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12-23-2021, 03:36 PM
my bad, dude. no offense meant.

12-25-2021, 02:47 AM
It's all good ickyvicky and Demogorgon ; sorry for kind of snapping at you

12-27-2021, 06:48 PM
When you’re on the John taking a crap and feel hungry at the same time.

01-02-2022, 07:56 AM
When I found this video on YouTube, and saw this guy build this interesting argument using both christian canonical and gnostic scriptures, I was really excited. I thought I'd found a great mysticism based YouTube channel. And don't get me wrong, I still love THIS video.


But when I looked this guy up, it turns out that he is...wait for it...an actual fucking cult leader.
The video's TRUE purpose is to expose contradiction and turn the viewer toward "Hyperianism," which, of course, is a religion he created, wherein all science AND religion must be destroyed, as they're conspiracies keeping us from ascending as living mathematical equations, or some shit? (It costs money to be properly indoctrinated.)
Then i found accusations of this dude psychology and financially abusing his members, and the cult generally being regarded as dangerous. (https://www.patheos.com/blogs/nosacredcows/2017/12/former-reality-tv-star-now-leads-dangerous-anti-science-cult/#:~:text=Hyperianism%20is%20a%20Dangerous%20cult.% 20We%20all%20know,red%20flags%20that%20people%20sh ould%20pay%20attention%20to.)

It's a damn shame, too, because he's obviously smart, with a good understanding of one of my favorite subjects.

Edit: I DO still recommend this video, though, if you're into any of this stuff (early jesus movement/gnosticism.)
Just probably don't order any literature from him.

01-09-2022, 10:06 AM
some advice for anyone that needs it: Never, ever, ever volunteer to randomly help someone out of a small financial issue. Especially if they are a friend.

01-09-2022, 11:28 AM
some advice for anyone that needs it: Never, ever, ever volunteer to randomly help someone out of a small financial issue. Especially if they are a friend.
I learned a long time ago not to "loan" people money unless I can 100% afford to not be paid back. And then, if I'm paid back, it's nice, and if not, i'm still alright

01-09-2022, 11:52 AM
I learned a long time ago not to "loan" people money unless I can 100% afford to not be paid back. And then, if I'm paid back, it's nice, and if not, i'm still alright

In this case, I'm gifting someone money, and they're now asking me for more because they're inferring I originally implied I'd gift them more. And he's like, actually getting agitated and pissed. I'm not even fucking joking.

01-09-2022, 12:08 PM
In this case, I'm gifting someone money, and they're now asking me for more because they're inferring I originally implied I'd gift them more. And he's like, actually getting agitated and pissed. I'm not even fucking joking. oh jesus. Yeah, that sucks. I sort of wondered if it was something like that- someone asking for more. If someone got pissed off at me in a situation like that, I honestly probably wouldn't talk to them much more. Kind of like, that's how much it cost to see them clearly.

01-09-2022, 02:47 PM
In this case, I'm gifting someone money, and they're now asking me for more because they're inferring I originally implied I'd gift them more. And he's like, actually getting agitated and pissed. I'm not even fucking joking.

Here’s the solution:


No fuck off no.

I neither loan nor give people money (except charities); I just give free advice.


Pisses me off: Why the fuck was I born so close to Christmas and in this FREEZING COLD? I’m moving my bday celebration to a warmer month. Screw this. Covid doesn’t make it any easier. For the last THREE YEARS!! After you get to a certain age, the ONLY thing that makes birthdays worth a shit is going out to dinner and CAKE. Last night, we ordered no-contact Italian delivery. But G got me a WOK!! Tonight: Stir fry!!! When life gives ya lemons …

01-09-2022, 06:21 PM
The internet keeps getting more...homogeneous, I guess?

I've been thinking about this for a few weeks. I got these drug test kits- mouth swab kits -for a medicine prescribed to me via telehealth.

I wanted to find out how long it takes to pass such a test if I'd had alcohol, and I swear to god, online, I found the same piece of text over and over again. These were different articles and "answers" and such, but I found the same EXACT two or three sentences in about fifteen of the search results.

Also, I keep finding these pages that are just lists of slightly connected questions, like faq style, just full of fucking SEO text.

This is the sort of thing that gave rise to the whole "dead internet" conspiracy theory, I think.

01-09-2022, 07:40 PM
The internet keeps getting more...homogeneous, I guess?

I've been thinking about this for a few weeks. I got these drug test kits- mouth swab kits -for a medicine prescribed to me via telehealth.

I wanted to find out how long it takes to pass such a test if I'd had alcohol, and I swear to god, online, I found the same piece of text over and over again. These were different articles and "answers" and such, but I found the same EXACT two or three sentences in about fifteen of the search results.

Also, I keep finding these pages that are just lists of slightly connected questions, like faq style, just full of fucking SEO text.

This is the sort of thing that gave rise to the whole "dead internet" conspiracy theory, I think.

What this is, basically, honestly, is people stealing content.

And hoping to monetize their own pages by offering some kind of product.

1) Buy a web page (cheap, easy)
2) Steal web content from other pages (easier than having to actually construct your own sentences; actually, many of these pages are from other countries written by people who don't even speak English)
3) Use programs through Amazon etc. to monetize your site
4) Someone does a Google search, lands on a page, their site offers a drug test kit, someone clicks on it, buys it, see (1) ... they get money

01-11-2022, 04:38 AM
Current temperature is -8 F (-22.2 C) and still dropping. Should be down to -10 F (-23.3 C) by the time I have to be at work before it goes up all the way to a high of -2 F (-18.9 C) around 2pm today. Plus wind chills as low as -35 F (-37.2 C)!

01-11-2022, 02:36 PM
What this is, basically, honestly, is people stealing content.

And hoping to monetize their own pages by offering some kind of product.

1) Buy a web page (cheap, easy)
2) Steal web content from other pages (easier than having to actually construct your own sentences; actually, many of these pages are from other countries written by people who don't even speak English)
3) Use programs through Amazon etc. to monetize your site
4) Someone does a Google search, lands on a page, their site offers a drug test kit, someone clicks on it, buys it, see (1) ... they get money

Holy shit I think you're right.
Most of these pages advertised drug test kits or special mouthwash to BEAT drug test kits, and many of them had strange grammatical errors that made me think the writer's first language wasn't english.

01-12-2022, 03:39 AM
Here’s the solution:


No fuck off no.

I neither loan nor give people money (except charities); I just give free advice.


Pisses me off: Why the fuck was I born so close to Christmas and in this FREEZING COLD? I’m moving my bday celebration to a warmer month. Screw this. Covid doesn’t make it any easier. For the last THREE YEARS!! After you get to a certain age, the ONLY thing that makes birthdays worth a shit is going out to dinner and CAKE. Last night, we ordered no-contact Italian delivery. But G got me a WOK!! Tonight: Stir fry!!! When life gives ya lemons …

Happy birthday. I know the feeling as mine is at the end of this month. The only good thing about having it in the cold is when I was little school got snowed out a few times on the day. Way things are going, I won't have to put up with many more.

01-12-2022, 02:37 PM
Happy birthday. I know the feeling as mine is at the end of this month. The only good thing about having it in the cold is when I was little school got snowed out a few times on the day.

Thanks! Happy birthday to you, too, and many more!

01-13-2022, 10:03 AM
this might not exactly be a "piss you off" thing, but finding out that friends have died on social media is a really depleting and surreal thing. It doesn't feel real and then slowly it settles in that this isn't just another meme or picture of somebody's lunch or rant about whatever.

01-13-2022, 10:55 AM
"If you wanna be a Republican leader in the house or the senate, you HAVE to have a working relationship with President Donald Trump...the leader of the Republican party..."- Lindsey Graham, last night

01-16-2022, 09:08 PM
This is more of a sad thing; it certainly doesn't piss me off:

I'm watching Black Market on Vice, where Michael K. Williams investigated various illegal scenes, which was some.of his final work.

I just watched an episode where he dug into the lean (opiate cough syrup mixed with soda) culture in Houston, Dallas, and finally LA.

He referred to himself as a recovering addict, and was actually momentarily in tears discussing one of the people he'd met, and where he saw that person in five years.

Watching this stuff, knowing that we lost him to heroin relatively soon after it was filmed (season two is a posthumous release)...it's just heavy.

01-25-2022, 09:55 AM
Not what I was expecting from my Sunday comics.


01-25-2022, 06:23 PM

01-25-2022, 08:04 PM
Used to, I complained about corporate oligarchy.

It's come to my attention that we STILL have a corporate oligarchy, firmly in place.
It's just that NOW, we have culture war bullshit and conspiracy theories piled on top of it. It just further obscures things.

It's still PRETTY much business as usual.
Nothing that costs MONEY has changed.

The only light I see is that many people are sick of it, I think.
I saw a recent AP poll that shows that over 70% of Americans don't want Biden to run again. ALSO, over 70% of Americans don't want Trump to run again.
This obviously includes a substantial percentage of both of their respective bases.

Maybe it IS time for a celebrity third party candidate, who could unite people.

01-31-2022, 11:52 PM
You guys SERIOUSLY need to see THIS shit. Dear sweet mother of god.

This is a big white dude with trump and freedom and 'merica tattoos on his FACE, rapping about how Biden stole the election, among other Newsmax talking points.

And he's cosigned by Roger Stone and the leader of the Proud Boys.

:p I'm fucking dead.


02-03-2022, 12:51 AM
As an English major (@allegro, allegate elevenism), how does a typo of this magnitude even happen with so many eyes on it?


02-03-2022, 10:04 AM
thank you for that, I had a great laugh reading about the Queen's Jubbly.

02-03-2022, 01:37 PM

I need a table to flip over, stat.

02-04-2022, 07:14 AM
I'm sick of shovelling the fucking snow. Fuck this white horseshit!

02-05-2022, 02:06 PM
I'm sick of shovelling the fucking snow. Fuck this white horseshit!

I’ve never seen or felt snow. Throw some of it on me!

I had a nice rude awakening at 4am (it’s now 7am) with excruciating kidney stone pain. I’ve had 3 or 4 in the past. After 2 hours of agony I kind of sat on the toilet with my elbows on my knees and jerked both legs up and down at the same time with my toes, and that somehow got rid of the pain. Kind of like it jerked it around or something and I either passed it or it’s in a less painful spot for the moment. I don’t wish this kind of pain on anyone.

02-05-2022, 02:37 PM
I’ve never seen or felt snow. Throw some of it on me!

You should take a trip to NSW and go to Perisher ski resort and learn to ski!

02-07-2022, 07:25 AM
70,000 people are without power in Texas, again.
Abbot promised that this would NOT happen again.

SO. after this shit happened LAST time, Texas Republicans passed a law that required the power grid to be weatherized.
They ALSO allowed natural gas companies to NOT declare themselves as critical infrastructure, because the natural gas lobby cut the governor a 7 figure check.

I sure am glad OUR county is one of a TINY handful in the far reaches of the state that ISN'T connected to that fancy power grid they've got.

02-07-2022, 10:16 AM


02-11-2022, 10:48 PM
I hope your tour gets canceled again.

02-12-2022, 07:58 AM
I hope your tour gets canceled again.

I thought you DID get tickets? Oh, and that faceplam was just retribution. :p

I definitely understand the sentiment. This was a ridiculous **** tease for me.

02-14-2022, 08:11 AM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug9zGBorj9o (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug9zGBorj9o)

02-15-2022, 01:00 AM
Excite email is effectively dead it seems. I’ll have to try and fund a way to salvage my pandora account and possibly my steam account, perhaps this one but here I am, not so concerned about it obviously.

Also as a kind of byproduct, of pandora, I couldn’t find what I was looking for so I stumbled upon Damian Rice Live videos and this motherfucker can get all sorts of caveman beard it seems. I went two months no shave partly due to my hospital stay recently and still had a bullshit white trash beard. Commitment issues?

TLDR: RIP 25 year old, mostly, throw away email address. And, yet again, my dream of gnarly chops. I’m

02-26-2022, 05:33 AM
Idiots on eBay. The auction finished 3 days ago, I paid IMMEDIATELY, and not a peep from this bum. I don't know if you're on vacation, I don't know if someone in your family died, I don't know because you're not communicating. You fuck.

03-01-2022, 10:31 PM

I'm glad I saw this information via this specific tweet first because it made me laugh while being pissed off.

03-02-2022, 07:03 AM
Deadhead type fan(atics). So opinionated & anal retentive. Get a life~! PS: this isn't about anyone here. Had a run in on another band's site because I dared to voice an opinion that was contrary to the common, old one. It wasn't negative, just different. Got called an idiot & because I haven't seen hundreds of shows (I've seen a lot though) by said band I didn't know what I was talking about. That sort of shit really pisses me off. There's a lot of good music in the world, not all by the same group or person. & sometimes change is good for a group. For instance, NIN has had a lot of musicians in & out of the band over the years. Most have been excellent in their own way. Personally, I really like the current live band & wish that maybe Trent would use them in the studio a bit more.

03-07-2022, 12:05 AM
Deadhead type fan(atics). So opinionated & anal retentive. Get a life~! PS: this isn't about anyone here. Had a run in on another band's site because I dared to voice an opinion that was contrary to the common, old one. It wasn't negative, just different. Got called an idiot & because I haven't seen hundreds of shows …

Gatekeeping is bullshit.

03-07-2022, 03:28 PM
I’m in an abusive relationship and she is a very good stone cold liar. At this point she’s going gaslighting me left and right. I showed her a video I took of the bruises she left on me after her last freak out and when she handed the phone back to me the video was deleted. The next day I found that a bunch of other pics and videos had been deleted.

then when I confronted her she claimed she doesn’t know my login code. Bullshit. The last time she really lost it she hit me over the back of my head with my laptop and screamed in my ear. Fuck this

03-07-2022, 03:53 PM
I’m in an abusive relationship and she is a very good stone cold liar. At this point she’s going gaslighting me left and right. I showed her a video I took of the bruises she left on me after her last freak out and when she handed the phone back to me the video was deleted. The next day I found that a bunch of other pics and videos had been deleted.

then when I confronted her she claimed she doesn’t know my login code. Bullshit. The last time she really lost it she hit me over the back of my head with my laptop and screamed in my ear. Fuck this

Oh jesus fuck.
That's not good.

Look back at my posts from like 2013: I was in the same situation, and sharing a LOT.

I gave her an ultimatum: 6 mos with no physical shit. And it worked. We've been happily married for going on eight years.

But it might NOT work.

Just don't snap and hit her back- I caught a case like that and, yeah. It doesn't look pretty good on the old background check.

03-07-2022, 04:14 PM
I’m in an abusive relationship and she is a very good stone cold liar. At this point she’s going gaslighting me left and right. I showed her a video I took of the bruises she left on me after her last freak out and when she handed the phone back to me the video was deleted. The next day I found that a bunch of other pics and videos had been deleted.

then when I confronted her she claimed she doesn’t know my login code. Bullshit. The last time she really lost it she hit me over the back of my head with my laptop and screamed in my ear. Fuck this

Get out. Life's too short.

03-09-2022, 11:58 AM
It’s the gas lighting that drives me insane. I get it now. I have found myself trying to believe insane things and crazy explanations, and I feel like Walter White trying to find the missing piece of the broken ceramic plate

03-10-2022, 04:38 AM
It’s the gas lighting that drives me insane. I get it now. I have found myself trying to believe insane things and crazy explanations, and I feel like Walter White trying to find the missing piece of the broken ceramic plate

Hang in there

03-10-2022, 11:55 AM
It’s something I’d want to go into more but that will just give me anxiety. I think I need a shrink

03-10-2022, 01:45 PM
It’s something I’d want to go into more but that will just give me anxiety. I think I need a shrink
we all do! sending love. hope you're ok.

03-12-2022, 01:17 AM
Hang in there

GTFO. (I obviously know nothing and easier said than done. Just be super real with how you feel. You’ll know.)

Sorry but, not sorry. (I am) I threw a sock at my last long term ex. In retrospect it was at that moment I came to realize it was done. We stayed together a couple more years. A decade later we still talk. Shit is hard in the moment. I hate being corny, but hopefully you figure it out.

03-12-2022, 10:52 AM
Things have gotten so fucking crazy and stupid. I feel like I’m in a movie

03-12-2022, 11:05 AM
Things have gotten so fucking crazy and stupid. I feel like I’m in a movie

you should write it. it might help.

03-12-2022, 03:44 PM
Sorry but, not sorry. (I am) I threw a sock at my last long term ex. In retrospect it was at that moment I came to realize it was done...

A SOCK? Did you mean to type "rock?" Or do you mean that you threw a punch?

If you're talking about a sock...like a sock that goes on your feet...you realize that's pretty damn low on the "volatile relationship" scale, right? :p
That's on par with something like "the day she accidentally overwrote my 2 hour NES Legend of Zelda file...that's when I filed for divorce."

If she really wanted to hate you, though, that IS assault in Texas, the sock throwing.

(please forgive me. I know that, even if it WAS a tube sock, this is likely a painful memory. I'm just, well, trying to clarify things, and perhaps, lighten the mood, here. I hope this doesn't upset you in any way).

03-17-2022, 10:05 AM

You know the Plano guy who's been going around social media? He's basically the worst kind of asshole.


anyone who's friendly with Andy Ngo should immediately be distrusted.

03-19-2022, 12:15 AM
A SOCK? Did you mean to type "rock?" Or do you mean that you threw a punch?

If you're talking about a sock...like a sock that goes on your feet...you realize that's pretty damn low on the "volatile relationship" scale, right? :p
That's on par with something like "the day she accidentally overwrote my 2 hour NES Legend of Zelda file...that's when I filed for divorce."

If she really wanted to hate you, though, that IS assault in Texas, the sock throwing.

(please forgive me. I know that, even if it WAS a tube sock, this is likely a painful memory. I'm just, well, trying to clarify things, and perhaps, lighten the mood, here. I hope this doesn't upset you in any way).

I, not figuratively, pulled a sock from my foot in some dumb whatever, and threw it. Life is subtle. No worries. It’s been a decade and we still talk.

Sorry I was probably an asshole initially.

03-19-2022, 10:13 PM
I, not figuratively, pulled a sock from my foot in some dumb whatever, and threw it. Life is subtle. No worries. It’s been a decade and we still talk.

Sorry I was probably an asshole initially.

Oh no.
I get it.

Flinging a sock could DEFINITELY be a...how do I put it?
It could certainly be the day that things turned sour.

I understand. It's just...I know it isn't funny to YOU, but, you know...

03-20-2022, 07:19 AM
I, not figuratively, pulled a sock from my foot in some dumb whatever, and threw it. Life is subtle. No worries. It’s been a decade and we still talk.

Sorry I was probably an asshole initially.

sock or rock, something was thrown. what’s interesting to me is that you acknowledge the behavior as a sign that something was not right. a lot of people never figure that out. they feel justified in the emotion of their actions so there’s no need to self reflect or change.

03-22-2022, 10:21 AM
Opiate withdrawals. I'm switching to a new pain med regimen but have to get the old one out of my system first. I think the plan is to get me unconscious as much as possible for the next 3 days. It's going to be a brutal & ugly week but hopefully I'll be sort of ok by the weekend. I've got to run to the drug store in a few hours & then I'm done. I am trading one addiction for another but supposedly the new drug will give me more relief. Has to be done as my spine is falling apart.

03-22-2022, 12:01 PM
Fingers crossed chuckrh that it works!

03-22-2022, 01:39 PM
Fingers crossed @chuckrh (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=6224) that it works!

Thank you. The bad stuff is starting to kick in now. Working on knocking myself out now. A pleasant surprise: the new pain med which I'll start about Thursday wasn't super expensive, at least as far as what Medicare covers. I had been a bit worried about that. I'm getting killed with co-pays.

03-25-2022, 12:34 PM
"You know that Manson never did a damn thing, and neither did Twiggy!"

Marilyn Manstans...

03-30-2022, 03:32 PM
The way my health insurance works is I have a fairly sizeable deductible, but then I also have a health reimbursement account that pays the vast majority of the money owed up until the deductible is reached. I just received a fairly sizable bill from a hospital which didn't reflect the HRA payment my insurance made. Called the hospital, they can't find a record of that payment. Called insurance, they said the payment was an electronic funds transfer on March 13. So the hospital damn well should have it. Called the hospital back with that information. They're now researching it, but it's going to take a day or two as they're closing for the day now. Ugh.

04-07-2022, 03:26 PM
Speaking of health, my bipolar disorder/ocd keeps getting worse with age.

For instance, as a result of my mania, I've graduated from losing like cards and keys and jewelry, to, for instance, pairs of boots, bottles of wine... video game consoles :p

I wish I was kidding.

04-07-2022, 04:33 PM
i'm scared. my girlfriend is fucking insane and she is lying to my face, saying I hit her, saying I "threw her around." NONE OF THIS is true. Meanwhile, in the real world, she tackled me and my head went through the wall. The back of my skull scalp is popped off. FUCK THIS

04-07-2022, 04:54 PM
i'm scared. my girlfriend is fucking insane and she is lying to my face, saying I hit her, saying I "threw her around." NONE OF THIS is true. Meanwhile, in the real world, she tackled me and my head went through the wall. The back of my skull scalp is popped off. FUCK THIS

Can’t you get an apprehended violence order against her at this point? Legally keep her away from you?

04-07-2022, 05:44 PM
i'm scared. my girlfriend is fucking insane and she is lying to my face, saying I hit her, saying I "threw her around." NONE OF THIS is true. Meanwhile, in the real world, she tackled me and my head went through the wall. The back of my skull scalp is popped off. FUCK THIS

As someone who attracts crazy ass women for some reason, unfortunately, I've been there more than once.

Sometimes these things are fixable, through love and work and rules and shit.

Not that my opinion means much of shit, but you've said enough, here, to make me think that, perhaps, this is a "cut your losses" situation.

"Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em"- Fugees, Cowboys.

04-07-2022, 09:59 PM
i'm scared. my girlfriend is fucking insane and she is lying to my face, saying I hit her, saying I "threw her around." NONE OF THIS is true. Meanwhile, in the real world, she tackled me and my head went through the wall. The back of my skull scalp is popped off. FUCK THIS

Jesus, man. That sounds like a terrifying situation. I haven't read everything you've said, but is there no way you can get help? Will no one IRL believe you? Now, with this physical damage to you and the wall, there must be enough to get authorities involved, right? Right? Stay safe however you can. :-/

04-08-2022, 02:50 AM
i'm scared. my girlfriend is fucking insane and she is lying to my face, saying I hit her, saying I "threw her around." NONE OF THIS is true. Meanwhile, in the real world, she tackled me and my head went through the wall. The back of my skull scalp is popped off. FUCK THIS

You’re going to have to set up cameras. Or gtfo, now.

04-19-2022, 08:44 AM

I love snow, but at this point I'm pretty over it. Things just start to green up here and then this. Happens pretty much every year.

04-20-2022, 04:23 PM
$7.20Out of StockHow are you out of stock on a digital good. I realize that licenses expire but you're the licensing company, just ask yourself for some more!

04-22-2022, 10:54 AM
My dumbass dog knocked a glass of water right onto my (relatively) new laptop. It didn't immediately fry so I shut it down, took the back off, and have it propped up in front of a fan. I'm gonna be really pissed if it's fucked.

04-22-2022, 11:17 AM
My dumbass dog knocked a glass of water right onto my (relatively) new laptop. It didn't immediately fry so I shut it down, took the back off, and have it propped up in front of a fan. I'm gonna be really pissed if it's fucked.

No doggie treats today!

04-22-2022, 12:00 PM
This may be a stupd question - but does the rice trick work with laptops?

04-22-2022, 12:22 PM
This may be a stupd question - but does the rice trick work with laptops?

That would have to be a lot of rice. Also, rice leaves behind residue, wouldn't want to use that on my laptop. I'm pretty sure it was only a little water that actually got inside. I'm hopeful that with time it'll dry out and be fine, especially since it didn't short out right away. I also paid for accidental damage coverage, so worst case scenario, that should cover it. Hoping not to have to deal with that though.

NEXT MORNING EDIT: Booted up this morning. So far so good. Too early to definitively say it's fine, as there could still be some water that'll move around and short something out eventually. Fingers crossed though.

04-25-2022, 11:50 AM

yikes / lol combo

05-02-2022, 05:22 PM
Do you remember twitter user uninteresting photos (https://mobile.twitter.com/uninterestingp4/with_replies)? apparently the account was hacked because now it's https://twitter.com/CryptoAllFather

Last 'real' tweet from the account was Oct 2021, then in March it started tweeting crypto.


an article talking about the account and you can see how it's changed even there.

05-11-2022, 01:08 AM
Today at work I was told I might be getting moved to a different team purely to satisfy diversity quotas. And I’m just so tired.

wanted to clarify is because I’m one of only 2 women on the shop floor. they think moving me and my bench and uprooting my rapport with my team/ supervisor is just fine, in order to make management feel better. You know, instead of actually hiring more diverse people…

05-11-2022, 05:46 AM
Today at work I was told I might be getting moved to a different team purely to satisfy diversity quotas. And I’m just so tired.

wanted to clarify is because I’m one of only 2 women on the shop floor. they think moving me and my bench and uprooting my rapport with my team/ supervisor is just fine, in order to make management feel better. You know, instead of actually hiring more diverse people…
I was a stat in the diversity thing too. I worked for a huge aerospace corporation & got permanently ill a year into my time there. I lasted over 10 years before I had to retire on disability (5 years longer than the doctors wanted me too). I was a ghost in the machine but my work was superior. I think being classified as disabled made me bullet proof to certain extent. I hated working in that culture but I made it work for me. I hope that there's a way you can make this work for you, too.

05-12-2022, 03:04 PM
It's 88 degrees here in northern VT today. I just put my AC window unit in. Managed to drop the fucker right on the tip of my middle finger. There was a lot of blood.

05-13-2022, 09:58 AM
Ouch! I'm sorry otnavuskire :(

05-13-2022, 11:58 AM
Ouch! I'm sorry @otnavuskire (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=212) :(

Thanks. Luckily it doesn't hurt at this point. Just has a nice chunk of skin hanging off and looks pretty gross. Been keeping it clean and covered.

05-27-2022, 11:23 PM
Can we please just put regular-ass buttons on our TVs again? Please? Is it really so necessary that we remove buttons for things like controlling volume? Oh, but there’s one tiny, hidden button on the bottom that allows me to turn it on/off and change inputs, and literally nothing else. Very helpful.

My remote had battery acid eat away at the battery port, and now it’s unusable - so this TV is just stuck at that volume until I can go get a new remote.

06-03-2022, 11:50 AM
This movement to warp the decision in the Depp/Heard trial to be some affront to women, or that the verdict will act as a deterrent to abuse victims coming forward in the future... Amy Schumer musing about how Amber Heard is "going to need her sisterhood."

This isn't the "armies of the status quo" coming to assail the innocent. Everyone assumed Depp was guilty at first. His career was derailed and he became an instant pariah, along with Weinstein and Cosby and (eventually) his buddy Marilyn Manson.

But when those verdicts came out, can you imagine if some asshole guys had jumped up and started shouting about how we need to stand with Weinstein or Cosby as some fraternal solidarity thing? I didn't see the WSJ opinion pieces bemoaning the public's derision and attacks on Weinstein. I think we'd all agree that would be some MRA cringe disgusting stuff, but here... we've got people insinuating that the dogpile on her is motivated by misogyny in some way? Perhaps partially, but on a whole, NO.

And to the ridiculous claim that this verdict will deter women from coming forward about their abuse, how about the fact that it could also serve as a motivation for men in abusive relationships to recognize what they're in? Do the people writing these thought pieces actually give a shit about Depp's experience of being abused by her? Her manipulation tactics and unhinged dishonest BS... Her mocking him when he tries to talk about her abusing him...

Defending her bullshit is doing additional disservice to the movements that she piggy-backed on and exploited. She invited the public discussion with her op-ed. She asked for the public attention.

06-03-2022, 12:44 PM
Jinsai, yeah, if you watched all or even most of this trial, and disposed of what either of them said because they’re both actors, the VAST amounts of AUDIO RECORDINGS and witness statements showing Heard clearly abusing Depp turned the bus around.

The recordings of her relentlessly humiliating him, telling him she hit him but didn’t punch him, and that he’s a baby for not being able to stand up to her; the recordings of her being mad at him because he keeps running away from her and locking himself in rooms because he needed a break from her and she wouldn’t let him. The psychologist that evaluated Heard (by consent), who testified that Heard has Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder, then explained what each meant, and it all explained why Heard was acting the way she did. Triggering fights that caused over $100 MILLION IN PROPERTY DAMAGE! The endless array of witnesses who either had to clean up the horrific mess that was left, or testified that they feared for Depp’s life and tried to get him out of there. There was plenty of evidence of actual physical abuse of Depp, as well.

Edit: And texting him a photo of HUMAN FECES on his side of the bed? Okay WUT?

In all, the evidence stacked up showing Depp as having been abused. It also showed him having serious alcohol and drug issues. He only admitted to having a former addiction to OxyContin. He clearly refuses to see he has an alcohol issue. But we heard it and saw photos. He’s surrounded by enablers. I hope he gets help. These issues don’t necessarily make a person abusive to others; they do, however, make a person more vulnerable to abuse and is of course self-abuse.

I agree, women can also be abusive and perhaps this is a MeToo moment for men in this situation.

Edit: Note that the jury also didn’t like Depp’s former attorney’s nasty social media comments directed at Heard, and awarded Heard $2 million for that.

06-03-2022, 01:37 PM
Totally agree. People saying that this is deterring women clearly didn't watch the trial.

06-03-2022, 03:51 PM
I hope he can return to films after this, BUT with a contract clause saying he has to be off the drugs and alcohol. The world has moved on and it’s just not acceptable to be drunk while working and the rules should apply to everyone

06-04-2022, 05:35 PM
I was trying to re-download some purchases from HDTracks because they weren't in my HD Music folder. Fifteen minutes later and not finding a download button on the site nor on the proprietary downloader, I look at the FAQs.

Unfortunately HDtracks' policy does not allow for multiple downloads of the same order after 90 days. This is why we ask that our customers back up their files. Contact HDtracks customer support for details.

well guess who doesn't feel bad pirating these albums now?

06-10-2022, 04:34 AM
This fucking year is a little thing that pisses me off. So far, my gran died (not unexpected), a childhood friend commited suicide, my cousin suddenly died, there's a plethora of undetonated family drama-bombs associated with that. Some professional shit went wrong. I had been hanging a lot of self-care hopes on the upcoming NIN shows, but that's now looking very unlikely (and I'm ~£600 down) as my eldest child has just had a bad bone break. Which is obviously terrible for more reasons than me missing NIN. She's in surgery right now and I'm on hold to a holiday company to figure out if we can salvage our family summer holiday or not. Sorry to vent.

06-10-2022, 11:07 AM
sorry to hear that and for your losses jmtd that is defintley rough! i hope your daughter makes it through her surgery.

06-10-2022, 12:15 PM
Damn jmtd . I'm sorry. That's a LOT.

06-10-2022, 12:31 PM
Old 97s show in Denver last night:

I've always, ALWAYS just walked up to the tour bus and tapped on the door, and asked whoever answered to let Philip know I was there, and we'd go kick it: have a drink, smoke a joint, catch up, etc: P and whoever else might wanna chill.
I arrived a fucking HOUR early for this reason. Hell, Philip and i'd been planning to chill for WEEKS.

Well, THIS time, some gigantic balled headed biker-from-hell looking dude nearly tackled me when I tried that, the knocking on the bus door, and this hellhound lady came running as backup.
I was like WHOAMYGODSORRYPHILIPISONEOFMYBESTFRIENDS!!! I was fucking legitimately scared.
I asked them to just let him know I was there.

Lady was like "I'M NOT TELLING ANYONE ANYTHING! If they wanted you on the bus (edit: I wasn't trying to get on the damn bus) they'd have told the venue!"
ALSO, the lady was talking to someone on a radio saying "there's some guy pretending he knows the band," like in case she needed MORE backup?

" I'm on the fucking guest list plus 3," I told them. "CHECK."
They said no.

There was nothing I could say or do to prove to these people that I was friends with this band. I couldn't CALL- I don't do smart phones and just have a burner for the car, with essential numbers.

So yeah. We kicked it AFTER the show, when this fucking military style security force was gone.
Unfortunately the bars were closed by then, so our big "seeing each other" after more than FIVE YEARS, amounted to shooting the shit in a parking lot for half an hour.

I guess it's a sign of the times. I mean, I guess any lunatic could go up to a tour bus, lure someone outside, and kill them. And these people worked for the venue.
The whole world has gotten crazy...crazieER...since the last time I just tapped on the ole' tour bus door in 2016 or so, wrt crazy gun bullshit.

But it DID piss me off.

I think they thought I was some...crazed fan trying to tell these guys they saved my life and beg for autographs or some shit?
And they seemed VERY goddamn proud of themselves, like as if they'd proved I was lying.
THAT'S what REALLY pissed me off.

Edit: and the idea that I wanted ON the bus? Zomg. Yeah. I want on a glorified RV where 4 men are LIVING: shitting, showering, shaving, sleeping. Yup. Sounds like fun.

06-10-2022, 12:48 PM
I'm currently stuck in a two hour zoom meeting to train us on the new interface that we're going to have to use for the Electronic Medical Records we have to use for my job. Within about two minutes of logging in to the new interface I'd already found all of the things I need to know how to use. Everything else they're showing us now is shit I don't need to know how to use for my job.

06-10-2022, 01:12 PM
I'm currently stuck in a two hour zoom meeting to train us on the new interface that we're going to have to use for the Electronic Medical Records we have to use for my job. Within about two minutes of logging in to the new interface I'd already found all of the things I need to know how to use. Everything else they're showing us now is shit I don't need to know how to use for my job.

Can you open an extra window and watch YouTube... Or shoot the shit on ets? I guess that's what you're doing, at least...the second part ;)

06-10-2022, 01:43 PM
Can you open an extra window and watch YouTube... Or shoot the shit on ets? I guess that's what you're doing, at least...the second part ;)

Yeah, I was just browsing the interwebs for most of that time. Still annoying to have to listen to them though. And luckily it ended after only an hour.

06-10-2022, 03:26 PM
Yeah, I was just browsing the interwebs for most of that time. Still annoying to have to listen to them though. And luckily it ended after only an hour. praise telecommute jesus :p

06-10-2022, 03:53 PM
praise telecommute jesus :p

My work is in person in a school (although thankfully today was the last day of school). This training was done by a different agency that runs the software they were "training" us on.

06-10-2022, 04:43 PM
Thanks ickyvicky and elevenism I appreciate it. I don’t like to moan but it’s just been kinda crazy. Daughter is now out of hospital and doing much better.

06-14-2022, 10:28 AM
UPS and their endless supply of shitty delivery agents.

06-14-2022, 10:52 AM
This fucking year is a little thing that pisses me off. So far, my gran died (not unexpected), a childhood friend commited suicide, my cousin suddenly died, there's a plethora of undetonated family drama-bombs associated with that. Some professional shit went wrong. I had been hanging a lot of self-care hopes on the upcoming NIN shows, but that's now looking very unlikely (and I'm ~£600 down) as my eldest child has just had a bad bone break. Which is obviously terrible for more reasons than me missing NIN. She's in surgery right now and I'm on hold to a holiday company to figure out if we can salvage our family summer holiday or not. Sorry to vent.
Hope your daughter has a smooth recovery

06-15-2022, 05:29 AM
Hope your daughter has a smooth recovery

Thanks dude! She's doing remarkably well, mostly sleeping through now, we've dropped from having to dose her with pain killers 24/7 to only on demand, her first full school day back is Today.

06-15-2022, 04:27 PM
Thanks dude! She's doing remarkably well, mostly sleeping through now, we've dropped from having to dose her with pain killers 24/7 to only on demand, her first full school day back is Today.

Glad things are looking up, man!
You guys take it easy.

06-20-2022, 02:17 PM
So I have been dealing with these bad stomach issues for, like, YEARS. And I tried dealing with it by eliminating foods, drinks, etc. But it really started affecting my daily life, like I couldn’t eat ANYTHING without getting an upset stomach.

So it took me 3 months to get in to a gastroenterologist, and I’m scheduled for an endoscopy in July (these specialists are way overbooked).

Meanwhile, he put me on 30mg of Lansoprazole 2x / day. And that took a few weeks to kick in, but it’s really working great.

But now it’s time to refill it. 60 pills cost me $10 in co-pay.

My CVS pharmacist called me this morning and said my BC/BS rejected it because they’ll only pay for 90 pills of this Rx PER YEAR. She advised me to contact my Dr. and have him contact my insurance company.

MEANWHILE, I went online to Mark Cuban’s new drug company, Cost Plus Drugs.

THEY sell it, too:

Lansoprazole Delayed Release (DR)
Capsule • 30mg • 60 count

I paid $10 co-pay for that.

Now, granted, I will have to pay SHIPPING.

But WTF?!? My insurance REJECTED paying ANYTHING.

I can get *90* from Cost Plus for $11.10.

06-20-2022, 02:34 PM
I went online to Mark Cuban’s new drug company, Cost Plus Drugs.

Wow, I just looked up what I take on that site and even with shipping it's about half of what it costs me through my insurance. Might be time to switch, next time I need a refill.

06-21-2022, 08:47 AM
How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?

06-21-2022, 09:09 AM
How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?

Small markups on large quantities still results in profit. They mark the drugs up 15% above cost plus a $3 prep fee on each medication.

06-21-2022, 09:10 AM
How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?

lol, just Googled his name and this article popped up from 17 hours ago:


Medicare could save billions buying generic drugs at Mark Cuban's pricesResearchers compared what the U.S. government pays for prescription drugs to the prices of generic drugs sold at the entrepreneur's new online pharmacy.

06-21-2022, 09:34 AM
How is Mark Cuban able to do that? Just because he's a zillionaire?


06-28-2022, 06:31 AM
iPhone screen stopped working to touch

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Sarah K
06-30-2022, 02:12 PM
Recruiters who pretend it is a direct hire role and don't reveal they are recruiters until the interview stage.

06-30-2022, 02:22 PM
@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) @ickyvicky (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3971) @Erneuert (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=7060)

Lest we forget...Mark Cuban ALSO bought the Dallas Mavericks, and his vision and unorthodox style converted them from the worst team in the NBA to fucking champions, which, no shit, gave me a reason to live at the time.

Mark Cuban is clearly Batman. He's able to do this shit because he DOES have all this money, and he actually DOES care about people.
The pharmacy thing started as a fuck you to Martin Shkreli, aka pharma bro.

What pisses me off?
Oh shit. I've got a LONG one involving a hotel in Denver where we were profiled for our collective races/clothes/piercings/tattoos.

But I'm saving that for a day when my fucking hands don't feel like.they're broken.

Oh yeah. RA. That's CURRENTLY pissing me off. I can barely type.

Shout out to my big brother @chuckrh (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=6224)

06-30-2022, 02:41 PM
Sorry for double post, but DENVER.

I'm sorry. I know some of you live there. Hell, my brother, sis in law, and their three kids moved there.

So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.

Where I live, I might hold the door for a literal, actual cowboy, with my ridiculously long hair, giant piercings, and Ice Cube shirt. (Here, I'm talking about a dude who is literally wearing a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots with spurs and shit, who just got off of his shift that involved riding a horse).
Next time, he holds the door for me.
And in line, at the store, we strike up a conversation.

I've never lived anywhere but Texas. In Texas, you smile, and say "howyoudoin'," and TALK a little.

Two weeks in Denver, going to the store everyday, taught me that shit is just TOTALLY different up there. People are NOT friendly.

And it's like "oh, yeah, these people have MORE piercings and and tattoos and freeky hairstyles, and they smoke more drugs," so you'd THINK they'd be friendly... but they just AREN'T.

I was just getting used to it when i left. It's utterly ingrained in me to smile and say hi to people: gang members, millionaires, whatever. I was learning to NOT do that. Then I came home.

I don't think I could live in a place like that. I can't fucking IMAGINE NYC.

06-30-2022, 02:45 PM
To be fair, Mark Cuban isn't the only one in this discount pharmacy game.

There's lots of online competition. He's the only one pumping lots of money into the advertising, and he has his own big name behind it.

I'd already been ordering cash drugs online from HealthWarehouse (https://www.healthwarehouse.com) for a few years.

See also:

* Ro Pharmacy: https://ro.co/pharmacy

* Blueberry Pharmacy: https://blueberrypharmacy.com

* Genius Rx: https://www.geniusrx.com

HERE'S A BUNCH MORE (https://report.scriptdrop.co/#major-players).

06-30-2022, 02:56 PM
]So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.

It's not just "Texas."

We used to live in Illinois and in Washington D.C. (we had an apartment in DuPont Circle because G had a job there for a year with the F.A.A. as a rep. for NATCA).

We could tell a NOTICEABLE difference between people here and there.

Like, go see a Washington Capitals game, and the people who work there are holding doors open for you, "Hi, welcome" and shit. But it wasn't just the workers, it was almost everyone. And, for us, we ... NOTICED IT. Like, holy crap, people are NICE. And HAVE MANNERS!

I don't know where the fuck all that went up here.

I was on the Blue Line on the way to O'Hare and this Hispanic dude was standing next to me. Must have been in his late-20s? And he says, "You know, NONE of these people now have any respect! They should get up and let ladies have the seats. I've been on here and there's PREGNANT women, like REALLY pregnant, and there's lazy kids sitting and making those women stand, or OLD PEOPLE hanging on to the posts who can barely stand and these lazy younger people just sitting there" and he went on for like 10 minutes bitching about how rude people are.

And he was totally right.

I try to walk out of an elevator, and can barely get out due to people shoving their way IN before they let you out. And that "bing" noise goes off meaning that door is gonna CLOSE and you ain't even off the TRAIN, yet!

Same thing with doors into buildings, etc. It's all I, Me, My, get the FUCK out of my way.

My oldest gf from 7th grade was in a car accident in the Detroit burbs with a guy many years ago, the guy hit her car late at night. And she jumped out of the car and started SCREAMING AT HIM, you motherfucking ASSHOLE, you HIT MY FUCKING CAR, etc. etc.

Guy got back into his car ... and took off. LOL.

I was standing up in a wedding in Dallas back in the 90s? A big SUV full of us bridesmaids were on our way from the luncheon to somebody's house, and there was this chain-reaction accident in front of us where we all ended up in this crash.

And some of us in the car weren't wearing seatbelts and shit.

So, our driver, our friend Julie (from Dallas) jumps out of the car, she's out there talking with this crowd of people who'd all been in the accident for what seems like an eternity. Cops show up.

Us ILLINOIS people are in the car, talking about how the people without seatbelts are going to JAIL, lol, etc.

FINALLY, Julie is all smiles, gets back into the SUV.

So ... what happened??

"We all exchanged numbers, and all of us are all getting together for lunch!"

All of us Illinois people in back looked at each other like we were in an episode of the fucking Twilight Zone.

Edit: Note: Downstate Illinois is nothing like the big city, it's almost like "the South." With a bunch of conservatives who are polite (but crazy pro-life). I went to my Godson's christening in Centralia IL and it wasn't anything like up here in the Chicago area. I lived in Evanston, IL, where everyone is much more friendly, and it's a hip college town vibe. I've lived in the North Shore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Shore_(Chicago)) for the last 24 years, where people are mostly rich entitled assholes. Although, at least where I live (Highland Park) is pretty "woke" and REALLY liberal. The police HQ is up the street and there are Gay Pride flags surrounding it right now. We're having a Vegan Fest.

06-30-2022, 03:21 PM
@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) I guess it's just cultural vibes from state to state.

Louisiana people are friendly. OK and NM folks are friendly.

People in Tennessee are friendly... I spent about a month there, and that's the furthest I've ever been from DFW or the panhandle, by like, at least 800 miles?

I was talking to an old friend about this, and he said that Denver is more like California (as in, not friendly/talkative).

I thought people were COOLER in Cali, and Denver, and would therefore, be friendlier.

How is it in Michigan?

Also: pisses me off- I've not seen NY, LA, CHI.
I've never been to a beach that wasn't Port Aransas or Galveston area.

I wanna go to fucking BOSTON, and NEW YORK, and the old, OG US.
I wanna see the Capitol. I want to see where the country was born...like the place where they all drank the special tea, and decided to choose Jeffersonian or Dickensian democracy...the Austin Tea Party?

But, sadly, time and money are short. SERIOUSLY though, I REALLY wanna see the northeast, SO bad.

Hey! At least I've been to every state or country that BORDERS Texas, and made that one rogue trip to Tennessee, where I found my wife.

06-30-2022, 07:43 PM
In Los Angeles people can be friendly, or not... really depends on where you're going. In general though, you're not likely to get a very enthusiastic response if you act like a wide-eyed tourist and you're really excited about Hollywood.

Hollywood is one of the most curmudgeonly, angriest places I've ever lived. Everyone there is pissed off or miserable. Or they're a tourist... so the interaction there tends to be less than great, because if someone is willing to talk to a tourist in Hollywood, they're probably trying to figure out how to rip them off. Then there's a lot of really cool places in LA, but you're going to find that they're not REALLY that different from anything you know from back home, so people visiting are generally unimpressed by places that have a lot more going on than you see on the surface. That's where the "people in LA are full of shit and pissed off" impression comes from more or less.

06-30-2022, 09:11 PM
Northern California - like, Tahoe - is great! People are really nice!

06-30-2022, 10:44 PM
Skip to 2:48 regarding annoying people. When you see random people say stuff like that in public don’t you just have to bite your tongue? Especially annoying since this YouTuber is such a genuinely nice dude.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB0gLn4Deho (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zB0gLn4Deho)

07-01-2022, 12:17 AM
fireworks. it's not the 4th, it's a Thursday, fucking stop it.

the cops put out a notice though: if you hear fireworks don't bother calling because we don't care.

Thanks for the heads-up assholes.

07-01-2022, 04:46 PM
fireworks. it's not the 4th, it's a Thursday, fucking stop it.

the cops put out a notice though: if you hear fireworks don't bother calling because we don't care.

Thanks for the heads-up assholes.

At least you aren't here.

These fuckers start shooting GUNS in the air on the first.

It scared the shit out of my dear departed best friend, Spike Poppy Lee, the American bulldog, and he wasn't afraid of SHIT.

Sigh. First 4th without my Poppy. Maybe he can read ets now, and will know how much I love and miss him.

07-01-2022, 04:59 PM
Sorry for double post, but DENVER.

I'm sorry. I know some of you live there. Hell, my brother, sis in law, and their three kids moved there.

So here's the thing: in Texas, we might be divided politically, but we're fucking FRIENDLY.

Where I live, I might hold the door for a literal, actual cowboy, with my ridiculously long hair, giant piercings, and Ice Cube shirt. (Here, I'm talking about a dude who is literally wearing a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots with spurs and shit, who just got off of his shift that involved riding a horse).
Next time, he holds the door for me.
And in line, at the store, we strike up a conversation.

I've never lived anywhere but Texas. In Texas, you smile, and say "howyoudoin'," and TALK a little.

Two weeks in Denver, going to the store everyday, taught me that shit is just TOTALLY different up there. People are NOT friendly.

And it's like "oh, yeah, these people have MORE piercings and and tattoos and freeky hairstyles, and they smoke more drugs," so you'd THINK they'd be friendly... but they just AREN'T.

I was just getting used to it when i left. It's utterly ingrained in me to smile and say hi to people: gang members, millionaires, whatever. I was learning to NOT do that. Then I came home.

I don't think I could live in a place like that. I can't fucking IMAGINE NYC.
You really don't want to visit Seattle. Icy Scandinavian rules the day.

07-01-2022, 05:18 PM
At least you aren't here.

These fuckers start shooting GUNS in the air on the first.

It scared the shit out of my dear departed best friend, Spike Poppy Lee, the American bulldog, and he wasn't afraid of SHIT.

Sigh. First 4th without my Poppy. Maybe he can read ets now, and will know how much I love and miss him.

I hear guns where I live in rural Vermont most days of the week. Of course around here it's for target practice more often than not to practice for hunting season.

07-01-2022, 06:38 PM
They shoot guns on the 4th in Chicago.

On New Year’s Eve, too.

We were on the roof of our friends’ condo in West Humbolt Park on NYE when we started hearing all the gunfire. Realizing “what goes up must come down,” we said HOLY SHIT and ran for the stairs.

Fireworks are legal in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. We’re talking HUGE shit that comes damned close to professional stuff.

So the home fireworks start in early-June and continue until damned near the end of July.

G is a huge pyro fireworks fan, as is one of my best girlfriends. Not gonna lie, we’ve been known to drive down to Indiana and spend hundreds of dollars at Phantom Fireworks.

Or Shelton:

07-01-2022, 09:49 PM
I’m pissed that more people didn’t see meathead came back and posted in the New Introduction thread. Go worship him!

07-07-2022, 09:16 PM
just watched Youtube without signing in, so I'm assuming this ad was chosen at random...

Anyway, I'm pissed that I don't remember what the website was called. It had a dumb name. The ad showed a white family sitting around a dinner table, and then it cuts to the son who is staring at a tablet, who says "did you know America is racist?" The family is shocked, but worry not, George Washington walks in the door, and they snatch the kid's iPad away and load up the website that's free from all that sort of talk. I shit you not.

Please tell me someone else has seen this ad and knows what the site was? At first I thought it was satire.

EDIT: I found it, so now I guess I'm not pissed off anymore. The site is called PragerU. This is unintentionally hilarious.


07-08-2022, 11:50 AM
Prager is a laughingstock but also? they're winning hearts and minds faster and better than any on the left. can't fight indoctrination with memes.

I just want the world to last another two years at least so I can get my retirement and skedaddle. I know I'm not even at minimum age but I'm almost to 20. I can start over somewhere and get that retirement when I'm old enough.

07-08-2022, 02:27 PM
I’d never even HEARD about Prager until Swykk told (warned) us about it.

That kooky Candace Owens is a Prager (cough) instructer.

https://www.prageru.com/presenters/candace-owens?gclid=CjwKCAjwq5-WBhB7EiwAl-HEkiNKW-UpUK7i1uDSOZpERPcQ9TdEToWvUSQovvccNQpMoUeYIPN6RxoC lYUQAvD_BwE

07-08-2022, 04:18 PM
The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.

07-08-2022, 04:23 PM
The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.
I wonder if they will prorate the billing for the time no service was being provided. hahahahahahahaha

07-08-2022, 05:25 PM
The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.

Jesus, this is insane (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/rogers-network-outage-across-canada-hit-banks-businesses-and-consumers.html)!!

BUT, this reminds me of the Northeast Blackout of 2003 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003). Which G and I experienced because we were home in the Detroit at the time, for a Stooges reunion. (Which was, of course, canceled.)

ALL cellular stopped working because everyone was frantically trying to USE cellular. Gas stations stopped working because, unbeknownst to pretty much everybody, gas stations need electricity to run.

Also, the toilets stopped flushing, water stopped flowing (we found out you need electric for all of that, too), of course lights were out, NO debit cards worked because all banks were down.

Which showed us the vulnerability of our grid.

We don't need bombs hitting us to take us out. They can just hit us via hacking and bring us to our knees.

My Mom had the only phone that worked, because she had an old-fashioned land line which requires NO electricity. I still have a cable phone, but that has a battery system that's only up for a few HOURS. And, then I can only call all the people who only have cell phones. It'd be pretty easy to take us all out. Some people were selling bottles of water up on Nine Mile for like $5 each. But hardly anyone had CASH.

07-08-2022, 06:02 PM
allegro Yeah, it's what's happening here too. The majority of people I know who have cell phones have let go of their land lines, and no one (except my mother!) carries cash anymore. Personally, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a die hard luddite when they are concerned. A phone is used to make phone calls imo. My land line is enough for that.

It's estimate that about a quarter of Canadians are affected by this outage. And what's pissing everyone off is that Rogers still haven't said what they believe it is that caused this outage.

And it does show how dependent of technology we have become. All of us but it was especially hard for young people who have grown up knowing only that. They are running around like headless chicken because they don't know what to do.

07-08-2022, 06:25 PM
The whole network of Rogers Telecommunication is down throughout Canada. It means that my fellow Canadians who are getting their cellphone and internet services from them are, well, back to the Dark Ages.

But Rogers is also responsible for the whole Interac system so no debit payments for anyone today. Cash and CC only. We're only back in the 70s.

And as if it wasn't enough, it's been reported that the outage is affecting the 911 and 311 services in Ontario.

Rogers is working very hard to patch things up, apparently. I'm not with them so I've only been stuck with the no debit thing. It's still annoying, though.

Saw this shared on a friend's Facebook page. The response made me laugh.


07-08-2022, 06:31 PM
@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) Yeah, it's what's happening here too. The majority of people I know who have cell phones have let go of their land lines, and no one (except my mother!) carries cash anymore. Personally, I don't have a cell phone because I'm a die hard luddite when they are concerned. A phone is used to make phone calls imo. My land line is enough for that.

It's estimate that about a quarter of Canadians are affected by this outage. And what's pissing everyone off is that Rogers still haven't said what they believe it is that caused this outage.

And it does show how dependent of technology we have become. All of us but it was especially hard for young people who have grown up knowing only that. They are running around like headless chicken because they don't know what to do.
I always like to keep $100 in cash around. You never know when it could come in handy. I did get rid of my land line though. It was just too much to maintain that along with the cellular service.

07-08-2022, 06:41 PM
I always like to keep $100 in cash around.
I do, too, typically more in a secret hiding place and my alarm system works with a really long battery system, and we're looking into a natural gas backup for the house.

We have gas in the garage, too. (For the snow blower and lawn more but ... still.) The basement has a storage room with a pantry full of stuff. Not too long ago, I looked at my husband and said, "Holy shit, we're friggin' preppers." LOL.

07-08-2022, 07:19 PM
I wasn't affected by the 2003 blackout but I do vividly remember the January 1998 Ice storm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_1998_North_American_ice_storm)

That one was something else because, hey, no electricity meant for a lot of people no heating which, in January, is... problematic. It also meant no fridge, and no way to prepare food. But afterwards, it came out that some people could not even open canned food... because they only had an electric can opener.

I will put a bit of money in a safe place too, just in case. I already have plenty of canned food and water bottles and I've been looking into buying an emergency radio, one that not only works with batteries but can be hand cranked and can be recharge using solar power. Of course, my can opener is manual.

I'm going full prepper too!

07-11-2022, 01:58 PM
JoJo Rabbit is trending and apparently it's because there's a brigade saying it was pro-fascism. Wow. talk about willful misreading.


07-11-2022, 02:13 PM


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07-13-2022, 06:30 PM

07-14-2022, 02:05 PM

well that's not cool.


I cannot even bring myself to post the tweet it pisses me of so much but Fox is currently doxing the doctor who provided an abortion to the 10-year-old child. that's so fucking diabolical that it beggars belief.

07-19-2022, 11:04 AM
I'm getting a little tired of this Facebook "memories" thing. It's always a great way to start your day... "hey, remember this memory from five years ago when you were so fucking happy that you just had to post about it on Facebook? Well, not so happy now eh motherfucker?" My general ennui is just spiked with these sorts of things, along with social media birthday reminders for friends of mine that have died.

07-19-2022, 11:11 AM
every year Google says "hey, remember this? the last photo of your beloved cat, sitting on your lap and in great pain, mere hours before the veterinarian came to put her down? wasn't that great?"

fucking AI man, it knows what it did.

07-31-2022, 03:02 PM
I was looking for an album that was never officially released today and found a copy on soulseek. One of the people who had it available had the files tagged thusly:

song title___11
song title___01
song title___04

who goes out of their way to number something so that the numbers are completely useless? wtf is wrong with this person?

And yes, I checked.
Island Records decided not to commercially release the album. However, a limited number of promotional copies had been sent to radio stations and music critics.

08-03-2022, 02:02 PM
Here, I got something to really speak my mind about. This only came up because I saw an IG post about Randy Blythe of Lamb of God who mentioned in a story he was taking a break from Instagram and was saying stuff like "You guys should put down your phone and go outside!" And shit like that. Can we serious stop doing this? Like first of all, as I am sure a lot of you guys know from my posts in the mental health thread, I suffer from both PTSD and Agoraphobia (The fear of going outside). I have extremely bad trust issues and I hate being around people I don't know. I legit extremely nervous when I am outside and more often or not, when I am outside, I made it habit to do whatever I need to do as fast as possible and then just hurry my ass back inside. And while I am working on fixing the problem one step at a time, it's not just as simple as me "Putting my phone down and walking outside." I cant stand it. I actually learned how to be social a bunch by watching how people talk online.

Second of all, this just come off as a really bad stereotype for people who are online a bunch. Like for real, we aren't on the computer 24 hours a day. I hate it when people are judging others social life by how much they post online. Like dude we still are socially active, even before the pandemic. I watch a Twitch streamer who stream for about 4-6 hours and he talks about his drives and actives he does around New York City plenty of times. So can we please just fucking stop this preachy ass attitude already? Let us live the lives we want without some boomer talking us down about how much we need to go outside

08-04-2022, 12:00 AM
I actually learned how to be social a bunch by watching how people talk online.

Unfortunately, a lot of mainstream society tends to cheapen and diminish individual online experiences usually thinking that it is "not real" and/or only for "nerds".

If there's one thing COVID-time has taught me is just how much "the majority" devalue my disabled life and basically just want me to die or stay shut in forever (which is distinctly different than preferring to be or like yourself, taking steps to deal with it with being forced* to stay inside)

I strongly disagree.

(* - sorry if that's the wrong word to use)

08-04-2022, 01:19 PM
So can we please just fucking stop this preachy ass attitude already? Let us live the lives we want without some boomer talking us down about how much we need to go outside
I’m a boomer (well, Generation Jones) and I’m caregiver to my 84-yr-old mom who has dementia and is now exhibiting signs of Parkinson’s. And my PRIMARY source of advice and information is from other caregivers and counselors on Instagram and TikTok. Because our healthcare system SUCKS. IG and TT are invaluable tools for me.

Also, I’m an INTJ introvert and “online” is just where I prefer existing socially. For 37 years.

Sure, I still like nature and the outdoors. A lot. I have balance.

But I think these judge-y people are just projecting. They’re talking to themselves. Misery loves company.

Don’t you worry yourself about them one bit. You live your own life. [electronic fist bump]

Since this is kinda the complaint thread, though:

JESUS, I wish I could filter TikTok more like IG. No, I don’t wanna see the dying breath of your dad, or your son’s autopsy report, or endless exhumed remains, or thankfully I have not accidentally run into the Ukrainian POW castration. Just gimme the ones I subscribe to and maybe a few related to my “interests” and then STOP!!!!

Although, admittedly, I did become addicted to 911 calls. And footage of scuba divers finding cars in lakes and rivers with unsolved missing people in them. I’ve discovered I’m a fairly morbid. :/

08-04-2022, 02:13 PM
Also, I’m an INTJ introvert

Hey, me too! Rare to spot another in the wild, we're an endangered species haha.

But to the main point. Yeah, people are going to have their ridiculous opinions about almost everything and the older I get the more I learn to just ignore it and move on. I've also concluded that people who are always harping on about how important it is to be social are people who can't stand to be alone with themselves, they need the distraction. Plenty of folks just genuinely enjoy being social but don't feel the need to tell others to. So the ones that do always come off like they're repressing some internal fear of being alone.

Silence and solitude are golden. I like people but I'm also very selective in who I give attention to. Life is too short and I find my own thoughts more interesting than the type of people being described here. Which is a very INTJ thing to say, I know.

08-04-2022, 03:36 PM
Hey, me too! Rare to spot another in the wild, we're an endangered species haha.
We're everywhere online, though, LOL. Because ... it's the perfect place for us to BE!

I've also concluded that people who are always harping on about how important it is to be social are people who can't stand to be alone with themselves
Ain't THAT the truth!!

sick among the pure
08-07-2022, 04:48 PM
Not a little thing so much but getting rear ended on the highway because there was a wheel barrow in the middle of the lane was a shitty way to end the weekend. Now I'm 20K poorer and waiting until the 29th to have a car.

08-08-2022, 12:55 PM
Ugh that sucks sick among the pure !

08-09-2022, 10:01 PM
Not really a little thing but I'm furious over the transphobic trolls that caused keffals to be doxxed and SWATTED.

08-19-2022, 10:41 AM
Riley Williams, accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, released from house arrest to attend Pa. Renaissance Faire (https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/riley-williams-nancy-pelosi-laptop-house-arrest-attend-pennsylvania-renaissance-faire/)

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A judge agreed to allow the woman accused of stealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's laptop to attend the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Manheim this weekend.

Riley Williams, who is on house arrest, is accused of stealing Pelosi's laptop during the Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol before later getting rid of it.I am just about done, how fucking stupid is this shit. why bother having the trial if you're going to be this lenient?

08-19-2022, 10:44 AM
Riley Williams, accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, released from house arrest to attend Pa. Renaissance Faire (https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/riley-williams-nancy-pelosi-laptop-house-arrest-attend-pennsylvania-renaissance-faire/)

I am just about done, how fucking stupid is this shit. why bother having the trial if you're going to be this lenient?
Doesn't going to a Renaissance Faire constitute cruel & unusual punishment? :D

08-19-2022, 12:32 PM
Doesn't going to a Renaissance Faire constitute cruel & unusual punishment? :D

I can’t hear the words “Renaissance Faire” without thinking of Ritchie Blackmore.


Totally Spinal Tap moment.

08-19-2022, 01:05 PM
I can’t hear the words “Renaissance Faire” without thinking of Ritchie Blackmore.


Totally Spinal Tap moment.
I almost went & saw this in Vegas once. Then good sense prevailed. Ritchie looks like a Monty Python character now. I went to a faire once outside of Eugene OR so it turned into a Hateful Fred/Faire. Lotta smelly hippies with not enough clothes on. There are some things that just can't be unseen..... BTW: Hateful Fred is Robert Pollard's (GBV) name for the GD. I can't even bring myself to type the name.

08-19-2022, 07:29 PM
I almost went & saw this in Vegas once. Then good sense prevailed. Ritchie looks like a Monty Python character now. I went to a faire once outside of Eugene OR so it turned into a Hateful Fred/Faire. Lotta smelly hippies with not enough clothes on. There are some things that just can't be unseen..... BTW: Hateful Fred is Robert Pollard's (GBV) name for the GD. I can't even bring myself to type the name.
I used to know a lot of Sci Fi Convention fanatics.

Until I knew these people, I had no idea about how freaky Sci Fi fans can be at these cons. Drunken hot tub parties, I just didn’t know nerds were so horny.

Then I learned a lot of these nerds are also into Ren Faire. Spent months making chain mail costumes.

(I’m like, is that when you mail the costume to 7 people and if one of them doesn’t pass it on, they DIE?)

The women dress like wenches. The whole 9 yards. It was much-anticipated. As much as WindyCon.

There’s this whole cross-pollination of computer nerds, Sci Fi and Ren Faire.

08-19-2022, 11:54 PM
There’s this whole cross-pollination of computer nerds, Sci Fi and Ren Faire.

And now you know why D&D is popular... :) (including the computer games)

08-29-2022, 07:31 PM
Facebook just gave me a lecture and a ban warning because I basically said that nobody should stab Salman Rushdie, and I guess I didn't put it in a way that their shitty algorithm could understand. I didn't say anything about religion... but their computers ironically misunderstood what I was saying as something that was encouraging violence.

Goddamn social media.

08-29-2022, 07:57 PM
Facebook just gave me a lecture and a ban warning because I basically said that nobody should stab Salman Rushdie, and I guess I didn't put it in a way that their shitty algorithm could understand. I didn't say anything about religion... but their computers ironically misunderstood what I was saying as something that was encouraging violence.

Goddamn social media.

And you can’t even object to it! Or sucks!

08-30-2022, 10:15 AM
Facebook just gave me a lecture and a ban warning because I basically said that nobody should stab Salman Rushdie, and I guess I didn't put it in a way that their shitty algorithm could understand. I didn't say anything about religion... but their computers ironically misunderstood what I was saying as something that was encouraging violence.

Goddamn social media.

Haha i got zucced for 30 days earlier this year for calling someone a walnut.

08-31-2022, 03:56 PM
I was just at the grocery store, and this guy in front of me in the checkout line was wearing a hat that said "Let's Go Brandon"
We were both polite, but I had so many things I wanted to say to that boring, smug, lazy motherfucker. First of all, if you want to advertise that you hate people who hate Trump, get a little more creative, because "Let's Go Brandon" is THE dumbest shit I've ever heard of as an insult.

First off, nobody gives a flying happy hillbilly fuck about Joe Biden; we aren't in a cult. He's just the president, and I'm sorry, it's going to be hard to swallow that kool aid with Donald Trump's dick in your mouth.

09-01-2022, 12:14 PM
I love it how that stupid meme has been turned around into this whole “Dark Brandon” thing.






09-11-2022, 10:24 AM
man... WHY did I start taking that Kratom shit again.... I got into a daily habit of it because it seemed to chill me out and it helped with some arthritic pain... but I was doing that on a daily basis for months, and now I suspect that it contributed to me randomly passing out the other day, so I stopped taking it.... and these withdraws are fucking torture. Just waves of depression that feel physical, sweats, mental confusion, sensitivity to light that is so intense, nausea... and apparently, based on the amount I was taking, this is going to go on for a long time.

And I asked my fucking doctor for some clonidine to help control the withdraws and he didn't seem to even know what I was talking about. Fuck this.

09-12-2022, 10:25 AM
Feel better Jinsai !

09-16-2022, 11:13 PM
good god can anyone tell me when this fucking nightmare is going to end? Fuck Kratom. I cannot sleep, when I try it's really weird, and it's accumulating in a way that is distressing the shit out of me. I have only been this fucking pissed off a few times in my life

ALSO: why can't Donald Trump keep true to that one promise.... I'm not talking about the itty bitty one where he promised to appear in court under oath.... we all knew that was never going to happen... he swore that he would fuck off if he lost the election, and he has done everything but that, and it is getting dangerous


09-18-2022, 11:46 AM
I'm just now realizing how fucked up my last relationship was, and that realization is messing me up. She beat me over the head with my laptop, and then doused it with water, and I lost EVERYTHING that I was working on. Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck her.

09-19-2022, 10:16 AM


09-20-2022, 09:06 AM
FFS, I hate that I'm dominating this thread, but god is just shitting on me. I moved back in with my parents because, well, everything fell apart with my fiance and I thought it would be a good way to recover. nope. wound up with my mom and me screaming at each other, and my dad telling me to get the fuck out and take my dog with me.

Well, at least I have a place to go. Even if it's haunted. And this time I'll be alone, with my dog.
I thought I was gonna get married, maybe have a kid, buy a house. Also, the rent on my apartment just went up a hundred and twenty dollars a month.

My life is a fucking dumpster fire

09-20-2022, 02:20 PM
FFS, I hate that I'm dominating this thread, but god is just shitting on me. I moved back in with my parents because, well, everything fell apart with my fiance and I thought it would be a good way to recover. nope. wound up with my mom and me screaming at each other, and my dad telling me to get the fuck out and take my dog with me.

Well, at least I have a place to go. Even if it's haunted. And this time I'll be alone, with my dog.
I thought I was gonna get married, maybe have a kid, buy a house. Also, the rent on my apartment just went up a hundred and twenty dollars a month.

My life is a fucking dumpster fire

Dude, come on, you know you can't live with your parents. We've known you, what, 18 years? It's never worked out. They make you nuts. And depressed.

Maybe you'll find your "person," and get your wish. You never know.

"God" isn't shitting on you. Your family is always gonna be who they are. Same with mine, I totally get it.

Yeah, rent has gone up. It sucks. It's happening to everyone. But, like you said, at least you have a place to go. It can always be worse.

I think your trip to Japan sounds awesome. You have someone cool who will watch your doggy while you're gone?

Go get some Zen in Japan. Clear your head. Reboot yourself. Start journaling or something. Maybe get yourself into therapy when you get back?

Report to us about your trip while you're gone. Some of us could use a surrogate vacation. :)

I hope you have a wonderful time!

09-20-2022, 10:48 PM
me too, it'll be awesome, I'm trying to arrange stuff, and there's all these technicalities w/ Japan apparently. Like, you have to have a travel agent arrange it and stuff... and right now I'm going through Kratom withdrawal and this is no fucking joke. Like I can barely type, on top of everything else.... it's SO bad. I had no idea. I guess this is what opiode withdrawal is like. It sucks SO FUCKING BAD. Like, I thought I was through the worst of it, but this right now.... just oh my fucking god, I'm glad I don't own a gun. I've slept maybe five hours in the past week, and I highly doubt I will get any sleep tonight.

09-20-2022, 11:21 PM
me too, it'll be awesome, I'm trying to arrange stuff, and there's all these technicalities w/ Japan apparently. Like, you have to have a travel agent arrange it and stuff... and right now I'm going through Kratom withdrawal and this is no fucking joke. Like I can barely type, on top of everything else.... it's SO bad. I had no idea. I guess this is what opiode withdrawal is like. It sucks SO FUCKING BAD. Like, I thought I was through the worst of it, but this right now.... just oh my fucking god, I'm glad I don't own a gun. I've slept maybe five hours in the past week, and I highly doubt I will get any sleep tonight.

I’m reading about the symptoms and suggestions here:



HYDRATION seems to be super important in getting this crap out of your system.

Maybe take some melatonin to sleep? I’ve been taking the fast-dissolving chewable kind, which (for reasons unknown) hasn’t been giving me restless leg symptoms like other melatonin, and it’s been working GREAT!

09-21-2022, 09:20 AM
Maybe take some melatonin to sleep? I’ve been taking the fast-dissolving chewable kind, which (for reasons unknown) hasn’t been giving me restless leg symptoms like other melatonin, and it’s been working GREAT!
I fucking hate it when that happens. I found the gummy version doesn't do that so I keep using it. my wife was like "just take the stuff I take" and that's a hard no from me dawg.

09-21-2022, 10:14 AM
I take fast-dissolving chewable melatonin too.

Things will get better soon Jinsai !

09-21-2022, 12:09 PM
I fucking hate it when that happens. I found the gummy version doesn't do that so I keep using it. my wife was like "just take the stuff I take" and that's a hard no from me dawg.

I told my neurologist that melatonin can trigger my RLS, and he was like “huh.” Not a dubious “huh,” just a kinda wondering sort of “huh.” He wanted to put me on either Trazadone or Amitriptyline, but if the fast-dissolve chewy melatonin (plus he doubled my Topiramate at night, which adds sleepy) works, then WIN!!!! Not enough sleep is BAD!!! Migraines, BAD!!!

To add to this thread: I’ve been having an average of 2-3 migraines per week, for months. I eat Sumatriptan like M&Ms, now.

09-21-2022, 07:33 PM
Yup, Jinsai . what you're going through is very, VERY similar to opiate withdrawal, and my heart goes out to you.

For ME? Well, at least it ain't alcohol withdrawal.

09-22-2022, 08:29 AM
Yup, @Jinsai (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272) . what you're going through is very, VERY similar to opiate withdrawal, and my heart goes out to you.

For ME? Well, at least it ain't alcohol withdrawal.

yeah, severe alcohol withdrawal is probably worse, and I've been through that too, hallucinations and heart insanity. This just sucks in a completely different way. Like, you just constantly feel confused and there's this kind of body ache that isn't like regular pain, and your balls ache, and fuuuuuck this. At least my doc finally gave me the Rx for these Clonodine patches, and it feels like it's helping

09-22-2022, 09:25 AM
yeah, severe alcohol withdrawal is probably worse, and I've been through that too, hallucinations and heart insanity. This just sucks in a completely different way. Like, you just constantly feel confused and there's this kind of body ache that isn't like regular pain, and your balls ache, and fuuuuuck this. At least my doc finally gave me the Rx for these Clonodine patches, and it feels like it's helping

oh good! [emoji3590]

09-22-2022, 01:08 PM
Ok can ANYONE help me figure how to this Japan trip, because I apparently need a travel agent to do this, and all the stuff I'm finding online is email-based, and everyone else is not picking up their phone. This is insane and absurd.

09-23-2022, 11:17 AM

I just wish stupid hurt, you know?

edited and unrelated:

I hate that I can't use my words to report this twitter account: https://twitter.com/CryptoAllFather

Why, you ask? It's just crypto, that should be able to regulate itself.

For one:


For two:


all of the tweets are still there showing uninteresting photos but with the new name.

09-29-2022, 05:58 AM
when people say that a band without a live drummer can't pull off a live show. Come see me play live I'll kick your ass

10-28-2022, 06:17 PM
Getting into heated political screaming matches with your family members is fucking awesome isn't it?

I'm going to go throw up now.

10-28-2022, 06:21 PM
Getting into heated political screaming matches with your family members is fucking awesome isn't it?

I'm going to go throw up now.
You talk to your family members? I had professionals tell me that I was better off just staying away from mine. I took them at their word.

10-28-2022, 06:23 PM
You talk to your family members? I had professionals tell me that I was better off just staying away from mine. I took them at their word.
Well i live with them currently because of reasons that I don't feel like getting into, so it's harder to stay away from them but yeah those professionals might be on to something.

10-29-2022, 09:09 AM

11-02-2022, 12:52 PM
real big Homer / that's good that's bad vibes here



11-05-2022, 02:09 PM
Come see me play live I'll kick your ass

well, but...Jinsai, i don't WANT you to kick my ass.

I've never had a live drummer, either, and i've had some killer shows, but...yeah. I'm too old to get my ass kicked at a show, these days.

If you could maybe agree to NOT kick my ass, well, we could likely work something out.

11-05-2022, 02:13 PM
Well, my wife still can't eat...ANYTHING, not even a pill, but we're having to BEG for her to be allowed to stay till tomorrow morning.

They told us to go to either the MAYO or CLEVELAND clinic.:D

ummmm...yeah. With us both being disabled, and having MAYBE $300 between the two of us, and no car, we'll get right on that.

What part of Texas is Cleveland in? :P

11-05-2022, 03:05 PM
Well, my wife still can't eat...ANYTHING, not even a pill, but we're having to BEG for her to be allowed to stay till tomorrow morning.

They told us to go to either the MAYO or CLEVELAND clinic.:D

ummmm...yeah. With us both being disabled, and having MAYBE $300 between the two of us, and no car, we'll get right on that.

What part of Texas is Cleveland in? :P

If she cannot eat, she needs to be fed through an IV as fast as possible. This can deteriorate so fast. I went for about a week without eating once, very recently, because I was sick with those Kratom withdrawals. Wound up in the hospital. I felt like I was getting better but just couldn't stand the idea of eating... then suddenly everything, and mean everything went downhill fast. I felt stupid, I couldn't read or type, then I found that standing up was difficult, my muscles stopped working, I'd be able to move a couple steps and then have to try hard to balance or I'd lose my equilibrium and fall over.

When I finally said "ok fuck this" I went to the hospital, and they said I very nearly could have died. They stuck an IV in me and 24 hours later I was feeling so much better, and they must have given me something to stimulate my appetite because I could finally stomach the idea of soft food, like yogurt or kifur.

I don't generally share these sorts of things, but if she can't eat, she is in a medical emergency, and you need to take her to the ER.

11-05-2022, 05:01 PM
If she cannot eat, she needs to be fed through an IV as fast as possible. This can deteriorate so fast. I went for about a week without eating once, very recently, because I was sick with those Kratom withdrawals. Wound up in the hospital. I felt like I was getting better but just couldn't stand the idea of eating... then suddenly everything, and mean everything went downhill fast. I felt stupid, I couldn't read or type, then I found that standing up was difficult, my muscles stopped working, I'd be able to move a couple steps and then have to try hard to balance or I'd lose my equilibrium and fall over.

When I finally said "ok fuck this" I went to the hospital, and they said I very nearly could have died. They stuck an IV in me and 24 hours later I was feeling so much better, and they must have given me something to stimulate my appetite because I could finally stomach the idea of soft food, like yogurt or kifur.

I don't generally share these sorts of things, but if she can't eat, she is in a medical emergency, and you need to take her to the ER.

I've taken her FOUR TIMES, and they FINALLY admitted her several days ago. I kinda lost the concept of "day."
she's been throwing up about once a day for two years,
but ten or eleven days ago, it switched to ten or twenty times a day: water, bile, etc.

She's been there for 6(?) days, in amarillo, and they insist that she's safe to come home, because she drank a CLEAR supplement drink, and held that down.
Then, they gave her a REGULAR Ensure, which caused her to vomit, nonstop, again.

(post release, we are to follow up on at Mayo Clinic in fucking MN, Or Johns Hopkins in Maryland, no shit, BUT, they're releasing her whether we like it or not).

This isn't actually a "little thing:" the rest of the story is in the "how fucked was your day thread."
idk wtf to do. i KNOW she's in BIG trouble with nutrition.
THEY are blaming it on marijuana...which she was prescribed in Oklahoma, FOR her fucking gastroparesis, and insisting on discharging her tomorrow morning at the latest.

i am so fucking scared.

But yeah. That's IT.
ONE clear supplement drink, and tiny sips of water.

idk WTF happens when she loses the goddamn iv fluids.

hospital is 80 miles away and i have been back and forth repeatedly, which caused me to have a fucking WRECK and blow out two tires, and, yeah. I can't...fucking christ on rubber crutches.

I can barely move my goddamn head. I have to get going: she needs an advocate.

11-05-2022, 06:39 PM
elevenism - I’ve emailed you a few times but read this:


Hot baths and showers supposedly work really well to alleviate symptoms.

11-05-2022, 07:38 PM

Personally, I have a lot of questions about that... namely what does "a lot of cannabis" mean specifically. Because I smoke 4g a day on average for medical issues and I've had nothing like that ever occur.

So something is... missing... from the conversation.

11-05-2022, 07:42 PM
Personally, I have a lot of questions about that... namely what does "a lot of cannabis" mean specifically. Because I smoke 4g a day on average for medical issues and I've had nothing like that ever occur.

So something is... missing... from the conversation.

This isn't a case of "this will happen to you once you reach this specific threshold of use." It's not something that happens to everyone that uses it. The article specifically says it's something that only occurs in a small portion of people who use cannabis.

11-05-2022, 08:01 PM

Here are some more articles:



Yeah, there are articles all over the internet. And you really shouldn't need to link anything beyond that first link, as the Cleveland Clinic is one of the best hospitals in the world. This isn't a case of "OMG this is anti-marijuana propaganda!" in any way shape or form. This is a diagnosable medical condition that effects a small percentage of marijuana users.

11-05-2022, 08:14 PM
^ the additional links weren’t for you. I was just trying to be helpful.

Personally, I have a lot of questions about that... namely what does "a lot of cannabis" mean specifically. Because I smoke 4g a day on average for medical issues and I've had nothing like that ever occur.

So something is... missing... from the conversation.

The hospital may be guessing, too. Because they don’t know if she’s a “chronic user.” She could have cyclic vomiting syndrome. Hospitalists aren’t good at determining specialty things like this. Especially at hospitals like that which are understaffed (most across this country already are, but rural hospitals are worse).

Ultimately? It’s all about insurance, here. At some point, the insurance says “we ain’t paying for this” and the hospital is there only for profit. That’s when you’re getting discharged. With whatever “diagnosis” and a code they put on the discharge papers. “Have a nice day, hope you feel better!”

11-06-2022, 09:33 AM
^ the additional links weren’t for you. I was just trying to be helpful.

The hospital may be guessing, too. Because they don’t know if she’s a “chronic user.” She could have cyclic vomiting syndrome. Hospitalists aren’t good at determining specialty things like this. Especially at hospitals like that which are understaffed (most across this country already are, but rural hospitals are worse).

Ultimately? It’s all about insurance, here. At some point, the insurance says “we ain’t paying for this” and the hospital is there only for profit. That’s when you’re getting discharged. With whatever “diagnosis” and a code they put on the discharge papers. “Have a nice day, hope you feel better!”
3-4 years ago I had pieces of 3 vertebrae cut out. My insurance at the time classified that as a day surgery. Obviously whoever came up with that never had it done. Anytime the words bone saw are involved should be some sort of sign. My doctor pitched a fit & I was in the hospital about 5 days. Turned out it wasn't enough. I woke up after my first night home in a pool of blood (sorry for ugliness). Now, the same issue has came back except worse. Most likely I'm looking at major surgery but afterwards I'll be in a rehab center for a bit rather than fending for myself. I see the neurosurgeon in a week & that should tell a tale. I'm guessing by the time I get through all the red tape this will happen end of the year or early next year. I'm really trying to keep from being confined to a wheelchair as I don't want to live like that. Needless to say, kind of sucks to be Chuck right now. Getting old isn't for the meek.

11-06-2022, 09:47 AM
^ the additional links weren’t for you. I was just trying to be helpful.

Sorry if my post came off as criticizing you. It was more being annoyed at someone (not you) insinuating that this isn't a real thing and is just anti-marijuana propaganda. My intention was to back you up, not put you down. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

11-06-2022, 11:35 AM
Getting old isn't for the meek.
ESPECIALLY with our insurance and healthcare system!

Edit: I’m having one tonsil removed and biopsied in a few weeks. In the Olden Days, you stayed in the hospital and got served ice cream for that. My surgery is being done at a “surgery center” (by a specialist who’s been an ENT surgeon for 35 years; when HE doesn’t use a hospital, I had to wonder what was up), same day. Like, I’ll be leaving within a few hours. Everything is “in network” of my PPO, the specialist office sent me a checklist for BCBS. Recovery will take two weeks, so I’ll miss Thanksgiving. But my doc says it’ll be “half” as brutal.

I’m thinking of rescheduling until AFTER the holidays because this just sucks.

11-06-2022, 12:14 PM
ESPECIALLY with our insurance and healthcare system! At least we’re closer to Medicare, Chuck. Just don’t do Medicare Advantage!!

Edit: I’m having one tonsil removed and biopsied in a few weeks. In the Olden Days, you stayed in the hospital and got served ice cream for that. My surgery is being done at a “surgery center” (by a specialist who’s been an ENT surgeon for 35 years; when HE doesn’t use a hospital, I had to wonder what was up), same day. Like, I’ll be leaving within a few hours. Everything is “in network” of my PPO, the specialist office sent me a checklist for BCBS. Recovery will take two weeks, so I’ll miss Thanksgiving. But my doc says it’ll be “half” as brutal.
I'm already on an Advantage plan. It sucks & things are a mess. The donut hole. I had 1 med that went from $16 a month to $250 a month then back down to $100. I need help, working on it. I had to retire a bit early on disability, couldn't handle the high pressure, intense job anymore. I was responsible for literally millions of dollars. As it was I worked 5 years longer than the docs wanted me to. I've been living under the sword of Damocles for a real long time & the thread is unwinding. Things are snowballing. It's really tough when you're on your own. Sorry to whine. Things have been going even shittier than usual lately. I'm at the end of the road for treatments for the main issue. Going back to a drug I've been on before & hoping it does some good. The bad part is it's a really nasty cancer drug & the side effects are terrible. The infusion is tomorrow & not looking forward to it. 5 hours on the needle then over an hour drive home. 1 drug they gave me killed me for a minute. I call it the Pulp Fiction incident. That was an interesting day.

11-06-2022, 03:33 PM
Yeah after I typed that, I thought “wait, he’s likely already ON Medicare!” So I edited it but you were already quoting me by that point.

Medicare Advantage saves some monthly premiums but it ultimately costs MORE in everything if you ever actually need to USE it. It’s only good for perfectly healthy people who never use it. Otherwise, it totally SUCKS.

For someone like you with a debilitating illness, you need more coverage and less out-of-pocket, bigger network, no HMO bullshit. With Advantage, it’s the primary and Medicare is your supplemental, which makes no sense and is fucking ridiculous and just a way for the government to get out of coverage.

As with anyone facing a health crisis, you should be thinking about healing and quality of life decisions and not “what’s covered by Medicare and who’s gonna pay for it.”

Sorry you’re going through this illness, and that medicine hasn’t figured out a better cure, yet.

11-07-2022, 10:08 AM
that cannabis sickness thing is EXTREMELY rare, and to get it you need to be smoking so much pot it's absurd.

11-07-2022, 10:39 AM
that cannabis sickness thing is EXTREMELY rare, and to get it you need to be smoking so much pot it's absurd.
Not according to the abstracts. It’s more related to chronic (longterm) use, even in small amounts, and not eating. Something in THC and a neurological trigger in the enteric nervous system. CHS isn’t permanent, either; it’s totally reversible.

11-07-2022, 11:21 AM
Not according to the abstracts. It’s more related to chronic (longterm) use, even in small amounts, and not eating. Something in THC and a neurological trigger in the enteric nervous system. CHS isn’t permanent, either; it’s totally reversible.
Yeah I mean, fuck. I hear you.

But she hasn't touched grass in weeks at this point. So I just don't know.

11-07-2022, 11:45 AM
Not according to the abstracts. It’s more related to chronic (longterm) use, even in small amounts, and not eating.

What does long term mean?
Again, as someone who is quite literally forced to inhale cannabis to manage a severe movement disorder for over a decade now, it's kinda important to know...

11-07-2022, 12:28 PM
What does long term mean?
Again, as someone who is quite literally forced to inhale cannabis to manage a severe movement disorder for over a decade now, it's kinda important to know...

Do you eat regularly? If yes, you’re seemingly not at risk.

Also, per some of the abstracts, “chronic” can be as little as 5 years, as “use” can be once a day.

It’s a link between the THC, lack of eating, the nervous and enteric system.

11-07-2022, 12:32 PM
Yeah I mean, fuck. I hear you.

But she hasn't touched grass in weeks at this point. So I just don't know.

It’s likely that the only reason they mentioned this is because repeated cyclic vomiting that also comes with repeated showers or baths (which provide relief) tends to be CHS. AND people often lie about their use. And they had to discharge her per insurance. So they were, like, it’s either CHS or CVS. Good luck, bye!!

But this says “Relief of vomiting by a sustained cessation of cannabis use.”


But THIS says:

“Compulsive bathing behaviour, a clinical observation previously attributed only to CHS patients is equally present in CVS patients.”


Again, the ER is a great place to be if you just got shot or had a heart attack.


Fishing expedition. And they’re more likely to discharge you WITHOUT a real diagnosis and refer you to a specialist.

My Mom had two visits to our local high-class ER in July with bradycardia. Her pulse was averaging 43. She fell in the shower, hit her head. Required an MRI, X-rays, trip to an orthopedic surgeon regarding a chip in her wrist bone. Did that lead to pacemaker surgery? No. They told me to get her a cardiologist and to see her primary.

Her PRIMARY quarterbacked the whole thing and within a few months, I had her to a specialized cardiologist, she had a pacemaker installed, saw a new regular cardiologist, followed up with a “device nurse,” saw her primary a few more times, had an echocardiogram ordered by the primary, saw her glaucoma doc about her beta blocker glaucoma drops which were aggravating the bradycardia, went on different drops, then went back on those drops, and the primary helped me get a handicap parking placard from the state. This was all between July 2 and October 7th. I communicate with her primary via a messaging system.

The ER had nothing to do with any of this. But, they have a grand piano in the lobby and room service.

11-07-2022, 12:59 PM
Do you eat regularly? If yes, you’re seemingly not at risk.

Can you define regularly for me? More than a few people would describe my eating as not all that regular... and at the moment it's even worse.

But just so I have this as clearly... for cannabis-related hyperemesis to more likely occur three things are needed;

A lot of cannabis usage (and undefined what "a lot" or "usage" means) and/or
Long term regular usage (both duration and amount undefined)
Not eating regularly (undefined)

And as someone who smokes a lot (a defined amount) and has for a long time (I know when I started and for how long) and doesn't eat all that regularly (I'm 50/50 on it), these are kind of important to know and be legit concerned about... but all this vagueness isn't helpful.

This isn't me being skeptical "anti-[cannabis] propaganda"; this is me trying to figure out causes. If doctors are going to be concerned (and even alarmist) about such things, we need details. And right now, those don't seem to be forthcoming.

11-07-2022, 01:06 PM
Can you define regularly for me? More than a few people would describe my eating as not all that regular... and at the moment it's even worse.

Read the literature.

It describes patients who are prescribed cannabis for things like M.S. or chemotherapy.

Read the abstracts. You read a book a day, dude. I’m sure you can handle reading medical abstracts. It’s neuroscience, but it’s not too complicated.

Medicine isn’t 100% about ANYTHING. It’s why we don’t have a cure for cancer. Neurologists aren’t 100% sure how the brain works.

If you’re afraid of this happening to you, I wouldn’t be. It could, but it also might not. If it does, then it is what it is.

11-07-2022, 01:40 PM
Let's address the first part... I have read the literature. I did understand. It's not actually all that useful.

And why do I say that... well, you articulated it well.

It could, but it also might not. If it does, then it is what it is.

Yes, it needs a hell of a lot more research. And until people can consume (and therefor study more properly) without fear of being fined or jailed and then imprisoned; well... the US has a long way to go on it.

I'd really like to see some purely Canadian research on it but that's... well, I can't find any. (I have found stuff that reiterates the US-based stuff but when you have Doc's saying "I see a patient a shift" and then doesn't go into the details, suspicions are raised).

11-07-2022, 02:15 PM
Let's address the first part... I have read the literature. I did understand. It's not actually all that useful.

And why do I say that... well, you articulated it well.

Yes, it needs a hell of a lot more research. And until people can consume (and therefor study more properly) without fear of being fined or jailed and then imprisoned; well... the US has a long way to go on it.

I'd really like to see some purely Canadian research on it but that's... well, I can't find any. (I have found stuff that reiterates the US-based stuff but when you have Doc's saying "I see a patient a shift" and then doesn't go into the details, suspicions are raised).

According to this:


MEDICAL-USE UPDATE: As of February 3, 2022, 37 states, three territories and the District of Columbia allow the medical use of cannabis products.

NON MEDICAL/ADULT-USE UPDATE: As of May 27, 2022, 19 states, two territories and the District of Columbia have enacted measures to regulate cannabis for adult non medical use.

I live in a state where both medical and recreational use is legal.

I actually have to steer clear of THC due to heavy chronic use in my younger years; that, coupled with anxiety, led to way worse anxiety. This is why I quit, as well as many people I know. There have been many studies that support this, which of course can only be based on anecdotal evidence (vs. autopsy evidence). I have had better experience mixing low levels of THC with CBD. My anxiety wasn’t based on fear of being arrested, as it was the 70s and everyone was smoking pot. Reagan hadn’t been elected, yet.

There are footnotes to sources in those abstracts.

One study is from Australia:


This was published in Canada (you can read it in either English or French):


11-07-2022, 02:21 PM
this sickness also varies person to person. Like, Bob Marley didn't have it... I don't have it, and while I don't feel entirely comfortable talking about my intake in great detail, I'll just say that I would qualify for it. If you have it and just stop smoking it should just go away pretty fast. Last time I'd heard about this, I think only one person had died from it (from dehydration from the constant vomiting... should have been in a hospital)

11-08-2022, 09:23 AM
Yeah these election text messages are getting out of hand.

Do you think they know if you open the text or not? I have my read messages off, but just wonder if they can still see for a marketing perspective.

11-08-2022, 09:31 AM
that's a thing? damn. I know that in outlook I have it set to always ask me if I want to send a read receipt* so why can't I do that for texts?

*the only times I send the read receipt is when they put it on something stupid like a calendar invite or something really stupid like a group email. I make sure to delete those messages so they get a "message deleted without being read" notification.

11-08-2022, 10:36 AM
oh man... just got up and now I'm dreading checking my phone. I'm just going to research the props before I head down to vote. In general I leave them blank or vote "no" if I'm not familiar or it sounds shifty. You have to be proposing something pretty clearly awesome to get a "yes" vote from me there. Otherwise, I'm decided.

All I know is that I will never vote for Karen Bass or any other scientologist or anyone who panders to scientologists. I draw a firm line there.
You know how many landlords in Los Angeles are Scientologists? "Oh, I know it's so unaffordable to live in this city, but hey, the church might be able to help you out there"
Fuck Scientology. They go beyond a cult. They're like the mafia on crack.

11-09-2022, 12:45 AM
this sickness also varies person to person. Like, Bob Marley didn't have it... I don't have it, and while I don't feel entirely comfortable talking about my intake in great detail, I'll just say that I would qualify for it. If you have it and just stop smoking it should just go away pretty fast. Last time I'd heard about this, I think only one person had died from it (from dehydration from the constant vomiting... should have been in a hospital)

We've been here for like, eleven days?

And she's been admitted for a hot minute.

I.HOPE it's the marijuana thing...it's just that, ALL of.her doctors TELL.her to.smoke, and it's helped for a long ass time.

What's pissing ME off is that we.cant.seem.to.convince these people.that she isn't smoking THC like, while she's BEEN here.

11-14-2022, 01:46 AM
ok so I don't want to give every little detail, or even post.much, because I don't wanna sound like a whiney bitch, fishing for, well,.anything.
But my wife, SheapJynx DWI, aka Mrs. Eleven DWI...
It's hit that point that she can't live anymore without nutrition.. It's been weeks.

they've got her on an NG tube: from nose directly to stomach. It took five tries to get the tube from nasal.cavity to stomach. There was LOTS of blood and NO.sedation of ANY kind.
We've both SEEN this shit in our healthcare careers, but never EXPERIENCED it.

She HATES and doesn't tolerate this Abu Ghraib style feeding method, but she was running out of time.

SHE wants them to just do a J tube: through the navel, Piercing the intestine, and stomach, so this shit isn't up her nose and down her throat, like, RIGHT NOW, but I don't think.she'll get that so soon..I'm sure there is protocol.

Anyway, just in case you wanted an update, FLORIDA SHEAPJYNX ELEVEN LIVES!!! She lives miserably, but she LIVES, for now!
DWI Never Dies.

If you feel so inclined, pray or send love and light or hail Satan or whatever you're into.

Thank y'all who care, for caring.

11-14-2022, 02:19 AM
I used to think the very idea of doing drugs in the hospital was totally insane, until I became best pals with a post-surgical RN of nearly 30 years who mostly works night shifts.

HOLY SHIT the stories she tells me. People sneaking in METH! Putting HEROIN into IV lines! They catch people doing this shit on room cameras. I’m like … WHAT?!?!?

(Yeah … there are hidden cameras in rooms in hospitals now because of shootings and drugs and stuff, and people getting out of bed and falling, and to make sure patients are actually getting their prescribed meds, etc.)

Never mind that people bring in SUITCASES like they’re MOVING IN, and the nurses find the patient’s GUESTS in the SHOWERS, and peeing in the patient’s toilet hat.

I used to feel bad if I brought my mom fried chicken!

Hospitals are now considered one of the most dangerous work places.

@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) she stopped using the marijuana she was prescribed in oknlahoma, and which EVERY doc she sees endorses, including her GI doc, like a MONTH ago when we found out it was a one in a million possibility.
And yeah. I'VE taken fent IN the hospital, in like 2010 (when it wasn't a media sensation and I had enough of it to kill a herd of elefantes), so I feel you, but I.DAMN sure knew what I was doing, exactly, because I knew EXACTLY what had happenwd, AND, I'd NEVER jeopardize Mrs..Eleven DWI's health.
I won't even sneak her a nicotine.

And REMEMBER. I TOLD them to.call the cops. I SHOWED them the vaporizer and juice, which clearly say "NICOTINE/24mg."
I BEGGED them to drug test ME.

And they're like YOU have a XANAX prescription!

There WILL be retribution of some kind..we've been treated like shit in the fight of our fucking married life.

She's been misdiagnosed and chastised..When I try to ask questions of certain nurses and doctors, they LITERALLY pretend like I'm not speaking and LITERALLY slam the door.

They have special hospital approved shirts that say NARROW MINDED CHRISTIAN..
I wanna hurry up and have a shirt printed that says

Or Sikh or Gnostic or Mandean or ANYTHING.

We DO still have a family attorney on retainer, and we've already let.him know that if shit goes sideways, we wanna fight fire with a fucking nuclear holocaust.

Edit: also, heroin in IV lines?.That's been going on for decades.

Last edited by elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/posthistory.php?p=571496); Today at 03:17 AM.

11-20-2022, 03:42 PM
When people write "sneak peak" instead of "sneak peek," especially on official websites.

11-28-2022, 02:57 PM
I've had my IG account disabled 3 times in the last month for not adhering to community guidelines, except that I do. I don't really post anything, I don't comment on anything, and I seldom "like" posts.
Every time I had to send them a selfie holding a piece of paper with a code written on it, which they sent me. Now this last time they said that they could not verify my identity based on my selfie and that I was banned permanently.
Trying to appeal the decision just errors out and tells me that I am not able to perform that action and to try again at another time. On one hand, this is extremely annoying, but on the other I think it might be a sign and a way to be off social media permanently.

11-28-2022, 03:52 PM
I've had my IG account disabled 3 times in the last month for not adhering to community guidelines, except that I do. I don't really post anything, I don't comment on anything, and I seldom "like" posts.
Every time I had to send them a selfie holding a piece of paper with a code written on it, which they sent me. Now this last time they said that they could not verify my identity based on my selfie and that I was banned permanently.
Trying to appeal the decision just errors out and tells me that I am not able to perform that action and to try again at another time. On one hand, this is extremely annoying, but on the other I think it might be a sign and a way to be off social media permanently.

Had you been using 2FA? It sounds like your account may have been hacked?

11-29-2022, 09:10 AM
Had you been using 2FA? It sounds like your account may have been hacked?

No, I haven't. It's kind of a long story, but I haven't been on there since the start of the pandemic, yadda yadda yadda, here I am.
But good call, getting hacked would explain it.

11-29-2022, 09:11 AM
I don't understand why Amazon has moved to the "Buy it Again" model for every single thing. The number of things I purchase on the site that I would buy again is close to zero. Maybe one thing I've bought more than once but that's more of a "the fucking Chinese shit broke, I gotta buy another one" watch band situation. It's either the Chinese shit for $15 or the official branded stuff for $40.

But then I just thought about the Boots Theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) and maybe I should just buy the branded stuff to save money.

Anyway, I was bitching about the Buy it Again thing. It used to make sense and would only show on things you would actually conceivably buy again but now it's everything. No I'm not buying another copy of that limited edition Coraline Blu-ray, you bonehead.

secondary to that: The medical place I went to for the longest time when I first moved here closed down a few years ago unexpectedly and did not let anyone know where the records were sent. So I have several years worth of medical stuff that I need to reference suddenly and no idea where to look for it, or even if it was sent anywhere other than a shredder.

11-29-2022, 10:58 AM
I don't understand why Amazon has moved to the "Buy it Again" model for every single thing. The number of things I purchase on the site that I would buy again is close to zero. Maybe one thing I've bought more than once but that's more of a "the fucking Chinese shit broke, I gotta buy another one" watch band situation. It's either the Chinese shit for $15 or the official branded stuff for $40.

But then I just thought about the Boots Theory (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) and maybe I should just buy the branded stuff to save money.

Anyway, I was bitching about the Buy it Again thing. It used to make sense and would only show on things you would actually conceivably buy again but now it's everything. No I'm not buying another copy of that limited edition Coraline Blu-ray, you bonehead.

secondary to that: The medical place I went to for the longest time when I first moved here closed down a few years ago unexpectedly and did not let anyone know where the records were sent. So I have several years worth of medical stuff that I need to reference suddenly and no idea where to look for it, or even if it was sent anywhere other than a shredder.
I just finished sending off paperwork to the disability insurance. I haven't been well & was dragging my feet. I'd heard snow was coming this week (true, started today) so made sure i got it faxed yesterday. confirmed they got it & the doctor report. totaly cost $167. $150 for doctor since insurance doesn't cover & $17 to fax. it's all just brutal. luckily i don't have to get to any doctors this week which is pretty rare. lot next week but snow should be gone by then. seattle is ugly in the snow. now with high winds coming later today just have to hope the power & the cable tv stays on!

12-07-2022, 08:46 AM
Anyone else despise commercials (whether it’s TV or radio) with little kids singing?

Nails —> chalkboard

12-07-2022, 10:46 AM
Anyone else despise commercials (whether it’s TV or radio) with little kids singing?

Nails —> chalkboard
Someone should do a death metal cover of 1-800-Kars4kids

12-09-2022, 09:10 PM
Someone should do a death metal cover of 1-800-Kars4kids

Oh god, now it's stuck in my head...

12-15-2022, 04:14 PM
My dad is MARRYING this Danny Devito looking lady, who openly has some sort of big ass problem with me, as does her grown daughter.

My mom like NEVER got over the divorce, and still pines for him, over 20 years later.
He swore he'd never marry again out of respect for her.

What's ALSO crazy is that my dad and this lady are claiming they've been together for twelve years or some shit...
except, he's certainly spent several nights with my mom in the past decade, and referred to this lady as a "friend" until PRETTY fucking recently.
He can do whatever he wants, and tell himself whatever stories he wants, I guess, although he IS breaking a solemn oath he made to my mother, and she is fuuuuuuuucked up over it.

They were together from like ages 11 and 13 to 45 and 48, or some crazy shit like that. My mom has always assumed he'd come home when they got older.
I kinda did, too.

MY main PERSONAL issue, here, is that these people don't LIKE me. I REALLY wanna spend some time with my dad, who is a hard living biker and musician in his sixties, while he's still here, but from here on out, I guess I'll have to chill with this ugly, mean ass lady too.

I REALLY hope these people will accept me or whatever... I mean, fuck, the daughter will be my step sister now, right?

12-15-2022, 04:16 PM
Oh god, now it's stuck in my head...

Sorry for double post, but good GOD that Cars for Kids song makes me wanna shoot myself. :P
Glad it isn't just me.

12-15-2022, 05:10 PM
Sorry for double post, but good GOD that Cars for Kids song makes me wanna shoot myself. :P
Glad it isn't just me.

My personal version of hell is this playing on a loop in some IMAX theater while I'm forced to watch it for eternity with some kind of Clockwork Orange type device keeping my eyes open.


12-15-2022, 07:19 PM
My personal version of hell is this playing on a loop in some IMAX theater while I'm forced to watch it for eternity with some kind of Clockwork Orange type device keeping my eyes open.


We must have bought the VERY last new car that didn't have phone to USB for music, so we use Sirius XM, and JESUS.
The version they used to play on news and sports stations, CONSTANTLY, was even worse: I swear to god.

If I were committing espionage and had been captured, and they piped the radio version into a solitary cell, I'd crack in about...oh, twenty minutes, give or take.

12-19-2022, 04:34 PM
I didn't know where to put this, but it DOES piss me off:

Ok. What's been on the news?

We're gonna get trump! (For the 200th time).

Elon Musk said...something different than he said yesterday!

Ukraine Strike!
Cute dog!
Economy good!

Except, if you look a LITTLE deeper...with assistance and permission from the US, Japan just became the third largest military in the world, in monetary terms, matching the US in per capita spending, after 70 years of forced pacifism.
They're doing this as a response to fears of future North Korean and Chinese strikes, and to help insure allied control over the entire Indo-Pacific region.
Now. Why in the FUCK is that not the number one top headline from EVERY trusted American news source?
Or, like, with the economy, I mean, look at fucking Forbes and such. Wal-Mart, Target, and eight other big stores like that are planning to close a couple hundred stores, EACH. Why is no alarm being sounded on CNN?
Electric companies are saying that roughly 25% of Americans will experience rolling blackouts this winter.
I guess they CAN'T amplify that last one, considering people were fucking STABBING each other over toilet paper, of all things, when covid started.

It's never been so blatantly obvious to me that we are being drip-fed approved information.

12-22-2022, 01:46 PM
I buzzed a friend last night to see how she's been doing going into the holidays here. She has been having marriage issues since June. It seems I always check in at the wrong time. First it was being told about the issues, next was the failure of couples counselling, and then what she felt was failure going to someone by herself.

I just happened to message her less than an hour after the hubby decided he wanted a divorce... Girl was crushed last night, completely defeated. Extremely sad to say the least, but it's the right thing to do.

Still irks me, and I don't know if this qualifies as "little."

12-22-2022, 03:53 PM
My local sheriff's dept charges $75/hour to accompany people to the house of abusers to retrieve belongings. So fucked up. The family of someone I work with was recently a victim of domestic violence, and they can't afford to pay that and have been unable to go get their stuff.

12-22-2022, 03:57 PM
My local sheriff's dept charges $75/hour to accompany people to the house of abusers to retrieve belongings. So fucked up. The family of someone I work with was recently a victim of domestic violence, and they can't afford to pay that and have been unable to go get their stuff.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all year.

01-04-2023, 08:57 PM
So, I've got a 7 month old who goes to daycare. Tonight, we got notified that some dumbass sent their kid to school today even though the kid was positive for COVID-19.

I was upset, but my wife was REALLY upset. She broke down and told me that she has a surprise party planned for Saturday since I turned 40 yesterday. People are coming from out of town. There are hotel reservations. There are non-refundable things paid for.

I have to stay in our guest room and not get close to my son or wife until after the party (which I wasn't supposed to know about), all because some asshole doesn't care about tiny, unable to be fully vaxed babies. My son just got his first flu shot and our pediatrician didn't want to do the covid vaccine until later this month to give him space between the shots. So frustrating!

Oh, and the mom of the sick kid WORKS AT THE DAYCARE. ARGH!!!!

And more importantly, I have to worry about my baby getting sick when we take good precautions as a family.

01-05-2023, 08:03 AM
So, I've got a 7 month old who goes to daycare. Tonight, we got notified that some dumbass sent their kid to school today even though the kid was positive for COVID-19.

I was upset, but my wife was REALLY upset. She broke down and told me that she has a surprise party planned for Saturday since I turned 40 yesterday. People are coming from out of town. There are hotel reservations. There are non-refundable things paid for.

I have to stay in our guest room and not get close to my son or wife until after the party (which I wasn't supposed to know about), all because some asshole doesn't care about tiny, unable to be fully vaxed babies. My son just got his first flu shot and our pediatrician didn't want to do the covid vaccine until later this month to give him space between the shots. So frustrating!

Oh, and the mom of the sick kid WORKS AT THE DAYCARE. ARGH!!!!

And more importantly, I have to worry about my baby getting sick when we take good precautions as a family.
Hang in there. Prayers up for you & your family.

01-05-2023, 11:16 AM
Ugh, that totally sucks Fifey ! Have either of you tested positive?

01-05-2023, 11:30 AM
Ugh, that totally sucks @Fifey (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=126) ! Have either of you tested positive?

We both took home tests last night and they were negative. But we need to retest Saturday morning. Kiddo doesn't have any symptoms today, and we're taking him for a rapid test at his pediatricians office this afternoon, but he'll need to be re-tested in a few days too, given last exposure.

01-10-2023, 05:46 PM
Little kids getting sick. Just found out my buddy Nash (age 6) is going to have to do the same chemo that I'm on. Not for exactly the same thing but close enough. He was in the hospital for a month late summer & they thought he was cured. The problem came back so they're going to try & blast it into remission. It's a really nasty drug that I can barely handle. I can't fathom a 6 year old dealing with it. Of course I am helping out the family & glad to do it. He's going to be a very sick little boy for the next month though. Any prayers or good thoughts are appreciated. I've known Nash since he was a baby & am very worried.

01-11-2023, 10:52 AM
chuckrh He definitely has a great support system! Hugs to all you guys!

01-11-2023, 11:24 AM
@chuckrh (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=6224) He definitely has a great support system! Hugs to all you guys!
thank you

01-11-2023, 06:49 PM
My little dog was mauled and killed by a coyote last night. Little dog is blameless, she was just doing pee six feet from our back door. Coyote is blameless, it was just defending what it assumed was it's new territory. Life can be unfair which is why this event is just cataloged as little things that piss me off. But my heart is broken. And I just can't stop crying. https://i.imgur.com/iO3BHTm.jpeg

01-13-2023, 03:02 AM
That fucking annoying "Oh no no no no no" song that's in every funny video these days

01-13-2023, 05:21 AM
My little dog was mauled and killed by a coyote last night. Little dog is blameless, she was just doing pee six feet from our back door. Coyote is blameless, it was just defending what it assumed was it's new territory. Life can be unfair which is why this event is just cataloged as little things that piss me off. But my heart is broken. And I just can't stop crying. https://i.imgur.com/iO3BHTm.jpeg

Oh god... I always worry about this when I let my corgi go outside. He's my best friend. I'd understand, but I would destroy any creature that hurt him. I would fucking ruin anything that hurt him.

I am so sorry.

01-13-2023, 09:32 AM
My little dog was mauled and killed by a coyote last night. Little dog is blameless, she was just doing pee six feet from our back door. Coyote is blameless, it was just defending what it assumed was it's new territory. Life can be unfair which is why this event is just cataloged as little things that piss me off. But my heart is broken. And I just can't stop crying. https://i.imgur.com/iO3BHTm.jpeg
sorry for your loss

01-13-2023, 09:38 AM
omg I'm so sorry zero ! That's so terrible! :-(

01-13-2023, 11:27 AM
zero that’s truly awful, I’m so sorry :(

01-13-2023, 12:17 PM
Oh jesus zero . Fuck. Goddamn. I'm sorry.

01-17-2023, 10:18 PM
it pisses me off that 4Chan trolls turned the "ok" sign into a white supremacy thing, as a joke. Now it is an actual hate symbol, and every image of someone flashing "ok" is now convoluted by internet troll assholes alongside actual white supremacists. Fuck you. Oh, hahahahaha, wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if we turned the most common symbol into something that sucks? Like they did with the swastika? hahahahahahaha... hilarious, you internet bastards.

Now I can't look at a picture of Buddha displaying a symbol of peace and tranquility without thinking of this fucking George Santos guy, and his smug chuckly bullshit.

01-18-2023, 11:31 AM

01-18-2023, 12:00 PM
My little dog was mauled and killed by a coyote last night. Little dog is blameless, she was just doing pee six feet from our back door. Coyote is blameless, it was just defending what it assumed was it's new territory. Life can be unfair which is why this event is just cataloged as little things that piss me off. But my heart is broken. And I just can't stop crying. https://i.imgur.com/iO3BHTm.jpeg
we've started to see coyotes in our neighborhood recently and this is a new fear. I'm so sorry this happened.

01-18-2023, 12:02 PM
this report came out during TFG's time and if it had come out during Biden or Obama it would have been huge on Fox talking about how it was the democrats fault.

02-13-2023, 12:29 PM
i'm so sick of trans people being murdered simply for existing.

a 16-year-old trans girl was stabbed to death by two other teenagers in england after years of transphobic bullying. i've been crying at my desk on and off all morning.

i go into work 2 hours late every day because when i go in during rush hour, i regularly get harassed. it's fucking terrifying.


02-13-2023, 12:57 PM
yeah and didn't the report from the police say "oh sure they hated her but it wasn't a hate crime." like, wtaf?

03-06-2023, 04:47 AM
Aerosinusitis can go and fuck off.

04-03-2023, 08:31 PM
I've got some bizarre shit going on: my lymph nodes are all swollen, and I lost all hearing in my right ear, and my face is swollen up, and weird ass pains in weird ass places (alongside normal places like neck, head, and such).

According to the ER, it's likely corollary to the fucking RA.

I see new primary doctor on friday.

04-07-2023, 11:57 PM
Coming out of a show to find you have a flat tire. And the tire is seized so you can’t put the spare on and have to wait a hour for AAA. At least Cave In was awesome before that. And I’m seeing them again tomorrow. Was gonna drive 2.5 hours home tonight originally but now I’m in an annoyingly expensive hotel for the night. At least I’ll save on some driving I guess, as tomorrow’s show is close by.