View Full Version : General Police Misconduct aka Murdering Black People

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cashpiles (closed)
07-19-2016, 06:13 PM
Does anyone believe white people don't get unlawfully killed by police less than black people?

Have there been unlawful killings? Yes. This isn't a race thing. People just want it to be a race thing.

Check out Don Lemon trying to cut off Sheriff David Clarke at every turn. CNN agenda? Absolutely.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58)

THE NEWS MEDIA JUST DOESN'T FUCKING REPORT ON UNLAWFUL KILLINGS OF OTHER RACES. The news media loves this. The news media is fucking evil.

You forget how the news media just loves creating controversy and drama for the MONEY.

07-20-2016, 12:26 AM
Does anyone believe white people don't get unlawfully killed by police less than black people?

Have there been unlawful killings? Yes. This isn't a race thing. People just want it to be a race thing.

Check out Don Lemon trying to cut off Sheriff David Clarke at every turn. CNN agenda? Absolutely.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58)

THE NEWS MEDIA JUST DOESN'T FUCKING REPORT ON UNLAWFUL KILLINGS OF OTHER RACES. The news media loves this. The news media is fucking evil.

You forget how the news media just loves creating controversy and drama for the MONEY.

Watching Don Lemon tremble and play the 'I have no opinion, I'm just a journalist' card was just despicable and disingenuous because he clearly has an opinion on the matter. But he cowered and did his best to squirm his way out of a debate with the sheriff. Obama and Hillary have done nothing but attempt to fuel the fire even further. The world needs more honesty and less pandering.

07-20-2016, 06:16 PM
Does anyone believe white people don't get unlawfully killed by police less than black people?
Says the Canadian.

Look, it IS a race thing. Blacks are killed more than whites. The one single source you quoted is false using faulty biased data. But black people have a LOT more problems in this country than just being shot by cops: they're harassed by cops, pulled over for no reason by cops, accused of the cars they own being stolen, etc. etc.

And the media DOES REPORT ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE KILLED BY COPS (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-unaccountable-death-of-john-geer/2014/09/05/29d36d96-339a-11e4-a723-fa3895a25d02_story.html). ALL THE TIME (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-kass-taylor-verdict-met-0205-20150205-column.html). We just haven't talked about it much in this thread (but these cases DID come up in this thread).

But, remember, you're the dude who comes into this forum and provides "inside leaks" into Nine Inch Nail "information" about album releases, etc. And suddenly we're supposed to take you seriously when we've taken you as a parody account for years. For years, we thought you were a dude in South Korea using Google Translator to enter posts on here.

Btw, Don Lemon is a dick. WE all know that.

Sarah K
07-20-2016, 09:19 PM


Man literally laying on the ground, with his hands up in the air, gets shot by police.


07-20-2016, 11:12 PM


Man literally laying on the ground, with his hands up in the air, gets shot by police.



Sarah K
07-21-2016, 09:03 AM
Yep. I do not understand why the fuck they even had firearms pointed at them. Like, for what reason? Then, they don't even shoot the person who people said was "armed" with a toy truck, and instead shoot the guy who is laying on the ground, holding his hands up in the fucking air. What world is this?

I used to do work like that, hearing him plead for the other man to stay still and lay down was breaking my heart. All of that going on, and he was still doing what he could to protect his client. However, if he was upset enough to walk away from his home, getting him to comply with anything at that moment was likely near impossible. Thank fucking everything that he held still for the most part. This was fucking awful but it could have been so much worse.

07-21-2016, 11:15 AM
Yep. I do not understand why the fuck they even had firearms pointed at them. Like, for what reason? Then, they don't even shoot the person who people said was "armed" with a toy truck, and instead shoot the guy who is laying on the ground, holding his hands up in the fucking air. What world is this?
And the guy kept complying, saying he was not armed, holding his hands up in the air and trying to calm his client down, trying to explain, and the fucking cop shot the guy in the leg, and the guy asked why the cop shot him and the cop answered, "I don't know."


Are these cops robots, now, that they automatically shoot and they don't even know WHY??

And people can just anonymously call in a 911 call of an "armed suspect" and the cops show up, guns out, ready to kill innocent people, because of some idiot calling 911.

Haven't these idiot cops been trained about Swatting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatting)?

Sarah K
07-21-2016, 05:48 PM
Update: The officer was aiming for the other guy... because it looked like he was going to discharge is firearm(toy truck) at the therapist.

Can't make this shit up.


sick among the pure
07-21-2016, 10:52 PM
Update: The officer was aiming for the other guy... because it looked like he was going to discharge is firearm(toy truck) at the therapist.

Can't make this shit up.


Obviously the officer wanted first dibs at shooting the therapist.

07-22-2016, 05:23 AM
Update: The officer was aiming for the other guy... because it looked like he was going to discharge is firearm(toy truck) at the therapist.

Then they promptly handcuffed him to protect him further. Makes sense.

07-22-2016, 07:09 AM
Then they promptly handcuffed him to protect him further. Makes sense.

Yeah, then let him bleed on the sidewalk for 20 minutes while shot and handcuffed. Thanks, officer!

cashpiles (closed)
07-22-2016, 12:16 PM
Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face investigation
This is horrible.

07-22-2016, 12:25 PM
Violent arrest of teacher caught on video; officers face investigation
This is horrible.

Ugh, that just makes me cry. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with these cops, treating people like animals? Thank God for these dash cams and body cams and all that stuff, otherwise nothing would ever change.

Sarah K
07-22-2016, 12:40 PM
"She swung at me" Yeah, brah.

I did find it amusing that that woman weighs 84 pounds and he struggled so hard. That poor woman. Goodness.

She tries to genuinely engage the officer who is transporting her in a meaningful discussion, and he dismisses it as black people having "violent tendencies". Someone with that mentality has absolutely no business being a police officer. Disgusting.

Frozen Beach
07-22-2016, 01:34 PM
http://www.fgtnews.com/news/police-officer-fatally-shoots-family-dog-5-year-olds-birthday-party-oklahoma/ (http://www.fgtnews.com/news/police-officer-fatally-shoots-family-dog-5-year-olds-birthday-party-oklahoma/)

Sarah K
07-22-2016, 01:47 PM
That'll get some white people to care.

cashpiles (closed)
07-22-2016, 02:58 PM
http://www.fgtnews.com/news/police-officer-fatally-shoots-family-dog-5-year-olds-birthday-party-oklahoma/ (http://www.fgtnews.com/news/police-officer-fatally-shoots-family-dog-5-year-olds-birthday-party-oklahoma/)

I've come to realize something. Police are given guns and by golly they're going to use them. Any excuse for these fucks. It seems like cops think that to be a cop means to shoot guns. It's part of their job and yipee ky yay it's exciting to shoot. fuck these cops. Idiots with too much power and a license to shoot whoever or whatever they want.

I take back what I said about BLM being out of control. No changes are happening with police behavior. Changes are going to have to be forced. the cops who break the law and abuse their powers must be held accountable

I say take away their lethal ammunition. Humans are sometimes just too fallible and prone to be taken by adrenaline and emotion and irresponsibility.

07-28-2016, 11:26 PM
I don't think anyone is saying the police shouldn't be held accountable for making bad decisions. Being a police officer, especially amid racial turmoil, is not easy and the majority of the time the police do a good job but you rarely hear about this because their service is taken for granted. However, it is very dangerous when the media take the exception to the rule and begins to create a narrative that suggests that police, collectively and even with many black officers employed, are out to shoot black people without just cause. The last thing that poor and crime-ridden neighbourhoods needs is less police; you will only get more gangs, more violence etc. I don't think even want to get into the basic psychology of this matter but the easiest way to manipulate people is through emotion because under emotional manipulation, you don't need to debate with logic and facts thus making the truth easy to obfuscate. This perpetual divide & conquer strategy employed by the democrats is obvious; stir the pot and create a civil war and then convince the blacks that, if elected, only the democrats have the power to help the black community despite having a terrible track record. Obama did what for the black community? Higher rates of unemployment? A greater racial divide?

07-28-2016, 11:31 PM
I'd love to hear your theories as to why unemployment is twice as high for black people as it is for whites.

Sarah K
07-28-2016, 11:38 PM
Obviously they are just lazy and should pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Institutionalized racism and historical trauma aren't real!

I do think it is probably a bit difficult for people outside of the US to grasp just how bad things have been and are for POC. It's a real fucking shitshow. Hell, even a lot of the people who see it with their own eyes still deny it is happening.

07-28-2016, 11:39 PM
I'd love to hear your theories as to why unemployment is twice as high for black people as it is for whites.

Have you even looked into the matter and researched it? I mean, beyond the simple, convenient, truncated and perpetual notion of institutional racism?

And why are you only comparing blacks to whites? Why not compare them to asians or jews as well? Or do you not think that they have faced adversity too?

07-28-2016, 11:43 PM
You brought up black unemployment, not me. I'm asking you what you think about what you brought up.

It's how conversations work.

07-28-2016, 11:47 PM
I don't think anyone is saying the police shouldn't be held accountable for making bad decisions. Being a police officer, especially amid racial turmoil, is not easy and the majority of the time the police do a good job but you rarely hear about this because their service is taken for granted. However, it is very dangerous when the media take the exception to the rule and begins to create a narrative that suggests that police, collectively and even with many black officers employed, are out to shoot black people without just cause. The last thing that poor and crime-ridden neighbourhoods needs is less police; you will only get more gangs, more violence etc. I don't think even want to get into the basic psychology of this matter but the easiest way to manipulate people is through emotion because under emotional manipulation, you don't need to debate with logic and facts thus making the truth easy to obfuscate. This perpetual divide & conquer strategy employed by the democrats is obvious; stir the pot and create a civil war and then convince the blacks that, if elected, only the democrats have the power to help the black community despite having a terrible track record. Obama did what for the black community? Higher rates of unemployment? A greater racial divide?

First of all, there are less police in ghettos in cities like Chicago because those areas pay less property taxes because the housing prices are cheaper; it's plain old economics; larger number of police are devoted to higher taxpaying areas and big retail areas. These poor areas ALREADY SEE less police, it's already a reality. And the police they DO see are insufficiently trained to handle the drug and gang wars they encounter, and they are overly protected by a police union that that refuses to weed out the bad apples who have numerous complaints lodged against them. The "media" didn't create this problem; it only relatively recently came to light due to phone camera footage of police brutality being posted on YouTube and Facebook, etc., but it's been happening for a long, long time. Ask any minority living that life. Nobody is saying that ALL police are "bad." But even cops will tell you that there are bad cops and the force isn't doing anything about it, the unions protect the bad apples, and that the system eliminating the beat system, and not focusing enough on community policing and, especially in Chicago, Baltimore, DC, etc., not hiring and promoting enough minority officers and sending those officers into the minority areas is a big problem.

This isn't some emotional problem that started with Obama; this is something that never really went away with the advent of the civil rights movement. Chief Detective Jon Burge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Burge) in Chicago and his detectives torturing confessions out of minorities using car batteries, etc., that was happening for the 30 years, nobody can blame Obama or any media for that shit.

07-29-2016, 12:15 AM
First of all, there are less police in ghettos in cities like Chicago because those areas pay less property taxes because the housing prices are cheaper; it's plain old economics; larger number of police are devoted to higher taxpaying areas and big retail areas. These poor areas ALREADY SEE less police, it's already a reality. And the police they DO see are insufficiently trained to handle the drug and gang wars they encounter, and they are overly protected by a police union that that refuses to weed out the bad apples who have numerous complaints lodged against them. The "media" didn't create this problem; it only relatively recently came to light due to phone camera footage of police brutality being posted on YouTube and Facebook, etc., but it's been happening for a long, long time. Ask any minority living that life. Nobody is saying that ALL police are "bad." But even cops will tell you that there are bad cops and the force isn't doing anything about it, the unions protect the bad apples, and that the system eliminating the beat system, and not focusing enough on community policing and, especially in Chicago, Baltimore, DC, etc., not hiring and promoting enough minority officers and sending those officers into the minority areas is a big problem.

I never said the media created this problem; rather, I said they are creating and perpetuating a dangerous narrative.

I'll illustrate by saying that this is analogous to 'prevention is the best cure' when big phama only attempts to address the symptoms, after the fact, when the roots of an insidious health condition have long been allowed to take shape and spiral out of control.

Hiring more minority officers won't help at all when the vast majority of black murders are committed at the hands of other blacks. There are underlying reasons, largely ignored, as to why these particular black communities are in such disarray. You cannot deny the disporportionte crime rate, poor family structure without father figures, lack of education, high unemployment and welfare dependency, victimization and numerous other factors that contribute to, and simultaneously influence, the underlying causes of plight in the black communities. I'm not saying police are perfect but the correlation drawn between police shootings of blacks and vice versa is a side effect of a much bigger problem that has yet to be properly addressed and only when you do that can you actually elicit any degree of change. The media and people of power within said black communities have been propagandizing racism as the sole cause when this is simply not true; this is absolutely irresponsible and does nothing to help blacks or anyone else for that matter. There are reasons why blacks have not made the same amount of progress as other groups who have suffered severe amounts of prejudice and been able to rebound (ie. Asians, Jews etc.).

07-29-2016, 12:17 AM
You're really gonna do the bootstraps argument?

07-29-2016, 12:24 AM
Hiring more minority officers won't help at all when the vast majority of black murders are committed at the hands of other blacks. There are underlying reasons, largely ignored, as to why these particular black communities are in such disarray. You cannot deny the disporportionte crime rate, poor family structure without father figures, lack of education, high unemployment and welfare dependency, victimization and numerous other factors that contribute to, and simultaneously influence, the underlying causes of plight in the black communities. I'm not saying police are perfect but this problem correlation between police shootings of blacks and vice versa is a side effect of a much bigger problem that has yet to be properly addressed and only when you do that can you actually elicit any degree of change. The media and people of power within said black communities have been propagandizing racial divide as the sole cause when this is simply not true.

It's apples and oranges, though. The black shootings in those areas are due to the gang warfare and gangs protecting drug turfs, and the only residents in those areas happen to be black and it's like a war zone; but even the police know that the biggest customers in the drug trade in those areas? White people driving in from the suburbs. In Chicago, it's the Eisenhower Expressway, known as the "Heroin Highway." You can buy heroin on a sidewalk, like a drive-thru at McDonald's. The good residents in these areas have been there for YEARS and now they can't even sell their homes, can't get any equity out of their property to move, can't get any police coverage to help them protect their streets and neighborhood and properties and, worse yet, they complain that the police often treat them ALL as if they're all drug lords when the majority of them are taxpaying citizens who have to live among these gangbanging drug-dealing jerks. So the correlation between cops, crime, and cops treating ALL of the citizens as if they are ALL criminals is faulty logic. Citizens are still entitled to 4th Amendment rights. Welfare? Honey, that was reformed during the Clinton administration, where were you? Black people haven't been "propagandizing" anything; this problem has a lot more to do with class and poverty and lack of civic representation than race. Chicago is one of (if not THE) most segregated cities in the country; the differences in city services between poor and rich neighborhoods has been proven time and again, and the poor neighborhoods are pretty much ALL minority neighborhoods. And this isn't due to some "propaganda." These neighborhoods are filled with hard-working citizens who just can't make enough money to live well in this city due to cost of living, etc. Yes, black people within these neighborhoods have been DESPERATELY trying to get help to stop the violence in these neighborhoods; they have asked for help from the Mayor, the Governor, the National Guard, the President, Clergy, they've had protests, sit-ins, everything, but no help has arrived and children are being killed every week by drug-selling gang members shooting at rival drug-selling gang members. But the bottom line is that nobody cares; they're not important enough; they're poor. They're voiceless. They're dispensable. If that was happening in the rich neighborhood, we'd probably have tanks in there, but nope.

When BLM organized a huge protest on Black Friday that shut down all the expensive retail stores on Michigan Avenue to bring attention to Anita Alvarez, the shitty prosecuting attorney, shit happened. It's only when you hit Big Money in the Wallet that things get done, eh?

Correlating crime in black neighborhoods to innocent people being brutalized by corrupt police officers = faulty logic. There is no correlation except institutionalized racism (people assuming that all black people are violent).

What the black community NEEDS MORE OF right now is this kind of media involvement. It's what helped the civil rights movement when I was a kid in the 60s. It's what has been missing for far too long. It's what is needed to motivate change.

07-29-2016, 12:33 AM
You're really gonna do the bootstraps argument?

I tried, albeit in brief summary, but people like you are clearly not capable of comprehending anything but overly simplified, convenient talking points. I probably shouldn't have bothered to respond. But continue to ignore the plethora of long-existing issues within the black communities that manifest in many facets of life, ignore statistical studies and cries of help from within the black communities, in favour of the same empty political rhetoric espoused by people like Obama that has solved anything but the fundamental problems that continue to worsen.

07-29-2016, 12:36 AM
I'm basing my argument on what you've said, and yours is based on projection.

07-29-2016, 12:40 AM
I tried, albeit in brief summary, but people like you are clearly not capable of comprehending anything but overly simplified, convenient talking points. I probably shouldn't have bothered to respond. But continue to ignore the plethora of long-existing issues within the black communities that manifest in many facets of life, ignore statistical studies and cries of help from within the black communities, in favour of the same empty political rhetoric espoused by people like Obama that has solved anything but the fundamental problems that continue to worsen.
Okay so you're not from the U.S. (I have a B.A. in English, you're easy to spot.)

Anyway, Obama is pretty much considered a house negro by American blacks (especially Jesse Jackson (https://www.theguardian.com/world/deadlineusa/2008/jul/17/newonethefullforceofjess)) so you're kinda talking goofy, here.

07-29-2016, 12:54 AM
It's apples and oranges, though. The black shootings in those areas are due to the gang warfare and gangs protecting drug turfs, and the only residents in those areas happen to be black and it's like a war zone; but even the police know that the biggest customers in the drug trade in those areas? White people driving in from the suburbs. In Chicago, it's the Eisenhower Expressway, known as the "Heroin Highway." You can buy heroin on a sidewalk, like a drive-thru at McDonald's. The good residents in these areas have been there for YEARS and now they can't even sell their homes, can't get any equity out of their property to move, can't get any police coverage to help them protect their streets and neighborhood and properties and, worse yet, they complain that the police often treat them ALL as if they're all drug lords when the majority of them are taxpaying citizens who have to live among these gangbanging drug-dealing jerks. So the correlation between cops, crime, and cops treating ALL of the citizens as if they are ALL criminals is faulty logic. Citizens are still entitled to 4th Amendment rights. Welfare? Honey, that was reformed during the Clinton administration, where were you? Black people haven't been "propagandizing" anything; this problem has a lot more to do with class and poverty and lack of civic representation than race. Chicago is one of (if not THE) most segregated cities in the country; the differences in city services between poor and rich neighborhoods has been proven time and again, and the poor neighborhoods are pretty much ALL minority neighborhoods. And this isn't due to some "propaganda." These neighborhoods are filled with hard-working citizens who just can't make enough money to live well in this city due to cost of living, etc. Yes, black people within these neighborhoods have been DESPERATELY trying to get help to stop the violence in these neighborhoods; they have asked for help from the Mayor, the Governor, the National Guard, the President, Clergy, they've had protests, sit-ins, everything, but no help has arrived and children are being killed every week by drug-selling gang members shooting at rival drug-selling gang members. But the bottom line is that nobody cares; they're not important enough; they're poor. They're voiceless. They're dispensable. If that was happening in the rich neighborhood, we'd probably have tanks in there, but nope.

When BLM organized a huge protest on Black Friday that shut down all the expensive retail stores on Michigan Avenue to bring attention to Anita Alvarez, the shitty prosecuting attorney, shit happened. It's only when you hit Big Money in the Wallet that things get done, eh?

Correlating crime in black neighborhoods to innocent people being brutalized by corrupt police officers = faulty logic. There is no correlation except institutionalized racism (people assuming that all black people are violent).

What the black community NEEDS MORE OF right now is this kind of media involvement. It's what helped the civil rights movement when I was a kid in the 60s. It's what has been missing for far too long. It's what is needed to motivate change.

I said people of power the black community who have a platform have been irresponsible by correlating much of it to racism, just like the media in general has. But again, why is this all happening in the first place? Why are black youth getting into gangs, violence (etc.). The disporportionate rate of crime is a proven issue. Why are black children largely being raised in single-mother homes without a father figure. Again, these are big issues that have largely been ignored and are fundamental in shaping the black community as youth transcends into adulthood.

07-29-2016, 12:58 AM
Why are black children largely being raised in single-mother homes without a father figure.
They're not. Not any more than white children in this country. The divorce rate in this country is over 50%, hence all those kids are being raised by single parents. I was in divorce law for nearly 15 years, trust me, the dads get visitation every other weekend. Every other weekend isn't a "father figure," either.

Gangs provide money selling drugs when there are no jobs. Why make $8 per hour at Mickey Ds when you can make $100 per hour selling drugs in a gang?

But why just blame the dealer? What about all those white customers coming in from the 'burbs? The ones paying the money and contributing to the whole problem?

it's like blaming the prostitute and leaving the johns blameless.

No customers, no gang drug war problem.

It reminds me of that line in "The Godfather" where they are having a meeting with all of the heads of the families to determine if they can agree to sell drugs; Don Vito Corleone is against it, but the remaining families are for it; they all finally come to an agreement that they keep it away from schools, and one Don (family head) says "and sell it to the blacks; they're animals already, so let them lose their souls."

07-29-2016, 12:59 AM
I'm basing my argument on what you've said, and yours is based on projection.

You put forth an argument... ? And clearly you don't know how conversations work. This is evidenced by the fact that others do. Just nevermind.

07-29-2016, 01:08 AM
Look, this thread is about police brutality. It's about police misconduct. It's not about police fairly doing their respective jobs.

When the police unfairly target people (profiling) and rough them up and/or unfairly arrest them, that has zero correlation to crime in a particular area. That is due to racism. Crime, etc. is drift in this thread.

Insinuating that police brutality is somehow related to single-parent families or welfare or some black people not being able to get out of the grips of poverty (like those Asians and Jews!) is faulty logic, victim blaming, and it's drift in this thread.

I can point you in the direction of articles written by wealthy and successful black people who were continuously harassed by police, pulled over for broken tail lights that weren't broken, accused of stealing their nice new car, etc. etc. They weren't on welfare or aren't in gangs, they're attorneys, U.S. House Members, etc. One black guy was raised in a nice boring white Chicago suburb was harassed continuously for nearly 12 years, and finally sold his car for a beater. Once, after he had moved, he returned to visit his mother and was pulled over and asked why he was in the area; he said he was there to visit his Mom; the cop repeatedly screamed that he was lying. He showed the cop his ID which still had his Mom's address on it, and the cop accused him of having a fake ID.

07-29-2016, 01:12 AM

So, in your clearly extensive research of socioeconomic status and mobility with how it correlates to crime you have decided that each exists in a vacuum.

07-29-2016, 01:30 AM
They're not. Not any more than white children in this country. The divorce rate in this country is over 50%, hence all those kids are being raised by single parents. I was in divorce law for nearly 15 years, trust me, the dads get visitation every other weekend. Every other weekend isn't a "father figure," either.

Gangs provide money selling drugs when there are no jobs. Why make $8 per hour at Mickey Ds when you can make $100 per hour selling drugs in a gang?

But why just blame the dealer? What about all those white customers coming in from the 'burbs? The ones paying the money and contributing to the whole problem?

it's like blaming the prostitute and leaving the johns blameless.

No customers, no gang drug war problem.

It reminds me of that line in "The Godfather" where they are having a meeting with all of the heads of the families to determine if they can agree to sell drugs; Don Vito Corleone is against it, but the remaining families are for it; they all finally come to an agreement that they keep it away from schools, and one Don (family head) says "and sell it to the blacks; they're animals already, so let them lose their souls."

That simply is not true. I'm really not speaking directly to married couples but all couples as many are not wed in the first place. And I don't think anyone can even deny that it is far more beneficial when children are raised by both parents living in the same household. Statistics have proven this. 'Broken families' are not good for any child when compared to having both biological parents living together, married or not.

Why is it that the majority of people will choose minimum wage jobs over selling drugs and gang warfare. However, it takes people raised with a certain upbringing to choose the latter. But you cannot simply isolate one variable from the bigger picture; they all contribute and simultaneously exert influence creating a cyclical trap.

If you want to use the prostitute example: what made her decide to choose that as a profession? Most people simply do not resort to prostitution as a means of making money because it less safe and not good long-term, among other reasons. My point is that the underlying problems have not been addressed. If people did not resort to being prostitutes you wouldn't even have these johns looking to have sex with prostitutes in the first place because they wouldn't be there. The problem is the mindset behind choosing to participate in an illegal, and potentially dangerous profession, the factors that contribute and the enabled this to happen. That is what needs to be addressed.

07-29-2016, 01:37 AM
Your use of the "world's oldest profession" analogy is about as strong as your "pharmaceutical companies don't try to develop cures" analogy.

07-29-2016, 01:38 AM
That simply is not true. I'm really not speaking directly to married couples but all couples as many are not wed in the first place. And I don't think anyone can even deny that it is far more beneficial when children are raised by both parents living in the same household. Statistics have proven this. 'Broken families' are not good for any child when compared to having both biological parents living together, married or not.

Why is it that the majority of people will choose minimum wage jobs over selling drugs and gang warfare. However, it takes people raised with a certain upbringing to choose the latter. But you cannot simply isolate one variable from the bigger picture; they all contribute and simultaneously exert influence creating a cyclical trap.

If you want to use the prostitute example: what made her decide to choose that as a profession? Most people simply do not resort to prostitution as a means of making money because it less safe and not good long-term, among other reasons. My point is that the underlying problems have not been addressed. If people did not resort to being prostitutes you wouldn't even have these johns looking to have sex with prostitutes in the first place because they wouldn't be there. The problem is the mindset behind choosing to participate in an illegal, and potentially dangerous profession, the factors that contribute and the enabled this to happen. That is what needs to be addressed.
Look, none of this has ANYTHING to do with police brutality. You can start another thread contemplating whether there are correlations between crime and "broken families" etc. Go ahead, go nuts. We have a LOT of broken families in this country. I'm from one. I'm college educated, through the Master's level, I've been in law for nearly 30 years, I'm one of the original latch key kids. I studied child development in school. Parents have not nearly as much influence over kids as they think; the STREETS have more influence on these kids who end up in gangs, unfortunately. And that's how kids can come from loving families and STILL end up in a gang; susceptible kids without self-esteem or whatever. Yes, also the foster home kids, but not ONLY those kids. MANY two-parent households are desperately trying to keep their kids from the lure of gangs, the glamour, etc.

Two parents who should get a divorce aren't as good as one parent providing a child with a loving and caring home.

But, again, this is drift in this thread so I shall not contribute to it anymore. Go start another thread.

(If guys didn't want to do stuff like go to prostitutes, the world probably would't need prostitutes. I think I'm talking to a 19-yr-old living in a nice white European bubble, here. Wtf. Prostitutes have been around since ancient Rome.)

07-29-2016, 01:55 AM
I'm arguing that the issue isn't simply down to police brutality. It is absurd to think that police willingly want to harm innocent black people for absolutely no reason other than racism. Even black cops have been accused of unfair treatment of black citizens. Whether you like it or not, the police analyze stastistics for the sole purpose of preventing crime. A disproportionate crime rate of any group in any area is likely to serve as a red flag and it would be irresponsible for police to ignore this. This does not give them the right to police misconduct but I still haven't heard a proper explanation to why crime is disporportionately higher in black communities than any other race. This is not racist to say this, it is fact and this needs to be addressed. If the crime rate in the black communities was much lower, police would not be as involved in the affairs of black citizens. If people would actually help these communities, there would be far less of this stuff happening. Again, the issue is an outgrowth of problems that have not been addressed.

07-29-2016, 02:05 AM
I'm arguing that the issue isn't simply down to police brutality. It is absurd to think that police willingly want to harm innocent black people for absolutely no reason other than racism. Even black cops have been accused of unfair treatment of black citizens. Whether you like it or not, the police analyze stastistics for the sole purpose of preventing crime. A disproportionate crime rate of any group in any area is likely to serve as a red flag and it would be irresponsible for police to ignore this. This does not give them the right to police misconduct but I still haven't heard a proper explanation to why crime is disporportionately higher in black communities than any other race. This is not racist to say this, it is fact and this needs to be addressed. If the crime rate in the black communities was much lower, police would not be as involved in the affairs of black citizens. If people would actually help these communities, there would be far less of this stuff happening. Again, the issue is an outgrowth of problems that have not been addressed.

You are woefully naive and misinformed. Yes, there are police who hurt people solely because they are racist. And institutionalized racism means that sometimes even black members of racist police forces fall in line and commit the same abuses toward minorities. ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AGAINST SEVERAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN THIS COUNTRY, OVER THE LAST 15 YRS.






07-29-2016, 02:06 AM
I still haven't heard a proper explanation to why crime is disporportionately higher in black communities than any other race.

You mean in all your research, presumably?

07-29-2016, 02:07 AM
Your perspective is utterly myopic when you fail to see the bigger picture; you cannot boil everything down to one single issue and ignore the level of variables at play; this is irresponsible and a diservice to everyone including black people.

It is irrelevant that prostitution has been around forever. A woman (or man) today does not have to choose to participate in prostitution and in about 99% of the cases, it was a choice to do so. If she chooses this over a job at McDondald's it is indicative of many things. I don't think anyone would argue that choosing prostitution is an ideal choice but the reasoning behind it is paramount. You can apply this to many scenarios.

07-29-2016, 02:09 AM
You are woefully naive and misinformed. Yes, there are police who hurt people solely because they are racist. And institutionalized racism means that sometimes even black members of racist police forces fall in line and commit the same abuses toward minorities. ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED BY THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT AGAINST SEVERAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN THIS COUNTRY OVER THE LAST 15 YRS.


All people are capable of being victims of racism, and it happens. I don't think anyone denies this. But you are acting like, or purposely exaggerating, to make it seem like this is the norm.

07-29-2016, 02:09 AM
Let's not shame sex workers, sound good?

07-29-2016, 02:14 AM
Let's not shame sex workers, sound good?

I'm entirely indifferent to what people want to choose as a profession. Some professions are safer than others and more beneficial in the long run. Shame is not inherently bad so let's stop the shame-shaming.

Anyways, if you're all done with this discussion or not contributing anything, then ok. I'll be moving on then... you can keep on police shaming.

Whatever that even means.

Buddy, it's 3am here. When you approach the runway of a point, maybe something more advanced than "black people do this to themselves so why try helping," you could consider ringing a bell.

You know, so we'll know.

How about you actually do something to help out these communities? Talk to them, ask them how you can help, be proactive because simply perpetuating the same rhetoric hasn't solved much. No? Alright, moving on...

07-29-2016, 02:17 AM
Whatever that even means.

Buddy, it's 3am here. When you approach the runway of a point, maybe something more advanced than "black people do this to themselves so why try helping," you could consider ringing a bell.

You know, so we'll know.

07-29-2016, 02:26 AM
I'll be moving on then... you can keep on police shaming.
okay buh bye

07-29-2016, 02:29 AM
okay buh bye

Goodnight and good luck with the virtue signaling, it solves a lot of problems.

07-29-2016, 02:29 AM
How about you actually do something to help out these communities? Talk to them, ask them how you can help, be proactive because simply perpetuating the same rhetoric hasn't solved much. No? Alright, moving on...

I'm a social worker and LPN who manages a food bank.

07-29-2016, 11:15 AM
I'm a social worker and LPN who manages a food bank.


07-30-2016, 03:35 PM
I'm a social worker and LPN who manages a food bank.

Please, as if that means anything but go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. Virtue signalling aside, there's plenty of people who are routinely managing symptoms but not the root of the problem and this doesn't solve much in the long run and that has been exactly my point the entire time. For example: On a massive scale, the cancer industry has raised billions and billions and billions of dollars over many decades and the rates of cancer have not gone down. They may be helping some people but in the bigger picture, they are failing the populace. This isn't negativity, this is truth. When progress isn't being made, one must concede this truth and thoroughly examine the issue and come up with new ways to solve the problem. Again, this is exactly my point.

07-30-2016, 03:48 PM
Relatively to your preceding point, it means a huge fucking deal, yeah.

07-30-2016, 03:49 PM
Jesus, I'm beginning to become paranoid all over again. So much misinformed idiotic trolling in so few posts...is that you, GanduGains?

07-30-2016, 04:05 PM
I guess virtue signalling the best you guys have to offer? The black community thanks you.

Sarah K
07-30-2016, 04:11 PM
Weren't you moving on?

07-30-2016, 05:26 PM

07-30-2016, 06:15 PM
"Virtue signalling" -- a phrase that seems to give you a hard-on, is just some bullshit to make people feel better about themselves for not doing anything. It's the same as SJW or PC.

You asked me why I don't do anything to help, and told me I should talk to people. When I explained that it's all I do, you invent a new goalpost: That treatment or palliative care of any problem is pointless if I'm not providing a cure. Visit a hospice and let me know if nobody is helping anyone.

07-30-2016, 07:46 PM
Please, as if that means anything but go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. Virtue signalling aside, there's plenty of people who are routinely managing symptoms but not the root of the problem and this doesn't solve much in the long run and that has been exactly my point the entire time. For example: On a massive scale, the cancer industry has raised billions and billions and billions of dollars over many decades and the rates of cancer have not gone down. They may be helping some people but in the bigger picture, they are failing the populace. This isn't negativity, this is truth. When progress isn't being made, one must concede this truth and thoroughly examine the issue and come up with new ways to solve the problem. Again, this is exactly my point.

Ah, I see we're taking a page out of the 2008 RNC, in which we mock community activists. Tell me, what the fuck do you do?

08-10-2016, 09:47 AM
The DOJ's report on the Baltimore PD leaked (http://www.vox.com/2016/8/10/12418428/baltimore-police-investigation-justice-department-report) and holy shit, this is beyond the pale.

08-27-2016, 09:19 PM
This tastes delicious...
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/joe-arpaio-justice-department-227468. Here's to hoping this asshole gets taken all the way down.

08-27-2016, 10:14 PM
The DOJ's report on the Baltimore PD leaked (http://www.vox.com/2016/8/10/12418428/baltimore-police-investigation-justice-department-report) and holy shit, this is beyond the pale.
Ugh, awful.

Sarah K
09-21-2016, 09:25 AM
Where to even begin lately! Ugh.

09-25-2016, 03:50 PM
Where to even begin lately! Ugh.
Ugh, totally, really disturbing shit. Videos that I can't begin to understand.

Meanwhile, this story and the videos are fucking horrifying as well (https://theintercept.com/2016/06/07/tased-in-the-chest-for-23-seconds-dead-for-8-minutes-now-facing-a-lifetime-of-recovery/). At least this cop WAS sent to prison for four years (it should have been longer).


09-28-2016, 06:38 AM
ETS hates cops, so you guys might find this funny. I laughed.


09-28-2016, 02:30 PM
I know this isn't the right place to post this but I feel this is important as it relates to a lot of what is happening.


03-12-2017, 04:11 PM
Surprised this hasn't been talked about yet:

New Ferguson Video Adds Wrinkle to Michael Brown Casehttps://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/11/us/michael-brown-ferguson-police-shooting-video.html?_r=0

03-13-2017, 02:08 PM
Surprised this hasn't been talked about yet:

Why? It doesn't really change A) the contents of the initial video that was shown of him pushing the owner of the store or B) the fact that the store maintains they were robbed.


03-13-2017, 07:59 PM
Why? It doesn't really change A) the contents of the initial video that was shown of him pushing the owner of the store or B) the fact that the store maintains they were robbed.


None of the store data is relevant because the cop who told Brown to get out of the street (and who later shot and killed Brown) didn't know that Brown was connected to a robbery.

03-13-2017, 08:54 PM
everyone need to see this especially now

03-13-2017, 09:09 PM
so that whole accusation here's what really happened it was early we were watching fox and Friends, then Steve came in and said."are you you totally crapping your pants about coming up with a health care plan"honest believe me that's what happened. dJT

03-13-2017, 11:35 PM
I'm not following you here Louie... isn't this the wrong thread? I'm so confused...

06-26-2017, 11:08 PM
Sad sad sad reality. Entrepreneur Black kids sell water to tourists as a summer job, are suddenly surrounded by armed D.C. Undercover cops and handcuffed in front of tourists "for the safety of the officers" because Black kids selling water are so dangerous to armed cops.


09-15-2017, 09:08 AM
Stockley was found not guilty. (http://fox2now.com/2017/09/15/former-st-louis-officer-jason-stockley-found-not-guilty-in-murder-case/)

Excellent. I have a wedding downtown tonight. And I have a flight in the morning.


EDIT: Serious question, do you think a black lives matter sticker on my window might save my car from being damaged tonight? How do I blend in?

09-15-2017, 02:17 PM
Stockley was found not guilty. (http://fox2now.com/2017/09/15/former-st-louis-officer-jason-stockley-found-not-guilty-in-murder-case/)

Excellent. I have a wedding downtown tonight. And I have a flight in the morning.


EDIT: Serious question, do you think a black lives matter sticker on my window might save my car from being damaged tonight? How do I blend in?

Serious answer: No and the wedding is probably a terrible idea.

09-15-2017, 02:30 PM
Serious answer: No and the wedding is probably a terrible idea.
This wedding was supposed to take place this Friday in Lake Worth Florida today and they had to call it off. First they got hit by Hurricane Irma, now they’re getting hit with Hurricane Stockley.

09-15-2017, 02:47 PM
I feel so good about this protest knowing that a "friend" of mine who panned the removal of confederate monuments as cultural erasure is down there working the protest.

He's a St. Louis Metro Police officer BTW.


09-15-2017, 04:19 PM
I just arrived at the wedding venue, I’m about a mile from the arch and everything seems very calm. I know it’s still daylight and the violent folks only come out at night but hopefully this is a sign that tonight and the next few days will be relatively smooth for everyone.

09-17-2017, 08:25 AM
I am laughing (not a funny laugh, but rather the kind of laugh you do when a child throws a tantrum but then immediately trips or bumps its head. Basically the Nelson laugh) at the cops gassing themselves and trying to blame it on protesters. Typical.

09-21-2017, 08:55 AM

09-21-2017, 01:08 PM

this is so screwed up, ugh. wtf.

10-18-2017, 06:06 PM
Jesus. Remember when I said repeatedly in this thread that we need to change the way we hire and monitor police?

Clearly, this guy isn’t fit for the job.

10-18-2017, 06:29 PM
Please always put content warnings for graphic videos.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-18-2017, 06:56 PM
full version:
Admin warning: graphic content


Ok now I’m not watching this shit

10-18-2017, 07:01 PM
Ok now I’m not watching this shit

I didn't watch it either. The description is enough for me to hide it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-18-2017, 08:09 PM
wtf was graphic about it????

I didn't watch it. You posted that he's having a panic attack and shooting at people. Sounds Scary to me. I talked to leviathant and this is what we came up with. I think it's fair to warn people of the content especially if it's disturbing.

10-18-2017, 08:14 PM
wtf was graphic about it????

Okay I watched it.

Nothing graphic in my opinion.

BUT this sure as fuck is an EXHIBIT A as to why cops need an EXTENSIVE PSYCH TEST (OR SIX) before they’re certified as a cop and given weapons. Holy shit. What Swykk said.

While I fully respect that being a cop can be a difficult job, the police unions DO NOT protect us citizens; they protect the lowest common denominator / worst fucking employees.

10-18-2017, 08:17 PM
Okay I watched it.

Nothing graphic in my opinion.

BUT this sure as fuck is an EXHIBIT A as to why cops need an EXTENSIVE PSYCH TEST (OR SIX) before they’re certified as a cop and given weapons. Holy shit. What Swykk said.

Ok I just changed to just say admin edit. Matt said linking (not embedding) is fine but I think tapatalk just shows me auto previews and I don't want to see it.

10-18-2017, 08:21 PM
Ok I just changed to just say admin edit. Matt said linking (not embedding) is fine but I think tapatalk just shows me auto previews and I don't want to see it.

I can’t even tell that somebody was shot in the video; it’s just a cop clearly having a panic attack and a very brave paramedic talking the cop (who’s frozen) into giving up his gun.

DigitalChaos, is the paramedic the pointing the cop’s gun and yelling at some distant perp?

10-18-2017, 08:26 PM
Well you are going to be happy to learn what happened after this. I'm still trying to find a credible link that contains the full story... but the cops name is Justin Johnson. So you can google it.

The people he was going after were charged with felonies. The police report doesn't mention the panic attack and says he simply saw someone with a gun (no weapons were found). A defective said it was "some kind of cardiac event." The felonies were dropped but other charges remain. The cop is still on duty.

Because OF COURSE they lied in the report and the cop still has his job.

12-08-2017, 07:48 AM
This is truly horrifying and not for the faint of heart,


"Daniel Shaver was unarmed.

Shot and killed by Officer Philip Brailsford in Mesa, Arizona. On Thursday afternoon, the officer was found not guilty on all charges and this video was just released.
Many of us were aware of Daniel's murder, which happened in January of 2016, but the judge refused to allow the footage to be released until now.
After you watch this video, which is horrible, you will wonder how the officer was not found guilty of a crime.
Here's why. Police brutality is legal in America. Yes, it's legal. Two different Supreme Court cases protect it. And we must overturn those cases."

12-08-2017, 12:34 PM
This is truly horrifying and not for the faint of heart,


"Daniel Shaver was unarmed.

Shot and killed by Officer Philip Brailsford in Mesa, Arizona. On Thursday afternoon, the officer was found not guilty on all charges and this video was just released.
Many of us were aware of Daniel's murder, which happened in January of 2016, but the judge refused to allow the footage to be released until now.
After you watch this video, which is horrible, you will wonder how the officer was not found guilty of a crime.
Here's why. Police brutality is legal in America. Yes, it's legal. Two different Supreme Court cases protect it. And we must overturn those cases."

Just saw the video. Made me sick to my stomach. Those instructions were fucking ridiculous. Fucking handcuff the guy while he's on the ground with his legs and arms spread.
End of story.

cashpiles (closed)
12-08-2017, 02:40 PM
Just saw the video. Made me sick to my stomach. Those instructions were fucking ridiculous. Fucking handcuff the guy while he's on the ground with his legs and arms spread.
End of story.

EXACTLY!!!! What the fuck. It sounded like there were at least 2 officers... one had an automatic weapon... are police so fragile and lacking in confidence now that they need to go through such a convoluted and unecessary process?

As you were saying... once he’s on the ground, slowly approach and restrain him... or just shoot his damn arms... fucking sick bastards just want a kill... pretending to be soldiers in a warzone.

and the officer basically created a situation where the suspect was giving him permission to shoot... consent... if you don’t do exactly as I say, you will be shot. Do you understand? Yes.. ok.. make one mistake and game over. What a sick insecure scum of a human.

12-09-2017, 11:51 AM
What really puts this situation into perspective, in case any more was needed after the video, is what was inscribed on the officer's weapon: "You're Fucked".

12-09-2017, 12:14 PM
What really puts this situation into perspective, in case any more was needed after the video, is what was inscribed on the officer's weapon: "You're Fucked". that is correct again I'm more vetted in software. I've had to take polygraphs pee tests. why you're not given a any kind of mental health evaluation while going through the academy is beyond me. I know everyone in this country is now packing. the "war on drugs" has militarized our police, training is fear based not on conflict resolution. when is the last time you saw read anything evolving police where a gun was not pulled used.

02-22-2018, 09:36 PM
Holy shit: a couple of cops in our little town of 1900 people shot and killed someone last night.
They are keeping everything under tight wraps: we don't know who was shot or which cops did the shooting.
The available information keeps changing. They REALLY don't want this getting out, it would seem. I guess that what we know for sure is that at least one cop shot and killed at least one person during an arrest, and it's likely that two cops were shooting and a second man was shot But not killed.
But we do know that the Texas Rangers are investigating, which usually isn't good news for the cops.
This will absolutely be the biggest story in this town since one of their officers was killed in the mid 90s.
http://www.newschannel10.com/story/3...g-in-stratford (http://www.newschannel10.com/story/37562469/texas-rangers-investigate-officer-involved-shooting-in-stratford)

This type of shit just doesn't happen here. This place is 1900 people and one square mile. This isn't supposed to happen.

And i hope to GOD that these cops were justified in their actions. I know these guys; I don't think there are more than eight of them at the very most. I go to church with a couple of them. Hell, we were having car trouble on Christmas eve and I was to play guitar at the service, so one of the cops gave us a ride. These are not the sort of cops you'd expect to shoot someone.
But it isn't sounding good so far :/

Sarah K
07-16-2019, 11:27 AM
Eric Garner's murderer escapes federal charges. :|


In case it is pay wall'd:

The Justice Department will not bring federal charges against a New York City police officer in the death of Eric Garner, ending a yearslong inquiry into a case that sharply divided officials and prompted national protests over excessive force by the police.

The United States attorney in Brooklyn, Richard P. Donoghue, announced the decision not to bring criminal civil rights charges on Tuesday morning, one day before the fifth anniversary of Mr. Garner’s death. That is the deadline by which they would have to file some of the possible charges against the officer, Daniel Pantaleo.

Mr. Donoghue called Mr. Garner’s death a tragedy, but said “the evidence does not support charging Police Officer Pantaleo with a federal civil rights violation.”He went over the entire arrest step-by-step and said the government could not prove Officer Pantaleo willfully used excessive force to violate Mr. Garner’s rights as required under the law.

The decision extinguishes the hopes of the Garner family and their supporters that Officer Pantaleo might face federal prosecution in a case that ignited demonstrations and debates over the use of force by police officers and led to changes in policing practices across the United States.

After meeting with prosecutors, Mr. Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, denounced the decision, saying she would keep pushing to hold the officers involved in the arrest accountable. They also called on the city to fire OfficerPantaleo.

“We might not never know justice in the D.O.J., but I think there will be justice, and we’re going to keep fighting,” Ms. Carr said “We’re not going away, so you can forget that.”

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who was standing with her, added: “Five years ago, Eric Garner was choked to death; today the federal government choked Lady Justice, and that is why we are outraged.

In June, the Police Department finished a disciplinary trial (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/09/nyregion/eric-garner-case-pantaleo-trial.html?module=inline) to determine if Officer Pantaleo should be fired or punished in some other way for using what appeared to be a chokehold, which the department had banned more than two decades ago.

It is ultimately up to Commissioner James P. O’Neill, as the final arbiter of police discipline, to decide whether to fire Officer Pantaleo or take less drastic action, like docking vacation time.

But Mr. O’Neill will not make a formal decision until the police administrative judge who oversaw the disciplinary trial renders her verdict, and he is still awaiting her report, a spokesman for the department, Philip T. Walzak, said in a statement.“Because of the need to protect the integrity of the process, the N.Y.P.D. will not comment further at this time,” the statement said.

Officer Pantaleo, 34, has been on desk duty without a shield or a gun since Mr. Garner died, a status that has allowed him to accrue pay and pension benefits.

Mr. Garner, who was 43, died on a Staten Island sidewalk on July 17, 2014 (https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/14/nyregion/eric-garner-police-chokehold-staten-island.html?module=inline), after Officer Pantaleo wrapped an arm around his neck from behind and took him to the ground and other officers put their weight on him, compressing his chest against the pavement.

The officers had been ordered to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes, and he resisted them. A medical examiner testified at the disciplinary hearing that the pressure on Mr. Garner’s neck and chest set in motion a fatal asthma attack.

Some bystanders captured video of the attack on their cellphones, recording Mr. Garner as he gasped “I can’t breathe,” dying words that became a rallying cry for protesters across the nation.

His death was one of several fatal encounters between black people and the police, including the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., a month later, that catalyzed the national Black Lives Matter movement.

Prosecutors did a “rigorous analysis” of the event, but in the end they did not believe they had enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Officer Pantaleo committed a crime, a senior Justice Department official said on Tuesday, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he had not been authorized to speak on the record.

To prove criminal conduct, the official said, the government had to convince a jury that in the middle of a dynamic arrest Officer Pantaleo made a clear decision in his mind to apply a chokehold, a burden prosecutors did not believe they could meet, the official said.

None of the New York officers involved in Mr. Garner’s death have been charged with a crime or disciplined by the Police Department, a fact that has enraged the Garner family and various advocacy groups devoted to holding the police accountable for abuses of power.

Mr. Garner’s family members — including his mother, Gwen Carr — met with federal prosecutors and the Rev. Al Sharpton on Tuesday morning

A state grand jury declined to bring charges against Officer Pantaleo in December 2014, after the police officer testified in his own defense that he did not put Mr. Garner into a chokehold, a maneuver that is prohibited by the New York Police Department, and that he feared that he would be pushed through a storefront window during the struggle.

But a federal investigation into Mr. Garner’s death proceeded, sharply dividing the Justice Department under four attorneys general and two presidents.

The attorney general at the time of the death, Eric H. Holder Jr., said that evidence strongly suggested that the federal government should bring charges against Officer Pantaleo, even though it is notoriously hard to prosecute police officers for deaths in custody and the government might lose.

While career civil rights prosecutors agreed with Mr. Holder, prosecutors under the United States attorney in Brooklyn, Loretta E. Lynch, sharply disagreed. Officer Pantaleo had testified that he intended to put Mr. Garner into a takedown hold that would not restrict his breathing and that it was not clear whether the dead man’s civil rights had been violated.

Prosecutors in Brooklyn and in Washington also disagreed about whether a passer-by’s cellphone video supported Officer Pantaleo’s account.

After Ms. Lynch succeeded Mr. Holder in April 2015, officials including the head of the civil rights division, Vanita Gupta, worked to convince her that the officers had used excessive force and had likely violated Mr. Garner’s civil rights.

Ms. Lynch allowed the civil rights division to take a lead role in the case, and the following September the department replaced the F.B.I. agents and prosecutors (https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/25/nyregion/justice-dept-replaces-investigators-on-eric-garner-case.html?module=inline) who had been working on the case with a new team from outside of New York.

But the case stalled again after Mr. Trump won the presidential election and appointed Jeff Sessions as his attorney general. Civil rights division prosecutors recommended that charges be brought (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/20/us/politics/eric-garner-charges-recommended.html?module=inline), and they asked the deputy attorney general at the time, Rod J. Rosenstein, about indicting Officer Pantaleo.

But Mr. Rosenstein did not allow the department to move forward on an indictment, and many officials said they believed that there was a good chance that the government would lose the case should it go to trial.

The last time the federal government brought a deadly force case against a New York police officer was in 1998, when Officer Francis X. Livoti stood trial on — and was eventually convicted of — civil rights charges in the choking death of a Bronx man named Anthony Baez.

Federal prosecutors signaled they were still interested in the case as recently as June, when Elizabeth Geddes, the head of the civil rights unit that covers Staten Island, appeared at the disciplinary hearing for Officer Pantaleo. She left the proceedings at Police Headquarters in Lower Manhattan after it became clear that Officer Pantaleo would not testify.

At the hearing, Officer Pantaleo faced charges of recklessly using a chokehold on Mr. Garner and intentionally restricting his breathing (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/09/nyregion/eric-garner-case-pantaleo-trial.html?searchResultPosition=2&module=inline). Prosecutors from the Civilian Complaint Review Board, a police oversight agency, argued that he should be fired; his attorney, Stuart London, maintained that the officer did nothing wrong, but used a technique taught in the Police Academy known as the seatbelt maneuver, not a chokehold.

07-16-2019, 03:42 PM
Eric Garner's murderer escapes federal charges. :|


In case it is pay wall'd:

I was watching msnbc earlier and apparently this was decided by Trump's puppet AG Barr apparently. I'm not surprised but I am deeply disappointed.

According to a senior Justice Department official, Attorney General William Barr made the final decision not to charge Pantaleo, choosing to follow the recommendations of Brooklyn prosecutors.


07-17-2019, 09:27 AM
The fact that the city has paid the family for his wrongful death just surprises me that the cop still has his job. Why in the world does he still have his job????

Sarah K
07-17-2019, 02:43 PM
Because cops are above the law.

Detective sent to investigate a child rape victim rapes her again. Will likely only get 3 years.


Sarah K
08-17-2019, 09:35 PM
In the States, there is now a 1 in 1,000 chance that a young black man will be murdered by a cop.


Sarah K
08-19-2019, 12:13 PM
Eric Garner's murderer finally gets fired - five years later.


08-19-2019, 01:30 PM
Eric Garner's murderer finally gets fired - five years later.


YES!!!!! Hallelujah, I never thought I'd see this happen.

Sarah K
08-19-2019, 01:44 PM
Like the Catholic Church, he'll just go elsewhere. But still happy to see this happen. Not "happy", but you know.

Sarah K
09-23-2019, 09:48 PM
The Guyger trial started today. And in what was likely an attempt to get the case thrown out so they did not have to prosecute a cop, the DA gave a televised interview in violation of a gag order just last night.

The judge's reaction to learning this is great.


Sarah K
10-01-2019, 11:00 AM
Guyger found guilty of MURDER. I am stunned.

10-01-2019, 11:02 AM
Guyger found guilty of MURDER. I am stunned.

I am kinda too but it’s right. You can’t deny it.

Sarah K
10-01-2019, 11:08 AM
Oh, for sure. I was just expecting her to walk like the rest of them typically do.

10-01-2019, 12:48 PM
Guyger found guilty of MURDER. I am stunned.

I'm shocked too, but that prosecutor dragged that woman from here to kingdom come. She did not look sympathetic at all on the stand, even my mom (who is a retired LEO and will sadly defend cops past the point of reason) was like "yeah, that bitch needs to go to prison that was murder straight-up".

I'm well past the point of being surprised when cops get off for killing innocent minorities. It says a lot about the state of our affairs when we are MORE shocked when they face consequences.

I'm glad justice was done, but justice doesn't make victims or their families whole after a crime like this.

10-01-2019, 01:08 PM
Guyger found guilty of MURDER. I am stunned.

$20 says if it had been a man he would've been acquitted, or at least found guilty on a lesser count.

Sarah K
10-01-2019, 01:19 PM
Oh for sure. Had she been a man it would have panned out much different.

10-03-2019, 11:13 AM
Only gets 10 years

10-03-2019, 12:07 PM
Oh for sure. Had she been a man it would have panned out much different.

it’s weird how history takes inverted steps forward

bobbie solo
10-03-2019, 03:14 PM
Only gets 10 years

and she'll be out in far less imo. So now we get the right verdict, and a soft sentence bc shes a cop. If we reversed the roles & me or you walked into a cops apt & killed him, I wonder if we would get 10 years with parole available after 5? Bullshit.

10-07-2019, 09:21 AM
Witness shot to death, wtf


Sarah K
10-12-2019, 09:18 PM
Cop is sent to investigate a home that had doors open. After creeping around the exterior of the house, he fires into a dark window, murdering a black woman in her home.


10-13-2019, 07:38 AM
Cop is sent to investigate a home that had doors open. After creeping around the exterior of the house, he fires into a dark window, murdering a black woman in her home.


Abridged version:
-Neighbor called non-emergency line to request a wellness check on the family (who he personally knew) after observing doors open in the middle of the night
-Cops arrived, noted open door in well-lit area, but proceeded to go to a dark part of the yard
-Cop sees someone through a window, shouts a hands-up command, and fires a single fatal shot - all in the span of four seconds

Here's how it's going to play out: cop will testify that the open door led him to believe there was an intruder in the house. They found a weapon in the room, so they'll claim that the cop saw it through the window and felt his life was in danger. Months and months from now, it'll finally go to trial, drag out, and he'll be acquitted. The cycle will continue.

Please, universe, prove me wrong on this.

Sarah K
10-13-2019, 10:15 AM
She was sitting in her bedroom, playing video games with her 8 year old nephew. She got up to check out noises outside of the window, and that was it.

That poor little kid. I cannot even fucking imagine.

Fuck the cops and their tHeRe WaS a GuN iN tHe HoMe.

AND? You know if that shit was anywhere near her, the headline would be HERO COP FENDS OFF VIOLENT THUG BRANDISHING A WEAPON.

Next they're going to discover that she smoked weed in 2002.

This shit is exhausting. Where you at, NRA? Oh, yeah...


10-14-2019, 02:11 PM
The murderer resigned. I hope he still is brought to trial and convicted but the blue wall, right?


10-14-2019, 07:08 PM

Arrested and charged with murder is a good start....

10-14-2019, 11:45 PM
The Fort Worth PD has also requested that the FBI investigate a possible civil rights violation.


10-15-2019, 04:50 AM
Not sure this is the right thread, but it feels the most relevant (plaese correct me if i'm wrong)

So Chris Morris is the director of The Day Shall Come (a dark comedy about race and the FBI in the US, it's very good) and he did a Podcast talking about how they made the film and...fuck me, some of these entrapment cases the FBI have created are just fucking NUTS! It's well worth a listen (note that the Podcast is made in a light comedy ton regardless of what ever they are talking about)


10-16-2019, 05:57 AM
And there we have it...he's not gonna be convicted of murder. I'm aware he's already been charged, but now that there's a plausible shadow of a doubt that he might have seen a gun, murder isn't going to happen. Lesser charge, maybe.

(And to be clear...if I were a gun owner and I noticed strangers creeping around my yard in the middle of the night, you bet your ass I'd be armed as I investigated the situation. Police fucked up royally in so many ways beyond the obvious "shooting someone" portion of the night.)

https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/salvadorhernandez/atatiana-jefferson-fort-worth-window-gun?origin=web-hf (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/salvadorhernandez/atatiana-jefferson-fort-worth-window-gun?origin=web-hf)

According to the warrant, Jefferson had been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew in the bedroom when she told him she had heard noises outside the window.Her nephew told police she took the handgun and pointed it at the window right before she was shot.
Officer C.A. Darch, Dean's partner, told investigators she saw Jefferson's face through the window when Dean fired his weapon, but the warrant does not say whether the officers saw Jefferson holding the weapon before firing.

10-17-2019, 05:28 PM
He still didn’t identify himself as police, and he gave her less than 1 second to comply with his demand to put her hands up.

She had a legally-owned weapon in an open carry state. Texas is also a castle doctrine state.

10-17-2019, 05:52 PM
He still didn’t identify himself as police, and he gave her less than 1 second to comply with his demand to put her hands up.

She had a legally-owned weapon in an open carry state. Texas is also a castle doctrine state.

Yup. Hence "police fucked up royally in so many ways".

Sarah K
10-17-2019, 08:10 PM
They're definitely making every single effort to change the narrative now to avoid having to prosecute and imprison another cop.

10-17-2019, 08:51 PM

It’s about time.

05-09-2020, 11:08 PM

Sarah K
05-13-2020, 01:33 AM
Back in March, plain clothes cops executed a no-knock warrant (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/black-woman-shot-killed-after-kentucky-police-entered-her-home-n1205651?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR0D6a-Tvm7iuVN2YtSOb4OBYsAPy88ow4rMdQVyziB9Uy9C0--7RKNl_GQ) (at the wrong place - not even in the right part of the city) for someone who had already been arrested, in the middle of the night without identifying themselves. After anonymously forcing their way into a private home in the middle of the night, someone inside shot at them. Cops returned fire and killed his partner, Breonna Taylor, who was shot 8 times.

After the murder, and while withholding the information that her daughter had died, cops desperately searched for a way to reframe the narrative by asking the mother if Breonna had any enemies or if she and her partner had been fighting.

Then they arrested her partner and charged him with assault and attempted murder of a cop.

The fucking audacity.

05-13-2020, 08:44 PM
^ This is so fucked up. Enraging. Where is the justice??????

05-26-2020, 10:43 AM
It’s been a busy racist weekend for Karens and the killer cops.






05-26-2020, 10:52 AM
Unmitigated racism

Karen here is like a movie villain explaining her evil plot TO SOMEONE FILMING HER.

05-26-2020, 10:54 AM
She keeps emphasizing BLACK man to the police, to give it weight.



05-26-2020, 02:56 PM

05-27-2020, 06:12 AM

05-27-2020, 06:51 AM
New video shows Floyd not resisting at all.

The cop apparently broke Floyd’s neck.

Social media posts are circulating depicting killer cop on his FB page wearing a red hat that reads “Make America White Again”

05-27-2020, 07:14 AM
New video shows Floyd not resisting at all.

The cop apparently broke Floyd’s neck.

Social media posts are circulating depicting killer cop on his FB page wearing a red hat that reads “Make America White Again”

The hat actually says "Make Whites Great Again" and I've seen conflicting reports on whether or not it's the same guy. Either way, shoot them into space.

05-27-2020, 10:28 AM
yeah, apparently not.


Sarah K
05-27-2020, 01:06 PM

05-27-2020, 02:39 PM
yeah, apparently not.


Yea, not the same person, but man... I went down a rabbit hole of learning who that guy really is on Twitter just now.

05-27-2020, 02:41 PM
Should've taken his own goddamn hat's advice.

05-27-2020, 03:46 PM
Should've taken his own goddamn hat's advice.

Really is a solid bit of irony.

05-27-2020, 03:53 PM
It's just so fucking sad. I cried watching as Mr. Floyd was shown being motionless on the ground. The man is in handcuffs, on his stomach, pleading for help... What else can he do in this situation? Also, the officers hand was in his pocket clearly showing he was putting more pressure on his leg to make this guy suffer.

Watching people destroy cop cars with the police shooting fire grenades at them really turned my anxiety up on the diaherra dial; I couldn't watch anymore.

You have all these white, trumpwashed people storming governors houses and public areas with fucking bullets strapped around their chest, holding guns and literally pushing police officers and screaming in their faces and nothing is done about it. It has become literally embarrassing to be living in this country right now.

I've been a victim of racial profiling many times in my life and it is fucking scary. They really do not look at you as a person, but as a product of a different culture and look that they just do not respect and like.

Sarah K
05-27-2020, 11:06 PM
After the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Department, Jael Kerandi, President of the Undergraduate Student Body at the University of Minnesota, circulated this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16gq6ZoCIvu5SvEmzQig_rIm68qslGxdT2tfwpc73kpg/edit)letter and collected signatures of support with the demand that the University cut ties with MPD.

The University did exactly that the next day.


As someone who supports University student government as one part of my job, I love this, but hate that it is necessary. Student government and leadership often gets written off as an empty resume builder. But they hold so much power. If only more of them used it in this way.

05-28-2020, 07:15 AM
It's just so fucking sad. I cried watching as Mr. Floyd was shown being motionless on the ground. The man is in handcuffs, on his stomach, pleading for help... What else can he do in this situation? Also, the officers hand was in his pocket clearly showing he was putting more pressure on his leg to make this guy suffer.

Watching people destroy cop cars with the police shooting fire grenades at them really turned my anxiety up on the diaherra dial; I couldn't watch anymore.

You have all these white, trumpwashed people storming governors houses and public areas with fucking bullets strapped around their chest, holding guns and literally pushing police officers and screaming in their faces and nothing is done about it. It has become literally embarrassing to be living in this country right now.

I've been a victim of racial profiling many times in my life and it is fucking scary. They really do not look at you as a person, but as a product of a different culture and look that they just do not respect and like.

While I get your point, lumping a group of people together in many situations is what drives them to feel marginalized. No one knows how the dickhead who murdered Floyd would have reacted when faced with some militia member. The whole "all lives matter" thing is stupid and totally misses the point, but it is born from that group feeling profiled. Movements target the disaffected and, now more than ever, it's easy to take an us vs. them mentality. Rhetoric. Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media sites have allowed for that bullshit to be spread around with barely a thought. It's basically the below scene from American History X.


Sarah K
05-28-2020, 09:25 AM
I hope that's sarcasm.

05-28-2020, 09:46 AM
It's not, sorry if that was unclear. What I posted in no way makes an attempt to excuse this abhorrent behavior (there is no excuse for it), just to understand it.

05-28-2020, 10:36 AM

though the innate story in the movie is also problematic, how dense are you that you don't get the general conceit?

Sarah K
05-28-2020, 11:36 AM
Well, there is really minimal data to demonstrate the effectiveness of implicit bias training within police forces. And of what is available, it actually often shows the opposite outcome or rebound effect of what was once implicit becoming explicit.

Deacon Blackfire
05-28-2020, 03:55 PM


05-28-2020, 06:01 PM
It was pretty surreal to look out our windows last night and see fires burning all over the place. I've been through protests that got pretty crazy, even been arrested a couple times, but I've never been through anything quite like this. Maybe I'm still just reeling from all this, but it really does feel like something has cracked in our collective spirit here. People have fucking HAD IT. Everyone I've talked to for the last couple days, there's this feeling like we're all at the end of our rope. This is just too much. There needs to be consequences. You can't just break a man's neck and walk away scot free. People are tired of being terrorized. This shit can't keep happening.

And I see these clueless people getting all upset about about the fires and the looting, and it's like, these people just don't fucking get it. There are no "proper channels" or "appropriate venues" left for addressing something like this. At least nothing that actually works, nothing that results in a massive, permanent change. The very fact that these cops are still free is the very proof that this system doesn't work. If we had an actual functioning justice system, none of this would be happening. But you can't spend decades treating a whole community like pure shit and expect there to be no expression of outrage. One way or another, the hurt and the anger has to go somewhere, and when all the "appropriate" ways of pursuing justice are blocked off and rigged and broken, this becomes the only thing left to do.

05-28-2020, 06:21 PM
I fully support doing things via peaceful protest and appropriate channels, but you're absolutely right. People have been trying that for far too long, and it's not doing anything. I don't advocate violence against others (I went off on a fellow liberal-leaning person yesterday for intentionally pushing the photo of some other guy wearing the racist hat, because he thought "that's my point - facts don't matter anymore, just try him in the court of public opinion and murder him because he deserves it"). I do not believe in an eye for an eye. But a bunch of people standing around holding signs or writing letters is going to do absolutely fuck all. They have to take drastic measures. They have to keep the entire nation's attention on the case, which a few posters sure as shit ain't gonna do.

It really pains me to think that destruction and vandalism are the ways to get this done, but honest to god I just can't think of anything else that has a chance of working. And I hate that I feel that way.

05-28-2020, 06:25 PM
It was pretty surreal to look out our windows last night and see fires burning all over the place. I've been through protests that got pretty crazy, even been arrested a couple times, but I've never been through anything quite like this. Maybe I'm still just reeling from all this, but it really does feel like something has cracked in our collective spirit here. People have fucking HAD IT. Everyone I've talked to for the last couple days, there's this feeling like we're all at the end of our rope. This is just too much. There needs to be consequences. You can't just break a man's neck and walk away scot free. People are tired of being terrorized. This shit can't keep happening.

And I see these clueless people getting all upset about about the fires and the looting, and it's like, these people just don't fucking get it. There are no "proper channels" or "appropriate venues" left for addressing something like this. At least nothing that actually works, nothing that results in a massive, permanent change. The very fact that these cops are still free is the very proof that this system doesn't work. If we had an actual functioning justice system, none of this would be happening. But you can't spend decades treating a whole community like pure shit and expect there to be no expression of outrage. One way or another, the hurt and the anger has to go somewhere, and when all the "appropriate" ways of pursuing justice are blocked off and rigged and broken, this becomes the only thing left to do.

Stay safe.

05-28-2020, 06:29 PM
Be careful what you see or believe:

This is fucked up:


05-28-2020, 06:39 PM
The guy who broke out all the windows at Auto Zone is WHITE:


Sarah K
05-28-2020, 06:40 PM
National Guard has been called in. Hopefully they reign in the police who escalated this situation and don't attack the protesters.

Demonstrations are finally popping up around NYC.

05-28-2020, 07:27 PM
Movements target the disaffected and, now more than ever, it's easy to take an us vs. them mentality.

Not sure what ethnicity you are, but It's even easier when you are on the other side of this, like me and my family have been for years. I get what you're saying though.

05-28-2020, 09:13 PM

05-28-2020, 10:35 PM
The guy who broke out all the windows at Auto Zone is WHITE:


is that, like, the Richard Marx? wow. For some reason I thought he was on Chachi's side. 🤷

protip: windows key + . = an emoji list that apparently pastes into everything.

05-28-2020, 10:37 PM
it's going to be a long summer

Sarah K
05-28-2020, 10:55 PM


05-28-2020, 10:57 PM
This is wild... Live on Unicorn Riot at the moment. Reporter was inside the precinct for a few moments and the place was absolutely destroyed.

05-28-2020, 10:57 PM

this is going to get even more ugly I fear

I also can't help to think how the virus is going to spread now too

Sarah K
05-28-2020, 10:58 PM
@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76)

The cop who started the escalation has been outed.


05-28-2020, 11:01 PM
^^^ YES!! That MOTHERFUCKER!! Everyone KNEW he was a pig! And pigs likely set that low-income housing building on fire, too!

05-28-2020, 11:05 PM
The video of him in the act is even more eye opening.

05-28-2020, 11:21 PM
The thing that upsets me to the point of blood-boiling anger is the alleged crime that Mr. Floyd committed:

Forging a TWENTY DOLLAR CHECK. Edit: Or now they’re saying possibly a fake $20 bill that might not even be fake.

I want all these motherfuckers to burn.

Mr. Floyd’s brother was on MSNBC tonight and said that his brother had urinated in his pants. Their lawyer said that a paramedic asked the police to check Mr. Floyd’s pulse SIXTEEN TIMES but was ignored. People who witnessed and protested the murder continuously told the cops that Mr. Floyd’s nose was bleeding and that the police were killing him, but they were ignored. The newest video footage shows THREE cops sitting on top of Mr. Floyd, even though he is handcuffed, respectful, calling the officers “Sir” and asking to sit up and telling them he can’t breathe and that he hurts all over. At one point, he calls out for his mother.

These pigs are evil; pure evil.

Yet, one of the Federal law enforcement agents was on TV today saying there were “a few elements” that were “problematic” in arresting these pigs.

Fuck that. We all saw this. There were zero problematic elements. Zero. Arrest all of them. Now.

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 12:05 AM
Cool, cool.

The shooting already started, you dumb piece of shit. That's why we're here.


05-29-2020, 12:09 AM
Didn’t the Governor already call the National Guard in, and they never showed up?

Let’s not forget that AG Barr refused to press charges against the cops who murdered Eric Garner just as the statute was running out. Never forget that. That’s on Trump and his Administration. Just like THIS will be.


05-29-2020, 01:00 AM
This is George Floyd talking about gang violence


05-29-2020, 01:07 AM
Just an idea as to the “why” of burning and looting; Black Wall Street:


Pretty much every single instance of racial rioting in this country was sparked by police action or some kind of vigilantism against black citizens.

05-29-2020, 01:53 AM
The thing that upsets me to the point of blood-boiling anger is the alleged crime that Mr. Floyd committed:

Forging a TWENTY DOLLAR CHECK. Edit: Or now they’re saying possibly a fake $20 bill that might not even be fake.

I want all these motherfuckers to burn.

Mr. Floyd’s brother was on MSNBC tonight and said that his brother had urinated in his pants. Their lawyer said that a paramedic asked the police to check Mr. Floyd’s pulse SIXTEEN TIMES but was ignored. People who witnessed and protested the murder continuously told the cops that Mr. Floyd’s nose was bleeding and that the police were killing him, but they were ignored. The newest video footage shows THREE cops sitting on top of Mr. Floyd, even though he is handcuffed, respectful, calling the officers “Sir” and asking to sit up and telling them he can’t breathe and that he hurts all over. At one point, he calls out for his mother.

These pigs are evil; pure evil.

Yet, one of the Federal law enforcement agents was on TV today saying there were “a few elements” that were “problematic” in arresting these pigs.

Fuck that. We all saw this. There were zero problematic elements. Zero. Arrest all of them. Now.
I just read a transcript of the 911 call that started this, and they don’t seem to know what they’re talking about. It’s a bit of a bizarre call

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 05:19 AM
A CNN correspondant, producer, and film crew were apparently just arrested while on the air.


Sarah K
05-29-2020, 05:40 AM
The cop and Floyd used to work at the same restaurant.

05-29-2020, 07:10 AM
Cool, cool.

The shooting already started, you dumb piece of shit. That's why we're here.


of fucking course he reacts with a twitter post that’s not needed or diplomatic in any way. he should be removed from office based on this tweet alone.

05-29-2020, 07:17 AM
Trump's post has been labeled as inciting violence and now needs to be clicked on to be read. good.

05-29-2020, 09:59 AM
Trump's post has been labeled as inciting violence and now needs to be clicked on to be read. good.

05-29-2020, 10:36 AM
A CNN correspondant, producer, and film crew were apparently just arrested while on the air.

Just when you thought shit couldn't get any more fucked up!

Apparently, they got NO explanation or apology or any of that cool shit. Camera was confiscated, too. And the reporters and crew were utterly professional.

Feel like YZ to you guys yet?

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 10:39 AM
I don't think the MN governor could be handling this press conference any worse. Wow.

05-29-2020, 11:14 AM
If twitter is to be believed the cop has fled to Florida and the vox populi says "get 'im". Most of it's under the Zimmerman trending, lots of dumb people in there advocating a lot of dumb things.

05-29-2020, 12:20 PM
News now saying there is evidence that no charges could be filed and the officers involved are not cooperating.

Update... Apparently Chauvin has been arrested!

05-29-2020, 12:23 PM
Arrested (https://kstp.com/news/arresting-officer-derek-chauvin-taken-into-custody-by-bca-george-floyd-case/5743589/?cat=1)

05-29-2020, 12:49 PM
Arrested (https://kstp.com/news/arresting-officer-derek-chauvin-taken-into-custody-by-bca-george-floyd-case/5743589/?cat=1)
Clearly the rioting did nothing, they should have just tweeted how mad they were /s

05-29-2020, 12:51 PM
@allegro (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76)

The cop who started the escalation has been outed.



05-29-2020, 12:52 PM
Fucking finally!

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 01:17 PM
Third degree murder and manslaughter.

05-29-2020, 01:32 PM
I was about to hit you with some bullshit but twitter suspended the account before I could. Basically the new narrative is that George Floyd isn't actually dead and it's all a hoax because him and the cop 'worked together' in the past and they obviously are working together still to sow this unrest.

twitter support working overtime right now. whew.

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 01:37 PM
fAlSe FlAg

05-29-2020, 01:45 PM
hope he gets a full sentence and then some. wouldn't be surprised if that's not the case though.

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 01:50 PM
An absolutely incredible display of mental gymnastics.


Edit - Oh my god this press conference already. What in theeeee fuck?

05-29-2020, 02:08 PM
we need that type of rioting right outside the White House.

05-29-2020, 02:12 PM
I was about to hit you with some bullshit but twitter suspended the account before I could. Basically the new narrative is that George Floyd isn't actually dead and it's all a hoax because him and the cop 'worked together' in the past and they obviously are working together still to sow this unrest.

twitter support working overtime right now. whew.

Somebody went a step further and claims it was a sanctioned hit because the name George Floyd supposedly came up in some Wikileaks docs involving the Clintons or some dumb shit.

05-29-2020, 05:29 PM
An absolutely incredible display of mental gymnastics.


Edit - Oh my god this press conference already. What in theeeee fuck?
As a dude who had some pretty racist, shitty thoughts on a lot of things when he was younger (check my
post history) he knows what he meant when he used the word thug. We all do.

05-29-2020, 05:45 PM
I've updated the thread title.

05-29-2020, 05:47 PM
As a dude who had some pretty racist, shitty thoughts on a lot of things when he was younger (check my
post history) he knows what he meant when he used the word thug. We all do.

This. I am not proud - but I am more than willing - to admit that I was not the best person in my younger days. I absolutely told my share of "jokes" that were patently unfunny and downright horrible. Fuck, I even thought "all lives matter" when BLM started because I foolishly thought that it was more important to stress that everyone matters at the absolute dumbest times.

But you know what? I listened to what people had to say about that. I listened, and I took it to heart. And I understood. And I made a conscious decision to do better. I'm still learning. I'm not perfect, and I never will be. But here's a sad, pathetic excuse for a man who has the power to seek counsel with literally anyone in the world, to listen to their viewpoints, to digest their perspectives and see things from more than one point of view...he's simply made the decision not to. He knows who he is, he LIKES who he is, and he has no desire to behave differently. He is a small, sad man.

05-29-2020, 06:22 PM
things are ok right now but atlanta is having some sort of protestor police stand off. the chief of police for city of atlanta is saying they’re not trying to arrest anybody.


i watched her statement live. the officer behind her had water thrown on him while she was talking. he just wiped it off. hoping there’s no escalation.

edit: its escalating with damage to police cars and physical altercations and arrests.

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 06:54 PM
The White House is under lockdown.


Secret Service is snatching people. RIP.


05-29-2020, 06:56 PM
we need that type of rioting right outside the White House.


05-29-2020, 07:00 PM
things are getting tense in NYC with the protests. people getting pepper sprayed, beat, arrested.

Sarah K
05-29-2020, 07:14 PM
Good 'ole NYPD.

I'm going tomorrow for sure. Reaching out to friends who are supposed to be down there and might head out tonight. But so far, no response, and I ain't gonna go to this one alone.

05-29-2020, 07:14 PM
Curfews all weekend starting tonight in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and several suburbs (https://www.startribune.com/suburbs-join-st-paul-minneapolis-in-ordering-curfews-starting-at-8-p-m-friday/570873142/)

I grew up near the 3rd Precinct building, and I have relatives still living in that area. As a teen, I would sometimes stop in the building's foyer and buy a pop from the vending machine on my way home from school. Seeing this happen to my old stomping grounds is heartbreaking, but I am projecting my fury at the ex-cops who killed George Floyd over a bad $20 bill. The Precinct building, Target, Cub Foods, Aldi, and many of the businesses can rebuild and get a fresh start. Floyd cannot get his life back.

Charging Derek Chauvin is a good step, but we need the other 3 ex-cops arrested and charged. And if it does turn out that Floyd and Chauvin knew each other, that could drastically up the charges against him.

In all honesty, I feel that DA Mike Freeman (who I did NOT vote for in the last election) really is not able to lead an unbiased case here. He needs to hand it over to AG Keith Ellison and let him dictate the next steps. Ellison has a lot of trust among the people of Minneapolis, and he knows he must do everything right.

I also feel that this editorial cartoon by Minneapolis Star Tribune cartoonist Steve Sack speaks volumes:

05-29-2020, 07:34 PM
It looks like the NYPD pigs are looking to fill those jail buses so if you are so inclined...


Sarah K
05-29-2020, 07:41 PM
I was gonna post that, too. Thank you. <3

They even overtook a City bus.

I do some work with an organization that goes to post $1 bails for people, so I'm keeping a close eye on that tonight.

SM Rollinger
05-29-2020, 07:44 PM
Is this it? Are we plunging into total anarchy? We have a government largely ran by people whom hate and want to dismantle said government, encouraging citizens not to follow laws they don't agree with. Plagues. Police state. Riots. Damn something has gotta give soon.

Not that I think there are many here , but you MAGA folk really think we are better off than in 2015? At this rate, none of us will be alive in 2024...

05-29-2020, 07:49 PM
They even overtook a City bus.

This broke me.


05-29-2020, 07:53 PM
Public transportation in the Twin Cities shut down yesterday and will not be running until Monday morning.

South Minneapolis has become a food desert now due to the looting and arsons. I can't help but think of the people who depend on the buses and light rail to get around, and how they will have to venture further into the city or over to St. Paul or the suburbs to stock up on what they need. They will have to either use cabs/ubers or ask neighbors to drive them to their destinations.

05-29-2020, 08:12 PM
Wow - powerful - notice THESE ARE ALL WOMEN


05-29-2020, 08:42 PM
If the murderous cop is acquitted, that's it.

It will make the LA Riots seem quaint.

And it will be nationwide, in terms.of big cities.

05-29-2020, 09:26 PM
If the murderous cop is acquitted, that's it.

It will make the LA Riots seem quaint.

And it will be nationwide, in terms.of big cities.

I'm so scared to hear what happens. It needs to happen fast because these people are not going to stop. The live feed of Atlanta is wild.

05-29-2020, 09:35 PM
...because these people are not going to stop.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people' but I'll just say it doesn't read very well.

Edit: We've PM'd and all's cool.

05-29-2020, 10:11 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people' but I'll just say it doesn't read very well.

I think they mean “protesters.”

This is all getting worse because it’s nationwide.



05-29-2020, 10:13 PM
Cops tear-gassed and shot rubber bullets at protesters in my home city of Fort Wayne tonight. I am really mortified beyond words at what I've seen on Twitter about it so far.

05-29-2020, 10:14 PM
you know, I always thought Trump would somehow get us in a war before the election...

...but I stupidly didn't think it would be a Civil War...

05-29-2020, 10:17 PM
Tear gas and SWAT/riot police downtown here, like a few blocks down the road, at what was by all accounts a peaceful protest.

05-29-2020, 10:22 PM
I think they mean “protesters.”

"these / those people" can either be poor choice of words or it can be dogwhistle. Which is why I said I was uncertain of the intention.

Edit: I've PM'd Self.Destructive.Pattern and all's cool.

05-29-2020, 10:25 PM
stolen from Reddit who stole it from Facebook. I think? Is that the Facebook layout?


05-29-2020, 10:39 PM
stolen from Reddit who stole it from Facebook.

This is cute and all and maybe retired sgt W Patrick Swanton is an ok dude but based on the video I'm seeing tonight I'd say a lot of what he's saying is overblown. There are basically two kinds of cops: the one that would kill a black man and not think twice and the one that won't say shit and help cover it up. I'm seeing clip after clip after clip of cops attacking people with batons, shoving people for absolutely no reason, pepper spraying unprovoked, nearly running people over with police issued vehicles, one mutherfucker opened a passenger door into a guy. I'm not buying this "99% of cops" bullshit. So sorry to burst this romantic version of American policing you see when you close your eyes at night, sgt.

05-29-2020, 10:49 PM
"these / those people" can either be poor choice of words or it can be dogwhistle. Which is why I said I was uncertain of the intention.

I know that, but relative to their OTHER posts it appears they’re not a white nationalist so how about we take a deep breath and not start riots on ETS?


Jesus this is fucking disturbing:


05-29-2020, 10:55 PM
I know that, but relative to their OTHER posts it appears they’re not a white nationalist so how about we take a deep breath and not start riots on ETS?

I was very careful NOT to call anyone a racist and made a point, twice, to give the benefit of the doubt. So if anyone here needs a deep breath...

05-29-2020, 11:00 PM
I was very careful NOT to call anyone a racist and made a point, twice, to give the benefit of the doubt. So if anyone here needs a deep breath...

You: I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people' but I'll just say it doesn't read very well.

Me: I think they mean “protesters.” (Considering their other posts.)

You: "these / those people" can either be poor choice of words or it can be dogwhistle. Which is why I said I was uncertain of the intention.

How are you giving them the benefit of the doubt, here? This sounds like you have them on the witness stand. Come on, man, things are tense, you say you are giving the benefit of the doubt but that tone in your post didn’t sound like it. Here is a prior post of theirs in this thread: https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3407-General-Police-Misconduct-aka-Murdering-Black-People?p=496222#post496222

05-29-2020, 11:04 PM
...but that tone in your post didn’t sound like it.

Holy shit. Have a good night.

05-29-2020, 11:09 PM
Holy shit. Have a good night.
Thanks, you too.

05-29-2020, 11:24 PM
You: I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people' but I'll just say it doesn't read very well.

Me: I think they mean “protesters.” (Considering their other posts.)

You: "these / those people" can either be poor choice of words or it can be dogwhistle. Which is why I said I was uncertain of the intention.

How are you giving them the benefit of the doubt, here? This sounds like you have them on the witness stand. Come on, man, things are tense, you say you are giving the benefit of the doubt but that tone in your post didn’t sound like it. Here is a prior post of theirs in this thread: https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3407-General-Police-Misconduct-aka-Murdering-Black-People?p=496222#post496222

I don't keep running tabs on people's viewpoints on here, especially these days. All I meant was it looked like a poor choice of words. There was no tone. There was no accusation. You're reading into something that isn't fucking there.

This type of shit is why I became more scarce around here and maybe I'll just go back to lurking.

05-29-2020, 11:31 PM
I don't keep running tabs on people's viewpoints on here, especially these days. All I meant was it looked like a poor choice of words. There was no tone. There was no accusation. You're reading into something that isn't fucking there.

This type of shit is why I became more scarce around here and maybe I'll just go back to lurking.

Man I don’t want you to go back to lurking! You contribute intelligent stuff to the conversation!

Sometimes words are just words.

Anyway, really, it’s all good, we’re all on the same team. I truly hope you don’t decide to lurk and you continue to post.

05-30-2020, 12:37 AM
Jesus Christ ...


Sarah K
05-30-2020, 02:37 AM
This broke me.

It seems refusal to cooperate is part of a collective action and is the official stance of the Union. Fuck yeah.


Love to see it.


05-30-2020, 08:18 AM
waking up and flipping on the local atlanta news. they’re showing video close ups of broken glass so it seems everybody survived the night.

killer mike was at the mayor’s press conference crying for atlanta. his speech was impassioned but it was happening at the same time as the protest so i’m not sure the people he was speaking to heard it. hopefully they see it today.

05-30-2020, 08:26 AM
If anyone missed this- I know allegro mentioned it...But here it is, and I cannot fucking believe it


05-30-2020, 09:13 AM
is it just me or is the dumbass president trying to make it worse?


maga night means he wants his supporters to show up at a floyd protest right?

eta: he’s tone deaf. this is the wrong recourse for unity.

05-30-2020, 10:24 AM
is it just me or is the dumbass president trying to make it worse?


maga night means he wants his supporters to show up at a floyd protest right?

eta: he’s tone deaf. this is the wrong recourse for unity.it's not just you.
And I really think that these protests and inevitable counter protest will actually transcend race/the catalyst event. I'm afraid we may be looking at pure left vs right, or, pro/anti trump, performing piecemeal Civil War 2, as I've been expecting.

I think that's what's going to happen.

This is the brink. This feels like some sort of massive turning point.

05-30-2020, 10:51 AM
If anyone missed this- I know allegro mentioned it...But here it is, and I cannot fucking believe it


The Louisville PD "apologized."


05-30-2020, 10:55 AM
it's not just you.
And I really think that these protests and inevitable counter protest will actually transcend race/the catalyst event. I'm afraid we may be looking at pure left vs right, or, pro/anti trump, performing piecemeal Civil War 2, as I've been expecting.

I think that's what's going to happen.

This is the brink. This feels like some sort of massive turning point.

If you watched MSNBC this morning, a shitload of coverage was devoted (as well as a shitload of Twitter all night) to these protests being infiltrated by right-wing extremists using protests to spin them into riots and destruction in order to spin the narrative. ("Look! Negroes = Bad and destructive! They wreck their own shit! That's why police have to be all militant with them!")





Like this guy who's been ID's by Tweeple as an undercover cop, smashing out the windows at the Auto Zone:


05-30-2020, 11:03 AM
"these / those people" can either be poor choice of words or it can be dogwhistle. Which is why I said I was uncertain of the intention.

I've been here since 2007 man. I was simply talking about what everyone is talking about for the past 3 pages or so... Protestors... I dont expect you to remember every little thing I said, but it also won't kill you to sift through a few pages. All good.

05-30-2020, 11:15 AM
I never dreamed I'd see a Dungeon Family associate from my Outkast and Goodie Mob albums emerge as a political voice, or, on the news for like, ANY reason.

Good for Killer Mike.

05-30-2020, 11:17 AM
elevenism, see this Twitter thread (click on blue link, then "show this thread")



05-30-2020, 11:30 AM
@elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475), see this Twitter thread (click on blue link, then "show this thread")


Dear lord.

" possibly FOREIGN, " too?

05-30-2020, 11:32 AM
Dear lord.

" possibly FOREIGN, " too?

Nah, I think our own white supremacist assholes are bad enough.

I guess all the Fox hosts were blaming Obama for all of this, this morning.

Edit: I dunno, though, maybe, possibly.


"Redfish" is a Twitter ID that has been pushing a "Pro Black" agenda. Its "origin" is Berlin, but it ends up it's really the Kremlin trying to stir up racial shit (https://www.thedailybeast.com/grassroots-media-startup-redfish-is-supported-by-the-kremlin).

Redfish was where this started circulating:


05-30-2020, 11:41 AM
WAIT wait wait. Ok.
We don't have murder 3 in Texas; I've never even heard of it on tv.

I just realized that the charge includes the language "without the intent to kill."

Hmmmmm. What did he THINK was going to happen?

But, maybe they did that so people (jurors) couldn't (would be less likely to) consider the cop overcharged - I mean, say he beat murder 1 or 2, and he'd be a free man.

And, did they add the manslaughter in case he beats murder 3? I'm just thinking about the legal ramifications of the charges here, because their results could be a serious tipping point.

Does anyone know a good example of a 3rd degree murder case?

05-30-2020, 01:02 PM
As best as I can tell (not a lawyer):

First degree means premeditated, and that means that you literally went into this going "I'm going to kill you, fucker". In this case, it would be more like an off-duty Chauvin showing up at Floyd's house and just shooting him.

Third: it's more like an "oops...I was just trying to beat the ever-loving shit out of someone, and it went further than I meant it to". Which is more in line with what happened here. I think the burden of proof on murder one would be way too high - you'd have to prove that Chauvin literally started the entire engagement with the sole purpose of killing Floyd. And since he was an officer of the law dealing with someone suspected of breaking (a very minor) law, there's no way you'd get that kind of conviction. So you charge with what you can. In MN, if I recall correctly it carries a 25 year max - so even if convicted, this dipshit could likely breathe fresh air again some day.

05-30-2020, 01:46 PM
As best as I can tell (not a lawyer):

First degree means premeditated, and that means that you literally went into this going "I'm going to kill you, fucker". In this case, it would be more like an off-duty Chauvin showing up at Floyd's house and just shooting him.

Third: it's more like an "oops...I was just trying to beat the ever-loving shit out of someone, and it went further than I meant it to". Which is more in line with what happened here. I think the burden of proof on murder one would be way too high - you'd have to prove that Chauvin literally started the entire engagement with the sole purpose of killing Floyd. And since he was an officer of the law dealing with someone suspected of breaking (a very minor) law, there's no way you'd get that kind of conviction. So you charge with what you can. In MN, if I recall correctly it carries a 25 year max - so even if convicted, this dipshit could likely breathe fresh air again some day.

See, in Texas, Murder 3=manslaughter, then. this means you recklessly caused someone's death.This makes me wonder what the hell manslaughter means, exactly, in MN, then.

I bet he beats the murder, and is convicted of, or cops a plea to, the manslaughter, and does 2, MAYBE 3 years, on a PC yard.

Actually, he probably wouldn't come out of his cell, for fear of getting got, even there. I know I damn sure wouldn't come out of MY cell if I woke up in his shoes.

05-30-2020, 01:55 PM
See, in Texas, Murder 3=manslaughter, then. this means you recklessly caused someone's death.This makes me wonder what the hell manslaughter means, exactly, in MN, then.

I bet he beats the murder, and is convicted of, or cops a plea to, the manslaughter, and does 2, MAYBE 3 years, on a PC yard.

Actually, he probably wouldn't come out of his cell, for fear of getting got, even there. I know I damn sure wouldn't come out of MY cell if I woke up in his shoes.

My outsider understanding of things is that there are "special protection" units that are kept separate from the general population. If true, I have to imagine he'd end up there. Because otherwise...yeah, I'd give him a year (if I'm being generous) before he gets beaten to within an inch of his life if not outright murdered.

05-30-2020, 02:36 PM
I found this page with a good explanation of the differences in the degrees of murder vs. manslaughter in Minnesota. Hopefully this helps:

By Minnesota laws:
- First-degree murder: Based on identity of victim (child, LEO, judge, politician, relationship to defendant) and/or defendant's conduct (pre-meditation or during another serious crime). Carries maximum sentence of life without parole
- Second-degree murder: Often impulsive or emotional response; sometimes while committing a lesser offense. Carries a maximum 40-year sentence
-Third-degree murder: Charged as depraved heart or mind crime. That is, defendant shows blatant disregard for human life. Also if someone is killed in a drug-related offense. Maximum 25-year sentence, but can include a $40,000 fine if there was a Schedule I or II drug sale involved
-Voluntary manslaughter: May be charged instead of murder due to emotional response; also if someone is unintentionally killed for distributing Schedule III, IV, or V drugs. Maximum sentence of 15 years and fines up to $30,000
-Involuntary manslaughter: Killing someone based on negligence (mistaking hunting buddy for a deer, reckless driving that kills someone, etc.). Maximum sentence of 10 years and $20,000 in fines

In our most urgent case, Chauvin got slapped with third-degree murder because he showed blatant disregard for George Floyd's life. He also got the Voluntary manslaughter charge because he may have acted impulsively. If, however, it is found that he and Floyd knew each other beforehand, there could also be first- or second-degree charges added on.

05-30-2020, 04:00 PM
elevenism - Yes 3rd degree is TOTAL bullshit. That’s why people are PISSED.

Yes, it’s a serious charge; yes, it’s murder.

But, he kneeled on George’s neck for nearly THREE WHOLE MINUTES *AFTER* it was KNOWN that George was UNCONSCIOUS. There is a specific law in MN preventing unnecessary force; why would an officer need to use deadly force AFTER THE PERP IS UNCONSCIOUS? For nearly THREE MINUTES?

This is very much like the LaQuan McDonald case in Chicago; the bullets that officer Van Dyke fired into McDonald AFTER McDonald was lying on the ground convicted Van Dyke. But this is worse, because of the TIME element; there is no last-minute “decision” on behalf of the cop; he kept his knee on that man for nearly 10 minutes, nearly of three of those when the man was unconscious.

That’s pre-meditated.

Edit: Should say, too, that to prove third degree, prosecutors have to prove "depraved indifference."

05-30-2020, 06:58 PM
13,000 National Guard troops are mobilizing in the Twin Cities. Major freeways in and out of Minneapolis and St. Paul are closed tonight. Local and state leaders, as well as community leaders and civil rights groups are URGING people to stay home tonight so that the Guard and local police can focus on bringing the looting, arsons, and vandalism under control. There is evidence that white supremacist groups are planning another night of violence and chaos. My relatives in South Minneapolis headed up to the Iron Range to stay with other family, and I or my husband may check on their houses tomorrow. Our friends on that side of the city are hunkering down but have escape plans if need be.

Although I feel relatively safe where I am, I am worried sick for the city I still call home. I have been unable to sleep these last few nights from the worry that has built up in me. I hope that the Guard and law enforcement can restore peace soon. But short of the other 3 ex-cops being arrested, I am not too sure.

05-30-2020, 07:32 PM
From last night (see thread):


05-30-2020, 10:42 PM
I'm not a law student, so forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure I've even heard of third degree murder before.

05-30-2020, 10:46 PM
I'm not a law student, so forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure I've even heard of third degree murder before.

Every state has its own murder statutes and definitions of murder.

Minnesota has like 6 degrees.

05-30-2020, 10:56 PM
well, again, I don't know, but I've read up on 3rd degree now, and this is so bullshit.

Though, NOW, we have Trump encouraging his base to counter protest. This is so bad. Anything to distract from his handling of the pandemic... but if you're looking at these videos of the protests, THIS is going to result in a spike. The shots I was seeing from Fairfax area LA today were so awful. There were so many people crammed together in small spaces. Tens of thousands of people it looked like. So much for social distancing.

05-31-2020, 02:37 AM
Like to keep in mind that the right call every protest violent so.... Why not?

05-31-2020, 07:31 AM
Since I was up way too early, I was browsing Reddit and seeing what sort of madness was occurring throughout the country (including my own city, which is fairly rare).

Found one thing about "why you don't fuck with FedEx" or something like that. Watched a bunch of guys jumping on the cab of a dual trailer rig, trying to get in. Driver clearly knows that the safest bet is to slowly drive off. Inch it forward a little, blow the horn, try to shake people off.

I did not expect to see the camera pan to a looter getting lodged under the wheels. Dragged five blocks to his death. JFC.

Not for one second will you hear me say "he deserved it". But I don't fault the driver for their response. (Also, from what I've heard from truckers in other industries, those cabs are pretty isolated sound-wise, so it's entirely possible that they literally did not hear anyone screaming for help.)

Sarah K
05-31-2020, 10:11 AM
Just to be clear, you don't fault the driver for intentionally running people over? Eerily familiar to Mayor di Blasio's sentiments last night if that is what you actually mean.

05-31-2020, 11:45 AM
Just to be clear, you don't fault the driver for intentionally running people over? Eerily familiar to Mayor di Blasio's sentiments last night if that is what you actually mean.

The driver didn't intentionally run anyone over. They were looting in the back of the truck, out of the driver's view and awareness. His options were to either stay like a sitting duck and hope that no one trying to break into his cab would kill him, or give a few "warning scoots" and several air horn blasts to make it extremely clear that he was not sitting still.

editing now that I know what you're talking about re: NYC.

This truck was not in the middle of some major protest or something with thousands of people. This was basically an instance of robbers, separate from any large, organized protest, trying to attack the truck. This wasn't a driver deciding to plow into a crowd of people. This was more like getting the hell away from an attempted carjacking, which had nothing to do with people exercising their right to protest.