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05-05-2016, 11:54 AM
Tonight's the night! I'm ready for the heartbreak. I love Iron Man. I have since I was a kid. I get why Stark is doing what he's doing but damn, I think I actually have to side with Cap here (so far).

05-05-2016, 11:38 PM
Everyone needs a friend like Steve Rogers.

05-06-2016, 12:02 AM
This movie was more than I ever thought it could be. I simply was amazed and enjoyed the ride from opening to closing.

05-06-2016, 12:24 AM
Yeah damn just got home. Amazing.

bobbie solo
05-06-2016, 02:58 AM
WOW! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE! Delivered everything I wanted and more. Spiderman was incredible, as was Ant-Man. And geez...did they put Black Panther over or what? Character was SO badass. There is an incredible chase scene and two great fight scenes, including the one you can get from the trailers. That one....wow. Wait till you see what they pull with one.

You do not see everything in the trailers. You will be surprised by some major things that occur later on. The plot was a bit confusing and the movie probably could've been shaved by 15 minutes, but these are minor nitpicks. My biggest complaint was really Elizabeth Olsen's terrible attempt at an accent. It's worse than in Avengers: AoU. Although, it appears halfway through the movie she just gives up and sounds American.

There are two cut scenes during the credits...One a few minutes in and then one at the very end. Neither one is anything major.

THIS is how you do a super hero movie DC. This movie tells a serious story, characters suffer consequences yet everything is still ENTERTAINING. And with all the characters....wow,, the Russo brothers deserve major applause for balancing everyone pretty damn well. And you can just feel the joy of filmmaking, of comics, of the characters just come through this. Just like Winter Soldier, but even more so b/c this movie isn't as somber.


some random thoughts before I go to sleep:


- Crossbones did his thing in his limited role. Had some cool tricks up his sleeve.

- Redwing!

- Spidey's Empire Strikes Back line was amazing and had the whole theatre dying. So many good quips in his short appearance.

- loooooool when they cut to Bucky & Falcon in the VW after Cap finally kisses Sharon.

- Sharon was a badass in this. Strong chick who thinks for herself.

- Very upset that once again we are not tying in or even mentioning Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Part when the character Martin Freeman plays could easily have been Coulson at the very least. This cold war btwn the TV & movie properties needs to stop immediately. Especially with the Cap movies, the ones that make the most sense to tie in briefly with the show.

- How did Cap know that Bucky killed Tony's parents? Did he find out when him & Widow were in that Hydra bunker in the last movie?

- Scarlet Witch majorly powered up from the last movie, Vision continues to be depowered except for when he shoots from the Infinity Gem in his head.

- Was hoping for a Maria Hill or Nick Fury appearance but contracts are contracts I guess. Gotta choose the appearances wisely I suppose.

- They tone down Tony considerably from the Civil War comic version. Much more contemplative and unsure in this, as opposed to the near tyrant he becomes in the comic series.

- They are clearly showing us that Tony is nearing retirement as a super hero. He's slower, he gets beaten up quicker & stays wounded/damaged easier & longer. I could see him dying in Infinity War, esp. since his contract is up too.

- How about using that same head placement technology for a young Tony like they did for young super skinny Steve Rogers in Cap 1? That was pretty neat.

- How old is Howard Stark supposed to be 1991? around 75 or so? Considering he was around 30-35 looking in 1944? Cuz the actor from Mad Men playing Howard Stark does NOT look that old despite the all white hair.

- Zemo's motivation and hatched plot were shaky. But then again so is anyone who really blames the heroes for the things that have happened in the past in this universe. Blame the villains, not the heroes who stopped them. And that same tired line about the bad guys coming out b/c the good guys exist is a total cop out. It works much better re: Batman/Gotham/his rogues gallery.

- I complain about how quippy the Marvel are. And this one is no exception. Tons of jokes mid-fight, but A) they're funny and B) the really serious fights at the end of the movie do NOT have any jokes. The stakes have been raised at that point and everyone is at full force. Not like the airport fighting scene, which you can argue that long time friends that are holding back would joke around more there.

There's so much more to discuss. What an incredible film. Might see it again this weekend. Kudos again to the Russo Brothers. Impressive stuff.

05-06-2016, 07:25 AM
"Does anyone have any orange slices?" is both the best line and how I felt after seeing this. Funny but absolutely painful (in the best ways). Bring on the solo Black Panther movie! Spider-Man was great too.

That entire final fight and then Steve's letter to Stark after was masterful work. They aren't completely broken apart as evidenced by Stark putting Ross on hold but I wonder how they'll work together in Not Infinity War.

05-06-2016, 08:55 AM
- How did Cap know that Bucky killed Tony's parents? Did he find out when him & Widow were in that Hydra bunker in the last movie?
Yes. Zola doesn't say it in so many words; he says that "threats to Hydra are eliminated" (paraphrasing) and a headline of Howard's death appear on screen at the same time.

- How old is Howard Stark supposed to be 1991? around 75 or so? Considering he was around 30-35 looking in 1944? Cuz the actor from Mad Men playing Howard Stark does NOT look that old despite the all white hair.

In the MCU, Howard was born in 1917 which makes him 25 year old in The First Avenger. And he was indeed 75 at the time of his death. Tony was born when Howard was 53. Funny fact: Howard and Bucky were born the same year.

@Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) The threat will be so huge that they won't have a choice.

05-06-2016, 08:59 AM
"Does anyone have any orange slices?" is both the best line and how I felt after seeing this. Funny but absolutely painful (in the best ways). Bring on the solo Black Panther movie! Spider-Man was great too.

That entire final fight and then Steve's letter to Stark after was masterful work. They aren't completely broken apart as evidenced by Stark putting Ross on hold but I wonder how they'll work together in Not Infinity War.

*mock evil laugh* ;)

bobbie solo
05-06-2016, 10:41 AM
didn't get the orange slices joke at all. What am I missing here?

05-06-2016, 10:50 AM
Never tripped?

05-06-2016, 12:13 PM
I really liked this, but I don't think it was as good as Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier is a neat and tidy package, and Civil War is completely bloated to capacity, and is often a slog.

It's obvious why: this movie is juggling too many characters, and many of them have not really earned their place here. It makes a lot of the same mistakes as "Age of Ultron," just not as severely. It's weak convoluted villain can be forgiven, because he's not the point. And one of the random jammed in characters, Spider-man, is fun enough to watch, and has enough metalwork that he feels somehow natural. Black Panther ALMOST feels welcome, because his arc makes a bit of sense, but his motivations intermingle with those of several other characters and so he feels part of the crowd.

The biggest anchors here are Scarlet Witch and Vision, who both felt like excess baggage in Age of Ultron, and absolutely are, here as well. It doesn't help that they are poorly acted, Scarlet Witch is fucking painful to listen too, Vision is embarrassing to look at, and their dialogues and subplots are forced and unnecessary. They distract from an interesting plot, that would hook me pretty good if this dynamic duo didn't rip me off the line.

The new Spider-man and his sexy aunt may are a bit jarring, as his age is a very sharp contrast to his predecessors. He doesn't get to ever seem like a lose either, he's just a cool kid already and we welcome him because his inclusion is long overdue at this point. Unlike, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, and many other marvel heroes, Spiderman did, technically have some previous movies that can help us fill in the blanks, even if they aren't canon. Unfortunately, as much as i love spiderman and they did a fine job, the entire movie could have gone on with out him, and probably had been for it. Spiderman holds no real herring on the actual plot. I guess I would say my core issue with him is that he lacks the heart that spider man so very badly needs.

By contrast to all of this, when marvel sticks to their original, phase one formula, it pans out nicely, and so Ant Man, having already been introduced, and convincingly attached to the avengers in his own movie, feels in place here. He shines, and in his action sequences steals the show like no o e else in the movie. Why they've inverted this formula in phase 2 is beyond me, but luckily, it looks like they'll buck this trend by giving dr. Strange his own movie, before he gets the chance to derail so.e one else's that I actually care about.

RDJ kills it, as usual, same chris evans, everyone else. The fundamentals of the plot are well established and certainly involving enough. So I really enjoyed it, but they could have trimmed a lot of the fat here

05-06-2016, 12:15 PM
How long until someone makes THAT gif of Bucky and Falcon reacting? Because I want it now :)

05-06-2016, 12:42 PM
I was *dying* laughing over that scene.

bobbie solo
05-06-2016, 12:47 PM
I strongly agree about the Aunt May casting. I love Tomei (who doesn't?), but not here. THey clearly decided they wanted to go in another direction completely with her, getting away from feeble old Aunt May....meaning she will end up being important to the plot of one of his movies I guess. And those stories always annoyed in the comics too. Leave Aunt May alone!

As far as him being a cool kid, not sure where you saw that. The whole reason Aunt May believes his story about getting beat up is clearly b/c he has gotten picked on before. That's how I saw it anyway. I mean, he's a HS kid who goes dumpster diving for DVD players and old PC's. He's clearly an outsider in his real life.

How great was the Queens/Brooklyn lines from him & Cap? that obviously went over very well at my NYC show last night.

Man, I really need to see this again asap.

Mr. Blaileen
05-06-2016, 06:32 PM
Assorted thoughts:

Really enjoyed this movie. They did a great job of leaving plenty of goodies out of the trailer completely, so the film was filled with neat little surprises and interactions. ..And this is more of an observation than a criticism, but it felt more like Avengers 2.5 than it did a Captain America movie.

While still quippy like any other Marvel movie, the jokes felt toned down and less frequent in this one. Appreciated that a lot.

The Winter Soldier and Black Panther were the two standouts for me.

Was a bit surprised that nobody died. Thought there might be casualty or two.

05-06-2016, 06:59 PM
I really would have like Ant Man to have use his ant control powers. Like that would have shut everyone up real quick, being covered in ants.

05-07-2016, 01:35 PM
How long until someone makes THAT gif of Bucky and Falcon reacting? Because I want it now :)


05-07-2016, 03:23 PM
I just saw it as I got the last ticket for the 11:30 AM show and wow, that was fun. I'll post my full review later but here is a few of what I like:

-Black Panther, awesome dude with a cool-ass suit as Chadwick Boseman was impressive
-Spider-Man, Tom Holland is the best Spider-man so far and wow. I just love that sense of energy as well as the fact that even Captain America couldn't hate the kid.
-Character arcs. I like the development in Wanda as someone who is filled with guilt but at least has someone like Rogers to be there for her. I also like the development of Vision as someone who is still trying to figure things out but also realize it's not so simple.
-Sharon Carter, I like the fact that Emily Van Camp got more to do as well as the reveal of who her aunt is though I did like the reaction from Bucky & Falcon in seeing Rogers kiss her

Please make that Bucky/Falcon gif right now as well as that moment where Falcon tells Bucky "I hate you" in a comical manner. Here is my current list of the MCU ranked: http://letterboxd.com/thevoid99/list/marvel-cinematic-universe-ranked/

05-07-2016, 07:39 PM
I need a Sam & Bucky road trip/team-up movie like yesterday!

"Can you move your seat up?" Lol.

05-07-2016, 08:15 PM
I need a Sam & Bucky road trip/team-up movie like yesterday!

"Can you move your seat up?" Lol.


"-Couldn't you have done that earlier?
-I hate you."

And please someone, give Hawkeye his own Netflix series!

" I retire for 5 minutes and it all goes to shit!"

But that thing at the end, you know, that was horrifying. I love that character and holy shit did that freaking hurt to watch. I'm never watching that part of the movie ever again. And yes, I did know about it but no words can describe the brutality of it.

Also: have I ever told you how much I love RDJ?

05-07-2016, 08:40 PM
Here is my full review of Captain America: Civil War: http://thevoid99.blogspot.com/2016/05/captain-america-civil-war.html

05-08-2016, 04:35 AM
I guess I would say my core issue with him is that he lacks the heart that spider man so very badly needs.

When Tony Stark asks him why he's fighting crime, Peter gives one of the most profound answers to that question I've seen in a movie. We, the viewers know that he's talking about Uncle Ben, but Tony doesn't, and he puts more heart into the superhero genre with those few lines than most movies manage in their entire run time.

It wasn't some bloated speech, but it was touching and you could see the pain behind it. I thought it was very well done actually.

05-08-2016, 12:47 PM
When Tony Stark asks him why he's fighting crime, Peter gives one of the most profound answers to that question I've seen in a movie. We, the viewers know that he's talking about Uncle Ben, but Tony doesn't, and he puts more heart into the superhero genre with those few lines than most movies manage in their entire run time.

It wasn't some bloated speech, but it was touching and you could see the pain behind it. I thought it was very well done actually.

It was a paraphrased "with great power comes great responsibility...

05-08-2016, 10:18 PM
I am far less thrilled by Marvel than most of you here. I dislike a lot of the MCU and rarely find it above average. I had almost zero interest in Civil War but went with a friend since the reaction had been so positive, but still expected an Ant-Man situation where everyone loved it but I found it miserable.

... and I was happily, blissfully wrong. It's the most I've ever enjoyed one of these movies. Spidey was great. Black Panther was great. The story was consistent and smart. The conflicts made sense and everyone was balanced and at their best (and best at their worst). The fights were incredible and the effects were smooth and not distracting (the opening for Ultron looked like a PS3 cutscene and I hated it). When Wanda propelled Cap up to the window at the beginning? Amazing. In general I could gush so much but it's safe to say it's beaten Iron Man 1 as my favorite Marvel movie (MCU or otherwise) and the Russo brothers are Marvel's greatest asset.

05-09-2016, 10:29 AM
Finally saw Captain America: Civil War like 10 times yesterday, lol.

Can we talk about the fact that "homecoming" is one of The Winter Soldier's trigger words?

Can't help but wonder if that means the MCU might go for the Russian spies angle with Peter's missing parents.

05-09-2016, 10:58 AM
When Tony Stark asks him why he's fighting crime, Peter gives one of the most profound answers to that question I've seen in a movie. We, the viewers know that he's talking about Uncle Ben, but Tony doesn't, and he puts more heart into the superhero genre with those few lines than most movies manage in their entire run time.

It wasn't some bloated speech, but it was touching and you could see the pain behind it. I thought it was very well done actually.

Really dug this part too.

05-09-2016, 07:40 PM
Civil War was so perfect. Pretty much how I feel about Marvel at this point:


05-09-2016, 09:25 PM
I'm dying over this observation. (https://twitter.com/softsebs/status/729478750635593728)

05-10-2016, 10:48 AM
http://media.fyre.co/NTvfDKpLQSHbAbrFpBqO_ALL_FLASH%20DC%20Abandon%20Sh ip.gif

Conan The Barbarian
05-10-2016, 03:27 PM
Well, i enjoyed this movie. But its the same ol same ol from marvel.

Spidey and panther, show stealers. Jokes werent as lame. The fight between cap and iron man was my highlight. Its a cool movie, but I came out of it feeling underwhelmed.

I think it has to do wth that formula marvel is known for, I think its time to change it up or am I just sick of the same fucking characters? And as a comic book "nerd", I never thought I would say that.

05-10-2016, 04:17 PM

05-10-2016, 06:17 PM

05-10-2016, 06:30 PM

05-10-2016, 08:43 PM
I have to say, Black Panthers entrance was probably the coolest ever in a Marvel film. The movie dragged a little bit after the first fight scene, but man... There are no words for the action in this film. I found it real funny to see the avengers living like roommates pretty much and humanizing some of them. The scene where they cut to Vision making dinner was hilarious, and seeing him in people clothes just had me cracking up. I think Guardians is still my favorite MCU film, but this comes really close.

I think they did Spider-Man so much justice, and to see him slinging around and showing off how strong he truly is was fantastic. I like Marvel taking the younger approach. They made Aunt Mae much younger and I give them credit for changing it up a bit. Starting him off younger will only let the audience watch him form into a much smarter and versatile Spidey in the future.

My top 5 right now would be :
1. Guardians Of The Galaxy
2. The Avengers
3. Iron Man
4. Winter Soldier
5. Civil War

cashpiles (closed)
05-11-2016, 01:31 AM
I gotta say that this film didn't make much of an impact on me during its runtime. @Self.Destructive.Pattern (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=602) is right about Black Panther. Very cool intro, character and formidability.

As for much of everything else... it was just light... light, low-impact stuff that I didn't connect with. This felt like the most boring of all the Marvel films. It really dragged for large portions of time. Here's what it is: The lulls in the action kill the momentum of the film (imo) and this makes it feel disconnected in some ways.

The story kind of makes mistakes from the Avengers seem excusable and justifiable "for the greater good". At least the X Men have a school where they train to control their powers properly.

Some of the action was good...(Spiderman VS. the other super heroes, Ant Man doing some wacky stuff, the intro action sequence was pretty cool, also Cap and Bucky beating the shit out of dozens of SWAT police in a stairwell).

This may sound like blasphemy to some fans, but I'd say Avengers 2 was much more entertaining.

Here's my top 5 Marvel films:
Iron Man 1
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Ant Man
Avengers 2 or Guardians Of The Galaxy

05-11-2016, 04:49 AM
This was the best Spider Man film so far

05-11-2016, 07:57 AM
The story kind of makes mistakes from the Avengers seem excusable and justifiable "for the greater good".

wait, what? i feel like the entire film was about Cap (and his team) fighting AGAINST their own for more selfish reasons, rather than for the greater good. and it was about how all of their actions DO have huge consequences. that's the whole point of the sokkovia accords. they've fucked up too much for the world to just blindly trust them any more. they can barely even trust each other any more.

i saw the movie yesterday and enjoyed every second of it. i didn't cry as much as i thought i would, but i still cried a little bit. my friend who came with me said he's fairly certain that, at this point, it's his favorite MCU film.

also, last night's Agents of SHIELD picks up where Civil War left off, with lots of talk about the Sokkovia Accords and how that's affecting things.

05-11-2016, 10:03 AM
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Civil War

05-11-2016, 11:06 AM
Let's face it: Scott Lang is all of us meeting and fighting with the Avengers for the first time.

05-11-2016, 12:22 PM
Absolutely. I would most definitely get the impulse to feel Cap too. A lot.

And about that Empire article: it was very clear to me that when Cap dropped the shield, he let go of being Captain America. Even with all the other characters that sometimes made the movie feel like it was Avengers 2.5 Civil War, to me, is very much a Steve Rogers movie.

I still can't get over that scene. And the fight that follows is heartbreaking. So many feels...

cashpiles (closed)
05-11-2016, 12:50 PM
wait, what? i feel like the entire film was about Cap (and his team) fighting AGAINST their own for more selfish reasons, rather than for the greater good. and it was about how all of their actions DO have huge consequences. that's the whole point of the sokkovia accords. they've fucked up too much for the world to just blindly trust them any more. they can barely even trust each other any more.

i saw the movie yesterday and enjoyed every second of it. i didn't cry as much as i thought i would, but i still cried a little bit. my friend who came with me said he's fairly certain that, at this point, it's his favorite MCU film.

also, last night's Agents of SHIELD picks up where Civil War left off, with lots of talk about the Sokkovia Accords and how that's affecting things.

But in the end, Rogers is seen as right in resisting being controlled by any oversight committees. Basically a few of the Avengers spend a couple days of imprisonment as punishment for there war crimes (and only while under the Sokkovia accord). This could be seen as a reflection of American global military policy... repeated references are made to some of the Avengers as "nukes" (in reference to their potential destructive power). The thing this film does is make the Avengers feel enough guilt over collateral damage and innocent deaths to split the team up for a period of time. In the end though, the Avengers are yet again fully autonomous. And the film world's UN and the people of the world just have to hope that the Avengers "try" to reduce accidental innocent deaths. We see that the issue has had an impact on the Avengers...but will any changes be made? I guess we'll have to wait and see for the next installment...

05-11-2016, 04:25 PM
Funny how Secretary Ross didn't show footage of Abomination in Harlem. Oh, wait.

05-11-2016, 04:30 PM
Funny how Secretary Ross didn't show footage of Abomination in Harlem. Oh, wait.

I remember him talking about having a triple bypass so if he comes face-to-face with the Hulk? Will he croak this time around?

05-11-2016, 05:10 PM
Are we doing top 5 lists?

This is mine:

1. Civil War
2. Iron Man
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Winter Soldier
5. Iron Man 3

05-11-2016, 06:23 PM
1. Guardians Of The Galaxy
2. Civil War
3. Winter Soldier
4. The Avengers
5. Iron Man / Iron Man 3 (tie)

05-11-2016, 08:58 PM
Spoilers but a pretty good list of Easter eggs: http://www.screengeek.net/2016/05/08/10-civil-war-easter-eggs-you-missed/

The reason why Nick furry wasn't in Civil War: http://www.screengeek.net/2016/05/11/the-reason-nick-fury-wasnt-in-civil-war/

05-11-2016, 09:36 PM
Absolutely. I would most definitely get the impulse to feel Cap too. A lot.

And about that Empire article: it was very clear to me that when Cap dropped the shield, he let go of being Captain America. Even with all the other characters that sometimes made the movie feel like it was Avengers 2.5 Civil War, to me, is very much a Steve Rogers movie.

I still can't get over that scene. And the fight that follows is heartbreaking. So many feels...

As soon as the footage came up, I kept whispering to myself, "Fuuuuuck."

"I remember all of them." *cries*

Everyone in this movie is suffering from PTSD but I have to give Bucky Barnes props for even just making it day by day. All that guilt and paranoia just eating away at him. :(

I hope this is Steve's outfit in the next movie.

bobbie solo
05-12-2016, 09:56 AM
I mean, you all understand the REAL reason he wasn't in the movie right?

05-12-2016, 10:36 AM
I mean, you all understand the REAL reason he wasn't in the movie right?

Budget reasons? Or did Sam Jackson's contract expire?

05-12-2016, 10:36 AM
They already signed Samuel L. Jackson to a legendary nine-movie deal and got a few freebies out of him along the way, too...plus, the MCU is KILLING IT with critical reception and making bank, not to mention that Fiege's been promoted to basically run the whole thing with no interference and SLJ's a huge comic nerd, crazily prolific, and even kicked the whole thing off by letting them use his likeness in "The Ultimates" in the first place.

I'm sure they'll work something out and we'll still see PLENTY more Fury in future films.

In the meantime, his current absence makes sense story-wise and the comments from the writers make some interesting, good points, too.

Sounds like a non-issue to me right now.


bobbie solo
05-12-2016, 01:23 PM
there's a # of appearances attached to each of these actors. Marvel is choosy about where to use/waste them, so they must have decided to not use one of them in this movie. I guess that's fine & for The Greater Good (Year Zero what up!), but the character of Nick Fury not getting involved in this huge fight between his handpicked team seems a bit unbelievable plot-wise.

While we're on plot issues with the movie, I think it's silly that Cap didn't bring up how Hydra infiltrated and almost took over the U.S. gov't/SHIELD from within, and almost sent nukes all over the world. So this same gov't, that was just recently take over, are the now the people that the Avengers & other powered individuals are supposed to trust with their identities and oversight? How can they possibly trust them? I feel like that's a pretty solid argument that Cap and his group could have made to defend their pov. Or did I perhaps miss a brief reference to this in the movie?

05-12-2016, 02:14 PM
Well, they were surrendering their authority to the will of the U.N. rather than the U.S., for starters.

And plotwise Fury's still in hiding and only stepped-in when absolutely necessary for the Sokovia crisis, hanging around to expose himself to world authorities AND the assassin who thinks he killed Fury probably wouldn't advance his agendas for going to hiding in the first place.

05-12-2016, 03:37 PM
Some really cool Civil War themed jackets here. Pricey though:

http://nerdist.com/these-captain-america-civil-war-jackets-bring-style-to-superhero-warfare/ (http://nerdist.com/these-captain-america-civil-war-jackets-bring-style-to-superhero-warfare/)

05-12-2016, 06:06 PM
Agent Carter cancelled.


05-12-2016, 06:25 PM
Bastards! Screw that.

So many questions left unanswered...

05-12-2016, 07:50 PM
The Mockingbird and Hunter show isn't moving forward either, so i wonder if they'll just bring them back in to the flagship show at some point?

05-12-2016, 09:28 PM


I wanted to see Peggy vs. Dottie III!!!!

05-12-2016, 09:53 PM
Agent Carter cancelled.



i am so sad right now

05-12-2016, 10:00 PM
I wanted to know who killed Agent Sousa as I was starting to like that character. Plus, I wanted more of Jarvis.... fuck you ABC!

05-12-2016, 10:26 PM
Thompson was the one killed.

05-12-2016, 10:41 PM
Thompson was the one killed.

Oh yeah. Sorry. *facepalm myself for being stupid*

05-13-2016, 08:48 AM

05-13-2016, 04:10 PM
Man, I keep coming back to the scene in Civil War where Natasha went to the funeral to talk to Steve and give him a hug. I really liked that relationship as I kinda wanted them to get together instead of Steve and Sharon Carter.

05-13-2016, 05:11 PM
Michael B. Jordan (and possibly Lupita Nyong'o) cast in Black Panther- get hyped!

05-13-2016, 08:56 PM
Michael B. Jordan (and possibly Lupita Nyong'o) cast in Black Panther- get hyped!

I'm so hyped for this film. Under the direction of Ryan Coogler and if he is able to create something special without too much compromise from Kevin Feige. I hope there is something special with this film. I read that Jordan is likely to play a villain while I think Nyong'o is going to play a love interest/fellow fighter.

05-13-2016, 09:51 PM
Lupita needs to play Shuri, no exceptions!

05-15-2016, 12:14 PM

I'm not sure how successful these online petitions usually are, but it's worth a shot to bring Carter to Netflix!

05-15-2016, 02:23 PM
Man, I keep coming back to the scene in Civil War where Natasha went to the funeral to talk to Steve and give him a hug. I really liked that relationship as I kinda wanted them to get together instead of Steve and Sharon Carter.
I thought that was a touching moment too... however, I actually appreciate that it wasn't a romantic gesture, rather a friend reaching out to a friend. Not enough friendships between a man and a woman in pop culture that manages not to turn into a lovefest.

05-15-2016, 02:52 PM
Or between two men. (I say as an avowed Stucky shipper. :p)

05-15-2016, 03:45 PM
Also, on that note, I think the lowest point of Age of Ultron was that Black Widow's storyline was simply her relationship to Dr. Banner and that she could manipulate him. Like, that's the best we could do with a female character... Weak.

05-15-2016, 04:22 PM
Also, on that note, I think the lowest point of Age of Ultron was that Black Widow's storyline was simply her relationship to Dr. Banner and that she could manipulate him. Like, that's the best we could do with a female character... Weak.

I think if the Hulk returns for Infinity Wars, when Black Widow tries to calm him down. Why not have Scarlet Witch arrive with a soda and offer it to Hulk who drinks it and calms down sparking some funny girl-on-girl tension between Widow and Witch? I kinda wanted to see a cat fight between those 2.

05-15-2016, 04:46 PM
Nooooooo I need Wanda and Vision to have imaginary babies.

05-15-2016, 08:30 PM
Nooooooo I need Wanda and Vision to have imaginary babies.

OK, how about Widow and Witch just have the banter like Falcon and Bucky? We need the ladies to be funny and have a sister-mance or something.

05-17-2016, 02:05 AM
So the box office gross for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in almost two months has officially been surpassed by Captain America: Civil War in just over two weeks, lol.


05-17-2016, 02:20 AM
I'll never understand the weird fanboy competitiveness between franchises.

05-17-2016, 07:10 AM
There's a difference between a sense of competition and a blatantly apparent observation.

I grew up reading and loving ALL comics, irrespective of their publishers. You'd have just as likely found me reading Marvel or DC or my sister's "Archie" comics as you would "Ralph Snart," "Dark Horse Presents," "TMNT," or "Andrew Vachss' Hard Looks," etc. Suffice it to say, I cast a pretty wide net. These days I still have favorite characters and titles and they're mostly Marvel's but I don't really care about that...I pretty much just follow the talent I like no matter what they're working on for whichever publisher.

And, frankly, I'm a fan of the DCEU and the MCU alike so far. I've actually seen BvS:DoJ and CA:CW 10 times each and enjoyed them both every time! But the court of public opinion has rendered its verdict and Marvel is clearly running circles around DC right now.

So to speak.

Like I said, I'm pulling for BOTH to succeed.

But if I find a .gif that expresses the current dynamic succinctly and hilariously then I'm not going to hold myself back from enjoying it or sharing the fun for fear of being accused of being a competitive fanboy.

I've always been pretty clear about what I enjoy so I'm not really worried about it.

05-17-2016, 07:21 AM
Those kinds of gifs in general are exactly that sort of smarmy, "Ooo look haha thing I like did better than thing I don't, we win" mentality though. I'm not talking about you specifically, just that general attitude, mentality and type of content. It's so weird. There's a connotation to it that you can't say isn't there. It's one thing to say "Move A made more money than Movie B" and another to have gifs making fun of Movie B for making less money than Movie A.

But whatever. I'm happy to see Civil War doing well because I really can't say there's anything I didn't like about it and I've not said that about a Marvel movie since Iron Man.

05-17-2016, 07:30 AM
I'll never understand the weird fanboy competitiveness between franchises.

I think you're misunderstanding the situation. Comic nerds love that Marvel put in the time and effort to make an interconnected universe that's respectful of the properties and fans expectations, where as the studios/directors doing DC movies (and Marvel stuff not under Marvel control) are dropping the ball in the eyes of the fans. So the nerds are gleeful when MCU movies outperform the competition.

05-17-2016, 07:33 AM
It's not competition. Marvel systematically built up their characters (and movies). WB/DC, since the awful Man of Steel, have shown that not only do they not care about their characters but also don't know them either. Badass depressed Superman. Batman shooting and branding guys. Whatever the fuck that Lex Luthor was supposed to be. Pa Kent--sociopath. Zombie Zod + LOTR Cave Troll = Doomsday.

Unchecked Goyer and Snyder gives you garbage every time. And they pushed out the guy that was supposed to serve as the Joss Whedon/Marvel guide in Christopher Nolan. Haste (and two mentally 14 year old minds) made waste. It's not even a competition anymore.

I like both DC and Marvel but as far as movies go? It's not even close. Nolan's Batman trilogy was great. I like Arrow and Flash but that dummy Snyder doesn't want anything to do with the two well established DC characters. Not badass enough for him (no really, that's basically the exact quote).

There's nothing but GRIMDARK BADASS in Snyder/Goyer's DC. And WB signed off on it. Suicide Squad looks like more of the same with unintentional comedy and lots of obvious phoned in performances. We deserved better. I feel really bad for DC fans who have this fanboy hatred of Marvel. It's sad watching them try to defend what is indefensible.

05-17-2016, 07:36 AM
Well, let's not forget there's always been a healthy competitiveness between both companies anyway. I always got a kick out of seeing Marvel's "Bullpen Bulletins" refer to their "distinguished competition," lol. And DC's hardly innocent of similar snark.

But fuck it, forget all that and forget the money.

I'm glad to hear you found nothing wrong with CA:CW...but can you honestly say the same about BvS:DoJ?

Because the general consensus seems to be that one of them is nearly perfect while the other is far from it, and the .gif above is equally expressive of THAT dynamic as it is of the finances.

Take your pick.

05-17-2016, 07:42 AM
can you honestly say the same about BvS:DoJ?

I'd never say that but I just don't see what that has to do with the MCU at all. Whatever, I'm clearly the odd man out in this situation and will stop.

05-17-2016, 08:19 AM
Yeah, we're only talking about two massive, blockbuster, superhero-beatdown movies from industry-leading rivals who both staked their claim to the SAME release date against one another until the weaker of the two backed down and moved up its schedule to avoid the competition altogether.

Oh, and that release date happened to be Mother's Day weekend and one movie had the heroes STOP fighting because of their mothers while the other movie had the heroes START fighting because of some mothers.


No fertile grounds for comparison THERE, lol.

05-17-2016, 09:13 AM
'Iron Man 3' writer says Marvel vetoed idea of female villain to sell more toys Screenwriter Shane Black says the memo came from Marvel's 'corporate' division

Iron Man 3 screenwriter Shane Black has claimed that Marvel forced him and co-writer Drew Pearce to change a key character's gender in a bid to sell more action figures.

Black revealed that actresses Rebecca Hall and Stéphanie Szostak, who played Maya Hansen and Brandt in the movie, both had larger parts at an earlier stage in the screenwriting process before their roles were "reduced".

When asked why, Black told Uproxx (http://uproxx.com/movies/shane-black-the-nice-guys-iron-man-3/): "All I'll say is this, on the record: There was an early draft of Iron Man 3 where we had an inkling of a problem. Which is that we had a female character who was the villain in the draft. We had finished the script and we were given a no-holds-barred memo saying that cannot stand and we've changed our minds because, after consulting, we've decided that toy won't sell as well if it's a female."

Black explained later in the interview that it was Guy Pearce's character Killian, who is revealed at the end of the film to be the main villain, who was originally conceived as female.

"In the earlier draft, the woman was essentially Killian – and they didn't want a female Killian, they wanted a male Killian," Black said. "I liked the idea, like Remington Steele, you think it’s the man but at the end, the woman has been running the whole show. They just said, 'no way.'"

Black also clarified that it wasn't Marvel's president Kevin Feige who made the decision to change Killian's gender, but the company's "corporate" division, adding: "But now you don't have that problem anymore."


I'm not a DC fanboy or anything... not even a Marvel fanboy... but DC is giving Harley Quinn her own solo movie to feature more DC female characters.

05-17-2016, 09:23 AM
The responsible person for that was let go awhile back (a good move), which was also referenced in that article.

05-17-2016, 09:24 AM
but DC is giving Harley Quinn her own solo movie to feature more DC female characters.

Yeah, in putting those characters in bikinis.

05-17-2016, 09:56 AM
The responsible person for that was let go awhile back (a good move), which was also referenced in that article.

Yes, fuck Perlmutter.

05-17-2016, 10:04 AM
That's a shame, I really enjoyed Iron Man 3 but like a lot of the MCU the villain was the weakest element and it held it back a bit from packing as much punch because of it. That could've been really cool and would've been really refreshing to see, and maybe people wouldn't have been as negative towards that movie (I never got why it was so dismissed it seemed when it felt like one of their stronger films as a whole and really dived deeper into character development than almost anything else of theirs). But I also liked Incredible Hulk so I'm weird I guess.

05-17-2016, 10:26 AM
I loved Iron Man 3, by the way but I'm glad the Mandarin was revealed to be real (despite that sequence being funny in IM3). Shane Black fucking rules and I love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang as well as his other movies but to not realize The Mandarin is Iron Man's greatest foe was a mistake made somewhere.

05-17-2016, 12:17 PM
The MCU's weakest point is indeed their villains. They have done great developing arcs for some of their heroes like Tony Stark and Steve Rogers but their villains are mostly one dimensional characters. They are bad just because. Thanos has potential but we've seen so little of him. General Ross have great potential but they are wasting him, for now.

And then there's Loki. The difference with Loki is that he was given his own arc. We know where he comes from but who knows where he's going because Loki does what Loki wants. We have to thank Branagh for that. And Hiddleston because he loves the character so much (he's the numero uno Loki fanperson) and because he's Hiddles.

Let's see what Doctor Strange and Black Panther will give us.

05-17-2016, 01:41 PM
I loved Iron Man 3, by the way but I'm glad the Mandarin was revealed to be real (despite that sequence being funny in IM3). Shane Black fucking rules and I love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang as well as his other movies but to not realize The Mandarin is Iron Man's greatest foe was a mistake made somewhere.

Absolutely love Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! Val Kilmer's character is the best.

05-17-2016, 01:47 PM
Iron Man 3 is definitely one of my top Marvel movies, and it's one of my wife's favorites, as well. i think it would have been even further compelling to have Killian be a woman, and i'm really sad that didn't get to happen. : /

05-17-2016, 03:23 PM
The idea of Rebecca Hall being the.... ***SPOILERS***

The Mandarin I think would've been even more interesting. Especially as I would love the idea of her and Pepper Potts finally going womano a womano with Pepper putting on the Iron Man suit and kicking ass.

05-17-2016, 03:56 PM

I would LOVE to see an epic, sexy, cat fight beatdown between those two...but no Iron Man suit though, plz.

A lean but ripped Gweneth Paltrow in speedos and a running bra is JUST FINE as it is, thanks!


05-17-2016, 06:42 PM

I would love to see an epic, sexy, cat fight beatdown between those two...but no iron man suit though, plz.

A lean but ripped gweneth paltrow in speedos and a running bra is just fine as it is, thanks!



05-17-2016, 09:14 PM
Maya Hansen being the real Mandarin would've aligned it way more with the Extremis arc, too. Like, as in being exactly how the comics are, except that it's dragged out and turned into a twist. Instead Maya gets shot for no reason so that Killian can have his ~big villain moment.~ I love the Iron Man trilogy but Iron Man 2 and 3 are two big culprits when it comes to shitty villains and playing into typical big-budget action movie casting. I did love the Mandarin twist, though, even if it apparently was going to be better.

I started watching Jessica Jones, finally. I haven't been in a position to watch a web series in a long time, so I had to sit and wait and miss out on the initial hype trains for both JJ and Daredevil season 2, which I also haven't seen yet. But it's incredible so far. Makes me really uncomfortable. I love it.

05-18-2016, 07:48 AM
While I agree that it would have been nice to see more of Maya and for her character to be more in keeping with the arc of her character in the comics, it's worth giving props to the production for sidestepping the interference from on high so deftly. I thought the Killian character was awesome and that Guy Pierce was both badass and hilarious in the role. Pretty neat that he's basically the hetero-male equivalent of Maya insofar as he's essentially one of Tony's many spurned lovers, lol.

And I loved the Mandarin plot twist, too! Although I'll admit that the "Hail to the King" one-shot was awesome too and that it would have been the PERFECT mid-credits sequence for the end of the film.

I already enjoyed the movie just fine but realizing what Shane Black was up against while tackling it just makes me appreciate it even more.

bobbie solo
05-18-2016, 10:11 AM
Jessica Jones & both seasons of DD, while great, would have benefited even more from being cut down to maybe 10 or so episodes. That, or some of the episodes could have deviated from the main storyline (creature of the week type episodes perhaps).

05-18-2016, 10:29 AM
Jessica Jones & both seasons of DD, while great, would have benefited even more from being cut down to maybe 10 or so episodes. That, or some of the episodes could have deviated from the main storyline (creature of the week type episodes perhaps).

If Jessica Jones had been like six focused episodes I might've loved it. As it stands it was spread too thin which led to constant "just missed 'em" type plots and a dragging out of things that, for me personally, removed any emotional investment or payoff and by the end I thought "Well finally that's over" rather than any narrative satisfaction. It had extremely weak side characters and plots that really felt like they were there just because they had to fill some space and in turn none of their endings were strong, either, they just seemed like "Well, we need to wrap this up now." It could've been a very deep character study about overcoming abuse in a strong and major way and the nature of abusive relationships within a tight, focused, six episode arc that could've kept it intense and impacting and instead it was thirteen episodes where by the end I liked none of the characters and felt like I wasted my time watching it.

DD is better about it because it has better supporting characters that feel much more natural in the show and it benefits from stronger writing and a richer universe for lack of a better word -- Daredevil is a much deeper lore than Jessica Jones -- but still could benefit from 10 episode seasons, and the ninja shit of season 2 should've been the first half since the Punisher arc was so strong, grounded and fascinating that the Elektra plot felt more intrusive than it did intriguing when it came along.

05-18-2016, 11:27 AM
When she sends you nudes but all you wanted was Mission Report: December 16, 1991.

05-18-2016, 11:51 AM
All I could think of whenever he was on the screen was 'oh shit, it's Zoller from Inglorious Basterds!'

05-18-2016, 12:21 PM
I'm amazed by how well Daniel's English are. He almost rivals Fassbender. He's sure gone a long way since The Edukators. He's been doing the Hollywood stint since The Bourne Ultimatum, I think.

05-18-2016, 12:39 PM
Lol, what? Fassbender was raised in Ireland. ;)

05-18-2016, 01:01 PM
Lol, what? Fassbender was raised in Ireland. ;)

Oh, I had no idea!

05-18-2016, 03:35 PM
His father's German.

05-18-2016, 07:01 PM
Jessica Jones & both seasons of DD, while great, would have benefited even more from being cut down to maybe 10 or so episodes. That, or some of the episodes could have deviated from the main storyline (creature of the week type episodes perhaps).

The first season of Daredevil dragged a ton in the middle. I know it's an easy target but "Stick" was 100% the lowest point of the season. That was the only time I was reaching for the remote and trying not to skip the episode. But I think the end made up for it quite a bit.

Conan The Barbarian
05-18-2016, 07:30 PM
Wow crazy opinions as I felt daredevil was perfectly paced. Kept me on the binge. As far as jessica jones goes, I couldnt even finish it.

05-18-2016, 07:42 PM
The only difficulty I had getting through "Jessica Jones" was the fact that I stayed up till 3 am to catch the Season Two premiere and I'd bought 2 liters of Vodka the night before to match everyone in the show shot-for-shot while I watched the entire thing in one sitting.

Almost died but WORTH IT.

Man, she's a bad bitch.


05-18-2016, 09:54 PM
The only difficulty I had getting through "Jessica Jones" was the fact that I stayed up till 3 am to catch the Season Two premiere and I'd bought 2 liters of Vodka the night before to match everyone in the show shot-for-shot while I watched the entire thing in one sitting.

Almost died but WORTH IT.

Man, she's a bad bitch.


season 2 hasn't come out yet...ARE YOU FROM THE FUTURE!? :p

05-19-2016, 12:38 AM
.... are you saying you drank as much as everyone drinks in all of Jessica Jones in a single sitting after 3am? Dafuq?

05-19-2016, 08:13 AM
Exactly zero percent of that story is surprising given what I know about Haz.

05-19-2016, 08:22 AM
The only difficulty I had getting through "Jessica Jones" was the fact that I stayed up till 3 am to catch the Season Two premiere and I'd bought 2 liters of Vodka the night before to match everyone in the show shot-for-shot while I watched the entire thing in one sitting.

Almost died but WORTH IT.

Man, she's a bad bitch.


season 2 hasn't come out yet...ARE YOU FROM THE FUTURE!? :p

Exactly zero percent of that story is surprising given what I know about Haz.

.... are you saying you drank as much as everyone drinks in all of Jessica Jones in a single sitting after 3am? Dafuq?

You're goddamned right!

"Form follows function," and all that.

Although, I obviously was a bit mixed-up when I said Season Two, but I did the same thing for "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones" IS kind of a second season for that show before it actually got one, so I stand by my earlier statement despite the unevenness of the terrain, lol.



bobbie solo
05-19-2016, 09:35 AM
So...that SHIELD finale...um yeah. I literally didn't care about anything that happened, and nothing exciting for next season was set up. You're killing me with this show Marvel. I WANT it to be good.

05-19-2016, 11:03 AM
With news that the Inhumans movie has been shelved, it seems a bit pointless that they've been setting them up these past two seasons.

@bobbie solo (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=753): I don't think anyone really answered your question about Steve finding out Bucky killed Stark's parents, so here's my take on it. Yes, Zola mentioned Hydra eliminating threats over the years and a shot of newspaper headline about Stark's death appears onscreen but I think that was more for the audience to piece together than Steve. I don't think Steve found out until he started reading the KGB files Natasha gave him at the end of The Winter Soldier. She did warn him about digging too deep.

05-19-2016, 11:43 AM

bobbie solo
05-19-2016, 12:13 PM
With news that the Inhumans movie has been shelved, it seems a bit pointless that they've been setting them up these past two seasons.

@bobbie solo (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=753): I don't think anyone really answered your question about Steve finding out Bucky killed Stark's parents, so here's my take on it. Yes, Zola mentioned Hydra eliminating threats over the years and a shot of newspaper headline about Stark's death appears onscreen but I think that was more for the audience to piece together than Steve. I don't think Steve found out until he started reading the KGB files Natasha gave him at the end of The Winter Soldier. She did warn him about digging too deep.

ah I see. I don't remember that. I think it will all flow better if i watch Winter Soldier and Civil War back to back. Watching Civil War on opening night with a full theatre was like a big wave hitting me all at once. Hard to take everything in.

05-19-2016, 01:51 PM
I watched the first two Captain America movies before seeing Civil War for that very reason. The movie still hit me like a sucker punch, especially in the the third act.

You guys, I just have a lot of feelings about Bucky's mental health, okay. I just want him to be happy.​

05-19-2016, 01:53 PM
I think part of the magic the MCU is losing is that it used to really seem like everything was uolding and building towards something, but the more installments they add the more it's clear that there is very little plan at all.

I know civil war was pretty good, but it displays part of a forfeiture of the 3 most exciting parts of the MCU: building towards a pay off, throwing together heroes established on their own merits (i.e. Daredevil instead of Black Panther, Jessica Jones instead of Scarlet Witch) and the notion that we are building towards a carefully planned pay off.

05-19-2016, 03:08 PM
I think part of the magic the MCU is losing is that it used to really seem like everything was uolding and building towards something, but the more installments they add the more it's clear that there is very little plan at all.

I know civil war was pretty good, but it displays part of a forfeiture of the 3 most exciting parts of the MCU: building towards a pay off, throwing together heroes established on their own merits (i.e. Daredevil instead of Black Panther, Jessica Jones instead of Scarlet Witch) and the notion that we are building towards a carefully planned pay off.

I definitely enjoyed Civil War, as it was pretty much exactly what I was expecting, but I agree for the most part. I can't remember the last time a Marvel movie ended and it felt like a self-contained & complete story. By the end of Civil War, it felt like there was no finality, and thus no gravitas... especially now that the post-credits scenes (plural!!) are a foregone conclusion. What started as fun easter eggs now just undermine the "real" endings.

05-19-2016, 09:35 PM
You do realize Infinity War has been an end game since the first Avengers movie, right?

05-19-2016, 10:04 PM
^ Basically what I was thinking while reading that, too.

Except we know the MCU is already mapped out WAY further than just that!


05-20-2016, 01:23 PM
Holy shit at Thor casting news! (http://marvel.com/news/movies/26203/marvel_studios_confirms_stellar_new_cast_members_o f_the_highly_anticipated_thor_ragnarok?linkId=2471 7779)

05-20-2016, 01:41 PM
Holy shit at Thor casting news! (http://marvel.com/news/movies/26203/marvel_studios_confirms_stellar_new_cast_members_o f_the_highly_anticipated_thor_ragnarok?linkId=2471 7779)


05-20-2016, 01:46 PM
Michael Keaton apparently back on board to be the Spider-Man: Homecoming villain. (http://variety.com/2016/film/news/spider-man-michael-keaton-villain-1201770783/)

05-20-2016, 09:53 PM
I'm watching the season one finale of agents of shield and crying. Like. A. BITCH.

05-22-2016, 03:28 PM
got back from the new Xmen. I liked a lot. big bold, dumb, mutant fun.

05-22-2016, 03:39 PM
Michael Keaton apparently back on board to be the Spider-Man: Homecoming villain. (http://variety.com/2016/film/news/spider-man-michael-keaton-villain-1201770783/)

Somewhat relevant, that totally reminded me of this:


05-22-2016, 04:00 PM
Oh Michael Keaton. A fucking legend. NOW YOU WANNA GET NUTS! COME ON, LET'S GET NUTS!

That clip made me laugh. I hope he stays on board and has a scene with Tony Stark and goes Beetlejuice on him.

05-23-2016, 08:04 AM
Holy shit at Thor casting news! (http://marvel.com/news/movies/26203/marvel_studios_confirms_stellar_new_cast_members_o f_the_highly_anticipated_thor_ragnarok?linkId=2471 7779)

is Lady Sif still in the movie? i remember reading something about her not being a part of it (which would be a huge bummer, since she's my favorite character from the Thor movies, and her appearance on SHIELD was fantastic).

05-23-2016, 09:12 AM
Yeah, she is in, eversonpoe.

05-23-2016, 09:40 AM
She has a popular tv show on NBC so her film schedule may be limited.

bobbie solo
05-23-2016, 11:47 PM
your film schedule may be limited.

05-24-2016, 11:12 AM
your film schedule may be limited.

Boom. Roasted.

05-24-2016, 02:25 PM
Been trying to articulate my exact feelings on Civil War since I saw it, and yet again, FilmCritHulk comes in to say what I'm not smart enough to:

Civil War, Spider-Man 2, and the Dangers of Assumed Empathy (http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2016/05/24/civil-war-spider-man-2-and-the-dangers-of-assumed-empathy)

I've already stated in the thread that I truly enjoyed the movie, but I barely felt the stakes, because Marvel movies "don't get to have endings." (https://twitter.com/FilmCritHULK/status/735184012767985665) When Civil War directly referenced Empire Strikes Back, I was really hoping it was setting up a downer conclusion and/or avoiding the status quo. Unfortunately not.

06-03-2016, 09:01 AM
Revelations from my umpteenth screening of Captain America: Civil War last night!

Remember how the Avengers were conned by Fury into uniting after Coulson's death?


Yeah, TOTAL shout-out to comic-collecting fanboys!


When Steve and Tony officially part ways and break up the team it's THE SAME GODDAMNED DYNAMIC, except with Tony's dad's collectable pens.

"Here. I'd hate to break up the set."



And OMFG I was already scouring Wanda's room for little character details (the acoustic guitar and sheet music stand seem to play off Coulson's cellist romance, there's a globe with Sokovia in red and maybe a few other countries she's visited, and a couple leather-bound old-world books and stuff perhaps suggestive of spellbooks and her background as a witch) but GODDAMN I spotted one SO MUCH BETTER later on.

Remember when she's walking out on Vision and literally overpowering an infinity gem?

Yeah, RIGHT next to the door she's overpowering him to walk out through...


Does that Jenga-esque sculpture happen to remind you of anything in particular which just MIGHT be relevant to how overwhelmingly powerful she REALLY is?



06-10-2016, 03:07 PM


More 'Wolverine 3' set pics here. (http://www.justjared.com/2016/06/10/hugh-jackman-films-wolverine-3-scenes-with-patrick-stewart/)

06-10-2016, 03:22 PM
So I guess this won't be Old Man Logan afterall? I've never read the story, but I gotta assume if Logan is old, Professor X has to be dead.

06-10-2016, 05:47 PM
How old is he supposed to be at the "present" time in the X-Men movies? Maybe something happened that aged him significantly beyond what his healing factor allows. A straight adaptation of Old Man Logan was never going to work.

I started watching Agents of SHIELD again. Like the first season, the second season is a god damn drag to get through for the first ten episodes, but once the Inhuman stuff ramps up, it gets far better. Hopefully it can actually keep this momentum going into season 3.

bobbie solo
06-13-2016, 12:10 AM
i'm fully caught up on SHIELD. The show has worls of potential considering the universe their mining and it never gets even close to reaching it. And i severely doubt it will going forward either. It needs to take alot more chances than it does.

06-13-2016, 01:14 AM
i'm fully caught up on SHIELD. The show has worls of potential considering the universe their mining and it never gets even close to reaching it. And i severely doubt it will going forward either. It needs to take alot more chances than it does.
Congrats that's how most of the MCU makes feel (Daredevil and Civil War being huge exceptions recently, and even then the Hand arc of DD season 2 paled in comparison to the Punisher arc).

06-16-2016, 05:44 PM

07-06-2016, 12:36 PM
finally watched Deadpool and it was SO GOOD. i fucking loved it. currently making my way through the special features.

the deleted scene where he gets hit by the car and then wakes up in the body bag in the morgue made me laugh SO HARD.

07-07-2016, 08:53 PM
I think MY favorite extended scene is his argument on the freeway with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, lol.

I'd highly recommend listening to BOTH commentary tracks when you get the chance, btw. Lots of neat little details. A few of my favorites were that Ryan Reynolds personally paid $10,000 to a charity in honor of Bea Arthur to wear the "Maude" shirt for like 5 minutes, his criminal background with the whole "Regina, Saskatchewan" bit, and the fact that the name "Dopinder" is an homage to a childhood friend of his who died being struck by lightning when he was young.

Honestly, I never really cared much about Deadpool in the comics but OMFG it is a GREAT fucking movie!



07-12-2016, 03:39 PM
FOX orders X-Men based pilot. (http://comicbook.com/2016/07/12/fox-orders-pilot-of-marvel-x-men-based-tv-series/)

07-12-2016, 10:17 PM
finally started READING jessica jones today (read through Alias volume 1, which collects the first 9 issues) and, though it's good, i don't love it nearly as much as the show. i am, however, really glad i've finally figured out how to read graphic novels (any previous attempts found me literally ignoring the illustrations and only reading the text; i've had to train my brain).

07-13-2016, 01:29 AM
Sooo...speaking of Deadpool and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, does anyone know anything about the copyright dirt on that?

It was LITERALLY the first song I EVER heard by Monster Magnet, way back in whatever issue of "CMJ" came with it on the accompanying CD. I know Grant Morrison kicks ass and has GREAT taste in music, so I'm sure it was NBD to begin with, but SURELY Marvel had to work out a deal with them EVENTUALLY, right?

I mean, I know Marvel is Marvel...but we're talking about a POST-IMAGE EXODUS character.

Has anyone EVER addressed this?!?


07-21-2016, 09:42 PM
Daredevil season 3 teaser dropped, I dig it. Defenders teaser too, but no footage...just Stick talking to them. "You think you'll save this city? You can't even save yourselves."

Luke Cage drops Sept. 30 and they officially begin work 'soon' on The Punisher series.

Conan The Barbarian
07-22-2016, 10:53 AM
Man they are knocking it out of the park with their netflix universe. I hope hey never cross over to the movies.

bobbie solo
07-23-2016, 12:17 AM
those trailers all looked good. Part. Luke Cage...the ODB music had me dying. Loved it.

I'm sure they will fuck this up though.


07-23-2016, 08:02 PM
Black Panther casting announcement as SDCC: Lupita is playing Nakia, Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger and Danai Gurira as Okoye, head of the Dora Milaje!

07-23-2016, 09:31 PM
Brie Larson confirmed for Captain Marvel.

Hmmm, Brie's a fab actor but I think Carol was cast too young.

bobbie solo
07-23-2016, 11:47 PM
agreed. maybe theyre starting young b/c they're thinking long term with the character?

07-24-2016, 01:33 PM

07-25-2016, 03:46 PM
I have a cape:

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd119/marodi511/13814507_10207063599128380_1334411912_n_zpsgwsehwg 1.gif

How do you know an actor is absolutely perfect for a role? He looks fantastic in his character's somewhat ridiculous costume.

07-29-2016, 10:16 PM
Daredevil season 3 not releasing until 2018. (http://nerdist.com/new-seasons-of-daredevil-and-jessica-jones-wont-hit-until-2018/)


Conan The Barbarian
07-29-2016, 11:22 PM
But we have iron fist, luke cage, the defenders and many comic movies coming out to keep us distracted.

But yea, its a long wait.

08-13-2016, 02:06 AM
so daredevil season 3 is turning into elektra vs. daredevil as hard as they can? i dont know the comics but that doesn't seem to matter at this point.

everything about daredevil has been flawless from a noncomic standponit so far imo.

punisher series, elektra series, luke cage, defenders ugh.......2018 i cant wait.

as ive been getting older im happy to race through the years to get to these points. life could be worse :)

08-13-2016, 10:41 AM
Confession time (please don't hurt me, anyone): I never could get into Daredevil. I cannot explain why. I've tried though but I just get bored and I give up.

But I cannot wait for Iron Fist.

08-17-2016, 10:05 AM
First official Homecoming poster:


bobbie solo
08-17-2016, 10:23 AM
not liking the black along the waist and boots, but it's not the end of the world.

08-18-2016, 06:29 PM
Zendaya is cast as.... Mary Jane Watson for Spider-Man: Homecoming: http://www.thewrap.com/zendaya-spider-man-homecoming-role-reveal-mary-jane-watson/

Conan The Barbarian
08-18-2016, 09:37 PM
At this rate, Spider-Man is going to out black Black Panther.

08-22-2016, 03:21 PM
I'll just drop this link here and let you figure out why it's awesome (a hint: post-it). It's from the set of Thor Ragnarok.


By the way, the director of the movie just posted a huge spoiler on Twitter: apparently, Chris Hemsworth is in the movie. ;)

08-24-2016, 05:31 PM
They just keep teasing Cap's shield to Bucky.


@marodi (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=125): Did you see Odin (http://marvel-feed.tumblr.com/post/149365865719/more-new-thor-ragnarok-set-photos) on set?

08-24-2016, 06:01 PM

Dan Harmon, hero to all, is doing a pass on Doc Strange. My interest has elevated. This is the first Marvel movie that I was less than excited about (fuck Sinister and AICN). Cumbercratch is not my favorite....I think he's overrated and I was never that into Strange but Harmon? I'd follow him through the Mists of Avalon, so I'll for sure be checking out the movie now.

bobbie solo
08-25-2016, 12:35 AM
hot take!!!!

08-25-2016, 07:11 AM
I swear it was meant to be more of a positive post than it turned out to be. I spent more space explaining the reasons I was apprehensive than why Harmon coming on is the best thing that could've happened. It's like Feige went, "WHAT? What do you mean we don't have Dave hooked yet?! Well fuck! Get me Dan Harmon, stat!"

Balderdash Cumberbun is just lady (or gentleman, if you prefer) nerd crack and really, there's nothing wrong with that. I haven't enjoyed seeing him in anything, really. I don't think he's my cup of tea. That's all.

08-29-2016, 04:39 PM
@marodi (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=125): Did you see Odin (http://marvel-feed.tumblr.com/post/149365865719/more-new-thor-ragnarok-set-photos) on set?

Oh yes and apparently he's insane and homeless? Damn it, Loki! :P

And then there's this


bobbie solo
09-23-2016, 11:52 PM
Just watched my Blu-Ray of Civil War. I might have enjoyed this viewing more than when I saw it in the theatre, b/c it was much easier to follow now that I know the story. God, the airport fight scene might be the best in any superhero movie. Certainly the most fun and creative.

09-24-2016, 03:41 PM
luke caaaaaaaaaaaaage. gimme gimme gimme

09-24-2016, 06:24 PM
luke caaaaaaaaaaaaage. gimme gimme gimme

Im looking forward to this series the most. Luke Cage is one of my favorites. I can't wait to see what they do with The Punisher series either.

09-24-2016, 06:38 PM
Ghost Rider on Agents of Shield sure was interesting, the vfx wasn't too bad for TV i guess.

bobbie solo
09-26-2016, 10:13 AM
but WHY is he driving a car and not a motorcycle? There better be a motorcycle at some point.

09-30-2016, 12:49 PM
Luke Cage is now streaming on Netflix!

the duder
09-30-2016, 04:22 PM
Starting episode 5 now. This is my first Marvel/Netflix series (missed Daredevil and Jessica Jones) and the biggest thing I like about it is how real/non-cartoonish it is. Gritty, I think, would be the way to describe that.

09-30-2016, 06:13 PM
Gritty, I think, would be the way to describe that.

daredevil and jessica jones are both like that. daredevil the most.

09-30-2016, 07:03 PM
but WHY is he driving a car and not a motorcycle? There better be a motorcycle at some point.
Different character, Ghost Rider is kinda like Green Lantern in that way.

10-03-2016, 09:09 PM
episode 7 of luke cage was the best so far imo. gonna finish it off tonight, great series.

and punisher shooting is great news as well


10-05-2016, 03:55 PM

10-05-2016, 04:57 PM
I've had this song on repeat since I watched episode five of Luke Cage.


Cottonmouth and Mariah have to be the best Marvel villains in the MCU, so far.

10-05-2016, 10:23 PM
I wanted to like Luke Cage so much more than I actually have.

Episode 8 on is just ... wow. Not good-wow either. I have three episodes left now and I just am gonna ride it out since I've made it this far already. The cast is fantastic, for the most part, but it's like every single Marvel Netflix show has a good four to five episodes that could be cut down to one and totally inconsistent pacing. I'm really starting to worry Daredevil is the only one of these series I'm going to fully enjoy, and even that has its issues, it's just that everything around them is so good and the supporting characters are so strong (generally speaking) that the lulls are less frustrating.

The idea that Cottonmouth is better than Kingpin, Purple Man, Loki or Zemo is ... an interesting one, at least.

I don't know, I really disliked Jessica Jones but Luke was one of the things that made it watchable for me and I had high hopes for this, especially after all the Punisher episodes of Daredevil this year won me back over. But this is just not doing it for me. Four episodes of "Well, they're finding their footing, they're warming up, it's gonna be good!" Two of "Well, if they keep improving like this, it'll be really great in the second half!" And then ... it fizzed out quick for me, and all the better earlier episodes are less impressive now since they built to, well, whatever this all is. I watched the first six in one night out of interest and hope for it building into something better, and now I'm fighting to even get through one. If this had been half its length, never had the really meh origin episode, and didn't pull the switcharoo fuckery that anyone who's seen it knows about, it'd likely be great. I can't say I like it.

I really hope Iron Fist is a whole lot better. So far these shows are 1 for 3 for me. Also the building Marvel Netflix trope about old black mentors has got to stop already, it's getting absurd. It just feels like they keep getting these great casts together with these great characters and then they show up on set and have fucking nothing to do for half their seasons.

10-08-2016, 11:45 AM
^ I completely disagree with most everything you said. All of the characters share a equal amount of time and make the most of it. Intense performances all around. The action scenes are effective. I honestly don't understand how you came to any of your conclusions.

As for the "switcharoo"... This was one of the reasons I loved the show. What more could that character have done at that point? It also setup Diamondback in a huge way (a much better villain than Cottonmouth imo). The only real gripe I have is the ending seemed lackluster. But I know that Defenders is coming so it doesn't really bother me too much.

10-08-2016, 03:22 PM

10-09-2016, 08:19 AM
Info on some Iron Fist footage: http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-iron-fist-footage-we-just-saw-proves-danny-rand-pro-1787580321

10-09-2016, 08:33 AM
Haley Atwell returning as Agent Carter in Avengers animated series (http://comicbook.com/2016/10/08/hayley-atwell-returning-as-agent-carter/)

10-16-2016, 02:56 PM


10-20-2016, 08:28 AM
Such a well made trailer. I can't wait.
Edit, there's also an international red band trailer that's more gruesome out there. I can't link it without the "this trailer isn't available in your country ".

10-20-2016, 10:14 AM
hmm, as I heard the first chords I already wanted to switch it off... I was quite looking forward to it, but the trailer did absolutely nothing for me and the music choice is waaaay to obvious. I'm still interested in what this movie has to offer, but as of now, I'd rather not see it.

10-20-2016, 10:22 AM
Wow -- that was a fucking excellent trailer. Don't know what else I coulda wanted from it. Really worked for me. I've been really out of the X-Men franchise for a bit now (I liked Future Past a lot though) but I'm definitely going to be seeing this. End of an era. I grew up watching Hugh as my favorite superhero, so this is going to be a very bittersweet affair for me.

10-20-2016, 10:48 AM

International trailer. The thumbnail kind of spoils the extra scene.

10-20-2016, 12:33 PM
I really like the trailer, but reading the synopsis I'm confused how could this fit in the timeline of post DotFP

One year after the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Logan has aged over the years making the promise not to use his claws for bloody purposes, with his healing factor weakened. When an evil organization lead by Nathaniel Essex tries to use the rest of the remaining mutants in the world, turning them into weapons, Logan will need to become the Wolverine one more time.

Makes no sense. Even if Logan lost his healing factor and let's say he would age ten years in course of one year, what the hell happened to Xavier? What about the school? Jean? Cyclops? I'm having really hard time understanding how the world could change from this (http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/X-Men-Days-Future-Past-Happy-Ending.jpg) to a wasteland in one year.

10-20-2016, 12:34 PM
I really like the trailer, but reading the synopsis I'm confused how could this fit in the timeline of post DotFP

Makes no sense. Even if Logan lost his healing factor and let's say he would age ten years in course of one year, what the hell happened to Xavier? What about the school? Jean? Cyclops? I'm having really hard time understanding how the world could change from this (http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/X-Men-Days-Future-Past-Happy-Ending.jpg) to a wasteland in one year.

Yeah the timeline in these movies is one of the biggest reasons I barely follow them anymore. It couldn't make less clear sense if it tried.

10-20-2016, 02:14 PM
Good God that was depressing. It's hard to see Logan like that but being the die hard Prof X fangirl that I am, it hurts (pun intended) to see him so... so... *bawls uncontrollably*

Those are the signs that it's definitely a fantastic trailer.

I had to watch the GotG Vol. 2 trailer 10 times to make the hurt (pun intended) go away. Little Groot never fails.

10-21-2016, 11:09 AM
trailer is good, but I read the synopsis and I'm just losing faith in these movies ability to tell a coherent story. they need to put this in new hands. apocalypse was a disaster, this story is going no where. characters are abandoned left and right threads are picked up and dropped at a whim. it's just stupid now.

10-21-2016, 02:05 PM
This is the synopsis that's appearing in the Logan imdb page:

Set in the future, Logan and Professor Charles Xavier must cope with the loss of the X-Men when a corporation lead by Nathaniel Essex is destroying the world leaving it to destruction, with Logan's healing abilities slowly fading away and Xavier's Alzheimer's forcing him to forget. Logan must defeat Nathaniel Essex with the help of a young girl named Laura Kinney, a female clone of Wolverine.

It also says that the Logan of this film is the Logan we saw in Apocalypse and that this film has no ties to Origins (lol) and The Wolverine.

New timelines are an awesome thing, aren't they?

And there are rumors that Liev Schreiber is back as Sabretooth. He was one of the two good things about Origins (lol), the other being Ryan Reynolds as Wade (before the fake Deapool stuff)

10-22-2016, 04:02 PM

10-22-2016, 08:49 PM

10-23-2016, 11:43 AM
I still do not believe that Miller's departure from Dead 2 was "Amicable". You don't just walk away from a project like this unless there was some really high end disagreement in some way. I wonder how Reynolds would do if he just directed the dam thing himself.

The whole all female director Jessica Jones thing is just confusing.

10-23-2016, 01:41 PM
I still do not believe that Miller's departure from Dead 2 was "Amicable". You don't just walk away from a project like this unless there was some really high end disagreement in some way. I wonder how Reynolds would do if he just directed the dam thing himself.

Annnd you're right.

Update: According to The Wrap (http://www.thewrap.com/deadpool-director-tim-miller-exit-ryan-reynolds-creative-differences/), the pair parted ways because Miller wanted the second film to be more stylized, while Reynolds (a producer on both films) wanted to keep the raunchy, fourth-wall-breaking comedy approach that made the first film such a success. Their conflict reportedly came to a head with the rumored casting of Kyle Chandler as Cable. Chandler was Miller’s choice, but Reynolds didn’t want him for the part, and the studio ended up siding with the star- partially because his renegotiated contract includes casting approval.

10-23-2016, 02:14 PM
There's no denying that Tim Miller was a great part of the success of Deadpool but having this movie made has been Reynolds' quest for years. He knew the role, he knew what the fans wanted and he fought until it happened the way he wanted. If it hadn't been for his stubbornness, we would never have seen this movie being made.

Oh and happy birthday Ryan Reynolds!

10-23-2016, 02:21 PM
Annnd you're right.

Hah! Thanks for the update ��. My main beef would have been trying to change the tempo of the film comedy wise. The first was stylish raunchy all at once.

10-23-2016, 02:47 PM
The whole all female director Jessica Jones thing is just confusing.

why is that confusing? it's a show about women being empowered, why not take the opportunity to hire more women to direct the episodes and extend the theme of the material into the real world?

bobbie solo
10-23-2016, 04:49 PM
it just seems a bit gimmicky & forced. Plus, as much as I liked the first season, the show had several big problems, and I hope those are addressed. That should be the focus, not the gender of the directors.

bobbie solo
10-23-2016, 04:55 PM
On a related note, I think the biggest problem they need to solve with every one of these series is the # of episodes. After having watched all four seasons of the Netflix shows, I can safely say they all would have benefited from 3 or so less episodes. Momentum is lost at diff. points of each season and never fully gained back b/c they have too much time to fill. Considering they never use any of the episodes for "monster of the week" or similar episodes, we just have a glut of episodes to deal with the main story, which thus far hasn't required this many to tell.

10-23-2016, 09:44 PM
why is that confusing? it's a show about women being empowered, why not take the opportunity to hire more women to direct the episodes and extend the theme of the material into the real world?

I can understand a majority of the episodes... Maybe even half, but the ENTIRE season? Like bobbie said above, it just seems like it's becoming an unnecessary trend these days... All female cast, all female directors. You don't need to do that to get the theme across in this show, especially since that theme seemed to be well addressed way before this news even came out. Eh, it is what it is I suppose.

10-24-2016, 05:11 AM
This is Disney/Marvel we're talking about. Even if it's a show about mutant, radioactive snails and it's directed by a team of highly experienced snails who wish to empower the smallest and weakest of snails everywhere, a Marvel executive will always tell them what to do. Marvel/Netflix directors have very little creative output on the final product and are nothing more than hired guns who fulfill the desires of the producers. It's their show.

10-24-2016, 10:26 AM
it just seems a bit gimmicky & forced. Plus, as much as I liked the first season, the show had several big problems, and I hope those are addressed. That should be the focus, not the gender of the directors.So what if it is forced? There needs to be parity and if forcing the issue is what gets it, then I guess that's where we are.

AKA It's 20 mother-fucking 16 and we're still whining about female directors and female leads in Star Wars and female presidents. Buckle the fuck up.

10-24-2016, 01:49 PM
So what if it is forced? There needs to be parity and if forcing the issue is what gets it, then I guess that's where we are.

AKA It's 20 mother-fucking 16 and we're still whining about female directors and female leads in Star Wars and female presidents. Buckle the fuck up.

you're my new best friend and i love you <3

haven't watched luke cage yet and i've heard some mixed things, but i'm still very interested in it.

10-24-2016, 01:57 PM
The only thing in the entire world that I care about when it comes to JJ Season 2 is that it not have six episodes that feel like they could've been turned into two really good ones and plots that dragged out for the sake of filling the season order out, side characters that I couldn't care less about, a main character that does something other than alternate between scowling condescendingly and looking upset and an ending that feels satisfying rather than "about damn time" because the show has taken so long to get to the obvious conclusion.

But, eh, that's just me. They can hire whoever the hell they want to make it as long as it's good. That's their choice to make. Whatever. I don't see why anyone gets worked up over something like that one way or the other. With all the weird issues all of their shows have had so far, it seems like a weird thing to direct complaints at.

10-28-2016, 04:28 PM
Just saw Doctor Strange and thought it was fantastic. I didn't expect much from this, I'm bit bored of Marvel movies by now, but this was something really different, new and exciting. Benedict is fantastic in the role. Only really negative thing I have to say is that the humor felt out of place in certain scenes. But all around this might be my favorite part of MCU for now

Conan The Barbarian
10-28-2016, 04:36 PM
Just saw Doctor Strange and thought it was fantastic. I didn't expect much from this, I'm bit bored of Marvel movies by now, but this was something really different, new and exciting. Benedict is fantastic in the role. Only really negative thing I have to say is that the humor felt out of place in certain scenes. But all around this might be my favorite part of MCU for now

I am glad that Strange is going to be good. But I have to say, Marvel needs to tone it down with the forced humor. Its like they go in the room and think that they need to put these out of place, lame jokes because that is why the audience loves these movies. The humor never feels natural.

bobbie solo
10-29-2016, 03:04 AM
It feels the most unnatural when Tony is going rapid fire. Those jokes never land for me. I feel like a good amount of the humor in the first Avengers & the Cap movies (sans Tony in Civil War) works.

10-29-2016, 08:42 AM
It feels the most unnatural when Tony is going rapid fire. Those jokes never land for me. I feel like a good amount of the humor in the first Avengers & the Cap movies (sans Tony in Civil War) works.

vision in civil war has some pretty great humorous moments, like entering wanda's room through the wall, or trying to make her dinner even though he doesn't eat and having no idea how it tastes.

10-30-2016, 03:35 PM
Saw Doctor Strange the other night and it was.... Ok! not the best Marvel film (which is *clearly* Ant Man) but I enjoyed it way more than Civil War. It felt a little... flat in places, the special effects are absolutely stunning tho and make up for a lot of the narrative. so in summation: it's okay, it looks good, needed more Paul Rudd.

10-30-2016, 04:38 PM
... needed more Paul Rudd.

Every single thing in life needs more Paul Rudd. Everything.

It opens here on Friday (but you know me; I know everything about it already including the post credit scenes) and I can't wait to see it. Reviews are great and so is the box office (I only mention those because it's what's important in the industry) which means we are getting more Strange.

Pun intended.

On second thought: Paul Rudd and Little Groot together would be like... *head explodes*

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd119/marodi511/14798841_10207794973812290_1222926318_n_zpsmiln5cc h.gif

11-04-2016, 10:40 AM
Ant Man is a great conparison. The action scenes are unique and cool/spectacular, the story is arduous, prrdictable and horribly formulaic. It is actually much worse than ant man in that latter regard, the jokes never land and Dr. Strange is horribly unlikable as a person, its a very sloppy movie.

also have to say that the stingers are getting so much weaker

Mr. Blaileen
11-04-2016, 02:13 PM
Not a perfect movie by any means, but I enjoyed Doctor Strange quite a bit. The effects were fantastic, and there were some really trippy sequences in there (almost reminded me of '2001: A Space Odyssey).

Interested to see how Strange plays with the rest of the MCU going forward.

I love me some Rachel McAdams.

bobbie solo
11-05-2016, 03:18 AM
Spoiler free to begin with...

I thought it was great! Theater wasn't sold out, but def. close to full. Hopefully it does ok this weekend money-wise. It was of course well acted, which should surprise no one considering the heavyweight cast. Although I didn't see the point in having Tilda Swinton play The Ancient One. Anyone could have done that the way it was written/played out. If you're gonna cast Swinton, then have her do something funky with it like only she can. Movie clocks right under 2 hours, so it doesn't drag. It's an origin story, but his origin flows right into the larger plot/conflict with the baddies so that helps.

The visuals are great. Obviously the movie owes alot to Inception, but it takes the folding cityscapes concept to new & different places than what Inception does. Only shame of it is that once it's explained, the stakes involved with these magical actions are lowered a bit.

There are other, trippier visuals unrelated to the cityscapes that are more daring. Unfortunately my screen & sound were not good, so it didn't look as crisp for me as everyone else is saying. Critics are actually recommending seeing this in IMAX 3D, which they rarely do. If you're one who partakes in certain narcotics, this might be the movie for you.

This is one of the most self-contained MCU movies yet, if not the most. You don't need to see any of the prior films, nor do you need to know anything about Dr. Stephen Strange. Sure seeing the other movies helps with some small easter eggs and very short bits of dialogue (as well as one of the TWO end credit cut scenes...yes there are two), but it will not upset your experience if you aren't well versed in the prior films. But then you prolly wouldn't be in this thread then, would you?

Cumberbatch really looks the part, and they get his costume down too. Wong is portrayed accurately. Mordo's journey is different than the comic, but that's ok.

Thought there was just the right amount of humor, with only the modern music stuff falling a little flat, althought it did work with Strange's character, as they went out of their way to show he's a music nerd.

See this flick!


Some random spoilery thoughts:

- Love that he's going to be in Thor helping him track down Odin & Loki! Makes complete sense and follows comic book tradition too. The bit with the beer was pretty funny.

- Was expecting Dormammu to be made of orange fire like in the comics, but was completely fine with their much more abstract take. CG didn't look great for me, but the screen was pretty shitty, so I'll need to see the movie again to judge accurately.

- Strange's clever way of tricking Dormammu was refreshing in a few ways. First, it was just nice to have a Marvel baddie defeated in a unique way that didn't involve alot of fighting (which also makes sense b/c Strange at this point in his career as a sorcerer would have no realistic chance of defeating fucking Dormammu). But what I really liked was it's callback to the classic Dr. Strange tales & Silver Age comics in general, where clever tricks like this where the norm for how a hero would best a foe. It also worked b/c it was funny, & the crowd def. laughed a good amount at the Groundhog Day nature of what was happening.

- So...the Eye of Agamatto. Pretty cool that it's an Infinity Stone. Prolly should have seen that coming. It's power set was limited to time related things in this movie, but I'm pretty sure it can do a whole lot more. Guess we'll see in the future.

- only easter egg I caught in the movie was the "staff of the Living Tribunal". Really just a cool reference more than anything. When all the good guy sorcerors grabbed weapons toward the end, I would think some of those weapons might be things that nerds would recognize, but I didn't catch any.

- The way the Dark Dimension looked reminded me of the sub-atomic world that Janet Van Dyne fell into in Ant-Man. Maybe Strange will appear in the sequel to help find her there?

- wish they had waited to have Mordo have his heel turn. It was already foreshadowed heavily throughout, I didn't see the need to make it explicit here. Plus his reasoning doesn't really explain why he would go in that direction. Ah well.

cashpiles (closed)
11-06-2016, 12:06 PM

In a nutshell: The first half of the film is good enough (not bad), and then the second half strips away all the goodwill the first half built up.

Steven Strange begins the film as the biggest asshole on Earth. A certain scene with him and Rachel McAdams' character is particularly powerful due to Strange's incredible assholeness.

Speaking of McAdams' character. She isn't used for much more than reacting to things. Jumping at frights. Screaming. Crying. Her character has some great personality points when she's given something to say beyond "oh my god, what's happening?".

The jokes almost all fall flat.... especially the ones involving the Asian library master.

The opening sequence of the movie is ridiculous for one reason: the way that someone is killed in a very specific way has no bearing on anything else in the film. There is no reason why he should be killed in such a seemingly special way.

Marvel took Tony Stark's assholery and amped it up by 100 with Strange. There are other parallels: Strange driving his fancy car and being uber-rich. Marvel copied the mixtape format of Guardians of the Galaxy for one of the early scenes. I enjoyed the rip offs of Tony Stark and Guardians strangely enough.

This movie also rips Inception big time for its action sequences.

The bad guy and the final boss bad guy are just so damn weak. They are so weak that it becomes apparent that this film is simply a Dr. Strange character vehicle or just simply a big movie-length advertisement for Dr. Strange.

The special effects are bullshit. Mere eye candy that doesn't really serve any other purpose. The mirror world sure. But, the folding of buildings and shape shifting of landscapes? Why is it even necessary? Why go through all that trouble? Why do u need to kill an enemy by folding a building over her/him? There are numerous other more simple ways people are defeated in this film. no need for all this landscape morphing bullshit.

I wanted to watch a film - not a 3D special effects tech demo.

Then.... there are the life lessons.... The Ancient One gives Strange a very important life lesson but never elaborates on it.... so you're left hanging...

why didn't the bad guy just steal the whole book instead of ripping out 2 pages? there are so many sloppy elements in this film. The writers were just like " ok let's throw some non-sensical goofy shit into half the scenes. It's not even funny, but our MARVEL AUDIENCE IS PRIMED to laugh anyways, so they will.... because they have been indoctrinated into the MARVEL "BRAND" of humour....

Dr. Strange (4/10)

comparison: Ant Man (8/10), Iron Man (10/10)

IMO some people give Marvel too much credit. They bat .500. Half of Marvel movies are crap. Gratefully, half are really good.

11-06-2016, 12:26 PM
I liked Dr Strange a lot more than I thought I was going to. Chiwetel Ejiofor was the MVP. Rachel McAdams is a patient sweetheart. The movie felt like it flew by too.

Space Suicide
11-13-2016, 02:31 PM
I just seen the film today. Hands down far and away probably my favorite Marvel film aside from Guardians of the Galaxy. The pacing was good to me and it felt like a constant buildup after he tapped into his powers. The entire fight scene involving Kaecilius was like a constant threat. The scenes after his first initial confrontation with Strange in the NYC Sanctum trickled out and down so easily it felt like the entire last half of the film was one giant struggle. The action and threat never let up. It was done so seamlessly from fight to fight, there really was no breathing room. I dug that approach.

Both roles were played marvelously by Cumberbatch and Mikkelsen. No actor or portrayal felt out of place or miscast. Great time. I had fun watching it!

11-19-2016, 11:00 PM
I can dig it (http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/11/19/deadpool-2-john-wick-director-david-leitch-reportedly-closes-deal-to-helm)

11-20-2016, 12:04 AM
Oh wow I never came in here to mention that I adored Doctor Strange and consider it my most-enjoyed MCU film! I tend to talk really negatively overall of the franchise here and hate that I do so since I want to like more of it than I tend to, so I felt like sharing some positivity about something other than Daredevil would be refreshing coming out of me. Loved the cast, thought the visuals were wonderful, found the whole thing to be a lot more creative and exciting than I was expecting it to be. I wanted them to go all-in on the cosmic weirdness of Strange and worried they wouldn't, but they totally did, and I was happily, blissfully surprised. Reminded me how I felt when I went to see the first Iron Man, all those years ago.

12-02-2016, 11:58 PM
A new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Trailer will air tomorrow during the ACC Championship game.

12-03-2016, 04:54 PM





12-03-2016, 06:49 PM
Drax had me laughing so hard it hurt at the end there.

12-03-2016, 06:56 PM
Batista is hilarious. I'm so glad he decided to ditch the WWE and just do movies. I was dying when he laugh yet it was Baby Groot that stole the show. He's so adorable. How can anyone not love him?

12-04-2016, 12:30 PM
Do you know what's even more awesome than Baby Groot?

Angry (most likely slightly murderous) Baby Groot, dressed in a Star-Lord costume!


12-04-2016, 07:33 PM
Close, it's his own Ravagers outfit.

12-07-2016, 03:42 AM
Last night I saw Doctor Strange. I liked it. Some really great visual sequences. About halfway through, I realized who Doctor Strange sounds like...... Tom Selleck. Not everytime he speaks, but most of the time. I did some searching, and apparently, Tom Selleck was considered to play Doctor Strange in the early 80s in a film that never happened.

From this book:

12-08-2016, 11:03 PM

OK, this looks pretty fucking cool and I'm fucking sold on Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

Space Suicide
12-08-2016, 11:40 PM
Too many Spider-Man films diluted any type of wonder or "new" factor this movie could've had. Looks alright. Doesn't look like anything mind blowing to me personally. Looks like typical fare.

12-09-2016, 12:43 AM
Looks good. I'm more hyped for Guardians of the Galaxy though.

12-09-2016, 04:13 AM
probably the most boring superhero trailer I've seen in a while... like Holland in the role but this franchise is pretty much dead too me and suffered too many takes on it. In fact this trailer has nothing for me that makes me want to see it, especially not after that faboulus and fun Guardians trailer. :/

12-09-2016, 05:17 AM
Holland seems like too much of a weeny as Parker, i dunno.... I saw him in Civil War and I've seen this trailer and I'm still not convinced, couple that with going back to fucking high school again with this character i mean could it be more boring? Can we move past the Breakfast Club shit yet?

Highlights of the trailer were Keaton as Vulture and RDJ back as Stark/Iron Man again.

Count me in as more interested in Guardians Vol 2.

12-09-2016, 12:03 PM
There is a sense of déjà-vu about it but I really, really like Holland. I'm more excited about Guardians too but I'm willing to give Spidey a chance.

And Keaton and RDJ can do no wrong in my book.

12-09-2016, 01:26 PM
You just know they're going to kill Vulture because he sees Spider-Man - AGAIN, REALLY?!@! - with his mask off. Man this trope needs to die.

12-09-2016, 02:49 PM
Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by the Vulture costume? It looked very unimaginative and if you told me it was a new Green Goblin outfit I wouldn't be surprised. It's very generic.

Also, too bad he is already part of the Marvel universe as the Mandarin, because I always hoped Sir Ben Kingsley would play the Vulture, just talk about the perfect look! That said, I like Michael Keaton and looking forward to his take on the character.

I really had no problem with the rest of the trailer, Holland looks great and feels like a teenager, and he looks nerdy enough that I buy the loner aspect of the story (I mean, I'm pretty sure Andrew Garfield got laid in high school like nobody's business).

12-17-2016, 10:47 PM
I enjoyed Luke Cage. Probably the most focused of the Netflix bunch. It was thankfully low on flashbacks and characters going on and on about their life stories. Good action scenes. Excellent cast. Great, memorable characters on both good and evil sides, though Diamondback should have been a more impactful villain. Mahersala Ali as Cottonmouth is BRILLIANT. Theo Rossi's "Shades" is probably one of television's biggest assholes, and he steals the show every time.

The use of the N-word caught me by surprise, but it didn't bother me, especially since Luke Cage avoids the word and doesn't want to be called like that. Rosario Dawson's role felt like an extended deus ex machina at first, but her comedic timing made her a joy to watch. In fact, it had some of the best comedic scenes in the MCU. The score by Adrian Younge (Black Dynamite!) is infectious and full of badass drums and guitars.

Of course, like almost every damn MCU entry, it is more interested in sequel bait than a really satisfying conclusion. And, of course, they're once again building up the Defenders with not-so-subbtle referenes in the dialogue ("there's a blind guy in Hell's Kitchen who beats people up!" "Remember what Jessica did to you?" etc.). But, overal, it left me with a big smile on my face, almost as big as the one I had after the end of Daredevil's first season.

bobbie solo
12-18-2016, 02:45 AM
Man for such an extensive review, you are ignoring all the problems with the series to focus on just the stuff you liked. I didn't hate it, but the first season was racked with pacing problems, a terrible villain, goofy dialogue at times (esp. anything with Diamondback), hamfisted and forced scenarios (Method Man cringe), too many episodes, and unrealistic story beats (that awful fight in the streets with Luke & Diamondback for one). I actually longed for the few things that tied into the rest of the Netflix MCU b/c I thought it improved the show.

12-22-2016, 10:50 AM
Saw the Logan trailer in front of Rogue One and man, I hope it lives up to that potential. Doesn't help that the last Doug Loves Movies he talked about seeing the first 40 minutes of the movie and his impression is that after Deadpool and now Logan, comic book movies that are rated PG-13 are full of shit. He also said that he thought at first that seeing the first 40 minutes would mean that he would hate watching the same 40 minutes again in March but it was so good he can't wait to sit through it.

12-22-2016, 11:55 AM
I am so not looking forward to see Logan. Not because I think it'll be trash but because it's going to be so incredibly bleak. Just the trailer has me depressed. I'm so emotionally invested with these characters that's it's going to be extremely painful to let them go.

bobbie solo
12-23-2016, 02:32 AM
I just hope they include SOME of the wacky, out there stuff from the original story.

12-23-2016, 07:47 AM
I hope they show Sinister in the next Logan trailer. I'm curious to see what they made him look like.

01-04-2017, 03:20 PM
The entire "SingerVerse" is pretty bleak and depressing compared to what the X-Men could and should be.

Take it from a DIE HARD X-Men fan with her take on a true X-Men film, Deadpool...comicbookgirl19


01-19-2017, 11:43 AM

01-19-2017, 01:00 PM
X-23 so sick!

01-19-2017, 02:07 PM
Logan is going to be the death of me. I'm in tears again just watching that trailer!

01-19-2017, 04:14 PM
That does look awesome but I think the Red-band trailer is even better because of Patrick Stewart:


01-23-2017, 01:06 PM
my wife and i watched X-Men Apocalypse yesterday and i really don't understand what people disliked about it. we thoroughly enjoyed it and had no complaints.

then we watched The Wolverine (she still hadn't seen it after giving up RIGHT before Yukio shows up in the bar) and she liked it a lot (i love it). really looking forward to Logan.

02-07-2017, 02:14 PM
I am excited for this to come out. And I am happy that they are tying this to all the other Marvel Netflix shows.
It gives me hope that The Defenders will be equally awesome.
I just hope that they don't cram too much villains and heroes for the sake of it and it actually has a story the gives them all a reason to work together.
(Anyone else getting an Arrow vibe from The Iron Fist?)
