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miss k bee
09-08-2013, 02:34 PM
Is it just me or is Apple ID playing up really badly???!!!!

09-09-2013, 02:57 PM
seeing and hearing the R word........god......

What the hell is "the R word?"

09-09-2013, 03:05 PM
What the hell is "the R word?"
ends in tard

09-09-2013, 04:24 PM
ends in tard

What, you mean "retard"?

09-09-2013, 04:25 PM
yeah.....it is....

09-09-2013, 04:40 PM
So this would be really annoying, then?

Retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retards?


09-09-2013, 05:22 PM
goddamn Cracked dot com sucks so much, but I generally don't "unlike" things or people on facebook, even if I'm not sure how I wound up "liking" them in the first place. I just don't care I guess, but fuck this "humor" site. They're not fucking funny, and every now and again some asshole will post some condescending (but reliably pedestrian) music-related rant.

Today we get some list that starts with a "joke" about how nobody can name off Lou Reed albums, because nobody really likes him, and in reality the t-shirt with his face on it is what makes him cool (despite his music) or some bullshit.


They're very hit-and-miss, but a lot of their good writers have either moved up or moved on and don't submit articles as often or at all any more. Same thing goes for CollegeHumor but they went down the drain like 3 years ago.

09-09-2013, 06:05 PM
ends in tard
JUST FUCKING TYPE "RETARD". I hate it when people play stupid little self-censorship games like that. We're fucking adults (I assume), just type the goddamn word. You're still making everyone, including yourself, think about the word you say you hate, only now you're drawing out the process.

09-09-2013, 06:24 PM
I'm a retard and I say retarded all the time.

Also: nigger.

09-09-2013, 08:08 PM
When people ask you to do something via message and you add them what's going on, and they give constant vague answers. Figure your shit out already.

*Now it's never mind...

09-09-2013, 08:54 PM
Unidentified dried liquids or substances on handles, buttons, switches in public places: door handles, elevator buttons, atm machines.
Who are you people who are placing anything but a nice clean hand on these appliances?
Why is there often dried blood on handles and walls in public restrooms?
Why is there dried white fluid in the card slot on atms?

Also, trash cans you have to touch a surface that garbage also touches to open. It's 2013 people, foot pedals are a thing.


09-10-2013, 10:08 PM
Fucking hit and run drivers piss me the fuck off.....



Sent from my LTE powered GS4!

09-11-2013, 12:18 AM
Poor Mazda :(
They're wonderful, little cars.

09-11-2013, 06:48 AM
Fucking hit and run drivers piss me the fuck off.....



Sent from my LTE powered GS4!

9.5% sales tax!! Holy shit that pisses me off!

09-11-2013, 10:25 AM
Welcome to the state of Washington

Sent from my LTE powered GS4!

09-11-2013, 11:09 AM
Well, you have no state income tax. So there's that.

09-11-2013, 01:19 PM
Unidentified dried liquids or substances on handles, buttons, switches in public places: door handles, elevator buttons, atm machines.
Who are you people who are placing anything but a nice clean hand on these appliances?
Why is there often dried blood on handles and walls in public restrooms?
Why is there dried white fluid in the card slot on atms?

Also, trash cans you have to touch a surface that garbage also touches to open. It's 2013 people, foot pedals are a thing.


How about people that put tp down on the toilet seat, finish their business and leave the assy paper behind?

Halo Infinity
09-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Being accused of something I didn't do.

Loud people, especially the nosy, rude, and obnoxious ones.

People that talk too much, complain too much, and joke too much in the classroom and then wonder why they and/or the entire class gets in trouble. I really wish they'd just STFU.

So-called brutally honest people that are fine with ridiculing and correcting others until the shoe is on the other foot, and then and only then do they have the extra audacity to blame and insult others even when they're actually wrong. It's even worse knowing that being proven wrong only increases their aggravation.

People that walk as if everybody should move out of their way no matter how crowded it is while ignoring to give people personal space if/whenever possible.

09-11-2013, 01:48 PM
How about people that put tp down on the toilet seat, finish their business and leave the assy paper behind?

I don't mind that, I can kick it off with my foot, and my ass is not touching any public seat anyway. Hovering is the way to go.
What I do mind is when other OCD-types open the toilet door with a tissue they then let drop behind the door as they exit. Sometimes there's a pile of such hankies. I say: check the handle is clean, be bold and open the door!

09-11-2013, 11:22 PM
Fucking immigration systems. Punch me in the face.

09-12-2013, 12:02 AM
Wait a second. I've never heard of this? Abscess prevents numbing? With Novacane? Really? Why is the tooth beyond repair? Is it cracked or have a big filling in it already? Are you going to get an implant to fill the space?

I sound like a freaking dentist, but I'm not. Just had recent experience. I had a cracked tooth with an old silver filling. I had it crowned/capped, but shortly there after if didn't feel right. I let it sit for like a solid year and when I finally went to a new dentist (mine died), the root was infected. I got a root canal thru the fake tooth. Which I told that surgeon to shoot me up real good since I felt like I had just enough dental work I was concerned it wouldnt numb enough. I put on head phones and basically mediated through 45 minutes of drilling and digging. No pain. When I went back to the regular dentist to replace the temporary filling, he didn't even give me novacane. No nerve, no problem.. Amazing. My point morodi, is my tooth was saved. Yours really can't be?

Sorry about the late reply; I've just seen this.

That tooth had a big filling that fell off some time ago and I delayed going to the dentist (for monetary reasons; dentistry isn't included in our Canadian free health care system) and now, the cavity has reached the root which is causing the abscess. There isn't that much left of the tooth (I grind my teeth badly and all of the teeth on the right side of my jaw have broken off at some point). A root canal could save it but it would then require the reconstruction of 3 sides of the tooth (there's about a third of the tooth left now and some of it would have to go in the process of doing the root canal). And of course, it would then need a crown on top of it. So we agreed that the best course of action is to extract it and eventually, to have a fake tooth made; a one tooth denture.

As for the non numbing of abscesses, I know this for a fact: it's the second time I will have to have an extraction of a tooth with an abscess. The first time, the dentist gave me 2 shots in the hope that it would numb. It didn't. The good thing is that while it does hurt like hell while the tooth is being pulled out, at the very second it is out, it stops hurting, like magic.

I've had root canals in the past and those didn't hurt one little tiny bit. The first time, I wanted to see what was going on so my dentist gave me a mirror that I held up and I watched the whole thing. It was very cool.

It's a good thing I don't mind going to the dentist. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd be there all the time. :D

Oh I forgot to say that it's one of the molars so it won't show.

Big Fat Matt
09-12-2013, 12:08 AM
Okay, look, if you live in Michigan (Redford to be exact, MINUTES away from Detroit) you need to


Hey, i get it, you may be elderly, or a new driver. Okay, you can do 35-40 in the far right lane without me blowing a gasket.

You are doing 15mph on Telegraph (rather large and busy road) at fucking 3pm. Stop breathing my air, you useless meatsack.

09-12-2013, 04:25 AM
Cheap Zip Lock Bags... I got hate written all over my face when these things don't open and I basically have to through half of the package away in order to find working ones.

Buy cheap, buy twice.

09-12-2013, 09:12 PM
a new year, a new start

09-12-2013, 09:25 PM
You are doing 15mph on Telegraph (rather large and busy road) at fucking 3pm. Stop breathing my air, you useless meatsack.
HAAAA HA HA HA I can picture this! Wtf!?!

Also, on Telegraph, late at night, really really dark out, I'm going pretty fast ... WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE WALKING ACROSS TELEGRAPH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING STREET AND NOT ON A STREET CORNER? DO THEY HAVE A DEATH WISH??? (we're talking like kinda Redford areas, here.)

Big Fat Matt
09-12-2013, 10:03 PM
Dude, try driving eastbound on plymouth, joy, warren, or ford, to as far as the 3000 block. NO ONE crosses at the light east of Beech Daly.

09-12-2013, 10:36 PM
Dude, try driving eastbound on plymouth, joy, warren, or ford, to as far as the 3000 block. NO ONE crosses at the light east of Beech Daly.
I can't remember ... What's 3000? Southfield? This was on Telegraph near 8 Mile.

Is it an African American cultural thing? it's crazy is what it is. Particularly really late at night. Death wish.

Big Fat Matt
09-12-2013, 10:52 PM
no, 3000 east is like THA HOOD

09-12-2013, 11:01 PM
no, 3000 east is like THA HOOD
Haaa ha ha!!

Man, I could write a book about some of the crazy shit I saw on 8 Mile coming home from work (Joy Rd and Southfield north east to Woodward and 8 Mile). WTF. I don't remember this "WALK ACROSS AN 8 LANE HIGHWAY IN THE DARK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT," though. WTF!!!!!

Big Fat Matt
09-12-2013, 11:03 PM

09-12-2013, 11:04 PM
FROGGER hahaha!! Exactly!!

Big Fat Matt
09-12-2013, 11:10 PM
so, something that actually pissed me off

Customer: "Yeah, i need to know if my vehicle is a two wheel drive or not"
me: "okay, i need a VIN number"
customer: "man, i dont have that. i know its not a four wheel drive"




me: "ummmmm excuse me sir?"
customer: "well, i wanted to know if drive power went to just one wheel in the rear or both."
me in my head: "drink all of the antifreeze forever"
me: "im willing to bet everything i own that your vehicle is a two wheel drive"
customer: "man, you sure"
me: "i swear on my dogs grave"

i seriously went and took a 3 cigarette smoke break just to try and wrap my head around WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED

09-12-2013, 11:28 PM
Rofl.....this made me LOL and my girlfriend just looked at me like (O_o)

Sent from my LTE powered GS4!

Beef of the Sea
09-12-2013, 11:53 PM
Dead shit customer

I had the Head Environmental Engineer for a mine-site call me up and ask me how to close a cabinet door.
It's a quarter turn latch.
Turn right to open, left to close.

Him: "Hi Tom, just wondering what the situation is with the cabinet door on the samplers."
Me: "What situation? What's wrong with it?"
Him: "I just can't seem to get it closed."
Me: "..."
Him: "Can you tell me how to close the door?"
Me: "Just leave the door open, I'm not prepared to deal with this right now"


I had to issue a stop-work order to everyone in the office so we could go straight to the pub for a debrief.
Never ceases to amaze me how people like this have navigated life intact.

Halo Infinity
09-13-2013, 10:05 AM
When people call Internet forums a waste of time while dissing the very nature of them, yet use social networking sites. I'd get it if it's because you don't want to talk to strangers and new people though, but to diss on Internet forums like that, yet still like social networking seems a bit hypocritical in a way. Despite their differences, it's still online communication.

09-13-2013, 10:31 AM
Never ceases to amaze me how people like this have navigated life intact.
I was flagging traffic a couple nights ago, and we were pushing one lane over to the other side of a four lane divided road like this:

Ugh, that image is huge, sorry...

Anyway, we had the northbound side completely closed until an intersection, so the southbound side had one lane south and one lane north until the intersection, where northbound got kicked back over to the regular lanes of travel.
It's hard to explain but it's so goddamn easy if you're actually driving it. You come to the intersection and there's a sign pointing to the place you should be, then a truck with an arrow board also pointing to the same lane, and cones marking the direction.

Maybe one person in 10 got it. The rest slowed almost to a stop and did the "Do I go THAT way?" finger point to me.

09-13-2013, 10:37 AM
The funny part of the night, though, was a woman who came blazing down the road, doing probably 65km/h in a 40km/h construction zone. She stopped to ask me "Which way do I go?!"
Me: "The fast lane, to the left of that parked truck. And a LOT slower than what you were just doing."
Her: "I got held up by something!"

Hey, lady, I don't give a SHIT what's holding you up. I'm trying to keep my guys safe, and YOU safe by telling you where to go and how fast to go there. The funny part was that after she said that and went down the lane I wanted her in, she got stopped again in the only open lane by the project supervisor stopped in the middle of the road discussing what we'd be doing next, for another 3 or so minutes. KARMA, LADY. Respect my authoritah.

09-13-2013, 07:42 PM

Dumb question, but where is this? In Surrey or out in the valley?

09-13-2013, 08:17 PM
Ah, no, this was just a random highway in Ontario that I grabbed as an example!

Halo Infinity
09-14-2013, 09:15 AM
Being in a mess. I sometimes give leeway to messes when I'm too tired to deal with them, but messes can be a bit of a frustrating nuisance to sift through. I can actually see why some people are the complete opposite of neat freaks though, as it's easy to just let stuff sit there. However, once the pile becomes one enormous cluster-fuck, that's anything but fun to put up with, and where I completely draw the line.

09-14-2013, 07:10 PM
99% of all species that ever existed on Earth are now extinct. Stars die. Entire Universes die. Literally every single thing that we know of will die, even atoms, you stupid cunt. Your virus spreading children do not change God's love affair with death.

Have a nice fuckin day.

09-14-2013, 08:17 PM
When people call Internet forums a waste of time while dissing the very nature of them, yet use social networking sites. I'd get it if it's because you don't want to talk to strangers and new people though, but to diss on Internet forums like that, yet still like social networking seems a bit hypocritical in a way. Despite their differences, it's still online communication.

Ok, who's dissing ETS? Let's get the gang together and run rings around them logically... :)

Beef of the Sea
09-15-2013, 07:30 PM
I'm about to do a special order job, and it requires ordering a specific instrument and cable from France.
I ask my client if the items I am about to order are correct, they reply a non-sequitur email and a few paragraphs of code.
Going on them not correcting me, I order the gear.

Of course it turns up and the cable has the wrong connector, and since it's a moulded cable I can't hack it open to rearrange the pins.
The kicker is, the equipment has to be configured, tested, calibrated, dispatched and invoiced by the end of the week.

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 08:16 PM
Ok, who's dissing ETS? Let's get the gang together and run rings around them logically... :)
It's sort of funny how this (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/2356-Remember-when) happened not too long afterwards. :p

09-16-2013, 03:00 AM
I swear to god I'm going to lose it on the next person to ask me "how's the job hunt going?".



09-16-2013, 04:44 AM

I feel you, I started to dread the mandatory, innocuous "what's up ?" question. Not much is up, ever, because I'm running in the same circles every day, with the same results so far. Talk to me about your daily work routine, because that's a fucking adventure compared to job hunting.
Also, it feels so fucking shitty when you speak with friends who know what's happening, because every conversation starts with "still nothing yet", and after a while you wonder if it's a slight compassionate disappointment you're reading in their eyes. Being that sort of outcast really fucks things up all around.

09-16-2013, 09:54 AM
I'm more worried than pissed but we don't have a thread for "worried" so...

My cat is sick. She's been vomiting since yesterday; she doesn't eat and she looks miserable. I'm going to the vet this afternoon but I'm worried sick about it. I hope it's nothing serious.

09-16-2013, 10:11 AM
marodi hoping the best for your kitty. Good instincts to get it checked out now and not wait.

09-16-2013, 12:10 PM
Work again... Found out I was supposed to have food for 20 people ready at 11... when they came to pick it up. 35 minutes later... All the while boss man is not even here.

*And that was just the beginning... One of the owners came in and we were out of dipping oil for the bread.

I find such perverse amusement in all this it's kind of funny.

09-16-2013, 12:13 PM
Let us know how it goes, Marodi. We had a similar scare not long ago.

Anyway - and this is especially true after Hesitation Marks - I get annoyed at people who look for (and, god help us, find) hidden/deeper meaning in TR's lyrics. They talk as if the guy is weaving some multi-album, quasi-literary masterwork out of his angsty and repetitive journalizing, rather than recognizing that he's locked onto the dozen or so vowel sounds he knows he sounds good singing.

FFS, how many times can you listen to a guy rhyme variants of start/heart/part or done/fun/one before realizing he's not Leonard effing Cohen?

I yield to no one in my love for the guy's aural universe - voice included - but lyrics have never been his strength.

09-16-2013, 01:37 PM
It's so fucking dumb when tourists go to Chicago and then spend the entire time bitching about Parking Regulations and traffic and shit like that. You don't need a fucking car in Chicago. I've been there about 8 times now and have only used a car once. That fucking city has such great public transportation that a car is absolutely unnecessary if you're staying in the actual city.

Some girl on my Facebook wrote this long complaint about how she parked at a Dunkin Donuts lot and walked across the street to go to a strip mall and got booted, and was saying how she was yelling at the Parking Enforcer about how ridiculous it was and how Kansas City is such a better city because they don't do shit like this.

A: Kansas City is NOT better than Chicago, and I live in KC. It sucks. It's a shithole.
B: Kansas City DOES boot your car. Any city will do it if you don't follow said parking regulations.
C: Of course Chicago has strict regulations. It's a massive goddamn city.

09-16-2013, 02:40 PM
Ever tried watching a YouTube video with TalkTalk Broadband? Yeah, fucking don't, unless being torn between haing to pause the video ever 10 seconds to wait for it to buffer and all the progress on loading constantly being wiped and 144p sounds appealing to you.

09-16-2013, 03:07 PM
I can't deny the literalness of the "clever" wordplay, but the absence of your crappy drawings won't make the Grand Canyon "eh," asshole. This sort of crap is the artists equivalent of a douchetruck.


Beef of the Sea
09-16-2013, 06:11 PM
Fuck man, just steer clear of deviantart full stop.
Or better yet, continue to refresh the main page to lose all faith in humanity/artistic integrity.

Halo Infinity
09-16-2013, 06:17 PM
I swear to god I'm going to lose it on the next person to ask me "how's the job hunt going?".


I knew my conscience was correct 99.9% when it really tells me to STFU about bringing up certain topics as soon as possible. And while I hate that too, I'd also hate to bring it up.

09-16-2013, 06:21 PM
sentient02970 johnhenry Thank you both for your concern!

The vet took an x-ray and there's nothing in her stomach and intestines so she said it may have been something she ate. She gave her a anti-nausea shot and gave me the same med in pill form (and anti-acid pills) plus special food that I have to give her for the next two days. I have to go back if she doesn't get better. She hasn't vomited again so it's good for now.

But boy, we don't likes car rides, precioussss.

09-16-2013, 06:29 PM
I am also loving cat owner and would be totally bummed if she got sick like that. SO glad she's OK!! :D

09-16-2013, 07:55 PM
Fuck man, just steer clear of deviantart full stop.
Or better yet, continue to refresh the main page to lose all faith in humanity/artistic integrity.
That just happened to be the source of the most obnoxious iteration I found on a Google image search (https://www.google.com/search?q=the+earth+without+art+is+just+eh&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS469US469&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HKg3UtTLIaGTiQKU8YC4DQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1536&bih=772&dpr=1) (which makes sense).

09-17-2013, 12:02 AM
My dad's funeral was yesterday. That was awful. It's still completely surreal to me that he's gone.

Also, having to say goodbye to my best friend earlier tonight was brutal. I know I'll see her again in a few months and I know she's just a phone call away, but still. Still. This is really hard.

09-17-2013, 01:20 PM
My dad's funeral was yesterday. That was awful. It's still completely surreal to me that he's gone.
So sorry to hear this, Ryan. I went a little nuts earlier this year when I lost one of my best friends. It's okay to be kind of messed up for a while.

09-17-2013, 07:40 PM
Let us know how it goes, Marodi. We had a similar scare not long ago.

Anyway - and this is especially true after Hesitation Marks - I get annoyed at people who look for (and, god help us, find) hidden/deeper meaning in TR's lyrics. They talk as if the guy is weaving some multi-album, quasi-literary masterwork out of his angsty and repetitive journalizing, rather than recognizing that he's locked onto the dozen or so vowel sounds he knows he sounds good singing.

FFS, how many times can you listen to a guy rhyme variants of start/heart/part or done/fun/one before realizing he's not Leonard effing Cohen?

I yield to no one in my love for the guy's aural universe - voice included - but lyrics have never been his strength.

Wow, you probably shouldn't listen to the NIN podcast then. Like, ever.

Right now I'm pissed that I need my right hand for both drawing and playing videogames. Tempted to just zone out and play my Vita for a bit, but then my hand will hurt tomorrow and I won't get much done...grrr arrrrgh. Someone needs to invent thought-activated game controls for me.

09-18-2013, 06:30 AM
Anyway - and this is especially true after Hesitation Marks - I get annoyed at people who look for (and, god help us, find) hidden/deeper meaning in TR's lyrics. They talk as if the guy is weaving some multi-album, quasi-literary masterwork out of his angsty and repetitive journalizing, rather than recognizing that he's locked onto the dozen or so vowel sounds he knows he sounds good singing.

FFS, how many times can you listen to a guy rhyme variants of start/heart/part or done/fun/one before realizing he's not Leonard effing Cohen?

I yield to no one in my love for the guy's aural universe - voice included - but lyrics have never been his strength.

I know right? Fucker can't even spell, he's not going to be Byron.

09-18-2013, 07:44 AM
Not being able to check my excite email account from my phone do to blown out ads that cover all but the tiniest portion of the screen.

Halo Infinity
09-18-2013, 10:46 AM
To any teachers with lots of patience, courtesy, professionalism, and consideration, I salute you. Considering that those are qualities all excellent teachers possess. If I were to randomly meet any teacher from my past long enough to have some dialogue with them, I would straight up apologize for being a talkative and disruptive student. As a child and a teenager, I didn't realize how annoying and inconsiderate the was.

When people talk too much and disrupt the class, I sometimes miss important information, or it even becomes very distracting and annoying to put up with as I'm trying to do classwork, write notes, or listen to what the teacher is saying. I still can't believe how common this can actually be in college. It's also like calling out and speaking over teachers and other students has become the norm. I don't blame teachers for going crazy over that at all, and go figure.

09-18-2013, 11:55 AM
I used three goddamned color catchers in the wash today (I had like three red tops in it) and there's still a tint of red dye from the tops on my other laundry. Mad as fuck. /whine

Also, fucking being super susceptible to heat stroke when it's 90 degrees out and you have errands to run, which involve walking for (literally, no exaggerating) miles.

Halo Infinity
09-18-2013, 02:04 PM
When people borrow stuff to never ever return it. That's exactly why a large portion of my 1990s gaming collection from elementary school to middle school was scaled down. And yeah, it's sort of my fault for being fooled more than once too. :(

09-18-2013, 02:20 PM
Pretty sure this has been covered but god damn youtube is absolute shit anymore. 10 minutes to let a video attempt to play... At least after that you can watch it without incident.

09-18-2013, 09:37 PM
My dad's funeral was yesterday. That was awful. It's still completely surreal to me that he's gone.

I'm so very sorry. Both my parents are gone, and probably the worst part of it aside from the awful fact of losing loved ones, is the funeral.


This pales in comparison, but what is annoying me is the older women in the fitness classes I teach - they must be having perpetual 24/7 hot flashes or something - they want the room so cold with fans blowing, and I've got it cooled to 67F for fucks sake. Umm, sorry but when you work out in a class I teach, you *will* sweat - that's how it works. I finally told someone I thought I ought to rent a meatlocker to start teaching in, to get it cold enough for them.

09-18-2013, 09:53 PM
I'm so very sorry. Both my parents are gone, and probably the worst part of it aside from the awful fact of losing loved ones, is the funeral.
I'm lucky; all of my parents have forbidden having funerals for them. Although, my stepdad is currently in a box on a shelf in my basement because my mom still can't deal with that, yet, 18 months later.

You should start teaching hot yoga!!!

09-19-2013, 09:06 AM
crackheads running up to me asking for shit when im walking down the street.

09-19-2013, 09:15 AM
I finally told someone I thought I ought to rent a meatlocker to start teaching in, to get it cold enough for them.
Get someone to build you a bunch of harnesses for them that strap around the shoulders and across the back, and that press a 1ft X 1ft block of dry ice into their backs between the shoulder blades.

Digital Twilight
09-19-2013, 09:24 AM
When your favourite band for 15 years pulls out something like this:



Digital Twilight
09-19-2013, 09:25 AM
I swear to god I'm going to lose it on the next person to ask me "how's the job hunt going?".



I know how you feel buddy...

09-19-2013, 09:48 AM
The word "acknowledge". I can never remember how it's written. Stupid word.

09-19-2013, 10:09 AM
The word "acknowledge". I can never remember how it's written. Stupid word.
I can never remember camoflage camoflauge camouflage. But it's cropped up enough lately that that last one should stick for a while.

09-19-2013, 10:25 AM
I always misspell succesful. I think maybe I have an issue there.

09-19-2013, 03:41 PM
God dammit, Apple. What do you want from me? Do you want me to be honest? Do you want me to lie? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?

09-19-2013, 04:11 PM
^ I really hope that's the marks of some twisted sense of humor, because the alternative is quite horrifying...

Halo Infinity
09-19-2013, 07:56 PM
I'm sure all Generation X and Generation Y gamers will be able to relate to this. Having no save feature while having to use passwords, or not having enough memory cards or memory in your memory cards. (Or not having memory cards at all.)

09-20-2013, 07:24 AM
Hey bro, all the more reason to collect those warp whistles and fire-flowers, power through it, AMIRITE?

Halo Infinity
09-20-2013, 10:24 AM
I swear to god I'm going to lose it on the next person to ask me "how's the job hunt going?".


I forgot to mention that this is the part of small talk that I hate the most, especially at family gatherings. I sometimes hate talking about myself, especially in large groups. It's kind of why I'm not into socializing in large groups anymore. When the small-talk goes into my personal life to people that aren't exactly close friends or people that I'm blatantly willing to share this information with, or from people I don't even speak to that much or at all, it comes across as very nosy and intrusive. I feel like the word caring is used to cover the word nosy in that case.

Even if I was a millionaire, I still wouldn't feel interested in talking about myself at family gatherings or church for that matter. (Not that I'm still going, but people in church can be VERY nosy. I fucking HATE it.)

09-20-2013, 10:30 AM
When your favourite band for 15 years pulls out something like this:



Looks like a fucking Nickelback video. All they need is an inch and a half of water on the floor that Eddie kicks at every now and then. Gross. Pass.

Halo Infinity
09-20-2013, 10:35 AM
Another thing I hate is when people think being quiet means that I'm arrogant or rude. Insecure, timid, and shy? Sure, not all quiet people are that way, but even I can accept that. But being quiet definitely doesn't always indicate rude and arrogant behavior.

There is a HUGE difference between being quiet and ignoring somebody. Just because I'm not really into talking sometimes doesn't mean that I'm ignoring you.

I also HATE the idea that silence is also assumed to mean the following.

I completely understand. - NO. It is possible to not understand something and ALSO NOT KNOW WHAT TO ASK FOR.

I don't need any help. - NO. Even though I can see why that would be in some cases, it doesn't always mean that. It is still possible to not really know what exactly it is you want to ask help for.

I don't need people. - NO. And this ties into people thinking that lone wolves act as if they never need people. That is far from the truth. I'm just VERY SELECTIVE with who I chose to spend time with. That doesn't mean I'm being stuck up or rude. I hate how being selective can come across as pomposity.

I hate people, and I hate being around them. - NO. Unless you have actual proof of that, it's very unfair and uncalled for to assume what a quiet person is thinking.

It's also annoying that people get bothered over not knowing what the other person is thinking. Why should they even care? Unless they're being blatantly ignored and given a rude attitude, it shouldn't even be a concern.

And then there's the part when people assume that quiet people are bored, upset, angry, or depressed. Again, that's not always the case.

I get that's life and all, but it really sucks to see how quiet people and loners can get terribly misunderstood in real life. I also can't stand it when people try to pry a conversation out of you. I know it's just me, but I can't imagine that being better than awkward silence. Awkward conversations are FAR WORSE.

miss k bee
09-20-2013, 01:14 PM
Another thing I hate is when people think being quiet means that I'm arrogant or rude. Insecure, timid, and shy? Sure, not all quiet people are that way, but even I can accept that. But being quiet definitely doesn't always indicate rude and arrogant behavior.

There is a HUGE difference between being quiet and ignoring somebody. Just because I'm not really into talking sometimes doesn't mean that I'm ignoring you.

I also HATE the idea that silence is also assumed to mean the following.

I completely understand. - NO. It is possible to not understand something and ALSO NOT KNOW WHAT TO ASK FOR.

I don't need any help. - NO. Even though I can see why that would be in some cases, it doesn't always mean that. It is still possible to not really know what exactly it is you want to ask help for.

I don't need people. - NO. And this ties into people thinking that lone wolves act as if they never need people. That is far from the truth. I'm just VERY SELECTIVE with who I chose to spend time with. That doesn't mean I'm being stuck up or rude. I hate how being selective can come across as pomposity.

I hate people, and I hate being around them. - NO. Unless you have actual proof of that, it's very unfair and uncalled for to assume what a quiet person is thinking.

It's also annoying that people get bothered over not knowing what the other person is thinking. Why should they even care? Unless they're being blatantly ignored and given a rude attitude, it shouldn't even be a concern.

And then there's the part when people assume that quiet people are bored, upset, angry, or depressed. Again, that's not always the case.

I get that's life and all, but it really sucks to see how quiet people and loners can get terribly misunderstood in real life. I also can't stand it when people try to pry a conversation out of you. I know it's just me, but I can't imagine that being better than awkward silence. Awkward conversations are FAR WORSE.

Yep I agree with all of that. I have a friend - well probably my closest friend who sometimes always asks 'if I'm ok' almost like every 15 mins and also thinks she knows what I am thinking - usually always wrong. Needless to say I have a very love/hate friendship with her!.

Anyways this week I have has a work health assessment where everything is ok but my BMI is 30 which I am a bit miserable about as I do exercise regularly. The doctor at the assessment advised that I should cut down on carbs and cut out bread!. Bread! I love bread!!! . Also this week finally went to the dentist after 100 years for a check up and a deep clean, my gums are now throbbing!!!

miss k bee
09-20-2013, 01:26 PM
God dammit, Apple. What do you want from me? Do you want me to be honest? Do you want me to lie? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?

Reminds me AppleID wtf is going on!!! Always have to keep changing my password for my iPod as it's been hacked or something and the password webpage always times out!!!

09-20-2013, 01:58 PM
9 out of 11 designs reviewed and released to manufacturing this week by ME. What is everyone else fucking doing?? I'm taking a weekend. "screw you guys, I'm goin' home!"

09-20-2013, 03:26 PM
I've been pretty dam unproductive this week. I'm going to get myself laid off if I don't watch it. Well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. My severance would be something crazy like 9 months pay.

09-20-2013, 05:09 PM
Looks like a fucking Nickelback video. All they need is an inch and a half of water on the floor that Eddie kicks at every now and then. Gross. Pass.
It's typical Pearl Jam. They hated the Jeremy video and then vowed to never do anything except performance vids.

09-20-2013, 06:13 PM
Oh hey I got another one that relates to NIN

Ok so about the end of May this year,I was up for a battle of the bands,and I was going to do a NIN set with these songs

Terrible Lie
The Day The World Went Away
In This Twilight

my school thought that HLAH Terrible Lie THTF and Hurt was too inappropriate.

I managed to get Hurt back,but get this..........they let me play this instead

March of the Pigs
The Day The World Went Away
The Frail
The Downward Spiral
In This Twilight

Not a problem with any of those songs

Halo Infinity
09-20-2013, 09:51 PM

I don't know. I have very mixed feelings on this because some jokes have to be stupid in order to be funny. I won't argue that point. However, at the same time, some stupid things would do nothing but give you misery and pain. That's why it strikes such a nerve with me because it reminds me of the kinds of people that use YOLO as an excuse to be a douches 24/7/365. And what if you do something so stupid that it costs you an arm or leg? (Metaphorically and/or literally.) You can't just magically turn back the hands of time and make it all better again if the said stupid thing fucked you up way beyond recognition and commission. And you might not even live a full life if it kills you. Some stupid things really are a suicide mission to start with.

And what in the fucking, fuck? Does smart equal boring and sad? For shame. (I just wanted to let that out. Don't get me wrong though as I can still see the humor in it. I'm just referring to it in the context of serious matters too.)

09-22-2013, 12:54 AM
This was going to go to The Drunk Tank however, I'm not that drunk any more…

Went to a house party with my roommate and it turned out that most of the girls there were 18 and since I'm older (24) I didn't feel quite right about hitting on any of them. Plus while I was was in my drunken state, I was extremely pissed off at the 3 girls keeping the only bathroom to themselves for a solid 15 minutes even after pounding on the door. Well, you could say my buzz (or what have you) was gone by 1230 this evening (morning) and I left the party early to try to make it to my favorite bar but they were closed by 130! Even though their sign says 2am is closing time. Now I understand that it could be a slow night but still… Anyway, I'm a little pissed off that I didn't have a good night out and I know it's selfish as hell but still, I was told this was going to be a really super hype party.

I should have stayed in and watched porn or tried to contact a few other people to go to the club with me.

09-22-2013, 01:25 AM



09-22-2013, 02:11 AM
When your favourite band for 15 years pulls out something like this:



I actually really like this song. It kind of reminds me of something you'd find on Vitalogy

Digital Twilight
09-22-2013, 06:13 AM
I actually really like this song. It kind of reminds me of something you'd find on Vitalogy

Vitalogy? Really? I can't even fathom how you've made that connection. Cool that you like the song though.

09-22-2013, 06:30 AM



I fucking hate dickheads like this. I've bought tickets on Craigslist before for events, and they've been for face value LIKE THEY SHOULD BE. I've sold tix before to a show, same thing, face value.

"I am unwilling to negotiate on the price so please reply only if you are ready to buy."
Really? Fuck you, you shit-rat. $175 apiece? Fuck you. Get a real job.

09-22-2013, 03:11 PM
Vitalogy? Really? I can't even fathom how you've made that connection. Cool that you like the song though.

Songs like immortality, nothingman, to me sound like they're coming from the same place that this is.. It's not so much that they're similar in their
structure or delivery..
If that makes sense. In any case, yeah, I dig it. I've always like PJ's slower more ballad oriented side anyway.

Halo Infinity
09-22-2013, 05:33 PM
Smartass kids making Youtube reviews of high tech products and saying shit like "real estate" when talking about screen sizes are a drag. Go out and play and be a shitty kid getting in trouble instead. Fuckers.
I know I'm very late in responding to this, but it also occurred to me that when it comes to video sharing websites and Internet forums, one of the biggest rules of thumb would be that you'd have to be at least 18 years of age and/or have graduated high school. From the looks of it, most people usually can't stand it when people 17 and under use Internet forums and video sharing sites, or just see that as them asking for trouble. (This also includes people that haven't even graduated high school yet.) Ages 18 and up seems to be generally acceptable for those two types of sites as far as the youngest acceptable ages go, even though most forums make leeway for 13+ users. I just read YouTube does that too, but most, or even all users would have only people ages 18 and up making and uploading videos.

And to add to what else I've wanted to say. This doesn't really set me off, but it is just a little bit annoying. When people complain about a school or a workplace being too quiet, or when people actually say how it's quiet. Well, of course it's quiet. That's what happens when people don't speak. :p

09-23-2013, 04:15 AM
Busy looking for excuses why things don't work the way they should although I am the one to blame myself. Mainly those excuses don't matter anyway.

09-24-2013, 01:48 PM
I hate being gassy and need to fart every five minutes, but I'm at the office and that is unacceptable in modern society so I go to the bathroom a lot and the dudes in the cubicles I pass by look at me funny. Fuck you, delicious Chipotle vegetarian sofritas burrito bowl.

This may or may not be happening to me right now as I type this.

Halo Infinity
09-24-2013, 04:22 PM
I don't think it's as simple as: "Drivers hate pedestrians when they are driving, and pedestrians hate drivers when they're walking."

1. As pedestrian: I don't like it when a driver expects me to go first. Flesh and blood are not going to win against a car/van/bus/whatever.

2. As a driver: Jaywalkers that jaywalk in places and ways they should never do while taking their sweet time, especially when they act all entitled to road. Even waiting on the road sounds/looks like a shitty idea to me. What if you get hit? (Which is why I do my best to not do that.)

3. Oh, and this has nothing to do with driving and crossing the street, but it still has to do with walking: When it comes to walking and you're in an area that's not to crowded or stuffy, I find it kind of awkward and a little bit annoying when people don't give at least 2 to 3 feet of space away from me when walking. I don't get that either, and I'd rather not run the risk of bumping into somebody. (Since there are people out there crazy enough to get pissed off and/or try to smash your face in for it. It would still annoy me, but not drive me that crazy.)

09-24-2013, 10:32 PM
You do not know true rage until you have to share a wall (bedroom wall) with the floor's laundry room and people overload the washer and dryer and you're trying to get some fucking sleep.

Halo Infinity
09-25-2013, 08:18 AM
Text books in binder form. I'd rather use a regular text book. I don't even think this needs any kind of explanation either, and I'm sure those of you that have dealt with them in college know what I'm talking about.

09-25-2013, 11:16 AM
Shitty Oktoberfest that made me travel for a whole hour to get home. When you're not there yourself then it's the worst thing to happen and especially to public transport.

Halo Infinity
09-25-2013, 12:11 PM
It doesn't necessarily set me off, but it still happens to bother me: When people use profanity and slang in every single sentence, and then complain about "big-ass words" just because they take up three to four syllables.

09-25-2013, 01:02 PM
Being labeled a cancer survivor who's only outlook is now death. Therefore everything I say or do is judged by that kind of perspective. I'm moving on people, maybe you should too and let me be me "being me" for a change.

09-25-2013, 05:14 PM
Being labeled a cancer survivor who's only outlook is now death. Therefore everything I say or do is judged by that kind of perspective. I'm moving on people, maybe you should too and let me be me "being me" for a change.
I think people say this so they can feel better about you having to go through anything that had to do with your mortality. They think you looked death in the eye and said 'fuck you'. Really, so many cancers were untreatable for so long. There was a time when you didn't even say the word. "That's the guy who has, you know, *looks both ways and whispers* the big C". Now, it's "survivor". Give it a generation or two and it'll be.... well, what you want today.

09-25-2013, 08:17 PM
I think people say this so they can feel better about you having to go through anything that had to do with your mortality. They think you looked death in the eye and said 'fuck you'. Really, so many cancers were untreatable for so long. There was a time when you didn't even say the word. "That's the guy who has, you know, *looks both ways and whispers* the big C". Now, it's "survivor". Give it a generation or two and it'll be.... well, what you want today.
I think we can blame the media and television ads for a lot of this attitude.

TV Ad:

"Hi, I'm Jane, and I'm a cancer survivor!"

(Look at my pink license plates. Look at my pink iPhone cover. Look at my pink shoes from when I walked the three day Susan B. Komen walk. Look at the pink ribbon on my shirt. Because, I am Jane: Cancer survivor!)

Robin Roberts on Good Morning America has become "Robin, a Cancer Survivor" and not much else, because it's robbed her of any other identity due to execs who decided to milk it for all it's worth (while also, to be fair, raising a lot of awareness about bone marrow donation). Last week, they were throwing her a "First Birthday" to celebrate one year of being cancer-free.

So, if you DON'T want to be identified as Sentient: Cancer survivor!, you'll have to gently set people straight because that's not what they're learning from television.

edit: and, really, it may also be because cancer scares the shit out of everybody, and they're putting themselves in your shoes?

09-26-2013, 07:59 AM
i don't know if any of you have seen this buzzfeed article (http://www.buzzfeed.com/spenceralthouse/male-survivors-of-sexual-assault-quoting-the-people-who-a), but i'm #13 on it. the pictures were taken last year when grace, the founder of project unbreakable, was in chicago. my friend and i went together, which really solidified our friendship, and it was one of the most cathartic experiences i've ever had.

here's where the problem comes in: a bunch of people didn't see my pictures last year, before i was engaged to my current fiancee, and are just now seeing them, so they keep thinking that the second sign is in reference to my current fiancee (as opposed to my ex-fiancee).

a bunch of her friends (whom she doesn't see much, by choice) keep asking her best friend matt if we've split up, which is ridiculous, because the thought of her saying anything that cruel is just impossible.

it's not that big of a deal, and it's not affecting our relationship, but it's upsetting to me that anyone would think that of her, when she is such a wonderful person (as opposed to my ex, who is really a horrible human being).

it is nice that buzzfeed is occasionally making lists about things that matter, though. just wish they would have included the dates of the photos, or direct links to the pages on the project unbreakable site.

09-26-2013, 09:12 AM
i don't know if any of you have seen this buzzfeed article (http://www.buzzfeed.com/spenceralthouse/male-survivors-of-sexual-assault-quoting-the-people-who-a), but i'm #14 on it. the pictures were taken last year when grace, the founder of project unbreakable, was in chicago. my friend and i went together, which really solidified our friendship, and it was one of the most cathartic experiences i've ever had.

here's where the problem comes in: a bunch of people didn't see my pictures last year, before i was engaged to my current fiancee, and are just now seeing them, so they keep thinking that the second sign is in reference to my current fiancee (as opposed to my ex-fiancee).

a bunch of her friends (whom she doesn't see much, by choice) keep asking her best friend matt if we've split up, which is ridiculous, because the thought of her saying anything that cruel is just impossible.

it's not that big of a deal, and it's not affecting our relationship, but it's upsetting to me that anyone would think that of her, when she is such a wonderful person (as opposed to my ex, who is really a horrible human being).

it is nice that buzzfeed is occasionally making lists about things that matter, though. just wish they would have included the dates of the photos, or direct links to the pages on the project unbreakable site.Did you mean #13?

It sounds like if it doesn't bother her, then you're good. The catharsis of doing the Buzzfeed should be what's more important then folks misunderstand who you were referring to in the picture. It's not about her (either of them), it's about you.

09-26-2013, 10:28 AM
Frankly, fuck her friends. I wouldn't bother with their opinion. The wolf does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep, after all.

edit - My father is an annoying asshat.

09-26-2013, 01:18 PM
this fucking kitchen remodeling (total gut) NEVER FUCKING ENDS. Over 6 weeks, it MAY be done next week but I've given up hoping for a completion date. Everybody says, "Oh, but you'll LOVE your new kitchen!" Yeah, maybe, but it will take a while before I'll get over the urge to light the fucking thing on fire.

09-26-2013, 01:50 PM
weird, one of the pictures was removed. it was originally 27 before, now it's 26. so yeah, i'm #13.

anyway, i'm not that worried about what her friends think...she doesn't really ever hang out with them because she doesn't even really like them anymore. i was just surprised that anyone would think her capable of being so cruel.

also, it's weird how many people didn't see a year ago when i posted the original project unbreakable photos, because they, like, blew up on tumblr and facebook. :: shrug ::

09-26-2013, 02:23 PM
Overly sensitive, politically correct police that get butthurt over every little thing they can find.

Walking vaginas man.

inb4 facepalms.

09-26-2013, 02:34 PM
Overly sensitive, politically correct police that get butthurt over every little thing they can find.

Walking vaginas man.

inb4 facepalms.

vaginas are one of the toughest parts of the female body.

try again, tony :p

09-26-2013, 02:35 PM
Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.


09-26-2013, 02:41 PM
Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.


etc etc

09-26-2013, 03:13 PM
Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.


i really hope you have a cat with that name, tony.parente

09-26-2013, 03:15 PM
i really hope you have a cat with that name, @tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107)

I have 2.
One's name is Miley, because she can't be tamed...and the other is Lily, because she's mileys best friend.

09-26-2013, 03:24 PM
So kind of had an argument with the builder today.
He said the job would take three weeks, it's now nearly two months.
He takes out the storm windows (wasting my whole day btw, because I can't work with someone drilling and painting a foot from my head), paints the window frames, then puts the storm windows back in, without cleaning off all the old gunk/dried dirty foam.
I point this out.
First he's all "Oh I guess I didn't scrape these ones off." Then he's all "Oh, I only had an agreement with the owners about the outside of the house not the inside," then he's all "Take a knife and vacuum cleaner and you do it."
Yeah. I've only had you in my face for two months so I can do your work.

Now he's just left without tidying up. What a jerk.

Halo Infinity
09-26-2013, 03:49 PM
Having to look for things, especially in a mess. It reminds me why I like to be organized, and while I accept that not everything will be handed to me in a neat little box, I'd rather not have my life become a scavenger hunt or a wild goose chase. Just because I accept the reality of it, doesn't mean that I have to like it. :p

09-26-2013, 10:23 PM
So kind of had an argument with the builder today.
He said the job would take three weeks, it's now nearly two months.
He takes out the storm windows (wasting my whole day btw, because I can't work with someone drilling and painting a foot from my head), paints the window frames, then puts the storm windows back in, without cleaning off all the old gunk/dried dirty foam.
I point this out.
First he's all "Oh I guess I didn't scrape these ones off." Then he's all "Oh, I only had an agreement with the owners about the outside of the house not the inside," then he's all "Take a knife and vacuum cleaner and you do it."
Yeah. I've only had you in my face for two months so I can do your work.

Now he's just left without tidying up. What a jerk.



Mine said three to four weeks. We're at week SEVEN as of Tuesday..

And, I WORK FROM HOME. Trying to work today with no less than SIX different subs in my fairly small Mid-Century Modern galley kitchen with hammering, sawing, banging, etc. while trying to work THIRTY real estate files in my office is TOO FUCKING MUCH, it's been SEVEN FUCKING WEEKS, get the fuck out of my house!!!

09-27-2013, 06:21 AM
I had my bathroom redone in March. They said it would take a week; it took a month. A month without a bathroom when your period decides to last three weeks is not fun.

09-27-2013, 10:35 AM
Why do dates have to be so yummy, but look like giant cockroaches?

09-27-2013, 10:43 AM
Also they pack as much sugar as candy.

So landlady came over today and looks like he's going to be cleaning/painting the insides of the storm windows. Result, but still doesn't undo the massive argument with my partner about the whole business last night: I guess she was angry at me for the drama.

Halo Infinity
09-27-2013, 11:51 AM
This actually confuses me more than it would ever annoy me. I've actually seen people 22+ and even in their early to mid 30s suggest to me that maturity was boring, or that maturity was for "squares" and "killjoys". I still have a hard time believing that I just heard that from anybody that was older than 17 to start with.

And do lots of teenagers and even people in their early 20s go through that phase where they think, act, and believe as if they know it all with an arrogant/entitlement-minded demeanor and perspective? I can still kick myself for going through the phase, and it really grates my ears to hear them act that way. I also noticed that the shit really hits the fan by the time they turn 22 and beyond.

(Not to say that all teenagers and adults in their early 20s are that way, but kudos to you if you didn't fall into that bullshit ever.)

09-27-2013, 01:19 PM
This actually confuses me more than it would ever annoy me. I've actually seen people 22+ and even in their early to mid 30s suggest to me that maturity was boring, or that maturity was for "squares" and "killjoys". I still have a hard time believing that I just heard that from anybody that was older than 17 to start with.

And do lots of teenagers and even people in their early 20s go through that phase where they think, act, and believe as if they know it all with an arrogant/entitlement-minded demeanor and perspective? I can still kick myself for going through the phase, and it really grates my ears to hear them act that way. I also noticed that the shit really hits the fan by the time they turn 22 and beyond.

(Not to say that all teenagers and adults in their early 20s are that way, but kudos to you if you didn't fall into that bullshit ever.)

when i was younger (starting at age 7), i was constantly uncomfortable because i felt far more mature than my numbered age. i spent most of my time with adults because i got along with them better and could hold more interesting conversations with them. all i wanted to do was grow up and be an adult. in high school, i suffered for a lot of reasons, and could not wait to get the fuck out of there and have a real job.

now i'm an adult (26), i spend most of my free time watching cartoons, and i hate having to pay for things (money is so, so stupid). i don't still wish i was a kid, and i definitely don't spend all my time acting immature, but i'm pretty convinced that no one ever really "grows up" completely.

adults are just larger versions of children who pretend they know what they're doing most of the time, and often stubbornly refuse to ask for help when they don't know what they're doing.

09-27-2013, 02:19 PM
Also they pack as much sugar as candy.

So landlady came over today and looks like he's going to be cleaning/painting the insides of the storm windows. Result, but still doesn't undo the massive argument with my partner about the whole business last night: I guess she was angry at me for the drama.Well, then I'd much rather eat a snickers bar than a candied roach.

As for your drama, position it as you were thinking of the best interest of the landlady - she's expecting quality work for her money and you're there -in effect, quality control. Construction is stressful - been there, done that.

09-27-2013, 02:38 PM
Few things can piss me off more than overzealous hyper-religious people who post their idiotic fucking MEME-pictures that bash anything they conceive of as "liberal", or make their futile, unfunny attempts to mock Obama or "hippies" or people who believe in science, logic and reason. Then when you try to point out facts to them or destroy their flimsy arguments, they simply start blathering about how "GOD says this and that" "the LORD knows that blah blah blah..."
Seriously, dumb-ass, tiny-minded, uneducated brain-dead fucks, who pretend that God is on their side in all political, social, & religious issues and who think their theocratic, rightwing ideology trumps EVERYTHING ELSE really, really piss me the fuck off.
What's that? You believe in the teachings of Jesus but supported the Iraq War and every war-mongering mission since? Fuck you. You believe in Jesus but are clearly homophobic, xenophobic, and intelligence-phobic? Fuck you. You think that the Earth was put here for us to pillage, burn, cut down and destroy to magnify the glory of humankind? Fucking fuck you!
Anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-fact, anti-truth and reason morons who hide behind the Bible and their supposed connection to the will of god. Obssessed over abortion, gay marriage and contraception. God would be ashamed of their endless idiocy. I know I sure am.

PHEW!!!! /end rant

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b93/Circumvenscion/532112_177113369109132_1759416833_n_zpsd80f2443.pn g

09-27-2013, 02:50 PM
Hey bro, all the more reason to collect those warp whistles and fire-flowers, power through it, AMIRITE?If all else fails: START UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A START.

My pet peeve right now is against people who engage in passive aggressive internet bullsh-oh wait.

Halo Infinity
09-27-2013, 10:45 PM
when i was younger (starting at age 7), i was constantly uncomfortable because i felt far more mature than my numbered age. i spent most of my time with adults because i got along with them better and could hold more interesting conversations with them. all i wanted to do was grow up and be an adult. in high school, i suffered for a lot of reasons, and could not wait to get the fuck out of there and have a real job.

now i'm an adult (26), i spend most of my free time watching cartoons, and i hate having to pay for things (money is so, so stupid). i don't still wish i was a kid, and i definitely don't spend all my time acting immature, but i'm pretty convinced that no one ever really "grows up" completely.

adults are just larger versions of children who pretend they know what they're doing most of the time, and often stubbornly refuse to ask for help when they don't know what they're doing.
Oh, I also see what you mean, and I'm definitely not a master of maturity, nor have I mastered it either. (As you could see in some of my posts.) There's nothing wrong with that as well. There's a lot of things from my childhood that I still like as an adult too. Oh, and aside from having to pay for things, realizing that sometimes some, or even a lot that you were taught before turning 18/graduating high school not being all that it really was is a bit of a bummer with in the first few years too. It seems like lots of teachers and parents sugarcoat things, or seemingly omit certain pieces of information to minors intentionally. (And for good reasons on some topics too.)

Halo Infinity
09-29-2013, 01:10 PM
When people think that you're uncool just because you're not interested in going out and staying out late at night every weekend to a few times a month, or traveling at least every single summer. In some ways, I'm thankful that my 20s are almost over. I don't think I'd be expected to be that way in my 30s and 40s.

09-30-2013, 10:59 PM
People who post spoilers openly on Facebook. Fuck you.

Halo Infinity
10-02-2013, 03:10 PM
I just want to make it very clear that I'm aware that there are adults and geriatrics that are and can be inconsiderate in just the same way. I even accept it, but I'm sure most of them know better even with their carelessness, arrogance, and overall reckless behavior. I'd also like to stress that when I say teenager, I'm referring to teens that are 17 and younger. And when I say child, I'm referring to children that are at least 8 to 12, and perhaps 7 at the youngest.

I just couldn't help but notice how loud and obnoxious they are, and how inconsiderate they are when it comes to taking up space and saying TMI in public. Lots of them seem like they're doing it to be edgy, cool, and funny. It's as if they're treating sidewalks as a personal nightclub or bar. They even do that in buses, trains, and restaurants. I also noticed that a lot of them use excessive profanity and slang, and while I'm not against profanity... something seems off in hearing words like fuck, shit, and bitch in every single sentence in public settings where you'd normally not curse.

I also used the word obnoxious to describe them because they also seem to get into little pissing matches with each other sometimes. Another thing I noticed is that some of them are very prone to trespassing, loitering, and littering, and then wonder why they get in trouble with the cops or owners of the said property. (Not to mention the physical altercations.) I also couldn't help but notice that teens and kids are very prone to push and shove and not give people any space to get in and out of buses and trains. And since they loiter, they tend to block spaces in sidewalks and entrances and exists. I also noticed that a lot of them seem to like getting home late regularly on the week days too.

And well, I guess it just goes with living in New York City, despite how much I dislike such things. And yes, of course not all kids and teens are like this. I'm just talking about the ones that are that way. And yes, I was one once, and yes, I have my share of screw ups too, but I was never absolutely convinced that I was right about the way I was going.

10-02-2013, 03:24 PM
About 2 years ago I made a note to check out a company I thought had earning potential.

I never checked them out because I can be lazy and forgetful.

Someone mentioned them in passing to day, i looked them up and learned they were bought out by Apple a few months ago.

Good going idiot.

10-03-2013, 05:53 PM
Pissed off? I'm pretty mad at myself. It has been an exhausting week, and I didn't have a weekend last weekend due to traveling for my work. Today is NIN in Montreal and I simply couldn't muster up the energy to get myself there - all the hassles of getting there, were just overwhelming for some reason today. Border crossing, the long drive, the time, the wait once you're there, just everything, after sleeping horribly all week. Plus school. I WANTED to want to go, but I didn't. I know everyone will think this is crazy - I've seen NIN somewhere near 20 times but today I just couldn't. Probably didn't help that I didn't have one of my kids to go with me. At least Ash512 is there so maybe there will be some good footage....

10-04-2013, 10:40 AM

10-04-2013, 05:37 PM
In March a friend of mine got hit by a car and broke almost every bone in his body. He's only just out of hospital and currently in a wheelchair. One of his friends, who has small children, is having a go at him for "disabled people taking up space on the bus that baby buggies need".

Why humans, why.

10-06-2013, 10:46 AM
The thing I love about this thread is that it puts whatever little thing is pissing me off in perspective.

10-07-2013, 06:18 AM
The thing I love about this thread is that it puts whatever little thing is pissing me off in perspective.

Indeed. I was about to come in here to bitch about losing a possible relationship before it even started because they can't communicate and Facebook made it seem like I was being ignored for days while they went on with their lives, only to find out that they were uber-sick. But I'd already unfriended them thinking I was being given a clear "I don't care", and now that really is the case. Whoops.

I WAS going to bitch about that, and then I read something like icklekitty's post and think "damn, I feel like a weenie".

Halo Infinity
10-07-2013, 07:14 AM
I just can't believe that I read people actually hating/disliking shy/quiet people. I see how it could happen in this life and world, but wow. Hating people because they're afraid to say the wrong thing, and afraid of others... or because you know... you can never really trust anybody out there sometimes... yeah that's REALLY nice.

This just burns me as somebody that's constantly afraid of making enemies. Gee, why in the fuck would I be afraid of getting people's bad sides? :rolleyes: Just as how it could be dangerous to be alone, it's also just as safe. Oh yes, and people that act entitled to trust and get pissed off at you for not being all buddy-buddy and/or social.

I wish it didn't drive me up the wall sometimes. I still can't believe that silence drives some people mad EVEN when they're not being ignored. I still hate that, but I'm still trying to get better at brushing it off... yet I obviously still need to work on that... so I thought of just tossing it into this thread for now. It's as if minding your own business is a bad thing to those types of people.

And to think that quiet people and shy people are deemed to be selfish by them? Isn't it also selfish for them to expect all quiet and shy people to be outgoing and talkative? I don't mind being around quiet people, and sometimes prefer to be around them, but I never expected talkative and outgoing people to just be like me "just because".

Frozen Beach
10-07-2013, 05:00 PM
Dreams of people you're trying to forget. Led to an entire day of horrible remembrance.

10-07-2013, 08:29 PM
When I see friends post computer questions on Facebook, like if they're having some trouble with software or things are randomly closing or what have you, I hate when douchebags have to hop on and say "DITCH YOUR COMPUTER AND GET A MAC BRO LOL" "WINDOWS 7 IS BETTER THAN WINDOWS 8" "MY COMPUTER NEVER HAS PROBLEMS" for no reason at all other than to masturbate about their computer's functionality.

I'm sure they really appreciate the tech support, there, guys. You've taken their request for help and turned it into a big circle jerk.

Reason number 4350 why I hate Facebook. Closer and closer to getting rid of it.

Halo Infinity
10-08-2013, 06:37 PM
Dreams of people you're trying to forget. Led to an entire day of horrible remembrance.
This just happened to me as recent as last night. I dreamed of a woman that turned me down in real life, and she even rejected me in my dreams. Yeah, not even in my dreams. It's not the first time I've lived that particular quip.

Thank goodness for Sanctified, Something I Can Never Have, Ringfinger, and Every Day Is Exactly The Same. :p

As for dreaming about people that have pissed me off and hurt my feelings... holy shit that sucks so much. It's bad enough I have a hard time forgetting about people like that while I'm awake.

10-09-2013, 07:20 AM
Man, I really hope I get paid today at my internship. My boss (who is cool) told me that she'd pay me if I took over the twitter account, and it's been over a month now. So, I want and need that money. I just don't know how to bring it up without feeling like I'm being rude. :/

10-09-2013, 12:26 PM
Man, I really hope I get paid today at my internship. My boss (who is cool) told me that she'd pay me if I took over the twitter account, and it's been over a month now. So, I want and need that money. I just don't know how to bring it up without feeling like I'm being rude. :/

it's hard in situations like that, because you don't want to step on her toes, but you also deserve what you were promised. maybe a friendly "hey, just making sure that our agreement still stands regarding being paid for taking over the twitter account." something that's simple and eloquent without being demanding.

Space Suicide
10-09-2013, 12:33 PM
Ordering items on faith that the used condition listed is what is specified but isn't. I got my DVD set in a tattered, worn, torn, scratched, scuffed slip case and an adequate book. The discs are fine but the case is more than 'a little worn.' To sell an item in this condition and list it wrong on top of it is embarrassing. Now I have to mail it back because I don't want this piece of garbage to taint every other season of the show in my collection. Damnit.

Bought the shit new just now. Guess that's what I get for trying to save money.

Halo Infinity
10-09-2013, 12:33 PM
@eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) - I noticed how you avoided using the word when. I had a feeling it would have to be avoided. When could sound like you're being demanding and hasty. It just makes me wish that tact actually increased with directness, but I've learned more and more that it's usually the complete opposite, and that even one little word can make things go wrong. It's such a minefield of diction/semantics.

Halo Infinity
10-09-2013, 12:35 PM
Ordering items on faith that the used condition listed is what is specified but isn't. I got my DVD set in a tattered, worn, torn, scratched, scuffed slip case and an adequate book. The discs are fine but the case is more than 'a little worn.' To sell an item in this condition and list it wrong on top of it being embarrassing. Now I have to mail it back because I don't want this piece of garbage to taint every other season of the show in my colelction. Damnit.

Bought the shit new just now. Guess that's what I get for trying to save money.
That's often my biggest fear whenever purchasing anything used. I've figured I'd do the same as long as it's in stock and brand new. I've been lucky recently, but I don't want to risk it any longer. Most of the used stuff I get would be rarities/discontinued items.

Space Suicide
10-09-2013, 12:39 PM
That's often my biggest fear whenever purchasing anything used. I've figured I'd do the same as long as it's stock and brand new. I've been lucky recently, but I don't want to risk it any longer. Most of the used stuff I get would be rarities/discontinued items.

I prefer to buy new always but sometimes money dictates it otherwise.

I've had pretty great success off Amazon and I even contacted the guy that was selling it and he said "a little worn." He also said he had two copies - one like new and this worn one. I told him I wanted the like new one but I got this piece of crap instead. I did everything in my power to get the best version possible. Lucky me a new copy was just listed only $5.00 more than what I paid for the used junk. I lucked out this time. I still have to waste my time to mail it back though.

Halo Infinity
10-09-2013, 12:47 PM
It didn't sound that bad, right up until the hassle of having to mail it back. Lucking out is always a perk to me though.

10-09-2013, 02:29 PM
"Hey, can I get a ride in a couple hours?" Yeah, sure.

"Hey, I'll be ready in about 30-40 minutes." Alright.

"Hey, I'll be good in about 15 minutes." Okay.

"Okay, I'll be at your car in 5!" FUCK. OKAY.

10-10-2013, 04:13 PM
I'm getting completely sick by the hyperbole perpetuated on the internet through links that say things like:

"You'll NEVER BELIEVE what blah blah blah!"
"If you xxx you MUST READ THIS"

I know the internet survives on page views. But being commanded, like my life depends on it, to read some banal bullshit article on Newsmax or Cracked or every-fucking-where is annoying as fuck. It's like someone gave the internet more brain damage than usual.

10-10-2013, 07:27 PM
I'm getting completely sick by the hyperbole perpetuated on the internet through links that say things like:

"You'll NEVER BELIEVE what blah blah blah!"
"If you xxx you MUST READ THIS"

I know the internet survives on page views. But being commanded, like my life depends on it, to read some banal bullshit article on Newsmax or Cracked or every-fucking-where is annoying as fuck. It's like someone gave the internet more brain damage than usual.

I dig it man. I have a couple friends on fb that troll infowars etc all the time. That is why I'm kinda glad I haven't had Internet for a while now. Any more I don't really know what to do when I get online it seems. Guess I'm not missing out on much.

Halo Infinity
10-11-2013, 01:07 PM
It doesn't necessarily make me as angry as it used to, but I still dislike leaving doors in the house open, even if what I'm doing or the what other person doing isn't supposed to be an absolutely private matter. It just seems to bother me, and it doesn't make me feel comfortable at all. I always closed the doors of every room I left and used growing up, and I don't see why I'd want other people being able to see that I'm in my room, or any other room no matter what I was doing or not doing.

I know there are people out there that are comfortable with that, but I never understood why. I think this is why I was also never really a fan of the open door policy. There's just something annoying about it, as it's also a bit of an eyesore to me.

I also don't like how people aren't just honest and direct about how unfeasible or burdensome the commutes to each others' houses are. That would be more than enough information to let me know not to invite people. Do people actually get offended at being told their homes are a bit out of the way, or completely out of the way? I also include this because I hate playing the guessing game when it comes to inviting people to hang out at my place. Just tell me no, and why, and I'm good. It doesn't seem to make sense to get offended or pissed at very valid reasons such as those.

10-13-2013, 03:39 AM
I had to be "bus dad" just now on the way home from work.
- One girl and two guys, 20's
- One girl and one guy, early 20's or late teens (on crack)

Apparently they'd been loading a pipe, with the intention of smoking crack when they got off the bus, she'd just relapsed after getting out of prison and her mom had just died (she told me this afterward) and the trio had made some under-the-breath remarks, so she was threatening to taser/bear spray them.

Then everybody was simmering as she continued to mutter about how they were spoiled bitches until the one girl in the trio started to cry and the two guys were shouting at the crack-chick.

Cue me: "Everybody shut up! You three, go to the front of the bus [angry interruptions], I don't care, separate yourselves and there won't be a problem! And you [to other girl], cool out! I just got off work, you people, I don't need this shit!"

Bam, problem solved. I hate having to be the adult.

Halo Infinity
10-13-2013, 01:48 PM
An example of how I liked to see thread titles of bands/musicians in a music section of just about any forum.

Nine Inch Nails

Any example of what I don't like to see when it comes to thread titles of band/musicians in a music section of just about any forum.


Nine Inch Nails - NIN

Nine Inch Nails - Trent Reznor

Nine Inch Nails - NIN - Trent Reznor

Nine Inch Nails - Hestitation Marks

Nine Inch Nails - Tension

Nine Inch Nails - Came Back Haunted

Nine Inch Nails - *Insert Random Headlines/Opinions Here*

It was always a little bit of an eyesore to me, and I'm only using Nine Inch Nails as an example, should Nine Inch Nails be discussed in other forums. I never really saw the point in posting acronyms, alternate titles/names, album titles, headlines, opinions, song, titles, and tour names as thread titles, when the full band name alone should suffice. All of those things mentioned could be discussed inside the thread anyway. It's only okay/different if such threads are post in an entire section dedicated to the said band/musician.

10-13-2013, 03:55 PM
Fucking kid I guess isn't coming in, and I can't get a hold of boss man. Not happy.

Halo Infinity
10-13-2013, 04:01 PM
The idea of regularly arriving home late on weekends and vacations. I really don't understand the appeal. I kind of wish concerts were in the afternoons on weekends too. (Even though I don't regularly attend concerts, but that would be rather sweet.)

10-13-2013, 05:09 PM
The realization that I haven't applied for the jobs I'm really interested in since my graduation. I've worked and had awesome jobs and projects along the year, don't get me wrong. My portfolio is looking better than ever, but I just realized that I haven't even tried to check what other jobs I'm actually qualified to apply for. Have I wasted a year? No. Do I feel self destructive anyway? Yes.

Am I doing something about it now. Yes!

Halo Infinity
10-15-2013, 01:18 AM
With the exception of seeing a favorite band of mine, like Nine Inch Nails, I don't think I ever really was a fan of going out late and/or staying out late. It really does feel like a chore, and a more risky one at that. And even on the weekends, I'd just rather have things done and go out and finish up around 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the latest.

I'm positive I get this from my parents because when they make really good time on weekends, they finish everything no later than 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, and if they REALLY make good time, they finish everything no later than 12:00 PM, or even 11:00 AM if they're very lucky.

And now that I'll only have two more years of my 20s left, I won't have to deal with the "expectations" of having/wanting to go out at night almost every weekend or vacation. (Although, I hear that normally dwindles down around the mid to late 20s anyway.) I never heard the end of it in my early 20s though. :p

It still pisses me off sometimes, as it was very annoying to be looked at as weird just because I wasn't interested in being outside at very late hours. I'm sure people will cut me more slack in my 30s, and will most likely not even expect that from me by the time I hit 40 too. So at least that's not so bad. But yes, being in your early 20s and not being into the going out/staying out late thing blows.

10-15-2013, 01:29 AM
That's just not a common thing for most people though. It's the reason why matinee tickets to movies are cheaper.

Most people like to "top off their day" with the big event. I think it resonates that way. You go out, you expend the last of your energy, then you go home and sleep. I think that's the way we're programmed to "unwind" really.

Halo Infinity
10-15-2013, 01:33 AM
I just recently learned this, and thank you for actually telling me that. (I'll admit that I really am something else, and nobody told me what you said.) And while I don't usually go out late, I kind of do that when I get really into video games anyway. It's just that I'm indoors. What also makes me something else, yet again, is the fact that being alone, and indoors is usually when I'm at my most relaxed.

10-15-2013, 04:23 AM
When people leave the damn lights on when they're not even in the fucking room.

10-15-2013, 04:47 AM
Why the hell people need to call every goddamn elevator available?
Say, there are two elevators in the building which are right opposite from each other and both have their own call buttons. I come by and call the one that's closer to my floor. Then the next person comes by, and despite the elevator I just called is already 2-3 floors away from us, he just has to call the second one. In the end, we both ride the same one.
This has been bugging me recently a lot. Am I weird?

Halo Infinity
10-15-2013, 08:12 AM
I just want this damn cold to go away already. It'll hopefully be gone at least before Friday, as most of it seemed to clear up faster than I expected.

Halo Infinity
10-15-2013, 08:34 AM
That's just not a common thing for most people though. It's the reason why matinee tickets to movies are cheaper.

Most people like to "top off their day" with the big event. I think it resonates that way. You go out, you expend the last of your energy, then you go home and sleep. I think that's the way we're programmed to "unwind" really.
I also noticed that this ties in with why people didn't like it when I was quiet. (As I actually am far more on the quiet side in real life.) I was beginning to understand that more and more, since more people are willing to speak and actually dislike silence, considering how silence also doesn't help most people become more relaxed, just like how not going out and not traveling doesn't relax and unwind most people. I suppose I overlooked that as well. It was really the part about being pressured to be like them that didn't settle well with me. I've actually had co-workers wonder why I wouldn't talk that much, or be interested in going/being outside late in the past. I also didn't ignore them or anything like that, but my silence was unsettling to them.

(I also didn't think it all the way through in my last post, since I have a cold right now, and I was very sleepy when I wrote that as I just got back from a NIN show. I even added a bit more to it to explain myself.)

And on top of all this, I never really got into alcohol either, and it always bothered me a lot whenever I got egged on to drink, but I can also accept and acknowledge that you do end up sticking out like a sore thumb whenever you're a non-drinker from time to time. (Especially now that I'm more aware as to how "odd" that can be to lots of people that love to drink too.)

Oh, and while I still don't think it has to be weird, awkward, or odd, you really helped me understand why that's so, aside from me being in the minority there.

10-15-2013, 10:26 AM
one of the people i was working with on saturday picked up some of my stuff (makeup brushes worth about £50) as we were packing up to go. now we were in a big rush to leave so its entirely possible that it was an accident however earlier in the day she asked to use my brushes and i sort of scoffed and said 'you don't have the one you need out of all those brushes?!" because she had easily 10x more than I did..an insane amount of brushes. Then the next day when I noticed they were missing, I texted her asking if she could check if she had accidentally picked them up with no response. called the next day, no answer then texted again today and she says she doesn't have them. UGH theres no where else they could be and if it was just 1 or 2 missing it wouldn't be the end of the world but 5 seems a bit suspicious and obviously won't be cheap to replace. I'm starting to think thats why she's got so many brushes now.

10-15-2013, 10:51 AM
i understand when my cat, who has bladder/kidney/thyroid/emotional issues, pees on the floor. i really do. and i don't even care that much, because it's easy to clean. but when she pees ALL OVER MY 10" RECORDS, it is NOT OK.

10-15-2013, 11:06 AM
Have the cat de-clawed. Use removed claws as record needles. Degrade cat in front of its friends about the "piss poor quality of your goddamn record needle claws!!".

miss k bee
10-15-2013, 01:16 PM
Why is the office at work always like a fridge? It's bad enough working nights already without it feeling like -2. Surely the building manager must know people work nights!! ffs

10-15-2013, 09:03 PM
So apparently my mind won't go to sleep tonight and I have to leave for work in 3 hours. Had a banana in the dark. Not a highlight. I read it's supposed to make you sleepy. Not the being in the dark with a banana, but the banana. The older I get the less I like bananas, but I still love them in shakes or hot and stuffed with melted chocolate.

10-17-2013, 04:11 PM
Someone stole the white pumpkin from our porch.

My UK bank refuses to update my US address because they say my signature doesn't match whatever 20-year old signature of mine they have on file. Even a notarized confirmation the signature is mine doesn't satisfy them.

miss k bee
10-18-2013, 09:26 AM
A 'friend' letting you down at the last moment, why do I bother.

10-18-2013, 09:39 AM
1. When people use the word "loose" as in "i'm loosing my mind". It's lose you illiterate fucks.

2. When you're in the fast lane and you're behind a group of people all going the same speed and some douche canoe comes up and starts riding your ass like you're holding them up.

10-18-2013, 10:05 AM
As a new driver, I'm kind of shocked that so many drivers go about 10 miles over the speed limit.
That when you are going the speed limit there's often someone urging you to go faster/overtaking on the right.
There seems to be no desire where I live to police this.

Also, in Indiana it is legal to be on the phone while you drive: obviously this is idiotic. Not to mention the whole motorcyclists without helmets thing. And the amount of broken, beat-up, trash-heaps driving around: cars with crumpled up exteriors can't be safe.

Also, the amount of roadkill: isn't there a city body that takes care of this? There was one dead animal that was just basically pounded into the road over a matter of weeks, and now lives on as a big stain. City: pick that shit up. I feel like I'm driving around in a pile of blood, bones and fur.

Halo Infinity
10-18-2013, 10:42 AM
Loud people, but with the exception of them being actually funny these days. I've noticed that I could actually make some leeway for that. :p

Oh, and questions that start with the words "Why don't you" It just sounds like very nagging and bitchy to me. (Yes, sometimes depending on the actual tone and context of the question. I wouldn't forget to actually consider that.)

And then there's carpooling with more than 4 other passengers. From the looks of it, most cars can hold up to 4 or 5 passengers tops. Being with 5+ other passengers in a car is fucking ridiculous.

10-18-2013, 04:41 PM
As a new driver, I'm kind of shocked that so many drivers go about 10 miles over the speed limit.
That when you are going the speed limit there's often someone urging you to go faster/overtaking on the right.
There seems to be no desire where I live to police this.I may have missed this, but are you not American, or just from New York?

Also, in Indiana it is legal to be on the phone while you drive: obviously this is idiotic. Not to mention the whole motorcyclists without helmets thing. And the amount of broken, beat-up, trash-heaps driving around: cars with crumpled up exteriors can't be safe. I think it's legal in more states than not. I suspect we will get there eventually. With regards to all the other, it's really the individual state and it's legislators that get this one. In my state, we've had a seat belt law forever, but there was a big stink about being able to pull someone over just for that. Here, you can't. There's no handsfree law, it's be proposed for years, but no texting while driving went through a couple of years ago. It's sort of interesting how each state manages those sort of individual liberties. No motorcycle helmet, how does it hurt others if you don't wear one?

Also, the amount of roadkill: isn't there a city body that takes care of this? There was one dead animal that was just basically pounded into the road over a matter of weeks, and now lives on as a big stain. City: pick that shit up. I feel like I'm driving around in a pile of blood, bones and fur.Yeah, this one gets me too. I would think the Department of Public Works or the local Highway department.

I just got into an argument about 'natural family planning'. I suppose I should be more tolerant of other people's choices.

10-19-2013, 07:32 AM
My nipples hurt. I'm not entirely sure why, I think do to lack of sleep. Diamond cutters I tell you.

10-20-2013, 04:03 PM
I really, really want to punch this guy.


10-20-2013, 05:41 PM
Packing. I just hate having to choose what to wear days in advance. I tend to pack too much.

10-20-2013, 07:45 PM
Hipsters giving flannels a bad name, or maybe the people who bitch about them...

Impeach Obama retards, nuff said.

* So I've slept on it and I've decided that the above mentioned retards are both ignorant, and downright scary with all their misplaced passion, I'll thought out opinions, and seemingly genuine ignorance. I may be just a bad I'll admit but for fucks sake I at least try and look at the bigger picture. By that I mean the entire system is running a train on everyone's collective asses.

10-21-2013, 07:50 AM
Whatever the hell is wrong with my big toe. :( It's like an ingrown nail or something, or I got cut there or something. But given that I work on my feet, it's not really wanting to heal.

10-21-2013, 08:36 AM
As a new driver, I'm kind of shocked that so many drivers go about 10 miles over the speed limit.
That when you are going the speed limit there's often someone urging you to go faster/overtaking on the right.

It's the same over here in Mother Russia.
People's reasoning being more often than not: why the hell not? since there's no fine for speeding less than 10km/h over the limit.
Safety? Pfft, it's for pussies.

miss k bee
10-21-2013, 12:26 PM
Nose is stuffy, stomach hurting work shift starts tonight :(

10-21-2013, 01:23 PM
Okay this girl on my fb is bitching about obamacare, I tried to be nice and explain we already pay for other people's health care in various ways but she's not getting it. I am currently fighting the urge to ask her if she paid for her recent drug treatment stint all by herself...

10-22-2013, 09:47 AM
Someone put the heater on in this room I'm in and it's stupidly hot and now I'm tired and cranky. It's like being six all over again.

10-22-2013, 02:19 PM
the internet was out at my parents' house (i work for my dad, and we work out of the house) and comcast couldn't do shit about it. they offered to send out a tech but i know there's nothing wrong with anything in the house or the drop from the pole (as that's part of what i do for a living) but they've been working on the distribution in the neighborhood, so a bunch of the neighbors are offline, too.

i hate working for my dad, sometimes. he's a fucking asshole who treats me like a child even though i'm more mature and professional than he is. my mom is 100% convinced, at this point, that he as asperger's, and he's too stubborn to even attempt to do anything about it (like being aware and making an effort to not be a dick all the time).

i had to get four new tires AND a new car battery today.

i haven't gotten a paycheck in two weeks, and on top of that, my dad owes me for 2 plasmas we bought off amazon for a customer. my credit card payment is due next week.

10-23-2013, 06:01 AM
my cousin tried to kill me. he weighs 300 pounds and stands about 6 foot 2.
he's been staying with me...he's younger than me and had a hard life. i've been trying to teach him everything i know about the world.
he's a buck toothed 27 year old virgin, and i am, don't make fun of me here, but a fairly good looking accomplished musician and something of a ladies man. So this little fucker was just SEETHING with jealousy.
anyway i walked past his room and heard him saying as much, talking about his jealousy of me and that he's gonna "fucking kill me."
I opened the door and said "you're gonna do what, cuz?"
and he jumps up and starts wailing on me. i didnt even block, lest the police charge ME with something. (i have a few assault charges and another will get me serious prison time.)
I felt my nose break and said "Please stop cuz, you're gonna kill me!"
He said "That's right, i AM killing you, you fuck!" and proceeded to start fucking HEAD BUTTING my face.
my mom finally got between us...(yes, i'm 33 and staying with my mom right now, fuck me ;) )

i guess i lost consciousness during this whole thing...i had full body cat scans and i have contusions all over...neck, ribs, etc. the doc said one more good blow to the nose would have sent the broken bones into my brain and killed me.
two bones in my nose are shattered...i'm not supposed to touch it but i have and i can move the goddamn pieces around.
and i had such a bad concussion (i dont know HOW the fuck a dr quantifies something like that...and now that i think of it i dont REALLY know what a concussion IS,) but anyway the one i have is so bad that the doc told me i couldnt even watch tv or read books...that i effectively could not use my brain at all lest i slip into a coma. i finally fell out and slept for two fucking days.

i'm fucked up but i'm alive, and the little fucker is charged with a couple of felonies. i dont wish legal bullshit on my worst enemy, and have a strict no cops no police reports policy...but in this case i'm afraid i'm gonna have to break it and file the report.
i love my cousin, but i guess i have to face the fact that he's fucking dangerous. also when the cops searched his room, they found massive quantities of MY medicines and my mother's medicines (we're both chronic pain patients.) he had been stealing and stockpiling them.

my face is ruined and my heart is broken, but i'm ok.

sorry this post is so long...i just wanted to tell my ets crew what happened to me and this seemed like the right thread...some of you are pretty damn close to me and i don't even know if you are male or female...that's one thing i love about ets. (what's up Kris, eversonpoe, henryeatscereal, and everyone else who is down for me.)

thanks for listening to me vent if you read this...love you guys. i'm just glad i'm alive.


10-23-2013, 09:51 AM
^I think your post should go in the "Huge things that piss you off", just sayin'

Take care man!

10-23-2013, 09:57 AM
elevenism fuck that shit. He shouldn't be living with you dude. Hope you heal up ok.

10-23-2013, 10:03 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) that sounds like a horrible ordeal. I hope you can get through it OK.

I may have missed this, but are you not American, or just from New York?

I am British, and for someone who grew up in Europe the deregulated driving situation here is a bit concerning.
Helmetless motorcyclists hurt me and their loved ones by dying more easily in an eventual accident. I'd be very curious to see the death rates in helmet vs helmet-free states.
As for the phone thing...it's simple common sense that if you are distracted by a phone you are paying less attention to driving and thus more of a danger to yourself and others. I feel it's a no-brainer that using celphones whilst at the wheel should be illegal. I don't see any sane reason to keep it legal.

frankie teardrop
10-23-2013, 11:00 AM
holy shit, elevenism- hang in there... if you can't escalate the situation because of your own run-ins or out of family respect, get him or you the fuck out of there, asap. heal up soon and take care.

10-23-2013, 11:10 AM
Fucking junkies. Sure, do injection drugs, I don't care, knock yourself out, have a blast. I don't even care that you leave your needles in the loading bay at my work. Fuck it, we have a grabber and a disposal box for them (and they almost always have the safety cap on them). But yesterday my almost-2-year-old niece, at the beach, went up to my sister holding a used needle asking "Mommy, what's this?". Fortunately, she didn't get poked, she picked it up by the plastic, but there's no part of me right now that doesn't with whoever left that there the most fire-soaked, skin-torn-off-by-some-kind-of-logging-machinery death imaginable.

10-23-2013, 11:10 AM
My boss' redundant style of speech. He'll say things like, "She told me, she said" and "Honestly, to tell you the truth". THINK. BEFORE. YOU SPEAK. He talks too much and half of what he says is unnecessary. His point comes across pretty fast but then he won't know when to stop so he'll end up telling the same point about three or four times. Possibly include an emotional story as an example in the process....

10-23-2013, 11:17 AM
I HATE that shit!
Also, I hate not having an exit strategy at work, but instead working until we can't anymore. And the guy we were liaising with last night... fuck... "Know why I made this section 33in wide?"
Me (thinking): "No, I don't. And if you tell me I'll kill you.

10-23-2013, 11:21 AM
sorry this post is so long...i just wanted to tell my ets crew what happened to me and this seemed like the right thread...some of you are pretty damn close to me and i don't even know if you are male or female...that's one thing i love about ets. (what's up @Kris (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=244) , @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) , @henryeatscereal (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) , and everyone else who is down for me.)

thanks for listening to me vent if you read this...love you guys. i'm just glad i'm alive.


Oh my god. That is terrifying. I don't even know what else to say. Do what you need to do to be safe and best wishes that you heal well.

10-23-2013, 12:41 PM
man, thank you guys. frankie teardrop, redshoewearer, aggroculture, henryeatscereal...for your kind words.
this is one time in my life that i actually DID want some attention. I was kind of ashamed of it...didn't say anything on facebook, but i felt comfortable here.
There is a restraining order on my cousin coming back here. And i'm all good...just watching netflix and eating vicodin.
I'm kinda embarrassed to have posted something like that for attention...but god damnit, i needed it.
Thank you guys for being there. Mostly i'm just in fucking shock...i'm gonna be alright.

frankie teardrop
10-23-2013, 12:45 PM
there's attention seeking and attention deserving. you most definitely had just cause for venting that wherever you felt comfortable. don't be embarrassed, just glad you're all right.

10-23-2013, 02:12 PM
elevenism I didn't read any attention seeking in that at all. We're all "family" here and if something bad like that happens to one of us it's good for it to be shared. Glad you did and that you're doing ok.

10-23-2013, 02:25 PM
^Agree with all the posts above and you shouldn't be ashamed to "crave for attention", you need some support and as i already told you: you need to heal and take it easy...

It pisses me that this happened to you but it also pisses me that this kind of shit happens in the world and goes unpunished, i'm glad there's a restraining order and i'm happy you're alright despite that horrible experience...

I also appreciate the solidarity and interest this situation from all the other posters in the community, now i know why spend so much time in here!

Get better Eleveno, mucho cuidado!

10-23-2013, 02:40 PM
elevenism It's sad how people that don't even share DNA with you can be more of family to you than those that do. Get well, bro.

10-23-2013, 06:49 PM
Once again I come into this thread and see my little thing is really little. What happened to the how fucked is my day thread?

Arrogant new sales manager, thank god I don't actually work directly for him, can't take the time to say goodbye at the airport. Just zips past us without a word. Yes, he had to have seen us. Besides, he should have been seeking us out rather then his nose in his fucking phone. Not leader material. Everything You said, his way of relating was to one-up you. Grrrrr.

Halo Infinity
10-23-2013, 08:11 PM
I'm sure this would count as it is a minor thing that should be dealt with in every day life, but I really hate having to look for things sometimes. I think there really is some truth to the quote that says that organized people are too lazy to look for things. Sure, being organized also takes effort, but having to look for things in a mess is a lot more boring, tedious, and challenging to me. If everything was always neatly put together, things would be a lot more easier to find. This also applies to school as well. Neatness is good for my mind and heart.

I'm also not a fan of multitasking sometimes. I still try to adapt, but it sometimes looks like one big cluster-fuck or thoughts and actions to me. I normally prefer to do things one at a time.

10-24-2013, 09:47 AM
This is gonna sound really silly compared to what happened to @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) ...I apologize in advance.

I've been planning on watching Breaking Bad from the beginning for the first time on Netflix, but when the series ended (and I was avoiding spoilers), I went to Yahoo's home page to look at news for the day and they spoiled the ending in article titles. So, I almost want to say, "what's the point?" but that's silly because obviously there's so much more to it. It's just so irritating how people on the Internet who are supposed to be professional just can't fucking contain themselves sometimes.

Halo Infinity
10-24-2013, 04:55 PM
I suppose I'm finally understanding why lots of people I've met dread the mere thought of having to use buses whenever it comes to public transportation, especially when they're crowded. You can only see "Next bus please." and buses that actually stop with far too many passengers blocking the front door for you to get in so much. No wonder why some people consider it a perk if/when they'd only have to rely on trains.

10-25-2013, 10:09 AM
This is gonna sound really silly compared to what happened to @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) ...I apologize in advance.

oh, shit Yoshata. it's not like that...this thread IS called the "little" things that piss you off, and it's damn sure not a pissing contest! i don't think anyone is gonna think you are silly just cause something fucked up happened to ME.

As for Breaking Bad, i say fuck it and watch it anyway. It's all about the journey, right? Plus, if i'm not mistaken, they don't even have the final season on netflix there. If you're into netflix, check out my netflix thread in le cinema. it was rolling for a little while, but then it stopped.
THAT'S a little thing that pisses me off. I think it would be really cool to have a thread where people post the cool shit they see on netflix and then let the rest of ets know.
Kris, i freak smooth out looking for things and have full-fledged panic attacks, so you aren't alone on that one.

10-25-2013, 07:55 PM
I spent almost $400 on a guitar and accessories even as I was not even remotely sure that I really wanted to learn guitar. The whole time I'm thinking, why am I doing this? Do I really want this?

I get home, play for a few minutes (I do play a little) then I realize, you know what, I have absolutely zero interest in playing guitar. What in the hell was I thinking?

Fortunately, they have a great return policy so I am heading back to the store now. A little embarrassing but better than spending almost four hundred bucks on something I don't want. I think, honestly, I've fallen into such a deep depression, especially since my dad died (though it was very, very bad before that, too) that I am trying to fill the void somehow, trying to find something to focus on and something that will make me happy. This wasn't it. Stupid mistake that's easily fixable but I just feel really dumb doing something like that, especially when I really wasn't sure.

I've been planning on watching Breaking Bad from the beginning for the first time on Netflix, but when the series ended (and I was avoiding spoilers), I went to Yahoo's home page to look at news for the day and they spoiled the ending in article titles. So, I almost want to say, "what's the point?" but that's silly because obviously there's so much more to it. It's just so irritating how people on the Internet who are supposed to be professional just can't fucking contain themselves sometimes.

That SUCKS. I know how much of a bummer that can be. I remember when one of the biggest twists in "The Shield" was spoiled for me. It seriously sucked. I loved that show (still do) and it didn't ruin it but it took a lot of the wind out of that twist because I knew what was coming seasons ahead of time. BUT, I still enjoyed it tremendously.

"Breaking Bad" is an amazing show. You may know the ending, but I still think you'll enjoy it. The journey there is really something else.

10-26-2013, 06:47 AM
Fuck. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. All set for the ex to visit for Halloween, she was so stoked and so was I. I go over to day shifts on Sunday at 11am, so I got a couple keys duplicated so she could stay at my place in the morning and not have to roll out with me as I went to work. So what happens? I get several deeply apologetic texts saying she's been in the hospital for 48hrs with gastroenteritis.

FUCK! I can't even be mad, because she's sick! I'm just choked that I don't get to see her... :(

10-26-2013, 07:18 AM

10-26-2013, 07:23 AM
^^Yeah, welcome to my love life...

10-26-2013, 10:06 AM
So, I help with this really cool thing every month through my internship. It's a free burlesque show at a strip club with a porn star host and a TON of swag. This month I finally got a bunch of my friends to go. It's from 9-11 and a couple of my friends showed up about halfway through.

Now, it's after the show, I've been basically up since about 2/3 am at this point, and I'm getting ready to head out and my friend who showed up all late starts telling me that I have to stay and that it's my event and all of this shit. But like, in a dickish way, like "It's YOUR event, you have an obligation." or something like that. DUDE. THE EVENT IS OVER. YOU'RE JUST DRINKING IN AN EMPTY STRIP CLUB. I AM TIRED. I took it SO personally. I've been really tired and stressed as of late. I spent like 5 minutes sitting on my boyfriend's lap and being irritated before I decided to head out anyway.

On top of that, I accidentally left my purse at the strip club since I'd taken my phone and wallet out of it earlier. Said friend that irritated me grabbed it and took it with him, so my roommate and I had to go downtown to get it from him at the next bar they went to instead of going home. It was nice of him to grab it but I was still irritated.

So now all of my friends are being like OMG LAST NIGHT WAS THE BEST about all of the shit I was too tired/stressed/busy/broke to stay out for and meeeeeeeeeehhhh

10-26-2013, 10:36 AM
my cousin tried to kill me.
Jesus dude I'm glad you're okay!! Your cousin has something wrong with him! He really is dangerous!!

10-26-2013, 11:30 AM
So my fingertip split from dryness, and possibly a blister last weekend. And so help me the fucker doesn't want to close. So yeah, just the tip...

Charmingly Miserable
10-26-2013, 12:47 PM
I just changed all the printer cartridges on my HP 5510 and only the blue prints.

Conan The Barbarian
10-27-2013, 09:10 AM
This man tried to buy a 1.88 cup of coffee with a 50 dollar bill. I told him the company did not want us to take anything above a 20 for a small bill. He told me that was all he had so I offered him to give him his precious cup of shit for free since hey, its only a cup of coffee.

He refused and proceeded to tell me that he was going to report me.

Later that day, a woman complains how we were being to loud. Funny, seeing as we are in Miami and Latins are loud by nature ( this is true).

I fucking hate my job. I fucking hate people who go to my job( not just at my place, but in general, the idea of that place is such horseshit and people need to get over themselves and their drinks)

Cant wait till the holiday is over so I can get the fuck out already. My last day will be me ranting in a busy lobby and burning my bridge because I never want to ever go back.

10-27-2013, 09:46 AM
Just don't ever, ever try to humanize yourself to them. Don't even go "I'm sorry, I can't control it." Every time I do anything even approaching that, I regret it. I work in Manhattan, so you can just imagine the shit that goes on.

There's something so fulfilling about responding to an aggressive person with a big, dumb, empty smile. Also, go get your shift supervisor, it's not your problem to deal with.

*completely empty, insanely perky and fake grin* "I'm sorry you have a problem with my company's policy." *they complain" "Oh, okay!"


If someone is aggressive with me, they don't get to win. They get emptiness and smiles and nothing. Fuck any other response, that's the one that leaves you feeling like you have some sort of power.

Good luck with getting out, people don't realize how hard of a job it can be.

Charmingly Miserable
10-27-2013, 07:28 PM
elevenism Shit. Although you may have gotten the shit kicked out of you, the main point is that you are alive. I totally understand where you are coming from in terms of family. I'm here for you, dude.

10-27-2013, 07:37 PM
As mentioned in the Introvert thread, repeating myself. I tell people shit, and I don't mean when I'm flippantly running my mouth, but actual things and they don't seem to get it. Really fucking irritating, and when I sometimes get snippy I fee like an asshole, but fuck, if I take the time to tell you something and make a point of clean the shit from your receptors and realize I'm not fucking around.

I talk mad shit sometimes sure, and I can be irresponsible, but there is a difference between me saying, "Holy Shit! Two lesbians are eating baby" and, I have such and such to do and after I'm done, or I can do this but not that.

In short I try and tell people how I am etc, and most don't seem to fully get it. I'm done feeling bad about it for the most part but its still irritating.

10-27-2013, 07:46 PM
Just don't ever, ever try to humanize yourself to them. Don't even go "I'm sorry, I can't control it." Every time I do anything even approaching that, I regret it. I work in Manhattan, so you can just imagine the shit that goes on.

There's something so fulfilling about responding to an aggressive person with a big, dumb, empty smile. Also, go get your shift supervisor, it's not your problem to deal with.

*completely empty, insanely perky and fake grin* "I'm sorry you have a problem with my company's policy." *they complain" "Oh, okay!"


If someone is aggressive with me, they don't get to win. They get emptiness and smiles and nothing. Fuck any other response, that's the one that leaves you feeling like you have some sort of power.

Good luck with getting out, people don't realize how hard of a job it can be.


i know most companies work on 'if they complain enough, just give them what they want so they shut up' but people don't get what they want by being an asshole with me. why should their bad behaviour be rewarded?

Halo Infinity
10-27-2013, 07:50 PM
I'll keep this simple and short as I've noticed I can go on and on about this sometimes. This is in regards to walking and standing when it can be helped.

1. People that don't know the meaning of personal space.

2. People that love to block stairways and doorways.

3. People that think having a conversation always justifies number 1 and 2.

As for driving and crossing the street.

1. Drivers that always expect me to cross the street first.

2. As both a driver and pedestrian, I hate having to deal with the K-turn. (Thank goodness I don't have to drive as of right now though.)

3. Jaywalkers that walk across the street as if they're strolling across their living room or bedroom.

4. When two people stop and have conversation at an intersection when they're supposed to be driving. It also makes the street a lot tougher to cross.

10-27-2013, 07:56 PM
I'll keep this simple and short as I've noticed I can go on and on about this sometimes. This is in regards to walking and standing when it can be helped.

1. People that don't know the meaning of personal space.

2. People that love to block stairways and doorways.

3. People that think having a conversation always justifies number 1 and 2.

As for driving and crossing the street.

1. Drivers that always expect me to cross the street first.

2. As both a driver and pedestrian, I hate having to deal with the K-turn. (Thank goodness I don't have to drive as of right now though.)

3. Jaywalkers that walk across the street as if they're strolling across their living room or bedroom.

4. When two people stop and have conversation at an intersection when they're supposed to be driving. It also makes the street a lot tougher to cross.

Fucking drives me crazy unless I'm in a rare completely apathetic mood. Especially if I'm trying to get shit done. The pedestrian thing is the worst. Sort of like the above customer comment, motherfucker YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED. Go ahead and blindly cross the street and pray to whoever that I'm paying attention and won't smear your (fuck) face across the pavement.

10-28-2013, 03:29 AM
New coworker is a fucking tool shed. We switched over to day shifts today, started at 11am. I got wasted last night and was sober but hurting bad today, but came in anyway. What does he do last night? Does a bunch of drugs and is too fucked up to come in. Great work, bro, way to fuck us over.

Halo Infinity
10-28-2013, 01:40 PM
I think this only happened once or twice in my entire life. I really hate it when somebody actually gets aggravated and annoyed at me just because I don't understand a joke, while asking about the joke's overall context. Explaining jokes, even to those that genuinely don't understand them is apparently is a crime in the world of humor for lots of people, but it doesn't bother me at all. The more I understand the joke, the more I'd be able to appreciate it.

Halo Infinity
10-29-2013, 08:37 AM
Nosy/random small talk, hanging out in large groups, and how directness can be unfairly and incredibly disproportionate to tactfulness.

Halo Infinity
11-01-2013, 01:01 PM
I wouldn't say it pisses me off, but it does leave me feeling a bit awkward, and it does come across as sort of hindrance to me.

When people try to get a laugh or smile out of me. As of now, I don't think it's something you "try". It either works, or it doesn't work. If I authentically find it funny, uplifting, or even joyous, I'll smile/laugh whenever I truly feel like it.

I'm just amazed at how people are bothered by silence and deadpan expressions. Now that's comedy to me. :p

11-01-2013, 06:07 PM
So...because I'm trying to move back to California as soon as possible, I decided to go month to month on my apartment. I spoke with someone a few weeks ago and asked how much extra it would cost me. She told me it would cost me NOTHING extra. It would be $539 a month, which was my normal rate. That's it. And maybe I was naive for believing that but I figured, DUH, I'm pretty sure the person at the leasing office knows what they're talking about.

I came in today to a completely different story. I asked how much the rent was and she nonchalantly hands me a post-it with a price on it: $921. I'm like, um...wat. And she's like, well, yeah, the rent automatically goes up AND you have a $200 month to month fee AND the taxes are higher. And I'm like, well, funny that, because the person telling me this was the exact same person who, just a few weeks ago, was telling me about how it wasn't going up at all. Then she brought out her manager who was like, "Well, it does say it in your initial lease!" Yes. And maybe it was stupid of me not to go home and comb through my lease but I didn't think there was a need to. I trusted that I was being told the truth. Oops. That's a mistake I'll never make again.

So of course I was immediately like, ok, I'm putting in my 30 days notice. There's no chance I'm staying in this shithole after that. I'm so pissed right now. An extra $400 a month is a pretty big thing to forget to mention.

Halo Infinity
11-01-2013, 08:30 PM
When people use jokes or a jocular demeanor and appearance as a free pass to be a major douche-bag and/or asshole. It doesn't just piss me off, it also freaks me the fuck out. Like oh, I'm sorry, I tainted your food and beverage while you weren't looking, but I was just kidding man. Lighten up will you? :rolleyes:

It sometimes reminds me why I prefer to be alone, or hate large groups when actually hanging out with others. (Not that I really have the time or chances these days, but still.)

11-01-2013, 09:28 PM
^ Like back in school with those fucking punch you in the shoulder games. Only once motherfucker, when it came to my turn I always blasted that nerve on top instead of straight on meat. They learned quick. If I fuck with you first sure, but I rarely do or would, otherwise leave me and my shit alone.

Halo Infinity
11-01-2013, 11:44 PM
Would I be wrong to assume that this is the way most party-goers act and treat each other? I'm just getting this vibe that some people with very outgoing and outspoken personalities act that way. (Not to say that all of them do.) It also bothers me that some people wouldn't want to hang out with somebody that doesn't know or care how to joke in such a way. It's annoying, but also disheartening though, so I'm not completely pissed off about it.

11-02-2013, 01:46 AM
If you party with douche bags maybe. I don't mind fucking around but when it comes to a point lines can be crossed. From what I saw from your other post I can see how this may be hard to discern. I'm more than able to verbally joust etc, but when it comes to actually pressing me physically or maliciously I tend to draw the line. Asshole is asshole in my book. Juvenile bullshit I generally don't tolerate, never have and especially now. If I feel somebody is genuinely trying to fuck with me I tend to let them have it. Not physically per say but enough so they know I don't play that way. With friends that may be different but they usually know better than to push my Fuck You button.

Halo Infinity
11-02-2013, 02:47 AM
That's exactly how I'd see it too, and thank you for understanding. As little as this is on an Internet forum, due to anonymity and distance, it is appreciated since a little understanding can go a long way sometimes. It also is a form of relief for me, because it can be a bitch to keep these thoughts inside my head at all times, while having most, if not all people hardly understanding where I'm coming from.

I also hope I don't come across as humorless, it's just that I don't want to run the risk of pushing anybody else's "Fuck you!" button, or have mine pushed as well. I just don't play that shit, especially if I might run the risk of pissing off somebody that would be crazy enough to actually do something to me.

11-02-2013, 04:42 AM
Butthurt privacy discussions that start every time someone mentions tr kids on ets.

now facepalm away

Halo Infinity
11-02-2013, 02:04 PM
I can't believe that I haven't gotten around to admitting this yet. This also seems to be a prevalent occurrence on Facebook, as I'm sure most people know better to get their shit together when it comes to reading and writing on Internet forums.

Trying to have a real conversation with somebody using a smartphone on Facebook, especially when you know that they'd have all the time and energy to actual use a PC or laptop when they're not out and about. I've had so many miscommunications with a few smartphone users on Facebook, and they don't seem to read or respond to me thoroughly, and then get pissed at me for not understanding their cluttered messages, while knowing that they didn't really care to read what I was saying. (Hence, another reason to add to why I have such a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I only use it like an online magazine/newspaper now, with the occasional round of Angry Birds.)

And sure, we have Tapatalk users on ETS, but I appreciate the fact that people here actually take the time to respond thoroughly, and if their shit gets messed up, they actually do a thing called revise it, and explain themselves. I'm also aware that having longer written discussions on smartphones can be a hassle, which is why I'd rather use a PC or a laptop for longer and in depth conversations, especially as soon as I notice that the conservation is starting to obviously require longer sentences and paragraphs.

11-03-2013, 09:06 AM
Dropped my phone for the hundredth or so time a bit ago, and while it works, I seem to have jarred the antenna or something and no longer get cellular reception. Since I'm in the middle of moving I have no fucking clue where my back up phone is. Also I don't know where the fucking table for the football buffet is that I'm guessing I need to still set up is. And while I'm at it, this morning job is getting annoying. Maybe it's my lack of sleep but and my tendency to find fault but I'm tired of people saying that they will b around/will do something, like said football shit, and then not doing it. I mean fuck I can manage to work back to back 18 hour days with essentially no real break. How hard is it to work one fucking job? I'll stop as I'm crabby and could spew shit until the sun sets at this point. Perhaps redbull and coffee were a bad idea this morning.

11-03-2013, 10:41 AM
Work today. :(

Halo Infinity
11-03-2013, 07:57 PM
I think I finally found a way to condense this point. When people think they can trespass, loiter, and litter as much as they want, whenever they want, and be as loud as much as they want, wherever they want, saying whatever they want, and then wonder why they get into trouble. Some of these people even sleep and loiter at places they shouldn't be sleeping at, like restaurants or stores. These are also the same people that cause trouble and argue with security guards and cops for no good reason. They don't show any ID, and seem to think the arguing with the police will keep them out of trouble.

And to put it South Park terms, this is them at their worst. :p And while I'm not against all skateboarders, I noticed that some of them also fall into this category.


11-04-2013, 11:41 AM
man, the cost of pressing a small/reasonable quantity of vinyl records with above minimal options is mindblowing

11-04-2013, 01:14 PM
man, the cost of pressing a small/reasonable quantity of vinyl records with above minimal options is mindblowing

i did a kickstarter a couple years ago to press a 7" EP of my music. i only pressed 250 copies (about 50 of which went to kickstarter backers) and it cost around $1600. the artwork printing actually cost more than the records, which is insane. i also still have a box with well over 100 copies of the EP (and that's after giving a bunch away to friends for free).

11-04-2013, 02:07 PM
i did a kickstarter a couple years ago to press a 7" EP of my music. i only pressed 250 copies (about 50 of which went to kickstarter backers) and it cost around $1600. the artwork printing actually cost more than the records, which is insane. i also still have a box with well over 100 copies of the EP (and that's after giving a bunch away to friends for free).

The craziest part is that if you're opting for color artwork, the price difference between printing 100 copies and 250 copies is like, 50 dollars total. WHAT?! and even then, I have to make 500 copies in order to be able to sell them for a reasonable price and still break even at the end.

And I've learned that lesson the hard way in the past. Last time, we sold basically close to around 250 copies... so we have about 250 copies in boxes. Blah. People might not realize, but that's a lot of records, and they take up a lot of space, and they're heavy.

11-04-2013, 02:31 PM
hey, let me know if you want a copy of my EP (http://eversonpoe.bandcamp.com/album/monument-ep) ;)

i'll happily buy a copy of your album!

Halo Infinity
11-05-2013, 08:52 AM
Oh okay, perhaps one more post about my social and asocial life for the road. And this is also about being around people and trying to make friends in real life. :p

The mere thought that I'd need to "have a sense of humor" and know how to "take jokes via having my chops busted, and busting people's chops in return" as a way to be "friendly" and "make friends". I'm horrible at that because I tend to take things personally, or just suspicious of other people's motives, or I end up feeling very awkward and insecure if I'm not necessarily hurt/angry, and whenever I tried it, I ended up saying things I shouldn't even say. I know I've treaded onto this territory before, but sometimes people's expectations on "what having a sense of humor is in order to make friends/become friendly" pisses me off.

I'd rather be careful with what I say. You never know if you might piss off the wrong person and have your shit all fucked up as an end result. (If not physically, mentally and emotionally.) As if the fear of getting in trouble/hurt and having bad things happen is wrong. :rolleyes:

And well, that's it for now. Sorry about that display, but it really is annoying. :p

-Oh, and for the record, if you don't mean harm, I could live with that. I'm really just talking about people that use "I'm just kidding!" or "It was a joke!" as an excuse to be a real and/or trolling asshole. I just thought I'd provide some further clarification on that matter and I really hope that nobody takes this post the wrong way.-

11-05-2013, 09:08 AM
As for what is pissing me off: people who are making way to much food for the holidays (year after year after year) and who are pushing the leftovers to others since apparently, they don't "like" leftovers.

I'm looking at you, mother.

My mom is the same, and everyone tells her so. Sounds like an Italian household.

miss k bee
11-05-2013, 01:15 PM
Had a shit night a work yesterday, I hate Mondays anyway as its the start of the 7 night shift, but working in a office which feels like its -5 degrees!, its not even winter properly yet! Also really bored feel like I am using 1% per cent brain, don't really get on with the people I work with either :(

Need to look for a new job again.

Frozen Beach
11-06-2013, 03:02 AM
Anxiety attacks are becoming more common for me. Went to sleep shaking like an earthquake earlier. Might have to start taking medication for it. It also really doesn't help that I still can't get over the feeling of being used.

11-06-2013, 10:03 PM
I'm just gonna list them because if I don't I'm going to explode:

I have an instructor trainee going to audition tomorrow for the program we teach - we need her to pass because one of my other instructors is pregnant and will be on leave as of December. I and the other instructor have been working hard with her to teach her. I really really need her to pass her audition. Currently I have no one to cover Saturday mornings, so it is very hard for me to anywhere on the weekend, and it has been this way for almost 18 months.

Struggling with the probability class I'm taking - I'm working on a MS in math because I need better job prospects. The teacher is throwing material at us faster than we can absorb, and grades very harshly, then only posts all the homework solutions from the previous month 2 days before the test. That is not helpful.

Running a fundraiser event this weekend for the local holiday charity to help christmas happen for the poor in my town, so I have to organize the class with 4 instructors who teach for me. It is a good cause but it is stressful.

It turns out another instructor is pregnant due in April, which I heard through a co-worker of her husband, so we'll need someone to cover for HER.

And throughout it all I continue to teach my 12 aerobic/dance/strength classes per week. I'm overwhelmed. And I'm a bag of pain tonight. Everything hurts. (Another reason I'm working on math - I like what I do, and am good at it, but I need to be able to teach less)

There's more but I'm tired of typing. /rant

11-06-2013, 11:52 PM
The Q-tip stuck in my ear...again

11-07-2013, 08:10 PM
My mind that obsesses over things and won't let go, and these elaborate anxieties just go with me in my head wherever I go.
Be gone!

Halo Infinity
11-07-2013, 08:25 PM
People talking shit about this photography project I'm running with my campus newspaper.

I'm hardly even a major contributor, I'm more just helping to run it and occasionally contribute. But it just annoys me that a tiny minority feel the need to publically shit on what is just a fun project. Sure, it might not be perfect, but we're giving it a shot and that's heaps more than what they're doing.

And of course, I can't say any of this to them as it'd look bad and it'd be feeding the trolls. So I've just gotta hold my tongue.

Ugh. I really hate people more and more these days.
Moments like those reminds me of the following expressions, and yeah, I also seem to see this shit happen a lot.

You can't please everybody.

Everybody's a critic... or in your case... everybody's a fucking goddamned critic that should STFU. :p

Halo Infinity
11-07-2013, 08:27 PM
My mind that obsesses over things and won't let go, and these elaborate anxieties just go with me in my head wherever I go.
Be gone!
Oh yes, that's me to a T. No wonder why I sometimes just go to sleep a lot. (I ironically forget why I've slept more than I should sometimes, as I sometimes sleep to forget and let go in some ways.)

Charmingly Miserable
11-07-2013, 09:23 PM
My internet kicked me off of my class tonight. Stupid new Blackboard platform and stupid Java.