View Full Version : NIN Spotting: 2016 Edition

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01-06-2016, 07:02 AM
I've always wanted to make one of these.

cashpiles (closed)
01-06-2016, 07:17 AM
On some entertainment show yesterday... I think it was E Now, they did a segment on what stars request in their dressing rooms and apparently Trent Reznor had asked for corn starch or baby powder in the past to help get his leather or rubber pants on more easily.

01-06-2016, 11:17 AM

Casual spotting

01-06-2016, 12:34 PM
Aaaahahaha look at this shit


sick among the pure
01-06-2016, 12:41 PM
Aaaahahaha look at this shit


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't that been up for years?

So a possibly alienating nerdy spotting, I was listening to the Dear Hank and John (https://soundcloud.com/dearhankandjohn) podcast, catching up on a dozen episodes (so I don't remember which one it was in, but it was fairly recent) and John mentioned having been an angsty teen when Pretty Hate Machine came out, so he bought it and loved it. Went on to say that his dad, in typical dad form, listened to it, said he really enjoyed the music, and bought his own copy (which then was passed down to Hank).
Basically for like 5 minutes they both reminisce about how much they loved that album and still to this day enjoy it.
I just thought it was cool that they're fans, or at least, fans of PHM.

01-06-2016, 01:35 PM
(Starting at 3:15)


01-07-2016, 10:59 AM
(Starting at 3:15)


Was this video narrated by Ronald McDonald?

01-07-2016, 11:59 AM
On some entertainment show yesterday... I think it was E Now, they did a segment on what stars request in their dressing rooms and apparently Trent Reznor had asked for corn starch or baby powder in the past to help get his leather or rubber pants on more easily.

That's not why. The corn starch goes on the outside. See old NIN footage or watch Closure.

01-11-2016, 04:04 PM
Cringeworthy moment just now where the news lady on msnbc just mentioned Trent in relation to the Bowie death, calling him "Trent Reznick." Lol wtf?

01-11-2016, 04:32 PM
Cringeworthy moment just now where the news lady on msnbc just mentioned Trent in relation to the Bowie death, calling him "Trent Reznick." Lol wtf?

She has watched The Machinist one time too many. She must be a huge Christian Bale fan.

01-11-2016, 04:55 PM
She has watched The Machinist one time too many. She must be a huge Christian Bale fan.

Wait for CNN to call him 'Trevor Reznick'.

And Fox News to call him 'Trevor... TR something... We don't know him if he don't do no country music.'

Your Name Here
01-11-2016, 11:27 PM

01-11-2016, 11:51 PM
Has Trent said anything publicly about David Bowie's passing?

Not as yet, no.

01-12-2016, 07:54 AM
Has Trent said anything publicly about David Bowie's passing?

saying nothing gives more impact. everybody reacts on social media dropping wonderful pics with themselves and david. yeah, very important....

01-12-2016, 09:46 AM
Wouldn't be too surprised if NIN 2016 ended up being postponed or discarded after that.

01-12-2016, 10:02 AM
Am I the only one thinking that TR's attachment to Bowie is being hugely exaggerated on this board?

01-12-2016, 10:11 AM
Am I the only one thinking that TR's attachment to Bowie is being hugely exaggerated on this board?

It is hugely exaggerated. By people who don't even know what the relationship was. Trent even mentioned in an interview in 2012 that he had extended an invitation to Bowie "through his people" to come out and see one of the HTDA shows. Bowie declined. I'm not sure Trent had even seen Bowie in years, or even been that close to him towards the end. Who knows.

01-12-2016, 05:00 PM
I'm sure nothing you're saying is relevant to their relationship. When and if Trent says anything we'll know what they/he wants us to know. :)

i wouldn't be surprised if David guests the new NIN material, but that's just extreme wishful thinking.

01-12-2016, 06:33 PM
Am I the only one thinking that TR's attachment to Bowie is being hugely exaggerated on this board?

Big time...Bowie knew a ton of musicians casually ...TR was one of them..they werent best friends or "close friends" by any means...TR has probably had more conversations with Manson the past 15 years than with Bowie....

01-13-2016, 09:23 AM
Am I the only one thinking that TR's attachment to Bowie is being hugely exaggerated on this board?

He adored Bowie as a paternal figure and an artist. I'm not sure the degree to which Reznor admired Bowie can be overstated.

"Bowie is the most important figure to have inspired me."


Your Name Here
01-13-2016, 11:19 AM

01-13-2016, 11:23 AM
Trent Reznor on "I'm Afraid Of Americans".

Trent didn't co-write that with Bowie. He just remixed it. Granted, the remix became more popular than the original album version due to the music video, but...

Your Name Here
01-13-2016, 11:33 AM

01-13-2016, 11:36 AM
And the song is most likely coming from late Outside sessions, because Eno and because the early version of it was used in Showgirls two years prior to Earthling.

01-13-2016, 11:45 AM
It's hard to say what the Reznor/Bowie relationship was but there were not that many artists that co wrote music with David Bowie, that the joint effort ended up on a Bowie record. The only other artist I can think of is John Lennon on "Fame" and Trent Reznor on "I'm Afraid Of Americans". Trent also toured with Bowie.

even if you were right about Reznor writing IAOA, which as was pointed out, you're not, this sentence is nonsense - Bowie worked with a ton of artists on every single record. Nile Rodgers, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp are the prominent ones that come to mind off the top of my head, and that's ignoring the tons of less-known artists who played and wrote with Bowie. Bowie's music was composed with bands -- he didn't write or play all or even most things on the records, but was the auteur who tied it all together.

More keep coming to my head; Bowie co-wrote with people all the time. Iggy. Queen(!)...

01-13-2016, 11:47 AM
Trent didn't co-write that with Bowie. He just remixed it. Granted, the remix became more popular than the original album version due to the music video, but...

I don't know, I also find the remix to be superior. While the original has a tendency to drag on a bit aimlessly to me, the remix is more straightforward and its progression more interesting. And, given the sound of Bowie and Eno's work on that one, Reznor was a perfect fit to add another layer of production on top of it.

Your Name Here
01-13-2016, 12:01 PM

01-13-2016, 12:30 PM
China Girl- co written with Iggy Pop first appeared on the Idiot album by Iggy Pop, later appeared on Let's Dance
Under Pressure- co written with Queen was on the Hot Space it didn't first appear on a Bowie album until Best Of Bowie

My original statement said artist that co wrote music that appeared on a bowie record. I see Nile Rodgers and Brian Eno more in the role of producer and many artists write with their producer.

that is totally playing games with semantics.

01-13-2016, 12:57 PM
China Girl- co written with Iggy Pop first appeared on the Idiot album by Iggy Pop, later appeared on Let's Dance
Under Pressure- co written with Queen was on the Hot Space it didn't first appear on a Bowie album until Best Of Bowie

My original statement said artist that co wrote music that appeared on a bowie record. I see Nile Rodgers and Brian Eno more in the role of producer and many artists write with their producer.
China Girl is an Iggy Pop song, co-written with Bowie, that Bowie then covered. Much like NIN with Suck

01-13-2016, 01:02 PM
The very fact of co-writing (or lack thereof) is also dubious at times. It's a well-known fact that Nile Rodgers wrote the trademark "chinese" riff in China Girl (which isn't on Pop version). I strongly suspect he would get a co-writing credit if the song wasn't already copyrited.

01-13-2016, 01:18 PM
My favorite quote of Bowie regarding TR:

"Trent Reznor is a downright perfect musician, he is colossal. He is one of the most challenging musicians of our time and by no means a one-hit-wonder or a short-lived phenomenon. What Manson's doing at the moment is very American, but doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Glam. Manson isn't as open. What he's doing is a statement. Very puristic, but really not very interesting. I think that Trent Reznor has more longevity than Manson."

01-13-2016, 01:55 PM
My favorite quote of Bowie regarding TR:

"Trent Reznor is a downright perfect musician, he is colossal. He is one of the most challenging musicians of our time and by no means a one-hit-wonder or a short-lived phenomenon. What Manson's doing at the moment is very American, but doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Glam. Manson isn't as open. What he's doing is a statement. Very puristic, but really not very interesting. I think that Trent Reznor has more longevity than Manson."

He really nailed it.

01-13-2016, 04:15 PM
He really nailed it.

I see what you did there.

01-13-2016, 04:26 PM
My favorite quote of Bowie regarding TR:

"Trent Reznor is a downright perfect musician, he is colossal. He is one of the most challenging musicians of our time and by no means a one-hit-wonder or a short-lived phenomenon. What Manson's doing at the moment is very American, but doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Glam. Manson isn't as open. What he's doing is a statement. Very puristic, but really not very interesting. I think that Trent Reznor has more longevity than Manson."
Haha oh god could you imagine Manson reading that? That must have cut like a knife, I'd say Manson was infinitely more directly inspired by Bowie than Trez ever was.

01-14-2016, 07:47 AM
Never seen this Bowie / Trent interview before from MTV news with Kurt Loder. Guess people are unearthing Bowie footage after his death.


01-14-2016, 09:32 AM
That's so weird. Bowie has only his ring finger on his left hand painted blue which is something I always do. I had no clue he did that.

01-14-2016, 10:37 AM
My favorite quote of Bowie regarding TR:

"Trent Reznor is a downright perfect musician, he is colossal. He is one of the most challenging musicians of our time and by no means a one-hit-wonder or a short-lived phenomenon. What Manson's doing at the moment is very American, but doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Glam. Manson isn't as open. What he's doing is a statement. Very puristic, but really not very interesting. I think that Trent Reznor has more longevity than Manson."

Anyone know the date of that quote/interview?...

01-14-2016, 10:39 AM
My next attempt doesn’t go as planned, either, with an Imp sniping me with a charged blast within 15 to 20 seconds of my run. My third attempt is solid, and I find myself almost killing to the beat of the music, which is reminiscent of Nine Inch Nails’ work.

Maybe the new NIN material this year is the new Doom Soundtrack?
I wouldn't doubt it since Trent worked on the Quake soundtrack.

01-14-2016, 10:44 AM
Anyone know the date of that quote/interview?...
It's quoted in 2000 article ( http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/articles/manager/display_article.php?id=934 )
I guess it was said around '99 when Manson was riding his Ziggy Omega persona

01-14-2016, 11:06 AM

Maybe the new NIN material this year is the new Doom Soundtrack?
I wouldn't doubt it since Trent worked on the Quake soundtrack.

Yeah, Trent's gonna take 3 years since the last album, tease us, only to drop a lame video game soundtrack...... NOT!

01-14-2016, 11:08 AM

Maybe the new NIN material this year is the new Doom Soundtrack?

no, Doom (2016) is already in marketing phase, has trailers and even active preorders. It would be known months ago if it was true.

01-14-2016, 11:28 AM
Never seen this Bowie / Trent interview before from MTV news with Kurt Loder. Guess people are unearthing Bowie footage after his death.


Just after the 4:30 mark, they mentioned that MTV refused a video. Assuming that was I'm Afraid of Americans, but makes me wonder if there's a "directors cut" hidden on a shelf somewhere.

01-14-2016, 11:49 AM

Maybe the new NIN material this year is the new Doom Soundtrack?
I wouldn't doubt it since Trent worked on the Quake soundtrack.
Oof. musn't get hopes up!

Yeah, Trent's gonna take 3 years since the last album, tease us, only to drop a lame video game soundtrack...... NOT!
He said 'and other stuff' a Doom soundtrack doesn't have to be instead of NIN

Just after the 4:30 mark, they mentioned that MTV refused a video. Assuming that was I'm Afraid of Americans, but makes me wonder if there's a "directors cut" hidden on a shelf somewhere.
Since the interview was before the Outside tour, wasn't he referring to a video from that album? IAOA was 1997 wasn't it?

Marty Kirra
01-14-2016, 12:07 PM

Maybe the new NIN material this year is the new Doom Soundtrack?
I wouldn't doubt it since Trent worked on the Quake soundtrack.
Nope, soundtrack is being composed by Mick Gordon, same composer from Wolfenstein: The New Order.

01-14-2016, 01:05 PM
Just after the 4:30 mark, they mentioned that MTV refused a video. Assuming that was I'm Afraid of Americans, but makes me wonder if there's a "directors cut" hidden on a shelf somewhere.

i feel fairly sure they're talking about the Happiness In Slavery video

01-14-2016, 01:37 PM
I'm Afraid of Americans video wasn't until late 1997.

01-14-2016, 02:12 PM
Just after the 4:30 mark, they mentioned that MTV refused a video. Assuming that was I'm Afraid of Americans, but makes me wonder if there's a "directors cut" hidden on a shelf somewhere.
It's referring back to Loder's first question to Bowie about when he first heard NIN so they are not talking about a current video. The only video from PHM that MTV didn't play was "Sin", so it could be that.

01-14-2016, 02:19 PM
How to destroy angels 'A Drowning' was used on repeat (pretty extensively) in a season 3 episode of the cult. The actually kind of repeated it to to the point of annoyance.

01-14-2016, 03:00 PM
I have it. It's a Producers Post vhs promo for I'm Afraid of Americans + 13 minutes 18 seconds "Behind The Scenes W/Trent Reznor". I've watched it many times but never uploaded or seen anywhere other than an old 30 second MTV News clip. @FULLMETAL (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=356) got in touch with me to get it uploaded before the holidays but there's no way I'd send my stuff during the busy holiday season. I'll get it sent soon and hopefully he'll be able to get uploaded quickly.

Have heard/read many times about this footage, this would be amazing to finally witness!

01-14-2016, 03:04 PM
Have heard/read many times about this footage, this would be amazing to finally witness!

I may have a buddy here who can rig something up and get up uploaded, I'll try my best. I hate sending my tapes through usps mail system.

01-14-2016, 03:09 PM
I may have a buddy here who can rig something up and get up uploaded, I'll try my best. I hate sending my tapes through usps mail system.

Thanks man, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

01-14-2016, 03:21 PM
I may have a buddy here who can rig something up and get up uploaded, I'll try my best. I hate sending my tapes through usps mail system.

Whoa! now this would pretty awesome to see, best of luck on getting this digitally transferred and uploaded!

01-14-2016, 03:26 PM
Whoa! now this would pretty awesome to see, best of luck on getting this digitally transferred and uploaded!

I may or may not just set up my vcr crank up the volume and just record it with my flip. Will be a bit bootleggy but the job will be done.

01-14-2016, 04:14 PM
amazing the stuff MTV has in their vaults.....theres a 4 hour behind the scenes with Faith No More segment from when they were recording angel dust in 92 including a 90 minute mike patton interview (of which mtv aired maybe 30 seconds)..i remember when that VHS made the trade rounds around 2000 or so...app some dude who worked for mtv stole it when he got fired.....god only knows the concert footage they have..

01-14-2016, 05:09 PM
I may or may not just set up my vcr crank up the volume and just record it with my flip. Will be a bit bootleggy but the job will be done.
Something like this should definitely get transferred properly for archive. Maybe there's somewhere local to you that can do it?

Or if you can do as good of quality as possible dub of it and mail the duped tape, that'd still be pretty nice....

I completely understand the risks of usps....

01-14-2016, 05:56 PM
Edit: Dropped the tape off at a studio. They're saying Monday afternoon it'll be ready. I'll upload asap.

01-14-2016, 08:02 PM
I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon at Astound Video. They said if I bring them my tape and hard drive and give them $30 they'll give me the best conversion possible. I'll get it uploaded and post a YouTube link here.

Tag me when you do. Thanks for doing this!

01-14-2016, 11:30 PM
I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon at Astound Video. They said if I bring them my tape and hard drive and give them $30 they'll give me the best conversion possible. I'll get it uploaded and post a YouTube link here.
If you have other oddities, might as well try to get a collection going and transfer it all. I'd throw some money into it for sure. :-)

01-15-2016, 09:52 AM
Went into Astound a bit early since I'm up early today. For some stupid reason they want to take my tape and hard drive and call me in a week. I said if you want this $30 you'll do it now or if I can pay a bit more to do it now then fine, let's just get it done. They said that they take orders and fill them in order. So they lost my business. I'm going to call a few more places today but I don't think there are many places in MN that do these transfers.

01-15-2016, 10:55 AM
Yeah, it took me a couple of days to get the Fragility 1.0 digital betacam tape converted. And even then, they mixed up the RGB channels, and I had to go back and get it re-ripped. Sometimes you just have to be patient.

I say this as the guy who's been waiting for you to rip that tape for years now :b

01-15-2016, 01:16 PM
All this talk on this subject is making me want to get all my NIN tapes ripped to DVD just for the sake of preservation.

01-15-2016, 02:32 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:


01-15-2016, 02:39 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:

These are coming up with 'this video is not available' - I wonder if they're not available for mobile devices, I'm using a tablet?

01-15-2016, 02:44 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:


UNREAL. Thank you.

01-15-2016, 03:02 PM
Wow, nice find. According to gladcarrot's catalog, Ritz show never circulated in this form (Philly is listed though)

01-15-2016, 03:19 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:


YESSSSS not nearly enough live "THAT'S WHAT I GET" out there!

01-15-2016, 03:31 PM
These are coming up with 'this video is not available' - I wonder if they're not available for mobile devices, I'm using a tablet?

Sorry, no idea WorzelG. These should be freely available to all. Try a PC/Mac and see if that it better.

01-15-2016, 10:44 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


Wow! I kind of love that the concert was recorded on a VHS camcorder off of a television. Kind of wonder if the first gen copy is out there on someone's shelf somewhere.

And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:


I was at that show! Philadelphia always gets good shows. As memory serves me, this one was no exception.

sick among the pure
01-15-2016, 11:06 PM
Philadelphia always gets good shows.

Something I learned from you to be 100% true. I will gladly travel the few hundred miles down from now on.

01-15-2016, 11:18 PM
Wow! I kind of love that the concert was recorded on a VHS camcorder off of a television. Kind of wonder if the first gen copy is out there on someone's shelf somewhere.
Any idea or leads that we could use to track down the original copy?
I'd gladly put down some money towards finding and buying the original and having someone with the equipment to rip it and upload it for everyone.

01-15-2016, 11:37 PM
LMAO @ 10:08 (https://youtu.be/ZodB2uPgmVU?t=606) on the video from 2000.

01-16-2016, 10:33 AM
This got posted over in the Bowie thread, but Mike Garson talks a good bit about Trent and working with NIN in this article so I figured it'd be worth posting here; he must've been really thrilled about TF instrumentals:


01-16-2016, 11:42 AM
This got posted over in the Bowie thread, but Mike Garson talks a good bit about Trent and working with NIN in this article so I figured it'd be worth posting here; he must've been really thrilled about TF instrumentals:


More mysteries in the unreleased Fragile tracks!

AllMusic: Trent also went on to have success scoring films.

Garson: I heard some of it, he’s great. There’s nothing he does that’s not great, as far as I’m concerned. He’s a modern day version of what a classical or jazz musician might have been back then, but he just does it in his wild, bizarre, creative, genius way, it’s not even music I resonate with, except that I feel something is happening when I’m playing with him, I can’t explain it. On the Fragile album I actually played on 15 tracks, I wish he’d release those sometime as instrumental, because the piano playing on the tracks he had me play on was phenomenal, but he only used three. I asked him why, and he said that they were, from his point, so Bowie-influenced, which means they were so Mike Garson in style, because I had the style before I played with Bowie, but he said it’s so connected with Bowie that it takes away from his individuality, so he thinks it’s a liability to him. I said that I respect his viewpoint, but I’m pissed off because I’d worked so hard, I went to New Orleans and did all these tracks and he loved them.

01-16-2016, 12:12 PM
I'm pretty sure that quote about 15 tracks was already posted at ETS like a year or two ago. Not the whole interview though.

01-17-2016, 05:59 PM
Finally a good Trent/Bowie interview...


01-17-2016, 06:17 PM
Finally a good Trent/Bowie interview...

IMHO Trent still looks like a high school kid that has no idea how to really style or carry himself. He looks 1000 times more "hardcore" post Fragile, off the coke and with more weight on his body.

01-18-2016, 01:49 PM

01-18-2016, 02:41 PM
As previously promised. I'm Afraid of Americans behind the scenes with Trent Reznor.

Tagging @Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1)



2/3/2016 edit:

WMG has made a copyright claim on this video and it's been removed from YouTube. However the embedded video here still works. Enjoy it while you still can.

01-18-2016, 03:06 PM
As previously promised. I'm Afraid of Americans behind the scenes with Trent Reznor.


Thank you so much for this, dude.

01-18-2016, 04:18 PM
Trent doesn't seem to be in the best shape on that tape (to put it lightly)

01-18-2016, 04:33 PM
As previously promised. I'm Afraid of Americans behind the scenes with Trent Reznor.

Tagging Leviathant



Hello, I requested an upload on youtube and you asked for ets, is it ok if i ask it again right here ?

01-18-2016, 04:34 PM
"Work with him or rub him out"! Brilliant.

01-18-2016, 04:36 PM
Sorry, no idea WorzelG. These should be freely available to all. Try a PC/Mac and see if that it better.

Hello i am actually using a phone, it says the same... on TubeMate, but it is downloading it anyway ! If you're wondering what TubeMate is, it's just the best phone tool ever made.

01-18-2016, 04:50 PM
Sorry to write once again but i found back my french news about it :
This is talking about three pro live song with bowie ... that surfaced august 2010 quite rare: we could see how far danny and trent were totally stoned... indeed the videos became private. Did someone saved them ?

01-18-2016, 05:46 PM
It was this but uploaded by the director or editor on Vimeo in higher resolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkwwt4spUbw

A shame such great footage has such cliche'd dutch angles and 1990s epileptic editing.

01-19-2016, 04:59 AM
[EDITED there is now 5 files]
OH SHIT I found everything back: Mr @Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1) himself contacted David Williams to find out :


David Williams is still available here:

I DID BACK UP and JUST REuploaded those (give it short time to spread to multiples locations, and better use JDownloader and/or something like an alldebrid account) :

http://www.multiup.org/download/0ed5c7e5eb2227111eab6d3d2e097806/_Vimeo-12203247__David_Bowie___Heart_s_Filfthy_Lesson_.mp 4

PLEASE NOTE that the big file ISNT the same than on youtube: doesnt start the same way, longer, have numberous timecodes, however, it is the same, and it is better quality.

Also, it's 2015, can we contact him again ? ask for a better bitrate ? even not public ?

GénéralNom complet : G:\_NIN\_Videos\David Williams - David Bowie NIN Work Pix.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Profil du format : Base Media
Identifiant du codec : isom
Taille du fichier : 201 Mio
Durée : 39mn 19s
Type de débit global : Variable
Débit global moyen : 716 Kbps
Date d'encodage : UTC 2010-10-26 10:54:26
Date de marquage : UTC 2010-10-27 10:54:35

ID : 1
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Profil du format : High@L3.1
Paramètres du format, CABAC : Oui
Paramètres du format, RefFrames : 4 images
Identifiant du codec : avc1
Identifiant du codec/Info : Advanced Video Coding
Durée : 39mn 19s
Débit : 599 Kbps
Débit maximum : 1 649 Kbps
Largeur : 640 pixels
Hauteur : 424 pixels
Format à l'écran : 3/2
Type d'images/s : Constant
Images par seconde : 29,970 Im/s
Espace de couleurs : YUV
Sous-échantillonnage de la chrominance : 4:2:0
Profondeur des couleurs : 8 bits
Type d'image : Progressif
Bits/(Pixel*Image) : 0.074
Taille du flux : 169 Mio (84%)
Bibliothèque utilisée : Vimeo Encoder
Date d'encodage : UTC 2010-10-26 10:54:26
Date de marquage : UTC 2010-10-26 10:54:30

ID : 2
Format : AAC
Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec
Profil du format : LC
Identifiant du codec : 40
Durée : 39mn 19s
Type de débit : Variable
Débit : 113 Kbps
Débit maximum : 149 Kbps
Canaux : 2 canaux
Position des cannaux : Front: L R
Echantillonnage : 44,1 KHz
Mode de compression : Avec perte
Taille du flux : 31,7 Mio (16%)
Date d'encodage : UTC 2010-10-26 10:54:29
Date de marquage : UTC 2010-10-26 10:54:30

01-19-2016, 03:12 PM
@ninjaw (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=746) - looks like you are missing 1 file. I pulled up my archive from Oct 2010 and it looks like this:


I have the whole thing sitting in dropbox if needed...

01-19-2016, 04:55 PM
@ninjaw (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=746) - looks like you are missing 1 file. I pulled up my archive from Oct 2010 and it looks like this:


I have the whole thing sitting in dropbox if needed...

I would like the heart's filthy lesson, thank you. Even if it's probably the song inluded in "work pix", i like to store files

01-20-2016, 04:10 AM
Danny Hyde on Coil, NIN and why "Backwards" never got released via Nothing: http://thequietus.com/articles/19485-danny-hyde-coil-backwards-interview

“When’s this album coming out? The publisher’s not releasing the money to me ‘til it comes out." And it was, “Oh, it’s going to be soon, it’s going to be soon.”

There's that word AGAIN!

Frozen Beach
01-20-2016, 05:21 AM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)

I can only imagine the cringe this video would cause Trent.

01-20-2016, 03:36 PM
Got posted in the Sonoio thread but there's a good chunk of talk on NIN, touring, working with Trent and that future work and touring isn't off the table but totally unknown as far as Alessandro is aware (no idea when this interview was conducted; likely pre-"New NIN" tweet):


01-20-2016, 07:36 PM
While we wait for new stuff, here's some nostalgia recently posted on You Tube:

NIN April 11 1990 @ the Ritz in New York, warming up for Peter Murphy:
This one is interesting. Based on the intro and outro by Trent, looks like it was recorded by NIN themselves for a fan. Anyone know who Michelle is? Apparently she was into NIN all the way from the beginning. :)


And another great new release:
NIN May 6 2000 @ the Spectrum in Philadelphia:


holy shit how did i miss these!??

I see it took 23 years to perfect the moving spotlight idea enough to make it to the stage.


01-20-2016, 11:38 PM
http://www.multiup.org/download/0ed5c7e5eb2227111eab6d3d2e097806/_Vimeo-12203247__David_Bowie___Heart_s_Filfthy_Lesson_.mp 4

There has to be a better file host than this, you can't use this site with adblockers, and without it is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Do you have a MEGA account at all that you could upload these to?

01-21-2016, 04:26 AM
There has to be a better file host than this, you can't use this site with adblockers, and without it is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Do you have a MEGA account at all that you could upload these to?

I don't know what you mean by "this file host" because it is not a file host, it's a lot if file hosts. Adding one would be pointless. Also, i dont have any ad here. As stated. Because it's fully compatible JDownloader.

Edit : wait a minute... this works like a charm with adblock plus ? ??? the download button is always the same and visible ? next thing is to pick and handle the file hist of your choice... even better free.fr is the best ISP in france, so there is no ads, and ... link is direct
Edit 2 : actually multiup is handling mega too by default... but I would have to not use it as anonymous...
Edit 3 : Ok, so multiup is more amazing than I tought, because it still can hide my name, I created an account, and tried to add mega http://www.multiup.org/download/0d86f633f3db6417532e5fbff9f4d8ab/Bowie_NIN_Pro_Footage.zip (give it time to upload to multiple locations)

01-21-2016, 09:44 AM
I don't know what you mean by "this file host" because it is not a file host, it's a lot if file hosts. Adding one would be pointless. Also, i dont have any ad here. As stated. Because it's fully compatible JDownloader.

Edit : wait a minute... this works like a charm with adblock plus ? ??? the download button is always the same and visible ? next thing is to pick and handle the file hist of your choice... even better free.fr is the best ISP in france, so there is no ads, and ... link is direct
Edit 2 : actually multiup is handling mega too by default... but I would have to not use it as anonymous...
Edit 3 : Ok, so multiup is more amazing than I tought, because it still can hide my name, I created an account, and tried to add mega http://www.multiup.org/download/0d86f633f3db6417532e5fbff9f4d8ab/Bowie_NIN_Pro_Footage.zip (give it time to upload to multiple locations)

Yeah, that's my bad, I got it figured out, was able to navigate through it. But the site still doesn't work with my combination of AdBlockPlus/Ghostery/Blur, I get a pop up saying "Please disable adblockers to download"

Then using the site without ABP is causes a flurry of pop-ups/automatic install attempts of a DIVX player, I hate when sites to that.

01-21-2016, 01:41 PM
Making of The Force Awakens (with Survivalism playing):

01-22-2016, 05:35 AM
I was watching TV at the hospital the other night and right as I was about to change the channel, "CSI: Miami" came on and right off the bat, an extended version of "A Warm Place" played over the introduction scene before the title credits. It was an episode guest starring Anthony Michael Hall.

Also, I was at the hospital due to the birth of my new son. His name is Trent.

01-23-2016, 12:43 AM
I've never seen this news item with a brief TR/Bowie interview on the IAOS set either but it has 5000+ views


01-24-2016, 11:06 AM
Tom Brady posted a hype video for the AFC Championship game on his Facebook with Hand Covers Bruise as the music.

01-24-2016, 05:41 PM
Tom Brady posted a hype video for the AFC Championship game on his Facebook with Hand Covers Bruise as the music.


01-24-2016, 08:08 PM
well.... That sidnt seem to work out!!!

sidnt it?!?!

01-26-2016, 01:33 PM

01-26-2016, 02:18 PM
fucking finally !! (even if mariqueen did publish something)

01-26-2016, 02:57 PM
I dunno. Most of those eulogies seem to read more like "ME and David Bowie" rather than anything else. Maybe that's just me, though.

01-26-2016, 03:33 PM
TR says in that article that he got sober a year after "I'm afraid of americans"....I guess 1998/1999/2000 and 2001 all encompass a year in trent time

01-26-2016, 03:44 PM
TR says in that article that he got sober a year after "I'm afraid of americans"....I guess 1998/1999/2000 and 2001 all encompass a year in trent time

to be fair, he just says he hit bottom a year after the encounter; not that he got sober. but still, I also found the timeline super confusing. not my business / important, anyway.

01-26-2016, 03:59 PM
TR says in that article that he got sober a year after "I'm afraid of americans"....I guess 1998/1999/2000 and 2001 all encompass a year in trent time

Honestly, who gives a single solitary fuck? The story isn't about when he got sober, it's about how Bowie affected him.

01-26-2016, 04:03 PM
Couldn't help but to smile after reading that last part. Can't imagine how important that must have been for Trent to receive the openness and kindness that he got from Bowie, and knowing that his mentor was proud of him.

01-26-2016, 04:03 PM
I dunno. Most of those eulogies seem to read more like "ME and David Bowie" rather than anything else. Maybe that's just me, though.
I don't think this is meant to be a eulogy. I think most people wouldn't feel comfortable with or qualified to really eulogize someone unless they are very close (e.g., family or close friend). For most people, it's more appropriate talk about how they, being just one of many relations, were affected by a person.

That's my take anyway.

01-26-2016, 05:19 PM
Honestly, who gives a single solitary fuck? The story isn't about when he got sober, it's about how Bowie affected him.

Because he insinuates in the story that Bowie helped him get sober within a year after he tried to help him and in reality he kept getting fucked up for another 5 or 6 years after Bowie's advice....

01-26-2016, 05:32 PM
Because he insinuates in the story that Bowie helped him get sober within a year after he tried to help him and in reality he kept getting fucked up for another 5 or 6 years after Bowie's advice....

He doesn't insinuate this.

When I met David, he had been through that. And he was content. He was at peace with himself, with an incredible wife, clearly in love. There were a number of times where the two of us were alone, and he said some things that weren't scolding, but pieces of wisdom that stuck with me: "You know, there is a better way here, and it doesn't have to end in despair or in death, in the bottom."

A full year later, I hit bottom. Once I got clean, I felt a tremendous amount of shame, of my actions and missed opportunities and the damage that I've caused in the past. And I thought back to the time when we were together a lot, and I wonder what that could have been like if I was at 100 percent. The "I'm Afraid of Americans" [video] falls into that category of me at my worst — out of my mind and ashamed of who I was at that time. So when I see that, I have mixed feelings — grateful to be involved, and flattered to be a part of it, but disgusted at myself, at who I was at that time, and wishing I had been 100 percent me. And it nagged me.

A few years later, Bowie came through L.A. I'd been sober for a fair amount of time...

A few years later would have likely been 2004: http://i.imgur.com/NRjoC5a.jpg

Which jives with the general consensus that his final attempt at sobriety, the one that seems to have stuck, began in late 2001/2002

But you're behaving as if you are somehow owed a clear delineation about when he got sober. Anyone who has stuggled with addiction will tell you that people relapse and try again many times.

01-26-2016, 05:37 PM
I was wondering when he would say something about it.

01-26-2016, 05:38 PM
See I knew people would complain about the article the very second I saw a link posted.

cashpiles (closed)
01-26-2016, 07:55 PM
definitely a heartwarming set of recollections. I like how Trent looked up to David Bowie... as someone he could respect and love... and that David Bowie was a clear head that could guide Trent towards a better path.

sick among the pure
01-26-2016, 08:01 PM
See I knew people would complain about the article the very second I saw a link posted.

Not people, just bill. I'm really glad you posted the link, I wanted to read what he had to say if/when he felt comfortable saying it. Thanks.

01-26-2016, 08:22 PM
That behind the scenes video that was posted a week ago suddenly makes more sense now. Makes for a kind of uncomfortable read. I'm glad he talked about it publicly.

01-26-2016, 08:29 PM
Trents sobriety date is June 11, 2001. He tweeted about it in 2009.

01-26-2016, 10:58 PM
Why are we even talking about this? It's very public record that he was sober for the making of The Fragile and relapsed on the Fragility tour -- or if we're taking every word TR has ever said literally, when TF hit #1 on the billboard chart. The timeline (of both temporarily sobering up and then meeting Bowie again after the real one) completely matches up with everything we know. Detective Bill is a moron.

Back to the article... a beautiful tribute, and the bear hug at the end made me tear up.

01-27-2016, 12:02 AM
Not people, just bill. I'm really glad you posted the link, I wanted to read what he had to say if/when he felt comfortable saying it. Thanks.
Just to be fair, it wasn't me who posted it. (Guess my 'informal' English needs more work)

01-27-2016, 10:45 AM
Wow, thanks for posting a link to the article. I love this part:

"And I reluctantly went backstage, feeling weird and ashamed, like, "Hey, I'm the guy that puked on the rug." And again, I was met with warmth, and grace, and love. And I started to say, "Hey listen, I've been clean for ..." I don't even think I finished the sentence; I got a big hug. And he said, "I knew. I knew you'd do that. I knew you'd come out of that." I have goosebumps right now just thinking about it. It was another very important moment in my life."

Yep, TR is one of my role models for sure. And its true, relapse is very common. Staying sober is a constant daily struggle.

01-27-2016, 10:50 AM
Why are we even talking about this? It's very public record that he was sober for the making of The Fragile and relapsed on the Fragility tour --

just for the record, I remember countless interviews where he stated he was drinking heavily during the making of Fragile and one particular interview where he said there were times he would wake up in the morning on his floor with wine bottles everywhere...He got sober in 01....if you think a clean and sober mind made the damaged art genius of The Fragile...think again

01-27-2016, 11:50 AM
http://www.nin.com is updated too

01-27-2016, 11:54 AM
The thing that stuck out to me in the interview wasn't the sober part, since this is about BOWIE after all, but this part:

There was a subdued reaction to him for the most part. In the environment of an outdoor-amphitheater rock concert in the summer, people with 32-ounce beers probably would have preferred to hear "Changes," rather than an art installation on stage. He did what he wanted to do.

Also this:

It feels like the loss of a mentor, fatherly figure, someone looking out for you, reminding you that in a world where the bar keeps seeming to be lower, where stupidity has got a foothold, there is room for excellence and uncompromising vision.

01-27-2016, 12:18 PM
A gif, really Rob? You couldn't post a video instead?

01-27-2016, 01:22 PM
A gif, really Rob? You couldn't post a video instead?

It was the last step required in the nin.com tumblrization

01-27-2016, 01:27 PM
Nine Inch Nails' "Gave Up" Took Self-Loathing To New Lows (http://www.avclub.com/article/nine-inch-nails-gave-took-self-loathing-new-lows-231020)

01-27-2016, 01:47 PM
The .gif was from Rolling Stone's original tumblr post about it. nin.com is just an echo of any nineinchnails tumblr feed with the tag "sticky."

01-27-2016, 09:03 PM
See I knew people would complain about the article the very second I saw a link posted.

No, just 1 asshole that complains about everything.

01-28-2016, 04:41 AM
A wander around Clouser's studio, with a few NIN references https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OubCmnlEjiI

01-28-2016, 10:37 AM
just for the record, I remember countless interviews where he stated he was drinking heavily during the making of Fragile and one particular interview where he said there were times he would wake up in the morning on his floor with wine bottles everywhere...He got sober in 01....if you think a clean and sober mind made the damaged art genius of The Fragile...think again

to be fair, he said, did, wrote, etc. a lot of things for dramatic effect in the past.

01-28-2016, 12:49 PM
A wander around Clouser's studio, with a few NIN references https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OubCmnlEjiI

Love seeing the NIN mementos on his walls!


Has anyone else seen this sort of The Fragile album award before? I always thought they included the vinyl along with the CD.

01-28-2016, 12:53 PM
Love seeing the NIN mementos on his walls!

Has anyone else seen this sort of The Fragile album award before? I always thought they included the vinyl along with the CD.
Maybe that's a slimline version, or the one for platinum rather than gold?

Harry Seaward
01-28-2016, 05:42 PM
Not sure if it's been posted, but I just flipped through the Time Magazine Bowie issue and the "90's" section begins with a double page image of TR and Bowie from the Americans music video set. I was just waiting for a friend to buy Hot Pockets, so I didn't really look any further. I'm sure the 90's section mentioned Trent more.

01-29-2016, 01:21 AM
Found some interviews wth R.U. Sirius, whose music project Mondo Vanilli was involved with Nothing Records for half a minute:

Sirius and his band mates found themselves invited to a party at Reznor’s house (the infamous Tate mansion) with a variety of other music industry types. The enterprising Vanillians brought along a demo tape with “Thanx!,” “Love is the Product,” and “Wraparound World." Reznor evidently liked what he heard. Although Sirius thinks he "might have been swayed by the affected arrogance and the real disrespect for record industry conventions,” he also admits that Reznor was high on magic mushrooms while listening to it.


As to your question, I understood that Trent had “signed” five other recording artists for Nothing Records, but I don’t remember who they were besides Marilyn Manson and Trust/Obey. I remember having the perception that the rest of them were pretty straightforward industrial bands... errr, I think Peter Christopherson was probably under contract, since he was hanging with Trent at that house a lot. Coil was probably one of the bands...

We never had any contact with the other bands so it’s hard for me to comment on what was going on with them. I think around this timeInterscope was under attack in Congress for Death Row’s output and there were even some politicians complaining about NIN lyrics, so there may have been some political pressure on Interscope through their parent company, I think it was Warner, if I remember correctly. Nothing Recordswas really just a boutique label offered to get Trent to sign with Interscope. It was several steps down the corporate shit ladder. There was no wayTrent was going to get to run a groovy, artist-friendly record company.

We finished the album right around the end of 1993. In fact, the timing was such that we went to a NIN show in Oakland and handed in the final product in person to his management. This time, we weren’t invited into the dressing room and Reznor never came out to speak to us. I think it was maybe a few weeks after that Tony Ciula from Nothing Records told us that Interscope was making Nothing drop all their artists except NIN andMarilyn Manson but that we could have the album gratis. But when our lawyer asked for a formal notification of this, the Interscope lawyer told us that they weren’t going to give us the rights to the music unless some other record company paid off their full bill... and I think they had some other demands as well. In our position, we would have had to have gone to small indie labels, so it was pretty much impossible.


I must have had an empty stomach because it came on quick and rather strong for a low dose. Reznor's new home was only a few blocks from Leary's, but it was on some windy roads and getting there became interesting when a red Ferrari started tailgating and some guy began gesticulating wildly out the window. He cut in front of us and made us stop. Out popped Gibby Haynes, shouting. He wanted to know if we knew "the way." He didn't even have to say the way to what. Yes. He let us get in front again and we made our way to the Reznor party.

On arrival, an enthusiastic Gibby jumped out of the car to meet Tim and bragging that the red Ferrari was on loan from Johnny Depp. With the ecstasy coming on, the entire L.A. media world started to seem like a serene and glittery playground filled with happy children playing grownup and I settled into a comfort zone. The world was a friendly place. Relatively speaking, of course.


01-29-2016, 01:40 AM
that record (i.o.u. babe) is so bad it's almost good. at parts. brent buzzkill was smart to swiftly part ways.

01-29-2016, 02:02 AM
I'm just glad I'm not the only one to remember Mondo Vanilli.

01-29-2016, 09:38 AM

Trent and I are old buddies. Met on tour with David. Was honored to work with him on Gone Girl. Proud of our song: http://mikegarson.com/gone_girl.html


01-29-2016, 11:02 PM
Lisa Fischer talks about her new solo tour being kick-started by the film Twenty Feet from Stardom and pays Trent Reznor a HUGE compliment talking about her time with NIN:


Certainly the first time I've ever heard Reznor's stage performance described as being a combination of the unpredictable ferocity of Mick Jagger with the artistic poise of Luther Vandross (!!). Cool lady, and I was really bummed I couldn't get to her show at Koerner Hall tonight.

01-30-2016, 06:27 AM
Love seeing the NIN mementos on his walls!


Has anyone else seen this sort of The Fragile album award before? I always thought they included the vinyl along with the CD.

Funny that he out of all posters has the German tour dates poster of the Fragility tour hanging there. :D

sick among the pure
01-30-2016, 02:12 PM
Lisa Fischer talks about her new solo tour being kick-started by the film Twenty Feet from Stardom and pays Trent Reznor a HUGE compliment talking about her time with NIN:


Certainly the first time I've ever heard Reznor's stage performance described as being a combination of the unpredictable ferocity of Mick Jagger with the artistic poise of Luther Vandross (!!). Cool lady, and I was really bummed I couldn't get to her show at Koerner Hall tonight.

Yeah, Lisa is an awesome person, I sent a facebook message to her about their time with NIN. Nice video.

01-30-2016, 02:24 PM
"Nine Inch Nails : You Know What You Are?" @ 0:30 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOudnUKmF8Q&t=0m30s)

Bonus: Jack Black being hilarious as always.

02-01-2016, 12:54 PM
Gary Numan is wearing a red NIN shirt in this Twitter update:

02-01-2016, 03:59 PM
Gary Numan is wearing a red NIN shirt in this Twitter update:
Considering how much Numan faps to NIN, I wonder what his ETS handle is :P

02-01-2016, 07:25 PM
Considering how much Numan faps to NIN, I wonder what his ETS handle is :P


I mean, why do you think I had to un-ban the guy?

Heh. Wouldn't that be nutty.

02-01-2016, 07:35 PM
Billpulsipher got banned and then unbanned?

I've been out of the loop for the last few weeks; somebody fill me in. Did he bash post-2000 NIN on a particularly bad day for Levi or something?

02-01-2016, 08:08 PM
Billpulsipher got banned and then unbanned?

I've been out of the loop for the last few weeks; somebody fill me in. Did he bash post-2000 NIN on a particularly bad day for Levi or something?

It was very early on in his tenure. Certain behind-the-scenes forum algorithms - which I think you may also have once encountered, NYRexall, but I could be remembering that wrong - quieted his account. I said, Hey Bill, you don't have to love everything Trent does, but stop bein' such a dick. He was like, yeah I can do that. I tweaked the algorithm a little bit, and his account has never been close to triggering those routines since.

02-01-2016, 08:39 PM
It was very early on in his tenure. Certain behind-the-scenes forum algorithms - which I think you may also have once encountered, NYRexall, but I could be remembering that wrong - quieted his account. I said, Hey Bill, you don't have to love everything Trent does, but stop bein' such a dick. He was like, yeah I can do that. I tweaked the algorithm a little bit, and his account has never been close to triggering those routines since.

I, uh, have no recollection of any such algorithms on my behalf. I plead the fifth :D

Glad to see ol' Billsiph learned how to play nice; that guy's a real hoot with some of those posts of his

02-01-2016, 08:47 PM
I, uh, have no recollection of any such algorithms on my behalf. I plead the fifth :D

Glad to see ol' Billsiph learned how to play nice; that guy's a real hoot with some of those posts of his

I got sent to purgatory around the time of the Grammy debacle if i recall... but much like Trent, we put that nasty issue away and have moved forward

02-01-2016, 08:59 PM
I got sent to purgatory around the time of the Grammy debacle if i recall... but much like Trent, we put that nasty issue away and have moved forward

Love you, bill! Never change..

02-02-2016, 10:07 AM
^^ I find this conversation difficult to masturbate to

02-02-2016, 06:41 PM
^^ I find this conversation difficult to masturbate to

100% to do with Bill then

02-02-2016, 07:21 PM
^^ I find this conversation difficult to masturbate to

I'll give a personal review tomorrow morning- will have to take it for a "test drive".

Or, at the latest, after the Super Bowl.

02-02-2016, 09:11 PM
^^ I find this conversation difficult to masturbate to
tony.parente how do you feel about this?

02-03-2016, 11:31 AM
Gossip magazine tosh, but I like the idea that TR&AR will be in the same room as mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen http://www.billboard.com/biz/articles/6865988/battle-of-the-grammy-parties-clive-davis-annual-bash-jimmy-iovines-wedding?utm_source=twitter

02-03-2016, 12:48 PM
Gossip magazine tosh, but I like the idea that TR&AR will be in the same room as mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen http://www.billboard.com/biz/articles/6865988/battle-of-the-grammy-parties-clive-davis-annual-bash-jimmy-iovines-wedding?utm_source=twitter

I'm sorry if this is too Bill for people, but I find it kind of gross that this is TR's social circle

02-03-2016, 02:12 PM
I'm sorry if this is too Bill for people, but I find it kind of gross that this is TR's social circle

TR is mr hollywood these days...our boy has grown up

02-03-2016, 02:22 PM
I'm sorry if this is too Bill for people, but I find it kind of gross that this is TR's social circle

"Social circle" implies that he's sociable with those people, and I don't think that's the case. I mean, I doubt he's sitting down to tea with Oprah or chatting it up with Kanye West or some shit like that.

02-03-2016, 02:28 PM
I'm sorry if this is too Bill for people, but I find it kind of gross that this is TR's social circle

TR is mr hollywood these days...our boy has grown up

Ehhh, it's Atticus's sister and he's been known to be friendly with Iovine. Would be more shocked if he didn't attend.

Scarier part art is how TR can make Kanye stay away from him the whole night. ::stalker alert::

Sarah K
02-03-2016, 02:31 PM
Oof. Kanye and Trent would be like a dream come true.

02-03-2016, 02:32 PM
Oof. Kanye and Trent would be like a dream come true.

You mispelled "nightmare".

02-03-2016, 02:44 PM
Oof. Kanye and Trent would be like a dream come true.

I am totally, totally on board with that. Though Kanye's forthcoming album is (so far) leaving me cold.

02-03-2016, 02:45 PM
Didn't kanye west go to NINs last wave goodbye show?

02-03-2016, 03:14 PM
Didn't kanye west go to NINs last wave goodbye show?

He was spotted at one of the NYC shows I recall, with Amber Rose (I think that's her name). He's apparently been a fan for awhile.

Sarah K
02-03-2016, 03:28 PM
He's stated that he's a fan before.

02-03-2016, 04:12 PM
You mispelled "nightmare".

Seriously. Why would anyone want Trent to partner Trent with a pop star like Kanye? You might as well have him team up with Taylor Swift.

02-03-2016, 04:19 PM
Seriously. Why would anyone want Trent to partner Trent with a pop star like Kanye? You might as well have him team up with Taylor Swift.
Trent could do a fucking incredible cover of Out Of The Woods.

Also, Trent has partnered with a pop star before, obscure bloke called David Bowie

Harry Seaward
02-03-2016, 04:24 PM
Trent could do a fucking incredible cover of Out Of The Woods.

Also, Trent has partnered with a pop star before, obscure bloke called David Bowie

You bastard. I refreshed the page to make that Bowie joke and there was your comment.

Either way, a NIN/Kanye collab would be fucking awesome. I'm imagining Death Grips or Run The Jewels, except like 10 times better. Maybe that's what's coming in 2016!

02-03-2016, 04:29 PM
Trent could do a fucking incredible cover of Out Of The Woods.

Also, Trent has partnered with a pop star before, obscure bloke called David Bowie

Let's not forget the Nin Remix of Victory. In fact, Puffy is a pretty good analogue for Kanye (shitty rapper, phenomenal producer).


Sarah K
02-03-2016, 05:29 PM
You mispelled "nightmare".

You misspelled "misspelled".

Trent has collaborated with pop stars before. And there really isn't a bigger star than Kanye right now.

It's not something that I think will happen any time soon. It would just be really cool. :)

02-03-2016, 05:50 PM
What about Tori Amos? Was she a pop star?

Harry Seaward
02-03-2016, 06:00 PM
Not a direct collaboration, but he remixed Queen and covered U2 for fuck's sake. He just did the theme music for a Call of Duty game. Seems silly for anyone to act like he's 'above' working with Kanye West.

02-03-2016, 07:17 PM
You misspelled "misspelled".

Trent has collaborated with pop stars before. And there really isn't a bigger star than Kanye right now.

I blame Apple.

C'mon!!! Kanye isn't even close to being the biggest star right now. Taylor Swift, Beiber(sp?), Adele(sp?), Beyoncé all dwarf him- and that's not even thinking or googling about it. What did he sell- like 4,000 tickets in KC for the Yeezus tour? I know that didn't happen this past year but it was his last arena tour in support of the album that didn't sell all that well.

02-03-2016, 07:57 PM
If he works with Kanye, I just hope it's on one of his songs without Autotune. Because it's 2016, for fuck's sake, fuck Autotune forever.

Sarah K
02-03-2016, 08:10 PM
I blame Apple.

C'mon!!! Kanye isn't even close to being the biggest star right now. Taylor Swift, Beiber(sp?), Adele(sp?), Beyoncé all dwarf him- and that's not even thinking or googling about it. What did he sell- like 4,000 tickets in KC for the Yeezus tour? I know that didn't happen this past year but it was his last arena tour in support of the album that didn't sell all that well.

For shows with data available, there were only four stops on the Yeezus tour that didn't sell out.

I will concede that Adele might be bigger right now. But not the other three.

02-03-2016, 08:19 PM
Cmon Sarah. How are you measuring this? He's not even on the same planet as Taylor Swift... I don't know if anyone is right now.

02-03-2016, 08:23 PM
You might as well have him team up with Taylor Swift.

It's been proven that they sound good together :p


Sarah K
02-03-2016, 08:38 PM
2014 - early 2015, I would agree with that statement. And the next album she releases will probably make that true.

For me, it's mostly *current* relevance, exposure, and influence on other artists.

02-03-2016, 09:35 PM
If TR does a song with Kanye that will be a deathblow..it will be like "Everything" times 10 to do a song with some commercial asshole like kanye fucking west...god why not do a remix of "Closer" with 2chainz while we are at it.....

still waiting on the TR/Ice Cube/Dr. Dre collab that he talked about in 1997.. at least Dre and Cube are actual legends and not pop culture trash

02-03-2016, 09:48 PM
I love how this has devolved from "Trent and Kanye are going to be in the same room together" to "OMG, a Trent/Kanye collaboration would be awesome/terrible".

Harry Seaward
02-03-2016, 09:53 PM
I love how this has devolved from "Trent and Kanye are going to be in the same room together" to "OMG, a Trent/Kanye collaboration would be awesome/terrible".

Welcome to NIN world downtime.

02-04-2016, 03:47 AM
I think I'll make the most accurate prediction by saying that TR will not collaborate with anyone attending that party except for Atticus. (And Q, assuming she's also there).
Ya'll can breathe out now.

02-04-2016, 08:10 AM
It's been proven that they sound good together :p

This thing made my day.

02-04-2016, 08:32 AM
This thing made my day.

I actually listen to it regularly

02-04-2016, 08:52 AM
So this (http://www.side-line.com/nine-inch-nails-fans-pay-attention-prong-announces-special-2lp-vinyl-cd-set-for-new-x-no-absolutes-album/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Side-lineNewsFeed+%28Side-Line+-+industrial+and+gothic+music+news%29)article has totally thrown me out. "To the industrial fans, Prong is mostly known as being one of the most influential bands for Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor". Really? I don't know much, but I've been around a while and I'm pretty sure I've never once heard Prong mentioned as a musical influence. Did I just completely miss that? I like Prong anyway, from what I've heard. I remember that Charlie Clouser did electronics on the Rude Awakening record.

02-04-2016, 08:56 AM
So this (http://www.side-line.com/nine-inch-nails-fans-pay-attention-prong-announces-special-2lp-vinyl-cd-set-for-new-x-no-absolutes-album/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Side-lineNewsFeed+%28Side-Line+-+industrial+and+gothic+music+news%29)article has totally thrown me out. "To the industrial fans, Prong is mostly known as being one of the most influential bands for Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor". Really? I don't know much, but I've been around a while and I'm pretty sure I've never once heard Prong mentioned as a musical influence. Did I just completely miss that? I like Prong anyway, from what I've heard. I remember that Charlie Clouser did electronics on the Rude Awakening record.

Side-Line was, is and always will be, a crock of shit.

02-04-2016, 10:16 AM
Chalk me up for a Kanye produced NIN track.

02-04-2016, 12:21 PM

Saul Willliams talking about how Trent and him influenced Kanye back in 2007. Just in time for this whole discussion lol
Starts @ 27:00

02-04-2016, 02:11 PM

Saul Willliams talking about how Trent and him influenced Kanye back in 2007. Just in time for this whole discussion lol
Starts @ 27:00

The story about the Hennesy after was great, too.

02-04-2016, 04:10 PM
So this (http://www.side-line.com/nine-inch-nails-fans-pay-attention-prong-announces-special-2lp-vinyl-cd-set-for-new-x-no-absolutes-album/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Side-lineNewsFeed+%28Side-Line+-+industrial+and+gothic+music+news%29)article has totally thrown me out. "To the industrial fans, Prong is mostly known as being one of the most influential bands for Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor". Really? I don't know much, but I've been around a while and I'm pretty sure I've never once heard Prong mentioned as a musical influence. Did I just completely miss that? I like Prong anyway, from what I've heard. I remember that Charlie Clouser did electronics on the Rude Awakening record.

Korn were the ones namedropping them all the time back in the 90s...i dont think TR ever mentioned them once..they must have good PR guys. rather get referenced as a NIN influence than a Korn influence

02-04-2016, 04:29 PM
crap the link is down https://youtu.be/1ieDPbeU-6k please someone tell me you have downloaded it and not waited for a link from the author like me ?

02-04-2016, 04:31 PM
As previously promised. I'm Afraid of Americans behind the scenes with Trent Reznor.

Tagging @Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1)



2/3/2016 edit:

WMG has made a copyright claim on this video and it's been removed from YouTube. However the embedded video here still works. Enjoy it while you still can.

Hi nope, the embeded version probably only works for you ... please find another way.

Sarah K
02-04-2016, 06:03 PM
Hi nope, the embeded version probably only works for you ... please find another way.

It got removed for a copyright claim.

02-04-2016, 11:15 PM
It got removed for a copyright claim.
Shit. I hadn't downloaded it yet either. Or watched it.

Yo, heavenly. Mind hooking us up with a torrent somewhere? Pretty please?

02-05-2016, 01:04 AM
crap the link is down https://youtu.be/1ieDPbeU-6k please someone tell me you have downloaded it and not waited for a link from the author like me ?

Here's a link to download from my Dropbox, until someone makes a proper torrent.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwtw1vbjxagk0o6/Behind%20The%20Scenes%20w-Trent%20Reznor%20David%20Bowie%20I%27m%20Afraid%20 Of%20Americans.mp4?dl=0

Can also be downloaded straight from the video section of nindestruct.com (http://www.nindestruct.com)

02-05-2016, 05:56 AM
We’re In This Together
Here's a link to download from my Dropbox, until someone makes a proper torrent.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwtw1vbjxagk0o6/Behind%20The%20Scenes%20w-Trent%20Reznor%20David%20Bowie%20I%27m%20Afraid%20 Of%20Americans.mp4?dl=0

Can also be downloaded straight from the video section of nindestruct.com (http://www.nindestruct.com)

Thanks a lot, I could download it. Actually the author mentionned he could share his version.

It's completly unrelated but can someone teach me what the Hi quality source for We’re In This Together (Mark Pellington long version) ? I mean I know it was offered on nin.com in an horrible 5MB quality, I just found it on the Mark Pellington vimeo but it was last year, before that we had it on a free dvd in apparently a dvd quality, when did that surface and where ? edit: mmmh is the source the eatyurblood dvd made from promo tapes ?


02-05-2016, 02:47 PM
It's completly unrelated but can someone teach me what the Hi quality source for We’re In This Together (Mark Pellington long version) ? I mean I know it was offered on nin.com in an horrible 5MB quality, I just found it on the Mark Pellington vimeo but it was last year, before that we had it on a free dvd in apparently a dvd quality, when did that surface and where ? edit: mmmh is the source the eatyurblood dvd made from promo tapes ?

I believe what happened there was ItsJustDave posted an inquiry to Mark Pellington's IMDB page, and was contacted by Mark himself, who went ahead and set Dave a couple of DVDs with all his music video work, including the high resolution longer edit of WITT.

02-06-2016, 03:37 PM
I believe what happened there was @ItsJustDave (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=6) posted an inquiry to Mark Pellington's IMDB page, and was contacted by Mark himself, who went ahead and set Dave a couple of DVDs with all his music video work, including the high resolution longer edit of WITT.

This is precisely what happened. I was completely shocked by it and hadn't represented myself as anything other than an interested party (No mention of The NIN Hotline).

I was completely unaware that he'd posted it to his vimeo

02-06-2016, 05:15 PM
Adam Nergal Darski ov Behemoth


02-08-2016, 11:50 AM

The Se7en edit of "Closer (Precursor)" is used in the first half of the video.

Harry Seaward
02-08-2016, 07:50 PM
Not sure if it's been posted, but I just flipped through the Time Magazine Bowie issue and the "90's" section begins with a double page image of TR and Bowie from the Americans music video set. I was just waiting for a friend to buy Hot Pockets, so I didn't really look any further. I'm sure the 90's section mentioned Trent more.


02-10-2016, 08:42 AM
My Google search "curated cards of interest" just popped this in there today.


Anyone happen to know if this actually is a new source?


I realize we may have to wait until it's in the wild to really find out...just thought I'd ask.

I figured I'd take a risk on it and find out for $20.

02-10-2016, 09:35 AM
I thought we already have a master version of this show. I wouldn't expect any new source. If there is one, people over at Bowie collector community are likely to investigate as well.

02-10-2016, 01:24 PM
It's been proven that they sound good together :p

I tried liking this. I really wanted to. But it just feels too forced to me. I'm pretty sure this one just worked so well that it ruined all other mashups for me.


02-10-2016, 02:46 PM
Spotting NIN material in the most unlikely places (queued up to the 41:50 mark).. https://youtu.be/uflP0BK2iXQ?t=41m50s

02-10-2016, 10:31 PM
My Google search "curated cards of interest" just popped this in there today. Anyone happen to know if this actually is a new source? http://www.amazon.com/Back-Anger-DAVID-NAILS-BOWIE/dp/B01AS2KUTU I realize we may have to wait until it's in the wild to really find out...just thought I'd ask. I figured I'd take a risk on it and find out for $20. It almost certainly is not. Don't spend money on bootlegs.

Harry Seaward
02-10-2016, 10:37 PM
My Google search "curated cards of interest" just popped this in there today.


Anyone happen to know if this actually is a new source?


I realize we may have to wait until it's in the wild to really find out...just thought I'd ask.

I figured I'd take a risk on it and find out for $20.

It almost certainly is not. Don't spend money on bootlegs.

I was confused about this as well. It also popped up on my Google Now cards and Google was acting like it was some new official release. I'd never heard of it or anything about it though, so I assumed it was some bootleg.

Harry Seaward
02-10-2016, 10:38 PM
Spotting NIN material in the most unlikely places (queued up to the 41:50 mark).. https://youtu.be/uflP0BK2iXQ?t=41m50s

...where is the NIN material? All I hear is some generic trance music. What am I missing?

02-11-2016, 12:01 PM
Ok, so what is this? A pro-shot recording of the NIN/Bowie tour in 1995 but filmed off some sort of screen? Is it a video tape or some footage from a concert video screen?
Any ideas?


02-11-2016, 12:18 PM
Ok, so what is this? A pro-shot recording of the NIN/Bowie tour in 1995 but filmed off some sort of screen? Is it a video tape or some footage from a concert video screen?
Any ideas?


Looks like a pro-shot of a NIN concert being played on a theater screen that someone is boot legging with a VHS video camera.

02-11-2016, 01:37 PM
...where is the NIN material? All I hear is some generic trance music. What am I missing?
A little further past the marked point there's a female vocal singing Hurt lyrics (and its also mentioned in the tracklist in the description)

02-11-2016, 02:04 PM
I looked further into the Eco & Carly Burn version of Hurt and it's a legit cover. Video and numerous EPs and singles on iTunes, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJX_J-T5oyQ . LOL, the video has this sad copy of Burn's NBK style starting at the 2 minute mark.

02-11-2016, 10:14 PM
Ok, so what is this? A pro-shot recording of the NIN/Bowie tour in 1995 but filmed off some sort of screen? Is it a video tape or some footage from a concert video screen?
Any ideas?


"The video source of this show is a shot of the jumbotron feed. It starts during March of the Pigs and ends after Hurt. The DVD I have suffers from significant generation loss." according to gladcarrot's site - http://www.gladcarrot.com/1995%20Outside%20Tour.htm#Hartford%201995-09-14

02-15-2016, 03:02 AM
"The video source of this show is a shot of the jumbotron feed. It starts during March of the Pigs and ends after Hurt. The DVD I have suffers from significant generation loss." according to gladcarrot's site - http://www.gladcarrot.com/1995%20Outside%20Tour.htm#Hartford%201995-09-14

Thanks for clarifying, ozenbaken. I was not aware of the gladcarrot site. I will remember to check there as the first thing next time.

02-15-2016, 09:24 PM
Please clap.


02-16-2016, 07:21 PM
Hey, rich tossers, want a signed TR guitar that's actually legit and not an ebay fake? (Plus meet Tront)

02-16-2016, 07:44 PM
(Plus meet Tront)

Was that misspelling on purpose, or am I missing something?....


02-16-2016, 07:51 PM
Was that misspelling on purpose, or am I missing something?....

Wait, isn't this board about Tront Resner and the Nins?

Sarah K
02-16-2016, 08:03 PM
No. This one is about TRANT RAZNAR

02-16-2016, 08:04 PM
Wait, isn't this board about Tront Resner and the Nins?

I've always wanted a Tront.

02-16-2016, 08:08 PM
I don't know about Tront or Trant, but I would like to meet Trent.

sick among the pure
02-16-2016, 09:18 PM
Damn, that is a sweet deal. Wish I had the money to spend give to charity and win that, comes with a professional photo together, meet and greet for ~20 min and you can take 2 additional items for him to sign.

02-17-2016, 05:32 AM
Hey, rich tossers, want a signed TR guitar that's actually legit and not an ebay fake? (Plus meet Tront)
it's only a DEAN, otherwise...

02-18-2016, 01:48 PM
Interesting tangential mention of NIN in this Saul Williams interview at the end


02-23-2016, 05:15 PM
So, he had another kid.

02-23-2016, 07:35 PM
He's cited as among "some of the world's best-known guitar players" in this Nerdist article. (http://nerdist.com/candle-powered-guitar-pedal-costs-6000-is-awesome/)

Sarah K
02-23-2016, 07:40 PM
That's quite a stretch. Haha.

02-24-2016, 11:25 AM
Corey Taylor expressing his interest in working with Trent Reznor


Mentioned ~2:39 mark

02-24-2016, 01:49 PM
He's cited as among "some of the world's best-known guitar players" in this Nerdist article. (http://nerdist.com/candle-powered-guitar-pedal-costs-6000-is-awesome/)

Well, I've literally never heard of the woman / band mentioned afterwards. In contrast, Nine Inch Nails is a pretty recognizable brand.

SM Rollinger
02-24-2016, 02:31 PM
Wait, isn't this board about Tront Resner and the Nins?

Somebody, please make an oldschool 1950's style logo for this, like it was a barber shop quartet.

02-24-2016, 03:30 PM
This isn't a current spotting but somebody has put the entirety of the Request Video interview from 1992 on YouTube and there is more of a proper intro at the beginning


SM Rollinger
02-24-2016, 03:42 PM
This isn't a current spotting but somebody has put the entirety of the Request Video interview from 1992 on YouTube and there is more of a proper intro at the beginning

OMG why did anybody let Tront in public dressed like that? Lol, turtle neck with a leather jacket and brown pants?


02-24-2016, 04:08 PM
Well, I've literally never heard of the woman / band mentioned afterwards. In contrast, Nine Inch Nails is a pretty recognizable brand.

What, you mean St Vincent ? Alright they aren't what you'd call commercially mainstream, but she's pretty well-known... Not "smashing Pumpkins" well-known, but still...

Also, citing Reznor and saying "he has that gear too" is really cheating. The guy is hoarding the stuff and probably has seven editions of that one pedal, just like the rest. You can't advertise a piece of equipment or a plugin by saying "Reznor has it", of course Reznor has it, start saying "it's so exclusive and new, Reznor's hasn't been shipped yet !" instead...

02-25-2016, 10:36 AM
I've been out of the loop for a bit and in addition to that, I've yet to have my 1st cup of coffee...... but were all these isolated vocal tracks already floating around? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqoO46haWQI

02-25-2016, 11:19 AM
seem to just be the vocal stems from the various rockband/guitar hero games.

02-26-2016, 06:03 AM
Yes 4 PHM songs pack for Rock Band 3. It has been ripped.

02-26-2016, 06:13 AM
Yes 4 PHM songs pack for Rock Band 3. It has been ripped.

What does it all MEAN, Basil?!

oh never mind, I was drunk but now I understand.

02-26-2016, 06:22 AM
Those Sanctified isolated vox are damn sexy!

02-26-2016, 07:30 AM
This feels like a nice remix version of Wish:


The "FIST PSSSHHHHH" is hilarious!!! :D

02-26-2016, 03:59 PM

New interview with Atticus, he chats about dynamic with Trent (and his score work, of course)

>also got a question from me snuck in

02-27-2016, 09:23 AM

New interview with Atticus, he chats about dynamic with Trent (and his score work, of course)

>also got a question from me snuck in

WTF Touching Evil has been licensed for something ? FOR WHAT ? I love that soundtrack and he told me before "why not leaking it, yes" Also, the unoficial soundtrack seems stuck for years at 64% here (http://magnet:?xt=urn:btih:OPBH7SB4ZF7LM4KWMKGS5WJ42CQPAU 7T&dn=Touching%20Evil%20Soundtrack&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fa nnounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.thepiratebay.org%2Fannounc e&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.thepiratebay.org%3A80%2Fann ounce) where the unoficial long mix theme "Touching Evil (A KMN Experiment) is ok. Edit crap, i just noticed this album was a compilation, I owned a real big soundtrack captured from the show before

02-29-2016, 03:43 PM
Don't know if this was mentioned in another thread, but Trent posted a link to Meat Beat Manifesto's Subliminal Sandwich on Apple Music, with the caption...

"​Just listened to this record for the first time in a while. Brings back memories and still sounds ahead of its time."

Had never heard the album before, was a fun listen.

02-29-2016, 04:02 PM
Don't know if this was mentioned in another thread, but Trent posted a link to Meat Beat Manifesto's Subliminal Sandwich on Apple Music, with the caption...

"​Just listened to this record for the first time in a while. Brings back memories and still sounds ahead of its time."

Had never heard the album before, was a fun listen.

Meat Beat Manifesto...

...remixed TPD in 1997...

...holy shit, Trent is hinting at playing The Perfect Drug sometime this year live!!!111

02-29-2016, 06:30 PM
Don't know if this was mentioned in another thread, but Trent posted a link to Meat Beat Manifesto's Subliminal Sandwich on Apple Music, with the caption...

"​Just listened to this record for the first time in a while. Brings back memories and still sounds ahead of its time."

Had never heard the album before, was a fun listen.

Love MBM! Subliminal Sandwich is a great album, but Actual Sounds + Voices is my fave.

Frozen Beach
02-29-2016, 07:46 PM
Found this video of Rozz Williams talking negative about the Outside tour and referring to Trent as "Bent Razor"


03-01-2016, 12:02 AM
^^^that guy sounds like a stuck in the past dunderhead. Considering he claims to be such a big fan he doesn't really 'get' Bowie at all if he honestly thought he was all about money?

And I don't get how people think Outside sounds anything like NIN? I don't really hear that at all

03-01-2016, 09:22 AM
^^^that guy sounds like a stuck in the past dunderhead. Considering he claims to be such a big fan he doesn't really 'get' Bowie at all if he honestly thought he was all about money?

And I don't get how people think Outside sounds anything like NIN? I don't really hear that at all

Agreed. Aside from the Parker Fly guitar on the song 'outside' (very NIN, but mostly fragile era so outside was first) i barely hear any influence at all.

03-01-2016, 02:29 PM
Never heard of the person, had to Google it. Apparently has been dead for nearly 20 years.

03-01-2016, 03:12 PM
Never heard of the person, had to Google it. Apparently has been dead for nearly 20 years.

Bit like your sex drive.

03-03-2016, 06:31 AM
...haven't yet seen this posted on here, so what the hell! ha!!


03-03-2016, 06:36 AM
...check out the guy's guitar at the 3:22 mark.
