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10-08-2015, 02:56 PM
forgive my ignorance, but is bayley still babyface? the last i saw of her, there was a hint of heel. mind, i haven't watched NXT in months. i recently moved and haven't gotten around to television setup.
*hug life*

10-08-2015, 03:00 PM
forgive my ignorance, but is bayley still babyface? the last i saw of her, there was a hint of heel. mind, i haven't watched NXT in months. i recently moved and haven't gotten around to television setup.
*hug life*

Yup, still babyface. A little more edgier though.

10-08-2015, 03:05 PM
i'm not sure i could imagine her any other way.

10-08-2015, 10:50 PM
TNA just got another nail in the coffin. James Storm made his debut at NXT tonight at a taping.



Space Suicide
10-08-2015, 11:04 PM
Beer Money was a shitty tag team.

Fucking stupid name as well.

10-09-2015, 12:16 AM
I wasn't watching when Beer Money was together. Bobby Roode is the fucking man though. Not crazy about Storm. But, I definitely respect him. Maybe he'll turn it up a notch in NXT. Maybe like Sting and so many others, he phoned it in at tna.

10-09-2015, 08:57 AM
What's Storm's name in NXT?

and won't somebody please hire Austin Aries and Kurt Angle?

10-09-2015, 09:28 AM
I have a feeling he's going to go by his usual name. Could be wrong. But, it looks like he's going to have the same role as Rhyno. There to help the younger guys, etc.

10-09-2015, 04:35 PM
It's James Storm. The Samoa Joe special, presumably. I doubt either of them are going to hit the main roster - they're there to make the young guys look good and get WWE on their résumé before they retire.

10-10-2015, 12:01 AM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12107132_10156154623700346_7227459361906638291_n.j pg?oh=ab4d481dee0d417aff4590d7d8561cde&oe=5690FE34

I work in a haunted house, what does ETS think of my facepaint design tonight?

10-10-2015, 04:59 AM
because i cannot get my life together and acquire wwe247 i only know that that is a wrestler from nxt that is hella badass. i only saw one match of his and i was very impressed.

/my old school fandom is showing again

10-11-2015, 07:38 PM
Word has it that Del Rio might go back to WWE. Personally, I hope not. But, if I were him, I'd make sure to get way more money after what happened to him.

10-11-2015, 08:23 PM
I don't want Del Rio back in the WWE. He'll be misused and booked poorly. Besides, after the way he got fired by the WWE for standing up for himself. Why should he return? Fuck them.

10-11-2015, 10:53 PM
Neither do i. He was boring in wwe. Plus, I'm surprised they would be willing to bring him back after what he's said about them. But, if I were him, I'd make them pay out the ass if they really want him.

10-12-2015, 09:11 AM
I understand why they are trying to bring Del Rio back, they currently don't have a major latin star and they are not pushing Calisto or Sin Cara (for whatever reason) so they are going back with the most successful of those guys.
I have mixed feelings: in a way i don't want him to come back after the shitty treatment they gave him and the double standards they have in there (it's Ok if an emloyee says something racist backstage but it's not ok when they say it in a radio show or whatever...). I another hand i do want him to come back, since i believe he's very talented and great as a heel (just keep the cars and have Ricardo Rodríguez as his announcer)

10-12-2015, 11:15 AM
I wonder what issues he had with Lucha Underground. Maybe he wanted to be in the title picture? But he already has the AAA Heavyweight title, which was a valid championship in LU. He doesn't need both.

I hope he never comes back to WWE. They misused him and made him boring as fuck. He's better off on the American indie and Mexican circuits where he makes good money and is beloved by the fans.

10-12-2015, 01:20 PM
Not sure what the deal with LU is. My guess is that they just haven't made a deal for him to return, yet.

10-12-2015, 07:36 PM
On another note, WWE continues to build a very interesting working relationship with EVOLVE, and presumably the rest of WWN. Sami Zayn returns at EVOLVE 49 & 50 this weekend (http://www.cagesideseats.com/2015/10/12/9514957/sami-zayn-evolve-wwe-partnership-return-appearances).

I like this. Reach out to the indies without buying them outright.

10-12-2015, 07:41 PM
The New Day is the most entertaining thing on normal WWE tv.

10-12-2015, 08:14 PM
New Day might be the best thing in WWE, period.

10-12-2015, 08:49 PM
I love the New Day. I was skeptical when they formed but since turning, they've become the most entertaining and fun thing in the WWE. I love Xavier's trombone.

10-12-2015, 08:59 PM
They really turned things around. Took a shitty gimmick and turned it into something. Proof that it is possible to turn a shit gimmick into gold. Now, they have creative freedom to do what they want, and it's only getting better.

10-12-2015, 11:06 PM
So, aside from the New Day, another crappy RAW? I heard Reigns did a promo and.... it bombed. Charlotte jobbed to a ring-rat in a tag match and that ring-rat tried to bury Sasha Banks on the mic.

10-12-2015, 11:16 PM
Yeah, Reigns tanked and the crowd got him for it. He tried playing it off, unsuccessfully. They chanted "boring", and he says "this isn't boring. This is real life!". Derp... just when he starts getting better on the mic, and then this happens...in Chicago.

Divas matches were throwaways. The first one, in particular. Not sure if I'd say they tried burying Sasha. If anything, they planted seeds for her to break away and go solo. She got a great reaction (as usual), and it's fairly obvious they're going to play off of her reaction and overshadowing of Tamina and Naomi. Far from trying to bury her.

10-13-2015, 09:00 AM
Watched RAW because i'm attending the Saturday house show and i wanted to be "up to speed", but man ...it was hard work, what a boring RAW, only good thing was The New Day (as you guys mentioned), but excluding that ...filler.
The Divas Revolution is dead, Rusev storyline doesn't make any sense, Ziggler jobbed (again!) and that Reigns promo, lol, it was actually amusing, poor guy he just can't cut a promo...

10-13-2015, 09:09 AM
Reigns is better in small doses. Less is more. He can't cut long promos. Especially long scripted ones. He looked like he was struggling to remember his lines.

The Rusev angle is a mess. He and Lana are legit engaged now, so I guess they're playing off of it - poorly. It was fairly obvious that Lana and Rusev would reunite at some point soon. But last night was a mess. It would've been more logical for her just to return and pull a swerve on Summer, injured or not. Going based on the tmz article is just stupid, lazy booking.

10-13-2015, 09:27 AM
yeah, it makes sense to reunite Rusev with Lana, since the engagement picture it's all over the internet, but the storyline became something dumb.
I just thought: why not go with Rusev "marring" Summer (give a bullshit reason or just pretend the real life pic doesn't exist) and then after a long time we find out he was "cheating" on Summer with Lana all the time?.

That way you can: keep Rusev with Summer, give Lana the time off to film or whatever, not be tied to the "real life events" and "bring them back together" when it's convenient.

I know it's not the best solution and i'm not a writer, but it makes more sense of what they did yesterday...

10-13-2015, 09:56 AM
Still a better solution than theirs. I would've continued forward with the current storyline with Summer proposing. Lana returns during the wedding, and they ditch Summer. Could've done anything, really. Doesn't require that much thought. We came up with two logical ideas in just minutes. A writing staff of near 30 can't?

10-13-2015, 04:38 PM
The storyline was idiotic from the start. I get that they wanted to develop Lana, but Rusev and Lana work best together, and they can develop as a unit without becoming stale. They tanked four people in one storyline (well, Summer, I guess, is in the same spot that she was before - irrelevant) and they're somehow shocked that the ratings are tanking just as fast. This Raw in particular was clearly shit and I didn't even watch it.

Reigns cannot be scripted to ramble on and on like a fucking idiot. He needs to say five words and beat the fuck out of people. They spent months fixing his character and sent him out there to die in Chicago. Good work, you stupid fucks.

This is why I dropped Raw. The New Day is the best handled trio in the company and they're still going to fuck them up soon enough. This product is awful and I'm glad I'm not subjecting myself to the worst of it on a weekly basis.

the duder
10-13-2015, 07:47 PM

10-13-2015, 08:31 PM
That's infuriating. I understand he's not a great talker. But, neither is Reigns (who isn't universally over as a babyface). They don't want to give up on Reigns though, based on having a marketable look and lineage. Cesaro has a pretty loyal fan base. They push him to keep the fans happy, then they stop. Maybe it's because they think the fans are stupid, mindless sheep; that we think if they dial back on him, we'll just forget about him. Nope. While he's not the greatest talker, people still want him to get a push, an actual push. Not a little momentum before it gets snatched away.

the duder
10-13-2015, 09:11 PM
It's ludicrous. Nobody is tuning in because they're sick of seeing the stars of yesteryear in half brained angles. Cesaro needs to be involved in a title feud. I think part of his absence was due to the WWE tour through the middle east, but that is no reason to have radio silence about the guy. In this "reality" era, how about him tweeting shit to KO from afar, and KO continues the feud on the air? So simple.

10-13-2015, 09:43 PM
If Bryan doesn't return. There's only 2 guys I want to see win the Royal Rumble. It's not going to happen because Vince is an out-of-touch old fuck. Yet, if Dolph Ziggler or Cesaro wins the Royal Rumble. The place would explode with joy and if one of them wins at WrestleMania. Hope will come back again.

Unfortunately, that's not what WWE wants since they want to push the same old assholes and whoever has a certain look and can sell stupid merch.

10-13-2015, 10:24 PM
People are tuning out for many reasons. Inconsistent booking, lack of continuity, not listening to their fans, shoving people down our throats who aren't over, and burying the ones who are, and insulting the intelligence of their viewers.

Cesaro doesn't necessarily need a title feud. He needs consistent booking. Just let the guy wrestle. That's all that he needs to do. That's what got him over.

10-13-2015, 10:56 PM
I also hate the way the WWE books the whole women's roster. At NXT, they laud Sasha for her performance and at RAW, Brie mocks Sasha as if she's telling the fans "You should be watching us and like it!"

I really hope Sasha goes on her own, win the Diva's title, and then pull a Shane Douglas on the entire belt and the entire division.

10-13-2015, 11:04 PM
I also hate the way the WWE books the whole women's roster. At NXT, they laud Sasha for her performance and at RAW, Brie mocks Sasha as if she's telling the fans "You should be watching us and like it!"

I really hope Sasha goes on her own, win the Diva's title, and then pull a Shane Douglas on the entire belt and the entire division.

I disagree. All brie did was set up a jealousy angle for Sasha to break away from team bad. Maybe could've been done better. But, I commend them for gradually breaking up the groups. Need more singles matches. And especially after that match Sasha had at takeover, it only makes sense that being in a group like that is only holding her back. So if it leads to her going solo (which she should) I'm all for brie playing off the crowd.

10-14-2015, 12:24 AM
I just read a rumor at Cageside that there's no plans in breaking up these factions anytime soon. Well fuck. Why am I not surprised? Oh yeah, it's WWE.

This is just fueling my fantasy booking idea of that anti-sports entertainment faction that I want to create. It'd be guys who succeeded in the indies/other promotions but find themselves humiliated and mistreated by Vince where Bryan, Owens, Cesaro, Neville, Samoa Joe, Balor, Crews, and Ambrose would form this faction as they would attack everyone. They'd beat up Rollins for being Triple H's bitch and do serious injuries to older guys like Chode, Corporate Retard, and Mark Henry to the point that they retire.

After months of beatings and chaos, Stephanie confronts Bryan and the gang as she books Bryan to face Triple H inside Hell in a Cell in an "I Quit" match. Bryan accepts but he makes an announcement where he tells Steph some things as she slaps him repeatedly as he laughs. He says "come on bitch, hit me again" where Stephanie is attacked by a masked individual where it's revealed to be Asuka. Bryan then says "now, did you think this was going to be a boys' club? Guess what? We got Asuka in our ranks but... she's not alone" as Becky Lynch, Billie Kay, Emma, Peyton Royce, Athena, and Sasha Banks come in to attack Stephanie. The Divas try to save Stephanie only to be attacked by Paige and Natalya who beat up Steph and everyone including Brie Bella who tried to reason with Daniel but he puts a thumbs down and has her be fed by the ladies as he tells her "it's over. You and your gutter-slut of a sister have tried to use your position to take other down. Not anymore. I didn't want to involve you into this but you and your sister instead chose to be part of the problem. Now, you will suffer like I've suffered when you abandoned me to Vince and the Authority"

10-14-2015, 10:09 AM
Cesaro's case reminds me a lot to Drew McIntyre (Drew Galloway in TNA), both talented european athletes with great ring skills but average mic skills, because of this the WWE books them poorly and end up as talented jobbers, despite of the fans support.
I don't see Cesaro winning this year's Rumble, probably it will be between Reigns, Wyatt or Seth Rollins (if he isn't the champion by then), maybe Bryan if he's back by then, but is highly unlikely...

10-14-2015, 07:46 PM
Cesaro's case reminds me a lot to Drew McIntyre (Drew Galloway in TNA), both talented european athletes with great ring skills but average mic skills, because of this the WWE books them poorly and end up as talented jobbers, despite of the fans support.
I don't see Cesaro winning this year's Rumble, probably it will be between Reigns, Wyatt or Seth Rollins (if he isn't the champion by then), maybe Bryan if he's back by then, but is highly unlikely...

Have this feeling that it'll be either Lesnar or Reigns winning the rumble. Just wonder if the fans will boo it for the fourth year in a row.

Just saw Nia Jax's debut. Egh... Not impressed. And, it looks like we won't have to see Eva Marie wrestle again, for awhile. Maybe they finally realized that she's not suited to wrestle.

10-14-2015, 08:01 PM
I too must give Nia Jax the old GSP "I'm not impressed by your performance."

10-14-2015, 08:07 PM
Intrigued to see Bayley/Bliss though. Need more Asuka though!

10-14-2015, 09:03 PM
Had wrestling practice today, learned SO much today. Today I learned
go behinds
headlock takeovers - legs around the head
sunset flips
sunset flips from the apron

and probably a few more things. Everything was awesome..except for my back giving out on me..I'm in a LOT of pain, but I'm living my dream.

10-14-2015, 09:09 PM
Had wrestling practice today, learned SO much today. Today I learned
go behinds
headlock takeovers - legs around the head
sunset flips
sunset flips from the apron

and probably a few more things. Everything was awesome..except for my back giving out on me..I'm in a LOT of pain, but I'm living my dream.

No pain, no gain. There's going to be a lot of pain, heh.

10-14-2015, 09:12 PM
No pain, no gain. There's going to be a lot of pain, heh.

yeah man, I have a herniated disc so it flares up every now and then. haha

10-14-2015, 09:38 PM
Just try and take care of yourself and your opponent. When there's trust, you'll know you're starting to do good.

10-14-2015, 10:17 PM
yup. I really trust everyone i'm working with. its a great group of dudes

10-14-2015, 11:34 PM
Lots of luck @xfocalinx (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=778) !

careful with the injuries, take care of your herniated disk

10-15-2015, 12:19 AM
I just read rumors that there's a reason why Cesaro is getting pushed. Vince thinks he's boring.

10-15-2015, 08:08 AM
I just read rumors that there's a reason why Cesaro is getting pushed. Vince thinks he's boring.

Doesn't surprise me. Plenty of people say otherwise. Plenty of people also have their opinions of Vince these days as well..

10-15-2015, 10:37 AM
I just read rumors that there's a reason why Cesaro is getting pushed. Vince thinks he's boring.
Reminded me of this meme:


10-15-2015, 11:26 AM
Man, the Zack Ryder thing. What annoys me the most about that is that he clearly has a low ceiling - strong work, very good in the ring, but his gimmick was never going to get him far. So why not let him go as far as he can go? He treated the U.S. Title like it was the key to the universe when he won it. He should've had a good run, and then, when you take it off of him, it can break him, and then you have a story of rebuilding and redemption. But, of course, WWE's never done a story that nuanced, have they? Cena's "worst year ever" included plenty of shit he didn't deserve to win.

It's just a bad product. NXT is the only thing that's worth it. Do they still show that on Hulu? Maybe I should cancel the Network and switch to that.

10-15-2015, 12:02 PM
I just posted a version of this on Twitter but figured I'd run this past you guys too. WWE has a network and 3 brands. Why not separate these again with one brand, say RAW, as the kids oriented entertainment brand. Let's call Smackdown the more adult themed wrestling show. NXT remains the same to help flesh out which show NXTers end up on. You could switch up superstars every so often to keep it fresh. Here's the rosters I came up with off hand:

RAW--Cena, Bellas, Sheamus, Henry, New Day, Show, Miz, Rybread, Undertaker, Jericho, Stardust, Ascension, Reigns, Kane, Rusev, PTP, Dallas, Ryder, Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, Sting, Slater.
SD--Rollins, Ambrose, Owens, Cesaro, Barrett, Ziggler, Dudleys, Luchadragons, Neville, Orton, Lesnar, Wyatts, Paige, Natalya, Banks, Lynch, Charlotte, Usos, Sandow, Hennig, Bryan.

10-15-2015, 01:10 PM
Lots of luck @xfocalinx (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=778) !

careful with the injuries, take care of your herniated disk

thanks dude! I've had it for a while now, it's nothing major, so they don't wanna do surgery. I just forgot to stretch yesterday and paid for it :(

10-15-2015, 02:15 PM
I just posted a version of this on Twitter but figured I'd run this past you guys too. WWE has a network and 3 brands. Why not separate these again with one brand, say RAW, as the kids oriented entertainment brand. Let's call Smackdown the more adult themed wrestling show. NXT remains the same to help flesh out which show NXTers end up on. You could switch up superstars every so often to keep it fresh. Here's the rosters I came up with off hand:

RAW--Cena, Bellas, Sheamus, Henry, New Day, Show, Miz, Rybread, Undertaker, Jericho, Stardust, Ascension, Reigns, Kane, Rusev, PTP, Dallas, Ryder, Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, Sting, Slater.
SD--Rollins, Ambrose, Owens, Cesaro, Barrett, Ziggler, Dudleys, Luchadragons, Neville, Orton, Lesnar, Wyatts, Paige, Natalya, Banks, Lynch, Charlotte, Usos, Sandow, Hennig, Bryan.

That actually seems like a logical model to follow, so naturally, there's no way in blue fuck it will ever happen.

10-15-2015, 03:28 PM
Could help. But it won't help if everyone continues getting booked poorly. They need to trim the fat. No reason not to at this point. Yeah, it involves people losing jobs. But, it's not like they're really doing it to begin with.

10-16-2015, 11:02 AM
Could help. But it won't help if everyone continues getting booked poorly. They need to trim the fat. No reason not to at this point. Yeah, it involves people losing jobs. But, it's not like they're really doing it to begin with.

Ohhh Snap!

10-16-2015, 01:54 PM

here's a little drill we did this past Wednesday. I know it's not crisp. But this was the 3rd time we did this drill, we were so blown up haha.

edit: I'm the one w/ the red hair...my nickname is now "Steva-Marie"

10-19-2015, 03:16 PM
I'm not sure if anyone who was around in the 90s saw this match but this was one of my favorite matches ever. This made me a Razor Ramon fan.... for life:


10-19-2015, 08:54 PM
nvm...not current conversation

10-19-2015, 09:22 PM
I just read what is going on. The crowd isn't into it. Who can blame them? Let's see.... what would you watch? A crappy episode of RAW or the new Star Wars trailer?

10-19-2015, 10:27 PM
It wasn't a bad raw. Brought out a few legends. They keep relying on the legends... the legends put over the young guys though. Pretty cool back and forth segment between Rollins and HBK. But there's still an obvious disconnect. As a go home show, it failed. Because it seemed to be more bells and whistles than a go home show. They definitely put in the effort though. Shame they don't listen to their fans.

I'm not very invested in the ppv. It feels like an afterthought before it even happens. I don't want to see Owens/Ryback again. Kane isn't winning, etc. Etc.

There's a rumor about Breeze being called up very soon. Maybe Sunday.

10-19-2015, 10:56 PM
What will happen if RAW drops to an entire single point? Will Vince die of a heart attack?

10-19-2015, 11:03 PM
Are they in the 2s or the 3s? No way in hell can they survive with just a million viewers. It's steadily dropping. At some point, Vince is going to have to realize what he's doing isn't working. That the 30 writers he's got working under him aren't getting the job done, and he does nothing about it (not counting last minute rewrites/clusterfucks). Not sure what Vince is going to have to do to get the viewers back. But he's digging a deep hole. Luckily for them, they have deep pockets.

Also, there's shareholders. If things get bad enough, could they force Vince out if it came down to it?

10-20-2015, 01:07 AM
Hey, what if Tyler Breeze challenges Cena in the US title open challenge and wins? Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I didn't watch Raw because I was busy watching my Eagles bumble their worthless asses to a win, but it seemed like a weird mess of a show. Where'd Harper go? Why has Orton disappeared (though I've heard that wasn't just a random storyline decision)? Shield pseudo-reunion for no reason besides Rollins going for the lols? Why is Cena the third wheel for the Dudleys? Will they ever stop trotting out legends to get people interested?

10-20-2015, 03:39 AM
Hey, what if Tyler Breeze challenges Cena in the US title open challenge and wins? Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I didn't watch Raw because I was busy watching my Eagles bumble their worthless asses to a win, but it seemed like a weird mess of a show. Where'd Harper go? Why has Orton disappeared (though I've heard that wasn't just a random storyline decision)? Shield pseudo-reunion for no reason besides Rollins going for the lols? Why is Cena the third wheel for the Dudleys? Will they ever stop trotting out legends to get people interested?

who? wtf cena and US title in the same sentence?
to get more tattoos and / or "wellness policy"
he's a yes man who apparently needs the US title? or wellness policy.

fucking new school.

the duder
10-20-2015, 04:41 AM
who? wtf cena and US title in the same sentence?
to get more tattoos and / or "wellness policy"
he's a yes man who apparently needs the US title? or wellness policy.

fucking new school.
http://cfs7.blog.daum.net/image/25/blog/2007/11/08/20/17/4732f04048263&filename=%EC%8A%A4%ED%86%A4%EC%BD%9C%EB%93%9C107.j pg

10-20-2015, 08:13 AM
Orton works a limited schedule now. He's on break to get married. So, they felt like they had to turn it into a storyline by having having Harper "kidnap" him.

If Breeze debuts against Cena and wins, then there's hope for him. I like breeze. But, I worry that no matter how good he is, Vince and co. will end up misusing him until they inevitably bury him. Fandango 2.0.

I get the feeling that it could be someone else for the title though. Breeze may be accompanied by Summer Rae and feud with Ziggler.

Hopefully they use him right.

10-20-2015, 09:12 AM
So that's why Orton wasn't at the Mexico shows, pretty shitty of the WWE considering they advertised him in the card on advance (i don't care about him, but there were many fans expecting him...)
So Harper is supposedly holding Orton hostage in a cabin in the woods or somethin'? is Rowan now back in the family to stay? the sad part is that the answer to all the questions is: fuck it, i don't care.

10-20-2015, 09:34 AM
And Rowan's return was so anticlimactic. He just shows up and we get cole whispering about who it is. At least have him run in or something. All that they had to do is do the segment without Rowan, then when everything starts to go south, Rowan comes out, then Ambrose. Then do the six man. I really wonder what creative does.

10-20-2015, 10:48 AM
It's being reported that he actually has another shoulder injury. That'll keep him out for a little while.

With that and Cena taking time off for some reason, along with probably no Lesnar until Mania season, that leaves a few big holes at the top of the card. Guess Reigns and Ambrose are moving up again. Let's see how they fuck it up this time.

10-20-2015, 01:01 PM
Ambrose never fucked up, it' was the shitty booking and dumb storylines what got him, i actually think he can be a good transitional champ.

Reigns isn't championship material -even now-, some of it is his fault and some of it is because the WWE has refused to give him his own personality and more interesting feuds (seriously, stop that dumb Wyatt feud and please give him new clothing and another theme, that Shield shit is getting really boring).

But in my opinion someone who should already be champion is Bray Wyatt, the guy has it: Charisma, skill and it's over, i don't believe they would rather give Sheamus the title again...

10-20-2015, 02:45 PM
I really hope the ratings continue to drop. Hopefully to a 1.0 rating and maybe will be so bad that Vince will have a heart attack and die. Yes, I want that old fuck dead right now.

10-20-2015, 02:58 PM
Ambrose never fucked up, it' was the shitty booking and dumb storylines what got him, i actually think he can be a good transitional champ.

Reigns isn't championship material -even now-, some of it is his fault and some of it is because the WWE has refused to give him his own personality and more interesting feuds (seriously, stop that dumb Wyatt feud and please give him new clothing and another theme, that Shield shit is getting really boring).

But in my opinion someone who should already be champion is Bray Wyatt, the guy has it: Charisma, skill and it's over, i don't believe they would rather give Sheamus the title again...

Ambrose got screwed by the booking. Literially, in one night, he's closing the show with Rollins, then Wyatt comes in the ruins the whole thing. Everything he did with Rollins was swept under the rug. It's pathetic. And of course there's the obvious lack of continuity. Wyatt cost Ambrose the HIAC match, and all of a sudden the entire feud with Rollins didn't exist anymore. That hurt Ambrose. He never came back from that, imo. Now, he's just a wingman...

Since January, Reigns has improved alot. And they seemed to finally realize that talking isn't his strong suit. They limited his mic time. Then they forget and have him cutting a six minute promo last week, which tanked. Reigns is good in the ring. Talking needs a lot of work. I can't really blame Reigns on this. He's shoving improvement, which means he's definitely trying. It's WWE that are screwing this up. The guy clearly isn't ready for what they want for him, but they do it anyway. He might get where he needs to be, but it won't be this year. WWE wants too much from him in such a short amount of time. And it's backfiring on them, mostly Reigns.

I have a feeling Wyatt may never hold a title. That kind of character might not benefit from a title run at all. I think his current position on the roster is permanent.

10-20-2015, 11:41 PM
Maybe Wyatt will be a transitional champ, kind of like Taker: short reigns to reinforce his credibility but not needing the title to be over, funny i just thought of a cool (recycled) scenario for him: Bray builds a huge stable (3 family members and maybe 2 other guys) and make another "ministry" to oppose the authority, that would be a cool moment to put the strap on him (but yes, it might never happen...)

10-21-2015, 12:01 AM
Tyler Breeze just made his main roster debut at a taping of Smackdown where he beat up Dolph Ziggler and teamed with Summer Rae. Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine.

10-21-2015, 12:20 AM
I'll take that. He'd become nothing but a gatekeeper on NXT. Hopefully he stays out of there now that he's on the main roster - not fond of double duty.

Makes me wonder who's next, though. Sami, when he finally returns?

10-21-2015, 12:29 AM
sami zayn (el generico in my heart) is too good for the WWE's main roster. it would ruin him like it did cm punk, samoa joe, bryan danielson, and eventually tyler black. there should be some kind of stable with all the fellas i mentioned. they'd own monday night raw after one run-in.

there isnt enough real show casing in the WWE. makes me sad.

10-21-2015, 12:36 AM
Kinda disappointed it happened on smackdown. No one really watches that. Breeze/Ziggler sounds good though.

10-21-2015, 09:47 AM
Tyler Breeze just made his main roster debut at a taping of Smackdown where he beat up Dolph Ziggler and teamed with Summer Rae. Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine.
Loved the Type O Negative reference, lol
Tyler was ready so it was a no brainer, and i think his character might fit on the main roster, but at the same time there's a chance he might get lost in the shuffle just like Adam Rose, Fandango, Bo Dallas and many others...

10-21-2015, 12:38 PM
I'm just worried that he's going to end up like Fandango. Got a serious push starting out, then ends up more of a novelty jobber. Now, he's not on tv at all. Breeze can go, and can probably work with anyone. It's just a matter of Vince and creative taking the gimmick seriously. But, hopefully get can get a push to run with.

10-21-2015, 10:22 PM
Didn't learn too much today, as a lot of my class mates were late..but i learned how to give and take a close line, as well as dropkicks.

every practice, I shake my trainers hands and thank them for the opportunity,..as I'm genuinely thankful they're allowing me to live my dream..Today, my trainer replied with: "You're taking it"

10-22-2015, 12:13 AM
Hey, a complement from a trainer is a sign that you're on your way. That is awesome.

10-22-2015, 11:56 AM
Hey, a complement from a trainer is a sign that you're on your way. That is awesome.

absolutely! I've been picking things up very quickly. Like, first try quickly. My trainers haven't really been saying positive things to me..But I've found out through other classmates that they're impressed...so for him to flat out tell me is a HUGE compliment.

also, just because i love this community so much, I'm thinking about naming a sequence or move of mine "echoing the sound"

10-22-2015, 08:08 PM
Good debut for Breeze. Shame it was on smackdown.

10-22-2015, 08:57 PM
I just read a spoiler on the NXT tapings that Bayley's next challenger is..... Allbotcheverything....


10-22-2015, 09:42 PM
They were teasing it afterall... Makes zero sense, but I can see it happening. Maybe Bayley can carry a match out of her. Not sure if Eva will win it though. But, if she does, that will probably mean a call up for Bayley. Eva doesn't deserve to even be in the ring, let alone get a title shot.

10-22-2015, 09:51 PM
I guess they want to make her a heel champ that wrestling fans hate, just like it happened with The Miz, yeah that went great...

10-22-2015, 09:58 PM
Yeah. But, Miz has a degree of skill. She doesn't.

10-22-2015, 10:04 PM
Here's the proof: http://www.cagesideseats.com/2015/10/22/9601496/nxt-spoilers-eva-marie-returns-athena-debuts-crews-vs-balor-more

I hate you WWE.

10-23-2015, 12:54 AM
She's getting her shot at the next set of tapings. No title change is going to happen for either of the big two titles on a random taping. We're safe for now.

Now, if she get a shot at London...that's a different story.

And yeah, I know about the tag title change, but that title has never meant half as much as the singles titles. It's even already changed hands at a taping this year. It's the only one they'll ever do that with, I bet.

10-23-2015, 09:22 AM
The Vaudevillians deserved better than that. So did Joe.

10-24-2015, 05:56 PM
Watched Breeze debut on Smackdown and i thought it was well done, and it even makes sense to pair him with Summer Rae, i guess that's the end of the rumored "Heel Ziggler" return we were expecting and since Cena seems that will retain the U.S. title before his hiatus, i don't think there will be another "unexpected" heel turn this sunday (unless it's the Big Show, lol).

10-24-2015, 10:54 PM
Why do I get the feeling that the Big Chode will be Cena's opponent? Why him?

10-24-2015, 10:59 PM
Why do I get the feeling that the Big Chode will be Cena's opponent? Why him?

Please don't say that, haha. He hasn't been on tv in awhile. Man, I hope it's not. And if it is, it's going to get shit on. I'd rather them randomly toss in Jericho again than Big Show. I'm betting that Cena is dropping the title. So hopefully it's to someone meaningful, that needs it. Big Show would just take a huge shit on everything Cena has done for the title.

10-24-2015, 11:03 PM
I would like it to be Ambrose since his match was mysteriously cancelled.

I really have no idea who it's going to be. It has to be someone who can credibly beat Cena, right? A debut? A heel who cheats for the win? I don't know.

My Eagles are on at the same time as the PPV so I won't be watching it live. I'll just check the updates as it goes along.

10-24-2015, 11:06 PM
I'm hoping for three things. A return, possibly Daniel Bryan (something I wouldn't bet on), a debut, or Tyler Breeze. But since Breeze had already debuted and is in a program with Ziggler (sorta), maybe it's Ambrose. Something happened with Harper, so they cancelled the original preshow match. So, maybe Ambrose. Depends on how far in advance they planned for this.

10-25-2015, 01:37 PM
I hope the Sami Zayn returning rumors are true and he comes back to challenge Cena, that would be awesome

10-25-2015, 02:30 PM
Zayn would be awesome. In fact, I'd prefer him over everyone else. Not sure if he's fully recovered yet or not though.

10-25-2015, 02:39 PM
For those who are probably unenthused about WWE's crappy product and need something to laugh at, never fear.... here's the new episode of BOTCHAMANIA!!!!!:


10-25-2015, 07:11 PM
Del Rio! Nice. Always liked him and hated how he got fucked over and fired for rightfully smacking the shit out of a racist. And it looks like he's in the best shape of his career too.

10-25-2015, 07:14 PM
I'm going to assume he got a massive payday to go back. I'm bittersweet about it...

10-25-2015, 07:37 PM
I'm glad he beat Cena but I'm mixed about it considering how bad he got treated in WWE over what happened and was hoping he wasn't going to come back.

10-25-2015, 07:47 PM
I wonder if they tried to get Ricardo back too? He was way more vocal than Del Dio was. Cool to see Zeb back though. Del Dio needs a speaker.

10-25-2015, 08:00 PM
double post, but...

https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12191485_894016157349264_8073941594203264782_n.jpg ?oh=8b1cb6f242196e7d090260cd58d98f4b&oe=5687E5F4

10-25-2015, 09:11 PM
Love that Rybread got booed consistently throughout that match. He's terrible. Almost botched the pop up powerbomb.

10-25-2015, 09:16 PM
I don't see how people like him or why he has the spot he has. I chuckled at the boos. But yeah, he's terrible.

10-25-2015, 09:20 PM
At least Kevin Owens won. Fuck Crybotch, he always sucked.

10-25-2015, 09:24 PM
Hopefully, that's the last one. Cryhack goes back down on the roster, and we get some legit matches for the title.

Is it just me, or does the structuring of the card seem odd? Cena start. A cell match second. World title match before the IC title match. Seems random.

10-25-2015, 09:41 PM
Hopefully, that's the last one. Cryhack goes back down on the roster, and we get some legit matches for the title.

Is it just me, or does the structuring of the card seem odd? Cena start. A cell match second. World title match before the IC title match. Seems random.

Yeah but then again, it's WWE. It's no surprise who is booking this crap.

10-25-2015, 09:46 PM
Main event was awesome!

10-25-2015, 10:46 PM
I'm thinking Survivor Series will be Taker/Kane/Sting/Lesnar vs Wyatts

10-25-2015, 10:52 PM
I think Sting's done. I'd be amazed to see Lesnar wrestle again this year. Kane seems like a sure thing though.

10-25-2015, 10:57 PM
I think Sting's done. I'd be amazed to see Lesnar wrestle again this year. Kane seems like a sure thing though.

I don't think so, I think a 4 on 4 will protect him, then he'll eventually face taker. But I don't think we'll EVER see him wrestle a young guy again.

10-25-2015, 11:04 PM
Wow, i did not expect Del Rio, i got mixed emotions just like everyone but i'll try to see the good side and say that i'm glad because he's a very talented guy that deserves exposure.
Funny that Taker always loses to Lesnar in "Hell in a Cell", i liked the match but i'm glad the feud is over

10-25-2015, 11:14 PM
here's a pic of my new wrist gaunlets:


10-25-2015, 11:37 PM

BTW, what does anyone here think of the pilot episode of Breaking Ground:


I thought it was really good.

10-26-2015, 12:12 AM

BTW, what does anyone here think of the pilot episode of Breaking Ground:


I thought it was really good.

I didn't watch all of it. But, I liked what I saw.

So apparently Del Rio is AAA's champion, still. Wonder how that's going to play out. And maybe some issues with lucha underground as well. Personally, I thought he had a deal with LU.

10-26-2015, 07:53 AM
Main event was awesome!

I adamantly disagree. It was the worst match of the night by far. Undertaker needed to stop like 8 years ago but especially now. That stairs spot where he was supposed to kick the stairs into Lesnar was embarrassing. The whole match was Undertaker barely able to walk and Lesnar trying to slow himself down to not make Undertaker look as bad...which really just made this a slow mo train wreck.
I'm hoping the Wyatts took Undertaker away to like harness his power or something and that's the end.

10-26-2015, 08:13 AM
I'm hoping the Wyatts took Undertaker away to like harness his power or something and that's the end.

Seems to me that they setup Undertaker + 3 guys vs The Wyatt Family in a Survivor Series match.

10-26-2015, 08:37 AM
I adamantly disagree. It was the worst match of the night by far. Undertaker needed to stop like 8 years ago but especially now. That stairs spot where he was supposed to kick the stairs into Lesnar was embarrassing. The whole match was Undertaker barely able to walk and Lesnar trying to slow himself down to not make Undertaker look as bad...which really just made this a slow mo train wreck.
I'm hoping the Wyatts took Undertaker away to like harness his power or something and that's the end.

Agree to disagree I guess. Because I think it's the best match he's had in awhile.

10-26-2015, 11:26 AM
Yeah I really enjoyed Lesnar/Taker. It was brutal, and felt like a decent sequel to their first HIAC match (one of my favorite matches). I was surprised to see so much blood too, which was pretty cool. The idea of exposing the wood under the ring was also awesome, but would have worked better had any of the moves intended to land on the wood, actually would have landed on the wood. Still though, to me that match kind of felt like the old WWE, so I liked it.

Really though, Wyatt and Reigns took home award for best HIAC match of the night. Waaaay better than I thought it'd be.

10-26-2015, 02:21 PM
Yeah I really enjoyed Lesnar/Taker. It was brutal, and felt like a decent sequel to their first HIAC match (one of my favorite matches). I was surprised to see so much blood too, which was pretty cool. The idea of exposing the wood under the ring was also awesome, but would have worked better had any of the moves intended to land on the wood, actually would have landed on the wood. Still though, to me that match kind of felt like the old WWE, so I liked it.

Really though, Wyatt and Reigns took home award for best HIAC match of the night. Waaaay better than I thought it'd be.

That's what I thought too, that Taker and Lesnar brought legitimacy back to the HIAC match last night. I was getting to the point that I wished theyd just retire the damn cell because it was becoming to pussified, nothing more than a glorified cage mage. A few Taker-is-old related botches aside, it was long, dramatic, bloody and brutal, just how it should be.

10-27-2015, 08:52 AM
Looks like the Wyatts are actually trying to harness Taker and now Kane's power. I'd like to see both gone and retired but I bet they'll be back for Survivor Series.

10-27-2015, 10:01 AM
Taker/Kane/Sting and Ambrose VS Wyatts at Survivor Series?

Also: RAW was great, i can't believe it!

10-27-2015, 12:41 PM
Fucking Reigns, man. A Rollins/Owens SS main event would have been awesome.

10-27-2015, 12:52 PM
I think it's safe to say that Rollins reign is coming to an end and that Reigns will finally get the title.
I would like to see Owens/Rollins too, but everybody knows that's not going to happen...

10-27-2015, 01:00 PM
I don't think it's over yet. I still think Reigns and Ambrose are too chummy for it not to go anywhere. I think Ambrose will cost him. A rumor is a shield triple threat at mania.

Big Fat Matt
10-27-2015, 06:37 PM
I don't think it's over yet. I still think Reigns and Ambrose are too chummy for it not to go anywhere. I think Ambrose will cost him. A rumor is a shield triple threat at mania.
Combine that with Cesaro beating Owens for IC gold and Samoa Joe winning the US strap, that could easily be the best Wrestlemania wrestling event ever.

10-28-2015, 08:15 PM
That Jordan/Gable vs Ciampa/Gargano match was a bit of fried gold.

"Nia Jax--she's the cousin of The Rock..." and that's about all she has going for her. It's like they wanted Kong but with none of Kong's talent.

Jersey Douches come out and I'm like Beavis and Butthead when a bad video comes on, "Oh no, not these guys again!" And then something magical happened and they didn't get to do their tired schtick. I popped!

10-28-2015, 08:27 PM
Jordan/Gable are going to be something special. Very reminiscent of Haas/Benjamin (a very good thing).

Not big on Nia Jax. Maybe she will get better as she goes. But, I'm not on that bandwagon at all. With a wrestler that size, you pretty much have a good idea on what you're getting. They had Havok in TNA, squashed the other girls, and had zero talent aside from looking menacing because the other girls put her over that way. That's how I view Nia Jax.

Space Suicide
10-28-2015, 08:36 PM
Haas/Benjamin (a very good thing).

Good wrestling skills but I found them boring as fuck to watch honestly. When they broke up it was even worse.

10-28-2015, 08:43 PM
Good wrestling skills but I found them boring as fuck to watch honestly. When they broke up it was even worse.

Yeah, breaking them up did them no favors. Benjamin got an IC title run for a bit, Haas sank. Then it just went nowhere for them. Should've kept them as a team.

10-28-2015, 09:47 PM
Yeah, breaking them up did them no favors. Benjamin got an IC title run for a bit, Haas sank. Then it just went nowhere for them. Should've kept them as a team.

They were at their best when Kurt Angle was on the shelf and they were bringing a picture of him to the ring and dedicating every match to him. Team Angle for the win.

10-28-2015, 10:26 PM
learned leap frogs, drop toe holds from the corner, drop toe hold out of a hammer lock, and a sequence where we do 3 shoulder blocks, with the dude not bumping until the last one.

10-28-2015, 11:05 PM
Hass and Benjamin were great wrestlers but i agree they were a bit boring, i used to like them as "Team Angle" and they served the purpose of the stable but sadly they never found their identity past those days, such a shame Benjamin sure had talent.

10-28-2015, 11:53 PM
Shelton Benjamin I think was one of the most under-utilized talents the WWE had. He had a lot to offer. He may not have been good on the mic but he didn't need to do that with what he was able to do as a wrestler. Plus, his match against Shawn Michaels back in 2005-2006 on RAW where Shawn superkicked him as Shelton was flying is still a great moment. Plus, Shawn kinda put him over that night.

10-29-2015, 10:01 AM
^ Oh man, that was a brutal superkick, i remember that match it was good (it's complete on Youtube by the way...)


Even HHH put Shelton over, i remember he lost clean to him once, shame that his his gimmick never got over.

the duder
10-30-2015, 07:06 PM
Watched Wednesday's NXT - tag match between Jordan/Gable & Ciampa/Gargano. So good. Currently binge watching the Network. Breaking Ground was great, watched the Joe/Neville/Bo Table for 3, now watching Sting/DDP/Vader Table for 3. Awesome Friday night.

10-30-2015, 10:08 PM
Very surprising how soft spoken Vader is. Haven't really watched Breaking Ground yet. The network is definitely picking up with content.

10-30-2015, 10:27 PM
^case in point:


fucking badass

10-30-2015, 10:57 PM
Vader was one of my favorites in WCW. He was just a fucking badass. In WWE, he was badly misused and treated like shit. I blame Shawn Michaels for that as he was a fucking dick back then.

10-30-2015, 11:56 PM
Or Vince's refusal to push people who weren't his own creations. He really could've been more in wwf.

10-31-2015, 12:54 AM
Vader was great, always thought he deserved a mini run with the title, him and Bam Bam Bigelow are two "big men" that were misused by the WWE and deserved runs as transitional champs at least.
I did heard that Shawn killed Vader's push, what an asshole, i've seen interviews with him and sounds like a really nice guy.

10-31-2015, 01:14 AM
It was at SummerSlam 1996 where Shawn had a real hissy-fit over the botches Vader did and Shawn just pulled his political card to bury him. Yeah, a real dick move.

Speaking of divas, did anyone hear that Buff Bagwell is releasing a documentary about himself and his career? I heard some stuff about how he claimed Jim Ross lied about him during his brief time in the WWE. I'm sorry but Buff deserved to get fired from the WWE. He had a shitty attitude and a bad ego. He really thought he was a main-eventer. He was a mid-carder for life.

10-31-2015, 08:30 AM
I heard Buff got canned because he had his mother call in sick for him.

10-31-2015, 11:03 AM
Isn't Buff like a full time Gigolo now or somethin' like that?

Probably Buff got a big head because he got a big pop (actually the biggest after Scott Steiner pop and the Goldberg chants) when Vince mentioned his name during the "purchase of WCW promo" (watch second 34 of the video)


the duder
11-01-2015, 07:41 AM
Very surprising how soft spoken Vader is. Haven't really watched Breaking Ground yet. The network is definitely picking up with content.
They've come a long way from "Legends House" style programs. As a fan, though, I worry about the "Reality Era" and maintaining kayfabe. On BG, for example, the segments with Bayley and the other women wrestlers in training seem too friendly. On the other hand, I think someone like Baron Corbin is towing that line to perfection.

I think programs like Table for 3, BG and WWE 24 are what the network need to succeed: listening to guys and gals telling their stories about how they got into the industry. Name dropping the bigger indie promotions where they cut their teeth can't be bad for business, either.

11-01-2015, 08:58 AM
Hopefully there's a second season of Swerved. And Seth Green has a cartoon coming up too.

11-02-2015, 01:49 AM
I heard Buff got canned because he had his mother call in sick for him.

i remember jim ross said to her (he was telling this story on the legends round table show) that if he ever hears from her again, it better be because it's his birthday. XD

edit: FORGIVE MY IGNORANCE: but wtf does seth green have to with wrestling? i've heard of many celebs crossing in, but seth green?

11-02-2015, 08:51 AM
FORGIVE MY IGNORANCE: but wtf does seth green have to with wrestling? i've heard of many celebs crossing in, but seth green?
He has guest hosted RAW before and is a wrestling fan, he was even in a match (with HHH i think...)
He's also a major geek and a pop culture fan so the relationship with the WWE makes itself.

11-02-2015, 04:16 PM
made my "debut" in a gimmick battle royal.

wanna take a guess who I dressed up as?

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12038161_894206033996864_8181240543175369129_n.jpg ?oh=44dd05c82e0cda480daa348bb16a250e&oe=56B6E28F

11-02-2015, 04:54 PM
made my "debut" in a gimmick battle royal.

wanna take a guess who I dressed up as?

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12038161_894206033996864_8181240543175369129_n.jpg ?oh=44dd05c82e0cda480daa348bb16a250e&oe=56B6E28F

That's awesome. Just missing a woman to squash.

11-02-2015, 09:09 PM
made my "debut" in a gimmick battle royal.

wanna take a guess who I dressed up as?

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12038161_894206033996864_8181240543175369129_n.jpg ?oh=44dd05c82e0cda480daa348bb16a250e&oe=56B6E28F

OK, that is funny but also cool. Did you dance for the crowd?

11-03-2015, 12:09 AM
That's awesome. Just missing a woman to squash.

yeah, I was a bit disappointed there was no woman wrestler in the battle royal..but I avoided the men just like Andy!

OK, that is funny but also cool. Did you dance for the crowd?

I did not Dance, I'm not a dancer, I'm from HOLLYWOOD!

I did take my time to get in the ring, though!

here's some more pics:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12193813_894206257330175_7280551958235044543_n.jpg ?oh=a94930266b8aa579c0d85c225165eac0&oe=56BAE9E4

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10557342_894207923996675_2410715789413094228_n.jpg ?oh=457935a04027fb4ec813ddced61bf388&oe=56C21529

{I kept losing my damn wig!}

11-03-2015, 12:23 AM

11-03-2015, 03:03 PM
My favorite part of Raw last night: The New Day rocking out to KO and Seth's theme music.

11-04-2015, 07:33 PM
Eva Marie, loweing the bar, one match at the time. I'm really beginning to wonder if she's being pushed the way she's being pushed to get heat. She's terrible, and everyone knows it. She probably gets the most heat in NXT, compared to everyone else. Maybe that's the plan? She doesn't have the talent, but she does generate a huge response from the crowd. Negative responses, but still, they're big responses.

11-04-2015, 07:44 PM
Asuka continues to kick ass. I love her stealing her opponents' taunts.

It has been garbage in between, but I'm ready for this title match!

the duder
11-04-2015, 07:53 PM
I smell fatal 4-way at the NXT takeover in London.

11-04-2015, 08:01 PM
Nice heel turn albeit a bit late.

11-04-2015, 08:07 PM
Asuka continues to kick ass. I love her stealing her opponents' taunts.

It has been garbage in between, but I'm ready for this title match!

I'm all about Asuka. Asuka/Emma should be good one. Surprised to see Cameron. Thought she was on the way out. She looked like she's improved some though.

I smell fatal 4-way at the NXT takeover in London.

I can see that happening. I like Crews, but I don't really want him to win a title just yet. He's got tons of potential to get there though. If we do get a fatal four way, i'm pulling for Joe or Corbin.

11-04-2015, 08:52 PM
Another good training today, learned a lot.

Stomps (Like stomping on somebody laying down), Leg scissors, Leg lock, Boston Crab, Figure four, Snap Suplex, Stalling Suplex, Chin lock, aannnd bow and arrow.

also, like usual, I thank my trainers for the opportunity. Tonight, he replied with "It's yours to take, bro"

11-04-2015, 10:24 PM
Eva Marie, loweing the bar, one match at the time. I'm really beginning to wonder if she's being pushed the way she's being pushed to get heat. She's terrible, and everyone knows it. She probably gets the most heat in NXT, compared to everyone else. Maybe that's the plan? She doesn't have the talent, but she does generate a huge response from the crowd. Negative responses, but still, they're big responses.

OK, I have a question. That kick... what was that? Seriously, what the fuck was that? I feel like I just got slapped stupid from watching that on YouTube.

Asuka.... wow.... she killed Cameron and I love it.

11-04-2015, 10:32 PM
She's got to be working us. No way they would keep pushing her the way they are and keep her around if she's that terrible. She can't be this terrible. It's tough to watch. It's got to be for the heat. I'm probably wrong. But, damn, it's tough to watch.

11-05-2015, 08:53 AM
As long as Eva Marie gets huge responses (doesn't matter if they are negative), the WWE will continue to shove her down our throats.
It's even worse to get "lukewarm" responses like Roman Reigns gets than the massive heat she's getting ...sadly the WWE doesn't realize that's the reason why fans give them shit on the Internet or why the audience "hijacks" the shows

11-05-2015, 12:53 PM
there is a lack of gutter butt indie territories (kansas city comes to mind) for the men and women to cut their teeth and toughen up. eva was a princess from the get go. pretty much anyone who broke through within the last five-ish years has this disadvantage.

fucking new school.

11-05-2015, 02:06 PM
Seth Rollins injured his knee and will be out 6-9 months. Fuck.

Tournament at Survivor Series will determine new champ....Roman Reigns. Authority will likely grab Sheamus as their new poster boy. Fuck.

11-05-2015, 02:08 PM
Seth Rollins injured his knee and will be out 6-9 months. Fuck.

Tournament at Survivor Series will determine new champ....Roman Reigns. Authority will likely grab Sheamus as their new poster boy. Fuck.

Well.... shit..... can we officially say 2015 is the worst year in WWE?

11-05-2015, 02:13 PM
Deadly Game, anyone?


11-05-2015, 02:13 PM
Egh... while this is very bad, it's not the worst year. 2013 was far worse than this. Reigns will probably get it. That, or they bring back daniel bryan. I think they're fucked in a lot of ways now. Rollins was carrying a lot of it. Carried raw, imo. Who knows what his mania plans were as well. That's out the window now as well. It's a huge loss.

11-05-2015, 02:48 PM
Oh man. That succkss. It's going to be fun/depressing to watch the trainwreck that is Roman Reigns carrying every show after Survivor Series. I feel bad for Rollins who has had such a huge year and now has to miss Wrestlemania. I think Seth returning as a face is a good idea.

Predictions? Reigns KO feud? Ambrose turn? We all get fooled at SS and Cesaro becomes champ??

11-05-2015, 03:02 PM
I can't see them putting it on anyone else but Reigns. As long as you keep his promos short and simple, he will be fine. Anything longer, and he'll show his weaknesses. Maybe they give someone a chance, but I doubt it. Maybe Sheamus, but I don't see that happening until after mania. Who knows what they're going to do now? I don't think they know either.

11-05-2015, 03:11 PM
So.... does anyone want to help me build a coffin for the WWE?

11-05-2015, 03:12 PM
With 30 guys in creative. I'm sure they can figure something out.

11-05-2015, 03:35 PM
It damn well should be Cesaro...but it won't.

11-05-2015, 04:46 PM
With 30 guys in creative. I'm sure they can figure something out.
Oh yeah, that usually works great...

I agree that Reigns most likely will win, i mean it's either him or Ambrose and we know they aren't going to make Ambrose the champ.
Sheamus should cash that night, you make a transitional heel champ (Authority endorsed) so Reigns can "chase for the title" and not fuck up having a long Reign.

11-05-2015, 05:00 PM
This is what happens when you refuse to build new stars and keep relying on the old guard. Cena's out. Orton's out. Now Rollins. They have really backed themselves into a corner. If only they built more stars. Reigns is the obvious guess. I've been wrong a lot lately. So maybe it won't be him. Or maybe he wins it and Sheamus cashes in. Or maybe Daniel Bryan will finally come back. It's going to be very interesting.

the duder
11-05-2015, 05:45 PM
This is what happens when you refuse to build new stars and keep relying on the old guard.
I remember watching an interview with Rollins where he said something along the lines that Crossfit made him invincible. Ever since then, I've thought to myself "that's the dude sealing his own fate".

I wouldn't go all "red alert" (no, not an Eva Marie reference) on saying that WWE is doomed, etc. I'm saying why not Ziggler? Have him kill Prince Pretty in the tournament, end that shit with Summer Rae, then he's free to go on a tear.

11-05-2015, 08:23 PM
Here's what's going to happen, almost guaranteed: Reigns will win the tournament at Survivor Series, and will be immediately cashed in on by Sheamus, who may or may not fail. That sets up your main event angle for the next couple of months.

That, or the fabled Reigns heel turn.

11-05-2015, 10:27 PM
I have a feeling that they may not turn Reigns heel for a very, very long time. Then again, they need a new top heel.

11-05-2015, 10:27 PM
What if the WWE decides do something like in '98 where the finals is Cesaro vs. Reigns and Reigns does win in a controversial manner where he becomes heel by aligning with HHH and Rollins hugs him? Surely, WWE wouldn't do that. Oh wait, they probably would.

11-05-2015, 10:32 PM
What if the WWE decides do something like in '98 where the finals is Cesaro vs. Reigns and Reigns does win in a controversial manner where he becomes heel by aligning with HHH and Rollins hugs him? Surely, WWE wouldn't do that. Oh wait, they probably would.

Aside from the Rollins part, it's possible. Someone's going to have to step up as the top heel though. For Reigns, the writing is on the wall. And a heel run would do good for him. I don't know if WWE are willing to do that. But, considering how limited their options are, maybe.

Now is the perfect time to call someone up from NXT. Or maybe more than one.

11-05-2015, 11:05 PM
^It's Balor time!

11-05-2015, 11:13 PM
I dunno. I get the feeling that if he shows up, it's in the tag match. Maybe that changed though. Someone brought up Owens possibly winning, or at least takeover the spot of the top heel of the company. He's certainly more than capable.

11-06-2015, 10:35 AM
Owens is madly over, but i don't think they'll put the strap on him yet, they'll go with Sheamus, knowing it's a bad idea but at least they tried it before, going with Owens is too risky and bold to be a WWE decision.

So the Taker/Wyatts tag match is still happening? how are they going to fit the whole tournament (unless they are the finals i guess) the Divas title match and the tag match in the event?.
I mean they gotta have Taker at the event, most of the deal it's his 25th anniversary...

11-06-2015, 10:38 AM
I can only imagine some of the tournament matches will be very short. Like 5 minutes short. At least the quarterfinals will be. They've done eight man tournaments before, and had matches. So it's very doable. King of the Ring is a perfect example of that.

Big Fat Matt
11-06-2015, 02:30 PM
Here is a bold shitty idea, have taker win it.

11-06-2015, 03:10 PM
With all of the shit that is happening in the WWE, here's something for everyone to sit back, relax, and laugh at. That's right folks... the new episode of BOTCHAMANIA!!!!!


11-06-2015, 03:37 PM
Here is a bold shitty idea, have taker win it.

It's not too far fetched aside from the tag match. This year has felt like a farewell tour. So why not give him a final run with the belt? He doesn't need to be full time.

Big Fat Matt
11-06-2015, 08:56 PM
It's not too far fetched aside from the tag match. This year has felt like a farewell tour. So why not give him a final run with the belt? He doesn't need to be full time.
Have him hold it till the monday after 'Mania? Doesn't sound half bad, if you ask me.

11-06-2015, 10:08 PM
Have him hold it till the monday after 'Mania? Doesn't sound half bad, if you ask me.

Personally, if he had a run, mania would be the perfect time to drop it and go out.

11-06-2015, 10:29 PM
Personally, if he had a run, mania would be the perfect time to drop it and go out.

But to who? I'll be pissed if it's Reigns or Cena.

11-06-2015, 10:32 PM
But to who? I'll be pissed if it's Reigns or Cena.

It probably won't have a happy ending then, haha. Taker/Cena will probably happen at some point if Taker doesn't retire at mania. I'm betting it's him and Wyatt again at mania, and Wyatt goes over. Just a hunch.

11-07-2015, 12:13 AM
With all of the shit that is happening in the WWE, here's something for everyone to sit back, relax, and laugh at. That's right folks... the new episode of BOTCHAMANIA!!!!!


i needed that so badly. <3

the duder
11-08-2015, 08:56 AM
I've been watching Xavier Wood's (AKA Austin Creed's) YouTube channel, Up Up Down Down, all morning. Can't stop won't stop.

11-08-2015, 01:41 PM
It probably won't have a happy ending then, haha. Taker/Cena will probably happen at some point if Taker doesn't retire at mania. I'm betting it's him and Wyatt again at mania, and Wyatt goes over. Just a hunch.

He'd better go over if that happens again. Let Wyatt absorb his essence and let Taker retire. That's what they should've done last time.

11-08-2015, 02:31 PM
Read earlier that Taker/Cena might actually happen at 32...

11-08-2015, 02:57 PM
I've been watching Xavier Wood's (AKA Austin Creed's) YouTube channel, Up Up Down Down, all morning. Can't stop won't stop.

I fucking love that shit. It's nice seeing the other wrestlers relax and be themselves while having a good time playing video games. Among the people I enjoy watching aside from the New Day are Curtis Axel aka Cold Beer, Rusev aka Tong Po, Sasha Banks, Sexual Chocolate, and Seth Rollins.

11-08-2015, 03:00 PM
I fucking love that shit. It's nice seeing the other wrestlers relax and be themselves while having a good time playing video games. Among the people I enjoy watching aside from the New Day are Curtis Axel aka Cold Beer, Rusev aka Tong Po, Sasha Banks, Sexual Chocolate, and Seth Rollins.

I can feel it in my heart.

Love the channel though. Especially the ongoing madden tourney. Guessing Rollins is out of that as well...

the duder
11-08-2015, 07:55 PM
The one with Stardust made me laugh damn hard. And watching Sasha and Xavier play Sailor Moon pushed my respect for Banks even further through the roof. Incredible story about her and being homeschooled to help her mom take care of her handicapped brother. Amazing human.

11-08-2015, 10:42 PM
The one with Stardust made me laugh damn hard. And watching Sasha and Xavier play Sailor Moon pushed my respect for Banks even further through the roof. Incredible story about her and being homeschooled to help her mom take care of her handicapped brother. Amazing human.

Those are my favorite. I knew about Sasha being a fan of Asian pop and Sailor Moon but the story about her being home-schooled and taking care of her little brother. How could I not love her even more? And she's #2 in the PWI ranking of the top 50 female wrestlers of the year behind Nikki Bella. What a load of bullshit, especially for a kayfabe mag.

11-09-2015, 09:39 PM
First day at Monday practice.. learned how to throw strikes, we also did some drills. Loved it. The Monday trainer was super impressed, and said as I left he needs to get me on shows.

11-09-2015, 09:53 PM
It's so obvious they are going to make Sheamus cash on Reigns, they avoided the possible match in the tournament and they teased Reigns win.
The WWE is so predictable, don't get me wrong, they had some surprising moments from time to time, but this tournament looks like a straight line for Reigns...

11-09-2015, 10:17 PM
They haven't been going the obvious routes lately. I don't see Reigns walking out with the title, as they need a new top heel. But, I can see him winning the rumble, again, and this time winning it. Crossing my fingers they don't go that route. But, that's the safe bet.

11-09-2015, 11:30 PM
Just saying, I really appreciate everyone "liking" my posts and stuff. I'm literally living my dream and I just want to share how happy I am.

11-09-2015, 11:37 PM
Just saying, I really appreciate everyone "liking" my posts and stuff. I'm literally living my dream and I just want to share how happy I am.

If my back weren't so fucked up, I'd have considered sticking with it. A few friends might be trying to restart their indie promotion. I won't wrestle, but might be involved in some way.

11-09-2015, 11:38 PM
that's all that matters in the world.

do you still have bruises on your sides from running ropes?

11-10-2015, 12:09 AM
@xfocalinx (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=778)
that's all that matters in the world.

do you still have bruises on your sides from running ropes?

thanks man!

and nah, they cleared up a few days afterwards. I'm good now. my body is used to ropes now :)

11-10-2015, 12:23 AM
If my back weren't so fucked up, I'd have considered sticking with it. A few friends might be trying to restart their indie promotion. I won't wrestle, but might be involved in some way.

word, sorry your dreams got cut short, man.

where ya located?

11-10-2015, 12:51 AM
*crosses fingers*

please don't say philly. i'm out of the loop big time, do they still boo the easter bunny?

11-10-2015, 10:52 AM
Kind of the same with me, @Piko (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=358). I found out I had peripheral neuropathy as a result of chemo/radiation/spinal taps to treat leukemia as a kid and that was the end of my wrestling aspirations. Would love to do commentary or manage but it's hard to get those spots without being "in."

11-10-2015, 12:36 PM
For the hell of it I looked up Wrestlemania tickets just to see the price range. I know it's probably the norm, but I don't think any type of live show....of ANY kind is worth $2300 a ticket. Fuck off man.

11-10-2015, 12:54 PM
word, sorry your dreams got cut short, man.

where ya located?

Louisiana. I had quit before my back crapped out though. I was still in my teens when I trained/wrestled. Long ass time ago. There's no way I'm willing to take a bump now. It would probably send me straight to the chiropractor. I'd consider being a manager, and maybe take the occasional bump. But, there's no way I'll be an actual wrestler.

11-10-2015, 12:59 PM
Louisiana. I had quit before my back crapped out though. I was still in my teens when I trained/wrestled. Long ass time ago. There's no way I'm willing to take a bump now. It would probably send me straight to the chiropractor. I'd consider being a manager, and maybe take the occasional bump. But, there's no way I'll be an actual wrestler.
Word, sorry that's how it all turned out man, but I hope I can do business with you and your buddies fed in the future!

11-10-2015, 04:24 PM
For the hell of it I looked up Wrestlemania tickets just to see the price range. I know it's probably the norm, but I don't think any type of live show....of ANY kind is worth $2300 a ticket. Fuck off man.

Shit, I wouldn't pay $20 to see it considering how awful the product is.

the duder
11-11-2015, 05:14 PM
Just watched the Table for 3 with Regal, Barrett and Sheamus. Not my favorite, but not terrible.

Random aside: did anyone else notice that any time they say "compliments to the chef", it's like an inside joke? Anyone else think that or know the origin of it?

11-11-2015, 09:17 PM
another fun day at practice..except for the fact that this chick was learning how to do a vertical suplex, and she ended up giving me a shoot brainbuster...Thankfully my head an neck are okay..but my collar bone really hurts.

We learned how to do belly to belly suplexes, belly to back suplexes, forearms to the back.

but holy shit i'm in pain

11-11-2015, 10:02 PM
another fun day at practice..except for the fact that this chick was learning how to do a vertical suplex, and she ended up giving me a shoot brainbuster...Thankfully my head an neck are okay..but my collar bone really hurts.

We learned how to do belly to belly suplexes, belly to back suplexes, forearms to the back.

but holy shit i'm in pain

I hope you're OK.

BTW, did anyone read this: http://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2015/11/10/9709884/wwe-turns-arena-mics-down-monday-night-raw-combat-capricious-british-crowd

Why are we not surprised by this?

11-11-2015, 10:12 PM
I hope you're OK.

BTW, did anyone read this: http://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2015/11/10/9709884/wwe-turns-arena-mics-down-monday-night-raw-combat-capricious-british-crowd

Why are we not surprised by this?

I will be, just my clavicle hurts.

and I'm not surprised one bit.

11-12-2015, 02:15 AM
another fun day at practice..except for the fact that this chick was learning how to do a vertical suplex, and she ended up giving me a shoot brainbuster...Thankfully my head an neck are okay..but my collar bone really hurts.

We learned how to do belly to belly suplexes, belly to back suplexes, forearms to the back.

but holy shit i'm in pain

collar bone pain = fun
i have never come across anyone who's had clavicle pain (or breaks) for some boring reason. keep on doing what you love. nothing epsom salt and alcohol can't fix.

11-12-2015, 09:09 AM
BTW, did anyone read this: http://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2015/11/10/9709884/wwe-turns-arena-mics-down-monday-night-raw-combat-capricious-british-crowd

Why are we not surprised by this?
It makes sense, when i watched last monday i thought that the crowd was very "passive", considering it was the UK, but then they started to do the "Mexican Wave" and i knew they weren't very entertained. (But i think it was JBL who tried to cover it saying: "This fans are doing the Mexican Wave, god they are happy...)

11-12-2015, 09:35 AM
Not as bad as smackdown's editing. The fake, and obviously edited in cheers, etc.

11-12-2015, 11:00 AM
Anyone notice how there were even piped in cheers during the Undertaker's appearance on Jimmy Fallon the other night?

11-12-2015, 02:26 PM
Undertaker showed up in Jimmy Fallon?, wow, i guess it's a sure thing he's retiring next year, that's so uncharacteristic of him...

11-12-2015, 04:35 PM
Yep, he was on Fallon and destroyed a turkey (played Brad Maddox):


11-12-2015, 09:33 PM
They've been doing the crowd noise dampening on taped shows for years. Nothing new there.

11-13-2015, 04:53 AM
what? soooooooooooo 'taker kayfabes the hall when percy pringle (pall bearer) dies....THEN HE FUCKING WRESTLES A TURKEY????????? i don't know whether to laugh, cry, shit, or piss. of all fucking wrestlers in the world, you could rely on 'taker to keep the "magic" alive. what the fuck, all i can do is curse, i cannot compose a sentence right now.


fuck jimmy fallon. break kayafbe on colbert FFS. OR KEEP IT GOING LIKE ANDY KAUFMAN!

11-13-2015, 07:27 AM

11-13-2015, 07:42 AM
Kayfabe is dead and I am glad. That's Jim Cornette-esque shit and he's been out of touch and irrelevant for over a decade.

Speaking of which, Undertaker has been embarrassing for the last decade too, though...so appearing on Jimmy Fallon does nothing to change that. This thing with the Wyatts better end with Kane and Taker being done and passing the torch. But I doubt it will.

11-13-2015, 12:39 PM
I still remember Eddie's las match, can't believe it's been 10 years, Mr. Guerrero what a legend!


11-13-2015, 01:19 PM
They fired Billy Gunn. Something to do with testosterone.

Conan The Barbarian
11-13-2015, 01:30 PM
?? Was he even wrestling?

11-13-2015, 01:46 PM
He was working as a trainer in NXT and Tough Enough, he even appears on the new WWE show "Breaking Ground"

11-13-2015, 02:02 PM
Yup. But, even the trainers get tested. They don't mess around.

11-13-2015, 02:44 PM
They should get tested, to be accountable for what they pass on to the new guys coming in.

11-13-2015, 03:26 PM
I'm actually a little surprised by this. He's not on the roster. If he wasn't passing it onto anyone he was training, I don't see the big deal. If was just for him, that is. It shouldn't affect his training methods. And, it must have been really bad for them to fire him. You would think he'd just get a suspension. So for them to just bypass suspending him, it says a lot.

11-13-2015, 03:38 PM
They fired Billy Gunn? What the fuck? The man is a great trainer. Plus, he was one of the highlights of that awful Tough Enough reboot for chewing the shit out of ZZ. If it's because of some wellness policy thing, then fuck. He'll be back.

11-13-2015, 07:12 PM
It sets an awful example on the rookies he's teaching. "Roid yourself up to make it in WWE, kids!" He deserved to be fired for being a dumb fuck about it. Random powerlifting that he didn't even tell WWE about? What?

I obviously know that there's still tons of PED usage in WWE. Anyone who watches the product knows that if they lay eyes on John Cena for two seconds. But trainers should absolutely not be doing that shit. If they get caught - even if WWE does its best to protect them, like they do with good ol' Haitch - they should be let go.

The three strikes bullshit on the main roster should be thrown out when it comes to PEDs, too. But of course they don't actively test for that. Billy Gunn was only caught because he was tested independently. Corrupt horseshit.

11-14-2015, 01:56 AM
lol wellness policy
fucking new school
all the lives WWE has destroyed...
edit: sorry my post isn't more poignant
double edit: who gives a fuck about mr. ass anyway? he was never particularly great.

11-14-2015, 02:09 PM
lol wellness policy
fucking new school
all the lives WWE has destroyed...
edit: sorry my post isn't more poignant
double edit: who gives a fuck about mr. ass anyway? he was never particularly great.

Uh.... I do...


11-14-2015, 02:49 PM
If I ever get a life-threatening disease, I want a heel to legitimentally kill me in the ring. That'd be a GREAT way to get heat.

Space Suicide
11-14-2015, 03:04 PM
Has it been 10 years already since Guerrero's passing? Time flies.

11-14-2015, 07:49 PM
lol wellness policy
fucking new school
all the lives WWE has destroyed...
edit: sorry my post isn't more poignant
double edit: who gives a fuck about mr. ass anyway? he was never particularly great.
I never liked Billy Gunn either, but he had some talent and was so much better than the Road Dogg, the main problem with BG was his annoying gimmicks; even as "The One" Billy Gunn he never achieved anything...

11-14-2015, 07:56 PM
Has anyone read this: http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/642039-wwe-hall-of-famer-posts-extremely-controversial-remarks-about-paris-attacks-calls-for-a-holocaust-on-islams-and-more

In regards to what is happening and the fact that one of our members here just lost a family member. I'm going to say this. Tammy Sytch is a cunt and I hope she goes to jail one of these days and for good. She's a no-good bitch who has talked smack about everything.

11-14-2015, 07:59 PM
I saw that. Didn't know someone her lost someone though. Sucks to hear that. But, yeah, Tammy can fuck off.

11-16-2015, 07:03 PM
Going to bet that Reigns will get his biggest reaction since rumble tonight, a negative one, of course.

11-16-2015, 09:20 PM
Reigns won, yawn...

The WWE clearly muted some boos directed at Reigns

11-16-2015, 09:28 PM
From what I was able to hear, it was a very mixed reaction. Good match. Very obvious outcome though. Cesaro owned it. Crossing my fingers for Owens and Ambrose now.

11-16-2015, 09:47 PM
So it's obvious it will be Reigns vs. Ambrose. Wow....

11-16-2015, 09:50 PM
That's the obvious choice. I can see them go with Owens though. Someone's turning heel either way. Either Reigns or Ambrose goes heel and turns on the other. Or Owens joins the authority. The authority will probably play a role either way. But, someone's going to become the top heel.