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06-07-2014, 05:22 PM
I must be giving off a needy vibe. Second night out of two I am being stood up/flaked on.

06-07-2014, 07:30 PM
I don't have a thing with public bathrooms or anything, but this has been happening a lot lately and it drives me crazy. When I'm in a stall or a standalone room and the door is locked, and someone comes barging over and tries to open the door with a herculean force, and/or tries several times to jiggle the door handle. Like they are absolutely baffled that it's locked. No, there's just someone in here. Relax your shit. Now I'm going to take even longer and play games on my phone you fuck.

06-07-2014, 11:38 PM
I already hate Facebook but I'm on there because my aunt and a few of my cousins and my husband and some of my husband's friends and old bandmates are on there. But via FB I found out that one of my oldest friends is a really stupid conservative. And she loves Kid Rock. And she has an equally ignorant loud mouth redneck cousin. Today, I couldn't hack it, anymore, and I unfriended her. Some part of me feels relieved, but another part of me feels bad because we're old friends. Fucking Facebook. Ugh. Why can't my relatives use EMAIL?!?!??!?!

06-08-2014, 04:38 AM
I already hate Facebook but I'm on there because my aunt and a few of my cousins and my husband and some of my husband's friends and old bandmates are on there. But via FB I found out that one of my oldest friends is a really stupid conservative. And she loves Kid Rock. And she has an equally ignorant loud mouth redneck cousin. Today, I couldn't hack it, anymore, and I unfriended her. Some part of me feels relieved, but another part of me feels bad because we're old friends. Fucking Facebook. Ugh. Why can't my relatives use EMAIL?!?!??!?!

An old friend of mine friended me on Facebook, and I found out that she's now married, has kids, and is now a hardcore conservative Christian type who likes to involve her children in anti-abortion rallies outside of clinics to guilt pregnant women into finding jesus. She hates liberals, is so proud that her kids realize how stupid liberals are, and loves Tim Tebow.

Thankfully, she got fed up with the heathen atheist cabal of Facebook, and took her mission elsewhere. It was still such a shock though... back in the day she was a partier, suddenly she's encouraging her friends with young children to get their kids purity rings. "If your child is in public school, we need to give them the courage to stand up to their liberal satanic teachers and say 'no, I will not let you tell me that my parents are monkeys!' and maybe demand a little more time on the scripture!"

She may have not been the brightest bulb, but holy shit.

Joy Prevention Hotline
06-08-2014, 06:30 AM
Thanks for giving me more reasons to stay away from Facebook. Yeesh.

miss k bee
06-08-2014, 11:14 AM
Forgot on Friday that 1D were playing Wembley Stadium and got swamped on train to work with tweeny 1D fans!

Will not make that mistake tonight.

06-08-2014, 01:44 PM
Last night I went alone to what ended up being a totally rad anarcho-punk-folk house concert, met a bunch of interesting people, and had a really cool night out.

BUT I will say that flakery, flaking out, blowing off plans at the 12th hour, "going home" at 8:00pm, not answering the phone or text or email when we had arranged to hang out is just fucking rude. Unforgiveable in my book. Fuck that shit.
I always thought being a flake was a NYC thing: in small town it's 1000% worse.

06-08-2014, 02:01 PM
flaking out, blowing off plans at the 12th hour, "going home" at 8:00pm, not answering the phone or text or email when we had arranged to hang out is just fucking rude. Unforgiveable in my book. Fuck that shit.
I always thought being a flake was a NYC thing: in small town it's 1000% worse.
It is. It is no matter where it happens. It's unforgivably rude and immature.

06-09-2014, 02:31 AM
BUT I will say that flakery, flaking out, blowing off plans at the 12th hour, "going home" at 8:00pm,...

I kind of feel the need to defend myself here. Not for the being off the grid part, I always tekst, but with the combined anxiety and depression, at best I've managed to keep 50% of my appointments. I don't like this about myself, don't get me wrong, but I think wanting to kill yourself at odd hours of the night might actually be a proper excuse.

06-09-2014, 02:55 AM
It is. It is no matter where it happens. It's unforgivably rude and immature.

People flake everywhere, but in small towns it completely kills everything. If you've got plans with someone and they bail, there's literally NOTHING else to do. The town I used to live in had a population of about 7000, was spread WAY out, and had NOTHING for entertainment. There was a theater for a while, but closed down because the owner moved to a bigger, more profitable town. After that the only source of entertainment was a bar. A bar. So if you went there without a pre-planned group, you were just drinking with retirees and drug dealers and bikers and various combinations of those groups. Fucking AWFUL. At least in a city there are plenty of things you can still do alone if your friends bail.

06-09-2014, 06:36 AM
I kind of feel the need to defend myself here. Not for the being off the grid part, I always tekst, but with the combined anxiety and depression, at best I've managed to keep 50% of my appointments. I don't like this about myself, don't get me wrong, but I think wanting to kill yourself at odd hours of the night might actually be a proper excuse.

Do you actually say that or do you just say "oh, I forgot", "oh I haven't left home yet"?

06-09-2014, 06:49 AM
Do you actually say that or do you just say "oh, I forgot", "oh I haven't left home yet"?

I don't think it matters, it's a lack of common decency IMO

06-09-2014, 06:56 AM
I don't think it matters, it's a lack of common decency IMO

I think if someone says "I'm really sorry I can't make it tonight, massive panic attack and I feel like I'm going to be sick" then it's different to someone just being a cunt.

06-09-2014, 07:45 AM
Do you actually say that or do you just say "oh, I forgot", "oh I haven't left home yet"?

It depends on who it is, actually. All my family, friends and coworkers know about the depression, so I will say something along the lines of 'Very bad day, sorry but I won't be able to make it' or 'Can't leave the house - you're welcome to come here' if that's a possibilty.
But when it's like an appointment with a dentist or something, I will in fact lie and feign a sudden illness. Mental illness still isn't something you talk about casually, I've found.

I know it's horrible, but the alternative would be to never make any plans ever again. I'm always annoyed when people - like mister parente up there - just assume that decency > health.

06-09-2014, 07:50 AM
I already hate Facebook but I'm on there because my aunt and a few of my cousins and my husband and some of my husband's friends and old bandmates are on there. But via FB I found out that one of my oldest friends is a really stupid conservative. And she loves Kid Rock. And she has an equally ignorant loud mouth redneck cousin. Today, I couldn't hack it, anymore, and I unfriended her. Some part of me feels relieved, but another part of me feels bad because we're old friends. Fucking Facebook. Ugh. Why can't my relatives use EMAIL?!?!??!?!
I heard this recently "Facebook is like the living room"- it's a good place to just have loose contact with people. The context of that quote was talking about kids using other mobile specific apps because "their parents aren't on it". Twitter is like the bedroom apparently, hahah. To me, forums are my playing areas! FB is a tool that can be used in different ways but people can easily misuse it. On FB you see people talk about what they want as opposed to have a Topic in a forum or even in an email, you know you're not going to talk about sports when you're emailing that cousin that you know doesn't care. It's fascinating seeing how people's communications are affected by different technology. I'm still a fan of letters though the only person that tends to write back to my letters is my grandmother. My friends will text saying "thanks for the letter" and I resist saying "Fuck you, write one back!!"

06-09-2014, 08:11 AM
It depends on who it is, actually. All my family, friends and coworkers know about the depression, so I will say something along the lines of 'Very bad day, sorry but I won't be able to make it' or 'Can't leave the house - you're welcome to come here' if that's a possibilty.
So long as you let friends/coworkers know in SOME way. I just don't GET these people who stand people up without saying ANYTHING. I mean, really, have you ever been the one sitting there waiting? Wondering if it's you, or if maybe something bad happened to this person, then wondering if it's you again, then wondering if it's ok to leave, then wondering if you leave and then this person shows up after you leave what will happen? yeah ... text and lie, or don't make plans, because standing someone up with no call or text or anything is a REALLY mean selfish thing to do. A friend did that to me and G and another friend once and I wanted to fucking KILL HIM.

I heard this recently "Facebook is like the living room"-
I think Facebook is more like the gas station.

I wish I could write, again, but I can't even read my own handwriting, anymore.

06-09-2014, 08:40 AM
It depends on who it is, actually. All my family, friends and coworkers know about the depression, so I will say something along the lines of 'Very bad day, sorry but I won't be able to make it' or 'Can't leave the house - you're welcome to come here' if that's a possibilty.
But when it's like an appointment with a dentist or something, I will in fact lie and feign a sudden illness. Mental illness still isn't something you talk about casually, I've found.

I know it's horrible, but the alternative would be to never make any plans ever again. I'm always annoyed when people - like mister parente up there - just assume that decency > health.

Stuff like medical/dental appointments I don't count. Having worked in that field, it's pretty much normal not to have patients show up. Like dinner reservations - tell your friend but if you don't tell the restaurant no biggie *hides from all the Americans who are waiters*.

06-09-2014, 09:56 AM
I also can't stand really flakey behavior. Moderately flakey? Fine. As in: You TELL ME before you don't show up. That I can deal with. I do that too, as someone who is busy and introverted.

Repeatedly saying (I'm sorry, if it's a small event "attending" MEANS YOU'RE ATTENDING on Facebook) nothing and never showing or ever commenting on it? Yeah, no.

06-09-2014, 10:07 AM
Also, I will say "I don't feel well." when I'm too depressed for something. It's just as legit and fuck the mentality that it isn't.

06-09-2014, 12:03 PM
Stuff like medical/dental appointments I don't count. Having worked in that field, it's pretty much normal not to have patients show up.
In my area, the doctors and dentists (and even sometimes hair stylists) charge you if you don't give 24 hour notice.

06-09-2014, 05:37 PM
Flakey behavior is terrible. I had a good friend who's friendship I cherished but I had to quit trying. I called, I texted, and I let her know when I was in town because I wanted to see her. The two times I got response was "It's snowing, I don't want to leave my house" and "I'm in New Orleans". Other times when she probably were around, no answer. I saw FB posts all the time for her self promotion of shows and art stuff. I got so pissed that she was being so self centered that I had to let it go. She doesn't value me as much clearly so I'm done trying. I didn't unfriend her because if she were to reach out, I'd probably explain my feelings but forgive her and be happy she cares again. I did however stop "following" her, THANK GOD for that option. I've been grieving as if it's a break up, having dreams even of her. I hate this, I don't make close friends liberally so when I lose one, it hurts.

06-09-2014, 06:01 PM
Elke and others, I hear what you are saying. I don't think that's what's going on, but I certainly like to think I am generally sensitive to that sort of thing.

The main guy who did this, his gf is staying with him here this summer. I suggested some things, they suggested some things, the gf was down with some of the things I suggested. The dude was apparently less so, and instead of them just agreeing, he quietly sabotaged two evenings in a row for me. I think he's doing the "overly protective about his girlfriend" thing. I thought he was cooler than that, I guess not.
I totally get that people want to do couply things: cool. Just fucking let me know "hey we're doing our own thing this evening." Don't set up a drinks with friends, and then when I say I will be showing up later on not answer texts and calls when no-one's in the designated spot.
I can take a hint: if they want to see me they can be in touch.

The other two, I dunno, I think just your basic flakery/douchery. Four times in two days is a little too much flakery for me; at least now I know the score.

06-10-2014, 08:18 AM
There are some dicks that opened a taco stand in the trendy/hipster part of town that keep buying all the chicken thighs at the only market with a decent butcher. Dude at the counter said "they just came in and bought the last 40 pounds." Who the fuck does that!? That's what buying wholesale is for. Fucking hipster foodies. I want my goddamn chicken thighs.

06-10-2014, 08:19 AM
Ungrateful brat alert: My mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said concert tickets. I can't afford them, and live music makes me happier than just about anything.

Sighhhh. Any chance QOTSA would take an Amazon gift card? : /

06-10-2014, 08:28 AM
people taking facepalms waaaaaaay too seriously and not understanding that they're a sarcastic way of saying "that's GREAT" because you disagree to the point of being frustrated but don't have anything else to say on the matter.

also, hypocrites who partake in activities/exhibit behaviors that could potentially destroy their lives while claiming to be religious.

06-10-2014, 08:30 AM
People in general piss me off these days. I want to go live in the woods.

06-10-2014, 09:24 AM
People in general piss me off these days. I want to go live in the woods.

my fiancee and i have plans to go live in the woods someday. i really hope we actually can.

06-10-2014, 09:39 AM
also, hypocrites who partake in activities/exhibit behaviors that could potentially destroy their lives while claiming to be religious.

Such as? (Just curious.)

06-10-2014, 06:18 PM
my fiancee and i have plans to go live in the woods someday. i really hope we actually can.
We've been planting trees on our nearly 1/2 acre lot (on the North Shore ha) so that eventually we will have "woods" here. We planted NINE 9' trees last spring, FIVE of them are baldcypress which grow to be over 120 feet tall, and four of them are gorgeous black alders (already over 12' tall). We have a spectacular 50+ year old honeylocust out back, plus two 5-yr-old growing honeylocusts up front that are rapidly growing, plus three old crabapples, two hawthorns, and I really want to add some conifers. Eventually, we'll be "in the woods." But, it's still not "woods" enough for me, still too many fucking people around here. I'd like woods + mountains. Problem is, my husband wants city water and sewer and natural gas, LOL, which you don't get when you move to the sticks.

Our alternative, whilst waiting for the trees to grow, has been driving to KENOSHA on the weekends. If you haven't tried this, I highly recommend it. It's like another planet. The people are nicer, polite, zen, laid back, everything is cheaper, it's like you take a nice deep breath and relax and GTFO of Chicago. Check out the Good Garden Cafe and Wine Gallery (https://www.facebook.com/TheGoodGardenCafeAndWineGallery) on 6th. Totally awesome, it's an old house.

Even people here on the North Shore are so in a hurry, they hit pedestrians! Wtf! Where do you have to go in downtown HP that you HIT a pedestrian in a crosswalk!? Where are you going in that much of a hurry? To get a manicure?

06-11-2014, 12:00 AM
We've been planting trees on our nearly 1/2 acre lot (on the North Shore ha) so that eventually we will have "woods" here. We planted NINE 9' trees last spring, FIVE of them are baldcypress which grow to be over 120 feet tall, and four of them are gorgeous black alders (already over 12' tall). We have a spectacular 50+ year old honeylocust out back, plus two 5-yr-old growing honeylocusts up front that are rapidly growing, plus three old crabapples, two hawthorns, and I really want to add some conifers. Eventually, we'll be "in the woods." But, it's still not "woods" enough for me, still too many fucking people around here. I'd like woods + mountains. Problem is, my husband wants city water and sewer and natural gas, LOL, which you don't get when you move to the sticks.

Our alternative, whilst waiting for the trees to grow, has been driving to KENOSHA on the weekends. If you haven't tried this, I highly recommend it. It's like another planet. The people are nicer, polite, zen, laid back, everything is cheaper, it's like you take a nice deep breath and relax and GTFO of Chicago. Check out the Good Garden Cafe and Wine Gallery (https://www.facebook.com/TheGoodGardenCafeAndWineGallery) on 6th. Totally awesome, it's an old house.

Even people here on the North Shore are so in a hurry, they hit pedestrians! Wtf! Where do you have to go in downtown HP that you HIT a pedestrian in a crosswalk!? Where are you going in that much of a hurry? To get a manicure?

that sounds lovely.

we went to lake delevan/lake geneva last october for a couple days, and it was nice to just be away. we still did what we usually do when we're home, except in a bed: we ordered pizza every night and got drunk while watching things on netflix.

we'll probably do something similar right after our wedding at the end of september, since we're not taking our disney world honeymoon until february.

as for a thing that pisses me off...uneven difficulty levels in video games. the final boss of a game shouldn't be easier to defeat than a regular level.

Space Suicide
06-11-2014, 08:26 AM
I'm not religious and I rarely slag those who are but the people that do nothing, say nothing or have no interest in anything BUT religion and its all they they talk about need to get a life. Rambling about God, faith, holiness, being saved, blessed, etc every 5 minutes about nothing are annoying, boring people. I hate living where I do, so many of those people here too. I ran into a few the other day and read some posts elsewhere.


06-11-2014, 01:28 PM
we went to lake delevan/lake geneva last october for a couple days, and it was nice to just be away. we still did what we usually do when we're home, except in a bed: we ordered pizza every night and got drunk while watching things on netflix.
Oh we don't spend the night, we drive home that night. It's actually closer to Kenosha than it is to Lake Geneva. We both have crazy stressful jobs so we escape to decompress.

06-11-2014, 06:12 PM
The local rock station, a Fort Wayne institution, has been converted into a by-the-numbers, same-old-shit Classic Rock station. As it was the station resembled that a little but it no longer has the taste of the local flavor (and the remaining DJ's who have not been fired are taking two weeks off). It's been bought out by the Adams group, which is a Republican-backed company. I swear, the radio stations are becoming more and more like the basic food groups. Thank goodness for NPR, for at least having some backbone and independence to it.

06-12-2014, 04:05 AM
my fiancee and i have plans to go live in the woods someday. i really hope we actually can.
Get a tiny house (http://www.designboom.com/contemporary/tiny_houses2.html) and it's feasible!

06-12-2014, 02:46 PM
Humidity and cat hair.
And the fact that I probably posted this last year, too.

06-13-2014, 12:06 AM
i sliced my right middle finger open this morning (before i even started working...it was while i was getting something out of the truck) so i have a band-aid on it, which makes it really hard to type/scroll on my laptop. :/

06-13-2014, 01:14 AM
My mom has been in the hospital for the last week. Her liver collapsed. She's in the ICU. That's as far as I know. I live several hours away from her, without transportation or family close enough willing to help. The hospital won't give me any information and the doctor that was supposed to call me or a family member today didn't call. Fuck the California hospital system. I haven't slept since I've found out. I'm not that close to my mom, but in the last few years we have buried the hatchet and have found some common ground. I just talked to her a few days before she was hospitalized and told her how I was going to try to come visit her on her birthday in July.

I'm angry. I'm confused. I'm sad. I'm humbled. I miss my mom.

06-13-2014, 01:31 AM
:: hug :: i am so, so sorry.

06-13-2014, 06:32 AM
My mom has been in the hospital for the last week.

I'm angry. I'm confused. I'm sad. I'm humbled. I miss my mom.:( I realize there are privacy laws that keep patient conditions from being announced, but you're family. Get well soon Mom.

06-13-2014, 08:56 AM
When someone makes plans with you ahead of time and then cancels for no actual reason, and doesn't even bother to make up one other than "I don't feel like it." I understand that things come up and plans change, but when everything is fine and the person just decides, "I don't feel like it," it's really frustrating.

Halo Infinity
06-13-2014, 11:56 AM
It turns out that I'd actually appreciate "I don't feel like it." in comparison to a bunch of "I don't know.", "I'm not sure.", and "Maybe." responses, especially when it's obvious that they don't want to, or simply can't follow up to the plans. This is what reminds me as to why I should be comfortable in saying no. And from the looks it, when other people tell me that they'd rather not make plans, or rather not have me call them, it always seems to be a case of "Don't bother to make any plans. It's not happening."

06-13-2014, 02:45 PM
Kid next door broke into my house this morning and rummaged through our stuff. Even had the nerve to use my tablet computer to do some searches on Batman. Cop had to let him out as apparently he was somehow then stuck in the house after breaking in through the window. Can't wait to get the fun details on this one. I know he has some "developmental issues" but god damn wtf parents?

06-13-2014, 05:15 PM
When I say something clearly, in different ways, and multiple times only to still not be heard or understood.

06-13-2014, 08:47 PM
Shitty "journalism". Especially the headline: "Woman goes to disturbing lengths for perfect hourglass figure" (https://ca.shine.yahoo.com/video/playlist/barcroft-videos/extreme-corseter-shrinks-waist-38-110000555.html)
Why is this disturbing? She's wearing a corset because she wants to modify her body. Don't even THINK about heading to the comments section on this one...

Sarah K
06-13-2014, 11:00 PM
Stupid fucking dumb fucks who try to board the train before letting people off. ESPECIALLY at a stop that is ALWAYS going to have a lot of transfers during peak hours. Fuck. I want to ram all of those asshole over.

06-13-2014, 11:17 PM
Stupid fucking dumb fucks who try to board the train before letting people off. ESPECIALLY at a stop that is ALWAYS going to have a lot of transfers during peak hours. Fuck. I want to ram all of those asshole over.

I witness that every morning. Hate it.

06-14-2014, 12:21 AM
Stupid fucking dumb fucks who try to board the train before letting people off. ESPECIALLY at a stop that is ALWAYS going to have a lot of transfers during peak hours. Fuck. I want to ram all of those asshole over.

Add to that idiots who try to get on the elevator without letting people exit, first. Wtf, were you raised by animals?

06-14-2014, 02:45 AM
i don't know if this is gonna be good or bad yet,
but my brother, pregnant sister in law, and their two year old are planning to move in with us.
it's a big house, but gawddamn.

06-14-2014, 03:28 AM
...bad... move... gawddamn.I'm honestly starting to think this is a reality show you're pitching to MTV.

06-14-2014, 06:09 AM
Working title: Far Beyond Eleven.

Stupid fucking dumb fucks who try to board the train before letting people off. ESPECIALLY at a stop that is ALWAYS going to have a lot of transfers during peak hours. Fuck. I want to ram all of those asshole over.

I have never understood that shit.
http://www.slate.com/blogs/business_insider/2014/05/02/nathan_pyle_s_cartoon_gifs_show_you_how_to_survive _new_york_and_have_a_laugh.html

06-14-2014, 12:02 PM
:( I realize there are privacy laws that keep patient conditions from being announced, but you're family. Get well soon Mom.

Going up to visit with a few family members today. I finally got a chance to talk to the doctor. She is on life support as of now and likely won't make it once off. Not sure if this is goodbye or not. I've been feeling so numb the last few days. She's too young to go. She's only 47. She's beaten cancer and alcoholism.

06-14-2014, 12:50 PM
I am so sorry. It's an awful feeling to have a parent in that condition. There's nothing I can say that is going to make you feel any better, but I hope you hang in there, and if you want to vent or talk feel free to shoot me a PM.

06-14-2014, 08:08 PM
Someone who had made plans with me for today cancelled last night because they said they weren't going anywhere today because of how sick they were. I thought, "Okay, that's more than fair." They said they were going to the doctor's and would tell me what happens later today, and again, that's fine. Here it is, end of the day, and they've not said a word to me, across any platform we communicate on, despite me attempting to contact them, and their sick selves who were too ill to spend time with me today are out instagramming photos of themselves with friends and posting on websites all day, ignoring every single call and text I made when I was worried that they weren't okay, it wasn't until I checked some of their social media that I realized they were just fucking fine, just totally deciding to ignore me.

So yeah, great goddamn day for me.

06-15-2014, 01:42 AM
I'm honestly starting to think this is a reality show you're pitching to MTV.

it fucking should be for christ's sake

06-15-2014, 01:46 AM
I am so sorry. It's an awful feeling to have a parent in that condition. There's nothing I can say that is going to make you feel any better, but I hope you hang in there, and if you want to vent or talk feel free to shoot me a PM.

Thank you. I am lucky to have a good support system, but sometimes it is easier to talk to someone removed from the situation that you don't know as well. Thanks for the kind words.

Now for the update. My ride up to my mom was cancelled. I was to go with my aunt and cousin. My aunt and uncle are foster parents. One of the families they have fostered for, they got really close with. Long story short, some of their family was in a fatal car accident this morning. I don't know these people, but obviously they are close to my family members. I can't fathom what they are feeling.

Life is fleeting. Always make sure you tell the ones you love you love them. I don't care if that's cliche.

06-15-2014, 03:34 AM
I went out for a walk earlier and I was wearing a shitty pair of shoes. Normally they're my indoor shoes. Now they're my "your feet are damp and clammy because it was raining and you're lazy" shoes. :mad:

06-15-2014, 06:43 AM
Going up to visit with a few family members today. I finally got a chance to talk to the doctor. She is on life support as of now and likely won't make it once off. Not sure if this is goodbye or not. I've been feeling so numb the last few days. She's too young to go. She's only 47. She's beaten cancer and alcoholism.//hug//. I'm so sorry. I don't have anything sweet and comforting to say. You are all too young to have to deal with this.

06-15-2014, 07:57 AM
Someone who had made plans with me for today cancelled last night because they said they weren't going anywhere today because of how sick they were. I thought, "Okay, that's more than fair." They said they were going to the doctor's and would tell me what happens later today, and again, that's fine. Here it is, end of the day, and they've not said a word to me, across any platform we communicate on, despite me attempting to contact them, and their sick selves who were too ill to spend time with me today are out instagramming photos of themselves with friends and posting on websites all day, ignoring every single call and text I made when I was worried that they weren't okay, it wasn't until I checked some of their social media that I realized they were just fucking fine, just totally deciding to ignore me.

So yeah, great goddamn day for me.

dude i'll fucking kick it with you. if yer ever on 287 between dallas and denver, hit me up.

edit: btw...i have to warn you...if you're talking about a girl, i don't have a pussy...

other than than, don't forget that boy told ya
get that dirt off yer shoulders

06-15-2014, 09:36 PM
Indifference Day this year was more like Depressing Day which is kinda' like a Every Day so I'm not so sure what made this sooooo very special but suffice it to say, today sucked.

06-15-2014, 09:49 PM
Not sure if elevenism hasn't taken his Ritalin when he's on ETS

Or is on cocaine

06-16-2014, 12:12 AM
how hungry i always seem to be.

i'm trying to get in better shape before our wedding in september (as is my fiancee), but i love food, and i don't really like/can't seem to bring myself to exercise other than riding my bike. i've been trying to eat better, but i hate most vegetables. i've been eating reasonably-sized meals, but then i end up wanting snacks all the time, and when i don't eat them, i just end up eating bigger meals.

i don't care about "losing weight" because i don't care about the number, i just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin/my clothes.

it's also really hard not to let my old eating disorder(s) mentality kick in, so i'm constantly battling that.

being an adult sucks, guys.

06-16-2014, 09:03 AM
how hungry i always seem to be.

i'm trying to get in better shape before our wedding in september (as is my fiancee), but i love food, and i don't really like/can't seem to bring myself to exercise other than riding my bike. i've been trying to eat better, but i hate most vegetables. i've been eating reasonably-sized meals, but then i end up wanting snacks all the time, and when i don't eat them, i just end up eating bigger meals.

i don't care about "losing weight" because i don't care about the number, i just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin/my clothes.

it's also really hard not to let my old eating disorder(s) mentality kick in, so i'm constantly battling that.

being an adult sucks, guys.

Think about eating more protein in your meals. You'd be surprised what other than red meat has protein. It keeps you satiated and doesn't spike your blood sugar like bad carbs which also just make you hungry faster. That's when you start making poor choices. I know if I don't have a breakfast with some protein in it, I'm screwed for the rest of the day. Frustrating.

My little thing - as always: procrastination.

Sarah K
06-16-2014, 09:38 AM
My landlord has never gotten me a key to my bedroom. I locked myself out of my room this morning. I then had to lift my roommate onto this shoddy little plastic roof thing near my bedroom window, and she like, Spiderman'd it into my room and opened my door. I will not longer make comments about her being a crackhead.

I was then late for work.

My dad then text me and told me that my grandma is in the ICU with Sepsis. So... She's probably going to die before I get back to Nebraska on the 8th of August.

06-16-2014, 03:50 PM
Oh wow, that sucks... Sorry to hear.

06-16-2014, 04:48 PM
Think about eating more protein in your meals. You'd be surprised what other than red meat has protein. It keeps you satiated and doesn't spike your blood sugar like bad carbs which also just make you hungry faster. That's when you start making poor choices. I know if I don't have a breakfast with some protein in it, I'm screwed for the rest of the day. Frustrating.

My little thing - as always: procrastination.

i actually focus on protein as the main thing in my meals (i eat a LOT of chicken) but i just love carbs so much...bread, rice, pasta, etc.
i also try to eat lots of unsalted nuts (cashews, peanuts) and have healthy snacks like apples with peanut butter or cucumber.

Charmingly Miserable
06-16-2014, 07:51 PM
i actually focus on protein as the main thing in my meals (i eat a LOT of chicken) but i just love carbs so much...bread, rice, pasta, etc.
i also try to eat lots of unsalted nuts (cashews, peanuts) and have healthy snacks like apples with peanut butter or cucumber.
Incorporate chia seeds in your diet.

Being sick for the first time this year. It also happens to be the first day of my summer vacation.

Halo Infinity
06-17-2014, 12:10 AM
This seems to be more boring and depressing than aggravating to me, but very long road trips still get on my nerves. Yes, I'm the guy that hates road trips. If I was able to always have the means, I'd always take a plane any day of the week. Thank goodness for portable gaming, laptops, smartphones, and music players. :p

06-17-2014, 02:04 AM
Not sure if @elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) hasn't taken his Ritalin when he's on ETS

Or is on cocaine
no, it's opiates, thank you very much...
although i sure could use some cocaine...

but yeah...it's ultimately something along those lines.

06-17-2014, 02:21 AM
every time i say anything, eversonpoe facepalms it, for fuck's sake.

06-17-2014, 03:07 AM
Barre chords.
My left hand is all but falling off.
(though it's been only two months since I started learning guitar)

Conan The Barbarian
06-17-2014, 03:27 AM
You will get used to it.

Sarah K
06-17-2014, 08:07 AM
Tornadoes back home last night by where my family farms. The next town over is basically gone. All of my family seems to be fine. Lots of property and crop damage, though.

06-17-2014, 08:17 AM
how hungry i always seem to be.

i'm trying to get in better shape before our wedding in september (as is my fiancee), but i love food, and i don't really like/can't seem to bring myself to exercise other than riding my bike. i've been trying to eat better, but i hate most vegetables. i've been eating reasonably-sized meals, but then i end up wanting snacks all the time, and when i don't eat them, i just end up eating bigger meals.

i don't care about "losing weight" because i don't care about the number, i just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin/my clothes.

it's also really hard not to let my old eating disorder(s) mentality kick in, so i'm constantly battling that.

being an adult sucks, guys.

I'm not the biggest fan of vegetables, but for some reason (for me at least) I love the super hardcore vegan raw stuff. Uncooked, creatively mashed up vegetables that are garnished and lubricated to taste like something they're not. It's got to be the healthiest thing in the world for you to eat too...

Also, is there a Veggie Grill near you? I fucking love that place. Seriously, it really does taste like chicken. It tastes more like 'real' chicken than KFC does anyway.

06-17-2014, 09:50 AM
every time i say anything, @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) facepalms it, for fuck's sake.

1. why do you care so much? i went over this in that PM i sent you, but you just can't seem to let it go. when you or anyone says something with which i disagree but don't feel the need to discuss, i facepalm it. you can look at my history, dude, it's not like you're the only person i facepalm. i'm ALMOST as bad as sheepdean.

2. what you said up there was pretty fucking misogynistic, and that's why i facepalmed it.

3. if you can't take it when some person in an online forum civilly disagrees with you, i don't understand how you are surviving in an abusive relationship. maybe it's time to rethink your priorities in terms of emotional weight.

4. lots of people on this forum are much more direct and rude to you about many things, and i don't see you constantly complaining about them, so why are you singling me out in this regard?

I'm not the biggest fan of vegetables, but for some reason (for me at least) I love the super hardcore vegan raw stuff. Uncooked, creatively mashed up vegetables that are garnished and lubricated to taste like something they're not. It's got to be the healthiest thing in the world for you to eat too...

Also, is there a Veggie Grill near you? I fucking love that place. Seriously, it really does taste like chicken. It tastes more like 'real' chicken than KFC does anyway.

no, but there's a few "native foods" and those places are delicious. my friend alex was going there with our vegan friend norine for, like, two years before he realized the "chicken" wasn't real chicken (it's like a seitan/tofu blend and it's so freakin' good).

06-18-2014, 01:09 AM
1. why do you care so much? i went over this in that PM i sent you, but you just can't seem to let it go.

i was kidding this time.

the last couple of times it just hurt my feelings for some reason.
don't worry, i'm over it.

i was kinda hoping you'd facepalm the part where i was talking about you facepalming me.

i've had a bipolar diagnosis for 17 years, and i'm on drugs, so i don't know why i do half the shit i do anymore than you do.


Charmingly Miserable
06-18-2014, 01:15 AM
Also, is there a Veggie Grill near you? I fucking love that place.
Is that place on Sunset near Amoeba? If so, that place is ok. I love Native Foods better. I think there is one in Santa Monica if you are near there.

06-18-2014, 09:28 PM


06-18-2014, 11:25 PM

yeah...share the happy, huh? what a jerk.

as stupid of a trend as i think twerking is, where does she get off telling women (essentially) not to have agency over their own sexuality, and to simply keep it locked down because it's the "right way" to do it?


06-19-2014, 12:16 AM
Except people been doing that since the 80s freaky deaky bitch

(It was obscene then too)

I think she's overly ranty but there's a point in there somewhere about women taking control instead of these black chicks used by men in stereotypical misogynist music videos?

06-19-2014, 04:30 AM
Yeah, except she's contributing to the same mentality that makes those videos problematic in the first place.

Sarah K
06-19-2014, 08:18 AM

Unrelated to the point you're making, but I hate how people are always like NOT UNTIL HE PUTS A RING ON IT. As if that is OBVIOUSLY every woman's end goal.

06-19-2014, 08:57 AM

06-19-2014, 09:13 AM

Unrelated to the point you're making, but I hate how people are always like NOT UNTIL HE PUTS A RING ON IT. As if that is OBVIOUSLY every woman's end goal.

Again I think it's Beyoncé black woman rebellion against black male culture not putting a ring on it ever even after kids with different women, hence Farrakhan's Million Man March. See also Steve Harvey.

Sarah K
06-19-2014, 07:54 PM
Grandma has been in the ICU for a bit.

Dad sent me this text this evening

"Just wanted to let you know that mom is refusing any more medication as of today except dialysis to keep her from having pain along with pain meds. She wanted a hug from all of us and told us she is ready to meet her maker so it may not be long now"

So I just had to scramble to book a last minute flight tomorrow. Here's hoping that they don't tell me that I'm too much of a fatass to fly.

06-19-2014, 08:48 PM
Bureaucratic bull shit. Have been trying to apply to the uni transfer thing for months. Every step has been a major pain in the ass. Everything is online, which would be great if it actually worked. Keep getting told to contact tech support only to find out it's a problem on my side or the uni. The only thing that isn't online is sending my records from one institution to the other, which has to be done by snail mail and cost me 25$. That isn't counting the 15$ to send my high school marks for some fucking reason and the 200$ fee for the uni I am trying to get in to just look at the fucking things and say, "kay cool, now pay us thousands of dollars". It also doesn't help I go away for the Summer to work, if I could just go there for a few hours and talk with the people about it, this problem could be solved. And what a great idea to let half the admissions people go on vacation right around registration time. I should just drop out and become a stone mason. I have always wanted to be one.

Sorry to hear about your granny :( hope you can get to see her

Joy Prevention Hotline
06-20-2014, 07:58 PM
Summarizing my bank's privacy policy: "We will be dicks to the very limit of the law."

Thanks for sharing that with me.

06-20-2014, 10:14 PM
Depression was bad enough, but now disgust and anger have entered the equation. This is going to be fun.

06-20-2014, 10:47 PM
Depression was bad enough, but now disgust and anger have entered the equation. This is going to be fun.
Sounds like the estrogen is working!! :-D

06-20-2014, 10:50 PM
^^Ok, that made me chuckle, and I didn't think I was going to do that tonight. So thank you. :D

Charmingly Miserable
06-21-2014, 12:24 AM
Grandma has been in the ICU for a bit.

Dad sent me this text this evening

"Just wanted to let you know that mom is refusing any more medication as of today except dialysis to keep her from having pain along with pain meds. She wanted a hug from all of us and told us she is ready to meet her maker so it may not be long now"

So I just had to scramble to book a last minute flight tomorrow. Here's hoping that they don't tell me that I'm too much of a fatass to fly.
Did you make it? How is g-ma?

06-22-2014, 12:07 AM
( *muttering to myself*
Yeah I have something to add too, go fuck yourself you pathetic douche bag. )

People who toot their own horn. Self inflating their ego by making the loudest noise when it's nothing but a flea fart.

06-22-2014, 08:49 AM
( *muttering to myself*
Yeah I have something to add too, go fuck yourself you pathetic douche bag. )

People who toot their own horn. Self inflating their ego by making the loudest noise when it's nothing but a flea fart.

I sum those people up as ones that have low self esteem to begin with. The one way they feel better about themselves is to either toot their own horn. I have a friend who constantly does this by diminishing other people in the process: " I got the job offer, it's too bad they didn't feel Andrew was good enough for the role." WTF, do you hear yourself?

06-22-2014, 09:51 AM
I sum those people up as ones that have low self esteem to begin with. The one way they feel better about themselves is to either toot their own horn. I have a friend who constantly does this by diminishing other people in the process: " I got the job offer, it's too bad they didn't feel Andrew was good enough for the role." WTF, do you hear yourself?
I know a few people with varying levels of NPD and it seems to be more prevalent these days, perhaps because social media is a giant platform (and fuel) for their NPD. I think we used to think that giant egos covered up insecurities, but that was before we knew anything about NPD. Social media seems to have greatly increased the MeMeMeEgo levels of self-importance, where each FB page is a self-promotional ego barf bucket.

You don't like people "tooting their own horn" of ego, whereas when I see people posting photos of themselves every five fucking seconds on FB I want to stab them in the fucking eyeball. There, post THAT. "Look at me now, here's me with an ice pick in my eye!" Instagram vacation photos are an exception.

06-22-2014, 02:20 PM
I know a few people with varying levels of NPD and it seems to be more prevalent these days, perhaps because social media is a giant platform (and fuel) for their NPD. I think we used to think that giant egos covered up insecurities, but that was before we knew anything about NPD. Social media seems to have greatly increased the MeMeMeEgo levels of self-importance, where each FB page is a self-promotional ego barf bucket.

You don't like people "tooting their own horn" of ego, whereas when I see people posting photos of themselves every five fucking seconds on FB I want to stab them in the fucking eyeball. There, post THAT. "Look at me now, here's me with an ice pick in my eye!" Instagram vacation photos are an exception.

I have several friends on Facebook who constantly post status' just begging for attention. It's quite obvious to me, maybe not them.

I'm guilty of vacation and Tbt photos on Instagram. No selfies.

Sarah K
06-24-2014, 02:41 PM
Did you make it? How is g-ma?

I made it. Spent some time with her... She is moving to hospice today, most likely. I had to come back to NY last night.

Telling someone goodbye and knowing for certain that you will never see them again is perhaps one of the most difficult things that I have experienced in my life. I'm glad that I went, though. It's so difficult because mentally, she is still all there.

Sarah K
06-24-2014, 02:43 PM
Also, nothing like an impending death to remind you what huge pieces of shit your relatives are.

06-24-2014, 03:01 PM
I made it. Spent some time with her... She is moving to hospice today, most likely. I had to come back to NY last night.

Telling someone goodbye and knowing for certain that you will never see them again is perhaps one of the most difficult things that I have experienced in my life. I'm glad that I went, though. It's so difficult because mentally, she is still all there.

Also, nothing like an impending death to remind you what huge pieces of shit your relatives are.

:: all the hugs ::

Halo Infinity
06-24-2014, 03:31 PM
Summarizing my bank's privacy policy: "We will be dicks to the very limit of the law."

Thanks for sharing that with me.
This is exactly how I feel about the DMV, and/or how most people would also feel about post offices and/or airports. :p

06-24-2014, 07:44 PM
Telling someone goodbye and knowing for certain that you will never see them again is perhaps one of the most difficult things that I have experienced in my life.I know the feeling. When my grandmother had cancer she was living in another state and she was getting really bad, so I knew when I visited her that last time that it would probably be the last time I ever saw her. I knew I was saying goodbye for good. Just thinking about it makes me tear up.

My dad was sort of the same- I knew it was going to happen any day but I didn't know exactly when. But those last few days, I knew that one of the times that I left that hospice for the night would be the last time I ever got to say goodbye to him. Of course, one of those times I was right.

Anyway, I know there's not much anyone can say that will be much consolation, but hang in there. It's a really, really horrible thing to go through. If you ever want to talk, shoot me a PM.

Charmingly Miserable
06-24-2014, 11:10 PM
Telling someone goodbye and knowing for certain that you will never see them again is perhaps one of the most difficult things that I have experienced in my life. I'm glad that I went, though. It's so difficult because mentally, she is still all there.
I'm so there for you. I couldn't imagine what you did. You are a brave soul. I live with my granny who is 92 and has Alzheimer's. I love her so much, I just can't imagine parting with her.

06-25-2014, 12:33 AM
Seventeen year olds.

Halo Infinity
06-25-2014, 10:15 AM
Would that also include other people under 18? Some of them seem to get very crazy/loud in public. (This isn't to say that older people never do it either, but I've seen that happen a lot on sidewalks, parks, parking lots, trains, buses, grocery stores, convenience stores, malls, and fast food restaurants.) :p

06-25-2014, 04:28 PM
I know a few people with varying levels of NPD and it seems to be more prevalent these days, perhaps because social media is a giant platform (and fuel) for their NPD. I think we used to think that giant egos covered up insecurities, but that was before we knew anything about NPD. Social media seems to have greatly increased the MeMeMeEgo levels of self-importance, where each FB page is a self-promotional ego barf bucket.

This one has been swirling in my mind for days.
(http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/201311/6-signs-narcissism-you-may-not-know-about?tr=MostViewed]<a href=&quot;http://[/URL&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;><strong><font size=&quot;2&quot;>6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About</font></strong></a><br /> <br />)6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About (http://[/URL)

After reading that article, I definitely worked with a women that has NPD. I wish I recognized it when we did work together, maybe I could have handled her better. I genuinely like her. I was told that our friendship is very one sided (not my side obviously). What does it say about me when I'm sort of ok with that?

06-25-2014, 04:44 PM
This one has been swirling in my mind for days.
(http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/201311/6-signs-narcissism-you-may-not-know-about?tr=MostViewed]<a href=&quot;http://[/URL&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;><strong><font size=&quot;2&quot;>6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About</font></strong></a><br /> <br />)6 Signs of Narcissism You May Not Know About (http://[/URL)

After reading that article, I definitely worked with a women that has NPD. I wish I recognized it when we did work together, maybe I could have handled her better. I genuinely like her. I was told that our friendship is very one sided (not my side obviously). What does it say about me when I'm sort of ok with that?
Do you have any NPD people in your immediate family, or maybe were you married to one? Because it is said that if your parents are NPD, you either become one, too, or you become the CAREGIVER. Unfortunately, this also can mean that you're sometimes unwittingly attracted to the self-absorbed, because they're so familiar. *ugh* Just give them this quiz (http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-if-You-Are-Self-Absorbed) LOL.

Then stab them with an icepick.

06-25-2014, 04:54 PM
while driving:
people who swerve left before turning right around corners that aren't sharp...while driving regular cars.
i understand that buses and semi-trucks need to swerve out to make the angle. i'm pretty good at math. but your sedan or tiny SUV will make the turn fine if you DON'T almost run me over before you turn. UGH.

while biking:
when another biker passes me and then goes slower than i was originally going, for no reason whatsoever.

Sarah K
06-25-2014, 05:02 PM
I hate how internet quizzes and tally sheets make everyone a psychiatrist.


http://www.psi.uba.ar/academica/carrerasdegrado/psicologia/sitios_catedras/practicas_profesionales/820_clinica_tr_personalidad_psicosis/material/dsm.pdf Read Page 1 for basic criteria for a Personality Disorder. Then, go to page 9 to see the diagnostic criteria that has to be met for NPD.

06-25-2014, 05:35 PM
I hate how internet quizzes and tally sheets make everyone a psychiatrist.


http://www.psi.uba.ar/academica/carrerasdegrado/psicologia/sitios_catedras/practicas_profesionales/820_clinica_tr_personalidad_psicosis/material/dsm.pdf Read Page 1 for basic criteria for a Personality Disorder. Then, go to page 9 to see the diagnostic criteria that has to be met for NPD.
yeah I think that was established with the link that she provided. The link I provided was a quiz for the "self-absorbed" LOL. Because they're generally everywhere. Especially in marketing and sales. (runs away)

I also took several university-level psychology, psychiatry and neurology classes, so I'm not quick to jump on any Internet diagnosis bandwagons but, instead, speak from personal experience HAVING LIVED WITH A FUCKING ASSHOLE WITH NPD.

Anyway, see this (http://www.halcyon.com/jmashmun/npd/dsm-iv.html). It doesn't always have to be a PD.

06-25-2014, 05:58 PM
Pisses me off: I was my holding dog, today, because she got scared about something, I calmed her down and she was falling asleep in my arms, and then I turned and somehow I HURT MY BACK GAHHHHHHHHHH!

I don't know what the fuck I did but it was like somebody stabbed me, I think I pulled a muscle, I couldn't inhale without feeling like I'd broken a rib. I think it may have been some kind of muscle spasm. It FINALLY stopped this afternoon after about 6 Ibuprofen, a hot shower and some Yoga.

06-25-2014, 09:18 PM
Do you have any NPD people in your immediate family, or maybe were you married to one? Because it is said that if your parents are NPD, you either become one, too, or you become the CAREGIVER. Unfortunately, this also can mean that you're sometimes unwittingly attracted to the self-absorbed, because they're so familiar. *ugh* Just give them this quiz (http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-if-You-Are-Self-Absorbed) LOL.

Then stab them with an icepick.I think my ex husband might have been a bit NBD. He did over state his accomplishments sometimes and often blamed others for his lack of success. Doesn't quite fit into the mold though- he couldn't make a decision- often had to have some one or others agree or weigh in.

06-25-2014, 09:25 PM
I think my ex husband might have been a bit NBD. He did over state his accomplishments sometimes and often blamed others for his lack of success. Doesn't quite fit into the mold though- he couldn't make a decision- often had to have some one or others agree or weigh in.
Sarah is partly right in that the world throws around the term "NPD" a bit too casually, but even the world of psychology defines light levels as something that can be changed but they just don't want to -- again, though, usually it's just SELF-ABSORPTION. And, in this ego-driven world that we live in, filled with selfies and FB pages and blogs and tweeting each time they do anything, with some generations having grown up with cameras in their faces since birth so they've grown up thinking they're Kardashians in their own TV shows, we're breeding entire generations of self-absorbed people who expect instant success with no work just like on TV. But that's not the same as total self-absorption where there's no such thing as a "conversation" and they only talk about themselves and never about anything else, and seem to have zero awareness of anything outside of their own selves and the world seems to be there only for their own gratification, and they have very little empathy, etc.

Charmingly Miserable
06-26-2014, 12:29 AM
I still can't fucking poop.

06-26-2014, 12:34 AM
Bend over and I'll try pull it out.

06-26-2014, 12:59 AM
Pisses me off: I was my holding dog, today, because she got scared about something, I calmed her down and she was falling asleep in my arms, and then I turned and somehow I HURT MY BACK GAHHHHHHHHHH!

I don't know what the fuck I did but it was like somebody stabbed me, I think I pulled a muscle, I couldn't inhale without feeling like I'd broken a rib. I think it may have been some kind of muscle spasm. It FINALLY stopped this afternoon after about 6 Ibuprofen, a hot shower and some Yoga.

that has happened to me six times in as many months, and it usually lasts for at least a day, if not more. there was a whole week this spring that i could barely move/breathe because of it. i'm not sure what causes it (amongst my plethora of back problems) but it's horrible.

06-26-2014, 08:45 AM
that has happened to me six times in as many months, and it usually lasts for at least a day, if not more. there was a whole week this spring that i could barely move/breathe because of it. i'm not sure what causes it (amongst my plethora of back problems) but it's horrible.
It's still there this morning, ugh. Thanks for the advice, though, it's good to hear that somebody else has had this and that it goes away; hopefully it'll be gone by next week! I'm on vacation next week!

Sarah K
06-26-2014, 08:48 AM
i still can't fucking poop.



06-26-2014, 02:55 PM
i had a salad sitting out while i typed something here, and when i went to get it, a fucking fly had landed in it.
I tried to just wave it off, but he was halfway dead!
now i'm not so hungry, :(

06-26-2014, 03:51 PM
i had a salad sitting out while i typed something here, and when i went to get it, a fucking fly had landed in it.
I tried to just wave it off, but he was halfway dead!
now i'm not so hungry, :(

the face i just made in response to that would have made a baby cry. hahaha.

i hate salad. like, i really do. and i've tried to like it. but i just can't do it. being healthy is hard when you love food and you're a picky eater, so you won't make yourself eat things you don't enjoy (past trying them a couple times).

06-26-2014, 05:28 PM
the face i just made in response to that would have made a baby cry. hahaha.

i hate salad. like, i really do. and i've tried to like it. but i just can't do it. being healthy is hard when you love food and you're a picky eater, so you won't make yourself eat things you don't enjoy (past trying them a couple times).

i try to eat fish every year to see if i might like it...i'm pretty damn picky too, but i find that my tastes change.
my salads aren't healthy though, man...it's lettuce, a shitload of ranch dressing, bacon bits and about a cup of shredded cheese.

i wasn't, however, able to eat the dead fly.

06-26-2014, 06:31 PM
Having to put up with my family when we have friends over. Nobody seems to appreciate me doing/cooking anything for them, so we'll see how they like it when I do nothing at all :)

miss k bee
06-26-2014, 07:27 PM
Week off work and feeling lethargic since drinking an energy drink at work last week. Birthday next week as well yay!

Charmingly Miserable
06-26-2014, 11:07 PM

Fuck! I forgot about that. I remedied my non pooping status with a mocha frappuccino. Works 95% of the time.

Sarah K
06-26-2014, 11:12 PM
Oh mah lord. I'm going to come force-fed you.

06-27-2014, 10:45 AM
Having to put up with my family when we have friends over. Nobody seems to appreciate me doing/cooking anything for them, so we'll see how they like it when I do nothing at all :)

And tonight is another shining example of how shitty my family can get when I try to do ANYTHING at all for them. As much as I try to work together with them and get along, they still manage to drive a fucking wedge between myself and them and it results in me getting very worked up to the point that I come close to telling them to fuck off. I'm sick of this shit.

EDIT: So I just apologised to everyone involved that I sparked up at and admitted guilt for my actions and minor fuck ups, and in return got talked to like I was a piece of shit. The funny thing is I didn't get the shits and start yelling and screaming at them. I simply accepted everything they were hurling at me, told them "I'm sorry, I won't let it happen again" and that was the end of that. It's very rare for me to actually shut the fuck up and not get angry with my family, let alone apologise when they're the ones who cause me to lose my shit in the first place, so I'll at least take that as a sort of win on my part.

Space Suicide
06-29-2014, 11:27 AM
Seeing and reading that someone is so proud about getting someone fired from their job is loath-able. The person might have acted like an asshole while driving but cussing him out only made things worse to where he followed you into the gas station to shout back at you and then you get high and mighty because "How Dare HE cuss me out in front of the child in my car" and then you proceed to cuss him out like a hypocrite and then call his employer's manager because he was in uniform from leaving there previously. This girl was always a bitch but fuck. Despicable.

Sarah K
06-29-2014, 05:44 PM
Grandma is gone. I went to Pride and I'm too drunk to process right now.

06-29-2014, 05:49 PM
Grandma is gone. I went to Pride and I'm too drunk to process right now.
Sorry for your loss, hang in there...

06-29-2014, 08:02 PM
Grandma is gone. I went to Pride and I'm too drunk to process right now.

:( I'm sorry Sarah K

06-30-2014, 12:51 AM
Grandma is gone. I went to Pride and I'm too drunk to process right now.

:: all the hugs ::

06-30-2014, 07:07 AM
Grandma is gone. I went to Pride and I'm too drunk to process right now.

Sorry for your loss :( hang in there

Sarah K
06-30-2014, 08:05 AM
Thanks, guys. I feel like it hasn't really fully sunk in yet. I slept for shit last night. But I haven't cried or anything about it. Maybe because I've cried so much already. I dunno.

06-30-2014, 09:19 AM
Ugh, I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

06-30-2014, 09:51 AM
Thanks, guys. I feel like it hasn't really fully sunk in yet. I slept for shit last night. But I haven't cried or anything about it. Maybe because I've cried so much already. I dunno.
Sorry to hear.

06-30-2014, 03:22 PM
So sorry for you loss, Sarah K. *hugs*

06-30-2014, 04:33 PM
Well it's bonus time, and once again my piece of shit company fucks me over. They set the targets way too high, like unrealistically, ridiculously high this year for reasons beyond anyone I know, and now I'm getting less than the unionized employees that work below me get for their signing bonus. Plus as usual I get it on my regular paycheque so of course it's going to be taxed to shit. Any fuckin way this company can nickel and dime it's employees they will, no raise in years, I've fucking had it. I have a fun job with a ton of perks that hundreds of people would kill to have, so I try to keep that in perspective, but jesus I personally manage over 200 million in client money and they basically pay me in fuckin peanuts. Fuck them man, what a slap in the face.

Sarah K
06-30-2014, 07:28 PM
Grandma died AND a friend slit his wrists last night.


Charmingly Miserable
06-30-2014, 09:14 PM
Grandma died AND a friend slit his wrists last night.

Wow. Sorry for everything. Have a good cry tonight. You deserve it and you know how to hit me up if you need to.

Let me take a moment to tell you guys how much my ex husband pisses me off. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the asshole. My ex husband barely has a job and no transportation. He does not give me any child support. He could give a fuck less about his current situation because his girlfriend (who is as old or older than his parents) shuttles him around town or he takes the bus. Life is kinda shitty for him but he doesn't care because he gets high 24/7. He doesn't follow through on anything I ask and doesn't feel bad that I have to support our daughter on my limited income. He pisses me off to know end because he is a shitty father. I know you can say that at least my daughter has a father but you know what? I'm woman enough to be a mother and father to my daughter. Fuck my ex husband to hell and beyond.

06-30-2014, 09:45 PM
Grandma died AND a friend slit his wrists last night.

That's awful! I'm so sorry you're going through all this, Sarah. I know it's hard, but hang in there.

07-01-2014, 10:39 AM
Useless coworker talking about a "documentary" he saw about soldiers who were revealing what they knew about the World Government and how there's already bases on Mars for intergalactic expansion. Apparently they're using wormhole technology and the moon landings were faked. I'm sure he wasn't watching the X-Files and having an acid flashback to his days following the Grateful Dead around, it can't possibly be something to do with that.

07-03-2014, 07:05 AM
When working for a large company, after a little while it becomes apparent that its size is equally proportional to its inability to get its act together.

07-03-2014, 07:51 AM
So fucking true. Friend of mine works for DHL, it's frightening how much the right hand has no clue what the right hand is doing. They close agencies down, then cancel that because they didn't organize that right, they promote people to jobs that aren't fully defined, and generally have no clue what their bosses are preparing, and what their employees jobs entail. Terrifying, for such a large company.

Sarah K
07-03-2014, 09:17 AM

07-03-2014, 09:23 AM
ALL WEEK hillbilly asswipes have been blowing shit up in my neighborhood. And they aren't shooting fireworks...these are half sticks of dynamite by the sound of it.

Sarah K
07-03-2014, 09:39 AM
ALL WEEK hillbilly asswipes have been blowing shit up in my neighborhood. And they aren't shooting fireworks...these are half sticks of dynamite by the sound of it.


While growing up, one 4th of July, my neighbors FILLED an entire contractor sized garbage bag with acetylene. What they were planning to do with it, WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?! They were standing next to their A/C unit with said garbage bag when the A/C kicked on. Apparently this caused enough of a spark to ignite the acetylene. It blew windows out of our house, and fucked up their deck that they were standing under. They're lucky one of them didn't fucking DIE.

Also... Back when my dad was still drinking, we went to his crazy friend's house. I was young, like 7. I was tired and was inside sleeping. His dumb fuck friend then set off a grenade simulator that shook the whole house. I think this was the first time that I ever experienced having a panic attack. This is the same friend who took one of those large Christmas lights, said "HEY SARAH, WATCH THIS", dipped it in cocktail sauce, and ate it. I can't believe that he's still alive, or that I'm still alive after spending so much time with him.

07-03-2014, 06:56 PM
Just found out that my asshole grandpa will be staying with my parents the whole week and a half I'm in town to visit. He was abusive toward my mom/aunt/uncle as kids, said creepy/inappropriate things around me when I was a kid but now that he's old, is trying to be nice to everyone and act like he gives a shit which is too little too late in my book.

I've managed to avoid spending any significant amount of time with him in the last 8-10 years by living out of state/country but now it'll be impossible. Hopefully I can stay with my brother a few nights and maybe at my cousins for a night. FUCK. Just when I was actually starting to look forward to seeing my family instead of dreading it..

miss k bee
07-05-2014, 07:27 PM
Day before my birthday I attended an assessment day for a kind of internal vacancy and felt totally out of place as everyone seemed to be bright chatty young recent graduates 15 years younger than me. Me sweating in a trouser suit while other girls dressed in nice summery dresses. Two miserable group exercises and one horrible reasoning test later and I have never felt so old!. Thank god I had a rock festival to go and get drunk at after!

07-07-2014, 11:20 PM
Day two of cold turkey no smoking. So shit. I hate being a quitter.

07-08-2014, 09:52 AM
Day two of cold turkey no smoking. So shit. I hate being a quitter.

Don't think of it as quitting, think of it as saving your life. Not sure if cold turkey is the way to go. That didn't work for me. 7 years free of the nicotine.

07-08-2014, 11:20 AM
Naw it's definitely quitting and I am a huge failure. I fuckin hate non smokers, and I deserve the punishment of cold turkey. I will have quit for 10 years, and I'll still miss it and romanticize it in my head. I will always love it, but it needs to be done, so I'll get it done. I'm still leaving myself a one week allowance though. One vacation a year, I get to smoke for a week if I still want to. We'll see. But having that out there is what keeps me going right now. It's like the goal to countdown to. Those smokes are going to be so fuckin sweet when I earn them. I miss them so. But I've already made the decision to do this, so I'm not going to let them beat me. I own the smokes, smokes don't own me.

07-08-2014, 04:02 PM
Naw it's definitely quitting and I am a huge failure. I fuckin hate non smokers, and I deserve the punishment of cold turkey. I will have quit for 10 years, and I'll still miss it and romanticize it in my head. I will always love it, but it needs to be done, so I'll get it done. I'm still leaving myself a one week allowance though. One vacation a year, I get to smoke for a week if I still want to. We'll see. But having that out there is what keeps me going right now. It's like the goal to countdown to. Those smokes are going to be so fuckin sweet when I earn them. I miss them so. But I've already made the decision to do this, so I'm not going to let them beat me. I own the smokes, smokes don't own me.

Keep telling yourself that, but a little Wellbutrin and a lot of nicotine suckers really helped take the edge off psychologically and physically. Doing it alone is hard.

I had a nurse checking on me every couple of weeks. The best thing she every said to me was "put distance between urge and action". This means if you have that urge to light up and you're like "fuck it I can't takes this, just one", go take a walk around the block, you know, just do some thing. The urge will pass. Also, maybe not cold turkey, but cutting back slowly over a couple of weeks, eliminate the butts that aren't as important to you. Until you're down to that few that you just love (first in the morn, after a meal, etc.). I found so many I smoked was just from boredom. It was just something to do. I loved them too. Thought I'd never, could never quit. I try not to be the ass hole x smoker. Definitely have no high horse to get on.

07-08-2014, 06:05 PM
Coming home from the store (and a long day at work) to realize that I forgot something I needed.

I even made a list! But I didn't realize I was almost out so I didn't put it on said list. Irritating.

07-08-2014, 11:30 PM
i have now run into the FOURTH usage of the phrase "no homo" in the last week by someone i like or a friend of someone i like.
i'm trying to respond to this person on facbeook to explain why i'm upset, and facebook won't let me post anything. not a comment, not a status update on my own wall, nothing.

so not only am i fuming about this, but i can't do anything about it. :mad:

ready 2 post
07-09-2014, 08:13 PM
My boss telling that I can't use my earphones at my workstation because it's "anti-social", my office corresponds mainly via email or IM so you can imagine how much the stupidity of that rule baffles me.

07-09-2014, 09:56 PM
I went roller skating with my ten year old neices the other day. It's was a ton of fun, I used to be pretty good at it and really got the swing of it after a few times around, but shiiitzzzx. Two days later, I'm pretty sure I broke my groin muscles.

07-09-2014, 10:34 PM
i have now run into the FOURTH usage of the phrase "no homo" in the last week by someone i like or a friend of someone i like.
i'm trying to respond to this person on facbeook to explain why i'm upset, and facebook won't let me post anything. not a comment, not a status update on my own wall, nothing.

so not only am i fuming about this, but i can't do anything about it. :mad:
I'm away from my "progressive" Canadian hometown and staying in a really conservative part of my province. I know a bunch of people where I work and was shocked at some of the things they were saying. Mostly about gay rights and immigration. Made me want to go back home.

07-09-2014, 10:56 PM
Fireworks. One of my dogs still freaks out after sedatives while wearing a thunder shirt.

Also, the Indian consulate. I was supposed to leave on a trip in two days, but the consulate is just hanging into my visa application without processing it for no reason. It took my colleagues in Dublin a week to get theirs, but I've been waiting for a month. I'm convinced the consulate is keeping Americans out because of Duck Dynasty.

Halo Infinity
07-11-2014, 11:39 AM
When people think and say that it's weird, and/or that it sucks to watch old TV shows and movies, listen to old/older music and play old video games, and act as if everybody should always keep up with the latest things at all times.

Sarah K
07-11-2014, 04:06 PM
When my plans cancel two hours before we are supposed to meet.


07-11-2014, 04:34 PM
or, equally as irritating: when you talk about meeting up with someone for days, and they agree enthusiastically with you, and then the day comes, and you ask them what's up... and they're busy. every... single... time.

07-11-2014, 05:04 PM
ok my cousin jason, the fucking person who tried to fucking kill me, knocked my mother over and also stole upwards of 400 narcotic pills from her, impersonated my fiancee on the internet and said about 50 (literally) of the very worst things you can imagine (ie i am a crack whore and i feel so free that i can finally admit it), and called cps with an elaborate ridiculous web of lies to try to get my brother's daughter taken away...
was beating on my door, calling over and over, and crying to his mommy that we wouldn't let him in.

he left a message saying that he wanted to come by and "see us, just to hang out, no hard feelings..."

oh my DEAR god. and then his mother (who owns half of the family estate house where my fiance, mother and i live) called and said that we HAVE TO LET HIM IN NEXT TIME or she will make things very difficult for us.

WTF? this idiot is OUT OF HIS MIND. He hurt me and the people closest to me in exquisite ways and now he thinks it's cool to come plop his fat ass down to chill.

He thought he'd stop by because he was in town for a court date for FUCKING TRYING TO KILL ME. hahahahaha.

I'm all about forgiveness, but this one is HARD. shit, my MINISTER hasn't forgiven him!
If i didn't already have assault charges...oh my god, there's no fucking telling...i would have NO problem doing a few months for regulating on his ass.
Alas, i can't touch him or i will wind up in prison.

On top of all this, the POLICE filed their own restraining order on him...it's illegal for him to even be on our lawn. i would have just called the fucking cops but i'm afraid of what his mother would do to my mother.
Thankfully, my mother is scheming on just buying a new house.

okay, i'll shut up, if you read this, thanks for listening.

07-11-2014, 05:26 PM
elevenism : all of those things are horrific and I'm shocked you'd consider them "little things," that's an awful situation to be stuck in.

07-11-2014, 06:27 PM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) : all of those things are horrific and I'm shocked you'd consider them "little things," that's an awful situation to be stuck in.

ahhhh everything is little things, right?

07-11-2014, 07:26 PM
oh my DEAR god. and then his mother (who owns half of the family estate house where my fiance, mother and i live) called and said that we HAVE TO LET HIM IN NEXT TIME or she will make things very difficult for

uh... No.
Is she insane? Have you had a candid conversation with her, explaining exactly why that's not going to happen?

07-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Don't give into that emotional blackmail.

07-11-2014, 08:02 PM
ok my cousin jason, the fucking person who tried to fucking kill me, knocked my mother over and also stole upwards of 400 narcotic pills from her (...)

Okay, I know you live in Texas and that in many ways, Texas is "speshul" but aren't all of those things a felony and enough to put him in prison? Also, his mother is nuts.

07-12-2014, 08:23 PM
elevenism : all of those things are horrific and I'm shocked you'd consider them "little things," that's an awful situation to be stuck in.

It's like an episode of Cops.

07-12-2014, 08:47 PM
It's like an episode of Cops.

Indeed. And I'd give anything to watch Judge Judy tear a new one to Cousin Jason and his Mom. But seriously elevenism: you don't need that shit in your life. I hope you'll find some way to settle this.

As or what's pissing me off: the skunk that just pissed right under my bedroom window. Thank you so much; I really appreciate it.

sick among the pure
07-13-2014, 12:00 PM
People who say shit like this, and mean it.

"the slut decides AFTERWARDS that she didn't want it, and its a bleak picture for an average guy doing his thing."


"these driveling cunts that claim it after regret/popularity change/being found out or for revenge purposes should be scared. There should be a deprecation of that behaviour. There should be viable retribution."

07-13-2014, 06:34 PM
Really wish I felt better (well I feel better than yesterday) but fuck, I can't miss more work. Stupid body.

07-13-2014, 10:13 PM
thank you guys for caring...honestly i don't know WHAT the fuck to do in this situation.
His mother is nuts and so is he.

And yes, i could just call the cops on jason, but i don't know what his mother would do to my mother.

it's SO fucked up. my aunt used to be a bottom of the barrel drunk. she lived with us for free for years and all three of her kids were living with us when they graduated high school.

And now, brainwashed by fox news, she's ayn fucking rand.
it's truly baffling.

but yeah, we are going to speak to a lawyer. My aunt just keeps making vague threats like "things are gonna be real different if you don't do what i say." Oh, and also, "my lawyers have my back." She works as a paralegal.

so my mom plans to get a lawyer herself and find out exactly what my aunt can legally do to her.

07-13-2014, 10:19 PM
Okay, I know you live in Texas and that in many ways, Texas is "speshul" but aren't all of those things a felony and enough to put him in prison? Also, his mother is nuts.

sorry for the double post, but YES, it should have...but for one thing, i didn't get the fucking medical report in to the court in time, so the charge was only simple assault. it should have been attempted murder.

And for the drug stealing thing, idk, i guess they just charged him with one thing because they are so backed up here (one DA for five counties.)

Last time i got in trouble here i had two felonies and they dropped one of them from the get go, and as you guys know, i fought the other one.

Jason will be in prison before long. He is a sick person with a really nasty attitude. he thinks he can do whatever he wants. his dad killed someone and got off with self defense, and jason IDOLIZES his dad.

Jason will get what's coming to him.
I'm working on forgiving him.

07-13-2014, 11:27 PM
Huh... pretty sure this is the first time we've seen a tale of murder in "LITTLE things that piss you off"...

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-14-2014, 07:35 PM
Should I be worried when the thunder makes the whole damn house shake?

Oh, fuck it. The world is coming to an end.

I have dibs on that rock, dude. Find your own damn rock to live under.

Halo Infinity
07-15-2014, 10:48 AM
I still try to not let this aggravate me, and in most cases, it actually confuses me. Dealing with people that usually hate to explain anything and everything. I'll admit that it's more of my problem though, as I've noticed that I'm the type of person that often desires and needs to have things explained, especially when it comes to new things that I don't have any prior knowledge or experience of. I'm also the kind of person that needs to be told exactly how, what, and why when it comes to new things. I don't always see that as a lack of incentive though, but more of me needing all the necessary information for me to process as I'm like a fish out of water should I be left in the dark at any given time.

Granted, I understand, and I'm fully aware that it's still a weakness that I still need to work on, and it really does become frustrating from time to time, so I suppose that it would count in this thread in some ways. As for smaller things, the irritated reactions I've received for not getting jokes also got under my skin. (I had to face the fact that I'm often horrible at taking and making jokes anyway.) I don't think I care about it that much these days though, but at those exact moments, that also made me extremely angry.


Yes, I actually like dissecting and deconstructing jokes when I don't completely understand them. It doesn't kill the jokes for me at all, because a complete understanding of the jokes allows me to appreciate the jokes a lot more, while sparing me from any unnecessary moments of surprise and confusion. It's misunderstandings and obliviousness that ruin humor for me.

07-15-2014, 10:54 AM
Dealing with people that usually hate to explain anything and everything.
I always take this as a slap in the face from people who are showing a lack of even the slightest amount of patience when it comes to just talking to me. Part of me thinks, like you, it's me and my shortcomings in communication skils, another part of me thinks this is a product of our modern times where people don't seem to have the patience for ANYTHING these days. But when you stop and take a hard look at this kind of behavior it's really just plain old disrespect and you really should not have to tolerate it.

07-16-2014, 02:27 AM
I went to take a quick nap earlier after dinner, around 7:00 or so, and just woke up now at 12:15am. Fuck.

07-16-2014, 05:41 AM
it pisses me off that i have a drinking problem because sometimes i wanna get DRUNK.
even as i am trying to help other people with THEIR drinking problems, sometimes the fucking craving is SO GODDAMN....UGHHH.
I wanna have whiskey for breakfast like aggroculture .
But i would be utterly fucked. i'd keep drinking till i wound up in jail or thrown out or some shit.
The craving pisses me off, and the dreams...i'll dream i'm back in dirty dallas walking to the liquor store and fuck me, i wake up and it's just a dream, but half asleep i think "well i CAN go to the corner store and get some wine" and then i realize...no i fucking can't!
it sucks balls.

07-16-2014, 06:13 AM
Spin around in a circle really fast. It's kind of the same.

Sarah K
07-16-2014, 01:38 PM
The vegetarian/vegan people who NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

Fuck. I'm just going to start introducing myself HI I'M SARAH SOMETIMES I EAT MEAT

Nobody gives a SHIT!

Charmingly Miserable
07-16-2014, 01:58 PM
The vegetarian/vegan people who NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

Fuck. I'm just going to start introducing myself HI I'M SARAH SOMETIMES I EAT MEAT

Nobody gives a SHIT!

I'm a vegetarian, so.....

Hey, I have a joke: How can you tell the vegetarian/vegan in the room? Don't worry. They will let you know.

Sarah K
07-16-2014, 02:01 PM
Hah. Basically!

I mean, that's great and all. But I hate how with *some* people EVERY topic turns into being a vegetarian. Or they need to talk about it 10 minutes after meeting someone, etc, etc, etc.

I mean, I wish I had the willpower to be one. But I just don't.

07-16-2014, 02:01 PM
The vegetarian/vegan people who NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

Fuck. I'm just going to start introducing myself HI I'M SARAH SOMETIMES I EAT MEAT

Nobody gives a SHIT!

Given that I know LOADS of vegans who have cats and happily boil whole chickens for them...yeah. I see some being self-righteous as if it's not a choice. Sure, I see how my love of raw-ass bleeding meat may not be perfect, but it's not like you're some homosexual in Uganda.

Digital Twilight
07-16-2014, 02:07 PM
It's funny because for me it's the other way round. I'm vegetarian but I only mention it when it comes up naturally but when I do it's at that point that all the meat eaters need to tell me how much they love it and talk about bacon like it's just as essential as oxygen.

Sarah K
07-16-2014, 02:16 PM
It's funny because for me it's the other way round. I'm vegetarian but I only mention it when it comes up naturally but when I do it's at that point that all the meat eaters need to tell me how much they love it and talk about bacon like it's just as essential as oxygen.

I was just about to say how that is shitty as well. My sister was a vegetarian for like 8 years, and her father was always being a twat about it.

Charmingly Miserable
07-16-2014, 02:17 PM
I don't preach about it. I will occasionally say "meat is murder" but only for the sake of novelty, I guess. I don't have a problem with carnivores. I just wish that they wouldn't get weirded out by me. "You're a vegetarian, Marlina? But you're so fat. I don't get it."

Digital Twilight
07-16-2014, 02:37 PM
There's always assholes on both sides of the fence.

Digital Twilight
07-16-2014, 05:21 PM
I don't preach about it. I will occasionally say "meat is murder" but only for the sake of novelty, I guess. I don't have a problem with carnivores. I just wish that they wouldn't get weirded out by me. "You're a vegetarian, Marlina? But you're so fat. I don't get it."

Anyone who says that to you deserves to have their bollocks ripped off or punched in the boob.

Charmingly Miserable
07-16-2014, 09:26 PM
I mean, that's great and all. But I hate how with *some* people EVERY topic turns into being a vegetarian.

So then talking about how I plan to have sex for vegetarian/vegan rights in the fucking thread will just ruin the whole thing?????

There are so many better things to talk about. Like how I had a whole package of green olives for lunch. Or the million dollars I've spent in the last month at Ulta and Sephora. Or how eversonpoe and his fiancée are the cutest couple ever.

Anyone who says that too you deserves to have their bollocks ripped off or punched in the boob.
Just boob? Why not both? Go for the jugular.

07-16-2014, 10:21 PM
I'm a vegetarian, so.....

Hey, I have a joke: How can you tell the vegetarian/vegan in the room? Don't worry. They will let you know.

Add Gluten free and I'll really laugh.

Charmingly Miserable
07-16-2014, 11:05 PM
Speaking of gluten free, what really pisses me off is the influx of identifying menu items as gluten free at restaurants. I'm not against gluten free foods but I really wish that restaurants would get on board and list all of their food allergens. My daughter has a shitload of food allergies and going out to eat is quite a challenge. We end up going to the vegan restaurant 90% of the time. My issue is not with gluten free foods, it's with restaurants.

07-17-2014, 04:07 AM
The vegetarian/vegan people who NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

Fuck. I'm just going to start introducing myself HI I'M SARAH SOMETIMES I EAT MEAT

Nobody gives a SHIT!

True. What pisses me off is people who talk about their diet, whatever it is. No one ever cares. Its the same with dreams. However interesting you find your own, you don't give a shit about other peoples. No one cares about anyone elses diet or dreams. No one. And yet people still continue to talk about them.

Digital Twilight
07-17-2014, 12:14 PM
True. What pisses me off is people who talk about their diet, whatever it is. No one ever cares. Its the same with dreams. However interesting you find your own, you don't give a shit about other peoples. No one cares about anyone elses diet or dreams. No one. And yet people still continue to talk about them.

Yeah but people talk about what is important to them and what interests them. I bet you talk about loads of stuff to friends, collegues etc that they don't give a toss about. Some people actually do care about diets and dreams.

I have a friend who talks about their weightlifting training and gains on FB. Do I care if she benched this or that? No. But i'm certainly not going to rain on her parade just because i'm not interested, some people will be and if not it's still nice to be courteous and entertain the things that people care about.

Digital Twilight
07-17-2014, 12:16 PM
Just boob? Why not both? Go for the jugular.

As far as I'm concerened you are well within your rights to burn, maim, punch, kick, squeeze or twist any part of anybody who is that much of a jerk.

07-17-2014, 01:30 PM
So then talking about how I plan to have sex for vegetarian/vegan rights in the fucking thread will just ruin the whole thing?????

There are so many better things to talk about. Like how I had a whole package of green olives for lunch. Or the million dollars I've spent in the last month at Ulta and Sephora. Or how @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) and his fiancée are the cutest couple ever.

Just boob? Why not both? Go for the jugular.

awww shucks :o

seriously, though, everyone has the right to eat how and what they want, and no one should tell them what to do (unless it's directly affecting their health...like, don't let someone with a peanut allergy say "fuck you, i'm gonna eat ALL THE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!" because then they will die).

Sarah K
07-17-2014, 01:33 PM
Eating too many peanut butter cups would be a good way to go.

07-17-2014, 02:25 PM
When I was a pescatarian (before I discovered the delights of raw beef and wine) I used to tell creeps that hit on me that "I don't eat red meat".

07-17-2014, 03:04 PM
So we can't have a shitlist, we can't have a misogyny thread, even the fuckin jokes thread gets locked. What is ETS coming to these days? Is the only thing acceptable here now being sad and depressed? What about the laughter, people!

You might think this doesn't effect you. But where does it end, man? WHERE DOES IT END?

What's next? Soon Eleveno won't be able to post about his complex relationship? Hazekiah about his love for Transformers and Manson? Cashpiles about his love for... asian stuff? Kris will get post capped and only be able to start like two or three new threads a day?

I sincerely implore you to think about the dangerous direction this website is headed in and it's imperial and tyrannical regime. Do you really want to live in that kind of ETS? I think not good sirs.





07-17-2014, 04:01 PM
so i looked up my ex girlfriend and bandmate's website, and she went to the studio and recorded a bunch of songs we wrote together...but didn't give me any credit.
And she's playing said songs all over dallas...she's playing like three shows a month.

it pissed me off, although it is a LITTLE flattering that half the lyrics are about me. She probably tells the new bf she just wrote them and they are about him. Oh yeah, and i wonder if she has some new guitarist playing MY FUCKING GUITAR PARTS live!

But my girl had an idea...why don't i record the songs too? Why the hell not? I'll go play 'em too. We wrote them all together...they are half mine, damnit! :p

Charmingly Miserable
07-17-2014, 04:55 PM
Eating too many peanut butter cups would be a good way to go.
My daughter, Victoria Apple (yes, that's her name), is allergic to peanuts. She'll never know the joy of Reese's PB cups. Oh well. That means I don't have to share with her. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get mom of the year award for that statement.

07-17-2014, 10:50 PM
People who get HELLBENT on correcting everyone in a 10-mile radius when someone refers to their plugs (the ear accessories) as "gauges."

For fuck's sake, why does such a superficial, jargon-bred nickname for a thing matter THAT MUCH?

07-18-2014, 09:07 AM
The Age Of Digital Photography

First of all I'm not going to piss on the technology of digital photography. I personally think it's astounding in both quality and versatility. I also am in a business that builds parts that enable such technology. For me, it's the way society has "embraced it" that has me a bit put off. I'm also writing this based on last night's experience on date night with my partner and I which still has me a bit steamed.
After a nice little dinner we walked it off down at the lake waterfront and marina. The place has a nice little boardwalk and can get a bit crowded with tourists this time of year but that usually doesn't detract from the experience. It was sunset over the lake and the view, like almost any other night there, is gorgeous. The two of us really loved it. But what blew us away was how 90% of everyone out there on the boardwalk we either looking at the sunset through their phone lenses or setting up digital SLR shots (some people had actual tripods) for groups. I was wondering how many of these people were actually enjoying the experience for what it was and not how it was going to look on some social media site. I'm also blown away by how much of this I see at concerts. Phones up in the air and me wondering "is anyone actually watching the show through their own eyes?"
The best part came when the two of us found a nice spot to look out from which was apart from the snap happy tourists when we were interrupted by a woman in a straw hat with an SLR strung around her neck asking "could we possibly get a photo here without you two in it?". She apparently was trying to photograph a group who had shown up next to us to pose in front of the sunset. I responded jokingly (and slightly serious) that I was looking for ways to photo bomb them but we reluctantly moved anyhow.
So what I've come to realize is that photography in the digital age means just about ANYONE with a phone or a few spare bucks carries something that they feel they need to use to capture photos at just about every special moment. Sure, convenience is nice, but I recall photography being something of a hobby for some people and you'd see a couple of those folks here or there catching shots, not every single joe-tourist out on the town. On top of that, add the entitlement of people to "choose how the shot is done" while invading the freedoms of others to just enjoy themselves without having to be told to "please move out of our shot". Then I ask myself how many of these photos are actually going to be recalled as something nice as a memory to look back on or just another "Like" catcher on Facebook to say "hey we were here, isn't that awesome?" and then forgotten within a week. Maybe I'm an old fogey but good lord..

Sarah K
07-18-2014, 10:37 AM
How my period, WITHOUT FAIL, will rearrange itself to fall on my vacation. Every. Fucking. Time. If I don't have an event or trip coming up, it's like a goddamn clock. I know precisely what day it will start on. But if I have a vacation coming up, it's all like YOLO and will be sure that it is with me. It started a week and a half late this time! What a bitch!

Sometimes, I hate you, vagina.

07-18-2014, 12:06 PM
The Age Of Digital Photography

First of all I'm not going to piss on the technology of digital photography. I personally think it's astounding in both quality and versatility. I also am in a business that builds parts that enable such technology. For me, it's the way society has "embraced it" that has me a bit put off. I'm also writing this based on last night's experience on date night with my partner and I which still has me a bit steamed.
After a nice little dinner we walked it off down at the lake waterfront and marina. The place has a nice little boardwalk and can get a bit crowded with tourists this time of year but that usually doesn't detract from the experience. It was sunset over the lake and the view, like almost any other night there, is gorgeous. The two of us really loved it. But what blew us away was how 90% of everyone out there on the boardwalk we either looking at the sunset through their phone lenses or setting up digital SLR shots (some people had actual tripods) for groups. I was wondering how many of these people were actually enjoying the experience for what it was and not how it was going to look on some social media site. I'm also blown away by how much of this I see at concerts. Phones up in the air and me wondering "is anyone actually watching the show through their own eyes?"
The best part came when the two of us found a nice spot to look out from which was apart from the snap happy tourists when we were interrupted by a woman in a straw hat with an SLR strung around her neck asking "could we possibly get a photo here without you two in it?". She apparently was trying to photograph a group who had shown up next to us to pose in front of the sunset. I responded jokingly (and slightly serious) that I was looking for ways to photo bomb them but we reluctantly moved anyhow.
So what I've come to realize is that photography in the digital age means just about ANYONE with a phone or a few spare bucks carries something that they feel they need to use to capture photos at just about every special moment. Sure, convenience is nice, but I recall photography being something of a hobby for some people and you'd see a couple of those folks here or there catching shots, not every single joe-tourist out on the town. On top of that, add the entitlement of people to "choose how the shot is done" while invading the freedoms of others to just enjoy themselves without having to be told to "please move out of our shot". Then I ask myself how many of these photos are actually going to be recalled as something nice as a memory to look back on or just another "Like" catcher on Facebook to say "hey we were here, isn't that awesome?" and then forgotten within a week. Maybe I'm an old fogey but good lord..

I'm with you in this one. At Coachella this year, sometimes I'd have a hard time seeing through the sea of phones, cameras and iPads. It's got a name:http://www.npr.org/2014/05/22/314592247/overexposed-camera-phones-could-be-washing-out-our-memories. Photo-taking Impairment Effect. Wide swathes of people's memories are lost save for the photos they have of those moments.

I wouldn't have been as nice as you about moving out of their frame.

Charmingly Miserable
07-18-2014, 02:15 PM
My eczema on my hands is coming back on my hands. It makes my hands looks super sexy, ultra diseased and way old. Plus, I want to itch the hell out of it and peel the flaky skin. Way to go hands.

07-20-2014, 06:16 PM
People who assume they're prescient enough to know what you're going to say. It's even worse when they continue talking over you about what they decided you were going to say, even when you tell them they've got it completely wrong. Fucking hell.

This guy I'm staying with in LA is driving me nuts in a number of ways.

Frozen Beach
07-20-2014, 09:43 PM
People who come over to your house, pretending like they want to hang out when really, they just want to use your computer and eat your food. Icing on the cake is when they call somebody else to have a conversation about nothing important. Why fucking bother coming to my house if you're just gonna talk to somebody else? It's rude as fuck to go to somebody's house and ignore them like that.

07-21-2014, 11:23 AM
The misogyny thread.

Seriously, can that actually just be erased entirely from the forum, or does it get to sit there as a shining beacon of what the fuck is wrong with the world?

07-21-2014, 04:37 PM
These past few weeks have been exhausting and not the greatest. Between rehearsal eating my free time, a REALLY BAD time with OCD the weekend before last, miscommunications and navigating that shit when I just don't have the damn energy for any of it... ugh. UGH. And I have rehearsal tonight. I haven't slept at my own place since Thursday night. My next evening off is Weds and I have to spend that getting costumes for this show and ;lakfjas;lfkja;lfkja;lfj

07-21-2014, 05:23 PM
The misogyny thread.

Seriously, can that actually just be erased entirely from the forum, or does it get to sit there as a shining beacon of what the fuck is wrong with the world?

Absolutely not- let it be an example of what we do not tolerate here. I'm all for calling out bullshit when I see it.

07-22-2014, 10:49 AM
In a strange maybe temporary departure from not being able to keep food down, I now have a rhythmic electric shock like sensation going from my rib cage up to my chest. If it's not anxiety and depression it's my neuropathy or hey, Lamont, maybe this is the big one!
So. Much. Fun. Loving life!

Sarah K
07-22-2014, 10:52 AM
Ummmm, please go to the doctor and don't die. Thanks.

07-22-2014, 01:16 PM
I was just there last Wednesday. It's one of those three things. Probably.

Sarah K
07-22-2014, 01:38 PM
That was a week ago.


07-22-2014, 06:47 PM
If anyone here on Facebook follows NIN-ARMY you might remember they did that question submission contest for Trent and Josh Homme earlier in the year.

Apparently, having not gotten any notifications or email notices, won the second place prize of a signed poster. I just now am finding this out and I'm pretty sure there's no way I can obtain it now.

Charmingly Miserable
07-23-2014, 04:44 PM
kleiner352 Bummer!!!

First world problems: Can't find one of my ear pieces for my ear buds. My battery life on my iPhone sucks hard. I have to charge it at least 2-3 times a day. When does iPhone 6 come out?

07-23-2014, 05:34 PM
@kleiner352 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4417) Bummer!!!

First world problems: Can't find one of my ear pieces for my ear buds. My battery life on my iPhone sucks hard. I have to charge it at least 2-3 times a day. When does iPhone 6 come out?

It's all good, I'm actually getting it! Thanks sheepdean for being so awesome and helping me out.

Sarah K
07-24-2014, 08:27 AM
My brother frantically calls me this morning at like 5:00. He was at a park with his friends, in a cabin, SLEEPING. Someone called the cops because another cabin was being rowdy. They accidentally went to my brother's cabin. The cops then spotted alcohol, and gave them all MIP. Ugh. What the fuck happened to the days when the cops were like... "Everyone needs to leave, and if we have to come back, you're going to be in trouble"? Especially since they were goddamn sleeping.

Poor kid. My dad will probably be a little irritated, but my brother's mom will mostly likely LOSE HER SHIT.

Halo Infinity
07-24-2014, 12:30 PM
False, misleading or unrelated thumbnails on YouTube videos. Too many annotations on YouTube videos.

Charmingly Miserable
07-26-2014, 08:40 PM
So I get this LOVELY letter from Department of Child Support saying that my current child support will not change. What that means is that I'm gonna continue to get nothing from my ex husband, literally. He pays me ZERO dollars and ZERO cents in child support. Hooray fucking hooray.

Sarah K
07-26-2014, 08:44 PM
Ummmm... How?

Charmingly Miserable
07-26-2014, 09:02 PM
I have no fucking idea. He has a job but barely works at it. Still, he is not legally obligated to contribute financially to the welfare of his child. State of California and the Department of Child Support Services, you're awesome like that.

Sarah K
07-26-2014, 09:32 PM
There's nothing you can do to fight it or anything? That seems fucked.

07-27-2014, 12:30 AM
I have no fucking idea. He has a job but barely works at it. Still, he is not legally obligated to contribute financially to the welfare of his child. State of California and the Department of Child Support Services, you're awesome like that.
He's legally obligated. but deliberately hardly making hardly any money? You need a better lawyer.

07-27-2014, 04:21 AM
When no matter how much I try to be glamour I always fail.

Sarah K
07-27-2014, 04:31 AM

07-27-2014, 05:18 AM
Dealing with my siblings, that is all.

07-27-2014, 06:49 AM
Sarah K and tony.parente are prime examples of why this place is turning into shit.

07-27-2014, 07:16 AM
The Age Of Digital Photography

First of all I'm not going to piss on the technology of digital photography. I personally think it's astounding in both quality and versatility. I also am in a business that builds parts that enable such technology. For me, it's the way society has "embraced it" that has me a bit put off. I'm also writing this based on last night's experience on date night with my partner and I which still has me a bit steamed.
After a nice little dinner we walked it off down at the lake waterfront and marina. The place has a nice little boardwalk and can get a bit crowded with tourists this time of year but that usually doesn't detract from the experience. It was sunset over the lake and the view, like almost any other night there, is gorgeous. The two of us really loved it. But what blew us away was how 90% of everyone out there on the boardwalk we either looking at the sunset through their phone lenses or setting up digital SLR shots (some people had actual tripods) for groups. I was wondering how many of these people were actually enjoying the experience for what it was and not how it was going to look on some social media site. I'm also blown away by how much of this I see at concerts. Phones up in the air and me wondering "is anyone actually watching the show through their own eyes?"
The best part came when the two of us found a nice spot to look out from which was apart from the snap happy tourists when we were interrupted by a woman in a straw hat with an SLR strung around her neck asking "could we possibly get a photo here without you two in it?". She apparently was trying to photograph a group who had shown up next to us to pose in front of the sunset. I responded jokingly (and slightly serious) that I was looking for ways to photo bomb them but we reluctantly moved anyhow.
So what I've come to realize is that photography in the digital age means just about ANYONE with a phone or a few spare bucks carries something that they feel they need to use to capture photos at just about every special moment. Sure, convenience is nice, but I recall photography being something of a hobby for some people and you'd see a couple of those folks here or there catching shots, not every single joe-tourist out on the town. On top of that, add the entitlement of people to "choose how the shot is done" while invading the freedoms of others to just enjoy themselves without having to be told to "please move out of our shot". Then I ask myself how many of these photos are actually going to be recalled as something nice as a memory to look back on or just another "Like" catcher on Facebook to say "hey we were here, isn't that awesome?" and then forgotten within a week. Maybe I'm an old fogey but good lord..

It seems that for most people it's not important to experience things, but to be seen experiencing things by others.

07-27-2014, 10:50 AM

So I was wondering why all of a sudden every time I stand up after sitting or laying down for a few minutes I would get extremely light headed and lose my vision for a few seconds (seriously). Turns out my testosterone blocker (which is also a diuretic) is causing my blood pressure to go too low. Ugh. I just stopped it cold turkey until I can call my doctor on Monday. I'm not taking any chances.

The thing is, it bothers me because, even though logically I know it's only for a few days and my T is probably not going to come surging back in that time (and even if it did, it wouldn't make any difference for such a short amount of time) I still don't like the idea of my T levels going up. But the risk of fainting and even possibly dying is not worth it.

Frozen Beach
07-27-2014, 07:00 PM
Me and my friend's friendship is pretty much over. I'm tired of her controlling me and constantly begging me to do things I shouldn't have to do and don't always want to do. Like, she'd show up to my house (sometimes uninvited) then beg me to make her coffee, make her something to eat or even both. She'd beg me until I either gave in or said no. If I said no, she'd call me an asshole and made me feel guilty until I gave in. Whenever I called her out on this behavior, she'd apologize and say she'd never do it again. But it always ended up a lie. She'd go right back to doing the same thing, and I'd bite my tongue until it became annoying again.

It seems our friendship was always one sided. When she'd come over, all she'd do was get on my pc, browse facebook and listen to music. She'd only really converse with me when she'd go out for a cigarette or was drunk. All we ever did was what she wanted to do. Anytime I ever came up with an idea, she'd shoot it down.

Even when we'd have sex, it was when she wanted to. At first, things were fine, but then, she'd end up feeling me up and beg me until I gave in when I wasn't in the mood. When I'd ask if she wanted to have sex, she'd say no and that was that.

Today, things exploded. I've just had my fill of feeling like a servant and having all my time kidnapped by someone who doesn't seem that appreciative of me. Whenever I told her how I felt, she denied everything and proceeded to ignore me. Then, she decided to leave without actually trying to talk to me and understand.

I'm exhausted, unhappy and alone. I don't need this kind of shit to make me feel bad when I naturally feel bad because of depression.

Charmingly Miserable
07-27-2014, 07:12 PM
Me and my friend's friendship is pretty much over. I'm tired of her controlling me and constantly begging me to do things I shouldn't have to do and don't always want to do. Like, she'd show up to my house (sometimes uninvited) then beg me to make her coffee, make her something to eat or even both. She'd beg me until I either gave in or said no. If I said no, she'd call me an asshole and made me feel guilty until I gave in. Whenever I called her out on this behavior, she'd apologize and say she'd never do it again. But it always ended up a lie. She'd go right back to doing the same thing, and I'd bite my tongue until it became annoying again.

It seems our friendship was always one sided. When she'd come over, all she'd do was get on my pc, browse facebook and listen to music. She'd only really converse with me when she'd go out for a cigarette or was drunk. All we ever did was what she wanted to do. Anytime I ever came up with an idea, she'd shoot it down.

Even when we'd have sex, it was when she wanted to. At first, things were fine, but then, she'd end up feeling me up and beg me until I gave in when I wasn't in the mood. When I'd ask if she wanted to have sex, she'd say no and that was that.

Today, things exploded. I've just had my fill of feeling like a servant and having all my time kidnapped by someone who doesn't seem that appreciative of me. Whenever I told her how I felt, she denied everything and proceeded to ignore me. Then, she decided to leave without actually trying to talk to me and understand.

I'm exhausted, unhappy and alone. I don't need this kind of shit to make me feel bad when I naturally feel bad because of depression.

Yeah, you don't need that shit especially if you are not in a relationship.

07-28-2014, 07:47 AM
Me and my friend's friendship is pretty much over. I'm tired of her controlling me and constantly begging me to do things I shouldn't have to do and don't always want to do. Like, she'd show up to my house (sometimes uninvited) then beg me to make her coffee, make her something to eat or even both. She'd beg me until I either gave in or said no. If I said no, she'd call me an asshole and made me feel guilty until I gave in. Whenever I called her out on this behavior, she'd apologize and say she'd never do it again. But it always ended up a lie. She'd go right back to doing the same thing, and I'd bite my tongue until it became annoying again.

It seems our friendship was always one sided. When she'd come over, all she'd do was get on my pc, browse facebook and listen to music. She'd only really converse with me when she'd go out for a cigarette or was drunk. All we ever did was what she wanted to do. Anytime I ever came up with an idea, she'd shoot it down.

Even when we'd have sex, it was when she wanted to. At first, things were fine, but then, she'd end up feeling me up and beg me until I gave in when I wasn't in the mood. When I'd ask if she wanted to have sex, she'd say no and that was that.

Today, things exploded. I've just had my fill of feeling like a servant and having all my time kidnapped by someone who doesn't seem that appreciative of me. Whenever I told her how I felt, she denied everything and proceeded to ignore me. Then, she decided to leave without actually trying to talk to me and understand.

I'm exhausted, unhappy and alone. I don't need this kind of shit to make me feel bad when I naturally feel bad because of depression.

that sounds like a pretty good summary of the abusive relationship i was in for four years, except she LIVED with me (and never paid rent or bills except literally once).

do not, under any circumstances, let her back into your life. even if you think she has changed, even if she really seems like she has changed; manipulative people like that DO NOT CHANGE.

stay strong, my friend.

07-28-2014, 11:56 AM
bikers who don't obey the rules of the road that actually make sense for bikers to obey.

i don't stop at every stop sign, because that would be a horrible pain in the ass. i do, however, always slow down, and always try to go through the intersection at the same time as a parallel car so that i know i'll be safe and i'm not in anyone's way.
but i NEVER go through a red light. yeah, stopping sucks, but so does getting hit by a car or running into a pedestrian. it also gives drivers even more of a reason to hate all the bikers on the road, even those of us who are good riders and don't fuck around.
the number of irresponsible bikers on the road may not outweigh the responsible ones, but they're the bikers that drives notice, and they're the ones that fuel the fires.

on friday, i had to pass the same guy 7 times because i was riding considerably faster than him, but i stopped at every red light, and he stopped at NONE of them.
today, the same thing happened with a different guy. it's maddening. i shouldn't have to pass you over and over when i'm riding faster but you're running lights. it's just dumb. you're obviously not getting anywhere quicker than me.

07-29-2014, 05:21 PM
Left hand twitching after weed whacking the backyard. Fuck neuropathy.

Sarah K
07-30-2014, 05:55 PM
Friend just offered me 4 free tickets for the Steelers preseason game... While I'll be in Nebraska. :( :( :(

07-31-2014, 01:00 AM
Can't find a torrent for Sharknado 2.

Charmingly Miserable
07-31-2014, 01:01 AM
^Give it another day or so

08-01-2014, 06:56 PM
Already being filled with anxiety when the fire alarm goes off right after taking a shit. I learned today that tiny sundries are worth more than actively saving my life.

Joy Prevention Hotline
08-01-2014, 08:17 PM
"7 individually wrapped cakes" in a 2x4 box.

What purpose can that possibly have other than selling 7 cakes in a box that looks like it holds 8?

Marketing people should be strangled at birth, but I'll settle for a firing squad at dawn.

08-02-2014, 12:34 AM
I work overnights at a NOC and I go into work every night at 11pm. I get 3 miles from work and there's a simple lane closure where they were merging traffic from two lanes down to one. It took me 45 minutes to drive 3 miles. What the fuck.

08-03-2014, 04:49 AM
I work overnights at a NOC and I go into work every night at 11pm. I get 3 miles from work and there's a simple lane closure where they were merging traffic from two lanes down to one. It took me 45 minutes to drive 3 miles. What the fuck.
that was a facepalm of empathy.
Is there no light rail in SL?

Well, here's mine...i got pulled over by this asshole cop because my "music was too loud."
I think that the REAL reason he pulled me over is that he knows i don't have a valid driver's license.

Anyway i wound up with the no DL ticket as well as a fucking LITTERING ticket because he saw me drop a cig out the window.

I don't have the money to pay for this bullshit, so i guess i'm going back to jail.

08-03-2014, 05:56 AM
that was a facepalm of empathy.
Is there no light rail in SL?

Not near that direction really

I think that the REAL reason he pulled me over is that he knows i don't have a valid driver's license.

Get a drivers license bro, whats the deal?

08-03-2014, 09:52 AM
tony.parente ,
I'm gonna get the motherfucker tomorrow.
I had a ticket in dallas and was supposed to be on the docket.
I showed up for court and WASN'T on the docket. I didn't have the money for the ticket but i do now. I was hoping to sit it out.
Hopefully i can get the license before these other tickets go through

Joy Prevention Hotline
08-03-2014, 09:31 PM
CFL bulb in my bedroom burned out a week ago. It's in a spot that's really hard to reach, so I spent several days suffering in the gloom until I couldn't stand it anymore and changed the bulb.

Yesterday the new bulb burned out. I think I'll just get used to the gloom. :mad:

08-03-2014, 11:13 PM
The engine in my car blew, paid $900 to have a new to me engine put in. The guy replaced the timing chain, water pump, all the hoses, filters, plugs etc and put a new thermostat in.
That was about a month ago.

Now my car is leaking coolant.

From the water pump...sweet!

Space Suicide
08-04-2014, 01:32 AM
I HATE food snobs. Bunch of assholes, I'll tell you what.

08-04-2014, 08:58 AM
that was a facepalm of empathy.
Is there no light rail in SL?

Well, here's mine...i got pulled over by this asshole cop because my "music was too loud."
I think that the REAL reason he pulled me over is that he knows i don't have a valid driver's license.

Anyway i wound up with the no DL ticket as well as a fucking LITTERING ticket because he saw me drop a cig out the window.

I don't have the money to pay for this bullshit, so i guess i'm going back to jail.

well, it is littering. i'm sure your car has an ashtray or something that you could use to store your butts until you can get home and throw them away properly.

people who throw their cigarette butts on the ground, especially when they're still burning, is one of my biggest "little things" that pisses me off. whenever my fiancee and i are walking anywhere together and we see someone do it, we go out of our way to stamp it out and put it in a garbage can. there's just absolutely no reason to throw them on the ground.

08-04-2014, 02:02 PM
A couple of my roommates are getting on my nerves. One of them, M, is the main culprit. She fills up the sink with her dirty dishes and does not throw away excess food or even just wipe the dishes off and put them in the perfectly good dish washer we have. Once someone leaves any type of dish in the sink, it adds up quickly. I don't mind cleaning the dishes from time to time, but the sink stays empty for 2 or 3 days tops. I don't get it. It takes me less than 2 minutes to clean whatever dish I'm using and whatever I used to cook my meal with. To a lesser extent, I'm not a big fan of her personality. I guess that makes me judge-y, and I'm sure my personality could just be as grating. But I gotta rant. She plays her TV shows/music LOUD. Like way too loud. And way too early in the morning. I'm all for loud, but not at 9 in the morning, when I'm assuming everyone might be still asleep. She has a "loud" personality if that makes sense. She talks to herself and LOUDLY. She practically yells into the phone when she is talking. She is loud when her boyfriend stays over. I don't even know if they are having sex, I just hear her laughing and saying "stop!!". It sounds like they are having a tickle fight. She slams every FUCKING door. It's so annoying. And it's already broken part of our front door. Did I mention that she makes a huge mess in the kitchen and doesn't clean up? I'm just venting and probably blowing it out of proportion, but when someone annoys you, it tends to snowball and verge on hyperbole.

I've been here for a year and a half, and it's not the worst place I've lived, but I think I would be happier and function better living by myself in a studio or something or at least with a roommate who understands that you can't live in a pig stye

08-04-2014, 03:17 PM
Being poor and having a really crappy year, had to cancel my reservation for Defcon this year, booo!! It's the four days I totally look forward to every year. No drunken mischief and mayhem for me..fuckity fuck.

08-06-2014, 06:02 PM
People who can't park properly -_-

Halo Infinity
08-07-2014, 12:19 PM
It's a little thing indeed, but that's what this thread is for. :p

Being born late in the year. People keep thinking that you're either one year older or one year younger. (That is, at least from my experience.) I also seem to find birthdays around January-April or May easier to remember.