View Full Version : NIN / Soundgarden summer tour - Part 2

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08-13-2014, 05:32 PM
Trent says a lot of things.....Very few of them actually turn out to be true..shocked some people havent caught on by now

08-13-2014, 05:37 PM

08-13-2014, 06:10 PM
Who knows, maybe he lost interest in whatever recording project he was working on back in January. But a break of two years or so wouldn't be such a bad thing. You can always count on Trent.

Wasn't that the Gone Girl score? The "new music this fall" would fit right in to that, and he made it really clear between tour legs that they were working hard on it, which would fill in the whole "not supposed to talk about it right now" and "every minute of downtime" statements.

Also, a two year break would be fine. I'd just hate if it was another 4 year one. This past year was the first opportunity I and a lot of recent fans have had to ever see NIN live, and needless to say I'm pretty hooked.

08-13-2014, 06:35 PM
Wasn't that the Gone Girl score? The "new music this fall" would fit right in to that, and he made it really clear between tour legs that they were working hard on it, which would fill in the whole "not supposed to talk about it right now" and "every minute of downtime" statements..

Thats what I was thinking, but he answered a question about another NIN album.

Re-reading that earlier I'm guessing it's the GG ST. Like someone else said though doubt he signed with Columbia just so he could put out one album.

So who really knows.

08-13-2014, 06:54 PM
I was under the impression that releasing the new NIN album through Columbia was directly related to signing HTDA with Columbia. Not that HTDA was a trojan horse for a new NIN album - that's stupid - but that, after things with Columbia went well for HTDA, he figured "why not bring NIN over too?"

That's not based on anything he's said, it's just what I thought.

Anyway - I kind of wish I'd been able to go see NIN a few nights ago when they were in Tampa, but I'm not broken up over not seeing them.

08-13-2014, 06:55 PM
Thats what I was thinking, but he answered a question about another NIN album.

Re-reading that earlier I'm guessing it's the GG ST. Like someone else said though doubt he signed with Columbia just so he could put out one album.

So who really knows.
He was talking about the GG score in that interview if I recall correctly. People here were guessing he would score it because Fincher was behind it and he made that hint. But you are right, there was one where he mentioned new NIN. I think around the Japan/Aus/NZ tour? Can't remember.

He kinda strikes me as saying stuff and in the moment it sounds and feels right but he can't tell how he will feel this time next year. The way I see it, there will be new NIN and another tour. Just don't know when. Felt this way after the WG shows.

08-13-2014, 07:50 PM
You guys need to understand that he's not "signed to a label" in a traditional record deal sense. He doesn't "owe" Columbia Records any albums, and he doesn't have any contractual obligation to them. They're basically a glorified sales, marketing, and distribution channel for him.

08-13-2014, 08:43 PM
You guys need to understand that he's not "signed to a label" in a traditional record deal sense. He doesn't "owe" Columbia Records any albums, and he doesn't have any contractual obligation to them. They're basically a glorified sales, marketing, and distribution channel for him.
can you elaborate a little? i've never heard of a major label contract like that ...

08-13-2014, 08:47 PM
can you elaborate a little? i've never heard of a major label contract like that ...
When HM came out, Trent said he simply brought the finished album to Columbia because he just found it easier to not worry about the business side of things, not worrying about booking a tour, promoting an album, which markets are strongest, etc. Columbia took care of that; I 'm guessing they got a cut of album and ticket sales.

08-13-2014, 08:54 PM
Like Corfed, I'm interested. There's some sort of contract to make sure Columbia profits one way or another. I'm no music industry guru by any means but it's 2013/14 so I doubt it's tied into record sales.

08-13-2014, 10:27 PM
can you elaborate a little? i've never heard of a major label contract like that ...

One possibility (this model is common in the film industry):

TR licenses right to Columbia to distribute in WW markets. Columbia takes in receipts, less a cut of their fees, less their P&A, balance due to TR. High probability Columbia would pay TR an advance in this situation for said rights.

Columbia's profit = their distribution fee

08-14-2014, 12:44 AM
He mentioned that if he could do what he wanted right now, he'd be working on a new NIN album in this interview I think


I always thought he signed with the record labels he did because things had gone so well with the film scoring side of things, he put out the Social Network score with Sony didn't he? And Columbia are part of Sony?

08-14-2014, 01:17 AM
He mentioned that if he could do what he wanted right now, he'd be working on a new NIN album in this interview I think

I like the part where she asks him if NIN will come back to Latin America with solo shows, and he's like "IF NIN makes a new album..."

08-14-2014, 02:20 AM
One possibility (this model is common in the film industry):

TR licenses right to Columbia to distribute in WW markets. Columbia takes in receipts, less a cut of their fees, less their P&A, balance due to TR. High probability Columbia would pay TR an advance in this situation for said rights.

Columbia's profit = their distribution fee
This is pretty much it.

In this situation, as opposed to a traditional record label deal, Trent retains ownership of the recordings, and once the licensing/distribution deal with Columbia expires, he's free to distribute it himself or license it to another company/label.

Also, it's most likely that Columbia is not involved at all with the touring.

can you elaborate a little? i've never heard of a major label contract like that ...
The majors have had to adapt (due to the changing nature of the music business) and be willing to enter into essentially distribution deals like this with the artists that can command it.

08-14-2014, 10:44 AM
Going to the show by myself tonight, never done that before. Should be weird.

08-14-2014, 10:58 AM
Going to the show by myself tonight, never done that before. Should be weird.

nah. ive done that before.

make new friends. buy someone a beer, etc. could be an epic night as long as you want it to be.

08-14-2014, 11:41 AM
can you elaborate a little? i've never heard of a major label contract like that ...

I've posted the link before, but this is a decent article from David Byrne about the various options available to artists today: http://archive.wired.com/entertainment/music/magazine/16-01/ff_byrne?currentPage=all

08-14-2014, 11:50 AM
Going to the show by myself tonight, never done that before. Should be weird.
You can meet so many new people that way, all three shows I've attended I've spent more time talking to people I meet than the people I've gone with! You should have a great time, enjoy the show!

08-14-2014, 01:45 PM
You can meet so many new people that way, all three shows I've attended I've spent more time talking to people I meet than the people I've gone with! You should have a great time, enjoy the show!

What kleiner said. I went to the Atlanta show by myself and had a lot of fun chatting with a couple of Soundgarden fans next to me and the security guys at the rail. And I'm not normally a terribly social animal. It can be somewhat liberating to be free of people you know in a crowd.

08-14-2014, 01:49 PM
Traveling for work I've been to many shows by myself- kind of like it actually, don't have to bother with others BS sometimes. I go for the show anyways so once it starts doesn't matter who's next to me as long as they aren't talkative douchebags.

Then again I fucking hate people so there's that angle of it.

08-14-2014, 03:17 PM
I like the part where she asks him if NIN will come back to Latin America with solo shows, and he's like "IF NIN makes a new album..."
He doesn't really say that, he says he plans to work on new NIN after Gone Girl is done and that could take a month or year and then he'd 'like' to do some shows in Latin America. Hopefully he will play appropriate size venues and won't have to cancel this time!

08-14-2014, 04:20 PM
Going to the show by myself tonight, never done that before. Should be weird.

Most of my favorite show memories are from shows I went to alone. I saw the NIN club tour in 2005 alone...awesome to not have to worry about anyone else and just enjoy.

08-14-2014, 06:00 PM
I missed out on the downward spiral tour, when I should've attended alone. Didn't make that mistake in 1999, when all my friends were still squares, at least for that show I realized my lone interest.

08-14-2014, 06:57 PM
Most of my favorite show memories are from shows I went to alone. I saw the NIN club tour in 2005 alone...awesome to not have to worry about anyone else and just enjoy.

I went to Tension alone. didn't make any friends and didn't try to. Had a totally life-changing experience just letting the music take me, free of all judgment. would do it again in a heartbeat.

08-14-2014, 07:12 PM
The upcoming shows list is getting depressingly small.

08-14-2014, 07:26 PM
The upcoming shows list is getting depressingly small.

Funny you post that, was just thinking the same thing. Starts to get sad when I can fit the rest of the tour horizontally on my phones screen. :/

http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii223/GoatKrazy/Mobile%20Uploads/A796A1CE-6624-4947-B9D3-0D457910A89F.png (http://s265.photobucket.com/user/GoatKrazy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/A796A1CE-6624-4947-B9D3-0D457910A89F.png.html)

08-14-2014, 07:45 PM
So far on my first trip to a show alone, Greg from Dillinger ran off the stage, singled me out, then we sang the final chorus of prancer. After wards, ilan Rubin waved at me when he was sitting on the side of the stage after dillinger.

08-14-2014, 09:38 PM
So far on my first trip to a show alone, Greg from Dillinger ran off the stage, singled me out, then we sang the final chorus of prancer. After wards, ilan Rubin waved at me when he was sitting on the side of the stage after dillinger.


http://fanbros.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Pics+or+it+didn+t+happen+_4a2048f0253f65ab37423e7e 23cd54d1.png
Enjoy the rest of the night. :P

EDIT: SEE! The best concerts are when you go alone!!!

08-14-2014, 09:40 PM
Anxious to confirm the opener.....

Copy of A. Confirmed

08-14-2014, 11:40 PM

http://fanbros.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Pics+or+it+didn+t+happen+_4a2048f0253f65ab37423e7e 23cd54d1.png
Enjoy the rest of the night. :P

EDIT: SEE! The best concerts are when you go alone!!!

Boom. Ended up with Trent's pick also. Still bummed that my mom couldn't come. Lol.

08-14-2014, 11:48 PM
According to setlist.fm NIN has only played 26 individual songs during the nin/soundgarden tour. Didn't trent say they had 56 songs they could play?
Apparently these are the tracks played and how many times they've been placed up to this point.

1,000,000 (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 1:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

March of the Pigs (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 2:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

The Hand That Feeds (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 3:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Find My Way (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 4:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Head Like a Hole (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 5:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

The Great Destroyer (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 6:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Eraser (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 7:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Closer (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 8:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Hurt (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 9:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Wish (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 10:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Gave Up (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 11:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Piggy (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 12:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Sanctified (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 13:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Only (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 14:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Copy of A (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 15:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Came Back Haunted (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 16:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Terrible Lie (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 17:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Disappointed (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 18:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Me, I'm Not (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 19:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Burn (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 20:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Somewhat Damaged (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 21:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Reptile (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 22:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

The Day the World Went Away (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 23:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

The Frail (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 24:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

The Wretched (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 25:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

The Warning (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 26:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

08-15-2014, 12:11 AM
It's weird to imagine seeing Dillinger escape plan play in the sunlight with a quarter of the venue filled and everyone sitting down.

08-15-2014, 01:52 AM
1,000,000 (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 1:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener::)

Somewhat Damaged (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 21:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Reptile (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 22:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

The Day the World Went Away (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 23:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Way to go.

08-15-2014, 01:57 AM
Way to go.

Burn (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 20:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Who told him this was ok?!


08-15-2014, 02:07 AM
The only songs in that first eleven that are played every show that I think are really overplayed are Hand that Feeds, Wish and Gave Up (and 1,000,000 but as I just don't like the aggressive songs on The Slip, that and Letting You, i thought it was overplayed right at the beginning, I've only seen it twice but it feels like I've seen it more if that makes sense, it's just my taste though, wish Head Down was a staple over that one)

08-15-2014, 02:10 AM
The only songs in that first eleven that are played every show that I think are really overplayed are Hand that Feeds, Wish and Gave Up (and 1,000,000 but as I just don't like the aggressive songs on The Slip, that and Letting You, i thought it was overplayed right at the beginning, I've only seen it twice but it feels like I've seen it more if that makes sense, it's just my taste though, wish Head Down was a staple over that one)

As much as I dislike the greatest hits setlist I firmly believe that Wish, Gave Up and March Of The Pigs should stay. Everything else can feel free to randomly be put in for giggles.

08-15-2014, 02:38 AM
As much as I dislike the greatest hits setlist I firmly believe that Wish, Gave Up and March Of The Pigs should stay. Everything else can feel free to randomly be put in for giggles.
I've seen two of the more 'weird' NIN shows, the Sonisphere and Reading festivals, and Wish was STILL played at both of them.
To be fair at Sonisphere, they played The way out is through beforehand and then I do not want this, something I can never have, gone still, lights in the sky,etc etc so I wasn't complaining!

08-15-2014, 02:53 AM
I've seen two of the more 'weird' NIN shows, the Sonisphere and Reading festivals, and Wish was STILL played at both of them.
To be fair at Sonisphere, they played The way out is through beforehand and then I do not want this, something I can never have, gone still, lights in the sky,etc etc so I wasn't complaining!

I'll be honest, the only songs I kind of groan to myself when I hear it start is Piggy and The Hand That Feeds.

08-15-2014, 03:15 AM
I'll be honest, the only songs I kind of groan to myself when I hear it start is Piggy and The Hand That Feeds.
Piggy has never got old to me live, I can skip it on the album though, but that's only because it's so much better live that the normal version is disappointing, but agree about THTF

08-15-2014, 03:17 AM
Boom. Ended up with Trent's pick also. Still bummed that my mom couldn't come. Lol.

I can see see him saying it: "Hello, McFly! Think!!" Haha- very cool, sounds like you had a fucking blast...

http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii223/GoatKrazy/Mobile%20Uploads/983230CD-6343-4D6B-8ECD-E5073D2911F7.png (http://s265.photobucket.com/user/GoatKrazy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/983230CD-6343-4D6B-8ECD-E5073D2911F7.png.html)

08-15-2014, 03:24 AM
Piggy has never got old to me live, I can skip it on the album though, but that's only because it's so much better live that the normal version is disappointing, but agree about THTF
Wouldn't it be fun if the last show of the tour they play they just did the other 20 songs they rehearsed and said fuck it to the songs they played so far?

08-15-2014, 03:26 AM
Wouldn't it be fun if the last show of the tour they play they just did the other 20 songs they rehearsed and said fuck it to the songs they played so far?

That would make too much sense!

08-15-2014, 03:40 AM
Wouldn't it be fun if the last show of the tour they play they just did the other 20 songs they rehearsed and said fuck it to the songs they played so far?
Except that it just shits on everybody else who attended the other shows, it's different in the UK as its so small everyone has a reasonable chance of going to a show anywhere in the country

08-15-2014, 03:57 AM
Except that it just shits on everybody else who attended the other shows, it's different in the UK as its so small everyone has a reasonable chance of going to a show anywhere in the country

I don't know, I think the "assault" setlist shits on everyone who had to sit through the hold on let me disappoint everyone lols setlist.


08-15-2014, 04:56 AM
As much as I dislike the greatest hits setlist I firmly believe that Wish, Gave Up and March Of The Pigs should stay. Everything else can feel free to randomly be put in for giggles.

March of the Pigs is mandatory for every NIN show as far as I'm concerned.

08-15-2014, 05:09 AM
According to setlist.fm NIN has only played 26 individual songs during the nin/soundgarden tour. Didn't trent say they had 56 songs they could play?

last year he said something like they had rehearsed "about 50 songs" or so. Since the beginning of the 2013-2014 tour they actually played 68 individual songs (source: nintourhistory.com). I personally witnessed to 44 of those so I can't complain.

I'm sure they could just play some rare songs with little rehearsal and no screens at all, and the lightning guys would be crazy enough to improvise a badass light show anyway (see Reading last year + club shows). But at this point I believe it's unlikely to happen and they'll stick with the time-coded production until the end of this tour. Because it's easier and my feeling is that TR needs as much time as possible for the OST he and atticus are working on.

08-15-2014, 05:11 AM
last year he said something like they had rehearsed "about 50 songs" or so. Since the beginning of the 2013-2014 tour they actually played 68 individual songs (source: nintourhistory.com). I personally witnessed to 44 of those so I can't complain.

I'm sure they could just play some rare songs with little rehearsal and no screens at all, and the lightning guys would be crazy enough to improvise a badass light show anyway (see Reading last year + club shows). But at this point I believe it's unlikely to happen and they'll stick with the time-coded production until the end of this tour. Because it's easier and my feeling is that TR needs as much time as possible for the OST he and atticus are working on.

I guess I might have misread the quote then, fair enough!
Rehearsed 50 last year, prepared 30 or so songs worth of visuals for this tour.

08-15-2014, 07:58 AM
Is it just me or have you facepalmed your own post tony.parente ? How is that even possible?

08-15-2014, 08:21 AM
Is it just me or have you facepalmed your own post @tony.parente (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2107) ? How is that even possible?
I am a master of tomfoolery.

08-15-2014, 08:25 AM
He's a master of putting in a pic in the bottom left corner of his quote. Don't let his tomfoolery, uhhhhhmm.... fool you.

08-15-2014, 09:06 AM
Boom. Ended up with Trent's pick also. Still bummed that my mom couldn't come. Lol.

you may no longer complain about going alone to ANYTHING lol... except to the movies alone. those peeps are weird. or dinner alone at a restaurant! News flash, we're ALL judging you! lol...

08-15-2014, 09:51 AM
The Warning (http://www.setlist.fm/?wicket:interface=:1:border:leftColumn:_body:boxBo rder:statsPanel:songsPanel:listContainer:songList: 26:songRow:songLinkPanel:songLink::ILinkListener:: )

Was pretty surprised when we got this one in Detroit. It gives me hope that they might throw in at least another one-off type song that they only play once on the tour. Personally (and semi-realistically), I'm still hoping for The Good Solider (one of my favs, and haven't seen it live). Since it's not really a heavy song, it seems like it might fit into the Disappointed/M,IN slot in the "Fuji" set. That's where The Warning ended up, IIRC.

(Ideally, it'd be The Big Come Down replacing 1,000,000. But since that one, for whatever reason, seems to be a stubborn and immovable staple on this tour, there's like a 0.42% chance of it happening.)

08-15-2014, 12:02 PM
If this is the last NIN tour forever.....way to go out with a whimper.....75 minute greatest hits set on a a co headlining tour with a 90s alt rock band in 3/4 filled arenas

no way this is the final NIN tour ever because TR is a businessman and as a businessman if he announces "this is my last tour ever. No, I mean it this time" he can sell out the entire tour...Plus I find it hard to believe he would shit on his own legacy and make this awful summer 2014 tour the final tour....If he's going to end this thing properly, you would think he would do a tour where NIN is the only band playing, and play 2 and a half hours a night playing rare songs....

08-15-2014, 01:09 PM
It's weird to imagine seeing Dillinger escape plan play in the sunlight with a quarter of the venue filled and everyone sitting down.

DEP noted that west palm had the most people watching them on the tour at that point. good show by them too.

08-15-2014, 01:37 PM
If this is the last NIN tour forever.....way to go out with a whimper.....


08-15-2014, 01:52 PM
Had no clue that Austin ampitheatre is in the new race track there. Pretty fucking cool.

Since I can't post in that thread, any reviews of the venue/race track anyone?...

08-15-2014, 11:02 PM
According to setlist.fm NIN has only played 26 individual songs during the nin/soundgarden tour. Didn't trent say they had 56 songs they could play?
Apparently these are the tracks played and how many times they've been placed up to this point.

For this leg, it was only about 40 (as I was told from the light tech). This included some HTDA songs as well. I would also assume that some of the songs performed during the UK leg would be on this list as well, like "The Becoming."

Had no clue that Austin ampitheatre is in the new race track there. Pretty fucking cool.

Since I can't post in that thread, any reviews of the venue/race track anyone?...

I just know the track from the Formula 1 race that takes place there. First race there was two years ago. It's a fantastic circuit. Amphitheater sits right in the middle of the track. A multi-purpose venue. Pretty neat!

08-16-2014, 12:35 AM
I don't know, I think the "assault" setlist shits on everyone who had to sit through the hold on let me disappoint everyone lols setlist.


08-16-2014, 02:07 AM
For this leg, it was only about 40 (as I was told from the light tech). This included some HTDA songs as well. I would also assume that some of the songs performed during the UK leg would be on this list as well, like "The Becoming

Sweet, 40 songs in the bag so to speak and we get march of the pigs, wish, head like a hole, and the hand that feeds for the 4 billionth time.

08-16-2014, 02:18 AM
Sweet, 40 songs in the bag so to speak and we get march of the pigs, wish, head like a hole, and the hand that feeds for the 4 billionth time.

copy of a just feels right.

08-16-2014, 02:46 AM
This camden show is still the best setlist this tour has gotten IMO. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/nine-inch-nails/2014/susquehanna-bank-center-camden-nj-63c14e93.html I wonder how Trent decides whether to play the Assault setlist or not. I'd imagine most fans, especially casual ones, would prefer it. I hope Albuquerque gets a shitty setlist so that I don't deeply regret not going, lol.

08-16-2014, 05:48 AM
copy of a just feels right.
It's obviously catching because every page of this thread is becoming a copy of a previous one

08-16-2014, 06:00 AM
It's obviously catching because every page of this thread is becoming a copy of a previous one
Everything I say has come before.

08-16-2014, 07:28 AM
We don't know for certain anymore.

08-16-2014, 09:34 AM
Always trying to ketchup with myself. Wait ... that's not it..

Anyways, only 10 shows left to this tour. I think it's safe to say that there won't be surprises in terms of songs selection.
I think the gang deserves a break. Time to release some new music and let's not forget about the Tension DVD.

08-16-2014, 08:44 PM
It looks like tonight's show is being filmed https://twitter.com/ninlive/status/500819970230857728/photo/1

08-16-2014, 08:52 PM
On a last note, I actually met Robin while shopping around in Austin on Thursday, and he actually told me that tonight's show in Houston should be interesting... I won't spoil it, but will post about it in thread for there tomorrow.

I wonder if the recording is what he had in mind.

08-16-2014, 09:58 PM
For the sake of baby fucking Jesus and all that is holy I hope the standard set list is played and recorded just to spite all the people bitching about the setlists.

08-16-2014, 10:01 PM
For the sake of baby fucking Jesus and all that is holy I hope the standard set list is played and recorded just to spite all the people bitching about the setlists.

I hope after the encore version of Hurt, they come back on for a second encore of "Still Hurts".

08-16-2014, 10:04 PM
I hope after the encore version of Hurt, they come back on for a second encore of "Still Hurts".
And it isn't recorded. Fades into NIN legend like the Tension rehearsal show.

08-16-2014, 11:36 PM
TDTWWA and Reptile tonight. I hugged Greg Puciato during their last song, and before that he acknowledged Papagolash and me, saying "thanks for wearing those (red & yellow DEP) shirts". Life complete.

08-16-2014, 11:52 PM
TDTWWA and Reptile tonight. I hugged Greg Puciato during their last song, and before that he acknowledged @Papagolash (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=181) and me, saying "thanks for wearing those (red & yellow DEP) shirts". Life complete.

Wait they played 2 fan favorites on the night they were recording? Its like they knew fans wanted to see those songs so they played them when they knew they were taping.


It's too bad they didn't have a way of making those 2 songs staples through the whole tour.

08-17-2014, 12:12 AM
Awe fucking some.. TBcont...front row, dead center. Wow.

08-17-2014, 12:32 AM
Looking forward to the dvd release in 2022

08-17-2014, 12:37 AM
Looking forward to the dvd release in 2022

Is that when you get out of jail?...

08-17-2014, 02:01 AM
Tonight's show beat the ever living fuck out of the Austin show.

08-17-2014, 02:10 AM
I am really going to miss this subforum/thread once the tour is over. Hoping the full show gets a Blu Ray release.

08-17-2014, 02:17 AM
Tonight's show absolutely blew me away, even though it was my 6th time in a month seeing (basically) the same set. Amazing show. My #2 of all time, I think. I'm going to post more thoughts over in the Woodlands thread while it's still fresh in my mind. I was lucky enough to be 3rd row in the pit, among a great great crowd near me. My first time at this venue, and (although my experience may be a bit skewed due to my circumstances) I have no bad things to say.

In my 5 previous shows, I never got "Pretty Noose" (my fav SG song) and I had been waiting FOREVER for TDTWWA. As soon as the first notes were played in the encore, I went into full NIN geek-out mode. Check that one off the list :D

Anyway, the info that I got while talking to one of the head security guys was that one or both of the bands were filming. He didn't know which one(s), but he did specifically say that it was "for a DVD." I pretty much took this to mean that NIN was going to record the set and maybe use a good chunk of it for some features down the road that may or may not see the light of day. Either that or some features/songs might get included as bonus material somewhere. Dunno, lots of maybes, but I was really excited that it was being filmed, as I've always wanted to be at a filmed show.

08-17-2014, 03:07 AM
I hugged Greg Puciato during their last song, and before that he acknowledged @Papagolash (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=181) and me, saying "thanks for wearing those (red & yellow DEP) shirts". Life complete.

Awesome! Saw you guys up there with the shirts; didn't realize that was you! I was one of the maybe 2-3 ppl down in the pit who were actually standing up. Felt kinda lonely, haha.

Anyway, I think the only song on tonight's version of the set that I don't really care for is 1,000,000 (well, and HLAH/Hurt due to seeing them so many times, but those don't really count). IMO, if you replaced that with Somewhat Damaged, and swapped Find My Way with TF/TW, you'd probably have as close to a perfect set (for the songs that have been seen this tour, anyway) as you could get for something like a DVD release that represents the tour.

08-17-2014, 05:57 AM
Wait they played 2 fan favorites on the night they were recording? Its like they knew fans wanted to see those songs so they played them when they knew they were taping.


It's too bad they didn't have a way of making those 2 songs staples through the whole tour.

Perhaps they just wanted both "Assault" and "Fuji" in this setlist, so that it was a good representation of the entire tour. :rolleyes:

08-17-2014, 09:33 AM
So we know for a fact that it was NIN filming and not Soundgarden?

08-17-2014, 09:42 AM
So we know for a fact that it was NIN filming and not Soundgarden?

Not sure if we know that for a fact, but cameras were going for both sets. The venue did have its own cameras to put footage up on the big screens, but the security dude I talked to pointed out to me that there were more than usual and in different locations. Trust me, I was asking this guy everything I could about the filming, haha.

IIRC, there were some near/on the stage that he thought weren't the "usual" cameras, and I think these were going for NIN's set. I guess we'll have wait and see what comes out of it; hopefully we know more ... soon.

08-17-2014, 12:44 PM
One thing I want to point out I'd that the graphics/Vids used in The Great Destroyer breakdown changed considerably from Austin and Houston. In Austin you had what was typically shown previously but with the Year Zero teaser footage added to it. Last night you didn't have that but you had a bunch of new footage from nuclear tests, as well as Obama and Bush giving speeches, and looking like their faces melting. More orangey red glitch colors. Can't wait to see if they have different stuff for tonight's show.

08-17-2014, 12:59 PM
I wonder how easy it is to swap out images for that part of the show. Everything else seems pretty fixed, but that seems like it can be changed pretty quickly since we've seen it vary from show to show.

08-17-2014, 02:32 PM
In my 5 previous shows, I never got "Pretty Noose" (my fav SG song) and I had been waiting FOREVER for TDTWWA. As soon as the first notes were played in the encore, I went into full NIN geek-out mode.

That was me next to you who was also gushing full geek out mode for TDTWWA.

Great at show last night. I audio taped the show and was surprised with the outcome with being so close. I know of one other taper in attendance and he runs two sources. So we'll see. I believe that the filming was for NIN. I saw Rob Sheridan on the side stage with a camera at the end of "Hurt." So it's more than likely.

Woodlands is a place I've wanted to go to for awhile. It was a fantastic venue and the area surrounding it was very cool. Stayed at the hotel right next to the Pavillion so that was a plus! I'd definitely see a show there again.

Can anyone tell me if there was a NIN specific poster for last night? I saw they were advertising the Soundgarden one, but did not know if they had a NIN one. I got to the venue only to see NIN and wanted to save my ears because I forgot my earplugs.

08-17-2014, 04:42 PM
Can anyone tell me if there was a NIN specific poster for last night? I saw they were advertising the Soundgarden one, but did not know if they had a NIN one. I got to the venue only to see NIN and wanted to save my ears because I forgot my earplugs.

Here is the poster for Texas.

08-17-2014, 04:48 PM
So my wife and I are on the road from Houston to Dallas for tonight's show, and decide to stop at a gas station in Centerville. After grabbing some refreshments, we head back out to the car...and who do I see running 5 feet in front of me to go across the street? Mr. Rob Sheridan.

My wife points out that the group of people he's running towards happens to include Ilan Rubin. I turn around and see a tour bus, and Robin "Fucking" Finck is looking out the window. We take some time to chill out, and see that the guys have come back to the bus and got back on the road. Because we have nothing better to do, we have been driving right behind the tour bus for about an hour and a half on the way to the venue. This weekend has been fucking awesome :P

08-17-2014, 05:07 PM
Here is the poster for Texas.

Son of a..... I done messed up.

08-17-2014, 05:34 PM
Son of a..... I done messed up.

He will have at least one variant available for sale on his website after the run of shows.

08-17-2014, 09:00 PM
So my wife and I are on the road from Houston to Dallas for tonight's show, and decide to stop at a gas station in Centerville. After grabbing some refreshments, we head back out to the car...and who do I see running 5 feet in front of me to go across the street? Mr. Rob Sheridan.

My wife points out that the group of people he's running towards happens to include Ilan Rubin. I turn around and see a tour bus, and Robin "Fucking" Finck is looking out the window. We take some time to chill out, and see that the guys have come back to the bus and got back on the road. Because we have nothing better to do, we have been driving right behind the tour bus for about an hour and a half on the way to the venue. This weekend has been fucking awesome :P

Very cool! IIRC, Centerville is where they dropped some swag during the Google Earth drops, might have been the last ampitheater tour. I guess those truck/bus drivers have their favorite pit stops.

08-17-2014, 11:18 PM
TDTWWA and Reptile tonight. I hugged Greg Puciato during their last song, and before that he acknowledged @Papagolash (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=181) and me, saying "thanks for wearing those (red & yellow DEP) shirts". Life complete.

I was sitting three rows behind you to your left. Had no idea that was you guys or would have said hey. That was awesome.

Edit: found a video


08-18-2014, 12:54 AM
I was sitting three rows behind you to your left. Had no idea that was you guys or would have said hey. That was awesome.

Edit: found a video

Hey Landshark thanks a lot for the video, you made my night! I also posted a fairly long review (of the three bands) here for your reading pleasure: http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3400-2014-08-16-Woodlands-TX-Cynthia-Woods-Mitchell-Pavilion?p=207580#post207580

08-18-2014, 01:13 AM
Had no clue that Austin ampitheatre is in the new race track there. Pretty fucking cool.

Since I can't post in that thread, any reviews of the venue/race track anyone?...

i've been to alot of "cookie cutter" amphitheaters...this one, meh, not so much...the sound from the stage was good, but the place doesn't lend to acoustics, it's kinda in the middle of nowhere and there's no shade, no cover, nadda...plus when the show was announced i told my partner "who schedules a show in texas, in the middle of summer, in the middle of nowhere...in TEXAS? IN THE SUMMER? OUTSIDE?"...granted we've had a mild summer up until like a week before the show. but...you know, the weather isn't trent's fault...i just didn't care for the venue even if it IS inside a race track.

08-18-2014, 01:30 AM
That was me next to you who was also gushing full geek out mode for TDTWWA.

Were you directly to my left, or a few people away? Haha, didn't realize I was so close to the master of RITC! If you were right by me, sorry if I said anything over your recording. I know I may have said something in a semi-crazed voice like, "DUDE, I THINK WE'RE ABOUT TO GET THE DAY THE WORLD WENT AWAY! :O :O :O" Looking forward to listening to what you captured!

Also, sorry I didn't see your message about the venue poster until after I left the Dallas show, I totally would've tried to grab you one! My bad. Not sure if anyone was able to help you out, but FWIW, the artist, Jermaine Rogers, will have some variants for sale on his site at some point, I think (they'll probably range from $40-120). I splurged after Red Rocks and got a 1 of 15 copper print for way more than I was planning on spending (but it will be beautiful). He will have some for this, too (this is one variant (https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/p526x296/995081_10152697690644835_3940281746287053373_n.jpg ), from his FB page -- sorry if this is info you already know about).

08-18-2014, 01:38 AM
I wonder if the recording is what he had in mind.
Yessir. Not like it was probably a huge secret, if he was telling that to a random fan he'd just met like me, but I didn't really want to give it away just in case. But yeah, he told me that they were going to be taping the Houston show.

08-18-2014, 02:49 PM
Interesting. This review (http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/dc9/2014/08/nine_inch_nails_soundgarden_at_gexa_energy_pavilio n_81714.php) of last night's show makes it sound like the general/non-presale lines were a bit of a mess, even as late as 7. Of course I had presale, so I was inside the venue by 5:30, chatting with some new ETS friends.

SG got a late start last night (almost around 8pm, as opposed to the usual prompt 7:40). I wonder if it's because they realized that a good chunk of the crowd hadn't even managed to make it inside yet. Or maybe they were just running behind, who knows. Either way, Kim only did his feedback thing at the end for a minute or so (I'm assuming since they were behind schedule).

Oh, also, I quite enjoyed Cold Cave. I've heard a lot of ppl saying they're pretty "eh," but I would gladly have watched them instead of OPN for the first 5 shows of the tour.

08-18-2014, 11:00 PM
hi all, ive been here before but re-registered as i forgot my log in info (its been a while)
anyway last week i had the enormous pleasure of shooting the summer tour date in Austin, Amazing show obviously, all 3 bands killed it
anyway here's a link to the pictures if you are interested, isnt it odd how not so long ago we were mourning the loss of NIN and now look at us, also holy cow is there anything ilan cant play !


08-19-2014, 02:32 AM
Wait they played 2 fan favorites on the night they were recording? Its like they knew fans wanted to see those songs so they played them when they knew they were taping.


It's too bad they didn't have a way of making those 2 songs staples through the whole tour.

or or it could be that those songs were not on the tension show that was recorded. One of the common swaps was piggy for reptile. Piggy is on the tension portion of the DVD so this one gets Reptile. Simple enough.

08-19-2014, 08:22 AM
hi all, ive been here before but re-registered as i forgot my log in info (its been a while)
anyway last week i had the enormous pleasure of shooting the summer tour date in Austin, Amazing show obviously, all 3 bands killed it
anyway here's a link to the pictures if you are interested, isnt it odd how not so long ago we were mourning the loss of NIN and now look at us, also holy cow is there anything ilan cant play !


well done! These reminded me, I don't think Houston had any photo access in front of the stage.

08-19-2014, 09:23 AM
well done! These reminded me, I don't think Houston had any photo access in front of the stage.

Right, I don't remember anyone being up there either; I'm assuming it's because it was being taped. The guards were telling everyone in the pit area to try to keep photos/videos to a minimum because of that reason, too. Worked out great for us -- one fewer row of bodies between us and NIN :)

08-19-2014, 12:30 PM
I haven't been paying too much attention to this thread as of late. What are the odds of getting an assault-ish setlist these days? 33%?

08-19-2014, 12:42 PM
Were you directly to my left, or a few people away? Haha, didn't realize I was so close to the master of RITC! If you were right by me, sorry if I said anything over your recording. I know I may have said something in a semi-crazed voice like, "DUDE, I THINK WE'RE ABOUT TO GET THE DAY THE WORLD WENT AWAY! :O :O :O" Looking forward to listening to what you captured!

Also, sorry I didn't see your message about the venue poster until after I left the Dallas show, I totally would've tried to grab you one! My bad. Not sure if anyone was able to help you out, but FWIW, the artist, Jermaine Rogers, will have some variants for sale on his site at some point, I think (they'll probably range from $40-120). I splurged after Red Rocks and got a 1 of 15 copper print for way more than I was planning on spending (but it will be beautiful). He will have some for this, too (this is one variant (https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/p526x296/995081_10152697690644835_3940281746287053373_n.jpg ), from his FB page -- sorry if this is info you already know about).

Directly to your left. Ha! I like to keep low profile just because I am taping. Tape didn't pick anything up. It's now available on the archive. :) Good to jam out with everyone around us. It was a great way to end the run of shows/tour for me.

No problem about the poster. I am now hoping to get one from the internet on sale. Only thing is I never get on the draw fast enough for it. I'd definitely want a variant if I can get it.

08-19-2014, 02:21 PM
Looking at ticketmaster for the Albuquerque show and there's still a million seats left. http://concerts.livenation.com/event/1E004C59832434ED/ I wonder if this is the worst selling show of the tour. It looks like nearly 2/3 of the venue is gonna be empty.

08-19-2014, 02:37 PM
well done! These reminded me, I don't think Houston had any photo access in front of the stage.

We we were originally told it would be a soundboard shoot but last minute it got changed to pit , we could shoot either side of a large central area which is where all the samplers and whatnot are stored , those stage guys work their butt off its a well choreographed dance down there , we got to shoot songs 2,3&4

08-19-2014, 02:39 PM
Looking at ticketmaster for the Albuquerque show and there's still a million seats left. http://concerts.livenation.com/event/1E004C59832434ED/ I wonder if this is the worst selling show of the tour. It looks like nearly 2/3 of the venue is gonna be empty.

Abq is notorious for people not buying tickets in advance. I hope more show up but, yeah it looks pretty open in the back decks. I assume the lawn will be packed.

Also does anyone know what time Soundgarden / NIN start? I have a friend who is working late and was wondering if he was going to miss parts of it.

08-19-2014, 02:58 PM
Abq is notorious for people not buying tickets in advance. I hope more show up but, yeah it looks pretty open in the back decks. I assume the lawn will be packed.

Also does anyone know what time Soundgarden / NIN start? I have a friend who is working late and was wondering if he was going to miss parts of it.
NIN has been starting at 9:30 and Soundgarden around 7:40. Each play about an hour and a half.

08-19-2014, 03:05 PM
NIN has been starting at 9:30 and Soundgarden around 7:40. Each play about an hour and a half.

Awesome, thanks!

08-19-2014, 04:26 PM
So my 7 shows this year = 7 tickets. I hadn't planned it, but 7 tickets = THIS (http://bit.ly/1rkPKTr). Most likely going to try to get them framed with my copper Red Rocks poster.

08-19-2014, 04:32 PM
So my 7 shows this year = 7 tickets. I hadn't planned it, but 7 tickets = THIS (http://bit.ly/1rkPKTr). Most likely going to try to get them framed with my copper Red Rocks poster.

3 more and you can get your card stamped for a free serving of trent's balls in your mouth.

08-19-2014, 04:38 PM
Aside from the cheapness of them, what are the real appeal of lawn tickets? I've never seen a show on the lawn before but a ton of people seem to be taking that route; at both shows I saw, the lawn was packed as far as I could see behind me.

08-19-2014, 04:41 PM
I haven't been paying too much attention to this thread as of late. What are the odds of getting an assault-ish setlist these days? 33%?

Probably more like 20-25%; I think the trend so far has been to do 2-4 Fuji shows and then throw in an Assault. There haven't been any back-to-back Assaults.

So tonight or the show after that will probably get one, then maybe 1 or 2 before the end of the tour, if I had to guess.

(Edit: Btw, this is if you consider the "Somewhat Damaged" opener to be the Assault set.)

08-19-2014, 04:42 PM
Aside from the cheapness of them, what are the real appeal of lawn tickets? I've never seen a show on the lawn before but a ton of people seem to be taking that route; at both shows I saw, the lawn was packed as far as I could see behind me.

cheap tickets, lots of debauchery. LOTS.

Probably more like 20-25%; I think the trend so far has been to do 2-4 Fuji shows and then throw in an Assault. There haven't been any back-to-back Assaults.

So tonight or the show after that will probably get one, then maybe 1 or 2 before the end of the tour, if I had to guess.

(Edit: Btw, this is if you consider the "Somewhat Damaged" opener to be the Assault set.)

that's a bummer =X I'd really like to see Ilan sit down behind the kit for the first 5-8 songs.

08-19-2014, 04:56 PM
I wonder if Gone Girl has finished yet or if they're still going - and everytime something changes in a scene, I would imagine the music has to be tweaked. Does Trent get calls from David Fincher all the time telling him to finish this or that scene, imagine it must be quite distracting or has a lot of it been given over to Atticus. From the reviews I've read of shows, they seem to be quite varying in intensity and I wonder if the film has something to do with it

08-19-2014, 05:24 PM
I wonder if Gone Girl has finished yet or if they're still going - and everytime something changes in a scene, I would imagine the music has to be tweaked. Does Trent get calls from David Fincher all the time telling him to finish this or that scene, imagine it must be quite distracting or has a lot of it been given over to Atticus. From the reviews I've read of shows, they seem to be quite varying in intensity and I wonder if the film has something to do with it

I'd figure they did a lot of the important overall groundwork in between the legs of the tour; didn't Trent say he was going to work on it a lot during then? That's also when we got the most photos/updates on it. They probably have the bulk of the score done, and now just adjust or change a few things here and there on the breaks between shows (whenever they go a few days between them). Not to mention that very often in scores there's full pieces that get clipped or cut down to fit scenes during editing, so if they have enough complete with scenes in mind, I'd assume that it's more up to Fincher and the editing team to find which parts fit scenes best as the film itself gets cut.

08-19-2014, 05:33 PM
This is from a tour journal "Standard fuji set tonight" What does that mean?

08-19-2014, 05:42 PM
This is from a tour journal "Standard fuji set tonight" What does that mean?

some derivative of this

Copy of A (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Copy+of+A)

Sanctified (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Sanctified)

Came Back Haunted (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Came+Back+Haunted)

1,000,000 (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=1,000,000)

March of the Pigs (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=March+of+the+Pigs)

Piggy (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Piggy)

Terrible Lie (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Terrible+Lie)

Closer (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Closer)

Gave Up (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Gave+Up)

Me, I'm Not (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Me,+I%27m+Not)

Find My Way (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Find+My+Way)

The Great Destroyer (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=The+Great+Destroyer)
(with extended solo)

Eraser (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Eraser)

Wish (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Wish)

Only (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Only)

The Hand That Feeds (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=The+Hand+That+Feeds)

Head Like a Hole (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Head+Like+a+Hole)

Hurt (http://www.setlist.fm/stats/songs/nine-inch-nails-1bd6a5bc.html?song=Hurt)

08-19-2014, 05:43 PM
This is from a tour journal "Standard fuji set tonight" What does that mean?

Ryan from RITC got to go backstage and talk to crew before a show recently, where they said that of the two common setlists they've been swapping between, they have the more constant one that the band calls the Fuji set and then the other that they call the Assault set (this is the more aggressive one with Burn, Somewhat Damaged, etc.).

Fuji is in reference to the very first festival show last year, and this setlist is fairly similar/close to it, with the production being really similar as well.

This is the standard Fuji set:

Copy of a
Came Back Haunted
March of the Pigs
Terrible Lie
Gave Up
Find My Way
The Great Destroyer
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like a Hole

Sometimes TDTWWA comes before Hurt, and at the start of the tour Only was a part of this, but Only has pretty much been jettisoned for whatever reason and TDTWWA is something of a rarity this tour. Reptile and The Wretched have both found themselves in that set at a few shows, but it's super rare.

08-19-2014, 06:08 PM
Thank you both, I am so happy I got the Assault set, I think it is better, at least for what I like.

08-19-2014, 08:20 PM
Fuji is in reference to the very first festival show last year, and this setlist is fairly similar/close to it, with the production being really similar as well.

Yeah, pretty much summed up the "standard" set perfectly. One minor addendum that I'd make, for those that haven't been following it that closely:

We did get The Warning in Detroit, during the Fuji set. At that point it was in place of M,IN, which is now typically Disappointed. Anyway, it leads me to think there's a slight chance that the last batch of shows might get another one-off (The Good Soldier seems most likely to fit the slot, I think).

08-19-2014, 09:08 PM
I noticed as well that Only kinda just vanished for some reason.

08-19-2014, 09:12 PM
I noticed as well that Only kinda just vanished for some reason.
I think it did during Tension too, if my memory serves me.

08-19-2014, 09:27 PM
Maybe they're having production issues with Only.
I think it's obvious that the production for Disappointed wasn't ready when the tour started, which explains why we were getting Me I'm Not and The Warning. Both of them went buh-bye when Disappointed showed up.

08-19-2014, 11:13 PM
So NINpolite recorded this amazing video of The Great Destroyer from Dallas. IMO it's the best video I've seen that show the ever changing visuals for this tour.

Austin had the Year Zero teaser video in it, Houston had the teaser and a plethora of stuff new which is in this video, the atomic bomb test footage, Obama Bush etc having melting faces, the orangey red coloring, and Dallas had the cross/gun graphic added but no YZ teaser vid. Last night I sent Rob a sick "HD" video of an atomic bomb testing that he say he may use as well. Anyway here's the vid.


08-19-2014, 11:43 PM
So NINpolite recorded this amazing video of The Great Destroyer from Dallas.

Besides "Eraser," the almost 3 minutes of eargasm assault with the breakdown for TGD is worth admission.

08-19-2014, 11:52 PM
wish is being played right now!!!!!!!

08-20-2014, 12:04 AM
Besides "Eraser," the almost 3 minutes of eargasm assault with the breakdown for TGD is worth admission.

I'm uploading my capture of TGD from Houston as we speak. Not as good as NINPolites though, nowhere near as good.

08-20-2014, 07:35 AM
Is 15 songs the shortest set to date?

Didn't they start at 18? I remember seeing one show with 19 songs.

08-20-2014, 08:42 AM
Is 15 songs the shortest set to date?

Didn't they start at 18? I remember seeing one show with 19 songs.

maybe TGD was 30 minutes long? :p

Seriously, though, curious what happened, too. Technical difficulties or delays in starting?

08-20-2014, 08:50 AM
Or unreliable setlist.fm poster? As if it hever happened on this tour...
No evidence in prose (or a setlist pic with songs scratched off) = didn't happen.

08-20-2014, 09:05 AM
As it gets closer to the date of my first show, the shows keep getting shorter...

What the hell?

08-20-2014, 09:17 AM
I think the source for that setlist is our own tour journal. Maybe songs are missing?

08-20-2014, 09:22 AM
As it gets closer to the date of my first show, the shows keep getting shorter...

What the hell?

This makes me nervous too. =/

08-20-2014, 10:18 AM
Found a video of burn on Instagram. Possibly from last night. http://instagram.com/p/r6CRumnbPT/

Edit: found a pic of TDTWWA http://instagram.com/p/r6CRumnbPT/

08-20-2014, 02:24 PM
I think the source for that setlist is our own tour journal. Maybe songs are missing?

I am, in fact an iddiot and should have gotten some sleep before I posted the NM tour setlist. I forgot Terrible Lie, Burn, and Find my way, updating it now.

08-20-2014, 02:53 PM
So is this the first time this tour they did Burn without it being the Assault set? They seem to have gotten a lot more relaxed when it comes to mixing those sets.

08-20-2014, 07:02 PM
Here's a video I took during The Woodlands, Texas show. There was no stopping this guy.


08-20-2014, 07:55 PM
If we're on the topic of people we saw in the audiences at these shows, then I've gotta share this. My friend and I saw a guy who looked and danced exactly like Freddie Mercury just losing his shit at Soundgarden, made the performance significantly more enjoyable.


08-20-2014, 08:31 PM
If we're on the topic of people we saw in the audiences at these shows, then I've gotta share this. My friend and I saw a guy who looked and danced exactly like Freddie Mercury just losing his shit at Soundgarden, made the performance significantly more enjoyable.

Haha, good stuff, though I can't laugh too hard, because I'm quite positive I look just as ridiculous during NIN. My friend was making fun of me at Red Rocks because I kept entering a full-on rocker stance without even realizing it and of course quite a bit of headbanging. (It's worth noting that the last time I had seen this friend, almost 8 years ago, he knew me as "the quiet kid from our private Christian school." I'm pretty sure his view of me has changed.)

08-20-2014, 08:34 PM
let's all pour one out for our favorite headbanger, aka the old nin lighting dude



OOH SHIT, here he is at another gig. For the longest time I dreamed of being a concert lighting dude. Anyone got his name? Or how I can learn more about this shit?


08-20-2014, 08:49 PM
Think his name is Jason.

08-20-2014, 09:01 PM
Anyone got his name? Or how I can learn more about this shit?

He's Jason Bullock, I know there was an interview floating around a few years ago. Now that you've got his name, you should be able to Google a few things up, such as This copy of Projection Lights & Staging News (http://digital.turn-page.com/i/19497/25).

08-20-2014, 10:11 PM
He's Jason Bullock, I know there was an interview floating around a few years ago. Now that you've got his name, you should be able to Google a few things up, such as This copy of Projection Lights & Staging News (http://digital.turn-page.com/i/19497/25).

dear god that's complicated

08-21-2014, 12:22 AM
Hard to respect anyone who dances and headbangs to fucking Korn

08-21-2014, 12:48 AM
You know, I learnt something today. As much as I disagree with billpulsipher about most things, I think there is a little bit of billpulsipher in all of us.

08-21-2014, 01:42 AM
Haters gonna hate *rocks out to Word Up*

08-21-2014, 10:40 AM
How dare this guy likes Korn. How dare he... *sigh*

Sarah K
08-21-2014, 12:15 PM
He's having fun and enjoying the absolute fuck out of his job. That's more than most of us can say.

08-22-2014, 10:22 AM
So NINpolite recorded this amazing video of The Great Destroyer from Dallas. IMO it's the best video I've seen that show the ever changing visuals for this tour.


Doesn't anyone else hear the Perfect Drug synth part early in the breakdown? lol they can play it live!

08-22-2014, 10:46 AM
I don't hear it

08-22-2014, 12:12 PM
Starts at about 2:50

08-22-2014, 12:27 PM
Starts at about 2:50
I hear what you are hearing. It would be the synth drum line which is played right at the "breakdown" section of the video. If I had any tech skills I would link that section of the video.

but i do hear it. And I doubt that it is a preview of things to come.

08-22-2014, 02:13 PM
i doubt that too, but its like he sneaks those things (like Happiness in Slavery) in there for us to geek out about lol.

08-23-2014, 08:03 AM
Why is Trent standing on an elevated mini stage here, is it because Red Rocks is so steep he wouldn't be seen against the screen properly, or his miniature version of an Axl Rose 'ego ramp' (copyright James Hetfield 1992)?!:confused:


08-23-2014, 09:57 AM
Why is Trent standing on an elevated mini stage here, is it because Red Rocks is so steep he wouldn't be seen against the screen properly, or his miniature version of an Axl Rose 'ego ramp' (copyright James Hetfield 1992)?!:confused:

He's done that's every time for Me I'm Not with this festival production- guessing so it centers his body with the panel behind him.

08-24-2014, 08:46 AM
In theory this is a NIN-spotting post..........but these two quotes in the latest Rolling Stone are very interesting and might clear up some of the confusion that has been shared in this thread over the last weeks.

This tour will be NIN's last "for some time to come" Reznor admits. It is not the end of the road. "The next incarnation might be limited in scale..not presented as rock band Nine Inch Nails but something else, flipped on its head. That feels exciting to me. We'll see how it goes."

and this one which, once again, reminds me that I can still have fan-girl imagined moments where I sit around and crack jokes with Trent....

"It's tough to imagine you are someone's mom's favorite band.."

If you get a chance check out the On Tour section of the latest Rolling Stone. <insert malicious Soundgarden comment>

08-24-2014, 10:20 AM
"It's tough to imagine you are someone's mom's favorite band.."

Well that is what happens when you have been around since the late 80's those fans (like me) grew up with him, although I am not a mom, but close to his age, you get the point. I hope scaled down means an acoustic tour or something Fragile related or a combination of both.

08-24-2014, 11:46 AM
Didn't he say that "not rock band NIN" line in 2013, too, when talking about this set of tours?

In any case, I'm fine with them going away for a few years and only coming back for a single set of tours alongside an album. No need to string tours together like 2005-2009.

08-24-2014, 11:48 AM
This tour will be NIN's last "for some time to come" Reznor admits. It is not the end of the road. "The next incarnation might be limited in scale..not presented as rock band Nine Inch Nails but something else, flipped on its head. That feels exciting to me. We'll see how it goes."

Soooo.... Club Tour? :)

08-24-2014, 12:25 PM
Wave Goodbye 2.0

08-24-2014, 06:32 PM
Anyone know what songs have Cold Cave been playing in their set in the US?

08-24-2014, 07:32 PM
I was just wondering the same thing. I really wish Cold Cave had opened on the Chicago show. OPN was not my thing.

08-25-2014, 02:20 PM
Last night in Moutain View Trent said this was the end of touring "indefinitely". That sounded less optimistic than what he said in the recently published Rolling Stone interview.

08-25-2014, 04:09 PM
Last night in Moutain View Trent said this was the end of touring "indefinitely". That sounded less optimistic than what he said in the recently published Rolling Stone interview.
It just sounds to me like he's giving himself as much breathing room as possible. If he wants to tour in 2 years or five years he can and no one can get mad or expect something different; it allows him to work as he wants without having specific timeframes or expectations to meet.

08-25-2014, 06:51 PM
It just sounds to me like he's giving himself as much breathing room as possible. If he wants to tour in 2 years or five years he can and no one can get mad or expect something different; it allows him to work as he wants without having specific timeframes or expectations to meet.

although when he does end up touring in 2 or 5 years, some "fans" will be mad that he didn't stop touring for an "indefinite" amount of time like he "promised". ;)

08-25-2014, 07:05 PM
man this new lighting guy is soooooooooooooooo fucking boring compared to headbanger lighting guy. he might as well be perusing wikipedia articles during the show.

SM Rollinger
08-25-2014, 07:06 PM
Starts at about 2:50
No shit, TPD all the way.

This tour will be NIN's last "for some time to come" Reznor admits. It is not the end of the road. "The next incarnation might be limited in scale..not presented as rock band Nine Inch Nails but something else, flipped on its head. That feels exciting to me. We'll see how it goes."
Wasnt that what Tension was originally supposed to be? Back when Adrian Belew and whats his name from JA, were supposed to be part of the live line up? Im not one to complain much, but come on Trent.

08-25-2014, 07:14 PM
although when he does end up touring in 2 or 5 years, some "fans" will be mad that he didn't stop touring for an "indefinite" amount of time like he "promised". ;)

Indefinite doesn't mean forever. It just means an unknown amount of time.

08-25-2014, 07:17 PM
Wasnt that what Tension was originally supposed to be? Back when Adrian Belew and whats his name from JA, were supposed to be part of the live line up? Im not one to complain much, but come on Trent.

More or less; Trent said the initial idea was to just play a handful of shows simply for fun, which then turned into more shows, which suddenly became an entire tour. It definitely seems like Trent has had a habit over the last decade of meaning to limit things, then suddenly growing past those limitations, touring far more than originally planned and producing more music than expected. The upside is you get super productive periods like 2005-2009, but then there's the reasonable burnout that causes those long dead stretches of nothing.

I'm hoping that them touring for this past year, having a new album, etc., then taking some time off results in a more semi-regular schedule, where there might be a couple of years between albums and tours, with maybe year-long tours, without the hyper-busy schedule of stopping for mere months and then going back out, then spending four years away again.

I can't hold anything against Trent; he has a full family now, wants to continue to do interesting things or do nothing at all, doesn't need to tour to pay bills or gain fame, and seems far more focused on making music at the moment (there've been several interviews this past year of him mentioning that touring made him fall in love with being NIN again and has motivated him to produce more music, so hopefully that's still the case and we see another album in the next few years).

At the end of the day he seems to truly enjoy touring, gets a thrill out of all the work and stress resulting in something presentable and quality, enjoys giving fans that experience and finds it fun to do in short, quick bursts. Do it too long and it becomes tiring and repetitive. Touring for just over a year on a new album after a 4 year absence with 3 iterations of the new band in that time frame, with more or less four different styles of production (festival/summer 2014, Tension, Australia/NZ/Latin America, Europe), and an overall large amount of unique songs rehearsed and played in that time frame, seems very, very good. It doesn't seem like too much or too little, most markets were hit, with the US getting 2 shots at seeing 2 different versions of NIN, there was a new album that did well all things considered, and it gave a lot of fans who didn't discover the band during the previous 'active" periods their first ever opportunity to see NIN live (I'm in that category, too, and am beyond grateful for getting the chances I had and took).

And, this time around, the two different US legs of the tour felt like they were meant for two different groups in a way -- the hardcore fans who had been waiting for years (Tension), and then new or casual fans who either only know the bigger hits or had yet to experience many of them (festival/summer 2014), with both shows being super distinctly different, both in production, setlists and the actual band, one focusing on showing what NIN can do with all hands on deck and a giant setup, the other what they can do with the most stripped down, versatile lineup yet and a production just as versatile. I saw one Tension show and 2 of the current tour and they were radically different in every way, staple songs be damned; the production, sound, arrangements, energy and presentation were all so separate that I do not feel cheated or bored in any way. If anything I feel far more solidly convinced that the next time they tour, I'll do all I can to pull a FULLMETAL and see every date I possibly can grab, travel, go all-out and enjoy every single show like it's the last (because really, at this point, even Trent doesn't seem to know how long it's gonna last from here, and who can blame him?).

08-25-2014, 07:33 PM

You're too level headed for "Tour News and Discussion"' thread.

Please leave, lol.

Calla lily
08-25-2014, 07:49 PM
"It's tough to imagine you are someone's mom's favorite band.."

If you ask my kids what my favorite band is, they won't hesitate to answer.

08-25-2014, 11:09 PM
Last night in Moutain View Trent said this was the end of touring "indefinitely". That sounded less optimistic than what he said in the recently published Rolling Stone interview.

He's saying THIS is the last tour and these are the shows he puts on....?


bobbie solo
08-25-2014, 11:43 PM
copy of a to start again tonight. meh, should be a zzzz setlist then I guess. Hope my best friend gets at least the Reptile swap out, she deserves it for buying me the limited NIN/SG print tonight.

08-26-2014, 12:05 AM
Indefinite doesn't mean forever. It just means an unknown amount of time.

Yeah. Dumb joke: when NIN tours again, the duration of the break will be known, so it'll no longer be indefinite.

08-26-2014, 01:03 AM
He's saying THIS is the last tour and these are the shows he puts on....?

He never said the last tour and why are you so invested in this when you aren't going to a show?

08-26-2014, 01:06 AM
He never said the last tour and why are you so invested in this when you aren't going to a show?

To use someone else's words, my hero is acting like a zero.

08-26-2014, 01:20 AM
Hope my best friend gets at least the Reptile swap out, she deserves it for buying me the limited NIN/SG print tonight.

She didn't unfortunately.

08-26-2014, 01:23 AM
To use someone else's words, my hero is acting like a zero.
I think this big moving panels production is particularly setlist limiting because the crew are pushing the things around the stage and if things go wrong, they go over someone's foot!

08-26-2014, 01:48 AM
I feel like channeling my inner Bill after that hollywood bowl show

that said I recognize I'm fortunate enough to have seen them enough to actually be jaded.

08-26-2014, 03:00 AM
Can anybody tell me quickly who's been playing first on this tour-- NIN or Soundgarden? I'm hitting the show on Wednesday (freshly sprained ankle be damned!), but won't be able to make it in time for the opener, and am wondering what risk I'm running of missing the beginning of NIN's set.

08-26-2014, 03:03 AM
Can anybody tell me quickly who's been playing first on this tour-- NIN or Soundgarden? I'm hitting the show on Wednesday (freshly sprained ankle be damned!), but won't be able to make it in time for the opener, and am wondering what risk I'm running of missing the beginning of NIN's set.

Soundgarden, then NIN every time. From what I read soundgarden is usually over by 9ish so as long as you show up by then I wouldn't imagine you would have any problems catching NINs full show.

08-26-2014, 03:05 AM
Can anybody tell me quickly who's been playing first on this tour-- NIN or Soundgarden? I'm hitting the show on Wednesday (freshly sprained ankle be damned!), but won't be able to make it in time for the opener, and am wondering what risk I'm running of missing the beginning of NIN's set.
The typical schedule has been:

Opener: 7:00-7:25
Soundgarden: 7:40-9:00
NIN: 9:30-11:00

08-26-2014, 04:27 AM
I didn't even have to search the #NIN tag to see a bunch of pictures on Instagram this time. So many people I follow were at that gig.

08-26-2014, 11:10 AM
Ha ha, apparently one of that 5 Seconds of Summer band that are the 'big sensation' of boy bands was at the Hollywood Bowl show, maybe there will be an influx of teenyboppers asking who those nine inch nails guys are?

Actually Alternative Nation said that Moby, No Doubt, the Ashton guy and the Donnie Darko director were there (not to mention Gary Numan according to his twitter)

08-26-2014, 11:52 AM
He's saying THIS is the last tour and these are the shows he puts on....?

Do you not understand what "indefinitely" means? He could tour again in six months and no one could say he lied about stopping "indefinitely."

08-26-2014, 12:09 PM
Thanks guys! That's awesome news, too, as now I know I won't miss any NIN!

08-26-2014, 12:26 PM
Here is Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer's tweet saying he wants his band to play at the Hollywood Bowl too (favourited 22K times already!)


08-26-2014, 03:45 PM
I was reading the JOSH FREESE interview on Noisey, read his answer below and felt the need to re-post it here as a proof that Trent/NIN do not wing shows/tours/productions. Every NIN performance you get, you know you're getting the absolute best.

You spent about five years with Nine Inch Nails. What was that experience like?The reason I’ve played with some of the bands I’ve played with for those long amounts of times are those are the bands I really love and can stand behind. In the almost five years that I worked with Nine Inch Nails, I took a lot of pride in playing with Trent, working with Trent. He makes everyone else look amateur. Unbelievable.
I played drums on a few records—not full records, because he still really likes programming, and there’s a certain sound aesthetic to it. But as far as being someone that works their ass off, and is so dedicated, and the end result is really great, he puts a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of money into what he does. Going on stage with him every night and playing those shows, I take a lot of pride in that, and I stand behind him and what he does, and when I was working with him, what we did every night—the sound, the look of the show, the production—it was so fucking first class, all the way. There was no room for anyone who wasn’t on their A-game, whether it was a musician on stage or the crew of lighting people, the crew of video people, any of the techs. Everyone was just fucking on-point. I’ve never seen anything like it on a production of that scale.

08-26-2014, 07:36 PM
Some additional comments since my shows are now over:

- Ilan's basslines are ridiculous. His stage presence on bass reminds me a lot of JMJ.
- I hate "closer" with the synth in the chorus. The guitar version was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.
- The lights, they're so damn perfect. Whoever is in charge of that shit bravo man, fucking bravo.
- 17/18 songs is not enough.

08-26-2014, 10:33 PM
While I wasn't as bad as our local trolls, even I whined about the four piece band/static setlists earlier in this thread. Well, I was fucking wrong. Irvine and the Hollywood Bowl shows were spectacular. The only complaint I have was that I want fucking more. I'm gonna miss those guys.

The combination of the groovy Tension and the balls out summer tour is gonna make one fantastic bluray if they do it right. Best of both worlds.

08-26-2014, 11:00 PM
While I wasn't as bad as our local trolls, even I whined about the four piece band/static setlists earlier in this thread. Well, I was fucking wrong. Irvine and the Hollywood Bowl shows were spectacular. The only complaint I have was that I want fucking more. I'm gonna miss those guys.

The combination of the groovy Tension and the balls out summer tour is gonna make one fantastic bluray if they do it right. Best of both worlds.
I'd like to now propose a toast:


Charmingly Miserable
08-26-2014, 11:14 PM
Some additional comments since my shows are now over:

- Ilan's basslines are ridiculous. His stage presence on bass reminds me a lot of JMJ.

Ilan really impressed me with his bass skills. He has a real fine stage presence and it's good to see him out from his drum kit.

08-27-2014, 06:46 AM
This poor soul needs a time machine, (review of HB show):


Before I get too deep into this, let me just say that while both bands were great, Nine Inch Nails put on one of the top five performance I have ever seen. This was my first NIN show, and I am so mad at myself for never having shelled out the money for a ticket (which ain’t cheap) to one of their shows before

I have never seen a performance like it, and I will not miss another.

08-27-2014, 07:01 AM
Ha ha, apparently one of that 5 Seconds of Summer band that are the 'big sensation' of boy bands was at the Hollywood Bowl show, maybe there will be an influx of teenyboppers asking who those nine inch nails guys are?

Actually Alternative Nation said that Moby, No Doubt, the Ashton guy and the Donnie Darko director were there (not to mention Gary Numan according to his twitter)

Plus JMJ and Danny Lohner per their Instagram's! Missed opportunity....

08-28-2014, 01:18 AM
Posting this from my phone but we got the Fuji set here in Wheatland with The Frail/Wretched, and TDTWWA. That was the best i have ever heard NIN sound ever. Eraser sounded incredible and so did The Great Destroyer. My first NIN show was a success. Incredible.

08-28-2014, 01:26 AM
Posting this from my phone but we got the Fuji set here in Wheatland with The Frail/Wretched, and TDTWWA. That was the best i have ever heard NIN sound ever. Eraser sounded incredible and so did The Great Destroyer. My first NIN show was a success. Incredible.
You mean you've never seen them before last night but you've been frequenting the tour discussion pages? Oh dear

08-28-2014, 01:37 AM
You mean you've never seen them before last night but you've been frequenting the tour discussion pages? Oh dear

I know, right? Completely different ballgame when you see the band live. That shit was thunderous. Didn't matter what they played because they delivered in every aspect.

Bill saying Trent is mailing it in was definitely not true. Tony.parente should've gotten his ass to a show, it was serious shit. Quite a bit of difference from 2013.

08-28-2014, 03:35 AM
So, any new visuals or songs in the last few shows? I didn't follow everything because this thread sucks.

08-28-2014, 10:18 AM
Posting this from my phone but we got the Fuji set here in Wheatland with The Frail/Wretched, and TDTWWA. That was the best i have ever heard NIN sound ever. Eraser sounded incredible and so did The Great Destroyer. My first NIN show was a success. Incredible.

I'm so glad you had a great time! Now your addiction has started. You're very lucky to have gotten TF/TW and TDTWWA at your first show (I did too, last year, and it was just incredible). I remember you posting worrying about the tour and having your enjoyment crushed by the incessant bitching some people like to engage in, but really, once you're there, all of that stuff fades to the back of your mind.

08-28-2014, 11:54 AM


oh my god I'm so angry now.

08-28-2014, 12:04 PM
Tony.parente should've gotten his ass to a show, it was serious shit. Quite a bit of difference from 2013.

Late to the party, but I really really did consider it...up until the show before the one I was going to hit (chicago)
I just wasn't interested in seeing a rerun of festival 2013. I'll see it on the dvd that might come out one day.

08-28-2014, 12:41 PM
Posting this from my phone but we got the Fuji set here in Wheatland with The Frail/Wretched, and TDTWWA. That was the best i have ever heard NIN sound ever. Eraser sounded incredible and so did The Great Destroyer. My first NIN show was a success. Incredible.

You mean you've never seen them before last night but you've been frequenting the tour discussion pages? Oh dear

I know, right? Completely different ballgame when you see the band live. That shit was thunderous. Didn't matter what they played because they delivered in every aspect.

Bill saying Trent is mailing it in was definitely not true. Tony.parente should've gotten his ass to a show, it was serious shit. Quite a bit of difference from 2013.

Wait- was last nights show your first? But it was the best you've ever heard them?

Just not sure how that works exactly. o_O

and yeah, already been beaten to death but being at these shows is much different than watching YT clips and looking at a piece of paper that has the set list.

08-28-2014, 12:49 PM
Late to the party, but I really really did consider it...up until the show before the one I was going to hit (chicago)
I just wasn't interested in seeing a rerun of festival 2013. I'll see it on the dvd that might come out one day.
If you saw one of the (what was it? 2?) festival shows in the US then that's fair enough, but if you have only seen it on YouTube then it really isn't the same. The festival show I was supposed to see at Reading festival got screwed up so I'd go to see one of these shows in a shot if it was nearby, plus you get the Great Destroyer addition which I just loved in Europe

08-28-2014, 12:55 PM
If you saw one of the (what was it? 2?) festival shows in the US then that's fair enough, but if you have only seen it on YouTube then it really isn't the same. The festival show I was supposed to see at Reading festival got screwed up so I'd go to see one of these shows in a shot if it was nearby, plus you get the Great Destroyer addition which I just loved in Europe

This setlist and production just wasn't for me, i'm glad other people enjoyed it but it wasn't a show I felt was worth the time, money and energy to make happen for ME personally.

EDIT: Other than burn, somewhat damaged, TDTWWA, frail/wretched, gave up, wish and reptile this tour was literally a collection of the songs I would least likely see in a NIN show is all.

Sarah K
08-28-2014, 01:17 PM
This >>>> The festivals, btw. This round was MUCH better. Maybe just because they were still kinda rusty at Lolla.

08-28-2014, 01:21 PM
This >>>> The festivals, btw. This round was MUCH better. Maybe just because they were still kinda rusty at Lolla.

Despite the negative opinions of the people who weren't impressed with this leg I would say its safe to assume it was a successful run for trez and the gang.

08-28-2014, 01:28 PM
This >>>> The festivals, btw. This round was MUCH better. Maybe just because they were still kinda rusty at Lolla.

There's also the big benefit of thema already having a familiarity with this production. It's a massive, difficult and easy-to-fuck-up style presentation, and they did a fantastic job with it last year, but this year they're able to have full confidence in what they're doing without that anxiety of stepping in the wrong area, the crew moving the screens the wrong way, etc. There's so many little things that could easily be messed up, and since they've done this before it's got to be a lot less stressful and allows for more focus on the performance itself.

They were able to look back, determine what worked and what didn't, and then build from there. That's great! I don't see any issue with them bringing it back; comparing the shows, you can see a lot of differences, and there's a strong confidence present this tour where it's like they just know it's going to work well and they can slip into their onstage energy and just get lost in it. It's great. The intensity from all 4 members at both shows I saw was incredible; everyone just seemed like they were giving it their all, and the production seemed smooth, fluid and perfect. I completely forgot that there were teams of people running around behind the screens, that there was anything really creating it because it just seemed so natural. The way they move apart and blend together, light shines through them and strobes shoot into the audience is completely seamless; every transition in the set just seemed like a completely sensible shift.

I know Trent said last year that he wanted it to feel cinematic in a sense, and seeing it in person I totally understand just what he means. It does feel that way; there's a fantastic mix of performance and production going on and a natural progression to the show. These setlists may be rigid but they work, they really do; every song flows into the next perfectly, and I'd rather get one or two perfectly structured setlists than get several erratic and disparate ones that don't flow into a full show.

Sorry if I'm just rambling, I just get way too enthusiastic about this and this tour was a wonderful experience for me. I envy people who can to 5 or 10 shows a tour, I wish I had the ability to complain about seeing the same thing too many times, and I feel like a lot of people forget how lucky they are to be able to follow the band across states and see so many shows that they're able to say "I'm sick of seeing ___ setlist." I really loved both shows I managed to go to (and getting to them was a really stressful experience, both with money and scheduling, travel, etc.), I'd've gladly seen more. Hell, if I could I would buy tickets to the Seattle show and fly out there in a heartbeat. I can't think of any other band that has a career comparable to NIN from the same time period still doing tours and shows like this with this level of sincerity, intensity and professionalism.

08-28-2014, 02:35 PM
This >>>> The festivals, btw. This round was MUCH better. Maybe just because they were still kinda rusty at Lolla.

Festivals blow, and that's all I have to say about that. (In my best Gump voice)

maybe be that's why I'm digging the shows I've went to so far. I remember leaving Lolla dissapointed last year, mainly due to festival crowds- the only thing that's worse than a Vegas crowd IMO.

08-28-2014, 03:10 PM
Am I the only one that loves Vegas shows, for any band?

The fact that people have to make a trek to Vegas usually means a great crowd cuz they gotta be really into the band to
be willing to make the trek.

I have have never been let down by a vegas show for the 6 or so bands I've seen in vegas.

08-28-2014, 03:12 PM
people defending TR saying how great this tour is and how well the shows are coming off and saying how dare people badmouth the shows....nobody is saying TR cant pull off a good show with a greatest hits set....the point all along was at this point in his career, it is pointless to be playing a greatest hits show..He should be taking more risks and mixing things up (no production, varied sets, longer shows etc) He keeps saying in interviews how he wants to try new things and present NIN in a dif format and then reverts back to the same old, same old....that was the point all along

08-28-2014, 03:16 PM
people defending TR saying how great this tour is and how well the shows are coming off and saying how dare people badmouth the shows....nobody is saying TR cant pull off a good show with a greatest hits set....the point all along was at this point in his career, it is pointless to be playing a greatest hits show..He should be taking more risks and mixing things up (no production, varied sets, longer shows etc) He keeps saying in interviews how he wants to try new things and present NIN in a dif format and then reverts back to the same old, same old....that was the point all along
Got to admit that he's had this habit of musing in interviews about the live experience and how he wants to shake it up, I think he's been saying that since 2007 about the rock format being stale

08-28-2014, 03:21 PM
He should be taking more risks and mixing things up (no production, varied sets, longer shows etc)

He's done all of those things on different tours. If anything isn't more of a risk to do what he's doing right now, considering how much criticism some of the more hardcore fans are giving?

NINJA/Wave Goodbye did the minimal production thing, the varied sets and Wave Goodbye and Tension both were the longer shows. LITS was a lengthy show, Performance 2007 had almost no production at all and lots of variation. Out of the last several tours, the only tour this current one is similar to is the festival run from last year, and even then there's a lot of songs from then that aren't here now (I'm not complaining about that either, just saying, they're very different in a lot of respects).

So really I'd definitely say that this tour is more of a "risk" so to speak. It's taking the risk that they can do a set like this with a rigid production where it's a lot of more popular songs, while still remaining fresh and relevant. As far as my opinion goes, for whatever it's worth, I totally believe they've pulled that off. Both shows I saw felt just as vital and fresh as Tension did last year (and I think Tension is one of the coolest things NIN has ever done or will ever do).

Also, and this is less pertaining to what bill said but just a general thing I noticed, a lot of people complained about the sets feeling like the same old stuff, but a lot of these things weren't done last year on Tension the US. Having only seen a Tension show, there were around 6 songs or so that I got to see for the first time because of this tour, many of them more of the "standard" entries. Gave Up, Closer, Eraser, The Great Destroyer, I'm fairly sure none of these were done on Tension and Burn wasn't very common.

08-28-2014, 03:23 PM
He should be taking more risks and mixing things up (no production, varied sets, longer shows etc) He keeps saying in interviews how he wants to try new things and present NIN in a dif format and then reverts back to the same old, same old....that was the point all along

he did mix things up massively with Tension. I can't imagine a bigger shake up for NIN than playing with an elder statesman of rock and two ferocious female backup singers. And some people whined all about it.

"taking more risks" != repeating NINJA

08-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Screwdriver beat me to it. He mixed it up and Bill didn't like it. Trent could play Bill's dream show and he still wouldn't like it.

08-28-2014, 03:39 PM
he did mix things up massively with Tension. I can't imagine a bigger shake up for NIN than playing with an elder statesman of rock and two ferocious female backup singers. And some people whined all about it.

"taking more risks" != repeating NINJA

Also they were doing shows where they'd play 10 out 14 tracks from the new album at a time, had a production that could've fucked up at any moment and was physically enormous, and did 2 hour + shows a night with lengthy encores and a heavy emphasis on making songs work for the lineup rather than trying to replicate the album versions.

Oh and let's not forget A Warm Place, a song that had only been played 2 times ever, suddenly being played at every single show as a transition between sections of the show. Even Deeper, Into the Void, Somewhat Damaged, The Frail/The Wretched and The Day the World Went Away all saw regular or semi-regular play, so The Fragile got a lot of love; All the Love In the World, a song everyone thought would never be performed, got debuted with backing singers for the first time ever, the common staples of Gave Up and Closer weren't played at all, synths from fucking Sunspots got played with Sanctified, the screens they used for the production had never been used by anyone before.

Really Tension was incredibly fresh and unique, and it's easy for people to get so used to NIN having a big, elaborate production that we write it off as the same old thing, when in reality so much of it is so incredible that it's pulled off night to night, city to city. They push technology forward, integrate it into the shows, manage to meld the synthetic and organic (something NIN's always been about) in a unique and gorgeous way and it's an achievement all on its own.

08-28-2014, 03:43 PM
^^^Now I'm getting jealous of Tension again

08-28-2014, 03:53 PM
Also they were doing shows where they'd play 10 out 14 tracks from the new album at a time, had a production that could've fucked up at any moment and was physically enormous, and did 2 hour + shows a night with lengthy encores and a heavy emphasis on making songs work for the lineup rather than trying to replicate the album versions.

Oh and let's not forget A Warm Place, a song that had only been played 2 times ever, suddenly being played at every single show as a transition between sections of the show. Even Deeper, Into the Void, Somewhat Damaged, The Frail/The Wretched and The Day the World Went Away all saw regular or semi-regular play, so The Fragile got a lot of love; All the Love In the World, a song everyone thought would never be performed, got debuted with backing singers for the first time ever, the common staples of Gave Up and Closer weren't played at all, synths from fucking Sunspots got played with Sanctified, the screens they used for the production had never been used by anyone before.

God I wish trent would just do something new every once in a fucking while.

08-28-2014, 05:08 PM
Oh and let's not forget A Warm Place, a song that had only been played 2 times ever, suddenly being played at every single show as a transition between sections of the show. Even Deeper, Into the Void, Somewhat Damaged, The Frail/The Wretched and The Day the World Went Away all saw regular or semi-regular play, so The Fragile got a lot of love; All the Love In the World, a song everyone thought would never be performed, got debuted with backing singers for the first time ever, the common staples of Gave Up and Closer weren't played at all, synths from fucking Sunspots got played with Sanctified, the screens they used for the production had never been used by anyone before.

thanks for reminding me to go watch this again


I saw it at Barclay's... I was right in the pit and this amazing blue fog just washed all over us and I seriously get chills even remembering it now. There was so much going on in my life and there was so much still to come that I didn't even know about, and this and the Wretched just felt like blasts of light from god punching me in the chest and telling me to get it together. I wasn't ready to listen yet but the experience prepared me in so many ways for when I was. I hate to sound all hippy about it but that Tension show was one of the most magical experiences of my life.

08-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Wait- was last nights show your first? But it was the best you've ever heard them?

Just not sure how that works exactly. o_O

and yeah, already been beaten to death but being at these shows is much different than watching YT clips and looking at a piece of paper that has the set list.

I kept listening to stuff from RITC, BYIT, etc.

Nothing compares to what I heard in person. Eraser was one of the heaviest things I have ever heard, the "Erase Me" part specifically.

08-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Nothing compares to what I heard in person. Eraser was one of the heaviest things I have ever heard, the "Erase Me" part specifically.

I love the song but I have a really hard time singing the part live.

Sarah K
08-28-2014, 06:30 PM
Glad to see others nerding over A Warm Place. That song is incredibly emotional for me. I caught it at both of my Tension shows. I will never forget those exact moments. Like, you have memories of the night as a whole. But the feelings that I felt during A Warm Place were just indescribable. I will carry it with me forever.

Really, I think Tension will be the peak of NIN's touring. I can't imagine how it could possibly be topped. But I'm sure people have probably said that about previous tours.

08-28-2014, 06:55 PM
For serious, I want A Warm a Place played at my funeral. That's how beautiful that song is and I don't care if that sounds cheesy.

Sarah K
08-28-2014, 07:31 PM
Sigh. Oh, you. Samesies.

08-28-2014, 08:00 PM
I personally find the Fuji setlist to be the best fit for this tour. Assault is great, yes, but Fuji seems to have that slow build up and come down which works very well, there's some breathing room if that makes any sense. By the time it got to Find My Way, I was cooling off, and then picked back up during Eraser.

08-28-2014, 08:21 PM
I personally find the Fuji setlist to be the best fit for this tour. Assault is great, yes, but Fuji seems to have that slow build up and come down which works very well, there's some breathing room if that makes any sense. By the time it got to Find My Way, I was cooling off, and then picked back up during Eraser.

Yeah, as much as I want SD opening up in Seattle it's got a great "flow" to it.

08-28-2014, 08:34 PM
all of our problems would be solved if TR had extended the fuji set to 2.5 hours.

yeah I'm greedy IDGAF

08-28-2014, 08:42 PM
All of my problems would be solved if I won Powerball this weekend

And blew the winnings on drugs and hookers


10 chars

08-28-2014, 08:57 PM
you going to the seattle show?

08-28-2014, 09:25 PM
you going to the seattle show?

Si señor El Reale uno!!!

I'm working on my espanol- how'd i do!? :P

08-28-2014, 09:33 PM
bastard. I hope you get Fuji w/ Piggy and Only + no TDTWWA.

08-28-2014, 09:38 PM
Speaking of Seattle- TM/LN released some decent seats today for those looking.

08-28-2014, 09:53 PM
Thanks for posting that Warm Place video, it's possibly my fave NIN song,*sniffle*, lol, I didn't get to see it live. One of the best songs ever made:).

Charmingly Miserable
08-28-2014, 10:19 PM
Speaking of Tension, I really miss the girls. I could totally hear their voices on Disappointed and CBH.

08-28-2014, 11:03 PM
Nothing compares to what I heard in person. Eraser was one of the heaviest things I have ever heard, the "Erase Me" part specifically.

It was the highlight of each show I hit. Damn... So nasty!

08-29-2014, 08:59 PM
Eraser and The Great Destroyer were the highlights for me. I'm just Disappointed that I didn't get Me,I'm Not at any of the shows I went to.

08-29-2014, 11:25 PM
For serious, I want A Warm a Place played at my funeral.

La mer.
Always la mer.

08-29-2014, 11:55 PM
La mer.
Always la mer.

le I managed to record le that too until my battery le dieed, most of it anyway

trent is being so thoughtful at the beginning


08-29-2014, 11:57 PM
P.S. how often does that other piano intro precede La Mer?

08-30-2014, 12:36 AM
So what would be the "funniest" NIN funeral (originals, covers excluded) song be?

Down In It? The Great Destroyer? CBH? That's What I Get?

my head hurts right now, thoughts and suggestions?...

08-30-2014, 12:37 AM
So what would be the "funniest" NIN funeral (originals, covers excluded) song be?

Down In It? The Great Destroyer? CBH? That's What I Get?

my head hurts right now, thoughts and suggestions?...

Even Deeper?

SuperNINtendo Chalmers
08-30-2014, 12:45 AM
Down in it.

08-30-2014, 12:50 AM
Everything! If for no other reason the irony

08-30-2014, 12:51 AM
Everything! If for no other reason the irony

Dammit- I was just about to post this and ya beat me to it lol.

08-30-2014, 12:54 AM
Speaking of Tension, I really miss the girls. I could totally hear their voices on Disappointed and CBH.
Agreed, although TR& Ally admittedly do a great job of duplicating their harmonies on "Disappointed" by themselves.

08-30-2014, 01:05 AM
Setlist FM says Fuji show, with Reptile- and 17 songs with Only omitted.

Cross my fingers for the other set list tomorrow in Seattle but doubt it's gonna happen, seems like they threw that one out the window. Only thing goin for that list MAYBE because NIN played Tension in Seattle along with the first date of this tour being the Vancouver festival.

SuperNINtendo Chalmers
08-30-2014, 01:11 AM
Got to admit that he's had this habit of musing in interviews about the live experience and how he wants to shake it up, I think he's been saying that since 2007 about the rock format being stale
He's actually been saying that since the end of the fragility tour! I remember being sad in 2002 thinking I'd likely never see my favorite band live again. Fuck, even the loooong wait between albums and the fact that he chose "closure" for the title of the tour vid had us nervous about the same thing in '98.

08-30-2014, 01:18 AM

That piano intro is really cool..but so many ppl talking, shut up, lol.

08-30-2014, 08:13 AM
Setlist FM says Fuji show, with Reptile- and 17 songs with Only omitted.

Cross my fingers for the other set list tomorrow in Seattle but doubt it's gonna happen, seems like they threw that one out the window. Only thing goin for that list MAYBE because NIN played Tension in Seattle along with the first date of this tour being the Vancouver festival.

This post reminds me of how I feel during the last few dark notes of The Frail. With every single one the anticipation builds....am I about to rock the fuck out to The Wretched.....or will he transition into something else...like Closer which will secretly feel like a let down. Having seen both Fugi and Assualt and being aware of the initial differences in the stage set up.... I can just hear "please be assault, please be assault". One has to admit that that anticipation adds something unique. The unfortunate thing here is that that "secret let down" is going to be at the top of the show.
I flew to Vegas for the last LITS show (or as Trent put it "where tours come to die"). Just like this tour, the production was detailed..and the show was the same as the other LITS shows. There were some differences though...and there was lots of chatter during the encore as he said goodbye to Josh, followed with the devastating surprise announcement that Alessandro was leaving also (sure..whatever..).
The last show has a different energy, and I hope you get something special.

08-30-2014, 08:14 AM
The songs that I enjoyed and remember the most from the show I went to the other night were: Copy of A, Frail/Wretched, Disappointed, Find My Way, Great Destroyer and Eraser. Everything else was great, but the ones I mentioned specifically were those that just affected me in various ways. Props to the Sound Guy for making Find My Way sound like a beast.

This Tour was cool and I can't wait to see what Trent pulls off next.

08-30-2014, 01:28 PM
Great show in Ridgefield last night, off to Auburn tonight for the finale!!!

08-30-2014, 02:55 PM
Trent just tweeted this:

One long year of touring comes to a close today. Portland skies providing the perfect backdrop for melancholy to take hold.