all of it.

02-18-2015, 08:28 AM
I've had swollen tonsils and a sore throat and generally feel like shit for 2 days, but my boss' daughter and little granddaughters are in town AND he's had a migraine for 3 days so he's getting nothing done and I have to run the office. But I am barred from making a shitload of decisions due to ethical limitations so everything is on hold and people are pissed and he's just out to lunch. And I want to go to bed and say fuck all of it.

sicklings unite!

hope you feel better.

02-18-2015, 08:35 AM
sicklings unite!

hope you feel better.

Thanks, you too! Tea with lemon, sugar and good locally-distilled bourbon may not be technically or medically helping but it sure makes my throat feel better.

I have to go grocery-shopping today and it's, like, FIVE DEGREES outside. Ugh.

02-18-2015, 08:48 AM
Thanks, you too! Tea with lemon, sugar and good locally-distilled bourbon may not be technically or medically helping but it sure makes my throat feel better.

I have to go grocery-shopping today and it's, like, FIVE DEGREES outside. Ugh.

i have to go to trump tower to fix a customer's universal remote / apple tv because after texting with him for over an hour last night, he still couldn't get it to do what it's supposed to do. and i have to take the train >.<

02-18-2015, 09:46 AM
Wait. What?

As of 2013, 41% of Americans believed themselves to be living in the End Times as described by Bible.

41% … the fuck? Who are these people?


Uh that's not exactly an inaccurate perspective, all things considered. Which is kind of ironic, since many of the god fearing people who seemingly voted in said poll are the ones who refuse to acknowledge or believe in global warming.


02-18-2015, 10:34 AM
i have to go to trump tower to fix a customer's universal remote / apple tv because after texting with him for over an hour last night, he still couldn't get it to do what it's supposed to do. and i have to take the train >.<

I hope the Metra, at least that's warm. Charge the idiot double and wipe your germs on him for such a stupid simple problem. ;)

02-18-2015, 10:38 AM
Yeah what an asshole he is for making you do your job, fuck him

02-18-2015, 10:43 AM
Yeah, fuck him in his million dollar condo in the Trump Tower and he can't figure out his universal remote.

02-18-2015, 10:59 AM
so when you've unfriended someone on Facebook, and they start sending you obnoxious text messages, is there anything you can do? I'm not super savvy on Facebook, but this is irritating. Is there just a way to block someone?

Halo Infinity
02-18-2015, 12:24 PM
Jinsai - As of now, you'd have to click the three dots next to their message buttons on the right of them when you visit the front page of their profiles. The words report and block should drop down once you've clicked it. After that, just select block, and the rest should be history. :)


Joy Prevention Hotline
02-18-2015, 09:24 PM
Please allow me to remind people that "The Midwest" includes CHICAGO and DETROIT and we most assuredly are educated and ain't buying that shit.
I've started reading a book that thinks you're wrong — but in a good way. Its premise is that the way we traditionally subdivide the US is largely inaccurate, even at the state level.

I haven't read far enough yet, but it's going to argue that Chicago, Detroit and points north have been culturally and politically aligned with New York and New England since birth, not the "Midwest" as we think of it.

Uh that's not exactly an inaccurate perspective, all things considered. Which is kind of ironic, since many of the god fearing people who seemingly voted in said poll are the ones who refuse to acknowledge or believe in global warming.
I don't necessarily disagree that we're on the verge of wiping ourselves out, and I imagine I'm just one of many atheists preparing to kiss our collective ass goodbye. I just have an issue with people who think this can be explained by religious zealots who died 2,000 years ago — and oh by the way, they're not going to be the ones on the losing end.

Doesn't help that certain religious zealots are doing their best right now to usher in an apocalypse (http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/?utm_source=nextdraft&utm_medium=email). I think they give themselves too much credit, but let's not be giving the Bible thumpers any ideas…

(I think I've used up my lifetime allotment of soapbox time in this one post, so back to complaining about the snow.)

02-18-2015, 09:47 PM
I've started reading a book that thinks you're wrong — but in a good way. Its premise is that the way we traditionally subdivide the US is largely inaccurate, even at the state level.

I haven't read far enough yet, but it's going to argue that Chicago, Detroit and points north have been culturally and politically aligned with New York and New England since birth, not the "Midwest" as we think of it.
Interesting theory, except Chicago and Detroit are surrounded by farmland but are also supported by blue collar middle class. You ask any lifetime Detroit or Chicago resident like myself and they will identify themselves as Midwest residents, mostly due to weather, seasons, good old-fashioned working class values, etc., but I doubt many if any of them will consider themselves East Coast. There are lots of northern Midwest areas that are farming Republicans: Northern WI, the Upper Peninsula of MI, lots of Michigan (despite the Union presence), lots of northern Minnesota, etc., are heavy Republican, right next to the Union Democrats.

Chicago and Detroit have politically aligned themselves with labor unions for many many years, still do. (Not necessarily true with southern Illinois or northern Michigan or the U.P.) Yet, we've always been proud to be the center of the Midwest.

We're divided into two regions: The Great Lakes States and the Great Plains States. Anybody who's ever traveled through the great plains or read "Little House on the Prairie" can see how we're different, lol. ;) Yet, we're definitely not coastal Atlantic old money (Edith Wharton), or the South. Although, southern Illinois is geographically damned close to the South (as are the residents); ditto for Cincinatti or St. Louis. But, so are some people in D.C. and Maryland.

We should be called "North Central U.S."

02-19-2015, 01:45 AM
Not having an "off" switch for my brain.

02-19-2015, 02:26 AM
Not having an "off" switch for my brain.
That's totally a thing.

Me: The last couple hours of work ...