View Full Version : Unsung With Teeth era lyrics

09-16-2013, 01:47 AM
I'm sick and off work today, it's raining outside, so I've been sitting here sneezing and reading about With Teeth on ninwiki. I remember the day it leaked and I didn't really give it a chance - to this day I think I've only listened to All The Love In The World and Beside You In Time about 10 times.

Anyway, all of the unsung lyrics printed on the songs, and indeed the other lyrics for the songs only on the lyric poster, what do you make of them and do you think they'd sound any good actually sung live?

According to ninwiki, the ending of The Collector has been sung a few times live (I just asked about it in Random NIN Questions), but what about the rest?

Opinions start... nnnn.. now.


Additional lyrics printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet, but not appearing in the song itself

Why am I always watching from the outside? On the other side of the glass Behind the glass. Always watching everyone, Separate, watching, always Don't touch. This is getting deeper As time goes by, The water's getting colder. Here I am surrounded by people but still all alone, I am always alone. Even with myself, Imprisoned in my head. And there doesn't seem to be any way out, And I am so fucking sick of here, Wish I was there. Right beside is still A million miles away. Behind these bars. In a rut. Anyplace else will do. Hello? Don't think so. Broadcasting, Only static coming in. No one can hear me when I'm here.


Additional lyrics printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet, but not appearing in the song itself

Not one of them you belong with You're only fooling yourself Go on get back to where you belong You are not one of them You belong with us you're only fooling yourself Come back where you belong back To nowhere back to nothing Back to that lonely place inside your head Come back to where you belong You're so fucking stupid and pathetic What you're trying to do We will never let you go That was a lie you must have wanted to believe You didn't really believe that did you? Well it runs too deep it runs too deep my friend Better start to look at things through different eyes Don't you fucking know what you are? Go on get back get back get back to where you belong



"The Collector" was played live primarily on the Live: With Teeth (http://www.ninwiki.com/Live:_With_Teeth) tour, becoming a rarity in the setlist as the tour went on. It was played once on the Lights In The Sky Tour (http://www.ninwiki.com/Lights_In_The_Sky_Tour) and several times on the Wave Goodbye Tour (http://www.ninwiki.com/Wave_Goodbye_Tour). Several of these live versions featured the additional lyrics printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet.

Additional lyrics printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet, but not appearing in the song itself (though they have occasionally been sung live).

Are you listening? Yes I am building Something bigger than the world Something terrible With all of this


Additional lyrics printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet, but not appearing in the song itself

And I've rehearsed my lines And I know what's coming next


Additional lyrics were printed in the With Teeth PDF booklet, but do not feature in the song, and are only included in one of the multitrack sets:

Is this really all there is? Is this really all there is?

"Message To No One" is a poem/song hinted at on the With Teeth (http://www.ninwiki.com/With_Teeth_(halo)) lyrics poster (http://www.ninwiki.com/Nin.com/with_teeth).

[Mes]sage to no one In particular» And guess what? Nobody loves you Nobody cares I was sent here to give you this mess[age] Oh, thats right You're different Different than the rest I forgot I forgot Well fuck you And fuck fitting in to your scene Fuck what you think Oh yeah Well I'm king of the world The world that I'm destroying Big chunks at a time I am the destroyer of worlds You watch and see You watch and see


"The Life You Didn't Lead" is a poem/song hinted at on the With Teeth (http://www.ninwiki.com/With_Teeth_(halo)) lyrics poster (http://www.ninwiki.com/Nin.com/with_teeth).

Home Returning from somewhere To someplace safe And for once as you watch The color of the sunset As it paints the walls And you are not living in a memory You are vital and alive You are at peace You are godlike And you are safe And that moment will last In a place in your mind And there is no pain And you forget what it feels like And you can see How it could be

09-16-2013, 02:24 AM
Weren't the additional lyrics included in the Only multitracks? I seem to recall them being in there.

09-16-2013, 02:29 AM
Yes, as far as I know the additional Only lyrics are the only ones we've heard sung, apart from the live versions of The Collector with the extra lyrics that I've yet to hear.

09-16-2013, 02:36 AM
Facepalm my last post for me. I only just noticed you mentioned the multitracks in the original post. Must have skimmed over that.

09-16-2013, 09:22 AM
With Teeth is not my favorite nin album, but its not my least. I think some of the best nin songs are on it (all the love, the line begins, besides you...). I remember my first listen, all the love in the world just kicks right in....i think its a great album. I always hoped one day we would see these 'songs' that werent included. Then we got non entity and not so pretty now.....those songs NOT being on the poster makes me think we wont ever hear them, or they dont exist at all. Sometimes bands just do that....add lyrics that arent there. TR has def done it before. But to actually have titles....makes me think they are around somewhere...maybe...i hope...

09-16-2013, 11:06 AM
While the extra lyrics shed a new light on the purpose of a couple of these songs... I can see why they were cut/not sung. Especially the ATLITW extras.. they're terrible!

09-16-2013, 11:10 AM
the extra lyrics are great, it gives us a larger aspect of the songs

09-16-2013, 11:31 AM
Seems to me they're not lyrics, but longer extracts from the journal entries that led to the songs. Similarly to how the ARG enhanced Year Zero's dystopian themes, and how the art of David Carson and Russell Mills enhanced Fragile/TDS's themes of breaking and decay, these entries in the With Teeth lyrics sheet reinforce the diary-set-to-music nature of the album - how heart-on-sleave, open and honest the songs are.
They also provide additional context for interpreting the songs' meaning.

I'll second @nick999 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3169) 's comment about With Teeth not being my favourite NIN album, but containing some of his best songs.

09-16-2013, 01:45 PM
I have never listened to the multi-tracks. Is there simply a track with that vocal bit, or is there a resultant mix-down that is significantly different from the album version?

09-16-2013, 07:31 PM
I have never listened to the multi-tracks. Is there simply a track with that vocal bit, or is there a resultant mix-down that is significantly different from the album version?

i built an ending extension with the "Only" multitracks and placed the extra lines in something as sensible as i could in a remix (http://remix.nin.com/play/mix?id=14259), if that answers you (starts at about 4:00 - rest of the song before this is the same as the album). i'm sure other remixes on the site incorporate them too.

09-16-2013, 08:57 PM
Seems to me they're not lyrics, but longer extracts from the journal entries that led to the songs. Similarly to how the ARG enhanced Year Zero's dystopian themes, and how the art of David Carson and Russell Mills enhanced Fragile/TDS's themes of breaking and decay, these entries in the With Teeth lyrics sheet reinforce the diary-set-to-music nature of the album - how heart-on-sleave, open and honest the songs are.
They also provide additional context for interpreting the songs' meaning.

I'll second @nick999 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3169) 's comment about With Teeth not being my favourite NIN album, but containing some of his best songs.

i think you're right, probably one if many journal entries that can become songs. If so, cool insight on how he works out his lyrics.

Halo Infinity
09-19-2013, 08:22 PM
I really must've forgotten about this entirely. If not, then I really thought this only happened on Pretty Hate Machine's lyrics.

09-19-2013, 08:38 PM
I really must've forgotten about this entirely. If not, then I really thought this only happened on Pretty Hate Machine's lyrics.

It's easy to forget, especially because they're only on that WT poster that's nearly impossible to read.