View Full Version : The Overlook Hotel score

12-20-2015, 10:33 AM
maybe this is the extra he'll do next year(?) (http://www.liveforfilms.com/2015/12/18/could-trent-reznor-be-providing-the-score-for-the-overlook-hotel/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+liveforfilms%2FqdPt+%28Live+f or+Films%29)

Romanek’s response to the question was that Reznor would probably be doing the score for the new film.

edit: and maybe we don't need to take this so seriously... "their cover of Johnny Cash’s Hurt" -lol-

12-30-2015, 08:45 AM
maybe this is the extra he'll do next year(?) (http://www.liveforfilms.com/2015/12/18/could-trent-reznor-be-providing-the-score-for-the-overlook-hotel/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+liveforfilms%2FqdPt+%28Live+f or+Films%29)

edit: and maybe we don't need to take this so seriously... "their cover of Johnny Cash’s Hurt" -lol-

"They had worked together on the Nine Inch Nails’ videos for Closer, The Perfect Drug and their work on Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt."

This isn't stating that NIN covered Cash.

12-30-2015, 10:52 AM
"They had worked together on the Nine Inch Nails’ videos for Closer, The Perfect Drug and their work on Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt."

This isn't stating that NIN covered Cash.

It has been edited and corrected since the original post. Witte's original quotation was an accurate copy of what was in the article.

12-30-2015, 01:37 PM
It has been edited and corrected since the original post. Witte's original quotation was an accurate copy of what was in the article.

Unfortunately ETS doesn't currently offer a button to allow me to facepalm myself... :(

By bad yo... <3

07-27-2020, 05:26 PM
No mention of Trent & Atticus here, but in case anyone was wondering what happened with this film:


07-27-2020, 07:37 PM
No mention of Trent & Atticus here, but in case anyone was wondering what happened with this film:


That’s incredibly interesting, particularly for huge fans of The Shining like myself. That idea of Watson and talking about the person building the haunted house sounds like it would have made a great film. Honestly never knew about the prologue King wrote that came out in a TV guide around the time of the miniseries’ release.
Space Suicide, we should post this in your horror thread.

07-28-2020, 03:14 AM
Moved since it doesn't have anything to do with TRAR.

07-28-2020, 02:28 PM
That’s incredibly interesting, particularly for huge fans of The Shining like myself. That idea of Watson and talking about the person building the haunted house sounds like it would have made a great film. Honestly never knew about the prologue King wrote that came out in a TV guide around the time of the miniseries’ release.
@Space Suicide (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=532), we should post this in your horror thread.

what did you think of doctor sleep? i'm dying to watch the director's cut but every time i ask sarah she's not in the mood (she's the big stephen king fan; we saw the theatrical in the theater together).

07-28-2020, 07:29 PM
what did you think of doctor sleep? i'm dying to watch the director's cut but every time i ask sarah she's not in the mood (she's the big stephen king fan; we saw the theatrical in the theater together).

Dude, I actually avoided watching it because the idea of someone I associated with the Star Wars reboot playing Danny really turned me off.

I read the book when it came out and adored it.

Then one day I decided to check out a few clips on YT (the comparisons and subtle nods the director made to the original film) and thought “ok, this might actually be worth checking out”.

So I watched it online. Man, what the director did in lieu of having access to Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall (and indeed, the original young actor that played Danny) was just incredible, in my opinion. The tone. Properly addressing the topic of alcoholism that King intended the original film to focus more upon. Seeing the Grady Twins, the bathtub woman and all the original nasties recreated so faithfully just made me fucking adore it. And seeing the exterior of that original hotel. Not the one King stayed in that inspired the novel and the one that was shown and used in the miniseries.

Ewan McGregor really surpassed my expectations. I guess this is why I’m so intrigued by this prequel notion...

07-30-2020, 06:20 PM
eversonpoe, did you reply? It says you were the last poster in this thread but I don’t see anything.

07-30-2020, 11:23 PM
@eversonpoe (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588), did you reply? It says you were the last poster in this thread but I don’t see anything.

i hadn't, no. the board's been weird for a few days.

07-30-2020, 11:54 PM
what did you think of doctor sleep? i'm dying to watch the director's cut but every time i ask sarah she's not in the mood (she's the big stephen king fan; we saw the theatrical in the theater together).

I'd avoid the theatrical cut and only watch the director's cut. I absolutely love Kubrick's The Shining, which is definitely in my top 5 films ever made. When I heard the idea of a Doctor Sleep sequel book, I thought it was frigging stupid. I'm not really a fan of King's writing, but I did love The Green Mile book, which is a film I also love. I tried to read Doctor Sleep and just wasn't into it. But I thought the movie was actually pretty damn good. A part of me wishes they expanded the film even further and made it into a mini series instead of a film. I think they could've dived more into Abra, more into Dan's time at the old folks home, and especially the True Knot. A 6 part, 1 hour each mini series would've been great. More time to help flesh out all the characters even more. This is why I prefer the Director's Cut, which I saw first. There were some things about the last 15 minutes I loved and some that I felt could've been handled better. But, overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Doctor Sleep. I didn't go into it with high hopes. And I must say, they did an amazing job with all the actors they got to play roles from the original movie. I'm glad they didn't try to use digital characters or some crap. Jack, Wendy, and Halorann... just wow. I thought I was going to be turned off by this, but they nailed them, and it's way better than trying to pull some Tarkin/Carrie Fisher Rogue One/Rise Of Skywalker crap.

07-31-2020, 05:14 AM
i hadn't, no. the board's been weird for a few days.

Well reply then, bitch!

07-31-2020, 05:44 AM
Well look what’s on in our living room! (https://ibb.co/1n963GR)

07-31-2020, 09:59 PM
I got to see this a while back and my opinion seems to differ a little. I'm a big fan of The Shining (the film) and a week before Doctor Sleep came out they showed the original Shining and I got to see it on the big screen. Doctor Sleep was one big disappointment to me. I'm not a Stephen King hater or anything and I actually quite enjoy a lot of his film adaptations. Likewise I think Mike Flanagan is a talented director and I like Hill House and Gerald's Game (another King adaptation) quite a bit. But we're talking about The Shining here people. The Fucking Shining for christsakes. One of, if not the best horror film that's ever been made. In a class with the Exorcist and not much else. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion and everything, but Stephen King has always been wrong about Kubrick's film. Kubrick took a middle of the road story and elevated it into horror legend. King was however right to say that Kubrick's film left him feeling cold. That was intentional. That's what great horror does. That's why its called bone chilling horror.

Doctor Sleep is most likely a great sequel to the book and that's fine. I just wish they would have left Kubrick's vision alone. Don't get me wrong, the visuals were done well and I agree with others about the recasting of the actors instead of cgi. I also think the other actors did the best they could with the material. But.....SPOILER.....when they have all the ghosts from the original film running at Danny on the stairs as if they're some sort of dark version of the avengers I almost just got up and left. I mean come on. Not to mention they expand and explain a lot about Shining. Kubrick knew that ambiguity and mystery are much more effective than explanation and exposition when it comes to horror. And subtlety goes a long way when it comes to those ghosts.

If you're looking for a great horror film I don't think you'll find it in Doctor Sleep and imo even though it tries to pay respect to the original film it comes off as a cheap attempt at fan service. I thought fan service was bad enough in a cheesy franchise like Star Wars but seeing it done to an actual masterpiece of a film like the Shining made me a bit sick. It is however, a decent story about an alcoholic finding redemption which is what the original book always was for King. It was just never as good as what Kubrick did with it and Doctor Sleep proved that for me.

I'm glad others seem to enjoy it but I just though I'd throw my 2 cents into the pile. And to whoever said they almost didn't want to see it because Ewan McGregor was a star wars actor, please do yourself a favor and go watch Trainspotting and T2:Trainspotting right now. Some of the best films ever.

08-01-2020, 12:25 AM
Doctor Sleep is definitely nowhere near the level of The Shining. I did mention my issues with the last 15 minutes, which dealt mostly with the fan service elements. I think it could've been handled better. I do agree that the "Avengers" ghosts bit did bug me as well. I felt the rest of the movie was pretty good. I just think the old Shining references could've been done better without being so "Hey, remember that ghost! Hey, they said the thing they said in The Shining!" I enjoyed the rest of the movie. I went in with such low expectations. Still, it ain't no Kubrick Shining.

And, man, the baseball kid scene was fucking brutal as hell to watch. I praise it for having the balls to make you feel uncomfortable. That scene disturbed my girlfriend.

08-01-2020, 02:25 AM
Doctor Sleep is definitely nowhere near the level of The Shining. I did mention my issues with the last 15 minutes, which dealt mostly with the fan service elements. I think it could've been handled better. I do agree that the "Avengers" ghosts bit did bug me as well. I felt the rest of the movie was pretty good. I just think the old Shining references could've been done better without being so "Hey, remember that ghost! Hey, they said the thing they said in The Shining!" I enjoyed the rest of the movie. I went in with such low expectations. Still, it ain't no Kubrick Shining.

And, man, the baseball kid scene was fucking brutal as hell to watch. I praise it for having the balls to make you feel uncomfortable. That scene disturbed my girlfriend.

Yeah, I'm not saying its the worst movie ever made or anything. In fact the Danny story and becoming a mentor to the young girl started off decent enough and had me interested. But ultimately I think the rest of the film and the way it was all shoehorned together didn't work all that well. I doubt this film will age well. The Shining is about 40 years old and still a better achievement. And this may be controversial because a lot of people seem to like the character but Rose the Hat and her whole gang of bums was incredibly boring to me. A sequel to the Shining and Rose the Hat is your villain? Ok. Every time she sucked someone's soul energy out it looked like she was taking a bong hit. I find Mary Poppins better suited for a horror film.

I guess put more simply, my main issue isn't that they made a film sequel to King's book with his characters. Obviously he has every right to make that. I just wish he didn't let the director talk him into using the exact imagery that Kubrick invented. Especially if you were making a redemption arc story about Danny that barely qualifies as a horror genre film. And Kubrick isn't alive to have a say in any of it. Using those images and sequences they invited comparisons to the original. If I had the balls to do that you better believe I would have felt obligated to try to outdo the original. Instead that made a fan service, tie everything up with a little bow type of film. Dah well, I guess it just isn't for me. To each their own.