View Full Version : ETS Games of the Year 2013

12-22-2013, 06:36 PM
Who doesn't love listing things? Voicing opinions is both fun and educational! Especially when it comes down to these video games! So how about a top ten (and the first to break the list of ten rule gets evil shifty eyes pointed their way) of video games released this year that is about to end. I shall list mine (btw I'm going with EU release dates)

1) The Last of Us
2) Saints Row 4
3) Tearaway
4) Ni No Kuni
5) Bioshock Infinite
6) 10000000 (Android)
7) Spelunky (Vita/Ps3)
8) Persona 4 Golden
9) Terraria (PS3/Vita)
10) Beyond: Two Souls

Yeah, I know a few a vita releases of things that came out in 2012 but hey, its the first time I got to play many of them due to a naff pc/mac. Also a lack of Nintendo. I aim to rectify that i in the new year, but I am going on what I played. No real next-gen stuff as I haven't finished any of the games I have (though out of everything on my ps4 I think Lego Marvel is getting the most play).. and to be honest its a bit premature to really put anything on a game of the year list if you haven't 1) finished it 2) let it sit in context for a while.
Anyway. Go!

Space Suicide
12-22-2013, 08:05 PM
No order

DmC: Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Tomb Raider
Bioshock Infinite
Batman: Arkham Origins

Short list, I know. Look at me and point fingers.

12-23-2013, 12:20 PM
Bioshock Infinite
Was a medium elevatong, thought provoking game. Even for its relatively simple, linear gameplay, the plot and flavor elements make this easily my favorite of the year. Theres little to say about it that hasnt already been said.

Is the best GTA game ever made, having mechanically fixed almost every problem with its predecessors. It was fun to move along in the plot too, even if it was werdly sexist and kind of shallow. It gets to make the list on sheer crazy craftsmanship.

The Last of Us
Very thought provoking fun new game. Itll make the top of most lists this year, Im sure, but ultimately i thought it was too flawed and too shallow to beat out. Ioshock. Still i thoroughly enjoyed the Last of Us. And when it was working it was very engrossing.

Kentucky Route Zero
Is like the Twin Peaks of video games right now. Theres such cool atmosphere and such a great approach in this game. Im not done with it but i already really love it.

Shelter is a game where you play a mother badger who has to raise and defend her cubs as they wander around for food. Its a great concept and its very well executed.... That moment when you lose your first cub is so heartbreaking.

Tomb Raider
ive never played a tomb raider game before, but this one was perfect. I woupdnt have changed anything. Best direction of the year id say.

Beyond Two Souls
Even for all its cheeseyness Beyond was super cool. Ellen Paiges acting was great, the plot structure was interesting and Beyond was the most underrated game of the year pretty easily.

Luigis Mansion 2
Is just generally amazing

Ni No Kuni
Was my GOTY 2012

12-23-2013, 01:59 PM
I really liked GTA V, but I can't say it's the best one in the series. Maybe as a technical accomplishment, but I'd still go for San Andreas as the best entry by far.

12-23-2013, 02:33 PM
Tomb Raider
This was the reboot that I never knew I wanted. It not only did a better job of platform puzzling (esp. with temples) than its predecessors, it also delivered a better story.

More spectacle and open-world simulator than game. The devil is truly in the details. However, the characters are more interesting, the missions more exciting, than the GTA IV narrative. Toss in some great multiplayer and it's a win.

The Stanley Parable
A dystopian comedy that is best played by defying its narrative and resisting the structure set before you. It's Brazil by way of Little Miss Sunshine.

Path of Exile
What Diablo 3 should've been.

12-23-2013, 06:54 PM
Well the 510 hours of Animal Crossing New Leaf that I've played since June has to rank it as one of my favorite games of the year.

12-24-2013, 11:33 AM
BioShock Infinite
Batman Arkham Origins

That's the only ones I really played much of, only played The Last Of Us for a short while at my friends' place and it was great too. Another short list. Also feel free to uhh, look at me and point your finger I guess.

xmd 5a
12-24-2013, 02:36 PM
Bioshock Infinite
I had some minor issues with a couple of things, but otherwise it was a great experience and unputdownable on my first run through.

Super Mario 3D World
Only recently picked this one up and haven't finished yet, but in terms of sheer fun it blows the competition out of the water. It might be the nostalgia talking, but it has the potential to beat out Infinite for my personal GOTY.

Grand Theft Auto V
Visually stunning and wonderfully open. The juvenile humour and sexism held it back a bit in my eyes though and I'm not sure if it quite reaches the height of Read Dead Redemption, but it is a landmark for this generation.

XCOM: Enemy Within
Not sure if it counts, given it is essentially an expansion pack, but still one of the most addictive and replayable games in years. The added gameplay elements enhance the experience all the more.

12-31-2013, 02:04 AM
Bioshock Infinite- Combat is simpler than the first Bioshock, but its fun and fast for a modern fps. The story and world really put it up there for me.

The Last of Us- Doesn't do anything new, but does everything very well. Very tense at times and the story presentation is razor sharp.

Super Mario 3D World- Awesome controls and great execution of platform elements. Nintendo continues to refine the 3D platformer.

Revengeance- A short, dumb, and incredibly fun time. Platinum are the gods of third person action to me.

Dragons Crown- A good ol' time in multiplayer and some of the most gorgeous 2d graphics I've ever seen.

Zelda: A link Between two Worlds- Just a good, fun, top-down Zelda game.

Tomb Raider- Some of the best controls for a third person game I've ever played. Shooting a bow never felt so good.

Killzone Shadowfall- I'm a sucker for this series' heavy metal design aesthetic and solid combat. This is also the first time they did a somewhat interesting story in one of these games.

The Wolf Among Us- Another solid adventure clicky-thing from these guys.

Temple Run 2- Do stupid little phone games count? This was always a good go-to time killer when I was lining up for something or on the john, so its on the list.

NBA 2K14- I'm a basketball dork, and 2K makes a mighty fine basketball game. This one is also their best since their crowning opus, 2K11.

Haven't played:
Ni No Kuni
but they're sitting there waiting for me. Yakuza 5 probably won't get localized but I'm sure I would dig it.

01-01-2014, 01:37 AM
The Last of Us and Ni No Kuni are really the only two games I would rank highly from this year. I haven't played Battlefield 4 much yet but that might have made the list.

GTAV was weak and had insane pacing issues and Beyond: Two Souls was cool but didn't live up to expectations.