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02-09-2016, 07:16 PM
Word is a Deadpool sequel has already been greenlit. Damn, can't wait for Friday night.

02-09-2016, 11:57 PM
I wouldn't be surprised. It's not even out yet and it already seems to be friggin huge. It's been a while since I've seen this much hype for a movie.

02-10-2016, 08:29 PM

02-10-2016, 09:14 PM
Next week's Agent Carter looks so good!

02-10-2016, 09:26 PM
Next week's Agent Carter looks so good!

Peggy, Dottie, and Whitney.... oh my!!!!! That is a 3-way dance I would want to see. 3 gorgeous ladies going womano a womano a womano....

02-11-2016, 09:43 PM
Deadpool was a blast! Violent and hilarious. Just what I needed!

02-12-2016, 12:07 AM
Deadpool was absolutely amazing. Fox did an extremely great job on handling Deadpool. It was hilarious, violent, perverted and everything else a Deadpool movie should be. From breaking the 4th wall multiple times, to making pop culture references, to even jabbing at DC and even taking jabs at himself (as in Ryan Reynolds), it was just amazing. I haven't had that much fun with a comic book movie since the Guardians Of The Galaxy.

02-12-2016, 02:56 AM
Deadpool was absolutely amazing. Fox did an extremely great job on handling Deadpool. It was hilarious, violent, perverted and everything else a Deadpool movie should be. From breaking the 4th wall multiple times, to making pop culture references, to even jabbing at DC and even taking jabs at himself (as in Ryan Reynolds), it was just amazing. I haven't had that much fun with a comic book movie since the Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Deadpool blew Guardians out of the water. This movie was everything I could have hoped for and even more! The jokes were perfect, there were very few times that nobody in my theater was laughing, the backstory was just enough and wasn't a drawn-out half-hour like every other superhero movie, the violence was awesome, but not over-the-top, the side-characters were actually good characters in their own right, the fourth-wall-breaking was hilarious and not over-done, the villains were *perfectly* mediocre so that they were a good threat but no big-name bad-guys that needed their own origin so we got a superhero movie that was actually all about the hero for once... The only thing I didn't like about it is that it's so funny I missed a bunch of jokes because I was laughing so hard, but I knew from the start that I'd be seeing it more than once so that's fine.

02-12-2016, 08:19 AM
Next week's Agent Carter looks so good!

i hate that when you watch shows on a streaming platform, they don't include a preview of the next episode anywhere.

anyway, this week's episode was great. i love rose so much. i had cordelia flashbacks when peggy fell onto that rebar.

02-12-2016, 09:19 AM
Rose is awesome!

I almost started crying during that scene with Peggy.

02-12-2016, 02:24 PM
Rose rules. Please, make her a regular. I loved that scene where she, Peggy, Sousa, Jarvis, and that scientist all walk in slow motion as I thought it was a nice-homage of sorts to Reservoir Dogs.

02-13-2016, 08:42 AM
Deadpool was everything I'd hoped for. The end.

02-13-2016, 09:55 PM
Saw Deadpool again tonight with my girlfriend.

That Ronnie Milsap line still kills me!

02-14-2016, 02:31 PM
Deadpool kills all the box office records (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=4157)

I am so insanely happy about this. I'm happy as a fan but I'm mostly happy for Ryan Reynolds. He had faith in this movie when no one else had. He showed respect for the source material and for the fans. And it worked.

Are you listening, movie studios?

02-15-2016, 01:41 AM
haha man, what a great movie. this was an absolute joy-ride with way too many references not to get a kick out of it. some jokes might have been a bit tiresome but overall this was a fucking nice introduction to the character. Colossus and Angel Dust were quite bad though but I was glad that the movie really centered around Deadpool. It could get a bit darker for the sequel I hope but other than that I had lots of fun. It may not be a true movie on its own but a nice culture statement within its very universe. Hope the sequel is coming soon. The scene on the highway was probably one of the best I have seen in a comic book movie in ages.

02-15-2016, 08:14 AM

02-15-2016, 08:41 AM
Doesn't Bernthal come off as a bit too thuggish for Frank Castle?

Trying to suspend my disbelief, i really hope i come around after I've seen season 2.

Frank to Matt "you know you're one bad day away from being me" and i just feel like Frank is one "y'all" away from being Shane from The Walking Dead. -_-

02-15-2016, 10:19 AM
I got to admit it's a good line. Plus, how can you play Frank Castle and not seem even a little thuggish?

02-15-2016, 01:41 PM
I got to admit it's a good line. Plus, how can you play Frank Castle and not seem even a little thuggish?

Seriously. What am I missing here? Ever read the War Zone series? Thuggish is one way to say it lol.

02-15-2016, 02:01 PM
What i mean by thug = in terms of fitted baseball cap wearing, hold my gun sideways and pop a cap in your ass kind of attitude as opposed to a dead inside straight forward and brutal stone cold executioner, that's just the vibe i get from Bernthal whether or not he actually acts that way for the character it's just how he comes across to me, it's almost as if just out of frame he has a backpack full of spray paint cans from a late night tagging spree.

I can't seem to separate him from Shane i think it's one of my biggest problems.


I look at this guy and he doesn't look ready to drop a freestyle or something, he's just a total wrecking ball of no fucks given.

Bernthal on the other hand......

02-15-2016, 04:07 PM
I'm not getting that vibe at all. But I've also not seen one episode of TWD. I just remember him from Wolf of Wall Street and more recently in Sicario.

02-15-2016, 05:27 PM
Deadpool was awesome, but the Dad sitting a few rows in front of us who brought his 7- and 9-year-old kids is going to have some explaining to do...

cashpiles (closed)
02-15-2016, 11:37 PM
Deadpool was awesome, but the Dad sitting a few rows in front of us who brought his 7- and 9-year-old kids is going to have some explaining to do...

not only the father...but the movie theatre.. wait a go enforcing the Rated R.

I watched it today. It's full of heart, passion, humour and fun. It's definitely in the top 40 percent of superhero films. It's just an enjoyable film with some really stand out moments of gruesome ridiculous humour (don't want to give away any of it).

The main bad guy was nothing to really remember. Just a generic bad guy. Although he does have some sadistic moments that are cool. I just wish he had more character. I'm not even sure if he is a part of the original Deadpool comic book world. I have to check Wikipedia on that.

It's a small film and seemingly grassroots. They did super well with what they had.

I give it a 7/10. That means I definitely enjoyed it. Saying that, I'm still thinking about parts of the film that were just really stand out funny and cool. FUN movie.

02-15-2016, 11:48 PM
not only the father...but the movie theatre.. wait a go enforcing the Rated R.

R Means RestrictedAccording to the MPAA, an R rating signals that the movie contains several adult situations, such as violence, drug use, sexuality, and profanity. The restricted rating means that no one under the age of 17 will be admitted into an R-rated movie without a parent or guardian who is over the age of 21.


02-16-2016, 03:30 PM
I saw it Sunday night and thank fuck I was high before going in. There were way too many forced jokes like the "less angry Rosie O'Donnell". Sounded like something some dipshit youtuber would say. The jokes that did work were funny. It's like someone wrote a decent and funny script and then some asshole came along and was all "WE NEED MORE JOKEZ!!! LOLZ!!!!!" and filled it up as much as they could with a bunch of cringe-worthy parody film level of bad jokes. The antagonist was way on the generic side. Also, mocking cliches while having them were also another turn off. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it way more than what Marvel has been putting out since the first Iron Man. This, Iron Man 1, and Guardians of the Galaxy are my favorite of these Marvel movies. I just feel like this could have been better and was successful mostly only because of the hype. I know a lot of people who have never even heard of Deadpool and are all of a sudden "hardcore fans."

02-16-2016, 09:56 PM
Oh my god, I've never laughed so much over a movie!

02-16-2016, 11:05 PM
Oh my god, I've never laughed so much over a movie!
i'm debating seeing this even though i swore off marvel, cuz it is deadpool.

humm... did you think trainwreck was really funny?

02-16-2016, 11:09 PM
Haven't seen it and I don't really care for Amy Schumer.

02-16-2016, 11:11 PM
Deadpool was great. It may of not had the best villain, but it was not needed. The main objective was to introduce Deadpool. A character that cracks off the wall jokes, kills bad guys and is aware that he being viewed by an audience. Marvel even managed to cast Ryan in a role that works for him. I couldn't imagine it being much better, and I was doubting that it would be that good to begin with.

02-16-2016, 11:17 PM
for a movie that covered so much ground and had to tie up a lotta lose ends in the deadpool cinema world, that movie was impressive. it kept it's hyper pace and pulled off an almost 2 hour movie without it feeling that long at all.

deadpool 2 will be great.

02-17-2016, 01:20 AM
@cashpiles (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=750) That is pretty much exactly what I was coming in here to write. Agree with just about everything you wrote. A 7 to 7.5 for me.

Saw the movie on Saturday. A very fun film that pleasantly surprised me as I was fearing certain things like the humor just being juvenile and really dumb but honestly it was fine. I am happy for Deadpool supporters/fanatics who finally got the movie they wanted and am glad it has done extremely well but man is this film getting overrated like there is no tomorrow...mostly by fans (that is my opinion of course). Like I said I enjoyed the movie and it was really fun and I think the most important thing is that is laid a foundation for the character and future releases. Fun movie worth watching and a good start to a year that should have some quality comic book based films.

EDIT: Actually would really love to see all the cut footage from this movie supposedly there is a lot so hopefully that'll be released in the Blu Ray

02-17-2016, 04:56 AM
A very fun film that pleasantly surprised me as I was fearing certain things like the humor just being juvenile and really dumb but honestly it was fine. I am happy for Deadpool supporters/fanatics who finally got the movie they wanted and am glad it has done extremely well but man is this film getting overrated like there is no tomorrow...mostly by fans (that is my opinion of course).

100% agree. I had a few friends tell me how amazing they thought the film was, but to me it really couldn't live up to that. It's an entertaining film, it has some nice gags, but it's not nearly as good or funny as I thought it would be. I think it's really cool that there's an R rated Marvel film out there and I love the whole "we don't give a shit" attitude, but I dunno – to me it's really not that mindblowingly awesome. I'd give it a solid 6.5/10.

Still, I'm really happy to see the film being such a huge success.

02-17-2016, 08:23 AM
Kurt Russell is confirmed for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Pom Klementieff will play new member of the team, Mantis. Elizabeth Debicki and Chris Sullivan join the cast and Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn, and Glenn Close are all returning.

From James Gunn's Facebook page, also includes a new image from the set:


02-17-2016, 02:11 PM
MINI-GROOT!!!!!!! YAY!!!

BTW, did anyone see last night's 2-hour episode of Agent Carter? Please, please, please.... have Dottie as regular. I just love Bridget Regan's performance as she was just a total delight. I love the Dottie character. She's a bad girl I wanna be with. She is the Loki to Peggy's Thor. Bad guys who are just fucking cool.

02-17-2016, 02:22 PM
Kurt Russell is confirmed for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Pom Klementieff will play new member of the team, Mantis. Elizabeth Debicki and Chris Sullivan join the cast and Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Sean Gunn, and Glenn Close are all returning.

From James Gunn's Facebook page, also includes a new image from the set:


so...we're pretty sure kurt is gonna be starlord's dad, right?

02-17-2016, 02:44 PM
I'm still sad Bowie will never do the cameo... :(

02-17-2016, 04:25 PM
MINI-GROOT!!!!!!! YAY!!!

Toddler Groot? Any Groot is awesome.

BTW, did anyone see last night's 2-hour episode of Agent Carter? Please, please, please.... have Dottie as regular. I just love Bridget Regan's performance as she was just a total delight. I love the Dottie character. She's a bad girl I wanna be with. She is the Loki to Peggy's Thor. Bad guys who are just fucking cool.

I did and I have a huge girl crush on Dottie. And it's funny you should mention Loki because I was thinking "Loki would love her. They should be BFFs". And I'm so heartbroken about poor Jeeves. I think he's about to kick some serious ass over what happened.

But yes: more Dottie!

I also kind of wish we could see her fight Romanoff. Black Widow vs Black Widow. They are so different but yet so deadly in their own way.

02-17-2016, 06:02 PM
If Reddit was a movie.

02-17-2016, 07:54 PM
I also kind of wish we could see her fight Romanoff. Black Widow vs Black Widow. They are so different but yet so deadly in their own way.

Black Widow vs. Black Widow....?


02-17-2016, 09:58 PM
"Like Mother's milk."

02-18-2016, 10:38 AM
I finally saw Deadpool! Really liked it. I was anxious about the movie ahead of time (and it's been so long that I've waited on it being made that I had full-on quit caring a while ago since it seemed like one those "Well, that would've been cool, but too bad" projects), and was worried it'd be 14 year old wish-fulfillment type stuff but it was actually a really great representation of the character and didn't just seem a slave to any one writer's run on the title.

I didn't think it was the best thing or anything, and I definitely think it was God's gift to comic book movies, but I had a good time. It was funny as hell, and the Zamboni scene had me in stitches along with that "Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret" joke. Ajax was a weak, "we need a bad guy in the first movie" villain and I'm really, really tired of watching origin stories, but I also understand that Deadpool is the type of character who does warrant getting his origin told on film since most audiences don't know it (and the closest thing they might remember was total bullshit in that Wolverine movie). I left it very excited for the sequel, way more confident in it than I was when I entered it. The fan reaction had me interested, but then again, I saw a lot of people like Avengers 2, and that felt like a colossal waste of time to me and is happily at the bottom of my MCU movies aside from, maybe, Iron Man 2 or something.

Great casting all around. Reynolds is Deadpool. Whoever was Colossus was great. TJ Miller continues to be great and I felt like there wasn't enough Weasel. The lady for Blind Al is perfect. I'm sad we'll never see proper Hydra Bob but regardless, I look forward to his future appearances.

It gets a lot of forgiveness points from me just because, they actually managed to do it. I really figured I'd never see this get made, and that if I ever did it would be far from how it should, and this as about as good as anyone could have done, especially on their budget.

Also it was fucking great to see some X-Men characters who looked like actual X-Men characters.

Real 3.5/5 for me. Had a good time, really excited for what they do with Cable. I'd love a full-on Cable & Deadpool movie (that run was my intro to the character and I retroactively got into everything else).

02-18-2016, 11:32 AM
I broke my rule and went to watch another Marvel flick-

It wasn't bad. It was somewhat enjoyable, like Guardians of the Galaxy but ultimately forgettable. It's light (even though it's R rated) and doesn't do anything too crazy. It is what you expected it to be and for that i applaud them. It's definitely Deadpool. Good for Reynolds. A lot of people in the theater were enjoying themselves, the jokes were kinda funny but i felt like they were forced, and people in the theater were definitely force laughing. As like "ok this is supposed to be funny, it kind of is, so let me force it" ya know? Juvenile stuff but i guess that is Deadpool.

I'll wait for the next one on VOD>

02-18-2016, 05:10 PM
Just watched Jessica Jones. I thought the first half was stronger than the second half, which featured too much of Jessica yelling things like "you used your POWERS to RAPE me!"; there are some lines that should just never, ever, be uttered, even if they make sense in context.

I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I'll have much interest in watching Season 2, now that the most fun to watch character is gone. Actually, I kind of wish Jessica had done what she'd considered in the middle of the series and teamed up with Kilgrave to teach him how to use his mind control for good. Granted, then all the feminists who loved it would have hated it instead, but hey, I would have watched that show.

02-18-2016, 05:43 PM
Just watched Jessica Jones. I thought the first half was stronger than the second half,

It had no business being 13 episodes long. It felt very padded out to me and the main plot and conflict was the kind of thing that should have been resolved by 8 episodes or so, and they stretched it way too far. By the time I got to the end it felt more like a "Well, finally" shrug than a "Yes!" victory to me.

Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.

I had liked DD so much that it made me far more interested in Marvel's Netflix stuff (I'm not an MCU fan, to say the least) and JJ took the wind out of my sails for it. It really let me down.

Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.

Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.

02-18-2016, 06:05 PM
Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.

I didn't mind Jessica as a character, even at her most abrasive, but I know what you mean about the side characters. Once that poor guy in her building died trying to give her banana bread that should have been the end of that subplot, but his stupid sister was in like five episodes after that, dragging things out. Also they spent too much time on the divorce between Jeri and her partner-- I think there were about five scenes that just existed to tell us that Wendy was blackmailing Jeri and asking for lots of money. Trish was okay, but not that interesting.

Come to think of it, the only side character who's arc really worked for me was Malcolm.

Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.

Yeah, I agree. As much as I like David Tennant (which was pretty much the whole reason for giving the show a try in the first place), I think we actually saw too much of Kilgrave and it robbed him of his impact. IMO they should have done more of the headfuckery and waited until later in the show to introduce him-- that way, the cat-and-mouse game wouldn't have become so interminably long and repetitive either.

It's funny, because thinking about it, Tennant's other major role (for me anyway) suffered from the same problem. I loved him as the Doctor, but the show became way too focused on hero-worshipping him and it got annoying. The best episode of his run on the show, Blink, is the one he's barely in.

Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.

I didn't have a moral problem with what they did to Kilgrave (although maybe I should have), but I thought what they were trying to do was stupid. So you kidnap this guy and torture him to try to get him to use his mind control powers on camera...which doesn't seem like it would be admissible, since you're kidnapping and torturing him. Plus, even if he does use his mental mojo on camera, you wouldn't be able to see it because he doesn't get glowing eyes or anything when he uses his power, everything just looks normal. And of course, it was ultimately all for naught when they decided that the only way out of the situation was just to kill him and forget about proving anything in court.

Thinking about it now, I think it's almost impossible to do a good story about a character with Kilgrave's power because it's so broken, and the plot twisted itself in weird ways to try to get around that. Without the whole "we need to prove what Kilgrave can do in court" angle, there would have been no show, but what they were trying to do strained credulity.

02-18-2016, 09:33 PM
It had no business being 13 episodes long. It felt very padded out to me and the main plot and conflict was the kind of thing that should have been resolved by 8 episodes or so, and they stretched it way too far. By the time I got to the end it felt more like a "Well, finally" shrug than a "Yes!" victory to me.

Plus I found Jessica really, really bland as a character. She was interesting at the start and I found her to be almost intolerable by the end, she becomes a real jerk towards pretty much everyone. They "will they/won't they"'d killing off Kilgrave so much, too. Between that and the fact that I didn't think the side characters were that interesting at all, I just couldn't click with it. It made me appreciate Daredevil even more (even though that did have the issue of being a couple episodes too long and having some filler, it didn't have half as much as I thought JJ did), and got me looking forward to Luke Cage.

I had liked DD so much that it made me far more interested in Marvel's Netflix stuff (I'm not an MCU fan, to say the least) and JJ took the wind out of my sails for it. It really let me down.

Plus, they had all that interesting headfuckery in the trailers and in the first episode of flashes of Kilgrave, his voice, etc. sort of haunting Jessica and that just stopped completely after that.

Also, call me what you want, but I found everything that happened with the hermetically sealed chamber to be so unnecessarily cruel and horrible and it was treated as some sort of justice-y, great, triumphant thing. I don't care who the person is, or what they've done, torture isn't cool, nor is it just, nor is it satisfying to me. That show had the potential to explore a complicated, nuanced subject under-represented in contemporary entertainment and to do it very well and to give Marvel their first great on-screen female hero and it failed on all fronts as far as I was concerned.

on the board, i've found that i normally either 100% agree with you on things, or comfortably disagree but totally understand where you're coming from.

this is not one of those situations.

for me, as a survivor of a) sexual assault and b) an abusive relationship, this show was SO IMPORTANT to me. for a whole ton of reasons. most notably the way it handled PTSD with such tact, and from so many different viewpoints.

as for the stuff that happened in the chamber, i'll liken it to the scene in "the girl with the dragon tattoo" when lisbeth takes revenge on her social worker. incredibly cathartic for anyone who has endured any kind of abuse like that, because it's an over-the-top, fictionalized version of retribution. that doesn't mean it's not cruel, and (being a pacifist) i would never condone that kind of behavior in REAL LIFE, but it makes you feel avenged being able to watch it.

02-18-2016, 11:30 PM
eversonpoe I was molested as a child by my brother's friend as he kept watch so no one would catch him and spent four years with someone who now claims I hit her and gave herself bruises on her wrists just to show to her coworkers. I am unfortunately no stranger to abuse, sexual or intimate, and I am sorry that you are not either.

I've also known the struggle of PTSD and I know how shit it is.

All that said, I'm happy to hear the show did it for you, and I've been happy seeing how much it's meant to so many people who I've seen discuss that -- and I mean that, I really do. Anything that helps people is wonderful. The strangest things have meant the world to me, even, so a show directly dealing with the topic -- well, I can see what that means to some.

It just failed for me. I didn't think it was particularly good to begin with, and don't think the writing was terribly engaging and found most side characters boring or forgettable at best. I found it to drag often and many episodes felt like two in length but one in terms of events. I felt it kept touching the deeper issues from a distance and I never found it to be something that explored the subject in a meaningful way for me. But I don't mean to discredit it, or dismiss that for many people, it did mean a lot to them -- that's great, I just wish it had been the same for me, too.

02-20-2016, 08:28 AM
@eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) I was molested as a child by my brother's friend as he kept watch so no one would catch him and spent four years with someone who now claims I hit her and gave herself bruises on her wrists just to show to her coworkers. I am unfortunately no stranger to abuse, sexual or intimate, and I am sorry that you are not either.

I've also known the struggle of PTSD and I know how shit it is.

All that said, I'm happy to hear the show did it for you, and I've been happy seeing how much it's meant to so many people who I've seen discuss that -- and I mean that, I really do. Anything that helps people is wonderful. The strangest things have meant the world to me, even, so a show directly dealing with the topic -- well, I can see what that means to some.

It just failed for me. I didn't think it was particularly good to begin with, and don't think the writing was terribly engaging and found most side characters boring or forgettable at best. I found it to drag often and many episodes felt like two in length but one in terms of events. I felt it kept touching the deeper issues from a distance and I never found it to be something that explored the subject in a meaningful way for me. But I don't mean to discredit it, or dismiss that for many people, it did mean a lot to them -- that's great, I just wish it had been the same for me, too.

:: big hug ::

let me know if you ever want/need to talk.

and i understand what you mean. they're murky waters for sure.

02-20-2016, 06:11 PM
Jessica Jones? Yeah, I can't watch it for the same reason. I had a conversation today with another survivor about how odd we find it that many of our "I'm a feminist, rape is bad, don't be racist" friends seem to obsess over Game of Thrones, Jessica Jones, Hannibal, etc all of which I can't watch. I saw the first episode of JJ and just couldn't do any more; funny how none of these people bothered to put a trigger warning at the start of all of their (fb) posts glorifying it at the start of the year. /vomit


Here are the reasons why I like Deadpool
1. Not a typical comic book film
2. Deadpool is an epic cunt in a good way
3. Personally identifiable abuse victim, even if played up for japes (you had a dishwasher?)
4. Hilarious, disgusting, fearless, pervert, antihero
5. Blew the shit out of every record 50SOG set last year

If all comic book films could stop being about shit being blown up and fancy costumes and more about this sort of thing, I'd start being a huge fan of the genre.

02-20-2016, 07:31 PM
Let's not forget it was also a very sex positive movie: Wade didn't care that Vanessa was a prostitute or tried to "save her", the pegging scene, etc.

02-22-2016, 08:08 AM
Jessica Jones? Yeah, I can't watch it for the same reason. I had a conversation today with another survivor about how odd we find it that many of our "I'm a feminist, rape is bad, don't be racist" friends seem to obsess over Game of Thrones, Jessica Jones, Hannibal, etc all of which I can't watch. I saw the first episode of JJ and just couldn't do any more; funny how none of these people bothered to put a trigger warning at the start of all of their (fb) posts glorifying it at the start of the year. /vomit

that's really interesting, because EVERYONE i know who was talking about it (including me, once i watched it) was quick to put PLENTY of trigger warnings about that show. i definitely had a hard time watching parts of it. i cried more than i do watching all 7 seasons of buffy (which makes me cry a LOT). but ultimately, it was (in my opinion) very well done and very cathartic. but i'm not telling you or anyone they have to watch it. just talking about it.

bobbie solo
02-23-2016, 02:12 AM
few random thoughts on Deadpool:

- I agree that some of the jokes were way too forced and did not land, but they were balanced out by the ones that did.

- They really upped the ante on Stan Lee cameo scenes, eh? Good luck topping this one.

- I've thought this since the trailers came out: Does anyone else think it NEVER looks remotely like Ryan Reynolds could actually be in that costume? They nailed the costume and the character's skinniness matches what I've read in the comics, but Reynolds just looks so much bigger when he isn't in costume. Particularly his head. Dude has a huge head, yet with the mask on it's all narrow and stuff. Just seems like they had a stunt double for all scenes when the mask was on. I dunno.

- Hugh Jackman stapled-on mask

- apparently they had a late budget cut, so they combined a bunch of characters that would have made up a group of villains (some overarching mad scientst leader type was one) and we got left with shitty Ajax as a result. In this budget cut they also had to lose a gun battle at the end, so they simply rewrote it that Deadpool left his guns in the cab. Pretty smart and funny.

- In regards to Ajax, can anyone explain to me what his fucking goal was exactly? That whole part of the plot was a mess to me.

- How much did they fuck with his origin from the comics? Does he become a mutant with an asterisk only b/c of experimentation in the books too? I thought he was part of Weapon X like Wolverine was. I'm too lazy to look it up.

- credits at the beginning were pretty funny..."Some British Guy"..."a completely CGI character", etc

- all the Professor X jokes were perfect, as were the Wolverine/Hugh Jackman lines. Oh and the line about the reason the same two people are the only people home at all times at the X-Mansion!!!

- "wait, my bf told me this was a superhero movie & he just turned that guy into a fucking kebab"

- glad to see the chick from Gotham get a role better than pile of shit show. What a wasted opportunity that has been.

02-23-2016, 09:08 AM
- In regards to Ajax, can anyone explain to me what his fucking goal was exactly? That whole part of the plot was a mess to me.

Before he found out Wade was coming after him, he was pretty much driven to do his doctor work he was doing in the secret lab. After that, his goal was pretty much what Wade was trying to do. Wade was hunting him down, so once Ajax got leverage on him, it was Ajax's plan to have a chance to take him out as well. At least that is what I got from it... wasn't that deep.

- How much did they fuck with his origin from the comics? Does he become a mutant with an asterisk only b/c of experimentation in the books too? I thought he was part of Weapon X like Wolverine was. I'm too lazy to look it up.

You're correct, he as part of Weapon X. My guess is the didn't completely delve into that entire backstory for Deadpool since it has very close ties with Wolverine and making that connection would just confuse stuff even more with Marvel and the X-Men's universe, hence why you didn't get Hydra or any labeled villains. I like that they changed the origin since it lets Deadpool earn his character a bit more instead of throwing everything in the middle with Wolverine.

I enjoyed every moment of this movie. Hilarious, and just plain enjoyable. Reynolds was born for this role, and this has to be one of the first times that the fans spoke and we received something that we asked for after that Colossal fuck up with Origins. Yes, a couple of jokes didn't land, but it still made me chuckle and the movie was so fast paced, you didn't really mind. Seeing Colossus done the right way for once was a breath of fresh air, and he even made me laugh a ton with his manners and especially that titty pop from Angel. They didn't throw the romance down your throat and make you roll your eyes, and I think Vanessa having a similar attitude that Wade had made it even more enjoyable.

Knowing that Cable is going to be in the next movie made me so giddy, and the entire audience with the exception of maybe three other kids cheered when he said the character would be in the sequel. Everyone was just like "Who is Cable??"

Apparently the new Wolverine movie is supposed to be rated R, so that is also something to look forward to as well if that actually comes to light. It would be a freaking dream to have Deadpool and Wolverine in the same movie, and I really cannot picture anyone else playing Wolvy at this point. Jackman will be missed :(. It's going to be interesting to see how they tie this universe in with other films. I wasn't expecting to see the school, or that much interaction with the X-Men and that made me feel like a little kid all over again.

02-23-2016, 09:33 AM
They did the Weapon X stuff pretty okay but I really missed him falling in love with Death. It's a pretty big part of his character and lacking it takes a bit away for me.

Ajax was such a typical weak origin movie "we need an antagonistic force so I guess we'll have a villain" bad guy. Couldn't have been a more generic "look how evil I am" type character. Also I found it pretty funny that this huge secret facility intent on designing superhumans with unpredictable powers created under extreme duress (see: torture) had such lax security. In general I found that to be the weakest chunk of the movie by a mile.

Colossus was all kinds of cool. I'm honestly very happy Fox has the X-Men. We never would have gotten this kind of stuff if it was all in the MCU umbrella. And if any chunk of Marvel can function on its own, sanctioned off little island, it's mutant stuff.

bobbie solo
02-23-2016, 01:34 PM
Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R. That has some really great potential. Especially now that Fox has been rolling with higher quality movies since First Class. If Apocalypse is good (and it certainly looks like it will be), then that will make the anticipation for a good Wolverine movie even higher.

02-23-2016, 08:27 PM
Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R.

This is all I've ever wanted, oh my.

It'll be rough not having all the characters from the source material involved, but whatever. If the MCU can do Civil War and not have people bitch then Fox can do this and it work fine. I've always figured it wouldn't happen, so this is awesome news.

02-23-2016, 09:42 PM
Wolverine is supposedly gonna be the Old Man Logan story, and rated R. That has some really great potential.

Pure speculation but for continuity sake, if they are going to replace wolverine they could just have his son pickup where Wolverine left off in the franchise.
That is of course depending if the Old Man Logan story is even adapted for a movie (which would be f'n incredible).
It's a long shot I know but, who owns the movie rights to Daken?

02-25-2016, 06:00 AM
Dying over the intro in episode 9 of Agent Carter.

02-25-2016, 10:06 AM

02-25-2016, 11:29 AM
God damn I'm jacked for this to start.

02-25-2016, 04:06 PM
Dying over the intro in episode 9 of Agent Carter.

That was awesome. I was overjoyed in seeing Angie return for that intro but Dottie in the waitress uniform made me marked the fuck out. Sousa dancing.... it was too much. I really wish the show would be renewed for another season. It's so fun to watch and I just love those characters. I also felt for Jarvis over what he had lost and why he got very pissed off which made me feel for him. I don't blame him for doing something reckless. That scene of him and Peggy arguing over what had happen are just incredible.

I really hope the season finale has Sousa just whack Thompson and make him cry like a bitch and Peggy to take Frost down and for good.

02-25-2016, 06:41 PM
Just release it already!

02-26-2016, 08:12 AM
That was awesome. I was overjoyed in seeing Angie return for that intro but Dottie in the waitress uniform made me marked the fuck out. Sousa dancing.... it was too much. I really wish the show would be renewed for another season. It's so fun to watch and I just love those characters. I also felt for Jarvis over what he had lost and why he got very pissed off which made me feel for him. I don't blame him for doing something reckless. That scene of him and Peggy arguing over what had happen are just incredible.

I really hope the season finale has Sousa just whack Thompson and make him cry like a bitch and Peggy to take Frost down and for good.

i was just staring with my hand over my mouth and my eyes SO wide during the whole dance sequence. i've always liked enver gjokaj but i think i'm in love with him after hearing him sing.

02-26-2016, 09:00 AM
Haha a male friend of mine asked if he was the only one who found Sousa handsome and I was "No, you're not!"

02-26-2016, 04:52 PM
For a dude, he's got a nice butt when he's dancing.

02-26-2016, 05:27 PM
I loved the dancing number. I loved that everyone did their own singing. That dubsmash war between them and the team of AoS really paid off!

Sousa is incredibly hot. Even more when he has that kicked puppy look.

The Jarvis-Ana story line brought tears to my eyes. But the fanfic lover in me kept thinking: don't worry Jarvis, in 23 years Howard's going to dump a little Anthony on you.

I really hope it'll be picked up for another season!

bobbie solo
03-02-2016, 12:32 AM
it's not being picked up most likely. Atwell has already been announced as the lead in another show, and the ratings have been pretty bad. I think the show's happy-go-lucky tone is a turn off for most people.

03-02-2016, 02:56 PM
Well that sucks. I know the episode wasn't as good as previous ones but it did have a good cliffhanger ending. Just give the show one more season with some tie-ins to MCU.

03-02-2016, 05:13 PM
I loved seeing the excitement from Jarvis when he got to drive Carter, lol @ the look on his face when she mentioned "cab".

03-10-2016, 11:16 AM
OMG https://amp.twimg.com/prod/multibr_v_1/video/2016/03/10/16/707961164383305730-libx264-main-2028k.mp4?Llm6yeDTPl5KlR2dsD2AwRuTwJcsXQSM9KBCNquT lZ4%3D

03-10-2016, 11:17 AM
OMG https://amp.twimg.com/prod/multibr_v_1/video/2016/03/10/16/707961164383305730-libx264-main-2028k.mp4?Llm6yeDTPl5KlR2dsD2AwRuTwJcsXQSM9KBCNquT lZ4%3D

I'm not one for spoilers... or being shown stuff I do not want to know about until the movie comes out, but holyyyyyy shit. And I thought the first trailer was good, but there he is!!! Costume looks so good!

03-10-2016, 11:47 AM
Yeah damn can't wait for this.

03-10-2016, 12:01 PM
OMG https://amp.twimg.com/prod/multibr_v_1/video/2016/03/10/16/707961164383305730-libx264-main-2028k.mp4?Llm6yeDTPl5KlR2dsD2AwRuTwJcsXQSM9KBCNquT lZ4%3D

I've not been excited in the least about this movie until this, holy fucking balls. Though I've got to say, I'm not feeling it with that Spidey costume. Like, at all.

03-10-2016, 12:34 PM
I've not been excited in the least about this movie until this, holy fucking balls. Though I've got to say, I'm not feeling it with that Spidey costume. Like, at all.

While I did like the last costume Garfield wore, which was a mix of modern Spider-Man and Spidey 2099, this costume brings me back to the 1960 Spider-Man mixed with the last two costumes we got.

03-10-2016, 12:44 PM
Orestes' link seems dead so here it is:


And now my analysis: Leave Bucky alone you people! Tony, you're being a little shit! Wanda, what are you doing to my Vision? OMG Ant-Man on Hawkeye's arrow! SPIDEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The scariest thing about this trailer is that General Ross, that son of a bitch, almost makes sense.

I can watch this all day. #teamstucky

03-10-2016, 12:48 PM
Whoa. Great trailer! And Spider-Man isn't even the best part – can we talk about Vision getting paralyzed by Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man riding Hawkeye's arrow, Black Panther pulling a T-1000, Iron Man screaming "Rhodes!"?! :D

And does anyone else feel like Raimi and Co. may've perfected the Spidey costume? The new threads are sexy as fuck no doubt, but the sheen of CGI is keeping me from loving it. The tactility seems to be gone. Oh well. Do we think Iron Man provided the costume? I'd like to think so every time I see the eyes' aperture change.

03-10-2016, 01:23 PM
I wish they just did the Iron Spider suit but I get that this was almost totally down to a marketing/visual recognition thing. The Stark eyes moving felt silly as shit to me. I don't know, this just reminds me of the costume worn by the guy at Universal Studios Orlando who pretends to be Spider-Man. I thought the Amazing Spidey movies were hot garbage but the suit in the second film was the first and only time I ever felt like Spider-Man looked like Spider-Man onscreen and not just some variation of an attempt at Spider-Man.

Black Panther looks pretty cool. Hopefully he's in a substantial amount of the movie. In general the whole trailer was very well put together and actually sold me as it being "Civil War" and not just "Winter Soldier 2: Iron Man Edition." If this had been the first trailer, I would have been looking forward to this a while ago. The last time I remotely liked a MCU movie at all was Guardians, so it's been a bit.

03-10-2016, 01:45 PM
I dig the costume. They finally gave up trying to make all sleek and over serious and did the right thing and carbon copied it from the comics and it works.

Movie looks great. Looks way cooler than Ultron. Ultron just had such an uncompelling plot and villain. This seems much more interesting

03-10-2016, 02:19 PM
The Stark eyes moving felt silly as shit to me.

That was one aspect I actually liked about it. In the comics, his eyes go with his emotions, so that brought me back, and it gives a completely different feel to him. I'm with Wretchedest on Tony providing him with the mask in some way. I agree with the Iron Spider suit theory though... maybe we will get one in the future?

The best nod to the comics for me was the Ant-Man scene on Hawkeye's arrow:



03-11-2016, 11:29 PM
Wow, I absolutely LOVE the new Spidey!

Laying down the webbing pattern as recessed trenches in the fabric (or w/e) is an interesting variation on the ridges of earlier iterations, but the modernized Ditko/Romita look is the real star of the show. Man, talk about NAILING it. Adding in the Larsen-esque, expressive eyes on top of that was pure genius.

But no one's talking about the BEST part of it!

Peter Parker, journalistic photographer, has CAMERA LENS EYES.



03-12-2016, 12:03 AM
How was Spiderman able to grab Captain America's shield? Doesn't the shield choose who can take it and makes itself impossibly heavy to lift to everyone else?

03-12-2016, 12:15 AM
Ask Black Widow from Age of Ultron how heavy it is...

03-12-2016, 12:35 AM
You're thinking of Thor's hammer, named Mjolnir, rather than Cap's shield.

03-12-2016, 12:46 AM
I'm quite certain you fellers are the confused ones.

03-12-2016, 01:37 AM
I'm quite certain you fellers are the confused ones.
Haz is correct, it is Mjolnir you are thinking of. Cap's shield is just made of vibranium, not magical in any way.

03-12-2016, 01:50 AM
Then why is Cap the only one who has that shield and the only one who uses it?

03-12-2016, 06:36 AM
Ultron's armor was vibranium as well. It's not magic.

03-12-2016, 09:10 AM
Then why is Cap the only one who has that shield and the only one who uses it?

Because it's his shield? *scratches head* That's like asking how come Hawkeye is the only one who can use his quiver and arrows.

03-12-2016, 09:59 AM
Then why is Cap the only one who has that shield and the only one who uses it?

Many characters have held, or used the shield in some way. Black Widow has held it, Bucky has... this is making my head hurt.

03-12-2016, 10:30 AM
Then why is Cap the only one who has that shield and the only one who uses it?



You were a quick youtube and google search away from not being wrong

03-12-2016, 10:50 AM
Yeah, everyone can hold Cap's shield. They can hit people with hit too and be protected by it but only Cap is able to throw it and make it bounce to hit a precise target... and come back to him. I suppose he does complex calculations in his head to achieve this result: "If I throw it at this angle, it will hit the wall like this and it'll bounce and hit that car at that angle and..."

While we're in the "my daddy is stronger than your daddy" theme: I see everywhere that out of every character we will see in Civil War, the Scarlet Witch is the most powerful. This is based on the comics and while it is right (in the comics), I believe that in the MCU Vision is the most powerful of the bunch (conveniently, both Thor and Banner are absent from Civil War).

Here's my reasoning: while comics Vision is sporting a stone (can't remember which it is) MCU Vision is carrying an Infinity Stone, one of the most powerful object in the known Universe. Hence, MCU Vision is the most powerful character of Civil War.

Thoughts, anyone?

03-12-2016, 01:27 PM
I'm over the magic shield thing. I just know Spiderman and a lot of the CGI looks like shit. I'll wait until Quip War is available to rent, I guess.

03-12-2016, 09:24 PM
I like that my last post got a facepalm. Spiderman does look like shit and those damn scenes of Iron Man just wearing the suit are quite obvious that it is all CGI and RDJ's face tacked on.

Also, what kind of horseshit comic book logic are they going to pull out to justify why these people are evenly matched?

Iron Man's side has two people with invincible suits of armor that shoot lasers and missiles.

He also has Vision who has a lot of the same powers.

Captain America's side has some sorta tough people. They have no significant offensive powers to the same degree as the other team.

How is Cap not going to get absolutely raped?

03-12-2016, 09:26 PM


03-12-2016, 09:38 PM
Uhh... yeah. How is it even a match?


03-12-2016, 10:02 PM

03-13-2016, 01:41 PM
So Vision wins the power contest and I'm glad that exciting discussion is settled.

Also: anyone else noticed we haven't seen Baron Zemo yet? I wonder why...

Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myself. I'm old so I'm entitled to it.

03-13-2016, 01:44 PM
Oh, they're definitely keeping stuff close to their chest. Was Zemo's role officially announced?

03-13-2016, 04:13 PM
Daniel Brühl is listed as playing Helmut Zemo in every cast list I've seen although Marvel.com has him in the cast list without saying which character he plays.

03-14-2016, 08:36 AM
So much damn lameness with the reactions to my obvious trolling. When did NIN fans become such tight asses with no sense of humor? I'm only messing with you kids. Lighten the hell up.

03-14-2016, 09:00 AM
Because trolling isn't funny, mainly. It shows a lack of humor. Good humor, anyway. It's in the same category as "trying too hard" which just ends up being annoying, which is not funny.

And my guess is you started trolling after you got called out for being wrong about Cap's shield. Instead of saying, "Thanks, my bad." you reacted poorly. I could be wrong about that but it's my guess.

03-14-2016, 09:02 AM
So much damn lameness with the reactions to my obvious trolling. When did NIN fans become such tight asses with no sense of humor? I'm only messing with you kids. Lighten the hell up.

because rape isn't a joke. it's really not that complicated.

you wanna joke around about cap's shield having the same properties as mjolnir to ruffle some feathers? whatever. you want to complain about a movie you haven't even seen yet? whatever.

but referring to a character getting "raped" is simply unnecessary and asinine. this isn't the first time you and i have butted heads on an issue like this, and i know you have the ability to recant idiotic statements, but i'm guessing that, in this instance, i'm just talking to a brick wall.

tl;dr rape jokes don't work and aren't funny for a whole multitude of reasons. find a new way to describe something without making at least 1/3 of people upset and angry, because it's a lot easier to be nice than to be a dick.

03-14-2016, 09:53 AM
Heads up to avoid spoilers, someone caught something in a screengrab of the latest Civil War trailer that almost certainly shows a main character lying (presumably) dead. Judging from how the character looks on the ground...they look pretty gone. Just in case you see a spoiler warning, that could be it...just look away lol.

03-14-2016, 09:57 AM
That was not a fucking rape joke. I was simply asking a question. Whatever, I can't reason with dipshits like you who want to focus on a word that hurt your feelings instead of what was actually said.

03-14-2016, 11:19 AM
That was not a fucking rape joke. I was simply asking a question. Whatever, I can't reason with dipshits like you who want to focus on a word that hurt your feelings instead of what was actually said.

look, dude. i don't want to keep clogging up the marvel thread, but listen: what you said was not ok. whether it was a "joke" or not, rape is not something–whether the word or the concept–that should be lightly tossed around. and i'm not just saying this AS A VICTIM OF RAPE. i'm saying it as someone who is sensitive to the fact that PEOPLE DO HAVE FEELINGS and most people's feelings about rape are pretty fucking strong, considering that a large portion of the population have been sexually assaulted. so i'm sorry that you're so insensitive to the feelings of others and far too sensitive to your own sense of self-righteousness that you have to take your insecurities out on me by insulting me instead of admitting your mistake and apologizing.

i'm done with you.

back on topic

i'm really excited for this movie, and have a feeling i'll be a mess afterwards.

03-14-2016, 11:31 AM
Liquid_Bastard you could have easily phrased it as Cap getting his ass kicked and the meaning would have been understood.

03-14-2016, 04:27 PM
Yeah, well, I chose the word that I am free to say, you fascist fucks. Quit trying to censor or dictate what people can or cannot say. Rape means to take violently by force. With Caps side not having as strong of people on it, I only suggested that Iron Man's side would just absolutely own them.

The real world must be pretty tough for you. Feelings do not win over people's right to say whatever the hell they want. God damn it.

03-14-2016, 04:48 PM
Yeah, well, I chose the word that I am free to say, you fascist fucks. Quit trying to censor or dictate what people can or cannot say. Rape means to take violently by force. With Caps side not having as strong of people on it, I only suggested that Iron Man's side would just absolutely own them.

The real world must be pretty tough for you. Feelings do not win over people's right to say whatever the hell they want. God damn it.

rape means to violently take by force in the context of sexual relations and when you're discussing a movie about superheroes it's an unnecessary and ridiculous thing to say. and when someone calls you out on it, going on a crusade about "free speech" is bullshit. i realize i'm just further derailing the thread (sorry, everyone else) and i'm probably not going to change your mind, but i am going to try.

get off your high horse and stop being a jerk. you said something that upset some people, why is it so hard for you to just say sorry?

03-14-2016, 04:52 PM
Heads up to avoid spoilers, someone caught something in a screengrab of the latest Civil War trailer that almost certainly shows a main character lying (presumably) dead. Judging from how the character looks on the ground...they look pretty gone. Just in case you see a spoiler warning, that could be it...just look away lol.

I don't want to look away because I love spoilers so spoil me, darn it! Who is it? PM me if you have to! :P

03-14-2016, 05:55 PM
Yeah, well, I chose the word that I am free to say, you fascist fucks. Quit trying to censor or dictate what people can or cannot say. Rape means to take violently by force. With Caps side not having as strong of people on it, I only suggested that Iron Man's side would just absolutely own them.

The real world must be pretty tough for you. Feelings do not win over people's right to say whatever the hell they want. God damn it.

Pro-tip: by agreeing to the rules of membership to this message board, you are agreeing to comply to the rules set forth, which not only prohibit troll behavior but also attacking board members with personal insults and defamatory language.

This is you first and only warning. Any further behavior from you in the manner that you have been engaging in this thread will result in a ban.

From the pinkos

03-14-2016, 08:32 PM
Dude, I was only trying to mess around. It's not my fault someone wants to get butthurt over a word. Whatever. Don't worry about because, fuck this shit, I'm out.

03-14-2016, 08:50 PM
An XBOX headset is more your speed. You can talk about rape, owning and all of the other dumb shit maladjusted 15 year olds say!

On topic, we are less than four days away from Daredevil season two. I'm ready.

Conan The Barbarian
03-15-2016, 08:22 AM
Oh man, I can't wait. Daredevil will hold me down till Batman v superman releases.

03-15-2016, 10:01 AM

03-15-2016, 10:05 AM
Damn, we have to get through House of Cards asap because once this drops it's fucking two bottles of wine and time to binge until my eyes bleed.

03-15-2016, 10:08 AM
I'm way behind on shows now.

03-16-2016, 09:01 AM

03-18-2016, 11:22 AM
This day needs to be finished RIGHT FUCKING NOW so I can go home and binge watch.

03-18-2016, 12:01 PM
^ Yeah, man...FOR REAL.

I happen to be housesitting for a pal in NYC right now and they have Netflix so I slept most of yesterday and bought 2 liters of vodka in preparation for muscling through the whole bottle/season today. Not to mention a delivery from NYC's legendary bike messager weed delivery services!

I'm a little over halfway through the season and OMFG it is EXCELLENT.


03-18-2016, 12:21 PM
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/12832358_1325568927459676_2094735563522703414_n.jp g?oh=bc2c007be436faf18f3e14214d5a70fb&oe=578A074A


03-18-2016, 10:11 PM
I am itching to resume with DD season 2, got as far as Stick coming back

The first 4 episodes were SOLID AS FUCK!

03-18-2016, 10:39 PM
Matt Murdock: I won't shoot a guy with a gun but I'll use it to punch you in the face.

03-18-2016, 10:41 PM
Spotted a cool Easter egg in Episode 10!

Workin' that Deathlok angle, w00t.



03-18-2016, 11:28 PM
my friend at C2E2 today

https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/10362838_10209144840157929_5598928550252130386_n.j pg?oh=f205f0584d7aac0f78acabcc472c2bc6&oe=57815CE7

also, finally watched the last episode of agent carter last night. it was great, and they better fucking renew it.

03-18-2016, 11:55 PM
Elektra, purrrrr!

03-19-2016, 05:55 AM
Sweet Christmas!


03-19-2016, 06:31 AM
Considering they deliberately showed us something of where Punisher's story will go from here i really hope they figure out what they're going to do with that character and not just leave him hanging like that. I recall reading about how they weren't going to do a Netflix series spin off for Frank despite his prominence and set up in Daredevil Season 2. He so deserves his own series after this!

03-19-2016, 12:11 PM
"I'm going to put on some pants"

Only two episodes in, but it seems like they've abandoned the cool, muted darkness and pacing for the shitty over the top, cartoonist grittiness of Jessica Jones... hope it gets better.

I n predicted this, but as soon as he put on a real superhero outfit he totally lost his edge

03-19-2016, 02:01 PM
I just finished watching season 2 of Dare Devil and I got to say my expectations for just The Punisher were blown out of the water.\
For me The Punisher steals the show, it's just pure excellence.
They really did a fantastic job of intertwining DD, The Punisher, and all the other elements of the show together without dragging it out or bothering to do the same tired origin story cliches (trying to avoid posting spoilers so I won't go in depth).

I hope that Netflix does a The Punisher show after Luke Cage and Iron fist. Both shows that I am extremely excited for if they keep it on par with JJ and DD.
I feel like the tv show format really brings justice to all the characters and the story arcs and they could not have done this in a movie.

In my opinion both seasons of Dare Devil and the first season of Jessica Jones does what the movies in the MCU haven't been able to do so far.
Well done and kudos to the whole team that made it all happen.
I highly recommended it. 10/10 show all the way through.

Holy shit that scene in the prison with The Punisher really brought out what the punisher is all about and is the turning point for the audience with all the hyper-realistic violence shown.

03-19-2016, 08:14 PM


03-19-2016, 09:41 PM
I don't even like most MCU stuff and Daredevil's the best thing they've ever done. Season 2 has none of the pacing issues or bland subplots of the first with better writing, better variety, better energy and an incredible revolving door of great characters that allow for great surprises and narrative flourishes the whole way through.

I was a massive DD and Punisher fan as a kid and this is my heaven. Episode 9 was utter perfection. Bernthal desperately needs a solo series; announcing it will only be a formality now because there is no way they don't give him one after all of this. Best portrayal of the character ever -- eat it, Dolph Lundgren.

I am so happy Marvel has this Netflix deal. Jessica Jones was a snorefest at best and a chore at worst but Daredevil is such proof of what they can do. As someone who waited half a year to finally get around to Ant-Man (which I loathed) and who couldn't care less about Agents of Shield, I've watched ten hours of DD in the past two days and can't make myself stop. At worst it's been pure popcorn-ingesting fun and at best has been a dark, smartly crafted, deftly acted drama piece and brooding character study that I can't take my eyes off of. It's proof that grit and fun are capable of co-existing in a comic book adaptation with far more balance and consistency than in the first season, where the more Miller-era ninja elements grated against the rest of the material.

This whole season is so consistent, so good, so entertaining and all the loose bolts feel tightened. Karen is finally a good character. The new costume is as good as we'll likely get and makes up for whatever that ridiculous thing was at the end of season 1. I can't believe once this is done I'll have to go another year without this, but good god I'm so happy to get to see things like this.

03-19-2016, 11:16 PM
Holy shit during the last few minutes of episode eight.

03-20-2016, 02:35 PM

03-20-2016, 02:54 PM
Haha, he's obviously the star of the show and clearly has quite the well-toned muscle-rump...I just wish the directors spent as much time dwelling on Elektra's ass as they do on Matt's, lol.

I mean, daaaamn. What a GORGEOUS fucking woman!

I'm fiending for more of her so bad I've even considered watching the train wreck that is G.I. Joe: Retaliation again just to see more of her in action as Jinx, which is easily one of the best highlights of the movie.

Which may sound like faint praise but is possibly the finest compliment one could ever receive, lol.

03-20-2016, 09:59 PM
Season finale: my emotions!

Okay, let's see if I get this straight: Clancy Brown's character was the Blacksmith, right?

03-21-2016, 01:34 PM
DD s2 was flawless. Holy shit.

03-21-2016, 01:39 PM
orestes I do believe you are correct. I was kind of happily surprised that this season seemed to cover all of Punisher's origin and left it open for a branch off that would let him start with a new arc entirely, and that character wrapped it up, allowing the loose ends to get tied.

03-21-2016, 10:57 PM
When Hannibal was on the air the inevitable discussion of who would play Clarice Starling came up in AV Club reviews, I thought Deborah Ann Woll would have been a good choice. Her turn in this season justified that a little for me.

03-21-2016, 11:55 PM
I can see that. On a related note, I was pretty shocked by the resolution of Ben Urich's arc from the first season and wondered wtf they were planning to do about all that later on, so I really liked the way Karen Page stepped into his shoes and how much of Ben was still hanging around for the second season. That was really cool and well done.

On the flipside, the whole Blacksmith thing seemed pretty rushed, forced, and clumsily handled, unfortunately. I would've liked to have seen that done better, but the rest of Frank Castle's arc was pretty perfectly handled so it's forgivable, I guess.

And the stuff with Frank's x-ray and his perpetual mental condition following the bullet to his head was fucking GENIUS, man. Loved every bit of that! Especially the way it all neatly tied into his adoption of the Punisher persona and emblem at the end of the season. That was some pretty inspired stuff which (correct me if I'm wrong) is utterly unprecedented in any version of his origins from the comics, so I give MASSIVE kudos to the show for introducing that stuff to the character's background.

03-22-2016, 12:00 PM
This dhow had definitely picked up. I appreciate the showrunners' dedication to fucking up their heroes and them forcing them to recover for several episodes in a row.

Just two more to go

03-22-2016, 04:11 PM
Literally anyone: Please.. halp me...

Matt Murdock:

03-22-2016, 08:42 PM
Ok, am I missing something? Stick trained Electra and Daredevil completely separately and then they met years later and banged entirely by coincidence?

03-22-2016, 08:50 PM
Nope. Stick sent Elektra into Matt's life to distract him from college, yada yada yada the war with the Hand but Elektra ended up falling for him.

(sidenote: that flashback in the boxing ring was hot.)

03-23-2016, 05:56 PM
Jeremy Renner would be up for a Netflix Hawkeye series (http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/21/jeremy-renner-hawkeye-netflix)

I would love that too. Hawkeye was the most enjoyable part of Age of Ultron (with Vision).

03-23-2016, 06:26 PM
*sigh* Too bad we'll never see an adaptation of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. It would fit in perfectly with Daredevil.

03-23-2016, 08:37 PM
Indeed; that would have been fantastic.


bobbie solo
03-23-2016, 08:40 PM
Yeah bro. Bro, seriously bro.

03-23-2016, 09:03 PM

03-31-2016, 10:05 AM
*sigh* Too bad we'll never see an adaptation of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. It would fit in perfectly with Daredevil.

Never say never?


03-31-2016, 11:28 AM
Lol that apartment is way too nice.

04-01-2016, 12:29 PM

04-01-2016, 04:20 PM
Fucking love Tom Hiddleston. I was hoping he was going to dance as I do love his hip-swivel.

04-01-2016, 08:15 PM
[Sidenote: The Night Manager has a lot of hip swiveling. ;)]

04-02-2016, 05:47 PM
Holy crap this is looking good!
Possible spoilers for Doctor Strange.

bobbie solo
04-02-2016, 11:54 PM

loved the Typhoid Mary tease in the last episode. So pumped for what they might do next!

04-03-2016, 12:40 AM
I just saw Ant-Man just a few hours ago in its entirety and it was pretty good. I'm sure it would've been a better film if Edgar Wright directed it but I did like what Peyton Reed did. Here is my current ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: http://letterboxd.com/thevoid99/list/marvel-cinematic-universe-ranked/

Conan The Barbarian
04-03-2016, 07:33 AM
I just saw Ant-Man just a few hours ago in its entirety and it was pretty good. I'm sure it would've been a better film if Edgar Wright directed it but I did like what Peyton Reed did. Here is my current ranking of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: http://letterboxd.com/thevoid99/list/marvel-cinematic-universe-ranked/

I thought that was the worst one. They couldnt even give us the real ant man. Though I thought the spanish guy was great.

04-03-2016, 11:10 AM

loved the Typhoid Mary tease in the last episode. So pumped for what they might do next!

The redhead?

04-03-2016, 03:15 PM
I thought that was the worst one. They couldnt even give us the real ant man. Though I thought the spanish guy was great.

Michael Pena is one of those guys who just.... can't suck. He's just really fucking good at what he does.

bobbie solo
04-03-2016, 11:23 PM
orestes yes.

04-04-2016, 05:43 AM
Maybe I'm missing something but what was her connection to Typhoid Mary?

bobbie solo
04-04-2016, 01:52 PM
their similar look is too uncanny to be a coincidence. That at least is the opinion of alot of DD nerds, myself included.

04-05-2016, 11:15 AM
It's from the Russo Brothers so it's like 99% MCU canon:



The one percent is because he's not actually in the movie.

04-07-2016, 09:51 AM
Finished Daredevil season 2 last night....finale was great. Now have to blast through Jessica Jones.

04-07-2016, 09:58 AM
Finished Daredevil season 2 last night....finale was great.

I've enjoyed DD so much that each season now I've finished it and felt annoyed that they invest their time making anything else instead of pumping cash into it to bring new seasons to my eyeballs faster so my brain can be filled with blind-karate joy

Conan The Barbarian
04-07-2016, 10:15 AM
I hope we get a punisher show.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-07-2016, 10:22 AM
blind-karate joy

that's MC Murdoch's first mixtape

also, watching some more of Daredevil season 2. it warmed my heart so much when frank broke so easily when they threatened his dog

04-09-2016, 10:55 AM
Initial reviews for Civil War coming out:


04-09-2016, 12:12 PM
Apparently, Spidey is in this movie more than people thought he would be. I can dig it.

04-09-2016, 12:44 PM
I gotta catch up on this Marvel shit before Civil War. Avengers 2, Guardians, Ant-man.

04-09-2016, 01:00 PM
I gotta catch up on this Marvel shit before Civil War. Avengers 2, Guardians, Ant-man.

You could probably get by without seeing Guardians of the Galaxy. Doubtful there's gonna be any connection with them, unless it's in the post credits scene. Having said that, you should still see it since it is a solid film.

04-09-2016, 07:20 PM
You could probably get by without seeing Guardians of the Galaxy. Doubtful there's gonna be any connection with them, unless it's in the post credits scene. Having said that, you should still see it since it is a solid film.
Yeah, I've heard it's one of the best.

Just saw Avengers 2, kinda meh.

04-09-2016, 10:04 PM
This is extremely well done:


04-10-2016, 07:44 PM
Guardians of the Galaxy is SO GOOD. Can't believe I waited this long to watch it. Kinda tied with The Avengers as my favorite Marvel movie.

04-10-2016, 09:17 PM
Guardians of the Galaxy is SO GOOD. Can't believe I waited this long to watch it. Kinda tied with The Avengers as my favorite Marvel movie.


04-11-2016, 04:41 PM
Thor casting news. (http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/675453-creeds-tessa-thompson-joins-thor-ragnarok-natalie-portman-not-returning#/slide/1)

04-11-2016, 09:39 PM
Still bummed Netflix marvel won't Tangle with cinema marvel. Lame.

04-12-2016, 01:31 AM
Still bummed Netflix marvel won't Tangle with cinema marvel. Lame.
It'll bum me out to no end if we never just get a great Spidey-Daredevil team up. They're such a classic team up and while I have no idea how I feel about Tom Holland yet, Charlie Cox is just killing it as Murdock right now. AND they have the perfect Kingpin. If Punisher could get tossed into that mix I'd never say a harsh word about Avengers 2 ever again.

04-12-2016, 02:36 AM
I just now realized it is less than a month til Civil War! I mean I remember it feeling like it was a year away!

Conan The Barbarian
04-12-2016, 06:32 AM
Bums me out that season 3 of daredevil may not happen.

04-12-2016, 07:27 AM
It'll bum me out to no end if we never just get a great Spidey-Daredevil team up. They're such a classic team up and while I have no idea how I feel about Tom Holland yet, Charlie Cox is just killing it as Murdock right now. AND they have the perfect Kingpin. If Punisher could get tossed into that mix I'd never say a harsh word about Avengers 2 ever again.
Hell my first exposure to both Daredevil AND The Punisher were from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon, i would go crazy for something like that.

04-12-2016, 09:45 AM
It's really weird to have it be the elephant in both rooms and nobody really talks about it.

I don't need daredevil to cruise around with starlord or fight the hulk. I don't need Jessica Jones to join the avengers... but like... something

bobbie solo
04-12-2016, 09:49 AM
It's a major problem for me too. Simply acknowledging that the events of The Avengers happened in Manhattan when we're watching DD & JJ and then moving on is not acceptable. We need more cameos and interactions. We need AoS to have a quick convo where they give their opinion of the masked vigilante in NYC, or the rumors of the girl with powers with a newspaper cover in someone's hand. Or vice versa...have SHIELD acknowledged in the Netflix shows with one of those characters showing up. This shit isn't complicated. Rework those contracts people.

04-12-2016, 10:59 AM
I was really hoping for at least a reference to The Punisher during The winter Soldier with what happens to Nick Furry.
At the very least in the DD show reference Castle and Nick Furry.

They still have time to tie all the characters together in some sort of fashion that doesn't interfere with the established timelines.
A one-shot short movie, just like what they've done for the home releases of the MCU movies is all it takes to fix it.

04-12-2016, 11:25 AM
...Nick Furry...


04-12-2016, 01:06 PM

Doctor Strange's trailer drops tonight! Am I the only one doing the Snoopy dance over it?

04-12-2016, 04:55 PM
Easy fix:

A scene of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage or somebody together in some warehouse or random empty building investigating something only for Matt to stop, something blasting in his ears approaching in the distance before tackling Jessica to get out of the way when suddenly a huge blur of green CGI busts through the wall, exiting the same through the one opposite.

Luke is left standing with splinters or concrete dusting off of him like it's nothing. Falcon flies through, his jetstream making Jessica's hair fly and everyone to stand back.

Captain America comes running in behind them, pausing, looking at everyone and saying "Sorry, he does that. SHIELD should send you a check." and then sprint off in pursuit, leaving Luke to say "Were they the --" and Jessica to go, "Yeah." And Matt still seems stunned, saying, "But really, that was Captai --" Jessica interrupts with another "Yeah," everyone in disbelief, Jessica rolling her eyes at Matt's goofy smirk and the scene cuts.

Suddenly it feels like they're all running around the same New York, we get a cool cameo from Cap and Falcon and Hulk can be moving so fast that the actors aren't even required, just smears of CGI and you only need, like, forty seconds to do it and do it well. Any simple variation of that type of scene. It wouldn't even interrupt or change the plot of an episode too much. It's really not asking for much. A web shooting through the hole and a blue and red blur pulling itself through would also be more than welcomed but who knows what kind of TV rights situation Sony has going on.

04-12-2016, 08:01 PM
Still bummed Netflix marvel won't Tangle with cinema marvel. Lame.
I didn't know that was the case. Now I feel less inclined to finish watching Daredevil.

04-12-2016, 09:25 PM
Well, that's just goofy..."Daredevil" is EASILY among the finest accomplishments of the MCU. Letting the scheduling/licensing/contractual difficulties which complicate Netflix/TV/movie crossovers get in the way of enjoying it would be a HUGE mistake.

Personally, as much as I'd like the MCU to be more FULL-ON and ALL-OUT with the crossover elements, having the movies as the core around which the Netflix/MCU spin-offs dance is still great and LOTS of neat, interwoven fun, so I'm more than happy with what we've gotten to date.

That said, hopefully they can work it out someday!

04-12-2016, 09:27 PM
Consider how bloated and over-extended some of the comics crossover events can be, I'm thankful we haven't seen much yet beyond easter eggs.

04-12-2016, 10:55 PM
Consider how bloated and over-extended some of the comics crossover events can be, I'm thankful we haven't seen much yet beyond easter eggs.
I just wish even one cameo would happen, maybe catch a street-level view of what it feels like to see an Avenger. Have Hulk's mayhem cause Matt's senses to blow up like Facebook after a wedding announcement, a big mess of green trashing a car in the distance. Have Foggy look up one day while getting coffee and trying to smooth-talk that cop that hates him and see Thor zipping through the sky, red cape trailing in the air. Have Jessica hear a thwipping sound and see leftover web fluid clinging to a brick wall while tracking somebody for a case.

Honestly if they just had in the background a shot of Avengers Tower with Iron Man and Falcon and War Machine or Thor flying to the rooftop entrance in the distance, it would be enough for a lot of people. Have Luke point and say "You think we ever gonna get up there?" half-smiling only for Daredevil to laugh it off. Show us how they are a different tier. Make them feel like something that even our blind badass and bullet-shrugging hunk of muscle regard in a higher light. Show us that these people are all in the same New York, where there's only so much room for people to be flying around in metal suits and punching Gods out in the streets.

None of those would require serious cameos or money or time and they'd feel a lot more "Holy shit they did it!" than just some newspaper prop about the Hulk movie or some guy mentioning Mjolnir or having everyone mention "what happened to New York" despite us never ever seeing any actual aftermath. Those references feel more obligatory to me and less authentic at building a believably intersected world.

04-12-2016, 11:14 PM

04-12-2016, 11:57 PM
OMFG, I am LOVING the hints at Feige's "psychedelia," the adherence to his origin story, and the general awesomeness of it all.

First question, has the Eye of Agamotto ALWAYS been tied to Dr. Strange's window or is that a NEW thing from the movie? Because it's definitely visible in the design from Cumberbatch's wardrobe. Intriguing!

LOVE the whole trailer, btw!

Oh, and core, movie-established MCU events are already ALL OVER the Netflix/TV corners of the MCU, fyi.


04-13-2016, 12:17 AM
Hazekiah none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series unless you count newspaper props which just feel more like "technically" it's the same universe but in function it's really not. It's increasingly hard to buy especially by the time you hit the end of Daredevil where there's literally hundreds of supernatural ninjas running around New York and yet absolutely no one but Matt is present for that. It's the same dillema the movies have where they keep needing to regularly explain why no one is appearing in other people's movies. It's just weird. They're getting better about it, but the Netflix shows haven't done it. They really feel like they may as well be in a different city from The Avengers to me.

And I do not watch nor do I have any shred of interest in their network TV shows, so I don't know what they put in there but my point still stands since I'm not talking about them.

I'm going to reserve my judgments on Strange but that trailer left me pretty underwhelmed.

04-13-2016, 12:23 AM
Tilda Swinton FTW!!!!!

04-13-2016, 03:06 AM
@Hazekiah (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1162) none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series unless you count newspaper props which just feel more like "technically" it's the same universe but in function it's really not. It's increasingly hard to buy especially by the time you hit the end of Daredevil where there's literally hundreds of supernatural ninjas running around New York and yet absolutely no one but Matt is present for that. It's the same dillema the movies have where they keep needing to regularly explain why no one is appearing in other people's movies. It's just weird. They're getting better about it, but the Netflix shows haven't done it. They really feel like they may as well be in a different city from The Avengers to me.

And I do not watch nor do I have any shred of interest in their network TV shows, so I don't know what they put in there but my point still stands since I'm not talking about them.

I mean, I like you and I get your overall point...but by "none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series," etc., are you talking about the ENTIRE property damage to NYC plot thread following The Avengers? Because that was kind of a MAJOR plot point of both the Netflix and ABC runs of the MCU, to say the least.

It isn't "Hell's Kitchen" anymore, it's "Clinton." But, just like the Carnahan Daredevil proof-of-concept footage had to explain why such a yuppie-ass neighborhood would turn into such a den of sin and organized crime, re-developing it makes PERFECT sense!

And, fanfic notwithstanding, all they REALLY need to do to cross things over is illustrate the importance of MAJOR plot points across one another, but that's mostly what they've already done anyway! I get that you're not a network TV guy, and it's generally a one way street from the movies to the expanded MCU shows...but that's EXACTLY what "Marvel's Agents of Shield" sought to remedy with their episodes dealing with the set-up to and ramifications of Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I don't even know, probably more.

And, I'm sorry but the whole "Where was everyone else?" argument seems increasingly baffling, too. You mentioned they "got better at it," but if you watched closely enough all of Phase One was spread out over only a few days. And how hard is it to assume that multiple global threats might overtake one another? Granted, IM3 could've done a WAY better job at that considering the overwhelming GLUT of days involved...but otherwise there's generally PLENTY of room to explain why SHEILD, etc was otherwise occupied. If for no other reason than Hydra interference!



04-13-2016, 04:12 AM
What can I say, I'm used to a lifetime of comics and cartoons as a kid in which everyone pops up in each other's stories and know each other. I grew up seeing Spider-Man pop in on the Fantastic Four building and it didn't take something like Galactus invading to prompt that, it just happened at times. Daredevil knows Spidey. Spidey knows the Punisher. These characters interact and meet each other. The Hulk shows up in people's issues out of nowhere and exits not long after. People team up. Sure it can get excessive but in my opinion this is the extreme opposite. One of my favorite aspects of DD S02 was seeing Frank actually be a part of things. There's not enough of that casual interaction, and even then, like with Luke in JJ, it's really just set-up.

I like it when these characters are established and do things. I just hate how numbingly long it takes for them to get to that at times. The only time you see any big-scale team-ups in their movies seems to be for their film equivalents to "big events" and it's a bummer because that isn't what it takes to get characters interacting elsewhere. I really just don't care for the MCU much at all which is why I often don't talk about it. But I do like DD a lot so I talk about that more often because I just hate to be that person who is always known for bitching, no one cares for that and no one benefits from it. I just don't see why it is any of the number of small cameos or appearances I just mentioned are asking for all that much and I also don't see why you don't get how it's irritating to some people, because I can get that you're cool with it, but some people dislike it and nobody is exactly right or wrong about it.

It's like they have a toy box full of action figures that they segregate all the time and only let them play together under very specific and very exact circumstances. I get that contracts and actors and production costs, etc. all are part of why -- but what is wrong at all with literally any of the things I said I'd like to see? How would those really cut into those things much in the least? Would you really not think it would be cool to see Iron Man jet-palming around NYC's skyline from time to time in the background? It's just weird to me that these people are all on the same island and never so much as catch a glimpse of each other doing shit is all. I'm not saying that plot points don't intersect, characters don't. Major ones don't. That's just disappointing to me because it's a big part of the fun of the sandbox that is a comic book universe to me. But we can agree to disagree I guess.

04-13-2016, 04:49 AM
Totally get what you're saying! Except I already addressed way over half of it, lol.

Sure, they're all on the same island...except when they're not! The climax full of ninjas which was the end of DDS2 lasted, what? An hour? Likely far less. Even if the Avengers WEREN'T preoccupied with more pressing, global matters, that's still not much time to assemble the team, form a plan, and hit 'em hard. For something WAY below their radar that they had almost no way of knowing about till it was underway and already dealt with, no less.

See? For every "What if...?" about the Avengers chipping in there are a million reasons they'd be busy instead or else not even know bout it till it was done. The Avengers are there for GLOBAL threats, not clandestine ninja affairs dealt with by relatively unpowered peeps on the street overnight.

Speaking of which, it's NOT like they have a whole toy box to play with, either. It's more like some kid went bankrupt, and now he has to play with certain toys, except when he's allowed to play with others, has to beg permission for certain toys from the brats he sold them to when he needed lunch money, and can still only play with certain figures in certain playgrounds and is still figuring out how to navigate that shit, lol. WAAAAY more complicated, to say the least.

I don't know. Maybe I just grew up waiting my entire life for this stuff so I appreciate all the awesome shit we're finally getting more than people who just expect it to fall into their laps immediately. Would I love to see Berthal's Punisher take a crack at what's-his-face's Spider-Man? Or The X-Men vs. The Avengers? Or EVERYONE vs. Galactus?

Sure. But I've also been paying attention and realize it's more complicated than that,

Not to mention the fact that paying some starving comic artists to cross-pollinate in-house pulp fiction comics cranked out on a monthly basis is VASTLY simpler than merging the divvied-up rights to a bunch of characters spread across multi-million dollar venues and years worth of planning.

I mean...c'mon, lol.

Marvel already revolutionized comics AND movies, ffs!

They're still getting there with everything else.

Give 'em a break! They've certainly earned it and it's not like their Distinguished Competition is catching up anytime soon, right?


04-13-2016, 06:22 AM
Why does Steven Strange sound like House?

04-13-2016, 10:52 AM
Dr. Strange looks like it could be neat, I know nothing about the character, though.

04-13-2016, 01:24 PM
Tilda Swinton FTW!!!!!

Heck yeah! I have a feeling she's going to steal the show. But when doesn't she? She's always fabulous. It's lurrrrrv!

Why does Steven Strange sound like House?

Both are Brits speaking with an American accent? But where you heard House, I heard Smaug. It's the deep throat Rrrrrs...

But back to Tilda! :P

04-13-2016, 01:47 PM
on the last episode of Daredevil season 2. holy shit. this show is so good. but i really need to stop trying to watch it while i'm eating, because :: barf ::

04-13-2016, 11:02 PM
I think the most we'll ever get in terms of crossover between the Netflix series and the movies - at least until Infinity War, potentially - is a minor glimpse, probably by a stand-in, of one of the big guys. Thor streaking across the sky, Cap running down the street, something like that. I can't imagine that the Netflix shows have the budgets to handle more beyond that.

Now, Spider-Man? I think that's a little different. They could potentially get Tom Holland to do something longer than a cameo, so long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of any of the shows. It's not like Agents of SHIELD where you can drop a big name into a random episode and build around them - though I don't even know if you can do that with SHIELD any more, it's been years since I watched any of it - there's a central plotline for each series and every episode has to contribute to that.

I don't really see the need to make an explicit connection between the two halves, anyway. I think it's important for the shows to stand on their own merits (which they very much have), not on "Iron Man was in an episode once so this is essential MCU viewing."

04-14-2016, 12:53 AM
I think the most we'll ever get in terms of crossover between the Netflix series and the movies - at least until Infinity War, potentially - is a minor glimpse, probably by a stand-in, of one of the big guys. Thor streaking across the sky, Cap running down the street, something like that. I can't imagine that the Netflix shows have the budgets to handle more beyond that.

That's literally all I'm asking for


Empire mag and Gamesradar both gave five stars to Civil War. I've been lukewarm in terms of interest but if it ends up being so well-reviewed from other places, I'll definitely have to check it out opening weekend:


This one is a bit more spoiler-y so if you're sensitive that don't read it:


04-14-2016, 09:48 AM
Michael Keaton is apparently in talks to be The Vulture in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'. (http://www.latino-review.com/news/spiderman-homecoming-finds-its-villain)

04-14-2016, 12:36 PM
Not really a shocker, but Deadpool 2 was just officially greenlit.

04-14-2016, 03:02 PM
Not really a shocker, but Deadpool 2 was just officially greenlit.


Meanwhile: extended fight scene between Bucky and half of Team Stark (I'm not posting the actual video because there are those who don't like spoilers)


Dear Tony: being a genius, you should know that trying hand to hand combat with a 99 year old guy with a metal arm who doesn't look a day older than 30 is going to end badly for you.

04-15-2016, 11:33 AM
Tom Hiddleston Wants Loki To Take On Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Strange (http://comicbook.com/2016/04/14/tom-hiddleston-wants-loki-to-take-on-benedict-cumberbatchs-dr-st/)


04-15-2016, 04:53 PM
Tom Hiddleston Wants Loki To Take On Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Strange (http://comicbook.com/2016/04/14/tom-hiddleston-wants-loki-to-take-on-benedict-cumberbatchs-dr-st/)


http://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.ning.com%2Ffiles%2F TtBtgQGD8RM6D6ELX-OYkZD0CTMLtt9knIFYUq5huQicJRJfuM0vhoZCEc9RseNtX3ut xcULLwMD2jx2RhyPzn0wPDKrDrJp%2FRandyMarshJizz.jpg&size=400x1000

04-18-2016, 04:55 PM
If anyone in the NYC area wants to hang, I'm about to head downtown and check out the first day of filming for "Iron Fist" w00t. Probably not much happening by now but I found a list of shooting locations for today and I'm close so I figure I might as well take a look.

I'll be the guy milling around in pigtails and a Decepticon shirt with a camcorder in one hand and a water bottle of vodka in the other, lol.

Don't be shy!


04-22-2016, 09:32 AM
Being reported everywhere that Robert Downey Jr. will officially be playing Tony in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'.

04-22-2016, 09:50 AM
Being reported everywhere that Robert Downey Jr. will officially be playing Tony in 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'.

I'll be interested to see when this movie takes place. Will it be before Civil War or will their relationship be ongoing? Oh, the mystery!

04-22-2016, 01:12 PM
I'll be interested to see when this movie takes place. Will it be before Civil War or will their relationship be ongoing? Oh, the mystery!

I'd be extremely surprised if they release movies set before previously released ones. A thing that I think the MCU is really good at is having a consistently forward-moving timeline and not forcing the audience to wonder about that kind of subject, it'd be really odd if they broke that with a character as major as Spidey.

Also I don't think it's been mentioned here but the whole "Michael Keaton confirmed" thing is now not true, he won't be involved.

04-25-2016, 08:43 AM

04-25-2016, 12:00 PM
So nice of Jubilee to finally show up in the trailers. [emoji19]

04-26-2016, 06:33 PM
OK, I don't care what anyone says. Tom Holland as Spider-Man is....... MOTHERFUCKING AWESOME!!!! Seriously. Sorry Tobey Maguire but he's better than you. Andrew, sorry things didn't work out with that last film which sucked ass.


04-27-2016, 09:17 AM
They seem to make his moves more dynamic and more realistic with every installment but to be honest, I had high hopes with McGuire and I did have them with Garfield aswell. And I really enjoyed their perfromances in albeit quite good to shitty movies. At this stage I think it would be better to let the Spiderman franchise rest. Although I am really looking forward to his role in this one.

04-27-2016, 09:56 AM
He's fine, whatever.

Can we just please, please not do the origin story again. Marvel has to know how stupid that would be. Right? RIGHT?

Conan The Barbarian
04-27-2016, 10:12 AM
I think so. But I wouldnt doubt it. And even though everyone is like no origin stories, people will bitch on how they didnt set him up or something.

Im looking foward to a proper spider man movie.

04-27-2016, 10:30 AM
Well seeing as he's already Spider-Man in this movie, and I highly doubt they would go into his origin in a Captain America movie, I really don't think they would make his standalone film a prequel. Maybe it's wishful thinking.

04-27-2016, 11:35 AM
Well seeing as he's already Spider-Man in this movie, and I highly doubt they would go into his origin in a Captain America movie, I really don't think they would make his standalone film a prequel. Maybe it's wishful thinking.

I forgot how I came to this conclusion but I thought we were nearly certain that it IS a prequel.

04-27-2016, 11:44 AM
I haven't heard anything about it being a prequel, someone mentioned it on here I think but it wasn't based on anything as far as I know

04-27-2016, 12:05 PM
He's fine, whatever.

Can we just please, please not do the origin story again. Marvel has to know how stupid that would be. Right? RIGHT?

But I mean how else are we gonna remember that Teter Barker's nephew Jen got stabbed and told him that with great customer service comes great products at always low prices at Wal-Mart and then Teter got scratched by a radioactive theme park character turning him into Lighter-Pan, a flame-powered version of the peanut butter mascot? See I'm already fuzzy on how it all happened, I need another origin story

Also I can't be the only person finding it impossible to get excited about the new X-Men, right? I liked Future Past a ton and all but god, I can only take so much "The fate of the world is in their hands for real this time" before it just gets pretty stock and exhausting, plus I can't stand how Mystique is just nothing like the character at all anymore. It just looks really boring to me for some reason. One thing that has me interested in Civil War is that the main plot actually isn't "the entire universe will be destroyed if we don't do something" for the dozenth time and instead seems like it's a largely interpersonal conflict instead, which is way more refreshing.

04-27-2016, 04:47 PM
The world end plot thing isn't putting me off, otherwise I just simply wouldnt watch super heroes anymore, and I guses I don't know what that says about me.

My lack of usual excitement boils down to a few factors. First and foremost, cyclops, storm and Jean grey played up as hype element for the film, two of my least favorite characters, totally boring, and ground that's been covered enough. They are not exciting.

The new movie brings in elements that I should find exciting, like apocalypse and nightcrawler, but apocalypse execution already seems questionable. I have a creeping suspicion that we basically only get one or two scenes with nightcrawler. It takes place in the 80s, but it doesn't look like we get the Dazzler or much of jubilee.

Wolverine is back... to ham it up I guess...

Depending on whether or not you include Deadpool, we've had about 3 or 4 watchable x men movies in a row, pretty exciting good movies, and so, just based on how these things work, it's about time for them to strike out. It even bears a visual resemble nice to X Men 3.

Well see I guess

04-28-2016, 04:32 PM
Bryan Singer's never made a bad X-Men movie so I'm not worried at all.

04-29-2016, 09:23 AM
Oh my god yes.


04-29-2016, 09:27 AM
Bryan Singer's never made a bad X-Men movie so I'm not worried at all.

That's probably (quite likely) just me being mean-spirited but I couldn't help and read that as "Bryan Singer's never made the impressively shitty abominable clusterfuck that is X-Men 3, so there is hope"...

04-29-2016, 11:17 AM
The only thing I've been really hooked on in the MCU is Daredevil and the Punisher arc was so good that I felt the ninja shit in the second half of season 2 suffered because of it so this is the best news possible for me.

More info:


One of the producers of Hannibal is involved. Fuck me silly I'm in.

04-29-2016, 11:19 AM
Oh my god yes.


Best part about this is that Steven Lightfoot, one of the major writers on Hannibal, will be show-running this. If he can subvert the "gun porn" expectations that his last show did for serial killer cliches, then I'm all in.

04-29-2016, 11:29 AM
Yeah it should be hot. I'm hoping that Daredevil appears...

04-29-2016, 04:57 PM
That's probably (quite likely) just me being mean-spirited but I couldn't help and read that as "Bryan Singer's never made the impressively shitty abominable clusterfuck that is X-Men 3, so there is hope"...

You only think that X-3 was bad until you remember that there was a thing called X Men Origins: Wolverine... HOLY CRINGE that movie is a shitshow!

04-29-2016, 06:02 PM
Random anecdote time!

When the first Wolverine movie came out, my pal Jack and I went to see its midnight premiere in downtown Chicago. Right before showtime, I ran outside to smoke a joint really quick and noticed a car pull up and a bunch of people taking pictures but didn't really see what was going on otherwise so I just kept walking and smoked my joint.

Then, on my way back in, I finally realized it was Hugh Jackman arriving as a surprise guest to introduce the movie since he was in town for his Oprah interview the next day! I wound up on the escalator next to him and texted Jack to leave our coats in the seats and come to the lobby immediately, without explaining why, and the look on his face when he got to the escalator and saw me hanging out with Wolverine was fucking PRICELESS, lol.

I really WANTED to tell Jackman that we saw the leaked workprint of his piece of shit movie but he was SUCH a nice guy that I couldn't bring myself to say it. He even noticed I reeked of weed, said it smelled like it was good stuff, and joked that he wished I would have passed it his way! So I introduced him to my pal and we all talked about how awesome The Fountain was and Jack even grabbed his ass and got a wink from him when Jackman told him not to worry about being too rough because it was insured, lol.

OMFG if only the movie was HALF as awesome as HE was that night.

04-29-2016, 07:17 PM
Hazekiah is he as sexy in person as I think he is and does he smell as beautiful as I like to believe him to be

Also did he react well about The Fountain; that's my favorite movie and I've always hated how little it's known

04-29-2016, 07:58 PM
I mean...just look at the guy! Easily one of the sexiest, most gracious, friendly, and charming people I've ever met. Like I said, I wanted to shit-talk his movie to his face SO BAD for having dropped the ball SO HARD, but simply COULD NOT be that big an asshole in his presence.

But, yeah, he smelled great! We actually talked about it because he was fresh off the plane from Australia and was telling us he just barely had enough time to shower before showing up or he wouldn't have come because he stank so bad, lol.

And our chat about The Fountain was hilarious! My pal Jack and I are both huge comic geeks so we watched the leaked workprint of the first Wolverine movie the day before it came out and then followed it up with The Fountain as a palate-cleanser because it was such a clusterfuck abomination of Logan's origin story and just a shitty movie in general. So, having NO IDEA it would actually happen the next day, I asked Jack what he'd say to Hugh Jackman about his Wolverine movie if he had the chance and he said, "I'd tell him I loved him in The Fountain," lol. When I introduced him to him the very first thing I said was, "Oh, Mr. Jackman, this is my friend Jack, and he's a BIG FAN of your Huge Ackman and LOVED YOU in The Fountain," and then Jack almost DIED trying not to laugh his ass off, bwahaha.

Anyway, he couldn't say enough good things about Aronofsky and how much it was maybe his favorite film he'd done and that he would love to work with him again on anything if he had the chance. And he got a REALLY big kick out of me telling him Issue 5 of "Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk" had FINALLY come out recently and that I was pretty sure the gag where Logan meets his spirit animal, a panda, they pick a fight with each other, and Wolverine pops his claws only to find out they're made of FLOWERS was ALMOST CERTAINLY inspired by the flower scene in The Fountain, lol.


04-29-2016, 08:02 PM
This is everything I wanted to hear

And it's good you didn't talk shit to him, honestly often the stars like him are the last reason those things happen. He's never been the problem with any of the X-Men movies as far as I'm concerned, and that movie was such a clear case of studio meddling and not giving any invested people creative control. It's always great to hear awesome stories about people like him.

04-30-2016, 08:14 AM
This is everything I wanted to hear

And it's good you didn't talk shit to him, honestly often the stars like him are the last reason those things happen. He's never been the problem with any of the X-Men movies as far as I'm concerned, and that movie was such a clear case of studio meddling and not giving any invested people creative control. It's always great to hear awesome stories about people like him.

Agreed 100% And I've never heard one bad thing being told about him either from co-stars or from fans. He genuinely seems like a very nice, decent person.

Thanks for sharing, Hazekiah !

04-30-2016, 12:03 PM
Wrong thread is wrong.

04-30-2016, 03:24 PM
Word is that the director of the upcoming The Flash movie has bowed out due to 'creative differences'. Ruh roh...

This is the Marvel thread. :P

04-30-2016, 04:30 PM

This is the Marvel thread. :P

D'oh! I blame my iPhone. In actuality, it was me not paying attention...but let's go with the iPhone lol.

05-01-2016, 07:15 PM
YES, Civil War is that good. Just below The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy on my top Marvel movies list.

05-01-2016, 09:52 PM
Finally saw Deadpool.

I have one question, when in the timeline of events would Wade have previously met Colossus and have all this knowledge about the X-Men and what not?

05-02-2016, 06:38 AM
Finally saw Deadpool.

I have one question, when in the timeline of events would Wade have previously met Colossus and have all this knowledge about the X-Men and what not?

I wondered about that too. They seemed to know each other pretty well but I don't see how there was time for that to happen.

05-02-2016, 11:28 AM
I wondered about that too. They seemed to know each other pretty well but I don't see how there was time for that to happen.
I mean i guess you could fit it in somewhere during his "proto-costume montage beatdown" but i just felt like everything was happening pretty close together after his torturous experiments.

05-02-2016, 02:13 PM
Obviously, Deadpool either met Colossus at Three Mile Island or else sometime during the almost 40 years since then, lol.


05-02-2016, 04:19 PM
Obviously, Deadpool either met Colossus at Three Mile Island or else sometime during the almost 40 years since then, lol.

Yeah but at that point during the experiments he wasn't "Deadpool" by name yet until meeting his buddy at the bar so even if that whole process took some time, i think Wade said it had been a couple years? but it def had to have happened after that, I just didn't think that much time had passed between that and the pursuit of Ajax though, has to fit in during a time jump montage i would think?

05-02-2016, 04:58 PM
Actually, he was referred to as "Deadpool" on the operating table by Stryker in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I was just joking about the fact that they've clearly ret-conned his origin from that PoS movie.

05-02-2016, 06:08 PM
The X-Men timeline is so fucked, but it does make you think how long in between Wade being Deadpool met the X-men, or just Colossus.

05-02-2016, 06:08 PM
Actually, he was referred to as "Deadpool" on the operating table by Stryker in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I was just joking about the fact that they've clearly ret-conned his origin from that PoS movie.
Oh haha well yeah I'd sure hope so! :P

The X-Men timeline is so fucked, but it does make you think how long in between Wade being Deadpool met the X-men, or just Colossus.
Yeah man i hear you there, maybe it was just Colossus and he introduced him to Xavier. I know we're not supposed to take the out of universe jokes into context like the "McAvoy or Stewart" bit but they def made an effort to show that they've met before. It's a head scratcher.

Ah well, it's just a movie.

EDIT: :D (granted he follows everyone but this was cool!)


05-04-2016, 12:22 PM
Tomorrow night, my god I'm pumped.

"There’s a lot of bloat, but the fanboy in us all will have a hard time not grinning when Spider-Man be-webs Captain America’s shield while Ant-Man scoots around pulling out wires in Iron Man’s suit."

05-05-2016, 11:17 AM
Russos confirmed that the next two Avengers movies will be filmed concurrently from November to next September!