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05-19-2018, 06:31 AM
Whiny ass people who are into telling on people.

is that directed at anyone in particular?

05-19-2018, 10:40 AM
is that directed at anyone in particular?
yeah, but no one who will see it.
it has to do with my asshole cousin (the one who tried to fucking kill me.) i will tell the story later, if you're interested; i've got to head to denver.

While i'm at it: here's another little thing that pisses me off: family drama in general.
My aunt, for instance, is a TOTAL BITCH to my mom and will barely talk to her.
My two faced cousin is her son, so it makes sense.

Oh hell's bells, @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) , i've got to get to denver, but now i have to vent a LITTLE.

Not only is he into snitching, he is into saying things happened that didn't happen. So i guess that's also false accusations. When he lived here, he was apparently fucking RECORDING my mother and i talking. Now, he has fucking EDITED IT and provided commentary to create a fucking false narrative to try to get us in trouble for drug bullshit that ISN'T TRUE.

What's even more infuriating is that before this shit went down, he was trying to manipulate my mother into forgiving him and it ALMOST worked.
He's a fucking psychopath, literally, and he wants revenge (for the case he caught for trying to kill me, if you remember that insanity. i signed a fucking affidavit of non prosecution and he only wound up being in jail for like 12 hours; if anyone should be seeking revenge here, it's ME. but i'm an altruist.)
I don't know if you remember this, but his father, my uncle, literally shot someone at point blank range with a shotgun and killed him and claimed self defense, but it WASN'T self defense: he has admitted as much and brags about it regularly.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
My cousin: while he is a whiny ass bitch, he's also INSANELY dangerous.

I will tell more of the story later if you like (preferably via PM; i don't want to clog up the thread)
it's fucking nuts, and it's still going on.
i try REALLY hard to steer clear of these people.
Furthermore, my cousin has been COMING TO OUR HOUSE AND RINGING THE DOORBELL. i know this because we have a camera. and he lives a couple of hundred miles away.

I swear to god, if i wind up dead, it WASN'T an accident. and if my cousin kills me and claims self defense, it WASN'T self defense.

in fact, if someone comes and murders me, my wife or my mother, i would like to leave this here: it was my cousin Jason.
This whole thing is getting scary and i don't think him killing me is that far fetched.

Conan The Barbarian
05-19-2018, 11:49 AM
you gotta get the fuck outta that situation.

05-19-2018, 06:47 PM
you gotta get the fuck outta that situation.
i really don't know how to do so!
he doesn't live with me or even in this town.

i think the best thing to do is keep all the doors locked (which is sad, because this is one of the VERY few places left in the US where people don't lock their doors.)
We also have a killer security system (which is how i know he was hanging around here: remember, he lives a couple of hundred miles away.)

And as much as i hate to say it, we may need a gun.
never in my life have i wanted a gun until the day i saw video of him on my porch a few weeks ago.

Last time we got into this on ETS, in this thread in fact, it went on for multiple pages.
and i don't want that to happen again.
it's not fair to other board members.

a few more posts will be ok, but i don't want this to turn into the "elevenism thread" again.
i already post WAY too much as it is ;)

Victor Newman
05-21-2018, 10:43 AM
A forum is a place for people to articulate their thoughts and feelings.

There used to be an expectation that a forum post should contain insights into what was on someone’s mind or what their feelings were more than 1 word long.


Maybe try explaining WHY you like or dislike something.

In my opinion, the like and facepalm features should be removed from this forum.

Cue the facepalms (I can already predict who will be included.... starts with an E...ends with an E).

05-21-2018, 11:01 AM
A forum is a place for people to articulate their thoughts and feelings.

There used to be an expectation that a forum post should contain insights into what was on someone’s mind or what their feelings were more than 1 word long.


Maybe try explaining WHY you like or dislike something.

In my opinion, the like and facepalm features should be removed from this forum.

Cue the facepalms (I can already predict who will be included.... starts with an E...ends with an E).

i told you exactly what i didn't like about your posts. you contribute nothing to the conversation and just troll in an attempt to amuse yourself and alienate others. how is that conducive to being on a forum? you don't articulate thoughts and feelings, you act like a jerk and expect people to find it funny. and then you get angry when they don't. so explain that.

05-21-2018, 11:02 AM
A forum is a place for people to articulate their thoughts and feelings.

There used to be an expectation that a forum post should contain insights into what was on someone’s mind or what their feelings were more than 1 word long.


Maybe try explaining WHY you like or dislike something.

In my opinion, the like and facepalm features should be removed from this forum.

Cue the facepalms (I can already predict who will be included.... starts with an E...ends with an E).


Sarah K
05-21-2018, 11:25 AM
I am cracking up all of these irrationally strong feelings about the facepalm button. It is fascniating, but in the worst way.

05-21-2018, 11:29 AM
I am cracking up all of these irrationally strong feelings about the facepalm button. It is fascniating, but in the worst way.

Yeah, it almost feels like Twitter on here today! [emoji51]

05-21-2018, 03:06 PM
That's cool, @ me in a post where you're complaining about posts from 11 years ago in a thread that no longer exists on a forum that no longer exists. You're on a real tear! So defending Cashpiles after he gets called out for harassment wasn't enough of a cross to bear, but you're going to bring up a creepy dude's relationship with an underage girl that almost no one else around here remembers, and stand up for him in that regard? That was super cool when in defense of Cashpiles, you brought up my fucking friend's suicide. Glad you're here to lecture this board about moral superiority and "psychologically-fascinating petri dishes"

"people will do just about anything for positive attention" FTFY

Every few fucking years, you pick the wrong hill to die on, and you wail and you gnash your teeth. I try, I really do, to leave you alone. You've got nearly ten thousand posts on this forum - and I don't remember how many thousands of posts you had on the old one. You're as much a landmark of ETS as I am, and we're both rotten, we both make mistakes, but for fuck's sake, have a little tact. I hope you helped raise money for Mick's kids' education. I hope you spent as much time talking to him in private as I did, and shared each others troubles as intimately as I did, if you really want to invoke his fucking name for your petty crusade.

Remember how upset you got when I clarified that we weren't friends? I apologized at the time, I did really feel bad, because it wasn't my intent to make you feel bad.

So why are you out here talking about my wife? Why are you talking about my dead friend? Who even are you? Who gives two fucks about a like button on a forum? Why haven't I just erased every single post you've made on this forum since inception out of anger? You want to invoke spouses? Your husband was right, you should quit this forum.

05-21-2018, 04:14 PM
Now, you're going after me, yet again.

Remind me, who tagged who in what post? Was it you who, in lamenting the negative effects of this forum, tagged me and brought my wife into the conversation?

I can't fucking believe you're putting friend in quotes when you're talking about Mick and I. Do you want to log into my email account and read our emails and chats? You really don't know what you're talking about. Did you really put "friend" in quotes, and then ask why I'm "going after you"?

"Why are you so defensive?" Because you're calling into question the way I do things around here, and while there are things I agree with, I also don't understand what an 11 year old post and a reference to my wife have to do with anything, other than to try to wave that attention flag. I'm agitated because I make it a point to leave you alone. I know you're thoughtful, and I know that we disagree on some things, and I've learned to just let you be. Except every few years, you get wound up, and get weirdly preachy about how much better things could be if this thing I do wasn't so inherently awful.

Eleven years ago I might have just nuked you for this kind of bullshit just for kicks. But I make a strong effort not to act alone, even though I'm really sure that some times, if I were less careful about who I banned, I'd probably be doing a better job at cutting out the rot as it appears.

Today, I'm just going to facepalm your post.

05-21-2018, 04:41 PM
That people will expect you to be okay with shit they themselves wouldn't be for a second okay with if thrown back at them.

05-21-2018, 06:21 PM
My house had been infested with fleas for about a week as I have no clue where it came from. My sister's dog visited and came home with fleas as I had no idea what had bitten my right foot. I just got all of the rugs out of the house and had to sweep the whole damn place. Fleas, ants, mosquitoes. Fucking climate change.

05-22-2018, 06:23 AM
So ok. As I stated awhile back, they are taking my mom's fentanyl.
They are supposed to switch her to MS Contin, which doesn't come anywhere NEAR being as strong as what she's been taking, but at least it's something.

Yesterday, they threatened to not give her the MS Contin and also take away all of her other medicines.
They asked her if she wanted to have this painful procedure that costs several thousand dollars and she said no, and yesterday they called and said that if she didn't have the expensive procedure scheduled by Wednesday, they would stop seeing her, period.

These procedures: she's had them and they REALLY hurt; she certainly didn't want to deal with that pain while going through fentanyl withdrawal.

They've had her on these medicines for like 17 years.

This makes me so fucking sick.
is it just me or does this sound like blackmail?

05-22-2018, 07:53 AM
I work out and I watch what I eat, but I still can't lose the weight I want to lose because of my shitty metabolism.
Also, clothes made in China, especially shirts and shoes, fit too small.

05-22-2018, 11:47 AM
I'm not even mad, really, but like...some of these new members, man...

05-22-2018, 12:13 PM
I'm not even mad, really, but like...some of these new members, man...

The times, they are a'changin.

05-22-2018, 12:51 PM
I'm not even mad, really, but like...some of these new members, man...

or some of the old members (coming back and) acting like jerks.

05-22-2018, 04:40 PM
I'm not even mad, really, but like...some of these new members, man...

i can't wait for quantum550's 15 seconds of ... whatever ... to pass. fucking obnoxious.

05-22-2018, 05:59 PM
This forum is just a huge banter.
None of you would survive in a proper official NIN forum.
I'm happy for those seconds. Keep it going.

05-22-2018, 06:14 PM
you haven't even been here a year, you fucking moron. you're amusing yourself more than anyone else. hooray, you're an idiotic, 40-something troll who got called out and publicly humiliated. and now you're posting shit about ... what, exactly? just how big of a troll you are? high fives all around.

it's been done a thousand times over. and much better than your sorry attempt.

05-22-2018, 06:15 PM
This forum is just a huge banter.
None of you would survive in a proper official NIN forum.
I'm happy for those seconds. Keep it going.

The Spiral is dead, brother. This is as official as it gets.

05-22-2018, 06:27 PM
This forum is just a huge banter.
None of you would survive in a proper official NIN forum.
I'm happy for those seconds. Keep it going.


05-22-2018, 06:29 PM
you haven't even been here a year, you fucking moron. you're amusing yourself more than anyone else. hooray, you're an idiotic, 40-something troll who got called out and publicly humiliated. and now you're posting shit about ... what, exactly? just how big of a troll you are? high fives all around.

it's been done a thousand times over. and much better than your sorry attempt.

R U black? Coz it feels like.

05-22-2018, 06:34 PM
R U black? Coz it feels like.

and racism too? That escalated quickly.

05-22-2018, 06:40 PM
and racism too? That escalated quickly.

Not exactly. But I certainly can read these kind of gratuitous offenses, all the time, through melanin.
He gets to say what he wants, I get to say what I think he might possibly be.

I already requested my removal from this forum. Why isn't this being done by the way?
Have some guts.

05-22-2018, 06:50 PM
Can't you just like, I dunno, stop logging on if you wanna be removed?

05-22-2018, 06:55 PM
Can't you just like, I dunno, stop logging on if you wanna be removed?

I will do that.
You can do me a favor and ask people stop talking about me, when they bring up.


05-22-2018, 06:59 PM
I can do that! :)

05-22-2018, 08:18 PM
Why has this thread more pages than the things that cheer you up thread

Cheer up goddammit

05-22-2018, 08:47 PM
I see that the press is pretty agitated around my person.
Interview requests should be sent to my email my butt at gmail dot com.
Thank you.
I will talk more seriously outside here, about my criticism over NIN forthcoming album.

05-22-2018, 08:52 PM
Why has this thread more pages than the things that cheer you up thread

Because a lot of us live in the United States. There's a lot more to be pissed off about than cheerful about over here these days.

05-22-2018, 08:54 PM
I see that the press is pretty agitated around my person.
Interview requests should be sent to my email quantum550 at gmail dot com.
Thank you.
I will talk more seriously outside here, about my criticism over NIN forthcoming album.

To reiterate: If the press would like to know why Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails made a sweary off-handed remark to a random internet troll, said troll can be reached at quantum550@gmail.com

05-22-2018, 08:56 PM
I see that the press is pretty agitated around my person.
Interview requests should be sent to my email quantum550 at gmail dot com.
Thank you.
I will talk more seriously outside here, about my criticism over NIN forthcoming album.

I don't believe it's what they want to talk to you about.

On topic: Hawaii is hell right now so, dear news outlets, enough with that wedding already!

05-22-2018, 09:00 PM
Please stop talking about Quantum550

05-22-2018, 09:01 PM
When people feed the trolls

05-22-2018, 09:01 PM
Well, I was looking over Google.
Over 30 sites are reporting this event of name calling, etc.
I should trademark my nickname at least.
Some sites want to hear back from me.
But let's be fair, let's hear the entire album first.
Perhaps I'm right. Perhaps NOT.

05-22-2018, 09:06 PM
On topic: Hawaii is hell right now so, dear news outlets, enough with that wedding already!It's not only the Big Island that's affected. The situation in Kauai is horrific as well.

05-22-2018, 09:48 PM
Not exactly. But I certainly can read these kind of gratuitous offenses, all the time, through melanin.
He gets to say what he wants, I get to say what I think he might possibly be.

I already requested my removal from this forum. Why isn't this being done by the way?
Have some guts.

jesus fucking christ, dude, you are racist. get off this board and educate yourself.

05-22-2018, 09:50 PM
jesus fucking christ, dude, you are racist. get off this board and educate yourself.

Racism is everywhere. Get over it. From both parts.
As suicide/blood/gore is in every NIN record.
Now just get over it.

05-22-2018, 09:52 PM
Somebody help me out.
Send me a link to the full leaked thing.
The press is after me.
I need to formulate the "lack of inspiration", just in case I was right.

05-22-2018, 10:02 PM
Somebody help me out.

Please stop talking about Quantum550

05-22-2018, 10:05 PM
When people feed the trolls

trying really hard not to, at this point. but when people start being racist, it's really hard not to engage.

05-22-2018, 10:10 PM
trying really hard not to, at this point. but when people start being racist, it's really hard not to engage.

Just love when minorities are stirred up by my comments.
You do know that the government take our money to offer benefits to those, don't you?
And I wasn't asked for this. When I will be asked, then I perhaps will choose whether the money should go to such funds.
And racism is a government breed anyways - the more conflicts between white and black and whatever, the better for them.
So they will keep pushing it. And I will keep paying.

05-22-2018, 10:12 PM
Wrote a final answer to NIN/Reznor on my profile.
The media can read it there.
I no longer wish to be here.

A band who can't take any criticism, shouldn't be no longer.
Happy Witch release.

05-22-2018, 10:14 PM
Just love when minorities are stirred up by my comments.
You do know that the government take our money to offer benefits to those, don't you?
And I wasn't asked for this. When I will be asked, then I perhaps will choose whether the money should go to such funds.
And racism is a government breed anyways - the more conflicts between white and black and whatever, the better for them.
So they will keep pushing it. And I will keep paying.

You know what might help? NOT MAKING THINGS WORSE. I mean, it's worth a try, right? Not being antagonistic?

05-22-2018, 10:17 PM
Leaked photo of Quantum


05-22-2018, 10:24 PM
I no longer wish to be here.

You could have just left on your own.

Sarah K
05-22-2018, 10:26 PM

Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell)
05-23-2018, 05:43 PM
Quantum since you are "defecting from NIN" and "selling every record", I want to know if you wanna sell me the silver bootleg 2 CD "Slaughter In The Air" from Ocotber 3, 1994 in Universal City since the version I have has skips on it....Since you are getting rid of all your NIN stuff and all.....

05-27-2018, 12:37 PM
the housing market in boise is ridic. i lived in portland ten years ago and it rivals that now. ughhhhhhhhh ...

05-27-2018, 12:50 PM
the housing market in boise is ridic. i lived in portland ten years ago and it rivals that now. ughhhhhhhhh ...
Man my wife and I aim to get an RV eventually. Either that, or we might build a tiny house on the little bit of land I am to inherit.
We just want something that is permanently ours.

05-27-2018, 07:19 PM
my heros are dead. and have been for years. tammy faye and joan rivers. sometimes that hits me like a stack of bricks.

05-28-2018, 10:18 AM
The fact that a used copy of the first HTDA ep is going for $130 (!). Why did I not grab it when it was cheaper...

05-28-2018, 11:52 PM
Multiple people I know flake on paying me back for shit when I grab stuff (like movie tickets) in advance. I feel weird about pinging them on the $$ but like, I'd like to get paid back and I can't swing this being a trend. It just makes me feel a little used. I also like, try to be really good about promptly getting people back for stuff, and needing to remind people makes me feel weird. :/

05-29-2018, 12:05 AM
Last night, my sister learned from one of my cousin's Facebook account that our grandmother needed money to get a new hearing aid. My sister was asked to give money and such from one of my cousins. She was like "I'll give $40 because I'm on a budget". Then my dad was calling one of my uncles and he told my dad that their mother already got a new hearing aid. It was a fucking scam from one of my cousins and I'm not surprised they would do this kind of shit. I haven't seen a lot of them in years and hadn't bothered to contact them. They're assholes. Nearly all of my relatives from my father's side are a bunch of inconsiderate cunts. I have no qualms gutting them if they ever get in my face.

05-29-2018, 01:45 AM
At some point in my life (unless I die in the next five years), I'm guessing physical media (particularly music-related media), one of my favorite things in life, will completely die off. Music, and it existing physically (beyond a hard drive), has basically been my religion. And I will be so fucking bummed when it happens.

05-29-2018, 02:57 AM
Vinyl isn't going anywhere. CDs? Probably.

05-29-2018, 03:44 PM
Vinyl isn't going anywhere. CDs? Probably.

I think eventually, there will be more people who grew up with streaming and YouTube and just having their Gen X parents having iPods that there won't be even the tiny mass of people clinging to physical media like there is now. Also, if they keep overpricing new vinyl, the market'll collapse just like it did in the early 2000s for CDs since there's a much cheaper alternative (free) available.

Eventually, vinyl'll die out too. Dwindling Gen X and millennial music fans can't sustain a format alone.

Sarah K
05-29-2018, 09:31 PM
People who are giving Tambor and the rest of the dudes on the Arrested Development cast a pass for their awful behavior.

05-29-2018, 11:00 PM
The amount of uneducated cis people I know that think they’re fucking experts on gender identity and know all there is to know about trans people and that their opinions on someone else’s identity matter in any fucking way, shape or form because they’ve grown up believing everything they think is special and important and worth sharing when in reality they’re all dumbfuck anti-intellectual bigots who won’t be remembered the day their way-too-many-children die

05-31-2018, 02:56 PM
Got called off two hours today at work. I don't need money i guess. I swear in the land of Ten Thousand Lakes and many many seasonal jobs my job is the one where i don't actually get anymore hours come summer. I've been here two years now and i count the weeks I've hit 40 on my two hands, possibly one. I'm trying to be a good boy but this shit just ain't cutting it, I'm not looking for OT or summer 50 even just a solid consistent 40 hours, I would have never thought this would be an issue with he state of the service industry basically begging for cooks across the board. I may go back to the breakfast scene (puke) if that's what it takes to make some money. It wasn't too bad when i was full not giving a fuck about extra bills and stuff most people don't fuck off, now that I'm old i figure i should try and sort some of that shit out but i can't make that work with what I'm getting now.


05-31-2018, 07:09 PM
little things that piss me off

mmm interesting question
I would say that social media (fb, twitter all that kind of things,youtubers)
Maybe people
Life counts as a little thing?:o

06-02-2018, 11:58 AM
My friend is moving and keeps bugging his general FB and twitter (and me, directly) for help. Which would be fine, except he's done it multiple times AND hasn't accepted my offer of putting some cash towards a task rabbit, and in response to me saying I had a thing this afternoon (in his old neighborhood) he was like "then you can help us unload the truck there"


..... dude.

06-02-2018, 02:34 PM
My friend is moving and keeps bugging his general FB and twitter (and me, directly) for help. Which would be fine, except he's done it multiple times AND hasn't accepted my offer of putting some cash towards a task rabbit, and in response to me saying I had a thing this afternoon (in his old neighborhood) he was like "then you can help us unload the truck there"


..... dude.

sounds like a turd. no one is obligated to help their friends move, and the fact that you were willing to offer money toward taskrabbit is above and beyond what he should expect.

06-03-2018, 02:06 AM
Yeah, he still took the taskrabbit money, too. Which like, that's fine, I offered it, I'm not gonna retract it. But, ugh. This is also a friendship I've tried to gracefully back away from a bit over the years but the dude is similarly diligent about following up to hang out. He's not like, a bad person or anything, but we're just on such different wavelengths when it comes to how we human.

06-03-2018, 02:20 PM
i started my new job on thursday (which is going very well so far). on friday, for the first time in my life, i missed my dad (i had spent the last 13 years working with him, doing the same kind of work), and spent most of the day trying not to cry. it was weird.

last night, my wife and i went out for dinner and, while we had a good time, our waitress screwed up our pizza in not one, not two, but three ways. i hate food going to waste so we just ate it (and i picked all of the fucking lettuce off of it; seriously, who wants LETTUCE on a pizza???), but i think it fucked up my stomach.

i woke up this morning with a sore throat, and i just feel so sad about everything. we went to our niece's 7th b-day party and i felt like an a-hole because i couldn't eat anything and i couldn't really have fun.

now i'm curled up on the couch, starting buffy from the beginning for the 8th or 9th time while my wife walks to the store to get me some mild things to try to eat. which also sucks because it's gorgeous out and all i want to do is ride my bike.

06-03-2018, 02:38 PM
now i'm curled up on the couch, starting buffy from the beginning for the 8th or 9th time
But at least there's Buffy.

Miles to go; little miss muffet, counting down from 7-3-0. :)

06-04-2018, 12:48 AM
"Ummmmm, Hiiiiiii, I aaactually don't have my apaaartment keys becaaaause I have them to aaaa family member soooo they have like access to my apartment buuut I didn't get my keys baaaaack soooo I need someone to let me into my apartartmeeent and if - "


Just a few more months. Less than four short months until I'm seeing Nine Inch Nails in CO and none of this will be my problem anymore. Goddamn I can't WAIT to not be on call for a job anymore.

06-06-2018, 01:01 PM
fucking lawn work, man. here's the thing -- my rent is an absolute steal ($750 for a three bedroom, 2 bath, garage, car port, fenced back yard) -- i realize how cheap this is. i've lived on both coasts in major cities, i get it. so this dumb obligation to mow lawns is minor collateral damage. but fucking a, it blows. i just paid a guy $60 who was going door-to-door to take care of all of it. it was worth it, i suppose. it was so overgrown, with literal trees growing EVERYWHERE. a little less stress off my shoulders, but still ...

06-07-2018, 05:25 PM
kel I would keep paying that guy. That sounds like the answer.

Harry Seaward
06-09-2018, 12:21 AM
If you're one of the "Suicide is selfish and disgusting" types who lose all respect for somebody if they kill themselves, you're probably a fucking moron.

06-09-2018, 11:21 AM
If you're one of the "Suicide is selfish and disgusting" types who lose all respect for somebody if they kill themselves, you're probably a fucking moron.

[emoji1316] I feel the same way about people who say “Just cheer up! Things could be worse!” My brother recently started taking anti-depressants and he is having a hard time with it. My mom keeps telling him it could be worse, he should cheer up! I have to keep reminding him that if his arm was broken, you wouldn’t say, “at least both arms aren’t broken! Ignore it, it’ll be fine!”
I’ve had my own experience being on anti-depressants for anxiety attacks and it can change your quality of life. Just don’t want him to feel shamed for it.

06-11-2018, 09:16 PM
Thanks to the way that credit card fraud systems / auto-billing works, in the time since my card was stolen I've had three new Spotify accounts and a Netflix account created using the numbers of a card that was already canceled and re-issued over a two month span. This is getting fucking ridiculous.

06-13-2018, 01:15 PM
I'm not gonna start anymore threads at other websites. I'm done wasting my time. More important things to do.

06-15-2018, 05:40 PM
i got called shelby, colby, kaleb, kirby, kelsey, and kelly today. some more than once. my name is kelby (kel*BEE), two simple fucking syllables, jerks. ugh, happens every time i start a new job. or order coffee. or interact with anyone ever.

06-16-2018, 10:53 PM
the kids of fucking celebrities who think they're due to the same kind of prissy entitled treatment their parents get... seriously, some people live in some crystal bubble that won't get popped until someone clocks them in the mouth.

Harry Seaward
06-19-2018, 03:12 PM
i got called shelby, colby, kaleb, kirby, kelsey, and kelly today. some more than once. my name is kelby (kel*BEE), two simple fucking syllables, jerks. ugh, happens every time i start a new job. or order coffee. or interact with anyone ever.

What are you doing out of Ilex Forest??

06-19-2018, 08:08 PM
6 or 7 years ago my friend was listening to music on his computer talking to his girlfriend on the phone. She said you should put on I want to fuck you like an animal by Nine Inch Nails. Stuff like that.

06-19-2018, 08:43 PM
What are you doing out of Ilex Forest??


(i don't get the reference)

06-20-2018, 03:26 PM
The meme about, if you support abortion sit out the debate on border children. I can't even... I was and still may post it in my buddies shit posting troll meme FB group straight up. As I can't see how that could be real life, yet i know it is.

sick among the pure
06-20-2018, 04:16 PM
About to go join a counter-protest/safety block at a Drag Queen story time reading at my city's library for pride month because there are literal Nazis coming to protest/harass/intimidate people going to it and NOT ON MY WATCH NAZI FUCKS.

06-20-2018, 04:18 PM
The meme about, if you support abortion sit out the debate on border children. I can't even... I was and still may post it in my buddies shit posting troll meme FB group straight up. As I can't see how that could be real life, yet i know it is.

That's like saying people who eat meat should sit out of the debate on chemical warfare.

Engaging that shit isn't going to go anywhere constructive... you might as well troll them by saying something like "well, I only support aborting fetuses because it prevents them from possibly winding up in a border cage or getting molested by a Catholic priest."

06-20-2018, 04:25 PM
That's like saying people who eat meat should sit out of the debate on chemical warfare.

Engaging that shit isn't going to go anywhere constructive... you might as well troll them by saying something like "well, I only support aborting fetuses because it prevents them from possibly winding up in a border cage or getting molested by a Catholic priest."

I reposted the first one with this next to it.


06-20-2018, 05:43 PM
Me: "Hey, sorry, my phone died while I was on the job."

Person: "Ohhh. You should charge it."


06-21-2018, 12:30 AM
The fact that people can’t shut the fuck up for the two hours they’re at a show. What could you possibly be talking/yelling about over the band? I promise you no one cares. Shut up and enjoy the show.

06-21-2018, 02:16 AM
The fact that people can’t shut the fuck up for the two hours they’re at a show. What could you possibly be talking/yelling about over the band? I promise you no one cares. Shut up and enjoy the show.

I was at a Godspeed You! show and the security guard would NOT shut the fuck up about how much drugs people at the show were taking, and he was shouting the shit the whole time. I even told him "hey, I paid to be here to hear the goddamn show, not listen to you bitch," and he just went "mmmmff..." and then stayed quiet for about 3 minutes.

Harry Seaward
06-21-2018, 11:16 AM
I was at a Godspeed You! show and the security guard would NOT shut the fuck up about how much drugs people at the show were taking, and he was shouting the shit the whole time. I even told him "hey, I paid to be here to hear the goddamn show, not listen to you bitch," and he just went "mmmmff..." and then stayed quiet for about 3 minutes.

Should have offered him some of that Special K.

06-22-2018, 02:56 AM
Fuuuuuck sake. My goddamn lunatic cousin has convinced my mom to forgive him and continues to snitch on me about shit that I never should have told him about.

This dude really has it in for me.

I don't know what in the fuck he's scheming, but I have doorbell cam footage of him coming and knocking on the door (and we haven't talked since he tried to kill me.)

Every time I hear something go bump in the night, I'm afraid it's him.

I have a really hard time believing that he actually wants to make up, and the shit I would be forgiving him for is kind of unforgivable.

06-22-2018, 01:15 PM
my job is killing me. i'm so exhausted all the time. i've taken a sick day every week since i started. going from averaging 6-10 hours/week with my dad for almost a year to working 30+ hours/week with no transitional period (while also dealing with crushing depression, insomnia, and such high anxiety that i can barely eat) is destroying me, and i'm afraid i'm going to lose this job.

06-22-2018, 02:02 PM
my job is killing me. i'm so exhausted all the time. i've taken a sick day every week since i started. going from averaging 6-10 hours/week with my dad for almost a year to working 30+ hours/week with no transitional period (while also dealing with crushing depression, insomnia, and such high anxiety that i can barely eat) is destroying me, and i'm afraid i'm going to lose this job.

I feel for ya, man. I'm in a similar place with MY job (as I'm sure I've made apparent in this thread, heh) and for reason after reason, I get closer and closer every day to just up and leaving. I don't think I ever would, but every day has something new to nudge me. I recently had a talk with my parents and they agree - I need an out. This job has beaten my mental health to a pulp, I'm always anxious, always angry, always cynical. I used to be the kind of person who was never, EVER, angry. And if I was a certainly wouldn't show it. But anymore I give so few fucks that I have to hold myself back a little bit before I either do/say something brash, haha. Then I come home and don't want to do anything because I am just fucking exhausted and frustrated. I don't have the energy to put into myself anymore.

Yesterday, a resident informed us that "she had a small leak under her dishwasher last night, but didn't want to call after hours and bother us about it" - which is great, if you're going to turn off the water supply that it's coming from and clean up the water. But when you just SAY NOTHING and then let it drip...drip...and drip...suddenly, I have to deal with an entirely flooded kitchen and half the living room.

She put down 40 fucking potty pads for DOGS on the floor and just left them there. Saturated with water. Just sitting for 12 hours. And now not only is her stuff damaged and her carpet/tile just PACKED with water underneath, but we have to run dehumidifiers and fans for the whole weekend and check it 2-3 times a day to make sure she's emptying the tank for the dehumidifier like she's supposed to. All because you didn't want to make a phone call, lady. So helpful.

06-22-2018, 02:16 PM
Yeah @ImTheWiseJanitor (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=427) , this job seems to have been fucking you up for a hot minute.
@eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) I hope you get through this, but maybe it isn't right for you? Idk. I've had jobs that I was excited about that I wound up just not being able to handle.
Like switching from doing 8 hour evening shifts as a CNA/caregiver at a nursing home to 12s at a critical wound care/respiratory hospital- that shit was just NOT for me. The pay was better but good god, it was SO much harder and, add an hour to the 12 for charting and an hour each way for the bus ride and it wound up being fucking 15 total. It became my whole life. I hated it so much that it ultimately ended my career in healthcare.

06-22-2018, 02:25 PM
Yeah @ImTheWiseJanitor (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=427) , this job seems to have been fucking you up for a hot minute.
@eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) I hope you get through this, but maybe it isn't right for you? Idk. I've had jobs that I was excited about that I wound up just not being able to handle.
Like switching from doing 8 hour evening shifts as a CNA/caregiver at a nursing home to 12s at a critical wound care/respiratory hospital- that shit was just NOT for me. The pay was better but good god, it was SO much harder and, add an hour to the 12 for charting and an hour each way for the bus ride and it wound up being fucking 15 total. It became my whole life. I hated it so much that it ultimately ended my career in healthcare.

it's frustrating because i like the actual work, and i'm really good at my job (since i've basically been doing this sort of stuff my whole life), it's just the hours that are destroying me.

i have a meeting with the VP on monday to talk about how i'm settling in to the job and i'm going to see if he's receptive to having me just work four days a week instead of five. idunno.

06-22-2018, 03:27 PM
it's frustrating because i like the actual work, and i'm really good at my job (since i've basically been doing this sort of stuff my whole life), it's just the hours that are destroying me.

i have a meeting with the VP on monday to talk about how i'm settling in to the job and i'm going to see if he's receptive to having me just work four days a week instead of five. idunno. man I'm sure they will be down for that if it's at all possible as you obviously know what you're doing. I remember how excited you were about this so I hope it works out.

When I got that hospital job, I also signed up to do SEVEN of those 12-13 hour days on, seven off.
I got so fucking stressed, I wound up drinking too much one night and came in still smelling like liquor.
And these people like BLACKLISTED me. I didn't think something like that could actually happen, but I couldn't get a healthcare job in dallas anywhere after that, and I had five years experience at the time. Plus they were going to pay for me to go to nursing school.
THAT shit pissed me off a LOT.

Halo Infinity
06-22-2018, 03:42 PM
Having to wake up early on weekends and vacations.

06-22-2018, 06:54 PM
Procrastination biting me in the butt again. Just now getting to something I should have started months ago and realizing I'm out of time. Also dreading the harsh judgement I'm going to get for what I have to do to fix the situation.

That being said, anyone in the UK looking to adopt a pet snake that cant be brought back to the US with me??

06-22-2018, 08:52 PM
losing a friend to heroin overdose

sucks even after many years have passed

will always miss you JF

06-23-2018, 09:46 AM
Having to wake up early on weekends and vacations.

The worst. Every couple of weekends, I try to go home to see my family. Normally I wait to leave until sometime Saturday morning so I can just get off work Friday and get a full night of sleep and do the things I wanna get done after a long-ass work week.

My parents and sister, however, think they need to call and text me multiple times at the ass-crack of dawn (well, 9 am on a SATURDAY) and ask where I am and when I'll be there and how long it's gonna take and if I'm gonna eat there and it's just like...guys. It's 9:45 on a Saturday morning. I've had time to walk my dog and have a glass of water. Give a dude a second to have breakfast and get cleaned up before he has to drive for 3 hours, please. ^^' Love 'em all, but damn.

06-23-2018, 09:52 AM
losing a friend to heroin overdose

sucks even after many years have passed

will always miss you JFyeah I've lost like SIX now to opiate related bullshit (and I don't know why I'm alive) Not trying to one up you but I DAMN sure feel you.

06-24-2018, 06:02 PM
there are so many food network hosts who deserve to be drug through the mud. the pioneer woman and her impossibly perfect children (thanks to home tutors, none of them have friends outside of family), ina garten's east hamptons dinners, but what gets me the most is 'hungry girl's' so-called recipes. a whole wheat tortilla with sugar-free ketchup does not a pizza make. and if you're counting calories down to individual popcorn kernels, go fuck yourself.

06-25-2018, 05:54 AM
there are so many food network hosts who deserve to be drug through the mud. the pioneer woman and her impossibly perfect children (thanks to home tutors, none of them have friends outside of family), ina garten's east hamptons dinners, but what gets me the most is 'hungry girl's' so-called recipes. a whole wheat tortilla with sugar-free ketchup does not a pizza make. and if you're counting calories down to individual popcorn kernels, go fuck yourself.

sarah and i watch food network shows a lot, but god i fucking hate pioneer woman. she is the worst. we unabashedly love guy fieri, though. he's fun and funny and is actually a really nice guy in real life so we don't feel bad about it.

06-26-2018, 06:47 PM
Apparently I'm "not allowed to walk my dog" in the grass area next to the nursing home that is IMMEDIATELY next to my apartment complex because "I'm scaring the other residents when they see me."

First of all, I'm a 5'11", 170 pound dude that hasn't come closer than 30 feet to your building. Any of your elderly residents I've bumped into while walking him have all enjoyed my dog's company, never once having a complaint or an incident occur. I'm nice to everyone and smile when I say hello to them. I don't care if you have an unfounded and irrational "fear" of me walking...through...grass...in a wide open, non-fenced off area. I am doing nothing wrong, and if I need to leave, have the staff tell me that, or post a sign saying so. Not you, woman who is walking her dogs with no leash. MY dog isn't the reason YOUR dog made it all the way over to sniff mine. That's on you. Get a fucking leash. Like I did.

Second, I'm going to cut through that space as much as I damn well please if it means I can get home sooner in a pinch. I would have to walk around two buildings to get to my apartment via the sidewalk if I go the other way. If I gotta cut through, I'm gonna cut through. It's wide open space, and as a human being, you can't stop me from walking through it.

Third, not ONLY do I pick up every ounce of my dog's shit in your grass, but I also steer him away from all of your gardens and flowers because those are things I see people tend to literally every day. I even walk him away from stuff that you people just LEAVE SITTING OUT IN THE OPEN because I'm gonna be responsible for any damage he may cause if he finds a dog toy out there. Be lucky I'm not in the market for a new grill or a trailer or any of that, because I'd be hitting the jackpot.

Tresspassing? Maybe. I'll admit to that. But if you really don't want people to walk through your grass when they're doing nothing and causing absolutely NO harm, get a fence. I live next door. It's convenient for me. We are hurting no one. Chill the fuck out.

06-26-2018, 10:09 PM
This is a big thing.
My wife and mom just got into it.
My wife (who is not herself because she is on steroids) slapped my mom.
My mom told my brother, who, from denver, called the cops.

My wife will be thrown out (after likely going to jail.)

I don't have a way to follow her because I am disabled.

This is probably the end of my marriage.

06-26-2018, 10:15 PM
This is a big thing.
My wife and mom just got into it.
My wife (who is not herself because she is on steroids) slapped my mom.
My mom told my brother, who, from denver, called the cops.

My wife will be thrown out (after likely going to jail.)

I don't have a way to follow her because I am disabled.

This is probably the end of my marriage.

Holy shit. That’s awful. I’m so sorry.

06-26-2018, 10:37 PM
I give up.

06-27-2018, 12:40 AM
I give up.

She slapped your mother. I think that's it. Sorry that it happened and I feel bad you had to deal with that kind of shit.

06-27-2018, 01:13 AM
She slapped your mother. I think that's it. Sorry that it happened and I feel bad you had to deal with that kind of shit.

We've been getting along REALLY well too, the three of us. This incident was shocking.

Edit: they worked things out. But jesus, this whole thing has really frightened me in that it woke me up to the grim reality that I can't leave here since I broke my back. It's not a very good feeling. Like, because of disability, I'm here until I inherit the place. And then, well, I'm probably here after that.
I'm here forever :/

06-28-2018, 10:42 AM
I care about how many steps one took that day about as much as I care about their fantasy football team.

06-28-2018, 03:43 PM
My relatives are a bunch of inconsiderate, entitled, backstabbing bunch of assholes. My sister came to the house today where she and my parents talked about these series of texts and such about the purchase for my grandmother's hearing aid and it all went to shit like I knew it would. Right now, they're all feuding with one another and they all want this and that and this and that. I haven't spoken to them in years and I prefer to keep it that way. Yet, if they start to get me involved with their bullshit and I'm being serious about this. They'll have to get some kind of security or something because I will go into their house and destroy everything and make sure they end up with nothing. It's bad enough already that I'm still paying off a medical bill debt as I'm not sure how much I've covered that debt. Yet, they were the reason for all of bullshit they had with my grandmother coming to visit everyone and live at everyone's house with all of the relatives crowding up at my place that made me stay at a mental hospital for a few days.

06-28-2018, 04:13 PM
My relatives are a bunch of inconsiderate, entitled, backstabbing bunch of assholes. My sister came to the house today where she and my parents talked about these series of texts and such about the purchase for my grandmother's hearing aid and it all went to shit like I knew it would. Right now, they're all feuding with one another and they all want this and that and this and that. I haven't spoken to them in years and I prefer to keep it that way. Yet, if they start to get me involved with their bullshit and I'm being serious about this. They'll have to get some kind of security or something because I will go into their house and destroy everything and make sure they end up with nothing. It's bad enough already that I'm still paying off a medical bill debt as I'm not sure how much I've covered that debt. Yet, they were the reason for all of bullshit they had with my grandmother coming to visit everyone and live at everyone's house with all of the relatives crowding up at my place that made me stay at a mental hospital for a few days.

:: hug ::

06-28-2018, 04:19 PM
Family can be...damaging. I think the notion that we have to put up with family simply because they’re family is preposterous. It is ok to distance oneself from any toxic and abusive family members. For one’s own health.

06-28-2018, 04:35 PM
I care about how many steps one took that day about as much as I care about their fantasy football team.

I get that, but let me tell about the steal I got in the fifth...

06-28-2018, 04:36 PM
Family can be...damaging. I think the notion that we have to put up with family simply because they’re family is preposterous. It is ok to distance oneself from any toxic and abusive family members. For one’s own health.

I have cut an entire side of my family out of my life because of the behavior of a single person. Unfortunately that person was my father, but a toxic person is a toxic person.

ETA: Sorry for the double-post.

06-28-2018, 04:46 PM
let me tell about the steal I got in the fifth...

Go on, I’m (not) listening...

06-28-2018, 06:14 PM
:: hug ::

Thank you. It's nice to know there's some decent people in here.

06-28-2018, 09:05 PM
Family can be...damaging. I think the notion that we have to put up with family simply because they’re family is preposterous. It is ok to distance oneself from any toxic and abusive family members. For one’s own health.

Hence why I pretty much don't talk to two of my brothers.

06-28-2018, 09:52 PM
Long crossword puzzles, like the ones you find in newspapers and what not. I can only figure out maybe 5-10 total. I’m impressed by people that can finish them these days without resorting to google. Not sure how people can do these.

06-29-2018, 06:11 AM
My relatives are a bunch of inconsiderate, entitled, backstabbing bunch of assholes. My sister came to the house today where she and my parents talked about these series of texts and such about the purchase for my grandmother's hearing aid and it all went to shit like I knew it would. Right now, they're all feuding with one another and they all want this and that and this and that. I haven't spoken to them in years and I prefer to keep it that way. Yet, if they start to get me involved with their bullshit and I'm being serious about this. They'll have to get some kind of security or something because I will go into their house and destroy everything and make sure they end up with nothing. It's bad enough already that I'm still paying off a medical bill debt as I'm not sure how much I've covered that debt. Yet, they were the reason for all of bullshit they had with my grandmother coming to visit everyone and live at everyone's house with all of the relatives crowding up at my place that made me stay at a mental hospital for a few days.

Sometimes you just need to put some distance between yourself and your family. I don’t speak to mine a lot (other than my mom). And sometimes you have to go a more aggressive route and cut them out of your life. Maybe they come around in time, maybe they won’t.
You have to take care of yourself. It’s not healthy for you to get so angry that you’ll do something you’d regret (legally).

06-29-2018, 12:24 PM
I've been inspecting apartments all morning. I'm tired. It's 100 degrees outside. And while it's an extremely kind gesture to order pizza so that we have lunch provided for us...

...If you're going to tell me "I'm not allowed to eat it until we take pictures of it," I'm GOING to leave and go get my own food at my own apartment.

Fuck off with that shit. No one gives a shit about the pizza, and if they're upset because a slice is gone, then they need to reexamine the things they get upset over. We're not allowed to eat the food we bought specifically for US to eat, so maybe you'd like to eat my ass instead? *shrug*

06-29-2018, 10:23 PM
I've been inspecting apartments all morning. I'm tired. It's 100 degrees outside. And while it's an extremely kind gesture to order pizza so that we have lunch provided for us...

...If you're going to tell me "I'm not allowed to eat it until we take pictures of it," I'm GOING to leave and go get my own food at my own apartment.

Fuck off with that shit. No one gives a shit about the pizza, and if they're upset because a slice is gone, then they need to reexamine the things they get upset over. We're not allowed to eat the food we bought specifically for US to eat, so maybe you'd like to eat my ass instead? *shrug*
Oh jesus dude. Pictures? Hahahaha. I'm sorry.

06-29-2018, 11:04 PM
Oh jesus dude. Pictures? Hahahaha. I'm sorry.

It was so ridiculous, lmao. Our regional manager was in town and was treating us to it, which, again, is awesome. But gah damn. She just HAAAD to get pizza pictures to send to some other corporate chucklefuck who probably doesn't reeeally care. I'm HERE and I'm HUNGRY, OUTTA MY WAY WITH THAT. ^^'

06-30-2018, 03:50 AM
It was so ridiculous, lmao. Our regional manager was in town and was treating us to it, which, again, is awesome. But gah damn. She just HAAAD to get pizza pictures to send to some other corporate chucklefuck who probably doesn't reeeally care. I'm HERE and I'm HUNGRY, OUTTA MY WAY WITH THAT. ^^'this reminds me: I know people who post EVERYTHING their kid/baby does like it's a reality show or something.
The time I felt like it really crossed the line was when her toddler had shit in the bed and rubbed shit on the wall and had shit all over him and she posts a fucking picture of it with her, posed, making an annoyed face.

When this kid gets a little older, people are gonna say "remember when you shit in the bed?"

07-01-2018, 08:22 AM
There's this guy at another forum who uses the phrase "hot take" sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same thread. I couldn't care less about the stupid irrelevant shit he always brings up. He just says that to get attention. Those 2 words used together make me cringe.

07-01-2018, 11:39 AM
https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36506463_10157644334717576_8271538723498229760_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=f6f14e9c867107829a28f808169fb07d&oe=5BE762B1

This breaks my heart.

07-01-2018, 04:01 PM
There's this guy at another forum who uses the phrase "hot take" sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same thread. I couldn't care less about the stupid irrelevant shit he always brings up. He just says that to get attention. Those 2 words used together make me cringe.

here's a hot take: get off the internet and learn how to interact with people.

you suck at it.

Harry Seaward
07-01-2018, 04:59 PM
A) the word 'ass-hattery'

B) the word 'ass-hattery' being spelled as 'asshatery'

07-02-2018, 10:37 PM
I haven't learnt to forgive myself
I hate when I feel like a stupid for things that other people do

07-03-2018, 05:34 AM
A) the word 'ass-hattery'

B) the word 'ass-hattery' being spelled as 'asshatery'

A) People who don't like the word "ass-hattery"

B) When facebook or other messaging services corrects the beginning of this sentence to a "smiley face with glasses" emoticon.

07-03-2018, 07:32 AM
It'd be really dope if my coworkers would stop fucking taking snapchat videos (and sending them to their friends) of me sweating my ass off trying to fix their broken shit on what's supposed to be my day off. How fucking cool and not at all disrespectful of you.

Know what? Maybe next time your AC goes out I'll just happen to be too busy to get there in a timely manner. Or on your next shift, when you have a parent yelling at you over the phone, I'll make that my time to start filming you and showing all MY friends. Oh, I'm sorry, is that rude? Does that bother you? Does it make you mad? That sucks, homie.

For the record: I've had an extensive talk with my property manager about the work environment and how I can't do it anymore. And she literally BEGGED me to stay until at least September 1st. She even offered to buy me tickets to the 3 NIN Chicago shows if it meant I would stay until that point. I refused, because concert tickets aren't what I need from her. I need her to get her fucking staff in check.

Little does she know, the secret personal deadline I've given myself is September 28th, and literally no bribe on the planet will change that. My well-being and mental health can't take another year of this place, otherwise I'm gonna start doing/saying shit that will likely end in me being fired. I'm going to stick around for move-in season for the huge paycheck I'll get, but once I get that, I'm out.

07-03-2018, 12:44 PM
^ I feel this. I know i can be a bit of a twat at work but i guess trying to keep to minimum standards is hard these days. I'm over the shoulder shrug from people in charge. I get it I've done the job, there is plenty of things one hears you have to blow off. There are also very much things that can't be allowed to be let slide lest it sets a bad example.

Lately my allergies(?) have been wrecking my eyes. Not sure if it's a moisture issue with the basement i live in, or something else. But I've now been up for two hours and can finally see without my eyes begging to be gouged out of my face.

07-03-2018, 01:47 PM
I caught SOMEBODY (not gonna say who but she maybe sleeps next to me) pilfering my fucking xanax.

Man suddenly things aren't so pretty.

I love her to death but she keeps doing fucked up things lately.

07-03-2018, 02:13 PM
I caught SOMEBODY (not gonna say who but she maybe sleeps next to me) pilfering my fucking xanax.

Man suddenly things aren't so pretty.

I love her to death but she keeps doing fucked up things lately.

oh god. i'm so sorry. hide them. i caught my boyfriend stealing and selling/trading my quetiapine to a guy who lives across the street. in exchange for weed, i guess. it's not even a fucking narcotic (fucking idiot), but that level of betrayal is nearly impossible to shake.

07-04-2018, 12:26 AM
When you decide to go back to the gym, and you buy energy supplements online to help you at the strength training circuits in gym. And a week later you wonder why you are feeling extremely horny to the point of being suicidal, and question why your clit is getting bigger and start to look like a baby penis until you realize that the energy supplements are really steroids and not intended to be used on women.

I mean literally, I can stand up to pee now, and clit slap any man in the face. They should put a warning on those bottles that women should not use those "energy supplements". I wasn't expecting a sex change, and to be so horny I could take on 20 dude for a gangbang, because I am putting testosterone in my body. Goddamn it, if men are that horny all the fucking time, no wonder ya'll commit suicide and ya'll get all cranky when no woman finds you attractive to give ya'll sex. I would jump off a roof too when my genitals are constantly raging. Thank god, I am female and of the better sex.

07-04-2018, 10:17 AM

07-04-2018, 12:46 PM

Double this. Add: ...but seriously, WUT?

07-04-2018, 01:21 PM
money problems suck

07-04-2018, 01:37 PM
Double this. Add: ...but seriously, WUT?Yup. I was thinking the same thing.
Check out their profile.

07-04-2018, 01:52 PM
Yup. I was thinking the same thing.
Check out their profile.

Ahhhhh. I get it now. "Hey everybody, look how shocking I can be!"

07-04-2018, 06:06 PM

I guess you never "stacked" with protein powder, "energy supplements" and other crap, because you want to get fit and be a gym rat. And you believed that all the stuff that works for men is damn horrible for women. And many health supplements have hidden steroids in them not mentioned on the label, which can literally turn irreversibly turn a woman's clit into a penis.

07-04-2018, 06:27 PM
Ahhhhh. I get it now. "Hey everybody, look how shocking I can be!"

I am always shocking. You must be new to NIN community like "How To Snort Angel Dust" new. I've been part of the NIN community since 1989 and left around 2009? All the old heads know my name. Get use to me, and deal with it.

Thinking of old heads, I don't recognize a damn soul around here. My, my, my...hmmmm. I guess, Trent summoned a Goth Inquisition and killed off all off anyone who looks like they popped out of Marilyn Manson's peglegging wet dream. And you will get the reference, if you had read his book. *wink wink*

I guess that is a good career move. Last time I went to a NIN concert I was tired of seeing them goth fuckers myself. They were acting like no one told them that goth died 20 years prior. At least Trent ain't looking like no has-been on stage according to Google Image as of late. I mean just look like this...


The two names that come to my mind, because this is all I can remember is....Meathead and Leviathant. Are they still around? The old NIN fan sites are now defunct. Shame, shame, shame.


Poor Robert Smith feeling compelled to keep up that 80s goth bullshit. He looks like someone's grandma getting ready crank out a tune for the senior citizens at hospice care. But Trent still looks fresh and spry. I mean, some photos on Google he looks like friendly, huggable Adolf Hitler, but hey, them Pennsylvania German genes got the best of him.


07-04-2018, 06:32 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeah... no. You do you, man. We're not engaging at this level. Enjoy your time here.

07-04-2018, 06:37 PM
Yeeeeeeeeeeah... no. You do you, man. We're not engaging at this level. Enjoy your time here.

I never invited you to the party. So you can go trick-a-treat elsewhere. I hear the neighbors are giving out black licorice next door. I'll save my bag of Snicker Bars for the cool kids. Bye. *closes my front door*

07-04-2018, 08:11 PM
They were acting like no one told them that goth died 20 years prior.

Funny. That was also around the time that being an edgelord on a fan website stopped being cool.

07-04-2018, 08:26 PM
But Trent still looks fresh and spry. I mean, some photos on Google he looks like friendly, huggable Adolf Hitler, but hey, them Pennsylvania German genes got the best of him.


sorry, I LOLed

07-05-2018, 06:24 PM
This fucking tablet: I was so happy to get it. It's a kindle fire 10.1 and those 2.1 inches make it a LOT bigger than the 8, like more than you'd think.

BUT- this fucking thing just randomly loses internet connection every few seconds. Like EVERY. FIVE. SECONDS.

Does this sound familiar to any of you who are more technologically savvy than me? Is there a fix? Is it a common glitch? It's not the Wi-Fi; everything else in the house works fine.

I'm gonna wind up smashing it.

07-05-2018, 07:20 PM
when people ask you to do them a favor, don't pay you... then crack the whip while pushing for you to finish.

07-05-2018, 07:23 PM
Askholes. People that continuously ask for my opinion and then promptly ignore it. They fuck up and come back to me again with the same problem. Just admit it, you just want someone to talk AT, not WITH.

07-05-2018, 11:52 PM
So I try very hard not to give unsolicited advice, but I give great advice. I feel like most of the time I give advice people ignore me and then end up eventually going with what I recommended and I'm just over here like "yeah, see."

I was talking about moisturizing toner (Klairs Supple Preparation) for like a year in a shared beauty chat room with friends and then it turns out someone I know just silently started using it after generally not engaging with my toner advocacy and I'm like SEE????

Sidenote: having great taste is not sufficient criteria to get people to be your friends and I don't think my brain will ever fully internalize that fact

07-06-2018, 12:24 AM
This fucking tablet: I was so happy to get it. It's a kindle fire 10.1 and those 2.1 inches make it a LOT bigger than the 8, like more than you'd think.

BUT- this fucking thing just randomly loses internet connection every few seconds. Like EVERY. FIVE. SECONDS.

Does this sound familiar to any of you who are more technologically savvy than me? Is there a fix? Is it a common glitch? It's not the Wi-Fi; everything else in the house works fine.

I'm gonna wind up smashing it.

I want to say it's the antenna. I can be 5feet from the router and it drops the connection! But it's here and there, not necessarily every few seconds.

Also the touch screen drives me crazy when I read some sites like ETS because it won't stabilize the page right away. There's some weird jerk just as I tap something to select it and now I've selected the wrong then.

Harry Seaward
07-06-2018, 01:05 AM
People editorializing their YouTube titles. It's tough to admit but I'll be way more inclined to dig a video titled "Kraftwerk - Pocket Calculator (Discoring 1981)" than I would some crap like "♫ Kraftwerk ♪ Pocket Calculator (Discoring 1981) ♫ Video & Audio Remastered HD" with all else being equal. It's not like I'm a goddamn professional graphic designer or something, but it just astounds me how entirely some people are able to avoid the concept of aesthetics for their entire life.

07-06-2018, 02:33 AM
when people ask you to do them a favor, don't pay you... then crack the whip while pushing for you to finish.

THIS! I had a friend i was living with ask me and a bunch of others to help install his garden fence (i was renting there so i agreed) carrying 30 6 foot fence posts up and 50ft staircase up to the house was hell, made worse by "your not doing it quick enough"! But i was told i could pocket the favour. Then another friend asked me and a bunch of others to help lay his foundations for his extension (again no pay, just promise of a "returned" favour) and then had him yelling at us the whole time we're weren't doing it good enough (fucking hire some actual workers then!)
I only bring these up as i never got those return favours, when i moved further into London they all had settled down and chose not to continue my friendship as i "don't drink, so its hard to socialise with you"...yep :(

Moral is, only do favours for those who are 100% people you trust/like, and even then don't let them take the piss!

07-06-2018, 12:07 PM
THIS! I had a friend i was living with ask me and a bunch of others to help install his garden fence (i was renting there so i agreed) carrying 30 6 foot fence posts up and 50ft staircase up to the house was hell, made worse by "your not doing it quick enough"! But i was told i could pocket the favour. Then another friend asked me and a bunch of others to help lay his foundations for his extension (again no pay, just promise of a "returned" favour) and then had him yelling at us the whole time we're weren't doing it good enough (fucking hire some actual workers then!)
I only bring these up as i never got those return favours, when i moved further into London they all had settled down and chose not to continue my friendship as i "don't drink, so its hard to socialise with you"...yep :(

Moral is, only do favours for those who are 100% people you trust/like, and even then don't let them take the piss!

I have one "friend" in particular that doesn't like to talk until she needs me to fix something, be it an object or a situation. She thinks I don't notice, but we'll go 3-4 months without speaking and suddenly it's "heyyy I locked my keys in my apartment" or "heyyyy I got kicked out of my apartment and need a place to stay, also I've secretly always felt like we had something special between us. <3" Followed by silence. The other night she called me at midnight to help her change a flat tire. She wanted me to meet her at a restaurant, where she was eating with a friend, who had her own car and drove them both there. Then an hour later we get to her place and her wheel was STUCK in place. I couldn't budge it no matter what I did. FUSED to the hub. At which point she goes "oh well I have roadside assistance so I'll just call them. Thanxx!" The next day I asked her straight-up if we were actually friends or if I'm only around to fix her problems. And all she said back was "definitely, I didn't mean it to seem another way." Like that's all you wanna say? And then two more weeks of no communication.

Next time you have a problem, I might just be busy. Oops.

07-07-2018, 07:02 AM
when someone you consider a friend does something that fucks over someone you love... and all you wanna do is punch him in the face, but you hate drama so fucking much at this point in your life, and you don't want to make things worse, even though someone is a fucking ASSHOLE and deserves to get the shit beaten out of them...

Ungrateful, petty double-standard motherfucker. GODdamn it.

07-07-2018, 09:09 PM
when someone you consider a friend does something that fucks over someone you love... and all you wanna do is punch him in the face, but you hate drama so fucking much at this point in your life, and you don't want to make things worse, even though someone is a fucking ASSHOLE and deserves to get the shit beaten out of them...

Ungrateful, petty double-standard motherfucker. GODdamn it.

First song to come to mind when I read this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8VmFunVOrU

07-08-2018, 07:53 AM
Wet socks.

07-08-2018, 07:55 AM
Never get an account at livejournal. The security at that website is terrible. Certain people can see all your entries, including the private ones. If you have too many failed login attempts, then your IP will be temporarily banned. I think most people have migrated to Facebook and Twitter anyway. If you need to get a diary, use xanga.

07-08-2018, 07:59 AM
I joined a female only forum. I thought it would be a safe space to post. But no one replied to my threads due to a lack of interest, or maybe because of summer. So much for that idea. Moving on.

Sarah K
07-08-2018, 10:35 PM
As I was flying to Vegas for NIN, a person I was involved with for many years was being outed by multiple people for abuse. I shared my story/experience in a closed group with many of them. Then, the entire time I was in Vegas, people kept fucking bugging me about it, and I got kinda pissed and told everyone to leave me alone until I got back. I got in touch with some of the other women, and now it has like, evolved into this Whole Thing where they are wanting to meet up and "process" everything that happened together. And I have absolutely no interest in doing that. I don't mind sharing my story to substantiate what was already out there. But I've only ever met one of these people, and I have ZERO interest in meeting strangers to talk about a shitbag we all knew or were involved with.

Here we are almost a month later, and they still won't leave me alone. Gonna feel like a dick blocking them. But holy shit.

07-09-2018, 02:39 AM
HOLY SHIT... fuck people... yes, I speak Japanese, YES, we're friends.... NO, I don't want to translate your screenplay into Japanese and pretend to be Japanese while I voice act your dialog ASAP. Jesus Christ. Take NO FOR A FUCKING ANSWER. At least OFFER to fucking pay me to be whatever that is.


The dialog he wants translated is already broken English.... I just can't deal with this shit anymore. Sorry, no more favors for friends. Full stop. Fuck this.

Space Suicide
07-09-2018, 10:06 AM

Fuck this son of a bitch.

07-09-2018, 10:09 AM
People expecting me to help them work on things like letters or usernames because I'm a writer. No, I don't want to write a damn email for you. I have my own shit to worry about.

Also, traveling somewhere and having to stop when we're clearly supposed to be moving. So, the train station where I get off for work everyday has a broken escalator meaning we have to use the stairs. instead of getting into one line and making our way up, people split into two lines to try to get out faster. So what happens? Someone has to go downstairs. This means everyone who made a second line has to step over and we will stop dead in our tracks. It's been going for 3 weeks and it's frustrating as hell.

07-09-2018, 10:27 PM
It's a good thing I moved back home. Greyhound Canada ended its service in all but 2 provinces. I used to take it at least 4 times a year to visit my family when I lived down south. Like those junior hockey players, I have a lot of memories of riding the bus. It's ironic that I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now, which is basically about a crumbling transportation company.

07-09-2018, 11:48 PM
Stupid work shit that in retrospect i shouldn't have said anything about which culminated in me pretty much losing my shit. I didn't go full tilt but pretty close, i dropped enough f-bombs to earn an easy r rating. Good thing the owner exec. chef is understanding of these things and helped me and my boss man (whom i don't hate, I just have no life and we make not the best dance partners so to speak) finally get things aired out. I need a hobby or something, all work and no play is driving me crazy. The heat and long hours last week didn't help either.

07-10-2018, 10:52 AM
It's a good thing I moved back home. Greyhound Canada ended its service in all but 2 provinces. I used to take it at least 4 times a year to visit my family when I lived down south. Like those junior hockey players, I have a lot of memories of riding the bus. It's ironic that I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now, which is basically about a crumbling transportation company.

You know what, if that's what you are taking from the book it explains a lot.

07-11-2018, 10:04 PM
I wish it was more socially acceptable to just outright tell people "Please don't try to make plans with me. At all. I will say no."

Also, my phone has been dead since yesterday and I can't get it replaced until Friday. It does kinda suck, but it's also been weirdly liberating. I may even change my phone number for the first time since I got my first cell phone, because I'm getting really, REALLY tired of spam calls about setting up a warranty plan for a car I was SHOPPING for 4 months ago, not even the car I have now. Are those dudes even trying? "Oh! I see. Well, let me update our file with your current vehicle informa-" "No. You didn't hear me. I said I'm not interested. Period. I wasn't interested the first 6 times you called, and I won't be interested the next time. Changing the number you call from will not change that, either. And if you call me again, I'm going to explode on whoever's on the line. Got it? Excellent. Thank you."

07-11-2018, 11:47 PM
I wish it was more socially acceptable to just outright tell people "Please don't try to make plans with me. At all. I will say no."

Also, my phone has been dead since yesterday and I can't get it replaced until Friday. It does kinda suck, but it's also been weirdly liberating. I may even change my phone number for the first time since I got my first cell phone, because I'm getting really, REALLY tired of spam calls about setting up a warranty plan for a car I was SHOPPING for 4 months ago, not even the car I have now. Are those dudes even trying? "Oh! I see. Well, let me update our file with your current vehicle informa-" "No. You didn't hear me. I said I'm not interested. Period. I wasn't interested the first 6 times you called, and I won't be interested the next time. Changing the number you call from will not change that, either. And if you call me again, I'm going to explode on whoever's on the line. Got it? Excellent. Thank you."

if we're ever in the same city i just want to give you a big ol' hug for a full minute because i feel like you need it.

07-12-2018, 02:48 AM
if we're ever in the same city i just want to give you a big ol' hug for a full minute because i feel like you need it.

Hahahaha, trust me, I'm not in nearly that kind of dire straights that I'm just blinded by rage and rejecting human contact, lmao. But I'm not gonna say no to a hug, who says no to a hug?

But I feel like everyone has sooomeone in their day-to-day that they don't want to see or be associated with. And sometimes that person is the one most persistent in trying to get you to do things with them. Sorry captain, don't wanna make plans with ya. Time with you for a chunk of the day, every day, is plenty to show me what that will be like. If you want to socialize outside of work, let's start by adjusting your behavior there before you ask me if I want to get drinks or hang out with you and your wife as a third wheel. Deal? Deal. I'm open to it, for sure, but as of right now all signs point to a hard pass from me every time.

As for the phone thing...I don't know what has happened this past month or so, but I've just been FLOODED with spam calls from two sources. One is a litany of people offering me warranties on my car, which I already have, and the calls are all from "different" agencies I've never heard of in my life who claim to be from the same area code where I used to live - which is in no way near where I bought my car. The information they have isn't even up to date - they're offering me warranties on a specific car that I do not and have never owned. That's usually followed by attempts to get information on my current vehicle so that their files are "up to date," which have been shot down every single time. Not giving you guys that info if you can't even go so far as to get it on your own. The second source of calls is my personal favorite so far: I've been getting non-stop calls from "the CDC of Chicago" asking for my health information. I'd be concerned that maybe it's regarding my last trip to Chicago, but here's the thing - I haven't been there since 2011, the one exception being when I drove there in 2015 to see Failure play and immediately left town to hit the road home. I was in-city for probably 5 hours total. How they would even know that I was there is beyond me, and why they would contact me regarding that visit THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT is even more mind-boggling. Did I secretly come down with a deeply-latent form of Chicago flu that needs 3 years to gestate before just blowing my asshole out or something? C'mon, guys...

Nothing I've done to stop these calls has worked, to the point where I give the caller three strikes each time. I'm going to say no to their advances three times, and after that, I'm not above cutting them off mid-sentence and telling them to kindly leave me the fuck alone, haha. They're spam callers. I have no shame in inconveniently interrupting them when they have cooonstantly inconveniently interrupted me. I'm not going to scream and make threats, because that's uncalled for, but their behavior is unacceptable. These calls happen multiple times a day. I have blocked each phone number, I have tried being polite to the callers, and I've tried just straight-up not answering for days at a time, and the calls persist. The only one that's stopped is the Chicago CDC calls.

They know the jobs they have, and they should also know that "no" means "no." If they take heat from me for relentlessly calling me after repeated rejections, that's part of the job, and they should do us both a favor and actually add me to their do not call list; for the entire call system, not just that particular phone number they choose to call me from on that day.

So I'm gonna do eeeveryone a favor and just change my phone number! Win-win. :)

07-12-2018, 04:56 AM

07-12-2018, 09:02 AM

You know what, if that's what you are taking from the book it explains a lot.
Of course that's what Atlas Shrugged was about! And Infinite Jest was tips on how to play tennis better!

07-12-2018, 10:33 AM
RE the phone call thing: A lot of those are not legitimate companies, no matter what they claim to be selling or offering. Your best bet is to not answer calls from numbers you don't recognize. Source: I work with consumer fraud and identity theft.

07-12-2018, 12:27 PM
RE the phone call thing: A lot of those are not legitimate companies, no matter what they claim to be selling or offering. Your best bet is to not answer calls from numbers you don't recognize. Source: I work with consumer fraud and identity theft.

Oh, for sure. And I can usually see through to that almost immediately. Unfortunately, the nature of my work involves occasionally getting calls from numbers I don't have saved (contractors, other properties, temporary workers, all that goodness), so it's a bit of a gamble for me to just not answer any phone number I don't recognize. (Sometimes my supervisor will be a swell fella and just GIVE my phone number to residents that "he trusts" when they need a point of contact, and I cut THAT shit out immediately. You wanna give them a number, make it YOURS or the number of our property.) I wish I could know every time whether it was someone I really have to talk to or not, but I normally at least answer, and if it's bullshit I give them about 30 seconds before I personally end the call. No call backs, no answering voicemails they leave, nothin'.

They think they're being smart, trying to take advantage of people who don't know any better - and that's partially why I have no problems nipping their BS at the bud. No, I will NOT let you update your file with my information. I may not even tell you whether or not my name is my name. I'M gonna ask questions, and if you can't adequately answer within the first 30 or so seconds, then...sorry, homie. Not gonna buy into it.

07-12-2018, 12:30 PM
I bitched some woman out for calling me and hung up on her. I got a call back immediately from an entirely different number talking about how they have all this personal information on me and that I shouldn't mess with people who have access to that kind of stuff.

Now I just tell them that the person they're looking for isn't there because if they can't pronounce my name right then why should I talk to them at all?

07-12-2018, 03:51 PM
ImTheWiseJanitor I've been getting the ultra shady car warranty hustler bullshit too!
And if you ask them to not call you, they'll call you five times as much.
I don't even HAVE a fucking car.
They call and say that "it looks like we can set you up with blah blah blah because of your car" and one day I had been drinking and went along with it and halfway through it I was like "so where is my car? How do I use it? What does it look like? I don't remember having a car please help me, you said you knew something about me having a car."

I thought it was brilliant but they didnt.

And yeah man, these motherfuckers are RELENTLESS. I mean jesus: why do they keep calling me? They know they aren't going to make a sale.
They must not be on commission if they're doing this because I missed them off.

07-12-2018, 04:22 PM
Not a call, but still somewhat relevant.


07-13-2018, 11:55 AM
Canada Post.

07-14-2018, 05:02 PM
A year ago I injured my foot (tendinitis in the right Achilles). I stayed off it best I could for almost 3 months hoping it would heal itself. When that didn’t happen, I went to a podiatrist who put me in physical therapy for two months. It’s not cheap even with insurance. I finished it May 6th.

Just two goddamn months later it hurts like it did before.

07-15-2018, 04:03 PM
Is every police force on the planet jumping on the “we’re a little late to the #lipsyncchallenge but we’re finally doing it omg so excited” bandwagon? For fuck’s sake. WHY DO GROWN ADULT POLICE OFFICERS GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS “CHALLENGE” THAT IS LITERALLY JUST LIP SYNCING WITH ZERO “CHALLENGES” INVOLVED WHATSOEVER? I don’t understand.

Social media is cancerous.

Sarah K
07-15-2018, 06:35 PM
They are just trying to drum up some good PR in between shooting folks.

Thomas W Jefford
07-17-2018, 12:38 PM
Did work in the garden, got sunburn, maximum discomfort for two days.

Harry Seaward
07-17-2018, 06:40 PM
Is every police force on the planet jumping on the “we’re a little late to the #lipsyncchallenge but we’re finally doing it omg so excited” bandwagon? For fuck’s sake. WHY DO GROWN ADULT POLICE OFFICERS GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS “CHALLENGE” THAT IS LITERALLY JUST LIP SYNCING WITH ZERO “CHALLENGES” INVOLVED WHATSOEVER? I don’t understand.

Social media is cancerous.

because bootlickers love it

07-17-2018, 11:30 PM
Hamilton. Holy shit, I want my money and time back... it’s hip hop for people who think Dr Dre is an actual doctor.

07-18-2018, 02:14 AM
How do you feel about musical theatre in general? Because like, Hamilton is a musical, it's not purely hip hop, hip hop is just deeply in there. Here's the Hamilton folks doing not musical theatre and I think it's phenomenal: https://youtu.be/6_35a7sn6ds (I also think Hamilton is phenomenal but it's a different thing)

Also YES that is a Hamilton quote in my longstanding subtitle, U R CORRECT

07-18-2018, 07:52 AM
I’m not a huge fan of musical theater, but I can enjoy it. I liked Phantom of the Opera despite the melodrama... I think Jesus Christ Superstar is great... I liked Les Miserable, Book of Mormon, Sweeney Todd, West Side Story, Meet Me in St Louis... I even thought the Sunset Boulevard musical got unfairly bashed... I remember liking Miss Saigon even if I really can’t remember any of the music

Hamilton just felt as preposterous as it sounded like it’d be in concept... I was so curious to see what all the hype was about... i left feeling ripped off and pranked. I tried to keep giving it a chance but maybe I’m just a philistine here. This was after everyone I talked to raves about it. No one had mixed opinions, it was always clearly the greatest shit... both my fiancé and I were just perplexed

07-18-2018, 10:34 PM
... both my fiancé and I were just perplexed

when did you get engaged!?!?!? EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

07-20-2018, 12:55 AM
when did you get engaged!?!?!? EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

a couple months back! We’re tying the knot in April! We’ve been inseparable. She’s everything to me

07-20-2018, 09:21 PM
there are so many bad shows in the city tonight. five finger death punch, godsmack, jackson browne (okay, no real reference here), some group called big ups, randy rogers band (nope), and exmortus (?). i think i'll avoid downtown tonight after 10 pm.

07-21-2018, 08:57 AM

07-21-2018, 11:49 PM
Jokes that are not only shitty in regard to their subject, but also poorly formulated and without an actual punchline. If your joke is shit, shut the fuck up. Just because you came up with it doesn’t just make it an inherently good or funny joke. Comedy really isn’t THAT complex if you want to make a simple joke.

”Why did god make women’s pussies smell like fish?” “*sigh*....why....” “For the same reason he made guys’ jizz look like tartar sauce!”

...Okay? Is there even a punchline? Is there even a “reason” that’s supposed to tie it all together?

07-22-2018, 01:25 AM
My mom has a plate and screws in her neck. She was told that if she didn't have a procedure that she DIDN'T want, she would be kicked out of the practice and lose ALL of her meds.
So she did it (of course the procedure costs thousands of dollars.)

But it gets worse.
Something went wrong, and now it feels like the back of her head is on fire, at all times. And when she lays down, it feels like her head is laying on a pile of rocks.

Worst of all, the clinic told her that this might be PERMANENT, that her head will feel like it's on fire for the rest of her life.

At first she thought it was maybe a normal post op experience, but it's been over a MONTH.

She is regularly in tears from this new pain. Goddamnit, she was already in ENOUGH chronic pain BEFORE this bullshit.

So yeah. She was more or less blackmailed into a procedure she didn't want, that costs thousands of dollars, that might have made it to where she will be in agony till she dies.

But we have no recourse because hey, she signed a form absolving the surgeon and clinic from any damages incurred, including permanent neurological damage.

07-22-2018, 03:32 AM
That's fucking terrible.

I'm not asking this in a rhetorical "you SHOULD try this" way; this is an honest question: has she tried any sort of marijuana-based treatments for managing the pain? Genuinely curious because I grew up in a staunchly anti-weed house and just blindly believed it was the tool of the devil, but more and more I'm growing intrigued by potential uses. I wonder if maybe some form of it might help her?

07-24-2018, 11:26 PM
Ok so my cousin who nearly beat me to death and has creeped on our house is now telling other family members that he's been part of a government experiment for several years wherein they watch and document his every move and have harvested his DNA to create clones.

And he said he knows things are cool with me because it was one of the CLONES who tried to kill me and he's sure I'm aware of this.


This potentially changes everything regarding this situation, and in multiple ways.

Like now I'm thinking "who's gonna help him" and "if he's THAT crazy, why didn't I see it before?"

Also, what if he thinks he's found, idk, the headquarters of the organization doing the experiment on him and goes in shooting?

07-24-2018, 11:28 PM
Also, sorry for double post, but theimage13 the answer is no, but we are both considering trying such treatments eventually.

Conan The Barbarian
07-26-2018, 03:14 PM
If I have to hear Kevin Smith talk about his heart attack one more goddamn time.....

07-26-2018, 03:50 PM
Gross-out humor can be funny and all, but if it’s ALL you got, that shit gets old in MINUTES.

07-26-2018, 04:19 PM
Look, I didn't anticipate that the whoopee cushion bubble would pop so quickly when I chose to invest my life's savings in it.

07-26-2018, 04:42 PM
I am fine with showing empathy for patients who actually suffer from a cancer. I just hate it when people use someone else's illness to get attention for themselves. I think that's a variation of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome. I also hate it when people use the death of someone they never knew or barely knew to get sympathy

07-26-2018, 06:01 PM
omg, the heat this year is ridic. i feel like i say it every year, but it doesn't drop below 90 until after 11:00 pm. and it never dips below 70 at night, either. and if i hear "but it's a dry heat" one more goddamn time ...

and thinking about everyone who doesn't have ac (i never did growing up) ... or the stray animals who have no respite ... fucking sucks. i reset my sprinklers to come on for a couple hours in the evening (which is illegal here -- your address determines when you can water outside) in case any strays are thirsty or just desperate to cool off.

07-26-2018, 08:10 PM
The Colony season finale, which is now likely to be the series finale unless maybe Netflix decides do do something with it, is just one fucking cliffhanger after another.

Space Suicide
07-27-2018, 10:55 PM
Looking at the asshole my ex is with now. Such a smarmy bastard.

07-28-2018, 01:19 AM
Maaaaan. SOME of you motherfuckers...

07-28-2018, 03:41 PM
My grandmother just died today. 92 years old. More than 30 years since my fraternal grandfather died. I'm not pissed off about it though she wasn't really a nice person as she is the reason why there's so much family drama that I want no involvement in. Just kind of sad right now. 92 years.

07-28-2018, 06:25 PM
sorry for your loss

07-28-2018, 06:53 PM
life and everything it throws at you.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-02-2018, 04:41 PM
I've been paying for a company to find stolen photos online, part of their deal is when they find copyright theft, their lawyers represent me and get the best deal possible for me. We split the money in the end and all is good. Nice for me in that I don't have to deal with it beyond saying, this is not okay go get them. Well I found one of my photos was stolen and used as the cover of an Italian book. Frustrating to me because I've never made a dime off the photo they stole, but I figured this case could bring me a pretty nice sum of money. Anyways, today the company I use told me the case was not profitable for them and I can deal with it myself if I want, or accept it. No way I can afford an Italian copyright lawyer right now, so I'm pretty frustrated at the world today.

08-02-2018, 04:47 PM
I'm sick of Medusa objectifying people!

... and this heat wave can scram anytime soon too.

08-02-2018, 08:24 PM
I hate the fucking drama of relationships
Are you happy? Enjoy the fucking time
Life is so short for these stupid things, one day everything is awesome, the next day everything is pile of shit...

08-03-2018, 04:32 PM
i need my hair cut so fucking bad, but i keep putting it off and putting it off because i hate the process so much. small talk should be optional! like, maybe ask if i'd just prefer to relax and not talk. please get this rat's nest off my head so i can leave. ugh ugh ugh ...

Space Suicide
08-04-2018, 05:36 PM

I'm not a republican conservative but her show is so one dimensional and hypocritical it pisses me off. Bashes right wing thoughts and when right wingers spout their agenda on her show...but I guess it's ok if it's your agenda and ideology when you do it back on your own? Pffft. Piss off.

08-06-2018, 10:57 AM
If I have to hear Kevin Smith talk about his heart attack one more goddamn time.....I am subscribed to three of his podcasts and yeah it got tedious for a minute there.
I'm sick of Medusa objectifying people!

... and this heat wave can scram anytime soon too.

OK, I legit snickered at this one.

08-07-2018, 08:40 AM
whenever someone puts me in a position where I have to manage their awkwardness for them

08-07-2018, 09:36 AM
This heatwave can fuck off!

I honestly haven't seen rain since May! (It's rained briefly a couple of times but i have managed to miss it) this might not be too ridiculous to some of you, but i live in London, the UK IS 99% RAIN MOST OF THE YEAR WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

08-07-2018, 09:40 AM
I had something good to add to this thread but I had to take 3 days off the phone & internet to rest my arm & I forgot what it was.
I hate it when my carpal tunnel or forearm muscle twiches or backaches start up. I have so many health problems I don't even think about my shitty personal life anymore.
On the upside, I am getting a lot of reading done offline. I finished 3 books on the long weekend-- Persuasian by Jane Austen, On Beauty by Zadie Smith and The Secret History by Donna Tartt.
I love reading college fiction. I still write college fiction because I have no experience with marriage or parenthood.

08-07-2018, 11:32 AM
Who knew that a "NO SOLICITORS" sign doesn't apply to solicitors?

I fucking hate these doorbell-ringing dickholes who don't leave and even when I do answer the door and gruffly tell them to leave, continue their pitch like they have a chance and like whatever nugget of bullshit they're going to say is somehow going to change my mind and entice me to give money/credit card information to a total stranger who's so rude they can't be bothered to NOT FUCKING SOLICIT ME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

08-07-2018, 11:33 AM
Our landlord has subjected us to months of noisy construction in the apartment below, and more is to come.

Is it a bad idea to ask for compensation for all this, in terms of a month's rent back?

he's always been *polite* and basically my concern is that if our relationship becomes *openly* resentful or sour then that really would make our living here a lot worse...

landlords having the upper hand and you having to humor their bullshit is bullshit

08-07-2018, 12:14 PM
Posting on Facebook.

08-07-2018, 01:31 PM
Seriously, fuck this heat. I haven't been in one country for more than four days at a time since June, and I was sure that SOMEWHERE I would have days that didn't get too hot.


08-07-2018, 04:49 PM
Our landlord has subjected us to months of noisy construction in the apartment below, and more is to come.

Is it a bad idea to ask for compensation for all this, in terms of a month's rent back?

he's always been *polite* and basically my concern is that if our relationship becomes *openly* resentful or sour then that really would make our living here a lot worse...

landlords having the upper hand and you having to humor their bullshit is bullshit

i don't think it's unreasonable to ask for some sort of compensation, but i wouldn't ask for a whole month's rent...i'd ask for a slight discount for a couple months or something.

Sarah K
08-08-2018, 09:02 AM
"Fur baby"

08-08-2018, 11:12 AM

I'm not a republican conservative but her show is so one dimensional and hypocritical it pisses me off. Bashes right wing thoughts and when right wingers spout their agenda on her show...but I guess it's ok if it's your agenda and ideology when you do it back on your own? Pffft. Piss off.

I agree. I don't even know who this person is. Who are these unknown people and why are they becoming popular? I'm an old school guy. I like old school comedy like Dangerfield, Mason, Lovitz, Kinnison. Their material had substance and it wasn't sex jokes or foul language every 5 seconds.

08-08-2018, 11:54 AM
Really? Kinnison was filthy. It was his thing.

Lovitz was good on SNL but I was never impressed with his stand up.

Sam is hilarious and her show is lovely.

08-08-2018, 05:11 PM
I agree. I don't even know who this person is. Who are these unknown people and why are they becoming popular? I'm an old school guy. I like old school comedy like Dangerfield, Mason, Lovitz, Kinnison. Their material had substance and it wasn't sex jokes or foul language every 5 seconds.

samantha bee has been around for quite a while, she was a correspondent on the daily show for years.

also, i'm sorry...rodney dangerfield and sam kinnison were both incredibly filthy comedians.

08-08-2018, 07:30 PM
Putting a TV above the large fireplace. Also, the fireplace being the centerpiece of the living room.


That set up is horrible, and beyond dumb when you see “rich” people on TV with it. Have fun with your fucked-angled-TV neck pain.

08-09-2018, 01:56 AM
I'm an old school guy. I like old school comedy like Dangerfield, Mason, Lovitz, Kinnison. Their material had substance and it wasn't sex jokes or foul language every 5 seconds.

"Old school guy". Follow that up with your list, and I read that as "I'm a sexist old privileged white male".

Dangerfield "wasn't sex jokes"? Have you literally ever actually heard Rodney Dangerfield?

Also, just to kick the hornets nest: shitfuck.

08-09-2018, 03:07 AM
You know what...i think i'm done with Twitter. Every time i log on it's just depressing, a collection of the worlds worst people yelling at everyone all the time. I miss when it was just full of cat gifs and telling people you admired how much you admired them...it's just a clusterfuck of shit now.

08-09-2018, 06:36 AM
Putting a TV above the large fireplace. Also, the fireplace being the centerpiece of the living room.


That set up is horrible, and beyond dumb when you see “rich” people on TV with it. Have fun with your fucked-angled-TV neck pain.

i do low-voltage for a living so i have to do this all the time for people and i die a little bit inside each time.

08-09-2018, 08:05 AM
You know what...i think i'm done with Twitter. Every time i log on it's just depressing, a collection of the worlds worst people yelling at everyone all the time. I miss when it was just full of cat gifs and telling people you admired how much you admired them...it's just a clusterfuck of shit now.

I've never actually used it, but I *think* tumblr is maybe where the cat gifs and supportive messages are now. I could be very, very wrong, but that's my limited understanding of it

08-09-2018, 08:15 AM
Nope. Tumblr is also bad. You want closed meme facebook groups populated by a lot of mutuals.

You know what...i think i'm done with Twitter. Every time i log on it's just depressing, a collection of the worlds worst people yelling at everyone all the time. I miss when it was just full of cat gifs and telling people you admired how much you admired them...it's just a clusterfuck of shit now.

Twitter genuinely brings out the worst in people, and I hate it for that.

08-09-2018, 08:30 AM
"Old school guy". Follow that up with your list, and I read that as "I'm a sexist old privileged white male".

Dangerfield "wasn't sex jokes"? Have you literally ever actually heard Rodney Dangerfield?

Also, just to kick the hornets nest: shitfuck.

You took the words right out of my mouth. This was my exact thought.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-2018, 08:59 AM
I already have a Tumblr that i on/off use, but mainly for said cat gifs and anime gifs (to see what i should be watching this season). As a place to 'talk' to people...it can also be a bit of a clusterfuck. Maybe not clusterfuck, but definitely not balanced. Might look at Instagram, that seem's to be getting more popular now and i've never used it, might be a better place to put my mini film reviews (i once did a mini review for Power Rangers 2017 on Tumblr, and someone went ape-shit because i didn't like it and accused me of being homophobic as it had a gay character, so by extension not liking the whole film meant i hated gay people...)

08-09-2018, 09:17 AM
Steve Hoffman's forum doesn't allow for diversity of opinions. If they sense any negativity about anything, then they will automatically close a thread. It's blatant censorship. No wonder there's been a mass exodus from that place. It's just not fun anymore. There is basically no freedom of speech. It's like China or North Korea. I should've done my research before I joined. Now I'm reading stuff (not good) about Hoffman's ethics. He is not well liked by his peers in the sound engineering industry. If I'd known that before, it definitely would've been a red flag for me.

08-10-2018, 08:17 AM
i don't think it's unreasonable to ask for some sort of compensation, but i wouldn't ask for a whole month's rent...i'd ask for a slight discount for a couple months or something.

We met with the landlord to complain and not only did we not ask for any compensation but we came away feeling sorry for *him* for going through a divorce case in court and maybe selling the building
Typical :rolleyes:

08-10-2018, 09:56 AM
Having a shitty dream that made me salty enough to just decide to get up early on a day off i usually work after staying up because i knew i could sleep in. I can probably nap later but that's not the point. I don't enjoy waking up like im about to have to fight someone. I'm just gonna stop before i shit on everything.

08-11-2018, 02:03 PM
We met with the landlord to complain and not only did we not ask for any compensation but we came away feeling sorry for *him* for going through a divorce case in court and maybe selling the building
Typical :rolleyes:

woof that sucks for everyone. :(

08-14-2018, 02:49 AM
My sister got married 4 times. I was dumb enough to volunteer to be a bridesmaid at one of her weddings. She never stopped asking me for money for all sorts of things, and I was a full-time university student at the time. That's why her marriages never last and she has very few friends. I still avoid her like the plague after all these years. I never wanted to be a bridesmaid ever again. Thankfully, none of my friends have ever asked me. I had to be in my brother's bridal party, but he and his wife have 6-figure incomes so they paid for the whole thing.

08-14-2018, 11:50 AM
Man, I get tired of people trying to "correct" like everything I say on Facebook.

Guess what? I might not fucking think what YOU think. How bout that?

08-14-2018, 12:03 PM
Man, I get tired of people trying to "correct" like everything I say on Facebook.

Guess what? I might not fucking think what YOU think. How bout that?

Kind of curious for an example here. Because I for one am known for pointing out fake news / memes or other things that are objectively false and potentially detrimental to people having an accurate and informed view of current events. I can see how I'd be annoyed if I were the one posting bullshit and someone pointed out that I was wrong. But honestly, once in a great while I slip up and post something that turns out to be outdated or outright false, and I have friends who call me out on it...and I just own up to it and move on. Kind of makes me feeling like an idiot to realize I've been duped, but I'd rather be set straight than go on believing something untrue.

If we're just talking about opinions and subjective things, on the other hand...then yeah, "correcting" is more just disagreeing, and that can be annoying as fuck.

Also, if this isn't taking it too far...if you're not interested in what someone else thinks about something, why are you writing it in a public forum? (I'm genuinely curious; I don't mean that as an attack of any kind.)

sick among the pure
08-14-2018, 01:23 PM
Partner has been having job problems for almost a year now.
Nobody wants to hire him full time.

One company wanted to hire him, already did all the testing and everything, and the place he's at currently (where he had been working part-time) offered him full time (which would have included benefits and a union, so it was the better deal) so he took it.
3 months later, he still isn't on the paperwork for full time, and asks about it.
Apparently they're not going to hire him full time after all. Because reasons? They wouldn't tell him why.
It's not a staffing issue, they need the help.

I just want to beat the living shit out of this guy for stringing him along and making him turn down the other job for this. He went to that guy's boss whose only reply was that it's that guy's decision for hiring. We're planning our trip out to Red Rocks to see NIN in a month expecting the paperwork to be going through soon and he had to hound the guy to finally get a "no" out of him after having worked there part-time now since April.

08-14-2018, 05:45 PM
theimage13 I mean disagreeing. BUT, people are so fucking RIDE OR DIE about their ideas that THEY think they're correcting me.

I'm a democratic socialist with a libertarian streak, and I'm a 7th generation Texan, so this bullshit comes from both sides.

As to your last question, I can't stand chaos and I'm insanely sensitive. So it's just something that's frustrated me over the past few years, to the point where I basically refrain from posting my views on social media.
When I do, I usually wind up deleting the post,.because either a bunch of people tell me I'm wrong or people who don't know each other wind up fighting in the comments in a hateful manner.

Because I'm from texas, a lot of people I grew up with wound up being conservative. But I love them anyway.

I'm down for civil discourse.

Sometimes.that's not possible. One of my VERY best friends, who hired me knowing I had a severe drinking problem, got me into AA, and didn't fire me even when I wound up on heroin (I worked for him for 8 years,)

anyway, he's an ultra conservative asshole when it comes to politics, and he isn't capable of civil discourse. So we just don't talk about that type of shit.

But yeah, it's usually that people think I should be a conservative, but a lot of the time im "not liberal enough."

an example is that I don't think I should feel guilty for being white. I had no control over that shit you know? I didn't chose it.

More often, though, it's that I say something about being pro universal healthcare or something along those lines, and a dozen motherfuckers go sideways on me.

And if you're gonna say I should block them, understand that these are people I grew up with, before we really understood politics.

There you go: a long answer for a long question.
And no, you didn't go too far.

Dude, basically it's that im open minded. I'm a free thinker and, irl, I can chop it up with almost ANYONE: Mexican mafia cats, Aryan Brotherhood, Gangster Disciples (these are obviously extreme examples from being in jail, lol) but you get the idea.

Facebook comments are different thoufh.

Sarah K
08-14-2018, 06:25 PM
Nobody wants you to feel guilty for being white. But you do need to recognize all of the power and privilege that comes with that.

Also you have a history of using racial slurs, so that could maybe be why people try to have the race conversations with you.

08-14-2018, 06:58 PM
Nobody wants you to feel guilty for being white. But you do need to recognize all of the power and privilege that comes with that.

Also you have a history of using racial slurs, so that could maybe be why people try to have the race conversations with you.history of using racial slurs? Also I thought you had me blocked.

Furthermore, that's just an example of my thoughts (the white guilt thing.)that's not something I've actually posted. No one has had race conversations with me on social media, except to tell me they're happy I'm pro black, speak spanish, etc. Sorry. My bad. It wasn't a good example because it's not something I've actually posted.

I absolutely recognize white privilege.

But there ARE people who want others to feel.guilty for being white: oddly enough, every one of these people I've ever met was white.

Now. What do you mean "history of using racial slurs?"

Sarah K
08-14-2018, 07:16 PM
Perhaps your behavior has changed in the last few years, but you used to make pretty liberal use of the N word.

08-14-2018, 07:51 PM
Perhaps your behavior has changed in the last few years, but you used to make pretty liberal use of the N word.
Wait, HERE?
Also, WHICH n word?

I didn't think ni**a and ni**er meant/mean the same thing, and neither did the metric fuckton of black people with whom I lived and worked and grew up with (I've been the white minority at most of my jobs,) nor did the black girl I fell in love with. None of these people.were offended by ni**a.

HOWEVER: times have definitely changed and I say n**ga FAR less frequently.

08-14-2018, 08:05 PM
Sarah, while I'm glad we're talking here, your posts make it sound like I'm some kind of redneck racist who has a history of calling black people ni**ers.

And you KNOW that's not the case.

08-14-2018, 09:02 PM

this came up in a different internet space I'm in and I don't want to interrupt people flirting but I'm over here like


08-14-2018, 09:36 PM
Yeah playwithfire , well, what do you expect?

It's always cracked me up that guys think their dicks like permanently "stretch" women.

08-15-2018, 12:12 AM
No one has had race conversations with me on social media, except to tell me they're happy I'm pro black, speak spanish, etc. Sorry. My bad. It wasn't a good example because it's not something I've actually posted.Being pro-Black, speaking Spanish, etc., isn't the same as being Black or being Latino, etc. You do recognize that, right? Because I'm sick to death of people who aren't Latino telling me they totally understand where I'm coming from because they grew up around Latinos.

08-15-2018, 01:13 AM
yeah @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) , well, what do you expect?

It's always cracked me up that guys think their dicks like permanently "stretch" women.

describing a thing that is like probably between 4 and 10 inches as large is ridiculous tubs are much larger than that



08-15-2018, 01:24 AM
Being pro-Black, speaking Spanish, etc., isn't the same as being Black or being Latino, etc. You do recognize that, right? Because I'm sick to death of people who aren't Latino telling me they totally understand where I'm coming from because they grew up around Latinos.

I think (at least, I hope) that what happens sometimes is people just aren't eloquent enough to explain that they understand the existence and depth of certain race-based issues, but not how it actually feels to be on the receiving end of said issues. Using what you said as an example...let's say I grew up in a predominantly white suburban neighborhood and my next door neighbors / best friends were Muslims who immigrated here from somewhere in the Middle East. I spend a lot of time with them, and I witness on a regular basis the prejudice they face; the irrational hatred being flung at them by horribly racist shitheads, etc. I think it's fair to say in that situation that I understand the problems, to the extent that I frequently experience them in their presence and see first-hand what is happening - but I don't understand how it feels to actually be in their shoes. I won't pretend for a second that I know how it feels to spend a lifetime being harassed because of the color of my skin (as Sarah said, I fully recognize the privilege I've unfairly received by being a cis white male), but that doesn't mean I don't understand that the issues are real for huge portions of our population.

08-15-2018, 02:47 AM
Being pro-Black, speaking Spanish, etc., isn't the same as being Black or being Latino, etc. You do recognize that, right? Because I'm sick to death of people who aren't Latino telling me they totally understand where I'm coming from because they grew up around Latinos.oh FUCK no. I'm DAMN sure not saying I understand what it feels like to be Latino or Black.

I can EMPATHIZE, but no, I DAMN sure... I obviously haven't lived a day as a different race.

Now I've been a WHITE minority in a lot of situations: neighborhoods,schools, jobs, etc.

But that's a whole different ballgame.

I obviously don't know what it's like to be part of a race that has experienced a bunch of racism.

Also, what theimage13 said.

08-15-2018, 08:30 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) I have to call you out a little bit here. You quote that deluded tinfoil asshat from Infowars, Paul Watson, A LOT on Facebook. I’d say that’s more than “mixing it up.” It’s concerning.

Somewhat related and on topic, it sets me on fire when I read these memes people post about how they’re glad they got beat as kids cuz they turned out just fine. Fuck these guys. No, they didn’t (many of which said sharers and posters of this garbage I know for a fact are fucked up because of what happened to them growing up). They’re just lying to themselves.

I have embraced and accepted my defects and damage. They need to do some looking inward like I have. It’s not easy or fun but they’ll be better off having done so.