View Full Version : The Marathon Thread - been bitten by the running bug or just crazy?

12-03-2011, 08:28 AM
I'm sure there's plenty of marathon runners on this board. Post your experiences.

So far I've run 5 marathons: Baltimore, DC (National and Marine Corps), and Mardid (x2). PR was 3:45, but I'm hoping I can do better.

I've also had to cancel 5 marathons due to injury. Registered for 3 marathons this fall (intended to cancel one), and during my very last long training run ended up with a calf injury. Ugh. What sucks about marathons in the US is that they're damn expensive, they sell out, so you have to register well in advance, and pay for overpriced hotel (Steamtown) and there's no guarantee that you'll be able to have a successful training season. Most marathons don't offer deferrals, or if you do there's a hefty fee attached. Hotels don't do refunds... Think I lost about $400 this fall and I guess I'm still bitter bout it (and yes, nobody forced me to register)

But daaaaamn does it feel good when you reach the finish line!!!

Injuries: shin splints (at the beginning), IT Band and plantar fasciitis at the same time (had to do PT for months), calf injury.

Favorite brands:

Shoes: Mizuno all the way
Apparel: Sugoi, Pearl Izumi
Gel: GU
Where to shop: http://runningwarehouse.com - great prices (you can always get additional 10% with their predictable monthly promo codes RWNOV2011), no tax (almost all states), 2 days free UPS shipping and free returns!


12-03-2011, 08:51 AM

(On topic): That's a pretty cool list of completions Konstantin!

I have ran 3 so far, I intend on doing 2 or 3 for next year (2012). I have done the Marine Corps Marathon (2x) and done the Covenant Health Marathon in Knoxville, TN. PR was 5:15 for my first marathon (MCM 2009), I was running just to run but now I am looking to get anything below 5 hours. My hardest marathon to complete was the Covenant Health back in 2010 - it started down pouring around mile 16 and didn't let up until I finished + there wasn't that many people running it either so it got pretty lonely.

Intended Marathons for 2012:
Covenant Health Marathon - Knoxville, TN
San Francisco Marathon - San Francisco, CA
Marine Corps Marathon - Arlington, VA

Favorite Brands:

Shoes: Brooks

Apparel: Brooks, Nike

Gel: No gel - Sometimes (Cliff) Shot Bloks

Where to shop: Asheville, NC area - Foot RX (where I go most)http://www.footrxasheville.com/ and Jus' Running http://www.jusrunning.com/

12-03-2011, 08:51 AM
Yes! A marathon thread!!

I have run 5 and my last at Philadelphia was my best ever. I actually trained very well for it and the course was flat with cool weather...perfect. I've struggled in my last 4 to get out of the 5 hour finish range (my best had been my first at 4:59:08 here in VT). But at Philly I managed to finish at 4:26:47. I was so pleased to have that kind of finish and felt great the whole time.

I start training again for Vermont in Feb but want to continue my base mileage around 20-25 per week. Go ETS marathoners! I'm thrilled to hear about others' experiences or expected first timers.

12-03-2011, 09:11 AM
Yeah! Just added a list of injuries in my first post :)

I did the Philly Half a few years ago and it was so friggin cold (and I was underdressed) I was all shivering after I finished until I got to the hotel and showered (hypothermia I guess). It was still below freezing! Was hoping to run the full this fall. It's a mostly flat course and a great Boston qualifier.

Guess what makes marathon running so exciting is getting all the variables right, with basically no guarantee that you'll even be able to run on race day. Part of it is the race seasons: spring (allergies) and fall (cold, flu). But for me it's been mostly injuries that didn't even make sense (like the stupid calf injury at mile 2 on my planned 20 mile run).

12-03-2011, 03:43 PM
Just got back from town with some new running shoes, got a pair of the Mizuno Wave Inspire 8 and a pair of the Brooks Ghost 3. I was going to go for the Brooks Adrenaline 12 but the arch felt different from the previous versions so I had to pass, I might get them later on. The Ghosts were on sale for $60 since the Ghost 4 came out. I haven't ran much this past week and tomorrow was supposed to be a long run day but I am going to take it easy with these new shoes, maybe a 4 to 6 mile run. After tomorrow, I'll be on week 6 of my marathon training.

Update: Speaking of injuries, a runner in our running club has found out he stressed his IT Band. I think he has to take off one to two weeks, but he lives on running so it's going to be terrible. I took this past week off to do some biking until I could get my new shoes, my previous ones (Brooks Adrenaline 11) were pretty worn out, I have been wearing them for all kinds of workout stuff when I really shouldn't have been. They were causing my ankle and knee to hurt, I applied some (KT) tape to them and went easy.

12-03-2011, 04:12 PM
yeah, i'd take it easy with the new shoes especially if the model is different than what you've been running in.

IT band injury is probably the worst of all, apart from a stress fracture i guess. first time i had it was just for a few weeks (happened during a marathon) before i was able to run again, but the second time lasted for half a year. i just gave up on running for a while.

just came back from a 3 miles in the cold. i'm taking it easy after 2 months of no running (and gaining weight. hehe). love my new jacket!

12-03-2011, 04:20 PM
yeah, i'd take it easy with the new shoes especially if the model is different than what you've been running in.

IT band injury is probably the worst of all, apart from a stress fracture i guess. first time i had it was just for a few weeks (happened during a marathon) before i was able to run again, but the second time lasted for half a year. i just gave up on running for a while.

just came back from a 3 miles in the cold. i'm taking it easy after 2 months of no running (and gaining weight. hehe). love my new jacket!

....I love that jacket!

Yeah, I'll probably take 3 or 4 miles tomorrow in the new shoes. The Inspire 8 are going to be my main training shoe this time around.

I remember having mild shin splints in between the Covenant Health and the MCM back in 2010 - I had to do a lot of cross training + swimming helped. Now I tape and ice my legs every time I finish a long run (anything above 6 is a long run for me).

12-03-2011, 04:27 PM
icing is always a good idea. not a fan of the ice bath after a long run in the summer though...

have a good run tomorrow!

12-03-2011, 04:29 PM
I know what you mean, it's rough stuff. Cool, thanks Konstantin.

12-06-2011, 09:05 AM
I just saw this earlier today ---> http://www.solar-eclipse-marathon.com

and also this --> http://www.big-five-marathon.com

12-06-2011, 09:30 AM
exotic!!! go for it :-)

12-06-2011, 12:29 PM
I know it's not a marathon but I'm psyched to try this out next year. (http://runforyourlives.com/)

12-06-2011, 12:32 PM
I know it's not a marathon but I'm psyched to try this out next year. (http://runforyourlives.com/)

DUDE. I saw an advert for this a few weeks ago, I think a friend of a friend is doing this in Atlanta.

12-06-2011, 12:41 PM
Yeah I'm planning to try it in Austin with my niece (whom I've never met before). She recommended it.

My next marathon is Vermont City (http://www.runvermont.org/page.php?pid=1&pname=home) which I've done 4 times before. Just rebuilding my base mileage now since Philly with fun weekly runs and plan to get back to the winter training season in February. So glad I bought Ice Bugs (http://www.icebug.se/ProductList.aspx?m=649) last year.

12-06-2011, 06:13 PM
exotic!!! go for it :-)

I would but I am going to try to go for Chicago Marathon next year if I can improve my time over the next few months. I am setting my sights on an Ultra - either JFK 50 or Comrades Marathon.

On a more personal note: Ever since the MCM 10K this past October my right leg has been hurting after I run. The MCM 10k was pretty cold and some of the bridges had frozen over a bit when we all started, they had Marines ever so often calling out the icy spots. Anyway, I figured it was just my shoes but I have been resting it, cross training and making sure (when I do run) I go easy. It feels like my ankle sometimes but then feels like my knee... My run on Sunday went well, I took a 2.5 miler with those new Mizuno. As long as I watch myself I think I'll be alright.

12-07-2011, 04:51 AM
Running a half marathon in three months. HELP ME.

12-08-2011, 07:47 AM
I've run four half marathons. I did my first one when I was 40 years old. My PR is 1:47 (http://tiktok.biz/sydneyhalfmarathon/2010/02686/) (official, 1:44 net). No urge or capacity to go full marathon. Have also done the Sydney City2Surf (http://www.city2surf.com.au/), the world's largest run, twice; it's a very good time.

12-08-2011, 08:11 PM
Running a half marathon in three months. HELP ME.

Come to the States and run with some of us.

12-12-2011, 03:10 PM
Thankfully I'm not training but the hills I did on my 8 miler on Saturday have resulted in a weekend of pain and suffering due to runner's knee on my left. I had been injury free for a long stretch, so I guess this was bound to happen. Going to miss running for a while. All of you still hitting the trails/roads, do one or two for me (at a comfortable pace :) ). Thanks!

12-12-2011, 03:21 PM
Thankfully I'm not training but the hills I did on my 8 miler on Saturday have resulted in a weekend of pain and suffering due to runner's knee on my left. I had been injury free for a long stretch, so I guess this was bound to happen. Going to miss running for a while. All of you still hitting the trails/roads, do one or two for me (at a comfortable pace :) ). Thanks!

sorry to hear... not sure if what i'm dealing with is runner's knee too (feel like my right knee is disaligned), but i'll probably need to see a doctor.

12-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Thankfully I'm not training but the hills I did on my 8 miler on Saturday have resulted in a weekend of pain and suffering due to runner's knee on my left.

sorry to hear... not sure if what i'm dealing with is runner's knee too (feel like my right knee is disaligned), but i'll probably need to see a doctor.

I hope you guys get well soon!

I hope I am not get getting runner's knee or some other injury. So I've been resting my legs, doing a lot of cross training. I went for a three miler yesterday and my leg wasn't hurting as bad as it has been - I think those new shoes are helping + I have taken my pace slower. It feels like I have some weakness when trying to stand on only my right leg but it goes away after a while. I usually feel it some when I'm running and right after the run. I have another three miler tomorrow so we'll see how it feels.

12-14-2011, 09:15 AM
Knee is starting to get better. Thank goodness!!

Curious, any of you tried minimalist running yet? Vibrams, barefoot, etc? I'm tempted to give it a whirl this coming year but only have data from all of the "experts" on how great it is. I have yet to hear from your average joe runner on how the transition is. I've moved to a more midfoot strike in the past year and do a better job of landing under my torso and less out in front and have felt comfortable with that form but not sure about losing the shoes. They are such a "crutch". If so, let me know how it's going or went. Thanks!

12-14-2011, 09:31 AM
glad you're feeling better!

i'm not sure what exactly are the benefits of the vibrams... it's already too easy to get injured even when you're running in shoes with max support, why add more risk of injury?

i personally find regular (neutral) running shoes too heavy. may be my imagination but there just comes a time when i notice the weigh of the shoe. so i've been running in Mizuno Wave Ronin, which is actually still considered "minimalist", even though they come with some support. they're basically "racing flats" and weigh about 7 oz (size 9).

12-14-2011, 10:08 AM
Ok cool. I am considering that type of shoe now. I've been running the past year in Asics Keyano's (was running in Gel Nimbus but late in training this year the model was not available when I needed it). Those shoes are full support and corrective. I'm an under pronator with high arches, but from what I've read, the pronation issue is only really an issue if you're heel striking all the time. I know quite little of biomechanics but a lot tells me to at least give these flat shoes a try. Thanks!

01-08-2012, 07:08 PM
I like how we were talking about injuries and now it seems that I actually have an injury. I think it might be related to my shin splints. I have taped my leg up and have done very little running for the month of Dec. and the beginning of Jan.

If any of you remember, I was going to be going into the Marine Corps this past year. But due to the war ending and cut backs across the board for all military branches, the higher ups decided that they only needed the best qualified people. I was not one of the best qualified due to my migraines and history of shin splints. I am now back at school and since I am unable to run right now, I'm going to take up a lot of cross training.

I know right now, my hopes of running the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon this year are diminished - It is just above two months till the marathon (April 1st) and I am in the shape I need to run it. I might run the half marathon if I can but I really don't want to push myself that far yet. I might do the four person relay or the 5k. My hopes have now shifted to the San Francisco marathon or the Marine Corps Marathon (Registration is March 7).

01-09-2012, 03:15 AM

Also, a really great YouTube channel for info about running injuries is The Sock Doc's. Injuries he has covered thus far are shin splints, piriformis syndrome, low-back pain, sciatica, IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis:

His website also has some good articles:

In my own experience, I've had great results in treating IT band syndrome and plantar fasciitis by having the Graston Technique performed on the affected soft tissue. It's a non-surgical way of breaking up scar tissue in the muscles and fascia, and much quicker than extensive physical therapy which might not achieve the same results as Graston.

Another thing to address if you have plantar fasciitis, is targeting trigger points in the soleus, gastrocnemius, and posterior tibialis muscles. There are various tools and gadgets that can help loosen up the tight bits in the calves, such as the Footballer by TP (Trigger Point) Therapy, along with their foam block and TP Massage Ball. The Tiger Tail is also a great tool for loosening up the legs.... it's like a small diameter rolling pin. Similar concept as The Stick, but it uses a single roller covered with a firm kraton foam, instead of plastic beads like The Stick. The Stick works fine, and I find the firmer versions are more effective. Thera Canes are also good to use on legs.
As far as foam rollers go, I think most tend to just steamroll and mash the muscles. I really like the Rumble Roller, which is much different:

Standard foam rollers are great for laying on lengthwise, doing backstroke movements and snow angels to loosen up the shoulders and pecs, but it's not my first choice to massage my calves, quads, and IT bands. Some trigger points in muscles can be rather stubborn and inaccessible with the use of rollers and massage balls. Sometimes, the best tools to use are your hands with ample pressure and kneading.

As far as minimalist shoes go, I think the New Balance Minimus MT10 trail shoe is a decent one. Not perfect, but good. The MT20 resolves some of the forefoot tightness that some have complained about in the MT10, as well as the high toespring in the first model. The road Minimus just didn't feel right at all. I'm looking forward to the New Balance Zero line of shoes that have zero-drop (no heel lift). They'll be in stores around late February, I believe. This week I'll most likely pick up a pair of Newton Distance shoes for the road. Zero drop for these, which is great for a natural running style, or Chi Running, or Pose Method. I've used their trail shoe for a brief period, but never liked the stiff material around the toe box. I think it's just the trail shoe that uses this more durable material, as their road shoes' uppers are more supple. Their Isaac models (Sir Isaac for men, Lady Isaac for women) are also great shoes. I think the differential between heel and forefoot height for those is about 3 mm. Certainly better than the tall heels of many shoes, but it will require a very sensible transition period if your Achilles and solei are in a shortened state from years of tall-heeled shoes.
If you want to run with a more natural form, but feel that Vibram FiveFingers don't provide enough protection or cushion, search for your nearest Newton dealer and try them on.

Lastly, here's a great article which talks about a number of things, including an old running form exercise called the 100-Up, which was recently rediscovered by Christopher McDougall, author of Born To Run:

Here's another video that demonstrates the 100-Up exercise quite well:


01-09-2012, 10:00 AM
cheer up everyone! hardly any kind of injury lasts forever.

i'm still not sure what's wrong with my knee so i'm just doing 3 milers (a week), but i'm also under no pressure to be training for anything any get upset. got a deferral last years for a race in October, and that's a long way to go. not sure i'll even bother registering for Marine Corps this year after last year's fail.

i really do miss the sense of structure training gives me though.

01-10-2012, 01:03 PM
Ran a fun 5K on New Years Day and felt pretty good (29 minutes). The knee may still need occasional stretching to do OK from here on out though. I have not been on the "regular running" mode due to illness and weather lately but I think this week is my open door to get back on board. Looking forward to it as my training for Vermont City Marathon kicks in first week of Feb.

01-10-2012, 07:20 PM
I am going to try to do a 1 mile run tomorrow here on campus - it will determine what my status is as far as getting over this injury. If I still feel pain after resting it for this past week and a half (which has been rough to do - I want to run bad) then I'll have to take off 4 to 6 weeks.

--- Thinking about it now, it might be good to take a long break. But I'll know tomorrow.

02-14-2012, 09:39 AM
Entering week 2 of my training for 2012 Vermont City Marathon. Feels pretty good so far (but that Sunday 7 miler was VERY cold!). Unfortunately I'm training for a marathon I have yet to register for and not sure when I'll be able to afford to. I know, stupid.

02-14-2012, 09:51 AM
good luck with the training!

i'm so glad i'm skipping the spring race season. quite frankly right now i have no interest in running more than 8 miles. did that last Saturday, the first time in nearly 6 months. felt good!

02-14-2012, 05:12 PM
Anyone who is even remotely interested in running needs to buy (or find a library with) Born to Run. I never thought I would say "wow, this book about running is fascinating" - but damn. Just...go find a copy.

02-14-2012, 05:57 PM
^^I saw the author being interviewed on The Daily Show awhile back. Really fascinating stuff.

02-15-2012, 05:08 AM
Sadly, the only marathon I'm doing right now is six seasons of Lost in as little time as I can possibly manage it. My friend is training for 13.1 though, she's up to the 3-5-3 week I believe.

02-20-2012, 08:46 AM
Two weeks to go until my half and I've started to get blisters on the arches of my feet :(

02-20-2012, 08:51 AM
Moleskin the heck out of those (as comfortably as you can) and be sure you're not running in cotton socks (stick to the synthetics ONLY). My best to you!

03-02-2012, 09:19 AM
Just registered for this year's Vermont City Marathon (finally). It'll be my 5 run of it but I hope to do well with my current training plan. I'm in week 4 of training and it's going so very well despite the new snow which hit this week. On that subject, I'm convinced that Icebugs are the greatest running shoes for this weather I've ever used. I confidently ran this morning over the icy shoulders, tire tracks through snow and mud last week without a single slip or wet sock.

03-05-2012, 08:50 AM
Bored with interval training? Try this: https://www.zombiesrungame.com/

03-17-2012, 10:53 AM
Got a 5 miler here in a little bit. I also got signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon this year, that thing sold out within 3 hours... I think it was 2:41, I hear it was the fastest marathon to sell out in the USA.

03-18-2012, 04:23 PM
Congrats getting in MCM! I lost a week of running (training) due to the flu this week. Ugh!

03-18-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it. - I actually met a guy at the 5 miler yesterday that said his connection kept getting dropped and that after 15 minutes of trying he finally made it in. I remember when I registered for the 34th and 35th MCMs, it wasn't this bad. I guess after the 35th year people finally took note of it. The 34th registration was open for a good while before it filled and the 35th had a few days that it was open. It's crazy stuff...

Hope you get over that flu, the weather is starting to get nice (at least where I'm at) so that might help too.

03-22-2012, 09:26 AM
Going to Knoxville, TN next weekend to participate in a 4 person relay for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. I was originally signed up for the full marathon but I got injured last Nov. Looking forward to running Knoxville again.

03-22-2012, 09:37 AM
Relays are so much fun. I'm hoping to register for our yearly 6 person 100 miler here but not sure about expenses. I'll likely just do the typical register and scrape up all I can to make it happen.

03-22-2012, 04:12 PM
I ran this relay last year, and it turned out great. I had the first leg of it, a good 10k.

Just found out I'll be running 8 miles - the third leg of our relay next week. I'm nervous about it now....

03-23-2012, 10:24 AM
Not a marathon runner, but a casual runner, I run maybe 2-3 miles about 3 times a week but looking to build on that this spring/summer. At peak I was running about 5 miles, but that was a few years ago. My last run was mostly pain free but I usually have trouble with my ankles, and I am hoping switching to a better shoe will fix that. I've been using minimal shoes for the last couple years (ran in the Vibrams for a while, then I hurt my ankle and when it recovered I switched to a minimalist Under Armour shoe) but think I want to switch to "real" running shoes. I've been looking at these Brooks (http://www.zappos.com/brooks-pureflow-anthracite-black-silver-brite-green-nightlife) and was wondering if anyone had any preference. The description says for people looking to switch to minimal shoes without sacraficing comfort, so I didn't know if that would work the opposite direction as well for people looking to get out of minimal shoes. The reviews look great but was wondering if anyone else had any opinions?

03-23-2012, 11:12 AM
I would recommend if you're going from minimalist to full-support you look for the LIGHTEST ones they make. I'm in ASICs which tend on the heavier side but still very comfortable to me but I'm used to running in support. I've never heard a bad thing about Brooks but like I said you'll find the transition easiest if you go light. Otherwise you'll note the lead sinkers you lace up to your feet for every run. Best of luck and let us know how you come out.

03-23-2012, 01:27 PM
I committed to doing a half marathon with my friend. That's 13.1m for the uninformed. Scary! I like to run but it is so hard pushing past that threshold of "I hate my life and want to die/vomit" before my body warms up and I get somewhat of a second wind. I got special shoes and everything, very legit. We'll see how my progress improves. So far the most I've run is 2.5m, but that distance definitely needs to increase at this point. Some days I end up just wimping out and going an extra mile on the elliptical machine to justify my laziness. Lame.

Does anyone know any good food that will pump me up and give me energy before my run? Like for lunch or a snack. I really don't know anything about food except there is a thing called a carb. It is all still a mystery to me.

03-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Does anyone know any good food that will pump me up and give me energy before my run? Like for lunch or a snack. I really don't know anything about food except there is a thing called a carb. It is all still a mystery to me.

Before I run I usually eat salted cashews, chex mix (sometimes) and if I want to be unhealthy about it - pop tarts. I hear that chocolate coffee beans can give runners good pep before the outing - I haven't tried them though.

03-28-2012, 08:54 AM
8 miles of hill repeats today...likely in the rain. I'm also having to take a half day of vacation from work to fit it in. Yeah, I'm crazy.

04-01-2012, 04:29 PM
Extremely sad news (http://news.yahoo.com/searchers-recover-runner-micah-trues-body-185142469.html) in the running world today. This man is almost entirely responsible for me starting to run on a nearly daily basis. I may not be doing more than 2-3 miles at a time, but it's better than sitting on my ass and watching other people be active on a TV screen. A truly unique individual has been lost.

04-01-2012, 04:57 PM
Yesterday my family and I arrived at Knoxville, we were going to run the Marathon Relay today. During the evening I decided to go the distance. Today, I ran the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. Time of 5:02:59. One of the only things that really bothered me was my footwear - the socks I wore were padded. Maybe my knee too but that only gave me trouble for a few midsection miles. I could have made a 4:30 today but I decided to walk a good deal after mile 20. I got a medal for the relay and for the full marathon.

05-02-2012, 11:14 AM
Buying this today. I read the intro online (http://velopress.competitor.com/sample/sample_RUN.pdf) and it spoke to me..loud and clear.

05-02-2012, 06:55 PM
I ran only one marathon, an it was last November in St. Augustine, Florida, and my time was 4:31.

I really want to run this year, too, but I did manage to injure my knee and my wife doesn't want me to do it without seeing a doctor first. (I have no insurance, of course) She has a good point, fucking up my knees for life because I got the marathon itch is not the smartest thing to do, but still... I'd like to go under 4:15 this time around :)

The great thing about Florida is that it's really flat, and you don't need any incline training to run even major distances. The bad thing is the heat. Even in November, by the time 10 AM rolls around it's in the mid 70s and it's really easy to overheat. I was fighting the sun more than anything.

05-07-2012, 03:34 PM
Best of luck with the injury and training this year spaceboy. Let us know how it goes for you.

Got my 22 mile longest training run in today. Was a gorgeous day for it and had a great new running buddy for it as well. I feel great!

05-07-2012, 08:59 PM
Wow, incredible, sentient! I can't wait till I get to that point.

Last weekend was my first 5k, and I managed to do exactly my goal time - 35 minutes. They really hook you up after the run, they gave us bananas and little Jamba Juice samplers of some mango banana concoction, I guess for a sugar boost. I ran it with two friends, and we had a few other friends come to support us afterwards. Just standing around in the cool air, stretching and talking, with a hundred other people who'd just finished a 5k with me, was the happiest I remember feeling in a long time. It's like this weird runner's solidarity. (And also endorphins?) Although I do have to admit my ego was bruised a bit when an 8-year-old girl in what appeared to be a purple ballerina suit sans tutu managed to pass me up at the very end. I had no idea kids were allowed to do long distance runs and I'm not even sure that's healthy.

This weekend I've got a 5 mile run with one of the friends who was at the 5k with me. Should be no problem, but I don't know what the terrain's gonna be like.

05-08-2012, 11:39 AM
While I'm not doing marathon-specific training yet (I'll start that in July), I do my everyday running schedule based on the marathon model. This one: http://www.marathontraining.com/marathon/m_sch_2.html

I keep repeating week 3, but with one less day off, and I keep pushing the Sunday run to 8-10 miles, depending on how much time I have.

Anybody else uses this type schedule? What worked for you?

05-08-2012, 02:23 PM
carpenoctem - Congrats on the 5K! Sounds like you've discovered the love that is social running! It's a great part of it in my mind. Hope you're hooked now. :)

spaceboy - Looks like a good schedule to stick with. For me it looks to bounce between weekly mileage a bit too much but the 3 rest days on certain weeks might be nice too. I run the Bart Yasso Intermediate schedule. It did well by me for the Philly Marathon last year and I hope it can do well for me for this coming Vermont City one at the end of the month. The keys to it are the hill trainings on the front end and then transitioning into interval/speed trainings on the back end. It's a superb foundation of strengthening followed by speediness just before the race. I recommend it if you've done one or two marathons already and want to get faster (I beat my PR by at least 30 minutes on it):


the duder
05-08-2012, 11:13 PM
Ugh. Just got back into running today. Gotta get back in shape for lifeguarding (which is like 3 weeks away). Up at 5:00, out the door at 5:20. 3.5 in about :28 minutes, which is pretty good. I've been playing indoor soccer all winter, which has helped me out pretty well.

05-12-2012, 05:39 PM
"Just got back into running" = 3.5 in 28 minutes? I'm jelly.

Just did my 5 mile this morning. It was by a lake, which was a nice change of scenery (even though the lake is surrounded by a huge urban area encompassing various unpleasant smells and sounds). It had rained a lot the night before so everything was nice and cool, and it was still really cloudy out so the sun wasn't a problem. All in all, perfect weather, and they had like twenty boxes of free shirts they needed to get rid of, so I have a bunch of new stuff to run in.

Question: do any of you drink beer after your run? We came upon a table full of small cups of beer and my friend told me it's supposed to replenish carbs, but I think it's crazy and I'd rather have water.

05-12-2012, 07:58 PM
I probably shouldn't be in this thread, but you all seem like a nice bunch:

I actually hate to run because I'm just not that good at it right now. I would love to have the bug, but, I'm thoroughly convinced that I'm actually doing it wrong. I'd say I'm moderately in shape right now, so why does 800 meters just kill me? I think I've got the wrong gait. My lower back gets so tight. Help, is it heel-toe? Toe-heel?

I end up getting on a rowing machine instead of running.

Question: do any of you drink beer after your run? We came upon a table full of small cups of beer and my friend told me it's supposed to replenish carbs, but I think it's crazy and I'd rather have water.Excellent question. I ran today and when I got back, I had a beer. Never done that before.

05-12-2012, 11:05 PM
^ I went to a legit footwear place where they put me on a treadmill with a camera aimed at my feet and slowed it down to show me what was wrong with my technique. (Here I was, thinking running was just as easy as putting one foot in front of the other - nope, there's a proper technique.) Then I got some shoes that would help correct my pronate-y badness. Don't know if this will help you, but proper footwear is always a good place to start.

Also, maybe I should try a beer after my next long-distance run... I'll replenish carbs and reward myself in one stroke. :)

05-13-2012, 12:25 AM
Dra, welcome! Yes as mentioned above there is some technique to it but it's different for everyone, some feel good heel striking, others at mid or forefoot, doesn't matter as long as it's comfy..and not all shoes are built the same. First, get a shoe person to take a look at your gait. Most good running shoe places have that treadmill/camera set up to do the analysis. That's a huge first step to running comfortably in the right shoe. Second, if you're new to running, don't do A LOT of running yet. Start with little jogs interspersed with walks. Otherwise you'll just burn out and hate it. Take it slow. Get comfortable, take it easy and yeah you'll be liking this enough to put the oars down.

Best to you.

05-13-2012, 12:37 AM
Sorry Double post, edit not kicking in:

Carpe: Yes one beer isn't too bad post run. Actually in the marathon I'm running in two weeks, when I did it last year there are always these dudes at mile 24 that hand out dixie cups of Mller Light that tasted GREAT last year. For me, my favorite post run drink is chocolate milk. It feels like food of the gods after.

05-24-2012, 08:46 PM
Marathon in 3 days and seeing this has got me totally fired up. Her face says it all in these clips. I'll be remembering that face around mile 20.


05-25-2012, 05:29 PM
Do it big, sentient!! Let us know how it went!

I'm gearing up for training for my half-marathon, which will be in August. I'd like to do a 10k and then an 8-mile between now and then to gauge my progress. I am also alternating running days with push-up and ab exercise days, because I want to have Ryan Gosling abs by August. Then on the day of my half-marathon, as I'm rounding the corner of mile 13, I will tear my shirt off in triumph and not be ashamed.

05-27-2012, 10:27 AM
Ran a 10k yesterday in Brevard, NC - time of 54:06. It was full of big hills and two or three big inclines. My step-dad and I were pacing off each other during the whole race. I came in 4th in my age group.

05-27-2012, 03:03 PM
4:25:55 today. Managed to squeak a personal record just shy of a minute but it was a negative split. I really had to work to get that in the last couple of miles though. The wall hit but hit later (around mile 24) otherwise, I felt amazing out there today. Feels good to sit on the couch with a beer.

05-27-2012, 04:16 PM
4:25:55 today. Managed to squeak a personal record just shy of a minute but it was a negative split. I really had to work to get that in the last couple of miles though. The wall hit but hit later (around mile 24) otherwise, I felt amazing out there today. Feels good to sit on the couch with a beer.

Excellent job! You deserve more than one beer!

05-28-2012, 08:28 AM

Amazing, sentient! Way to go man.

05-28-2012, 08:51 AM
Ran a 10k yesterday in Brevard, NC - time of 54:06. It was full of big hills and two or three big inclines. My step-dad and I were pacing off each other during the whole race. I came in 4th in my age group.
Congrats! Hills and all should tell you you are strong in this distance, maybe even more. The three ahead of you were lucky it was only 10k. Nicely done.

06-10-2012, 12:12 PM
I should be doing some good long runs right now but I am still stuck in my 5k/10k mood - MCM is in October, I still have a little time left to train up and I know I'm going to be trying a new run/walk method on race day. I figure if I run 4 or 5 miles and take a half mile or a quarter mile break, it should help me stay energized.

06-16-2012, 12:58 PM
I've been looking for a viable alternative ever since I found out that my city won't be hosting a full marathon this year. I think I'll sign up for this one:

I would prefer something at the end of this year, but it's only 20+ miles from where I live, so I think it will be worth the wait.

06-17-2012, 02:29 PM
I found out about a month ago that Asheville, NC will be hosting two marathons starting next year. I think they will be the Asheville Citizen Times Marathon and the Asheville Classic Marathon. The Classic will take place at the Biltmore Estate, this is the one I am aiming for, for next year.

07-03-2012, 01:00 PM
MCM is a few months away and I have yet to start on distance training. I have recently been doing a lot of core workouts, pull ups and cycle sessions with a short run after. I think I'll be ready for that race pretty soon though.

Last year the weather was against us... It was snowing the day before. Hopefully this time around it'll be a little better.

07-04-2012, 09:27 PM
Okay guys, it's the 4th of July... I hope I'm not the only one who participated in a 5k today...

2nd place in the 5k with a time of 26:05 - first mile was 7:25 - average mile 8:25. It was a hot evening!

08-28-2012, 03:14 AM
So this was supposed to be my second week of running with my New Balance shoes. After two hundred meters while running up a hill trying to avoid a mom and her pram I stretched my calf muscle mysteriously. No running for two weeks now it seems.

08-28-2012, 07:51 AM
Sorry about the injury! The lesson there is likely that 200 meters of running is not nearly enough warm up to doing an "escape sprint" uphill. Give your legs a chance to loosen some more next time. Best of luck on the recovery hope you're back out soon.

08-28-2012, 09:57 AM
Really hoping to run the Steamtown Marathon this year on Oct 7 (they let me defer from last year), and I'm running the Parks Half on Sept 9. So far so good with the training, definitely not running more than 18 miles as the longest training run. Feel like it's been ages since I've run a race.

sorry about the injury, hobochic! foamrolling should help. what kind of NB shoes are those? i used to run long distances in racing flats and it seemed fine for a while, but i switched to regular neutral shoes this year (Mizuno Wave Rider 15) just to be on the safe side.

08-28-2012, 10:18 AM
I've heard Steamtown is "mostly downhill" and is fast. Best of luck in that one! I had been meaning to try it for some time but never remember to register haha

08-28-2012, 12:01 PM
Thanks guys, I've been resting all day and hope to be able to walk to work tomorrow. The NB shoes I got are for trail running "Minimus 10 trail", for regular running I'm using a pair of Saucony.

10-01-2012, 07:59 PM
Sooo.... Back in August I found out that I had exams right before my marathon - Marine Corps Marathon. After a few weeks of deciding what to do, I decided that the best option was to defer my entry until next year. At first I was disappointed, this was supposed to be my qualifying marathon for the JFK 50 - I even got my 14 mile down to 2:16.

I have chosen Knoxville, TN to be my next marathon in April. Hopefully everything will go smooth with that one.

02-03-2013, 12:14 PM
Got to hang out with my running group this morning for a bring food to share breakfast. I'm not quite recovered from surgery so did not join them for the run but it was great to see familiar faces and talk running again. I'm hoping I can get back on board with it this year. No marathons in the short term however.

02-06-2013, 09:28 PM
I've been looking for a viable alternative ever since I found out that my city won't be hosting a full marathon this year. I think I'll sign up for this one:

So, that didn't happen. My Mom flew in from Hungary for 2 months, and I just couldn't spend the time I needed to train while she was here so I decided to wait it out.

I set my sight on this one: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/savannah, and I'm quite happy with my decision! I much rather run the marathon in the fall: I HATE training in the winter, it gets dark by 5pm and my neighborhood is a bit too crappy to run around at night.

But since it's almost a full year away I might throw in a half marathon somewhere, just to take the edge off.

02-06-2013, 10:03 PM
So, that didn't happen. My Mom flew in from Hungary for 2 months, and I just couldn't spend the time I needed to train while she was here so I decided to wait it out.

I set my sight on this one: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/savannah, and I'm quite happy with my decision! I much rather run the marathon in the fall: I HATE training in the winter, it gets dark by 5pm and my neighborhood is a bit too crappy to run around at night.

But since it's almost a full year away I might throw in a half marathon somewhere, just to take the edge off.

I hear different things about the RocknRoll series (Las Vegas was pretty bad; I think it was the 2012 running) but Savannah is a great place. Plus if you run more than one event on the series within a calendar year, I think you get a special medal.

I've started back on my training about a week or two ago for the Knoxville Marathon. I've been running in temps as low as 21 degrees and just today a friend of mine asked if I wanted to do a double marathon weekend. It would be the Charlottesville Marathon and Knoxville Marathon. I had to turn that down, I MIGHT consider it in the fall. Right now I have an 8 mile run scheduled for Saturday morning, so we'll see how that goes.

04-21-2013, 12:23 PM
oh, no post here since the Boston tragedy. I hope you guys are all safe, not sure if anyone from here was running it (or knows someone who did). It's a shame what happened.
Boston was (and still is, I assume) the crown jewel of marathons, and my dream is to one day qualify for it, even if I couldn't attend the actual event...

I also have a practical question: what kinda nutritional supplements do you use DURING your marathon run? The one time I ran I didn't prepare with anything (I was quite naive) and hit "the wall" hard at the 23 mile mark. I'd prefer NOT to do that again.

Any suggestions? (and silly follow up question: whatever you use, is it vegan?)

04-21-2013, 01:19 PM
oh, no post here since the Boston tragedy. I hope you guys are all safe, not sure if anyone from here was running it (or knows someone who did). It's a shame what happened.
Boston was (and still is, I assume) the crown jewel of marathons, and my dream is to one day qualify for it, even if I couldn't attend the actual event...

I also have a practical question: what kinda nutritional supplements do you use DURING your marathon run? The one time I ran I didn't prepare with anything (I was quite naive) and hit "the wall" hard at the 23 mile mark. I'd prefer NOT to do that again.

Any suggestions? (and silly follow up question: whatever you use, is it vegan?)

I knew three people who ran in Boston last week, I think the third person finished about 15 minutes prior to the bombings. It hurt me because the marathon is one of my most loved things on this earth and to see someone hurt people who were there (running and spectating) made me a little depressed and sad not so much as anger until we knew who was labeled as a suspect. I hope to qualify for it one day as well, I have to drop some near 20 pounds to get help get my speed faster.

To answer your questions, I use GU gels or Clif shots/blocks during the marathon. Usually I will try to get a banana in there around the 16th mile as well as an orange slice. I thought about carrying salt packets on me since I tend to lose quite a bit of salt while doing those long distances. I don't know if the GU or Clif stuff is vegan or not, you might have to check online.

Just as an update, I did do my 5th marathon on April 7th - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. It was my third time completing it with a 5:04:24 and last year I had a PR in it with a 5:02:59. I am really antsy to break 5 hours there and 5 hours overall. I was on point to finish with a 4:25 but I cramped up at the 16 mile since I had been pushing pretty hard the first half. I am going to go down to Atlanta this October to run their marathon, I am going to have to concentrate on hills more than I did for Knoxville since I have heard that the Atlanta course is more rolling hills.

04-21-2013, 02:01 PM
I am not sure I'll ever qualify for Boston but I'm OK with that.

I like to run with GU chews (kind of like gummi bears) and sometime the Powerade chews with the liquid in the center. They are tasty and you find kind of suck on them when you run. I also carry some pretzel sticks to balance the hydration.

REPLICA: My way of breaking the 5 hour mark was doing the negative split strategy. My last two were 4:39 and 4:27. For those I ran the first half to 16 miles like a 5 or 5:30 race. So I had to mentally force myself to hang back. Then with food and good hydration I run the last 10 like a demon. Its a great feeling to pass folks at like mile 20 andthat mentally propels you on.

04-21-2013, 02:42 PM
REPLICA: My way of breaking the 5 hour mark was doing the negative split strategy. My last two were 4:39 and 4:27. For those I ran the first half to 16 miles like a 5 or 5:30 race. So I had to mentally force myself to hang back. Then with food and good hydration I run the last 10 like a demon. Its a great feeling to pass folks at like mile 20 andthat mentally propels you on.

I've never thought of doing that, that's pretty smart. I might have to try that with some of my longer training runs during the summer. I just want to come in below 5 eventually.

04-22-2013, 10:25 AM
With training I'm more than sure you'll get under 5. Speed takes time and training. As for the negative split strategy, it's not for everyone. The challenges tend to be allowing a whole boatload of people to pass you in the first half and not feeling like you have to "keep up". So the first half I like to think of as "my race". It's really the chance to ENJOY the marathon as an event and not a struggle. It's in the latter half or quarter, where you're digging deep and spending the energy where you have to find something to keep you rolling. For me, in the last 6 miles on my last PR it was thinking about some of Paula Radcliffe's amazing finishes where you can see she digs deep mentally to do it. I recall getting some tunnel vision in my last marathon for the final 2 miles, just chugging it out to get that PR. But man, it felt great to get that kind of finish.

Happy running!

04-22-2013, 05:44 PM
While I only ran once, the one thing I was very happy with was my pace, I decided to try to stick to my natural speed (that tends to be around 10 min./mile) and just stick with it. That's the speed I enjoy running the most, it comes "easy" and I did all my training on this, all the build-up to the marathon. I actually managed to keep it very well: my time was 4:31, an average 10:22 min per mile. Pretty dead on!

04-23-2013, 07:50 PM
Ugh, I fucked up my knees by actually running (on the balls of my feet!) a 5k, and then a week later a mile and half on a tread mill, really pushing myself. A week of pain, I go to the doctor and he tells me "When you're older, you need to properly condition yourself. You need your body's permission, and your body is telling you no!" Heh, he was a cool dude, but now I feel shitty for being old at 23! So now I'm back at the gym doing just walking and biking, with prescription for naproxene and muscle relaxers that I take at night because that's when my knees hurt the most, apparently it's the muscles tightening up and spasming a bit. I just love how well I sleep with it! I wish I slept that well on my own. Anyways, I plan on improving my running and my biking endurance.

Gross, I never thought I'd be capable of saying such words. I was NEVER into this type of exercise, but damn, it feels good to be in shape! I was in shape over last summer because I biked ALL the damn time in Boston but since I left, I've gained 30 fucking pounds- but I didn't loose all my muscle since I've stayed active in one shape or another. I definitely feel my weight though and that's obnoxious.

04-23-2013, 08:49 PM
Hang in there, go slow, it really does come back.

04-23-2013, 09:28 PM
Thanks! Yeah I've been going to the gym almost everyday since the pain actually stopped for most of the day- still feel it twinge slightly- earlier this week, and have done a lot of reading because I'm just walking on the tread mill instead to get myself going, or conditioned I guess is the term. I did some yoga and stationary bike today for the first time so yeah, definitely a slow process.

04-23-2013, 10:02 PM
I have a friend in her late-20s who trained for a 10 k and got Plantar fasciitis, it took her 9 months to recover.

05-13-2013, 05:45 PM
I will get a chance to run/walk a three mile leg (from the start) of the upcoming Vermont City Marathon as a cancer patient on a team of med students. I'm so fucking thrilled. l'll also be on the local TV news program tomorrow talking about my marathon story. I'm so happy I'm still part of running despite stuck in chemo this year.

05-13-2013, 06:34 PM
I will get a chance to run/walk a three mile leg (from the start) of the upcoming Vermont City Marathon as a cancer patient on a team of med students. I'm so fucking thrilled. l'll also be on the local TV news program tomorrow talking about my marathon story. I'm so happy I'm still part of running despite stuck in chemo this year.

This is all kinds of awesome...except for the whole cancer thing, of course. But it sounds like your mind is in a very positive place, congrats on that!

I'd given up on running for a few weeks because I couldn't do it without major knee pain either during or following the run. This weekend, I decided to swap out my "new" shoes (which had been my best pair yet for about 50 miles) with my old, beat up, "I can't believe you run in those" shoes. Had my longest run in a long time, and two days later I'm still pain-free. Chucking the "new" pair and going out in search of a new pair of my beat up ones. It felt so good to be back to pounding pavement!

05-13-2013, 07:12 PM
This is all kinds of awesome...except for the whole cancer thing, of course. But it sounds like your mind is in a very positive place, congrats on that!

I'd given up on running for a few weeks because I couldn't do it without major knee pain either during or following the run. This weekend, I decided to swap out my "new" shoes (which had been my best pair yet for about 50 miles) with my old, beat up, "I can't believe you run in those" shoes. Had my longest run in a long time, and two days later I'm still pain-free. Chucking the "new" pair and going out in search of a new pair of my beat up ones. It felt so good to be back to pounding pavement!

Curious what brand your ol ratty pair of shoes are? I'm not a big runner. I honestly don't think I do it right which sounds silly, everyone knows how to run, but my lower back gets tight, my chins hurt, I'm just a generally whiner. I don't need to run a marathon, just more then a mile. I think my shoes are not the best. Sort of mid range mid height Reeboks.
sentient02970 TV star. So happy for you bro.

05-13-2013, 09:08 PM
Shoe choice is integral to comfortable running. I went through a couple brands until in landed on a perfect brand and model (Asics Keyano). It will take some shuffling to find those sweet shoes for your feet and gait. Be sure to use a store that offers fitting and gait analysis. It doesn't surprise me that your old pair became the fall back. Glad you rediscovered it. Dra... don't give up on it babe. You'll find the right shoes and get that comfortable run you seek. You just gotta hang in there.

05-14-2013, 05:52 AM
Curious what brand your ol ratty pair of shoes are? I'm not a big runner. I honestly don't think I do it right which sounds silly, everyone knows how to run, but my lower back gets tight, my chins hurt, I'm just a generally whiner. I don't need to run a marathon, just more then a mile. I think my shoes are not the best. Sort of mid range mid height Reeboks.
@sentient02970 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=444) TV star. So happy for you bro.

My old pair were just some old Asics Gel something or other that I bought at Dick's for ~$40 a couple years ago. Buying running shoes has always been a challenge for me because A) I make absolute shit for money at my job, and B) I have wide feet, so I generally can't even look at a pair of shoes if it's a "medium" width. As virtually every pair is. Finding something I can afford but actually fits me properly is no easy task.

05-14-2013, 09:51 AM
^^^ Asics have always been a good shoe for me, and they come in different prices which is nice. Since I started Crossfit, I've been using low profile New Balance and Reeboks which just aren't good. And, I might have a slightly low arch.

The town I live in has not one but two running shoe stores that I know do gait analysis so it's just a matter of getting my butt over there. One of them has done a Running 101 workshop at my gym a couple of times. Everytime, I'm out of town - ARGH.

05-14-2013, 09:14 PM
Funny...I wasn't going to mention it, but NB are the new shoes that went from "awesome" to "ow" very quickly for me. Within the first month of owning them, I did a seven mile run - my best ever - without any pain whatsoever. Less than a month after that, I couldn't get in a 5k without feeling horrible for several days afterward. I was so, so hesitant to blame the shoes. It wasn't until after this last run with the old ones that I've finally accepted that they seem to be the one variable that was screwing with me.

05-16-2013, 06:09 AM
I have high arches and I also need a wide toe box, and NB are the only shoes that fit me correctly.

05-16-2013, 06:13 AM
I have high arches and I also need a wide toe box, and NB are the only shoes that fit me correctly.

Which pair do you use? I had picked up the 750s around Christmas, and those were the ones that went from being fantastic to causing major problems in a very short amount of time. I don't want to write off the entire brand; I think it may be model-specific. (And yes, obviously your ideal shoe might not work for me, and vice-versa).

05-16-2013, 09:52 AM
It could be THAT model shoe for you. Go back to NB and tell them. (did you get them at a NB store?). They have great return policies.

05-18-2013, 03:42 AM
I run my sixth half-marathon tomorrow.

05-18-2013, 07:39 AM
I run my sixth half-marathon tomorrow.

Good luck and have fun!

05-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Today is the first day of my training for my second marathon this year. I ran 1.2 in 9:39 and did a cycle session at the gym of 7.35 in 25 minutes. On Wednesday I will do 25 minutes and try to get more mileage and then I'll probably go out and try for a 2 mile run. Throughout the summer and hopefully by the end of July I will have good speed. I'll start my long distance running at the beginning of June.

05-21-2013, 08:33 PM
I run my sixth half-marathon tomorrow.

Guess that doesn't count as three full marathons.. Heh heh.

I biked to avoid running at Crossfit the other day. I suck.

05-22-2013, 06:00 PM
Today I went running to this, and it works wonders: (yes, as an 8 year old I used to believe I was Rocky)


05-22-2013, 09:56 PM
I honestly don't think I do it right which sounds silly, everyone knows how to run, but my lower back gets tight, my chins hurt, I'm just a generally whiner.
Actually, there is such a thing as running the wrong way.

I have a coworker who has a college scholarship as a runner (yes, that exists), and he gave me some awesome tips on how to place your feet as you step down (mid section down, not the heels), how not to put your steps ahead of your body but under it, etc.

So feel free to look into it, bad running can absolutely cause trouble (it caused me quite knee pain when I first started).

On the shoe front, I couldn't be happier with my Reebok Zigtech shoes, I put a good 500 miles in them and they're still holding up pretty well (although it is time to invest in a new pair).

05-23-2013, 07:14 AM
If people want tips on good running style, I highly suggest reading Born to Run. There's a lot of stuff about barefoot running in there too which is interesting, and it's overall just very motivational if you feel like more often than not you have to drag yourself out the door for a jog.

05-23-2013, 10:07 AM
If people want tips on good running style, I highly suggest reading Born to Run. There's a lot of stuff about barefoot running in there too which is interesting, and it's overall just very motivational if you feel like more often than not you have to drag yourself out the door for a jog.

Indeed, that was a fantastic book. I was incredibly saddened last year to read about Micah True's disappearance/passing.

As for running and form, I've grown extremely confused on that topic. I hear so many wildly varying opinions on how you're supposed to strike the ground, and I've made very conscious efforts to practice every one of them to see which seems to cause the least discomfort for me. Contrary to all the support for minimalist/barefoot running, striking the ground with a flatter (not heal > toe) stride doesn't seem to help me at all, and sometimes ends up resulting in severe knee pain.

05-23-2013, 04:45 PM
I've heard about avoiding heel strikes, but then I think about it too much and literally run on the balls of my feet, like tippy toe and THAT can't be right. Also, I try to tuck my pelvis that then arch my lower back - yoga style. None of this helps the chins hurting and the lungs burning. I smoked for years and even though I'm 6 years since I quit, I don't feel completely 100%, at least not at a distance more then 800 meters. I just have to get the stride right and do the typical beginners pacing - run, walk, run, walk, run a little more etc. Thanks for all the tips folks!

05-23-2013, 06:02 PM
I've heard about avoiding heel strikes, but then I think about it too much and literally run on the balls of my feet

I've been running like that for a couple of years now and have found a good angle that works for me. It naturally gives my legs a cushion and bounce, pretty much "energy recycling".

05-23-2013, 08:29 PM
None of this helps the chins hurting and the lungs burning. I smoked for years and even though I'm 6 years since I quit, I don't feel completely 100%, at least not at a distance more then 800 meters. I just have to get the stride right and do the typical beginners pacing - run, walk, run, walk, run a little more etc. Thanks for all the tips folks!
When you say "chins," do you mean "shins?"

If you mean shins and lungs, yes, you work your way up to that going away.

05-23-2013, 09:59 PM
Too funny. Yes, I meant shins. A couple of my yoga instructors say 'shins in' but it sounds like ' chins in'. Drrrrr.

05-23-2013, 11:23 PM
Congrats on quitting the smoking Dra. That makes you awesome in my book.

07-06-2013, 05:43 PM
I went for a 13 mile run last Saturday, and it felt great, even the blazing Florida heat couldn't spoil it.

I start my marathon-specific training tomorrow (for the one in Savannah GA in November) with 10 miles. I posted my run schedule on the fridge this afternoon, and it makes me all excited and happy. 17 weeks to go!

07-09-2013, 05:26 PM
I went out today and did a 5.5 mile run - It was pretty great. I have to get back in it quick, ATL is coming up in Oct. and I've been slacking off.

7/10 EDIT: I did a 8.17 bike ride today in 25 minutes. I plan on running tomorrow morning at least 5 miles if it isn't raining.

Emil Dorbell
07-30-2013, 03:54 AM
I've got six weeks to gear up for a 10k. I think mainly what worries me is getting a cold between now and then. For some reason I always get sick when I train hard. Any ideas on avoiding it?

07-30-2013, 09:46 AM
I've got six weeks to gear up for a 10k. I think mainly what worries me is getting a cold between now and then. For some reason I always get sick when I train hard. Any ideas on avoiding it?

Don't train AS hard?

Serious suggestion. I used to work for a newspaper (hundreds of miles of travel a week + long days on your feet with a bunch of gear). For the 14 months I worked there, I also went to the gym 3-4 days a week before work. Nothing so strenuous that I couldn't move afterward, but enough to stay in shape. And in that year plus, I never got so much as a minor cold. Hence my suggestion to train, but just not like a total beast. Obviously everyone's different and your results may vary!

08-16-2013, 03:01 PM
Doing yet another 100 mile relay (http://www.100on100.org/) tomorrow (4th year in a row for my team and this event). After chemo I'm expecting it to be slow as death for me but I LOVE this race. It is such a beautiful way to see the state in all its glory (covered bridges, farmland on both sides of the roadway, small little towns..). Weather is expected to be perfect. I run the first leg (3 mile trails) then we hit the road and I run two other legs (one is around 6 miles and the other 6.7 or so, don't care). That last 6.7 leg is all uphill through the mountains, oh boy. I hope to survive and be back on here after. We shall see. Psyched anyway.

08-20-2013, 07:02 AM
Doing yet another 100 mile relay (http://www.100on100.org/) tomorrow (4th year in a row for my team and this event). After chemo I'm expecting it to be slow as death for me but I LOVE this race. It is such a beautiful way to see the state in all its glory (covered bridges, farmland on both sides of the roadway, small little towns..). Weather is expected to be perfect. I run the first leg (3 mile trails) then we hit the road and I run two other legs (one is around 6 miles and the other 6.7 or so, don't care). That last 6.7 leg is all uphill through the mountains, oh boy. I hope to survive and be back on here after. We shall see. Psyched anyway.

I think I said this on the last page, but it bears repeating: you're kind of fucking awesome.

Also, thanks to the nearly shin-breaking fight I got into with some rigging gear last week, I haven't so much as jogged in a little bit. I felt like a sloth already, then I read about your adventures and really feel like a lazy bum.

08-20-2013, 08:47 AM
Thanks I had fun but my quads are shot so I'm hobbljng through my vacation in Colorado now. No if you have shin issues its totally OK to take it easy...its not lazy. Run/jog when you feel better! Enjoy the break.

08-20-2013, 07:36 PM
I found that I have two exams the day after Atlanta Marathon… SO. I am going to try to register for the Greensboro marathon since it is two days before my exams and I won't have to drive hundreds of miles and I'll have time to study. I think some of the people from the running club here on campus are doing the Greensboro marathon/half marathon too.

08-21-2013, 06:03 AM
I found that I have two exams the day after Atlanta Marathon… SO. I am going to try to register for the Greensboro marathon since it is two days before my exams and I won't have to drive hundreds of miles and I'll have time to study. I think some of the people from the running club here on campus are doing the Greensboro marathon/half marathon too.

Ah, just pre-record your own notes and listen to 'em during the run and drive!

(before you hit me: kidding)

08-27-2013, 01:25 PM
I went for a REALLY long run today just so I can listen to Hesitation Marks in peace...

09-24-2013, 05:21 PM
So… I probably qualify for the "or just crazy" portion of this title. I know I have Greensboro coming up soon (30 days to go) and my longest run since coming back to school has been a 7.3 miler this past weekend. It seems that I almost never get to train properly for the fall races. I told my running club I was going to go for it and they are pretty supportive, so we'll see what happens.

10-26-2013, 02:25 PM
Greensboro Marathon - 5:11:33. I started to get blisters on my feet at MILE 9. SO. I now have blisters on my feet, one that is a little bigger than a penny. I PR'ed my Half distance though, 2:09:55 (by five seconds). Got beer and food and now I am listening to NIN's EVERYTHING!! I SURVIVED EVERYTHING.

12-30-2013, 04:00 PM
I ran the Jacksonville Bank Marathon yesterday, and broke the 4 hour barrier!!! I came in at 3:58:32, and even though my leg started cramping up pretty bad at mile 22 I felt fantastic!
This was my 2nd marathon and my time improved by over 30 minutes :)

EDIT: I meant to add that I managed to avoid hitting the wall! It killed my last 3 miles on my first marathon, so I did everything I could to dodge it this time. Made the entire experience a very enjoyable one.

01-04-2014, 09:41 PM
i ran the jacksonville bank marathon yesterday, and broke the 4 hour barrier!!! I came in at 3:58:32, and even though my leg started cramping up pretty bad at mile 22 i felt fantastic!
This was my 2nd marathon and my time improved by over 30 minutes :)

edit: I meant to add that i managed to avoid hitting the wall! It killed my last 3 miles on my first marathon, so i did everything i could to dodge it this time. Made the entire experience a very enjoyable one.

excellent job!! You did great!

01-06-2014, 10:08 AM

01-06-2014, 06:40 PM
I ran the Jacksonville Bank Marathon yesterday, and broke the 4 hour barrier!!! I came in at 3:58:32, and even though my leg started cramping up pretty bad at mile 22 I felt fantastic!
This was my 2nd marathon and my time improved by over 30 minutes :)

EDIT: I meant to add that I managed to avoid hitting the wall! It killed my last 3 miles on my first marathon, so I did everything I could to dodge it this time. Made the entire experience a very enjoyable one.

Wow, that's awesome. How did you shave so much time off?

01-07-2014, 10:45 AM
Wow, that's awesome. How did you shave so much time off?

Thanks! I was much more strict about my long distance runs leading up to the race than the first time around. I knew better what to expect I guess.
Also, when I got to mile 8 I accidentally caught up to the 3:45 pacer team, and that was the point when I would have naturally start to slow down, but I decided to try to keep up with them. I manage to follow them till mile 20, and from there I had exactly one hour to run the last 6 miles and still finish under 4, and 10 min/mile IS my comfy pace, so it wasn't that much of a stretch.

Speaking of training: I keep a running diary, and I just went over my 2013 logs: last year I ran 807.75 miles (1299.5 km) and went running 159 times! Not too bad!

01-22-2014, 10:50 AM
All right runners, I need some advice.

I want to run. Really, I do. I love the simplicity of it; the convenience of it, and I feel great mentally when I'm running. But I can't actually do it. Three runs in four days - none longer than about two miles - and my knees feel absolutely wrecked. I can run longer distances with longer breaks between them, but I want to be able to run several times a week. I'm a pretty thin (read: not very muscly) person, and admittedly, my modest lifting routine at the gym doesn't actually include any leg exercises at all. I'm going to guess that I need to change that, but are there specific muscles that I should be targeting to help with knee pain? I seem to remember someone telling me that hams and quads were crucial because of the way they work with the ligaments in your knees - any idea if I'm on the right track there?

01-22-2014, 04:26 PM
All right runners, I need some advice.

I want to run. Really, I do. I love the simplicity of it; the convenience of it, and I feel great mentally when I'm running. But I can't actually do it. Three runs in four days - none longer than about two miles - and my knees feel absolutely wrecked. I can run longer distances with longer breaks between them, but I want to be able to run several times a week. I'm a pretty thin (read: not very muscly) person, and admittedly, my modest lifting routine at the gym doesn't actually include any leg exercises at all. I'm going to guess that I need to change that, but are there specific muscles that I should be targeting to help with knee pain? I seem to remember someone telling me that hams and quads were crucial because of the way they work with the ligaments in your knees - any idea if I'm on the right track there?

This is LOADED with good information: http://www.runnersworld.com/beginners/why-does-my-knee-hurt

In other words, your problem has no easy answer. I'd say that you may have a tracking problem (which I do have at the moment, actually) because your leg muscles are not developed. Also, you have to build up your running distances gradually, and allow yourself breaks. I typically swim one day, run one day, and cycle every day (I bike-commute to work).

Your hips have to be strong for serious running, your hips and your knees are very much connected. Look into doing hip abduction and hip adduction exercises. Like you said, hamstrings and quads have to be strong too.

The article talks about body mechanics, I went to a PT who looked at my gait, this may be expensive, so you could have a friend film you on a treadmill and then look at the video in slow motion...there are several things that a gait analysis could show you, but the most important one (I think) is if you're striking with your heels or with the ball of your feet. Striking with your heels is a no-no and something that could cause you knee pain. If you're landing with your heels when you run, you have to change your pose. Lean slightly forward and exaggerate the motions of running (ie. lift your knees higher when they go forward, and almost hit your butt when your leg goes behind you). Look up 'pose running' videos on YouTube. It will be tougher to run on the balls of your heels specially if you're not used to it, your calves would have to be strong for this. It's easier to run on the ball of your feet while running barefoot, although if you're going to go there, you will need to transition really slowly, otherwise you could hurt yourself.

If all this does not work (you still have knee pain), maybe you have flat feet. Try a good brand of over-the-counter insoles (Super Feet is a good brand, will run you about $50). If this does not work you will need to see an orthopedist for custom insoles (which are more expensive and not covered by most insurances). I know it because I've been through all of this. Good luck!

ps. I would also recommend you shoes with not a ton of support (but not minimal support either). I use these http://www.nike.com/us/en_us/c/running/nike-running-lunarglide-plus

01-22-2014, 07:05 PM
All right runners, I need some advice.

I want to run. Really, I do. I love the simplicity of it; the convenience of it, and I feel great mentally when I'm running. But I can't actually do it. Three runs in four days - none longer than about two miles - and my knees feel absolutely wrecked. I can run longer distances with longer breaks between them, but I want to be able to run several times a week. I'm a pretty thin (read: not very muscly) person, and admittedly, my modest lifting routine at the gym doesn't actually include any leg exercises at all. I'm going to guess that I need to change that, but are there specific muscles that I should be targeting to help with knee pain? I seem to remember someone telling me that hams and quads were crucial because of the way they work with the ligaments in your knees - any idea if I'm on the right track there?

When I first started running my knees hurt really bad, too. What helped me was when I started running on the grass next to the road instead of the concrete. Wow, it sounds silly now that I wrote it down, but that solved the problem for me.

01-22-2014, 08:00 PM
Ah, some things I should have added:

I did have my stride analyzed a couple years ago, and started buying shoes based on that. It did help (before I couldn't even run two or three miles in one instance without major problems), so I think I'm on the right path as far as using the appropriate footwear for my gait. As for the suggestion to run on grass - not an option for a good portion of the year because of where I live, and when I'm on tour I'm often limited to hotel fitness centers. Believe me - I'd much rather go trail running than pound pavement!

Yeah, I know that running and knee pain is a huge can of worms and that answers aren't simple. I hadn't encountered any advice on hip abductions as part of my routine; I'll put that on the list of things to try at the gym. Thanks guys!

02-04-2014, 07:30 AM
So I'm trying to build myself up to running a half marathon this year, but so far whenever I go for a run (usually try to do 10km or more each Sunday) I come home with a brand new injury, or something feels sore every so often. I have been running for about a year now (once/twice every weekend sort of thing), I've been in a few timed events (City2Surf x2, Blackmores Running Festival) and come out of those feeling fine. Any info on how to prevent pain and injury (specifically ankle and knee pain)? It only ever happens every so often that I'll get something unbearable or something that will keep me from running for a bit, but I'd still rather be as injury free as possible.

EDIT: I just had look at the link cahernandez posted which was a great read (bookmarked for future reference), however I would love to hear from anyone else who faces these same problems?

02-05-2014, 07:42 PM
I wish I could chime in, but just days after posting my question on it, I ended up injuring my leg and pretty much putting running on the back burner for at least a few weeks. Hope you can get into it though! I'd love to do a half myself someday - I don't think I have the patience to do a full marathon (just in terms of not wanting to run that long uninterrupted).

02-10-2014, 06:11 AM
I wish I could chime in, but just days after posting my question on it, I ended up injuring my leg and pretty much putting running on the back burner for at least a few weeks. Hope you can get into it though! I'd love to do a half myself someday - I don't think I have the patience to do a full marathon (just in terms of not wanting to run that long uninterrupted).

Damn, sorry to hear about your injury!

I may have found a solution to my pain. I decided to head to the chemist the other day and had a look at their compression gear (after having a read of an article about it) and picked up a compression band for my knee and ankle. I used to strap my leg previously whenever I would have pain but this compression band is awesome, it works great in terms of minimising pain and keeping everything together. I wear the ankle one when I go to bed and it definitely helps a great deal. Also stretching for longer periods of time (I'm usually always in a rush so I tend to stupidly skip stretching post workout or I don't hold stretches for as long as I should) has definitely helped me too.

I ran the Colour (Australian spelling FTW) Run yesterday, according to them the course is 5km, but my tracker said it was 5.6km! Either way I managed to clock in at 32 minutes total (even though it is advertised as a 'fun run' me and a few other people decided to take it seriously like it was a proper timed event :D) and I also managed to hit the 5km mark in under 30 minutes so I'm pretty chuffed at that. Here's a link to all the stats and whatnot:


There's a half marathon event coming up in May this year which I'm definitely going to enter. Which means serious training starts now :D

02-10-2014, 04:28 PM
Also stretching for longer periods of time (I'm usually always in a rush so I tend to stupidly skip stretching post workout or I don't hold stretches for as long as I should) has definitely helped me too.

Not for nothing, but I've read a lot that suggests that static stretching can actually be extremely harmful, and that dynamic warm-ups can be much better for you. I know a number of runners who have actually said they started feeling better when they stopped doing "hold for 10" type stretches and started doing things that focused more on range of motion and loosening up your joints.

02-10-2014, 08:54 PM
Not for nothing, but I've read a lot that suggests that static stretching can actually be extremely harmful, and that dynamic warm-ups can be much better for you. I know a number of runners who have actually said they started feeling better when they stopped doing "hold for 10" type stretches and started doing things that focused more on range of motion and loosening up your joints.

A couple of articles on the subject:



The Sock Doc has a lot of informative videos about injuries and injury prevention:

02-17-2014, 05:37 AM
A couple of articles on the subject:


The Sock Doc has a lot of informative videos about injuries and injury prevention:

I gave both of those articles a read and I have to say I only agree with half of what was said. A quick google search shows that everyone is pretty much divided on the subject to the point that you're better off just doing what leaves you feeling better at the end of the day. I did try NOT stretching before a run the other day and then didn't stretch afterwards and about an hour later I couldn't move and my knee cap felt like it was going to explode. I gave it a day before I tried a light run on the treadmill and again, I never stretched before hand but I did afterwards and I felt wonderful.

It's all good and well to seek advice from the internet and listen to the 'experts' and other people's advice, but at the end of the day you need to do whatever it is that makes you comfortable with yourself and what you're doing :D

Also, I signed up for that half marathon I mentioned earlier, 3 months of training leading up to it!

02-27-2014, 08:25 AM
Patellofemoral pain sydrome (http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/patellofemoral-pain-syndrome-topic-overview)

Well, at least now I have a diagnosis and know what I need to do to make things better. Not fun to hear "this is a life long problem", but at least it's manageable and isn't really severe. Still...I'd really like to be able to just lace up my shoes and run out the door.

03-07-2014, 09:05 PM
Patellofemoral pain sydrome (http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/patellofemoral-pain-syndrome-topic-overview)

Well, at least now I have a diagnosis and know what I need to do to make things better. Not fun to hear "this is a life long problem", but at least it's manageable and isn't really severe. Still...I'd really like to be able to just lace up my shoes and run out the door.

Damn, sorry to hear that! I just got back from the physio today and he told me what was wrong with me - my quad muscles are super tight and a little bit more on the weaker side of things which is causing my patella/knee cap to run off centre which is causing the crazy amount of pain in my knee! He showed me a couple of exercises to do and what stretches (yep, he recommended stretching :D ) to do to strengthen everything. Hopefully will be back up and running again starting on Monday!

It also didn't really help my situation having to brace myself in the pit at the NIN/QOTSA show on Thursday, but I'm not complaining :D

the duder
03-10-2014, 11:03 AM
Ran a 5K yesterday; first time running since my last 5K in September. Hilly course and a bit cold but still mustered a 20:13, good enough for 5th overall and 2nd in my age group (30-39). Afterward I hopped in the pool and cruised a nice, steady 2,050 yards to try a little "active recovery" - that and I'm set to swim my first ever masters' meet next weekend so I don't wanna miss any pool time, as that's my true passion.

03-10-2014, 04:41 PM
Ran a half down at Morehead City, NC last weekend - time of 2:16:45 because of blisters. I had two of my wisdom teeth taken out today and I have to be ready to do a 5er next Sunday. I have Knoxville full marathon at the end of the month, so that'll (hopefully) be my seventh.

03-21-2014, 03:50 AM
Wow, holy synchronicity Batman. I just went to Allsups (a chain of gas stations in the southwest,) to refill our giant mugs with sweet, sweet cherry vanilla pepsi and gatorade for mom and Lorien.
And there i ran into a caravan of people coming from fucking iowa to run a marathon in new mexico. THen i came home and saw this thread.

I only run if something's chasing me :)

03-21-2014, 10:20 PM
So, I went out today with the intention of running 14km and going home. Then this happened: http://www.endomondo.com/workouts/311766406/3114357

Now I told everyone that if I could raise over $500 for Movember last year, I would run a half marathon. I ended up raising $1,001 and somebody made a joke that I should run a full marathon now, to which I told him "No" :D I would have loved to have run the full 42.2km but I'm definitely not ready for that just yet.

Pretty proud of myself. My first half marathon distance and it's just for training! I bundled both my City2Surf training (14km) and half marathon training together! :D

I might give it a week before I attempt something like this again. At least I know I'll most likely be able to run the half marathon within the time limit if I can keep that pace up (which I would like to knock back to a straight 6 minutes/km, ideally 5:30/km). The best part is, I know I'm able to run the distance :D this is all AFTER I went to see the physio 2 weeks ago about my knee problem. Feels as good as this cold bath :D

03-23-2014, 10:05 AM
That's awesome; congrats!

I've been doing more at the gym for strength training since my doctor visit a month ago, but I've been really slow to actually pound pavement again. I tried it out for the first time in weeks a few days ago and couldn't make it two miles - my lungs lost all acclimation to running in sub-freezing temperatures. But I managed to do three miles on the treadmill a couple days later without any major problems, so I'm encouraged. I finally bought a foam roller too, and am going to start working that into my conditioning since so many runners I know have sworn by it.

I really want to go running today, since I'm bored to tears and restless - but it's still sub-freezing (WTF, spring?), and my knees aren't feeling 100% - don't want to risk reversing the progress I've been making. Aaaaaaaargh.

03-24-2014, 03:44 PM
Getting ready for SummerSlam Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon - just a few months days away!

03-30-2014, 09:10 PM
Knoxville went well! However, I didn't beat the 5 hour mark because of cramping and chaffing. BUT, I was able to see old volunteers and meet some pacers for next year. I had made it to the half at 2:15 and at 3 hours I was at the 17th mile. Oh well, I'm just glad I got to spend the weekend with my friends and family. It's very rare when I can actually have people from here in Greensboro meet my family. I think my finish time was around 5:15 or so.

03-31-2014, 08:36 AM
Congrats on the finish! That's the other great thing about event like marathons is there is always a social aspect with families and friends to see each other or even run together. Glad you got that part of it too. Enjoy the recovery!

04-06-2014, 01:49 AM
Knoxville went well! However, I didn't beat the 5 hour mark because of cramping and chaffing. BUT, I was able to see old volunteers and meet some pacers for next year. I had made it to the half at 2:15 and at 3 hours I was at the 17th mile. Oh well, I'm just glad I got to spend the weekend with my friends and family. It's very rare when I can actually have people from here in Greensboro meet my family. I think my finish time was around 5:15 or so.

Well done! I would love to be able to run a marathon distance one day. If I can run 2 marathons in my life I'll be cheering.

05-03-2014, 10:13 AM
Ran another half marathon the other day, 2 hours and 8 minutes this time around, I hit the wall at the 19th kilometre but I'm happy I ran the whole thing without stopping. Kept up a consistent 5:30/km for the first 10km then it ended up around 6:00/km for the last 11 (with the odd 6:30-6:45/km for 19 and 20).

I ran 14km today, again non stop at a slowly degrading pace starting off with 5:00/km and eventually finishing on 6:00/km, 1:20:30 and it's the quickest I've run that distance ever :D plus the weather was cold as anything today which was real good training for the half marathon I have coming up in the next 2 weeks.

05-13-2014, 05:58 AM
So the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon is coming up this Sunday. I'm nervous as all hell, being nervous about work stuff isn't helping either. I skipped running this weekend (and instead went out and got drunk for my birthday shenanigans) and decided to do 5km on the treadmill last night. It's going to be real cold on Sunday.

05-17-2014, 07:08 PM
So the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon is coming up this Sunday. I'm nervous as all hell, being nervous about work stuff isn't helping either. I skipped running this weekend (and instead went out and got drunk for my birthday shenanigans) and decided to do 5km on the treadmill last night. It's going to be real cold on Sunday.

Official time: 2:01:50

Wasn't cold at all, scenery was awesome and it's been a great day so far :D quite happy with my time as well.

06-27-2014, 11:05 AM
Been going out for sporadic morning runs lately, low mileage (3-4 miles) but the pace seems to be back to where I remember it (before chemo last year) and it feels real comfortable again. So happy to have the old legs back in action.

06-28-2014, 12:56 AM
Been going out for sporadic morning runs lately, low mileage (3-4 miles) but the pace seems to be back to where I remember it (before chemo last year) and it feels real comfortable again. So happy to have the old legs back in action.

Well done! I just started back up again today with a light 5km after a months break since the half marathon and managed 28 minutes. It's been windy as hell lately which is why I didn't go any further, plus I was getting battered around a fair bit.

07-19-2014, 09:48 PM
Went for a 14km run today in preparation for the City2Surf which is coming up in 3 weeks time (also 14km). Managed a time of 1:23:22, the course I took included a fuck off steep hill that's about the same grade as the "Heartbreak Hill" in the City2Surf track.

I've also started running real early in the mornings now (5:15-5:30am start times) and I'm actually really enjoying it. I only tend to have time to punch out a quick 5-7km but I feel great throughout the day and it means I don't have to screw around on the treadmill after getting home late from work. It is pretty cold though, seeing as we're pretty much going through winter now.

07-20-2014, 05:42 AM
Oh, shit, City2Surf is that close? Dammit. I've been battling colds all winter and I haven't been running for shit. I'll have to squeeze a couple in.

C2S is a great run, though. This will be my 4th time.

the duder
07-22-2014, 07:15 PM
This is a pretty interesting finding about marathons/endurance training. Would like to keep track of the findings and follow up on this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g8eEYwtfSo&feature=youtu.be

07-26-2014, 10:10 PM
Got that marathon tattoo about two weeks ago. I'll post a picture of it here in a few days.

07-30-2014, 02:49 AM
Oh, shit, City2Surf is that close? Dammit. I've been battling colds all winter and I haven't been running for shit. I'll have to squeeze a couple in.

C2S is a great run, though. This will be my 4th time.

Nice work, this is going to be my 3rd one. I decided to sign myself up for the Rebel Run half marathon in November this year the other night. The best part is I'm also booked in for Tough Mudder 2 weeks after it, so when both of those events roll around it'll be very interesting...

08-05-2014, 10:52 PM

I think she's on to something...

08-10-2014, 02:12 AM
Nice work, this is going to be my 3rd one. I decided to sign myself up for the Rebel Run half marathon in November this year the other night. The best part is I'm also booked in for Tough Mudder 2 weeks after it, so when both of those events roll around it'll be very interesting...

Pretty happy with my time, 1:19:26, I've now learnt that it is in fact BAD for you to donate blood at the peak of your training season/before an upcoming event, I definitely felt a big difference in my body today which wasn't nice, but I'm over the moon seeing as I wanted to crack 1:30:00. Also didn't realise with my time in the Half Marathon earlier this year I actually qualified for the Green group (which would have helped me shave another 2-3 minutes off that time lost from having to dodge those who decided to walk and drift all over the place instead of running in a straight line).

How did you go, Timinator?

08-11-2014, 08:57 AM
Good one!

Mine was good: 1:12:39 (https://timinator.wordpress.com/2014/08/11/city2surf-2014-results/). Not my best time, not my worst.
Luckily I'm in Red group.

08-14-2014, 04:19 AM
I want to try it someday, but i would like to just walk fast. Are there people who do it that way?

08-30-2014, 01:53 PM
I want to start running regularly, but my motivation is giving me the eye-roll. I should hire a guy to scream "RUN YOU FUCKING FUCK" at me repeatedly after work until I do it.

08-30-2014, 06:10 PM
I want to try it someday, but i would like to just walk fast. Are there people who do it that way?

Not that I have done one myself, but judging from experience with half marathons here, you SHOULD be ok to just power walk or run/walk the whole thing as long as you stay within the cut off times (assuming they're going to need to open the roads back up ASAP). I'd just stick to the back of the group so as not to get in the way of anyone who's there to destroy a personal best or anything. Also definitely worth training for, even if you are just going to take it easy/walk.

I want to start running regularly, but my motivation is giving me the eye-roll. I should hire a guy to scream "RUN YOU FUCKING FUCK" at me repeatedly after work until I do it.

That's actually not a bad idea, running with a friend actually makes it easier (to an extent) and makes it more fun. Plus you can both yell at each other. I have my own voice in my head yelling at me to run most of the time.

Also realised that I should really start wearing body tape/bandaids on my nipples when I run from now on...especially in cold wet weather. Long story short, went for a 19km run along the bike path along the motorway and as you do, you wave and say hello to other runners and cyclists that you pass. On the way back I would wave/say goodbye to anyone I may have initially passed, except this time instead of giving the usual nod of acknowledgement, I was getting looks from about 20m away that lasted up until they passed. About 15-16km in my uncle was speaking to me and then I got the look from him as well and mid sentence he was like "-and how are you feeling with that?" whilst pointing at my shirt. I had no idea what he was talking about so I looked down and saw 2 nice red racing stripes leading down my shirt from my nipples which weren't there when we left...

10-21-2014, 09:00 PM
Yeah... So I did Greensboro Marathon this past weekend... Cramped hard at mile 15 and onward... 5:52 and some change. #9 done though.

11-03-2014, 05:33 AM
I decided to sign myself up for the Rebel Run half marathon in November this year the other night. The best part is I'm also booked in for Tough Mudder 2 weeks after it, so when both of those events roll around it'll be very interesting...

Did the Rebel half marathon yesterday, 1:57:36 which I'm totally happy about, 4 minutes off my last half marathon and I made it in under 2 hours! The best part of it was I actually managed to keep all my splits under 6 minutes, managed an average pace of 5:36/km (slowed down for water twice and lost a few seconds on some of the uphill sections) so I'm pretty happy.

Not to sure how I'm going to go with Tough Mudder, though.

11-16-2014, 03:34 AM
Managed to sneak the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge in on the Wednesday (5.55km) prior to doing Tough Mudder this weekend. Managed to run that in 27 minutes and 26 seconds which worked out to around average 4:57/km which I'm more than happy about.

Tough Mudder was great. I feel unbelievably broken, but so happy and everything at the same time. Incredibly tired at the moment (even though we didn't run in, our team basically jogged/walked it). The obstacles are insane, I gave everything a go and I'm definitely looking forward to heading back next year to do it all again with the intention of actually training muscle-wise for it. I got through it as I am now, but I really need to hit the gym a lot more.

06-13-2015, 05:06 AM
So since my last post I've been very sporadic with my running. Tough Mudder literally broke me, I think I burnt myself out and then work started getting a bit more full on and I basically came to a grinding halt. Went for a run this morning, just a short 5km and managed 28 minutes, which I'm happy with only because I've been out for so long.

I've signed up for Tough Mudder again this year, only because I want the green headband for finishing (indicates 2x Tough Mudder events completed).

11-02-2015, 09:42 PM
So, seems like this thread is slacking lately :)

I've been neglecting my runs the last couple of months, but I'm determined to get back into shape and train for a marathon at the beginning of next year. Depending on how my training goes, I'll either do one of Jan 3rd of Feb 14th. I'm turning 34 at the end of February, and my metabolism sucks now, and I decided not to become an out of shape middle aged man, so I need to get back into this. It's been 2 years since my last marathon, but I think I can do it!

11-03-2015, 09:16 AM
Just crazy but I kinda want to start training to see if I could maybe do a half-marathon in January. Any tips?

11-03-2015, 10:12 PM
Just crazy but I kinda want to start training to see if I could maybe do a half-marathon in January. Any tips?

I'm a firm believer in using a schedule, just google one for a half marathon that seems good to you (example http://www.californiatriathlon.org/running.html) and stick to it. It will help build your runs so you peak on the day of the race.
Good luck, and keep us posted!

11-04-2015, 12:03 AM
I'm a firm believer in using a schedule, just google one for a half marathon that seems good to you (example http://www.californiatriathlon.org/running.html) and stick to it. It will help build your runs so you peak on the day of the race.
Good luck, and keep us posted!
I second this. Find one that's simple, which makes it easy to stick to. Pick one for beginners. I did this for my first half (at age 40!) and it worked well, getting under 1:50 my first time out.

01-26-2016, 02:04 PM
Just found this thread. Seriously disappointed to see that it's not named "26.2 miles on my way to hell."

I'm in the midst of training for another half that's next month, and out of curiosity went looking to see if there was a running thread here, to commiserate with someone else. :) Anyone else training for anything coming up?

01-26-2016, 03:03 PM
yeah, I'm supposed to be training for the rock and roll marathon in DC in March, but with all the holidays, travel, and now this weather i've barely had a chance to run. something tells me it may not happen

01-27-2016, 11:18 AM
I've wanted to do one of the rock and roll races since I started running a few years ago, but the ones I'm interested in/close to me never are good for my schedule. They look like a lot of fun!

10-27-2016, 04:21 PM
So... two months ago I decided to get back into running. I never fully stopped, but my interest dwindled and I ran maybe once a week, sometimes every other week.

To my surprise I was still in reasonably good shape, and this morning I ran 13 miles without any issues! I loved every minute of it!

There is a marathon on December 18th that I will try to run. Today's half marathon distance was my test run: I knew that I can comfortably run 6-8 miles, several times a week, but I wanted to see if I can push the distance higher. With at least 6 weeks till the race I can probably get up to 20-22 miles, which is a good peak to reach before the run.

I think I can do this!

12-01-2016, 03:18 PM
I registered, so it's official: I will be at the start line on December 18!

12-01-2016, 03:22 PM
Woo, nice one! On the opposite side of that, I gave up running for a while for a number of reasons, some of which stemmed from it causing me a deal of pain. Yay, crappy joints. Well, I tried a short jog the other day, and it turns out my stamina is pretty much gone. Usually I feel good after a workout, even if it doesn't go so great. This? This left me feeling pretty bad. Gonna have to find a way to get back in shape.

12-18-2016, 02:58 PM
I did it! I just ran my 3rd marathon!

I started out really strong, the first 13 miles I was pacing very evenly and I was set to finish under 4 hours. I lost a little steam after that, but by mile 18 my legs were on fire. They weren't cramping or anything, they were just burning. Made it very difficult to run for more than 5 minutes without slowing down to a walk.

So I decided not to worry about my time. I had to just forget about the numbers and enjoy the run as much as I could. So I finished in a wonderful mood, and I never even came close to hitting the wall. I strolled in at 4 hours 38 minutes.

This is my worst time yet, but I had a blast, and I'm very happy with my achievement. I could definitely feel the difference between running when I was 29 and now that I'm 34. I'm also about 15 pounds heavier than what I was when I ran my first marathon.

12-31-2016, 09:29 AM
I keep a log of all of my runs, and I find it very rewarding to do a summary at the end of each year. So, her it comes...
In 2016, I ran 110 times, and a total of 450.8 miles (or 725.5 km)!

This is a good booster for me throughout the year, as soon as I start slacking I notice the gap in my little log book that I keep on the kitchen counter. I use mapmyrun to measure my distances (although most of my runs go on one of my pre-determined routes, but sometimes I go explore).

10-23-2017, 11:10 PM
I run but mostly just on the treadmill. I also cycle and lift weights.

10-26-2017, 11:13 PM
I work out really hard for an hour every day. It doesn't seem to be giving me the results I want. I think my metabolism is fucked. Maybe I have a thyroid problem like my brother does.

muse-lyre candy
10-27-2017, 12:56 AM
i did one of these once for a fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
i need to get back into running again.
thanks for giving new life to this thread!

12-31-2020, 04:14 PM
As I do most years, I kept a log of my runs in 2020 too, and here are the numbers:

I ran 379.25 miles, and I went running 103 times.

This isn't my best year, by far, but it's not the worst either. My initial plans were to run a marathon in 2020, but 2020 had other plans :p
Now, I highly doubt that 2021 will allow us to have organized mass events like this, and I don't think I could pull off a full marathon on my own, but I want to hit the 18-20 mile mark sometime in the summer. (18 miles was the highest ever I ran on my own).

Any of you figured out a way to run in the winder with all the gyms closed?

12-31-2020, 05:34 PM
It's been a while, but I had some spikes on a rubber thingy that went over my running shoes to dig into any ice and help me grip properly.

A layer of tights, then my normal running clothes, then a layer of sweats, all with gloves and a toque. It's bearable, as long as it's not raining.

I used to go out for around an hour in -15 and snowing. Honestly, that feels far better than +3 and raining. The rain soaks right through you, the snow just builds up on your outsides and actually acts like insulation.

The first 10 minutes or so, your hands will feel awful, and numb, but it passes, and you don't feel any pain about 15 minutes in.

02-06-2021, 07:49 PM
So... Here in western NC, we've been getting a lot of rain and snow this year. I've enjoyed it, don't get me wrong. The only problem is the local hiking/mountain biking trails are closed to reduce the damage from freezing, thawing and rain. Well paired with the National Park closing every time a forecast for snow hits, I've been reduced to running/walking around my house. So in the past week, I've been diving back into my base building after not being active since early January. My friends and I are planning a marathon for next year but who knows with the current health climate. And being a road run, I'm sure I'd have to adapt since I've been off road. Anyway, I'm planning a 24 hour walk/run around my house in the next few weeks. I have to pick a day where the forecast looks like I won't freeze to death. So... Yeah. We'll see how this goes. I'm finishing up a virtual challenge this week and it's been a good motivator.

02-07-2021, 09:59 AM
I run about six miles a day. Not so much fun in the winter.

02-07-2021, 12:42 PM
I took up running two years ago and ran my first 5k and was working on my 10k right before Covid hit. So of course I lost all of my progress from months of sitting indoors and stress eating.

My hope is that as it warms up next month I can start over again. My big time goal would be a half marathon, but it’s gonna be a struggle to even run a mile now lol. One thing I was amazed by is how quickly I got up to 5k and then 10k after years of not being able to run more than 60 seconds straight, so maybe it’s not as ludicrous of a goal as I’m thinking.

The cold running doesn’t bother me, it’s more that I’m ridiculously clumsy and fall easily, so hitting a patch of ice and falling gives me a panic attack to even think about lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-11-2021, 06:40 PM
Tomorrow morning, I'll finish up my virtual 46 mile challenge. I'm still base building and I know it'll be something tough to get back into the shape I want. On trails, I'd like to get down to about 13-15 minute miles and on road (which I haven't gotten back on) I'd like to get down to about 10-12 minute miles. In my life, I've only ran a 7:15 mile once and a 23:40 5k once, it was the same race - cross country invitational at UNC. But I've seen people in worse shape than me get after it. Also, my friend chose me to be his BEST MAN!! YO! ...SO, I'll be looking to slim down over the next few months and that should get my faster!

02-12-2021, 10:05 AM
I miss running so much. Because of COVID, I obviously cancelled my membership to the gym. There's a track at the local high school, but the school is being strict with only allowing it's students to use it. There's also a trail near my house, but it's always muddy and I don't want to mess up my knees either. We don't have sidewalks where I live, so I can't run in the street - plus being a woman, I'm just paranoid of running in the street regardless.

04-04-2021, 09:43 AM
Hope everyone’s doing well!

I went out on Friday and some of Saturday and did a 24 hour walk/run. I was able to get in a 100k (62.3 miles). A majority of it was walking. And boy, it was cold out there too. During the day, sitting at 45. In the dark, right around 21. I burned 6440 calories. Nutrition included a McDonald’s cheeseburger, strawberries, bananas, Oreos, sour patch kids, potato chips and Powerade.

05-01-2021, 07:54 AM
Hope everyone’s doing well!

I went out on Friday and some of Saturday and did a 24 hour walk/run. I was able to get in a 100k (62.3 miles). A majority of it was walking. And boy, it was cold out there too. During the day, sitting at 45. In the dark, right around 21. I burned 6440 calories. Nutrition included a McDonald’s cheeseburger, strawberries, bananas, Oreos, sour patch kids, potato chips and Powerade.

I was wondering how it went! Such a cool concept, huge kudos for you, I might have to try this sometimes!

On related news, I just registered for a marathon in September. I'm cautiously optimistic about it actually happening, and I'm excited to get ready for it. 140 days to go :)

05-07-2021, 11:26 AM
On related news, I just registered for a marathon in September.

LOL, NIN concert in Cleveland 4 days after my marathon :p I'm already sore just thinking about it!

07-09-2021, 01:11 PM
I am a very slow runner - 10 minute mile is my time right now - but I am going to start doing it more because my son is joining the cross country team this year. I can't wait to hear him make fun of me, woo.


08-31-2021, 07:32 AM
Due to pandemic concerns, I opted to do my Sept 19th marathon virtually... Kind of excited to do it, my wife volunteered to drive around and wait for me with water in different parts of my route. I can do this!

08-31-2021, 09:54 AM
good luck!

09-19-2021, 03:39 PM
I ran my "virtual" marathon today, and I finished it in 5:12:30...
...which is easily my worst time yet, but I don't mind, especially since I ran it on my own and had to wait for red lights and cars and all that stuff. My wife drove around and handed me water every 2 miles for the last 10 miles. My legs were DONE after 24 miles but I pushed through. All in all, I'm super happy that I finished it, I was meant to do this in 2020 but pandemic depression really messed up my training, it's great to be back at this!


I accidentally stopped my app at 26.02 instead of 26.2, but I can live with it ;) I did finish the last 0.17 miles I swear!

12-31-2021, 02:50 PM
Time for another year's end summary: in 2021, I ran 518 miles (a little over 833 km) and went running 108 times.

That's more than a 100 miles over 2020, so I'm very happy!