View Full Version : NIN songs that you like better on the album than live?

02-11-2014, 10:08 AM
I hope this does't seem too trivial to be its own thread, but I'm curious about songs that people have seen live and thought "eh, I liked it better on the disc". Normally, I vastly prefer songs live for a variety of reasons - slightly "imperfect" presentation, the energy of the band, the atmosphere of the show itself, or changes to the arrangement (I'm looking at you, ITT > Zero Sum outro). But every now and then, a song just doesn't move me at a concert the way it does on an album.

The Wretched comes to mind for me. Don't get me wrong - I've loved seeing it live, but every single little detail in the album version fits together so utterly perfectly that it takes on a feeling that the live version just doesn't capture for me.

02-11-2014, 10:42 AM
Does Sunspots count? I really wanted to hear it live, and when I heard the rehearsal audio, I realised why it should never be done.

02-11-2014, 10:53 AM
God Given hands down. Live version came out way too "happy" for me (for lack of better words). Album version has this dark vibe in the verses with a chorus leaning heavy on bass. Didn't translate like that live.
That's the only one I can think of.

02-11-2014, 10:55 AM
'The Wretched' in concert was like an energetic lost anthem, whereas the record is a dirge.
Reznor seems to be speaking in 'the royal we' in concert, and even his body language suggests he's preaching to his choir.
I think the crowd was chanting the 'this is what it feeeeels like' lyric at the show I attended.

02-11-2014, 11:00 AM
I hope this does't seem too trivial to be its own thread, but I'm curious about songs that people have seen live and thought "eh, I liked it better on the disc". Normally, I vastly prefer songs live for a variety of reasons - slightly "imperfect" presentation, the energy of the band, the atmosphere of the show itself, or changes to the arrangement (I'm looking at you, ITT > Zero Sum outro). But every now and then, a song just doesn't move me at a concert the way it does on an album.

The Wretched comes to mind for me. Don't get me wrong - I've loved seeing it live, but every single little detail in the album version fits together so utterly perfectly that it takes on a feeling that the live version just doesn't capture for me.
I thought The Wretched was great on the Tension tour. Find My Way came to mind, but I also don't really like the album version. I agree with Deepvoid about God Given. Other than that, I can't really think of any others.

02-11-2014, 11:15 AM
Closer is the only track that I feel doesn't translate in a live setting.

02-11-2014, 11:37 AM
Closer is the only track that I feel doesn't translate in a live setting.
Well that's surprising, as overplayed as it is, I think it's perfect live (with or without Sanctified). Your icon choice implies you at least like the song though?

02-11-2014, 12:01 PM
Closer is the only track that I feel doesn't translate in a live setting.

Thought the "Woodstock" version was awesome. I would bring back this version and drop "The Only Time" breakdown.

02-11-2014, 12:11 PM
Yeah im not a big fan of closer live. Just doesnt hit the same for me. The synths at the end never sound as good to me. WITT also doesnt jam as hard live for me as the album version. I thought the sunspots rehearsal audio was great actually. The chorus drums rule and i wish they wouldve actually played it. CBH's guitar part in the middle also always sounds like it should be louder to me.

02-11-2014, 12:26 PM
Somewhat damaged
The way out is through

02-11-2014, 12:49 PM
I really wish I could hear the album version of Closer live (as in actually witness it; not a live recording). I've enjoyed the post-WT live arrangement, but I love the breakdown in the album version. I guess I could add that to my list.

I'd definitely agree with God Given. Although Robin's vocal solo did give me chills at the LITS show I caught, the rest of the song does have a much more "upbeat" feel to it that kind of negates the creepy factor that the album version holds.

Halo Infinity
02-11-2014, 12:51 PM
I'd definitely have to agree with Closer, even though there are some versions of Closer that I like live more than others. I'd also have to go with Head Like A Hole and Big Man With A Gun.

02-11-2014, 01:06 PM
I'd also have to go with Head Like A Hole

Wow, really? For me, that's actually a shining example of a good song on an album that explodes into another level of greatness in the live setting. But to each his own!

Halo Infinity
02-11-2014, 01:11 PM
I still love it though, and I also forgot to mention Something I Can Never Have. It also seems easier if this topic were to be switched the other way around though. I'm not sure if it already exists, and if not, that would actually be surprising to me.

02-11-2014, 01:22 PM
Well that's surprising, as overplayed as it is, I think it's perfect live (with or without Sanctified). Your icon choice implies you at least like the song though?

Oh I love the song. I just think there's a certain atmosphere to the studio version that doesn't come across in the live version, or at least isn't replaced by something better or more interesting. It's not awful, but it doesn't work for me. When I'm listening to any of the live albums, I tend to skip it just because I get kind of bored with it. I feel like Trent probably feels the same way, but since it's his best known song, he probably felt a certain obligation to play it.

I don't know. When I listen to that song, stripped of all the attention it gets, it still works for me. I hate to be cliche, but there's a certain darkness, a certain edge that comes across on the studio version that doesn't appear, to me, in the live versions.

02-11-2014, 01:27 PM
It also seems easier if this topic were to be switched the other way around though.

That's why I didn't make one the other way around. I feel like it'd read something like this...

Q: What songs do you like better live than on the album?
A: [list that makes you scroll down for five minutes]

Halo Infinity
02-11-2014, 01:37 PM
I've figured, as I've had a list of Pretty Hate Machine songs that almost took up the entire album. There are some songs that I like equally live and in studio nonetheless.

02-11-2014, 04:07 PM
Disappointed is by far the most prominent example for me. Before the album came out, I thought it was a dreadful song based on the festival tour performances - long, ultra-repetitive, directionless and thoroughly boring.
But there's SO much more going on in the album version, a ton of subtle elements and clever production techniques, which lend the song a brilliant momentum and enjoyable feel. It's actually one of my highlights, on what is generally a spectacular album.

Survivalism, 1mil and Hand That Feeds have a tendency to disappoint too.

02-11-2014, 08:26 PM
Beside You In Time

02-11-2014, 10:48 PM
For me, the only one that comes to mind is Somewhat Damaged - but not all of it. I think it's great live, I just don't like the altered intro that sounds nothing like the album version. I prefer the "da-na-na-nuh" rather than that other shit that's going on in the live versions.

02-11-2014, 10:58 PM
Gotta jump on the Closer bandwagon. I've never thought it translated well live, and was glad that it was, for the most part, left off of Tension and Wave Goodbye. I've always loved the album version and how it builds and adds little pieces as the song progresses, which doesn't really happen with the live version. It loses all its subtleties.

Halo Infinity
02-11-2014, 11:48 PM
For me, the only one that comes to mind is Somewhat Damaged - but not all of it. I think it's great live, I just don't like the altered intro that sounds nothing like the album version. I prefer the "da-na-na-nuh" rather than that other shit that's going on in the live versions.
I see what you mean there as I've gotten lost following Somewhat Damaged with the way it started up live. I also thought it was great live, so I couldn't really say that I preferred the entire song on the album. However, it's actually one of those songs that I like equally to the studio version when played live.

02-12-2014, 02:20 AM
I never liked Wish or Suck live. They don't do anything for me.

Burn also leaves me feeling cold. (sorry)

02-12-2014, 03:41 AM
Somewhat Damaged
* Just Like You Imagined *
Into The Void
Various Methods of Escape

02-12-2014, 04:11 AM
Some of the more electronic YZ tracks like Me, I'm Not or The Warning sound a bit too much like the album versions. They may always set up all those laptops and lap steel guitars and crazy shit (they even brought Atticus on the Wiltern show), but they still play a lot of the same pre-recorded synths from the album. I wish they were a bit more... live, you know?

02-12-2014, 06:45 AM
Some of the more electronic YZ tracks like Me, I'm Not or The Warning sound a bit too much like the album versions. They may always set up all those laptops and lap steel guitars and crazy shit (they even brought Atticus on the Wiltern show), but they still play a lot of the same pre-recorded synths from the album. I wish they were a bit more... live, you know?

That's what The Great Destroyer was for. Loved the live breakdown in Worcester.

02-12-2014, 06:57 AM
Yeah, TGD's breakdown was great live. I just hoped they would follow suit with the other songs as well.

02-12-2014, 07:32 AM
That's what The Great Destroyer was for. Loved the live breakdown in Worcester. Was that the Happiness In Slavery breakdown?

02-12-2014, 10:03 AM
Was that the Happiness In Slavery breakdown?

I believe that was Bologna in 2007.

02-12-2014, 10:44 AM
Was that the Happiness In Slavery breakdown?

No - it was based off of the album version, but much more "let's mess with this on the fly" than other songs like The Warning.

02-12-2014, 12:07 PM
Starfuckers, Disappointed and 1,000,000.

02-12-2014, 12:58 PM
I wish the live version of beside you in time had the same structure as the album version. After second chorus when the beat stops and it gets ambient, live they just go right into the end jam instead of the build up on the album, which is my favorite part.

02-12-2014, 02:43 PM
People like the album version of 1,000,000 better than live? I can't stand the drum machines on the album. It really comes alive...erm...live.

02-12-2014, 03:28 PM
LOVE Survivalism on the album, but can't stand it live. Sounds way too hectic in a way.

02-12-2014, 04:16 PM
LOVE Survivalism on the album, but can't stand it live. Sounds way too hectic in a way.

I feel like he can never get that "something" from the recorded version. I think this past Tension tour with backing vocals was as close to it as possible. When they first debuted it, I remember seeing that Ale, TR and Aaron North were on guitar with Jordie on bass. It sounded AWESOME, but was still missing something. There is a video out there of that...

02-12-2014, 05:34 PM
I wish the live version of beside you in time had the same structure as the album version. After second chorus when the beat stops and it gets ambient, live they just go right into the end jam instead of the build up on the album, which is my favorite part.

edit: nevermind. Everything I just wrote was in regard to RWIB. Derp. I think I may agree with you on this one.

02-12-2014, 05:45 PM
Came Back Haunted
God Given

02-12-2014, 09:12 PM
Into The Void.

I heard it start up on the Tension tour, and it was so anticlimatic and came off as a bit dull. But not soft in a beautiful way, just kind of there. The album version packs a much bigger punch in my opinion.

02-13-2014, 09:22 AM
Into The Void (tension v.) is a disgrace to the original song. I liked the backup singers, I had no problems with Trent wanting Tension to be funky and whatnot, but raping a song is not the way to go. Absolutely zero energy in thatlive version, when the actual song is about slipping into the m.f.-ing void, not someone who's about to celebrate his birthday.

Various Methods Of Escape - it's just boring, doesn't translate well. I thought I'd kill to see it live, but now I'm hoping it either won't get into the European rotation, or the sets I'll get won't have it.

You Know What You Are? - this is a reaaallly hard pick, because I like the live version, but I feel that the album version's rawness is not translated well enough into the live version. It's close though.

Burn - I've listened to the BYIT version of Burn a shitton of times before hearing the original. I almost cried, when that happened. Two different songs, hands down.

Head Down - meh

David Prado
02-13-2014, 10:31 AM
Meet your master
The big come down
The perfect drug......... i suppose :P

02-13-2014, 10:46 AM
1,000,000 (tension version) what an absolute joke

02-13-2014, 12:21 PM
Somewhat Damaged

Halo Infinity
02-15-2014, 04:53 PM
It's actually not by a lot, but I've noticed that I've sort of felt this way about The Line Beings To Blur and Beside You In Time.

02-18-2014, 09:47 AM
I love the line begins to blur live. That song was made to be played live and should be played at every show. "I DONT KNOW, I DONT KNOW!" Fucking awesome. I love how live he screams the line, "but now im NOT SO SURE". But its my fav nin song so my opinion shouldnt count with that one. I love TLBTB! I could listen to it on repeat all day every day.

02-18-2014, 10:27 AM
I love the line begins to blur live. That song was made to be played live and should be played at every show. "I DONT KNOW, I DONT KNOW!" Fucking awesome. I love how live he screams the line, "but now im NOT SO SURE". But its my fav nin song so my opinion shouldnt count with that one. I love TLBTB! I could listen to it on repeat all day every day.
yeah, it's not my total favourite but the bass is meant to be heard live, I agree

02-18-2014, 10:33 AM
I love the line begins to blur live. That song was made to be played live and should be played at every show. "I DONT KNOW, I DONT KNOW!" Fucking awesome. I love how live he screams the line, "but now im NOT SO SURE". But its my fav nin song so my opinion shouldnt count with that one. I love TLBTB! I could listen to it on repeat all day every day.

I like it live too, but I'm still more likely to prefer the album version. This song has really grown on me lately, and even With Teeth as an album. I think if you truly put yourself into the context of post-Fragile era NIN, you can really get a lot out of this album.

Other songs...for me, at least:

"Somewhat Damaged": I have never been a fan of how they begin this song in a live setting. There's no build-up, lacks a lot of atmosphere. Album version trumps.

"God Given": Lacks intensity and punch. Translates live as a dancy, groove-based tune.

"The Hand that Feeds": My least favorite NIN song, and live makes it even worse--when my hope was that it would enhance. Maybe I'm just finding an outlet to bitch about it.

02-18-2014, 12:58 PM
"God Given": Lacks intensity and punch. Translates live as a dancy, groove-based tune.
And is that... bad? Yeah, the album version is kinda dark but Trent sounds like a funky, mad preacher when he's doing it live, and it just sucks you in, like you are actually mezmerised.

02-18-2014, 03:49 PM
And is that... bad? Yeah, the album version is kinda dark but Trent sounds like a funky, mad preacher when he's doing it live, and it just sucks you in, like you are actually mezmerised.

Haha, actually that is exactly spot-on why I don't enjoy it live. To each his own, I guess;).

02-19-2014, 12:30 AM
I'm going to back Closer on this one. Not a fan of The Only Time breakdown, and there's been no passion to it live for years, to the point where it's been sped up and done out of expectation. I can't commend TR enough for dropping it from Tension. There are senses of desperation, vulnerability, and passion going on in that song that haven't translated live in years because he got so sick of it that they're just not there anymore. I can still listen to the album version and feel moved.

02-21-2014, 11:49 PM
I'm going to back Closer on this one. Not a fan of The Only Time breakdown, and there's been no passion to it live for years, to the point where it's been sped up and done out of expectation. I can't commend TR enough for dropping it from Tension. There are senses of desperation, vulnerability, and passion going on in that song that haven't translated live in years because he got so sick of it that they're just not there anymore. I can still listen to the album version and feel moved.

agree 100%

02-22-2014, 06:05 AM
"Somewhat Damaged": I have never been a fan of how they begin this song in a live setting. There's no build-up, lacks a lot of atmosphere. Album version trumps.

No build-up? I beg to differ (though I know a lot of shows didn't use this intro). Ilan's parts? Yes, please. And Trent screaming the absolute shit out of the last two sections? I love the album version, but I feel like this just kind of kicks it in the face.


02-22-2014, 02:58 PM
Closer, as many people have said, sounds better on the album version. I don't like how it sounds striped down live, and The Only Time part at the end is kinda annoying too. It's hard to think of one, I generally like the live versions of the songs as much as the studio recordings.

02-22-2014, 06:57 PM
No build-up? I beg to differ (though I know a lot of shows didn't use this intro). Ilan's parts? Yes, please. And Trent screaming the absolute shit out of the last two sections? I love the album version, but I feel like this just kind of kicks it in the face.


Love this live clip, I really do. But it still really does not capture what the album version does....and maybe never will. I'm just impartial to the album version, and I don't know if a live rendition will ever satisfy me. I actually got to see it live twice on the Tension tour, and was absolutely stoked to get the opportunity to hear it live....but still not album quality, in my opinion. Just me, I guess.

02-23-2014, 03:35 AM
Love this live clip, I really do. But it still really does not capture what the album version does....and maybe never will. I'm just impartial to the album version, and I don't know if a live rendition will ever satisfy me. I actually got to see it live twice on the Tension tour, and was absolutely stoked to get the opportunity to hear it live....but still not album quality, in my opinion. Just me, I guess.

I prefer the original version myself.


02-23-2014, 11:38 AM

02-23-2014, 05:20 PM
I prefer the original version myself.


^^This is about as much as I can enjoy the song live^^. Starting it sparse, and minimal with the acoustic, building to chaos.

Is there a complete clip of this show, by the way? The audio, at-least? Meaning, is this a well-known live show that I should know about (e.g. very accessible bootleg)?

02-23-2014, 06:06 PM
I like "And All That Could Have Been" on the album better than live.

Trent, prove me wrong by playing it live.

02-23-2014, 08:28 PM
I forgot to add "In Two" in my other post. But for this song, I already knew it wouldn't work well live. The section from 01:30 to 01:51 fails completely with women vocals and without the wall of guitars.

02-23-2014, 10:03 PM
^^This is about as much as I can enjoy the song live^^. Starting it sparse, and minimal with the acoustic, building to chaos.

Is there a complete clip of this show, by the way? The audio, at-least? Meaning, is this a well-known live show that I should know about (e.g. very accessible bootleg)?

I think the audio on this video is from the London show Dec 1 99. Sadly it's not the whole show. You can find it, and a bunch more recordings from the Fragility era here http://reflectinginthechrome.com/exclusives/bestof.html

02-24-2014, 06:57 AM
definitely Closer, and The Big Come Down with Finck on guitar. with North it was actually a lot better than the album version, but Finck's bluesy approach kills the vibe and the anger in it.

02-24-2014, 07:38 AM
Wish. Wish was what got me into NIN...i was eleven or 12. It terrified me, but i couldn't look away. And while i'm thinking of that era, Gave Up never quite did it for me live. Edit: i forgot to say that, obviously, for me, those songs lacked the creepiness. I was actually scared to listen to the fixed remix of gave up with the lights off when i was a kid.
And as incredible as COA is live, i prefer the album version. But i LOVE the live version too (except that thing that they did at the Grammys. and i am a pretty big fleetwood mac fan...that shit just didn't work)

On the "other way around" tip, i really can't believe you guys who don't like Somewhat Damaged live. It is SO FUCKING cathartic for me. When he says "this machine is obsolete," the cacaphony of noise actually sounds like a broken machine to me.
And also, while i'm still here (live) is utterly jaw dropping, imo.

Also, i agree with you guys about closer...i'm not sure where i stand on whether it's better live or on the record, but i am DAMN sure proud of Trent dropping it from the tour.
I think...i HOPE...that Trent is headed to becoming the heir to Bowie's throne...changing, constantly creating and doing whatever the fuck he wants.
Honestly, those of you who have been around since the broken or TDS era, could you have ever imagined NIN with black girls singing back up? and yet it's fucking GREAT!

02-24-2014, 10:23 AM
Not that I don't like these songs live...but two that I've never felt they quite captured the power of the album version are Heresy and Last. It could be because they typically weren't played back in the more aggro days and I think it takes just a little away from the song every time a "Hey" or "Yeah!" gets thrown in (it just doesn't fit the tone of those two for me).

With that said, I actually prefer the live version of the vast majority of NIN songs...TDS is probably the only album that I lean more heavily towards the studio versions.

02-24-2014, 11:27 AM
As a general rule for me, everything off of TDS isn't nearly as good live (even MOTP). Everything off PHM is like a trillion times better live. The other albums are hit or miss, but here's some songs I like more on the album: The Warning, ATLITW, Vessel, The Wretched, Various Methods of Escape, Came Back Haunted, and Last

02-24-2014, 03:02 PM
All of them. All NIN songs sound way better on the album than live.

(Of course, I'm the guy who thinks NIN should quit touring and just make new albums, so...)

02-28-2014, 02:22 AM
All of them. All NIN songs sound way better on the album than live.

(Of course, I'm the guy who thinks NIN should quit touring and just make new albums, so...)

You know, i can kinda feel you on that.
There are so many layers to TDS and the fragile, and it would take a LOT of musicians to replicate it.
As a matter of fact, i damn near agree with you...i just love the emotion in the live versions and think it's interesting to see how the songs are translated.

02-28-2014, 02:29 AM
I don't know that I've ever liked a NIN song better live than on the album. Actually, I didn't know that was possible.

Except, now that I think about it -- and these are all recent -- the live versions of Sanctified (2013), In Two, and Black Noise do cross that boundary for me. Huh. This thread just blew my mind!

02-28-2014, 09:50 AM
Definitely an interesting subject for a band who isn't exactly a band.

Halo Infinity
02-28-2014, 09:56 AM
What I also like about this thread is that it's usually the other way around, which is great, because it really is about time that this overall question and topic was brought up. The challenge is also kind of fun of some ways, and sometimes seem to count as controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions. I'll also go with Starfuckers, Inc. and A Warm Place. This is not to say that live version is bad as it goes great with the energy of a live show. I just find the album version relaxing and soothing, while sounding a little happier depending on my thoughts even though it still can leave me feeling bittersweet.

03-01-2014, 12:27 PM
The Becoming
The Hand That Feeds

03-04-2014, 04:02 AM

Wait, wait, wait. Whoa... What? ;-)

But I hope you will agree that the live version from FDTS is at least as good as the studio version? :-O

Halo Infinity
03-06-2014, 11:29 PM
I can't believe that I forgot to mention Came Back Haunted and Various Methods Of Escape. It just seemed to be that way for me, and it still is.

03-07-2014, 04:33 PM
With the exception of Hurt every track from The Downward Spiral sounds like a shadow of its former self live.

03-08-2014, 09:37 AM
With the exception of Hurt every track from The Downward Spiral sounds like a shadow of its former self live.

Agreed! Mr. Self Destruct and The Downward Spiral are awesome live.

03-09-2014, 01:06 PM
Wait, wait, wait. Whoa... What? ;-)

But I hope you will agree that the live version from FDTS is at least as good as the studio version? :-O

Ok ok... previous live versions of Hurt w/ Trent on keys are right there with the studio version. *shrug*

I'm guess I'm also kind of looking at in the context of the show as a whole.

03-09-2014, 06:33 PM
When they play as a four-piece? Just about everything.

03-11-2014, 10:19 AM
When they play as a four-piece? Just about everything.

I agree, to an extent. There is way too much atmosphere on studio versions of most tunes that it makes it nearly impossible to accommodate for a live setting without using samples and triggers. I do, however, find it interesting to see how Trent will modify a song to fit a live setting using different instrumentation, or structure. It works well with some songs. Others--not so much. There are some songs that will never translate well to a live setting.

03-11-2014, 10:25 PM
I agree, to an extent. There is way too much atmosphere on studio versions of most tunes that it makes it nearly impossible to accommodate for a live setting without using samples and triggers. I do, however, find it interesting to see how Trent will modify a song to fit a live setting using different instrumentation, or structure. It works well with some songs. Others--not so much. There are some songs that will never translate well to a live setting.

I hear you. I just get grumpy about TR's four-piece set-up because I see it as a missed opportunity to completely reimagine and rearrange songs, rather than try to emulate what they are "supposed" to sound like using backing tracks. I know backing tracks are a common feature of NIN shows, but there presence is a bit too intrusive for me without at least five players. In my perfect world, going to a "performance" would mean that all pieces of music are actually being performed, even if that meant a fairly radical departure from the song's original sound. This would mean that people wouldn't have to stand there during Disappointed and pantomime as sequencers play to avoid looking dumb a la the 2013 rehearsal audio. That said, I'd still go to a show that was essentially TR doing karaoke with a tambourine.

03-12-2014, 12:14 AM
I think the only song I've seen live that completely pales in comparison to it's studio recording is Burn.
The recording is just so harsh and brutal, where as the live version takes on a rock band vibe, and kind of kills it for me..

03-12-2014, 12:50 AM
I hear you. I just get grumpy about TR's four-piece set-up because I see it as a missed opportunity to completely reimagine and rearrange songs, rather than try to emulate what they are "supposed" to sound like using backing tracks. I know backing tracks are a common feature of NIN shows, but there presence is a bit too intrusive for me without at least five players. In my perfect world, going to a "performance" would mean that all pieces of music are actually being performed, even if that meant a fairly radical departure from the song's original sound. This would mean that people wouldn't have to stand there during Disappointed and pantomime as sequencers play to avoid looking dumb a la the 2013 rehearsal audio. That said, I'd still go to a show that was essentially TR doing karaoke with a tambourine.

Dude, the last time I saw Marilyn Manson was absolutely horrendous. He might as well have been singing live vocals over his studio tracks. Incredibly disappointing. The first time wasn't so bad, but this past tour (the "Hey Cruel World" tour) was a joke. And <this is exactly what I'm referring to.

03-12-2014, 01:34 PM
Ugh... I misused "there". Gross.

03-12-2014, 05:39 PM
Piggy has a lot more going on in the studio version and seems more dense. The version I saw live was enjoyable, but far less engaging or as interesting as the studio version; the drum solo is definitely the part of it live, but vocally I really think TR's performance on the album captures it completely and adding to it and making it louder live really lessens the impact for me (although Ghosts Piggy is pretty awesome).

Various Methods of Escaped sounded . . . flat? I can't really put a finger on it, but there's a certain something about the album version that just does not seem to ever translate well live, from the show I saw to the recordings I've heard down to the Kimmel performance (and not just the bad mixing on the TV airing, there's a great recording of that show on RITC and even there it just doesn't quite shine).

03-12-2014, 10:40 PM
Regarding VMOE, I think it may have something to do with the studio version's shift from electronic beats to "real" drums in the final bridge/chorus. It creates an intensity dynamic that seems undermined by the use of live drums from beginning to end when it's performed.

03-13-2014, 07:44 AM
When I listened to HM for the first time, VMOE was one of the songs that I thought would absolutely kill live. I was expecting the end of it to just blow me away. Ultimately...it definitely didn't do it for me. One of my other favorites, though - I Would For You - sounds great in the live recordings I've listened to.

03-14-2014, 01:25 AM
"Me I'm Not" is never quite right live. It just doesn't work in that format - to me, anyway.

03-23-2014, 12:03 PM
Regarding VMOE, I think it may have something to do with the studio version's shift from electronic beats to "real" drums in the final bridge/chorus. It creates an intensity dynamic that seems undermined by the use of live drums from beginning to end when it's performed.

^This^ is truly my only caveat with Hesitation Marks--the lack of acoustic drums. I love the electronic touch for most of the tunes, but acoustic drums just drive the beat and create an energy that electronic trigger's cannot. If I'm not mistaken, I'm almost certain "Various Methods of Escape" contains the only live acoustic drums on the entire album.

03-23-2014, 12:38 PM
^This^ is truly my only caveat with Hesitation Marks--the lack of acoustic drums. I love the electronic touch for most of the tunes, but acoustic drums just drive the beat and create an energy that electronic trigger's cannot. If I'm not mistaken, I'm almost certain "Various Methods of Escape" contains the only live acoustic drums on the entire album.
The liner notes tell a different story, I'm afraid. Not only are there live drums on I Would For You, but there are, apparently, NO live drums on VMOE. Weird, right? Some have claimed that it's a typo, but I'm inclined to believe that TR just likes to lie to our ears by making electronic drums sound live and vice versa.