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08-21-2015, 06:31 PM
I never said I wasn't trying to get a buzz! And I sometimes can't believe how open I am here. Most of my rl frIends don't know these things. As far as the osteoporosis bit....oh..fuck
Yup. Your buzz has caused you to have the fragile bones of a 90-yr-old lady.

08-21-2015, 07:27 PM

Often as always, agreeing with Beavette.

Let's zero in here. You cannot continue as a junkie and expect to have your pain treated properly.

Because everyone just thinks you're a junky.

Discuss with a doctor properly, with honesty.

08-22-2015, 03:35 PM
I don't know if I can do it yall. I kicked ten years of daily blackout drinking. I kicked heroin and coke. I even started taking my benzos right. But the painkillers. .. sigh. .
I don't know if I can take them right. Maybe I don't need to have them. And to think. ..I used toBe so on fire With Alcoholics AnonymousThat I was the dude speaking at the treatment center. That's what it would.take. I mean getting all amped up about love and ab higher power and gratitude and such. For me it's harder with the pills because they aren't ostensibly deadly like the smack or yayo and the don't ruin my life like liquor. Plus the doctor gives them to me, of course, not to be taken the way I take them. .. but still.
. They don't come from a trap house. They are insidious little fucking things. And I USED to get high on them and now I never do. Blah blah blah. Any opiate user knows the story. WHEN I have the balls to do so I will give them tho my wife and ask her to only allow me what I'm supposed to take at the appropriate time etc. I'm not ready yet. I mean, I got sober before because I was about to die. Then. Literally. This is obviously bad but the urgency isn't the same. I am having a hard time imagining finding any joy in a completely sober life. I WILL get there. Give me time yall.

08-22-2015, 08:38 PM
And before this thread continues like an episode of intervention, let me fix the drift. I am pissed that my insurance denied me a surgery that my seemingly brilliant doctor said that I seriously need. And god DAMN my back hurts. I've tried everything including the heavy duty narcotics they prescribed me, muscle relaxers, hot tub, heating pad, ibuprofen. This surgery was my last hope. I guess now I just hope it gets better. It's supposed to be good insurance. The surgery was eight kyphoplasties. I know on what BASIS they were denied but I worry that they just denied it to save money.

08-22-2015, 09:29 PM
I don't want to de rail this topic too much. But as a Brit who has had their fair share of major surgeries, on my lungs and my noggin, I can't get my head around how much added stress there must be when you live in a country that makes you pay for treatment. If a doctor says you need the surgery then you need the surgery. It really baffles me that the US doesn't fork the bill.

Although I'll admit I know NONE of the politics involved.

08-22-2015, 11:40 PM
And before this thread continues like an episode of intervention, let me fix the drift. I am pissed that my insurance denied me a surgery that my seemingly brilliant doctor said that I seriously need. And god DAMN my back hurts. I've tried everything including the heavy duty narcotics they prescribed me, muscle relaxers, hot tub, heating pad, ibuprofen. This surgery was my last hope. I guess now I just hope it gets better. It's supposed to be good insurance. The surgery was eight kyphoplasties. I know on what BASIS they were denied but I worry that they just denied it to save money.
What if they denied it because it's a bad fucking idea, because maybe you have all the signs of osteoporosis? And messing with one disk will break the adjoining disks when your bones are fine china? Perhaps your insurance company wants you to go to another doctor to get a BONE SCAN and a second opinion? Insurance companies don't just want to save money, they can spot a scam and a surgery factory and a bad idea from a mile away.

I don't have any doctor perform any invasive procedures on me without at least 2 opinions, often 3.

My late Mother-In-Law had 3 compression fractures in her spine with osteoporosis, and 2 orthopoedic surgeons advised that surgery was impossible, because it would be like putting cement up against fine china; they said she would heal slowly with rest and proper posture, which was true. She was EIGHTY, weighed 78 pounds. She survived. Said "Bayer Back and Body" worked better for the pain than vicodin.

I don't want to de rail this topic too much. But as a Brit who has had their fair share of major surgeries, on my lungs and my noggin, I can't get my head around how much added stress there must be when you live in a country that makes you pay for treatment. If a doctor says you need the surgery then you need the surgery. It really baffles me that the US doesn't fork the bill.
We have a TON of medical malpractice in this country. We have doctors driving Porsches in this country. We have doctors being sued for telling patients they had cancer, and convincing them to endure surgeries and multiple chemo treatments etc. when the patients didn't have cancer. We have doctors who remove the wrong leg, or leave surgical equipment in you. Our medical system is rife with stupid mistakes and lots of corruption.

Here, see this:


08-23-2015, 05:29 AM
allegro I feel you. Perhaps it was a bad idea and I was spared future horror. My mother has a plate and six screws and the fucking NERves have grown into it. She's had two failed surgeries. I said the night before, if they DO deny it, I will assume it was the way it was supposed to be. And thank you for reinforcing that. And GibbonBlack , I think healthcare should be a right here as well, but BEcAuse it isn't and because a surgery is a big pay day for a greedy dr, what allegro said is gospel truth (as usual;-)) but yeah. Things that piss me off... healthcare in the us makes my blood boil. Also, we've been force fed false notions about how awful health care is abroad and how wonderful it is here. They start feeding us this horse shit YOUNG allegro can we talk privately sometime soon?

08-23-2015, 11:48 AM
I don't want to de rail this topic too much. But as a Brit who has had their fair share of major surgeries, on my lungs and my noggin, I can't get my head around how much added stress there must be when you live in a country that makes you pay for treatment. If a doctor says you need the surgery then you need the surgery. It really baffles me that the US doesn't fork the bill.

Although I'll admit I know NONE of the politics involved.

A thousand times this. I'm from Canada which is known for it's communist health care system (besides maple syrup and poutine). That a country cannot and/or will not take care of its people and expect them to be useful and productive members of society is beyond me.
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) please take care of yourself. There's only so much we can do over the Internet. As always, you are in my prayers. *hugs*

As for what's pissing me off: my bunions. All four of them. I hate them all equally and they hurt like hell in return.

08-23-2015, 12:10 PM
A thousand times this. I'm from Canada which is known for it's communist health care system (besides maple syrup and poutine). That a country cannot and/or will not take care of its people and expect them to be useful and productive members of society is beyond me.

Well I understand the fundamental logic behind it, especially since nowadays, the concept that a government is here to serve the citizens feels more and more frail and delusional (there's a lot to argue about the idea that what you actually get is proportional to the amount of work/service you provide, but well...)

But seen from Europe, that shit's just plain fucking wrong. And also immensely counter-productive.

08-23-2015, 11:05 PM
I don't know if I can do it yall.

Again, this is a conversation you need to have with your pain management doctor (https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=pain+management+clinic+addiction):

pain management clinic addiction (https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=pain+management+clinic+addiction)

WHEN I have the balls to do so I will give them tho my wife and ask her to only allow me what I'm supposed to take at the appropriate time etc.

This is a bad idea. Instead, discuss your options candidly with your doctor.

08-24-2015, 01:18 AM
DF118 I have said way too much already. I'm not going too discuss this publicly anymore but I WILL say that as a result of this discussion, I had a talk with my family and today, I took my meds right. No little kick in the morning but I DID get more overall pain relief. I plan to try to do the same tomorrow. :) now. It's been a year and a week since my best friend's wife (with whom I was very close) killed herself. He's been living homeless in Denver, strung out on meth, but at least we've kept in touch and he's done as well as can be expected. His new gf left him and he disappeared. No more social media. Phone cut off. I know he's dying. I can feel it. I finally found her and she said the last time she saw him (a few days ago, ) she ran into him. He looks like a skeleton. Covered in dirt. Knee swollen to twice its normal size. He doesn't care. This is the best guitar player I've ever met and my best friend of twenty something years. She said she will try to find him tomorrow and let him use her phone to call me. We're going to fucking get him. I will do everything in my power to save him. If she doesn't come through and you live in Denver and are reading this, perhaPs you Might help me find him? Praying to hear his voice tomorrow. Also rip Elizabeth and FUCK SUICIDE

08-24-2015, 01:30 AM
@DF118 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=53) I have said way too much already. I'm not going too discuss this publicly anymore but I WILL say that as a result of this discussion, I had a talk with my family and today, I took my meds right. No little kick in the morning but I DID get more overall pain relief. I plan to try to do the same tomorrow. :) now. It's been a year and a week since my best friend's wife (with whom I was very close) killed herself. He's been living homeless in Denver, strung out on meth, but at least we've kept in touch and he's done as well as can be expected. His new gf left him and he disappeared. No more social media. Phone cut off. I know he's dying. I can feel it. I finally found her and she said the last time she saw him (a few days ago, ) she ran into him. He looks like a skeleton. Covered in dirt. Knee swollen to twice its normal size. He doesn't care. This is the best guitar player I've ever met and my best friend of twenty something years. She said she will try to find him tomorrow and let him use her phone to call me. We're going to fucking get him. I will do everything in my power to save him. If she doesn't come through and you live in Denver and are reading this, perhaPs you Might help me find him? Praying to hear his voice tomorrow. Also rip Elizabeth and FUCK SUICIDEYou can't make an addict get sober. They have to do it themselves. Hard lesson that many of us have learned/are learning.

08-24-2015, 07:29 PM
You can't make an addict get sober. They have to do it themselves. Hard lesson that many of us have learned/are learning.

I don't need him sober. Off meth would be very helpful but that was never his thing anyway. This is recent. What I want to do is pull him back from the brink of death. I want him to take a good look at what he's doing and see what his sweet late wife would think of it. I want to feed him and bathe him and give him a place to sleep for a month or two. I just want to try to save his life. I think he's given u up. I think he's doing this on purpose. And I think he just might try hastening it. Jumping off a building or something. Either way its suicide. And when people I love try to kill themselves, I try to stop them. I tried to stop his wife but I was too late. If I don't hear from him soon I'm fucking going to Denver. I'm gonna go get him, our at least try. If I don't try it will haunt me forever. I'm all he has left, my mother and I, and lore who cares because I do.

Halo Infinity
08-27-2015, 03:13 PM
Very loud engines.

08-27-2015, 10:48 PM
allergies. Been sneezing ever since I got back here nearly three weeks ago. Tomorrow I'm going to call an allergologist, this is ridiculous.

08-28-2015, 12:49 AM
This makes my heart hurt.

08-28-2015, 12:59 AM
Having to lie. Sparing someone's feelings but it still isn't comfortable.

08-28-2015, 04:32 AM
Idiot drivers who are pulled up at the side of the road with their hazard lights on, only to pull out right in front despite almost causing a crash. Happened twice to my fiancé and I today, going to and coming back from grocery shopping. In the same street. If you can't drive, don't fucking drive you cunts!

08-28-2015, 05:13 AM
i generally don't bother calling the cops when some drunk asshole veers into my lane, but when he has a bumper sticker that says "I Don't believe the liberal media" meh, why not make the call. This is the second time I've had this happen with the same bumper sticker...

Sarah K
08-28-2015, 08:14 AM
So the place I'm getting treatment for depression is primarily an outpatient drug rehab. I had reservations at first, because I didn't think that it was going to fit my needs. They assured me that they have all types of programs. Part of the program is abstaining from drugs, and I get pee tested every week. Fine, I can live with that for a few months. So, I stopped smoking weed the day after I went there - July 22nd.

My urine test that week was at 89.
Second week, I tested negative(which is impossible)
Third week, I jump up to 92
Fourth week, it's 91

I haven't touched anything at all since that day, and last night I basically got interrogated during my therapy session because they think I'm still smoking, just not as much. But I haven't... At all! That second test going from 89 to 0 should show them that their testing doesn't work.

So my therapist kept asking me over and over again if I was smoking. I finally said "No, motherfucker, but I'm about to start". Then I realize that that probably made me look guilty because I got frustrated. But it was the same question for a solid thirty minutes... Wasting my therapy time. I fucking hate this place. I've asked them twice now to refer me to somewhere that is mental health focused, and they have just ignored my request and went to the next topic.

08-28-2015, 10:47 AM
I've often heard that weed stays in the system for weeks if not months.

Washing machine broke, landlord won't repair or buy new one, says it's up to us: they'll need to buy a new machine for the next tenant, they may as well buy it now. Cheap a$$e$

08-28-2015, 05:18 PM
So the place I'm getting treatment for depression is primarily an outpatient drug rehab. I had reservations at first, because I didn't think that it was going to fit my needs. They assured me that they have all types of programs. Part of the program is abstaining from drugs, and I get pee tested every week. Fine, I can live with that for a few months. So, I stopped smoking weed the day after I went there - July 22nd.

My urine test that week was at 89.
Second week, I tested negative(which is impossible)
Third week, I jump up to 92
Fourth week, it's 91

I haven't touched anything at all since that day, and last night I basically got interrogated during my therapy session because they think I'm still smoking, just not as much. But I haven't... At all! That second test going from 89 to 0 should show them that their testing doesn't work.

So my therapist kept asking me over and over again if I was smoking. I finally said "No, motherfucker, but I'm about to start". Then I realize that that probably made me look guilty because I got frustrated. But it was the same question for a solid thirty minutes... Wasting my therapy time. I fucking hate this place. I've asked them twice now to refer me to somewhere that is mental health focused, and they have just ignored my request and went to the next topic.

When you previously described this place, it sounded a bit like the Matrix program (http://www.matrixinstitute.org/). Any mental health help you get from these types of places is going to focus mainly on addiction (have they suggested joining a 12-step program yet?) and that's obviously not what you need. Can you ask them a bit more forcibly and insist on an answer if they try to change the topic?

I did a quick search for affordable mental health using 10002 zip and came up with these (https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/MHTreatmentLocator/faces/addressSearch.jspx) and these (http://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/#). Maybe you can find something else in those listings.

08-29-2015, 05:23 AM
Ugh I'm on the shittiest vacation right now. My girlfriend and I planned a weekend vacation in St Louis with her sister for her sisters birthday, and she brought her shitty boyfriend who I can't fucking stand. He's an annoying douchebag that is super inconsiderate and apparently doesn't understand that it's not acceptable to constantly try to fuck her in front of Myself and her own sister.

And now on top of that, our hotel room has the worst pillows and the temperature can't decide if it wants to be 30 degrees or 100 so ive LITERALLY been laying here since 11 trying to fall asleep and instead just keep tossing and turning to the sounds of him snoring extra fucking loud while sweating and shivering simultaneously.

I dont even even want to do anything that we had planned now. I just want to go home and go to fucking bed.

08-29-2015, 08:12 AM
Ugh I'm on the shittiest vacation right now. My girlfriend and I planned a weekend vacation in St Louis with her sister for her sisters birthday, and she brought her shitty boyfriend who I can't fucking stand. He's an annoying douchebag that is super inconsiderate and apparently doesn't understand that it's not acceptable to constantly try to fuck her in front of Myself and her own sister.

And now on top of that, our hotel room has the worst pillows and the temperature can't decide if it wants to be 30 degrees or 100 so ive LITERALLY been laying here since 11 trying to fall asleep and instead just keep tossing and turning to the sounds of him snoring extra fucking loud while sweating and shivering simultaneously.

I dont even even want to do anything that we had planned now. I just want to go home and go to fucking bed.
Bruh lets go to imos and make awkward non conversation.

08-29-2015, 11:34 AM
have not heard from my best friend.
i think he is dead.
NO ONE has heard from him. This is the same thing that happened with his wife a year and 2 weeks ago.
Siiiiiiiiiighhhhh i can't fucking HANDLE THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW.

edit: @Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272)
Calling the cops on people for drunk driving is ALWAYS a good idea imho. They might be about to hit ME.

But there is something else that pisses me off in your story, and it's the bumper sticker.

Now. I am about as "liberal/left wing" as it gets. I'm more or less a socialist. I think i may have been a leftist guerilla in a past life or something.
It fucking INFURIATES me that questioning the veracity of statements made by the media or the government has somehow slowly but surely become some sort of special territory of the conservative or right wing.
The two things have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with one another.

The not "believing?" the media part has to do with questioning authority and/or not blindly accepting everything you see, hear or read i guess?
And calling the media "liberal" insinuates that the sticker bearer has strong conservative leanings, yes?

Also, "believe" is such a strange word to use here. I don't, ahem, "believe" fox news. I guess i don't exactly disBELIEVE it either-it's mostly that i don't AGREE with their overly opinionated newscasts (or overly opinionated newscasts in general, for that matter.)

All of this seems to reinforce this bizarre notion that being part of the fucking RELIGIOUS RIGHT is somehow now some kind of "renegade" position only taken by real "rebels" who are part of this "mobilized minority."

Which is really strange when you consider that the majority of conservatives are straight white anglo saxon protestant men. They have been running this continent since they arrived hundreds of years ago, and barring some cataclysm, they will continue to do so. They are still the MAJORITY in general, after all, especially when you start talking who has the money.

These are REALLY strange times. It never gets weird enough for me.

08-30-2015, 08:50 PM
Around about a month ago I sent off a Visa application to the embassy of Belarus for my holiday there next week. They sent the application back to me in the self addressed envelope because the lady at the post office made the postal order out to the "Embassy of Belaros" and they couldn't cash it. So I went back to the post office and got a new postal order made and a new set of envelopes for them and sent them off. I checked the tracking and they received the letters. a few days passed and I thought that was good because this time they hadn't sent the application right back, so they must be granting me a visa. 2 weeks went by and I decided to call them [the 28th]. The man explained to me that the lady at the post office had scanned the self addressed envelope I'd sent at the post office before she had put it into the envelope I sent them so they couldn't send it back to me because according to Royal Mail's system it was already being sent back to me. I asked why they didn't try and contact me and he said that they did try and call, though I had no missed calls. Anyway, I went back to the post office a third time to get a special next day guaranteed letter with an UNSCANNED self addressed envelope inside sent off. On Saturday the tracking said that there was no one in at the embassy and the letter will be held until the embassy contacts them. Apparently embassys close on weekends.

So, this being a bank holiday weekend I'll assume the embassy is closed on Monday, and even if it isn't they won't be able to get the mail until at least Tuesday. Though given the fact that they tried so hard to call me I can't imagine they'll be running to get the mail.

I fly out on the 9th. This one is getting pretty close.

They have my passport too.

08-31-2015, 02:10 PM
I fucking hate how EVERY relative of mine seems to be a far right wing apologist. The biggest problem for a lot of people I'm related to now seems to be a conflict between how much they completely support and identify with every shitty aspect of Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags's xenophobic, racist, myopic, self-aggrandizing, arrogant, irresponsible, misogynistic, uninformed horseshit, and a sad "boo hoo" about how ultimately he's not realistically going to be elected.

Own that shit you fucking cowards. Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags is the cartoon manifestation of all the stupid shit that you actually stand for. You're looking in the mirror.

09-01-2015, 12:00 PM
Let people pee and shit where they feel comfortable God fucking damn.

Sarah K
09-01-2015, 01:55 PM
You know some spectacularly stupid people.

09-01-2015, 01:57 PM
You know some spectacularly stupid people.
Homie had a bernie sanders profile pic and he's spouting out that transphobic bullshit.

09-01-2015, 02:42 PM
Let people pee and shit where they feel comfortable God fucking damn.

Homie had a bernie sanders profile pic and he's spouting out that transphobic bullshit.

you are a very complex person, but i'm glad you're on the morally correct side of this issue <3

09-01-2015, 04:32 PM
you are a very complex person, but i'm glad you're on the morally correct side of this issue <3

I'm very, very VERY passionate about the rights and respect towards the LGBT community. I make jokes about a lot of things but I'll fight till I'm dead in the ground for the rights of that group.

09-01-2015, 08:16 PM
I hate that my brain likes to think of all the hurtful moments in the past lifetime all at once before I go to sleep sometimes. Fuck it, I'll cry it out and maybe it'll stop going there. *Tries to meditate*

09-02-2015, 01:02 AM
The USPS. Missed a package I needed to sign for yesterday and they left a slip. The slip said the package was at a post office that is 30 minutes away in another town. Curious since I live about 3 or 4 blocks from a post office and have picked up from them before. I drive to said town and they tell me that my package is not there, but back at my local post office. I did get my package, but I can't help but feel like I put in far much more effort than was worth.

09-02-2015, 01:16 AM
I fucking hate how EVERY relative of mine seems to be a far right wing apologist. The biggest problem for a lot of people I'm related to now seems to be a conflict between how much they completely support and identify with every shitty aspect of Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags's xenophobic, racist, myopic, self-aggrandizing, arrogant, irresponsible, misogynistic, uninformed horseshit, and a sad "boo hoo" about how ultimately he's not realistically going to be elected.

Own that shit you fucking cowards. Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags Assface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface MoneybagsAssface Moneybags is the cartoon manifestation of all the stupid shit that you actually stand for. You're looking in the mirror.

Sadly, I'm in the same boat. It makes me feel like I'm the black sheep of the family. This election cycle isn't anything new, I've had to deal with the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, shitty comments for years. I'm not even angry anymore, just sad.

09-02-2015, 02:51 AM
Insomnia. Fucking. Sucks.

Last night I couldn't get to sleep until around 1 pm (yes, you read that right) and I woke up at 2:45 (pm).

And here I am, tonight, and I'm not tired at all. I actually (unfortunately) feel strangely amped. It's 11:30 pm. Please let me get some sleep before I have to be at work at 11:30 am.

Maybe the most annoying thing about all this is I was trying to convey to a friend earlier how this insomnia was fucking me up, and I was worried about being able to be rested and functioning in time for work. "You don't have to be at work till 11:30?! Cry me a fucking river! I have to get to work by 8:00! And I somehow manage. It's not even that hard. I get up at 6:30, exercise for a bit, I even usually have time to relax a bit afterwards before I head over, and really, I don't even get that much sleep! I get about 6 hours of sleep a night!"

Dude.... dude........... If I got anywhere near 6 hours of real sleep a night I would be crying with happiness, you smug myopic fuckhead. I need red bull and coffee to make this work.

09-02-2015, 05:28 PM
Sadly, I'm in the same boat. It makes me feel like I'm the black sheep of the family. This election cycle isn't anything new, I've had to deal with the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, shitty comments for years. I'm not even angry anymore, just sad.
Oddly, I'm slightly on the otherside. My family is very liberal/progressive and I am thankful that their positions they can articulate with an intelligent argument - HOWEVER, they do tend to snob out with their own regionalism that everyone outside any experience in the northeast of the U.S. are unedumacated rednecks. It really doesn't help their arguments when they can be so snobby and dismissive.

09-03-2015, 10:22 AM
Another dear friend died. Motherfuckers are dropping like flies, i swear to god :(

that's 3 in a year, one suicide, two alcohol related. and then there's the one that's pending.

and it's been like EVERY year the past few years. i'm too young for this bullshit

09-03-2015, 01:21 PM
Another dear friend died. Motherfuckers are dropping like flies, i swear to god :(

that's 3 in a year, one suicide, two alcohol related. and then there's the one that's pending.

and it's been like EVERY year the past few years. i'm too young for this bullshitSorry for your loss dude. Sounds like the folks you ran with haven't exercised all the demons like you have/are.

09-03-2015, 01:48 PM
I'm getting a little tired of seeing pictures of drowned children every time I log into Facebook.

09-03-2015, 04:07 PM
I'm getting a little tired of seeing pictures of drowned children every time I log into Facebook.

Yeah... especially when it's accompanied by some simpering appeal to affect our opinions on policy issues. "Here's a dead baby, and if this doesn't make you change your attitude about refugees, what will?!!!!! If you're not suddenly on board with our stance on this issue it means you're obviously some evil heartless monster, because only an evil shit would see a picture like this and not suddenly agree with whatever I'm saying"

09-03-2015, 09:57 PM
Yeah... especially when it's accompanied by some simpering appeal to affect our opinions on policy issues. "Here's a dead baby, and if this doesn't make you change your attitude about refugees, what will?!!!!! If you're not suddenly on board with our stance on this issue it means you're obviously some evil heartless monster, because only an evil shit would see a picture like this and not suddenly agree with whatever I'm saying"
Additionally, the people I've seen spreading those pictures have never shown outrage or circulated memes about the immigrant children who've died during border crossings.

09-03-2015, 10:10 PM
Seriously. If one of my friends in "real life" handed me a picture of a dead child and said "isn't that awful?", I'd probably try my best to never speak to them again.

09-04-2015, 02:56 AM
I used to have a friend who would post pictures of aborted fetuses with captions like "look! LOOK! This is THE TRUTH! Stop running from THE TRUTH!"

I said something kind of tasteless in response once, and she either blocked/banned me or just quit Facebook.

09-04-2015, 03:42 AM
I dunno, I've seen at least one person change their stance on Syrian refugees based on that photo. People over here are going hysterical with all the fear-mongering and BS about how they are all young able-bodied men coming here to conquer Europe with their evil religion and to rape and pillage. Seeing actual pictures instead of reading "100 migrants drown" helps to bring it home to some people. While I would never post that pic, it did stop people from vomiting their xenophobic rage all over the place, at least for a little while.

09-04-2015, 07:18 AM
holy fuck, I'm not following any more "pro user groups" on Facebook. These things are filled with obnoxious children who just started making music and are acting like they're fucking ninjas because they got accepted to a FACEBOOK GROUP.

The world is officially getting almost too silly to handle.

09-04-2015, 10:09 PM
I dunno, I've seen at least one person change their stance on Syrian refugees based on that photo. People over here are going hysterical with all the fear-mongering and BS about how they are all young able-bodied men coming here to conquer Europe with their evil religion and to rape and pillage. Seeing actual pictures instead of reading "100 migrants drown" helps to bring it home to some people. While I would never post that pic, it did stop people from vomiting their xenophobic rage all over the place, at least for a little while.Yeah, it has done nothing to quell the hatred towards Latino immigrants here in the US. Sympathy for Syrian refugees, however, is quite high.

09-05-2015, 12:41 AM
I think the Gun Talk thread is more toxic and generally fucked than anything the Shitlist ever got close to, and so I don't want any part of it. I said I don't want to participate in that thread anymore. Don't drag me into it.

09-05-2015, 04:06 AM
I think the Gun Talk thread is more toxic and generally fucked than anything the Shitlist ever got close to, and so I don't want any part of it. I said I don't want to participate in that thread anymore. Don't drag me into it.

but...but... you arguing with digital chaos is better than prime time tv!

My cousin got 2 years for his third dwi. poor fucker. maybe he will stop drinking.
i'm not scared about him being in prison because he's VERY tough...the toughest of us in this family for sure.
But i hate the convict stigma he's gonna have around his neck for the rest of his life.
Also, he's a career TRUCK DRIvER who had a hazmat license and was making killer money. for some reason i doubt they'll be letting him do ThAT shit anymore :p

09-05-2015, 05:30 PM
...Trying to explain to Amazon over e-mail that a CD they are shipping + selling is an unofficial Russian bootleg. It doesn't help matters when the release is meant to be "identical" to an official release from (insert country here).

09-06-2015, 01:10 AM
...Trying to explain to Amazon over e-mail that a CD they are shipping + selling is an unofficial Russian bootleg. It doesn't help matters when the release is meant to be "identical" to an official release from (insert country here).

Contact Amazon customer service chat. Pretty much the best corporate customer support service out there.

09-07-2015, 04:54 PM
Cicadas are pretty much the worst thing ever. SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BASTARDS.

Also, I have to find a new therapist. My therapist SUCKS and this is the worst time to have to start over from scratch with someone new but I don't really have much of a choice. And the more I think about some of the stuff that she has said to be in the past (including stuff from over a year ago when I first started hormones) the more I'm realizing how she.really hasn't been a.good therapist this whole time and her whole outlook on trans issues is very problematic. I have actually recommended her to people (including fellow trans people) and now I seriously regret doing that.

09-07-2015, 06:45 PM
Cicadas are pretty much the worst thing ever. SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BASTARDS.
Ugh, THEY ARE MAKING ME DEAF THIS YEAR. And they started up here early, in JULY, WTF.

I recorded some in my back yard:

Glad you are taking control and finding a new therapist.

09-08-2015, 06:04 AM
People who stick their tongues out before they take a bite of their food. Please stop.

09-08-2015, 01:49 PM
People who stick their tongues out before they take a bite of their food. Please stop.

...people do that? i would be terrified of biting my tongue!

09-08-2015, 01:54 PM
...people do that? i would be terrified of biting my tongue!

I do this sometimes, depending on what I'm eating. If I didn't, I'd end up with food all over my face. It's like an additional spoon.

But I'm from Scotland. Haggis and shit, see.

09-08-2015, 05:27 PM
I had a phone interview for a job today (that was good). The HR person who set up the interview said it would be at 2pm pacific standard time. She even noted in the email that the time zone is PST. When doe she call? 2pm EST. I was all set to have the interview at 5pm and made sure I set aside the time and she calls at 2. I was already prepared with my answers (thank god it was just a standard HR screen interview) but it pisses me off that it could have gone wrong. Now I feel off some how.

09-08-2015, 09:06 PM
I had a phone interview for a job today (that was good). The HR person who set up the interview said it would be at 2pm pacific standard time. She even noted in the email that the time zone is PST. When doe she call? 2pm EST. I was all set to have the interview at 5pm and made sure I set aside the time and she calls at 2. I was already prepared with my answers (thank god it was just a standard HR screen interview) but it pisses me off that it could have gone wrong. Now I feel off some how.

If you get through to the next stage, make sure to tell the interviewer that the screener fucked up.

09-09-2015, 03:18 PM
Greyhound ticket: buying two separate one way tickets is cheaper than the roundtrip. Wtf.

09-09-2015, 08:00 PM
If you get through to the next stage, make sure to tell the interviewer that the screener fucked up.

Maybe don't do that, because it was very possibly already accounted for in their applicant tracking system/your case. If you were able to handle an early call that well, it only speaks more highly of you, whereas pointing out the mistake a colleague made could be perceived as a bad attitude. Also, depending on the company, you never know who you're speaking with. The VP of People at our company (who would sit in on final pitches and the like) used to also be the person doing a phone screen.

Also I've made scheduling mistakes before, but never to that degree, geez. This is why I always type out both time zones when calling outside of ours. Like "2:00 PM (PDT) / 5:00 PM (EDT)"

09-09-2015, 08:05 PM
Maybe don't do that, because it was very possibly already accounted for in their applicant tracking system/your case. If you were able to handle an early call that well, it only speaks more highly of you, whereas pointing out the mistake a colleague made could be perceived as a bad attitude. Also, depending on the company, you never know who you're speaking with. The VP of People at our company (who would sit in on final pitches and the like) used to also be the person doing a phone screen.

Also I've made scheduling mistakes before, but never to that degree, geez. This is why I always type out both time zones when calling outside of ours. Like "2:00 PM (PDT) / 5:00 PM (EDT)"

They don't have to be a jerk about it, but they can still make it clear there was an issue. I'd spin it to make me look good for being available, and prepared, while at the same time showing that I'm not about to be walked over. On the inverse- I'd be very interested to hear something like this from anyone I was interviewing, simply because I'd want to know that the screener was competent enough to get me candidates.

That said, if the VP made a mistake like that, I'd probably walk.

09-09-2015, 11:24 PM
I'm of the opinion best not to say anything negative during the interview process. Wait until after the offer. I didn't even mention to the recruiter that her initial email to me landed in my spam folder and I just happened to notice it. I told her after I got and accepted the offer.

09-10-2015, 05:26 PM
I parked my car with the back bumper extending maybe an inch and a half "blocking" someone's driveway. His parking lot was full of dead cars that pretty obviously didn't run, and he has his own car parked the rest of the way blocking the driveway completely.
If he did need to get any of those cars out of the driveway, he could easily have done it. I wasn't blocking shit in any realistic way.

I come back forty five minutes or so later and he's had my car towed. When I pick my car up it's 275 dollars to get it out of impound, and there's a $65 ticket on my windshield. FUuUUUUUuuUuUuUUuUCK! So I'm pissed, and I complain to my friend who drove me down about how fucked up this is, and what kind of an asshole calls the tow truck on someone who was BARELY over the line of his lot full of broken cars that probably hadn't moved in over a year...

and the tow-guy who pulled my car out of the lot says "oh wait... where did you get it towed from?" And so I tell him the street and he says "AH! I know where you got it towed from... the guy has a broken fire truck in his driveway, along with a bunch of other junk and stuff?" And so I say "yes," and he tells me that the guy does this all the time. That he jumps at the chance to call the tow truck on people, that he's shown up and tried to argue against it by saying "but the car isn't even realistically blocking anything!" and there's nothing he can do about it if it's legally a legitimate violation... of the sort where "the outside of your wheel is over 18 inches from the curb" kind of thing.

I just got a passive-agressive "fuck you" from someone I've never met, and it cost me about $340. He had NO legitimate complaint! He didn't have anything to be upset about, and he didn't get anything out of fucking my day/week up. What kind of a completely horrible person would do this sort of thing? I've been working a lot extra lately to get money together for some expenses, and I was just getting in the clear. I do NOT need this right now.

Big Fat Matt
09-10-2015, 07:23 PM
I parked my car with the back bumper extending maybe an inch and a half "blocking" someone's driveway. His parking lot was full of dead cars that pretty obviously didn't run, and he has his own car parked the rest of the way blocking the driveway completely.
If he did need to get any of those cars out of the driveway, he could easily have done it. I wasn't blocking shit in any realistic way.

I come back forty five minutes or so later and he's had my car towed. When I pick my car up it's 275 dollars to get it out of impound, and there's a $65 ticket on my windshield. FUuUUUUUuuUuUuUUuUCK! So I'm pissed, and I complain to my friend who drove me down about how fucked up this is, and what kind of an asshole calls the tow truck on someone who was BARELY over the line of his lot full of broken cars that probably hadn't moved in over a year...

and the tow-guy who pulled my car out of the lot says "oh wait... where did you get it towed from?" And so I tell him the street and he says "AH! I know where you got it towed from... the guy has a broken fire truck in his driveway, along with a bunch of other junk and stuff?" And so I say "yes," and he tells me that the guy does this all the time. That he jumps at the chance to call the tow truck on people, that he's shown up and tried to argue against it by saying "but the car isn't even realistically blocking anything!" and there's nothing he can do about it if it's legally a legitimate violation... of the sort where "the outside of your wheel is over 18 inches from the curb" kind of thing.

I just got a passive-agressive "fuck you" from someone I've never met, and it cost me about $340. He had NO legitimate complaint! He didn't have anything to be upset about, and he didn't get anything out of fucking my day/week up. What kind of a completely horrible person would do this sort of thing? I've been working a lot extra lately to get money together for some expenses, and I was just getting in the clear. I do NOT need this right now.
California has emissions tests, correct? Just saying, you can cost him a buncha money too with a saws-all and some ingenuity...

09-10-2015, 07:33 PM
I parked my car with the back bumper extending maybe an inch and a half "blocking" someone's driveway. His parking lot was full of dead cars that pretty obviously didn't run, and he has his own car parked the rest of the way blocking the driveway completely.
If he did need to get any of those cars out of the driveway, he could easily have done it. I wasn't blocking shit in any realistic way.

I come back forty five minutes or so later and he's had my car towed. When I pick my car up it's 275 dollars to get it out of impound, and there's a $65 ticket on my windshield. FUuUUUUUuuUuUuUUuUCK! So I'm pissed, and I complain to my friend who drove me down about how fucked up this is, and what kind of an asshole calls the tow truck on someone who was BARELY over the line of his lot full of broken cars that probably hadn't moved in over a year...

and the tow-guy who pulled my car out of the lot says "oh wait... where did you get it towed from?" And so I tell him the street and he says "AH! I know where you got it towed from... the guy has a broken fire truck in his driveway, along with a bunch of other junk and stuff?" And so I say "yes," and he tells me that the guy does this all the time. That he jumps at the chance to call the tow truck on people, that he's shown up and tried to argue against it by saying "but the car isn't even realistically blocking anything!" and there's nothing he can do about it if it's legally a legitimate violation... of the sort where "the outside of your wheel is over 18 inches from the curb" kind of thing.

I just got a passive-agressive "fuck you" from someone I've never met, and it cost me about $340. He had NO legitimate complaint! He didn't have anything to be upset about, and he didn't get anything out of fucking my day/week up. What kind of a completely horrible person would do this sort of thing? I've been working a lot extra lately to get money together for some expenses, and I was just getting in the clear. I do NOT need this right now.Although I agree that this guy is a total dick for having done that to you, I've done the same thing quite a few times (had people's cars towed because they blocked or were parked in my driveway). I'm sorry this happened to you. :/

09-10-2015, 07:39 PM
Although I agree that this guy is a total dick for having done that to you, I've done the same thing quite a few times (had people's cars towed because they blocked or were parked in my driveway). I'm sorry this happened to you. :/

And that's totally justified. If I felt like I had conceivably inconvenienced him in any way, I would just say "oh well, I fucked up, and it's my fault." It's just so obviously not the case that it really makes me mad, and if the tow yard guy is so familiar with this person, I bet he sits there with the tow-line on speed-dial and nothing else to do with his sad pathetic life. I'm starting to wonder if he parks his car in front of his driveway just to trap people into doing what I did.

09-12-2015, 09:33 AM
Hypocrisy re: slurs/marginalization.

Like, really, you take issue with a gay man saying faggot in a music video but you can use the word midget? During the same thing where this happened another person I know used the word "retarded" and I'm just like -___-

Or, I have a trans* friend who is generally super on the ball with trans* issues but then said "me love you long time" to me and has been photographed wearing a cheongsam.

Y'all. :(

09-15-2015, 07:37 AM
my wife doesn't like my new tattoo


which is fine, she's allowed to not like it. i get it, it's a little creepy-looking, and she's not obligated to like all of my tattoos. the problem is that she keeps telling people she doesn't like it, in my presence, and acting like it's funny. she's not usually mean about ANYTHING but it's actually making me feel kinda bad. : /

for the record, i LOVE this tattoo. it's the first one i've had my tattoo artist design for me (rather than just tattooing something on me) and i think it's incredible.

09-16-2015, 09:45 PM
Fuck you, Google.

09-16-2015, 10:03 PM
my wife doesn't like my new tattoo


which is fine, she's allowed to not like it. i get it, it's a little creepy-looking, and she's not obligated to like all of my tattoos. the problem is that she keeps telling people she doesn't like it, in my presence, and acting like it's funny. she's not usually mean about ANYTHING but it's actually making me feel kinda bad. : /

for the record, i LOVE this tattoo. it's the first one i've had my tattoo artist design for me (rather than just tattooing something on me) and i think it's incredible.

Is that a horse skull inside a human skull? I think it looks sweet!

09-16-2015, 10:18 PM
my wife doesn't like my new tattoo


which is fine, she's allowed to not like it. i get it, it's a little creepy-looking, and she's not obligated to like all of my tattoos. the problem is that she keeps telling people she doesn't like it, in my presence, and acting like it's funny. she's not usually mean about ANYTHING but it's actually making me feel kinda bad. : /

for the record, i LOVE this tattoo. it's the first one i've had my tattoo artist design for me (rather than just tattooing something on me) and i think it's incredible.

Maybe it will just take a little getting used to. I mean, it's not going to wash off or nothin.

09-17-2015, 12:30 AM
I'm stuck in a shitty motel in the arse-end of nowhere, Wisconsin. I have a cab coming at 2.30 am to drive me to the airport, an hour and a half away, so I can catch a flight to NYC at stupid o'clock in the morning. Fuck this.

09-17-2015, 12:35 AM
yeah eversonpoe I think that's a pretty great tat...

09-17-2015, 07:49 AM
my wife doesn't like my new tattoo
I think it's a very cool tattoo. If you love it, that's all that matters!

09-17-2015, 09:32 AM
Is that a horse skull inside a human skull? I think it looks sweet!

thanks! it's actually a bird skull merged with a human skull. my tattoo artist is fucking incredible (https://instagram.com/absider/).

09-17-2015, 11:03 PM
I'm stuck in a shitty motel in the arse-end of nowhere, Wisconsin. I have a cab coming at 2.30 am to drive me to the airport, an hour and a half away, so I can catch a flight to NYC at stupid o'clock in the morning. Fuck this.

Fire your travel arranger. ;)

09-18-2015, 05:49 AM
thanks! it's actually a bird skull merged with a human skull. my tattoo artist is fucking incredible (https://instagram.com/absider/).

It reminds me of Gieger and the cover of How The Gods Kill.

09-20-2015, 05:54 AM
My mother and her side of the family's habit of gossiping over EVERYTHING. Apparently, Facebook updates are now fair game on their incessant phone chats. I've just bitched her out over it. Ugh, some people shouldn't be on social media.

09-25-2015, 05:07 PM
I just realized that sept 23 has come and gone and i didnt get raptured!
What the fuck?!

09-26-2015, 09:36 AM
I just realized that sept 23 has come and gone and i didnt get raptured!
What the fuck?!


all i know is it was the equinox, and it was an amazingly beautiful day.

09-26-2015, 01:13 PM

all i know is it was the equinox, and it was an amazingly beautiful day.
Ahhh man, search the date on youtube (if you're bored, or want to see how generally crazy people are these days.)

A LOT of people were claiming that the world was going to end on the 23rd or 24th.

For the past several months, people have been claiming that all manner of climactic, world changing events, would happen this month, especially on 9-23.
People claimed that the date had been coded into tv shows and movies over and over for the past few years.

Some said an asteroid was going to hit. Others said that the Cern LHC would open the gates of hell.

And MULTIPLE religious nut jobs had settled on that date as the "rapture."

To be fair to said nut jobs, i will admit that several significant events converged on the 23rd.. It was the Equinox, Yom Kippur, the Muslim "Feast of the Sacrifice," and the day that the 266th Pope visited the White House on the 266th day of the year (266 days being the average period of human gestation.)

September 23rd had a kind of 12-21-2012 type paranoia about it.

I'm not exactly sure how it got started, but oddly enough, some of the 9/23 videos had a-million-plus views.

People are nuts.

(for me it was the date of an especially awesome, incredibly intimate Old 97s show, and the equinox of course, and a night spent at my favorite hotel. So it converged pretty nicely for me ;) )

09-26-2015, 04:29 PM
(Maybe I wrote this already some time ago...?)

Little things... like "argumentation" in style "so what AB is bad, XY is bad too" ( = AB is OK), or "so what AB is causing pollution, XY is causing even more pollution" ( = AB is OK and you are stupid).

Reminds me of this, "Rhetological Fallacies, Errors and manipulation of rhetoric and logical thinking":

miss k bee
09-26-2015, 07:25 PM
I just realized that sept 23 has come and gone and i didnt get raptured!
What the fuck?!

I thought it was 27/28 September and the blood moon?


09-27-2015, 12:50 PM
I thought it was 27/28 September and the blood moon?


There's that, but there was also this (http://www.buzzfeed.com/perpetua/its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-i-feel-fine#.ht6oA3LM8). More people were yammering on about the 23. There's also a lot of talk about the month of september in general http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/the-big-list-of-33-things-that-are-going-to-happen-in-september-2015
As someone who is interested in actual conspiracies and cover-ups, i wade through a LOT of insanity. :p

miss k bee
09-27-2015, 01:32 PM
There's that, but there was also this (http://www.buzzfeed.com/perpetua/its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-i-feel-fine#.ht6oA3LM8). More people were yammering on about the 23. There's also a lot of talk about the month of september in general http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/the-big-list-of-33-things-that-are-going-to-happen-in-september-2015
As someone who is interested in actual conspiracies and cover-ups, i wade through a LOT of insanity. :p

So many end of days, days!. I'm still dealing with mercury retrograde! :)

09-27-2015, 04:30 PM
Wonderful! I love seeing the List of Dates Predicted for an Apocalyptic Event (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events) get bigger!

09-27-2015, 05:01 PM
Sept 23 is Gs bday and we went out to dinner at Morton's. Totally nice night, uneventful.

Since Yom Kippur is on a different day each year, this whole thing makes zero sense. Of course.

I hope there aren't too many clouds tonight so I can see the Supermoon eclipse before the Mormons get wiped out by their Apocalypse.

09-29-2015, 05:36 AM
Two months of allergies. I am at my wits' end: I cannot hold a straight thought without sneezing.
My house is old and dusty, I want to cut off my nose.

09-29-2015, 05:46 AM
Two months of allergies. I am at my wits' end: I cannot hold a straight thought without sneezing.
My house is old and dusty, I want to cut off my nose.

09-29-2015, 05:47 AM
Same problem, but wheezing and my ears fill up to the point where I nearly can't hear. My lungs sound like a whistle. It's time to finally go find a local doc, again. An inhaler is in my near future. Again.

aggroculture, I run a bunch of air cleaners in my house and I have a HEPA vacuum cleaner and they do seem to help.

09-29-2015, 08:42 AM
Since Yom Kippur is on a different day each year, this whole thing makes zero sense. Of course.

I actually think this is the best holiday. Everyone atone together, forgive together, move on together, all in one day. None of this shame, sit in a box and confess every week crap that my people do.

Having said that, working for a company with all it's R&D in Israel that takes practically the entire month of September off, little thing that pisses me off. I'm sure they feel the same way in November and December.

09-29-2015, 11:05 AM
I actually think this is the best holiday. Everyone atone together, forgive together, move on together, all in one day. None of this shame, sit in a box and confess every week crap that my people do.
G and I laughed at the same thing, the Jews have it right, one day of guilt per year, but we were raised as Catholics with guilt EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR, lol.

But, yeah, I'm really pissed off at my boss for taking TWO days off for Rosh Hashanah (I'll give him the whole day for Yom Kippur since only "bad Jews" -- even non-Orthodox -- work on that day) but I *know* he's not THAT FUCKING RELIGIOUS, it's just more days off to stick ME WITH THE WORK. Even our Jewish clients were pissed at him for taking off two whole days for Rosh Hashanah. When I worked in a mostly-Jewish law office, those guys would go TO THE BOAT on that day (gambling in Elgin), they weren't in a Temple praying. In December, we take ONE day off for Christmas, most companies are NOT off for Christmas Eve, sometimes people get to leave early. And I ain't NEVER off for any "religious" holiday in November, that Thanksgiving shit is an AMERICAN holiday that's just a food orgy and all my bank clients are open the Friday after TG. But religious Jews? I swear, they have 150 holidays per year.

09-29-2015, 12:53 PM
@aggroculture (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=318), I run a bunch of air cleaners in my house and I have a HEPA vacuum cleaner and they do seem to help.

What kind of air cleaners? air purifiers? I am thinking of getting a dehumidifier, but not sure how effective it might be in the humid climate I live in. Also going to get anti allergy covers for bedding, and need to slowly get rid of all upholstered furniture.

09-29-2015, 02:09 PM
allegro you can always say you joined one of those Herbert Armstrong Church of God churches.
My dear friend and old boss is in it, and they take all the biblical holidays off, including 2 weeks right now for the feast of tabernacles, because they are Real Christians and follow the One True Way or whatever.

He always got like 100 days off

09-29-2015, 06:21 PM
What kind of air cleaners? air purifiers? I am thinking of getting a dehumidifier, but not sure how effective it might be in the humid climate I live in. Also going to get anti allergy covers for bedding, and need to slowly get rid of all upholstered furniture.

I have about SIX of these in my house, constantly running (http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-04383A-Allergen-Reducing-Cleaner/dp/B00EIDFSBG), one in pretty much every main room in the house. Despite the description, there is some argument as to whether or not they are "true" HEPA (I have not found a HEPA filter in it but I have not taken the thing apart, either), but they are a HELL of a lot cheaper than a true HEPA machine and we think they work pretty good, and the filters are easily cleanable with a vacuum cleaner, and they have three different speeds; the most quiet speed you can barely hear, and it works great in our master bedroom to "mask" my tinnitus! You won't BELIEVE the crap you vacuum out of this thing. And it also works for mold spores. I think I've had one that has gone bad in a five-year period (started making a noise and I had to go smack it to stop it then gave up and threw it out and replaced it) but it's so cheap, it's disposable. Plus, we splurged and got a really good Miele HEPA vacuum cleaner and it's worth every penny, IMHO, it doesn't just blow the allergens and dust back out into the room. Now, we have two of those Mieles.

I run DEHUMIDIFIERS during the summer months since my biggest allergy is MOLD (and right now the mold count in our area is fucking OFF THE CHARTS, it's medium where you are but it could be higher inside your house (http://www.allergyasthmasi.com/md.cfm)), and our furnace has a built-in humidifier for the winter which really helps keep the dust down and our sinuses from going nuts. We have anti-allergy covers on all the beds and pillows.

And all but ONE loveseat in my office is leather or just plain wood and/or glass. Leather, I have found, does wonders for not attracting and housing dust and pet hair and dander, and it's easy to clean and dust. Eventually, the cloth-upholstered loveseat has to go bye-bye. We also have NO carpet and all hardwood floors and some vinyl in the basement and tile in the bathrooms.

09-30-2015, 05:03 AM
Since I'm gone for months at a time, my place gets dusty as hell and gets me all sneezy. Then cleaning it to get the dust out makes me sneeze like all hell (not to mention the sore throat) and there's nowhere to go. This is getting ridiculous.

09-30-2015, 05:25 AM
I have about SIX of these in my house, constantly running (http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-04383A-Allergen-Reducing-Cleaner/dp/B00EIDFSBG)

I'm *this* close to pulling the trigger on one of those. I guess the main question is whether it would be of any use for keeping a room reasonably dust-free when unoccupied for weeks or months at a time. Every time I come up, the whole place has to be cleaned; clothes need to be washed before I can wear them, and just moving anything in the room kicks up so much junk that I go into fits. If I had something like this running on a timer say a few hours a day, or maybe 12 hours at a time 2-3 times a week, would that be likely to leave the room in noticeably better condition upon returning home?

09-30-2015, 05:30 AM
My house is completely flea infested.

09-30-2015, 06:30 AM
my house is completely flea infested.

flea bomb!!!

09-30-2015, 06:49 AM
Friend of mine was very very depressed and having suicidal thoughts the other night. Apparently she was also cradling a hammer against her skull while this was going on. :(

She posted a status (among several clear cries for help that night) that said: "unfriend me now if you dont wanna watch me self destruct because im fucking determined this time"

And on that status a "friend" of hers said: "Remember, across the veins for show, lengthwise with the veins for results."

I reported the comment, and Facebook was like "this doesn't violate our community standards." Oh, fucking really?

"We prohibit content that promotes or encourages suicide or any other type of self-injury, including self-mutilation and eating disorders."

And obviously there's no where to reply to them. Facebook is such a "necessary" evil.

09-30-2015, 08:03 AM
Friend of mine was very very depressed and having suicidal thoughts the other night. Apparently she was also cradling a hammer against her skull while this was going on. :(

She posted a status (among several clear cries for help that night) that said: "unfriend me now if you dont wanna watch me self destruct because im fucking determined this time"

And on that status a "friend" of hers said: "Remember, across the veins for show, lengthwise with the veins for results."

I reported the comment, and Facebook was like "this doesn't violate our community standards." Oh, fucking really?

"We prohibit content that promotes or encourages suicide or any other type of self-injury, including self-mutilation and eating disorders."

And obviously there's no where to reply to them. Facebook is such a "necessary" evil.

is your friend ok? that's horrible and it's hard to do anything constructive to help, but that person is a fucking asshole.

09-30-2015, 08:50 AM
I take that as a very poor defense mechanism.

09-30-2015, 08:52 AM
flea bomb!!!
Trying that today, hope it works!

09-30-2015, 10:41 AM
I'm *this* close to pulling the trigger on one of those. I guess the main question is whether it would be of any use for keeping a room reasonably dust-free when unoccupied for weeks or months at a time. Every time I come up, the whole place has to be cleaned; clothes need to be washed before I can wear them, and just moving anything in the room kicks up so much junk that I go into fits. If I had something like this running on a timer say a few hours a day, or maybe 12 hours at a time 2-3 times a week, would that be likely to leave the room in noticeably better condition upon returning home?

I leave one running on "low' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The fan is such a low power-pull, you barely hear it, but it's amazing how much dust, cat hair, etc. this thing pulls in. Since it's so small, it doesn't cover a hell of a lot of square footage, though, (160 square feet isn't a lot) so I have one for the bedroom, one for the living room, etc. I think it's nearly impossible to keep any room "reasonably dust-free" for very long these days. I completely clean my house using a HEPA vacuum, I dust my furniture using damp clothes or anti-allergy cleaners, and I swear two days later the house is dusty again. I heard that dust is mostly from our shedding skin but I have a hard time believing that considering there are only TWO people living in this house (and you get a residence full of dust with nobody IN it). But, I guess that air-tight houses are worse because they don't "breathe" and we are exposed to VOCs inside the house, vs. houses that aren't air-tight (allowing in more dust from outside) "breathe" and let OUT the VOCs.

I guess if safety of running an appliance while you are out of town is an issue, a timer would be a good idea. I would run it on a higher speed during the time that it's on, though?

Meanwhile, suddenly, all of my beloved Techny Arborovitae on the side of the house are suddenly turning brown. I am sick to my stomach. Our arborist, Art, is coming out on Friday. I hope they can be treated and aren't just dying.

09-30-2015, 01:03 PM
is it just me or has click-bait gotten really out of hand? At this point, every major news source or "cool" site is now littered with bullshit links in the corners with captions like "25 celebrities you won't believe got fat! Number 15 will shock you!" You don't click on it, you ignore it, but lately it seems like it's just everywhere, clawing at the most basic and predictable aspect of your humanity. It's all a bunch of fabricated train-wrecks being shoved in your face, begging you to look.

It makes me want to go full-Walden and just cut myself off the grid entirely.

09-30-2015, 01:27 PM
And obviously there's no where to reply to them. Facebook is such a "necessary" evil.

Why is Facebook necessary? It's this type of thinking that allows them to continue to act like shitheads.

09-30-2015, 01:35 PM
anti-allergy cleaners

Thanks for all your advice on this, I think I will get one of those air purifiers. What do you mean here? Products, or cloths?

I reported the comment, and Facebook was like "this doesn't violate our community standards." Oh, fucking really?

Death threats don't violate their "community standards" either. It's clear that FB's default mode is leniency to violence, harassment, bigotry. But don't you dare post a female nipple.

09-30-2015, 02:02 PM
Why is Facebook necessary? It's this type of thinking that allows them to continue to act like shitheads.

It's a modern utility... At this point, it's pretty much just as "necessary" as having a cell phone.

09-30-2015, 02:41 PM
It's a modern utility... At this point, it's pretty much just as "necessary" as having a cell phone.
I totally disagree with this. A cell phone is necessary because you need it to call an ambulance if you have a stroke, or the police if you are robbed, or a tow service if your car breaks down, etc., because you can't find a payphone anywhere, anymore.

I've gone without FB for a long fucking time and it's useless; it's totally fucking stupid, and it's only so you don't feel like you're missing out on something or to "keep in touch" with your stupid and computer illiterate friends and relatives who don't know how to use the texting function on their fucking smart phone or who can't or won't use email. Believe me, before FB, people kept in touch just fine; look at how "useful" it was for this person who told her friends she wanted to commit suicide; just as useful as when I was in high school and people TOLD their "friends" they were going to commit suicide and their "friends" gave them the same fucking stupid advice. My "modern utility" in keeping in touch with my REAL friends is texting and email. FB only cares about ONE THING: Data-mining and making money.

09-30-2015, 02:47 PM
In Spain people (or rather, the people I know) seem to use Whatsapp a lot more to communicate: you communicate in specific groups of people, you don't broadcast your shit to everybody you know. I think FB soon will be eclipsed by the next platform that is better at catering to people's wishes: when FB came along there was this whole "let's share everything with everybody" mentality, that I believe we've already seen is foolishly utopian and naive and is now being used against us to share our shit with everyone from advertisers to the government. As soon as better alternatives present themselves people will jump ship. No empire lasts forever.

09-30-2015, 02:52 PM
Thanks for all your advice on this, I think I will get one of those air purifiers. What do you mean here? Products, or cloths?
I buy these things (http://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Microfiber-Cleaning-Cloth-Pack/dp/B009FUF6DM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1443642239&sr=8-7&keywords=shammy) like crazy. They're washable, work way better than paper towels. Also, I like this stuff (http://www.target.com/p/pledge-dust-allergen-outdoor-fresh-scent-furniture-spray-9-7-oz/-/A-12972707?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=12972707&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=pla_grocery+essentials+shopping&adgroup=sc_grocery&LID=76pgs&KID=0c546f80-883b-5548-93a0-00004964dcc6&kpid=12972707&gclid=CJb4oYfEn8gCFQEPaQodm3cFwA) on a lot of surfaces so long as you don't go nuts with it. I use plain old water whenever possible on those shammies, though.

09-30-2015, 03:44 PM
Believe me, before FB, people kept in touch just fine

Well, to be fair, people kept in touch fine before cell phones existed too.

I find it useful though, as much as I have a long list of things I hate about it. There's a lot of things I hate about cell phones too though... Sometimes I'm sick of the fact that we're always expected to be reachable at all times now. I find it kind of depressing to see people "hanging out" while ignoring each other and flipping through shit on their phones.

There's good things to having a connected line to everyone you know though, and for a lot of people it's a secondary form of email. It's maybe kind of weird, but at this point, email is more of a professional/formal means of communication for me. If someone wants to say hello or invite me to a party/show/event or whatever casual means of communicating, that tends to be via text or FB.

09-30-2015, 04:15 PM
There's good things to having a connected line to everyone you know though, and for a lot of people it's a secondary form of email. It's maybe kind of weird, but at this point, email is more of a professional/formal means of communication for me. If someone wants to say hello or invite me to a party/show/event or whatever casual means of communicating, that tends to be via text or FB.Word. Email is for old folk or sending a message to your professor that you can't get your darn paper uploaded to whatever web portal.

09-30-2015, 04:33 PM
Well, to be fair, people kept in touch fine before cell phones existed too.

I find it useful though, as much as I have a long list of things I hate about it. There's a lot of things I hate about cell phones too though... Sometimes I'm sick of the fact that we're always expected to be reachable at all times now. I find it kind of depressing to see people "hanging out" while ignoring each other and flipping through shit on their phones.

There's good things to having a connected line to everyone you know though, and for a lot of people it's a secondary form of email. It's maybe kind of weird, but at this point, email is more of a professional/formal means of communication for me. If someone wants to say hello or invite me to a party/show/event or whatever casual means of communicating, that tends to be via text or FB.

Well, my actual BEST FRIENDS are college professors, computer consulting geeks, real estate and mortgage nerds, etc. and we send LONNNNNNNG emails and we tend to VENT and shit. I can count my number of friends on one hand. I hate people, but if I like them and they want to be my friend, they'd better use email and they'd better not call me and they'd better not expect me to use fucking Facebook.

I never talk on the phone, like, EVER. I use my smartphone as a minicomputer and search device and a traveling office. And FB to me is nothing but trite say-nothing know-nothing stupid bullshit. It's either an echo chamber or it raises blood pressure with shit you didn't want to know about your relatives, or it's people posting bad recipes. G's cousin, retired and on disability, posts about 20 "Minions" posts per day, honest to God. Or pedestrian clouds-and-sky quotes about how wonderful it is to have Grandchildren ("click LIKE if you agree!")

I use email all day long for work. I receive, no joke, at least 250 emails per day in my line of work. So I prefer using that medium because it's generally how I communicate, anyway. I type about 120 wpm, and NOBODY uses the phone anymore in my line of work. If the phone rings, we look at it and go WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING US??!? If my MOM wants to reach me, she emails me. I have, at any given time during the day, 3 email accounts open on my screen at the same time. And my husband is texting me on the side. My close computer geek friends and I rapid-fire emails so fast, it comes out faster than texts. I just don't have the time or patience to look at all that stupid shit on FB.

So who uses emails? Smart computer people and professionals who don't have time for stupid shit. Who uses FB? G's cousin, who's posting Minions quotes and 900-calorie recipes all fucking day long. Because she has nothing else to do, and she's an idiot. Or my friend Mary's cousin, who's profile pic is him with a rifle, and most of his posts and comments are nothing but grammar and spelling nightmares and him calling everybody a "Libertard" and Obama a "Muslim Nazi" and this guy's IQ makes my dog a Rhodes scholar. But, FB is SO USER FRIENDLY, even that guy can figure it out!

I do remember the days before email and cell phones: We got along great without cell phones, but LIFE SUCKED WITHOUT EMAIL. I. And early UNIX email had EIGHT FUCKING BANGS IN YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Now, I can send emails from my smartphone (the size of the palm of my hand).

Anyway, G pretty much summed it up: FB is like AOL.

10-01-2015, 02:22 AM
succubi sucking the life force from your nearest and dearest. which in turn sucks yourself into the toxic vortex of shit.

10-01-2015, 03:39 AM
Speaking about e-mail, it pisses me off how ineffective it can be, compared to discussions at FIDOnet years ago. Back then, thanks to automatic quoting (using e.g. GoldEd editor), it was immediately clear what is response to what, redundant parts removed, etc. Now, if you have e.g. three topics in one e-mail, how do you make it clear what you are responding to. Typing "...and speaking about topic B, I think..."? Copying part of the text first? (And spending a while figuring out what happend to formatting or why the suddent indent...) Moving hand to mouse and clicking different color? Yes, e-mail clients nowadays also can do this "quoting", but the person on the other side will most certainly broke that up or don't understand what weird formatting that is. We need something better. Like going back to GoldEd. :-) (Also, not everyone could join FIDOnet just like that, and real names were used... no, I'm not against privacy, but that was part of the quality of discussions there.)

As for Facebook, I actually liked it at the beginning, but then also other people discovered it :-) and as with everything, with quantity the quality went below my threshold "it gives me more anger than pleasure", so I quit. I use the same tactics with jobs, relationships, etc... not recommended. ;-)

Update: I am INTJ too, I was just currently thinking about this again, maybe I will get me a T-Shirt with four letters...? ;-)

10-01-2015, 11:14 AM
with quantity the quality went below my threshold "it gives me more anger than pleasure", so I quit. I use the same tactics with jobs, relationships, etc... not recommended. ;-)
Not recommended?? That's pretty much my motto with everything in my life, as well! But I'm an INTJ (http://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality), I have zero patience and socializing isn't one of my biggest priorities. :p

What I *hate* about email is probably what most people hate about email: (1) people who don't know how to read headers (come on people, wtf, my boss is like Helen Keller with email headers and he forwards email to me because he can't seem to grok that I was cc'd in the fucking email; because I have zero patience, my response to him is a copy of the header with my CC address in GIANT TYPE; thank God my boss likes me), (2) wanton "reply all" use (my boss is also guilty as charged), (3) not being able to cut-and-paste quotes, (4) not trimming replies which can be very dangerous, (5) people who don't bother editing subject headers, so I get subject headers that read "your email" or "this new deal" or "this attachment" or some stupid shit, although in personal email this is okay (sometimes email between me and my best g/f will have the same "hey, you!" subject header for 3 months).

I used to like the customizability of MySpace, that I could use CSS to customize my MySpace page, although that meant I risked having an epileptic seizure visiting a few of my friends' pages, LOL.

10-01-2015, 09:27 PM
I'm a prolific Facebook user and it's brought a ton of good into my life. If the people I care about were actually on and using another social network regularly, I'd happily switch.

Here are some ways I can think of that make my Facebook experience so good.

1. My friends list is curated. I only have people on there I actually care about talking to, with only a few exceptions -- those exceptions being people I'd potentially have awkward interactions with irl if I unfriended them, generally I don't dislike those people (in which case I wouldn't care), I just dislike their views. I don't add coworkers without giving them a giant disclaimer, I'm very picky.

2. I post a lot, and I'm VERY, VERY open (doing this in a non-professional setting also does a great job of keeping the right people in your life). Going backwards, here's what I've posted about in the past 24 hours: This (funny timing), this quote “I don’t like the term because I’m uncomfortable with the implication that my identity should occupy a social position other than ‘default’.”, what inspired some recent eye makeup I did, a funny picture about people thinking you're straight, the bear kayak video, a dress I want to sell, a great tumblr exchange about misogyny, a great summary of the #MasculinitySoFragile" hashtag, a Patton Oswalt tweet about Cecile Richards, an article about Germany's decision to allow parents to opt out of choosing a gender on birth certificates. I facebook the way other people tweet, or something.

3. That extreme level of openness means that all of my friends can easily know what's going on in my life and where I'm at. Even though I maybe never see them, or we don't talk often, or they're states away, they probably know what I've been up to/what I care about/etc.

4. I'm friends with really smart people, and having a curated list + posting a lot means that some really amazing discussion happens.

The shit I see people gripe about when it comes to Facebook don't tend to be things I encounter. Facebook is an easy way for me, a very very open person, to express that in a way that my friends can see when they want, where I share space with people who have similar ideas, and have awesome discussions, and keep it touch with awesome people.

10-01-2015, 09:30 PM
playwithfire I kind of want you to add me on Facebook for some masochistic reason.
My name is Tony Balogna on there, you should add me for jokes.

10-01-2015, 09:43 PM
@playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) I kind of want you to add me on Facebook for some masochistic reason.
My name is Tony Balogna on there, you should add me for jokes.
playwithfire don't do it. tony isn't that bad of a person but being friends with him on facebook made me incessantly angry, every fucking day.

10-01-2015, 09:45 PM
@playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) don't do it. tony isn't that bad of a person but being friends with him on facebook made me incessantly angry, every fucking day.
Ive mellowed out since we were friends a few years back lol

Sarah K
10-01-2015, 09:49 PM
Now Tony just posts videos of him spray painting things, and raging about someone leaving a note on his car.

10-01-2015, 09:50 PM
Now Tony just posts videos of him spray painting things, and raging about someone leaving a note on his car.

New tony doesn't piss people off on purpose as much anymore as he's now friends with his wife's parents on fb.

10-01-2015, 11:35 PM
New tony doesn't piss people off on purpose as much anymore as he's now friends with his wife's parents on fb.

Sorry bruh, I like my carefully crafted social media echo chamber and only friend ets people I'm actually pals with, but thanks for the thought? You get an overview of it here, to a degree anyway. Go watch the kayak bear vid if you haven't.

10-01-2015, 11:52 PM
Go watch the kayak bear vid if you haven't.
Are you accusing me of trying to eat your social water flotation device?

10-03-2015, 08:15 AM
insomnia and a lack of sky activity. i live in the burbs and im too intoxicated to go on the highway and see stars. some planet is bright right now though. it's all i can watch at this moment.

10-03-2015, 02:00 PM
psoriasis pisses me off. hugely.

10-05-2015, 10:16 AM
A tattoo to mark that an animal has been spayed/neutured. Who the hell chose the color green?

10-12-2015, 09:05 AM
Cc'ing someone's team member, or even more dumbly, their supervisor, on an email the *first* time you check in with a person about something you need from them is some evil shit.

10-12-2015, 12:10 PM
Cc'ing someone's team member, or even more dumbly, their supervisor, on an email the *first* time you check in with a person about something you need from them is some evil shit.Yeah, some people do that for passive aggressive reasons, some because they want to make sure their supervisor knows they actually work. It's all lack of trust.

Little thing - when people don't even respond to emails. Especially when it's one that is requesting that they do something that is their area of expertise.

10-12-2015, 03:09 PM
Yeah, some people do that for passive aggressive reasons, some because they want to make sure their supervisor knows they actually work. It's all lack of trust.

Yeah, like, if you're pinging me and not getting response and choose to loop my supervisor in (something that won't be necessary), okay, sure.

But if you're cc'ing my boss THE FIRST TIME... you are the worst.

10-14-2015, 10:39 PM
the water supply in our county has been tainted by a sewer line.

We already drink bottled water, but we are having to boil water for the pets. The water coming out of the tap smells like shit, literally.
Also, i passed out early and didn't take a shower yesterday. And now i'm dirty as fuck, and i don't want to shower in that shit!
We don't even know if it's safe yet.

It's gonna be like this "indefinitely."
I sure hope they fix it soon.

10-14-2015, 11:35 PM
Not finding a wrist/forearm brace that fits. Apparently, I'm the first plus sized person in the history of the US to have ever broken an arm. So lame.

10-15-2015, 12:59 PM
someone came and smashed our halloween pumpkin. :confused:

10-15-2015, 02:36 PM
someone came and smashed our halloween pumpkin. :confused:

i just don't understand when people do shit like that. what the hell is the point? just to make someone else feel bad? why do people go out of their way to do things like that? i'm sorry, dude.

10-16-2015, 01:13 AM
someone came and smashed our halloween pumpkin. :confused:
My wifes parents are super upset because they have some sort of rodent eating their pumpkins every night.
Why would they be mad?!? Their pumpkins now all have badass little rat or raccoon teeth marks all over them and i'm jealous as fuck.

10-16-2015, 05:29 AM
FUCK. Somebody has apparently hacked my AIM account and created a new password, and AIM is telling me that they cannot process my request to reset my password until their regular business hours commence.


No wonder you fucking toddlers are a joke. Thanks for letting some dipshit steal my password... I kept AIM active because I had a few friends who seemed to only interact on that chat option. No more. Sorry. Fuck this

10-16-2015, 01:42 PM
i just don't understand when people do shit like that. what the hell is the point? just to make someone else feel bad? why do people go out of their way to do things like that? i'm sorry, dude.

Thanks. Is this a thing that people do? A known thing?

"Smashing Pumpkins" comes to mind...I always thought it meant, like, going in a field and smashing them, not people's porches.

10-16-2015, 05:24 PM
Thanks. Is this a thing that people do? A known thing?

"Smashing Pumpkins" comes to mind...I always thought it meant, like, going in a field and smashing them, not people's porches.

my wife's parents stopped putting their pumpkins outside because some neighborhood kids smashed them two years in a row and it really upset them.

10-16-2015, 06:14 PM
My wifes parents are super upset because they have some sort of rodent eating their pumpkins every night.
Why would they be mad?!? Their pumpkins now all have badass little rat or raccoon teeth marks all over them and i'm jealous as fuck.
LOL ours get eaten by chipmunks every year, too. It's so weird going out the next day and half the pumpkin's face is missing

10-16-2015, 11:53 PM
LOL ours get eaten by chipmunks every year, too. It's so weird going out the next day and half the pumpkin's face is missing
We have pumpkins outside our door at our apartment and every morning i'm super bummed there's no little critter bites on it.

10-19-2015, 03:55 AM
When a screen-adapted book is being reissued with movie/drama poster artwork as a new cover.

10-21-2015, 12:19 AM
my copy of 'mysterious skin' is like that. i don't like it, but it's still a good book.

10-21-2015, 07:27 PM
Fucking Back to the Future 2.

Edit: It's not that I hate the movie, I just wish everybody would shut the fuck up.

10-22-2015, 08:29 AM
Fucking Back to the Future 2.

Edit: It's not that I hate the movie, I just wish everybody would shut the fuck up.

it was just one day! let everyone have their fun. :p

i'm pissed off about how pissed off people are about the cubs. i just have no understanding or tolerance for sports fanaticism and i don't care if your stupid team didn't make it to the finals or whatever they're called. at least now there won't be riots here when they win or lose at the end.

10-22-2015, 07:18 PM
it was just one day! let everyone have their fun. :p

i'm pissed off about how pissed off people are about the cubs. i just have no understanding or tolerance for sports fanaticism and i don't care if your stupid team didn't make it to the finals or whatever they're called. at least now there won't be riots here when they win or lose at the end.

Yeah, you know, I don't get how people can be pissed about this. The better team won, the Cubs went farther than they've gone since 2003, there is no fucking "curse," the Hawks eventually built a great team with a great owner and manager and the Cubs are on their way to that, but it doesn't happen overnight and even the Cubs' owners and management didn't expect to win the World Series this year, we got this far by a fucking WILD CARD WIN. Jesus, people, come on. Wtf. I am seeing a lot more light-hearted "we'll do it next year!" than assholes, though.

(It was the Pennant we were going for, btw. The NY Mets won the National League Pennant, and will now go to the World Series.)

10-23-2015, 10:20 PM
Our little town goes nuts for football. (our part of the state and texas in general do too, but that's beside the point.)
This year, our second full year living here, my wife and i decided to get into the high school football thing. The stadium is right behind our house.

Anyway, our rival school is ranked #1 in the state and won the state title last year. Our town is ranked number 8 in the state, and has won state a few times.

Both teams were undefeated, and realistically, none of the other teams are going to beat us. So whoever won tonight's game pretty much wins the district.

ANNNNNNNND....the fuckers came out and stomped a texas sized mudhole in our collective heart.

10-24-2015, 01:39 AM
Fucking Back to the Future 2.

Edit: It's not that I hate the movie, I just wish everybody would shut the fuck up.


LOL ours get eaten by chipmunks every year, too. It's so weird going out the next day and half the pumpkin's face is missing

Put the uncarved pumpkin outside and smear peanut oil on the spots where the jack-o-lantern's eyes/nose/mouth should be.

potentially cool results?


hmmm, youtube video isn't autoloading... is there a new thing where we need to embed them in bracketed tags?

10-24-2015, 06:16 PM
Long venting post ahead.

I'm not into cellphones. The one I have now is just in case of emergencies. It's the same one I had back in 2009 when I went to the Sonoio show in Quebec city and which I used to post telegraph-like messages in the Old ETS thread (poor Alessandro was having a horrible time and kept a very bad memory from his stay here). It's the same one that came with me to Toronto in Jume 2009 to see NIN. It's a little flip phone that's now old but it's still doing its job of making phone calls when I need to. When I bought it, I went with Virgin Mobile because I had plan all along to use refill cards when I needed to use it. In the last couple of years, I decided to keep refilling it because of, well, reasons. But I'm not using it that much so now, I have a balance of $250 on it. I'm being very careful not to lose it too.

In the last few months I thought a lot about upgrading it to the cheapest smartphone available. I don't plan on using it to take selfies or stuff like that but I like the idea to be able to access the Net if I need to (read: emergencies). Last week, my brother brought me one that he had been given by a friend of his who didn't need it anymore. It's a cheap little smart phone just like I wanted. So I decided to have my Virgin account transferred to the new phone. I knew I had to buy a SIM card for it and all that jazz. It was a simple matter, right? WRONG.

I went to the Virgin Mobile store near where I live. I presented the new phone to the employee and I explained to him that I needed a SIM card for it and then, that I wanted to transfer my account to it. He started by telling me that the new phone I had was worthless and that it couldn't be done (which I knew was untrue; cheap yes but not worthless and I knew it would work with their network because the person my brother got it from was using it with their parent company which are on the same network). And then he went into full speech sale mode and tried to sell the very latest Samsung Galaxy phone (of which I knew about; I'm not that outdated) which I did not need at all and to top that, he tried to convince me that I needed to get a 2 years plan with them. He was all very polite (and so was I) but I knew I was not getting that. And I left, still with my old flip phone and a new one I could not use.

Yesterday (because I had suspicions) I sent my brother to the same store with the same phone and with the same demands. Lo and behold: of course sir; no problems sir, it will only take a second! At this point, my brother asked why I was given the bullshit I was given just the night before. That's when the employee (I don't know if he was the same one I had seen) started to see he was in deep shit. He went on full defense mode, saying it wasn't him who had told me that (I'm really not sure that true since my "friendly" guy had told me he was going to work at the time my brother went to) and the cherry on top of the sunday which I am quoting verbatim:

"When we get people who don't seem *quite there* or who don't seem to know much, we are told to do everything possible to sell them a phone."

So my brother made quite the scene and gave them hell.

And here I am, still with my old phone with $250 bucks on in and with another useless phone. I'm pissed that because I'm:

a) a woman
b) with salt and pepper hair
c) who don't want to spend my days taking selfies and texting people

I was treated like some gullible moron.

tbc in the Mental Health thread.

Halo Infinity
10-25-2015, 08:27 AM
FUCK. Somebody has apparently hacked my AIM account and created a new password, and AIM is telling me that they cannot process my request to reset my password until their regular business hours commence.


No wonder you fucking toddlers are a joke. Thanks for letting some dipshit steal my password... I kept AIM active because I had a few friends who seemed to only interact on that chat option. No more. Sorry. Fuck this
That reminds me of that time something like that actually happened to Trent Reznor in 1998. It's all still clearly messed up though.

http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/articles/xart42.shtml (http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/articles/xart42.shtml)


Put the uncarved pumpkin outside and smear peanut oil on the spots where the jack-o-lantern's eyes/nose/mouth should be.

potentially cool results?


hmmm, youtube video isn't autoloading... is there a new thing where we need to embed them in bracketed tags?
I actually wasn't aware that autoloading was an option as I've always used the bracketed tags. Anyway, I thought of being of help here. If you also want to type it out yourself, just type the YouTube URL in between
[/i]] and [/VIDEO] without spaces. Otherwise, just click on the film strip symbol that says Insert Video when you hover your cursor above it for a few seconds.

This feature has always interested me since the early 2010s, not just because of how convenient it is and how nice it looks, but also as to how it can sometimes be slightly different in other forums.


Space Suicide
10-26-2015, 04:43 PM
When people become and irrational and take something as simple as a reply as "I know" about a statement they made as some hugely offensive and disrespect remark. Get the fuck out of here. Sad thing is I have to mend things with this person and shit like "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.

So fucking stupid.

10-27-2015, 07:37 AM
Haha, that reminds me of a couple of times when I was upset at something someone said, and after explaining why I was upset and why I thought what they said was wrong, I kept getting "I'm sorry I upset you" and my response was "I wish you'd be sorry for what you said" but it was obvious they weren't going back on what they said.

Sarah K
10-27-2015, 08:57 AM
I do that... I will sometimes apologize for upsetting someone, but if I'm not sorry about what I said, I'm not going to apologize for it.

10-31-2015, 08:17 PM
I fucking hate the New York Times...its so smug and lost up its own ass in its own deluded confused, contradictory utopia ...it makes me want to puke. Urgh.
Spending time with its writers sounds like a horrible nightmare.

11-03-2015, 02:17 AM
Sinus issues/cold. Had one then the other. Only the last few years my right ear plugs up each time. Probably an infection from my sinuses... Doesn't hurt it's just just annoying.

11-03-2015, 03:01 AM
Looking at bank account, Amazon.de payment 49 €... what have I bought...? NOTHING. It seems I had Prime active and now was time for automatic reneval, but this time for money. But I don't even know what Prime is (some streaming and stuff, I doubt it would work in Slovakia, not interested anyway), when have I activated that? Subscription cancelled, let's see if I get some refund. Go to hell with these tactics. (Edit: It does not help I can't read German very well, but I don't think I am THAT blind... OK, never mind.)

Update 2: from confirmation e-mail (nice feature it contains link for english version, yes I am able to use translators, but this was nice): "Your Amazon Prime membership was cancelled at your request. Since you did not use any of your Prime membership benefits, you will receive a refund of your full membership fee of EUR 49." So, all good. :-)

11-03-2015, 09:33 AM
Looking at bank account, Amazon.de payment 49 €... what have I bought...? NOTHING. It seems I had Prime active and now was time for automatic reneval, but this time for money. But I don't even know what Prime is (some streaming and stuff, I doubt it would work in Slovakia, not interested anyway), when have I activated that? Subscription cancelled, let's see if I get some refund. Go to hell with these tactics. (Edit: It does not help I can't read German very well, but I don't think I am THAT blind... OK, never mind.)

Update 2: from confirmation e-mail (nice feature it contains link for english version, yes I am able to use translators, but this was nice): "Your Amazon Prime membership was cancelled at your request. Since you did not use any of your Prime membership benefits, you will receive a refund of your full membership fee of EUR 49." So, all good. :-)

yeah, i'm not sure how it works anywhere in europe, but in the US, amazon prime gives you access to a streaming music library, a streaming video library (including amazon's original content like Orphan Black), and free two-day shipping on anything that's prime-eligible. my wife and i have it because we watch everything online AND we order a ton of stuff from amazon.

11-03-2015, 11:44 AM
snow. it's here and there's a lot of it. yuck, man.

11-04-2015, 10:35 AM
Trying to get fantasy football trades done...pain in the ass.

11-04-2015, 02:11 PM
A med I need to live stopped working recently so I started a different one and I think it's fucking me up. Why am I such a goddamn lightning rod for side effects?!

11-04-2015, 02:46 PM
A med I need to live stopped working recently so I started a different one and I think it's fucking me up. Why am I such a goddamn lightening rod for side effects?!

How does a medicine just stop working randomly? Human biology is weird af

11-04-2015, 02:48 PM
everyone on meds is a pillar of side affects nowadays. pill x gives you acid reflux and makes you dizzy? here's pill y and z!!!

11-04-2015, 05:51 PM
That's certainly true but if I stopped taking this thing my body doesn't make, I would die.

11-05-2015, 02:26 AM
did your body become adjusted? or your body rejected it? how long have you been on this med? is it new and you're a test subject? you're slightly cryptic, which is fine (your business is yours,) but it's apparent that you're on something which indicates immounosuppression or hormones. though the body produces a million chemicals, i could be wrong.

what are the side affects?

11-05-2015, 07:58 AM
He was just saying what "pisses him off" (in the "pisses me off" thread). I don't think he is asking for advice, though?

11-05-2015, 09:48 AM
How does a medicine just stop working randomly? Human biology is weird af

Tolerance, and the immune system.

Also, severity of illness. Most illnesses "flare up" and can break through the drugs. Or just worsen generally, negating a drug's use.

11-05-2015, 12:16 PM
Modern day parents and their refusal to discipline their children.

If your child is screaming at the top of their lungs and throws a fit in the middle of a public place, your job isn't to ignore them or politely ask them to be quiet. Your job is to teach them how to behave in public, and if that means dragging them out of the store, spanking them, grounding them, (hell, even time out works), or taking something away like television or something else they enjoy, then so be it. You are legally required to mold that little shit into a respectable member of society for the first eighteen years of their life. No one wants to hear your offspring get louder and more belligerent by the second because they can't have a candy bar while waiting in line at the grocery store. Doing nothing or addressing the child like he's a rational human being who isn't shouting at the top of their lungs makes you an idiot and a piss poor parent.

The fact this passive behavior is common place now with this new batch of parents with babies, toddlers, and kids, even teenagers, is sickening.

11-05-2015, 12:56 PM
He was just saying what "pisses him off" (in the "pisses me off" thread). I don't think he is asking for advice, though?

yeah you're right. i'm hella nosy.

11-05-2015, 08:24 PM
I fucking hate the New York Times...its so smug and lost up its own ass in its own deluded confused, contradictory utopia ...it makes me want to puke. Urgh.
Spending time with its writers sounds like a horrible nightmare.

Particular article making you spit venom?

11-06-2015, 09:22 PM
stupid ass, ridiculous internet drama. it infuriates both me and my wife.

it's easy to run your mouth i guess.

11-07-2015, 12:22 AM

a mix of spanish and latin! (or is it greek?)

internet drama really is sub human shit. funny thing: if it's easy to run your mouth in an anon fashion, it should be easy to own up to your vitriol, but somehow that's never the case. so fuck them.

11-07-2015, 01:34 PM
how about this ?

Facebook created an account under my wife's maiden name and added a bunch of friends from here REAL account.

It didn't send us friend requests....it just did it automatically.

It spits out advertising in broken english and you can't unfriend it.

And facebook is so massive that, even though we flag it every day, they don't do anything about it.

How's THAT one for subhuman , @Idopa . It's robotic!

11-07-2015, 02:58 PM
uhhhhhh.... that sounds really bizarre. Can you link to this fabricated account?

11-07-2015, 03:58 PM
uhhhhhh.... that sounds really bizarre. Can you link to this fabricated account?
it appears to be gone now, thank god.

we had never seen anything like it, but it HAD to have been some kind of advertising bot thing.

i've never heard of anything like it.

It just appeared one day, and we both got notifications saying that IT had accepted friend requests from US.u
And the same thing happened to about 20 of our other friends.

Like i said, you couldn't unfriend it.

I'm REALLY happy that facebook actually did something about it.

11-07-2015, 11:29 PM
elevenism, This happens all the time on Facebook:



11-08-2015, 01:53 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475), This happens all the time on Facebook:


this one was even trickier @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) , because it added us AUTOMATICALLY. there WERE no real friend requests.

For instance, i got a notification that Florien Hamsnack had accepted MY friend request. Of course, i had never sent a friend request.
So it was even more insidious!

Thank you for finding that info

11-08-2015, 08:17 AM
this one was even trickier @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) , because it added us AUTOMATICALLY. there WERE no real friend requests.

For instance, i got a notification that Florien Hamsnack had accepted MY friend request. Of course, i had never sent a friend request.
So it was even more insidious!

Thank you for finding that info

Ends up that is not hard, either. Apps can send out friend requests on your behalf; in fact, a rogue app could have started the whole thing.


11-08-2015, 02:48 PM
Ends up that is not hard, either. Apps can send out friend requests on your behalf; in fact, a rogue app could have started the whole thing.

You never cease to amaze me. I promise i won't call you sherlock homes though ;)

11-08-2015, 07:20 PM
You never cease to amaze me. I promise i won't call you sherlock homes though ;)

Dude, this is why I hate Facebook. It's a cesspool, you have to be REALLY careful to lock down everything in Security, don't allow any tagging, don't install any apps, etc.

11-09-2015, 05:24 PM
Dude, this is why I hate Facebook. It's a cesspool, you have to be REALLY careful to lock down everything in Security, don't allow any tagging, don't install any apps, etc.
See it makes sense now.
My wife plays a lot of those facebook games to try to stimulate her mind ever since it got fucked off from the meningitis.
And so she has installed a LOT of them.
That's probably exactly how this happened. Luckily, enough of us flagged it to get it taken down.

11-15-2015, 07:34 AM
Caught a damn cold. Headaches all day. ETS looks slightly fuzzy.

11-16-2015, 06:53 AM
I've been on this forum for eight years and I still feel like a stranger here.

11-16-2015, 10:55 AM
what the hell with the people posting memes and complaints all over the web which essentially seem to be bitching about the fact that everyone is talking about Paris?! It seems like there's a trending comparison admonishing people for not being as outraged about the massacre in Kenya 7 months ago... There also seems to be an implication in there that the only reason people care about what just happened in Paris more is because of a racial component. Holy shit.

Ummmmmm... If you REALLY want to bring up the massacre in Kenya, and you REALLY care as much as you claim, then why weren't YOU talking about it? You know, when we were busy endlessly talking about some basketball player who OD'd in a Vegas whorehouse, or when we couldn't shut the fuck up about Justin Bieber getting arrested, or how excited we are to see if his comeback album will debut at number 1, or when we couldn't stop giving a fuck who Gwen Stefani was fucking, or when Kanye West said something stupid, or when we all pretended to care about tennis for a second there, or when someone gave Ed Sheeran a fucking award, or when Beyonce's sister yelled at Jay-Z, or when Jimmy Fallon got drunk... and is Ben Affleck really getting a divorce? Leanne Rhymes had three abortions! Some shit-kicking country "super star" that nobody's heard of before wore blackface for Halloween this year!!!! Did you hear what Chloe Kardashian said to Ryan Seacrest about her very real struggle to do some shit that apparently a bunch of people care about?

NOW is the time to complain about how we're not addressing the important issues?

11-16-2015, 11:10 AM
what the hell with the people posting memes and complaints all over the web which essentially seem to be bitching about the fact that everyone is talking about Paris?! It seems like there's a trending comparison admonishing people for not being as outraged about the massacre in Kenya 7 months ago... There also seems to be an implication in there that the only reason people care about what just happened in Paris more is because of a racial component. Holy shit.

Ummmmmm... If you REALLY want to bring up the massacre in Kenya, and you REALLY care as much as you claim, then why weren't YOU talking about it? You know, when we were busy endlessly talking about some basketball player who OD'd in a Vegas whorehouse, or when we couldn't shut the fuck up about Justin Bieber getting arrested, or how excited we are to see if his comeback album will debut at number 1, or when we couldn't stop giving a fuck who Gwen Stefani was fucking, or when Kanye West said something stupid, or when we all pretended to care about tennis for a second there, or when someone gave Ed Sheeran a fucking award, or when Beyonce's sister yelled at Jay-Z, or when Jimmy Fallon got drunk... and is Ben Affleck really getting a divorce? Leanne Rhymes had three abortions! Some shit-kicking country "super star" that nobody's heard of before wore blackface for Halloween this year!!!! Did you hear what Chloe Kardashian said to Ryan Seacrest about her very real struggle to do some shit that apparently a bunch of people care about?

NOW is the time to complain about how we're not addressing the important issues?

Similar memes were posted back when the Fukushima disaster had happened. Some people never learn...

11-16-2015, 11:25 AM
what the hell with the people posting memes and complaints all over the web which essentially seem to be bitching about the fact that everyone is talking about Paris?! It seems like there's a trending comparison admonishing people for not being as outraged about the massacre in Kenya 7 months ago... There also seems to be an implication in there that the only reason people care about what just happened in Paris more is because of a racial component. Holy shit.

Ummmmmm... If you REALLY want to bring up the massacre in Kenya, and you REALLY care as much as you claim, then why weren't YOU talking about it? You know, when we were busy endlessly talking about some basketball player who OD'd in a Vegas whorehouse, or when we couldn't shut the fuck up about Justin Bieber getting arrested, or how excited we are to see if his comeback album will debut at number 1, or when we couldn't stop giving a fuck who Gwen Stefani was fucking, or when Kanye West said something stupid, or when we all pretended to care about tennis for a second there, or when someone gave Ed Sheeran a fucking award, or when Beyonce's sister yelled at Jay-Z, or when Jimmy Fallon got drunk... and is Ben Affleck really getting a divorce? Leanne Rhymes had three abortions! Some shit-kicking country "super star" that nobody's heard of before wore blackface for Halloween this year!!!! Did you hear what Chloe Kardashian said to Ryan Seacrest about her very real struggle to do some shit that apparently a bunch of people care about?

NOW is the time to complain about how we're not addressing the important issues?

Did Leann Rhymes really have three abortions?

Anyway, to some degree that thought process makes sense though. It's interesting how some people only seem to care about certain tragedies and have no reaction to others. Being pissed off that people are paying attention to anything that happened is a weird reaction for sure.

11-16-2015, 02:15 PM
The thing is, people WERE really upset about that Kenyan college attack, REALLY upset. But that wasn't ISIS, that was a Somalia-based militant group, Al-Shabaab. And that was last April, so it's easy for people to claim that "nobody cared" when actually a whole lot of people cared but nobody can remember if anybody cared because it was last April.

There are still a lot of old fart Americans who still can't get over this stupid post-WWII hatred of the French.

11-16-2015, 05:30 PM
Not to mention just over a decade ago we had "freedom fries".

11-16-2015, 05:39 PM
Not to mention just over a decade ago we had "freedom fries".

I frequent a breakfast joint that still has Freedom Toast. It's good fucking Freedom Toast though.

11-17-2015, 06:36 AM
There also seems to be an implication in there that the only reason people care about what just happened in Paris more is because of a racial component. Holy shit.

Because obviously everyone that lives in Paris is white and everyone that lives in Kenya is brown. I love how they all shoot themselves in the foot with that one.

11-17-2015, 02:23 PM
the dmv. i had to renew my license today (i'm finally old enough to be president, btw) and the clerk said "awesome" after every question he asked me. every. time.

11-17-2015, 02:36 PM
the dmv. i had to renew my license today (i'm finally old enough to be president, btw) and the clerk said "awesome" after every question he asked me. every. time.



seriously, though, the DMV is an evil place.

also, happy birthday? i'm assuming you didn't actually go on your birthday, though.

11-17-2015, 02:50 PM
thank you. and i did. i always wait until the last minute.

edit: i don't know if this is protocol in all or most states, but in idaho you have to re-take the test if you let your license expire at all. no way i'd pass it first try. during the eye test i called a no passing sign a yield. herp.

11-17-2015, 04:43 PM
the dmv. i had to renew my license today (i'm finally old enough to be president, btw) and the clerk said "awesome" after every question he asked me. every. time.

I haven't had to go to the BMV since I first got my license - at the rip old age of 21 - 12 years ago. Online renewal is the ish.

11-17-2015, 05:00 PM
we don't have that option here. they need a current photo, among other things. all of which are "awesome."

11-17-2015, 05:27 PM
my annoying fucking dog. pissing me off right now. :mad:

Big Fat Matt
11-17-2015, 08:11 PM
Ingrown toenail. Gonna lop of this while foot. Fucking done with having feet.

Sarah K
11-17-2015, 10:00 PM
When people comment "Who cares?" on shit.


11-17-2015, 10:08 PM
When people comment "Who cares?" on shit.



11-17-2015, 10:31 PM
thank you. and i did. i always wait until the last minute.

edit: i don't know if this is protocol in all or most states, but in idaho you have to re-take the test if you let your license expire at all. no way i'd pass it first try. during the eye test i called a no passing sign a yield. herp.

Happy birthday!

I've never learned how to drive and I'm almost as old as that old TR guy. Without my glasses I cannot see anything unless it's right under my nose. The good news is that I'm able to pass the written part of any driver's license test with flying colors. Just don't get me behind the wheel.

What's pissing me off? Every place that are asking for your driver's license as a proof of identity. AWESOME.

11-17-2015, 11:01 PM
Just gonna comment on the whole license thing, here in Arizona once you get your license at 16, it doesn't expire until you turn 65. You just have to drop into a Motor Vehicles office and renew your pic every 10-15 years. Even after 65, you can keep renewing it as long as you can pass the test (which I think just becomes a vision test at that point) but you have to renew every so many years.

11-17-2015, 11:15 PM
That pisses me off. There are so many SHITTY DRIVERS out there, I think EVERY MOTHER FUCKING DRIVER IN THE U.S. needs to take a written test every 4 years. Because every fucking day I see some ASSHOLES nearly hit people in a crosswalk, or the car behind me is BEEPING AT ME, LIKE "GO, YOU ARE IN A CAR, CARS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY."


And don't EVEN get me started on these IDIOTS who don't care what the stop sign on a school bus means ...

11-17-2015, 11:54 PM
That pisses me off. There are so many SHITTY DRIVERS out there, I think EVERY MOTHER FUCKING DRIVER IN THE U.S. needs to take a written test every 4 years. Because every fucking day I see some ASSHOLES nearly hit people in a crosswalk, or the car behind me is BEEPING AT ME, LIKE "GO, YOU ARE IN A CAR, CARS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY."


And don't EVEN get me started on these IDIOTS who don't care what the stop sign on a school bus means ...

For me, it's fucking goddamn right wing nut jobs that i went to school with spouting ignorant nonsense on my facebook page, and also some members of forums that i frequent.

But it's mostly people that i went to school with.

Also, at that hotel where we spend like 3 or four months a year, they had a bluegrass festival. So i played and played and played and everyone was loving me, and then it came out that i was i democrat.
I seriously thought they were gonna kick my ass. They accused me of being a muslim (as if being a muslim was like being a Nazi,) among other things.
It was really saddening to see how EVERY ONE OF THE MUSICIANS i had been playing with for three days were insanely right wing.

I think that 99 percent of people in this part of the state are insanely right wing.

Halo Infinity
11-18-2015, 09:00 AM
I've been on this forum for eight years and I still feel like a stranger here.
I can somehow still relate to that on a general scale even though it does not aggravate and irritate me either. I even sometimes feel that way the most on Facebook, but not Twitter as it felt and looked a lot more natural to remain on the sidelines at Twitter. However, feeling like a stranger and being a stranger and feeling and being out of place was something that I've always dealt with just about anywhere and everywhere. And then there's also the fact that I often just stay at home or near home while in privacy and/or solitude. (Which is sometimes not done by choice at all.)

@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) - Speaking of Facebook, I can also relate to what you mean when you talk about your experiences about being around a lot of right wingers. The majority of people that I've ever known and met in real life such as family, friends and acquaintances are Christian conservatives as was I born and reared in and with the Christian faith. To tie this in with what I've said to wizfan, it also lead me to feeling left out in some ways too.

I still find it interesting though. The majority of them are politically Republican and conservative. As far as religion goes, just about all of them are Protestant and of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. The rest of them are Roman Catholics which are also mostly Republican and conservative. Echoing the Sound was also one of the very first sites that showed me beliefs, views and life itself outside of the religious right and prior to that, I thought that I was completely alone.

11-18-2015, 09:38 AM
might have sprained two of the fingers on my right hand last night, carry some drums into a bar to play one song with one of my band-mates as part of an 80s cabaret night (we did a cover of eddie money's "shakin'"). it was a lot of fun but my fingers are making it really hard to perform pretty basic tasks (except, strangely, typing), besides the horrible pain that is radiating from them all the way up my arm. i had to cancel a service call today (where i was supposed to install a modem and router for a woman who is finally ready to join the 21st century) and i'm not sure how long it'll be until i can properly use my hand.

11-18-2015, 12:00 PM
Forgetting to get my flu vaccine then getting the flu.

tony you dumb

11-18-2015, 12:13 PM
Forgetting to get my flu vaccine then getting the flu.

tony you dumb

Ohhhhh, shit, I gotta go get my flu shot, too ... I keep forgetting it, I haven't gotten the flu in YEARS ...

11-18-2015, 12:17 PM
Ohhhhh, shit, I gotta go get my flu shot, too ... I keep forgetting it, I haven't gotten the flu in YEARS ...
Didn't think I was sick, went to the gym, realized 10 minutes in I'm hella sick.
Who wants to set up a gofundme for my funeral?

11-18-2015, 05:08 PM
Ohhhhh, shit, I gotta go get my flu shot, too ... I keep forgetting it, I haven't gotten the flu in YEARS ...

In 2009, I got the H1N1 flu before the massive vaccination campaign. I was soooo sick!

As for what's pissing me off: orthopedic shoes that cost a fortune and that make a squeaking sound when walking. Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak...

Big Fat Matt
11-18-2015, 06:22 PM
I may or may not have gotten in a fistfight at a stop sign before.

11-18-2015, 07:21 PM
I may or may not have gotten in a fistfight at a stop sign before.
I love it. :)

Big Fat Matt
11-18-2015, 07:41 PM
I love it. :)
Listen if you are gonna honk at me to go before I have even finished STOPPING, I'm gonna be mad. I'm gonna flip you off. Are you gonna tap my bumper because you got a middle finger for being a fuck-up? This ends here. I step out, hands outstretched. "NO GUN OR KNIFE HERE ASSHOLE. WHATS THE FUCKING HURRY JEFF GORDON?"

11-18-2015, 08:21 PM
Listen if you are gonna honk at me to go before I have even finished STOPPING, I'm gonna be mad. I'm gonna flip you off. Are you gonna tap my bumper because you got a middle finger for being a fuck-up? This ends here. I step out, hands outstretched. "NO GUN OR KNIFE HERE ASSHOLE. WHATS THE FUCKING HURRY JEFF GORDON?"

Many many years ago, some guy cut off then flipped off my dad's cousin Hank on the Southfield, then the guy exited. Hank pulled over on the side of the freeway, ran up the freeway hill, the dude was at the top waiting at a stoplight and Hank (big motherfucking 6'6" Dutch guy) punched the guy in the face then went back down to his car and left. Don't ever cut off a big Dutch dude on a freeway in Detroit, LOL.

I have friends (and my HUSBAND) who are scared of driving in Detroit in the winter. Driving on 696 in 6" of snow in a blizzard and everybody is going 75mph ain't for WIMPS.

The worst DETROIT I ever pulled on anybody around here was when I was in my late-20s and I was going down a 2-way side street in Chicago and some bitch coming at me decided to go right down the middle, then she got mad at ME and I had to find a way to get out of her stupid way and as she passed, she yelled "LEARN HOW TO DRIVE" at me out her window.

Wait, what? I didn't even DO anything.

I got to the end of the street, turned around, tailed her to the end of the street where she stopped at Belmont, jumped out of my car (wearing my dark Risky Business RayBans) and started SCREAMING AT HER:


And she's rolling up the window and looking for a break in traffic so she can turn and escape me, and in her passenger seat is an old lady about NINETY YEARS OLD who has her mouth open and is looking at me, horrified ... and I'm still screaming at with my face right on her window and she finally turned the car and squealed away.

And I bet that woman never yelled at anybody out a window ever again.

And I never did that again because I didn't want to turn into Uncle Hank. Bad idea.

Big Fat Matt
11-18-2015, 08:31 PM
Driving on 696 in 6" of snow in a blizzard and everybody is going 75mph ain't for WIMPS.
Get on 75, 3 am, middle of a blizzard. Yeah, there are car-ruining potholes everywhere, but THEY'RE HIDDEN UNDER 6 INCHES OF SNOW! HUEHUEHUE!

I spend 20+ hours a week driving in Detroit. Rain/snow/sun. Angry music helps a LOT.

Sarah K
11-23-2015, 01:40 PM
Went to my friend's birthday dinner last night. Checked out the menu before I left home, and thought I could get away with spending $35 - $40. We get there and are informed that we will be doing a fixed menu, so I think that I will probably spend $50-ish... The bill comes, and it was $75 a person! BRUUUUUH! I've gone to dinners with this group before where we've spent like $65 a piece. But a - we knew that would be the price ahead of time and b - the food was delicious.

This food last night was okay at best. Definitely not worth $75! I'm a poor bitch! I don't mind throwing down cash for a really good experience sometimes. But this was not it. :(

11-25-2015, 08:35 AM
been trying to sell a record on discogs for a while, and someone finally bought it last week. she asked for a shipping quote, as she lives in mexico, and after a little digging online, it looked like it would be around $10. so i charged her $9 and we agreed if it was more than that, she'd pay it.

$19.45 to send a 2xLP to mexico? JEEEZ. i told her i'd split the difference since she only paid $20 for the actual record and i didn't want her to have to pay $20 for shipping, on top of it. i don't understand why it was so expensive. it's less money to ship to england!

11-25-2015, 08:45 AM
Flight-related anxiety blows. I'm normally just fine, but travelling on Thanksgiving with all sorts of alerts and whatnot is making me a nervous mess.

11-25-2015, 09:19 AM
same old shit for me.
fucking ridiculous painkiller addiction, way worse than any recreational habit i've ever had.

Having to pattern my life around doses. Tolerance.

And the looming inevitability of being taken off of the motherfuckers.


11-26-2015, 01:23 AM
jesus. i'm sorry, elevenism. the struggle never seems to end, does it?

unrelated and lighthearted: when the professional wrestling thread is the hoppiest and most updated.

there's nothing, NOTHING there for me.

11-26-2015, 02:13 AM
same old shit for me.
fucking ridiculous painkiller addiction, way worse than any recreational habit i've ever had.

Having to pattern my life around doses. Tolerance.

And the looming inevitability of being taken off of the motherfuckers.


Have you considered getting pro help and treatment with weaning off the drugs? Don't take this the wrong way (and if you know me at all you won't) but if there's an addictive aspect, self-moderated dosage attenuating is potentially asking for a horrible nightmare.

11-26-2015, 02:36 AM
Have you considered getting pro help and treatment with weaning off the drugs? Don't take this the wrong way (and if you know me at all you won't) but if there's an addictive aspect, self-moderated dosage attenuating is potentially asking for a horrible nightmare.
oh, i am getting pro help.
this is my last full size bottle.
my doctor promised me i would be ok but it still scares the shit out of me.
hitting up a few aa meetings may be on the horizon for me, because this is gonna be hard.
i've had (and NEEDED) 90mg of oxycodone a day since july.
i can feel the physical habituation, and the psychological part has got me to were i'm only functional when i've taken them.
this is gonna be a rough fucking ride, just like trying to ease off smack.

Thanks for your concern. I do know you a little bit, and i understand what you meant.
But dude, i'm afraid the "horrible nightmare" is utterly unavoidable at this point. Let's just pray that he takes me off them SLOOOOWWWWWW.

Harry Seaward
11-26-2015, 04:40 AM
God, if I have to hear about cell phones and/or the internet ruining society one more time, I'm gonna lose my shit. Newsflash grandpa, being a luddite isn't an achievement or something positive to strive towards.

It's 2015, being in an interconnected global culture is something we've been working towards since the dawn of time. Each communication method we develop slingshots us further towards greater progress as a species.

We're no longer forced to speak to the person directly in front of us. And believe it or not, it's not a great insult or injustice to connect with the outside world while also in a meeting with other people. There's nothing wrong with being on a cell phone while you're out at dinner with friends or family. It's not an addiction, it's not rude or immature or a behavior born of stupidity. It's the result of the human mind's relatively newfound ability to extend beyond the immediate 10 foot radius of the human body.

A face to face conversation with another person is NOT inherently more meaningful or important than a conversation over text. I met my girlfriend using the internet and the vast majority of our conversations take place there. I can still GUARANTEE that we're closer than 99% of the shallow cohabiting couples I know personally.

The kicker to all of this is the oh so common whine I constantly hear from backwoods yokels or self-righteous hipsters. The dreaded "why don't you look away from that phone and computer and experience the world?" Similar to my last point, I can also GUARANTEE that I'm more worldly and cultured and knowledgeable than 99% of the people who regurgitate this bullshit. Guess what? Whatever dumb shit you enjoy doing probably just fucking sucks in all likelihood. To imply that I'm not living my life or that your experiences carry more weight than mine is so hilariously cunty that it gives me all the reason I need to disregard everything you say.

And, for what it's worth, if I AM actively ignoring you on my cell phone in lieu of even making eye contact with you, there's a pretty good chance you just suck.

Harry Seaward
11-26-2015, 05:02 AM
Oh wait, I have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for GUYS to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

11-26-2015, 05:24 AM
Oh wait, I have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for GUYS to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

These rants seem oddly personal-especially the second one-it's very specific.
Who's the nice lady? ;)

11-26-2015, 08:46 AM
oh wait, i have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for guys to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

brace for the facepalm hurricane.

11-26-2015, 11:35 AM
i always carry a bag. some idiot co-workers call it my "man purse" or "murse", but i don't care. i think it *is* socially acceptable. or at least it is here. in southern idaho. but this part of the us is way liberal and forward-thinking, so ...


11-26-2015, 11:46 AM
Oh wait, I have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for GUYS to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

To your point that we live in a global world, I don't know where you live, but I was just in London and MANY men carry shoulder tote, purse, whatever you want to call them. Looked to me to be COMPLETELY SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE so I expect 1 to 2 years tops it'll be all over the states and elsewhere.

Or in other words, quit your bitching.

11-26-2015, 12:13 PM
Oh wait, I have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for GUYS to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

I don't know what shithole you're from, but manbags have been in fashion for at least the last six or seven years. Learn to accessorize.

Sarah K
11-26-2015, 12:28 PM
Yeah. Where is it not socially acceptable?

11-26-2015, 12:33 PM
I don't know what shithole you're from, but manbags have been in fashion for at least the last six or seven years. Learn to accessorize.

I was going to say, messenger bags exist. I've got one that's a replica of Jack Bauer's. It's my go to choice for any cons I attend.

11-26-2015, 12:45 PM

11-26-2015, 12:52 PM
I was going to say, messenger bags exist. I've got one that's a replica of Jack Bauer's. It's my go to choice for any cons I go to.

My husband has a messenger bag I bought him but he lugs around an REI daypack, instead. The SIZE of the backpacks the guys lug around in the Loop, Jesus, you'd think they were MOVING. My boss lugs a really expensive leather Tumi briefcase packed with so much shit, I don't think he even knows what's in there. I think a few 2-month-old Starbucks muffins could be in there.

11-26-2015, 01:20 PM
Oh wait, I have another one!

Hey females, do us all a favor. I know it's not in your nature to stop bitching for five seconds, but can you please quit with the "girl pants have tiny useless pockets" thing? When the time comes that it's socially acceptable for GUYS to carry around a massive bag that holds every item they'll ever need in their entire life, you might get a shred of pity from us about your miniature pockets.

But until then, please stuff your complaints directly into your cartoonishly and unnecessarily oversized and overpriced handbag.

Do you wear women's pants? No? Then shut the fuck up. Believe or not, not every women carries around a handbag so it would be nice if pants were designed to hold something bigger than a tube of lipstick.

11-26-2015, 01:51 PM
harry: stop hanging out with / talking to dumb bitches that complain about "girl" pants. buy this chick a pair of cargo pants or something if you're going to be losing this much sleep over it.

or is it not yet socially acceptable for women to wear "guy" pants??

11-26-2015, 01:53 PM
PANTS. i like the word.

11-26-2015, 02:03 PM
but seriously, masculine insecurity aside, i hope you detox okay, elevenism. take care of yourself.

11-26-2015, 02:04 PM
double post.

Harry Seaward
11-26-2015, 02:31 PM
Lol when did ETS become so uptight and hostile to humor? Maybe the facetiousness got lost, but I wasn't expecting so much butthurt. Since you are all focusing on the sentence I said that wasn't remotely the point, let me rephrase.

It's common for women to be annoyed at the tiny useless pockets designed into their pants. At the same time, most women wear a purse which is more than sufficient in carrying items around. Surely you guys can see the juxtaposition here? It's a joke. It's funny. Sometimes humor can be found in pointing out something you think is silly in society or a cultural norm. Maybe the aggressiveness of my post threw you guys off? I apologize if so, it was meant to come off as a funny tongue in cheek bitchy rant. Apparently it came off as an insecure sexist idiot who's genuinely mad about what women say about their pockets? Yikes.

11-26-2015, 02:47 PM
i'm mad about what chicks say about their pants. or maybe i can't let go of a discussion about pants.


11-27-2015, 01:19 AM
I called the butthurt, it's very easy to get a negative reaction out of this community.

11-27-2015, 09:16 AM
Less "butthurt" from me, more "How does this guy NOT know messenger bags exist?" Because they're great.

11-27-2015, 07:00 PM
day 4 of a 4 day hangover: yikes, I feel I just stepped into a downward spiral of negativity.
Maybe, just maybe, getting massively drunk on whisky just ain't for me anymore.

11-28-2015, 09:12 AM
day 4 of a 4 day hangover: yikes, I feel I just stepped into a downward spiral of negativity.
Maybe, just maybe, getting massively drunk on whisky just ain't for me anymore.

try white whiskey/moonshine. the Junior's Midnight Moonshine brand comes in a bunch of delicious infusions, though i prefer the original. you can use it in all the same things as dark whiskey, as well as things you'd normally make with vodka or gin, and it has never given me a hangover or made me feel as horrible as regular whiskey.

11-28-2015, 10:29 AM
try white whiskey/moonshine. the Junior's Midnight Moonshine brand comes in a bunch of delicious infusions, though i prefer the original. you can use it in all the same things as dark whiskey, as well as things you'd normally make with vodka or gin, and it has never given me a hangover or made me feel as horrible as regular whiskey.

He was in Kentucky drinking authentic Kentucky bourbon, although G has become something of a bourbon afficianado and there's cheap bourbon and there's REALLY good bourbon and there are even a few local Illinois distilleries now producing bourbon (but it's still not official Kentucky bourbon). G had a bottle of "Angel's Envy" that's aged in Port barrels that he liked. But bourbon is certainly meant to be respected, not overdone, or somebody gonna be sorry.

11-28-2015, 10:45 AM
Lol when did ETS become so uptight and hostile to humor? Maybe the facetiousness got lost, but I wasn't expecting so much butthurt. Since you are all focusing on the sentence I said that wasn't remotely the point, let me rephrase.

It's common for women to be annoyed at the tiny useless pockets designed into their pants. At the same time, most women wear a purse which is more than sufficient in carrying items around. Surely you guys can see the juxtaposition here? It's a joke. It's funny. Sometimes humor can be found in pointing out something you think is silly in society or a cultural norm. Maybe the aggressiveness of my post threw you guys off? I apologize if so, it was meant to come off as a funny tongue in cheek bitchy rant. Apparently it came off as an insecure sexist idiot who's genuinely mad about what women say about their pockets? Yikes.I can't carry a purse larger than a tampon into ATT Stadium. Cultural norm bah.

11-29-2015, 07:20 AM
Have you considered getting pro help and treatment with weaning off the drugs? Don't take this the wrong way (and if you know me at all you won't) but if there's an addictive aspect, self-moderated dosage attenuating is potentially asking for a horrible nightmare.
lolol after a couple of days it hit me, the meaning of "self-moderated dosage attenuating," and being a linguistic exhibitionist myself, i should be paying more attention.
It will be my mother and wife doing the moderating. They ALREADY have to do it. If i had hold of a full bottle of oxycodone, it wouldn't last a week. ;)
@aggroculture (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=318) , on the rare occasions that i drink, i allow myself only a half pint, plus 2 airplane shooters if i really wanna get wild. and for me, this means only bringing home that amount (no stocking up. i don't know about you, but i'll just drink it.)
On any of the rare occasions that i've got hold of a .75 bottle (a friend left it here,) i've gotten massively ill.
also, if i drink a whole pint, i'm fucked most of the time. and i feel for you.

11-29-2015, 04:34 PM
i have stress-induced eczema on my hands and there's nothing that will make it go away. my boss made me what she calls "sugar scrub" with aloe and vitamin e, but it hasn't done a thing.

i bought expensive lotion with "ECZEMA" on the label, but it's just referring to an anti-itch ingredient.


11-29-2015, 04:43 PM
i have stress-induced eczema on my hands and there's nothing that will make it go away. my boss made me what she calls "sugar scrub" with aloe and vitamin e, but it hasn't done a thing.

i bought expensive lotion with "ECZEMA" on the label, but it's just referring to an anti-itch ingredient.


You need to see a doc and get Rx-level Cortizone cream, hon. In the meantime, there is this great anti-itch stuff my Doc prescribed called that's OTC called "Sarna." Doesn't end the eczema but at least controls the itch, fast.

11-29-2015, 05:29 PM
i wish i had insurance. i've skirted so many medical bills with public assistance, but i can't do it forever.

btw, "obamacare" in idaho is NOT affordable. at all. if i still lived in salt lake city, i'd be covered. i don't get it.

11-29-2015, 05:59 PM
i wish i had insurance. i've skirted so many medical bills with public assistance, but i can't do it forever.

btw, "obamacare" in idaho is NOT affordable. at all. if i still lived in salt lake city, i'd be covered. i don't get it.
Some states rejected some terms of Obamacare.

If you can't get to a doc, try the Sarna and try OTC 1% hydrocortisone cream. DO NOT USE ANY SOAP on that area of your hands until it calms down and use only lukewarm water. Anything else will further irritate the eczema. I've spent a lifetime fighting with atopic dermatitis (eczema) so I know this sucks.

Also, if it's on your hands it's possible you touched something that has caused contact dermatitis. Take a Benedryl, that often helps.

Sarah K
11-30-2015, 09:08 AM
I have fingernails about as thick as tissue paper. I've been getting gel manicures every two weeks. About a week and a half ago, I picked off all of my polish. All of my nails then started breaking off. So I went back and got them redone this weekend. But in order to even them out, they're all cut so short now that I can't even scratch myself. AHHHHHHH.