View Full Version : Fallout

11-30-2011, 03:56 PM
So I got this game for Xmas last year and I played a little bit of it but I kept dying. I walked a long way to this city to do one of my missions and a bunch of hooligans killed me with a bat. Naturally I forgot to save at all during my 15 minute walk, so I started back at Megaton. Fuck. I didn't really have any desire to go back to it, but my friends kept telling me to do so and to do other quests to level up first. I recently gave it a couple more chances and each time I've been more frustrated than the last. With all the praise this game has gotten, I'm curious if I am completely missing something huge about this because I have no desire to play this fucking thing. The premise is something that is really appealing to me as I really like post-apocalyptic stories in movies/TV. This game is just relentlessly punishing me for even giving it the time of day. I'm not even that far in, even though I've played more than 6 hours. I realize this is a game that takes a long time, especially if you do the side missions, but you're able to continue without doing the side missions, right? I ask this because I've read that you can complete these game quickly if you only do the main missions, but I can't even complete the side missions I'm on. Here's a breakdown:

Moira: I've completed some shit for her book, but now I have to put a spawning data thing in this nest without disturbing the Marklars or whatever. I tried, kept getting caught, and subsequently killed. My friend then tells me I need Stealth Boy. Ok, next quest.

Lucy West: I go to deliver her message, but her family is dead, so I have to find her brother. Turns out he's been taken by the Family who's been terrorizing a bunch of people. That seems like another way to die. Next quest.

Find some dude: I go find him, avoiding a swarm of fire ants because I can't even kill one of them, and he's dead. Now I have to tell his son, which I do, but then I have to find the source of the ants. Great, I can't kill one and now I have to find where they're all coming from?? Next quest.

Look for dad: I have to find some radio thing, and when I get to where the compass tells me to go, there's a bunch of raiders. Ok, if I'm lucky I can take out one at a time and then hopefully not be too near death. Nope, one of them has an RPG and infinite rounds for it. Next qu--wait. Shit.

My friend also told me to just go exploring, as that's a huge part of the game. So I try this, and all that happens is I run into more and more things that not only want to kill me, they do kill me. I've never been punished by a game so much simply for trying to play it. I really don't see what the appeal of this is at all. I could understand if I was doing well, but I cannot figure out how to do that at all.

11-30-2011, 04:15 PM
The first time I played through Fallout 3, it felt awkward and a little bit difficult. When I restarted after having played for a while, I was practically invincible because I was so much better at the stuff I hadn't figured out the first time through.

11-30-2011, 04:23 PM
I don't really even see myself playing this any more, let alone finishing it or playing it a second time. As it stands now I can't even progress, though I did just learn about the targeting system. I'm not saying I want a game to hold my hand all the way through, but having no direction at all is absurd. Then there's the issue of health. I'm constantly running out of what little Stimpacks I have and then I'm forced to pay someone to heal me. So I constantly have very little caps to buy anything with. I just realized when I was playing last night, when the game FINALLY told me after I was severely hurt from a fall, that sleeping in a bed would heal me. Too bad none of the beds in Megaton were available without paying. I remembered that the only bed I saw as available was off on some overpass, in a shack, and had a dead body in it. Thanks for the tip, game, but it would have been nice when I was hurt before and not 6 hours into the game, barely making it by after dying countless times and rerouting my path through the wasteland. Gah.

11-30-2011, 04:43 PM
The targeting system is how you beat the shit out of everything. Learning about that was basically what turned me around. Starting from scratch and using the targeting system, you'll cane. Some games take time. I actually quite liked Fallout 3 - having pirated it at first, I ended up getting sucked in and buying the Game of the Year edition, which came with a second disc with all the DLC for the game. And I generally don't play video games. It's a grower.

12-01-2011, 04:16 PM
You should be able to get the Megaton house (w/ bed) if you raise explosives to 25. At that point, you can disarm the bomb in the middle of town. I think you need to speak with the sheriff first, then again after disarming. Quite a few things like that where you'll need a certain skill/skill number to do certain tasks.

The game gets a bit easier after learning the targeting system and allocating the stat/skill points/perks in relation to the type of character you'd like to play. Fast Travel makes getting from place to place easier too, if you've visited prior.

It's a bit tough at the beginning to do some of those quests since the further you travel out, the more things you can run into. I think there was a school nearby that had a few Raiders but was a decent place to find loot, caps, ammo, weapons, and exp.. There should also be a super-market near Grayditch (fire ants) that had the same.

12-01-2011, 04:49 PM
I absolutely hated VATS.

Also, Fallout: New Vegas is such an improvement, it's not even close.

Corvus T. Cosmonaut
12-02-2011, 04:24 AM
Agreed with heroicraptor on New Vegas: it's an improvement on Fallout 3 in every area.

Space Suicide
12-02-2011, 08:26 AM
Is it sad I still haven't beat the Lonesome Road DLC?

12-04-2011, 06:32 AM
I absolutely hated VATS.

Also, Fallout: New Vegas is such an improvement, it's not even close.

Was New Vegas really that much better? I didn't pick it up because I heard of all the bugs it had when it was released. If I may ask, what improvements did they make?

12-04-2011, 07:36 AM
I'm currently playing New Vegas, about 60 hours in, and I can't say I noticed it being much different than Fallout 3. Which isn't a bad thing IMO, the one area I've noticed a real change is in the difficulty of some enemies. No more can you at level 30 walk into a pack of Death Claws and survive, being invincible in Fallout 3 really took away some of the appeal late into the game. Other than that it's basically the same core game-play in a new setting.

12-04-2011, 08:48 AM
I so have to finish this game.

12-04-2011, 09:25 AM
Was New Vegas really that much better? I didn't pick it up because I heard of all the bugs it had when it was released. If I may ask, what improvements did they make?

Ammo creation, better weapons, better enemies, better plot.

12-04-2011, 09:47 AM
New Vegas definately has the better story IMO. But, I loved wandering around the capital wasteland far more than the Mohave. Both are very good though.

Space Suicide
12-04-2011, 11:37 AM
New Vegas definately has the better story IMO. But, I loved wandering around the capital wasteland far more than the Mohave. Both are very good though.

Both have their ups and downs as far as the landscape. I hate the Capital Wasteland due to all the wreckage. It takes forever to find a pathway or a way to get through for me. I remember trying to get to the area for the Operation Anchorage DLC and it took me forever on how to get into the fucking location since it was blocked off on all sides except one with no specific path shown.

If this hasn't been touched on, I'm posting it:

Sucks for me, as I have all the DLC already minus the two weapons related ones (Gunrunner's Arsenal and Courier's Stash).

Corvus T. Cosmonaut
12-04-2011, 01:38 PM
Ammo creation, better weapons, better enemies, better plot.
+better locations, better dialogue, more narrative freedom, better companions (by far), more cohesive and interesting world map, better difficulty...

12-04-2011, 02:00 PM
Oh nice! First i've heard of that. Not surprised though. I may scoop that up. I don't own any of the DLC, so I'm not sure which would be cheaper - buy the DLC, or trade my copy in for the new one.

Corvus T. Cosmonaut
12-04-2011, 02:58 PM
Of course a major factor of New Vegas's quality was the Obsidian development team being made up in part of key guys from Interplay/Black Isle Studios who worked on the original two Fallouts.

Harry Seaward
12-05-2011, 07:19 PM
I just started Fallout 3 a few hours ago. I've never played any of the games before, so getting ahold of the reigns is a bit strange. It seems pretty fun so far though. The only problem I have is that there seems to be way too much stuff for me to accomplish, but I guess that's a good thing. Any tips for total noobs? I just barely got into Megaton, for reference.

12-05-2011, 08:46 PM
The first time I played through Fallout 3, it felt awkward and a little bit difficult. When I restarted after having played for a while, I was practically invincible because I was so much better at the stuff I hadn't figured out the first time through.

I got into the game the exact same way! Really didn't like it at first. Came back to it out of boredom and completely fell in love with it.

I just started Fallout 3 a few hours ago. I've never played any of the games before, so getting ahold of the reigns is a bit strange. It seems pretty fun so far though. The only problem I have is that there seems to be way too much stuff for me to accomplish, but I guess that's a good thing. Any tips for total noobs? I just barely got into Megaton, for reference.

Level up your weapons frequently, level up skills, have fun in collecting everything (picking locks, checking mailboxes, etc.) get immersed in the game. I'm usually the type to just run through a game as fast as I can. This game takes a bit more patience. Enjoy your surroundings.

12-05-2011, 08:48 PM
I just started Fallout 3 a few hours ago. I've never played any of the games before, so getting ahold of the reigns is a bit strange. It seems pretty fun so far though. The only problem I have is that there seems to be way too much stuff for me to accomplish, but I guess that's a good thing. Any tips for total noobs? I just barely got into Megaton, for reference.

Stay away from the heart of DC until your comfortable with the game and have leveled up quite a bit. Get to know the area by doing a few side quests, then work on the main. If you have the GOTY version, beware of Feral ghoul reavers they can sometimes become invincible. I had one wreck havoc at Tenpenny Tower. Save often!!! Besides that enjoy.

Space Suicide
12-05-2011, 10:09 PM
Sooooo....you gonna blow up Megaton or not?


12-29-2011, 08:38 PM
So Amazon has New Vegas on sale for $12.99 for the PS3. I know the Ultimate Edition is coming in February, but I think I just might get it.

12-29-2011, 09:00 PM
Sooooo....you gonna blow up Megaton or not?


When I destroyed Megaton, I did it reluctantly. I was originally going to save them, but then I got caught stealing. Guy had to defend himself...

01-09-2012, 06:16 PM
After a lengthy legal battle, Bethesda now officially owns all the rights to the Fallout Online MMO. (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/01/09/bethesda-settles-lawsuit-over-fallout-license.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

Seriously, this is an MMO that might finally suck me back in...

Space Suicide
01-09-2012, 07:25 PM
I'd love to play such a game.

01-11-2012, 03:55 PM
I just started Fallout 3 a few hours ago. I've never played any of the games before, so getting ahold of the reigns is a bit strange. It seems pretty fun so far though. The only problem I have is that there seems to be way too much stuff for me to accomplish, but I guess that's a good thing. Any tips for total noobs? I just barely got into Megaton, for reference.
Save every Quantum Nuka Cola you find! You'll need them later for a quest with an achievement attached to it. I guzzled them like a greedy guzzler and now I don't think I can get that damn cheevo!

Also, build a stockpile of weapons in your home to use as spare parts to repair weapons of the same type. You'll save lots of money that way. It follows that you should max out your repair skill as quickly as you can.

01-11-2012, 04:17 PM
Or use the console command player.srm to repair your weapons yourself.

01-12-2012, 09:15 PM
Fallout Wiki (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki)
(http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki) THIS IS VERY HELPFUL

In the week that I've had New Vegas I've realized the amount of options and quests it contains are far superior than Fallout 3. With that said, I miss the Capital wasteland. I live in Maryland and I'm forty minutes from DC and Point lookout

01-16-2012, 06:20 AM
After a lengthy legal battle, Bethesda now officially owns all the rights to the Fallout Online MMO. (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/01/09/bethesda-settles-lawsuit-over-fallout-license.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

Seriously, this is an MMO that might finally suck me back in...

Only if Bethesda chooses to pick up the game's development—I get the impression they have no plans to do so. The whole suit turned into nothing more than a legal cat fight; I don't think either party came out particularly honorable in the end. It'd be nice if the MMO were the important thing here, but I don't think that was what they were really fighting over at the heart of it.

Space Suicide
01-21-2012, 01:47 PM
Fallout: NV Ultimate Edition Trailer Released
Patience is a virtue, so they say, and those of you who've managed to wait out Fallout: New Vegas (http://www.trueachievements.com/game.aspx?gameid=3089) and its multiple DLC packs are soon to be rewarded, if the game is of interest to you.

See, back in November (http://www.trueachievements.com/n6217/fallout-new-vegas-ultimate-edition-incoming.htm), Bethesda (unsurprisingly) announced that a Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition was in the works, and that it would include Dead Money (http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=506), Honest Hearts (http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=4106), Old World Blues (http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=4154), Lonesome Road (http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=4192), Gun Runner's Arsenal (http://www.trueachievements.com/dlc.aspx?dlcid=4195), and "Courier's Stash", which you gives you access to the "Caravan Pack", "Classic Pack", "Mercenary Pack" and "Tribal Pack". Now, with the game nearing release, they've put out a trailer for the game's launch.

Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition will be available on February 7th in North America and February 10th in Europe.


05-07-2012, 04:21 PM
Weak reason to bump, but thought this was pretty funny.


Space Suicide
05-07-2012, 07:50 PM
What the fuck? My character has 100 lock picking skill but that's just asinine.

08-21-2012, 01:56 PM
Fallout 4: Boston?? (http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/727141/fallout-4-set-in-boston/)

08-21-2012, 02:16 PM
Fallout 4: Boston?? (http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/727141/fallout-4-set-in-boston/)

Why Boston? The Point Lookout DLC gave me the idea of a New Orleans setting. The city + the swamp lands.

01-09-2013, 09:48 AM
Fallout voice actor teases Fallout 4. (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/01/09/fallout-4-teased-by-three-dog-voice-actor)

More info has to be coming soon...I hope.

Space Suicide
01-09-2013, 10:32 AM
I'd love to have a new Fallout with the Skyrim engine, that'd be so awesome.

01-09-2013, 09:51 PM
I'd love to have a new Fallout with the Skyrim engine, that'd be so awesome.

They'd be foolish not to. Time for a new Fallout though.

01-11-2013, 01:09 PM
Apparently someone knows a PR informant on the inside and has leaked details:

Tipped to make the cut are a new faction comparable to the Super Mutants and Ghouls.
Boston itself will look and feel very different to prior Fallout cities, inching the franchise a little closer to the high tech slickness of a Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

"From my understanding, some Obsidian members have been hired for Fallout 4," GNR_Informant commented. "Really, I don't know if FO4 is the game they got hired for, but its most likely that one."

Here's his post in full. Bear in mind that all this is strictly unconfirmed for the moment.
- First and foremost, the game will take place in Boston, and be kind of a direct sequel to Fallout 3 with a few groups returning.

- From what it sounds like, "The Institute" is pretty much the downtown DC or New Vegas of this game. Boston is going to be unlike anything we've seen in a Fallout game before, with buildings more on par with cyberpunk and retro-futurism.

- Androids play a big part in this game. The railroad from Fallout 3 is a faction. The enemies of the railroad is "the Plantation" -- a group who force Androids to farm so that Humans can get food. The Institute is highly advanced and probably obtained or built their own GECK to start a farm.

- Due to complaints about using Super Mutants and the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 3 excessively and going against the lore too much, Bethesda has decided to avoid using these groups. Bethesda wants to make a new "race" (think Ghoul, Super Mutant) which will be central to Boston. Bethesda is currently looking at Lovecraftian fiction since Boston is around "Lovecraft Country".

- Bethesda has no plans to reinvent the leveling up system to make it more like Skyrim and want to make Fallout 4 more distinct from Skyrim since of the complaints that Oblivion and Fallout 3 were too similar. Bethesda is thinking about introducing a system, similar to Skyrim, where your skills can level up if you perform certain tasks.

01-26-2013, 09:44 AM
So, I started playing New Vegas again. Hit lvl 5. "Accidently" wandered into Nipton with NCR armor on, pissed off the legion. Killed them. Sent some assassins to get me and kill me every time. Sucks

12-11-2013, 03:08 PM
We need to change the title of this thread perhaps to just 'Fallout' now...finally.

Leaked documents prove that 'Fallout 4' is currently in production, casting for voice actors, and primarily set in Boston. (http://kotaku.com/leaked-documents-reveal-that-fallout-4-is-real-set-in-1481322956)

12-11-2013, 03:24 PM
They've been rumoring Boston for awhile now. Id find it hard to believe that after all this time, that they haven't got a game in development.

12-29-2014, 12:12 AM
No news, just a bump. I was talking to a friend about Fallout 3, and how this series is his absolute fave, and we were throwing around ideas for what Fallout 4 needs. Biggest thing we were talking about was a system similar to weapon creation and repair, but with vehicles. Fallout 4 needs vehicles so bad. But make it interesting, like having some wasteland nitro-truck, but the upkeep is a bitch. You need rarer fuel, you have to find a fuel pump somewhere after yours blows, but your repair skill isn't quite high enough, so you have to use your backup vehicle, a dirt bike. The dirt bike, however, is easier to maintain and fuel, but you can't carry dick-all on it.

12-29-2014, 12:17 AM
Kinda hoping it plays like Skyrim. Loved the leveling in Skyrim, and just about everything about it. If they integrated some of that stuff, I'd be a very happy man.

12-29-2014, 04:53 AM
No news, just a bump. I was talking to a friend about Fallout 3, and how this series is his absolute fave, and we were throwing around ideas for what Fallout 4 needs. Biggest thing we were talking about was a system similar to weapon creation and repair, but with vehicles. Fallout 4 needs vehicles so bad. But make it interesting, like having some wasteland nitro-truck, but the upkeep is a bitch. You need rarer fuel, you have to find a fuel pump somewhere after yours blows, but your repair skill isn't quite high enough, so you have to use your backup vehicle, a dirt bike. The dirt bike, however, is easier to maintain and fuel, but you can't carry dick-all on it.

Useless trivia: Fallout 2 actually had a car that you could use to travel between locations (it was not really an open world like Fallout 3). It was powered by fusion power which also served as ammunition for fusion weapons.

12-31-2014, 01:17 PM
Has anyone heard any recent news about the next game?

12-31-2014, 01:55 PM
Just rumors

01-01-2015, 01:56 PM
Anyone check out Wasteland 2? Fallout was originally a sequel to the first Wasteland...

01-01-2015, 10:39 PM
Anyone check out Wasteland 2?

Game of the year :)

02-10-2015, 10:38 AM
Bethesda announces it's first ever full E3 conference for this summer.


02-10-2015, 10:56 AM
It'll be more Doom news, I'm guessing. People will get super hyped up for Fallout 4 like they did with Wolfenstein, only to find out it's Doom. or a Wolfenstein sequel.

02-10-2015, 11:26 AM
Anyone check out Wasteland 2? Fallout was originally a sequel to the first Wasteland...

wasteland 2 was a huge disapointment. Dare to say worse than Fallout 3.

02-10-2015, 11:28 AM
We need to change the title of this thread perhaps to just 'Fallout' now...finally.

Leaked documents prove that 'Fallout 4' is currently in production, casting for voice actors, and primarily set in Boston. (http://kotaku.com/leaked-documents-reveal-that-fallout-4-is-real-set-in-1481322956)

Yes, that way we can discuss previous decent fallout titles. You know before Bethesda took over.

And yes im not letting any oppurtunity go to waste to bash Bethesda.

02-10-2015, 11:33 AM
It'll be more Doom news, I'm guessing. People will get super hyped up for Fallout 4 like they did with Wolfenstein, only to find out it's Doom. or a Wolfenstein sequel.

To be fair, Doom's been a long time coming. At 11 years, it's now been as long since Doom 3 as that game was from Doom 1.

Not sure Doom 4 will be anything to be excited about though. The game was canned at least once because it just plain wasn't good enough, and now there's barely anyone left at Id who worked on their golden-age titles.

05-11-2015, 09:25 AM
Guillermo del Toro's production company apparently creating the Fallout 4 trailer that will show at E3. (http://www.destructoid.com/rumour-guillermo-del-toro-s-production-company-creating-fallout-4-trailer-291924.phtml?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)

Also, thread title change to just 'Fallout Series' or something?

05-14-2015, 04:19 AM
I want to play New Vegas again so bad... for me that was the game Fallout 3 should have been (minus the bugs like the hat that broke the game).. I much prefer the Wasteland to Elder Scrolls. Shame I have no time to really get invested in it... I sure hope Fallout 4 is on the horizon though.

06-02-2015, 10:04 AM
SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS. (http://fallout.bethsoft.com/)

06-02-2015, 07:38 PM
that's counting down to 9am EST tomorrow (6/3) right? figures I'm on a plane then... to DC, from Boston. Maybe that's a sign
edit: now looks like it's counting down to 10am eastern.

06-03-2015, 09:01 AM

06-03-2015, 02:48 PM
I enjoyed Fallout 3 well enough, but i have to say i dont quite get the full force hype with these games. 4 looks ok, but its another apocalypse setting in a medium loaded with apocalypse settings...

06-03-2015, 08:12 PM
I just find it refreshing in an age of gaming where it's no longer ok online to be hyped about something, to see people so hyped about something.

06-03-2015, 10:52 PM
The game is already up for pre-order. Obviously a fall release. Add to the fact that officially Bethesda has it listed as "TBA 2015".

06-03-2015, 11:04 PM
Hmmm. I'd be very surprised to see it come out this year. It's a day one purchase either way. Awesome news though. Surprised that it doesn't look that much better than the last two. But, the gameplay and everything along with it will most likely blow everyone away.

06-04-2015, 02:40 PM
the storylines are everything for me. So many things are suggested by the trailer -- for example, Fenway as a fortified encampment -- this one's going to require booking vacation time and clearing the calendar.

also important to note that the people watching the blast are within the "stand within circle" line on the vault door. Perhaps you are the infant.

06-04-2015, 04:03 PM
some of those wide city shots have me pretty excited. stuff like this...

http://e5c351ecddc2f880ef72-57d6ff1fc59ab172ec418789d348b0c1.r69.cf1.rackcdn.c om/images/Kgk9iUs-Tr6l.PNG

and this

http://36646d87786feafc0611-0338bbbce19fc98919c6293def4c5554.r0.cf1.rackcdn.co m/images/r29OPXhDSsyO.png

I mean, if all those buildings are basically just wallpaper, like was sometimes the case in the older fallout games, i'll be kinda bummed out. but if those cityscapes are honestly that big and they're fully explorable, that would be fucking awesome

also, the vibrant colors on this game look SO GOOD. i didn't completely hate the green-ish color tinting of FO3 like some people, because i thought it helped set a certain tone for the game, but i have to admit that it got tiring after hundreds of hours. it feels absolutely great to see all the bright primary colors and the crisp blue sky in this trailer. i think it'll help the game from feeling monotone, which is what i sometimes felt with the older games. i definitely didn't feel that way with skyrim, because there's just so much aesthetic variety in that game, so i'm hoping that a wider color palette and a greater difference between cities and small towns and the countryside will make the game world feel more diverse this time around.

06-04-2015, 08:03 PM
People are starting to get my hopes up on a 2015 release date. Feels unlikely. But, a lot of people seem so sure that it'll be out by the holidays.

06-04-2015, 08:21 PM
^Yeah, I had been assuming that the reveal would be this summer and then the game would come out a year later, but logging into steam this afternoon and seeing that it already has a store page and they're taking pre-orders definitely has me wondering if it'll be released pretty soon.

06-05-2015, 07:37 AM
There was a rumor on NeoGAF that it would be out in October. We'll see, I played FO3 for awhile, but it got backlogged and I never finished it. Should I wait for FO4 since I have other games to play?

06-05-2015, 08:23 AM
That's up to you. You're missing out on some great stuff though. I'm thinking about replaying some of FO3. I haven't played some of the expansions. So I may do that and mostly goof around.

06-05-2015, 09:26 AM
if anything, play FO3 and look for Vault 112. They were constructed in order, so the abilities of 112 could provide clues to the environment of 111, which could explain the pre-war sections of the FO4 trailer.

06-14-2015, 10:23 PM
Release date is 11-10-2015. There's also an iOS/android game, "fallout shelter" -- kinda like sim city -- available now from AppStore.

06-14-2015, 10:30 PM
This looks awesome!

06-14-2015, 10:31 PM
God, I hope I manage to get one of the pip boy collectors edition

06-14-2015, 10:36 PM
November?!?!? Bruhhhhh.....

06-14-2015, 10:45 PM
Seriously? !

sick among the pure
06-14-2015, 10:53 PM
Need that collector's edition. That Pip-Boy. So sexy.

06-14-2015, 11:49 PM
Collectors edition is up on amazon. Got mine preordered!

06-15-2015, 12:05 AM
Way too many open world games this year. Witcher, Batman, MGS, and now this. Killing me, heh.

06-15-2015, 09:06 AM
Collector's preordered as well, this is gonna be sick.

06-15-2015, 09:35 AM
Bethesda's E3 presentation from last night is on youtube, and this link should put you right at the beginning of the Fallout 4 part.

06-15-2015, 12:19 PM
Mods on Xbox is huuuge for console plebes, like me.

06-15-2015, 12:19 PM
This makes getting Fallout 4 on the Xbone more enticing since it brings Fallout 3 exclusively on the one.
Trying to get FO3 to run on my pc is a nightmare. I honetly dont know if my gaming rig could handle FO4 so I might just get an Xbox one to play both games.
I'm also excited that mods on the PC will be ported to the Xbone.

Now I'm at a toss up; wait until video cards are cheaper and update my rig for fallout 4 and other games or just get a one to play all those games minus Xcom 2.

07-23-2015, 02:09 PM
Fallout Anthology drops for PC on Sept. 29th.


07-24-2015, 02:48 PM
New Fallout 4 info:

There will be about a dozen possible companions, including Dogmeat, Mr. Handy, Preston Garvey, and ‘Piper,’ a newly-revealed companion who you can meet in Diamond City.
Mr. Handy can actually say your name—be it John, or something more ridiculous like “Mr. Fuckface.” He will vocalize it all the same. I can’t wait to see all the offensive and silly names that people come up with! In any case, Mr. Handy is voiced by Stephen Russel, who PC Gamer notes also voiced Garret in Thief. Finally, the inside of Mr. Handy is actually modeled, because I guess Bethesda wants to make sure you can see the details if he’s ever blown up.
Piper, the new companion, wears a red leather coat and a newsboy hat.
You can romance your companions, regardless of whether you play as a male or female. Not clear on whether or not this includes robots like Mr. Handy, but here’s hoping.
Things that are back: bloody mess perk, Super Duper Mart, computer hacking, lockpicking, the Fat Man, and Behemoth mutants. The demo actually ends with the player shooting an atomic bomb at a Behemoth mutant.
Book/comic book covers will be more detailed this time around, and you can zoom in and look at them.
The leveling system works differently now. Perks are tied to SPECIAL stats, and not levels. Having specific high special stats means having good related perks.
It sounds like factions can war with one another. IGN described a scene where the player watched ghouls attacking raiders, and noted that the player had the option to let it happen without interfering. Awesome. Additionally, they also noted that at one point the Brotherhood of Steel appears and joins the player in a battle against raiders.

07-25-2015, 11:21 AM
Article with even more in depth information regarding leveling up, romance, etc. (http://www.polygon.com/2015/7/24/9036527/fallout-4-romance-options-upgrades-special-customization-progression)

My hype for this is building quickly...

09-03-2015, 11:09 AM
Alleged specs as listed on Amazon.

Supported OS: Windows 7 Windows 8
Processor: Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz
Hard Disk: 24 GB
Video Card: GeForce GT 240
Additional Requirements: DirectX 11


09-08-2015, 11:40 AM
Fallout Shelter is eating my life. I'm very pumped to try the new game sooon

09-09-2015, 09:28 AM
Regular updates, mods, and $30 season pass. (http://bethesda.net/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=090915-F4SeasonPass#en/events/game/fallout-4-launch-and-beyond/2015/09/08/22)

09-10-2015, 09:17 AM

10-08-2015, 10:39 AM
Specs revealed.

From here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-10-08-fallout-4-28-35gb-on-console-pc-system-specs-revealed

The PC requirements are:

Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent
30 GB free HDD space
NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent


Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz/AMD FX-9590 4.7 GHz or equivalent
30 GB free HDD space
NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent

That ram requirement seems a bit much but other than that I can run it just fine.

10-15-2015, 12:48 PM

10-27-2015, 09:58 PM
Australia has a pretty decent special for pre-orders at JB HIFI, $59 AUD. I paid $99 for the digital copy though as I'm much too eager to lose myself in this game.

10-27-2015, 10:07 PM
I paid $70.10 for both Fallout 4 and the season pass at Greenman Gaming.
I only hope I get my keys in time for pre-loading.

11-05-2015, 11:53 AM

Space Suicide
11-08-2015, 08:24 AM
Tuesday needs to get here.

11-08-2015, 09:28 AM
We're almost there. They told me there would most definitely be a midnight launch. Crossing my fingers for an 11 launch. They've been doing that lately.

11-09-2015, 08:43 AM
The IGN Review (http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/11/09/fallout-4-review) indicated that the power armor was something that you store and can fast travel to get and return. It stated that you use no fuel when fast traveling but expend it when you don't. I'm not sure I like this feature much as I preferred non-fast travel play (as with Skyrim) since I think you miss a lot as a player by fast traveling everywhere. If someone starts playing it this week can this get confirmed/clarified? Thanks!

11-09-2015, 05:45 PM
I've been playing most of the afternoon by tricking Steam into thinking I'm Australian. So far, it's lovely, but I'm upset that Bethesda still has no idea how to do a UI for the folks using PCs.

11-09-2015, 07:11 PM
just picked it up and my PS4 is screwing up and spitting the disc out as soon as I put it in. This is frustrating...

11-10-2015, 09:51 AM
Yeah, my life is over. Haven't done too much. I can see people losing hours on upgrading their settlements. I have..

11-10-2015, 02:47 PM
oh god the settlement building. I think my Harvest Moon/Sim City itch is being tickled...

11-10-2015, 02:51 PM
oh god the settlement building. I think my Harvest Moon/Sim City itch is being tickled...

Yeah, I've wasted who knows how much time with it. Way more than anything else so far.

Space Suicide
11-10-2015, 04:53 PM
Loving this shit big time. The gunplay is pretty tight for this series, a real first. I enjoy it immensely.

I've only done three quests and hit level 5...wasted close to 3 hours now haha. Wow.

11-11-2015, 07:10 AM

11-11-2015, 02:18 PM
Not really crazy about this series, and 4 isnt changing anything. The fanboyism is really thick with this one I think, and any time i criticize the game i get piled on, dare i blaspheme the holy game.

There are surprising number of things graphically and systemically that feel sort of last gen... The save system, the law system... I accidently stole a cup right as the game auto save, locking that save into a death match and ne and the entire city. This has been a problem since at least oblivion... So im surprised its still possi le for that to happen, and for that to be the consequence.

I like the gunplay, the loot system, but i havent found any characters that i can latch on to, and environments are kind of drab and redundant.

Space Suicide
11-11-2015, 05:56 PM
Did the Fort Hagen "Reunions" quest. I got the Fatman in the armory. Poor Kellogg didn't know what hit him. Fucking hilarious in V.A.T.S. mode.

11-12-2015, 10:39 AM

11-12-2015, 02:04 PM
I need adhesives!

11-16-2015, 12:46 PM
Can you transfer supplied from one town to the next or is it exclusively in that town? I could carry everything manually but that would take forever.

11-16-2015, 12:52 PM
Can you transfer supplied from one town to the next or is it exclusively in that town? I could carry everything manually but that would take forever.

Yeah, you need to set up a trader station in each place, assign a worker to it and you'll have the junk available in both locations, but if I recall correctly you need to first unlock the perk 'Local Leader'.

edit: Shit, forgot....big thing to do early on is rock a Scavenging Station as well...assign someone to it and over time it actually just keeps a steady flow of junk rolling in non stop. Super useful.

Space Suicide
12-04-2015, 12:16 AM

12-25-2015, 11:35 PM
Got this for Xmas, have no idea what I'm doing but it's cool.

02-11-2016, 03:11 PM
First DLC apparently dropping very soon according to the official Twitter:

@BethesdaStudios We know you’re ready to learn what’s coming for Fallout 4 DLC. We’re not far off, and we think you’ll be excited.

02-16-2016, 11:03 AM
Bethesda has revealed their DLC plans. (https://bethesda.net/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=021616-Fallout-DLC#en/events/game/fallout-4-add-ons-automatron-wasteland-workshop-far-harbor-and-more/2016/02/16/77)

Personally I think it sounds fantastic, but I assume raising the price of the season pass on March 1 will still serve to piss some people off.

02-16-2016, 07:00 PM
Bethesda has revealed their DLC plans. (https://bethesda.net/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=021616-Fallout-DLC#en/events/game/fallout-4-add-ons-automatron-wasteland-workshop-far-harbor-and-more/2016/02/16/77)

Personally I think it sounds fantastic, but I assume raising the price of the season pass on March 1 will still serve to piss some people off.

Either way you will have to pay. The logical thing if you are a Fallout fan is try and get the season pass before March 1st. They could have been assholes and jacked the prices up even if you payed for the 29.99 easily. At least they didn't boost it up to 49.99 automatically either. I'm excited for the DLC though. Building your own robot and a potential Deathclaw companion or Borderline one has me excited. I can't wait to see how deep the console modding is as well. Hopefully they transfer most of it over from PC. I know upscaling the graphics isn't probably going to happen. Either way it'll be my first time modding so yee.

03-22-2016, 12:51 PM
I beat the DLC already. It's really fun! New armor and weapons. I've already created 6 robots and Codsworth is basically a sentry bot. The robot workbench is cool too. It's a lot more deep then I thought it would be. Now on top of making supply lines, I'm sort of obsessed with making Robot companions. You can add bones to them too. Like a skull, as part of their armor. It's creepy. Also basically any weapon in the game you can mod onto them for defensive purposes. Searing Shuskebab and a lighting gun on the other. Also some of the armor is similar to Power Armor mods. Example: Telsa Coils, targeting huds and so on. Is it worth the 9.99, if you don't have the season pass? Well if you like robots, yes. If you like to mod and create, yes. If you want new armor and weapons and such yes. Pretty much all pros on my end.

Space Suicide
03-22-2016, 03:53 PM
I also am enjoying it. The side quest structure of it is fun and a nice change of pace. I dig it thus far (not done with it).

05-06-2016, 09:08 PM
Playing the revamped survival mode is like playing a whole new game. If you ever wondered what it would be like to play in a post-apocalyptic world then play this mode. I can't wait for Far Harbour either. My level 151 character is going to rampage through it all. Apparently Far Harbour has at least 20 locations to discover. Thanks to the achievements being revealed. New weapons, Armor and enemies. Hopefully the DLC after will be expansive too. Also mods this month for Xbox one then PS4 in June. I want to run around with a lightsaber and mow people down. I believe they said if you enable mods, achievements will then be disabled. Oh well. LET THE GAMES BEGIN.

Space Suicide
05-08-2016, 09:49 AM
The DLC looks crazy good and has a hugely creepy vibe. Love it!


May 19th release date.

I still haven't beaten the main game yet....

05-09-2016, 07:45 PM
I haven't finished the main game either. far from it... Left off at the freedom trail part aka got lost.

Space Suicide
05-09-2016, 07:57 PM
I haven't finished the main game either. far from it... Left off at the freedom trail part aka got lost.

I didn't since I had to step back and reevaluate how to play as the game has branching storylines with the factions that mess up certain areas of the game if not done properly. I love the game but have no desire for a 2nd play through if I mess up somewhere. I'm pretty far into the game. Definitely 3/4ths overall.

sick among the pure
06-19-2016, 02:03 PM
Happy Father's Day, sole survivor.

06-12-2017, 08:19 AM
Coming this October...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jspdtha3t1k&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube .com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Djspdtha3t1k&has_verified=1

06-12-2017, 08:42 AM
The game had zero replayability for me, hopefully this can inject some life into it

06-12-2017, 08:48 AM
This year I've completed 1, 2, 3 and now I've begun New Vegas. Lovin' this series.

05-30-2018, 08:11 AM
Bethesda have had this stream of a Pipboy booble head doing nothing live streaming for nearly a whole day...



05-30-2018, 08:28 AM
This is the worst.... (https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/1001495817184661504)

05-30-2018, 09:04 AM
Reveal happened. 'Fallout 76' John Denvers Country Roads was playing... so a new full game?

05-30-2018, 09:20 AM
Looks like it's in the engine Fallout 4 used, so i'm guessing it is a 'new' game...but just what kind of game i don't know.

I was rather hoping for a Fallout 3 remaster, or New Vegas remaster...or just an Obsidian Fallout (that went right out the window lol) but i'm open to seeing what they have cooked up.

05-30-2018, 09:30 AM
Just throwing this out there: 1976 was the same year as the Hanford incident and the "Atomic Man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_McCluskey)".

05-30-2018, 11:16 AM
People who accurately leaked this and Fallout 4 have said it’s going to have online aspects and that a Fallout 3 remaster is getting announced at E3.

09-21-2018, 10:08 PM
Anyone else here pumped for Fallout 76 in a few months? Preordered and cannot wait. I especially love (since it's an always online game) they're essentially making griefing pointless so dickbags don't ruin your fun. Can't wait!

09-25-2018, 02:17 AM
I went back to platinum Fallout 4, but can't say i'm at all excited for 76. Online only games just don't do anything for me (i don't have any friends to team up with), i prefer the world where you get lost in solo, like 3, NV and 4. Since the ravel at E3 i just haven't bothered looking at the game anymore :(

09-25-2018, 08:48 AM
I went back to platinum Fallout 4, but can't say i'm at all excited for 76. Online only games just don't do anything for me (i don't have any friends to team up with), i prefer the world where you get lost in solo, like 3, NV and 4. Since the ravel at E3 i just haven't bothered looking at the game anymore :(

I'm with you on solo vs PvP but am jazzed how they're handling it here...a few things of note:

1. Players under Level 5 straight up can't be killed by human players.
2. The game can be played solo (storyline, quests, etc.) and the map is roughly 4x the size of Fallout 4, and every time you log in you're placed in a server with roughly a dozen humans, not hundreds. So it's pretty spread out and encounters will be rare, unless you go looking for them.
3. They've taken some pretty strict anti-griefing measures: When shot by another player, it does almost no damage...it's sort of a 'let's throw down'. If you don't engage back, yes the player can eventually kill you. But you lose nothing for not engaging, whereas the killing player...if you didn't attack back...ALSO gets nothing for killing you. No caps, no xp, no nothing. They're also marked on the entire map as a wanted murderer. Everyone else can see them on the map, they can't see anyone. The bounty for killing them becomes insanely high, and damage from any other players towards them becomes very lopsided. They become the hunted, and the bounty comes out of their own stash.

09-25-2018, 09:53 AM
That sounds all well and good but i'm still going to wait until it's out and see what other solo players think of it first. It might be amazing, but it does sound like they've made a multiplayer experience first and foremost. If it's not for me i'll just mod Fallout 4 again :)

09-26-2018, 10:30 AM
Yeah...I sincerely appreciate Beth's effort to make this multiplayer work well. I wish more developers were doing this same kind of work, finding creative, innovative ways to make multiplayer not completely suck ass. If more devs had this approach and were learning from each other, maybe things would actually improve for the whole medium.

But still, I just don't know...Do I have to interact with people at all? Cause I fucking detest gamer culture, so I don't want to hear their goddamn voices or even see their fucking chat windows. If I have to communicate with them in any way whatsoever, then this game is definitely not for me. Pretty much every multiplayer game I've ever tried has been filled with screeching racist morons. Even if I set aside the fucking offensiveness and stupidity of it all, it's also totally immersion breaking and not remotely fun and a total waste of my limited free time.

09-27-2018, 09:08 AM
Noice. Beta test starts Tue Oct 23 for XB1 and Tue Oct 30 for PS4/PC.


10-24-2018, 08:41 AM
So did anyone play the Beta last night? Thoughts/impressions? Still borderline on whether to get it or not.

10-24-2018, 09:11 AM
I did. Got to level 7 juuuust before they shut it down. My thoughts:

- It was VERY fun. Yes, I'm biased but I too was really on the fence with this one. This sealed it for me. Will it be the best thing ever? Nah. Will I be playing it side by side with RDR2? Yep.
- Graphics are pretty gorgeous, though for what it's worth...daytime seemed to last about 1/2 as long as the night, so my pip boy light was practically always on, just something I noticed.
- The map is indeed fuckin' huge.
- Lots of looting/crafting. If you thought the amount of items you could pick up before was plentiful...holy shit. Walk by a table and you can pick up the plates, utensils, cups, trays, you name it...being over-encumbered is still a real issue.
- Eating/Drinking was claimed in early reviews to not be a big issue, but you do need to eat/drink somewhat regularly or those two little meters go down and you start to lose stats.
- Benches to craft/repair/modify were pretty plentiful, but weapons...while they do break down...they're still pretty durable overall so not much of a factor.
- The public events were fun. Think Destiny. Timed locations at different parts on the map where you go and kill a boss or collect mats, often with other humans for good loot.
- The PVP never happened in my 4 hours. I got to level 5 (and thus, PVP) with about 90 min to go in the beta and even then, nobody seemed to bother. Granted, there are only like 15 ppl in each server, and who knows what happens when we're all rolling around at level 25, etc.

I could go on, but I'd say it's definitely worth it if you're a Fallout fan. As mentioned, definitely had a Destiny/Division vibe in there with the public events and how much you'll be looting/crafting, but you still can't beat blasting ghouls with the Ink Spots playing in the background.

10-24-2018, 08:24 PM
How's the main story content? And how common are player kills? Is it as much of a troll fest as it seems?

10-25-2018, 10:11 AM
How's the main story content? And how common are player kills? Is it as much of a troll fest as it seems?

The story is ok at best, with no NPCs other than servant bots, the quests are all through holotapes and reading terminals. It does make the story seemingly not the focus which justifiably might turn some people off. As for trolling/griefing, as I mentioned it wasn’t an issue at all.

11-03-2018, 06:20 PM
The story is ok at best, with no NPCs other than servant bots, the quests are all through holotapes and reading terminals. It does make the story seemingly not the focus which justifiably might turn some people off. As for trolling/griefing, as I mentioned it wasn’t an issue at all.

Griefing is definitely going to be an issue. I watched my buddy play for a while a couple days ago, he came up to a house that prompted him with an event (Defend the house!) There were about 12 turrets stationed around the house, none of which attacked him. He went in thinking ok, i'll join up. He was level 5. The level 14 owner of the turrets waited til he was inside and in view of about 4 turrets or so. Shot him. Dude does not shoot back. The turrets, however, give no fucks because they're owner had initiated combat, and proceed to start blasting the living shit out of my buddy. He shoots one of the turrets back, the game labels him Wanted, and as he's trying to escape the situation, level 14's friend (a level 13 himself) catches him and shoots him dead. So: griefing can be done, can be done easily, and is straight up bullshit. Watching that made my decision for me: not getting this game.

11-03-2018, 07:50 PM
Oh I feel you. Like I said, it was only in my somewhat limited time with the beta that I didn't experience it. Griefing will always be a thing in games, so much so that we have cases like this, where the way to combat it is a major aspect of the news surrounding a new release. I'll still give it a go, but preordered it via an E3 sale meaning that even if I sell it off sooner than later I won't take a hit lol.

11-09-2018, 12:48 PM
Goddamn why am I only just now appreciating there's a Fallout thread on here? Greetings, fellow wastelanders!

Enjoyed my time with the B.E.T.A. and really looking forward to next week. Anyone playing on PS4 looking for a teammate? I'm planning on mostly playing solo, but running around with fellow ETSers sounds like fun.

11-15-2018, 08:43 AM
I'll be playing Fallout 76 for the first time tonight. I missed out on the BETA. If anyone needs a person to their group on Xbox, you can add me. I'm ColdSpider426.

Space Suicide
11-15-2018, 06:29 PM
I normally don't shitpost but this game looks like it's abysmal content wise and a complete a waste of time.


11-15-2018, 08:00 PM
Wish I could get a refund.... I'm optimistic, though, that it could be fleshed out and greatly be improved upon a year from now. It's bare, boring, and feels unfinished. Having to keep eating and drinking doesn't help.

I can't help but think of The Division. It was barren and boring. But I hear it's gotten updated a lot and have improved dramatically. So hopefully time helps 76. The potential is there.

Space Suicide
11-15-2018, 08:25 PM
So hopefully time helps 76. The potential is there.

Still as a "finished" product that excuse shouldn't fly to me. Shouldn't have to wait a year plus for a game to reach playability and fully potential.

11-15-2018, 08:55 PM
Still as a "finished" product that excuse shouldn't fly to me. Shouldn't have to wait a year plus for a game to reach playability and fully potential.Yeah, it sucks. And there's no excuse for it. That's what it is though. Release now, finish later.

Space Suicide
11-16-2018, 09:18 PM

Gave me any to all insight I needed. Holy fuck.

11-17-2018, 01:36 PM
While of course a lot of that video is sensationalist (i.e. you could find another vid with the exact opposite opinion in seconds) there is a lot that I agree with. Mostly in that, the environment/story itself is just a bit too dull. They really need to rush the events, etc. to keep interest up.

11-17-2018, 02:16 PM
Played a little earlier. Maybe for about an hour. Got some momentum and was in the middle of an event...and it crashed. Not sure how much more I'm going to stick with this. One of the most unrewarding games I've ever played. No purpose other than just being there.

11-19-2018, 02:27 AM
From the little i've seen it really doesn't look like it would be all that fun playing solo (hell most people really aren't enjoying it with friends!?) and i'll skip this...not that i could play even if i wanted too as my internet is still down (and another reason i hate online only games, when shit like this happens!) Also the micro-transactions in this game, which is so limited in actual content for a full priced game, really rubs me the wrong way!

11-26-2018, 09:06 PM


10-23-2019, 10:29 AM
Soooo, in the wake of the positive reaction Obsidian are getting for the Outer Worlds (a game many are calling the best Fallout game since New Vagas...ouch) Bethesda just announced their plans for private severs for Fallout 76...but you can only get them if you get "Fallout Premium" and monthly subscription service for the low low cost of *re-checks notes* $14.99 a month or $99.99 a year...


10-23-2019, 10:44 AM
Private Servers was the one thing that could have gotten me to play 76. I really don't like playing around other people. Destiny spoiled that for me forever. But there is no way i'm going to pay a monthly fee just for the "privilege" of playing alone. That's just crazy talk. Outer Worlds and Greedfall can fill that gap for me.

10-23-2019, 10:52 AM
Yeah a bit much...I bought it in the summer (gave it a year to smooth out) and it was actually really fun...but got to the endgame, other games came out, etc. It was $19.99 so worth it....but yeah I saw this and almost did a spit take. They want 129.99 CDN for this! Holy shit!

10-24-2019, 04:12 AM
A lot of people i follow on the socials that were still into 76 have all but dropped it after this news, mainly due to Bethesda locking a bunch of features they'd be asking before behind this extra charge.
Also worth mentioning the game HASN'T gone free to play yet, you still have to buy the full release, then pay the monthly fee to get the extra features AND the micro transactions are STILL IN THERE...that's so MASSIVELY greedy! It honestly feels, to me, like this was planned to be for the free to play model, but someone at Bethesda still has a hard on for trying to one up Obsidian so announced this the week their Fallout-esq game came out and made a skin from their game (New Vagas) as a Premium only skin...that probably isn't the case, but man does it feel like it!

10-24-2019, 06:56 AM
Bethesda is ridiculous. The only way to give it back to them is to not give them money for that garbage. I'm terrified on what they're going to do to Elder Scrolls now.

10-24-2019, 10:15 AM

that doesn't seem ideal.

10-24-2019, 10:29 AM
...i mean we should have expected they'd be bugs, but really?! Did you test this Bethesda...no wait, of course you didn't, that's what all the early sign ups are for :eek:

10-24-2019, 03:28 PM
Some are not amused (http://falloutfirst.com/)

SM Rollinger
10-24-2019, 03:36 PM
I got burned out on these types of games (fallout, elder scrolls) pretty much right after fallout 4 came out. I spent thousands of hours between the last gen games too. Glad I got out while the going was good.

10-28-2019, 12:47 AM
I have played Fallout -3, This was initially difficult for me to start with, but after a few days, I am now well expert in this game. This is a great action RPG game, I shall recommend it to anyone who likes this type of games.

10-28-2019, 06:36 AM
In some wild news it appears the Fallout First sub has created a class war within the players still playing! Those that don't have First are actively targeting First members in game, and first members are trying to rally together against in their words the "Fallout poor" members...this is so fucking weird!

10-28-2019, 08:19 AM
In some wild news it appears the Fallout First sub has created a class war within the players still playing! Those that don't have First are actively targeting First members in game, and first members are trying to rally together against in their words the "Fallout poor" members...this is so fucking weird!

That sound you hear is the Fallout 76 dev team frantically figuring out how to spin this.

'Yeah, man...we were hoping this was gonna happen! It was all part of the plan...a commentary on today's society. Yeahhhh, that's it.'

10-28-2019, 09:50 AM
I don't think ive seen a developer screw up a game and its public image this much. It's like Bethesda did all of this, intentionally. Shoot one foot then shoot the other when you think the first one is starting to heal.

10-29-2019, 04:07 AM
A lot of hot takes going right now, the main one being that after the success of Outer Worlds we don't need Fallout anymore (at least current state Fallout) It's obvious the series has taken a pretty large dip in the last few releases, and the scratch people were itching for has all but been filled by OW's. Couple with that OW's is a new IP, and it's potential is FANTASTIC...given how Bethesda have treated FO i just don't see them being able to rival it.

What i'm really waiting to see is how Elder Scrolls 6 ends up looking. If they go all in on making a fantasic RPG like the previous games people will all but forgive them for the last few years, but if they screw it even slightly the ES fans will all but revolt...and Bethesda can't afford to lose them, not now anyway.

10-29-2019, 03:29 PM
A lot of hot takes going right now, the main one being that after the success of Outer Worlds we don't need Fallout anymore (at least current state Fallout) It's obvious the series has taken a pretty large dip in the last few releases, and the scratch people were itching for has all but been filled by OW's. Couple with that OW's is a new IP, and it's potential is FANTASTIC...given how Bethesda have treated FO i just don't see them being able to rival it.

What i'm really waiting to see is how Elder Scrolls 6 ends up looking. If they go all in on making a fantasic RPG like the previous games people will all but forgive them for the last few years, but if they screw it even slightly the ES fans will all but revolt...and Bethesda can't afford to lose them, not now anyway.

I want to join the fun!

Fallout 3, Skyrim, and New Vegas are pretty much my favorite games of all time. I grew to love Fallout 4 over time, but I was definitely disappointed on my first playthrough by the lack of dialogue choices, complex quests, and desolate mood of the previous games. That said, I went on to play it 5 more times and fell in love with the variety you can get from different builds/choices.

Fallout 76 was... fine. I wish they hadn't spent time and resources working on it, but I enjoyed my time with it. Meeting real people out in the world and trading with them and exchanging pointers was really cool for the first few weeks. I haven't minded the additions and adjustments they've made over the past year. I get the fan backlash, but I've mostly been on the side of, hey, they're trying stuff out to see what works. That said, Fallout 1st is fucking insulting. Adding content fans have been asking for since the game's announcement behind an expensive paywall is the first thing BGS has done that actually made me feel offended as a fan.

As for The Outer Worlds, I'm really enjoying it. It's definitely a breath of fresh air where action RPGs are concerned, and I'm also excited about the future of the franchise, but I haven't fallen in love with it, at least not yet. I don't know if it's that the cartoony graphics keep it from feeling "real," or that the main story isn't particularly engaging, or that I don't feel connected to the Unreliable and its inhabitants they way I did to the Normandy and its crew in Mass Effect, but something just isn't clicking for me. Again, I am really enjoying the game, and I love that I keep discovering new things about it, but it hasn't given me that warm, I-feel-like-I'm-home-when-I'm-playing-this feeling that the Bethesda games have.

I really just hope the more negative feedback Bethesda gets, the more it slaps them in the face and makes them realize what the people who play their games are looking for. I'm still looking forward to their upcoming games and hope they somehow manage to recapture what made their 2006-2011 run so special, but the past year definitely has me managing my expectations. Let's not forget that their next release is a sci-fi game, which basically has to be at least comparable to The Outer Worlds in every way if they want to escape the "Obsidian did it better" jail they've been in since New Vegas came out in 2010.

10-30-2019, 03:48 AM
All very good points! I agree with FO4, it disappointed me but i did play it 3 times...but that might just be because i had no other games like that to play. Bethesda has held the market for these kind of games, nobody has come close until Outer Worlds, and FO3 and NV were stuck on my broken PC, so the only way to Scratch the ich was replay FO4. I do really think Outer Worlds is a better game though, for me at least. Where FO4 none of your choices actually mattered, dialog and skills basically meant nothing as long as you had a more powerful gun, it was definitely made toward a more mainstream audience. Outer Worlds actively WANTS you to Role Play, it isn't holding your hand, and the game gets really good when you do. Obviously this isn't for everyone and it has it's issues, but it's potential is fantasic. With a larger budget and more free rain to cut loose a follow up could be on Skyrim levels of excellent.
Bethesda on the other hand just need to stop thinking about how to monetize their fan base and go back to what they do/did best, making immense open worlds people want to get lost in. They had no competition before so they became complacent, but now they have a reason to pull their finger out...i just hope they are listening.

10-30-2019, 10:00 AM
As for The Outer Worlds, I'm really enjoying it It's definitely a breath of fresh air where action RPGs are concerned, and I'm also excited about the future of the franchise, but I haven't fallen in love with it, at least not yet. I don't know if it's that the cartoony graphics keep it from feeling "real," or that the main story isn't particularly engaging, or that I don't feel connected to the Unreliable and its inhabitants they way I did to the Normandy and its crew in Mass Effect, but something just isn't clicking for me. Again, I am really enjoying the game, and I love that I keep discovering new things about it, but it hasn't given me that warm, I-feel-like-I'm-home-when-I'm-playing-this feeling that the Bethesda games have.

Pretty much how I feel about The Outer Worlds to a T. Not to derail too much, but basically as a new father I'm in to any familiar feeling games that I can just sink 30 minutes in to and then walk away if I need to lol. I don't feel a ton of investment like you said, the story and characters are a TOUCH on the bland side...but that's good for me. I'm afraid when Cyberpunk 2077 comes out that my family won't see me for weeks. :P

10-30-2019, 11:36 AM
In some wild news it appears the Fallout First sub has created a class war within the players still playing! Those that don't have First are actively targeting First members in game, and first members are trying to rally together against in their words the "Fallout poor" members...this is so fucking weird!

Kind of reminds me of Star Wars: Galaxies and the gatekeeping that went on with Elder Jedi/Jedi.

For those interested, the past two episodes of Castle Super Beast have excellent breakdowns off the latest Fallout junk.

10-30-2019, 03:52 PM

07-02-2020, 12:24 PM


11-09-2021, 03:12 PM
Todd Howard today upon being asked if the Fallout IP would be handed off (since it's Starfield next, THEN Elder Scrolls VI, and THEN maybe a new Fallout):

"Fallout is really part of our DNA here. We've worked with other people, and I can't really say what's going to happen, but we have a 'one pager' on Fallout 5...what we wanna do with it."

11-11-2021, 03:18 PM
Todd Howard today upon being asked if the Fallout IP would be handed off (since it's Starfield next, THEN Elder Scrolls VI, and THEN maybe a new Fallout):

"Fallout is really part of our DNA here. We've worked with other people, and I can't really say what's going to happen, but we have a 'one pager' on Fallout 5...what we wanna do with it."

Yeah, that was a bummer to hear. Obviously, I know it's years away with Starfield and ES6 on the immediate horizon, but hearing -- on Fallout 4's 6th birthday, no less -- that they have one page of notes for Fallout 5 is pretty heartbreaking.

01-07-2022, 12:20 PM
Fallout TV series finally looking to start production at Amazon with Jonathan Nolan (Westworld) at the helm. (https://bloody-disgusting.com/video-games/3698148/fallout-tv-series-moving-ahead-westworld-director-jonathan-nolan-lisa-joy/?fbclid=IwAR1mCmnWtZY4mBFZHHg6pRjY5iOZ1FjSwceJ0XRe oU-kuC9nS2KnNKNip2Q)

02-19-2022, 08:51 AM
Speaking of the Amazon Prime series coming...

Walton Goggins has been cast as the lead! (https://deadline.com/2022/02/fallout-walton-goggins-star-prime-videos-tv-series-ghoul-kilter-films-jonathan-nolan-1234956734/)

02-20-2022, 02:21 PM
What a casting choice. He is solid in everything he does!

03-19-2022, 06:22 PM
Finally got into Fallout New Vegas on Steam. Finished with the House ending first. The story, the quests, the endless choices, can’t believe it took me so long to appreciate it. I will admit I’m a total cheater and used god mode after I got into a ridiculous unresolveable contretemps with the Powder Gangers after I’d finished the Gunfight in Goodsprings. I’m used to FPS or survival horror on consoles where there are not many cheats, at least not on first playthrough

06-28-2022, 01:28 PM


08-17-2022, 08:17 AM
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pumped for this.


10-26-2022, 11:36 AM
Yes please.



08-23-2023, 07:49 PM
Leaked teaser trailer.


10-23-2023, 10:07 AM
Debuting on Prime Video April 12, 2024!!

11-28-2023, 09:04 AM
Let's go! Article and more pics here. (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look?utm_brand=vf&utm_source=twitter&mbid=social_twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_social-type=owned)


11-28-2023, 09:35 AM
Good cast. I'll be checking this out.

12-02-2023, 10:36 AM
Fucking yes please.

12-02-2023, 10:52 AM

03-07-2024, 08:01 AM
Let's go.


03-07-2024, 10:34 AM
My favorite gaming franchise! I was pretty bummed when the first trailer released and looked so goofy, but now that I've had time to settle in to the show's aesthetic, I'm looking forward to it!

For context, Fallout 3 was my first Fallout experience. That game is so dark and bleak and lonely, and then the happy-go-lucky goofy 1950s stuff is peppered throughout adding a nice texture and dimensionality to the world. The trailers for the show so far make it look like they just took the wacky cartoony stuff to 11, leaving me worried it's going to feel more silly than grounded. I get that with shows like The Last of Us, it's smart to do something tonally very different, but I personally would want a Fallout show that feels more like The Book of Eli or The Road than Ghostbusters or Little Nicky.

03-07-2024, 10:35 AM
That looks GREAT - although one thing disturbs me, are they going to make out the Vaults were some force for good rather than just experimenting on people? I'd really like a show that delves into that and shows some comeuppance for Vault Tec - just leaving Stanislaus Braun alone forever doesn't cut it

03-07-2024, 11:17 AM
Are they going to make out the Vaults were some force for good rather than just experimenting on people?

Almost certainly not. The teaser trailer shows a bloodbath going down in a vault (Vault 33, by the looks of it), which I assume is the result of an experiment.

03-07-2024, 11:48 AM
Almost certainly not. The teaser trailer shows a bloodbath going down in a vault (Vault 33, by the looks of it), which I assume is the result of an experiment.
Oh good, the vaults are one of my favourite parts of the game

03-07-2024, 11:49 AM
Oh good, the vaults are one of my favourite parts of the game

Yeah, it's unfortunate the latest games haven't explored the vaults as much. It was always great in the older games to stumble upon a new vault and try to figure out what the fuck went down there.

03-07-2024, 12:38 PM
Being in the middle of a Wool re-read...huh.

05-13-2024, 07:10 AM
I just started watching the Fallout series - its amazing - better than i hoped it would be so far (only on the first one though). I've always been a bit against films of games because they're always rubbish, but this just seems to get the fan service right, and I'm really intrigued as to what will come. Generally I've also felt that gaming is such a different medium because of the interaction and so personal that films can't pull it off - I think this being a series was the best idea to give it more time. Looking forward to seeing what evil intent was behind Vault 32

05-13-2024, 07:16 AM
Finally finished the series. Incredible. I'm in awe how they got the look and feel to the game. If Walton Goggings doesn't get an Emmy and/or Golden Globe nomination for his performance, then it goes to show the voters are nothing but a bunch of dinosaurs that don't know great performances if it came out of their asses.

05-15-2024, 11:33 AM
I see the naysayers are calling the current "swath" of video game adaptations the next Marvel.

Man, there's been, what, less than a handful of good adaptations? And even fewer adequate ones. But sure, it's the next Marvel.

Something Underneath
05-16-2024, 10:28 AM
Well Marvel isn't quality to people into cinema as art or at least actually quality entertainment either. So the comparasion isn't that far off.