View Full Version : Terraria

12-04-2011, 06:59 PM
I saw Jessica post about playing Terraria in the Show Your Rig thread and thought I might as well make a thread for those of us around here who play it.

I played it mainly a few months ago and did most of what was available in the game with a few friends but a few days ago they just released a huge update with tons of new monsters, items, a new lighting system, etc... When I go visit my family and friends in Illinois for a few weeks we're planning to start new characters on a new world and play through all of the new content.

Here's (http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/welcome-to-terraria-1-1.64684) a thread at their forums with the patch notes for the 1.1 update.

12-05-2011, 08:07 AM
Oh nice. A friend snagged me one as part of a 4-pack, and I played through the game more than he did, basically doing everything, inc. getting that best sword (forget what it's called). I never faced the queen slime though due to just not being able to find her anywhere (random right?).

I'll have to check out these new features.

12-05-2011, 11:22 AM
Yes! I love this game. I'm somewhat new to the Terraria world, but it's probably one of the most fun and refreshing games I've played in a while. . :)

12-12-2011, 01:47 AM
I absolutely looooove Terraria!
And the new patch? Holy balls!

Does anyone ever host servers?
I do if you're on Hamachi & Steam...

03-29-2012, 08:09 AM
Well I've become properly addicted to this. Someone figured out how to get it working on Linux and I'm stealing all the time I can (30 minutes on the train to work, an hour after my GF goes to bed, etc.)

08-13-2016, 03:48 AM
Just bought it for my WiiU and played the shit out of it. It's great and addictive.
I just can't kill this ugly Wall Of Flesh :/

Space Suicide
08-13-2016, 08:24 AM
Just bought it for my WiiU and played the shit out of it. It's great and addictive.
I just can't kill this ugly Wall Of Flesh :/

Plantera is the bane of my existence in this game. I wish I could get the motivation to kill it in my world but I need to build an area and get better shit. This is my world via today. I'm missing the Pirate and another companion guest then I have them all for the achievement.

http://screenshotscontent-t4001.xboxlive.com/0009000004d341ae-5276d78e-76f5-4d08-b078-4a6456488648/Screenshot-Original.png?sv=2014-02-14&sr=c&sig=%2FyCOrEtB9cBhQ8Xx58LQiO57LniTIPS65hZLY80Ftx4% 3D&st=2016-08-13T13%3A29%3A29Z&se=2016-08-13T14%3A34%3A29Z&sp=r&__gda__=1471098869_2cdaa83733df5550b3eb616713bb10f 9

http://screenshotscontent-t3002.xboxlive.com/0009000004d341ae-3211dab4-ba8c-45d8-9b07-10049df67486/Screenshot-Original.png?sv=2014-02-14&sr=c&sig=VBGld9QeAKqnMzeIUVkmtViAZat4%2FohWrMKGhvpjhO4% 3D&st=2016-08-13T13%3A30%3A34Z&se=2016-08-13T14%3A35%3A34Z&sp=r&__gda__=1471098934_34c61d68ae3522851a7e13b48134d56 6