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12-07-2018, 04:25 PM
I just dont like the movie version of Antman.

Edit: I also didnt watch the sequel to Antman, so I have no idea about the van. Another reason why I think universe building is a double edged sword, I didnt want to see this movie and now I couldnt catch what you just said nor know what it means. And if it werent for leaked pics from on set, I wouldnt know what "Antman" role was going to be in this movie.


12-07-2018, 04:36 PM
OK tin hat theory time.

So we know (those of us that saw Antman and the Wasp) that Scott got stuck in the Quantum Realm. During the comics (i'm going to go spoiler here as this might be a spoiler) we know in order to defeat Thanos, Adam Warlock rose from the Soul gem (more or less, it's been awhile). Now Adam isn't in the MCU yet, so what if Scott was helped out of the QR by some of the souls that were wiped out and are stuck now in the Soul gem, in order to play the role of Adam and rally the troops for one last attack to get everyone back (whilst also adding his great charm and humour that he had in Civil War)

I think this makes the most sense, but i'm excited to see how this plays out. There are a great number of films i'm excited for next year. Do i think they'll all be great?...probably not, but i'd rather go into a film excited at what i might see then apprehensive at what i might not like...i should try and apply this to my daily life lol.

12-08-2018, 03:50 PM
Totally unrelated to MCU stuff, but I just got back from a screening for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and I had a fucking blast. Probably my favorite Spider-Man movie to date! Lots of fun and tears and style going on in that movie. Plus an absolutely genius post-credits scene.

And don’t let the CG/“cartoony-ness” of the movie throw you off. The older I get and the more I see, the more I realize that wall is a ridiculous barrier to have holding you back from consuming some great and heart-felt art. They even address that very “what’s the problem with cartoons?” question a little bit in the movie. Go! You’ll have a fun time. I felt more watching that film than I have some MCU films, without a doubt.

For the record: Into the Spider-verse dethrones Homecoming as my favorite Spider-Man film, for sure, but those two are right up at the top of the list.

12-08-2018, 05:54 PM

12-08-2018, 09:29 PM
Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer recap for those interested and cannot waitt (Like me). (https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/12/08/spider-man-far-from-home-trailer-recap-description-mysterio-nick-fury)

12-10-2018, 09:04 AM
Totally unrelated to MCU stuff, but I just got back from a screening for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and I had a fucking blast. Probably my favorite Spider-Man movie to date! Lots of fun and tears and style going on in that movie. Plus an absolutely genius post-credits scene.

And don’t let the CG/“cartoony-ness” of the movie throw you off. The older I get and the more I see, the more I realize that wall is a ridiculous barrier to have holding you back from consuming some great and heart-felt art. They even address that very “what’s the problem with cartoons?” question a little bit in the movie. Go! You’ll have a fun time. I felt more watching that film than I have some MCU films, without a doubt.

For the record: Into the Spider-verse dethrones Homecoming as my favorite Spider-Man film, for sure, but those two are right up at the top of the list.

100% agree! Saw it at the weekend and bloody loved it! It's defiantly the best spidey film so far! (i do adore good animation mind you, and this one has BAGS of good and original animation ideas!)

Honestly if your on the fence with this one go see it, it's a bloody good film, one of my Favorites of the year!

Conan The Barbarian
12-11-2018, 07:00 AM
Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer recap for those interested and cannot waitt (Like me). (https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/12/08/spider-man-far-from-home-trailer-recap-description-mysterio-nick-fury)

I was under the impression that mysterious was a villain. I’m not too deep in spidey knowledge, but is this comic accurate?

bobbie solo
12-11-2018, 10:06 AM
I don't want to discuss the Mysterio angle re: my (and many others) theory with this movie without potentially being a big spoiler if correct. I will say the way they're potentially going to use him seems to be really clever.

12-11-2018, 02:20 PM
I loved Venom. Am I alone in this one? It's 90 minutes of pure childish, unpretentious no-bullshit fun. Tom Hardy is cool. Venom is cool. Loved their "dialogue".

12-11-2018, 09:36 PM
I was under the impression that mysterious was a villain. I’m not too deep in spidey knowledge, but is this comic accurate?

Without saying too much here, technically it is. But like Bobbie said above, potential spoilers.

12-13-2018, 02:52 PM
The Defenders can’t appear on TV or film for at least two years


"Recently, Netflix purged itself of three Marvel shows, canceling Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Daredevil all within a couple weeks of one-another. While Jessica Jones is likely living on borrowed time, it was widely assumed that Disney was shoring up these properties before the launch of its own streaming service next year, Disney+.

However, Variety reports that due to a clause in the contract between Disney and Netflix, the characters won’t be able to appear onscreen anywhere for at least two years after the cancellation, and that’s if Disney decides to do so, which it hasn’t yet.

When Netflix launched its initial quartet of Marvel shows there was a clause that stated they couldn’t appear in any non-Netflix related film or TV show for at least two years after cancellation. This would mean the earliest that the Man without Fear or the Heroes for Hire could show up would be in late 2020. Given that Jessica Jones is airing a third season in 2019, her character would be out of the running for the supergroup The Defenders until 2021. Again, that’s if Disney opts to bring these characters back into the fold. Whether or not they bring back the same actors is anyone’s guess at this point, though Daredevil’s Charlie Cox is hoping they do."


12-13-2018, 04:42 PM
Funny. That's about how long it takes to make a movie. Hmmm... (wishful thinking)

12-15-2018, 09:54 AM
OK so i went to see Spider-man Into the Spiderverse again...i think this might be my favorite film of the year, even more than Infinity War..seriously! (I am a sucker for Spider-man/Spider-Gwen and animation...and boy is the animation on point in this!)

12-17-2018, 03:39 AM
Can someone explain the spoilers Mysterio thing you guys are alluding to?

12-19-2018, 08:44 AM
Disney Exec Kevin Mayer says they may be able to bring the cancelled Netflix Marvel shows to Disney+ at some point. (https://www.cnet.com/news/netflixs-canceled-marvel-shows-disney-may-revive-them-after-all/)

Sounds like Netflix might be getting a payoff if Disney is serious about this. I remember the level of excitement Marvel Studios had when they realized they could get Daredevil and Punisher back for practically free when the rights expired at Fox, so this news doesn't surprise me much, especially since Charlie Cox confirmed way back before DD season 1 that he had a clause in his contract that brings him over to the MCU films if the studio wanted him.

Conan The Barbarian
12-19-2018, 10:09 AM
Good, I could careless about the other shows, but Daredevil was the best out of all of them and it deserves to keep going.

12-19-2018, 12:33 PM
Good, I could careless about the other shows, but Daredevil was the best out of all of them and it deserves to keep going.

Same. I just want Daredevil and The Punisher to continue. They could do a Heroes of Hire show with Luke Cage and Iron Fish together.

12-26-2018, 11:45 PM
Twist ending: I finally saw Venom and I actually loved it

12-27-2018, 12:31 PM
I'm disappointed to say that even with my tempered expectations and cautious optimism, I found Venom to be mediocre at best. Despite Tom Hardy's performance, which I found to be fine (not bad, not great, just... fine), It's just another reminder of Sony's extremely incapable hands and complete misunderstanding of the titular character. I didn't hate the movie, but I think it's disappointing that the movie was as successful as it was because in Sony's eyes, it will validate/vindicate their handling (fumbling) of the character (and their exclusion of Spider-Man), as is already evident by their green-lighting of a sequel. Venom has been one of my favorite Marvel characters since I started buying & trading comic books and cards with my friends back in 1992, so I was really hoping it would be better. I was mostly on board with how Venom himself was portrayed, but none of the other characters in the movie were very interesting at all and the overall story was pretty lackluster, predictable, and kind of boring. I'd give it a 4/10.

12-27-2018, 07:10 PM

Pretty cool if true.

12-27-2018, 10:27 PM
I'm disappointed to say that even with my tempered expectations and cautious optimism, I found Venom to be mediocre at best. Despite Tom Hardy's performance, which I found to be fine (not bad, not great, just... fine), It's just another reminder of Sony's extremely incapable hands and complete misunderstanding of the titular character. I didn't hate the movie, but I think it's disappointing that the movie was as successful as it was because in Sony's eyes, it will validate/vindicate their handling (fumbling) of the character (and their exclusion of Spider-Man), as is already evident by their green-lighting of a sequel. Venom has been one of my favorite Marvel characters since I started buying & trading comic books and cards with my friends back in 1992, so I was really hoping it would be better. I was mostly on board with how Venom himself was portrayed, but none of the other characters in the movie were very interesting at all and the overall story was pretty lackluster, predictable, and kind of boring. I'd give it a 4/10.

It's well documented that I wanted to hate this movie and badly wanted it to fail, but ultimately I found it charming and unique as far as that can mean in this genre. Hardy's performances basically carry the whole mvie, but I think they do it well. Eddie Brock is fun enough to watch on his own, when you add the symbiote it gets a lot better too.

Yes the villain is bland and ridiculous, yes, there are silly plotholes and sometimes dumb set ups. Yes, the supporting characters are forgettable, but these are issues in 90% of the Genre. The MCU has done well to at least attempt to correct this as of late, but ultimately the superhero genre is loaded with faceless love interest and one note villains.

On the otherhand, Superhero leads are rarely the standout performance in their own movie, with RDJ probably being the most notable exception. Hardy really did a fantastic job and made this movie a lot of fun. This movie won out by embracing absurdity. It was like an edgier Jim Carrey film.

It's hard to imagine this movie WITH Spiderman. It's hard to imagine Hardy's Venom as Spiderman's villain, although luckily they left the door open for a Parker/Brock rivalry, it certainly would be nice to see it work.

12-27-2018, 11:53 PM
If they had just waited until after Infinity War and Endgame wrapped up, after Spider-Man had returned to Earth (after being in space and having the symbiote attach itself to Spider-Man while he was on Titan), then had a full Spider-Man movie dedicated to his struggle with the black costume, ending with him getting rid of it, THEN making a Venom movie in which Spider-Man plays a supporting role for both Venom and Eddie Brock to bond (pun intended) over their mutual hatred of Spidey, THAT would have been perfect. Or at least have a movie that just focuses on the Spider-Man black costume, his rejection of the costume, and the birth of Venom, culminating in a fight between the two (AKA what Spider-Man 3 should have been).

12-28-2018, 12:04 AM
If they had just waited until after Infinity War and Endgame wrapped up, after Spider-Man had returned to Earth (after being in space and having the symbiote attach itself to Spider-Man while he was on Titan), then had a full Spider-Man movie dedicated to his struggle with the black costume, ending with him getting rid of it, THEN making a Venom movie in which Spider-Man plays a supporting role for both Venom and Eddie Brock bond over their mutual hatred of Spidey, THAT would have been perfect. Or at least have a movie that just focuses on the Spider-Man black costume, his rejection of the costume, and the birth of Venom, culminating in a fight between the two (AKA what Spider-Man 3 should have been).

Avengers: Secret War would have been just fine. :)

12-28-2018, 12:50 AM
I mean, yes, that would have been great, I had said the same thing or something along those lines. The very existence of this movie proves the creators malice towards their own fans. But taken on its own merits I really enjoyed it.

The problem with the venom-> carnage villain/ hero arc is that it is too elaborate or complex to properly execute in a single movie, you need to basically dedicate at least three movies to make it properly happen. Maybe plant the suit and Eddie Brock as minor details in a bigger, different plot, have a second movie where the black suit and venom are the central focus, and then have venom redeem himself in a maximum carnage style thing. You forgo a few cool Spiderman villains to do that, and every step of the way you risk the franchise falling apart in some quality or logistic related way, over the course of 6-10 years. Franchises just aren't that resilient and don't have that kind of longevity and continuity. Even if I'd like it to. Maybe there's still a chance to bring him into the MCU fold. That would be great

01-11-2019, 09:39 AM
However things "Should have been" or how introductions to the black suit and Spiderman could have been handled better... I am just happy we got anything at all. Saw Venom for the second time and enjoyed it as much as the first time. I find this news very intriguing hearing the introduction to Spiderman in the sequel?!?


01-11-2019, 11:34 AM
However things "Should have been" or how introductions to the black suit and Spiderman could have been handled better... I am just happy we got anything at all. Saw Venom for the second time and enjoyed it as much as the first time. I find this news very intriguing hearing the introduction to Spiderman in the sequel?!?


I'll believe it when I see it, but that has potential to be awesome if it turns out to be true. Maximum Carnage was a favorite comic storyline of mine as a kid, so to see Venom, Carnage, and Spider-Man sharing the silver screen 25 years later would be awesome. Not as awesome as how I felt seeing Civil War and Infinity War for the first time, but still, there's potential there. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that Marvel Studios would be willing to let their carefully crafted MCU begin to blend with the haphazardly planned "Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters." I feel like this might turn out to be like when Amy Pascal seemed to suggest that Spider-Man could live in both franchises. Then again, I never expected Sony to share Spider-Man to begin with, so I guess anything is possible (however unlikely it may be). I just hope the sequel is better than its fairly mediocre predecessor.

01-11-2019, 12:22 PM

I agree with this Dorkly fella...

01-11-2019, 12:35 PM
I HATED the Raimi Spider-Man movies... HATED them. Tobey McGuire sucks.

01-11-2019, 09:37 PM
I'll believe it when I see it, but that has potential to be awesome if it turns out to be true. Maximum Carnage was a favorite comic storyline of mine as a kid, so to see Venom, Carnage, and Spider-Man sharing the silver screen 25 years later would be awesome. Not as awesome as how I felt seeing Civil War and Infinity War for the first time, but still, there's potential there. Having said that, I find it hard to believe that Marvel Studios would be willing to let their carefully crafted MCU begin to blend with the haphazardly planned "Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters." I feel like this might turn out to be like when Amy Pascal seemed to suggest that Spider-Man could live in both franchises. Then again, I never expected Sony to share Spider-Man to begin with, so I guess anything is possible (however unlikely it may be). I just hope the sequel is better than its fairly mediocre predecessor.

Me as well! Owning the entire Carnage series and still have them to this day. Yea, I was skeptical when Pascal said that. Reading what they said in that article is a pretty friggin' bold statement, so seeing that idea come into fruition still makes me intrigued if they can clean their act up in the next film with a better structure for the plot and some of the dialogue (Even though I enjoyed quite a bit of it in Venom). Spider-Man and all of these characters in his universe has always been my favorite since I was a tiny, so I do get a bit more excited than some, but it in no way blinds me when it comes to what Hollywood comes up with and spews out most of the time. Seeing how much it actually made surprised the hell out of me, so hopefully they utilize that and come out with a bang in the second film. It would still have a pretty odd feeling not having Spidey anywhere near this, even if the sequel is somewhat above average.

01-11-2019, 10:07 PM
Me as well! Owning the entire Carnage series and still have them to this day. Yea, I was skeptical when Pascal said that. Reading what they said in that article is a pretty friggin' bold statement, so seeing that idea come into fruition still makes me intrigued if they can clean their act up in the next film with a better structure for the plot and some of the dialogue (Even though I enjoyed quite a bit of it in Venom). Spider-Man and all of these characters in his universe has always been my favorite since I was a tiny, so I do get a bit more excited than some, but it in no way blinds me when it comes to what Hollywood comes up with and spews out most of the time. Seeing how much it actually made surprised the hell out of me, so hopefully they utilize that and come out with a bang in the second film. It would still have a pretty odd feeling not having Spidey anywhere near this, even if the sequel is somewhat above average.

Yeah, hopefully the success of the first movie gave them enough confidence to give the sequel a considerably larger budget, hire better writers, and get a better director. We'll see...

01-13-2019, 04:23 AM
I am really looking forward to the sequel as they have nailed the character IMHO, although it was put in some really strange decisions with the script. I would love to see Spiderman being introduced, but my main concern is that they have already ruined a good and logical narrative (as far as the current comic story-lines go) to make this work in a great way. Either way, looking forward to Harrellson playing his part and seeing some more Venom action scenes. I expect nothing but a fun stupid blockbuster that has some cool scenes in it.

01-13-2019, 01:06 PM
I expect nothing but a fun stupid blockbuster that has some cool scenes in it.

I just wish it didn't have to be stupid. Why can't they take it a little more seriously? There's nothing wrong with being self aware of how silly certain aspects are (like Guardians of the Galaxy or Hawkeye's best line from Age of Ultron), but it would be nice if they could craft a smart and clever blockbuster. I don't like how a lot of blockbusters (Michael Bay's TransFormers movies and the Fast & Furious movies spring to mind) are playing down to us like we're all fucking idiots who only want to see explosions, scantily-clad women, and fart jokes.

01-14-2019, 05:21 AM
Yeah, should have phrased that a little bit different. Of course it should be serious and emotional where its due but a little self-irony doesn't hurt. I also don't want this to be over the top silly but a really nice pitch black comedy with a little bit more Cronenberg would be just what I want to see with this franchise combined with great action pieces. I really dug the Riot/Venom fight, yet some people had their problems with it, but I really liked the aninmation there.

01-15-2019, 08:15 AM

01-15-2019, 08:21 AM

Nice. So Fury is the new Tony...what happened to Tony i wonder...

01-15-2019, 08:22 AM
Nice. So Fury is the new Tony...what happened to Tony i wonder...



Conan The Barbarian
01-15-2019, 08:31 AM
I really liked homecoming, but this trailer was meh for me.

01-15-2019, 08:33 AM



Joking aside we finally get to see mysterio! Is he on Fury's side. It looks fun, but it won't be no Into the Spiderverse (it'll have to be VERY good to beat that).

01-15-2019, 10:18 AM
The entire internet is freaking out saying there is no mention of anything in Endgame, and that Peter is all alone and therefore Tony is dead....Marvel has come this far to spoil and drop ball... Got it.

This looks so good.. Sign me up, on board. That Spidey score though!

01-15-2019, 10:22 AM
The entire internet is freaking out saying there is no mention of anything in Endgame, and that Peter is all alone and therefore Tony is dead....Marvel has come this far to spoil and drop ball... Got it.

This looks so good.. Sign me up, on board. That Spidey score though!

The internet is a hive-mind of stupidity sometimes* like Marvel were EVER going to spoil anything for Endgame.

*all the time

01-15-2019, 10:23 AM
I mean, this movie was announced a while ago and having a 150 second trailer for a Spider-Man movie with Spider-Man in it should not be shocking. They're being very coy about the timeline for this movie. Folks need to calm down.

Also, this is the true comic experience - BIG EVENT AND SHIT GOES DOWN AND PEOPLE ARE DEAD AND well we gotta solicit books for three months from now so, uh, here's Spidey in his next story after he maybe died but didn't because we need to print more money and HEY HE HAS A NEW SUIT WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THAT OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG AND AUNT MAY IS WHAT NOW?????????????????


01-15-2019, 10:27 AM
I mean, this movie was announced a while ago and having a 150 second trailer for a Spider-Man movie with Spider-Man in it should not be shocking. They're being very coy about the timeline for this movie. Folks need to calm down.

It's just very alarming that no one knows anything that has happened in this universe but the decimation. Regardless, I want more fucking Mysterio now! They got the fishbowl right, along with Sandman I believe too?

01-15-2019, 10:38 AM
It's just very alarming that no one knows anything that has happened in this universe but the decimation. Regardless, I want more fucking Mysterio now! They got the fishbowl right, along with Sandman I believe too?

I'm digging his design! And its another villian we have seen nothing of outside the comics. I'm glad they aren't just going straight in with Doc Ock or Osborn/Green Goblin, while at the same time hinting at the lesser known members of the sinister six...which could lead to a great stand off movie down the line. Spidey has an excellent rouges gallery so i'm glad they're exploring that!

01-15-2019, 02:33 PM
I might be reading WAAAAY too much into this trailer, but is there any chance that we're leading up to this moment with Sandman and Hydro-Man?! I remember this issue blowing my fuckin' mind when I was a kid, and the idea that we could see it on the big screen got me all excited!!!


01-15-2019, 03:14 PM
I really liked homecoming, but this trailer was meh for me.


This looks like Marvel going with an Indiana Jones meets The Mummy adventure theme and I’m all for it.

01-15-2019, 05:09 PM



I love the trailer. I love Spider-Man. I love Tom Holland. I love everyone and everything in this trailer.

I'm the very definition of a happy camper right now.

Conan The Barbarian
01-15-2019, 07:03 PM

This looks like Marvel going with an Indiana Jones meets The Mummy adventure theme and I’m all for it.

How is that shocking?

01-15-2019, 07:47 PM
I'm digging his design! And its another villian we have seen nothing of outside the comics. I'm glad they aren't just going straight in with Doc Ock or Osborn/Green Goblin, while at the same time hinting at the lesser known members of the sinister six...which could lead to a great stand off movie down the line. Spidey has an excellent rouges gallery so i'm glad they're exploring that!

I read SO many Spidey comics, and own a decent amount so seeing Mysterio in this fashion is fucking amazing; never thought I would see these villains on this huge stage. Holland and Gyllenhaal you can tell have great chemistry already, but I can see all of the elementals being a ruse to trick everyone in Mysterio's end. I don't believe it will be that cut and paste, but I feel there will be something bigger going on besides the two at the end. Man, it is great to be a nerd right now.

I might be reading WAAAAY too much into this trailer, but is there any chance that we're leading up to this moment with Sandman and Hydro-Man?! I remember this issue blowing my fuckin' mind when I was a kid, and the idea that we could see it on the big screen got me all excited!!!

THIS! Made me break out my old comics, including this one! I would lose my shit if they had a callback in the movie for this!

bobbie solo
01-16-2019, 12:02 AM
but I can see all of the elementals being a ruse to trick everyone in Mysterio's end.

Tell the man what he's won Bob!

01-16-2019, 02:23 AM
Tell the man what he's won Bob!

A brand new second hand Washer Dryer* , Tumble away your worries with this comfort laundry service. A BMX bike from 1995**, show off your slick moves to your bros down the street. A cuddly TOY***. Or you can trade it all in for whats in the mystery box...

*Doesn't come with warranty and may explode if used for periods longer then 5mins
**Wheels sold separately
***may just be 3 cushions taped together

01-16-2019, 02:33 AM
you can trade it all in for whats in the mystery* box**...

*Mysterio box
**Leifeld pouches

01-16-2019, 05:51 AM
How is that shocking?

That was sarcasm. You are notoriously “meh” (a cop out word people use) with just about everything Marvel.

Conan The Barbarian
01-16-2019, 06:40 AM
That was sarcasm. You are notoriously “meh” (a cop out word people use) just about everything Marvel.

That is an unfair judgement. I own a good portion of the movies and loved infinity war and and excited for endgame.

Captain marvel doesn’t interest me only for the fact that I have never read an issue. I’m going to go see far from home because it’s spider man.

It may seem that I favor dc a lot more because that’s what I grew up with, supefriends and the legendary superpowers show was my introduction to world of comic books as a kid.

Suicide squad is the worst current dc movie I think is total trash and , even though I loved it when it was in theaters, justice league started to be ‘ meh’ as well after a few home viewings.

Just because I feel marvel has released a few stinkers doesn’t meant I hate the MCU.

But I hope we both can agree, no matter the company, these movies will ever touch the awesomeness that comes from inside the pages of the source material.


01-16-2019, 07:17 AM
You like the DC movies more because they’re GRIMDARK and largely void of humor.

Oh, you have a Spider-Man mug. Great. You really showed me!

Marvel has put out very few “stinkers.” Maybe Thor 1 and 2 and Ant Man 2 aren’t the best. I still find lots of value in them.

The point is, if you are unable to separate and find joy in both the comics and the movies, that’s on you. We can always count on you to show up and be dismissive in this thread.

At least you’re not Volbanned and actively polluting this thread like the Star Wars thread. You’re better than that!

01-16-2019, 07:30 AM
How is that shocking?


Not gonna lie though, I was waiting for you to come in and say "Eh, it looks okay."

Conan The Barbarian
01-16-2019, 07:37 AM
You like the DC movies more because they’re GRIMDARK and largely void of humor.

Oh, you have a Spider-Man mug. Great. You really showed me!

Marvel has put out very few “stinkers.” Maybe Thor 1 and 2 and Ant Man 2 aren’t the best. I still find lots of value in them.

The point is, if you are unable to separate and find joy in both the comics and the movies, that’s on you. We can always count on you to show up and be dismissive in this thread.

At least you’re not Volbanned and actively polluting this like thread the Star Wars thread. You’re better than that!

Superman 78 is my favorite dc movie.

Again, you are unfairly judging me. But whatever, I’ll leave it at that. I’ll be back in April ready to shed tears at the end of endgame with the rest of you.

01-16-2019, 11:47 AM
Tell the man what he's won Bob!

Seems like you're just talking to yourself here? Moving on.....

bobbie solo
01-16-2019, 02:00 PM
Seems like you're just talking to yourself here? Moving on.....

I'm saying that I agree with you. Sandman and Hydro Man appear to be created by Mysterio in this. Most likely to throw everyone off to his true intentions.

01-16-2019, 02:39 PM
I'm saying that I agree with you. Sandman and Hydro Man appear to be created by Mysterio in this. Most likely to throw everyone off to his true intentions.

That's one hell of a way of showing it lulz. I wouldn't mind seeing the Elementals as their own instead, but they're obscure as fuck, and there are 4 all together... I'm hoping there is more meat to this and Endgame as well.

Conan The Barbarian
01-16-2019, 08:58 PM
I thought they were fighting The Elementals? There was no mention of hydro man nor sandman. Unless thats what you guys are calling them.

01-17-2019, 01:25 AM
I thought they were fighting The Elementals? There was no mention of hydro man nor sandman. Unless thats what you guys are calling them.

It seems as if they are going to fight the Elementals, but down the line in media over the years, they have pretty much been replaced with Hydroman and Sandman for the everyday fan. I didn't notice the first time in the trailer, but it seems as if Zephyr is there as well, just not fully shown.

To add, there are also many Easter eggs pointing to old issues of Hydro-man and even Molton Man, so there is another reason for speculation.

01-17-2019, 12:04 PM
I thought they were fighting The Elementals? There was no mention of hydro man nor sandman. Unless thats what you guys are calling them.

I think the fact that they look virtually the same has most of the internet confused and calling them by the wrong names because Sandman and Hydro-Man are definitely more well-known to most fans than Magnum and Hydron. To be fair, the fire elemental (Hellfire) only shows up for a split second and the wind one (Zephyr) doesn't look like anything beyond just a storm cloud with lightning above the bridge.

bobbie solo
02-03-2019, 11:54 PM


02-04-2019, 02:16 AM
Wait there was ANOTHER trailer?

...OK do i hold off and just wait for the film as i already know i'm seeing...must...resist...clicking...PLAY

02-08-2019, 03:01 PM
finally watching Ant Man & The Wasp and i'm loving it! the humor is just as perfect as the first film, i love the story, and it's a welcome relief from the intensity of infinity war. and also my friend was one of the VFX artists so that's pretty freakin' cool.

02-10-2019, 07:32 PM
finally watching Ant Man & The Wasp and i'm loving it! the humor is just as perfect as the first film, i love the story, and it's a welcome relief from the intensity of infinity war. and also my friend was one of the VFX artists so that's pretty freakin' cool.

I adore the Ant-Man movies! Even though, I'm still quite curious on how long it took him and his daughter to create that step/house luge in the beginning.

02-14-2019, 09:41 AM
I adore the Ant-Man movies! Even though, I'm still quite curious on how long it took him and his daughter to create that step/house luge in the beginning.

he'd been under house arrest for almost two years, so it probably took a while. either way, it's AWESOME. i wanna do that!

02-28-2019, 12:46 PM

02-28-2019, 01:09 PM
SPOILERS IN THAT TRAILER! Major character death is revealed! I'm not kidding friends; I've just read an article about why they chose to spoil that. So if you want to go see it as spoiler free as possible DO NOT WATCH IT.

There, I've done my best to spare you folks who don't like spoilers. I love them, by the way.

02-28-2019, 01:16 PM
SPOILERS IN THAT TRAILER! Major character death is revealed! I'm not kidding friends; I've just read an article about why they chose to spoil that. So if you want to go see it as spoiler free as possible DO NOT WATCH IT.

There, I've done my best to spare you folks who don't like spoilers. I love them, by the way.

Care to link to the aforementioned article? I'd heard speculation as to the character's death, but was also surprised to see them reveal it up front in the first few seconds of the first trailer.

02-28-2019, 02:16 PM
Care to link to the aforementioned article? I'd heard speculation as to the character's death, but was also surprised to see them reveal it up front in the first few seconds of the first trailer.


I assumed it was just a swerve.

02-28-2019, 02:40 PM
Actually, this is the one I read but they both say basically the same thing:


@Archive_Reports (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1721) Just to be clear: my post wasn't a jab at you in any way. ❤

I may love spoilers but not everyone does and to have a studio put out such a huge one at the beginning of a trailer is a bad move.

02-28-2019, 02:49 PM
Doesn't Mystique look really weird in this trailer? Like more cosplay-looking or something? It can't just be me. She looks different somehow and I was thrown off by it immediately.

02-28-2019, 03:37 PM
Doesn't Mystique look really weird in this trailer? Like more cosplay-looking or something? It can't just be me. She looks different somehow and I was thrown off by it immediately.

It looks like they tinted J-Law's face blue in post.

02-28-2019, 04:50 PM
The potential this series had... Story arc with Magneto and Quicksilver would have been much more intriguing.

03-01-2019, 03:01 AM
Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones. They've had a great run so far since First Class, so I'm hoping this film follows on.

03-01-2019, 10:44 AM
Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones. They've had a great run so far since First Class, so I'm hoping this film follows on.

It looks better than Apocalypse, but I'm kind of with you as far as not being able to get too excited about it. It's not going to come anywhere close to the high-water marks of X-Men 2 and Days of Future Past (or even First Class, for that matter). I'm definitely going to see it and I'll probably see it in the theater even, but my excitement for this series is probably at an all-time low (unless we include X-Men Origins: Wolverine). Like most people, I'm just looking forward to seeing the X-Men being reinterpreted my Marvel Studios and integrated into the MCU. I only wish it could have happened before the probable retirement of great characters like Captain America and Iron Man, who I would have loved to see interact with characters like Professor X, Wolverine, Gambit, etc.

03-01-2019, 06:10 PM
Not sure why but I've not been able to get as excited for this next one as I was with all the previous ones.

Probably because we've already seen the Dark Phoenix in X3 and watched her "kill" Professor X... this kind of seems like a step down.

BUT, with that said, I am curious about the movie and will watch it with no hesitation.

I'm more curious about it than the new Hellboy.

03-03-2019, 06:20 PM
It looks like they tinted J-Law's face blue in post.
Just saw the still and yeah, no kidding. Wow.

edit: :D


03-05-2019, 07:59 AM
So...there's a thing currently going on the socials with more right leaning celebs* asking fans to go see Alita instead of Captain Marvel to teach the SJW's in Hollywood a lesson.

...ooooooook? Genuinely confused. I quite liked Alita and i'm excited to see Captain Marvel, don't see why pinning them against each other is a thing suddenly but whatever.

*well James Woods.

03-05-2019, 10:59 AM
So...there's a thing currently going on the socials with more right leaning celebs* asking fans to go see Alita instead of Captain Marvel to teach the SJW's in Hollywood a lesson.

...ooooooook? Genuinely confused. I quite liked Alita and i'm excited to see Captain Marvel, don't see why pinning them against each other is a thing suddenly but whatever.

*well James Woods.

They can't stop Captain Marvel simply because it's part of the MCU. It may not do as well as Black Panther, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, or an Avengers movie, but it'll still be very successful, especially for a fairly unknown second-tier (or even third-tier) character/intellectual property. It's just inevitable at this point, especially coming off the heels of their most successful entry (Infinity War) and right before Infinity War's final conclusion in Endgame.

03-05-2019, 10:02 PM
Also: Alita is a Fox movie. Guess who bought Fox.

03-06-2019, 06:40 AM
Also: Alita is a Fox movie. Guess who bought Fox.

Yeah this is what confused me, it's ALL going to Disney...so what's the point? It's all just seems a bit pointless :confused:

03-06-2019, 12:28 PM
Yeah this is what confused me, it's ALL going to Disney...so what's the point? It's all just seems a bit pointless :confused:

as are many of the crusades undertaken those kinds of people. outraged by inclusion and social progress because they insist on being the most important and prominent members of a society that is moving away from their hegemony and no longer abides by their fear- and anger-influenced values. they think that having female and/or non-white characters is offensive because it supposedly takes things away from them...even though white dudes have basically an infinite number of things to watch that are catered specifically to them (as they have been for years). they just don't want to let anyone else have the same privilege they do, of looking at a piece of entertainment and seeing themselves represented, because they feel the need to be the most special out of everyone.

the best analogy is always the cookie analogy:

one child is given two cookies, another is given one cookie. the first child then complains that the second child received any cookies, as opposed to the third cookie going to the first child, and says that it isn't fair.

can't remember if that's exactly how it goes, but that's the gist of it.

03-06-2019, 01:32 PM
A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.

03-06-2019, 03:50 PM
I think the problem is that Brie Larson could be nice and welcome everyone to watch and enjoy this movie. She seems to have taken a more aggressive approach against those who made comic books (and cbm) a thing in the first place: men.

Needless to say that as Black Panther this movie will be above any criticism and anyone who has says anything negative about it will be called sexist, bigot, fascit whatever.

I'm glad I'm not into blockbusters that much. To me, politics and movies simply don't mix. Just want a good story. Couldn't care less about groups being represented or not. I want good, life-changing stories, regardless of colors, genders, etc.

03-06-2019, 04:40 PM

I figured you'd make your way over here for this. Read this - https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-brie-larsons-captain-marvel-made-angry-white-men-lose-their-damn-minds

And make sure you read this part (bolded emphasis mine) -

“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson told Marie Claire interviewer Keah Brown, a disabled journalist the actress handpicked for the gig. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”

The quote was picked up by film sites last month and regurgitated under headlines that emphasized the words “white and male” rather than “inclusive,” priming men’s rights activists and so-called “incels” to mobilize online over an imagined slight. To them, a call for expanded access to opportunities for women and people of color in a space traditionally dominated by white men (like a Marvel film’s press junket) is not only an insult—it amounts to a threat to take away what they consider theirs. And at this point, five years after Gamergate established the playbook for how online harassment campaigns target those who advocate for diversity, websites and content creators have caught on, to their benefit.

Brie has welcomed everyone to watch and enjoy this movie - she was prioritizing interviews with women who weren't getting the opportunities from their editors and bosses to interview actors at press junkets. There's a difference.

Regarding Carol Danvers herself, the only thing Brie cared about was that she wouldn't have to wear the black swimsuit Carol wore as Ms. Marvel for years (which is a ridiculous superhero outfit anyway) - https://io9.gizmodo.com/neither-kevin-feige-or-brie-larson-wanted-ms-marvels-b-1832589656

As Kelly Sue Deconnick and Jamie McKelvie did in 2012, she wanted to make sure she wasn't going to be in a skimpy outfit. From white male EP Kevin Feige -

Feige recalled a meeting at Marvel where Larson spotted some back issues of Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, showing some of the more scant outfits Carol Danvers used to don (like this (https://www.marvel.com/comics/collection/66564/captain_marvel_carol_danvers_-_the_ms_marvel_years_vol_1_trade_paperback)).

“If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing,” Feige said. “Oftentimes it’s a one-piece bathing suit, basically, with outrageous comic proportions...Brie pointed it out on the wall, and we went, ‘Yeah, just so you know, that’s not what we’re doing.’ She goes, ‘Okay. I didn’t think so, but I’m glad you said that.’”

03-06-2019, 08:54 PM
A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.

Ugh, I had forgotten about him.
I think the problem is that Brie Larson could be nice and welcome everyone to watch and enjoy this movie. She seems to have taken a more aggressive approach against those who made comic books (and cbm) a thing in the first place: men.

Needless to say that as Black Panther this movie will be above any criticism and anyone who has says anything negative about it will be called sexist, bigot, fascit whatever.

I'm glad I'm not into blockbusters that much. To me, politics and movies simply don't mix. Just want a good story. Couldn't care less about groups being represented or not. I want good, life-changing stories, regardless of colors, genders, etc.

"Hey lady, why don't you smile more!" is what you sound like. Good job.

03-06-2019, 10:47 PM
I like the new mystique look. If you can save the poor woman 7 hours in a make up chair, by all means

bobbie solo
03-07-2019, 02:47 AM
A lot of this nonsense comes from Ethan Van Sciver. Please do not look up his videos on YouTube and give him the ad revenue - his Twitter feed will suffice. He led a huge campaign against Rose Tico from TLJ and loves to throw out terms about SJWs, Soy Boys, etc. He's a disgraced, black-listed comic artist who torpedoed his existing relationships going all the way up to Geoff Johns at DC and even got into a spat with Darwyn Cooke's widow on Twitter who told him to fuck off forever. He hasn't even seen Captain Marvel yet but is already posting tweets about how the movie sucks and how awful Brie Larson is.

He was also notoriously late on his comics as well so he also sucks in that regard.

it's a shame he's like this, because his art is gorgeous. he's such a talent there. GL Rebirth has some mindblowing images in it.

03-07-2019, 02:24 PM
Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts - https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/4730-Return-of-The-NIN-Store-Livenation?p=449871#post449871

03-07-2019, 06:21 PM
When I saw Infinity War, I got the very last ticket to the first screening. Tonight, I got the very first ticket to the third screening of Captain Marvel! Can’t wait. Y’all already know what shirt I’m gonna wear.

03-07-2019, 09:02 PM
Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts - https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/4730-Return-of-The-NIN-Store-Livenation?p=449871#post449871

That's awesome but it's difficult to justify their shipping prices for a t-shirt.

03-08-2019, 12:24 AM
Movie was alright. Lead character has all the personality of a Block of wood...

Wears a NIN shirt for like half the movie, but no NIN music :/

03-08-2019, 03:27 AM
I'm seeing it tomorrow, still debating if i'll post a mini review like i always do on Insta, can see me getting a load of hate from some corners on the web if i end up enjoying it...jebus that's a depressing sentence!

03-08-2019, 05:53 AM
Really enjoyed Captain Marvel but agree that it’s missing something to make it a top tier Marvel movie. Larson is great (wearing a NIN shirt only adds to that).The Goose gags (one is literal) all worked. I liked how Fury is heavily influenced by Danvers. To be honest, Jude Law’s Yon-Ragg is the weakest link here, whose dialogue all consists of cliche shit you’ve heard out of every action movie mentor character of the past. The Skrulls were very cool.

Thanos, your purple ass is grass.

03-08-2019, 08:10 AM
Really enjoyed Captain Marvel but agree that it’s missing something to make it a top tier Marvel movie. Larson is great (wearing a NIN shirt only adds to that).The Goose gags (one is literal) all worked. I liked how Fury is heavily influenced by Danvers. To be honest, Jude Law’s Yon-Ragg is the weakest link here, whose dialogue all consists of cliche shit you’ve heard out of every action movie mentor character of the past. The Skrulls were very cool.

Thanos, your purple ass is grass.

I agree. Jude Law was probably the most cliche type of character he could have been. A liiiittle of what he says and does is clearly intentionally written and plays into some of the feminist themes of the movie, but overall I couldn’t have been much less impressed by him.

There are a couple other beats that hold the movie back a bit, but I feel like they’re the same problems that Marvel movies typically suffer from. I still really enjoyed it, though! Danvers and Fury were great together. Goose stole the show. The Stan Lee cameo was super low-key but also one of my personal favorites. Seeing Captain marvel just CLEAN. THE FUCK. UP. once she had a hold of her powers was super fun.

It admittedly wasn’t a perfect movie, but I still had a great time! Might check it out again.

03-08-2019, 08:35 AM
Seeing it after work tonight. Can't fucking wait.

bobbie solo
03-08-2019, 01:36 PM
The movie was good, not great. Def. built a solid foundation for a potential sequel to be excellent.

I agree that Larson was a bit stiff throughout large portions of the movie. She's an excellent actress though, so I'm going to chalk it up to an acting choice on how to play such a confused, conflicted woman who has spent her life in a structured military setting. She's very stoic at times, which again makes sense, but got boring. I thought Jude Law was fine. His arc was telegraphed imo, but maybe not so much for others? Biggest distraction for me whenever I see Jude Law these days is his ever-moving hairline. It's fascinating.

Annette Benning as the Supreme Intelligence (not a spoiler) was strange. Felt like they simply wanted to shoehorn a beloved older actress in the feminist movie. Michelle Pfeiffer fits better in the Ant-Man movies.

Went into the movie not paying attention to much re: the plot. Was surprised at the buddy cop angle with Fury and how long that went on. Was fun. I don't agree with how happy-go-lucky Sam Jackson played Fury, but it wasn't bad. Just not really in line with the character history. If they use this as a starting point to show how time has hardened him by the time we see him in Iron Man, then it will work well though.

HATED what happened with him and the cat. SO goofy. We have enough goofy in these movies.

As said, Stan lee cameo was great. It's a unique one, and plays heavily into the 90's thing. The Stan Lee homage before the opening credits was great too.

They did about as good as one could expect with simplifying Carol's insanely convoluted comic book origin. It worked well for the screen.

As also said above, once Carol fully understands her powers, she is not fucking around. Was great. Thought the CGI looked pretty damn good throughout the movie too.

Had no idea they were gonna do the Goose/Chewy stuff. Pretty damn funny.

Biggest complaint BY FAR was the over reliance of extremely on-the-nose musical cues throughout. I love the 90's setting, the references and i love alot of the songs they chose (they focused heavily on 90's alternative). But man they were clumsy, and went to that well a few too many times. I audibly groaned by the time they used the one during a Carol fight scene towards the end of the movie. TRUST YOUR AUDIENCE, STOP HOLDING OUR HANDS.

first cut scene was great. Didn't stay for the second. But apparently it was a humorous one, not needed for the MCU type stuff.

03-09-2019, 07:32 AM
Sharing from the NIN store thread - NIN and Marvel just put up a pre-order for two Captain Marvel crossover shirts - https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/4730-Return-of-The-NIN-Store-Livenation?p=449871#post449871

As my sister pointed out, it would've been great to make the Captain Marvel/NIN shirt available FOR WOMEN too, not just in men's! :p

03-09-2019, 01:16 PM
Did my mini review for my cineema thread https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/5371-HAYSEY-S-Good-and-Bad-Cinema-Thread-2019?p=450090#post450090 but yeah i enjoyed it! It was a good couple of hours at the movies and a solid introduction of CM to the MCU. It's probably mid tier in terms of marvel films (Infinity War, Winter Soldier etc being top tier and Thor, Thor 2, Incredible Hulk etc being low tier) but that's not a bad thing, and it leads nicely into End Game (and i'm looking forward to her letting rip in that!)

NOW Marvel...where are my Nova and Shehulk movies you COWARDS!

03-09-2019, 04:20 PM
The movie was good, not great. Def. built a solid foundation for a potential sequel to be excellent.

I agree that Larson was a bit stiff throughout large portions of the movie. She's an excellent actress though, so I'm going to chalk it up to an acting choice on how to play such a confused, conflicted woman who has spent her life in a structured military setting. She's very stoic at times, which again makes sense, but got boring. I thought Jude Law was fine. His arc was telegraphed imo, but maybe not so much for others? Biggest distraction for me whenever I see Jude Law these days is his ever-moving hairline. It's fascinating.

Annette Benning as the Supreme Intelligence (not a spoiler) was strange. Felt like they simply wanted to shoehorn a beloved older actress in the feminist movie. Michelle Pfeiffer fits better in the Ant-Man movies.

Went into the movie not paying attention to much re: the plot. Was surprised at the buddy cop angle with Fury and how long that went on. Was fun. I don't agree with how happy-go-lucky Sam Jackson played Fury, but it wasn't bad. Just not really in line with the character history. If they use this as a starting point to show how time has hardened him by the time we see him in Iron Man, then it will work well though.

HATED what happened with him and the cat. SO goofy. We have enough goofy in these movies.

As said, Stan lee cameo was great. It's a unique one, and plays heavily into the 90's thing. The Stan Lee homage before the opening credits was great too.

They did about as good as one could expect with simplifying Carol's insanely convoluted comic book origin. It worked well for the screen.

As also said above, once Carol fully understands her powers, she is not fucking around. Was great. Thought the CGI looked pretty damn good throughout the movie too.

Had no idea they were gonna do the Goose/Chewy stuff. Pretty damn funny.

Biggest complaint BY FAR was the over reliance of extremely on-the-nose musical cues throughout. I love the 90's setting, the references and i love alot of the songs they chose (they focused heavily on 90's alternative). But man they were clumsy, and went to that well a few too many times. I audibly groaned by the time they used the one during a Carol fight scene towards the end of the movie. TRUST YOUR AUDIENCE, STOP HOLDING OUR HANDS.

first cut scene was great. Didn't stay for the second. But apparently it was a humorous one, not needed for the MCU type stuff.
No Doubt the music was awkward.


03-09-2019, 10:12 PM
Man, that cameo. If you've ever heard Kevin Smith talk about Stan, especially his Fatman Beyond episode/eulogy, you have to know what that scene means. God, just thinking about how much Kevin loved that man and that they chose to make that connection makes me misty-eyed. It's hard to explain, feeling feelings for someone else's feelings? I dunno.

If you haven't listened to that episode of the Fatman Beyond podcast, you really should.

03-10-2019, 11:01 PM
Movie was pretty darn good. Nothing over the top, but it is a welcomed addition to the MCU. I am DYING to see what else they can do with Captain Marvel with this giving her powers a backseat due to the origin material, because when she flourishes, fuck is it beautiful to watch. Brie Larson was just fine... Her being a block of wood with no personality is highly inaccurate, for I saw the complete opposite most of the film with her being sarcastic, confident, and at times, rebellious. There were a few scenes that were extremely ordinary, but we get that in each Marvel film sometimes, or even hero movies in general.

Jude Law was generic but didn't bother me, with his payoff being quite fantastic. Annette Benning killed it with what she had to work with, no complaints there. Samuel L. Jackson as Fury here was fun to watch since him and Larson had great chemistry throughout the entire movie, also with his amateur moments here and there. It was a nice touch with all the 90's nostalgia and the music didn't bother me at all. The weakest part of the movie to me were the Skrulls. I loved the banter and comedy relief from Ben Mendelsohn, but the plot line for them was just a bit meh in the end.

What intrigues me is how Captain Marvel will fit into with what Avengers we have left. Cannot believe it is so close!

03-10-2019, 11:54 PM
i cried no less than 5 times while watching this film today. i feel almost exactly the same as Self.Destructive.Pattern but i had no issue with the skrull storyline (and actually quite liked it).

the humor in this film was so perfect. i hope the lady next to me didn't get too annoyed with how many times i laughed pretty loudly (though, to be fair, two thirds of the theater was also laughing).

the beginning of the movie felt a bit slow, and i am a bit surprised they didn't take any opportunity to play a NIN song, but those are my only complaints.

that post-credits scene had me rolling around in my seat.

03-11-2019, 03:10 AM
i cried no less than 5 times while watching this film today. i feel almost exactly the same as @Self.Destructive.Pattern (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=602) but i had no issue with the skrull storyline (and actually quite liked it).

the humor in this film was so perfect. i hope the lady next to me didn't get too annoyed with how many times i laughed pretty loudly (though, to be fair, two thirds of the theater was also laughing).

the beginning of the movie felt a bit slow, and i am a bit surprised they didn't take any opportunity to play a NIN song, but those are my only complaints.

that post-credits scene had me rolling around in my seat.

Given the time it was set based on the music they did play, i dunno if there was any NIN that would have fitted from that period (would have been funny as fuck to hear closer though)

03-11-2019, 08:27 AM
Something else i was thinking about after i watched CM...this was the first superhero film i can remember (correct me if i'm wrong please) that didn't have a love interest. You could argue that maybe that was Jude Law's character in the beginning, but that felt more like a teacher then anything else. It was actually quite refreshing not having "main lead will end up/heavily hinted with supporting character" which is in everything!

03-11-2019, 08:43 AM
Brie Larson was just fine... Her being a block of wood with no personality is highly inaccurate, for I saw the complete opposite most of the film with her being sarcastic, confident, and at times, rebellious.

I don't really understand this complaint either, I thought she was quite warm and she had great screen presence! I loved her!

03-11-2019, 09:27 AM
I agree Brie was very likeable, i would say she didn't feel as confident in the role as we've come to expect from actors in these films, but to label her a 'block of wood' does seem a bit harsh. Especially considering the actual blocks of wood we used to get *cough Electra cough* I expect her to be much more at ease in End Game and future movies.

Would also seem audiences are liking her as well as it's nearly hit 500 million already :eek: That could just be down to the NIN shirt though i'm sure!

03-11-2019, 01:47 PM
I really thought she was a boring and underdeveloped. Like I get she's got this amnesia plot, but I think that led to too much of her being a blank slate. Ultimately I'd have a hard time describing her without describing her looks or powers, compared to some of the other characters in the movie.
Other than Jude Law, the supporting cast all were entertaining enough. I enjoyed the few scenes that were homage to Independence day. I really liked the sense of intrigue and conspiracy that peppered the first half. I did overall like the movie

Ultimately I don't feel strongly about the movie either way. Mid tier Marvel. Along with the first Captain America or the Doctor Strange movie, for instance. It's no GoG or Homecoming or Infinity War.

I mostly just know Captain Marvel from getting her powers stolen by rogue... Anyone see that happening now that the x men can play?

bobbie solo
03-11-2019, 03:48 PM
I could see them doing the Rogue storyline cuz it would be really friggin' cool, but that would be years and years away. Like, probably closer to 10 years than 5. Think about all the work that would need to go screen first to establish the X-men in the MCU, soft or hard reboots etc. And a Captain Marvel sequel or two in the mix too.

03-11-2019, 05:11 PM
I enjoyed the few scenes that were homage to Independence day.

Would you explain which scenes you're referring to (in spoiler tags, if necessary)? I guess it's been a long time since I've seen ID4 because I may have missed the scenes in question.

03-11-2019, 06:32 PM
So who's starting a collection of screenshots of young people on the internet asking what the symbol on her shirt meant?

03-11-2019, 09:13 PM
So who's starting a collection of screenshots of young people on the internet asking what the symbol on her shirt meant?


Sorry not sorry. ;)

03-11-2019, 10:01 PM
Would you explain which scenes you're referring to (in spoiler tags, if necessary)? I guess it's been a long time since I've seen ID4 because I may have missed the scenes in question.

One for sure is the scene in ID4 in the canyons right before Smiths character is downed in the desert. There are actually a few homage scenes from other things as well; there is a video somewhere on the tube of them.

03-12-2019, 03:13 AM
Mostly just know Captain Marvel from getting her powers stolen by rogue... Anyone see that happening now that the x men can play?

Christ on a Bike i forgot all about that! I remember that being in the cartoon...i also remember rouge being freaking awesome, i wouldn't mind seeing this play out when Brie and Marvel are ready to move onto the next phase (this'll be WAY far down the line though, we shouldn't expect x-men for a good 3-4 years. Maybe they could adapt House of M, but just have Sacrlett Which change reality to make Mutants appear in the MCU timeline...that could work)

Edit : wait, it was Captain Marvel, but in her Mrs Marvel persona (not sure Captain Marvel Carol was a thing yet?)

03-12-2019, 05:15 AM
I didn't enjoy it all that much and thought it was rather boring. What I did like is that it stepped away from some things other MCU movies estbalished so this was a nice change of scenery here and there. And apparently I quite like the sci-fi aspects of the MCU alot, as I loved both Guardians and the latest Thor. I came to like Brie Larsson as the title character throughout the movie, but all the social commentary on the internet doesn't really hold a candle to what the movie portrays in the end - it's just a cool sci-fi comic-flick with great action and a likeable lead actress... nothing more and nothing less imho or is that feminist already? if what was being shown was extraordinary or controversial in that regard than we seriously have a lot of problems to take on in our society.

What I really enjoyed were the fight scenes with the Skrulls, Captain Marvel rocking her powers and of course the cat, although I am not a cat person by any means.

Very curious on how they will incorporate her in the next Avengers movie. But overall this is totally a mid-tier Marvel movie for me on par with Ant-Man, Iron Man 2 and Captain America.

03-12-2019, 06:20 AM

03-12-2019, 09:34 AM
I already know to never ever click on that video.

153 million domestically. 500 global.

You failed, doofy fanboys/incels/MRAs. As usual.

03-12-2019, 09:50 AM
I think, the first half of that RL video is worth seeing for their discussion about woman in movies and critics as "old white dudes" etc., because I, too, fail to see the "relevance" that seemingly everbody is projecting onto movies like this (like Black Panther or even non-Marvel stuff like the Ghostbuster remake). To me, those movies are generic blockbuster flicks that have nothing to say, really. Everyone likes a dumb action movie from time to time, but why pretend being "woke" for enjoying kids movies? Yet, an intelligent sci-fi movie like Annihilation - with an almost all female cast and a strong subject matter - gets criminally overlooked. I don't get it.

03-12-2019, 10:26 AM
I tend to stay away from youtube reviews of any superhero movie (and star wars), especially if they have a female/black protag. It usually ends up in a rant about why it sucks to them (and by extension should suck for everyone and your wrong for liking it) how Marvel suck and DC are good or how DC suck and Marvel are good...it's all pretty childish.

I did find it weird how whose demanding to boycott the film are claiming victory as they stopped it having an even better opening weekend....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, sure. Just let people enjoy the film FFS.

03-12-2019, 12:03 PM
I did find that RLM video to be a nice recap of all the Captain Marvel controversy which I never really cared about and my takeaway from this is basically both "sides" here are really embarrassing in this case. I get the jist of what Brie Larson is trying to say, but she seems completely disingenuous saying it and most of her clips in this video are complete cringe fest. But the people who are trying so hard for this movie to fail, just because of it are just sad. Also they are doing a really good job at it Captain Marvel having like the sixth biggest opening for a movie ever or something.

03-12-2019, 08:29 PM
I think, the first half of that RL video is worth seeing for their discussion about woman in movies and critics as "old white dudes" etc., because I, too, fail to see the "relevance" that seemingly everbody is projecting onto movies like this (like Black Panther or even non-Marvel stuff like the Ghostbuster remake). To me, those movies are generic blockbuster flicks that have nothing to say, really. Everyone likes a dumb action movie from time to time, but why pretend being "woke" for enjoying kids movies? Yet, an intelligent sci-fi movie like Annihilation - with an almost all female cast and a strong subject matter - gets criminally overlooked. I don't get it.

This video was weaksauce!
And I usually like RLM, I've been following them since forever (I remember the very first episode of Half in the Bag... back when they had women in their group!), but I'm baffled that Mike argues for an even more generic version of the movie (as far as the linear storytelling goes), I don't know what he was thinking! That really made it feel like he was just nitpicking for no reason.
And to complain that Captain Marvel is being shoehorned into the MCU right before Endgame also sounds a bit hollow, because Marvel's been literally doing this for years, introducing new characters between the main movies, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange... that's literally what they've been doing this whole time. Always.

(Sidenote: you are right though, the first half of the video was a pretty good recap.)

03-12-2019, 11:51 PM
I do think captain Marvel did a good job of being inclusive... Probably it's strongest metric, but I think feminism is done injustice by not demanding that women headline better movies than Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel, Black superheros need stronger movies than Black Panther, and I think that one was really good. Both still could have reached stronger levels of story telling and to some extent spectacle. And consistency of course, it needs to happen regularly enough that it's not a watermark to just put out a representational superhero movie. As I finally dig into actual comics, I'm struck by the number of female characters front and center in the X-Men series, it's not like that as much in the movies... The diversity is a lot more whole in those books.

The incels crowd does to some extent push me into seeing movies like this. They have to lose and I'll put money on an average marvel movie to help that happen... Even if I still can't make it all the way through Thor 2, and probably wouldn't bother with Dr. Strange again.

bobbie solo
03-13-2019, 01:11 AM
I already know to never ever click on that video.

153 million domestically. 500 global.

You failed, doofy fanboys/incels/MRAs. As usual.

You should watch. One of them liked the movie, one was kinda eh. These guys are pretty smart film lovers and small time filmmakers. They know their stuff. They aren't shitty right wingers just crapping on the movie.

03-13-2019, 03:10 AM
The incels crowd does to some extent push me into seeing movies like this. They have to lose and I'll put money on an average marvel movie to help that happen... Even if I still can't make it all the way through Thor 2, and probably wouldn't bother with Dr. Strange again.

I agree with Thor 2 but i really enjoyed Dr Strange (i am a fan of the character though so my opinion is slightly biased)

03-13-2019, 03:22 AM
I'm all for getting better female/black led comic book movies, but it is worth remembering that these have all been 'origin' films, and they are almost always the most difficult to make great (Iron Man, GotG and the original Spider-man being the exceptions) Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man all had OK to meh origin films. Hell even Batman Begins wasn't as great as it could have been. Point is we're past the difficult introduction with them, so we can expect their respective sequels to be able to let their hair down and WOW us.

I'd also like them to introduce the diverse cast of characters now, because we are going to run out of white male characters that can sell a film alot sooner if they don't! I don't think Captain Britain and Iron Lad are going to cut it!

03-13-2019, 03:50 AM
All the drama aside, I was disappointed with the movie. I find it tonally really weird, it didn't feel like phase 3 MCU movie to me at all. Almost all attempts at humor or levity (except scenes between Fury and Flerken) fell flat and maybe that's why the movie seemed overly serious and dramatic which is probably my biggest gripe. It failed so hard to be like GOTG with their last fight scene playing Garbage song in the background I audibly gasped in the theater. I also don't know what they even attempted with that Nirvana song towards to end, but that was just horrible. Also I don't know what to think of Brie as Captain Marvel. I don't know if it was the writing or her acting, she seemed really off. I guess she was trying to be sarcastic/snarky, but it was just too much. The whole movie I was waiting for her facade to go off and to show her real character, but that point never really came. So I guess this is really her whole persona? That's disappointing. But maybe that's because she didn't really have any real low point in the movie, I'm hoping she will be developed more in later movies.

Overall the best part of the movie was Brie's white NIN tee which is serious contender for my favorite Brie Larson's outfit, which to this day was her white tank top from Skull Island.

03-13-2019, 06:48 PM
I absolutely loved every chance Ben Mendelsohn has to just be himself behind all that makeup. It was the weirdest thing, seeing what seemed to be a completely natural acting job under all that disguise. Every scene he had as the Skrull was great.

03-13-2019, 08:48 PM
I absolutely loved every chance Ben Mendelsohn has to just be himself behind all that makeup. It was the weirdest thing, seeing what seemed to be a completely natural acting job under all that disguise. Every scene he had as the Skrull was great.

It was pretty cool that he got to keep his Aussie accent. When he first spoke I just thought his American accent was really bad.

bobbie solo
03-13-2019, 11:48 PM

I like how we got the backstory of how the tessaract got to earth, and into SHIELD's hands.

Also, I really hope Marvel realizes & uses the potential they have now that Skrulls have been introduced into the universe. There's alot of fun/misdirection they can employ with them.

Question for those that also saw it: If the Skrulls knew they needed to convince Danvers of her true backstory, as well as needing her for their survival against the Kree...then why were they trying to take her out once they were all on Earth initially? Plot hole, or am I forgetting something?

03-14-2019, 03:28 AM

I like how we got the backstory of how the tessaract got to earth, and into SHIELD's hands.

Also, I really hope Marvel realizes & uses the potential they have now that Skrulls have been introduced into the universe. There's alot of fun/misdirection they can employ with them.

Question for those that also saw it: If the Skrulls knew they needed to convince Danvers of her true backstory, as well as needing her for their survival against the Kree...then why were they trying to take her out once they were all on Earth initially? Plot hole, or am I forgetting something?

From what i remember the Skrulls didn't intentionally 'need' Danvers, just what was in her head (and they were just as confused with it as she was) it wasn't until they (and danvers) learned Mar-Vel had died that they needed her on their side...i think?

03-14-2019, 08:16 AM
Whatever it takes

What? No, I’m not getting misty eyed at work.


03-14-2019, 08:24 AM
sdiofhgioihjasgrjklasdfasdgjkl;gnl;wknhjeral;jtrwe opajiopwetjweopajtawoijiojerarojiga


03-14-2019, 08:35 AM
Gonna be great. One thing I noticed is how much they're focusing on Tony Stark being trapped in space alone to die...until you see the one shot of them in the white spacesuits together towards the end and he's with them haha...

03-14-2019, 09:04 AM
OH...now that was a damn good trailer! And it still gives VERY LITTLE away, using clips from the previous films very effectively.

Difficult not to be hyped for this!

EDIT : OK why wasn't this played before Captain Marvel? That only came out a week ago!

03-14-2019, 09:15 AM
OH...now that was a damn good trailer! And it still gives VERY LITTLE away, using clips from the previous films very effectively.

Difficult not to be hyped for this!

EDIT : OK why wasn't this played before Captain Marvel? That only came out a week ago!

There hadn't been any official looks showing that Captain Marvel came back to Earth to answer the pager until Captain Marvel came out.

03-14-2019, 09:43 AM
Ah, good point!

03-14-2019, 11:06 AM
The one scene that truly broke my heart was the one showing Hawkeye teaching his daughter archery. My poor, poor Clint.

Who else noticed that the ones who are heard saying "whatever it takes" are 4 of the original Avengers, Steve being the first and Tony being the last? Hmm....

"I like this one." ANOTHER!!!

03-14-2019, 11:34 AM
Lots of people reacting online to the "I like this one" line with wanting a Captain Marvel and Thor team up movie...i can definitely get behind that!

03-14-2019, 01:09 PM
Captain Marvel/Thor/Goose road trip. We can dream.

03-14-2019, 01:12 PM
Captain Marvel/Thor/Goose road trip. We can dream.

Don't forget Rabbit.

03-14-2019, 01:19 PM

03-14-2019, 04:11 PM
I figured that was Kate Bishop, not his daughter

03-14-2019, 04:32 PM
I figured that was Kate Bishop, not his daughter

It could be but if you look in the background of the scene, you can see what looks like a picnic table and 3 other persons. I figured they were his two sons and his wife.

Yes, that's how obsessively I'm watching that trailer.

03-15-2019, 01:18 PM

James Gunn officially rehired as director for GotG 3. (https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/15/17636606/james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-rehired-disney)

03-15-2019, 01:31 PM

James Gunn officially rehired as director for GotG 3. (https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/15/17636606/james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-rehired-disney)

This news makes me SO happy. I'm glad they came to their senses and did the right thing. He never deserved to be fired.

03-15-2019, 01:53 PM

Shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

03-15-2019, 02:28 PM
The only bad news here is that we’ll likely have to wait until May or July of 2023 since he’s doing The Suicide Squad first, which comes out in 2021.

03-15-2019, 02:32 PM

I am so incredibly happy. I'm happy for all of us fans but I am really happy for Gunn too. GOTG is what it is because of him.

And I can't wait to see what he'll do with Suicide Squad!

03-15-2019, 04:11 PM
And so we've come full circle. Gunn has come out of this in a better position too, it was honestly the only sensible decision!

Given how fucked today's been this news had made me much happier, not happy enough to leave my studio this weekend, but happy enough.

03-15-2019, 04:29 PM

james gunn officially rehired as director for gotg 3. (https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/15/17636606/james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-rehired-disney)

fuck yes!!!!!!!!

03-16-2019, 05:46 AM
So what was the point of all this?

Frozen Beach
03-16-2019, 05:51 AM
I wonder if Disney had kept James Gunn fired, someone would of inevitably brought up the fact that Danny Elfman wrote the satirical song Little Girls when he was in Ooingo Boingo, leading to them refusing to work with him again?


03-16-2019, 11:10 AM
So what was the point of all this?

There was no point, it was just the fallout of this whole 'dig ten year old tweets up and get em fired' thing that exists today, and Gunn being rehired is a victory against it.

03-16-2019, 04:41 PM
I haven't read a lot online, I don't know if this is a theory yet but i'm gonna give my prediction for 'Endgame'. They are going to use it as an introduction for some Sony characters to make an appearance. Deadpool, X-Men, Rogue Gallery type characters that are going to help with the whole Thanos situation. One more quick glimpse of Wolvie before getting dusted. Maybe a bit of Daredevil and the Netflix crew. Since we've only seen clips from the first 20 minutes that is what I'm guessing/hoping.

03-16-2019, 04:49 PM
It's a theory, sure, but the sale isn't 100% final until the 20th and until that date they can't use any characters they don't already own. Probably won't know about their movies until Comicon this year, but man that's going to be a fun show isn't it?

03-17-2019, 12:06 AM
Alright, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to try to catch up with you guys on all this shit.
I wish I hadn't spent a fucking hour hours trying to find the post where someone here told me which ones were necessary to watch, before it occurred to me that actual millions of people have likely asked that question, and the answer is plastered all over the fucking internet (though it does range from "all of them" to "none of them,"depending on where you look.)
It occurred to me that I'd already seen Cap 1, GOtG 1 and 2, The Avengers, Dr Strange, Black Panther, and Civil War, but I didn't pay attention to, or catch, any overarching narrative.

So, I'm going to try to determine which ones I need to see, and watch them in some sort of order, because I'm tired of not knowing what in the fuck everyone is talking about.

03-17-2019, 12:13 AM
Alright, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to try to catch up with you guys on all this shit.
I wish I hadn't spent a fucking hour hours trying to find the post where someone here told me which ones were necessary to watch, before it occurred to me that actual millions of people have likely asked that question, and the answer is plastered all over the fucking internet (though it does range from "all of them" to "none of them,"depending on where you look.)
It occurred to me that I'd already seen Cap 1, GOtG 1 and 2, The Avengers, Dr Strange, Black Panther, and Civil War, but I didn't pay attention to, or catch, any overarching narrative.

So, I'm going to try to determine which ones I need to see, and watch them in some sort of order, because I'm tired of not knowing what in the fuck everyone is talking about.

just watch them in the order they were released. they're all fun, even the ones that aren't great. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

03-17-2019, 12:33 AM
So, I'm going to try to determine which ones I need to see, and watch them in some sort of order, because I'm tired of not knowing what in the fuck everyone is talking about.

I've been using this list (https://www.cnet.com/how-to/marvel-cinematic-universe-timeline-order-avengers-4/) for my monthly Marvel movie-ing thing I do with some friends. We're not doing the TV stuff, just the movies. This month is Thor: Ragnarok.

My friends are liking it because they've missed some movies and definitely missed stuff while watching in the theatre.

03-17-2019, 12:34 AM
just watch them in the order they were released. they're all fun, even the ones that aren't great. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I like them all. Even all of the TV/Netflix.

03-17-2019, 01:43 AM
just watch them in the order they were released. they're all fun, even the ones that aren't great. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯I appreciate you and @MrLobster (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5512) 's enthusiasm, but, I'm not 100% sure I wanna watch, what is it, 24 movies?
This isn't really what I would normally consider our bag, the wife and i, but we did LOVE the GOTG movies, and also thought Civil War was just fucking exquisite.
Actually, let me rephrase that- it's not necessarily that I don't WANNA watch all 24 or whatever; rather, I'm afraid I won't finish them. I'm afraid we might tap out.
So, I think we might try to cut it down to, idk, 10 or 12, including rewatches of the ones we HAVE seen.
That would just be for THIS attempt at getting a handle on the story: I'm not saying we won't watch them all at some point.
See, that's what we do, mostly, is binge watch shit on tv.

bobbie solo
03-17-2019, 01:46 AM
I haven't read a lot online, I don't know if this is a theory yet but i'm gonna give my prediction for 'Endgame'. They are going to use it as an introduction for some Sony characters to make an appearance. Deadpool, X-Men, Rogue Gallery type characters that are going to help with the whole Thanos situation. One more quick glimpse of Wolvie before getting dusted. Maybe a bit of Daredevil and the Netflix crew. Since we've only seen clips from the first 20 minutes that is what I'm guessing/hoping.

absolutely no chance of this happening in any way with the X-Men characters. They could potentially use a Spiderman character if they wanted & Sony allowed, but there would be no point in a universe spanning epic like Avengers.

03-17-2019, 01:47 AM
I've also a question: did you guys all grow up reading marvel comics? Am I like, the only person who didn't?
Or, did a lot of people just start out with the movies?

03-17-2019, 02:25 AM
I've also a question: did you guys all grow up reading marvel comics? Am I like, the only person who didn't?

I started back in grade 8 with the comics... that was also, like, 1990/1991. Part of it had to do with talented artist from my neck of the woods, Todd MacFarlane and in part because a comic book shop literally opened up down the block from me, next to a 7-Eleven and on the way to and from school but I probably really got started with the first series of Marvel Universe Cards (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Universe_Cards#Series_I_-_1990). I collected the issues for a couple of years but long story short, life sucked and all my comics were gone, except for The Crow trade. I watched The Crow and Spawn (but oddly not Tank Girl, nor the HBO animated Spawn). And was pretty happy when Fox started with the X-Men movies (but not the Fantastic Four messes... I wanted to like them but no they did not connect with me). Even enjoyed the Ang Lee Hulk movie.

It took me a while to get into the MCU though, and even then, I didn't watch them in order of release. Captain America was the last of the first set for me to watch, watched it just before The Avengers... from then on though, I've been a steadfast fan of the whole thing. I don't get out to the theatre to see them (my disability does not like BIG SCREENS AND BIG SOUND), only once they are available to rent on iTunes or own on Blu-ray (renting first to see how much I want to prioritize purchasing... but we have them all), so I tend to avoid the hype and just watch the last trailer for a the latest movie so I know what the fandom is talking about.

Honestly, just take your time and enjoy all of the movies in order. No need to rush/binge them. One or two a day (week) is more than enough... Just enjoy them for what they are, a very long inter-connected story... even if it doesn't seem like it on the surface. You may have read plenty of theories in these pages about any number of the fine details... but ignore them (unless you like that sort of thing, then enjoy to your hearts content).

And just this month, I started to try and collect all of the Todd MacFarlane Marvel and early Spawn issues... I think I'm trying to resolve a trama loop, but hey, how much can the introduction of Venom Amazing Spider-Man issue go for nowadays anyway? (the answer was surprising to me ... but I'm gonna do it, I don't need a mint of VG copy, just one I can read and isn't stained or torn).

Then it comes to the TV series, Agent Carter is still my favourite but it only really makes sense if you watch Captain America and then the series and then to wrap it up, the Marvel One Shot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_One-Shots) that features her. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. does take some time to grow, and personally, S2 is where it really starts to take off... just waiting on S6 now (Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Runaways, The Gifted, Legion and Cloak & Dagger) don't really tie-in to the MCU, but the Netflix shows reference aspects of it. Runaways and The Gifted are teen-angsty. Legion is headfuck in a good way. I really liked S1 of Cloak & Dagger and hoping S2 does well also (kinda angsty but... better).

The scenes at the end of the credits are other staying for... even Spider-man Homecoming. :)

Fun fact; I was introduced to smoking the same year... but I make the decision that I couldn't afford smokes and comics, so, comics won by a large margin. Glad they did.

Second fun fact; my wife is a much bigger Marvel fan than I am, and so I bought her the first three series of those Marvel Universe cards with the holograms and one of Stan Lee signed by him... and also bought her a framed poster-sized version of the cover of X-Men #100 (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/X-Men_Vol_1_100) as a new apartment warming gift... she watches some of the movies in the theatre without me, and that's fine. :)

I'm no where nera as fluent in the world of DC. The Keaton Batman movies are fine, I did watch the Kilmer and Clooney ones as well... but didn't connect with them as much. The Routh Superman I enjoyed and same with the Galdot Wonder Woman... but I haven't watched any of the others, they never looked interesting (even Harley in Suicide Squad... maybe when the rest of the Robbie movies are out, I'll do it...). Of course there was the 1990s Lois and Clark series, but that I watched so I could talk to others at school not because it connected with me. Did enjoy the 90s animated Batman movie and then series. Never really got into the Batman and Robin one or Batman 2000..

03-17-2019, 01:42 PM
I've also a question: did you guys all grow up reading marvel comics? Am I like, the only person who didn't?
Or, did a lot of people just start out with the movies?

We were just too far away from any kind of shop that sold comics (or even a library) so it wasn't until I was 'grown up' that I even entertained the idea of reading them other than a book here and there. So I've got a ton of books that I'm catching up on, when I can. Thank goodness for people scanning the books in!

03-17-2019, 06:20 PM
I've also a question: did you guys all grow up reading marvel comics? Am I like, the only person who didn't?
Or, did a lot of people just start out with the movies?

i grew up reading novels so it was basically impossible for me to read comics because i would read all the text and forget to look at the pictures. it's only in the last couple months (literally) that i've been able to start reading graphic novels (and i'm making my way through Sandman). my interest in the marvel films is purely because i like the movies.

03-17-2019, 10:49 PM
i grew up reading novels so it was basically impossible for me to read comics because i would read all the text and forget to look at the pictures. it's only in the last couple months (literally) that i've been able to start reading graphic novels (and i'm making my way through Sandman)
Well hot damn, me too, but I'm reading the walking dead

03-18-2019, 03:17 AM
I was less the comics as a kid (comic shops were a rare thing in south east London back then) and more the cartoons until i started working (straight outta school at 17) in London and found all the comic shops...i did some catching up in the early 00's. Truth be told i was more aware of anime/manga then western comics as a kid.

03-18-2019, 07:13 AM
I had the same experience as eversonpoe . I've been an insanely voracious reader since I was REALLY young, and tried to make a point of reading one book per week for most of my life. I read Skeleton Crew by Stephen King when I was five, no shit.
So, when I asked my mom for comic books at age 6 or 7 , she was like "you won't like it." But I insisted. These were Archie Comics, the "double digest," which was actually several issues. And I read them in like 20 minutes, and was like, "well, DaMN. It's already over?"
In the past couple of months, though, I've discovered the joys of reading like 20 or 30 issues of TWD in one sitting. ALSO, like everson, I now know to actually stop and smell the pictures, er, look at the roses. You guys know what I mean

03-19-2019, 01:01 PM
So... Abed and Abed's hot coat check closet romantic interest gal are both in the MCU?

I'm cool with that.

bobbie solo
03-19-2019, 03:33 PM
Been reading comics since I was 12. Spawn changed my life. It's all my friend Hassann's fault for putting that first comic in my hand. Before that I was only lightly into the Archie Digest my mom would pick up for me at the supermarket. Todd's artwork in Spawn blew my mind though, and down teh rabbit hole I went.

Current pull list:

Detective Comics
Doomsday Clock
Uncanny X-Men
Dr. Strange
Everything non DC/Marvel that Jeff Lemire puts out...Black Hammer, Black Hammer '45, Ascender atm
East of West
Walking Dead
Cemetery Beach
Umbrella Academy
Southern Bastards
Sex Criminals
Seven to Eternity

03-19-2019, 04:00 PM
Regarding comic book talk - we already have a thread that doesn't get nearly enough attention than it should, so please continue the discussion over there - https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/529-Comics!!!


03-25-2019, 03:50 PM
So, uh, sure seems like Avengers: Endgame is gonna be 3 hours long. (https://io9.gizmodo.com/sure-seems-like-avengers-endgame-is-3-hours-long-1833552793)

03-25-2019, 05:08 PM
So, uh, sure seems like Avengers: Endgame is gonna be 3 hours long. (https://io9.gizmodo.com/sure-seems-like-avengers-endgame-is-3-hours-long-1833552793)

Bring it on!

03-25-2019, 05:15 PM

03-26-2019, 01:14 PM
A bunch of character posters just dropped - 32 in total. The biggest surprise? Looks like Marvel is saying that Shuri didn't make it out of Infinity War alive - https://io9.gizmodo.com/everyones-very-sad-or-dead-on-these-new-avengers-end-1833579485

*note* I don't consider advertisements such as trailers, commercials and posters to be spoilers so I'll save some of the potential posts that anger now.

03-26-2019, 01:58 PM
A bunch of character posters just dropped - 32 in total. The biggest surprise? Looks like Marvel is saying that Shuri didn't make it out of Infinity War alive - https://io9.gizmodo.com/everyones-very-sad-or-dead-on-these-new-avengers-end-1833579485

*note* I don't consider advertisements such as trailers, commercials and posters to be spoilers so I'll save some of the potential posts that anger now.

Wait a minute: Gamora was not a victim of the Decimation. Neither was Loki. It's almost a given that Gamora will come back... So, Loki? But both are victims of Thanos still.

Those are gorgeous, by the way.

03-26-2019, 02:27 PM
Wait a minute: Gamora was not a victim of the Decimation. Neither was Loki. It's almost a given that Gamora will come back... So, Loki? But both are victims of Thanos still.

Those are gorgeous, by the way.

I think it's just for everyone who died overall, whether they were dusted or not.

03-26-2019, 02:34 PM
Wait a minute: Gamora was not a victim of the Decimation. Neither was Loki. It's almost a given that Gamora will come back... So, Loki? But both are victims of Thanos still.

Those are gorgeous, by the way.

uh... this might be a big if but....if they are going to use Ant-Man to use time travel/quantum realm, then wouldn't it just mean just going back further to bring Gamora and Loki back?
im asking because i don't remember how it went down in the comics, i mean... not that what happened in the comics matters to how they go about this or any other comic movie in the future.

also isn't it widely known that some characters will not be back? i mean until theres a reboot.. like Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow etc...
just curious as to what is actually known and what isn't.

03-27-2019, 04:02 AM
Fairly Certain Black Widow has her solo movie, so offing her completely, even if it is a prequal, would be pretty silly on Marvels part.

Those posters are just wonderful though. Now in theory time, so we're already taking a pretty big detour from the original comic, to the point where i don't think anyone actually knows what is going to happen in this 3 hours! Adam Warlock was pretty critical in the comic but is nowhere in sight, and i think it's a pretty safe bet they'll be time travel (so the likes of Loki and Gamora could/will be saved depending how far back they go) and that this will rest on some of the bigger characters being sacrificed to achieve this (i remember there being a plot in the 90's spiderman cartoon where Cap and Red Skull where trapped in limbo for decades, so this might happen to Cap/Iron Man? I'm fairly sure Thor's going to survive seeing how well Ragnarok did (and we need our Thor/Captain Marvel movie directed by Taika Waititi, make it happen Disney!) Hulk i dunno, he still has potential (and we need She-hulk DAMNIT!) but marvel might want to cut mr spoiler lol.

03-27-2019, 07:21 AM
A bunch of character posters just dropped - 32 in total. The biggest surprise? Looks like Marvel is saying that Shuri didn't make it out of Infinity War alive - https://io9.gizmodo.com/everyones-very-sad-or-dead-on-these-new-avengers-end-1833579485

*note* I don't consider advertisements such as trailers, commercials and posters to be spoilers so I'll save some of the potential posts that anger now.

I love these posters. And yeah, I had a bad feeling about Shuri.

03-27-2019, 09:16 AM
Fairly Certain Black Widow has her solo movie, so offing her completely, even if it is a prequal, would be pretty silly on Marvels part.

Why would it be silly?

The solo movie for Widow has been confirmed to be a prequel film, so her chances of being offed is high in my opinion. There is so much they can do with the character which is why I ask why it would be silly. The way she dies in Secret Empire is pretty shocking, so I can see them using that in some way for future films. They're talking about Taskmaster being the main villain for the film which I could totally be down with. Also, rumors seem to be true that Scarlett Johansson is getting the 15M mark, just like her male co-stars, so kudos to her.

03-27-2019, 09:21 AM
Why would it be silly?

The solo movie for Widow has been confirmed to be a prequel film, so her chances of being offed is high in my opinion. There is so much they can do with the character which is why I ask why it would be silly. The way she dies in Secret Empire is pretty shocking, so I can see them using that in some way for future films. They're talking about Taskmaster being the main villain for the film which I could totally be down with. Also, rumors seem to be true that Scarlett Johansson is getting the 15M mark, just like her male co-stars, so kudos to her.

Only silly in that if it is successful they won't be able to do more (least not more prequels) or use her again. I'm totally down for Taskmaster though!

03-27-2019, 09:28 AM
Only silly in that if it is successful they won't be able to do more (least not more prequels) or use her again. I'm totally down for Taskmaster though!

I think Black Widow has died three times in the comics so they can bring her back if they want to.

03-27-2019, 09:33 AM
I think Black Widow has died three times in the comics so they can bring her back if they want to.

True, pretty sure everyone has at least one death in the comics, some even several...nobody is ever REALLY dead in comics, unless your Uncle Ben.

03-27-2019, 11:30 AM
True, pretty sure everyone has at least one death in the comics, some even several...nobody is ever REALLY dead in comics, unless your Uncle Ben.


03-27-2019, 01:46 PM
I think it's just for everyone who died overall, whether they were dusted or not.

But What about poor Heimdall? Nobody is going to avenge him? Kidding. You're right. But I guess only Thor is going to avenge Loki; I mean I don't see Barton doing it for him.

uh... this might be a big if but....if they are going to use Ant-Man to use time travel/quantum realm, then wouldn't it just mean just going back further to bring Gamora and Loki back?
im asking because i don't remember how it went down in the comics, i mean... not that what happened in the comics matters to how they go about this or any other comic movie in the future.

also isn't it widely known that some characters will not be back? i mean until theres a reboot.. like Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow etc...

just curious as to what is actually known and what isn't.

I not familiar enough with the comic storyline to answer that but as far as the movie goes, the only thing we are 100% sure is that Tony and Nebula do make it back to Earth. At this point, the rest is conjecture.

But there is a third Guardians movie coming so unless it only star Rabbit -- I mean Rocket, it's pretty safe to assume that the majority of the other Guardians are coming back.

I think.

03-27-2019, 06:52 PM
I wouldn't even call the Tony/Nebula thing 100%. I know this is getting into tin-foil territory but Marvel's been known to intentionally CG their trailers and the bodies under those heads look weird.

03-28-2019, 03:58 AM
Pretty sure the directors confirmed some of the scenes in the trailer won't be in the film and were just for the trailer...so we have NO idea what'll happen!

03-28-2019, 05:59 AM
Angelina Jolie is an Eternal


03-28-2019, 11:34 AM
She makes a perfect fucking Sersi... I can dig it.

03-28-2019, 01:48 PM
Angelina Jolie is an Eternal


The director, Chloé Zhao, is brilliant.

04-01-2019, 11:46 PM
Snagged my End Game tickets. 3 more weeks and change to go.

04-02-2019, 07:23 AM
New Trailer just hit today!


Really really really hyped now. Lots of interesting stuff in this one, with Thanos seemingly hunched over next to his sword in that last bit at 00:53 as the Avengers walk towards him.

04-02-2019, 07:32 AM
Tickets ordered! Got IMAX and my body and eyes are ready.

Also, that Nebula / Rocket hand hold hit me right in the feels.

04-02-2019, 01:32 PM
Cap has his shield back. I have a bad feeling about this.

bobbie solo
04-02-2019, 01:36 PM
Alamo Drafthouse Saturday 4/27. This insures no stupid fucks will ruin our movie going experience for arguably the most anticipated movie ever.

04-04-2019, 02:44 AM
Going to get early (like 7am) tickets for the 25th so that i can enjoy it without any idiots and free up the afternoon to probably watch it again!

EDIT: Ticket is BOOKED! Also picked up my Shazam ticket.

04-04-2019, 08:05 AM
Both Fandango and the actual Portage IMAX websites kept crashing on me and my friend on Tuesday. Then a third friend hopped on and got tickets for Saturday on the first try.

So no Thursday show for me but Saturday will work. I am glad I don’t mind spoilers because it’ll be impossible for me to avoid something being revealed.

04-06-2019, 11:50 AM
Bought my ticket yesterday for Endgame and so excited for this!
i was reading that a ticket for i premiere night went for 15k? yikes! well i guess if one can afford it... :)

04-10-2019, 02:29 AM
Marvel confirm that we should not expect the X-men (and i assume Fantastic Four) in the MCU until at least until the 5th phase


This makes sense considering the success of the MCU comes from having the whole phases planned out in advanced, so the whole 4th phase has been locked down for some time, and just shoehorning in Mutants could potentially messed that up. This also gives us all something to look forward to seeing further down the road. It does look like Deadpool will continue though, as he can literally do whatever he likes with the meta.

04-10-2019, 12:24 PM
Disney+ planning a Renner-led ‘Hawkeye’ series.

04-10-2019, 12:58 PM
Disney+ planning a Renner-led ‘Hawkeye’ series.


<3 <3 <3

04-12-2019, 09:54 PM
Managed to snag a ticket for Friday night...before realizing...that I may be on a road trip to Los Angeles that day. Oops.

So maybe I’ll end up stopping at a theater between here and LA and catching it on the way back!

04-15-2019, 10:38 PM
Mannnnn avoid Twitter. That is all.

bobbie solo
04-15-2019, 10:55 PM
Mannnnn avoid Twitter. That is all.

I'm wary to even respond to this for fear of jinning something up. Let's all just move along quietly until next weekend.

04-15-2019, 11:40 PM
Mannnnn avoid Twitter. That is all.

Thanks for the warning. I have tickets for Friday night, so I was under the assumption that I'd only have to avoid the internet for Thursday and Friday until 8pm. I had a pretty significant moment in The Force Awakens spoiled for me the day before I saw it (and I had Thursday night tickets for that one, so it was well before opening night) and I'd definitely like to avoid that at all costs for this movie. I'll never understand why someone would want to be that big a of dickhead troll and spoil it for everyone.

04-16-2019, 08:20 AM
Needless to say, if someone posts anything related to the leaks ahead of the movie's release date, you're going to be put into timeout.

04-16-2019, 08:54 AM
I think it's safe to assume i'll be internet free (bar this board) for the next week :eek:

04-17-2019, 09:47 PM
Me... leaving my friends after the movie next week.


04-18-2019, 02:22 AM
I've deleted twitter and I'm keeping instagram at arms length until next Friday. I wanted to hit the midnight showing next Wednesday however I don't think I can handle work the next day on 3 hours sleep, regardless of it being The Avengers.

I'm going to have to avoid my Marvel loving co-worker who all day after he's seen the midnight showing, h's threatening to spoil it for me but I don't think he's that much of an asshole.

04-18-2019, 08:38 AM
I've deleted twitter and I'm keeping instagram at arms length until next Friday. I wanted to hit the midnight showing next Wednesday however I don't think I can handle work the next day on 3 hours sleep, regardless of it being The Avengers.

I'm going to have to avoid my Marvel loving co-worker who all day after he's seen the midnight showing, h's threatening to spoil it for me but I don't think he's that much of an asshole.

On twitter, I have muted practically every possible phrase that could be used to spoiler Avengers from IronMan to x-men to thanus.

04-18-2019, 09:44 AM


04-18-2019, 11:44 AM
On twitter, I have muted practically every possible phrase that could be used to spoiler Avengers from IronMan to x-men to thanus.

This makes me laugh because my boss, unironically, constantly refers to Thanos as “Thanus.” From “Avengers: The Infinity Wars.”

04-18-2019, 11:53 AM

Sounds like what his name will be in the inevitable p0rn parody video (which I wouldn't be surprised if it already exists). :p

04-23-2019, 05:22 AM
Luckily for me (not really but in this case yes) my phone bricked on Sunday and the new one isn't here until after i see Endgame, so i'm spoiler free...i also cannot be connected if there's an emergency which is an issue (i still have email...wonder if my sisters have my email...)

Anyway before my last friend in London vanishes to Cananda she's coming with me to Comic-con and wants us to dress up. She already has the Street clothes Captain Marvel outfit down (thanks in part to the NIN shirt going on sale in the NIN store) so i'm either getting a orange onesie and going as Goose or making a bit more effort and doing Bob Ross Deadpool...

04-23-2019, 11:30 AM

04-23-2019, 02:20 PM

This is the greatest thing ever. And the end brought tears to my eyes.

"Bucky, Peggy; I love you." Cap, you're killing me.

Please someone release this so I can give you my money!

04-24-2019, 02:56 AM
Absolutely glowing reviews, the review embargo has been lifted today. It's got me so hyped, not happy at having to wait for after work tomorrow to see it.

04-24-2019, 04:58 AM
This time tomorrow i'll have seen it...EXCITE!

04-24-2019, 05:07 PM
Of course there's lot of things I disliked about a movie this long and this grand in what it has to deliver storywise, but this is pretty much the best conclusion we could get. Really enjoyed it and it stands amongst my most favorite Marvel movies I have seen in theaters. And sooo much better than what Captain Marvel left me with, although I came to really appreciate Brie Larson's performance as the character.

Will have to let it all sink for a while and get back with my feedback. Thor and Cap are already the instant standout characters for me.

It will be VERY interesting where they will go from here and which role Endgame will play in the already anounced movies like Spider-Man and Black Panther but foremost Guardians of the Galaxy.

04-25-2019, 11:36 AM
Well...well...i don't think i've had a film have me smiling and close to tears in it's last hour so much! This was just fucking perfect for me!

I need some time to let everything sink in (and some more viewings) but it's safe to say we're probably not going to get another film like this again. Also Captain Marvels Hair YESYESYEYSYESYEYSYESYEYES!

Mr. Blaileen
04-25-2019, 03:16 PM
Less than four hours to go..can't fucking wait.

04-25-2019, 10:03 PM
What a ride these last 11 years of movies have been. A fitting end.

04-26-2019, 01:25 AM
Decided to deal with the crowds and catch a screening tonight. Glad I did. It was a heartfelt, awesome ride. I don’t want to spoil anything. I will catch it again for sure.

04-26-2019, 03:18 AM
It reduced me to tears by the end - what a masterpiece. I want to see it again but don't know if I can put myself through the ringer like that for a bit again.

I would however love to watch a director's cut of Infinity War & Endgame in one long cut. Fingers crossed one gets released one day.

04-26-2019, 03:33 AM
Apparently I can't do spoiler tags any more? Edited my post out

What a crazy experience. I'm still stunned that they managed to actually pay all of that off. Just... Wow...

Thanos dies in the first 15 minutes, and you know it's going to be a different kind of movie.

The first act just lets you live in the post-infinity war world, which is a really unique approach and puts a nice depth to the stakes.

As soon as those Doctor strange portals started popping up... There was just no emotional control in that theater. What a fucking moment. Tons of moments like that, bit that was the IT moment.

Managed to give Iron Man and Captain America both a proper send off.... Not so much black widow though

04-26-2019, 04:41 AM
So can anyone explain Captain Marvel’s role to me?

04-26-2019, 05:18 AM
So can anyone explain Captain Marvel’s role to me?

While I very much warmed up to her I am a bit dissapointed by the pay off as the end-credits of Infinity War and the whole marketing campaing around Captain Marvel seemed to foreshadow something truly big. In the end she just rescues Tony and destroys Thanos' ship, maybe even paved the way for Tony to catch the stones... Would love to get a proper explanation as well for the HUGE fuzz around her character. I like her but IMHO she adds nothing more to it than maybe Valkyrie who I like as well but is not really necessary to move on with the story.

Mr. Blaileen
04-26-2019, 07:08 AM
Wow. A lot to digest and process, and I'm still working on that. I fucking loved it though, for the most part. Some minor gripes, and a few people I like got the short end of the stick in terms of screen time, but that was bound to happen in a situation like this. Overall.. satisfying, emotional, and funny at the right moments. Really glad the classic Avengers got to shine in this one.

I fucking love the tone of all the Russo brothers movies. They always get the mixture of drama and comedy to be damn near perfect and it was great here too. Glad all the deep moments weren't undercut with stupid fucking jokes.

Longer review coming after I process it some more.


Also, search 'Thanos' on google and click on the little gauntlet in the top right for a fun Easter Egg.

04-26-2019, 10:05 AM
Second Viewing, man there are just SO MANY NODS to the other films, i'll spoiler tag my fav bits...

Killing Thonas in the first 15mins!

The whole Time Heist bit, very fun and led to loads of call back to the previous films, totally not what i expected them to do! Also doesn't retcon ANY of the pervious movies, everything that happened STILL happened

The Ancient One coming back in one of many nods, knowing about Strange YEARS before he even became SS

That last hour...FUCK ME! When Cap says "Avengers Assemble" and the battle kicks off...that was fucking fantasic!

CAPTAIN MARVELS ENTRY INTO THE BATTLE....FUCK YES!!! And her going toe to toe with Thanos!

Scarlet Witch actually getting to fully let loose with her powers following her exchange with Thanos. Thanos "i don't even know you" SW "You Will" FUCK YES!

Peters hug with Tony, that was sweet and really hit me hard the second time knowing what would happen!

In one of many little nods to other films Peters "kill mode" in the battle!

"You Can Rest Now" "I love you 3000" and happys "I'll buy you all the cheeseburgers you want"...they fucking got me the second time! Also Peter getting a sort of Uncle Ben moment with Tony, meaning we'll start getting less Iron Man sidekick Spidey but proper Spidey

Now there were many moments i absolutely love in cinema, Neo becoming the One in the Matrix, The T-rex scene in Jurassic Park, The final fight of Godzilla with the atomic breathe into LUTO's mouth (and the middle fight in SHin Godzilla) but that moment in Endgame, where Cap starts throwing Mjolnir...FUCKING.HELL.THAT.WAS.AWESOME! And then how he used it...fucking bravo, that's going done as an all time movie moment...to be fair most of the last hour was an all time movie moment for me

Safe to say...i LOVED it! I might go and see it again this weekend to take some notes, i noticed a tone of little extras like at the end when Hulk tells everyone Cap will be gone for seconds, Bucky says to Cap "I'll miss you cap" then doesn't react when Falcon and Hulk panic he hasn't returned...Bucky knew Cap wasn't coming back...how? Was he just that good a friend he could tell? Did he tell him before?

Sorry for all the tags, i just needed to get some of this off my chest!

04-26-2019, 11:42 AM
I will say a few of the plot beats were a bit too random/coincidence driven.

Captain marvel finding Tony Stark in space, the rat freeing ant man.

I will also say that the protracted nature of the fight between Hawkeye and black widow completely undermined it's seriousness

Also three of those stones are in space how does Captain America put them back? How do you put back the soul stone? Does he just go and hand it to the red skull of all people?

04-26-2019, 02:32 PM
I've stopped trying figuring out the timey wimey stuff. It hurts my brain.


I'm going to try to survive Endgame until Sunday night, when I fully expect Game of Thrones to send me into complete geek overdrive and then I'll probably die a happy old nerd.

What are you doing here, reading what other people think about this movie? This one cannot be put into words that would do it justice. Go experience it, darn it!

04-26-2019, 05:23 PM
I may actually see this one twice in theaters. Felt like an emotional enema.

04-26-2019, 05:29 PM
I thought it was ok. 7/10. I wasn't too blown away by it actually.

04-27-2019, 03:49 AM
Another couple of things i forgot (there was SOOOO much i loved in this film!) Spoiler tags again sorry...

I was never Hawkeyes biggest fan, Ronin on the other hand...what a BADASS! RIP Hawkeye, long live Ronin!

The random guy at the funeral near the back, first time i was watching i was thinking "who the fuck are you?" Then i google the actor...IT'S THE KID FROM IRON MAN 3! Jeez the attention to detail to the other films was just so good!

Nebula, she never really had much going on in the other films, but really got a chance to shine here. And got the chance to banish the ghost of her past by killing her past self...very much on brand for her character! Really loved her. Also like how everyone got a chance to shine for at least a few minutes (the main heist crew especially) even though this was the big send off to the original Avengers

In some moments i missed the first time Gamora wasn't at the funeral and Quill is seen looking at a missing picture of her on the ship at the end...so where has she run off too? Could be the plot of GotG vol 3

Now what does this mean going forward...i have some theory's, but i'll leave them for now. I reallly, REALLY loved this film, it was everything i was hoping it would be...Detective Pikachu and Godzilla REALLY have to pull it out of the bag now :eek:

04-27-2019, 01:24 PM
Don't you mean AotG? :p

spoilers with no context:



How do you in-line gifv files? what about mp4?

04-27-2019, 02:30 PM
I've seen 20 out of 22 MCU films, 18 out of them on the big screen. Endgame was one of them. Pure perfection.

My only gripe was that I wanted to see all the heroes from the MCU TV shows make an appearance somewhere, even a cameo. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Agents of SHIELD, Runaways... that's it. This is a movie that will stand the test of time and will be studied for decades to come. Right up there with Into the Spider-Verse, it's one of the best superhero films ever made.

04-27-2019, 09:39 PM
I've seen every single MCU film in the theater (though I saw Thor and Ant-Man in the cheap theater for $3 a few months after they'd been released) and I remember how surprised I was by the quality of Iron Man when I first saw it – I had not expected to love it as much as I did! I have been pleasantly surprised by almost every entry (especially Winter Soldier, GotG, Civil War, & Infinity War). I remember feeling like I was 10 years old again while watching Civil War and thinking that was the pinnacle of what the superhero movie could be. Then Infinity War came and blew Civil War out of the water. Still, both movies' level of spectacle pale in comparison the big battle in Endgame. I've said this about Civil War and Infinity War in the past, but that battle in Endgame is TRULY a splash panel spread brought to life, perfectly translated from page to screen. I was in awe. Having said that, I do have some minor gripes with it (though not as many as a couple of my friends who picked it apart afterwards, which bummed me out a bit). Infinity War is still probably my favorite, but overall, it was a masterpiece of the genre and while it hurt to see some of my favorite characters go (especially Iron Man), I love that this movie had lasting consequences that truly gave weight to the action and stakes of the movie, which is one major criticism people had about Infinity War. Seeing Cap's story brought to the conclusion he deserved (and that we all hoped for) nearly made me cry (I don't really cry in public, but if I'd been at home, I might have). In fact, there were several scenes that made my eyes well up (including multiple Tony Stark moments). Kevin Feige wasn't kidding when he said this movie marks a huge change going forward. The next Avengers movie (assuming it will be called that) will be made up of Falcon's Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Professor Hulk (I think?), Winter Soldier, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy (Asguardians of the Galaxy?), War Machine, Scarlet Witch, & Valkyrie. I know that Hawkeye/Ronin is alive and could come back, but I get the feeling that he's done now that he's got his family back. Like Cap, his story seems wrapped up.

04-28-2019, 01:16 AM
I will say a few of the plot beats were a bit too random/coincidence driven.

Captain marvel finding Tony Stark in space, the rat freeing ant man.

I will also say that the protracted nature of the fight between Hawkeye and black widow completely undermined it's seriousness

Also three of those stones are in space how does Captain America put them back? How do you put back the soul stone? Does he just go and hand it to the red skull of all people?

Agreed. I was hoping some of the plot points would not be so predictable, but the positives outweighed the negatives for me here.

From just getting back, emotions were flying all over the place and still are. Everything was wrapped up in good fashion, and having no mid to end credit scenes just goes to show how much of a culmination this really is.

I was really hoping for a few new characters to pop in somewhere that would tease future phases or something, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with Spidey. Also, Rocket and Groot not having a proper reunion made me frown a little. The Thor Lebowski was spectacular!

04-28-2019, 01:40 AM
My distinct impression that anyone who had a lot of big scenes in part 1 didn't get many here and vice versa

04-28-2019, 08:23 AM
You guys, I need a nutrients IV. That hurt so bad but it was beautiful and kinda perfect.

I love you 3000, Tony Stark. Iron Man is my favorite and has been my entire life. I read all the comics when I was younger. When Strange gave him the sign I think I said “Oh fuck” and started to full on shake and weep. But my god, he did it. They’ve been setting that moment up for years and I’m so grateful that Feige, Whedon, The Russo brothers and RDJ guided my favorite character so masterfully.

04-28-2019, 09:35 AM
Agreed. I was hoping some of the plot points would not be so predictable, but the positives outweighed the negatives for me here.

From just getting back, emotions were flying all over the place and still are. Everything was wrapped up in good fashion, and having no mid to end credit scenes just goes to show how much of a culmination this really is.

I was really hoping for a few new characters to pop in somewhere that would tease future phases or something, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with Spidey. Also, Rocket and Groot not having a proper reunion made me frown a little. The Thor Lebowski was spectacular!

After Thor got knocked out and Moljinor was moving I though for a split second that Beta Ray Bill would have shown up, not complaining it would have been awesome but many people would have been like "who the hell is that".
Instead we got one of the most epic fight scenes in the history of the MCU. Here's hoping that BRB shows up in AotG, they did have a nod to him in Ragnarok as a giant bust over the coliseum.

I guess their reasoning not to introduce new characters is that they would have felt out of place, the movies is already dense with characters. Imo it would have detracted from the emotional response they were going for.

Also on a side not, the kid that was grown up at the funereal, and was shown at the end of Iron Man 3 to be smart and technically adept could take over Stark industries and become the next Iron Man, I doubt it but it's a possibility.

04-28-2019, 11:15 AM
After Thor got knocked out and Moljinor was moving I though for a split second that Beta Ray Bill would have shown up, not complaining it would have been awesome but many people would have been like "who the hell is that".
Instead we got one of the most epic fight scenes in the history of the MCU. Here's hoping that BRB shows up in AotG, they did have a nod to him in Ragnarok as a giant bust over the coliseum.

I guess their reasoning not to introduce new characters is that they would have felt out of place, the movies is already dense with characters. Imo it would have detracted from the emotional response they were going for.

Also on a side not, the kid that was grown up at the funereal, and was shown at the end of Iron Man 3 to be smart and technically adept could take over Stark industries and become the next Iron Man, I doubt it but it's a possibility.

Yeaa, I hear you on that one lol. A BRB appearance would have been epic, or even a quick cameo from some other cosmic heroes; I really was expecting a reveal or some sort when they didn't know who the ship was shooting at. I really did like how they displayed how powerful Captain Marvel really is here, with Thanos' headbutt I think? Doing absolutely nothing.

I did love the line Wong had when he said along the lines of if he brought enough heroes. I can see the kid becoming Iron Man, but it would be much more fitting if his daughter wore the suit instead.

04-28-2019, 02:28 PM

04-28-2019, 07:40 PM
In regards to Carol just showing up and rescuing Tony and Nebula: It would have been nice to have the scene that was in-between the one in Captain Marvel and this movie because I feel like one that said "hey, Tony's out there somewhere around this planet can you go look for him?" would have been welcome and less confusing. Especially since she was very clearly there (noticed this on my second viewing) on purpose, not as a "well let's go see who's over in this ship since I'm in the area!" One of the few bits of "they can fill this piece in themselves, we're already over three hours"

Saw it a second time today with a full crowd and it was so much better than on Friday with the nerds who don't react to anything. :p There was full-on weeping coming from behind from multiple people when Tony died. (and, to be honest, from me as well)

One thing about what the Ancient One said about removing Infinity Stones and how it was a Bad Thing: uh, at the beginning of the movie Thanos did just that so...what?

There was so much in this film and the films that led up to it that I almost feel like they should do a new Phase 1 for whatever the next big story is. Don't call it Phase 4, you know?



I like the idea of Falcon becoming Cap, but there's just not going to be a solo Cap movie with him in it. And I get that there's a Falcon/WS tv show coming but I don't get how that's a thing but he's also Cap.

04-28-2019, 09:15 PM
Infinity war feels a lot better, the 1st act in Endgame is amazing but the second one it has no sense at all and the final act it is good, but the second act killed the movie for me.
I enjoy the movie but it has a lot of stupid things.

bobbie solo
04-29-2019, 03:00 AM

- They almost leaned into the fat Thor bit for too long. I would have preferred they got out of that goofiness a little earlier, but it still worked. Really funny. Hemsworth's comedic chops grow with every movie.

- really liked the scenes with him & Renee Russo, who it is easy to forget is even in this!

- In terms of other great acting bits, I loved Tony & Cap's argument right before Tony passes out back on Earth. RDJ was fantastic there. Also thought Paul Rudd's silent acting when he first sees his now five years older daughter was excellent. You could see his mixed feelings about the situation (yay she's alive and i'm seeing her...boo I'm realizing I missed the last 5 years of my daughter growing up) on his face. Thought that was subtle but really well done. I also cannot believe/hate that Rudd is 50 years old.

- Didn't feel like 3 hours at all. Just flew by. I think the movie being roughly broken up into 3 distinct acts helped there.

- We couldn't at least have Agent Coulson at the funeral? I understand not including the other TV characters in this, but Coulson has been integral and shit he was just in Captain Marvel.

- Disagree about Danvers use in this. Yes she was purposeuflly kept off screen for a long time through a convenient plot device. But that was fine for me b/c this movie was about the core, older Avengers. I actually like that they swerved us into thinking she would be more essential to taking Thanos down, but she still showed her mettle by almost beating him if not for Thanos' dirty pool, plius the destruction of the ship. Keep in mind that if she doesn't destroy the ship, the movie had just set up that the heavy fire coming down from the ship a few seconds prior was about to make the good guys lose.

- as others said, this was the best example yet of a big comic book fight coming to life. A splash page on the big screen. The sheer joy when the Dr. Strange portals open up and when Cap grabs Mjolnir....wow. I was just so giddy as was everyone else in the Alamo Drafthouse with me. The rule about keeping quiet during the movie was broken briefly in both instances and a few others too haha.

- I cried several times (both joy and sadness). Really surprised by how serious a tone the movie takes when dealing with death and grief. The Russo brothers really leaned into that. That first act is so down in the dumps with all that, but it's perfect b/c it hammers home the severity of the situation. As such, everything we get later feels that much more earned. Parents should def. be aware of the tone before taking their kids, and be prepared to discuss this stuff with their kids too. Maybe don't let your kid see it yet depending on age. YMMV etc. Lots of minor cursing in this one too!

- nice cameos by the Russo Bros. during the support group scene with Cap. The one Russo brother talking about going on a date with another dude was a cool touch.

- Fun easter egg (look towards the bottom right of this image:



- anyone care to speculate on what the banging on the metal we hear during the end credits might mean? Are they just shouting out the humble beginnings of the franchise from Iron Man 1? Or are we to believe this is the start of a new Iron Man perhaps?

11/10 would avenge again.

04-29-2019, 05:27 AM
I have been mulling this all weekend and i have some good idea's where the movies might go going forwards. Spoilers abound people...

So i think the new team will consist of 2 teams, an earth force and a space force if you like, with some cross over.
Earth force will be Dr Strange, Spidey, War Machine, Ant-man, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther and Falcon (new cap) + Bucky with support from Professor Hulk, Valkyrie + Nick Fury and extra help if needed from Coral Captain Marvel (mainly as i expect she'll be gallivanting around the galaxy helping those who, in her own words "don't have you guys". I also think Hawkeye will retire full time now, and Hulk won't be in the main fights as, he isn't as strong as rage Hulk and is effectively missing an arm (though they could find a way to fix that if they wanted) And i don't think we'll get another Iron Man, at least not for a good while. The obvious choice would be his daughter, but she is a good decade and a half from being able to do that, and the kid from IM3 might be another choice...but i dunno, seem's a bit out there. Shiri 'could' take the mental, she is smart enough to build the suits herself, but can't see her leaving wakanda and her family to do so and would probably rather be her own hero. That and Tony's last words were "I AM IRON MAN" makes it feel like they have no intention of letting anyone else BE iron man.

The Space force will be the AotG with support from Captain Marvel (basically her being able to fly through space makes her the perfect lynch pin for both teams)

Now who the new 'leader' for each team will be...i'm not sure. Coral would be the obvious choice, but unlike cap (who was always on hand when Tony wasn't) she will largely be out on the front lines of space, so i expect maybe someone else will be the earth leader (i'd say Strange but he might have his hands full protecting the earth from threats outside of earth/space, but i do expect he'll have just as big a role as Coral going forward) Thor also said the Valkyrie "i'm not a leader" when he left, so despite him being one of the only original avengers left i can't see him being either teams leader.

I say Coral will be out in space mainly as that's where they've hinted we're going now, more cosmic, and even she'll have her hands full when we start seeing eternal's showing up. Also i expect something to have happened out there now the Infinity Stones are gone (the ancient one alluded to this) though my knowledge on the cosmic bad guys isn't exactly great, so just who or what we might see i'm not sure...though we do now have access to a very powerful foe in galatus, which brings me too...

New hero's. We're already getting the eternals with a bunch of sequels for the next phase, but i at least expect a couple more to be brought in. Maybe Nova will finally get a look in, and we already know Mrs Marvel is alive somewhere (though maybe not Mrs Marvel yet) and She-Hulk is coming to Disney + (also now that Disney have there TV hero's in house the chance of them appearing on the big screen is much higher!) we also much further down the road have the Fantastic Four and X-men (i think the fantastic Four would be a much easier fit short term, while the x-men will be a longer, and potentially bigger thing story wise, addition later in phase 5. Maybe, seeing as most of us know who the x-men are, rather than have a few films re-introduce the same characters they'll jump straight into...Avengers vs X-men? That could be AMAZING!
And Deadpool will likely just drop right in and not bat an eye, would be fun to see him with other Avengers like spidey.

I think its safe to say i'm excited to see where this goes Post Endgame.