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11-08-2013, 12:59 AM
My internet kicked me off of my class tonight. Stupid new Blackboard platform and stupid Java.

This. I hated Bb never seemed to work right. Also, the last time I did anything school related with Java it sucked big time. The science and tech nerds joined forces to make some cell exploration game , basically the class got to beta test it. Uber rage ensued from me.

frankie teardrop
11-08-2013, 01:59 PM
no. 1 pet peeve on the day of a gig: countless messages asking to be put on the list. IT'S SIX DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! less than a beer, cheapskates.

11-08-2013, 02:54 PM
stop playing that fucking song. it is pissing me off to the point i want to castrate you and then jam your testicles into your ears. YOU ARE PISSING ME OFF. more than a little.

Halo Infinity
11-08-2013, 06:00 PM
1. The lag I get from trying to edit my posts at any site.

2. Internet forums that don't allow you to edit your posts after a certain amount of time. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that bullshit? The mere thought of it pisses me off.

3. Internet forums that have "disappearing pages" after a certain amount of pages have been posted. What kind of bullshit is that as well? Some forums show 4 or 5 pages only, and all of the much older pages "vanish". It also happens to pages of threads.

4. CAPTCHA, I just hate it, since it can locked me out of accounts.

11-08-2013, 11:07 PM
Being in the hospital, not having a clue what's going on, and wondering how many months of pay it's going to cost.

11-08-2013, 11:40 PM
Being in the hospital, not having a clue what's going on, and wondering how many months of pay it's going to cost.
Uh oh, hope you're okay!!

11-09-2013, 04:52 PM
Hardcore christian's shoving their faith down your throat.

Even moreso, hardcore atheists doing the same.

11-10-2013, 01:57 AM
Hardcore christian's shoving their faith down your throat.

Even moreso, hardcore atheists doing the same.

Fucking a! That's why I generally just stay out if the conversation. I'm mean really, one picks heads, the other tails.

It's whatever but getting pulled to stay and close two nights in a row when I wasn't scheduled to. I'm fine working myself silly and even don't mind, just ask. Yes I have no life other than working the line but still the common curtesy of a reach around would be nice. That said I'm finding my groove and kicked major ass at both jobs the last two days. Which being a cook amounts to shit, literally. I just want sone truth in advertising.

11-10-2013, 07:40 AM
I'm a VERY sensitive person, and I currently am stressed from a lot of different factors. It's pretty much an all-the-time thing but it all just hit a bit of a breaking point last night and I ended up getting really upset. I really need/want today to recover and get my shit together and just do some self-care, but I have work. :( 4 more days of work before my next day off. Where I have to be at my internship, which is great, but stresssseeedd.

Halo Infinity
11-10-2013, 05:32 PM
I'm just realizing this more and more about myself and I currently think that going far from home just sucks. I really wish that every place I wanted and had to go to was 1 hour away or less, or 30 minutes or less. I'm the kind of person that would rather invest money in making my house as convenient as possible with as much home entertainment and food to satisfy me. To me, a commute that exceeds 1 hour is already far.

That also made me wonder, since I'd see people go here and there, but almost invest nothing in the house, and actually complain about how boring and shitty the house is in a literal sense. I think the house should be turned into a fun place even if you don't intend to stay in, or near it a lot. With that being said, I don't hate everything about travel, but would like to be able to actually buy things while traveling, or fly first-class and stay in hotel suites when and if ever possible. (But of course... that would also come with a price and a lot of hard work.)

11-10-2013, 06:32 PM
^^^^^ if you have a job like me that requires travel, accumulating all those frequent flyer and hotel points gets you 5 free nights in Hawaii and flying first class, both ways!

11-11-2013, 09:48 AM
People overusing "at the end of the day..."

11-11-2013, 09:54 AM
People overusing "at the end of the day..."


11-11-2013, 10:00 AM

That's great!

At the end of the day, "at the end of the day" became a little thing that cheered me up.

11-11-2013, 12:46 PM
Shit being closed on my day off, places I need to get shit done .

11-11-2013, 03:27 PM
People overusing "at the end of the day...""The key take away"

I'm guilty of adding "and such" to so many sentences I should be dope slapped every time I do it.

Halo Infinity
11-11-2013, 03:35 PM
I think I've done similar things with "And what not.", "And the like." and "or/and someting" too. I've also "quote and quote" for quite a while as well, and perhaps even ending sentences with "I think." I hope nobody here gets too ticked off over that. :p

11-11-2013, 07:20 PM
Eastern standard time. I swear I felt like the sun was setting at 1:30pm today.

I'm pretty much done with living this far north too.

11-11-2013, 07:49 PM
Drunk asshole ruined my NIN show on Saturday. Screamed and yelled through over half the songs. I don't know why he felt the need to scream "I love you, Trent" over 50 times but for some reason he did. Or scream "Yeeeeeeaaaahhhh" at the top of his lungs through entire songs. Unfortunately, he wasn't just in my section, he was in the seat next to me.

Oy. I'm hoping maybe I'll somehow get a ticket for one of the Vegas shows this weekend. I seriously want a do over.

11-12-2013, 02:59 AM
Fucking since I updated to whatever Mac OS all my avi? files need to be converted. Where as they played just fine before.

Frozen Beach
11-12-2013, 09:45 PM
Seeing your ex out in public is never fun, especially when she comes up to you all giddy, pretending that nothing ever happened and trying to spark a conversation. I brushed her off. God damn, that was painful and not what I needed today.

11-12-2013, 11:22 PM
The way the term "bullying" is being tossed about, these days. For example, from an article my sister shared:
"There was a time – not too long ago – when bullying was defined as slamming someone up against a locker and stealing their lunch money."

Yeah, when was that, the 1950's? I was bullied throughout elementary and high school, and you know what the worst part of it was? Not the physical violence (though that was bad enough) but the exclusion, my peers rejecting me through denial of interaction. Hey, anti-bullying advocates, do you know what that does to a developing personality? Don't lessen the problem by screaming about the problem's name.

Halo Infinity
11-13-2013, 11:40 AM
You've probably seen it happen a lot if you have friends or acquaintances on Facebook that are about to graduate high school, or have graduated high school, or have spent their first 2-3 years in college. (Or working and job-hunting if college really wasn't for them.)

I just couldn't help but notice that I've really seen a lot of people complain about turning 18, 20, and 21, as if 18, 20, and 21 are 3 evils numbers of youth that have cursed them. They act like being 17 and under were the glory days. There's just something about that approach to life that doesn't sit well with me at all.

I also noticed that their sense of time seems to be bad before they turn 18, with some exceptions, since there are also lots of adults with a bad sense of time. (I still have to work on it sometimes myself.) I really don't think we had to go through any of those phases in our late teens and early 20s, but I also sense that thinking and acting as if you know everything can also play a huge role in that as well. Oh, and speaking of bad timing, they don't seem to plan anything, and seem to miscount hours until they either start working, or have spent their first year in college.

Oh, and to add just one more thing before I forget to do so. I think I'd hate the overall idea and experience of hanging out with a smartass, especially if the said smartass were to use the "I was just kidding." defense or "It was just a joke." defense as an excuse to be an asshole 24/7/365. That would just suck so hard. :p

11-13-2013, 12:42 PM
When people owe you money and just ignore you texts etc

Halo Infinity
11-13-2013, 03:36 PM
Perhaps just one more for now, since I'm actually trying to avoid threads that evoke these feelings in me, but out of all the pet peeves I have mentioned, I don't think I've even brought this up before. This also didn't happen to me that much to me, but it really is that annoying and aggravating in my opinion. I think in my entire life, only 3-5 people have reacted that way to me.

When people get angry and annoyed at me just because I asked for a joke's meaning. Just because a joke is killed, doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. It's not like I've insulted you as a person, challenged/ridiculed your political/religious beliefs, or insulted your parents or your children, or set your house on fire.

And then there's the hypocrisy and irony of people that tell me to relax and to be not so serious and that it's no big deal when they're the ones that are anything but relaxed, happy, and calm, especially when I didn't say or do anything wrong to them. And if it wasn't such a big deal, they wouldn't have been so pissed off in the first place.

The only thing I've learned from this is that if asking for a joke's meaning doesn't make you look stupid/ignorant to the joke teller/bringer, it can also make you look like a killjoy, or even worse, a stupid/ingnorant killjoy, even if that's not your intention or who you are.

11-14-2013, 12:15 AM
tonight at the pelican show, a girl threw her beer at me after i politely asked her to be quiet, because she had been talking during the entirety of their set.

i’ve liked pelican for 10 years, and i had only seen them two nights in a row back in 2007.

since i got home, i have been trying so hard not to cry because that girl and her friend completely tainted this experience for me. i don’t understand why people are so horrible.

11-14-2013, 04:59 AM
I generally hate people at concerts and stuff like this has happened to me way too many times. There was a time where I used to pick a fight and shove their teeth in but since that got me in legal trouble once I hold myself together. It hasn't happened in a long while but I see stuff like this pretty much every time I'm out and it's driving me nuts.

My rant right now: There's this guy at work. I see him all day lurking around having a short "break" and smoking. He's basically out smoking every 15 minutes and constantly talking to everyone while trying to network. He even asked me for a new job the other day and he's been doing that with others for a while now. He wants to get far by just asking his way around... Such an annoying character. I desperately want to kick his ass.

11-14-2013, 02:15 PM
People that piss and moan about not being able to land anything other than some shit retail job when they've gone to fuckin' art school for like two classes a week. Why are you constantly venting to me? What do you mean employers aren't falling over themselves to hire you? Get out of your parents' basement.

miss k bee
11-16-2013, 02:11 PM
Going shopping on a Saturday aaggh too many people!

11-17-2013, 03:19 AM
The term "Black Friday Weekend", and the fact that it has spread to Canada.

I came up with a way to make Black Friday better at work today:
Insane, INCREDIBLE deals, like paying $15 for a PS3, or 50 cents for a really nice coat.

However, in every mall that participates, 10 people WILL die. There are snipers in the mall, and when the doors open a voice comes over the mall's PA system: "Cleared hot... weapons free... fire at will."

11-17-2013, 11:03 AM
Okay so I get that a big part of my job is just take in the ass and get shit done. However there are parameters, if you go beyond these ill get upset. Say like the other week when we stayed "open" at my other job 45 minutes after the kitchen is supposed yo be closed to serve up 10 tacos to fattys who didn't order in time, on top of the fact that I wasn't scheduled to close in the first place .

Now today I walk into a fairly shit mess of dishes and a warming container with yesterday's soup and chile pans still in it, something my boss has complained about the last three weeks only this time it was him who left it. It also appears that I will be working alone today until 2. Running on 11 hours of sleep since Friday morning I'm not really in the mood. Days like this make my shitty futon mere blocks away seem down right inviting.

Halo Infinity
11-17-2013, 12:27 PM
Eating out at a restaurant and still having a conversation after all the orders, food, and drinks are finished. I'd rather talk while we're eating, and it seems rude and inconsiderate to linger. Now, 15 minutes, or even 20 minutes, isn't that bad, but I've been with people that lingered for 30 minutes to even a little bit over 1 hour after all the orders were finished. It's not just awkward, but annoying due to the awkwardness, especially when you know that the conversations could've been done while eating and drinking.

11-18-2013, 08:58 PM
I like Pearl Jam, but oh my god the fans over there arguing about the GA line - there's some people who have the idea that you write numbers on hands and someone keeps a notebook and then people don't have to stay in line during the day and can just come back late in the day and take their place at the front of the line. My understanding of a general admission line is you go early if you want to be in front, and put in your time in the line, staying there, and this is what I have always done. I'm came back here for a dose of sanity. I love ETS folks.

The other thing that pisses me off is my probability homework. I love math, but I realized I'm not enjoying probability that much, and people around me are saying that is what I should work toward getting a job in. Probability is 'number-y' math and I like 'proof-y' math. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone but me....

11-19-2013, 08:32 AM
Ugggh. I'm so sensitive. And like, that's okay. It's okay to be sensitive but uggggh. I need tape that says "handle with care."

11-19-2013, 08:51 AM
The other thing that pisses me off is my probability homework. I love math, but I realized I'm not enjoying probability that much, and people around me are saying that is what I should work toward getting a job in. Probability is 'number-y' math and I like 'proof-y' math. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone but me....

I hear you. Though in the past few years I've become to like more proof-y physics.. mostly because I don't see the point of proving the results of tons of integrals when I could just get them from tables...

But yeah, numbers are shit.

Your Name Here
11-19-2013, 10:48 AM
I really want to say dinosaurs piss me off but they are not little things, so I'll say microbial bacteria and ants.

11-19-2013, 10:57 AM
I really want to say dinosaurs piss me off but they are not little things, so I'll say microbial bacteria and ants.

why on earth do dinosaurs piss you off?

Your Name Here
11-19-2013, 11:05 AM
They piss me off because they think they are so badass and tough but none of them will show themselves. They say things like " I could eat you in one bite, I could knock down your house or crush your car" then they hide behind this whole extinction thing. Tell me that doesn't piss you off.

Your Name Here
11-19-2013, 11:47 AM
There really needs to be a "big things that piss you off" thread then I could write my manifesto on dinosaurs. Then there is my unfortunate inability to find a monogamous prostitute. Medications with side effects worse then the reason you are taking them. Boner pills that cause depression, depression pills that cause suicidal thoughts, suicide pills that give you a reason to live. Somebody telling you, that you are what they think of when they need endurance or stamina during inter coarse.

11-19-2013, 11:55 AM
*backs away slowly*

11-19-2013, 12:10 PM

11-19-2013, 12:21 PM
LOL someone needs attennnnnntionnnn...

11-20-2013, 10:40 AM
Some dinosaurs are actually quite small just saying facts people READ BETWEEN THE LINES science

11-20-2013, 01:01 PM

Halo Infinity
11-20-2013, 01:13 PM
People that piss and moan about not being able to land anything other than some shit retail job when they've gone to fuckin' art school for like two classes a week. Why are you constantly venting to me? What do you mean employers aren't falling over themselves to hire you? Get out of your parents' basement.
I'm even more appalled that there are people that have the audacity and pride to be that way. To me, that's something to be ashamed of. (Not working in retail, but complaining about not getting something above them. It's like the opposite side of people that complain about nice jobs that most people are dying to get.)

11-20-2013, 04:07 PM
My brain is not meant to remember all these different passwords, nor us it equipped to keep them written down and in a convenient place.

*So to my dismay I guess it's not the 20th when I get payed... I'm now in the hole 130$. Fuck.

11-21-2013, 12:31 PM
This really fucking gets to me. You ask someone for a piece of information and instead of giving you the information you require which would be no effort for them whatsoever, they tell you the most BLATANTLY OBVIOUS FUCKING WAY of you getting the information yourself, when I obviously wouldn't be even asking them if I could get it so easily.

Example 1; Having a problem with my online banking, need to verify my account number.
- "Dude, could you log into your online banking and tell me my account number please?"
- "Just log into your own one and check it yourself."

Example 2; Visiting a city I've only been to once, need directions to somewhere which doesn't show up on Google Maps even when you put in the exact address. I ask for directions on a forum dedicated to the city in question.
- "Hey could someone please tell me how to get from the bus station to "wherever"? Thanks."
- Just use Google Maps. You fail the initiative test anyway."

Halo Infinity
11-21-2013, 12:44 PM
Example 2; Visiting a city I've only been to once, need directions to somewhere which doesn't show up on Google Maps even when you put in the exact address. I ask for directions on a forum dedicated to the city in question.
- "Hey could someone please tell me how to get from the bus station to "wherever"? Thanks."
- Just use Google Maps. You fail the initiative test anyway."
Did that by any chance actually happen at City-Data.com? That certainly sounds like something that would happen there, as I've lurked that place many times before.



11-21-2013, 12:57 PM
Did that by any chance actually happen at City-Data.com? That certainly sounds like something that would happen there, as I've lurked that place many times before.



No actually, never heard of that site before tbh!

Halo Infinity
11-21-2013, 04:25 PM
Oh okay, I was just curious, since that's a forum for cities all over the world, and well, now you know about it. That would've also been quite the coincidence.

11-23-2013, 09:31 AM
I think one of the owners of my new job is trying to troll me cause i don't kiss his ass or recognize his presence properly or something? He's pulled this shit a few times in the middle if dinner service usually when I'm about at my limits. Now maybe this is a good thing, or maybe he's still just a big child. I get it man your loaded and successful and your partners etc put up with it, however I'm pretty much the polar opposite of that. All I do know is that if he keeps this shit up and catches me at a bad time, I'm most likely goons have to find a new job. It is kinda fun blowing him off though.

Joy Prevention Hotline
11-25-2013, 01:48 PM
My bank is having a "Black Friday Sale." I can't take it no more. :eek:

11-25-2013, 03:18 PM
My bank is having a "Black Friday Sale." I can't take it no more. :eek:

what does that even mean?

Joy Prevention Hotline
11-25-2013, 03:32 PM
Capital One 360® is taking you on a savings spree. Get ready to gift yourself our best banking bonuses of the year during our annual Black Friday Sale… There’s something for everyone during the Sale, so mark your calendar and get ready to save ’til you drop.
So. Has Black Friday officially jumped the shark now, or did that happen years ago and I just wasn't looking?

If you ask me, anything called "Black Friday" should involve bankers diving from the 14th floor.

11-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Having to work "Black Friday" (8 pm Thursday till 5:30 am Friday) and dealing with the fuckhead shoppers that come in.

miss k bee
11-25-2013, 06:36 PM
Working nightshift in office with no heating. Because people don't need heating in winter obviously !

11-25-2013, 07:31 PM
Working nightshift, period. First one tomorrow in almost a month since we moved to days, I hate it.

11-27-2013, 07:33 PM
Having to work "Black Friday" (8 pm Thursday till 5:30 am Friday) and dealing with the fuckhead shoppers that come in.

You work at Walmart?

11-27-2013, 09:49 PM
You work at Walmart?

Nope, Kohl's... :'(

11-28-2013, 04:48 AM
Our version of Black Friday is the Boxing Day sales after Xmas.

I really don't understand why people line up for these things. They do know about the Internet, don't they?

11-28-2013, 06:00 AM
thats what cyber monday is for!

11-28-2013, 06:07 AM
So it happens three days after black Friday? But Boxing Day sales happen the same times as/before the shop event.

11-28-2013, 07:10 AM
Our version of Black Friday is the Boxing Day sales after Xmas.

I really don't understand why people line up for these things. They do know about the Internet, don't they?
Ugh, Canada has "BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT" sales now. Bad enough we have "Black Friday Weekend" up here. I hate this time of year, bring back Halloween.

11-28-2013, 08:31 AM
Ugh, Canada has "BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT" sales now. Bad enough we have "Black Friday Weekend" up here. I hate this time of year, bring back Halloween.

THIS. Nothing would give me more pleasure right now than to get dressed up, hide in a sales rack, and scare the piss out of shoppers.

Joy Prevention Hotline
11-28-2013, 04:18 PM
THIS. Nothing would give me more pleasure right now than to get dressed up, hide in a sales rack, and scare the piss out of shoppers.
You could be onto something there, but I'd worry about the feral look in their eyes.

The only time I ever set foot in a retail store is for office supply emergencies. And even then we can usually wait for Staples to deliver the next day — I think the last time was two or three years ago when our router died.

I'm holding out for Amazon to start selling cars.

11-28-2013, 04:42 PM
German customs. While I appreciate their efficency things tend to get out of hand when you're expecting nothing but a small package. I had furniture delivered overseas but clothing seems to be a hassle. Always. Here's to another week of waiting for my order!

11-28-2013, 05:37 PM
You work at Walmart?

Do you know when it was a lot of fun working at Walmart? When I would work on Boxing Day (aka the day after Xmas when you have a headache from the booze and a stomach ache from the food and you're pissed because you didn't get the gifts you wanted the most) I would always start my shift early in the morning. During the lunch break, I would hide in the clothing racks near the front doors and I would laugh at all the people stacked behind said doors like sardines.

And then at 1 pm the store manager would open the damn doors and it wasn't funny anymore. :(

As for what it pissing me off: it snowed and rained like crazy yesterday and the roads and sidewalks (especially the sidewalks) are not being plowed properly because the city's annual budget for snow removal only come into effect on December 1st.

I swear to God if I fall down and break something, I'm going to sue the motherfuckers.

Joy Prevention Hotline
11-28-2013, 07:45 PM
Seeing "If you get paid to do photography, blagh blagh blagh" in a blog post or review. Doesn't even matter what the blagh is anymore, I'm already turned off by your self-importance. We get it, you make money with your awesomely expensive equipment … because you'd never say that if it wasn't true. :rolleyes:

I'd like to lock those people in a room with the idiots who spend thousands of dollars on audio cables — hey, they don't even claim it's their job and they're still idiots! — and see who makes it out alive.

11-28-2013, 08:05 PM
At the moment what pisses me off/gives me the sad is my family being so very shit at staying in contact.. None of my American friends or family sent me or replied to my messages or called/returned my call today. Usually I have a big dinner party, invite all my friends and make all my favorite food that I miss from home but this year none of my friends could make it for one reason or another so I didn't even have that to cheer me up. My in laws live in Manchester so we only see them every couple of months and being from a huge family, the loneliness really gets to me sometimes..especially around the holidays. Blurgh

11-29-2013, 01:57 AM
Black Friday, setting up for Black Friday, coworkers who call in sick when we're trying to set up for Black Friday, coworkers who will probably call in sick again on actual Black Friday, and the fact that Black Friday isn't even a fucking thing in fucking Canada but we're still fucking doing it to keep the fuck up with our fucking American fucking stores. Fuck.

11-29-2013, 02:06 AM
Ughhhh. I feel you. I have to go to work by (meaning I need to leave a bit after 4 AM) 5:30 AM today, which is just a stupid Starbucks thing, not a Black Friday thing, but the fact is that I work really close to fucking Macy's (which I think has SIX Starbucks in it, hoping that'll corral the masses) and I've been awake since about 9AM yesterday. I'm scheduled til 2PM but I'm super super super hoping it'll be slow and that I can go home because I have shit to do for my internship tonight.

11-29-2013, 02:17 AM
The worst part about it for me is if someone wants to buy a TV I have to go way back to the receiving area to get it for them then ring it up and get it out to their vehicle, which takes like 10 minutes if I'm lucky. I did that tonight and I was the only one in my department so every time I did that I came back and there were 3 more customers waiting to ask me stupid questions they easily could have looked up at one of our dozens of display computers or tablets or even flyers sitting in the area. If I worked on commission I'd be stoked to sell thousands of dollars of shit every hour but I'm not so it's just a huge pain in the ass for me and the customers. But my department manager only did a half-day today because he's doing a double tomorrow so things SHOULD go smoother as long as we aren't totally overwhelmed with customers. If they know what they want, it all goes fine, but if they have 20 questions about a $300 stereo then there are other people waiting for big-ticket items and the store loses money, and if our department isn't making as much money as we could then hours get cut, and since I'm new there I'm going to be the one to lose the most hours.

Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow. I might go check on things in the morning and run a few things by my manager that didn't get done tonight. I'd rather go in early off the clock and help a bit than come in at my scheduled time and have to worry about doing everything all at once by myself. The good side of this is I'm getting a lot of hours right off the bat pretty much, so I'm not totally broke any more. Normally new staff only get part-time shifts for the first 3 months but because I got hired at this time of year I'm getting 35-40 hours a week already, so when I have horrible shifts like tonight I can afford to stop at the liquor store on the way home :P

11-29-2013, 11:50 PM
Aaaggghh! Guy at store: "Oh, you can totally return this PS3 within 90 days!" I checked the store's website tonight: 15 days. Tomorrow is my last day to return it. Glad I noticed in time, but damn. Obnoxious.

Frozen Beach
11-30-2013, 02:00 AM
Loneliness. I remember when I was a 18 year old, and it never bothered me. Now that I'm 22, I just want to break something.

Halo Infinity
11-30-2013, 01:33 PM
Not being able to turn off private messaging on Facebook. That feature used to be available, but it was probably removed in early 2012. I'm not sure if Twitter has the same problem as well, and I certainly hope that it doesn't.

11-30-2013, 01:48 PM
I'm not sure what you mean. Like, "emailing" someone on FB, through your mutual FB accounts, you want to disable that?

Joy Prevention Hotline
11-30-2013, 02:35 PM
1999 called and it wants its Sharper Image catalog back.

Who the fuck picks up the phone to buy something without checking the reviews and prices online? No one asked you to murder that tree, assholes.

Halo Infinity
11-30-2013, 03:55 PM
I'm not sure what you mean. Like, "emailing" someone on FB, through your mutual FB accounts, you want to disable that?
Yes, but not all time. It also depends on my mood, or if I'm even on Facebook since I've had an on and off relationship with it. I also just prefer having that option available, just like I've had it on both Echoing the Sound and Provider Module. That reminds me that there's also an option to even prevent people from seeing or posting on your wall. It's kind of like turning off the visitor messages in a way.

And from the looks of it, I think it doesn't matter who's added, or not, as anybody can send you private messages on Facebook as long as they have your URL.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-02-2013, 02:47 PM
Auuggghhhh!!!!! It's not a Black Friday Sale if it ends on Monday. You can't even call that Black Friday Weekend.

At least get with the program and call it "Cyber" fucking Monday.


12-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Fucking post error making me double post ...

12-02-2013, 02:52 PM
Fucking people failing to comprehend the fact that I work and guess what this job I can't just use my phone whenever, so it may take a bit for me to get back to you possibly after I'm done.

Roomies had a party thing this weekend a friend came into town, and another girl said shed swing by. None of it not a single fucking bit if panned out. I told all them fuckers I work till 12. I get that it's late, and explicitly said I would I come after work, but then don't bust my balls about showing up for days in advance even the day of to either, a: pass out early before I get there, b: not get back to me after announcing your surprise arrival, or c: tell me you don't have any money and are going to sleep after texting me about when I'm done the very same night. I work till probably midnight. Five words that are easy to understand... God damn sissies.

I know I run my mouth at times but it should be pretty fucking obvious when I'm stating something as opposed to talking random nonsense. Pay the fuck attention people if I'm telling you something direct like, it means listen to the words I'm saying, I'm not spinning metaphors. I speak basic 1st grade English a lot of the time for just this reason.

Blah blah.... I'm only popular when I'm busy. lol but really this shit gets old.

Halo Infinity
12-03-2013, 03:20 PM
This definitely has to count as it is so minute that it really shouldn't even annoy me in the slightest. I wouldn't even say that it gets me all that aggravated either, but the stigma of being an adult that likes to play video games can certainly still get annoying sometimes. I've heard people that love to travel and party be among the many that end up saying that video games are for people with no lives.

And then you also have the assumption/expectation that you're supposed to completely give up playing video games as soon as one, some or all of the following things occur.

1. Graduate high school.

2. Graduate college.

3. Start a career.

4. Get married and/or have children.

5. Turn 18-25+.

I know it shouldn't matter, but it does bother me a little bit when that happens. I just wanted to get this out there. And yes, I still couldn't help but notice that there really are people that love to party and travel that can't seem to stand video games and gamers. I might not even be into video games as much as I've used to, but I definitely see myself playing video games well into my 30s and 40s, as I'd still hope to amass an enormous retro gaming collection some time in the distant future. At some point, I think I'd actually like to make a thread about this topic. (If anybody wants to beat me to it, feel free to do so, as I actually find it interesting when it's not annoying me. Oh yes, and even if I were to actually give up video games entirely, it would be for my own personal reasons, and not due to what the majority of people think me as an adult gamer.)

There are even people that think it's weird for adults to use video games as a means to hang out in each others' houses.

12-03-2013, 05:59 PM
My internets was down from late last night until just recently. Little thing, to be sure, but still annoying...

Charmingly Miserable
12-03-2013, 09:20 PM
My online class started at 6pm. My professor didn't show up until 6:30. She had given a portion of the class 45 minutes on last week's exam. I only got 30 minutes to do the exam. My professor docks me on my APA format. I'm pissed because I know APA front to back. I wrote the student sample on an APA research paper. This is bullshit.

12-05-2013, 02:04 AM
The fucking tortilla machine... Every time I work that spot hassle. First batch of masa was dry add some water fine. Water should be push button fancy bullshit pump. The top piece that has magnetic safety feature got dropped or bent funny so the Teflon hides didn't sit right and dough kept building up and raied it up causing the machine to stop. After a couple hours got that fixed . Then a wire broke. Fix that and another wire breaks. Situate wires and there crossed. Fix that and one breaks again. What should have taken just over four hours took me damn near 8. Fuck that thing. 40k pos... Only me it seems has these issues with it. Probably makes no sense if you haven't seen one, but god damn! At least I'm pro at trouble shooting that damn thing now.

12-05-2013, 06:31 AM
Dealing with shitty, unhelpful, obnoxious, arrogant and rude real estate agents.Is it really that much of a stretch to just confirm a couple of sale details?

12-05-2013, 10:36 AM
Well, at least I missed my flight and am now stuck at the airport for three hours waiting for the next one. At least that happened.

I have no one to blame but myself, I know. I'm just so irritated at myself right now.

12-05-2013, 10:55 AM
I feel for you. When I went to Comic Con a couple years ago the only way to make my flight on time (flew out of Bellingham, WA), was to take a bus over the border and then wait. In Bellingham airport. Which has no amenities and is in the middle of nowhere. For 12 hours overnight when the one coffee shop is closed.

Halo Infinity
12-05-2013, 03:45 PM
People that think and act as if they can loiter and trespass anywhere and make noise. Jaywalkers that act like they should obstruct heavy traffic. I could understand if you're doing it when there aren't that many, or any vehicles to start with though. And I don't know exactly what it is, but it is actually annoying to see somebody litter. I still feel the same way about that. Loud people in general still bother me. I suppose it depends on the situation and setting though, but nobody needs to hear people screaming on sidewalks, buses, and trains. I'm really big on not disturbing the peace.

Oh yes, and people that expect you to get out of their way as if they're royalty, while not even considering the other person's reasons and actions for moving, or not moving. Oh, and speaking of loitering again, not being able to get a damn seat at a cafe or fast food restaurant because there are people not eating and drinking using their smartphones/newspapers/magazines also sucks. It's even worse when there's card players there, or people that bring outside food to use the tables and chairs.

And at a real restaurant, I really am convinced that it's pointless and inconsiderate to linger more than 15 minutes once you're done with all your orders. It's better off the have the conversations before you finish your food and drinks. I've seen this happen time and time again whenever I went out with friends, family, and acquaintances.

the duder
12-05-2013, 07:23 PM
People that think and act as if they can loiter and trespass anywhere and make noise. Jaywalkers that act like they should obstruct heavy traffic. I could understand if you're doing it when there aren't that many, or any vehicles to start with though.

On the theme of traffic/vehicles - fucking hypocritical motorcyclists. My dad and a few uncles are big into bikes. They bitch and moan about "idiot drivers" who don't look/pay attention. They put stickers on their four wheeled vehicles that say "Look twice, save a life!". I get it. People aren't that observant when they drive. HOWEVER - if you are on a motorcycle and you get hit by a four wheeled vehicle because you decide to break the law, you bought it!

If you drive like an asshole, regardless of the number of wheels on your vehicle, accept the consequences.

12-06-2013, 11:11 PM
I hate internet comment boxes. Under news stories, on youtube, what the fuck ever.

I just waded through a long stream of bullshit attacking Nelson Mandela. What's the occasion? Oh, he died?! FUCK YOU. I let you assholes go when Reagan died. I didn't say a goddamn thing. I let you motherfuckers act like he was the greatest president ever... for a week or so I didn't even point out how much I hated the fucker. I didn't celebrate that he was finally dead. I still don't.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-07-2013, 04:46 AM
I'd like to take this moment to say that people who drive on the job (taxis, trucks, dorky vehicles with labels all over them) and believe that their time is worth more than my life … just fucking die. Preferably in a twisted wreck.

Thank you for listening.

12-07-2013, 12:26 PM
People that think and act as if they can loiter and trespass anywhere and make noise. Jaywalkers that act like they should obstruct heavy traffic. I could understand if you're doing it when there aren't that many, or any vehicles to start with though. And I don't know exactly what it is, but it is actually annoying to see somebody litter. I still feel the same way about that. Loud people in general still bother me. I suppose it depends on the situation and setting though, but nobody needs to hear people screaming on sidewalks, buses, and trains. I'm really big on not disturbing the peace....

I feel you I don't drive but I see this shit all the time living down town here. Usually drunk obnoxious college kids. As for idiot pedestrians parking lots are the worst imo. Yes you do technically have the right of way, but like duder said, when it comes to vehicles the biggest one usually wins. I know I try and avoiding seeing who will come out standing in a game of chicken between fleshy old me and a couple tons of metal, just saying. Also yes I should be paying attention to the road etc, but, we all know that isn't always the case.

Halo Infinity
12-08-2013, 12:12 PM
As a child and a teenager, perhaps you'd think sucking up big time as an adult would be one big joke, but it sometimes unfortunately isn't, as I've learned this the hard way time and time again. Sure, it's sometimes the norm, and obviously in demand depending on what kind of job/career you want and what kind of employer you encounter. And yes, I've finally come around to accept it 100%. It's just the way it is sometimes, unless you really love what you're pursuing/doing. The advice to fake it until I make it is hitting me harder and harder the older I get. I should've taken it 100% seriously ASAP as well, as I've sometimes been far too direct for my own good in real life sometimes.

In other words, it sometimes sucks that you can't just say what you truly want and feel even if you don't mean to be a douche, because you'll just look like one, or even be one anyway. This isn't just for job interviews but social settings in general. It sometimes reminds me why I usually keep to myself and allow myself a lot of "me time" in my spare time.

I also dislike the idea of having to put up with so-called friends that would tease, nag, and brag. I just don't have the patience for that, especially when they get respect and kissing ass mixed up. That thankfully isn't an issue for me now, but it does make me cringe when I see friends that annoy and out each other on the spot/on blast regularly. This is also why I don't buy into "the more the merrier" at all times.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still working on it, and fully realizing this will help me get a greater awareness and overall understanding on what not to say, as I've had a history of a very big/troublesome mouth.

12-08-2013, 01:17 PM
Yep people say they want honest till you give it to them. :)

The emphatic use of the term sheeple. Do they not see the inherent irony?

Halo Infinity
12-08-2013, 02:29 PM
Yep people say they want honest till you give it to them. :)
I've seen that happen so many times. These are sometimes some of the same people that are supposedly all for joking, but once that shoe is on the other foot, they tend to get all bent out of shape. :p

On the other side of that coin, you'd also have people that are completely okay with being brutally honest with others right up until the brutal honesty gets directed at them, especially when they're proven wrong. It's a good old case of being able to dish it out but not take it. I've been there before, and whoa, did I make an ass out of myself.

The emphatic use of the term sheeple. Do they not see the inherent irony?
Oh yes, and I've also seen irony and hypocrisy of such terms as well, but like most things, I suppose it sometimes depends.

12-08-2013, 02:41 PM
Yeah I've had my particular form of brutal honesty thrown back at me. They were right.

12-09-2013, 06:40 AM
Waking up at 3-something to find out your flight has been canceled due to weather, and no further flights being available for the next two days.

When you have a job to get to in less than 24 hours.

12-09-2013, 09:59 AM
About to leave for the airport to head back home. My best friend is giving me a ride down there and it'll take about an hour so at least we'll have time to hang out a little bit more before I leave. But I'm already dreading leaving her behind. I am going to miss her so, so much.

12-09-2013, 10:38 AM
Waking up at 3-something to find out your flight has been canceled due to weather, and no further flights being available for the next two days.

When you have a job to get to in less than 24 hours.

Where are you flying to? Can you get there on one of the budget carriers in Buffalo like Spirit or Southwest? Can they fly you through another major hub instead, like Toronto or Cleveland etc.? Or is it your destination that's buried?

12-09-2013, 12:16 PM
I have a friend who can't help spoiling stuff. He asked where I was at in the game Grand Theft Auto 5, and I said that I was near the end (I think). Before I can stop him, he quickly tells me everything that's about to happen in the story.

The game doesn't have the greatest plot, but COME ON.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Someone's having a "Black Monday" sale on December 15? Dude, when you abuse these things they just don't mean shit anymore.

Whatever, I give up. Wake me up on Christmas morning. :mad:

12-09-2013, 04:50 PM
So after helping the would be roommates move all while working stupid hours on my few days off I can't pin them fuckers down to move my final car load of shit. His lady is worried about me flaking out this is a good way to push my fuck you button. I got a good thing going I was trying to be nice and help out, I didn't/don't have have to move.

* also how coffee seems to make my inner curmudgeon come spilling forth.

12-13-2013, 12:41 AM
Guy friends who say stupid shit like, "My ex-gf ate cheese and she had bad cramps and then she stopped and she didn't have them anymore. You should try not eating cheese." Fuck you.

12-13-2013, 01:39 PM
Hence the difference in male to female thought processes. As a guy who incidentally had a similar experience finding out about my apparent lactose intolerance it makes sense to me. Though I am also lacking the circumstances that led to this remark. And before I exacerbate the great mental divide I'll leave it at that.

12-13-2013, 09:38 PM
Reading through old Facebook messages with my dad. On August 3rd he was complaining about how crappy his food was at a restaurant he went to. On September 12th he was dead. He had no idea when he wrote that message in August that he would be in the hospital, diagnosed with cancer, in less than two weeks and that he had a month and a half to live.

That part gets me the most about this. How normal things were right up until literally one month before the end (he died one month to the day after they first found the tumor, and a month and a day after he first went into the hospital). A month and a half before he died we were seeing movies together and having dinner. He had no idea his life was about to end and I had no idea I was about to lose my dad. It's still amazing to me. It took a long time for things to sink in, and they mostly have, but not completely. Stumbling across that FB conversation tonight brought it all back again.

12-13-2013, 09:47 PM
Ugh, hope you're dealing with it okay, friendo.

12-14-2013, 01:40 AM
lately, every fucking thing!!

Frozen Beach
12-14-2013, 04:05 AM
So my ex called me the other week, three times in one day and I didn't answer. Yesterday, she called me three times and left a message telling me that she missed me. And now, when I woke up this morning, I woke up to a message on Facebook from my cousin relaying me a message from her, where she says the same thing. This is annoying. I've told her that I want nothing to do with her anymore. I especially don't understand how she expects me to just forgive her when she never even apologized to me and acts like manipulating me and lying to me is not a big deal. I admit, I miss her, but there are parts of her I do not miss at all that totally outweigh her good side. Hopefully she'll move on eventually because I really don't need anymore stress right now.

12-14-2013, 03:45 PM
Hence the difference in male to female thought processes. As a guy who incidentally had a similar experience finding out about my apparent lactose intolerance it makes sense to me. Though I am also lacking the circumstances that led to this remark. And before I exacerbate the great mental divide I'll leave it at that.

He sad it while my ovaries were being squeezed by a vise. Not the best timing on his part. Also, I was annoyed by his assumption that I hadn't tried his suggestion before. I've had my period since I was 11. Doesn't it stand to reason that I would have tried EVERYTHING by now in order to get rid of menstrual cramps?

@theruiner (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=51): Sending you huge hugs.

Halo Infinity
12-15-2013, 02:13 AM
I wish it didn't still bother me from time to time but it just does. Just because I'm not smiling, laughing, and talking doesn't always mean that I'm in a bad mood, or that I want everybody to stay away from me, or that I hate them. It shouldn't even matter if people don't know what I'm thinking or feeling, and that shouldn't always be used as an indicator for suspicious motives/activity. It sometimes makes life easier that way, as I'm able to just let such things slide. I just don't see the point in expecting everybody or even most people to be happy, humorous, and sociable in social/school/work settings, even though those traits are very positive, pleasant, and courteous.

And to me, there's definitely a huge difference between a straight face and a frown, or a sad face for that matter. It also confused me when I was told to loosen up even when I didn't feel bad, just because I don't really talk that much, with the exception of really having and wanting something to say, since I try not to talk just to fill the silence. Oh yes, and being silent obviously shouldn't always mean that one is being unfriendly, arrogant, and rude, but the silence can unfortunately become misconstrued in those ways.

12-15-2013, 02:55 PM
Pretty sure I fucked up my best friendship last night. I told her that I thought I might have feelings for her. Might. Not sure, but might. But there's still some residual pain surrounding the issue at the very least. I also told her I knew nothing was going to change (i.e. I knew she didn't like me back) but I wanted to talk to her about it because I didn't know that I would find any peace without doing that. This same conversation has happened before, a few years ago, and she was ok with it, nothing got screwed up. Last night it didn't work out so well. She said that things felt different between us now. That it felt awkward. She didn't know if I was her best friend anymore and she didn't know if our friendship would ever be the same.

I can't even begin to describe how horrible this feels. She's not only the closest friend I have in the world, she's the only source of happiness in my life right now. Well, one of the very, very few. If I lose this friendship, if we don't recover, I will never forgive myself for being so fucking stupid. I can't even imagine my life without her being my best friend and now, in one night, in one twenty minute conversation, I may have just fucked up 13 years of friendship.

She said she needs to process things and will talk to me soon. The only hope I'm clinging onto is that our friendship has been through some pretty insane things before, months and months where we didn't talk to each other, weirdness, not being as close, and we always recovered. I reminded her that back in February, after not talking for awhile (which is a long story), after we started talking again, I asked if she thought there was ever a chance that we'd be as close again and she said she didn't know, but maybe. It felt awful and I was so scared our friendship would never recover. A few months later, we were just as close as we had ever been. I even asked her the other day if she still felt as close to me as she ever has and she said yes. So I reminded her of this, of how the only thing I had to hold onto earlier this year was the hope that we'd somehow recover and we did. I hope we can recover from this.

Please don't tell me how stupid I was for saying what I said. I already feel bad enough as it is. I already feel like a complete idiot. I am so scared right now. My best friend is family to me. This is like if my brother and I had a falling out or something and I didn't know what was going to happen. That's how close she is. I'm just trying to distract myself. I went to a movie but left halfway through because I couldn't concentrate on it and wasn't enjoying it. I just don't want to sit around thinking about this all day.

12-15-2013, 08:01 PM
^^^^ Just give her a little space. Seems to me she cherishes your friendship, but doesn't want it to be romantic. You have to accept that and eventually tell her that being friends is more important to you. Try not to smother her now because than she'll feel like the only choice she has is to cut ties. This is my opinion but based on experience in both respects.

12-15-2013, 08:08 PM
Thank you so much for the advice and the encouraging words, Dra. It really does help.

Yeah, it's funny, this has just put everything into perspective. Right now I don't give a SHIT if anything ever gets romantic. I'm not even sure how much I did before but I could care less now. I just want my best friend back. That's all I care about.

I'm giving her space. I did tell her last night, please, take the time you need but also don't leave me hanging forever. She promised she would keep in touch. But I'm leaving her alone for now.

I was talking to another friend of mine tonight and she was like, dude, just give her time, I bet she'll come back around, but this is really shocking to her and she needs time to work through this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's what's going to happen. The hope that our friendship can be saved is the only thing keeping me going right now.

12-15-2013, 08:58 PM
It might get weird for a bit, I know it did when I said the same thing to a friend a number of years ago, but we're still BFF's. It'll work itself out!

12-16-2013, 03:09 AM
I did a similar thing with a girl I know. I thought I flaked her out but her phone died... I think if you just leave it at what it is. (If that makes sense) you may be fine. In my case I kinda had a crush in this girl for a while. But these things are what they are.

12-16-2013, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

Man, this is so incredibly hard. I tried talking to a friend last night about what was going on and I just broke down sobbing. I couldn't even get through the first couple of sentences without losing it. I've cried a few times every day since this all happened. I can't even describe how horrible this feels right now. And the waiting and not knowing what's going to happen next just makes it worse. But at the same time I'm dreading what's going to happen next so it's almost a relief that I still have the hope that maybe it will somehow work out.

12-16-2013, 05:04 PM
Feel for you, try not to dwell on it and it'll make things a bit easier. Go out and take a walk, or go catch a movie, buy something pretty ;)

12-16-2013, 05:05 PM
Ruiner - It WILL work out. As people get older, friendships become less disposable. You hang onto the people around you and work through issues. Yes, it may be awkward at first, but it will get better.

My BFF went YEARS without speaking to each other. Lotta ugly shit happened and we both went our separate ways. Then we reconnected and, tho' it was a little weird/tense at first, it eventually became a better friendship than what we'd originally had. When you're as close to someone as you are to your BFF, it's pretty impossible to kick 'em out of your life. You guys will get through this. :)

12-16-2013, 05:13 PM
A friend of mine moved to Oregon and we learned the hard way that long-distance friendships can take a little more effort, correspondence-wise. I hadn't realized how isolated he was feeling and it fell apart for a bit, but we reconnected after a year or so. Little awkward at first, but he came up to visit family and we went for coffee and used-book shopping a talked for a few hours, catching up.

Big Fat Matt
12-16-2013, 07:47 PM
Apparently it was "get on BFM's nerves day" at work today.

it was also my day to work a 12 hour shift.


12-17-2013, 05:14 AM
People who are late for appointments. Even after multiple reminders leading up to said appointment. It's even more fun when they don't show up at all.

12-17-2013, 09:00 AM
People who are late for appointments. Even after multiple reminders leading up to said appointment. It's even more fun when they don't show up at all.

people who tell you they'll be home at a certain time so you go to their home expecting to be able to do your work, but they're not home, and they don't answer calls/texts/e-mails, so you've just driven there for no reason, AND you don't get paid.

Halo Infinity
12-18-2013, 09:43 AM
People who are late for appointments. Even after multiple reminders leading up to said appointment. It's even more fun when they don't show up at all.
What's even worse is when they resent you for pointing it out, or questioning why they're late or absent, even if you're not even angrily nagging, or giving them snooty quips.

12-18-2013, 02:36 PM
okay, don't know if this belongs here, but I need to get this off my chest.
It pisses me off that my boyfriend thinks it's okay to just disappear for a day or two without telling me where he is and if he's okay or not. He suffers from depression, so naturally I'm a bit worried about him. Right now, he's gone again. No idea where he is or when he will show up again. He won't answer the phone. I'm pretty sure he'll be back tomorrow, but things like that are killing me. I hate that feeling and right now I hate him for making me feel this way.

Also, I hate the fact that I have no friends and that I haven't got a clue how to get to know people. Thing is, I really, really don't like to go out to bars or clubs, that never was my thing (probably the reason why I haven't got any friends in the first place).
Trying to get some sleep now, thanks for reading.

12-18-2013, 08:23 PM
Feel for you, try not to dwell on it and it'll make things a bit easier. Go out and take a walk, or go catch a movie, buy something pretty ;)

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-18-2013, 11:40 PM
Little things that should be cheering me up, aren’t. :mad: (I mean, how the hell can you dip Salted Pretzel Milanos in milk and not feel better?)

Scratch today and start over tomorrow.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-19-2013, 02:14 AM
Just realized my dome light has been on for the past 24 hours. Now taking bets on whether my car will start in the morning.

Not tomorrow yet. Still pissed.

12-19-2013, 05:51 AM
I just avoided oversleeping and being late for work by pure fucking luck. Fell asleep after my alarms woke me up earlier. (To be fair it was after like an hour of sleep but fuckkkk.)

12-21-2013, 02:41 AM
Yesterday I realized I lost my key to open the store with at my job -- about an hour before I needed to open the store. I paid for a coworker's cab to and from my store to get the her copy from her, as well as my own cab into the city to make sure I was definitely on time. Spent about $110. It was Secret Santa day at my job, so the backroom was filled with people and there was a bunch of chaos. Best day to get audited by Ecosure (http://www.ecolab.com/solutions/ecosure). I apparently missed my temps that morning (a really, really stupid mistake) and the fact that I did that means that we made below a 90 on the audit. My boss was really pissed at me, and my mistake resulted in the first <90 she's gotten in her career. I really like and respect her, and I hope I didn't just fuck all of that up. I also don't know what the consequences for what I did are. I don't think I'm getting fired, but it's a possibility, along with demotion. Probably gonna get written up. May be getting a final corrective, which is like the step before being fired. And, all of this happens a day before I go out of town for a week. And I have work at 7am today.

12-21-2013, 01:45 PM
Holiday travel nightmares, stuck on Tarmac for 3 hours, miss connecting flight, next flight 5pm the next day, at least was able charm my way to get a hotel and breakfast vouche. Sit at airport from 11:30 am until 5 pm, 5 turns to 5;30 ( no captain) 5:30 to 6:30 (no crew). Finally land and have to wait 30 mins while parked @ the gate waiting for some one to open the fucking cabin door. To put the cherry on top someone walks off with my bag ( check tags people ). The bag was found and on it's way , but I've been in the same clothes for 3-days.
Other airport piss-off
1) It's charging station, not a work station, please move on when you are charged.
2) Carry-ons, It's not your personal jet, give someone else some overhead space, also I would like to get off the plane I don't need your fat ass blocking the isle while you dig out your 6x6 duffle bag and two overnights.
Delta they love to fly and it shows, taking off and landing not so much.

Charmingly Miserable
12-22-2013, 05:19 PM
I just bombed my final exam. If my grade goes from an A to a B, then I'm giving my advisor a call. This is due to the poor performance of my professor. She only held our online session 1 out of the 4 scheduled sessions. That session only lasted one hour that which comprised of her talking about her dog. I felt like I learned NOTHING in this class.

Halo Infinity
12-25-2013, 09:40 PM
While I thank anybody and everybody for kind words and advice, I even up getting on my own nerves whenever I make long posts or write questions as a means to seek for advice and reassurance whenever I'm lacking a lot of sleep, or posting in a bad mood and/or total state of confusion. I actually get more freaked out than irate about that though. But yes, count a lack of sleep for this topic, as I really should stop underestimating the negative effects a lack of sleep has on my emotions.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-27-2013, 12:28 AM
Hidden tracks. Nothing says “party shuffle” like two songs spliced together with 3 minutes of dead fucking silence.

It may (may) have been cute in the 80s, but it’s just plain obnoxious now. Doesn’t matter how good the songs are, I’m never gonna bother listening to them again. :mad:

12-27-2013, 12:52 AM
Yeah, it doesn't really work in any medium but cassette... And even then, it's kind of annoying.

12-27-2013, 01:15 AM
The only times "hidden tracks" work well on CDs is when they're actually hidden tracks buried in the data of the disc. I can't remember any off the top of my head but there was an hour-long segment on The Ongoing History of New Music that mentioned a few artists that had them done so that you had to press "next track" during certain parts of certain songs that would play a song that wasn't on the tracklist and wouldn't play if you just let the CD go on by itself. Or at least a few that have the hidden songs as data so they won't play in a CD player but you can access and rip them with a computer. And then there's Tool's Lateralus album that you can re-arrange all of the songs on to form one long ongoing song, that was pretty awesome.

The worst offender for the type you guys are talking about though is Nirvanas "Endless Nameless" song from Nevermind. 20 fucking minutes after the end of "Something In The Way", but they're on the disc as 1 song. Fuck.

IIRC there was also a Beetles album that had a second groove on one side of the vinyl record that had different versions of the same songs, which is a pretty cool idea in theory but then you've got a 50/50 chance of getting a different version every time, so it's not so much "hidden tracks" as it is "special features" or something like that. Personally, I'd rather have hidden tracks be demo or early versions of existing songs than have them be just something extra that wasn't good enough to be on the actual album. I can't think of a single hidden/bonus/extra track that was any better or more interesting than anything else on the album. On a similar note, I love it when deluxe/anniversary/etc editions of albums come out with extra songs, even if they're not as good as the actual album material, it's cool to get like a 10-year anniversary set that also comes with a bit of unreleased stuff that makes you think "what could have been" or whatever, like the demo and making-of discs that are in Pink Floyds "Immersion" box sets for Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall, and Wish You Were Here.

12-27-2013, 01:22 AM
Don't forget Broken and Antichrist Superstar... "Oh, I have to skip forward to track 98? Sure, why don't I just shoot myself in the testicles with a crossbow while I'm at it."

12-27-2013, 01:29 AM
Don't forget Broken and Antichrist Superstar... "Oh, I have to skip forward to track 98? Sure, why don't I just shoot myself in the testicles with a crossbow while I'm at it."

Those ones aren't so bad because at least on broken the in-between tracks were only 1 second of nothing, so if you rip it you can just get rid of them easily, and if you're just letting the CD play through, it's just over a minute so if you know they're there it's not THAT long of a wait, or if you don't know then you'll see that it's still going ahead and it can grab your attention and you'll wait to see what's happening. Or if it's just on and you forget to change it, you'll hear the Suck and Physical and be like "oh, what? neat!". Oddly enough Broken was the first NIN album I bought just because I heard it mentioned in that radio show around the same time I started listening to them.

Halo Infinity
12-27-2013, 01:47 AM
The only times "hidden tracks" work well on CDs is when they're actually hidden tracks buried in the data of the disc.
I also liked those "hidden" tracks in the form of a count down, as they'd appear as negative minutes and seconds on a CD player, but when ripped, they'd just appear as regular additional minutes and seconds to the track.

Joy Prevention Hotline
12-27-2013, 06:56 AM
The worst offender for the type you guys are talking about though is Nirvanas "Endless Nameless" song from Nevermind. 20 fucking minutes after the end of "Something In The Way", but they're on the disc as 1 song. Fuck.
Yeah, though it was funny as hell when a local classic rock station played the whole CD one night and apparently didn't know about that. Twenty minutes of dead air — comedy gold. :) (My copy of the album was pressed before they added that song, so I never had to put up with it.)

I don't have an issue with albums like Broken that use one-second tracks as spacers (DMB's Under the Table and Dreaming was another one — "#42" is actually track 42 on the disc) and other technical tricks. Geeky in-jokes are fine as long as they don't intrude too much. And bonus tracks are always welcome — just try not to annoy me.

12-30-2013, 08:40 AM
When Grand Theft Auto V came out I paid for 1 month of Xbox Live so I could play online with my friends for a few weeks before we all had to go off and do important shit. The other day I got an email saying that they've been charging me continuously every month since I bought that 1 month of Live because apparently when you do that it automatically signs you up for auto-renewal. So even though my Xbox hasn't even been connected to the internet since October, they've still been renewing and billing my account. I spend a few hours with them online and on the phone and apparently I'm shit out of luck because I didn't read the fine print, so Microsoft has robbed me of $30 and all I can do about it is fuck-all. The broken-english tech-support assholes acknowledged that I haven't been connected to the internet since late October but they're still billing me for the months I haven't been connected. One one hand, I realize it's my fault for not realizing it was an auto-renewal service, but on the other hand, there are options to buy 1, 3, 6, or 12 months of Live at a time. If you give me the option to pay for 1 fucking month, and all I want is 1 fucking month, then I should pay for and get one fucking month. If they have to go the auto-renewal route then just make it X-dollars per year and bill monthly once you fucking start using their shit fucking service.

And, to make things worse, even though I know what it's like to be on the ass-end of situations like this, dealing with unhappy customers over the phone when you're powerless to change anything, I lost it on the poor guy who took my call today. It felt nice to let out my xbox-related hate finally, but that guy didn't need it. I've been on the same end of it all week since Christmas, people who've got new TVs are too fucking thick to run the initial set-up by themselves, so I have to stand there and coach them through like teaching a toddler how take his first steps, the easiest fucking shit for 99% of the population but apparently Sonys entire tech support team takes fucking holidays at the same time so I have to do it from my phone on the sales floor while other customers who actually want to buy shit are standing around waiting for me to help them, even if it's the most basic question or if I just have to grab them a TV from our lock-up, these people have to wait until the miserable cunt on my phone shuts the fuck up and either realizes that it's not my fucking job to try to remote-install their fucking TV from god-knows how fucking far away. Even today I had some asshole call me trying to get me to help wall-mount his TV.
"What of TV is it?"
"I mean what model?"
"The new one"
"Which new one? There are a few"
"I bought it 3 weeks ago"
"Sorry I have another customer with me, I have to put you on hold"
*walk away from phone forever*

Apparently my simple complaint spilled over into a paragraph or 2 but it's nice to get that off my chest.

the duder
12-30-2013, 10:07 AM
My mom got me Rocksmith 2014 for Christmas and I was totally stoked. Now after downloading Steam and setting up an account, I can't connect to my Steam account so I can activate it to install/run the fucking game. It might be my network (which is shitty), but I just want to PLAY.

12-31-2013, 01:50 PM
2013 sucked so fucking much. Go ahead, jump off a cliff and die already, you miserable joke of a year.

Is it still 2013? Jesus. Hurry up and GTFO. I need me some better year than this.

01-01-2014, 07:32 PM
looking for an apartment sucks so much

01-01-2014, 11:27 PM
My boss.
It's nothing major. It's just how disorganized he is. He genuinely cares about the people aspect of his job, for example the kids and the employees. But goddamn it, I postponed plans for myself this week before school started so we could meet up. He didn't reply to my email or text about when this would happen. Classes start tomorrow except now it's a snow day. So the meet up never happened, I spent a few days of my fucking vacation worrying about when this would fucking happen.

I'm getting tired of working for him. The first time I got annoyed was when he was disorganized and didn't get me payed for two months. I was way patient with that because what the hell else could I do? I wasn't in a position to quit and find another job...My dad is my landlord so he understood why I couldn't pay rent for two months.

But anyways, looks like I'm going to stick it out for another year at least. His...quirks... don't make it completely unbearable. It's just a small annoyance...right now made bigger by the fact that I could have been somewhere else instead enjoying the last three days of vacation instead of sitting on my ass at home wondering when I'd need to go for a meeting.

01-03-2014, 08:18 AM

01-03-2014, 09:32 AM
fucking letting agents. our lease is up in about 3 weeks and we were already offered an extension of our lease for another year and accepted. Then right before Christmas we were told that the owner of the property has decided to get the place appraised and is considering selling. I've called the letting agency several times now and they still don't know what the dude's decision is. I'd really love to know if I need to move or not thanks!

Also, hubs was told he'd be getting a promotion back in October but they've been stringing him along about what the pay increase would be and he's just found out today it'll only be an extra £3k more which is complete bullshit considering he's underpaid as it is. So now he's kicking himself for not looking for a new job sooner even though I told him months ago to start putting his portfolio together and looking around. Told ya so! is not the correct response from a partner however. UGH. This is not the start to 2014 I was hoping for..

01-03-2014, 12:52 PM
Stupid cats. I redid my DVD rack setup the other day and I took my copies of my book of the dead editions for Evil Dead and ED2 out of the plastic packaging for whatever reason. They pulled ED2 off the shelf and chewed two holes in the face! Usually it's the dogs being assholes and eating my stuff. :p

01-04-2014, 12:53 PM
The new Beats by Dre commercials, trying to make the life of a professional athlete seem sooo difficult.

The thing that gets me is that they make the "other team's" radical fans seem so evil and berating in the way they badger the away team, but here's a newsflash - When you're the home team, your over-the-top fans do the EXACT. SAME. THING. to the other team!

What does a grown-ass man care about what a circle-jerking sports commentator thinks, anyway? The big-media sports world has become so over-hyped and superficial and petty it's absolutely ridiculous.

01-04-2014, 02:19 PM
Glasses nose pads. Once you accidentally bend the mother fuckers, it's nearly impossible to bring them back to comfortable position.

Joy Prevention Hotline
01-05-2014, 11:53 AM
The “comments” on news sites. Everything instantly devolves into political fuck-you’s totally irrelevant to the article. Computers should have electrified keyboards that execute people who can’t pull their heads out of their ideological asses.

And while I’m at it, FUCK POLITICS in general.

01-07-2014, 12:02 AM
Struggling to get back into a routine. I just started back at college after three weeks off and didn't fall asleep until 4AM and I had to be up at 6AM. So, naturally, I was exhausted when I got home and managed to go to sleep at about 10. Five hours of sleep now. Ugh.

01-07-2014, 01:52 AM
fucking shitty job market

01-07-2014, 04:13 AM
fucking shitty job market

I hear ya. I was literally 2 days away from packing shit up and moving back in with my parents a few months back when I finally got a call back from a job saying I was hired. Just take any shit job you can get for now to pay the bills, and keep looking for what you really want. I reluctantly took that job in retail waiting to get a decent job, but I'm getting a lot of hours, so I can at least keep my own roof over my head, the people I work with are really awesome, and I didn't absolutely hate it after a week, which I honestly can't say about any other job I've had. So even if you think something is beneath you, just do what you have to do and keep looking for what you want to do, it might not be as bad as you think, and it's definitely better than being unemployed.

01-07-2014, 06:14 AM
Struggling to get back into a routine. I just started back at college after three weeks off and didn't fall asleep until 4AM and I had to be up at 6AM. So, naturally, I was exhausted when I got home and managed to go to sleep at about 10. Five hours of sleep now. Ugh.

I'm having this. I miss being constantly drunk and eating.

Time to scour the Eurostar site.

miss k bee
01-07-2014, 12:31 PM
Hate this time of year. Finished night shift Monday morning, came in over slept in the daytime so struggled to get to sleep after 3.30am. Woke up at 5.30am went back to sleep, managed to oversleep again and woke up after 1pm with back ache. Need to pack in this shitty job.

01-07-2014, 02:14 PM
Waiting outside 40+ minutes for a cab in the cold. I can walk home in that time. Shennanigngins.

Your Name Here
01-09-2014, 12:31 AM
Fucking Television!!!

I am constantly working with my computer when I'm home I can't put on a movie (which would be the smart thing to do), but because what I am doing on the computer is so involved I will ignore the movie. While I'm working I guess I need something buzzing in the background. I think because of technology I have a computer type of ADD even if I try to watch I movie I will inevitably end up on the computer.

Now that I explained that, I just leave the tv on while I work but it is getting harder and harder to find something that I can ignore that doesn't irritate the shit out of me. With the exception of Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and watching a Seinfeld rerun for the millionth time TV fucking sucks. I hate reality shows, and the fecal matter they produce in the form of the douchbag reality star.
if they want to keep producing reality shows, why don't they start the Execution Channel, where they can broadcast public executions and they can start with drowning, decapitating, burning, electrocuting, hanging and beating to a slow painful death these reality stars, nothing would make me happier then to see Kim Kardashians head in a box like Gwenth Paltrow at the end of Seven. If that was broadcast I might actually stop working on my computer to watch that.

Joy Prevention Hotline
01-11-2014, 09:16 PM
Why the hell can’t I sneeze into my sleeve anymore without splattering my glasses?

It gets to the point that I’ve almost trained myself to take my glasses off first, and sometimes that extended pause* turns into an aborted sneeze. (Not the worst outcome on the face of it.) The fuss is enough to make me say “Fuck etiquette and/or hygiene” and just sneeze all over walls, floors, pets, houseplants and random people. :mad:

Now I’m off to the sink again for that prescribed ritual of dish soap and folded paper towel, since any deviation from protocol just leaves me with smears and water spots.

Damn these optical coatings.

* Aligning mouth and arm already introduces a delay into the process.

01-11-2014, 09:26 PM
Waiting outside 40+ minutes for a cab in the cold. I can walk home in that time. Shennanigngins.

Ohhhh my god, I feel you.

the other day, I chose to take a cab instead of the train to work because I was worried about being late (LOL LOL LOL). I've been taking way too many cabs lately, but whatever.

ANYWAY, we called them at 10:05. They got there at like 11:10. WHAT. THE. FUCK. When they'd told us at 10:05 it was going to be 15 minutes. And I kept waiting because I didn't want to cancel and walk to the train only to have the cab show up just then. I got to work like 40 minutes late. AND my driver was super weird and talked about all sorts of weird crap the whole ride.

01-11-2014, 09:42 PM
I had to take way too many cabs this summer. We'd often get off work around 3:30, which is 10min after the last bus and 2 hours before the first one, and an hour and a half walk, which I am NOT down for after a 10 hour shift...

Highly Psychological
01-12-2014, 09:03 PM
The lobotomized totally fucking empty morons who post on Yahoo Answers. 98 Percent of the answers either have an air of arrogant, sarcastic, offensive ignorant malice of come from silly, giggly, grating 16 year old suburban teenage girls with no education, and i hate those stupid fucking avatars they have, Yahoo answers continues to be some sort of hopeless utterly useless magnet for repugnant twits. Urgh i can just imagine how awful all their sarky voices are in real life!!!
Its got such a atrocious reputation aargh, i go on there for convenient quick answers, i leave feeling like im losing faith in civilization.

01-13-2014, 01:03 AM
My fucking OS SSD died

01-13-2014, 09:08 AM
Ugh, that sucks.

My thing doesn't piss me off at all, it's just a bummer: Didn't get a job (again) that I really wanted. (Applied for the same job last year.) Sigh.

01-14-2014, 01:21 PM
A lack of human interaction. I figure I walk the line if happy go lucky and full on misanthropic sometimes. I have a couple friends who don't live in town so fb etc is the only way I can talk with them. It's just lately that's all I can seem to get from most people. Blah blah blah, in short I'm growing increasingly tired of having most my conversations and interactions via a touch pad.

Joy Prevention Hotline
01-14-2014, 01:36 PM
Fucking patent trolls. We need to start seeing dead lawyers on the news. Now. :mad:

Your Name Here
01-14-2014, 03:14 PM
There isn't a profession that has any nobility to it anymore it use to be doctors and lawyers, but lawyers are nothing more than lying, deceptive, ambulance chasing, money hungry pigs and doctors resemble that assessment. As for personal interaction with people we are all slowly retreating to our online world escaping the reality of our dismal lives while we are waiting to die.

01-16-2014, 02:32 PM
Was already in a fuck the world I'm a selfish asshole kind of mood but being sick just seems to compound things. It's my day off and and it's supposed to blizzard, and be stupid windy 50-60 mph gusts or some shit. But I refuse to spend my day off stuck home.

01-16-2014, 08:30 PM
Yoga people: I completely understand the please-don't-wear-cologne-or-perfume policy, but please take a shower. Crowded class and one of you on either side of me smelled like ass. No namaste for me.

01-17-2014, 01:42 AM
A headache in morning. What the actual fuck? After not drinking even a single beer for a week and 7-hour sleep?

Halo Infinity
01-17-2014, 10:31 PM
Having to not only sift through useless and useful information, but also having to separate it when it could've just used the useful information from the start. I've always hated being subject to a wild goose chase/scavenger hunt when it came to school when the information was readily available. I'd understand if there was absolutely no useful information though, and I'm also aware that it teaches students how to be resourceful, but it's just one of those teaching methods and exercises that never really gelled well with me.

It's kind of why I actually hate having to clean things up in spite of being very organized. Having to look for things in a mess is just annoying in my personal life, although, I could see why it would be very useful for scientific or historical breakthroughs, since it's to pursue information that's not readily available, or information that's actually non-existent until actual discoveries/inventions have been accomplished and fulfilled. (I'm not trying to say it's bad altogether, but I've always had a tough/frustrating time with that. And yes, I definitely accept that not everything in life will come in neat little boxes, but it would certainly be a great help if/when there are neat little boxes to be found/made. It would even make studying easier, as expectations on tests would be far more predictable.)

*It's also one of my worst weaknesses, so please pardon me if you could, and hope that you could understand why it would sometimes piss me off.*

01-19-2014, 06:56 PM
Wrong thread...

01-19-2014, 10:10 PM
Internet connection is spotty at best. I keep having to reset the wifi and troubleshoot the fucker because "the default gateway could not be found". Fucking aggravating. Especially since I have to do some EI application stuff online and don't want to get halfway through and have the fucker go haywire on me.


Halo Infinity
01-21-2014, 01:50 AM
Any start time or end time that doesn't exactly end in 00 or 30 on the minutes. It just messes with my mind a bit, however, if a 10, 15, or 45 gets me to go home earlier, then I'm all for it, and that's my only exception. (It's also just a minor irritant due to being a bit of an eyesore to me.) :p

For instance, I'd rather have a shift start at 9:00 AM, 9:30 AM, or 10:00 AM. Seeing something like 9:15 AM, 9:45 AM, or 10:10 AM, would look off to me as if it were a tilted picture frame hanging on a wall. I'd still try my best to adapt, but it really does look odd to me. Then again, I could see how that could be a bit of an advantage, as it would allow me to be later in some ways, while being a lifesaver in heavy traffic in some random and unfortunate circumstances.

And but of course, being allowed to leave at 4:15 PM, or 4:35 PM would certainly be a hell of a lot better than having to leave at 5:00 PM, so I wouldn't always be against it, as I've already mentioned. :D

-I've also noticed that some people even start parties on minutes that aren't a 00 or a 30 either.-

01-21-2014, 11:40 AM
As much as I love the winter, I really, really hate snow. It's awesome when you're a child, but as you get older it gets more and more infuriating. Especially when it only seems to snow on days that I have gigs, thus making it impossible for me to get there. Then our roads stay frozen for a week, usually making it impossible for me to get to other gigs as well.

It's snowing now (and it's not supposed to stop any time soon), in case you couldn't tell, and I have a gig tonight that I'm not going to be able to get to, and two more later this week that I'm afraid I'll miss, too.

frankie teardrop
01-21-2014, 11:53 AM
i actually really like freshly falling snow, when it comes down it's really beautiful to look at (currently enjoying this now). that said, the aftermath is horrible. salt stains on boots are a particular pet peeve of mine, and i LOATHE how quickly the snow turns to slush in new york city, all grey, dirty, and disgusting to look at and trudge through.

so long story short, it's great for a few moments as it falls, and the worst once the initial moment passes until it completely melts.

speaking of gigs, i used to have a similar curse, but with torrential downpours. i think that worked itself out after leaving that band though...

Halo Infinity
01-21-2014, 02:06 PM
This just has to include the silly things that bother me. I feel like it's better for me to post those things, because aside from them not being too serious, at least I, and hopefully others can still get some humor out of it.

And well... I like anchovies... but when there's too much of them on my pizza... my tongue is anything but happy. Don't get me wrong, I still like them though, but perhaps I'm much better off having anchovies in smaller doses. :p

And Lord and/or science help me if the only public lavatory that I have to use and can use is flooded. What a nightmare. :eek: I also hate it when I'm a place where I have to buy something, and I have to go really bad. :mad: And well, I also dread that, which is why I don't really eat and drink before going outside, especially when I know there won't be any lavatories around for a while. :eek:

01-21-2014, 05:42 PM
A friend of mine just told me off for yelling at Starbucks on my basically anonymous Twitter account. Like, telling me my boss wouldn't take it well (a non issue) and blah blah blah. My Twitter account is like the release valve of my depression and I primarily use it to vent, so it's not like the thing reflects well on me in the first place. It's not under my name and it's like a fuckin' xanga or something.

I get that he meant well, but that fact that it was coming from someone who I'd wanted to work with before made that shit stiiiiiiinnng.

I am smart enough not to badmouth my employer publicly. And .@replying a corporation for not paying their employees a living wage is not the same thing as complaining about a "real" job... it's complicated. But like, I think this stuff through before I do it and today hasn't been a great day for me in terms of my emotional stability. I get where he's coming from and that it was well intentioned, just, :/

And my boyfriend and I had a sorta disagreement today and :(. We resolved it, but that got me all sad and this really didn't help.

And now I feel like I can't vent on twitter about this. And also I wish drinking alcohol mellowed me out because I'd make myself a drink or something, but it would only make me feel worse.

Oh, AND I can't really complain about the friend thing to my boyfriend because he hates him.

01-21-2014, 07:26 PM
As much as I love the winter, I really, really hate snow. It's awesome when you're a child, but as you get older it gets more and more infuriating. Especially when it only seems to snow on days that I have gigs, thus making it impossible for me to get there. Then our roads stay frozen for a week, usually making it impossible for me to get to other gigs as well.

It's snowing now (and it's not supposed to stop any time soon), in case you couldn't tell, and I have a gig tonight that I'm not going to be able to get to, and two more later this week that I'm afraid I'll miss, too.

I'm with you, I am so done with snow and frigid temperatures. Seriously considering moving somewhere warmer.

01-21-2014, 10:48 PM
A friend of mine just told me off for yelling at Starbucks on my basically anonymous Twitter account. Like, telling me my boss wouldn't take it well (a non issue) and blah blah blah. My Twitter account is like the release valve of my depression and I primarily use it to vent, so it's not like the thing reflects well on me in the first place. It's not under my name and it's like a fuckin' xanga or something.

I get that he meant well, but that fact that it was coming from someone who I'd wanted to work with before made that shit stiiiiiiinnng.

I am smart enough not to badmouth my employer publicly. And .@replying a corporation for not paying their employees a living wage is not the same thing as complaining about a "real" job... it's complicated. But like, I think this stuff through before I do it and today hasn't been a great day for me in terms of my emotional stability. I get where he's coming from and that it was well intentioned, just, :/

And my boyfriend and I had a sorta disagreement today and :(. We resolved it, but that got me all sad and this really didn't help.

And now I feel like I can't vent on twitter about this. And also I wish drinking alcohol mellowed me out because I'd make myself a drink or something, but it would only make me feel worse.

Oh, AND I can't really complain about the friend thing to my boyfriend because he hates him.

:: hug ::

(liking this didn't seem appropriate)

also, twitter is so stupid. i don't understand it. and i feel like a grandma when i say that.

Halo Infinity
01-21-2014, 10:52 PM
Dare I say, I also have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. However, I can see how it helps people practice succinctness, which can also be annoying when what I'm trying to type isn't all that simple. :p

-And yes, I understand that tweets are supposed to be small, but still... it's hard to do that in an actual conversation, especially once it really gets going.-

01-22-2014, 09:34 AM
I like my new apartment. The only downside is that the people in the unit directly below me produce hip hop, and they have the sub cranked all the time... so every day, I'm hearing the same hip hop beat all day, but I'm only hearing the kick drum... So it's this slow, steady "thunk thunk... thunk thunkedy thunk" all day long.

I've gone down once already and asked them to turn the subs down, and the guy said he would. But, I'm still hearing it all the time.

01-22-2014, 12:12 PM
I like my new apartment. The only downside is that the people in the unit directly below me produce hip hop, and they have the sub cranked all the time... so every day, I'm hearing the same hip hop beat all day, but I'm only hearing the kick drum... So it's this slow, steady "thunk thunk... thunk thunkedy thunk" all day long.

I've gone down once already and asked them to turn the subs down, and the guy said he would. But, I'm still hearing it all the time.

there are few things i dislike more than over-cranked subs. whether it's a guy with two in the trunk of his car not caring that it's making the entire frame rattle, or the way the over-pump bass out of the PAs at most concerts, it's always incredibly irritating. i like to be able to hear full range sounds at approximately equal volume, not have all of the mid-range enveloped by the soul-sucking low-end.

Halo Infinity
01-24-2014, 01:42 PM
In most cases, questions and suggestions that contain the words "Why don't you", "You should", and "Is that all you know?", especially when it's based on a motive to change me. Isn't it bad enough that I have to worry about what I should do in academic, occupational, and public environments and situations? Why would I want to be around people like that on my spare time, especially when I'm not doing anything illegal or damaging to myself and other people? Just let me be who and what I am. I don't have to be like you. I should be able to be just fine with being myself, and not have to impress, entertain, or excite you. If you also find me boring, then so be it, and move on, and leave me alone. In that case, I'd definitely rather do things my own way, on my own terms.

And besides, if I'm so boring, why bother? You're doing yourself and I a favor by leaving me alone. Don't waste my time, and I won't waste your time, and if it was already wasted, it'll hopefully make you sure that I'm not the actual person for you to spend time with the next time you want to socialize.

It's actually just that simple to me. The same thing also goes if you were to find me negative and depressing. Why bother? Don't talk to me. Go away. :p

I also still hate teasing and nagging, as it also seems to go hand in hand with unsolicited advice. Only when it happens to me am I reminded as to why I should most likely never offer advice or suggestions to others, especially when they didn't ask me for it no matter how nice and supportive I'd intend to be, as I'd come across as trying to make the other person be something they're not, or come across as if I'm undermining and pressuring them. Being around people that always wanted to change me is also one of those greater instances where I'd prefer to be alone. I'm not saying that all change is bad either, but when it comes down to imposing, manipulating, or just being condescending, that's my limit, and my overall cue to leave, and allow myself to be alone.

01-24-2014, 01:48 PM
i actually really like freshly falling snow, when it comes down it's really beautiful to look at (currently enjoying this now). that said, the aftermath is horrible. salt stains on boots are a particular pet peeve of mine,

And don't dare brush up against your car. I've just given up on salt stains on everything until spring. Just no way to fight it right now. (upstate)

01-24-2014, 04:33 PM
I was at the hair salon today and asked, "what that on the [nice hardwood] floor?"

Salt. Duh.

It's all over my black purse, too.

Vinegar and water works great in safely removing road salt from just about anything, btw.

01-25-2014, 09:13 AM
My roommate has a really, REALLY annoying habit of singing, all the time, playing music, particularly the same 2 or 3 songs, all the time, and making plans about having people over without asking if it's cool with us, all the time.

Well, he's gone for a couple months, and we were pretty stoked about that. What's he do? He goes ahead and, without asking any of us or even just giving us a heads up via text, tells his brother that HE can come to our apartment and use his bedroom, and HE sings, and HE plays loud obnoxious music, before it's even 9 am. He's been doing it for half an hour.

If I have to deal with this every weekend while he's gone, I'm gonna snap. Seriously, this guy has really turned into a bad roommate. He never cleans, he's always loud, super cocky, a manwhore, he's a cock-blocker scumbag TO HIS OWN ROOMMATES, and he's a shitty dog owner (He'll just push her off the couch and say "Look at you, you look so pathetic right now. Why? Whatever. Go to your kennel. DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID GO TO YOUR FUCKING KENNEL."), but apparently it's okay because he's a flirt and works out - so, ya know, the ladies just love the guy.

01-25-2014, 11:07 AM
Sharing a hotel room.

For work.

When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.


Halo Infinity
01-25-2014, 12:50 PM
If I have to deal with this every weekend while he's gone, I'm gonna snap. Seriously, this guy has really turned into a bad roommate. He never cleans, he's always loud, super cocky, a manwhore, he's a cock-blocker scumbag TO HIS OWN ROOMMATES, and he's a shitty dog owner (He'll just push her off the couch and say "Look at you, you look so pathetic right now. Why? Whatever. Go to your kennel. DID YOU HEAR ME? I SAID GO TO YOUR FUCKING KENNEL."), but apparently it's okay because he's a flirt and works out - so, ya know, the ladies just love the guy.
I was about to question his lack of shame until I saw that. It doesn't make it any less inexcusable and shameful, but I have seen people like that become very arrogant and inconsiderate. This also helped me realize why I sometimes saw people that had nice, decent, or even great jobs, yet still complained about their life at home. I kept forgetting about just how blatantly and downright shitty roommates can be sometimes.

01-25-2014, 04:57 PM
Sharing a hotel room.

For work.

When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.


That's insane. I worked for a company that did that and thankfully the woman I often shared with was pleasant. These two guys had to share where one of the dudes snored really really loud. So bad, the other guy took his mattress and stuffed it in the bathroom to get away from the noise.

01-25-2014, 05:13 PM
Sharing a hotel room.

For work.

When your client is a monopolistic billion-dollar industry.


I would rather stay in the cheapest hotel possible, with the tiniest room, to have the room to myself, rather than share a plush accommodation with anyone other than a family member.

Alrea, sounds like that should be negotiated - while I understand roommates have friends over for a few days at a time, and everyone accommodates, for your roommate to think it is okay to replace himself with his brother for months at a time seems a little unreasonable when it sounds like he didn't consult the rest of you.

miss k bee
01-25-2014, 07:17 PM
In most cases, questions and suggestions that contain the words "Why don't you", "You should", and "Is that all you know?", especially when it's based on a motive to change me. Isn't it bad enough that I have to worry about what I should do in academic, occupational, and public environments and situations? Why would I want to be around people like that on my spare time, especially when I'm not doing anything illegal or damaging to myself and other people? Just let me be who and what I am. I don't have to be like you. I should be able to be just fine with being myself, and not have to impress, entertain, or excite you. If you also find me boring, then so be it, and move on, and leave me alone. In that case, I'd definitely rather do things my own way, on my own terms.

And besides, if I'm so boring, why bother? You're doing yourself and I a favor by leaving me alone. Don't waste my time, and I won't waste your time, and if it was already wasted, it'll hopefully make you sure that I'm not the actual person for you to spend time with the next time you want to socialize.

It's actually just that simple to me. The same thing also goes if you were to find me negative and depressing. Why bother? Don't talk to me. Go away. :p

I also still hate teasing and nagging, as it also seems to go hand in hand with unsolicited advice. Only when it happens to me am I reminded as to why I should most likely never offer advice or suggestions to others, especially when they didn't ask me for it no matter how nice and supportive I'd intend to be, as I'd come across as trying to make the other person be something they're not, or come across as if I'm undermining and pressuring them. Being around people that always wanted to change me is also one of those greater instances where I'd prefer to be alone. I'm not saying that all change is bad either, but when it comes down to imposing, manipulating, or just being condescending, that's my limit, and my overall cue to leave, and allow myself to be alone.

I have a friend that likes to give 'advice' and it totally annoys me! . I have actually stopped telling her stuff now as her 'advice' annoys me.

01-25-2014, 11:31 PM
Friend: Has anyone read page 19 on the Georgia Straight [local free newspaper] this week????
Let's talk about bias propaganda!!
Couldn't believe my eyes!! O.O

I and someone else ask what the context is.

Her: You guys have to check it out.

Me: Well I have no intention of leaving my house to find a copy at this hour. Can you at least summarize it so I can see if they have the article on their website?

No response yet. Fuck you in your face, I hate that shit. "HEY, can you believe this crazy thing that happened?!"
"What kind of crazy thing was it?? I want to know!"
"It was in the newspaper, and me describing how I know about it probably took about as much time and energy as finding and posting a link to a site that describes it! But I'm not going into detail."

Halo Infinity
01-26-2014, 01:10 AM
Feeling full. I like to eat to the point that I'm satisfied. Screw being full. I don't even like hearing the word full, because that can usually involve a stomachache for me. It's obviously not just an irritating feeling, but a very disgusting feeling as well. XP

01-26-2014, 07:20 AM

Everything about it.

Halo Infinity
01-28-2014, 01:59 AM
That "dial up modem back in the day and Skrillex meme". Even as somebody that's not that big of a music buff, and definitely no expert on music could've thought of these names... although I also understand that those names aren't so spread around... but uh... well. Yeah. And yes, talk about a little thing. That's for sure. ;)

Aphex Twin
Venetian Snares

There's different pictures of it, but here's one of them.


Halo Infinity
01-28-2014, 02:04 AM

Everything about it.
THIS! Yes. I was about to get to this. Now, I realized I don't hate everything about travel, especially if I'm comfortable, and have what I want and need. But shit. Long flights suck so hard. I hate traveling long distances in general, but flying really does take the cake for me.

01-28-2014, 03:35 PM
i think.

Halo Infinity
01-29-2014, 03:58 AM
If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's the endless amount of shit talking about artists which people don't like (Skrillex, Bieber, Swift, etc etc) that basically everyone takes part in. I get it, you don't like Bieber, wow. That doesn't mean he's a "talentless hack" because he's obviously got some talent as a performer & a musician.
I never understood that either, even though there are ways to have legitimate and well reasoned complaints and criticisms, but to repetitively talk about how much a musician you hate sucks can get old really fast. Sure, it doesn't mean that you hate them any less, but at the same time, it also seems like that time would still be far better of spent listening to and talking about musicians you actually like or even love. Then again, I could still sympathize with people that cringe at the idea of them being successful though, as it would mean they'd have to put up with them being exposed and discussed, but I still don't think it's worth getting angry over, or losing sleep over.

Space Suicide
01-29-2014, 05:18 PM
Buying some items on eBay and getting an inflated shipping charge that's so blatantly obvious to recoup the loss you got for buying it so low due to their low starting bid price. So fuck you for charging me more than what it'll ship for.

Halo Infinity
01-29-2014, 07:47 PM
I think I've finally narrowed this down. I dislike traveling long distances and socializing in very large groups. I also don't hate everything about traveling, but I mostly like to be no longer than 1 hour away from the house, and usually prefer to surf the Internet, listen to music, play video games, or watch DVDs on my spare time. Besides, there are places that I'd like to go which are obviously better than New York City, it's just that I'd rather not have traveling as a regular thing in my life. As for socializing in a large groups, a few close friends would seem just fine by me. Besides, it's already bad news when I'm even with just one person I don't get along with, or if it's somebody I don't have anything in common with. If it's not fights I'd have to worry about, it's the possibility of boring each other while being awkward.

And to finally top it off, I also dislike it when other people seem to expect me to have the same level of interest and excitement they have for traveling and socializing in large groups as much as them, should I also begin to look like a killjoy and/or weird person to them.

01-29-2014, 10:02 PM
I think I've finally narrowed this down. I dislike traveling long distances and socializing in very large groups. I also don't hate everything about traveling, but I mostly like to be no longer than 1 hour away from the house, and usually prefer to surf the Internet, listen to music, play video games, or watch DVDs on my spare time. Besides, there are places that I'd like to go which are obviously better than New York City, it's just that I'd rather not have traveling as a regular thing in my life. As for socializing in a large groups, a few close friends would seem just fine by me. Besides, it's already bad news when I'm even with just one person I don't get along with, or if it's somebody I don't have anything in common with. If it's not fights I'd have to worry about, it's the possibility of boring each other while being awkward.

And to finally top it off, I also dislike it when other people seem to expect me to have the same level of interest and excitement they have for traveling and socializing in large groups as much as them, should I also begin to look like a killjoy and/or weird person to them.

Dude, you're an introvert. Like more than a few of us here! If others don't like it, tough. I structure my life so I don't spend extended periods of time with large groups. Just live life the way you enjoy. Traveling on your own terms can be fun though.

What pisses me off? the district manager who oversees our area (of the business I own). She sent me this wall of text email about how I need to increase the size of my business. Um yeah, and just increase my overhead, without making any more $. She thinks every area of the country is the same. I've learned the hard way to not check my email at night.

Halo Infinity
01-29-2014, 11:27 PM
Dude, you're an introvert. Like more than a few of us here! If others don't like it, tough. I structure my life so I don't spend extended periods of time with large groups. Just live life the way you enjoy. Traveling on your own terms can be fun though.
That seems to be just about right. I just didn't have the right words to vent it out at the time, and have finally come to terms with it. I also thought I've pretty much said as much as I could in The Introvert Thread, so I just chose to use this thread instead. Yes, I could see that with traveling on my own terms. I've only traveled mostly because of family gatherings, weddings, and funerals for most of my life.

What pisses me off? the district manager who oversees our area (of the business I own). She sent me this wall of text email about how I need to increase the size of my business. Um yeah, and just increase my overhead, without making any more $. She thinks every area of the country is the same. I've learned the hard way to not check my email at night.
This is also me with checking the Internet at night in some ways, especially when it came to Facebook, but for different reasons. (It wasn't always peachy there.)

02-02-2014, 12:15 AM
I'm having one of those nights where I don't want to go to bed, because I have this nagging anxiety that I'm going to dream something horrible. For no real reason. Ungh.

02-02-2014, 07:27 AM
If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's the endless amount of shit talking about artists which people don't like (Skrillex, Bieber, Swift, etc etc) that basically everyone takes part in. I get it, you don't like Bieber, wow. That doesn't mean he's a "talentless hack" because he's obviously got some talent as a performer & a musician.

Biebs has someone directing him on stage during his entire show. He's a puppet. Talent is getting up there and doing it yourself.

But in general, I agree. Disliking someone doesn't mean that they're actually crap. I don't like Miley Cyrus for a great many reasons, but during rehearsals I realized that years and years of the best voice lessons money can buy have paid off, and she's actually got a pretty good voice when she uses it for songs that don't make me cringe.

02-03-2014, 08:47 AM
I'm having one of those nights where I don't want to go to bed, because I have this nagging anxiety that I'm going to dream something horrible. For no real reason. Ungh.

i wish i'd had that foresight saturday night. i had one of those dreams that continues even when interrupted by waking up, and it lasted all night long.
it involved my evil ex living in a giant house. i don't know why i was there, but i think i was trying to fix her network issues or something. when i was on her computer, i found a bunch of bookmarks for webcam sites and found out she had been camming to make extra money (mirroring the THREE separate times i caught her selling her panties online in real life). she then attempted to seduce me and get me to cam with her.
at some point, my dad called me and told me that i needed to fix a customer's phone system, and they happened to live next door. there was also something about them needing to borrow my ex's vacuum. there was like a family reunion over there so there were a ton of kids running around, some had gone swimming and then didn't towel off before coming in so the floors were all slippery. while i was fixing the phone system, a girl came in to the room to talk to me. at one point i picked up the phone and literally said "line three sounds like nine inch nails" because there was some weird static/drone noise. then she tried to kill me with a small knife. i don't know how i managed to get her tied to a chair without sustaining any injuries, but i did.
then i went back over to my ex's, and found her upstairs, boning some other guy, and i threw up in the corner, and then promptly woke up.

i felt pretty shitty for the entire first half of the day yesterday, thanks to that dream.

02-03-2014, 08:54 AM

02-03-2014, 09:03 AM
i wish i'd had that foresight saturday night. i had one of those dreams that continues even when interrupted by waking up, and it lasted all night long.

:::hugs::: I've had those, too.

02-03-2014, 10:28 AM
^^^ When I have similar nightmares, I can't sleep for at least a day. Luckily it doesn't happen too often.

02-03-2014, 06:56 PM
Wow, had the first bad day in a long time - from the moment I woke up to just after dinner. It felt like something had been "off" all day, I ended up getting in to a fight with a friend because she said a "not-so-appropriate" comment when we were just chatting. It took a while to realize that I was feeling a little lonely and sad, so I apologized to my friend. I also got a birthday card from my mother telling me how proud she is of me and that made me feel like crying. I decided against skipping class today because I have an two exams this week so I soldiered through. I guess it was just one of those days… I guess it could be the fact that I'd like to have a relationship or stress from school or any number of things. But today just seemed really different. Could have been the rain this morning, i don't know. I just know today was a pretty rough day.

02-03-2014, 07:32 PM
I'm trying new body soap and it makes my arms ichy. Really annoying, it pisses me off!

Halo Infinity
02-06-2014, 01:48 PM
I wouldn't say that this pisses me off altogether, but it really does get irritating sometimes. I've also mentioned this multiple times before, but being too self-conscious really does get grating on my nerves from time to time, and it certainly turns me into a nervous wreck. I can often be my own worst critic and nagger.

02-07-2014, 06:17 PM
if everyone thinks their project is a good way to build my portfolio (and therefore not paid) then what the fuck am i building my portfolio for? ugh.

02-07-2014, 06:52 PM
-One of my jobs not only decided not to pay me, but my manager decided it wasn't worth investigating, and lied to my face about why it happened.
-The check I received from the salvage yard for my totaled car has returned.
-My dad texted me a picture of a letter from the state notifying me that if I didn't pay my $171 ticket from my car accident in the next 30 days, I'd have my license suspended and charged an additional $80. Way to right my wrongs, Kansas.
-My tax returns got me a whole $80 some bucks this year! Woohoo!
-The debit card linked to my original bank account, which is for a bank 3 hours from here, is expired, because of a "compromise" on my account. The money I have in there is completely untouchable until I can afford to drive 180 miles to reactivate it in person.

Commence to drinking! Cheap beer!

02-07-2014, 07:36 PM
-One of my jobs not only decided not to pay me, but my manager decided it wasn't worth investigating, and lied to my face about why it happened.
-The check I received from the salvage yard for my totaled car has returned.
-My dad texted me a picture of a letter from the state notifying me that if I didn't pay my $171 ticket from my car accident in the next 30 days, I'd have my license suspended and charged an additional $80. Way to right my wrongs, Kansas.
-My tax returns got me a whole $80 some bucks this year! Woohoo!
-The debit card linked to my original bank account, which is for a bank 3 hours from here, is expired, because of a "compromise" on my account. The money I have in there is completely untouchable until I can afford to drive 180 miles to reactivate it in person.

Commence to drinking! Cheap beer!

Report your employer to the Dept. of Labor
Kansas City District Office
US Dept. of Labor
Wage & Hour Division
Gateway Tower II
400 State Avenue
Suite 1010
Kansas City, KS 66101-2414
(913) 551-5721

Take the salvage yard to court

Why is your bank not just issuing you a new debit card?

02-07-2014, 07:59 PM
Report your employer to the Dept. of Labor
Kansas City District Office
US Dept. of Labor
Wage & Hour Division
Gateway Tower II
400 State Avenue
Suite 1010
Kansas City, KS 66101-2414
(913) 551-5721

Take the salvage yard to court

Why is your bank not just issuing you a new debit card?
Thee bank HAS issued me a card. The issue is that I can't activate the card from any ATM. It has to be an ATM associated with them, so I have the card on my shelf right now, but...it's essentially useless until I can get back home to activate it.

The only reason I haven't already talked to the company's HR department is because I was told that it would come through on the next payday, in addition to the pay I was supposed to get. I'm waiting until that payday before I take further action. If I don't get any of the extra pay I'm supposed to make, I'm definitely taking matters into my own hands. Screw these guys. I only work for them to get free rent while I live here.

As for the salvage yard, I'm calling them tomorrow to see what the hell I can even do. If they wrote me a bad check, they can bet their AAASS I'm taking them to court.

02-07-2014, 08:17 PM
Thee bank HAS issued me a card. The issue is that I can't activate the card from any ATM. It has to be an ATM associated with them, so I have the card on my shelf right now, but...it's essentially useless until I can get back home to activate it.

I would call your bank and ask them to give you an alternate means of activation. Not your fault, after all. If they won't budge, mail the card back and forth to your parents, and have them swipe it -- and close the account when you do go home.

02-07-2014, 08:49 PM
I thought payday was Monday, but it's a holiday, so payday is actually TUESDAY, which sucks, because I'm skint. Luckily I scrounged up enough cash to get a couple packages of sausages from the corner store, and the rest is going to cheap beer for a coworker's going away party tonight. Gonna get LOADED.

Halo Infinity
02-08-2014, 09:23 AM
As redundant and as predictable as this is, merely being pissed off. I've seen great days instantly turned into complete shit in a split-second just because of that. :eek:

02-08-2014, 10:53 AM
I would call your bank and ask them to give you an alternate means of activation. Not your fault, after all. If they won't budge, mail the card back and forth to your parents, and have them swipe it -- and close the account when you do go home.

I'm planning on just doing that next time I go home. It won't be too far down the road from now, anyway, so I'll just wait. I'd rather do it all at once, and in person, than have things mailed back and forth.

Also, just got off the phone with the salvage yard people - Guess who had a "bad deal" come up and can help me "sometime next week?" I'm going to them first thing after I get off on Monday, and if I don't walk out of there with my money, I'm taking things into my own hands. This is ridiculous.

Halo Infinity
02-08-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm sure I'll get over it, but just felt like mentioning it here as it really is a minute annoyance. When people see my overall dislike, disapproval, and refusal of making promises and bets as me being a killjoy or a buzzkill. I couldn't even believe that has actually happened to me before, as it's very easy for promises and bets to go wrong.

02-09-2014, 12:47 AM
I thought payday was Monday, but it's a holiday, so payday is actually TUESDAY, which sucks, because I'm skint. Luckily I scrounged up enough cash to get a couple packages of sausages from the corner store, and the rest is going to cheap beer for a coworker's going away party tonight. Gonna get LOADED.

Got loaded, the hangover today was BRUTAL. But on the plus side, I took a bunch of change to a coin counting machine at the supermarket, expecting maybe to get twenty bucks out of the deal.
"Huh, just keeps going up... $107?! SWEET!"

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-13-2014, 02:34 AM
“Day 42: The snowflakes have us all outnumbered, but we will have the last laugh when the little fuckers die of heat stroke. Resist!”

02-13-2014, 04:10 PM
Possible umbilical hernia. Now I get to see a surgeon next week if my guts don't explode out belly before then. Getting old sucks.

Halo Infinity
02-13-2014, 04:15 PM
As of now, I can say with all certainty that I currently hate both the summer and the winter. Any climate that is between hot and cold with absolutely no snow is good enough for me these days.

Joy Prevention Hotline
02-13-2014, 05:08 PM
Cleaned 6 more inches of snow off my car with a fucking push broom. I am so sick of this shit.

And somebody kill that damned groundhog! :mad:

02-14-2014, 10:56 AM
A $687 propane bill?? What the loving fuck?

02-14-2014, 01:20 PM
More than a month ago, I turned my heat down to 50 -- yes, 50 -- and still got a $385 gas & electric bill. I agree. What the actual fuck.

02-14-2014, 11:05 PM
A $687 propane bill?? What the loving fuck?
We have natural gas (cheap) but G works w people way out in the sw burbs w propane who have also been saying the price of propane has skyrocketed, said it went up 500%! So glad I don't have propane!

02-14-2014, 11:16 PM

Halo Infinity
02-15-2014, 03:06 AM
While I can actually accept that not everything about video games is great or positive, there is something about people that hate video games that gets under my skin, and I'm actually far from being a hardcore gamer.

Halo Infinity
02-15-2014, 07:20 AM
So yeah, those people who are hating video games are on the wrong side of the coin. Don't stress too much about them.
Thank you so much for the reassurance, and this is definitely one of those moments where I'm glad to not be alone. And even though video games are becoming more normal and acceptable as a hobby among adults, especially in the 2010s, there really is still a large amount of people even as young as 21-25+ that hate and video games and gamers. And you're right, it really shouldn't bother me, but I also figured I'd blow off a little steam in this thread, as it really was the right place to do so.

Anyway, thanks for your understanding, even for just this little moment, as it really is appreciated. I even made a topic about it last month. :)


Halo Infinity
02-15-2014, 04:21 PM
Oh great, and yet another little thing that pissed me off today, and I'm definitely not above venting it right now. I have actually seen smokers and drinkers criticize energy drinks, soda, sugar, and caffeine for being extremely unhealthy. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?

02-15-2014, 07:40 PM
Well put! I'm gonna go play some Skyrim!

02-15-2014, 08:03 PM
Feeling really horrible tonight. Feeling really terrible about myself. Depression is getting REALLY bad now. Things are not well.

02-15-2014, 09:04 PM
Ugh, sorry to hear that...

Halo Infinity
02-16-2014, 04:23 PM
When a release that I want takes up to 1 year or more to advertise. I certainly can't be alone here. Don't most people think like, "STFU about it until it's actually about to come out with in months!"? A few months to many months I could deal with though, but if it's going to take 1 year and beyond, I'd rather not hear about it. I could see how there could be exceptions even for this though... since the tease certainly draws people in. I could at least admit that. I also say this from my experience waiting for Super Smash Bros. 3DS for the Nintendo Wii U. It's been advertised since 2012 and most of early to mid 2013, and it's finally supposed to come out some time this year. If it does, I hope it comes out before June, or mid June. However, I have a hunch that it might be pushed back to late 2014.

02-18-2014, 09:22 AM
Since I subscribe to Huffpost, Salon, Alternet, etc, I am subjected on a daily basis to photos of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, and other Republidouches in my FB feed. I wish there was a way to turn images off for certain posters: I am sick of seeing these people every damn day.

Halo Infinity
02-18-2014, 10:09 PM
This is more to do with myself, and certainly has a lot to do more with cringing and feeling ashamed than being pissed off, but jumping the bandwagon in general, especially when I've also been subjected to becoming guilty of such a thing. It's one of the things my conscious has nagged me and chewed me out over, and perhaps even rightfully so.

02-20-2014, 06:13 AM
When a release that I want takes up to 1 year or more to advertise.

As a NIN fan you should be used to this;)

It looks like my job forgot to pay me. A few weeks ago my check was short now this. I have a bill due today and was planning on going to DC tomorrow night, which is my only day off this week.
They're going to have to fix this asap.

Halo Infinity
02-20-2014, 01:50 PM
As a NIN fan you should be used to this;)
It's true, but I've also ignored the news, or at least most of it until it actually happened... and well... I conveniently didn't have to wait for all the other albums as I got into NIN in late 2002. I can't even begin to comprehend or imagine what it was like waiting for The Fragile since 1994, or waiting for With Teeth since 1999.

The only full 5 year wait in between NIN albums I've experienced was the one in between The Slip and Hesitation Marks... which also didn't feel so long not just because of being older, but also because of How To Destroy Angels and his works on The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. :p

02-21-2014, 01:34 PM
I just got the second bill from one hospital visit that lasted about three hours and ended with "well, we don't really know, but we think your heart isn't about to blow up". I'm now at over $1,000 in bills (and yes, I had insurance) for one fucking visit that ended with "we think you're fine, but we're not sure".

Fuck this country's health care system. If you're going to rape me, can you at least do it all at once instead of shoving it up my ass once, then coming back two months later and saying "here's the next one"?

02-23-2014, 06:05 PM
Depression, anger and frustration, all at the same time. Things are getting worse. This is fun.

02-23-2014, 10:00 PM
Depression, anger and frustration, all at the same time. Things are getting worse. This is fun.

Hang in there buddy

02-24-2014, 08:15 AM
no one posts in the netflix thread i started. I really think it would be a great place to exchange recommendations. Let's all turn each other on to what we've been watching! it's called The Netflix Thread, because i wanted a really abstract, poetic title for it.

02-24-2014, 08:20 AM
I just got the second bill from one hospital visit that lasted about three hours and ended with "well, we don't really know, but we think your heart isn't about to blow up". I'm now at over $1,000 in bills (and yes, I had insurance) for one fucking visit that ended with "we think you're fine, but we're not sure".

Fuck this country's health care system. If you're going to rape me, can you at least do it all at once instead of shoving it up my ass once, then coming back two months later and saying "here's the next one"?

Dude, i'm sure you know this, but we are the ONLY FUCKING COUNTRY in the civilized world without government funded healthcare. My last ER visit was $10,000, from when my cousin tried to kill me.
i have a MOUNTAIN of debt, but i have never had a credit card or bought a home or taken out a student loan or any of that cool shit. It's ALL healthcare. No insurance, so when i get sick i just go to the ER.

When Obama's bill wasn't what i felt like he insinuated it was going to be, my girl and i looked REALLY hard at moving to canada, but it turns out they don't want us for some such reason.

I'm right there with you, brotha. I just throw the bills in the trash...i dont even open them.

miss k bee
02-24-2014, 09:07 AM
Forcing myself to do my work performance review thing. A process so dry it's unbelievable....

02-24-2014, 02:11 PM
I need to take a break from Facebook. A different person is telling me Harold Ramis is dead at a rate of once every 20 seconds.

02-24-2014, 04:10 PM
maybe this belongs in the "little things that gut you slowly" thread?
my oldest, 12 years old, is going away on a school trip. 3 nights, 4 days, and ye olde mum here is about to lose her ever loving mind.
the funny thing is if i seek solace from family/friends they ALL say: oh, this is important for him and you need to do it. which pisses me off because if i hadn't paid for the trip, thereby clearly indicating a) i know it is important for him and b) THAT I HAVE DONE IT ALREADY, fucktards, then i can see them handing me the bs line about setting him free. yeah, hi, two days away from the reality of setting him free. i don't know exactly what words i am looking to hear, comfort or fucking something that makes me not want to jump into a black hole until he is back??? ugh.
i have no intentions of making my problem his problem, will show a brave face and be all full of the right messages about how much fun he will have and how excited we are for him (which is true, and manages to exist simultaneously with the other truth: NONONONONOFUCKNO. lol) and blah blah blah. then i will go hide somewhere and weep like a busted storm cloud for a few hours. omg. two more sleeps and he is leaving.
fuckfuckfuck. i wish i had thought to prepare for shit like this when he was still bronco riding in my belly.

02-24-2014, 04:29 PM
maybe this belongs in the "little things that gut you slowly" thread?
my oldest, 12 years old, is going away on a school trip. 3 nights, 4 days, and ye olde mum here is about to lose her ever loving mind.
the funny thing is if i seek solace from family/friends they ALL say: oh, this is important for him and you need to do it. which pisses me off because if i hadn't paid for the trip, thereby clearly indicating a) i know it is important for him and b) THAT I HAVE DONE IT ALREADY, fucktards, then i can see them handing me the bs line about setting him free. yeah, hi, two days away from the reality of setting him free. i don't know exactly what words i am looking to hear, comfort or fucking something that makes me not want to jump into a black hole until he is back??? ugh.
i have no intentions of making my problem his problem, will show a brave face and be all full of the right messages about how much fun he will have and how excited we are for him (which is true, and manages to exist simultaneously with the other truth: NONONONONOFUCKNO. lol) and blah blah blah. then i will go hide somewhere and weep like a busted storm cloud for a few hours. omg. two more sleeps and he is leaving.
fuckfuckfuck. i wish i had thought to prepare for shit like this when he was still bronco riding in my belly.

If I were you, I'd bury him under in several mountains of cotton wool, forever.

Edit: Eh, excuse me, that was snide. But he's 12. It's not so much "setting him free" at that age, as it is letting him "grow up normally". I assure you, if you're over-protective during formative years, this'll bite you both on the ass when he reaches 18 and goes nuts.