View Full Version : NIN Fans using beats music service?

That other guy
01-29-2014, 08:57 PM
Hello , Doe anyone use the service , if yes care to share info?

Mine is : THAT OTHER GUY ( Soundblaster )

01-29-2014, 09:43 PM
I've been checking it out since launch day. I'm loving it so far. Great interface, the playlists and recommendations so far have been pretty well put together, and I like that I can download a 320kbps music file anywhere, any time and listen to it offline (maybe you can do this with Spotify, I dunno, I'm comparing mostly to Pandora/iTunes Radio), and skip however many songs I want that I don't like. I always found, and Trent touched on this in his press, that eventually Pandora and Spotify tend to wander pretty far from where it started. The playlist format is, as he said, relevant and easy to digest. I'm really enjoying seeing what playlists are associated with which artists.

I've always had a really hard time getting into new music, I kind of liken it to going to a store like Marshall's or Ross where shit is everywhere, and it's not really sorted very well, so it's so overwhelming that I'm just like, fuck it, and go shop somewhere where I can go find what I want and get in and out. There's SO MUCH music out there, it's always been hard for me to really discover new things, and I always go back to listening to something I've listened to a thousand times. I'm finding that the recommendations on here actually work for me and I'm actually listening to new music.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up shelling out the ten bucks a month for Beats once the trial is over. I'm looking forward to seeing what future updates hold.

01-29-2014, 10:25 PM
I'm on AT&T so I get 3 months free. If it wasn't for Trents endorsement I probably would have skipped it altogether because I despise the brand Beats.

But! I am very impressed with the "Just For You" tab. Everyday it recommends me a new playlist that I am totally into, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't genuinely enjoying the service. There is a playlist titled "Nine Inch Nails : Under the Influence" and it is just stacked with awesome shit. For instance, I guess I'm ashamed to say I never really listened to Prince, but Beats recommended I check out Purple Rain and I am now a Prince fan.

In my experience, that aspect of the service is unique amongst the competition. And I'm kind of shocked to see how nobody is talking about how good it is for discovering new stuff like that. Unless Spotify also does this and I'm just oblivious.

Just realized there's a thread for this in the Music forum non-nin. My bad.

01-30-2014, 08:47 AM
and I am now a Prince fan.

the deepest of rabbit holes.

i am on there for the duration of the trial as well.

i normally use spotify and there just isn't as much "off the beaten path" stuff on beats yet.
i find a majority of the new music i listen to through spotify and i am not paying for both but i am going to give beats a fighting chance.

i really like the playlist recommendation too.

01-30-2014, 12:01 PM
Glad to hear about the Prince conversion! I hope it comes to Canada soon. But, it will probably suck and be over priced for a smaller selection of songs. Everything streaming is like that here is seems.

01-30-2014, 06:04 PM
I'm in there. It's really cool. Trent's recommended a couple of albums already (a really weird early electronic/industrial compilation called If You Can't Please Yourself, You Can't Please Your Soul and a Hank Williams collection) and Rob is constantly sharing stuff. It's really cool. I love that you can put your own artwork on your playlists and share them with your friends -- as if you're really packaging your own little collection of tracks to them. Of course, I don't have many friends to share with yet so it's sorta moot, but that's not stopping me.

Having tried Spotify and never been that into it, compiling playlists on this is a joy and very addictive. It definitely has gotten a lot of elements right. I hope it catches on.

01-30-2014, 09:51 PM
I've been checking it out since launch day. I'm loving it so far. Great interface, the playlists and recommendations so far have been pretty well put together, and I like that I can download a 320kbps music file anywhere, any time and listen to it offline (maybe you can do this with Spotify, I dunno, I'm comparing mostly to Pandora/iTunes Radio)
I am loving this also and it really seems to be worth the price. I was just wondering how to download and listen offline?

01-30-2014, 10:02 PM
I am loving this also and it really seems to be worth the price. I was just wondering how to download and listen offline?

On any song or album, tap the three dots to the right of the title. That'll bring up the bar that has the love it/hate it/share button, and there should be a plus button. If you click the plus button you have the option of adding it to your library, but another option is to make it available offline. If you're trying to conserve data you can go into settings and turn on offline mode so you'll only be able to play the songs you've downloaded.

01-31-2014, 06:59 AM
Can't wait for it to come to the UK/Europe.

03-26-2014, 08:13 PM
Having doubts we'll ever get this in Aus -_-

04-15-2014, 09:57 AM
man i downloaded that shit last night, and it's AMAZING!
It gave me best of bowie, tribe called quest midnight marauders, and muse:origin of symmetry to choose from just now....
wow, it already knows me! i'm listening to tribe right now
unfortunately, it ends in a week :(

04-15-2014, 10:15 AM
i'm _r_k_f_
they really really really need to add a crossfade and queue function to this service though.. besides that I love it..

04-15-2014, 10:28 AM
I dumped spotify for beats and I'm starting to regret it. It always locks up when I search for a track from a different artist and try and play it. I have to force quit it 3 or 4 times and eventually it allows me to play the track.

I'm on iOS if that matters.

04-16-2014, 10:20 AM
I dumped Spotify and my SiriusXM subscription for Beats, and it was totally worth it in my opinion. I like it 10x more than Spotify, and I never listened to half the crap stations on Sirius anyhow... I don't have much trouble with it, maybe every few days I have to force quit it, but then it works fine.

I'm natalielair on there as well.

Fist Fuck
04-16-2014, 11:24 AM
Shouldn't it be possible to launch this in Europe by now?

Trent seems to have an exclusive contract with the US government.

04-16-2014, 12:12 PM
I've been loving Beats but my girlfriend wasn't swayed from Spotify, so I cancelled my AT&T family plan to switch to a single subscriber plan.

Guess what? They have no way of letting me do that, and they have no way of renewing my family plan. Talked a lot to support -- very friendly, but ultimately said I just have to wait until they have the ability to renew accounts or start a new username/lose all my playlists and customizations.

Kind of a bummer. But things like that make it clear it's still new/being figured out, and that's why it's not traveling abroad yet.

04-16-2014, 01:13 PM
I've been loving Beats but my girlfriend wasn't swayed from Spotify, so I cancelled my AT&T family plan to switch to a single subscriber plan.

Guess what? They have no way of letting me do that, and they have no way of renewing my family plan. Talked a lot to support -- very friendly, but ultimately said I just have to wait until they have the ability to renew accounts or start a new username/lose all my playlists and customizations.

Kind of a bummer. But things like that make it clear it's still new/being figured out, and that's why it's not traveling abroad yet.

I really feel like, in a lot of respects, they jumped the gun on the launch ... its just not there yet

especially as spotify just upgraded their UI and now it's big and beautiful and kicking ass

I still prefer beats' sentence as a radio station generator but I don't know if that's enough to compensate for everything else.

04-16-2014, 03:05 PM
That's my one complaint is that sometimes I want to use the standard "plug in an artist and just let it go" method. Otherwise I like it.

That family plan to single plan deal is pretty weak though. Doesn't seem like it would take a lot of computing power to get that to work properly.

04-16-2014, 06:57 PM
That family plan to single plan deal is pretty weak though. Doesn't seem like it would take a lot of computing power to get that to work properly.

Agreed. But yeah, the crazy part is that when I was like fuck it, I'll just pay the extra 5 bucks a month and get my family plan back -- they couldn't even do that. Basically they have a cancel option up with no way to resubscribe (and no notification telling you it isn't possible).

03-26-2015, 01:54 PM
Necrothread . . . wondering if anybody here downloaded the Beatsme plugin for Safari that eliminates the need for Flash when using the Beats site on a Macbook. (http://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/2z6gft/beatsme_for_safari_the_beats_music_web_player_now/)

It looks like the developer has taken it offline for now but I wanted to see if anybody had downloaded it and could me the install file.