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05-23-2018, 10:24 AM
one again, you fail to grasp the point of being on a discussion board; it's to have discussions! i realize i could have googled it, but i figured it'd be more fun for someone here who knew to tell me about it so i could learn something from a fellow movie fan. instead, i got condescended to by a guy who continues to alienate people by being an insufferable jerk, so thanks for that.

And wrong to boot!

It's something that he says to Marc Bernardin a lot when they're discussing films on Fatman on Batman. Marc will have an idea for where he thinks a movie should go and that's what Kevin says.

05-25-2018, 06:30 AM
Just finished watching Inhumans, and I feel like I might be one of very few.

I’m thankful that it was only 8 episodes in length.

Did anybody else catch it?

bobbie solo
05-25-2018, 09:47 AM
Iron Fist was painful enough. Why would I do that to myself? I'm not the guy in the Broken film.

05-25-2018, 04:41 PM
Of all the Marvel properties that have been adapted for TV, Inhumans looked like the worst one BY FAR and that includes Agents of SHIELD (could only watch the first 2 episodes before bailing on that).

05-25-2018, 04:48 PM
Of all the Marvel properties that have been adapted for TV, Inhumans looked like the worst one BY FAR and that includes Agents of SHIELD (could only watch the first 2 episodes before bailing on that).

I love Agents of Shield. The show gets so much better after the first season.

05-25-2018, 04:59 PM
I love Agents of Shield. The show gets so much better after the first season.

I have heard that before, but man, the first 2 or 3 episodes that I watched did nothing for me. I almost wanted to give it another try when they introduced Ghost Rider (even though I'd rather it be the Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch version). I never watched the Agent Carter show either and I'd honestly rather check that out. I'm currently still slowly working my way through Jessica Jones season 2 (I loved season 1, but season 2 is kinda boring). I really want to see season 2 of Legion, but I don't have the means to watch it legally right now, so maybe later. What I'm really looking forward to is Daredevil season 3 and The Punisher season 2. I'll probably check out season 2 of Luke Cage too, but that show didn't hold my interest as much (still better than Iron Fist, though).

05-25-2018, 10:55 PM
sonic_discord Agent Carter is the best thing that has come out of the marvel universe on the small screen and i'm still furious that it got canceled, especially with the way season 2 ended.

i have loved every season of Agents of SHIELD (honestly, because of the characters, to whom i am very attached), but will admit that the first one had a few issues. also, ghost rider was fucking awesome.

05-26-2018, 12:13 AM
eversonpoe I have always been interested in seeing Agent Carter (I really liked her character), I just have yet to get around to it. When I'm done watching some of the other shows I've started, perhaps someday I will try to make it to season 2 of Agents of SHIELD, but no promises there.

As for The Defenders (while we're talking Marvel shows), I was really excited for that and when it finally came, I must say that it was a bit of a letdown. It was still worth watching to see more of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, if nothing else, but I'd expected it would do for the Marvel/Netflix shows what The Avengers had done for the MCU when Iron Man, Cap, Hulk, & Thor (plus Hawkeye and Black Widow) joined forces for the first time on the silver screen. Instead, it was like Iron Fist season 1.5 featuring Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage with low-budget fight scenes. I'm not sure what happened there, but every character was more interesting in their own series. Unlike The Avengers (which succeeded in a dizzying fashion), The Defenders failed to live up to the hype and the whole was certainly not equal to the sum of its parts.

Victor Newman
05-26-2018, 08:15 AM
Deadpool 2 was fun and hilarious! Every bit as funny as the first. I've seen many people bitching that the movie isn't as good as the first, but I'd say it's pretty on par with its predecessor, overall.

I was very happy that this movie made me laugh with some very dark humour and immature comedy. Overall though, DP1 had me laughing way more.

To me, DP1 was a better film, but DP2 did a damn good job of throwing in new twists and surprising moments that cracked me up. DP2 is well worth seeing.

One criticism would be the new zealander youth.. most of his comedy falls flat... except for when he invisible rope pulls himself out of one scene. His dramatic moments are good though.

the baby legs part fell flat as well. I also couldnt understand why it took dp so long to grow back his limbs. Bullet wounds and getting his skull bashed in and his body broken and contorted healed way more quickly. I get that loss of limbs would take longer... but for me, the limbs should have grown back faster than they did.. just put in the movie for a baby legs joke scene.

love what they did with the ending... don’t leave the theatre until the credits are over

also the discussion between the “rednecks” about ass-wiping habits made me chuckle

DP1: 88%

DP2: 74%

05-28-2018, 06:52 PM
Absolutely loved Deadpool 2. The post-credit scenes were golden.

The use of the Logan score when Deadpool was dying was done to perfection

bobbie solo
06-05-2018, 10:39 AM
Watched Black Panther again. Love the movie overall, but man that CGI is absolutely terrible for most of the movie. This article sheds some light on why that is. It was eye opening to me:


06-05-2018, 10:50 AM
Watched Black Panther again. Love the movie overall, but man that CGI is absolutely terrible for most of the movie. This article sheds some light on why that is. It was eye opening to me:


Many VFX firms today are in a race to the bottom. They're trying to undercut rivals that might steal potential jobs and taking on an excessive amount of work, often without making a profit. Most of these firms also have to pitch their talents to Hollywood, which occasionally involves doing $20,000 to $80,000 worth of work up front for free. Sometimes they end up working on huge films at cost, in hopes that it'll lead to more lucrative (and less demanding) commercial work.

jesus christ, that's depressing. my friend worked on VFX for Ant Man & The Wasp and it seems like she had a great time and was working with great people, so hopefully this article isn't always the case.

06-23-2018, 09:37 PM
Tom Holland revealed the title for the new Spider-Man: https://twitter.com/MCU_Tweets/status/1010706471758323713

Spider-Man: Far from Home.

bobbie solo
06-25-2018, 12:16 PM
Anyone watch Luke Cage yet? Any good?

Super excited for Ant Man.

06-25-2018, 12:29 PM
Any watch Luke Cage yet? Any good?

Super excited for Ant Man.

I have two episodes left but unless it shits the bed at the end I like it much more than the front loaded first season.

06-27-2018, 02:06 PM
Apparently he wants to be in both universes.

Jared Leto to star in Spider-Man spinoff as Morbius. (https://superheronews.com/jared-leto-to-star-in-sonys-spider-man-spinoff-morbius/)

06-27-2018, 05:14 PM
Apparently he wants to be in both universes.

Jared Leto to star in Spider-Man spinoff as Morbius. (https://superheronews.com/jared-leto-to-star-in-sonys-spider-man-spinoff-morbius/)

Ugh.... no!!!!!!

06-28-2018, 10:36 AM
Can someone just stop Sony for a second and remind them how they almost ruined the Spiderman franchise by trying to rush into a Spidy cinematic universe so quickly! Venom already has some fans worried (i might be good, but we need to see it first!), but going all in on 3 additional films for characters of varying popularity BEFORE it's even out seems like a BIG gamble! We also don't know how much, if any, these will tie in with Marvel...and i'm guessing at this point they don't either!

07-01-2018, 04:13 PM
I have two episodes left but unless it shits the bed at the end I like it much more than the front loaded first season.

I’m enjoying it so far after three episodes. My main gripe would be that the scenes with the Jamaicans desperately need subtitles, at least for myself.

07-02-2018, 05:50 AM
I enjoyed S2 of Luke Cage... I think it sets up nicely for a S3.

07-06-2018, 07:20 PM
Season 2 of Luke Cage was alright

Once again though they just got rid of one great villain. At the very least, Bushmaster wasn’t killed which is at least a bonus. I still feel killing off Cottonmouth was the greatest misstep in this entire series so far.

07-08-2018, 06:58 PM
Here's my full review of Ant-Man & the Wasp: http://thevoid99.blogspot.com/2018/07/ant-man-and-wasp.html

I enjoyed it. I didn't have high expectations for it other than be entertaining and funny. It was all that and more as it's also a family drama of sorts as it relates Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne trying to get Janet van Dyne back with Scott Lang's help. It has an excellent soundtrack that does great usage to the Partridge Family and Morrissey.

07-09-2018, 01:45 AM
I thought it was the worst Marvel movie in a while, which was really sad. It had a lot of great pieces to it and all the good stuff is underutilized and all the bad stuff is over utilized. Lots of squandered creative opportunity, lots of dull characters and long stretches of dry information. It was poor both at building and resolving drama. I did enjoy some of the scenes but ultimately felt let down. At it's worst Ant Man and the Wasp have zero chemistry together and the movie really jams it down our throats. It lines up some neat parallels through out in parental and romantic relationships, but it never does anything interesting with those parallels. It doesn't have anything to say, most marvel movies don't, but then again most marvel movies don't feign that kind of insight.

It's stinger remarkably highlights that missing marvel connection from the Netflix series, actually. Would love to see a moment like that in those shows.

07-09-2018, 02:24 AM
Thanks World cup for pushing back the release of Antman and the Wasp to freaking AUGUST in the UK...also it's coming home...i think.

07-09-2018, 10:37 AM
I shouted "HOLY SHIT" way too loudly in the theater at the end of the mid-credits scene.

Looking too much into it, Janet drops a line about avoiding a "time vortex" in the quantum realm, so I have a feeling that's going to play into the next Avengers flick.

07-09-2018, 10:19 PM
Saw Ant man and the Wasp this weekend. I really enjoyed it. I liked that it wasn't as huge as Avengers Infinity War. I thought it was a worthy sequel myself.
Nothing groundbreaking, but it was a good time.

07-10-2018, 10:09 AM

07-11-2018, 05:54 PM
Saw Ant-Man and the Wasp today, I had a great time, although it was not as wellmade as some of the other Marvel movies. There were some really jarring cuts where scenes were obviously missing. The jokes were funny, the stunt at the school was brilliant, but I have to agree with Wretchedest about the zero chemistry between the supposed love interests.
Somehow the movie didn't really feel like And-Man and the Wasp, it was just Ant-Man 2.

That said, I'm happy I saw it, it was fun!

07-13-2018, 03:45 AM
does this go in here??


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07-13-2018, 09:14 AM

07-13-2018, 09:53 AM
It might just be me, but i'm just not all that excited to see a Black Widow movie anymore. I kinda feel like her time, as part of the old guard in the MCU, is coming to an end. I'd much rather see a She-Hulk film or some other more powerful female heroes...

Conan The Barbarian
07-13-2018, 10:06 AM
I feel the same. To me, she isn't that interesting as a character to really have her own movie. I feel like we have seen it before from other movies. As with She-Hulk, I think she should be introduced in a proper Hulk sequel( what the fuck marvel, where is it!!!!?).

I am not a huge Captain Marvel fan, and I am not into Larson as an actress, so my hype level for Captain Marvel is pretty low. But I guess I'm forced to watch it since it ties in with Avengers 4. And that's my problem with Marvel, I have to watch certain movies when I don't want to if I need to understand certain plot points. I'm glad DC is moving away from this universe building formula.

07-13-2018, 04:15 PM

Even if this movie winds up tanking, we are definitely getting one sweet-looking Venom out of the deal. Couldn't be happier.

Conan The Barbarian
07-14-2018, 09:30 AM
I am really hoping that its not venom for 5 minutes through out the entire movie just for Hardy to have as much as facetime on screen.

07-14-2018, 10:00 AM
I am really hoping that its not venom for 5 minutes through out the entire movie just for Hardy to have as much as facetime on screen.

Those decisions always baffle me. I get why it happens, but here’s the thing I think gets ignored or forgotten when they’re putting the film together - even if (for example) Hardy’s screen time is 80% Venom/20% Hardy, if it’s done well, everyone will STILL walk away with the impression that Tom Hardy killed it. Look at Edge of Tomorrow. They had to alter the soldiers’ exo-suits so that faces, most importantly that of Tom Cruise, would be visible for most of the movie. If they’d just stuck to something closer to the original design, it may have made for a BETTER movie, and Tom Cruise would STILL get credit. But then they got around that anyway by having his character just remove the helmet altogether as the film went on.

Hiding faces doesn’t just make people forget that a given actor is playing a role. I suppose that, to an extent, it should - but that has more to do with immersion and suspension of disbelief than anything. Take Andy Serkis’ entire career as another example. For how little we actually see the man’s face in some of his roles, he’s managed to make a huge name for himself.

I’m still cautiously hopeful for this, but...the whole idea of just making 10 Spider-Man spin-offs without Spider-Man, alongside the MCU, just seems like SUCH a risky move. I hope they know what they’re doing. Otherwise, we’ll end up where Star Wars is right now: Announcing several spin-off films before the first one even hits the floor, and then suspending them altogether when the first film doesn’t hit the marks they hoped for.

07-17-2018, 04:12 PM

So you can put Hulkbuster and the Hulk in there but not Loki? Huh.

07-20-2018, 02:29 PM
Well, holy actual shit. After old tweets surfaced about him joking about pedophilia and rape...

James Gunn has officially been fired as director of Guardians of The Galaxy 3. (https://superheronews.com/james-gunn-fired-as-director-of-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3/)

Conan The Barbarian
07-20-2018, 02:45 PM
They did the right thing.

07-20-2018, 02:54 PM
This is the result of a targeted revenge campaign by Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec since Gunn has been highly critical of Donald Trump on social media as of late. Timing is everything, and since Gunn has been putting himself on their radar, they descended and went in for the kill.

Everyone involved in this is awful.

07-20-2018, 03:08 PM
Yep. We truly live in the shittiest timeline.

07-20-2018, 03:08 PM
Well, holy actual shit. After old tweets surfaced about him joking about pedophilia and rape...

James Gunn has officially been fired as director of Guardians of The Galaxy 3. (https://superheronews.com/james-gunn-fired-as-director-of-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3/)
I don't think this is what he meant when he said "dark secret on Friday" https://screenrant.com/james-gunn-sdcc-2018-panel/

07-20-2018, 03:32 PM
Worth noting Cernovich himself has claimed date rape “isn’t real,” has had serious claims of sexual violence leveled against him and has talked about the “right ways” to assault women, so him attacking Gunn for what were non-serious (albeit gross as hell and tasteless and unfunny) posts is wild. It says a lot that these tweets have been publicly available for this long and Disney didn’t care until it threatened their PR. I think it’s gross and pathetic that a guy in his 40s would think retweeting support for NAMBLA (among other shit) would be funny and I’m fine with him losing his job as a creator of what are really children’s films because of it, but also hope the whole situation gets looked at for what it is which is a calculated PR move rather than a moral/convictions-based one and that Cernovich himself gets some hear in the media because that guy is a truly toxic and dangerous person with frightening political influence but knowing the world we’re in I doubt it’ll happen.

07-20-2018, 03:44 PM
As I saw on twitter: Gunn has someone paying him whereas this is how Cernovich and his ilk get paid.

Frozen Beach
07-20-2018, 04:05 PM
This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I don't give a fuck about GOTG, never actually seen either of the films, but how is any of this shocking or surprising? James Gunn made films for Troma, which is a company notorious for making films with edgy and offensive content. It's not surprising at all he's an edgy and offensive guy. Perhaps Disney should have actually done some research before getting into business with him.

also, can't help but find it funny that Jimmy Urine and Steve Righ? are in GOTG 1 & 2. How the hell did that get approved?

07-20-2018, 04:41 PM
Fuck Disney. I'm done.
No Gunn for GOTG3? I'm gone. Sorry, don't want anyone else touching this trilogy. Just Disney PR bullshit, has nothing to do with their morality.

07-20-2018, 06:04 PM
How much money did the two GOTG movies make for Disney?

If it hadn't been for James Gunn, GOTG would have been that weird movie with a talking raccoon and it would have probably failed. He turned it into a movie about family and friendship. He made a movie about how being different is okay. He made us care for these characters.

This is such bullshit. He was an insensitive idiot years ago and he is the first one to owe it and to apologize (more than once, I think) for it.

Well FUCK YOU, Disney!

07-20-2018, 06:40 PM
I especially hate that they’re giving people in the alt right like Cernovich a victory here and if anything emboldening them, because they now know how easily they can take down someone critical of them. The same people that defended Roy Moore are the ones that caused this and Disney went along with it in the name of PR, this had nothing to do with their ”values” (which for any corporation of their size is exclusively money). This situation doesn’t feel like it’s being done for the right reasons at all.

Conan The Barbarian
07-20-2018, 07:17 PM
Wow, I’m shaking my head at these comments.

Disney fires a guy for making really awful comments or bad jokes or whatever the fuck you want to call it about child abuse.

Child abuse, people. Doesn’t matter if he was joking or not. That shit is not called for in any context.

Imagine how you guys would react of someone that wasn’t on your political side made those tweets, you would want them lynched.

This is beyond comic book movies.

Disney did the right thing by letting him go. Just like they did the right thing for letting someone else who thought they were being funny by calling a black woman an ape.

Anyways, back to marvel movies.

Avengers 1 and 2 coming to 4k baby!!

07-20-2018, 07:28 PM
Bad taste is how Gunn got his start. People forget that, long before he worked for Marvel and Disney, he worked for Troma, the king of low budget, bad taste films. Those tweets aren't shocking to me at all when you consider that. He set out to provoke and shock people, and he did just that. Nobody bat an eye when those tweets were originally posted, but now we're all supposed to be offended by them just because he's making superhero films? Fuck off with that noise. Also, the Roseanne comparison doesn't work here. She was trying to cover up her racism by claiming that what she said was a joke. Gunn was honest about trying to shock people. Tasteless though they may be, I don't honestly believe that Gunn believes in the things he joked about, whereas I totally believe that Roseanne meant what she said, and then backtracked when it (rightfully) blew up in her face.

Also, Disney has worked with both Harvey Weinstein and Victor Salva in the past. They're the last motherfuckers to be judging him.

07-20-2018, 09:00 PM
Bad taste is how Gunn got his start. People forget that, long before he worked for Marvel and Disney, he worked for Troma, the king of low budget, bad taste films. Those tweets aren't shocking to me at all when you consider that. He set out to provoke and shock people, and he did just that. Nobody bat an eye when those tweets were originally posted, but now we're all supposed to be offended by them just because he's making superhero films? Fuck off with that noise. Also, the Roseanne comparison doesn't work here. She was trying to cover up her racism by claiming that what she said was a joke. Gunn was honest about trying to shock people. Tasteless though they may be, I don't honestly believe that Gunn believes in the things he joked about, whereas I totally believe that Roseanne meant what she said, and then backtracked when it (rightfully) blew up in her face.

Also, Disney has worked with both Harvey Weinstein and Victor Salva in the past. They're the last motherfuckers to be judging him.

Exactly. Let's not forget about Disney's dark history through these images:

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DilQ3aDWsAAvNgT.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DilQ3Z7XUAANVNS.jpg

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DilQ3Z7XcAAUkfE.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DilQ3Z7XkAA5otk.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DilUABZWsAAV-b5.jpg

07-21-2018, 01:00 AM
Indeed, such a squeaky clean studio you are, Disney!


Bloody hypocrites.

07-21-2018, 03:06 AM

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07-21-2018, 03:26 AM
Wow, I’m shaking my head at these comments.

Disney fires a guy for making really awful comments or bad jokes or whatever the fuck you want to call it about child abuse.

Child abuse, people. Doesn’t matter if he was joking or not. That shit is not called for in any context.

Imagine how you guys would react of someone that wasn’t on your political side made those tweets, you would want them lynched.

I'm rolling my eyes at this comment. Sorry, I heard comedians say some heinous stuff from both sides of the aisle and I can still recognize a joke and have a laugh. "Oh my god, he made a joke about child abuse! Lynch him!" People have lost their minds. I may be a left leaning progressive, but I ain't a frigging snowflake waiting to be outraged about something every goddamn second of the day. There's folks out there that aren't part of these divisive political mouth-breathers who have to jump on everything the opposite political side says and blow it out proportion for a day or two until they find the next thing to be angry about. Fuck Disney who have actually done plenty of heinous shit, but let's cry about some obvious joke comments James Gunn made. I guess the right has their own snowflakes. It is amazing what conservatives can ignore when it comes from one of their own (see: Trump). But have fun playing their game. James Gunn is anti-Trump. That is all this is. This is just some conservative mouth-breather looking to sabotage someone's career because that person didn't like Trump. There is no morality at play here, just more bullshit political assassination games.

07-21-2018, 05:45 AM
If everything that we ever did or utter on social media would become public, we all would loose our jobs in no time. The most dramatic thing about this is that the internet truly never forgets and if somebody wants to do you harm, whether it's justified or not, can do so with a blink of the eye as long as he gets some attention somewhere, sometime.

I'm feeling very sorry for Gunn and all involved. A franchise might die because of this and I am very worried about these movies getting a new director. Next step will be Disney asking for another writer to tackle the script... the actors should boycott this in every possible way.

Bad jokes aside, I give two flying fucks about what he said back then as he appologized imho in a sincere matter. Looking at his history and where he comes from this strikes me as rather normal. Do these kind of jokes belong on the internet? Probably not. But a witch hunt? Seriously, we all have blood on our hands in some capacity and just because it became en vogue to reach out over delicate topics like rape, absue and harrassement its not of any use to hunt minor candidates like Gunn down, while there are plenty of big fish in the sea responsible for far worse... get over yourselves Disney as the Marvel universe, your very own movies and Star Wars are full of stereotypes, sexism and more. It's Zeitgeist, it's society and it's black humor portraied to face these ridiculous things humans do, and while it's our responsibility to fight against these things it's not worth the power to fight over such small stuff.

But yeah, it's way more easy to pull the plug instead of having an open conversation in the public about things.

07-21-2018, 11:14 AM
Indeed, such a squeaky clean studio you are, Disney!


Bloody hypocrites.

Precision: I know the censored eleven cartoons are not from Disney but they are also illustrating the point thevoid99 was making. Look out Song of the South, just saying.

This story is far from over. James Gunn is by far the the most liked director in the MCU, a very down to earth and friendly man who takes a lot of time speaking to fans on social media. He is also well liked in the industry. There's also the political aspect to the whole story.

I think Disney has no idea what a Pandora's box it just opened.

07-21-2018, 01:01 PM
I'm all for cutting out people who have inappropriate views or fucked up ideas, but I do think it's different when you hire them well after a public statement, and the fire them like 5 years later

07-21-2018, 01:08 PM
went and saw ant-man/wasp today was better than i thought never much of a fan in the comics. was curious how they were going to handle prym's alcohol spousal abuse. that's one thing that always impressed me about marvel as apposed to DC. addressed social issues much more openly like alcohol, race, women

07-21-2018, 01:28 PM
Everything we do, everything we say it has a consecuence good or bad, but we as a society can't accept that, free speech is a lie, because we can't accept that, all we say it has consecuences, we want to say everything we want to, to offend people, to threat, to insult , but if someone says something we don't like, is bad, he is a horrible person...
I am not going to defend Gunn, he said Bullshit I don't care if this happened 2 months ago or 10 years ago, he has to be responsable about all the shit he said, Now Disney show us how all this companies works, They don't care anything, They use Gunn to make Money, they don't care what he said, they don't care even if he had done something like this, they just want fucking money, but we live in a fucking horrible era, the era of hipocresy, we don't live in an era of politically correct or incorrect, No, We live in a fucking era of hipocresy, if someone says this is bad, everyone says is bad, if someone defends something, everyone is going to defend, and this is bullshit
We have a fucking voice....We should use it to fight for the right things, and the first step to be better society its being responsable
We blame everyone for our misery, well its not everyone fault, it is your fuckin fault, you are guilty or no guilty for everything you say or do...
Yeah it sounds hard, but it is the only way to change the things

What kind of jokes should be accepted?
This is hard question, because We really don't know what to do, we don't know how to act, and in an era where everything is connect and exposed to social media, we have to be careful in the way we express our ideas, opinions.

bobbie solo
07-23-2018, 12:48 AM
Ant-Man & the Wasp was solid, just like the first one. Nice small story with great action (the tourist sites and hilly roads of SF are always a great backdrop), and juuust the right amount of comedy considering the stakes. Mid-credits scene delivered. Great cameo by Tim Heidecker as well. Really enjoy all the different things they can do in the full realm of powers available to Ant-Man & the Wasp. Michael Pena gets alot of the best lines, and I was glad to see that piece of human shit T.I.'s role was very limited in this one.

07-23-2018, 12:10 PM
Petition to rehire James Gunn approaching 200,000 signatures!

Update: Now has over 210,000 signatures with new goal of 300,000. Time to light a fire under Disney's ass.

07-23-2018, 06:27 PM
Petition to rehire James Gunn approaching 200,000 signatures!

Update: Now has over 210,000 signatures with new goal of 300,000. Time to light a fire under Disney's ass.

I signed that petition days ago and I still think what Disney is doing is ridiculous. The man apologized and took responsibility for his actions but no... everyone has to go PC on this and that.

07-25-2018, 08:49 PM
Surpassed 300,000! New goal 500,000

07-26-2018, 11:37 AM
Surpassed 300,000! New goal 500,000

I doubt it's going to change Disney's mind even if it gets a billion signatures but I added mine anyway.

07-26-2018, 11:48 AM
I doubt it's going to change Disney's mind even if it gets a billion signatures but I added mine anyway.

Maybe it won't change their mind but it will let them know that we are not happy about it. It also lets Gunn know that WE ARE GROOT.

07-30-2018, 11:45 AM
I've landed in a place that I feel now summarizes my thoughts.

A case could and probably should have been made for Marvel to have fired James Gunn back in 2012 shortly after he was hired for the first GOTG film. The tweets were 1-3 years old at that time and should have been reviewed by Disney back then. They weren't by all accounts and if they were, Disney made the decision to keep him. After backlash from the superhero sex list, Gunn apologized and went on to helm two successful (money making) Marvel films and consulted and got an EP credit for both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 since the film has the GOTG in them. Gunn was also placed in charge of the Marvel Cosmic area for the movies. Then he criticized Trump and defended Mark Duplass while criticizing Ben Shapiro and the rest was history.

By all accounts, James Gunn grew to realize that his awful, gross, and offensive humor wasn't a good thing for him to champion and endorse and came to grow as both a creator and a person. That's good. What needs to be taken stock of is why (predominantly) white men feel like they can and should make jokes about awful, AWFUL, things like pedophilia and why they feel like they should justify their behavior as "being edgy" and "pushing the envelope." It doesn't do either of those things - it's just gross and horrible and emboldens and almost justifies the same behavior from others.

All of that being said - should Gunn have been fired because Pizza Gate troll Mike Cernovich dug up the old tweets? No. Marvel made their bed with Gunn and Disney has now emboldened these clowns to try and do the same to other people with checkered comedic history who have criticized their idol, Donald Trump, while continuing to ignore the very real behavior he has engaged in himself with sexual harassment, assault, and possibly worse.

Should James Gunn be rehired? I don't think so. GOTG has one more film left, and honestly, Marvel has other existing directors that they could rely on (Taika Waititi, Ryan Coogler, The Russos, etc.) that could pick up the GOTG ball and get them to the finish line, or they could hire a new director and give them a chance to flourish (hiring a woman of color would make a powerful statement, for example) and be added to their growing creative roster.

I'm mad that this happened because of the path that got us here, but I also think Disney can and should disavow the actions that got them here and use it to turn this all positive while taking the wind out of the sails of the right wing brigade that is celebrating this right now.

07-30-2018, 12:07 PM
Well, this is newsworthy enough that it justifies a double post!


07-30-2018, 12:54 PM
Wow this interesting

What is more importante a movie or the stupid things he said? This is not an easy decision for disney or anyone involved
Does Gunn really feel sorry about what he said in the past?
What happened if they rehired him, and in 2 o 3 years more, they found another things about him, not just stupid tweets or "jokes"?
They need to sit down, talk with Gunn, and the people around him, and maybe checked other things he could do in the past, befored thinking in rehire him. (And this last part is the hardest part, and not a beauty thing to do)

Sorry if my english sucks, I hadnt talked in 4 o 5 years, and my ideas are a disaster.:(

07-30-2018, 01:43 PM
This is awesome!!! Fuck Disney!


07-31-2018, 01:55 PM
Struggling to come up with a word for how bad this looks.


Before eating the guy at the end, does he say the guy's body will be 'going down the street like a turd in the wind.'??? Please tell me I'm not hearing that right.

Mr. Blaileen
07-31-2018, 02:05 PM
It looks okay to me, but that 'turd' line was awful. Hope it's not in the actual flick.

07-31-2018, 03:08 PM
Looks like shit. It's Sony, so I expect shit.

"In association with Marvel" aka even Marvel doesn't want to claim full ownership over this turd so we'll Sony a little name drop instead.

I guess if it's shit, Sony will just sell the rights over to Marvel to remake and have two chances to make money on this property.

07-31-2018, 04:54 PM
Here's my reaction to the Venom trailer....


07-31-2018, 05:15 PM
He's got Venom's disturbing and sadistic sense of humor going on, though I'm not wild about the turd line itself. I do like the voice and I'm still pretty excited to see how it turns out.

They're trying to keep his character intact, which is all I ask.

07-31-2018, 06:06 PM
Yeah, I'm honestly (and surprisingly) pleased with the overall look, the CGI, the voice, Tom Hardy's casting, and the darker humor. The turd line is a bit weird, but doesn't really bother me. What does worry me – and always has – is the notion of a Venom movie without the presence of Spider-Man and (as a result) completely changing the origin of the character. Venom's relationship with Spider-Man is so strong that it's an integral part of his identity (I mean, the symbiote and Peter had a shared identity for a while, for fuck's sake). Also, I haven't seen it addressed here, but the rumor is that Woody Harrelson has a cameo as Carnage, who will be the main villain in the planned sequel. I personally was rooting for Jackie Earle Haley to get the role of Cletus Kasady, but Woody is a great actor and I can see him acting insane and deranged, too. I'm interested in seeing how this all pans out.

07-31-2018, 06:10 PM
Struggling to come up with a word for how bad this looks.

Oh, it's a dark "Hulk" that eats people... I don't remember Venom eating people.

07-31-2018, 06:47 PM
Oh, it's a dark "Hulk" that eats people... I don't remember Venom eating people.

Original "The Hunger" mini-series. Symbiote was going nuts and it actually ate a guy's brain, which was a plot point. Eddie had to hunt it down.

It started doing it again when Mac Gargan wore the symbiote in Thunderbolts, too.

07-31-2018, 07:03 PM
I am very pleased with the look and feel of Venom and I actually like the trailer. Yet I fear this is going to be another off the formula origin story movie with little connection to anything it all. If it turns out to be a neat little niche film with a beloved character and a true anti-hero this could work out. The three trailers released so far a so different from one another that right now this movie could go downhill or turn out to be really enjoyable for me.

Yet for some reason I am always reminded of the "the Darkness" games and would love Mike Patton to voice venom. Yet Hardy, or at least I suppose its him, does a great job.

07-31-2018, 09:30 PM
They're trying to keep his character intact, which is all I ask.

This. Trailer was pretty sick! The look, his voice, the white veins, his sense of humor... This could be a nice little surprise and if a sequel does happen, I guarantee Spiderman will be involved, if not, at least something connecting this universe with one spiderman is a part of.

bobbie solo
08-01-2018, 01:33 AM
Is that Michelle Williams? What the fuck is she doing going anywhere near this? Guess she needed some dough.

08-01-2018, 03:47 AM
I'm pretty OK with the trailer. Looks a bit for entertaining with some dark humour injected, and Venom looks like Venom, this could be a lot of fun.

...but this IS Sony so...

08-01-2018, 09:53 AM
Another thing is that it's yet another comic book movie to have the overused trope of having a villain that's an evil mirror image of the protagonist/hero (or anti-hero in this case). Just like how Iron Man fights a guy in a bigger/weaponized Iron Man suit (Iron Monger and Whiplash), Ant-Man fights a guy with a weaponized Ant-Man suit (Yellow Jacket), green Hulk fights a red Hulk (Abomination), Superman fights another Kryptonian (Zod), Doctor Strange fights an evil wizard (Kaecilius/Mordo), Captain America fights another guy who was given a super soldier serum (Red Skull), etc. Even Logan (which gets away with it because it works as a metaphor for his inner struggles) had a literal clone of the titular character as its "final boss" antagonist (X-24). This is all due in part to the source material, but I can't help but feel that it would have worked better to introduce Venom as a villain first, have him fight Spider-Man, then giving him a bit of redemption and turning him into an anti-hero figure afterwards. It would have established him as a viable threat, given him a nice character arc, and made him a more complex and three-dimensional character. The Terminator is a great comparison. In the first movie, he's a cold killer and he's legitimately scary. But in the second movie, he's been reprogrammed (redeemed) by the protagonists and although he's not quite a hero, he's fighting on the same side as the good guys.

In a perfect world, they would have teased it in Avengers 4 (or a post-credits scene after the movie) by showing the symbiote attaching to Spider-Man and returning to Earth with him (possibly from Titan?). Then have the black costume story-line and introduction of Eddie Brock unfold for the majority of the 2nd Spider-Man movie (without being dragged down and overshadowed by three other villain sub-plots), finally culminating in Parker's rejection of the suit and the subsequent birth of Venom as a villain – one that actually has good motivation for his hatred of Spider-Man (unlike Electro). THEN follow it up with a Venom film where you turn him into a more sympathetic anti-hero. I AM holding out hope that it's a decent and fun movie, though.

08-01-2018, 10:08 AM
Oh, it's a dark "Hulk" that eats people... I don't remember Venom eating people.

You must not have had this toy as a kid because I did. Also, he threatened it all the time and then did it once.


08-02-2018, 04:43 PM

OK, this actually looks interesting.

08-02-2018, 05:16 PM
https://scontent.fcxh3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/38005524_10160604004325468_4180384041058435072_n.p ng?_nc_cat=0&oh=ad227d07079e4da2d96537f89992f4b8&oe=5BD60E0F

08-02-2018, 05:33 PM
Rumor has it that New Mutants has been shelved.

08-03-2018, 10:17 AM
Rumor has it that New Mutants has been shelved.

That's been the rumor for a while. Being delayed (twice) for well over a year (16 months!) was not a good sign. Disney's acquisition of Fox gives that rumor even more credence. It would be a waste to completely shelve it since it looks like it's almost a completed movie and it actually looked pretty decent. Hopefully they at least dump it on Netflix...

08-03-2018, 10:55 AM
Damn it looked so good!

08-03-2018, 10:56 AM
Rumor has it that New Mutants has been shelved.

Rumor has it that you should attach a link because...


08-03-2018, 11:16 AM
Rumor has it that you should attach a link because...


Fair, but if I had attached the link it wouldn't have made much difference.

08-06-2018, 06:53 PM
Dave Bautista threatens to quit if Marvel doesn’t at least use James Gunn’s script for GOTG Vol. 3.


“I spoke to Chris Pratt the day after it happened and he’s a bit religious so he wanted time to pray and figure it out, but I was more like: fuck this. This is bullshit. James is one of the kindest, most decent people I’ve met.”

08-06-2018, 07:19 PM
Just catching up on Cloak & Dagger (just finished ep. 3)... I'm really liking it. Not very familiar with the characters but I am intrigued. In terms of tone, it reminds me of Runaways but it seems even more stylized to resemble comic framing (AoS is good at this as well).

08-07-2018, 02:29 AM
Rumor has it that you should attach a link because...


It seems stupid to shelve a finished film (that also had pretty good early test reactions!) the fact they don't have definite dates anymore lead me to believe Disney's takeover is waiting to fully go through, then they'll implement their vision for the x-men and see if Dark Phoenix and New Mutants fit, and if not they'll just release them early 2019 so they can get on with their versions...maybe (i don't know much about in the industry to be able to back up any of that :rolleyes:)

08-07-2018, 04:02 PM
I wonder if they're also holding on to them for the streaming service? Would be a good get to start it with two completed movies.

08-07-2018, 06:01 PM
I wonder if they're also holding on to them for the streaming service? Would be a good get to start it with two completed movies.

I was thinking the exact same thing would happen for a while, but it does have an updated theatrical release date of August 2, 2019 according to the article linked above.

08-08-2018, 02:25 AM
I wonder if they're also holding on to them for the streaming service? Would be a good get to start it with two completed movies.

Whilst i would agree, Disney's service has already confirmed it'll be a 'family' service and have no R-rated stuff, and New Mutants was very much in the horror category, and was being retooled to be scarier, so i'm not sure it'll even be on it.

08-08-2018, 09:47 AM
Good point. Maybe they can make a Miramax version of the service.

08-08-2018, 10:40 AM
Good point. Maybe they can make a Miramax version of the service.

With properties like Logan, Deadpool, Alien, Predator, Die Hard, and The X-Files (all acquired from Fox), they're going to need some kind of solution like that.

08-08-2018, 10:50 AM
Unless they continue to have them on Netflix as their 'edgy' partner. With as much as Disney will now own, it seems stupid to launch 2 different streaming services, one for family and one for R rated stuff, to go against Netflix/Amazon...even more so as i expect the R rated stuff will be much thinner on the ground and probably won't feel worth paying for.

...then again WB did just lunch it's streaming service JUST for DC stuff...fucking hell, we're drowning in subscriptions already!

08-08-2018, 10:53 AM
With properties like Logan, Deadpool, Alien, Predator, Die Hard, and The X-Files (all acquired from Fox), they're going to need some kind of solution like that.

This was discussed back in late 2017, but the likely solution involves turning Hulu into the adult service while the Disney streaming would have the current Disney lineup. They basically own a majority of Hulu now.


Also, both New Mutants and Dark Phoenix still have release dates. Anything about the movies moving to a streaming service instead of seeing a theatrical release is pure speculation.

08-08-2018, 02:37 PM
Marvel may still use James Gunn's script for GOTG Vol. 3, studio is also still interested in working with Gunn down the road but negotiations are muddled due to several other studios wanting to throw tons of money at him (https://io9.gizmodo.com/marvel-may-use-james-gunns-script-for-guardians-of-the-1828199473)

08-08-2018, 04:26 PM
I was off the Internet for the last two weeks so I wasn't able to see a lot of the fallout in the twitterverse over this but I noticed that most of the entertainment podcasts (once I caught up with them) didn't mention it much other than a "Disney might change their mind" and a general wink wink in that they got caught up in the hysteria and made a rash decision that they'll change. I wonder though if the amount of egg on their face is a reason they don't go back to Gunn. Sure it was a bad player that convinced them to make the decision but it was made.

08-09-2018, 09:38 PM
Possible Reprieve On James Gunn & ‘Guardians’ As Marvel Back Channels With Disney?

Might there be a glimmer of hope for change of heart in the quick banishment of Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn from the Magic Kingdom? Nobody is talking about it, but sources said that back channel conversations are taking place between Marvel Studios and Disney. Sources said the Marvel contingent is trying to persuade Disney to explore a compromise that might bring Gunn back into the fold for Guardians 3, something that clearly would be best for the franchise. There is no clash or strong arming here. I’m told it’s a discussion that comes in the wake of the whole cast declaring their loyalty to Gunn, whose abrupt exit has put a thriving film franchise in a rocky place. One would have to label this 11th hour approach to be a long shot, but the community is talking about it.

Read more at...

Go Marvel!!!

08-10-2018, 02:37 AM
Be interesting to see where this goes. Marvel clearly know how much of an influence Gunn had on GotG (the film franchise NOBODY outside comic's knew about until Gunn brought us it's film form) and must realise anyone trying to take over, and possibly rewriting his script, will have an uphill battle that could dent them in the long run.

08-15-2018, 05:37 PM
"It’s not an easy time. We all love James and he’s a good friend of ours, but we also really love playing the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a complicated situation for everybody. And you know, we just want to move forward and do what’s right and be the best people we can be.” - Chris Pratt


08-15-2018, 10:42 PM
Reports coming out that Disney met with Gunn, and the official decision is that he will not be rehired.

08-15-2018, 11:27 PM
Reports coming out that Disney met with Gunn, and the official decision is that he will not be rehired.

I've seen articles reporting the meeting, but nothing on a decision. I don't see why Disney would meet with him unless they were seriously considering. Why meet to say "Hey, remember when we fired you? Well, you're still fired. Thanks for coming to the meeting."


08-16-2018, 05:33 AM
I've seen articles reporting the meeting, but nothing on a decision. I don't see why Disney would meet with him unless they were seriously considering. Why meet to say "Hey, remember when we fired you? Well, you're still fired. Thanks for coming to the meeting."


Perhaps it was more "look we may have backed ourselves into a corner here, but we can't really rehire you right now BUT we would like to continue working with you for the script and future projects when the dust has settled"

At least that's my take. Disney know who integral Gunn is to GotG, but they also know what a cluster fuck Social Media is right now and probably realise they made an error axing him so quickly but also realise the fallout of re-hiring would bring them, Gunn and the 3rd film...at least right now anyway.

08-16-2018, 08:30 AM
I've seen articles reporting the meeting, but nothing on a decision. I don't see why Disney would meet with him unless they were seriously considering. Why meet to say "Hey, remember when we fired you? Well, you're still fired. Thanks for coming to the meeting."


"Hey James. So, we breached the contract we wrote with you when we decided you needed to be fired for things you said seven years ago. Here's the settlement that we're offering, and in exchange, we hope that this is an amicable parting for now and that we can work together again in the future. We'd also appreciate if this doesn't get drawn out in a long legal fight."

*Gunn accepts eight-figure payment, goes on to get hired immediately at other studios building their own cinematic universes*

08-16-2018, 09:45 AM
I can see him getting a Green Lantern movie.

08-16-2018, 11:02 AM
I can see him getting a Green Lantern movie.

I have always thought that he'd be the perfect choice for a reboot of Transformers done in a style closer to the G1 era. The way he handled Guardians where they have all this crazy cosmic stuff and don't take themselves too seriously, but the humor isn't reduced to dick, fart, piss, and masturbation jokes, would be a great fit for Transformers. A live-action version of the 1986 animated movie would be fantastic, but I'd welcome a new script written by him, too. It's a shame he can't finish his GotG trilogy and I'm still holding out hope that this swings back the other way and they re-hire him even though it seems very unlikely. They'd better at least use his script.

08-16-2018, 11:20 AM
Never mind!

08-16-2018, 12:13 PM
Speaking of Green Lantern (https://comicbook.com/dc/2018/08/15/green-lantern-corps-tom-cruise-rumor/)...

Cruise apparently wants him to not die at the end in order to consider taking the role.

I didn’t realize Marvel owned Green Lantern.

08-16-2018, 12:48 PM
I didn’t realize Marvel owned Green Lantern.

D’oh! What I get for posting while at work. :P

08-16-2018, 01:36 PM
We are definitely reaching a sort of obnoxious point of out of proportion fanboy whining. I don't think the guy should have been fired but what's done is done. Their next director is sure to be treated with some disturbing, unearned vitriol from the toxic parts of the "fandom."

I love guardians 1, but guardians 2 was pretty lukewarm to me, and as with so many other marvel sequels where a change in director has been a benefit guardians 3 couldnin the end be better for it. The Russo brothers were certainly able to handle them fine in the last avengers movie

08-16-2018, 01:38 PM
They should bring Nicole Perlman back for a pass on the script while they're at it.

08-16-2018, 05:16 PM
We are definitely reaching a sort of obnoxious point of out of proportion fanboy whining. I don't think the guy should have been fired but what's done is done. Their next director is sure to be treated with some disturbing, unearned vitriol from the toxic parts of the "fandom."

I love guardians 1, but guardians 2 was pretty lukewarm to me, and as with so many other marvel sequels where a change in director has been a benefit guardians 3 couldnin the end be better for it. The Russo brothers were certainly able to handle them fine in the last avengers movie

yeah, but don't forget james gunn was brought in to help write the scenes with the GotG to keep them true to character.

08-16-2018, 05:56 PM
Yeah but do we really need more of "my nipples hurt" Drax?

08-16-2018, 09:57 PM
Yeah but do we really need more of "my nipples hurt" Drax?

yes. :p


bobbie solo
08-17-2018, 12:29 AM
Watched Infinity War in 4K tonight. What a crazy journey that movie takes. The dread that builds as it goes on. The way things keep twisting worse and worse.

Hemsworth is great in this. His arrival in Wakanda is so triumphant. Evans is great as an even more understated Cap.

Still wish they had cast an actual actress for Proxima Midnight. Would have made that all female fight scene that much sweeter.

Seeing everyone unleash everything they have in the fight on Titan was so badass.

There are 4 deleted scenes totalling 10 minutes. All four are good, but two of them actually help flesh things out a bit. Def. worth watching.

Movie of the year by far. Is it next May yet?

08-17-2018, 01:31 AM
I just watched this for the first time tonight. Fuuuuuuck.

Also... I loved it.

08-17-2018, 02:23 AM
Re: Gunn, considering this whole thing happened as a bunch of asshats didn't like his views and got him fired...this has really left Gunn in a great position, probably in a better position then ANYONE. He gets a settlement from Disney, they STILL WANT TO WORK WITH HIM, gets to write the script for GotG 3 AND now gets to work on a crazy amount of other films that other studios will throw all kinds of money at him for...and he'll be back on social media in 6ish months time and will continue with his views that annoyed the asshats so much, only now they won't be able to get him fired...GG :rolleyes:

08-17-2018, 06:37 AM
Still wish they had cast an actual actress for Proxima Midnight.

yeah, i'm still baffled as to the decision to make her an entirely CG character, it made no sense. the maw? sure, he worked being CG. but she could have been an actress with prosthetics and would have blended into the world so much better than she did. my wife, every time she was on screen, went "why isn't that a person!?"

she also didn't like the way thanos looked (and thought his motivation was kinda bullshit). so she had all the same gripes with the movie as i did.

08-17-2018, 08:23 AM
yeah, i'm still baffled as to the decision to make her an entirely CG character, it made no sense. the maw? sure, he worked being CG. but she could have been an actress with prosthetics and would have blended into the world so much better than she did. my wife, every time she was on screen, went "why isn't that a person!?"

she also didn't like the way thanos looked (and thought his motivation was kinda bullshit). so she had all the same gripes with the movie as i did.

Carrie Coon, who did the voice and facial mocap was pregnant at the time, so they had her film all of her closeup shots and other v/o work and had her stunt double work with the performers on set. It appears they liked Carrie so much that they didn't want to recast her.


08-17-2018, 01:09 PM
Carrie Coon, who did the voice and facial mocap was pregnant at the time, so they had her film all of her closeup shots and other v/o work and had her stunt double work with the performers on set. It appears they liked Carrie so much that they didn't want to recast her.


i also love carrie coon, and that's cool that they didn't want to recast her...i just can't stand looking at that character.

bobbie solo
08-17-2018, 01:28 PM
she also didn't like the way thanos looked (and thought his motivation was kinda bullshit). so she had all the same gripes with the movie as i did.

I thought they did a good job with Thanos when he arrived in Wakanda. That's when he looked the most realistic.

08-17-2018, 03:13 PM
Yeah but do we really need more of "my nipples hurt" Drax?

Fair. But we do need more of “WHY is Gamora??” Drax.

08-17-2018, 04:03 PM
Fair. But we do need more of “WHY is Gamora??” Drax.

and "invisible" drax hahahahaha

08-21-2018, 11:50 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-24-2018, 07:12 PM
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Has Been Delayed Indefinitely

08-24-2018, 09:42 PM
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Has Been Delayed Indefinitely

Huh. Yesterday, I was ready an article about why Disney was still going to use his script for Vol.3 which would still leave his name in the credits. Maybe Disney is looking for a way around that.

Article: https://screenrant.com/james-gunn-guardians-galaxy-3-directing-writing-wga/amp/

bobbie solo
08-28-2018, 02:08 PM
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Has Been Delayed Indefinitely

From Sean T. Collins on twitter: "A Nazi rape apologist concern-trolled Disney out of hundreds of millions of dollars by making them shoot themselves in the dick to the disgust of everyone involved in actually making this film"

08-29-2018, 07:16 PM
Just finished ep. 7 of Cloak & Dagger.... daaaaaaaamn....

08-30-2018, 12:07 AM
A recent marathon of the spider Man movies has reinvigorated my unending anymosity at Sony over the Venom movies. These people made 5 Spiderman movies and only one of them holds up at all today. I think the absolute horribleness of the Amazing Spiderman movies is something we actually completely take for granted possibly because of how extremely forgettable they are.

They are thorough in their forgettableness. The performances fail to pick up cardboard writing and cold directing. I still don't understand why people were happy with Andrew Garfield over Tobey Maguire. Maguire is criminally underratted, perhaps the other Spideys' relative popularity is a testament to the notion that people just want conventionally attractive and conventionally charismatic actors playing any role, even if that character isn't either of those things. Tobey Maguire gives Peter Parker a humanity that Andrew Garfield for some reason just can't which is why right now I think even Spiderman 3 is better than either of The Amazing Spidermans.

Still one of the things that makes Spiderman 3 so terrible is it's violation of sort of the foundation of Peter Parker's character by basically squirrelling in a different murderer his uncle... Sony ipts to repeat that mistake again in Amazing Spiderman 2 by severely interfering in the death of his parents.

Sony is basically doing this again with Venom, and it's just so transparently cynical and greedy especially after Homecoming really did work out. As much as, for instance the DC Universe movie are just sheer garbage, I think Zach Snyder really cared about those characters and wanted to do something cool with them... He's just an idiot, so it didn't work out. I mean I get that all these franchises are driven by greed, but for some reason Spiderman and now Venom is an especially bitter bait and switch with marvel.

It looks kind of bad anyway, here's hoping this is where they learn their lesson.

08-30-2018, 10:18 AM
As far as the Tobey vs. Andrew argument goes, I think people just wanted a likeable Spider-Man, which is something Garfield did better than Maguire, in my opinion. Full disclosure: I've never really liked the Tobey Maguire portrayal that much. He never really felt like the character that much to me. Tobey was SO whiny, weak, and corny as Peter and Spider-Man wasn't funny. Garfield wasn't perfect by any stretch, but he was a funny, quippy Spider-man and a more "normal" Peter that more people could probably relate to. I've always felt that Peter and Gwen were the only good thing about the Amazing Spider-man movies. The villains (ALL of them) were undeniably terrible, especially in the second movie. I mean, what the fuck were they thinking with Electro and the Rhino? Not to mention it's now the textbook example of counting your chickens before they've hatched because of how it tried SO hard to be a springboard for an entire cinematic universe that it forgot to make sure it was a decent movie itself first. It made Spider-Man 3 look good, which is really saying something.

08-30-2018, 10:42 AM
Spiderman 2 was always my go to in good comic book movies for a long time, and was the first Marvel film that was really decent for me (Batman Returns being the first good comic book movie, sorry Superman fans) I still rather like it, but it is pretty corny compared to comic book films these days, but it will always hold a place in my geek heart. Spiderman 3 wasn't terrible for me, just very VERY disappointing, and the first Amazing film did feel like a better constructed movie, but lacked the something special that made 1 and 2 of Rami's films so likeable, and the second just ended up doing too much like Spidey 3 whilst trying to make a cinematic universe which just failed hard!

As far as the best Peter goes...i think they all had their pros and cons, but i don't think i can place any as the definitive Peter/Spidey yet.

08-30-2018, 11:20 AM
I already like Tom Holland more than either of his predecessors. The best part is that (as long as Sony doesn't fuck it up), he'll grow into the role even more as time goes on and he gets older. I've always wanted to see a movie where Spider-Man is like 28 and they just skip the origin and dive into a story where he's been Spider-Man for years already, which is exactly what the new PS4 video game that's about to come is doing. I'm super excited to play that game!

08-30-2018, 11:21 AM
I really liked the first Amazing Spiderman. The second one.... not so much.

08-30-2018, 11:32 AM
I remember thinking it was alright when I came out, but watching it the other day is such a slog... Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have no chemistry, neither of them are likable or relatable. The movie looks real sleek and the special effects in both are really cool. But they have no heart, The Raimi team were more competent at bringing their story to life and those movies are simply much better cast.

Homecoming is also a lot more character driven and competently written

08-30-2018, 11:43 AM
Hated Raimi's Spidermans. First Amazing Spiderman was good, second one was terrible. Homecoming pisses all over the previous movie incarnations. Homecoming is actually one of my top 5 Marvel movies. I enjoyed it a lot.

08-30-2018, 04:42 PM

08-30-2018, 05:10 PM
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have no chemistry
What? I feel like that's all any review was saying at the time; that they had great chemistry. I thought so, too. They were even a real life couple at the time. They started dating while filming the movie, if I'm not mistaken.

08-31-2018, 03:29 AM
That is shocking to hear, it is like watching a neural network imitating how it thinks human relationships work.

Their interest in each other is completely unmotivated in either direction, from the begining of the movie he has her as his desktop background image, which is a creeps version of "romantic." It always seemed stilted and cold to me.

08-31-2018, 12:36 PM
That is shocking to hear, it is like watching a neural network imitating how it thinks human relationships work.

Their interest in each other is completely unmotivated in either direction, from the begining of the movie he has her as his desktop background image, which is a creeps version of "romantic." It always seemed stilted and cold to me.

You can probably blame that on the writing/writers and a sub-par script. Oh, and an inexperienced indie film director (with only one movie under his belt) who was suddenly thrust into a massive tent-pole blockbuster with a lot of corporate oversight and interference (not to mention a $200 million+ budget).

08-31-2018, 04:37 PM
Yeah I mean I have nothing specific against the actors, I don't think either are great, but I don't really blame them either. It brings me back toy original point: the through line for fucking those movies up still runs through Venom. The same cooks are in that kitchen.

09-05-2018, 09:19 AM
Looks like we might be getting a Captain Marvel trailer today.

09-05-2018, 11:24 AM

09-05-2018, 11:32 AM
Aww man, she looks so badass! I'm pretty sure I am going to enjoy this movie a lot.

But as far as female superheroes go, my heart will always belong to Wonder Woman.

Conan The Barbarian
09-05-2018, 11:49 AM
She looks uncomfortable or holding in a sick fart.

09-05-2018, 11:58 AM

We have a NIN shirt on Captain Marvel!!!

09-05-2018, 02:16 PM
About to make that my wallpaper for the forseeable future.

09-05-2018, 02:56 PM
I kinda thought the Skrulls would look better...

bobbie solo
09-05-2018, 03:34 PM
Wow, using Ronan again. Bold, considering alot of people hated him (I thought he was fine). And of course the shirt is huge.

09-05-2018, 05:32 PM
Wow, using Ronan again. Bold, considering alot of people hated him (I thought he was fine). And of course the shirt is huge.

I agree that he (Ronan) was "fine." Not outstanding, but an effective villain. A bit on the cartoonish side, but not bad either. It's a nice way to tie her story into the MCU and revisit a few (3?) characters that have been killed without having to resort to bringing them back to life. It's really interesting how the MCU is referencing its own past so much already.

09-06-2018, 02:53 AM
Well i'm excited!

09-07-2018, 02:15 AM
So I was listening to a Shout!Takes: A Shout! Factory Podcast (https://www.shoutfactory.com/corp/shout-takes-podcast) episode with Reginald Hudlin (https://www.shoutfactory.com/blog/shouttakes-reginald-hudlin/) about Black Panther and found out about all those Marvel Knight's animated stories (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Knights#Animation). Anyone else watch them? Just about done watching the Black Panther one and I'm quite liking it.

09-18-2018, 08:07 AM

09-18-2018, 08:14 AM
Wait, was she in wearing her helmet with the mohawk?! I'M IN!

Conan The Barbarian
09-18-2018, 05:12 PM
Nope, still not interested. And that’s ok.

09-18-2018, 07:03 PM
Not blown away, but I am excited nonetheless. I really hope they pull off the 90's era along with Coulson returning. The trailer gave me a feeling that it will be it's own movie in the sense of how Black Panther, Guardians, and even Ragnarok had.

09-19-2018, 10:18 AM
Reports Disney are planning to have limited series of popular 2nd string characters from the MCU, with early rumours of Loki and Scarlet Witch, as a pull for their new streaming service.

...OK, i might actually be interested in that. An extended run of 4-6 episodes centred around characters that wouldn't get the time in cinemas and tell some new stories, that could be great!

09-19-2018, 12:03 PM
Maybe this is how they could finally tell some stories about the Hulk without having to pay Universal for distribution?

09-19-2018, 12:26 PM

'Avengers: Endgame'?

https://scontent.fcxh3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/42193655_288405951758895_9198540219576483840_n.png ?_nc_cat=0&oh=03b13f47f0aae140db449010164b20c0&oe=5C283217

09-19-2018, 05:29 PM
Another possible theory. That silver combine thing in the left of the picture is also in Infinity War:


In a chapter called "Avengers Assemble".

09-19-2018, 07:03 PM
If they call it Avengers Assemble, what will they call it in the UK?


(side note: man their posters have gotten a lot better)

Wait, was she in wearing her helmet with the mohawk?! I'M IN!

Yup, that got me too. So awesome.

09-19-2018, 07:06 PM
I see two giant A's in that picture.

10-01-2018, 01:57 PM


Not the best sign when the star is already distancing himself from a movie that hasn't even fuckin' opened yet...

10-01-2018, 02:50 PM
I've grown more and more confident of this movie until now. Stripped off some dark humour is the worst news for me as I think they nailed to look of Venom and recent trailers at least seemed rather fun.

Only hope is that they plan on using the dark comedy aspects more with the next installements if it doesn't bomb and Hardy sticks to the contract of two more... hmmm.

I'll still be seeing it Wednesday.

10-01-2018, 04:01 PM
Reminder (and I say this being massively kind of in love with Tom Hardy) - Why Tom Hardy Felt The Need To Apologize To Mad Max: Fury Road's Director (https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Why-Tom-Hardy-Felt-Need-Apologize-Mad-Max-Fury-Road-Director-71470.html)

10-01-2018, 08:28 PM
That context seems really different though. In this case Hardy says his favorite parts are gone in the other case Hardy is saying that, while shooting he did understand the bigger picture... If venom goes down with same universal accolade of mad Max, that would be truly surprising. I don't think anyone is expecting much of this movie.

10-01-2018, 10:19 PM
From the premiere just now:


bobbie solo
10-01-2018, 10:47 PM
hahaha yeah ok buddy! Listen to him sputter for like ten seconds initially.



10-02-2018, 07:23 AM
The worst thing for me to happen could be that they show Carnage in the end or even a glimmer of Spiderman, somehow and it will be awesome as hell only for no sequel happening at all, because it bombs so hard. Damn. :(

bobbie solo
10-02-2018, 02:14 PM
The worst thing for me to happen could be that they show Carnage in the end or even a glimmer of Spiderman, somehow and it will be awesome as hell only for no sequel happening at all, because it bombs so hard. Damn. :(

Do you want me to post what was heavily rumored a few months ago, or no?

10-02-2018, 05:32 PM

10-02-2018, 07:28 PM
So that's the new release date...is there any new scenes?



Huh, I wonder what happened. Oh right, Avi Arad.
Do you want me to post what was heavily rumored a few months ago, or no?
Apparently it's not rumored anymore.

10-02-2018, 07:42 PM
Initial reviews seem to agree it's a fun but flawed experience. About what I was expecting. Still hopeful. And looking forward to the inevitable R-Rated director's cut.

10-02-2018, 09:39 PM
Venom currently sitting at 29% on RT.

Conan The Barbarian
10-02-2018, 11:19 PM
Venom currently sitting at 29% on RT.
Rotten tomatoes should never be an end all be all when it comes to making your mind up about going to see a movie, but I think we all saw this coming.

10-03-2018, 02:46 AM
I'm seeing it tomorrow...my expectations are "i hope i enjoy this" right now.

Conan The Barbarian
10-03-2018, 07:51 AM
The consensus is, “ this is fucking stupid, but I’m enjoying it.”

I think people want it funny, even though it shouldn’t be. Its a Venom movie for crying out loud. Everyone just wants a marvel formulated movie.

10-03-2018, 11:33 AM
The consensus is, “ this is fucking stupid, but I’m enjoying it.”

I think people want it funny, even though it shouldn’t be. Its a Venom movie for crying out loud. Everyone just wants a Deadpool formulated movie.

Fixed that for you.

I keep seeing plenty of tv spots for Venom and many of them have a "funny" vibe to it. Especially this one:


I chuckle every time.

Conan The Barbarian
10-03-2018, 11:38 AM
Fixed that for you.

I keep seeing plenty of tv spots for Venom and many of them have a "funny" vibe to it. Especially this one:


I chuckle every time.


10-03-2018, 01:49 PM
Just got back and well, it not a good movie at all. BUT I LOVED IT!!!

Will post more later... but yeah, the post credit scene didn't play out as I expected, but it was amazing!

10-03-2018, 03:42 PM
apparently spider Man is not in it

Not super surprising but I'm not sure why they were working so hard to hide that.

10-04-2018, 02:53 AM
So here we go.... Venom, hm?

I have to admit that I am by no means a comic book reader and a purist when it comes to the recent adaptions of comic books, yet I have known Spiderman and it's canon for almost 20 years through various tv-shows and of course the movies. So yes, I am a huge Venom-fan and very sensitive on getting him right which rarely happens. But what is getting it right anway but a matter of personal taste (e.g. Batman's Joker as one of the biggest examples...).

Overall the movie is a hot mess for sure and it starts with the most obvious point: no connection to the Spiderverse. While I do think that Venom can stand on its own there is just way too much information in your head that is missing from this film. If you can go into it with an open mind and not thinking about Spiderman at all, you have a great advantage.

But boiling it down to Venom as a character I think they nailed him. The look is 90% of what I wanted to see and I'm very much surprised how good the effects were apart from some minor scenes/cuts. I loved the gravity of his movement, while fast and agile you could really tell how massive he is. Same goes for Riot. Even their respective symbiote skills never seemed too much out of place and everything flowed nicely. Like I said, there are a few scenes that look a bit uncanny-valley, but they really paid the design of the character justice and the voice sealed the deal for me. That's the Venom I guess fans wanted to see.

So I'll start with the other things I like, followed by what I didn't:
- the humour for me mostly worked, especially the back and forth between Eddie and Venom was mostly done well although this is a surprisingly goofy acting on part of Hardy. I guess many have to get used to that...
- I liked the sound design alot, from the music to the voice, to how big it all sounded. Sadly there's no real soundtrack cue that gets stuck in your head, but it sounds good and sinister.
- the overall CGI looked amazing and I liked the design and movements of the symbiotes in their pure form
- liked how evil the whole experimenting with the aliens was and Ahmed does a pretty decent job although his motives are of course very predictable and color by the numbers
- the pacing was okay with me, you could definitely feel how rushed some things were but overall the movie never gets boring and goes by rather fast

Things I didn't like:
- the opportunity for a kick-ass Venom film was greatly missed. The whole body-horror aspect plays out nice in the beginning but it never crosses the line where it makes you feel uncomfortable. This could have been a real Cronenberg-experience but apart from a few glimpses they missed it.
- there's basically no connection with Hardy and Williams which is odd as they are both proper actors easily capable in terms of good chemistry
- having the setting be San Francisco is a lousy attempt to get this film as much away from Spiderman as possible. Together with some other things both characters are pretty much not to combine as is in future installements wihtouth retconning some things.
- will I'm not over the fence about most of Deadpools humour alitte bit more violence combined with good oneliners would have made the connection between Eddie and Venom much more enjoyable. There are moments but far too few.
- the climax of the movie of course is also by the numbers and plays out like every other superhero movie of the last 10 years or even further.
- the trailers gave away pretty much everything and its all just an extended version in the movie...
- the additional cast adds absolutely nothing and screentime would have been better dedicated to Venom or some dialogue between Eddy and the symbiote

Two wtf moments and the only spoilers:
- She-Venom?! That was a seriously kickass design, but the scene felt akward and went nowhere. Still a huge surprise that they at least tried to get her in the movie.
- Woody! Jesus Christ how mad did he look? His last line sent chills down my spine and although the movie left many things to be desired, I want that sequel! Now!

So yeah, overall it's not a good movie, yet I liked many things about it. And while it's making me mad that they gave away so many great opportunities I can't help myself but like it. I'd gave it a solid 7/10 as its on par with Solo for me. A brainless, fun ride with good action, some nice ideas, but also totally forgettable. Among the Marvel movies I think it' still way better than the first two Thor movies, the first Cap, Iron Man 2 and the Ant-Man films.

10-04-2018, 12:29 PM

10-04-2018, 01:15 PM



10-04-2018, 03:25 PM
I posted my my movie thread so go there is you want the details...but i just saw Venom...and i did not enjoy it :(


In other news...i'm really liking the new trailer for Spider-man Into the Spiderverse...please, PLEASE don't fuck this up Sony!

10-04-2018, 03:26 PM

Captain, My Captain.

10-04-2018, 03:40 PM
I'm gonna cry when they kill him in Avengers 4 SO HARD.

10-04-2018, 04:31 PM
Yesterday, I drove to St. Louis and back for the Welcome To Night Vale live show. Got there around 7 pm and checked by email. I had a message offering free passes to a Venom screening...at 7:00. That night. In Kansas City. Ugh...Guess I’ll just have to pay money. If nothing else, it sounds entertaining.

Edit: Update from a good friend of mine, who’s been hyped for this movie since the beginning of all this - “This movie was such a dumpster fire of a mess, I’m writing a full review.”

Conan The Barbarian
10-04-2018, 06:21 PM
That daredevil season three trailer gave me wood.

10-05-2018, 07:15 PM
Saw Venom last night and I enjoyed it.However, I grew up reading Spiderman comics so the Origin story of Venom was important to me. Spoiler- The end credits is strange for me because they used spiderman's Maximum Carnage but the movie is based off the spinoff Venom comics I believe, but I personally haven't read them.

In my opinion Rotten Tomatoes is a scam, so I usually don't pay attention to it. So to come back and read it got a 29 percent just justifies my crazy conspiracy even more. So yay I thought the movie was entertaining because i just checked my mind 10 minutes into the movie, and said to myself they’re not sticking to the orgin story of the spiderman comics, fuck it lets try to enjoy it. I hope the MCU can tell the story better though.

10-06-2018, 12:53 AM
Okay, so. Venom.

Keep in mind everything I'm about to type comes from someone who's been a very big fan of the character since basically elementary school:

It's very much a middling film. The first forty minutes are a poorly structured mess, and what hurts this film the most is the fact that plainly, nobody else but Tom Hardy gives enough of a shit to turn in a worthwhile performance. It has the feel of a film rushed out and slapped together without a lot of heed paid to sensibility - a lot of nonsensical reactions, people acting dumb and doing dumb things to get from point A to B. Last battle's kind of messy to watch. Villain's nothing special and Riz Ahmed just really, really sucks all over every scene he's in. Painfully.


Tom Hardy nails Eddie Brock. Hapless, self-centered, flawed, but good-hearted. The interplay between him and the Venom symbiote is easily the best thing about this movie. I really, really want him back for more. Seeing Venom in action is just a thrill. From the fights to the dialogue to the intimidation, to the way the symbiote leers and moves around, every moment he's on screen is just the greatest ride. They aced the voice and deadpan snarky humor.

There's so many nods and adaptations of source material - there's the feel that this is a movie made by people who actually cared about getting the character right and it shows. It almost has the markings of a Marvel studios movie in that the effort to do it right is there - almost.

The movie's surprisingly funny at times. Not every joke lands, and there's probably too much humor going on for the film's good, but when it hits it strikes gold. But at the same time, one of the biggest drawbacks that the film is held back by its PG-13 rating; that this should be something that makes you squirm and shudder and sicken - there are scenes that could merit it, certainly, and we don't get atmosphere anywhere near there. I really, really, really want a director's cut. Badly.

It proves - to me at least - that the character doesn't necessarily need a certain web-slinger to hold his own. And that's a very important take-away. It DOES make me hope for a Tom Hardy vs.Tom Holland confrontation, though. It would be wonderful.

It's dumb and nonsensical, but it's fun and enjoyable. Heart but no teeth. Not as bad as I feared, but less than what I'd hoped for. A decent popcorn flick that mercifully is much less of a chore to get through than, say, the first 2 Thor movies, X-Men Apocalypse, or most of what DC's put out since 2008 barring Wonder Woman.

A generous 6/10 from me. For most others it'd probably be a 5. I can think of worse ways to spend 10 bucks and an hour and a half.

Oh god why does Woody Harrelson look like Robert Smith trying to cosplay Ronald McDonald please fix that next time

10-09-2018, 03:57 PM
Venom's clocked in 80 million in its first weekend (https://ca.ign.com/articles/2018/10/07/venom-sets-october-box-office-record-with-80-million-opening-weekend). Not too shabby.

10-09-2018, 04:18 PM
Okay, so. Venom.

I thought it was decent. I agree Hardy did a good job as Eddie and the rest just kind of phoned it in somewhat. Your spoiler made me laugh but hopefully they make it work. It's not as bad as I imagine the critics would have one believe. Rarely do I feel this way but hopefully when the directors cut comes out it'll add to the film and just add in nonsense.

10-10-2018, 02:36 AM
I've said my piece on Venom, but i'm glad at least some of you enjoyed it (i don't know how but good you on!) I clearly missed something.

Now the lull between now and Captain Marvel begins...just when do we think we're going to get the Avengers 4 trailer?

10-10-2018, 02:56 AM
Early reports seem to indicate they are indeed moving forward with the next installement. I'm really looking forward to it as stated earlier. The movie has major flaws, but the character is just too good to throw away or reboot entirely.

And as I've rewatched the last three Spiderman movies, I have to confess that while Homecoming is definitely crafted more carefully, I enjoyed Venom more for what it is although it is sloppy and thrown together at least the action was fun and it had more laughs for me than any other movie bar Ragnarok. And hell, I can't think of any of these movies that was Oscar-worthy to begin with.

10-12-2018, 10:25 PM
Wasn’t sure if it belonged here or in the Netflix thread, but the first Marvel show to get the axe has arrived...

Iron Fist, we hardly knew ye.

10-12-2018, 11:13 PM
I can't say I'm surprised. While I enjoyed parts of Iron Fist S1 (Haven't watched S2), it was easily the weakest of the Netflix shows.

Daredevil S1 > Daredevil S2 > Jessica Jones S1 > Punisher S1 > Defenders > Luke Cage S1 > Iron Fist S1

I never finished Jessica Jones S2. I got bored half-way through, but I should push through that. I'm not sure if I want to invest the time in season two of Luke Cage and Iron Fist, though.

10-13-2018, 01:26 AM

bobbie solo
10-13-2018, 02:14 AM
Iron Fist season 2 was better than season one but still not good. it was soooooo boring. The last episode was really good and what they set up for the third season was REALLY compelling to me. But alas we won't see it.

Conan The Barbarian
10-24-2018, 02:38 PM
I have to say its amazing that Marvel's best live action villain isnt even part of the cinematic universe. Daredevil is just quality that cant be matched by their cookie cutter movie counterpart. I am not done with this season yet, but holy shit is this show just amazing.

10-31-2018, 12:31 AM
Falcon & Winter Soldier TV Series in Development for Disney Streaming Service
This sounds even better than the Loki & Scarlet Witch shows!

10-31-2018, 01:56 AM
If they capture the vibe of the car scene it's going to be awesome.


bobbie solo
11-12-2018, 01:23 AM
- the prison fight/escape scene in this season's DD episode 4

- Deborah Ann Woll at the college party at the beginning of episode 10

11-12-2018, 01:36 AM
- Deborah Ann Woll at the college party at the beginning of episode 10

If you haven't watched the first season of True Blood... well... yeah, go do that.

Conan The Barbarian
11-12-2018, 07:50 AM
If you haven't watched the first season of True Blood... well... yeah, go do that.

And then stop after that because that show just get worse after each season.

11-12-2018, 08:15 AM
And then stop after that because that show just get worse after each season.

And to tie it back into Marvel, the amount of times I pause "The Gifted" series to say "Sookie..." in that Bill voice to mock the scene happens a lot.

11-12-2018, 03:00 PM

bobbie solo
11-12-2018, 11:32 PM
If you haven't watched the first season of True Blood... well... yeah, go do that.

Oh I did. I remember her moments from there too. And I stopped after Season 2 like everyone else that recognized the showing was going downhill fast.

11-15-2018, 07:14 PM
I didn't want to seem disrespectful in the RIP thread so I'm putting this here.


11-15-2018, 10:34 PM
I didn't want to seem disrespectful in the RIP thread so I'm putting this here.


What was it?

11-18-2018, 12:27 AM
Huh, the image was deleted from imgur.

It was a picture that said, "when you go to Stan Lee's funeral, make sure you stay after the credits start" or something like that.

11-29-2018, 09:39 PM
Well, Netflix cancelled Daredevil. Jessica Jones and Punisher are as good as dead too, once their third and second seasons (respectively) are out. This fucking sucks. Netflix must be pretty fucking butthurt that Disney is launching their own streaming service.

11-29-2018, 09:43 PM
Think Disney paid Netflix some coin to cancel their Marvel shows? Something is up

Conan The Barbarian
11-29-2018, 09:59 PM
Well, Netflix cancelled Daredevil. Jessica Jones and Punisher are as good as dead too, once their third and second seasons (respectively) are out. This fucking sucks. Netflix must be pretty fucking butthurt that Disney is launching their own streaming service.

Oh what the fuck!

11-30-2018, 12:16 AM
I'm not that bothered with the end of these Marvel shows as Netflix has plenty of better shows

11-30-2018, 12:50 AM
These shows were killed first by being steered into the ground, by repeatedly ignoring problems about length and structure. This is a sad euthanization, unfortunately.

11-30-2018, 01:25 AM
These shows were killed first by being steered into the ground, by repeatedly ignoring problems about length and structure. This is a sad euthanization, unfortunately.

I'd agree with you if we were talking about Iron Fist or Luke Cage, but Daredevil is by far the best of the bunch and has been consistently great. Defenders was pretty lacking, but Daredevil was the best part of that, too.

11-30-2018, 02:53 AM
Have i missed something? Lots of people online think this is because Disney will be re-newing them on their own service, but Disney already confirmed a few months back it'll be family only stuff, not harder hitting or R rated marital will be on it! So if that's the case i find it hard to believe Disney paid Netflix any money to end them, sounds more like Netflix is just cutting their ties to a rival service...seems a bit OTT to me.

11-30-2018, 08:28 AM
If it hasn't been said yet, my theory is that it's probably cheaper for Netflix to roll with content they created and/or own (i.e. the upcoming 'Millerverse' stuff like Jupiter's Legacy), than it would be to license others' content.

11-30-2018, 09:15 AM
UGH. Daredevil was shaping up to be one of my all time favorite shows.

Conan The Barbarian
11-30-2018, 09:57 AM
Im not even going to bother with Punisher since it will get canned after this upcoming season, why bother investing in it.

11-30-2018, 10:00 PM
...sounds more like Netflix is just cutting their ties to a rival service.

My thoughts exactly. I doubt Netflix is thrilled with the idea of producing content for a media giant that's positioning themselves to be a serious competitor.

Im not even going to bother with Punisher since it will get canned after this upcoming season, why bother investing in it.

Because season 2 could still be great and maybe they saw the writing on the wall and had time to give their series a conclusion that the others won't be lucky enough to have.

bobbie solo
12-01-2018, 02:22 PM
These shows were killed first by being steered into the ground, by repeatedly ignoring problems about length and structure. This is a sad euthanization, unfortunately.

As said, this is true for pretty much all of them except Daredevil. Season 3 really hit it for me as well. Sad this show might not continue, and if it does on the Disney app, it might be neutered.

12-01-2018, 03:25 PM

I keep screaming this but by owning ABC and Fox's shares in Hulu, Disney will have majority ownership of Hulu and can put whatever the hell they want on there. This has been analyzed and discussed earlier.

12-02-2018, 06:59 PM
All of the Netflix Marvel shows suffered feeling too long and dragging, even their best one Daredevil. They should have done shorter 8 episode seasons. But then again I don't think there was any saving Iron Fist since the main star they went with really sucked as Iron Fist.

12-04-2018, 02:24 AM

Hmm this looks incredibly boring and pretty much like an origin-story by the numbers, although they try to sell it as something different in their comments. Not feeling Larson at all as Captain Marvel. The fight in space looks nice either way and maybe Jackson will have some decent screen time as well as some laughs by the looks of it.

12-04-2018, 11:51 AM
I... don't know. It looks good and I'll see it but I'm not as excited for it the way I am about Avengers 4.


Conan The Barbarian
12-04-2018, 02:47 PM
Not interested. I’ll YouTube any important scenes that tie in with the next avengers movie.

12-05-2018, 09:03 AM
Watched Ant-Man and the Wasp to fill my gaps and damn, I feel cheated. The movie added absolutely nothing to the lore imho and apart from a surprisingly entertaining Evangeline Lilly and a few uplifting moments this was just a waste of time for me... I liked it better than the first though but yeah, Captain Marvel and this one seem like really really boring step stones to get to Avengers 4. :(

12-05-2018, 09:32 AM
Captain Marvel looks incredibly dull and unexciting. But I feel it will be immune to criticism.

12-05-2018, 10:33 AM
I am excited for Captain Marvel. Hoping for a NIN song appearance in it. It probably won't be excellent, but it looks entertaining. Kind of like how Ant Man and it's sequel were. Fun and to the point with little rewatch value. Really wished the first female led Marvel movie was Black Widow.

12-06-2018, 04:10 AM
I'm quite excited for all 3 MCU films next year :D

Microwave Jellyfish
12-07-2018, 07:30 AM

Conan The Barbarian
12-07-2018, 07:40 AM
My hyped hit the floor by the time ant man showed up and just had to completely ruin the moment. Wish marvel would chill on the lame humor once and a while.

12-07-2018, 07:57 AM
Looks cool. Didn't reveal too much. But did enough to keep my hyped up

12-07-2018, 08:20 AM
Another utterly boring trailer in my opinion only saved by Downey Jr. Yet I have high hopes for this. Infinity War was very entertaining so Endgame must hit it up a notch.

And I agree with the Ant Man opinion. Way to ruin the trailer opening it like this and closing off with such shit jokes. Who said Venom was bad?

12-07-2018, 08:25 AM
Not a fan of the Ant-Man reveal. That gives away the fact that he gets out, big fucking spoiler right after showing his face next to Peter's.

It's funny how the title is Endgame after they specifically said that wasn't it.

12-07-2018, 08:31 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP!

12-07-2018, 08:34 AM
Another utterly boring trailer in my opinion only saved by Downey Jr. Yet I have high hopes for this. Infinity War was very entertaining so Endgame must hit it up a notch.

And I agree with the Ant Man opinion. Way to ruin the trailer opening it like this and closing off with such shit jokes. Who said Venom was bad?

I disagree completely. If anything this trailer is refreshing, no giant CGI battles, no giant reveals for the common fan, and the ending joke really wasn't much of a joke. It was just showing us that Scott was not as up to date on what had just taken place, completely fits the character and the situation. It kind of hints at how Scott can help in terms of time travel or quantum leaping or whatever is gonna happen happens. This was a decent teaser and I think it would be amazing for Marvel to just not give any giant details away in any of these upcoming trailers. It definitely would make the experience of seeing it in a theater even more exciting.

I loved that it focused on Iron Man and Cap. One is done for sure.

12-07-2018, 08:44 AM
I have to agree i quite like how this trailer doesn't give anything away, it's very bare bones but does keep us excited for what's going to be the turning point in current comic book movies. Hero's are going to die and have a big send off while the new class will be introduced. The restraint is impressive.

12-07-2018, 08:45 AM
My hyped hit the floor by the time ant man showed up and just had to completely ruin the moment. Wish marvel would chill on the lame humor once and a while.

”You’re a real fucking bummer.”

Conan The Barbarian
12-07-2018, 09:10 AM
”You’re a real fucking bummer.”

Lol don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to see it, but there are some high stakes here and plus I hate the ant man movies.

hologram parade
12-07-2018, 09:22 AM

12-07-2018, 12:25 PM
First thing I noticed in the trailer was the glaring callback to the first Iron Man when Tony is in the cave constructing the heavy suit to escape; clever girl you are Marvel.

Trailer was ok. As much as I adore the Ant-Man movies, I have to agree the end of the trailer felt out of place. But let's be real... We all knew Scott was getting out of the Quantum realm, so don't understand the spoiler backlash.

12-07-2018, 01:10 PM
Ronin~~I mean HAWKEYE!!!~~ I mean RONIN!!!

Cap is crying! Why is Cap crying? ( Bucky?)

And for those upset with the Ant-Man ending: Scott is hope (oh snap) when those who survive have none. You don't want Cap to cry again, do you?

Where's Rabbit and why isn't he out there looking for Tony?

Give me that movie right now, damn it!

12-07-2018, 01:18 PM
My hyped hit the floor by the time ant man showed up and just had to completely ruin the moment. Wish marvel would chill on the lame humor once and a while.

Except that Scott drives up with the van with the quantum tunnel in it that he got trapped in during the post-credits scene in AMAW and will likely be how the Avengers work to undo what Thanos did. It's a huge plot device hint, so Paul Rudd being his disarmingly charming self is a moot point, IMO.

I thought the trailer was great and gives us a great glimpse at the world post-Snappening, and I'm excited that they moved this a little closer for another April release!

Conan The Barbarian
12-07-2018, 01:19 PM
I just dont like the movie version of Antman.

Edit: I also didnt watch the sequel to Antman, so I have no idea about the van. Another reason why I think universe building is a double edged sword, I didnt want to see this movie and now I couldnt catch what you just said nor know what it means. And if it werent for leaked pics from on set, I wouldnt know what "Antman" role was going to be in this movie.