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08-14-2017, 07:35 AM
New neighbors who've only been on the block for three weeks and, in addition to constant domestic fighting nearly every single day, were shooting up heroin in the driveway this morning. Fan-fucking-tastic.

holy fucking shit, that's scary. you should probably call the police? especially on the domestic fighting, but also, if you're going to do hard drugs, maybe do them IN your house and not outside?

08-14-2017, 01:53 PM
It's a huge problem in Ohio right now (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/03/16/drugs-are-killing-so-many-in-this-county-that-cold-storage-trailers-are-being-used-as-morgues/?utm_term=.58e0eba99f26) (well, all over, but particularly in Ohio, and particularly in Stark County -- where Canton is located).

edit: I don't think a lot of people realize just how bad things have gotten in this country (http://www.cantonrep.com/opinion/20170813/editorial-opioid-crisis-definition-of-national-emergency). A lot of this is why Chicago has so many gang-related shootings (gangs deal these drugs (http://chicago.suntimes.com/chicago-politics/heroin-buyers-on-chicagos-west-side-getting-help-not-handcuffs/) and there are turf wars etc.)

On Thursday, the responses were quick and largely positive following President Donald Trump’s announcement that his administration officially will declare the opioid crisis a “national emergency.” He pledged to accelerate efforts to combat the epidemic that in 2016 killed more than 4,000 Ohioans, according to county death records The Columbus Dispatch tabulated earlier this year.

Figures released last week showed that more than 64,000 Americans died by overdose in the first nine months of 2016. For all of 2015, the number — a record-high nationally — was 52,404 overdose deaths, a figure far surpassing those who died from either traffic accidents or in gun violence (homicides and suicides combined).

We were outraged when about 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured in the Sept. 11 attacks. Few of us knew someone directly affected, yet it changed our everyday lives.

An equivalent death toll from opioids is occurring every three weeks. Few of us don’t know someone directly affected, and it is changing our lives every day.

08-14-2017, 04:07 PM
I'm definitely taking steps. This kind of shit is not acceptable.

08-14-2017, 05:40 PM
privileged whites who strangely feel they're being oppressed, what your latte temp was not right?

08-14-2017, 10:24 PM
sluts who try to steal my boyfriends

08-15-2017, 01:42 AM
FFS social media...

If you have a problem with someone punching a fucking neo-nazi in the face, unfriend me. You are what is crippling progressivism. Punching nazis should be a fucking holiday in this country. Be proud of being an American, and this time, knock one of his stupid inbred fucking teeth out. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with punching a nazi in the face (unless you do it in a fashion that can potentially harm yourself/wrist/etc) just don't let a police officer see you do it, because then they're gonna have to drag you off to jail...

...and that's gonna suck for them, because they really liked that part where you punched the nazi.

FUCK this apologetic discourse where we bemoan violence against nazis. This goes beyond fighting fire with flowers, it's getting stupid. Punch a fucking nazi.

08-15-2017, 06:12 AM
I got attacked by someone in what was supposed to be a "safe space." I wasn't physically assaulted. It happened on the Internet, like most other things these days.

08-15-2017, 06:31 AM
I got attacked by someone in what was supposed to be a "safe space." I wasn't physically assaulted. It happened on the Internet, like most other things these days.

Sorry to hear that. I've had this a few times on Twatter. I once made the mistake of using the word 'Nazi' and 'idiots' in the same tweet and was set open by a bunch of Swedes who were 'protecting there way of life' and just hurled insults at me until i blocked them...

08-15-2017, 03:27 PM
Sorry to hear that. I've had this a few times on Twatter. I once made the mistake of using the word 'Nazi' and 'idiots' in the same tweet and was set open by a bunch of Swedes who were 'protecting there way of life' and just hurled insults at me until i blocked them...

Fucking twitter...

I saw an article on there yesterday, asserting that menstrual pain was equivalent to heart attack pain. I made what I thought was an innocuous comment; that a heart attack is compounded by instinctive terror and alarm and the dawning realization that you are likely about to die.

I woke up today to find that I'm under a huge dog pile, where people are inferring that I'm mocking female pain. Someone accused me of "mansplaining period pain." Someone else inferred that what I said was somehow tantamount to implying that women don't have painful heart attacks. Someone else told me to go fuck myself, and that period pain is actually very much worse than the pain commonly associated with a heart attack. Someone else implied that heart attacks are frequently painless... which begs the question in my opinion, WHAT is the point of the article then?!

Someone suggested I look up a specific kind of heart attack so that I'd educate myself. I said "sure, will do. I'm not lecturing anyone, and I'm not this mysoginistic MRA boogyman that I'm being painted to be."

The response to that? "Oh, so when women tell you this, you ignore them, but a man tells you you're wrong and you suddenly listen?"


08-15-2017, 03:54 PM
Jinsai, first of all, that's not just on Twitter, it's pretty much anywhere on "social media."

Second, not to drift this too much, but severe "period pain" is not normal; it's usually a sign of other underlying conditions like endometriosis or fibroids. Here's a site re same (https://www.bustle.com/articles/154468-7-period-symptoms-you-should-never-assume-are-normal). The bottom line is that when you are surrounded by a bunch of people online who want to group-think in a specific way and you don't agree, it's advisable to just walk away slowly. I learned that on Instagram with a bunch of homophobic religious crazy people who infiltrate the National Geographic comments (wtf).

I've been having fun blocking people on Twitter, I've even blocked Donald J. Trump, which won't mean anything to him but it's meant a lot to me, LOL.

Btw, most heart attack symptoms aren't the pain we associate with television heart attacks. I've known at least 5 people who had heart attacks (including family members), and they all had nausea and no pain. They had NO idea that the symptoms they were having were of a heart attack. The worst chest sensations they have, if any, is a sensation of pressure. See this (http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/WarningSignsofaHeartAttack/Warning-Signs-of-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002039_Article.jsp#.WZNgVFWGOUk). The intense "grabber" pain is a television and movie invention. My stepdad was having a heart attack and I drove him to the hospital ER. So the "fear" you infer, the TV "OMG, I'm having a grabber, I'm gonna die" doesn't really happen, because people generally have NO idea that they're having a heart attack. And if somebody has a "massive" heart attack that kills them, even then they likely didn't know. Rosie O'Donnell had a heart attack and went about her day having no idea until she finally Googled her symptoms. She wrote about it in her blog, here (https://www.rosie.com/my-heart-attack/). My late father-in-law went to his oncologist appointment for his cancer and the doc took one look at him (I guess he was gray) and said, "you are going to the ER, now!" He was having a heart attack but thought he just "didn't feel good." He FLATLINED while lying on a gurnee in the ER. He was revived, survived that heart attack only because he was lying in the ER.

The dumbest part about period cramps discussion is comparing it to ANYTHING. Why? That is, imo, something that high school students do. What's the fucking point?

Pisses me off: Donald J Trump. Every single fucking day. I had NO idea this guy was this fucking stupid.

08-15-2017, 04:23 PM
@Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272), first of all, that's not just on Twitter, it's pretty much anywhere on "social media."

Second, not to drift this too much, but severe "period pain" is not normal; it's usually a sign of other underlying conditions like endometriosis or fibroids. Here's a site re same (https://www.bustle.com/articles/154468-7-period-symptoms-you-should-never-assume-are-normal). The bottom line is that when you are surrounded by a bunch of people online who want to group-think in a specific way and you don't agree, it's advisable to just walk away slowly. I learned that on Instagram with a bunch of homophobic religious crazy people who infiltrate the National Geographic comments (wtf).

I've been having fun blocking people on Twitter, I've even blocked Donald J. Trump, which won't mean anything to him but it's meant a lot to me, LOL.

Btw, most heart attack symptoms aren't the pain we associate with television heart attacks. I've known at least 5 people who had heart attacks (including family members), and they all had nausea and no pain. They had NO idea that the symptoms they were having were of a heart attack. The worst chest sensations they have, if any, is a sensation of pressure. See this (http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/WarningSignsofaHeartAttack/Warning-Signs-of-a-Heart-Attack_UCM_002039_Article.jsp#.WZNgVFWGOUk). The intense "grabber" pain is a television and movie invention. My stepdad was having a heart attack and I drove him to the hospital ER. So the "fear" you infer, the TV "OMG, I'm having a grabber, I'm gonna die" doesn't really happen, because people generally have NO idea that they're having a heart attack. And if somebody has a "massive" heart attack that kills them, even then they likely didn't know. Rosie O'Donnell had a heart attack and went about her day having no idea until she finally Googled her symptoms. She wrote about it in her blog, here (https://www.rosie.com/my-heart-attack/). My late father-in-law went to his oncologist appointment for his cancer and the doc took one look at him (I guess he was gray) and said, "you are going to the ER, now!" He was having a heart attack but thought he just "didn't feel good." He FLATLINED while lying on a gurnee in the ER. He was revived, survived that heart attack only because he was lying in the ER.

The dumbest part about period cramps discussion is comparing it to ANYTHING. Why? That is, imo, something that high school students do. What's the fucking point?

Pisses me off: Donald J Trump. Every single fucking day. I had NO idea this guy was this fucking stupid.

And all the information is something I'm receptive to. There's a lot of painful conditions I have no personal experience with enduring. I have a friend who has unbearable migraines. Once we were hanging out, and she started sobbing and wheezing and grabbing her head. It was like someone flipped a "horrible pain" switch in her head. It seemed incredibly awful. I could still speculate that there are "more painful conditions" out there though, as unhelpful as that might be to speculate about. It wouldn't mean that I was dismissing her pain as being insignificant.

From the anecdotal stories I'd heard from people who had suffered a massive heart attack, it sounded painful AND horrifying. The latter component was the aspect I thought I was highlighting to draw a distinction on an "experiential" level. I had not heard that a heart attack could be something endured obliviously. So I learned something.

But in the eyes of a legion of twitter accounts wielding torches and pitchforks, I'm an example of everything that sucks about men. Nothing I could say could convince anyone that I wasn't some neckbeard fedora-wearing MRA douchebag.

And yes, fuck Donald Trump.

08-15-2017, 04:41 PM
Jinsai, I have had decades of terrible migraines (much worse when I was younger) as well as terribly painful periods (due to one of the above-referenced underlying conditions) and I can't say one is "worse" than the other, they are just "different." Like, I've broken both arms, not at the same time, one in three places, and people go "oh my god wasn't that the most painful thing ever?" and I'm, like, no, I've had worse pain. But somebody else might wish they were dead. I would never begin to compare pain, mostly because I think that's dumb, sorry, but also because of a few college classes I took that involved a lot of neuroscience; we all experience pain differently. One person's "3" can be another person's "10." Really, the most painful condition known to humans is HAVING A BABY. But, now drugs make that more bearable (no pun intended). And a friend told me something that I always remembered: When you have a baby, you swear it's so horrible you'll never do it again. Then you forget about it because of the wonderful human being you get from that pain, then you do it again. If it was THAT horrible, we'd have zero population growth, heh.

But, yeah, females have experienced a ton of shit for taking days off work, etc., and nobody believes us when we say it really hurts, so it's a very sensitive subject due to the disbelief and sometimes even nastiness we've encountered, so comparing it is not a good idea. We tend to view it as dismissive and just another part of the patriarchy. So now you won't walk into that again, knowing why we feel that way. Some discussions are really meant to be camaraderie and isn't open for discussion.

Also, for consideration: People have committed suicide due to headaches.

08-15-2017, 04:51 PM
@Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272), I have had decades of terrible migraines (much worse when I was younger) as well as terribly painful periods (due to one of the above-referenced underlying conditions) and I can't say one is "worse" than the other, they are just "different." Like, I've broken both arms, not at the same time, one in three places, and people go "oh my god wasn't that the most painful thing ever?" and I'm, like, no, I've had worse pain. But somebody else might wish they were dead. I would never begin to compare pain, mostly because I think that's dumb, sorry, but also because of a few college classes I took that involved a lot of neuroscience; we all experience pain differently. One person's "3" can be another person's "10." Really, the most painful condition known to humans is HAVING A BABY. But, now drugs make that more bearable (no pun intended). And a friend told me something that I always remembered: When you have a baby, you swear it's so horrible you'll never do it again. Then you forget about it because of the wonderful human being you get from that pain, then you do it again. If it was THAT horrible, we'd have zero population growth, heh.

But, yeah, females have experienced a ton of shit for taking days off work, etc., and nobody believes us when we say it really hurts, so it's a very sensitive subject due to the disbelief and sometimes even nastiness we've encountered, so comparing it is not a good idea. We tend to view it as dismissive and just another part of the patriarchy. So now you won't walk into that again, knowing why we feel that way. Some discussions are really meant to be camaraderie and isn't open for discussion.

I actually agree, and that was the initial point I was making when I was stupid enough to walk into that hornet's nest. This "pain level" comparison is excluding relevant factors, and is dealing with a subjective criteria. It's ultimately unhelpful. If the article was trying to emphasize that extreme menstrual pain is overlooked, dismissed, and ignored for troubling reasons related to the institutionalized subjugation of women, it does a disservice to that point by making this arbitrary and unhelpful comparison point.

But try articulating that point on fucking Twitter when hundreds of people are retweeting and "liking" a response that says "dudes are actually on here mansplaining period pain to women. We've reached peak twitter."

What the fuck ever. I understand it's a sensitive topic, but holy shit. I don't need this stupid albatross thrown around my neck.

08-15-2017, 04:55 PM
I actually agree, and that was the initial point I was making when I was stupid enough to walk into that hornet's nest. This "pain level" comparison is excluding relevant factors, and is dealing with a subjective criteria. It's ultimately unhelpful. If the article was trying to emphasize that extreme menstrual pain is overlooked, dismissed, and ignored for troubling reasons related to the institutionalized subjugation of women, it does a disservice to that point by making this arbitrary and unhelpful comparison point.

But try articulating that point on fucking Twitter when hundreds of people are retweeting and "liking" a response that says "dudes are actually on here mansplaining period pain to women. We've reached peak twitter."

What the fuck ever. I understand it's a sensitive topic, but holy shit. I don't need this stupid albatross thrown around my neck.

It's not an albatross, just apologize and say that you misspoke and walk away. All they want is empathy, compassion and validation. They're not looking for an enemy. It's TWITTER, they'll forget about it a week from now. Or less.

08-15-2017, 05:17 PM
well, I apologized, said the way I articulated the thought was clumsy, and explained more clearly what I was inferring had everything to do with this apples/oranges comparison, and not about dismissing anything. If I come back and this dog pile is still going on, screw it.

08-15-2017, 08:04 PM
well, I apologized, said the way I articulated the thought was clumsy, and explained more clearly what I was inferring had everything to do with this apples/oranges comparison, and not about dismissing anything. If I come back and this dog pile is still going on, screw it.

It won't matter, they've all probably blocked you, anyway. That's how Twitter rolls.

08-16-2017, 02:25 AM
Right now Twatter is currently losing it's shit over the Trump speech (rightly) and Cinema Sins (because the director of Skull Island took offence to their video)...THE INTERNET EVERYONE.

08-16-2017, 10:10 AM
last night/this morning, i (a queer, trans, jewish person) got called a nazi and a fascist on fb for saying that nazis are bad, that their "free speech" is actually incitement that encourages violence in the name of ethnic cleansing, and that, despite generally being a pacifist, i would gladly punch a nazi in the face.


the best part is that these two dudes keep trying to troll me and get a rise out of me and i just keep giving them facts and logic. they're either going to give up or say something incriminating enough that i can get them banned from facebook.

08-17-2017, 04:41 PM
had my soundcloud and twitter accounts hacked and seemingly stolen over the last two days and i'm locked out of both.. Anyone had a situation like this happen? It seems personal.

08-17-2017, 10:03 PM
I'm seriously thinking of taking a break from the Internet. It seems like every website I go to is so hostile. Not talking about this one.

08-18-2017, 11:27 AM
I emailed a person on craigslist about an item he's selling yesterday. Took almost 12 hours to get back to me and the response was, "Sorry, I'm not available until Sunday afternoon." Then why the fuck did you post this item on Thursday morning? Why not wait until Sunday morning when you know you'll be available? FFS.

08-22-2017, 10:36 PM
Probably not gonna see Muse tonight because of local roads being flooded so won't be able to get to my bus to the show. Ugh.

08-26-2017, 05:57 PM
This dude on Ebay was going to send me a piece of musical equipment (that qy70 i've been waiting for @Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272) .)
Anyway, so i won the auction and sent him the 120$ or whatever it was and he NEVER PICKED IT UP.
I kept fucking emailing him asking what had happened but he never answered me.
All i could figure was that life must have intervened somehow: something must have happened to this dude that rendered him incapable of handling fairly simple business.
I sent him messages like "say man, if you aren't gonna send me the QY, i'm gonna have to make it where you can't pick up the money!" (which i ultimately had to do)
i never heard from him. honestly i hope he's ok.

It sucks because these sequencers are rare and are the core of my "sound" to the extent that i am a musician, and i've moved from an arc of the spiral in which there was, how you say, feast, into an arc of the spiral in which there is famine.

So i can't afford another one at this point. i wish it hadn't gone down like this

08-28-2017, 06:50 AM
I never did like blues music. Most of my enemies in life have been fans of it. I never cared for jazz either. I can listen to most other genres though, including rap and country.

08-28-2017, 09:57 AM
I never did like blues music. Most of my enemies in life have been fans of it. I never cared for jazz either. I can listen to most other genres though, including rap and country.

When you use words like "enemies" to describe other people in real life...maybe it's not them who are hostile.

08-28-2017, 05:33 PM

i have severe acid reflux/gerd, compacted with esophageal ulcers. i take prilosec (generic prescription) twice a day, but it doesn't always work. i haven't slept a full night without a flare waking me up in weeks. i know it's because i'm overweight and a fool for things like sriracha. it's fucking torturous and i have zero discipline.

08-29-2017, 07:08 AM
I am never getting a cat because I don't wanna be a stereotype. Women on the Internet who are obsessed with cats or name themselves after a cat are usually spinsters. I like dogs better.

08-29-2017, 08:32 AM
I am never getting a cat because I don't wanna be a stereotype. Women on the Internet who are obsessed with cats or name themselves after a cat are usually spinsters. I like dogs better.

from your posts, it seems you have a lot of pent-up anger and frustration about a lot of things and i feel like you need to find a good outlet for it.

there's nothing wrong with being a spinster or just being a woman with a cat. one of my best friends just FINALLY got a cat (she lost her boyfriend to cancer last year) and it has brought such joy into her life.

08-29-2017, 08:48 AM
Yeah Boots, sounds like you need a cat. Get three if one doesn't make you happy.

08-29-2017, 08:50 AM
Outlook, and by extension our IT people. The program gets an update and now it's asking for my Outlook password. Uh...we don't use passwords. But if you hit cancel three times (seriously, three. times.) then it works. Magic!

08-29-2017, 09:30 AM
I have three cats and I've been with my husband for 21 years and he loves the cats, too. They're OUR cats. I've had cats since the time I was born. I know a lot of single men with a cat or cats. Cats are low-maintenance. They fit into certain lifestyles better, like if you travel. Many people just LIKE cats for no other reason. The owner of ETS and his wife have several cats. There are an estimated 95.6 million pet cats in the United States (https://www.statista.com/statistics/198102/cats-in-the-united-states-since-2000/).

The vast majority of Boots' posts contain logical leaps that are like a closeted version of Jack Handey (http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/deep-thoughts-1/2859832?snl=1).

Btw, even Law has not used "spinster" for over 25 years. It's a tired, derogatory, offensive term.

08-29-2017, 10:12 AM
Cats are awesome. If i could have one where i live i would! Fucking rented property.

08-30-2017, 05:42 AM
The thing that pisses me off the most is ME. I fucked off my education and now I am, well, uneducated. And I'm not currently in a position to go back to school.
I have a dear, dear friend whose mantra is "no whining" and she is helping me as best she can, but still, I think about this shit pretty regularly. And I WAS struggling with untreated bipolar disorder and severe alcoholism when I fucked up. But yeah, I dropped most or all of my classes at the community college FIVE FUCKING TIMES.
I'm trying to get over it. Also, I'm not leaving this world without a degree; I don't care if I get it when I'm seventy years old.

08-30-2017, 08:13 AM
The thing that pisses me off the most is ME. I fucked off my education and now I am, well, uneducated. And I'm not currently in a position to go back to school.
I have a dear, dear friend whose mantra is "no whining" and she is helping me as best she can, but still, I think about this shit pretty regularly. And I WAS struggling with untreated bipolar disorder and severe alcoholism when I fucked up. But yeah, I dropped most or all of my classes at the community college FIVE FUCKING TIMES.
I'm trying to get over it. Also, I'm not leaving this world without a degree; I don't care if I get it when I'm seventy years old.

there's always online universities, too

08-30-2017, 09:21 AM
One word...Umbrellas! Freaking pointless wastes of space! You spend more time fighting the wind then keeping you dry, and even then it's just your head, just were a hood.

And don't even get me started on Golf Umbrellas, where do people use them in city centers, STOP IT!!!

08-31-2017, 11:15 AM
I'll be 33 when I finally finish my undergrad in the spring.
I got my B.A. at FORTY SEVEN.

I was in Grad school with a guy who was EIGHTY TWO and got his Masters.

In other words, it's never too late; better late than never; each of us has different life circumstances, but don't give up the dream.

08-31-2017, 11:37 AM
The smoothie king smoothie that I had been drinking 2 or 3 times a week (a large strawberry peanut power plus at 1300 calories) has 188 grams of sugar in it. That’s only 30 grams less than a 2 liter of coke. I JUST FOUND THIS OUT. No wonder my acne has been slowly peeking it’s head back in, fuck that man.

08-31-2017, 12:41 PM
I was 31 when I got my bachelors degree in behavioral science. It's never too late.

09-01-2017, 02:08 PM
Why does Windows pull focus on programs? If I'm working in program X, program Y shouldn't be able to say, "Hey look at MEEEEE!!@!" while I'm typing. Wait your turn, dammit!

09-01-2017, 03:41 PM
Why does Windows pull focus on programs? If I'm working in program X, program Y shouldn't be able to say, "Hey look at MEEEEE!!@!" while I'm typing. Wait your turn, dammit!


09-01-2017, 03:55 PM
The smoothie king smoothie that I had been drinking 2 or 3 times a week (a large strawberry peanut power plus at 1300 calories) has 188 grams of sugar in it. That’s only 30 grams less than a 2 liter of coke. I JUST FOUND THIS OUT. No wonder my acne has been slowly peeking it’s head back in, fuck that man.

a 1,300 calorie smoothie? are you trying to put on weight?

09-01-2017, 04:27 PM
a 1,300 calorie smoothie? are you trying to put on weight?
Yeah, I don't eat much because i'm never hungry so it's difficult for me to maintain weight/muscle mass unless i'm paying strict attention. So drinking 1300 calories at the beginning of my day is a good way to jump start the day. Before I started doing any gym stuff I weighed 110 pounds at 5'10. I started eating 3500 calories a day and gained 70 pounds in 6 months so now i'm hovering at around 180ish.

09-01-2017, 04:44 PM
Yeah, I don't eat much because i'm never hungry so it's difficult for me to maintain weight/muscle mass unless i'm paying strict attention. So drinking 1300 calories at the beginning of my day is a good way to jump start the day. Before I started doing any gym stuff I weighed 110 pounds at 5'10. I started eating 3500 calories a day and gained 70 pounds in 6 months so now i'm hovering at around 180ish.

ahh. congrats on the results, then. i weighed 160 (at 6'3") from age 15 to 29, couldn't lose or gain a pound to save my life. my doctors would recommend drinking ensure or several servings of carnation instant breakfast a day, never changed a thing. then i turned 30 and my metabolism was like "later, bitch!".

09-03-2017, 11:03 PM
I was interested in someone for about a month, but he kept on flirting with other girls so I lost interest in him.

09-05-2017, 11:06 AM
seems like amazon.ca doesn't allow you to add family members to your Prime account. what the fuck.

09-05-2017, 01:11 PM
seems like amazon.ca doesn't allow you to add family members to your Prime account. what the fuck.

YOU'RE LIVING IN CANADA, NOW????? Wow, you said you had moved but I didn't realize TO MONTREAL! Congrats!!

09-05-2017, 01:54 PM
The congrats should go to my wife who is the one who got the job that got us out of the Midwest!

The US sorta slammed the door behind us on the way out, and unentangling our visa situation in order to get back to visit friends and family is proving to be no joke: we now have an attorney on the ca$e.

09-05-2017, 02:32 PM
The US sorta slammed the door behind us on the way out, and unentangling our visa situation in order to get back to visit friends and family is proving to be no joke: we now have an attorney on the ca$e.

Ugh, that sucks. Guess they have to visit YOU and go skiing at Mont Tremblat or something. :-)

09-05-2017, 07:03 PM
I think the roommate got a bit salty when i said i didn't want the use the vacuum before he ran it upstairs, then he asked me if knew where it was, like i don't clean my shit ever. I mean i just woke up like 20 mins before and was sitting down to eat. I hadn't been up for hours and had a pot coffee in me. He's not a bad dude but he is a bit of curmudgeon at times, it was like i missed some memo about cleaning day or something.

09-06-2017, 06:55 AM
I think the roommate got a bit salty when i said i didn't want the use the vacuum before he ran it upstairs, then he asked me if knew where it was, like i don't clean my shit ever. I mean i just woke up like 20 mins before and was sitting down to eat. I hadn't been up for hours and had a pot coffee in me. He's not a bad dude but he is a bit of curmudgeon at times, it was like i missed some memo about cleaning day or something.

It could be worse, an old house mate of mine used to check under the sofa's and behind/under furniture to check we'd cleaned to his high standards...and he was a real dick about it.

This is also the same guy that when drunk could no longer find the bathroom and would piss wherever he was...the bathroom was, and i'm not joking here, 2 feet in front of his room. In between was the washing basket, which he pissed in multiple times. I don't regret moving out.

09-06-2017, 09:33 AM
In the last 24 hours I have experienced roughly eight hours of flight delays.

09-07-2017, 07:56 AM
I hate the city I live in. Before I moved here, I thought only women could be frigid.

09-09-2017, 01:53 AM
recording a client's song... and he pulls out the lyric sheet and stares at it when he sings...


If you don't know the lyrics well enough to sing them without a lyric sheet in front of you, you don't know the song well enough to sing it at the recording phase. FUCK. Are you kidding me?

09-11-2017, 12:01 AM
my dumb hair always looks best after a hard work day. looks like shit before leaving the house, of course.

09-11-2017, 09:39 AM
I gave up on my hair and cut it off. I had this weird cowlick thing that wouldn't sit down no matter what product I used or what length the hair was. Also it was starting to thin anyway so I just said 'fuck it' and it's gone.

09-11-2017, 10:06 AM
I gave up on my hair and cut it off. I had this weird cowlick thing that wouldn't sit down no matter what product I used or what length the hair was. Also it was starting to thin anyway so I just said 'fuck it' and it's gone.

I used to have a cow lick, irritating as fuck. I glad when i shaved it all off and was rid of it. Hope the new shaved look suits you

09-11-2017, 11:30 AM
We'll see. So far at work only one person has done the obvious "I'm not looking at your head but I'm totally looking at your head" thing.

Just need to figure out how to take care of the scalp now.

09-11-2017, 02:16 PM
It's pretty fucked up that your hair grows differently as you age.

Also, when I was born, I had my mom's straighter hair but when I got leukemia at 18 months and my hair fell out, when it came back I had my dad's cowlick ridden mess of hair.

09-12-2017, 06:33 PM
One thing that REALLY gets on my nerves is the misuse of the word "literally."

Literally pretty much every day, i hear someone say something like "she LITERALLY ripped my heart in half" or "i laughed so hard, i mean, i like literally died!"
This is a pet peeve that makes me cringe EVERY FUCKING TIME.

And what's even worse is that i'm afraid it might be too late. Language is fluid, and if the masses use literally in this fashion and only logophiles and bookworms use it the way it's meant to be used, then the meaning changes.

09-13-2017, 09:49 AM
Here, theoatmeal.com about "literally": :-)

09-13-2017, 12:01 PM
One thing that REALLY gets on my nerves is the misuse of the word "literally."

Literally pretty much every day, i hear someone say something like "she LITERALLY ripped my heart in half" or "i laughed so hard, i mean, i like literally died!"
This is a pet peeve that makes me cringe EVERY FUCKING TIME.

If I hear one more person say, "...but, at the end of the day," I'm gonna LITERALLY PUNCH THEM.

09-13-2017, 12:32 PM
But at the end of the day, I'm literally still use the word definately because it's the greatest word in the English language yo.

What pisses me off: "friends" who remember me only when it suits them. Next time, they are going to get a healthy dose of reality check.

09-13-2017, 10:33 PM
One thing that REALLY gets on my nerves is the misuse of the word "literally."

Literally pretty much every day, i hear someone say something like "she LITERALLY ripped my heart in half" or "i laughed so hard, i mean, i like literally died!"
This is a pet peeve that makes me cringe EVERY FUCKING TIME.

And what's even worse is that i'm afraid it might be too late. Language is fluid, and if the masses use literally in this fashion and only logophiles and bookworms use it the way it's meant to be used, then the meaning changes.

You'll be unhappy to know that they already changed the official definition of literally to also mean figuratively quite some time ago. So, yeah. If enough stupid people do stupid things the bar will literally (literally, literally) be lowered.





09-13-2017, 11:15 PM
I really need advice on how to wiggle my way out of a request my boyfriend mom sent out in text today asking to help her stuff envelopes.... for her pro-life committee.

I'm guessing "Fuck No" isn't what I should say?

Pissed that after 4 years I've managed to avoid this conversation and thought she was about to quit this work because there was 'too much infighting'.

Sarah K
09-13-2017, 11:51 PM
Tell her you're busy that day with your volunteer shift at Planned Parenthood.

09-14-2017, 02:18 AM
A DMV appointment got completely blown due to them being closed several days after our hurricane here in FL. There was no email about them closing, and an automatic appointment reminder was even sent to me -- showing up on time to a shut building despite power being back up, the appointment still saying set and no notice on the door was a special kind of frustrating, and it took me 3 weeks to get this appointment even (they've been backlogged for ages), so who knows when they'll get me in next?

09-14-2017, 05:34 AM
A DMV appointment got completely blown due to them being closed several days after our hurricane here in FL. There was no email about them closing, and an automatic appointment reminder was even sent to me -- showing up on time to a shut building despite power being back up, the appointment still saying set and no notice on the door was a special kind of frustrating, and it took me 3 weeks to get this appointment even (they've been backlogged for ages), so who knows when they'll get me in next?oh that REALLY fucking sucks. I'm sorry. :/

09-14-2017, 05:39 AM
You'll be unhappy to know that they already changed the official definition of literally to also mean figuratively quite some time ago. So, yeah. If enough stupid people do stupid things the bar will literally (literally, literally) be lowered.




http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/literallyoh, for fuck's sake.

The meaning of the word will never change in my mind. Goddamnit. This is infuriating.

Halo Infinity
09-14-2017, 06:24 AM
What pisses me off: "friends" who remember me only when it suits them. Next time, they are going to get a healthy dose of reality check.
Those types of people also seem to be the same exact types that have little to no concern about leaving you to constantly search and wait for them. Some of them even have a regular habit of cancelling at the very last minute, or always claim to be unsure, oblivious and say maybe to all sorts of plans and invitations, sometimes even to the point of just having you wait for nothing at all.

However, I understand that saying no can be very awkward too, since people can get disappointed even if you are tactful and direct. Or they're just busy or uninterested, and it also just puts people on the spot. Thank you for somehow indirectly helping me finally see the connection between the two. Those seem to be some signs to look out for.

This also reminds me of some of the other reasons as to why one can end up alone due to circumstance, even while actually making the effort to put one's self out there. I guess that's why I've been often told that making and keeping friends doesn't really need a push at all times. No wonder why it truly is more of a go with the flow thing, with you either simply clicking or not.

09-14-2017, 07:31 AM

without fail, it ALWAYS makes me think of Ferengi on star trek




09-14-2017, 08:03 AM

why not London!


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09-14-2017, 12:05 PM
"Christians" who boil Christianity down to
1. Vote Republican
2. Hate "Fags"
3. John 3:16 and accepting Jesus Christ as your "personal savior" (a phrase that occurs precisely ZERO times in the Bible.)

It infuriates me to no end that there even IS a "Religious Right."
These "christians" advocate the PRECISE FUCKING OPPOSITE of what Jesus was saying and make me fucking scared to say that i follow the teachings of christ (love, charity, compassion, forgiveness,) lest they think it means i'm a gun toting homophobic xenophobic republican who wants to deny people food stamps and healthcare.

09-14-2017, 09:40 PM
"Christians" who boil Christianity down to
1. Vote Republican
2. Hate "Fags"
3. John 3:16 and accepting Jesus Christ as your "personal savior" (a phrase that occurs precisely ZERO times in the Bible.)

It infuriates me to no end that there even IS a "Religious Right."
These "christians" advocate the PRECISE FUCKING OPPOSITE of what Jesus was saying and make me fucking scared to say that i follow the teachings of christ (love, charity, compassion, forgiveness,) lest they think it means i'm a gun toting homophobic xenophobic republican who wants to deny people food stamps and healthcare.

Matthew 22: 35-40

Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

09-14-2017, 11:03 PM
matthew 22: 35-40amen

09-19-2017, 03:31 AM
Staying up late making Sushi for lunch...and remembering i left it in the fridge when i'm halfway to work. No lunch for me today.

09-20-2017, 02:38 AM
So my Google Chrome has decided that ETS is a "Dangerous" site and every time i click on a thread or notification i'm greeted with a red screen insisting i leave and not be here before i have to jump through hoops just to get to said thread...

Alrighty then.

09-20-2017, 07:54 PM
besides the people i LET use my hulu account (my best friend justine in connecticut, my friends alex & tiff who live here, and my mom), someone has been using my account, on my profile (my mom and justine each have their own profiles) and making it so i can't watch. just purged all the devices i didn't recognize and changed the password. so fucking annoying.

09-22-2017, 11:41 AM
There's an individual here who says that she wants US to find HER a new job and to send her resume off for her. Not only that, but she FOUND some jobs she wants us to apply to for her. Like, bitch, take your sorry ass over to their website and click "submit" just like everyone else has to do.

Oh and she also has "functional limitations that prevent her from high stress work or duties that may expose her to information about traumatic events that individuals may have experienced" and she wants to apply to jobs like a Patient Relations Assistant and Patient Representative. Oh, you don't think the patients will want to talk about why they're in the hospital? Or that when you review their files to see why they need a patient rep you won't see anything that's traumatic?

One guy - not here, just saw this through the grapevine - was looking for a job that didn't require him to sit for too long. Or stand for too long. Or walk too much. I mean ffs.

I can't tell if I'm irrationally angry about this or not.

09-22-2017, 12:00 PM
look I'm a fan of conspiracy theories as the next guy, if there is some basis in reality, but one I heard today made my jaw drop, the left is using Harp, to promote a climate change agenda and sabotage the Trump presidency,OK, I'll let you go back to snorting chem-trails, you might want to double up on your next order, of Alex Jones brain supliments

09-24-2017, 01:53 AM
I could never hear another song by The Lumineers or Mumford and Sons, I'd be completely cool with that.

Jesus, does every song sound exactly the same to me.

09-24-2017, 07:15 AM
"mumford and sons".

just the name pisses me off. also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.

muse-lyre candy
09-24-2017, 08:32 AM
bubble gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe....

09-24-2017, 09:11 AM
"mumford and sons".

just the name pisses me off. also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.

hey have you tried Mirtazapine/Remeron. in a small dose it should make you sleepy. I'm on 45mg but sadly get no sleepiness

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-24-2017, 12:49 PM
right now star craft2 after the update progress lost keeps going into a loop when loading

09-24-2017, 07:45 PM
hey have you tried Mirtazapine/Remeron. in a small dose it should make you sleepy. I'm on 45mg but sadly get no sleepiness

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

i sleepwalk. i'm super leary of the shit i take to sleep. i'm scared i'm going to drink bleach or something.

muse-lyre candy
09-24-2017, 11:31 PM
i used to take ambien for insomnia and it seemed to work.
just another med to add to your list-

09-25-2017, 12:26 AM
okay part of the reason i'm posting this is to see if anyone else has experienced it or knows someone who has.

i get something akin to deja vu. But this isn't run of the mill deja vu. It's fucking crippling, debilitating, utterly fucking horrifying.

Here's what happens: something will kindle a memory that seems to come from a dream i've had recently. one bit leads to another which leads to several more, but they are almost impossible to hold onto. but there is SO MUCH TO IT that it suddenly feels like i'm seeing into an alternate dimension: an alternate version of myself that has experienced all of these things. Sometimes it seems that these "memories" run right up to the moment the incident started.
And in this alternate deja vu dimension, something is horribly, horribly wrong (although i can't put my finger on what it is.) It makes my fucking blood run cold. It LITERALLY does the thing where it makes my insides feel cold. It renders me utterly terrified and the fear is worse than anything i've ever experienced.

09-25-2017, 12:29 AM
also this insomnia. my doc gave me trazadone, but it doesn't work. i'm up at 6 am watching rupaul reruns.
Sorry for double post, but i wanted to lay this on you.

Man, trazadone never worked that well for me either, but another med called Doxepin has worked WONDERS for me for YEARS.

muse-lyre candy
09-25-2017, 04:50 AM
I've notice the experience of deja vu happening more in my older age as opposed to when i was in my 20/30's
for me the occurrence is usually tied into something triggering a memory from a more recent dream. the sensation at such deja vu moments is followed by experiencing/reliving a feeling or sensation for (what would be a false memory-because it was just) a sequence of a dream being recalled.
though (unpleasant sounding-) if my blood ran cold or i started feeling like i was having a bad trip, and it was often enough, id have a neurologist check me noggin..

Space Suicide
09-27-2017, 08:54 AM
Jury Duty summons. I got the call and everyone before me during screening made up excuse and lie after another to make them seem unfair to get themselves thrown off. My fucking brain isn’t hard wired to make up shit, lie or be an asshole to get thrown off. It landed me a spot as a juror unfortunately. Day 3 now. This case can take up to next Monday if need be...it sucks.

09-27-2017, 10:00 AM
family drama is such bullshit. In May I asked my sister if she wanted to spend Christmas together: in September I find out she is going on vacation with my cousin instead. She booked a trip to a holiday resort at exactly the same time I am travelling to Europe. She's been avoiding me for years now, and abruptly cancelled a visit to us she'd arranged in April with no proper explanation. I have confronted her about it asking what the deal is, but I get no proper response, just insincere bullshit she obviously can not believe. Now also my wife is saying she doesn't want to go visit our cousins for Thanksgiving: she always privileges time with her family, and always makes drama when it's anything to do with my family. My daughter barely knows my side of the family; there always seems to be drama from them, and drama from my wife about hanging out with them, and stuck in the middle of this my response has tended to be: fuck it, I'm not going to even bother, it's too much aggravation. But now I'm getting frustrated at that, it's bullshit on both sides and I'm tired of it.

09-27-2017, 10:13 AM
Trigger warning: McDonalds.

Holy hell... You know, I've put some terrible substances in my body over the years, but I think the fucking French fries I got last night at McDonald's were the closest thing I've come to just ingesting pure poison. I feel like I ate something that was like the fake food play-dough. Twenty minutes or so after eating that stuff, I found myself violently vomiting in the back yard.

What I puked up did not look like regurgitated fries. It looked like pink slime. After throwing up, I literally felt like the air I was breathing was coated in some starchy fog, and that no matter how much I tried to stay calm and just breathe, I wasn't getting enough oxygen. My heart started racing, and my mouth swelled up like I had just eaten a giant spoonful of salt and then chugged it down with a pint of soy sauce. It got so bad I actually considered rushing myself down to the emergency room.

This morning I feel like I'm getting better, but I could barely sleep because of how badly my stomach lurched all through the night. I feel like I should grab a poster board and stand outside the local McDonalds and protest.

09-28-2017, 01:20 PM
We have a weekly conference call here every Thursday with our central office. It's been going on for years and this is not a surprise to anyone. That's not the part that pisses me off, it just sets the mood.

I send out the agenda today to everyone in the office and I get a response back that the phone number for the call is wrong, and can I provide the correct number. My first impulse is "I have been provided the same information you have. Why do you think I'm hiding the real number?" but instead I just ask why it isn't working. "It just isn't, can you give me the right number." Well the only number I have is the one I sent you. "That number is wrong, here, look." I look at what is typed and compare it to the actual calendar invite and yup, they match. So I send that back and say it's the same number and I get a "well it's still wrong."

OK then.

muse-lyre candy
10-02-2017, 06:45 AM
i finally get my AV purchsed digital download burned onto a cd and my car cd player reads the darn thing as an 'error' and won't play it...
oh bother..
i guess id better stick to the actual CD release of everything music, o/w I'm just pissing my money away and my ears will be without hearing the music i purchased.

10-02-2017, 02:17 PM
i finally get my AV purchsed digital download burned onto a cd and my car cd player reads the darn thing as an 'error' and won't play it...
oh bother..
i guess id better stick to the actual CD release of everything music, o/w I'm just pissing my money away and my ears will be without hearing the music i purchased.

what format of the files did you download and burn to the CD?

10-02-2017, 03:18 PM
I sell something on Amazon and it puts my shipping price at $3.99. Ok, I mean you ship a lot of stuff so I trust you.

Someone buys my items and so I go to buy shipping and it starts out at $5.95. WTF? I automatically have to take a bath on shipping and can't do anything to fix it other than price the item up accordingly? That seems unfair to the consumer. Maybe that's why I never took that job in sales.

10-02-2017, 04:06 PM
"thoughts and prayers"

10-02-2017, 05:34 PM
guns. fuck guns. NO ONE NEEDS TO OWN AN INSTRUMENT OF DEATH. guns are the ONLY thing that a citizen can purchase that has no other purpose than to maim/kill. knives have purposes other than causing harm, guns don't. no one needs a gun unless they want to hurt other people. fuck that shit.

10-02-2017, 06:13 PM
I've never killed anyone nor do I intend to, but I have done target practice for years. Women are actually pretty good at it. Anyway, guns are so ingrained in American society and culture, they'll never go away; they're a part of our foundation, revolution, civil war, etc. Not to mention hunting. I just wish we had a better way to control them. But I've actually considered getting a concealed carry license lately. (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/09/29/sexually-assault-sheridan-red-line-lakeview/)

Discussion happening here:

muse-lyre candy
10-02-2017, 07:22 PM
I've never killed anyone nor do I intend to, but I have done target practice for years. Women are actually pretty good at it. Anyway, guns are so ingrained in American society and culture, they'll never go away; they're a part of our foundation, revolution, civil war, etc. Not to mention hunting. I just wish we had a better way to control them. But I've actually considered getting a concealed carry license lately (http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/09/29/sexually-assault-sheridan-red-line-lakeview/).
well said.
i also love target practice, been doing this since i was a kid and stepdad would take us out 'plinking' at cans and milk jugs.
i own firearms. nobody has access to these firearms, they are kept in a standing safe.
i am a responsible firearm owner and a responsible firearm owner parent whom has taught her children from very young ages the NRA do's and don'ts of firearm safety rules.

in our society a majority of individual firearm training and knowledge comes only after joining the armed forces.
it is at this point in training the etiquette of this tool changes to a mentality of it being necessary to point at living breathing individuals as part of duty to protect this country. the very definition of this tool has at this point become a tool of death/maim/destruction; it is unfortunate that thusly a majority of gun users are taught as a first lesson to be ready to point and shoot at human targets.

a firearm is a tool. tools have a purpose. unfortunately the misuse of some tools can inflict great harm. a large part of this misuse (imo) stems from how we are trained in using this tool, and/or a reflection of our first experience(s) with these tools.
it isn't the tool, or the maker (that includes practical and proper instructions for the use of the tool)... it is the person who chooses to misuse the tool.
take away the tool being misused, they will find another tool to misuse-
a person's intentions are a person's intentions.
i don't have answers for how to keep these kinds of incidences from happening, i wish i did.
and yes, i have been effected by gun violence in more than one way on more than just a cpl of occasions, to include fatal tragedies (of loved ones, and the medical end of mass casualty incident) with persons choosing to misuse this tool.

10-02-2017, 10:17 PM
NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?

10-02-2017, 10:24 PM
NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?

I don't understand why we need "assault" type weapons (we don't, and the SCOTUS agrees), and I especially don't understand why those weapons need silencers (they don't, duh). The NRA thinks every fucking thing is a slippery slope; it's a possible slippery slope for the existence of the NRA but that's about it. They're only trying to maintain their own relevance at this point. $$$$$$$. The SCOTUS isn't going to make any more decisions re gun control, that NRA party is over. Forever.

Anyway, there are now TWO WHOLE THREADS dedicated to this discussion, do we really need a third thread?

muse-lyre candy
10-03-2017, 08:19 AM
NRA we need more guns. would have made the latest situation so much worse we know you've bought half the republican party, only gun bill in congress is to legalize silencers, becuase that will help, because I guess not hearing you being shot at is better?
a lot of our ground pounder enlisted and veteran service men and women develop varying degrees of hearing damage/loss due to the nature of their job. suppressors are another protective measure against permanent hearing damage/loss.

I don't understand why we need "assault" type weapons (we don't, and the SCOTUS agrees), and I especially don't understand why those weapons need silencers (they don't, duh). The NRA thinks every fucking thing is a slippery slope; it's a possible slippery slope for the existence of the NRA but that's about it. They're only trying to maintain their own relevance at this point. $$$$$$$. The SCOTUS isn't going to make any more decisions re gun control, that NRA party is over. Forever.

Anyway, there are now TWO WHOLE THREADS dedicated to this discussion, do we really need a third thread?
our American Constitution 'safe guards' uprising against tyranny.
having these types of tools available to the public (cause these same tools and worse will always be readily available to the private sector) help to keep the playing field level so-to-speak; the people vs state/gov't

muse-lyre candy
10-03-2017, 08:23 AM
i had to commit my brother last night.
better his commitment than him hurting others or him being hurt.
it still sucks though.

10-03-2017, 08:54 AM
well said.
i also love target practice, been doing this since i was a kid and stepdad would take us out 'plinking' at cans and milk jugs.
i own firearms. nobody has access to these firearms, they are kept in a standing safe.
i am a responsible firearm owner and a responsible firearm owner parent whom has taught her children from very young ages the NRA do's and don'ts of firearm safety rules.

in our society a majority of individual firearm training and knowledge comes only after joining the armed forces.
it is at this point in training the etiquette of this tool changes to a mentality of it being necessary to point at living breathing individuals as part of duty to protect this country. the very definition of this tool has at this point become a tool of death/maim/destruction; it is unfortunate that thusly a majority of gun users are taught as a first lesson to be ready to point and shoot at human targets.

a firearm is a tool. tools have a purpose. unfortunately the misuse of some tools can inflict great harm. a large part of this misuse (imo) stems from how we are trained in using this tool, and/or a reflection of our first experience(s) with these tools.
it isn't the tool, or the maker (that includes practical and proper instructions for the use of the tool)... it is the person who chooses to misuse the tool.
take away the tool being misused, they will find another tool to misuse-
a person's intentions are a person's intentions.
i don't have answers for how to keep these kinds of incidences from happening, i wish i did.
and yes, i have been effected by gun violence in more than one way on more than just a cpl of occasions, to include fatal tragedies (of loved ones, and the medical end of mass casualty incident) with persons choosing to misuse this tool.

i'm sorry, but a firearm is not a tool, it is a weapon, and that is its only purpose. the ONLY thing firearms are made to do is hurt or kill other living things (whether they be people or animals).

muse-lyre candy
10-03-2017, 09:58 AM
i'm sorry, but a firearm is not a tool, it is a weapon, and that is its only purpose. the ONLY thing firearms are made to do is hurt or kill other living things (whether they be people or animals).
shooting also has its place alongside archery as an Olympic Sport

10-03-2017, 10:23 AM
One of my liberal Facebook pages attacked of the country singers who said he changed his mind about gun control after Sunday night. What pisses me off about that is that while we have the right to be angry, I don't think we should take this self-entitled attitude to those who have a change of heart about these things. As far as the people who do not waver from such horrible positions go, that's exactly what they expect of us.

10-03-2017, 10:28 AM
a lot of our ground pounder enlisted and veteran service men and women develop varying degrees of hearing damage/loss due to the nature of their job. suppressors are another protective measure against permanent hearing damage/loss.
AGAIN, why the fuck is this being discussed in this thread other than maybe people are afraid of the Headlines forum? There are TWO THREADS (one devoted SOLELY to this subject (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/1318-Gun-Talk-News-Laws-etc?p=379394#post379394)) going strong re guns in the Headlines forum. If somebody started talking about NIN in the SYM forum, people would jump hurdles attempting to move the thread or correct the situation; but here we are, with the bullshit "pisses me off" stance, hiding out in the wrong thread.

Accordingly, I'm responding in the right thread (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/1318-Gun-Talk-News-Laws-etc?p=379394#post379394).

10-03-2017, 10:33 AM
i had to commit my brother last night.
better his commitment than him hurting others or him being hurt.
it still sucks though.

Sorry to hear that, very very sad and difficult position to be in.

muse-lyre candy
10-03-2017, 11:21 AM
Sorry to hear that, very very sad and difficult position to be in.
thank you.

10-03-2017, 11:39 AM
People posting the shooters name and his face. I want him to die for no reason, I want him to die as a nobody. He doesn’t deserve celebrity.

10-04-2017, 11:16 AM
i started feeling weird/sick on monday. i threw up my entire dinner (and part of my lunch) in the evening, which was incredibly painful. i hadn't really thrown up in a while. i spent all day yesterday taking it easy, had some matzoh ball soup, etc. but then i threw up before bed again. i'm still feeling shitty today, and the most frustrating part is how much all the muscles in my neck hurt from throwing up :(

muse-lyre candy
10-04-2017, 11:26 AM
hugs to you. hope you're feeling better soon.

printed up my concert tickets this morning, only after printing them did i notice that they looked a lil peculiar...
i guess my black ink went dry(?)
so to the store to get more ink to reprint with-a barcodes-a this-a time-a....

10-05-2017, 06:47 AM
This is more for everyone to laugh at then me being pissed off about (freaking everyone i tell finds it funny as fuck, even the dentist!)

I managed to chip my tooth, which has resulted in needing Root Canal and a Crown (so i'm really poor right now) and i chipped it by...

Sneezing. Yep, i sneezed and in my hand were the fragments of my tooth. And everyone thinks it's the funniest thing ever :confused:

muse-lyre candy
10-05-2017, 07:12 AM
I'm sorry to hear about the tooth- that sucks (though there are more painful ways to a chip a tooth?)
i had a colleague many yrs ago who fractured a c-spine vertebrae when she sneezed.
bizarre things do happen in the most obscure, mundane ways.

10-06-2017, 04:56 PM
Why doesn't my phone cast to my Chromecast when there's no Internet? What kind of tin-foil-hat monitoring is going on that they have to send the data somewhere and then send it back to me?

Also I hate "keep me checked in" boxes because they inevitably fail. And I don't mean after a couple weeks, I mean I've had to sign into website multiple times a day and check that box every time. Nope.

10-12-2017, 04:47 AM
Hey y'all check this bullshit out.
I ordered 4 bottles of vape juice for which I paid $46 total. Each one cost $13, shipping and all.
When the package arrived, it had three bottles in it. There was no explanation so I politely contacted the customer service and asked what happened. She said " oh I'm sorry, you should have got an email, we don't have that flavor anymore. " so I was like "ok, that's word, just send me another flavor." But she told me she couldn't do that and would give me store credit.

so here is the kicker: they have me $11.55 in store credit. The thing I bought was $13. I politely asked the lady if there was any way she could like go ahead and give me $13 in store credit, seeing as that's how much fucking money we gave them. But now she won't respond to me.
In this situation, it's the principle of the thing that infuriates me.

10-13-2017, 04:10 AM
This shit on autoplay:


10-13-2017, 01:32 PM
Advertising that is just download buttons. I clicked a link to download an APK for the new Pixel launcher and the page had no fewer than six "Download here!" buttons. Which one is the right one? ffs.

10-14-2017, 11:39 AM
I've been a victim of stalking both in real life and on the Internet. The thing about stalkers is that they believe their behavior is perfectly normal. They don't think they're stalking someone, just like crazy people don't think they're crazy.

Harry Seaward
10-16-2017, 10:53 AM
"Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"

10-16-2017, 01:00 PM
If my package is gonna be in "pre-shipping" for a week, I don't even WANT the tracking number yet. Just tell me when it's actually moving and thus needs to be TRACKED. :)))))

(This is completely unrelated to the Sandbag ordeal, as I'm one of the veeery few that's received all my items in perfect condition...)

10-16-2017, 02:03 PM
If my package is gonna be in "pre-shipping" for a week, I don't even WANT the tracking number yet. Just tell me when it's actually moving and thus needs to be TRACKED. :)))))

(This is completely unrelated to the Sandbag ordeal, as I'm one of the veeery few that's received all my items in perfect condition...)

are you talking about the new john carpenter anthology vinyl? because mine has been in pre-shipment since the 6th and it's driving me fucking nuts.

10-16-2017, 02:14 PM
are you talking about the new john carpenter anthology vinyl? because mine has been in pre-shipment since the 6th and it's driving me fucking nuts.

Nah, I do want that anthology though! D: Right now I have a blu-ray set I ordered the other day (Outlaw Star!) and the big box set of Mogwai's new record both in pre-shipping, the latter having been that way for about a month. They sent out an email explaining the delay they're having with shipping, which I 100% understand and can't be frustrated with - but if getting the box sets so they can get them to USPS is the issue, then how in the dicks did USPS already have a tracking number for it?

I mean, at this point I would've been better off buying one of the countless copies I've seen on store shelves by now.

10-17-2017, 08:30 AM
Nah, I do want that anthology though! D: Right now I have a blu-ray set I ordered the other day (Outlaw Star!) and the big box set of Mogwai's new record both in pre-shipping, the latter having been that way for about a month. They sent out an email explaining the delay they're having with shipping, which I 100% understand and can't be frustrated with - but if getting the box sets so they can get them to USPS is the issue, then how in the dicks did USPS already have a tracking number for it?

I mean, at this point I would've been better off buying one of the countless copies I've seen on store shelves by now.

i think the way tracking numbers work is that they can be claimed by anyone who has the ability to ship things (i.e. they're generated by the USPS but you don't have to go to a post office to claim one, all you have to do is print a shipping label). so the distribution warehouse or whatever prints a shipping label for your package, which claims a tracking number (and e-mails that tracking info to you), but until the package actually gets into the hands of the USPS, it remains in pre-shipment limbo, sitting in the warehouse.

10-17-2017, 09:13 AM
i think the way tracking numbers work is that they can be claimed by anyone who has the ability to ship things (i.e. they're generated by the USPS but you don't have to go to a post office to claim one, all you have to do is print a shipping label). so the distribution warehouse or whatever prints a shipping label for your package, which claims a tracking number (and e-mails that tracking info to you), but until the package actually gets into the hands of the USPS, it remains in pre-shipment limbo, sitting in the warehouse.

Oh yeah, I'm certain that's about how it works. The wait with delays just gets under my skin. I'd rather not know until it's ready to go!

10-17-2017, 11:22 PM
When I order food for everyone but they leave scrapings for me by the time I get back.

10-20-2017, 12:41 PM
Former landlords took our deposit, pulling a Trump move, with all sorts of bullshit charges that should fall under normal wear and tear.
Not sure what to do: we've sent an email rationally challenging their bills for work they got done on the house after we left; we agreed to pay for one part of the damage we have always admitted to: the rest is stuff they added later ("Oh we didn't notice things were so bad on the walk-through"). They didn't answer.
My wife wants to let it go: I feel wronged and hurt by this.
It could be that fighting this is not worth the further pain it will cause.

10-24-2017, 01:28 PM
Not so much piss off as make me incredulous. I'm working on a report and had to reference a government report for some information...

It's in Comic Sans. The titles, the explanations, the graphs. Everything but the page numbers and footers.

10-25-2017, 07:06 AM
My upstairs neighbors have been arguing this morning and shit makes me concerned. Bleh. I don't think like abuse is happening but I obviously worry about that and if they're a couple they need to break up.

10-25-2017, 07:31 AM
I know a few people who seem to be over-eager in finding stuff racist/offensive when it's simply not, to the point where I am feeling that they are being demonstrably racist by insisting (e.g.) that everyone who paints their face black is doing blackface (e.g. "Gotta Light?" guy) to the point where they're pushing that their opinion matters more than mine (an actual brownface).

**Requires shady Drag Race gif but I'm terrible at looking these things up**

10-25-2017, 09:48 AM
I know a few people who seem to be over-eager in finding stuff racist/offensive when it's simply not, to the point where I am feeling that they are being demonstrably racist by insisting (e.g.) that everyone who paints their face black is doing blackface (e.g. "Gotta Light?" guy) to the point where they're pushing that their opinion matters more than mine (an actual brownface).

**Requires shady Drag Race gif but I'm terrible at looking these things up**


i'm actually going to a twin peaks themed party on friday (sarah is going as evil coop) and i'm going as evil abe lincoln, aka gotta light guy and i was worried about how much makeup to use because i didn't want anyone to think i was doing anything offensive. i think my position is that i don't want to piss anyone off or have them think i'm an asshole, so idunno. but i can imagine how it's annoying for people to be over-concerned all the time when they don't need to be.

10-25-2017, 10:18 AM

i'm actually going to a twin peaks themed party on friday (sarah is going as evil coop) and i'm going as evil abe lincoln, aka gotta light guy and i was worried about how much makeup to use because i didn't want anyone to think i was doing anything offensive. i think my position is that i don't want to piss anyone off or have them think i'm an asshole, so idunno. but i can imagine how it's annoying for people to be over-concerned all the time when they don't need to be.

I'd say two options -

1. Throw a little soot on your face and don't overdo it.
2. Go monochromatic and try to look like a black and white recreation of how the Woodsman appeared during Part 8.

10-25-2017, 10:26 AM
I'd say two options -

1. Throw a little soot on your face and don't overdo it.
2. Go monochromatic and try to look like a black and white recreation of how the Woodsman appeared during Part 8.

i don't think i'm talented enough (and we don't have enough makeup) for option 2 so my wife and i had already mostly settled on option 1 haha

now i just have to stay awake for a party that starts at 9 (i'm such a grandma)

10-25-2017, 04:48 PM
the way things like special k cereal and dove chocolates are marketed specifically towards women.

there's this really obnoxious special k commercial where different women are talking about what they eat. at the end one of them goes "and yeah ... we eat chocolate" like it's an act of rebellion.

and dove is just hershey's with pink and lavender wrappings.

ugh, fuck you.

10-25-2017, 04:58 PM

i'm actually going to a twin peaks themed party on friday (sarah is going as evil coop) and i'm going as evil abe lincoln, aka gotta light guy and i was worried about how much makeup to use because i didn't want anyone to think i was doing anything offensive. i think my position is that i don't want to piss anyone off or have them think i'm an asshole, so idunno. but i can imagine how it's annoying for people to be over-concerned all the time when they don't need to be.

i can understand people who don’t know TP assuming that. I wanted to go as a TP character for my work party but the dumb twats haven’t seen it. But it’s fully evident watching the series that the Woodsmen are not blackface.

10-26-2017, 04:52 AM
I was on vacation this week and my boss called me last night and asked me to come in today and tomorrow because ... well the ship was sinking apparently.
I'm pissed ...

10-26-2017, 05:52 AM
I hope you told him he owed you another week of vacation, on him. :(

10-26-2017, 08:25 AM
the way things like special k cereal and dove chocolates are marketed specifically towards women.

there's this really obnoxious special k commercial where different women are talking about what they eat. at the end one of them goes "and yeah ... we eat chocolate" like it's an act of rebellion.

and dove is just hershey's with pink and lavender wrappings.

ugh, fuck you.

to be fair, dove chocolate actually tastes good - hershey's doesn't :p

but i'm with you, marketing campaigns like that are bullshit. i'm sick of things that simultaneously shame women and try to lift them up.

10-26-2017, 03:39 PM
Very shitty week so far and I'm expect bad news tonight. My best friends mother died from cancer, all the news I keep getting is bad. I need a fucking win soon.
Everything recently is falling apart, I'm just hanging in there going along for the ride.
Fuck this week.

10-27-2017, 04:35 PM
Got facepalmed and then one sarcastic response to my post, so I deleted it. Gotta try to fit in better with the people here, I guess. I've only been here for about a week so we'll see.

Doesn't piss me off. Just makes me question myself.

10-27-2017, 09:40 PM
the way things like special k cereal and dove chocolates are marketed specifically towards women.

there's this really obnoxious special k commercial where different women are talking about what they eat. at the end one of them goes "and yeah ... we eat chocolate" like it's an act of rebellion.

and dove is just hershey's with pink and lavender wrappings.

ugh, fuck you.

Dove is not intentionally marketing only toward females. They have about a dozen products and each has a different color scheme. The PROBLEM with choosing colors is ... http://www.foodliabilitylaw.com/2011/01/articles/trademark/hershey-and-mars-battle-over-the-color-orange/

Also, like eversonpoe pointed out, Special K is pretty much telling women that they’re fat and are on diets and aren’t allowed chocolates unless they sneak them.


Dove is Mars, it’s the Lexus of chocolate, trying to compete with Godiva (except can’t use gold).

It DOES suck sometimes to see how much we are being played.

10-27-2017, 09:49 PM
Got facepalmed and then one sarcastic response to my post, so I deleted it. Gotta try to fit in better with the people here, I guess. I've only been here for about a week so we'll see.

Doesn't piss me off. Just makes me question myself.
It takes a while, I still delete my own comments due to insecurity from having been flamed and I’ve been here 13 years. Don’t sweat it, kid. :)

10-27-2017, 10:01 PM
My girlfriend's work environment sucks... and I'm there for moral support but I'm not making a scene.., today her boss randomly yelled at me in front of her for no good fucking reason and I shrugged it off because I don't want to make a scene... but all she's gotta do is say the word and I'll start a scene to end all scenes

10-28-2017, 10:11 AM
So I got cheap tickets with a friend and some friends of a friend to see a Broadway show last night, which was awesome. We're like in the final scenes of the show and I notice some clicking to the left near my leg. It's because my seatmate (a friend of a friend) is shifting their butt up just enough to slowly let out a fart. This happens a couple of times. I miss a bit of what is happening towards the end because I'm too keenly aware of the fact that I'm being farted on/sitting so closely to a farting person that I can *feel* the gas escaping, bubble by bubble.

10-28-2017, 11:57 AM
So I got cheap tickets with a friend and some friends of a friend to see a Broadway show last night, which was awesome. We're like in the final scenes of the show and I notice some clicking to the left near my leg. It's because my seatmate (a friend of a friend) is shifting their butt up just enough to slowly let out a fart. This happens a couple of times. I miss a bit of what is happening towards the end because I'm too keenly aware of the fact that I'm being farted on/sitting so closely to a farting person that I can *feel* the gas escaping, bubble by bubble.

oh no
oh no
oh no
that is so foul

10-29-2017, 09:16 AM
Yeah, and then I'm like, do I acknowledge this? Did they not realize? I did nothing but maaaaaan it was an Experience

10-29-2017, 10:32 AM
adore delano posted an instagram of shoshone falls. wtf was she doing here and how the fuck did i not know?


10-30-2017, 09:34 AM
Man, maybe this makes me a grump Old but geez I really don't like when people RSVP "yes" to small (like, a potluck) events on Facebook and then don't show or provide any form of update to signal they won't be coming. 4 people did that to a potluck/housewarming thing I hosted yesterday.

10-30-2017, 03:55 PM
I'm trying to sell Bayonetta 2 for WiiU on Amazon and it keeps coming up as an inactive item. I finally find the right string of words to use for research and it turns out you have to be certified by Nintendo to sell Nintendo items on Amazon now. wtf. Since when do you have to be a business to sell second-hand?

10-30-2017, 09:40 PM
People who abuse (in any way) at the workplace on a daily basis.

11-01-2017, 12:07 AM
My girlfriend's work environment sucks... and I'm there for moral support but I'm not making a scene.., today her boss randomly yelled at me in front of her for no good fucking reason and I shrugged it off because I don't want to make a scene... but all she's gotta do is say the word and I'll start a scene to end all scenes
Not the same though i've been in similar situations, I've told a few servers that i'd be perhaps willing to loose my job for the opportunity to tell some white bread stuck up fuck face off. Which is i why i stay in the back.

11-05-2017, 05:12 AM
Something I've noticed lately is that people will straight up turn away in disinterest mid conversation instead of providing some sort of excuse. Both of my direct team members at work do it a lot, often when they've asked me social questions. What ever happened to a "sorry, gotta get back to this" or something. Am I just now beginning to notice this or is it not odd to have people like literally in total silence physically turn away when you're chatting? Granted I'm sure I'm not being interesting but like.

11-06-2017, 12:53 PM
Every goddamn day is exactly the goddamn same.

inb4 obvious jokes, but seriously. Get me the fuck out of this loop. Jesus.

11-06-2017, 09:27 PM
When I know all too well I shouldn't scratch a rash but I do anyway. Now it's oozing and disgusting.

11-07-2017, 04:40 AM
I left another music forum because it was mostly just creepy old men over 50 posting girly pics. There was very little discussion of the band anymore. That group's fan base is mostly perverted, middle-aged men.

11-07-2017, 10:29 AM
I've been having issues with my boss for awhile and I finally have a name for what the issue is: rounding. Basically he goes around the office talking to everyone about what's going on. He'll sit down and talk with people for 10, 15 minutes at a time and just make sure everything's going well.

I get a "good morning" as he walks by.

11-07-2017, 11:03 AM
My girlfriend's work environment sucks... and I'm there for moral support but I'm not making a scene.., today her boss randomly yelled at me in front of her for no good fucking reason and I shrugged it off because I don't want to make a scene... but all she's gotta do is say the word and I'll start a scene to end all scenes

Is there more context you can provide to your being yelled at? In any case, I lol’d at your last sentence.

I’m not sure I could take it. I’m a rather loose cannon these days, particularly from detecting BS that is apparently rampant in my current spaces (or maybe I’m just leveling up my standards as I’m simply becoming more aware in the world). I pet my cats and listen to calmer music in my own time to reset, but also because I realize I distinctly feel more aided to function with a clear head (versus how I would tend to feed my head in the past, no questioning). However, out in the real world, I am basically done being talked to the “wrong” way, let alone yelled at with no warrant. I have walked away or suppressed and then internalized from certain scenarios a time too many, where there wasn’t anybody’s safety at stake—only my convictions to be put on hold, so not to rock the boat. Meanwhile my kayak is filling up with water. Those are times I’ve had enough of. Festering about an exchange to unhealthy levels hours after the fact, or even days after. It’s my problem... I don’t need to be right, I just need to give myself a chance right in the moment. It’s not as though I haven’t done it before (e.g. outright been accused by a former boss of something I didn’t do, I responded in kind and he ate his words, then I put my two weeks notice in), I’m just finding I’m a tad inconsistent.

I believe what a LOT of people (present company included) can always stand to work better with themselves on is: letting go of the energy from a past interaction with somebody by the time of entering into an interaction with somebody new (using discretion, of course), and the same goes even from activity to activity. It’s very important, and an invaluable lesson to help keep emotions in check, thus to better control and to better understand what and how things unfold in your reality. It all comes back to mindfulness. Always.

/generally sick and tired of being pissed off by “little” things = people, man

Something I've noticed lately is that people will straight up turn away in disinterest mid conversation instead of providing some sort of excuse. Both of my direct team members at work do it a lot, often when they've asked me social questions. What ever happened to a "sorry, gotta get back to this" or something. Am I just now beginning to notice this or is it not odd to have people like literally in total silence physically turn away when you're chatting? Granted I'm sure I'm not being interesting but like.

That is mega rude. Have some respect. Say something, anything, to pair with walking away.

Most people pull out their phone in those kinds of times, which is already rude AF in my world. “Hold on, let me read 10 words from this book here............ What were you saying?” (repeat) It’s like inviting a commercial break to a conversation. Why the fuck would you? Get that shit out of here! Let that shit vibrate, we are here now. OR, consider talking about what is up. However, most of the time it is NOT an emergency if it is not a phone call.

I need to step out of this highly relatable thread and go do things.

11-07-2017, 11:12 PM
I went through the trouble of learning 3 different instruments but I could never find a band to play in. The music scene in my city sucks. I have all but given up on wanting to be a musician. But I still make art sometimes and write stuff.

11-08-2017, 10:06 AM

"Is it because your screen is cracked?"

"No, that doesn't have anything to do with it." Right, so you dropped your phone so hard that the digital, intangible button in the app on your phone stopped working. Nothing to do with this big crack on the screen.

11-08-2017, 04:27 PM
Remembering things. By which I mean "remembering things people at work ask me to do." I need a method for it. Scribbled notes on whatever pieces of paper is handy just isn't cutting it. Do any of the time-management gurus here want to share? Thanks in advance.

11-08-2017, 04:34 PM
[QUOTE=allegate;384720]Remembering things. By which I mean "remembering things people at work ask me to do." I need a method for it. Scribbled notes on whatever pieces of paper is handy just isn't cutting it. Do any of the time-management gurus

11-09-2017, 04:45 PM
Supervisor and I go to an apartment to fix a girl's toilet. He sits down to fix the toilet, and removes items from on top of it so he can take off the tank lid. He does his thing, puts the lid on, puts her items on top of the toilet, and flushes it. Seconds, and I do mean 2-3 seconds, after flushing it, a small dish plate she had sitting on top of the toilet falls off, and shatters. I was there the whole time, and watched this happen. He turns to me and actually says "Wow. Of course. Well, that would happen. I sure as shit didn't break it, but I know it's probably gonna come back on me anyway. Jesus Christ." And then proceeds to tell everyone in the office that "it just fell, but when I put it back it didn't move, so I sure didn't break it."

So, you moved something, put it back, immediately after you put it back it fell and broke, and...that's not on you? Not at all? Mister grown adult man? It's her fault for putting it on her toilet in the first place?

I'll be the first person to say that anyone, aaanyone who stacks shit on their toilet literally is asking for it to fall and break or fall into the toilet, but come on. What's so hard about you accepting responsibility for things you're accountable for? Fuck. This man is a manchild. I can't handle it.

Between this, being unable to spell words a 40 year old man should know how to spell, unable to go 15 minutes without saying how retarded something is, ALWAYS talking about his dick and how many girls want him, how he totally thinks he has a chance with half the college girls he sees, always playing heavy metal LOUDLY IN APARTMENTS AT WORK, loud ringtones of "Cake and Sodomy" and some shit Tech Nine song going off all the time. Jesus. Get me the fuck OUT OF HERE.

11-09-2017, 08:41 PM
Remembering things. By which I mean "remembering things people at work ask me to do." I need a method for it. Scribbled notes on whatever pieces of paper is handy just isn't cutting it. Do any of the time-management gurus here want to share? Thanks in advance.this works pretty well for me runs well on any i device, you can share so everyone can see what you're working on https://www.smartsheet.com/s/Trello-Alternative?s=1&c=6&m=162&a=215280581406&k=trello&mtp=e&adp=1t1&net=s&dev=c&devm=&plc=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlpDQBRDmARIsAAW6-DOYD58louie0sAplAWvVz15yb9yDHy7AgU4_8m5an40Hcau-Azjqh0EjuKEaAuA4EALw_wcB

11-09-2017, 10:21 PM
Remembering things. By which I mean "remembering things people at work ask me to do." I need a method for it. Scribbled notes on whatever pieces of paper is handy just isn't cutting it. Do any of the time-management gurus here want to share? Thanks in advance.

I use Notes on my iPhone. Allows me to group To Do stuff in folders related to specific projects or things.

But I have lots of friends who LOVE (and survive via) "Remember the Milk (https://www.rememberthemilk.com/)."


11-10-2017, 01:51 AM
I use Notes on my iPhone. Allows me to group To Do stuff in folders related to specific projects or things.

But I have lots of friends who LOVE (and survive via) "Remember the Milk (https://www.rememberthemilk.com/)."


Maybe even just a little note pad you can use. Had a chef/owner who would use a little pocket book like you see cops in movies use. Sometimes he couldn't read what he wrote but he would pop that out his front pocket all the time with things he noticed, needed done. He had all sorts of shit going too.

sick among the pure
11-10-2017, 02:27 AM
Editor at the paper I freelance for is being a douche in regards to pricing for video work (he suddenly realized I charge per hour so I can cover my hardware use because I'm doing it with my only dSLR and computer) and wants to cut my two $175 videos I invoiced down to $104. Won't pay me at all until I take the offer. I also have to agree to a max charge of $104 in the future, and that's only for videos I discuss having to take longer with beforehand, otherwise the cap is $78/video.
So, in the future, they sure as shit aren't getting my best work anymore. I'm also going to look at moving to a bigger city and doing real fucking news work for a place that can afford to pay people what they're worth because FUCK anyone who thinks hiring an artist and paying them minimum wage is going to fly. If I wanted minimum wage income I'd go work at a fucking Walmart.

11-10-2017, 05:10 AM
There is nothing I hate more than winter. That's why I never look forward to Christmas. Because it's in winter.

11-10-2017, 12:44 PM
There is nothing I hate more than winter. That's why I never look forward to Christmas. Because it's in winter.

I love winter cause it provides me with a justifiable excuse for my anti-social tendencies!

When people ask me about my weekend plans, I can be like, "Oh, I'm probably just gonna try to stay home all weekend and read my book...I mean, it's just so cold out there, ya know? Haha..." And I sound perfectly normal, because after all, we live in goddamn Minnesota. The winters here are the stuff of nightmares. Just walking across the parking lot feels like millions of frozen razor blades are slicing you across the face. It's pure hell. So staying inside is considered normal and rational and healthy, which in turn provides me with the perfect cover. Not so easy in the summer. My friends start texting and demanding that I rejoin them in civilization. They're constantly trying to thwart my reclusive ambitions.

So as soon as it starts getting cold, I'm like "Yesssss, now I can pretend I'm normal!!!"

11-11-2017, 03:52 AM
My sister just found out her baby will have downs syndrome, I don't know whether to lend her support or if she turned to me because she knows that I'm a practical (aka heartless) person who sees no issue if she chooses to abort. She is less than 12 weeks along so she has time to think about it but its still a terrible decision to make. Even if she decides to keep it there is a high chance of miscarriage:(

11-11-2017, 07:47 AM
the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.

11-11-2017, 02:04 PM
the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.
Yeah, I agree. The thing that bugs me is how "support the troops" often gets distorted into blindly supporting all of our shitty wars. I encounter a lot of college students who are veterans and some of them have major problems. PTSD, chronic pain from the injuries, etc. And I just feel like, if you really "support" these people, shouldn't you be trying spare them from all this pain and trauma? I just don't understand how it's supportive to be like "We're behind you guys 100%! Enjoy the fucking trauma!"...Wow, heartwarming. The troops are treated like cannon fodder, just used up and discarded like they're just a means to an end.

The US is a gross, warmongering society, and it basically always has been since it was founded. I recently encountered a young student, fresh out of high school, and she mentioned that she has no memory of a time when our country was not waging war. She was born in 1998, so the Afghanistan war began when she was about 3 years old in 2001 and has been going ever since. That just blew my mind to think about. This whole generation has no memory of anything else. All they know is the United States at war, almost like it's just the normal default state of things. And it makes me wonder how much longer this fucking shit is going to go on. Are we just going to continue on in a state of perpetual warfare?

11-12-2017, 03:29 AM
Yeah, I agree. The thing that bugs me is how "support the troops" often gets distorted into blindly supporting all of our shitty wars. I encounter a lot of college students who are veterans and some of them have major problems. PTSD, chronic pain from the injuries, etc. And I just feel like, if you really "support" these people, shouldn't you be trying spare them from all this pain and trauma? I just don't understand how it's supportive to be like "We're behind you guys 100%! Enjoy the fucking trauma!"...Wow, heartwarming. The troops are treated like cannon fodder, just used up and discarded like they're just a means to an end.

The US is a gross, warmongering society, and it basically always has been since it was founded. I recently encountered a young student, fresh out of high school, and she mentioned that she has no memory of a time when our country was not waging war. She was born in 1998, so the Afghanistan war began when she was about 3 years old in 2001 and has been going ever since. That just blew my mind to think about. This whole generation has no memory of anything else. All they know is the United States at war, almost like it's just the normal default state of things. And it makes me wonder how much longer this fucking shit is going to go on. Are we just going to continue on in a state of perpetual warfare?
& you know, the US hasn't been in a legally defined war since world war 2. it has been all about looking out for corporate interests. i won't get into some of our allies but let's just say they are no better than some of our "enemies". they just happen to have vast amounts of oil or dubious claims based on documents that are thousands of years old. its kind of like the gun control arguments. a lot of that is based on conditions over 200 years old & have no relevance now. i'm going off on a tangent a little here but its ridiculous. maybe these folks that don't want sanity in that area shouldn't be allowed to have indoor plumbing so they can replicate some of the conditions that the 2nd amendment were written under. it's all about the cash. i feel the true father of the US is PT Barnum who's maxim was "there's a sucker born every minute". make any sort of outrageous claim or statement & put a picture of a smiling face on it & everything is fine. sorry if i went off in a different direction but its all tied in & comes down to greed "trumps" all.

11-13-2017, 10:11 AM
the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.As someone who was in the military, I wholeheartedly agree. Hell, look at the number of veterans who say they don't give a shit if people kneel or stand during the anthem. Yet it's the people who didn't serve who seem to have the problem. :confused:

I said it the other day: Trump appears to be Nero, he just can't fiddle worth a shit.

11-15-2017, 11:15 PM
"Funny" viral videos that are just people talking/yelling using the default face- and voice-warping features on their phone that anyone else with that model of phone has access to.

OH MAN YOU SAID A THING IN A HIGH-PITCHED VOICE AND USED ONE OF THE SAME THREE FUNNY FACES EVERYONE ELSE USES. Sooo comedically clever. What a riot. Golly. Someone give that person a movie deal.

11-17-2017, 04:13 PM
People that equate the enjoyment of a few critically divisive and harmless movies to that of homophobia, pedophilia and white supremacy.

Kindly get fucked!

11-20-2017, 06:35 AM
One, friends who make it glaringly obvious that they only communicate at all when they need something. Do they just think I don't notice? Takes 3 days to respond to me but I need to answer right away? By-eee.

Two, when people get way, WAY too proud of making their own ringtones. You snip down a couple audio files and throw them on your phone and suddenly think you're a god among men because your phone plays the same 8 seconds of a song on a loop until you answer your phone. PLEASE stop bragging about it to every person who hears it. Please.

11-21-2017, 06:56 AM
That fucking church shooting: now, we have to have people sitting in the back of our little church who are ARMED.
I can't believe the fucking world has come to this.

11-21-2017, 08:47 AM
That fucking church shooting: now, we have to have people sitting in the back of our little church who are ARMED.
I can't believe the fucking world has come to this.

the one that happened during a gun safety presentation? or the one where someone was actually trying to kill people?

11-21-2017, 11:12 AM
the one that happened during a gun safety presentation? or the one where someone was actually trying to kill people?the second one.
The people who are armed in our church know how to handle guns; it's our sheriff and his predecessor. But still, jesus.

11-21-2017, 12:56 PM
I never did like the ninnies who were running Stephen King's website. They're always moving and deleting posts even when you're on your best behaviour. I have never trolled or flamed anyone over there. It's beyond annoying. Like a fascist dictatorship. That website is no fun at all.

11-21-2017, 03:19 PM
This one has driven me nuts since I was a kid: people say "predjudice" instead of "prejudiced."

For example, people say things like "you're a racist because you're prejudice!"
I rarely ever hear or see people say it right.

11-21-2017, 03:59 PM
This one has driven me nuts since I was a kid: people say "predjudice" instead of "prejudiced."

For example, people say things like "you're a racist because you're prejudice!"
I rarely ever hear or see people say it right.
I've also encountered people who for some reason think that "prejudice" is almost like "lite" racism...."I wouldn't say he's a full blown racist. He's a little prejudiced, maybe, sure, but not quite racist."

11-21-2017, 11:11 PM
I've also encountered people who for some reason think that "prejudice" is almost like "lite" racism...."I wouldn't say he's a full blown racist. He's a little prejudiced, maybe, sure, but not quite racist."
Definitely. And if it continues this way, the dictionary definition will change like it did with "literally." You are absolutely right.

11-23-2017, 04:19 PM
Oven fires.

11-26-2017, 07:49 AM
"The best of year" as early as November. Hurry much? Warum?

11-26-2017, 04:01 PM
The new Firefox is laggy as fuck.

11-26-2017, 06:23 PM
sleepwalking has cost me two pairs of contacts, a nintendo 3ds (i split it in two), and rug burn on my face. enough!

11-26-2017, 08:22 PM
Spectrum internet service is kind of a joke.

11-26-2017, 11:51 PM
Liner notes for albums with misspelled words.

11-28-2017, 06:04 PM
Reading over an application and this line fairly jumped off the page at me:

this requires me to season my natural tendencies with the salt of other people' abilities

You're applying to be a mediator, what does that even mean.

11-29-2017, 07:19 AM
Someone opened a cover letter with their Myers-Briggs profile yesterday at work. People are silly.

I have like 200 applications I have to go through today. Ughhhh.

11-29-2017, 09:11 AM
this requires me to season my natural tendencies with the salt of other people' abilities

It almost sounds like the applicant's "natural tendencies" are something you can eat. Maybe that's a selling point for this individual.

11-29-2017, 09:47 AM
I'm so used to seeing "salty" on twitter and in memes that I had to do a double-take.

11-30-2017, 01:47 AM
The biking season is over :(
I mean, it was over three weeks ago already, but I kept waiting for at least one more dry weekend. No luck.

11-30-2017, 05:55 AM
People who buy like 30 items in the 15 item or less aisle at the supermarket. 12 bottles of soda doesn't count as one item!

11-30-2017, 09:40 AM
People who buy like 30 items in the 15 item or less aisle at the supermarket. 12 bottles of soda doesn't count as one item!

Fair enough, but on the flip side...I recently had this thing where a dude behind me actually COUNTED the shit in my basket and confronted me about it all angrily. "Hey! You've got eleven items. You need to go to one of the other registers. That's the rules buddy." I just couldn't believe he actually cared that much.

11-30-2017, 09:42 AM
The biking season is over :(
I mean, it was over three weeks ago already, but I kept waiting for at least one more dry weekend. No luck.
I try to keep going but I really really hate cleaning the gears/chain after every ride.

11-30-2017, 10:05 AM
I try to keep going but I really really hate cleaning the gears/chain after every ride.
On the bright side, it was my longest and most intensive biking season yet.
Roughly 1500 km, tons of new roads outside the city and hours of new music. A summer well spent. (I don't cycle to/from work, only on weekends and occasionally after work).
It's been about +2 or +3 C, rainy and/or snowy lately, not very kind weather. Going into hibernate mode until March.

11-30-2017, 10:17 AM
Fair enough, but on the flip side...I recently had this thing where a dude behind me actually COUNTED the shit in my basket and confronted me about it all angrily. "Hey! You've got eleven items. You need to go to one of the other registers. That's the rules buddy." I just couldn't believe he actually cared that much.What did you do/say?

11-30-2017, 10:35 AM
My boss keeps saying "Matt Lowery" instead of Matt Lauer, despite READING AND HEARING his name in articles and videos as we speak. FFS DUDE, IT ISN' LAUERY.

Also it's 10:30 and we're still sitting here not doing our building inspections. My boss is the laziest most entitled piece of shit I know. I'm trying to leave an hour early today, gotta inspect two buildings, and he wants to just...sit. I'll DO it myself, but fuck. He wastes so much time. I'd rather do it alone than wait for you to "gather the motivation" to do the thing I WOKE UP AND CAME TO WORK to do.

11-30-2017, 10:40 AM
What did you do/say?
I just tried to be polite and friendly about the whole thing. I'm not big on confrontations, so I just apologized and smiled and stepped out of line. Then, as he passed me by, I whispered an ancient hex under my breath.

11-30-2017, 10:42 AM
My boss keeps saying "Matt Lowery" instead of Matt Lauer, despite currently READING AND HEARING his name in articles and videos as we speak. FFS DUDE, IT ISNT LAUERY
Oh hey, I just realized I do this. I never thought about before, but yeah, that's how I pronounce it. Fuck.

11-30-2017, 04:05 PM
sleepwalking has cost me two pairs of contacts, a nintendo 3ds (i split it in two), and rug burn on my face. enough!

Oh wow! I used to sleepwalk as a child but never did anything destructive, mostly things like getting dressed for school at 11 PM. Mine resolved in adulthood but I still frequently talk in my sleep.

Tiny restaurant salads without any meat or fish that cost $14 that taste delicious but don’t put a dent in my hunger (last night’s dinner haha).

11-30-2017, 06:13 PM
Black Friday was six days ago.
Cyber Monday was three days ago.

My laptop died today.

11-30-2017, 06:30 PM
Ouch. Our dishwasher died Sunday and my wife was pissed because she was looking at them for Black Friday and thought, "nah, ours is working great!"

11-30-2017, 07:32 PM
I just tried to be polite and friendly about the whole thing. I'm not big on confrontations, so I just apologized and smiled and stepped out of line. Then, as he passed me by, I whispered an ancient hex under my breath.You should have been like, WWFD? What would Frank (Sinatra) do? He wouldn't have been so polite.

11-30-2017, 10:27 PM
I hate arrogant people who are full of themselves.

12-01-2017, 09:57 AM
Self-loathing really brings me down. It's not a good look on anyone.

Halo Infinity
12-01-2017, 05:54 PM
When public transit goes wrong. Anybody that's dealt with it pretty much knows it, and I've gone on about it before, but yes. It almost never gets old. As of now though, I actually dread it more than get frustrated at it this time around. Especially when service gets cancelled out of the blue. :p

But you also know how bad it is when it happens, and you're late even when you actually made an effort to take whatever buses and/or trains you need to board extra early. The crowds are also at their worst in addition to that type hectic traffic as well. :eek:

12-02-2017, 12:42 PM
You should have been like, WWFD? What would Frank (Sinatra) do? He wouldn't have been so polite.
Hmm, yeah, I guess I could have started singing Summerwind to him.

12-05-2017, 03:08 PM
Pretty much everything related to dealing with people at the moment. Feels bad man. I'm stretched too thin, i spend too much face time with people, on about shit. Just fuck off already and leave me be. I promise i care about people and am fairly empathetic but I'm running on empty here and am about to lose my shit over something, im sure, that will be trivial and benign.

12-05-2017, 05:15 PM
Could we just skip winter this year? Just skip the whole thing altogether? I really need a year off. I don't think this is an unreasonable thing to ask for.

I like in Game of Thrones how they don't have winter every single year. The first time I learned about that I was like "Oh nice. We should do that."

12-06-2017, 07:12 AM
My gf insists I quit smoking. Today has been day one. Oh my god

12-06-2017, 07:43 AM
My gf insists I quit smoking. Today has been day one. Oh my god

i insist, too. good luck.

12-06-2017, 07:24 PM
Not only did my boss throw away my jacket while we were trashing out an evicted apartment (I took it off because I was sweating my ass off), but he wanted to spend 2 hours today watching videos of girls' assholes farting before we did our last building for inspections, and then this mother fucker's like "Alright we'll do inspections and then get you out early this afternoon so you can start your vacation, man."

FUCK. YOU. We could have done everything before lunch. I could have done it ALL myself and not have to come back for the last half of the day. But you wanted to fuck around. So "leaving early" amounted to a whole hour early. Grand, thank you. I'm so happy a 38 year old man HAD SO MUCH FUCKING FUN WATCHING FART VIDEOS AT WORK LIKE A GODDAMN ADULT. If he didn't suck his own dick so much I wouldn't even care but he thinks he's the hottest shit in the world and nothing is his fault - The IRS is after him for nothing (he didn't pay his taxes for almost 10 years and owes about $5,000?), he didn't have any money for Christmas for his kids (he accidentally was given two bonuses last Christmas and spent them both on himself before the company caught their mistake and took the second bonus he got out of his paycheck. Still blames the company for still being broke), and he seems to think anything with a vagina just can't contain themselves around him (he's actually hella creepy and constantly, openly makes rape jokes and says creepy shit about college-age girls).

I have had it. To fucking. Here. With this twat.

tl;dr - I can't wait to get out of here. 8 months. 8 more excruciating months.

12-06-2017, 07:45 PM
Mr. Wise Janitor...I've been noticing this recurring theme in your posts revolving around your horrific boss. It sounds really terrible.

Can't you just quit?

And what's the deal with 8 months? Why the wait?

12-07-2017, 06:38 PM
No, goddammit Facebook, I do not want to see what my 2017 looked like. It had two deaths of loved ones, lost hope, disappointment, crippling anxiety and depression, as well as disrespect on both personal and professional levels. And that was just pertaining to me. It also monumentally sucked for just about everyone I know. Also, there’s this orange diaper baby ruining the country and working on the world; literally when you look at his awful environmental “policies.”

I’d like to erase this fucking year or at the very least, stop thinking about it.

12-07-2017, 09:45 PM
Damn Swykk. :( That sucks. I hope things start looking up for you next year.

12-08-2017, 08:49 AM
Mr. Wise Janitor...I've been noticing this recurring theme in your posts revolving around your horrific boss. It sounds really terrible.

Can't you just quit?

And what's the deal with 8 months? Why the wait?

Mainly because I'm not going to gum up my plans of moving in August by quitting and starting a new job for that short period of time. The pay is fine and the work isn't inherently bad. But holy shit. This human being. For 8 hours a day 5 days a week? That's the hardest part, haaands down. He directly keeps me from doing the work we need to do and has (until lately) always forced himself into my plans. Wanna get away and do work orders because I work faster without? "Oh dude I wanna come." Wanna do building inspections first thing at the time WE POSTED FOR? "Nah, I don't feel like it, I'd rather we wait until after lunch." Wanna drain the pool because it's DECEMBER and we need to shut that shit down? "I don't feel like it, maybe next week."

My supervisor is the single biggest detriment to anything getting done. He's going on vacation from the 14th-27th, and I couldn't be more excited for him to be gone. He says he feels sorry that he's taking two whole weeks off, but he's actually gonna be doing me a huge favor for my sanity, and I intend to use the time he's gone to iron out all the kinks and all the work he's put off doing. It's the only way to do it, because when I take days off (such as today and yesterday), he does next to nothing. And he tells me this. He has no problem telling me "yeeeeah, I basically did nothing." If it's his weekend to check the property for trash (which it is), he just won't come in, so when we come back on Monday there's a literal mountain of trash for us to deal with and he'll just be totally cool with it because he's the boss and no one holds him accountable.

How am I supposed to expect anything to get done with someone in that position who acts the way he does?

12-08-2017, 10:24 AM
Mainly because I'm not going to gum up my plans of moving in August by quitting and starting a new job for that short period of time. The pay is fine and the work isn't inherently bad. But holy shit. This human being. For 8 hours a day 5 days a week? That's the hardest part, haaands down. He directly keeps me from doing the work we need to do and has (until lately) always forced himself into my plans. Wanna get away and do work orders because I work faster without? "Oh dude I wanna come." Wanna do building inspections first thing at the time WE POSTED FOR? "Nah, I don't feel like it, I'd rather we wait until after lunch." Wanna drain the pool because it's DECEMBER and we need to shut that shit down? "I don't feel like it, maybe next week."

My supervisor is the single biggest detriment to anything getting done. He's going on vacation from the 14th-27th, and I couldn't be more excited for him to be gone. He says he feels sorry that he's taking two whole weeks off, but he's actually gonna be doing me a huge favor for my sanity, and I intend to use the time he's gone to iron out all the kinks and all the work he's put off doing. It's the only way to do it, because when I take days off (such as today and yesterday), he does next to nothing. And he tells me this. He has no problem telling me "yeeeeah, I basically did nothing." If it's his weekend to check the property for trash (which it is), he just won't come in, so when we come back on Monday there's a literal mountain of trash for us to deal with and he'll just be totally cool with it because he's the boss and no one holds him accountable.

How am I supposed to expect anything to get done with someone in that position who acts the way he does?
Wow, he sounds pretty bad.

I have to say though, I started busting up laughing at "Yeeeaaah, I basically did nothing." Think I might try that one on my boss today. "Sorry boss. Just didn't feel like doing much."

I've often said that it's not only what you do for your job, but who you work for that can make all the difference. You could have a great job where you love the work itself, but it doesn't mean shit if you're stuck working under an asshole. Shitty bosses will ruin everything.

Hang in there man!

12-08-2017, 11:07 AM
Wow, he sounds pretty bad.

I have to say though, I started busting up laughing at "Yeeeaaah, I basically did nothing." Think I might try that one on my boss today. "Sorry boss. Just didn't feel like doing much."

I've often said that it's not only what you do for your job, but who you work for that can make all the difference. You could have a great job where you love the work itself, but it doesn't mean shit if you're stuck working under an asshole. Shitty bosses will ruin everything.

Hang in there man!

Haha, thanks! Hopefully that works out for ya. ;p Like I said, keeping my eyes on moving in August (either to somewhere in Colorado or Kansas City area) is what's keeping me going right now, so hopefully I can manage with keeping my cool and just ranting here from time to time, heh. And don't get me wrong, I'm aaall for chilling and doing nothing on the clock, and I'll admittedly have a day or two where I probably bring a book or my 3DS and kill time, but absolutely not when we have a mountain of work and an extremely limited timeframe to do it. Work first, then all the playtime in the world. That's how you manage time, not by saying "I'll do it later and waste time now." I can't use PTO to leave early when we do nothing for 4 hours, work for 2, then nothing for another 2 (and I have 52 hours of PTO to use that won't rollover into the new year, so time is kind of a factor there).

My list of things to do when he leaves for vacation is currently at 32 items, so at the very least I'll go into the new year with a relatively clean slate for the property and maybe we won't have residents bitching about "us" for dragging "our" feet. WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE, SUPERVISOR? :)

12-08-2017, 08:39 PM
people in their late 20's and early 30's saying shit like "i'm so old." and buzzfeed articles about "90's kids" involving various nickelodeon products. shut up and instagram your dinner like the vacant, entitled windbags you are.

12-08-2017, 09:56 PM
people in their late 20's and early 30's saying shit like "i'm so old." and buzzfeed articles about "90's kids" involving various nickelodeon products. shut up and instagram your dinner like the vacant, entitled windbags you are.

Oh, I'm with you on that.

12-09-2017, 01:59 PM
people in their late 20's and early 30's saying shit like "i'm so old." and buzzfeed articles about "90's kids" involving various nickelodeon products. shut up and instagram your dinner like the vacant, entitled windbags you are.

hey, i love nickelodeon stuff! why is that a problem? we live in an age of nostalgia

12-09-2017, 03:00 PM
Eh, I'm really not on board with the aging thing and we get so much societal pressure to achieve shit in our twenties. Aging out of being a "young person" definitely fucks with me and I'm just trying to slow down time (unfortunately I've looked 35 since being 16 (https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/224102_9773025363_4697_n.jpg?oh=9e15e6a42d185f3980 d96c1453c4cea8&oe=5AD15D80) (shoutout to my giant forehead) so people can't really tell that it's actually going well (https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/22712617_10159399878400364_2273415736871490350_o.j pg?oh=8428d18aee3d7d8b3fa52681261f3c5d&oe=5ACFCE25)).

Also man, I've done pretty okay with the Plan B part of my life. I have a good job and I don't even live with a roommate anymore, which for a 28 year old in NYC is pretty fucking great, but all that artistic shit is supposed to happen when you're young and hot and I think I've got another 3 years at minimum before I get anywhere with that.

Also I spent so much of my teens (homeschooled, virginal) and twenties (busy working and very socially awkward) not doing the fun, wild, party shit and now I do get up to that sometimes but I feel like I'm rapidly aging out of it due to the number on my I.D. :/

12-14-2017, 01:30 AM
(wrong thread)

12-14-2017, 06:13 PM
hey, i love nickelodeon stuff! why is that a problem? we live in an age of nostalgia

yeah, you're right. bitter old lady brigade, party of one.

the irony isn't lost on me, a 37-year-old.

12-15-2017, 12:57 AM
Frustrated at how work keeps leaking into my time off. I know that this is partially poor time management, but part of it is just kind of the nature of the work I do. Really hoping to find a way around this next quarter. :/

12-15-2017, 06:01 AM
Goddamnit, ANOTHER dear friend dead.
We had JUST reconnected (like two weeks ago, after about three years of not being able to find each other.)
ALso, what's extremely frustrating is that one of his family members went out of his way to claim it WASN'T drug related, but no one will say what DID happen. So I'm thinking, ok, in a couple of hundred social media condolences, if my friend DIDN'T od, wouldn't SOMEBODY say "he was too young for a heart attack" or "goddamn that wreck was awful" or some shit like that?

And I'm asking for a PM but I don't think I'm gonna get one because I'm just a junkie to his family.

He struggled with addiction, as do i, but he was definitely a great person and a great friend. He had four young children and recently told me he had been clean for three years.

Goddamnit. Just fucking goddamnit. I guess it's "buy the ticket, take the ride" when you run in drug addled circles, but i STILL feel like I've lost a fucking absurd number of brothers and sisters.

It keeps beating me down and breaking my heart.

12-15-2017, 09:16 AM
our friend jon has been living with us for like a month and at this point he feels like more of a roommate than a friend. it's really bumming me out. he's also one of my main musical collaborators and we haven't played music since fucking MAY, for no real reason other than that he's busy a lot and (despite what he says about making it a priority) doesn't prioritize playing music.

12-15-2017, 11:09 AM
I hate it when my coworker sings in the office. So annoying when I'm trying to work.

12-15-2017, 02:31 PM
O.M.F.G. omfg. in an epic state of #firstworldprobs because who knew that putting the second fucking ring through the other second fucking ring would require laser eyes, octopus arms and pincer fingers? WHO KNEW. i fucking didn't. i will crack this fucking little douchecanoe of a damned chainmaille if it is the second last thing i do. (last thing is to blow up the universe.) aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. frustration. no likey. lol. i am posting a pic of this little demon of a chain when i am done. if i survive my childish frustration. yar.
if anyone wants to secret santa me a pair of bionic eyes and fingers, that would be lovely. <3

12-20-2017, 09:21 AM
people who use gendered insults, especially when they're attempting to emasculate a group of men by making them out to be feminine. it's fucking 2017, pull your head out of your ass and stop buying into offensive gender stereotypes. :mad:

12-20-2017, 11:39 AM
hearing "that's idaho weather for ya!" ad nauseum.

cashpiles (closed)
12-20-2017, 12:21 PM
people who use gendered insults, especially when they're attempting to emasculate a group of men by making them out to be feminine. it's fucking 2017, pull your head out of your ass and stop buying into offensive gender stereotypes. :mad:

Some people may take offense to being addressed as the opposite sex.... just like trans people get offended if you address them incorrectly.

12-20-2017, 12:47 PM
Some people may take offense to being addressed as the opposite sex.... just like trans people get offended if you address them incorrectly.

...do you not see the difference between those two things? do you not see how both are wrong, in different ways?

12-20-2017, 12:59 PM
hearing "that's idaho weather for ya!" ad nauseum.

"Yeah, well, that's Kansas weather!" Thank you. I'm not sure how I managed to go 27 years and not notice the way the weather normally works in Kansas. Thank you, person who has been here for two years. I now understand.

cashpiles (closed)
12-20-2017, 01:54 PM
...do you not see the difference between those two things? do you not see how both are wrong, in different ways?

Yes.... I was just adding to the discussion

12-20-2017, 02:25 PM
Yes.... I was just adding to the discussion

no, you're doing what you always do and playing "devil's advocate" and trying to stir shit up because you love making people feel uncomfortable

cashpiles (closed)
12-20-2017, 03:04 PM
no, you're doing what you always do and playing "devil's advocate" and trying to stir shit up because you love making people feel uncomfortable

That is your interpretation, sir

What I really want to say is that people will always use whatever words they think will “insult” their target(s).... when gendered insults disappear, something else will take their place...unfortunately

12-20-2017, 06:52 PM
no, you're doing what you always do and playing "devil's advocate" and trying to stir shit up because you love making people feel uncomfortable

I frankly do not think cashpiles has anything near that level of self-awareness. I think he just has a default set of views that are bad and stumbles into things in a way that manages to be somewhere between mildly derailing and weird to deeply problematic. (Yes, I think that's worse.)

12-21-2017, 02:29 AM
Getting on the tube for my morning commute for 40mins and realising my 3DS is about to run out of battery. Then trying to use my Vita (my back up) and seeing it's dead too.

Granted this is all on me, but it's still annoying!

12-22-2017, 11:47 AM
Getting on the tube for my morning commute for 40mins and realising my 3DS is about to run out of battery. Then trying to use my Vita (my back up) and seeing it's dead too.

Granted this is all on me, but it's still annoying!

My boss asked me for my DS charger a week ago so he could let his kids use it over the weekend while they were on vacation. I'm on my last leg of battery here and I feel like I'm not seeing that charger again until after the new year. Doooope.

I'm getting into Pokémon Sun again after putting it off for so long - Man, these tutorials at the start of the game just get longer and longer and longer every release. It's been over an hour and they're still teaching the player about things like Pokémon Centers and how to do Pokémon battles after already having 6 battles to get here, for fuck's sake. I GET IT. TAKE THIS THING HERE, GO OVER THERE, AND FIGHT THE POKÉMON UNTIL YOU'VE BEAT ALL THE POKÉMON. YOU DO NOT NEED TO STOP ME EVERY 20 FEET TO TEACH ME, VIDEO GAME. PLEASE LET ME START MY ADVENTURE. Let the player play. It's okay to not hold their hand SO heavily. Or at least get it all out of the way early and let the player explore and figure things out.

On the plus side, naming my character "ya boooooii" makes every other character into my hype man.

Edit: "Touch the Rotom in the middle of the screen for tips on what to do next!" *taps middle of Rotom screen* "Tap the middle of my screen for tips on what to do next!" Thank you. I'm so thankful for that advice. Really shed some light.

12-25-2017, 04:32 PM
Fuck! Forza Motorsport 7, single player 48-lap race at SPA circuit, part of campaign I need/want to finish. I am using gamepad but the most difficult settings (except opponents so far only on "above average"), so it is not easy to drive, no assists, no rewind, nothing. After 1 hour 53 minutes without pause, getting thirsty and uncomfortable and brain tired from the constant maximum focus, at first place but only a few seconds advantage, I overtake an AI backmarker, he overtakes me back (what?), and two turns later spins right in front of me. Nowhere to go, my car totalled, race over. I feel mixed emotions of anger and total rezignation and never want to play anything in my life again... ;-) Damn!!

Update day after: OK, a second try was a success, but to stay staring at TV for two hours without a mistake... feels good to win today. :-)

12-26-2017, 09:44 AM
When it snows on my days off. Such as Christmas Eve and today. "omg a white Christmas!"

Oh yaaay! So excited to shovel sidewalks without help for 5 hours and further fuck up my back and shoulders! :)

cashpiles (closed)
12-28-2017, 02:13 AM
One of my uncles (non-blood) is a dick to me at times. Like it makes me not want to be around him. Sucks to have a dick relative.... I “get to” spend time with him one more time this holiday season for a get together at my grandparents’

12-28-2017, 07:47 AM
"Numb chucks."

12-31-2017, 03:05 AM
Assholes pulling a fire alarm at 1:45AM in -40C weather...

Just fuck you.

01-02-2018, 11:29 AM

I like Felicia Day but I really hate it when people pull the "As a _____" card.