View Full Version : Kong: Skull Island

07-24-2016, 01:30 AM

The trailer looks promising. Jurassic Park meets Apocalypse Now.


07-24-2016, 04:02 PM
Yes, the trailer looks promising.

On the other hand, I was surprised to see Kong's name in the title.
I though it's going to be called simply Skull Island, and until I saw the trailer I though it wouldn't have King Kong in it, but it would take place on the island. I even hoped that it would be in continuation with the Peter Jackson movie, which I greatly enjoyed.

Either way, I'll be in the theaters opening weekend for sure!

07-24-2016, 05:33 PM
To say the director has a short resume would be an understatement, and 4 writers doesn't exactly drum up confidence.... but we will see.

07-24-2016, 09:23 PM
I liked that trailer very much. I've always been a huge fan of monster movies and the whole "mysterious island with a secret you're not meant to find out" thing, I love that stuff.

Here, you have John Goodman as "the man with some knowledge about the secret" and Samuel L Jackson as "the man who is having none of this shit, motherfucker". And you have the damsel in distress, presumably and the generic good looking dude with a gun. There's the "creepy natives", of course. And the really, really big primate who definitely qualifies as a "big ape".

If it sounds like a recipe it's because it is one. And we're hoping that the chef will add his own twist to it so that we care enough to try it again. And I'm all for that. I'm going to see this on opening weekend for sure.

Mostly because I'm hoping that the very huge ape will meet an equally huge lizard in its future.

bobbie solo
07-25-2016, 12:54 AM
they will def. meet, that's a stated goal of the studio. they're building a shared universe with Godzilla and the other related properties.

That's an impressive cast. I hope that bodes well too.

07-27-2016, 09:53 PM
Yeah, man.

That's a GREAT fucking trailer with a GREAT fucking cast!

Totally down for this and absolutely CANNOT WAIT for the ultimate throwdown!


Microwave Jellyfish
11-12-2016, 03:41 PM



11-17-2016, 02:22 PM

Hum... Kong 1976 meets Kong 2005? Okay, fine. It feels like one of those adventure movies of old time Hollywood.

They even gave the generic good looking dude a couple of lines!

11-17-2016, 02:33 PM
I think this looks good enough to hit cheap Tuesdays in March.

Isn't this suppose to be a set up for Kong vs Godzilla?
I'm not familiar with this universe. What are the clues in this trailer that are linking both creatures?

11-17-2016, 02:50 PM
Isn't this suppose to be a set up for Kong vs Godzilla?
I'm not familiar with this universe. What are the clues in this trailer that are linking both creatures?

It is supposed to be a set up for Kong vs Godzilla but I haven't seen clues linking them in the trailers. I think the studio said it is in the same universe.

A link talking a bit about this: http://www.slashfilm.com/kong-skull-island-trailer-2/

11-18-2016, 08:47 AM
apparently the organisation behind the efforts in Kong is the same as in Godzilla: Monarch. So I guess that's the link between the two movies and I am more than curious to see how they will bring them together in the end for their upcoming move and if Godzilla is being teased at in the movie. Having Godzilla just stumble upon Skull Island sounds a bit too easy to me. At least we know that Kong will surive this one and maybe they will lure Godzilla out of hiding to kill him off...

but on the other hand this one looks like it's taking place during the early 70ies? any clues on that?

Harry Seaward
11-18-2016, 01:34 PM
Goddamn, this looks super awesome. Like, I think it looks like it'll be a legitimately good movie, not just good in a bad or campy way. But I've been fooled by trailers more often than not. See: the first trailers for Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, the first two random examples to pop into my head.

...oh wait, there's a better example! The first few trailers for Godzilla and how hyped they got me for a pretty fuggin mediocre movie.

11-18-2016, 02:58 PM
After a quick research, we'll get a new Godzilla movie in 2019 and then Godzilla vs Kong in 2020. Yes, Monarch appears to be the link between both franchises.
I don't remember Godzilla being this bad. Maybe I need to re-watch it. I know there weren't much of him in the movie. I think that was my biggest complaint.

11-18-2016, 03:31 PM
I found the press release that lays out the franchise plan: http://www.legendary.com/legendary-and-warner-bros-pictures-announce-cinematic-franchise-uniting-godzilla-king-kong-and-other-iconic-giant-monsters/

Also: Skull Island is indeed set in the 70s which makes it decades before Godzilla. So yes, we do know that Kong will survive.. or there's a baby Kong somewhere growing up.

I remember Godzilla (2014) being criticized for Aaron Taylor-Johnson's acting (he has one facial expression throughout the whole movie) and for the fact that they didn't get Godzilla quite right (Godzilla was fat shamed). However, it is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with a score of 74% so go figure.

I thought it was a bit long and cardboard cut out Aaron Taylor-Johnson is indeed boring but I still like the movie quite enough.

11-18-2016, 04:04 PM
For ATJ's defense... he really didn't have much to work with it that film to begin with.

This looks like a lot of fun. What worries me is the comedic aspects of it. It reminds me a lot of the jokes that didn't land in 1998's Godzilla. Everything else looks pretty solid so far though.

02-27-2017, 01:43 PM
New trailer is mind blowing.


02-27-2017, 03:29 PM
will probably check this out

02-27-2017, 03:38 PM
They called Kong a monkey; no wonder he's pissed off.

I loooooove monster movies and this looks fantastic. I'm sold!

02-27-2017, 04:24 PM
I'm in!
Rumor is there will be a post credit scene connecting to Godzilla.

Conan The Barbarian
02-27-2017, 07:33 PM
Count me in on this one. Primates will own 2017.

02-28-2017, 03:08 AM
could be a really really great year for monster movies. Kong, Planet of the Apes, Alien, Logan and Guardians of the Galaxy to some extent, Life, etc.

the new trailer gives away a lot but it sure as hell is pretty amazing! can't wait for the Godzilla connection if there is any.

03-01-2017, 05:15 PM
Managed to get tickets to a screening about 40 minutes from here tonight! Can't wait, and I really hope the line isn't crazy long. It's first come, first served, so I guess it depends on how many other people jumped on the free passes.

03-01-2017, 09:19 PM
FUCKIN'. GO SEE THIS MOVIE. I absolutely loved it. It took a minute for things to really pick up, but when they do, fuck. I went in with only few expectations and every one of them was blown out of the water. And personally, as much as I LOVE Godzilla and really enjoy Edwards as a director, this is easily my favorite of the two giant monster movies they've churned out so far. Hopefully they can keep the ball rolling.

Also, look out for the perfect post-credits scene. I CHEERED. Can't wait to see where they take this franchise.

Edit: I'm gonna completely avoid spoilers, buuut...yeah, there may be Godzilla connections there.

03-02-2017, 08:49 AM
FUCKIN'. GO SEE THIS MOVIE. I absolutely loved it. It took a minute for things to really pick up, but when they do, fuck. I went in with only few expectations and every one of them was blown out of the water. And personally, as much as I LOVE Godzilla and really enjoy Edwards as a director, this is easily my favorite of the two giant monster movies they've churned out so far. Hopefully they can keep the ball rolling.

Also, look out for the perfect post-credits scene. I CHEERED. Can't wait to see where they take this franchise.

Edit: I'm gonna completely avoid spoilers, buuut...yeah, there may be Godzilla connections there.Damn I'm jealous. I can't wait.

03-02-2017, 04:47 PM
Spoiler free review.


03-02-2017, 07:07 PM
Spoiler free review.

There are some valid points here. The movie isn't perfect, and I can't say I fully agree with some of his criticisms, but they're certainly fair.

John C Reilly (oddly enough) and Samuel L Jackson are easily the two most interesting and developed characters of the movie. But the rest of them, while admittedly hollow and lacking background, served exactly the purpose they needed to serve for this story - and they leave it at. I went in expecting not to care about ANYONE in the movie, so the fact some of them managed to keep my interest as much as they did was surprising. There are Monarch dudes there doing Monarch things. There are army grunts there doing army grunt things. I wanted to see Kong and the series of events that wraps him into our new monster-verse, and I was satisfied.

It isn't perfect. It isn't a cinematic masterpiece where every critical and technical itch is scratched, and some of the editing could have been done better, but shit. I enjoyed the hell out of it. If your King Kong movie experience is soured because the token cute photographer girl wasn't a fleshed-out character, I feel like you might be watching for the wrong reasons, but to each their own!

03-10-2017, 02:41 PM
Got tickets for monday. Can't wait.

03-10-2017, 10:48 PM
This wasn't bad... not great though. In the last month I saw this, Get Out and Logan. Out of the three, Kong ranks lowest. The pros are that there are many beautiful shots that are held for long enough to appreciate and John C Reilly's character is much better than I thought he would be. Cons are that there are some awkward editing choices and the "kong cares cause we care" aspect seems a bit slapped together. Strong 3 out of 5.

03-18-2017, 07:47 PM
Based on the trailer alone, I thought John C Reilly was super-miscast and tonally would clash with the rest of the movie. On one hand, he did clash a little bit tonally. On the other hand, he was by far the best thing about the movie, and I wish the rest of the film had the same tone! He was funny and campy enough for a "monster island" adventure!

The creatures looked great, some of the Vietnam era stuff was great. The obvious low points were some of the wooden characters (the Asian scientist shoehorned in for the China market could've been cut and nothing would've changed... It was embarrassing) and there were a few lines of dialog that felt like placeholders in the script that somebody forgot to go back and fix...

Very entertaining and fun... the biggest problem is that it could have been great but wasn't.

03-18-2017, 08:02 PM
LOVED John C Reilly in this

03-27-2017, 08:21 AM
Saw this yesterday and liked it a lot. There was definitely some rough dialogue in it that was pretty jarring but overall it was very well done. John C. Reilly was great and I don't always like him. Pretty excited to see where this shared monster universe goes, so far so good since I liked Godzilla a lot as well.

06-25-2017, 10:34 AM
Saw it yesterday and thought it was great entertainment. Loved the fight sequences at the end. Very well done.