View Full Version : "Everything" debuts on BBC1/TR-Zane Lowe Interview (8.19.13)

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08-22-2013, 09:11 PM
Has Chris Cornell commented on 'Everything' yet?

08-22-2013, 09:12 PM
Has Chris Cornell commented on 'Everything' yet?

If he does, Trent can just fall back to that shitty ass new Soundgarden album.

08-22-2013, 09:35 PM

This video made me like the song even more. Plus, those girls are fucking cute.

08-22-2013, 09:44 PM
so this guy loved it...um http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2013/08/five_reasons_the_new_nine_inch.php

Oh wow. Someone at the Houston Press didn't like it. I can't believe we were so blind to how bad this song was. So glad this guy at the Houston Press was there to show us the light.

08-22-2013, 10:36 PM
so this guy loved it...um http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2013/08/five_reasons_the_new_nine_inch.php

*shakes head*

I guess I hate this guy.

I don't know where to begin... Best to just say I believe Everything is completely misunderstood, probably the most of any NIN song yet, particularly with assessments drawn like in that article. Just wow.

08-22-2013, 10:50 PM
He says that as far as pop rock songs go, it's not very good. While I would disagree with that, I would still say its probably the only valid argument he made because it's based on taste and arguing over that is a stupid thing to do if you're old enough to have graduated high school. The other ones can be summed up as "I didn't grow up, so Trent isn't allowed to either."

The worst part though is clearly the "will we see this side of him again?" caption under the picture. If that Trent was still around, he wouldn't be around because by now he'd be dead of either a drug overdose or suicide.

08-22-2013, 11:17 PM
I take issue with the writer basically saying Everything is not catchy enough/sticks out amongst those other tracks released so far from the album/must stick out on the album, and will throw it off. RE: Hm, okay.../No shit/If it happens to be the poppiest or happiest thing on the record...yeah, and? Maybe just hold your horses on that last call. Or not.

Everything is kind of like a NIN song with a twist, to me... I don't mean that as it should be taken lightly. I find it interesting and energetic more than anything. It's accessible in that it's pretty easy to digest as a piece of music, but it's not musically really catchy, nor do I believe it is really trying to be. It still maintains addictiveness for me, but so does The Line Begins To Blur, and 1,000,000.

Blah blah blah.

08-22-2013, 11:43 PM
Your educated and articulated opinion was extremely interesting up until you started generalizing.
I'm okay with "Everything", even though fundamentally, that singing isn't my cup of tea, but alright, I believe I can see what reznor did there : a not-that-optimistic, not-that-comforting pop song. But I also see why a long time fan can feel "betrayed" by such a song. Because we grew up harmonizing emotionally with TDS, The Fragile, Broken, because for some of us, that hand reaching into the dark was one of the most important things and it meant something. Something that elevated NIN above all the other bands. And admitting that NIN and us can part ways actually hurts, as ridiculous as it may sound. It's not a feeling of entitlement as much as a sense of belonging. And that's hard to let go.
Now, I'm old enough to know that I don't have to be a raging crybaby when reznor does something I don't really like or get, and this relationship has had enough bruises and hickeys in the past, so I don't feel disappointed when reznor zigs when I wish he would zag ; The advantages of being a long-term fan, like in any relation, is that you get past the small disagreements and look at the bigger picture.

But, just don't be mean to a whole part of the fandom just because you and your educated friends (no sarcasm here, trust me) believe otherwise. The people who love "everything" aren't a bunch of cocksucking sycophants, those who don't are not a horde of past-their-prime goth crybabies'.

Oh wow, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, but that isn't at all what I was trying to say. Music is obviously objective, and not everyone with a negative opinion of the song is a braindead loser or anything, its just the REALLY LOUD voices of complaint on facebook that I was referring to. The "intense negative reaction" I keep hearing about on this thread.

I would also like to say that feeling "betrayed" because an artist wrote something you disagree with is kind of silly though. The thing I've always respected Trent Reznor the most for is having artistic integrity, as an artist it is important to write songs for you, the songs you feel compelled to write, and not with a mindset "is this something people who already like me will like?" You can't put Nine Inch Nails or Trent Reznor in a box just because you've grown accustom to a certain sound. The song meant something to Trent, and he thought it was part of what Nine Inch Nails has to say in 2013. I'm not saying you're not allowed to dislike it, but don't throw around betrayal, there was no rule that said all NIN songs had to be dark. There are no rules that say NIN songs have to be anything except made by Trent Reznor.

The NIN song I hate the most (and I do mean hate) is With Teeth, but I've never felt betrayed that he wrote it, and I get the meaning of the song even though, in my humble opinion, the execution was terrible (dat chorus, oh god) people in intense fandom like to get carried away with things, I just think its important to remember that Trent Reznor is only human, so he writes a song you don't like, its not the end of the world. To that someone might say: But wait, its the style of the song that is betrayal! Really? Are people so close minded to rule out entire genres of music just because "that's pop" or "that's not depressing"? In my opinion (again, very humbly) I think Trent should have strayed from the path of "I only write dark songs" a while ago. The dude can't feel dark ALL THE TIME. Its impossible. There is no dark without the light (that was so cheesy)

08-23-2013, 12:28 AM
I take issue with the writer basically saying Everything is not catchy enough/sticks out amongst those other tracks released so far from the album/must stick out on the album, and will throw it off. RE: Hm, okay.../No shit/If it happens to be the poppiest or happiest thing on the record...yeah, and? Maybe just hold your horses on that last call. Or not.

Everything is kind of like a NIN song with a twist, to me... I don't mean that as it should be taken lightly. I find it interesting and energetic more than anything. It's accessible in that it's pretty easy to digest as a piece of music, but it's not musically really catchy, nor do I believe it is really trying to be. It still maintains addictiveness for me, but so does The Line Begins To Blur, and 1,000,000.

Blah blah blah.
I disagree with much of that as well, but that is subjective personal taste so I'm not going to argue with him over that (I know I know I'm an oddity on the Internet). It's the butthurt over Trent not making angsty industrial metal anymore because its not who he is anymore that annoys me.

08-23-2013, 09:01 AM
I really don't get the fuss about this one... Doesn't do much for me, so I'll most likely skip it when listening to the album - in the same way that I'd skip Capital G or Only - and I don't see it as being any less lightweight than either of those two singles...

As for the all the hate generated on FB - that just reinforces my smug self-righteous view of FB being the ideal platform for whiny, entitled and self-obsessed fuckwits who feel that the rest of the world should place some great importance on the minute details of their life & thoughts

08-23-2013, 12:31 PM
Fuckin unicorn video. I've been playing red dead redemption undead nightmare and just scored the unicorn. Everytime I get on it, everything starts playing in my head. And I really like the song. Thanks a lot unicorn video maker.

08-23-2013, 01:05 PM
I've been playing red dead redemption undead nightmare and just scored the unicorn.

Dude, try throwing a tomahawk at its head. No joke. Enjoy the hilarity (or look it up).

08-23-2013, 01:47 PM
Dude, try throwing a tomahawk at its head. No joke. Enjoy the hilarity (or look it up).

Im at work for the next five or six hours. Ill give it a try later on...can't imagine what happens other than death.

Edit- horn?

08-23-2013, 01:52 PM
Lurked around here for a while, decided to make an account.

First listen, I was really confused and didn't really like it.

Now after my 10th listen or so, It's really catchy and I appreciate it for being different. It's really not a bad song, just not what everyone was expecting. I look forward to see where it fits within the album itself.

08-23-2013, 02:14 PM
Intriguing tidbits and introspections about a couple of songs on HM in that recent Sun article, including Everything. I'm starting to get as antsy as the rest of you!!

08-23-2013, 02:25 PM
Intriguing tidbits and introspections about a couple of songs on HM in that recent Sun article, including Everything. I'm starting to get as antsy as the rest of you!!

And plenty will miss that memo, for they're not the truest of fans.

For those lost in conversation...

"I was trying to make something that leapt out of the speakers in a very unfamiliar way. At first listen, it might seem to be in praise of life but it's supposed to come off as an arrogant 'Fuck you. I've survived!' It also gets less triumphant and more reflective and melancholy towards the end." - TR

08-23-2013, 03:04 PM
it's supposed to come off as an arrogant 'Fuck you. I've survived!' - TR

I still find that pretty positive. :confused:

08-23-2013, 05:17 PM
Pretty much every song on Hesitation Marks has gotten great critical reviews and everything except Everything has gotten good fan response.

So it's bullshit.

Like the HoustonPress.
IDK... I've been seeing a 50/50 split amongst NIN threads in a few webholes (including this one).

Anyway, I'm sorry to be a negative nancy here. But listening to this better quality version of Find My Way makes it clearer how lazy this is. The music is just ok, imo. But man, come on, you can replace the lyrics for it with Somewhat Damaged and the vocal melody would be the same.

08-23-2013, 05:34 PM
And plenty will miss that memo, for they're not the truest of fans.

For those lost in conversation...

"I was trying to make something that leapt out of the speakers in a very unfamiliar way." - TR

I'd say he accomplished this goal.

08-23-2013, 05:35 PM
And plenty will miss that memo, for they're not the truest of fans.

For those lost in conversation...

"I was trying to make something that leapt out of the speakers in a very unfamiliar way. At first listen, it might seem to be in praise of life but it's supposed to come off as an arrogant 'Fuck you. I've survived!' It also gets less triumphant and more reflective and melancholy towards the end." - TR

Yeah I agree with that notion, the end of the track does feel very melancholy....the layers add this overwhelming emotion to the song but in both a positive and almost extremely sad way.

I still stand by the idea it's my favorite song so far from HM.

08-23-2013, 06:39 PM
it's the song I never expected to hear from Trent. Odd as it sounds against everything else I'm liking the freshness of it. Of course, digging deep into, it is as people have said, just as introspective as I'd expect.

08-23-2013, 07:11 PM
I never got to listen to the interview yet since the site didn't work well on my phone. I couldn't find any reference to a download in the thread already, so I finally sat down and made a DL for mobile and/or people who don't want to deal with website player bullshit.

I only tested random snippets. About to listen now...any problems, try to get it yourself. I used some rtmpdump tools.

EDIT: Trimmed the fat and left TR interview only. I'm using their hellos at ~58 min and their goodbyes at ~1h30m as the reference for cutting. (https://app.box.com/s/46bqe5yz94vfpgau5bxx) Includes some of the NIN songs in the middle of the interview.

08-23-2013, 07:24 PM
IDK... I've been seeing a 50/50 split amongst NIN threads in a few webholes (including this one).

Anyway, I'm sorry to be a negative nancy here. But listening to this better quality version of Find My Way makes it clearer how lazy this is. The music is just ok, imo. But man, come on, you can replace the lyrics for it with Somewhat Damaged and the vocal melody would be the same.

No, not really. FB and twitter is mostly positive and the melody isn't like Somewhat damaged at all.

08-23-2013, 07:26 PM
No, not really. FB and twitter is mostly positive and the melody isn't like Somewhat damaged at all.

I quite like Find My Way, but the lyrical melody is 100% like Somewhat Damaged. Listen to both side by side.

08-23-2013, 07:31 PM
You can sing Somewhat Damaged over Find My Way but you can also sing amazing grace to the Gilligans island theme so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

08-23-2013, 07:33 PM
I quite like Find My Way, but the lyrical melody is 100% like Somewhat Damaged. Listen to both side by side.

And I think it's beautiful.

08-23-2013, 07:36 PM
I quite like Find My Way, but the lyrical melody is 100% like Somewhat Damaged. Listen to both side by side.

Somewhat Damaged is probably my favorite NIN song, and I don't hear it.

Not saying you're wrong, maybe my ears don't work properly, either way, I just don't hear it.

Fullmetal Excalibur
08-23-2013, 08:03 PM
Trying to read that Sun article & the bloody page won't let me.

08-23-2013, 08:07 PM
Trying to read that Sun article & the bloody page won't let me.

Go here scroll to 2nd post

08-23-2013, 08:09 PM
Somewhat Damaged is probably my favorite NIN song, and I don't hear it.

Not saying you're wrong, maybe my ears don't work properly, either way, I just don't hear it.

It's not very close but just sing in your head

"so impressed with all you do
i'm just trying to find my way
flew to high and burnt the wing
I'm just trying to find my way"


"Now my path has gone astray
try so hard to be like you
Wandered here from far away
lost my faith in everything"

I think that's what they're referring to.

Fullmetal Excalibur
08-23-2013, 08:20 PM
Go here scroll to 2nd post

Also, I knew there was something very familiar about the melody of Find My Way. It immediately stuck out and now that it's been mentioned, I do hear a resemblance to Somewhat Damaged.

08-23-2013, 08:45 PM

Also, I knew there was something very familiar about the melody of Find My Way. It immediately stuck out and now that it's been mentioned, I do hear a resemblance to Somewhat Damaged.

The phrasing is very similar. If it is an intentional reference I think it is amazing how he turned all of the rage from the SD vocals into a lullaby, like on FMW.

08-23-2013, 08:47 PM
The phrasing is very similar. If it is an intentional reference I think it is amazing how he turned all of the rage from the SD vocals into a lullaby, like on FMW.

My feelings exactly.

08-23-2013, 09:53 PM
I was in the group that really hated it the first 10-20 listens. And half of those listens were partials I couldn't make it through. Then the next day I was in a highly victorious mood from scraping by multiple near fatal catastrophes at work. So on the way home I threw it on again to see how my mind received the song in a sweetly good mood. It was received very well. I really rather enjoyed it while ecstatic. Though, later that night and any time after, once I came down from that plateau.. I can't stand it to even get through one more listen.

In conclusion I like the song a lot as long as I'm in the tip toppiest of moods. Otherwise I can't stand it.

08-24-2013, 05:34 AM
Was this posted?


Full article:


edit: nevermind, it was.

08-24-2013, 06:57 AM
Anyone want to PM me the sounds that come from a radio, with Zane Low chit chatting over some familiar sounds?


08-24-2013, 07:28 AM
grab it millhouse!

That other guy
08-24-2013, 07:40 AM
All I got to say is Trent ( and company) are marketing geniuses ,lets see, Surprise everyone with new cd and major tour , tie the cd into his "most successful cd" , add some great art work , go on tour play a few new songs build some more momentum after some real good live shows , then BANG , release a song like no other NIN song , (generate more hype , generate lots of hate , rinse repeat)....Add my times most dedicated fan base.

Oh and if we could add a angry Trent and a few broken guitars and keyboards....:p

08-24-2013, 11:49 AM
I've decided that "Everything" is not the positive pop song everyone thinks it is. Listening to the lyrics as well as the almost schizophrenic tone of the song, it's about a man who has lost his mind more or less. "I survived everything" isn't a triumph, it's a tragedy, because he doesn't realize how far he can fall. He's survived a lot of stuff, so he thinks he can take whatever life dishes out. Since the parallels to The Downward Spiral are evident, this would definitely connect with the "nothing can stop me now" mentality on that album. "The walls begin to shake" symbolizes how fragile (no pun intended) this invincibility is, and how easily it can all come tumbling down. It's not a moment of clarity. It's a moment of almost pure blindness to the consequences he may face. "I believe, I am home." He believes it because he wants to, not because it's the truth. He's a liar, and I think he knows it, but he's not ready to face that yet. He'd rather ride whatever positive experience he's experiencing for as long as possible. "Wave goodbye, wish me well." is him at least acknowledging the fact that maybe this can't last forever, but also represents his futile hope that it does.

So yeah, while it may be the most pop inspired thing Trent's done in a while, it sure as hell isn't a positive track. Not in my opinion.

EDIT: Wow. Just read that slice of an article above. Trent absolutely nailed it.

08-24-2013, 04:45 PM
EDIT: Wow. Just read that slice of an article above. Trent absolutely nailed it.

My first thought when I heard it is it was a song about someone who believed they had recovered and was telling everyone they'd recovered and had almost fooled themselves but then realises the darker reality of the situation. It was a little OTT upbeat.. in the same way someone might be a little OTT upbeat but also in denial.

08-25-2013, 03:50 AM
I have nothing of real value to add, I just want to state that I love the song 'Everything'.

08-25-2013, 06:01 AM
It's weird listening to this knowing it's a NIN song. It's like Pearl Jam suddenly using drum machines and synthesizers while singing about old women in suburbs or something like that.

08-25-2013, 10:54 AM
So, Im giving in... Can anyone send me a link via PM to Everything? Thanks.

08-25-2013, 05:08 PM
I quite like Find My Way, but the lyrical melody is 100% like Somewhat Damaged. Listen to both side by side.

Yeah, still really not hearing it all.

08-25-2013, 05:13 PM
Yeah, still really not hearing it all.
Oh I've heard it... It's pretty close. You can sing the lyrics to somewhat damaged to find my way. Not bashing at all, I love it when trent does this kind of thing. The first time I heard "the tinyest little dot caught my eye and it turned out to be a scab" on With Teeth, I lost it. And I love it how it is very clear that he cannot be stopped.

08-25-2013, 06:51 PM
impressed/my path
you do/astray


They're identical. Christ, the first line even has the same number of syllables and the second line has the same number of words! How can you guys possibly not hear it?
This is like when I see people tap their feet off rhythm; I just can't fathom how someone can not hear something so detrimental to a song.

EDIT: The second line is sung slightly different. He draws out trying and doesn't switch notes on way, but the melody of the line is still the same.

08-25-2013, 06:54 PM
I think the real question here is why you're so adamant about it? Trent reuses shit like that all the time, all over his discography. And yet this single instance is the dealbreaker for you?

08-25-2013, 06:59 PM
No, I like the song a lot, and I enjoy how he reuses some things in his music. I just get frustrated when something so clearly a certain way is argued to be a different way. It'd be different if it was a subjective observation. I don't know what it is about it, but it really gets to me.

08-25-2013, 07:08 PM
NIN-tourmate Bradford Cox of Deerhunter uses lyrical reiterations all the time in the best way.

Also, great to see Trent's comment on "Everything" getting the attention it deserved! I have faith that in the context of the album, its wryness and false sense of hope will be starkly apparent.

08-25-2013, 07:19 PM
I have nothing of real value to add, I just want to state that I love the song 'Everything'.

You has got it, brudda! This song is great. I like how Trent takes a break from "creepy, atmospheric 4-minute songs" to a New Order/Cure made-for-radio hit. It is great.

Copy of A
08-25-2013, 07:24 PM
This is the single most greatest song of Trent's career

08-25-2013, 08:34 PM
The songs are pretty much completely different in tempo and sound.

08-25-2013, 09:50 PM
So after a couple dozen spins, I just want to put this down here for posterity....

This will be the song that all of you hate and swear you will hate forever, but after hearing it enough times, seeing it live, thinking about it more, giving it time to marinade, etc. you may find yourself eventually actually kind of, yes, really... liking it.

And I'm just putting this here to tell you... that's ok.

Call it the "Sunspots" effect.

Don't believe me? Come back here in a week, or a month... or a few years.

You'll see ;-)

Checking in a week later to see how my prediction is going...

08-25-2013, 09:58 PM
Checking in a week later to see how my prediction is going...

Yeah. Years from now people will be posting about how they like this song in the "Controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions" thread.

08-26-2013, 05:00 AM
nin (i dunno who did that) succesfully removed that brutal new song video, anyone kept it somewhere ?

08-26-2013, 09:13 AM
t (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6-XDIfs8Yc)his guy sums up why a frickin love the song


08-26-2013, 10:22 AM
So given TR's comments on this track, I think the video treatment for the song (official or otherwise) should include a bunch of clips of people/animals cheating death and/or performing amazing feats. You know, those near misses that make you go, wow - that person is lucky to be alive!

The song is *so* poppy at times it definitely seems like the victor is rubbing it in. Showboating. So of course to give it that dark NIN slant, at the end they could ultimately run into a tricky situation where it is ambiguous if they'll be able to make it out this last time...

08-26-2013, 10:44 AM
Call it the "Sunspots" effect.
What-the-fuck-ever, man. I loved Sunspots from first listen.

08-26-2013, 06:20 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"

08-26-2013, 06:22 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"




08-26-2013, 06:30 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"

Considering the HTDA album (where Mariqueen has a much bigger influence) is far, far darker both in theme and musicality, does that really make sense even as a joke? I mean, if anything, make a joke about how MQ is clearly now the darker, angstier Reznor if you really hate Everything so much.

08-26-2013, 06:41 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"

nice username, bro. /sarcasm

08-26-2013, 07:12 PM
Considering the HTDA album (where Mariqueen has a much bigger influence) is far, far darker both in theme and musicality, does that really make sense even as a joke? I mean, if anything, make a joke about how MQ is clearly now the darker, angstier Reznor if you really hate Everything so much.
Considering the intro post and the whole "420swag" shit, I wouldn't put too much thought into this post.

08-26-2013, 07:34 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"

I was going to make a snarky comment and then I saw your username and just felt bad for you. It would be like beating up the handicap kid. It's just cruel. So you just go on and get down with your bad self.

08-26-2013, 08:37 PM
What pop song does this sound like. Old radiohead, chili peppers, someone has a song like this and it's been killing me trying to name it!

Halo Infinity
08-26-2013, 09:55 PM
It's not a moment of clarity. It's a moment of almost pure blindness to the consequences he may face. "I believe, I am home." He believes it because he wants to, not because it's the truth. He's a liar, and I think he knows it, but he's not ready to face that yet. He'd rather ride whatever positive experience he's experiencing for as long as possible. "Wave goodbye, wish me well." is him at least acknowledging the fact that maybe this can't last forever, but also represents his futile hope that it does.
A very excellent point, as it also matches very well with Last in some ways when you take notice of that.

"Look through these blackened eyes! You'll see 10,000 lies! My lips may promise but my heart is a whore!" "Fresh blood through tired skin! New sweat to drown me in! Dress up this rotten carcass just to make it look alive!" "This isn't meant to last! This is for right now!"

However, and for the record, I'm still leave it up to speculation. Just to make things clear.

08-26-2013, 10:24 PM
I hope most of these interpretations are just people reading too much into things because I don't want them to be true. I want the man to be happy even if it means he makes nothing but shitty pop songs the rest of his life ( which is clearly not the case so far). I hope he's not looking over his shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop because that's a terrible way to live when you have so much going for you (trust me. I've done so before). "For once in my life I feel complete and I still want to ruin it" is the old man. Let that one go, Trent (not that I expect him to be reading this, but if he is).

08-26-2013, 10:35 PM
Everything before Everything is great and everything after Everything is really great. And Everything is all right.

08-27-2013, 06:25 PM
"Rain, rain, go away. Let Trent rewrite 'Everything'"

(or at least just the first 5 seconds of singing hahahaha)

actually, listening to the album right now, in the context of the album it does make sense. but on its own, it limps quite a bit before taking off.

08-27-2013, 06:55 PM
I had hoped I might like the song better in context but in truth I like it even less. While thematically it fits, the song itself just really throws off my listening experience. It divides the album in half in a way I don't like.

09-03-2013, 07:38 PM
Has the Autolux Remix been uploaded anywhere yet from the Japanese edition?

09-03-2013, 07:41 PM
I keep on asking because maybe it's an improvement on the album version and people will replace it with the remix.

09-04-2013, 03:11 PM
Aside from 'Everything', I think this is a pretty dark album. Definitely not as dark as TDS, Broken, or even With Teeth, but I mean...if you were a brand new fan whose first NIN listen was this album, you'd probably find it dark.

09-04-2013, 06:08 PM
trent's wife defends this music in studio
i know it god damnit
"yo trent, this song blows assholes"
"don't listen to atticus honey, sing your heart's song"

I laughed, hard. I should probably feel bad. Still kinda hilarious. And it's 2 AM.



Highly Psychological
09-05-2013, 09:40 PM
Is this song about relapse? I like how Trent made it ambiguous, its not quite so sweet after all.
Its like he is saying fuck everything i wanna get high. And he is happy about it. And im not ashamed.

It reminds me of that song by The La's - There She Goes,... everyone thought it was a lovely little pop ditty about a sweet blonde girl, infact it was about junkie Lee Mavers shooting Heroin,, and it pulsing through his veins.
Towards the end of this track Trent says 'i am free' and this sort of hazy euphoric distortion comes in like he is sinking into something. 'Ive become something else', being in a narcotic state thinking your jesus etc.
It goes both ways its not preachy, i think its one of the best track's on the album. Its does what With Teeth and The Slip were trying to do production wise but it does it better.
Fucking Beautiful, sounds like something from record label 4AD.

09-05-2013, 09:44 PM
Is this video gonna suffer the EDIETS fate? I wonder.

09-05-2013, 10:42 PM
I'm wondering if the reaction to the song has changed his mind on anything. I hope not.

09-05-2013, 10:45 PM
I'm wondering if the reaction to the song has changed his mind on anything. I hope not.

Doubtful. He intended to push some buttons and get people talking, and that's what he got.

09-05-2013, 10:49 PM
In the NPR interview though he sounded kinda taken aback and surprised by the reactions though.

09-05-2013, 11:06 PM
as with "came back haunted," i like this song more and more every time i hear it (i liked it the first time, anyway), and i think it fits perfectly on the album. i really don't get what everyone's gripe is.

09-06-2013, 08:59 AM
Man, even Trent thinks Everything is not okay.

Ba dum ts.

09-06-2013, 09:36 AM
Everything is a great song.
No one would say a word if it was on With Teeth, it fits there just perfectly.

09-06-2013, 09:38 AM
His voice crack in the beginning is one of the best things about this song, you crazies. A favorite off HM. In the style of "NSPN", "Getting Smaller", etc. but arguably more dynamic.

09-06-2013, 10:22 AM
His voice crack in the beginning is one of the best things about this song, you crazies. A favorite off HM. In the style of "NSPN", "Getting Smaller", etc. but arguably more dynamic.

This! I love that little bit of fire in his throat as the "survived" lyric stretches out.

09-06-2013, 06:12 PM
His voice crack in the beginning is one of the best things about this song, you crazies. A favorite off HM. In the style of "NSPN", "Getting Smaller", etc. but arguably more dynamic.


Have you heard the autolux remix yet? Because I have no problems with the vocals in this song or really anything else about the song. But the beginning of that remix, I cringed a little on the inside. (If you haven't, there's a youtube link for it on here somewhere. I think on the HM thread)

09-06-2013, 07:10 PM
Man, even Trent thinks Everything is not okay.

Ba dum ts.


09-06-2013, 07:13 PM
Aside from 'Everything', I think this is a pretty dark album. Definitely not as dark as TDS, Broken, or even With Teeth, but I mean...if you were a brand new fan whose first NIN listen was this album, you'd probably find it dark.

So it's Dark, Lite. The Diet Cola of Dark...

09-06-2013, 09:05 PM
So it's Dark, Lite. The Diet Cola of Dark...

It's Downward Spiral One. Crystal Spiral.

09-07-2013, 01:54 AM
It's Downward Spiral One. Crystal Spiral.

Broken Zero.
TDS Max.

09-07-2013, 02:46 AM
I have a friend who, when we would make jokes he didn't think were funny, would retort with "not enough hyperbole".
That's what Everything is lacking, to me. Reznor's explanation is fine, I'm okay with another bipolar song like that, but the chorus doesn't emphasize this at all. If you don't know what Reznor had in mind when he wrote it, it just sounds like the song goes from pop rock to power pop, then pop rock again. The chorus doesn't really sound broken, or foreboding, or whatever Trent meant it to be, if you take the song at face value. And in my opinion, you shouldn't have to rely on extra info to "get" what a song is about.
I like Everything just fine, but it misses its mark to me.

09-07-2013, 09:39 AM
I have a friend who, when we would make jokes he didn't think were funny, would retort with "not enough hyperbole".
That's what Everything is lacking, to me. Reznor's explanation is fine, I'm okay with another bipolar song like that, but the chorus doesn't emphasize this at all. If you don't know what Reznor had in mind when he wrote it, it just sounds like the song goes from pop rock to power pop, then pop rock again. The chorus doesn't really sound broken, or foreboding, or whatever Trent meant it to be, if you take the song at face value. And in my opinion, you shouldn't have to rely on extra info to "get" what a song is about.
I like Everything just fine, but it misses its mark to me.

I understand what you're saying but respectfully disagree.

Maybe it's because I'm a NIN superfan and I know what he meant without the explanation...I don't know. When I first heard it, the first chorus had me *think* as it was fairly jarring sounding. I was definitely whipped around enough. In essence, I think the verses are so out in left field in every way that they make the choruses even darker than if they were a part of a whole menacing sound.

09-07-2013, 10:18 PM
Today I had a friend say the verses are autotuned.


09-07-2013, 10:22 PM
Today I had a friend say the verses are autotuned.


What's their evidence?

09-07-2013, 10:46 PM
What's their evidence?

Based on hearing the song.

09-09-2013, 10:00 PM
Hm, the NIN Hotline just tweeted something which referenced the "now-mythical @SHYNOLAfilms video for Everything." Do we know if the video's been officially canned, or were we just assuming that based on the lack of any video?

Relatedly, I do hope we get to hear this live - I think it could be a real monster.

09-09-2013, 11:33 PM
Hm, the NIN Hotline just tweeted something which referenced the "now-mythical @SHYNOLAfilms video for Everything." Do we know if the video's been officially canned, or were we just assuming that based on the lack of any video?

Relatedly, I do hope we get to hear this live - I think it could be a real monster.

Sony/Columbia put out a press release for Hesitation Marks a few weeks ago stating that a video for Everything produced by Shynola would be released the week the album came out. That was the first and last official word seen about the topic.

09-11-2013, 04:41 PM
Listened to the album last night for the first time. I don't get why this track caused such a furore. Sounds okay to me.

09-11-2013, 05:06 PM
I hope the video isn't canned but it wouldn't surprise me after all the shit it got. I'm still surprised though that people thought it was that cheesy, or different from other NIN tracks. It's the perfect pop song in the way that THTF and Discipline failed IMO, and without losing NIN's identity and integrity. It also feels like Trent really needed to write this song contrary to "needed to write a commercial track" (hint: discipline/thtf).

Well, if he does can this video, I think he should hire Chris Cunningham to direct videos for In Two and Copy of a.

09-11-2013, 05:14 PM
Shame too. Shynola did a great job with HTDA. TBH, I was not crazy about "How Long" at first. The video made me like the song more.
I liked "Everything" a lot right off the bat. It was just a bit jarring to hear at first. A shock. Its really easy to have a knee-jerk reaction when you have been conditioned to expect something for 20 years.

09-11-2013, 05:34 PM
I feel that the 'rejuvenation' work he did on PHM took him back a few years and you can really hear the early NIN on this new record. I like.

Fist Fuck
09-11-2013, 05:45 PM
Trent wasn't sure to put it on the new album at first. The song was on Lollapalooza's setlist, but then wasn't played. Now the video for the song is nowhere to be found.

Do you think Trent is still 100% behind this song? I mean, I understand his pissy reaction to the negative criticism, but somehow... He should have expected a reaction like that. I also still think NIN fans are extremely open-minded when it comes to new music. Trent has pretty much released anything from a piano piece to a double bass industrial metal song as Nine Inch Nails.

09-11-2013, 05:56 PM
Do you think Trent is still 100% behind this song? I mean, I understand his pissy reaction to the negative criticism, but somehow... He should have expected a reaction like that. I also still think NIN fans are extremely open-minded when it comes to new music. Trent has pretty much released anything from a piano piece to a double bass industrial metal song as Nine Inch Nails.

maybe trent also thinks NIN fans are open minded . . . and that's why he didn't expect the reaction. :)

Fist Fuck
09-11-2013, 06:16 PM
maybe trent also thinks NIN fans are open minded . . . and that's why he didn't expect the reaction. :)

I guess we don't deserve the Everything video then. Still, if Trent is really behind the song, this reaction shouldn't be the reason for the video to be canceled, you know? That's why I'm saying, he should have seen it coming. The reason why my comment sounds kind of bi-polar is because I understand both sides, Trent and the fans whose jaws dropped when they heard the song.

09-11-2013, 06:47 PM
I guess we don't deserve the Everything video then. Still, if Trent is really behind the song, this reaction shouldn't be the reason for the video to be canceled, you know? That's why I'm saying, he should have seen it coming. The reason why my comment sounds kind of bi-polar is because I understand both sides, Trent and the fans whose jaws dropped when they heard the song.

i wasn't being too serious with that post. but thinking about it more, maybe it's not that trent isn't 100% behind the song anymore but that he's not 100% behind it being an early introduction to the album. it might be less about fans not liking the song and more about fans and the media saying "NIN is pop-punk now".

of course, the video might not be cancelled or maybe trent just didn't like it or maybe someone else wasn't happy with it.

09-12-2013, 05:06 PM
The track was played here- http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b039v38k
It's sill being promoted as if its going to be a single. A video would be fab!

09-12-2013, 05:24 PM
The video has gone the way of the EDIETS video. And the TDTWWA video- although we kinda got that years later.

I bet we never see it. And i dont think it is because of the fan reaction to the song. I dont think TR really gives a shit about that. Must be for other reasons. It sucks because I love the song and would love to see where they went with it, interpreting it visually.

09-12-2013, 05:56 PM
there already is a video. it has unicorns in it and everything. there is no reason to make a video for this song when the unicorn vid already exists. it cant be topped

09-12-2013, 09:23 PM
Sony/Columbia put out a press release for Hesitation Marks a few weeks ago stating that a video for Everything produced by Shynola would be released the week the album came out. That was the first and last official word seen about the topic.

I recall Shynola tweeting around late July/early August saying that they were working on a vid (presumably "Everything") which would be released in 4 weeks.

I hope it hasn't been canned, just put on a brief hold.

09-12-2013, 11:00 PM
As has been posted elsewhere, Columbia was saying the Everything video would be released the same week as the album. Well, here we are a week later, and no video, so people are understandably wondering if it's yet another cancelled video.

10-06-2013, 06:37 PM
So is it safe to say now that the video has been scrapped?

10-06-2013, 06:39 PM
So is it safe to say now that the video has been scrapped?

That's two we'll never see now (see: Every Day Is Exactly The Same scapped video).

10-06-2013, 09:29 PM
That's two we'll never see now (see: Every Day Is Exactly The Same scapped video).

It's more than that isn't it?
1. The original March of the Pigs video
2. The original The Day the World Went Away video
3. The original The Hand That Feeds video

10-07-2013, 03:31 AM
It's more than that isn't it?
1. The original March of the Pigs video
2. The original The Day the World Went Away video
3. The original The Hand That Feeds video

Well Motp and Tdtwwa are both featured in most of their original form on dvd (exept the missing girl on tdtwwa)
Hurt too
Eiets we have three or four photo including a very rare one
You got also Into the void and Sin that was showed on their original form on internet
The original THTF was something like eminem ?

10-07-2013, 04:27 AM
I love the chorus on everything, it's very old school rock and roll.
i kinda have a hard time with the verse part though
by the way, i LOVE deep and getting smaller.

10-07-2013, 07:43 AM
You got also Into the void...that was showed on their original form on internet

there's an alternate video for into the void? any chance anyone could point me in the right direction? i'm having trouble finding it.

edit: nevermind!

10-07-2013, 04:09 PM
Well Motp and Tdtwwa are both featured in most of their original form on dvd (exept the missing girl on tdtwwa)
Hurt too
Eiets we have three or four photo including a very rare one
You got also Into the void and Sin that was showed on their original form on internet
The original THTF was something like eminem ?

What is this very rare still from EDIETS you speak of?

10-07-2013, 04:26 PM
What is this very rare still from EDIETS you speak of?

10-07-2013, 04:42 PM
the famous one i found hidden on the site, i was quoted by rob

10-07-2013, 05:23 PM
the famous one i found hidden on the site, i was quoted by rob

Apparently it's not that famous if we don't know which one it is! Is it any of the above three?

SM Rollinger
10-07-2013, 05:45 PM
there already is a video. it has unicorns in it and everything. there is no reason to make a video for this song when the unicorn vid already exists. it cant be topped
Like the semi-official video for 1,000,000?

That last one, of trent in the tank, is badass.
ninjaw , post up that one you found!

I dont care so much about the video for Everything, i just want to hear it live!! I bet rez is saving it for the '14 tour, along with In Two, and he is going to play the sax for real on WISH (acronym fools)
And while their at it, play Driver Down!

10-07-2013, 05:49 PM

Those are all on ninwiki... I thought there might have been another one I hadn't seen.

SM Rollinger
10-07-2013, 05:53 PM
Those are all on ninwiki... I thought there might have been another one I hadn't seen.
dude that super secret one ninjaw is hording to himself! post it up man!!

10-08-2013, 06:30 AM
Well Motp and Tdtwwa are both featured in most of their original form on dvd (exept the missing girl on tdtwwa)

As for the TDTWWA video, the wiki says "Still images that were used on the official NIN website (http://www.nin.com/) indicate that the video takes place at a funeral (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funeral). It is rumored that the video was too personal for Trent Reznor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Reznor) to release because the song's lyrics are about the death of his grandmother." I have no idea how accurate this information is. I was hoping the deluxe edition of The Fragile would reveal more on this. Unlike other unreleased videos, this is apparently one where quality wasn't the issue. Too bad that the video wasn't originally released in conjunction with the single, because the visual motif of the released cut fits so well with the artwork for The Fragile. By the way, was it ever revealed who directed this video?

10-08-2013, 07:31 AM
By the way, was it ever revealed who directed this video?
I think it was Tomato (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomato_(company)). At least that's what ninwiki says.

10-08-2013, 09:16 AM
Apparently it's not that famous if we don't know which one it is! Is it any of the above three?

Maybe you should follow Rob, so it isn't, it was a picture of trent in an helmet and water, it was hidden on his website, I know clive shared it once on his facebook, he probably removed it, as rob did.

10-08-2013, 10:09 AM
Maybe you should follow Rob, so it isn't, it was a picture of trent in an helmet and water, it was hidden on his website, I know clive shared it once on his facebook, he probably removed it, as rob did.

Who is Rob? Where should I follow him?

(Seriously? Did you just say "Maybe you should follow Rob"?)

Pics or it didn't happen, dicktease :p

10-08-2013, 11:11 AM
Pics or it didn't happen, dicktease :p

Oh levi you so saucy <3

10-08-2013, 01:48 PM
Who is Rob? Where should I follow him?
(Seriously? Did you just say "Maybe you should follow Rob"?)
Pics or it didn't happen, dicktease :p

Oh, i just found back that tweet https://twitter.com/rob_sheridan/status/19267185057
Holy shit : I re-found this mysterious pic, thanks to the name I linked in it

10-08-2013, 02:34 PM
Oh, i just found back that tweet https://twitter.com/rob_sheridan/status/19267185057
Holy shit : I re-found this mysterious pic, thanks to the name I linked in it

The link is dead too :(

SM Rollinger
10-13-2013, 06:27 PM
Man its been days since id been on ets, and i was thinking to myself at work the other day "hmmm.... i wonder if that super seceret 4th pic from the EDIETS video got posted yet"

Then today I was at my shop, and the damn song came on the Tool station on Pandora, and that put me over the edge. I knew it was posted and I HAD to check it out. But alas, ninjaw has yet to post it. *sigh* :(

11-11-2013, 11:26 AM
Curious thing about NIN and "Everything" in Brazil.

Well, let me situate things first: NIN is pretty much unknown down here. Few records were released here and the singles never got some distinguished airplay. "Closer" and "The Perfect Drug" got some heavy rotation on our MTV during the 90s, but since then the band is mostly known and respected by critics and indie followers. They headlined an indie festival in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in 2005 ( amazing concerts, btw ). And they end up cancelling two solo concerts here in 2008, allegedly due to technical dificulties - though low selling tickets weren't out of question.

And the end note: guess which song has been getting some damn high rotation in our one and only rock radio ( 89FM ) here in Sao Paulo? Yeah... "Eveything" may be the first contact a lot of people will have with the band in Brazil.

As NIN are one of the headliners for our Lollapalooza chapter next year, I'd suggest TR and co to seriously think about putting the song in the setlist... ;-)

11-11-2013, 12:04 PM
I like that idea.

Especially because Lolla Brazil and Chile usually do pro-shot videos of the headliners. So, you know...

05-21-2023, 08:32 PM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?

05-22-2023, 05:22 AM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?
I survived

05-22-2023, 07:04 AM
I have always liked that song.

05-22-2023, 07:53 AM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?

I knew it would be polarizing and I was proven correct: "This is exactly the kind of track that divides Reznor’s audience along lines of pro-and-con, lovers and haters." I'm glad they finally played it live last year, the attitude broadly seems to have softened.

05-22-2023, 07:54 AM
It remains a morbid curiosity of the NIN catalogue and nearly always gets a skip from me dawg.

05-22-2023, 07:57 AM
It’s not my favorite but I always understood it was transparent and obvious that it isn’t this light hearted positive song that so many misunderstood it to be.

Sarah K
05-22-2023, 07:59 AM
The double whammy of getting Sunspots followed by Everything at Red Rocks was sure a very memorable few minutes for me!

05-22-2023, 08:23 AM
The double whammy of getting Sunspots followed by Everything at Red Rocks was sure a very memorable few minutes for me!

I was going to say the same thing...I really disliked Everything when it came out, grew to appreciate it a little more...but I lost my mind when they played it at Red Rocks.

05-23-2023, 03:50 PM
The first time I heard it, I was JUST leaving a shit job I had had for a decade to go full time with the career I was put here to do.
So...call me biased, but I like it.

05-23-2023, 04:34 PM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?

I still like the song, and I still laugh at some of the responses to it from back then. In my opinion, there's nothing in it that Trent hadn't already flirted with before it came out. He just decided to put it front and center for once. Is it my favorite track? Nope, but I've not buried it away like some fans have.

Something Underneath
05-24-2023, 05:52 AM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?
Was a good song in 2013,still a good song in 2023.

05-24-2023, 09:17 AM
My favorite song on Hesitation Marks. I don't say that to be contrarian; it's just one of the few songs on the album I find interesting. I don't dislike any song on the album (though the dissonance of Disappointed can be a bit grating at times), but a lot of the songs are kind of simple in a way that gets old after several listens. Everything is fun and dynamic and complicated and has a cool emotional payoff at the end.

Release the video, Trent!

05-26-2023, 12:31 PM
Still the worst NIN song.

05-26-2023, 12:41 PM
Still the worst NIN song.
Shares the crown with God Break Down the Door for me.

Deacon Blackfire
05-28-2023, 09:28 AM
How do we feel about Everything in 2023 reading back on our initial reactions?

I can see what he was going for and I've always thought the choruses were pretty sick but it's never going to be one of my favorites. It's the grating, pop-punk-y vocals during the verses that just don't really work for me. As I've said before (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/1315-NIN-The-Greatest-Hits?p=576284#post576284), the fact it was written to be included on a contractually obligated Greatest Hits release has made me appreciate how jarring and incongruous it is among NIN's catalogue of songs and ultimately I'm glad TR got over whatever insecurities he had about its reception and played it a few times live. I certainly would have been happy to see it live, it seemed like it was really fun and translated well to the stage.

The double whammy of getting Sunspots followed by Everything at Red Rocks was sure a very memorable few minutes for me!

Oh man, I'm glad for you that you got to experience that! I would have been ecstatic, especially after Sunspots - I've been an extremely lucky NIN fan but I don't know if I'll ever get over probably missing my only shot to see that song after waiting so long. When they started playing AATCHB after the 2018 shows I went to, I refused to listen to any recordings of it in the hopes I'd eventually get to see it and eventually I got my chance in Philadelphia last year. I still haven't listened to Sunspots live in the vain hope I get another miracle.

Release the video, Trent!

The snippets we got of it in that Snynola video reel were really interesting and intriguing, definitely a cool kind of Tetsuo: The Iron Man vibe with that distinctive, almost stop-motion camera work and TR running around in a suit and glasses. Would be really cool for it to somehow see the light of day but it seems very unlikely, I'm not even sure it was finished! In any case as far as unreleased videos go, it seems worlds more promising than the original, scrapped version of The Hand That Feeds and the abandoned EDIETS one that inspired Meathead's own ridiculous version.

05-28-2023, 11:45 AM
I remember being shocked when i first heard Everything, but definitely not put off. Like most NIN songs, there are deeper layers upon further listens, and Everything definitely isn't a clear cut "positive, happy" song when you really dig into it. Not to be a contrarian, but it's legit one of my favorite NIN songs along with God Break Down The Door lol.

It's a long shot if not an impossibility, but I'd love to see the release of the video for Hesitation Mark's tenth (!!!) anniversary.

SM Rollinger
05-28-2023, 03:55 PM
I remember being shocked when i first heard Everything, but definitely not put off. Like most NIN songs, there are deeper layers upon further listens, and Everything definitely isn't a clear cut "positive, happy" song when you really dig into it. Not to be a contrarian, but it's legit one of my favorite NIN songs along with God Break Down The Door lol.

It's a long shot if not an impossibility, but I'd love to see the release of the video for Hesitation Mark's tenth (!!!) anniversary.

Seems like it was just yesterday we were getting hyped for the album release.

05-30-2023, 02:54 PM
The snippets we got of it in that Snynola video reel were really interesting and intriguing, definitely a cool kind of Tetsuo: The Iron Man vibe with that distinctive, almost stop-motion camera work and TR running around in a suit and glasses. Would be really cool for it to somehow see the light of day but it seems very unlikely, I'm not even sure it was finished! In any case as far as unreleased videos go, it seems worlds more promising than the original, scrapped version of The Hand That Feeds and the abandoned EDIETS one that inspired Meathead's own ridiculous version.

Picture it...an audio/video release with ALLLLL the unreleased stuff from over the years called FAILED AND FORGOTTEN.

05-30-2023, 03:50 PM
I can see what he was going for and I've always thought the choruses were pretty sick but it's never going to be one of my favorites. It's the grating, pop-punk-y vocals during the verses that just don't really work for me. As I've said before (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/1315-NIN-The-Greatest-Hits?p=576284#post576284), the fact it was written to be included on a contractually obligated Greatest Hits release has made me appreciate how jarring and incongruous it is among NIN's catalogue of songs and ultimately I'm glad TR got over whatever insecurities he had about its reception and played it a few times live. I certainly would have been happy to see it live, it seemed like it was really fun and translated well to the stage.

Oh man, I'm glad for you that you got to experience that! I would have been ecstatic, especially after Sunspots - I've been an extremely lucky NIN fan but I don't know if I'll ever get over probably missing my only shot to see that song after waiting so long. When they started playing AATCHB after the 2018 shows I went to, I refused to listen to any recordings of it in the hopes I'd eventually get to see it and eventually I got my chance in Philadelphia last year. I still haven't listened to Sunspots live in the vain hope I get another miracle.

The snippets we got of it in that Snynola video reel were really interesting and intriguing, definitely a cool kind of Tetsuo: The Iron Man vibe with that distinctive, almost stop-motion camera work and TR running around in a suit and glasses. Would be really cool for it to somehow see the light of day but it seems very unlikely, I'm not even sure it was finished! In any case as far as unreleased videos go, it seems worlds more promising than the original, scrapped version of The Hand That Feeds and the abandoned EDIETS one that inspired Meathead's own ridiculous version.
Every Day is Echoing the Sound?


06-04-2023, 04:42 AM
People probably reacted to Bowie's "Ashes to ashes" in a similar way. Like, what is that farewell ballad is doing in the middle of the record, why is he so obviously self-referencing, we can't decide if it's gem or rubbish.

06-13-2023, 10:41 PM
It's a very well written song that's pop savvy, yet still has an edge.

Hesitation Marks is a classic.

06-14-2023, 06:46 AM
I feel like this belongs here...probably way better than the official video anyway...
