View Full Version : Penny Dreadful

06-23-2014, 04:13 AM
Is anyone else watching this new series from Showtime? I was expecting it to be bad, but man me and my girl are HOOKED!
Definitely Showtime's BEST show at the moment. Pretty much this and Game Of Thrones has us hooked.
Great characters and story, the actors really dive into their roles.
I usually hate Josh Hartnett since he always seems one dimensional, but he's awesome in this show.
Plus you have Timothy Dalton and Dark Shadows' Eva Green who pulls some really creepy frigging scenes.
This isn't no hokey True Blood supernatural show... this show is dark, emotional, and well written... and some truly creepy scenes.Like I said, thought I was going to hate because Showtime shows usually feel off/cheap looking... but they really put effort into the look and feel.
This show definitely deserves more attention, one of the best shows currentlyon.
Season finale is next week... things are getting crazy and can't wait to see how it all comes together!I hope Showtime keeps it going for more seasons because I would love to see how they expand the world.




Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. PENNY DREADFUL is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together these classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama.









06-23-2014, 04:19 AM
Title Sequence:


06-23-2014, 04:21 AM


06-23-2014, 04:22 AM

06-23-2014, 04:23 AM

06-23-2014, 05:10 AM
Title Sequence:


I can't even WATCH this main title sequence, i look away every time i start an episode lol

06-23-2014, 05:18 AM
I can't even WATCH this main title sequence, i look away every time i start an episode lol

hahaha, why is that???
is it the bugs?

06-23-2014, 05:57 AM
hahaha, why is that???
is it the bugs?
Yeah, major arachnophobia :(

Luckily outside of the first episode there hasn't been anymore spiders or anything featured in the story.

06-23-2014, 06:04 AM
Yeah, major arachnophobia :(

Luckily outside of the first episode there hasn't been anymore spiders or anything featured in the story.

ehhh, i guess you didn't see this Sunday's episode yet?
ummm... good luck! :rolleyes:

06-23-2014, 11:40 AM
Yeah I saw the trailer before the series started and it looked pretty terrible. I hoped it was just a difficult series to sum up in a trailer so I gave it a go and that turned out to be the case. I especially love the Frankenstein and Dorian Grey stuff.

06-23-2014, 12:05 PM
Haven't watched last night's episode as we were out of town, watching it tonight! Can't wait, love the show. Pumped it got picked up for Season 2!

06-23-2014, 06:25 PM
Haven't watched last night's episode as we were out of town, watching it tonight! Can't wait, love the show. Pumped it got picked up for Season 2!

Didn't know it already got picked up for a second season! Great to to hear! Now I'm happy. I was worried it would be another Carnivale, another show that I absolutely love that was planned to finish its story in six seasons, but was cut after two seasons right when shit was getting crazy and left off on a big cockteasing cliffhanger.

06-24-2014, 09:59 PM
as someone posted earlier and just to show that it is official...
not only is it renewed for another season, but also being increased from 8 to 10 episodes for Season 2....

06-24-2014, 10:02 PM
as someone posted earlier and just to show that it is official...
not only is it renewed for another season, but also being increased from 8 to 10 episodes for Season 2....

Fuck yeah, the more episodes the merrier! This show is fantastic, and I'd put it up there with the quality programming like Hannibal, True Detective, etc. Now the speculation as to what will happen next season...same characters? Completely different, a la American Horror Story?

06-27-2014, 04:04 PM
ehhh, i guess you didn't see this Sunday's episode yet?
ummm... good luck! :rolleyes:
So that was really creepy, especially when the tarot cards rise off the table ugh....... at least they weren't tarantulas and just little small ones but still i had to look away a couple times way toooo many spiders. At least at one point the camera panned away far enough because there was so many it just looked like a bunch of ants so it didn't bother me as much as opposed to closer shots.

06-27-2014, 09:31 PM
So that was really creepy, especially when the tarot cards rise off the table ugh....... at least they weren't tarantulas and just little small ones but still i had to look away a couple times way toooo many spiders. At least at one point the camera panned away far enough because there was so many it just looked like a bunch of ants so it didn't bother me as much as opposed to closer shots.

hahaha, i've been awaiting your reply after viewing the last episode to see your response.
can't wait for the finale on Sunday!
man, this season was too short... i want more!

06-30-2014, 12:28 AM
So some interesting developments in tonight's finale. Definitely leavea you off craving for season 2.
Had an "ah-ha, so that's what's going on" moment right before it happened.
It all made sense when it played out. Show made you think in one direction and threw in a twist.
And just because one aspect of the story wraps up, there is a lot further the show can go storywise.
Bring on the second season!
Showtime made sure to announce after the finale that it would returning during a look back segment.

08-22-2014, 12:02 AM
Haven't seen the season till the end yet, so I just skimmed through this thread avoiding possible spoilers, but I'd like to state that the episode which shows Vanessa's past was one of the best gothic fantasy themed stories I've seen. The whole series so far is very enjoyable to be sure, but I feel this particular episode was masterfully handled. Very creepy, very atmospheric, all the proper buttons of the genre pressed just the right amount. Bravo!

08-22-2014, 12:31 AM
I'd like to state that the episode which shows Vanessa's past was one of the best gothic fantasy themed stories I've seen.

Yeah, this is a great episode. I thought it really made you feel how tragic the whole downfall of both families really was, which was only discussed in the episodes leading up. I think this episode really helped make it hit you even harder. You're watching these happy, youthful, and ambitious people with big dreams in life going about their usual business meanwhile you've experienced what has become of these people in the aftermath. Just makes that whole episode even more sad because you know the outcome and what these people have been reduced to.

I can't wait for season 2!!!!!!

11-14-2014, 02:19 PM
Loved the first season. Caliban is probably my favorite character. His speech in the finale was outstanding.


01-12-2015, 05:23 PM

05-20-2015, 04:14 AM
I had to go 5 pages back to find this thread... sheesh lol

We're three deep into the second season, any thoughts so far?

The backstory episode of Ives and her witch mentor we just got was SO good.

How messed up was Episode 2 with the voodoo dolls or whatever the hell that was? she was harvesting organs from an infant to create the one for Mrs. Ives it seemed. Crazy shit.

05-20-2015, 07:10 AM
Since Mad Men etc. are now done, I need some new shows to follow. Is this show worth it? I watched the pilot episode and thought it was OK, but I do love the atmosphere.

05-20-2015, 07:34 AM
It makes American Horror Story look like a Disney production IMO

05-20-2015, 09:53 AM
The new season is just as great as the first...loving this so far.

06-01-2015, 10:44 PM
Anybody else still watching? This season is just amazing thus far.

06-02-2015, 12:18 AM
Anybody else still watching? This season is just amazing thus far.I agree. And those voodoo dolls... I have nightmare about those voodoo dolls.

Company I freelance for does the Penny Dreadful merchandising (http://pennydreadful.goldlabelgoods.com/).

06-15-2015, 01:35 AM
Eva Green is such a pleasure to watch, she can act so twisted and evil yet be so alluring and incredibly sexy.

This is the perfect show for her.

05-03-2016, 09:34 PM
So now we've added Dr. Jekyll, Renfield, and Dracula to this dark universe. Wonderful.

Your Name Here
05-03-2016, 09:51 PM

06-20-2016, 05:29 AM
So i guess that's it then?


06-20-2016, 11:39 AM
Yeah, confirmed to always have been a 3 year plan. Pretty shocking ending, but I think it wrapped it up nicely.

06-20-2016, 05:02 PM
Always have been a 3 year plan? somehow i think that's bull, the finale seemed kind of rushed and didn't quite conclude some of the story lines. There had to have been rewrites.

I mean some monologues and a character death. Really?

Fuck this show's finale.

06-21-2016, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I'm not buying that this series was planned to be wrapped up in three seasons. I mean, they introduced Dr. Jekyll without giving us Mr. Hyde?

Was a little disappointed we didn't get to see Chandler's werewolf vs. Dracula. I mean with the episode prior, it pretty much got everyone's hopes up I feel.

06-22-2016, 09:01 PM
They had a question and answer with the creators of the show, and they said they knew it wasn't going to be a long running show (Who says that?) and that they knew they would wrap it up in three seasons mid second season. The way it ended was fine with me, but I was expecting more to be honest. I was expecting an epic battle with Dracula and Ethan as well, but it was still cool to see Dracula do some cool maneuvers. I was satisfied, but they could have done so much more, even with Eva Green's absence. What I found jarring in the interview was that they said without Vanessa, there is no show... are you kidding me?? Anyway, what I did like is that you can see how much Vanessa altered all of these characters lives, and they know how to find themselves again in some way. I did like the open interpretation of it all.

11-01-2018, 03:45 PM
New series. All new characters...

Edit: Phone isn't cooperating.. Sorry for the useless info.

11-01-2018, 03:52 PM
After that wreck of a third season 3 and finale, I have no interest in this sequel series.

11-02-2018, 04:14 PM
Glad to see we have a thread for this. I just finished the first season but I've been madly in love with it since the second episode. The story is excellent, the show is visually stunning and the acting is absolutely out of this world.

The biggest surprise for me is Josh Hartnett. I'll admit to sort of having been holding Pearl Harbor against him (and against Affleck) so I've always had a very meh opinion about him. However, he is amazing in this. I'll cut him some slack from now on.

Oh and yes, I know all of them spoilers, because that's how I roll.

I wish too that there would be a fourth season instead of a new story and cast but I'll still give it a try.

11-02-2018, 07:22 PM
Glad to see we have a thread for this. I just finished the first season but I've been madly in love with it since the second episode. The story is excellent, the show is visually stunning and the acting is absolutely out of this world.

The biggest surprise for me is Josh Hartnett. I'll admit to sort of having been holding Pearl Harbor against him (and against Affleck) so I've always had a very meh opinion about him. However, he is amazing in this. I'll cut him some slack from now on.

Oh and yes, I know all of them spoilers, because that's how I roll.

I wish too that there would be a fourth season instead of a new story and cast but I'll still give it a try.

I fell in love with this show for the pure fact that there was nothing else like it on television, and the cast of course. Hartnett is a very underrated actor in my opinion, but what plagued him was his decisions for the roles he plays.

Season 2 is my favorite of the series, with season 3 being a disappointment yes, and frustrating. They could have done so much more with season 3; it felt rushed and directionless with storylines not panning out, and so-so writing but I still enjoyed it. For me.. Any Penny Dreadful is better than no Penny Dreadful.