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01-30-2016, 03:05 PM
goddamn it... I can't keep going on like this. I'm sick of trying new meds. None of them work, some of them make it worse.
dude, i know what you mean. and i'm with you and c0f3d on the bald spot too.
allegro you aren't ever gonna die.

01-31-2016, 03:27 AM
Picked one of these chilis from the garden, scratched my nose and now my nose is a fucking volcano


01-31-2016, 09:31 PM
One of our friends is from Dallas and she married a guy from Chicago named Ken, and they moved back down to Dallas. And Ken was floored at the number of people who can't fucking seem to pronounce his name down there. He gets mostly KAY-en (one syllable became two), and one guy calls him "captain" because he gave up trying to pronounce KEN. Wtf.

I've been trying to turn this over in my head. Kay-en sounds like a thick southern accent. SURELY we are talking about an accent and not an actual inability to understand "ken," right? i mean, who are these people?
remember, i lived in dallas for a long ass time, and as far as i can tell, it's a hell of a lot like any other massive metropolitan area.

so i'm baffled by this one. but if he's hanging out with people who have thick drawls, i could see "kay-en"

edit: i worked at this nursing home in east texas. now THAT place is redneck as fuck. i swear to god this girl i dated out there bragged that i didn't beat her to her stunned friends. Seriously.
Anyway, we had this african dude that came to work there named Rodrick. And i was LITERALLY the only person in the facility who could say it. They called him Roger. Rodrick became my best friend there; he was a HELL of a lot more worldly and educated than those redneck buffoons.

01-31-2016, 09:39 PM
Lol, it's three letters ffs

01-31-2016, 09:55 PM
I've been trying to turn this over in my head. Kay-en sounds like a thick southern accent. SURELY we are talking about an accent and not an actual inability to understand "ken," right? i mean, who are these people?
remember, i lived in dallas for a long ass time, and as far as i can tell, it's a hell of a lot like any other massive metropolitan area.

so i'm baffled by this one. but if he's hanging out with people who have thick drawls, i could see "kay-en"

edit: i worked at this nursing home in east texas. now THAT place is redneck as fuck. i swear to god this girl i dated out there bragged that i didn't beat her to her stunned friends. Seriously.
Anyway, we had this african dude that came to work there named Rodrick. And i was LITERALLY the only person in the facility who could say it. They called him Roger. Rodrick became my best friend there; he was a HELL of a lot more worldly and educated than those redneck buffoons.

Dunno, thick southern accent, and inability to understand a Midwest accent (or lack thereof)? These were people at WORK. the guys all worked for AT&T and were phone pole repair type guys around the whole Dallas area ('burbs and stuff, our friends actually live in Lewisville). It totally perplexed our friend, in a funny way, made us laugh our asses off.

Edit: Roger, LOL

02-02-2016, 09:38 PM
cross-posted from the apple thread.

right now, i'm using my old, outdated, backup laptop because for a couple weeks, my normal laptop had been dropping its wireless capability (literally, i would be in the middle of doing something, or sometimes when waking it from sleep, the wifi would turn itself off and not let me turn it back on). restarting the computer would fix the issue until it happened again, until last night. when i restarted it and instead of not letting me turn the wifi on, it had a new icon that, when i clicked on it, displayed the message "no wifi hardware installed."

the bad news is they're replacing the card and connector cable that supplies the laptop with wifi and bluetooth.
the good news is my apple care extended protection plan (3 years) still had 53 days on it, so this happened in the nick of time, and i don't have to pay for it.
the bad news is that they don't have the part(s) at the store, so i will be without my main computer (which i use for work almost every day) for 3-5 days.

:: grumble ::

02-04-2016, 07:36 AM
i am so fucking furious, and at this point, i will vote for anyone who will dismantle obamacare.
my income is 0, but i am "still eligible to purchase healthcare through the marketplace."
No doctors take HMOs here, and the only PPO available is through cigna, but i can't buy that one because i have a pre-existing condition (a clear violation of the "affordable care act," but they are doing it anyway.)

SO, since i am "still eligible," i will owe the IRS $695 dollars.

Fuck this.

02-04-2016, 08:25 AM
i am so fucking furious, and at this point, i will vote for anyone who will dismantle obamacare.
my income is 0, but i am "still eligible to purchase healthcare through the marketplace."
No doctors take HMOs here, and the only PPO available is through cigna, but i can't buy that one because i have a pre-existing condition (a clear violation of the "affordable care act," but they are doing it anyway.)

SO, since i am "still eligible," i will owe the IRS $695 dollars.

Fuck this.
Blame the State of Texas, dude. In all but 5 states, people are getting expanded Medicare. Your state hates Obama so much, it fucks its own citizens.

02-04-2016, 09:21 AM
Blame the State of Texas, dude. In all but 5 states, people are getting expanded Medicare. Your state hates Obama so much, it fucks its own citizens.
Don't forget the citizens are so goddamn stupid that they are tricked into VOTING for being fucked because the people doing the fucking appear to share their xenophobia and "old timey family values."

Jesus Christ.
I have a love/hate relationship with this place.
Today it's mostly hate

02-04-2016, 06:49 PM
Jesus Christ.
I have a love/hate relationship with this place.
Today it's mostly hate
Time to load the family up in the truck and move to CO, land of hippy pot-eating liberals. Life is so much easier and better when you're surrounded by people just like you.

02-06-2016, 12:18 AM
Time to load the family up in the truck and move to CO, land of hippy pot-eating liberals. Life is so much easier and better when you're surrounded by people just like you.
i don't want everyone to be just like me.
i just want health coverage. :(

And to think, we live 40 or 50 miles south of the CO state line.
allegro , i wish we could load the HOUSE up and move it to CO.

We have this huge, wonderful house that my grandfather had built in the sixties and has a lovely art deco flair and bomb shelter basement.
Neither of the 3 of us can work at this point, and the bills here are paid by the partnership.
How i wish the house was fifty miles north of here!

02-06-2016, 01:04 PM
i don't want everyone to be just like me.
i just want health coverage.
Welllll ... you could try to get full disability ... the SSDI includes Medicare coverage (two years after your date of disability (http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/does-medicare-medicaid-come-with-social-security-ssi-disability-benefits.html)).

02-06-2016, 10:27 PM
Welllll ... you could try to get full disability ... the SSDI includes Medicare coverage (two years after your date of disability (http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/does-medicare-medicaid-come-with-social-security-ssi-disability-benefits.html)).
i'm going to give it a shot, i never tried to get any benefits for my mental issues even as some of my friends did. But i wanted to take care of myself.
But now it's physical, and i;m afraid i'm going to HAVE to seek disability. i can't work like this. I can't even SIT for long periods of time, much less stand.
Time to swallow my pride i suppose. My mom damn sure can't work, and my wife is iffy-i doubt she could be a nurse again at any rate.
And with the price of oil hitting an all time low, i REALLY need to contribute something to the household.
The partnership paid more in TAXES for 2014 than it made in 2015

02-07-2016, 03:56 AM
fucking hiccups.
i need to stand on my head when the moon is waxing and drink a glass of water that has been distilled three times in scotland.

02-07-2016, 02:37 PM
this fucking superbowl fucking up the goddamned city
I can't walk down the public sidewalks of Market St without going through metal detectors guarded by a cluster of cops holding rifles and multiple rooftop snipers watching me. The only good thing about this is that I can fuck around with my cluster of cellphones while trying to fish for their Stingray (cellphone interception) devices.

02-07-2016, 02:38 PM
oh and fuck this stupid subpoena that I got from the DA who never picks up is phone.

02-08-2016, 08:16 AM
After 2 good months, I caught an allergy infection, which was annoying. Then I got antibiotics, which rained hell on my stomach...so I asked to be switched to another which I've had before and it got worse! I stopped taking antibiotics Thursday because I felt better allergy infection wise and couldn't handle the stomach issues but my insides are still a painful overactive demon playground three days in a row now.

02-09-2016, 12:03 AM
i cannot remove the cheek pads from my new "good weather" helmet. no snaps...so i can't modify it. i will probably end up cutting them out and ruining an expensive item. also wtf is the back snap for? (under the DOT decal) also, what is the quickest way to use "D" rings? to me the quickest way is to not do anything, but i don't want my rider to get pulled over.

i tried to be cool and retro, now i'm lost...

02-09-2016, 06:35 PM
Seeing something that makes you laugh really hard...and then also makes you remember someone you really liked who died too young.

Right in the goddamn feels.

02-09-2016, 06:59 PM
The butt funnels behind the back in anger and other shitty bootlegs.

Fuck that shit to the moon and back.

02-09-2016, 07:13 PM
fucking Tony parente Bologna bastard fuck

02-09-2016, 07:15 PM
Seeing something that makes you laugh really hard...and then also makes you remember someone you really liked who died too young.

Right in the goddamn feels.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsf-eOwBn_qcMDrp4lbX54zc5UKF5eSqO66I5Wsu7GgtdJzM3qO2VM 0Tzx

02-10-2016, 04:42 PM
my water kefir is slimy. and the process to rehabilitate them is...not suitable for lazy people like me.
damn it.

02-10-2016, 06:27 PM
My good friend has been fighting a rare cancer for the last few years. It's not one with a good remission rate...but he's been going through an even worse hell than usual lately. He has had such a positive attitude throughout, beaten the odds a few times, just fucking fighting it and keeping it stable but now that's starting to fade.
I'm there for him and have been since the beginning...I'm a goddamn cancer survivor and I don't know what to say. He sent some texts just a few minutes ago and I don't know what to say.

02-10-2016, 06:49 PM
^ What did the texts say?

02-10-2016, 06:58 PM
Basically he's feeling worse than ever, and he's expecting the worst news from his upcoming scans, specifically mentioning that the life expectancy is 3-5 years and he is at 4.3 years. His attitude has been awesome so if he's talking like this...he might be right. I can't and won't say that.
My lame response was, "That really sucks but I hope you get better news than you think it'll be. You've been smashing expectations of this fucking thing since the start so I bet this'll be no different."

02-10-2016, 09:13 PM
Basically he's feeling worse than ever, and he's expecting the worst news from his upcoming scans, specifically mentioning that the life expectancy is 3-5 years and he is at 4.3 years. His attitude has been awesome so if he's talking like this...he might be right. I can't and won't say that.
My lame response was, "That really sucks but I hope you get better news than you think it'll be. You've been smashing expectations of this fucking thing since the start so I bet this'll be no different."

I think that was a really good response.

02-11-2016, 03:14 AM
People still shooting other people. I live about a half mile away but was at work just down the street from this. Obviously it was a shit show. But fuck man ... It has been for a minute, but still, shit is out off hand.


02-11-2016, 08:57 AM
Thank you allegro. Supposed to see Deadpool with him tonight. I keep a strong face around him and value the time I have with him.
Fuck cancer, though. Obviously.

02-11-2016, 10:45 AM
Thank you allegro. Supposed to see Deadpool with him tonight. I keep a strong face around him and value the time I have with him.
Fuck cancer, though. Obviously.
"Miracles" and the power of positive thinking, you never know. My husband works with a guy whose wife has had Stage 4 Ovarian cancer, which has a very bad outcome, but she's been living with it for nearly 3 years, she went on a Vegan diet and has tried all kinds of alternative things in addition to standard treatment and is beating the odds. Cancer really sucks, though. Scary. So are a lot of other diseases that scare the living shit out of me, like ALS, and Alzheimers.

02-12-2016, 12:08 AM
Former classmate makes ignorant comment on FB status about my OCD. I say I get what they mean but link them to a ton of info about what OCD actually is. Former classmate gets suuuuuuper defensive and says another very ignorant thing.

Me, internally: okay lets fuckin do this

If you're my friend, and you're mean to me, I will let it go where it goes. My response was about 200 "I statements" that made it really clear that I didn't think I deserved that and that they were being mean. You don't get to do "let's be mean to each other" with me. I don't need to salvage this.

02-12-2016, 12:09 AM
Former classmate makes ignorant comment on FB status about my OCD. I say I get what they mean but link them to a ton of info about what OCD actually is. Former classmate gets suuuuuuper defensive and says another very ignorant thing.

Me: okay lets fuckin do this

What did they get defensive about? Like how?

02-12-2016, 12:11 AM
"Obviously I'm a moron with an OCD sister and coworker while part of your OCD is still to never be wrong or consider that anyone else may know what they are talking about."

Their original comment was "I'm still convinced you shouldn't work in show production unless you're at least mildly OCD" -- they're a roadie. Girl, no.

02-12-2016, 12:13 AM
Is that first part in the quotation marks what you said or what they said?

02-12-2016, 12:17 AM
All of that is them. I like to take the high road way too much to make a statement like that.

02-12-2016, 12:22 AM
That's pretty dickish of them. On a similar topic, someone pissed me off on a forum the other day. I normally don't get defensive or post anything argumentative on forums, but I had some beers and I don't think it was necessary for them to use the tone they did.

Basically, we're posting about variations of a vinyl record. I like to keep my records sealed, and this person says "pretty sure no one gives a shit about your asphyxiated record collection," to which I replied "pretty sure that was an unnecessary passive aggressive comment. Fuck off."

Was I in the wrong? I don't think so and it pisssd me right the fuck off.

02-12-2016, 12:24 AM
I mean, it's also a forum. No regrets.

02-12-2016, 12:36 AM
I mean, it's also a forum. No regrets.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/MSW6JSH2HK-_RSWUcOwBY85tgLxem-cXBID2V3dHoOLrwkxBI9NKctdGpKkvP4B9iRZS1G4lbOvlWdsr iBfDroCgIGnMcpcItRNQdfBlqW15OIW-GsJfI9w9s_7OgJQ=w464-h260-nc

02-12-2016, 07:55 AM
That's pretty dickish of them. On a similar topic, someone pissed me off on a forum the other day. I normally don't get defensive or post anything argumentative on forums, but I had some beers and I don't think it was necessary for them to use the tone they did.

Basically, we're posting about variations of a vinyl record. I like to keep my records sealed, and this person says "pretty sure no one gives a shit about your asphyxiated record collection," to which I replied "pretty sure that was an unnecessary passive aggressive comment. Fuck off."

Was I in the wrong? I don't think so and it pisssd me right the fuck off.

i don't think you were in the wrong, but i think you reacted more aggressively than necessary. however, it is a forum on the internet, and sometimes aggression is the only thing that can get a point across properly.

that said, you can talk to me & sheepdean if you want, but keeping your records sealed can actually be detrimental to them. you should slit the shrink wrap, remove the record from the sleeve, and put it and the sleeve into a plastic protective sleeve. it keeps the grooves from being compressed and the corners from being bent by over-tight shrink wrap, and it keeps you from getting ringwear on the sleeve.

02-12-2016, 08:22 AM
I couldn't decide where to post this, so I settled on here, mainly because I think it would get a better discussion here (and it didn't "piss me off").

Why I couldn't be a parent--Last night during a packed IMAX Deadpool screening, I found myself seated next to a 12-14 year old boy. His mom was next to him.
This is a movie that's pillar to post graphic violence, language, sex talk, also featuring sex scenes.
There's ONE scene where they go to a strip club and there are three topless ladies shaking it and this mother makes this poor kid cover his eyes!
I felt so bad for him. I wanted to lean over and pull his hood down so he could see and say, "Kid, those are boobs. They're pretty great. Hopefully, you'll see some up close in the next 4 years."
This is a parent who took her son to THIS movie and you're censoring boobs? THAT'S a bridge too far?! Really?!!
Then again, I was the guy that showed "Deep Rising" to a 4 year old (he loved it)...

Well, it pisses me off, so I'll post that here.
Violence and bloodshed? Oh yeah, no that's great. These are harmless things that shouldn't faze or bother you and should be construed as normal.

Get your priorities straight, dipshit parents.

02-12-2016, 08:25 AM
I was way more confused by her actions than angry. Like I said, I felt bad for the kid.

02-12-2016, 08:28 AM
"Obviously I'm a moron with an OCD sister and coworker while part of your OCD is still to never be wrong or consider that anyone else may know what they are talking about."

Their original comment was "I'm still convinced you shouldn't work in show production unless you're at least mildly OCD" -- they're a roadie. Girl, no.

I'm a roadie. Or rather, a rigger, an electrician, an IT technician...on top of my actual departmental duties. Apologies in advance if this is an ignorant statement, but I feel like being OCD would actually be a potential detriment on the road - for literally no other reason than it's an extremely time-sensitive job. If you can't just get shit done quickly and not be bothered by things being relatively tidy but perfectly and precisely organized or done in an extremely specific way, then I would think you'd have a very difficult time getting things done as quickly as needed. (Again - if I'm making assumptions about what OCD is actually like and how people operate, feel free to steer me in a more educated direction so I don't make an ass of myself again in the future)

02-12-2016, 09:03 AM
Well, it pisses me off, so I'll post that here.
Violence and bloodshed? Oh yeah, no that's great. These are harmless things that shouldn't faze or bother you and should be construed as normal.

Get your priorities straight, dipshit parents.

Not sure if this is a thing wherever ya'll live, but in my area most movies start with disclaimer that "the following picture contains scenes of smoking. smoking is bad mmkay and it can damage your health mmkay". (I'm paraphrasing).
We don't care that this picture also contains scenes of people snorting coke and shooting at each other with firearms. Those things can't hurt you, son. Relax.

02-12-2016, 09:35 AM
People driving in Indiana whilst looking at their smartphone.
I see this every god damn day and it makes my blood boil.
I see the driver's face looking downwards: I look, and often see a smartphone there.
And it's partly the state's fault, for allowing you to speak on the phone whilst driving, though texting is illegal: of course if you allow people to speak they're going to read and text too.
People are so damn stupid.
All phone usage for drivers should be totally banned.

02-12-2016, 09:44 AM
I'm a roadie. Or rather, a rigger, an electrician, an IT technician...on top of my actual departmental duties. Apologies in advance if this is an ignorant statement, but I feel like being OCD would actually be a potential detriment on the road - for literally no other reason than it's an extremely time-sensitive job. If you can't just get shit done quickly and not be bothered by things being relatively tidy but perfectly and precisely organized or done in an extremely specific way, then I would think you'd have a very difficult time getting things done as quickly as needed. (Again - if I'm making assumptions about what OCD is actually like and how people operate, feel free to steer me in a more educated direction so I don't make an ass of myself again in the future)

No, that's dead on. It eats time. I think he's thinking of some like Adrian Monk bullshit and got mean when he felt like I corrected him.

Halo Infinity
02-12-2016, 09:59 AM
That's pretty dickish of them. On a similar topic, someone pissed me off on a forum the other day. I normally don't get defensive or post anything argumentative on forums, but I had some beers and I don't think it was necessary for them to use the tone they did.

Basically, we're posting about variations of a vinyl record. I like to keep my records sealed, and this person says "pretty sure no one gives a shit about your asphyxiated record collection," to which I replied "pretty sure that was an unnecessary passive aggressive comment. Fuck off."

Was I in the wrong? I don't think so and it pisssd me right the fuck off.
I've often wondered about that type of situation on forums/social media too. Whoever that person was clearly asked for it though, but the problem is also if you were to receive infractions, since like school, "It doesn't matter who started it." on most forums.

On the other hand, such forums rules have helped me learn and accept to just ignore it, or at least not respond and look into myself if I was actually being the problem. If not, I currently see it and think of it to myself more and more of it as, "Well, I didn't actually do anything wrong, so whatever. Let it be their problem, not mine." It took me a while to realize that mindset though, as I'm also extremely "allergic" and averse to conflict. If it also really gets that bad, I just end up leaving it alone altogether.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/MSW6JSH2HK-_RSWUcOwBY85tgLxem-cXBID2V3dHoOLrwkxBI9NKctdGpKkvP4B9iRZS1G4lbOvlWdsr iBfDroCgIGnMcpcItRNQdfBlqW15OIW-GsJfI9w9s_7OgJQ=w464-h260-nc
Oh, and nice find, as this is absolutely the "life to lead" from time to time. ;)

02-12-2016, 10:51 AM
All phone usage for drivers should be totally banned.
It's totally banned here in Illinois except for hands-free bluetooth use, and people do it, anyway. I don't know if they just don't KNOW that it's been illegal for nearly two years in the entire state, or they just don't care.

02-12-2016, 11:41 AM
It's totally banned here in Illinois except for hands-free bluetooth use, and people do it, anyway. I don't know if they just don't KNOW that it's been illegal for nearly two years in the entire state, or they just don't care.

I'll only pull out my phone and glance at it for a second if I'm sitting at a red light. It absolutely terrifies me when I'm riding passenger and the driver pulls out their phone and starts fucking with it while driving. I don't say anything though, because the one time I did, the driver actually turned his head to make eye-contact with me to tell me that I shouldn't worry so much... cell phone in his right hand, left hand passively on the wheel, eyes firmly not looking at the road while he was talking to me...

Anyway, thinking about all the times that I likely could have been swiped out of existence, I guess I'm glad I'm alive, and I shouldn't feel so bad about turning 36 yesterday. Never really got that feeling with other birthdays... always very much "who gives a fuck." But there's something about turning 18 x 2 that feels very much "it's all TOTALLY downhill from here"

02-12-2016, 12:36 PM
"it's all TOTALLY downhill from here"
Happy belated bday but you have a long way until you should start feeling that way, LOL. That didn't start occurring to me until I hit 50, I didn't realize I was a grown up until that time, LOL. Then I was, like, crap, I'm gonna die sooner than later. You're not even halfway to the average life expectancy, yet. Although, the Buddha said, death is our best teacher about life. Teaches us to appreciate life more.

There are a LOT of road distractions besides phones, too. Sometimes I look over and some guy is busy polishing off some big damned burger with two hands, using his knees to drive. Or I see somebody full on fucking with the radio stations or the built-in GPS Navigation settings. One time I saw somebody brushing their teeth while doing 70-mph on the way to work. Or I see a Mom dealing with kids in the back seat, looking in the rearview mirror instead of at the road.

I used to have a friend would could roll a joint while driving, and would talk to the people in the back seat via the rearview mirror, all at the same time, all while driving at high speeds on the freeway. Used to scare the shit out of me.

That Kiss song "Detroit Rock City" was written way before cell phones, LOL. A bunch of us in a car actually thought we were gonna die on the way to a concert in the 70s just like in that Kiss song because of the guy driving, OMG.

02-12-2016, 01:57 PM
I used to have a friend would could roll a joint while driving, and would talk to the people in the back seat via the rearview mirror, all at the same time, all while driving at high speeds on the freeway. Used to scare the shit out of me.

Jesus... didn't anyone else in the car know how to roll a joint?!

02-12-2016, 04:10 PM
Jesus... didn't anyone else in the car know how to roll a joint?!

Lol, he used to rolls these perfect nails ON HIS LAP! Like, blip, lick, here ya go!

02-13-2016, 05:08 PM
Opening up about my clinical depression to someone and being told "Get some sunlight and take some uppers" before they then start talking about themselves dismissively.

02-13-2016, 05:09 PM
my best friend of nearly 30 years quit smoking recently. i'm really proud of him and am envious of the dough he's saving after smoking a pack a day for close to two decades. my issue: he now acts like every cigarette within a mile of him is completely assaulting his senses. i don't smoke around him, but it pisses me off to see him act like smokers who haven't quit are gross and offensive. he's still new to the non-smoker lifestyle and should be more understanding. or in the very least, less obnoxious and vocal about how much better he is than smokers. fuck, it was him who got me started in the first place.

edit: don't tell anyone, but he still sneaks smokes when he drinks. girl, please.

02-13-2016, 08:41 PM
my best friend of nearly 30 years quit smoking recently. i'm really proud of him and am envious of the dough he's saving after smoking a pack a day for close to two decades. my issue: he now acts like every cigarette within a mile of him is completely assaulting his senses. i don't smoke around him, but it pisses me off to see him act like smokers who haven't quit are gross and offensive. he's still new to the non-smoker lifestyle and should be more understanding. or in the very least, less obnoxious and vocal about how much better he is than smokers. fuck, it was him who got me started in the first place.

edit: don't tell anyone, but he still sneaks smokes when he drinks. girl, please.

I was very careful when I quit smoking to not become one of those people. In fact I still love the smell of smoke, I was addicted to it after all. Except for that stale smoke smell you sometimes get after you've smoked. That can fuck off. But that bothered me as a smoker too and I'm not going to get mad at someone for it.

Halo Infinity
02-13-2016, 10:39 PM
Opening up about my clinical depression to someone and being told "Get some sunlight and take some uppers" before they then start talking about themselves dismissively.
I felt compelled to reach out to you for a moment, as I can definitely relate to this. It has left me becoming more and more reserved with depression and negative emotions in general. I was told to exercise more, stop being weak and to stop feeling sorry for myself and to get over it because the past is over and the present is the only thing that I can do anything about. I can't seem to get this point across without opening up about my experience in this matter, so I'd have to make an exception here. It's also bad enough that negative emotions can even make one look stupid and crazy, along with having people/one's self actually think that one is stupid and crazy too.

I certainly hope that you can find the right people, or at least the right person to open up to, as I'm fully aware as to how talking it out can be a great benefit, even in spite of being the detrimental double-edged sword that it could be. Oh yes, and even if there were positive intentions behind saying such things, that still simply seems to be a very horrible way to go about it, and might even look downright inconsiderate, insensitive, cruel and rude. It's also no wonder why people like that don't even bother to listen or really care for that matter.

And well, go figure that somebody like me has dealt with a lot of failure, guilt, shame, disgrace, ostracism, rejection and isolation in one form or another, but I'm still trying even in spite of also having a lot of trouble forgiving and loving myself. There are just so many mistakes that I wish I never made, and I wish that I could fix all of them, even though I know that's not always realistic, nor possible. As much as I can have a sense of humor, there are just some things about me that just doesn't let me laugh things off and brush them off.

I also have clinical depression as well, as I should've mentioned earlier, along with my ADHD, and it sometimes gets so bad that I genuinely believe that everything and everybody would have been far better off if I wasn't ever born and never existed, or just ceased to exist. It thankful doesn't always affect me, nor do I always think about it or even act on it, but sometimes I look at myself and wonder why I'm even still here. I know I'm rambling a bit again, but this sort of thing always hit home for me.

You are definitely an unearthed treasure and gift as far as 2010s Echoing the Sound goes, and you also have an excellent talent in writing by the way. (I know, I'm kind of grasping at straws to try to cheer you up here too, but I'm also very sincere when I say that.) It would still be an honor to have you as part of The NIN Hotline, especially as a columnist or blogger of some sort. (And it doesn't have to be The NIN Hotline either. I just find you to be highly capable of creating excellent reads.) I also definitely find you to be very down to Earth, humble and very empathetic and compassionate and among some of the kindest members I've ever encountered here. As I'm sure you know, self-worth and self-esteem are very tricky and complex sometimes, as I'd also often get courage and love mixed up for foolishness and arrogance too. And then there's the subjective issue on what exactly to base your self-worth and self-esteem on too, because sometimes even accomplishments and awards through intellectual academic and lucrative occupational pursuits aren't always enough, and sometimes it really just comes from with in, and then figuring out yourself internally, while looking for internal sources of self-worth, which would hopefully/eventually figure out things externally. And well, goodness and value isn't always based and grounded in material/monetary/personal gain, or how many people like/love you and agree with you either. It obviously helps though, but that's also another part of the point.

Anyway, I hope what I said helps, even for just a little bit if possible, as I wanted to return the favor as far as you helping me out with my own self-worth and self-esteem issues. With all that said, I certainly wish you well and hope that you find your way. :)

02-14-2016, 02:23 PM
Infected bottom right wisdom tooth. That's the only one that has come through the skin, too. I've been on tons of painkillers and was like bedridden most of yesterday from the pain. My fiancé got me some antibiotics which is slowly helping but still hurts like a bitch as I type this.

Frozen Beach
02-14-2016, 05:30 PM
This fucking hangover is destroying me.

02-14-2016, 05:39 PM
This fucking hangover is destroying me.

Fuck you, my tooth is more important.

02-15-2016, 09:30 AM
Well, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a few years ago and at the time I believed it, I felt like shit. It's been a couple months since I've been off my meds due to traveling and forgetting to refill prescription and I've felt just dandy! None of the symptoms. So I said, Hell! I should get tested all over again to make sure that wasn't a fluke! Well, I got my full blood tests result in and I can't wait to talk to my doctor because while everything else is normal, my TSH level is rather through the roof and so are my antibody numbers- LMAO! J/K *headdesk*

So clearly shit is still going on but how the fuck do I feel like I have so much energy still? So bizarre!! This might be the power of the placebo effect where I kept telling myself "Nope, nothing is wrong, honestly! I refuse to believe it!"

Ugh, I'm just pissed at the mystery that is our body.

02-15-2016, 02:01 PM
Well, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a few years ago and at the time I believed it, I felt like shit. It's been a couple months since I've been off my meds due to traveling and forgetting to refill prescription and I've felt just dandy! None of the symptoms. So I said, Hell! I should get tested all over again to make sure that wasn't a fluke! Well, I got my full blood tests result in and I can't wait to talk to my doctor because while everything else is normal, my TSH level is rather through the roof and so are my antibody numbers- LMAO! J/K *headdesk*

So clearly shit is still going on but how the fuck do I feel like I have so much energy still? So bizarre!! This might be the power of the placebo effect where I kept telling myself "Nope, nothing is wrong, honestly! I refuse to believe it!"

Ugh, I'm just pissed at the mystery that is our body.

You are lucky you are feeling good, I know there are all these "drug company agenda" conspiracy theories in the thyroid communities and a million holistic miracle cures being touted that seem to benefit some people. And like all autoimmune disorders there is always a chance of remission because the immune system is mind bogglingly complex
I went off my T4 a while back because I lost my health insurance and crashed big time, hair was falling out, gained 10+ lbs and was in such a brainfog I made some pretty bad errors at work. not good when in the medical field... also lost my bf of 8 years because I wasn't acting like myself anymore. During that period I also experienced really bad seasonal depression for the first time.
now that i am in a land of national healthcare I am finally getting my regular checks, my dose has leveled out and I am feeling 10000 times better. minus the seasonal depression though, that seems to be getting worse every winter

02-15-2016, 05:56 PM
You are lucky you are feeling good, I know there are all these "drug company agenda" conspiracy theories in the thyroid communities and a million holistic miracle cures being touted that seem to benefit some people. And like all autoimmune disorders there is always a chance of remission because the immune system is mind bogglingly complex
I went off my T4 a while back because I lost my health insurance and crashed big time, hair was falling out, gained 10+ lbs and was in such a brainfog I made some pretty bad errors at work. not good when in the medical field... also lost my bf of 8 years because I wasn't acting like myself anymore. During that period I also experienced really bad seasonal depression for the first time.
now that i am in a land of national healthcare I am finally getting my regular checks, my dose has leveled out and I am feeling 10000 times better. minus the seasonal depression though, that seems to be getting worse every winter

Yikes, that sounds awful. I'm sorry you went through that, but it is an easily treatable problem thankfully!
It's been utterly surprising that I don't have any of the regular symptoms that I was having, I feel fine sleeping 9 hrs a night. I mean, part of me thinks this absurdly warm weather just keeps me functioning because while people complain about 80-90 degree F weather, I'm doing all this stuff and complaining only when I start sweating and have to put on more deodorant! So I suppose my "sensitivity to cold" could be a symptom if there was any cold to be felt! The biggest problem I face that tells me when I still have an autoimmune disorder (before I had tests that said the normal "number" of this certain type of antibodies in the bloodstream is 40 and my results showed over 3000....) was that if I drank too much, I'd have hives the next day. Or sometimes randomly I get hives due to physical stress and pressure- so like after exercising, I'll get some around my where my gym clothes were tightest.

So bizarre. I did an ultrasound of my thyroid, and the guy didn't tell me what showed- he just sends the results to my doctor. Sooooo... who knows.

Sarah K
02-16-2016, 11:31 AM
Been trying to get in touch with my friend for over a week now. I finally found him on the corrections website. He got a possession charge, and his bail is $75,000.


Like, what the fuck? That seems to be about 10x more than it should be.

02-16-2016, 07:36 PM
A mere three days after recovering from an allergy infection where antibiotics also tore my insides up, I somehow ate something bad and I guess I just live in the bathroom now.

02-16-2016, 09:55 PM
Midnight Club® 3 DUB Edition Remix PS2 Classic not being available on the Playstation Store for purchase anymore, probably because of music licensing issues....

So pissed/bummed about it, really wanted to get that.

02-17-2016, 12:12 PM
THIS JUST UPSETS ME TO NO END (https://www.thedodo.com/chimp-left-to-die-welcomes-rescuers-with-open-arms-1605859476.html?utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange), what the fuck!!

edit: Well, at least people are trying to do something about it, ugh (http://news.janegoodall.org/2016/01/18/a-new-year-a-new-outlook-for-abandoned-chimpanzees-in-liberia/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss). (Although, Ponso isn't in Liberia, he's by himself on an island in another country, ugh.)

02-18-2016, 08:50 AM
Missed a medical date with my physiotherapist. Kacke!

02-19-2016, 12:19 AM
I went for an interview with an actual company after going through an agency. Interview was on Monday morning. I called the agency yesterday and they said I would hear back at latest yesterday or at very latest COB today (Friday). I've been waiting for hours all day and having not received a call at 4:45, I called the agency. Eventually the woman I have been liaising with called me back. She said that they expressed interest in hiring me, though the final say was pending the reference check. She sent off the reference check with my 2 referees though didn't hear back yet, so have to wait until Monday now. Two more friggin days of agony....


02-20-2016, 02:04 PM
Friends who move abroad to mainland Europe and who become insufferable and spiteful on Facebook everyday constantly trash their former country, (the UK here) insult its general population, condescend, label generalize and play down the intelligence of its people in a bigoted way.
And seem to want their former country to collapse and seem to almost support forces which they KNOW would be bad for the country Then talk about how their new land is a utopia....ooohh because Austria is so RADICALLY different to the UK!...Dumbass

Im sure people in the U.S can relate to this.

02-21-2016, 08:49 AM
I cooked my chicken breasts this morning in olive oil on accident.

That fuckin sucked.

miss k bee
02-21-2016, 06:59 PM
People who take out books from the library and instead of photocopying what they want from the book, cut or rip out the damn pages!!. Savages, thus destroy the book for anyone else who wants to borrow it". Fuckers!

miss k bee
02-21-2016, 07:01 PM
Friends who move abroad to mainland Europe and who become insufferable and spiteful on Facebook everyday constantly trash their former country, (the UK here) insult its general population, condescend, label generalize and play down the intelligence of its people in a bigoted way.
And seem to want their former country to collapse and seem to almost support forces which they KNOW would be bad for the country Then talk about how their new land is a utopia....ooohh because Austria is so RADICALLY different to the UK!...Dumbass

Im sure people in the U.S can relate to this.

Yes, I have to remind my friend in Germany that I still live here!

02-21-2016, 07:35 PM
I got the job!

02-22-2016, 07:38 AM
I cooked my chicken breasts this morning in olive oil on accident.

That fuckin sucked.

...what do you normally cook them in? unless i'm making it for stir fry (in which case i use sesame oil) or using bbq sauce (in which case i use no oil), i always use olive oil as the base for cooking chicken.

02-22-2016, 08:08 AM
...what do you normally cook them in? unless i'm making it for stir fry (in which case i use sesame oil) or using bbq sauce (in which case i use no oil), i always use olive oil as the base for cooking chicken.

Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.

02-22-2016, 08:20 AM
Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.


the only thing i use vegetable oil for is when a recipe calls for it (like for cakes and other baked goods). i tried cooking meat in it once and it tasted gross to me.

guess we'll have to have separate pans of chicken when i make pasta for us :(

02-22-2016, 09:11 AM

the only thing i use vegetable oil for is when a recipe calls for it (like for cakes and other baked goods). i tried cooking meat in it once and it tasted gross to me.

guess we'll have to have separate pans of chicken when i make pasta for us :(
Ill eat what you make and I'll love it because you put your heart into everything you do and the fuck if I'm going to consume something not made the way you normally do.

02-22-2016, 02:57 PM
I'm already done with having to hear "A F" after just about every adjective.

02-22-2016, 03:44 PM
Veggy oil. Olive oil fucking blows, is disgusting and makes me want to die.

But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!

02-22-2016, 10:23 PM
when you turn to a trusted friend for some sympathy and encouragement, and you instead get passive-aggressively kicked in the teeth
there's a difference between some tough love - which I don't mind - and being a gratuitous asshole - which I do.

02-23-2016, 04:46 AM
But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!

Seriously, is there anything you don't know?

When I picture you I think of a female version of Gandalf sitting on a throne on top of a mountain with a gigantic bookcase behind you. Oh, and holding a sophisticated cane of some sort of course.

02-23-2016, 07:48 AM
Seriously, is there anything you don't know?

When I picture you I think of a female version of Gandalf sitting on a throne on top of a mountain with a gigantic bookcase behind you. Oh, and holding a sophisticated cane of some sort of course.
allegro - Actual Wizard

02-23-2016, 07:55 AM
when you turn to a trusted friend for some sympathy and encouragement, and you instead get passive-aggressively kicked in the teeth
there's a difference between some tough love - which I don't mind - and being a gratuitous asshole - which I do.

I've been there and that guy is no longer my friend. It sucks but sometimes a friendship breaks down. I don't think I'm 100% over it but you have to do what is best for you. Your friends should be a support system...if one is not, something went wrong somewhere.

02-23-2016, 12:47 PM
Casual homophobia in the workplace. Dickheads.

02-24-2016, 11:13 PM
But olive oil (and I mean GOOD olive oil, not cheap shit olive oil) is really good for you! Monounsaturated fat! HDL! the "good" cholesterol!

A good friend of mine works with his dad running an olive tree farm and they make the most bad ass olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. At first I balked at the idea of just doing a straight shot of the olive oil, but that was amazing. It had distance evolving aftertastes and almost gave me a momentary buzz.

On the things that piss me off tip... I'm noticing an uptick in posts from friends digging up the most outlandish conspiracy theorists. One of my friends seems like he's almost joined a cult. Not only does he believe 9/11 was an "inside job" concocted by a zionist/west plot, but that ISIS is actually a US operation, that the attacks on Paris were staged by the US, Sandy Hook is suspicious... so I say that the expert engineering explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings seems legit, and his friends join in mocking me as a fool who refuses to see the truth, that jet fuel cannot burn hot enough to melt steel, I need to take the blinders off and realize that I'm a foolish sheep, hahaha, and what a fool I am to believe the official story since "they didn't even find any plane wreckage!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Baaaaaah Baaaaaaaaaaah"

And I start by saying "ok, there are a number of differences between the sort of free fall you see with a controlled demolition, and they're immediately obvious. First off, the explosions that trigger a controlled demolition are incredibly loud and they run in immediate succession... they are loud from miles away. Second, look at the footage. The debris that has fallen away from the structure is falling at a faster speed than the building - not true free fall. The steel supports didn't need to melt, they needed to be heated to the point that they became structurally unstable... which they were. The windows are seen blowing out because... wait a second... wait, did you just say that there was no found wreckage of the planes that crashed? What are you implying? That there were no planes!?!?! WTF?!"

And instead, you get this collective online eye-roll rather than a response to anything you just said, along with some quip about how "some people just refuse to see the obvious." The OBVIOUS? It's "obvious" that the US government thought it was a good plan, and worth the risk to reward, to stage an elaborate attack on the center of our financial backbone AND our military at the same time, and then also just blow up another plane... killing thousands of citizens... for what exactly? And then they contract out a team of experts to research and study it, basically bringing in another 17 or so more previously uninvolved people (and by extension their husbands and wives) into the conspiracy with the gamble that not one of them will blow the whistle... for what?! As a justification to invade another country? We do that all the time without blowing ourselves up!!!!

The part that's really creepy and fascinating to me though is the new anti-semitic spin attached to the recent outpouring of conspiracies. That part seems new. This is being parroted by friends of mine that I never would have expected to hear it from. Suddenly, a bunch of people that I thought were rational are suddenly blaming an insidious Jewish cabal for running and ruling the world.

It does seem there's a conspiracy here actually, just not the one they're thinking it is... But you can't debate with this! These beliefs are newly adopted, but people uniformly get really defensive and take any debate or critical analysis personally. It's almost impossible to question what they're saying without risking losing a friend.

02-24-2016, 11:15 PM
A good friend of mine works with his dad running an olive tree farm and they make the most bad ass olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. At first I balked at the idea of just doing a straight shot of the olive oil, but that was amazing. It had distance evolving aftertastes and almost gave me a momentary buzz.
OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!

Another monounsaturated fat that causes the good cholesterol (HDL): Avocados!

02-24-2016, 11:47 PM
OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!

Well, if you're interested, I definitely suggest giving it a shot because it's pretty fucking amazing (http://www.buongustofarms.com/shop/california-coastal/)

cashpiles (closed)
02-25-2016, 12:57 AM
I've been living in this apartment that's in a house. It happens to be next to the garage and also the living room is above. The thing is that there is minimal sound-proofing. I can hear the family that lives here and some men that come to visit every now and then. I hear their voices booming through the walls. It's driving me crazy. I gotta move out I think.

02-25-2016, 05:59 AM
OMG, I get extra virgin organic olive oil from California and it is fucking AWESOME!

Another monounsaturated fat that causes the good cholesterol (HDL): Avocados!

Wizard level bar rising. Ever rising.

02-25-2016, 08:27 AM
Well, if you're interested, I definitely suggest giving it a shot because it's pretty fucking amazing (http://www.buongustofarms.com/shop/california-coastal/)
Thank you, I definitely will do that!!

Sarah K
02-25-2016, 11:22 AM
A few months ago, I had a disagreement with this... guy. It ended with him attempting to physically intimidate me. I was sitting on a stoop, and he was screaming at me from some stairs at the next building. He then RAN down these stairs, approached me in a super aggressive manner, and started putting his hands in my face. I imagine that he thought this was going to scare me, but I stood up and got right back in his face. He then went into some like, free association thoughts or something, and at this point, I was just trolling him. I just figure that if I'm going to get hit, I'm gonna make it worth it. He didn't end up hitting me.

A few months later, he decides that he is going to start teaching classes on how women can protect themselves. I call out this fuckery instantly, as he is someone who we should be avoiding. One of his partners defends him like, a crazy amount. We handle the discussion maturely, even though she, at the time, I thought she was engaging in some serious, serious historical revisionism.

Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.

I don't even fucking like her, but people in her position deserve support REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL FEELINGS.

This is all just really fucking horrible.

02-25-2016, 11:28 AM
Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.

What the Fucking Fuck...

02-25-2016, 11:41 AM
I hate it when I feel the some need to defend myself to someone on the internet who doesn't know who I am, and I regress into an aspie twenty-something twit and end up saying something meaner than I actually feel when I'm really just splitting hairs for no good reason :\

02-26-2016, 01:15 PM
Trolling for sport/fun.

It's dumb. Making fun of something or someone or joking is different, especially if you know and/or are friendly with said person. If you are in comedy this kind of thing is expected too but even then it only works if your target is the dimmest of bulbs or just fucking evil. Funny--The Daily Show Not funny--Adam Baldwin.

Being contrarian and obnoxious due to Internet anonymity, social status, etc just makes you the worst. I think these subhumans just wish they had anything genuine going on with themselves. They lack any real passion. They're wrong about things because being right would be way too hard. Too much work.

I've been reading Twitter too much I think. Needed to get this out.

02-26-2016, 01:25 PM
Now it comes out that he has been abusing her for months. She had a broken leg a while ago... him. A broken arm... Him. Broken nose and busted up face... Him.

And because she used to defend him to the death - LIKE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE TEND TO DO... now people are of course blaming her.

I don't even fucking like her, but people in her position deserve support REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL FEELINGS.

This IS awful on many levels. What my friends and I refer to as "COPS girls." On just about every episode of that show that deals in domestic violence, you end up hearing the victim saying something like "Officer, he didn't mean to! He's a good man." And you just know no charges are being pressed. Not 100% sure what's behind that tendency. Is it blind love? Lack of esteem? Both?

02-26-2016, 01:50 PM
Not 100% sure what's behind that tendency. Is it blind love? Lack of esteem? Both?

You know the other person can be good and nice, you know this side of them, and it may be the reason why you fell in love in the first place. You also know that they usually have "reasons" for acting that way, a history of abuse themselves, for example. You have also deeply accepted that the violence was provoked by your own behavior, by quirks and faults of your own. You believe you see both sides of the story and that the person is fundamentally a victim, either of circumstances or of their own history. You also are deeply convinced that they have the will and capacity to change, and that some day things will be fixed and that you'll be happy together.

You are also so convinced that that person isn't really guilty that you're scared of the consequences of pressing charges against them. Because it won't protect you from their wrath once you've done that, and there's no going back. You'd rather maintain the statu quo, as shitty as it is.

TL : DR : yes, both, and more.

Sarah K
02-26-2016, 02:06 PM

The riskiest part of an abusive relationship is trying to leave... That's when you're most likely to get killed.

02-26-2016, 06:04 PM
For almost the past month I've been waking up at 5am before I get my full 8 hrs of sleep and rarely can fall asleep afterwards, unless its the weekend and I can sleep midday. Sucks, but I do have time to do stuff like watch tv in the morning.

02-28-2016, 02:24 AM
People who act like their negativity is a badge of honor they should wear and act like embracing their douchebag behavior makes them immune to criticism if someone calls them out on it. "I'm an asshole, get over it" is such a shitty fucking attitude that does not end the conversation. "Yeah, I'm a cunt, so what?" does not take away or justify or validate any of your behavior nor does it invalidate the feelings of whoever you behaved that way towards. People who embrace their lowest selves and reject any attempt at being a better person. Jesus fucking Christ. It's the most childish, frustrating, worthless behavior that's this petty, 13 year old who just read the Wikipedia article on nihilism approach to life that should begin and end with middle school and yet people carry it on well to their deaths. It's just, ugh. Choosing to be a toxic, shitty, hateful and nasty person who does whatever terrible shit they find convenient and wants no accountability. I've known too many people like this. Way too any.

03-01-2016, 09:54 PM
right now i'm pissing me off.
lately, if i'm not having a smooth day, by the end of it i become this nihilist who wants to cut everyone out of my life. even if they had no part of my shit. a couple people in my life are a true light source, and right now i want to snuff them out and live in a hole for the rest of my life...thankfully i don't act on these specific compulsions. they come in waves and i hate it, but i can't help thinking these things. i wish i thought in a more healthy manner.

the song 'kiss off' by the violent femmes comes to mind, minus the suicide overtones...

hell, or even 'l-dopa' by big black.

03-03-2016, 07:28 PM
Most people around me in the states viewed me as Brazilian. The Brazilians here view me mostly as American because honestly, I've been there most of my life. It's bizarre how people are more prone to accept me as the "other" rather as being the same as them. Third culture kid all the way...

03-04-2016, 07:29 AM
fucking goddamn alcohol.
i KNOW i can't drink, but i've been trying it lately.
i'll drink wine for like 2 days, and then say "well, that was fucked up. i won't be trying THAT shit again!"

and then i do. at least it isn't liquor, but it will be if i'm not careful.

why can't it just leave me alone?

03-04-2016, 04:46 PM
fucking goddamn alcohol.
i KNOW i can't drink, but i've been trying it lately.
i'll drink wine for like 2 days, and then say "well, that was fucked up. i won't be trying THAT shit again!"

and then i do. at least it isn't liquor, but it will be if i'm not careful.

why can't it just leave me alone?
can't qualify wine man. alcohol is alcohol.

03-04-2016, 11:43 PM
can't qualify wine man. alcohol is alcohol.
very true,
i HAVE to not fuck with it. it's playing with fire and will lead me straight back to a hell i never wanted to see again :(
No more.

03-05-2016, 08:01 AM
A coworker I have become friends with was a victim of domestic violence last night. Got 4 staples in her head. Her and her now ex had broken up a few days ago and she has been in the process of trying to move out. There was some kind of blow up last night.

I'm pissed. I was entertaining the thought of driving over there and smashing the fucker's face but I quickly realized I'm almost 37 and that I need to act like an adult and NOT do the same violent thing that my friend had just endured. It's so weird...that knee jerk tendency. What I really want is justice/consequences. I already told her a couple of days ago I am here for anything she needs. I am not sure there's anything else I can do other than be supportive.

She needs to get out of there now and press charges on the spineless douche.

Sarah K
03-06-2016, 03:40 PM
Waited in line for about 3.5 hours to visit my friend. Couldn't go in because I can't get my nose piercings out. Would have been rad for them to tell me that at one of the checkpoints I made it through.

03-07-2016, 07:22 AM
Waited in line for about 3.5 hours to visit my friend. Couldn't go in because I can't get my nose piercings out. Would have been rad for them to tell me that at one of the checkpoints I made it through.

visit your friend where? what kind of place doesn't let you in because of nose rings?

Sarah K
03-07-2016, 07:42 AM
Jail barge.

03-07-2016, 07:45 AM
lol, imagine if it were clit rings

Sarah K
03-07-2016, 08:24 AM
I have a non-visible piercing... They don't give a shit about that. Just can't have any visible jewelry besides a wedding band and a religious necklace.

03-07-2016, 12:09 PM
Jail barge.Barge???????

Sarah K
03-07-2016, 12:13 PM

03-07-2016, 12:19 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_C._Bain_Correctional_CenterFigures Ed Koch had something to do with it. :|

Sarah K
03-07-2016, 12:28 PM
This bit makes me smile, though.

Prior to 2002, an inmate tried to escape from the prison's recreation area by climbing the 30-foot fence equipped with razor wire. The guards' uniform boots prevented them from climbing the fence in pursuit, so they threw basketballs at the inmate to stop his escape, but he was able to successfully climb over it. He dove into the East River (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_River), where he was promptly picked up and returned by a police watercraft (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_watercraft) that was dispatched to the scene.

You really thought throwing basketballs at him would stop him? REALLY?!

sick among the pure
03-07-2016, 06:29 PM
I do freelance photography for a local newspaper. Got a new editor today, who is taking a slightly new approach. Instead of contacting me with the week's assignments, she e-mails me and their other freelance photographer at a random time she has chosen and basically says "here are the events for the week, you two decide who is doing what and then let me know".
So, it's basically first-come first-serve freelance battle royale, whoever is lucky enough to check their e-mail first can get a few hundred dollars worth of assignments and leave the other person with a check so low that being a paper delivery boy would pay more.

03-09-2016, 05:32 AM
my wife has a quarterly meeting at work where she used to just have to take notes, but is now (and has been for the last couple) in charge of setting up and running it. i used to have to get her there at 7am (she works at the field museum of natural history here in chicago; public transportation takes about an hour and a half from our apartment), but since she sets up and runs them now, it's 6am. which means getting up around now (5:30am, though she's been out of bed since 5am and awake since 3am) and leaving 10 minutes later (it takes almost no time to drive there when there's absolutely no traffic).

her job makes her miserable enough, but this meeting just sends her over the edge. and it sure doesn't make me feel good, either.

(to preempt the question, no she can't drive herself because we only have one car, i'm cat-sitting in a nearby town right now, and even if i wasn't, she almost never drives, so making her do something super stressful on her way to something even more stressful would be a super dick move)

03-10-2016, 01:04 PM
after sheap had those seizures last month, she left with an antiepileptic, but the neurology appt isn't until march 16.
so she ran out of meds. (this is fucking terrifying because she's already had ANOTHER grand mal or tonic clonic or whatever the fuck they are calling the bit where you scream and flop and foam at the mouth these days.)
at any rate, the hospital failed to write her a refill. the discharge papers said to call for a refill, but the request was ignored.
so i called the ONE local redneck ass clinic in this psuedo town to make an appointment, and when i told them the reason, that she just needed a few days worth of a common, non narcotic drug, the lady was like WHOA, WHOA MOTHERFUCKER! I don't think so! (like we were asking for a morphine pump or some shit.) They insisted on ALL of her hospital records. And everyone i talked to was insanely rude.
So i went to the hospital 90 miles away to try to get her records, but didn't make it in time. Then i went to the redneck clinic yesterday morning and got a release form, brought it back here for sheap to sign, then took it back to the clinic and she has an appointment today. (i was scared to take her in the car on any of these trips.)
I swear to god, if the hospital didn't fax those records, i'm gonna go fucking sideways.

Long story short, my wife is having very violent, damaging seizures. Remember, she had to be care flighted to the fucking hospital, stayed there for some days, and had all manner of tests including an eeg with 20 something leads on her head and a video camera filming her for hours.
But once she got out of the hospital, nobody seems to give a fuck. They are making me jump through fucking hoops to get a small amount of a very fucking innocuous anti seizure medicine.

03-10-2016, 01:08 PM
sorry for double post, but while i'm in this ranting mode, i would also like to allow this:
Donald Trump said that Islam "hates us." Does he not realize that a significant proportion of "us" practice Islam? What in the fuck does he mean by "us?"

03-10-2016, 01:34 PM
He means "Christian" straight white fat old I mean orange men. I put "Christian" in quote marks because I have reservations about whether El Drumpfo worship$ any other god apart from money and power.

03-11-2016, 02:24 PM
Online elitists who subtly talk shit to or about you. You know, facebook "cool" guys and the like.

03-12-2016, 03:16 AM
Online elitists who subtly talk shit to or about you. You know, facebook "cool" guys and the like.


fuck them. you have your own mountains to conquer, and you don't have time for their shit. do your thing.
facebook equals hippocampal mush. go to the water. *drunk*

03-12-2016, 01:16 PM
That stale scent of cheep cigarettes that clings to your sinuses and your everything after you hang out with someone who smokes, despite the fact that you don't. It's like having fresh ass stuck in my head for a day after.

03-14-2016, 02:22 AM
someone I know just posted this on the interwebs, and I'm really unsure how to process this...

"We deff don't need a chick running for president (not to be rude) so might as well start feelin' the Bern!"

And just to be clear, this guy's NOT making a cleverly sardonic statement in any way. That's impossible.

03-16-2016, 02:36 AM
No new lease at my apartment. Granted I've been late with rent a few times. I still usually pay the next day after cut off with late fee, because I'm a total space case.
It is at the end if my lease so there's that but I still wasn't planning on moving.
It's probably for the best for reasons I'm not gonna get into here but still...

"Cash rules everything around me." ...

03-16-2016, 05:00 AM
Hillary Clinton

03-16-2016, 05:06 AM
When you wear glasses and you just washed your hands and realized you need to splash some water on your face too... you then proceed to wipe your hands just to take the glasses off.

03-16-2016, 06:29 AM
Wrong use of words "concrete" and "actual" instead of e.g. "specific" and "current". Come on, peoples! ;-)

03-16-2016, 06:59 AM
Wrong use of words "concrete" and "actual" instead of e.g. "specific" and "current". Come on, peoples! ;-)
False friends (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_friend)?

03-16-2016, 08:29 AM
my wife and i found lead paint in our kitchen (bought a testing kit) where the paint is chipping off our cabinets/drawers all the time. it's also pretty likely there's some throughout the apartment. we weren't planning on moving for a few years (great location, good amount of space, we've been here almost four years so we've nested, rent is affordable) but now we're wondering if we should. but most of the apartments for rent around here are much more expensive than ours, and it would actually be more affordable to BUY A CONDO. the problem with that is that we're not prepared at all to do it right now. but right now is probably the best time for us to apply for a mortgage while my wife is still at the job she hates, because it's a very stable income. so we're between a rock and a hard place and we don't know what to do. : /

p.s. our landlord is great and she is coming to check it out on monday and then take steps from there. we're hoping that the kitchen is the biggest problem and that she'll just remove all our cabinets/drawers/counter and put in new ones since the kitchen is the one part of our place we really don't like.

03-16-2016, 08:50 AM
from what I know is that lead paint isn't a huge issue unless there are toddlers or pets because they are prone to eating things like chipping paint. still not cool though

03-16-2016, 09:24 AM
from what I know is that lead paint isn't a huge issue unless there are toddlers or pets because they are prone to eating things like chipping paint. still not cool though

we're planning on having a kid some time soon, so...that's what spurred this whole thing.

we haven't really told anyone yet, except, hilariously, our landlord.

03-16-2016, 11:31 AM
so, can't think of where to put this but here:
where is allegro?
is she ok?
i am jonesing, a bit.

errr..little things that bum me out?
fuck it, still leaving it here. lol.

03-16-2016, 02:10 PM
so, can't think of where to put this but here:
where is allegro?
is she ok?
i am jonesing, a bit.

errr..little things that bum me out?
fuck it, still leaving it here. lol.

you're right, she hasn't posted anything for a few days on here (or instagram). maybe she's taking a well-deserved vacation!

03-16-2016, 02:35 PM
you're right, she hasn't posted anything for a few days on here (or instagram). maybe she's taking a well-deserved vacation!

thanks, lovely man.
i will hope she is taking a vacation, and stop my worry warting...

03-17-2016, 06:36 PM
I was pricing out some shipping today.

If I was to let UPS take care of packaging, everything insured by them, etc., it would cost $359 to send a package from E. Peoria, IL to London... a package containing just a 2xLP vinyl.

What in the...

03-17-2016, 08:33 PM
I was pricing out some shipping today.

If I was to let UPS take care of packaging, everything insured by them, etc., it would cost $359 to send a package from E. Peoria, IL to London... a package containing just a 2xLP vinyl.

What in the...

yeah, UPS is bonkers with shipping certain things. that's why i basically just stick with USPS and hope for the best (ask sheepdean because i've sent him stuff)

03-18-2016, 02:38 AM
Once had USPS try to charge me over $500 to send me ONE bottle of nail varnish (because it's a controlled thingy). I think it's some leftover revolutionary war antagonism

03-18-2016, 11:33 AM
my boss.
working in a hospital as a male nurse is hard enough and when half of your co-workers are sick and stay at home it's not getting easier.
but my boss is still finding reasons to piss me off and forces me to doubt my dream job choice.

03-18-2016, 09:38 PM
The way I've notice Americans are saying twat. It's with an A not an O! T-w-AH-T not T-w-O-T

03-18-2016, 11:32 PM
got two fillings fixed today (just normal wear and tear from being there for so long). it's been around 10 years since i've had anything like that done so i forgot how much novocaine fucks me up. it took three hours for feeling to return to the left side of my mouth/tongue/throat, during which time i continually felt like i was choking. i still can't chew anything on the left side of my mouth and the flesh in the back of my mouth is so sore from where they injected me.

i like my dentist (he's a family friend) but this sucks.

03-20-2016, 03:27 PM
Wellllll, we kinda knew this already, but it's now confirmed by the neurologist we visited a few days ago who read her eeg and mri's and such.
My wife has irreversible brain damage and is severely fucking epileptic.
Now...You wouldn't KNOW she had brain damage unless you were very close to her. It's not like she's shitting her pants and unable to feed herself.
It's just that she feels foggy all the time and struggles to remember words from a once massive vocabulary, forgets facts from a previously impressive knowledge of science and history, and because of these things, has a hard time expressing herself as eloquently and knowledgeably as she once did.
We have been waiting for these things to get better, but it sounds like it's gonna be harder than we thought. They are trying her on aricept to boost cognition.
And then there's the matter of the seizures. This started about a month ago, and it's gotten to the point to where if she misses even one dose of her medicine, she has one. this fucking terrifies me. There is a cause of death called SUDEP-sudden death from epilepsy, and 1 in 1000 die from it. As small as those odds are, i still don't fucking like them.
This means a lot of changes. She isn't to cook without a partner, she shouldn't take a bath ever again for fear of drowning, etc...
This all happened because of the mean little virus that got in her beautiful brain in december of 2014 and nearly killed her. I wish i could punch it in its mean little face.
Sheap is taking this all pretty fucking hard.

BUT...she is my wife and i love her more than anything in this world. We will get through this.

the duder
03-21-2016, 04:52 PM
Dude, I was going to come in here and bitch about something totally inconsequential.

That's a tragic turn of events; I hope that you can continue to face this with courage and strength. In the same breath, don't hesitate to expel any negative or fearful thoughts that you need to rid yourself of.

We are all here for you.

03-21-2016, 06:45 PM
So my landlord left a not under my door advising me that one of my neighbors has reported me for loud music. Now, this is the second complaint in as many months, so I've been told I could be evicted if I don't keep the noise down. Now, naturally I'm going to be more conscious. What annoys me is the tattling. Now I love my music, and I'm typically listening to it a good 75% of the time. It just gets me moving along. Yes, sometimes I may listen to it a little loud and I may not be quite as conscious just to how loud it may be. However, I'm a very reasonable person. If it's bothering someone, I'm perfectly willing to turn it down. I just wish they'd kindly knock on my door and just ask me to turn my music down rather than reporting me. Last week they even called the cops on me which was complete bullshit. Even they knocked on the door and rolled their eyes realizing my music was at a very reasonable volume.

03-21-2016, 07:47 PM
Dude, I was going to come in here and bitch about something totally inconsequential.

That's a tragic turn of events; I hope that you can continue to face this with courage and strength. In the same breath, don't hesitate to expel any negative or fearful thoughts that you need to rid yourself of.

We are all here for you. shit, thanks man.
however, the shit that we are going through doesn't make other people's shit inconsequential by any means.
i just wanted to tell you guys what happened.
i think this thread is actually more geared to more inconsequential things, but i didn't know where else to put it.
Bachy , slide a note under your neighbor's doors that says "Snitches Get Stitches!" ;)

03-21-2016, 07:56 PM
shit, thanks man.
however, the shit that we are going through doesn't make other people's shit inconsequential by any means.
i just wanted to tell you guys what happened.
i think this thread is actually more geared to more inconsequential things, but i didn't know where else to put it.
@Bachy (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3010) , slide a note under your neighbor's doors that says "Snitches Get Stitches!" ;)

I feel that would likely exacerbate the situation :P

Anyways, there's probably about 20 other tenants on my floor. I can't be sure who it is.

03-21-2016, 08:05 PM
I feel that would likely exacerbate the situation :P

Anyways, there's probably about 20 other tenants on my floor. I can't be sure who it is.
Well, if you slid one under all 20 doors, one person would get the message and the other 19 would learn a valuable life lesson! :P

03-21-2016, 10:10 PM
Sorry for double post, but me making the duder feel like the "little thing" that pissed him off didn't matter got me thinking. I've also seen other people come to this thread to talk about tough things they are going through in their lives.

So i'm thinking of making another thread to avoid contaminating this thread with more intense issues.

What should we call it? Rough Business? The Big Things That Piss You Off? Crisis Support?

Even though i might not be the most popular person on the board, a lot of you DO feel like a kind of family to me, and when i'm going through rough times, i want to share it with you guys.

At the same time, i don't want to take away from the original intention of this thread.

So what do you guys think? I think a new thread for more intense issues is a good idea. Do you? And if you do think a new thread is in order, what should we call it?

03-21-2016, 11:15 PM
I feel that would likely exacerbate the situation :P

Anyways, there's probably about 20 other tenants on my floor. I can't be sure who it is.

leave a not on the outside of your door that says "if something i am doing is bothering you, please feel free to discuss it with me. i don't want to be a disruptive neighbor but i also don't want to feel like a criminal for simply trying to enjoy my music."

i find that taking a non-confrontational approach to that sort of thing works a lot better.

Sarah K
03-21-2016, 11:25 PM
Visited a friend this week to get out of town, watch some March Madness, and be lazy. I've known him since I was 16.

Second day I mention that my period is like a week and a half late, which is troubling to me. He asks me if I want to have sex to "jump start" it. Ummm... No. No, I do not. He then follows up with "Everything I want to do to you right now feels like rape". So I then just kind of completely mentally shut down at this point. This was on Thursday, and I had to be there until Saturday, so I just wanted things to be as smooth as possible, and not escalate further. He apologizes for "making things awkward earlier". We sit and watch basketball with some super high tensions. We had planned to go out and do some things, and then each day he would change his mind, and we just stayed in his house the whole time. Saturday, I woke up to this dipshit rubbing my nipple. I shove his arm away and then just freeze, waiting for it to get worse. He says "I misread. I thought you wanted me to be aggressive". BRUH MISREAD WHAT? I WAS SLEEPING.

So then I contact this girl who I know via keto dieting stuff on the internet. She came and rescued me and we just drove around until it was time for my flight.

Like... Jesus fucking christ.

I feel like the friendship could have been saved even through the fucking rape comment, but not after what happened on Saturday. A 15 year friendship ruined over you rubbing my tit. Hope it was worth it, buddy.

03-22-2016, 12:34 AM
He then follows up with "Everything I want to do to you right now feels like rape".


the duder
03-22-2016, 05:30 AM
Sorry for double post, but me making the duder feel like the "little thing" that pissed him off didn't matter got me thinking. I've also seen other people come to this thread to talk about tough things they are going through in their lives.

So i'm thinking of making another thread to avoid contaminating this thread with more intense issues.

What should we call it? Rough Business? The Big Things That Piss You Off? Crisis Support?

Even though i might not be the most popular person on the board, a lot of you DO feel like a kind of family to me, and when i'm going through rough times, i want to share it with you guys.

At the same time, i don't want to take away from the original intention of this thread.

So what do you guys think? I think a new thread for more intense issues is a good idea. Do you? And if you do think a new thread is in order, what should we call it?

Dude no worries at all. I thought we did have a "how fucked was your day" thread for the heaviness/intense issues, if I recall correctly.

And my issue was/is minor (license issues from DUI 3 years ago and general incompetence from the NY DMV) compared to a life changing diagnosis.

Main point of the original post was that this community is amaze-balls and has your back (regardless of where you post).

03-24-2016, 08:54 AM
i have a couple friends who grew up together, both of whom have tattoos, and both of whom have parents who use EVERY OPPORTUNITY POSSIBLE to shame them about their tattoos.

here's an example:

https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xla1/v/t1.0-9/12523892_754866405308_6461251818459720382_n.jpg?oh =368e11a9bb45367c932a654dd9b4a2cd&oe=5795F1DA

At the bus stop. Just got splattered with road slush, head to toe. Had to find a dry piece of clothing to wipe off my glasses and face. Having an awesome day so far.

so she posts that on facebook, a few people comment with their sympathies, etc., and then her dad says:

At least you can wash it off - not like a tatoo. Sorry about that!

which is just like...WHAT?!? what the fuck does getting splashed by gross street slush have to do with getting a tattoo? and why would you publicly shame your daughter with your narrow-minded world-view when she's already having a shitty day????

her level-headed expert response?

As far as I know, I have never been suddenly tattooed without warning or consent.

so she seems to be good at dealing with it, but i can't imagine how shitty it must feel to have your dad say something like that.
i mean, my dad doesn't like my tattoos, but he doesn't go out of his way to be a dick about it. you can disagree with your child without making them feel horrible about their choices, especially when those choices don't affect you in the slightest.

03-24-2016, 11:32 PM
So after receiving my final warning regarding my loud music, I emailed this to my landlord. I'll admit, I'm a bit of a pushover. And in my defense, I do kinda now get where my neighbors may have been coming from. Also, this is an amazing apartment in a prime location that I really don't want to lose:

I just wanted to of course address the note I received at my door earliest week. To start I absolutely want to apologize to you and any residents I disturbed. I always want and try to carry myself as a model tenant, and to realize something like this has left me truly ashamed. I've always had one great weakness which is of course my music which I do listen to passionately. Unfortunately for me (and everyone else mainly), I admit I do have a tendency to forget just how loud I'm listening to it, and that it may be an annoyance to others. In all honesty, I wasn't sure that I was disturbing anyone as no one had ever physically come to my door asking me to turn it down. Had anyone done this, I would have gladly turned it down immediately, because the last thing I want to be is a nuisance. However I shouldn't be making excuses. Because it's certainly not their responsibility. I'm the one who needs to be more conscious and mindful of my surroundings. Everyone in this building has been beyond respectful toward me, and I certainly owe it to them to do the same. Living here the last few years has been beyond a privilege for me, and I hope to continue on for the foreseeable future. However I understand that can't be possible if I don't respect the rules or my neighbors. Please express my deepest apologies to any residents I disturbed recently. I want to give everyone complete assurance that this will never happen again. From here on I promise to keep all noise to an absolute minimum.

Sarah K
03-25-2016, 12:07 AM
Jeez. It ain't like you ran over their child or anything.

03-25-2016, 09:50 AM
I have a popcorn husk stuck on my half grown wisdom tooth and I can't...get...it...out. And I'm at work without floss or a tooth brush and UGH. And of course I can't stop myself from trying. My tongue is going to start getting tired. Two hours of just...come on...just a little more...there 'ya go....BAH! Come out already, damn you!!!

03-25-2016, 09:54 AM
I have a popcorn husk stuck on my half grown wisdom tooth and I can't...get...it...out. And I'm at work without floss or a tooth brush and UGH. And of course I can't stop myself from trying. My tongue is going to start getting tired. Two hours of just...come on...just a little more...there 'ya go....BAH! Come out already, damn you!!!

Don't tell anyone I told you this.....but bite a bit of nail off, instant toothpick. You just have to get over the....well, ya know, it's pretty disgusting.

03-25-2016, 10:44 AM
Fucking unacceptable. I thought making sure you have the machine set for the correct size of shrink wrap was the next step after making sure it works. Who would I even contact as it's not a shipping or Amazon problem?


03-25-2016, 01:11 PM
Fucking unacceptable. I thought making sure you have the machine set for the correct size of shrink wrap was the next step after making sure it works. Who would I even contact as it's not a shipping or Amazon problem?


still contact amazon, as they shipped you a defective product.

03-25-2016, 01:24 PM
I feel like the friendship could have been saved even through the fucking rape comment, but not after what happened on Saturday. A 15 year friendship ruined over you rubbing my tit. Hope it was worth it, buddy.

Yuk, sorry you had to go through that.
I wish more dudes would read Plato on Socrates and self-control. It's one of his best points. What kind of decent human beings can we possibly hope to be if we can't control our impulses?

03-25-2016, 05:13 PM
Jeez. It ain't like you ran over their child or anything.

Exactly my point. I hope I can get it across that, come on, this isn't so big of a deal.

03-25-2016, 09:42 PM
Exactly my point. I hope I can get it across that, come on, this isn't so big of a deal.

Yes it is. Some people work late shifts, swing shifts (trying to SLEEP), some are studying for tests, some don't like YOUR music, etc. It's fucking annoying and when it's happened to me, I wanted to go to that person's apartment and shoot them in the fucking head and watch their brains splatter onto the wall. Get some headphones or go buy a house. I am very passionate about my music, too, but when I lived in apartments I was conscious that others were not passionate about MY music as they were about theirs and, hey, I'M LIVING IN A FUCKING APARTMENT, NOT A HOUSE. Apartments are not anywhere near soundproof. Why didn't they knock on your door? Gee, a few times my neighbors and I tried that with this one guy, he told us to go fuck ourselves and then he turned it LOUDER. So then we just started calling the Chicago cops. So, yeah, being passionate about your music and playing it loudly in multi-family housing means you're forgetting you live in multi-family housing, and you're going to get evicted. It's important to realize, at all times, that you're living in multi-family housing. I grew up in multi-family housing, so I instinctively WALK SOFTLY because I grew up walking on the 2nd floor.

03-25-2016, 09:59 PM
Yes it is. Some people work late shifts, swing shifts (trying to SLEEP), some are studying for tests, some don't like YOUR music, etc. It's fucking annoying and when it's happened to me, I wanted to go to that person's apartment and shoot them in the fucking head and watch their brains splatter onto the wall. Get some headphones or go buy a house. I am very passionate about my music, too, but when I lived in apartments I was conscious that others were not passionate about MY music as they were about theirs and, hey, I'M LIVING IN A FUCKING APARTMENT, NOT A HOUSE. Apartments are not anywhere near soundproof. Why didn't they knock on your door? Gee, a few times my neighbors and I tried that with this one guy, he told us to go fuck ourselves and then he turned it LOUDER. So then we just started calling the Chicago cops. So, yeah, being passionate about your music and playing it loudly in multi-family housing means you're forgetting you live in multi-family housing, and you're going to get evicted. It's important to realize, at all times, that you're living in multi-family housing. I grew up in multi-family housing, so I instinctively WALK SOFTLY because I grew up walking on the 2nd floor.

I guess I can see it from both angles. My upstairs neighbors annoy the shit out of me because I have a tendency to work weekends, and they have a tendency to party until around 2-3 AM while talking at full volume about complete bullshit. I guess part of me is annoyed that they're getting away with it. Anyways, I've turned all the noise in my apartment WAAAAAY down. If I feel the need to blast some music, I'm either popping in my earbuds and going for a walk or I'm taking a drive.

03-25-2016, 10:01 PM
I guess I can see it from both angles. My upstairs neighbors annoy the shit out of me because I have a tendency to work weekends, and they have a tendency to party until around 2-3 AM while talking at full volume about complete bullshit. I guess part of me is annoyed that they're getting away with it. Anyways, I've turned all the noise in my apartment WAAAAAY down. If I feel the need to blast some music, I'm either popping in my earbuds and going for a walk or I'm taking a drive.

Then COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM, TOO! Although, talking all night isn't really the same as playing the stereo at full volume. Walls and floors are far too thin in these apartments. A friend of mine had a neighbor incessantly bitch that she had her TV on too late at night. Wtf. She didn't even have it up LOUDLY, she just had it ON and the neighbor didn't like it. But my friend is a night owl, can't sleep. It's a CONDO, too, so they aren't even renting, they own. Wtf.

Dude, if you can afford it, invest in some really good headphones; that's what I did when I lived in a Chicago apartment. In fact, I listened to "Broken" through those headphones when it was released. LOUDLY. :p

03-25-2016, 10:06 PM
Then COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM, TOO! Although, talking all night isn't really the same as playing the stereo at full volume. Walls and floors are far too thin in these apartments. A friend of mine had a neighbor incessantly bitch that she had her TV on too late at night. Wtf. She didn't even have it up LOUDLY, she just had it ON and the neighbor didn't like it. But my friend is a night owl, can't sleep. It's a CONDO, too, so they aren't even renting, they own. Wtf.

Dude, if you can afford it, invest in some really good headphones; that's what I did when I lived in a Chicago apartment. In fact, I listened to "Broken" through those when it was released. LOUDLY.

I actually should grow up and get myself a house already :P

I'm not even allowed pets here, and I'm dying to get a dog.

03-26-2016, 05:59 AM
Having an argiment with my wife about stupid nonsense.

03-26-2016, 06:47 AM
Having an argiment with my wife about stupid nonsense.

Harden the fuck up.

Sarah K
03-26-2016, 10:29 AM
Yuk, sorry you had to go through that.
I wish more dudes would read Plato on Socrates and self-control. It's one of his best points. What kind of decent human beings can we possibly hope to be if we can't control our impulses?

I think it is pretty telling of our culture that I am more upset about a friendship ending than I am about someone violating my space, consent, and body.

03-26-2016, 02:22 PM
As for music and neighbours, for me it does not even have to be loud, but we know how easily the sub frequencies go through everything, and constant dum-dum, which you can almost more feel than hear, is capable to drive me crazy. Also depends on the building itself, one temporary work flat in Germany must have been specifically designed to make things bad, once I collected courage to find which flat it is thinking they must have some crazy subwoofer - no, the woman just had small stereo, and not even loud. But, I am starting to build my house this year anyway, and the main reasons are I want to listen to speakers again, be able to play music anytime I want (now I am afraid even the synth keystrokes with using headphones are too loud), and I want a dog. ;-) But not everyone is sensitive to these sounds things.

And something that pisses me off... maybe recent election results, again. People should pass some IQ test before voting, and use as many points as they gained in the test. Not human? Of course, but shut up. ;-) Or just let me do the results, it will also be much cheaper. ;-) Also, how expensively and slowly is our (Slovak) highway system growing up, people/politicians wasting tons of our money should have some legal responsibility, ffs.

03-27-2016, 12:02 PM
Also... some couple in this building is arguing loudly every day, smashing the doors etc, and I even do not know where it is coming from, or what is the topic. ;-) Just finally get divorce or kill each other or something, this is giving me erectile dysfunction.

Also: searching ETS is pissing me off. How the fuck to search for e.g. "Depeche Mode" or this thread? Nobody knows. No, advanced search does not help neither. UPDATE: Aha, searching just in the title helps in this case.

04-02-2016, 08:16 AM
Having a friend of yours give you a fucking lecture on why you didn't get a job that was really looking like a good prospect... recommending that you read a fucking book about presenting yourself. Dude, if I got rejected for the job because I "didn't even wear a button up shirt!!!!?" to my Skype interview, then fuck it, but even if you're right shut the fuck up for a goddamn second and clutch your pearls elsewhere right now. I am not in the fucking mood.

04-03-2016, 02:07 PM
People being shitty about Facebook event invites. Look, I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this occasionally, but I try not to be and am just fine with being called out on it.

I made a small-ish event for a bowling get together for tomorrow. I created the event a couple of weeks ago, and basically just invited one of my friend groups. I hadn't seen the people in a while, thought it would be nice. About half of the people who receive invites actually rsvp/respond in any way, and all but two of those people RSVP as "Maybe." This Friday rolls around, no change or update (I wanted to do this on Monday but gave everyone hella advance notice). I make a post asking what people's status is, no response. Today I checked in with the one person who is not my roommate who'd RSVP'd as yes, since I'm leaning towards canceling. That person tells me they got laid off last week, which sucks, so no go. So I cancel.

But like, I honestly think it's really inconsiderate to not update me on your status. This isn't some giant event, it's a small get together, and my using Facebook as a medium of inviting you (because it's the best way to do it) does not exempt you from acting like a jerk and leaving me hanging on plans I'd wanted to make. :(

04-04-2016, 02:13 AM
all the rye chips in my store bought chex mix.
rot in hell you lousy filler poop discs.

sick among the pure
04-04-2016, 02:16 AM
That awkward moment when 9 years later, you find out your ex cheated on her most recent boyfriend with the same person she cheated on you with. And they're now engaged, but apparently talking to yet another person.
I haven't even given a thought to my ex for almost a decade, but finding out about this just, holy hell, I hate cheaters. Twice as much since my fiance was also cheated on by 2 of his exes.

04-04-2016, 02:34 AM
That awkward moment when 9 years later, you find out your ex cheated on her most recent boyfriend with the same person she cheated on you with. And they're now engaged, but apparently talking to yet another person.
I haven't even given a thought to my ex for almost a decade, but finding out about this just, holy hell, I hate cheaters. Twice as much since my fiance was also cheated on by 2 of his exes.

exes are exes for a reason.
stop letting human nature appall you. it's an unnecessary headache.

there shouldn't be anything awkward about a nine YEAR old relationship. live and let live...or die, it's not your concern anymore.

04-07-2016, 10:25 PM
Got a $180 fine in the mail for doing 51km in a 40km school zone.

Also 2 demerit points on my licence. I've never had demerit points before, fucking annoyed.

Halo Infinity
04-08-2016, 05:43 AM
Also: searching ETS is pissing me off. How the fuck to search for e.g. "Depeche Mode" or this thread? Nobody knows. No, advanced search does not help neither. UPDATE: Aha, searching just in the title helps in this case.
This is exactly why I've been using Google whenever it came to forum searches most of the time. Granted, I could still admit that it would be far more convenient and efficient if you didn't have to step out of the forum a bit just to search for stuff in the forum. Anyway, Google still just works like a charm, which is to be expected anyway. :)


04-08-2016, 07:36 PM
Domestic beers are two for one!

Great, I'll have a Victory Hop Devil.
Sorry, that's not domestic.
It's made one state over...
Sorry, it's not a domestic beer.
Okay, how about a Southern Tier 2XIPA?
Nope, not domestic either.
Okay, what is "domestic"?
Well we've got Bud, Molson, La....
No, stop right there. Canadian beer is "domestic," but a beer made two hours away in the same state isn't?
Okay, forget it.


04-09-2016, 02:57 AM
when my "gentleman of leisure" roommate is not considerate of the fact that i've been up since 6am and have been on my feet all day. i'm not spiteful of his fortune, but it would be nice if he turned the TV down, especially since he's about to slip into a coma in front of it.

such is life though.

04-09-2016, 09:33 AM
Passive aggressive relatives that try to tell me how I have to do my job.
The only thing better than this is when they come up to me and ask for something to eat.
I like working at an hospital but I really hate stupid relatives and patients who ignore the fact that we are 2 nurses and we have to take care of 30 patients.

04-09-2016, 02:35 PM
When a band gains traction who just so happens to have a female member and immediately a bunch of idiot dudes talk about how they want to fuck her.


miss k bee
04-12-2016, 04:05 PM
No no no!, I just commented on a Facebook news post, damn!

miss k bee
04-13-2016, 11:01 AM
Someone on Twitter is interrogating me over my profile picture of my sister's cat ffs !!! He is family! I give up

04-13-2016, 05:53 PM
my old best friend (who hasn't spoken to me since 2010 when he kicked me out of our band right before we were supposed to release our album that i mixed) just randomly messaged me on facebook today.

i've been trying to be considerate and have an actual conversation with him, but at the same time, my stomach feels like it's going to explode and part of me just wants to type FUCK YOU over and over and over. when he ended our friendship, it was like a breakup. it was horrible. 2010 was the worst year of my life and that was a fairly significant part of it.

i don't really know what to do, here. i'm basically a completely different person than i was then, so part of me is like "it's fine, you don't have to be best friends again, you're just having a conversation" but the part of me that has held on to how awful i felt for so long is just...infuriated right now.

04-14-2016, 12:43 AM
My Kobe-hating friends. Timing, guys, timing.

04-14-2016, 11:10 AM
sick for a week, fever, bronchitis, a river of bloody phlegm: been feeling like the sarlacc
on the mend now but still waiting for the turning point
at least I've been getting to watch some good netflix: lots of Marilyn Monroe films, Muriel's Wedding, United States of Tara

04-14-2016, 11:28 AM
My Kobe-hating friends. Timing, guys, timing.To hell with them.
Every shot Kobe Bryant ever took. All 30,699 of them (http://graphics.latimes.com/kobe-every-shot-ever/)

04-14-2016, 12:31 PM
ree drummond, a.k.a. the pioneer woman.

04-14-2016, 12:37 PM
my old best friend (who hasn't spoken to me since 2010 when he kicked me out of our band right before we were supposed to release our album that i mixed) just randomly messaged me on facebook today.

i've been trying to be considerate and have an actual conversation with him, but at the same time, my stomach feels like it's going to explode and part of me just wants to type FUCK YOU over and over and over. when he ended our friendship, it was like a breakup. it was horrible. 2010 was the worst year of my life and that was a fairly significant part of it.

i don't really know what to do, here. i'm basically a completely different person than i was then, so part of me is like "it's fine, you don't have to be best friends again, you're just having a conversation" but the part of me that has held on to how awful i felt for so long is just...infuriated right now.

i say let it out. get rid of the resentment by letting him know how much he hurt you. if he listens and responds by acknowledging it, THEN you can have a conversation.

04-14-2016, 02:28 PM
My Kobe-hating friends. Timing, guys, timing.

To hell with them.
Every shot Kobe Bryant ever took. All 30,699 of them (http://graphics.latimes.com/kobe-every-shot-ever/)

this is all i know about kobe bryant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant_sexual_assault_case) other than the fact that he's a basketball player, and that makes me hate him.

04-14-2016, 03:26 PM
this is all i know about kobe bryant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant_sexual_assault_case) other than the fact that he's a basketball player, and that makes me hate him.

Yep, I've been like, keeping it off of friends' statuses, but yep.

04-14-2016, 03:29 PM
Yep, I've been like, keeping it off of friends' statuses, but yep.Thank you for refraining and not being a part of the group of people that pissed me off so much, I had to change my privacy settings and post in here.

Sarah K
04-14-2016, 03:33 PM
As an active Social Justice Warrior™, even I can recognize and acknowledge all of the fuckery from that case... Not saying that she MADE IT ALL UP FOR MONEY or whatever. But mental health is a bitch, and manifests in many different ways.

But I also recognize the shit she had to endure after all of it shook out wasn't appropriate AT ALL.

04-14-2016, 03:37 PM
when he ended our friendship, it was like a breakup. it was horrible. 2010 was the worst year of my life and that was a fairly significant part of it.
This. So much this.

I know I'm taking this somewhat out of context but it resonates with me at the moment because I've been thinking about my former best friend a bit more lately than I had been. When our friendship ended it was devastating. Absolutely devastating. And yeah, it felt like a break up, in a way. It's not easy losing the closest person in your life.

If she messaged me tomorrow and wanted to talk I would welcome it but at the same time it would be a bit much to get my head around. Sorry you're going through that. I don't blame you one bit for being angry about the whole thing.

04-14-2016, 04:41 PM
this is all i know about kobe bryant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant_sexual_assault_case) other than the fact that he's a basketball player, and that makes me hate him.

Do you feel the charges were unjustly dropped?

04-15-2016, 07:15 PM
Tornado warning with sirens going off and shit...
to basement or not to basement?
i need to clean out our fucking basement for next time at any rate. it LOOKS like this one SHOULD miss us, but it's still pretty fucking scary.

it's four miles north and moving away so i went outside and looked at it. i've never seen anything like it, and tornadoes are VERY common here.
The clouds were swirling and moving like smoke.

Edit: btw, i don't, and never will believe that Kobe sexually assaulted anyone.

04-15-2016, 10:15 PM

yea, if you fall into that category we can't be friends. sorry, not sorry.

04-16-2016, 06:49 AM
A bit annoyed after importing Kendrick Lamar and Grimes CDs onto my iPod to find I couldn't search for them by 'artist' only 'album' and to find for some reason the albums are seen as being by 'various artists'. I had to go back in and update the info myself. This information came from the CDs, very irritating as I thought at first it had fucked up

04-16-2016, 09:11 AM
Came back from break ready to start back at Uni and my laptop would not turn on. Doesn't even register being plugged in. Took it to a repair shop and it had a motherboard failure. Good news is that there was no hard drive damage so the data is recoverable but I still have to go shopping for a new computer.
Apparently its a known manufacturing defect for the model (Lenovo e530) that could have been fixed while still under warranty if they had actually told customers about the issue. But since my warranty is expired and the model has been discontinued there is nothing they will do for me now.

And I only have one month left to go for this school year and lots of computer based projects due in this month! Do I wait for a good deal this summer to get a replacement (and be stuck going to the library for all my work) or just get something now

04-16-2016, 04:58 PM
A bit annoyed after importing Kendrick Lamar and Grimes CDs onto my iPod to find I couldn't search for them by 'artist' only 'album' and to find for some reason the albums are seen as being by 'various artists'. I had to go back in and update the info myself. This information came from the CDs, very irritating as I thought at first it had fucked upthis happens to my plex a lot. It drives me fucking crazy.

04-16-2016, 05:22 PM
I think iTunes reads the "composer" tag, not the "artist one", so when there's a bunch of collaborators the tracks go all over the place. I used to retag everything so that it wouldn't happen...

04-16-2016, 05:34 PM
nobody here seems to want to join me on plex. I seriously don't think you people understand how amazing it is. And it's free, for fuck's sake

04-16-2016, 06:06 PM
nobody here seems to want to join me on plex. I seriously don't think you people understand how amazing it is. And it's free, for fuck's sake
What is Plex?

04-16-2016, 07:10 PM
What is Plex?

plex is how i have access to like 10,000 movies and 1,000 tv shows.

04-18-2016, 07:40 AM
A bit annoyed after importing Kendrick Lamar and Grimes CDs onto my iPod to find I couldn't search for them by 'artist' only 'album' and to find for some reason the albums are seen as being by 'various artists'. I had to go back in and update the info myself. This information came from the CDs, very irritating as I thought at first it had fucked up

I think iTunes reads the "composer" tag, not the "artist one", so when there's a bunch of collaborators the tracks go all over the place. I used to retag everything so that it wouldn't happen...

on my iPhone, i tend to sort by album because it still files alphabetically by artist, and shows each album individually. however, i had the soundtrack for The Guest on my phone because i listen to it all the time, and it stopped showing up there, so i thought there was something wrong with the files. turns out that one of the recent iOS updates made it so that if something is marked as a compilation, it no longer shows up under the "albums" category (even though it used to), which is so stupid. it shows up in a completely separate "compilations" category, even though a compilation is technically an album. so i had to go into the info and uncheck the "compilation" box so that it would show up where i wanted it to. definitely a small gripe, but still a really bad software decision.

04-18-2016, 09:42 AM
on my iPhone, i tend to sort by album because it still files alphabetically by artist, and shows each album individually. however, i had the soundtrack for The Guest on my phone because i listen to it all the time, and it stopped showing up there, so i thought there was something wrong with the files. turns out that one of the recent iOS updates made it so that if something is marked as a compilation, it no longer shows up under the "albums" category (even though it used to), which is so stupid. it shows up in a completely separate "compilations" category, even though a compilation is technically an album. so i had to go into the info and uncheck the "compilation" box so that it would show up where i wanted it to. definitely a small gripe, but still a really bad software decision.
Thank you, this is what happened, they were marked as compilations, why they would be marked as this i have no idea

04-20-2016, 03:11 AM
It's 49° outside why would we want to run heat ... I'll be fucking ecstatic to be gone from this place.

04-20-2016, 04:01 AM
Our heating system isn't working that well and even though the summer is coming we still have cold nights.
The plumber wanted to be here at 10 a.m., because I have to start working two hours later and have to walk the dog before I leave.
It's 11 a.m. now and guess who still is not here...

04-21-2016, 01:56 PM
so according to my lawyer, I'm legally pretty much screwed, and my best recourse is to pay the severance fee for breaking my lease... all told this is going to wind up being around 6000 dollars. Fuck. Good thing I had something put away for a rainy day, because it's pouring.

04-21-2016, 02:21 PM
There was a tornado drill at work. Thousands of people all condensed together in a basement. That's way too many voices and my brain was like, "We can't focus so you're just going to hear noise we can't make sense of and we may just shut down. Don't know yet."

Not fun but thankfully it was over quickly.

04-21-2016, 04:45 PM
Purchased a new (to me) car yesterday. Test drive went great, financing was painless. All in all, the best interaction I've had with a car dealership. Then, on my first drive home, 1 mile from the dealership, in heavy interstate traffic, the clutch took a dump, pedal stuck to the floor, and the stick would not go into any gear. Traffic backed up behind me - lots of honking - sat in the middle of the lane for a good 10 minutes before someone stopped to help me push it onto the shoulder. So, a grand total of 3 minutes driving my new car, and then an hour of waiting for a tow truck to take it back to the dealership. The service department seems to be on top of their game, so it'll all work out in the long run, but I was really looking forward to taking it on a road trip to the Appalachian mountains to try some curvy road driving this weekend. I'm pretty bummed that's not happening.

Halo Infinity
04-22-2016, 05:31 AM
Entering and exiting double doors with one door locked. :p

04-23-2016, 02:19 PM
Constipation. Fuck off.

04-23-2016, 03:56 PM
i gave this guy i met in amarillo a track to rap on. i waited SIX FUCKING MONTHS for him to do it. And he kept putting me off.
Then i showed it to one of my favorite drum and bass mc's from back home in dallas, a guy who has been an mc at practically every dnb show and rave party i ever went to in my life. he loved it and sent me vocal tracks in like 48 hours. i was honored that he would even want to work with me, you know?

and now the original dude is acting all hurt/angry about it.

i didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but what the fuck!?

04-28-2016, 12:47 AM
edit: moved to Death, Dying and Grief thread (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3928-Death-Dying-and-Grief/page2).

That's why i made that thread. Deaths of loved ones doesn't exactly fit in the "little things that piss you off" thread.

04-28-2016, 02:13 PM
Entering and exiting double doors with one door locked. :p

I totally agree. I hate that! Makes you look dumb and it's not your fault. Also, makes me want to break something.

04-28-2016, 03:08 PM
I hate that I can't go anywhere and make outlandish religious claims and be taken seriously.

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 08:36 PM
Let's see if we're really allowed to vent in here about minor annoyances or if I'm going to get my head chewed off for this.

Beyonce. It blows my mind regularly that people speak about her as if she's some gorgeous sex icon. She's not. She's seriously not good looking. Her face is passable, but her body is revolting. Asses that huge aren't a good thing! Black culture has this thing for 'thick' girls, but that just means 'fat' and it just completely baffles me. It's not attractive, but I want to reiterate that I'm not just targeting her randomly for no reason. This is in response to the entire world thinking she's some amazing 10/10 goddess, it feels like I'm not in on the world's biggest inside joke. It's fine that she's not an attractive person, but being held up in such high regard for her physical looks is totally mystifying to me.

Anyway, that isn't even the whole thing. Apparently it's 'in' to like her music? Did nobody get the newsflash that she makes shitty pop music in the same vein as Justin Bieber or One Direction? Screaming about infidelity isn't suddenly deep or some new concept, it's been a pretty consistent thing in every single genre of music since the invention of music. Once again, there's nothing wrong with pop music in principle. I love a ton of shitty pop music myself. But the issue is that people are treating her as if she's a real, serious artist writing worthwhile good music. That's the problem, it's a total joke and an insult to legitimate musicians to classify this stuff as anything other than lowest common denominator mainstream pop.

Whatever, maybe I'm bitching less about Beyonce and more about people who are putting her up on a pedestal due to both her physicality and her artistic talent. Not even putting her on a pedestal, but there are honestly people who think she's the most attractive woman and the most talented artist in the scene right now. That's so far beyond the level that she's actually on, it's in an entirely other universe.

(Also P.S. don't take my 'what in the hell' tone as a serious, deep rage. I really think these things, but they're definitely not some active hatred I carry around with me daily. I like to rant about dumb little things.)

04-28-2016, 08:42 PM
clueless about a lot of things

EDIT: I used to not care about Rihanna, nor find her attractive, then one day a while ago someone I respect said "Rihanna is my JAM" so I checked her out again; I totally fell in love with Rated R, then moved on to the rest of her discography, now I'm a huge fan, I think she's one of the best current pop artists, and I think she's hot as fuck too, is a total badass with an awesome don't give a fuck attitude

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 08:47 PM
clueless about a lot of things

lol what? A person thinking another person is unattractive and untalented isn't clueless about shit. Unless there's some fact or knowledge that I'm missing in my assessment of the situation, which I more than welcome you to fill me in on.

04-28-2016, 08:51 PM
Let's see if we're really allowed to vent in here about minor annoyances or if I'm going to get my head chewed off for this.

Beyonce. It blows my mind regularly that people speak about her as if she's some gorgeous sex icon. She's not. She's seriously not good looking. Her face is passable, but her body is revolting. Asses that huge aren't a good thing! Black culture has this thing for 'thick' girls, but that just means 'fat' and it just completely baffles me. It's not attractive, but I want to reiterate that I'm not just targeting her randomly for no reason. This is in response to the entire world thinking she's some amazing 10/10 goddess, it feels like I'm not in on the world's biggest inside joke. It's fine that she's not an attractive person, but being held up in such high regard for her physical looks is totally mystifying to me.

Anyway, that isn't even the whole thing. Apparently it's 'in' to like her music? Did nobody get the newsflash that she makes shitty pop music in the same vein as Justin Bieber or One Direction? Screaming about infidelity isn't suddenly deep or some new concept, it's been a pretty consistent thing in every single genre of music since the invention of music. Once again, there's nothing wrong with pop music in principle. I love a ton of shitty pop music myself. But the issue is that people are treating her as if she's a real, serious artist writing worthwhile good music. That's the problem, it's a total joke and an insult to legitimate musicians to classify this stuff as anything other than lowest common denominator mainstream pop.

Whatever, maybe I'm bitching less about Beyonce and more about people who are putting her up on a pedestal due to both her physicality and her artistic talent. Not even putting her on a pedestal, but there are honestly people who think she's the most attractive woman and the most talented artist in the scene right now. That's so far beyond the level that she's actually on, it's in an entirely other universe.

(Also P.S. don't take my 'what in the hell' tone as a serious, deep rage. I really think these things, but they're definitely not some active hatred I carry around with me daily. I like to rant about dumb little things.)

I do like some songs by Beyonce but I don't think she's as great as people think she is. I think she's pretty but she's not my type. PJ Harvey is more of my type. I do agree with you on the fact that she's not as great as people think she is. I don't get it either. To me, that level of greatness is rare as Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Dylan, the Beatles, the Stones, Led Zeppelin, Bowie, Michael Jackson, and Prince are in my opinion that circle of greatness although I think I'm going to get flack that I'm just mentioning men. Of the women, I would probably put Whitney Houston in that list as she just that had that voice that is so incredible though I think it was a shame how damaged they've become in the past 10-12 years of her life. Whitney may have not been a songwriter but I still see her as an artist in the way she used her voice as an instrument and how she was able to transcend the ideas of pop, soul, and rock to create something that is special. Do I think Beyonce is in the same level as Whitney? No.

I wouldn't lump Beyonce in the same spectrum as Bieber and One Direction but to call her an artist is kind of laughable as it's easy to forget that it was her father that did a lot of the work to make her this big star. Doesn't anyone remember the "Say My Name" video which featured her, Kelly Rowland, and 2 new girls where one of them wouldn't last for months? Doesn't anyone remember a magazine cover that had the group be seen as the new Supremes where Beyonce is in the Diana Ross role? And let's not forget the movies she's been in? Aside from Dreamgirls (which she was the weak link in that film), does anyone here think she has the chops to be a great actress?

I don't want to take a total piss on her but I too don't laud her as much as the public do. Besides, I just can't take anyone seriously who would be part of a world where people wave champagne glasses in front of your face.

04-28-2016, 08:53 PM
Also, you should take this to the Controversial Music Opinions or Shitty Music thread.

04-28-2016, 09:48 PM
Asses that huge aren't a good thing! Black culture has this thing for 'thick' girls, but that just means 'fat' and it just completely baffles me.

that right there? that's casual racism. just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean you get to put down an entire culture for it.

and for the record, i'm a white person with a huge ass, and i love big asses on anyone.

also someone who is "thick" can be plenty attractive as long as they're a good person. fat ≠ ugly. don't be so narrow-minded. i think @Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3236) is one of the most attractive people i've ever seen, and she's the first to tell you she's a big woman. (sorry to drag you into this, honey, but i figured since you facepalmed the original post you wouldn't mind)

edit: also, for fuck's sake, if beynoce wasn't a woman, no one would give a shit about her physical appearance. i don't hear you criticizing jay-z for looking like a human puppy.

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 10:02 PM
that right there? that's casual racism. just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean you get to put down an entire culture for it.

That's completely insane, . I'm pretty sure I didn't put down any culture for anything. Saying I don't like something that is a norm in a different culture than mine isn't racism. Some cultures norms include women being covered head to toe in a burqa. It's not racist for me to say that's stupid as fuck.

also someone who is "thick" can be plenty attractive as long as they're a good person. fat ≠ ugly.

I mean, this is obviously an opinion, but being fat is unhealthy and generally regarded by everybody as unattractive. Whether you think it's attractive or not, it shouldn't be encouraged at all because, like I mentioned, it's fucking unhealthy and it's not a positive trait for a person to have. Just like we shouldn't encourage people to smoke or do drugs, we shouldn't be encouraging acceptance of being fat.

edit: also, for fuck's sake, if beynoce wasn't a woman, no one would give a shit about her physical appearance. i don't hear you criticizing jay-z for looking like a human puppy.

It seems you're missing the point. If Jay-Z was highly and commonly regarded as a supreme example of male beauty, I'd be the first to tell you that he's absolutely hideous. But nobody thinks of Jay-Z as the sexiest man ever, so it's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Sarah K
04-28-2016, 10:18 PM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/13043250_10154779791533082_4353407832272529044_n.j pg?oh=26e4f0ba90251062c6c5b37986e887b2&oe=57AD408B

Sarah K
04-28-2016, 10:19 PM
Also just lol-ing at someone calling Beyonce "fat". Goodness. Hahahahah. Okay, buddy.

Sarah K
04-28-2016, 10:20 PM
As a fat woman, I can assure you that being fat is not "generally regarded by everybody as unattractive".

It's all about personal preference. Am I going to be for everyone? No. Not at all. But NOBODY is attractive to everyone. It's all about finding the right fit for you. But to deem someone unattractive to "everyone" is extremely silly and short sighted.

04-28-2016, 10:44 PM
@Harry Seaward (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=148), if Beyonce randomly walked into a room and said "I'm going to sit on your dick" I'm sure you'd let her, c'mon now.

I can't stand her music though.

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 10:48 PM
As a fat woman, I can assure you that being fat is not "generally regarded by everybody as unattractive".

It's all about personal preference. Am I going to be for everyone? No. Not at all. But NOBODY is attractive to everyone. It's all about finding the right fit for you. But to deem someone unattractive to "everyone" is extremely silly and short sighted.

Listen, I don't even know what you look like. I wasn't talking about you. This conversation really isn't about you. It's about Beyonce being physically and artistically over-rated. And I never really called Beyonce fat, I called her ass fat. Which it is.

Anyway, I also never said fat people were unattractive to everybody and I never said nobody finds fat people attractive. But I did say that the general majority opinion is that being obese or overweight is a trait which most people find unappealing and unattractive. Which it is. Being attracted to fat people is literally a commonly known fetish, it's called chubby chasing. So yeah, it's uncommon, which is why the people in our culture who are openly viewed as sexual icons or hottest woman/man alive are all physically fit and healthy. Attractiveness is subjective yes, but there are many aspects that we, as a culture, agree on and that's why an overall general consensus of attractiveness exists. This isn't an attack on you, it's not an attack on fat people, and it's not an attack on ugly people. It's just the way our society works.

But like I said, personally I think it's disgusting and incredibly harmful that there is a growing trend of 'activists' trying to force down society's throat the idea that being obese is perfectly acceptable and attractive, and that one is a monster if they don't agree. We shouldn't be encouraging people to start taking poor care of their health and telling impressionable people (like children or those with low self-esteem) that being fat is anything other than an objectively awful life choice.

04-28-2016, 10:50 PM
Fat asses are the bomb imo

04-28-2016, 10:50 PM
Also just lol-ing at someone calling Beyonce "fat". Goodness. Hahahahah. Okay, buddy.
seriously, I'm still trying to figure out how this is "fat" ... smh ...


Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 10:52 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how this is "fat" ... smh


(Nobody said it was.)

Sarah K
04-28-2016, 10:54 PM
I mean, this is obviously an opinion, but being fat is unhealthy and generally regarded by everybody as unattractive.

Oh. Okay...

Sarah K
04-28-2016, 10:57 PM
I'm heavily involved in the fetish and BDSM communities. I am well aware that there are fat fetishists. HOWEVER, I make a conscious choice to not involve myself with them. I'm actively losing weight right now. So there is no point in getting involved with someone who will fetishize my body. I need a person who will be supportive of me, no matter what weight I am!

You're not the authority on what is and is not attractive to anyone besides yourself. Stating you don't find someone attractive is okay, I guess. But making definitive statements about someone's level of hotness is lame.

04-28-2016, 11:04 PM
(Nobody said it was.)
Beyonce's ass isn't "fat." That's just the shape of her ass, because most black people have high asses with that shape; it's actually nearly all muscle, especially in Beyonce's case because she works out like a maniac.

I actually also have a high ass, and even when I weighed 110 pounds but was working out I still had that high ass that was a prominent ass and it wasn't a typical flat white ass (even though I'm white); I suggest Khloe Kardashian as Exhibit B.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/04/03/2AE2F37A00000578-0-Cover_star_Khloe_landed_on_Complex_magazine_s_Augu st_September_c-m-56_1438656741958.jpg

But as you can see in the below pics, J Lo's butt is actually a bit bigger than Beyonce's butt, and neither's butt is "fat" since they both work out all the time. Look at the circumference of their ARMS. But if you do a lot of dancing and lunges, your already-high glutes are going to get more accentuated.


Sarah K
04-28-2016, 11:06 PM
I have an amazing ass, btw. It's huge.

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 11:09 PM
You're not the authority on what is and is not attractive to anyone besides yourself. Stating you don't find someone attractive is okay, I guess. But making definitive statements about someone's level of hotness is lame.

I'm not doing that. I'm explaining that society does have certain general guidelines for judging things like this. There absolutely are factors that we as a culture, as a whole, agree on. There are people whose faces are covered entirely in pus-leaking acne or eczema and I'm certain there are also people who could find somebody with those traits attractive. But I can promise the vast majority of people would not. That's an extreme example, but all I'm trying to say is that there are rules that we as a society have settled on in regard to mostly subjective topics, like attractiveness or artistic talent.

04-28-2016, 11:12 PM
Yes, and black men generally hate women with no butts. And plenty of white men love women with a great ass and they don't call it a "fat" ass, they call it a "great ass." Which is why J Lo and her booty-licious ass has made her so much money. So, as a culture, I don't think all white men (and I assume you are white but I could be wrong) agree with you, here.

It's okay if you prefer flat asses. Really. But assuming that all cultures stick to their own typically-shaped asses is faulty logic.

04-28-2016, 11:12 PM
Haha yeah I don't have typical flat white ass, too.

Harry Seaward
04-28-2016, 11:17 PM
Yes, and black men generally hate women with no butts. And plenty of white men love women with a great ass and they don't call it a "fat" ass, they call it a "great ass." Which is why J Lo and her booty-licious ass has made her so much money. So, as a culture, I don't think all white men (and I assume you are white but I could be wrong) agree with you, here.

It's okay if you prefer flat asses. Really. But assuming that all cultures stick to their own typically-shaped asses is faulty logic.

While I stand by what I said, I think I made a mistake trying to bring race into this. It wasn't really relevant, so what you're saying is totally correct - different people of all types like all different physical traits in other people. I'm not disagreeing with any of that. I'm not saying there's any objective measure of beauty or sexiness.

04-28-2016, 11:21 PM
I like allegro's posts today. Moar asses plz.

04-28-2016, 11:44 PM
@allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) i don't know your name and i've never seen your face, but now i know about your ass. The internet is a strange place.

As for me, i only go for women with curves. And the way the media is constantly putting (usually digitally enhanced) images of women and girls with utterly unrealistically perfect bodies and holding it up as the standard of beauty pisses me off.
I think that it does damage to women and girls. I think it contributes to self esteem issues, causing women and girls to think that they aren't good enough because they cannot have this often unattainable and even unhealthy body that she has been conditioned to think that she MUST have.
My wife and mother are both constantly fearing that they are "fat" (neither of them is fat) and it breaks my heart.
The same thing goes for age. Only youth is beautiful.

I think that this whole thing is by design-keep women's self esteem low and they will continue spending money on products to improve themselves. If you buy the right product, men will think that you are attractive and therefore you will have self worth. (BTW, i also don't go for women who wear make-up)

And as far as Beyonce goes, she isn't some amazing songwriter. She doesn't write her own songs. And her image is carefully crafted. Bey is a BRAND.
But she IS one hell of a performer. Also, i like a LOT of "pop" songs that weren't written by the artist who performs the song. At the end of the day, isn't it about what the song sounds like? Hell, The D.O.C. ghostwrote for Snoop and i still love Doggystyle.

04-28-2016, 11:44 PM

04-29-2016, 05:01 AM
The way that, when someone dies under circumstances that could carry a stigma, asshole "friends" don't understand discretion on facebook.
One of her "friends" posted "she died from a staff infection from shooting up heroine, bro. she was my bff in hs." (sic)

I wanted to somehow rip this terrible bastard through the computer. She was in recovery and had worked her ass off and gotten clean and gotten her kids back. I was proud of her. She slipped up, but she died from an INFECTION.
That's all that anyone needs to know.
@RocketScience (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=486) knows the guy...remember mr generation IDGAF? that fucker.

04-29-2016, 05:07 AM
seriously, I'm still trying to figure out how this is "fat" ... smh ...


These are the same idiots that call Amy Schumer fat.

Harry Seaward
04-29-2016, 06:45 AM
These are the same idiots that call Amy Schumer fat.

Amy Schumer definitely 100% is overweight, aka fat.

04-29-2016, 06:55 AM
it's beyond that though @Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) .
http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a609/tylerlankford11/fat_zpszvtevre1.jpg (http://s1286.photobucket.com/user/tylerlankford11/media/fat_zpszvtevre1.jpg.html)
they called this girl "too fat" to be a model (https://i-d.vice.com/en_gb/article/meet-the-model-who-is-too-fat-for-the-industry), for instance.

04-29-2016, 07:25 AM
The starve yourself culture is dumbfounding.

I think most actresses and especially models all look sickly. I get that they do this because that's the crazy fucking standard but what can we do to change that standard? Anna Kendrick does bits about it on her Twitter...that she's always hungry.

"Bro, I'm like into chicks that look like they don't eat."

It's madness. Amy Schumer looks like an actual woman to me. I think she's quite attractive. I discussed the same thing months ago when Ashley Graham, who is cute, landed one of the covers of SI. People fat shamed Ronda Rousey, another girl I find very attractive, as well.

I think Jewel Staite is probably the hottest girl I've ever seen...on the Firefly show where she had a healthy 15lbs or so more on her. She lost the weight after that and had talked about doing so. I still love her now but she's doing that actress thing they all kind of have to do on some level. It's sad. Aubrey Plaza, Alison Brie, Gillian Jacobs, Brie Larson, Olivia Wilde and Emily Blunt as well...still all really cute but stuck in the cycle of perpetuating a bad body image.

I don't understand it and I don't want to, unlike most things where I like knowing where opposing opinions come from. You're into sickly girls who probably suffer health issues to get work and you're perpetuating a terrible body image for all girls.

And you know what? I'll be real with everyone because that's kind of what I do...I have lost 50 pounds in the last couple of years. I weigh 204lbs. I am about 6 feet tall. I still look at myself and this stupid culture eats away at me. So I'm not nearly as deep in it, but I understand the struggle and highly possible body dysmorphia.

Sarah K
04-29-2016, 07:42 AM
Doesn't Amy weigh like 150? I remember her speaking out when a magazine put her in a plus size edition because well... She isn't.

04-29-2016, 07:47 AM
it's beyond that though @Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) .
http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a609/tylerlankford11/fat_zpszvtevre1.jpg (http://s1286.photobucket.com/user/tylerlankford11/media/fat_zpszvtevre1.jpg.html)
they called this girl "too fat" to be a model (https://i-d.vice.com/en_gb/article/meet-the-model-who-is-too-fat-for-the-industry), for instance.

butt is too small

04-29-2016, 07:49 AM
Because I forgot to mention it before:

While I can't stand her music, Beyoncé looks like she works out A LOT. Not getting the body shaming on her at all.

As in, I'm 1000% sure she has a personal trainer.

04-29-2016, 08:41 AM
butt is too small
http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a609/tylerlankford11/agreed_zpss0r6hlur.jpg (http://s1286.photobucket.com/user/tylerlankford11/media/agreed_zpss0r6hlur.jpg.html)

But they told her that was the problem. Her butt is WAY too big "for the industry."
The story also says that she is medically, unhealthily UNDERweight.

I don't understand why men would want to be with girls who are that skinny.
But i think it all has to do with the media. The media perpetuates the false image of beauty to sell diets and makeups and shit.
The men see the women in the magazine and are conditioned to think that's what beauty is.

Meanwhile, SEVENTY PERCENT of us are overweight in the us according to the CDC.