View Full Version : List your favorite nin albums in order (now with hesitation marks)

08-30-2013, 02:17 PM
Now that Hesitation Marks has come out, I've been wondering where it fits in the pecking order of NIN albums.

1. THE FRAGILE (undisputed king; all the ferocity of broken, the variety of with teeth, the anger of TDS, great instrumentals, it has everything)

2. WITH TEETH (if you ask me, there's more great songwriting here than any other album besides Fragile)

3. HESITATION MARKS (not quite as varied as WT, but packs a mean punch and more than one stone-cold classic song)

4. BROKEN (very short, but packs a wallop)

5. YEAR ZERO (criminally underrated: great songwriting, unique sound, and a nice lyrical break from business as usual for Trent)

6. GHOSTS I-IV (a little long-winded, yes, but an incredible experience nonetheless)

7. THE SLIP (another one that gets underrated a lot. The Slip is kinda light and thrown-together, but it's got zero fat and it's a ton of fun)

8. PRETTY HATE MACHINE (great but a little uneven and dated-sounding)

9. THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL (overrated. There I said it. A great record like all NIN records, but emotionally one-note except for Hurt, and bloated in the middle)

10. STILL (how does this count for people as a NIN record? It's like a tape of glorified demos)

08-30-2013, 02:25 PM
I'm having trouble making a list.

So far I have

1. The Downward Spiral
2. The Fragile
3. Hesitation Marks(this might change once it's settled in)
4-7. Can't decide between Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, With Teeth and Year Zero
8. The Slip
9. Ghosts I-IV

I'll post in here again once I have that middle part figured out.

08-30-2013, 02:27 PM
I'll play the game, but understand there is a different between best and favorite. My favorite drink is beer, but it's not always the best. So with that understanding:

My Favorite albums (understand too this is a bit nitpicky as all NIN are much better than anything else out there)

-With Teeth
-Hesitation Marks
-The Fragile
-1/2 The Slip
-The other half of TS

08-30-2013, 02:28 PM
1. The Downward Spiral/The Fragile
2. Hesitation Marks
3. Year Zero
4. Ghosts I-IV
5. Broken
6. With Teeth
7. The Slip
8. Pretty Hate Machine

08-30-2013, 02:37 PM
1.The Fragile
2.The Downward Spiral
3.Hesitation Marks
4.Pretty Hate Machine
5.With Teeth
6.The Slip
7.Year Zero
9.Ghost I-IV

08-30-2013, 03:34 PM
1. Hesitation Marks
2. The Downward Spiral
3. The Fragile
(The discs below change often, with my mood)
4. Ghosts
5. Still
6. With Teeth
7. PHM
8. Broken
9. The Slip
10. Year Zero (it's half the experience without the ARG.)

08-30-2013, 03:47 PM
1. The Downward Spiral
2. Pretty Hate Machine
3. Broken
4. Year Zero (tie)
4. The Fragile (tie)
6. Hesitation Marks
7. The Slip
8. With Teeth
9. Ghosts I-IV

08-30-2013, 04:59 PM
10. STILL (how does this count for people as a NIN record? It's like a tape of glorified demos)

Your description of Still is heart breaking.

08-30-2013, 05:24 PM
So this is the preferred album list thread, and Rank NIN Albums is an ordered list of what you think is the best? :confused:

08-30-2013, 07:18 PM
1. The Downward Spiral
2. With Teeth
3. The Fragile
4. Broken
5. Pretty Hate Machine
6. Hesitation Marks
7. Year Zero
8. The Slip
9. Ghosts I-IV

If we were also scoring these I'd rate 1-6 all pretty highly. 7-9 not so much.

08-30-2013, 07:21 PM
Your description of Still is heart breaking.

I agree, I love "Still". However, I'll contend that "Still" shouldn't be included on this list as it's not a proper NIN studio album. Nor should any of the live albums, remix albums, or soundtrack albums (especially those as they weren't released under the NIN name). NIN have 9 official studio albums.

08-30-2013, 07:28 PM
I've always considered Still as an acoustic remix album.

1. The Fragile
2. The Downward Spiral
3. Hesitation Marks
4. Broken
5. Pretty Hate Machine
After this it's hard for me to choose between them. At this point
6. Year Zero
7. With Teeth
8. The Slip

Also I find hard to think of Ghosts as a LP

08-30-2013, 07:40 PM
I've been contemplating this since it has unanimously been determined that HM is in fact that good (i agree). however, i cant put it above the fragile due to it's nice aged effect aka nice memories i have of it built into facets of me. TDS isnt over rated by any stretch but def requires a certain mood level to listen to. WT was def not well received by me at first in spite thinking the art was absolutely amazing, but now is def a really nicely rounded album and has some personal favs. YZ was a blast to be a part of during the ARG on here and feel like it did what it was supposed to. The Slip was a nice treat and is def underrated. Broken is the sound most relate to NIN i feel who dont listen to regularly. PHM is a classic and i dont think sounds very dated when u look at it like YZ it has a unique vibe. Ghosts i feel was just jam sessions and TR finally giving us what we asked for in unreleased material and had some solid gems on it. HM def feels complete although i'd like more instrumental "filler" as it were.

1.The Fragile
2.Hesitation Marks
3.With Teeth
4.The Downward Spiral
5.Year Zero
6.The Slip
8.Pretty Hate Machine
9.Ghost I-IV

08-30-2013, 07:43 PM
3. fixed
4. broken
5.tds/tf/the new one

oh shit im sorry i meant

4. YZ/new one
6. broken

good god i love this new record. it is SO fucking awesome. i guess it is on par with TDS and TF.
But i sure do like broken...and tf...and tds makes me wanna kill myself so i dont listen to it...and i love year zero...fuck this i give up. im disqualified.

08-30-2013, 07:45 PM
1. The Fragile
2.Year Zero
3. Downward Spiral
4. Hesitation Marks
5. The Slip
6. PHM
7. Ghosts
8. Broken

08-30-2013, 07:48 PM
I agree, I love "Still". However, I'll contend that "Still" shouldn't be included on this list as it's not a proper NIN studio album. Nor should any of the live albums, remix albums, or soundtrack albums (especially those as they weren't released under the NIN name). NIN have 9 official studio albums.
BTW i think that's EIGHT... EIGHT official studio albums, no?

08-30-2013, 07:49 PM
1. The Downward Spiral
2. The Fragile (this would easily be #1 if you put together the best songs on one disc)
3. Pretty Hate Machine
4. Hesitation Marks (I'm sure that this being fresh still moves it up a few notches)
5. With Teeth
6. Broken
7. Year Zero
8. The Slip

08-30-2013, 07:54 PM
10. Pretty Hate Machine (6.5/10 just a couple tracks that are meh, Down In It, TWIG) 9. Still (9/10 just get's a downgrade for reusage of songs but still brilliant) 8. The Slip (7.5/10 just with TFOUAD was not right after Corona Radiata. No GREAT songs but solid) 7. Year Zero (8/10 like more than before, important message and some GREAT songs, TGD, The Warning, Survivalism and Capital G) 6. With Teeth (8/10 solid album with lyrics I really connect to (like most of his lyrics) Plus RWIB....need I say more) 5. Broken (9/10 brutal and powerful...every song hits, love Happiness In Slavery) 4. Ghosts (9.5/10....a ride of emotions, very liberating) 3. The Downward Spiral (10/10 Dark, beautiful and disturbing...love every track) 2. Hesitation Marks (10/10 Dark, beautiful with so many interesting sounds and awesome lyrical content. Best thing since The Fragile) 1. The Fragile (10/10 what a beautiful piece of art, aggressive yet humble and peaceful. NO FILLER, EVERY SONG IS RIGHT WHERE THEY BELONG) ;)

08-30-2013, 08:00 PM
The Fragile
The Downward Spiral
Hesitation Marks
Pretty Hate Machine
Year Zero
With Teeth
The Slip

08-30-2013, 08:03 PM
We REALLY dont need another rank albuks thread... The other one is on the same page as this...

08-30-2013, 08:08 PM
1. With Teeth
1. The Fragile
1. Hesitation Marks
4. The Downward Spiral
5. Year Zero
6. The Slip
7. Broken EP
8. Ghosts
9. Pretty Hate Machine

08-30-2013, 08:38 PM
BTW i think that's EIGHT... EIGHT official studio albums, no?

No, there are 9 official studio albums.

1. Pretty Hate Machine
2. Broken
3. The Downward Spiral
4. The Fragile
5. With Teeth
6. Year Zero
7. Ghosts I-IV
8. The Slip
9. Hesitation Marks

08-30-2013, 09:15 PM
broken is an ep....
just sayin

08-30-2013, 09:33 PM
Aw, I've always counted Broken as an actual album... I mean - 9 tracks is certainly an album, and Broken has 8, which is more than almost any other EP...

Anyhoo, this ranking business is difficult...hmm... It's still a bit early to tell where HM should truly fit, but I'm going out on a limb and doing this:

1. Hesitation Marks
2. The Downward Spiral
3. Year Zero
4. The Fragile
5. With Teeth
6. Pretty Hate Machine
7. Broken
8. Ghosts
9. The Slip

Ughh, I feel dirty for putting some of these lower on the list, but hey, they gotta go somewhere right? All in all I really do think The Slip is the weakest, conceptually and content wise. Ghosts edges it out barely by having SO MUCH material.

08-30-2013, 09:35 PM
I dont feel as if I have a favorite, or a least favorite, they're all good, just HM is new.

07-06-2024, 10:30 AM
The Downward Spiral
The Fragile
Hesitation Marks
Not The Actual Events
Pretty Hate Machine
Bad Witch
With Teeth
Add Violence
Year Zero
The Slip
Ghosts Together
Ghosts Locusts
Ghosts (Original)

07-06-2024, 11:08 AM
1. The Downward Spiral/The Fragile
2. Hesitation Marks
3. Year Zero
4. Ghosts I-IV
5. Broken
6. With Teeth
7. The Slip
8. Pretty Hate Machine

Let's update this!

1. The Downward Spiral/The Fragile
2. Ghosts I-IV
3. Year Zero
4. Broken
5. Not The Actual Events/Add Violence/Bad Witch
6. With Teeth
7. The Slip
8. Hesitation Marks
9. Ghosts V-VI
10. Pretty Hate Machine