View Full Version : Silent Hill

11-30-2011, 11:31 AM
Now that Downpour is coming out in 2012, it better be AWESOME.

11-30-2011, 12:34 PM
Now that Downpour is coming out in 2012, it better be AWESOME.

I was actually really excited for that and pre-ordered it, since it looked like it was going back to the SH 1-2-3 roots. Then I was sad that it was delayed, but then I was okay with it meaning, they are taking their time to make it good.

Also HD collection is coming out in January too. too bad it is only 2 and 3. Where is my remastered original! :p

11-30-2011, 12:37 PM
It doesn't have Akira Yamaoka.




12-01-2011, 10:56 AM
It doesn't have Akira Yamaoka.




It doesn't have a single member of the original team who created and developed Silent Hill...

12-01-2011, 05:41 PM
it also had Korn in the trailer.

I liked Homecoming though. I'll still get it.

12-03-2011, 08:25 AM
Way more excited about the HD collection of 2&3. Best games in the series for me.

Emil Dorbell
12-03-2011, 10:20 AM
Definitely getting Downpour. Homecoming wasn't great but I still enjoyed it. And it's Silent Hill, so you have to play it.

12-08-2011, 10:35 AM
And it's Silent Hill, so you have to play it.

Is it Silent Hill though? Can it really be considered a new instalment, when there's no input or inclusion from the original creators or developers of the series? It's like if Warner commissioned someone other than JK Rowling to write new sequels to Harry Potter. The team who have their hands on the series (eg, Tom Hullet, Vatra Games, etc) aren't the originators, nor have they ever been involved with them. That means that whatever direction Downpour and future titles take with the mythology and story are things that the original writers never intended for. It's made up, fan-fiction. These days, Konami pretty much pass the series around to all these different producers, so there's never any cohesion or narrative between titles anymore, whereas 1 to 4 were an episodic series. Without a cohesive group of members working on it, the series never actually ends up progressing. Argue all you want about the merits of Origins onwards, but the series has stagnated for years now. And (as I said) without any continuing members, Downpour and the like are on the same level as the Donnie Darko sequel or Star Wars fanfiction novels. These games have about as much relevance to Silent Hill as the sequels to The Crow did.

As far as I can see, there's no need to carry on making Silent Hill games. The series should have ended circa 2004, when it was still relevant and exciting. It's running the risk of becoming the Marilyn Manson of the gaming industry.

frankie teardrop
12-08-2011, 11:08 AM
one of these days, i'll really get into this series. have always been interested, have the first for the original playstation. started playing it, but like most games, my time was limited and i got severely distracted, and by the time i returned to it, i had lost my momentum.

12-08-2011, 01:01 PM
People have been jocking this series' balls for a while. Never tried it. Figure ill play nuber 2 when hd collection comes out. Would that suffice?

12-08-2011, 01:13 PM
This game was due to come out a few weeks or less after IGN posted up a damning preview which highlighted bugs and dull gameplay. Konami must have seen that, previews from other players and reacted, which is a good thing in my book. This is pretty much their last chance with this series so I am quietly hopeful that this will shake off the stigma the series got from Homecoming.

12-08-2011, 01:58 PM
I know people are skeptical about any of the games past 1-3, but I really enjoyed Shattered Memories for Wii, apart from the second game, I definitely felt that it had a much better story than 1 & 3.

01-06-2012, 02:18 AM
Lots of previews went up for Downpour this last week.
Everything is sounding a bit more promising. Fingers crossed eh?

The less said about the Vita game the better though... my thoughts are 'Why?'

Also, HD collections at the end of this month, I've been itching to revisit Silent Hill 2 for sometime, and am kinda glad I held out. It's a shame they didn't add The Room really as, while the game was slightly flawed, I really enjoyed it. It also doesn't work with my backward compatible ps3, so boo, Konami, boo.

01-06-2012, 03:19 AM
Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3 may be great horror games, but I'm about as excited for a new entry in the series as I am for Hellraiser IX.

I am looking forward to the HD rereleases of 2 and 3 though. Though there's no way to just release an HD remake of 1. They would have to remake the game from the ground up. You can download the original from the Playstation store though.

01-06-2012, 03:33 AM
Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3 may be great horror games, but I'm about as excited for a new entry in the series as I am for Hellraiser IX.

I am looking forward to the HD rereleases of 2 and 3 though. Though there's no way to just release an HD remake of 1. They would have to remake the game from the ground up. You can download the original from the Playstation store though.

While it may look primitive, yeah, I think the first game still works, certainly in a horror suspense way, partly due to how it looks and controls. Shattered Memories was the re-imagining of this, though I never played it. Kinda interested, but not having a Wii certainly put it on the backburner.. maybe one day.

As for Downpour, I think my attitude towards it is partly due to just wanting another 8-10 hour fairly decent story driven adventure. As long as Korn don't make another appearance. I wouldn't call it excitement, but more, its on my radar of things to play.

01-27-2012, 11:10 AM
Always been a massive fan, but yeah I've also become disenfranchised with the series, though this (http://www.g4tv.com/videos/57031/silent-hill-downpour-gameplay-preview/) video for Downpour DOES look pretty damned cool.

03-14-2012, 11:19 AM
Just pre-ordered the HD collection in the UK so god knows when it'll be out. Does anyone know if the Maria born from a wish extra game from SH2 is included?

03-14-2012, 01:18 PM
I last heard the HD collection in the uk was 29th March.. I have it pre-ordered too. But alas I pre-ordered from Game so theres a 50/50 chance they won't stock it, what with their financial woes n all...
IGNs review of Downpour was... not encouraging...

03-14-2012, 01:39 PM
Played it for a while and IGN pretty much nailed it. I'm a big fan of the series and this is just another letdown like Homecoming was (and we all know how that ended up...what's it now at EB/GameStop?...$14.99 ??)

03-14-2012, 01:45 PM
Thanks for info - what was wrong with Downpour? I quite liked Homecoming, I thought the combat was good once you got used to it and gave a sense of accomplishment and I liked the music and atmosphere. Nothing will come close to when I played the demo of Silent Hill 1 back in the 90s (I think the demo came with MGS1), it consisted of the alley scene and school, it was night I was drunk and was shit-my-pants scared

03-14-2012, 01:51 PM
My biggest beef is the obvious one. I played it for maaaybe, 2 hours tops? Not once was it scary. Mind you I'm the same as you, when the first Silent Hill came out I was a lot younger and it scared me shitless and now I'm probably as jaded as you lol...but still. It's all about the scares and from what I played of Downpour, it had a few shocking moments but overall was just meh. Also, the weapons were a bit cumbersome and there's almost no fog! They just use rain now, but unlike the first few games where you were just surprised when BAM around the corner there was a monster...now you know you're safe until it rains. Then you know they're coming, so the element of surprise is kinda gone.

Just wait until it gets mad cheap like Homecoming.

03-14-2012, 02:00 PM
^^^sadly I was 24 or so when I played SH1 and STILL shit scared, SH2 was better though as the story was fantastic, and I even liked the voice acting (which was really naff in the first one but that's part of it's charm)

Anyway I'll deff buy Downpour but like you say, wait a while

03-14-2012, 02:21 PM
I love the Silent Hill games... but do agree that they should stop making more sequels.
As for the HD transfers 2 & 3, how awesome would be if they remade the first game for the new gen systems.
kinda like how they did the first Resident Evil for Gamecube... which by the way was the greatest graphics in any game I saw during that era of systems

Also, gotta give it up, Silent Hill was the best game to movie transfer ever. I can't wait for the sequel, but worried about how quiet they have been about it and I heard the movie company is forcing them to hold the movie back.

I'm all for a Silent Hill first game being remade with today's graphics.

03-15-2012, 02:49 AM
Damn, I was REALLY hoping for a great return to form with this one but from what I'm reading I don't think I'll be buying it.

03-15-2012, 07:13 AM
slightly better review : http://uk.gamespot.com/silent-hill-downpour/videos/video-review-silent-hill-downpour-6365602/
me thinks I shall wait for the bargain bin. I'm always up for a good story, but if it plays bad it can really be a chore.

03-22-2012, 04:51 PM
So I've been playing the second one. Weird game. Some of the puzzles are kinda hard or mostly over my head. Canned juice. Really...?

03-22-2012, 09:28 PM
HD collection just came out but I'm broke as all hell... :( very high on my games I need to play list....

03-23-2012, 04:12 PM
I thought some of you guys might get a laugh outta this. I love every video these guys do, and they just started this game this week. They just uploaded part two, as well.


03-29-2012, 11:44 AM
Just got an email from Amazon that the Silent Hill HD collection I'd preordered has been despatched at £20 - which is brilliant as I'd ordered it when it was £27 so the price came down. Can't wait to play this although I'm currently playing Bioshock 2 and don't get much more than an hour every few days to play games these days, still I make the most of my time given that I can't just play on till whenever I want to stop anymore

03-29-2012, 01:16 PM
Picked up the HD collection on PS3. I had never gotten around to playing SH2 or 3 back in the day, so I can't exactly compare it to the originals, but there's definitely some minor annoyances. The frame rate dips a lot (at least in SH2) and the fog effect looks sort of strange. Textures do look great though for the most part.

Not as scary as I was expecting though. Maybe it'll start to pick up after a few more hours? Just got to the hospital.

03-29-2012, 02:33 PM
Picked up the HD collection on PS3. I had never gotten around to playing SH2 or 3 back in the day, so I can't exactly compare it to the originals, but there's definitely some minor annoyances. The frame rate dips a lot (at least in SH2) and the fog effect looks sort of strange. Textures do look great though for the most part.

Not as scary as I was expecting though. Maybe it'll start to pick up after a few more hours? Just got to the hospital.

Got to the hospital and haven't played since. Have yet to fire my gun. I tried to melee both nurses, but they killed Maria . Wandered off to play Resident Evil 4. Got the sudden urge to play it after they announced RE6. I'll play it again though.

04-11-2012, 02:03 AM
I've neeever played a Silent Hill game, so I thought it'd be a good idea to get it off the PSN store since it was one of the giveaways from this month.

I've gotta say, aside from the whole weird directional control thing (controls are from the perspective of wherever your character is facing), it's a pretty solid game, and even the controls aren't that hard to get used to. I'm only at the school, but I'm already getting freaked out just from walking around this place. I'll probably check out the HD collection next, since I'm sure it'll be harder to find 2 and 3 to play on my PS2. I guess I'll just play whatever I can from there. Maybe I'll try Downpour since it's the most recent.

04-11-2012, 03:18 AM
Hopefully Downpour will arrive today. I've heard many bad things about the HD collection, to the point where Silent Hill 2 looks worse than it did on the PS2. I reckon a used copy wouldn't be too hard to find.
In other news Downpour was a right pain to find here in the UK, Game (with their current woes) arn't stocking it, so neither is Gamestation, nor HMV, no supermarkets, and I checked Asda, Sainsburys and Tesco near me and couldn't find one copy. Actually make me kinda hope Game pulls through its administration and comes out better as if games, if they are not AAA titles, can't be found, how are we gonna get those little gems that slip under the radar, or how is a new studio going to fair? Meh... off topic.. Anyway, I'm not optimistic about Downpour, but I didn't really read the reviews very carefully and am at least looking forward to a new story.

04-11-2012, 08:18 PM
I thought the HD collection looked pretty nice. Granted, I only played the second game. And I order my games online (Amazon). The selections here are pretty weak, and I don't feel like dealing with pretentious snobs who work at gamestop.

04-15-2012, 05:59 AM
Apparently there is something up with the fog in Silent Hill 2. I say apparently as I'm yet to get my copy, but it supposedly just isn't as prevalent and swirling as it was on the original PS2 and Xbox releases. Nitpicking probably.

Been playing Downpour a bit. So far its not bad, but some glitches really kill it in places. The frame rate shudders around noticeably and I got stuck in a basement for a hour trying to get through a door that stayed locked after I bashed off the padlock. It took reloading the last checkpoint and doing a whole section again. Frustrating. If I hadn't read a guide (which I hate doing) I would have been totally stumped and pissed.

Glitches aside, I'm still enjoying it, its by the numbers, but feels, atmospheric-wise, like Silent Hill 4 (which I liked a lot, despite its flaws).

Space Suicide
04-15-2012, 10:05 AM
I had Silent Hill 2 once upon a time and traded it last year actually for some nice pocket change, $5.00, at the time. HD Collection might be neat but not on my 'to get right now!' list.

I must say, I like both Resident Evil and Silent Hill but have rarely played any of both series at all. I played about 2 chapters in Resident Evil 5 and played Silent Hill 2 for perhaps maybe 2 hours in total when i did have it. I rented Silent Hill: Homecoming last year as well. Played for maybe 3 hrs and had to take it back. I wouldn't have rented it as I wanted the Simpsons Game but the box I picked up evidently wasn't the Simpsons Game even though it was in the Simpsons Game spot. Fail. I didn't mind it, I know people that like the series said Homecoming sucked but I didn't think it was that bad when I played it. Besides, the music was top notch.

04-15-2012, 10:14 AM
^ I reeeally wanna play Downpour, but every time I've been in the rental store the last couple weeks, it's been checked out. Blah!

Anyway, I have a PS2 stashed away, and I'm able to get original copies of Silent Hill 2 and 3 in great condition off a friend for about 20 bucks. Should I just do that rather than get the HD collection? (Apparently, it's pretty hard to get them used anywhere, and getting them new costs anywhere from $80 to $90 bucks each.)

I only ask because I know exactly what people are saying about the lack of fog and mist ruining the look of the game, now that I've played the first one on PS1 and seen a ton of videos comparing the HD collection to the originals. I can see where some of the hardcore people are saying it takes away from the "horror" factor that they can see roads drop off in the distance and monsters standing in the middle of the road waiting for your avatar to trigger its attack. The first game is basically built on not being able to see much more than like, 10 or 15 feet away from you at any time, and it was scary as shit. I don't know what I'd think if that was messed with in the HD collection. But then again, I have no real opinion on the matter since I haven't actually played any game other than the first. I guess I just don't want to start playing the HD collection and be disappointed. :P I also thought about just getting the HD collection after they release the patch they're working on, and see what everyone thinks of it once they patch some things.

Why didn't I get into these games sooner??

Space Suicide
04-15-2012, 10:46 AM
This was the main song I was talking of:


04-15-2012, 03:46 PM
Silent Hill soundtrack appreciation!
The classic has got to be:

I didn't mind Homecoming. It wasn't anything special, but the story got going half way through and had a nice climax. Silent Hill 4 sort of did the opposite where it just sort of ran out steam about half way through. I tried playing a bit of Origins on the PSP the other day. That one is really bad, I can't bring myself to even finish it. Other than that though I'd still recommend any other Silent Hill to those who are curious, a few graphic issues with fog wouldn't take anything away from SH2 or 3's gameplay and story, and that what its all about really.

04-15-2012, 05:27 PM
Oh no, I asked for the HD collection for my birthday on Tuesday and now I'm slightly regretting it


Removing the fog horn in that scene (one of those little sound effects that MAKE the game)', is akin to the Darth Vader saying 'nooooo' at the end ofReturn of the Jedi on blu-Ray - just Why?

I only really wanted these HD games because I'd like to get rid of my PS2 and these games, Resident Evil CVX / 4 and the metal Gear ones are the only games I've still got for that and I can live without The Room - but I may rethink this now

04-15-2012, 08:14 PM
Oh no, I asked for the HD collection for my birthday on Tuesday and now I'm slightly regretting it


Removing the fog horn in that scene (one of those little sound effects that MAKE the game)', is akin to the Darth Vader saying 'nooooo' at the end ofReturn of the Jedi on blu-Ray - just Why?

I only really wanted these HD games because I'd like to get rid of my PS2 and these games, Resident Evil CVX / 4 and the metal Gear ones are the only games I've still got for that and I can live without The Room - but I may rethink this now

I'm glad there are other elitist jerks like me. Removing or changing anything in Silent Hill is complete blasphemy. KEEP YOUR DAMNED GREASY CHEESE BURGER HANDS OFF IT YOU DAMNED YANKS! Just as a disclaimer, I'm part American by the by.

I'm very unsure about Downpour. After Homecoming, I really kind of lost faith in the series. I enjoyed it to an extent but only if I kept reminding myself that it isnt a real Silent Hill game and I was playing a different franchise all together, regardless if I was lying to myself or not. Also, the fact Korn did a song for it was kind of pissing on the series big style. Did not appreciate. From what I've heard, Daniel Licht did a decent job of the music otherwise though. He's no Akira Yamaoka but he seemed to try to keep the musical theme from the very little I've heard.

Book of Memories needs to go away. Its as if they had a major brainstorm over the franchise and accidentally kept all the notes of how not to make a Silent Hill game. I remember hearing a quote from one of the develpors "Long term fans of the franchise need not worry, a popular pyramid headed enemy makes an appearence" or something close to that effect. That is not a selling point. He should not be in the game either. I may eventually play it when I own a vita out of morbid curiosity. However, I will buy a pre owned copy only (if a pre owned version ever exists). It may sound arrogant, but I dont want the developers of that game getting any of my money. I do not want to be held responsible for a Book of Memories 2 regardless how little I potentially contribute to the cause

Space Suicide
04-16-2012, 05:39 PM
If anyone hates their copy of Silent Hill HD Collection enough to part with it and its an Xbox copy you should drop me a PM. I am reading resounding hate almost everywhere but I on the other hand would like to have it.

04-16-2012, 10:00 PM
I like it. From what I hear, the changes made aren't too radical. It's not that bad though.

Space Suicide
04-16-2012, 10:12 PM
I like it. From what I hear, the changes made aren't too radical. It's not that bad though.

Fog changes and less of it, missing foghorn noise in SH2 and voice actor differences. The rest is the same.

I retract my last statement, I said fuck it and traded a few games in to get the last copy at the local Gamestop. Sweet.

04-16-2012, 10:19 PM
You have an option on the voice acting though. In the second game, at least. Not sure what the foghorn is though. Silent Hill noob here.

04-18-2012, 11:12 AM
Technically, it's about the movie, but...

http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/521864_363207943716611_160930953944312_910662_4755 86669_n.jpg

From what I hear, the movie's been done for a while now, and the distributor (or somebody) was just sitting on it, waiting to decide when to release it. Because, you know, releasing it in the same month as 3 other Silent Hill releases or just slating it for Halloween wouldn't make any sense.

By the way, I went and bought Silent Hill 2 and 3 for the PS2. I figure I might as well play the originals, then try the HD collection later on, and if I wanna upgrade, maybe I can sell off 2 and 3 and pick up the HD collection.

ANYWAY....Personally, I kinda like the first Silent Hill movie. I know it gets a lot of crap for screwing up the franchise and whatnot, but as a stand-alone story of Silent Hill, I like it.

04-18-2012, 11:24 AM
ANYWAY....Personally, I kinda like the first Silent Hill movie. I know it gets a lot of crap for screwing up the franchise and whatnot, but as a stand-alone story of Silent Hill, I like it.

I really like the first movie, I've never played any of the games so I'm not seeing anything they may have screwed up. But I thought it was a pretty cool, twisted movie, will definitely go see the second one if they ever release it.

04-18-2012, 12:35 PM
I really like the first movie, I've never played any of the games so I'm not seeing anything they may have screwed up. But I thought it was a pretty cool, twisted movie, will definitely go see the second one if they ever release it.

Personally, I didn't see how they "screwed it up" myself. I know that they wanted to make it similar to the first game, but changed a whole lotta things regarding what happens to Alessa and Sharon (who was supposed to be Cheryl from the game) and that they decided to change Harry Mason into Rose Da Silva. Other than a few little things, I don't think it was a bad movie at all. Although it would have been awesome to see a movie more true to the game, there were things from the game that would have just been weird in a movie (basically any of the bosses) The inclusion of Pyramid Head was cool, though!)

04-18-2012, 12:53 PM
Aaand, looks like we're gonna have Silent Hill: Revelation 3D on October 26th!

Edit - Silent Hill 2 and 3 just came in the mail - Damn, these things are in good shape for pre-owned. My buddy probably takes better care of his shit than anyone I know.

07-01-2012, 02:50 PM
Finally got round to playing the first 5 mins of my Silent Hill 2 HD game - not liking it at all, the atmosphere is gone due to not enough fog and everything is too 'bright' and colourful and the game 'staggers' a bit every time James runs for a bit (is that the frame rate dipping?) - I just don't really see any excuse for this sort of problem in this day and age, the PS2 version never did this, how can the quality go backwards??

07-01-2012, 05:27 PM
^ This is why I ended up buying the PS2 versions instead. I'm glad I did, because Silent Hill 2 was one hell of a game. I don't know how different it would be if my first time playing would've been with the HD version.

07-02-2012, 12:52 AM
Has anyone finished Homecoming? Silent 1,2,3, The Room. Homecoming is/was decent but only half way through it. Started it when it first came out, dropped it for about a year, picked it up again for about a week playing randomly. Never finished, no real desire to go back. Should I get Downpour or is it as lackluster as Homecoming?

07-02-2012, 02:06 AM
I'm about to start Homecoming! Got it dirt cheap the other day for a local place's close out sale. I heard it was pretty lackluster, but I reeeally hope it's better than Downpour.

Downpour wasn't the worst game ever. But it wasn't too great, either. The enemies and environment weren't threatening at all, even on hard difficulty - just more of pains in the ass. I'd rent it, or get it for as cheap as you can, but I'm not buyin' that thing for full price, that's for sure. :P

07-02-2012, 02:29 AM
I've finished Silent Hill 1-3, and Homecoming. I quite enjoyed Homecoming, but not as good as earlier ones. I got to the last battle in The Room once but failed to win, haven't been really bothered to play all the way through again to stop Eileen practically running to her death. I'll probably wait till it's cheaper to get Downpour

Yes, Alrea you were much better off getting the PS2 versions!

07-02-2012, 04:03 AM
I'm about to start Homecoming! Got it dirt cheap the other day for a local place's close out sale. I heard it was pretty lackluster, but I reeeally hope it's better than Downpour.

Downpour wasn't the worst game ever. But it wasn't too great, either. The enemies and environment weren't threatening at all, even on hard difficulty - just more of pains in the ass. I'd rent it, or get it for as cheap as you can, but I'm not buyin' that thing for full price, that's for sure. :P

I'm about halfway through Downpour and I'm enjoying it more than Homecoming. Not that Homecoming was bad.. the story seemed held back by terrible supporting characters, but the story itself is okay and has a fair amount of lore and reasoning behind it. I'd play it again if I ever had time (which I never seem to have any more)..

If SH4 worked on my PS3 I'd still play that, its a flawed gem in my opinion, but alas its one of the few Ps2 games I have that just completely borks up on the old 60gb.

07-02-2012, 08:56 AM
I've finished Silent Hill 1-3, and Homecoming. I quite enjoyed Homecoming, but not as good as earlier ones. I got to the last battle in The Room once but failed to win, haven't been really bothered to play all the way through again to stop Eileen practically running to her death. I'll probably wait till it's cheaper to get Downpour

Yes, Alrea you were much better off getting the PS2 versions!

I'm REALLY glad I did, for a couple reasons. One, because SH 2 and 3 were amazing, and two, because buying a PS2 again gave me the chance to get a few other games I loved playing as a kid. :P

I'm about halfway through Downpour and I'm enjoying it more than Homecoming. Not that Homecoming was bad.. the story seemed held back by terrible supporting characters, but the story itself is okay and has a fair amount of lore and reasoning behind it. I'd play it again if I ever had time (which I never seem to have any more)..

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on Homecoming, so I'm just going into it with an open mind like I have the rest. SH 1, 2, 3, and Downpour are the only ones I've played all the way through so far, but Downpour is probably my least favorite...Mainly because there were so few parts where I actually felt scared, or like Murphy was in real danger. The story was good, the sidequests were creative, and I didn't really see the ending(s) coming until the latter portion of the game...even the music was pretty decent without Yamaoka. There were just a bunch of things they could have worked on for another month or two to really make it a great game. It would be okay as its own game in a world without the rest of the "Silent Hill" franchise, but as a Silent Hill game, it falls a little flat for me in some parts. Like I said, I'll probably buy it once it's cheaper. I don't hate it at all. It just could've been a lot better.

Space Suicide
07-02-2012, 08:58 AM
I bought the HD Collection back in April and have yet to play it other than for one day. Sad face.

I need to.

I have Homecoming, I love the soundtrack and the overall atmosphere. As far as new Silent Hills it holds up. I like the somber feeling and demonic dreaded reasons of the children's deaths and how they relate to the adults and boss battles.

I have Downpour, again rarely played it since I got it. I need to.


07-11-2012, 12:09 PM
Patch fixing issues with the HD Collection has just been released for the PS3. Meanwhile, I must wait for the 360 patch. Sighface.

07-11-2012, 01:15 PM
I really hope that the patch helps things a bit! I want to buy this HD collection, but with the number of complaints it's been getting, it's impossible to justify buying it when I already have the original games.

07-11-2012, 06:34 PM
I bought the collection since I'm laid up for a bit. It was nice to FINALLY play the Maria sub-scenario (I previously had the LE SH2 PS2 version so never played it before), but the fog was ABYSMAL.

07-12-2012, 04:24 AM
I installed the patch on the ps3.. SH2 looks the same really.. less frame rate drops though and a bit smoother, SH3 however seems to look much better. The trouble seems to me that the fog effect just doesn't work that well with the higher resolution, in 2 its kinda obvious that the fog is not so much a volume, but a clear line in the draw distance.

07-12-2012, 12:55 PM
In some of the earlier Silent Hill games, the fog was often intentionally thick in order to disguise unfinished or crappy texture work in the game world. In the HD remake, they lessened the fog and fixed the crap textures. The lack of fog was intentional to show off the "HD" in the remake. Unfortunately, they didn't take into consideration how much this changed the atmosphere. I will still probably pick up the HD collection at some point though because I have not finished any SH game.

I played SH: The Room, but I did not have time to finish it, and the enemies that constantly re-spawned sort of aggravated me. However, I did find the concept cool...that's the thing about SH games, despite the shitty parts of them, there is almost always a cool factor that makes you want to keep playing. Usually, the "cool" factor involves the atmosphere, weird shit, and trying to figure out what the plot is or what's "wrong" in the game world.

I played the original Xbox version of SH2 on Xbox 360. BE WARNED - there is a bug in that game that occurs for some players (like me). You'll play the game for about 2 or 3 hours, and then you get to a point, in a bar, I think, that won't let you progress or save. So, you're better off playing HD remakes than trying the backward compatible version. That backwards compatibility bug is why I never finished the game. I own Homecoming and Downpour, but I've never had time to finish either of them.

07-14-2012, 04:26 PM
Silent Hill coming as a live attraction to Universal's 'Horror Nights'.


07-14-2012, 06:11 PM
The first 30 minutes of Homecoming are already better than Downpour. But I can definitely see where people are saying it's trying too hard to be like the movie, heh. I hope the rest of the game holds up! This item menu is complete trash, though. That's the only gripe I've got with it so far.

11-04-2012, 04:33 AM
I've just started playing Downpour, I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying it apart from some glitches, frame rate slowing etc which is quite annoying.

love the patrol car side quest - the sound is good, find the monsters actually quite scary

One of the worst things though, is the way you endlessly pick up and drop weapons - as I'm playing on easy I went for an hour or so without encountering an enemy but I went to pick things up (because it's Silent Hill and you could miss some important item) and would end up replacing a good pick axe with a crappy rock or something over again - irritating

The first 30 minutes of Homecoming are already better than Downpour. But I can definitely see where people are saying it's trying too hard to be like the movie, heh. I hope the rest of the game holds up! This item menu is complete trash, though. That's the only gripe I've got with it so far.

In Homecoming I loved the combat system in the end, it was quite satisfying. However those fuckers with the swinging axe heads, I found them insanely difficult for some reason

Space Suicide
11-04-2012, 08:54 AM
I love Homecoming but I still need to beat it. Downpour just got a patch last week as well, about time.

I also have HD Collection to beat.

I love Silent HIll and want to beat all these but frankly I'm not very good at them though haha...ugh.

11-07-2012, 02:45 PM
WTF? One of the enemies in Silent Hill Downpour is a blow-up sex doll???

08-24-2013, 09:16 PM
I'm about 10 hours into Downpour and I really like it. The combat system sucks but I feel it adds to the desperation of avoiding fights and running. I haven't played this series since SH2 but now I might have to go back and pick up some of the Silent Hill titles I've missed.

08-25-2013, 09:26 AM
The SH3 soundtrack s pretty stellar. It was the very first thing I'd really been exposed to from the Silent Hill franchise - Stole some music from a friend's hard drive, and he said, "Even if you don't play the games, you'll love the music." Akira Yamaoka is just brilliant.

Space Suicide
08-26-2013, 03:06 PM
Is it bad, I have the Silent Hill HD Collection and haven't touched it after starting and saving the game once on both games the week the collection came out?

08-26-2013, 03:29 PM
I played a little bit of the second game, then wandered off... Maybe give it another try, "soon".

08-26-2013, 03:48 PM
Is it bad, I have the Silent Hill HD Collection and haven't touched it after starting and saving the game once on both games the week the collection came out?

I have the Xbox 360 version which sadly never got patched. Has some serious issues but I played through them all none the less and looked through the ugly parts and still managed to love them all the same. I tend to do the whole playing once and never return to it thing to a lot of games though. I still have to get through Downpour now that I think of it...

09-01-2013, 12:48 AM
I remember when SH3 came out, there's that scene at the very beginning of the game where you're in an alleyway and that awesome chillwave music starts playing on loop. I bought the soundtrack CD just for that two-minute snippet of music and made an 80 minute CD of just that track playing like 40 times in a row, for driving.

I always love that part of the game when I play it. Easily one of the most relaxing parts of any game I've played, no joke. I love the whole game, of course. :)

I discovered the music before I got back in touch with the series in 2008/9. I will always be so grateful I discovered this series; it's part of my world.

08-13-2014, 04:16 PM
I'm shitting myself and you should be too (http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/12/5996537/silent-hill-ps4-hideo-kojima-guillermo-del-toro).

08-13-2014, 10:56 PM
So many cool things about this but above all: the interactive trailer.

Im looking back at my life as a gamer just... WATCHING... Teasers and trailers. Like a fucking idiot.


Space Suicide
08-13-2014, 11:06 PM
Kojima. That is all. People can talk shit but he ALWAYS delivers.

Unfortunately, I just read this is PS4 only.

Oh well.

08-13-2014, 11:43 PM
God dammit. That moment when you first get MAJOR freaky hijiki goosebumps? I'm high as shit and now I wanna hide under my blanket.


08-14-2014, 12:13 AM
The P.T. was fuckin scary....seriously there were many moments that gave me chills. Such great atmosphere. THIS is the game I am most excited for at the moment as I have been a Silent Hill fan since the first installment.

Still trying to figure out that last looping hallway in the P.T. though.....damn phone won't ring.

08-14-2014, 01:45 AM
Definitely no hand holding in that demo which is a good thing but haha I can see a lot of people turning off the game at that bathroom scene thinking there's nothing left to do because unless it's by chance that you even get as close as required to the mirror after looking at the demon fetus for however long you're just going to stand around in there derping around doing 360s in the joint forever, i actually noticed a few streams of people in that situation and all they had to do was flush themselves with the mirror but they were standing just far enough away and figured all they had to do was zoom in to things, of course i kept shouting GET CLOSER TO THE MIRROR FFS!!

Amazing details and atmosphere, wish there was a bit more interactivity and animation like seeing your arm come out in front of you as you try to open a door or maybe pick something up to investigate. I'm sure the finished game will have a lot more to it.

08-14-2014, 01:52 AM
Super intrigued by the news. I've only ever played the first Metal Gear Solid and seen a few of del Toro's films, but I'm still very excited. No PS4 here, though.

Watching the demo gameplay footage was super creepy. I haven't been that bothered by a game in a long time.

08-14-2014, 08:19 AM
I would've been happy just knowing this franchise isn't dead, but with those two guys involved, its on.

08-14-2014, 08:50 AM
I seriously need to finish a SH game...

08-15-2014, 02:15 AM
Kojima. That is all. People can talk shit but he ALWAYS delivers.

Unfortunately, I just read this is PS4 only.

Oh well.

I kinda doubt this game is a PS4 exclusive. This hasn't been officially confirmed anywhere...not that I have seen. My guess it that P.T. was an exclusive but the actual game will probably be multiplat. But again that is just a guess. Until its status is officially confirmed we don't know. So don't give up hope yet man.

08-15-2014, 03:25 AM
Never played any SH game although I always wanted to. Love the music! (If you don't know "Terror in the Depths of the Fog" from the 2nd game, you should check it out right now!)

I don't know, I kinda fear that those games are a bit too old now. Is SH1 really a good place to start? Is there any way to play it on a PC?

08-15-2014, 04:56 AM
Uh, so this could have been the best thing all year but the sokutions, especially towards the end really are stupid. Nothing pulls you out of the game like having to look up the sokutoon because it involves a stupid fucking microphone.

Great atmosphere, great graphics. This demo is a good game all by itself but the stupid solutions sink the whole. I want to have to be clever to solve puzzles, not psychic.

Hope Kojima doesnt ruin this with his Kojimaness.

08-15-2014, 06:32 AM
Never played any SH game although I always wanted to. Love the music! (If you don't know "Terror in the Depths of the Fog" from the 2nd game, you should check it out right now!)

I don't know, I kinda fear that those games are a bit too old now. Is SH1 really a good place to start? Is there any way to play it on a PC?
SH1 is the BEST and ONLY place to start IMO
The game is incredible because the controls are so bad and the graphics are so shitty. It's honestly a work of art.

Space Suicide
08-15-2014, 07:00 AM
I kinda doubt this game is a PS4 exclusive. This hasn't been officially confirmed anywhere...not that I have seen. My guess it that P.T. was an exclusive but the actual game will probably be multiplat. But again that is just a guess. Until its status is officially confirmed we don't know. So don't give up hope yet man.

IGN has the publishers listed as Konami and SCEA.

08-16-2014, 10:54 AM
Never played any SH game although I always wanted to. Love the music! (If you don't know "Terror in the Depths of the Fog" from the 2nd game, you should check it out right now!)

I don't know, I kinda fear that those games are a bit too old now. Is SH1 really a good place to start? Is there any way to play it on a PC?

The series as a whole is massively inconsistent, the continuity is so shoddy and at odds with itself that I tend to view everything after SH4 as a Western reboot rather than a direct continuation (though that's more to do with the series being handed to different developers for each new title). SH1 and 3 are pretty much essential if you want to follow the storyline, while SH2 set the standard for everything that the series has come to be known for, and is still my all time favorite game. Origins tried hard to complement the first game, but fell short by a long mile by totally misinterpreting the lore and actually contradicting itself in-game. Homecoming and Downpour, the most recent addition, were like straight-to-DVD horror movies they were so bad (IMO).

PT looks cool and really reminds me of the first-person segments from The Room, I think a big-budget release is exactly what this series needs. There's not really been a big buzz about Silent Hill since 4 came out IIRC, and even then interest the series was already dwindling. I've always felt it's a series that a lot of people recognize the name of, but haven't actually had much exposure to the games themselves.

08-16-2014, 11:13 AM
I've only played some of SH1, 2, and Downpour. Didn't get very far in the first two, and a decent ways into Downpour.

08-16-2014, 02:15 PM
Ive been stuck on 2 here and there since HD came out. Its my first time.

I think in january i was almost through the hospital but now i have to go through the hospital again? Thats the hard part about oicking it uo again.

08-16-2014, 02:25 PM
Ive been stuck on 2 here and there since HD came out. Its my first time.

I think in january i was almost through the hospital but now i have to go through the hospital again? Thats the hard part about oicking it uo again.

That's where I left off. First floor I think.

08-17-2014, 07:58 AM
Hope Kojima doesnt ruin this with his Kojimaness.

Even as a Kojima fan, I can completely agree with you there - and "Kojimaness" is absolutely the best word to use there. I want a little weird, but not MGS levels of weird. I'm sure he knows what the stakes and expectations are, so maybe we don't have anything to worry about there. Maybe?

08-19-2014, 03:05 AM
http://s13.postimg.org/5jbkahcqb/original.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5jbkahcqb/)

08-19-2014, 03:46 AM
http://s13.postimg.org/5jbkahcqb/original.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5jbkahcqb/)

Yup that's exactly what i was talking about on the last page, that damn bathroom scene seemed to frustrate some folks.

08-21-2014, 10:54 PM
PT was an amazing experience, if Silent Hills is like it at all I'm sold, although it might take a while for me to finish it due to long pauses so I don't die of dehydration from the amount of piss I'll get all over myself.

Any shot Yamaoka might be coming back to do the score? He recently said he'd be happy to score another SH, and they use the classic theme at the end of PT.

Oh and by the way, the whole ending thing, I spent maybe half an hour with my girlfriend and I both trying to get it to trigger, wanting to "complete" it, following different guides we found online, and jack shit worked. Finally, while looking another up on my phone, I had it at the pause screen after the first baby's laugh from taking 10 steps, and suddenly I hear yet another giggle, I exit the pause menu and my controller turns into a vibrator before the phone starts ringing. So, yeah, I feel like there's all sorts of random or arbitrary things that contribute to it and aside from the 10 steps in any direction after the clock turns, there's no "promised" method.

Also this might be the most inventive, fun and immediately exciting announcements for a game that I've ever seen.

08-21-2014, 11:41 PM
I haven't been able to get the second laugh... I'm all for playing the new SH. Just hopefully the puzzles aren't like the last one in PT.

Space Suicide
08-22-2014, 12:03 AM
I haven't been able to get the second laugh... I'm all for playing the new SH. Just hopefully the puzzles aren't like the last one in PT.

I watched my friend play it on twitch and while it is good for fear inducing panic and confusing, difficult puzzles, the fact you have to look up a walkthrough how to do it seriously breaks immersion with me. if the main game is gonna continue the trend of what to do and where to go and how to do it, the game might lack as looking up guides and tips will get tiresome and really break any to all tension to solve puzzles.

I don't believe or disbelieve this but it gives me some hope, even though I HIGHLY doubt it:

As far as the magnificent P.T. goes, quite probably not. Given its position in Sony's conference, and the implication that it's entirely separate from the game itself - more a bafflingly complex mood palette than a demo - it seems unlikely. But anecdotal evidence (https://translate.google.it/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=it&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fneofz.net%2Fwp%2Fp-t-silent-hills-non-sara-esclusiva-sony%2F%23more-531&edit-text=&act=url), and a palpable lack of official word to the contrary, suggests that the full game will be a multiplatform affair.

08-22-2014, 12:06 AM
Well Kojima even said that he wanted it to be incredibly difficult and complex and for it to take a while expecting it to take up to a week for fans to find the trailer. I think that final puzzle is just intentionally difficult because they wanted it to be a bit before anyone found out what it really was.

Space Suicide
08-22-2014, 01:26 AM
Well Kojima even said that he wanted it to be incredibly difficult and complex and for it to take a while expecting it to take up to a week for fans to find the trailer. I think that final puzzle is just intentionally difficult because they wanted it to be a bit before anyone found out what it really was.

A whole game of that puzzle difficulty and time eating would just become a boring, droning slog of a game.

08-22-2014, 02:10 PM
A whole game of that puzzle difficulty and time eating would just become a boring, droning slog of a game.

I agree, I'm just saying I think it was meant to be that way just for the end of PT (the rest of the puzzles/problem solving were all pretty standard level difficulty). I wouldn't expect it to be like this in the main game at all. He literally had it in mind to make a puzzle that could take up to a week for people to solve; I can't picture anyone doing that for an actual full-fledged AAA title.

08-22-2014, 09:05 PM
Here's a possible solution to the giggle puzzle. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTTCfZe8Yc)

08-22-2014, 09:34 PM
Here's how I did it.

1: Walked ten steps between the phone and the radio.
2: Spend an hour following around that annoying gurgling sound in the vague hope it might trigger the next bit.
3: Follow some random online advice and plug my microphone into the controller. Say the word "Jack" at eye-gouge portrait a few times.
4: Be amazed that this actually worked.

08-22-2014, 09:35 PM
Here's how I did it.

1: Walk ten steps between the phone and the radio.
2: Spend an hour chasing around that annoying gurgling sound in the vague hope it might trigger the next bit.
3: Follow some random online advice and plug a microphone into the controller. Say the word "Jack" at eye-gouge portrait a few times.
4: Be amazed that this actually works.

08-22-2014, 11:41 PM
Here's a possible solution to the giggle puzzle. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTTCfZe8Yc)

It worked almost instantly!

08-22-2014, 11:49 PM
It worked almost instantly!

Trying this tonight. Will report back.

08-22-2014, 11:54 PM
Here's how I did it.

1: Walk ten steps between the phone and the radio.
2: Spend an hour chasing around that annoying gurgling sound in the vague hope it might trigger the next bit.
3: Follow some random online advice and plug a microphone into the controller. Say the word "Jack" at eye-gouge portrait a few times.
4: Be amazed that this actually works.

I watched a friend play and beat a few days ago. We looked up a few "strategies". He took the ten steps and just wandered around some, then put the controller down. We did try to use a mic, which didn't help any. And randomly he got the second laugh. So maybe it kicks in after a while. Or, the mic picked up something from us talking.

But, I tried it after watching that video, and it worked. Some people have way too much free time to figure all of that out... seriously.

08-23-2014, 01:12 AM
Here's a possible solution to the giggle puzzle. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTTCfZe8Yc)

Well I'll be god damned......it worked perfectly. What the hell?? Seriously, how do these people figure this shit out?

08-23-2014, 01:30 AM
Yeah, I was pretty amazed at the video, too. While the theory may not be correct in every way (although I wouldn't be surprised if it was, it's that good), the amount of time taken and the research dedicated to figuring that out, and the fact that it works, makes it really cool.

I can't play P.T., but I've seen on Youtube that there is an easter egg (or something to that effect) that can be found in this teaser. Has anyone found it? I won't spoil it. :)

08-24-2014, 12:41 AM
The more I dwell on this, the more I'm convinced P.T. is one of the most effective games I've played. It's definitely the scariest. It has atmosphere, mystery, jump scares, and outright dread. Even during the last puzzle I was continually surprised- in one loop, Lisa's ghost started walking slowly towards me in the mirror. In another, she stood shaking outside the window.

My only real criticism is that the back story is somewhat cliched and heavy handed, ripped right out of Ju-on. However it's certainly evocative of early Silent Hill- specifically, the best bits of Silent Hill 4: The Room.

I really hope Kojima doesn't mess Silent Hills up with his typical Kojima-ness.

09-02-2014, 04:59 AM
Ugh this PT talk is killing me, I just can't justify buying a PS4 till I start working again after my youngest goes to school next year, also I play a lot of old PS3 games and I want some backwards compatibility, I've watched some YouTube clips and it looks terrifying. My only issue would be how it plays, I found the controls in The Room when you were in the apartment really clumsy. There were so many sounds of distant crying in the demos I saw, I kept having to go and check my toddler was still asleep

09-06-2014, 11:15 PM
I made it literally 30 seconds into it. I'm playing in the dark, with headphones on, and btw it's raining out. Fucking no!

Space Suicide
09-09-2014, 06:42 PM
Cyberland has reported that Konami has reportedly confirmed the Silent Hills release date and the game is going to launch on Halloween 2016 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.


It's so good to NOT discriminate :)

Dr Channard
09-23-2014, 06:10 AM
For any fans of the series, if you haven’t already checked these out and you have some time to kill, The Real Silent Hill Experience (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL87676CF7D0B816B4) (TRSHE) by TWIN-PERFECT is an interesting and somewhat comical documentary/opinion piece on the Silent Hill franchise that can be found on You Tube. It looks like they currently have 36 videos available.

In a nutshell, the members of TWIN-PERFECT are essentially Silent Hill puritans. They consider mostly only the in-game events of games 1-4 to be the franchise bible, and all subsequent Silent Hill titles or spin-offs are practically franchise apostasy.

Most of the praises and criticisms that TWIN-PERFECT systematically attributes to each game is spot-on and well explained. Sometimes they do tend to go comically overboard in their raging against games 5-8, which weren’t great games but not as terrible at they make them seem. They also like to give Tom Hulett and his team grief to no end.

A good number of forum members at Silent Hill Heaven and Silent Hill Community strongly disagree with TWIN-PERFECT on a number of things, but having played all the games myself (sans the HD Collection, Book of Memories, and P.T.), I think TWIN-PERFECT makes many legitimate points, if not just a little over the top in their panning of games 5-8.

I thought some may be interested in viewing this series, and if you do watch it there will be SPOILERS obviously.

09-25-2014, 06:03 PM
Those assholes are unsufferable. No thanks.

Dr Channard
09-26-2014, 04:50 PM
Those assholes are unsufferable. No thanks.

Yeah, it’s not for everybody. Their take on the franchise seems to be divisive among series fans, and they have a bit of an elitist feel in their delivery. But I don’t get all the hate they receive. I think their approach to assessing the Silent Hill franchise is entertaining, they give credit where it is due, and if something is off they take the time to explain in detail what the problem is instead of offering a generic “this game sucks” without giving any explanation as to why they are of that opinion.

I certainly don’t consider TP to be the authority on the franchise. I actually enjoyed Silent Hill(s) 5-8. Some of these games were noble efforts, but it felt like many of TPs criticisms did hit home on these games. I’m glad the franchise didn’t end after 4, even if it hasn’t been a top shelf series in this stretch.

Dr Channard
03-21-2015, 09:33 PM
Hopefully there is nothing to this (http://www.ibtimes.com/will-silent-hills-be-canceled-horror-game-may-never-reach-ps4-if-kojima-leaves-konami-1854278), but,

“Silent Hills,” the planned survival horror game for Sony’s PlayStation 4 may never reach the eighth-generation console if game designer Hideo Kojima parts ways with Konami. An inside source told GameSpot that Kojima Productions, the Japanese video game development studio founded by Kojima, now 51, in 2005, will cut ties with its publisher, Tokyo-based Konami, after “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” is finished.

"After we finish ‘MGS V,’ Mr. Kojima and upper management will leave Konami. They said their contract ends in December," the source told GameSpot on Thursday." At a team meeting, Mr. Kojima explained that team have to be one and make a good game for fans."

Kojima joined Konami in 1986, nearly three decades ago. Kojima is the force behind a number of Konami franchises, including “Metal Gear.”

Growing tension between the two studios led Konami to make some major changes regarding its relationship with Kojima Productions, including restricted communication and limited access to emails, phone calls and corporate Internet. A number of Kojima’s employees are now working as contractors at Konami, including Kojima himself.

What does this mean for “Silent Hills,” the ninth installment of the “Silent Hill” franchise promised by Konami? There’s a very good chance the game won’t be finished, since the rights to the franchise are owned by Konami. Since there’s no set release date for the title yet, it’s likely that the game won’t be completed until after Kojima’s departure, and Kojima Productions will have to purchase the rights to the franchise if it wants to continue working on “Silent Hills.”


03-21-2015, 09:41 PM
Something bad must have happened. My bet is that Kojima Productions will become an independent studio next year. If they do go independent, it's still possible for Konami to publish SH. That's if Kojima is willing to work with them in any capacity after this.

You can't just replace him like what they're doing with metal gear. It's going to get real interesting.

04-26-2015, 10:22 AM
Well, here comes the good news. Looks like the shit at Konami has dealt the final blow.

Sony is pulling P.T. from the PSN store on Wednesday. Last night at a film festival, Del Toro confirmed it...

Silent Hills isn't happening. (http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2015/04/26/p-t-the-silent-hills-teaser-is-being-removed-from-the-playstation-store/)

04-26-2015, 10:43 AM
Son of a bitch.

04-26-2015, 10:51 AM
Fucking konami! Either Kojima did something to really piss them off, or they're just completely spiteful. I'm still buying MGSV. That will probably be the final game from Konami that I support. The whole thing just comes off as a big, cold-hearted "fuck you" to Kojima.

04-26-2015, 11:39 AM
Ugh, really pissed off to hear this

04-26-2015, 11:48 AM
wow, well its pretty clear Konami no longer want to invest in making AAA games. Thats a real shame as they own some classic and fantastic IP.. but alas, maybe they will sell off some of those properties. I think I'm one of the few people who kinda liked the last few Silent Hill games, Downpour had some good moments, as did homecoming. But they were not a patch on 1, 2 or 4. (I liked 4...)

04-26-2015, 11:52 AM
They seem pretty certain that they're going to continue the metal gear franchise. So, while Silent Hills may have gotten cancelled, I don't doubt that there will be another one from them at some point. I won't buy it though. Maybe a used copy. But I don't think they're getting away from AAA games at all. Just giving the boot to someone who brings in a shit ton of money. They also have Castlevania (who knows the deal with that?).

Space Suicide
04-26-2015, 11:58 AM
Eh, whatever. I played the P.T. demo. I wonder if it's on my console if it's still able to be played, even after the remove it? Xbox Live arcade games would/did. Don't see why that wouldn't happen here.

04-26-2015, 12:03 PM
There was just everything to like about Silent Hills.

It was like a supergroup collaboration for me, you had Del Toro, Kojima and Reedus (one of my favorite actors), to top it all off it would be a Silent Hill game.

I am so mad right now.

04-26-2015, 09:51 PM
Yes, I assume this either a budgetary issue, or a personal, probably drug related issue with Kojima.

On thome hand, I cant name really any Konami games outside of MGS that I have played in the last ten years, i can see that the whole of their budget being dumped on to one or two games, inconsistent franchises with really only cult interest, i can see that basically having been a bad idea, especially in this climate of cheap mobile gaming, and chop-it- up dlc marketing.

On the other hand you have wacky ol' Kojima, a self obsessed, over the top, big personality type, i wouldnt be surprised if he had some kind of drug problem, and i dont know how the privacy of those matters is handled over in Japan, but the whole incident reminds me of a rehab stint type deal minus the media blitz.

Silent Hills was possibly THE most exciting thing on the horizon. The demo being the best thing ive played in ages, perhaps being among the best horror games of all time as it was. Del Toro was always the most exciting element to me, but Kojima was always the most concerning, i have never had much respect for him. I guess that's the hole that sunk the boat.

The only comparable artistic loss in recent memory is that lucasarts Boba Fett game. Sad, sad story here.

04-26-2015, 10:01 PM
Where are you getting the drug problem thing from? I think the safe bet is that Kojima and Konami had a disagreement. And everything after is Konami's way of dealing with it.

Dr Channard
04-27-2015, 07:41 AM
It is only fitting that Silent Hills end this way. It drew us in with a sense of hope, maybe a resurrection of the beloved franchise. Then in a gut-wrenching twist ending, we discover that the very people who gave us hope for the game, are the same ones who killed it. No Rebirth ending here, just… In Water.

What a nutshot this whole thing is. :mad:

04-29-2015, 04:05 PM
People are selling their consoles with PT installed for about a grand... Insane... Why do I have a feeling that a few people will actually pay it?

04-29-2015, 04:18 PM
I couldn't be more disheartened. I adore the original Team Silent games and PT was the best survival horror experience I'd had in a long while. I just hope Kojima and del Toro find someplace to make something similar.

04-29-2015, 04:34 PM
I'm with everyone on this, when Silent Hills was announced I was afraid it was a little too good to be true. Especially with Silent Hill being one of my favorite series if not my favorite series of all time (the first 3 at least....4 was good as well though).

I just hope that something decent will come of this, PT was excellent and really fucking scary. I hope the next SH title, when it inevitably does happen, can come close to the quality of it.

04-29-2015, 04:40 PM
Kojima will do something after he leaves Konami. Maybe it'll be what was intended to be SH. Obviously it can't be a complete knock off of Silent Hill. But, I'd be curious to see him do horror.

04-29-2015, 05:38 PM
What a shame. Will we ever know the full story behind it?

04-29-2015, 07:38 PM
If we DO ever get the full story, it's not gonna be until after all the dust has settled, but I only think that because details have been SO leak-proof. It has to be something pretty intense for all parties to just be completely closed-lipped about it to the public.

Or it's just some big dumb Kojima stunt, which could be totally be the case, and you ALL know that could be true. :P

04-29-2015, 08:38 PM
Kojima has been extremely quiet since the rumors started of him leaving. Konami throws out a few vague PR statements to try sweeping it under the rug, unsuccessfully. I don't think there's been a single peep from Kojima, about anything.

There's been rumors about what's been going on behind the scenes. Those are rumors though. Something really bad had to have happened though for Konami to deal with this the way they have.

Dr Channard
04-29-2015, 10:26 PM
Well, here is to hoping that after the umbilical is cut, Kojima gets together with his pals del Toro and Reedus, and on their own they make an awesome new game called… Soundless Knolls, and we all get to play the shit out of it. :D

04-30-2015, 01:13 PM
Well, there's this, apparently. I dunno if it'll go anywhere at all, but hey. Never know.


Dr Channard
05-14-2015, 06:14 PM
So it looks like Konami is going after mobile gaming at this point. I don’t believe I’d ever play any new SH title if it were a smartphone only game, a depressing thought. At this point I’d like to see Konami just sell the franchise to someone who would do it justice, but I doubt they will. Global game console sales are still doing pretty good. I’m not sure I see the logic of pulling out now? P.T. put Silent Hill back on the radar for a lot of people, Konami had to recognize that as well as the potential for a lot of $$$. And still, no? Their company, their property, their call, but man, I’d hate to see it go down this way.

05-29-2015, 05:14 PM
A rumour popped up today that Microsoft is throwing gobs & gobs of money at Konami to buy Silent Hills & make it an Xbox One exclusive. (http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/05/29/silent-hills-reportedly-an-xbox-one-exclusive) Supposedly they're trying to rush the deal so Microsoft can announce it at E3. There's a lot to be skeptical of here but fucking hell if being an Xbone exclusive means this game will actually see the light of day I'm 100% on board.

05-29-2015, 05:28 PM
Sort of makes them a villain and hero at the same time, being that theyre the ones who got PT pulled. To really make it mean something, all of the powers that be have to be back on board, though.

05-29-2015, 05:28 PM
Seconded. If that's what happens, I'll wait to see how it all develops, but hot damn, would they have my attention.

Space Suicide
05-29-2015, 09:03 PM
I hope Microsoft does it.

05-29-2015, 10:37 PM
If it happens there better be a god damn PC version that's all i gotta say.

Dr Channard
05-29-2015, 10:42 PM
I’m not sure what I’m reading here. Microsoft wants to buy Silent Hill (the franchise) as an exclusive, or just the rights to Silent Hills (the game) as an exclusive? Billions seems a tad much for just the one game, so I’m guessing they’d be trying to buy the whole kit and caboodle, right? And even then, billions? Are we talking yen or dollars here?

In any event, if this thing goes down I may convert to Xbox (god help me).

05-29-2015, 10:47 PM
Exactly, i dont think Silent hill is worth nearly billions of dollars, but saving the xbox one and giving it a compelling exclusive? Definitely.

Dr Channard
05-30-2015, 09:13 AM
Exactly, i dont think Silent hill is worth nearly billions of dollars...

The billions thing makes this rumor hard to swallow. According to reports (https://games.yahoo.com/news/20-most-expensive-games-ever-230100625.html)Destiny is the most expensive game ever at 500 million, and it has a massive following with at least 16 million registered players. Silent Hill game sales have never been even close to that, and has a comparatively niche following. Even PT being a freebie only had around a million downloads. The fan base for Silent Hill can be rabid, but it isn’t nearly as big as others. I’m sure there is still profit to be made from Silent Hill, but at an investment point of billions, Microsoft would have to milk this thing for decades to see a return. Unless they plan to turn SH into a massively multiplayer shared-world online shooter with elements of rpg.

06-12-2015, 11:18 AM
I gave all of this a little thought just now, and honestly, if they simply put PT back up on the PSN, even with a price tag and a guarantee that Silent Hills will never be made, I'd probably be waaay more inclined to let some of their cluster-fuckery slide.

Dr Channard
06-14-2015, 08:10 PM
I gave all of this a little thought just now, and honestly, if they simply put PT back up on the PSN, even with a price tag and a guarantee that Silent Hills will never be made, I'd probably be waaay more inclined to let some of their cluster-fuckery slide.

That PT even got to exist at all was amazing. Getting the property out of the hands of western developers for just long enough to make a playable teaser had almost miraculous results. People were actually excited about SH again, it was relevant again. Not trying to dog Double Helix or the Tomm Hulett years, but they were making budget titles with the formula of repackaging the SH2 model over and over, which was getting pretty stale.

So Hideo brings to the table a passion to return the series to respectability as a AAA horror title. Konami pulls the plug on it. Fan backlash is intense. And Konami issues an apology stating,

“We are aware that the conjecture surrounding our recent changes has prompted a great deal of anxiety, for which we apologize.”

“The Metal Gear and Silent Hill series, both beloved by countless fans around the globe, are also extremely important to Konami. We have nurtured them with care over many years since their inception, and will continue to produce products for both franchises, but we are not currently at a stage where we can announce the path these future titles will take.”

“Konami will continue to embrace the challenge of creating entertainment content via different platforms; across not only mobile platforms, but for home consoles, arcade units, and cards, to meet the changing needs of the times. Your support for our current endeavors, and your spurring us on to greater heights, are as always deeply appreciated.”

At this point I very much doubt that we will see any new Silent Hill installment on the current generation of console, which if rumors are correct, may be current for only a couple more years anyway. Yeah, it feels like I’m being a downer right now. Sorry.:(

06-14-2015, 08:18 PM
I'm over it at this point. And I'm over konami. I'm still buying TPP, but after that, I'm done. They're going to have to really turn things around for me to even remotely be interested.

Space Suicide
06-14-2015, 08:18 PM
Minus MGS I was never a huge Konami fan. I was always a Capcom fan.

06-14-2015, 08:20 PM
Huge Castlevania fan. Lords of Shadow was very good. Second one, not so much. Aside from that, mgs, and SH, there's nothing.

Dr Channard
08-23-2015, 11:48 PM
Here is my power ranking of the Silent Hill games I’ve played, because I’m bored, and there’s nothing else to do right now.

1. Silent Hill 2 with the Born from a Wish scenario.

2. Silent Hill 4: The Room. - This one isn’t often a fan favorite with the ghosts and the second half repeating levels and Henry, but I love the story and the sheer bizarre factor.

3. Silent Hill.

4. Silent Hill 3. - This one started slow, but became great in the second half.

5. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. - This one had some great elements going for it, but the chase sequences were terrible and the monster design was just bad.

6. Silent Hill: Origins. - Overall, this game proved better than I expected going in.

7. Silent Hill: Downpour.

8. Silent Hill: Homecoming. - To date, the only Silent Hill game I got rid of after beating it.

09-08-2015, 12:57 PM
Excited as Akira Yamaoka is playing Silent Hill concerts at venues around the UK. Will try for Cardiff

09-08-2015, 01:57 PM
AHH! Bristol or Cardiff for me! AWESOME!

09-26-2015, 03:40 AM

2. Silent Hill 4: The Room. - This one isn’t often a fan favorite with the ghosts and the second half repeating levels and Henry, but I love the story and the sheer bizarre factor.
Yeah SH4 is probably my least favourite because it was just TOO difficult for combat, those fucking ghosts constantly regenerating! I play silent hill for atmosphere and story mainly. Homecoming was a bit too difficult for me as well, those blade headed creatures were impossible especially when low on ammo which was always the case. Downpour I found really returned to being based more on story, particularly the side quests - the ribbons story made me cry actually as I have an autistic son.

My list would be :
1 silent hill 2 - can't recommend this game enough, sound, music, gameplay, enemy design excellent, really sad story, they got the voice acting right as compared to how stilted it was in SH1
2 silent hill (looks dated now but I remember this back from the demo in the late 90s as part of mgs1, alley scene scared the crap out of me, scariest game experience ever)
3 silent hill 3 (although the bit with the horses towards the end is horrible and unnecessary)
4 silent hill downpour - thought Murphy seemed familiar, then hearing the character say 'God why are you doing this to me' while going through a window confirmed to me that he is based on Trent was just the icing on the cake to me
5 silent hill homecoming
6 silent hill 4 the room (lots of weird bits to recommend it, but too difficult in the end, don't think I even managed to finish it)

Haven't played shattered memories or origins so not included. I still have my PS2 in the garage though so I'm partially tempted to get it out and replay the Room and get those two, it still irks me that you can play all PS1 games on the PS3 but not ps2 ones

09-26-2015, 02:11 PM
I've only played 1, 2, and Downpour. 1 is very dated (never finished). 2 is pretty solid and holds up. Downpour was alright.

Dr Channard
09-26-2015, 07:45 PM
Yeah SH4 is probably my least favourite because it was just TOO difficult for combat, those fucking ghosts constantly regenerating! I play silent hill for atmosphere and story mainly.

SH4 definitely has a few issues. It is in level design half a game that attempts to be a full game by making you play the same levels twice. Second half escort mission http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/images/icons/icon13.png. A few bad monster designs (escalator wall men, and the burping patients…made from giant Claudia no less). Stiff controls, and odd inventory and save systems. A story that’s disjointed and convoluted even by silent hill standards. As the main character Henry Townshend is essentially as interesting as a bowl of oatmeal. Oh, and it’s not even in Silent Hill.

But even with the problems, the game clicks for me. The levels that they did design and the story constructed are just so fucking bizarre and different that it all works pretty damn well. Even some of the games above noted issues manage to somehow lend themselves to the bizarre factor. And those ghosts also play well into the story of Walter and the 21 sacraments. From start to finish the game had me intrigued. Of the original 4 games, SH4 still strikes me as the most unique. If that’s a good or bad thing is up to each player to decide.

Downpour I found really returned to being based more on story, particularly the side quests - the ribbons story made me cry actually as I have an autistic son.

Downpour had some poignant moments, and it kept me playing, twice. It had some really interesting level designs like crossing into the black and white film world, or the Hansel and Gretel theatrical set come to life.

Haven't played shattered memories or origins so not included

Shattered Memories was oooooh sooooo sloooooow, with a dialog or chase sequence strategically placed throughout, but it still managed to do some unique and interesting things. And Origins feels like a throwback to the first game, just a bit undercooked in places.

12-15-2015, 01:43 PM
Hideo Kojima opening up his own studio in talks to release his first game on Playstation.

PLEASE let him sort something out for Silent Hills! Just watching the youtube videos of that PT demo was scary enough as I don't have a PS4 and now I will never get the chance to play it

Dr Channard
12-19-2015, 09:29 AM
Hideo Kojima opening up his own studio in talks to release his first game on Playstation.

PLEASE let him sort something out for Silent Hills! Just watching the youtube videos of that PT demo was scary enough as I don't have a PS4 and now I will never get the chance to play it

The guy was going to land on his feet somewhere, and now doing his own thing and floating projects around may be the best way for him to go. He seemed real interested in doing a psychological horror game, hopefully the shitstorm he just weathered didn’t sour him on that idea. While Silent Hills is probably unsalvageable at this point, maybe his project with Sony yields something new and fresh in that genre.

02-16-2016, 08:00 PM
Awesome News!!! (http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/02/16/hideo-kojima-reunites-with-norman-reedus)

02-17-2016, 09:31 PM
Awesome News!!! (http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/02/16/hideo-kojima-reunites-with-norman-reedus)
That's awesome! I hope they do it, and show Konami what could have been. Man, fuck them.

02-19-2016, 02:31 AM
That's awesome! I hope they do it, and show Konami what could have been. Man, fuck them.

I know man. I still play the demo here and there and it still gives me the creeps. Man, what could have been for that initial game.

02-26-2016, 10:18 PM
Huge Castlevania fan. Lords of Shadow was very good. Second one, not so much. Aside from that, mgs, and SH, there's nothing.

my favorite Konami franchise was Suikoden (1, 2, 3, and 5 at least).
Also really liked plenty of the Contra games, Gradius, Legend of the Mystical Ninja...

Oh well, sad that the company is basically no more. At least Silent Hill is going to live on, and Castlevania is hopefully going to live on through Bloodstained.

Dr Channard
10-03-2016, 04:42 PM


My Silent Hill collection (sorry my camera is lame). It’s been a while, and I’m considering playing these all in a row through the fall months. :rolleyes:

10-05-2016, 08:19 PM
That's impressive. My Silent Hill game collection only consists of the Silent Hill HD Collection, Silent Hill Downpour and Silent Hill: Book of Memories. Got the Silent Hill 3 platinum. Silent Hill Downpour was very enjoyable as well. Haven't touched Book of Memories yet.

Dr Channard
10-05-2016, 09:14 PM
Book of Memories, that one was supposed to be something like a co-op dungeon crawler, right? Unfortunately, not a lot of people had very good things to say about it. In any event not having a Vita means it’s out of my lineup, unless it ever got ported, which is very unlikely. But if they ever did, I’d try it out.

12-03-2017, 02:40 AM
Just wanted to swing by and leave this here and proclaim it as one of the most beautiful fucking things I've ever heard in my life. Then, now, and forever..


12-03-2017, 05:08 AM
Just wanted to swing by and leave this here and proclaim it as one of the most beautiful fucking things I've ever heard in my life. Then, now, and forever..

Definitely one of my favourite Akira pieces, along with Not Tomorrow.

Dr Channard
12-03-2017, 12:04 PM
Just wanted to swing by and leave this here and proclaim it as one of the most beautiful fucking things I've ever heard in my life. Then, now, and forever..

Aw man, listening to that track always instantly makes me picture Heather climbing out of the ladies room window and jogging down the alley behind the mall, under that amber-soaked sunset sky.

Akira Yamaoka soundtracks helped to define the Silent Hill series. As far as being emotionally evocative and atmospheric his pieces have an encompassing range. End of Small Sanctuary is a great example, it’s so chill it creates a feeling of not a problem or care in the world. Perfect for the calm before the storm. All the respect in the world to Daniel Licht and very sad to see him pass, but one of my lingering issues with Downpour still is not having an Akira soundtrack accompany it. It just isn’t the same.

12-08-2017, 05:51 AM
Just wanted to swing by and leave this here and proclaim it as one of the most beautiful fucking things I've ever heard in my life. Then, now, and forever..

After Mondo dropped the vinyl soundtrack for the first game, I've been waiting for SH2 And SH3's soundtracks, too. SOMEDAY.

Space Suicide
12-08-2017, 08:36 AM
After Mondo dropped the vinyl soundtrack for the first game, I've been waiting for SH2 And SH3's soundtracks, too. SOMEDAY.

Yeah totally forgot about that so thanks for reminding me to buy it today.:p

I had to get standard black press since of course the Snowfall variant is sold out and going for gouge prices elsewhere. Typical.

12-09-2017, 12:52 PM
Yeah totally forgot about that so thanks for reminding me to buy it today.:p

I had to get standard black press since of course the Snowfall variant is sold out and going for gouge prices elsewhere. Typical.

Best surprise ever. It's been so long since I'd actually listened to it that I forgot which variant I had - I vaguely remembered ordering black because it had sold out. I looked just now - Snowfall. <3 I completely forgot, heh.

12-09-2017, 01:26 PM
I’d be willing to pay for ridiculous resellers if they did a run of Silent Hill 2 on vinyl.

Space Suicide
12-09-2017, 01:27 PM
i’d be willing to pay for ridiculous resellers if they did a run of silent hill 2 on vinyl.


Dr Channard
02-15-2019, 01:09 PM
Interesting look back on the latter-day Silent Hill shitshow of - Konami - TRSHE - Tomm Hulett.



The franchise post-4 took a big hit in quality, but heaping all blame on Tomm was stupid. Plus the guy was cool enough to politely interact with the fans, even 1 on 1 stuff over at the Silent Hill Community boards. That said, many of TRSHE criticisms of the games were on point. The only one they really screwed the pooch on was their initial breakdown of SH:4.

02-15-2019, 01:17 PM
Silent Hills was going to be the game to put it back on track. Konami killed it. They even killed PT, a tech demo. They're a volatile company that I'll likely never support again.

02-15-2019, 01:21 PM
Interesting look back on the latter-day Silent Hill shitshow of - Konami - TRSHE - Tomm Hulett.

The franchise post-4 took a big hit in quality, but heaping all blame on Tomm was stupid. Plus the guy was cool enough to politely interact with the fans, even 1 on 1 stuff over at the Silent Hill Community boards. That said, many of TRSHE criticisms of the games were on point. The only one they really screwed the pooch on was their initial breakdown of SH:4.

Good timing! I just got the day off due to the snow and I happen to have some herb for the first time in over a month, so I’m thinking I’ll check these out and jump into a couple Silent Hill games... of course, mourning the loss of what could have been Silent Hills, heh. That might be my biggest personal lament when I think about Silent Hill - next to missing out on PT by like a week and the very existence of that second movie. Oof.

After Mondo dropped the vinyl soundtrack for the first game, I've been waiting for SH2 And SH3's soundtracks, too. SOMEDAY.

STILL DREAMING. I can feel it. It’s going to happen. Especially with all the Castlevania vinyl releases and other Konami releases. Just a matter of time.

02-15-2019, 01:21 PM
Silent Hills was going to be the game to put it back on track. Konami killed it. They even killed PT, a tech demo. They're a volatile company that I'll likely never support again.

Unless you're into pachinko machines, there's likely not going to be much incentive to lure you away from that pledge in the future.

02-15-2019, 01:24 PM
Unless you're into pachinko machines, there's likely not going to be much incentive to lure you away from that pledge in the future.

You never know, we may have a “Silent Hill Survive” in the works...!! *shudders*

02-15-2019, 03:07 PM
Unless you're into pachinko machines, there's likely not going to be much incentive to lure you away from that pledge in the future.
Not one bit. And it's a huge slap in the face to not only SH fans but metal gear fans as well. Castlevania series also lost in that mess. They remastered/remade MGS3. Visually, looks great. Downside, it's only for pachinko. Fuck konami.

02-15-2019, 03:41 PM
Thank fuck I'm old enough to remember when my friends and I all just played games to have fun. Full stop. Whew!

Space Suicide
02-16-2019, 05:45 PM
Given the resurgence of horror games and how Resident Evil recently found its vile refooting, I wish Silent Hill was a series we could talk and play about again. Shame.

HD Collection of 2 and 3 is finally backwards compatible on Xbox One. Took them long enough, bastards.

I might rebuy it.

02-16-2019, 10:32 PM
I played a lot of 2 but never finished it. Really liked it. Played downpour and thought it was aight. Silent Hills truly could've been something really special.

Dr Channard
02-17-2019, 07:04 AM
Given the resurgence of horror games and how Resident Evil recently found its vile refooting, I wish Silent Hill was a series we could talk and play about again. Shame.

As someone who plays almost all the games from both franchises, Silent Hill fans are probably a way harder bunch to please. And it seems likely that SH has a much smaller core of fans, meaning a smaller market and less fiscal incentive for Konami to cater to us. Whether its right or wrong, I admit expecting more out of Silent Hill games than I do from RE games - hold them to a generally higher standard of representing survival horror and psychological horror. And it feels that this is probably true to some extent from the general fandoms. As an example during production of RE6, Masachika Kawata admitted that the survival horror market was too small for Resident Evil (https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-23-capcom-survival-horror-market-too-small-for-resident-evil), so the series was going to go in a more action-oriented direction. True to his word RE6 was an action romp, yet it didn’t negatively phase sales at all. Despite some mixed critic reviews, the game has sold tremendously well. If the following metric is true, “In the home video game market, sales of more than one million units is the generally accepted standard for a major hit.” Then RE6 at over 7.2 million units sold (according to this source (http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.html)) was a mega-hit with the fans despite the admitted departure from series roots in survival horror. It’s great to see Capcom now moving RE back in a survival horror direction, but they were still raking it in just fine as an action genre game. I don’t know the numbers from Konami (and if anyone here does, please fill in the blanks), but it feels like SH titles like Homecoming or Downpour didn’t come close to matching those sales numbers. Plus unlike RE, the fans pick apart or refuse to buy the SH games when they stray from series roots.

Sorry for the wall of text. I think moving forward Silent Hill is just fucked at this point, from all facets.

03-04-2019, 12:48 PM
STILL DREAMING. I can feel it. It’s going to happen. Especially with all the Castlevania vinyl releases and other Konami releases. Just a matter of time.

SILENT HILL 2 VINYL RELEASE COMING FROM MONDOOOOOOO!!! CALLED IIIIIIT! (https://mondotees.com/blogs/news/music-weekly-silent-hill-2-silent-hill-1-restock)

I'm not the biggest fan of the cover art, but I can live with it. Brb ordering 5 copies.



Space Suicide
03-04-2019, 10:54 PM
I hate the cover art! I’m so used to Heaven’s Night and Maria.

I dont have the money but im preordering it asap Wednesday for the color variant!

03-05-2019, 01:56 AM
I hate the cover art! I’m so used to Heaven’s Night and Maria.

I dont have the money but im preordering it asap Wednesday for the color variant!

Saaame. It couldn't be available at a more inconvenient time financially, but I'd rather put myself out for a couple of copies now than regret it later. When the repress comes along I'll probably get one more to keep sealed away for all eternity.

06-01-2019, 07:09 AM
I played only 2 part and it was great. But playing it nowadays is so painful for my eyes and the pc port is trash.

02-28-2020, 05:44 PM
Oh come on... Hideo tweeted out ‘Sorry to be silent everyone...’ while holding a pencil that says PYRAMID on it, and he wrote ‘Next week!’ ?!?!? I know it’s complicated since Konami owns the rights but



03-02-2020, 03:40 PM

He's also been retweeting a shit ton of Norman Reedus-related TWD stuff.

Silent Hills: Tomorrow? Dare I hope?

Found me a little something on Toronto over the weekend that I initially missed out on:


03-12-2020, 07:23 PM
Looks like some of the OG team is returning and "Silent Hill" will be coming for the PS5. (https://comicbook.com/gaming/2020/03/12/silent-hill-reboot-ps5-playstation-5-sony)

03-26-2020, 08:45 AM
Looks like some of the OG team is returning and "Silent Hill" will be coming for the PS5. (https://comicbook.com/gaming/2020/03/12/silent-hill-reboot-ps5-playstation-5-sony)

Well, unless it's a fake out....it was fun while it lasted! KONAMI squashes recent Silent Hill rumors. (https://bloody-disgusting.com/video-games/3610205/recent-silent-hill-rumors-quashed-konami/?fbclid=IwAR3WVyp2af6UVw_Y3tXre3_r1aRR7kTL7-OHwB-AtKbsqV0PtGH2lCdGb5c)

03-27-2020, 10:10 AM
Well, unless it's a fake out....it was fun while it lasted! KONAMI squashes recent Silent Hill rumors. (https://bloody-disgusting.com/video-games/3610205/recent-silent-hill-rumors-quashed-konami/?fbclid=IwAR3WVyp2af6UVw_Y3tXre3_r1aRR7kTL7-OHwB-AtKbsqV0PtGH2lCdGb5c)

Honestly, I'm taking that as actually being a confirmation things are happening.

Konami haven't even bothered to so much as address anything gaming related in forever, and denying projects in progress is just routine in the gaming biz. Bruce Campbell denied Ash would be in MK11, and it's come out from multiple sources he was developed but delayed until later over timing and rights issues.

Now they come out of the blue and bother trying to stifle conversation? Psssh.

Still optimistic. :)

03-27-2020, 05:04 PM
Konami put out the Castlevania Collection last year. Hopefully this year they port Symphony of the Night to the Switch. Some Silent Hill on Switch would be pretty cool too!

07-31-2020, 08:25 PM
Bumping this for absolutely no reason and not at all due to any announcements that are due in the next week or so.

05-11-2021, 05:10 PM
The rumors aren't dying. People are now saying "Summer".

There was an interview with Akira Yamaoka that got pulled down (https://www.thedigitalfix.com/gaming/news/silent-hill-composer-teases-new-project-that-fans-are-hoping-to-hear-about/) recently (Konami claims not to be responsible) where he said

""You'll probably hear something this summer to be announced," Yamaoka said (via a translator), adding, "And I think it's the one you're kinda hoping to hear about."

I'm taking it with a grain of salt but...

05-11-2021, 05:28 PM
Konami killing the Del Toro/Kojima's Silent Hills was probably the dumbest move ever in the history of gaming.

05-13-2021, 08:40 AM
The rumors aren't dying. People are now saying "Summer".

There was an interview with Akira Yamaoka that got pulled down (https://www.thedigitalfix.com/gaming/news/silent-hill-composer-teases-new-project-that-fans-are-hoping-to-hear-about/) recently (Konami claims not to be responsible) where he said

""You'll probably hear something this summer to be announced," Yamaoka said (via a translator), adding, "And I think it's the one you're kinda hoping to hear about."

I'm taking it with a grain of salt but...

Take it with the biggest grain ever witnessed. I have heard that "And I think its the one you're kinda hoping to hear about" from several devs and insiders since 2017. I'll literally smack myself if this indeed happens :D.

05-13-2021, 08:50 AM
Konami killing the Del Toro/Kojima's Silent Hills was probably the dumbest move ever in the history of gaming.

Deadass. The silver lining being that we got amazing survival horror games like Visage, Evil Inside and Layers of Fear. All heavily inspired by PT. Maybe someday we'll even get Allison Road, which was intended to be a direct send-up of the groundwork PT laid..

05-14-2021, 08:29 PM
The rumors aren't dying. People are now saying "Summer".

There was an interview with Akira Yamaoka that got pulled down (https://www.thedigitalfix.com/gaming/news/silent-hill-composer-teases-new-project-that-fans-are-hoping-to-hear-about/) recently (Konami claims not to be responsible) where he said

""You'll probably hear something this summer to be announced," Yamaoka said (via a translator), adding, "And I think it's the one you're kinda hoping to hear about."

I'm taking it with a grain of salt but...

I’m very curious what the next year or two are gonna look like for Konami. Seems like there might be some things happening behind the scenes. Plugs can always get pulled and minds can always change, but surely, sooomeone over there has floated the idea that maaaybe putting some effort into a new SH (or even a new Metal Gear?) could be quite lucrative. Otherwise they’re just sitting on it.

At the very least, I’d love to see games from both of those franchises get ported to PS5 in some kind of collection. Wouldn’t even have to be fancy, just something to make the older games easily accessible and affordable again.

05-14-2021, 08:35 PM
The silver lining being that we got amazing survival horror games like Visage, Evil Inside and Layers of Fear. All heavily inspired by PT.

Not to mention Resident Evil 7 :D

05-17-2021, 08:28 PM
I was thinking recently about the alternate timeline on which the sequel to Silent Hills was competing with RE 8

01-10-2022, 01:48 PM
There was an interview with Akira Yamaoka that got pulled down (https://www.thedigitalfix.com/gaming/news/silent-hill-composer-teases-new-project-that-fans-are-hoping-to-hear-about/) recently (Konami claims not to be responsible) where he said

""You'll probably hear something this summer to be announced," Yamaoka said (via a translator), adding, "And I think it's the one you're kinda hoping to hear about."

So this was in all likelihood referring to Toyama (SH1 director)'s new forthcoming horror title Slitterhead, which has Yamaoka as composer. Which looks neat, to be fair.

There are still insiders saying a "Major Japanese studio" is working on an SH game and rumors that Bloober Team is also working on one.

Who knows.

Mondo put out SH3 &4 vinyl which instantly sold out - supposedly more to come later this year. But, you know, vinyl shortages.



05-13-2022, 09:28 PM
A lot of talk today about the Silent Hill leaks from 2020 being real...along with new images. Currently in development, apparently. (https://kotaku.com/silent-hill-leaked-images-dusk-golem-konami-dmca-takedo-1848922770)

05-22-2022, 01:36 PM
A lot of talk today about the Silent Hill leaks from 2020 being real...along with new images. Currently in development, apparently. (https://kotaku.com/silent-hill-leaked-images-dusk-golem-konami-dmca-takedo-1848922770)

As with any other situation where someone on the internet says they have proof of anything happening, and then says they can’t show us all the proof they have for no reason, I will “happily” believe it when it actually exists. “Happily” in quotes because the last handful of Silent Hill releases have been lukewarm at absolute best anyway.

I just find it hard to believe that it’s 100% true that 7 different companies (Konami, Sony Santa Monica, Kojima Productions, Bloober, Bluepoint, Blue Box, and Annapurna) are all working on multiple secret Silent Hill projects (and also Metal Gear somehow) all at once. All these years of not one thing happening with either franchise, and suddenly we have half a dozen projects being worked on? I dunno. My expectations are just heavily tapered.

10-16-2022, 04:25 PM

10-19-2022, 02:57 PM
Apparently things have leaked before the presentation in an hour?

• Silent Hill 2 for PSN
• New game 'Silent Hill: Ascension' (Project Sakura)
• Return to Silent Hill (movie)

Also, PlayStation and Steam releases have been confirmed.

10-19-2022, 04:31 PM
Yeaa it was leaked via YouTube tags and Metadata. Tuning into the stream and said it had already ended, the chat was so confused lol.

Remake... What a surprise. Silent Hill 2 is being developed by Bloober games and that is not something to look forward to. I did like what I saw, but I couldn't help but just roll my eyes at that announcement.

Silent Hill: Ascension will be a "Real time, interactive series." by J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot.

Silent Hill F is a new game set in 1960's Japan. No info other than a teaser trailer and it being written by Ryukishi07, who is known for Japanese visual novels based around murder mystery, and supernatural horror, but sounds like it has potential!

Silent Hill: Townfall, another new game with just a teaser atm but is being co-produced by Annapurna which has me excited, along with No Code.

Some stuff to definitely look forward to. Let's hope any of it is actually worth a damn.

10-19-2022, 04:50 PM

I'm excited about this one.

10-20-2022, 01:10 AM
I am genuinely astonished that so much shit got shown off today. That was wild.

Most excited for F and Townfall, probably least excited for SH2 Remake and Ascension. Hell, even the new movie might be alright. That first movie had a lot of stupid problems with it, but it nailed a couple of things, and was much better than the second one.

Also, for anyone interested, Mondo teased that they’re gonna drop more copies of the SH2 vinyl soundtrack next week, so keep an eye out.

Space Suicide
10-20-2022, 10:06 AM
Silent Hill f is the most interesting to me.

Very excited for the 2 remake. Wish a Japanese dev got their hands on it over another foreign studio, not that I have animosity towards Bloober Team but eh.

10-21-2022, 09:43 AM
I liked the Silent Hill F trailer, I don’t get people saying it doesn’t feel like Silent Hill, it did to me

Frozen Beach
10-21-2022, 01:55 PM
I liked the Silent Hill F trailer, I don’t get people saying it doesn’t feel like Silent Hill, it did to me
Something different is exactly what Silent Hill needs right now. What killed the franchise was the rehashing of Silent Hill 2. These people need to accept that.

10-21-2022, 05:26 PM
Silent Hill f is the most interesting to me.

Very excited for the 2 remake. Wish a Japanese dev got their hands on it over another foreign studio, not that I have animosity towards Bloober Team but eh.

With games like, The Medium, Blair Witch, and Layers of Fear which were all stinkers imo, I'm very cautious about how they will make Silent Hill 2. If they indeed fuck it up, my animosity will only increase lol.

F seems to be the most interesting to me as well. 1960's Japan sounds like a great time frame to make it based around.

06-04-2023, 07:27 AM

06-04-2023, 07:50 AM
Ascension is definitely the thing I'm least excited for from the Silent Hill revival. Very little of what was in that trailer felt Silent Hill-ish at all. The idea of a community choose-your-own-adventure is kind of interesting though.

06-04-2023, 06:36 PM
Didn’t Rob Sheridan do some crowd dictated storyline on twitter where I remember feeling completely at odds with it as I was always the opposite of what everyone wanted. Absolutely tedious

Frozen Beach
07-11-2023, 10:36 PM
cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy is apparently doing the music for Silent Hill Ascension.


11-01-2023, 04:11 PM
Hey, spoilers, Ascension is trash.

Hope y’all like a $20 season pass/“Founder’s Pack,” full of quirky emotes such as ‘It’s trauma!’ in rainbow font and the classic ‘It’s bread,’ perfect for an app you’ll probably open one time and then never again. Emotes that you can only use in the live chat, which is absolutely impossible to even follow.

I can’t believe they’re really expecting “millions of fans” to play this every single day for like 16 weeks straight. That’s actually unfathomable.

Update: Live chat was temporarily shut down, as people started finding out that the only two words that were being filtered out were “scam” and “Kojima.” But thankfully any slur you could think of was totally fine, because there was no moderation whatsoever. The chat is now in “sticker only” mode, meaning you cannot type text, and HAVE to communicate via stickers bought in-game.

Word on the street is that night’s stream was interrupted by a video of a couple dudes on the dev team profusely apologizing for, well, everything. Still gotta watch that, myself.

Hope the “I’m just happy to have Silent Hill back even if it’s bad” crowd is happy. :p

Space Suicide
05-31-2024, 07:56 AM

Release date of October 8th, 2024

Pre-order bonuses and other news (https://gamerant.com/silent-hill-2-remake-deluxe-edition-pre-order-bonuses-early-access/)

06-04-2024, 06:32 AM
I hate that it's releasing on a Tuesday, but I've already requested the 8th and 9th off of work to play it.

Something Underneath
06-07-2024, 11:24 AM

Release date of October 8th, 2024

Pre-order bonuses and other news (https://gamerant.com/silent-hill-2-remake-deluxe-edition-pre-order-bonuses-early-access/)
Didn't knew April 1st became October 8th. Good god this looks ghastly. Bloober Team are war criminals.

06-08-2024, 03:38 AM
Yeah, I'm gonna skip this and go with the PC fan enhancement, which is excellent and STILL being developed to this day: