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07-11-2017, 10:19 PM
I mean the actual text of the email says it all no?

It does specifically say that this is all at the behest of the Russian government's wishes.

07-11-2017, 10:52 PM
David Letterman weighs in:


07-11-2017, 10:57 PM
David Letterman weighs in:


A true national hero is what David Letterman is.

07-11-2017, 11:18 PM
David Letterman weighs in:


"I think we ought to direct our resources and our energies to doing something about it."

I mean....Special Counsel Mueller Lets His Actions Do the Talking: 15 Hires, More to Come (http://www.npr.org/2017/07/08/535813901/special-counsel-mueller-lets-his-actions-do-the-talking-15-hires-more-to-come)

It's not like no one's doing anything. But you can't just go "wow, that guy's a shithead, he's not allowed to be president anymore". Much as the whole world, minus a depressingly large contingent of genuinely and depressingly ignorant Americans, would like to see it happen, it just isn't that simple. The Dairy Queen joke fell flat with me. The Commander in Chief is so unbelievably different from a fast food franchise when it comes to personnel changes that it just struck me as a pretty stupid statement.

07-12-2017, 03:17 AM
"I think we ought to direct our resources and our energies to doing something about it."

I mean....Special Counsel Mueller Lets His Actions Do the Talking: 15 Hires, More to Come (http://www.npr.org/2017/07/08/535813901/special-counsel-mueller-lets-his-actions-do-the-talking-15-hires-more-to-come)

It's not like no one's doing anything. But you can't just go "wow, that guy's a shithead, he's not allowed to be president anymore". Much as the whole world, minus a depressingly large contingent of genuinely and depressingly ignorant Americans, would like to see it happen, it just isn't that simple. The Dairy Queen joke fell flat with me. The Commander in Chief is so unbelievably different from a fast food franchise when it comes to personnel changes that it just struck me as a pretty stupid statement.

The Dairy Queen thing is apt. He's rampantly incompetent. The only reason he's president is because he was born rich enough to have somebody ghost-write a memoir about how awesome it is that he's rich, and that he found a voting base that hated people who weren't white.

07-12-2017, 03:59 AM
and that he found a voting base that hated people who weren't white.

Or men ;)

07-12-2017, 04:04 AM
President Trump sued for blocking people on Twitter

I must admit this did make me laugh :rolleyes:

07-12-2017, 06:27 AM
Wow ... talk about timing. Donald can't just help himself.


07-12-2017, 07:14 AM
"I think we ought to direct our resources and our energies to doing something about it."

I mean....Special Counsel Mueller Lets His Actions Do the Talking: 15 Hires, More to Come (http://www.npr.org/2017/07/08/535813901/special-counsel-mueller-lets-his-actions-do-the-talking-15-hires-more-to-come)

It's not like no one's doing anything. But you can't just go "wow, that guy's a shithead, he's not allowed to be president anymore". Much as the whole world, minus a depressingly large contingent of genuinely and depressingly ignorant Americans, would like to see it happen, it just isn't that simple. The Dairy Queen joke fell flat with me. The Commander in Chief is so unbelievably different from a fast food franchise when it comes to personnel changes that it just struck me as a pretty stupid statement.

I think he meant that Trump isn't even qualified to manage a DQ, let alone a country; the implication is that he'd be fired for running something so small as a DQ, so he absolutely should be fired for trying to be President.

I think he meant re "doing something" is a huge effort toward the midterm elections etc.

07-12-2017, 08:40 AM
between what he said what he said during his campaign the email manafort, Flynn prebus yates, comey, I would think it's pretty clear, what went on again he'll, use twitter and fox to keep distracting, meanwhile America is a joke i guess we have different definitions of great is now back to my fiddle

07-12-2017, 09:36 AM
David Letterman weighs in:

Having just finished The Late Shift, Letterman is no one to talk. He's too passive to take seriously.

07-12-2017, 10:17 AM
At the same time, the legal teams seem to be confused with how to advocate for their individual clients without throwing another staffer or family member under the bus.


07-12-2017, 10:33 AM
At the same time, the legal teams seem to be confused with how to advocate for their individual clients without throwing another staffer or family member under the bus.


This is really turning into one hell of a clusterfuck! A cluster to end all fucks!

07-12-2017, 10:45 AM
This is really turning into one hell of a clusterfuck! A cluster to end all fucks!

Read this--it's one hot mess.


07-12-2017, 10:52 AM
Read this--it's one hot mess.


Christ on a BIKE! :eek:

07-12-2017, 11:09 AM
Trump in prayer. This imagine is too much:

07-12-2017, 12:03 PM
Trump in prayer. This imagine is too much:

No amount of prayer is gonna help THAT guy.

He's beyond redemption.

07-12-2017, 12:04 PM
Having just finished The Late Shift, Letterman is no one to talk. He's too passive to take seriously.

Yeah, I have that book - never got around to reading it, but my best friend says it's a real eye-opener, yeesh.

I still like him. But that beard is awful.

07-12-2017, 03:55 PM
No amount of prayer is gonna help THAT guy.

He's beyond redemption.

I heard Satan is making a special room for him that will be in the same floor w/ Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden.

07-12-2017, 04:17 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLIuoE0eQ9E, very good already happening they are going to shift the blame to Hillery, Clinton's, and Obama, can we throw this guy in jail, yet?

07-12-2017, 10:27 PM
How are these Don Jr revelations going to lead anywhere? Surely any attorney investigating them is going to be fired...

07-12-2017, 10:37 PM
I love Chuck Todd


07-13-2017, 08:31 AM
and nothing will come out of these revelations anyway. we are witnessing an judicial coup d'etat in slow motion.

07-13-2017, 10:16 AM
Head over to Drudge. Looks like this is all Obama's fault.

07-13-2017, 10:56 AM
It's been Obama's fault for eight years. Zika is Obama's fault.

07-13-2017, 11:08 AM
how much more evidence is needed to prove collusion and treason?I've got a bag of money ski mask in my back pocket and a gun in my hand but there was no money there, so I guess I can't be charged with robbery,

07-13-2017, 12:07 PM
how much more evidence is needed to prove collusion and treason?I've got a bag of money ski mask in my back pocket and a gun in my hand but there was no money there, so I guess I can't be charged with robbery,

We have to let the investigation play out.

07-13-2017, 01:42 PM
This makes me insanely happy, because I know how insanely mad it's going to make the president.


07-13-2017, 03:01 PM
We have to let the investigation play out.i understand the right to due process, but I do believe, this is a genuine threat, and the way it's going only means more and worse is yet to come(although my opinions are solely my own)

Sarah K
07-13-2017, 06:25 PM
Trump says the wall needs to be transparent so that you can see the sixty pound bags of drugs that are getting thrown over the border.


07-13-2017, 06:28 PM
Trump says the wall needs to be transparent so that you can see the sixty pound bags of drugs that are getting thrown over the border.


So I assume the Dumpster has never heard of these DRUG TUNNELS? (http://www.newsweek.com/us-mexico-border-drug-tunnel-costs-rewards-386978)??


07-14-2017, 03:17 AM

07-14-2017, 09:44 AM

A Soviet military officer turned lobbyist attended the Trump Jr. meeting — and there may have been a 6th person, too

07-14-2017, 09:55 AM

A Soviet military officer turned lobbyist attended the Trump Jr. meeting — and there may have been a 6th person, too


Hold on, so not only did he meet with Russians, evidence in the emails he did AND more people were there...but it turned out they DIDN'T have ANY dirt on HC so they just ran with the "her emails" nonsense?...this is getting ridiculous!

07-14-2017, 09:55 AM


07-14-2017, 10:25 AM
Hold on, so not only did he meet with Russians, evidence in the emails he did AND more people were there...but it turned out they DIDN'T have ANY dirt on HC so they just ran with the "her emails" nonsense?...this is getting ridiculous!

Hence Putin's master plan was to get Trump to the top in order to topple him over shortly after, hoping he would drag down the world order with him?

07-14-2017, 10:37 AM
Hence Putin's master plan was to get Trump to the top in order to topple him over shortly after, hoping he would drag down the world order with him?

...at this point i wouldn't be surprised, fuck nothing can surprise me anymore with this...madness!

07-14-2017, 11:27 AM
they just ran with the "her emails" nonsense?...this is getting ridiculous!

The media was happy to oblige. They would not stop talking about her emails, and even Clinton went along with it, graciously apologizing and admitting wrongdoing every time it came up instead of saying "enough about the damn emails already, let's talk about the important shit!"

07-14-2017, 06:46 PM
Trump White House releases email comments complaining of its plans to release private voter data to the public



07-14-2017, 06:50 PM
This link is to the White House's records of the public comments on Trump's voter integrity commission. Page 6 is...illuminating: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/docs/comments-received-june-29-through-july-11-2017.pdf

07-14-2017, 09:07 PM
This link is to the White House's records of the public comments on Trump's voter integrity commission. Page 6 is...illuminating: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/docs/comments-received-june-29-through-july-11-2017.pdf

Jesus, this is scary shit. I can't believe nobody has taken this "Committee" to Federal Court to request an injunction. This is like a nightmare. If the WH releases this info, the records will leave these voters TOTALLY vulnerable to fraud and identity theft. The wH PLAN may be the hope that voters withdraw their voting rights to protect their privacy. There is absolutely NO REASON that this info should be shared with ANYONE; not the government but especially not the public. This violates states' rights and voters' rights. Why can't anyone stop this maniac?

07-14-2017, 10:18 PM
I just saved that. Holy fuck.... Il Duce has to be IMPEACHED and sent to POUND-ME-IN-THE-ASS-PRISON for life. No state funerals. Nothing to celebrate this man.

07-15-2017, 03:39 AM
I've been going through some really volatile shit personally, and so I've been taking a break from politics... I can't take it now. It's too upsetting.

But THIS?! The way they're blasting the emails from people expressing terror at the idea of their personal information being exploited?

Maybe it's just my current mental state... but this is legitimately terrifying. I feel real horror. The petulance behind this giant "fuck you" is gutting. What was the stated intention? Why do this? This has to stop. The insanity is mounting and getting more and more bewildering and baffling.

"One-Man Circle Jerk" is the best description I've heard yet to describe this travesty of a "presidency."

07-15-2017, 07:51 AM
Watching the downfall of a presidency in real time.


07-17-2017, 03:39 AM

07-17-2017, 08:53 PM
Lindsey Graham's Health Care proposal:


07-18-2017, 10:52 AM
Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. But you know, this is just my opinion man
That's what Nixon said. Really, he hated the Press, HATED WaPo after the Pentagon Papers were leaked. But, the Press isn't the enemy, they're only providing info that the public wants; if the public didn't want it, the media and press would lose advertising revenue and would have to move on to the next Big Topic. Nixon's disdain for leaks and the Press didn't mean something didn't happen; it's like blaming a security camera for recording you robbing a gas station. A lot of the American public seems to think this is only about Clinton and an election. It's not. It's about a Presidential candidate's campaign staff possibly using or being used by a hostile foreign government in the interest not only of WINNING but also (mostly?) financial gain. There is a HUGE advantage for Russia and Trump winning related to restoring confiscated properties to Russia, and lifting sanctions which is costing Russia and energy companies like Exxon Mobile BILLIONS of dollars in oil drilling deals in Russia, plus TONS of Trump investment money that was coming from Russia. THAT is what is being investigated. NOT just "who won the Election" but WHY Russia gave a shit who won; it wasn't because Putin disliked Clinton; Putin dislikes lots of people; but his primary focus is making Russia the most powerful nation in the world. He's REALLY smart. Rather than watching hippy unemployed YouTube pundits, I HIGHLY recommend that people watch Stone's Putin Interviews.


Putin is a very scary and very dangerous man, but oooooh so charismatic.

Charisma is what draws voters to people like Putin. And Hitler.

Trump is currently attempting to convince American citizens that Putin is a really great guy and our friend.

He's not.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer doesn't work in the game of Risk. It only works in Godfather movies. And Trump is surrounded by Fredos.

halo eighteen
07-18-2017, 11:12 AM
At the end of the day the American people say Hilary for what she was and decided to go with trump.

The American people did vote for Hillary, by about 3 million more people. But I guess that's irrelevant?

07-18-2017, 11:17 AM
Okay, first of all, if we want to have a discussion, you have to at least spell "Hillary" correctly. And "macathrisim" isn't a word. :-)

Regarding Hillary Clinton and Uranium and Russia: There is a lot of confusion about that, thanks also to the media and soundbytes etc.

See this: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html

Re a Trump win and what's in it for Russia:

Exhibit A: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-17/russia-raises-heat-on-trump-over-seized-property-ahead-of-talks

Exhibit B: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/19/business/energy-environment/exxon-mobil-russia-sanctions-waiver-oil.html

Exhibit C: https://qz.com/982606/all-the-times-donald-trump-and-his-sons-touted-the-trump-organizations-russian-business-ties/

Exhibit D: http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/20/news/russia-sanctions-treasury/index.html

Exhibit E: https://www.usnews.com/opinion/thomas-jefferson-street/articles/2017-07-13/republicans-must-ask-why-russias-vladimir-putin-wanted-donald-trump-to-win

Also, if you read this thread from the beginning, many of us here said that polls aren't reliable relative to the Electoral College. Polls can be really helpful relative to the popular vote, but not the Electoral win.

Also, you will recall that the same media that Trump now hates gave Trump 24/7 free coverage during the primaries and during the campaign. I remember the Republican debate in Detroit, where MSNBC was interviewing John Kasich and then suddenly cut him short when Trump was spotted coming down the stairs and they left Kasich standing there like he was a bridesmaid at a wedding so they could rush to get to the Bride, Trump. And Kasich said something like, "Oh, yeah, you guys only want to talk to TRUMP."

Trump eats that up, always has. But, cross him and he'll publicly roast you. He's ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. This is not a new thing. I've been in real estate law for nearly 30 years, including commercial real estate and mixed-use real estate in the same circles as Trump, dealing with his buildings and his potential clients. THIS IS NOT NEW BEHAVIOR for him.

Here is an example of the Trump flip-flop he did with architect critic, Blair Kamin: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/ct-trump-criticism-kamin-met-20161007-column.html

The game isn't "well, would Hillary have done it, too?" There is no evidence that the Clinton campaign was being influenced or assisted by Russia; if there was, THAT would also be news.

Also, any leaks that show the Clinton campaign having done stupid shit showed just that: Stupid shit. When you don't do stupid shit, leakers won't have any ammo against you.

But, the question now is also whether or not Russia has a lot of ammo against the Trump's campaign team. It's already been determined that a few members of the Trump team were compromised by data collected by Russia (Manafort, Flynn).

My husband fills out those FBI clearance forms every 10 years for his top-level clearance needed for his job. There is a reason they need to know every single bit of any foreign involvement you have, including EVERYTHING about your spouse, your parents, your kids, etc. It's because of potential compromise and blackmail.

Being President makes you vulnerable to plenty of negative press coverage and negative opinion. Trump needs to suck it up, that's just the way it is. Always. This is nothing new. The guy was already a wimp when it came to negative press, and he thought that'd go away when he became President? He really is either delusional or a moron. Or both.

The media's constant coverage of this Russia stuff does not benefit anyone; left, center or right; it's a DIVERSION from the other REALLY IMPORTANT stuff going on. Like PUBLISHING PRIVATE INFORMATION obtained from voter registration records (making U.S. Citizens vulnerable to identity theft and fraud), or like all of the other crazy shit going on in Congress right now.

07-18-2017, 11:45 AM
My apologies for misspelling words I am excited to post and have four kids screaming in my ear as its summer. Look, I did not mean to offend or prove anyone wrong. I have just been watching this as a Canadian and it seems like a distraction to be honest. I do not trust governments and I feel like they are making us look over here.

I am afraid of the outcome tbh I dont know what needs to happen. Its one of those things where doing nothing is not good but doing something has to happen. The media needs to be fixed, and America needs to understand the world is watching and is not impressed. Obama is who america wanted to be, Trump is who they really are. Its really quite something watching America implode from the inside. My fear, for my children is what will be left and what it looks like. I think this is thirty years past due and at the worst time considering the planet is dying around us.

I dont have any answers and I dont want to step on any toes.

The media isn't the monster that its being made out to be. Trump isn't what America really "is" no more than Hitler was what all of Germany really was. Desperate unemployed or underemployed people bought what Trump was selling; UNION members, always Democratic voters, were afraid of the status quo and bought what Trump was selling; Trump voters on DISABILITY and MEDICAID who now stand to lose their income and health insurance coverage voted for Trump out of desperation and confusion; it's not just about xenophobia, etc. It all comes down to:

a) Guns
b) Religion
c) Abortion
d) Gay rights
e) Promise of more and better jobs

Those are the key features of most elections, for several decades.

Plus, for this election, health insurance.

Trump, exhibiting his best "I'm a POPULIST" costume, with slogans and catch phrases just like any other political candidate, specifically targeted certain voting demographics and then, with surgical precision, worked the Electoral College aspect like a Master, knowing that minorities just would not show up to vote for either Clinton or Trump (or Sanders).

"Winning" requires specific strategies and Trump's PT Barnum show helped him win Electoral votes in those Rust Belt states, the same states that helped a Bill Clinton win in the past.

None of us here in this country know what is going to happen, the Trump voters unwittingly unleashed a dumb newb on the world.

07-18-2017, 12:56 PM
Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNGFSCEXMc0

But you know, this is just my opinion man






HAAAAAAA! (learn how to embed a fucking youtube video clip)



and fuck you.

07-18-2017, 03:07 PM
Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNGFSCEXMc0

But you know, this is just my opinion man

Hey man not worth it. Some people are just to far gone.

07-18-2017, 03:19 PM
The American people did vote for Hillary, by about 3 million more people. But I guess that's irrelevant?

thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.

07-18-2017, 03:46 PM
thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.

and then we get to hear from people who don't live in this country weigh in on "the witch hunt."

07-18-2017, 03:58 PM
and then we get to hear from people who don't live in this country weigh in on "the witch hunt."

You're welcome.

07-18-2017, 04:19 PM
Just ignore Sallos. Same as Volband. Same as GanduGains before it was banned (and returned, then banned again).

They aren't worth your time. Jughead is quickly heading in that direction.

Trump 2020 slogan suggestions: "Make America Get Something Done, Eventually" "Golf Is Fine As Long As I Am The One Doing It" "I Didn't Collude But If I Did...LOOK! HILLARY! OBAMA!" "No One Cares If I Or My Businesses Are Profitting From Me Being President" "It's Fake News If I Don't Like It" "If Something Doesn't Work It's Not On Me" "How Long Will 'I'm New At This' Work As An Excuse?"

07-18-2017, 05:37 PM
thank god for the electoral college, that way netiher new york or california get to dictate the presidency on the rest of the states.
The electoral vote was originally conceived to give slave-owners extra votes by counting each slave they owned as 1/3 an extra vote for whomever said slave-owner voted for. It's a dogshit system founded on dogshit principles.

07-18-2017, 07:09 PM
No, just I have zero tolerance left for the people who don't give a fuck about facts, are supportive of a con man whose only loves are money and his daughter Ivanka as well as supportive of a group that wants everyone non white and rich to suffer, pay for everything and then fucking die when they get sick. That only scratches the surface. How about the orange dickbag and his bought and paid for GOP goobers trying to demonize science to, you guessed it, MAKE MONEY for their Kochmasters. How about the mounting evidence that diaper baby has a very illegal working relationship with Russia? Still all the media's fault?! Suuuuure.

Anyways...I thought you said you were going? Also, KEK boys! You actually said those words!

07-18-2017, 07:30 PM
Actually what we are watching is the biggest witch hunt in american politics history. The DNC can not handle the fact they lost. The corporate legacy media is exposing themselves for what they are. Its really weird. Everytine I hear the words ''Trump'' and ''Russia'' I think of this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNGFSCEXMc0

But you know, this is just my opinion manHey. You must be that guy from the old nin.com board, the resident drudge/breitbart/info wars guy who used to post in the 2012 election thread. Welcome. Have fun posting here.

07-18-2017, 08:53 PM
Wow just wow. So I think I got the memo, On the nails board its ok to laugh and belittle anyone who does not buy what the corporate media is selling. I read this thread. Its all bullying anyone who has a different opinion. I got the memo either go along with whats said or shut your mouth. I hope for the main boards sake none of the KEK boys ever see this thread as they would destroy this whole forum for it.

I was content to just go as I had said clearly its not for me but to suggest I am to be ignored after just a few posts simply because I had a different opinion and was polite about no less is the most fucked thing I have encountered on a message board in quite a while so congrats for that. I feel dirty and in need of a bath having spent the last two hours reading this thread.

Sorry, man, no harm intended. People on ETS are pretty typically liberal, always have been, so you unwittingly surfed into a firestorm. Some of us are willing to discuss this without passion, but not most. I think it IS more difficult for those who aren't American citizens (and don't vote here) to see the big picture, kinda like if us Americans went off with strong opinions about Canadian elections or candidates. I like Trudeau but I understand that Québécois may not.

You were, in fact, polite and respectful. My apologies for any harm done here. I've been here 13 years, I don't represent everyone, but I do respect opposing thoughts.

07-18-2017, 09:26 PM
You're welcome.

I was talking bout the other guy, but "thank you" too.

07-18-2017, 09:28 PM
Sorry, man, no harm intended. People on ETS are pretty typically liberal, always have been, so you unwittingly surfed into a firestorm. Some of us are willing to discuss this without passion, but not most. I think it IS more difficult for those who aren't American citizens (and don't vote here) to see the big picture, kinda like if us Americans went off with strong opinions about Canadian elections or candidates. I like Trudeau but I understand that Québécois may not.

You were, in fact, polite and respectful. My apologies for any harm done here. I've been here 13 years, I don't represent everyone, but I do respect opposing thoughts.

I admit I did take a "GTFO" approach, but what was the point? "This is the greatest witch hunt in politics?" COME ON.

07-18-2017, 09:53 PM
I hope for the main boards sake none of the KEK boys ever see this thread as they would destroy this whole forum for it.

I've been on this board for like 13 years and this is one of my favorite quotes, now.

the lack of self awareness is incredible. Have you ever LISTENED to Nine Inch Nails? Year Zero? With Teeth? what would you actually expect the dominant political philosophy to be here?

07-18-2017, 10:08 PM
I've been on this board for like 13 years and this is one of my favorite quotes, now.

the lack of self awareness is incredible. Have you ever LISTENED to Nine Inch Nails? Year Zero? With Teeth? what would you actually expect the dominant political philosophy to be here?

It's like the conservatives angrily marching out of Roger Waters shows because they were sad that the inflatable anti-capitalism pig had Trump's face on it.

Did you guys care what the words were saying? I mean, I'm with Allegro on a level here... I wish there was a counterpoint to the liberal majority here, but this? Anyone who can call the Russia-thing a "witch hunt" at THIS POINT is following an obnoxious playbook.

07-18-2017, 10:46 PM
Yes, BUT, this is the New Improved Less Asshole version of ETS, as I think Leviathant can confirm; Jughead is new, here, for the (alleged) new "ARG" AND he's Canadian and has admitted that he has a lot of kiddos at home and this isn't his primary concern; grabbing our torches and sticks doesn't seem appropriate for the Welcome Wagon. This isn't an echo chamber; it should, at least in my humble and probably unimportant opinion, be AT LEAST respectful. This forum isn't about politics; it's about music, plus some other stuff. Nothing Jughead said was disrespectful. He really went out of his way to say that he was trying NOT to offend people, and he is MOST certainly entitled to his own opinion. This is, in the very least. a place where we can discuss things and perhaps present differing ideas, and maybe it can be educational. But "hahahah gtfo asshole" is the OLD board, and I want nothing to do with that.

If that's the game, here, I'm out. I'm following valued members like Elke out the door.

07-18-2017, 11:20 PM
But seriously I aint posting in here no more, you guys are all fucked.!!!
Now, come on, do you mean that we're fucked because of our politics? Or because we don't agree with you? I'm hoping it's the former because I just defended you but ... Look, this board isn't passionate only with politics; we're pretty hair-triggered even related to an ARG or anything; and if you want to use Trent Reznor as an example, we can provide (literally) hundreds of video and audio examples of how he has a hair trigger and goes off on just about anybody (including members of this board), and he even - during the Bush administration - said he doesn't think Republicans should listen to Nine Inch Nails.

Like, here's one instance:


You still fit in, as a NIN fan, don't worry about one stupid thread on this board. Really. It's not important in the grand scheme of things. Being on an online forum DOES kinda require a thick skin, though; don't sweat it.

07-18-2017, 11:25 PM
I like debating and stuff

And I like to tell people to go fuck themselves... and stuff.

07-18-2017, 11:26 PM
And I like to tell people to go fuck themselves... and stuff.

Come on, Jim, you're starting to sound like the old assholes on this board.

the ones who used to go after me, all the time.

Anyway, been registered here since Jan 4, 2004, I think it's time to give it up. I don't like the way this is going.

Not that anybody cares, I'm a nobody, here, but whatever, I have a conscious.

07-18-2017, 11:37 PM
Come on, Jim, you're starting to sound like the old assholes on this board.

the ones who used to go after me, all the time.

Anyway, been registered here since Jan 4, 2004, I think it's time to give it up. I don't like the way this is going.

Not that anybody cares, I'm a nobody, here, but whatever, I have a conscious.

No, it's true, I'm lashing out.

I'm going through a rough stretch, and it's not time to be childish. I just don't see this going anywhere productive... but a dog pile shitlist isn't going to help. It's not even really helpful as catharsis.

And really, we should be encouraging an "open floor" for political debate, and grow tired of a liberal circle jerk. I just, wish the counterpoint wasn't so empty and happily removed.

07-18-2017, 11:58 PM
No, it's true, I'm lashing out.

I'm going through a rough stretch, and it's not time to be childish. I just don't see this going anywhere productive... but a dog pile shitlist isn't going to help. It's not even really helpful as catharsis.

And really, we should be encouraging an "open floor" for political debate, and grow tired of a liberal circle jerk. I just, wish the counterpoint wasn't so empty and happily removed.

This sounded genuine until the last 5 words.

Anyway, I am glad for your understanding but I'm still tired of this. This is no longer a debate; it really is a circle-jerk. You and I have been online friends for a long time, and we're on the same "team," here, but all this negative energy goes nowhere.

07-19-2017, 12:17 AM
This sounded genuine until the last 5 words.

Anyway, I am glad for your understanding but I'm still tired of this. This is no longer a debate; it really is a circle-jerk. You and I have been online friends for a long time, and we're on the same "team," here, but all this negative energy goes nowhere.

True. And I know, it's just rough to explain. Let me try a more nuanced rebuttal than saying "haha fuck you" to @Jughead (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5828), and that isn't meant to be condescending.

Look, you're in Canada. I get that. I'm half Canadian. My dad's from Canada. I have a Canadian passport, and that's nifty, because I flirt with the idea of fleeing north.

I can't claim to have an understanding on a deep level of Canadian politics, though I do have these discussions with my Canadian relatives and extended family. My Canadian friends fall all over the political map. I tried to have a conversation with one who politely tried to say that he didn't believe racism was a real thing. He doubled down on this by saying "look, am I a racist just because I don't want more muslims in my country?" I said "well, yes, in a way that I had to own, after realizing that I was wrong."

I had a strong anti-religion thing going on with me for a long time. I hated religion, after I decided it was all bullshit, and I had an arrogant opinion that I'd reached some kind of enlightened mode, wherein I knew what was up and all these brainwashed fools were destroying the world. My main opponent was Christianity, and after 9/11 I viewed Islam as more dangerous. I found most of my liberal friends were mostly on the same page.

Then I realized that religion wasn't the issue here, dude.

But this is America, and America is fucking weird, and you might not understand how weird it is. Right now, EVERYONE in America is at the "other" side's throat, and this is political, racial, EVERYTHING.

America is primed for a civil war, and if you ask a hippie liberal like me, I'd say that's what Russia wants to further. So I don't consider this a civil war. America is, from my own estimation, not as peacefully copacetic as Canada. You guys get along, and even if you disagree, you show respect. That's not how it works here. America is more like Europe; a fractured continent of opposing ideas, principles, ways of life. Some of our states want socialism by the majority, some want us to turn into a libertarian thing, some want a throwback to a time that's insane when it comes to civil rights... and obviously this is all skewed through the lens of my objective view.

But this country is broken, and you're saying "ah guys, I like the conservative idea," but I don't think you know what that means in Trump America.

bobbie solo
07-19-2017, 01:03 AM
To be fair I didnt surf into a shit storm I fucking leeroy jenkinsed into it all ''derrrr rahrrr'' I also sent wretched a pretty snarky pm outlining how stupid I think all of you are for being so dickish. I like debating and stuff but I can go all Adam Sandler from punch drunk love when I feel I am being mocked or laughed at. To be honest It just kind of hurt my feelings being a nails fan. I wanted to fit in and be apart of this discussion. I had NO FUCKING idea how sore a subject it was.

I dont know what to tell you guys. From the outside looking in it looks like he is innocent of what is being portrayed in the media. If you watch the CBC coverage on it compared to the american media its night and day. I just dont see it and no one I have talked to here in the north buys it, none of my wifes family in Sweden buys it. If looks and feels like bullshit to me. I wouldn't be surprised to know this was the plan all along. To have trump win, create divide and let america destroy itself from within so they can get your guns. They got our guns, pretty much everyone's but yours. Once they have your guns a year zero like scenario can proceed. Fucking Lizard people Illuminati are the real enemy!!!

So wrong foot, my fault. I apologize (as most Canadians do) But seriously I aint posting in here no more, you guys are all fucked.!!!

Oh yeah, let's have a civil back & forth discourse with this troglodyte.

bobbie solo
07-19-2017, 01:05 AM
and the post above mine is even worse. This board isn't the right place for you Jughead. Based on how you post you will shortly be banned anyway, so you might as well leave on your own.

07-19-2017, 01:14 AM
Canada is The u.s. without the weird flea market culture from the south.

Please reread the post I made. It's not north v south. It's more complicated... and I'm struggling to try to explain it. It's confounding as hell.

Fuck what a confusing time. Ten years ago all of us in here would of been licking each others cock in agreement listening to nin playing axis and allies, now we are all so terrible divided, what the fuck happened?


You wanna know what this board was like pre-Obama? How about during Obama?

Some of us were here ten years ago, I for one regret what a dick I was, and I was a liberal then too.

But, on a side note reach-around, trust me, someone who tucked in their Nirvana T-shirt would get the LIVING SHIT beaten out of their poser ass in America.
And that's why I love this country!


07-19-2017, 05:57 AM
I've missed a few pages of discussion but I'm sure all of you are having a good laugh at the spectacle being offered by Republicans in regard of their healthcare plan.
Trump is also more clueless than ever. He has taken three different positions in less than 24hrs.

07-19-2017, 07:37 AM
this is interesting a funny little coincidence (not) Mariya Putin, Vlads eldest daughter just so happens to run a children's endocrinology charity, guess who specializes in endocrinology? Spectrum Health of Michigan. The same site that all the computer traffic was going to and from Trump Tower and Alfa Bank of Russia. Spectrum Health is owned by Betsy Devos. LOL That ladies and gentlemen is called an implausible coincidence. Devos didnt get a cabinet position because she was qualified(an understatement)! She got that job because she's right smack in the middle of all this! They used her companies computer servers to communicate with the Russians and they thought no one would notice! I'm sure she's terrified right about now, If we all know what she did you can best be sure Robert Mueller knows what she did!

07-19-2017, 07:58 AM
How the party of Eisenhower and Reagan have fallen.


07-19-2017, 09:30 AM
I've missed a few pages of discussion but I'm sure all of you are having a good laugh at the spectacle being offered by Republicans in regard of their healthcare plan.
Trump is also more clueless than ever. He has taken three different positions in less than 24hrs.

What's there to laugh about? They're never more than about two votes away from fucking over me, my partner, several members of my family, and at least 20 million other people. It would only be funny if Democrats held a strong majority and there wasn't even a snowball's chance in hell that they might accidentally convince enough people to vote for such damaging legislation.

Meanwhile...child troll living in parents' basement* dupes Fox News into interview (https://www.buzzfeed.com/blakemontgomery/a-fake-antifa-member-trolled-a-fox-news-host-and-the?utm_term=.efryX4zxw#.pqPjNY3y7); president likely saw it aboard Air Force One and believed it was real.

*personal speculation based on age and maturity level

07-19-2017, 10:42 AM
I think negative energy is amplified because logic and reason have been lost. I agree with Jinsai: there isn't actually a counterpoint, there's just an insane mess. For the crime of quoting him I was rewarded with a very long PPM with colorful phrases like "transgender SJWs" and "the Clinton foundation..." etc etc.

when your opponent is incomprehensible and the consequences are this dire, what to do but lash out?

07-19-2017, 11:03 AM
Exactly. There's no point in trying to rationally discuss things with those who do not live in reality and work with facts.

If you voted for Trump or support him and the GOP, I'm done wasting time trying to convince you why you've chosen poorly and are only likely hurting yourself, your loved ones and the planet at this point. You're evil, stupid or both. End of the line.

07-19-2017, 11:31 AM
What's there to laugh about? They're never more than about two votes away from fucking over me, my partner, several members of my family, and at least 20 million other people. It would only be funny if Democrats held a strong majority and there wasn't even a snowball's chance in hell that they might accidentally convince enough people to vote for such damaging legislation.

Meanwhile...child troll living in parents' basement* dupes Fox News into interview (https://www.buzzfeed.com/blakemontgomery/a-fake-antifa-member-trolled-a-fox-news-host-and-the?utm_term=.efryX4zxw#.pqPjNY3y7); president likely saw it aboard Air Force One and believed it was real.

*personal speculation based on age and maturity level

I don't think you have anything to worry about. GOB moderates will always clash with the most conservative wing of the party.
You'll die of natural cause before they can agree on a repeal & replace bill.

07-19-2017, 11:57 AM
I just typed out a long post about how @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.

07-19-2017, 12:08 PM
I just typed out a long post about how @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.

I don't think we need to always be logical an "unemotional" but I just hate when this veers into Shit List stuff and we stop focusing on the issues while we're focusing on how stupid somebody is, ya know? I dunno, I don't know shit, anymore. This current guy thinks that we were all hugging and singing Kumbaya in a NIN forum ten years ago when, really, ten years ago we had the Shit List where opposing views were publicly lambasted and ridiculed like sport. It was like "Gladiator."


07-19-2017, 12:15 PM
Oh jinsai remembers the shit list, yes he does precious....

but I am on that page with you there... Even when I was posting my initial response there I was thinking "this is a sort of shitlist post isn't it, but wtf ever, fuck this"

but no, ultimately unhelpful

07-19-2017, 12:28 PM
Oh jinsai remembers the shit list, yes he does precious....

but I am on that page with you there... Even when I was posting my initial response there I was thinking "this is a sort of shitlist post isn't it, but wtf ever, fuck this"

but no, ultimately unhelpful

I think maybe more like "unhealthy" because it gets us all worked up? Even unintentional trolling should be ignored, yes? I dunno, I won't even DISCUSS this Trump and Republicans shit IRL, anymore, I don't wanna have a fucking stroke.

07-19-2017, 01:18 PM
I just typed out a long post about how @allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76) is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.

What I hate is watching the news and all you see are Republicans saying why Net Neutrality is bad, or why Obamacare is bad, or why the Democrats are opposing them on everything. That far FAR outweighs seeing Democrats talking about what they're doing to make it better. They need to step up their game and messaging because I'm just not seeing it.

Though maybe it's a filter issue where the media's just like, "Do you see this shit?" and they're hoping that just by putting it out there people will inform themselves?

07-19-2017, 01:32 PM
I think maybe more like "unhealthy" because it gets us all worked up? Even unintentional trolling should be ignored, yes? I dunno, I won't even DISCUSS this Trump and Republicans shit IRL, anymore, I don't wanna have a fucking stroke.

I'm with you there... I could handle all this disgusting drama when my ship was coasting along pleasantly regardless, but right now, it's just too much. I'm gonna land myself in a hospital if I get too engaged at this point. I reached a new precedent the other day, doing sound for a Neil Diamond cover band, and actually snapping at a drunk person in the audience. That never happens.

Tonight I need to set up sound for a karaoke gig... in the back of my head I'm gonna have to tell myself to stay cool. My brain right now is wracked with anger, frustration, sadness, all sorts of shit... and I'm doing ok. I can function and do my job and then go home and smoke a joint. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in my mental shoes and also be struggling to get by. That would break me. Where my head is at right now is so awful, I've never known a reality like this.

07-19-2017, 06:56 PM
doing sound for a Neil Diamond cover band, and actually snapping at a drunk person in the audience
wait ... the drunk chick demanding that you "TURN IT UP!!" was there for a NEIL DIAMOND COVER BAND?!???!!?

I can't even listen to any Neil Diamond, anymore, without thinking of this:


07-19-2017, 07:39 PM
Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed - CNN

07-19-2017, 07:39 PM

WHAT is this bullshit?! Nobody is saying Clinton is going to become president if Trump is impeached. Who the hell is this guy?

Also, this is an older video... some of this "The Russia story thing is total hysterical bullshit!" stuff hasn't aged very well. Did you miss the whole thing w/ Jr's emails?


This one's aged even worse. Do you read any legitimate news sources? This vlogger apologist isn't impressing anyone. Check out his other video, title "The Democratic Party Simply Isn't Cool Anymore." Ha, yeah... what the FUCK ever... What is cool?

Is this fucker "cool" to some people?


Now suddenly I have this strong urge to rewatch American Movie...

07-19-2017, 07:44 PM


Dude, please stop posting links to that pompous douchebag Trump supporter. It's not worth anyone's time.

07-19-2017, 07:46 PM
WHAT is this bullshit?! Nobody is saying Clinton is going to become president if Trump is impeached. Who the hell is this guy?

Also, this is an older video... some of this "The Russia story thing is total hysterical bullshit!" stuff hasn't aged very well. Did you miss the whole thing w/ Jr's emails?

This one's aged even worse. Do you read any legitimate news sources? This vlogger apologist isn't impressing anyone. Check out his other video, title "The Democratic Party Simply Isn't Cool Anymore." Ha, yeah... what the FUCK ever... What is cool?

Is this fucker "cool" to some people?


Now suddenly I have this strong urge to rewatch American Movie...
Look at this dickhead's YouTube channel, mostly him showing his skimpy chest hairs wearing only an open kimono or open leather jacket. He's a total dickwad who hangs out on reddit with the Donald assholes, writes his own online bios describing him as having a high IQ and a big dick. Probably has neither. He's a "former Libertarian who supported Garry Johnson until he disagreed about Johnson's Islamic immigration policies" so he switched to supporting Trump.

07-19-2017, 07:47 PM
Cool. As. Ice.


07-19-2017, 08:09 PM
I don't think we need to always be logical an "unemotional" but I just hate when this veers into Shit List stuff and we stop focusing on the issues while we're focusing on how stupid somebody is, ya know? I dunno, I don't know shit, anymore. This current guy thinks that we were all hugging and singing Kumbaya in a NIN forum ten years ago when, really, ten years ago we had the Shit List where opposing views were publicly lambasted and ridiculed like sport. It was like "Gladiator."

https://web.archive.org/web/20070217091507/http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/viewtopic.php?t=18361&sid=071596168f0850b571f44b38257f4b9b best to just let it go it will take care of itself, some people just love to work others up, why I don't know why maybe it's some kind of power trip but guess I ain't playing not worth your energy or health, or even acknowledgment of their assistance, you definitely don't want to go down the stroke path most fucked up year+ of my life, still can't play guitar like I used to, it's not only that it's the depression, medical bills rehab, people treating you like an idiot having to re-learn things, and million other things, maybe some day I will go into detail, but like I said best to just let it go

07-19-2017, 08:50 PM
I think the debate about how to handle Trump supporters is nothing more than a distraction. It takes away from debating the ideas. So does debating what Hillary would or wouldn't do.

We should debate what the politicians who have been elected should or shouldn't do. Not debate how to discuss with the other side, or what would have happened if Hillary had won, because those are both nothing more than a waste of energy.

Lets debate the pro's and con's of what Trump and the republicans are doing. Let's not waste our time on the distractions.

07-19-2017, 10:01 PM
Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed - CNN

President Barack Obama tweets a statement to John McCain. (https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/887836712822558720)

07-19-2017, 11:30 PM
Obama tweeted something really nice about him i saw Clinton speak when Reagan announced he had Alzheimer's and he was really classy about it which made me respect him a little more, anyways the video someone posted earlier hit the nail square on the noggin maybe the Dem's need to fail for a few to get back on track, they are not the party of hip anymore, it's like little kids or old people rapping at first it maybe cute or funny after about ten second you realize it's stupid weak pandering bullshit

07-20-2017, 12:47 AM
I've always liked and respected McCain. He seems like a genuine person that just wants to do what is right for the country. While I disagreed with some of his views, at least he was someone that was willing to listen and be open to things. It's sad what he's going through as I'm glad there's some showing respect to this man unlike the **** at the White House who has constantly disrespected him over and over again during his campaign.

07-20-2017, 05:43 AM
Dat ass

Ba da Da dada da dum, ass ass baby...

Shake it, shake shake shake shake it, shake it like a Polaroid picture...

Put on those granny pants and go play tennis like a boss...

What's cooler than being cool? I SAID... what's cooler than being cool?





07-20-2017, 06:03 AM
Trump is interviewed by the NYT.

07-20-2017, 06:05 AM
Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed - CNN

I say this with all sincerity, and not as a joke: I think this explains his behavior and demeanor at the Comey hearing.

07-20-2017, 06:37 AM
I say this with all sincerity, and not as a joke: I think this explains his behavior and demeanor at the Comey hearing.

I think this is what everyone is saying... that was... odd.

But while we're on topic, I wanna say that I TRIED to hate McCain back when he ran for president, and I had a hard time pulling that off. He's a good man, and this is sad. Politics aside for a moment, thank you for your service, however much we may disagree on stuff

07-20-2017, 07:10 AM
I think this is what everyone is saying... that was... odd.

But while we're on topic, I wanna say that I TRIED to hate McCain back when he ran for president, and I had a hard time pulling that off. He's a good man, and this is sad. Politics aside for a moment, thank you for your service, however much we may disagree on stuff

Yeah, back when it happened, there were a lot of comments to the tune of "we're not joking here; it really sounds like there's something medically wrong". I was one of them, as I watched two of my grandparents start to slip mentally and the mannerisms seemed very familiar. So I hate to say that I'm not taken by surprise at the news. Not like I'm happy to hear it or anything like that. I've disagreed with a lot of the man's votes, but he's still done a hell of a lot more to serve this country that most other people in Washington. And this particular form of brain cancer is basically, to be blunt, a death sentence. He and his family have my utmost sympathy.

07-20-2017, 10:43 AM
I say this with all sincerity, and not as a joke: I think this explains his behavior and demeanor at the Comey hearing.

I said the EXACT same thing to my Husband last night.

It all makes sense. So sad. I hope he can beat it but the odds ain't good.

07-20-2017, 11:35 AM
very good non partisan talk on politics :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vW__gtO7rg

07-20-2017, 12:58 PM
Yeah, back when it happened, there were a lot of comments to the tune of "we're not joking here; it really sounds like there's something medically wrong". I was one of them, as I watched two of my grandparents start to slip mentally and the mannerisms seemed very familiar. So I hate to say that I'm not taken by surprise at the news. Not like I'm happy to hear it or anything like that. I've disagreed with a lot of the man's votes, but he's still done a hell of a lot more to serve this country that most other people in Washington. And this particular form of brain cancer is basically, to be blunt, a death sentence. He and his family have my utmost sympathy.

Yeah, my initial response was very much "what the hell?!"
Then I thought about it for a moment... and concluded that something very serious was wrong. It extended beyond meandering and rambling... there was something alarming there. If a relative took a discourse turn in that direction it would prompt me to call a doctor.

07-20-2017, 03:11 PM
the rs article painted a pretty bad picture of him, the choice of Palin to get the women's vote country first indeed

07-20-2017, 03:13 PM
the rs article painted a pretty bad picture of him, the choice of Palin to get the women's vote country first indeed

To be fair, I don't think McCain made the Palin decision; the RNC did that.

Yeah, my initial response was very much "what the hell?!"
Then I thought about it for a moment... and concluded that something very serious was wrong. It extended beyond meandering and rambling... there was something alarming there. If a relative took a discourse turn in that direction it would prompt me to call a doctor.

ESPECIALLY McCain, who is usually very articulate and is able to think on his feet. I was really looking forward to what he had to say at the Comey hearing, then he totally went off the rails. At the time, they blamed it on lack of sleep but I thought it might be migraines or SOMETHING other than just lack of sleep. Sadly, it's this. I wish it were just migraines.

07-20-2017, 03:44 PM
Ugh these assholes keep going lower and lower:


07-20-2017, 03:54 PM
Trump Said He Couldn’t Talk to First Lady of Japan Because She Doesn’t Speak English, but This Clip Proves Otherwise (http://people.com/politics/president-trump-first-lady-japan-akie-abe-speak-english/)

Good Lord.

07-20-2017, 04:09 PM
Trump Said He Couldn’t Talk to First Lady of Japan Because She Doesn’t Speak English, but This Clip Proves Otherwise (http://people.com/politics/president-trump-first-lady-japan-akie-abe-speak-english/)

Good Lord.
Practically everyone in Japan speaks basic English...

07-20-2017, 04:26 PM
Indiana would have seen a nearly $5 billion dollar cut to Medicaid under Trumpcare.

07-20-2017, 09:53 PM
Trump looking at possibly pardoning family, himself.


07-20-2017, 09:56 PM
Practically everyone in Japan speaks basic English...

Also widely reported, LOL:

Japan’s first lady pretends not to speak English rather than chat with Donald Trump (https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/japan’s-first-lady-pretends-not-to-speak-english-rather-than-chat-with-donald-trump/ar-AAovjMO?li=AAggFp5)

07-20-2017, 10:54 PM


07-21-2017, 08:18 AM
Trump looking at possibly pardoning family, himself.


I'm glad they're finally talking about this, because the speculation about the strategy has been in my newsfeed for months. Problem is, there really isn't anything stopping him from pardoning every single person he wants, is there?

Also, just speaking hypothetically: who would he have to fire in order for it to be a clear case of obstruction? Mueller, for sure. But would anyone else fall in that category?

07-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Trump looking at possibly pardoning family, himself.


I'm not an expert, but something I just read states that he absolutely can do this if he chooses to, the only complication to it, is that when a pardon is offered by a president, for a person to accept it, they must accept it, which legally means admitting guilt, the pardon simply makes the penalties associated with it go away. If someone is offered a pardon by a president, they can reject it, if they believe they're innocent and want to fight the charges. If they accept the pardon, they're legally admitting guilt, but getting off without any punishment.

So for his family, he can do it with little consequence. He can pardon anything except an impeachment process, so if he pardons himself and accepts the pardon, he'll have legally confessed to federal crimes, which can act as proof for impeachment proceedings, and he can't pardon impeachment proceedings.

So he can pardon himself and his entire family, but if he pardons himself, his impeachment becomes basically guaranteed.

07-21-2017, 10:16 AM
I'm not an expert, but something I just read states that he absolutely can do this if he chooses to, the only complication to it, is that when a pardon is offered by a president, for a person to accept it, they must accept it, which legally means admitting guilt, the pardon simply makes the penalties associated with it go away. If someone is offered a pardon by a president, they can reject it, if they believe they're innocent and want to fight the charges. If they accept the pardon, they're legally admitting guilt, but getting off without any punishment.

So for his family, he can do it with little consequence. He can pardon anything except an impeachment process, so if he pardons himself and accepts the pardon, he'll have legally confessed to federal crimes, which can act as proof for impeachment proceedings, and he can't pardon impeachment proceedings.

So he can pardon himself and his entire family, but if he pardons himself, his impeachment becomes basically guaranteed.

I don't buy it. Congress is still controlled by the Republicans. If he pardoned himself, they'd just go "good, now let's get back to business". They wouldn't impeach him.

07-21-2017, 10:35 AM
I don't buy it. Congress is still controlled by the Republicans. If he pardoned himself, they'd just go "good, now let's get back to business". They wouldn't impeach him.this will continue to happen he has never, never never had to face any con consequences for his actions, this is a man who for said," he could kill a person on 5th avenue in daylight and no one would do anything"So until someone does something or republican's start loosing elections or better yet money nothing will change,

07-21-2017, 11:00 AM
Sean Spicer officially resigns. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html)

07-21-2017, 11:14 AM
I'm not an expert, but something I just read states that he absolutely can do this if he chooses to, the only complication to it, is that when a pardon is offered by a president, for a person to accept it, they must accept it, which legally means admitting guilt, the pardon simply makes the penalties associated with it go away. If someone is offered a pardon by a president, they can reject it, if they believe they're innocent and want to fight the charges. If they accept the pardon, they're legally admitting guilt, but getting off without any punishment.

So for his family, he can do it with little consequence. He can pardon anything except an impeachment process, so if he pardons himself and accepts the pardon, he'll have legally confessed to federal crimes, which can act as proof for impeachment proceedings, and he can't pardon impeachment proceedings.

So he can pardon himself and his entire family, but if he pardons himself, his impeachment becomes basically guaranteed.This is like reading a proof on why 1+1 = .99999

Sean Spicer officially resigns. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html)


07-21-2017, 01:14 PM
the Trumper characterization of "the media" is so bizarre to me. it's not some alien hive mind cabal of hypnotists. it includes camera men like me and coder old conservant Ives like any number of my former clients.

Sean Spicer, also, counts as the media. anything that conveys information is media, even shitshows like info wars, and Trump''s twitter, totally counts as "the Media." it's the most shameless spin.

Sean Spicer is latest in long line of hemoraging trump team members. everything who has resigned or left so far one thin in common: Donald Trump. completely asinine to ignore that.

07-21-2017, 03:54 PM
So w/r/t to trump looking into whether or not he could pardon HIMSELF, these are my thoughts:
This, to me, is the ultimate smoking gun that proves that he's DEFINITELY something he damn well knows is illegal.
Secondly, it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's an utter moron. (Even though the constitution doesn't PROHIBIT self pardon, imagine the fucking ramifications. That would be the END for trump if he tried it.)
And thirdly, this is another thing that smacks of trump aiming to become a dictator.
How did we get here?
Jesus. Ummmm...can we have W. back? I never thought I'd say THAT shit.

07-21-2017, 04:21 PM
Edit Im sure the facepalms are coming. To me there likes. Its means you're right around these parts.

On an aside from politics, that's a very dangerous attitude to take. It'll lead you down the road to becoming nothing but a troll, which is exactly what politics has become these days, and the exact opposite of what's constructive.

07-21-2017, 04:41 PM
Or you know, he could of been just a guy thrown in the middle of a shitshow that he had no chance to survive. Hes probably back to smoking a pack a day.

When you have CNN on tape saying ''Russia is a nothing burger'' and ''Thats its all for ratings'' yeah its a division. The left vs the right and America is eating itself. Veryscary to watch the nation that has to power to blow the world to smithereens this sick and dying. America is kind of over.

Edit Im sure the facepalms are coming. To me there likes. Its means you're right around these parts.
I've wondered once or twice if America will come out of this looking like the American Union instead of the United States. Especially if the states like California get loud enough.

And I know there's something in the constitution about States not being able to leave, doesn't stop me from wondering.

07-21-2017, 04:41 PM
again he'll do whatever the hell he wants for as long as he can, no ones doing anything about it, just claims ignorance," I'm not a politician"he did it all through the campaign, said the most outrageous shit, nothing still has shown his tax returns, republican's will do nothing until it cost them power money or both, meanwhile the middle-class will go the route of the dinosaurs Putin will probably think he can do a better job and and install himself as president, and American's will continue to stare into their and tell themselves this is just the way it is. I'm going to follow Ami's advice, put a bucket over my head and marshmallow in each ear, and stumble around and wait for another hum drum hit song to appear, sad times in the so called "land of the free"

07-21-2017, 05:29 PM
The difference is I dont form an opinion just to be abrasive or argumentative. I simple follow the truth crumbs in front of me and decide what I think based on facts and TRUTH. I have only been here a few days but I have formed an opinion of this thread and fourm. That opinion is that there is an elite clique of people, perhaps people who have donated etc. Their opinion matters more than anyone else. They see a friend facepalm and immediately jump on board to do so. Since they are the elite everyone else is afraid of rocking their boat. I could be wrong but useless group think leads to these types of behaviours. I also find it funny how They twist every word until it fits their narrative and then you are just a troll if you say no. Going so far as to follow you from thread to thread. Thats Trolling imo.Thats also how american politics seems to be going as well, on both sides.

Trump won, it shook up the left, Assange fucked them and instead of dealing with Hillary by arresting her and creepy Podesta they created the russian narrative. Its really that simple. The very fact that story has legs is an insult to the intelligence of any reasonable person. I understand people didint like the idea of trump but its backwards. Trump was the alternative to the neo liberal agenda. The simple fact everyone is now kissing Mcains ass is deplorable. The left HATED this man as recent as a year ago. He comes out against trump (probobly because he is a neo con and in bed with Hilary bomb the fuck out of syria and agitate russia) And Now the left adores him. Same as Assange When he was dumping shit on W Bush he was their darling. Now he's a russian agent. I digress

the left doesn't adore McCain... but most people respect him. If you want me to criticize McCain, I could do that for you, but the timing would seem bizarre.

The attitudes of people whom put their fingers in their ear and go ''lal la la '' kind of takes you down a road that makes it look like trolling I suppose. Its not.

Let's take a look at Trump's twitter... "Any negative polls are fake news."
Yeah, so your complaint here is ironic as all hell.

07-21-2017, 05:42 PM

07-21-2017, 07:38 PM
not wasting energy on replying to this post, but rock on and don't stop believing

07-21-2017, 08:38 PM
LOL oh man, I never thought I'd see alt-right YouTubers getting promoted on ETS. I've been spending time off here and there watching these guys 'cos they're good for a laugh. They're fucking HILARIOUS! It's basically a cottage industry of third-tier Limbaugh wannabes whose every intention appears to be confirming and validating whatever stereotype and moral shortcoming that anyone from the left (or with a functioning brain, for that matter) accuses the far-right of having.

Here's that Stixandstonessixinchbonedatpussy66642069 dude discussing the merits of ethno-nationalism with some chick who I'm pretty sure is just bent that an ex-boyfriend/husband left her for a black girl. Good stuff!


07-21-2017, 09:22 PM
The difference is I dont form an opinion just to be abrasive or argumentative. I simple follow the truth crumbs in front of me and decide what I think based on facts and TRUTH. I have only been here a few days but I have formed an opinion of this thread and fourm. That opinion is that there is an elite clique of people, perhaps people who have donated etc. Their opinion matters more than anyone else. They see a friend facepalm and immediately jump on board to do so. Since they are the elite everyone else is afraid of rocking their boat. I could be wrong but useless group think leads to these types of behaviours. I also find it funny how They twist every word until it fits their narrative and then you are just a troll if you say no. Going so far as to follow you from thread to thread. Thats Trolling imo.Thats also how american politics seems to be going as well, on both sides.


07-21-2017, 09:29 PM
It's sad, so many people see politics as a bigger version of their own lives.

You've got those who feel like the little guy, and feel like they've personally been mislabelled and mistreated, and they see the narritive that Trump has created about being a little guy, and they get emotionally attacted to the story, so they'll go to great lengths to defend it, because it feels so personal to them. But THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT THE LITTLE GUY!!!

I started to recognize this with my parents. We're Canadian, and they're conservative because they think the country should be run the same way they run their house. But they're different things with different goals and different resources. They should be run differently.

07-21-2017, 09:42 PM
I thought you said you were done with this thread; possibly ETS entirely.

"Getting truth from YouTube." Another hilarious gem.

sick among the pure
07-21-2017, 09:47 PM
Jughead, I'm only going to say this to you once. You are making some amazingly absurd assumptions (about the US government, about the US media, and about this forum) and I just don't have to free time or energy to go through and one at a time explain what is factually incorrect about the things you are asserting. I really just don't. And you can call me some "elite special cool kids only club member" if that makes you feel better about everyone thinking your posts are so laughable that the only sane way to react to you is a virtual facepalm (which 9 times out of 10 is accompanied by a real-life one, trust me).

As an actual member of the media, and an actual resident of the country, I have a little more insight into these things. While that in no way negates your opinions, it does give some perspective into the validity of it.

If you honestly are not intending on trolling, you may want to brush up on how to interact with people, especially through text-only discussion. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but some of the wild things you are saying are just so aside from reality it's mind blowing to believe you have these thoughts in all honesty.

Step one is stop posting random YouTube conspiracy theory videos. I get that you are weary of the large company American media groups. That's more than fine. Link to other credible news organizations. Let's see some BBC articles or something.
Step two, stop with the pity-party. Nobody is ganging up on you. Individuals are reacting to your posts. Engage one-on-one with specific points if you want honest discussions.
Step three, talk about the issues. This is something we all waver on from time to time in here. We meander and talk about peoples and groups rather than policy and events. It's ok sometimes. But for the most part, to keep this topic from turning into a full-on shitshow, we all need to try to keep to it.
Step four, and I can not stress this enough, keep in mind that everything you are experiencing regarding the current US administration is as an outsider. I know a decent amount about Canadian politics simply because I live less than 2 hours from Canada and have a lot of friends from a few provinces. But I would never go into a topic debating Canadian politics and act as some authority on the subject. The manner in which you discuss your opinion, especially online, GREATLY affects the way it is taken by those in the discussion.

Now, regarding the pardoning, do we actually know what can be done and what it can and can not lead to further down the line? Also, has a president ever pardoned family members or members of their campaign before?

07-21-2017, 10:24 PM
The "left" never wanted Trump to run for anything. Nobody ever took him seriously about anything until the right did for this election.

I'm also far too fucking old for this nonsense.

The Sean Spicer replacement choice is hilarious!! This shit is far more entertaining than Nixon!!!

07-21-2017, 10:27 PM
Awwww samsies! It's just when people I do like quote you and then I read and get annoyed all over again. Stop falling for the obvious trap the orange turd uses (blaming the media). You want conspiracy theory bullshit? 4chan exists. Try Info Wars. We like dealing in facts and other gross liberal atrocities like civil rights, for instance. You're the one doing the baiting and the reaction is well earned.

07-21-2017, 10:39 PM
Noam Chomsky wrote a book about corporate media in the friggin' 80s.

Not a new concept.


Trump only hates the media when the media isn't blowing him. He LOVES the media when it's blowing him. He's always been that way. He's a crazy old fart.

sick among the pure
07-21-2017, 11:28 PM
Believe me, the people who make up Trump's base have been hating the media for a long time now. I can't tell you how many assault and even death threats I've gotten just doing my job. Granted, it is worse post-Trump, but it was always a thing.

07-21-2017, 11:37 PM
I feel quantifiably dumber for having read the last page of this thread

07-22-2017, 12:08 AM
@Jughead (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5828) , we are not some sort of clique. It just so happens that we are mostly leftists. I, for instance, am a socialist more or less.
I suggest that you talk about politics on a different forum. Use this one to talk about movies and music and shit.
And I say this out of kindness.

Also, I'M the fucking goddamn resident conspiracy theorist! I'm fox motherfucking mulder.
The truth is out there. ;)

07-22-2017, 06:20 AM
Here in Canada its gotton very bad. We have hate speech legislation in regards to pro nouns for fucks sake. This extends beyond Canada.

People did not vote for trump because he's the 'little guy'' They voted for him because hes abrasive and didn't talk like a politician. The left wants you to forget that for 30 years they wanted Trump to run. It wasn't a ''white lash'' it was a sick of the left whining and crying lash.


07-22-2017, 06:53 AM
That poor bastard never stood a chance against the Corporate left Media any journalist with the tiniest shred of intelligence and ability to perform his or her most basic job functions.

Fixed that embarrassing gaffe for you.

07-22-2017, 10:47 AM
Rupert Murdoch is left wing? I guess Hitler was Che Guevara.

07-22-2017, 11:19 AM
Trump only hates the media when the media isn't blowing him. He LOVES the media when it's blowing him.
Hahahaha. the way you put this made my day

07-22-2017, 03:17 PM
saw this on my twitter feed made me meh:
I feel like every time a Trump employee quits, Oompa Loompas should appear & sing a song to teach us about the perils of gluttony & greed.

1,747 replies 81,488 retweets 229,231 likes

07-22-2017, 05:59 PM
This is interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWJ6UtWYQlM I think this is why the russia narrative was created. I think its a shame she fooled all of you to look the other way. She is LAUGHING her ass of that The russia story is all over the media. If they are tearing him down, guess what they are not doing? Looking at her. I think we will see her get arrested.After the election he said lets move on. The DNC would not drop it and let it be over. He has no choice imo but to bury her now to get the narrative back to where it should of been all along. She and her husband are fucking criminals.

I'm not saying you adore him, I am just saying I see a lot of revisionist history the last few days.

Yeah don't engage, hes just a troll getting banned any minute now. He's probably connected to Russia

That's not how the legal system works. You realize the FBI is capable of conducting more than one investigation at the same time?

07-22-2017, 06:57 PM
first intelligent alt-right argument I've on occult fake news pizza-gate satanism:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRb7KA5LRrE -loyie

07-22-2017, 08:13 PM
Pardon me?


07-22-2017, 08:18 PM
Pardon me?


See also this (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/jul/21/4-questions-about-presidential-pardon-power/).

Can the president pardon himself?
Even legal experts who argue that a president can’t pardon himself tend to agree that no one really knows for sure.

Perhaps the strongest argument for saying a self-pardon would be allowed is that the Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit it.

But there are several more circumstantial arguments that, collectively, make a strong case that a self-pardon would be impermissible, experts said.

For starters, the Constitution uses the word "grant," which ordinarily means giving to someone else, said Harold H. Bruff, an emeritus University of Colorado law professor. Going back to its English monarchical origins, a pardon has long been conceived as an act of mercy. Neither of these suggest something that can be done to oneself.

In addition, Bruff said that when the Constitution was being written, "a background value everywhere in the air was that no one should be a judge in their own cause." This notion, sometimes referred to in Latin as "nemo judex in causa sua," is a longstanding common-law principle, he said.

"People cannot prosecute, judge, or sit on juries in their own cases. Like a judge who would have to submit to the authority of another judge if he were being prosecuted, a president must seek a pardon from his successor," wrote Brian Kalt, a Michigan State University law professor who has studied pardons extensively.

That is what happened with President Richard Nixon. It was his successor, Gerald Ford, who ultimately pardoned him for Watergate-related crimes. It’s worth noting that a president who accepts a pardon would be seen as having acknowledged committing a crime, which runs the risk of supercharging the impeachment process.

Ultimately, though, no one knows for sure how any of this could play out until the Supreme Court rules. "There really is no answer to this question since it never has arisen," said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California law school.

Kobil agreed. "You never know until you have temerity to try," he said. "Even Richard Nixon didn’t have the temerity to try it."

And Nixon was a lawyer.

Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution says the president "shall have the Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

07-23-2017, 09:22 AM
Watching the Sunday morning news cycle; I am loving this guy Scaramucci (can you do the fandango?). Gotta say, weird choice but I love this guy LOL. He's the antithesis of Spicer.

07-23-2017, 09:25 AM
Watching the Sunday morning news cycle; I am loving this guy Scaramucci (can you do the fandango?). Gotta say, weird choice but I love this guy LOL. He's the antithesis of Spicer.

You mean Steve Castle (https://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/my-only-regret?utm_term=.hu71BDWx3#.pwQGXPmjL), executive and boneitis sufferer of Futurama fame?

(Personally, I don't see the connection. But I'm all for keeping Futurama involved with current events.)

07-23-2017, 10:04 AM
I'm sure spicy went home and took a"silk wood" shower

07-24-2017, 11:06 AM
Jeb Bush calls out Republicans who criticized Obama over Russia, but have been silent on the Trump-Russia probe (http://www.businessinsider.com/jeb-bush-blasts-trump-and-republicans-over-their-handling-of-the-russia-invesetigation-2017-7)


07-24-2017, 02:24 PM
Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.

07-24-2017, 04:16 PM
hey dumb dumb Donnie, you know why beleaguered AG isn't looking into "croaked" Hillary?
1. because she's not president. you lying treasonous stain on the office of president!
2. the only reason the AG is beleaguered is because he's, trying to defend your obstruction of justice ass finally figured out what M.AG.A. means Millionaire Asshole Golfs Again, this whole Russia, thing would have never happened if you just released your tax returns, like you yourself said, "what have you got to hide"?
you sir are a fake a fraud, a con

07-24-2017, 04:28 PM
Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.

Personally, I'd rather have a wilting rose bush as president than this guy.

07-24-2017, 05:58 PM
Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.

Personally, I would rather have Baphomet, the goat-legged god of misery and harvester of woe, who feasts upon our tears until they runneth dry.

Also, maybe it's the painkiller drugs, but that "come at me bro" pic of Jeb up there is hilarious, and the woman with the pink iPhone completing the ludicrous "oh, shit's gonna go down" aspect...

07-24-2017, 10:39 PM
Personally, I would rather have Baphomet, the goat-legged god of misery and harvester of woe, who feasts upon our tears until they runneth dry.

Also, maybe it's the painkiller drugs, but that "come at me bro" pic of Jeb up there is hilarious, and the woman with the pink iPhone completing the ludicrous "oh, shit's gonna go down" aspect...

"Come at me Bro?" Looks more like "duh, shit happens!"

07-25-2017, 08:22 AM
It'll be a truly iconic legacy sealing moment if/when John McCain shows up to help screw 22-26 million out of healthcare while receiving the best healthcare for the remainder of his days.

How long until those who think he's "one of the good republicans" realize there is no such thing anymore? Is this finally that wake up call? It wasn't the Keating Five or Palin? It wasn't lip service and empty promises to fight an orange douche that insulted his war record?

You won't see me saying I'm glad he's got cancer. I'm not. As a cancer survivor and having just lost a dear friend to it, I don't wish that on anyone. You also won't see me laugh at or insult his military service but I will judge him on the content of his character and so should everyone else.

07-25-2017, 11:37 AM
How do we know he will vote FOR it? He's been against the prior plans all along, so has Graham.

Look, if this DOES pass it can just as easily be REPEALED if the Dems take back control. Someday. And this new HC bill wouldn't even go into affect until 2020, from what the online reports are saying.

So if this is a fuckup, the Republicans will own it and eat it.

Most insurance experts IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY say this new plan is an even bigger disaster than the House plan and will cause a death spiral of the industry. So, this would move us closer and closer to universal healthcare, really.

Universal healthcare would have to include government-owned-and-operated healthcare facilities for people who can't afford it and for healthcare deserts like in Urban and Rural areas.

Like a much better and bigger network of the V.A.

They can then control the COSTS of healthcare, and it would be not-for-profit.

I mean, LOOK AT THIS (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/thousands-flock-to-free-medical-clinic-as-washington-dithers-on-health-care/2017/07/21/07b7d1f2-6d80-11e7-96ab-5f38140b38cc_story.html?utm_term=.3e3ad341a671). It's fucking SHOCKING. People waiting in line, sleeping in their cars, FOR DAYS to get free health and dental care. This happening in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

WISE, Va. — The sick and the disabled pour out of these mountains every summer for their one shot at free health care, but this year was supposed to hold hope for a better solution.

Donald Trump won the White House in part on a promise to fix the nation’s costly and inefficient health-care system. Instead, Republicans in Congress are paralyzed and threatening to dismantle the imperfect framework of Obamacare.

No relief is in sight for someone like Larry McKnight, who sat in a horse stall at the Wise County Fairgrounds having his shoulder examined. He was among more than a thousand people attending the area’s 18th annual Remote Area Medical clinic, where physicians and dentists dispense free care to those who otherwise have none.

“I really think that they don’t have any clue what’s going on,” McKnight said of political leaders in Washington. “You watch the news and it’s two sides pitted against each other, which in turn just makes them pitted against us, the normal person.”

About 1,100 such people descended on the fairgrounds Friday, with more expected Saturday and Sunday. Medical personnel from across the state were there with makeshift examination rooms in tents and sheds. Sheets hung from clothespins for privacy; giant fans pulled hot air through buildings intended for livestock shows.

These events are staged nationwide, but the Wise clinic is among the biggest, drawing people from throughout Appalachia and casting Washington’s sterile political debates into the starkest human terms.

A third of the patients who registered Friday were unemployed. Those who couldn’t afford a room slept in their cars or camped in the fields around the fairgrounds. They lined up in the dead of night to get a spot inside the event.

07-25-2017, 01:48 PM
Looks like the GOP has enough votes to begin debating a repeal & replace bill. Which bill is still up for debate.

07-25-2017, 01:53 PM
Live coverage here. (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-health-care-bill-vote-25-jul-live-updates/)

07-25-2017, 02:17 PM
and... oh well.

07-25-2017, 02:43 PM
It still isn't done, they have a long way to go.

Ugh, I can't stand Trump's BULLSHIT on TV all the time.

"Obama lied 2,400 times" re keeping your own doctors etc.


All this stupid fuck does is blow his own horn, blame everybody else and boost himself up and blame others behind him, and he is so fucking full of shit.

Now he's saying "the people in this great (White) House behind me formerly housed a bunch of people who didn't know even what countries they were talking about making decisions about stuff they didn't know about but I rely on my generals."

YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. SHUT UP. Obama drew the "red line" but Congress didn't let him do anything.

I've never seen a President do shit like this, constantly OPENLY blaming other administrations and lying about it. This is just unprecedented.

07-25-2017, 02:48 PM
It still isn't done, they have a long way to go.

Ugh, I can't stand Trump's BULLSHIT on TV all the time.

"Obama lied 2,400 times" re keeping your own doctors etc.


All this stupid fuck does is blow his own horn, blame everybody else and boost himself up and blame others behind him, and he is so fucking full of shit.

Now he's saying "the people in this great (White) House behind me formerly housed a bunch of people who didn't know even what countries they were talking about making decisions about stuff they didn't know about but I rely on my generals."

YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. SHUT UP. Obama drew the "red line" but Congress didn't let him do anything.

I've never seen a President do shit like this, constantly OPENLY blaming other administrations and lying about it. This is just unprecedented.
No doubt. And one thing that scares me is the damage being done to the office itself and the terrible new precedents that are being set here. Is there any going back?

07-25-2017, 02:49 PM
John McCain today on the Senate floor:


He also laid into the Republican leaders and called for a return to the "old ways of legislating" including working with Democrats.


07-25-2017, 02:52 PM
No doubt. And one thing that scares me is the damage being done to the office itself and the terrible new precedents that are being set here. Is there any going back?

I'm typically able to just listen to any President in the past and hear him out and view things as objectively as possible. But Trump is a fucking LYING MORON. He's totally full of shit. He's a bullshit artist.

07-25-2017, 02:56 PM
It still isn't done, they have a long way to go.

Ugh, I can't stand Trump's BULLSHIT on TV all the time.

"Obama lied 2,400 times" re keeping your own doctors etc.


All this stupid fuck does is blow his own horn, blame everybody else and boost himself up and blame others behind him, and he is so fucking full of shit.

Now he's saying "the people in this great (White) House behind me formerly housed a bunch of people who didn't know even what countries they were talking about making decisions about stuff they didn't know about but I rely on my generals."

YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. SHUT UP. Obama drew the "red line" but Congress didn't let him do anything.

I've never seen a President do shit like this, constantly OPENLY blaming other administrations and lying about it. This is just unprecedented.

Unpresidented was incredibly accurate and remains the single best word to describe this bowl of puke in an ill-fitting suit.

07-25-2017, 03:14 PM
Unpresidented was incredibly accurate and remains the single best word to describe this bowl of puke in an ill-fitting suit.

Bowl of puke heh. (writes that down)

07-25-2017, 03:23 PM

07-25-2017, 05:17 PM
i think trump should already be in jail https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long

07-25-2017, 05:24 PM
i think trump should already be in jail https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long

If no one is going to prosecute him, then it proves rules and laws are useless.

There are some who are arguing that impeaching or imprisoning Trump would be useless because Pence is horrible, too. However, I disagree with this because if we let him remain just to make our work at keeping incredibly harmful things from happening easier, then the precedent is set that whoever is president is free to do whatever they want, without fear of reprisal or consequence. If no one is willing to do so for fear of either being accused of disloyalty to the tribal identity of Republicans or because Pence may be even worse, then the next president really will be worse. Each time we let this happen, it gives a clear indication that we have given over our government completely. The Gettysburg Address "of, by and for the people" become hallow whispers on the breeze of the past.

07-25-2017, 06:17 PM
John McCain today on the Senate floor:


He also laid into the Republican leaders and called for a return to the "old ways of legislating" including working with Democrats.


lolololol yet he still fucking voted in favor of taking away health care from millions.

07-25-2017, 07:11 PM
Every time the loser of the popular vote starts blaming others or changing the topic entirely, this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) lil' bit of Soviet / Russian propaganda tactics pops into my head. Especially in the instances of ranting that Sessions should be digging into Hillary's fucking emails.

07-25-2017, 08:01 PM
that's McCain,McCain first, long as he's got his, and make a show of how much of a "public servant" he is

07-25-2017, 09:00 PM
is this fake news? https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long

07-25-2017, 10:25 PM
lolololol yet he still fucking voted in favor of taking away health care from millions.

Well no, they voted to debate it rather than shelf it. Nothing got passed, yet.

See this ---> http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/lawrence-what-mccain-s-health-care-vote-really-means-1009183299750

Edit: Meanwhile, Chris Matthews and Hardball skewering the Trump Boy Scout Nuremberg Rally today was hilarious.

07-25-2017, 10:30 PM
is this fake news? https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long

Dunno but that casino went belly-up already, they were auctioning off all the contents recently.

07-25-2017, 11:40 PM
Every time the loser of the popular vote starts blaming others or changing the topic entirely, this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) lil' bit of Soviet / Russian propaganda tactics pops into my head. Especially in the instances of ranting that Sessions should be digging into Hillary's fucking emails.

These Trump Team assholes want to get rid of Sessions, then Rosenstein, then Mueller, and then rid themselves of the Russia inconvenience. Since Sessions is the first one on the chopping block, it's convenient to get the Trump-backers (morons) on board ahead of time, so Trump and Co. are spinning Sessions as the Devil who didn't look at the Hillary emails, didn't get Trump the right latte from Starbucks, didn't put the toilet paper roll on correctly, didn't find a cure for cancer, etc. They WANT him to resign, but he ain't gonna.

Sessions has blocked their easy Checkmate move.

It would be more interesting had we not known that Trump's tweets are pandering to people just as stupid (if not more stupid) as he is. Now it's just sad, like the Strategy Short Bus.

Losing Sessions wouldn't be bad, mind you; that guy is awful. AWFUL.

bobbie solo
07-26-2017, 12:15 AM
Getting rid of Sessions would really hurt him with Republican Senators imo.

07-26-2017, 12:22 AM
Losing Sessions wouldn't be bad, mind you; that guy is awful. AWFUL.

It would be a two-fold sliver lining... fuck racist Elmer Fudd and his exciting new drug war. The choice to do so would also raise further suspicion that there is TRULY something that Trump wants to tuck away and hide.

And he's not going to get away with this mountain of shit much longer. That's the third fold of the silver lining here... oh god, it'll be glorious when he gets fucked.

07-26-2017, 12:42 AM
Tweeted today by Senator Lindsey Graham:


07-26-2017, 01:39 AM
Losing sessions would easily be the best thing to come of any of this, possibly even if we end up eventually losing Trump himself. Sessions is the biggest shit bag of them all

07-26-2017, 02:46 AM
lolololol yet he still fucking voted in favor of taking away health care from millions.

NO, he voted in favor of debating it...

And I disagree with his vote, since we don't really know what we're about to debate about, but let's stop fucking around I guess? This was an inevitability, and it makes sense that McCain would side this way.

07-26-2017, 05:55 AM
NO, he voted in favor of debating it...

And I disagree with his vote, since we don't really know what we're about to debate about, but let's stop fucking around I guess? This was an inevitability, and it makes sense that McCain would side this way.

Still, two Republicans voted NO. I mean they needed Pence's vote to break the tie. There's no way this process is going further than that.

07-26-2017, 06:54 AM
Dunno but that casino went belly-up already, they were auctioning off all the contents recently.

wasn't the first time One thing I read said the fed's looked at him 16 times for for laundering,can't find the article stated it shouldn't have been called the Taj Mahal, but the suds & duds, there's something in his taxes he want's no one to see, I think he'll fire sessions when Congress goes on recess, the get a new AG who is appointed and not confirmed who can fire Mueller, there's some one coaching him he just not that smart

07-26-2017, 07:17 AM
Just to make sure I'm getting this almost inevitable chain of events right:

-Trump fires Sessions
-Trump appoints someone who he knows will fire Mueller
-Said appointee does indeed fire Mueller
-Trump doesn't get roasted Watergate-style because he's not technically the one who fired the special prosecutor

This is how it plays out, right?

07-26-2017, 07:25 AM
i think this is correct there will probably be one more level of obfuscation significant bombing, war or I'm sure the one trump and team are praying for terrorist attack I just hope American's stay awake,

07-26-2017, 08:41 AM
Trump announces that trans people will no longer be allowed to serve in the military "in any capacity."

My blood is fucking boiling.


07-26-2017, 08:44 AM
Trump announces that trans people will no longer be allowed to serve in the military "in any capacity."

My blood is fucking boiling.


Was just about to post this, seriously it's rich someone who avoided severing is telling others who can and can't serve :mad:

07-26-2017, 08:53 AM
Trump announces that trans people will no longer be allowed to serve in the military "in any capacity."

My blood is fucking boiling.


I try not to waste too much emotion and I try to keep my blood pressure in check. I can't, now. I want this motherfucker to die.

07-26-2017, 09:47 AM
So is this meant for people in transitioning period (which would make sense) or no transgender people in US military period? Also is Trump now making laws via Twitter?

07-26-2017, 10:00 AM
I'm really glad I have my "Suddenly Very Appropriate" tee. Maybe I should have ordered two, seems like I'm going to be wearing it constantly.

07-26-2017, 10:00 AM
So is this meant for people in transitioning period (which would make sense) or no transgender people in US military period? Also is Trump now making laws via Twitter?

From how i read it, it sounded like it was for all trans people regardless of whether they'd started or finished their transition. I could of course be wrong, this is something you could easily make clear if he DIDN'T ANNOUNCE EVERYTHING THROUGH FUCKING TWATTER!

...sorry, just a bit miffed by all this.

07-26-2017, 10:36 AM
This is the kind of thing that Republicans tend to do, and not terribly surprising.

It's a terrible thing to do, but I think we should have all seen this coming, and have to expect by now that any republican president would do something similar.

07-26-2017, 10:52 AM
how would he know never served, like all the other rich kids daddy got him a deferment

07-26-2017, 10:55 AM
how would he know never served, like all the other rich kids daddy got him a deferment

Didn't Trump get five deferments due to "bone spurs?"

These are the same kind of crap excuses that kept women out of the military and combat for years.

07-26-2017, 10:59 AM
i no longer use the word "shit" anymore i now just say "45", i have to go take a "45" someone cuts me off in traffic, "45" head, no one knows but me, but personally it gives me great satisfaction.

07-26-2017, 11:09 AM
The Dumpster keeps bitching about Chicago shootings and telling his Pep Rally Groupies that the Mayor of Chicago had better "get tough," etc. and his idiot AG is blaming Chicago shootings on undocumented immigrants and Chicago being a Sanctuary City.

Except most of the shootings in Chicago are in black neighborhoods and are related to gangs; black people and children are the vast majority of shooting victims. Black undocumented immigrants?

Trump's entire administration is out-of-touch and useless.

07-26-2017, 11:31 AM
We will survive Trump! We will fix this and unfuck everything he gets his greasy hands on... goddamn it

07-26-2017, 11:58 AM
Just to make sure I'm getting this almost inevitable chain of events right:

-Trump fires Sessions
-Trump appoints someone who he knows will fire Mueller
-Said appointee does indeed fire Mueller
-Trump doesn't get roasted Watergate-style because he's not technically the one who fired the special prosecutor

This is how it plays out, right?

it might be their "strategy," but it won't work

07-26-2017, 12:32 PM
This whole thing shouldn't have worked and yet here we are.

07-26-2017, 12:32 PM
Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. What a jackass.

bobbie solo
07-26-2017, 12:35 PM
Can't see how this ban would stand up in court.

07-26-2017, 12:50 PM
Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. What a jackass.

07-26-2017, 01:10 PM
Just to make sure I'm getting this almost inevitable chain of events right:

-Trump fires Sessions
-Trump appoints someone who he knows will fire Mueller
-Said appointee does indeed fire Mueller
-Trump doesn't get roasted Watergate-style because he's not technically the one who fired the special prosecutor

This is how it plays out, right?

I don't think this is his plan, I think he knows that if he fires Sessions it'll compound the obstruction charges.

Instead he's publicly flaming Sessions in an attempt to get Sessions to resign in anger. Sessions offered the resignation earlier, but if it was "if you want me to quit I will", then it still looks like it was at his request. If it's "I quit and you can't stop me", then he can pretend he had nothing to do with it a little more.

Make no mistake though, he's flaming Sessions for "not being hard enough on Hillary", but what he's really trying to do is harass him into quitting.

07-26-2017, 01:30 PM
Can't see how this ban would stand up in court.

The ban reversal is pretty new, here's a timeline:


07-26-2017, 01:51 PM
Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. What a jackass.

This is very similar to the Bill Hicks joke/sentiment when Republicans didn't want gay men/women in the military.

07-26-2017, 01:58 PM
This is very similar to the Bill Hicks joke/sentiment when Republicans didn't want gay men/women in the military.

Indeed, off Rant in E Minor, available on Spotify for those who are yet to get in Mr Hicks.

07-26-2017, 03:00 PM
Wait a minute...a politician caught on a hot mic is a big deal all of a sudden? Where were you Republican fuckers all those months ago with Trump‽

07-26-2017, 04:55 PM
Wait a minute...a politician caught on a hot mic is a big deal all of a sudden? Where were you Republican fuckers all those months ago with Trump‽

Lol lol

I had to go Google the "unattractive" guy Susan Collins was talking about: http://time.com/4873106/susan-collins-jack-reed-blake-farenthold-donald-trump-hot-mic/

Re the transgender military decision: this decision (or their excuse for it, anyway) appears to be mostly focusing on cost-savings for medical care, which was already deemed to be "negligible" in comparison to all other veteran medical costs, short and long term.

Trump's tweet said that transgender people shall not serve "in any capacity." This could mean intelligence positions, medical staff positions, etc. But the online arguments seem to focus only on combat.

Honestly, I think it's all just yet another distraction from this administration to try to direct attention to anything but his other problems.

We are living in a really ignorant society; the Facebook comments are just nuts, e.g. focusing on showers in the military, "would you take a shower with transgender people?" -- what the fuck is the deal with these people's obsession with bathrooms and showers? They used the same line for women and gays in the military. People are just stupid.

Meanwhile, Trump publicly calling out and shaming Senators who don't side with him is shameful and scary. Wtf is wrong with this guy? He's blowing his own horn and trampling people in his way, he's a fucking fascist.

07-26-2017, 06:42 PM
Anyone dumb enough to want to be in the military should be allowed in. What a jackass.

The only two people I personally know with military history are both Ivy League graduates who finished their service quickly, completed higher ed afterwards, and hold amazing civilian jobs without having a penny of debt.

Doesn't sound very stupid to me. But thanks for insulting literally every person who has risked his or her life for the country. Classy.

07-26-2017, 06:48 PM
I was feeling really down about all of it. Especially in this region, where I'm convinced the remaining supporters are all congregated. However, I took the kids up to Kings Island, and I saw a few tee shirts that were subtly anti-Trump. I felt better knowing people are willing to make a statement in public. Sometimes it can feel like this country, and especially this region, is on its way out the door. Seeing that not everyone is okay with fascist overtones helped renew the energy needed to contradict those who refuse to see what is happening. I was pretty angry, earlier. I'm not now. Fuel to carry on in the face of those who would deny my best friend his humanity.

07-26-2017, 08:54 PM
Disgusted over this ban. He's such a fucking dickhole.

07-26-2017, 08:56 PM
Disgusted over this ban. He's such a fucking dickhole.

I think douche is understating it. My mother thinks he's evil and has no problem with him getting assassinated.

07-26-2017, 09:02 PM
I think douche is understating it. My mother thinks he's evil and has no problem with him getting assassinated.
My 94 year old grandmother has no problem with an assassination, either. She's said that "he's the most evil man I've seen since the 70s".

07-26-2017, 10:15 PM
I like your grandmother.

07-26-2017, 11:02 PM
The American Medical Association issued a statement regarding Trump's decision to ban all transgender individuals from the military:


Statement attributed to:
David O. Barbe, M.D.
President, American Medical Association

“There is no medically valid reason to exclude transgender individuals from military service. Transgender individuals are serving their country with honor, and they should be allowed to continue doing so.

“AMA policy also supports public and private health insurance coverage for treatment of gender dysphoria as recommended by the patient's physician. According to the Rand study on the impact of transgender individuals in the military, the financial cost is a rounding error in the defense budget and should not be used as an excuse to deny patriotic Americans an opportunity to serve their country. We should be honoring their service - not trying to end it.”

07-26-2017, 11:05 PM
See also this:


bobbie solo
07-26-2017, 11:58 PM
well, maybe this will cheer you guys up. There are several signs that Bernie is going to run again in 2020, and unless the Dems fuck him again (entirely possible), I can't see how he wouldn't slaughter whoever he was up against. And I don't want to hear shit about his age, bc there are establishment fuckheads who still get hard over Biden potentially running again.


07-27-2017, 12:16 AM
I think somebody is gonna come out of the blue on the Dem side for the 2020 Presidential run, somebody relatively unheard of ...

I think both Sanders and Biden will be too old for the job in 2020 (Sanders 79, Biden 78).

07-27-2017, 12:34 AM
Senator Tammy Duckworth (who lost both legs when her Blackhawk Helicopter was shot down while serving in the military) issued a statement regarding Trump's no-transgender-in-the-military Tweet:


An interview with Duckworth posted today by Glamour magazine regarding Trump's military transgender ban HERE (https://www.glamour.com/story/senator-tammy-duckworth-trump-trans-military-ban).

bobbie solo
07-27-2017, 12:34 AM
Sanders was polling as the most popular politician in the country a few weeks ago. He's a proven big time fundraiser, would steal MANY votes from independents and right wingers who would appreciate that he's at least honest & has a clean record. He's the only true progressive I trust not to cave to establishment Dems, and his views align almost completely with mine and many, many others. As long as he doesn't go senile between now & 2019, I could give a fuck how old he is. Desperate times and all that.

07-27-2017, 12:49 AM
Sanders was polling as the most popular politician in the country a few weeks ago. He's a proven big time fundraiser, would steal MANY votes from independents and right wingers who would appreciate that he's at least honest & has a clean record.
There's no proof of that latter assertion, particularly in the areas that won Trump the Electoral College votes. Sanders didn't win the Democratic Primary, Clinton actually won the popular vote by over 3 million votes but lost the Electoral College votes in the Rust Belt. Not acknowledging those facts will do nothing but hurt any chances of beating Trump in 2020. You want a desperate move, the candidate will have to be a minority. "Progressive" isn't what's necessarily going to win the vote for Dems. "Inclusive" is.

Anyway, FUCK 2020 and the Presidential race, people should be focusing on the fucking 2018 MIDTERMS. A Dem President with this Republican-majority Congress means DICK gets accomplished.

bobbie solo
07-27-2017, 01:09 AM
I'm a progressive. I want a candidate who reflects my values and where I want the country to go. I don't just want the Dems to win for the sake of winning. Yes, Hillary prolly would have won the primary regardless of how they fucked Bernie in the primary. You don't think there's a ton of buyers remorse there from people on the left that voted for her? I do. I think many more people would vote for Bernie this time. His name recognition is through the roof compared to during the last primary.

Funny you challenge what I wrote about stealing right wing votes. I made that assertion precisely bc of the Rust Belt comment you made. He won the Wisconsin & Michigan primaries over Hillary. She baaaarely lost those states to Trump. He would have definitely beat Trump on those states as such. His voters would have came out in bigger numbers, and Hillary voters would have too. Hillary voters aren't the type to stay home and not vote Dem just b/c their candidate lost (they came out in big numbers after Obama beat her, and that was a much uglier primary battle than against Bernie). A good amount of Bernie voters are the type to stay home and not vote for a historically unpopular candidate like Hillary. They were galvanized in the first place b/c Bernie was not a typical politician and it excited them to get involved in the process.

Bernie can speak very. very well to the Rust Belt and grab those states back from the right. He's not rich, he's outside the Wash DC cocktail party circuit, and from a small, rural state. In fact his biggest problem in the primaries was exciting minorities. I think the next few years of him being out in the public eye consistently talking about fighting for the little guy can only help him.

07-27-2017, 01:15 AM
You're comparing apples and oranges; Sanders winning Democrat votes in the Rust Belt is unrelated to Trump winning the Republican Primary and the Electoral College votes in those states.

It's great that you believe in your Progressive values but that doesn't mean that all Democrats are like you, nor does it mean that Democrats wanted either Clinton OR Sanders; we had limited choices this time, and frankly NONE of them were a match for Trump, nor were they appealing to minorities (who won Obama the election twice).

You're missing the big picture as to WHY Michigan or Ohio chose Trump. I'm FROM Michigan, they're working class people who are pissed off about taxes, unemployment, China, Mexico, etc., and they want to keep their guns (they love guns) first and foremost, and "Socialism" to them is a dirty word. They ain't becoming Democrat anytime soon.

I've voted in ... no shit ... TWELVE Presidential elections, I have never missed a single one since I became eligible to vote. People sitting their asses at home and not voting is one big reason why we get a Trump or a Reagan.

If Sanders voters had shown up to register for the primary, Sanders might have won the Primary. He didn't, he lost by a ton. Going backward and analyzing what-ifs right now is not useful. Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and barely lost the Electoral vote. The majority of this country is now REPUBLICAN. That's the reality: Dems only have control of large urban votes but otherwise the gerrymandering is fucking the Dems.

We'd still be way better off with a President Clinton than what we have now with President Trump.

Regarding the 2008 Democratic Primary and Michigan, see this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_Democratic_primary,_2008

sick among the pure
07-27-2017, 01:16 AM
I am personally 100% focused on 2018 right now, and don't understand people who are spending more than a moment's thought on 2020. Yes, the Democratic party needs to get its ass in gear if they want to do anything in 2020, but FIRST they need to take care of shit for 2018. It's almost a year away now.

07-27-2017, 01:35 AM
I am personally 100% focused on 2018 right now, and don't understand people who are spending more than a moment's thought on 2020. Yes, the Democratic party needs to get its ass in gear if they want to do anything in 2020, but FIRST they need to take care of shit for 2018. It's almost a year away now.

AfuckingMen to this.

07-27-2017, 04:40 AM
Getting rid of Sessions would really hurt him with Republican Senators imo.

Part of me really wants him to shitcan Sessions... that would show the rest of the GOP that despite what he says, Trump does not reward loyalty. That no matter what you do and how hard you kiss up and obey, he will discard you and sacrifice you the moment it benefits him.

07-27-2017, 07:51 AM
Part of me really wants him to shitcan Sessions... that would show the rest of the GOP that despite what he says, Trump does not reward loyalty. That no matter what you do and how hard you kiss up and obey, he will discard you and sacrifice you the moment it benefits him.

I really think he's going to do it. He does not give a fuck about what anyone wants, he's an authoritarian through and through because he's been so used to it over the years. Republicans will be pissed, but they still will do absolutely nothing about it because all of them are cowards. I've been really sad and embarrassed about our country this year, but I suppose I should've seen this coming. No one is really taking any of this that seriously.

07-27-2017, 08:14 AM
I really think he's going to do it. He does not give a fuck about what anyone wants, he's an authoritarian through and through because he's been so used to it over the years. Republicans will be pissed, but they still will do absolutely nothing about it because all of them are cowards. I've been really sad and embarrassed about our country this year, but I suppose I should've seen this coming. No one is really taking any of this that seriously.

If he does it, it'll be while everyone "close to him" is screaming "NO YOU DUMB FUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING NO NO NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

And then the ball really gets rolling.

07-27-2017, 08:29 AM
One can hope, anyway.

At least then, Sessions' war on pot will be thwarted.

07-27-2017, 08:43 AM
i now think the no tg, in the military was more distraction, more outrageous tweets to come session tweets will be next, his health care failures,

07-27-2017, 08:50 AM
Thing is, I'm sure it's reached the point where Trump's advisors are informing him "even if there is no, uh, there there, or whatever, Mueller is going to present enough credible evidence that will require sworn testimony from you, your aides, and your family and lawyers... And you're going to need to contradict some things that you've said in the past that were clearly lies, but at that point in time, not legally perjury, at least not in a "DUH!?" sense that we can argue... But you're going to need to bite down hard on this strap and brace yourself, because this is the worst thing that's ever going to have happened to you in your life, and the entire world is watching, and some of us are, well, we're enjoying it way too much."

That's my little fantasy reality. Just waiting around, it's gotta happen.... right?

07-27-2017, 08:51 AM
i now think the no tg, in the military was more distraction, more outrageous tweets to come session tweets will be next, his health care failures,
Distraction? If he goes through with it this will be personally and professionally devastating to thousands of service personnel (https://t.co/XeuaOVjvkZ), to say nothing of rolling back the LGBT community's hard-won strides towards integration and unity.

07-27-2017, 09:22 AM
Distraction? If he goes through with it this will be devastating to thousands of personnel (https://t.co/XeuaOVjvkZ), to say nothing of rolling back great strides towards integration and unity.

It's still a giant bomb designed to be a distraction. There was no urgency for something like this, Trump holds these types of bombs for when he needs to distract.

07-27-2017, 09:23 AM
Meanwhile, The Mooch is now calling for an FBI investigation of Priebus:


This is getting to be like General Hospital.

07-27-2017, 09:30 AM
It's still a giant bomb designed to be a distraction. There was no urgency for something like this, Trump holds these types of bombs for when he needs to distract.
It's not a distraction, it's a war on all fronts (https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/7/27/16049306/trump-sessions-justice-department-lgbtq). And the timing had more to do with political expediency to buttress his weak governing position (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/26/trump-transgender-military-ban-behind-the-scenes-240990) than it did with stoking outrage. Although I am pretty outraged.

07-27-2017, 09:33 AM
I hope Sessions does not give up and resign. His "martyrdom" is showing what sort of "human being" 45 really is. We're watching a President harass and bully one of his staff members live. If this were to happen in any other workplace, the fucker would be sued for this behavior.

Hang on Sessions, hang on! Think of the great picture; think of the cause!

07-27-2017, 09:52 AM
It's not a distraction, it's a war on all fronts (https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/7/27/16049306/trump-sessions-justice-department-lgbtq). And the timing had more to do with political expediency to buttress his weak governing position (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/26/trump-transgender-military-ban-behind-the-scenes-240990) than it did with stoking outrage. Although I am pretty outraged.

Well to me this is still an attempted distraction from his weaknesses and his failures. His administration has accomplished ZERO but there he was at the latest Pep Rally Koolaid Fest boasting that "this President has done more in his first 6 months than any other President in history." He's referring to himself as "the President" and "Donald J Trump" - it's only a matter of time before he starts using the Royal We.

Congress is saying Trump can't even DO the proposed TG ban, that it's beyond his Executive authority. He threatened it as a distraction.

And he's gonna get a shitload of legal action against him if he actually does it (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/07/27/people-are-scared-lgbt-groups-say-theyll-rush-to-fight-trumps-military-ban-in-court/?utm_term=.614f06b9f349).

07-27-2017, 10:03 AM
I hope Sessions does not give up and resign. His "martyrdom" is showing what sort of "human being" 45 really is. We're watching a President harass and bully one of his staff members live. If this were to happen in any other workplace, the fucker would be sued for this behavior.

Hang on Sessions, hang on! Think of the great picture; think of the cause!

Yeah, I never expected Sessions to be someone I'd cheer for......but....well, here we are.

Also, I'm well aware that this site is not the most credible, but this still made me laugh:

07-27-2017, 02:43 PM
Fuck Jeff Sessions. Sure, I like the idea of him lashing back and spilling his guts after Trump throws him under the bus - I like to see my enemies eat their own.

I will never have anything but contempt for that weasel coward genteel southern-fried racist fuck.

bobbie solo
07-27-2017, 02:53 PM
You're comparing apples and oranges; Sanders winning Democrat votes in the Rust Belt is unrelated to Trump winning the Republican Primary and the Electoral College votes in those states.

It's great that you believe in your Progressive values but that doesn't mean that all Democrats are like you, nor does it mean that Democrats wanted either Clinton OR Sanders; we had limited choices this time, and frankly NONE of them were a match for Trump, nor were they appealing to minorities (who won Obama the election twice).

You're missing the big picture as to WHY Michigan or Ohio chose Trump. I'm FROM Michigan, they're working class people who are pissed off about taxes, unemployment, China, Mexico, etc., and they want to keep their guns (they love guns) first and foremost, and "Socialism" to them is a dirty word. They ain't becoming Democrat anytime soon.

I've voted in ... no shit ... TWELVE Presidential elections, I have never missed a single one since I became eligible to vote. People sitting their asses at home and not voting is one big reason why we get a Trump or a Reagan.

If Sanders voters had shown up to register for the primary, Sanders might have won the Primary. He didn't, he lost by a ton. Going backward and analyzing what-ifs right now is not useful. Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and barely lost the Electoral vote. The majority of this country is now REPUBLICAN. That's the reality: Dems only have control of large urban votes but otherwise the gerrymandering is fucking the Dems.

I will continue to think Sanders would have destroyed Trump based on the poll, stats and post-election coverage that is out there. It's long and cumbersome to debate these types of things online. You also selectively left out some of what I said to make your point. I'm not attacking you, we're both striving for similar goals. I think Trump sqeaked by b/c enough people there have been brainwashed into thinking Hillary is the devil, and couldnt pull the lever for her. If someone likable and sincere was running against Trump, they would have voted for him. That election was never about policy, come on.

Did you mean to say the majority of the country is NOT Republican? B/c the majority def. is not Republican in terms of population. Like you said, gerrymandering is the biggest reason they are able to hold onto power in some areas.

I guess we'll see what's what for 2020. Sanders has a major team around him nowadays...he IS getting old so he's not gonna run unless they all think he has a good chance.

bobbie solo
07-27-2017, 02:56 PM
I am personally 100% focused on 2018 right now, and don't understand people who are spending more than a moment's thought on 2020. Yes, the Democratic party needs to get its ass in gear if they want to do anything in 2020, but FIRST they need to take care of shit for 2018. It's almost a year away now.

what does it matter what I think about? I know how I'm voting for the foreseeable future, and I live in a state that has no danger of electing a Republican anything anytime soon.

Now the Dems, grassroots groups, get out of the vote types...yes, they need to be laser focused on 2018 for now. I can do more than one thing at once however.

07-27-2017, 03:37 PM
Speaking of gerrymandering, when is the Supreme Court going to do anything with that case? The most recent reporting I see is from June.

Also, this paragraph:
It's the first time in more than a decade that the nation's highest court will take up the issue of partisan gerrymandering, or drawing voting districts with the aim of strengthening one political party.How is it that this is not the first time this has come up? Shouldn't this have been nipped in the bud and declared illegal? It profits one party over the other, and I don't give a shit if it's the Green party who comes out on top - something like this should be fair and (literally!) square. Just draw squares, not these Rorschach tests they have now.

07-27-2017, 04:04 PM

I'm flabbergasted.

07-27-2017, 05:50 PM
Dude, you've had the job for like three days!

https://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon (https://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon)

07-27-2017, 05:54 PM
Dude, you've had the job for like three days!

https://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon (https://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon)

This guy feels like a fictional character

07-27-2017, 06:15 PM
This guy feels like a fictional character

HOLY SHIT! This guy is the new communications director? He sounds like he's improving a villain-role on some Sopranos spin off.

07-27-2017, 06:16 PM
Speaking of gerrymandering, when is the Supreme Court going to do anything with that case? The most recent reporting I see is from June.

Also, this paragraph:How is it that this is not the first time this has come up? Shouldn't this have been nipped in the bud and declared illegal? It profits one party over the other, and I don't give a shit if it's the Green party who comes out on top - something like this should be fair and (literally!) square. Just draw squares, not these Rorschach tests they have now.

The SCOTUS is in recess until, like, October.

I am LOVING the Mooch!! This guy is like some Italian lawyers I worked with, drinking martinis after work and saying FUCK every other word, except the Mooch is worth $85 million and was a liberal and had to go delete his anti-Trump tweets when he got this gig. MSNBC just accidentally showed a Mooch comment from today that had FUCK in it and Chris Matthews had to apologize.

If the Mooch can get rid of Priebus and Bannon, that would be AWESOME!!!