View Full Version : Gaming and Tech Nostalgia

10-13-2014, 06:09 PM
Post your best memories... it can be PC or console related, old tech you were familiar with... early Internet shit, defunct websites.. that sort of thing.

What hits you right in the childhood or adolescence, young adulthood perhaps?

Share stories, post pics, relate and have fun.

Here's something to start off..

I am sure fans of 90s FPS will see plenty they will remember.


10-13-2014, 07:38 PM
LAN deathmatches with my friends in high school. Eight computers hooked up and playing Duke Nukem 3D deathmatches half drunk until the sun came up. Age of Empires II: The Conquerors expansion too.

Space Suicide
10-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Playing and getting addicted to the Crash Bandicoot games when I was 7-10.
Getting demo discs for Playstation from Pizza Hut! (I still have them all too!)
Playing Super Smash Bros. and multiplayer on Golden Eye for N64 (obviously) with my cousins.
Buying and being subscribed to BOTH Nintendo Power and Playstation Underground.
Gameshark :p


10-13-2014, 09:13 PM

I used to have a ton of these PC gaming mags that came with demo discs like hundreds of them but i could only track down ten or so that weren't packed away somewhere, never really subscribed to any of them i just picked random ones while at the grocery store or Wal-Mart so it's all pretty inconsistent..as far as month to month or year to year. One day PC Gamer, another day Computer Gaming World.. sometimes these random ones like PC Games.EXE, one that was simply called just "Computer Games" and then there was also PC Accelerator but i couldn't find one of those out of this pile.

I had the Duke Nukem Forever PC Gamer cover story issue from like 97 or something, kind of epic considering how long ago that was and all the history with the game going forward. The magazine was also like phonebook thick too from what i remember.

Big Fat Matt
10-13-2014, 09:23 PM
Rolling the game clock in Final Fantasy VII to 99:59:59

Playing SO MUCH NHL '99 that i could pretty much still give you any roster from that year almost from memory.

Gold Medals on EVERY level in Star Wars Rogue Squadron.

Speedruns in Starfox 64

100% completion on WWF No Mercy


10-18-2014, 10:22 AM
I used to trawl Planet Quake and Planet Half-Life, downloading mods and TC's... getting new characters from Polycount... them were good days... It's a shame modding has kinda died off as a big thing, although it has been replaced by easy to use middleware engines like Unity... so can't really complain.. but hey..

I've been helping put on retro tech events locally.. its ruddy great..

10-20-2014, 09:13 PM
My gaming life started on PC in the early 90's... Monkey Island, Commader Keen, Wing Commander, Lemmings, Sim City, Worms, Original Duke Nukem.

Never owned a NES/SNES/GB but i had a Sega for a bit, though the next chapter in my gaming life would be the PS1, playing games like Final Fantasy 7/8/9, Rollcage, Metal Gear Solid, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, Cool Boarders...

Good times!

10-21-2014, 07:20 AM
My parents never let me have a SNES, so I got a PC instead. It was actually the best and worst decision of their lives since I played the PC so much (Doom, Wolf3D, etc.).

Dr Channard
10-30-2014, 07:01 PM
In my youth, the enemy was dysentery.


Jeez I’m old.

12-08-2014, 10:49 AM
Hexen 1 still has replay value. Hexen 2 less so: first episode sucks but the rest, especially Egypt, is much stronger (time travel!). The expansion was also strong iirc (tibet). Nobody remembers heretic 2 (was it any good?)

12-08-2014, 10:57 AM
I miss MSN Messenger :/

12-08-2014, 11:24 AM
-Powering through Mega Man 2 and 3 without issue
-Grinding on Death Peak in Chrono Trigger with TDS playing in the background
-Bustin' fools' heads in MKII and UMK3 in the arcades
-Leaving FFVI idling at odd points just so I could listen to the music.

12-08-2014, 11:24 AM
I kinda miss having a 'dumb' phone. If I miss a day on recharging for my smart phone, I'm fucked. Also, the trend for dumb phones was to make them smaller for your pocket. Now the trend is to see how big you can make a phone while still keeping it technically a phone.

Conan The Barbarian
12-08-2014, 11:34 AM
I miss when you got complete games.

12-08-2014, 01:18 PM
- Playing Doom on PC while NIN's Broken sounded on my stereo...
- GamePro, Nintendo Power, Electronic Gaming Monthly magazines (gosh i read those a LOT)
- Refusing to install ICQ Chat on my computer
- Using early NAPSTER and finding strange gems like: "I-know-you-NIN/HenryRollins.mp3"
- My SONY Discman (with "Anti-shock")
- Any Nintendo memories, but also playing SEGA and Gameboy
- Playing Warcraft 1 and 2 on PC
- "I love the Power Glove, it's so bad"

04-14-2015, 02:49 AM
Arcades with games in them. A whole era pretty much entirely gone. They did a historical retrospective of "the spanish city" near where I live and completely skipped over the 90s, when it was a large video arcade. Written out of history!

04-14-2015, 03:41 AM
1986, playing a "pirate" Manic Miner conversion on Czechoslovak computer PMD-85, thanks to an employee of big local factory who bought this one PMD-85 once a week to our "hobby classroom" and taught us the basics of BASIC programming language, and then sometimes... Manic Miner, yay! If you got lucky, you were one of the 15 boys who could actually play for a while, on small black&white TV, just incredible what these things can do, isn't it? And the week before, someone managed to reach Manic Miner level 4, if you can imagine!! :-D


Home computers were expensive and not easy to find in this region back then, but somehow my parents managed to gift me with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum in 1988 and THEN it really started.

Update: As for the PMD-85 (and some other projects), it's actually incredible that their authors were able to create them. Just one, two, few super-talented people with VERY limited sources, no documentation, no components from the "west", plus dealing with the régime... hats off to them and big thanks.

04-14-2015, 04:14 AM
I posted this on another forum but i thought it would fit in well here:

My Dad and i went to some computer shop in the mid 90s (I would have been 7) and while he was browsing i sort of got away from him and wandered into the back where they had this kind of home theater room not unlike the type you'd see at some electronics store where they have surround sound, a big screen TV and some couches but anyways in this room they had DARK FORCES projected on to the wall or some kind of overhead screen and i was apparently watching somebody play it, i didn't know what it was but all i know is it looked so cool, then the person who worked there let me give it a spin, of course my Dad didn't have to go to far to figure out where i was and he was also watching me play this thing that had all sorts of blaster noises and MIDI sounds. Of course i was also attracted to the game because i pretty much grew up on watching my Dad play stuff like Wolfenstein and Doom.

Being as young as i was i didn't really know what i was doing for all i can recall i was just running into walls and trying to shoot at the sky but if that didn't have me in some kind of awe i don't know what happened, now as this was my first experience with something Star Wars i couldn't really grasp the concept of it, the visual language of it or what that was because i had never seen any of the movies up until a couple years later in 1997 when they were re-released in theaters.

Not too much longer after that my Dad bought me The LucasArts Archives Vol. IV: The Star Wars Collection II which was released in 1998, i rediscovered Dark Forces through that package and immediately remembered that this was THAT game, i was totally floored... it almost felt like deja vu.


04-14-2015, 01:39 PM
My dad found a shoebox of old Amiga floppies and another box of old Amiga magazines. I've got plans to digitise them all

04-17-2015, 05:17 PM
I bought a Sega Genesis today. And almost all my old childhood games. LET THE WEEKEND BEGIN.

04-17-2015, 05:24 PM
i'm a fucking nes and snes geek, but we already have a thread about that shit.

When i was a kid, me and my little brother played the SHIT out of Street Fighter 2 in the arcade and then Mortal Kombat.
We also got into all the other similar games...Samurai Showdown, World Heroes, Art of Fighting...anything where we could beat the shit out of each other.

04-18-2015, 01:17 AM
I had the Duke Nukem Forever PC Gamer cover story issue from like 97 or something, kind of epic considering how long ago that was and all the history with the game going forward.

Half-Life 3 is basically the DNF of the current generation at this point. 11 years since HL2, 8 years since we were promised an 'Episode 3', a bunch of concept art and interviews suggested the game was imminent around 2009, and now absolute "done when it's done" silence for years. I assume that if Valve ever release a finished product then it'll be rather better than Duke Nukem Forever turned out to be, but it's become a wait of similar ludicrosity.

Dr Channard
07-07-2015, 09:23 AM
Slow day. Gaming then and now, some stuff I found funny,









07-08-2015, 11:28 AM
License to kill
No radar
No oddjob

08-17-2015, 04:12 PM
Fired up Ecco the Dolphin recently, and decided it wouldn't just be an exercise in pure nostalgia - I'd document the whole thing into one glorious 16-bit jpeg, detailing the story over every level.

I'd forgotten how very long a game it is, though - the full thing is 23mb and longer than Liam Neeson's cock. So I've split and downsized it into three digestible, fish-sized bites.


Part 1, better resolution (http://i705.photobucket.com/albums/ww57/LordVertigo/Forum%20stuff/Ecco%20storyline%20-%20part%201_zpsukqpq3f8.jpg~original)
Part 2 (http://i705.photobucket.com/albums/ww57/LordVertigo/Forum%20stuff/Ecco%20storyline%20-%20part%202_zpswwneegfh.jpg~original)
Part 3 (http://i705.photobucket.com/albums/ww57/LordVertigo/Forum%20stuff/Ecco%20storyline%20-%20part%203_zpsbkdoda14.jpg~original)

The full thing (https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmdxgab9mjigcrz/Ecco%20storyline.jpg?dl=1) in original resolution, for those who can handle unnatural sizes.

Dr Channard
08-18-2015, 11:11 AM
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction was all kinds of mindless fun a decade ago, back in the PS2/Xbox days. It's unfortunate the franchise vanished after the second game flopped. The Just Cause series has kind of filled in its spot, and it’s also fun, but it still doesn’t offer anything quit as satisfying as calling in air strikes or raining down bunker busters on an enemy stronghold.

08-19-2015, 12:00 AM
80's and early 90's neighborhood sleepovers with 24-hour nes rentals of link, blaster master, maniac mansion, double dragon, ducktales, shadowgate, all marios, etc. etc. etc.

also wanting a gameboy SO FUCKING BAD, but getting the game and watch zelda handheld dual screen instead. i played the shit out of it and wish i still had it (ridic prices now on ebay), but i eventually got a gameboy in 1991 when i was 11.

years before that the sleepovers were all about yar's revenge and berzerk for the 2600 (original fake wood behemoth). those were fun, too (once i was five or so and could stay at friends' houses without being a baby and getting homesick ... across the street from my home).

08-22-2015, 02:28 AM
When I was a kid I would boot up this Commodore 64 game just to listen to the music on repeat... and, if you watch the video at all, you'll see that the game itself makes absolutely NO sense. I still don't get it.

The real kicker is that even if you figured out these insane "solutions" and understood where to go, the original release of the game was broken and unbeatable. I wonder how long it took people to figure that out, considering how completely WTF the game was already. Still, I loved that theme song, and I would boot up the game to the title screen and dance around to it. I think that's where I started liking synths.


04-14-2019, 12:45 PM
Hopefully topic fits in here... recent article (https://pctuning.tyden.cz/multimedia/hry-a-zabava/56671-jak-se-hry-staly-vedou-aniz-by-si-toho-nekdo-vsiml) (in czech) mentioned things like:

A 20 Year Old DOOM Record Was Finally Broken


Choco Mountain: The History of Mario Kart 64's Most Infamous Track


This is seriosly some crazy shit! (in a good way) Wow.

04-16-2019, 09:05 AM
I have an old laptop with winxp and dosbox, where I play some classics like Enclave, Nfs 3, Warcraft 2, Dangerous Dave.

Halo Infinity
04-27-2019, 12:26 AM
I rediscovered my interest in Lemmings. I haven't played it on the Super Nintendo for 18 years, nor did I have any idea that Lemmings games were actually made on the PS2 and PS3. Perhaps I'll check out the other games, but for that I'll need an actual PS2 or PS3. I also had a PS2, but it died on me, but had I known, I would've gotten it in 2006. It's one of my earliest memories of gaming on an actual console of my own because Super Nintendo was my first system ever, and I could've sworn that I got Lemmings not too long after getting Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart. I kind of also got it not too long after Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, which I also played too much of at the this point.

And this is a given, at least for me, but I also still keep finding myself returning to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time a lot. My favorite so far is still Donatello, much to my surprise with Leonardo being a close second. It seemed to change, since Leonardo used to be my main, and then Raphael.

04-27-2019, 08:11 AM
Turtles in Time Arcade or SNES?

The only thing I liked about the SNES version was the two extra stages. TMNT arcade games are in my top 10 ever...so much nostalgia.

07-17-2019, 02:07 AM
I kinda miss having a 'dumb' phone. If I miss a day on recharging for my smart phone, I'm fucked. Also, the trend for dumb phones was to make them smaller for your pocket. Now the trend is to see how big you can make a phone while still keeping it technically a phone.

Damn, this thread is so nostalgic it almost killed me :D I miss those button phones too, at least those had some individuality.

-Powering through Mega Man 2 and 3 without issue
-Grinding on Death Peak in Chrono Trigger with TDS playing in the background
-Bustin' fools' heads in MKII and UMK3 in the arcades
-Leaving FFVI idling at odd points just so I could listen to the music.

At least I have emulators on my phone to play this anywhere I want.
The other nostalgic moment I remember is playing Diablo 2 at LAN-party first time, I miss those times. But I'm glad that old-school games like Path of Exile exist which can offer similar experience. Too bad that I don't have much time for playing it now, but at least I can but some exalted orbs here (https://e2p.com/games/path-of-exile/currency) and don't farm it.

08-01-2019, 12:32 PM
Ok, I'm just going to scream this one from the rooftops as loud as possible... if you have fond nostalgia for retro games from the 16 bit era... games like Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Strider, old school racing games like Rad Racer, Gradius... and you want to play a game that might actually make you choke back tears, play 198X right now. Seriously. I'm not sure how far I am into it, I assume I'm near the end, but I'm already calling it that this is one of the best games I'll ever play.

08-01-2019, 06:02 PM
My small dream* is a Raspberry Pi emulator-based system for all of the Mario Karts and F-Zero games... and then buying the relevant carts/discs for display next to it.

Based off of watching this:


(* - small dream because I'm not much of a gamer and I doubt I'd spend much time playing it solo, I want it for socializing... and since that barely happens, well, it's small dream... a nice thing... later.... much later)

04-28-2020, 09:11 AM
I came across a meme the other day that had the old The Simpson's arcade game. Does anybody know if that's available to download and/or play anywhere? There has to be.

04-28-2020, 09:24 AM
Not legally apparently, they removed them from PSN and Xbox Arcade.

04-28-2020, 09:33 PM
I wonder if Disney would be able to bring it back out, they own the Simpsons franchise now i think right? i imagine that would translate over to the games as well.

The iOS port was pretty good, i still own it on my apple account but the game is pretty much useless on new hardware.

04-30-2020, 08:33 AM
Emulate it...that's all I have to say :D

04-30-2020, 08:39 AM
Yeah was gonna say. I have it on one of my laptops along with about 400 other games lol.


02-03-2021, 04:30 AM
Not sure this lives here but i've found a great YouTube channel that spends a LOT of it's time looking at the early internet/meme's/creepy shit and the video about the Slipknot vs Limp Bizkit video brought back some memories!


Also the 2 girls 1 cup video is enlightening...

02-03-2021, 05:13 AM

When we finally got a NES (Super Mario 3 launch), this was another game I played I hell out of... and then, years later, a buddy I was smoking cannabis with wanted to see if he could beat me... no, he didn't. He bought the next three pizzas.

02-03-2021, 12:58 PM

When we finally got a NES (Super Mario 3 launch), this was another game I played I hell out of... and then, years later, a buddy I was smoking cannabis with wanted to see if he could beat me... no, he didn't. He bought the next three pizzas.

LOVED that game. Did you ever try the arcade version or NEO-GEO version?

02-03-2021, 01:11 PM
LOVED that game. Did you ever try the arcade version or NEO-GEO version?

Sadly no... but that Neo-Geo version looks wild.....

02-03-2021, 01:13 PM

anyone know what this game is in the picture? My brother played it all the time on the computer and I never understood why you had letters running around fighting each other.

02-03-2021, 01:16 PM

anyone know what this game is in the picture? My brother played it all the time on the computer and I never understood why you had letters running around fighting each other.


02-03-2021, 01:21 PM
huh. no shit?

can you facepalm your own posts? asking for a friend.

03-15-2021, 01:08 PM
So i stumbled upon a great little YouTube channel. The person restores (and sometimes upgrades) old consoles, but in a chill ASMR vibe and it's the most interesting and relaxing thing i've found in a LONG while...


03-16-2021, 04:35 PM
^^^ Tronics Fix is another good channel for repairs and does walk throughs, mainly for more modern stuff. One of the only channels that has been working on broken XSX and PS5 hardware. Learning more about soldering from him atm.

03-18-2021, 12:17 PM

huh. pretty sweet. much easier than the soldering I had to do on it back in the day. I was lucky I didn't burn anything and I got it in one go. still have it too.

03-18-2021, 02:32 PM
it is so weird that, specifically, Tony Hawk unlocks this

Anyway, felt this was a good moment to post this, and whenever that moment arrives, I do it.
