View Full Version : after all is said and done - THE FINAL SHOW - Project that remains unfinished

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10-22-2012, 07:00 PM
So, I haven't checked myself yet, but somebody in the Facebook page says that the Twitter account for this project is gone.


Nope, still there.


10-22-2012, 08:01 PM
Alright, haha thanks. I don't even remember my twitter account, and was too lazy to track it down to look. I didn't know if we were about to have a shitstorm going on or not.

10-25-2012, 02:02 PM
I love how this thread keeps floating back to the top like a turd that won't flush. Everytime I see it I get a little bit more angry at ATLD.

Back at the beginning
Back at the beginning
Back at the beginning
Back at the beginning
*punches CD player*

And in the end
We still pretend
The time we spend
Not knowing when
You're finally free
And you could be

But it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to
It didn't turn out quite the way that you wanted it

10-25-2012, 07:23 PM
Soooo. Lawsuit?

11-29-2012, 11:49 AM
Nine Inch Nails will start touring again before this thing comes out.

01-31-2013, 04:14 PM
So, has anyone heard from these knobs recently?

01-31-2013, 04:34 PM
I thought it was crystal clear that this project is dead in the water, no one's getting their money back, and no one cares anymore.

01-31-2013, 05:41 PM
You're absolutely correct of course, but there's still that tiny little dot of hope which springs eternal, etc etc

01-31-2013, 06:34 PM
Why the hell isn't anybody filing a lawsuit. Sheesh.

01-31-2013, 07:14 PM
I paid for the blu ray and for some reason didn't save the PayPal email. I have no proof I sent these bozos any money. It is what it is.

01-31-2013, 08:19 PM
So, has anyone heard from these knobs recently?


01-31-2013, 08:22 PM
I paid for the blu ray and for some reason didn't save the PayPal email. I have no proof I sent these bozos any money. It is what it is.
You can dig it out of your PayPal transaction history. Not that that will accomplish anything.

02-01-2013, 06:06 AM
You can dig it out of your PayPal transaction history. Not that that will accomplish anything.

I skimmed through quickly once for about 30 seconds and didn't see it. Like you said it won't accomplish anything if I find it.

Edit: found it. Shit I gave those fuckers 30 bucks?!

02-01-2013, 10:26 AM
I skimmed through quickly once for about 30 seconds and didn't see it. Like you said it won't accomplish anything if I find it.

Edit: found it. Shit I gave those fuckers 30 bucks?!

What was the date of your transaction?

02-01-2013, 10:47 AM
I've posted this before, but I'll post it once again.

When Faction took all that money from people here for the T-shirts and never delivered, people filed cases with the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which is partly run by the FBI. They turned the case over to the Idaho attorney general's office, which tried to force him to deliver all his outstanding orders by a certain date. When he didn't for some reason, they fined him a huge amount of money. (Stupid on the guy's part to not comply and just give everyone what he owed them.)

You can do this to Sasan.

Fill out the form here. (http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx)(If you have trouble getting all the details, crowdsource it together here in the thread.) You can also contact the state of California (where he lives, and where I assume you all sent money) for good measure if you'd like. This is the best place, from what I can tell. (http://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company)

02-01-2013, 10:49 AM
What was the date of your transaction?

April 19th, 2010 I believe.

02-01-2013, 08:03 PM
Has anyone contacted the California Bar Association? They probably don't take too kindly on attorneys who engage in fraudulent schemes.

Conan The Barbarian
02-01-2013, 08:59 PM
Don't fuck with ets is all I'm saying.

02-01-2013, 09:06 PM
Maybe someone should list some standardized complaint information for those forms (Sasan's info), so that you can make sure it all gets recorded against him under the same name?

02-02-2013, 08:33 PM
Hey everyone, we know it's been a while, but we figured it was time to finally post another update. This project was always meant to provide NIN fans with an HD recording of the band's FINAL performance. Now, given the news that NIN are going back on tour, the 2009 gig at the Wiltern is no longer NIN's "final" show, so we're having too much trouble renaming the project to actually release it. We will keep working on a new title, but rest assured that it IS coming along!

ATLD, in like 8 months.

02-03-2013, 02:56 AM
i think i deserve a bluray copy just for checking out every new post in this topic :rolleyes:
jokes aside, this "anti-ATLD campaign" seems to have fallen on the same level as ATLD itself. maybe the initial volunteers who proposed help with legal action successfully contacted ATLD but just retrieved their own money and stopped caring (or were they bribed in return to stop caring)?
--end of edit--

02-04-2013, 04:19 PM
Here's what I've heard recently:

This project ran into a HORRIBLE problem a year or so ago when syncing the master audio with the edits and none of the audio would sync with the video tracks, because of the constant differences in footage specs used to make the edit (since people were shooting in all of the formats and framerates under the sun).

This one guy took the project on himself and fixed it over the course of a year - by himself (as the group sort of fell apart).

As far as I've heard, the sync is now fixed and all that's left is CC which will take a month and a half.

That's all I know.

However, from this point forward - I hope to help encourage it's final release and get this thing some legs.

02-04-2013, 04:30 PM
They should have told people that a year ago.

Or 10 months ago, when they released a video as a "sneak peek" at what they'd been "working so hard on."

Or five months ago, when they said they would be releasing the full torrent of the project in a week.

Or, like, NOW... instead of you* coming around and doing it for them.

Color me unimpressed and unsympathetic.

*and this diatribe is completely directed at them and not you, and by "them" I'm sure I mean Sasan

02-04-2013, 04:35 PM
Well, it's nice that someone involved is communicating something. That's really been the worst part for me... I'd ask Sasan, how far along are you? "We're basically done" over and over and over again, eventually dissolving into "You're not the boss of me, dad!"

02-04-2013, 04:36 PM
I'm not here to spin a sob story for anyone or push away pointing fingers. We ALL know the ball was dropped pretty hard on updates for this project. Unless you're a wizard, NO ONE can argue successfully for their innocence in this aspect.

However, I really would like to - eventually - see it makes it's way to release.

02-04-2013, 04:40 PM
I think a difference needs to be marked between "they" (I'm guessing Sasan and his merry men) and this one guy that's trying - and I know that if you're doing that by yourself sleep is a second thought. But I'm not sure what he then has to do with the Facebook behaviour. So I'm confused. I think effectively one guy is less of a dick than the rest of them.

I'm sure as shit that all that money is with Sasan though. We'd probably all just shrug this thing off to an extent if it wasn't for the money.

02-04-2013, 05:54 PM
What kind of a retarded person doesn't convert everything to one format before editing even starts?

If you aren't professional enough to even know that in the first place, then you have no business charging for a "product"

02-04-2013, 06:31 PM
So, which will come first: this or the multi-edit from the new tour?

02-05-2013, 07:10 AM
I'm not here to spin a sob story for anyone or push away pointing fingers. We ALL know the ball was dropped pretty hard on updates for this project. Unless you're a wizard, NO ONE can argue successfully for their innocence in this aspect.

However, I really would like to - eventually - see it makes it's way to release.

Thanks for sharing what you know - though as already said, why the hell couldn't they come out and say this rather than acting the way they have! Doesn't exactly take long to post on facebook/twitter etc! Raised my hopes a little anyway. Though of course, by now, I've seen the whole thing on youtube anyway!

02-05-2013, 05:39 PM
Here's what I've heard recently:

This project ran into a HORRIBLE problem a year or so ago when syncing the master audio with the edits and none of the audio would sync with the video tracks, because of the constant differences in footage specs used to make the edit (since people were shooting in all of the formats and framerates under the sun).

This one guy took the project on himself and fixed it over the course of a year - by himself (as the group sort of fell apart).

As far as I've heard, the sync is now fixed and all that's left is CC which will take a month and a half.

That's all I know.

However, from this point forward - I hope to help encourage it's final release and get this thing some legs.
Was the one guy the one who went on Facebook a few months ago and said they were looking for seeders?

02-05-2013, 05:42 PM
No clue. I know nothing else besides what I've written here.

02-05-2013, 07:49 PM
What kind of a retarded person doesn't convert everything to one format before editing even starts?

If you aren't professional enough to even know that in the first place, then you have no business charging for a "product"
That was my first thought too when I read that. Amateur editors, basically.

02-05-2013, 10:29 PM
So wait, one guy takes all the money, while another guy does all the work? While the first guy hides the second behind a massive wall of bullshit, burrying him under an equally massive amount of pressure to single handedly complete the project? For the first guy?

This doesn't sound very likely, unless the second guy is nuts. Unless the second guy got some money, of course.

02-06-2013, 03:07 AM
It reads like the first guy isn't involved with the second guy anymore. And I would hope that the second guy is fuelled to push on by anger.

That was my first thought too when I read that. Amateur editors, basically.

That's the funny thing. We were told they were all professionals. They wanted to hire people in LA only so that they could avoid the delays that the amateur, fan-based DVDs that TOIOU put out encountered (wish RITC were up so I could find the quote to back that up).

Yet I recall Ash and Torgo spending about two months converting every single raw video file to a uniform format before doing a thing. You know, two college students with only a few years amateur experience of FCP and Premiere. Did it better than the professionals. For free. Because they love NIN.

Funny that.

02-06-2013, 05:59 AM
I also found this on the other forum which is an interesting read: http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?52,901969,1416804#msg-1416804

02-06-2013, 03:30 PM
After providing a bit of upload power with rapidshare ;) for toious a few years ago I wanted to help/ seed atinylittledot. Still nothing to do. Sad thing.

02-06-2013, 07:56 PM
That's the funny thing. We were told they were all professionals. They wanted to hire people in LA only so that they could avoid the delays that the amateur, fan-based DVDs that TOIOU put out encountered (wish RITC were up so I could find the quote to back that up).
It's not linked anymore, but here is the interview you're asking about:


02-06-2013, 08:13 PM
The site's back! *Awesome*.

02-13-2013, 11:53 AM
I also found this on the other forum which is an interesting read: http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?52,901969,1416804#msg-1416804

The same person posted this at the end of January: http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?52,901969,1428967#msg-1428967

A tiny little hope for you guys?

02-26-2013, 02:39 PM
Nine Inch Nails will start touring again before this thing comes out.

Soooo... we should define some new benchmarks of time passing before this thing is released.

02-26-2013, 02:41 PM
So this is an irrelevant project now eh?

02-26-2013, 03:05 PM
This needs to be completed or people need there money refunded for this project anything else is inexcusable.

02-26-2013, 03:40 PM
So this is an irrelevant project now eh? It's not irrelevant, since I want my Blu Ray! Or.....my money!

02-26-2013, 05:06 PM
It's not irrelevant, since I want my Blu Ray! Or.....my money!

I agree in the fact that I want my blu ray or money but that whole "last show" thing is irrelevant. I should have clarified.

02-26-2013, 07:46 PM

Title no longer includes "The Final Show".

03-25-2013, 12:44 AM

...it's finally released!

03-25-2013, 12:44 AM
[after all is said and done] - officially released & available for download today.
On september 10, 2009, nine inch nails performed what would be their final show ever – a scorching 3 1/2 hour, 37 song set – and then waved goodbye.
Today, after more than 5000 hours of work logged on the project, and more than 3 years later, our group - a tiny little dot - finally and proudly presents to the world nine inch nails: [after all is said and done], as an entirely free internet download - a professionally produced documentary of the blistering and momentous “wave goodbye” of nin , using exclusively fan-shot footage - a labor of love, filmed by the fans, made by the fans, and made for the fans.
The culmination of this work is a video production of a nin concert unlike anything ever before – an evocative and unapologetic document of nine inch nails. As an intimate concert performed before only a handful of fans, what the performance lacks in huge stage production value, it makes up for in vitriol, raw energy and cramped quarters... With sentiment, emotion and intimacy. But what really shines a light on the brilliance of the performance is the manner in which it was captured. The fan-shot footage of aaisad conveys a raw, visceral and kinetic energy that no professional camera could have ever hoped to achieve. And in the context of a performance like this, one so intimate, one so meaningful to their fans, nothing else would be fitting. And it’s that which sets aaisad apart as something uniquely memorable, and something that no nin fan will want to be without.
The sheer expanse of this momentous project and the delay associated with its release (a delay and lack of communication for which a tiny little dot humbly apologizes to the patient and loyal fans) is underscored by the amazing math underlying it:
- a 3/12 hour, 37 song, set list
- 27 unique fan shot hd footage sources, totaling over 75 hours of footage, resulting in…
- over 1.5 terabytes of raw footage, provided in 27 different file types, resolutions, frame rates, and codecs
- over 3,500 hours of pre-production treatment of the original footage including noise filtering, upscaling, de-interlacing in after-effects, color correction, and most importantly conversion of all files to a common frame rate, codec, file type and resolution
- over 50 trips back and forth to production facilities using a 1.5 tb “delivery” drive to transfer treated footage to our raid array.
- resulting in a total of 8.5+ tb of dnxhd treated and rendered files
- 680+ hours spent editing and peer reviewing each song by a team of 9 editors, and 7 peer reviewers (from a tiny little dot’s more than 20 person team)
- through the editing process, the 8.5+ tb of dnxhd was whittled down to a 303 gb dnxhd master edit
- 5 sources of audio
- over 65 hours of audio treatment in a professional sound studio, to create final stereo and 5.1 audio masters
- 42+ hours of post-production motion graphics work, and other (yet to be disclosed) work
- and numerous non-quantifiable hours.
But after those many hours, its finally here. Today a tiny little dot proudly releases nine inch nails : [after all is said and done] to the world in a series of entirely-free-to-the world formats - each of which are detailed below at length, along with links for their download. what the fuck

03-25-2013, 12:49 AM
- Coming soon. Argofuckyourself

Anyway, shit's on YouTube:


03-25-2013, 01:36 AM
I came into this topic to yell at whoever resurrected it and instead I see that it's actually out. Well shit.

It's really late here so I'm not going to watch it tonight, does it look decent at all?

03-25-2013, 01:41 AM
I came into this topic to yell at whoever resurrected it and instead I see that it's actually out. Well shit.

It's really late here so I'm not going to watch it tonight, does it look decent at all?
I'm not watching in HD, but so far it doesn't seem like a tremendous improvement from the edit we already got last year - which was pretty good. The audio sounds the same, though I haven't listened that closely for comparison.

At this point, I just wanted an official release. We all know they got pro-shot footage from that tour.

"Here's (another) fan edit with audience-captured audio and video (mostly from the right side) of NIN's (not) final concert!"

It's just hard for me to say anything nice about this project after their massive communication failure that went on for years - and they barely mentioned it tonight.

03-25-2013, 02:02 AM
Back when this whole messed-up-stolen-money-clusterfuck barely started, I was asked to come up with artwork for the Bluray.

This was the first draft:

<<lowres image of the 2nd link>>

Needless to say, he wasn't very impressed by it and truth be told, I'm happy. I'm glad I wasn't part of this mess.
I still have the hi-rez version.

Well guess what. On top of that one, I also found this one:
http://minus.com/lbj4r7u9Huu8v6 - I dug through the emails and I was wrong. This was actually the first version and still is my favorite one.
http://minus.com/lrgCMllH66hQa - This one is the second version (actually the 5th, cause it went through several changes).

As always, 300dpi, printer ready. These are for gatefold DVDs, as synthetikz first wanted.

03-25-2013, 02:25 AM
waited all that time for that huh? so much for pro audio, and pro footage. eh whatever. Now we'll see if they actually deliver on the physical media.

03-25-2013, 02:41 AM
Wow. This actually happened. They actually released the video before NIN started touring. It's certainly lost the whole finality thing that was a focus but hey... I can actually watch it!

03-25-2013, 03:14 AM
Expect 10,000 jokes on blogs and music news websites about 'the final NIN show' being finally released a month after new tour announcement.

03-25-2013, 03:15 AM
They should have waited another week so the release would fall on April 1st.

03-25-2013, 08:00 AM
They should have waited another week so the release would fall on April 1st.

sad but true. That would be infuriating and kinda hilarious. Who wants to get a pool going about when we will have Blu-Rays in hand? I'm gonna be optimistic and say June 1st....... 2016.

03-25-2013, 08:08 AM
just watched Somewhat Damaged and what an intense performance that was. video quality is pretty good although there is a shot from the left side that seems a bit blurry.
can't really give an opinion on the audio since i'm listening to it on a crappy monitor sound bar.

03-25-2013, 08:27 AM
Had a quick look at Somewhat and Ruiner on my phone, and liked what I heard and saw. Will reserve full judegement until seen on my home system though...

03-25-2013, 08:29 AM
Color me impressed. I wasn't expecting an update from these guys, either. I'll have to watch the stream/torrent as soon as I can free up 3 hours (which shouldn't be hard, considering I'm home sick)...

...But I won't be fully prepared to eat my words until I have the blu-ray copy in my hands.

03-25-2013, 08:56 AM
They haven't gotten back to me in a long time. I wonder if they will actually use my artwork for the physical release.

03-25-2013, 11:48 AM
Lol, erm, this is awkward to point out.. umm.. but,

I think we can change the title now :rolleyes:

03-25-2013, 12:11 PM
not until the actual disks get distributed, i'm afraid :D

03-25-2013, 01:00 PM
Started watching it on YouTube, but I had to stop after Somewhat Damaged. The editing is just way off. There's just too much cutting going on. Obviously what kind of footage they got determines the editing style, but I don't think it needed to be like this. I hate to make comparisons (and since I haven't watched the entire thing, I fully admit to being a little unfair), but TOIOU's release of the last Lights In The Sky show was comprised of fan-shot footage and songs that were just as chaotic as the ones from the...ahem...last show, yet the editing was much more focused. This feels sloppy to me. It certainly doesn't feel like something that took nearly four years to complete. I might take some time later to actually sit through the whole thing, but those first two songs were, frankly, kind of hard to watch.

03-25-2013, 01:05 PM
680+ hours spent editing and peer reviewing each song by a team of 9 editors, and 7 peer reviewers (from a tiny little dot’s more than 20 person team)

680 hours per song?! LOLWUT. That has to be a typo.

03-25-2013, 01:53 PM
680 hours per song?! LOLWUT. That has to be a typo.

judging by the amount of time its taken... does it?

03-25-2013, 01:56 PM
I'm pretty sure that's the total amount of time it took to review all the songs, not how much time they spent on an individual song. ;)

03-25-2013, 01:59 PM
yea this is crap. sorry.

03-25-2013, 02:32 PM
Yeah, a 4/1 release date would have been apropos for this project. That said, I just wish the soundboard mix could have been used to cut the visuals.

03-25-2013, 03:08 PM
Just spotted Gary Numan sat behind Trent when Trent says 'can't wait for it be over' in the 'intro' clip, he's also the last person walking down the stairs...

03-25-2013, 03:13 PM
Their new intro page describing all the work that went into the project is embarrassing. It's like hyping all the effort that went into the Boston Big Dig. Wow guys, you spent all those hours, all those back and forth trips, all this time, and this is the result? Oh, but there's more coming, oh! Well then!

03-25-2013, 03:23 PM
Lol, erm, this is awkward to point out.. umm.. but,

I think we can change the title now :rolleyes:

Well, it's not altogether finished. There is no color correction and there isn't a blu-ray...

03-25-2013, 03:49 PM
Their new intro page describing all the work that went into the project is embarrassing. It's like hyping all the effort that went into the Boston Big Dig. Wow guys, you spent all those hours, all those back and forth trips, all this time, and this is the result? Oh, but there's more coming, oh! Well then!

They used similar hyperbole at the start when I offered to help them with their copy. I changed it all to proper, factual English, the team loved it, but Sasan rejected it so we're back to "blistering performance". This is basically that opening press release with an overly technical version of the AVOTT release statement as an addendum. For the 2% of people that will read it and understand what DNxHD and interlacing are.

Also I watched 1m30s of Home and got a headache.

03-25-2013, 04:02 PM
On that note, I wonder what happened to "100+ rightfully disappointed fans!" and "Uncountable bundles of stolen money - all in unmarked bills!"

I'm downloading now, but not expecting the Second Coming they're raving about.

03-25-2013, 05:46 PM
Even if they get to the stage of pressing copies, I still want a refund for my order.

03-25-2013, 05:57 PM
Watched a few seconds of the Good Soldier and got bored. Aren't there already about three of these performances floating around PLUS isn't the NIN camp in possession of the entire show professionally filmed?

fuuckk ittt

03-25-2013, 06:41 PM
Watched a few seconds of the Good Soldier and got bored. Aren't there already about three of these performances floating around PLUS isn't the NIN camp in possession of the entire show professionally filmed?

fuuckk ittt The NIN camp is in possession of all the club shows with the exception of Webster Hall which is a real shame.

03-25-2013, 06:57 PM
The NIN camp is in possession of all the club shows with the exception of Webster Hall which is a real shame.

Wo wo wo! Is there confirmation somewhere that states that the NIN camps has PROFESSIONALLY filmed footage from the last (Wiltern) show?

03-25-2013, 07:04 PM
Wo wo wo! Is there confirmation somewhere that states that the NIN camps has PROFESSIONALLY filmed footage from the last (Wiltern) show?

Yeah - they filmed all the last shows except for Webster Hall. This means that - yes - they also filmed at the Wiltern.

03-25-2013, 07:39 PM
Yeah...but where is the source that says that the NIN camp filmed at these shows.

03-25-2013, 07:40 PM
Yeah...but where is the source that says that the NIN camp filmed at these shows.

I was at 90% of the last shows with the exception of the 2 Chicago shows trust me they filmed them all. hopefully Trent and Rob will be nice and share them soon !!!!!!

03-25-2013, 07:49 PM
Urm, we were there and we saw it?

03-25-2013, 08:32 PM
I dun beeeeelieve yoooouse.
Jesus harold christ on a fuckin' rubber crutch.


On the recent Wave Goodbye tour, we were unable to professionally film the band's performance of The Downward Spiral at Webster Hall, due to exorbitant fees requested by the LiveNation venue.


We filmed all of the other final Wave Goodbye shows professionally, and you can expect to see that footage surface in some form or another in the future. (http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?9,911412)

03-25-2013, 09:29 PM
I know there was a story about Rob "begging" Trent to perform The Downward Spiral live a second time, just to have it professionally filmed.

sick among the pure
03-25-2013, 10:20 PM
Yeah...but where is the source that says that the NIN camp filmed at these shows.

And the 2 shows ScreamingSlave wasn't at (Chicago night 1&2), I was. There were 5 professional HD cameras recording NIN all night. Robin's camera man shot me a few times, too. Rob has the footage. And I have to say I'm actually sad he didn't release more footage before this project was completed.

03-25-2013, 11:02 PM
They're at a bit of a sticky place now though.. If they were going to release them as some cool, deluxe package (probably via nin.com or limited DVD whatever), they needed to do so in about mid 2010. They would have been the "last shows ever".

Come June they're the last show for four years and not so special anymore. The band couldn't get away from talking them up too much, and I guess really the only way you could get away with using them would be via a free torrent somewhere. Or maybe not! I'd be excited to see what they did either way.

03-25-2013, 11:31 PM
They're at a bit of a sticky place now though.. If they were going to release them as some cool, deluxe package (probably via nin.com or limited DVD whatever), they needed to do so in about mid 2010. They would have been the "last shows ever".

Come June they're the last show for four years and not so special anymore. The band couldn't get away from talking them up too much, and I guess really the only way you could get away with using them would be via a free torrent somewhere. Or maybe not! I'd be excited to see what they did either way.
This is unfortunate, but probably true. It'd be weird releasing a product called "NIN Wave Goodbye" with tour dates currently on the website.

But I'm assuming that the footage was too good to go to waste, and that it'll be released after NIN are "done" again, whenever that is. A package like Led Zeppelin's double DVD, or the KISSology (sorry :() series.

03-26-2013, 03:49 AM
This is unfortunate, but probably true. It'd be weird releasing a product called "NIN Wave Goodbye" with tour dates currently on the website.

Yeah but even "NIN:Fooled You!" would be fun to watch.

03-26-2013, 07:19 AM
Currently watching tiny little dots release. As head editor of The Gift I've been a major sceptic of the project since the beginning (especially after they released terrible early edits on youtube) but I have to say, the final product is a huge improvement. Visually, it looks like they really did spend a lot of time squeezing the best cuts out of every song with the footage they had. It's a pity so many camera's focused solely on Trent, especially when they're all at the same long-mid shot framing. But yeah, I'm blown away with how good its turned out (although more wide shots would have been nice). The audio is quite disappointing though, the drums are completely lost and have so little impact, from the first beat on Home it was obvious the recording was just flat.

So in the end what do we have? A well edited, acceptable sounding HD video bootleg running at a whopping 3 hours and 15 minutes that suffered from terrible producing, PR/marketing and just took way too fucking long to come out. It's still a good momento of NIN's "final" show though and the people involved should feel pretty happy with how it came out in the end. I know I would.

03-26-2013, 07:26 AM
I apologize for my skepticism, I just never saw that post from the band and since these shows had an open camera policy (not saying you guys were lying or cant see) but didnt know if the people you saw filming were just other fans with their cameras.

Apologies. I will shut up now. Good day.

03-26-2013, 09:28 AM
after watching most of the videos on youtube, i think the whole thing came out pretty good. unfortunately, since their pr/marketing/false promises kinda left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, as well as they should have been more professional in their communication and delivery of this product, they are going to get the short end of the stick even if their end product is not bad. i do agree that the audio isn't great and it seems that the syncing is a bit off at times. but all that being said, i'm glad this was video was FINALLY released and that we all get to enjoy what seemingly was NIN's final show. albeit

03-26-2013, 09:31 AM
It's a pity so many camera's focused solely on Trent, especially when they're all at the same long-mid shot framing.

That was one of my main beefs with the few clips I watched on my phone at the laundromat last night, they'd cut from one shot of Trent to another one that was largely the same, but from a slightly different angle.

& now I get why color correction was such a big deal for TOIOU, a couple of the angles have a MAJOR orange tint to them which is really jarring when they cut to them. At least most of the other shots are close enough that it's not a big deal.

03-26-2013, 10:46 AM
Its too bad Rob didn't get a chance to professionally film The Downward Spiral performance, that way it could sit in the vaults and never see the light of day like the other 999999999 hours of footage they haveand for the record, am I the only one who thought Rob and his crew did a horrible job filming the LITS shows? The entire show was filmed like an audience bootleg, hardly any closeups..no wonder DreamWorks bailed on the project. million dollar stage show filmed like a crappy bootleg

03-26-2013, 11:24 AM
Its too bad Rob didn't get a chance to professionally film The Downward Spiral performance, that way it could sit in the vaults and never see the light of day like the other 999999999 hours of footage they haveand for the record, am I the only one who thought Rob and his crew did a horrible job filming the LITS shows? The entire show was filmed like an audience bootleg, hardly any closeups..no wonder DreamWorks bailed on the project. million dollar stage show filmed like a crappy bootleg

He did record a performance of the Downward Spiral - but that was at the Palladium.

And re: the LITS footage - what Dreamworks project? I don't understand how a random group of cameramen NIN hired for that one instance has anything to do with someone dropping from a project...

03-26-2013, 11:35 AM
They're probably talking about the James Cameron thing, which fell through before those guys were even hired. (I was going to say the reason those guys were hired, but stealing your idea was the reason they were hired).

03-26-2013, 12:08 PM
So, is there anything neat in the bonus features? I've seen the last concert enough times and don't care to see it from different angles, but the weird extra stuff (like the thing Ming and Ping shot) is way more interesting to me.

03-26-2013, 12:21 PM
For those wanting to relive the downward spiral live here is a link to the hd and DVD of the Webster Hall show us fans did .


03-26-2013, 01:24 PM
am I the only one who thought Rob and his crew did a horrible job filming the LITS shows? The entire show was filmed like an audience bootleg, hardly any closeups..no wonder DreamWorks bailed on the project. million dollar stage show filmed like a crappy bootleg

Are you mad? Rob zipping around filming everyone for that Somewhat Damaged @ Roskilde clip in particular is great, and as for hardly any close ups, Trent bashes into him at quite near the start of it! I love the Last clip too, which again is pretty close up. In fact, I prefer them to regular concert shoots cos, while you don't to see the light show etc, it does actually feel like you're onstage with them, and get a real sense of what it'd be like to be up there with the band!

03-26-2013, 01:39 PM
i thought the 09 stage shots were sick....I am referring to the 2008 LITS shows....

03-26-2013, 01:40 PM
Are you mad? Rob zipping around filming everyone for that Somewhat Damaged @ Roskilde clip in particular is great, and as for hardly any close ups, Trent bashes into him at quite near the start of it! I love the Last clip too, which again is pretty close up. In fact, I prefer them to regular concert shoots cos, while you don't to see the light show etc, it does actually feel like you're onstage with them, and get a real sense of what it'd be like to be up there with the band!
I'm pretty sure jaypayton's talking about The Gift footage, which was shot in the audience, not on stage. Two totally different atmospheres and an important distinction to make. I can't remember what that footage looked like, so I won't comment on it otherwise.

I haven't watched this yet because it's taking fucking forever to torrent the 14 gb one.

03-26-2013, 02:05 PM
The failure of the Dreamworks collaboration happened LONG before Trent decided to experiment with the relaxed camera policy and sneak Rob and his own camera crew in the last LITS shows.

03-26-2013, 04:32 PM
So this project is now getting some press but they seem to have missed the details about taking fan money.


Looks like they both have open comments. I think we need to clue them in on this omission...

03-26-2013, 05:03 PM
I wish we could unlike things we have liked...

Because now that I think about it more, I'm not sure what that would accomplish, other than revenge. And potentially publicly attaching negativity to the band, just by association.

And this is good publicity for the band. So go ahead and let that asshat Sasan feel like he's getting a little bit of the spotlight. (Unless he capitalizes on the publicity to open up another order window.)

The time for action was reporting him to the ic3 (https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx)

03-26-2013, 05:12 PM
i thought the 09 stage shots were sick....I am referring to the 2008 LITS shows....

Hence my apoplexy at the heinous slating (or not, as it turns out) of the great 09 footage! I stand corrected....:rolleyes:

03-26-2013, 05:16 PM
Frankly, the arrogance displayed when the project was announced left a longstanding bad taste. Open mockery of ThisOneIsOnUs, shaming people for raising concerns that turned out to be quite valid, taking preorders for a physical product before a single, full length rough cut was even made, and then encouraging people to preorder with exclusive content only available if you paid money - even though any other effort before this was strictly non-profit and made fully available online. And despite all that, there's still verbiage on the new page about how you'll be able to preorder again soon.

For all the hubris displayed, I think it's acceptable that when a story is posted about the project, it should have all the little details. Sure, it took an actually-unbelievable amount of hours to put this together, but isn't it interesting that it also took an enormous amount of money from trusting fans, three years ago, and there's nothing to show for that?

I mean, I'm not posting comments up there because I didn't pre-order, but I do think it's important that the people who did throw their money away be made aware that another forum has opened up for them to talk about their investment in the project.

03-26-2013, 05:30 PM
"a video production of a NIN concert unlike anything ever before"


03-26-2013, 05:47 PM
Frankly, the arrogance displayed when the project was announced left a longstanding bad taste. Open mockery of ThisOneIsOnUs, shaming people for raising concerns that turned out to be quite valid, taking preorders for a physical product before a single, full length rough cut was even made, and then encouraging people to preorder with exclusive content only available if you paid money - even though any other effort before this was strictly non-profit and made fully available online. And despite all that, there's still verbiage on the new page about how you'll be able to preorder again soon.

For all the hubris displayed, I think it's acceptable that when a story is posted about the project, it should have all the little details. Sure, it took an actually-unbelievable amount of hours to put this together, but isn't it interesting that it also took an enormous amount of money from trusting fans, three years ago, and there's nothing to show for that?

I mean, I'm not posting comments up there because I didn't pre-order, but I do think it's important that the people who did throw their money away be made aware that another forum has opened up for them to talk about their investment in the project.

to be honest, and this is totally unfair of me, but a lot of that would be forgivable if the final product was... I don't know, something not short of amazing. But instead, the final product is ... alright. At the end of the day, it's an amateur project 3 years in the making. I'm not sure how to be excited about that. (Truthfully, I prefer the the BDO footage you recently uncovered, Levi, as it's a bit more interesting.)

Yadda yadda yadda, they probably did the best they could with the source material... and if they hadn't been such dicks, my perception would acknowledge that. But they were, and here we are.

Still, good press for NIN on the eve of the return, so I'll take it.

03-26-2013, 06:18 PM
At the least, people can voice their complaints without having them deleted. The fact that they deleted every bad comment or question about how long things were taking is just... fucked up.

03-26-2013, 06:53 PM
stick to professionally filmed shows.....

03-26-2013, 06:59 PM
"a video production of a NIN concert unlike anything ever before"


I'm really having a hard time believing it would take 4 years and a million "professional" hours or whatever to get to this overly-edited, ungraded result with a cheap sound mix. I know a few "amateur" boys and girls out there who edited more than twice as many hours of footage in total with nearly three times as many camera sources in barely over a year with arguably more polished results without taking money from fans... And God knows we've had our share of set backs and fuck ups, by the way.

I still appreciate the effort though (hey, it's out digitally for free, isn't it?) but the arrogance is just a bit insulting to the fan community (and specifically, of course, to TOIOU).

03-26-2013, 07:07 PM
It really just stinks. Just when NIN has announced a reborn tour... It seems like the perfect time to release the underwhelming finished product and drop the words 'opening another order window'.

03-26-2013, 09:13 PM
Everyone seems to be missing the real genius of this thing: Sasan's/AAISAD's ability to spin anything. Here we have a group who were in waaaaay over their heads, promised much, delivered relatively little, dragged their feet and not only refused help but actively squashed comments by those who dared criticize, yet that release announcement was a near-masterpiece of grandiosity and self-congratulation. Thank God the fans had AAISAD to look out for 'em, right? Right?

I'm thinking the next announcement will be that the lists of paid pre-orders has disappeared/no longer exists.

03-26-2013, 09:32 PM
I did not send them money.
I do not condone the way they've treated their supporters.
I disagree with virtually every aspect of the way the project has been presented.

HOWEVER: I do have to admit that it's commendable for them to still push forward and release the now moot "final show" after new dates have been announced, especially given how much flack they've taken from all of us. I am by no means defending them, but it would've been so easy for them to just say "well, it's not the last show anymore, so fuck it" and shelf the whole thing. So for what it's worth, kudos for bringing it to light even after it's lost a fair deal of its historic significance.

03-26-2013, 09:37 PM
So this project is now getting some press but they seem to have missed the details about taking fan money.

Looks like they both have open comments. I think we need to clue them in on this omission...
This is why I decided against giving this project publicity. I was glad to see the previous edit on the website I write for, as that was a pretty cool, passionate project that one guy took upon himself.

The atinylittledot people were just lying assholes. Remember when they asked for seeders in September?

03-27-2013, 01:01 AM
This is why I decided against giving this project publicity. I was glad to see the previous edit on the website I write for, as that was a pretty cool, passionate project that one guy took upon himself.

The atinylittledot people were just lying assholes. Remember when they asked for seeders in September?
weeeeeelll... you could give them some press while also drawing attention to the remaining problems/tasks. :)
I'm not saying you should write up a giant take-down, just a balance view of what they accomplished and what is still undone.

and yea, they never did contact me to be a seeder even though I was almost certainly one of the first to offer a large pipe.

03-27-2013, 03:53 AM
Wait, did Consequence of Sound disable comments? Well, the story's also on their Facebook if you want to post there.

I have less of a problem with a Spin story - their language seems to acknowledge both that the writer hasn't been able to verify things and that he's going on what he's been told.

"a video production of a NIN concert unlike anything ever before"


I'm pretty happy that everything I contributed to this community is vastly unlike this steaming insult to everything we stand for.

03-27-2013, 10:32 AM
when NIN came to Santiago CL in 2008, i saw a profesional 3D cinema camera right in front of me, when the doors of the arena just opened... i think the Cameron crew at least shot some tests of the tour

03-27-2013, 11:16 AM
when NIN came to Santiago CL in 2008, i saw a profesional 3D cinema camera right in front of me, when the doors of the arena just opened... i think the Cameron crew at least shot some tests of the tour

That's the first I've heard of anything like that. Very interesting...

03-27-2013, 11:22 AM
That probably happened before Interscope said "umm... no".

03-27-2013, 02:37 PM
when NIN came to Santiago CL in 2008, i saw a profesional 3D cinema camera right in front of me, when the doors of the arena just opened... i think the Cameron crew at least shot some tests of the tour
Holy shit man. News to me.

03-27-2013, 05:54 PM
Well this is the last thread I would have expected to uncover some awesome historical news.

03-27-2013, 08:28 PM
Funny how when I looked at the Team link (http://atinylittledot.com/team) on the website, there's no one there with any specialization in marketing/distribution. I guess that fell on the Project Lead or to "that just kind of happens on its own". Well at least it's done.

sick among the pure
03-27-2013, 10:31 PM
That probably happened before Interscope said "umm... no".

That's what I figure, but is there any kind of time frame where we know "ok, it was definitely scrapped by this day because X said so" to confirm?

03-27-2013, 10:46 PM
Wow, ok.


03-28-2013, 12:10 AM
Wow, ok.

screen cap it!
and maybe you should redebate that article you never wrote :)

03-28-2013, 02:08 AM
Completely forgot how many fucking songs Mike Garson played on for this show. So awesome. That guy's the man.

03-28-2013, 08:00 AM
And yet, JMJ and Rubin are giving kudos to the a tiny little dot team. interesting.

03-28-2013, 10:00 AM
Soooooo... these are Sasan's tweets to JMJ and a complaining customer:

@nil_by_mouth (https://twitter.com/nil_by_mouth) @justinmj (https://twitter.com/justinmj) while we apologize 4 our delay, our ordering page went 2 great lengths 2 state that there was no delivery date set.
@nil_by_mouth (https://twitter.com/nil_by_mouth) @justinmj (https://twitter.com/justinmj) our website also states that every order will be fulfilled. and 4 ne1 who wants a refund,we're happy 2 provide one

and then there's this. He's really fucking doing it.
@dave_mavar (https://twitter.com/dave_mavar) we'll be opening a VERY SMALL window 4purchases soon & will announce those dates about a week b4 the sale. Details TBA on our FB

03-28-2013, 10:12 AM
and then there's this. He's really fucking doing it.
@dave_mavar (https://twitter.com/dave_mavar) we'll be opening a VERY SMALL window 4purchases soon & will announce those dates about a week b4 the sale. Details TBA on our FB

You're beginning to understand why I'm so reluctant to go ahead and let that asshat Sasan feel like he's getting a little bit of the spotlight ;)

03-28-2013, 10:20 AM
And I'm sure you noted that I said in that post (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/275-after-all-is-said-and-done-THE-FINAL-SHOW-Project-that-remains-unfinished?p=77738#post77738)"So go ahead and let that asshat Sasan feel like he's getting a little bit of the spotlight. (Unless he capitalizes on the publicity to open up another order window.)" :D

03-29-2013, 05:40 AM
Leaving Hope (http://www.ninwiki.com/Leaving_Hope)


03-30-2013, 01:55 AM
I ended up watching the whole thing a couple days ago. The editing got a bit better as it went on, but overall it's still really messy. There shouldn't have been this level of inconsistency on this project if it took four years to finish.

And since the credits were brought up, I have to add that one credit kind of pissed me off:


All music by Nine Inch Nails."

Um, no. I could understand not adding the credits for most of the songs (or adding "see original albums for credits" like TOIOU did), but they should have credited the writers and performers for Suck, the two Gary Numan tracks (even if he was there) and the two Joy Division tracks. It may seem like nitpicking, but if the artists behind those songs were influential enough for Trent to play those songs on what could have been his last show ever, then they at least deserve to be credited properly. Just adding "all music by Nine Inch Nails" seems rather lazy on their part.

03-31-2013, 12:31 AM
well, if atinylittledot team delved into writing proper credits for each song, with their rigorous peer review approach, it could have delayed the release a couple months more :)

04-15-2013, 01:44 PM
So a couple more years to go before they release the audio with sloppy botched ID tags right?

06-07-2013, 05:13 PM
Word to Sasan et al - just cos we're in NIN news overdrive mode - I haven't forgot you still me a DVD!!

12-08-2013, 10:07 AM
did these douches ever ship out the physical media?

12-08-2013, 12:06 PM
No they have not... Best $30 I've ever spent.

12-08-2013, 12:43 PM
And now NIN will have performed a particular show, filmed it, edited it, packaged, AND distributed it in the same 6 month period from November to April/springtime. All while touring Europe, planning a tour for North America in summer, and God knows what else.

12-08-2013, 01:04 PM
Fuck clowns.

12-08-2013, 06:48 PM
Do they even reply to anyone? Their facebook looks dead also.

12-08-2013, 07:02 PM
Sometimes, I procrastinate and don't buy things when I mean to.

Thank god for that.

12-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Sasan Behnood

Contact Information


Posting someone's personal information is extremely uncool, no matter what they have or haven't done.

12-11-2013, 01:47 PM
Posting someone's personal information is extremely uncool, no matter what they have or haven't done.

Not holding yourself accountable to the thousands of customers who paid for your product that you've failed to deliver is also extremely uncool. A little communication would go a long way on her part.

12-11-2013, 02:23 PM
I think this thread is said and done.