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06-26-2016, 10:03 PM
I need to see that episode again just to take everything in. Wow.

For real, though.

This was for me what Battle of the Bastards seemed to be for everybody else. This was like a condensed and perfect example of why I love this series. Amazing interconnecting character arcs and story lines, well-developed and laid out plotlines paying off beautifully, acting that's both subtle and commanding, unbelievably beautiful and cinematic in scope and scale visuals and settings, and, good Lord, that score -- that score was unbelievable. For a show that's always had wonderful music, that was a peak.

That whole episode felt like it was peaking. It could've ended on "Shame!" and I would've considered it a top 5 for me. Lena Heady had goddamned better get an Emmy for this role. The entire King's Landing story was, without a doubt, one of the most incredible and satisfying things of the entire and complete series. Cersei's church BBQ. Tommen's big scene -- that was so visually rich, and I was both gawking at the painting-like framing and visuals, the incredible colors and yet just feeling stunned by what was happening. That evil bell lady's comeuppance (I guess I DO support waterboarding after all, huh). All of that was utterly, unbelievably perfect. That was everything I wanted from her story line for ages now and it was done better than I ever anticipated it to be.

And that's not even getting into any of the other plot lines because they were just to numerous in their perfection to count. Lady Mormont needs to be president already. Kit Harrington has come into his own as an actor like never before. The shot of Peter and Sansa at the Weirwood was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on TV. Tyrion and Dany legitimately made me cry -- his face when she put that pin on him was, just, ugh. Amazing, amazing stuff. Amazing writing, beautiful imagery and cinematography that looked more like a major movie than anything I've ever seen on a TV, a score that's to die for and some of the most incredible pay-off I've ever seen. I could gush forever about it.

Conan The Barbarian
06-26-2016, 10:16 PM
Best episode of the series hands down. Holy shit

06-26-2016, 10:22 PM
Aside from Cersei, that was a whole lot of triumph. I got goosebumps like four times. You're going down, Cersei. All. The. Way. Down.

06-26-2016, 10:39 PM

06-26-2016, 10:48 PM
Aside from Cersei, that was a whole lot of triumph. I got goosebumps like four times. You're going down, Cersei. All. The. Way. Down.

Man, watching Cersei take down the High Sparrow as his follower's own fanaticism caused their own deaths by blocking the doors, condemning shame bell lady, losing the last of her children and in doing so losing both her only real weakness and her only real heart and becoming a strong and emotionally empty Mad Queen as her brother who she likely assumes will now be the one to fulfill the prophecy she was condemned to live out when she was just a little girl in the woods was about as narratively satisfying as anything in the entire series to me. She's endlessly interesting and constantly a catalyst for major plot and change and they seem to be going in the absolutely perfect direction with her.

Lena Heady is the greatest leading lady on television right now and the way they've had her character's arc develop has been pitch-perfect. The music throughout all of that first chunk was just unbelievable, the camera angles were amazing, the acting from everyone was wonderful. Natalie Dormer was fantastic as she cast aside the facade of the faith only too late. The candles on the wildfire was just so visually beautiful. That was amazing story telling and technical excellence all the way through. Loved it to death.

Oh and no one's brought it up yet -- Arya not only finally did something, but she did quite possibly the greatest thing she possibly could. I instantly forgot all of Braavos in those moments, and I actually almost expected her to show up at the dinner with Jaime when Walder mentioned the Starks and said "and where are they now?" That was just so well-done. The way this show has taken all the Stark children and made us both thrilled to see them do what they do and yet heartbroken watching them all get steeped in the darkness of the world around them is so expertly done. Sansa last week, Arya this week -- they're not little girls getting pet direwolves and playing with sticks and dolls anymore. The differences in their mutual ruthlessness are so well-done.

skip niklas
06-26-2016, 10:52 PM
I agree, but Sansa's still got some learning to do. If she were truly ruthless she'd have outed Littlefinger on murdering Lysa there in front of all the bannermen and taken his head after that look he gave her.

06-26-2016, 10:55 PM
I agree, but Sansa's still got some learning to do. If she were truly ruthless she'd have outed Littlefinger on murdering Lysa there in front of all the bannermen and taken his head after that look he gave her.

I cannot wait to see what's going to happen with him. Isn't that the first time he's flat-out told her the Iron Throne's his goal? And then suddenly the North after all their flirtations with Alzheimer's finally remembers thanks to the most kick-ass girl in the world, Ms. Mormont herself, and Jon's being hailed as a king, and she now realizes that that has to mean that he's now an enemy as far as Peter's concerned -- I'm so interested in how that's going to play out. It really seems like we're getting back into the thick of the politicking, manipulating, Machiavellian power schemes of the series again and that's why I fell in love to begin with so I am beyond excited.

06-26-2016, 11:13 PM
Arya shocked me and so did Margaery gtfoing. Glad so many things remain unpredictable!

The significance of the Tower of Joy absolutely did not come across whatsoever. There was zero link to Rhaegar reflected in this episode. It was rendered effectively pointless to split the scene the way they did. Even people who get into the show fresh and power through this season in a few days won't get it. Just... poorly done altogether.

And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?

06-26-2016, 11:20 PM
The scene where Tommens jumps to his death; the segue from baby Jon to still knows nothing Jon, King in The North, heir to the Iron Throne were absolutely breathtaking.

So was Creepy Psycho Arya Stark.

Ser Davos had me sobbing when he spoke of Shireen.

Lady Olenna has nothing left to lose so she will fight to annihilation.

Sansa said it best: anyone who trusts Littlefinger is a fool. It will be interesting to see if she will fall into that trap herself.

Oh the look on Sam's face when he saw all those books...

Dany's greatest feat: she gained Tyrion Lannister's absolute devotion. She's going to need her Hand... and Varys.

They only forgot to bring down the Wall but I'm sure that's going to be taken care of next season.

I love this show so much... that is until it gives me another reason to hate it again.

Can we just name Lyanna Mormont President of the World already?

06-26-2016, 11:24 PM
Arya shocked me and so did Margaery gtfoing. Glad so many things remain unpredictable!

The significance of the Tower of Joy absolutely did not come across whatsoever. There was zero link to Rhaegar reflected in this episode. It was rendered effectively pointless to split the scene the way they did. Even people who get into the show fresh and power through this season in a few days won't get it. Just... poorly done altogether.

And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?

I don't think they're done with Tower of Joy. After all, Jon doesn't know his true parentage yet. We didn't get to hear the full conversation between Ned and Lyanna but enough was gleamed to determine that the baby is Rhaegar's.

Also, Lady Olenna with the clapbacks at the Sand Snakes!

06-26-2016, 11:25 PM
@marodi (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=125) good lord Davos shaking and practically weeping with sorrow and rage as he spoke was about the most heartbreaking thing possible. I love that man so much.

@orestes (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4) watching Olenna Tyrell, Sassmaster of the 7 Kingdoms dish it out to them made all of Dorne so shockingly delightful. Her and Varys teaming up, they wouldn't even need an army to take people down, they just need some quills and a couple ravens to deliver their burns throughout the realm.

06-26-2016, 11:31 PM
Did anyone else notice the Martell and Tyrell banners amongst Dany's armada?

06-26-2016, 11:48 PM
Did anyone else notice the Martell and Tyrell banners amongst Dany's armada?

I'm like almost totally certain we're gonna see King's Landing invaded and when Cersei, now with nothing to gain or lose, knows she can't win, she'll go all Mad Queen and tell Qyburn to set off the wildfire caches in the city and saying "burn them all," causing Jaime to kill her as a younger queen flies in on the back of a dragon, fulfilling the prophecy entirely and giving meaning to Dany's vision of the Iron Throne with ash raining upon it.

Also how great is it that Cersei had Bran pushed out a window and now caused her last child to leap out a window?

Edit: MFW I come back home from the Riverlands


06-27-2016, 12:27 AM
need to watch 3 more times.

06-27-2016, 12:54 AM
And what the hell Varys! He can teleport now?He borrowed Littlefinger's magic ship. Duh.

bobbie solo
06-27-2016, 01:06 AM
I assume Dany is making her way to Dorn and will dock there for a little while, right?

skip niklas
06-27-2016, 01:29 AM
I'm like almost totally certain we're gonna see King's Landing invaded and when Cersei, now with nothing to gain or lose, knows she can't win, she'll go all Mad Queen and tell Qyburn to set off the wildfire caches in the city and saying "burn them all," causing Jaime to kill her as a younger queen flies in on the back of a dragon, fulfilling the prophecy entirely and giving meaning to Dany's vision of the Iron Throne with ash raining upon it.

Add in Arya taking down the Mountain and I'm right there with you.

06-27-2016, 01:37 AM
Add in Arya taking down the Mountain and I'm right there with you.

I'm sorry I want Cleganebowl too much to let that happen

It's still possible; it has to be!


06-27-2016, 02:56 AM
I've seen people comment that Varys can teleport around now.... I looked at the map. Mereen and Dorne are both in the south, Mereen is to the East. Why is it so unlikely that Danearys and company would leave Mereen with Greyjoy and company, and then stop off at Dorne, pick up the Dornish and that Varys would jump on the boat then, and that the fleet was actually leaving Dorne and heading to Westeros in that shot?

The only thing I'm unsure of is why they redacted part of the reveal about Jon's parents. Ok, so now we know conclusively who the mother is, and while I guess we'd just assume that Rhaegar is the dad, then why didn't they just say it? Why "bleep" that part out? Can anyone here read lips (it was removed from the closed captioning too).

But yeah, like everyone is saying, that might have been the best episode ever. Holy shit. I wonder how big the budget has been for these last two episodes? Huge 2 hour long Hollywood blockbusters that pull off anything close to that scope cost around 200 million dollars.

06-27-2016, 06:57 AM
The only thing I'm unsure of is why they redacted part of the reveal about Jon's parents. Ok, so now we know conclusively who the mother is, and while I guess we'd just assume that Rhaegar is the dad, then why didn't they just say it? Why "bleep" that part out? Can anyone here read lips (it was removed from the closed captioning too).

Yeah that was pretty lame that they didn't just come out and say it, why reveal one and not the other? Doesn't really matter though, Rhaegar all the way. The last 2 episodes were so insanely good. Watched Battle of the Bastards again before the finale, gonna watch this one again tonight. Next year can't get here soon enough! I've given up any hope of having the next book anytime soon.

06-27-2016, 07:26 AM
@kleiner352 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4417) Cersei's a great villain that I can't wait to see get what's coming to her. All of her children have died because of her desire for power. Did you see Jamie's face? Even he knows how bad this is.

Did anyone else get a Dune-ish "And how can this be? He IS the Kwisatz Haderach!" vibe during the Snow reveal?

06-27-2016, 08:21 AM
Yeah that was pretty lame that they didn't just come out and say it, why reveal one and not the other? Doesn't really matter though, Rhaegar all the way..

Unless it's not Rhaegar, and this is a total curveball. George RR loves this shit. He made that fan theory seem pretty obvious right? It was guessed a long time ago.

Martin is all about the red herring... I mean, look at this Black Fish character? Black Fish? Red Herring? A character that seems to be really important and powerful and is going to be a big deal in the larger story, but whoops, he'd dead and never mind.

And Rickon... who names his dire wolf "shaggy dog." That's a reference to a type of story that seems to go on and on and ultimately goes nowhere (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaggy_dog_story)

That's two... I'm sure there's dozens of hidden jokes he's planted in this thing for himself.

06-27-2016, 09:09 AM
That's true, it's possible, but I don't think it's the case. Anything's possible with Martin.

06-27-2016, 09:34 AM
Now that was some serious television right there.

The lone nitpick for me is still the aftershocks of the battle of the bastards, in building Ramsey up into this amazing military strategist who was absolutely grinding Jon's forces to meat until the timely arrival of the unplanned Knights of the Vale - this diminishes Jon significantly. Jon didn't win a battle of equals. He was beaten on every level by Ramsey, but got lucky that Sansa had a trick of her own.

As a result his elevation to "King in the North" seems forced and unearned.

Lady Mormont continues to be awesome though.

King's Landing was incredible start to finish, I was expecting a scene where Tommen or Jaime asks Cersi "what have you done..." alas - there will be time for that.

All that being said - Amazing episode.


Thoughts going forward - since book one it seemed like the path was set on some coalition of the seven kingdoms putting house Lannister to the sword, with Dany and her dragons playing a big role in that destruction.

Now I'm not so sure, I can see a thread where it makes more sense for Dany's forces to be re-routed to face the Night King and most of the action is focused there, meanwhile King's Landing slowly tears itself apart - both the books and the show have gone into some detail on how precarious their position is: they are in heavy debt to the iron bank, their strongest allies are dead or have been turned against them, winter is now here and I wonder about their food situation. Wildfire and the Mountain can only carry Cersi so far...


I also wonder if the show never dove into Lady Stoneheart, because that will be Arya's plot-line going forward, which seems to be off to a strong start.

06-27-2016, 10:14 AM
Unless it's not Rhaegar, and this is a total curveball. George RR loves this shit. He made that fan theory seem pretty obvious right? It was guessed a long time ago.

Martin is all about the red herring... I mean, look at this Black Fish character? Black Fish? Red Herring? A character that seems to be really important and powerful and is going to be a big deal in the larger story, but whoops, he'd dead and never mind.

Do we know that Martin had anything to do with this part of the show?

Amazing final two episodes to the season.

06-27-2016, 10:57 AM
Two killer episodes in a row. Hell, its been a killer season. Any concerns I had of them not going by the books have been dissuaded.

One thing, though: I don't think they showed Margery blowing up. Could she possibly have survived? Doubt it, but she was one of the more interesting characters to me and I thought she had another turn to play. Oh well.

06-27-2016, 11:48 AM
^ I don't think so, the High Sparrow's goons weren't letting anyone leave as far as I could tell.

06-27-2016, 02:11 PM
Whoever did Little Finger's hair this episode needs to be fired.

06-27-2016, 02:14 PM
Do we know that Martin had anything to do with this part of the show?

Amazing final two episodes to the season.

Not directly anymore, but as a contractual condition upon starting the show, the creators had Martin make an outline detailing where the major events would go and how things would more or less turn out.

06-27-2016, 02:52 PM
Two killer episodes in a row. Hell, its been a killer season. Any concerns I had of them not going by the books have been dissuaded.

One thing, though: I don't think they showed Margery blowing up. Could she possibly have survived? Doubt it, but she was one of the more interesting characters to me and I thought she had another turn to play. Oh well.

They showed her looking at the High Sparrow when he blows up, and the next shot is of the entire crowd around him being engulfed, followed by an exterior shot of the whole place blowing up.

I don't recall actually seeing her body go up, but....I mean, even in the "you didn't actually witness them die" world of GoT twists, there's just no fucking way anyone standing in that hall survived.

06-27-2016, 04:11 PM
Did anyone else get a Dune-ish "And how can this be? He IS the Kwisatz Haderach!" vibe during the Snow reveal?

Oh hell YEAH! And now that I think of it: the actress playing Lady Mormont looks a little like Alicia Witt did as Alia. :D

And Tommen falling reminded me of the scene in Bran Stoker's Dracula where Vlad's wife, Elisabeta, also leaps to her death.

I think we (as viewers) are absolutely justified in believing that Rhaegar Targaryen is indeed Jon Snow's father. We clearly hear Lyanna say "if Robert finds out he'll kill him" (at least I clearly heard it). Why would Robert Baratheon want to kill her child if his father was someone else than Rhaegar? It's Rhaegar's children that are also killed by the Mountain.

That being said: it's really hard to think of Jon as a Targaryen. He's so much Stark to begin with. And in hindsight we get to appreciate just how noble Ned was and how much honor meant to him. He kept his promise despite knowing how much it would hurt his beloved wife but then again, had he told her the truth, she might not have treated Jon so poorly which may have seem a bit weird to some. Ned meant to tell the truth only to Jon.

I'm wondering if Sam isn't meant to find something in the Oldtown library hinting at Jon's true parentage.

I think Arya is going to kill Mad Cercei. She is on her list after all. I don't remember who else remains on that list beside Cercei and FrankenMountain.

@kleiner352 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4417) I agree 100%: we must have the CleganeBowl!

skip niklas
06-27-2016, 07:50 PM
I'm sorry I want Cleganebowl too much to let that happen

It's still possible; it has to be!

I'd love to see Cleganebowl, too, but they've been hinting at Arya since the end of last season. Maybe she and the Hound will reunite, or she'll be there watching with a different face, and end up playing a role, but she'll definitely have a hand in his death. He and Cersei are the only one's left on her list, and Cersei belongs to Jamie.

Edit: As for the ToJ, the only thing I can think of is that Jon Snow isn't his true name and we'll find out his true, royal Targaryen name, when Bran returns to Winterfell next season.

06-27-2016, 07:58 PM
I'm fully expecting an Arya/Hound/Melisandre reunion next season.

Also, obsessed right now with the score for the whole Sept sequence. Also, Margaery is gone - see Oleanna stating that the Tyrells in the sept were all dead. Speaking of which, aren't there other Tyrells from earlier seasons? Didn't Oleanna have a bunch of granddaughters hanging around her King's Landing betrayal garden?

06-27-2016, 08:37 PM
Yes, she did.

06-27-2016, 10:06 PM
His name is Azon" whispers Lyanna to her brother. Ned renames him Jon to simplify. Sam learns about the legend of Azor Ahai in the Citadel and journeys to tell Jon about it in the North. He's captured by the Brotherhood of Banners. Cersei, trapped and faced against impossible odds, teams up with Euron Greyjoy with the promise of marriage. Euron has the dragon's horn, picked up during his travels, and can control dragons. Daenerys and her army actually start losing when the dragons turn on them. Tyrion, Varys and Greyworm sneak into King's Landing to steal the horn. They destroy the horn but Tyrion is captured in the process, Varys dies, Greyworm escapes. Cersei is about to kill Tyrion as Daenerys' armies turn the tide. Jamie intervenes on Tyrion's behalf. Holding her sister down with his wooden hand, he strangles her with his remaining good hand and kills his sister. Meanwhile, Littlefinger plots against Jon Snow, Sansa plays along. Arya surreptitiously finds out that Littlefinger betrayed her father and adds him to the list. In the end, Arya kills him with Sansa's help. The disciple becomes the master. The Mountain is on the run with the Lannister army faces off against the Brotherhood of Banners. The Hound finally kills his brother, one on one. Daenarys' victory is short-lived as the Wall falls. (end of season 7). Bran wargs and tells Daenarys that her nephew is Jon Snow, King in the North and that she must die for the 7 Kingdoms to live. Jon learns of the legend of Azor Ahai and is confirmed by Sam and Milisandre (who has joined up with the Brotherhood). With the Night King's undead army winning, Jon reforges a Valyrian sword and with her consent, plunges it into Daenarys' heart, killing her and creating the Lightbringer sword of legend. The Night King falls eventually, Jon takes the Iron Throne.Tyrion becomes the Hand of the King. Sansa becomes Queen in the North with Arya by her side. Bran starts rebuilding the wall and a new Night Watch is created. (end of Game of Thrones).

Of course this is just ridiculous speculation, but this is what this show does to my brain and I fucking love it. These last two episodes showcased how unbelievably superior shows like this can be next to the crap that gets shelved out in Hollywood. The score for this episode was fantastic and had me watered up. Time to go ice my brain and lower the swelling ;).

Mr. Blaileen
06-27-2016, 10:18 PM
Miguel Sapochnik just needs to go ahead and direct the rest of Game of Thrones. He brings a cinematic quality to the show and all three of his episodes are easily within the top ten of the series.

06-28-2016, 07:42 AM
They showed her looking at the High Sparrow when he blows up, and the next shot is of the entire crowd around him being engulfed, followed by an exterior shot of the whole place blowing up.

I don't recall actually seeing her body go up, but....I mean, even in the "you didn't actually witness them die" world of GoT twists, there's just no fucking way anyone standing in that hall survived.
Yeah, it was probably just wishful thinking on my part. I like me some Margaery *sniff*.

06-28-2016, 10:41 AM
Like father, like daughter. (http://komrukru.tumblr.com/post/146567794689/lannisters-outfits-610-307-requested-by-anon)

06-28-2016, 10:43 AM
Like father, like daughter. (http://komrukru.tumblr.com/post/146567794689/lannisters-outfits-610-307-requested-by-anon)

That outfit was amazing. Love her armored shoulders when she takes the throne.
ETA: http://trib.al/DhtawXu

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-28-2016, 12:11 PM
this bitch has to die next episode, right? RIGHT?


According to Lena Headey, the screenplay was originally much more disturbing and awful/graphic... " The scene was meant to be worse, but they couldn’t do it. This is like the tame version. It’s pretty bad still though. I’d take being exploded in the Sept over that any day."

I personally thought it was really disturbing with the power of suggestion, but it seems like some people are letting their imaginations run wild to the point where they're offended. Some people seem to be convinced that the scene implied sexual violence and rape... Maybe it's people who have been looking for another instance to justify their outrage. Even if it had clearly implied that the Mountain was going to rape her to death, it's not gratuitously depicted nor glorified, and at a certain level I don't think I'd want to imagine the many ways Cersei had instructed the Mountain to handle her. I'm sure it's whatever she felt was the worst thing she could imagine that could be dragged out for the longest period of time.

Still, some people seem to think the way Cersei was touching her and the fact that mountain took off his helmet was spelling it out. Sometimes I can't tell if trolls have truly taken control of the ship, or if a significant number of people are really upset about the things they claim to be upset about.

All the same, I do really want to know what was in the original screenplay. Now I'm assuming we'll never know.

06-28-2016, 02:50 PM
I'm just gonna say it: I'm not convinced that R+L=J has been confirmed.

I mean, it's 99.9% likely that it has been. They went reaaaaaaaaal heavy on the insinuation in the finale. But they've also shown people who should be dead suddenly come back to life, and people who literally ARE dead come back to life.

So I'm just going to put it out there: it might not be what everyone thinks it is. And no, I don't have an alternative theory that makes more sense. I'm just always skeptical of things in this series, and they never outright SAID anything at all about Jon's lineage in this episode.

06-28-2016, 02:59 PM
I'm confused: isn't season 7 supposed to be the last?

06-28-2016, 03:05 PM
No, season 8.

bobbie solo
06-28-2016, 03:26 PM
I personally thought it was really disturbing with the power of suggestion, but it seems like some people are letting their imaginations run wild to the point where they're offended. Some people seem to be convinced that the scene implied sexual violence and rape... Maybe it's people who have been looking for another instance to justify their outrage. Even if it had clearly implied that the Mountain was going to rape her to death, it's not gratuitously depicted nor glorified, and at a certain level I don't think I'd want to imagine the many ways Cersei had instructed the Mountain to handle her. I'm sure it's whatever she felt was the worst thing she could imagine that could be dragged out for the longest period of time.

Still, some people seem to think the way Cersei was touching her and the fact that mountain took off his helmet was spelling it out. Sometimes I can't tell if trolls have truly taken control of the ship, or if a significant number of people are really upset about the things they claim to be upset about.

who cares? anyone on the internet who expresses false outrage over actual, or potentially implied, fictional actions in a fictional show is a grade A loser and their opinion is zilch.

06-28-2016, 04:37 PM
who cares? anyone on the internet who expresses false outrage over actual, or potentially implied, fictional actions in a fictional show is a grade A loser and their opinion is zilch.

...except that fictional scenarios can often be a source of influence for very real means of thinking about the actual world we live in. There is a difference, and I'm generally not offended by fictitious worlds that are not written as a parallel to our own. But to dismiss any and every fictitious scenario as harmless and nothing to be offended about is careless thinking.

06-28-2016, 10:05 PM
Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?

06-28-2016, 11:32 PM
Saw this on another forum and I just had to share:


06-28-2016, 11:50 PM
so split extended 7th season with a 7ep then 6ep break up, then a movie to top it off?

06-29-2016, 12:55 AM
Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?

He'll have Bran mind-zap him into finding the scroll that identifies that Jon is the legitimate heir to the throne. Then he'll be relevant.

06-29-2016, 06:36 AM
so split extended 7th season with a 7ep then 6ep break up, then a movie to top it off?

I believe it's just a 7 episode season 7 and 6 episode season 8. Haven't heard anything about a movie.

Also, the infographic in this blog seems to confirm Rhaegar

06-29-2016, 07:04 AM
Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?

Like Dany?

Samwell: "I'm working really goddamn hard to educate myself, raise a family, and be a good person. Plus I totally stuck it to my dickbag father."

bobbie solo
06-29-2016, 09:37 AM
...except that fictional scenarios can often be a source of influence for very real means of thinking about the actual world we live in. There is a difference, and I'm generally not offended by fictitious worlds that are not written as a parallel to our own. But to dismiss any and every fictitious scenario as harmless and nothing to be offended about is careless thinking.

nah. you're wrong.

06-29-2016, 09:51 AM
Also, the infographic in this blog seems to confirm Rhaegar

Good find! That's official, then. The episode itself did shitall to make that clear, though; it was just used to prop Ned up as a REAL NICE GUY (because we didn't already know that).

06-29-2016, 10:02 AM
Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.

06-29-2016, 10:25 AM
Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.

I don't really get it either. Was having a discussion with a couple of my friends, both of whom have read the books, and they both think he's Robert's son. That would make no god damn sense and I have no idea why they think that. It's never been hinted at once. Looking for things that aren't there I guess. But these are also two people who think The Walking Dead is practically the best show on TV and is written flawlessly.

06-29-2016, 10:34 AM
Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.

I think so to an extent. While I was onto that breadcrumb trail, I haven't read the books so the show runners choosing to not just let us hear everything Lyanna was telling Ned made me think maybe Rhaeger as the father is a swerve.

At no point did I think Jon was Robert's son, though.

06-29-2016, 01:05 PM
Robert Baratheon is Jon's father, wow. These Reddit theories are getting crazier!

06-29-2016, 02:15 PM
Maybe I'm seeing this as a book reader but I don't understand where the confusion lies. The show has been laying out breadcrumbs over the past two seasons, establishing Lyanna and Rhaegar's history.

For what it's worth, I'm not confused - it all makes sense. I'm just not sold without the show explicitly saying it, because they have a rich history of going "you thought wrong" about implied things.

06-29-2016, 02:16 PM
For what it's worth, I'm not confused - it all makes sense. I'm just not sold without the show explicitly saying it, because they have a rich history of going "you thought wrong" about implied things.

The show didn't say it but HBO did in that infographic from the official blog I linked, whether they realized they were doing it or not. I think they might not have come right out and said it in the show because most people already figured that was the case. What they did in the show was confirmation enough for me.

06-29-2016, 08:56 PM

Mr. Blaileen
06-29-2016, 10:12 PM
Great season, but is there a more useless character than Samwell Tarly?

I'm thinking/hoping he'll do something important before the end of the series. That's my guess as there's no other reason to include him in the show at all anymore. Could be something he reads in that library about Wights/White Walkers that allows humanity to win that eventual battle. Something'll have to happen with that badass sword he stole as well.

Could be wishful thinking, though.

06-29-2016, 10:29 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpf4iLJyaxMThat's debatable. (https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/4066zb/spoilers_all_detailed_line_of_succession_for_the/)

06-29-2016, 11:30 PM
I know nobody cares about Jorah but i hope we get to see him find his cure.

06-30-2016, 11:38 AM
I know nobody cares about Jorah but i hope we get to see him find his cure.

I care about Jorah. I hope he'll find his cure and I want to see him reunited with his formidable niece! Lady Mormont is his niece, right?

Family trees are so complicated on this show.

That's debatable. (https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/4066zb/spoilers_all_detailed_line_of_succession_for_the/)

As it's pointed out in the comments, there is the possibility that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, as there was at least one case of polygamy in the Targaryen line. Show wise, for now, Dany is the direct heir to the Iron Throne but if (and this is part of my theory) Sam finds evidence in the library of Oldtown of Rhaegar and Lyanna not only being married but having a son, then it would put Jon ahead of Dany as heir.

I believe Sam will stumble upon this while searching about the White Walkers, in my head canon anyway.

06-30-2016, 12:18 PM
I know nobody cares about Jorah but i hope we get to see him find his cure.

I was hoping there'd be a shot of the fleet journey past Valyria and they'd find a greyscale corpse with Jorah's clothes, but alas, it seems they already reached Sunspear in the last scene.

07-01-2016, 08:01 AM
There was a montage in one of the episodes where Bran was experiencing scenes from some of his time leaps, and one of them was of the mad king on the throne saying "Burn them all". They never showed the full scene, but the way he said that was creepy as hell. I hope we get to see the whole thing, maybe next season. The creators said there were some Bran visions that got left out, but I'm hoping they put em in later.

07-01-2016, 11:16 PM
Miguel Sapochnik not returning for season seven (http://www.thegrumpyfish.com/battle-bastardswinds-winter-director-not-returning-season-7/). LAME.

07-02-2016, 04:29 PM
According to Lena Headey, the screenplay was originally much more disturbing and awful/graphic... " The scene was meant to be worse, but they couldn’t do it. This is like the tame version. It’s pretty bad still though. I’d take being exploded in the Sept over that any day."

Some people seem to be convinced that the scene implied sexual violence and rape... Maybe it's people who have been looking for another instance to justify their outrage.
Still, some people seem to think the way Cersei was touching her and the fact that mountain took off his helmet was spelling it out. Sometimes I can't tell if trolls have truly taken control of the ship, or if a significant number of people are really upset about the things they claim to be upset about.

Yeah, dude, that didn't even cross my mind, the raping, nor did it cross the minds of anyone who lives with me, as no one mentioned it.
I GUESS it could be, i don't know...no, no it WASN'T implied. I really don't think that it was at all. Strange how a desensitized society could be so "sensitive" and like, see such things where they most likely aren't.
Why watch a show full of objectification and violence anyway, if it's going to disturb you?

07-02-2016, 05:32 PM
I've actually been really glad that this season has been so short on the sexposition and misogyny that's pervaded the other years of the show. The two notable tits-out scenes felt necessary to the story and not just there to keep the lowest common denominator focused.

If Lena's right about how that scene with the Mountain was written, it seems this switch is a deliberate production decision - maybe someone in power felt they'd gone one controversy too far. I think the show's a lot better for it, anyway.

07-06-2016, 06:17 AM
Finally! I'm all caught up. I can finally start reading this thread. Season 5 and 6 were definitely the best ones for me.
I think I might have to re-watch the whole thing again because I feel like I missed so many details the first time around.

skip niklas
07-06-2016, 08:03 PM
That's bad news, bears. So maybe mid-to late summer for next season? Held back for fall 2017? Either way, I want it sooner not later.

07-18-2016, 02:48 PM
Looks that, while no official date has been announced, HBO has confirmed that GoT will be delayed a bit until 'Summer 2017' with 7 episodes.

03-09-2017, 02:13 PM
Fear is for the Winter


03-09-2017, 02:20 PM
Booooo @ the later start date.

03-09-2017, 03:00 PM
They also released a teaser trailer:


03-09-2017, 03:04 PM
Booooo @ the later start date.

A man has no patience.

Booo at the shorter season!

edit: the sigils tease means that all the great Houses die and Lady Mormont gets the Iron Throne.

Space Suicide
03-12-2017, 05:21 PM
WTF (http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/12/game-of-thrones-season-7-ed-sheeran/)

03-13-2017, 09:48 AM
WTF (http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/12/game-of-thrones-season-7-ed-sheeran/)

Ugh. Just coming to post about that. I can only hope he dies horrifically on screen.

03-13-2017, 02:53 PM
Ugh. Just coming to post about that. I can only hope he dies horrifically on screen.


03-13-2017, 10:52 PM
What's the big deal guys? He'll probably have a minor background role as a bard or something.

03-14-2017, 09:38 AM
At least it's not Bono.

03-14-2017, 04:57 PM
What's the problem? They already had Sigur Rós, Mastodon, Coldplay's drummer and some other pop musicians in cameos.

03-14-2017, 06:27 PM
What's the problem? They already had Sigur Rós, Mastodon, Coldplay's drummer and some other pop musicians in cameos.

Yeah but Ed Sheerhan is a chode.

03-15-2017, 01:39 PM
With everything that's going on in the series (that we don't know about because GRRM is an uber procrastinator) I bet we won't notice Sheeran. But it would be fun if Arya got to kill him!

A girl has no favorite.

03-30-2017, 02:45 PM
http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/03/30/new_game_of_thrones_season_7_trailer_shows_cersei_ taking_the_iron_throne.html?utm_content=inf_11_264 1_2&wpsrc=socialedge&tse_id=INF_74693ed0157911e79289519acc179544
New trailer!

03-30-2017, 05:46 PM
Any ideas where Daenerys is? Dragonstone maybe?

03-30-2017, 06:28 PM
What's the problem? They already had Sigur Rós, Mastodon, Coldplay's drummer and some other pop musicians in cameos.

Right. And I absolutely loved seeing Sigur Ros on there. Hell, I'm buying tickets tomorrow to see Greyworm's (Jacob Anderson, or "Raleigh Ritchie") concert in Chicago the day before my birthday, love that guy. But Ed Sheeran...I'll pass. There may be a day I want to give the guy a chance, but today is not that day.

05-23-2017, 04:58 PM

Someone remind me... Is it okay to post spoilery pics even if they've been released to media outlets? Or just links to them?

05-24-2017, 02:00 AM
from Entertainment Weekly (http://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-season-7-exclusive-new-photos/dracarys-daenerys-emilia-clarke-dragons-are-enormous-in-season-7-and-ready-for-war-in-this-jaw-dropping-first-look-battle-image-more-exclusive-new-photos-ahead/):


05-24-2017, 12:13 PM
New trailer!


05-25-2017, 08:34 PM
Entertainment Weekly just dropped a shitload of new pics (http://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-starks-photos/sophie-turner-isaac-hempstead-wright-kit-harington-and-maisie-williams-the-starks-are-together-again).

06-02-2017, 09:12 PM
The final season of Game of Thrones may not come until 2019 (http://theplaylist.net/2019-final-season-game-thrones-20170602/)

I believe I'm speaking for a majority of viewers by saying FUCK THAT SHIT.

bobbie solo
06-03-2017, 12:45 AM
That's bullshit. it should take THAT long to write, film & edit that few episodes.

06-21-2017, 01:54 PM

holywhatthewhatthewhatwasthatwasthattheflamingswor dshututlittlefingeromggendryfinallystoppedrowingDR AGONSEVERYWHERE!!!!

06-21-2017, 01:59 PM
The final season of Game of Thrones may not come until 2019 (http://theplaylist.net/2019-final-season-game-thrones-20170602/)

I believe I'm speaking for a majority of viewers by saying FUCK THAT SHIT.

Maybe every episode runs 2 hours!

06-24-2017, 05:46 PM

07-07-2017, 04:29 AM
Maybe every episode runs 2 hours!


[...] and at this weekend’s Con of Thrones, sound designer Paula Fairfield told the crowd that the Powers That Be might make all six episodes of Season 8 feature-length. [...] While most episodes in Season 7 will otherwise stick to around 59 minutes, the following season may consist of, essentially, six movie-long episodes—i.e., 80 minutes or longer.
Source: http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/07/game-of-thrones-season-8-feature-length-episodes

07-16-2017, 08:10 PM
Now that was one hell of an opening scene...

07-16-2017, 09:32 PM
Good opener. Setting things up, nothing spectacular, ready for the ride!

07-16-2017, 09:35 PM
Nothing spectacular? Aria brought the (Frey) house down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Conan The Barbarian
07-16-2017, 09:51 PM
Ok. I think they fucked up. This isn't anything spoiler.

Wun Wun was walking with the walkers. How is that possible since he died in winter fell, south of the wall. With Jon and crew knowing to burn the dead.

Was it a nod to the character? Or just a total fuck up because that makes no sense.

07-16-2017, 10:45 PM
when we reach five plodding uselessnepisodes between these two seasons we will know that one of them I'd an actual waste.

one down, four to go

07-16-2017, 10:53 PM
Ok. I think they fucked up. This isn't anything spoiler.

Wun Wun was walking with the walkers. How is that possible since he died in winter fell, south of the wall. With Jon and crew knowing to burn the dead.

Was it a nod to the character? Or just a total fuck up because that makes no sense.

I don't think it was him, just another giant. I'm guessing the camera lingering on him is just to make the audience go "Oh fuck, the white walkers have GIANTS too?!"

07-16-2017, 10:54 PM
when we reach five plodding uselessnepisodes between these two seasons we will know that one of them I'd an actual waste.

one down, four to go
What you mean four to go? There are seven episodes this season. We have six to go.

bobbie solo
07-16-2017, 11:01 PM
Ok. I think they fucked up. This isn't anything spoiler.

Wun Wun was walking with the walkers. How is that possible since he died in winter fell, south of the wall. With Jon and crew knowing to burn the dead.

Was it a nod to the character? Or just a total fuck up because that makes no sense.

How are you sure it was Wun Wun? I thought it could have just been one of the other giants that died earlier in the series. No?

Conan The Barbarian
07-16-2017, 11:04 PM
How are you sure it was Wun Wun? I thought it could have just been one of the other giants that died earlier in the series. No?

That's what I'm asking. It looked like him since he was missing the same eye Ramsey shot off. And that giant looked similar to him.

07-17-2017, 12:29 AM
What you mean four to go? There are seven episodes this season. We have six to go.

I was wrong, between the two episodes, it's 3 episodes in excess of a regular season. so it's one down, three to go.

this episode I think spent a lot of time doing nothing, and when I see split sEason like this guess it makes it extra irritating when time is wasted

07-17-2017, 01:33 AM
How are you sure it was Wun Wun? I thought it could have just been one of the other giants that died earlier in the series. No? How do you spoiler tag an image? There's a gif of the wight giant and it's definitely Wun Wun.

07-17-2017, 06:33 AM
Loved the episode. Arya kicking some ass, Jon starting to plan the defenses, so great to see Dany finally arrive in Westeros. I had trouble giving any shits about Cersie's scenes, really don't care about her anymore.

07-17-2017, 07:00 AM
It broke my heart to hear ser Jorah..

Also, I need Itzurun beach in my life.

07-17-2017, 03:21 PM
How do you spoiler tag an image? There's a gif of the wight giant and it's definitely Wun Wun.

It's really sad. Poor Wun Wun. But during the that whole scene I was thinking "please don't show Hodor; please please please please please."

Arya the mass murderess is creeping me out a bit. Ser Jorah was heartbreaking. Briemund forever. Sam's montage was disgusting and hilarious. And really disgusting.

But what about that Hound heh? We definitely need more Hound.

And next week: Nymeria, is that really you?

07-17-2017, 03:35 PM
That's what I'm asking. It looked like him since he was missing the same eye Ramsey shot off. And that giant looked similar to him.
But Ramsey shot an arrow into his RIGHT eye (on the viewer's left), and the giant marching with the walkers in the beginning of this episode is missing the opposite eye (his LEFT eye), while his right eye is glowing blue.

07-17-2017, 09:01 PM
Nothing spectacular? Aria brought the (Frey) house down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea, besides that and some "Oooo White Walkers...walking, Dragons flying!" it wasn't anything, well.. spectacular.

I will say the location Sam found out about concerning the Dragonglass was intriguing.

07-18-2017, 03:25 AM
Vengeance on the Freys is something we've been waiting 4 years for, and Daenerys arriving in Westeros has been awaited since the first season. Pretty freaking huge episode as far as I'm concerned.

07-18-2017, 05:33 PM
Vengeance on the Freys is something we've been waiting 4 years for, and Daenerys arriving in Westeros has been awaited since the first season. Pretty freaking huge episode as far as I'm concerned.

Like I said.... oh fuck it. Great episode!!!

07-23-2017, 09:06 PM
That battle at the end was insane. Loved it.

Feels over Nymeria.

07-24-2017, 12:34 AM
Had my first "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screams of disbelief tonight. *sniffs*

Also, there goes Theon's "redemption." :D

bobbie solo
07-24-2017, 03:20 PM
Nah. imo Theon was playing the long game there. He saw no way to actually win there, so he let them think he was too afraid and bailed, living to fight another day. He will save Yara.

As far as Nimeria, I was confused by Aria's "that's not you" comment. I took it as her saying out loud what SHE thought her direwolf was thinking ABOUT Aria. Am I wrong?

07-24-2017, 03:46 PM
As far as Nimeria, I was confused by Aria's "that's not you" comment. I took it as her saying out loud what SHE thought her direwolf was thinking ABOUT Aria. Am I wrong?

"That's not you" could be a call back to the conversation Arya had with Ned where she says "That's not me"

07-25-2017, 09:20 PM
"That's not you" could be a call back to the conversation Arya had with Ned where she says "That's not me"

That was confirmed by the showrunners after the episode. I didn't think it was openly apparent.

This season has been all about table-setting so far. I think shit will hit the fan soon enough. With the shortened seasons, I think we will see more episodes where the plot moves along a little quicker. I was actually surprised the by the restraint shown in the first 2 episodes so far.

bobbie solo
07-25-2017, 11:53 PM
That was confirmed by the showrunners after the episode. I didn't think it was openly apparent.

This season has been all about table-setting so far. I think shit will hit the fan soon enough. With the shortened seasons, I think we will see more episodes where the plot moves along a little quicker. I was actually surprised the by the restraint shown in the first 2 episodes so far.

your point is valid overall, but I did think some shit hit the fan...part. at the end, no?

07-27-2017, 09:13 PM
Just spent two hours spoiling the rest of the season for myself. Sigh.

bobbie solo
07-27-2017, 11:13 PM
Just spent two hours spoiling the rest of the season for myself. Sigh.

as in, leaked info from the set, etc?

07-28-2017, 04:34 AM
as in, leaked info from the set, etc?
Online. They're legit. Someone got access to the shooting scripts.

07-28-2017, 06:17 PM
Online. They're legit. Someone got access to the shooting scripts.

Please PM me the link. I love spoilers! I'm dead serious too. Spoil me!

Okay that sounded a bit dirty.

07-29-2017, 02:16 PM
Anyone else have a mini heart attack with the closing shot of the bodies after that mother of all cockblocks?? "foreign invasion" - genuinely laughed out loud alone for a long time.

07-30-2017, 08:23 PM
"Ooooh noooo! What a twat."

07-31-2017, 06:10 AM

I simultaneously love and loathe Euron.

08-01-2017, 01:43 AM
I simultaneously love and loathe Euron.I do wish they'd style him less Generic Emo Band Wearing Lip Service though.

08-01-2017, 07:20 PM
I do wish they'd style him less Generic Emo Band Wearing Lip Service though.
"A finger in the bum?!"

08-01-2017, 08:43 PM
I hope I'm not alone in not enjoying this season so far. I feel very underwhelmed.

08-01-2017, 08:50 PM
I hope I'm not alone in not enjoying this season so far. I feel very underwhelmed.
The pacing feels off to me. It's also weird that it feels that Tyrion has become somewhat of a background character.

08-01-2017, 09:20 PM
I hope I'm not alone in not enjoying this season so far. I feel very underwhelmed.

I don't agree. It started off a bit slow (which is not bad in and of itself), but last episode was pretty damn solid in all kinds of ways. Easily one of the best in the series. Things are pretty well set up for the final clash(es). I'm optimistic.

It's also weird that it feels that Tyrion has become somewhat of a background character.

It's kind of inevitable that he would lose the spotlight, in the sense that no one character is hogging the spotlight anymore. All (well most) of the characters have their stories and motivations fleshed out after several seasons and now they're mostly there to move the story forward. And in the last episode I would not say Tyrion was in the background, he was definitely crucial to the successful compromise that was brokered. And had a good amount of banter going.

08-02-2017, 06:47 PM
For me, the season is just good. Feels like it is kind of on autopilot, but I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. That scene with Olenna and Jaime was so well put together with Olenna getting the last laugh in that conversation. Great episode in my opinion.

08-03-2017, 01:44 AM
So many great quotes from this episode.

My favorite exchanged between Danaerys and Jon:

J: You've been talking to Tyrion.
D: He is my Hand.
J: He enjoys talking.
D: We all enjoy what we're good at.
J: I don't.

08-04-2017, 12:00 PM
Episode 4 has leaked (albeit in 360p).

08-04-2017, 12:22 PM
Eh, I'll wait until Sunday.

08-04-2017, 01:23 PM
This may go without saying, but -

If you've seen this weekend's episode already, don't talk about it until it has aired.

Muchos gracias.

08-04-2017, 03:15 PM
I watched it - I'd recommend holding out. Meh quality and there's a very distracting timecode bar that runs throughout.

08-04-2017, 11:35 PM
Watched it twice. I'll still watch it Sunday, though. And if any other episodes leak, I'll probably hold off.

08-05-2017, 02:34 AM
I watched it and will probably watch it about 3 more times :D

bobbie solo
08-05-2017, 11:06 PM
I wouldn't hold out if your only concern is quality. Everything is watchable and only one scene is too dark at that 360p quality level. I will be watching again at 1080p on HBO anyway.

GREAT episode. Wow. I think you will all be pleased.

08-06-2017, 09:03 PM

08-06-2017, 09:07 PM
I waited. It was worth it. Holy shit.

08-06-2017, 09:13 PM
I waited. It was worth it. Holy shit.

Agreed. Possibly my favorite episode ever. So good. I'm just glad a dragon didn't die. I was terrified of it happening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Conan The Barbarian
08-06-2017, 09:15 PM
Great episode. I wasn't expecting that third act.

08-06-2017, 09:17 PM
It definitely lived up to all the hype throughout the week. The wait made it so much better.

08-06-2017, 09:30 PM
Am I the only one who's starting to really hate Bran?

" -Who taught you that?
-No one."

08-06-2017, 09:31 PM
Am I the only one who's starting to really hate Bran?

" -Who taught you that?
-No one."

Bran is dead.

08-06-2017, 09:37 PM
Then, I'll hate his 3 eyes. Heartless little... ugh!

08-06-2017, 09:38 PM
Sometimes I think I could . . . . . . .


08-06-2017, 09:52 PM
Am I the only one who's starting to really hate Bran?

" -Who taught you that?
-No one."
i complain about this every episode. annoying af since hodor died. but i do like him giving the dagger to arya.

08-06-2017, 09:58 PM
Sometimes I think I could . . . . . . .

I'm picturing a montage with her on the dragon. it's perfect. She's IS the angel of their destruction.

08-06-2017, 10:54 PM
I'm picturing a montage with her on the dragon. it's perfect. She's IS the angel of their destruction.

An their future swallowed up in fire.

bobbie solo
08-07-2017, 12:29 AM
I think they want us to hate Bran now, making whatever great thing he does or says to help our heroes later even sweeter. They wouldn't have included that scene of him being so cruel to Meera otherwise.

Arya incorporating all of the various fighting styles she's learned into her sparring with Brianna was amazing!

Love how the dragon attack on Jamie's soldiers was NOT predictable. I was hype...edge of the seat. Bron is still the fucking man btw.

A+ episode.

Harry Seaward
08-07-2017, 01:04 AM
I am forgiven, I am free, I am a field on FIRE

Mr. Blaileen
08-07-2017, 01:32 AM
Hot damn. (pun intended) Shortest episode yet, but they certainly made up for it, holy fuck. Doesn't get much more metal than a screaming horde of Dothraki and a giant fire-breathing dragon bearing down on a terrified Lannister army.

Some minor gripes regarding Littlefinger and Bran, but whatever.

Overall, good shit.

08-07-2017, 02:05 AM

08-07-2017, 07:30 AM
And now you all understand why I told you all to wait for HD.

My favourite part was Bronn's cackling at "Dickon" and Littlefinger's "Fuuuuuuck" look throughout the episode. All his planning's gone up in smoke.

08-07-2017, 10:50 AM
Amazing episode. Jamie and Bronn can do no wrong in my eyes. I am, however, tired of Goth Bran. Go be tied to a tree you little shit.

08-07-2017, 11:41 AM
i complain about this every episode. annoying af since hodor died. but i do like him giving the dagger to arya.

Three Eyed Bran is becoming Littlefinger. He knows what Arya will do with the dagger.

And now you all understand why I told you all to wait for HD.

My favourite part was Bronn's cackling at "Dickon" and Littlefinger's "Fuuuuuuck" look throughout the episode. All his planning's gone up in smoke.

Yeah, Littlefinger's face when Bran threw "Chaos is a ladder" at him was priceless. Him watching Arya fight with the dagger was the cherry on top of everything. Littlefinger now looks at Bran and thinks "Shit; I'm doomed" but I believe that Varys would love Bran: he is the ultimate little bird.

I'm so in love with Ser Bronn of the Blackwater; he has been one of the very few consistent characters of the series. He always says what he thinks; he makes it clear he's in this if there is something for him in return and he can be relied on. Jamie's better be really grateful to him after what he did for him.

And Mark Gatiss is always a treat to watch.

08-07-2017, 12:21 PM
I'm so in love with Ser Bronn of the Blackwater; he has been one of the very few consistent characters of the series. He always says what he thinks; he makes it clear he's in this if there is something for him in return and he can be relied on. Jamie's better be really grateful to him after what he did for him..

I think he's dead...

...but I have a theory The actor will still be in the show for a bit longer, but he is no one, and he's intending to check a name off a list

08-07-2017, 12:22 PM
Is anyone still wondering what the catch is regarding Jon Snow having come back to life?

bobbie solo
08-07-2017, 12:33 PM

08-07-2017, 01:11 PM
If Battle of the Bastards was Game of Thrones' battle of Helm's Deep, the caravan assault felt like its Pelennor Fields. Y'know, the former being a gritty, sweaty and immersive near-last stand, and the latter being the epic, edge-of-seat full-fantasy fucktacular. Amazing.

I also love that we're now at 3 out of 4 episodes for battle scenes in this season, with the only exception opening with a mass poisoning. I'm not sure if there's ever been so little distinction between the production quality offered by film and television.

08-07-2017, 01:21 PM
Three Eyed Bran is becoming Littlefinger. He knows what Arya will do with the dagger.

Yeah, Littlefinger's face when Bran threw "Chaos is a ladder" at him was priceless.


08-08-2017, 06:44 AM
I am forgiven, I am free, I am a field on FIRE

Hopefully jamie will "break through the surface and breathe"

08-08-2017, 07:36 AM
Is anyone still wondering what the catch is regarding Jon Snow having come back to life?

Maybe something trivial like he's infertile now? Knowing GoT it's gotta be something awful though doesn't it.

08-08-2017, 07:51 AM
Maybe something trivial like he's infertile now? Knowing GoT it's gotta be something awful though doesn't it.
It might be as simple as being subjected to servitude to Melisandre when she calls in the debt.

08-08-2017, 10:31 AM
I've never felt this way watching a tv show...brilliant.

as someone said above,little finger's face after bran'd chaos comment was priceless,i think bran's character has changed and i likes how he's delivering thay change.
i loved how arya fought brienne while sansa was looking a little jealous.
the battle was just great.

08-08-2017, 02:30 PM
This is so cool. I though there was more CGI than there actually was.

08-11-2017, 07:29 AM
This is why I don't like people (https://www.buzzfeed.com/maritsapatrinos/heres-the-one-problem-with-that-aryabrienne-fight-scene?utm_term=.loMEDXdmo#.hsMpMeVWk)

Boy who can see everything that has ever happened? *silence*
Teenager riding a dragon into battle? *silence*
Army of nearly unstoppable zombies in the arctic: *silence*

Goddamn. How dumb can people be?

Mr. Blaileen
08-11-2017, 03:17 PM
I wouldn't have written an article about it, but I'd be lying if I said some of that stuff didn't cross my mind when I was watching the fight.

08-13-2017, 09:15 PM
Nice LOTR shot at the end of tonight's episode.

bobbie solo
08-14-2017, 04:30 PM
Nice LOTR shot at the end of tonight's episode.


bobbie solo
08-14-2017, 04:52 PM
Nothings fucks you harder than time.

08-14-2017, 05:00 PM
So they watch Jamie tumble into water and then just ... don't bother taking the guy prisoner when he's pretty much the most important person aside from Cersei for them to have?

Sure why not

(I overall enjoyed the episode, but the show is now in blockbuster movie "don't think about it too much" territory)

08-14-2017, 05:57 PM
Nothing fucks you harder than time.

As soon as he said that, I turned to my fiance and said that quote would make a great T-shirt.

08-16-2017, 03:42 AM

bobbie solo
08-16-2017, 01:45 PM
1080p this time too. watching tonight...thank you HBO Espana & HBO Nordic.

bobbie solo
08-16-2017, 10:13 PM
Wow. I cannot believe this is actually a television show & not a major summer blockbuster sometimes. High level stuff once again here. Shit goes DOWN. Only one area that annoyed me (you'll know). 66 minutes!

08-17-2017, 08:15 AM
I love Tormond.

08-17-2017, 03:17 PM
Gentle reminder: NO FUCKIN SPOILERS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-18-2017, 07:54 PM
As it's pointed out in the comments, there is the possibility that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, as there was at least one case of polygamy in the Targaryen line. Show wise, for now, Dany is the direct heir to the Iron Throne but if (and this is part of my theory) Sam finds evidence in the library of Oldtown of Rhaegar and Lyanna not only being married but having a son, then it would put Jon ahead of Dany as heir.

I believe Sam will stumble upon this while searching about the White Walkers, in my head canon anyway.

Was just looking through older posts on this topic, and wow, you were spot on. Haha.

08-20-2017, 09:13 PM
I knew it! Totally called what the White Walkers were gonna do!

Conan The Barbarian
08-20-2017, 09:36 PM
Arya has officially become that creepy character. Her eyebrows don't help.

08-20-2017, 09:40 PM
Was just looking through older posts on this topic, and wow, you were spot on. Haha.

No great feat there though; it's just logical. Bran the Hodor killer can have all the visions he wants but people (Dany) are going to need more than that to believe Jon is Targaryen. Now Sam needs to pay attention to what Gilly was saying about "Rigger"'s annulment.

"All hail Jon of the Houses Targaryen and Stark, the Resurrected, the First of His Name, the White Wolf, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, King in the North, Beater of Bastards, Friend of the Free Folk, and 'Knower of Nothing'!"

Also: it was an awesome episode of The Walking Dead!

And damn is Arya creepy. And fantastic.

08-20-2017, 09:46 PM
I get that we don't need whole episodes devoted to travel time but there has got to be a happy medium between hour-long shots of walking horses and ravens magically getting from the Wall to Dragonstone within minutes/hours and dragons somehow getting from there to across the entire continent and across the Wall within an instant, right?

It's also awesome that Benjen exists solely to save any Stark north of the Wall the moment they're done for and not a moment too soon

Ugh I need to stop commenting if I don't have anything nice to say I shouldn't say it all but good Christ this show is so different from how it once was, and not in a good way. It's gone from a show focused on character arcs, motivations and histories and political webs of power, intrigue and logic games with hints at mysticism and impending doom to a big dumb flashy blockbuster show more interested in getting to the next big action set piece than if it makes any real sense narratively.

08-20-2017, 09:59 PM
I get that we don't need whole episodes devoted to travel time but there has got to be a happy medium between hour-long shots of walking horses and ravens magically getting from the Wall to Dragonstone within minutes/hours and dragons somehow getting from there to across the entire continent and across the Wall within an instant, right?

It's also awesome that Benjen exists solely to save any Stark north of the Wall the moment they're done for and not a moment too soon

Ugh I need to stop commenting if I don't have anything nice to say I shouldn't say it all but good Christ this show is so different from how it once was, and not in a good way. It's gone from a show focused on character arcs, motivations and histories and political webs of power, intrigue and logic games with hints at mysticism and impending doom to a big dumb flashy blockbuster show more interested in getting to the next big action set piece than if it makes any real sense narratively.

I agree to a point and I blame this entirely on G.R.R. Martin, master procrastinator. The writers of the show are now working on resolving characters arc stories by skipping on what makes the books great. They want to tell us "how the story ends" but what do they have to work on: notes from Martin? My greatest concern is that the show has shifted so much from the books that I fear I'm going to be disappointed by those books if they ever come out, because the tv show will now have become canon.

08-20-2017, 10:08 PM
I agree to a point and I blame this entirely on G.R.R. Martin, master procrastinator. The writers of the show are now working on resolving characters arc stories by skipping on what makes the books great. They want to tell us "how the story ends" but what do they have to work on: notes from Martin? My greatest concern is that the show has shifted so much from the books that I fear I'm going to be disappointed by those books if they ever come out, because the tv show will now have become canon.

Oh the shift definitely began the moment they started running thin on book material, and I totally understand that they were given a terrible situation and likely were terrified of getting it wrong and so have largely just done with the majority of their audience will want. I am just unfortunately not in that majority, I guess. I also think their decision to have less episodes but higher budgets have resulted in a lot of my frustrations this season, but then again, 5 and 6 had a lot I had problems with, also.

5 was a low point for me, but this has been disappointing all around. I think HBO choosing to begin adapting the series before they had all the source material wasn't the best thing creatively, but it's made them a fortune and every episode shatters records so none of my opinions matter in their eyes anyway, and I don't really see why they should.

08-20-2017, 10:15 PM
In regards to ravens...

"Flights as long as 1,100 miles have been recorded by birds in competitive pigeon racing. Their average flying speed over moderate distances (about 500 miles) is around 50 mph, but speeds of up to 58.7 mphhave been observed in top racers for short distances (99 miles)."

Also, I imagine a bit of time passed with them on that rock judging by the water freezing back over. It definitely wasn't just hours, but possibly days.

Conan The Barbarian
08-20-2017, 10:45 PM
In a show about walking dead people, dragons, and midgets in a seat of power, everyone is concerned about travel time and distance.

Can't bend the rules of reality on that now.

08-20-2017, 11:03 PM
In a show about walking dead people, dragons, and midgets in a seat of power, everyone is concerned about travel time and distance.

Can't bend the rules of reality on that now.

That kind of defense is the weakest shit in the entire world.

As far as we know, everybody in that universe eats, pees, breathes, shits, sleeps, etc. Fantastical elements introduced into a world don't suddenly invalidate everything else logical about it. An internal consistency and logic is nothing major to ask for from a fictional universe, and it makes the wild shit more acceptable/special. There have been constant talks in the show about "running out of time" to get armies to where they need to go and yet suddenly anybody that needs to be anywhere can get there overnight with no penalty and be right back at home in the very next scene. It's cheap, lazy writing avoiding consequences, basic reason and pacing and simply doing whatever is most convenient for the plot at any given time.

Just because there are fantasy creatures in Westeros doesn't mean they don't have gravity, but by your argument, it would make total sense and people would be wrong to criticize it if The Hound started to randomly fly around whenever he felt like it with no dialogue addressing it and Sansa should be able to shoot laser beams out of her eyes when she sees somebody that she doesn't like and Arya should be able to sneeze out baked apple pie because, hey, a dwarf has a position of power.

Conan The Barbarian
08-20-2017, 11:07 PM
But there is no need to emphasis on time here. I think the episode did a good job on letting you know how long they were in the spot. To me it seemed a few days has passed.

I can say your argument as far as buddy running back is valid. But as far as everything else it felt fine.

That one excuse is not a reason to bash an otherwise exciting episode.

Mr. Blaileen
08-20-2017, 11:12 PM
Honestly, I don't think she got the raven. I think Dany got tired of sitting idly, like she said, and she knew they were going north of the wall, so she could have just gone looking for them. With a dragon she could cover ground pretty quickly, but it would have been hours and hours at the least.

When Tyrion was trying to convince her to stay at Dragonstone, wouldn't she have mentioned receiving something from Jon at some point?

If she was shown reading something, I must have missed it.

08-20-2017, 11:15 PM
"Send a raven."


08-20-2017, 11:20 PM
I simply disliked the whole thing. The Arya v. Sansa stuff is weak at best, the wight hunting was a bad idea to begin with, the tensions between Tyrion and Dany feel forced as all fuck and Tyrion has become a bumbling idiot after being a clever, wise pariah the entire series, and I couldn't get over the fact that three dragons who are all intelligent never thought "Maybe we should toast the guys on horseback very slowly aiming and readying spears" and that Jon never felt the need to point in their direction to tell them to kill them, or the fact that Benjen appears magically wherever he is needed only to disappear again, or the fact that Bran at no point says "Hey Arya that guy's playing you," or the fact that ... I could go on, but I won't, because I'm being the kind of person I hate but then again, you condescended to me for not liking it to begin with, so eh.

There's zero point in you getting defensive over it. What felt fine to you felt off to me. Both of our feelings are valid. To you, it seemed a few days passed; to me, it seemed a bunch of guys got stuck on a rock suddenly with little supplies and within minutes, a fight broke out and dragons swooped in to save them. No night/day cycle was displayed, brief lines of dialogue passed before it cut to other characters talking in other places and then back a couple of times and suddenly, everyone was busy stabbing skeletons. If it was days, they would've frozen to death to begin with.

It's not a show that I ever watched for big action sequences and faceless hordes of nameless characters getting killed. It's exciting to some people but it's a far cry from the first 4 seasons to me and I'm more or less watching it simply because I've watched six seasons of it already and may as well finish it. It just runs on action movie logic now, which has its place and is fine, but it's different from what it used to operate on.

Although, we did get things like this out of it all:


Mr. Blaileen
08-20-2017, 11:23 PM
“There was one javelin in the target. There was no one around, just like now. No one to stop me. So I started throwing. And every throw I had to go up there and get my one javelin and walk back and throw it again. I wasn't very good. Finally I hit the bullseye. Could've been the 20th throw, or the 50th, I don't remember. But I hit the bullseye.”
-Night King

Conan The Barbarian
08-20-2017, 11:26 PM
I simply disliked the whole thing. The Arya v. Sansa stuff is weak at best, the wight hunting was a bad idea to begin with, the tensions between Tyrion and Dany feel forced as all fuck and Tyrion has become a bumbling idiot after being a clever, wise pariah the entire series, and I couldn't get over the fact that three dragons who are all intelligent never thought "Maybe we should toast the guys on horseback very slowly aiming and readying spears" and that Jon never felt the need to point in their direction to tell them to kill them, or the fact that Benjen appears magically wherever he is needed only to disappear again, or the fact that Bran at no point says "Hey Arya that guy's playing you," or the fact that ... I could go on, but I won't, because I'm being the kind of person I hate but then again, you condescended to me for not liking it to begin with, so eh.

There's zero point in you getting defensive over it. What felt fine to you felt off to me. Both of our feelings are valid. To you, it seemed a few days passed; to me, it seemed a bunch of guys got stuck on a rock suddenly with little supplies and within minutes, a fight broke out and dragons swooped in to save them. No night/day cycle was displayed, brief lines of dialogue passed before it cut to other characters talking in other places and then back a couple of times and suddenly, everyone was busy stabbing skeletons. If it was days, they would've frozen to death to begin with.

It's not a show that I ever watched for big action sequences and faceless hordes of nameless characters getting killed. It's exciting to some people but it's a far cry from the first 4 seasons to me and I'm more or less watching it simply because I've watched six seasons of it already and may as well finish it. It just runs on action movie logic now, which has its place and is fine, but it's different from what it used to operate on.

Although, we did get things like this out of it all:


Fair enough.

Firm handshakes all around.

08-21-2017, 12:53 AM
I definitely noticed the rushed feel of the show lately post-GRRM novels and with the shorter season but I'm still really into it, I still get hardcore feels. I mean come on... don't tell me those of you that have been there from the beginning haven't had some wild EMOTIONS over recent story developments.

The characters folks have come to love or hate have become so established and have had such development throughout the show, haven't they kinda earned some gratuitous moments by now? Isn't it worth it to see this stuff play out after so long? To me it always seemed like the show was gradually building to these huge moments anyhow. I don't really have much to complain about.

bobbie solo
08-21-2017, 01:35 AM
While I of course agree that things started to trend downward somewhat once we got past the books, I think the biggest mistake has been shortening the seasons. The biggest complaint amongst fans seems to be the ridiculous off-camera time lapses/distance covered. That alone could be solved if we stuck to 10 episode seasons, nevermind the overall rapid speed-up of the stoylines themselves.

That being said, that episode was bananas and just the fact that there is no TV like this is still enough to power through our complaints. At least it is for me still.


Older GoT seasons would have had MANY more members of the Wight Fellowship die in that episode, but it could be argued that the one larger "good guy" that was felled by the Night King cancels out those other non-deaths.

Sansa & Arya better iron out their differences positively if they don't want the character progression of Sansa they've built for the last two seasons to be null & void.

08-21-2017, 06:40 AM
I definitely noticed the rushed feel of the show lately post-GRRM novels and with the shorter season but I'm still really into it, I still get hardcore feels. I mean come on... don't tell me those of you that have been there from the beginning haven't had some wild EMOTIONS over recent story developments.

The characters folks have come to love or hate have become so established and have had such development throughout the show, haven't they kinda earned some gratuitous moments by now? Isn't it worth it to see this stuff play out after so long? To me it always seemed like the show was gradually building to these huge moments anyhow. I don't really have much to complain about.

Read the books and been watching since the first season. No emotions here. I'm in it for the backstabbing, the twists, and the gratuitous violence. I laugh about the impending death of characters.

Other shows? I'll get emotional. This show? I just plan on everyone being dead sooner or later and laugh at the reactions people have when it finally happens.

The last episode was a bit too predictable for my taste, but I still enjoyed it.

08-21-2017, 10:52 AM
Characters and ravens seem to teleport from one place to another? Meh, I can live with that. But there are inconsistencies that are bothering me a bit.

How did they know Gendry was the fastest runner? Because he's young? Jon Snow is young too but he was needed for the plot. Maybe it's because he's got all that training from rowing for a couple seasons?

Why didn't Dany react when Jon petted Drogon? That dragon was almost purring. That should have raised red flags for her. Us, the viewers who know better, were all BLOOD OF THE DRAGON, HELL YEAH!!!

So killing a White Walker automatically makes all the dead he reanimated drop dead for good? How convenient. Such a novelty! Especially since Jon and Beric have it all figured out: kill the Night King and it's game over man, game over! Jon finally learned something useful. All he has to do is stop his staring contest with the big bad undead King and cut him in half.

And aren't the writers subtle about reminding us past fact? You had to really pay attention if you wanted to hear that Dany is barren. That was not heavily discussed twice last night. Especially while Dany and Jon were holding hand and eye fucking each other. Yeah, nobody can see for a thousand miles how this is going to end.

But there are still great moments. The banting between Tormund and the Hound was priceless. The exchange between Beric and Jon about the meaning of life was to the point. After Sansa has her scene with Brienne, she sat back in her chair and took a pose that remind me so much of Ned it hurt. Sansa and Arya are trying to learn to live with how much they have changed since they last met.

But Littlefinger and Tyrion have lost everything that made them great. What a shame.

But I'm not ready to give up on the show yet. I'm still hoping for the Clegane Bowl. I want to see Jon's face when he finally learns who his parents were. And I want Lady Mormont on the Iron Throne, darn it.!

08-21-2017, 06:27 PM
Solid episode. Very predictable, but can we have a show with just The Hound and Tormund as roommates? Tormund almost dying had me screaming at the television, but that Cold Hands shit was weak and has me infinitely pissed. But at the same time... I feel like he knew what his destiny was. He saved Bran and friends, and then Jon. He cannot go past the wall either. But it still felt insanely cheap.

08-22-2017, 02:33 AM
What bothers me, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some ludicrous plot point, but WHY did they need to risk all of this to catch an example of the undead?! I thought before, it was HARD to keep them away from even manifesting within the keep if they were slain outside. Couldn't they execute a prisoner outside of the wall, tie him up, wait for him to resurrect, and that be enough proof?

This plot point, while not a hole, is really nagging at me. I feel like if the end goal was the dragon causality drama, they could have come up with a better reason for this scenario.

08-22-2017, 08:03 AM
I feel like it will all play out eventually but I have so many questions....

Is Arya trying to get Sansa to kill Littlefinger? If Sansa does kill Littlefinger, can Arya take his face?
Jon should probably propose to Dany. Technically, he wouldn't be taking the knee - he could still be King in the North and pledge loyalty to her without pissing off all the North folk.
Well, the Knight king can fly right over the wall now, eh? (Closing shot of the season?)
Are Jon and Beric Dondarrion kind of like the Fire version of a wight? They were reborn from fire where the walkers north of the wall were born of ice.
Talla is heir to Horn Hill now, right? So can we assume that once Sam gets a chance to regroup, they'll move to Dany's side?
And forgive me if it's been suggested before, but Bran is now Lucas from Empire Records.


08-22-2017, 08:49 AM
So what's the deal with Jon's sword? Its eyes definitely changed colour when he crawled out of the water, or was that just an optical illusion?

08-22-2017, 10:15 AM
What bothers me, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some ludicrous plot point, but WHY did they need to risk all of this to catch an example of the undead?! I thought before, it was HARD to keep them away from even manifesting within the keep if they were slain outside. Couldn't they execute a prisoner outside of the wall, tie him up, wait for him to resurrect, and that be enough proof?

That really bugged me too. Just take some criminal already scheduled for execution and walk a mile past the wall and do it. It's Westeros, not like they're short on people to kill.

Conan The Barbarian
08-22-2017, 10:56 AM
So what's the deal with Jon's sword? Its eyes definitely changed colour when he crawled out of the water, or was that just an optical illusion?

It might mean something, but I think its just the reflections of the gems or rubies or whatever type of mineral they are.

08-22-2017, 12:00 PM
What bothers me, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some ludicrous plot point, but WHY did they need to risk all of this to catch an example of the undead?! I thought before, it was HARD to keep them away from even manifesting within the keep if they were slain outside. Couldn't they execute a prisoner outside of the wall, tie him up, wait for him to resurrect, and that be enough proof?

This plot point, while not a hole, is really nagging at me. I feel like if the end goal was the dragon causality drama, they could have come up with a better reason for this scenario.

That really bugged me too. Just take some criminal already scheduled for execution and walk a mile past the wall and do it. It's Westeros, not like they're short on people to kill.

If I remember correctly, the dead don't wake up automatically once they die; they have to be revived by a White Walker. Jon has them burning the corpse to prevent that. Remember Hardhome? And Viserion didn't come back by himself; it was the Night King who brought him back.

So I think that's why they had to go fetch a dead/undead.

That's in the series, by the way. It's been too long since I've read the books to remember how it happens in them.

08-22-2017, 01:19 PM
If I remember correctly, the dead don't wake up automatically once they die; they have to be revived by a White Walker. Jon has them burning the corpse to prevent that. Remember Hardhome? And Viserion didn't come back by himself; it was the Night King who brought him back.

I always thought they burned the bodies to prevent them from coming back on their own, I don't remember anyone ever saying a Walker had to bring them back but it's totally possible that they did. And that aligns with them figuring out that if you kill a Walker all the wights they created die too. I just don't remember them saying it.

08-22-2017, 04:06 PM
reddit doing math to prove the travel times in the latest episode.


Where did the Whitewalkers get those chains from? It would have been cool to instead see the Ice King jump in the water and then burst out of the ice on the zombified dragon.

08-22-2017, 05:33 PM
If the night king can throw a spear that far, why didn't he take out the rock island crew? They're standing there for days and he didn't toss the stick until a dragon shows up. And how did they hook those chains to the dragon underwater if none of them could cross the water when it wasn't quite frozen.

I agree that capturing one of them just seems like worse plan ever.

the next episode is called the dragon and the wolf. Bow chica bow wow

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-22-2017, 11:49 PM
I like your take marodi, but wouldn't it be a more logical thing to try first before taking this crazy risk? It's a bit of a,... forgot the word for when it's not a plot hole but it's implausible to logically consider realistic... McLovin? ;)

08-23-2017, 03:25 AM
If the night king can throw a spear that far, why didn't he take out the rock island crew? They're standing there for days and he didn't toss the stick until a dragon shows up. And how did they hook those chains to the dragon underwater if none of them could cross the water when it wasn't quite frozen.

It was a trap. When Bran has his vision of the army, they're in the exact same spot - you can see the 'island' if you look closely. They didn't move on at all after that point. The Night King has some sort of ESP similar to Bran, so the whole thing seems calculated for him to get a dragon.

So why he never went spearfishing over the days of waiting - one, live bait is more useful than dead. Two, it looks like they only had three of those javelins; the other Walkers are carrying the ice swords we normally see them with. They were saving them for the dragons.

08-23-2017, 03:42 AM
It was a trap. When Bran has his vision of the army, they're in the exact same spot - you can see the 'island' if you look closely. They didn't move on at all after that point. The Night King has some sort of ESP similar to Bran, so the whole thing seems calculated for him to get a dragon.

So why he never went spearfishing over the days of waiting - one, live bait is more useful than dead. Two, it looks like they only had three of those javelins; the other Walkers are carrying the ice swords we normally see them with. They were saving them for the dragons.

After I posted this, I saw a still that shows night king and 4 others waiting. 3 have the ice javelins and 2 have swords. The night king setting a trap... I guess it didn't occur to me that he's as calculating as the others. I thought he just had an army of undead and they're mowing down everything in their way. Capturing the dragon is pretty deliberate. NK came to play.

bobbie solo
08-23-2017, 10:18 AM
If the night king can throw a spear that far, why didn't he take out the rock island crew? They're standing there for days and he didn't toss the stick until a dragon shows up.


bobbie solo
08-23-2017, 10:43 AM
It was a trap. When Bran has his vision of the army, they're in the exact same spot - you can see the 'island' if you look closely. They didn't move on at all after that point. The Night King has some sort of ESP similar to Bran, so the whole thing seems calculated for him to get a dragon.

The whole "Bran & The Night King are the same person" theory has been gaining alot of steam over the course of this season, partly b/c of things like what you wrote.


08-23-2017, 11:42 AM
The whole "Bran & The Night King are the same person" theory has been gaining alot of steam over the course of this season, partly b/c of things like what you wrote.


They do have a lot of similar facial features....I wonder if that might be why they changed actors.

08-23-2017, 11:57 AM
Hadn't heard of that theory before, makes a lot of sense.

08-23-2017, 03:15 PM
Finale = 79 minutes and 43 seconds, mofos

08-23-2017, 04:44 PM
So correct me if I'm wrong, and I haven't read back in this thread but.... they only need to kill the Night King? The rest will drop. As they all have come from him, like a family tree. One target.

And no doubt it's bran in my mind.

08-23-2017, 06:20 PM
Not on board with Bran being the Night King, personally. One pretty obvious hole to poke in the article's theory is that the pre-transformation Night King doesn't have the white eyes of a be-warged individual.

I do think the Night King might be an ancient member of the Stark family though, given the brown hair/eyes, facial features and seer powers. They've been a major house since that era.

An interesting theory (https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6ueuzx/everything_the_identity_of_the_nights_king/) that popped up a week ago suggested he's the progenitor of House Stark (either the Brandon Stark credited with building the Wall, or his direct ancestor). It's probably too convoluted to be entirely accurate but does make some very interesting points, particularly in explaining the northern customs "he who passes the sentence should swing the sword" and the Guest Right.

08-26-2017, 07:19 AM
They do have a lot of similar facial features....I wonder if that might be why they changed actors.

This show has had more re-casts than anything I can think of. I think it's more scheduling and availability than anything else. Not commenting at all on the Bran/King theory; just that the actor change is almost certainly irrelevant to the plot.

08-26-2017, 06:18 PM
re: bran being the night king.
this is something that i've personally thought was the case ever since bran tensed up at the same moment that the thing was being plunged into the night king's chest.
i can't believe i'm seeing other people pick this up as a "theory" and seeing, still others, saying how stupid it is. i guess a lot of people got the same idea that i did.

I will say this though: even if i'm wrong about bran being the night king, i think it's going to be SOMETHING along those lines with bran.
He can travel through time (RT heard him. Hodor saw him.)
And then what's his fucking name said that "bran is the 'only thing that matters.'"

So, okay, i will admit that it's very possible that Bran is NOT the night king, but however it plays out, bran and his supernatural abilities will play a MASSIVE fucking part in the final eight hours

08-26-2017, 06:28 PM
I'll be very happy if the rest of Bran's story just consists of making people incredibly uncomfortable. "Cersei, you looked beautiful that day, walking through King's Landing. I'm so sorry it had to end that way, dripping with excrement."

08-26-2017, 06:48 PM
Guys, guys, guys. You're all being incredibly thick. The Bran story is obvious, and no one has even HINTED at it here.

You know why he does the "you looked beautiful" thing. I mean, the real reason? He's just fishing for compliments. He wants a "thanks, you're looking good yourself". That's all.

Please, for the love of god, someone just compliment the whiny little teen so we can move on to mourning Tormund.

08-27-2017, 09:25 PM
That was a pretty crazy finale.

08-27-2017, 09:25 PM
Well, shit just got real.

Harry Seaward
08-27-2017, 10:48 PM
good lord

Conan The Barbarian
08-27-2017, 10:54 PM
Now we have to wait two years :(

08-27-2017, 11:38 PM
This might be the best season to date. What a finale...

08-27-2017, 11:53 PM
In exchange for a dragon that is seemingly all the Night's King needed to destroy the Wall and bring the army of the dead to the world, the brightest minds and tacticians in Westeros gained Jaime Lannister as a squad mate

Fair trade

08-28-2017, 03:20 AM
Now we have to wait two years :(

NO. NOOOOOOOOOOO. It's not FAIR! You cannot leave me hanging like this!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Two years, where I need my stories, and Trump is President?

08-28-2017, 06:26 AM
I've been feeling this way a long time because of Dany's entire storyline, and now with the wall, it's pretty much confirmed my take on this....

The dragons are lazy and a shame.

"What the fuck is he talking about??" you're asking yourself.

Here's the thing: the whole series is amazingly complex. GRRM has created this massive world with tons of characters, puzzles and riddles to solve, backstabbing, scheming, plotting, etc. There are so many moving pieces and so much going on; it's what makes the series special. So to just go "Oh, Dany's in charge cuz her dragons can burn shit" and "haha now the dead are here cuz their dragon broke the wall", it just feels so lazy and anticlimactic to me. Thousands and thousands of pages full of intricate detail and the overall takeaway is "because dragons". It just feels too simple; like everything else that was linked together is now just background to one piece of brute force. I mean...not that I'm comparing the depth of these two series, but imagine if freakin' Harry Potter just stumbled upon the Elder Wand one day and knocked off Voldemort in one shot.

I'll probably get facepalmed for this post, but so be it. From a visual perspective, the whole "dragon SMASH" thing is pretty cool. Major, major credit to all involved in the VFX departments on this show; they've done an amazing job with it. But from a story perspective...it feels thin.

08-28-2017, 06:29 AM
I'm just so glad that Littlefinger got in one more "I loved your mother" for the road. It's basically his catchphrase, if you smell what the pimp is cooking.

(And Arya was the last living Stark he hadn't said it to, I think, so that's some nice closure there)

08-28-2017, 09:50 AM
I couldn't help but be reminded of this scene during the fight with Theon:


08-28-2017, 11:25 AM
Who was the star of last night's show? Ned Stark was. He can be proud of his pack.

Spoilers ahead!


-The Hound and Brienne's reunion. And how those two forces of nature agreed to stay out of the way of little Creepy Arya.

-Ser Bronn of the Fucking Blackwater and Tyrion's reunion: those two are made for each other.


-Tyrion and Cercei's reunion: now that was intense.

-Dany loves to make an entry.

-The dead going right at Cercei

-Everything about Littlefinger

-"What happened to you beyond the Wall?"
"I became the 3 Eyed Raven"
Unimpressed "Oh".

-The face Tyrion made when he saw Jon Snow go into Dany's chamber. He is still sorting out his feelings about that.

-Aegon Targaryen, legitimate heir to the Iron Throne; how about that? Wait until Dany learns about it.

-Ser Jaime the Honorable.

-The Wall! The Wall!!!

-It's useless to kick someone in the balls in they don't have any.

Nitpicks (it's not GoT without them)

-How did Sansa learn about Littlefinger's schemes? Lemme guess: Bran "I see it all". How convenient.

-Jon and Dany. *yawns*

-Wasn't the Wall built so it could stop the menace frond beyond? Why the rush to form an army to fight the White Walkers in they were not supposed to be able to pass the Wall? It's not as if that Wall was at risk of coming down, right? And magic was preventing the dead to pass anyway (which is why Uncle Benjen could not come back), right? RIGHT? And no one South of the Wall knew that the Night King has gotten himself a cool blue fire breathing undead dragon, right?

-Tormund and Beric are still alive since they were clearly on the part of the Wall that remain standing (they were watching the rest of it go down). #Briemundforever.

-We came *this close* to the Clegane Bowl.

I need to watch this again and again.

08-28-2017, 12:07 PM
-Wasn't the Wall built so it could stop the menace frond beyond? Why the rush to form an army to fight the White Walkers in they were not supposed to be able to pass the Wall? It's not as if that Wall was at risk of coming down, right? And magic was preventing the dead to pass anyway (which is why Uncle Benjen could not come back), right? RIGHT? And no one South of the Wall knew that the Night King has gotten himself a cool blue fire breathing undead dragon, right?

As far back as season 1 / book 1 there have been mentions that the Night's Watch wasn't at the strength required to hold the wall. This season the castle @ Eastwatch was essentially undefended until the Wildlings took up residence there.

Jon and others are / were firmly of the belief that the wall wasn't going to hold on it's own - hence the need to rally forces and allies, though as you point out in true grrm-ian fashion the good guys experience blowback on truly horrific levels.

That being said, this does somewhat echo the maesters of a few weeks back when Sam was told that the whitewalkers weren't as big of a threat as he assumed them to be.


in all the finale did a pretty good job getting things re-arranged for the final season.

it had everything we could reasonably hope for, great interactions, good setup for next season, some good action / effects stuff.

I do take some issue with the show version of Cersei, which seems to oscillate between - very rational, very cold, calculating *or* just batshit nuts (from the books she seems more consistently crazy, but fortunate) alas.


This season obviously wasn't the greatest, the various interactions were mostly great, the big splashy action pieces were great, however the overall plot and arc was a bit wibbly wobbly at best.

I didn't hate the "kidnap a zombie" plot though perhaps it could have borrowed a line from Argo - "this is the best bad idea we have..."

08-28-2017, 01:39 PM
-Wasn't the Wall built so it could stop the menace frond beyond? Why the rush to form an army to fight the White Walkers in they were not supposed to be able to pass the Wall? It's not as if that Wall was at risk of coming down, right? And magic was preventing the dead to pass anyway (which is why Uncle Benjen could not come back), right? RIGHT? And no one South of the Wall knew that the Night King has gotten himself a cool blue fire breathing undead dragon, right?

A few points on the Wall.

Nobody in the Seven Kingdoms (except maybe Bran) knows for sure whether there's any magical protection in the Wall.
Any magic wards the Wall might once have contained may have been nullified anyway when Bran passed through wearing the Night King's mark (remember what happened at the Three-Eyed Raven's werewood tree). But regardless, the Wall apparently never had any magic to protect it against wights - we see them taken through the Wall and reanimate on the other side. So even if the White Walkers themselves couldn't get through, they could still send the world's largest army over, around or through it.
The wights are fairly co-ordinated, so it's plausible that they might eventually have attacked the Wall using mammoths, giants and battering rams in a similar manner to how the Wildlings did. Or simply walked around it over the sea ice that's likely to eventually form. If the Wall could stop them on its own, there would never have been a need for a Night's Watch.

One way or another, the army of the dead was eventually going to reach the Seven Kingdoms. What nobody realised is that the Night King had anticipated the dragons arriving, and was seemingly waiting for a chance to add them to the army before launching the invasion.

Harry Seaward
08-28-2017, 04:00 PM
I've been feeling this way a long time because of Dany's entire storyline, and now with the wall, it's pretty much confirmed my take on this....

The dragons are lazy and a shame.

"What the fuck is he talking about??" you're asking yourself.

Here's the thing: the whole series is amazingly complex. GRRM has created this massive world with tons of characters, puzzles and riddles to solve, backstabbing, scheming, plotting, etc. There are so many moving pieces and so much going on; it's what makes the series special. So to just go "Oh, Dany's in charge cuz her dragons can burn shit" and "haha now the dead are here cuz their dragon broke the wall", it just feels so lazy and anticlimactic to me. Thousands and thousands of pages full of intricate detail and the overall takeaway is "because dragons". It just feels too simple; like everything else that was linked together is now just background to one piece of brute force. I mean...not that I'm comparing the depth of these two series, but imagine if freakin' Harry Potter just stumbled upon the Elder Wand one day and knocked off Voldemort in one shot.

I'll probably get facepalmed for this post, but so be it. From a visual perspective, the whole "dragon SMASH" thing is pretty cool. Major, major credit to all involved in the VFX departments on this show; they've done an amazing job with it. But from a story perspective...it feels thin.

I've been reading a lot of these types of criticisms, especially in regard to the ways in which LF and Varys have been treated lately as characters. But I have to ask - what did you guys expect? I feel like it's been obvious for many years that this entire story was about a Kingdom of people politicking and scheming while unwinnable war against an unambiguous evil was brewing quietly in the background. This is the end game. There is so little room left for politics. We've transitioned into fantasy. This was always going to happen, the NK was always going to get the dragon, the ink has dried.

So it doesn't just feel that way - everything else linked together was nothing more than background to one giant brute force.

It sounds like you want a solely Middle Ages politics story and there is no shortage of those. But if you want to enjoy Game of Thrones I feel like you have to enjoy the fact that this is what everything has come down to.

08-28-2017, 05:20 PM
I waited so long for that sex scene and it was so meh.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-28-2017, 06:27 PM
I waited so long for that sex scene and it was so meh.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My favorite part was the intercut scene of encyclopedic explaining of how what we were seeing was legitimized incest

08-28-2017, 07:44 PM
My favorite part was the intercut scene of encyclopedic explaining of how what we were seeing was legitimized incest

They really wanted to drive that home [emoji848]

08-28-2017, 08:56 PM
Max Landis (screenwriter/showrunner of Dirk Gently/comic book writer) is killing it on twitter with his GoT jokes and is doing fake dialogue


Conan The Barbarian
08-28-2017, 09:05 PM
Max landis sucks

08-28-2017, 10:21 PM
Max landis sucks

Agreed. He's such a chode.

08-28-2017, 11:50 PM
Spoiler alert


08-28-2017, 11:51 PM
Max landis sucks
He's a rapist.

08-29-2017, 04:42 AM
I can't believe we have to wait until 2019. That sucks on so many levels.