View Full Version : X-Men: Days Of Future Past

10-29-2013, 06:07 PM
This movie needs its own thread, way to much talk about it in the marvel thread for it to not have its own.

Can we talk about this?



For reals.

Blink looks great. Bearded Iceman look great(I really hope we get to see him fully ice up and cruise around like he did in the 90's animated series)
The new costumes look great, although there seems to be a lack of first class costumes in that trailer. I imagine they're saving that for the flick. And the end of the trailer where Xavier is talking to himself actually evoked an emotional response from me.

I can't wait guys... Can't friggin' wait.

10-29-2013, 08:41 PM
This is an awesome scene from the trailer.


10-29-2013, 08:43 PM
I was worried when the list of characters kept growing and growing but I think it will turn out okay. I've read a lot of rant claiming that it's "another Wolverine-centric movie" but judging by the trailer, I think that Logan is only going to be the link between the present and the past.

Right now I'm thinking that it's going to be somewhat Xavier-centric. They need young Xavier to change the future and it seems that young Xavier is not in a groovy mood. I've been a Prof X fan girl since forever and seeing this trailer made me very very very happy.

And Beast trying to drown Magneto was awesome.

10-29-2013, 09:15 PM
Holy shit, 39 seconds in.. is that Bishop?

10-29-2013, 09:19 PM
Of course it is.

10-29-2013, 09:28 PM
It's about damn time is all i can say. :D

10-29-2013, 10:06 PM
All kinds of awesome right here..

10-29-2013, 10:17 PM
HOLY, this looks so good!!

10-29-2013, 10:21 PM
I'm just hoping the movie is on the par of the hype, it's getting promoted like crazy and "First Class" opened the fans expectations, it looks good so far... i just hope it doesn't become another "Man of Steel" or "X-3, The last stand"

PS: Bishop is awesome!

10-29-2013, 10:25 PM
Singer dissects DoFP trailer (http://www.thehollywoodnews.com/2013/10/30/singer-dissects-days-future-past-trailer)


10-29-2013, 10:28 PM
Been following this film for a while, and get excited with every new piece of info that was released. The movie sounds like it's gonna be the x-men movie to end all x-men movies. Time traveling past and present x-men fightening the Sentinels? What more could you want! I really hope the movie is good, it has potential to be amazing, but the trailer really doesn't get me the level of pumped that it should be. The trailer seemed rather slow paced and a little of a depressing vibe actually.

I don't think i'll watch any more trailers, nor will I rewatch this one. I've seen it once this morning and I kinda already forgot what I saw it in, so I want to keep it that way. Not a big fan of watching movie trailers for movies I KNOW I want to see otherwise they end up ruining the film for me.

I'll stick with my original excitement level before seeing the trailer and still go see the film on opening day next year, looking forward to it.

10-30-2013, 01:19 AM
If only Cyclops (my fav X-man) was in this. I think I read somewhere that Bryan Singer felt bad that he couldn't bring him back for this movie. I loved James Marsden's Scott Summers. Too bad the X-Men movies unjustly treated him like an asshole.

Anyway, I'm getting really excited for this. Good to have you back, Singer!

10-30-2013, 07:13 AM
X-Men is my favorite comic type series. I can't wait for this.

I thought First Class was awesome.

10-30-2013, 10:01 AM
If only Cyclops (my fav X-man) was in this. I think I read somewhere that Bryan Singer felt bad that he couldn't bring him back for this movie. I loved James Marsden's Scott Summers. Too bad the X-Men movies unjustly treated him like an asshole.

Anyway, I'm getting really excited for this. Good to have you back, Singer!
Much agreed, Cyclops is an awesome character and he's neither an asshole or a dumb bland guy... he's a born leader and someone who would do ANYTHING to bring his team to victory and for Charles dream.
I think the movies failed to show him as this fearless leader and sadly he was killed off in the worst possible way... I like Wolverine, but Cyclops is equally as important or maybe even more...

10-31-2013, 12:34 PM
I am still holding out some kind of hope that near the end of the film we will get a Cyke cameo of some kind.

Especially if they are going to stinger Apocalypse. You need the full team for that battle.

10-31-2013, 12:43 PM
This is going to be a seriously awesome movie.

Bryan Singer returning to direct the X-Men films again while bridging two ends of the franchise and sharing two phenomenal casts in one movie that adapts a classic storyline of the Claremont/Byrne days while simultaneously unfucking the messy chronology of the movies and erasing that bastardization of a third film could NOT be more welcome.

Seriously, epic nerdgasms ftw!!!

Really excited about this.


11-25-2013, 06:22 PM

11-25-2013, 07:01 PM

Oh wow... just WOW! There you have it: the truth at last. o_O

01-24-2014, 10:21 AM

Please give me dark and pissed off Xavier!

New trailer on Monday.

01-27-2014, 12:52 PM
Empire Magazine has 25 collector's covers for DOFP (http://collider.com/x-men-days-of-future-past-quicksilver-magneto-covers/)

My favorite (I'm a Prof X fan girl, what can I say?)



Astral Projection, maybe?

Also: where's my trailer? I was promised a new trailer damn it.

01-27-2014, 04:41 PM
Still waiting for the trailer. Looks like they're releasing a cover an hour for the magazine. This site has been updating them pretty quick.

01-27-2014, 08:55 PM
Quicksilver looks so dumb.

01-27-2014, 09:52 PM
What's with the goggles, is this 1999?

On the plus side, both Magnetos still look awesome. The bone-claw Wolverine cover threw me for a moment.

03-24-2014, 11:23 AM
Repost from the MCU thread:


In my list of top anticipated movies of the year. I've grown up with The X-men and this just looks awesome to me. I cannot wait for Apocalypse either. Hnnnng.

So what do we learn from this?

It's going to be badass (with the exception of Quicksilver who looks like shit), older Magneto and X may reconcile (I cried a bit), Storm may die, the future is very bleak and James McAvoy cries (which he does in almost every movie; I know because I've seen a lot of them).

I. Can't. Wait.

03-24-2014, 02:05 PM
I just saw the trailer and... this will be the blockbuster of the year. Fuck Spider-Man and fuck that insufferable cunt Michael Bay.

03-24-2014, 03:52 PM
Repost from the MCU thread:

So what do we learn from this?

It's going to be badass (with the exception of Quicksilver who looks like shit), older Magneto and X may reconcile (I cried a bit), Storm may die, the future is very bleak and James McAvoy cries (which he does in almost every movie; I know because I've seen a lot of them).

I. Can't. Wait.

We also learned we'll get to see iceman cruise around on ice(I've been waiting for that since X2) And it also looks like beast has gone back to human form. You see him standing next to young Charles in a wheelchair with Wolverine about to enter cerebro.

We Also learn that bishop hangs out with kitty pride, meaning he is in the future(present?) and not a time traveller himself.
Also there's a metric fuck-ton of sentinels.

This is my most anticipated movie of the year and it should be for any comic book movie fan. The X-men movies are really what brought comic book movies to the mainstream 14 years ago. And I've watched(and enjoyed about 90%) of all of them since

Can't wait.

04-06-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm just going to leave this here as my prediction for the post-credits sequence:

04-08-2014, 06:07 PM
All the motherfucking yee-haws.



04-15-2014, 10:16 PM


Conan The Barbarian
04-15-2014, 10:32 PM
How is young Xavier able to walk? Didnt the bullet from the first class film paralyze him from the waist down?

04-15-2014, 10:48 PM
How is young Xavier able to walk? Didnt the bullet from the first class film paralyze him from the waist down?
And how does Beast look regular again?? Something is up with those scenes.

04-15-2014, 11:02 PM
I don't know, and even though I know it isn't the right answer I'm just going to scream "SHI'AR TECHNOLOGY." when it happens in the movie.

04-15-2014, 11:39 PM
Magneto totally deserves that punch in the face. And is Quicksilver looking a little bit better in this? Really I couldn't tell because I was busy watching the Sentinels; and Magneto lifting a whole stadium.

Logan is an ass but I love him.

Also: Kashmir bitches.

04-16-2014, 12:08 AM
there seems to be a bit of liberty with the timeline, such as adding Blink into the mix. Not sure I really dig the early Sentinels as much as the old school ones http://www.geeklegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/5388435378_6361efa7a8.jpg

Still excited to see this

04-16-2014, 09:14 AM
I am so goddamn psyched to see Iceman glide around in this. The guy's always criminally underused in X-Media outside of the comics.

Conan The Barbarian
04-16-2014, 03:26 PM
According to a friend, Xavier made a serum to help him walk. That leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

04-16-2014, 04:10 PM
According to a friend, Xavier made a serum to help him walk. That leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

The serum? or the idea?

Conan The Barbarian
04-16-2014, 04:12 PM

Now I am not up to par with the comics at all, so I don't know if this happens in the books.

But seeing young Xavier walk and future Xavier still in a chair makes no sense.

Unless this is a alternate universe which is not being hinted at.

Just confused.

04-16-2014, 04:27 PM
The rumor I've read about that is that it's Hank who's found a way to make young Xavier walk again but that it's costing him (Xavier) his telepathy.

It would somewhat explains why we see Xavier entering Cerebro sitting on his wheelchair. He has to give up the "device" that's allowing him to walk to use his telepathy again. And it would make for a potentially good sub plot line: Xavier has to choose between his power or his walking ability.


04-16-2014, 07:06 PM
I hate being a negative Nancy, but I just can't get excited about Singer or the head writer Kinberg.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is closer to Last Stand than First Class.

04-16-2014, 07:41 PM
I hate being a negative Nancy, but I just can't get excited about Singer or the head writer Kinberg.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is closer to Last Stand than First Class.

Or worse Superman Returns....

Nah I'm excited.I fell asleep at the theatre for Superman Returns. This looks fucking action packed and it's got all the stuff I've been waiting to see. The Sentinels, Bishop, time travel, and most importantly, Iceman cruising' around on ice like fuckin' Iceman is godamn supposed to.

04-16-2014, 09:15 PM
I really don't understand the hate for Superman Returns. I thought it was entertaining and pretty dam good for a superhero movie for these days. I thought Man of Steel was shit... but that's just me.

I love everything I am seeing from this movie, it just has to come the fuck out already. I really wanna see the future X-Men in action.

04-16-2014, 09:40 PM
I really don't understand the hate for Superman Returns. I thought it was entertaining and pretty dam good for a superhero movie for these days. I thought Man of Steel was shit... but that's just me.

I love everything I am seeing from this movie, it just has to come the fuck out already. I really wanna see the future X-Men in action.

I just saw Man of Steel... it was alright though I do think Superman Returns was an excellent film as I'm also baffled by its hate.

04-16-2014, 10:12 PM
Or worse Superman Returns....

Nah I'm excited.I fell asleep at the theatre for Superman Returns. This looks fucking action packed and it's got all the stuff I've been waiting to see. The Sentinels, Bishop, time travel, and most importantly, Iceman cruising' around on ice like fuckin' Iceman is godamn supposed to.
Most trailers are full of action but some comicbook movies can be bogged down by too many characters and too much action. For all we know that bit of Iceman is all we will get, wouldn't surprise me.

04-17-2014, 08:30 AM
X-Men DOFP stinger at the end of Spidey 2? Don't get your hopes up too much...it's not what you think, but an interesting read nonetheless http://screenrant.com/amazing-spider-man-2-post-credits-scene-x-men-days-of-future-past/

04-18-2014, 10:01 PM
This reminds me of when nobody wanted to talk about the shootings in the Batman thread.

04-18-2014, 10:50 PM
This reminds me of when nobody wanted to talk about the shootings in the Batman thread.

What, the huge elephant in the room? There: Bryan Singer drops out of all X-Men DoFP promotion. (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/notyetamovie/news/?a=98406) And this bit of news is related to the movie (sort of).

I guess we could speculate about how this will affect DoFP and/or the upcoming Apocalypse even though ultimately, it has nothing to do with the movie just like the Aurora shooting had nothing to do with TDKR. As for the accusations themselves, I suppose a better place would be Random General Headlines.


04-18-2014, 11:03 PM
I don't know i'd say it's pretty different than that. People died there as a result of pure lunacy. This is a very questionable, still need a lot more info to come out before making any kind of real judgement situation. To discuss without knowing more at this point is semi irresponsible. Look I have no doubt there was some shady shit going down at hollywood parties Singer probably attended. His involvement, culpability, etc is still up in the air as far as I'm concerned.

The victim sued 2 other people previously involved and didn't name Singer at that time. I don't really get the time line either, since his mother went to the LAPD, and yet allegedly continued to allow her son to hang out at the same said parties, attend auditions with the same group of people etc. Also one of other people he previously sued has fled the country. Maybe he wasn't getting paid and decided to go after the deep pockets. The timing right before the release of DoFP is questionable. I don't know. I have no reason to defend Singer and if he ends up being dead to rights so be it, but from what I see right now info wise, I'm not ready to sling him up on a cross. And since I can't exonerate him either, I'd rather just not think about it and wait till the results of the trial. And even then based on what I see, if there is sufficient evidence against Singer it will probably end in the a settlement with no further details being released, or the suit will spend a ton of time being dicked around in court by Singer's high priced lawyers before the case eventually falls apart.

Like I said some cliched hollywood shady shit went down at some parties and certain people, maybe Singer maybe not, will pay a financial price when all is said and done. But a straight up tragedy this does not appear to be.

04-18-2014, 11:19 PM
I personally don't think it really should get in the way of the actual film or your enjoyment of it; tons of people still adore Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and The Pianist despite Roman Polanski molesting a girl. I've yet to see any Lynch fans have a hard time enjoying Lost Highway since the actor who played as the Mystery Man went on to kill his wife. Whether Singer did something horrible or not, it really doesn't influence whether his movies are enjoyable or not.

Also like AgentofChaos said, it's really early on accusatory stuff and to pretend that we know all of the facts and all of the truth behind something as strong as this is irresponsible and not worth doing.

Plus a big difference between this and TDKR thing is that this involves someone directly from the production of the film, whereas TDKR thing was simply an incident that happened with unrelated individuals and really didn't have anything to do with the movie itself.

04-18-2014, 11:41 PM
It's a tough one to talk about. Definitely not as cut and dry and a lunatic shooting up a movie theater. Rational people (aka not the ones in comment sections) probably neither want to rush to judge Singer nor rush to deny a possible rape victim. Just gotta wait and see how it plays out, I guess? The timing definitely seems vindictive, but then if the accusations are true, some vindictiveness is certainly understandable. On the other hand, considering how promiscuous Singer is known to be here in LA, if his preference really was for the non-consentual kind of sex I feel like we'd have heard a LOT more about it before now.

04-19-2014, 02:32 PM
I believe the dude and am sick of giving rapists money. Ugh why

04-19-2014, 04:35 PM
I personally don't think it really should get in the way of the actual film or your enjoyment of it; tons of people still adore Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and The Pianist despite Roman Polanski molesting a girl. I've yet to see any Lynch fans have a hard time enjoying Lost Highway since the actor who played as the Mystery Man went on to kill his wife. Whether Singer did something horrible or not, it really doesn't influence whether his movies are enjoyable or not.

A thousand times, this. If we weren't allowed to enjoy art because the artist was a douchebag, none of us would be allowed to enjoy Alice in Wonderland or a myriad of other classic literature.

04-19-2014, 05:37 PM
A thousand times, this. If we weren't allowed to enjoy art because the artist was a douchebag, none of us would be allowed to enjoy Alice in Wonderland or a myriad of other classic literature.

Isnt it a bit different when the person and their victims are still alive though? Im not really disagreeing with the point, but it does matter that a victim has to see someone get accolades and praise and millions of dollars while they are suffering. I think it would be nice if more people were at least conflicted about supporting work by people who terrorize others. As of now we do not have a culture of solidarity for victims of these kinds of crimes, which is a huge reason why they persist. Again not disagreeing with you, but just food for thought.

05-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Two new clips were posted online yesterday and each one of them contain a SPOILER. The first one is a SPOILER about Hank/Beast and it's creating some controversy already hulk/beast.


05-02-2014, 01:13 PM
The second explains how Young Prof X is able to walk so SPOILER also. It's an intense scene between him and Eric. These two need to get a room already:


Have I mention yet how these clips are full of SPOILERS? So if you watch them and are spoiled, you were warned. Don't cry. Crying is James McAvoy's job.

ps: double post because THE SYSTEM WON'T LET ME POST MORE THAN ONE VIDEO PER POST. I take it personally. Maybe.

05-22-2014, 09:39 AM
It's finally here. X-Men day. Gonna read yesterday's new books, watch a little of the old 90's animated series, and then First Class before heading off to catch DoFP tonight. I'm fuckin stoked. The reviews have all been quite good apparently, not that they really matter to me, but it's definitely more encouraging then bad ones.

05-22-2014, 09:43 AM
Alright, I'm really excited for this movie. I haven't been this excited for a movie since The Dark Knight. I think it will deliver based on the reviews and everything, plus it will automatically be better than X3 i think. and.holy.shit. I spoiled myself with the post-credits scene and I emphasize again HOLY SHIT. It make me even more excited to see this. I won't spoil it but Yeeee :D

05-22-2014, 01:42 PM
It's finally here. X-Men day.



05-22-2014, 04:34 PM
Marodi, those clips DID have some spoilers in them, but holy shit I cannot wait to see this now!!

05-22-2014, 08:27 PM
Hehehe! I wanted to make sure everyone knew beforehand that they were spoilerish because some of you don't like that. Not me though; I already know everything that happens in the movie.

I love my spoilers!

From those who have seen it already, there seems to be a consensus: Mystique is awesome but the show belongs to young Xavier. Also: this movie erases about 95% of the previous movies, apparently. And Quicksilver doesn't suck after all.

05-22-2014, 08:48 PM
Appreciated! I mean, for some stuff I don't care. I'm not caught up on Walking Dead but I don't care if my friend wants to fill me in on some crazy shit that went down, and I don't mind those clips, but I'm going to try to keep this one fresh until I see it! I'll probably stay clear of this thread starting tomorrow!

05-22-2014, 08:49 PM
i am eXcitehttps://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10404881_10152127367146918_7642816439671861116_n.j pg

05-23-2014, 02:58 AM
This was solid. Definitely pushed continuity errors and plot holes and weird time travel logic to their absolute limit though.

As has been mentioned, the scene with quicksilver is the biggest highlight. Alongside a fan service style ending and McAvoys amazing performance.

And.... That stinger.... Looking forward to that. Makes you wish Angel were in this one so that they could really do it justice.

05-23-2014, 04:32 AM
X-Men: Days of Future Past...ZOMFG.




But THAT is all I will say about THAT.

Backing up a bit (suitably enough), fucking EVERYTHING is back on track and everything is HORRIBLE, just the way it SHOULD be.

From the future-tech concentration camp to the Sentinel-AI.-learning-from-and-adapting-to-the-mutant-genome opening sequence onward, to the appalingly mutant-bleak cerebro-scape, you just fucking KNOW that IT IS ON. Again.





I can't even...

I mean, the last time around Singer opened up by taking us on a 1st-Person-POV assault on the President of the United States in the Oval Office of the White House and now OMFG WE'RE BREAKING INTO THE PENTAGON TO FREE KENNEDY'S ASSASSIN. And the twist! Sooooo perfect.

But still.


For HOLY FUCK'S SAKE even this movie's MIDPOINT CRISES center around Logan's PRE-Traumatic-Stress Disorder.

Underscore, PRE-Traumatic-Stress Disorder.

OMFG in a movie called X-Men: Days of Future Past...?


So many awesome little things like that framed by EVEN BETTER, the WHOLE way through. You HAVE to see this movie.

And don't EVEN get me started on the ACID!!!


Haha, REALLY THOUGH. Fucking DREAM COME TRUE, not gonna lie.


But seriously.



Fuck the action, THAT is what makes this so exquisitely, PAINFULLY, bittersweetly PERFECT.

I cried. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

I want SO MUCH for people to understand this movie, and I THINK THEY WILL, that's the best part.



It REALLY cuts to the CORE MEANING of the franchise.

So much about this movie is SO heartfelt and sincere.

It's fucking heartbreaking.

I mean, we're talking about a movie that begins with adaptable sentient organisms persecuted by adaptable Artificial Intelligence.


And that's only addressing the metaphorical underpinnings.

"Storm, Scott, Jean, remember those names, WE'LL NEED YOU." Jeeeezus, I could go on. Even this Quicksilver is PERFECT.

Fuck Marvel's version. I want them to have the rights back as much as the next guy, but Marvel needs to just sit back and let Singer do whatever the fuck HE WANTS with the franchise for the time being, because THIS is the best possible X-Men movie right now, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.



05-23-2014, 07:47 AM
^ thanks

Well I love the X-Men, so I have to see this now.

05-23-2014, 05:12 PM
In retrospect this was probably better than my late night tired mind realized.

I really like that X Men 3 is almost completely ignored. Its not even retconned really: its just removed from canon before the movie even gets going.

The future of the franchise seems pretty ambiguous at the end of this. Are both sets of characters still in play? It certainly seems like they are....

Also: is the angel/archangel stpryline not even happening in the next movie? There have been really nos signs that this character will be included, and ive always seen him as an essential element in all things Apocalypse.

also: in the end it seemed like mystique hasnt chosen sides yet.... Maybe shd goes to apocalypse's side now?

05-23-2014, 06:54 PM
Yeah it was a very well done film, one that I have a very hard time finding flaws in despite it being quite convoluted if you put too much thought into it, but that never really mattered. Once again young Prof X and Magneto steal the show.

Spoilers beware***

Blink opening sequence was cool as fuck. Much like Nightcrawler's in X2.
Seeing a bunch of the x-men die in the future timeline was awesome.
Quicksilver does NOT dissapoint.
The cameos! Cyclops! Glad he got his due. It was just such a perfect to end the current timeline with the original team back and doing it's thing. Seeing Prof X, Storm, Beast, Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine etc at the mansion was super refreshing, feels like it's been forever just to get back to that simple place.
The Apocalypse stinger was bad ass. Almost wish that hadn't been spoiled by Singer on twitter and I hadn't been expecting it. The four horsemen in the distance was slick. I really do hope Angel is brought back and becomes one of them. Would be a great story to tell. I really hope the next film is still split time lines, going back and fourth between the young and the current. But if they just go young and cast a new Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Nightcrawler, etc and it's that team in the 80's fight Apocalypse in the new timline, it could definitely still work as this really did bring excellent closure on the world of the previous trilogy + wolvie solo movies. Basically they can go anywhere and do anything now and the possibilities are endless and that's amazing and exciting.

Winter Is Coming
05-23-2014, 07:57 PM
Opening 20 mins or so gave me a nerdgasm. If I'm not mistaken Singer combined characters from 3 different alternate futures blink is age of apocalypse, bishop is from the x traitor timeline, while the rest are dofp. Had cable been included i would've shat myself in amazement at the timeline clusterfuck. I thought the muddled continuity of the movies was handled well. Fitting considering the mess of the comic continuity. As a huge fan and collector of wolverine and xmen the film was great.

Didn't have any major problems with it but didn't match the sense of pure awe I had during the climax of the Avengers. Better than Winter Soldier IMO tho.

05-23-2014, 11:14 PM
It found it better than X-Men: Last Stand, which probably isn't saying much but it is. It wasn't perfect by any stretch of means, but it was better than I expected, very much like First Class. For what little time he was in the movie, Quicksilver was entertaining even though his character was more like his nephew, Tommy Shepherd, aka Speed, than the arrogant asshole he plays in the comics. Beast and Mystique's makeup was horrible in this movie, though!

And once again, Storm gets completely fucked over.

Mr. Blaileen
05-24-2014, 05:17 PM
Wow, that was a great movie.

05-24-2014, 09:58 PM

Just got back from this and OH MY GAWDDD. This movie has so much emotion packed into it, it was almost overwhelming. It was so hard watching all the X-Men die like that.... Colossus getting ripped apart, Warpath getting melted twice.. Bishop was so bad-ass. I love how he gets powered up by the others powers. The introduction of Quicksilver was sooooo well done, and the scene with the guards... so funny and charming. Also, seeing Scott and Jean was a big plus in my book. Dam, just so much to talk about with this movie. It was epic.

Was there anything at the end credits??? I didn't have the time to stick around.

05-24-2014, 10:13 PM
Yes, there was an after credits scene involving Apocalypse building the Great Pyramid of Giza

Conan The Barbarian
05-25-2014, 12:55 AM
You know what bites my ass, the fact that taptalk does not censor the tag.

Pretty much was browsing and then bam!.

05-25-2014, 04:01 AM

OMFG, I just saw John Byrne Artwork in 3D (Marvel Studios boilerplate intro).

When white-streak hair mutant-guy finds the metal X in the ground and wipes the dirt off it, you can see the face of the sentinel which finds him reflected in its surface as it opens its maw to blast him to smithereens, leading into...

The opening sequence callback to the original movie's opening sequence, this time with the X-Gene being chased down and appropriated by the Future Sentinel's Mystique-derived shapeshifting nano-tech. Brilliant!

Bishop has an I.V. running from his arm to his rifle, allowing it to charge with and fire the energy he absorbs from Sunspot.

Storm's introductory scene shows her stepping off of the X-Jet and manifesting fog cover, followed immediately by Wolverine stepping off the X-Jet as well and lighting a cigar then puffing smoke into the camera, FUCKING LOLOLOL.

Great use of Ellen Page's not-quite-so-young-looking-face-any-more to show the time which has passed in the future scenes.

Bishop is the first character seen sent back to the past from the future, echoing his introduction as a character in the comics.

The magazine cover with Bolivar Trask ("Rolling Stone," I think?) has an insert headline in the upper right-hand corner, "The Spy Plane We Don't Talk About"...alluding to the fact that the X-Jet of the original comics was based on the still then-classified SR-71 Blackbird.

The shapeshifting of the "pixelated" Future Sentinel's panels is HIGHLY reminiscent of Mystique's own shapeshifting "scales," upon which they are of course based.

Stewart-Xavier RE: McAvoy-Xavier: "I was a very different man" and Kitty to Logan RE: Young-Logan: "The good news is you don't age so you'll still look the same," LOLOLOL.

Time-Warp-Bubbles/Lava-Lamp/Waterbed, bwahaha.

Wolverine awakening to hook-up hottie stranger = "The first time ever I saw your face" musical cue.

When Wolverine stabs the waterbed with his claws, three separate sprays of water are seen issuing forth.

He also stabs one guy's gun-hand and makes him shoot the guy next to him using only his claws and leverage, lol.

WHOA, HOLY SHIT, that's Chris Claremont shooting down Trask's Sentinel proposal and saying, "What about our real enemies, the russians, the chinese?"

Annnnd that's Len Wein next to him!

At the same meeting, someone says "Your Sentinel program ain't gonna fly," segueing smoothly into Mystique flying into Saigon via helicopter.

Who's that mutant in Saigon with the squiggly black eye-makeup on one eye and the Manson logo on his opposite temple? He also manifests radiation-warning symbols on his hands to make people sick? He's also seen later/earlier in the future-holocaust interment camp in Central Park at the beginning of the film and I REALLY feel like I should know who that is, damnit. Ugh.

Stryker's dogtag says he's Protestant, surely a reference to his origin from the comics in "God Loves, Man Kills."

When Logan approaches the X-Mansion, he turns around and looks DIRECTLY at the camera but it is erased from his sunglasses' lens-reflections, which show only his stolen car BEHIND the camera. Pretty smoove.

Xavier drinks Tanqueray gin and Johnny Walker scotch and Jameson whiskey. Couldn't recognize the other bottles. CHEERS!

When Xavier's in his study and reclining on his sofa, you can see his throw pillows have little X-patterns on them.

Xavier says, "TOP MARKS, you are perceptive," betraying his history as a (retired) professor.

Not only is a reel-to-reel player visible behind his desk, but if you look closely you'll see his desk itself is mostly occupied with vinyl records propped upright.

The Pentagon, beneath which Magneto is held captive, was indeed built with a minimal amount of steel, owing to WWII shortages.

A beautiful portrait of Trask offering an electronic artificial limb to a wheelchair-bound paralytic neatly echoes his humanitarian and hi-tech interests.

His files show Azazel and Angel's corpses...who was the first corpse seen before theirs? Magneto later mentions both Emma Frost and Banshee were killed and studied as well.

Quicksilver is established as living outside of D.C. (where Magneto is held captive), at the Maximoff household, having a father who could manipulate metal, and also having a little, redheaded sister.

Not to mention stolen shit galore all over his basement bedroom! Arcade games (Pong, lol), street signs, traffic signals, etc. Also an anti-Nixon "National Lampoon" poster.

And Quicksilver's intro is brilliantly set to the tune of Alice Cooper's "Hello, Hooray," which features the chorus refrain of, "and I've been waiting so long," playing off his slo-mo hi-speed mutant abilities.

As the group infiltrates the Pentagon to free Magneto, they break away from a tour guide, echoing the similar scene opening X2: X-Men United with Nightcrawler infiltrating the White House.

Beast spoofs the closed-circuit security cams with a broadcast of "Sanford & Sons," echoing the themes of "taking out the garbage" when freeing Magneto, just as they specifically show the sign painted on the TV show's characters' truck with the word "salvage," foreshadowing his eventual redemption.

Quicksilver subdues the Pentagon guard in the elevator with SILVER tape.

Magneto has the prison I.D. number 0001, showing him to be the first political prisoner of his kind and echoing his concentration camp numerical designation tattoo.

Xavier says he's "not very good with violence" then immediately afterward punches Magneto, lol.

Quicksilver's empty roll of silver tape can be seen hanging from the back of his belt during his slo-mo hi-speed scene.

And his headphones are 100% anachronistic. Possibly a joke that he's "ahead-of-his-time"...?

Magneto remarks about Wolverine's bone-claws, "Imagine if those were metal," alluding to his awareness of "The Wolverine" from the first X-Men film as well as his presumed involvement in restoring their adamantium in the future following the events of The Wolverine.

During the game of chess between Magneto and Xavier, Magneto moves his piece with his powers, as seen at the end of X3: The Last Stand.

ZOMFG, both Xavier's and Magneto's kings ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BOARD, FFS. Did they flip the negatives for that scene, maybe? Srsly, WTF. So stupid.

The reference to Harrier jets foreshadows the X-Jet's own VTOL capabilities just as the accompanying reference to Lockheed alludes to the origins of the X-Jet (and Kitty's dragon-pal).

Stryker is the first to draw a gun on Mystique (love how Trask calls him/her "it," btw).

Mystique maintains her capoeira fighting style AND her "sliding-scales" locomotion.

Wolverine is standing in front of a fine art painting of soldiers from French history, one of which bears a STRIKING resemblance to HIM. AWESOMENESS.

Magneto "curves bullets" in a movie opposite James McAvoy, lol.

Stryker sees Wolverine's claws and retreats, foreshadowing his Weapon X program.

Nixon's snacking on Love's/Loew's Biscuits, wtf.

What are the french reporters saying on the news untranslated during Magneto's autosurgery stitching scene?

The whole Cerebro-reintroduction scene was kind of a missed opportunity to show Magneto teaming up with Xavier to build it like Xavier said in the first X-Men film.

When Magneto reclaims his helmet, we also see one of Angel's amputated wings and Havok's trashed control-suit in display cases...what was the smaller object on the left? Is Angel's amputated wing an allusion to a new take on the Apocalypse storyline, using the '60s Angel instead?

The multinational summit at the climax of X-Men:DoFP strongly recalls the U.N. summit at the climax of the first X-Men movie.

The stadium Magneto lifts features product placements for Mountain Dew, Hostess, Budweiser, Buick, and Adidas.

The interrupted speech from the president at the climax of X-Men:DoFP strongly recalls the interrupted speech from the president at the climax of X2: X-Men United.

Storm is stabbed to death from behind, similar to her demise in the original comic book version of "Days of Future Past," just as Kitty's direct involvement in the time-travel procedure in the movie echoes her direct involvement with the procedure in the comics.

As Magneto "levitates" the stadium overhead, a young redheaded girl is seen looking up at it in awe...Jean Grey?

The sentinels attack in both timelines simultaneously.

Bishop screams out for Storm as she is killed, alluding to their romance in the comics.

Wolverine is defeated by being weighted down with metal underwater, alluding to his principle weakness and fear in the comics.

What at first seems to be a continuity error when Nixon tells Magneto to "kill me but spare everyone else" yet is seen to be NOT talking, may actually be the first hint that the Nixon doing the speaking is actually Mystique.

Beast uses his mutant power-suppressing "cure" to almost take down Magneto, echoing his surprise move at the end of X3: The Last Stand.

When Wolverine wakes up in the future/modern timeline, he has slightly less white in the hair of his temples.

Is that Emma that walks by in the Xavier Academy?

Bobby is back with Rogue instead of Kitty.

Kitty's lecture mentions Buckminster Fuller, as in one of the lectures in a previous X-movie...can't remember which, damnit!

Scott's both a cockblock AND a dick..."some things never change" indeed, lol.

Wolverine is the only one who remembers the "past," but HE'S teaching history yet still has "amnesia," lol.

The platform with which Stryker/Mystique raises Wolverine from the Potomac is a direct callback to his Weapon X adamantium-infusion tank.

OMFG, there's SO much more.

That's just what I managed to catch on the fly the second time around AND to jot down on a pad of paper legibly in the dark while wearing tinted 3D glasses, lol.


05-25-2014, 08:58 AM
You know what bites my ass, the fact that taptalk does not censor the tag.

Pretty much was browsing and then bam!.

Hmmm, I use taptalk on my phone and tablet and the spoiler tag works.

05-25-2014, 10:06 AM
Wolverine is standing in front of a fine art painting of soldiers from French history, one of which bears a STRIKING resemblance to HIM. AWESOMENESS.

by Eugene Delacroix


Logan is standing RIGHT in front of the guy with the rifle and top-hat on the left, framed in such a way that they're both pretty much the only two people onscreen for a shot or two.

And the boy on the right is Gavroche, this painting of whom apparently inspired Victor Hugo to write Les Miserable!

i c wut they dd thur


05-25-2014, 01:34 PM
Damn dude.... You took notes?!

It HAS occured to me theyll try to do the archangel arc with someone else, unfortunately. Wolverine? Probably...

Hoping they get on Nightcrawler and Gambit and Deadpool and the like. Theyve sacrificed a lot at this point in the name of familiarity...

wight rabbit
05-25-2014, 02:06 PM
Magneto remarks about Wolverine's bone-claws, "Imagine if those were metal," alluding to his awareness of "The Wolverine" from the first X-Men film as well as his presumed involvement in restoring their adamantium in the future following the events of The Wolverine.

Explain this. How would the Magneto from the past allude to the awareness of something that hasn't happened yet? Did I miss something?

Nixon's snacking on Love's/Loew's Biscuits, wtf.

The ones he gives them to his dogs? I don't recall him ever eating them himself...

Is that Emma that walks by in the Xavier Academy?

How? You noted that Magneto mentions she and Banshee were killed and studied, so the events occurring from Wolverine's time travel wouldn't have been able to save her...

Wolverine is the only one who remembers the "past," but HE'S teaching history yet still has "amnesia," lol.
He's teaching history before his memories come back, so he's teaching what he already knows. Now that he has returned to his future body, he needs to be reminded of everything after the 70s as he mentions to Xavier, who seems to remember given that he drops the whole "I don't know what you're talking about" with "Welcome back, Logan!" After this he asks "what is the last thing you remember?" and reminds him that he made a promise (Logan telling him to find Jean, Scott, and Storm).

...did I completely overlook that last one? I'm starting to think maybe you're referring to him not remembering much from his past in general and not the time travel bits.

05-25-2014, 04:51 PM
Explain this. How would the Magneto from the past allude to the awareness of something that hasn't happened yet? Did I miss something?

I just took it as "Imagine if those were metal", meaning Magneto would be able to just rip him apart or rip them out like he almost wanted to do in X-2 I believe??

05-25-2014, 05:03 PM
Question: am I correct that the movie never explained how Professor X is alive in the future? Did I miss something?

There's even a flashback to Jean Grey as Phoenix, so the movie acknowladges X-3, it took place in the same timeline (so it's not an alternative future). I kept waiting for something, but I either missed it or it was never addressed.


05-25-2014, 06:32 PM
Damn dude.... You took notes?!

Well, yeah! Just quick little scribblings in the dark without looking down, but it beats trying to remember ALL the little things I want to discuss later. I do that with most movies I get really serious about tearing into.

Explain this. How would the Magneto from the past allude to the awareness of something that hasn't happened yet? Did I miss something?

Ah, my bad...and fair point. I mostly just meant that it recalled the scene from the first film where he seemed to know plenty about it already, not that THIS Magneto was aware of it yet.

The ones he gives them to his dogs? I don't recall him ever eating them himself...

Did he feed them to his dogs? I don't know, I was frying pretty hard the first time and scribbling pretty furiously the second time, lol. Guess I've gotta go back for a third time now!

How? You noted that Magneto mentions she and Banshee were killed and studied, so the events occurring from Wolverine's time travel wouldn't have been able to save her...

Agreed, but he could have been misled, mistaken, etc. I don't know, it just looked like her from a distance. There was a possible Jubilee spotting again at the Xavier School, too.

He's teaching history before his memories come back, so he's teaching what he already knows. Now that he has returned to his future body, he needs to be reminded of everything after the 70s as he mentions to Xavier, who seems to remember given that he drops the whole "I don't know what you're talking about" with "Welcome back, Logan!" After this he asks "what is the last thing you remember?" and reminds him that he made a promise (Logan telling him to find Jean, Scott, and Storm).

...did I completely overlook that last one? I'm starting to think maybe you're referring to him not remembering much from his past in general and not the time travel bits.

Sorry, I kinda misspoke there...I wasn't trying to suggest that Xavier didn't remember the new past of the film or that Logan didn't either. I was referring to the overwritten past of the previous films which is corrected by the new timeline (and, of course, everything Logan "missed" since the '70s). I was mostly appreciating the comical structure behind it all and poor Logan's constant bewilderment and unclear memories, lol.

I just took it as "Imagine if those were metal", meaning Magneto would be able to just rip him apart or rip them out like he almost wanted to do in X-2 I believe??

I could see that a little...but I mostly got the sense from the scene that he was still appreciating Logan's potential usefulness as a weapon for mutantkind.

Question: am I correct that the movie never explained how Professor X is alive in the future? Did I miss something?

There's even a flashback to Jean Grey as Phoenix, so the movie acknowladges X-3, it took place in the same timeline (so it's not an alternative future). I kept waiting for something, but I either missed it or it was never addressed.

Yeah, it doesn't completely ignore ANY of the films of the franchise...even X-Men Origins: Wolverine is acknowledged by this film's direct connection to The Wolverine, where Logan dreams of Kayla from that godawful PoS.

But, no, it never really explains Xavier still being alive in this film...it just trusts that you caught the end-credits scene at the conclusion of X-Men: The Last Stand and put the pieces together. Which DOES kinda suck. It's never explained that the body was Xavier's comatose twin in THAT film even, unless you count the commentary track. Meh.

05-25-2014, 08:07 PM
i am eXcitehttps://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10404881_10152127367146918_7642816439671861116_n.j pg

Nice fucking braids! I rock my hair in that selfsame style.

OK, comic book geeks...i've never gotten into comic books. So i guess that makes me a casual fan.

Will I like this movie?

05-25-2014, 08:49 PM
If you've seen the other X-Men movies, yes.

05-25-2014, 08:55 PM
But, no, it never really explains Xavier still being alive in this film...it just trusts that you caught the end-credits scene at the conclusion of X-Men: The Last Stand and put the pieces together. Which DOES kinda suck. It's never explained that the body was Xavier's comatose twin in THAT film even, unless you count the commentary track. Meh.

I read that explonation online, and it's retarded. Why does the comatosed twin brother have the same spinal injury? Why was he never ever mentioned before (or since)?
Also it's a HUGE leap of faith that we would get so much back story out of a post-credit scene, they're supposed to be fun easter eggs and teasers, not story-pillars. So stupid, I feel stupid typing "he transferred his consciousness into his comatosed twin brother's body". When I type this I feel like I'm a 12 year old boy pretending to write comic books. Pow!

(But that's all X-3's fault, DOFP was really good, and it's a shame it had so much crap to fix on top of telling its own story.)

05-25-2014, 11:44 PM
Question: am I correct that the movie never explained how Professor X is alive in the future? Did I miss something?
Remember the stinger at the tail end of X3?
"... Moira..."

Anyway, I REALLY enjoyed it! I was surprised that the "future" cast got so little screen time, but what there was was so poignant. LOVED Blink, she reminded me of playing Portal!
I really liked the reversal of the Fatal Attractions arc when Magneto rips out Logan's adamantium, instead impaling him with the rebar and setting up the Weapon X story

This was chock full of little nods to the comics, but stays accessible to non-comics readers!

05-25-2014, 11:48 PM
The prologue was excellent, too. When it ended and the opening credits rolled, I had to lean over to my friend and whisper "3 billion human lives ended on August 29, 1997..." ;)

05-26-2014, 01:12 AM
I read that explonation online, and it's retarded. Why does the comatosed twin brother have the same spinal injury? Why was he never ever mentioned before (or since)?
Also it's a HUGE leap of faith that we would get so much back story out of a post-credit scene, they're supposed to be fun easter eggs and teasers, not story-pillars. So stupid, I feel stupid typing "he transferred his consciousness into his comatosed twin brother's body". When I type this I feel like I'm a 12 year old boy pretending to write comic books. Pow!

(But that's all X-3's fault, DOFP was really good, and it's a shame it had so much crap to fix on top of telling its own story.)

It kinda rubbed me the wrong way too, and I WANT to agree with you purely as a kneejerk impulse.

But I think it's not as bad as you're making it sound.

All the necessary exposition is actually WITHIN the main body of X-Men: The Last Stand...at least as far as understanding how Xavier survived at all is concerned. He's interrupted in the middle of a lecture that clearly sets up the entire thing midway through the movie, talking about the basically brain-dead body in the lab and the possibility of transferring someone else's consciousness into it.

The end-credits scene really just drives the point home. It's not really crucial to figuring things out.

And from there it's just a matter of filling in the blanks.

He's a telepath. The WORLD'S GREATEST telepath. He could look like Quasimodo and still make you see him as Patrick Stewart if he felt like it.

And I personally hope they don't mention the twin brother thing at all because it's kind of stupid, which is hopefully why it's never explicitly shown and relegated to commentary material territory.

As for being paralyzed still, I hope they don't go the route of the comics and just have him repeatedly paralyzed a million different ways over and over again. I think it's FAR simpler to just point out that the spine where he took the bullet is part of the brainstem and thusly even having transferred his consciousness to a non-crippled body he was still fucked for walking without Hank's mutation-crippling serum.

It DOES pretty much suck that there's really no real attention paid to it in this film, though...I'll definitely grant you that and fully agree with you there.

Like HALF-A-SENTENCE of clever exposition would've solved the whole problem.


Nice fucking braids! I rock my hair in that selfsame style.

OK, comic book geeks...i've never gotten into comic books. So i guess that makes me a casual fan.

Will I like this movie?

Haha, thanks! I've had long hair since high school and have mostly loved it but always hated wearing it down or in a ponytail. Someone finally taught me how to braid in 2003 and I've never looked back. I don't know something about pigtails just feels perfect and right.

Manson and Twiggy actually masturbated with them and called them my "rape handlebars," lol.


If you've seen the other X-Men movies, yes.

Fully agreed, btw!

It's fairly self-contained and awesome enough to please casual audiences unfamiliar with the rest of the franchise, but I was trying to talk my dad into seeing it recently before deciding a quick marathon of the last several movies might best be in order first. I started trying to think of the major plot points he'd need to know to fully appreciate and understand what was happening before I was like, "Y'know, n/m. We've got some catching up to do first," lol. He hasn't seen anything since X2: X-Men United.

Haha, I occasionally envy him for that, barring X-Men: First Class and The Wolverine.

Annnnd now THIS, of course!

05-26-2014, 01:21 AM
The thing (one of the things) that annoyed me about X3 was that they didn't mention that Juggernaut was Xavier's half-brother!

LOVED the DoFP stinger, so excited to finally see Apocalypse in the next one!! Don't know how they'll pull it off in one movie (if that'll be the case) but excited nonetheless. I would seriously cast Vin Diesel in the role. And Ralph Fiennes as Mr. Sinister, if he'll be in it!

05-26-2014, 03:50 PM
Haha, thanks! I've had long hair since high school and have mostly loved it but always hated wearing it down or in a ponytail. Someone finally taught me how to braid in 2003 and I've never looked back. I don't know something about pigtails just feels perfect and right.

Manson and Twiggy actually masturbated with them and called them my "rape handlebars," lol.


Holy shit, that is...and i don't say this very often...but that is cunt-ramming awesome!

as far as the x-men thing, i guess i need to watch the other movies and then see this one.
Everyone is so excited and i feel like i'm missing the fucking party or something!

05-26-2014, 07:30 PM
That picture is.... Way too fucking cool. Wow.

Also where did you get an ETS shirt?

We should come up with a complete list of plot holes in this movie.

05-26-2014, 08:33 PM
And I personally hope they don't mention the twin brother thing at all because it's kind of stupid, which is hopefully why it's never explicitly shown and relegated to commentary material territory.

The good news is that with the way DOFP ended we know that... hmm.. how do I say it without dropping a huge spoiler... but certain characters clearly didn't do what they did in X3...

So moving forward this will not be an issue, and it shouldn't come up at all. Which is one of the most brilliant things about this movie! I'm going tomorrow to watch it for a second time.

And BTW, that rape handlebar video is a fuckin' WIN for sure!!!

05-26-2014, 08:36 PM
Also where did you get an ETS shirt?

Check out the very first thread in Speak Your Mind

05-26-2014, 09:06 PM

What Can I say that hasn't already been said? This was a brilliant movie. This is so fucking brilliant on so many levels. The dynamic between Beast and Xavier in the 60's was great. The Quicksilver scene was so well done and so fantastic. The story, the action, the acting. But what the actually did here, was fuggin' genius. They've rebooted the series within itself in a very comic book like fashion. With the tease of the Age of Apocalypse, and the end of the old timeline, they are able have all the original Mutants face off against Apocalypse. AND AT THE SAME TIME have the first class series, tell all sorts of new stories, because we have no idea what has happened the last 40 years. EXCEPT we don't have to recast Wolverine because he doesn't age, AND we can tie in Apocalypse who is also doesn't age. Possibly make Apocalypse a 2 parter and Really be the end of the world and then just work backwards from that? How many movies does Fox have in the works? I'm getting way off topic on nerdgasim here guys.

But let's just say this, It is the only movie we're adding time travel is actually helping make the timeline less confusing and easy to understand.


05-26-2014, 09:24 PM
I don't think they'd specifically go with "Age of Apocalypse" in the next one... I mean, alternate future movie followed by ANOTHER alternate future movie wouldn't really fly.

Also, I think it's about time a spoiler tag was added to the thread title, the speculation is gonna get rampant...

05-26-2014, 10:18 PM
I'm a bit surprised we saw so little of Havok in this one...

05-27-2014, 12:47 AM
Isnt it weird how they keep refusing to acknowledge familial ties in the xmen universe? Starting with sabretooth in the first movie but then cutting deeper with mystique/nightcrawler, prof x/juggernaut, cyclops/havoc, now magneto/quicksilver? I know they mentioned it in a one liner, but really thats nothing!

05-28-2014, 08:39 PM
Holy shit, that is...and i don't say this very often...but that is cunt-ramming awesome!

as far as the x-men thing, i guess i need to watch the other movies and then see this one.
Everyone is so excited and i feel like i'm missing the fucking party or something!

"Cunt-ramming awesome," lol...I like it! I'll be using that one for years to come now FOR SURE.


And, yeah, you should definitely do so!

I'm going to go see it again tomorrow so I just finished a marathon of all the X-films (and Wolverine spin-offs) and it's been a lot of fun. Even the shittier ones still have their occasional highlights or are at least groan-inducingly awful enough to enjoy morbidly over a couple drinks.

It IS telling though that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the GOOD films (X1/X2/XM:1C/The Wolverine) ALL have SOME level of involvement from Bryan Singer.



That picture is.... Way too fucking cool. Wow.

Also where did you get an ETS shirt?

It was a pretty good time, lol...much obliged.

And I almost missed out on the shirt but still managed to catch word of it while I was roadtripping extensively last year. Put a bit of a dent in my already-dwindling finances but it's a great shirt (design AND quality), so it was well worth it! As for where to find it...

Check out the very first thread in Speak Your Mind

Exactly, thanks! And, damn, I forgot that I actually took my ets-shirt pic after seeing Godzilla and MEANT to post it there but since THIS movie was coming out already by the time I got around to it I guess I just got carried away with eXcitement!

The good news is that with the way DOFP ended we know that... hmm.. how do I say it without dropping a huge spoiler... but certain characters clearly didn't do what they did in X3...

So moving forward this will not be an issue, and it shouldn't come up at all. Which is one of the most brilliant things about this movie! I'm going tomorrow to watch it for a second time.

And BTW, that rape handlebar video is a fuckin' WIN for sure!!!

LOL, I like to thinks so anyway...thanks! And it's an animated .gif actually. It was from one of the Twins of Evil meat-and-greets with the longest lines I'd seen, so they were trying to move people along kinda quickly and when I realized that the three shots the snapped-off happened so quickly that they lent themselves naturally to a "flipbook" style presentation I was SUPER-excited and couldn't help myself, lol.

But, back to the movie, I totally agree!

I think it is just FANTASTIC that this movie almost completely overrides the two shittiest movies of the franchise, which unfortunately told two of the MOST IMPORTANT storylines, Wolverine's origin and the Dark Phoenix saga.

Singer now has the opportunity to re-do BOTH of them!

And, really, X-Men: Apocalypse could be an opportunity to do just that. Marvel's "Ultimate X-Men" already did an EXCELLENT job of melding the Phoenix/Apocalypse storylines and Wolverine being manipulated by Mystique through the Weapon X program for her own ends could be a GREAT way to make him such an excellent candidate for becoming one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

But now I'M just nerdgasming all over the place again, lol.

Isnt it weird how they keep refusing to acknowledge familial ties in the xmen universe? Starting with sabretooth in the first movie but then cutting deeper with mystique/nightcrawler, prof x/juggernaut, cyclops/havoc, now magneto/quicksilver? I know they mentioned it in a one liner, but really thats nothing!

But it still counts as acknowledgement. Hell, they didn't even reference it with a one-liner for Mystique and Nightcrawler, but I think pretty much everyone got the point just watching them stand next to each other anyway. And Cyclops and Havok were both blatantly of the Summers family but orphans, so not really mentioning it makes sense there. Wolverine and Sabretooth are more distantly related but the first film still had them connected to each other so it's forgivable, I think. And the Magneto/Quicksilver thing was good enough, I think. It wasn't really the point of the story so just a couple hints seemed like plenty to me.

The thing (one of the things) that annoyed me about X3 was that they didn't mention that Juggernaut was Xavier's half-brother!

Simple solution: THEY WEREN'T.

It was never really necessary anyway. I honestly think he works better as an unrelated mutant. Getting him wrapped-up in all that soap opera familial goofiness would've been as bad as the movies getting into all that Crimson Bands of Cyttorak mysticism garbage.

Going another route for X3 was one of the few things that movie did RIGHT, imho.


05-29-2014, 08:07 PM
I'm a bit surprised we saw so little of Havok in this one...

I was thinking the same thing... he was such a huge part in the last film and now that he can control his energy... hmph.

05-31-2014, 12:48 AM
I want to see 90 minutes of this.

http://gawker.com/james-mcavoy-does-his-patrick-stewart-impression-for-pa-1583729245?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_facebook &amp;utm_source=gawker_facebook&amp;utm_medium=socialfl ow

05-31-2014, 12:32 PM
I posted my same list of Random Observations from My Second Viewing (and my acid rant from the first, lol) as threads on imdb at the same time I posted them here and someone called bullshit.


Seems to me you pirated a copy and watched it on your computer. That is why you notice so many little things, because you keep pausing the movie to take a better look."


So I felt compelled to make a scan and show them my notepad of barely legible notes written in the dark wearing tinted 3D glasses on the fly, my ballpoint pen, my opening night ticket, my remaining tab-and-a-half of acid from the 3 I started out with, and, finally, my SECOND ticket, from almost exactly 4 hours before posting my list. That's 2 hours to watch the movie, an hour to drive home, and a little under an hour to transcribe and post my scribblings. Oh, and all framed with the X-Men: First Class poster I got on opening night at the same theater a couple years ago, just 'cause why not.


https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/1798702_10152137771916918_6156985744559448128_n.jp g

Fucking naysayers, I swear...


05-31-2014, 01:50 PM
Hazekiah I don't think anyone here doubted that you've seen the film in theater and had taken your notes while watching it. I've done the same several times back in the 80s when there was not Internet and I wanted to remember every single details of movies I loved.

Also: I didn't post any kind of review because I did not see the point: everyone had said what I had to say. I loved every second of it. McAvoy is absolutely splendid in it. The only thing that bothered me a little was inconsistencies in Mystique's make-up; she looked a bit different each time we were seeing her but maybe that's just me that felt that.

And: "Whip...lash"

Hank: "I'm recording all three channels and PBS..."
Logan: "Three channels huh?"
Hank: "And PBS"

05-31-2014, 03:47 PM
This was amazing, not exact to the comics but it didn't need to be. Actually had me searching for the old & older cartoon series to see how it compared and it seems based more in the Wolverine/X-Men cartoons reality, right down to the post-credit scene. Anyone else thing Magnetos rant on the plane and the autopsy photos are foreshadowing the identities of the Horsemen?

05-31-2014, 04:27 PM
I wasnt nay saying! Im just surprised!. . Ive nvever heard of anyone doing that before. I took notes at the year zero prerelease party though, so i get it.

Conan The Barbarian
05-31-2014, 04:49 PM
So what does the ending mean?

05-31-2014, 07:26 PM
So what does the ending mean?

Which ending?

If you mean the the post-credits scene, it's showing a younger manifestation of the villain Apocalypse, essentially THE first mutant of the Marvel universe.

That's why everyone's seemingly worshipping him in ancient Egypt as he builds the pyramids singlehandedly as the entire crowd chants "EN SABAH NUR, EN SABAH NUR!!!"

Which is SUPPOSED to mean "the first one" in arabic but more accurately translated is something like "The First Light/Good Morning/Have a Nice Day," fucking LOLOLOL. Haha, CLOSE, but NOT QUITE.

So it's essentially Marvel's version of JFK's monumental "I AM A JELLY DONUT" speech, lol.


Orrr, if you meant the REST of the movie's endings...

Basically, Mystique helped forestall the eradication of mutantkind by sentinels BUT is basically a free agent and wild card of who is now in possession and control of a completely bewildered Logan while SHE is in the guise of Stryker, and presumably guiding Logan through the Weapon X project for her own nefarious purposes. Maybe to help mold him into an even MORE brutally perfect disciple of THE FIRST TRUE MUTANT, Apocalypse, in the next film? We'll see.

Otherwise, essentially EVERY FILM SINGER HIMSELF DID NOT HAVE A HAND IN, HE NOW GETS TO RET-CON OUT OF EXISTENCE AND RETELL 100 TIMES BETTER, w00t! So X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X3: The Last Stand are completely overwritten and disregarded, as are all the films of the original timeline, including Singer's!

Oh, and the rest of the future timeline is relatively fine and dandy now but the '80s team (with Logan, maybe a GREAT Dazzler finally, and OMFG I WISH a mohawked badass Storm) now has to face Apocalypse like WAAAAY before they're really ready for something like that.



I wasnt nay saying! Im just surprised!. . Ive nvever heard of anyone doing that before. I took notes at the year zero prerelease party though, so i get it.

I just think it's a BIG help in terms of having even HALF a chance at remembering all the stuff that comes to me DURING the movie so I can raise those points in discussion later, that's all.

I had it a bit easier for the Chicago Year Zero listening party, though.

That was MY bootleg that came out first and which everyone was drooling over but shitting on as a "crappy cellphone recording."

Fuck YOU, that was like 300 bucks of gear, ffs!

Sony Hi-MD + Sony ECM MS-907, goddamnit!

Oh, shit.

Did I just admit that out loud in here?


This was amazing, not exact to the comics but it didn't need to be. Actually had me searching for the old & older cartoon series to see how it compared and it seems based more in the Wolverine/X-Men cartoons reality, right down to the post-credit scene. Anyone else thing Magnetos rant on the plane and the autopsy photos are foreshadowing the identities of the Horsemen?

OMFG, what a great idea! That hadn't even really occurred to me, not even after wondering aloud if Singer's intent was to resurrect Zoe Kravitz's Angel instead of Warren Worthington III. Fuck, yeah...that's a GREAT thought, thanks!


Conan The Barbarian
05-31-2014, 07:28 PM
The actual ending. Thanks. It got me a little confused as it pretty much made me think that she was in charge of weapon x the whole time

05-31-2014, 07:47 PM
A lot of people seem to think that Mystique will now guide Logan harmlessly through the trials and tribulations to come...but I think that's kind of insane to assume. She didn't side with either Xavier OR Magneto and in fact is kind of a runaway from BOTH of them. Being in Stryker's position at that particular time would be a HUGE advantage in terms of doing her own thing. Or, y'know...getting SOMEONE ELSE to do her dirty work for her and setting the stage for Apocalypse. Or I'm completely wrong and it's anyone's guess what's up.

But I can tell you THIS much!

Maaaaan, it is going to be EPIC no matter what!


06-09-2014, 06:49 AM
Saw this yesterday and didn't like it as much as I was expecting to. Obviously better than X3 but I didn't come out of the theater wanting to rave about it or anything. My friend started to get a migraine so we didn't stick around for the after credits scene. Had a lot of cool scenes, the Quicksilver part was really awesome.

06-09-2014, 03:34 PM
I finally saw it yesterday w/ Chef (which was awesome) as I really liked it as I think it's the best X-Men film of the series so far. Here's my review: http://thevoid99.blogspot.com/2014/06/x-men-days-of-future-past.html

cashpiles (closed)
06-10-2014, 05:23 AM
Quicksilver and all the parts he's in are awesome and hilarious. The first half of the movie is really good. The final quarter is crap. And...very disappointed about how the Sentinels were used in this one... First half good stuff.

06-10-2014, 01:39 PM
Will Apocalypse get a new director? (http://screenrant.com/x-men-apocalypse-director-bryan-singer/)

I think it's a very interesting article that explains the dilemma Fox is facing right now. It all comes down to one word: money.

I saw the movie again and one of my favorite little moment was after Magneto and Quicksilver enter the elevator. I love that it looks like Erik is thinking: "I will not barf in front of that kid. Must. Not. Barf. Oh my fucking god I'm going to barf".

Also: I saw this on Facebook and I have to share:

I just saw a really interesting movie, Captain Picard and Gandalf talk Juno into sending Van Helsing back to the past to prevent Katniss Everdeen from killing Tyrion Lanister.

06-10-2014, 10:45 PM
Saw the movie yesterday, and it was Fantastic! I have been very skeptical about x-men moves latley, the last good x-men movie for me personally was X2. OK, I'll admit, I was one of the few that actually Liked X-men origins: Wolverine, but I don't really count that as a full blown real x-men movie, so to me the last good movie was X2. So I went in cautiously with this one. I avoided trailers, reviews and spoilers for this film (as I have been getting into the habit to avoid on all new movies I want to see) and doing so very well may have paid off.

I just couldn't get into first class, I tried so hard, but the time period movies based in the 60's left a sour taste in my mouth. I didn't like it. That's why I went into this movie cautiously, wasn't sure how it was gonna pan out based on my recent dealings with x-men movies, but happy to say I would buy this film on blu ray. And that's saying something because I haven't purchased a film on blu ray (or DVD) in close to 3 years now.

Quicksilver stole the show, nothing else needs to be said about him and his scenes that hasn't already been said. I didn't care too much for the look of the futuristic sentinals, but if that's the only real complaint I can find, I consider that a solid A+ film.

Maybe it was the fact the mixed in Wolverine with the "60's x-men" which made it that much more enjoyable. Like with Wolverine, you feel like you've been with him since the beginning (old professor X as well), so he's kinda related able. The younger x-men, I just don't have that attachment to them as of first class to really care for them. It was like "These aren't the x-men I remember from a kid", but now that i've seen them in 2 films, they're starting to grow on me. So i'm actually looking forward to seeing the younger x-men in Apocalypse now. I hope they at least keep Wolverine in the Apocalypse storyline, as he's really the tie between old and new x-men that really makes it interesting for me.

Looking forward to seeing more Quicksilver and a young Cyclops in the next film battle one of my favorite X-men villains of all time. Had been hoping for Apocalypse to show up since this films started, and finally gonna get my wish.

09-25-2014, 09:19 PM
Wow, really? (http://www.nerdist.com/2014/09/x-men-days-of-future-past-rogue-cut-coming-next-summer/)

09-25-2014, 09:22 PM
Wow, really? (http://www.nerdist.com/2014/09/x-men-days-of-future-past-rogue-cut-coming-next-summer/)

Nice of them to announce it before the blu-ray, at least. I was 100% sure they'd announce it two weeks after the regular version was out.

(I fucking adored the movie, so I'll probably end up with both.)

01-18-2015, 12:48 PM
Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen won't be in the new film. (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2015/01/18/patrick-stewart-and-ian-mckellen-arent-in-x-men-apocalypse?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social)

04-27-2015, 09:54 AM
Can we get the title of this thread changed perhaps to 'X-Men Movies' or something? Don't want to see any more of those tears a-flowin'...

First official picture of Nightcrawler from X-Men: Apocalypse.


wight rabbit
04-27-2015, 10:55 AM
Wow, really? (http://www.nerdist.com/2014/09/x-men-days-of-future-past-rogue-cut-coming-next-summer/)

Seeing a theatrical version of it is pretty cool. I definitely wouldn't mind going back to see it.

04-27-2015, 11:05 AM
Nightcrawler looks alright, he's supposed to be younger so yeah........ i can dig it.

04-27-2015, 04:06 PM
Nightcrawler is one of my favorites, and they did him justice here and definitely in X2 but i do feel like he is the kind of character that could use a lot of digital animation. He just isnt shaped like a normal person and he doesnt move like one either. It sometimes looks akward in live action. That goes for the Beast too.

05-09-2015, 01:51 PM
It finally happened:


Part of me is very sad because McAvoy has such lovely hair...

05-09-2015, 02:08 PM
He has great hair, and as a long-hair my self i appreciated his look in days of future past.

07-10-2015, 06:15 AM
Yesterday I watched the Rogue cut of DOFP and here's my summary of differences between theatrical version and Rogue Cut.

In the dystopian future, there is a conversation about the consequences of changing the future. Maybe they won't be alive in the alternative timeline. They talk about group voting - professor says "they just did".
Bobby and Kitty kiss each other, it is much more apparent that they are in a relationship
When Logan arrives in the past and woke up in bed with a girl, they have conversation in a car after he kill those mobsters. She asks what's up with all that crazy talk, etc.
In Quiksilver's house, Logan have a conversation with Quicksilver's little sister. Their mother is an alcoholic
Kitty gets injured by Wolverine and Bobby says that Rogue could take her place instead. Rogue is in a Cerebro in Professor's old house.
Short conversation between Bobby and Kitty. Kiss.
Wolverine and Beast in the house talks about cancer and Beast asks if he makes it in the future (this scene were towards the end in the theatrical release). Logan says he won't but reassures him in the end.
Mystique goes back to Charles house, Beast fix her leg up. Kiss. They almost have PG-13 mutant sex.
Magneto and Bobby goes into Professor's house
They find Rogue in Cerebro with scientist experimenting on her
Meanwhile in the past. young Magneto breaks into a some kind of museum and take his helmet
Bobby dies while Magneto and Rogue are fleeing the sentinels
Mystique smashes Cerebro
Rogue takes Kitty's powers, Wolverine realizes.
Beast tells Wolverine that he let Mystique in and she destroyed Cerebro. But he's got other plan how to find her
Talk between war veteran and Professor on the sentinel parade.
Rogue is in place of Kitty in the scenes from the dystopian future
Mid credit scene that shows Bolivar Trask as a prisoner in the facility where they kept Magneto

07-10-2015, 07:55 AM
Overall better, worse, or the same?

07-10-2015, 08:28 AM
I liked it. I wouldn't buy the movie again for 10 minutes of extra scenes though. I think this should have been the original cut. My only quarrel was with the way they discovered Rogue, it seemed forced and it didn't make much sense.

07-12-2015, 11:14 AM
Why does Apocalypse look like a blue Ivan Ooze. He is not Alpha and Omega.

07-16-2015, 03:02 PM

07-16-2015, 03:07 PM
Oh durr, I posted all of these in the Marvel thread. Guess I could've posted them all in the, you know, X-MEN THREAD. *slaps self*