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06-30-2015, 09:45 PM
Got bird-bombed on the highway a couple days ago. Splattered all over the windshield, with streaks on both sides of the car.

Pretty sure it was a flipping Pteranodon.It probably hitched a ride back with me (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3815-If-you-had-a-time-machine-your-top-five-eras-to-vist?p=259147#post259147). Sorry 'bout that.

06-30-2015, 11:56 PM

I posted ONCE on that goddamned fragile thread and I hit with 8 goddamn download requests. I didn't say I had them, I didn't say I downloaded them, I didn't say fucking shit. These stupid pricks that have had less than 50 posts are fucking stupid, leave me alone. Except for @Ryan (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=67) , you're exempt. Because you're ryan.

i love you tony

but i am still pissed none of those people sent you a dick pic

07-01-2015, 12:10 AM
i love you tony

but i am still pissed none of those people sent you a dick pic
I'm not mad anymore you cunt <3

07-01-2015, 01:09 AM
lol, I liked my subject the best

"send me shit"

07-01-2015, 01:15 AM
lol, I liked my subject the best

"send me shit"

I would have tried more extortion; he's married now.

07-01-2015, 01:32 AM
I would have tried more extortion; he's married now.

I'm engaged with a 10 month old! haha

07-01-2015, 01:47 AM
I was literally upset at everyone but you Ryan. I've gotten 5 more emails, this is hysterical now.

07-01-2015, 01:48 AM
Don't worry, Ryan will make it better.

Bend over and I'll give you a bumhole massage.

07-01-2015, 01:52 AM
Don't worry, Ryan will make it better.

Bend over and I'll give you a bumhole massage.

07-01-2015, 11:39 AM
wow, I'm sure some people have noticed interesting things in the fragile tracks but I am unable to see behind the deluge of "HEY PM ME PLEASE" nonsense.

07-01-2015, 08:27 PM
Sudden severe back pain, right before I need to fly.
You have got to be kidding me, wretched wretched back.

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-01-2015, 08:51 PM
wow, I'm sure some people have noticed interesting things in the fragile tracks but I am unable to see behind the deluge of "HEY PM ME PLEASE" nonsense.
And I'd like to thank the whole thread for keeping me up way past my bedtime last night. Made me a real grouch in the morning.

But I have the rest of the week off, so I'm good.

07-01-2015, 09:26 PM
My roommate (Not the racist and homophobic one, the OTHER one, the one he's dating) just told me that she thinks that being gay is a trend, children raised by gay parents are over 50% likely to grow up being gay, she thinks that in 10 years, over 75% of the population will 'think' they're gay, and that it's extremely offensive that someone photoshopped a picture of the pride flag over the Iwo Jima American flag.

One, you're an idiot, and two, the fuck do you care about a photoshopped picture that someone put on the internet? Like, what does that actually, tangibly effect in the real world? I asked her that, and she responded with "BECAUSE THE SOLDIERS DIED FOR AMERICA." "Yeah, they died so that the American people would have the freedom to live how they like." "NO, THEY DIED FOR AMERICA, RED WHITE AND BLUE. NOT FOR PURPLE AND GREEN AND ORANGE AND ALL THOSE OTHER COLORS."

Holy shit. Kansas. What the fuck is wrong with you?

07-01-2015, 09:59 PM
Holy shit. Kansas. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You're still in Kansas. That must be the issue.

07-01-2015, 10:22 PM
You're still in Kansas. That must be the issue.
Well, yeah, they keep electing that moron governor. But I'm convinced that at least half of Americans have a double-digit IQ, and the dumbed down school system just keeps shoving people out like turds.

07-01-2015, 10:38 PM
Come on, @orestes (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4), there needs to be a Ryan thread (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3826-The-Ryan-Thread). I'm more than a piece of furniture. I'm a piece of shit on a piece of furniture. :)

07-01-2015, 10:48 PM
Okay, that made me laugh.

07-01-2015, 10:49 PM
haha so reopen it biatch!

07-01-2015, 11:14 PM
Ryan why aren't we friends on facebook?

07-01-2015, 11:15 PM
tony.parente Because I don't use facebook, cocksucka!

07-01-2015, 11:15 PM
Apple. Fucking. Music. I loved Beats. It had a great interface, separated proper albums from compilations, had good genre selections, and it had the best live version of Are "Friends" Electric? of all time. Apple music doesn't even have any Prince! Sons of bitches!

07-01-2015, 11:17 PM
@tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107) Man, I do the best impersonation of Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek (his laugh) - even got John Jarratt and the director of the films on twitter liking and replying to my tweets. Need to record myself and show John as he reckons no one has nailed it properly yet. I beg to differ.

My fiance calls me a serial killer.

07-02-2015, 03:10 AM
Hannibal!?!? WTF!

07-02-2015, 08:51 AM
Well, yeah, they keep electing that moron governor. But I'm convinced that at least half of Americans have a double-digit IQ, and the dumbed down school system just keeps shoving people out like turds.

Oh now, I thought you were talking about Oklahoma where that Gov just signed on to lowering the min wage. What?

07-02-2015, 12:01 PM
My work just had me code an email for a Tea Party email blast. I feel gross and need multiple showers. Seriously fuck those people.

07-02-2015, 04:21 PM
technology that is meant to make our lives easier and won't perform the simplest of tasks is always incredibly frustrating.

Welcome to the vast majority of my work!


07-03-2015, 01:16 PM
Facebook being broken and stupid.

Posts about things my friends have liked ("Cat liked this, Joe liked this") take up more of my newsfeed than ACTUAL POSTS BY THOSE FRIENDS. Like > 50% of my feed is this crap.

There's no way to not see them without unfollowing them completely (meaning I wouldn't see their shares and statuses, something I *do* care about) and it's really annoying me today for some reason.

07-03-2015, 07:02 PM
There's no way to not see them without unfollowing them completely (meaning I wouldn't see their shares and statuses, something I *do* care about)Couldn't deal with FB if I didn't use this (http://www.fbpurity.com/). There's a filter for that specific issue, too.


Having to add drive-thru car washes to my "Places That Trigger Panic Attacks" list. :/

07-03-2015, 07:32 PM
Couldn't deal with FB if I didn't use this (http://www.fbpurity.com/). There's a filter for that specific issue, too.



07-03-2015, 07:49 PM
Much like Samuel L. Jackson's general lack of enthusiasm and growing displeasure for the various snakes on the plane that he was traveling on, I have had it with this mother fucking rain.

In the last fourteen days, there have been maybe four or five where it hasn't rained at all (and those days are not consecutive). I've had four gigs cancelled because of rain in the last two weeks, and I may be out of another one tomorrow because of it.

07-03-2015, 08:00 PM


I have a lot of browser extensions for Facebook already, but I recently discovered one to scrub the news feed and it's been a lifesaver.

07-06-2015, 11:58 PM
just laid in bed (is that correct grammar?) for over an hour trying to fall asleep. kaylee (one of our cats) was curled up with my foot on top of the sheet, which was incredibly sweet, but i just couldn't get my brain to shut up at all. i don't know if it's partly that we have our air conditioner on for only the third or fourth night all summer and the noise is messing with me, or if i'm just not tired at all (i certainly feel tired). tomorrow is going to be a weird day (the only work i have is a service call at 4pm to install a 5-CD player for a customer who is basically evil jimmy stewart) even without sleep deprivation :/

07-07-2015, 08:13 AM
eversonpoe lolz. Evil Jimmy Stewart.

My fucking back hurts. If i, say, try to bend over to pick something up, i'm fucked for a couple of hours.

I can only sleep for about 4 hrs at a time and then the pain wakes me up.

I can't do ANYTHING. I haven't been able to do ANYTHING for like a month.

At least it's making me realize how many things i want to do. I think that once it gets better i will be much less lazy.

07-07-2015, 12:26 PM
just laid in bed (is that correct grammar?)

"I lay in bed" - that's past tense, lie in bed is present tense, laid in bed means you put something down in a horizontal position and requires a direct object like you laid an egg in bed (https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/cw-lie-lay.htm).

07-07-2015, 01:51 PM
"I lay in bed" - that's past tense, lie in bed is present tense, laid in bed means you put something down in a horizontal position and requires a direct object like you laid an egg in bed (https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/cw-lie-lay.htm).

thank you. i've always been unclear on that, despite generally being a grammar nerd.

Space Suicide
07-07-2015, 08:01 PM
Wish I had a father I respected, admired, loved and enjoyed.

07-07-2015, 09:16 PM
I feel you on that one.

07-07-2015, 10:07 PM
to install a 5-CD player for a customer :/

These still exist?

07-07-2015, 10:33 PM
These still exist?

i was surprised, too. sony, $150 on amazon.

07-07-2015, 11:22 PM
I have to take my jeep to service after owning it for 2 days because the USB port doesn't work. Turns out it never worked, hopefully it's just a fuse or something.

07-07-2015, 11:42 PM
I have to take my jeep to service after owning it for 2 days because the USB port doesn't work. Turns out it never worked, hopefully it's just a fuse or something.

It isn't. And you're fucked.


07-08-2015, 01:39 AM
It isn't. And you're fucked.

B...but it only has 150 miles on it... :'(

07-08-2015, 01:44 AM
I'm from australia bitch, talk in kilometres kthx

07-08-2015, 02:08 AM
I could really use the heating pad right now. My cat is asleep on the heating pad right now. I really want to remove my cat from the heating pad but I know I will feel like an absolute heel if I remove my cat from the heating pad.


I could really use the heating pad right now. *whimpers*

07-08-2015, 03:04 AM
I'm from australia bitch, talk in kilometres kthx
I'm going to guess and say it has..um....200km on it.
But I don't know your upside down number system.

EDIT: Just to avoid double posting:

Tata Communications.
Indian telecommunications company, obviously their headquarters is in india and as such so are all their call centers. This company doesn't do residential service, neither does mine. The issue with this is their reps aren't trained to deal with the general public so there is no focus on call quality, courtesy, understanding, verbiage, linguistics, grammar, sentence structure or anything along the lines of speaking the English language. I was hearing my wife complain about having to call capital one a week or so ago because their customer service is located overseas and they were 'so hard to understand'. I had her put them on speaker phone so I could hear what they were like.


The people complaining about not speaking to an "american" really need to be happy they don't speak to the wonderful folks at tata.

07-08-2015, 08:27 AM
Tata Communications

pffffffft hahahahahahahahahaha apparently i'm five today

07-08-2015, 08:37 AM
pffffffft hahahahahahahahahaha apparently i'm five today

When we get "unknown caller" on our caller IDs there's a 90% chance it's Tata and we're always all "God dammit it's fucking titty com"

07-10-2015, 10:22 PM
Jesus christ i can barely fucking type this because i have to get away from it, but i'll try to hurry.
My brother's 9 month old son legit just screams. I mean, at the top of his lungs. Non fucking stop sometimes.
I've never heard ANYTHING like it.
Actually i have...back when i was a cna working in nursing homes.
People who had lost their minds would sometimes do that shit. We rolled them out of there and to a psych ward ASAP.

Let's hope that this one develops 100% normally.

07-10-2015, 10:45 PM
Jesus christ i can barely fucking type this because i have to get away from it, but i'll try to hurry.
My brother's 9 month old son legit just screams. I mean, at the top of his lungs. Non fucking stop sometimes.
I've never heard ANYTHING like it.
Actually i have...back when i was a cna working in nursing homes.
People who had lost their minds would sometimes do that shit. We rolled them out of there and to a psych ward ASAP.

Let's hope that this one develops 100% normally.
Lots of kids do that at that age and the parents don't try to stop them. The new belief is that if you ignore them, they will stop; except they do it to get attention when they need it.

I can't believe your mother puts up with it.

I've heard kids his age do that IN FUCKING MACY'S. People stopped whatever they were doing to screw up their faces and look around for the source of the horrible noise. It instantly spiked a migraine for me. The mother totally ignored it, tuned the kid out. The kid probably needs therapy, now.

Honestly, though, he's trying to communicate but can't. And he's probably being tuned out. I've read some interesting articles about how teaching the kid some sign language right about now works great.

07-10-2015, 11:06 PM
Honestly, though, he's trying to communicate but can't. And he's probably being tuned out. I've read some interesting articles about how teaching the kid some sign language right about now works great.
Both my sister in laws are teaching their infants sign language. Its fucking AMAZING. They know the signs for food, water and done - its absolutely hysterical.

07-10-2015, 11:12 PM
Both my sister in laws are teaching their infants sign language. Its fucking AMAZING. They know the signs for food, water and done - its absolutely hysterical.
Awesome! I've seen fascinating studies about human babies and communication, how slow human babies are at developing speech communication which is slower than the rest of their development, so teaching them sign language right away matches their communication abilities with their mental development. Great stuff. It's AMAZING how fast they develop a functional signing vocabulary before they can speak more than a few words. Or, like your family, even before they can speak ANY words.

07-10-2015, 11:39 PM
Jesus christ i can barely fucking type this because i have to get away from it, but i'll try to hurry.
My brother's 9 month old son legit just screams.That's the universe's way of balancing out getting your house cleaned by the same brother. :P

07-11-2015, 03:07 AM
Awesome! I've seen fascinating studies about human babies and communication, how slow human babies are at developing speech communication which is slower than the rest of their development, so teaching them sign language right away matches their communication abilities with their mental development. Great stuff. It's AMAZING how fast they develop a functional signing vocabulary before they can speak more than a few words. Or, like your family, even before they can speak ANY words.
One of my nephews LOVES sprite and if his parents are going to the drive thru he will frantically sign "more" until they order a small sprite. If they try to give him water when he knows sprite is on the table he'll cry and sign "done". It's amazing.

07-11-2015, 01:48 PM
Not exactly "little", but: Greece.

Fuck you!

And if there was some misunderstanding: FUCK YOU!

07-11-2015, 05:52 PM
all this is why i don't fuck with kids. i LOVE being an uncle.
but a parent?
i don't plan on it.

Space Suicide
07-12-2015, 12:21 PM

07-12-2015, 07:09 PM
Wow, that frog face is rather intimidating.
@tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107) , i for one think your new truck is dope
Gotta make another service appointment for my air conditioning, it's pretty much blowing out lukewarm air when it's hot out for the first 10 minutes or so it's on.

List of fucked up shit so far.

1. Non working USB port
2. Check engine light caused by bad evap canister
3. Jerky transmission
4. Squeaky right front window
5. Very weak air conditioning

All in under 500 miles

07-12-2015, 07:18 PM
Gotta make another service appointment for my air conditioning, it's pretty much blowing out lukewarm air when it's hot out for the first 10 minutes or so it's on.

List of fucked up shit so far.

1. Non working USB port
2. Check engine light caused by bad evap canister
3. Jerky transmission
4. Squeaky right front window
5. Very weak air conditioning

All in under 500 miles
Ugh, dude, I was born and raised in Detroit and the second I saw that Jeep Chrysler I cringed.

07-12-2015, 07:26 PM
Ugh, dude, I was born and raised in Detroit and the second I saw that Jeep Chrysler I cringed.
I'm going to kill myself over this shit. I can't wait for this 9 speed automatic to blow up at 35,001 miles

07-12-2015, 07:40 PM
i guess i don't like it anymore.
Sorry tony.parente

07-12-2015, 08:01 PM
i guess i don't like it anymore.
Sorry @tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107)
I still do, call me a sucker lol

07-12-2015, 09:13 PM
Gotta make another service appointment for my air conditioning, it's pretty much blowing out lukewarm air when it's hot out for the first 10 minutes or so it's on.

List of fucked up shit so far.

1. Non working USB port
2. Check engine light caused by bad evap canister
3. Jerky transmission
4. Squeaky right front window
5. Very weak air conditioning

All in under 500 miles

Is there a lemon law on your state? There's got to be a limit of fucked up shit to happen to a new car where you you can give it back for a full refund. Shheeeesh

07-12-2015, 09:17 PM
Is there a lemon law on your state? There's got to be a limit of fucked up shit to happen to a new car where you you can give it back for a full refund. Shheeeesh

Yeah, but it's a long long long process. Would take months at least, and I don't qualify yet. They're all tiny things so as long it's under warranty I don't care too much.

07-13-2015, 01:27 AM
My wife got told yesterday that her place of work is closing down on Thursday, all because the guy who ran it was a complete dick and didn't know how to treat his customers properly, it's the only pub in a small village and is a potential gold mine if you know how to run it properly, this has also thrown a lot of our future plans out the window and has sent my wife into a bit of a panic

07-13-2015, 01:56 AM
Yesterday in Amarillo, which is the closest city to where i live (90 miles south,) they held a big pro confederate flag rally.
And next week, on saturday, the KKK is holding a rally downtown.

And to top it all off, the local news station gave an interview to these fuckers.
They, no shit, gave face time (or hood time as it were) to fucking KKK members in the whole KKK outfit.
And it wasn't to express shock or outrage. I swear to god, the news station sounded just a LITTLE bit sympathetic to their cause.

07-13-2015, 03:13 PM
I had back surgery a decade ago. Today, I thought it would be a good idea to take apart my iron and brass bed by myself.

I am one stubborn bitch. With an angry back.

07-14-2015, 08:23 AM
Overheard a friend/coworker just now (regarding trans people): "There's another show about a transgender person. And they're trying to say that it's normal. It's not normal. It's never normal."

Other friend: "They're glorifying it now!"

Hey, thanks, guys. Now I know who my transphobic friends are.

Also...glorified?! Yes. It's glorified. What a wonderful life it is, being harassed and murdered for who you are. Considering one in twelve trans woman are murdered (and one in EIGHT trans women of color) I find it kind of ridiculous that anyone would think this is a glamorous life or that anyone is portraying it that way.


I was this close to outing myself and asking her if she thought I was abnormal. But I stopped myself. It was REALLY tempting but I don't want to come out at work yet.

07-14-2015, 03:02 PM
Overheard a friend/coworker just now (regarding trans people): "There's another show about a transgender person. And they're trying to say that it's normal. It's not normal. It's never normal."

Other friend: "They're glorifying it now!"

Hey, thanks, guys. Now I know who my transphobic friends are.

Also...glorified?! Yes. It's glorified. What a wonderful life it is, being harassed and murdered for who you are. Considering one in twelve trans woman are murdered (and one in EIGHT trans women of color) I find it kind of ridiculous that anyone would think this is a glamorous life or that anyone is portraying it that way.


I was this close to outing myself and asking her if she thought I was abnormal. But I stopped myself. It was REALLY tempting but I don't want to come out at work yet.

This sounds like the gay closet eh? Until some folks know they know a transgender person, it's easy for them to see it as different and not normal.

07-14-2015, 03:15 PM
This sounds like the gay closet eh? Until some folks know they know a transgender person, it's easy for them to see it as different and not normal.That's part of the reason why I've thought about coming out to the rest of my friends and my extended family on Facebook. I feel like the more trans people come out and the more people know one of us and maybe we can help increase understanding and empathy that way.

But then, for a variety of reasons (not the least of which being that I'm still unsure if I'm going to go through with transition or not) I haven't done that. I've been tempted, though.

07-14-2015, 03:23 PM
Racist, self-centered guy in the gym who always talks about gunning down minorities, and shuts down the ventilation system because "I won't get sick!". Today I learned he also leaves the weights on. WHAT THE FUCK. He's going there for more than 10 years, the biggest asshole I've had the luck to meet, and he fucking leaves the weights on.

At least he looks like shit, so the gym membership is money out of the window.

07-14-2015, 09:32 PM
Everything except my cats.

07-15-2015, 04:41 PM
came home from work early today, sick as fuck

07-15-2015, 04:43 PM
Everything except my cats.

Mine are back to the pissing contest so they're pissing me off, too. Well, two of them, anyway. Ugh, I'm gonna have to buy giant drums of "Nature's Miracle" until the main culprit goes on kitty prozac.

07-16-2015, 07:54 AM
Mine are back to the pissing contest so they're pissing me off, too. Well, two of them, anyway. Ugh, I'm gonna have to buy giant drums of "Nature's Miracle" until the main culprit goes on kitty prozac.

Literally a pissing contest? I like cats, but that's where I draw the line. My BF's cat has had the worst anxiety, but now that we live together, I feed her, better food and give her attention. She sleeps next to me now and taps me in the head to wake me up for breakfast. She's gained some weight, she was so skinny, and her fur is so much nicer then before.

Unfortunately, she made the wall to wall carpet in the living room her personal liter box long enough before we figured it out that we have to rip it up and start new. Pisses me off, mostly because it took me so long to figure it out.

Sarah K
07-16-2015, 09:16 AM
So here's a cool thing to not do... Don't tell your friends that you're going to be supportive of them unless you mean it. I've been having the hardest and longest bout of depression in my life. I briefly spoke with some friends about it this weekend. They said to let them know what I needed and how they could support me. So last night, I posted this in chat: "Hey, I know something that might help. Would anyone be willing to go to an NA meeting with me sometime this week? There is a 99.9997% chance that you will leave thinking that your life is awesome". The responses that I got were "I already know my life is awesome" and "I need a drink". Those are sooooooOOOOoOOo helpful to me right now. WoooWOWOWOWOooo.

Ugh. And I fucking hate NA, AA... Anything based off of that model. But had an extenuating circumstance not arisen last weekend, I would have bought a bunch of Adderall. Which is basically as close as I can get to doing meth without actually doing meth. So sometimes being around other people who I know understand is helpful, even if I hate "the program".

I don't expect my friends to fix my problems for me. But I kinda do expect them to follow through with being supportive when they offer it. :/

07-16-2015, 09:58 AM
That's fucking shitty. I'm really sorry.

I think it's great that you're going to a meeting, though. I myself need to get back in the habit.

I know you might have to shop around to find one that suits you best. People at meetings might be able to steer you toward good ones if you tell them what you are/aren't looking for. Good luck! I'm around if you need an ear.

07-16-2015, 10:09 AM
I don't expect my friends to fix my problems for me. But I kinda do expect them to follow through with being supportive when they offer it. :/

What the flying F? That is such crap. I totally agree, the baseline of true friends is some semblance of support when you're in a tough spot, something to at least lean on. Best to you and hope you get what you need from meetings at least. No doubt you will feel something close to support from that.

07-16-2015, 11:14 AM
Literally a pissing contest?
Fortunately, this is now limited to some doggy potty pads on the old vinyl flooring in the basement, nothing upstairs, but it is DRIVING ME FUCKING NUTS. First, the cat with anxiety (mostly caused by the bully 18-lb tabby boy) started peeing on the floor (she was doing it upstairs, too, but I've moved the boy's "domain" to the basement, his cat tree is there, he loves it down there, he occasionally wanders upstairs at will but he believes the basement is his "domain" so now all the girls are safe upstairs) but then he saw her pee on the potty pad, thought it was a great idea, and now he's only peeing on the potty pads, too. I tried taking them away, but then one of them pee'd right behind G'd office chair yesterday. Then the blind dog is peeing on the floor in the basement, too, on her array of potty pads right in the middle of the basement floor, which the cats IGNORE; the two cats doing this only pee on the potty pads in three strategic corners they have chosen. I'm ready to put a bullet in my eye from all this pee-cleaning, a diabetic cat, a blind dog with glaucoma, I'm like a fucking shelter. So this morning G and I decided that the potty pads was a pain but at least we were limiting it to those areas and nowhere else, even though we added one more potty-pad-peeing cat. The other two girl cats don't do anything, and think the dog, the boy cat and the nuts cat are insane.

07-16-2015, 11:19 AM
So here's a cool thing to not do
Dude, maybe you need new friends. :(

07-16-2015, 12:21 PM
Fortunately, this is now limited to some doggy potty pads on the old vinyl flooring in the basement, nothing upstairs, but it is DRIVING ME FUCKING NUTS. First, the cat with anxiety (mostly caused by the bully 18-lb tabby boy) started peeing on the floor (she was doing it upstairs, too, but I've moved the boy's "domain" to the basement, his cat tree is there, he loves it down there, he occasionally wanders upstairs at will but he believes the basement is his "domain" so now all the girls are safe upstairs) but then he saw her pee on the potty pad, thought it was a great idea, and now he's only peeing on the potty pads, too. I tried taking them away, but then one of them pee'd right behind G'd office chair yesterday. Then the blind dog is peeing on the floor in the basement, too, on her array of potty pads right in the middle of the basement floor, which the cats IGNORE; the two cats doing this only pee on the potty pads in three strategic corners they have chosen. I'm ready to put a bullet in my eye from all this pee-cleaning, a diabetic cat, a blind dog with glaucoma, I'm like a fucking shelter. So this morning G and I decided that the potty pads was a pain but at least we were limiting it to those areas and nowhere else, even though we added one more potty-pad-peeing cat. The other two girl cats don't do anything, and think the dog, the boy cat and the nuts cat are insane.

You might , if you haven't already have a separate liter box for each pet.

07-16-2015, 12:33 PM
You might , if you haven't already have a separate liter box for each pet.

We have four, one for each cat. GIANT boxes. We have Feliway plug-ins. We clean the boxes 2x per day. We have one box that has no cover, 3 boxes that do. We put one box in a room by itself. We changed brands of litter. We had the female cat to the vet twice, x-rayed, her blood was tested, urine tested, whole nine yards, did everything at home the vet told us to do (the vet is a feline specialist), and the vet said that if none of this worked, it's indicative that the cat just has "mental issues." And we may need to put her on drugs, temporarily, to kind of break this kind of OCD cycle she's set up, probably because peeing on a flat surface makes her feel better, calms her anxiety. She's POOPING in the litter boxes. She just likes to pee on the floor, it somehow makes her anxiety better to pee in these specific spots.

07-17-2015, 11:40 AM
Our washing machine won't spin and our neighbour who does repairs won't come until tomorrow. I'm leaving for a con in London at 7am tomorrow morning. I WANT MY FAVOURITE JEANS, UGH.

07-17-2015, 01:00 PM
We have four, one for each cat. GIANT boxes. We have Feliway plug-ins. We clean the boxes 2x per day. We have one box that has no cover, 3 boxes that do. We put one box in a room by itself. We changed brands of litter. We had the female cat to the vet twice, x-rayed, her blood was tested, urine tested, whole nine yards, did everything at home the vet told us to do (the vet is a feline specialist), and the vet said that if none of this worked, it's indicative that the cat just has "mental issues." And we may need to put her on drugs, temporarily, to kind of break this kind of OCD cycle she's set up, probably because peeing on a flat surface makes her feel better, calms her anxiety. She's POOPING in the litter boxes. She just likes to pee on the floor, it somehow makes her anxiety better to pee in these specific spots.Dang gurl, you are a saint. That kitty needs prozac or something stat.

07-17-2015, 04:28 PM
I just cleaned out my car so it can go to the salvage yard. It's only the second car i've ever owned (and I'm only slightly younger than TR). I'll miss her. :(

07-18-2015, 03:09 AM
every few weeks I see this bullshit getting shared around on music groups I follow.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T5stPyo7EX8/VJ2oebGyB6I/AAAAAAAALOU/afEmG5dpfXM/s1600/440hz%2BMusic%2B-%2BConspiracy%2Bto%2BDetune%2BGood%2BVibrations%2B from%2BNature's%2B432hz.jpeg

fuuuuuuuuuuck this.

These people actually think that before the nazis came along and changed concert pitch to 440 Hz (which is bullshit, 440 was suggest as a standard in the late 1800s), it was 432 as a standard. These assholes are uploading classical music repitched to demonstrate how much more harmonious and "healing and spiritual and calming it is."

Concert A pitch has fluctuated all over the goddamn place, and you can easily research this. Old tuning forks vary, and music was written and performed to those tunings. Various forms of synthesis are based around blending slightly out of frequency oscillators with each other.

But these fucking new age spiritual guru jackasses want to insist that they can't stand to listen to music at 440 Hz. They get head aches, and they feel uneasy when they listen to that nazi tuning... but nobody's passed a double-blind test proving that they have this horrible reaction. Of course. The conspiracy theories get crazier and crazier... with people insisting that bands like the Beatles wanted to tune their instruments to 432 Hz reference, but the labels forced them to go with standard tuning.

This is THE stupidest shit ever.

07-18-2015, 05:39 AM
Our washing machine won't spin and our neighbour who does repairs won't come until tomorrow. I'm leaving for a con in London at 7am tomorrow morning. I WANT MY FAVOURITE JEANS, UGH.
Pro tip: don't wash your jeans.
Unless they smell, seriously. And if you do have to wash them hand wash them if you have to.

Sarah K
07-18-2015, 08:42 AM
You're gross, brah.

07-18-2015, 09:12 AM
every few weeks I see this bullshit getting shared around on music groups I follow.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T5stPyo7EX8/VJ2oebGyB6I/AAAAAAAALOU/afEmG5dpfXM/s1600/440hz%2BMusic%2B-%2BConspiracy%2Bto%2BDetune%2BGood%2BVibrations%2B from%2BNature's%2B432hz.jpeg

fuuuuuuuuuuck this.


This is THE stupidest shit ever.
So what I'm hearing is there are stupid people on the internet willing to argue about stupid shit? Noooo, really.

BTW Sound nerd [emoji7][emoji7]

Piss off, don't ask me to help critique your resume and then be all defensive and act like a dick about what I have to say.

07-18-2015, 10:30 AM
Piss off, don't ask me to help critique your resume and then be all defensive and act like a dick about what I have to say.

Oh god this THIS. What the FUCK ugh.

Big Fat Matt
07-18-2015, 05:47 PM
Pro tip: don't wash your jeans.
Unless they smell, seriously. And if you do have to wash them hand wash them if you have to.
or, dont own jeans. or long pants. I only wear shorts when not at work, and they wash my khakis for me.

edit: I do handwash my shorts, though. They are covered in patches, and patches do not get along well with washing machines. So yeah, handwashing is the way to go. Simple, saves time, and energy.

07-18-2015, 06:09 PM
The moment when you send an email to your female manager with the phrase "tight pussy" and know there will be no consequences.

shitheads at the office triggering DMCA complaints by downloading porn

07-18-2015, 07:32 PM
shitheads at the office triggering DMCA complaints by downloading porn

Ha, about a year ago we got a very angry + very verbose company-wide email from one of our sysadmins over getting a notice over... wait for it... Downton Abbey. I wish I could post it in full because it was GLORIOUS.

07-18-2015, 09:46 PM
Also (double post), when people use "OCD" as a cute adjective. Ugh.

07-18-2015, 10:19 PM
Ha, about a year ago we got a very angry + very verbose company-wide email from one of our sysadmins over getting a notice over... wait for it... Downton Abbey. I wish I could post it in full because it was GLORIOUS.

Hah. Nice. I looove reading those.

I also sent one of those angry emails a couple months back. I fought with management to keep maximum privacy on the network in hopes that it was just a stupid slip-up that wouldn't happen again. Besides, who the hell downloads copyrighted content on public trackers anyway? Now it happened again... All my anger comes from people now forcing me to implement invasive tech because individuals can't control themselves. So goddamned frustrating. I'm legitimately contemplating just quitting so I don't have to cross those lines of morality.

For now, I'm burning the whole weekend by trying to circumvent all the privacy barriers I had originally setup. I'm hoping I can identify the person. The fucker who did this will burn.

Big Fat Matt
07-18-2015, 11:57 PM
I have been single for roughly 4 years. I do not feel the need to have a romantic partner (mostly because i have a hard enough time taking care of my own needs, much less someone else's). Sex is not an issue, as I have no moral objection to the occasional bootycall.

But when my buddies are all like "dude, we need to get you a girl." "how come you dont have a girl?" "dude are you gay?" "everything okay, like, i see the chicks diggin you," it grinds my gears. I've told most of them that i'm really not in a spot to want a relationship, and to be honest, I've been in my fair share of relationships, and most of them sucked. I dunno. Its weird. Most of my buddies are poppin out kids and gettin hitched, and here I am, spending my saturday night painting models and listening to David Bowie and NAILS. It doesnt piss me off that i dont want to be in a relationship, its that no one gets it.

or am i a fuckin weirdo?

07-19-2015, 12:10 AM
or am i a fuckin weirdo?No way, dude. Some of us prefer to roll single. :)

Big Fat Matt
07-19-2015, 12:12 AM
No way, dude. Some of us prefer to roll single. :)
I get all the love i need from my doggy and my kitty cats. They also don't tell me to puts pants on, or yell at me if i eat pizza every day for 2 weeks.

07-19-2015, 12:15 PM
But when my buddies are all like "dude, we need to get you a girl." "how come you dont have a girl?" "dude are you gay?" "everything okay, like, i see the chicks diggin you," it grinds my gears. I've told most of them that i'm really not in a spot to want a relationship, and to be honest, I've been in my fair share of relationships, and most of them sucked. I dunno. Its weird.
You know, it's that kind of constant bullshit pressure that pushed me into a relationship with my ex-husband, a/k/a SATAN. Ugh. I hear ya. Wtf. I was perfectly happy being by myself. I'm happy now with G, but if anything happened to G, I'll be by myself forever until I die (unless some weird thing happened where I accidentally ended up with somebody, which is how I ended up with G).

07-19-2015, 01:09 PM
or am i a fuckin weirdo?

No you're not. Traditionalists think you have to be married and popping out kids by the time you are 30 and that's just not for everyone. I come from a long line of LOIB (Loyal Order Of Irish Bachelors). Just do you and ignore the noise.

07-19-2015, 04:23 PM
I have been single for roughly 4 years. I do not feel the need to have a romantic partner (mostly because i have a hard enough time taking care of my own needs, much less someone else's). Sex is not an issue, as I have no moral objection to the occasional bootycall.

But when my buddies are all like "dude, we need to get you a girl." "how come you dont have a girl?" "dude are you gay?" "everything okay, like, i see the chicks diggin you," it grinds my gears. I've told most of them that i'm really not in a spot to want a relationship, and to be honest, I've been in my fair share of relationships, and most of them sucked. I dunno. Its weird. Most of my buddies are poppin out kids and gettin hitched, and here I am, spending my saturday night painting models and listening to David Bowie and NAILS. It doesnt piss me off that i dont want to be in a relationship, its that no one gets it.

or am i a fuckin weirdo?

Sounds to me like you've got it all figured out. Don't let yourself fall in the trap others have fallen into.

07-20-2015, 05:44 AM
My head is in a really weird place this morning and I'm thinking about shit that happened like 6/8 years ago. There was some off-board drama with some members of here, who are now basically lapsed, where I earned their dislike over me being a dumb/selfish 18 year old who was a shit houseguest. I'm not going to try to defend myself with that. But that translated into just bits of hate here and there on ETS for a while (read - years) afterwards.

I'd like, never acknowledge it publicly or respond because I didn't want to seem like a pussy, and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire. I remember at one point one of the people said what is to this day truly the worst thing any fellow human has ever said to me. They quoted a (positive, nice) post I made in the Fucking Thread and said something like "That's what happens when your Dad teaches you." and then the person I'd upset quoted her and was like "It's funny cause it's true." It wasn't true, but I did grow up in an abusive situation and things weren't always appropriate. At least the second person knew that, and I'd assume the first had been told. It is one of the only times I've ever been truly offended by something someone said to me.

There was also some cool drama where people realized I'd hooked up with someone (shocking, I know) and I'd get quoted in threads with comments like "Sorry, I can't hear you with ____'s cock in your mouth."

And like, whatever, I'm not saying I was cyberbullied (the most electronic form of bullying), but to this day I'm still a bit wtf at people I know that heart the person who said that really fucked up thing to me, or how I'm still friends with the person who said the latter (On Facebook? I guess?) and we just like... never acknowledged how shitty that actually was. Life is weird.

07-20-2015, 04:45 PM
but to this day I'm still a bit wtf at people I know that heart the person who said that really fucked up thing to me, or how I'm still friends with the person who said the latter (On Facebook? I guess?) and we just like... never acknowledged how shitty that actually was. Life is weird.So why not acknowledge it now? I think people let things go too easily. "It happened so long ago." "We were so young then." Fuck that noise. It obviously impacted your life (be it in a small or large way) since you're still thinking about it all these years later, so why not discuss it? I mean, if the situation were to happen now, how would you respond?

07-20-2015, 05:22 PM
People thinking that all texans are backwards right wing rednecks.

07-20-2015, 05:33 PM
People thinking that all texans are backwards right wing rednecks.

A shit ton of your COPS are really fucked up racists.

I don't think anybody should be SO into any one state that they won't see its faults or won't live anywhere else. It's just short of nationalist craziness, and it's for sure exceptionalism. But obviously EVERY state has a LOT of fucked-up stupid ignorant people, and I really doubt that most people think that "all" Texans are "backward right-wing rednecks." Houston was recently voted as the most diverse big city in the country.

Pisses me off: these fucking invasive species of maples putting out their little maple seedlings. I have spent weeks pulling hundreds of tiny little potential maple trees from my lawn, bushes, everywhere. They're from my NEIGHBOR'S Norway maple.

Harry Seaward
07-20-2015, 05:41 PM
I come from a long line [...] Bachelors

I'm no biologist, but I assume for there to be a long line of them, they couldn't all be bachelors.

07-20-2015, 06:26 PM
It obviously impacted your life (be it in a small or large way) since you're still thinking about it all these years later, so why not discuss it? I mean, if the situation were to happen now, how would you respond?

I would probably be like "What the hell?" but basically we never really chat and it's someone I just kind have on there so /shrug. This is me addressing it? What got me *way* more were the people who stayed friends with the person who made that super horrible comment, but like, who knows. It was weird that I was thinking about this this morning of all things.

07-20-2015, 08:43 PM
A shit ton of your COPS are really fucked up racists.

i'm not gonna argue with you on that.
As far as Texas patriotism goes, well, i don't know what to say.
It feels like it's in my blood.
I see a LOT of faults with Texas, but at the same time, it's a very special place. It really, truly is.

Of course, i would probably feel the same way about any other state where i had been born and raised. I'm not sure.

And i DO see a lot of talk on the internet where people seem to think that we are all stupid bigots.
I try to explain to them that, Dallas, for instance, is no different than any other big city. And Austin is about the hippest place in the world.
People don't believe me.

07-20-2015, 08:58 PM
I'm no biologist, but I assume for there to be a long line of them, they couldn't all be bachelors.

Heh, you are correct, my grandfather had 8 brothers. He may have been the only one to marry and have children. My grandmother had 2 sisters who never married.

07-20-2015, 09:04 PM
And i DO see a lot of talk on the internet where people seem to think that we are all stupid bigots.
I try to explain to them that, Dallas, for instance, is no different than any other big city. And Austin is about the hippest place in the world.
People don't believe me.
It'll turn purple soon enough.

I heard Sanders get a huge crowd in Dallas this past weekend. Like 8K.

07-20-2015, 09:05 PM
Of course, i would probably feel the same way about any other state where i had been born and raised. I'm not sure.
How would you know? You've never moved and lived anywhere else for any extended period of time?

And Austin is about the hippest place in the world.
Wait, what? How many other "hip" places have you been in this country? Or the world? San Francisco? Ann Arbor? Seattle? Toronto? Portland? Amsterdam? Montreal? Vancouver? I've been to 5 of these, and they're pretty fucking hip. I'm not busting your balls, here, I'm just saying this is just more Texas exceptionalism.

I can say "it's a really special place; it really, truly is" about at least 15 other states in this country.

That's not Texas "patriotism" -- when people think Texas is more special than anywhere else, that's Texas exceptionalism (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/03/09/1192693/-Texas-Exceptionalism#)-- and that's just fuckin' weird, dude. No "state" is "in your blood." That's just tribal television bullshit.

Hey, look, Rapid City, South Dakota, wants you to visit there, too:


I heard Sanders get a huge crowd in Dallas this past weekend. Like 8K.
Like I said, (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/05/houston-most-diverse_n_1321089.html) above ... (http://www.texastribune.org/2015/07/19/sanders-rallies-thousands-tough-talk-democrats/)

However, no reference to Texas drew longer and louder applause than when Sanders mentioned Sandra Bland, a young black woman found dead last week in a jail cell in Waller County, about an hour north of Houston. Sanders, who was interrupted at a forumSaturday in Phoenix by activists angered by police brutality, brought up Bland while listing other African Americans who have recently died in police custody.

07-20-2015, 10:10 PM
See #12 (http://www.vogue.com/slideshow/1080625/fifteen-coolest-street-style-neighborhoods/)? That's my neighborhood. Lived in it for nearly 20 years (native Angeleno) but you know what? There's a gazillion other places that I think could easily surpass it. Broaden your horizons, elevenism.

07-20-2015, 10:56 PM
See #12 (http://www.vogue.com/slideshow/1080625/fifteen-coolest-street-style-neighborhoods/)? That's my neighborhood. Lived in it for nearly 20 years (native Angeleno) but you know what? There's a gazillion other places that I think could easily surpass it. Broaden your horizons, elevenism.
This is hip, but I think maybe in a negative "gag me with a craft beer" kind of way, LOL (I remember when it was still teeming with winos and homeless people, and we'd have to step over them during Around the Coyote (http://art.newcity.com/2010/05/08/around-the-coyote-no-more/))(that's the Flatiron Arts Building (http://www.flatironartsbuilding.com/), below):


Actually, Silver Lake is number 1 on Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mhj45jmeh/1-silver-lake-los-angeles-ca-2/)

07-20-2015, 11:00 PM
Heh, I can walk to Bushwick (#7) (it's like < 10 min by bus) from where I live in like 20 minutes. Bushwick actually honestly is still really cool. I like it a lot.

07-20-2015, 11:10 PM
I really want to go to Portland; every time I do one of these "where should you be living?" tests, it says I should be living in Portland.

Even though the taxes there pretty much suck.

07-20-2015, 11:12 PM
Silver Lake (http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mhj45jmeh/1-silver-lake-los-angeles-ca-2/)Silverlake (http://www.thrillist.com/entertainment/los-angeles/the-10-people-in-silverlake-who-are-kinda-the-worst-thrillist-los-angeles). ONE WORD. (This is a dog vs. cat type argument. Natives and longtime residents spell it as one word. LA County officials and hipsters spell it as two words. Also, #10 in my link's list is totally bogus. It really does suck now.)

I haven't been to Chicago since I moved back in '00 so I don't know what it's like today but back then, I fell head over heels in love with it.

07-20-2015, 11:13 PM
I <3 NY amirite you guys haha

07-20-2015, 11:28 PM
Silverlake (http://www.thrillist.com/entertainment/los-angeles/the-10-people-in-silverlake-who-are-kinda-the-worst-thrillist-los-angeles). ONE WORD.
Ooops, sorry those guys made it two words :(

I <3 NY amirite you guys haha

I have loved NYC since I started going there as a child; although at Christmas I love it but after about 5 days, I am totally ready to gtfo. :)

There is NOTHING like seeing the Rockettes at Radio City at Christmas. NOTHING.

And, it's a lot of fun being in the EASTER PARADE in NYC!

And, being in Times Square for New Year's Eve.

Someday before my Mom's passes onto the next realm, I want to take her back to NYC so we can go back to Keens. We used to always go to Keens.

G and I really love hanging out near Washington Square.

Crap, now I miss New York. :(

Pisses me off, though: All these people on Instagram losing their fucking MINDS that F.A.O. Schwarz closed the 5th Avenue store. HELLO, PEOPLE, FAOS filed for bankruptcy two times in 2003, and was bought by Toys R Us in 2009. Where've ya been? The rent's too high, there, they gotta move. And now you're just remembering their existence, just as they're leaving? If you'd bought more stuff, maybe they wouldn't be having these problems.

So long, F.A.O. Schwarz

07-20-2015, 11:52 PM
I really like getting out of the city for a bit sometimes, especially because after about a week or two I begin to miss it, which feels nice. Also going to other cities and being alarmed by how much chiller things are (though I've never been to Chicago and have no clue if that's the case there).

07-20-2015, 11:58 PM
I really like getting out of the city for a bit sometimes, especially because after about a week or two I begin to miss it, which feels nice. Also going to other cities and being alarmed by how much chiller things are (though I've never been to Chicago and have no clue if that's the case there).
In the Loop it's particularly insane. Just about anywhere else downtown, it's almost as insane. Outside of downtown, in the neighborhoods, the traffic is bad, parking is terrible, but it's not as nuts with the taxis trying to kill you and pedestrians ignoring the street lights etc. And the jungle "rush" disease has spread to the other neighborhoods of Chicago and the 'burbs. Everybody's always in a fucking hurry. We still escape to Wisconsin to chill out. They haven't been infected, yet. We have this new way to get to our new marina in Racine that includes DRIVING THROUGH CORN FIELDS AND CABBAGE FIELDS. It's so friggin' relaxing, it's like we're in a movie, complete with farm houses and red barns.

What gets me in the Loop, that I can't figure out: People READING WHILE THEY WALK. Like, READING A BOOK.


AND THE LIGHT IS GREEN. Meaning, like, the pedestrians DON'T have the right-of-way.

Honey, those taxis hit people all day, every day, and if you ain't looking, you're gonna be halfway into that chapter and you're gonna get LAUNCHED and it's gonna be a REAL SURPRISE.

07-21-2015, 12:41 AM
How would you know? You've never moved and lived anywhere else for any extended period of time?

@allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) , there's know way i could ever know, because it's impossible for me to ever have been born and raised in another state ;)
Maybe you misunderstood what i was saying. I meant that, had i been born in new york city, or LA, i would probably feel the same pride for those places.


As far as texas being in my blood, it's a feeling and it's hard to explain. It's in my heart. It just is. And if you had spent your whole life here, i BET you would feel the same.
@Miss Baphomette (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=11) i would LOOOOOOOVE to visit LA. i don't have the money.

Colorado is awesome, but it used to be part of texas.

Edit: and no allegro , i've never been anywhere that doesn't border texas, except for a month in TN when i went to get my wife.

07-21-2015, 01:09 AM
And if you had spent your whole life here, i BET you would feel the same.

I was born and raised in the Great Lake State of Michigan, the 26th state, far more beautiful than Texas could ever hope to be. And Michiganders are proud but we aren't weirdo exceptionalists.

Dude, no wonder you only like Texas; you ain't been anywhere else.

Colorado doesn't border Texas. And I can't find anything in the history of Colorado indicating that it used to be part of Texas after it was a state. Colorado was part of the Louisiana purchase, then there was the Texas Annexation but Texas still wasn't a state and wanted to be separate from the U.S., and had just declared independence from Mexico.

07-21-2015, 01:47 AM
http://www.drtinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Texas1836map.jpg @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) , i'll forgive you for not knowing Texas history ;)
This is a map of texas in 1846. We had a fairly good part of Colorado.

Also, forgive me for saying that colorado borders texas. it DAMN NEAR borders texas.
I live in the very, very, VERY top of texas. So i'm fifteen miles south of OK, and it takes about 30-45 minutes to cross the OK panhandle into colorado.

And i don't ONLY like Texas! I just really adore texas.

Beauty, by the way, is subjective.

And there is nothing more beautiful to me than this http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/39/a0/ff/39a0ff9f5628afd54b52ef3084f62c00.jpg

07-21-2015, 01:52 AM
Yes, that is the Texas Annexation. Not ALL of Colorado, and it's territory they intended to steal when they wanted to be annexed, but it was never ratified. That's typical of Texas, "oh, yeah, we used to own all of Colorado." NO, you did not.

Beauty is subjective to somebody who has never been to Hawaii.

Or Michigan's Sleeping Bear Dunes


Or Michigan's painted rocks
http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/372841/22435504/1365787416067/pictured_rocks_lovers_leap_2013_1660x1092.jpg?toke n=C7DpzTwU3GK1ASzMJdpT8fgRFy0%3D

Or a Ludington Michigan sunset

07-21-2015, 02:21 AM
There are lots of stunning places in texas.

But what i find the most beautiful is probably considered ugly by most-the browns and greys of the lonely panhandle, especially at night.

It stirs something in my soul.

I would love to visit places all over the world. I have a list.

But i doubt that i will ever find anything that touches my spirit the way the panhandle does.

Red River hasn't. Ruidoso NM hasn't. Denver hasn't.

I adore the great high plains.

As far as places i'd like to see, the holy land tops the list, but i doubt that will ever happen.
I desperately want to visit New England in the fall.
And i really want to go to the Mayan ruins.

It pisses me off that i haven't hardly been anywhere. There. I ended the drifting.

edit: just so you know , we do have shit like this in texas http://www.travelrefreshment.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Hamilton-pool-header.jpg
and this http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wEDbsMeg5v0/T_SgV5PpcKI/AAAAAAAAM2U/SjuUV85MUR4/s1600/P1140060.JPG

but i like this. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ev5rH8xrK38/To3SmABp__I/AAAAAAAAAM4/qAVjiX3l1k0/s1600/TX+oil+pump.jpg

part of it is because i LOVE storms. We are right in the middle of tornado alley, and with the land up here being utterly flat, the clouds can be fucking STUNNING.

07-21-2015, 06:50 AM
I desperately want to visit New England in the fall.
It looks exactly like that around here in the fall. But, I'd like to go to New England in the fall because these are the Great Lakes, not an ocean.

It's hard to beat Lake Tahoe, though.


I can't imagine being so hung up on one place when there's an entire undiscovered world out there. It's like my late father-in-law thinking life was just fine from his LazyBoy recliner. Because he grew up in that house.

That's why G and I are getting a 28-foot Airstream Flying Cloud and a Toyota Tundra when we retire. So we can hit the road.


07-21-2015, 01:43 PM
I really don't like Ayn Rand. I'm fed up with alienated right wingers thinking her deluded nonsense has any weight or science behind it. She was a bitter twisted bastard who died on the welfare and had zero expertise or insight when it came to diagnosing humanity or society. She just tells entitled neoliberals what they want to hear

07-21-2015, 03:00 PM

I was born and raised in the Great Lake State of Michigan, the 26th state, far more beautiful than Texas could ever hope to be. And Michiganders are proud but we aren't weirdo exceptionalists.

Dude, no wonder you only like Texas; you ain't been anywhere else.

I don't think you're being particularly fair here. I think we could all find something gorgeous about ever single state in the union.

As for @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) 's love of Texas. That is isn't unique. - Massachusetts folks that have never left, never will, love to complain about the weather, but if you said would you move - they'd say 'no way - never'. They also love to take credit for everything: Clam Chowder (the white kind), Babe Ruth (no he was a Red Sox first), Anyone who was born or a resident of the state (err Commonwealth) ever (Leonard Nimoy, Donna Summer, New Kids On The Block, Aerosmith, Jack Kerouac, Emerson, Kennedy (all of them), and on and on.

I agree with this (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/its-not-dixies-fault/2015/07/17/7bf77a2e-2bd6-11e5-bd33-395c05608059_story.html) Op piece that exceptionalism is not just a southern problem.

07-21-2015, 05:42 PM
I think we could all find something gorgeous about ever single state in the union.
That's pretty much what I was saying. ANY exceptionalism (including New England) is stupid. People who refuse to ever leave are just, I dunno, boring? I know people who never left their small home town, never left the fucking county, not even on vacation. They also won't try any new food, and think Olive Garden is adventurous. I'm not saying that's anybody here, natch, I'm just saying there's a reason I moved away. I'd keep moving, like a friggin' nomad, if it wasn't for my husband. We do plan on moving farther west (with tax restrictions) after he retires.

This buttwipe across from us at our soon-to-be former marina suffers from Wisconsin exceptionalism, including spouting revisionist history like "OH, YOU MEAN THE UPPER PENNINSULA THAT MICHIGAN STOLE FROM WISCONSIN!" and shit like that. I ignore him, because he lives in Illinois to avoid Wisconsin's exceptionally shitty retirement taxes. The guy has a dog named "Maddie" (Madison, University of Wisconsin), and has 80 U-W flags hanging off his 36-foot SeaRay and he wears U-W Badgers shirts, hats, etc.

So on the 4th, I wore my most PATRIOTIC outfit: An Iggy Pop Lust For Life shirt, with this GIANT image of Iggy on the front, because nothing says "AMERICA" more than Iggy.


Now G wants to wear his Genitorturers shirts just to fuck with this guy.

That OpEd piece about segregation has it wrong about Detroit; white flight happened in the City of Detroit starting in the 60s; the VAST majority of the little remaining population of Detroit is black, and there is now "black flight" from Detroit to the 'burbs. And they bury this as a little footnote:

"Michigan’s Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills metro area, where segregation declined ."

And they compare Detroit to Dearborn,
which has the highest number of Arabs outside of the Middle East (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/in-sight/wp/2015/03/05/starting-over-in-dearborn-michigan-the-arab-capital-of-north-america/), but used to be run by Mayor Orville Hubbard, who tried to keep out all Dearborn residents who weren't white (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orville_L._Hubbard). I'm sure the old fucker is spinning in his grave.

Chicago is REALLLLLY segregated, though.

07-21-2015, 07:10 PM
Searay? Bleck. When we had a boat, we'd call those Clorox Bottles.

Big Fat Matt
07-21-2015, 07:14 PM
And they compare Detroit to Dearborn,
which has the highest number of Arabs outside of the Middle East (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/in-sight/wp/2015/03/05/starting-over-in-dearborn-michigan-the-arab-capital-of-north-america/), but used to be run by Mayor Orville Hubbard, who tried to keep out all Dearborn residents who weren't white (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orville_L._Hubbard). I'm sure the old fucker is spinning in his grave.

"Keep Dearborn Clean"

07-21-2015, 07:29 PM
"Keep Dearborn Clean"
Yeah, LOL, exactly.

We used to go to Camp Dearborn when I was a kid. Is it even still around? Yup, guess so. (http://www.campdearborn.com/)

Searay? Bleck. When we had a boat, we'd call those Clorox Bottles.
Everybody has Sea Rays these days (not us) they're totally overpriced huge fuckers that tank in value because there are SO MANY of them (fucking Sundancers everywhere (http://www.searay.com/page.aspx/pageid/160944/pmid/334216/370-Sundancer.aspx)). Brunswick owns Sea Ray, now, so the quality HAS gone up, and their design has gone more Euro.

07-21-2015, 10:07 PM
allegro , i love texas, but i want to go all over the fucking WORLD.

Me and Sheap's dream is to get a motor home.

But my love of my state doesn't make me want to never go anywhere else or any shit like that.

The only reasons i haven't really been anywhere are financial.
But now that my brother has moved to denver, i will be spending a lot more time seeing the sites in colorado.

I was there for the better part of june, but had that (literally) back breaking seizure pretty quick after i got there. But we DID manage to go WAY the fuck up on this mountain road with huge streams thundering down either side of it, and it was like being on another fucking planet.

It pisses me off that i had a seizure that broke my vertebrae and barely got to do shit in denver.
See, i ended the drift in this post!

07-22-2015, 12:50 AM
I just spent about 20 minutes reading through moronic comments where people seriously cannot seem to grasp the basic concept behind the "black lives matter" movement.

about 90% of the people commenting on this are either irretrievably stupid or racist. https://www.facebook.com/boingboing/posts/10153018268611179

07-22-2015, 11:24 AM
I just spent about 20 minutes reading through moronic comments where people seriously cannot seem to grasp the basic concept behind the "black lives matter" movement.

about 90% of the people commenting on this are either irretrievably stupid or racist. https://www.facebook.com/boingboing/posts/10153018268611179I love how some folks believe that saying "black lives matter" is racist. Nice way to change the story by taking the argument to begin with - seems like this is the way of 2015.

07-22-2015, 08:57 PM
Car troubles suck shit.

07-22-2015, 09:20 PM
Car troubles suck shit.I inundated you with links. Good luck with fixing. :)

07-22-2015, 09:24 PM
I just spent about 20 minutes reading through moronic comments where people seriously cannot seem to grasp the basic concept behind the "black lives matter" movement.

about 90% of the people commenting on this are either irretrievably stupid or racist. https://www.facebook.com/boingboing/posts/10153018268611179

Even those who aren't racist are morons or dicks...

I should write down those names...

07-23-2015, 01:36 AM
I inundated you with links. Good luck with fixing. :)
Much obliged!

07-24-2015, 12:11 AM
Myself at the moment. I've been writing like a motherfucker the past few days and have been outdoing myself and yet with all the motivation and inspiration and tangible productivity I still find myself stopping and feeling like I am just wasting my time and should not be doing this. Just the self-doubt I always seem to fall back into could not be more frustrating sometimes, I have no reason to feel this way at all, I'm more validated right now as a writer than at any other point in my life but somehow, someway, I always find a way to devalue my own successes. Also the fact that I feel a need to vent about it instead of just handling it, dismissing it as depressive bullshit and moving on.

Sarah K
07-24-2015, 01:52 PM
1 - Have a panic attack after a solid two months of miserable depression
2 - Think of nothing except killing yourself for 14 hours
3 - As soon as you start to calm down, you are informed that you have less than two weeks to find a new place to live, which you were not informed of until that very moment
4 - Step-grandma gets put into hospice, and there is literally no way to go see her right now, due to item #3

This has been my life since Saturday.

You guys. Life is such a fucking amazing and wonderful gift of wwowoowowowowwowoworffffg

07-24-2015, 03:10 PM
Coworkers making fun of another coworker for being effeminate.

My favorite part is that this coworker tried to drag me into the conversation and repeated what he was saying to me, as if I was going to laugh along with him. I didn't. Fortunately I have been lucky enough to avoid this kind of thing most of the time but sometimes people will say this stuff to me. It's funny what people will tell you when they assume you're a cisgender male (sexism, homophobia, you name it). They're wrong on both counts but even if they were right it's still kind of insulting that some people just assume you'd be cool with that stuff.

07-24-2015, 03:24 PM
Coworkers making fun of another coworker for being effeminate.

My favorite part is that this coworker tried to drag me into the conversation and repeated what he was saying to me, as if I was going to laugh along with him. I didn't. Fortunately I have been lucky enough to avoid this kind of thing most of the time but sometimes people will say this stuff to me. It's funny what people will tell you when they assume you're a cisgender male (sexism, homophobia, you name it). They're wrong on both counts but even if they were right it's still kind of insulting that some people just assume you'd be cool with that stuff.This is why I never let people assume I'm cool with that kind of talk. Even my BF's 90 year old grandfather had to know I wasn't cool with him say 'wap' and the n-word in front of me. I just left the table. Stink eye is also a useful way of communicating "I'm not cool with this conversation" without yanking the guy's head off and yelling down his throat "STFU!"

I have to say @theruniner, you seem to encounter these folks just about as much as the next person, but don't seem to have the confidence to tell them it's not cool. Are you afraid that standing up for tolerance with make you a target there?

07-24-2015, 03:35 PM
I'm generally a very nonconfrontational person. For a variety of reasons, none of which is an excuse, really, but are legitimate reasons nonetheless I really am uncomfortable blatantly calling people on their shit like that, especially when I have to work with them and/or have them in my family and have to see them on a regular basis.

That being said, I do sometimes say something. A few days ago a different coworker was trying to defend Bill Cosby (wat) and we got into a bit of a discussion/debate about it (I didn't get heated verbally but inside I was pretty pissed off). She actually said the words, "Why don't they leave that poor man alone?" I couldn't help myself and had to say something. Plus she was being VERY victim blamey which I just couldn't ignore. So sometimes I do definitely jump in, but many times it's just not a good idea to make a huge stink.

Hypothetically me saying something to my coworker just now shouldn't have been a big deal but in reality it would have possibly made things ice cold between us or made things weird and I have to work with this guy every day, so.

07-24-2015, 09:26 PM
I'm generally a very nonconfrontational person. For a variety of reasons, none of which is an excuse, really, but are legitimate reasons nonetheless I really am uncomfortable blatantly calling people on their shit like that, especially when I have to work with them and/or have them in my family and have to see them on a regular basis.


Oh theruiner stick with me. I could teach you some techniques. Ask Kid Charlemagne what a wonderfully confrontational person I can be. :P. Even better, just got a message from a cousin in AZ. Think I'll be getting a wedding invite. Be my plus 1!

07-25-2015, 03:31 PM
Whoever invented a shootout for regular season hockey games... Why???

Kid Charlemagne
07-25-2015, 07:51 PM
Oh @theruiner (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=51) stick with me. I could teach you some techniques. Ask @Kid Charlemagne (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=92) what a wonderfully confrontational person I can be. :P. Even better, just got a message from a cousin in AZ. Think I'll be getting a wedding invite. Be my plus 1!
To be fair, I do enough shit talking for the both of us. It's that temper I acquired from the old country.

07-25-2015, 08:10 PM
Embedded YouTube pages that won't go full-screen.

07-26-2015, 06:02 AM
Ever have a moment when something becomes so crystal clear that it's almost painful how well you understand it? It's 4am and I've been having that moment for the past 2 hours about why the book "Go The Fuck To Sleep" was written.

07-26-2015, 10:06 PM
Someone had a shirt that said something like "GUNS is the solution" or "GUNS is the answer". I'm anti-guns so this pissed me off incredibly. Yeah, if only those theater goers were carrying guns right? No one would be dead right?

07-26-2015, 10:07 PM
Someone had a shirt that said something like "GUNS is the solution" or "GUNS is the answer". I'm anti-guns so this pissed me off incredibly. Yeah, if only those theater goers were carrying guns right? No one would be dead right?The horrible grammar would've pissed me off more.

07-26-2015, 10:09 PM
Honestly, that might be me, it could have been grammatically correct. I just remember seeing it and getting wrapped up in my emotional reaction.

Sarah K
07-28-2015, 09:02 AM
A lady who was my step-grandma for like 20 years died yesterday. Because of me franticly searching for housing, I wasn't able to make it back to see her before she died, and I won't be able to make it to the funeral.

Fuckin' sucks.

07-28-2015, 01:57 PM
Those sick fucks that hunt for beautiful animals in Africa, then do that disgusting smug Smile with their trophy, its souless,..psychopathic behaviour, its really sick, this guy who killed Cecil the Lion deserves to be sent to jail in an African prison for a long time. He better be punished for this.

07-28-2015, 02:01 PM
Those sick fucks that hunt for beautiful animals in Africa, then do that disgusting smug Smile with their trophy, its souless,..psychopathic behaviour, its really sick, this guy who killed Cecil the Lion deserves to be sent to jail in an African prison for a long time. He better be punished for this.

he deserves to be eaten by a fucking lion is what he deserves.

07-28-2015, 02:02 PM
Those sick fucks that hunt for beautiful animals in Africa, then do that disgusting smug Smile with their trophy, its souless,..psychopathic behaviour, its really sick, this guy who killed Cecil the Lion deserves to be sent to jail in an African prison for a long time. He better be punished for this.

I totally agree, it's so disgusting, I hope all involved are shot to death. And kill Ted Nugent, too. We need to preserve these animals, and kill the assholes.

07-28-2015, 02:10 PM
Those sick fucks that hunt for beautiful animals in Africa, then do that disgusting smug Smile with their trophy, its souless,..psychopathic behaviour, its really sick, this guy who killed Cecil the Lion deserves to be sent to jail in an African prison for a long time. He better be punished for this.

Yeah I just posted about this in the random general headlines thread, i'm totally freaking out because I actually know this guy, he's my dentist.


07-28-2015, 04:01 PM
Yeah I just posted about this in the random general headlines thread, i'm totally freaking out because I actually know this guy, he's my dentist.


i assume he won't be your dentist any more...right?

07-28-2015, 05:08 PM

07-28-2015, 05:34 PM
The horrible grammar would've pissed me off more.

I saw a guy walking out of the local Whole Foods wearing a shirt that read "Keep Calm and Carry Arms". *eye roll*

07-28-2015, 06:32 PM
i assume he won't be your dentist any more...right?

Obviously not, christ almighty.

My mom sent me this email saying "Apparently Dr. Palmer is some kind of psychopath!!!!" She said she tried calling River Bluff Dental but there was no answer. I will obviously look into finding someone new. If his business goes under, I'll kind of feel bad for some of his staff members, they were always really nice.

07-28-2015, 08:06 PM
Obviously not, christ almighty.

My mom sent me this email saying "Apparently Dr. Palmer is some kind of psychopath!!!!" She said she tried calling River Bluff Dental but there was no answer. I will obviously look into finding someone new. If his business goes under, I'll kind of feel bad for some of his staff members, they were always really nice.

They'll find other jobs...

I just don't get why a human feels the need to hunt (barely) an animal like that. I get the thinning the herd reasoning for some hunting, but killing a lion isn't that!

07-28-2015, 08:28 PM
I saw a guy walking out of the local Whole Foods wearing a shirt that read "Keep Calm and Carry Arms". *eye roll*

On the subject of minor annoyances, the "Keep Calm [topic]" shirts and "Fuck Yeah [subject]" sites need to lie down and die now.

Also, although unrelated, I'm working with my brother building websites and... How to put it...

Dear photographers.
The first hundred professionals who decided to go full-on stark minimalism when it came to designing their website were clever.
That was ten years ago.
Indeed, at the time it was edgy (in a time when every website felt necessary to make you go through ten seconds of flash animations just to reach the home page), classy, elegant yet personal, and did put the focus on the art and the art alone.
Although that last argument still rings true, you are now millions with a blank background, text links in arial, and what basically amounts to a gallery in the middle of Siberia.
I understand that the concept is attractive, but it is overdone now, and you all look exactly the same. Time to breathe a bit more personality to it if you really want to catch your reader's eye.
Sure, I'll design it, sure he'll program it, but honestly it won't be any fun for us, and you're wasting time and money when you could just make it yourself in wordpress, or even make a tumblr...

Seriously we've tried everything to make it a bit more original than that, have one or two discreet features and barely noticeable animations, the guy just wants it stark, dry and basic as hell.
And he's been sending us at least twenty links as references so he should notice how overdone it is...
Ah well, the client is king, and the king has no clothes...

07-28-2015, 08:32 PM
Some of these "Keep On. . ." mottos are just stupid. Keep Calm and Chive On????

Not to mention as far removed from the original phrases meaning.

07-28-2015, 11:22 PM
I don't think you'll even have the option to have Dr Palmer as your dentist anymore.

Even if he doesn't wind up in an African prison, he will never be able to operate a business ever again. Right now, he's one of the most hated people on the planet. Even if he waits until the outrage dies down, the second he tries to set up shop again he'll be met with protesters who won't go away until he does.

Regarding those "keep calm" posters, I kind of want to get this on a t-shirt


sick among the pure
07-31-2015, 04:49 PM
Got charged twice for rent yesterday, which means I overdrew my account and was charged an extra $32. Called the apartment office today, they said "You must have payed twice, unless you have automatic billing set up we don't actively take money from you even if you're paying online. We can refund you, but it will take 2 weeks and we won't refund the overdraft since it's not our fault. You'll have to call your bank." Their website was having problems, for sure, but rent was due so I had to pay it. Didn't hit submit twice, didn't refresh, didn't send 2 payments through. But they sure charged me twice. So glad we're not renewing our lease and moving out in September, this place is a joke.

Never move into an apartment on the ground floor next to the boiler room in north Philly. You will never not be over-run by roaches, no matter how clean you are and how many traps you put down.

08-01-2015, 08:52 PM
Edit: I forgot why i wanted to post here in the first place and it was this.
Who else is on Plex?
It's fucking awesome.
I now have over 20 libraries shared with me, but only a few of them are from ets, and it's only from two people.
If you use roku or apple tv or any of that shit, or hook yer computer up to a tv, GET PLEX! ESPECIALLY if you are a pirate. We can then share our media libraries. And no, it doesn't FUCK with your media library. It doesn't make it to where you can make changes or USE the other person's media library.
I currently have access to a good solid 12,000 movies, all of them from people i've never met-mostly just random fuckers on Reddit.


I've brought this up before, and again, it doesn't piss me off-it's just weird.
There are NINE of us online.
There are like THIRTY people viewing non NIN related content.

That means that at least TWENTY ONE of those people aren't us.

Do you guys feel like you're being watched? ;)

I wonder if some people come here and watch us argue, like a soap opera. :)

08-01-2015, 09:05 PM
Me @ my personal life/my relationship/etc: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also definitely some:


08-01-2015, 09:17 PM
When @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) gets really high and takes over ETS.


08-02-2015, 12:01 AM
When Miss Baphomette mistakes something i do as being rude, and then makes a huge graphic to use to publicly bust my balls ;)

08-02-2015, 02:14 PM
Frank Ocean's new album didn't drop in July. Wtfffffff

08-03-2015, 02:00 AM
Frank Ocean's new album didn't drop in July. Wtfffffff
yeah chance the rapper pulled that shit with Surf. It didn't drop in 2014. It just came out.

08-03-2015, 02:34 PM
yeah chance the rapper pulled that shit with Surf. It didn't drop in 2014. It just came out.

Good god, hope we don't have to wait till 2016 to get some new Frank Ocean.

08-03-2015, 02:45 PM
I had to get a cyst lanced yesterday. Shit hurt.

08-03-2015, 09:53 PM
people who think bike racks are cart returns. the fucking cart return is literally 30 feet away and you're too lazy and incompetent to walk there, so you choose to instead block people from locking up their bikes? a-holes...

(and yes, i'm the kind of person who takes the carts and puts them all back where they go after i've locked up my bike)

08-04-2015, 03:13 PM
This is really a little thing, but it does piss me off right now indeed, so... simracing. You know, computer, steering wheel, cars, slightly more serious game with rules and penalties but still just gaming (age average maybe 30 years). Championship with BMW M235i, beautiful but tricky Nordschleife, I practiced some 2 hours last week. Today, two more people were added to the entry list, too late but the admin was friendly and took them in anyway. And I realized shortly before the race that I can not login, probably because editing the entry list is tricky and the admin made a mistake, that can happen. And bonus - these two new people did not join at all in the end. :-) See, I must be in a quite good place for this to bother me, right? ;-)

08-07-2015, 07:33 AM
was out of town half of last week (and the weekend) for a wedding, so i didn't work wed-fri. this week, i've only gotten TWO billable hours, and all i have today is one half hour service call.
my wife and i are paying off the new car we bought, as always there are bills, and she really wants to move into a house (as do i). it's ridiculous how hard it is to exist in this world because of money.
not to mention the fact that no one is paying the company (which is me and my dad) which means that i can't get paychecks. my dad currently owes me all the way back to mid-june.

08-07-2015, 12:54 PM
was out of town half of last week (and the weekend) for a wedding, so i didn't work wed-fri. this week, i've only gotten TWO billable hours, and all i have today is one half hour service call.
my wife and i are paying off the new car we bought, as always there are bills, and she really wants to move into a house (as do i). it's ridiculous how hard it is to exist in this world because of money.
not to mention the fact that no one is paying the company (which is me and my dad) which means that i can't get paychecks. my dad currently owes me all the way back to mid-june.
Dude, just because you are family doesn't make it legal or OK to not pay you on time riiight? At some point, a small business has to admit that they aren't sustainable.*

* ex husband never paid himself well in his business - Been there.

08-07-2015, 01:44 PM
was out of town half of last week (and the weekend) for a wedding, so i didn't work wed-fri. this week, i've only gotten TWO billable hours, and all i have today is one half hour service call.
my wife and i are paying off the new car we bought, as always there are bills, and she really wants to move into a house (as do i). it's ridiculous how hard it is to exist in this world because of money.
not to mention the fact that no one is paying the company (which is me and my dad) which means that i can't get paychecks. my dad currently owes me all the way back to mid-june.

Your dad is going to have to make his payment terms "due on receipt" (all electricians and plumbers and HVAC professionals do business this way, even my landscaper wants half in advance and the remainder on receipt for big projects). Arrange to take credit cards if you don't already.

Also, yeah, you may have to find another job.

08-07-2015, 02:01 PM
Dude, just because you are family doesn't make it legal or OK to not pay you on time riiight? At some point, a small business has to admit that they aren't sustainable.*

* ex husband never paid himself well in his business - Been there.

it's not legal, but there's also nothing he can do. he can barely afford to pay his own bills right now, so i can't expect him to be writing me checks. i'm at least pretty good with money and still have plenty in my bank account, and my wife has a salary (she makes more than me per year despite how much i make an hour because she works a 9-5) and is about to get a raise, so we're ok for the moment. it just sucks.

Your dad is going to have to make his payment terms "due on receipt" (all electricians and plumbers and HVAC professionals do business this way, even my landscaper wants half in advance and the remainder on receipt for big projects). Arrange to take credit cards if you don't already.

Also, yeah, you may have to find another job.

believe me, i'm thinking about getting another job. part of the problem is that i don't know what he's going to do without me. i'm amazed his business has survived this long (over 40 years at this point) with how terrible he is at interacting with people; my mom is fairly convinced that he has a mild form of asperger's.
and though my mom brings in a little money doing massage (mostly dogs, a few people), the two of them mostly rely on my dad's business to sustain themselves. so if i leave and he's screwed, my whole family is screwed, and i don't feel right about that. at the same time, i have to think about myself and my wife and the life we're trying to build together. so, again, it sucks.

08-07-2015, 04:34 PM
believe me, i'm thinking about getting another job. part of the problem is that i don't know what he's going to do without me. i'm amazed his business has survived this long (over 40 years at this point) with how terrible he is at interacting with people; my mom is fairly convinced that he has a mild form of asperger's.
and though my mom brings in a little money doing massage (mostly dogs, a few people), the two of them mostly rely on my dad's business to sustain themselves. so if i leave and he's screwed, my whole family is screwed, and i don't feel right about that. at the same time, i have to think about myself and my wife and the life we're trying to build together. so, again, it sucks.

So he's not at retirement age, yet, for social security? Really, you probably have to sit him down and explain that in this day and age, businesses can't "bill" people for stuff, anymore, and that he is going to have to explain to customers that his business must get payment for services when the services are rendered. And, really, his customers will fully understand because that's how everybody else expects payment. When my plumber comes and fixes my faucet, he doesn't send me a bill in the mail; he writes an invoice and he wants payment while he's standing there in my foyer. Because nobody in small businesses can afford spending the day hunting down past-120 invoices these days. If you weren't his son, he'd have to write you a check anyway because he'd have a line of credit for payroll. I work for a sole practitioner who pays me no matter where his money is coming from, that's the way it is when you own a small business; his money problems aren't my money problems. If you and your wife want to buy a house, eventually, you won't be able to buy much of a house relying solely on her salary, and loan underwriting isn't going to like the documentation coming from your dad with this sporadic "when I can afford to pay him" pay structure; really, underwriting is going to throw out your pay as if it doesn't exist and they probably wouldn't even allow you to be on the mortgage which means you can't be on the Deed, either. And, relying solely on your wife's salary isn't likely to allow you to buy much of a house, you know? (Unless you wanna live in Moline.) So you have to think of your future, here. If you quit and get a new job, underwriting is going to want you to be at that job for a year to consider it. Keep all that in mind. Yes, you have to think about your family, meaning you and your wife. You have your own family, now. You have to think about your own family's future.

08-07-2015, 04:58 PM
So he's not at retirement age, yet, for social security? Really, you probably have to sit him down and explain that in this day and age, businesses can't "bill" people for stuff, anymore, and that he is going to have to explain to customers that his business must get payment for services when the services are rendered. And, really, his customers will fully understand because that's how everybody else expects payment. When my plumber comes and fixes my faucet, he doesn't send me a bill in the mail; he writes an invoice and he wants payment while he's standing there in my foyer. Because nobody in small businesses can afford spending the day hunting down past-120 invoices these days. If you weren't his son, he'd have to write you a check anyway because he'd have a line of credit for payroll. I work for a sole practitioner who pays me no matter where his money is coming from, that's the way it is when you own a small business; his money problems aren't my money problems. If you and your wife want to buy a house, eventually, you won't be able to buy much of a house relying solely on her salary, and loan underwriting isn't going to like the documentation coming from your dad with this sporadic "when I can afford to pay him" pay structure; really, underwriting is going to throw out your pay as if it doesn't exist and they probably wouldn't even allow you to be on the mortgage which means you can't be on the Deed, either. And, relying solely on your wife's salary isn't likely to allow you to buy much of a house, you know? (Unless you wanna live in Moline.) So you have to think of your future, here. If you quit and get a new job, underwriting is going to want you to be at that job for a year to consider it. Keep all that in mind. Yes, you have to think about your family, meaning you and your wife. You have your own family, now. You have to think about your own family's future.

he's going to be 62 this year.

i have been billing people on the spot for the most part, these days. but for something like the new Evanston Art Center project that we just did, they're paying through a third party, and they're unhappy with their phone system that we installed (because it wasn't the right thing for what they wanted, which we would have known if they had EVER told us what they actually wanted it to do in the beginning) so they're not forwarding payment.

the other problem is that work is slow. and when work is slow, and no money is coming in, there's not much we can do other than TRY to generate business or get new customers, which i have been trying, and it's not working.

i appreciate all your advice, by the way. i can always count on you to be objective but passionate.

08-07-2015, 06:20 PM
Why is it so difficult to look for stuff online for Retailers like target etc, that they might actually have in store. Next time I'm just gonna hop the bus and just go directly to the store as at this point it has certainly taken me longer to look this shit up that it would to have taken the bus there and back.

08-07-2015, 07:19 PM
Dealing with fuckboys on a daily basis at work.

08-09-2015, 10:32 PM
So I ordered some curtains from Argos the other because, as I'm a night worker, I was getting sick of light in my bedroom whilst I as trying to sleep. They were due to come yesterday.

I sat at home waiting all afternoon and then at around 5pm I recieved a text message "Your order has been successfully delivered today at 16:26. *New range out now*". Nothing had been delivered to my house.

I went online and started a live chat and explained everything to the lady, Lisa, who checked my order and assured me that it had been delivered and someone had signed for it so I should check with my neighbours. I did and they hadn't had anything sent to them. I asked Lisa if the delivery driver should have left a card and she said that they don't have calling cards because they always call 15 minutes before they arrive to make sure people are in. I received no such call.

Lisa informed me that she will need to call the store to speak to the delivery driver but since it is a Sunday she can't do that and I'll have to wait. Thanks Lisa.

After the conversation there was a a little box that asked me if I would like them to send me a transcript of the conversation for my records. I thought this might be something I need later on because I don't know how companies handle screw ups like this so I said yes. And they did.....102 fucking times!

08-10-2015, 03:50 PM
SO. I got health insurance with a big ass subsidy because i was a low income worker during the 2013 fiscal year.
And when it was time to pay for the insurance, they just sent me a bill. I was thinking "hmmmm, i sure hope this doesn't come back to bite me somehow." Because i didn't work in 2014.
Well, SURE ENOUGH, i got a letter from the IRS the other day. Keep in mind, this is like 8 fucking months later or something.
It says something along the lines of if i don't file a tax return, i COULD owe the IRS. And the way it's written, it doesn't sound like they just want the subsidy. I THINK they actually want all the money that the insurance saved, like, for surgery and hospital visits and whatnot.

I DIDN'T FUCKINg DO ANYthING WRONG. I just paid the bill that they sent me!

So if i wind up owing the irs and can't pay, can't they take me to PRISON for that shit?!

Now. My mother DID give me money for taking care of her during 2014, like after she had that big surgery. I used it to buy musical equipment, nicotine vaporizers, etc.

Does anyone know if i can solve this by claiming that as income and therefore becoming eligible for the tax credit?

See, now this shit RIGHT HERE is exactly why i hate George W Obama's goddamn bait and switch plan. That's what it should be called. The Bait and Switch Healthcare Act. They goddamn sure made it SOUND like we were going to move towards a model where everyone had healthcare, and i supported THAT wholeheartedly. Hell, i saved the fucking newspaper from the day it passed in congress and hung it on my wall.

But my wife and i are both currently unable to work. So therefore, we are ineligible for healthcare subsidies. So we are supposed to apply for medicaid or whatever, but we don't qualify for that either because we aren't formally disabled and don't have dependent children.

So a metric fuckton of people who need healthcare the most are unable to get it, and this is why i may go to prison for some kind of irs fraud while my wife dies of hep c.

08-10-2015, 05:28 PM
But my wife and i are both currently unable to work. So therefore, we are ineligible for healthcare subsidies. So we are supposed to apply for medicaid or whatever, but we don't qualify for that either because we aren't formally disabledIf you're ineligible for healthcare subsidies, I believe you just hafta pay out of pocket (I could be wrong about that). Medicare is strictly for seniors and for the permanently disabled. You should look into free clinics in your area or near-by areas.

The little thing currently pissing me off:
My left ear. It's completely blocked and I can't hear a goddamn thing out of it. Getting a referral from my GP tomorrow for a specialist. Stupid ear wax.

08-10-2015, 06:01 PM
Echochambers and people who throw hissy fits when they stop being one.

08-10-2015, 06:34 PM
Echochambers and people who throw hissy fits when they stop being one.

Oh, come on, Tony, support groups aren't echo chambers. And the feminist thread has always been something of a support group, kind of like a N.O.W. meeting. And when people come in there and say "I don't believe in a lot of this shit, I need more proof, prove it to me, that's my opinion" it's like wandering into a women's shelter and saying "I don't believe that any of you were abused, you are going to have to show me a lot more evidence" or stumbling drunk into an AA meeting with a case of beer and demanding that everybody drink with you. If you want to be supportive, great, come on in. If you want to go in there and constantly argue and disagree and "stir the pot" (I'm not saying "you" literally), you're not being a part of the support group, you are drifting the purpose of the thread and making people uncomfortable.

When you think about it, plenty of threads in this forum are this way, as well they should be. The Manson thread is primarily for people who LIKE Manson. Sure, you all can disagree about which albums are better and which were failures, but people who stumble in there and say "MANSON IS SHIT, YOU ARE A BUNCH OF LOSERS FOR LIKING MANSON" or "You will have to prove to me why Manson is not just a load of shit, and that is my opinion, I have the right to my opinion" and this person posts links to why Manson is shit over and over, and wants proof as to why Manson isn't shit, that's not contributing to the Manson thread, that's just making you all defend Manson, which does nothing and it's not a discussion.

And nobody threw a "hissy fit" in that thread; actually, people have been pretty civil in there, have spent entirely too much time explaining, explaining, explaining and being very patient. Had Leviathant been around and not so busy, he'd have already thrown around the friggin' ban hammer.

08-10-2015, 06:42 PM
Also, people aren't obligated to teach people. I'm not going to go into an MRA space and try to engage them. THEY CAN HAVE THEIR SPACE.

When you're the outsider and ESPECIALLY when you hold privilege (I'm not just talking about feminist spaces) you need to not believe that you deserve the floor just as much.

Also I <3 echo chambers.

08-10-2015, 06:49 PM
It says something along the lines of if i don't file a tax return, i COULD owe the IRS. And the way it's written, it doesn't sound like they just want the subsidy. I THINK they actually want all the money that the insurance saved, like, for surgery and hospital visits and whatnot. So if i wind up owing the irs and can't pay, can't they take me to PRISON for that shit?!

Now. My mother DID give me money for taking care of her during 2014, like after she had that big surgery. I used it to buy musical equipment, nicotine vaporizers, etc.

Does anyone know if i can solve this by claiming that as income and therefore becoming eligible for the tax credit?
Your mom would have to file a 1099 with the IRS for the money she gave you. You may not owe THAT much money, but you could work out a payment plan with the IRS, I think, for what you owe. Nobody goes to prison unless they AVOID the IRS.

I think your wife may qualify for SSDI and Medicaid if she applies; she'll be rejected automatically, pretty much everybody is rejected the first time; you may have to hire an attorney, but there are a shitload of people on SSDI and Medicaid (then Medicare after the intro time period), you just have to go through the process of having a doctor declare her as disabled and you often need an attorney that specializes as an advocate. It's not a shit ton of money but it's better than nothing, and if you can't work because you are disabled due to pain and injury, you may qualify as well. Hell, the entire state of Kentucky is on disability. :p

Call them, don't avoid it. It's always better to work it out. See this (http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Individuals-and-Families/The-Premium-Tax-Credit):

If advance payments of the premium tax credit were paid on behalf of you or an individual in your family in 2014, and you do not file a 2014 tax return, you will not be eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit or cost-sharing reductions to help pay for your Marketplace health insurance coverage in 2016. This means you will be responsible for the full cost of your monthly premiums and all covered services. In addition, we may contact you to pay back some or all of the 2014 advance payments of the premium tax credit.

08-10-2015, 06:53 PM
Also, people aren't obligated to teach people. I'm not going to go into an MRA space and try to engage them. THEY CAN HAVE THEIR SPACE.
Well, see, I'm old school, I'm from the age where people went "online" to share information, that's why BBSs were created in the first place, to learn and share information, not to socialize (people actually poked fun at people who only went online to socialize, called them "fluffy") so it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, I guess. I have no problem teaching, but eventually you figure out they're not really there to learn.

08-10-2015, 06:55 PM
THANK YOU allegro . I love it that you know damn near everything.

08-10-2015, 06:58 PM
I would just like to point out that this is a discussion forum. And what is the point of having a discussion forum when you don't want to have a discussion, or only under certain circumstances with certain people who hold certain opinions. I could maybe understand the argument about support groups in like mental health thread or transgender thread, but feminism? Why do feminists need support group? Feminism is a political movement, as such it's bound to be criticized. Just saying. I don't really want to start a fight here, I just don't find this reasoning very convincing. But I respect you two so like I said, I'm not gonna participate anymore (or at least I will try) :rolleyes:

08-10-2015, 07:07 PM
I would just like to point out that this is a discussion forum. And what is the point of having a discussion forum when you don't want to have a discussion, or only under certain circumstances with certain people who hold certain opinions. I could maybe understand the argument about support groups in like mental health thread or transgender thread, but feminism? Why do feminists need support group? Feminism is a political movement, as such it's bound to be criticized. Just saying. I don't really want to start a fight here, I just don't find this reasoning very convincing. But I respect you two so like I said, I'm not gonna participate anymore (or at least I will try) :rolleyes:
Because it's not just a political movement, it's a women's movement that affects us in lots of ways; and because we said so; the fact that we have to try to explain, yet again, just starts yet another argument, which is just exhausting. Maybe it's the word "feminism" and we can change the name of the thread so that it doesn't bug you so much, since that word is like a magnet to you. We can change it to "the Women's Rights Support Thread" and then you can feel a lot better about it and we can put a washcloth on your head and bring you a nice hot cup of tea (pats your head). :p

08-10-2015, 07:15 PM
Well, see, I'm old school, I'm from the age where people went "online" to share information, that's why BBSs were created in the first place, to learn and share information, not to socialize (people actually poked fun at people who only went online to socialize, called them "fluffy")Pfffffft. The WELL was the BBS equivalent of a pick-up bar. (Everyone just pretended they weren't at a pick-up bar.) Also, one of my favorite BBSs, King of the Cats, pretty much demanded social interaction in order to do anything. Granted, it was a gaming board but still...

08-10-2015, 07:22 PM
Pfffffft. The WELL was the BBS equivalent of a pick-up bar. (Everyone just pretended they weren't at a pick-up bar.) Also, one of my favorite BBSs, King of the Cats, pretty much demanded social interaction in order to do anything. Granted, it was a gaming board but still...

Dude, awesome, I was on the Well (hippy weirdness, yuck), but I was mostly on the Ann Arbor version of the Well, M-Net (which pre-dated the Well). (I was friends with Marcus Watts, the guy who wrote PicoSpan). In the mid-80s, people poked fun at the "LS" people (laugh and sing), vs. the majority of tech people. Remember, you had to know the vi editor (http://www.cs.rit.edu/~cslab/vi.html) or Emacs to even get around on fucking PicoSpan (I'm a vi chick, I still know vi). People were cursor dancing using terminal emulators. Ahhhhh, those were the days.

drift = off

08-10-2015, 07:27 PM
I dunno if we should split this out yet. I think this is relevant to stuff pissing us off.

Anyway, my friend Roxie has been transitioning for a bit now, but lived her life as a guy before. When she began living as a woman full time, she said it was crazy experiencing how much her voice didn't matter anymore. People used to listen, but now she experienced being talked over, interrupted, or just plain ignored. So many trans* people echo that experience. This is the norm for women.

And yet privileged dudes so often have such a hard time with their voice not mattering. I'd be so curious to see how you'd handle being a woman.

For the record, I'm VERY hard to offend. I'm not offended or hurt by derailing in the feminist thread. And allegro, I also don't mind teaching, up to a point.

Soooo many people engaged with posters in the thread and tried to explain stuff, but at the end of the day, there are fundamental issues we disagree on.

I didn't make a post like this (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/491-The-feminism-equality-thread?p=264379#post264379) for my health. And yet, y'all didn't have a response. Instead it was just more "yeah but the patriarchy isn't really a thing though" for more pages.

I would just like to point out that this is a discussion forum. And what is the point of having a discussion forum when you don't want to have a discussion, or only under certain circumstances with certain people who hold certain opinions. I could maybe understand the argument about support groups in like mental health thread or transgender thread, but feminism? Why do feminists need support group? Feminism is a political movement, as such it's bound to be criticized. Just saying. I don't really want to start a fight here, I just don't find this reasoning very convincing. But I respect you two so like I said, I'm not gonna participate anymore (or at least I will try) :rolleyes:

I just want to say that I've noticed you making an effort to be polite and I appreciate it.

Anyway, the feminism thread didn't exist to discuss if feminism was worthwhile. It existed to discuss issues pertaining to feminism. The Manson/Car analogies work for this, imo.

Also, y'know, tony.parente, for someone who's so LOLZ HUMOR DON'T BE SO EASILY OFFENDED you sure seem to be bothered by all ~teh censorship~ happening.

08-10-2015, 09:56 PM
I feel like I've missed a lot by not clicking on the feminism thread. I might check it out tomorrow

08-11-2015, 12:37 AM
So a metric fuckton of people who need healthcare the most are unable to get it

Seems your state politicians are the ones to blame for that. (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obamacare-states-20150810-story.html)
Texas, whose officials have strongly resisted cooperation with the new law, had the highest level of residents lacking insurance before the law took effect and has made among the least progress of any state. Its uninsurance rate fell from 27% in 2013 to just under 21% in the first half of this year, making it the only state that has more than one-fifth of its residents uninsured.

Texas is a huge state. It's also leaving a huge amount of federal money on the table—and not insuring more than 1 million people—because of its opposition to Obamacare.

The decision by Texas to reject expansion of Medicaid, the government health-coverage program for the poor, will prevent the state from receiving an estimated $100 billion in federal cash over a decade, at the same time its hospitals are eating $5.5 billion in annual costs for treating uninsured people, a new National Public Radio report details.Link (http://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/29/texas-pays-a-big-price-for-saying-no-to-medicaid-expansion.html)

08-11-2015, 12:43 AM
This shaking Amtrak train

08-11-2015, 12:45 AM
This shaking Amtrak trainPlease tell me you aren't sitting next to a sports agent.

08-11-2015, 01:34 PM
Ways not to help someone who is severely depressed:

-Tell them to not look so sad
-Tell them to cheer up because today is such a great day
-Make fun of them

Seriously, coworkers, you have NO IDEA how unbelievably horrible I feel right now or the very, very dark place I'm in. Please leave me alone. You're not helping.

08-11-2015, 08:25 PM
Seems your state politicians are the ones to blame for that. (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obamacare-states-20150810-story.html)

Link (http://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/29/texas-pays-a-big-price-for-saying-no-to-medicaid-expansion.html)
i suspected that.
evil fuckers.
at least i'm getting this back surgery on friday before they disapprove me or whatever.

then i think i'm gonna say fuck it and file for disability.
i've been diagnosed bipolar for like 21 years now i think, and on top of that i'm pretty well physically disabled at this point too.
theruiner ... btw....ways to NOT to ease someone's nerves (or make them nervous when they weren't to begin with)
-ask them why they are nervous
-tell them that they don't need to be nervous

Halo Infinity
08-11-2015, 08:51 PM
@theruiner (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=51) @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) - I've actually seen people out there that seem to expect anybody that has been struggling with negative thoughts and emotions to just ignore it, and try to forget about it and laugh and smile as if the damage that has been done will magically disappear. Some of them will even go as far to claim that forgetting about the past and the future altogether solves everything, and then claim that it's a form acceptance when it's actually a form of denial. That never sat well with me either, as it seems like they're always expecting everybody to always be contented, enthusiastic, humorous, joyful and confident, and that negative thoughts and emotions can be turned on and off like a light switch, when it all actually takes time to heal, especially when the issues are very deep and serious. I can definitely relate to that. I really am sorry to hear about that though. I wish you well.

08-11-2015, 08:58 PM
then i think i'm gonna say fuck it and file for disability.
i've been diagnosed bipolar for like 21 years now i think, and on top of that i'm pretty well physically disabled at this point too.
State disability? Also, you're 35, right? Getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 14 is VERY unusual.

08-11-2015, 09:55 PM
i suspected that.
evil fuckers.
at least i'm getting this back surgery on friday before they disapprove me or whatever.

then i think i'm gonna say fuck it and file for disability.


08-11-2015, 11:38 PM
Sorry @Miss Baphomette (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=11) . 17.
Since i am pretty open with you guys and you know a lot about me, i'll tell you how it went down.

high school sweetheart...i was with her from the first day of grade 9 until the last couple of months of grade 12.

she left. i went totally sideways and wound up in the mental hospital. i was gonna kill myself etc.
i finished high school in the mental hospital. hence the bipolar diagnosis.
Although i THINK i might have got it earlier, i'm SURE i got it that time around.

i went to the mental hospital like 5 more times. and i was always getting mental health care from the state when i lived in the D. Always.

So i have all that shit documented. I never wanted to file for disability because it felt like laying down. Everyone i knew in similar situations got checks.But now i'm saying fuck it. This health care system is so fucking twisted and i have mad health issues. I am truly a little crazy and generally have trouble working because of anxiety and mania.
I have settled down some now though. But my body is broken.
So fuck yes, state disability. I am all over it.

Thanks for the link @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) . i will honestly be using it, post fucking haste.

Edit: and yes y'all. I was seriously bipolar way before it was the hip thing to be ;)
it's for real and it seriously sucks ass. you can see it, i'm sure, in my manic posting and fucked up depression.
throw some drugs and alcohol on it and, yes, i am a train wreck.

i am still holding on though :)

08-12-2015, 06:42 AM
elevenism It's Federal disability, actually (SSDI). And you will need doctors to back you up in your claim. And you will be denied by the Feds the first time around (my stepmom had late-stage Alzheimers and was denied, my brother had late-stage AIDS and was denied, my friend had terminal cancer and was denied, we had to hire an advocate atty. for my brother, my husband's cousin had to hire an advocate atty. even though he is having seizures so much he is barred from driving a car), it's how the game is played.

Bipolar used to be called manic depression. Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind) had it, and received early electroconvulsive therapy treatments and they had to disguise the marks on her temples. Hendrix wrote a song about it. Carrie Fisher from Star Wars has it and wrote books about it (Postcards From the Edge, Wishful Drinking).

"Karl Marx: "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

Carrie Fisher: "I did masses of opiates religiously." (Postcards From the Edge)

You are more likely to get SSDI because of your back problems.

08-12-2015, 12:30 PM
"Karl Marx: "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

Carrie Fisher: "I did masses of opiates religiously." (Postcards From the Edge)

that's fucking great:)

and as far as being more likely to get ssdi or ssi for my back problems. i'll keep that in mind,.

Here's what they are doing to three of my vertebrae tomorrow.

it looks like they are gonna insert some pretty big shit into my body.
AT LEAST they arent gonna slice me

08-12-2015, 12:38 PM
and as far as being more likely to get ssdi or ssi for my back problems. i'll keep that in mind
No, actually, YOUR DOCTORS will keep that in mind because they will be the ones totally in control of the situation. They will be the ones giving you written documentation supporting your claims. Or not. Without any written medical proof, you are screwed. You can't fill out a claim based on your past medical history or your word, you need medical documentation and letters from your doctors. SSDI is based on current medical condition. SSI is temporary and comes with Medicaid. SSDI is based on disability (hence that "D" in there) and is forever and comes with Medicare.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

08-12-2015, 01:30 PM
3rd week we have over 38 C° (100 F) here. I'm starting to loose my mind a little bit

08-12-2015, 01:41 PM
No, actually, YOUR DOCTORS will keep that in mind because they will be the ones totally in control of the situation. They will be the ones giving you written documentation supporting your claims. Or not. Without any written medical proof, you are screwed. You can't fill out a claim based on your past medical history or your word, you need medical documentation and letters from your doctors. SSDI is based on current medical condition. SSI is temporary and comes with Medicaid. SSDI is based on disability (hence that "D" in there) and is forever and comes with Medicare.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
yeah. i know. i have a psych doctor and a spine dr and either of them would get my back on this, i'm pretty sure.
i also already have a lawyer in mind. my friend is using him.

he takes a third of the back pay you receive or nothing. that works for me.

08-12-2015, 01:48 PM
i also already have a lawyer in mind. my friend is using him.
he takes a third of the back pay you receive or nothing. that works for me.
Exactly, it's worth it when fighting the Feds, or you'll be fighting them forever.

08-12-2015, 03:34 PM
on the cool did you guys look at what they are doing to my back in 25 hours?

i'm terrified.

i've had 8 microsurgeries but they were all on nerves.

This one's gonna HURT i think.

i just watched it again.



oh dear god look at the live video.
They better fucking shoot me up with the motherfucking antidote first


that dude is bleeding, right? i mean, that's his blood on the napkin thing....FUCK.

08-12-2015, 04:47 PM
Jesus Christ, don't look at the stuff in advance! What are you, a masochist?

Look, don't be such a wimp, dude, look at this guy:


08-12-2015, 04:51 PM
SSDI is based on current medical condition. SSI is temporary and comes with Medicaid. SSDI is based on disability (hence that "D" in there) and is forever and comes with Medicare.It's also based on work credits. If you haven't earned enough, you won't qualify for SSDI.

08-12-2015, 04:53 PM
allegro the vercet never fazes me because i take too much xanax.
and the fentanyl doesn't either because i take too many painkillers that THEY give me!
this time i am DEMANDING more medicine if it hurts

08-12-2015, 05:06 PM
It's also based on work credits. If you haven't earned enough, you won't qualify for SSDI.

I think it depends on your age, though, and how long you have been disabled. My bro was 35 when he got SSDI and he didn't have a whole hell of a lot of work credits because he had damned near severed his sciatic nerve when he was 18 while he was drunk, and that caused him a lot of problems, then he spent a few years in prison for crack possession ... but I digress ...

Here is how the Feds define mental disorders (http://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/12.00-MentalDisorders-Adult.htm#12_01) that are bad enough to require SSDI

Here is how the Feds define Musculoskelatal System disorders (http://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/1.00-Musculoskeletal-Adult.htm) that are bad enough to require SSDI (note you have to attempt to work).

Space Suicide
08-12-2015, 08:51 PM
People that whine, joke or comment about needing coffee in the morning so they can do stuff. Give me a fucking break.

08-13-2015, 02:58 AM
People who try to engage me or make me do stuff before I had my coffee. Fuck off.

Post-coffee edit : :D

08-13-2015, 04:25 AM
@allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) and @Miss Baphomette (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=11) , i'm pretty sure i'm in.

i have 4 or 5 herniated discs, scoliosis (from injuries...i wasn't born with it,) compression fractures in my vertebrae, sciatica, blah blah blah some other shit that my doctor knows a lot more about than i do.

and as far as work credits, i've worked all my life up until the past like 2 years.

and oh yeah! @Khrz (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2023)


When i first heard this, i went into work at a point in time when it was just me and him. (my boss i mean)

He started talking about work and i said wait wait. and then i said what's on the coffee cup.

luckily he;s a pretty cool dude and didn;t get mad or i would have been fired...ANYWAY that's not the point.
Jesus christ i talk/type too much.

The coffee thing made me think of these.

08-13-2015, 05:31 AM
That's pretty much it. I'm not saying I need the caffeine (although I probably do) but I need the time and the ritual.

Anything that comes before, I really couldn't give less of a fuck. I need time to boot up. I'm in safe mode until I have held my mug in my hand for at least five minutes.
So, maybe I'm just a grumpy rude fuck, probably so ! I'll be charming and helpful after.
If you're eager and happy to interact with the world as soon as your eyes open, I'm glad for you and you're awesome. But I'm not, so let me have some time to indulge myself and drink my diesel and deal with it.

08-13-2015, 05:57 AM
Word. I don't like talking to anyone or to have anyone talk to me until I've had some time alone with caffeine in the morning.

miss k bee
08-13-2015, 10:02 AM
I hate having to review my CV (resume). I would rather do almost anything else including vacuuming the house. My get up and go has got up and gone grr!

08-13-2015, 02:04 PM
not pissed off but scared, that i am about to go have that horrific looking back surgery. i'll be on the table at 4:30 and i'll be gone for a few days.

you guys send some good vibes my way.

08-13-2015, 02:07 PM
My back surgery was the best experience. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. You'll be great. :)

08-13-2015, 04:57 PM
spend almost 3 hours today doing something that should have taken 15 minutes. fucked up my right arm (as opposed to the other day when i fucked up my left arm at the same place) reaching into the wall sleeve for a sliding door.

on the plus side, my dad never got mad at ME all day, since we were in it together. he was just really pissed in general (as was i).

fucking electricians couldn't have drilled their own hole, they had to use ours, huh? :|

08-13-2015, 05:05 PM
I hate having to review my CV (resume). I would rather do almost anything else including vacuuming the house. My get up and go has got up and gone grr!

I'm in the process of translating mine into Portuguese. This is even harder than I thought it could be.

Sarah K
08-13-2015, 09:19 PM
My play partner/sometimes D-type/it's complicated and I are supposed to spend next weekend together. Today, he tells me that he has met someone. I ask what that means for us(he's poly). He says it won't impact anything. I ask if he has talked about it with her yet. He says "Nah we're fine. I just need to explain it to her".


In my experience, he has always been upfront and honest about poly and/or open relationship stuff in the beginning. But this also sounds a bit more serious than normal, so I'm unsure of what to do. :/

08-14-2015, 08:10 AM
An energy vampire at our floor at work. And my own reaction to him.
Every time I hear this guy talk I feel the urge to run the fuck away and wash my hands. This is beginning to happen more and more often as my close colleague is a childhood friend of his and he likes to invite himself to pretty much every coffee break we have, and I don't want to be an ass and leave every time he comes.
He just won't shut up. Has a comment for every situation, throwing jokes every 5 seconds, mostly dark or dirty, I can go on. I'm not very talkative or too confident myself so I don't really know how to deal with such people except for running away.

miss k bee
08-14-2015, 08:03 PM
An energy vampire at our floor at work. And my own reaction to him.
Every time I hear this guy talk I feel the urge to run the fuck away and wash my hands. This is beginning to happen more and more often as my close colleague is a childhood friend of his and he likes to invite himself to pretty much every coffee break we have, and I don't want to be an ass and leave every time he comes.
He just won't shut up. Has a comment for every situation, throwing jokes every 5 seconds, mostly dark or dirty, I can go on. I'm not very talkative or too confident myself so I don't really know how to deal with such people except for running away.

In my last job I had to work/listen with a person like that. Wouldn't stfu!. Most of the others liked him though so just had to sit and suffer in silence, ha!

08-15-2015, 07:06 AM
Waiting at the tram station, that guy comes and asks for a cigarette.
I roll mine, so I grab my pouch, and start rolling, and he just hands his own, which already has tobacco in it.
So, okay, I'm a moron, you're a dickwad, well met, I'll be extra nice and give you one cig worth of tobacco.
"Hey, just give me enough for the day bro".
The fuck ? You want me to just provide you with a day's worth of smokes, just like that, out of my obviously-dumb-as-hell kindness ?
-"No, you'll get one cig"
-"You give tobacco to your friends right ?"
-"Yeah, but you get one cig"
...And so on and so forth.

You're not my fucking friend, you're a leech begging for poison. Given the price of that shit you're lucky I don't charge you, don't fucking push it...
The guy gave up, took what I had to offer, pissed as hell. What the fuck is wrong with people...

An energy vampire at our floor at work. I'm not very talkative or too confident myself so I don't really know how to deal with such people except for running away.

My brain can't handle those people. I just phase out, there's nothing I can do, my mind's acting like a spider stuck in a bathtub, it tries to hold on but just slides back down the drain.
It's either with people who are too fucking exhausting, or people who are incredibly dull (or both). I literally cannot pay attention, there's nothing to hold on to intellectually and my mind just shuts down. I can't hold my attention enough to actually listen to what they're saying, no matter how hard I try, it's like trying to focus on an arbitrarily fixed point in the air : there's just nothing there, no can do.

08-15-2015, 11:30 PM
Internal conflicts.

08-16-2015, 07:07 AM
People who somehow don't get that being a woman is basically like this: http://media.giphy.com/media/2xV2D9prgAcaA/giphy.gif when you only want a hotdog sometimes.

Why can't you just take a compliment?

That guy just ignored your signals of disinterest and/or your clear verbal NO which isn't creepy or concerning at all. He disrespected your mention of your possibly pretend relationship, because "I'm not interested." usually never works as well as implying you already have a man, and then it still often doesn't work. This doesn't send up red flags to women at all. It's also not totally fucked.

Being a woman is walking in a world where you get a lot of sexual attention from guys who are doing it for themselves and don't give a shit about your feelings, but can't you take a compliment? Geez.

08-16-2015, 12:39 PM
Happy birthday me !
Well I forgot it's a Sunday, so obviously no cake or special dinner for me, it's going to be pastas and beer.
And well, all by myself because my mother's in Paris catsitting my brother's cat, said brother is around but apparently a phone call is good enough, dad literally texted me "happy birthday" which probably means he's pissed at me for some reason he won't disclose because "I should know", my other brother's busy moving in his new house 400 kms away, the two persons who were the most thoughtful via text are respectively my ex and her brother-in-law.
And all my friends are enjoying their holidays because "fuck you you don't have friends" is the name of a birthday in August. I was supposed to spend some days and celebrate with a friend of mine in the south, but her father's fell suddenly ill and is in critical condition, and apparently blowing my candles next to his deathbed would be kinda awkward, go figure.
I should have read my horoscope for to day, pretty sure it read "AHAH NOPE".

08-16-2015, 01:05 PM
Happy birthday me !
Happy Birthday!


It could be worse; my birthday is in EARLY-JANUARY, brrrrrrrrr .....

08-16-2015, 01:07 PM
Happy birthday me !
Well I forgot it's a Sunday, so obviously no cake or special dinner for me, it's going to be pastas and beer.
And well, all by myself because my mother's in Paris catsitting my brother's cat, said brother is around but apparently a phone call is good enough, dad literally texted me "happy birthday" which probably means he's pissed at me for some reason he won't disclose because "I should know", my other brother's busy moving in his new house 400 kms away, the two persons who were the most thoughtful via text are respectively my ex and her brother-in-law.
And all my friends are enjoying their holidays because "fuck you you don't have friends" is the name of a birthday in August. I was supposed to spend some days and celebrate with a friend of mine in the south, but her father's fell suddenly ill and is in critical condition, and apparently blowing my candles next to his deathbed would be kinda awkward, go figure.
I should have read my horoscope for to day, pretty sure it read "AHAH NOPE".

Aww, dude, that sucks. Lots of internet love to you. <3 And Happy Birthday.

08-16-2015, 01:44 PM
Happy Birthday!


It could be worse; my birthday is in EARLY-JANUARY, brrrrrrrrr .....

But but but... Birthday snowmen ! I'd have a whole Calvin party going on right now, a dozen snowmen cheering, two drunk ones puking ice in the background, and a disembodied snow head next to the cake for some reason.
And that gif made my day.

Thank you, playwithfire ! :D

08-17-2015, 07:54 AM
But but but... Birthday snowmen ! I'd have a whole Calvin party going on right now, a dozen snowmen cheering, two drunk ones puking ice in the background, and a disembodied snow head next to the cake for some reason.
And that gif made my day.

Thank you, @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) ! :D

happy (belated) birthday! i hope you had a lot of fun <3

08-18-2015, 06:21 PM
Yeah happy belated birthday Khrz. You're pretty cool in my book.

08-18-2015, 11:54 PM
Sorry your birthday went down like that Khrz . I think you're really cool and interesting and if you lived near me, I'd be damn proud to chill with you man. Okay so here is my story. First off, my back is broken in more places than my doctor has ever seen in thirty years of working in his field. I don't understand how or why. .. the doc thought there must have been something I wasn't telling him. But all I know is that I had those seizures. There wasn't even any bruising. Why me, goddamnit? allegro I'm sure you are itching to tell me that I know exactly why, but on the cool, one does not expect a fucking alcoholic seizure after only four or five days of drinking, and i DAMN sure didn't expect such a seizure to BREAK MY FUCKING BACK. God owes me a great big apology. And here's the other thing. I haven't had the surgerIes yet. I don't know if the lady said procedure by accident when she called me or if I just misunderstood, but it was not, in fact, a surgery. It was a consult, one in which he invited the other doctors in so that they, too, could see how insanely, preternaturally fucked up my spine is. So I had my family pack up, made three nights of hotel reservations for two rooms, went through the fear and anxiety that accompanies an impending invasive procedure, and ate a fentanyl patch, some roxicodone and some xanax... all of this in preparation for an OFFICE visit. Those drugs were meant to be kicking in while my Dr was using scary metal objects to do things to my spine. Instead they kicked in while i was face to face with him trying to hold a conversation. To top it all off, we are still here, waiting for the insurance to approve the procedures. It's procedures plural now. .. six or eight. .I was too fucked up in the consult to remember. Either I or the scheduler have cost my family like fifteen hundred in hotel and food and such. And I still have to get all terrified about the surgeries three more times. I'm hoping to god the insurance approves it.! The few of you who are theists ( marodi ? ) please throw a prayer my way . I miss keeping up with everyone. I borrowed my mom's phone to post this. I hope everyone is all tay. Sorry this was so long. I usually censor the length of my posts, but the view is so different on this little phone. ..I didn't realize it had gotten so long. If you read all this, thank you for listening to me complain. ♥;-)

08-20-2015, 03:37 AM
went through the fear and anxiety that accompanies an impending invasive procedure, and ate a fentanyl patch, some roxicodone and some xanax... all of this in preparation for an OFFICE visit. Those drugs were meant to be kicking in while my Dr was using scary metal objects to do things to my spine. I don't know if I'm understanding this right or not, but if you're self-medicating before a surgery involving general anaesthesia, be sure you tell the doctors EXACTLY what you took, when you took it and exactly how much of it, or things may go horribly wrong when they put you under, for real.

08-20-2015, 04:37 AM
elevenism- You really, really need to sober up.

You can't have surgery in that state, it would kill you. I was refused dental surgery to remove my wisdom teeth because I'd taken a morphine. That was a dentist.

Find a pain management specialist who can moderate and monitor your intake.

Sarah K
08-20-2015, 08:23 AM
As someone who once needed to get clean, I'm not going to preach about you needing help, as I am very aware that it does no good until you are ready to get your shit together. But yes. Be sure that you are being 100% honest about your problem with the doctors. You can't be going under anesthesia while taking all of that other bullshit.

08-21-2015, 12:58 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475)- You really, really need to sober up.

You can't have surgery in that state, it would kill you. I was refused dental surgery to remove my wisdom teeth because I'd taken a morphine. That was a dentist.

Find a pain management specialist who can moderate and monitor your intake.

yeah but i am prescribed the oxy and the xanax both.
tolerance is a strange thing.

and the procedures DO NOT involve general anesthesia.
i'm not trying to kill myself y'all.

i've had EIGHT surgeries at this clinic and they fucking HURT, and they use local anesthetics.

At any rate, the fucking insurance company wound up denying it and i had to talk my mother out of spending $35,000 on it.
@DF118 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=53) i get my meds from a pain management specialist who doubles as a spine and back surgeon.

i appreciate you guys concern. but i've been prescribed a shit load of opiates for YEARS at this point.

i don't get like, high, or sleepy even, no matter HOW many vicodins i eat at this point for instance.

i DID get a little buzz the day that i was gonna have surgery, but that was my intention, because like i said, NO anesthesia (except local.) i've learned to self medicate after 8 procedures in this office because for some reason they dont take into account the opiate tolerance that you have built from the opiates THEY prescribe you when they decide how much pre and post op meds to feed you.

it was stunning to get a buzz because that just flat out doesn't happen to me anymore. it sucks ass.

edit: goddamn y'all. i didn;t see all the likes on those posts. i DO appreciate the concern.
but i wouldn't take ANYTHING before going under general anesthesia.
i'm not crazy or suicidal.

These cheap fuckers do all kinds of surgeries that normally require a hospital stay-in a clinical, day surgery setting.
they don't worry about hiring an anesthesiologist.

Maybe they "pass the savings on to you, yaY!"

it fucking hurts, at any rate, and unfortunately (or possibly fortunately,) it didn;t even wind up getting approved this time.

at any rate my fucking back is still broken in six places and i just have to tough it out i guess.

and @Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3236) , the dr in this case is the one fueling the "problem"
(except the fent...but the patches are used so there isn't much left in them anyway. i just try to use them (my mom's used ones) some days instead of taking pills, in an attempt at keeping the tolerance from getting too high on one thing. it probably doesn;t work anyway)

But yeahhhhhh any of you who have been treated for chronic pain know that getting "high" becomes a thing of the past and you just wind up with a big nasty opiate maintenance situation

08-21-2015, 01:49 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475)

Yep, I've been treated for chronic pain for about 15 years, on and off (my handle here is another name for dihydrocodeine). What I can tell you, is that if you've developed a tolerance to the extent opiates not working any more- and if you start scarfing them off the top, you should try and get your doctor to intervene. Rotate you onto something else, or give you options. I agree that it's extremely easy to take another one / two, or five /six additional painkillers when no one is looking- but it's a thin, very blurry line, between self medicating and abuse. Even if you have to start self-mediating anyway, your pain management specialist has failed. And abuse is fine, eh... but you're fucked if you really need the painkillers to treat pain.

Perhaps have a candid conversation with them?

I know it's hard work- I hope I don't sound preachy. Good luck with your back, I hope things work out better.

Sarah K
08-21-2015, 06:09 AM
The line between use and abuse is using more than you're prescribed, or mixing things that you're not supposed to.

Ask for a med wash.

08-21-2015, 05:29 PM
The line between use and abuse is using more than you're prescribed, or mixing things that you're not supposed to.

Ask for a med wash.

I know that playing fast and loose with pain meds IS a problem and I'd be lying to myself if I said it wasn't. It's just one that I've kind of chosen to accept for now. You know what all i kicked. Taking my medicine exactly right IS a goal, and I've gotten there with the xanax. But somrone still has to hold my opiates, and then I take the days pills too fast and such. But I will get there. What is a med wash? DF118 I hope you can talk more about this with me when I get to a computer. F trying to keep up on this phone

08-21-2015, 06:21 PM
then I take the days pills too fast
No, if you look at your posts in the Drugs thread, your goal isn't just pain management; it's copping a buzz. The latter shouldn't be in the picture at all, only the former. You should only take the drugs when the pain level is a 5 out of a 10.

Also, go do some research on opiate and alcohol induced osteoporosis.



08-21-2015, 06:28 PM
No, if you look at your posts in the Drugs thread, your goal isn't just pain management; it's copping a buzz. The latter shouldn't be in the picture at all, only the former. You should only take the drugs when the pain level is a 5 out of a 10.

Also, go do some research on opiate and alcohol induced osteoporosis.

I never said I wasn't trying to get a buzz! And I sometimes can't believe how open I am here. Most of my rl frIends don't know these things. As far as the osteoporosis bit....oh..fuck