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11-08-2017, 08:28 PM
As much as it helped the hype for this movie, part of me still wishes they'd kept Hulk's involvement a surprise. That would've been one HELL of a reason to get people to spread word of mouth about this movie (even more than they are now - I haven't shut up about it since seeing it). Casting as a whole was handled perfectly, and the dialog was spot on between nearly any given characters on screen. Even the villains were handled with a certain sense of "whimsical" evil that didn't take itself too seriously. Really lent itself into the comedic tone of the movie and kept things dramatic and fun without trying to inflate its place in the in the MCU in the lead-up to Infinity War (NEXT YEAR. After BLACK FUCKIN' PANTHER).

"'Whoever I am?' Have you listened to a SINGLE word I've been saying?"

Also, I didn't realize Waititi was Korg! I really thought that he sounded more like a very quaint-sounding Rhys Darby.

One question I do have, being relatively unfamiliar with Marvel outside of the cinematic universe. So then, is Hela, the goddess of death, different from the Lady Death character that I've heard about from the comics? The one that Thanos is obsessed with? Is that something that's being completely ignored in regards to the films, or being kept in the back pocket for Infinity War?

I need to read more of these comics. Especially after reading bobbie's post.

bobbie solo
11-09-2017, 02:41 AM
One question I do have, being relatively unfamiliar with Marvel outside of the cinematic universe. So then, is Hela, the goddess of death, different from the Lady Death character that I've heard about from the comics? The one that Thanos is obsessed with? Is that something that's being completely ignored in regards to the films, or being kept in the back pocket for Infinity War?

I need to read more of these comics. Especially after reading bobbie's post.

Thanks...yes, read more comics please! The industry is slowing dying.

Hela & Death are different characters. Lady Death:

Lady Death, sometimes referred to simply as Death, is a Marvel Comics super-being and the personification of death: although she is seldom seen and rarely speaks she has been known to manipulate and interfere with mortals on a few occassions

She's more of a god/apparition/omnipotent being than an actual flesh and blood person, similar to Eternity. Hela and the other powered Asgardians are more like demi-gods that actually live & breath.

11-09-2017, 12:36 PM

11-09-2017, 12:43 PM

Fan poster? I love that Stan Lee makes a cameo.

11-09-2017, 12:47 PM
Apparently official...Reynolds just tweeted this out as well:


Same kinda theme.

11-09-2017, 12:54 PM
Fan poster? I love that Stan Lee makes a cameo.

I love that the sheer shittiness of the Photoshop makes you think fan poster.

11-09-2017, 01:18 PM
"You'll go crazy for D's Nuts - p. 16D" :D

Conan The Barbarian
11-09-2017, 03:28 PM
Thanks...yes, read more comics please! The industry is slowing dying.

Hela & Death are different characters. Lady Death:

She's more of a god/apparition/omnipotent being than an actual flesh and blood person, similar to Eternity. Hela and the other powered Asgardians are more like demi-gods that actually live & breath.

The industry is not dying, not making as much as they were. They are stll selling books, DC is going strong, and I am not sure about marvel since I cannot afford 4.99 a book.

Now the state of the comic store, yes that is possibly dying out. But My local one is still going strong. They kinda split it into half comic store half figurine gaming store. They hold events and every Wed., there seems to be people there.

bobbie solo
11-11-2017, 02:35 AM
the key word was slowly I guess. It's not going anywhere any time soon. But the current model cannot stand. The print side is suffering greatly, and $5 & up single issue floppies are seemingly the breaking point for most fans. Can't justify $4 floppies when you're generally done reading one in ten minutes. I luckily get pretty good discounts on what I read, some at 50% off and others at 20%.

Until we consistently can see the actual digital numbers for Marvel, DC, Image AND the small print houses, we can't fully tell how things will move forward as the print side becomes unsustainable. They will need to find a way to get that per issue price down to around $2 imo if they want that part to thrive.

Conan The Barbarian
11-11-2017, 07:17 AM
the key word was slowly I guess. It's not going anywhere any time soon. But the current model cannot stand. The print side is suffering greatly, and $5 & up single issue floppies are seemingly the breaking point for most fans. Can't justify $4 floppies when you're generally done reading one in ten minutes. I luckily get pretty good discounts on what I read, some at 50% off and others at 20%.

Until we consistently can see the actual digital numbers for Marvel, DC, Image AND the small print houses, we can't fully tell how things will move forward as the print side becomes unsustainable. They will need to find a way to get that per issue price down to around $2 imo if they want that part to thrive.

I️ feel you, I really want to pick up marvel books, but at 5 pop, I️ can’t cough up that much for them. My pull list was all rebirth and I️ had to cut down as 2 bi monthly issues was starting to add up. I️ now only main Superman/ action. Aquaman, and Batman.

If I were still a pot smoking single and not a father of three, I’d probably be bowing my money on insane amount of issues.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-11-2017, 05:13 PM
I just saw Thor: Ragnarok earlier this morning as I really enjoyed it as it's my favorite film about Thor as well as it's now in my sixth favorite film of the MCU so far. Having seen a couple of Waititi's previous features. I found the humor in this film to be refreshing for the series as well as going into some deeper territory as it relates to loss but also coping with Odin's sins for his failings as a father to both Thor and Loki.

bobbie solo
11-12-2017, 03:40 AM
I️ feel you, I really want to pick up marvel books, but at 5 pop, I️ can’t cough up that much for them. My pull list was all rebirth and I️ had to cut down as 2 bi monthly issues was starting to add up. I️ now only main Superman/ action. Aquaman, and Batman.

If I were still a pot smoking single and not a father of three, I’d probably be bowing my money on insane amount of issues.

monthly singles I get:

2nd Batman/TMNT mini (starts next month)
Dr. Strange
X-Men Gold
Royal City
Sex Criminals
Black Hammer
Dying & The Dead
Sherlock Frankenstein mini

And I read Walking Dead, Invincible (soon to be R.I.P.), Low, East of West, Bone & Seven To Eternity in trade.

11-13-2017, 04:58 AM
Worth pointing out that many Comic shops around me now are split on geek culture items (models, toys, clothes etc) and comics and that seem's to be keeping them in business. Hell i go to Forbidden Planet every month and no matter what day or time it's always packed...although it helps it's in central London.

11-14-2017, 04:03 AM
Rewatched some of the MCU to get myself in shape for Ragnarok and I have to confess that The Avengers didn't age very well IMHO. Then again the only movie that did so of Phase One is Iron Man itself. So for me it's quite the opposite of what some people say as I do believe these movies only get better with a few stinkers to hold us over for the really big ones.

Loving what I read so far from Thor though as he always was the most mediocre part of the MCU for me.

11-14-2017, 11:56 AM
https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/23472323_10212137412804414_8693090087000178757_n.j pg?oh=574ae43ae8d7ea7512766bb63a62fbb0&oe=5AA778C5

<3 <3 <3

11-14-2017, 12:13 PM
The design on his vest is making my eye twitch.

11-15-2017, 08:55 AM
So fucking good.


11-15-2017, 08:57 AM
Never been a fan of that Bob Ross jokes, but the small glimpses we see from the movie look really promising. Hope we get a proper trailer the next days. :)

11-15-2017, 09:56 AM
I was thinking this morning: Thor 3 would have been a very different movie if Ed Norton was still involved. Hell, all of the movies would have a different tone if he was still around.

11-17-2017, 02:09 AM
That Deadpool trailer was everything i hoped it would be. Holy Fuck Knuckles :D

11-21-2017, 09:48 AM
finally finished the defenders. it was...fine? iron fist is such a whiny baby. is that what he's like in the comics? he was the worst part of his own show and the worst part of this show. it's really a big blemish on the otherwise awesome marvel netflix sub-section. looking forward to checking out the punisher.

has anyone started runaways yet? was thinking of doing that before the punisher (i know it's part of the x-men universe in terms of franchises).

11-22-2017, 02:29 PM
James Gunn tweets link to the extended Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 script online:


11-22-2017, 03:45 PM
wow. Is it usual for a script to read like a comic book? and I'm not saying that like it's a comic book movie, ha ha meta, I'm talking about the random all caps words like comics do.

11-22-2017, 06:13 PM
Looks like Jude Law is going to be Captain Marvel. (https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/11/jude-law-in-talks-to-join-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-with-captain-marvel-role/)

11-25-2017, 09:26 PM
In the 1st episode of Runways, who is the person hooked up to the machine in the church? Are they in the comics too?

11-26-2017, 01:29 AM
Bravo with Ragnarok!! I was engulfed from the opening scene along with the consistent and well placed comedy. I was a bit surprised when I read that Waititi said the dialogue was 80% improvised because you can definitely get a sense that a lot for sure, but 80% seems a bit high. Story arcs were resolved, the shots here were just beautiful to look at, colorful... it was something the universe needed for sure with the lightheartedness that surrounded it. Seeing the other side of Hulk was pretty damn funny to watch, and the entire cast did a fabulous job along with the director himself who voiced my favorite character Korg. Great stuff all around here and go see this if you still can!

11-27-2017, 05:26 PM




11-27-2017, 05:43 PM

Those are fantastic. But what the heck is going on with Hawkeye's hair?

11-27-2017, 06:14 PM
Holy wow...they're more pics inside and they show Wasp.


11-27-2017, 07:24 PM
You can see the photos and read the article here. (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/11/marvel-cover-story)

11-27-2017, 09:12 PM
This looks awesome. Baby Groot!!!!!!

bobbie solo
11-28-2017, 02:06 AM
In related news, be careful where you tread on the internet re: Infinity War now. Full scenes & their descriptions have leaked, and they seem very credible.

11-28-2017, 02:59 AM
Behind the scenes...


11-28-2017, 11:10 AM
First trailer drops tomorrow.

11-28-2017, 11:18 AM
Behind the scenes...

Maybe they'll get two of them to have a conversation with each other this time!

11-28-2017, 03:37 PM
Scarlett is.... short.... wow.... I didn't expect that yet she's still Scar-Jo 3:16 in my heart.

11-28-2017, 03:52 PM
You can see the photos and read the article here. (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/11/marvel-cover-story)

After Avengers 4, an ambitious multi-franchise crossover movie slated for release in 2019, at least some of the original characters who sit at the center of the billion-dollar Avengers team will be hanging up their capes and shields. That’s partially because the Marvel contracts with the actors who play them—Evans (Captain America), Ruffalo (Hulk), Downey (Iron Man), Johansson (Black Widow), Hemsworth (Thor), and Renner (Hawkeye)—are coming to an end. Meanwhile, DC Comics’ Wonder Woman, (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/05/wonder-woman-review) one of the top-grossing films of 2017, proved that Marvel doesn’t have a monopoly on beloved superhero icons.
So you're going to name all the Marvel characters who have been in multiple good/great movies and then one DC flick.

11-28-2017, 04:36 PM
So you're going to name all the Marvel characters who have been in multiple good/great movies and then one DC flick.

Well, it IS the only WB/DC film that has been warmly received by both critics and audiences. I really liked Man of Steel, but I seem to be in the minority there. As for Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman, both performed below expectations and were ripped apart by critics and fans alike.

bobbie solo
11-28-2017, 08:31 PM
Behind the scenes...


a) Wow. Beauty overload.

b) girl on the far right is who played Mantis, correct?

11-28-2017, 09:59 PM
a) Wow. Beauty overload.

b) girl on the far right is who played Mantis, correct?


11-29-2017, 08:00 AM
Infinity War trailer is finally here!


11-29-2017, 08:11 AM
Infinity War trailer is finally here!


Unlike some people in this board, I'm not a comic book fan enthusiast, I'm more of a casual fan of these comic book films (referring to the MCU and DCEU) and I can say that, without having seen Justice League (the trailers completely turned me off, I may see it, eventually), the two-minutes trailer for Infinity War looks A LOT more interesting than two hours of Justice League. And this is coming from someone who's had a bit of superhero movies fatigue. Bring Infinity War on, it looks amazing!

Conan The Barbarian
11-29-2017, 08:16 AM
This trailer hit spots I didn’t think t would hit. Holy shit I am on for this morherfucker.

Hopefully they nail thanos right and the Mcu could finally have its awesome villain.

Mr. Blaileen
11-29-2017, 10:05 AM
My nerd boner is soooooo hard right now.

11-29-2017, 10:25 AM
Yeah, this movie looks fucking LIT. I can't wait! Hopefully the next five months go by fast! That new Spider-Man suit with the glowing eyes looks awesome. Having the Guardians fight alongside the Avengers is going to be amazing. Also, I'm surprised they showed Thor with his eye patch - an obvious spoiler for Thor: Ragnarok, which is still in theaters. I didn't see Hawkeye or Ant-Man in there though. Where are those dudes?

11-29-2017, 12:21 PM
There's only 2:30 of time, hard to show everyone. I'm more surprised they showed so much of Wakanda since the movie is a few months away yet.

As for Thor:


First official image.

Even there you see the eye is in place because they didn't want to spoiler it from the film. That said, he's also turned away so his right eye is hidden.

11-29-2017, 04:31 PM
In case you guys are wondering: we see two stones on the Gauntlet; they are purple and blue. The purple one is the Orb (Power stone) last seen on Xandar and the blue one is the Space stone, last seen in the Tesseract when Loki, that bloody mofo, hands it to Thanos.

Speaking of Infinity Stones: STAY AWAY FROM MY VISION, ASSHOLES!

Someone should also warn Strange that walking around with one around his neck is a bad idea.

Wanna bet Tony's crying because the one who dies is Cap?

11-29-2017, 06:58 PM
Xandar is totally fucked. That's the first one he gets, it seems, and it probably isn't even difficult. Then, probably what we see in the mid-credits scene in Ragnarok - he's on his way to Earth, where a lot of the other ones are, or maybe (SPOILERS for leaked footage not in the trailer here) stops by the Collector's place to grab the Aether, which isn't there, but regardless, he comes across the Asgard ship and just decimates it, kicks Thor's ass, Hulk is shipped out somehow, and Loki, hopefully to either spare whoever's left or in defiance, either gives up the Tesseract or tries to use it to take out Thanos, which obviously doesn't work. Then, Earth gets invaded to get Vision's Mind Stone (RIP Vision), probably Strange's Time Stone at some point, and the Soul Stone, possibly in Wakanda? I figure that'll be revealed in Black Panther if so, as the final setup for Infinity War.

God, this trailer is amazing. Thanos looks incredible - I love the more casual look, and especially the explanation from the Russos that he doesn't wear armor because he just doesn't need it. That's badass. And the way he just knocks Tony the fuck out...the fight scenes in this movie are going to be great. I can't wait.

bobbie solo
11-30-2017, 12:08 AM
Speaking of Infinity Stones: STAY AWAY FROM MY VISION, ASSHOLES!

Wanna bet Tony's crying because the one who dies is Cap?

I don't want to bum you out, but conventional wisdom is that Vision is almost certainly going to die. He is the easiest character to resurrect later, so makes sense that he will be one of the (hopefully many) casualties in the first part of Infinity War.

bobbie solo
11-30-2017, 12:17 AM
I agree that the trailer is fantastic, but I actually think Thanos looks awful. Maybe the CG will look better on screen, but he's not real-looking enough for me. You don't want your villain making me think of Steppenwolf or Doomsday...

That Spidey suit is the Iron Spider suit designed for him by Stark.

11-30-2017, 01:28 AM
I agree that the trailer is fantastic, but I actually think Thanos looks awful. Maybe the CG will look better on screen, but he's not real-looking enough for me. You don't want your villain making me think of Steppenwolf or Doomsday...

That Spidey suit is the Iron Spider suit designed for him by Stark.

I thought the cgi looked great, especially for a film that’s 5 months away. When he puts the gem in his gauntlet you can literally see hairs on his arm. In no way did he remind me of Doomsday or Steppenwolf. All in all they have time to make it even better and I loved that they barely showed the tip of the iceberg. Also loved the seriousness of the tone. Overall great trailer, loved the shot of Nomad Cap taking the army into battle.

11-30-2017, 03:41 AM
Loved the trailer, and now let the theories BEGIN!

So Thanos has the purple stone already which which being held by the Nova Corps in Xander...so the Nova Corps we presume have been taken out (that's annoying, i would have liked to have seen more of them/had Nova Prime appear eventually)
And looks like Loki is given thanos the blue stone in the trailer.
Also, from the overall tone of the trailer, i think it's pretty much confirmed heroes are going to die.

Someone get this man a shield!

Conan The Barbarian
11-30-2017, 07:28 AM
I agree that the trailer is fantastic, but I actually think Thanos looks awful. Maybe the CG will look better on screen, but he's not real-looking enough for me. You don't want your villain making me think of Steppenwolf or Doomsday...

That Spidey suit is the Iron Spider suit designed for him by Stark.

Lol I loved justice league and I can tell you that thanos looks a billion times better than steppenwolf.

That’s what it looks like when studio doesn’t force a movie out for monetary gains.

11-30-2017, 09:21 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-30-2017, 01:10 PM
Someone get this man a shield!

And get this other man an arm!

Wait, what?

I guess Bucky gets his new arm from Wakanda; I don't think Tony's likes him enough to built him one...

And about those Infinity Stones: I've assumed that it was Loki-as-Odin who sent the Aether to the Collector. Loki has known for a long time that Thanos is after those stones and by sending one of them away, he's made it more difficult for Thanos to get them. Loki always has an end game and usually, it's to save his own skin. He knows that Thanos with a full Gauntlet means death for everyone. Maybe the Trickster God has a few more tricks up his sleeve.

It's a bit weird that Thanos has not retrieve that Aether from the Collector. Maybe he doesn't know where it is?

11-30-2017, 02:12 PM
Wow. Just...wow! Thanos looks friggin' incredible. Out of all of the mediocre villains we have been getting over the years, this looks the best. Lets not forget that Brolin went through a lot of work to get that practical look for his face. I really do not see that big a difference between the original look and this look besides the eyes and shade of his color. I didn't look at him and say "Woahh, they fucked this up." Did anyone think that maybe he still has his full armor but is choosing to not wear it? Regardless, if you're even slightly familiar with the story, you kind of know how this is all gonna pan out. Really hoping some unexpected hero's will swoop in for some extra help that will soon lead into the next phase of this universe.

Some things I noticed from the trailer and after watching a rewind trailer:

- Co-director Joe Russo explained at Comic-con that once he starts acquiring the stones... there is no need to wear the armor he had on in the past. This was the initial thought I got from this after everyone was whining about it.

- The planet in the beginning is not earth... The footage from D23 expo show that Starlord, Stark, and Spidey fight at a disclosed location. Also... when Stark is sitting there looking distraught, it reminded me of when Scarlet Witch sent Stark to the scene where The Avengers were pretty much destroyed.

-Interesting in the scene with Stark, Doctor Strange, Banner, and Strange's his assistant (Cannot remember his name) time is stopped all but for Stark... Thanos acquiring the time stone?

- Scarlet Witch and Vision totally bang and have kids at some point or another leading in New Avengers down the road.

- Don't forget that Loki has failed Thanos in the past so him buying his life with the Tesseract in Infinity War makes a lot of sense.

- Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glave!!!

This is all going to be a crazy conclusion to this phase, and this is how you do a universe justice after over 10 years of build-up. Ready for the ride!

11-30-2017, 02:50 PM
Found it. Called the "Black Order". The wiki article is a pseudo-spoiler (like you don't know what's going to happen to the bad guys) so I'll leave those parts out:

Thanos' first version[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Black_Order_(comics)&action=edit&section=7)]

Black Dwarf (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Dwarf_(comics)) - A member of the Black Order who has super-strength, enhanced density, and impenetrable skin. He is the brother of Corvus Glaive.
Corvus Glaive - Thanos' most favored general[10] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Order_(comics)#cite_note-corvus-cbr-10) who has enhanced strength, speed, durability, and endurance and uses a bladed pike which can cut through anything. When Corvus Glaive has the bladed pike in his hand, it makes him immortal.
Ebony Maw - A member of the Black Order who has genius-level intellect, specializes in persuasion. Utilizes a teleportation device and force field generator.
Proxima Midnight - A member of the Black Order and the wife of Corvus Glaive who is a master hand-to-hand combatant, has super-strength and is nigh impervious. Her lance transforms into unavoidable toxic light beams.
Supergiant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supergiant_(comics)) - A member of the Black Order with telepathic abilities.


I wonder if Hulkbuster is brought out for the big guy there?

11-30-2017, 03:35 PM
"Infinity Stones? Yeah I could go up to $1500."


11-30-2017, 05:10 PM
Infinity War trailer is finally here!



bobbie solo
12-01-2017, 12:09 AM
Really hoping some unexpected hero's will swoop in for some extra help that will soon lead into the next phase of this universe.

as I'm sure you already know, a certain character VERY integral to the Infinity saga was namedropped during the credits of GotG2. I'd expect an appearance in one of these Avengers movies.

12-01-2017, 09:50 AM
I just realized that there's been no casting news yet for Adam. Or maybe they're all under super-giant NDAs since the second one is filming?
Filming of the untitled sequel began on August 10, with additional filming in the Downtown and Metro Atlanta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Atlanta) areas, and Scotland. It is scheduled to last until July 2018. They are the first films to be shot entirely in IMAX (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX), using a new 2D digital camera (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX#2D_digital_camera) developed alongside Arri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arri).Huh, I thought I saw a four-armed alien.
The trailer also revealed the inclusion of the alien species Outriders, from the storyline Infinity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_(comic_book)).[146 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_of_Avengers:_Infinity_War_and_the_untit led_Avengers_sequel#cite_note-Outriders-146)

12-05-2017, 01:43 AM
Just finished watching Inhumans... didn't mind it actually. If they keep doing small 8 ep. arcs, I think that would be just fine.

bobbie solo
12-06-2017, 02:57 PM
Inhumans is cancelled and has zero chance of coming back.

12-06-2017, 03:07 PM
If they buy Fox and are getting the mutants that makes sense.

12-10-2017, 02:16 AM

Not gonna hold my breath, but I swear if this happens . . .


Conan The Barbarian
12-10-2017, 11:24 PM
Ill be pissed to be honest. Logan is a perfect ending to that era of the xmen franchise.

12-11-2017, 12:41 AM
Ill be pissed to be honest. Logan is a perfect ending to that era of the xmen franchise.

Agreed. I finally saw the film earlier today and I'm still tearing up over that ending.

12-11-2017, 10:55 AM
Why would you guys be pissed about it? Timeline speaking, it's safe to assume that Avengers Infinity War happens before the events of Logan.

So if Wolverine shows up in Avengers, it does not negate anything about his fate as seen in Logan. And Jackman has been saying for a long time that he would like to be in an Avengers movie.

Come on, try to imagine movie Logan and movie Tony meeting. Just think about it. Let's go fanfiction a bit and throw in Cap remembering Logan from WWII.

You know you want it! :p

12-11-2017, 10:57 AM
Disney giving Fox a ton of money to finance Fox News vs. fanservice...

12-11-2017, 04:02 PM
Well, if Wolverine appears in an Avengers movie, he won't be played by Hugh Jackman (https://theplaylist.net/disneyfox-hugh-jackman-wolverine-20171211/).


12-11-2017, 06:41 PM
Well, if Wolverine appears in an Avengers movie, he won't be played by Hugh Jackman (https://theplaylist.net/disneyfox-hugh-jackman-wolverine-20171211/).


That is something I will not want to see. Only Hugh Jackman is Wolverine.

12-11-2017, 11:47 PM
Well, if Wolverine appears in an Avengers movie, he won't be played by Hugh Jackman (https://theplaylist.net/disneyfox-hugh-jackman-wolverine-20171211/).



12-14-2017, 09:28 AM

BREAKING: Disney Buys 20th Century Fox and 20th Century Fox Television


12-14-2017, 09:46 AM
Well, it's too late to swerve for the first Infinity movie but the next one is going to be balls-to-the-wall.

12-14-2017, 11:41 AM
I just hope Deadpool, Legion, and New Mutants survive in their current states

bobbie solo
12-14-2017, 11:50 AM
bad for the industry and the people that work in it. Look at the market share Disney will now have. Very troubling. I guess monopoly laws don't apply here (and the right has neutered them into uselessness anyway), but this is a monopoly regardless.

12-14-2017, 11:58 AM
Finally! No more trash X-Men films! Completely recast and give us comic accurate characters and storylines.

12-14-2017, 12:00 PM
Bob Iger Says There is Potential for R-Rated Marvel Brand

12-14-2017, 12:16 PM
I want to see a retro Fantastic Four (like the X-Men First Class stuff); I think that could work. Come on Mole Man!

12-14-2017, 12:32 PM
bad for the industry and the people that work in it. Look at the market share Disney will now have. Very troubling. I guess monopoly laws don't apply here (and the right has neutered them into uselessness anyway), but this is a monopoly regardless.They've always been OK with monopolies. I was more concerned when even Obama's team didn't care about companies getting bigger.

The only way this would have hit a snag would be if it offended the Cheeto Mussolini in some way by them buying and neutering Fox News. Then it would have been an issue.

12-14-2017, 12:38 PM

12-14-2017, 01:49 PM

See, like that.

bobbie solo
12-16-2017, 10:44 PM
The Punisher, episode 6...when they're taking the arrow out of Frank: "The Way Out Is Through"

12-17-2017, 02:07 AM
The thing is, the way all marvel movies are done.... They're all comedies now. Infinity War will be a comedy, the new X-Men: comedies. Let's hope Deadpool can still stand out

12-17-2017, 09:27 AM
The thing is, the way all marvel movies are done.... They're all comedies now. Infinity War will be a comedy, the new X-Men: comedies. Let's hope Deadpool can still stand out
To be fair, it's very hard to do a "serious" superhero movie. After all it's grown men in pants. So on some level those movies will never be in the same league as, say, Heat or L.A. Confidential when it comes to thrillers. Nolan tried tho.

12-17-2017, 11:47 AM
As a fan of the Adam West Batman movie, I get you and you're basically right, but I still like the. They take themselves seriously.

12-17-2017, 11:49 AM
As a fan of the Adam West Batman movie, I get you and you're basically right, but I still like the. They take themselves seriously.
the what? :D

cashpiles (closed)
12-26-2017, 04:04 PM
Finally watched the “film” Spiderman: Homecoming...

some funny bits from his best friend... “I’m...watching porn”
Spiderman’s character/attitude
The Vulture (not a prototypical bad guy)

tons of boring shit
Spiderman’s Tony Stark tech suit...

01-09-2018, 07:40 PM
Stan Lee
The man
The legend
The groper?


Mr. Blaileen
01-09-2018, 08:27 PM
*Sigh* not another one....

01-11-2018, 12:43 PM
Annnnd now Gore Verbinski has dropped out of directing Gambit. Movie never getting made...

01-11-2018, 03:34 PM
Annnnd now Gore Verbinski has dropped out of directing Gambit. Movie never getting made...

I'm not the most negative person in the world but...

GOOD! I never bought Channeling Tantrum as Remy LeBeau.

01-11-2018, 03:41 PM
At least we still get Deadpool 2 on May 18th.

01-11-2018, 04:30 PM


01-15-2018, 05:49 AM
Slightly worried by the New Mutants new release date. It was due in a few months and now it's Feb next year...that's quite a delay on what must be an all but finished film? If it's going for the horror angle why not move it to October?

Happy about the new Deadpool date though.

01-15-2018, 12:06 PM
Slightly worried by the New Mutants new release date. It was due in a few months and now it's Feb next year...that's quite a delay on what must be an all but finished film? If it's going for the horror angle why not move it to October?

Happy about the new Deadpool date though.

I read somewhere that their reasoning was that they wanted to add more horror elements because horror has been popular lately (the example given was It). That seemed a bit like damage control to me and the real reason is probably re-shoots to try to elevate it from a mediocre movie into a decent movie.

01-22-2018, 06:59 PM
iTunes mixup leads to Thor: Ragnarok leaking online early. (https://mobilesyrup.com/2018/01/22/itunes-mishap-leaks-thor-ragnarok-online-almost-one-month-early/)

For those...so inclined to look for it.

01-22-2018, 08:18 PM
iTunes mixup leads to Thor: Ragnarok leaking online early. (https://mobilesyrup.com/2018/01/22/itunes-mishap-leaks-thor-ragnarok-online-almost-one-month-early/)

For those...so inclined to look for it.


01-24-2018, 04:08 AM
finally gave Ragnarok a spin and I have to say this is in my Top-5 Marvel movies right now. Seems that I enjoy the otherworldly outings way more than the usual Avengers stuff. And while I was never a huge Hulk fan I especially enjoyed Ruffalo's role in this one a lot, while Hemsworth finally could shine after his character has been set up rather lousy and uninspired. Loved the humor in it, the Guardians of the Galaxy links and pacing. It has some flaws and some strange scenes that seemed out of place or goofy, yet again I was thouroughly entertained for two hours. Together with the soundtrack this was a joyfull and fresh ride.

This has me hugely excited about Black Panther as I didn't quite enjoy Spiderman, Dr Strange and Civil War as much as everbody else has.

My ranking right now:

1. Iron Man
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
4. Thor Ragnarok
5. Civil War

01-30-2018, 07:22 AM
Early reactions to Black Panther are good...very good, which is awesome!

01-30-2018, 08:27 AM

01-30-2018, 10:28 AM
looks better than the first somehow but Ant-Man as a character has me zero interested. I suppose this one might turn out diasspointing with Thor last year and Black Panther as well Infinity War around the corner.

01-30-2018, 02:46 PM
I've been reading these tweets for Black Panther and one person described it as James Bond meets the Lion King. Fuck..... I think this film might be better than people expect it to be. I wanna keep low expectations for this.

bobbie solo
01-30-2018, 11:06 PM
- that trailer looks great. Let's just hope Ant-Man doesn't beat the everloving shit out of Wasp in the MCU. Loved the first one, will probably love this one.

- watched Thor 3 again tonight, this time with the missus. She loved it, and I still completely lost my shit when Korg said the pamphlets line. I also forgot about all the cameos during the little theatre scene, so seeing that again was excellent. Was really able to take in all the Kirby influenced design in this the 2nd time around. Man they did such a great job with it.

01-31-2018, 12:35 AM
Guardians Of The Galaxy 1 & 2, Ant-Man, and Spider-Man: Homecoming are my favorite of the Marvel movies. I can watch those anytime and enjoy them. As for the rest, it's hit or miss for me. Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Iron Man 1 were decent, not amazing. I didn't like the first or second Thor movies, but I haven't seen Raganok. The Avengers movies are okay. Will eventually watch Raganok and Black Panther whenever they happen to be on TV. The Vulture has so far been the best Marvel villain on screen. Many of the villains are underwritten and fall into the usual two dimensional "Aargh! I'm a villain! Look at me, I'm a villain!" and not much more. Hopefully they pull off Thanos and make him a real villain. They've been building him up for so long, hoping they can deliver something more interesting than just Josh Brolin being all "Aargh! I'm a villain! Look at me, I'm a villain!". Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin on Netflix's Daredevil was a well done villain. I like when a villain has depth. The Vulture and Kingpin had that.

02-01-2018, 03:13 AM
...and there's a facebook group arranging a review bomb on Rotten Tomatoes of Black Panther the day it's out because...people are fucking pathetic? It's Marvel vs DC so you have to pick a side for some stupid reason?


02-01-2018, 08:36 AM
...and there's a facebook group arranging a review bomb on Rotten Tomatoes of Black Panther the day it's out because...people are fucking pathetic? It's Marvel vs DC so you have to pick a side for some stupid reason?


because...people are fucking racist

fixed that for you.

02-01-2018, 10:13 AM
Some of column A, some of column B. Stupid and pathetic either way. Especially because they haven't seen it and have no intentions of doing so.

02-01-2018, 10:24 AM
It depresses me that people do this. I thought by now most of us would be over this kind of narrow minded bullshit!

On a lighter note i have my ticket for after work on Feb 13th and i for one am looking forward to actually seeing it, unlike some fucking cunts.

02-01-2018, 03:58 PM
Can't these DCEU fanboys find something else to target like those awful Fifty Shades movies?

02-02-2018, 02:14 AM
Can't these DCEU fanboys find something else to target like those awful Fifty Shades movies?

I'll be honest i forgot the latest film was even coming out! We (in the UK) have got so many other good films out Valentines week (The Shape of Water, Black Panther, Lady Bird etc) and the other 2 being so forgettable i can't imagine anyone's going to see it. I mean my sister is the films target demographic, she loves sexy romantic films, loved the books, probably has some kind of kink knowing our family and loves even the worst films (Grease 2...seriously) and she was done with them after the first film...i've somewhat deviated from the topic.

I'm look forward to Black Panther, screw anyone who's hating it because of being a racist/fan boy

Conan The Barbarian
02-02-2018, 08:28 PM
Can't these DCEU fanboys find something else to target like those awful Fifty Shades movies?

Yea that makes the news, but no one covers the story where real dc fans just donated to send kids from brooklyn to see the movie to retaliate against the fraction of those so called fans.

bobbie solo
02-03-2018, 01:34 AM
from Black Panther Sdtk:



02-04-2018, 09:19 PM

Damn it Tony, leave Doc's spells alone!


02-07-2018, 09:57 AM
Is that G.W. Bridge and Shatterstar in the Deadpool 2 trailer? Holy shitballs.

02-07-2018, 10:15 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNBFcwd7zc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNBFcwd7zc)

Ha, Sheriff Deadpool.

02-07-2018, 10:35 AM
^^^ that was great

i am so much more excited to see josh brolin as cable than as thanos :/

Conan The Barbarian
02-07-2018, 11:01 AM
I wonder if they will bring up Cable's parents, I doubt it as Fox has no clue on lineage in the xmen movies.

02-07-2018, 11:12 AM
I have a slight feeling this might be Marvel's most fleshed out villain in the end. Yet I'm reserving my judgement until I've seen Black Panther.

02-07-2018, 03:29 PM
First trailer tomorrow.

https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/27654985_1794790727232903_53313751941109353_n.jpg? oh=632a9d567f300fc434ac736ef3a1a2a4&oe=5B20E1A2

02-07-2018, 05:08 PM
I've been ready for this for so very, very long.

02-07-2018, 05:36 PM
I've been ready for this for so very, very long.

Deadpool 2? Or Venom?

02-07-2018, 09:12 PM
Venom. Been a fan since the early days, the comics where he made his first return and Peter beat him on a beach were some of my very first comics as a wee boy. :)

02-07-2018, 09:30 PM
Venom. Been a fan since the early days, the comics where he made his first return and Peter beat him on a beach were some of my very first comics as a wee boy. :)

Venom has been a favorite of mine since back in the early '90s as well. I didn't have many comic books with him in them (mostly read Spider-Man and X-Men), but the Maximum Carnage series was a personal favorite of mine back in the day. I used to collect the Marvel cards and got the "super rare" Spider-Man vs. Venom hologram card (pictured below) in a pack of cards and my friends were super jealous, so that was my prized possession for a little while. Still have it.
https://dyn1.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path%5B8%2F6%2F0%2F860149%5D%2Csizedata%5B8 50x600%5D&call=url%5Bfile%3Aproduct.chain%5D

02-07-2018, 09:42 PM
God damn, Marvel is hot right now. Ragnarok was great, I have no doubt Black Panther will be one of my favorite Marvel films ever, Infinity War is finally here, everything down the pipeline for the next couple YEARS looks solid so far...

bobbie solo
02-07-2018, 09:56 PM
First trailer tomorrow.

https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/27654985_1794790727232903_53313751941109353_n.jpg? oh=632a9d567f300fc434ac736ef3a1a2a4&oe=5B20E1A2

Is Spiderman in this? No? Really? You're making a Venom movie with no Spiderman? Oh ok, no thanks.

bobbie solo
02-07-2018, 10:11 PM

02-07-2018, 10:27 PM
Man, I have been waiting for this Venom thing to not happen. I love venom but he isn't a great build around... Doing it without Spiderman and Marvel is sheer idiocy. I can't believe it.

02-07-2018, 11:03 PM
Is Spiderman in this? No? Really? You're making a Venom movie with no Spiderman? Oh ok, no thanks.

God damn, Marvel is hot right now. Ragnarok was great, I have no doubt Black Panther will be one of my favorite Marvel films ever, Infinity War is finally here, everything down the pipeline for the next couple YEARS looks solid so far...

No interest in even waiting to see the trailer before passing judgement? I mean, yes, a Venom movie without Spider-Man seems hard to pull off, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic about this movie at least until I see the trailer tomorrow. If nothing else, it has Tom Hardy starring in it and he has yet to really let me down. Although Sony being at the helm doesn't exactly inspire a great deal of confidence...

02-07-2018, 11:16 PM

fuck yeah. i'm glad they're setting up for both exploration of past and dealing with a current problem, which will probably tie together somehow.

really didn't think that song fit the mood of the trailer, though. that was a bit odd.

02-08-2018, 01:52 AM
I love J Jones, she is my favourite Marvel character right after The Punisher. Deadpool 2 and Jessica Jones Trailers on the same day is better than Christmas really :)

Hannah (https://www.bizset.com/)

02-08-2018, 02:08 AM
First trailer tomorrow.

https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/27654985_1794790727232903_53313751941109353_n.jpg? oh=632a9d567f300fc434ac736ef3a1a2a4&oe=5B20E1A2

Gotta say i really like that poster. Now whether the film is any good is anyone's guess, i hope it is good (i'll be seeing it regardless).

02-08-2018, 04:58 AM
No interest in even waiting to see the trailer before passing judgement? I mean, yes, a Venom movie without Spider-Man seems hard to pull off, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic about this movie at least until I see the trailer tomorrow. If nothing else, it has Tom Hardy starring in it and he has yet to really let me down. Although Sony being at the helm doesn't exactly inspire a great deal of confidence...

Oh shit, I forgot that if I say something on the internet, it can't be changed or swayed and will forever be written in stone. ;)

Objectively speaking, Marvel is bigger this year than it's ever been, as far as films go. Maybe the Venom trailer drops and it looks like utter dog piss. I'll be the first to say it. But SO FAR, it SEEMS like it isn't unreasonable to say that the creative company with FIVE MOVIES coming out this year (Deadpool 2, Venom, Infinity War, Black Panther, Ant Man and the Wasp) is doing pretty okay. Maybe it'll all turn out to be shit, who knows. But for this moment, things look okay.

One might even say they're getting so big that they're bound to have a failure sooner or later. Hmm.

Sidenote: Some of the clickbait hype is downright silly, though. "DID WE SEE 1/4 OF CAPTAIN MARVEL'S LOGO IN THE BACKGROUND BEHIND CAPTAIN AMERICA'S ARM IN THE NEW COMMERCIAL FOR INFINITY WAR???" Calm down. Marvel is gearing up for the endgame that every single movie for a decade has been leading to. It's their "all the warriors" fight. Yeah, they just might have her appear in Infinity War if they want to.

02-08-2018, 05:42 AM
Venom poster = 80085

02-08-2018, 05:42 AM
Really excited to see the trailer for this mainly because my only two real concerns would be a) the design of Venom and b) that this already has a trailer coming out. This movie is happening way to fast IMHO and I hope it doesn't feel rushed. On the other hand I won't believe Tom Hardy buys into a lackluster cash-grab, if it doesn't have any redeeming quality to it.

But yeah, look at Hardy, two of the most prolific comic book villains that he has played. Bane and Venom. Hats off!

02-08-2018, 06:18 AM
I agree the speed of this is a bit worrying. Also Sony hasn't exactly been on their A for superhero movies for a number of years (last years Spiderman needed Marvel and Disney to step in just to get it right) but i'll keep and open mind to this.

02-08-2018, 08:24 AM
And here it is:


Nothing to be seen here actually. I like the tone and the music, but there's not much to see for any judgement.

02-08-2018, 08:34 AM
...well that reveals nothing :confused: Are we alien symbiote or man made symbiote? Interesting for spidey/venom fans but as far as teasers have been of late...fairly bland.

02-08-2018, 09:20 AM

Anyway, yeah. Nothing to really glean from that, huh? It doesn't look bad, doesn't look outstanding either. Which is a shame, because for something like this, you would think you'd want to hit the ground running with a knockout trailer with some kind of hook, but I guess not this time?

02-08-2018, 09:35 AM
Venom has been a favorite of mine since back in the early '90s as well. I didn't have many comic books with him in them (mostly read Spider-Man and X-Men), but the Maximum Carnage series was a personal favorite of mine back in the day. I used to collect the Marvel cards and got the "super rare" Spider-Man vs. Venom hologram card (pictured below) in a pack of cards and my friends were super jealous, so that was my prized possession for a little while. Still have it.
https://dyn1.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path%5B8%2F6%2F0%2F860149%5D%2Csizedata%5B8 50x600%5D&call=url%5Bfile%3Aproduct.chain%5D

I HAD THAT TOO! I remember bending the card packs and feeling around the sides to see if I could find one that was a little off, had something thicker inside. :D

Is Spiderman in this? No? Really? You're making a Venom movie with no Spiderman? Oh ok, no thanks.

A lot of people have missed the memo on this, but you've got Venom comics that don't involve Spidey at all which date back to the mid-90's. He has a few different rogues of his own, his own occasional supporting cast members...heck, his solo adventures started with him moving to San Fran to be away from Spidey. Since then the symbiote's changed hosts three times (it only came back to Brock recently, after being away for 13 real-time years), been in the Thunderbolts, joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, gone to space...Venom's got his own bag these days. We're way past the days where he was just a doppelganger figure trying to eat Spidey's brain.

As to the trailer itself, well, I was expecting to be teased with 0.5 seconds of Venom and not just 0.5 seconds of symbiote, but they've included Ann Weying, Eddie's ex-wife, and I know there's a few specific Venom events they're taking inspiration from for this film ( Lethal Protector (Eddie's reading a paper that mentions "The Life Foundation" in one screengrab out there) and Planet Of The Symbiotes! And it looks like they're incorporating his cancer too?).

As a Venom fan, I'm really, really encouraged by what I'm seeing.

bobbie solo
02-08-2018, 11:08 AM
I HAD THAT TOO! I remember bending the card packs and feeling around the sides to see if I could find one that was a little off, had something thicker inside. :D

A lot of people have missed the memo on this, but you've got Venom comics that don't involve Spidey at all which date back to the mid-90's. He has a few different rogues of his own, his own occasional supporting cast members...heck, his solo adventures started with him moving to San Fran to be away from Spidey. Since then the symbiote's changed hosts three times (it only came back to Brock recently, after being away for 13 real-time years), been in the Thunderbolts, joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, gone to space...Venom's got his own bag these days. We're way past the days where he was just a doppelganger figure trying to eat Spidey's brain.

As to the trailer itself, well, I was expecting to be teased with 0.5 seconds of Venom and not just 0.5 seconds of symbiote, but they've included Ann Weying, Eddie's ex-wife, and I know there's a few specific Venom events they're taking inspiration from for this film ( Lethal Protector (Eddie's reading a paper that mentions "The Life Foundation" in one screengrab out there) and Planet Of The Symbiotes! And it looks like they're incorporating his cancer too?).

Yes, and I've read alot of those comics, most notably Lethal Protector. When I was like 15. over 20 years ago. His solo stories haven't exactly permeated the zeitgeist. For a major studio tentpole project, wouldn't it make ALOT more sense to tie it to Spidey, the 1st or 2nd most popular character in comics? Esepcially since Spidey is always going to be a part of his origin to people? Thats what people want to see. These movies need to be chock full of comic book characters. THis looks like it's just going to be Venom. Lame.

02-08-2018, 12:12 PM
Yes, and I've read alot of those comics, most notably Lethal Protector. When I was like 15. over 20 years ago. His solo stories haven't exactly permeated the zeitgeist. For a major studio tentpole project, wouldn't it make ALOT more sense to tie it to Spidey, the 1st or 2nd most popular character in comics? Esepcially since Spidey is always going to be a part of his origin to people? Thats what people want to see. These movies need to be chock full of comic book characters. THis looks like it's just going to be Venom. Lame.

Not especially. You can go to any Hot Topic or Wal-Mart and the odds of seeing a black Venom T-shirt in with the comic apparel are pretty good (I've owned two in my lifetime). Maybe none of his stories in particular are famous the way some Spidey stories might be, but the character himself certainly has permeated the zeitgeist, as you say. This movie wouldn't have left the ground unless that had happened, and it's been in development hell for years.

And the reason you think this is lame is evident in your line of reasoning - that you consider him as a character who's fundamentally tied to Spider-Man. I say no; he's hit a such a level of cultural awareness and popularity that there's no reason to assume he couldn't strike out on his own. You don't get Doctor Octopus or Lizard T-shirts sold at Wal-mart or whathaveyou.

The argument against the film that he needs Spidey to stand on his own feet - intrinsically tied to the notion "he's just a Spider-Man cast member", a notion long since past, is one I see come up time and time and time again, and it's only ever brought up by people familiar with comics. I don't think Joe Public really cares, and will just be happy to see a cool character show up.

It's crazy easy to modify an origin for cinematic purposes, and exposure to a modified origin in cinema form can influence or change the popular perception of the character. At one point they nixed the entire extraterrestrial aspect and made it a cancer suit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Spider-Man). Eddie and the symbiote's original history as Venom is such an involved one that it would need pruning down in any case, even if they were only including him in Spider-Man films.

02-08-2018, 12:46 PM
Goddammit this looks so dumb.

How are they really going to do this to the sounds of everyone ovjecting? Fucking hell.

We got one guy defending his ability to carry a movie by measuring his ability to sell t shirts.

02-08-2018, 02:23 PM
Well okay, this trailer doesn't say much. Maybe it's because they are keeping all the great stuff for the movie? Let's hope.

In the meantime, let's play who is missing in this Marvel class photo for the first 10 years of the MCU (https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/marvel-class-photo.jpg)

I'm going to go first: Coulson.

I find it so fitting that RDJ and Feige are alone on the first row.

02-08-2018, 03:05 PM
Usually when they're hiding the cgi character it's because they're self conscious about how it looks.

If Venom looks cool in this movie they'd want us to know to alleviate the strong skepticism they have to know surrounded this movie.

Venom is a character who is popular mostly because of his aesthetic component, like Boba Fett. To not show that in the first trailer is very bizarre

Conan The Barbarian
02-08-2018, 03:42 PM
Well okay, this trailer doesn't say much. Maybe it's because they are keeping all the great stuff for the movie? Let's hope.

In the meantime, let's play who is missing in this Marvel class photo for the first 10 years of the MCU (https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/marvel-class-photo.jpg)

I'm going to go first: Coulson.

I find it so fitting that RDJ and Feige are alone on the first row.

I find it offensive that Stan Lee is behind Feige.

02-08-2018, 03:55 PM
The whole Netflix crew is missing, of course

02-08-2018, 03:56 PM
I cannot believe we are in 2018, and people are still bitching about a 1 minute trailer. I have no time to go out of my way to dig up some other 1 minute trailers that were also shit and the movie still came out on top. Anyone ever think that after the debacle of Spidey 3's Venom, they are waiting to reveal him in his symbiote suit for a reason? I have faith that they will do Venom justice this time and am even more excited for the full trailer when they do reveal him.

02-08-2018, 06:31 PM
I cannot believe we are in 2018, and people are still bitching about a 1 minute trailer. I have no time to go out of my way to dig up some other 1 minute trailers that were also shit and the movie still came out on top. Anyone ever think that after the debacle of Spidey 3's Venom, they are waiting to reveal him in his symbiote suit for a reason? I have faith that they will do Venom justice this time and am even more excited for the full trailer when they do reveal him.

I don't think the movie will be bad now, and honesty I'm still on-board for it and hope the next trailer resonates much better -But that was a boring trailer. You can do a lot with one minute, and when it's your first trailer, your film's first exposure to the public eye, wouldn't you want make a good impression to give faith to the people that have been waiting for it? If they want to try and undo the stigma of the Spidey 3 Venom from 11 years ago, what possible reason would they have for waiting even longer to roll out their Venom design?

Know what I thought after the first Deadpool movie teaser? "YEP, THAT'S GONNA BE A DEADPOOL MOVIE."

After watching the Venom teaser: "That's...yep, Tom Hardy's in it."

02-08-2018, 08:03 PM
Here's the rule: teaser, then real trailer, then real trailer 2 etc.

Pay attention to that word: Teaser.

A teaser is always, always designed to show less than a full trailer. It even says "teaser trailer" on the description.

I can't believe I need to say this but it's apparently necessary: the first look the studios give us at anything when they want to build up hype is a quick glimpse that's supposed to get us salivating for more but has outlived its purpose by goddamned years and always, always serves to irritate and confuse people unless it's Star Wars.

I was expecting to see .5 seconds of Venom and not .5 seconds of a symbiote, sure, but there was enough here that it's got me looking forward to the real deal.

02-08-2018, 10:59 PM
Here's the rule: teaser, then real trailer, then real trailer 2 etc.

Pay attention to that word: Teaser.

A teaser is always, always designed to show less than a full trailer. It even says "teaser trailer" on the description.

I can't believe I need to say this but it's apparently necessary: the first look the studios give us at anything when they want to build up hype is a quick glimpse that's supposed to get us salivating for more but has outlived its purpose by goddamned years and always, always serves to irritate and confuse people unless it's Star Wars.

I was expecting to see .5 seconds of Venom and not .5 seconds of a symbiote, sure, but there was enough here that it's got me looking forward to the real deal.

That's true and I agree with you, but it also seems to imply that we won't see a great deal of Venom in action, which I hope isn't the case. As much as I like Tom Hardy, I don't want him to be out of the suit for most of the movie. A Venom movie should have plenty of Venom in it. And yes, I know we've only seen one minute and 49 seconds of the whole movie, but I must say that this teaser didn't excite me very much. I haven't given up hope, but I do hope the actual trailer shows the actual Venom and that it looks a little more exciting. At this point, it's looking more like a rental than a trip to the theater for me.

02-08-2018, 11:09 PM
I wouldn't take it as implying anything at all. "Official trailer #1" or whatever they call it will probably show us 75% of the movie anyway. :p

02-08-2018, 11:21 PM
I don't think the movie will be bad now, and honesty I'm still on-board for it and hope the next trailer resonates much better -But that was a boring trailer. You can do a lot with one minute, and when it's your first trailer, your film's first exposure to the public eye, wouldn't you want make a good impression to give faith to the people that have been waiting for it? If they want to try and undo the stigma of the Spidey 3 Venom from 11 years ago, what possible reason would they have for waiting even longer to roll out their Venom design?

Know what I thought after the first Deadpool movie teaser? "YEP, THAT'S GONNA BE A DEADPOOL MOVIE."

After watching the Venom teaser: "That's...yep, Tom Hardy's in it."

Good point. Maybe they aren't completely finished with the CGI with the suit, which can validate them not showing it. If that is the case, take ALL the time you need. It creates more hype in my eyes since no one saw suit, when the first trailer comes out, it will attract even more people to watch it. I'm sure when the first teaser comes out, no doubt the suit reveal will be the headline. But I'm not throwing out any red flags just because the teaser was boring and didn't show us much. Shit, I'm happy that we are getting anything related to Venom to be honest. I dunno, I cannot see them fucking this up again juxtaposed to Spidey 3's Venom... I just can't see it lol...I'm keeping faith.

02-08-2018, 11:37 PM
I'll just wait for the next trailer and what they might do. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt but Sony's track record when it comes these films aren't very good as they were the reason Spider-Man 3 was a mess and fucked up Venom and why those Amazing Spider-Man movies sucked.

02-09-2018, 01:39 AM
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, too but anything other than completely integrating Spiderman into the origin of venom entirely misses the point and is honestly infuriatingly stupid.

02-09-2018, 05:29 AM
Here's the rule: teaser, then real trailer, then real trailer 2 etc.

Pay attention to that word: Teaser.

A teaser is always, always designed to show less than a full trailer. It even says "teaser trailer" on the description.

I can't believe I need to say this but it's apparently necessary

I hear you, and I know what "teaser" means. And I know what the format is. I don't need the absolutely ridiculous trailer release format explained. That could not have less to do with why it's not a good trailer. The fact that it IS a teaser doesn't mean we have to feel teased regardless of whether anything was actually teased to us. I just didn't feel teased and thought it was boring.

It's no different from a band waiting 10 years to drop an album, and for a tease they release 90 seconds of audio clips. Guess what? If those 90 seconds don't pull me in, it's a bad teaser. Them saying "but it's a teaser, so..." doesn't validate it by default. If your teaser isn't great, then skip it and just release a "real" trailer instead of following this LUDICROUSLY played-out trailer format.The hype WILL still be there if you don't make a teaser. You can only lose it if you trip over your own feet right out of the gate. There's no rulebook that says you HAVE to try and be cool with a teaser trailer first, and there's also no rule saying that as a fan, you just have to feel teased by it.

As I've already said - I'm not even saying the movie looks bad or that I'm not looking forward to the *eyeroll* "real" trailer. I just. Thought. This. First. Teaser. Was. Boring. I can't believe I need to say this, but it's apparently necessary. ;)

And If I have to type "tease" again I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.

02-09-2018, 09:56 AM
I hear you, and I know what "teaser" means. And I know what the format is. I don't need the absolutely ridiculous trailer release format explained. That could not have less to do with why it's not a good trailer. The fact that it IS a teaser doesn't mean we have to feel teased regardless of whether anything was actually teased to us. I just didn't feel teased and thought it was boring.

It's no different from a band waiting 10 years to drop an album, and for a tease they release 90 seconds of audio clips. Guess what? If those 90 seconds don't pull me in, it's a bad teaser.

For you, perhaps. If those 90 seconds press all the buttons for someone else, your truth doesn't necessarily hold up. This teaser gave me - as a Venom fan, natch - much more than what I was expecting. It's very much a typical teaser, but because of the details they included, they couldn't have teased me more with a feather to my nards. :)

I'm sorry if my post came off as condescending - I wasn't calling you out specifically - but I'm just really cynical about and exasperated with this whole teaser format and the reactions to it, which are never good. I want to say I'm surprised we didn't so much as catch a glimpse of him in full outfit or see teeth or whathaveyou - and IMO, the backlash to this serves to underline exactly how much people were hoping for that - but I'm really not.

bobbie solo
02-09-2018, 03:51 PM
Not especially. You can go to any Hot Topic or Wal-Mart and the odds of seeing a black Venom T-shirt in with the comic apparel are pretty good (I've owned two in my lifetime). Maybe none of his stories in particular are famous the way some Spidey stories might be, but the character himself certainly has permeated the zeitgeist, as you say. This movie wouldn't have left the ground unless that had happened, and it's been in development hell for years.

And the reason you think this is lame is evident in your line of reasoning - that you consider him as a character who's fundamentally tied to Spider-Man. I say no; he's hit a such a level of cultural awareness and popularity that there's no reason to assume he couldn't strike out on his own. You don't get Doctor Octopus or Lizard T-shirts sold at Wal-mart or whathaveyou.

The argument against the film that he needs Spidey to stand on his own feet - intrinsically tied to the notion "he's just a Spider-Man cast member", a notion long since past, is one I see come up time and time and time again, and it's only ever brought up by people familiar with comics. I don't think Joe Public really cares, and will just be happy to see a cool character show up.

It's crazy easy to modify an origin for cinematic purposes, and exposure to a modified origin in cinema form can influence or change the popular perception of the character. At one point they nixed the entire extraterrestrial aspect and made it a cancer suit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Spider-Man). Eddie and the symbiote's original history as Venom is such an involved one that it would need pruning down in any case, even if they were only including him in Spider-Man films.

When this utterly bombs in October I'm going to quote this post from you sir (or madam)! haha

bobbie solo
02-09-2018, 04:02 PM
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, too but anything other than completely integrating Spiderman into the origin of venom entirely misses the point and is honestly infuriatingly stupid.

especially when you are coming off the MASSIVE hit that was Homecoming! Now you're just confusing casual people and angering core comic book fans by going in the opposite direction.

02-09-2018, 05:01 PM
When this utterly bombs in October I'm going to quote this post from you sir (or madam)! haha

Signed and sealed. Back at you. I'm expecting it to do pretty well by comic movie standards.

02-09-2018, 05:07 PM
Remember when absolutely nobody who didn't read comics knew who Blade was and then the movie just came out and blew everyone's mind, made 70 million and spawned a few sequels? Fuck comic recognizeability and history. Who knew who the fucking Guardians of the Galaxy were before that first movie hit?

All this thing needs to do is be a good movie and get remotely positive word of mouth for it to do well.

bobbie solo
02-09-2018, 11:00 PM
Fair point. But a few factors are different and I would imagine will affect things:

- as said above, Venom has the stench of Spiderman 3 on it

- Blade came out at a very different time, and it had no competition in terms of properties. Venom has to stack up to dozens of solid comic book movies now

- No one knew GotG, but it has the MCU stamp on it, which people trust. Plus the franchise is for kids and adults, which clearly this Venom movie is not.

02-10-2018, 04:36 PM
Yeah, I'm not really into the idea that basically the costume makes it to the big screen and all of the other stuff I like gets thrown out... It defeats the purpose. And sure it could still be a good movie but I'd be lefting wanting a decent movie with

-the black spider suit arc
- Venoms personal hatred of Peter Parker
-the way that Venoms responsibility towards Carnage forces him to team up with Peter Parker.

That's all the stuff I like. And in many ways I feel like the direction this is going in pushes those experiences into the distant future, which is frustrating

02-10-2018, 08:43 PM
Fair point. But a few factors are different and I would imagine will affect things:

- as said above, Venom has the stench of Spiderman 3 on it

- Blade came out at a very different time, and it had no competition in terms of properties. Venom has to stack up to dozens of solid comic book movies now

- No one knew GotG, but it has the MCU stamp on it, which people trust. Plus the franchise is for kids and adults, which clearly this Venom movie is not.

All absolutely fair points. But I think Spidey 3 is actually one of the things that works in this movie's favor - like the near-death of the Batman films coming from the Schumacher days and going 3/4 of a decade until the Nolan films, the filmmakers know they have to work hard on this, give what's expected of the characters, if anything, and not fuck it up. It can be considered a kind of an advantage, having a "what not to do" proviso attached to it. I think that's one of the reasons we got such a kick-ass Deadpool, too, after that abomination in the Wolvie Origins film. They had to fix shit.

I think what'll make or beak its success at the box office is mainly what it'll be up against in October, and it doesn't look to me like it has too much to worry about for competition in the weeks leading up to its release that would fatigue audiences much. Ant-Man & The Wasp is July, and "The Predator" is in August. After that you've got X-Men: Dark Phoenix (That didn't take long, and speaking of how not to fuck stuff up...) a month away

And as far as Eddie's relationship with Peter goes, I'm really, really not worried. I don't wanna get into potentially spoilery shit but if you look around, there seems to be a lot of speculation about studios being willing to work with each other...

02-10-2018, 11:09 PM
And as far as Eddie's relationship with Peter goes, I'm really, really not worried. I don't wanna get into potentially spoilery shit but if you look around, there seems to be a lot of speculation about studios being willing to work with each other...

The speculation of Tom Holland as Peter Parker making an appearance is very intriguing. If he is indeed in the movie as a small cameo or something... I cannot see why they would eventually throw this into the MCU in some way. I like what you said in the first paragraph, almost my thoughts exactly.

02-10-2018, 11:15 PM
The speculation of Tom Holland as Peter Parker making an appearance is very intriguing. If he is indeed in the movie as a small cameo or something... I cannot see why they would eventually throw this into the MCU in some way. I like what you said in the first paragraph, almost my thoughts exactly.

I don't think they should do that. Leave Spider-Man in the MCU and keep Venom away from the MCU for now.

02-10-2018, 11:23 PM
I don't think they should do that. Leave Spider-Man in the MCU and keep Venom away from the MCU for now.

I am on the fence about it, but if they were to incorporate him in a clever way, I may be on board with that. Seems a bit premature though.

02-10-2018, 11:30 PM
I am on the fence about it, but if they were to incorporate him in a clever way, I may be on board with that. Seems a bit premature though.

The timing isn't right. I heard for the future Spider-Man movies, they kind of want to set a similar pattern like the Harry Potter films in terms of Parker's time in high school which I think is a good idea. That way, they can spend more time developing Parker as a person and as Spider-Man.

I would hope that if they ever plan on doing a Spider-Man film with Miles Morales as Spider-Man, keep the Peter Parker on board as a mentor by the time he's in his 30s or something.

02-11-2018, 01:38 AM
Why the fuck would you want to keep Venom AWAY from the MCU? Of all the superheroes to isolate Venom might be one of the worst.

02-12-2018, 09:58 AM
Hell, the GotG Venom stories alone would be great.


02-13-2018, 04:53 AM
Seeing Black Panther tonight :D got a hot date...a large bag of popcorn (OK more like a warm salty and sweet date but never mind)

02-14-2018, 02:42 AM
Saw Black Panther, but didn't get the popcorn (ques were too long and my local cinema is well known for being slow in serving) it's good fun! Went into detail on my cinema thread but, yeah it's a welcome change of pace and very much it's own film.

Now if i can avoid the more dicks like the guy who sat next to me and spent the entire film looking at his phone and loudly commenting on the football scores, that would be great...

Conan The Barbarian
02-14-2018, 07:16 AM
Saw Black Panther, but didn't get the popcorn (ques were too long and my local cinema is well known for being slow in serving) it's good fun! Went into detail on my cinema thread but, yeah it's a welcome change of pace and very much it's own film.

Now if i can avoid the more dicks like the guy who sat next to me and spent the entire film looking at his phone and loudly commenting on the football scores, that would be great...

Its douchebags like him that make me miss opening weekend and make an early monday morning showing.

Cant wait to see it.

Mr. Blaileen
02-16-2018, 12:38 AM
Saw 'Black Panther'. Was pretty solid. My mind wasn't blown, but I enjoyed it a lot. Very refreshing to see so many kick-ass ladies in a a Marvel movie. They were the MVPs for me, especially Okoye and Shuri.

I think I've seen so many superhero movies that it's just hard to be really surprised by them anymore, especially when you know what movies are coming down the pipeline.

My showing also had a bunch of people on their phones.

People are the worst.

02-16-2018, 02:20 AM
My showing also had a bunch of people on their phones.

People are the worst.

I've been noticing this alot more recently. I thought it was only happening in films that weren't very good, but i've started noticing it on "good" films too. Hell at the special preview screening for The Shape or Water (the cinmea chain i'm a member of puts on advanced one off screening for some films a few weeks before they get national releases) it was sold out, a one off show and people were STILL on their phones. You might not be enjoying the film but don't ruin it for the rest of us!

02-16-2018, 02:57 AM
I have to admit that I am a heavy phone user, but at the movies? Hell no! I paid good money to see it in theatres. If I wanted to do other things while watching I'd wait for it to hit rental services or streaming. This bugs me alot, but fortunately I haven't seen it that much recently. It's still those people who have conversations during the whole movie that anger me the most. It's lilke cracking jokes loudly at an intimate acoustic gig... what's the point? Go outside if what you see is not entertaining you but seemnigly others enjoy it.

Hope to catch the Panther next week. There are only 3D showings that have it in english and I don't want to shell out the extra money. Here's hoping that in its second week it moves down to the smaller rooms.

02-16-2018, 04:28 AM
I'll always remember the time i went to see The Dark Knight Rises on release day, and a group of teens (they must have been late teens, early 20's) walked in just before the film started and started playing music loudly on there phone and not even watching the film. After 10mins of this the staff asked them to turn it off or leave...and after some arguing they left, having probably wasted £40-50 on their tickets just because they couldn't listen to their (god awful music)...i just don't get why you'd spend money to just ignore the film...some people are just odd.

02-16-2018, 07:15 AM
That's bizarre. There are so many stories floating around about awful behaviour in cinemas, but I've literally never experienced anything like that. The worst I've experienced are phones going off before being stifled by the embarassed owner, or teens whispering and giggling in the back. Or a couple heavily petting. Oh wait, that last one was me, I'm the worst person I've ever encountered in a cinema.

Conan The Barbarian
02-16-2018, 09:43 AM
Everyone who has seen Black Panther have either seen the greatest movie ever made, or are just over selling it.

A few critics I trust say its good but still has its problems. I need to get off social media.

02-16-2018, 11:16 AM
That's bizarre. There are so many stories floating around about awful behaviour in cinemas, but I've literally never experienced anything like that. The worst I've experienced are phones going off before being stifled by the embarassed owner, or teens whispering and giggling in the back. Or a couple heavily petting. Oh wait, that last one was me, I'm the worst person I've ever encountered in a cinema.

when i saw Looper with a group of friends & my wife in the theater, a group of middle-aged folks came in 15 minutes late, all talking (pretty sure they were drunk?) and looking at their phones. after another 10 minutes of this behavior, i asked them if they could put their phones away, and they basically told me to fuck off. i said "what is wrong with you people?" and one of the guys said "what do you mean we people?" my wife later heard him talking to his friends about kicking my ass after the movie, so she spent the whole time crying and being terrified. nothing actually happened afterwards, but i realized when the lights came up that because it was a group of black people, they must have thought i was being racist rather than just being pissed off at them for being extremely rude in a movie. i felt bad about that part, but they were still jerks.

needless to say, this is a big contributing factor for my wife only ever going to opening night star wars showings with me, and otherwise never visiting the theater.

02-16-2018, 12:44 PM
Black Panther succeeds by not landing in Marvel's biggest pitfalls:. It has a compelling villain, and it's humor still allows for the conflicts of the film to have tension and weight.

It does have possibly some of the worst cgi of any marvel movie, and the action is a little uneven, some of it is very exciting and some of it is extremely uninteresting.

The supporting characters of the film, especially Shuri and Okoye are all interesting to watch. I really hope this movie convinces Marvel to abandon its awful, Racist practice of placing women and people of color in disposable side kick roles

I read some of the Coates panther run leading up to this and I would love if the sequel were able to pull something as though but and deep as that.

02-16-2018, 03:48 PM
I was going to see the film this weekend but I'm going to wait next weekend so that the crowds will die down and hopefully get a good seat and not deal with phone users. I hate phone users. I need an Alamo Drafthouse in Atlanta.

02-16-2018, 05:58 PM
I really hope this movie convinces Marvel to abandon its awful, Racist practice of placing women and people of color in disposable side kick roles

To be fair, most of that stems from the source material.

02-18-2018, 03:14 PM
Saw Black Panther yesterday. I enjoyed it. I felt like it dealt with some important stuff. Like choosing to do the morally right thing or stay alive and be safe.
I am interested how Black Panther will be in the next Avengers.

02-19-2018, 01:50 PM
I saw Panther last Thursday but have had a really busy weekend so I didn't get to say anything about it yet. It was a ton of fun -- I've not been avidly into superhero movies for a while and don't feel too engaged by most of them, but this was very kinetic, visually rich and thoroughly entertaining. The ensemble approach to the characters made it stand out from a lot of their other solo movies and almost everyone got some solid screentime and development.

It felt like they tried to do a lot within a genre that's been a little sleepy conceptually in recent years and almost all of it worked. I didn't feel wrapped up in it as much as I expected to, and I was surprised that Kendrick's soundtrack wasn't as present as they made it sound, but it was still a totally good time. I've been getting over the flu the last couple weeks and this was my first time getting to go out to a movie in a bit so it was great for it to be something this solid and all-around well made. Great actors, a script that made sense and wasn't a simple point A to point B story, a third act that didn't lose its steam, a villain that brought something to the table and caused the hero to change -- I can't really think of anything glaringly flawed about it. The biggest criticism I could think of is that I wanted to see more of Wakanda, and if this is the start of a franchise then leaving the audience wanting more seems like an overall good thing.

It's also great to see a movie that has a lot going for it ideologically/socially but doesn't spend the entire movie patting itself on the back for it. There's a lot of lazy art out there that feels like it's checking boxes to make it impossible to criticize without being on the wrong side of things politically without focusing whatsoever on being good art first and foremost and Black Panther was a genuinely fun, good movie as well as being progressive as fuck for the genre and for blockbuster movies at large. The way it dealt with some of the concepts felt a little surface level, but they also are making a movie that younger audiences need to be able to understand and I don't think many people want 2 and a half hour superhero movies where characters ramble and debate their politics for long sequences, so it's kind of cool they had what they had inside of it.

I'm really excited to see more of these characters and how exactly they'll fit into the MCU at large. I'm terrible at remembering character names but the sister who was all about technology interacting with Banner and Iron Man is a scene I'm really looking forward to. They all had enough of their own flavor and character to feel unique while also feeling like they could slide right into place beside a lot of these other established characters, and that's awesome. The longer the MCU goes on the harder it has to be to be able to introduce Earth-based characters and keep it feeling natural and organic and they made it feel effortless in this.

I am kind of in love with Marvel's amazingly insane yet warranted confidence in their audience seeing everything they ever make regardless though. Playing an Infinity War trailer featuring Black Panther despite the audience seeing it currently sitting in a theatre to see that movie, set before the movie they're playing an ad for, and still being expected to get wrapped up in any sense of danger for that character is mind-blowing. But then again Black Panther focuses a lot more on the threat of Wakanda being harmed/put in peril and in that way it was very Batman-esque -- you're usually not expected to be worried about if Batman is going to make it or not, it's more about bad things happening to Gotham and wanting to preserve something inside of it, be it other characters or ideology-based. The MCU has had a real lack of cool, story-producing locations outside of their cosmic side and Wakanda adds a ton of story potential to these movies.

02-20-2018, 03:25 AM
I still smiling to myself thinking of Shuni, she was my absolute favourite character in the film and so much fun (i know the "sneakers" line was a bit cheesy, but it did really make me laugh) I'm looking forward to seeing her more.

Now the countdown to Infinity war begins!

02-20-2018, 03:38 AM
Thor: Ragnarok, the best comedy in YEARS, and I mean it as a huge compliment. I had no idea I will enjoy it this much, it feels as if everyone was having mega fun time and there was almost no script. :-) (which is not true of course) And if you saw it, just reading this thread will make you laugh out loud again, so NSFW! :-D
Too many jokes to mention just one example, I'm definitely going to watch it again. This is the best Marvel movie.

02-20-2018, 07:47 AM
A lot of Marvel fans didn't like how comedic it was, but I'm with you, absolutely loved it. I hope Feige et al. aren't put off taking a similar direction in future.

bobbie solo
02-20-2018, 02:05 PM
when i saw Looper with a group of friends & my wife in the theater, a group of middle-aged folks came in 15 minutes late, all talking (pretty sure they were drunk?) and looking at their phones. after another 10 minutes of this behavior, i asked them if they could put their phones away, and they basically told me to fuck off. i said "what is wrong with you people?" and one of the guys said "what do you mean we people?" my wife later heard him talking to his friends about kicking my ass after the movie, so she spent the whole time crying and being terrified. nothing actually happened afterwards, but i realized when the lights came up that because it was a group of black people, they must have thought i was being racist rather than just being pissed off at them for being extremely rude in a movie. i felt bad about that part, but they were still jerks.

needless to say, this is a big contributing factor for my wife only ever going to opening night star wars showings with me, and otherwise never visiting the theater.

Sadly, i had a teenager on her phone on one side of me and a loud older guy to the other. When I asked the girl to put her phone away she did it w/o incident and was fine the rest of the flick. The guy was repeating lines from the movie, plopping into his chair, lifting his boots off the floor and down again. Ignored my wife when she shhh'd him. Real asshole. Sadly a big movie like this is going to attract lowest common denominator people.

Also, why is so hard for so many theaters to get the air temperature right? My theater was pretty hot, and the air only turned on intermittently. These places HAVE to eliminate all these annoyances if they want people to keep coming out in this new era of Netflix etc.

OK, get off my lawn time is over.

bobbie solo
02-20-2018, 02:15 PM
As said above...apart from some REALLY bad CGI (part. that final set piece underground...sheesh!), Panther delivered. So stylish, so cool. Great performances from Jordan, Bozeman (hopefully he loosens up a little more with the character in the sequel), Lupita & Angela Bassett. The chick who played his sister stole the movie. She got all the good lines! Only person whose accent was done poorly was Whitaker imo.

Obvious comment: I loved how unabashedly BLACK this movie was. Yes you can gleam that from the trailers, but man they did not pull away from it at all. Marvel did not get in the way of the source material (part. the Christopher Priest stuff) or Coogler at all.



02-21-2018, 02:17 PM
Black Panther is about 2.5 hours long, and the Black Panther is only in about 10 minutes of it. Still, it’s one of the best Marvel films since Civil War. I’d put it up there with The Winfer Soldier.

bobbie solo
02-22-2018, 11:07 PM
What are thooooooooooooooose?

02-28-2018, 10:22 AM
I'm at work and wanna be brief, I do wanna say I think Black Panther is my favorite Marvel movie so far.

That isn't to say it's the funniest, or has the best story, or that it's objectively better than the others as a film - although it scored high marks in all those categories for me. Even Killmonger almost instantly became one of my favorite Marvel villains. I won't spoil anything, but the way he's COMPLETELY within his right to do what he wants to do (excluding maybe the "starting a world war" stuff, heh) adds SO much to the dynamic of the story and makes him interesting any time he's on screen. To a point, you could even watch the film from the perspective of his character being the main role rather than T'Challa and it STILL holds up as a hero tale. That's good villain writing. Michael B Jordan knocked it out of the park. (UUUGH THAT LINE HE GETS. YOU KNOW THE ONE.) Not to mention, the social and political importance of this film was immeasurable, and I'm glad to see Marvel using the platform they have to give their MCU audiences something important AND entertaining.

Anyway, I'd honestly feel comfortable giving this movie a 9/10. Gonna see it again tonight for sure.

Also kind of spoiler but not really: I was SO happy to not see a single Avenger swoop in to save the day. Good choice.

Side note: Shuri. UGH. Super huge celeb crush for Letitia Wright. <3 So many just plain BEAUTIFUL people in this movie.

02-28-2018, 03:06 PM
Princess Shuri is my favorite character right now. I hope she's in the Avengers movie. She's such a joy to watch. I saw it this past Sunday and man, it kicked a lot of ass. I'm even more happier that the film is doing extremely well and is having a positive effect on people. I read last night that Big Boi rented a theater for hospice patients to see the film for free and have free snacks. Isn't that cool?

02-28-2018, 04:04 PM
this is pretty funny.


bobbie solo
03-01-2018, 01:52 AM
Princess Shuri is my favorite character right now. I hope she's in the Avengers movie.

Maybe she came to the States for some of the filming. And maybe she made it to Coachella while she was here.

03-01-2018, 02:19 AM
Maybe she came to the States for some of the filming. And maybe she made it to Coachella while she was here.

There were drawings of her at Disneyland. She is the #1 Disney Princess.

03-01-2018, 03:21 AM
Black Panther was brilliant, but I much preferred Andy Serkis' villain to Michael B Jordan's. I was rooting for Killmonger at the end though hoping they'd keep him alive and heal and reform him. I am itching to watch it again a second time though!

One DVD I am gonna be picking up is Ragnarok. That still holds up as one of my favourite recent Marvel films.

03-01-2018, 09:37 AM
How important would you say is it to watch this one in cinemas? I can barely make it to the movies right now... I enjoyed Ragnarok on home video a great deal, but do I really have to make time for Black Panther?

03-01-2018, 02:18 PM
https://twitter.com/MarvelStudios/status/969301303682727937 (https://twitter.com/MarvelStudios/status/969301303682727937)


Marvel Studios‏Verified account @MarvelStudios 6s6 seconds ago (https://twitter.com/MarvelStudios/status/969305448183513088)

That’s a FANTASTIC idea! Done.

Avengers: #InfinityWar (https://twitter.com/hashtag/InfinityWar?src=hash) in theaters everywhere April 27th.

Holy shit.

The original weekend is "Comic Book Movie Weekend" as Free Comic Book Day is always that Saturday. I wonder if this will change how that weekend is perceived next year.

03-01-2018, 02:44 PM
Just to widen the gap between it and Deadpool 2, Solo, etc. I assume...either way, sweet lol.

Conan The Barbarian
03-01-2018, 02:45 PM
Did they just up the release date?


03-01-2018, 02:59 PM
Most needlessly pointless bitching ever: UGH, my birthday is May 5. THANKS, MARVEL...

For real though, awesome news!

03-01-2018, 10:09 PM
How important would you say is it to watch this one in cinemas? I can barely make it to the movies right now... I enjoyed Ragnarok on home video a great deal, but do I really have to make time for Black Panther?

I just got back from seeing it. A lot of cool stuff going on here in the world of Wakanda, along with it being the most diverse Marvel film of the bunch and a very nice welcome into my top five favorite Marvel films. If you enjoyed Ragnarok at home, you will enjoy this just as much.


I really enjoyed this overall, but the pacing seemed a bit off to me at times. The very first fight scene I couldn't see a damn thing thinking maybe it was just the theater, but other than that the movie looked fantastic. I read there were some that had a problem with the CGI with Black Panther himself, but for me it seemed just fine using it where they had to, but I do wish there were a bit more scenes where it was them in the actual suits; the challenge fight scenes were much more superior for me. The whole bondesque feel with T'Challa and Shuri was very cool to see, and with Shuri being one of my favorite characters, even thought there are many more to like here. The cast all had great chemistry, and Michael B. Jordan was fantastic as Killmonger bringing some morality to a villain for once. There were times I was even rooting for him.

Really liked how they shed some light on good ol' Bucky during the end credits. I thought we were going to be shafted again like we were with Spider-Man when it opened with the little kids just staring at the screen. Ugh, April cannot come soon enough.

Edit: Andy Serkis was also very good here and hilarious to boot. Wish there was a little more of him here.

03-01-2018, 10:52 PM
Andy Serkis singing "What is Love" fucking killed me.

03-02-2018, 12:05 PM
Toy spoilers so links only:

Thanos: https://twitter.com/hottoysofficial/status/969598495249203200

Captain America: https://twitter.com/hottoysofficial/status/969592609801777152

Iron Man: https://twitter.com/andyparkart/status/969605194316050432

Mr. Blaileen
03-03-2018, 03:07 PM
It's getting harder and harder for me to get excited about solo flicks in either comic universe, so I'm very much ready for Infinity War. Can't wait!

03-05-2018, 10:48 PM
This is incredibly well done


Conan The Barbarian
03-08-2018, 11:17 AM
Finally got to see Thor Ragnorok.

I was expecting to get a movie as lame as GOTG vol. 2. I am glad that I didnt. Not only did I get a naturally funny movie, I also got a Thor movie inside of it as well.

Do I need to see Black Panther before I watch IW? If not, I can wait for the blu ray .

03-08-2018, 11:21 AM
"Need"? No, not really. Though considering that a very high percentage of the shots in the trailer are in Wakanda...



03-08-2018, 12:49 PM
Do I need to see Black Panther before I watch IW? If not, I can wait for the blu ray .

I don't think you "need" to because Black Panther is a very self-contained movie that stands on its own without needing to waste time world building or setting up Infinity War. Having said that, much of Infinity War looks to be set in Wakanda (as allegate pointed out above), so I definitely think it would help to be familiar with the characters there and be aware of the events that just transpired there in case they make mention of any of the events from BP. Also, Black Panther was really good and a fun movie! I wasn't super excited to see it initially either (mostly because I didn't know much about the character aside from seeing him in Civil War), but after hearing so much positive word of mouth from friends and co-workers, seeing it praised on social media and by critics, earning it a high Rotten Tomatoes score, I finally got curious and went to see it and I must say I was impressed and thoroughly entertained.

03-08-2018, 01:27 PM
Guardians Of The Galaxy, Ant-Man, and Spider-Man: Homecoming are my top 3 Marvel movies so far. Still gotta see the latest Thor (though the other Thors are at the bottom of my list) and Black Panther.

03-08-2018, 01:43 PM
I'm kind of glad that the Soul Stone was kept out of Black Panther. The film was allowed to be a standalone story and it's all the better for it.

So, like, there are some cast lists out there that have two people I was unaware of in the movie. One is Peter Dinklage but he's only listed as "cast" so no idea there, I can't think of a non X-Man character. And if he's playing the same character as before...? Huh.

The other is Curt Clendenin as Silver Surfer? Whaaaaaat?

Conan The Barbarian
03-09-2018, 09:42 AM
Anyone else feel a bit off that Thanos has a feelings. A character that is obsessed with death and Nihilism and destroyed his own planet all of a sudden has a motive due to not being able to save his planet and is going around making sure bad things dont happen to other planets, by policing the rest of the universe?

What the fuck?

03-10-2018, 07:40 AM
It took six episodes for something interesting to happen in Jessica Jones season 2. Who wrote this? Also, there seems to be no real villain either. And Dr Jerry Garcia Allman doesn’t count.

This had better payoff huge because I’m 7 episodes in and it’s been mostly mundane.

UPDATE: It ends well. That’s the nicest thing I can say. The real villain (in my opinion) shows herself in Episode 10. Good heel turn, Trish. Jessica’s mom wasn’t good but was also made bad via science. I think Trish is the real villain. It was well done but took way too long. Season two is several steps below the first but I like where all of the characters were left so maybe season three will make me forget this took six episodes to get going and nine to get good.

03-10-2018, 02:53 PM
Black Panther just hit the $1 BILLION mark in 26 days: http://variety.com/2018/film/news/black-panther-billion-global-box-office-1202723326/

03-11-2018, 11:45 AM
It took six episodes for something interesting to happen in Jessica Jones season 2. Who wrote this? Also, there seems to be no real villain either. And Dr Jerry Garcia Allman doesn’t count.

This had better payoff huge because I’m 7 episodes in and it’s been mostly mundane.

UPDATE: It ends well. That’s the nicest thing I can say. The real villain (in my opinion) shows herself in Episode 10. Good heel turn, Trish. Jessica’s mom wasn’t good but was also made bad via science. I think Trish is the real villain. It was well done but took way too long. Season two is several steps below the first but I like where all of the characters were left so maybe season three will make me forget this took six episodes to get going and nine to get good.

I agree with almost everything you said but the mother. At first, I was not a fan about the way the story arc was moving along until her and Jessica formed a little bond together. For me, the characters showed great chemistry and it was cool watching them work together; I thought that part worked and was executed pretty well. But man, they really meant slow burn in some of the reviews. I didn't hate anything that I saw in the first half of the season, there were definitely highlights, but the pacing is what killed it for me. When your previous villain is probably the best thing about the episodes he was present in...that is saying something.

I really wish these series would have some more references from other things going on in their universe. From what I recall, besides some recurring characters, only Rand was mentioned in season two, but I could be wrong.

03-11-2018, 02:47 PM
I liked her mom too. I was trying to say she wasn’t a true villain and was made to do evil by science gone wrong.

03-11-2018, 06:15 PM
I'm 7 episodes in, and I'm actually really enjoying how the story is unfolding. has a bit of a film noir aspect to it with her voice overs from time to time. it's a slow burn, which is cool, and feels very different from the first season (which was better than the 2nd season so far, but that's not a knock on this season) . I'm invested.

03-16-2018, 08:33 AM

03-16-2018, 09:00 AM

Kinda wish they had avoided that [punchline at the end] formula with that trailed given how heavy this film is supposed to be. Great trailer nonetheless. That shot of Cap. and Thanos — MY GOD.

03-16-2018, 09:01 AM
Yes cap! Fucking yes!

03-16-2018, 09:09 AM
Right so we now we know for sure Dr Strange has the Time (Green) Stone.
Vision has the Mind (Yellow) Stone.
Thonas has the Space (Blue) Stone we can only presume Loki gives him in the first trailer,
As well as the Power (Purple) Stone which "was" being held by the Nova crops for safe keeping (i'm going to go out on a limb and say that'll probably be the films first scene, thanos laying waste to them for his first stone)

Curiously he doesn't already have the Reality (Red) stone that the collector was safe keeping when Thanos arrives no earth...interesting.
And we're no clearer on where the Soul (Orange?) stone is...exciting times :D

03-16-2018, 09:21 AM
Anyone catch the reference of Thanos snapping his finger? If you know what that references in the comics.....oh boy, lol. Can't wait.

Conan The Barbarian
03-16-2018, 09:32 AM
First, I want everyone who has been mispronouncing Thanos as "Thaynos" to issue me an apology. No one here will know what I am talking about, but you know, just shouting to my past. Second, awesome trailer. Third, gotta wait till Monday after opening weekend to see it, bummer.

Also, I cried.

And, I really hope the lame humor from the Guardians doesnt ruin moments for me in this film. I hope the Russo brothers don't incorporate the lame Vol.2 Guardians and give us more of vol.1 Guardians. ( no dur dur drax please.)

03-16-2018, 09:32 AM
Anyone catch the reference of Thanos snapping his finger? If you know what that references in the comics.....oh boy, lol. Can't wait.

They wouldn't go there...would they? :eek:

Conan The Barbarian
03-16-2018, 09:36 AM
They wouldn't go there...would they? :eek:

It wouldnt be comic accurate, but I can see it happening. He would need all the stones to do it though.

03-16-2018, 09:36 AM
They wouldn't go there...would they? :eek:

I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point, haha.

03-16-2018, 09:41 AM
I wouldn't be surprised either way at this point, haha.

I could honestly see that being the last scene in the movie with a bonus scene at the end with a hint of what's happened in the aftermath.

03-16-2018, 09:43 AM
I could honestly see that being the last scene in the movie with a bonus scene at the end with a hint of what's happened in the aftermath.

Ooooh, that would be a killer ending!

03-16-2018, 10:07 AM
Ooooh, that would be a killer ending!

Pun intended :rolleyes:

Mr. Blaileen
03-16-2018, 10:33 AM
And, I really hope the lame humor from the Guardians doesnt ruin moments for me in this film. I hope the Russo brothers don't incorporate the lame Vol.2 Guardians and give us more of vol.1 Guardians. ( no dur dur drax please.)

This. A thousand times this.

03-16-2018, 11:55 AM

Josh Brolin as Thanos and Chris Pratt? That's impressive.

03-16-2018, 12:02 PM

Josh Brolin as Thanos and Chris Pratt? That's impressive.

Where did you find such a high-resolution version of the poster that you can actually read all those names at the bottom? Link please? (I want to make a new desktop wallpaper!)

03-16-2018, 12:19 PM
Good question! I should ask the guy on twitter I stole that image from! :)

Biggest I could find, and it's not very big.


And since we're talking poster:


Conan The Barbarian
03-16-2018, 12:24 PM
No antman?

03-16-2018, 12:24 PM
Good question! I should ask the guy on twitter I stole that image from! :)

Biggest I could find, and it's not very big.


And since we're talking poster:


That's cool! This file is a little bigger (http://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/gallery/avengers-infinity-war/aiw-payoff_1_sheet-lg-1.jpg).
I bought my IMAX tickets for 7:00 on the 26th! PUMPED!!

03-16-2018, 12:25 PM
No antman?

Yeah, he must have a small part (no pun intended). Hawkeye has also been consistently absent from the marketing and trailers even though I thought he was confirmed to be in it a long time ago. Wonder what's up with that...

03-16-2018, 12:30 PM
I mean, Peter freakin' Dinklage made the poster and he's not been in any of the movies yet.

And I kind of feel like Thanos showing up with two stones feels like there's a movie missing. Maybe it's in the beginning but I for one would love to see how he takes out the Nova Core (sorry, Corps :P ).

First shot of his merry band of misfits though. One dude looks gigantic.

03-16-2018, 01:27 PM
Edit: Posted on next page. ^^'

Conan The Barbarian
03-16-2018, 01:29 PM
Scratch that, Wife got her mom to watch little Leia for opening weekned saturday! Here we go!

03-16-2018, 01:46 PM
Alright, I have zero frame of reference as far as the comics go. Absolutely none. What would I want to read to get some context for Infinity War over the next month?

Not necessarily needing a full rundown, but I'd be content reading what pertains to Infinity War and then branching from there.

Conan The Barbarian
03-16-2018, 01:50 PM
Just read the infinity gauntlet story. Im sure everything the pull off that will be taken from there.

03-16-2018, 01:53 PM
rumor's rumbling dead pool2 screening didn't go well re shoots planned. could they be turning into dc under Disney? we'll see

03-16-2018, 03:48 PM
No, because Disney doesn't own them yet.


Which is worse: Too much death (they kill off too many favorites) or too little?

03-16-2018, 05:10 PM
That trailer was fucking awesome. Holy Motherfuck.

03-16-2018, 06:49 PM
They’re really pressing that not everyone is getting out alive.

It’s my understanding that Evans, RDJ, Scarlet, and Ruffalo’s contracts all end with this Avengers story (so theoretically there could be deaths in the next movie too). Maybe one or all of them have signed new contracts but who knows? I tend to believe this will be it for Rogers and Stark.

03-16-2018, 08:20 PM
They’re really pressing that not everyone is getting out alive.

It’s my understanding that Evans, RDJ, Scarlet, and Ruffalo’s contracts all end with this Avengers story (so theoretically there could be deaths in the next movie too). Maybe one or all of them have signed new contracts but who knows? I tend to believe this will be it for Rogers and Stark.

Actually, I heard Scar-Jo 3:16 still might go for that Black Widow solo film. I just hope those characters at least go out fighting. I'm scared though for Steve Rogers as I know this might be his last battle.

03-16-2018, 08:31 PM
Holy Hawkeye is still missing because he is taking on the Ronin persona, presumably. that was awesome!

Quill, you poor, naive, and clueless soul: arguing with Tony Stark is pointless. But it will be fun to see you try.

Cap, you're an awesome man. It was fantastic to know you. Don't worry; your BFF Bucky will make a great Captain America. He's held your beloved shield so many times already. And if Tony dies too, there's no reason why he can't have it.

Also: give me that movie already damn it!

03-16-2018, 09:02 PM
Holy Hawkeye is still missing because he is taking on the Ronin persona, presumably. that was awesome!
But surely the actor's name would still be listed in the credits at the bottom, right? I'm thinking he has a small cameo in this one, most likely alluding to or introducing the spoiler you mentioned, and then he (along with Ant-Man, Wasp, and Captain Marvel) will have more substantial roles in Avengers 4.

Quill, you poor, naive, and clueless soul: arguing with Tony Stark is pointless. But it will be fun to see you try.
The interaction between these two is one of the ones I'm most looking forward to as well! I also think Thor will fit in perfectly with the Guardians – especially after Ragnarok.