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09-26-2014, 09:15 AM
Rotten cough I've had all week and doesn't look like going away anytime soon. It's particularly bad when I wake up in the mornings and splutter nonstop for thirty seconds. I've had to wear a surgical mask at work so I don't infect anyone else. I'd love to chuck a sickie, but unfortunately I have to go as I need the money.

09-26-2014, 09:55 AM
I got sunburned last weekend at a concert and now my boobs are peeling. [emoji53]

09-26-2014, 10:11 AM
Spending an hour writing a reply to a post and not being able to post it because I've been automatically logged out as I forgot to click on the remember me box.:mad:

09-26-2014, 02:26 PM
$400 parking tickets. FML

Space Suicide
09-26-2014, 03:33 PM

This utter piece of shit for a human being.

09-26-2014, 03:57 PM

This utter piece of shit for a human being.
Ugh she isn't human, she's trash.

09-27-2014, 09:05 AM
The cold I have had for the past week needs to do one, it's annoying me.

Digital Twilight
09-27-2014, 01:47 PM
The people who you expect and should be there for you but never seem to be when the chips are down. Sometimes it's my fault for expecting things from certain people but on the flip side I'm always surprised about the people who show their love and support. It can come from the most unexpected places and from unexpected people.

09-27-2014, 04:21 PM
The cold I have had for the past week needs to do one, it's annoying me.

i've been sick since last friday morning, my wedding was last sunday, and i'm still sick. i've been taking anti-biotics for the last three days (besides all of the sinus medication i've been taking the whole time) and nothing has helped so far. hope you feel better!

09-27-2014, 05:14 PM
Took my vehicle to get the oil changed only to discover the front right tire needs to be replaced due to outer damage to the tire wall. I'm hoping it's hyperbole because I was warned the tire could blow out at any time. The right bump and poof!

Plus, I need to make a vet appointment because one of cats has a cyst that they won't stopped cleaning so there's an open scab that's growing. I need to take him in before the cyst bursts open.

09-27-2014, 06:44 PM
i've been sick since last friday morning, my wedding was last sunday, and i'm still sick. i've been taking anti-biotics for the last three days (besides all of the sinus medication i've been taking the whole time) and nothing has helped so far. hope you feel better!
Congratulations on the wedding, that sucks that you were poorly. I hope the antibiotics make you feel better too! I've just had 2 weeks worth as I had campylobacter poisoning, was feeling lots better but then caught this cold when I went back to work. It's not major in the grand scheme of things, but it is annoying me.

Big Fat Matt
09-27-2014, 08:45 PM
Overhearing a customer tell my boss "da man, ya know, is comin like haffin a hair on the long. Heee heee aaaah, he needs to be fire. he say that hes notta unnastannin me, comin like sayin its on the middow, he thinks its sayin like its comin on the middle, but im sayin is like a da same same on the middow"

An ESL population as 90% of your clientele is frustrating.

09-27-2014, 08:52 PM
I thought it was all in jest and quite lighthearted.

See also: If I have to stop you, I'm taking your heterosexual powers and giving them to @slave2thewage (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=89)
If I have to stop you, I'm taking your virgin powers and giving them to @Magtig (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=755)
If I have to stop you, I'm taking your vegan powers and giving them to @johnbron (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5)

If it were a few years ago, the name at the end of Leviathant's original sentence would be Christo, Mafu, or even me. I think someone suggested I become a moderator a couple of years ago and the admin and I let out a collective LOLNO.

There should really only be one Mother Superior on the board. ;)

09-29-2014, 04:19 AM
How literally and figuratively Point & Click we have become.
Photo of a child having cancer ? Point and click
Random social non-issue of the week ? Point, click.
New trend no should care about whatsoever ? Point, click.

It's become the knee-jerk reaction to everything, the more social medias are embedded in our environment, the less social we've become. Click to laud or click to blame, swipe right, swipe left. Please refrain from posting a meaningful comment / TL : DR.

Fuck this, I'm off to live in the woods and wrestle bears and boars.

09-29-2014, 07:40 AM
How literally and figuratively Point & Click we have become.
Photo of a child having cancer ? Point and click
Random social non-issue of the week ? Point, click.
New trend no should care about whatsoever ? Point, click.

It's become the knee-jerk reaction to everything, the more social medias are embedded in our environment, the less social we've become. Click to laud or click to blame, swipe right, swipe left. Please refrain from posting a meaningful comment / TL : DR.

Fuck this, I'm off to live in the woods and wrestle bears and boars.

i find it kind of sadly ironic that my first reaction was to click the "like" button >.<

Sarah K
09-29-2014, 08:10 AM
I hate it when people turn their facebook pages into advertisements for whatever stupid "business" they are trying that week. MAKE A SEPARATE PAGE. I don't care once in a while. You gotta promote yourself however. But when that is basically all that someone posts, nope.


Fuck off.

09-29-2014, 08:32 AM
I think FB is becoming a toxic part of our lives.
It's like we're constantly putting ourselves out there to be judged by everyone we know, every fucking day.
I just want to be me for a while, without everyone looking at me.
Month in Spain off the grid was fantastic: and every time I logged into FB it felt like some minor trauma.
I'm gradually trying to withdraw from FB, little by little.
I hope the tide is turning against social networks. It's becoming clear we overdid it.

09-29-2014, 08:55 AM
I don't know if we, users, overdid it, but every media jumped on that bandwagon and made things way too easy. Every site has these social icons, every "social" site links with the other ones. It's convenient, and it's also the most meaningless grid of information ever, facebook relays of tweeting copies of tumblr pastas of reddit reposts of whatever regurgitating clickbait façade, in a giant circlejerk of empty validation. I must be old, I am in fact... But it's frighteningly vain and empty. We're not even expressing ourselves anymore, we're forwarding echoes of things in which we are remotely invested or interested.
And on every corner, that fucking "like" button, in one form or another. That's just the nail on the coffin to me. We end up making posts in the hopes that someone will take a nanosecond of brain time to validate who we are, even when all we did was relay a gif of a cat falling off a couch.
But as I said, I'm old, and remember a time when if you liked what someone posted, you replied to that shit. Your reaction, and the time you took to formulate a comment or response, was your way of saying the aforementioned post was significant enough to elicit a response...

Sarah K
09-29-2014, 09:04 AM
I dunno... I mean, I still enjoy facebook a lot. ESPECIALLY now that I'm far away from home. It's nice to see what my friends back home are up to. There are only a few really close friends that I keep in touch with via texting/phone calls. Everyone else, I rely on facebook to keep up with. It's also like the only way I keep informed of events and such coming up.

09-29-2014, 09:13 AM
Yeah well, broad statements and yelling at clouds was never symptomatic of absolute truth :D
But honestly, I love my friends when we're out having fun or gathered around a barbecue, taking the piss out of each other.
The shit they post on facebook though ? Hours of facepalm. I'd log off even if I was stranded alone on a deserted island with a deflated soccer ball.

09-29-2014, 09:20 AM
And on every corner, that fucking "like" button, in one form or another. That's just the nail on the coffin to me. We end up making posts in the hopes that someone will take a nanosecond of brain time to validate who we are, even when all we did was relay a gif of a cat falling off a couch.

I agree the like button is the worst. I've started to stop liking things.
I think in the long run FB shows people in bad light: people are whiny, braggy, ranty on FB. I start to dislike people I never had a reason to before. People are monotonous too: you start to see that they always say the same things: the Marxist always posts Marxist shit; the self-promoter is always self-promoting; this one is always sick and has to seek sympathy; etc.

It's a waste of time. An addictive waste of time, though.

It's also like the only way I keep informed of events and such coming up.

This is scary to me, because I see now that many things are only on FB, and I would miss a bunch of stuff otherwise. So it has made itself indispensible to us. I'm new in a small town, and am home alone most of the time: so FB becomes my go-to for social life, and on some level I resent this, because in order to get the good stuff, I expose myself to the shitty aspects of FB.

09-29-2014, 10:37 AM
I agree with the Facebook thing: it's getting out of hand (and to think that FB is just the "beginning").
I took my FB down a couple of months and i was surprised how dependent i'm of the thing: news, entertainment, "social" and chat, it has become more of a crutch than a tool... "nobody" has see "nobody" anymore, it's always easy to have them on facebook and PM them...
I hate the fact it has created us a false necessity of "connecting" every day, i hate that people love to post their very life in there but get paranoid of the possibility someone "unwanted" would watch it...
Hate how companies and job interviewers have realized how important is for us and use it for their advantage...
Mostly: I hate the fact that nobody pays attention anymore, even if you had a "voice" is irrelevant and just becomes part of the big "white noise" of the net...


09-29-2014, 11:29 AM
You know nobody is forcing you to post this shit?

09-29-2014, 11:47 AM
You know nobody is forcing you to post this shit?
As nobody is forcing you to read it, my friend...

Just a rant as i posted above, it looks like the right place to do it...

Halo Infinity
09-29-2014, 12:10 PM
How literally and figuratively Point & Click we have become.
Photo of a child having cancer ? Point and click
Random social non-issue of the week ? Point, click.
New trend no should care about whatsoever ? Point, click.

It's become the knee-jerk reaction to everything, the more social medias are embedded in our environment, the less social we've become. Click to laud or click to blame, swipe right, swipe left. Please refrain from posting a meaningful comment / TL : DR.

Fuck this, I'm off to live in the woods and wrestle bears and boars.
I'm so glad that you've noticed as I've always dealt with this when I'm on Facebook. I've always tried my best to not spam or flood people's walls, and I certainly didn't troll or flame, but whenever I tried to get into an actual conversation, I'm either ignored or end up having my posts deleted or hidden. The worst was when people got annoyed even when I wasn't making excessive and disruptive and personal posts, or posting anything offensive and inappropriate as a means to instigate. I'm also big on sharing pictures and videos, but unfortunately didn't realize that there are sometimes a lot of people that hate it, or just aren't into that.

I'd also understand if they don't want to see too many things on their walls, but if they don't want anybody else posting on it, or even most people posting on it, they might as well just disable friends from posting. I never saw a real probably with it, especially when the posts don't fall under flooding, spamming, trolling and flaming. I also thought that I could share pictures and videos with other users that share pictures and videos, but it seems best to just keep your own findings and posts on your own wall. It seems like most people just want their own stuff on their wall, which is fine, since profiles are mainly about the person, but as I've said, it just makes me wonder why they don't disable other users from posting outside of making responses to their own posts.

That would be like me not wanting any private messages and visitor messages without turning them off, especially when that option is available. As for the lack of reading and writing, I also think it's because the majority of them use smartphones, and it's harder to type longer messages on them.

(That is, aside from people that also can't be bothered to converse on an actual PC too, and of course, I mean this outside of the variables regarding real time constraints. I have considered apathy though, so I still try to consider what people are into, or not into. Posting stuff people don't care about would be where I'd admit it's my fault, but I also wished people were more direct with what they're not into. That's what I actually like about forums, since people are more direct about their opinions and personal preferences so it makes it a lot more easier to see who likes/dislikes this or that.)

Anyway, I'm just glad you pointed this out, since I've noticed this ever since I was on Facebook since at least 2011 even though I was on it since 2008. It didn't seem to happen as much when Facebook got started.

Short Version: Yeah... I don't expect that much or any actual real conversations on Facebook, and just keep my own stuff on my own wall... most of the time... but I still prefer forums for real conversations. I don't mind how long or short they are either.

09-29-2014, 12:58 PM
Self-righteous pricks.
Oh and the fact that sometimes it's impossible to have a rational discussion with a friend if the boyfriend/girlfriend is in the same room,because they feel it's their obligation to try and reiterate every sentence my friend says or even try to stop you from stating your reasons because you ''You don't talk to my honey-boo like that''.
Agh, even typing the situation makes me angry.A couple months ago,one of my friends started fucking with a glass of milk I was drinking to the point of actually spilling it all over my clothes.I told him to ''watch it'' in a friendly manner and her girlfriend tried to make me apologize for my tone and actually made a big deal of it.
Fucking couples,man. That and the fact that we accept it when it's just pure tribalism.Or am I overreacting?

Halo Infinity
09-29-2014, 01:19 PM
@Maul (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1881) - I've just learned to just put up with it or walk away from it, since it's impossible for everybody to get along at all times, despite how cool/sweet it would be if everybody was always chill. I totally get what you mean though, but I learned the hard way that you could actually lose friends over that. It was also my mistake for expecting objectivity in those types of situations and that they'd appreciate me exchanging ideas and opinions about how to improve our bonds, or me trying to fix everything. Looking back at it though, it really was an ignorant and stupid mistake on my part, since they're obviously more likely to side with their lovers. I also didn't realize that trying to fix everything also drives people away, or even causes more fights. This can also apply to friends being friends with people that couldn't really be your friends too, as they'd also be more likely to roll with the larger group, or the friend that they'd get more out of, should it be just one other person than yourself.

It just added yet another reason why as to how and why I end up alone sometimes, especially when it's not by choice.

09-29-2014, 01:40 PM
So...my best friendship of 14 years is ending. That sucks. I mean, that's an understatement. It's been awful. And then, on top of that, I realized today that I am almost certainly going to need to stop my hormone treatment, even though I absolutely do not want to right now. But for a variety of practical reasons there's just no way I can see continuing this now. Like, I'm really going over this in my head and there's just absolutely no way around it, I have to stop the hormones. And that could delay my transition by a year or even more.

One of these things happening would be bad enough. Both happening at the same time is just awful. I'm already dealing with pretty severe depression and this is just...this is too much. I feel like freaking out but I'm at work so I have to keep my cool.

Oh, and of course I'm at work, so I have to spend the next three hours ruminating on this while also being at this awful place. Ugh.

09-29-2014, 02:05 PM
As nobody is forcing you to read it, my friend...

Just a rant as i posted above, it looks like the right place to do it...

Nobody is forcing you to post this shit, read this shit, like this shit ON FACEBOOK. You know, the topic at hand. We're not shackled and bound to making Facebook posts.

If it irritates you to do it, to see it, then don't. We're not victims.

But assuming that I was talking directly to you just because my post followed yours may be symptomatic of what I'm trying to say.

09-29-2014, 04:44 PM
Nobody is forcing you to post this shit, read this shit, like this shit ON FACEBOOK. You know, the topic at hand. We're not shackled and bound to making Facebook posts.

If it irritates you to do it, to see it, then don't. We're not victims.

But assuming that I was talking directly to you just because my post followed yours may be symptomatic of what I'm trying to say.
Ok, my bad, sorry ;)
Not trying to "victimize", as i said: just "ranting", sorry for the confusion ...as for "irritating", maybe you should take some of your own "advice", it was a misunderstanding so it's better just to chill...

On topic: Hate when my comic books get wet but what are you going to do? i take them to the bathroom all the time...

09-29-2014, 06:28 PM
@Maul (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1881) - I've just learned to just put up with it or walk away from it, since it's impossible for everybody to get along at all times, despite how cool/sweet it would be if everybody was always chill. I totally get what you mean though, but I learned the hard way that you could actually lose friends over that. It was also my mistake for expecting objectivity in those types of situations and that they'd appreciate me exchanging ideas and opinions about how to improve our bonds, or me trying to fix everything. Looking back at it though, it really was an ignorant and stupid mistake on my part, since they're obviously more likely to side with their lovers. I also didn't realize that trying to fix everything also drives people away, or even causes more fights. This can also apply to friends being friends with people that couldn't really be your friends too, as they'd also be more likely to roll with the larger group, or the friend that they'd get more out of, should it be just one other person than yourself.

It just added yet another reason why as to how and why I end up alone sometimes, especially when it's not by choice.

Those are exactly my thoughts on the matter,although not as well articulated.Thanks for the advice,it's a shame you actually have to learn it the hard way.

Halo Infinity
09-30-2014, 11:25 AM
@Maul (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1881) - You're welcome, and it's nice to see that you also see where I'm coming from. I suppose I'll leave it with one more thing. It also didn't help that openly tried to discuss how good, bad, right and wrong people could be. That kind of topic seemed to inevitably come up whenever I kept trying to fix everything. Those are fighting words no matter how indirect or tactful you try to be, even if you're actually making an attempt to bring up positive aspects and qualities about somebody's personality.

And well, I suppose that's also a matter of common sense too. (Which also made me feel stupid after realizing that very late in life among other things.) At very the least, it made me look very judgmental, which still causes nothing but more problems. The older I get, the more I learned how to bite my tongue and walk away. At this point, being called too quiet doesn't bother me anymore because of those experiences where I'd often say one word too many.

And it's yet another thing that also makes me want to be alone from time to time as well. Even if life can get lonely, sometimes peace and quiet is all I'd need.

10-01-2014, 08:45 AM
More FB woes. The whole "Other folder" thing. If you contact someone you're not friends with, the message goes into an "Other folder": the person does not even get a notification that you emailed them.

But if you want to pay FB will deliver the message right into their inbox. What in the fucking fuck.

I just discovered a message someone had sent me in April.
Also, I'm writing to people and they won't even know.

Joy Prevention Hotline
10-01-2014, 06:39 PM
Dental x-rays — the damn thing does not fit in my mouth. I wanna find the guy who designed that and see if my fist fits in his mouth. :mad:

Honestly, I can take the pain of a filling without anesthetic (which has earned me some notoriety with my dentist), but that hunk of plastic digging into the roof of my mouth is unbearable. They have to do multiple takes because the damn thing moves around. And today I had the five-year full mouth thing, so it was even more drawn out…

The only saving grace is they do the x-rays first and then move on to the ordinary torture devices. That ultrasonic water thing is a relief after the x-rays from hell.

10-01-2014, 07:43 PM
Can they do your X-rays with the kid-sized ones?

Joy Prevention Hotline
10-01-2014, 08:48 PM
Can they do your X-rays with the kid-sized ones?
They tell me I'm not the only one who has trouble with the x-rays, so you'd think they would use the smaller kind on everyone if they could. Maybe it's just too small to get a good picture of adult-sized teeth.

10-02-2014, 09:42 AM
$400 parking tickets. FML

When we were in London in 2007 our car got towed away and impounded and we had to pay £260 to get our car back. Then when we were in Brussels on a short stop in our European road trip we got a parking fine but we drove out of the city. We sold our car when we got back to London and didn't have to pay our fine!

10-02-2014, 01:31 PM
Re: Facebook
I found that using browser extensions has greatly improved my experience. No longer do I see annoying ads or "like" enhancements on other sites. It also helps to follow people that you would enjoy face to face. (I know family is another issue, hence the hide button.)

the duder
10-02-2014, 02:30 PM
My grandma is on her deathbed. She's nearly 91, and in great spirits on the way out. I called in a substitute for tomorrow and Monday and will be flying back to PA tomorrow morning. For some reason, I'm really irritated that my girlfriend is not making the trip with me. Although she has only met my grandmother, and most of my mother's side of the family just once, I think it's kind of a shitty thing of her to not come. We talked about it last night, and I got over it by the morning. Then, I spoke with my dad this morning, and he asked if she was coming along. I said no, and I was kind of frustrated. He voiced the same opinion. Her family lives less than 3 hours away and comes down very, very frequently. Mine lives 8 hours away. We barely get to see each other. Just kind of wish she would try to see how just being there would help my mom, who is losing her mom.

10-02-2014, 04:01 PM
I'm so sorry. :::hugs::: I wonder if it makes her really uncomfortable being there at such a highly personal time for your family, since she hasn't spent much time with them. She also might not handle death/grief well in general. Just thoughts...

10-02-2014, 05:02 PM
i have accomplished (essentially) nothing today. i didn't do anything i wanted to get done, and i didn't even enjoy myself relaxing. i'm not feeling depressed, just completely unmotivated, and i find that extremely unsettling.

10-02-2014, 06:20 PM
@theduder. I agree with jessamineny. Some people aren't really good around death.

10-02-2014, 07:43 PM
If this is a life partner, tough shit, get over it. You'll be facing all of your family's deaths together so you might as well get some practice, now. Grow up and support your partner and his family during this difficult time.

@theduder, it's too bad she's not mature enough to see it this way. My condolences during this tough time. Grandma had a good long life, glad you'll all be there with her when she crosses over. Hold and support each other, Grandma will be watching and loving you all from the other side. :-)

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 10:52 PM
Check this out... Haha. There is a guy I used to bang. The only guy I've banged since being in NY! We stopped in May. Just some life happened, and then I ended up liking someone else. Like, a lot. So we continued to NOT bang. We would still chat once in a while. Hang out sometimes. Whatever. He's been a good friend outside of the banging. Been there during some fucking ROUGH times when I first got here.

So tonight, after not speaking for a while(not due to an argument or anything, just both of us living life, and him obtaining a girlfriend), he starts texting me. I engage him. Do the small talk stuff. He asks about the guy. I explain that it went downhill in a hurry. I ask how his relationship is going. Talk about work, boring stuff, etc. He asks why we never dated. I state it is because I never viewed him like that. He was fun and a good friend, but not someone that I would take seriously in a relationship or anything. He gets a little annoyed. I tell him he's being weird. Then this:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10382447_10153204554938082_2589101331033761995_n.j pg?oh=dfc80095ade4bc5479b50d2bd3f5fac8&oe=54CFD60B&__gda__=1423001972_0a94bcf174d714acfdeb78a558129d2 1
Alittle bit of back and forth. Me suggesting that we just drop the conversation and readdress at a later time, or just move on from one another completely.


That 11:00 message is REALLY ANGERING ME the more I go over what that could possibly fucking mean. :mad:

10-02-2014, 10:55 PM
You said: "but not someone that I would take seriously in a relationship or anything."

Which was probably something that he considered something that didn't need to be said at this point (it hurt his feelings), hence you "speak your mind?"


10-02-2014, 10:57 PM
"This is a retarded conversation"

I loled.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:00 PM
He never even responded after that, so I don't know what in the fuck the issue is. I'm just leaving it at that for now. It just seemed really fucking weird and out of character for him. So I'm not exactly sure what is going on there.

He asked me a question. I answered the question. He didn't care for my answer, and got really weird about it... I dunno.

10-02-2014, 11:01 PM
Sometimes, especially after having been in a fuckbuddy relationship with somebody for a while, I find equivocating to be most useful.

Avoids this kind of bullshit.

10-02-2014, 11:03 PM
The worst part is that he's in a relationship. I would be telling his significant other immediately.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:04 PM
My intention was for sure not to hurt his feelings. But I'm not going to lie about something, either. I mean, we've known each other for almost a year. He knows how I am... He knows if he asks me a question, I will answer it honestly.

Like I said, he's been a good friend. Probably one of the people I've been closest with since moving. So it's not like I set out to hurt his feelings or anything like that. I appreciate him.

They are poly, Tony.

10-02-2014, 11:04 PM
The worst part is that he's in a relationship. I would be telling his significant other immediately.

yeah, because that's so useful.

10-02-2014, 11:05 PM
They are poly, Tony.

You hang out with some weird ass people lmao

10-02-2014, 11:06 PM
My intention was for sure not to hurt his feelings. But I'm not going to lie about something, either. I mean, we've known each other for almost a year. He knows how I am... He knows if he asks me a question, I will answer it honestly.

Like I said, he's been a good friend. Probably one of the people I've been closest with since moving. So it's not like I set out to hurt his feelings or anything like that. I appreciate him.
The way you WORDED it was perhaps not the way you intended. "but not someone that I would take seriously in a relationship or anything." That kinda comes across negatively. Pretend somebody is saying that to you.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:08 PM
You hang out with some weird ass people lmao

Don't be that fucking person.

10-02-2014, 11:08 PM
yeah, because that's so useful.

If they were in a normal relationship where cheating is bad, it would be extremely useful to the girlfriend.

@Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/members/3236-Sarah-K) Sorry.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:10 PM
The way you WORDED it was perhaps not the way you intended. "but not someone that I would take seriously in a relationship or anything." That kinda comes across negatively. Pretend somebody is saying that to you.

Possibly. I dunno. I'm just not one to hide what I feel very often. He knows this. Maybe he's got something negative going on right now. I dunno. Oh, he also said it is his birthday tomorrow and asked if we could do something Saturday. I told him I had an important football game to watch, and wouldn't be available until like 2:00am. Haha. Maybe that had something to do with it, too.

10-02-2014, 11:13 PM
Possibly. I dunno. I'm just not one to hide what I feel very often. He knows this. Maybe he's got something negative going on right now. I dunno. Oh, he also said it is his birthday tomorrow and asked if we could do something Saturday. I told him I had an important football game to watch, and wouldn't be available until like 2:00am. Haha. Maybe that had something to do with it, too.
Also, he's saying that he whispered "this is mine" to you during sex. This sounds rather intimate. Is he implying some kind of feelings, there? Which you just shot down?

You can be honest, but maybe not so BRUTAL about it? Maybe a little more nice while being honest? :-)

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:18 PM
He never said anything. I mean there have been some possible hints here and there. But for the most part, he's always been honest with me, as well. So, I guess I just felt like I'm not going to play this game where I have to decipher the hidden meaning in your words. Either tell me what you want to say to me, or don't.

Also, I am extremely guilty of the whole "We are getting too close, so let me unconsciously push you away" thing. But I never really felt as if I was doing that to him. But maybe I was. These last few months have kind of been a blur of really weird circumstances and events in my life.

10-02-2014, 11:20 PM
That 11:00 message is REALLY ANGERING ME the more I go over what that could possibly fucking mean. :mad:

that is fucking creepy. "this is mine. i meant it." so he thinks he owns you? what the hell? there's a difference between playfully "claiming" something that belongs to a sexual partner and acting like you actually own them. ditch that weirdo, dude!

10-02-2014, 11:40 PM
It's pillow talk in a poly fuckbuddy relationship, I hardly think he meant it literally.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:46 PM
Yeah. I think he was kind of aiming for "Look at how much of a Dominant I am. So Domly Dom Dom". But like... no.

10-02-2014, 11:47 PM
You posted it on Facebook? I take it you have no intention of being friends with him anymore? ;)

10-02-2014, 11:49 PM
It's pillow talk in a poly fuckbuddy relationship, I hardly think he meant it literally.
I read it more as a dom statement more than an intimate statement.
EDIT: Yeah, what sarah said.

Sarah K
10-02-2014, 11:53 PM
I posted the part that was basically like "I hate that you speak your mind" and I said that was stupid. Because that is hilarious. And then the last bit. But that's it. Our conversation took place over texting.

10-02-2014, 11:58 PM
Yeah. I think he was kind of aiming for "Look at how much of a Dominant I am. So Domly Dom Dom". But like... no.
But he "whispered" it and he doesn't think he ever told you? He's not very good at this. He's a Bottom dom.

Sarah K
10-03-2014, 12:02 AM
lolololol. Yeah. He was interesting. He was always whispering shit. Which, I never really gave it much thought in the moment. But now I'm giggling about it.

Most of them aren't very good at this, though. Haha.

10-03-2014, 12:03 AM
(God I'm glad I'm not fuckbuddying in my 20s anymore.)

10-03-2014, 12:07 AM
Being so broke, you have to wait 'til your check is deposited in order to eat.

Sarah K
10-03-2014, 12:08 AM
I'll be glad when it's over, too. In fact, it HAS been over! Since May! So this is all extra stupid.

10-03-2014, 12:11 AM
Being so broke, you have to wait 'til your check is deposited in order to eat.
That really sucks.

10-03-2014, 12:37 AM
That really sucks.Yes, but see "LTTCYU" thread. :)

miss k bee
10-03-2014, 04:58 AM
Bored shitless in Berlin. I need better friends!. Enough of this fb shit

10-03-2014, 05:06 AM
Bored shitless in Berlin. I need better friends!. Enough of this fb shit

Yeah, it's not like Berlin is one of the most beautiful, cultural, and movingly historic cities on earth or anything.

miss k bee
10-03-2014, 05:11 AM
Yep and it's a bank holiday here so half of Germany must be pissed already. Unfortunately my fb friend who lives here does not drink and hates crowds... FML

10-03-2014, 05:53 AM
So instead of sitting around whining about how bored you are go and DO SOMETHING


10-03-2014, 05:53 AM
There's a Bundesliga match in Berlin tonight, maybe you can entertain yourself.

10-03-2014, 06:30 AM
If they were in a normal relationship where cheating is bad, it would be extremely useful to the girlfriend.

@Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/members/3236-Sarah-K) Sorry.

Poly does not equal abnormal relationship. o_0

10-03-2014, 06:39 AM
that is fucking creepy. "this is mine. i meant it." so he thinks he owns you? what the hell? there's a difference between playfully "claiming" something that belongs to a sexual partner and acting like you actually own them. ditch that weirdo, dude!

From knowing her orientation, I would assume that their relationship was within a BDSM paradigm. Ownership over a partner's sexuality and body is extremely common -- whether it's role-playing in the moment or, for all intents and purposes, actual within a 24/7 relationship. When consensual, it's not creepy or weird at all.

10-03-2014, 06:53 AM
It is when you've split up with them and say "even if you find someone else and get married you will always be mine". That's just wanktard.

miss k bee
10-03-2014, 06:58 AM
Will go out for dinner later. Transport disruptions because of holiday as well. Bit difficult as not staying in Central Berlin.

Sarah K
10-03-2014, 07:48 AM
From knowing her orientation, I would assume that their relationship was within a BDSM paradigm. Ownership over a partner's sexuality and body is extremely common -- whether it's role-playing in the moment or, for all intents and purposes, actual within a 24/7 relationship. When consensual, it's not creepy or weird at all.

That. It wasn't the words so much as the context. Me being like "maybe it is best to just end it" and him being all like ARGH MY PUSSY I DON'T CARE IF YOU SETTLE DOWN. Like, I don't mind shit talking during sex. But our dynamic never once extended to anything D/s outside of sex.

10-03-2014, 08:21 AM
Poly does not equal abnormal relationship. o_0

Ffs I've got to tiptoe so much here. does "more culturally accepted" work?

10-03-2014, 08:51 AM
Bored shitless in Berlin. I need better friends!. Enough of this fb shit

I heard it was the world capital of comedy.

10-03-2014, 08:54 AM
Ffs I've got to tiptoe so much here. does "more culturally accepted" work?

it's not about tiptoeing, it's about not being confrontational.

and seriously, stop complaining about people getting upset with you when they're simply trying to have a discussion. yeah, some people's attitudes may be slightly condescending, but that's in response to the tone you take when you approach something (especially something you don't really know anything about).

10-03-2014, 09:03 AM
it's not about tiptoeing, it's about not being confrontational.

and seriously, stop complaining about people getting upset with you when they're simply trying to have a discussion. yeah, some people's attitudes may be slightly condescending, but that's in response to the tone you take when you approach something (especially something you don't really know anything about).
You should relax a little.

10-03-2014, 09:24 AM
Don't yuk on people's yum.

10-03-2014, 11:10 AM
The youngest cat came in ten minutes ago with a mouse in his mouth. After he dropped it, I noticed it wasn't badly hurt and was still alive so I went to grab something to carry it outside again. It ran off and I can't find it. GAH.

10-03-2014, 11:43 AM
The youngest cat came in ten minutes ago with a mouse in his mouth. After he dropped it, I noticed it wasn't badly hurt and was still alive so I went to grab something to carry it outside again. It ran off and I can't find it. GAH.

Our cat would try this occasionally. She decided it was best to take the carcass immediately to the laundry room and hide it behind appliances like the water heater or the washer/dryer. She'd then guard the territory like a nest of eggs.

Look out for Monsieur Mouse on the countertops; they're crafty.

10-03-2014, 01:43 PM
You should relax a little.

i really, really don't know why i keep engaging you, but something about you just gets under my skin.

that said, i was perfectly calm when i wrote that. i honestly think you need to relax, complaining that "Ffs I've got to tiptoe so much here." why is it so hard for you to understand that, in a space like this, people don't want to be confronted with hate/animosity/judgement for their life choices? this is supposed to be one of those "safe spaces" on the internet where, even when people don't agree on everything, they can still get along with each other. you seem to be one of the only people who has a serious issue conforming to that notion. bill may be a moron and a misogynist, but at least he's mildly entertaining. you're just rude, over and over.

10-03-2014, 01:57 PM
Look out for Monsieur Mouse on the countertops; they're crafty.
So far, Herr Maus has been under the bed, behind my guitar amp, under the bed again, parts unknown that turned out to be behind the wooden storage box beside my bed, under that and now god only knows (I suspect behind the bookcase). We have a trap though, so gonna put that out tonight.

Oh, and eversonpoe -


10-03-2014, 02:24 PM
i really, really don't know why i keep engaging you, but something about you just gets under my skin.

that said, i was perfectly calm when i wrote that. i honestly think you need to relax, complaining that "Ffs I've got to tiptoe so much here." why is it so hard for you to understand that, in a space like this, people don't want to be confronted with hate/animosity/judgement for their life choices? this is supposed to be one of those "safe spaces" on the internet where, even when people don't agree on everything, they can still get along with each other. you seem to be one of the only people who has a serious issue conforming to that notion. bill may be a moron and a misogynist, but at least he's mildly entertaining. you're just rude, over and over.

Because there's nothing more dismissive of someone else's opinion than telling them to "calm down" or to stop being "so emotional".

Tony, didn't you, just a few weeks back, proudly say that ets is a place that doesn't tolerate racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc? Well, it hasn't got to that place because everyone is super progressive and considerate of each other's feelings. No, it's required a give and take amongst board members to call bullshit out and keep people in check. Is it perfect? No, but neither is real life. This open hostility and an eagerness to always prove that you are right isn't working in your favor so perhaps you should take a step back and re-examine your behavior here. You, yourself, have admitted that you've been antagonistic of late.

Just back from the vet and I'll need to schedule surgery to have the cyst removed as soon as possible before it ruptures. The vet also recommended running a biopsy to make sure the cyst is benign. Ugh, this won't be cheap.

10-03-2014, 07:55 PM
He never said anything. I mean there have been some possible hints here and there. But for the most part, he's always been honest with me, as well. So, I guess I just felt like I'm not going to play this game where I have to decipher the hidden meaning in your words. Either tell me what you want to say to me, or don't.

Also, I am extremely guilty of the whole "We are getting too close, so let me unconsciously push you away" thing. But I never really felt as if I was doing that to him. But maybe I was. These last few months have kind of been a blur of really weird circumstances and events in my life.

I've found that some men are attracted to the whole 'I love it when you speak your mind' attitude, but then are normally sensitive to what you say because you don't filter and just speak your mind and might not think its insensitive.

/raises hand - working on my EQ.

10-03-2014, 08:00 PM
Hope it's benign. My pets are family so I understand and really hope you get some good news.

10-03-2014, 11:50 PM
Because there's nothing more dismissive of someone else's opinion than telling them to "calm down" or to stop being "so emotional".
I do believe the person that runs this board was guilty of that towards me last week in this very same thread.

Tony, didn't you, just a few weeks back, proudly say that ets is a place that doesn't tolerate racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc? Well, it hasn't got to that place because everyone is super progressive and considerate of each other's feelings. No, it's required a give and take amongst board members to call bullshit out and keep people in check. Is it perfect?
Correct. I innocently insinuated that being poly was weird when I made a joke to a friend of mine on this board while being supportive of her and her situation. She caught on to my error and called me out telling me "don't be that fucking person" and I apologized and we moved on from it. I love her to pieces and wouldn't change a thing about her but it's funny how no one called her out for using the word retarded, which I'm POSITIVE if I said something to the effect of "that dude is retarded" I would get called out to oblivion for being insensitive to people with learning disabilities. I'll go ahead and re-examine my behavior here when everyone is held to the same standard as I am.

10-04-2014, 01:25 AM
Being arachnophobic pisses me off.

Dealing with the unpredictable nature of the internet and at any random moment some inconsiderate asshole will post pictures of a spider without any cause for concern toward those that might not like to see that kind of thing and believe me that's a lot of fucking people.... or at least take the steps toward warning those of such impending posts. I get it... if i don't like it i don't have to follow you and yadda yadda... but maybe i like your other content and don't wish to miss out on that? tough beans, is that all you can say?....look I'm all for your freedom to post whatever the fuck but christ I'm pretty sure you always warn other folks of various kinds of media they may find offensive like anything containing racist, rapist or misogynistic remarks.. TRIGGER this, TRIGGER that... blah blah blah so why don't you ever put thought into or think about how that other thing might be totally fucking with people's anxiety levels? cause yes that's a fucking thing believe it or not....oh yeah but here comes the "well stop using the internet then" comments which is about as metaphorical as killing myself because there's a spider in my house.

Update your bio to arachnologist and i might be a bit smarter in avoiding you completely.

You'd think I'd be used to this treatment by now given how commonplace it is, you'd think I'd be desensitized by now but nope, it hasn't been the least bit therapeutic.

I just don't get it...

Maybe i do need help, fuck.. but exposure therapy? I've been exposed to that shit my whole life... how does that help?

At least when i go outside people aren't throwing spiders in my face although i do always have to swan dive in and out of my house during the summer to avoid the fuckers that are coating my entire porch.

Thankful i don't live in the tropics.

10-04-2014, 02:52 AM
Dude, I was arachnophobic, it's curable, go get help.

10-04-2014, 08:23 AM
slave2thewage, at my last place my cat brought a few live ones in. I had to use my cat to catch them again, then get it off the cat (pick up cat, shake) into a tuppaware box then get it outside again

10-04-2014, 07:15 PM

Me when Tony stirs shit.

It bothered me at first. Now I don't mind the guy and find him funny sometimes.

Sarah K
10-04-2014, 07:27 PM
The thing with Tony is for the most part, if you tell him that something he said was shitty, he is able to acknowledge it, apologize at times, and move on. We have a very similar sense of humor, so I think that I understand what he is going for most of the time. And I don't believe that it is ever to actually offend anyone.

We disagree on shit all the time. But I can't think of one person in my life who I agree with 100% of the time. But that doesn't mean I let our differing opinions impact the rest of our interactions.

Maybe he used to be a huge dick before I came around. I have no idea. But right now, people really tend to overreact to him. And when you overreact, he is going to feed into that. I can think of at least 5 other users here who are bigger assholes.

Joy Prevention Hotline
10-04-2014, 11:23 PM
At least when i go outside people aren't throwing spiders in my face although i do always have to swan dive in and out of my house during the summer to avoid the fuckers that are coating my entire porch.
I'm glad I've managed to avoid following any spider-happy people online. Bad enough being exposed to the little eight-legged terrorists in real life. :(

slave2thewage, at my last place my cat brought a few live ones in. I had to use my cat to catch them again, then get it off the cat (pick up cat, shake) into a tuppaware box then get it outside again
I spent a whole week one summer evicting chipmunks from my boss's house. (The cats weren't quite a year old yet, and the chipmunks were going through a population boom. Chaos ensued.) I learned firsthand that they pass out under stress, and the cats would lose interest the minute they stopped moving.

Then there was the one that escaped the cats while still outdoors and took an abrupt left turn into the pool. We watched it dog-paddle around for a while before I fished it out with the leaf skimmer (twice) and carried it over to the nearest tree.

10-05-2014, 01:15 AM
I work overnights at a NOC for a telecommunications company with one other co worker, it's usually pretty quiet and it's a pretty decent gig. Tonight we have a scheduled maintenance going on and whenever we do these we send emails out to all the business' affected so if their service bounces or goes down they're aware of this well in advance. Well the person in charge of this never sent out the notification so there's 28 calls in queue with 2 of us here. In addition to this we've been tasked with making test calls to all of a business' toll free lines because they're threatening to take BS legal action.

They have 800 numbers.

Tonight's going to be a long night.

Sarah K
10-05-2014, 12:35 PM
Been kinda sick this weekend. I just took the chain off of my septum piercing so that I could clean it off... While I was reattaching it, I dropped the chain and it fell down the sink. Due to my sensitive skin, I had a white gold one. So it had cost me $80 for that damn thing. Fffuuu

10-05-2014, 05:11 PM
Been sick for a week with allergies. Pretty sure it's the pool chlorine that's triggering them, which is sad because I enjoy swimming lessons with my daughter.

10-05-2014, 06:07 PM
Clique behavior. In this case, it's not even creative or amusing. It's one note repeating.

Sarah K
10-05-2014, 06:23 PM

10-05-2014, 06:38 PM
Transphobia from trans people.

"Hey, seriously, it's not right of us to make cis people uncomfortable with our presence. We have to be thoughtful of THEIR feelings and not go certain places or do certain things because we don't want to make them uncomfortable." Because, of course, we're inferior to them and we have to accommodate that. Just how gay people shouldn't show affection in public because those poor straight homophobes might be offended by their presence. Just the idea that somehow WE'RE wrong for being who we are and we need to be considerate of other peoples' feelings about our freakishness is just disgusting and sad. Actually, really, it's pitiful. It's rooted in internalized transphobia and that is incredibly sad.

10-05-2014, 07:06 PM
Transphobia from trans people.
I fucking HATE that tumblr-ass attitude that some lgbtq people have towards cis people, as a person who is a HUGE advocate for that community it's absolutely enraging that individuals have the attitude they do. There was a situation where I was called something to the effect of "cis scum" by a member of this community and it's literally calling someone a reverse faggot.


10-05-2014, 09:32 PM
I don't disagree, though I haven't run into too much of that. Not saying it's not out there, but I've probably been lucky since I don't go on Tumblr. I have not heard kind things about that place.

Edit: I did not see this particular discussion, so I'm not commenting on that. I just mean in general. Because, yes, there are definitely trans* people who have less than nice things to say about cis people. I was just talking in general about that. I wasn't saying anything about whatever discussion it was on here one way or the other (I didn't even see it).

Sarah K
10-05-2014, 09:44 PM
I've never encountered it in real life. It was only on here. And that was the only truly shitty thing I have ever experienced here... Me, who does more to advocate for equal rights than most gay people I know. It's just a cop out.

I also find interesting the racial tensions that exist within the LGBTQ crowd. It blows my mind, and seemingly goes both directions. Like, we're all fighting the same fight.

Charmingly Miserable
10-05-2014, 10:57 PM
Been sick for a week with allergies. Pretty sure it's the pool chlorine that's triggering them, which is sad because I enjoy swimming lessons with my daughter.
I hear you. I worked in a summer camp a few years ago and we had to get in the pool with the kids daily. I broke out in hives all over my body for two days straight. I ended up in immediate care which I concluded it was an allergic reaction to some chemical in the community pool.

10-05-2014, 11:08 PM
I also find interesting the racial tensions that exist within the LGBTQ crowd.
Almost like how some dark skinned black people don't respect lighter skin black people because they're not "black enough".
There was a whole show on tyra banks about it.

lol tyra banks.

10-05-2014, 11:22 PM
I think the "cis scum" thing is ironic 99% of the time. I'm HELLA CIS and I've never been offended by it, but I have found it funny. It falls into a similar boat with ~misandry~ and things like that. Stuff I don't usually participate in, but it's not exactly punching down... and the misandry thing is just mocking whiny bros.

10-05-2014, 11:33 PM
I think the "cis scum" thing is ironic 99% of the time.
One could make that argument, and it could be true a lot of the time and lets be honest...the person who is actually OFFENDED by someone calling them cis-whatever is already having a bad time in life.


One couldn't go to a lgbt person and go "lol you tranny" or "lol you faggot" and then try and claim you were being ironic. Hate speech is hate speech yo.

10-05-2014, 11:38 PM
But there is a difference between words that punch down and words that do not. Privilege exists, and giving someone shit for being white is NOT EQUIVALENT to a white person using a slur against a person of color. Same with someone being like "eww breeders" vs. "eww fags" or "tranny" vs. "cis scum."

Privilege is a thing.

10-05-2014, 11:48 PM
But there is a difference between words that punch down and words that do not. Privilege exists, and giving someone shit for being white is NOT EQUIVALENT to a white person using a slur against a person of color. Same with someone being like "eww breeders" vs. "eww fags" or "tranny" vs. "cis scum."

Privilege is a thing.

I wasn't really speaking on the existence of privilege, but just because there is inherent privilege that comes with being a certain type of individual doesn't make being attacked by the opposite group of people ok because they're not as privileged.

Big Fat Matt
10-06-2014, 12:17 AM
Everyone has privilege to an extent if you ask me, and the idea of privilege is relative to whomever you deem more or less privileged than you. Its kinda dumb, and why can we just get along and be nice? No we cant because everyone is a fuckface

Sarah K
10-06-2014, 09:22 AM
The way I feel about it is to save the bullshit for people who deserve it. The attitudes of people who run the HRC stuff here is why I only volunteered like 6 times with them since moving here. From the moment I arrived, they just looked down upon me for some reason. Then, the guy that leads everything asked what experience I had, and I said that I had done a lot of work with the Nebraska chapter. Then he got HELLA condescending about where I was from. Which was weird. And then they found out I wasn't gay, and it just went downhill from there. Like, save the attitudes for people who deserve it - not the people who are on your side... Not just saying they support you, but actually actively helping out.

10-06-2014, 10:45 AM
I work overnights at a NOC for a telecommunications company with one other co worker, it's usually pretty quiet and it's a pretty decent gig. Tonight we have a scheduled maintenance going on and whenever we do these we send emails out to all the business' affected so if their service bounces or goes down they're aware of this well in advance. Well the person in charge of this never sent out the notification so there's 28 calls in queue with 2 of us here. In addition to this we've been tasked with making test calls to all of a business' toll free lines because they're threatening to take BS legal action.

They have 800 numbers.

Tonight's going to be a long night.

I used to sell that stuff that created those maintenance windows. I feel ya.

10-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Yeah man, who's standing up for the hetero macho white man? That's totally the same as homophobia and racism. Who's standing up for OUR RIGHTS AMIRITE

10-06-2014, 03:07 PM
Yeah man, who's standing up for the hetero macho white man? That's totally the same as homophobia and racism. Who's standing up for OUR RIGHTS AMIRITE
Those poor white, cis, hetero, abled people. Life must be hell for them.


Sarah K
10-06-2014, 03:33 PM
I don't think that anyone here is dumb enough to say that. Just like... don't be cunts to people who stick up for equality. Save it for the assholes!

10-06-2014, 04:21 PM
Yeah man, who's standing up for the hetero macho white man? That's totally the same as homophobia and racism. Who's standing up for OUR RIGHTS AMIRITE
Hetero super macho white men don't need or want anyone standing up for us, that's why we're the most hated. That's not a privilege, it's a curse tbo.

re: Losing my lighter doesn't necessarily piss me off, but it is frustrating especially when you drive to the store for a new one, and then come home to find it staring you right in the face.

10-06-2014, 04:32 PM
"I stand up for equality"
"I support the gay community"

Oh, so you think that humans should be treated like humans? Here, have a fucking trophy.

Sarah K
10-06-2014, 05:02 PM
Thanks, brah.

10-06-2014, 05:14 PM
:: eye roll ::

guys, the trick to being an ally is to actually be an ally.

it's like what just happened it the alt-lit world exposing all of the d-bags (not saying you're a d-bag, Sarah K ) who were "in charge" of the scene and basically used their status to coerce young women into sex: just because you're an ally in one way doesn't mean you get a free pass to be an asshole or do whatever you want. (source (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/228916/on-sexism-sexual-assault-and-the-threat-of-the-non-bro/))

that said, i think everyone is over-reacting at this point. tony has gone from being an instigator to playing the victim so smoothly that i honestly can't tell if it's genuine or some new form of trolling, but either way, i think we all need to take a step back before this gets worse.

let's just go back to talking about the little things that piss us off, shall we?

Sarah K
10-06-2014, 05:22 PM
My thing with that is though... I feel the opposite! Someone else started the bullying, and then claimed to be the victim. Just because I'm an ally doesn't mean I will allow people to be shitty. People of every orientation can be assholes. I think we all know that! Being an ally doesn't give you free reign to be a dick. Just like being LGBTQ doesn't give you that right, either.

I agree. Kumbaya and all that shit. While the manufactured drama is good for laughs, it's dumb sometimes, too.

10-06-2014, 05:23 PM
Not being able to get season 3 of GOT, been at it on and off for a few weeks now. I need a solid Jonny Appleseeder. And these semi-recent dreams i've been having. They play out like a surrealist version of my day to day and it really sucks. Perhaps if i handle some real life business they will cease.

10-06-2014, 05:27 PM
:: eye roll ::

guys, the trick to being an ally is to actually be an ally.

it's like what just happened it the alt-lit world exposing all of the d-bags (not saying you're a d-bag, @Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3236) ) who were "in charge" of the scene and basically used their status to coerce young women into sex: just because you're an ally in one way doesn't mean you get a free pass to be an asshole or do whatever you want. (source (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/228916/on-sexism-sexual-assault-and-the-threat-of-the-non-bro/))

that said, i think everyone is over-reacting at this point. tony has gone from being an instigator to playing the victim so smoothly that i honestly can't tell if it's genuine or some new form of trolling, but either way, i think we all need to take a step back before this gets worse.

let's just go back to talking about the little things that piss us off, shall we?


Also, it's important to remember that we may all be under the same "umbrella" but not everyone has the same experiences, much less has the same goals in mind. I certainly wouldn't compare my identity as a white, cisfemale bisexual to that of a LBGTQ homeless youth or trans POC. It just isn't the same. Again, privilege @playwithfire (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=15) was talking about.

And for what it's worth, @Sarah K (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3236), stay the fuck away from HRC. Up until recently, they didn't recognize trans people as a legitimate part of the community, so fuck them.

The first Monday back at work after vacation sucks.

10-06-2014, 05:31 PM
Ever felt like throwing someone down a well and then cackling wildly?

Sarah K
10-06-2014, 05:33 PM
I agree about HRC orestes! Bunch of dicks... The last few years, they have just gotten horrible. There is basically NO emphasis on outreach and education, and it is all about who can raise the most money at events. While yes, that is important, I don't think that it should be the main goal.

I finished my volunteering with them throughout the Pride season, as I had already committed to it. But I was already over it by then. Which is sad. When I started helping out with them a few years back, I felt like my time was being put to good use. Now, I just felt like I was selling a product for them, instead of doing any good.

Now I haven't done any volunteer work since Pride, though. I need to find something again.

10-06-2014, 05:43 PM
Hey look, the clique showed up in full force with their drag queen memes and complete lack of substance with their bullying behavior supported and protected by the admins.

10-06-2014, 05:45 PM
A poor excuse for a human being. A bully. Given free reign. Over and over. Then plays the victim and/or flashes a GIF when confronted.

10-06-2014, 05:47 PM
Things that piss me off: silver spooned cowards who hide behind mommy and daddy when they get called out for being terrible people.

10-06-2014, 05:48 PM
Drop the passive-aggressive sniping.

10-06-2014, 05:50 PM
Drop the passive-aggressive sniping.
Me or Mikey?

10-06-2014, 05:50 PM
C'mon. You've all been poking at each other for two days now.

10-06-2014, 05:52 PM
Me or Mikey?

Everyone (10 characters, son of a bitch).

10-06-2014, 05:55 PM
Me or Mikey?

Someone really doesn't want those privileges back.

10-06-2014, 05:56 PM
Something should be done about the instigator. I've tried explaining. I've tried nice PMs. Nothing ever happens to the instigator so this shit continues. You can only handle so much.

10-06-2014, 06:00 PM

All you assholes have nobody to blame but yourselves. Stop engaging in fly-by swipes at each other. Use the goddamn ignore function if you can't interact with each other without calling back to previous slights. This isn't high school and I'm really pissed off right now that the same handful of people is using this message board as a sandbox to fling their shit around.

Do I look like the kind of person that likes to step around feces?!

The next post I come across that so much as hints at aggravating another member will receive an infraction!

This thread will remain closed until further notice.

10-06-2014, 06:33 PM
Everything's so veiled and passive and I'm so confused. Please, name names and link to posts in a new thread in the Reports & Suggestions forum.

Everyone's saying I should just ban Tony, right? That's the takeaway? I've got incredibly privileged middle-class white American married cis male things stressing me out this week, so help me out by being very clear and by avoiding name calling and starting a thread in R&S to air your grievances together.

10-10-2014, 07:07 PM
Gross, I ordered a "like new" used book off Amazon earlier this week. Just opened it up, only to discover the bottom half of the pages are yellow and stained with the unmistakeable smell of cat urine.

10-10-2014, 07:29 PM

10-10-2014, 08:25 PM
Gross, I ordered a "like new" used book off Amazon earlier this week. Just opened it up, only to discover the bottom half of the pages are yellow and stained with the unmistakeable smell of cat urine.

grossssss that is awful. one of my cats used to pee on stuff all the time and it was just so disgusting.


i am TERRIBLE at trimming my beard, but i don't think i will ever shave it off completely again.

Frozen Beach
10-11-2014, 12:50 PM
Yet again, another expensive internet/phone bill from AT&T. Last month, I was told we were being charged so much because we were going over our data cap. I made sure this time, however, that we didn't go over it. The bill we just got in the mail, however, is just as expensive as the last one. As for why, I couldn't really get a clear answer, only offers for uverse, which is a "better deal." I'm getting tired of this shit. Internet sucks in my area, and AT&T is just sucking us dry. Probably gonna have to just abandon the internet and become a hermit.

10-11-2014, 12:51 PM
I can't stop singing Kumbaya. Thank you, ETS!

10-11-2014, 05:19 PM
Yet again, another expensive internet/phone bill from AT&T. Last month, I was told we were being charged so much because we were going over our data cap. I made sure this time, however, that we didn't go over it. The bill we just got in the mail, however, is just as expensive as the last one. As for why, I couldn't really get a clear answer, only offers for uverse, which is a "better deal." I'm getting tired of this shit. Internet sucks in my area, and AT&T is just sucking us dry. Probably gonna have to just abandon the internet and become a hermit.

If ATT is only providing you good discounts with Uverse it's because they want you off what ever basic service you might have or get you to do a triple or quad play if they offer it around you. If there's zero completion in your area, you're mostly screwed unless you want to complain to your congressman or department of utility, FCC, FTC, cable board, town board and anyone else who would listen.

10-13-2014, 02:11 AM
My sister's ex is still flip flopping on what he "wants" from their separation and it's costing my Sister more and more because of the lawyer always having to draw up new agreements.

So tired of his shit.

10-13-2014, 08:04 AM
something i'm chipping away at

10-13-2014, 08:32 AM
something i'm chipping away at

*acting like the friendzone is a real thing

10-13-2014, 08:45 AM
Absolutely - it's nonsense. But if we step into their fictional alternate reality where it is a thing... surely they deserve it! They are bitter towards women and yet women don't seem to be interested in them. Hmm, how does it work

10-13-2014, 08:57 AM
something i'm chipping away at

Translation please: never getting a round in?

10-13-2014, 09:09 AM
A round of drinks - if there's 5 of you in the pub, 1 of you goes up to the bar and buys 5 beers, then when you've finished your drinks it's the next persons turn to go up, and so on until everyone gets their fair share.

But yeah, you sometimes get people who never get a round in... it annoys me & I don't invite them out in future

10-13-2014, 12:59 PM
A round of drinks - if there's 5 of you in the pub, 1 of you goes up to the bar and buys 5 beers, then when you've finished your drinks it's the next persons turn to go up, and so on until everyone gets their fair share.

But yeah, you sometimes get people who never get a round in... it annoys me & I don't invite them out in futureAhhhhhhh. Thank you. It was the 'in' that confused me. I think we 'mericans would say 'pay for a round', but I can see if the expectation of 5 folks drinking that everyone will 'get a round in' before the night is over. Sort of like the person who always bums cigarettes, but never offers one.

10-13-2014, 01:28 PM
I've got a mate who has a well paid job, smokes weed and cigarettes - yet I have never seen him pay for any in over ten years. I don't answer his calls, people think I'm a hardass for it. A hardass with plenty to smoke! Inexcusable. I think he does it because he can't admit to himself that he has habits. Anyway no dice

10-13-2014, 01:44 PM
I had to end my best friendship last night. It's a long story. I didn't want to end it but I didn't really have much of a choice. It had become very toxic, and the healthiest thing I could do was to not be friends with her anymore. And I know that logically. But oh my god, does it hurt. We were friends for 14 years and she's the closest friend I have ever had. She was family to me and it's incredibly sad that it had to get to that point. While I know this is the best thing in the long run it still hurts like hell. I can't even think about it without tearing up.

10-13-2014, 02:45 PM
May I ask how it got so bad?

It's hard to do because you always remember the good times, but when things go sour and you can't let go of the anger or hurt, you just have to bin them off - life is too short. Takes guts mate, fair play - people literally waste their whole lives living in the past and hoping for the best

10-14-2014, 12:13 AM
My neighbors. My fucking inconsiderate, shitbag neighbors. I hate them so much, I may go visit my santero later this week.

10-14-2014, 07:39 AM
Pompous engineers at work who feel it necessary to hinder progress with their eye-rolling, high-horse histrionics when it's clear they are simply being overly-defensive of something they took too much control over in the first place. I get job security (hold your expertise close to the belt) but for the love of god please stop acting like a baby about it.

10-14-2014, 08:55 AM
Articles online are now a sea of links: every other sentence contains a link. I find this style unreadable. Put all your links and sources at the bottom and let me read a text in peace, thank you.

10-14-2014, 09:18 AM
Going to get this off my chest...

I used to live in North London and a couple of years we needed to get a new flatmate in the small box room we have. I sorted out the previous one so my partner agree to find the next. She settled on this guy she knew through her career in modelling (he's a part time amateur photographer).

The guy was 38, rather overweight & not very attractive. A bit of a nerd - but so am I. I figured ok well he has a decent job in IT and will pay the bills, how much trouble can he be.

Things went pretty smooth at first - possibly because he would be away 4 days of the week working in Sweden and later Sheffield. However once he started working in London again, things started to go sour.

I have to say the guy doesn't really have any friends and doesn't have much luck with women. I took pity on him and tried to include him in stuff, taking him to NIN and AIC shows, and proposing we work on music together because of our shared love of industrial and ambient.

The trouble really started when one of my friends, who became seriously ill with sepsis and went into a coma, had a party in camden to celebrate her discharge from hospital. Basically it was a thursday, we got drunk and came back, made a bunch of noise and pissed him off - my bad, I was just so drunk I figured it would be ok. So anyway I said to him no it's fair enough - from now on no loudness in the living room on weeknights.

So about 8 months after that, me and my mrs celebrated our 10th anniversary by going out to see the bug and fuck buttons. We came back just before midnight, and I noticed his bedroom light was on, so I knocked on the door and told him about the show (which I was blown away by, and we both like Fuck Buttons so I figured he'd be interested). He was sat up in bed playing with his ipad and didn't seem annoyed. Anyway I left him to it, and later on I quickly snatched one of our cats out of his room so it wouldn't hassle him during the night.

So the next day my mrs says that he had been complaining about the noise and that I kept coming into his room. He said he was tired after work and just wanted some sleep. Strange, as like I said his light was on and he was sat up in bed playing with his ipad when I got home. I wrote it off as him just being grumpy and perhaps a bit jealous that I had been out and had fun while he stayed in (he stays in 99% of the time).

After this, patronising and condescending comments started - one time during a political conversation I jokingly said I would say no more on the matter in case a future dystopian state sent a terminator back to stop me from starting a revolution.

Out of the blue he snorted "why the fuck would they do that when you just sit around the house smoking weed and watching old films"

My mrs immediately told him to fuck off and asked what he had done with his life, to which he muttered something about it only being a joke. The thing is, it really didn't sound like a joke - you could hear the bitterness in his voice, he clearly did have a low opinion of me and it slipped out. Now I do a fair bit of lounging around, but at the time I was studying full time for a degree, running a property in northern Ireland, doing charity work with homeless people and alcoholics and was engaged in political activism (protesting against cuts and opposing fascist marches in London). So really he was talking bollocks saying I do nothing.

Then one evening, my mrs came home very late from work, and had a glass of champagne as a small celebration of her 8 years in the modelling business. He then came in the room and said something to the effect of "imagine how rich you'd be by now if you'd got a proper job in the office"

Now, again he plays it off as just a joke, but you can't help feel that this frustrated amateur was just having a pop at somebody who has respect and success in a creative field. I mean who sees somebody having a sad single glass of champagne and decides to put the boot in like that.

Honestly I am not sure if he even knew he was letting his bitterness slip out (he is massively in denial and out of touch with himself), or whether he was having a pop at her with the retreat option of claiming it was all a joke.

So this kind of shit goes on and on. One day I was lashing a laptop, monitor and various leads to a trolley to make a little work station. He asked me what I was doing and I explained. Again he snorts "that's not a workstation... unlike you I actually know what a workstation is"

Now, get your websters dictionary out - the primary definition is along the lines of "any space set aside and specialised for the performance of a particular task". The secondary definition - to which he was referring - is of a type of computer named "workstation"

firstly, what kind of dumbass thinks "workstation" is not a general term that could easily have been coined. Secondly, even IF he was right (which he wasn't). how pompous and angry do you have to be to snort in someone's face like that? Pure arsehole, there is no excuse

I have a friend who works in lighting, and is selling off some property. Flatmate asks me what he's up to, I explain he's looking to sell his property. "he owns property?" he exclaimed incredulously. "yeah" I said "...why do you say it like that?", flatmate replies "I'm just surprised he owns property"

now this friend of mine has worked for prodigy, motorhead, eden project, sky sports and big theatre productions like the jerry springer opera - and the flatmate knew this. Why would he be surprised my mate owns property? Because he's a pompous arse who spunks his money up the wall (has big problems with debt and asked to borrow money off me and my partner on occasion) and has nothing to show for it - and possibly because my mate is pretty metal looking, has a skinhead and a beard etc. So yeah, way to condescend to my mate for no reason

My mrs is quite into healthy eating, organic food etc. One time the flatmate said "she's only into all this because she's surrounded by hippy type girls that she works with - if she worked in an office she wouldn't be into it"

Now this is not only an incredibly patronising thing to say, but it's just not true - my mrs lived in a fiercely conformist northern town for 3 years and it didn't break her. She is her own boss and has never taken a penny off anything. So it seems a bizarre piece of speculation - essentially saying "yeah well if she wasn't headstrong and independent, she wouldn't be headstrong and independent". Newsflash mate, she hasn't, doesn't and probably will never work in an office because she is her own boss. Again, he is obviously unhappy with his office job and to me it seemed he felt the need to defend his being beaten down and conforming. He told me if I worked in an office I'd cut my hair and beard for fear of mockery - newsflash, I worked in an office for 3 years and had hair down to my waist, didn't get shit from anyone. Not everyone is a little bitch

Flatmate always fancied himself as a rational scientific mini dawkins type and this is possibly why he felt the need to rubbish my mrs' healthy eating (he's also a fat guy who looks like shit and lives off junk food). but the thing is, my mrs simply eats a lot of fruit, veg and superfoods and tries to minimise dairy and meat - that is not crystal healing is it? It's all scientifically proven to keep you healthy. So there is no rational basis for his disdain, only personal bitterness. And what's scientific about that? Nothing, he's just as irrational as the people he despises

So anyway I put him straight, I said she is her own person and is not that easily led, and if you want proof just look at the fact she's been independent and her own boss since she was 18. He retreated and said fine ok etc. I was doing some washing up at the time and before he left he asked me to wash up the dish he was holding! after slagging off my mrs like that. Needless to say I told him to piss off and he scurried away

me and my mrs are quite into the whole fetish scene, she's one of the more famous and successful models in the UK, has lots of endorsements and a proud body of work to her name.

So anyway any chance he gets he would always be saying how weird he finds people into fetish stuff or feet etc - and really I don't think he couldn't have either known or suspected that me and my mrs are into all that.

I have multiple issues with this - firstly nobody gives a fuck what you think of their sexuality, secondly I felt like he was either fishing for details of our sex life by goading me into defending things (presumably so he could snigger about it behind our backs). This all makes a lot of sense seeing as the guy had no sex life and is physically pretty gross. But whatever the motivation - it's just rude! Why does he think that sort of thing is weird - because he isn't into it? Well he isn't into gay sex either, would you catch him going on about how weird he thinks that is? Of course not, because he's a pussy and knows he has to keep that to himself. But in my mind there's no difference between mocking fetishists and homophobia - in both cases it's giving an unwanted opinion on something that is none of your business

He briefly had a girlfriend (who now refuses to speak to him, hmm how does it work), and one night he told me - more or less out of the blue - that he split up with her (I later found out she finished with him) because she wanted to do bondage stuff. A gross violation of her trust and privacy to begin with. But then he told me that he finished with her because he felt she was too subservient to men, had daddy issues and engaging in BDSM would be "bad for her character", this is when I really began to think of the guy as a grade A wanker. I hope to god he didn't say any of that to the poor girl and shame her for sexuality, but of course I can never ask without revealing that he spills their personal details - to somebody he presumably doesn't like that much either

More stories about being weird to women? Why of course. We have a mutual friend who is another fetish model. She is lovely but can come across as something of a space cadet - she is very intelligent though, and writes for a living as well as modelling. Her boyfriend is into urban exploration - I went with him exploring a turbine facility a year or so ago (great fun) flatemate pondered coming but doubted he would be able to jump the fence. So one day flatmate is complaining about this guy's boasting of his exploits exploring a power station on facebook. "At the end of the day he goes out with her, which nobody with any self respect would do"

wow... harsh thing to say, but especially creepy seeing as he's very sweet to this girl in person, likes all her posts on facebook. About a week later she idly mentioned she might get an ipad and I shit you not - he gave her one of his! What a creep

Then another time he said any model who does group shoots with camera clubs lacks self respect. My mrs does them all the time and I'm pretty sure he knows that. But his ex did loads of them - so he was fucking a girl he had no respect for? nice

more condescending shit - I was in that sushi bar by the o2 before NIN in may, it was my birthday and all the crew was down. I had the roll of tickets and he when he arrived he said "have you got the tickets?" I said "yep" and narrowed his eyes and patronisingly said "are you sure". I have never forgotten any tickets before in my life or let him down in any way (in fact he's the flake who was always slow with bills). Was he galled to see that a bunch of people came from across the country to see me on my birthday? possibly, but either way, needlessly condescending, and in front of my mates

so yeah a while later I had a mate round after black sabbath at hyde park, flatmate was notified in advance, didn't complain. I told him that next week my mate ken would be crashing on friday night. He said yep that's ok

So on friday night Ken arrives around 2am, and we watch tv and start chatting. Suddenly I hear a door slam really loudly. I go to flatmate's room and ask if everything is ok. Somewhat sheepishly he says yes, and I said ok... but any problems just let me know

So anyway about half an hour later the door slams again. I leap up and go to the kitchen where he standing, kind of trembling in anticipation of a confrontation. I said "why are you slamming doors?" his reply was "well... I thought we were all slamming doors tonight" (my mate ken was a bit pissed and not au fait with the house rules, and had slammed the door a couple of times).

I pointed out that my mrs has to be up at 5am to embark upon an 11 hour shoot, and even if he has a problem with me, why is he doing something that impacts her? and quite apart from that, I have offered him multiple chances to tell me if it's too loud, in an adult manner.

"fine fine.. I'm an arsehole then" he says

I said yes you are - and again what has my mrs done to deserve being woken up by your tantrum?

"'I'm not the only arsehole in this flat" he says

"that's not answering the question - what has my mrs done?"

eventually he spluttered something about this not working anymore and practically moonwalked away from me and hid in his room

He also bleated something about "you had friends around last week, when is it going to end?" Now... this year (2014) I have had mates round about 5 times - always on a weekend, always with prior notification. I welcomed this guy into my home and tried to include him in our outings and interests. I tried to start a band with him (which I soon abandoned as I didn't want to help him achieve any of his ambitions anymore), when quite frankly very few people would take a chance on a guy like him. I feel like I have been anything but an arsehole.

Add to this the fact that his tenancy was on a rolling 6 month contract and he could have moved out 2 or 3 times since things went sour, but seemingly saw it better to stay and make the people who already lived there feel uncomfortable.

And yet I'm the arsehole?

so anyway me and the mrs decided we were sick of this and had been plotting an escape to the country anyway, and decided to move out in september. But the shit didn't end there!

After we had moved out stuff out, we got a shitty message saying "it would have been nice if you'd have let me know you were taking all the cutlery". It's our cutlery... when you move out, you take your stuff. Surely it's more a case of it would have been nice if you would let us know you needed some cutlery, rather than expecting us to give you some - after all the shit you've given us as well.

We couldn't move all of our stuff out in one go, so we arranged with him to come back in 2 days and pick up the rest - that's fine, he said.

So of course, a day later we get an email from the landlord saying flatmate is complaining that we'd left stuff and has taken pictures of it all and sent it to him.

He's also saying that he wants to get the place professionally cleaned - using money from our deposits! Now I should tell you at this point that this guy is a slob... I never seen him clean the bathroom, I saw him hoover the hallway once. He basically left most of the housework to us, and now expected us to pay for him to have the place cleaned! No fucking dice mate

So basically my mrs (who still had her keys) hopped in her car and drove down, let herself into the flat without him knowing, and waited for him.

He comes home, and she says "I'm here to pick up the stuff"

"good" he says

"yeah... like I said I would, so what's the fucking problem"

"I just want to do things properly"

"but this isn't doing things fucking properly is it?"

Now my mrs' recollection of what happened is a bit hazy, but apparently he just ran away! straight up turned around and walked out the door. She hung around the flat for a bit, had a cup of tea, phoned her nan (my mrs is scary but a cool customer). Apparently he came back about 2 hours later, went into his room and then straight back out! Fucking pathetic

So yeah, the landlord had a look at the flat and said it was clean enough and we'd get our full deposit back, and that was the end of that.

TBH I'm still wondering why he turned on me. Why didn't he just move out? And the thing that really annoys me is every time we confronted him, he either tried to play it off as a joke or literally ran away. That to me constitutes a wannabe bully and a coward. Personally I think he deserves to be alone because god knows how miserable his tantrums and passive aggressive condescending nonsense could make a woman or child that was stuck with him.

I really tried to reach out to him and be his mate, and he threw it back in my face. I never put him down, made a joke at his expense etc. I just encouraged him and tried to build him up. Did I just annoy him, was he jealous of aspects of my life and grew to resent me? I just don't know. I am mulling over whether the best thing to do now is confront him over it all or just try to let it go and move on. But I get very angry sometimes when I think about it all - but then most of the time I don't care at all, and I'm wondering if that feeling will grow as time goes on.

Anyway if anyone read all this petty nonsense, kudos to you, and any thoughts would be much appreciated

10-14-2014, 09:32 AM
Thoughts? THIS IS WHY I SWORE I'D NEVER HAVE A ROOMMATE and I'm sure glad I stuck to that rule. Eww!

10-14-2014, 09:36 AM
Agh, roommates: worst years of my life. This story reminds me of a crazy goth couple I lived with as a student. I had to move out because they just hated me, for no genuine reason I could understand, and made my life hell.
Sounds like he was just hella jealous; wanted to be friends but couldn't overcome his own envy and sense of inadequacy. It's hard to deal with a couple when you are single and depressed: not defending him, he sounds like a sad sack and a jerk: looks like he's the one with the problem, not you.

Digital Twilight
10-14-2014, 09:38 AM
I would say you've been more than welcoming to him and gave him more time than most people would. When you get a good room mate it can be so good but when they aren't its hell on earth.

10-14-2014, 09:48 AM
Thanks guys, and yep we are now paid up members of the no-roommates club & are saving towards an eco home... with just us and the cats!

my theory is, the room was about 400 pcm, and we didn't want students, so basically if you don't take students, you have to take people in their late 20s and 30s who for whatever reason still live alone

And without being unkind - I have many friends of that age who are single and it's simply because they haven't met the right person - the chances are if somebody is in adulthood, doesn't have enough money for their own place and doesn't have a partner - there's a high chance there's going to be something wrong with them

But yes it is quite bizarre reading him bemoaning how lonely he is on facebook...

Jung said "it is often tragic to see how blatantly a man bungles his own and the lives of others and yet remains totally incapable of seeing how much the whole tragedy originates in himself"

and sarah silverman said £stop being a cunt and maybe the whole world will stop being against you"

And to the flatmate if he's reading (as his IT skills surely enabled him to monitor my internet use and I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there scab picking) please feel free to drop me a line and explain how you're totally safe and in fact it's all my fault, I could do with a laugh

10-14-2014, 10:04 AM
Sounds like he was just hella jealous; wanted to be friends but couldn't overcome his own envy and sense of inadequacy. It's hard to deal with a couple when you are single and depressed: not defending him, he sounds like a sad sack and a jerk: looks like he's the one with the problem, not you.Bingo. Anyone who spends that much time putting down other people really should be looking inward first, but that's too hard for so many people. Sutekh I'm shocked you lasted as long as you did. Reading your whole story I couldn't help thinking of this film : http://youtu.be/MLhf5pj3sOo

10-14-2014, 10:11 AM
lol! looks like a good film... Have to say though I never felt threatened by him (the infuriating thing was it was seemingly the other way around - even though I was always nice to the chap). I guess if I had to compare it to fiction, it would be like living with the Ricky Gervais character from The Office, or Alan Partridge - that kind of insecure, mealy mouthed, socially clumsy cringeworthiness. Just irritating
aggroculture , may I ask did your experience with that couple leave you feeling pissed off for any length of time afterwards? How do you feel about it now

10-14-2014, 10:20 AM
One of the housemates I had about seven years ago was the biggest prick I've met in my life. It still makes my blood boil when I think of him.

10-14-2014, 12:20 PM
Sutekh: wow, that's one epic rant right there. He's clearly got issues and has behaved anti socially. The two observations i would make are

1) you haven't said you ever asked him how he was, or what was going on in his life etc. It's hard to say whether external factors contributed towards where you ended up

2) it's sad you guys ended up moving out and not him

10-14-2014, 12:29 PM
Yes it is, we had a lovely flat and we spent 6 years decorating it to the hilt in a sort of vintage style, with flocked wallpaper, gilded mirrors etc. We were ready to move out anyway (realised one day we'd thrown about 50 grand down the rent hole, could be halfway towards owning by now) but it does kind of feel like he wrecked the home we built together - which stings a lot seeing as we basically took him in out of a sense of pity

But it doesn't matter, we will have our house built soon, while he will be alone in the flat, eating kentucky and watching the a team on netflix. They say the best revenge is living well

As for external factors, the guy didn't really have a life... I can't imagine what factors were messing him up other than his own (essentially) self imposed loneliness. But nonetheless we all have our crosses to bear and neither me or my partner ever took out our demons on him, so my sympathy is extremely limited. I do feel that I was (until the last few months) sympathetic to him though and if he had any sense he'd know he could talk to me

10-14-2014, 09:48 PM
Shark week pisses me off... Stupid hormones. It sucks being a girl sometimes. I HATE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW AND I WANT A HUG. And some chocolate. And a blanket.

Sarah K
10-14-2014, 09:54 PM
I'll send you some peanut butter cups, bitch!

10-14-2014, 10:36 PM
Shark week pisses me off... Stupid hormones. It sucks being a girl sometimes. I HATE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW AND I WANT A HUG. And some chocolate. And a blanket.

:: all the hugs! ::

sarah starts shark week today or tomorrow, too. and yet, i'm the one who had a horrible day and was on the verge of tears for hours.

two of the worst things that happened were that my best friend who was supposed to come stay with us for a while this fall told me she isn't coming (health issues), and i briefly got my head stuck in a ceiling while running speaker wires (it was terrifying).

10-15-2014, 12:29 PM
Packing is the absolute worst.

10-15-2014, 01:04 PM
If you're anything like me... don't forget the twenty books you won't read

Charmingly Miserable
10-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Shark week pisses me off... Stupid hormones. It sucks being a girl sometimes.
Because you can't go swimming with sharks whilst on your period?

10-15-2014, 02:21 PM
Because you can't go swimming with sharks whilst on your period?More than you ever wanted to know about that myth. (http://coconutgirlwireless.wordpress.com/2007/12/17/sharks-swells-and-stinky-smells/)

While a majority of studies focus on divers, it offers up similar conclusions: It has been demonstrated that sharks are uninterested in menstrual fluids. This is not, as some dive physicians suggest, because the amount of fluid is small and discharged over a number of days. Sharks have an highly developed ability to detect chemicals dissolved in water…if even the tiniest quantity of mensus is released into the water during an hour’s dive, the incredible acuity of the shark olfactory system may well be able to detect it. While certain types of blood are well-known to be highly attractive to sharks, menstrual ‘blood’ is a complex fluid that is chemically very different from systemic blood. Menstrual fluid does include ‘old’ (hemolyzed) blood, but it has been shown experimentally that sharks are simply not interested in it. ["Shark Smart" by Richard Martin, shark fisheries biologist turned marine educator]

There is no evidence of increased shark interest in a menstruating female. The hemolytic blood associated with menses may instead act as a shark deterrent (Edmonds, et al., 1992, p. 65). ["Women in Scuba" by Jacalyn Robert of Texas Tech University]

10-15-2014, 02:23 PM
More than you ever wanted to know about that myth. (http://coconutgirlwireless.wordpress.com/2007/12/17/sharks-swells-and-stinky-smells/)

Well then, I guess it's kinda good to be a menstruating female sometimes. "Shark deterrent."

Sarah K
10-15-2014, 03:10 PM
When I know I'm being selfish, and I continue to feel mad anyway.

Every single person has bailed on my birthday weekend. Both the people who were supposed to go, and the ones who live there who I was hoping to meet up with.

I shouldn't be upset about this, as my friend purchased me a ticket to see my football team, and paid for my hotel the whole time I'm going to be there. He is only coming the morning of the game, and taking off right after. I should be thankful that I have a friend who is doing such a nice thing for me. But right now I'm just obsessing over all of the ones who have canceled. I'm halfway expecting him to cancel, too... He has done it before - paid for my hotel, and then never shows up to see me.

I was already depressed about this birthday. Now I'll just be sitting in my hotel room alone. Like, masturbating with my tears and eating candy or something.

10-15-2014, 03:15 PM
When I know I'm being selfish, and I continue to feel mad anyway.

Every single person has bailed on my birthday weekend. Both the people who were supposed to go, and the ones who live there who I was hoping to meet up with.

I shouldn't be upset about this, as my friend purchased me a ticket to see my football team, and paid for my hotel the whole time I'm going to be there. He is only coming the morning of the game, and taking off right after. I should be thankful that I have a friend who is doing such a nice thing for me. But right now I'm just obsessing over all of the ones who have canceled. I'm halfway expecting him to cancel, too... He has done it before - paid for my hotel, and then never shows up to see me.

I was already depressed about this birthday. Now I'll just be sitting in my hotel room alone. Like, masturbating with my tears and eating candy or something.

hey, if you want to meet up sunday during the day, i should be free <3

Digital Twilight
10-15-2014, 03:24 PM
When I know I'm being selfish, and I continue to feel mad anyway.

Every single person has bailed on my birthday weekend. Both the people who were supposed to go, and the ones who live there who I was hoping to meet up with.

I shouldn't be upset about this, as my friend purchased me a ticket to see my football team, and paid for my hotel the whole time I'm going to be there. He is only coming the morning of the game, and taking off right after. I should be thankful that I have a friend who is doing such a nice thing for me. But right now I'm just obsessing over all of the ones who have canceled. I'm halfway expecting him to cancel, too... He has done it before - paid for my hotel, and then never shows up to see me.

I was already depressed about this birthday. Now I'll just be sitting in my hotel room alone. Like, masturbating with my tears and eating candy or something.

That sucks Sarah :(

My next birthday will be my 30th and to be honest I don't want to try and arrange anything because I fear something like that would happen. I feel let down by a few people latey and I'm not sure I need another knock on my confidence right now.

10-15-2014, 03:30 PM
You are in Chicago, correct?
Town of awesome eateries, record stores, book stores, people-watching etc etc. Go out and enjoy!
People are shitty: it's perfectly possible to have a good time without them!
Oh, and Happy Birthday :)

10-15-2014, 04:22 PM

Fuck those people, it's impossible to be bored in Chicago!! When are you arriving, Friday night? Hell, there are a shitload of ETS people in Chicago, I'm sure you could arrange some kind of meetup with ETS Chicagoans! eversonpoe has already made an offer! There are a ton of us!, here!

And, even if you don't end up meeting up with ETS people, there are a lot of cool people, here, you can meet!

Sarah K
10-15-2014, 05:11 PM
I'm staying by the airport. Although, when he asked where I wanted to stay, and I said "close to the airport", he thought I meant O'Hare. But I'll be coming in through Midway. Lol. I know I'll still find stuff to do. It's just more me being annoyed at people canceling(not much passes me off faster). I've seen most of the major touristy stuff, so I wanna check out some more unique things this time.

Yes, eversonpoe, that will work. Saturday is the only day I'm busy. I get in Friday afternoon and then take off Monday evening. Just met me know when works for you.

10-15-2014, 05:38 PM
Ew Midway, not a lovely area. Better off by O'Hare.

I hope you have a nice bday weekend in ChiTown despite those assholes.

10-16-2014, 01:06 AM
The Cardinals.

What the fuck guys.

10-16-2014, 01:25 AM

10-16-2014, 08:36 AM
The new marketing buzz-phrase and overly mis-used: "disruptive technology". If something actually enhances an existing technology it doesn't necessarily disrupt it. Sorry, nerd rant.

10-16-2014, 10:03 AM
I apply for a Meetup group, answering their questions. Rejected for lack of experience with the topic, with helpful links for me to learn more about the subject. If they need to know my background and knowledge of the topic, how about asking me before presuming what it might be? Grr.

10-16-2014, 04:09 PM
The new marketing buzz-phrase and overly mis-used: "disruptive technology". If something actually enhances an existing technology it doesn't necessarily disrupt it. Sorry, nerd rant.Well, can you give me a better value prop to say that will leverage and extend this new 5th generation technology? :P

Halo Infinity
10-16-2014, 07:51 PM
Not having a real keyboard to type on. :p

10-18-2014, 04:49 AM
Seeing my car being towed away yet again as no one can figure out what is wrong with it after a month! Fingers crossed.

miss k bee
10-18-2014, 10:43 AM
Searching for something to wear to go out for friend's birthday meal, trying to find something smart casual and still ending up wearing black.

10-18-2014, 11:08 AM
black is the new black anyway.

10-18-2014, 11:26 AM
Typesetter: correcting all these errors (I made) in the Index would be too much work, and would introduce the possibility for more errors, so let's just leave it as it is.

Erm, how about no?

10-19-2014, 11:41 AM
When you're getting a torrent and its going really slow, even with there being a lot of 'seeders' who don't like to share. Anyone know how to make it go faster, like rotate to other peers or something?

Charmingly Miserable
10-20-2014, 10:38 PM
Searching for something to wear to go out for friend's birthday meal, trying to find something smart casual and still ending up wearing black.
There is nothing wrong with that.

Here is my gripe: my sister and I are several skin tones apart. I am medium skin toned and she is what I consider to be on the light side. She buys makeup in my shade and puts it on her. When I call her out on it, she acts like she doesn't know what I am talking about. She is one of those girls you see with skin one color but her face is in a total different realm. So annoying.

10-20-2014, 11:33 PM
i do sound/music (and other things because i'm a busybody) for a theatre company (in which i'm a company member). our next show goes into tech next monday. there is almost no sound design (only a couple of straight up sfx, which i HATE doing), absolutely no music, but a few a/v elements (playback of video journals). the director is being really stubborn even though everyone is telling him that the way he wants to do certain things aren't going to work, and all of the responsibility is falling on me because i'm the a/v guy. also, my good friend who is the props master started crying at the end of our post-rehearsal meeting tonight because she is so stressed out, and the director couldn't even answer her very simple, very straightforward questions. this whole thing is ridiculous.

Sarah K
10-24-2014, 08:28 AM
My mother's goddamn obsession with me shitting out a child. Fuck.

I've been saying since I was like 7 that I'm never going to have kids. She has been harassing me about it my entire adult life. Any time I've been in a serious relationship WHEN DO I GET A GRANDBABY LOL... Last night, I made a comment on facebook about a guy on the bus who said something that I would say, and I joked that I thought about proposing to him. She then responds with OOOOOOOH GRANDBABIES? ;) Fucking NO.

When I was in the hospital BECAUSE OF BIRTH CONTROL and they were explaining that I should never have children, she was all worried about that, instead of the fact that I like almost died. The doctors stated that if I ever wanted a child, I would need to plan it WELL in advance, would most likely be on bed rest the majority of the pregnancy, and that I would have to give myself shots every day, which I had to do when I got out of the hospital. And her main concern was BUT SHE CAN STILL HAVE KIDS?!?! Uuuuugh. A few months after that, I got an IUD put in. Since it is a copper one, it is good for 12 years(until I'm 40). When I recently told her about that, she made a disgusted face and asked why I would do such a thing. Haha. I really, REALLY don't understand her obsession with this when it is basically the last thing on earth that I would want. Fuck, I can barely get myself dressed every morning. What the fuck would I do with a kid?!

Digital Twilight
10-24-2014, 10:57 AM
There's still this stigma for women if you don't have kids then there is something wrong or missing. Fuck that the last thing we need is more parents who never wanted kids in the first place. Life is more than just procreation.

10-24-2014, 11:03 AM
My mother's goddamn obsession with me shitting out a child. Fuck.

Send her a copy of Lee Edelman's No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive.

10-24-2014, 12:17 PM
The fact that if I lived not-in-NYC I would make a really solid level of income for my age but in this city can barely afford a 1 bedroom.

I share a 2 bedroom with a great roommate for pretty cheap, but if he moved out I'd want to live alone and UGHHHH PROPERTY IS SO SO SO CRAZY.

1 bedrooms basically start at $1200 Rent calculators say I can afford like 1000-1100 but loans and stuff.

10-24-2014, 12:48 PM
My mother's goddamn obsession with me shitting out a child. Fuck.
They eventually stfu. Really. They do. When they get into their 60s, they develop a hatred for all kids except their own grandchildren and, if they don't have any, they thank you for not having any. They have ZERO patience.

My mom spends her entire day screaming at and / or bitching about the kids in her condo building. "Those kids are PIGS. They throw garbage everywhere! They run down the hall! Where are their PARENTS?"


When my parents were younger, they went to a restaurant and requested "no smoking" (back in those days). Now, my mom insists in sitting where there are NO KIDS.

She used to LIKE kids, she HAD kids, we used to BE those kids. I don't know wtf happens to parents, but they turn into these old farts with ZERO patience and nerves made of fragile china.

10-24-2014, 05:43 PM
i guess it doesn't exactly piss me off...i just don't feel so good.

i'm trying to get off vicodin for awhile and i didn't expect to get this sick.
i have this awful catch-22...i'm in terrible pain so i NEED the big prescription but i'm also a raging opiate addict and don't take them right, and i'm allowed 60 mg a day for fuck's sake.

hopefully i'll be better in a couple days or three.

BTW Sarah K , my mom wants to get in vitro fertilization for my wife.
i can barely get myself dressed in the morning either (sometimes i don't,) and we live with her in the family estate house off of my deceased grandparent's money.
So what the fuck am i gonna do with a kid? i really kinda want one, but i can't hardly take care of myself!

10-24-2014, 06:02 PM
i guess it doesn't exactly piss me off...i just don't feel so good.

i'm trying to get off vicodin for awhile and i didn't expect to get this sick.
i have this awful catch-22...i'm in terrible pain so i NEED the big prescription but i'm also a raging opiate addict and don't take them right, and i'm allowed 60 mg a day for fuck's sake.

hopefully i'll be better in a couple days or three.

60mg is a baby dose. What pain do you experience? I've been living with chronic pain for around 10/12 years, I'm fairly qualified here.

Pain and opiate addiction are not mutually exclusive. They can both be managed together. Regardless of the addiction, you should not be in pain. Maintaining a balance is a challenge that most Pain Management Services will work on, with you.

If they don't, request a second opinion. Note however, a lot of pain management specialists will be on the look out for junkies, and if they think you're at it, you'll be shown the door.

Again, 60mg is pretty low. Are you reducing to 60mg a day, or is that your usual? If it's your usual, taper off slowly, reduce by a quarter of your usual intake per week. You'll feel ghastly for three / four days when finally down to 0, but then it'll be smooth sailing.

If you're being restricted to 60 from a higher dose (which you shouldn't be, if you're being properly managed- see above) adapt for a while, then follow the above process.

In the long term, your largest challenge will be restless legs, when trying to sleep. That's a concern in and of itself- by far, the worst outstanding symptom of opiate detox, for a lot of people. This is largely undocumented medically, so you might be in for a struggle with whatever doctor, but a quick wade through some recovery forums will clarify. Cross that bridge when you come to it, though.

Good luck.

10-24-2014, 06:33 PM
Note however, a lot of pain management specialists will be on the look out for junkies, and if they think you're at it, you'll be shown the door.
That's not necessarily true. My brother had sciatic nerve damage from a bad accident but was also an addict. He finally kicked the addiction, but after 20+ years the terrible pain was so disabling that he tried to get SSDI (disability from the government). The doctors said, "here, you have to take these pain meds, first, to see if this works before we'll give you a note indicating we think you're 'disabled enough' to be on SSDI." He told them he was a recovering addict; they didn't care, they knew he wanted to be on SSDI, these were the hoops they wanted him to jump through. That started him back on his addiction, again. These docs were like The Candy Man, handing out drugs like Dr. Nick to Elvis. Despicable. The worst part was that we had to go through lawyers to finally get the SSDI and he finally got it a few weeks before he DIED. The government sucks like that. (So do a lot of these doctors.)

10-24-2014, 06:50 PM
That's not necessarily true. My brother had sciatic nerve damage from a bad accident but was also an addict. He finally kicked the addiction, but after 20+ years the terrible pain was so disabling that he tried to get SSDI (disability from the government). The doctors said, "here, you have to take these pain meds, first, to see if this works before we'll give you a note indicating we think you're 'disabled enough' to be on SSDI." He told him he was a recovering addict, they didn't care, they knew he wanted to be on SSDI, these were the hoops they wanted him to jump through. That started him back on his addiction, again. These docs were like The Candy Man, handing out drugs like Dr. E to Elvis. Despicable. The worst part was that we had to go through lawyers to finally get the SSDI and he finally got it a few weeks before he DIED. The government sucks like that. (So do a lot of these doctors.)

Fair enough. I can't really answer to that, most of my experience with pain management has been in the UK, where less insurance interests are considered (the NHS being what it is). I'm early days with the US system.

@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475), please excuse my error, 60mg Vicodin isn't trivial. I was confusing this with dihydrocodeine, which makes up a lot of my experience (the two are often compared). Note though, Vicodin contains paracetamol, which you may be familiar with as acetaminophen. I'd taper off slowly, in your case, and take the beating in the meantime (and request something with less strain on your liver, if you can).

10-25-2014, 01:09 AM
I wish there was a fatal disease that had a hypoallergenic vaccine available to all for free that could prevent it so they would all just die off already.

10-25-2014, 06:09 AM
People getting all uppity about pointless bullshit. Every day for the last month I've seen something about "#gamergate" and people seem to be losing their shit over it. From what I gather, there are 2 or possibly 3 groups of whiny idiots berating each other because of something to do about (possibly gender and/or sexual) equality in gaming or something like that. Who gives a fuck? It's video games. I don't care if I play as a hulking man-beast with a 15" cock or a skinny broad with DDD tits or anything in-between; if it's fun and has a compelling story, it's a good game. If not, I'll either not play it or accept the fact that I bought a shitty game. End of story.

Normally I'd invite people to fill me in on what I may be missing and let me adjust my opinion but it's been going for a month now and everyone on every side of this debacle seems to be a horrible, miserable person, so for all I care anyone who's actually concerned about this whole situation can go fuck themselves with a level 60 Mace Of The Uncaring.

Reply to this however you like, and I'll read it and maybe it'll change my opinion, but I'm not getting involved any more than this post because you all sound like fucking idiots and I don't want to be associated with you in this situation.

10-25-2014, 06:42 AM
It is LITERALLY the tumblr extremists and the 4chan extremists at war with each other over absolutely nothing. Some bitch cheated on her boyfriend and now it's a "hurr durr patriarchy" explosion of douche. It's a complete none issue and both sides are absolutely laughable.

10-25-2014, 08:59 AM
Every day for the last month I've seen something about "#gamergate"
Re GamerGate: There's an entire thread devoted to this over in Gaming and Technology (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3543-Sexism-and-Misogyny-in-Gaming).

10-25-2014, 02:39 PM
The word "friendzone". It's almost completely been erased from my vocabulary, and it needs to be erased from the english language entirely.

Charmingly Miserable
10-25-2014, 04:19 PM
Life is more than just procreation.
Like eating all things cheese.

Digital Twilight
10-25-2014, 07:05 PM
I wish I could get some sleep :(

10-26-2014, 01:23 PM
Last minute goals that fuck your coupon!!!!

10-26-2014, 01:35 PM
Religious arguments. No one in the history of ever has ever gone into one genuinely open to the idea of their mind being changed and it's just pointless disagreement.

10-26-2014, 01:48 PM
Religious arguments. No one in the history of ever has ever gone into one genuinely open to the idea of their mind being changed and it's just pointless disagreement.

Especially when it seems that way too many people cannot separate "religion" from "spirituality". Such a lost cause, like you said.

Midwest weather pisses me off, even though I've lived here my entire life.

10-27-2014, 07:44 AM
Fair enough. I can't really answer to that, most of my experience with pain management has been in the UK, where less insurance interests are considered (the NHS being what it is). I'm early days with the US system.

@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475), please excuse my error, 60mg Vicodin isn't trivial. I was confusing this with dihydrocodeine, which makes up a lot of my experience (the two are often compared). Note though, Vicodin contains paracetamol, which you may be familiar with as acetaminophen. I'd taper off slowly, in your case, and take the beating in the meantime (and request something with less strain on your liver, if you can).
i was in two terrible car accidents and then took that beating from my cousin. it left me with herniated discs, accelerated degenerative disc disease, scoliosis...basically my back and shoulders are ruined.

The dr at my clinic is actually well known for his work...people come to see him from hundreds of miles away.
I don't just take pills, i'm also having procedures...i had facet blocks (no idea how to spell that,) last month, and i will be having two rhizotomies in a week. They don't just give out pills, they try to fix your body too, with minimally invasive procedures.

I'm not trying to get permanently off of the hydrocodone....but i take it wrong...take too much...take 8 or 10 a day sometimes. And six is a lot as it is!

I want to lower my tolerance...i'm not going to take any until i have my surgeries on the 3rd and 4th. And i'm going to have my wife or mother hide my pills from me and dole them
Thanks, allegro and DF118 for giving a shit. out.

It sucks being an addict AND actually needing the pills.

10-27-2014, 10:08 AM
It sucks being an addict AND actually needing the pills.
This is interesting (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC315480/)

Have you tried acupuncture, yet? My late mother-in-law had terrible pain from herniated discs and the resulting sciatica and NO prescription pain meds helped, but she swore that acupuncture was like a miracle. She was a bartender, stood on her feet all day to make a living in that pain, and the acupuncture enabled her to work without pain. My now-retired boss had herniated discs and sciatica, too, and did acupuncture, also swears by it. They both said you have to have the right person do it, though.

Later, my mother-in-law developed terrible osteoporosis and had FIVE compression fractures (collasped discs) . Talk about pain. She said that "Bayer Back and Body" did more for the pain that Vicodin. Vicodin just put her to sleep.

10-27-2014, 10:28 AM
I've heard the same about acupuncture. I would totally give it a go if I had pain management issues. I'm sorry people have to live with it chronically.

10-27-2014, 10:58 AM
As if my sleep hasn't been plagued with stupid dreams as of late, I had to be up at 9 a.m. to let maintenance into my apartment again to check outlets a 2nd time. Wouldn't bother me so much but i just worked 32 hours over three busy days and today is my day off. It wouldn't have been zoo bad if had not on my own started "waking" up at 7:30 instead of when my alarm was supposed to go off.


People who (in some cases repeatedly) get pets who cannot care for them and then pawn them off. Most recently i took in a cat for a buddy who he got from another guy who couldn't keep her. I did so she wouldn't have to go to the pound because he fucked off and got himself kicked out of his place. Two weeks later i still haven't heard back from him. He may have gone home to Tennessee for all i know. Which for him is probably best but for me not so much. This cat while being super sweet, let alone having been moved around at least 3 times I'm aware of i had to call a no-kill shelter up the other day and pass her off yet again. I looked into keeping her but afaik she wasn't fixed, hadn't had shots, and certainly wasn't declawed. All things that I would have had to take care of plus a pet deposit if i wanted to keep her.

I can manage to hold down a job and pay rent and usually my bills if so inclined, what makes people think they need a pet when they can't even do that? Don't get me wrong i'd love a dog but next to having a child at this point it's probably really bad idea right now. On top of that now i kind of miss having an animal to keep me company. :/

10-27-2014, 12:57 PM
Exchange between me and "Guy":

Me: Want to have a conversation, sometime?

"Guy": That would be nice. About this conversation in particular, or, just for funsies?

Me: I guess we'll find out.

"Guy": Cool. Open-ended is my favorite.
So, what are you about?

Me: https://www.(link to extensive profile)
Somewhat out of date.

"Guy": Links can be valuable, but tend not to further conversation.

Answering a question with a link, in some ways, resembles, to me, answer a question over dinner by giving someone your resume.

And, this isn't too look down on the practice, as I know it's not abnormal netiquette, I'm only attempting to convey the strangeness of it if it was done in another context.

Me: I get you.

Posted without comment.

10-27-2014, 05:24 PM
so I missed a package that was supposed to be delivered I guess last Saturday. They left a note for my apartment saying they'd try again on Monday.

I wasn't planning on being here today... all fucking day long... waiting for this fucking package. I have a million goddamn things I want to be doing today, but I don't want them to show up and say "oh, we missed you on the five minute window we decided to show up."

Why does this need my personal signature?! Give it to the apartment manager! He can sign for it! Goddamn it this sucks. I've literally sat here for about 5 hours now just waiting for this shit to show up.

Space Suicide
10-27-2014, 06:56 PM
so I missed a package that was supposed to be delivered I guess last Saturday. They left a note for my apartment saying they'd try again on Monday.

I wasn't planning on being here today... all fucking day long... waiting for this fucking package. I have a million goddamn things I want to be doing today, but I don't want them to show up and say "oh, we missed you on the five minute window we decided to show up."

Why does this need my personal signature?! Give it to the apartment manager! He can sign for it! Goddamn it this sucks. I've literally sat here for about 5 hours now just waiting for this shit to show up.

UPS or Fedex?

10-27-2014, 07:57 PM
UPS or Fedex?

DHL... I have never gone through these people before, and holy shit.

I just drove an hour through traffic to pick up the package in person (their website said it would be there)... the guy says "uh, the driver called the apartment, and the person who picked up said that he had the wrong number."

So I stood there for a second... and then asked "so, when you dial the wrong number, what do you do next?"

YOU HANG UP AND DIAL THE RIGHT FUCKING NUMBER!!!! Also, how the fuck do you dial the wrong number? My apartment number is literally the same number over and over again. It could not possibly be any harder to fuck up. It's not a super complicated number, like 112, or 331... it's the SAME FUCKING NUMBER OVER AND OVER AGAIN. How do you get this wrong?

So they say, well, if you can get back to your apartment by 6:30, the driver is willing to take time off his break to try to deliver the package to you again.

So, in other words, pay the extra money. Never use DHL.

Big Fat Matt
10-27-2014, 08:42 PM
People that dont get hints.

10-27-2014, 08:52 PM
If I know I'm not going to be home I always leave a dated and typed up note saying I authorize the package to be left at my doorstep and I write the tracking number down, then I sign the page. 9 times out of 10 the delivery driver take the note and all of the time the package is left. You should try it next time you're in that position.

10-27-2014, 09:16 PM
People that dont get hints.

Could you be more specific?

Big Fat Matt
10-27-2014, 09:55 PM
Could you be more specific?
Infatuated Woman: We should totally hang out soon!
Me: Wish I had the time, been so busy lately.
IW: Can't make time for me?
Me: We tried that before, remember? (see footnote)
IW: not rly, lol
Me: Have a good night
IW: <3 :*

Footnote: So I take this girl on a date like, 2 years ago. She runs a SEVENTY FIVE dollar bar tab on me (ordered like, 15 shots for her and the table next to us while i was taking a leak), and instead of apologizing or offering to help pay, she pukes on me and all over my van.

10-27-2014, 10:03 PM
DHL... I have never gone through these people before, and holy shit.

I just drove an hour through traffic to pick up the package in person (their website said it would be there)... the guy says "uh, the driver called the apartment, and the person who picked up said that he had the wrong number."

So I stood there for a second... and then asked "so, when you dial the wrong number, what do you do next?"

YOU HANG UP AND DIAL THE RIGHT FUCKING NUMBER!!!! Also, how the fuck do you dial the wrong number? My apartment number is literally the same number over and over again. It could not possibly be any harder to fuck up. It's not a super complicated number, like 112, or 331... it's the SAME FUCKING NUMBER OVER AND OVER AGAIN. How do you get this wrong?

So they say, well, if you can get back to your apartment by 6:30, the driver is willing to take time off his break to try to deliver the package to you again.

So, in other words, pay the extra money. Never use DHL.
DHL is the fucking WORST. Years ago, my mom bought me a piece of art at an art fair and shipped it to me via DHL. They delivered it to the wrong apartment building, slid in under a fucking main door, didn't bother getting a signature (even though were supposed to) then insisted to my mom that I got the package and was lying. My mom filed a claim but didn't get shit. DHL sucks.

10-28-2014, 08:33 AM
tech week started yesterday and we open friday. i usually have my QLab session (program i use to run audio for plays) together a week or two into rehearsal (and make changes from there), but i didn't start putting it together until yesterday. i worked at my day job from 10am until 2pm installing a couple more security cameras for a customer with a crazy neighbor, then from 2:30pm-5pm i worked on sound for the play, then i packed up all the shit of mine we're using for the show and drove for 45 minutes in traffic, unloaded my car, and then worked at the theater until 11pm. when i got home, i was so wired that i just couldn't sleep, so i was up until 2am. and now i have another full day of regular work and then theater work.

i fucking hate tech week.

miss k bee
10-28-2014, 09:35 AM
Have had no hot water and heating for almost a week as boiler has packed up. Have to wash oldstyle with boiled kettle water and a flannel.

10-28-2014, 09:51 AM
Illinois is a fairly large state, larger than maybe most people realize.

I should not have to drive 3 hours north or south to buy medical marijuana every time (next year when this kicks in). I do not live in Podunk, Illinois; I live in an area with well over 400,000 people in a 20-mile radius. The other thing about the Midwest is, you get 5 miles outside of a town/city and you're pretty much in the middle of nowhere. So, there's decent population but also plenty of no-man's land to put up one of these cultivation centers and/or dispensary.

Unless I missed a memo and Nancy Grace is now the Illinois Czar, please stop turning down applications that aren't right outside of Chicago's burbs or East St. Louis. These legislators are pissing away money, THC pun possibly intended.

10-28-2014, 10:00 AM
Feeling under appreciated and devalued at work.

10-28-2014, 01:10 PM
Just sent an email to a dean asking for a job.
And included a chunk of the draft which I had failed to delete from the body of the email.
No matter that I spent several hours composing and proofing this email.

I feel like such a careless fool.

10-28-2014, 04:34 PM
Just sent an email to a dean asking for a job.
And included a chunk of the draft which I had failed to delete from the body of the email.
No matter that I spent several hours composing and proofing this email.

I feel like such a careless fool.Ugh, big fear of mine. Why I don't even put type in the address until I'm good and done. Then I go ahead and give the wrong name in the salutation. :( The woman I was sending an email to replied with "Nancy isn't available at 2pm, but Mary is." Embarrassing.

10-29-2014, 01:02 AM

10-29-2014, 04:17 PM
Watching good friends be their own worst enemy. Not just with themselves, but also with me. Don't know how much more of this bullshit I'm willing to put up with. It's so depressing. :(

Your Name Here
10-29-2014, 09:56 PM

10-30-2014, 12:34 AM
today was, again, ridiculous.

i got home from tech after midnight last night, couldn't shut my brain off and didn't fall asleep until after 3am.
woke up at 8, left at 9, worked from 10-4 (six hours of work that would have taken about 1-2 hours if the fucking customer had told us they wanted broadcast antenna TV available in their three TV rooms a couple months ago when their hosue was under construction).

got home at 4:25, changed out of the pants that i managed to rip a hole in the crotch of while working, left on my bike at 4:35, grabbed chipotle, got to the theater at 5:10.
worked on sound/video for the play and tried to find a workaround for the free version of QLab's awful video restrictions until we started a run at 7:42.

run ended at 9:30ish, director gave cast notes until 10:15, and then we had a production meeting until 11:40, mostly consisting of me getting pissed off at the director's (and several other people's) lack of understanding of how video projectors function and how much work i had put into getting all of the video shit to work even though it's not really my department (my day job is a/v, my theater job is sound & music).

rode my bike home and arrived at 12:09.

and now i know it's going to take me forever to fall asleep. i have the day off from work tomorrow and was going to be nice and make cookies for all my crew- & cast-mates, but the director wants me at the theater at 2:30 (call time is 6pm) to completely change how we're doing the video for the play.

10-30-2014, 06:10 AM
Ugh these election TV ads and fucking phone calls, I can't wait for the elections to be over and done with and gone.

Sarah K
10-30-2014, 08:38 AM
Ugh these election TV ads and fucking phone calls, I can't wait for the elections to be over and done with and gone.

And 678 emails every day. I block 3 of them, and then get new ones from like 7 different addresses. I can't keep up.

10-30-2014, 08:43 AM
The word "friendzone". It's almost completely been erased from my vocabulary, and it needs to be erased from the english language entirely.

Hmm, why?...

Sarah K
10-30-2014, 09:08 AM
Hmm, why?...

Because if a Person A is complaining about Person B putting them in the "friendzone", it means Person A believed that they were entitled to sex for being nice(which isn't nice at all).

Infatuated Woman: We should totally hang out soon!
Me: Wish I had the time, been so busy lately.
IW: Can't make time for me?
Me: We tried that before, remember? (see footnote)
IW: not rly, lol
Me: Have a good night
IW: <3 :*

Footnote: So I take this girl on a date like, 2 years ago. She runs a SEVENTY FIVE dollar bar tab on me (ordered like, 15 shots for her and the table next to us while i was taking a leak), and instead of apologizing or offering to help pay, she pukes on me and all over my van.

Yo... Don't tell her "Wish I had the time" if you're not interested. It makes it sound like you ARE interested, but busy right now.

10-30-2014, 09:25 AM
Because if a Person A is complaining about Person B putting them in the "friendzone", it means Person A believed that they were entitled to sex for being nice(which isn't nice at all).

Who said anything about complaining? I actually think it's a good term to describe a relationship dynamic, in which, mosts cases, men make a fool of themselves.

Sarah K
10-30-2014, 09:31 AM
I guess I've never seen anyone positively speak about the myth that is the "friendzone".

10-30-2014, 09:32 AM
how is it a myth?

Sarah K
10-30-2014, 09:47 AM

Basically, it's confirmation bias and feeling entitled to someone all in one.

10-30-2014, 10:02 AM
Turds who stink up the forum, get banned, start multiple accounts to talk to themselves, get banned, and keep creating accounts, resulting in further bans, who then turn to using TOR to get around the bans. I find them irritating, yes.

10-30-2014, 10:04 AM
It's hardly a myth. It totally exists. I can tell you I don't feel entitled to anything but it's disapponting when you're trying to build toward a relationship and get shot down with such a reason. I LIKE and PREFER to be friends BEFORE I start dating someone. It's probably one of the bigger reasons I'm single. That and this face and body of mine :)
And yes, some girls are just fucking evil and will milk this for all it's worth just as there are douchey dudes who just are nice because they wanna' fuck.
Regardless of any of these three versions, the "friendzone" exists.