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05-29-2013, 02:44 AM
Clicked this link (http://www.bytesized.me/famous-actors-who-got-hit-with-the-ugly/), for whatever reason. "internet", I suppose. Really? Hey, article writer, I want to see YOU in a movie, right fucking now.

05-29-2013, 03:07 AM
1) who is that?
2) Gary Oldman looks fantastic for a 55-year-old
3) If Samuel L Jackson didn't have gray hair I would think he's in his 40s, not 60s.
4) Martin Lawrence? looks like he got a bit bigger but I wouldn't say he's ugly
5) Steve Buscemi was never good looking in the first place
6) Danny Trejo still looks just as badass as ever.

I just flipped through and they're all actors around or over 50 years old who have been in movies for at least 10 years, except for DJ Whatshisname from Road Trip who still looks exactly the same. Who the fuck is the dickbag that made that thing?

05-29-2013, 04:02 AM
#1 is Ron Perlman, and I fucking love that guy! Mad respect for pretty much everything I've seen him in.
I also notice the article author didn't post a photo of how he/she is more attractive.

05-29-2013, 05:09 AM
Holy crap that's Ron Perlman? He looks like a junkie in that picture.

If the author had used before/after pictures from their early career and now it wouldn't be as bad I guess but damn he didn't even name these guys.

05-29-2013, 08:35 PM
Do not allow pop-ups means do not allow pop-ups. What part of this do you not understand, Safari?

05-29-2013, 08:54 PM
Clicked this link (http://www.bytesized.me/famous-actors-who-got-hit-with-the-ugly/), for whatever reason. "internet", I suppose. Really? Hey, article writer, I want to see YOU in a movie, right fucking now.
The post is gone from that site now. I missed it :(

Edit: the rest of my post got too personal.

05-30-2013, 11:21 PM
Fuck this (http://jezebel.com/zosia-mamet-wants-you-to-donate-to-her-32-000-folk-mus-510349668)

Great. You're a star in the hit show Girls (maybe in part because your daddy is this guy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Mamet)), and while I don't have absolute proof that your acting career is entirely dependent upon industry nepotism, it still takes some gall to ask fans of your acting to front 32,000 dollars for you to make a music video.

You don't have an album. You don't even have a single you've released. Nobody likes your music because nobody's been given a chance to even fucking hear anything other than short snippets... short snippets of one horribly produced song where the drum beat consists of foot stomping, finger snaps, and claps. You just bought a fucking banjo, wrote a song (or two?) with your sister, and created a kickstarter for your outrageously expensive video... and if people donate 2000 dollars, they can skype with you (once).

And guess what? For a donation of only 7000 dollars, you can be an extra in the music video!!! However, if you want a vinyl copy of the album that nobody's heard, that's a hundred bucks... and it'll cost an extra 200 if you want them to sign it for you. Expected release date sometime around August, or whenever they get around to actually writing and recording the music. That's the easy part, right?

miss k bee
05-31-2013, 09:57 AM
Paroxetine withdrawal is a pain in the ass!! :(

05-31-2013, 10:05 AM
Fuck this (http://jezebel.com/zosia-mamet-wants-you-to-donate-to-her-32-000-folk-mus-510349668)

Kickstarter is just getting ridiculous. Maybe I should start one to fund my fuel bill.

06-01-2013, 11:59 AM
I'm tired of being depressed.

miss k bee
06-01-2013, 05:56 PM
MTV Rocks plays a lot of shit now I hear

06-03-2013, 12:35 AM
Drunken people accusing you of stirring shit whilst doing exactly that and can't give you an answer as to what they are accusing you of

06-03-2013, 08:59 AM
Ordering an item off of ebay, getting super hype over the next few days while waiting for it and then when you finally open the package outside the post office it turns out to be the wrong item.

06-03-2013, 01:58 PM
Cat hair. All over me.

Highly Psychological
06-07-2013, 06:32 AM
I get sun stroke in 70 degree heat. Im so British.

06-07-2013, 06:52 PM

06-08-2013, 11:24 AM
Depression, still, lack of hours in a day, my phone being dumb (no signal), the way my current weirdness makes my already weird relationship weirder, how I don't want things to be weird TODAY because plans and seriously, I need more hours in the day. Also, it'd be great to hear from someone I know, who is probably reasonably busy or asleep and not being lame, but still, reply to my Facebook messages, guy!

06-08-2013, 05:22 PM
Depression, still, lack of hours in a day, my phone being dumb (no signal), the way my current weirdness makes my already weird relationship weirder, how I don't want things to be weird TODAY because plans and seriously, I need more hours in the day. Also, it'd be great to hear from someone I know, who is probably reasonably busy or asleep and not being lame, but still, reply to my Facebook messages, guy!
:( I wish we lived closer so I could drop by and try to cheer you up by saying "Hey, come with me." and you'd be all like "Why, what's going on?" and then we'd go on a cray-cray 48 hour scavenger hunt.

Frozen Beach
06-09-2013, 09:57 PM
The friend I've recently reconnected with is going through a lot of bad things. Today, she called me and told me that she thinks people are listening and projecting thoughts into her mind. She's on medication (prozac), but she's not taking the medication for audio hallucinations. I tried to tell her to take it, but she's completely convinced that what she feels is happening to her is actually happening to her. I don't know what to do. I'm extremely worried. And I know a lot of people would say "you should probably stop associating with her" because of how much it's bothering me, but it'd honestly bother me a lot worse not knowing she's alright.

06-10-2013, 09:24 PM
I hate how apologetic I am. I shouldn't be, but I am.

miss k bee
06-12-2013, 06:05 PM
People who over analyse the shit out of everything so that something that should be enjoyable becomes tedious!!

06-15-2013, 11:47 PM
Can my computer please stop glitching? Please? Jesus. This thing is practically brand new.

06-16-2013, 12:30 AM
Can my computer please stop glitching? Please? Jesus. This thing is practically brand new.

06-16-2013, 10:30 PM
falling over on my bike like an idiot today
having to tell a new pet owner their 10 week old kitten is going to have to be tested for rabies (aka euthanized and have its head cut off)
accidentally deleting everything on my external drive
getting a parking ticket for an overdue inspection sticker on a holiday
killing two cockroaches in my apartment, and having a third one get away
having a roommate who only does his laundry at 5am right outside my bedroom
and that's just in the past 24 hours, hating most every aspect of my life right now

06-17-2013, 11:24 AM
I'm tired of cleaning up after grown-ass adults that don't know how to change a paper towel roll or vacuum a carpet. They ask me to do one thing, and they keep ALL the supplies I need to do that thing locked up in a closet I can't access, and then get angry with me about "Why didn't anything get cleaned? You should have called and asked somebody at 12:30 at night!" Yes. Because that was definitely what I was planning on doing that late at night. AND to top it off, another client building had fuckin' pieces of fireworks all inside their bathroom, like someone threw them in there as a joke. Fine, fine. Everyone wants to have fun at their job, but there are six grown-ass men that work in this little building, and not a single one bothered cleaning up their shit. Not even as a courtesy or because, you know, they're adults.

And to top it all off, I'm basically on-call 24/7, to take care of any stupid little task for whatever building needs it. "Hey, we need you to go to the social security office and fifteen minutes cleaning two bathrooms and taking out some trash. There's absolutely no emergency, but it HAS to be done." Why doesn't each employee take 2 minutes and clean something themselves? Hiring a contractor for that doesn't even make sense!

Whatever, fuck this. I'm getting a new job today. Gimme something full time and during the day. The crappy paycheck and the food I steal from employee fridges isn't worth my time working for these douchecanoes.

06-19-2013, 04:27 AM
Writing about feelings and emotions in a private manner is pretty damn hard. Especially when it's not in your mother tongue. Right now it's freaking me out! Guess I'll write it in German and then translate it. Any pro-tips from people with the same problem?

06-19-2013, 03:28 PM
Paypal Verification or lack thereof. Went to buy some stuff on ebay and after i had committed to the purchase i realized that since i haven't touched my paypal in probably 3 years its under review. This was a week ago, still no word other than they are going to look into it at some point. That and the book i wanted to renew had a hold on it so i couldn't. Not a huge deal but i had just started to really settle into it. I

06-19-2013, 03:55 PM
Paypal Verification or lack thereof. Went to buy some stuff on ebay and after i had committed to the purchase i realized that since i haven't touched my paypal in probably 3 years its under review. This was a week ago, still no word other than they are going to look into it at some point. That and the book i wanted to renew had a hold on it so i couldn't. Not a huge deal but i had just started to really settle into it. I

I refuse to use Paypal. Christmas time about 5 years ago I purchased a gift for a friend. For some unknown reason the transaction went into "review", and after 3 weeks of it just sitting there (and me unable to purchase the item for my friend) Paypal came out to say that I was trying to commit fraud and shut down my account, which had 25 GBP in it that I never saw again. I had money in my bank account, not to mention the money that was in the Paypal account, so I don't understand at all why they would say I was frauding a store BY GIVING THEM MONEY THROUGH PAYPAL. Like, how can you even do that?

06-19-2013, 05:41 PM
This guy on Facebook CONSTANTLY feels the need to weigh in on feminist discussions. He said feminism is irrelevant and sexist a while back. Now he's saying radical feminists are intelligent and passionate. I just...what??????????

I hate that some men feel like they're specifically entitled to give their opinion when it comes to feminism. HEY GUESS WHAT! MY FEMINISM DOESN'T AFFECT YOU! GO AWAY AND BOTHER SOMEONE ELSE!

I wouldn't mind if I hadn't seen him jump into a handful of conversations on the topic with other people. It's like he just sees the word 'feminism' and thinks 'NO WAIT THIS CONVERSATION IS LACKING WITHOUT MY INPUT!'

06-19-2013, 07:47 PM
But guys can be feminist, too. My husband is a feminist.

Maybe it all confused him?

06-19-2013, 11:06 PM
someone on my facebook feed just wrote "Many generations have passed since Plato walked his tongue up humanities [sic] spine, and yet here we are today, his words still doing an almighty justice for truth."

Ugh. I'm considering just disconnecting from the whole facebook thing. I can't take much more of this bullshit.

06-20-2013, 01:08 AM
Fucking buttplug.
Now now, let's not disparage buttplugs... It's like a coworker said the other day "Why is 'cocksucker' a bad thing? It's an awesome thing!"

But yeah, like Jinsai's problem, there's a lot of morons on FB, reposting the dumbest shit without knowing anything about it or doing even the most basic fact-checking. The solution is whittling your friends list down to only the most intelligent people on it. Or going over to Google+ to get some peace and quiet.

06-20-2013, 01:36 AM
*nod of approval*

Kid Charlemagne
06-20-2013, 04:45 PM
So I've had my new job for a couple of months, and everything is going okay. I walk in today and I see one of my bosses meeting with a former employee. Not just any, but the one I had been picked to replace. She couldn't cut it at her new job, so she quit and is coming back. This is on top of the fact that they're bringing in someone next month to do some of my duties as well, which isn't a lot to begin with. So With one new person, and another who is more familiar with the system than I am, I can't help but feel I'll be the odd man out considering that all of this is being done without me knowing anything, I've literally had to piece everything together. I have a feeling by next month I'll be told to hit the bricks. Why can't I ever have any fucking stability? As soon as I get used to one thing, the other shoe falls of.

06-20-2013, 05:21 PM
But guys can be feminist, too. My husband is a feminist.

Maybe it all confused him?

He's not a feminist, though - he's felt the need to chime in on a number of occasions to say it's irrelevant and unnecessary and that men's rights are more of an issue these days. Generally if a guy butts into a feminist conversation to include his input in contradiction to whatever the womenfolk are saying, he's not a feminist. Feminist guys are generally tactful and either agree with what's being said or, if they don't, actually have something relevant to contribute to the conversation. This guy literally just comments to contradict whatever you're saying.

I don't get it.

06-20-2013, 05:28 PM
men's rights are more of an issue these days

Ew gross, trash him. Women are becoming more equal so I'm scared, mama.

06-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Ew gross, trash him. Women are becoming more equal so I'm scared, mama.

Yup, defriend!!

06-21-2013, 02:56 AM
What am I supposed to do with my dog? He's developed this habit where he howls/screams for no good goddamn reason, and it's going to wind up with someone calling the cops on me. If anyone has any advice on how to make him stop doing this shit, I'm all ears.

06-22-2013, 12:03 AM
A gnat went up my nose.

06-22-2013, 12:08 AM
A gnat went up my nose.
Ugh, I hate those little fuckers. I haven't jogged in a while but when I did it was a 2km trail around a golf course, and there was one particular spot where I'd have to hold my breath (or try to, because running) lest I inhale a cloud of bugs and start choking.

06-22-2013, 05:43 AM
Ugh, I hate those little fuckers. I haven't jogged in a while but when I did it was a 2km trail around a golf course, and there was one particular spot where I'd have to hold my breath (or try to, because running) lest I inhale a cloud of bugs and start choking.

Aphids are the worst around here. Not sure if they're gnats or just similar dickbag bugs, but fuck them. So glad I have a treadmill.

06-22-2013, 06:41 AM
What am I supposed to do with my dog? He's developed this habit where he howls/screams for no good goddamn reason, and it's going to wind up with someone calling the cops on me. If anyone has any advice on how to make him stop doing this shit, I'm all ears.http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Howling-Dogs
I know it's a wikihow, but it has some good tips.

06-24-2013, 11:28 AM
My mother. Our hotel doesn't have water (or air conditioning, and apparently electricity later) for the day, and they didn't tell me when I checked in. The manager wasn't calling her back, so I found a gym a block away that would let us go shower for free. But nooooo. My mother is an intractable control freak. She has to keep hammering at the manager to get us a free room somewhere else where she can do her hair and makeup in "privacy." Get over yourself. :rolleyes:

06-24-2013, 03:43 PM
My mother. Our hotel doesn't have water (or air conditioning, and apparently electricity later) for the day, and they didn't tell me when I checked in. The manager wasn't calling her back, so I found a gym a block away that would let us go shower for free. But nooooo. My mother is an intractable control freak. She has to keep hammering at the manager to get us a free room somewhere else where she can do her hair and makeup in "privacy." Get over yourself. :rolleyes:You are paying for a room that has these "amenities", I'd be looking for some sort of concession, a discount on the day at least.

06-24-2013, 03:46 PM
Coworkers that just punch out at the end of their shift and drop whatever they didn't finish/didn't feel like doing in my lap, because they know I give enough of a shit that I won't leave until it's finished.

06-24-2013, 04:41 PM
You are paying for a room that has these "amenities", I'd be looking for some sort of concession, a discount on the day at least.

Usually hotels (and some motels) try to let guests know about ANY inconvenience like that at least at check in. At least the ones that I have worked at. Plus, we can discount the room if neccessary (after trying to appease the guest).

EDIT: Ask for a 10 or 20% discount! - if all else fails

06-24-2013, 05:37 PM
Coworkers that just punch out at the end of their shift and drop whatever they didn't finish/didn't feel like doing in my lap, because they know I give enough of a shit that I won't leave until it's finished.
Um wut. They're supposed to not stay right? Any place that has you punch out, as far as I know, doesn't allow overtime. So what is the issue here? And you have a shift that goes on after theirs, so passing on work would be the sensible action?

06-26-2013, 07:28 PM
My boss is such a worthless fuck, like hey this shit don't work and it just got fixed. Without even looking up from his candy crush, what?... who fixed it? /facepalm Like do you even know wtf we spend money on in your own fucking store??? Maybe it's just today but i don't think i can ride this gravy train much longer.

06-27-2013, 08:51 AM
Holy fuck I still owe the IRS a ton of cash. Feels like I'm working just to pay taxes now.

06-27-2013, 09:28 AM
Um wut. They're supposed to not stay right? Any place that has you punch out, as far as I know, doesn't allow overtime. So what is the issue here? And you have a shift that goes on after theirs, so passing on work would be the sensible action?

I think I get where they're coming from.

Like, if I give someone a task, and I know I give them enough time to finish it, I expect them to finish it before they leave. Their poor time management is not my problem and that doesn't excuse them pawning the rest off onto someone else.

I don't actually work with people like this, and my coworkers frequently stay a little later to finish their work, we all do. They also basically never complain about it.

If you need to leave ON TIME on time, then check in with me and we'll figure it out, but it sounds like this person's coworkers are just taking advantage of them and pawning off work on them.

Also, I need to know when someone is starting work and I need to know when they're leaving. So they need to be telling someone that they're going to go clock out, not just doing it. That's a shitty work ethic if this is a certain brand of retail.

I think the best way to handle it, is about 10 minutes before you're supposed to leave, tell your supervisor "Hey, so I leave at ____, is there anything you'd like me to do before I go?"

06-27-2013, 12:42 PM
Im in agreeance with @Tea (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=527) but moreso i disagree vehemently with @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15). And I am shocked that anyone would spout such bullshit. @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) am I mistaken that you work for starbucks? Fucking Starbucks?! Starbucks who quibble over/don't pay taxes, and you are quibbling over your pauper employees pathetic wages?!!!!! Fuck that!!!! They should be stealing from you. And I sincerely mean that. If you are paid by the hour (ie: casually, part time, or full time, but not contracted), work the hours you are paid regardless of what work 'needs to be done' (unless you are a local/family business, then at your discretion). Anything else and you are contributing to poor working conditions EVERYWHERE!

Like, if I give someone a task, and I know I give them enough time to finish it, I expect them to finish it before they leave. Their poor time management is not my problem and that doesn't excuse them pawning the rest off onto someone else. it is PRECISELY your problem, or rather your employers problem. If there are jobs that need to be completed to a deadline, they should be contracted out as such! If you delegate to someone who cant complete the task, IT IS YOUR FAULT! If they are employees with poor time management, guess what? You retards employed them!!!!

If you need to leave ON TIME on time, then check in with me and we'll figure it out, but it sounds like this person's coworkers are just taking advantage of them and pawning off work on them. WRONG! Again, fuck that! LEAVE ON TIME!!!! If you are needed to stay back, the onus is on your employer to ask if you are willing to (also to pay the overtime). @Flauros (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2529), you are a 'bitch' of an employee. You may get noticed, you probably won't. Stop complaining about your more intelligent co-workers and follow their example.

EDIT: just to reiterate my point. It is not your coworkers taking advantage of you @Flauros (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2529) it is your employer. Contrary to what @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) says, for a paid-by-the-hour job work ethic is demonstrated during work hours. By all means work you guts out when they're paying you, clock out when they aren't.
I'm not into the union movement, I tend to think that fair working conditions have already been resolved (here in australia, maybe not so much in the US), but @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) you sound like the company shill I delighted in challenging and beating.

06-27-2013, 01:03 PM
I can see both sides of this..on one hand, I think its definitely a bit shitty to leave bang on time at the end of your shift if it would just take a few extra minutes to wrap things up and make life easier for your co-workers. On the other hand, I hate when companies/bosses EXPECT you to stay late/show up early even though you're not paid for it. Like with my last job when we opened in the morning it was expected that you'd come in 30min early because there was too much to get done in the time we had and they didn't want to pay for extra staff.

06-27-2013, 01:37 PM
I can see both sides of this..on one hand, I think its definitely a bit shitty to leave bang on time at the end of your shift if it would just take a few extra minutes to wrap things up and make life easier for your co-workers. On the other hand, I hate when companies/bosses EXPECT you to stay late/show up early even though you're not paid for it. Like with my last job when we opened in the morning it was expected that you'd come in 30min early because there was too much to get done in the time we had and they didn't want to pay for extra staff. it's definitely dependent on the business you work for. Why I made the distinction between a small family owned business and a corporation. The smaller business of course youre more inclined to work an extra half hour (regardless of pay) the corporation you do the extra half an hour and they will moan the next day at you being 3 minutes late. A smaller business is more likely to have a little give and take. Corporations are designed to take and take. And if you give and give you are a moron and deserve your coworkers dumping work on you.
Employ some common sense.

06-27-2013, 02:07 PM
Holy fuck I still owe the IRS a ton of cash. Feels like I'm working just to pay taxes now.

Right my second job last summer i think is what caused me to owe $600 this year. If not next year im really fucked if i get hit again like that along with the no insurance fine bullshit.

06-27-2013, 02:12 PM
it's definitely dependent on the business you work for. Why I made the distinction between a small family owned business and a corporation. The smaller business of course youre more inclined to work an extra half hour (regardless of pay) the corporation you do the extra half an hour and they will moan the next day at you being 3 minutes late. A smaller business is more likely to have a little give and take. Corporations are designed to take and take. And if you give and give you are a moron and deserve your coworkers dumping work on you.
Employ some common sense.

I agree that when you work for a big company they will just take and take and take however I still think it's more important not to fuck over your fellow co-workers when it's not their fault that they company may treat you badly.

06-27-2013, 02:26 PM
I agree that when you work for a big company they will just take and take and take however I still think it's more important not to fuck over your fellow co-workers when it's not their fault that they company may treat you badly.
That's my point though. You are not fucking over your coworkers if you are doing the work you're payed to do. Im not excusing slacking off in the hours youre payed to work. If there's more work then you can do in your payed hours, the EMPLOYER is fucking over your coworkers. And if you stay behind to ease the load, you are enabling this practice. The workers that fuck off and punch out are doing the greater good. You should follow their example and your business may change.

06-27-2013, 11:47 PM
Well, @Minpin (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=652) , I'm a bit surprised by the raging hostility, given that you don't know me and I don't know if we've ever had a conversation on here, but okay, I'll respond to this.

work the hours you are paid regardless of what work 'needs to be done' (unless you are a local/family business, then at your discretion). Anything else and you are contributing to poor working conditions EVERYWHERE!
Time worked is time paid. Employees clock in before they work and out before they leave. Always. No exceptions. Overtime is discouraged, but paid. I do work for Starbucks, in the US. I'm aware of some of their shitty behavior overseas, and when you assume I am a "corporate shill" you do nothing but demonstrate how little you know about me.

it is PRECISELY your problem, or rather your employers problem. If there are jobs that need to be completed to a deadline, they should be contracted out as such!
Asking someone to wipe out cabinets, or take out trash, or something along those lines is not a job that needs to be contracted out. If that person doesn't manage their time well, it's reasonable for them to be expected to finish before they leave. If they spend time chatting or don't work with a sense of timeliness, it's reasonable to expect them to finish their task before they leave. For them to half-ass their work and make someone else pick up their slack is shitty.

You retards employed them!!!!
I don't hire anybody. You might be assuming I have a different job that the job I have. I'm a supervisor. Not a manager. I work alongside baristas and also make pathetic wages. Though I do get a whopping dollar more an hour.

WRONG! Again, fuck that! LEAVE ON TIME!!!!
I'm not sure what you think I meant, but sometimes due to varying circumstances... someone may be kept around for 10 minutes or so after their shift due to a task or something. If I know in advance that you have a conflict, I can do my part to try to make sure that definitely doesn't happen. Or, I could finish your task for you or delegate it out to someone else. I say this because I give a shit. Sometimes you need to leave ON THE MINUTE and it's not some ridiculous request to hope that someone would check in with me so that I could help them. I don't expect people to stay late.

I closed my store tonight. Me and my two coworkers left about 20 minutes late due to varying circumstances of our close. We left when we were done. We're closers, or, we were tonight. This is retail and you leave when you're done. We all got paid for it. It happens and you know it if you work the job of closing the store. This doesn't mean someone is taking horrible advantage of you.

@Flauros (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2529), you are a 'bitch' of an employee. You may get noticed, you probably won't. Stop complaining about your more intelligent co-workers and follow their example.

Their example of half assing it and disrespecting their fellow coworkers? Gotcha.

Contrary to what @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) says, for a paid-by-the-hour job work ethic is demonstrated during work hours. By all means work you guts out when they're paying you, clock out when they aren't.

I would NEVER EVER advocate someone not working for pay and the mere fact that you assume I am indicates how greatly you misunderstood me. Also, you're a meanie. Holy vitriol, Batman.

06-28-2013, 12:06 AM
I'm not into the union movement, I tend to think that fair working conditions have already been resolved (here in australia, maybe not so much in the US), but @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) you sound like the company shill I delighted in challenging and beating.

You sound like a complete idiot right now. "YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG BUT I HAVE ONLY MY OWN FRAME OF REFERENCE TO BACK ME UP."

06-28-2013, 02:01 AM
I just came in here to browse but now I'm a bit pissed at Minpin for being a colossal dick, and a little pissed at myself for having wasted my time reading his comments.

06-28-2013, 02:18 AM
Sorry @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) that was waaaay hostile. Just a really poorly written reply. Half of what was directed at you I didn't intend to mean you personally (such as 'you retards employed them' was meant as the retarded business that would employ lazy people with poor time management, not you the person). Calling you a corporate shill was just stupid, and me getting unreasonably worked up.

I think I was projecting my own retail experience onto you. I was a supervisor at a big liquor store while studying, and some of what you wrote just reminded me of the arsehole rhetoric that was used to take advantage of people. Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.

Its good that you don't do this, and for what it's worth, you sound like a decent person. I'm sorry for implying otherwise.

Just a quick aside, in the closing up, isn't your shift time allocated to reflect that? Say you close at 6, don't the people rostered on to close have a shift that finishes at 6.15?

EDIT: hahaha apologies also to ibanez33 for wasting his time.

06-28-2013, 02:55 AM
Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.

In the festering shithole I work at, we commonly stay 10-15 minutes later to finish our job so that nobody else has to pick up where we left off along with doing their own job. That said, it's also common for us to be to leave 10-15 minutes early if there's nothing that we could complete in that time.

Also the rest of your post was pretty solid. Sorry for calling you a colossal dick, but at the time, your most recent post was colossally dickish.

06-28-2013, 06:55 AM
I'm not into the union movementYou should come to the US, and be a shop steward for some union. You have all the skills they want.

06-28-2013, 09:20 AM
Sorry @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) that was waaaay hostile. Just a really poorly written reply. Half of what was directed at you I didn't intend to mean you personally (such as 'you retards employed them' was meant as the retarded business that would employ lazy people with poor time management, not you the person). Calling you a corporate shill was just stupid, and me getting unreasonably worked up.

I think I was projecting my own retail experience onto you. I was a supervisor at a big liquor store while studying, and some of what you wrote just reminded me of the arsehole rhetoric that was used to take advantage of people. Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.

Its good that you don't do this, and for what it's worth, you sound like a decent person. I'm sorry for implying otherwise.

Just a quick aside, in the closing up, isn't your shift time allocated to reflect that? Say you close at 6, don't the people rostered on to close have a shift that finishes at 6.15?

EDIT: hahaha apologies also to @ibanez33 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1186) for wasting his time.

Apology accepted. I didn't intend to sound like a dick in my first post and I don't think it read that way, I was trying to show that I got where @Flauros (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2529) was coming from. We're kinda a team, in a lot of retail and food service jobs, and it's not fair to push work onto other people.

Our shift time isn't scheduled with an extra 15, unfortunately. But, like @ibanez33 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1186) said, that 10/15 variance is common. Leaving early also happens, not as often, but it does. People also totally leave on time. The only time I'm pretty much guaranteed to leave a little late (Though rarely as late as I left last night and we were on the clock until we walked out of the door.) is when I close. My old store used to schedule us to 10:45, which was easier for me to leave by than 10:30, but I'm getting used to the earlier time. I actually feel a bit guilty about that and I want to get the time management down better. But we normally aren't there that late, last night some various kinks got thrown into stuff like it was busy until the close and I/we lost a paper I needed so we had to recount some of the inventory.

And where you used to work sounds awful, and I have no tolerance for other people not getting paid for their work (I will occasionally do shit on my lunch, but it's rare). That's shitty.

06-28-2013, 02:23 PM
Friend who needs a ride: "When are you free? What time works for you?"
Me: "I'm free all day! I'm not doing anything important, just working on stools for our patio."
Friend: "So then when's the best time?"
Me: "Any time, as soon as you're ready to go."
Friend: "But what works better for you?"
Me: "Literally any time. We could go right now if you wanted to."
Friend: "But do you want to take me now or later? It doesn't matter, it's up to you."


I don't like to bounce back and forth, but if I need a ride from someone, I'll at least just pick a time and see if that works, not just keep dancing around picking a time. I can't tell you when you should go do your errands. Just blurt something! 15 minutes from now! I don't care. All I have to do is walk out the door and go.

Edit - Also, when people overly exaggerate on stories to make their side of an argument look better, when I was there and know exactly how things happened. Why can't people just accept when the're wrong? It's okay, really. Everyone's been wrong at one point or another. It's not worth lying and getting angry about.

06-28-2013, 02:52 PM
Also the rest of your post was pretty solid. Sorry for calling you a colossal dick, but at the time, your most recent post was colossally dickish. All good, it was... Spades a spade, calls them as they are haha.

I didn't intend to sound like a dick in my first post and I don't think it read that way, You totally didn't sound like a dick, and again I'm sorry I reacted as such, completely unwarranted. I stupidly presumed you were talking about 'finishing the job' unpaid. Although it read like it, the vitriol I spewed wasn't directed at you, but poor business practice that I assumed was the reason for flauros' initial gripe. Im surprised that a big business would allow workers to leave before their contracted shift ends. If that's the case, maybe the close-up grace period isn't needed.

And where you used to work sounds awful it truly was. I was offered management positions that I wouldnt take because it was a shitty uni job, but regardless of studying I wouldnt have taken on principle. To highlight how shit it was, it was a liquor store, essentially a supermarket with booze, but they were able to use a loophole that payed the lowest wages. By doing a wine tasting an hour each Friday and Saturday they were able to pay their workers under a hospitality agreement, rather than the retail wage they should've been paid. Fucked up. And the union signed the agreement.
You should come to the US, and be a shop steward for some union. You have all the skills they want.I have no idea what you are implying, maybe a little selective quoting? I always stood by my rights and the rights of individual employees within the workplace agreement, and they didnt have to pay me to do so. By no means am I discounting the valuable contribution the union movement played in the past. Nowadays that has been corrupted and perverted beyond everything the unions originally stood for (again, as in my original quote, I am talking about Australian working conditions) If I were to come to the US the first thing I would abolish is the bullshit notion of tipping as wage. Fuck right off with that. Pay your employees a liveable minimum wage. Maybe unionism in the states has a little to catch up on, but with fair working conditions generally achieved here, unions are a corrupt thug-boys club, in which union fees are paid for an alternate hierarchy to enjoy lavish dinners and ridiculous wages at no benefit to the employees they are paid to represent. I am totally indebted to Australia's early labour movement and the actions of unionism. Actions that took place in the 19TH CENTURY! Unionism in the current form is generally corrupt and of no benefit to workers.

Edit: Dra508 your unions are massively fucked up if they would employ me, someone who never joined a union nor paid a cent in union dues. Someone who actively discourages people from paying union fees but rather insists they familiarise themselves with their workplace agreement. There was one fuckhead payroll manager that said she wouldn't pay sick days without a doctors certificate, when a clued in coworker came to me and brought it up, I printed out their contract and went through it with them and made sure they were payed. If you have fair working conditions there is no need to pay some mob to ensure them, the law does. No union would have me.

06-28-2013, 06:54 PM
^^^^^^I like you. You know your history.

Unions are a tough one for me. They've served a purpose in the USA, but in some industries, they are challenged to remain relevant, but in others so powerful you couldn't get a concession if you had the president's mom over hot coals. I just keep reminding myself of the shirt factory fire.

06-29-2013, 03:56 PM
Unions are a tough one for me. They've served a purpose in the USA, but in some industries, they are challenged to remain relevant, but in others so powerful you couldn't get a concession if you had the president's mom over hot coals. I just keep reminding myself of the shirt factory fire.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire that's a good example of the benefits of unions past. Obviously nowadays that would violate numerous OH&S laws that unionism helped institute.
Unions are relevant where workplace legislation is deficient. Im emboldening that coz I think it's a pretty fine argument, someone undoubtedly coined it before, fuck em hahah I'm claiming it.

07-02-2013, 02:41 AM
Move along, nothing to see.

07-02-2013, 04:20 PM
I'm getting tired of my job. I am a marketing director at a local real estate investment and rehab firm but I'm starting to get increasingly frustrated with this place. I graduated with my BA in advertising and marketing in the spring of 2012 and it was increasingly hard to find a job...it wasn't until basically a year later I found this place. Now, I don't know anything about real estate home buying but I DO know when it comes to marketing. What should've been a week and a half's worth of work on getting a website up through outsourcing it through a design company has now taken close to a month. My boss is extremely nitpicky and changes his mind constantly on design notions. He's never in the office because he's constantly having to be at the rehab sites but he hardly answers my emails or texts...and when he does, he's either extremely vague in what he wants or will call me and act confrontational about how what is being worked on isn't what he wants.

He's a nice guy for the most part...but I'm becoming very uncomfortable here. I really have no sense of accomplishment with any projects I've worked on besides this marketing plan report I have prepared...which I am currently waiting to present if and when my boss has time to come in the office. I need this job because I need the "experience" and the pay is fine...but I feel like I'm losing my mind.

07-04-2013, 01:58 AM
Doctors that practically expect their patient be the "Doctor" and diagnose their own problems, it's fucking bullshit. We're not educated on these matters, YOU are...so quit being so fucking lazy. Granted you're a catch-all feed, jack of all trades but a master of none you're still going to probably know a hell of a lot more than on these subjects than I so wake the fuck up and do your fucking job for once.

07-04-2013, 05:52 AM

everytime I wake my bf up he's like "wth? why did you wake me up? Why won't you let me sleep?"


07-04-2013, 09:02 AM
The seemingly neverending stream of bills that have sprung up in the last month.

07-05-2013, 03:52 PM
^ That too now that you mention it.

Ant's those fucking ants man. Never had any issues with them last and I don't have food stuffs sitting out really but these motherfuckers have started a takeover on my apt. Little fuckers round some gum in my bag it seems last night when i was at my buddies and when i went to put shit in that pocket they erupted out. Needless to say before i go home im picking up an assortment of ant death and commence a small genocide on those little fuckers.

07-07-2013, 02:28 PM
I'm getting tired of my job. I am a marketing director at a local real estate investment and rehab firm but I'm starting to get increasingly frustrated with this place. I graduated with my BA in advertising and marketing in the spring of 2012 and it was increasingly hard to find a job...it wasn't until basically a year later I found this place. Now, I don't know anything about real estate home buying but I DO know when it comes to marketing. What should've been a week and a half's worth of work on getting a website up through outsourcing it through a design company has now taken close to a month. My boss is extremely nitpicky and changes his mind constantly on design notions. He's never in the office because he's constantly having to be at the rehab sites but he hardly answers my emails or texts...and when he does, he's either extremely vague in what he wants or will call me and act confrontational about how what is being worked on isn't what he wants.

He's a nice guy for the most part...but I'm becoming very uncomfortable here. I really have no sense of accomplishment with any projects I've worked on besides this marketing plan report I have prepared...which I am currently waiting to present if and when my boss has time to come in the office. I need this job because I need the "experience" and the pay is fine...but I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Sounds like your boss is not empowering you to make decisions. Does he want a Marketing person or a secretary?

07-07-2013, 02:59 PM
Having my computer delete all the ID3 tags on an album for seemingly no fucking reason.

07-09-2013, 10:21 PM
and I fixed my computer! I guess this should go in the outbursts of joy thread now, but whatever. Thank god this nightmare of a day is over

07-10-2013, 01:24 PM
Chuggers! aka Charity Muggers! aka those people with clipboards on both sides of the street waiting until you make eye contact with them at which point they get super energized and ask you to come and talk to them. They support various charities and their end game is to get you to sign an ongoing debit agreement that will donate to whatever charity they're working for.

So annoying, they're everywhere pretending to be nice and chipper. If you are one of these people, I have nothing against you because you are doing your job and probably have to endure your share of mean comments from people BUT as a whole, as a group of people I hate you so so so so so so much.

Rob Ford should remove his lips from the glass cock for a minute and instead of heading a pointless campaign to stop people from postering, he should try and restrict locations, times, and frequency at which these chuggers operate. Manchester has the right idea, they limited these people to 4 location in the city, monwedfri, 9 - 6.


07-10-2013, 06:02 PM
The zit that happens to have found a home right beneath your ass bone.

07-10-2013, 06:13 PM
when dicks seem to think they no more about my mental health issues, than i do!!

Big Fat Matt
07-11-2013, 01:07 PM
if you like chihuahuas or think they they are actual dogs, please skip over this post.

Little fucking rat 'dogs.' Chihuahuas are not fucking dogs. A dog can cuddle with you. a chihuahua will shiver and squeak while it doesnt lay down and ust walks all over you. A dog will go lick its ass then play with a toy and take a nap. A chihuahua will stare at you with its Marty Feldman eyes and make stupid fucking noises at you while you try and fap. A dog can understand commands and do as its told for a reward as minuscule as making its master happy. a chihuahua will enrage you to the point of "hey, will the guy im dogsitting for be mad if he comes home and his dogs are gone but instead he has two new slippers that look like his rats?"

I fucking HATE this little anti-dogs. Id rather be caring for squirrels (and i fucking HATE squirrels)

OH. OH. Can you give your dog a simple name like "jack" or "spike" or "cheif" ? NOPE. LETS NAME THE RATS "Gabriella" and "isabella."

your dogs are the worst.

you are the worst dog owner ever.

ps. does amyone have michael vicks phone number?

pps. i have a golden retriever and i loves him to death. i live doggies. i HATE rats.

07-11-2013, 05:10 PM
i have a golden retriever and i loves him to death. i live doggies. i HATE rats.lol. Have the Golden hang out with the rats. Those dogs are so sweet, they'll figure out a way to give those little rats 'dog cards'.

Big Fat Matt
07-11-2013, 06:48 PM
brought Jack (my golden) over to the rats. Jack, having been trained very well, and being super submissive, hid under the table while the rats growled at him and tried attacking him. He never fought back, probably having learned from the experiences he had with the cat we had. the cat was old as fuck and had a bad hip, and when Jack was a puppy, he would always wanna play with the cat, and he would get yelled at, because he is MUCH stronger than he knows. He just acts like a bitch around other dogs, BUT HE IS STILL A DOG THAT DOES DOG STUFF. He barks at the mailman (behind the safety of the screen door), he listens to all sorts of commands, and you can even PLAY WITH HIM. The only game i can play with the rats is "try and pretend that $150 is worth watching these shitty dogs."

07-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I've known some chihuahuas that did all kinds of tricks. Perhaps you are in the wrong business, and should apply at, say, Starbucks? Where the customers are all dogs?

Big Fat Matt
07-12-2013, 07:14 PM
im not quitting my day job to watch these miserable fucks. also, a hundred fifty bucks buys a LOT of wine. like, A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

07-12-2013, 09:03 PM
im not quitting my day job to watch these miserable fucks. also, a hundred fifty bucks buys a LOT of wine. like, A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.That's it! Feed the dogs wine.

My daily irritation: The big ass corporation I work at has a lot of naysayers - I mean a lot. Admitted, we're suppose to be the smart, reliable folks where projects go without a hitch, but dang - the sky has falling on these people so many times, they are sure to have brain damage from that. "It's not going to work" "we have to tell the customer now" "we have no support from development". Bitch moan whine. Tell me what you can do not what you can't. Let me help you move forward, but you gotta tell me what you need, not piss on my shoes with no path to success. Fuck off you whiners. They just like to whine at sales people because we sold it. Yeah, we did sell it and guess what? We are all employed because of the revenue so STFU and do your job.

Ahhh, that felt good. Better than the hour of yoga I did tonight.

07-14-2013, 09:37 AM
if you like chihuahuas or think they they are actual dogs, please skip over this post... (post etc.)
This was my friend's chi/papillon/whatever cross, Poppy, the exception to your rule:
Totally fearless, would go up to huge dogs in the park and be all like "Hey, 'sup?", she was whip smart and a total doll, we loved her to bits. She was from a pet store and- probably therefor- from a bad breeder (friend and I know a LOT more about how awful pet stores now than we did a decade ago) so she had many debilitating health problems and had to be put down when she was only 4. I still miss her, she was awesome.

07-14-2013, 06:00 PM
So I'm supposed to go surfing in the Algarve Coast in Portugal in 7 days. What do I do one week before? Sprain my right ankle.
Took the week off to let it rest but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna be surfing the first week at least. Here's hoping for the last week.

07-14-2013, 10:23 PM
so someone calls the bank and pretends to be me, The bank is like ok! we'll send you a new debit card ASAP! Oh but when I go to the bank claiming fraudulent charges on my account I need to have 3 different forms of ID's and you have to talk to my mom... And to top it all off I was so steamed that when I left to go get my alternate forms of ID I rear ended a pickup in front of me and now have a busted ass car that I cant fix because some fucker needed new shoes on my dime. and then I locked myself out of my apartment.

07-15-2013, 07:42 AM
This article (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-bisexuality-20130715,0,7912769,full.story) about bisexuality and biphobia. I'm going to print it, and carry it with me always, and when people start bitching about how I'm really just gay / straight / asexual / complicating things for myself / an attention whore; I'm going to make them read this.

THIS REMINDS ME. I was at Pride, PRIDE of all things, when someone asked my friend what her sexual orientation was. She said "bisexual" and received the response "oh, you can't make up your mind then".

07-15-2013, 08:59 AM
THIS REMINDS ME. I was at Pride, PRIDE of all things, when someone asked my friend what her sexual orientation was. She said "bisexual" and received the response "oh, you can't make up your mind then".
The most anti-bi people I've ever known were gay men.

07-16-2013, 03:49 PM
Stupid fucking new Gmail inbox.

edit: At least it's easy to disable.

07-16-2013, 05:18 PM
Stupid fucking new Gmail inbox.

edit: At least it's easy to disable.
Yeah I disabled that shit a while ago when it was in the "TRY ME!!!" mode

07-16-2013, 06:22 PM
At least it isn't like facebook, where the "TRY ME!!!" mode continues with "... BECAUSE YOU AIN'T GONNA HAVE A CHOICE IN THE MATTER IN TWO WEEKS!!!"

07-16-2013, 08:33 PM
I swear to god I'll pistol whip the next person who thinks human trafficking doesn't happen in America.

Also, fuck these little shits http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_marmorated_stink_bug

Big Fat Matt
07-18-2013, 01:02 AM
so my dog has 6 weeks left to live. maybe less.

07-18-2013, 01:04 AM
so my dog has 6 weeks left to live. maybe less.

Fuck, I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs*

Beef of the Sea
07-18-2013, 02:40 AM
Tried to set up a monthly donation to MSF, but apparently you have to be over 25.
What is this bullshit? I'm good enough for Unicef, but not MSF? Bah!

07-18-2013, 03:05 AM
Awake in the middle of the night, stuck with memories I'd rather forget. That kind of pisses me off.

miss k bee
07-18-2013, 07:19 PM
diazepam, jetlag and being unable to sleep because of the heat! Back to work tomorrow night :( (please Kate don't drop your Royal sprog till after Monday..please)

07-18-2013, 08:52 PM
I hate how the university has made it difficult for me to actually go to school. Today, I received an email telling me that my classes were going to be cancelled if I didn't chose to 1. update my immunization records, 2. setup a payment plan for my tuition/fees, 3. have my class registration finalized or 4. allow my financial aid to be applied to items that are not considered "important."

It doesn't make sense because I've done everything they ask of me and yet they still say that I can not have my financial aid and that if I don't act soon they will cancel my classes. But sure, it COULD BE that my immunization records are out of date, I might just need a check up or something. And yeah, I've thought about the fact that my school payments are going to be assisted by a third party. But I also thought that when I registered for classes, once I have my schedule all set then they would be finalized when I spoke with my advisor. And as for the items of least importance through the school, it just discribes things like parking permits, library fees, and so on - which I have taken care of in the past out of my own pocket while attending school.

I plan on calling the offices of Financial Aid and the Cashiers Office tomorrow morning, first thing to see what I need to do for them. I'm sure they will be most helpful in getting everything I need together.

TL;DR - School (University) stuff...

07-19-2013, 11:57 PM
Fucking immigration, how does it work

07-20-2013, 06:10 AM
To the UK it's pretty easy. My friend married her boyfriend and paid $300 for the visa. Of course, she then somehow turned into a massive chav.

07-20-2013, 11:27 PM
When people say "2K13" in reference to the year. JUST SAY 2013. IT'S THE EXACT SAME FUCKING LENGTH.

07-21-2013, 07:36 AM
To the UK it's pretty easy. My friend married her boyfriend and paid $300 for the visa. Of course, she then somehow turned into a massive chav.
It's a known side effect of moving to the UK. I felt early symptoms before leaving, including massive Pot Noodle consumption, purchasing off-brand sodas, too much gossiping, daytime tv addiction, and frequent cursing.

07-21-2013, 09:00 AM
To the UK it's pretty easy. My friend married her boyfriend and paid $300 for the visa. Of course, she then somehow turned into a massive chav.

I'd love to know how your friend did it for $300 when it's cost me thousands of pounds and more jumping through hoops than I could have ever imagined to get permanent residency in the UK as a US citizen. I think its harder to get in the US but I still wouldn't call it 'easy' here.

07-21-2013, 09:12 AM
I'd love to know how your friend did it for $300 when it's cost me thousands of pounds and more jumping through hoops than I could have ever imagined to get permanent residency in the UK as a US citizen. I think its harder to get in the US but I still wouldn't call it 'easy' here.

Are you married to a UK person? She married him in May of last year, filled in the forms/references, paid this $300 thing, and was here by October. She'd been trying for a couple of years before they got married, but this seemed to speed it up. I also have a US friend that's been here for 10 years on a work visa and has been living with her partner for 8 years but is struggling to get her visa renewed before it expires next month.

07-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Yeah, my husband is a UK citizen which is how I got my visa. Maybe it was cheaper because they got married before she came over and I got married after I'd got here? Who knows. I won't pretend to understand the whole immigration system. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it anymore.

07-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Wasting 20 minutes trying to turn off video embeds on a post on a certain Nine Inch Nails forum, only to find that you can't link to a specific time on the video thus destroying the entire point if the post. Good job.

Highly Psychological
07-23-2013, 03:26 PM
To the UK it's pretty easy. My friend married her boyfriend and paid $300 for the visa. Of course, she then somehow turned into a massive chav.

I think it varies on how easy it is from country to country, my friend from the Philippines is having a hard time trying to stay in the UK but my Australian friend found it ridiculously easy, no hassle, all he had to do was get a crappy part time job. Commonwealth countries/former British colonies including the U.S, Indians, dispora from the mandatory Palestine days, Jamacia etc, and of course European Union nations tend to have it easier in general. But for a lot its incredibly difficult and conservatives have already began curbing immigration to UK dramatically now. For some its easy but for others it can be rather sketchy and complicated.

07-23-2013, 05:36 PM
Failed driving test :(
I made one genuine mistake which I accept, the rest was just bullshit about me driving too slow/not looking: I was looking all the time.
Now because I don't have time to schedule another test before moving, I have to be a learner in Indiana for six fucking months. Gah.

07-23-2013, 10:51 PM
I'm so done with this job. Time to start job searching so that I can get out of here.

07-24-2013, 01:12 AM
Putting things in boxes to move sucks. I hate how much shit I have. Damn it past me, you big asshole hoarder.

07-24-2013, 02:37 PM
I've been so fucking depressed for the longest time. It's starting to make me feel kind of nuts. I constantly have to stop myself from screaming incoherently. My doctor has given me the phone numbers of three doctors that will give me happy pills. Apparently, the first doctor I called is too popular and he can't take new patients.

Fuck this. I'm not calling anymore of you dickheads. I don't want pills. I just want to feel sane... but this is getting to a point where it I constantly feel like I have to stop myself from crying hysterically in public, and it's becoming a little hard to deal with.

This is the worst I've felt for no discernible reason that I can ever remember. I need to be a groomsman at my best friend's wedding in two days. I need to hang in there, at least for that.

miss k bee
07-24-2013, 02:40 PM
Phone upgrade hell. Original normal sized sim card has been cut down and now is not working in new phone so looks like I have to use the new mini sim card and change my number again and redo my contacts - shite!!

miss k bee
07-24-2013, 02:53 PM
I've been so fucking depressed for the longest time. It's starting to make me feel kind of nuts. I constantly have to stop myself from screaming incoherently. My doctor has given me the phone numbers of three doctors that will give me happy pills. Apparently, the first doctor I called is too popular and he can't take new patients.

Fuck this. I'm not calling anymore of you dickheads. I don't want pills. I just want to feel sane... but this is getting to a point where it I constantly feel like I have to stop myself from crying hysterically in public, and it's becoming a little hard to deal with.

This is the worst I've felt for no discernible reason that I can ever remember. I need to be a groomsman at my best friend's wedding in two days. I need to hang in there, at least for that.
Hope you get sorted out. I am coming off Paroxetine at the moment very slowly, not easy.

07-24-2013, 07:13 PM
Oh boy! Now that the royal baby is born and we know the name (waited for TWO WHOLE DAYS, an eternity!!) I can't wait for the speculation about what his first 30 years hold in store for him and what his first royal dump's consistency will be like STOP TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING ROYAL FAMILY.

Jesus, I am so sick of hearing about the goddamn British monarchy.

07-24-2013, 07:54 PM
Media would rather focus on royalty than talk about how poor all of us are.

07-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Oh boy! Now that the royal baby is born and we know the name (waited for TWO WHOLE DAYS, an eternity!!) I can't wait for the speculation about what his first 30 years hold in store for him and what his first royal dump's consistency will be like STOP TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING ROYAL FAMILY.

Jesus, I am so sick of hearing about the goddamn British monarchy.

Oddly enough, since I've moved to the states I've heard more talk about the Royal Family than I did in the UK, from both news sources and people I work with. There's a bit of a whiff of "look at the quaint British people" about it. I generally feed back that a lot of the time, the Royals don't really register enough on people in the UK for them to care very much about them.

That said, someone recently asked me if they taught English in Scottish schools. He wasn't taking the piss either. I told him that English was actually invented in Scotland.

I've been so fucking depressed for the longest time. It's starting to make me feel kind of nuts. I constantly have to stop myself from screaming incoherently. My doctor has given me the phone numbers of three doctors that will give me happy pills. Apparently, the first doctor I called is too popular and he can't take new patients.

Fuck this. I'm not calling anymore of you dickheads. I don't want pills. I just want to feel sane... but this is getting to a point where it I constantly feel like I have to stop myself from crying hysterically in public, and it's becoming a little hard to deal with.

This is the worst I've felt for no discernible reason that I can ever remember. I need to be a groomsman at my best friend's wedding in two days. I need to hang in there, at least for that.
@Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272), you should call those doctors, at the least to discuss what your options are. You can always refuse medications and ask about alternative solutions. But if you're breaking down in public all the time, that's pretty symptomatic that something's wrong. Prozac nation aside, these guys are still trained up and experienced enough to get you on an even keel. If you get stuck with an asshole, bin them and find another.

Also bear in mind, that anxiety (both acute and general feelings of) often masks depressive illness.

07-25-2013, 12:12 AM
Also bear in mind, that anxiety (both acute and general feelings of) often masks depressive illness.THIS a thousand times. Jinsai Be proactive. Help is out there.

07-25-2013, 12:12 AM
I haven't actually been breaking down/crying in public, I just have been constantly feeling like I'm on the verge of it. It's really strange, and it comes out of nowhere. There's no trigger for it or reason, I just suddenly feel incredibly miserable and hopeless in a very intense way. And yeah, I have been having some anxiety issues lately, and that's a new thing for me too.

I went and saw Pacific Rim today though, and that's cheered me up a bit. Fun movie... and EVEN THEN, during some scene where a giant robot is fighting with a big demon creature, I found myself feeling like I was choking up. There's definitely something going wrong in my head, and yeah, I should call the doc. I'll do that tomorrow.

On the British Royalty issue, yeah, that's pissing me off too. I mean, I could understand being constantly inundated with it if I actually lived in fucking England (or some other country that acknowledges the British Monarchy in some strange way, like Canada?) But in America WHY DOES ANYONE GIVE A FUCK?! I mean, I'm almost completely certain that even if I did live in England, I wouldn't give a fuck and I'd think it was irritating, but at least then it would make a little sense.

07-25-2013, 06:29 AM
jesus I'm complaining a lot lately... but I just found out that none of my siblings (or parents) actually LISTENED to the album I made a few years ago. I spent almost five fuckiing years making it.THAT SUCKS. I don't CARE if it's not your kind of music, I'm your BROTHER, or your son or what the fuck ever, so listen to it! Thousands of hours of work went into that stupid misguided record, so YOU, of all people, should listen to it, because you're related to me. I know, it's a burden or something, but I don't have kids so I'm not forcing it on them, and I'm not even going to aggressively insist that my close friends give my music a fair shot (though they are the only ones who have... apparently)...... but you're my dad and you haven't even listened to the album I spent five years working on? That really really really really hurts.

I don't like the album. I hear flaws everywhere, but I assume it's stuff that only I'm hearing. I'd love to hear that my brother also heard it. Or my mom thinks the songs are too noisy. I don't know what to say, tit's the fucking indifference that kills me.

How about this..... I'm so miserable, if you message me from this website, I'll send you my vinyl for free (if you pay for shipping which should be about $5 if you're in the US). It's fucking free. JUST LISTEN TO IT.

I don't know why this is so upsetting.... I just assumed my brothers and parents listened to it and didn't like it. I never imagined they never even bothered to listen.... THAT SUCKS

07-25-2013, 07:19 AM
I've been so fucking depressed for the longest time. It's starting to make me feel kind of nuts. I constantly have to stop myself from screaming incoherently. My doctor has given me the phone numbers of three doctors that will give me happy pills. Apparently, the first doctor I called is too popular and he can't take new patients.

Fuck this. I'm not calling anymore of you dickheads. I don't want pills. I just want to feel sane... but this is getting to a point where it I constantly feel like I have to stop myself from crying hysterically in public, and it's becoming a little hard to deal with.

This is the worst I've felt for no discernible reason that I can ever remember. I need to be a groomsman at my best friend's wedding in two days. I need to hang in there, at least for that.

Sobriety can be a bitch (http://www.thefix.com/content/one-big-pain-brain)on your brain chemistry. The right medication could help stabilize all that short-term. Can you seek out doctors that specialize, or who at least have a lot of experience, in treating addicts? They'd be up on most effective treatments, and if you decided not to try medication in the end they'd probably also know the best treatment plan. I'll think good thoughts for you.

07-25-2013, 08:56 AM
I'm ready to fucking destroy my iPhone due to its shit battery life. I was planning to meet up with friends after a photography gig but thanks to my battery dying (despite charging it fully about 12 hours prior) I couldn't find where they were so I had to go home early. Fucking. Lame.

I've been saved so many times in those situations by the Mophie (http://www.mophie.com/default.asp) that was gifted to me a few months back. 12 hours is not a lot of time. I feel your pain.

I don't know why this is so upsetting.... I just assumed my brothers and parents listened to it and didn't like it. I never imagined they never even bothered to listen.... THAT SUCKS

You have EVERY right to be upset! That is crap. All of your efforts like that should get swift attention. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that level of indifference, from FAMILY. Have you broached the subject of your feelings on this yet with them or is it not a space you can open with them?

07-25-2013, 10:44 AM
Media would rather focus on royalty than talk about how poor all of us are.
I think this is fun. It's historic. I'll probably be dead by the time this kid is King, but I watched his dad come home from that hospital. I'll probably be dead by the time his dad is King.

Jinsai - Family is often disappointing. I stopped being disappointed in mine long ago, because I realized they kinda suck at being good family. They're hopeless. Now, when they do good I am pleasantly surprised. I've been you with this depression stuff. For me, it went away on its own and I figured it was some kind of chemical imbalance but maybe you should see somebody to rule out anything more serious, you know? I'LL LISTEN TO YOUR RECORD!!!!!

07-25-2013, 07:54 PM
You have EVERY right to be upset! That is crap. All of your efforts like that should get swift attention. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that level of indifference, from FAMILY. Have you broached the subject of your feelings on this yet with them or is it not a space you can open with them?

Well, that's I guess how I found out, I was feeling kind of miserable and asked... with the general answer all around being basically, "uh, no, why would I listen to it? You don't expect me to like it or something, do you?" At least one of my brothers made the nice gesture at one point of actually buying a copy of the record... even if I saw that it was still in the shrinkwrap the last time I went to his house.

And thanks Allegro. I feel that maybe part of this strange emotional roller coaster I'm on has something to do with me having computer programs while I'm on the verge of finishing this new album off, and trying to figure out how to pay for the mastering/pressing. It would be nice to have people hear it though

07-25-2013, 08:39 PM
The massive amounts of errors brought on by my day shift coworkers is driving all of us (3 of us) evening shift people crazy. The damn girls who work the morning/day are stupid as hell and they don't even know how to check someone in or out of the hotel properly even though they have been working here for a good 6 months or longer. Over the past three hours I have had people say that they were promised suites and fridges and first floor rooms and microwaves and candy and porno mags and free steak dinners and everything else... Well damn... Then the people get mad at me when I tell them those girls are not to promise anything like that and that the guests will need to speak with them directly in the morning.

Highly Psychological
07-25-2013, 08:40 PM
What is happening in Russia is making me want to fucking Puke. Its despicable. Or what Putins government is letting happen to LGBT people over there is. He is an almighty cunt. Neo Nazis have began attacking the gays en masse. Since that law went through the other week. And they are getting away with it, over and over and the government is doing nothing.
So fucked up. SERIOUS political pressure better be mounted ASAP. Europe should not ignore or tolerate this shit.

07-26-2013, 10:15 AM
I'm seriously considering starting a work email with the subject heading "This is Retarded".

sick among the pure
07-26-2013, 10:25 AM
I shouldn't have waited until after the first NIN show to go to buy a ticket for Made in America. Prices have suddenly gone up 10-20 bucks in a matter of a day, after bing stationary/lowering the last few weeks.

edit: fucking hotline fb almost ruined the set list surprise for me. /grumpy

07-26-2013, 01:51 PM
I'm seriously considering starting a work email with the subject heading "This is Retarded".That would be offensive. Say "this is developmentally disabled"

Today, I actually used the word 'disingenuous' in a work email reply. The twat said the customer refused which was a fucking lie. It's like a game of telephone with this internal folks. We didn't include in the offer turned into the customer refused to buy spares. Yeah, that word definitely shut that dude up.

07-26-2013, 09:26 PM
Yahoo won't let me log in to my email account… After they locked me out this morning for 12 hours AND after pulling up my records of passwords to make sure I'm not crazy, they lock me out for another 12 hours! So I called the 1800 number (10 times until I could get on hold) and they said it would be a 10 minute wait, ok, I can deal with that. *cut to 40 minutes later* Fuck this, I'm going to hang up and then I'm going to get a beer and email them. *cut to hanging up, getting a beer and emailing them* "We're sorry, we're experiencing a large amount of unexpected phone calls and emails. It may take up to 4 hours for an agent to email you back." So… Yeah… Now I have to either stay up until 2am to see if they email me back or give them numerous phone calls tomorrow.

07-29-2013, 03:55 PM
I just want to register for a fucking bio lab, one preferably from this year. God I hate this online horse shit "not available at this time" garbage. Oh where great institution of higher learning do i need to slip my greased up fist to garner some kind of satisfaction on this matter? FUUUUUCK!!!!!

07-30-2013, 09:39 AM
This stupid junk of a car I can no longer drive (won't pass state inspection) that I still owe payments on. Another ball and chain I need to escape from, in addition to my marriage (divorce isn't cheap).

Frozen Beach
07-30-2013, 03:31 PM
What really pisses me off is when "friends" are obviously ignoring you during your worst moments. I've been depressed for the last three weeks, battling suicidal thoughts, and everyone I've tried to talk to have been shrugging me off, even when I'm upfront about what's going on. I'm there for them, but they can never be there for me? No wonder I never leave my home. Seems like everyone in my shitty small town is completely selfish. I just want someone I can trust that I can talk to, but now because of this, I don't really think I can trust anyone anymore.

07-30-2013, 03:57 PM
What really pisses me off is when "friends" are obviously ignoring you during your worst moments. I've been depressed for the last three weeks, battling suicidal thoughts, and everyone I've tried to talk to have been shrugging me off, even when I'm upfront about what's going on. I'm there for them, but they can never be there for me? No wonder I never leave my home. Seems like everyone in my shitty small town is completely selfish. I just want someone I can trust that I can talk to, but now because of this, I don't really think I can trust anyone anymore.

it sounds like they don't know how to help or what to say when you tell them but that doesn't make it any less shit. i told my parents i was depressed and thought maybe i needed help numerous times when i was younger but they always told me i was just being a drama queen or 'going through a phase'. the annoying part is i've clearly internalized that because i still can't bring myself to see a therapist.

miss k bee
07-30-2013, 04:01 PM
Going back to work after a holiday just grrr !!

Frozen Beach
07-30-2013, 05:08 PM
I tried to ask my mom to set me up with a therapist, but she acted like she didn't even know what one was. I suggested her a place that was recommended to me a while back, and she said she would, but I have a feeling she just shrugged it off. I'd do it myself, but I don't drive, and the only way is to get my father to take me, and he doesn't exactly listen to me.

07-30-2013, 09:26 PM
^^^^. Everything Thaned said. Reaching out is the hardest part. Everything after that is a bit of work with big mental benefits. I agree with the exercise comment. Being sedentary definitely contributes to depression.
(divorce isn't cheap).dam fuckin right. Just found out the dude told his second lawyer (first was his cousin) that he wasn't going to work with her anymore. WTF? She wrote a half way decent settlement proposal. This costs me money if we have to start all over again. Coming from the guy who asked me to go to the therapist with him again because he doesn't want to fight in email. It's a good thing I'm not looking to get married again anytime soon. Dang.

Kid Charlemagne
07-30-2013, 09:32 PM
It's a good thing I'm not looking to get married again anytime soon. Dang.

Fuck! I took this new job to get you a ring and propose at the Sahara tent next year.

07-30-2013, 09:38 PM
Fuck! I took this new job to get you a ring and propose at the Sahara tent next year.

Were you at least gonna get me some Molly before we went in THAT tent?

07-30-2013, 10:42 PM

Spotify displayed an ad that tried to attack my computer. Fortunately, Norton stopped the attacks, but I'm PISSED. I just opened my Spotify account yesterday and started using the free version. I was so excited! I can't do a monthly subscription right now, so that's all I had to work with on that service...now I can't even do that for fear of having that crap happen again. I just saw that it's been happening to others today, too, according to the Spotify community.

Apparently this happened really badly back in '11. What the hell? Why haven't they been able to make their advertising completely safe up to now if it started happening two years ago!?

Yeah...just pretty disappointed. :mad:

07-31-2013, 11:16 AM
Chris Hardwick.

Used to appreciate him, but I've come to realize over years of Nerdist listening that he is in fact quite douchey and getting douchier all the time. Listen to the Joss Whedon podcast that Nerdist just put out and cringe along as he makes a complete ass of himself while the semi-gracious Mr. Whedon slowly tires of him... and lets it show.

07-31-2013, 02:16 PM
Well it seems that my email address was compromised last week and I've had to make a new one up and terminate my old email account. But now my iCloud and itunes and everything else, seems to be messed up. I can't log into my iCloud, iTunes has songs all misplaced and coded as different songs as well as no access to iTunes store. I've tried a bunch of different things so I will end up taking it to an Apple store when I get back to Greensboro.

07-31-2013, 03:51 PM
Well it seems that my email address was compromised last week and I've had to make a new one up and terminate my old email account. But now my iCloud and itunes and everything else, seems to be messed up. I can't log into my iCloud, iTunes has songs all misplaced and coded as different songs as well as no access to iTunes store. I've tried a bunch of different things so I will end up taking it to an Apple store when I get back to Greensboro.

:( If you can I'd make sure you've got important stuff backed up to offline media like a pile of writable DVDs just to be sure.

07-31-2013, 05:04 PM
Socks with sandals/flip flops. For some reason this makes me want to punch a kitten every time I see it.
Also whenever you see a picture or video of a girl who's naked but still wearing socks. That just pisses me off.

07-31-2013, 06:52 PM
Even if it's winter? In the Midwest?

07-31-2013, 09:47 PM
People piss me off.

08-03-2013, 11:05 AM
Hey vegans, lemme ask you a few things.
- Do you drive a car?
- Do you use electricity?
- How's about that rayon?
- Do you have cats or something?
- Can you fucking stop being smug assholes?

“Oh listen to you. You’re becoming one of them. You’re going over to the other side – the land of sandals, spoon benders and yogurt fanciers, where everybody farts all the time because they don’t know how to laugh."

08-03-2013, 03:35 PM
Hey vegans, lemme ask you a few things.
- Do you drive a car?

I don't have time for driving, I'm too busy sitting around making dumb generalisations about meat eaters.

miss k bee
08-04-2013, 05:26 AM
Must stop reading the comments sections on news websites at work. Comments on particular articles on CNN, Huffington Post UK and the Telegraph just make me sick esp when it's anything to do with race.

08-04-2013, 05:34 AM
Comments sections on ANYTHING are the bane of the internet. They're similar to having to listen to idiots with headsets while playing Call Of Duty or something, a bunch of 13 year olds, or people with the maturity of a 13 year old. 'FUCK YOU, YOU SHIT-SKIN FAG AIDS KILL YOU FUCK-FACE!!!"

miss k bee
08-04-2013, 05:42 AM
Yep I know, just read them to pass time at work, but have to stop.

Frozen Beach
08-05-2013, 02:57 PM
So, the place I was going to go to for therapy... Well, they're completely booked up for the entire month. And I don't know of any other place to go for a therapist. Going to have to go on a search, i guess.

08-06-2013, 12:24 AM
"That bitch is ratchet as hell."

Really, society? Really? Is that what we're coming to now? Ratchets are actually pretty helpful and a good thing to have around, and ratchet as a descriptive word doesn't even make sense, at all. I think I'm officially one of those old people that really has NO IDEA what younger/stupider people are talking about anymore.

08-06-2013, 01:00 AM
Do people actually say that? Maybe they mean "Ratched", as in:

08-06-2013, 01:04 AM
That's EXACTLY what I thought the first time I heard someone use the word.

08-06-2013, 01:07 AM
Now I have to re-read the book... And watch the movie. Amazing stuff.

08-06-2013, 05:48 PM
Either way! Dern kids 'n their....MTV!

08-07-2013, 12:02 AM
It's not enough that one of my best friends died of cancer two months ago, now his family has to go berserk and pile a bunch of fucked up shit on top of the tragedy. Apparently they held a Catholic burial service for him yesterday even though he was adamantly against such a thing. They didn't invite me because... I really don't know, but it probably has something to do with the fact that he said he wanted to give me some of his old photo gear and his sister is an insanely selfish cunt (add paranoid to the list now). Not once have I ever put a single iota of pressure on their family about this; I haven't even asked about it. I've only answered questions when people came to me, and only in the most factual way possible.

FUCK YOU FUCKING PEOPLE THEN. I guess. Jesus. So fucking stupid, disrespectful and unnecessary. What a fucking terrible family to have.

08-07-2013, 12:15 AM
I'm so sorry man... that sounds pretty unbearable.

08-07-2013, 07:07 AM
My job is so shitty. :( When I come back from a brief trip home in September I'm demoting myself. I don't even want to wait until I find another job, I'm done with being responsible for all of this bullshit. I'll keep looking for other work, but yeah.

08-07-2013, 10:57 AM
"That bitch is ratchet as hell."

Really, society? Really? Is that what we're coming to now? Ratchets are actually pretty helpful and a good thing to have around, and ratchet as a descriptive word doesn't even make sense, at all. I think I'm officially one of those old people that really has NO IDEA what younger/stupider people are talking about anymore.

Why do they hate Ratchet & Clank so much? :(

08-07-2013, 11:03 AM
I know this is an old complaint, but seriously, people, if you're that afraid of swears, why are you posting things like "I hate these f*****g traffic jams!" or "This train ride has been SOOOO sh***y!" or "My boss is being such a c**t, I am totally going to cut her f******g throat and mutilate her corpse LOL!!"

08-07-2013, 11:39 AM
I know this is an old complaint, but seriously, people, if you're that afraid of swears, why are you posting things like "I hate these f*****g traffic jams!" or "This train ride has been SOOOO sh***y!" or "My boss is being such a c**t, I am totally going to cut her f******g throat and mutilate her corpse LOL!!"

Made me think of this:


08-07-2013, 06:01 PM
EXACTLY! You're offending puritans and sailors at the same time!

08-09-2013, 01:35 PM
*crawls under blanket*





08-09-2013, 01:44 PM
I'm tired of going up and down, from severely happy to really down. Something like missing out on tickets or a job stay with me for ages, yet, I know I have tons to be happy about.

08-09-2013, 03:33 PM
New condo completion date delayed SIX MONTHS to March 1, 2015 fml. Budget-wise, this will allow us to save another 6 or 7 grand towards the place, and will make our Hawaii and California vacations next year less stressful on the wallet, but fuck me I wanna move in to the bitch tomorrow.

08-09-2013, 05:41 PM
My computer mouse is working properly only when it wants to. Stupid thing.

08-09-2013, 06:10 PM
Very lazily I don't want to go to the garden. I should be grateful that there's food out there to pick but there it is.

08-11-2013, 12:43 AM
Multiplayer reveals for video games are the dumbest shit ever sometimes.

NO WAY, the new Call of Duty is gonna have multiplayer??? WHOOOOOAAAAAA.

08-11-2013, 01:00 AM
That, and teaser trailers announcing upcoming trailers for the movie you want to fucking see a trailer for because you want to see the movie, ever since they revealed the teaser poster for the teaser trailer. It's annoying as fuck. Just give us a trailer, period. The wikipedia/imdb era has hyped so many movies into Earth-shattering, life changing events, resulting in people seeing things like "World War Z" and going "mehhhhhhhhhhh... It wasn't that great."

Also, see my EA rant in "What are you playing?" for my pissed off thing of today.

08-11-2013, 02:52 PM
I know this is a lame thing to complain about, but I'm sick of unsolicited offers to introduce me to people who can really "jumpstart my career," followed by a long list of credentials that amount to something horrifying.

"Oh, I hear you make music! Well, you might not believe this, but my neighbor is good friends with the girl who blew the guy who does Justin Bieber's wardrobe, so you two should really meet. Who knows? Couldn't hurt, right?"

I know it's unacceptable to be flagrantly rude when people aggressively try to push their valuable "connections" on you, but you don't understand that not only is everything you're saying completely pointless and not going to go anywhere, but it's insulting. Just please take "no thank you" for an answer, and stop pushing it.

08-11-2013, 03:27 PM
I hate all the "Recommended Pages" on Facebook in my news feed. No, I'm not interested in Budweiser or dating sites for Christians/Mormons/Jews/senior citizens/Amish/farmers or official pages for political parties or shitty movies or your latest games or anything at all. If I want to "Like" something, I'll look for the official page myself. Stop shoving this shit in my face and telling me that I need to like it, because so far you haven't shown me one damn thing that I'm even remotely interested in.
The most irritating part about it is the fact that there's no way to make it stop.

08-11-2013, 03:37 PM
I know this is a lame thing to complain about, but I'm sick of unsolicited offers to introduce me to people who can really "jumpstart my career," followed by a long list of credentials that amount to something horrifying.

"Oh, I hear you make music! Well, you might not believe this, but my neighbor is good friends with the girl who blew the guy who does Justin Bieber's wardrobe, so you two should really meet. Who knows? Couldn't hurt, right?"

I know it's unacceptable to be flagrantly rude when people aggressively try to push their valuable "connections" on you, but you don't understand that not only is everything you're saying completely pointless and not going to go anywhere, but it's insulting. Just please take "no thank you" for an answer, and stop pushing it.

I get this and people in completely different fields trying to give me unsolicited career advice. "Oh you work in film? You should totally use this technique I used to get a job in graphic design!" ehh, not really applicable to my field "but it can't hurt right?" ..right.

and then won't drop it!! ugh I'm doing fine without your shitty advice thanks.

08-12-2013, 07:56 PM
Soo, saturday night dude barley preps anything, does not cut or cook any chicken or even thaw it out for the night service and decides to bounce at 6 on a saturday night. Basically fucking me and other dude as an hour later we ran clean out of chicken for our pastas, and the only other stuff we had was frozen solid. Now this guy had been here since 10am. Today after doing all my work and him coming in a half hour late i decide well shit im gonna leave one of the other guys is here for a big party in our banquet its monday things should be fine. Being the burn out i am i forget my music inside after i almost made a clean break. Coming in i hear my, gag, boss say thats bullshit. I said you wanna talk about it? He said something and i went and punched back in. He left shortly after. God this man is so afraid of confrontation unless you one of the servers he feels confident enough to call a cunt. Generally i think he's a decent dude if not also the worst manager i have ever had.

TLDR Dude gets to whateva, repeatedly even after being fired once, i try it and OMG THATS BULLSHIT!!! But is ok, i gots shit in the works only thing that bothers me about quiting is that fuck face will reap mad overtime once im gone. That is if i don't the infamous "YOUR FIRED" Text message that he employs when he needs to let someone go. For what its worth im gonna try and sit down with him next time i get a chance, cause i do like this place, or can see potential here, if only it had leadership. Won't do any good but maybe. Hopefully some of the prospects ive been looking into pay off.

08-14-2013, 02:54 AM
Musicians who use the "/" when they're promoting their latest project.

Example: The Terrible Bar Band (w/members of Blah/Boring/Has Beens)

You haven't been in that band for 10 years and no one cared about it back then either. Stop mentioning it.

08-15-2013, 03:45 PM
Bloody stupid iPad and bloody stupid Flow Free.

Big Fat Matt
08-15-2013, 10:12 PM
So, as some of you may remember, i recently lost my best friend, Jack the golden retriever to hemangiosarcoma (bone cancer, more specifically, cancer of the blood vessels in the bone). He was a purebred golden from a championship pedigree. i sent the following email to the breeder:

"Dear ******,

It comes with great sadness that I relay this message to you. Unfortunately, Jack was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, and was in terrible pain. Not wanting to extend his pain, we had him put down on July 24th at 4:27pm. I wanted to extend my thanks to you for allowing one of your dogs into my life. In all of my 24 years, he was the most loving and compassionate companion i had ever had, safe to say, he was my best friend. Again, thank you ****** for all of the wonderful memories.

Matt *****

boom. harmless email extending thanks and ALSO letting a breeder know there in cancer in the bloodline, right?


Zip back to 2008. I post on facebook that i wasnt a fan of Obama in facebook. She blocks me on facebook, sending me a message that can be summarized as "YOU HATEFUL RACIST CONSERVATIVE WARHAWK PIECE OF SHIT, IF I KNEW YOU WERE SUCH A SHIT PERSON I WOULD HAVE NEVER GIVEN YOU THAT DOG." yeah. look, politics aside, bitch is crazy.

back to 2013. she responds with an email that i will summarize, because its seriously 10,000+ words long.

"Dear Matt,

Told you not to fix your dog before 1 year. Told you not to give him heartworm meds. you didnt even get a second and third opinion? why didnt you go through with treatment? you pretty much gave your dog cancer, bro. if you want another of my dogs, you gotta prove you arent a dipshit, and that you waited to fix him and didnt give him medications X, Y and Z.

im a bitch,

wow. okay. like, ive had a rough life. ive watched my people friends die in front of me, ive quit heroin cold turkey, but i lose my dog and im a mess for a week. gloves are off bitch. my retort.

"Okay, look. i just wanted to thank you for the dog. i didint want another one. i can prove that i didnt get him fixed until 18 months, but 5 vets said heartworm meds are necessary for healthy and happy doggies. i didnt give him treatment because a 3 legged dog on chemo is not a happy dog. he is happy now. he has no pain now. im sorry i contacted you again."

oh boy. this gets good. her retort.


sounds familiar? yep. been scheming with, not kidding, 10+ of my bros (possibly getting Andrew WK to help too) to make this bitch pay for being a bitch.

08-16-2013, 11:27 AM
Those file download sites that only download at 50 KB/s on a 12 mbps line.

08-16-2013, 11:30 AM
Jesus Christ Matt, some people just totally suck. Sorry about your best friend and for this following it.

08-16-2013, 01:55 PM
Matt that's horrible. After losing your dear dog, you have to read bile like that? I'm so sorry, and I'm sure your dog had a great life with you.
Kids - they never want to tell you anything they're doing, but the minute you say you might not be there when they get back, they act shocked. Yeah I have a life too, rugrats (they're 23 and 19).

08-17-2013, 04:04 PM
Kids - they never want to tell you anything they're doing, but the minute you say you might not be there when they get back, they act shocked. Yeah I have a life too, rugrats (they're 23 and 19).those aren't kids you know. ;)

Matt - sorry about that breeder. Let it go and remember how much Jack loved you. Dogs are just great for that. Goldens the most. Love mine.

08-17-2013, 07:38 PM
those aren't kids you know. ;)

Haha on paper you are quite right but they sure are acting like it.

08-18-2013, 04:30 PM
http://i.imgur.com/55SS1wG.jpg (http://imgur.com/55SS1wG)

08-22-2013, 06:39 AM
I basically missed working on the main stage at Made in America by a pick from a hat. If I didn't have a gig on the other side of the country, I'd be standing on stage during NIN's set next weekend.


At least I also like the guys I'll be out working with, so it's not a total loss. But since NIN's not one of our clients, that's an extremely rare chance.

miss k bee
08-22-2013, 07:44 PM
Buying a CCTV IP camera that took years to set up and doesn't even work!! REFUND!

08-24-2013, 02:45 PM
Am I the only one in his mid-twenties that doesn't feel like going out anymore and partying all the time? On weekends it seems like there's no other thing to do, at least for my friends.. everyone's getting drunk all the time and it pisses me off because I feel like I'm missing out on something.

08-24-2013, 02:57 PM
Am I the only one in his mid-twenties that doesn't feel like going out anymore and partying all the time? On weekends it seems like there's no other thing to do, at least for my friends.. everyone's getting drunk all the time and it pisses me off because I feel like I'm missing out on something.

i'm 28 and i'm definitely over the whole partying thing (and have been for a few years). I'd much rather go to museums and the theatre than stay out late drinking.

Halo Infinity
08-24-2013, 04:56 PM
Am I the only one in his mid-twenties that doesn't feel like going out anymore and partying all the time? On weekends it seems like there's no other thing to do, at least for my friends.. everyone's getting drunk all the time and it pisses me off because I feel like I'm missing out on something.
I never got into that scene myself and it was sort of annoying every time I got strange looks and reactions whenever I admitted that I wasn't into going to clubs and bars in my early 20s. I was always a bit of a recluse since my childhood anyway, nor was I ever a good dancer, which is why I stopped being interested in dancing. Your post just reminded me of that. I'm also not a teetotaller as of now, but I always disliked being pressured to drink. I also suppose that you can say that I'm currently over it at this point, considering how my 20s are almost over.

As for what I came here to originally post, I really dislike it when I get blamed and accused for ignoring people just because I'm quiet or reserved, even when I make a point to respond to others without looking bored or annoyed, or speaking so I don't lose my train of thought. I find it to be more disappointing and upsetting than aggravating and irritating though. On the other hand, I'm also aware that I need to work on holding my thoughts in a spoken conversation because it is very easy to make it look like you're talking over people, or ignoring their points even when those aren't even your intentions to start with. Heck, I even came across as pushy without even realizing it.

08-24-2013, 07:25 PM
I really hate how common place it is in America to use the word "retarded".

08-24-2013, 08:59 PM
Those motherfuckers who take out their fucking phone out in the middle of a movie with their bloody bright screen in front of me.

08-24-2013, 09:03 PM
when your drunken friend wants to get outfit advice and ends up talking your ear off when you're trying to a: skype call with significant other and b: trying to get your fucking crim pro readings done. go. away.

08-24-2013, 09:19 PM
Also, what really piss me off is the fact that Ben Affleck is going to be the new Batman, I mean, what the fuck, Ben? You already won an Oscar and now you want to be The Fucking Batman? Nah, man.

Josh Brolin would have been my most suitable option.

08-24-2013, 09:50 PM
People caring at all about Batman. Ever.

08-24-2013, 09:57 PM
Being so exhausted that all I want to do is go to bed but I can't because I have to cook and eat dinner and do laundry. Ugh.

I literally got only about two hours of sleep last night. It's hitting me now big time.

08-24-2013, 10:16 PM
There's a huge chemical weapons ordeal in Syria and everyone I know is talking about Batman and Ben Affleck. Fuck society.

08-24-2013, 10:35 PM
There's a huge chemical weapons ordeal in Syria and everyone I know is talking about Batman and Ben Affleck. Fuck society.

It's not that I only care about Batman, but this thread name is "The little things that piss you off", and I think that chemical weapons should be 'The big things that piss you off.'

08-25-2013, 10:57 AM
It's not that I only care about Batman, but this thread name is "The little things that piss you off", and I think that chemical weapons should be 'The big things that piss you off.'

I wasn't necessarily talking about you but if you feel the need to defend yourself, go ahead.

Also, I never mentioned the chemical weapons as a little thing that pissed me off, I was more talking about people's perception of said events and their acknowledgement of certain news in the media. Don't get smart just because you feel I may have targeted you in some way.

Edit: I apologise if I came across as rude, it's not usually how I roll.

08-26-2013, 05:22 AM
So I've been waiting for a torrent to dl for almost 30 mins, so I check the client and behold, I hadn't OK'd the dl.

1:st world problems are problems too dammit.

08-26-2013, 11:47 AM
one of my classmates has the most obnoxious voice/accent. having synesthesia makes it even worse. taking all of my willpower to NOT throw my civ pro textbook at him whenever he opens his mouth.

08-26-2013, 11:54 AM
My homework free hours are ticking down. In addition to the fitness business I run, I have gone back to school and my 3rd semester is almost here. I want to reach my goal, but not really looking forward to being so incredibly busy. I'll probably feel better once the classes actually begin.

08-26-2013, 11:43 PM
Youtube running so damn slow....how in the hell am I supposed to catch up on all the new music coming out if videos start playing for 3 seconds and stopping for a minute.

08-27-2013, 01:02 PM
Agoraphobia standing in the way of going to see a favorite band.

This fucking blows.

08-28-2013, 03:08 AM
A growing list of inane shit as I sit/lay around unable to sleep... I foresee long nights ahead.

08-28-2013, 12:01 PM
tl;dr fuck my local post office and fuck parcelforce.

i had a package that was supposed to be delivered yesterday, was in all day and paying attention to the gate and my phone as my building is a little tricky to get into but parcel force are such lazy fuckers they didn't even try to deliver the package, no slip through the door or anything..just an updated tracking info that said it had been delivered to the post office at 4pm. ugh. and not one of the 2 post offices a stones throw from my flat either..the one thats over a mile away..which i walked to this morning and they told me they didn't have my package and that it would 'probably' arrive tomorrow. so i head home pissed off and call up parcelforce who insists that it is in fact at that post office. so then i call up the post office which takes me about half an hour to get through to an actual person and the woman yells at me saying again no we don't have it and starts reading off the addresses of the PF packages that were brought in and low and behold, she reads off mine. but is she apologetic? no, she blames me for telling her my address wrong (which i didn't).

its so petty but such a pain in the ass. the only upside is the 4 mile round trip walk gave me some quality time to listen to HM on my headphones.

08-28-2013, 12:59 PM
Agoraphobia standing in the way of going to see a favorite band.

This fucking blows.

I'm so sorry! :( I'm also agoraphobic, but I'm very fortunate in that I'm mostly okay if I'm seated. Is it open spaces or crowds that get to you, or both? For me it's really just the crowds.

08-28-2013, 04:31 PM
I'm so sorry! :( I'm also agoraphobic, but I'm very fortunate in that I'm mostly okay if I'm seated. Is it open spaces or crowds that get to you, or both? For me it's really just the crowds.

It's crowds. Walking through lots of people especially. I had it licked for awhile but it's come back with a vengeance. I'm consoling myself with the thought that the Troubadour show is gonna be horrific (as is usually the case with KROQ-sponsored events).

08-28-2013, 11:10 PM
my dvr is caked with american pawn star roadshow storage picker wars BULLSHIT.

sometimes i hate my partner.

Halo Infinity
08-29-2013, 07:27 AM
When people say "Maybe.", "I don't know.", or "I'm not sure." when they really mean no in regards to breaking or denying plans. It's one thing to be genuinely uncertain, but saying no, or even "I can't for whatever reason." seem to be much more satisfying, clarified, simplistic, and convenient replies to me. "Maybe.", "I don't know.", or "I'm not sure." sometimes sounds far too cryptic and vague to me, especially when those replies are repeated over and over again, no matter how close the soon to be cancelled plans are.

And speaking of plans being broken, it really is a disappointment to have them broken at the last minute, or to end up having to wait for much longer periods of time than originally intended, or to end up having to make the effort to search for the person you were making plans with. (However, I still won't argue against valid reasons such as real emergencies, or a change of plans due to something more serious or relevant.)

I was also never into the idea of getting concert tickets near the actual tour date. I'm thankful that isn't the issue with me right now, but whenever I went with others, they would sometimes put it off until it was only a matter of weeks before the tour date. I'd rather get a concert ticket at the very least at least a few months in advance. Doing the opposite of that is what almost made me miss my first and second NIN show. This also lead me to sometimes wait and search for people too. That's anything but fun.

I also thought I was over these things too, but I'm actually not, and it's no wonder why I sometimes prefer to do stuff like this alone, even though it's sometimes undeniably kick ass to do such things with friends and acquaintances.

08-29-2013, 09:41 PM
Feeling particularly hateful of my job today. God, I can't wait until I get back for 4 days home in September so I can FUCKING DEMOTE MYSELF and begin looking for other work. Or just demote myself. That's all I want. Fuck this job.

08-30-2013, 12:39 AM
Seriously do it. From what I know of you from this board you deserve much better. I have a friend who worked in retail for several years, who then went for something she has actual talent for and is much more fulfilled, by which I mean still miserable about work but in a different way.

What's pissing me off lately: marital tension due partner having trouble juggling new job, new town, and (relatively) new baby, and me feeling inadequate to help more than I am doing; learner's permit meaning I need someone in the car at all times with me for six months; painters and construction workers on the outside of the house for a month now giving me no privacy at all during the week; sometimes losing my temper with screaming baby and raising my voice - I really have to work on this: being the child of a father who yelled I do not want to be a father who yells; baby being sick for the third time in a month due to new daycare; partner getting no sleep because of baby being up all night; and last but not least: vicious fucking mosquitos inside the house stabbing me and making me itch day and night.

08-30-2013, 12:51 AM
sometimes losing my temper with screaming baby and raising my voice - I really have to work on this: being the child of a father who yelled I do not want to be a father who yell

I don't have kids, but yeah, don't yell at your infant child. You need to find a way to vent your stress or misdirected anger.

08-30-2013, 01:05 AM
Seriously do it. From what I know of you from this board you deserve much better. I have a friend who worked in retail for several years, who then went for something she has actual talent for and is much more fulfilled, by which I mean still miserable about work but in a different way.

Thanks, that means a lot. I'm basically stuck in this position until I come back from 4 days out of town and then I can at least step down to a much less stressful role while I look for something else. The "actual talent" thing is dead on. This job doesn't come naturally to me and I've come to miss doing what I'm actually good at (though I've recently started something in that vein again, yay interning!).

Also, good for you for working on changing your habits with your kid now. I think you're going to to do well. You've got the perspective of knowing the importance in not being a yelling father... Also, I hope your life gets less chaotic soon!

08-30-2013, 02:56 AM
Feeling particularly hateful of my job today. God, I can't wait until I get back for 4 days home in September so I can FUCKING DEMOTE MYSELF and begin looking for other work. Or just demote myself. That's all I want. Fuck this job.

I did the exact same thing when I was working retail..demoted myself and was SOO much happier and able to make a long term plan for getting out. While it made the finances a bit tighter, it was one if the best decisions I've ever made..It doesn't seem like you need much convincing but it will definitely be worth it.

miss k bee
08-30-2013, 06:09 AM
Enough of this Miley Cyrus shit in the news already!

08-30-2013, 10:10 AM
Over-moderating. Get a life.

08-30-2013, 03:50 PM
My phone. Shit isn't working even after 30 mins with tech. That and my service keeps dropping in and out. It's kinda budget but for fucks sake basic shit like this shouldn't be an issue in this day and age. I'm on virgin which is usually pretty decent. I guess cheap service is cheap but I refuse to pay 80 a month or more.

08-31-2013, 06:22 AM
Starting my morning with a text/call from a manager at the store I worked at yesterday wanting to know why nobody went to the bank and got change. Because I asked the supervisor who came in after me if he could and he was happy to and it was slow enough for him to go? Dude, if someone (your regular employee) else takes responsibility for it than it ceases to be my fault. So she fussed at me about time management. Ugh, best start to a day. Kinda hate this job.

08-31-2013, 03:58 PM
3 hour drive to the new place tomorrow. Naturally, today is the day my car stereo stops working.

Halo Infinity
09-01-2013, 12:22 AM
When people a lot younger than me express in shock and awe as to how old or retro something is to them. (Or even people that are only 5 to 7 years younger than me, but then again, 7 is a lot closer to being a decade younger so I can kind of see why that would be so, but still.)

Now this is definitely a little thing that annoys me, but it doesn't really piss me off altogether. I'm even able to laugh it off, but it has made me more mindful as to not use the words "That's so old!" around older people. I didn't get it that much as a child and during most of my teen years, but it really hit me in my late 20s. I'll admit that it's kind of amusing nonetheless, but no wonder why people a lot older than me found it absurd and annoying when I used to go on and on about what I considered to be retro or old school as a kid and a teen.

Don't get me wrong though as I can still see the humor in it. "OMG! Like! That's so old!!!" And yeah, time and its perception of it changes with age and all that good stuff. :p

09-01-2013, 08:06 PM
When people a lot younger than me express in shock and awe as to how old or retro something is to them. (Or even people that are only 5 to 7 years younger than me, but then again, 7 is a lot closer to being a decade younger so I can kind of see why that would be so, but still.

Kinda like the 80's-ish style that I see nowadays?
Reminds me of my bosses (at the time) kid saying to me one day, "Man the 80's were so cool!" I told him there was a lot more to it than just he saw on VH1. It's like saying disco was cool because Saturday Night Fever is a groovy tune.

09-01-2013, 08:48 PM
How fucking difficult it is to take off acrylic nails. Ow ow fuckity ow.

09-02-2013, 09:01 PM
My homophobic/transphobic co-worker. She has made more than one disparaging comment about gay people (in pretty explicit language) and a couple weeks ago I heard her say something to another co-worker about how someone was a "he/she."

Now, the sad thing is, I actually liked this person. Up until she let her bigot flag fly, she used to be a pretty nice, easy to talk to person. We share a cubicle wall so I ended up talking to her a lot (still do, actually). It's weird because I still kind of like her (in spite of the fact that she's clearly an asshole) because she is nice most of the time and I'm trying not to make a big deal of things so I decided not to change anything and still make polite conversation at work.

Cut to last week, when her and another co-worker of mine asked me to walk with them to get lunch. As we're heading back, a woman walks by and my co-worker laughed. I thought she was laughing at something one of us said but then she says to us, "Did you see him?" My other co-worker was like, "Who?" And she goes, "That man! That was a man! That wasn't a woman, that was a man! Did you see him?" And my other co-worker was like, "That wasn't a man, she was just tall" (or something along those lines) but my (idiot) co-worker would just not let it go. "No, that's why I laughed! That was a man!"

Now, this is a hurtful thing to hear, certainly. It's especially troubling since I may transition at some point (and possibly some point soon) and will probably still be working here. I'm already dreading the talking I know will happen behind my back or even the blatant asshole comments I may have to hear from people. But I know, for sure, that my direct neighbor is most definitely going to have a problem. I haven't (and don't want to) mention anything to my manager, but if I do decide to transition, I'm going to have to ask to switch seats, because I have no interest in sitting near her, and if she (my manager, I mean) asks why, I really don't have a problem telling her. Until then there is no reason to mention anything. And who knows if I'll even be sitting near her at that point. It's not a huge concern, but it is something that crossed my mind.

Also, I have to wonder if this woman heard or saw my co-worker laughing at her and put two and two together. I hope not. That part actually made me angrier than anything else.

Anyway, people are assholes, I know. It's just something that got under my skin.

Also, I know it's still relatively early (7:30), but it's pitch black outside and it's a school night. Could you PLEASE bring your loud, obnoxious kids inside for the night so I don't have to go try to go to sleep while hearing them yelling and making noise?

Also, I don't know if my next door neighbor is doing jumping jacks or what but I'm seriously getting tired of hearing loud banging.

Thanks, neighbors.

09-03-2013, 10:05 AM
Making coffee turned into, dropping pipes under the sink cause it won't drain, cleaning French press that I apparently haven't looked at in months, in my tub. Finally get all that sorted, grounds in the glass etc., go to check on water a bit later, didn't turn on the stove. All straight away from getting up. I so want to stab stab stab! something.

09-03-2013, 04:42 PM
Go make yourself some relaxing tea.

09-03-2013, 11:39 PM
It was ask good once I filled my pint glass full of coffee. But fir days like today I'll be sure and buy some tea.

Halo Infinity
09-04-2013, 10:56 AM
A timeless and irritating problem for those that have to take public transit regularly to school/work: Large crowds that deliberately block the doors of buses and trains when people are trying to get in or get out of them while ignoring the available spaces in the middle of the train cars, or the back of the bus. It's one of the biggest reasons and reminders as to why I'd have to force myself to leave the house a lot earlier. It seems to help, and it also prevents me from going crazy in the mornings.

09-04-2013, 11:32 AM
Don't know why but riding the bus can be such a drain. Fargo isn't a huge city and its not usually packed to the nuts but I'm just not keen on being crammed in. Though I have found reading helps, though I sometimes miss my stop.

09-04-2013, 11:42 AM
Feeling particularly hateful of my job today. God, I can't wait until I get back for 4 days home in September so I can FUCKING DEMOTE MYSELF and begin looking for other work. Or just demote myself. That's all I want. Fuck this job. I understand. I hate both of my jobs. I think job-hunting will be my hobby until I die. ( ._.)

09-04-2013, 12:27 PM
One of the smarter people I know is also so very dumb. I fear his story will be a most sad one at the end of it all.

09-04-2013, 01:02 PM
I've been unemployed for a week now. Other than job hunting, what do you guys do to keep yourselves from going stir-crazy? I've already cleaned the whole apartment today and it's only 11am.

09-04-2013, 01:46 PM
Well, I wait till my brain is about to pop, then go for a walk, or read. Since I have no internets at home I'll hit the library or coffee shop. Failing that I go stir crazy and use the ensuing madness like a mother would use Calgon. Really though I just try and get out of the house and wonder around till something peaks my interest. Good luck.

09-04-2013, 01:56 PM
My homophobic/transphobic co-worker. I have a 'friend' like this who is a firefighter and I say what a freaking bigot, but I still would want him to be the first one to show up at my car wreck.

Hopefully, when you do decide to transition, she'll be supportive of you. We all know this sort of bigotry is just about fear. It's like same sex marriage- who would have thunk that we'd be where we are today when not too long ago two of the same sex could not even look like they were 'together' standing in the same room. Minds open by having shared experiences. Her working along side you will hopefully show her later that you are no different then the lady on the other side of her. Or something like that.

09-04-2013, 02:00 PM
All of us other pedestrians on the sidewalk dodging the juggernaut walker texting without looking up...ever.

09-04-2013, 02:58 PM
Smartass kids making Youtube reviews of high tech products and saying shit like "real estate" when talking about screen sizes are a drag. Go out and play and be a shitty kid getting in trouble instead. Fuckers.

09-04-2013, 04:44 PM
seeing and hearing the R word........god......

09-04-2013, 05:16 PM

I'm with her until she says "This is literally the subtext of what they said," then I get annoyed.

I happen to disagree with her about what the subtext of the statement she's talking about is, but I can't possibly be right, because she's talking about the LITERAL subtext, right?

Big Fat Matt
09-04-2013, 08:23 PM
Look, if you need a fucking part for you car, know what kind of car you have, (year, model, engine size, etc) and a general idea of what the fuck you are looking for.

The right way:
"yeah, i have an 06 chrysler 300 with the 2.7, i need a lower control arm"

the wrong way:
"yeah, i need that black electrical box under the hood"
"which one"
"its like, an inch by four inches"
"what kind of car is it"
"ummmm. i dunno man. its got four doors though, like a charger or an impala."
"is it a chrysler vehicle even, sir?"
"i think so. i mean, chrysler and GM is the same thing, you probably have it in stock."

this is where i wish there was a trap door that led to hungry sharks.

09-05-2013, 01:56 AM
Look, if you need a fucking part for you car, know what kind of car you have, (year, model, engine size, etc) and a general idea of what the fuck you are looking for.

The right way:
"yeah, i have an 06 chrysler 300 with the 2.7, i need a lower control arm"

the wrong way:
"yeah, i need that black electrical box under the hood"
"which one"
"its like, an inch by four inches"
"what kind of car is it"
"ummmm. i dunno man. its got four doors though, like a charger or an impala."
"is it a chrysler vehicle even, sir?"
"i think so. i mean, chrysler and GM is the same thing, you probably have it in stock."

this is where i wish there was a trap door that led to hungry sharks.

I'm pretty fucking stupid when it comes to cars but at least I know when I need something fixed that it's a Pontiac Grand Am V6. I mean it's literally written all over the fucking car, it's not hard to figure out.

09-05-2013, 02:14 AM
I can't possibly be right, because she's talking about the LITERAL subtext, right?

What the... Wait... What ? Literal subtext ? They literally had that thought... Literally implied.

I'm gonna rest a bit now...

09-05-2013, 04:38 AM
Stolen vehicles maybe?

09-05-2013, 08:59 AM
What the... Wait... What ? Literal subtext ? They literally had that thought... Literally implied.

I'm gonna rest a bit now...

Thank GOODNESS someone understands! The very idea of it is driving me nuts.

Halo Infinity
09-05-2013, 06:49 PM
I really don't see this in older gamers as much as younger gamers, but I've always disliked it when younger gamers shit on systems and games that either came out before they were born or systems and games that are almost as old as they are. It even gets worse when graphics are the only thing they attack even when the plot and actual game play is actually good. This is not to say that all or most younger gamers are like this either, but I've seen it happen a lot in real life. It also seems like ages 5 to 7 is the magic number for them to not diss older games. (In other words, they're very prone to diss video games that came out before they turned 5 to 7, and you can just forget about them liking any video games that came out before they were born.)

09-06-2013, 11:56 AM
Just came back from the dentist. I have a tooth that's too damaged to be repaired, the damage goes up to the roots and there's a small abscess. The tooth has to come out.

I have a couple of weeks to prepare myself for the PAIN it will bring to remove said tooth since abscesses are preventing the numbing. I do have a high tolerance to pain but this, I know from experience, will fucking hurt.

frankie teardrop
09-06-2013, 12:20 PM
I really don't see this in older gamers as much as younger gamers, but I've always disliked it when younger gamers shit on systems and games that either came out before they were born or systems and games that are almost as old as they are. It even gets worse when graphics are the only thing they attack even when the plot and actual game play is actually good. This is not to say that all or most younger gamers are like this either, but I've seen it happen a lot in real life. It also seems like ages 5 to 7 is the magic number for them to not diss older games. (In other words, they're very prone to diss video games that came out before they turned 5 to 7, and you can just forget about them liking any video games that came out before they were born.)

this is the problem i have with NEW games! the story is always decent and the gameplay is good, but it's too much focus on how it looks over how it plays. which is why i always, ALWAYS grab for any NES/SNES/genesis classic over modern games every.single.time.

Just came back from the dentist. I have a tooth that's too damaged to be repaired, the damage goes up to the roots and there's a small abscess. The tooth has to come out.

I have a couple of weeks to prepare myself for the PAIN it will bring to remove said tooth since abscesses are preventing the numbing. I do have a high tolerance to pain but this, I know from experience, will fucking hurt

tooth pain is the WORST. i had a broken tooth for ages that would get abcessed/hurt like hell every few weeks... but i finally got a root canal and a filling... the tooth was too far gone for a cap, but the filling does just a nicely.

Halo Infinity
09-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Any record store that demands to hold your book bag or whatever bags that you have on you. I've always hated that even though I understood the reasons behind their security measures in order to prevent thievery. It's still rather annoying to me though. But with the way record stores have been disappearing, this obviously don't be a regular issue, but it still sucks. And of course, there are other stores that aren't record stores that do it. There's a part of me that still hates it so much though.

09-06-2013, 03:37 PM
Any time a clerk says to me "Hi, can I take your bag please?" I just say "No", especially if my camera is in it. If they insist, I'm not shopping there.

09-08-2013, 10:38 AM
goddamn Cracked dot com sucks so much, but I generally don't "unlike" things or people on facebook, even if I'm not sure how I wound up "liking" them in the first place. I just don't care I guess, but fuck this "humor" site. They're not fucking funny, and every now and again some asshole will post some condescending (but reliably pedestrian) music-related rant.

Today we get some list that starts with a "joke" about how nobody can name off Lou Reed albums, because nobody really likes him, and in reality the t-shirt with his face on it is what makes him cool (despite his music) or some bullshit.


09-08-2013, 01:05 PM
Just came back from the dentist. I have a tooth that's too damaged to be repaired, the damage goes up to the roots and there's a small abscess. The tooth has to come out.

I have a couple of weeks to prepare myself for the PAIN it will bring to remove said tooth since abscesses are preventing the numbing. I do have a high tolerance to pain but this, I know from experience, will fucking hurt.

Wait a second. I've never heard of this? Abscess prevents numbing? With Novacane? Really? Why is the tooth beyond repair? Is it cracked or have a big filling in it already? Are you going to get an implant to fill the space?

I sound like a freaking dentist, but I'm not. Just had recent experience. I had a cracked tooth with an old silver filling. I had it crowned/capped, but shortly there after if didn't feel right. I let it sit for like a solid year and when I finally went to a new dentist (mine died), the root was infected. I got a root canal thru the fake tooth. Which I told that surgeon to shoot me up real good since I felt like I had just enough dental work I was concerned it wouldnt numb enough. I put on head phones and basically mediated through 45 minutes of drilling and digging. No pain. When I went back to the regular dentist to replace the temporary filling, he didn't even give me novacane. No nerve, no problem.. Amazing. My point morodi, is my tooth was saved. Yours really can't be?