View Full Version : Where is the Tapeworm thread?

07-16-2013, 03:05 PM
from a new article with Phil Anselmo:
Out of all the projects you've done over the years, the most mysterious was Tapeworm, which supposedly included Trent Reznor and Maynard James Keenan, but was shelved.
Actually, it was really me and Danny Lohner, who was in Nine Inch Nails at the time we did Tapeworm. Danny Lohner and I are still very tight, and we always talk about doing different projects together. I think he's gearing up to lay a bunch of material on me in the near future. But with the Tapeworm, it was really just two songs. Danny had preprogrammed and did all of his magic that he does – which is really outstanding work – beforehand, and said, "Hey man, here's the music. Write what you want." And these songs never saw the light of day. It was one of those things where schedules never met and it wasn't a true possibility. We were both tied to different record labels at the time. It was just a logistics nightmare.
Either way, it was and is very interesting music. I think there was one aggressive-type song, called "Ignorant." I'm not sure if I want people to hear it today or tomorrow, but in the next ten years or so, I don't mind if it's heard. There was another song called "Be Kind to Them," and that song was more atmospheric, more of a blues-type track. It would be Nine Inch Nails' take on blues. It's the type of thing where Danny – who is also a great producer – he'll ask you to sing something 20 different ways, 20 different times. Then he'll take it and run with it, and build what he wants out of it. Take certain textures and add them to vocals, and then the really beautiful orchestrations in the background.

We have some song titles! Whoop, Whoop!
AND Danny is going to lay a bunch of material on him in the "near future"! I really hope this sees the light of day! I love Phil and would love to see him on some electronic stuff!

Full article: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/q-a-phil-anselmo-on-solo-album-autobiography-and-horror-fest-20130716?page=2

07-16-2013, 05:07 PM
yay! a new thread that actually deserves to BE HERE! and is full of LEGITIMATE INFORMATION!

that could come across really sarcastically but i am being 100% serious. thanks for finding that interview!

07-16-2013, 05:10 PM
Am I reading this wrong or does this mean Trent has been letting himself be hassled relentlessly about something he wasn't even involved in? Eh?

07-16-2013, 05:29 PM

How much Coke Zero did Rolling Stone bribe him with for THAT?

Thanks for that btw

07-16-2013, 05:32 PM
i refuse to get excited about tapeworm. the first time it was announced dead the hurt was so deep, i couldn't go through that again. all the anticipation, only to have all hopes dashed. not again. /drama

07-16-2013, 05:33 PM
Just a matter of time before someone directs you to the Tapeworm thread from 1998 that you should've known about and posted this in. :p

Love Pantera, just can't stand Phil after he broke up the band and blamed everyone else.

07-16-2013, 05:34 PM
Am I reading this wrong or does this mean Trent has been letting himself be hassled relentlessly about something he wasn't even involved in? Eh?

It's weird too, because when APC played Vacant live, MJK prefaced it with "Here's a song we were working on with Danny Lohner".

At the time Trent always talked about the group as him (TR) not being in charge and it being a democracy, but with this recent information I too am starting to think his involvement may have been very small. Maybe they were just using his studio and he was just... there.

07-16-2013, 05:34 PM
He was obviously involved, just not in the Phil sessions.

SM Rollinger
07-16-2013, 06:34 PM
Does anyone know how to contact Danny and just ask him directly about this?

Im not getting excited though, as far as im concerned, Vacant and Convict Colony are the only (sorta) Tapeworm tracks to have surfaced.

Max Leo
07-16-2013, 06:49 PM
Danny probably worked in music for Phil, Maynard and Trent, then Trent and Maynard got more involved with the project along Charlie Clouser and the other billion guys that were rumored to be part of this band/album, in the following years they added Atticus and Freese (remember the Tapeworm's studio pic), Clouser left, things changed, they finished the album (according to Danny, if I remember well), but then they had some legal problems because MJK and TR were in different labels and Trent probably wanted to focus on the new NIN album that would later become WT, while Maynard replaced Tapeworm with Puscifer, so the album was shelved.

It would be great if the album was "accidentally" leaked on TPB some day, Trent should also leak his songs with Zack de la Rocha, but I guess both albums are worth a lot of money and will not be released until Trent has been dead for a few years. :mad:

Max Leo
07-16-2013, 06:53 PM
Does anyone know how to contact Danny and just ask him directly about this?

Im not getting excited though, as far as im concerned, Vacant and Convict Colony are the only (sorta) Tapeworm tracks to have surfaced.

Potions is supposedly a Tapeworm song. Maynard said that it was reworked and/or re-recorded, but maybe he said that just to avoid legal problems with Trent's former label, because it sounds a lot like a TR/AR produced song.

SM Rollinger
07-16-2013, 07:01 PM
Potions is supposedly a Tapeworm song. Maynard said that it was reworked and/or re-recorded, but maybe he said that just to avoid legal problems with Trent's former label, because it sounds a lot like a TR/AR produced song.
I stand corrected, Potions is a Tapeworm song too. Maynard recorded it as a, in his words, "wedding gift to trent".

And yes, I agree, it defenitaly sounds like Trent had a big part in writing that soung.

07-16-2013, 09:00 PM
Refresh my memory, apparently I'm losing NIN history in my old age. Are Vacant and Passive the same song? And I have Passive but have long let go of any copy of the live Vacant, if they were the same song, was the live version different? Was Passive very reworked?

Guess I should check out Potions, even though everything Maynard is involved in tends to make me fall asleep.

07-16-2013, 09:31 PM
Pretty sure the album was going to wind up being a lot like G.O.O.D music's Cruel Summer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruel_Summer_(GOOD_Music_album)

07-16-2013, 10:11 PM
Refresh my memory, apparently I'm losing NIN history in my old age. Are Vacant and Passive the same song? And I have Passive but have long let go of any copy of the live Vacant, if they were the same song, was the live version different? Was Passive very reworked?

Extremely different.

Conan The Barbarian
07-16-2013, 10:17 PM
Just a matter of time before someone directs you to the Tapeworm thread from 1998 that you should've known about and posted this in. :p

Love Pantera, just can't stand Phil after he broke up the band and blamed everyone else.

You will say a different tune after reading Rex's book.

It was all four of them that broke up the band practically.

I never knew that Phil was involved with tapeworm.

Im starting to think that the music that is tapeworm must suck so bad that everyone involved with it does not want it released. Its kind of like the star wars Xmas special.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

07-16-2013, 11:11 PM
"Does anyone know how to contact Danny and just ask him directly about this?" -He answers people on twitter all the time and also post on instagram.

"Love Pantera, just can't stand Phil after he broke up the band and blamed everyone else." - Phil DID have a huge part in dissolving PanterA but he didn't act alone. All the egos started clashing and him being a junkie and the other 3 being drunks and cokeheads didn't help. These days since Dime is gone Phil has returned in a big way and earned back a lot of respect from me by actually being a man and admitting his mistakes. I have always liked Rex and like him more after his book. Vinnie is just a bitter man who makes crappy music and needs to let things go. I know he saw his brother get shot in the face and I can never know what its like but I think he could heal more by reconnecting with Phil and Rex (who have both reached out to him and publicly apologized a million times). Phil even said if it took Vinnie whooping his ass first just to talk afterwords he would allow it. I don't expect them to reform PanterA or anything because that doesn't even make sense without Dime but just talking a bit could not hurt. I really think he could get some closure in this life and stop being such a turd.

07-17-2013, 01:10 AM
I think Phil is seriously taking the piss here. He and Danny were Tapeworm? Only two songs were created? Bitch, please. We have official releases of Passive and Potions, and both have big quantities of TR and MJK involvement in them. But no Phil Anselmo whatsoever. Danny said back in 1999 that they had, at that time, THREE songs completed, and by 2003, both he and Alan Moulder said they had more than albums worth of material demoed and ready to mix. Phil Anselmo can barely string a sentence together, his brain is so fried from drug use. So it's highly doubtful anything he says here regarding Tapeworm is legit.

I was looking through The NIN Hotline archives a couple of days ago and Charlie Clouser was talking extensively about Tapeworm and how he was getting involved and had a lot of stuff to do for the project, so...

07-17-2013, 01:24 AM
Obviously Phil is referring only to the session he was involved in personally, not the entire project.
I'm too lazy to search, but assure you, theNINhotline articles archive does have a mention of this event somewhere (i.e. Danny recording a couple of songs with Anselmo).

07-17-2013, 01:46 AM
I bet Trent is crying rn, knowing all interviews for the next 6 months will be Tapeworm all over again

07-17-2013, 07:30 AM
Extremely different.

Yeah, the main difference is that Vacant is good.

07-17-2013, 09:15 AM
Yeah, the main difference is that Vacant is good.
From what I remember of the two songs, Vacant is much more aggressive and has different lyrics in the chorus. I'm not really a fan of Maynard's work so I'm not the best one to respond to this... however, I can contribute a live mp3 of Vacant.

Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dwjbub

07-17-2013, 11:08 AM
My guess is the album would have been similar to a Pigface album, in that it is less of a band, and more of a collective of different artists contributing vocals, and maybe Danny tied the whole thing together?

07-17-2013, 11:12 AM
Tapeworm is dead

Frozen Beach
07-17-2013, 11:29 AM
"Ignorant" could easily be Vacant. As for "Be Kind to Them", Maynard could of reworked it into Potions? I mean, the lyrics have this sort of bluesish quality to them..

07-18-2013, 07:43 PM
I am going to say probably not on both accounts. They had a TON of songs and I don't see why we would need to link the only 2 we have to the unreleased tracks mentioned by Phil.

Max Leo
07-18-2013, 08:37 PM
Yeah, the main difference is that Vacant is good.
I think Passive is a pretty good song, one of my favorites from APC. :o

07-18-2013, 09:31 PM
I think Passive is a pretty good song, one of my favorites from APC. :o

Agreed. Even if it seems like its a diamond among (mostly) turds that is Emotive it would've held up well on either one of the other two releases. I think it's a damn good song.

07-19-2013, 07:16 AM
Tapeworm is dead

Long live Tapeworm. (Sorry, had to.)

07-19-2013, 07:44 AM
Im starting to think that the music that is tapeworm must suck so bad that everyone involved with it does not want it released. Its kind of like the star wars Xmas special.

Isn't that basically what Trent said? "If the music was worthwhile we would have figured out a way to make it work", or words to that effect.

07-19-2013, 09:13 AM
Iirc, he said something like, with the people involved it should be a 10/10, but it was a 7/10, mediocre. It wasn't bad, just not up to the standard of the 4/5/6/7/8/9/however many people that made it.

Denim Chicken
07-19-2013, 09:42 AM
Iirc, he said something like, with the people involved it should be a 10/10, but it was a 7/10, mediocre. It wasn't bad, just not up to the standard of the 4/5/6/7/8/9/however many people that made it.

I can understand the statement from his point of view but I also feel these guys 7/10 is still better than pretty much everything else that comes out. Although I am fairly biased towards everyone involved in the project.

i will still hold out hope that we hear something someday.

07-19-2013, 09:45 AM
I can understand the statement from his point of view but I also feel these guys 7/10 is still better than pretty much everything else that comes out. Although I am fairly biased towards everyone involved in the project.

i will still hold out hope that we hear something someday.

if the guy who felt comfortable releasing the Deep video thinks something wasn't good enough to release, I'm going to trust him on that

(note: I fucking love Deep, the song.)

Denim Chicken
07-19-2013, 11:55 AM
if the guy who felt comfortable releasing the Deep video thinks something wasn't good enough to release, I'm going to trust him on that

(note: I fucking love Deep, the song.)


Damn 10 character minimum.

07-19-2013, 03:06 PM
Wasn't Chino from Deftones supposed to be involved at some point too?

07-21-2013, 01:12 AM
I added a section to ninwiki: http://www.ninwiki.com/Tapeworm#Known_songs

Did I miss any? I believe Danny once mentioned he used some for the Underworld soundtracks but I can't find that source.

07-21-2013, 12:36 PM
Iirc, he said something like, with the people involved it should be a 10/10, but it was a 7/10, mediocre. It wasn't bad, just not up to the standard of the 4/5/6/7/8/9/however many people that made it.

Right after that, didn't he say that he was sure that he and mjk would do something that was 10 out of 10 though?
I have a feeling we'll get the tool/nin collabo before it's all said and done.

07-21-2013, 12:51 PM
Shouldn't there be a photo of Josh Freese drumming in that article?

07-21-2013, 01:11 PM
with a new NIN album in a month, why in 2013 are we still discussing the rotting corpse that is Tapeworm?

07-21-2013, 01:28 PM
with a new NIN album in a month, why in 2013 are we still discussing the rotting corpse that is Tapeworm?
Because of the article linked in the first post, and because it's an important point in NIN history, and because it's a fucking forum where people talk about what they want

07-21-2013, 03:37 PM
It's not important at all....It was Danny Lohner's project more than Trent's...

07-21-2013, 03:51 PM
I'm not gonna lie: even though I know (as discussed above) that it would probably have been a let down, reading the ninwiki entry right now and looking at those pictures and everything makes me sort of super bummed that we don't have an album featuring music from Fragile-era Trent and basically a representative from every band I used to listen to.

I know, I know, I'm stating the obvious, but damn that still sounds like the best thing ever in theory.

07-21-2013, 05:13 PM
back in the days, in the beginning of the 2000's, i remember that i read an article in a french music magazine (maybe hard force magazine, hard n' heavy or hard rock magazine...doesn't matter) and it was clearly mentioned that Phil Anselmo was one of the singers among others involved in the Tapeworm Project. So his last declarations confirmed this.

07-21-2013, 06:07 PM
It's not important at all....It was Danny Lohner's project more than Trent's...

No one's making you read this thread.

When the bean counters count beans, we all get to eat beans.

07-21-2013, 06:13 PM
It's not important at all....It was Danny Lohner's project more than Trent's...
No, it wasn't.

And even if it was, I have one big fucking reason it was important: Atticus. Making Tapeworm cemented him as TR's musical partner, and without that we wouldn't have anything from WT onwards sounding how it does (or with Ghosts, OST and HTDA, not even existing).

The whole thing is fascinating, watching a band grow and die without releasing a note from the internet, and this was all done with such rumours and secrecy. The website literally only had 10 photos and no interviews around the time told us anything of importance, so the whole project reached mythical status. I doubt ETS would've been as strong a community without a few people keeping conversations and rumours going, and the constant scouring for information definitely shaped what would happen with the ARG a few years later.

And, as ItsJustDave said, if you don't like it, no thread is mandatory.

07-24-2013, 10:03 AM
Shouldn't there be a photo of Josh Freese drumming in that article?

yeah, I distinctly remember a photo of Freese with blurry hands from the sessions

07-24-2013, 05:47 PM
with a new NIN album in a month, why in 2013 are we still discussing the rotting corpse that is Tapeworm?

Because it's a new bit of info and there's nothing else to talk about until another morsel drops from the 2013 NIN plate.

*Opinion disclamer*
I do think it's funny that the only Puscifer song (Potions) that I can really stand is a Tapeworm track. And I REALLY think it's funny that (without the other guys in Tool) Maynard has to rely on Trent's scraps to make a decent song. Trent was pissed when he played Vacant, so when he wanted (needed) to do it again he claimed it was Trent's wedding present. I can see TR saying, "Wow...thanks?"

I think the Tapeworm project just made Maynard want to be Reznor more than anything...but he's not. He's just has the voice.

bobbie solo
07-25-2013, 02:22 AM
harsh, but pretty accurate.

07-25-2013, 04:28 AM
Trent was pissed when he played Vacant, so when he wanted (needed) to do it again he claimed it was Trent's wedding present. I can see TR saying, "Wow...thanks?"

I feel there was an in-joke or something with that, maybe it was Trent's favourite track from the project or something, but there was def more than just "here's a random TW track"

07-25-2013, 10:36 AM
I was excited as anyone during the Tapeworm period. I used to love Maynard, but that has changed over the years. He seems hell-bent on trying to prove that he’s more than just the vocalist of Tool. He refuses to discuss the band that made anyone care about him to begin with and I think he resents that…and now resents the band itself because of it. Napoleon Complex to the extreme!! He has no problem going to the “Tool ATM” for a random tour of the same 15 songs when he needs extra cash and selling his (overpriced) wine to Tool fans, but he doesn’t want to talk about the band or talk to fans…yet fans still worship the guy. It drives me nuts. Obviously, HE is the reason it takes so long between albums. Tool is a democracy and he wants to be a dictator, so he deals with Puscifer more at this point. Seems like the three other guys are just sitting there writing and waiting for him to finally get around to it. Personally, I’d rather have a Tool instrumental album at this point and I bet it would be 10x better than any Puscifer album!!

That being said, I think Maynard is incredibly jealous of Trent’s talent, influence, and position.

07-25-2013, 05:16 PM
I feel like there are a lot of strange accusations in this thread with little to no evidence to support them. It's like some sort of imaginary musician based soap opera of greed, jealousy, and betrayal. It's kind of weird.

07-25-2013, 05:44 PM
I feel like there are a lot of strange accusations in this thread with little to no evidence to support them. It's like some sort of imaginary musician based soap opera of greed, jealousy, and betrayal. It's kind of weird.

Not really...just observations from various interviews and articles throughout the years, but I can see how it looks that way. I'd love to be proven right, but it won't happen...unless a juicy behind the music is produced in 20 years.

07-26-2013, 11:52 PM
Am I reading this wrong or does this mean Trent has been letting himself be hassled relentlessly about something he wasn't even involved in? Eh?

My memory of this (from interviews) was that Tapeworm was initially anounced as being very much like Pigface where lots of artists come in to do vocals (and probably other stuff) on different tracks. Maynard was one of the artists that came in and did Vacant originally. I don't know if it's known how close to completion this album ever came.

At some pointTapeworm apparently shifted focus and became a band of NIN guys (this being what Trent called the democracy) with Maynard as the lead singer. Apparently this would have invloved scrapping most of what ever else was previously recorded under the Tapeworm name. The Maynard album was basically finished. We know this because Trent said as much on the NIN page and even posted a picture with all the track names blured out. In these same posts he said the album was done, Great (or something- I don't remember) and he was very proud of everybody and couldn't wait for us to hear it.

At first the story was that it didn't come out because record labels couldn't get on the same page about it and work out issues (which makes a certain amount of sense since this would have been not long after A Perfect Circle became an abnormally successful side project- so maynards label may have been feeling burned for letting him do that elsewhere- sideprojects don't usually do anywhere near that well).

Then when asked later Trent began saying the record sucked (no further mention of legal/label issues) and wasn't worth releasing.

We were told the record was done years ago. As far as I'm concerned if he really has no intention of ever releasing it, he should leak it. Unless Passive is a 1,000 times better than the studio version of Vacant, or Vacant is the only good song on the album it's got to be worth hearing. Although MJK doesn't seem to be nearly as good a vocalist as he used to be, even at his worst he's better than Trent's wife. We're missing an important part of NIN history here. I wouldn't mind hearing any pre maynard Tapeworm tracks as well.

I hope someday it finally surfaces.

07-27-2013, 12:59 AM
I was excited as anyone during the Tapeworm period. I used to love Maynard, but that has changed over the years. He seems hell-bent on trying to prove that he’s more than just the vocalist of Tool. He refuses to discuss the band that made anyone care about him to begin with and I think he resents that…and now resents the band itself because of it. Napoleon Complex to the extreme!! He has no problem going to the “Tool ATM” for a random tour of the same 15 songs when he needs extra cash and selling his (overpriced) wine to Tool fans, but he doesn’t want to talk about the band or talk to fans…yet fans still worship the guy. It drives me nuts. Obviously, HE is the reason it takes so long between albums. Tool is a democracy and he wants to be a dictator, so he deals with Puscifer more at this point. Seems like the three other guys are just sitting there writing and waiting for him to finally get around to it. Personally, I’d rather have a Tool instrumental album at this point and I bet it would be 10x better than any Puscifer album!!

That being said, I think Maynard is incredibly jealous of Trent’s talent, influence, and position.

Agree 110%

07-27-2013, 02:47 AM
My interest in Nine Inch Nails really started around 2001 but it wasn't until 2002 where I became an obsessive fan, researching a shit ton of stuff on the band and especially Trent Reznor. I remember the hearing about the whole Tapeworm thing and the first thing that struck me was the name...I mean, like Nine Inch Nails...I think the name "Tapeworm" is especially interesting because it really sticks with you. It's a pretty incredible name and I'm almost wish that something would've come into fruition release wise.

I do remember these pictures always circulating when the project was mentioned...



Pretty sure the album was going to wind up being a lot like G.O.O.D music's Cruel Summer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruel_Summer_(GOOD_Music_album)

I could see that. That record had so much going on that it was such an unfocused mess...

07-27-2013, 04:16 AM
It saddens me that we have to wait five, six, seven, eight years for a new Tool album, but Maynard has released an abundance of shitty material with a mediocre project in less time than it takes to see a new Tool record on the shelves.

That's fairly obviously because getting a polished project out the door takes time, whereas releasing all your little experiments and ideas doesn't.

SM Rollinger
07-27-2013, 07:43 AM
with a new NIN album in a month, why in 2013 are we still discussing the rotting corpse that is Tapeworm?
I think im going to start a Lovegun thread now...

In all seriousness, I got to thinking the other day when I found that copy of Gub. The first track is titled Tapeworm. Maybe this is where the idea for the groups name originated from? Or possibly even the genesis point of the group itself? (since Pigface was a supergroup, much like Tapeworm was supposed to be.) Its not like TR hasnt ever named a group after a song or anything....

Just some food for thought.

SM Rollinger
07-27-2013, 10:50 AM
I remembered I had some old AP's with Trent interviews in them and one he talked about Tapeworm, and while im sure their in the archives, I wanted to scan it. My scanner doesent want to work right now, so you will have to suffice with my transcriptions of them. Anyways, this is from Issue 151, Feburary 2001 (take note to the second question...)

... So, the Tapeworm project: Do you now regret admitting it exists since the fans keep asking when it'll be released?
No, it does exist. There's a bunch of tracks floating around, but right now we're just searching for an identity that defines it.

Initially, it was going to be an album with a revolving cast of singers, right?
Where it stands at the moment is: Danny Lohner's contributed alot of songs; Charlie Clouser's contributed a lot of songs; I've got leftover songs that are better for that than Nine Inch Nails. And the original concept was to have a core of maybe two or three singers. At one point it was Tool's Maynard James Keenan, Pantera's Phil Anselmo and me, and maybe Helmet's Page Hamilton. But what it has lacked and what's getting worked out now is, I don't want it to sound like 10 different bands, 10 different singers, and here's a synth song, here's a rock song, here's a...

So the music itself is pretty diverse, too.
Well, it needs someone to come in and give it a cohesiveness so it sounds like a project rather than b-side Nine Inch Nails music with different people singing on it. It needs to have an identity. And i've been so busy with other things that it got back-burnered. Now there's an unbelievable amount of music ready to go. But I want to get my head back in the studio, allow myself time to think without deadline pressure before i put something serious in motion that might not be fully thought out, and then I realize that now i've got a band that sounds just like Nine Inch Nails with Pantera's singer. And if I'm doing something else, I want to make sure it's not all interchangeble: "Sounds like Trent did it." That's the last thing I want to do.

07-28-2013, 12:03 AM
I remembered I had some old AP's with Trent interviews in them and one he talked about Tapeworm, and while im sure their in the archives, I wanted to scan it. My scanner doesent want to work right now, so you will have to suffice with my transcriptions of them. Anyways, this is from Issue 151, Feburary 2001 (take note to the second question...)

Good find. The only issue here is that I assume they worked this out since the album that almost got released (and was reported as being finished) was also reported to pretty much be MJK on vox. I think this dates back to the earlier days before it began to solidify around MJK as THE vocalist specifically.

Or I could be wrong. The man needs to just leak the damn thing (unless he intends to actually release it some day). It would shut us all up and satisfy our curiousity. Otherwise it'll probably show up either late in his career when he needs money, or after his death when someone in the family needs money. Problem being that by then we'll all be halfway dead as well.

SM Rollinger
07-28-2013, 09:09 AM
... Problem being that by then we'll all be halfway dead as well.

lol, nice

damn 10 char

08-05-2013, 10:42 PM
the Josh blurry hands pic and others missing on the ninwiki are here (http://www.portraitofdecay.com/www.tapeworm.net/index.html)

08-12-2013, 07:09 PM
the tapeworm excitement and picture posts on nin.com and i believe there was even tapeworm.com or something at one point, great time period and even worse let down. i still think it will all see the light of day at one point. *hopefully.

08-12-2013, 07:20 PM
the tapeworm excitement and picture posts on nin.com and i believe there was even tapeworm.com or something at one point, great time period and even worse let down. i still think it will all see the light of day at one point. *hopefully.

I really hope so, but it all seems too good to be true. Even at the time when it was happening, it seemed too good to be true. And like TR said, it just wasnt good enough considering the players. My guess is that, through the years we will see bits and peices, like we have, of songs on other bands albums and such. Or maybe we've heard all we will ever hear. Too bad. It will always be the ultimate "what could have been". And at this point, maybe thats the way they want it. The mystery behind it is so huge and legendary, that maybe there is no way that it can live up to its expectations. But fuck I would love to hear it and always thought that it was the ULTIMATE supergroup and that those songs would change it all.

08-12-2013, 07:27 PM
just think of all the stuff that comes out when someone dies (elvis..tupac) hidden or locked away recordings. seriously hope it doesnt happen then but more than likely when someone needs money that would be a great cash cow 30 years from now. haha

08-12-2013, 07:36 PM
I believe this shit will never see the light of day. And I'm cool with that.

Edit: Honestly, I didn't see the first post with the article; I just thought this thread was a bunch of wishy washy wishing, as it is usually. Having read the article, my sentiment stands.

12-02-2022, 04:01 PM

12-02-2022, 07:36 PM

Fixed that for ya. But do you have any info on this? Where did it come from? Is it in your possession?

12-03-2022, 12:12 AM
Maybe someone can ask Charlie about this on reddit? Or wherever he mostly frequents and replies?

12-03-2022, 12:07 PM
Could this be from the Gandhi project (http://www.modernfix.com/interviews-2/page/) that Charlie and Page were working on around this time?

12-03-2022, 08:12 PM
Are these the demos that were previously mentioned here?

Frozen Beach
12-03-2022, 09:25 PM
I kind of wish Trent would start a new project called Tapeworm just to fuck with everyone.

12-04-2022, 12:58 PM

12-04-2022, 11:12 PM
I almost bought this when it was up on eBay a few months ago, but after talking with some folks, I didn't think it had much relation to Tapeworm material. Charlie and Page definitely worked on Helmet stuff over the years, so the likelihood that this is anything Tapeworm related seems remote. These tracks do seem to be unreleased though, so it's still an interesting find for sure. Charlie would probably shed some light on it if asked, though who knows what he might remember of it.

12-06-2022, 08:44 PM
so... how/what does this sound like? pics are nice and all but sounds are better :)

12-20-2022, 08:11 PM
Reading old interview articles makes me wistful:

diredw: How do you feel about the Internets effect on music? And how is the Internet effecting your future projects?

snguest_trent_reznor: The distribution of music is getting interesting now. I like the idea that it can be immediately dispersed to people who wanna hear it. But there is a difference; labels can introduce music to people. It's the whole indie rock problem. The problem is, as a consumer, you need to know the difference between what is and isn't good. I'm on a major label now that I don't think believes in me very much. I hope they do, but I don't think they do. I made a record that I think is, I cried when I heard it. As an artist and a human being, it's the most I can make in my life, but I don't want to kiss Carson Daly's ass to get it played. Cuz I think it's art, you should frame it on your wall. Maybe I'm pretentious. I'm trying to get Tapeworm started because Nine Inch Nails is all about my neurosis and trying to change the world. Tapeworm is a collaborative project. I promise by mid-2000 it will be out. I believe in my band and respect those guys. And you'll see.

01-01-2023, 12:12 PM
. I'm trying to get Tapeworm started because Nine Inch Nails is all about my neurosis and trying to change the world. Tapeworm is a collaborative project. I promise by mid-2000 it will be out. I believe in my band and respect those guys. And you'll see.

Trent never break his promises. By mid-2000, he meant the mid of 2000. Whether it's 2050 or 2500, you decide.

Happy new year. 27 more years to go!