View Full Version : 2014.07.29 - Mansfield, MA @ Xfinity Center

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-29-2014, 10:25 PM
I could have got a poster inside, but didn't like the chances of getting it out intact afterwards. Didn't see one at the table outside — maybe I was too early.

But I did get two t-shirts, including a NIN shirt I don't remember seeing before. (More likely my memory's shot.)

So, sitting in the parking lot, waiting for traffic to start moving. Could be here for a while, but I'm just glad I could find my damn car. All the lots look the same in the dark. Grrr.

Oh, and they played Disappointed instead of M,IN or The Warning.

07-29-2014, 11:17 PM
Good performance, but I was hoping for more variation. I bought a button set of logo pins.

Oh yeah. Every time I come to this place, it just reminds me how much I hate it lol. The worst venue I've ever been to and it's not even close. It's like a bad summer camp experience.

07-30-2014, 12:18 AM
Yep. Traffic sucks... worse than trying to escape Irvine, which has a similarly poorly planned parking lot with only one entrance/exit. Once you finally made it out of the venue, there was an accident on 495 N, as well as multiple instances of road construction on 93 and 95, as well as 95 being shut where 93 splits off. I'll pick a different venue for an out of town show next time.

07-30-2014, 12:25 AM
Well, I guess I made the right decision to turn right onto 140 out of the camp and then to 123 to 95.

07-30-2014, 03:09 AM
I enjoyed OPN's set.

Soundgarden did nothing for me, but I didn't particularly care for them back in the 90's, so I wasn't surprised. They were playing a fair number of greatest hits, because I recognized the songs and I only know Soundgarden songs that played on my local alternative radio in the 90's. The bassist kept telling the FOH engineer to up his mix.

I found their visuals to be somewhat distracting. They kept showing permutations of the various Soundgarden logos, along with a sun, a moon, and stars... the stars were rather glittery. The visuals didn't really add to the experience, unlike the visuals of Massive Attack or Depeche Mode.

Tonight was was the debut of Disappointed for the tour; the visuals were cool images with a 3D perspective... not the images used during last year's festival leg. I hope that Me, I'm Not is back in rotation by the time they hit LA. TGD was awesome. I saw the presence in the images. I enjoyed seeing the festival production in person after all of the streams; it looks better in person, especially the interplay between the shadows on the larger backdrop and the smaller screens during Copy of A. I also enjoyed Reptile.

I had a one man mosh pit on one side with a dude sitting down for most of NIN on the other. However, I'll take a sedate neighbor over one who talks constantly.

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-30-2014, 04:24 AM
I enjoyed OPN's set.

Soundgarden did nothing for me, but I didn't particularly care for them back in the 90's, so I wasn't surprised.
Opposite reaction for me. I might have enjoyed OPN in a more intimate setting (or maybe not — I have a low tolerance for ambient these days), but all I can say is nothing terrible happened. :p

I found their visuals to be somewhat distracting. They kept showing permutations of the various Soundgarden logos, along with a sun, a moon, and stars... the stars were rather glittery. The visuals didn't really add to the experience, unlike the visuals of Massive Attack or Depeche Mode.

I had the worst seat in Section 1, so I didn't see much of SG's visuals. (At least the NIN/OPN carts were far enough forward for me to see 50–66% of what was going on.) But if it was anything like the videos of last year's tours, I'd have to agree.

I didn't think OPN's visuals added much either.

As for sound, Cornell's voice sounded fine. Not that I could understand a damn word — I don't know if it was the mix/acoustics or if I need to start wearing earplugs, because I couldn't hear him above the instruments. Even if it was just Kim Thayil's guitar.

The only time I had trouble hearing Trent was MOTP, Reptile and I think Only. The rest of the songs had plenty of open space for his voice.

Doesn't bother me that most of the setlist was predictable — it just made my ears perk up when Reptile and Disappointed started. (And weirdly enough, this is the second time in a row I've seen them do Reptile instead of Piggy.) First time for Sanctified and Eraser, so I'm happy. :)

07-30-2014, 07:02 AM
I took the advice of a few people and left before right after Head Like a Hole since I knew Hurt was the ending song..hearing about the traffic/accident glad I did. I had almost a 3hr ride back to NYS so any traffic would have sucked. Soundgarden was okay... found it very 90s...for some reason when I watch NIN I don't get that nostalgic feeling, but I def did with Soundgarden. I was able to grab a poster outside before the show started...the vendor said they gave a few to the tent out front and split the rest up at the two merch tables inside. There were posters available for a decent while.. even after they opened it up for you to go to your seats.

07-30-2014, 08:24 AM
I concur with Soundgarden / 90s set and feel comments. I'm not really a fan and only knew a couple songs, too. They were fine I suppose. I did have difficulty understanding the vocals, but I always attribute that to not knowing a band / the songs in my case.

We stayed for the whole thing and the only traffic I hit was leaving the parking lot. We had the "premier" parking so it wasn't long and as I said, I didn't go towards 495 so it was smooth sailing. I was in the house back in RI at just about midnight.

07-30-2014, 08:55 AM
Great show. It was definitely weird having a seated pit, but if you have to have that, might as well have the front row, center seats!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/p180x540/10551069_10152375325085000_1796148018384987153_n.j pg

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https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/p180x540/10410592_10152375325445000_5421996319448385443_n.j pg

07-30-2014, 09:57 AM
felt like a farewell of sorts. Maybe that was just me.

here's the Globe's review:

07-30-2014, 10:44 AM
Great show. I agree with it feeling like a farewell.

I have to say that while I really enjoy all of the production, screens etc, it really limits what they can do. I know that when Trent plays he has a set list regardless and does not usually stray from it but with this type of show the set list is in place and that is it. You cant change it up mid show so if his mood changes and wants to play really heave or slow stuff on a whim it is just not possible.

Unfortunately this show is going to cost me an additional $500.00. Some cock sucker keyed my my rear drivers side door, quarter panel and top of my trunk! What the fuck is wrong with people?!?

07-30-2014, 12:36 PM
I only know Soundgarden from the radio, but I do like those songs, and since that is mostly what they played, I enjoyed their performance. Two downsides were 1) Chris Cornell, understandably, doesn't have the vocal ability he did 20 years ago, which does diminish the songs, and 2) Their weird audio mix / acoustics ended up giving me tinnitus (should have worn ear protection!).

The NIN set was good, and seeing Ilan rock out on the bass was great. Happy to see the The Great Destroyer LITS visuals along with the new Disappointed visuals. Only real complaint was that nothing from The Fragile was played.

07-30-2014, 01:19 PM
I pin the lack of Fragile stuff on the configuration. A four-piece can't generate all those parts without leaning hard on canned tracks.
Just looked at my phone and found this wonderfully glitched-out panorama (http://www.usne.org/images/IMG_5857.JPG). I think this is during Gave Up but I am not positive.

07-30-2014, 01:23 PM
My advice to people going to a show in Mansfield is, stay at a hotel if you can. Getting to your car and driving home after a show is a huge pain in the ass. Better to take a taxi to a hotel and enjoy the bar and swimming pool.

As for last night's show--I have no complaints, although I do wish that they played something from The Fragile. I enjoyed both Soundgarden and NIN about equally and the show was everything I thought it would be.

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-30-2014, 02:38 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/p180x540/10410592_10152375325445000_5421996319448385443_n.j pg
Nice. The shirt I bought is a white version of what he was wearing.

Not much violence against equipment this time, but Robin did knock over his mic stand (you could hear the thunk), switched guitars and then knocked over Trent's for good measure.

My advice to people going to a show in Mansfield is, stay at a hotel if you can. Getting to your car and driving home after a show is a huge pain in the ass. Better to take a taxi to a hotel and enjoy the bar and swimming pool.
I spent an unstressful hour hanging around, and the traffic was more or less moving by then. The trip home was long enough that it didn't make much difference if I got in at 2:00 or 3:00.

07-30-2014, 03:39 PM
Two downsides were 1) Chris Cornell, understandably, doesn't have the vocal ability he did 20 years ago, which does diminish the songs, and 2) Their weird audio mix / acoustics ended up giving me tinnitus (should have worn ear protection!).
I was wearing a pair of Etymotic earplugs that give 20dB of attenuation. My ears were still ringing by the time that they got done with their feedback jam.

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-30-2014, 03:51 PM
I was wearing a pair of Etymotic earplugs that give 20dB of attenuation. My ears were still ringing by the time that they got done with their feedback jam.
Yeah, that was pretty brutal.

07-30-2014, 05:45 PM
I found OPN boring.
Soundgarden was good. I wish their mixing was a little better and I was happy that Cornell's voice finally warmed-up half way through the set. I was also psyched that they played Beyond the Wheel.
Nine Inch Nails kicked ass, as always. I am glad Trent put so much energy into the show. I was disappointed that their were no Fragile songs, but I dug what they played.

Also, was I the only person to notice that Trent was having guitar issues during Copy of A?

07-30-2014, 09:42 PM
Also, was I the only person to notice that Trent was having guitar issues during Copy of A?

I saw that too..during Copy of A he was putting his hands up in the air towards the sound guys on the side of the stage like what's going on.. and I thought it sounded weird.

07-30-2014, 09:50 PM
I pin the lack of Fragile stuff on the configuration. A four-piece can't generate all those parts without leaning hard on canned tracks.

Well, based on the Camden setlist, I guess this isn't a problem after all. So unbelievably envious... I would take that show over this one any day.

bobbie solo
07-31-2014, 01:09 AM
great show. like everyone else, I was very happy to get Reptile!

Soundgarden was really good. First time seeing them and I was excited. That is one tight ass band. Kim was fucking shredding all night, and the rhythm section kept up just fine. I'm moreso a fan of the heavier SG, so Jesus Christ Pose & Rusty Cage were my highlights. Not sure the people saying that Chris can't hit certain notes were really paying attention, part. as the set wore on. He def. needed some time to warm up, but jesus, did you hear the man on Beyond The Wheel? He belted that motherfucker OUT. He was hitting high notes all over the set. I wish they weren't so boring on stage though. I'm not expecting Slipknot up there, but Kim, move a little bit for me buddy, come on!

NIN sounded great as always. Trent was pretty quiet in between songs, which is never fun. Speaking of the problems during Copy of A, I couldn't believe that he didnt destroy that guitar at some point. He looked like he was about to lose it, as the guitar sounded really wonky, and frankly i was embarrassed for him bc he looking really goofy up there on a completely empty stage and him strumming away and terrible shit coming out.

And those kilt shorts....well, yeah, they are certainly a thing.

They had my friend park in one of the closest lots to the exit, and we got out after Hurt no problem. We took a straight one lane road out of our part. lot farther away from the amphitheatre, and that led us to the car line, but we bypassed it perpendicularly and just got out.

07-31-2014, 05:48 AM
One last thing I forgot about. Is it just me or did anyone else notice that during the end Hurt it looked like Trent was laughing at someone down front. I swear it looked like he was covering his face with his hands in an attempt to hold it together. It was during the last minute to minute and a half of the song.

07-31-2014, 08:25 AM
some more local coverage: http://digboston.com/boston-music-concerts/2014/07/fotobom-nine-inch-nails-at-the-xfinity-center/

Camden's setlist looks like a great show and I'm happy to be proven wrong about limitations, but I don't see Reptile on there... I'm perfectly content with what we got.
re guitar troubles during Copy of A: it definitely was screwed up and I completely deny yelling "smash it"

07-31-2014, 12:54 PM
One last thing I forgot about. Is it just me or did anyone else notice that during the end Hurt it looked like Trent was laughing at someone down front. I swear it looked like he was covering his face with his hands in an attempt to hold it together. It was during the last minute to minute and a half of the song.

was it this part http://s15.postimg.org/z97oaklyz/DSC01106.jpg

07-31-2014, 12:55 PM
I also taped will be sharing after I get back from lollapalooza :)

07-31-2014, 01:40 PM
No man he was seriously smiling and it looked like he was holding back the laughter. I even said something to my buddy i was with. It was kind of funny.

07-31-2014, 03:20 PM


07-31-2014, 04:18 PM
Nice thank you for the video. What I was talking about was at 2:10. I guess i mistook his "i have to take a shit face" for his "i cant help but laugh face". Kind of funny.

Joy Prevention Hotline
07-31-2014, 07:48 PM
Thanks to everyone who got videos — now I can see the stuff I missed.

Like the way they left one screen panel at the end, like a tombstone.

07-31-2024, 11:13 PM
I was just thinking how this show was ten years ago this week. What I remember most was what a beautiful night it was. Chris Cornell pointed out how scenic New England is in the summer.

08-02-2024, 10:36 AM
That was the last time I saw NIN live... :(