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04-01-2015, 09:48 AM
I have a new password for all kinds of things and it's awesome. The password is so good I want to tell it to everyone but I can't, and that fucking sucks!

Halo Infinity
04-01-2015, 10:16 PM
I wouldn't say that it always disgusts and irritates me, but I think I dislike eating outdoors, especially in the summer when there's lots of flies, bees, mosquitoes and gnats flying around. It has ruined eating outdoors for me, especially when I can't use a chair and a table. But even having chairs and tables won't help if I'm surrounded with lots of insects, and the hot weather just makes it even worse. And then there's also the issues with rain, wind or the weather just being far too cold. If given the choice, I'd rather eat inside a house or inside a restaurant. I'm at least aware that roughing it while camping is different story though.

04-02-2015, 04:02 AM
gnats flying around.

The amount of them get so bad around where i am in the Summer, they always go right for any available orifice...... i can't even go outside some days without having to hold my breath and squint to get through clouds upon clouds of them. Yet what i hate is looking at other people nearby and it's like I'm the only one flipping out and they never seem to bother anyone else, i guess they just love the way i smell or something.

EDIT: I just realized i already bitched about this very thing in this thread at 09-20-2014, 09:03 PM lololol

well it serves them right, the little bastards that they are.

04-03-2015, 04:05 PM

Tried a new one about three weeks ago and I think she made it worse
For now I'm sticking with physical therapy: I think I am gradually improving, but very slowly, and with plenty of steps back into painville
like today for example
I still don't know if it's muscular or a vertebra
still waiting to do the mri

04-04-2015, 03:20 AM
That the Random Stupidity thread, formerly a wondrous storehouse of awesome inanity, has fizzled out into the personal playground of 2 or 3 aggressively miserable twats with chips on their shoulders.

EDIT: that it took me this long to realize nü-ETS has an ignore feature.
You should post some stuff in there then, i've never seen you post there at all.

04-04-2015, 09:27 AM
Wifi router/modem from Comcast is FUBAR and I have to wait until Thursday for the earliest home appointment. Totally not inconvenient in the least!

04-04-2015, 04:16 PM
Wifi router/modem from Comcast is FUBAR and I have to wait until Thursday for the earliest home appointment. Totally not inconvenient in the least!You can't go into one of their convenience centers and pick a new one up?

04-04-2015, 07:13 PM
When my soon to be removed gallbladder ruins my birthday. Fuck you, motherfucker, you're dead in 13 days!

04-04-2015, 07:17 PM
You can't go into one of their convenience centers and pick a new one up?

Will do Monday since it's more than likely an equipment issue.

04-04-2015, 09:04 PM
Will do Monday since it's more than likely an equipment issue.
Not sure if it's an option or not but you should really think about buying your own, most cable company router/modems are refurbished/reused garbage. You can buy a really decent docsis 3.0 router/modem for about $130 and stop paying their bullshit equipment rental fees.

Joy Prevention Hotline
04-04-2015, 09:13 PM
I still find myself looking out the window to make sure it's not snowing. And still waiting for the day I can finally retire my turtlenecks for the season.

Fuck winter. (But even I would take that over California's drought.)

cashpiles (closed)
04-05-2015, 07:03 AM
I am currently living in China.

For the past 3 months or so my neighbor directly above me has been destroying my slumbers. Almost every night, at around 2am I am awakened by yappy barking, the rattling of cages and a woman's shouting. You see, I believe she gets home from work at that time. She then stays up for an hour or more. During this time, her dogs are freaking out and causing a racket while she periodically screams at them. You can imagine how my blood is boiling at those times. Of course, the next morning I don't feel like I should, and it damages my quality of life. We all know how important a healthy block of sleep is.

About a month ago, I finally had had enough.

3am. First Strike. I am in bed, in a fucking rage. I get up, put on some clothes and slip on my shoes. I also grab my iPhone because I can't speak enough Chinese yet. I go upstairs to where I think her door is. As I approach I can smell heavy perfume. As far as I know, she's a Karaoke hostess (prostitute). That's just my guess. Anyways, yes, I also hear her fucking dogs running around barking. They sound like a small breed. I work up some courage and knock on her door. First time, no answer. I knock again and she calls out, "Weiii?" That's like a greeting equivalent to "Hello?" when you pick up the phone. I type in a message using YouDao, an app that translates messages into Chinese. I hold the phone up to her peep hole and hit the play button. A computerized female Chinese voice says something like "your dogs wake me up every night. Please keep them quiet." I stand at the door for a time and nothing happens. I walk back down to my apartment, shaking, but feeling good that I took action.

The next night I am awakened again, but I can hear that things are quieter now. She is being more careful.

A couple nights later. Fucking CUNT.

For the next few days the onslaught of those yapping mutts and this Karaoke prostitute's yelling carry on. Sleep: destroyed.

About a week later I contact my neighbor who lives in the same building complex, but 2 entrances down from my building section. She is so cool. She's Chinese and about 6 feet 1 inch tall, and she's pretty with a very cool attitude. She wears black glittery gloves and makes me feel like I'm in Grade 9 again where some girls were taller than me and I had to go on my tippy toes during slow dances to get my chin on their shoulders. I ask her to help me. She contacts the residential committee people for this community or some group like that and they send people to cunt brain's door. My neighbor warned me though that this would probably piss this woman off big time and that she may be even louder in the future.

For a couple nights this totally wasn't true and things were quiet. But you guessed it. Cunt Brain recommenced.

3 weeks later or so. Some nights I guess my ears just block it out. But some nights there's no escape. She absolutely does not care about her neighbors. She's one of these only child products. A princess in her own world. There seems to be a culture of selfishness that has arisen because of China's former One Child Policy, or so I've read. I'm not saying all or even most children from these families are like this, but THIS ONE IS.

Fast forward to last night: the tipping point.

From fucking 2am to 4:30am my favorite sources of rage are ruining my sleep. I start to think of ways to get revenge on her or cause her trouble. I have a bottle of soy sauce in my kitchen, almost full because I never cook. I have this idea of pouring it all over her door as a kind of immature "Freshmen year university dormitory" attack. So I do. I creep up the stairs with bottle in hand. As I tip toe to her corridor I step on a tile of floor that is loose and makes a sound. The dogs hear and start freaking out. I quickly retreat, spilling some soy sauce on my pants. FUCK.

An hour later I message about 6 friends, asking them all to contact the police and complain about my neighbor. The next morning 2 of my friends agree and I think around 11am today some officers visited her apartment.

I've been home most of the day recovering from sleep deprivation and although it's a bit quieter, she hasn't changed her behavior.

But here's the best part! Late last night while I was insanely angry, my mind popped out this wacky idea: jam something in her door lock key hole so that when she comes home late at night, she CAN'T GET BACK INTO HER FUCKING APARTMENT.

At about 1pm today I went shopping. I bought 2 bottles of super glue/contact cement. In one or two nights I'm going to squirt the entire contents of those bottles into her key hole.


04-05-2015, 02:33 PM
Hey, man. Cashpiles, that seems really childish. I really feel bad for you. I was renting the basement of a house with a crack addict living above. He was up all the time making noise all day. 8 am, noon, 6 pm, 4 am you name it. I told the landlord but he didn't care. I know this feeling.

But really, what's putting glue in the lock going to solve? She will call the landlord and replace the lock and the cycle will repeat. I don't know what kind of situation you are in, but the best option would be to find a new place. But really, glueing the lock shut might make you feel great temporarily but in the long run it's no good. Se might even start making more noise. I have no idea about how rentals work in China but maybe you should talk to the landlord. Or, keep contacting the police. Again, I have no idea how much that would work in China but it's better than a petty act of revenge.

cashpiles (closed)
04-06-2015, 08:53 AM
icecream, I think I will hold off on the glue and contact the police again. But if that doesn't work, I will keep her out of her apartment every night for as long as it takes until she moves out. I don't want to move, because it's very expensive to move to a new place here in Beijing. It requires 4 months of rent upfront. All the other neighbors are decent. It's only her. She just got home and her dogs barked for a moment but they are quiet now. I think after the last police visit she has begun to change. Hopefully for good.

04-06-2015, 09:05 AM
Wifi router/modem from Comcast is FUBAR and I have to wait until Thursday for the earliest home appointment. Totally not inconvenient in the least!

Not sure if it's an option or not but you should really think about buying your own, most cable company router/modems are refurbished/reused garbage. You can buy a really decent docsis 3.0 router/modem for about $130 and stop paying their bullshit equipment rental fees.

actually, you can get a good motorola one for about $90 on sale (amazon or the best buy website), but you should have your own outboard wireless router. the comcast combo modem/routers ALWAYS fail after not very long. every customer i have that leases one has had multiple issues with them over the years. plus, like tony said, then you don't have to pay a leasing fee every month.

as long as you don't get phone from them as well...because then you have to have a modem that provides phone, and you can't buy one of those (which is so stupid).

Sarah K
04-06-2015, 10:10 AM
From fucking 2am to 4:30am my favorite sources of rage are ruining my sleep. I start to think of ways to get revenge on her or cause her trouble. I have a bottle of soy sauce in my kitchen, almost full because I never cook. I have this idea of pouring it all over her door as a kind of immature "Freshmen year university dormitory" attack. So I do. I creep up the stairs with bottle in hand. As I tip toe to her corridor I step on a tile of floor that is loose and makes a sound. The dogs hear and start freaking out. I quickly retreat, spilling some soy sauce on my pants. FUCK.

This had me laughing so hard.

But yeah, dumb plan.

04-06-2015, 10:19 AM
icecream, I think I will hold off on the glue and contact the police again. But if that doesn't work, I will keep her out of her apartment every night for as long as it takes until she moves out.
But that's cruelty to animals, because the dogs will be locked inside the apartment with no food and water and will starve to death with nobody to get to them to provide them with food or water.

Why don't you just buy some earplugs or something?

04-06-2015, 10:46 AM
allegro I can't find the post where you answered me; what's your objection to chiropractors?
I had one in NYC who was the first person to actually really make a difference for my back. She was great. I do realize the problem that they do the work you should be learning to do: it's kind of like outsourcing your own responsibility to keep good posture etc.
But the one here I think messed things up worse, I won't be going back to her.

04-06-2015, 12:13 PM
allegro I can't find the post where you answered me; what's your objection to chiropractors?
I had one in NYC who was the first person to actually really make a difference for my back. She was great. I do realize the problem that they do the work you should be learning to do: it's kind of like outsourcing your own responsibility to keep good posture etc.
But the one here I think messed things up worse, I won't be going back to her.
I worked for personal injury attorneys for many years, and I won't TOTALLY get into why I don't like chiropractors but that's where it started. They're not medical doctors. I've seen them cause more damage, and mostly just run up more medical bills by perpetuating more appointments than actually do any good. They cause temporary help, but so do pain killers. I hate getting into this discussion because I've gotten into some really awful arguments with people about this who swear by their *three times weekly* chiro appointments. A chiro tore my mom's rotator cuff. There is basically zero medical science that backs their "alignment" bullshit, but they'll get on their soapbox and whip out stupid diagrams about "alignment" that's the equivalent of Scientology and sell it. But it's not covered by most insurance. It's placebo shit. If you *think* it works, it probably will. Yes, learn some posture techniques and you can learn that from an ortho doctor which is covered by insurance and he/she probably won't tear anything in the process. Or, go to a physical therapist who will not use that bullshit neck manipulation technique that can cause you to have a fucking stroke. Ugh. I guess I totally just did get into why I don't like them, oh well. And, no, I'm not going to argue about this, sorry, that's why I deleted my initial comment. My apologies to anyone who is offended by this, as I'm sure there are some chiro fans, but it is what it is. I've HAD injuries, post-accident, etc., and I went to Orthopedic Surgeons (http://www7.aaos.org/member/directory/directory.aspx) and to physical therapists, etc., and did GREAT, thanks. Highly recommended.

04-06-2015, 06:36 PM
Booooooo! So I took eversonpoe's advice and purchased my own modem. (Sidenote: when I turned my rental modem into Comcast, the service rep said I was going to *love* the Motorola model I bought, heh.) Called customer support to activate the new modem, only to be told there is a signal issue. The guy on the line tried to put an emergency request for my appointment but it would only push it up by one day, so I'm still without service until hopefully Thursday. The good news is at least I know it's an issue on Comcast's end. You can be certain I'll be calling billing to receive credit once this is said and done.

Joy Prevention Hotline
04-06-2015, 08:53 PM
I worked for personal injury attorneys for many years
Please tell me they weren't … ambulance chasers.

04-06-2015, 09:08 PM
Please tell me they weren't … ambulance chasers.
Yup, sure were! They did a lot of other types of legal work, as well (divorce, real estate, estate planning, civil litigation, arbitration) because that shit only pays in volume. I mostly trained and managed their legal secretaries and developed and managed their database relating to PI. The best PI work they had were cases against the City, slip-and-fall cases, but even most of those weren't big death cases that paid big. In the PI business, attorneys joked, when they went to lunch, "call me if a leg-off case comes in." Ambulance-chasing is grounds for Disbarment so that doesn't really actually happen anymore. But now it refers to car accident cases of any kind, slip-and-fall cases, and pretty much any injury cases. If you fall down on ice on the stairs in front of your aunt's house, you often have to hire a PI attorney to sue your aunt's insurance company to pay your medical bills because your own medical insurance company might not pay. Your medical bills are called "special damages" or "specials." They generally want you to run up as many bills as possible to make your injuries look worse and your case look better. This is where the chiros really rack up the heat treatments and shit, except instead of billing the insurance co., they file a lien. And they hardly ever settle, they almost always want ALL THEIR MONEY. So chiros get paid first, then everybody else, if you win.

04-07-2015, 02:06 PM
I worked for personal injury attorneys for many years, and I won't TOTALLY get into why I don't like chiropractors but that's where it started. They're not medical doctors. I've seen them cause more damage, and mostly just run up more medical bills by perpetuating more appointments than actually do any good. They cause temporary help, but so do pain killers. I hate getting into this discussion because I've gotten into some really awful arguments with people about this who swear by their *three times weekly* chiro appointments. A chiro tore my mom's rotator cuff. There is basically zero medical science that backs their "alignment" bullshit, but they'll get on their soapbox and whip out stupid diagrams about "alignment" that's the equivalent of Scientology and sell it. But it's not covered by most insurance. It's placebo shit. If you *think* it works, it probably will. Yes, learn some posture techniques and you can learn that from an ortho doctor which is covered by insurance and he/she probably won't tear anything in the process. Or, go to a physical therapist who will not use that bullshit neck manipulation technique that can cause you to have a fucking stroke. Ugh. I guess I totally just did get into why I don't like them, oh well. And, no, I'm not going to argue about this, sorry, that's why I deleted my initial comment. My apologies to anyone who is offended by this, as I'm sure there are some chiro fans, but it is what it is. I've HAD injuries, post-accident, etc., and I went to Orthopedic Surgeons (http://www7.aaos.org/member/directory/directory.aspx) and to physical therapists, etc., and did GREAT, thanks. Highly recommended.

I think I am ready to renounce chiropractors.

04-07-2015, 03:18 PM
Booooooo! So I took @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588)'s advice and purchased my own modem. (Sidenote: when I turned my rental modem into Comcast, the service rep said I was going to *love* the Motorola model I bought, heh.) Called customer support to activate the new modem, only to be told there is a signal issue. The guy on the line tried to put an emergency request for my appointment but it would only push it up by one day, so I'm still without service until hopefully Thursday. The good news is at least I know it's an issue on Comcast's end. You can be certain I'll be calling billing to receive credit once this is said and done.

(This would be so much easier in person... Thursday is a bit off and the problem isn't necessarily on Comcast's end.)

1. Do you have Xfinity Voice?
2. What is the model number of the modem you purchased?
3. What kind of modem did you have before? Don't need to be too specific as Comcast is limited; was it mostly black/white or blue/navy?
4. What operating system do you use?
5. Have you tried a connection without the router?
6. When you attempt to open a webpage are you redirected to a 1-800-COMCAST (tel:1-800-COMCAST) page?

Honestly trying to help; sounds like it could be an eMTA or DHCP problem.

04-07-2015, 04:45 PM
(This would be so much easier in person... Thursday is a bit off and the problem isn't necessarily on Comcast's end.)

1. Do you have Xfinity Voice?
2. What is the model number of the modem you purchased?
3. What kind of modem did you have before? Don't need to be too specific as Comcast is limited; was it mostly black/white or blue/navy?
4. What operating system do you use?
5. Have you tried a connection without the router?
6. When you attempt to open a webpage are you redirected to a 1-800-COMCAST (tel:1-800-COMCAST) page?

Honestly trying to help; sounds like it could be an eMTA or DHCP problem.

1. No
2. Motorola SB6121
3. The black Motorola wifi modem/router
4. Mac
5. Yes and still no connection. Tech guy I spoke to last week said they weren't picking up a signal on their end, even after plugging Ethernet directly to laptop. Edit: just plugged laptop into Ethernet and activation screen popped up.
6. No.

Edit: went through activation process, at which point Comcast said all new devices are ready to use; click on tab to go to another site and I'm at activation page again.

04-07-2015, 05:30 PM

(Lateness due to irregularity, rather than a sex life.)

04-07-2015, 06:14 PM
Death to Chiropractors RantI was always of the same opinion as you relative to chiropractors. The need for them with those 3 times a week or "this will take 4 months and $4 grand to fix you" shenanigans until I hurt my back a couple of years ago. I knew I had done it lifting weights and was desperate for relief so I asked folks at my gym for a referral. I had at least six different people at different times suggest this one particular chiro. Thankfully it was my lower back and not my neck. The thought of someone messing with my neck creeps me out. Anyway, I did the three times a week visits for only a couple of weeks. More so, I appreciated that she told me from get-go there were other things I had to do like ice and rest, continue yoga and get a real massage which I believe the combination is what healed me. Now, I consider myself lucky to have had a good experience and would recommend this woman. I haven't lost my cynicism of chiros entirely. Still here enough stories of bad experiences.

04-07-2015, 06:19 PM
she told me from get-go there were other things I had to do like ice and rest, continue yoga and get a real massage which I believe the combination is what healed me.
Yes, and you would get that same thing from a REAL doctor and a physical therapist. I got the same treatment from my referred physical therapist via my ortho surgeon after an ankle injury.



There are a whole SHITLOAD of these here in Illinois, they have physicians, MRI facilities, physical therapists, etc. (http://www.ibji.com/) Surely, you must have the same thing in your area? I have an ankle doctor, my mom has a shoulder doctor, they have a ton of specialists focusing on body parts.

PT still takes a lot of appointments but a lot of it you can do at home.

04-07-2015, 06:24 PM
Yes, and you would get that same thing from a REAL doctor and a physical therapist. I got the same treatment from my referred physical therapist via my ortho surgeon after an ankle injury.


I look at it as avoiding all the costs of xrays and everything else docs often want/need/expect to order. I definitely would have ended up at one if the back issue hadn't resolved it self in a couple of weeks like it did. I sort of look at it as like when I quit smoking, did it with the help of a nurse practitioner, never saw the doc.

04-07-2015, 06:32 PM
1. No
2. Motorola SB6121
3. The black Motorola wifi modem/router
4. Mac
5. Yes and still no connection. Tech guy I spoke to last week said they weren't picking up a signal on their end, even after plugging Ethernet directly to laptop. Edit: just plugged laptop into Ethernet and activation screen popped up.
6. No.

Edit: went through activation process, at which point Comcast said all new devices are ready to use; click on tab to go to another site and I'm at activation page again.

Yep, DHCP issues...

(Obviously, close out of any apps using Internet)
1. While the MacBook is on, disconnect the Ethernet cable from it (MacBook) and the modem.
2. Disconnect the power cable from the back of the modem, leaving only the coaxial cable plugged into the back of the modem.
3. Reconnect only the power cable to the back of the modem.
4. Wait for the lights to "stabilize" on the modem (usually 20-30 seconds minimum to Bridge).
5. Reconnect the Ethernet cable first to your MacBook and then to your modem.
6. Wait around 1 minute and then reboot your MacBook.
7. After reboot, try Internet.

Hopefully this way works, there are several others ;) Wherever you see a time reference, use that as a minimum. This all sounds trivial, but it takes time for Comcast to establish their link/bridge with your modem and resolve these DHCP assignments.

In even simpler terms, you switched from a gateway (modem/wifi router) to a modem. Comcast is stupid so you need to give it a kick in the pants to realize this.

04-07-2015, 06:33 PM
I look at it as avoiding all the costs of xrays and everything else docs often want/need/expect to order. I definitely would have ended up at one if the back issue hadn't resolved it self in a couple of weeks like it did. I sort of look at it as like when I quit smoking, did it with the help of a nurse practitioner, never saw the doc.

I had an Xray at that one facility to make sure I didn't actually BREAK my ankle from the injury, yeah, because I'm insured and didn't pay for anything and it's all in one facility, I walked down the hall, got an Xray, walked back down the hall to the examining room, Doc walked in, "it's not broken." BFD. At least I could rule that out. Which was important, considering my ankle was 3x its normal size. And if your back is injured, you might want to rule out things, too, since you aren't a doctor? And you have insurance so why not USE IT? No, you don't need a doctor to quit smoking but if you are having pain, you don't go to a witch doctor shaking a rattle with a bone through his nose.

Speaking of medical issues: I am getting a COLONOSCOPY this Friday. And what is scaring more than the actual colonoscopy is the FULL DAY OF CLEAR DIET FASTING THE DAY BEFORE THE COLONOSCOPY. What the fuck. The ONE BIG MIGRAINE TRIGGER for me is not eating. And all I can eat, all day, is only "clear" stuff, nothing red or purple, no dairy, only stuff I can "read the newspaper through" and chicken broth and jello that is not red or purple and apple juice or yellow Gatoraid or tea or black coffee (yuck) and then starting at 6 pm I have to start drinking this stuff that makes you poop ALL NIGHT LONG and then I have to get up at 6 am AND DRINK MORE STUFF that makes you poop more, and then the colonoscopy is at 10:30 am. And they give you lots of drugs and I'll be high but I'm gonna go EAT, probably two Big Macs or something hahahaha.

Ugh. If I don't die of A MIGRAINE, first.

Pray for me.

04-07-2015, 07:47 PM
, you don't go to a witch doctor shaking a rattle with a bone through his nose.That's exactly what she looked like !!

Pray for me.Novena done. ;)

04-07-2015, 07:56 PM
Colonoscopy prep is the worst. Good luck.

As more angrily aforementioned (and ignored), I'm scheduled for surgery to have my evil gallbladder removed on the 17th. I've been getting murdered off and on over the past year and they finally think they've found the culprit. I'm really hoping I feel better after this and can start eating normally again soon thereafter.

04-08-2015, 09:40 AM
Yep, DHCP issues...

(Obviously, close out of any apps using Internet)
1. While the MacBook is on, disconnect the Ethernet cable from it (MacBook) and the modem.
2. Disconnect the power cable from the back of the modem, leaving only the coaxial cable plugged into the back of the modem.
3. Reconnect only the power cable to the back of the modem.
4. Wait for the lights to "stabilize" on the modem (usually 20-30 seconds minimum to Bridge).
5. Reconnect the Ethernet cable first to your MacBook and then to your modem.
6. Wait around 1 minute and then reboot your MacBook.
7. After reboot, try Internet.

Hopefully this way works, there are several others ;) Wherever you see a time reference, use that as a minimum. This all sounds trivial, but it takes time for Comcast to establish their link/bridge with your modem and resolve these DHCP assignments.

In even simpler terms, you switched from a gateway (modem/wifi router) to a modem. Comcast is stupid so you need to give it a kick in the pants to realize this.

Thanks for the help.

Everything worked for a good 10 minutes before I lost a signal again. :/

04-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Coworkers who try to boss you around.

My coworker, out of nowhere, started trying to tell me what to do. I have no clue where she got the idea that she somehow had any sort of authority over me but she doesn't. And if I had my wits about me I would have responded a little more strongly than I did. I was just sort of taken aback that someone would be so damn rude.

04-08-2015, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the help.

Everything worked for a good 10 minutes before I lost a signal again. :/

That's a fix I've used personally and is also recommended online to at least stop the ISP gateway from continuously popping up, which it appears to have solved.

I'll just copy and paste this next part, it can't hurt anything. It could be something as simple as extra connections/splitters that are no longer needed throwing out interference (which a tech should recognize right away):

1. Close any open Internet applications (such as Web browsers and email). Be sure to save any changes to any open documents.
2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
3. Choose Network from the View menu.
4. Choose Active Network Ports from the Show menu.
5. Deselect the "on" checkbox for port you use to connect to the Internet (such as Built-in Ethernet or AirPort).
6. Click Apply Now.
7. Reselect the checkbox for the port.
8. Click Apply Now.
9. Open a Web browser, and attempt to connect.

04-08-2015, 05:30 PM
When people say "labtop" instead of laptop. LABTOPS ARE NOT A THING.

04-08-2015, 06:34 PM
They are hardened, sterile and antistatic white top hats.

04-08-2015, 07:08 PM
When people say "labtop" instead of laptop. LABTOPS ARE NOT A THING.

That is annoying but LabTops are a thing. Technical school terminology.

Now a labtob, what is that?


I hate turning on either the central air or heat for the first time in a season and finding there's a problem.

04-09-2015, 12:13 AM
Say? Or type? I have trouble understanding people sometimes, classic one for me is "Fifty" overheard as "Fifteen". This can cause a big problem sometimes...

04-09-2015, 01:31 PM
That's a fix I've used personally and is also recommended online to at least stop the ISP gateway from continuously popping up, which it appears to have solved.

I'll just copy and paste this next part, it can't hurt anything. It could be something as simple as extra connections/splitters that are no longer needed throwing out interference (which a tech should recognize right away):

1. Close any open Internet applications (such as Web browsers and email). Be sure to save any changes to any open documents.
2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
3. Choose Network from the View menu.
4. Choose Active Network Ports from the Show menu.
5. Deselect the "on" checkbox for port you use to connect to the Internet (such as Built-in Ethernet or AirPort).
6. Click Apply Now.
7. Reselect the checkbox for the port.
8. Click Apply Now.
9. Open a Web browser, and attempt to connect.

Did this and still no upstream signal. Network Diagnostics shows everything green status except for internet and server, which are red.

04-09-2015, 05:40 PM
They are not little, but they piss me off in a big way.

04-09-2015, 05:55 PM
LOL so I've been waiting the past two hours for my in-home appointment with Comcast, only to discover when I called customer service that it has been rescheduled to *next* Wednesday because the technician never received an answer when they called before the time window. I haven't received any calls today, much less from Comcast. I like how they think it's perfectly normal to be without service for a week- what's another week's worth going to hurt?!

04-10-2015, 08:30 AM
LOL so I've been waiting the past two hours for my in-home appointment with Comcast, only to discover when I called customer service that it has been rescheduled to *next* Wednesday because the technician never received an answer when they called before the time window. I haven't received any calls today, much less from Comcast. I like how they think it's perfectly normal to be without service for a week- what's another week's worth going to hurt?!

once you get this all sorted out, make sure you call them and get your bill reduced for going over a week without service.

04-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Reminder that my job does not define my worth as an individual.

04-14-2015, 09:17 AM
The dreaded "No Caller ID" whenever my iPhone rings. It's normally just customer services from somewhere, but today they just hung up when I answered. I have this sneaking suspicion of who it is...

04-15-2015, 02:01 PM
When I click on a link thinking it's going to be an article...and it's a video.
Look when I watch movies I watch movies: when I browse the internet I want to read with minimal audiovisual stimulation, not watch movies.

04-20-2015, 02:47 PM
finding out that calc. sulph. in a 30X strength appears to be harder to find than a pink sparkly unicorn. flap, man.

Sarah K
04-20-2015, 06:35 PM
^ Stop buying that shit!

04-22-2015, 04:16 AM
I'm working on music, and I won't get any credit for it. This is the strangest, weirdest thing I've ever done in my life.

04-22-2015, 07:29 AM
I'm working on music, and I won't get any credit for it. This is the strangest, weirdest thing I've ever done in my life.

can you be more specific? what's the project? why aren't you getting credit? are you at least getting paid?

04-22-2015, 01:43 PM
are you at least getting paid?

I'm basically writing the music, and someone else will be taking the credit for all of it.

edit... I guess it shouldn't be in this "piss you off" thread, just not sure where to put it. It's not like I'm being forced to do anything. Just kind of odd is all.

04-22-2015, 02:07 PM
Insert Atticus Ross joke...

04-24-2015, 07:56 AM
Custom music playing instead of dial tone. I want to smash my fucking phone when I bump into one.
Do mobile operators in your country allow this shit as well?

04-24-2015, 09:01 AM
I'm working on music, and I won't get any credit for it. This is the strangest, weirdest thing I've ever done in my life.
i did this once without realize what was happening.
i was with a girl for 3 years...she was my partner in music and everything else.
She was already well established in the dallas music scene and was like five years older than me. She played music as "a little cry." Together, we became "just like you imagined." Now she was a great singer, but not a very good guitar player. So she quit playing guitar onstage: she sang, and i played and sang backup vocals. Also, i brought about 30 songs to the relationship, but we never played them. She always said we'd "get around to it," she already had an audience that wanted to hear her old songs, and plus we were writing great new ones, blah blah blah, etc etc.
Not only did we write about 20 songs together, i reworked like every fucking song in her set.

And then we split up. Suddenly, i had just been "her guitar player." I couldn't very well play the songs we had written together as the vocals were from a female perspective, and they also reminded me too much of her, AND they didn't make my new gf (now my wife) very happy either.
So i wound up with a set i had been playing for 3 fucking years that i could no longer really play, and 3 years of letting my OWN set rust.
She wound up with 20 songs for which she didn't write the music. She taught them to her new "guitar player" (and boyfriend,) and went back to being "a little cry." I became a "past member of a little cry."

I know this isn't what happened to you, Jinsai , but it brought back the memory. Ugggggghhh. It still pisses me off.

04-24-2015, 01:06 PM
I know this isn't what happened to you, @Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272) , but it brought back the memory. Ugggggghhh. It still pisses me off.

Yeah, in this case I'm being hired, but I've been there too, and in a lot of ways it feels like the same sort of thing... just a little more bizarre.

04-24-2015, 07:23 PM
Custom music playing instead of dial tone. I want to smash my fucking phone when I bump into one.
Do mobile operators in your country allow this shit as well?

You mean when you call someone and a song plays instead of the old school ringing? If so, I used to sell that technology. Bah, one big mobile carrier got it but it was silly for exactly why you're in this thread. It was fucking annoying. The callee gets to pick the song and the odds that all your callers are going to like your pick are nil. Someone is going to say "this song is shite."

04-24-2015, 11:24 PM
Somehow always managing to injure myself the day before or the day of a gig. Not every time, but more often than not.

And it's not always anything major... usually it's something minor (perhaps nothing more than a simple paper cut or a splinter) but will cause endless agony for the whole show. I've played, as mentioned before in other rooms, with all sorts of major injuries ranging from slipped discs to pulled muscles to broken bones, but it's the times when I have seemingly inconsequential cuts, scratches or abrasions that drive me to the brink of insanity at gigs.

My favorites are when I get cuts that fuck up a nerve that just happen to be exactly where my drumstick sits in my hand.

In case you're wondering, yes... yes, I managed to do exactly that earlier today and I've got a show tomorrow.

04-27-2015, 12:19 AM
Mobile chrome sucks so bad it crashed writing this...

04-28-2015, 06:56 PM
1-16 item checkout lines at the supermarket are bullshit. 16 items is not express. 16 items is an average shopping trip. As soon as you get anyone in line with anything close to 16 items that shit comes to a dead stop. It is injustice. I think a progressive candidate could use this as a platform.

04-28-2015, 07:57 PM
Forgetting my PGP encryption password for my hard drive while I was away on vacation. It was a lot of "fun" getting around that one.

04-29-2015, 03:51 AM
My boys can't take this abuse....

05-01-2015, 06:03 PM
The god damn Arizona summer.

I am seriously thinking of moving in the next couple of years. I'm considering somewhere near Seattle. I will not continue living in a place that gets up to 115 in the summer.

Sarah K
05-01-2015, 06:13 PM
The god damn Arizona summer.

I am seriously thinking of moving in the next couple of years. I'm considering somewhere near Seattle. I will not continue living in a place that gets up to 115 in the summer.

I would like to move to that area in maybe 4 - 5 years. We can be BFFs.

05-01-2015, 06:35 PM
Today is the 1st 100 degree day here in Phoenix and my WOD consists of a lot of running. Fuck this.

05-01-2015, 06:58 PM
I would like to move to that area in maybe 4 - 5 years. We can be BFFs.

Seriously, that would be awesome.

We've already got johnbron up there. If you and I move there we can start our own ETS cult!

05-01-2015, 08:50 PM
USPS lost my renewed passport at a critical fucking moment and I'm missing out on a vacation to Mexico with my best friends. Can't afford to re-schedule my flight either. Still hasn't fully sunk in yet.

Well, at least I'll be seeing Avengers a little earlier than planned!

05-02-2015, 05:56 AM
The god damn Arizona summer.

I am seriously thinking of moving in the next couple of years. I'm considering somewhere near Seattle. I will not continue living in a place that gets up to 115 in the summer.

You can live with Johnbron - it'll be like a real-life sitcom.

05-02-2015, 10:39 PM
You can live with Johnbron - it'll be like a real-life sitcom.

Going into my Netflix queue.

05-04-2015, 12:07 PM
Flies: they come into the house, forget how they got in, then spend their time buzzing around banging against windows trying to get out. Pointless.

05-04-2015, 01:19 PM
"The servers are just gonna have to wash dishes."

05-13-2015, 04:59 PM
i am the only one in my household (there are 6 of us) who likes pasta al dente.
they all like mush.

05-14-2015, 08:13 AM
i am the only one in my household (there are 6 of us) who likes pasta al dente.
they all like mush.

Take your portion out of the water first and let theirs mush up all they want.

I'm with you with al dente.

05-14-2015, 09:46 AM
Take your portion out of the water first and let theirs mush up all they want.

I'm with you with al dente.

omg, dra! lol. bless you. it never even occurred to me to do that. lololololololol.
i try to punch my way through the mountain, instead of going over over or around. :)
pasta will no longer be a meal of despair.
happy thursday!

05-14-2015, 11:34 AM
omg, dra! lol. bless you. it never even occurred to me to do that. lololololololol.
i try to punch my way through the mountain, instead of going over over or around. :)
pasta will no longer be a meal of despair.
happy thursday!

now i want pasta for dinner. nice and al dente ;)

05-14-2015, 12:23 PM
now i want pasta for dinner. nice and al dente ;)

you posted at 1234! woop woop. :)

sick among the pure
05-14-2015, 09:29 PM
omg, dra! lol. bless you. it never even occurred to me to do that. lololololololol.
i try to punch my way through the mountain, instead of going over over or around. :)
pasta will no longer be a meal of despair.
happy thursday!

That's how my family, growing up, always dealt with steak. My dad likes his leather-esque. Everyone else likes medium to medium rare. So my mom would just cut his portion off and leave it on the grill longer.

My little thing that pisses me off: I regularly stay 30-60 minutes after my shift ends to help out, to the point that I get full time hours as a part time worker. I tell a manager as soon as I get in the other day that the medical problem that I have on file (paperwork they had my Dr fill out, so it's official and shit) was causing me exceptional difficulties, and that I was under the weather from it. Ended up having to go home an hour early, and got a talking to that I "call out and leave too often and next time there will be disciplinary action." This was the first time I had ever left early (since I rarely leave on time to begin with) and had called out twice within this quarter, the second time was for the Dr.'s appointment where I got a second medication to deal with the problem and took in the paperwork they gave me to have my Dr. fill out.
Just goes to show, you can work for an amazing company, but managers can still be douchebags.

Frozen Beach
05-15-2015, 09:02 PM
Soulseek fucking sucks. I was trying to download some live shows from a user, and I was making sure to follow the rules he had listed in his info section, yet he still unshared files from me for some unknown reason. When I messaged him in chat to figure out what I did wrong, he just ignored me. Guess he didn't like what I was downloading. I know I wasn't downloading too much at a time. Sad thing is, he's the only person on the internet I can find with these live shows.

05-17-2015, 01:43 AM
Writers block. Fuuuuck this. Been trying to write 8 songs I'm happy with. Normally, I don't have a problem writing. But now that I want to do something with it, it's just not coming.

Space Suicide
05-17-2015, 04:36 PM
Knowing and seeing someone cry that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory and how evil "organizations" are and how the (incompetent) US government is after everyone.

Get a life. I think it stems from much more than skepticism, more or less trailing the line of paranoid schizophrenia honestly. I like my fair share of conspiracy theory stuff for fun to read but I don't believe most of the trash. This guy believes everything and says everything is fake. LOL.

05-18-2015, 07:34 AM
Two words: United Airlines

05-19-2015, 07:22 AM
Knowing and seeing someone cry that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory and how evil "organizations" are and how the (incompetent) US government is after everyone.

Get a life. I think it stems from much more than skepticism, more or less trailing the line of paranoid schizophrenia honestly. I like my fair share of conspiracy theory stuff for fun to read but I don't believe most of the trash. This guy believes everything and says everything is fake. LOL.


Nah, it's just a coping mechanism.

I can't wait to explain that to my BF's sister next time she spews some of her theories.

05-19-2015, 06:44 PM
An old friend who I haven't seen in nearly a decade died in a car crash yesterday, the day after his 38th birthday. It's not crippling grief but sometimes....lots of times, actually, life is fucking ridiculously shitty.

05-20-2015, 07:38 AM
goddamn i'm sorry @Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) .

So. SOmebody is already elevenism on twitter.

but...but...IM elevenism, damnit!

also taken are Eleveno, elevenismS, e1evenism...

it's weird that someone else, MULTIPLE someone elses, identify as elevenism

05-20-2015, 08:40 AM
So. SOmebody is already elevenism on twitter.

but...but...IM elevenism, damnit!

also taken are Eleveno, elevenismS, e1evenism...

it's weird that someone else, MULTIPLE someone elses, identify as elevenism
Yeah that always bugs me about trying to secure an online identity.

you can put thelastdisciple on the end of nearly every social networking site and 99% it's going to be me but for Facebook......UGH....i had to go with 7H3L457DI5CIPL3 and it kills me.

Apparently some independent novel page took it but according to their timeline history it only has posts in 2013 which tells me it's very new. I've had the url picked for quite a while now, probably since 08 or 09 maybe and if i recall correctly it wouldn't let me take it even before then so someone else must have had it but then deleted and it opened up. That's the lame thing about the vanity url and never getting the chance to change it, I probably could have if i knew it was available again.

Then again there was apparently a novel published in 2004 that used that name that i was unaware of. I probably should have suspected as much considering how close the word disciple is to religious shit. It's so hard to be original haha


05-20-2015, 08:53 AM
I had a shock once when I decided to check what's new at Reflecting in the Crome by going to their twitter (Ritcnin at the time), only to find out it was occupied by some Russian girl poster unrelated to NIN whatsoever. (Ritc moved to Ninlive account by that time).

05-20-2015, 02:18 PM
it trips me out. sometimes things like pure1111 are taken also.

pure and eleven were my two graffiti names. and i thought i pretty much made "elevenism" up...just some dumb shit i was writing that stemmed from eleven.

it's so odd that people are thinking the same thing as i am.

things like Tyler11:11 are taken too.

i went with tylerlankford11 though. at least that :)

one thing that i DID get and couldn't believe, however, was Justlikeyouimagined.band on facebook. i bet I'M the one frustrating people with that one.

05-20-2015, 11:22 PM
it trips me out. sometimes things like pure1111 are taken also.
Nobody is as original as they think they are, especially with billions of original people on the Internet and on Twitter. Nobody is special.

When G and I met in the mid-90s, we were really into Beavis and Butthead, and we somehow each ended up calling each other "Beavis." We STILL call each other "Beavis" to this day, we address Christmas cards, birthday cards, everything to each other as "Beavis" which gets kind of confusing under the tree and we have to decipher handwriting.

Anyway, G's best buddy from high school, Gary, was going through a nasty divorce and stayed with us for a few weeks and said "if you both are Beavis, that's weird" and dubbed me "Beavette" and that became Gary's nickname for me. In late-2004, I was lurking on ETS and when I finally decided to log in, I couldn't think of a login name, then voila ... I was "Beavette" for a long time on ETS, thanks to G's high school friend, Gary.

So, 10 years later, I'm trying to establish a FitBit account and I choose "Beavette." Already taken. Go figure.

G's license plate is MR SIN (http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Mr_Sin), from Dr Who, he's had it for over 30 years, he's had people stop him ask him if he ever gave it up if they could have it, they have Mr Sin 1, Mr Sin 2, whatever, wtf.

So, sometimes, as a funny inside joke, my login on some sites is "Mrs Sin." And I often get "Already taken." wtf.

05-20-2015, 11:47 PM
That's awesome @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) :)

what trips me out on the internet handle thing is specificity of some of these names that are taken.

Elevenism, well, that;s a number with "ism" after it.

But when things like Pure11:11Texas, things with that many variables, are already taken, it trips me out.
It doesn't really piss me off. it actually blows my mind and makes me realize how staggering the number of human minds is.
You know, to know that there is, say, another TylerJackson who identifies with "eleveno," or someone else who associates "elevenism" with pure, just fascinates me i think.

i would like to speak to these people!

05-20-2015, 11:49 PM
That's awesome allegro :)

what trips me out on the internet handle thing is specificity of some of these names that are taken.

Elevenism, well, that;s a number with "ism" after it.

But when things like Pure11:11Texas, things with that many variables, are already taken, it trips me out.
It doesn't really piss me off. it actually blows my mind and makes me realize how staggering the number of human minds is.
You know, to know that there is, say, another TylerJackson who identifies with "eleveno" just fascinates me i think

One time, I Googled my own name and got a big black dude who's a chef with a big chef's hat, looked like Chef on South Park. I laughed for a while then sent the link to my parents and all of my closest friends.

I used to have a Yahoo account with my first initial and last name. Unfortunately, that is so common that I started getting really weird emails and when I got the email with a receipt for a large amount of firearms, I canceled my Yahoo account, LOL. I warned my Dad, since he has my same initials, hey, dude, stay clear of Yahoo email, hahahaha.

05-21-2015, 02:00 AM
@allgro , a few years back i thought it would be funny to tell facebook that i lived at Abu Ghraib.

Haha, right?

But the joke was on me. I started getting all kinds of suggestions to like things in Arabic.
I also started getting friend requests and friend suggestions from people who actually lived there.

I deleted it, but it didn't stop for a LONG time. :P

And this wasn't the worst (stupidest) thing like that that i did.

After nine eleven, i would constantly type things SURE to get me flagged by the NSA into my AOL instant messenger when talking with friends, just to screw with them and make THEM get scared that the government was watching. I would type things like "hey, i've got a (xxxxxxx) in my car and i'm thinking that we should use it against (xxxxxxxx) Can we make it to (xxxxxxxxx) in time?"

I know better now, so i won't type those words. hell, actually , i knew better then, too, i was just out of my mind, treating biplolar mania with alcohol and depression with speedballs.

But worst of all, for the first two years i was on myspace, the ONLY picture i had of "myself" was a picture of a very angry looking Palestinian with most of his face obscured by traditional keffiyeh/agal, gesturing fiercely with one hand and holding an ak-47 with the other.
The caption read "FREE PALESTINE!."

I thought it was HILARIOUS. keep in mind, i was 22 or 23 and pretty much trying to go out "leaving las vegas" style. So i just didn't care and WANTED to screw with the gvmt, not thinking i'd live long enough to suffer any repercussions.

well, that all changed, as you know. i'm happily married to the best friend ive ever had, i have a beautiful niece and a precious baby nephew, i;m WAY more sober now than i was then, i'm looking forward to getting back to work on a degree next year, and i DAMN sure no longer want to, or plan to, die.

But the internet is forever.

Although i've never SEEN the results of all of this idiocy, i'm surprised that i;m not on a no-fly list.
and i would bet MONEY that that shit made the CIA, FBI, and/or the NSA aware of my goofy ass.

Sigh, There are quite literally HUNDREDS of things i wish i could take back from those liquor, cocaine and smack fueled days of maniacal glee and suicide ideation.

i DO still advocate Palestinian Statehood, but that's it. I'm obviously not a terrorist!

This is a case of New Elevenism being pissed off by old elevenism. :)

Edit: and with that, i go to sleep! i've trying to finish this post without mistakes for a good solid half hour.

05-21-2015, 02:40 AM
and i would bet MONEY that the CIA, FBI, and/or the NSA have a file on me.Uh huh. They probably have microfiche and surveillance video, too!! ;)

05-21-2015, 03:15 AM
Uh huh. They probably have microfiche and surveillance video, too!! ;)

red flag next to the name, gold star, smiley face...whatever the fuck they do, i guarantee you i got it.
with the shit i was writing, if i didn't get noticed then NOBODY was. :p

it was THAT bad and THAT repetitive, seriously.

finally i had to stop because no one would talk to me on AIM anymore :(

edit: i will change the post for you, if it makes you feel better. but THEN im going to sleep. Grumble grumble

"and i would bet MONEY that that shit made the CIA, FBI, and/or the NSA aware of my goofy ass."

is that better?

05-22-2015, 12:40 AM
last night I had my second experience with kidney stones... it was really awful, but at least this time it was really tiny stones, like large grains of sand. Still, super fucked, I never want to go through this again, but like earthquakes, I know that this is a sign that I'm going to hit the "big one" at some point. I do not look forward to that day.

05-23-2015, 12:05 PM
Hospital. Nebulizer. They're wanting to test me for Cystic Fibrosis at age 30... Are you joking?

This is beyond scary.

05-23-2015, 01:19 PM
I'll send lots of good thoughts your way, Jon.

05-24-2015, 10:06 AM
I'll send lots of good thoughts your way, Jon.

Thank you very kindly. Turns out I have pleurisy, most likely caused by untreated pneumonia... oops.

It feels like I'm breathing in needles if that makes sense.

05-24-2015, 10:12 AM
Thank you very kindly. Turns out I have pleurisy, most likely caused by untreated pneumonia... oops.

It feels like I'm breathing in needles if that makes sense.

Ow man I hope you get better, soon!!

05-25-2015, 04:14 AM
this is more of a confusion thing.
i joined twitter because i was unhappy that i didn't know rush was touring, made $3000 plans to go see another band, and can't back out because it's my whole family going and my dad has asked off work etc blah blah blah

i decided that i wasnt going to follow ANYONE i knew on twitter. i get enough inane bullshit from my friends on facebook. i also dont plan to "tweet" ANYTHING, EVER. i just want to get news and read dumb shit that celebs say.

here's the weird part. there are 5 people i've never, ever heard of following ME.

why is this? i don't know much about twitter.

05-26-2015, 10:16 AM
Facebook now plays videos in your feed as you scroll down, whether you want to play them or not.

Also Youtube now plays another video after the one you've chosen, whether you want it or not.

05-26-2015, 10:39 AM
Facebook now plays videos in your feed as you scroll down, whether you want to play them or not.

Also Youtube now plays another video after the one you've chosen, whether you want it or not.

Ugh, no clue why they did that... Facebook has been that way for 9 months to a year though.

Every current browser I can think of besides IE has an option for "click to play" or "plugins on demand". In Chrome and Opera, they are under the "Content" sections.

05-28-2015, 01:24 PM
I use Safari: I've blocked flash player for FB, but it plays the videos anyway.
This started about a week or so ago for me, so I guess it has something to do with a Safari update.

05-28-2015, 01:32 PM
why is this? i don't know much about twitter.
Protect your tweets, even if you don't actually tweet anything (https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169886-how-to-protect-and-unprotect-your-tweets). Then people will have to send you a follow request, which you can ignore or deny. You can block the current 5 followers to get rid of them, they're probably just marketers or trolls.

05-28-2015, 08:09 PM

Youtube has a toggle button to turn off the next up video! I just discovered this recently myself.

Facebook also has a setting you can turn off, by the way.


05-29-2015, 01:41 AM
Protect your tweets, even if you don't actually tweet anything (https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169886-how-to-protect-and-unprotect-your-tweets). Then people will have to send you a follow request, which you can ignore or deny. You can block the current 5 followers to get rid of them, they're probably just marketers or trolls.
thanks, allegro .

I ABSOLUTELY don't know the people following me. I didn't enter ANY information about myself.
So they are marketers or very strange people.

Halo Infinity
05-29-2015, 02:01 AM
this is more of a confusion thing.
i joined twitter because i was unhappy that i didn't know rush was touring, made $3000 plans to go see another band, and can't back out because it's my whole family going and my dad has asked off work etc blah blah blah

i decided that i wasnt going to follow ANYONE i knew on twitter. i get enough inane bullshit from my friends on facebook. i also dont plan to "tweet" ANYTHING, EVER. i just want to get news and read dumb shit that celebs say.

here's the weird part. there are 5 people i've never, ever heard of following ME.

why is this? i don't know much about twitter.
Twitter from the looks of it seems to function like a forum that's based on conversation threading with a 140 character limit. If you don't protect your tweets, anybody and everybody can follow you. Protecting your tweets puts back the add or don't add feature in Twitter as a social media site, not to mention any much needed privacy that you desire/demand. I can still see why there's a lot of people that choose not to protect them though. But yes, definitely what allegro said.

thanks, @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) .

I ABSOLUTELY don't know the people following me. I didn't enter ANY information about myself.
So they are marketers or very strange people.
They probably found you when you followed other accounts. That's what always happened to me every time I followed something, especially when it came to verified accounts, considering how much attention they draw in and how popular they are.

@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) - Oh, and if you have any more comments and questions pertaining to Twitter, the Twitter thread is also right this way. I can't believe that I almost forgot to mention it entirely. :)


05-29-2015, 12:51 PM
Oh shit thanks Kris , i didn't look for a twitter thread :/

05-30-2015, 06:14 AM
Having to poop many times in a day. So annoying.

Being so insecure about my writing these days and obsessively wanting to change what I write because of fears that I will look stupid.

05-30-2015, 07:39 AM
Having to poop many times in a day. So annoying.

Being so insecure about my writing these days and obsessively wanting to change what I write because of fears that I will look stupid.

As far as pooping, what's even worse is when you are on prescription pain meds and your poop is rock hard, sharp, and as big as a coke can.

I had a mid-poop epiphany the other night where i felt TERRIBLE for all the girls i have talked in to opening their back door for me. :(
And i will never, ever do it again.

05-31-2015, 08:31 AM
When people brag about their school's athletic achievements that they had absolutely no hand in. "Dude, we have 5 national championships! How many does YOURS have?" Oh, sorry, I wasn't aware that you had bragging rights to a thing that you in no way contributed to. Not to mention 3 of those happened before you even came to this school. And don't say "But I bought a ticket!" because you KNOW that shit doesn't count.

I don't understand sports fandom.

05-31-2015, 09:09 AM
When people brag about their school's athletic achievements that they had absolutely no hand in. "Dude, we have 5 national championships! How many does YOURS have?" Oh, sorry, I wasn't aware that you had bragging rights to a thing that you in no way contributed to. Not to mention 3 of those happened before you even came to this school. And don't say "But I bought a ticket!" because you KNOW that shit doesn't count.

I don't understand sports fandom.

Things tend to be become a little "personal" when you're investing tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars at a place. Most people would probably want to think of that place as "something special".

I don't like college sports for that exact reason, though. It's a mindset that, at least around here, is prevalent in rural high schools that have nothing else to do but "win".

05-31-2015, 12:55 PM
When people brag about their school's athletic achievements that they had absolutely no hand in. "Dude, we have 5 national championships! How many does YOURS have?" Oh, sorry, I wasn't aware that you had bragging rights to a thing that you in no way contributed to. Not to mention 3 of those happened before you even came to this school. And don't say "But I bought a ticket!" because you KNOW that shit doesn't count.

I don't understand sports fandom.
you know i can KINDA draw a parallel between that and innate intelligence...or penis size!

"I wasn't aware that you had bragging rights to a thing that you in no way contributed to."

That being said, GO ELKS!

I live in a tiny town and our football team has brought home at LEAST 2 1A state titles.

All we do is win. Straight fucking tiger's blood.

05-31-2015, 05:30 PM
I've been purging stuff for weeks now and I still feel like I'm getting NO WHERE. I'm amazed by how easily stuff accumulates over the years. I'm just dealing with MY stuff too, it's no where near the level of crap that my dad has horded in his house over his decades. Zenzenzenzen, slowly I'll dig myself out of this mess. Nothing like moving out of the country to put all this materialistic living into perspective.

06-02-2015, 01:02 PM
This.....this pisses me off. How is this considered acceptable?


06-02-2015, 02:17 PM
Who did you piss off? :) Didn't you get a mangled vinyl record recently, too?

06-02-2015, 03:14 PM
but @everonpoe it HURTS! and not just physically! it hurts my SOUL!!!

Sarah K
06-02-2015, 05:56 PM
Connecting flight got cancelled last night. I spent the night in the Chicago airport and finally get home this afternoon. I had to go through Newark instead of LGA, since there were no flights to LGA until tomorrow.

When I get to Newark, I ask about what would happen to my bag. He states that it would be on "the next flight" to LGA. He looks it up, and it hasn't arrived yet. I've called LGA a few times today. They just keep saying it isn't there, without offering any solutions as to what I should do next. I called Southwest's main baggage line, and they tell me to call LGA.

It seems as if my suitcase with 95% of my clothing has just simply disappeared.

06-02-2015, 06:11 PM
Connecting flight got cancelled last night. I spent the night in the Chicago airport and finally get home this afternoon. I had to go through Newark instead of LGA, since there were no flights to LGA until tomorrow.

When I get to Newark, I ask about what would happen to my bag. He states that it would be on "the next flight" to LGA. He looks it up, and it hasn't arrived yet. I've called LGA a few times today. They just keep saying it isn't there, without offering any solutions as to what I should do next. I called Southwest's main baggage line, and they tell me to call LGA.

It seems as if my suitcase with 95% of my clothing has just simply disappeared.See if Southwest has a twitter account and start spamming it.

This is why I rarely check my bag.

I hope your bag shows up soon. The airlines I have flown will deliver it to your door. You should ask instead of dragging yourself out to LGA. I wonder about it going to your original destination. Usually airlines want the bag to be on the same plane as you and would have moved it to your new flight to Newark. Strange.

06-02-2015, 08:48 PM
but @everonpoe it HURTS! and not just physically! it hurts my SOUL!!!

what are you talking about?

06-03-2015, 03:29 AM
my first obviously wasted Uber driver. That was fucking terrifying.

06-03-2015, 05:50 AM
Can't look at the How Fucked thread right now so posting in here.

Aleister had a seizure about an hour ago. It had never happened before. Never been so frightened in my life. Drunk friend was useless. Vet tech @ Vet ER was a fucking ANGEL and helped me breathe again. Taking him in to his regular vet in a few hours. Trying to stay calm but reading what could be underlying cause isn't helping. My entire life is this little guy. He HAS to be fine.

06-03-2015, 08:04 AM
Can't look at the How Fucked thread right now so posting in here.

Aleister had a seizure about an hour ago. It had never happened before. Never been so frightened in my life. Drunk friend was useless. Vet tech @ Vet ER was a fucking ANGEL and helped me breathe again. Taking him in to his regular vet in a few hours. Trying to stay calm but reading what could be underlying cause isn't helping. My entire life is this little guy. He HAS to be fine.
My late kitty, Leah, started having seizures at around age 20. We mostly controlled them with pheno for years but it's hard to balance. Finding out "why" - yeah, they don't know, they just want your credit card. My thoughts and prayers are with you and kitty. *hugs*

06-03-2015, 03:09 PM
I went to a Heems show last night and never have I seen a musician so out of it and shitfaced. He could barely stand let alone perform and it was actually pretty worrying but man I was so psyched to see him and it was so disappointing. i hope he gets some help soon.

Sarah K
06-03-2015, 03:19 PM
Still no bag.

I got a message about it last night. But they still want to charge me to deliver it. Which I think is really dumb. But I need my shit, son. I'll see how much it costs to get delivered. Because it would prob take like 65 - 80 dollars for a car there and back. Because fuck the public transit to Laguardia. It's awful.

At least I know it's in the same state as me.

Now if they would ANSWER THE PHONE so I could speak with someone, that would be amazing.

06-03-2015, 05:01 PM
If they lost it, they should deliver it free to your home. Anything else is just bullshit.

Sarah K
06-03-2015, 07:43 PM
It's a $50 fee to deliver it.

I took transit to the airport... 4 transfers and over an hour. I have the bag now, and I'm in a cab back to my house right now. Which will probably end up being about the same price, but without having to be home for a FOUR TO SIX HOUR window for delivery. At least I can go to work tomorrow all day.

Space Suicide
06-03-2015, 07:49 PM
Mike Huckabee is a fucking retard. Everything I read by and about this jackass makes my blood boil. What a fucking worthless tool.

06-03-2015, 08:35 PM
I'm letting my mouse hover over my complaint email to Uber, and I'm conflicted in a really weird way.

On one hand, I'm nearly positive the driver was intoxicated. If not, his driving was still terrifying and hard to explain. He did something really horrible to make a quick buck, and almost certainly endangered my life (and the lives of others on the road). I also have no reason to think that he won't do it again, and maybe his future passengers will not be as lucky as I was.

On the other hand, I just read the email again, and I'm pretty sure that if I send this, I will be directly responsible for getting someone fired... and while I think he deserves it, it's something I've never done before.

I'm going to send the email, I'm just hit with a really unexpected guilty feeling. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I miscalculated, even though he did admit he was just "leaving a party." I don't know what his financial situation is, or how many people depend on him to bring home a living wage. It's a really weird state of mind I'm in right now, and I didn't see it coming until I'd finished composing the email.

Conan The Barbarian
06-03-2015, 08:58 PM
If he was blasted, get him fired. Fuck that. I lost someone to an accident that could have been prevented. I have zero tolerance towards that irresponsible behavior.

If you do nothing, then the next person could suffer a much worse fate.

06-03-2015, 09:43 PM
yeah, I said fuck it and sent the email off. There's no way he was 100%, and that's a generous way to put it... and if you're going to be working shuttling people around you should lose your job if you drink before clocking in.

06-04-2015, 11:24 AM
It's a $50 fee to deliver it.

I took transit to the airport... 4 transfers and over an hour. I have the bag now, and I'm in a cab back to my house right now. Which will probably end up being about the same price, but without having to be home for a FOUR TO SIX HOUR window for delivery. At least I can go to work tomorrow all day.

I told you to spam their Twitter. I know for a fact they monitor a lot of hashtags.

Sarah K
06-04-2015, 11:42 AM
I told you to spam their Twitter. I know for a fact they monitor a lot of hashtags.

I actually tweeted at them yesterday, and they tweeted back within an hour. But with nothing useful.

@SouthwestAir (https://twitter.com/SouthwestAir) Who can I contact about tracking down luggage? Contacted airport & main Southwest number. Just keep hearing it hasn't arrived
@SarahKrusemark (https://twitter.com/SarahKrusemark) Our Bag tracking system is operated manually allowing our Teams to search for "like" bags & contents upon arrival. ^JH
@SarahKrusemark (https://twitter.com/SarahKrusemark) I can assure you that we have all hands on deck prepared to contact you once it is identified. Thanks for your patience. ^JH
@SouthwestAir (https://twitter.com/SouthwestAir) Seems in poor taste to charge a delivery fee for bags when a customer was forced to fly into a different airport.
@SouthwestAir (https://twitter.com/SouthwestAir) At least someone called and left a message. I'm trying to return their call, but nobody is answering.

06-04-2015, 07:13 PM
what are you talking about?

the tmi poop post you facepalmed :p

06-05-2015, 08:39 AM
the tmi poop post you facepalmed :p

you know, i was gonna write a whole big reply explaining why i facepalmed it and talking about the differences between consensual actions in an adult sexual relationship and coercion, but i really don't feel like starting a whole big debate.

06-05-2015, 10:59 PM
One of two girls I know (NOT coworkers, we're competent) peed all over a toilet seat (both, by the looks of it, one was basically dry but had like splatter patterns) at my job. We aren't friends, she's close with a friend of mine. I'm livid, and had to clean it up. Ended up using the guy's bathroom. What the FUCK is wrong with her. There is truly no excuse. Drunk? Congratulations, you have garbage self awareness and are useless at not making other people clean up the damage you've caused. I (clearly) have OCD and urine is the worst trigger of it. Making someone like me clean it up is incredibly cruel, and I'm so angry.

I also have a cold and way too much work on my plate right now (going into the weekend, yay).

06-08-2015, 07:37 PM
Was supposed to be meeting my girlfriend in New Orleans tonight (she flew down this morning) but I got stranded in DC due to weather. I can hear the lightning outside as I type this. She's going on the vampire tour tonight! ARRRGH!! (missing out waaah).

Big Fat Matt
06-08-2015, 08:29 PM
I have worked at the same Chrysler dealership for close to 6 years. We buy parts for GM vehicles from the Chevrolet dealership down the street, and do this at LEAST 3 or 4 times a week. This has caused me to get pretty buddy-buddy with one of their parts guys, Parker. I call the Chevy dealer in regards to an ignition cylinder and a PIN code for building the cylinder. I talk to Parker, he says to bring a copy of the repair order and my ID. I arrive roughly 7 minutes later, with the repair order (RO) and my ID. Parker is on break at this point. I talk to another guy, Eric, who I am familiar with. I tell him what I called about and present the RO and my ID.

He asks for proof of employment. I point to my shirt, which is a polo with the dealership logo embroidered on it.

"Anyone can just .. BUY a shirt," he replies.

I point to the shuttle van I drove up there, COVERED in our dealerships decals.

"Easy to forge," he quips

"What the hell do you need?" I ask

"Pay stub or copy of conditions of employment"

"Dude, no. I talked to Parker, he sai-"

"His name is Timothy"

"Yeah, I call him Parker. He calls me BFM or White Fielder," we played softball together, and we have some dumb nicknames.

"Rules are rules." he says and goes back to playing Plants V Zombies.

I call Parker, he says some passive-aggressive shit to Eric and apologizes profusely to me. I accept his apologies, but will never refer that dealership to ANYONE.

06-09-2015, 08:29 AM
Those websites where they want you to answer a quiz to proceed to content. Puhlease.

06-09-2015, 09:47 AM
Those websites where they want you to answer a quiz to proceed to content. Puhlease.

i do, however, like it when Hulu gives you the option of answering trivia questions in order to avoid ads during your program. and i like the 50s sitcom music that it plays during the quiz.

Sarah K
06-09-2015, 01:05 PM
I had a trip back home last weekend to attend my brother's high school graduation party. It was a really short trip, as a I had a trip planned for this weekend with a group of friends.

Well, there was apparently some sort of disagreement between two of them, and one of them decided she no longer wanted to go. In order to attend the thing we are going to, we MUST be staying in the hotel. The girl who stated she no longer wanted to go is the one who had the reservations in her name. So I bought a ticket to a music festival this weekend, wanting to make the most of my time off. She then changes her mind again and states that she is going. I said "Okay. I bought a ticket to Northside. Let me see if I can get rid of it". I sell it for about half price of what I bought it for. I let her know, and now she tells me that this girl that I fucking HATE will be staying in the room now, because she didn't want to pay more if I ended up not going. So now I'm not going because 4 adults in one hotel room is about two adults too many. Three of us would have been pushing it. Add in another person that I want to punch in the throat? Nah, fam. I'm good.

So now I'm out time I could have spent with my family and friends back home. I'm out the money I paid for the conference. Out the money I lost on selling the festival ticket... And have nothing to do this weekend.

I hate it when people don't fucking communicate. I hate feeling like I'm being annoying trying to get clarification on shit. But THIS IS WHY I DO THAT.

06-09-2015, 10:29 PM
I just spent the weekend camping with my friends in Arizona. We had a great time and I spent many hours speaking with them around the campfire. One friend's girlfriend, Tamara was saying some things that seemed a little less than well thought out, and I patiently explained that there didn't seem to be any evidence for Jay Z and Kanye West being in the illuminati. I chalked it up to her smoking my weed and a few errant conspiratorial thoughts about celebrities. It was a laugh, and I didn't take it seriously.

After we all returned home she sent me this article (http://thefederalist.com/2015/06/08/how-to-escape-the-age-of-mass-delusion/) on Facebook, published by a news organization calling itself The Federalist. It's thinly veiled bigotry (and I do mean thin), which frames the fight for LGBT equality (amongst others) as a mass brainwashing agenda of the left. It's one of the most offensive and dehumanizing things I've ever read. I can't believe this is where this person is coming from; I'm stunned, livid and saddened. How the fuck can anyone, let alone a person living in LA in her early 30's, buy into this shit? How can she miss that it's pure bigotry!? FUCKING HUMAN TENDENCIES.


If I really put this fucking trash on blast it's definitely going to have collateral damage with not just her boyfriend, but possibly others. I don't think I care, but I might after I fire the fucking canons.

06-10-2015, 12:41 AM
i do, however, like it when Hulu gives you the option of answering trivia questions in order to avoid ads during your program. and i like the 50s sitcom music that it plays during the quiz.
The fact we don't have Hulu in Canada pisses me off. And that the Netflix here isn't as good. It blew my mind the options when I was in the States last.

06-11-2015, 02:23 PM
I just spent the weekend camping with my friends in Arizona. We had a great time and I spent many hours speaking with them around the campfire. One friend's girlfriend, Tamara was saying some things that seemed a little less than well thought out, and I patiently explained that there didn't seem to be any evidence for Jay Z and Kanye West being in the illuminati. I chalked it up to her smoking my weed and a few errant conspiratorial thoughts about celebrities. It was a laugh, and I didn't take it seriously.

After we all returned home she sent me this article (http://thefederalist.com/2015/06/08/how-to-escape-the-age-of-mass-delusion/) on Facebook, published by a news organization calling itself The Federalist. It's thinly veiled bigotry (and I do mean thin), which frames the fight for LGBT equality (amongst others) as a mass brainwashing agenda of the left. It's one of the most offensive and dehumanizing things I've ever read. I can't believe this is where this person is coming from; I'm stunned, livid and saddened. How the fuck can anyone, let alone a person living in LA in her early 30's, buy into this shit? How can she miss that it's pure bigotry!? FUCKING HUMAN TENDENCIES.


If I really put this fucking trash on blast it's definitely going to have collateral damage with not just her boyfriend, but possibly others. I don't think I care, but I might after I fire the fucking canons.It's been said that folks, Americans in particular, who are prone to believing in conspiracy theories have low self worth and believing is a way of reacting to uncertainty and powerlessness. I would just slough em off as stupid and put them on ignore. It's people like that that I take off my FB. It's like the folks that post about how wonderful their marriage, their kids, their house, their job is. Yeah, right, compensate much?

06-11-2015, 04:22 PM
It's been said that folks, Americans in particular, who are prone to believing in conspiracy theories have low self worth and believing is a way of reacting to uncertainty and powerlessness. I would just slough em off as stupid and put them on ignore. It's people like that that I take off my FB. It's like the folks that post about how wonderful their marriage, their kids, their house, their job is. Yeah, right, compensate much?
I agree with you, but for my own sanity I wrote this response (which I haven't done anything with). I'm tempted to post it publicly, not because I want to respond to this individual person, but because I want to respond to the ideas in that article.

Dear person who sent me this article,

Although I am attracted to women I am not only attracted to women. In other words: I am bisexual. I’ve been on the receiving end of UNequal treatment, and it doesn’t just hurt, alienate and dehumanize me and everyone else who doesn’t fit into a perfect gender or sexual binary box; it’s wrong. Morally WRONG. It’s unkind! It’s UNNECESSARY! Why the hell shouldn’t we all have equal treatment under the law gay, straight, single, transgender, transhuman, or otherwise?! Please explain.

Gender and sexual preference are just characteristics people are born with. Younger generations recognize this truth because it’s obvious, and because all hard evidence supports it, not because they’re casualties of ‘power elites’ or ‘wannabe dictators’ expertly forcing us all into groupthink (even if that were true, groupthink to what end? all treating each other nicely?).

It’s not just the young; people in general recognize this truth in increasing numbers every day as LGBT people are humanized and brought back into the brotherhood of man in full view. Maybe if you weren’t so busy with conspiracies you’d have noticed these people for the beautiful independent personalities and thinkers that they are. Maybe you’d join the “brainwashed masses” in agreeing that they should be afforded the same rights that you enjoy. Maybe you wouldn’t be sending me articles with ludicrous assertions about civil rights movements leading us into Nazi Germany territory.

The notion that equal rights can be framed as a brainwashing technique threatening our freedom by leftist boogey men reveals itself as tragic absurdity when facing real human beings affected by a lack of equality. That would be me. It doesn’t have anything to do with left right politics. It’s people being treated poorly and how that treatment affects them. Look up the suicide and murder statistics for transgender people as compared to the rest of the population, for example. The evidence is heartbreakingly clear.

I believe in the first amendment. I will always fight for your right to say ugly things, but they will not go unanswered. The first amendment covers us both. What it doesn’t do is shut people down. It doesn’t do it on either side of any argument.

I am severely disappointed in you. I cannot believe this thinly veiled bigotry is where you’re coming from. It’s repulsive in the extreme, and I am saddened by it. Call me brainwashed all you like; I’m only that much more resolved to fight for equal rights.

06-12-2015, 01:59 PM
I agree with you, but for my own sanity I wrote this response (which I haven't done anything with). I'm tempted to post it publicly, not because I want to respond to this individual person, but because I want to respond to the ideas in that article.

Dear person who sent me this article,

Although I am attracted to women I am not only attracted to women. In other words: I am bisexual. I’ve been on the receiving end of UNequal treatment, and it doesn’t just hurt, alienate and dehumanize me and everyone else who doesn’t fit into a perfect gender or sexual binary box; it’s wrong. Morally WRONG. It’s unkind! It’s UNNECESSARY! Why the hell shouldn’t we all have equal treatment under the law gay, straight, single, transgender, transhuman, or otherwise?! Please explain.

Gender and sexual preference are just characteristics people are born with. Younger generations recognize this truth because it’s obvious, and because all hard evidence supports it, not because they’re casualties of ‘power elites’ or ‘wannabe dictators’ expertly forcing us all into groupthink (even if that were true, groupthink to what end? all treating each other nicely?).

It’s not just the young; people in general recognize this truth in increasing numbers every day as LGBT people are humanized and brought back into the brotherhood of man in full view. Maybe if you weren’t so busy with conspiracies you’d have noticed these people for the beautiful independent personalities and thinkers that they are. Maybe you’d join the “brainwashed masses” in agreeing that they should be afforded the same rights that you enjoy. Maybe you wouldn’t be sending me articles with ludicrous assertions about civil rights movements leading us into Nazi Germany territory.

The notion that equal rights can be framed as a brainwashing technique threatening our freedom by leftist boogey men reveals itself as tragic absurdity when facing real human beings affected by a lack of equality. That would be me. It doesn’t have anything to do with left right politics. It’s people being treated poorly and how that treatment affects them. Look up the suicide and murder statistics for transgender people as compared to the rest of the population, for example. The evidence is heartbreakingly clear.

I believe in the first amendment. I will always fight for your right to say ugly things, but they will not go unanswered. The first amendment covers us both. What it doesn’t do is shut people down. It doesn’t do it on either side of any argument.

I am severely disappointed in you. I cannot believe this thinly veiled bigotry is where you’re coming from. It’s repulsive in the extreme, and I am saddened by it. Call me brainwashed all you like; I’m only that much more resolved to fight for equal rights.

Unfortunately, I doubt she'll read all of your very well written response.

Personally, I've noticed that those that are sway-able in this group think are the ones that actually have personal relationships to the people or type that they are critical off. Perhaps that could be this situation. Of course, statistically speaking there's a whole chunk of people you will not get off their ignorant view point no matter what you say or write. As you pointed out, younger generations recognize and will move the chain. I'm hopeful.

06-13-2015, 02:50 AM
Unfortunately, I doubt she'll read all of your very well written response.

Personally, I've noticed that those that are sway-able in this group think are the ones that actually have personal relationships to the people or type that they are critical off. Perhaps that could be this situation. Of course, statistically speaking there's a whole chunk of people you will not get off their ignorant view point no matter what you say or write. As you pointed out, younger generations recognize and will move the chain. I'm hopeful.
Well that would be me, for as much as I can fill that role. Our relationship isn't a deep one, but it's obvious that she holds me in high regard, which is why I opened with the bit about my own sexuality.

A long time ago I recognized that you're often not going to change the mind of the person you're directly speaking to, but the people listening are a whole other story. Along that fault line there seems to be this oft repeated notion out there that conversations and debates are largely pointless. I don't agree with that at all, but I do think it's akin to a tree growing or erosion. It's slow going, but persistence pays off in time more than people might think. I look at how far the goal posts have moved within my own religious family in the last decade and that truth becomes obvious, where it would be very difficult to see if you were only to examine one debate or even 10.

06-15-2015, 06:31 PM
so i came out here to denver and had two big ass seizures for no obvious reason.
i am in more pain than i've ever felt in my entire life and can barely fucking walk, much less go see the sights or whatever.

i DID go up on the mountains and i DID get to go to the old 97s show and kick it with them, but the next night was emergency room.
that was the 4th.

i haven't done SHIT since then and it's time to leave tomorrow.

at least i'll be able to talk to you fuckers again.
eversonpoe .... i see what you mean, but i didn't mean for it to be taken so seriously. the way you were looking at it made me feel pretty rapey, which is certainly not my intention.

06-15-2015, 06:37 PM
so i came out here to denver and had two big ass seizures for no obvious reason.

have you been to that altitude for long, before?

06-16-2015, 06:06 PM
nope, allegro . also i hadn't drank in a long time, but since i was kicking it with my prodigal father and brother, i drank like 1/2 pint of vodka per day for 3 or 4 days. then i stopped. then the seizures. so i think it probably was the altitude plus the little shock of the booze.

at any rate, it sucked!

06-16-2015, 06:41 PM
Maroon 5 bass player selling his house for 3 million (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/maroon-5s-mickey-madden-lists-802949?utm_source=twitter). This is all that is wrong with the world.

06-16-2015, 06:50 PM
nope, allegro
They don't call Denver the "Mile-High City" for nothing.

06-17-2015, 12:02 PM
I'm gunna get my ass kicked, especially by this community I think. Anyways I'm not pissed off but I got one of my
cats declawed and it's so sad/pitiful watching her try to figure out her little Elizabethan cone of shame. I can't wait till she gets better.

06-17-2015, 02:30 PM
I'm gunna get my ass kicked, especially by this community I think. Anyways I'm not pissed off but I got one of my
cats declawed and it's so sad/pitiful watching her try to figure out her little Elizabethan cone of shame. I can't wait till she gets better.

why on earth did you get your cat de-clawed? it's inhumane and can cause SO MANY problems for them. it's really not worth it to save some furniture.

06-17-2015, 11:37 PM
why on earth did you get your cat de-clawed? it's inhumane and can cause SO MANY problems for them. it's really not worth it to save some furniture.

I'm super super super super aware of how controversial it is, and I'm not downplaying the risks involved at all...and to be honest if someone is anti-declaw there's no defending declawing a cat. Anyways it's more than just my furniture, she's a sweetheart to me and the lady but we can't have anyone over, especially children with her. She's scratched the shit out of my housesitter when we were on honeymoon, we can't bring any nieces or nephews over, she kinda goes overboard when shes playing with our other cat and a plethora of other reasons. We went through a very reputable animal hospital and she got declawed via the laser method, we love Miley very much but it was this or rehoming her. Again I understand why people aren't fans, I really do.

Sarah K
06-18-2015, 10:04 AM
The L train.

06-18-2015, 10:08 AM
I'm super super super super aware of how controversial it is, and I'm not downplaying the risks involved at all...and to be honest if someone is anti-declaw there's no defending declawing a cat. Anyways it's more than just my furniture, she's a sweetheart to me and the lady but we can't have anyone over, especially children with her. She's scratched the shit out of my housesitter when we were on honeymoon, we can't bring any nieces or nephews over, she kinda goes overboard when shes playing with our other cat and a plethora of other reasons. We went through a very reputable animal hospital and she got declawed via the laser method, we love Miley very much but it was this or rehoming her. Again I understand why people aren't fans, I really do.

I realize it's too late, and I'm sure it wasn't an easy choice, but I'm curious if you looked into Soft Claws (http://www.softclaws.com/)? They're a viable option for a lot of people.

06-18-2015, 01:24 PM
I realize it's too late, and I'm sure it wasn't an easy choice, but I'm curious if you looked into Soft Claws (http://www.softclaws.com/)? They're a viable option for a lot of people.

plus they're adorably hilarious

06-18-2015, 01:37 PM
plus they're adorably hilarious

And cats are well-known for their great sense of humor!

Sarah K
06-18-2015, 01:54 PM
And cats are well-known for their great sense of humor!

That made me crack up.

I had zero idea that declawing cats is a controversial topic.

06-18-2015, 04:19 PM
I had zero idea that declawing cats is a controversial topic.I don't understand why there's a controversy at all. Declawing is mutilation, same as tail and ear docking. It's fucked up and people who do it are vile imbeciles.

Sarah K
06-18-2015, 04:26 PM
That's kinds over the top and dramatic, no? I mean, I love animals, and I had zero clue about this. It's not that people are evil in this instance, they just simply might not be aware.

06-18-2015, 04:31 PM
I don't understand why there's a controversy at all. Declawing is mutilation, same as tail and ear docking. It's fucked up and people who do it are vile imbeciles.

I agree. It's pissing me off too that it's still being done. My cat, Delphine, is declawed but she was 1 1/2 year when I adopted her and she had been spayed and declawed by her previous owners.

As to why it's being done (the declawing): it's not for the kitty; it's for the comfort of the owners so they don't have to train the kitty to use a scratching post and they don't want to have ruined furniture.

And it's really pissing me off that cats are mutilated because of laziness.

06-18-2015, 04:32 PM
That's kinds over the top and dramatic, no? I mean, I love animals, and I had zero clue about this. It's not that people are evil in this instance, they just simply might not be aware.No. This is one issue where a gray area does not exist for me. With the amount of information that is readily available, there is just no way in hell someone could opt to do these things to an animal without knowing it's traumatic and painful. It's basic common sense: Would it hurt you if someone removed your fingernails entirely? Would it hurt you if someone were to cut off part of your ears or ass? Sorry - there is absolutely no excuse.

06-18-2015, 05:33 PM
And it's really pissing me off that cats are mutilated because of laziness.

I'm not disagreeing there, but when it comes to tony.parente, it doesn't sound like laziness, more like the only way he found to deal with a very problematic, aggressive pet without abandoning it.
I consider declawing intolerable, but in this one case it wasn't a matter of saving his precious furniture. There is no way in hell I'd mutilate my cat, I even had to defend his right to kill birds because, hell, its nature is to be a predator, but I don't know how I would deal with such a problem either.

06-18-2015, 07:05 PM
the only way he found to deal with a very problematic, aggressive pet without abandoning it.

This is exactly why declawing can be ok. I've participated in the declawing of 3 cats at the Vet. (I used to want to be a Vet). A well done declawing is not as bad as some people make it out to be. It's not "equivalent to cutting off a human's first finger joint" or any of that nonsense. It's certainly not as bad as spaying/neutering but most people don't have issues there. Are way too many cats being declawed due to bad owners or poorly informed owners? Absolutely. But there are places for it. Declawing has saved many cats from being abandoned.

Tony's situation sounds like an ok use of declawing.

06-18-2015, 07:15 PM
I had 2 cats declawed (front only) in 1981 before all the controversy about declawing started, and my female had a harder time recovering from being spayed than from being declawed. My mom's cat, who was declawed that same year, climbed trees with no front claws. Both he and my female cat lived to be 21. I now have 4 fully-clawed cats and we trim all their nails really regularly and they are post-trained. But, a cat being in a shelter for being aggressive vs. being declawed by a reputable vet is a tough decision. I question why Tony brought it up on here, knowing it was a provocative statement. Well, no I don't, actually; it's par for the course for Tony.

Edit: by the way, we have been going through a rough period involving one or more cats peeing on the floor in the basement. (PISSES me off, literally.) We took the suspected culprit to the vet, 2x, bought about 7 of those plug-in Feliway things, uncovered a few litter boxes, bought more litter boxes, clean the boxes like crazy, shower all cats with attention, bought a WEB CAM to see if there was more than one culprit ...

Then G suggested we put a doggy potty pad where the cat was peeing. AND G turned around last week and caught Bubba the siamese mix peeing on the pad, perfectly in the middle. She has 2 other favorite places and we put pads there, too, and she now pees on the pads there, too. So my collection of various enzyme cleaners is no longer needed. Vet said some cats are just mental.

BUT ... my reformed 19-lb tomcat tabby Sam saw Bubba do this and now HE is doing it. Except he covers up his pee and folds over the pad like a gentleman.


I did some research and it ends up that cats LOVE doggy pee pads.

Sarah K
06-18-2015, 07:30 PM
I actually don't think he was trolling this time. Haha.

06-18-2015, 09:03 PM
Your cats sound kind of hilarious, allegro. I'm fascinated by animals that are deviant shitheads, but not the vicious variety.

06-18-2015, 09:26 PM
Tonight, Bubba barfed a hairball on one of her potty pads. Usually, the cats barf hairballs on throw rugs, chairs, stairs, the kitchen table, ANYWHERE but the house full of hardwood floors and slate or vinyl tile. I think we have established the Olympics of Ass-Kissing, here. GOOD GIRL, BUBBA, GOOD GIRL!!!!!!

(The blind dog, Cookie, started this example. Cookie finds her way down to the basement and poops a giant load perfectly on her array of potty pads, AND SHE'S BLIND. Ok, and she might actually EAT some of it immediately after, which a feline would not do, but Cookie sees this as scavenger recycling. The cats just stare in disbelief.)

06-18-2015, 09:29 PM
I'm not disagreeing there, but when it comes to @tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107), it doesn't sound like laziness, more like the only way he found to deal with a very problematic, aggressive pet without abandoning it.
I consider declawing intolerable, but in this one case it wasn't a matter of saving his precious furniture. There is no way in hell I'd mutilate my cat, I even had to defend his right to kill birds because, hell, its nature is to be a predator, but I don't know how I would deal with such a problem either.

For what it's worth, I can understand his dilemma too because I know that cats can do great harm to both adults and kids. I appreciate that he cares enough about his kitty that it made him look for the best possible way to do the operation. I just wish he would have been told about other options before hands.

But my rant was more about the general population (and a lot of people around me) for whom declawing is a necessity for them getting a kitty.

Oh and allegro I think your kitties need to get some quality time with Jackson Galaxy. :D

06-18-2015, 09:34 PM
marodi, I get all my best cat tips from Jackson!!

06-18-2015, 09:36 PM
Tonight, Bubba barfed a hairball on one of her potty pads. Usually, the cats barf hairballs on throw rugs, chairs, stairs, the kitchen table, ANYWHERE but the house full of hardwood floors and slate or vinyl tile. I think we have established the Olympics of Ass-Kissing, here. GOOD GIRL, BUBBA, GOOD GIRL!!!!!!

(The blind dog, Cookie, started this example. Cookie finds her way down to the basement and poops a giant load perfectly on her array of potty pads, AND SHE'S BLIND. Ok, and she might actually EAT some of it immediately after, which a feline would not do, but Cookie sees this as scavenger recycling. The cats just stare in disbelief.)

Hmmm one, if not both, of my cats have taken to barfing up their food after eating it too fast. I might try these out to see if it makes clean-up easier.

06-18-2015, 11:28 PM
I hadn't heard about declawing before, but I've never owned cats. But couldn't the same things be said (that it's mutilation and would I want it done to me) about neutering your pets?

regarding the pets eating too fast and making themselves sick... one of my dogs would do that, so the vet recommended mixing a little bit of water in with his dried dog food before he ate it. Never had a problem again.

06-18-2015, 11:37 PM
But couldn't the same things be said (that it's mutilation and would I want it done to me) about neutering your pets?Only if you think vasectomies and tubal ligation are mutilation.

06-18-2015, 11:56 PM

you can easily trick netflix into thinking that you are in another country. :)


06-19-2015, 12:20 AM
Only if you think vasectomies and tubal ligation are mutilation.

That's actually an interesting point... is there a reason we don't give our dogs vasectomies instead of castration? It's got to be an equally intensive procedure.

I originally really didn't want to get the dogs neutered, but the general consensus was it was a real concern, and that they "would be happier really," which always seemed odd to me.

06-19-2015, 12:31 AM
That's actually an interesting point... is there a reason we don't give our dogs vasectomies instead of castration? It's got to be an equally intensive procedure.

I originally really didn't want to get the dogs neutered, but the general consensus was it was a real concern, and that they "would be happier really," which always seemed odd to me.
Jinsai There's nothing I like more than someone who asks great questions and who have a desire to learn more about a subject.

Here are 3 links where it is explained why spaying/neutering a pet is important:




As to what is pissing me off right now: I'm lazy so I put bare links in this post.

06-19-2015, 12:53 AM
That's actually an interesting point... is there a reason we don't give our dogs vasectomies instead of castration?Good question. This article discusses both sides (http://www.petmd.com/blogs/fullyvetted/2010/april/ligations_vasectomies-7245).

06-19-2015, 05:16 AM
I question why Tony brought it up on here, knowing it was a provocative statement. Well, no I don't, actually; it's par for the course for Tony.

I promise I wasn't trying to incite anything here, I know this is a very left/liberal board so even mentioning declawing would get me a little pushback but I was more looking into just having people to talk to about it because it broke my heart. Side note I specifically asked them if they had any supplemental pain medication for Miley just to help her with the healing process because I hate seeing the girl in pain and they actually had a 2 day "treatment" that I ended up buying for $50. It was a series of 4 syringes (one ever 12 hours) without the needle that you have to "squirt" into their salivary glads (basically just in their cheek). It's a TEENY TINY amount of liquid/gel or whatever but I feel like an absolute monster giving it to her. There is an absolute positive change in her demeanor shortly after I give it to her but the way she acts the 2 seconds after I squirt it in there is heart wrenching. I know its just because she has no idea what the fuck it is, it tastes bad and its unpleasant but she like...screams for a second and almost falls on her back trying to get it out of her mouth.

Has anyone else here had to give their little fur babies medication/pain meds like this? Do they have a similar reaction? Am I just injecting it too quickly? She fights me every step of the way and I had to have my wife "hold her down" on the floor to prevent her from running away. I have to do it again when I get home in 3 hours and i'm absolutely dreading it.

06-19-2015, 05:42 AM
Pink clothes.
Actually, anything pink (unless it's a natural part of a body). Fuck that color.

06-19-2015, 05:50 AM
Pink clothes.
Actually, anything pink (unless it's a natural part of a body). Fuck that color.

So sad that gums, tongues and more intimate part of the body don't look so cool in black :(

06-19-2015, 06:10 AM
and more intimate part of the body don't look so cool in black :(

But they do look bigger. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06-19-2015, 06:17 AM
I hadn't heard about declawing before, but I've never owned cats. But couldn't the same things be said (that it's mutilation and would I want it done to me) about neutering your pets?

regarding the pets eating too fast and making themselves sick... one of my dogs would do that, so the vet recommended mixing a little bit of water in with his dried dog food before he ate it. Never had a problem again.

It's the wet food that I've been having to clean up,so I don't know if that trick would work. :/

06-19-2015, 06:20 AM
But they do look bigger. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That doesn't make any sense, it's a slimming color !!!

06-19-2015, 06:24 AM
It's the wet food that I've been having to clean up,so I don't know if that trick would work. :/
It seems really silly, but try putting golf balls in with the food, it makes the food harder to get so they're forced to eat it slower.

06-19-2015, 07:53 AM
Has anyone else here had to give their little fur babies medication/pain meds like this? Do they have a similar reaction? Am I just injecting it too quickly? She fights me every step of the way and I had to have my wife "hold her down" on the floor to prevent her from running away. I have to do it again when I get home in 3 hours and i'm absolutely dreading it.

my cats will eat ANYTHING in their food so i just put whatever i need to give either of them right in there. i never have any problem with it and i have to give kaylee meds all the time. we feed them wet food approximately every 12 hours (no dry food ever) so it works out well.

06-19-2015, 08:38 AM
I promise I wasn't trying to incite anything here, I know this is a very left/liberal board so even mentioning declawing would get me a little pushback but I was more looking into just having people to talk to about it because it broke my heart. Side note I specifically asked them if they had any supplemental pain medication for Miley just to help her with the healing process because I hate seeing the girl in pain and they actually had a 2 day "treatment" that I ended up buying for $50. It was a series of 4 syringes (one ever 12 hours) without the needle that you have to "squirt" into their salivary glads (basically just in their cheek). It's a TEENY TINY amount of liquid/gel or whatever but I feel like an absolute monster giving it to her. There is an absolute positive change in her demeanor shortly after I give it to her but the way she acts the 2 seconds after I squirt it in there is heart wrenching. I know its just because she has no idea what the fuck it is, it tastes bad and its unpleasant but she like...screams for a second and almost falls on her back trying to get it out of her mouth.

Has anyone else here had to give their little fur babies medication/pain meds like this? Do they have a similar reaction? Am I just injecting it too quickly? She fights me every step of the way and I had to have my wife "hold her down" on the floor to prevent her from running away. I have to do it again when I get home in 3 hours and i'm absolutely dreading it.
I don't recommend holding her down on the floor. Too traumatic. It's a 2-person job. One of you hold her fairly securely, and while doing that talk gently to reassure her while the other injects the liquid into her mouth. The stuff probably tastes terrible and, no, it won't work in food. This is a normal cat reaction, due to the taste and taste bud reaction. We had the same problem with liquid Pheno for our cat who had seizures. Try giving her a really yummy treat immediately after, to get the taste out of her mouth and as a reward.

06-19-2015, 08:49 AM
Hmmm one, if not both, of my cats have taken to barfing up their food after eating it too fast. I might try these out to see if it makes clean-up easier.
Most times, cats do that not from eating too fast but because they have a hairball. Cats' tongues have barbs that are pointed toward the backs of their mouths, a very inefficient system that means every time they clean themselves they pick up hair that is impossible to spit out so they must swallow the hair.

06-19-2015, 06:12 PM
sweaty, dirty, nauseous, violent opiate withdrawals because the asshole working at the desk at the la quinta in denver thought it would be a good idea to take 42 (a week's worth) of my fucking 10 mg vicodins when i asked him to come fix something in our room while i was gone.
when i confronted him about it, he was more concerned about explaining to me that the dr will rewrite the prescription if i call him and explain what happened than fucking saying he didn't do it.
i was thinking "no...he won't, you terrible bastard. but thanks for giving me a window into your mousy little brain. i assume you've been telling yourself this for the past 3 hours, ever since you noticed the big bottle of hydrocodones on the table in my suite. your thought process is fascinating!"

well, here i am, with no opiates for a week.

you can pretty much assume that i've been on opiates the entire time you've known me, and now i'm out for the first time.

it fucking sucks in and of itself. it's kinda like heroin withdrawals.

what makes it INFINITELY worse, however, is that i had those two nasty ass tonic clonic seizures and i can still barely fucking walk from the pain.

i've known this was coming.

today is the day.

i'll quit bitching. i get my meds on the 25 so 5 more days after today right? i'll live.

06-19-2015, 06:43 PM

you can easily trick netflix into thinking that you are in another country. :)


Can it take my credit card info from my account?

06-19-2015, 07:11 PM
It has access to what you do while it's active, obviously, so don't turn it on unless you need it. Otherwise, I can't see how it could access that kind of data...

06-19-2015, 07:33 PM
Could you guys please sign this petition?


06-19-2015, 07:59 PM
Could you guys please sign this petition?


Gladly! *is pissed off 10 characters at a time*

06-19-2015, 08:21 PM
icecream , i haven't done it. one of my old homeboys from high school does it to watch british tv shows that he likes though.

do you want me to ask him exactly how he does it? let me know and i will.
Ryan i'm on it.

06-19-2015, 11:27 PM
Wanna know how to make the maintenance guy at your apartment complex hate you forever? Call to have your air conditioner fixed at fucking 10 fucking p fucking m because you were "too busy" to make a 60-second phone call to the office about it about it at literally any other time during the day. Why couldn't they just wait until TOMORROW morning to call? Fuck off. I can't wait to quit this job. College kids are ungrateful shits that don't even know where to buy their own lightbulbs. THEY'RE FOUR DOLLARS AND YOU LIVE RIGHT NEXT TO A TARGET SUPERCENTER.

06-19-2015, 11:37 PM
College kids are ungrateful shits that don't even know where to buy their own lightbulbs.
man, this is like 99% of people born after 1990ish. They are attached to technology but can't handle really basic maintenance type tasks. I had a young engineer from a ivy league college complain about it being too hot and not know how to turn off a boiler style heater at work "because he didn't want to cause an explosion." There was one goddamned knob on it. You twist it one way for on, one way for off. Instead, he kept the window all the way open for a week. Just one of the many examples I have.

06-20-2015, 01:08 AM
man, this is like 99% of people born after 1990ish. They are attached to technology but can't handle really basic maintenance type tasks. I had a young engineer from a ivy league college complain about it being too hot and not know how to turn off a boiler style heater at work "because he didn't want to cause an explosion." There was one goddamned knob on it. You twist it one way for on, one way for off. Instead, he kept the window all the way open for a week. Just one of the many examples I have.

Hell yeah! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Do you know how frustrating it is when a resident calls in about a "gas leak," and I have to take half an hour out of literally anything I'm doing at that moment to explain to them that our ENTIRE complex runs on electric power, and not gas, only for them to get pissed off because they look like a moron? There's not a single gas line in your building, or in any other, except to the grill by the pool. Your apartment stinks because you pile your trash on the patio and next to the kitchen.

06-20-2015, 08:27 PM
^^^^. Fascinating. Curious, why do you think these millennium kids are so terrible at life skills? Their parents not around? Or their parents weren't taught because they came from the first generation of middle class dual income families?

My cat got declawed on accident. No kidding :(

06-20-2015, 11:28 PM
^^^^. Fascinating. Curious, why do you think these millennium kids are so terrible at life skills? Their parents not around? Or their parents weren't taught because they came from the first generation of middle class dual income families?

My cat got declawed on accident. No kidding :(
I'm curious what Alrea thinks, but if I were to study this, i'd look into possible factors being:
- kids being more attached to their electronic devices instead of playing in the real world. Lots of the hands on skills come from just fucking around with your surroundings.
- the growing service economy/culture where more and more stuff is done for you. If the activity is not consumption, there is probably a person to do it for you! And if there isn't a person, there is personal assistant style technology to do it!
- the growing "disposable/nonservicable device" trend. Instead of fixing it, you get a new one!
- more complex devices... on top of the above, you will also encounter devices that are a lot more complex and it is a lot more intimidating to just dive in and figure out how it works. The more things are like this around you, the more conditioned you become to respond to everything in the same way.
- parenting styles that might actually be more restrictive in terms of letting kids mess around and potentially break stuff (aka learning)

Yet, we have shit like youtube that will show you how to do all this kind of stuff! I fucking WISH I had access to that kind of stuff. I wouldn't have to spend days fiddling with something the first time around to figure out a 20min process. But maybe the removal of the discovery process is detrimental to the DIY mindset?

06-22-2015, 08:08 AM
Commercials before movies in (at?) cinema. I don't mean trailers, they're OK, but stupid, stupid commercials. Hey, I am paying for this, so go fuck yourselves with this shit.

06-24-2015, 04:34 AM
Two fucking migraines in one day.

06-24-2015, 04:47 AM
Could you guys please sign this petition?


Haha I read the truncated link and saw Tony, one elses pet and thought you were being cunty and made a change.org petition about me.

06-24-2015, 05:57 AM
Two fucking migraines in one day.

one time i literally had a headache that lasted for an entire year. it fluctuated between mild throbbing to full-blown migraine, but it was ever-present for just over 365 days. and that wasn't even the worst year of my life.

what i'm saying is, i understand your pain, and i hope your head gets better.

06-24-2015, 09:22 AM
"i got a bad migraine-that lasted three long years-and the pills that i took-made my fingers disappear." (Bowie, Time Will Crawl)

Jesus, that's awful eversonpoe .

And i'm sorry allegro .

I HATE them. I will never forget the first one i had-i get the visual disturbances too, and i was looking in the cabinet for pain relievers and realized that i couldn't read the labels. Then i spilled a bottle of pills everywhere. It was really fucking scary.

So i had them from like 16 to 23 or so and then they stopped, but i've been getting them lately, maybe one every 10 days.

There is a great medicine that i used for them when i was a kid. It's called Imitrex i believe, and it worked really well.

Lately, what i do is take 2 Zanaflex and 4 ibuprofens, and i slam a bottle of water in one or two drinks. It works about half the time, which makes me wonder if the migraine is related to tense neck muscles, or dehydration or both.

Speaking of pain, i am SO tired of the pain from those seizures that i had. It's fucking KILLING me, and i feel so weak and useless.
The house wants cleaning but i haven't the strength.
It IS getting better, but slowly...VERY slowly.

06-24-2015, 11:18 AM
"i got a bad migraine-that lasted three long years-and the pills that i took-made my fingers disappear." (Bowie, Time Will Crawl)

Jesus, that's awful @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) .

And i'm sorry @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) .

I HATE them. I will never forget the first one i had-i get the visual disturbances too, and i was looking in the cabinet for pain relievers and realized that i couldn't read the labels. Then i spilled a bottle of pills everywhere. It was really fucking scary.

So i had them from like 16 to 23 or so and then they stopped, but i've been getting them lately, maybe one every 10 days.

There is a great medicine that i used for them when i was a kid. It's called Imitrex i believe, and it worked really well.

Lately, what i do is take 2 Zanaflex and 4 ibuprofens, and i slam a bottle of water in one or two drinks. It works about half the time, which makes me wonder if the migraine is related to tense neck muscles, or dehydration or both.

Speaking of pain, i am SO tired of the pain from those seizures that i had. It's fucking KILLING me, and i feel so weak and useless.
The house wants cleaning but i haven't the strength.
It IS getting better, but slowly...VERY slowly.

pretty much all of my wife's headaches are related to dehydration (or crying; she gets REALLY bad headaches when she cries, which sucks, because she's very susceptible to crying) and she hates taking painkillers.

06-24-2015, 11:25 AM
eversonpoe , my brother has this theory that MOST bad headaches come from dehydration.
that's why i chug the bottle of water with the medicine.
this method works for my mother too.

as far as hating to take painkillers, that's a really good thing. they are ALL awful for you. actually, opiates aren't toxic to your organs, but of course they are addictive and cause respiratory depression. and vicodin is chock full of tylenol.
honestly, i can't understand why science hasn't come up with a better analgesic in all this time.

i took so many ibuprofens after i had those seizures that now i get nauseous if i say the word ibuprofen.

06-24-2015, 12:42 PM
I HATE [migraines]. I will never forget the first one i had-i get the visual disturbances too, and i was looking in the cabinet for pain relievers and realized that i couldn't read the labels. Then i spilled a bottle of pills everywhere. It was really fucking scary. So i had them from like 16 to 23 or so and then they stopped, but i've been getting them lately, maybe one every 10 days.

There is a great medicine that i used for them when i was a kid. It's called Imitrex i believe, and it worked really well.
I don't take painkillers for migraines, I take triptans (like Imitrex) which are pretty fucking cool; they make me feel like crap for a little while (dizzy) but it's worth it. Pretty much nobody prescribes painkillers for migraines anymore, they prescribe these triptans, etc. I'm also on daily low dose Topiramate which is usually a seizure med but it's found to greatly reduce the number and intensity of migraines. But I've been going through waves of them, 3 days, then nothing for a few weeks, then 3 more days, and my triggers are much more sensitive lately due to hormone fluctuations. I used to be able to take 1/2 of an Imitrex but last night I needed 2 whole ones (1 each, at 2 different times). You can only get 9 at a time because the insurance co will only cover that (9 costs me $28 but the ins co pays $128 for 9 pills).

I didn't start getting migraines until I was around 23, then had them until I was in my early-30s (when I divorced my ex-husband, Satan, LOL), then they stopped for a long long time, then they came back again. My mom started getting them when she was SIX but stopped getting them in her late-50s. My big triggers are skipping or missing meals (blood sugar drop), certain wines (sulfates), dehydration, hormone fluctuations, STRESS STRESS STRESS, and ALLERGIES are a big trigger for me, too. My migraines almost always start on one side of my neck and then move into my eye, but sometimes they start directly in one eye. I usually have visual disturbances, blurred vision, sometimes I'll have blurred vision as a "prodome" or a warning that I'm going to get a migraine. I am seeing a neurologist who works through Mayo Clinic and North Shore University Health Care here in Chicago and he wants me to participate in a blood test study he's doing to try to figure out why triptans work for a lot of people but don't do anything for others; he said they've done brain scans and that doesn't show anything as to why it works and doesn't so now they're trying to see if there are other genetic factors or internal correlations. My dental hygienist doesn't get any effects from Imitrex but Maxalt works great for her. Her mom's migraines don't respond to any triptans but she has so many (more than 15 per month), she qualifies for Botox injections and gets those and they work for her in reducing the number and intensity.

My first migraine, I was staying overnight out in the country with a coworker friend at their home north of Ann Arbor MI and it came out of nowhere, and I was puking and puking and didn't even know where I was and I was incoherent because it affected my ability to think and talk, and she and her husband were about 15 years older than me, she was like a mom figure to me, and she called her brother, who was a Doctor, and he said "that's a full-blown migraine, give her 2 plain aspirin and one of your 10 mg Valiums," which totally knocked me out, and they called up my mom and she drove about an hour to pick me up. Holy shit.

This is like a BIBLE to me (http://www.amazon.com/The-Migraine-Brain-Breakthrough-Headaches/dp/1439150354)

06-24-2015, 12:59 PM
People who don't answer emails.
Come on, I'm not writing you for fun: I'm writing you for work, and your cooperation would be appreciated. And having me and other people sit around waiting for you to respond is no fun, and just makes you an ass. Yeah you're busy, we're all busy.

06-24-2015, 05:44 PM
Thank you. we will most definitely be ordering that book, allegro

06-24-2015, 06:56 PM
People who don't answer emails.
Come on, I'm not writing you for fun: I'm writing you for work, and your cooperation would be appreciated. And having me and other people sit around waiting for you to respond is no fun, and just makes you an ass. Yeah you're busy, we're all busy.

Huge pet peeve of mine. I especially hate when someone emails me for something urgent at work, and I reply with questions pertaining to their task request and they take hours to respond. Even if it's just a simple yes or no answer. Fuuuck

06-24-2015, 08:53 PM
My roommate just rolled his eyes and scoffed and said, "Oh my god, just because one racist white kid shot a group of black people shouldn't mean anything.There are black people that are racist against white people, too. It's just stupid." Then he had to ask me what "black lives matter" meant, because "what makes black lives so much more important than other races?"



06-24-2015, 09:14 PM
My roommate just rolled his eyes and scoffed and said, "Oh my god, just because one racist white kid shot a group of black people shouldn't mean anything.There are black people that are racist against white people, too. It's just stupid." Then he had to ask me what "black lives matter" meant, because "what makes black lives so much more important than other races?"


Yup, sure are making real progress in this country aren't we?

06-24-2015, 09:23 PM
Yup, sure are making real progress in this country aren't we?

So many quotables burned into my head. "It's just so stupid. Nobody on Earth right now survived through slavery, that was over 150 years ago! Why does anyone care about it??"

06-25-2015, 09:48 AM
one time i literally had a headache that lasted for an entire year. it fluctuated between mild throbbing to full-blown migraine, but it was ever-present for just over 365 days. and that wasn't even the worst year of my life.

what i'm saying is, i understand your pain, and i hope your head gets better.

If you ever get a long-term headache again, see if your doc will prescribe a pack of steroids. That's the only thing that works for me when I get to a couple of weeks

06-25-2015, 10:28 AM
If you ever get a long-term headache again, see if your doc will prescribe a pack of steroids. That's the only thing that works for me when I get to a couple of weeks

I worked with a girl who had a headache for 2 weeks, and I made her go to the doctor. She had some blood tests done, ends up her thyroid was fucked up and she had Graves disease. The doc put her on medication and her headache went away instantly.

06-25-2015, 03:39 PM
People who don't answer emails.
Come on, I'm not writing you for fun: I'm writing you for work, and your cooperation would be appreciated. And having me and other people sit around waiting for you to respond is no fun, and just makes you an ass. Yeah you're busy, we're all busy.This used to fry me too until I realize some people just suck terribly at email - I had one customer who you just could not send emails to, ever, even when he said "send me an email". It would just disappear down his inbox because he just got so many each and ever day. It all made sense to me when I went to his office and saw his desk too. Messy messy. Not necessarily excusable, but he was the customer so I had to live with it, I wasn't going to change him.

How about picking up the phone? Resending the email?
allegro -My mom had migraines for years all with the same triggers you have including eating too much cheese or chocolate in one sitting. Her brother and my brother both get them too so I assumed it;s a family thing. Mom doesn't get them anymore so I assume between regulating her diet, meditation, and menopause cured her. ;)

06-25-2015, 03:45 PM
People who don't answer emails.
Come on, I'm not writing you for fun: I'm writing you for work, and your cooperation would be appreciated. And having me and other people sit around waiting for you to respond is no fun, and just makes you an ass. Yeah you're busy, we're all busy.This used to fry me too until I realize some people just suck terribly at email - I had one customer who you just could not send emails to, ever, even when he said "send me an email". It would just disappear down his inbox because he just got so many each and ever day. It all made sense to me when I went to his office and saw his desk too. Messy messy. Not necessarily excusable, but he was the customer so I had to live with it, I wasn't going to change him.

How about picking up the phone? Resending the email?
@allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) -My mom had migraines for years all with the same triggers you have including eating too much cheese or chocolate in one sitting. Her brother and my brother both get them too so I assumed it;s a family thing. Mom doesn't get them anymore so I assume between regulating her diet, meditation, and menopause cured her. ;)

don't hate...

06-25-2015, 03:48 PM
DigitalChaos, Thanks for proving my point. You're probably super productive, clearly verbose, but SUCK at email. You don't have OCD either.

Based on the number of notifications you have here, your inbox does not surprise me AT ALL. :P

06-25-2015, 03:56 PM
@DigitalChaos (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=598), Thanks for proving my point. You're probably super productive, clearly verbose, but SUCK at email. You don't have OCD either.

Based on the number of notifications you have here, your inbox does not surprise me AT ALL. :P
My personal email definitely suffers from the "didn't reply when i intended to" situation (that count is my work and my personal merged together). On the work side, I have a shitload of people (and machines) trying to get my attention over tons of channels. It's to the point where I've permanently routed my phone to a black hole. I've gotten good at judging an email by the sender and the subject line and skipping over the less important ones. I have a pretty low miss rate for work emails that actually matter.

I have OCD on some topics.. mostly related to perfectionism. The organization of my work environment is definitely not one of them though.

06-25-2015, 03:58 PM
wow, i just realized that over 50% of my email is unread.

06-25-2015, 04:13 PM
This used to fry me too until I realize some people just suck terribly at email - I had one customer who you just could not send emails to, ever, even when he said "send me an email". It would just disappear down his inbox because he just got so many each and ever day. It all made sense to me when I went to his office and saw his desk too. Messy messy. Not necessarily excusable, but he was the customer so I had to live with it, I wasn't going to change him.

How about picking up the phone? Resending the email?
allegro -My mom had migraines for years all with the same triggers you have including eating too much cheese or chocolate in one sitting. Her brother and my brother both get them too so I assumed it;s a family thing. Mom doesn't get them anymore so I assume between regulating her diet, meditation, and menopause cured her. ;)
The experts have changed their minds about the food thing and think we were incorrectly blaming food when it was probably hormones causing it, LOL. Too many people can eat the "bad" foods and not get any migraines (like me, I can eat pounds of cheese and chocolate and not get any migraines) for it to be a true overall cause; neurologists say for SOME people it's a trigger but it may be due to allergies. But, yeah, for a lot of women, full-blown menopause ends 'em. My hygienists' mom wasn't so lucky, ugh. Yes, migraines are totally hereditary.

Emails: One time my boss, the King of Disorganization, asked me to log into his email account to adjust a setting. HE HAD OVER 3,200 UNREAD EMAILS IN THERE. I AM NOT KIDDING. My Inbox has, at most, 10 emails in it at any time (I use my Inbox as a "To Do" list). The guy is like fucking Pig Pen on Peanuts.

Regarding "job application" inquiry emails, though; I think a lot of email avoidance is just something they do. They don't want to give any information. That's just the way they are in HR. Until you get the job, then they're maybe a little more helpful. Otherwise, robots are doing 98% of the jobs these days in HR (scanning resumes, etc.) and the rest is just avoiding conflict. There are so many people looking for work, these people just learn to hit the "ignore" button.

06-25-2015, 11:24 PM
Damn, i'm afraid that there is something more wrong with me than just normal sore muscles from seizure pain.

I looked at forums where other people had problems very similar to mine, and they all had one or more fucked up things wrong with them.

It's been almost 3 weeks and i can still barely walk, am confused at times, nauseous, etc.

Time to go to the doctor. I mean, i went to the ER, but they told me to follow up with a gp and a neurologist. I didn't.
I'm going to asap.
This is honestly the worst i've ever felt, ever, and looking at other people's stories, there is a veritable plethora of possible corollary problems possible.
And some of them matched my symptoms perfectly.


What sucks worst of all is not knowing exactly what's wrong or what to expect or when to expect relief.
I could handle the pain if i knew that.

That, and feeling so fucking weak and useless. I just watched my 57 year old disabled mother take the trash out after i had to wake up my sick wife to bring in the groceries. i HATE that shit. i usually take care of those things. :/

Please send good vibes my way. this is fucking awful, y'all.

06-26-2015, 10:13 AM
It's been almost 3 weeks and i can still barely walk, am confused at times, nauseous, etc.

Time to go to the doctor. I mean, i went to the ER, but they told me to follow up with a gp and a neurologist. I didn't.
Dude, get an appt. with a neurologist, asap. Don't put it off anymore. Sometimes it takes a while to get in to see one, so do some research and find one (http://www.nwtexashealthcare.com/find-a-doctor) and make an appt. But, in the meantime, establish a relationship with a good Primary Physician, even if you have to drive an hour, and go see them, too.

And quit looking at those forums. :p

Joy Prevention Hotline
06-26-2015, 09:42 PM
I've had a headache for ten years and counting, but I wonder if that's even possible. Seemed crazy enough when it was just a few months.

Any number of drugs will reduce it to near background noise, but it's always there when I look for it.

Neurologist couldn't see anything wrong, even after a CT scan. He put it down to a "tension headache," and I'm tense enough to believe it.

This used to fry me too until I realize some people just suck terribly at email - I had one customer who you just could not send emails to, ever, even when he said "send me an email". It would just disappear down his inbox because he just got so many each and ever day. It all made sense to me when I went to his office and saw his desk too. Messy messy.
My inbox is way more orderly than my desk, much to my boss's regret. (I comb through her email every day looking for things she missed.)

This is why I don't have a desk at home. :p

This is honestly the worst i've ever felt, ever
Considering what we know of your history, that's scary. :(

06-26-2015, 10:13 PM
One of my friends has had constant headaches for years mostly due to sinus problems. They suggested that newish surgery but she's worried about the risks vs. possibly no payoffs, so she just eats a lot of Sudafed and Exedrin.

06-26-2015, 11:47 PM
Anti-Vaxxers regardless of their reasoning. It almost makes me more angry than the anti gay rights folks.
There are only 4 things that make me unfriend/block people for the most part.

1. Hate speech in regards to the LGBT community
2. Blanket anti-cop rhetoric
3. Anti-vaccine whackjobs
4. Anti-GMO idiots.

06-27-2015, 04:35 AM
I don't get this. I just don't get it. (http://kotaku.com/zelda-ii-speedrunner-hits-personal-best-gets-super-emo-1714175594?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow)

It's not even so much the meaningless thing, or the obvious fact that the only reason people are "supportive" is because he's inordinately emotional about his non-accomplishment... If you had a friend who obsessively played an old video game, repeatedly trying to perfect his best score, you might worry about him and be concerned that there was something actually wrong with him. If, upon beating his best score he broke out crying and acting hysterical about it, you become legitimately concerned and worry that your friend is losing it because that's insane, and your friend needs some actual psychiatric help... not a group hug from Kotaku.

Also, who the hell watches speed run videos? Why is this on my news feed? People actually sit there for over an hour watching someone play a game from 1987? WHY!?

06-27-2015, 04:39 AM
Well I don't get soccer either, so...

06-27-2015, 06:15 AM
Well I don't get soccer either, so...

And unless you were IN the world cup, you don't get a pass for crying about soccer/football either.

06-27-2015, 06:37 AM
the pain i've been having has kind of localized to just under my rib cage, both sides, front and back.
but i had my mom check it out (she is an RN and pulled a 4.0,) and we realized that it is actually coming from the right side.
she thinks it's my liver. i might be fucked. :/
i hope i can get to a doctor on monday.
most all of you know about how i used to drink...i should be dead already.
well, i drank a lot while i was in denver, and took a lot of pills and smoked a lot of cigarettes and cigars.
i think that i fucked off some internal organ, and didn't realize it because my entire body hurt sooooo bad from the seizures.
i am hoping that it is my gall bladder or something, or that if it's my liver, it's just angry and not, you know, going to stop functioning.

06-27-2015, 10:57 AM
I won a shirt from some dude on eBay last week and it's now a week later and he STILL hasn't shipped it and won't respond to any of my messages. The punchline of this situation, according to the Item Location on the original page, it's located in the SAME city as me.

Why do people put shit on eBay and then pull shit like this? If I don't get it, eBay will make you give me the money back. So you gain nothing out of being a huge prick for no reason.

06-27-2015, 05:01 PM
There's this food store near where I live that's specializing in sausages. They claim to have over 40 kind of sausages.

I had to explain Andouille to them.

06-28-2015, 06:56 PM
I am a strong ally to the LGBT community, hell I wore an equality pin on my lapel at my wedding and will defend the rights of that community to the death. That being said I feel like there are a LOT of people that aren't part of that community right now that are almost seemingly standing on the shoulders of that community with their ally signs so they can get attention for how "progressive" they are instead of letting that community get the praise. This time isn't our time, it's not the time to raise our flags or toot our own horns and it's pretty annoying and offensive in my honest opinion. Going to pride, sharing pics and stuff like that is one thing. What is not ok is trying to use the verbiage of "we" to try an include yourself as a representative of a community YOU'RE NOT A PART OF.

06-29-2015, 07:53 AM
I am a strong ally to the LGBT community, hell I wore an equality pin on my lapel at my wedding and will defend the rights of that community to the death. That being said I feel like there are a LOT of people that aren't part of that community right now that are almost seemingly standing on the shoulders of that community with their ally signs so they can get attention for how "progressive" they are instead of letting that community get the praise. This time isn't our time, it's not the time to raise our flags or toot our own horns and it's pretty annoying and offensive in my honest opinion. Going to pride, sharing pics and stuff like that is one thing. What is not ok is trying to use the verbiage of "we" to try an include yourself as a representative of a community YOU'RE NOT A PART OF.

it's also really challenging being an actual part of the queer community but not appearing like you are. i LOOK like a straight, cis, white male. i'm married to a cis, white woman. but she's a bit queer and i'm both gender-queer and queer in orientation. over the years, i've always fought hard (in small circles) for justice and understanding, but many people who are not only supposed to be allies but are supposed to be part of the same community as me have been resistant to my involvement because of my appearance.

06-29-2015, 09:19 AM
^^^ aren't you two talking about to different things?
tony.parente bandwagoneers that wouldn't otherwise be there because it seems that it's trendy to be supportive? I say better that then the reverse. We don't want to go back to Stonewall https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots
eversonpoe I'm no anthropologist, but that shit you deal with sounds bit like discrimination inside racial groups. Always a big WTF to me. [emoji17]

Little thing: waiting for a phone call. Tick tock.

06-29-2015, 09:23 AM
^^^ aren't you two talking about to different things?
@tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107) bandwagoneers that wouldn't otherwise be there because it seems that it's trendy to be supportive? I say better that then the reverse. We don't want to go back to Stonewall https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots
@eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) I'm no anthropologist, but that shit you deal with sounds bit like discrimination inside racial groups. Always a big WTF to me. [emoji17]

Little thing: waiting for a phone call. Tick tock.

we were talking about different but related things.

also, yeah, it's kinda similar, i guess? though because i'm white i've never first-hand experienced it in regards to race, i have observed it and talked to friends who have first-hand experience with it, and it's awful. in-fighting is never helpful.

06-29-2015, 11:43 PM
A friend who needs to move due to a massive rent increase just turned down an apartment because the neighborhood wasn't "hip" enough. Los Angeles is going through the worst rental crisis ever. The number of rentals continues to drop at a frightening rate due to unethical POS developers and the ones on the market are being rented out at insane prices ($1800 for a fucking STUDIO). I found her a two bedroom/two bath for $1300 and she passes because not enough residents in the area listen to Iron and Wine. Wow. W-fucking-O-fucking-W-fucking-.

06-29-2015, 11:50 PM
^ it's like that times 10 up here in the SF bay area. Some kid just rented out a tent in his parent's yard for $965/mo (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2015/06/24/mountain-view-man-renting-small-tent-near-google-for-nearly-1000-per-month/)... not even kidding. I'm sure it'll happen quite a bit more now that it made the news.

Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby). There are all kinds of things that perpetuate it, but the really obnoxious ones are the voters who get in the way of housing development if they view it as "for rich people" .... like... where do you think they are living now?!! In your trendy "affordable" gentrified housing that YOU want to rent! econ101 dipshits!

06-29-2015, 11:57 PM

WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FUCKING SHITFUCK TAX RETURN. HOLY SHIT. I sent it all in about 5 months ago, got it back after 6 weeks or so because I forgot a signature, and since then, apparently it's just been going through a fucking circus trying to get back to me. It wasn't mailed until the 2nd of June and if it doesn't show up, I "can't contact them" until the 30th (which is in 3 minutes) because there's nothing they can do until then. JUST SEND IT TO THE SAME ADDRESS YOU DID BEFORE. Fuck. There's no reason it should've taken THIS long.

And the closest IRS office is 30 minutes away. Super. Really looking forward to finding a way to deal with that when I work 9-6 Monday to Friday. And the week of July 4th.

06-30-2015, 12:04 AM
^ it's like that times 10 up here in the SF bay area. Some kid just rented out a tent in his parent's yard for $965/mo (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2015/06/24/mountain-view-man-renting-small-tent-near-google-for-nearly-1000-per-month/)... not even kidding. I'm sure it'll happen quite a bit more now that it made the news.

Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby). There are all kinds of things that perpetuate it, but the really obnoxious ones are the voters who get in the way of housing development if they view it as "for rich people" .... like... where do you think they are living now?!! In your trendy "affordable" gentrified housing that YOU want to rent! econ101 dipshits!
G and I were just talking about how FUCKING NUTS SF housing costs are; he knows air traffic controllers there who make 200 gs per year but can't afford to live near work and are living in shitty areas in Oakland or they're living really far away and commuting and the management lets them have trailers or RVs in the parking lot so they can stay overnight at work, and they can't get out of that facility because nobody wants to go there, and they all rent because nobody can afford 2 million for a house.

They're going to have to eventually close down that facility and consolidate it with another facilty or something.

The new thing here is "luxury rentals" in the near burbs for young people who don't want to buy but want tons of amenities like free wi-fi, pool, fitness center, indoor parking, bbq grills, community area for parties, in-unit laundry, etc., little 1 bedroom 1 bath for $1,800 - $2,000 and they put it up the street from a Mariano's grocery store etc. but you are in, like, Glenview.

Real estate is ALL supply and demand.

06-30-2015, 12:22 AM
Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby).Yup. (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-california-migration-20150101-story.html)

I'm hearing "Detroit or Bust" on an almost daily basis. I lived in Chicago for three years... Are Detroit winters worse?

06-30-2015, 12:23 AM
G and I were just talking about how FUCKING NUTS SF housing costs are; he knows air traffic controllers there who make 200 gs per year but can't afford to live near work and are living in shitty areas in Oakland or they're living really far away and commuting and the management lets them have trailers or RVs in the parking lot so they can stay overnight at work, and they can't get out of that facility because nobody wants to go there, and they all rent because nobody can afford 2 million for a house.

They're going to have to eventually close down that facility and consolidate it with another facilty or something.

The new thing here is "luxury rentals" in the near burbs for young people who don't want to buy but want tons of amenities like free wi-fi, pool, fitness center, indoor parking, bbq grills, community area for parties, in-unit laundry, etc., little 1 bedroom 1 bath for $1,800 - $2,000 and they put it up the street from a Mariano's grocery store etc. but you are in, like, Glenview.

Real estate is ALL supply and demand.

Add in the drought and there are some spectacular examples of failed central planning combined with cronyism.

The housing market is so incredibly unbalanced right now that if you want to move to a new house... you are pretty much screwed. Selling is insanely easy, but buying is hard. Normally a buyer looking to move will have a selling contingency in the buy offer. But no sellers are willing to take an offer with any form of contingency when they have competing offers that are 100% cash and 100k over list price. You basically have to sell your house first... find some temporary living situation... THEN try to buy in this insane market.

We actually bought our first place 6 months ago. We timed everything perfectly, and also experienced quite a bit of luck. If we waited 1 more month, we would be permanently priced out of the area. We have basically no savings or retirement anymore... but on the plus side our house is making like $5k in equity every month! At least until there is some sort of crash... tech bubble, housing correction, earthquake... who knows. Shit seriously stresses me out.

06-30-2015, 12:30 AM

The recent eviction of 17 households at two properties in the Beverly Grove and Fairfax neighborhoods is one of the most egregious examples of this problem. The landlord of the properties is developer Matthew Jacobs, who is also chairman of the California Housing Finance Agency. What many find outrageous is that Jacobs heads the board of this state agency whose stated mission is to provide financing and programs that "create safe, decent and affordable-housing opportunities for low to moderate income Californians."Source: Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0609-gross-housing-ellis-act-20150609-story.html)

06-30-2015, 02:26 AM
My manager is driving me insane, y'all.
When I first got on her team, everything was peachy. After a while, I started noticing things that I didn't like. The biggest thing is that she seems to give preferential treatment to the guys on her team over the women. Example: Female employee calls in to work, Manager loses her shit and takes away one of her responsibilities as a supervisor. Male employee calls in multiple times on one of our busiest days and faces no disciplinary action, despite an empty threat from Manager to demote him. Just recently she got on my case about not coming in on time to mentor a new hire class...in front of said new hire class. Totally valid complaint, but when my male colleagues came in even later than I did, she gave them the courtesy of being pulled aside to be addressed about their attendance. This woman is driving me to drink more than I usually do.

06-30-2015, 06:02 AM
Add in the drought and there are some spectacular examples of failed central planning combined with cronyism.

The housing market is so incredibly unbalanced right now that if you want to move to a new house... you are pretty much screwed. Selling is insanely easy, but buying is hard. Normally a buyer looking to move will have a selling contingency in the buy offer. But no sellers are willing to take an offer with any form of contingency when they have competing offers that are 100% cash and 100k over list price. You basically have to sell your house first... find some temporary living situation... THEN try to buy in this insane market.

We actually bought our first place 6 months ago. We timed everything perfectly, and also experienced quite a bit of luck. If we waited 1 more month, we would be permanently priced out of the area. We have basically no savings or retirement anymore... but on the plus side our house is making like $5k in equity every month! At least until there is some sort of crash... tech bubble, housing correction, earthquake... who knows. Shit seriously stresses me out.
You are in a Seller's market. Real estate is never truly "balanced" - it's either a buyer's or seller's market. When it's a seller's market, that's when housing prices increase (and rental prices increase because developers convert rentals to condos, and people are priced out of purchases so the rental demand goes up, the supply goes down, the rent goes up, and the opposite happens during big crashes and depressions). But during seller's markets, anytime in history, you never have contingencies on sale contracts, ever; you have bridge loans or you sell, first. So you"re lucky to get a contingency. And there has never been any "central planning" in sales because that's Orwellian to the concept of real estate (we're talking sales, here; rentals is a whole other animal). And if you use a buyer's agent, you aren't paying their commission and no cronyism exists; they're either good or they suck. Also, so long as you don't sell during a crash, nothing happens; we bought in 1998, the house will be paid off in 2 years. Contrary to relatively recent belief (and the Flipping TV shows), real estate is a long-term investment.

We're still in a Buyer's market here in Chicago. Most of my work is for REOs (banks) because there is still a shitload of foreclosure inventory out there; no credits, no repairs, no contingencies, but these are priced so low we often get over list. Unfortunately, the comps around here keep the prices pretty low right now. Supply is higher than demand, buyers are still very tentative.

(Hey, if you didn't put 20% down and you are paying PMI but your equity is up to 20%, now ... REFI!!!)

Source: Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0609-gross-housing-ellis-act-20150609-story.html)

Ah, LA has rent control, like NYC, albeit a shitty program, it appears.

06-30-2015, 06:29 AM
A friend who needs to move due to a massive rent increase just turned down an apartment because the neighborhood wasn't "hip" enough. Los Angeles is going through the worst rental crisis ever. The number of rentals continues to drop at a frightening rate due to unethical POS developers and the ones on the market are being rented out at insane prices ($1800 for a fucking STUDIO). I found her a two bedroom/two bath for $1300 and she passes because not enough residents in the area listen to Iron and Wine. Wow. W-fucking-O-fucking-W-fucking-.

Dear God THIS.. my city ..London is literally eating itself. Its getting really bad and something needs to change, i know its simillar in parts of New York too, but didnt know about LA. You HAVE to be RICH to enjoy your life here now.. The greed is insane. People are getting pushed further and further out to the suburbs. The dopey major here does not give a fuck. As long as the arab oil barons and oglriachs are flowing money in...there is a serious housing crisis.
Loads of all the cool clubs are closing becuase they cannot afford the insane rent. They are being turned into Bland penthouses. Some of the good old sleazy areas are having their culture drained.
London ,New York and LA will never die but these these trends need to reverse within the next few years somehow.

06-30-2015, 11:33 AM
You are in a Seller's market. Real estate is never truly "balanced" - it's either a buyer's or seller's market. When it's a seller's market, that's when housing prices increase (and rental prices increase because developers convert rentals to condos, and people are priced out of purchases so the rental demand goes up, the supply goes down, the rent goes up, and the opposite happens during big crashes and depressions). But during seller's markets, anytime in history, you never have contingencies on sale contracts, ever; you have bridge loans or you sell, first. So you"re lucky to get a contingency. And there has never been any "central planning" in sales because that's Orwellian to the concept of real estate (we're talking sales, here; rentals is a whole other animal). And if you use a buyer's agent, you aren't paying their commission and no cronyism exists; they're either good or they suck. Also, so long as you don't sell during a crash, nothing happens; we bought in 1998, the house will be paid off in 2 years. Contrary to relatively recent belief (and the Flipping TV shows), real estate is a long-term investment.

We're still in a Buyer's market here in Chicago. Most of my work is for REOs (banks) because there is still a shitload of foreclosure inventory out there; no credits, no repairs, no contingencies, but these are priced so low we often get over list. Unfortunately, the comps around here keep the prices pretty low right now. Supply is higher than demand, buyers are still very tentative.

(Hey, if you didn't put 20% down and you are paying PMI but your equity is up to 20%, now ... REFI!!!)

Ah, LA has rent control, like NYC, albeit a shitty program, it appears.

Good stuff. I had no idea about the bridge loan. Guess I won't worry too much about ever moving to a new house. I'm putting so much DIY renovation into this place, I'd hate to give it up though.

We did 20%. Flat 4% rate too.

The only central planning in housing is what people are allowed to build. There have been a lot of restrictions on new units due to ignorance, NIMBYs, or even corruption. It gets even worse in the rental space though.

Branching out to our drought problem... Instead of market priced water we get this failed system that produces ridiculous shit like "drought shaming" between residential neighbors. Pisses me off to no end.

06-30-2015, 01:25 PM
I know they are first world problems but struggling for hours with an iphone that won't sync, and a printer that won't print is fucking annoying as fuck.

06-30-2015, 02:23 PM
I know they are first world problems but struggling for hours with an iphone that won't sync, and a printer that won't print is fucking annoying as fuck.

technology that is meant to make our lives easier and won't perform the simplest of tasks is always incredibly frustrating.

Joy Prevention Hotline
06-30-2015, 09:24 PM
Got bird-bombed on the highway a couple days ago. Splattered all over the windshield, with streaks on both sides of the car.

Pretty sure it was a flipping Pteranodon.