View Full Version : Could someone teach me While I'm Still Here?

12-15-2013, 08:09 PM
I just need to know the keys to the hummy part in the chorus. I can't find any tutorials online, I'd be very appreciative if someone could teach me or post a tutorial video.:o

12-15-2013, 09:31 PM
Teach you what, and why and when are you leaving?...

I'll be here all night, remember to tip your waitress.

<----------------- shows self the exit door

12-16-2013, 06:01 PM
...remember to tip your waitress...
I will not make a joke about the one-legged waitress that worked at IHOP; I will not make a joke about the one-legged waitress that worked at IHOP; I will not make a joke about the one-legged waitress that worked at IHOP...

12-16-2013, 07:50 PM
I just don't understand :(

12-16-2013, 07:52 PM
I just don't understand :(

We don't mind.

You're okay.

It doesn't have to end this way.

12-16-2013, 09:25 PM
Fact of the matter is...If you want help with learning a song, you might have better luck in the artistic expression sub-forum, where people who would know that kind of thing gravitate. Not everyone who comes through this part of the forum would have any idea about how to make the song sound-for-sound.

You could always try the fun way - experiment with your own stuff and just see what you come up with. For example, I'm surprised at how many NIN songs I've managed to teach myself just from fumbling with a kalimba or acoustic guitar (Mostly Ghosts stuff and a few other random songs). They're not perfect matches, but they're recognizable!

Hell, now I kinda wanna see if I can make an acoustic guitar version of "While I'm Still Here." Commence the drunken fingering!...Of guitar strings!

12-17-2013, 12:07 AM
All I can say is experiment. Use your ears, even though music instructors always tell me to recognize each note/pitch with my ear than hearing the pitch alone. I cannot provide any more suggestions. No idea. But definitely, have a look at the suggested thread.