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05-01-2020, 05:00 PM
just correct them or ignore them. if they cant get it right, believe me that it will be your heart attack and not theirs. non consideration rarely fixes itself.

it isn't hard for a respectful person, but it is impossible for a selfish person.

05-01-2020, 10:54 PM
I use dude a lot...for everyone, regardless of gender. (The 90s stuck with me.) Though I think I specifically caught myself typing a reply to you and edited it out. :D

In real life, I’m not okay with being called dude. :D I do call everyone “guys” though. Online, I’m anonymous so IDGAF.

05-01-2020, 11:14 PM
I call everyone “dude.” Have done so for like 3/4ths of my life.

I don’t mean to offend at all.

05-02-2020, 09:36 AM
In real life, I’m not okay with being called dude. :D I do call everyone “guys” though. Online, I’m anonymous so IDGAF.

Most of the time it isn't directed at the person, per se, more like.... DUDE! Can you believe that?

I think I actually most recently used that while talking to my female boss. She's uber Californian, so she was ok with it?

05-05-2020, 09:18 PM
I pulled my guitars out of storage just before quarantine began and have been having fun playing and upgrading my gear. Well mostly. Lately gear has really been pissing me off.

First I tried my hand at building one of Kurt Ballou's pedals. I guess I fucked something up, and it didn't work. I ended up sending it as well as my old Ibanez TS5 Tubescreamer to someone to be fixed and modded. He was unable to fix the Ballou pedal, but I still had to pay $58 for the parts and labor on it. And the mod on the TS5 sucked and didn't work right, so I wound up having to replace it anyway.

Next I pre-ordered the new EQD Afterneath V3. It was supposed to come out on April 15. But EQD shut their facilities down and it's yet to be shipped. Not angry about this. Just adds to the gear disappointment I've been experiencing.

Then I order a power supply for my pedal board and some nice headphones at a good sale price from a seller on Reverb. They promptly send me a tracking number. It never updates. Looking back through their feedback history, while it's mostly positive, I can see that they've had this issue before. I message them about it. They claim it's been shipped and they'll look into it. A couple days later the tracking still hasn't been updated. I message them again, pointing out that I have accounts with all the major shipping companies and get emails when packages are sent to me, and I haven't received any emails about these items. They IMMEDIATELY refund me, while continuing to claim that the items have shipped and must have been lost. This is less than a week after they've supposedly shipped. Something was clearly very fishy there, but I had my money back. Unfortunately it cost me a lot more money to get the same power supply and a lower quality pair of headphones elsewhere as the price I paid before was a sale price.

Then ProAudioStar had a sweet sale on the DOD Rubberneck delay pedal. Mine arrived with the enclosure cracked, as well as several other damaged parts. It took several days to get any response from their customer service at all, then a full week to get them to send me a shipping label for the return, then a few more days than they claimed to ship the replacement. It still hasn't arrived. I might literally explode if it doesn't arrive in one piece at this point.

The last story is the wah pedal I ordered from another Reverb seller. It was used but listed as tested and working perfectly. At this point I'm sure anyone reading this will be shocked to hear, it wasn't working perfectly. The footswitch only works some of the time, and most of the time it just causes the audio to cut out entirely. After messaging the seller he initially asked if I would accept a partial refund. I have no use for a non-functioning pedal, so I said no. He accepted the return request last Friday, but as of this morning had yet to send me a shipping label for the return. I live chatted with Reverb today, and also sent the seller another message. He finally sent me a label a few minutes ago. He entered the weight at 1 pound. The pedal and box weigh more than 4. So now I have to wait until tomorrow and try to live chat with Reverb again as I really don't feel like dealing with this dude directly anymore.

This has all just been within the past month. I guess the one positive out of all this is I'm so fed up at this point that I probably won't buy any new gear for a while.

Sarah K
05-13-2020, 01:07 AM
It is the end of the semester and this shit has been rough for all of us. I understand that these are trying times and we are all dealing with our own shit.

But today I was part of a group that received a complaint about a Professor and in the middle of their 133942794 paragraph complaint, and I am ACTUALLY QUOTING HERE: "[Professor]'s behavior was reminiscent of literacy tests given to free black men who couldn't read or write and were then denied voting rights due to their inability to read and write."

All because the student was asked to clarify their understanding of a clinical concept that they seemed to not understand. And hilariously, the professor that requested the student clarify this concept was NOT the one the student was complaining about. The student was complaining about the Academic Director, not her Professor, but they both have the same first name and were on the email.

Then later in the day, this whitest of white students proclaimed that our institution is "run like we are in the Jim Crow south." Endlessly thankful that upper-level administration was included on the chain, as I wouldn't even know where to begin with that bullshit.

05-20-2020, 07:21 PM
Doctor thinks my dad has Leukemia.

theyre doing tests. but he has all the symptoms.

I hope they come back negative & it's something simple & easy to cure.

05-20-2020, 08:08 PM
Doctor thinks my dad has Leukemia.

theyre doing tests. but he has all the symptoms.

I'm sorry. That must be really rough.

06-01-2020, 10:41 AM
i guess this is more than little...but everything going on with police violence. this has proven that we live in a fascist state, and things are getting fucking nuts out there.

i rarely manage to summon up the willpower to do anything that involves going outside in a large group (and especially with the virus, it's a terrifying prospect), but i am so angry with what's happening that all i want to do is join the protests and help protect the people who need protection from cops.

but with how careful i've been being because of sarah being pregnant, i can't risk it. i would gladly lay down my life to help someone who is out there fighting the good fight, but i can't risk getting sick and getting sarah sick.

so that's what pisses me off. i feel like i can't help right now, in a truly tangible way. so i donated $150 (of the money i raised from my covers EP, which was originally going to covid relief, but this is more important) to the chicago bail fund.

also, i don't understand why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around the basic concept of caring about other people and that "black lives matter" should be a fucking no-brainer, because THEY ARE PEOPLE.

06-01-2020, 12:04 PM
i guess this is more than little...but everything going on with police violence. this has proven that we live in a fascist state, and things are getting fucking nuts out there.

i rarely manage to summon up the willpower to do anything that involves going outside in a large group (and especially with the virus, it's a terrifying prospect), but i am so angry with what's happening that all i want to do is join the protests and help protect the people who need protection from cops.

but with how careful i've been being because of sarah being pregnant, i can't risk it. i would gladly lay down my life to help someone who is out there fighting the good fight, but i can't risk getting sick and getting sarah sick.

so that's what pisses me off. i feel like i can't help right now, in a truly tangible way. so i donated $150 (of the money i raised from my covers EP, which was originally going to covid relief, but this is more important) to the chicago bail fund.

also, i don't understand why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around the basic concept of caring about other people and that "black lives matter" should be a fucking no-brainer, because THEY ARE PEOPLE.

I agree, this is fucking infuriating. Especially the Minneapolis PD and the NYPD, who have BLOWN PEOPLE’S EYES OUT WITH with GIANT rubber “bullets” (that look more like RUBBER CANNONS) and marking cans and all kinds of other projectiles, and cops all over the country are deliberately shoving women into curbs. One young woman in Brooklyn was shoved SO hard, she had suffered seizures. And the NYPD are covering their badge numbers with tape, which I'm pretty sure is ILLEGAL. There's footage everywhere of cops kneeling on people's necks! Until people scream at them, "GET OFF THEIR NECK!" and some other cop stops it, and it's obvious that this practice is SO prevalent, it's like muscle memory.

Peaceful protest before curfew is (was) a great idea. Donating is a great idea. Voting is a great idea. Demanding action from local politicians (including alderman) is a great idea. Being witness to any minority pulled over by police and recording it is a great idea.

On the other hand, there is some pretty fucking crazy shit going on in Chicago right now and it has NOTHING to do with George Floyd or police.

I've lived in Chicago for 32 years and I lived through the race riots in Detroit in 1967, and I've never seen this kind of shit. White people destroying black-owned businesses and busting into the fucking Macy's on State Street and into every fucking Walgreens and CVS store in a 10-mile area and stealing all of the opioids in stock is somebody else involved. I don't know who, I don't care, but they're not there for BLM. They had to board up the fucking Portillo's. This looks more like Devil's Night (https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/decades-long-devils-night-is-dead-in-detroit-fires-disappear-on-halloween-eve/Content?oid=23012915), and a lot less like anything meaningful.

President Obama wrote an essay today (https://medium.com/@BarackObama/how-to-make-this-moment-the-turning-point-for-real-change-9fa209806067). He mentions that he saw footage of an elderly black woman crying because her only grocery store was burned down; it's likely that it'll take years for it to return. If ever.

Here's a before and after photo of the scene of the Detroit riots:

Right now in Chicago, all of the bridges are pulled up across the River, all CTA and Metra services are shut down into the Loop, the State Police are checking driver's IDs at the Ohio Street exit. The National Guard is bordering the city perimeters.

Mayor Lightfoot says that any police abuse should be reported to 311 and will be dealt with by COPA (https://www.chicagocopa.org/), and I believe her because she and the police chief are black people who are visibly affected by this.

Chicago PD is already UNDER a judicial reform order (https://www.npr.org/2019/02/01/690591913/court-approves-historic-reforms-to-chicago-police-department). The CPD is already required, by this order, to take the steps per the Federal order to reform, after Laquan McDonald.

I'm following the stuff going on in downtown Detroit. Black people are on Twitter telling the suburban white people, "thanks but no thanks, please stay the fuck at home" because Detroit has spent YEARS trying to rebuild and these fucking lily white suburban assholes are coming in from the suburbs and are destroying shit and setting it on fire.

President Obama provided this link: https://www.obama.org/wp-content/uploads/Toolkit.pdf

Anyway, eversonpoe, there's a whole thread for this (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3407-General-Police-Misconduct-aka-Murdering-Black-People?p=496792#post496792) if you feel like venting about it and getting involved in a kind of "ETS" protest.

06-06-2020, 06:41 PM
I mean I laughed but...you know that's fucked up, right?


Aw, can't get the sound to work inline.

AHA edit: right click, show controls, then unmute.

06-06-2020, 10:50 PM
people who assume the worst
with zero evidence
people who become the worst
with zero reason

06-08-2020, 11:22 AM

06-11-2020, 02:29 PM

what the fuck is wrong with people.

06-11-2020, 02:54 PM
people who think it's bad or weak to, you know, care about other people.

06-13-2020, 10:13 PM
It's 4am in the UK. A relative who hates black people and women has been listening to a 'expert' on race and seemingly everything else for two hours at incredible volumes. I've nicknamed the speaker Confederate Fucknugget, he has a strong southern US accent, reminiscent of old fashioned travelling preachers, kind of hypnotic. He can't quite string a sentence together and I can't believe my relative doesn't recognise this man has less intelligence than my turds. Not the first time (It used to be men's rights activists) probably won't be the last.

06-14-2020, 03:26 PM
It's 4am in the UK. A relative who hates black people and women has been listening to a 'expert' on race and seemingly everything else for two hours at incredible volumes. I've nicknamed the speaker Confederate Fucknugget, he has a strong southern US accent, reminiscent of old fashioned travelling preachers, kind of hypnotic. He can't quite string a sentence together and I can't believe my relative doesn't recognise this man has less intelligence than my turds. Not the first time (It used to be men's rights activists) probably won't be the last.

that sounds so uncomfortable. i'm assuming you're not in a place where you can confront this relative about, you know, being an asshole?

06-14-2020, 05:36 PM
Well, one very encouraging thing that we can clearly observe is a trajectory towards these previously prevalent attitudes dying shameful deaths.

06-14-2020, 07:35 PM
eversonpoe I have challenged him in the past but it's not possible to have a discussion, just becomes an argument and he just repeats what he's learnt from right wing groups online. If he starts talking about that bs I just say I disagree and that's that, he doesn't want to hear another point of view.

06-14-2020, 11:02 PM
@eversonpoe (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) I have challenged him in the past but it's not possible to have a discussion, just becomes an argument and he just repeats what he's learnt from right wing groups online. If he starts talking about that bs I just say I disagree and that's that, he doesn't want to hear another point of view.

at least you tried!

06-15-2020, 06:43 AM
Tons of pointless 'post your favorite X' list threads recently.

06-15-2020, 10:46 AM
Tons of pointless 'post your favorite X' list threads recently.

you don't have to participate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ most of us are stuck inside and it's a way to connect with folks and have a little fun while getting to know people's tastes, and it doesn't affect you in the slightest. let people enjoy things.

06-16-2020, 09:59 AM
My kid swallowed two small bolts which just resulted in a trip to the ER. Docs think they'll pass on their own but having to take him to the hospital right now is nerve-wracking. Good news is he wore his mask an amazingly long time for a 2 yo.

06-16-2020, 10:27 AM
Glad he's okay Archive_Reports

06-18-2020, 10:42 AM
I remember when my son was little we had some of those magnet ball with rods building sets (I have no idea, just typed what they are) and he swallowed one of the balls. It was too big to go anywhere so he was choking. Luckily I was a lifeguard in another time and knew baby cpr.

Then the little fucker did it again a couple weeks later so we got rid of the whole set. :)

Glad to hear he's ok though. It's always scary when they're that little and the current mood of the world doesn't help.

Bought my son a pair of the newest Airpods for his 15th last week. I didn't notice until this morning that they are the old non-wireless charging so in fact not the "(Latest Model)" as alleged in the item description and title. So now I have to take them back.

I cannot believe there isn't a gif of Nandor the Relentless saying "fucking hell" for me to use here.

06-18-2020, 12:38 PM
Luckily I was a lifeguard in another time and knew baby cpr.
You mean Baby Heimlich?

That's really important stuff, I think all parents should take classes, really.

I've been certified in CPR and First Aid twice and I don't have kids. :)

06-18-2020, 12:40 PM

oh right, heimlich.

*slaps forehead*


06-18-2020, 12:42 PM
Baby Heimlich (under 1) does include elements of CPR, so ...


My Mom had the number for Poison Control in giant numbers taped on top of our phone in the kitchen! LOL.

This reminds me of a story about how PETS eat everything, too.

Our old HVAC guy use to tell us stories about his CAT eating all kinds of stuff, including electrical wires. They couldn't get the cat to stop biting power cords. One day the cat bit a power cord, got electrocuted, the cat's tongue got fused to the top of his mouth and required emergency surgery. Then, another time, the cat got really constipated, and then eventually required surgery.

So they vets opened the cat up and they found all kinds of stuff the cat ate in there, including a few BARBIE HANDS.

06-19-2020, 10:48 AM
So they vets opened the cat up and they found all kinds of stuff the cat ate in there, including a few BARBIE HANDS.

i mean, at least they weren't barbie heads? and at least it was a cat and not a human? remember that grey's anatomy where the guy had a bunch of judy doll heads in his digestive tract (but we never found out which way they went in)?

06-19-2020, 11:57 AM
i mean, at least they weren't barbie heads? and at least it was a cat and not a human? remember that grey's anatomy where the guy had a bunch of judy doll heads in his digestive tract (but we never found out which way they went in)?
No I didn’t see that, lol.

When our HVAC guy told us the story, I instantly thought “omg their cat is Hannibal Lecter.”

06-20-2020, 09:33 PM

I know that Trump has opened the floodgates to some dog whistles but this fucker out here like a lifeguard and the kids are running.

I tried to figure out if the host of the "Your Welcome" podcast titled it that for a reason of it he's just a poorly educated bumpkin but I cannot. I admit I did not look that long either because I couldn't stand his site or ideas that were blurbed everywhere.

06-21-2020, 11:47 AM

I know that Trump has opened the floodgates to some dog whistles but this fucker out here like a lifeguard and the kids are running.

I tried to figure out if the host of the "Your Welcome" podcast titled it that for a reason of it he's just a poorly educated bumpkin but I cannot. I admit I did not look that long either because I couldn't stand his site or ideas that were blurbed everywhere.

What the fuck. I just don’t get these people, how they possibly get this take-away. Removing fucking UNCLE BEN and AUNT JEMIMA isn’t a big loss. They’re THE HELP, you morons. Oh, sure, take the do rag off of Auntie and give her a necklace but that don’t turn her into fucking Betty Crocker. The history is STILL THERE. We aren’t “removing black people” any more than removing The Jefferson’s from TV “removed black people.” It’s removing stereotypes. There’s a difference.

06-21-2020, 10:56 PM
Aunt Jemima has already BEEN rebranded. They removed her do rag and slapped pearl earrings and a collar on her and tried to make her the black Betty Crocker.

But you can’t undo Aunt Jemima. Until relatively recently, the bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup was SHAPED like a woman wearing a long dress, just like the original “Mammy” Aunt Jemima. Aunt and Uncle were words for housekeepers.



My family still has (and uses) a WWII Mammy cookie jar that’s somewhat beloved, albeit embarrassing, but it’s folkloric. Ours is a Mosaic Tile Co. Mammy cookie jar that was my grandma’s that now sells for $200-$500 if my brother and I hadn’t dropped Mammy on her head and had to glue her head back together. But she is Aunt Jemima.


06-22-2020, 01:23 AM
I meant that I assume they will, at some point, take all the tested recipes and whatnot and put them out instead as "Dr. McGillicuddy's Pancake Extravaganza."

Someone on Twitter pointed out that Aunt Jemima syrup is just thickened Pepsi. LOL.

Oddly enough, black people are among those who collect black folk art and items like that cookie jar.

“Eskimo Pie” is one of the products being renamed. I suggested “Alaska Pie.”

Eskimo is derogatory. (https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/04/24/475129558/why-you-probably-shouldnt-say-eskimo)

The Land O Lakes Indigenous Princess is gone but the land and the lake is still there. They stole her land. Someone on Twitter wondered if they’d drowned her. They started over with a whole new image, it does look pretty now. I dunno wtf she ever had to do with butter, anyway.


that Flo lady I can't stand.
Jake from State Farm is now black.

So is the “Safe Drivers Save 40%” guy.

Mr. Clean is a sailor/genie with an earring that started as a cartoon, and if you take away depictions of REAL PEOPLE, there are very few products with people on them.

06-24-2020, 01:13 PM
There's something every fucking day. EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. Since this stupid quarantine started and my wife's breast cancer diagnosis in mid-March, there has literally not been a day where something didn't go wrong/shitty and piled onto the ever-growing pile of bullshit. Sometimes it's little things like yesterday when, after 9 fucking weeks, I finally told MerchNow to cancel the 53-CD order I placed on 4/20 because I was told 6 weeks to the day earlier that my order 3 weeks before my order shipped. They told me that numerous items in my order were out of stock and that was further delaying it. Which is incredible to me since I fucking BOUGHT THE ITEM so how the fuck did you sell it a second time? And man, fuck me for trying to support artists--especially in this pandemic--it's my own fault that shit was double-sold because I made the mistake of giving MerchNow my money.

And then on top of that, I paid extra for rush shipping to get an item from Shenzhen and got a text notification from DHL as well as an email from the company I ordered through yesterday that the item was OUT FOR DELIVERY. Finally at 6:00pm I checked tracking again and they updated it at 5:06 to "Shipment on hold" and a quick Google search shows that shitty, shady, absolute-fucking-worst delivery service DHL uses that as code for not being able to reach someone at the delivery site to sign for the package. The delivery site (my home) that I'm at 24/7 because I work from home and there's fuckall else to do so where else would I be? Rather than even attempt to deliver, lie, and take it back to base. Fucking idiots.

And then today, I drove the 15 miles down to my eye doctor for my annual appointment--which is scheduled a year out at the conclusion of the previous appointment--only to be told there's no record of me having an appointment today and the last time they saw me was January 2019 despite the fact I had 6 appointments last year because I got LASIK in January 2019. So she "logged into the old system" and guess what? My appointment history including the one for today at 11am were right there!

"Due to the pandemic, we had to cancel a lot of our appointments. Didn't you get the cancellation email?"
"Clearly not since I'm here right now"

Yeah, I got the cancellation email but decided to show up anyway for no fucking reason.

I know a lot of this stuff is minor and petty but with months of shit piling on with no relief and no end in sight, it's completely worn me out. I'm so fucking far beyond my limits and I'm lucky enough to be an introvert who needs enormous amounts of quiet alone time to recover/recharge and since my wife is a teacher and school's out and she's recovering from cancer so she can't drive or do anything and my brother is a chef without a job, I never get to be alone.

God I need a fucking break so badly but there's nowhere to go, nothing to do, and with so many fucking idiots pretending like if they can't see COVID it's not a problem leading to massive increases in cases, it's only going to get locked down even harder once shit hits the fan again. Fuck fucking everything.

06-24-2020, 02:58 PM
What the fuck. I just don’t get these people, how they possibly get this take-away. Removing fucking UNCLE BEN and AUNT JEMIMA isn’t a big loss. They’re THE HELP, you morons. Oh, sure, take the do rag off of Auntie and give her a necklace but that don’t turn her into fucking Betty Crocker. The history is STILL THERE. We aren’t “removing black people” any more than removing The Jefferson’s from TV “removed black people.” It’s removing stereotypes. There’s a difference.

You know what's odd (or whatever), I got into some pointless fight with a Trump supporter on social media, and I looked at his feed. The first thing he was sharing was a meme saying that liberals were trying to destroy the glorious legacy of Aunt (whatevername) Jemima, who was actually a civil rights figure of great importance and the first female black American millionaire, a true American success story... so of course the liberals want to bash her...

And I couldn't even convince this guy that THAT shit wasn't true.

06-24-2020, 03:10 PM
You know what's odd (or whatever), I got into some pointless fight with a Trump supporter on social media, and I looked at his feed. The first thing he was sharing was a meme saying that liberals were trying to destroy the glorious legacy of Aunt (whatevername) Jemima, who was actually a civil rights figure of great importance and the first female black American millionaire, a true American success story... so of course the liberals want to bash her...

And I couldn't even convince this guy that THAT shit wasn't true.

He thinks Aunt Jemima is REAL?? What the fuck?!?!?!

Aunt Jemima is NOT REAL (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunt_Jemima#Character). Yes, there were MODELS who posed for the various cover portrayals, but that's no different than the Gerber Baby or Betty Crocker. Models aren't "success stories."

Show him "Mammy Archetype (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammy_archetype_in_the_United_States)?"

The most famous Mammy of all, maybe he's talking about Hattie McDaniel, who WAS NOT AUNT JEMIMA, nor was she the basis of Aunt Jemima. the Mammy Archetype existed WAYYYY the fuck before Gone with the Wind.

Hattie McDaniel was an ACTRESS who PLAYED THE ROLL OF MAMMY and she WON AN OSCAR. So, he's just REINFORCING the fucking stereotype.


We got rid of "Amos and Andy" a long time ago, and nobody misses them. Nobody misses Al Jolson bullshit. Nobody misses Sanford and Son, or Good Times. And nobody will miss Aunt Jemima, for fuck's sake.

06-24-2020, 03:42 PM
He thinks Aunt Jemima is REAL?? What the fuck?!?!?!

Yes... Seriously, I could not convince that not only was Aunt Jemima NOT a real person, he believed she was a "beloved civil rights hero" and "the first female black millionaire" in America.

I mean, yeah, maybe he's just being amazingly trolled, but it's just disturbing that I couldn't even convince this person that Aunt Jemima wasn't a real civil rights hero symbolizing the American Capitalist Dream. That's just SO absurd. And he wouldn't follow links or read anything I tried to point him to that would debunk his theory that liberals were going after the precious legacy of dear Aunt Jemima.

I blame 4Chan for a lot of this shit.

06-24-2020, 05:44 PM
Yes... Seriously, I could not convince that not only was Aunt Jemima NOT a real person, he believed she was a "beloved civil rights hero" and "the first female black millionaire" in America.
You can't fix stupid.

Black people are undoubtedly laughing at his stupidity. Or, they're horrified. Or both.

He can get the "history" from the Aunt Jemima web site: https://www.auntjemima.com/our-history

"1889: Chris Rutt and Charles Underwood of the Pearl Milling Company develop Aunt Jemima, the world's first ready mix."

"1890: R.T. Davis purchases the Aunt Jemima Manufacturing Company. Aunt Jemima was first brought to life by Nancy Green, a storyteller, cook and missionary worker. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Green)"

In 1910, at 76, despite her "lifetime contract," Green was still working as a residential "housekeeper" until her death in 1923. Green lived with nieces and nephews in Fuller Park and Grand Boulevard into her old age. At the time of her death, Green had already lost her husband and children, and was living with her great nephew and his wife.

Nancy Green died so broke, her grave STILL doesn't have a headstone. (https://chicagocrusader.com/buried-for-97-years-the-original-aunt-jemima-to-shine-again/) Chicago's Bronzeville Historical Society is raising money to finally get Green a headstone.

See Chicago Tribune Commentary: The real stories of the Chicago women who portrayed Aunt Jemima (https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-opinion-aunt-jemima-brand-real-women-20200619-5wkt2euhrbcjdokrh5qvu6r7te-story.html)

The first female black millionaire in America: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madam_C._J._Walker




07-01-2020, 08:05 PM
"Smart" phones. They are so fucking dumb, but everyone has already drank the Kool-Aid so perhaps my opinion does not matter.

A device which you MAY NOT interact with casually. It must NOT be picked up, held in your hand, or God forbid put in your pocket without paying attention to a confusing array of specific protocols. What the fuck?

It must be turned off or put into a suspended state before tucking into your pocket. Excuse me, but what? It is expected that I MUST keep this device in my hands at all times? Only touching it in a very specific way, or risk launching every app available? Stupid beyond belief.

Do NOT touch the screen, and do NOT touch the edges because they are bristling with buttons which do evil crap. How the fuck am I supposed to interact with this device? Gingerly pick it up paying VERY close attention to where my errant fingers are placed? Who the fuck designed this UX and why am I apparently the only one bothered by it? The younger generation apparently has very low expectations for technology. I sense a significant potential for profit there!

As a SOHO networking consultant I am not at all intimidated or challenged by technology. But this "smart" device conundrum has me not just perplexed but downright angry. People are so downright stupid that they have accepted an unworkable and pathetic UI with all of it's quirks as something just wonderful because it keeps them connected to god (social media) at all times of the day no matter where they are what a glorious thing!!!

07-02-2020, 03:01 PM
Because of COVID, my job is now offering our summer classes online. This is the first week of summer classes, and we got a bunch of complaints from parents about one of our classes of how the teacher is not really being engaging with the kids. When we reached out to the teacher, he said, "Yeah, it was hard for me to really interact with them because most of them had their cameras off - so I was mostly starting at blank screens." Wtff?? I asked another teacher friend of mine about this, and he said it's apparently a "cool thing" with the kids to have your screens off. Wtf is wrong with kids?? How is it even "cool"? I don't get it. And we had to give refunds to the angry parents.

07-05-2020, 02:54 PM
I'm trying to give away an exersaucer on craigslist. I have had almost a dozen people email me asking if it's still available and only one person actually responded to the "yes, when would you like to come look at it?" email. She ended up not getting it because it was missing a piece (it's clearly missing it in the picture but whatever) but still, one person? Several have emailed like they are panicked about potentially going one more day without an exersaucer so I really don't get those people. You sound fired up so what, did you die of excitement?

I just added a blurb to the page expressing my dissatisfaction with this. I hope they take it to heart.

Also in July 5th news I just heard the first firework of the day and it's nearly 1:00, that's pretty impressive.

07-08-2020, 03:29 PM
when people say "and everyone hated it for no reason!"

No... there were reasons they didn't like it, whatever it was. This might be a pop song, a movie, a Dostoevsky novel... they've got a fucking REASON. Their reasoning might be lame, but there's where subjective opinions come in, but nothing is LAMER than someone saying "they just hated it for no reason." That's my subjective opinion.

07-09-2020, 09:39 AM
I was with the same girl through all four years of high school. We've not spoken since, except for exchanging a few pleasantries on Facebook.

She started dating one of my old acquaintances, a friend from the HS newspaper.

So, first, she unfriended me. And I'm thinking, ok, this is a bit much, but I GUESS I get it?

But secondly, this dude had been trying to help teach me how to make money freelance writing, because he LIVED off of doing that for awhile.

And I asked him some clarifying questions...and dude just, won't answer me. Just stopped.

I never mistreated this woman, and I've not seen either of these folks since 98, and we were all on terms that were fine and dandy, and they get together, and both ghosted me.

And what MOSTLY pisses me off about this is that homeboy was RIGHT in the middle of laying some very helpful information.

He's very successful, and running for public office, and is afraid of his 40 year old gf's high school sweetheart.

07-11-2020, 11:06 PM
I’m so tired of being alone. Maybe this belongs in the COVID coping thread, but it was an issue before COVID-19.

It sucks when you do the physical and mental work on yourself and it yields nothing.

07-12-2020, 05:13 PM
Yeah, I don’t do casual sex/ONS. Never have. It’s not for me but I don’t come down on others if it works for them. I have to feel connected to the woman I’m with. Believe it or not, I’m quite shy when I first meet people and with women I’m into, I prefer to get to know them first; even befriend her before moving to that next level.

So what I’m saying is I’m terrible at dating (whatever the fuck dating is now). I’m bad at selling myself. I know I’m smart when it comes to some things and I know I’m always trying to be better.

I don’t “play the game.” I think that shit is silly.

In the last 6 years, I’ve figured out a lot of things that were affecting my health and lost 90lbs the right way. I thought this would help me get some positive attention from women. I was wrong. Everyone I have shown interest in has either turned me down or completely ignored me. It’s really fucked with my head. Made me truly believe I’m just not physically appealing. Plus, I’m 41, I can’t have kids and honestly, happy I can’t. I’m not real fond of kids; especially when they’re little. Unfortunately, the majority of single women I know of near me are single moms. So that’s kind of where I am at.

Surely saying this shit will get used against me later but what can someone on the internet do that I haven’t already done to myself?

07-12-2020, 09:23 PM
Swykk, there’s nothing “wrong” with anything you said, or you. You just you haven’t been in the right place at the right time.

Dating is HARD. You say women didn’t “show interest,” but it’s likely because women just don’t DO that in certain environments, anymore, because not safe.

Every woman I know only dates via moderated online dating like match.com or fix-ups.

This way, you can filter. It’s actually harder to date when you are single and have kids. So you’re at an advantage.

The worst thing right now is dating during Covid. I guess some dating apps have made some changes to handle that.

07-12-2020, 09:38 PM
Yeah, I don’t do casual sex/ONS. Never have. It’s not for me but I don’t come down on others if it works for them. I have to feel connected to the woman I’m with. Believe it or not, I’m quite shy when I first meet people and with women I’m into, I prefer to get to know them first; even befriend her before moving to that next level.

So what I’m saying is I’m terrible at dating (whatever the fuck dating is now). I’m bad at selling myself. I know I’m smart when it comes to some things and I know I’m always trying to be better.

I don’t “play the game.” I think that shit is silly.

In the last 6 years, I’ve figured out a lot of things that were affecting my health and lost 90lbs the right way. I thought this would help me get some positive attention from women. I was wrong. Everyone I have shown interest in has either turned me down or completely ignored me. It’s really fucked with my head. Made me truly believe I’m just not physically appealing. Plus, I’m 41, I can’t have kids and honestly, happy I can’t. I’m not real fond of kids; especially when they’re little. Unfortunately, the majority of single women I know of near me are single moms. So that’s kind of where I am at.

Surely saying this shit will get used against me later but what can someone on the internet do that I haven’t already done to myself?

If you were 41 female presenting, the majority of the response you would get would be from men 50-60 years old. Most men* who are 40ish are looking at the 28-40 range. You could look a little higher in the age bracket - they might have children, but the children might be older and have less impact on the woman's life. Just a thought.

*It's a generalization I've seen from friends who are dating in the 35-50 age range.

07-14-2020, 05:19 AM
I’m so tired of being alone. Maybe this belongs in the COVID coping thread, but it was an issue before COVID-19.

It sucks when you do the physical and mental work on yourself and it yields nothing.

Totally feel you on this. Try to continue to improve myself but have to ask to what end? Am officially in the tenth year (since diagnosed) of an incurable disease that most likely is going to get me sooner rather than later. The last 2 years have been a downward spiral. Not cancer but close enough, just takes longer. Lot of days I find myself having visions of being one those people who have been dead for a week before anyone figures out something is wrong. Have to ask myself is it worth the fight.

07-14-2020, 05:34 AM
After sleeping most of day because last batch of chemo has worn off went out to check the mail. Find my car has a flat & I have long early morning drive for next IV. Being disabled, changing a tire is beyond me at this point. It turns out sort of well though. When I bought my car I included a road side assistance plan. Called them & the guy showed up, had the spare on in under an hour which left me just enough time to get to the tire store to get it fixed. I had patronized the store in the past but not for awhile since I'm driving on original tires for the car. Technically, I was past the time where they take anything else on for the day but the guy at the counter took pity. I must not have looked well (wasn't well) & he said his sister has to deal with similar treatments. Not only that, they did the work free of charge. I certainly will be going back when the time comes for new tires. In the interest of good word of mouth for this company it is Discount Tires. They have stores in 35 states & all my dealings with them in the past have been great. They have good prices, too. Once you're in their data base they work hard to keep loyal customers coming back. They are a chain but not a mega corporation. Still know the value of customer service. Just wanted to put this out there as they saved me some major ugliness on what is already a difficult day today.

07-14-2020, 08:18 AM
Totally feel you on this. Try to continue to improve myself but have to ask to what end? Am officially in the tenth year (since diagnosed) of an incurable disease that most likely is going to get me sooner rather than later. The last 2 years have been a downward spiral. Not cancer but close enough, just takes longer. Lot of days I find myself having visions of being one those people who have been dead for a week before anyone figures out something is wrong. Have to ask myself is it worth the fight.

I think I know what you mean. I survived leukemia as a kid but it’s left me with a lot of permanent issues. I wish I knew what the answer was.
I’m sorry you are going through all this.

07-14-2020, 10:22 AM
On my third recommendation trying to get an ENT to call me back. It took 31 years for someone to tell me my left eardrum is still perforated (I had 8 sets of tubes by age 4; apparently the "hole never closed"). Explains a lot.

07-14-2020, 11:25 AM
It's probably magnified by the fact that I still can't even get a fucking interview for a job and, in a few weeks, they cut off that extra unemployment subsidy—which is literally the only thing allowing us to pay our rent right now—while we find out every day that giant fucking chains and billionaires have been doing extraordinarily well for themselves during the pandemic, but right now, I'd fucking applaud if I found out every billionaire in America happened to be under a falling asteroid. I'm glad we don't have children. Sometimes I really look forward to being dead and knowing that I didn't leave behind anyone who has to deal with whatever comes after late-capitalism.

the pandemic and the protests coming to the forefront have really magnified my utter hatred of capitalism. it is fucking garbage designed to keep the rich rich and basically crush everyone else.

we're having a kid in november; something i NEVER thought i would want to do until the winter of 2018. we did IVF three times and it was finally successful; we found out in march, the day before i took a leave from work due to pandemic concerns and, especially, not wanting to put the pregnancy at risk. the idea of bringing a child into this world was always something that concerned me, before i even considered having one. now that we're actually doing it, i am beyond terrified. i have no job right now. i haven't made money in months. i feel guilty every day that sarah is still working full-time (from home) on top of dealing with being pregnant.

i applied for unemployment last week (didn't know i was technically eligible starting at the beginning of june) but haven't gotten any kind of response yet. i'm looking for and applying for jobs (something that drains every ounce of my willpower because of my hatred of capitalism). i'm working on music (the only thing really keeping me stable right now). but i am really afraid of the future. for the first time in my life, i actually have a reason to plan for it, and the drive to do so, but all i can see is the world turning (even more) to shit.

and people still can't be bothered to wear fucking masks. i am really starting to hate humanity.


drawn by sludgework (https://twitter.com/sludgework), who also did my logo. feel free to use (with credit to her).

07-14-2020, 11:28 AM
After sleeping most of day because last batch of chemo has worn off went out to check the mail. Find my car has a flat & I have long early morning drive for next IV. Being disabled, changing a tire is beyond me at this point. It turns out sort of well though. When I bought my car I included a road side assistance plan. Called them & the guy showed up, had the spare on in under an hour which left me just enough time to get to the tire store to get it fixed. I had patronized the store in the past but not for awhile since I'm driving on original tires for the car. Technically, I was past the time where they take anything else on for the day but the guy at the counter took pity. I must not have looked well (wasn't well) & he said his sister has to deal with similar treatments. Not only that, they did the work free of charge. I certainly will be going back when the time comes for new tires. In the interest of good word of mouth for this company it is Discount Tires. They have stores in 35 states & all my dealings with them in the past have been great. They have good prices, too. Once you're in their data base they work hard to keep loyal customers coming back. They are a chain but not a mega corporation. Still know the value of customer service. Just wanted to put this out there as they saved me some major ugliness on what is already a difficult day today.
I'm also in WA and there's a couple Discount Tire locations here. My wife likes Les Schwab because of their guarantee but I'll talk to her about moving over. Especially since Les Schwab is talking of selling themselves off.

07-14-2020, 02:41 PM
being treated like I was born yesterday and have no idea when wool is being pulled over my eyes. just because I choose a certain outlook on life, doesnt mean I'm ignorant to bullshit.

07-14-2020, 06:04 PM

this fucking bullshit (click through to read their whole mission statement)

07-15-2020, 11:43 AM

wear a mask...

07-16-2020, 11:28 PM
assholes on or around our block setting off fireworks, one at a time, every couple of minutes, for a period of about 45 minutes tonight. i jumped every single time. almost dropped our water pitcher at one point. not fun.

07-17-2020, 03:57 PM
Wound up taking my son to the ER three times in one day due to an allergic reaction. Had the shit doctors explained to us during that first OR SECOND visit that the hives / rash could continue and look pretty gnarly for a day or two, only one visit would have been necessary. We wound up going to a different hospital for the third visit when he woke up screaming at 10 PM. Nothing like seeing your kid's eyes swollen shut and his hands so swollen he can barely move his fingers.

07-17-2020, 06:51 PM
Jesus. I'm so sorry; I've got a very sick cat right now and that's distressing enough. I can't even imagine.

Not ideal and a sick cat certainly isn't either.

07-17-2020, 07:12 PM
Sigh. I'm so tired.

Quote truncated, that was a long read! Allow me to offer some suggestions based upon how I deal with the annoyances you mention.

Best way to use pre-paid card is at gas station. Pay inside for exact dollar amount before pumping. I get those cards a few times a year for rebates and other nonsense. Usually easy enough to use them for gas.

Verizon is busy building out a new 5G network. This is extremely expensive. They have always had and will continue to have policies which separate you from as much of you dollars as possible. And make it seem like they are doing you a favor by automatically keeping your connection pristine. At your expense! There are other options of course, yet most people choose to accept the downfalls of top tier providers.

Amazon always ships to the address indicated when the order was placed. If you move, and forget to update the address for that particular order, contact them and say the order never arrived. Which is actually true. Google "call amazon" for current contact number as they don't list it on their website anywhere obvious. If phone support is down Google "amazon live chat" which should direct you to the appropriate resource.

eBay used to be a great place to sell almost anything. But that was years ago. I sold over 250K on eBay back when it was seller friendly. It is no longer seller friendly for a whole host of reasons. Sellers who gamed the system are a big part of why things have changed so dramatically. Corporate greed is obviously another big player.

Avoid anything Apple related, including Apple Music, and your annoyance with corporate greed will diminish. They are the worst thing that capitalism has to offer. But they have very high social acceptance so most sheeple simply put up with their crap. And things will not likely change until people start giving a shit again.

Note: it is not necessarily capitalism which is to blame here. It's quite simply GREED. Which will affect any socioeconomic structure thusly invented by mankind. There are no safe havens. Greed merely manifests differently with different structures.

07-17-2020, 09:08 PM
I'm actually a massive Mac fan, for a number of reasons, not least of which is my abject hatred of Windows (and Android, where phones are concerned) and the difficulty in doing anything I've ever had to do with these systems (which is most of my professional life). I find all my Apple equipment to be frankly a relief; and the long-life and low maintenance more than justifies the price tag. I also find their customer-facing policies to be a lot less "corporate greed"-reeking than Microsoft's—though they've certainly never been shy about "If you want to give us more money for a new model every year, we'll certainly take it. Did you also have disposable income for a gold phone?"

Very typical Apple fanperson sentiment, but I do not intend that to be an insult or disparaging comment. I crave technology which simply works as advertised. Without a bunch of fiddling and nonsense. But at the same time, I insist upon at least a modicum of transparency regarding exactly how and what this system is doing for me. Apple fails 100% in this regard. Microsoft only fails 98%. Thankfully other options exist, however they currently still fail to deliver when it comes to "without a bunch of fiddling and nonsense." There is currently no perfect solution, and no viable economic reality to create one. A few billion sheeple are content to suffer with the current state of technology which creates more than sufficient profit. Why change when you know you can't?

07-17-2020, 09:20 PM
I use Apple products for many reasons but for these main reasons: Operating System and software compatibility. And I use Linux, I can bang a shell and use vi editor when I want, etc.

I am checking out Apple Music subscriber-based services because I already use other services. I’ve been using XM/Sirius in two cars, a boat, computers and streaming for several years. I use Apple iTunes Match, and I like it.

[edited my history of with computers because yawn]

On the other hand, I use Office for both Mac and PC. Apple’s version sucks. Office rules.

I have friends who build their own Linux systems. I grok that. But ragging on a company that builds hardware and comparing it to software makes no sense. Apple has always been this way. Always. It’s always aimed toward specific markets; especially education, professional markets, etc. Apple products are user-friendly right out of the box. I’ve set up entire networks with Apple products INSTANTLY, whereas I had to fuck with non-Apple products far too much. Apple had “Apple Talk” networks in the 80s before LAN networks even existed. Totally plug-and-play. Apple pretty much invented the concept of GUI and WYSIWYG.

07-17-2020, 09:56 PM
I still pay for Word and Excel on all of my Macs.
Justifiably, because Pages and Numbers blow in comparison.

I suspect that your high school used Macs NOT because they were cheaper (they were / are ALWAYS way more expensive than PCs) but because Apple always offers an education volume discount. And because Apple products are more reliable with students using them (viruses, etc., students are idiots). It would be way cheaper for a school district to hire a company to build a bunch of generic PCs with Windows (or DOS pre-Win 95).

This all depends on the situation. Law offices buy laptops, now, and all Windows because they all focus on software. My 82-year-old Mom’s Win7 PC is dragging and she needs a new machine. Will I get her a Mac? No. I’ll get her a Dell desktop.

With Office.

07-18-2020, 08:59 AM
Will I get her a Mac? No. I’ll get her a Dell desktop.

With Office.

I had decided that my next laptop would be very light and heavier on the process end. In the end, I spent just as much money on my Dell as it would have cost me for a Mac, and I'm ok with that. I left science, which is predominately Mac oriented - if you're higher up in the food chain people ONLY seem to have Macs. Thankfully my current industry (proj. mgmt) everyone seems to be PC users.

I remember laughing my ass off (privately) when one of my friends showed off their new Apple desktop in 2010 which they paid a ridiculous amount for. They didn't need that kind of processing power - it was a status symbol. That thing was a glorified email checking device.

Hmm? Oh what pisses me off? - the elitist snobbery that surrounds apple.

07-18-2020, 11:40 AM
glorified email checking device.

Well, yeah, exactly. It depends on what you use it for.

My Mom uses her computer for email, reading the newspapers (via enews format, which is pretty graphics-heavy), Excel spreadsheets, some Word docs and labels, some PowerPoint, and some web-surfing. She doesn’t need the RAM of a friggin’ gaming machine; if it has expansion slots, I can install more RAM for dirt cheap. She doesn’t need a laptop, she has a HUGE monitor because she has glaucoma. I can get a Dell desktop for $349.00.

I WOULD prefer to put her on an Apple machine. Why? She’s a friggin’ walking virus nightmare. All elderly people on computers are virus nightmares. (Actually, studies show that a lot of younger people are, too.) I had to turn off the ability to download or install any programs via Windows because of the crazy dangerous shit she “found on the Internet” that even anti-virus programs didn’t totally block. UNIX / Linux has more built-in damage control. But, she’s old and she’s hard to convince about learning something new. She’s already bitching about having to learn Win10.

I gave her my old iPad mini, and she LOVES that.

I remember the days when my law office went from all DOS machines to LAN networked Win95 machines.

All of the attorneys and secretaries had NEVER used a mouse, before. The secretaries had all been using Word Perfect (driven by all those function keys) and we switched to Office.


One big reason why people buy that “stupid expensive Mac” is because they have an iPhone and an iPad; Apple products use a shared environment. People like that. And they pay good money for it. My husband and I have Macs and we share files via a built-in Apple network. But, mostly because of the OS and shared environment.

The biggest things that piss me off about Apple: They hide money and don’t pay enough taxes, and they really need to shift all manufacturing back to the United States and stop using slave labor. I have not bought any new physical Apple products because of this issue.

07-19-2020, 06:58 PM
Well, yeah, exactly. It depends on what you use it for.

My Mom uses her computer for email, reading the newspapers (via enews format, which is pretty graphics-heavy), Excel spreadsheets, some Word docs and labels, some PowerPoint, and some web-surfing. She doesnÂ’t need the RAM of a frigginÂ’ gaming machine; if it has expansion slots, I can install more RAM for dirt cheap. She doesnÂ’t need a laptop, she has a HUGE monitor because she has glaucoma. I can get a Dell desktop for $349.00.

I WOULD prefer to put her on an Apple machine. Why? She’s a friggin’ walking virus nightmare. All elderly people on computers are virus nightmares. (Actually, studies show that a lot of younger people are, too.) I had to turn off the ability to download or install any programs via Windows because of the crazy dangerous shit she “found on the Internet” that even anti-virus programs didn’t totally block. UNIX / Linux has more built-in damage control. But, she’s old and she’s hard to convince about learning something new. She’s already bitching about having to learn Win10.

I gave her my old iPad mini, and she LOVES that.

Some older folks and computer illiterate persons are cases where I actually recommend Apple products. Even though their products are a poor match for me, they are the current best option is some circumstances.

My dad is elderly (heck I am almost elderly!) and he has always been drawn to "freeware" despite my constant warnings regarding risk. Back when Win 95 was current, with IE whatever, he had so many toolbars installed in IE that about two thirds of the screen was devoted to over a dozen toolbars!

I really tried to help steer him in a good direction, but he was opposed to anything Apple for personal reasons, so my best advice was to 1) have the laptop checked by someone competent and malware removed on a regular basis, or 2) replace the laptop annually. He chose #2.

Your comment regarding slave labor and tax evasion practiced by Apple (not included in truncated quote sorry) is a huge deal for me. But there is really no way around it. I really wish and pray that there was! ALL large corporations use similar tactics to maximize profit at the expense of human individuals. That's what is being taught to current students majoring in anything related to business. But the truth is obfuscated behind lies such as: we pay workers over twice the wage they used to earn, which translates to the workers get 75 cents a day instead of 35 cents a day. Oh joy.

It all boils down to this: consumers (in general) want maximum perks for minimum cost. Business wants maximum hourly profits with minimum investment. It's a formula which guarantees that workers get the short stick.

The solution is not political, and not governmental. When government exercises excessive control over the economy bad things happen (refer to history of mankind). Positive change will come when society finally gets sick of the bullshit and stops supporting anti-moral companies which only exist to be profitable.

In other words, we are doomed.

07-20-2020, 12:44 AM
zero - in Apple’s and Amazon’s and Google’s case, they are literally enslaved Muslims.



Positive change will come when society finally gets sick of the bullshit and stops supporting anti-moral companies which only exist to be profitable. In other words, we are doomed.
Sadly, yeah, I think you're right in this individualistic country.

07-21-2020, 11:45 AM
when you unsubscribe from an e-mail list multiple times but you still get the e-mails

when you find a job through google job search and it gives you multiple options for places to apply, all of which are weird, and after you sign up for one, you realize that you could have just applied directly through the company's website (why didn't google link to that???) and even though you deleted your account and unsubscribed from e-mails from that weird site, you're still getting e-mails from them and other things that are slightly adjacent to them whose unsubscribe links DON'T EVEN WORK

people who say "irregardless"

07-22-2020, 11:34 AM
when you hit play on a netflix show you've never watched before and it starts you on season 3 instead of season 1. what the fuck? WHY would it do that? and why is season 3 ABOVE seasons 2 and 1 when you navigate into the episode listings, but the episodes go DOWN from 1 to 8 within each season??? who the fuck designed this UI and why was it approved?

it should be

season 1
• • episode 1
• • episode 8
season 2
• • episode 1
• • episode 8

it's not that hard to do things right for stuff like this.

07-22-2020, 12:04 PM
when you unsubscribe from an e-mail list multiple times but you still get the e-mails

when you find a job through google job search and it gives you multiple options for places to apply, all of which are weird, and after you sign up for one, you realize that you could have just applied directly through the company's website (why didn't google link to that???) and even though you deleted your account and unsubscribed from e-mails from that weird site, you're still getting e-mails from them and other things that are slightly adjacent to them whose unsubscribe links DON'T EVEN WORK

people who say "irregardless"
I signed up for something and part of that something was a mailing list. I tried and tried to unsubscribe and got the "you've been unsubscribed!" messages but also continued to get the actual email as well. I even 'reported' them as phishing but Outlook doesn't do fuck all with that. So I just created a rule finally that would automatically delete anything from the domain. I figured that I didn't need anything bad enough to deal with these people.

07-22-2020, 04:00 PM
Often, the unsubscribe function is actually like the "responder" function in direct mail: It tells them you're there, a real person, and you're a VALUABLE CUSTOMER!! So they're now going to bomb the fuck out of you with even MORE mail!

I just use the "spam" function in my mail program, so it gets the shit out of my In Box.

07-25-2020, 07:04 PM
when you hit play on a netflix show you've never watched before and it starts you on season 3 instead of season 1. what the fuck? WHY would it do that? and why is season 3 ABOVE seasons 2 and 1 when you navigate into the episode listings, but the episodes go DOWN from 1 to 8 within each season??? who the fuck designed this UI and why was it approved?

it should be

season 1
• • episode 1
• • episode 8
season 2
• • episode 1
• • episode 8

it's not that hard to do things right for stuff like this.

Oh goody, I may have a explanation for this nonsense which is actually true! Although I can't prove it readily, it's really difficult to disprove.

There is an algorithm which decides what you should watch, and the correct order to watch it. It is not based upon common sense or anything remotely similar; it is based upon marketing and profit. Simple as that. It's never supposed to make sense to us humans. The only thing which matters is maximum profit.

Perhaps the algorithm is presenting you with the episode which it "thinks" is most likely to keep you watching, and therefore keep you as a paying customer?

07-27-2020, 01:14 AM
Oh goody, I may have a explanation for this nonsense which is actually true! Although I can't prove it readily, it's really difficult to disprove.

There is an algorithm which decides what you should watch, and the correct order to watch it. It is not based upon common sense or anything remotely similar; it is based upon marketing and profit. Simple as that. It's never supposed to make sense to us humans. The only thing which matters is maximum profit.

Perhaps the algorithm is presenting you with the episode which it "thinks" is most likely to keep you watching, and therefore keep you as a paying customer?


that's so fucking stupid. the fact that companies think that way ("it'll make us more money if we do this!") is so exhausting to me. how long did it take before netflix gave us an option to turn off the auto-preview function when browsing? that shit was HORRIBLE.

07-27-2020, 03:32 AM
I think it’s not that sophisticated, actually. The Netflix app assumes everyone has already watched the first two seasons, so they are trying to be convenient and provide you with a link to the current season. If they did the opposite, and linked you to the first season, the OTHER people (who’d seen the first 2 seasons) would be pissed.

The reality is that these apps have to “learn” your individual viewing habits. It offers current seasons of all shows, but if you start from the beginning in a show it will remember where you were and asks if you want to continue. Some are better at this than others (Hulu is better than Netflix, IMO).

The menus are right there for you to control and utilize, and nobody is forcing anyone to watch anything in any order. But, yes, the current season is going to be promoted and it’s going to assume you have watched the prior seasons by default because there’s likely no good way to override that to please everyone.

07-27-2020, 10:31 PM
Late-night plumbing issues.....grr....

08-05-2020, 08:06 AM
Low-key forum trolls...

08-05-2020, 08:14 AM
Arseholes, arseholes everywhere. (Sorry, grim and twitchy mood today and utterly sick of everybody's shit)

08-06-2020, 03:09 AM
Same problem on phone, trying to select a thread, hit name of thread starter. Also accidental facepalming/reporting when trying to hit like on old phone. The panic the first time I did it. Fortunately no harm done.

08-06-2020, 10:04 AM
explains a lot of the "you have notifications" but then there isn't anything there.

Also +1 for the interrobang.

08-06-2020, 11:12 AM
On my third recommendation trying to get an ENT to call me back. It took 31 years for someone to tell me my left eardrum is still perforated (I had 8 sets of tubes by age 4; apparently the "hole never closed"). Explains a lot.

Who's getting a hearing aid at 35? This guy!

08-06-2020, 11:45 AM
That sucks...

Guess whose hair is falling out, turning spiderweb thin, and turning gray? I look like Grandpa Munster with these gray streaks in my hair.

This year has really taken it out of me.

08-06-2020, 11:20 PM
i have literally never visited this forum on my phone, i can't even imagine how frustrating that would be.
i wish my compulsive nature didn't require me to read every new post in every thread that i've ever posted in which has been updated since my previous visit (along with any new threads that pique my interest).

08-07-2020, 08:44 AM
i have literally never visited this forum on my phone, i can't even imagine how frustrating that would be.
i wish my compulsive nature didn't require me to read every new post in every thread that i've ever posted in which has been updated since my previous visit (along with any new threads that pique my interest).
yes, because maybe - just maybe - the new post is regarding what you posted so you have to check.

08-07-2020, 02:35 PM

seriously? only 20?

08-08-2020, 10:10 AM
I've had my new laptop for 7 months and the internal camera is broken. AND....that warranty from Dell? I have to send it in for repairs. WTF? I use this for WORK. I can't be without my laptop (and I need the processing power) for my job. I either have to commute into work 2.5 hrs each day...oh wait, I don't have a car because some asshole pulled a left turn in front of me. And I'm not recouping 100% of that monetary loss either.

Or I have to pony up $93 for ONE YEAR of at-home repairs. It's fucking bullshit, because my mother has a lesser spec dell and it came with at-home repairs. Mine was a black Friday deal, so I finally figured how I was getting fucked over.

I bit the bullet and just bought a webcam and a port extender for $55. I needed the port extender anyway. :rolleyes:
I am half tempted to buy a second computer (desktop) before my warranty is up and send this POS in.

08-10-2020, 12:30 AM
Violent protests throughout my city and the whole country in general after massive falcifications at the president elections last night. The last dictator in Europe does not want to go out peacefully. Wish us luck.

08-10-2020, 06:15 AM
Violent protests throughout my city and the whole country in general after massive falcifications at the president elections last night. The last dictator in Europe does not want to go out peacefully. Wish us luck.

Yeah that looks NUTS! Omg!

08-12-2020, 08:34 AM
I swear there's some malevolent entity fucking with me lately.

Do you ever search high and low for something, search in a specific place multiple times with a fine toothed comb and not find what you're looking for, so then you go out and spend money to replace the thing that was lost only to find the thing you lost the very next day IN THE EXACT PLACE YOU HAD ALREADY SEARCHED FOR IT? and it's just like sitting there out in the open completely fucking obvious and all nonchalant like that's where it always was.


08-16-2020, 03:50 PM
Violent protests throughout my city and the whole country in general after massive falcifications at the president elections last night. The last dictator in Europe does not want to go out peacefully. Wish us luck.

I just caught up on my news. That's crazy....and yet I feel we may not be so far away from that.

08-17-2020, 11:08 AM
Drove all the way to Ft. Lewis yesterday to take care of some stuff. I called no less than three times - once Friday, twice yesterday morning - and asked questions about what I needed to do/bring vis-à-vis paperwork and other qualifications. Three times, three different answers but enough was similar that I thought we had it all. We got to the visitor's center to start and there were two Specialist's and a civilian officer. Again three different stories of what we needed and needed to do. Just...just make it easy, yeah? If someone is here for thing X, there should be an SOP for thing X. Never minding that this is the military and there are SOPs for how to shit in the woods so WTF.

Anyway, turns out you have to be there during the week and make an appointment. Information that no one gave me over the phone and would have saved us the two-hour drive.

funny part: the civilian officer was telling the two enlisted that my wife needed to show a specific ID badge from the VA. The one pointed at the big 8x11 sheet that was in front of each window with a blown up version of exactly that VA ID. The officer said no, not that one. Both of the enlisted looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

08-19-2020, 04:35 PM
these FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING ads for "reverse mortgages" featuring Tom Selleck, laughing at the idea that this is about stealing your home, and Tom cares... Eat shit Tom. EAAAAAAAAT shit.

08-21-2020, 08:28 AM
One of our fucking cats ran away.
There was a big storm, and the door blew open, and we were asleep, and he, Director Cole, was gone when we woke up.

This is a SMALL town and we've driven through MOST of it looking for him.
And the pound hasn't picked him up.

So if he isn't run over, and hasn't been picked up dead or alive, he's gotta be in someone's house.

I wonder if I'll see him again.

08-21-2020, 08:50 AM
One of our fucking cats ran away.
There was a big storm, and the door blew open, and we were asleep, and he, Director Cole, was gone when we woke up.

This is a SMALL town and we've driven through MOST of it looking for him.
And the pound hasn't picked him up.

So if he isn't run over, and hasn't been picked up dead or alive, he's gotta be in someone's house.

I wonder if I'll see him again.

just go around town shouting "GORDON! GORDON COLE!" with a cup of coffee and a slice of pie

sorry for the joke, just trying to lift your spirits. i hope he comes back/you find him. i'd be heartbroken if that happened to one of my cats.

08-21-2020, 10:43 AM
elevenism Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I hope you find him soon! Put his litter box outside - they say that helps sometimes.

08-21-2020, 10:49 AM
just go around town shouting "GORDON! GORDON COLE!" with a cup of coffee and a slice of pie

sorry for the joke, just trying to lift your spirits. i hope he comes back/you find him. i'd be heartbroken if that happened to one of my cats.
No, it's ok. Thanks. I needed that. :)

08-27-2020, 03:35 PM
Allergies are proof that either

1. God isn't real.
2. God IS real but he doesn't give a fuck about you.

08-28-2020, 12:27 PM
@elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) Any luck with your cat?

08-28-2020, 12:29 PM
Allergies are proof that either

1. God isn't real.
2. God IS real but he doesn't give a fuck about you.

For real. I've been having them consistently this whole past week, which is strange for me. My nose is ready to fall off.

08-28-2020, 11:30 PM
My vet just sent me an email containing the results of some cultures we'd done on my dog's nails, which she's been having problems with for a few months now. Yes. She sent this email at midnight. Within this email were several options for treatment, all of which will be some combination of expensive, a pain in the ass, and possibly causing other problems. God damn it.

09-02-2020, 09:38 AM
It's crazy how expensive vet bills are

09-02-2020, 05:51 PM
No shit. I'm up to £1550 for my poor cat back in the UK. He has pancreatitis and a thyroid condition, apparently.

09-02-2020, 07:52 PM
No shit. I'm up to £1550 for my poor cat back in the UK. He has pancreatitis and a thyroid condition, apparently.

My dog has flareups of pancreatitis as well. Hopefully your cat's case is mild.

09-02-2020, 08:51 PM
He was in a hospital from Friday - Tuesday a week ago. He hasn't been healing quickly, to say the least. We're trying to figure out if he's going to make a full recovery or not.

Hope your dog is doing ok. Have you looked into pet insurance?

09-04-2020, 02:01 PM
He was in a hospital from Friday - Tuesday a week ago. He hasn't been healing quickly, to say the least. We're trying to figure out if he's going to make a full recovery or not.

Hope your dog is doing ok. Have you looked into pet insurance?

We actually got pet insurance a couple of weeks ago for her. She's OK for the most part. Tends to flare up if she gets a bunch of people food which can be difficult to avoid with a toddler running around.

09-04-2020, 02:16 PM
He was in a hospital from Friday - Tuesday a week ago. He hasn't been healing quickly, to say the least. We're trying to figure out if he's going to make a full recovery or not.

I had a diabetic can with triaditis, which includes pancreatitis. Our vet shot him up with antibiotics, but then also put him on a daily dose of Pepcid - which seemed to help a lot. If we took him OFF the Pepcid, or even missed a dose, he barfed blood.

09-04-2020, 03:32 PM
trying to figure out a way to get wifi to all of the rooms in my house. It wasn't a huge issue but recently it's been getting worse in my son's room and our bedroom. what I really want to do is run cat cable to all of the rooms but A) the house sits on a concrete slab and B) doesn't have an attic or even crawl space up there.

I think I found a solution but due to Covid telework there's a backlog on these kinds of things and it won't arrive quickly. sigh.

09-04-2020, 03:37 PM
@elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) Any luck with your cat?

I already posted this in another thread, but, yes: he came home after 2 or 3 weeks of being out catting around, or whatever he was doing. I'm so fucking happy.

At that point, ok...This town is just like, maybe 3 city blocks. We drove all the streets: he HADN'T been run over. He's enough Maine Coon to pass for pure bred, so we figured someone had let him in.

We were just hoping that he'd found a good home. We were thinking of adopting another cat.

But then, one night, he was meowing at the back door!

09-07-2020, 10:22 PM
im really tired of this stupid stereotype that just because we post a lot on social media that it means we don't know how to interact with the outside world and it pisses me off

Like here's the thing. The reason why im only on social media is not because im addicted to the internet. Im a recluse, I don't like to be around people, I have poor social skills and multiple other mental problems. I don't like to go outside because it scares me.

And as for other people, if you are just gonna assume you know how other peoples social life is like by just a few tweets or just from the photo's they post then that's really a piss poor reason to judge someone. For all you know, they could of tweeted or posted those pics while out socializing. There are lots of people i follow, prior to covid, who very much interact with the outside world. Cosplayers, musicians, photographers and so on.

I still know how to interact with people, i do it with my parents all the time and other people still. Yes i know that social media can be a toxic place, it was always going to be this way. If you thought it was gonna be free of stupid people sharing stupid things and being dumbasses than thats even too optimistic for me. but its not making us regress THAT much.

People also have jobs over the internet, that's how they make their money. Twitch, Youtube, Soundcloud and Bandcamp and online art sites. I know plenty of people online who make a living doing art online.

09-08-2020, 12:08 PM
trying to figure out a way to get wifi to all of the rooms in my house. It wasn't a huge issue but recently it's been getting worse in my son's room and our bedroom. what I really want to do is run cat cable to all of the rooms but A) the house sits on a concrete slab and B) doesn't have an attic or even crawl space up there.

I think I found a solution but due to Covid telework there's a backlog on these kinds of things and it won't arrive quickly. sigh.

Did you try those Pods and run an R6 directly into the Pod? Like, I connected my laptop via R6 into the Pod plugged into the wall. (They’re wifi mesh extenders.)

09-08-2020, 01:16 PM
I ended up with the TP-Link Deco P9 (https://www.tp-link.com/us/deco-mesh-wifi/product-family/deco-p9/). It does both mesh wireless and over powerline. I put one in place of the OG router, one at the entrance to the hall and another in my bedroom. I stupidly didn't check for comparison purposes but I did a speed test in the bedroom - the furthest access point - and it still pulled down almost max speeds. I'm very impressed, especially with the levels of granular control you can have over the connected devices.

09-09-2020, 09:51 AM
Gender reveal parties. WTF.


09-09-2020, 10:17 AM
for real, i will NEVER understand why anyone cares about what kind of junk someone's baby has.

also, they're sex reveal parties, technically. which makes them even stupider.

the only time someone should have a gender reveal party is when they're coming out as trans, because that's a super fun idea!

09-10-2020, 04:38 PM
also, they're sex reveal parties, technically. which makes them even stupider.

the only time someone should have a gender reveal party is when they're coming out as trans, because that's a super fun idea!

amen to this! Why do people HAVE to know the baby's sex in advance? WHO FUCKING CARES???!!!! It never used to matter, everyone was FINE with this! People are obsessed with this GENDER COLOR bullshit in advance! Which is even WORSE! "Oh, I have to know if I should paint the bedroom pink or blue?" Oh, fuck off!

But coming out gender reveal parties actually sound like fun!

09-10-2020, 04:44 PM
I was laughing to myself wondering at the color choices for that and remembered this comic when I got to green:


09-10-2020, 04:57 PM
Hey, @eversonpoe (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588), would this work with Xfinity's XFi Gateway? I'd have to put XFi in bridge mode?
Funnily enough the week before school started I got the email from Comcast about the Gateway and the new pods (https://www.amazon.com/Xfinity-Pods-WiFi-Network-Extenders/dp/B07L46M5SM) that they are using. I was interested until I saw the whole "it'll replace your current modem" - we own ours - "and it's an extra $30 a month".

the rest of your question I'm not sure about since I still have my modem and use the P9 as the router.

09-10-2020, 05:36 PM
Funnily enough the week before school started I got the email from Comcast about the Gateway and the new pods (https://www.amazon.com/Xfinity-Pods-WiFi-Network-Extenders/dp/B07L46M5SM) that they are using. I was interested until I saw the whole "it'll replace your current modem" - we own ours - "and it's an extra $30 a month".

the rest of your question I'm not sure about since I still have my modem and use the P9 as the router.

I deleted the question because I realized that I'd have to put the XFi router into Gateway mode. And I did that before with my Apple router. I still HAVE the Apple router, works great. Long story. But I have SO much connected (garage door opener, doorbell, washer and dryer, ad nauseum), I’m too lazy to re-do it all.

The problem with Xfi is that the modem works fine, but their router sucks. So, the workaround is the pods. (Kinda.) Since I bought the additional pods, it helped a lot. We only pay $20/mo for the Xfi modem/router, which is fine because it's constantly upgraded. And we are moving into a world where a LOT of this is going to change.

Edit: I'm gonna see if I can get the WiFi 6 XFi (https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-launches-internet-device-multi-gigabit-speeds-wifi-6) (which I guess I can get at no extra charge).

09-12-2020, 03:11 PM

09-14-2020, 08:36 PM

WHY is it so hard for me to just get a Wii arcade fighting stick off eBay?
The first one I ordered was broken out of the box, and so (for the first time ever) I'm returning something on eBay, and then I order another one for another 100 bucks...

This one, I open the box, and then the controller is in another box, and I pull it out and tilt it... and the controller spills out of the box and shatters on the ground.
I am so fucking pissed right now. WHAT THE FUCK is the point of the "box" if one side of it is missing?!?!?!

09-15-2020, 04:36 PM
I deleted the question because I realized that I'd have to put the XFi router into Gateway mode. And I did that before with my Apple router. I still HAVE the Apple router, works great. Long story. But I have SO much connected (garage door opener, doorbell, washer and dryer, ad nauseum), I’m too lazy to re-do it all.

The problem with Xfi is that the modem works fine, but their router sucks. So, the workaround is the pods. (Kinda.) Since I bought the additional pods, it helped a lot. We only pay $20/mo for the Xfi modem/router, which is fine because it's constantly upgraded. And we are moving into a world where a LOT of this is going to change.

Edit: I'm gonna see if I can get the WiFi 6 XFi (https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-launches-internet-device-multi-gigabit-speeds-wifi-6) (which I guess I can get at no extra charge).
AN UPDATE: so it was working great until yesterday. Randomly one of the three pods will just give up the ghost and start blinking red lights, several times one of the three died in just the three hours I was working on it last night. The only way you can access the pods is through the app - no more access - and it's like "oh hey we don't see that one". The actual message I was getting - because I screen-shotted the fucker - is "Something went wrong with the Cloud service. Please try again. If you are still unsuccessful after several attempts, connect to your Decos Wi-Fi network and then try again." Really? That's what you want me to try? Connecting to the Wi-Fi of a device that isn't currently broadcasting? Is that all. Gee, if only I had thought of that...

Another error message - that I need to also screenshot next time it happens - is "hey, maybe you should try moving them closer together". Uh, and how is that going to help if I have to unplug them to move them closer together? Let's say it works, me moving them closer together. What do I do when I have to move the wonky one back to it's original place? The whole point of these things is that they create a mesh throughout the house so if I have to put them next to each other that is a small-ass mesh, yes? And it's not like I have a big house! It's a living room with a hallway and two bedrooms at the end. There's like 20 feet max between each pod - one next to the modem, one at the beginning of the hallway, and one in my bedroom - so it's not like I'm trying to wire up Warwick Castle.

I'm a little fired up, yeah? Especially because there's at-home learning going on and this was supposed to be the panacea for our wi-fi problems. granted no tech is that but you'd think it'd work a teensy bit better.

All that said, there was a firmware update this morning. I don't know if it's related but I hope to hell that when I get home I hear that there were no problems today. I checked and I have until October to return them so it will not be boxed up until at least next week.

side note: Apparently there is a V1 and V2 of the product and amazon sent me V1. Great. And the TPlink forums aren't model-delineated so I have to search through threads from people who have no idea how a forum works. ugh.

If I have to I'll see if I can also get the W6XFi thing - even if I don't have a single W6 device - as that is the one I was excited about.

09-15-2020, 04:38 PM

WHY is it so hard for me to just get a Wii arcade fighting stick off eBay?
The first one I ordered was broken out of the box, and so (for the first time ever) I'm returning something on eBay, and then I order another one for another 100 bucks...

This one, I open the box, and then the controller is in another box, and I pull it out and tilt it... and the controller spills out of the box and shatters on the ground.
I am so fucking pissed right now. WHAT THE FUCK is the point of the "box" if one side of it is missing?!?!?!
...have you considered the possibility that there was something wrong with the stick and they sent it to you in such a way that it would break immediately and then say "well it worked when we shipped it"?

I am a very cynical person, you see, that's why I thought of that.

09-15-2020, 05:05 PM
...have you considered the possibility that there was something wrong with the stick and they sent it to you in such a way that it would break immediately and then say "well it worked when we shipped it"?

I am a very cynical person, you see, that's why I thought of that.

It's totally possible, but I'll never know. I just have to eat this... it really did hit the tile floor HARD. I just stood there stunned for about ten seconds or so. There's no way that it could still really work after that. It'd have to have been built like a tank.

...and just now, for the third time, I have bought one of these things off eBay. Third times a charm?

09-15-2020, 05:34 PM
also "unhinged" has taken a new meaning this year as it's used to describe everything/everyone.

09-15-2020, 09:31 PM
...have you considered the possibility that there was something wrong with the stick and they sent it to you in such a way that it would break immediately and then say "well it worked when we shipped it"?

I am a very cynical person, you see, that's why I thought of that.


09-15-2020, 11:16 PM

09-15-2020, 11:38 PM
today i saw a lesbian (yes, it does matter to the story) freaking out at someone i follow on twitter. i was trying to be calm and reasonable when i engaged with her, and she repeatedly told me that she didn't "give a fuck" about my feelings, that her "rights are being taken away," and various other things. almost everything she said was super transphobic. when she started freaking out, she was complaining about a bisexual woman being homophobic for saying that lesbians are monosexual (which is true) and that it's unfortunate that so many lesbians won't consider sleeping with trans women because they don't consider us "real" women. after a bit of back and forth, she called me homophobic (which is hilarious because i'm pansexual and have dealt with homophobia for 20 years) on her own timeline, and then i blocked her.

it is so ridiculous how many people in the queer community are transphobes. it just makes no fucking sense.

tl;dr i got called homophobic by a lesbian TERF today which is just all kinds of ironic.

09-16-2020, 05:36 AM
@eversonpoe (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) the internet can be a terrible, terrible place. Right now especially, when it's the only way a lot of people have available to connect with other humans.
I think we're going through a social experiment, and it's revealing some really bad stuff about us while it drives us crazy. This person you're talking about sounds REALLY pissed off. I can identify with that, and I can promise that being super pissed off and frustrated can make you think/feel/say incredibly stupid things.

I can't claim to understand a woman who identifies as a lesbian attacking the transexual community... that sounds incredibly stupid, counter productive, etc... Then again, I'm a boring straight white guy.

There's a chance that this person just might be going nuts. It might not be that she's as bigoted as she sounds. If anything, her bigotry is seemingly self-confrontational. I don't know this person... maybe she is really just confused right now, and that's something I can completely sympathize with. Either way, yeah, we probably all need to just block people when they say stuff like this. You won't get anywhere trying to reason with someone who has this "stance." Nobody wins, and nobody can help.

09-16-2020, 09:48 AM
...the transexual community...


transsexual is an outdated (and often inaccurate) term.

anyway, when i looked back through her timeline, it's all classic TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) behavior, so this isn't a new thing for her.
it also doesn't help that JK Rowling, a beloved author with a reach that rivals most celebrities, has become an outspoken TERF, and so many of her fans have internalized her beliefs. her upcoming book is about "a murderous cis man who dresses as a woman to kill his victims." i read an excerpt from it and in two paragraphs, she manages to be racist on two different levels, as well as transphobic! it's honestly impressive.

people have so many misconceptions about the trans community. this woman actually regurgitated the "you're trying to take away our bathrooms" bullshit. she seems to think that by giving trans women rights, hers are being infringed upon. it's the same way that right wingers think that giving rights to people of color somehow takes away their rights (which is just straight up racism). it's fucking ridiculous. it's not a pie; giving some of it to other people doesn't mean you get less. it's such a narrow way of thinking and it harms so many people.

anyway, i'm just getting really fed up with how shitty people are. it's so easy to be kind and people still choose to be horrible. i really don't understand it.

09-16-2020, 09:51 AM
There's a chance that this person just might be going nuts. It might not be that she's as bigoted as she sounds. If anything, her bigotry is seemingly self-confrontational. I don't know this person... maybe she is really just confused right now, and that's something I can completely sympathize with. Either way, yeah, we probably all need to just block people when they say stuff like this. You won't get anywhere trying to reason with someone who has this "stance." Nobody wins, and nobody can help.
something I learned this morning: CO2 buildup can happen when you never open your windows in your house, and we've been unable to open windows for the past week due to the fires here. I at least leave the house to go to work every day but my wife and son are stuck home for school and other things. Both of them have been unreasonably cranky for the past few days so I'm thinking of making them drive around - he's getting his learner's permit - more at night to give them a chance to air themselves out.

edit: I hit submit without remembering I had a point to this comment. :) anyway, nuts or CO2 poisoning: 2020 bringing the hits.

09-16-2020, 10:20 AM

transsexual is an outdated (and often inaccurate) term. No disrespect or insult was intended.

09-16-2020, 12:30 PM
No disrespect or insult was intended.

i know! i was just letting you know! otherwise i would have gotten mad ;)

09-17-2020, 01:36 PM
AN UPDATE: so it was working great until yesterday. Randomly one of the three pods will just give up the ghost and start blinking red lights, several times one of the three died in just the three hours I was working on it last night. The only way you can access the pods is through the app - no more access - and it's like "oh hey we don't see that one". The actual message I was getting - because I screen-shotted the fucker - is "Something went wrong with the Cloud service. Please try again. If you are still unsuccessful after several attempts, connect to your Decos Wi-Fi network and then try again." Really? That's what you want me to try? Connecting to the Wi-Fi of a device that isn't currently broadcasting? Is that all. Gee, if only I had thought of that...

Yeah, I saw the "unreliable" review for that and many other routers, that's why I stuck with what I had.

FWIW: I moved my router to the most central location possible; I’m in a stretch ranch, the modem/router WAS in the basement on the far west end of the house, but I moved it to the middle of the basement. I put the three pods to various areas of the house, but put one pod RIGHT IN MY OFFICE upstairs on the east end of the house; I connected my laptop directly into the pod via Ethernet.

At this very moment (it fluctuates depending on atmosphere), I'm getting 37 Mbps on my laptop in my office on the east side of the house, and 316 Mbps on the west side of the house, upstairs.

09-17-2020, 02:45 PM

transsexual is an outdated (and often inaccurate) term.

anyway, when i looked back through her timeline, it's all classic TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) behavior, so this isn't a new thing for her.
it also doesn't help that JK Rowling, a beloved author with a reach that rivals most celebrities, has become an outspoken TERF, and so many of her fans have internalized her beliefs. her upcoming book is about "a murderous cis man who dresses as a woman to kill his victims." i read an excerpt from it and in two paragraphs, she manages to be racist on two different levels, as well as transphobic! it's honestly impressive.

I agree, having been best friends with a gay man (who was sometimes bisexual but eventually decidedly gay) and having been among his circle of friends from the 1970s through the 1990s when he passed away, it was dismaying that the gay community can be very discriminatory. Not just toward the transgender community, but toward EACH OTHER. For instance, in Detroit, "gay" clubs were nearly 100% frequented by homosexual males and the occasional female (who were deemed "fish flies"). Lesbians had to find their own hangouts. Transgender individuals were poked fun at behind their backs by gay men. It's not all some big giant tent. I've been saddened by this throughout my life.

How a lesbian - who's undoubtedly been to gay bars (unless she's living in a podunk town) where we all share the same bathrooms with ZERO problems - thinks that the trans community is affecting her in ANY way is just, I don't know ... I think it's just more conservative bullshit, really. Just because you're gay or lesbian doesn't mean you're necessarily "liberal." And the word "feminist" is thrown around with no real definition, anymore.

When I was growing up in the 60s/70s "feminist" meant the "Women's Liberation Movement" and women who burned their bras and demanded that they be allowed to sign contracts or have a credit card or own real estate without their husbands.

But in high school, I studied Simone de Beauvoir (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir) and I became somewhat obsessed. And so it began.

In college, as an English Literature major, I especially focused on feminist theory. I focused my Captone thesis exploring Eve's role in the Genesis story in Milton's "Paradise Lost" from the feminist perspective. I wrote a research essay exploring Elizabeth's role in Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" from the feminist perspective. I wrote a research essay exploring Portia's role in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" from the feminist perspective. Etc. etc. etc.

You can find, literally, HUNDREDS of scholarly articles, each containing 25-30 pages, making bold, elaborate claims that Eve is the blame for the downfall of mankind in the Genesis story. Or that Portia is a bitch. Or, on the other hand, that Elizabeth is a feminist (she is not; she married money, because that's what women did to survive in the Regency period).

And what perplexes me about so-called "feminists" like Rowling is that she is most-decidedly NOT a "feminist." She's more Phyllis Schlafly than Simone de Beauvoir. Rowling is 100% conservative. She is perpetuating conservative myths that are anti-women's rights. It shouldn't MATTER if you have the "parts" or not. Plenty of cis women have non-working parts, missing parts, it doesn't matter. The sex part isn't what makes a woman that gender.

See de Beauvoir, "One is not born but becomes a woman. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir#Sexuality,_existentialist_femin ism_and_The_Second_Sex)"

So now, we are again at a point in history where the term "feminist" has become totally toxic; in the 70s, it was commandeered by right-wing conservatives to equal "crazy man-hating lesbians" (feminazis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminazi)) and now it's including much much more, has become SO toxic that I can, yet again, no longer even associate myself with it.

Back in the 80s, it got so bad that I had to start calling myself an "egalitarian."

You can see, of course, if you think about it, the underlying intention. It's insidious, but it's there: It's intentionally harming women, without women even REALIZING that it's happening. Even idiots like Rowling are contributing to the narrative that women are SO weak, we must be "protected" from the "dangerous predators" who seek to destroy women. For these women, this is always "men" - even if those men are now women. This is not "equality" for women. This is a dangerous narrative that means that women are "feminazis." They're becoming Rush Limbaugh's best friend.

It's just too bad that we all can't have love and empathy for one another, inclusively, to see each other's thousands of years of struggles, pain, issues, and to help each other with them, under a big, loving tent. Because I still believe it's possible. We've come SO far.

I can only say to you that it's not really worth arguing with these people. I've tried doing this, they're right-wing conservatives, they're in the same category as Trump supporters. Again, just because they're "gay" doesn't make them "liberal." Hugs to you.

09-17-2020, 08:23 PM
My gay best friend was living with his gay boyfriend who, seriously, said "if you're bi, there is something REALLY fucking WRONG with you." I never forgot that, it just seemed, like, HUH?

This guy considered the whole prospect "twisted."

And I think the Gold Star issue might be why the lesbian that eversonpoe mentions, above, wasn't willing to even consider a transgender woman; because if the woman USED TO BE a man, then the Gold Star is removed? I dunno, it's all weird. I guess we shouldn't really question people's attractions. But, blatant hatred, like you mention, crosses lines. It's phobia.

09-17-2020, 09:09 PM
Sesquipedalism, I've only really heard about this sort of thing; not really overheard it or experienced it outside of a couple surprising moments.

Would you say most people talking like this did so when they were drunk? Like, maybe this is the kind of "sloppy locker room talk" that happens in that environment?

09-17-2020, 09:18 PM
Sesquipedalism, I've only really heard about this sort of thing; not really overheard it or experienced it outside of a couple surprising moments.

Would you say most people talking like this did so when they were drunk? Like, maybe this is the kind of "sloppy locker room talk" that happens in that environment?

Nah, it's a thing. See also femmephobia, which is toxic masculinity among gays.

Caveat: Neither of us are saying that all (or even the majority) of gay men are like this. The main point is that LGBTQ isn't a giant kumbaya tent. Neither is "feminism" or women's rights.

09-18-2020, 10:53 AM
allegro & Sesquipedalism fuckin' PREACH

09-19-2020, 01:18 PM
So, high school football is a big deal in my neck of the gloom in the Texas panhandle. It's kind of the ONLY deal. Hundreds of people come from upwards of a hundred miles away, and, of course, half the hometown shows up, pretty much literally.

So, we have this pandemic going on, and you'd THINK they'd like, delay the season. And if they weren't going to do that, maybe do masks and social distancing.

But, oh, hell no. Not here.

Last night for the opening game, there must have been a thousand fucking idiots out there, packed in like sardines, with NO masks. There were also two full high school bands, blowing their fucking horns in the air, cheerleaders doing pyramids and shit, the whole thing.

The field is like, literally right behind our backyard. I HEARD all the people cheering, and was thinking, "dear GOD I hope they're doing this right.

But, I went outside to take some trash out, and could actually SEE the motherfuckers. I couldn't believe it.

What's sad is that, I THINK they feel like they're making some sort of political statement by doing this. This is rural Texas, after all: it's damn sure not the cool part.

So, I guess that what REALLY infuriates me, is that if their Lord and Saviour, Donald Trump, would tell people to wear masks and socially distance and shit, these poor fucks wouldn't be out there.

We've had covid cases, and there were a LOT, just a couple of little towns over: enough to make the national a couple months ago, and THOSE people come to the games here, too.

So like, ten to one, SOMEONE in that crowd was sick, and infected God knows how many people.

09-19-2020, 02:21 PM
And for the record, since you mentioned the phrase, despite being biologically male all my life and having male friends and a blackout drinking habit for a couple of decades, you know what I've never done even once while in a locker room or drunk?

You've heard it though. I think "locker room talk" is an umbrella term for people saying things amongst people they perceive to be "allies" in some sort of bigotry. It's not exclusively reserved for locker rooms in some literal sense; it can cover drunk/drug talk, or racists looking for people who share their ideas... it's not a good term. It's not a positive thing.

09-19-2020, 06:08 PM
Yes, absolutely. I'm sorry if I was misleading; I understand what you and the world mean by the phrase, but I have no idea why "locker room talk" has ever been accepted by anyone anywhere as a thing that's okay.

The answer to this is simple: it's an appeal to other people who have engaged in that sort of talk. It's a dog whistle.

09-19-2020, 08:16 PM
I honestly think it's worse than that. Dog whistles have intent and often a conscious agenda. The idea of "locker room talk" is so ensconced in at least American mythology that it's seen as just a part of life.

There's conscious and subconscious dog whistles towards bigoted perspectives... whether it's conscious or not probably depends on how intelligent or self-aware the person is.

09-19-2020, 11:06 PM
Okayyyyy... I have a “friend” who was a Bernie or Bust person... now he thinks Bernie is a traitor for endorsing Biden, claims he goes door to door informing people that the dems are scum, says he’d rather live under Russian rule than the dems, and that it’s the fault of me and people of my age and race who will be responsible when Biden looses (sic) the election.

Then he said I’m a neo liberal and so I probably have never heard of Guantanamo bay... seriously.

I’m too old for this shit. Follow your bliss you sparkle pony fuckhead

09-20-2020, 12:06 AM
he’d rather live under Russian rule

He may get his wish. Putin just poisoned his opponent, so there won’t be any more elections here, either. That will make it so much simpler for your friend. No more pesky politics to worry about. Just running from tear gas.

09-21-2020, 03:10 AM
Little things that piss you off... term "sausage fest".

09-21-2020, 09:41 AM
I know, that was a terrible movie.


09-21-2020, 03:25 PM
This weekend we had to drive a long-ish distance to do an outdoor activity. The I5 bridge is under construction (https://www.interstatebridge.org/) and they closed an entire span and all traffic that direction is an utter shit-show. But Google kept telling us "oh, it's only a 6 minute delay" so we said sure, let's do it. We sat at a red light for about twenty minutes, watching one car make it through at a time because of the timing issues between that light, the next one, and then a third before you could get onto I5. We watched the ETA on the directions slowly creep up but the time to get there never changed. I looked at my phone for directions and it gradually increased the delay on the route but it never changed the route on my wife's phone. wtf?

And then it turns out that my wife had the event on her phone on the wrong day so it was Sunday instead of Saturday. And we found out by texting the people we were supposed to meet "we're running a little late!" and they responded with "actually you're a full day early, please don't come!" which was funny (a little) but also ugh, you know?

So then Sunday we try again, but this time we completely skipped the Google directions via the bridge - which it still said "hey I5 no probs! only a 10 minute delay!" - and took the other bridge. On the way out, we passed a Shilo Inn (https://goo.gl/maps/CsfLHbiqeTRs4BvF9) HQ (of a sort? (https://www.shiloinns.com/about)) that had a large flagpole on it. You can see it there but if you go to street view you can see it better. Anyway, the flags on display were a little anemic because of a lack of wind but I could definitely see two of them: the one on top was a Trump flag and one of the two below it was the US flag. The third could be any number of things but the fact Trump was on top got my blood up. Before you take me for some foaming-at-the-mouth Anti Trumper - I don't foam, thank you - I was more upset at the placement. You can love God-Emperor Trump as much as anyone, I don't care, but there's one thing you can't do: put any flag over the US flag (https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/celebrate/flagdisplay.pdf). And I can't even be like "hey Shilo wtf" because on a separate page it says they are no longer at that address. And a separate Google search for that address says it's for lease (http://apexcre.com/property/11600-sw-shilo-lane/) so no one owns it? I guess then no one could complain if someone were to, I dunno, cut the rope holding the flags up?

09-21-2020, 06:47 PM
Genuinely encouraging. I would guess then that we must be both statistical flukes on ends of a spectrum?.

It's... I'm sorry, he might be playing around here. It just seems IMPOSSIBLE. People don't like to admit hearing this stuff, especially when they don't do anything in response. I've heard it all the time. I've even grinned at bad jokes to alleviate tension. I've felt like shit and ashamed afterwards, but I can't pretend I haven't at least overheard this stuff.

I'm not calling anyone a liar, but COME ON. You have to have at least heard guys being shitty! If we really get picky about it, we can at least point to popular movies that demonstrate it

09-23-2020, 02:58 AM
Cookies. I mean, internet browser cookies :-), namely Google which have become worse recently. For example open incognito window for some youtube video which I don't want google to know about and use in recommendations, first delay - want to login? (no, button on left side), then 2nd delay - accept cookies? (right side button). Grrr. (and I do use uBlock) Repeat for each incognito session.

09-23-2020, 10:32 AM
Cookies. I mean, internet browser cookies :-), namely Google which have become worse recently. For example open incognito window for some youtube video which I don't want google to know about and use in recommendations, first delay - want to login? (no, button on left side), then 2nd delay - accept cookies? (right side button). Grrr. (and I do use uBlock) Repeat for each incognito session.
on top of that, incognito mode doesn't work that well when Google already knows your IP and thus knows you're the one watching the videos anyway.


Even if you don't sign in anywhere, the websites that you visit can use various clues—your IP address, your device type, your browser—to figure out who you might be, and to tie this to other information that might already be associated with you.

I started noticing this when browsing YouTube and the recommended video section would be videos I've watched in incognito mode.

edit: I should also mention this is in a different browser even. so there are times when my wife will watch a video - she uses Chrome - and the recommended videos will reflect that in my Firefox and vice versa.

09-23-2020, 10:34 AM

to be fair, I also put something that made me happy instead of just the first tweet.

09-23-2020, 03:35 PM
this is an interesting thing to consider... the "do guys say this sort of stuff in private."
Maybe nowadays, no, not so much. Especially now that we've entered the Me Too era, and that's a good thing. I'd like to actually believe that this is a thing w/ society changing and the notion that we're generally progressing. Or maybe I just wear my liberal badge a little too blatantly, and people know not to say shit in front of me. I've overheard people saying crazy stuff when they didn't know I was in earshot.

I've grown up in, and still live in, what's considered to be one of the most liberal parts of America. I always heard this shit growing up. I have a VERY hard time believing that I existed in a bubble of misogynistic surroundings, and that this wasn't really ubiquitous behavior.

Also, for many years, Porky's was THE most successful Canadian film ever made. I haven't checked, but I'm assuming it's probably still in the top ten.

09-23-2020, 06:22 PM
Springtime hayfever!

09-24-2020, 10:25 AM
Oh look at you, with your springtime hay fever. must be nice to have it limited to one time a year! :lol

but seriously, I'm allergic to spring, summer, and fall. and some parts of winter but I'm not sure which parts, that one always surprises me.

on another topic: websites that say "the last time you accessed this page was: today's date" yeah, no shit? today? how odd.

09-24-2020, 11:17 PM
but seriously, I'm allergic to spring, summer, and fall. and some parts of winter but I'm not sure which parts, that one always surprises me.


09-27-2020, 09:44 PM
I am so utterly disgusted by this website JK Rowling is promoting or co-signing or whatever the fuck. It purports to just be a feminist website, but it also has straight up HATEFUL anti trans clothes and items.

They sell buttons that say "FUCK your pronouns" and the like. Other examples include "Transwomen are my brothers, " and " Proud TERF" (or something like that.)

furthermore, I just don't get it. Why...just why, I guess. I'm fucking baffled.

After she recommend the store on social media, millions of her fans went there, and the transphobic stuff sold out.

This is just pure hate, imho.

09-27-2020, 09:53 PM
I am so utterly disgusted by this website JK Rowling is promoting or co-signing or whatever the fuck. It purports to just be a feminist website, but it also has straight up HATEFUL anti trans clothes and items.

They sell buttons that say "FUCK your pronouns" and the like. "Transwomen are my brothers." " Proud TERF" or something like that.

furthermore, I just don't get it. Why...just why, I guess. I'm fucking baffled.

After she recommend the store on social media, millions of her fans went there, and the transphobic stuff sold out.

This is just pure hate, imho.

It must run deeper with her somehow to have such an aversion. It takes energy to give that much of a fuck about something.

09-27-2020, 09:55 PM
It must run deeper with her somehow to have such an aversion. It takes energy to give that much of a fuck about something.right?!
I mean, that's what I'm thinking. It's like, if you have an ugly opinion, which sucks as it is, why not keep it to yourself?
Why scream it from the rooftop?

Like you said, man. It must run deep.

Sarah K
09-27-2020, 10:54 PM
She's been on a bizarre anti-trans tirade for well over a year now. And her recently announced book is about a cis man who dresses in women's clothing to murder them.

Real fucking subtle.

Second-wave feminism was/is a mistake.

09-27-2020, 11:15 PM
I mean, I'd heard she'd said some sort of offensive shit, but "fuck your pronouns" merchandise? JESUS.
I guess it was actually SEEING this merch that shocked me.

Also, surely we've got going kids growing up with her books NOW, and, likely looking up to her, and possibly adopting her views.

It's just REALLY ugly business.

09-28-2020, 03:37 PM
Speaking on that, today Stephen King was lauding the new book from her. In the past he's seemed on her side but then he also called her out on a post and she blocked him.

And also John Cleese is going on a tear today in much the same vein but I can't tell if it's authentic or if he's just taking the piss.

I don't understand it at all.

09-28-2020, 05:51 PM
Ahh. The above post explains a lot, allegro

09-28-2020, 06:06 PM
Ahh. The above post explains a lot, allegro

“Fuck your pronouns” ... why would anyone be so upset and obsessed with something that had absolutely nothing to do with them, that didn’t affect them in any way?

This sums it all up:

It must run deeper with her somehow to have such an aversion. It takes energy to give that much of a fuck about something.

09-28-2020, 06:06 PM
For the record, I did NOT do anything which I am accused of. With that said, I am so fucking pissed off that my neighbor (who is also an extended family member) told federal authorities that I was responsible for something which is not completely true. This has resulted in an uncomfortable yet completely avoidable situation if this asshole would have simply said "I am not sure" instead of "He did it!"

This fucktard neighbor runs an illegal unlicensed dog kennel, and if I chose to report him to the town, the consequences might be significant. Especially since one of his dogs bit my wife this summer, causing a wound which took over a month to heal! She still has the scar.

But I just can't bring myself to lower myself to his level. He was wrong in reporting me (for something I did not do) and I would feel quite justified in returning the favor. But I can't.

I am such a wimp and it pisses me off! Thanks for the opportunity to vent.

09-28-2020, 06:10 PM
zero, that’s horrible. I hope you didn’t get into trouble.

09-28-2020, 07:12 PM
I hope you didn’t get into trouble.

I am always in trouble, story of my life! However this situation has resulted in a very uncomfortable legal predicament. But that is not what has me pissed off. It's the simple truth that I can not seem to convince myself that vengeance is justified! What the hell is wrong with me?

A mundane tit for tat philosophy is flawed as it simply encourages adversity. But surely some egregious actions will rise above the mundane and therefore justify retaliation? Why have I set the bar so dang high?

It's times like this when I like to quote:

Nothing can stop me now
'Cause I don't care anymore
Nothing can stop me now
'Cause I just don't care

The problem is that I do care, and my conscience is what stops me. And that really pisses me off. Why can't I be a proper asshole? Fuck me.

09-28-2020, 07:22 PM
well, you are a very erudite non-asshole so you got that going for you.

The course of action that I would take is the anonymous tack of reporting. Call 311 (or whatever the non-emergency number is) and say the neighbor's dog is barking and has been barking for 2x the number of what is permissible in your local code. they can't prove it isn't barking and that it hasn't been for that long and so they'll send someone out to check it out. bada-bing, bada-boom.

it's worked for me a few different times.

09-28-2020, 07:53 PM
The course of action that I would take is the anonymous tack of reporting.

While I appreciate the suggestion that is not something I could ever consider. If I do report my asshole neighbor it will be done in the full light of day. Completely up front and obvious.

I am only facing 6 months (I think) but reporting an illicit business could result in loss of income and loss of housing and life long consequences. And reporting him will not undo what has already been done to me. My situation will not be altered regardless of what I choose to do.

The small devil on my left shoulder is screaming "do it do it turn him in" and the small angel on my other shoulder is bellowing "forgive and forget" but I have a massive headache because I am stuck between these screaming apparitions.

Sleep will help me decide, it always does. If I could just make these screaming apparitions stop! Good gosh is this what going nuts feels like?

09-30-2020, 09:57 AM
Speaking on that, today Stephen King was lauding the new book from her. In the past he's seemed on her side but then he also called her out on a post and she blocked him.

And also John Cleese is going on a tear today in much the same vein but I can't tell if it's authentic or if he's just taking the piss.

I don't understand it at all.

I am a sad spam today.

Also, who tf are any of those people? I again can't tell if he's taking the piss by naming completely useless people.

edit: apparently they are prominent authors, most of whom I have not read. also he's serious about this and it makes me even sadder that he's on the same side as Graham Linehan, never mind those other assholes.

09-30-2020, 07:07 PM
When you speak directly to a loved one that happens to be texting on their phone and they completely ignore you and then gets pissed off when yell at them to get their attention.

10-01-2020, 02:55 PM
Also, who tf are any of those people? I again can't tell if he's taking the piss by naming completely useless people.

Ian McEwan, though, OMG. That's shocking.

10-01-2020, 08:41 PM
John Cleese is siding with Rowling? Um, why?

10-02-2020, 10:43 AM
John Cleese is siding with Rowling? Um, why?

didn't he also support brexit? or am i misremembering?

10-03-2020, 01:24 PM
...a little thing, when the YouTube app on TV updates (on its own, bypassing LG "store") and there is now no PAUSE button. When exactly have I asked for updates, hmm?

10-11-2020, 06:12 PM
I was taking the garbage out yesterday and something sharp cut my middle finger on my right hand from the bottom of the bag somewhere, probably glass I threw out.

Woke up this morning to open a parcel and sliced open my left index finger with a kitchen knife. Fun times!

10-12-2020, 07:39 PM
ts:54:2 - file should end with a newline

10-13-2020, 01:16 PM
New guy at work is an interesting person. He says he's libertarian but likes - and respects - Rush. Has Trump stickers on his car. Has a masters in PoliSci so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised? Anyway he just told me via Teams:
I found out about it because Dinesh D'Souza made it and was promoting it. I like Dinesh, and this looked like a topic Hollywood avoids like the plague, so it can have my money.Speaking on this film (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infidel_(film)). I don't know how to tell him that it's not a groundbreaking film and that Hollywood avoids dumb movies, not the topic.

10-13-2020, 01:27 PM
New guy at work is an interesting person. He says he's libertarian but likes - and respects - Rush. Has Trump stickers on his car. Has a masters in PoliSci so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised? Anyway he just told me via Teams:Speaking on this film (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infidel_(film)). I don't know how to tell him that it's not a groundbreaking film and that Hollywood avoids dumb movies, not the topic.

On Rotten Tomatoes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotten_Tomatoes) the film holds an approval rating of 58% based on 12 reviews, with an average rating of 5.82/10.


10-19-2020, 09:39 PM
As an update, he liked the flick. Said it would have been better if it had leaned into the religion bits more. ��♀️

I'm trying to pay a bill online. As such, I'm trying to create an account. I get to the password field, that bane of the Internet. I do my usual that meets most password rules and it says no:

Password does not meet required criteria. Field should not contain these characters: &, #, <, >, ?, /, ', ".

Ok, whatever. I'll use the Firefox autogen password and make sure it meets the requirements. I use dTyENw3QTR6mTrG! and get this

Passwords must meet the following criteria:
• between 8 and 25 characters
• at least 1 special character, special character CANNOT be: & # < > ? / ' " or space
• at least 1 lowercase and 1 uppercase letter
• at least 1 number

Do not use the characters: & # < > ? / ' " or space in any of the fields below.Ok, that password is between 8 and 25 characters, has a special character not on that list, has at least 1 upper and lowercase letter, and at least one number. Pretty sure I checked all the fucking boxes. So I try variations and nothing works, I cannot make an account to pay this bill. So I find the contact us page.

Fuck off with your password. I'm following the directions and it doesn't work, keeps telling me not to do what I'm already not doing. So fuck right off with that and tell your computer people to go walk off a really high cliff. Preferable run, but I'm ok with walking.

Yes I'm pissed. I just want to pay a bill and this is the roadblock you want to put in my way?
I used my name and email address because I want a fucking answer.

yes my therapist has mentioned anger issues in the past. I try, I really do, but there are times when I'm the dad from ParaNorman. Or just Jeff Garlin in general, now that I think about it.

10-20-2020, 09:37 AM
I can't remember any of my fucking passwords with all the constant changes. I just keep them all in a Google Doc now lmao

10-21-2020, 12:41 AM
I can't remember any of my fucking passwords with all the constant changes. I just keep them all in a Google Doc now lmao

Yep, mine are in the cloud, and that has a password to get in...

10-21-2020, 03:20 AM
Right, so i've been fully soical distancing since March (i've interacted with people a half dozen times) and it's going well. My work has been VERY good in all this, i have only been in one day but as my job can be fully done from home they have been very "well just keep doing what you are doing" which is great...on the flip side...

My sister has been living with my gran since my grandad died in Feb. She has growing dementia and is a real handful, but her work have been INSISTANT she comes in, even though she can fully work from home. The only time they relent is when the gov tell them we can't travel...or they did. In the last week she has shown signs of Covid (no energy, no taste or smell etc) but due to her area being a hotspot she can't get a test for love nor money. Despite knowing this her work are telling her she MUST COME IN AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK NOW...until she gets a test to say she has it they will consider it JUST A COLD...they are absolute fucking idiots! To make it worse, the reason they want her in? They need to her to be in charge of the stock of tea and coffee so the bosses don't run out...i'm not joking. I'm livid! THIS is why the rates are going up, people in power are absolutely ignoring soical distancing and forcing people out, it's an absolute fucking joke! All because they don't want to do their own stock take on fucking coffee!

10-21-2020, 08:26 AM
That's super ridiculous

10-21-2020, 10:15 AM
just spent 44 minutes on the phone with directv (about 35 of those minutes on hold) to reset my dad's directv password (that he doesn't use, but i do to log into third party streaming apps like HBO & food network, etc.) because my best friend fucked it up and tried to log in too many times last week. ended up being able to use the same password, both people i talked to were super nice. but i also had to use the bathroom the whole time. woof.

10-21-2020, 10:21 AM
As an update, I got an email from them yesterday afternoon and it was just "we'd like to help you set up an account", ignoring the heinous crap I said. Which is fair? But I apologized because I'm not a total monster. I also fully explained all that I tried and how it wasn't working so I hope it's taken care of.

But I had also just called them yesterday morning and paid the bill and gave them my credit card so it can be paid automatically.

10-23-2020, 07:18 AM
Something a little more personal then my last vent (i mean more about me then the horror my family have to deal with) i had the day off today so went to London to go to Forbidden Planet and get some pokemon cards (with a mask obviously) and i couldn't help noticing people were there with friends. Now this isn't a dig at that, they were all wearing masks and being smart, it just made me feel kinda...sad. Like when all of this is done (someday) and we all go back to normal...nothing will have changed for me, i'll still be on my own. All of my family/friends are either in new country's now or busy with there partners/extended families... it just kinda hit me for some reason while looking at comics and hearing people who clearly hadn't seen their friend for awhile catch up with things they love.

...not really a pissed off thing, just made me kinda depressed. But the new pokemond DLC is out so i'll just sink into that now.

10-23-2020, 08:47 AM
Google, which at one time had fairly distinctive icons for its various apps, has updated them all to be shapes drawn in the five Google colors and now when I look at my tabs to find Maps vs Gmail vs Photos, it takes my brain just that much longer to figure out where the fuck the tab I'm looking for is. Worse though, they finally shut down Google Play Music for YouTube Music. I've known that one's been coming for a very long time but I'm still disappointed that it finally happened.

10-23-2020, 08:49 AM
Google Music was awesome. I switched to Spotify in anticipation and I really can't stand it.

10-23-2020, 11:59 AM
Google, which at one time had fairly distinctive icons for its various apps, has updated them all to be shapes drawn in the five Google colors and now when I look at my tabs to find Maps vs Gmail vs Photos, it takes my brain just that much longer to figure out where the fuck the tab I'm looking for is. Worse though, they finally shut down Google Play Music for YouTube Music. I've known that one's been coming for a very long time but I'm still disappointed that it finally happened.

Imma piggyback off of this as a frustrated parent and say fuck Google Classroom.

10-23-2020, 01:55 PM
Sociopathic colleague (who I shouldn't be working with but covid fucked everything etc) has got on my tits all damn day. She retires soon and I am ecstatic. One more shift and I never have to see her again. I'm going to get balloons and a cake to celebrate.

10-23-2020, 07:52 PM
So my mom tested positive for Coronavirus, today. She received the results while i was at the store in this idiotic, redneck town.

I went to the Dollar General (aka mini wal mart,) and the tiny grocery store here. I saw about fifty people.

I saw ONE person with a mask on, and that was me. I swear to god, i felt like taking it off and breathing on motherfuckers.

10-26-2020, 01:36 AM
We are finding dead or near-dead yellow jackets (wasps) all over the house. I just found a live one on the floor next to MY BED.

This means there’s a nest in the wall that was likely there all summer, and the cold temps is killing off the workers. Gotta call an exterminator tomorrow to find the nest and kill off the rest before my cats get stung or I step on one.

I was stung on the face by a wasp when I was a kid; flying stinging insects scare the shit out of me. Because getting stung HURTS.

This sucks.

10-26-2020, 09:57 AM
That reminds me of the time in the 1st or 2nd grade - because that's when we lived in that house - I was stung by a wasp while sleeping. Apparently it had gotten trapped under my pillow or something and when I rolled over and pushed my hand under the pillow for support it stung me on my palm.

On top of that my mom had a bee phobia so my childhood was spent being afraid of them. Now? I've been away from my mom for long enough that I no longer shriek and run but instead stand calmly and let them just fly away if I'm outside. Inside is different, don't need that bull flying around.

10-26-2020, 12:09 PM
First time I got stung was around 6 years old. My mom was hanging our clothes to dry on the clothesline after washing them. One of items of clothing was my Pjs. I put on my Pjs and felt this super terrible pain on my arm and immediately started crying. I took them off and a fuckin' bee flew out. To this day I continue to scream like a little girl whenever I see them.

10-28-2020, 02:18 PM

this mother fucker here...did he mean that or does he not know it's German?

10-28-2020, 02:56 PM
this mother fucker here...did he mean that or does he not know it's German?

i don't know but he's a fucking asshole

10-29-2020, 05:54 PM
We are finding dead or near-dead yellow jackets (wasps) all over the house. I just found a live one on the floor next to MY BED.

This means there’s a nest in the wall that was likely there all summer, and the cold temps is killing off the workers. Gotta call an exterminator tomorrow to find the nest and kill off the rest before my cats get stung or I step on one.

I was stung on the face by a wasp when I was a kid; flying stinging insects scare the shit out of me. Because getting stung HURTS.

This sucks.Jesus God, yeah, that's extremely disturbing. I caught a couple of wasp stings growing up in West Texas, and that's PAINFUL! It also creeps me out that those little fuckers are so aggressive, and seem to ENJOY stinging people and animals.

I hope you get rid of them soon!

10-29-2020, 07:17 PM
Jesus God, yeah, that's extremely disturbing. I caught a couple of wasp stings growing up in West Texas, and that's PAINFUL! It also creeps me out that those little fuckers are so aggressive, and seem to ENJOY stinging people and animals.

I hope you get rid of them soon!

They got all high tech here & found a major nest of murder hornets. Nest was destroyed. Evidently, 1 was caught & they put some sort of tracking device on it which led them to the nest. The little fuckers are tricky though. Usually hornet nests are in the ground. This one was inside of a tree. The people who destroyed the nest were dressed like they were going into an Ebola zone.

Serene Nymph
10-29-2020, 09:09 PM
If anyone has seen this, can they reply if this is licensed properly? Cause if not, I am really upset!
it’s GMC’s new Hummer commercial featuring Karen O’s cover of “Immigrant Song”

10-30-2020, 09:31 AM
Alas, my wasps must die on their own, as the exterminator says there’s no good way to find them at this time of year. It’s been really cold (last two evenings: 30F), and late enough in the season that wasps are dying of old age, so exterminator says the tools they use to find nests wouldn’t detect them at this point because the nest are near dead. They said just (carefully) use a fly swatter; the wasps are still able to sting, but they’re slow and damned-near dead.

One was flying around the furnace room ceiling in the basement last night, then dive-bombed into the floor.

10-30-2020, 09:41 AM
They got all high tech here & found a major nest of murder hornets. Nest was destroyed. Evidently, 1 was caught & they put some sort of tracking device on it which led them to the nest. The little fuckers are tricky though. Usually hornet nests are in the ground. This one was inside of a tree. The people who destroyed the nest were dressed like they were going into an Ebola zone.

Those murder hornets are FUCKING HUGE, though. Getting multiple stings, you’re instantly dead.

Each murder Horner’s stinger is 6mm (almost 1/4”).


10-31-2020, 10:02 AM
They are massive. I happened to catch a show about them years ago. I remember thinking damn those things look pretty big until they showed a Biologist pick up a dead one in some forest. Looked like it was almost as big as my pinky. Fuck that.

11-01-2020, 01:41 AM
Those murder hornets are FUCKING HUGE, though. Getting multiple stings, you’re instantly dead.

Each murder Horner’s stinger is 6mm (almost 1/4”).

Dear god. That's...yeah, NO, please.
I sure hope they don't spread across the U.S. in any significant number.

11-01-2020, 04:39 AM
Daylight savings time is trash.

11-02-2020, 11:15 AM
Daylight savings time is trash.

it's horrible with cats. i can only imagine how much worse it'll be with a kid.

11-02-2020, 12:03 PM
it's horrible with cats. i can only imagine how much worse it'll be with a kid.

430 for the last two days despite a later bed time.

11-06-2020, 01:53 PM
So I've been trying to get a painting of my wife done for three years now. The first person I asked to do it said yes and so I sent him the photo that I was looking at for the painting. I had radio silence from him for months and it wasn't until I talked to his wife - a coworker at my previous job - that I found out that they were separated and probably that he wasn't working on it because they were also working on the divorce. Nothing saying "I'm not doing it", just nothing. Thought it was a good thing I didn't pay him for nothing. That was two Christmas's ago.

Then my mother-in-law says "oh well my husbands son is a painter, he can do it" so I asked and he said sure. I sent him the same photo and I got a weird request - "Can I have more pictures of her face?" - and I'm like it's one face, from when she was 14 or so, and my MIL would have those things. Silence and more silence. That was last Christmas, also I had to tell me wife "no seriously I've got a great gift it's just other people who are the problem" and that was led balloons.

This spring COVID happened and I was like whatever, dude has more time to work on it right? Lots of texts no responses, but when MIL texts dudes girlfriend he responds to her. Anyway, "he's working on it" and that was good for me. Fast forward to yesterday and I was anxious because he was still ghosting my texts so I again enlist the MIL. "I did slap him tonight! I told him to tell you guys if hes not going to do it then tell them and dont leave them hanging! He said he wasn't going to do it. So I said okay then tell them." and that's from the girlfriend by way of MIL.

Mother fucker.

At least I have a backup plan, which I think I can pull together by Christmas. But I still want to do the first one. I just need to find a non work or family friend, someone who will do it because I'm paying them not because they have a pseudo obligation to me.

Gah. And both of them quoted $150 for it and I was going to pay $300 because $150 is way too low for something like this, are they crazy, so la-dee-dah for them.

11-07-2020, 05:29 PM
allegate I have an excellent art teacher that is fabulous at portraits: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/ismael-checo I don't know how much he charges privately, so I don't want to promise anything - but he would have it done in a flash.

11-07-2020, 06:24 PM
thanks, I'll check it out!

11-07-2020, 07:07 PM
Ticks. The devilish little parasites. We had significant snowfall day before Halloween, set all sorts of records for early snowfall. And cold frozen weather. Ticks are supposed to go away until spring after snow and sub freezing weather.

But 2020 strikes again. Weather was glorious and warm today, so we went for a walk in the woods, and ended up with a scary number of ticks. Dog too of course! So here I am gulping down doxycycline and hoping I don't end up with another tick disease. Two was enough for my lifetime.

I think little dog gets a fresh dose of Advantix tonight.

11-08-2020, 01:01 AM
Not pissed off, but sad.

My little baby boy Vernon. He’s a 7 month old miniature schnauzer. I love him. I would die for him. He’s my sweet baby boy from heaven above and he does no wrong.

We got him his first haircut today. It went well, he looks like a dapper young man with his fresh new haircut. Groomer said he did well, he just screamed the whole time. It’s a schnauzer thing.

We get him home, he’s fine and happy. He starts squinting in one eye, and it’s watering. We keep an eye on it, maybe a little hair got in his eye and irritated it. 2 hours later my boy is not doing great, won’t open it - when you force it open it’s super dilated. I make the call at 6:15pm to take my sweet boy to the emergency vet because eyes are super important.

Covid sucks. Covid causes delays. Covid makes everything slow. Covid makes everything harder for everyone.


My baby boy had an ulcer on his cornea on the top 1/3rd of his eye. We think maybe he got some soap in his eye at the groomer and he scratched it. He’s gonna be 100% fine but he’s laying in my lap with a cone of shame on shaking because his poor eye hurts so bad.

We’ve got antibiotics and pain meds but I love him so much and I hate to see him like this. This has legitimately been the most traumatic and worst day of his entire life.

11-08-2020, 10:49 AM
That sucks, Tony. Give him extra pets and treats.

11-08-2020, 02:40 PM

he was so cute. Now he’s a disaster wearing a cone of shame.

11-10-2020, 12:54 AM
I told a friend of mine on Facebook that the new Marilyn Manson album is surprisingly good.
Now, Facebook is constantly trying to sell me bootleg Marilyn Manson shirts and fanny packs and shit.

In some shitty, melodramatic voice, I can hear Brian Warner saying "See my children, you all shall come home to roost upon my teats, as the bloody womb of crucificition pummels you to death, I will rescue you, with vengeance!" or some shit.. So annoyed that I like this album.

11-10-2020, 04:14 AM
I told a friend of mine on Facebook that the new Marilyn Manson album is surprisingly good.
Now, Facebook is constantly trying to sell me bootleg Marilyn Manson shirts and fanny packs and shit.

In some shitty, melodramatic voice, I can hear Brian Warner saying "See my children, you all shall come home to roost upon my teats, as the bloody womb of crucificition pummels you to death, I will rescue you, with vengeance!" or some shit.. So annoyed that I like this album.

Frankly, I've been refusing to listen for the same reason. Don't need that stank around me rn.

11-10-2020, 07:44 AM
This, this pisses me off. Bus stops are not parking spaces or loading bays. GTFO. Missed my bus home. Driver tried to give me fucking flowers, I nearly shoved them somewhere unpleasant.592

11-10-2020, 09:17 AM
That stinks

11-16-2020, 12:54 PM
these conservatives in general losing their shit cuz Harry Styles put a dress on. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Do these stupid motherfuckers even know anything about pop/rock music? I'd like to hear Ben Shapiro weigh in on Bowie and... y'know what, I don't actually, let me stop myself right there. I don't want to listen to him or Candace fucking Owens talk about anything anymore.

Sorry that the wave of intolerant bullshit that you dorks rode in on is crashing, but find a better exit strategy before all you bigoted pieces of shit get flushed out of our lives, and we can all, collectively as a society, get back to working on bettering things for marginalized people.

11-17-2020, 04:41 PM
There was a new CEO added to our company. So far he's been ok, reasonable to work with.
This afternoon my co-worker said he was complaining about his mask in front of the new CEO who replied, "Yah, I can't wait until De Santis (FL governor) gets rid of that mandate."

So now that confirms that the new CEO is a Drumper. :mad:

11-17-2020, 05:00 PM
There was a new CEO added to our company. So far he's been ok, reasonable to work with.
This afternoon my co-worker said he was complaining about his mask in front of the new CEO who replied, "Yah, I can't wait until De Santis (FL governor) gets rid of that mandate."

So now that confirms that the new CEO is a Drumper. :mad:


11-18-2020, 06:25 PM
these conservatives in general losing their shit cuz Harry Styles put a dress on. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Do these stupid motherfuckers even know anything about pop/rock music? I'd like to hear Ben Shapiro weigh in on Bowie and... y'know what, I don't actually, let me stop myself right there. I don't want to listen to him or Candace fucking Owens talk about anything anymore.

Sorry that the wave of intolerant bullshit that you dorks rode in on is crashing, but find a better exit strategy before all you bigoted pieces of shit get flushed out of our lives, and we can all, collectively as a society, get back to working on bettering things for marginalized people.

Harry's wardrobe selection is somewhat cute. I am a strictly cisgender male but have no problem accepting sincere expression of style. And he comes across as really owning that look. So what's the big deal?

11-22-2020, 02:02 PM
these conservatives in general losing their shit cuz Harry Styles put a dress on

What's Jesus wearing, here? Pants? Cargo shorts? A hoody and jeans?


How about ALL THESE GUYS? Those certainly aren't pants.

What's Joan of Arc wearing, here?


11-22-2020, 02:54 PM
honest, I haven't even seen the picture of Harry Styles that is apparently freaking out conservatives. It better be the edgiest shit ever or I'm gonna be disappointed.

11-22-2020, 03:50 PM
honest, I haven't even seen the picture of Harry Styles that is apparently freaking out conservatives. It better be the edgiest shit ever or I'm gonna be disappointed.

He is NEVER gonna look as FABULOUS as Billy Porter (https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/red-carpet-dresses/a27886800/billy-porter-celestino-couture-dress-tonys/)

That Christian Siriano tuxedo gown, OMG, fantastic.





11-22-2020, 05:49 PM
there's a good question there... why didn't the conservatives have a meltdown there? Hmmmmm.... what was the difference...

There's a few differences, they're all relevant, and it's people like Ben Shapiro had nothing to say about it.

11-24-2020, 01:08 AM
A week ago, my friend bought a wax cylinder phonograph. Sunday, his mother passed. I purchased a wax cylinder as a gift. It arrived today. Fucking moron shipped it in a goddamned used tissue box. 100 year old wax cylinder. Used tissue box.


The song, for those interested. http://cylinders.library.ucsb.edu/detail.php?query_type=mms_id&query=990025177640203776&r=1&of=2

11-24-2020, 09:39 AM
That sucks, it truly does, but this is the first thing that came to mind:


11-24-2020, 07:43 PM
A week ago, my friend bought a wax cylinder phonograph. Sunday, his mother passed. I purchased a wax cylinder as a gift. It arrived today. Fucking moron shipped it in a goddamned used tissue box. 100 year old wax cylinder. Used tissue box.

Many people have no idea how to safely package items for transport. Even mainstream companies like Amazon often fail at this rather basic skill. So sorry that your gift was destroyed. But thank you so much for the link to UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive, what a great resource!

11-25-2020, 08:06 AM
That sucks, it truly does, but this is the first thing that came to mind:



11-25-2020, 12:01 PM
Ordered this sick ass X-Files shirt Graveyard Goods last month, but fucked up and accidentally ordered a Small instead of a Large. Figured that out once the shirt arrived, but now the dude who runs that shit isn't responding to any of my emails or DMs about simply exchanging sizes.

If you're gonna operate a business at least have some good customer service skills, damn.

11-28-2020, 07:17 PM
I have some kind issue (pulled muscle/pinched nerve) between my neck and left shoulder. Unrelated to that, I have to give myself a shot every two weeks and today it was the left arm’s turn and I just did it without thinking this morning (probably should’ve done the right arm), hit a bad spot and it bled awhile and still hurts. Then as I was putting a shirt on soon after, my left elbow smashed into my dresser drawer.

TL;DR My left arm hurts a lot today.

11-30-2020, 11:14 AM
Ouch! Sorry about that :-(

12-01-2020, 05:43 AM
That year I felt the same way ... And this year there is also a pandemic and it seems to me that I will generally fall into depression (I don't even have anyone to celebrate the new year with. It's very sad ...

12-01-2020, 06:17 AM


12-01-2020, 07:55 AM
Re-defining work projects days before their release to the client.

12-04-2020, 07:53 AM
The music they play at Whole Foods is like a greatest hits of bullshit 90s music... Smash Mouth, Sugar Ray, Counting Crows, that terrible Natalie Merchant song with the lyrics “I must be one of the wonders of god’s own creation...” and that horrible “What if God Was One of Us” song.

If I go to the market, I go as soon as they open for the public under 65, and then I’ll have Hootie stuck in my head all day

12-04-2020, 08:12 AM
The music they play at Whole Foods is like a greatest hits of bullshit 90s music... Smash Mouth, Sugar Ray, Counting Crows, that terrible Natalie Merchant song with the lyrics “I must be one of the wonders of god’s own creation...” and that horrible “What if God Was One of Us” song.

If I go to the market, I go as soon as they open for the public under 65, and then I’ll have Hootie stuck in my head all day

'Let Her Cry' is a rad song, I don't care what anyone says.

12-04-2020, 09:24 AM
'Let Her Cry' is a rad song, I don't care what anyone says.

I completely disagree, I don't care what anyone says ;)

...aaaaand, now it's stuck in my head.

12-04-2020, 09:51 AM
'Let Her Cry' is a rad song, I don't care what anyone says.
Cracked Rear View is in my top 10 records of all time along with Jagged Little Pill.

12-06-2020, 08:19 PM
Fucking seizures again. God DAMNIT.

Every time I have one, I feel like I've slipped into a new dimension where everything is bizarre, and the pre seizure reality no longer exists.

And the new reality is fucking frightening for some reason.

Also my whole body hurts from convulsions.

I HATE this bullshit.

12-06-2020, 08:51 PM
Fucking seizures again. God DAMNIT.

Movement disorders suuuuuuuuck....

12-07-2020, 12:43 PM
When pistachio shells are sealed too tightly.

12-09-2020, 03:03 AM
Anyone know a good alternative to imgur for quick image sharing? They were perfect until just recently, when they added an unskippable 30-second (!) video ad before you can finish anonymous upload.

12-09-2020, 02:31 PM
"In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."

Every day for a week.

12-10-2020, 06:41 PM
"In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."

Every day for a week.

I feel you on this. I had a bottle of whiskey i ordered on the 26th of November, it got to the states fine from Ireland til it got to Kentucky, and then sat there waiting on an FDA inspection until yesterday when they finally released it. Every day the app updated with Warehouse Scan: No Movement. I've never had to have anything go through an FDA inspection before, and i order a LOT of alcohol by mail.

12-10-2020, 07:16 PM
I mean, what were you expecting Kentucky to do with a bottle of outside whiskey? you better check it isn't watered down.

12-11-2020, 10:41 AM
gmail: "Do you want CHAT and MEET features you never use?"
me: "Nope."
gmail: "OK, so I'm also disabling cool features you are so used to."

"If you choose to not allow smart features in Gmail, Chat, and Meet to use your data, then you won't be getting automatic email categorisation into the Promotions, Social, and Primary inboxes, you won't be able to use smart compose while typing an email, nor will you see summary cards for shopping, travel reservations, and package tracking, and neither will there be any calendar event creation from dates and other details in emails." (source (https://gadgets.ndtv.com/internet/news/gmail-new-settings-data-control-smart-features-personalise-other-products-coming-weeks-rollout-2325927))

12-11-2020, 01:01 PM
I mean, what were you expecting Kentucky to do with a bottle of outside whiskey? you better check it isn't watered down.

Luckily, the seal was still intact. I'm not sure what legally i could have done about it if it wasn't, but all the same, it was a relief to see it untouched.

12-12-2020, 09:26 AM
I am sick to fucking death of every piece of fucking shit shipping company. NO MATTER WHAT, every-fucking-thing I order is delayed. Doesn't matter if I paid for overnight, it's coming at LEAST a day late. It has been happening all fucking year to me and just happened again. I ordered a headphone cable from someone in St. Louis last Friday. He shipped on Monday via USPS and it got from St. Louis to Denver in 2 days and was scheduled to be delivered yesterday.

It has been fucking sitting at the Denver regional hub since Thursday morning at 10:26 am local time after making it through the first round of sorting for the state.

As of this morning, it now simply says, "In transit, arriving late."

Who fucking knew it took a minimum of FOUR FUCKING DAYS to get a package from Denver to Denver?

Meanwhile, my wife and brother (who lives with us) have absolutely no problem receiving anything on time or early from these same shipping companies. It's absolutely fucking infuriating.

12-12-2020, 09:40 AM
I am sick to fucking death of every piece of fucking shit shipping company. NO MATTER WHAT, every-fucking-thing I order is delayed. Doesn't matter if I paid for overnight, it's coming at LEAST a day late. It has been happening all fucking year to me and just happened again. I ordered a headphone cable from someone in St. Louis last Friday. He shipped on Monday via USPS and it got from St. Louis to Denver in 2 days and was scheduled to be delivered yesterday.

It has been fucking sitting at the Denver regional hub since Thursday morning at 10:26 am local time after making it through the first round of sorting for the state.

As of this morning, it now simply says, "In transit, arriving late."

Who fucking knew it took a minimum of FOUR FUCKING DAYS to get a package from Denver to Denver?

Meanwhile, my wife and brother (who lives with us) have absolutely no problem receiving anything on time or early from these same shipping companies. It's absolutely fucking infuriating.

Well, covid... it totally sucks but, it is what it is?

I've had a cracked ankle that's been agonizing me... so I ordered some moisturizer and a foot brace about two weeks ago or so? Was supposed to be delivered around two weeks ago, and just finally showed up yesterday. At least it's finally here I guess...

But FUCK COVID IN THE FUCKING FACE. I am SO GODDAMN SICK of this fucking Covid world. So goddamn tired of everything being depressing and lame, and you can't even go out to a restaurant to eat food, and so many awful things have been just normalized into being "well that's how it is" and FUCK
And then there's all these fucking assholes who won't wear a mask and are all defiant about it... and thanks a lot you STUPID FUCKERS, you're dragging this out and killing people.

JUST FUCK THIS. Also, my dog is dying so I guess I'm just pissed and having a meltdown

12-12-2020, 10:28 AM
I ordered cat CBD for my cat with anxiety (who’s already on Prozac). It’s been AT THE U.S. POST OFFICE about FIVE MILES FROM MY HOUSE SINCE THURSDAY,

I know this via tracking. It started in Utah on December 7th and was chugging along, on its way, then suddenly BAM. It’s “delayed.” Sitting in that fucking Post Office IN PALATINE ILLINOIS! I can fucking DRIVE OVER THERE AND GET IT! It arrived at Franklin Park IL (my husband’s hometown) at 6 am on Thursday, then arrived in Palatine IL at 5 pm on Thursday, where it sits two days later. MEANWHILE, my CAT IS YOWLING ALL NIGHT due to ANXIETY and keeping me awake.

"In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility."