View Full Version : Steven Wilson catch-all thread (Porcupine Tree, No-Man, Blackfield, Bass Communion)

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10-04-2016, 05:10 PM
Is it solid blue?

10-05-2016, 03:35 PM
Is it solid blue?

it's translucent but not transparent. really really beautiful to look at. as much as i've been griping about the separation of the album & EP, these records look and sound AMAZING.

just helped my dad replace the drive belt on his vertical mitsubishi turntable and we're spinning Nil Recurring.

10-06-2016, 05:01 PM
Used to champion Deadwing as their best for a long time but I think these two combined represent the best he'd ever done with Porcupine Tree. Hopefully one day he can regain control of the band's Lava/Roadrunner catalog someday and give them all new remixes.

10-07-2016, 07:45 AM
Hopefully one day he can regain control of the band's Lava/Roadrunner catalog someday and give them all new remixes.

Do you think he'd change them? IA is the best mix PT ever had, so I hope not. Tim Palmer was a god on that one.

They both definitely need an 'anti-loudness war' remastering, though, which I think is likely whenever he gets the rights sorted out.

10-07-2016, 08:06 AM
I don't know off-hand if he would change them. He said as much about making them "anti-loudness war" as you put it.

Probably won't happen soon unfortunately. He doesn't own the material, Time Warner does and they're not as eager to put out such lavish editions of those records.

10-07-2016, 09:08 AM
I always wanted a Deluxe version for "In Absentia", actually it's the only PT album i don't own (as a physical copy) because i'm always waiting for a better version.

There's tons of B sides from that era, also live versions, and he could do a 5.1 remasters as he likes to, it makes me angry that this might never happen...

10-07-2016, 10:00 AM
I always wanted a Deluxe version for "In Absentia", actually it's the only PT album i don't own (as a physical copy) because i'm always waiting for a better version.

There's tons of B sides from that era, also live versions, and he could do a 5.1 remasters as he likes to, it makes me angry that this might never happen...
Steven repeatedly mentioned that he's doing everything he can to make this happen. I think In Absentia/Deadwing remixed (or remastered)/expanded will come out in due time, we just have to wait for it, at least 5 more years.

What I want with the re-releases would be a stereo version of Revenant, I know we have a live/studio version of it on Arriving Somewhere... but the fact that the studio version of this track only exists in 5.1ch always irritated me a little bit.
And a long-overdue complete B-sides collection, including tracks that were eventually released later on, such as Vapour Trail Lullaby, Deadwing Theme, Collecting Space, Happiness III, and even Godfearing.

10-07-2016, 04:21 PM
What I want with the re-releases would be a stereo version of Revenant, I know we have a live/studio version of it on Arriving Somewhere... but the fact that the studio version of this track only exists in 5.1ch always irritated me a little bit.

Huh? There's stereo versions of all the bonuses directly on the DVD-A. Perhaps there's a DVD-V version that doesn't have them in stereo? I dunno. Mine does. (With an unfortunately way-overblown "Mother & Child Divided," the worst example of the superloud DW mastering-gone-wrong. The entire song clips the whole time.) The only new mixes that are surround-only are the bonuses on Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun DVD-As, which definitely does suck, since "Even Less" part 2 sounds way better in the new mix.

Agreed about the Recordings II thing, though. That was the best idea for a post-PT release and it hasn't happened yet. Stupid.

10-07-2016, 07:17 PM
Huh? There's stereo versions of all the bonuses directly on the DVD-A. Perhaps there's a DVD-V version that doesn't have them in stereo? I dunno. Mine does. (With an unfortunately way-overblown "Mother & Child Divided," the worst example of the superloud DW mastering-gone-wrong. The entire song clips the whole time.) The only new mixes that are surround-only are the bonuses on Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun DVD-As, which definitely does suck, since "Even Less" part 2 sounds way better in the new mix.
Where can I find it?? My DVD says 'exclusive DTS surround music bonus tracks'.

https://img.discogs.com/uQOSZtISWfIgCj5R0PH1lDiCTt0=/fit-in/600x575/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(90)/discogs-images/R-1539637-1402450165-2199.jpeg.jpg

Stereo version of Half-Light came with the Lazarus single, Mother & Child Divided on Arriving Somewhere bonus DVD, but no Revenant yet, at least not in my collection.

10-07-2016, 11:01 PM
So upon Discogs-ing, the listens say only DVD-V (as opposed to V and DVD-A as I said above), but there are two versions: the one you speak of and the one I have, which is the digibook edition (https://www.discogs.com/Porcupine-Tree-Deadwing/release/1517943). I can't imagine why, but it seems the content differs, and in ways a lot more detailed than Discogs has listed; it has both the regular DVD-V folder and a very populated DVD-A folder:

10-14-2016, 10:52 AM
The "Happiness III" single is out today, including the "Space Oddity" cover.

10-27-2016, 10:43 AM

10-27-2016, 11:32 AM
Blackfield V ​coming out February 10th (http://teamrock.com/news/2016-10-27/blackfield-detail-new-album-with-steven-wilson)

11-03-2016, 08:34 AM
Meet Steven Wilson and receive two guest-list tickets to a show of your choice! This charity auction benefiting Sweet...


11-04-2016, 07:59 AM
I mentioned awhile ago that Steven and his band played a Rush song in rehearsal and SW put up a clip of it on his Instagram account. That song was "The Twilight Zone", and will be included on a new special 40th anniversary edition of the band's 2112 (http://www.rush.com/2112-40th/).

11-05-2016, 09:47 AM
went to the show last night and he topped himself again, hcm isn't my favorite album of his but the performance was absolutely spotless and over 2.5 hours, i'm not gonna give the setlist away but if you haven't seen him yet and enjoy him you don't want to miss this leg of the tour.

11-11-2016, 01:01 AM
I wonder what he makes of America, given that he's here during this rather turbulent time.

11-11-2016, 09:09 AM
I wonder what he makes of America, given that he's here during this rather turbulent time.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't like it one bit, but i think he'll avoid any politics, just like he has during his whole carreer

11-11-2016, 11:00 AM
Probably. I think he's most passionate about animal rights as I think he's a vegetarian. He posted a video earlier this year on his Facebook of someone defending that very strongly.

I generally get the impression that whatever his interest in politics, it doesn't translate into his song-writing. He's more interested in human behavior, but not so much in "the man" or more societal issues.

11-11-2016, 11:27 AM
Yeah i was going to bring his vegetarianism, in his last facebook Q&A video he confirmed it.
Look at Moby the man is terrified of Trump, i'm a vegetarian myself and i don't see good things with Trump on power.

But i agree, i believe Steven is more worried by the "internal monsters", than the external ones; not that he lacks of any political opinion, but his worries are more on the inside of man.

11-11-2016, 11:42 AM

11-11-2016, 12:50 PM
But i agree, i believe Steven is more worried by the "internal monsters", than the external ones; not that he lacks of any political opinion, but his worries are more internal.

The way, if any, Brexit or the European lurch to the right in general, finds it's way into his next batch of songs will be interesting. Just hope he doesn't turn into a Year Zero-type deal, if his stuff gets any more depressing I might have to ease up (yeah right).

12-12-2016, 08:51 PM
Andy Partridge, formerly of XTC who Steven has worked with on their recent re-issues, said on his Twitter today that Steven has begun work on the new album today, two songs of which he and SW co-wrote together.

12-13-2016, 09:04 AM
Andy Partridge, formerly of XTC who Steven has worked with on their recent re-issues, said on his Twitter today that Steven has begun work on the new album today, two songs of which he and SW co-wrote together.


that is AWESOME!

12-13-2016, 01:02 PM
Hey eversonpoe – you got the new FOABP pressing right? Do you have one of the other presses to compare it to? Just wanna know if SW fixed the mastering issues that made the old pressings distorted and sibilant.

12-13-2016, 01:41 PM
Hey @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) – you got the new FOABP pressing right? Do you have one of the other presses to compare it to? Just wanna know if SW fixed the mastering issues that made the old pressings distorted and sibilant.

i don't have any other pressing but i can tell you that i noticed no oversaturation or any other issues; it sounded fucking perfect.
the nil recurring pressing is ace, as well.

12-14-2016, 08:35 AM

12-21-2016, 03:12 AM
Richard Barbieri is releasing a new solo album next year, here's a preview.


Tim Bowness is as well, mixed by Steven.


12-24-2016, 07:34 AM

01-05-2017, 07:00 AM
Blackfield V now available for pre-order (https://www.burningshed.com/store/kscope/collection/11/)

01-05-2017, 10:04 AM
Blackfield V now available for pre-order (https://www.burningshed.com/store/kscope/collection/11/)

god the thumb looks even more fucked up when they angle the cover like that

01-05-2017, 01:36 PM

01-05-2017, 02:29 PM
Has Steven hinted at the crew he's recording with this time? I'd assume that old timers like Nick and Adam will be there with Craig on drums. Not so sure about the guitar.

01-05-2017, 02:39 PM
Man since Hand.Cannot.Erase I just can't get into this sound of his. It just sounds so bland to me I don't know. And I love Raven to death, PT obviously. But this isn't doing anything for me

01-05-2017, 03:22 PM
Man since Hand.Cannot.Erase I just can't get into this sound of his. It just sounds so bland to me I don't know. And I love Raven to death, PT obviously. But this isn't doing anything for me

i really enjoyed hand.cannot.erase as a whole, but there are songs on it i can't listen to on their own because, out of the context of the album, they're far less compelling (and a bit boring).

i might end up liking this song as part of the whole new album, but at the moment, i'm not very excited about it. :(

01-05-2017, 04:38 PM
Not so sure about the guitar.

I hope Steven does it all himself. He's expressed more interest in playing leads again, and if he's going in the direction I think he is with this one, the songs don't need a whole lot of shredding. Not that is what Guthrie Govan and Dave Kilminster have done, but they definitely play on a level above Steven's ability, which is quite good on it's own. But maybe that feel will be more at home on this.

01-06-2017, 03:41 PM
i really enjoyed hand.cannot.erase as a whole, but there are songs on it i can't listen to on their own because, out of the context of the album, they're far less compelling (and a bit boring)

Which songs if you don't mind me asking? I'll grant that the first three (or two if you bought the MP3 version) aren't really as compelling on their own as the rest of it, but I think it overall is one of his more solid efforts yet.

It's interesting to me that he's now in a phase that's possibly like the one he was in with Porcupine Tree years ago, when they went from a more open-ended psychedelic-jam type band to something more song-oriented. It feels like that's possibly happening again with this record, and had it's roots in HCE.

01-06-2017, 04:10 PM
Which songs if you don't mind me asking? I'll grant that the first three (or two if you bought the MP3 version) aren't really as compelling on their own as the rest of it, but I think it overall is one of his more solid efforts yet.

It's interesting to me that he's now in a phase that's possibly like the one he was in with Porcupine Tree years ago, when they went from a more open-ended psychedelic-jam type band to something more song-oriented. It feels like that's possibly happening again with this record, and had it's roots in HCE.

I thought he was talking about "Home Invasion" and "Regret#9." Or that was my immediate choice of songs that don't work. Hell, they don't work on the record, imo; SW was better off finishing "My Book of Regrets" for that spot. Guitar solo be damned! The song is better. And HI/R#9 mean basically nothing to the story.

01-06-2017, 10:07 PM
Which songs if you don't mind me asking? I'll grant that the first three (or two if you bought the MP3 version) aren't really as compelling on their own as the rest of it, but I think it overall is one of his more solid efforts yet.

It's interesting to me that he's now in a phase that's possibly like the one he was in with Porcupine Tree years ago, when they went from a more open-ended psychedelic-jam type band to something more song-oriented. It feels like that's possibly happening again with this record, and had it's roots in HCE.

I thought he was talking about "Home Invasion" and "Regret#9." Or that was my immediate choice of songs that don't work. Hell, they don't work on the record, imo; SW was better off finishing "My Book of Regrets" for that spot. Guitar solo be damned! The song is better. And HI/R#9 mean basically nothing to the story.

home invasion and regret #9 are my favorite tracks on the album (just put them as a pair on a mix for my friend)

i was talking about happy returns/ascendant here on... in particular (pretty weak way to end such a strong album), but also the second half of perfect life (love the first half with the spoken word telling the story). transience also feels kind of unnecessary/boring, but it's fine within the context of the album.

01-06-2017, 11:02 PM

01-07-2017, 03:31 PM
So between the three of us the album sucks except "Routine"

01-07-2017, 04:04 PM
Oh and "Ancestral", but I am not crazy about the 2nd half of that.

01-07-2017, 11:14 PM
Wow, when i clicked on this thread i didn't think i'll find you guys bashing "Hand. Cannot. Erase."
Funny thing is that i listened to the whole thing recently and i fell in love with it again.
It's true that the album doesn't allow "individual songs" and it's a complete listen from top to bottom, but i honestly think it's one of his best works.

Or maybe i have lost all my "objectivity" with this man, but i'm sure i love the album...

01-08-2017, 12:42 AM
I don't think HCE is a bad album by any means. But compared the the last three (not counting PT), it's kind of bland. It has some great moments. And I can't fathom how someone can dislike Regret 9/Home Invasion. Easily, a highlight of the album.

01-08-2017, 09:19 AM
He's been hitting his stride as a solo artist from the word go, and for me, each album has it's own greatness. And HCE is no different in my opinion. For me just personally, it's also a very heavily emotional work as it's release is tied to a rather unfortunate time in my life. I said earlier that I thought it was his Wish You Were Here, and as that's my all-time favorite album I don't say that easily. It's his own comment on absence, through the specter of this real-life story, as WYWH was about Syd Barrett's decline from Roger Waters' perspective.

01-08-2017, 11:19 AM
Wow, when i clicked on this thread i didn't think i'll find you guys bashing "Hand. Cannot. Erase."
Funny thing is that i listened to the whole thing recently and i fell in love with it again.
It's true that the album doesn't allow "individual songs" and it's a complete listen from top to bottom, but i honestly think it's one of his best works.

Or maybe i have lost all my "objectivity" with this man, but i'm sure i love the album...

Eh, I know very few SW fanboys (i.e. what we are) who dislike anything he did so much that they won't listen to it. If I feel like putting on the non-mutated HCE that has none of my changes, I will still thoroughly enjoy it, including the HI/R#9 moment I lamented earlier. It's in degrees – I like less Raven, more Grace, so I rarely listen to all of Raven... but I also rarely have the wherewithal to commit to a Grace listen too.

I think my point is that anyone can be critical of anything they enjoy. Yeah. That.

01-08-2017, 12:03 PM
I'm more on the raven bandwagon than I am for Grace. And I love both. HCE doesn't hit me like the other three did.

01-08-2017, 08:01 PM
Eh, I know very few SW fanboys (i.e. what we are) who dislike anything he did so much that they won't listen to it. If I feel like putting on the non-mutated HCE that has none of my changes, I will still thoroughly enjoy it, including the HI/R#9 moment I lamented earlier. It's in degrees – I like less Raven, more Grace, so I rarely listen to all of Raven... but I also rarely have the wherewithal to commit to a Grace listen too.

I think my point is that anyone can be critical of anything they enjoy. Yeah. That.

mutated? what changes did you make?

01-08-2017, 08:10 PM
I am a PT fan since 2006, and I dug Insurgentes, loved Grace For Drowning, and then loved Raven to a point where I was listening to it non-stop. I was so underwhelmed by the concept and sound of HCE that I think I didn't even finish it all the way, and then my opinion stayed the same when I did. HOWEVER, I was back to liking 4 1/2 and thought bits of it were quite PT-ish! I'll be excited for whatever he puts out next.

On a side note, once I saw SW open for Opeth in upstate New York. He played "Raider II". Glorious.

01-08-2017, 09:23 PM
mutated? what changes did you make?

Prepare to disagree!

First Regret
3 Years Older
Hand Cannot Erase
My Book of Regrets
Perfect Life (Grand Union mix)
Transience (single version)
Last Regret
Happy Returns
Ascendant Here On...

01-08-2017, 10:10 PM
Prepare to disagree!

First Regret
3 Years Older
Hand Cannot Erase
My Book of Regrets
Perfect Life (Grand Union mix)
Transience (single version)
Last Regret
Happy Returns
Ascendant Here On...

what is the grand union mix and where can one hear it?

also, in case you guys were thinking i really don't like the album, i think first regret / 3 years older are a PERFECT album opener.

01-08-2017, 10:42 PM
I fucking loved "Home Invasion" since it has a kinda metal sound in the start, reminds me of classic 2000s era Porcupine Tree. "Regret #9" reminded me of Shine On You Crazy Diamond more than anything else, and I'd call "Routine" the worst song there.

But yeah, I have to agree that Steven Wilson's newer stuff just isn't as good as that Porcupine Tree run from The Sky Moves Sideways to Fear of a Blank Planet, and my favorite solo records of his are definitely the first two. Hand Cannot Erase mostly bored me. The Raven that Refused to Sing was even more boring though IMO.

01-08-2017, 10:46 PM
what is the grand union mix and where can one hear it?

It's on the Blu-ray edition, but also comes with the special edition on iTunes/Apple

01-09-2017, 07:39 AM
It's on the Blu-ray edition, but also comes with the special edition on iTunes/Apple

guess i need to pop the blu-ray back in. i think i only listened to the main album on there, and it wasn't part of the bonus tracks on the extra CD so i must have just overlooked it.

ok, so ViN doesn't like routine, so between us all, the album sucks hahaha ;)

01-09-2017, 01:35 PM
He's been hitting his stride as a solo artist from the word go, and for me, each album has it's own greatness. And HCE is no different in my opinion. For me just personally, it's also a very heavily emotional work as it's release is tied to a rather unfortunate time in my life. I said earlier that I thought it was his Wish You Were Here, and as that's my all-time favorite album I don't say that easily. It's his own comment on absence, through the specter of this real-life story, as WYWH was about Syd Barrett's decline from Roger Waters' perspective.
Funny: the same thing happens to me with "The Incident" (by Porcupine Tree obviously); i like the album, but i can't listen to it.
Not only 2009 was my worst year ever, most of the songs affect me in various ways, the sad thing is that i want to listen to it again, but i always end up listening something else...

01-17-2017, 05:55 AM
Said in a recent interview that he's playing much more guitar on this, expect a more song-based record, and hopes for it to be out by September (https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/upcoming_releases/steven_wilson_what_to_expect_from_my_new_album.htm l).

01-27-2017, 07:06 PM

02-05-2017, 02:30 PM

02-08-2017, 10:48 AM

02-12-2017, 01:50 PM

02-15-2017, 04:54 AM
So, it turns out that Blackfield is still Aviv Geffen's project, after all.
Two songs co-written with Aviv Geffen ('A Drop In The Ocean' and 'Life Is An Ocean'), and 'From 44 To 48', obviously, written by SW. Otherwise all written by AG.
To be fair, he did contribute a lot more as a producer/musician.

I'm also quite surprised by some facts:
a) 'How Was Your Ride?' was not produced by Steven Wilson (not even written by him) but Alan Parsons did the job.
b) Alan Parsons produced 'The Jackal'.
c) About half of the surround mix is done by SW. The other half was done by Simon Bloor & Bruce Soord.
d) If you have the January leak do not delete it, for it's different from the official release. E.g., 'Sorrys' crossfades into 'Life Is An Ocean' in the official release while the leak doesn't.

02-15-2017, 01:02 PM
Sure fooled me. When I first heard "How Was Your Ride" I immediately thought it was all SW. Either way, it's a great album. I'm just happy to see SW doing more. Even if he isn't the main writer.

02-18-2017, 04:59 AM
Great interview here, so many great quotes!


03-07-2017, 08:11 AM
New box set being planned for Porcupine Tree's Arriving Somewhere..., featuring a Blu-ray with a new transfer and 2 CDs (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/headphonedust/arriving-somewhere-2dvd/)

03-07-2017, 10:32 AM
New box set being planned for Porcupine Tree's Arriving Somewhere..., featuring a Blu-ray with a new transfer and 2 CDs (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/headphonedust/arriving-somewhere-2dvd/)

Hoping more songs are included. They played Deadwing at those shows!

03-07-2017, 11:23 AM
I wondered if there were more songs played. It's not even an hour and a half, so quite short for a concert film.

03-07-2017, 12:08 PM
New box set being planned for Porcupine Tree's Arriving Somewhere..., featuring a Blu-ray with a new transfer and 2 CDs (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/headphonedust/arriving-somewhere-2dvd/)
Very cool, thanks for the heads up! I've had this in my wishlist for a while and had plans to buy it soon but now I will definitely wait for this box set.

03-09-2017, 09:55 AM
Listened to the new Blackfield the other day. I was more impressed with it then I thought I'd be. I like their stuff just fine but whenever a new album has come out I haven't ran towards it like I would SW's other projects. It's good he put more of himself into the new record, as opposed to just giving one song to the last. Him and Aviv do have something special together and this album was a better distillation of that.

Speaking of his collaborators, the new Tim Bowness album is highly recommended. It's more rock-oriented but it manages to fit his voice well.

03-11-2017, 08:35 PM

03-24-2017, 06:12 PM
He mentioned this in passing in January, but it would appear that for his next album, he's signed with a new label. Didn't say who it was, which makes me think it could be a major one.

03-25-2017, 08:53 PM
He mentioned this in passing in January, but it would appear that for his next album, he's signed with a new label. Didn't say who it was, which makes me think it could be a major one.
I can't imagine Steven as a Universal or WB artist, to me he has always been indie; i hope he's not returning to Roadrunner... to me he's a perfect fit for Matador, XL or Play it Again Sam.

03-25-2017, 10:16 PM
I'm not altogether happy about this, because I think KScope is a good label with admirable aims, and he has done well being kind of the figurehead in terms of artists. But as I get the feeling he's trying to reach a wider swath of people, I can at least understand the need to move to greener pastures. I do hope too he's not returning to any of the major labels, but at least some place that can get him out to a wider audience.

I'll at least be somewhat happy if he is at a Warner label, as it means he can gain control of his Porcupine Tree records and finally work on remixing them to his satisfaction, ridding them of the "loudness wars" stuff which is on them.

03-27-2017, 10:02 PM
Please no matador, please.

03-28-2017, 09:48 AM
Does anyone recollect how expensive the tour programme for hand.cannot.erase was? I'm trying to find a copy for a reasonable price.

03-28-2017, 08:00 PM
The ultra-rare Unreleased Electronic Music getting a new release, exclusive to ToneFloat (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/headphonedust/unreleased-electronic-music-cd/)

In the announcement of this on social media this morning, it said we will be getting tons of info on the new record very soon.

04-04-2017, 10:29 AM

The No-Man website has recently undergone a redesign, with signs pointing at a new project, maybe even a new album. Much as I'd like to see the latter happen, and considering he's working with collaborators more and more lately (between work done on the latest Blackfield album, and considering he is co-writing several of the songs on his new album), I think it could be something related to a new Blu-ray project he's talked about. The DVD editions of Together We're Stranger and Schoolyard Ghosts have been deleted, so I suspect (and he's said as much) that a Blu release with those mixes could be forthcoming.

04-05-2017, 06:46 AM
There's an announcement this morning on his social media pages about his new label, Caroline International

SW: “I’m absolutely delighted to be entering into partnership with Michael Roe and his team at Caroline for my next album. Although Caroline exist within the Universal Music Group, their philosophy allows me to remain creatively independent, while at the same time providing the "muscle" that being with a major organisation brings. This makes it a perfect home for me, and I'm happy to now be label mates with some of the most respected musicians in the industry.”

Michael Roe, Joint Managing Director of Caroline International: “I’ve been a fan of Steven’s recorded and production work for many years. He’s an incredible talent with a big and dedicated fanbase but someone who has not received the wider recognition I think he deserves. I’m thrilled he’s chosen Caroline as a home”.

The follow up to 2015’s Hand. Cannot. Erase. will be released later this year, more news coming soon.

04-06-2017, 04:51 PM
He’s an incredible talent with a big and dedicated fanbase but someone who has not received the wider recognition I think he deserves.

That's one hell of an understatement. Yes, the man as made a plethora of interesting, complicated and obscure music over his lengthy career. But he has also made just as many highly accessible listener-friendly pop songs that, for the life of me, I cannot imagine how they've managed to stay off the radar of mainstream radio over the past 25 years. He's always been my best-kept secret to introduce to people who've never heard of him only to get a reconnect weeks or months down the road thanking me for the introduction. It'd be cool to know just how many people I'm directly or indirectly responsible for making Wilson fans over the years since the 1990s. Probably more so than any other artist I've followed closely.

But I'd gladly give all that up for him to get far greater recognition for his work as an artist, engineer and producer that he deserves. Not that Steven probably gives a damn. But the man deserves a lifetime achievement Grammy for his mixing/remixing work alone, much more his own recording masterpieces. Here's to hoping he gets something to put up on his mantle, besides perhaps even a little more in the coffers.

In addition to the above, perhaps exposure to a wider audience might get him involved with some film scores. I belief Wilson could make some epic music for film. He has mentioned more than once he would love to do this at some point. With his production knowledge, he seems like a very good prospect. Surely an avenue will open eventually and an opportunity will come his way.

04-07-2017, 02:31 PM
It would appear that promos for the new album are already going out

04-24-2017, 12:49 PM

05-04-2017, 11:23 AM
Time Flies: The History of Porcupine Tree (http://www.porcupinetreebook.com/) by author Rich Wilson (no relation) coming out soon.

05-04-2017, 12:28 PM
Time Flies: The History of Porcupine Tree (http://www.porcupinetreebook.com/) by author Rich Wilson (no relation) coming out soon.
I hope the author interviewed Malcom Stocks; i've always been curious to know what he's been up to and his viewpoint of the Porcupine Tree story.

05-07-2017, 05:05 PM
I hope the author interviewed Malcom Stocks; i've always been curious to know what he's been up to and his viewpoint of the Porcupine Tree story.

Here's the answer from the author himself (http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/fb.ashx?m=2993445)

05-08-2017, 07:05 AM
To The Bone, August 18th

1. To the Bone
2. Nowhere Now
3. Pariah
4. The Same Asylum As Before
5. Refuge
6. Permanating
7. Blank Tapes
8. People Who Eat Darkness
9. Song of I
10. Detonation
11. Song of Unborn

"Fusing driving futurist rock and spectral electronics to elegiac hyper-space ambience and dizzying, squalling guitars, To The Bone is Steven Wilson’s hat-tip to the hugely ambitious progressive pop records of his youth (think Peter Gabriel’s So, Talk Talk’s Colour of Spring, Tears for Fears Seeds of Love).

Lyrically, the album’s eleven tracks veer from the paranoid chaos of the post-truth era and the creeping self-loathing of the technology age to steely fly-on-the-wall observations of the everyday lives of religious fundamentalists with a welcome shot or two of wide-eyed escapism. Sonically and melodically stunning, To The Bone is a high definition snapshot of the disconcerting times we live in."

05-08-2017, 09:32 AM
Here's the answer from the author himself (http://www.mikeportnoy.com/forum/fb.ashx?m=2993445)
Still, that book sounds rich, do want!

05-08-2017, 08:21 PM

05-09-2017, 07:32 AM

Pre-order details (https://store.universalmusic.com/stevenwilson/?utm_campaign=StevenWilsonTotheBone20170508&utm_content=&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Social-Other)

Tour dates for his first leg in Europe, starting next January (http://stevenwilson.seetickets.com/tour/steven-wilson?aff=id1umg&src=26641d8198fd8e94bffb13ab713698d9)

05-09-2017, 07:59 AM
i woke up this morning and was so excited to see the pre-order e-mail, and particularly excited that, unlike his last few special editions, this one is only $65 (rather than $100). finally listened to pariah while registering for an account so i could order the special edition, and liked it more than i thought i would. then i got to the shipping portion of checkout. THIRTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS to ship a vinyl-sized book that can't possibly weigh more than a couple pounds? what the FUCK?

i'm at a loss, here. i really want the special edition of this (i have Hand.Cannot.Erase and Grace For Drowning, missed out on the other two), but paying that much for shipping seems pretty ridiculous. i figured $15, maybe $20. :/

05-09-2017, 08:19 AM
I've heard it's even more expensive in a few other places. My guess is that Wilson wants there to be as much care in terms of how it's handled by the mailmen and other various people this will be handed off too in the process of shipping it out. I might just get the Blu-ray, and take the chance with the second-hand market later.

Interesting there's finally a feature-length documentary on the video portion of this.

05-09-2017, 08:38 AM
I've heard it's even more expensive in a few other places. My guess is that Wilson wants there to be as much care in terms of how it's handled by the mailmen and other various people this will be handed off too in the process of shipping it out. I might just get the Blu-ray, and take the chance with the second-hand market later.

Interesting there's finally a feature-length documentary on the video portion of this.

yeah, the documentary is a big part of why i wanted it. i'm assuming that's not on the standard blu-ray? or did i skip over that?

edit: i guess it IS on the standard blu-ray...hmmm

05-09-2017, 08:39 AM
I guess he did another homage to Bowie; that pose looks like the one in "Aladdin Sane"

05-09-2017, 02:23 PM
I don't usually buy these expensive editions but I'm seriously considering it. Still, 90€ is a lot. I need to sleep on it. I assume it's only going to be available through the umm... SW's Universal Music store?

05-13-2017, 07:34 PM
Blu Ray and Royal Albert Hall tickets secured. That was a good week! Love Pariah too btw...

05-14-2017, 03:08 PM
US Store launching soon (http://player.lemonadebox.com/stevenwilsonusartiststore)

05-15-2017, 08:39 AM
US Store launching soon (http://player.lemonadebox.com/stevenwilsonusartiststore)

it'll be interesting to see what the price differences & shipping prices are. will it level out and the special edition will still end up being right around $100 including shipping?

05-18-2017, 06:46 AM

05-18-2017, 07:45 AM
US Store launching soon (http://player.lemonadebox.com/stevenwilsonusartiststore)

only $15 shipping on the deluxe version of the album, which is far more reasonable. still don't think i'll be able to spend the money on this one, though, since we just bought tickets for the live MST3K show (which were way more than they should have been, plus $43 worth of fucking fees). probably just going to to get the blu-ray :/

05-18-2017, 10:30 AM
One thing's for certain. If I don't end up liking it, I will refer to it only as "the Smurf album".

05-19-2017, 04:45 AM
"think Peter Gabriel’s So, Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love"

Nice song I can comprehend now... and after I realised it reminds me of "Don't give up", I remembered the quote above.

Update: Aaand, as always, everything I say was done before. :-) https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenwilson/comments/6az1d2/pariah_is_to_to_the_bone_as_dont_give_up_is_to_so/

05-19-2017, 11:53 PM
I like the song. It's surprisingly simple for Steven, but no less effective.

05-21-2017, 09:36 PM

05-22-2017, 09:55 AM
SW should have been on the new Twin Peaks series...

05-22-2017, 06:25 PM
I remember reading reports that Angelo Badalamenti appeared at a screening of the Insurgentes movie when it came out.

05-31-2017, 08:34 PM

06-03-2017, 06:26 AM
"The Same Asylum as Before" is available to purchase as a download. Bit of a straight-ahead rocker with more pop vocals to it. Good song.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-09-2017, 01:05 AM
Holy shit!



06-09-2017, 02:37 PM

06-09-2017, 09:58 PM
Loved the video and it's the track i liked the most so far...

06-10-2017, 09:17 AM
Great song, pointless video. There is no progression, no 'exploration of control' or whatever was posited in that article, and all of their poses are pure cliché this art, don't you see? hamfisted nonsense. I see it being valuable to fashionistas, but that's it – everything else about it is trying WAY too hard.

06-10-2017, 10:31 AM
It wouldn't be the first to do that.

06-10-2017, 04:04 PM
The Gabriel vibe on "Song of I" is strong. Of the three new tracks, this has been the most impressive. I did like "Pariah" a lot.

06-12-2017, 02:09 AM
Very good again. It builds up atmosphere like something Alan Wilder would engineer, I feel.

06-12-2017, 06:48 AM

06-15-2017, 11:13 AM
https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19145757_1500721803281410_5928940310534335027_n.pn g?oh=fbaa7b83ae692d4d40dc4158b1cd943c&oe=59E2049C
Cool beans...but never use that pic again please.

06-22-2017, 07:24 PM
Today's Facebook Q&A (https://www.facebook.com/StevenWilsonHQ/videos/1508550442498546/)

06-23-2017, 08:28 AM
Today's Facebook Q&A (https://www.facebook.com/StevenWilsonHQ/videos/1508550442498546/)

oh my god, nick's written questions below the video are KILLING ME.

06-23-2017, 11:41 AM
Also a question about collaborating with Trent Reznor there. Might be worth posting about it to NIN Spotting if someone sees it worth while.

06-24-2017, 03:43 AM
And he answered my question about watching Twin Peaks :D (I asked for no other reason than being so obsessed with it myself right now...)

06-25-2017, 12:43 PM
oh my god, nick's written questions below the video are KILLING ME.

06-26-2017, 05:40 PM

06-30-2017, 06:09 AM

07-03-2017, 05:31 PM
Also a question about collaborating with Trent Reznor there. Might be worth posting about it to NIN Spotting if someone sees it worth while.

That might have been asked in the previous Q&A. I feel like the most compatible thing they could do together is Trent doing some remixes or electronics on a Bass Communion album, or SW doing some NIN mixes.

07-21-2017, 06:04 AM

07-28-2017, 04:33 PM

07-28-2017, 04:47 PM
Apparently the album leaked? I'm not home so I can't confirm myself.

07-28-2017, 07:43 PM
I can confirm that it did a couple of days ago.

07-29-2017, 08:02 PM
Heard it. The album's great. Crisis averted.

07-30-2017, 02:34 PM
https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/steven_wilson_todays_rap_is_more_innovative_than_t odays_rock.html

someone posted this article in the dillinger compound (the dillinger escape plan group on facebook) and SO MANY PEOPLE are trashing steven wilson and just being total fucking pricks. really trying hard to resist the urge to engage.

07-30-2017, 04:28 PM
I've actually seen similar reactions to it on one of the prog rock FB pages I'm on too. Not so much trashing him, but coming more from a dad-rock perspective, which has certainly caused a bit of eye-rolling from me. I'm admittedly not as well-versed in modern music to make enough of a judgment on what he's saying here.

08-03-2017, 03:48 PM

08-03-2017, 03:58 PM
It's not at all like people were making it out to be. It's about as pop as blackfield. There some legit pop moments (permanating). But it's more a mix of PT/Blackfield. There's even some talking heads-like stuff in there. It's good.

08-08-2017, 06:21 AM

08-19-2017, 10:13 PM
It's half of a really good album. The jury is still out mostly on the other half. I will say that "People Who Eat Darkness" immediately didn't sit right with me. Him trying to do something like a punk song is just wrong.

I feel like his intentions are good, but maybe at the expense of what made his earlier records more exciting. Maybe it's a fresh slate, and that what will come after will build upon that into a more interesting direction.

08-20-2017, 09:08 AM
I think it's great top to bottom. The only one I'm not super into is Blank Tapes.

Extra songs from the bonus disc are also great. Very PTish, though. Then again, so is Asylum, and that made it on.

08-20-2017, 09:26 AM
I'm retarded... :-) I had this on Google Play pre-order, today I was like "shouldn't this be out already...?" - indeed, except in the meantime I cancelled payment card I had linked on Google, silly! OK, downloaded from Play, also Blu-Ray ordered on Universal (I wish there was official 96/24 download), and here comes the first listen, yay! (Just noticed the last time I used Universal was universalmusic.co.uk for Disintegration reissue, funny that site doesn't exist anymore, so new account it is.) Reviewers on Amazon.co.uk are praising Detonation and 5.1, looking forward to it. Also, there are instrumental versions on the BluRay, so I can dream about Pariah karaoke duet on next company party and falling in love and... stuff... you know, emotional deprivation. OK, shut up and listen now.

08-20-2017, 01:27 PM
This album is charting too well for an obscure prog God. [emoji102]

08-20-2017, 04:34 PM
This album is charting too well for an obscure prog God. [emoji102]

Yeah, number 5 on Amazon's Best selling digital albums list right now. Checked it yesterday it was at number 1.

08-20-2017, 06:35 PM
I liked the album a lot, it's no "Grace for Drowning"; but it's damn good "prog-pop".

I like the new direction and respect him for taking a risk with his sound, maybe not 4 albums, but i don't mind another one like this, his current sound reminds me a lot to Peter Gabriel.

08-21-2017, 08:34 PM

08-22-2017, 09:16 AM

08-24-2017, 07:00 PM
Looks like he did an impromptu Q&A on his Facebook today


08-25-2017, 10:57 AM
Porcupine Tree's Stupid Dream, Lightbulb Sun, Recordings, In Absentia and Deadwing are all back on Spotify. The really good news is that the last two are now owned by KScope, which means Steven can finally get to remix them the way he wants to now.

08-25-2017, 06:24 PM
Porcupine Tree's Stupid Dream, Lightbulb Sun, Recordings, In Absentia and Deadwing are all back on Spotify. The really good news is that the last two are now owned by KScope, which means Steven can finally get to remix them the way he wants to now.
That's the best thing I've heard this week. Reissues! Finally!

08-25-2017, 07:36 PM
How soon that happens is another issue. He seems particularly swamped getting this tour together and doing what promotion he can.

08-25-2017, 11:39 PM
I don't care how long it takes, i want a deluxe edition for "Deadwing"

08-26-2017, 12:06 AM
Worthwhile interview with Steven by Anil Prasad, who's done several with him and other musicians he's played with before too. (http://www.innerviews.org/inner/steven-wilson)

08-27-2017, 03:42 AM

08-30-2017, 03:24 PM
Debuted on Billboard at #58.

08-30-2017, 09:45 PM
RE: IA and DW reissues, keep in mind Steven has already done the work. He just has to get the issue resolved with Atlantic before he can move forward with releasing his new mixes/masterings (or "unmasterings" to be more precise). Hopefully they see the light of day.

09-01-2017, 05:16 PM
listening to the new album in 5.1, and i went into it with no expectations of it sounding like his last couple albums, so i'm enjoying it quite a lot, so far. it's definitely more poppy (which i don't usually like out of SW, i prefer him dark, brooding, and experimental) but it's still pretty fucking good.

my only complaint is that the blu-ray that i ordered directly from the SW US store didn't come with a download code (e-mailed or in the case), which is pretty disappointing :/ wouldn't complain if someone wanted to help me fix that ;)

09-01-2017, 05:34 PM
How's the documentary? I'm more interested in that, than the surround mix this time.

09-02-2017, 09:11 AM
How's the documentary? I'm more interested in that, than the surround mix this time.

haven't checked it out yet, but the 5.1 mix is great, actually. the couple songs i heard before the album's release were...fine, but in 5.1 they really sound phenomenal.

09-02-2017, 10:46 AM
So I decided to listen to In Absentia and Deadwing on Spotify and noticed the copyright is Kscope 2017. Perhaps physical reissues are coming soon as well!

09-02-2017, 12:52 PM
So I decided to listen to In Absentia and Deadwing on Spotify and noticed the copyright is Kscope 2017. Perhaps physical reissues are coming soon as well!

Burning Shed are being very... coy about it on Twitter.

09-03-2017, 10:11 AM
For Henry...if only (http://i.imgur.com/hnZTPCr.jpg)


09-03-2017, 07:02 PM
For Henry...if only (http://i.imgur.com/hnZTPCr.jpg)

I'm watching this right before i begin the last episode and i laughed hard; it would be awesome and fitting too, a Lynch/Wilson collaboration would make lots of sense!

I loved when Steven said in an interview that he's enjoying the new season but he was a little behind, wonder if he's watching the finale tonight...

09-12-2017, 10:40 PM
I'm pretty much turned around on To The Bone now. It's a solid effort, and very much a continuation of what he's been doing, rather than a sharp-left turn so many of us initially thought it might be. It plays to the very edges of his own instincts, but there's really not a whole lot of compromise to be seen.

09-14-2017, 02:27 PM
No-Man's Returning Jesus to be re-issued with bonus disc full of demos, b-sides and other rare tracks (https://burningshed.com/store/noman/no-man_returning-jesus_cd)

09-19-2017, 06:09 AM

09-19-2017, 10:46 AM
finally finished listening to the album last night in 5.1. it was really great.

now if i only had a digital copy to listen to in my car... :: cough cough someone please help me cough ::

09-21-2017, 04:11 PM
US Tour announced... with stupid presale code again :(

09-22-2017, 04:31 PM
Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can get Staircase Infinities and The Sky Moves Sideways (2016 Remasters)?
I know they are available on 7digital/ProStudioMasters etc, but non-US customers (even using US-issued credit cards) cannot seem to purchase any of it online if you're outside America.

09-22-2017, 07:25 PM
Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can get Staircase Infinities and The Sky Moves Sideways (2016 Remasters)?
I know they are available on 7digital/ProStudioMasters etc, but non-US customers (even using US-issued credit cards) cannot seem to purchase any of it online if you're outside America.

I bought SI just fine on 7digital's Canadian store. I wish TSMS was 24bit, though.

10-15-2017, 02:49 PM
acoustic session on french radio: http://www.rtl.fr/culture/musique/les-nocturnes-du-4-octobre-2017-7790368410

11-03-2017, 05:21 AM

11-03-2017, 10:08 AM
Time flies indeed, the guy just turned 50 today... (someone has a great deal with father time!)

EDIT: oh he also announced a Latin American Tour; 7th show (counting Porcupine Tree shows) here i go!

11-03-2017, 01:44 PM
It's either vegetarianism or not wearing shoes.

11-03-2017, 04:36 PM
Time flies indeed, the guy just turned 50 today... (someone has a great deal with father time!)

EDIT: oh he also announced a Latin American Tour; 7th show (counting Porcupine Tree shows) here i go!

Damn it! ... For just a second my mind was projecting something entirely more awesome. [emoji20]

11-04-2017, 01:17 PM
Damn it! ... For just a second my mind was projecting something entirely more awesome. [emoji20]
Well, i never attended a "No-Man" show, if that's what you mean; he scheduled a Blackfield date in my hometown a few years ago, but he cancelled because his father's death...

I attended 3 Porcupine Tree Shows (FOABP tour and two "Incident" dates...) and 3 "solo" shows ("Get all you deserve" concert, "Raven that refused..." tour, "Hand Cannot Erase" tour...)

11-04-2017, 01:26 PM
Well, i never attended a "No-Man" show, if that's what you mean; he scheduled a Blackfield date in my hometown a few years ago, but he cancelled because his father's death...

I attended 3 Porcupine Tree Shows FOABP tour and two "Incident" dates) and 3 "solo" shows ("Get all you deserve" concert, "Raven that refused..." tour, "Hand Cannot Erase" tour...)

No I mean for a split second there I thought about there being NEW Porcupine Tree shows. That was ill-thought, even if brief, I know.

I've seen seven Porcupine Tree shows, one Blackfield and two Steven Wilson shows since 2000. My favorite is still the Fear of a Blank Planet tour. But my last SW show during the Hand Cannot Erase tour was amazing as well.

11-04-2017, 05:05 PM
I've yet to see him live. I probably regret missing him on the Raven tour the most. Such a good band and cross-section of material he did.

11-04-2017, 08:23 PM
I've yet to see him live. I probably regret missing him on the Raven tour the most. Such a good band and cross-section of material he did.I was fortunate enough on the HCE show to see Guthrie Govan and Marco Minnemann perform in the band before they left to do their Aristocrats tour. I regret missing the Raven tour, but I saw the previous Grace for Drowning tour.

Over my life, I have supported PT/SW second to perhaps only Tool as far as number of concerts of a well-known international artist or band. Tied for third would be Opeth and NIN and then a heavy mix of APC, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Primus, Melvins, Killing Joke, Iron Maiden, and it just becomes a blur. I say that stressing that I've seen a lot of specific jam bands, instrumentalist and folk bands (Buckethead, STS9, Perpetual Groove, String Cheese, AK & Union Station, etc.) more times than I can remember. I don't even know why I am sharing this. Perhaps just trying to point out that I feel like I have been very loyal to SW more so than any other artist. Certainly beyond concerts and discography purchased in physical albums and deluxe editions. Admittedly, he is my favorite artist. He isn't the top as far as shows by artists I am most proud of seeing over the years, however. That would be shows on David Gilmour's past few tours and Roger Waters' tours. I was very glad to see Richard Wright perform with David before he passed. Also very proud I got to see Peter Gabriel.

Edit: I want to add I'm certainly not trying to have a pissing contest on number of shows or artists seen or whatever. Most of you folks on this board put me to shame.

11-06-2017, 08:57 AM
No I mean for a split second there I thought about there being NEW Porcupine Tree shows. That was ill-thought, even if brief, I know.

Oh man... i'm losing faith more and more of that ever happening, it seems he has lost contact with most of the PT guys and he's mega happy with his solo career...

I wasn't trying to start a "pissing contest", BTW ...i'm just saying that watching this guy live is woth every penny...

11-06-2017, 01:58 PM
Oh man... i'm losing faith more and more of that ever happening, it seems he has lost contect with most of the PT guys and he's mega happy wit his solo career...

I wasn't trying to start a "pissing contest", BTW ...i'm just saying that watching this guy live is woth every penny...Sorry about the colorful language. I was a good bit lubricated when I posted that a few nights ago.

I have lost all hope there will ever be PT shows. I don't see Barbieri and Wilson getting beyond their issues. It's such a shame.

11-06-2017, 04:25 PM
Everything is sort of solidifying into his solo career now, as his other projects have become less frequent. 10 years since the last No-Man album (and Bowness is making albums in his own name to anyway). He's around to make albums as Blackfield but not to tour with it. Even his stuff as Bass Communion has taken a backseat to it all.

11-06-2017, 04:59 PM
I have lost all hope there will ever be PT shows. I don't see Barbieri and Wilson getting beyond their issues. It's such a shame.

what happened between the two of them?

11-06-2017, 06:11 PM
what happened between the two of them?Nothing beyond speculation and rumors that I would repeat on a forum. It's not worth mentioning other than considering the sincerity of the individuals involved. I just think the best manner is to state there were tensions between both parties over PT's hiatus that evolved into Steven Wilson killing any hopes of a new project. Even from Wilson's own mouth, Porcupine Tree is no more. And why would there be? Steven's solo career has been lucrative. He gets great musicians for his albums. He can pretty much do whatever he wants. I think Steven made some points about being in a "band" that wouldn't cater to his musical ideas that he eventually sought on his own, much to his success obviously. But there won't be Porcipine Tree without Barbieri. Not much need to go into specifics beyond that. Regardless of what that means for the future, unless they wish to work together again, Porcupine Tree is dead.

Edit: A word.

11-06-2017, 06:22 PM
The thing I had heard is that Barbieri doesn't prefer the approach to keyboards that Adam Holzman does, which is way more virtuosic and not as much about textures and soundscapes. Steven is just as good on his own with that, and wanted someone with more instrumental skill to play his music. By his own admission the only virtuoso in PT was Gavin Harrison who is of course a beast on the kit. For awhile with his solo records it seemed like he wanted to put what he can do on his own just fine in the hands of players more skilled than he is for once.

I say it time and again whenever this comes up, but the opportunity he seized to make solo albums is probably the best thing he could have ever done. I got into what he was doing just a couple years before Insurgentes came out but I immediately wondered if he would take that path for himself. That if playing in a band was too limiting for him, even if he wrote and arranged and sang on everything.

It's kind of funny to me that there's online drama concerning who is and isn't in his band, treating it as if it were a band. It isn't, it's just him. And as sad as I am that the line-up on Raven didn't last I understand why. He's in a phase of reducing what he might see as clutter, to get to the core of what he does. Be it musically or lyrically, the last two albums have been much more direct than where he started. The deeper he goes, the more interesting it'll be. Frankly I hope on the next record he does everything short of string arrangements and female vocalists, with the right drummer.

11-06-2017, 06:41 PM
The thing I had heard is that Barbieri doesn't prefer the approach to keyboards that Adam Holzman does, which is way more virtuosic and not as much about textures and soundscapes. Steven is just as good on his own with that, and wanted someone with more instrumental skill to play his music. By his own admission the only virtuoso in PT was Gavin Harrison who is of course a beast on the kit. For awhile with his solo records it seemed like he wanted to put what he can do on his own just fine in the hands of players more skilled than he is for once.That shouldn't be a slight to Barbieri either. Richard is a mad scientist when it comes to incredible soundscapes and atmosphere effects. He doesn't exactly suck with melody in piano and keyboards either. I just don't think he likes noodling with heavy solos. The ironic thing is that I believe there was talk, even by Steven's own mouth that a member of the band did not like playing jazz. But Barbieri loves jazz. Richard incorporates jazz elements on his solo albums and even has Travis Theo and several other fine jazz musicians. The man has worked with virtuosos like Karn, Takemura and Jansen. But Barbieri himself likes to create a rich tapestry of sound which Porcupine Tree would just not sound like Porcupine Tree without. Can you imagine any of the 2000s albums without Barbieri? But Steven is capable and I suspect that perhaps he wished to handle that on his own on stage while having a very proficient player like Holzman. Still, to me, the sound of PT as a band remains seperate from Steven's own solo work. Barbieri, Gavin and Colin had a great vibe together and I miss their element in Steven's music. Not that I wouldn't want Steven to continue making music with all these great musicians. I just miss Porcupine Tree. I suppose you just have to be thankful of the body of work that already exists and move on much to my chagrin of not ever getting to see them perform live again.

Edit: lol...Tapatalk.

11-06-2017, 07:12 PM
Re: Steven's next album and his current direction, I'm kind of half-expecting him to make very electronic-based music. Something even more his own without much in the way of session musicians. It seems like he has moved away from the heavy 70s progressive style and "To the Bone" may be a gateway from that. I'm not exactly expecting Arcade Fire here. But perhaps definitely less complexity with seperate individual musicianship parts as a whole. I'm also wondering if another Storm Corrosion project is on the horizon with Mikael.

11-06-2017, 08:38 PM
I think each record has been a natural evolution from the next so that wouldn't surprise me at all.

If him and Mikael can get on the same page musically, I'd definitely welcome a new Storm Corrosion album.

11-06-2017, 10:24 PM
That shouldn't be a slight to Barbieri either. Richard is a mad scientist when it comes to incredible soundscapes and atmosphere effects. He doesn't exactly suck with melody in piano and keyboards either. I just don't think he likes noodling with heavy solos. The ironic thing is that I believe there was talk, even by Steven's own mouth that a member of the band did not like playing jazz. But Barbieri loves jazz. Richard incorporates jazz elements on his solo albums and even has Travis Theo and several other fine jazz musicians. The man has worked with virtuosos like Karn, Takemura and Jansen. But Barbieri himself likes to create a rich tapestry of sound which Porcupine Tree would just not sound like Porcupine Tree without. Can you imagine any of the 2000s albums without Barbieri? But Steven is capable and I suspect that perhaps he wished to handle that on his own on stage while having a very proficient player like Holzman. Still, to me, the sound of PT as a band remains seperate from Steven's own solo work. Barbieri, Gavin and Colin had a great vibe together and I miss their element in Steven's music. Not that I wouldn't want Steven to continue making music with all these great musicians. I just miss Porcupine Tree. I suppose you just have to be thankful of the body of work that already exists and move on much to my chagrin of not ever getting to see them perform live again.

Edit: lol...Tapatalk.

i always assumed that the comment about "one of the members doesn't like jazz" was in reference to colin

11-07-2017, 09:18 AM
To me, his best "solo lineup" has been the one that played at "The Raven that Refused to Sing"...

Marco is the best drummer he has worked with (besides Gavin Harrison), but it would've been a waste to use him in "To the bone", since the style on that album is more mainstream and less "virtuoso".
As for his guitar players: i've always liked Guthrie Govan but it seems he's a real busy guy; Niko Tsonev also does a good work but something is missing from him...

Nick Beggs and Adam Holzman are the only two guys that i see as his "main lineup", i like them both and i hope Steven keeps working with them.

11-07-2017, 10:20 AM
I think the main thing I miss about that line-up is Theo Travis. Having space for a 6th instrument like the reeds gave the music on Get All You Deserve and Raven a bit more space to keep itself apart from what Porcupine Tree did.

Speaking of, Niko has done a record recently with Theo, Adam Holzman and Craig Blundell. It smacks a little of the jazzier stuff SW was doing around that time.


11-07-2017, 10:41 AM
Gonna check that album, thanks!

11-07-2017, 04:12 PM
i always assumed that the comment about "one of the members doesn't like jazz" was in reference to colinColin Edwin and Gavin Harrison both come from jazz backgrounds and have jazz-influenced projects. No need to delve into Gavin as he's among the better-known players on the planet. But Colin has his project Ex-Wise Heads which is essentially a Jazz-Rock band and he works with other jazz musicians as well. Granted, that doesn't mean Colin wanted Porcupine Tree sounding like Larks in Tongues Aspic era King Crimson. So it could have been him or anyone really.

It just makes more sense Steven Wilson's comment was directed at Richard Barbieri because he doesn't noodle on into long "virtuoso" solos that is typical from a jazz pianist or keyboard player, even if Richard loves jazz, makes music with those style musicians or incorporates those elements into some of his own solo work.

It's pretty simple to me. Steven went through a stage where he wanted to make early 70s King Crimson and Genesis-inspired music that heavily incorporated those elements and did not think Porcupine Tree was the vehicle to do this. Perhaps there was actual objection from Richard or all members or perhaps Steven was just speaking from a realistic standpoint that PT doesn't that genre of progressive music. Either way, once Steven realized his solo project could be just as successful, if not more so, and that he had freedom without being in the confines of a "band", he moved on from Porcupine Tree.

Porcupine Tree's sound is very progressive but is much more structured on mood and atmosphere. That's got a lot to do with Richard. And perhaps they all agreed it shouldn't take on heavy-inspired jazz or those elements just didn't fit. I completely agree with that and it was a good decision. What I find tremendously sucking, however, is how all this lead to the eventual death of Porcupine Tree, even if indirectly.

11-07-2017, 04:34 PM
he moved on from Porcupine Tree.


11-07-2017, 05:28 PM
One sad yet practical reality, is that the world isn't exactly clamoring for a reunion either. On top of Steven maybe feeling it would be a step back if he reformed the band, there is that for him to consider as well.

And again, I feel not only that he's making the best music of his career now, but that his work as a solo artist will eventually eclipse the band's legacy. Fortunately the other guys are in other bands and not starving because of this either. Namely Gavin, who was already an in-demand drummer before he even joined the band. Colin has his projects, and Richard does too, as well as the records he has made with Steve Hogarth from Marillion.

11-07-2017, 05:48 PM
One sad yet practical reality, is that the world isn't exactly clamoring for a reunion either. On top of Steven maybe feeling it would be a step back if he reformed the band, there is that for him to consider as well.

And again, I feel not only that he's making the best music of his career now, but that his work as a solo artist will eventually eclipse the band's legacy. Fortunately the other guys are in other bands and not starving because of this either. Namely Gavin, who was already an in-demand drummer before he even joined the band. Colin has his projects, and Richard does too, as well as the records he has made with Steve Hogarth from Marillion.

And John Wesley seems to be doing great as a solo artist, too: http://www.john-wesley.com/

11-28-2017, 01:37 PM
Wilson will release the soundtrack for the videogame "Last Day of June" on December 1... (http://teamrock.com/news/2017-11-27/steven-wilson-to-release-last-day-of-june-soundtrack-on-dec-1)

11-28-2017, 05:38 PM

12-27-2017, 08:51 PM
The recent re-issue of No-Man's Returning Jesus arrived my way today. It's a fantastic set, of what might be one of Steven's best albums. No new 5.1 mix but a ton of substantial and interesting pieces from the period. His work in Porcupine Tree is essential to his artistic development, but No-Man is in some ways of equal importance. It's where he began in the record industry, and the trials and tribulations of their early work defined some of the characteristics of his artistry that has carried him ever since.


01-02-2018, 05:49 PM
His New Year's update (https://www.facebook.com/notes/steven-wilson/steven-wilsons-2018-new-year-update/1695867870433468/), includes some new and interesting details of his next tour.

01-02-2018, 09:56 PM
hummm, IA and deadwig reissues... that's about time!

01-02-2018, 10:25 PM
I need both of those in my life!

01-03-2018, 08:52 AM
hummm, IA and deadwig reissues... that's about time!

I need both of those in my life!

they've been available for pre-order for a while from burning shed (prices have changed a couple times for some reason) but shipping to the US for the two records is like $25 (on top of each record being around $25) so i have held off. hoping they show up on amazon later (the previous reissues have, eventually).

wow, sorry for all the parentheticals!

i got the recent reissues of both Signify & Coma Divine for x-mas/b-day and i'm really excited to listen to them.

01-05-2018, 11:13 PM
played yesterday & today, respectively


porcupine tree - signify
2017 steven wilson remaster 180g 2xLP
x-mas gift from my parents


porcupine tree - coma divine
2012 steven wilson remaster (2017 pressing) 180g 3xLP
b-day gift from my parents

01-30-2018, 11:34 PM

01-31-2018, 03:34 PM

02-02-2018, 12:38 PM

02-02-2018, 01:26 PM
I would love to see the Deadwing film get made, but I would also like to see Steven do film scores and soundtracks. He seems very inclined to doing them and a capable practitioner of the artform.

02-06-2018, 07:04 AM
KScope releasing PT's Arriving Somewhere as a Blu-ray/2CD package next month (https://burningshed.com/store/kscope/porcupine-tree_arriving-somewhere_cd_blu-ray), as opposed to the 4 disc box set as previously announced. No new special features, but you get everything on the one Blu which is nice.


02-06-2018, 11:59 AM
KScope releasing PT's Arriving Somewhere as a Blu-ray/2CD package next month (https://burningshed.com/store/kscope/porcupine-tree_arriving-somewhere_cd_blu-ray), as opposed to the 4 disc box set as previously announced. No new special features, but you get everything on the one Blu which is nice.

I'm getting this for the 24 bit uncompressed mixes. It's nice to have everything on a Blu-ray vs the previous multi-DVDs. It's also surprisingly inexpensive. But I am still disappointed their live recording of the song Deadwing remains absent.

02-10-2018, 11:44 AM
He makes good music. I don't know why he's not more popular. He is to Britain what Gord Downie was to Canada. Essential listening for sure.

02-10-2018, 01:50 PM
I think it has to do with the "Prog" tag he's mostly associated with, but in the latest interview i heard "To the Bone" is his best selling album ever, wonder if his status will change in the next several years...

02-10-2018, 06:28 PM
Weirdly enough in America on the Billboard Album chart it only reached nearly 20 spots below what Hand. Cannot. Erase. did. I don't know what that means in terms of overall sales, but that's not exactly an improvement on the face of it.

I've moved beyond that indignant feeling that his work isn't more well-known. Now that he's on a record label that's overseen by such a huge company like Universal that is allowing him the artistic comfort (coupled with the lessons surely learned from when Porcupine Tree were on Lava) he had before is a relief because it means he can just do what he's been doing but with more solid support behind him.

Somehow, it will all come around and in at least his home territory it's starting to look that way for him. The mere fact he can tour and sell out in places like Mexico, India and other far-flung locations tells me that his work has resonated on an international level.

03-04-2018, 04:48 PM
This is cool, the recent vinyl reissue of Deadwing entered in at number 1 on the UK Rock album charts this week nearly 13 years after it's original release..

Mr. Blaileen
03-04-2018, 08:42 PM
Just bought my ticket for the May 3rd show. I've heard amazing things about SW live, so I'm super excited.

03-04-2018, 11:02 PM
This is cool, the recent vinyl reissue of Deadwing entered in at number 1 on the UK Rock album charts this week nearly 13 years after it's original release..


it sounds so good. my wife and i listened to it yesterday.

03-05-2018, 03:43 PM
The thing I had heard is that Barbieri doesn't prefer the approach to keyboards that Adam Holzman does, which is way more virtuosic and not as much about textures and soundscapes. Steven is just as good on his own with that, and wanted someone with more instrumental skill to play his music. By his own admission the only virtuoso in PT was Gavin Harrison who is of course a beast on the kit. For awhile with his solo records it seemed like he wanted to put what he can do on his own just fine in the hands of players more skilled than he is for once.

I say it time and again whenever this comes up, but the opportunity he seized to make solo albums is probably the best thing he could have ever done. I got into what he was doing just a couple years before Insurgentes came out but I immediately wondered if he would take that path for himself. That if playing in a band was too limiting for him, even if he wrote and arranged and sang on everything.

It's kind of funny to me that there's online drama concerning who is and isn't in his band, treating it as if it were a band. It isn't, it's just him. And as sad as I am that the line-up on Raven didn't last I understand why. He's in a phase of reducing what he might see as clutter, to get to the core of what he does. Be it musically or lyrically, the last two albums have been much more direct than where he started. The deeper he goes, the more interesting it'll be. Frankly I hope on the next record he does everything short of string arrangements and female vocalists, with the right drummer.

yeah....... https://instagram.com/p/Bf9LRTUnOxY/

03-05-2018, 10:12 PM
yeah....... https://instagram.com/p/Bf9LRTUnOxY/

whatever that was is gone : /

03-05-2018, 10:23 PM
I believe it was this (https://www.facebook.com/StevenWilsonHQ/posts/1760097484010506), Steven's announcement that Richard will be opening up for him on two upcoming English dates of the tour.

03-25-2018, 08:24 PM
His record store day release will be a single featuring "How Big The Space", an outtake from To The Bone (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/big-space-exclusive-release-record-store-day-2018/)

03-26-2018, 04:37 PM
Thursday's show, his third and final night of his residency at the Royal Albert Hall, will be shot for a Blu-Ray/DVD release (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/29th-march-show-royal-albert-hall-filmed-future-steven-wilson-release/)

03-27-2018, 06:57 AM
Off to RAH in a few hours, really looking forward to tonight's show. Maybe a little too much TTB in the setlist, but should still be a cracking night....!

03-27-2018, 06:14 PM
Steven hinted at a PT song or two with Barbieri at the last RAH show. Hope their performance is on the Blu-ray.

03-28-2018, 01:21 AM
What an excellent night. Consummate performer and entertainer (oh no, sorry, he's an artist, not an entertainer...!), the set was very good, with a good dose of PT in there. Sleep Together rocked! He also debuted Song of Unborn tonight, one of my top 3 from the TTB album. Very happy, despite his many attempts to make us miserable...:p

03-30-2018, 08:38 PM
Steven hinted at a PT song or two with Barbieri at the last RAH show. Hope their performance is on the Blu-ray.

They did "Buying New Soul" together at the end of RB's set.

05-01-2018, 02:04 PM


05-01-2018, 04:37 PM
totally forgot he was playing here tonight until i walked by The Vic and saw "TONIGHT AT THE VIC - STEVEN WILSON" and i'm even more sad than i would have been otherwise : /

05-23-2018, 09:15 AM
Argentine interview, with some good news towards the end about the next Blu-ray/DVD release, Porcupine Tree re-issues and his next album (https://fabriziopedrotti.com/2018/05/22/steven-wilson-every-time-i-go-on-stage-i-can-get-shot/)

05-23-2018, 12:17 PM
Argentine interview, with some good news towards the end about the next Blu-ray/DVD release, Porcupine Tree re-issues and his next album (https://fabriziopedrotti.com/2018/05/22/steven-wilson-every-time-i-go-on-stage-i-can-get-shot/)

Oh wow, that may be the best interview with Steven I have read. Thanks!

06-27-2018, 06:38 AM
https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36087275_1889531604400426_1881752758676094976_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=874237a99ce3d88f29ac2cf62db02ee6&oe=5BE9FEF4

New T-shirt design for the festival shows he's playing this summer. Nice.

07-15-2018, 01:23 AM

07-30-2018, 09:28 AM

08-08-2018, 01:39 AM
Listened to To the Bone in 5.1 for the first time and it sounds really really good, this dude can mix for sure.

08-09-2018, 08:22 AM
...also, hope it's better here than in gaming topic, "Last Day of June" is now only for 11,99€ on Steam (for PC, for PS4 store says $19.99). Bought, will play soon.


09-02-2018, 01:56 PM
Information is starting to leak out on the official release of the concert video he shot back in March. The official title is Home Invasion: In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall. It was all shot on one night, I believe the last night of his RAH run. That night's setlist is available to look up. The tentative extras are rehearsals of "Routine", "Hand Cannot Erase" and "Heartattack In A Layby". The CD/digital release will likely excise those performances.


It'll come out towards the end of next month, right around my birthday. Yay.

09-12-2018, 09:36 AM

09-14-2018, 08:39 AM

09-28-2018, 12:17 AM

10-07-2018, 02:24 PM
"Arriving Somewhere But Not Here" (https://stevenwilsonhq.lnk.to/ArrivingSomewhereLive) from Home Invasion available to stream.

10-26-2018, 10:25 AM

10-28-2018, 06:50 PM

11-06-2018, 10:15 AM
The new live album is quite good. A really high-energy performance, which is unusual but welcome given the pace of the To The Bone material. I do think the best songs that translate as well if not better from the original album are slower pieces like "Song of Unborn" and especially "Refuge", which takes on a more epic shape.

12-04-2018, 04:59 PM

"25 years ago today, on the 4th December 1993, Porcupine Tree made its first ever live appearance at the Nag's Head in High Wycombe, UK. By then 2 albums and an EP had been released under the name (and a third one was half finished), all of which gave the impression that Porcupine Tree was a band, when in fact it was a solo project, just me messing about in my bedroom studio, although Colin and Richard had both guested on one song each on Up the Downstair released earlier that year. Positive press and a growing fanbase had led to increased pressure for live appearances, so in late 1993 I asked 3 brilliant musicians I knew, Colin Edwin (from my home town of Hemel Hempstead), Richard Barbieri and Chris Maitland (both of whom had played with my other band no-man) to join me in forming a real band line up of the project. For some reason they all agreed, and on the strength of the buzz about the project, Richard Allen at my then record company Delerium managed to book this show, as well as 2 others and a BBC radio session. After one week of rehearsals this was our first ever gig in front of an audience, performing a 7 song, 70 minute set in a backroom of a pub to about 200 people that had traveled from all over the country. The first song played was Voyage 34. which you can find elsewhere on the web, but here is a mixing desk recording of the second song Always Never. This would have also been the first time I had sung in front of an audience, at least since the days of my various school bands, so I can only imagine now how nervous I must have been at the prospect!The rest, as they say, is history..."

12-06-2018, 11:15 PM

12-31-2018, 03:18 PM
Update from SW on plans he has for 2019 (http://stevenwilsonhq.com/sw/steven-wilsons-new-year-update-2019/)

03-13-2019, 06:12 AM
Oh god no. No no no no. You are so much better than this, man.


03-13-2019, 12:52 PM
I love how the music in the video makes it sound like a tragedy and "significant"...

Of course Steven doesn't like them, but whatever, i guess he wanted the media coverage.

03-13-2019, 03:41 PM
I mean, he's not wrong...

03-13-2019, 04:22 PM
It may not have been wise for him to share his opinion so candidly. However, each and every statement he said was completely true.

03-13-2019, 04:33 PM
It may not have been wise for him to share his opinion so candidly. However, each and every statement he said was completely true.
If anything i think it helped him to gain a bunch of fans.
Even Consequence of Sound covered the news and i saw a bunch of comments saying: "I had no idea who Steven Wilson was... so i went and heard Porcupine Tree and now i agree..".
I guess it was a happy "incident"?

03-18-2019, 04:57 PM
Bass Communion is on bandcamp (https://basscommunion.bandcamp.com/?fbclid=IwAR2gmnTW9kXWXh7o05PwZKN6u_Vveuwg9CpfcZKn f0A53L6vxoPHW8W2UFs)

04-03-2019, 12:19 AM

This is a really good record.

04-23-2019, 04:04 PM

04-24-2019, 04:05 PM

06-14-2019, 08:17 AM

Great news. I guess he was hedging his bets when he said a deluxe version of this (and Deadwing) would come out in 2-3 years.

06-17-2019, 11:18 AM
god damnit. i've already bough it on vinyl twice (although i sold the earlier copy when i got the second one, since they're different mixes and only the second one was SW-approved). that said, it is my fav PT album and the one that got me into them.

08-10-2019, 11:40 AM