View Full Version : The Media, Fake News, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets, Trust No One

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 11:03 AM
I have debated with myself if I even wanted to bother starting this thread, because frankly, I don't have the energy. I'm more of a lurker on the "In The Headlines" Forum. I read all the posts, I agree with the majority of you and roll my eyes at some of the posts by certain members. I usually post in the Music forum because that is really where my head is at and I don't have to spend hours fact checking before I post something and even still with my knowledge of music, there are times I still get it wrong over there. However if you noticed I said "Fact Checking", yes I like to get what I am posting accurately, even if a lot of the times, I'm joking but jokes are only funny if their set up is based in reality.

In the age of Trump whenever he is challenged he screams "Fake News" and "Watch FOX and Friends", if you ask me FOX NEWS is the originator of Fake News, but that is my personal opinion and to quote George Clooney as Seth "From Dusk Til Dawn" "and I don't give a fuck about yours".

A little back ground on me I am very liberal, very liberal, I don't get into the whole politically correct thing because sometimes it goes too far. I look at the three cable news channels as FOX NEWS (Republican to Alt. Right), CNN (I see them as middle of the road, they have republicans on there they allow them to say their piece just like the democrats) and MSNBC (Democrat, liberal sometimes very liberal). In my opinion all three of them are FUCKED UP!!!! for different reasons. All three channels really are not doing the news, but are doing editorial, it's opinion based formats, with so called expert panels of left and right panelists yelling at each other and talking over each other, which is usually when I change the channel.

I'll be honest I can barely stand watching FOX NEWS for more then ten minutes, so other members here can talk about that one.

CNN in a lot of ways is fucking ridiculous! How many times a day does that "Breaking NEWS" banner flash across the screen, The over use of "Breaking news" when its not breaking news is to sell commercial time, but ironically, if you can remember back to 911, when it was really breaking news, CNN wasn't breaking to commercial. So here is a tip if its hardcore breaking news, there won't be any commercials. If they are going to commercial its not breaking news.
Does anybody remember Malaysia Airlines MH370, March 8 2014, CNN locked on this story like a dog with a milk bone. They wouldn't let up for nearly two months that is all they talked about .The Breaking News banner was flashing every two seconds and they had nothing new to report, it was wild speculation with a panel of experts that were drawing conclusions on what they think could have happened to the missing plane, that a young child could draw the same conclusions. CNN is fucking ridiculous and they need to give the breaking news banner a rest and only use it when it is actually breaking news. There is so much more I could say about CNN but I am sure you guys have contributions to make on this subject.

Okay MSNBC, I am a liberal and I am going to fucking lay into them. They are the liberal channel, Why the fuck for a year and half straight during the primaries and the election campaign did they give Donald Trump a break in scheduled programming to televise his rally's. I get it ratings wise FOX NEWS is kicking your ass, and kicking CNN's ass, you know FOX is going to televise the Trump rallies, CNN I can see doing it, but why MSNBC???? The idiots at MSNBC gave Trump a billion dollars worth of free Campaign advertising and I blame them for helping to elect the IDIOT TRUMP. So FOX NEWS is kicking your ass in the ratings so do exactly the same thing that they are doing, to your liberal audience. It's not like Trump for a year and half straight said anything different it was the same shit at all his rallies. Feel free to discuss that one.
Next if you have ever had the displeasure of watching Morning Joe on MSNBC I fucking hate both of them Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezizinski it is the worst show and I am so glad just this weekend SNL attacked them.

here is the link to the SNL skit

Okay I left FOX NEWS wide open for you guys to comment. Even though I posted the SNL Morning Joe skit, I want this to be a serious discussion of the media, fake news and media outlets because if we continue down this path nobody is going to trust the media anymore and I don't think anybody does now. This is becoming a real problem in the United States and the general public feels manipulated by the media. Also comment on any media not just the three cable news outlets

I ask one thing of all of you, this is a really divisive subject matter, its okay to have different opinions from each other, but don't start attacking each other personally because you don't agree with somebody. Lets try and have an adult discussion about this, because it really is a problem. Chances are I will bail on this thread and just go back to reading it, because I can't be bothered fact checking everything and go back to the music forum.

Thank you.

05-08-2017, 11:21 AM
i couple of years ago i started my own" turn that shit off campaign, i noticed fox was the default channel on in car dealers service centers, even hospital waiting rooms, so I started asking is there a reason why this channel is on, i was rarely met with resistance, i hope everyone can join me and get rid of this right wing propaganda noise machine

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 11:39 AM
Louie_Cypher I have done that in restaurants and bars, I don't drink anymore but I have told the manager of restaurants or bars if you want me to sit down and order food then change the channel from FOX NEWS to anything else, I actually said to one guy I don't care if you put Sesame Street on, and they always changed it.

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 01:00 PM

Okay so there is this controversy with Stephen Colbert and a joke he made on last Mondays show. I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan and every night he rips apart Trump in some of the most imaginative ways. I am also friend and a supporter to the LGBTQ community and I am not sure if this controversy is coming from the LGBTQ community or if it is just the alt right pissed off because every night Colbert is ripping into Trump.
Maybe somebody here that is gay can tell me if they really think what Colbert said was offensive to the LGBTQ community, no judgement on my part I just want to know what you think or is it the right trying to make it look like it is coming from the LGBTQ community.

05-08-2017, 02:05 PM

Okay so there is this controversy with Stephen Colbert and a joke he made on last Mondays show. I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan and every night he rips apart Trump in some of the most imaginative ways. I am also friend and a supporter to the LGBTQ community and I am not sure if this controversy is coming from the LGBTQ community or if it is just the alt right pissed off because every night Colbert is ripping into Trump.
Maybe somebody here that is gay can tell me if they really think what Colbert said was offensive to the LGBTQ community, no judgement on my part I just want to know what you think or is it the right trying to make it look like it is coming from the LGBTQ community.meanwhile trump going after the LGBTQ community fake outrage can this also be a thing

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 02:17 PM
All Colbert said was "the only thing your (Trump's) mouth is good for, is a cock holster for Vladimer Putin" is that anti-gay? It's fucking hilarious and a total slam to Trump I don't see it as a slight to the LBGTQ community.
As for Trump going after the LGBTQ community, I can't see LGBTQ ever agreeing with Trump on anything, so if you don't agree with Trump he accuses you of fake outrage, or lying or fake news its everybody's fault but his, he goes after the press and the first amendment whenever something is written or said or reported that looks unfavorably toward Emperor Trump.

CNN discussing the matter


and here is actual unedited monologue where Colbert rips Trump


05-08-2017, 03:06 PM
again this is fake outrage after all the lawsuits for sexual harassment fox should not comment on anything of a sexual nature
fox is Donald trumps cock-holster

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 03:24 PM
again this is fake outrage after all the lawsuits for sexual harassment fox should not comment on anything of a sexual nature
fox is Donald trumps cock-holster

Yes!!!!! and we should be discussing that as well. FOX NEWS a misogynist and racist media outlet, is under fire for sexual harassment claims and racial discrimination claims, gee who couldn't have seen that coming. I am so glad ultra prick and couldn't get laid in a women's prison Bill O'Reilly is off the air. Talk about fact checking, for 20 years that prick made claims that nobody challenged. The real life Archie Bunker said and did whatever he wanted, and was the creator of "Alternative Facts" and we should be surprised now that we have a lying sack of shit in the white house?

05-08-2017, 06:04 PM
Oh wow. Interesting and wide subject here and there are a lot of things i'd like to say about it, but i'd like to come at this from a slightly different angle here. the thing that i think we need to be concerned about the most is "fake news" becoming a catch phrase and a big concern and website pledging to "stop fake news stories."

So who is the arbiter of what is "fake" and what is "real?" I think that "fake" could mean "critical of the wrong shit" in a BIG FUCKING HURRY, and we'll have google and facebook (probably in concert with the fucking government or at least a contingency within the government) deciding that stories that cast this or that in a negative light are "fake."

The whole "fake news" thing scares the shit out of me, not for fear of being misinformed but for fear of censorship. I'm a hard leftist, but when it comes to shit like this, i'm all for good old fashioned freedom and liberty and i feel that reducing that shit could be the endgame here.

I know i sometimes connect dots that shouldn't be connected, and i know a lot of you think i'm nuts, but this doesn't have to be a conspiracy.
This "fake news" talk leading to censorship, i think it's just a logical progression.

Good idea for a discussion i think, @Art Vandelay (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5361)

edit: Colbet said Trump's mouth was a "cock holster?" hahahaha you can say "cock holster" on network tv now?

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 06:34 PM
elevenism you make great points and it really doesn't matter what side of the fence mentality anybody has because one side can just scream at the other "Fake News" and all credibility is lost whether the story, the article, or the televised report is true or not. Too many liberals and conservatives have taken sides like they're routing for a football team rather then the general health of our country and for that matter the general health of actual news and reporting of it ,minus the spin or the editorial comments from those reporting it. There is too much pride among liberals and conservatives and nobody wants to admit they are wrong.

The skepticism that is created from claiming everything is "Fake News" on both sides of the aisle creates an apathy among the general public brought on by an inner distrust of all media and could lead to an attack on the first amendment. I really don't know what the answer is because the three big cable news outlets are driven by ratings and selling commercial time which that alone creates a distrust in the media and it doesn't help when you have a megalomaniac for president screaming "Fake News" when anything that is said about him is in an unfavorable light.

....and no you can't say "Cock Holster" on CBS they bleeped the word "Cock".

05-08-2017, 10:19 PM
but trump can say grab pussy and O' Reilly can do it, go figure

Art Vandelay
05-08-2017, 10:35 PM
but trump can say grab pussy and O' Reilly can do it, go figure

So you're saying O'Reilly grabbed Trump.

05-09-2017, 09:58 AM
"liberal bias" is often just a perception thing. When the Republicans control everything, and they're doing ridiculous shit, you're going to hear even the most unbiased news outlets calling them out for fucking up.

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 10:17 AM
The liberal bias thing has been used for years and I think when FOX NEWS was launched they used it as a way to sell their cable news outlet. I agree whenever the republicans are doing some fucked up shit and any news outlet calls them on it they scream "liberal bias" which seems to me to be the old fashioned term for the new and improved "Fake News".

05-09-2017, 10:32 AM
The larger issue actually would be that "fake news" was weaponized by the campaign that just won the White House. Sensationalism is one thing; reaching out to Info Wars is on an entirely different level.

So of course, the guy who ascended to power almost entirely around the conspiracy that the first black president was born in Kenya is now accusing all criticism of being fake news.

05-09-2017, 11:27 AM
So i have another matter to discuss.

There are so many shows on these cable news channels.
They are packaged like news. They have graphics and anchors and all that shit; they are made to look like news and feel like news and we have taken to calling them news.

But they are NOT news; they are opinion shows. In like 99 i was at the junior college studying journalism and learning about objectivity and like the main fucking thing they drilled into my head is that "news" is supposed to just be facts.
And god DAMN, that sure isn't what they give us on the cable news channels.

I hate fox news, yes. Most of us can say that we hate fox news. I remember when Obama said, and i'm paraphrasing, that fox is not a news channel but a steaming pile of dog shit. He said something kind of like that and i'm sure most of us can relate.

But you know what i hate JUST AS MUCH? MSNBC. It's so obviously, ridiculously biased. It doesn't fucking matter if i AGREE with the bias.
I can't stand that shit.

05-09-2017, 12:47 PM
i think a lot of the problem is cable news there is a problem when you have24 hour news channels unless you have specific niche there simply is not enough content to fill more than a couple of days, then you move to polarizing content rush Limbaugh proved all you had to do was say outrageous things to get ratings and sponsors, then you move to just making shit up like in rush's case like i like Oxi and taking trips to Cuba to fuck little boy's

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 02:03 PM
So i have another matter to discuss.

There are so many shows on these cable news channels.
They are packaged like news. They have graphics and anchors and all that shit; they are made to look like news and feel like news and we have taken to calling them news.

But they are NOT news; they are opinion shows. In like 99 i was at the junior college studying journalism and learning about objectivity and like the main fucking thing they drilled into my head is that "news" is supposed to just be facts.
And god DAMN, that sure isn't what they give us on the cable news channels.

I hate fox news, yes. Most of us can say that we hate fox news. I remember when Obama said, and i'm paraphrasing, that fox is not a news channel but a steaming pile of dog shit. He said something kind of like that and i'm sure most of us can relate.

But you know what i hate JUST AS MUCH? MSNBC. It's so obviously, ridiculously biased. It doesn't fucking matter if i AGREE with the bias.
I can't stand that shit.

As I said in my first post all these channels are largely editoral with their alliance to which party they serve. The problem is getting worse because especially FOX NEWS has got into to the business of manufacturing the news, and Louie_Cypher when they see Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones talking absolute bullshit on their conservative radio shows and getting ratings for it. FOX is like we're television we reach a larger audience and we can can get a ratings boost by making shit up.
The problem is with the general public, people listen to these conservative talk radio hosts and FOX NEWS in some cases backs up the hysteria, and then you have these hardened, conspiracy minded people, alt. right conservatives that are more interested in watching Washington burn, then try and work together to get a piece of legislation passed in bypartisan way. Hence the tea party and now the Freedom Caucus, and their only intention is to disrupt and obstruct not only the democrats but the republicans as well. When you call them on it, its "Fake News" and they say you're a liberal pinko, yet their boy Donald Trump seems to be in bed with the Russians. It's a head spinning turn of events.
On Bill Maher's show last Friday night he said there is a company called the Sinclair Group going around the country buying up television stations and they want to start a channel that is to the right of FOX NEWS. At what point is one of these conservative tv stations going to turn into a graphic novel?
As for these conservative radio hosts they are toxic pieces of shit, and they breed toxic pieces shit into our society, I have always said conservative talk radio exists because the people that listen to it can't fucking read.

05-09-2017, 02:19 PM
Just look at Trump's twitter feed!!! It's fucking insane! Going through his feed, let's look at the number of posts that are crying about fake news since his inauguration.

1. today - 19h ago - "Why doesn't the media report on this? #FakeNews!"
2. today - 19h ago - "Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax"
3. today - 19h ago - "fake media extremely unhappy today"
4. today - 19h ago - "the fake media already knows"
5. May 8th - "ask Sally Yates... how classified information got into the newspapers."
6. May 8th - "the Fake News seldom likes talking about that."
7. May 7th - "When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia"
-. May 6th - from @POTUS - "I'm not against the media. I'm against the FAKE media."
8. May 5th - "Why is it that the Fake News rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs?
9. May 5th - "Wow, the Fake News media did everything in its power"
10. May 4th - "The Fake News media is officially out of control."
11. April 29th - "Mainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements"
12. April 25th - "Don't let the fake media tell you that I have changed my position on the WALL"
13. April 24th - "The two fake news polls released yesterday..."
14. April 23rd - "New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE"
15. April 21st - "No matter how much I accomplish... media will kill!
16. April 20th - "Failing @nytimes... just got caught in a big lie concerning NE Patriot visit to WH"
17. April 18th - "Despite major outside money, FAKE media support..."
--- April 18th - @POTUS repost
18. April 17th - "The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election."
19. April 2nd - "Anybody (especially Fake News media) who thinks..."
20. April 1st - "It is the same Fake News Media that said there is "no path to victory for Trump..."
21. April 1st - "When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd... stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?"
22. March 31st - "this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media and Dems
23. March 30th - "The failing @nytimes has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws?"
24. March 29th - "If the people of our country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!"
--- March 29th - "If the people of our great country could only see..." from @POTUS
25. March 29th - "Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers... because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!"
26. March 28th - Why doesn't Fake News talk about Podesta ties to Russia as covered by @FoxNews..."
27. March 28th - "The failing @nytimes would do much better if they were honest!"
-- March 28th - "The failing @nytimes would do much better if they were honest!" from @POTUS
28. March 27th - "Trump Russia story is a hoax."
29. March 23rd - "Just watched the totally biased and fake news reports of the so-called Russia story... Such dishonesty!"
30. March 20th - "Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox"
31. March 20th - "This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!"
32. March 18th - "Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel."
--- March 18th - "Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS" from @POTUS
33. March 15th - "Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody heard of, 'went to his mailbox' and found my tax returns? FAKE NEWS!"
34. March 13th - "It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!"
-- March 13th - "It is amazing how rude" from @POTUS
35. March 9th - "Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great."
-- March 9th - "Despite what you hear in the press," from @POTUS
36. March 7th - "Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin."
-- March 7th - "Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you" from @POTUS
37. Feb 26th - "Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems and played up by the media..."
--- Feb 26th - "Russia talk is FAKE NEWS" from @POTUS
38. Feb 26th - "the failing @nytimes will take an ad (a bad one) to help save its failing reputation. Try reporting accurately and fairly!"
39. Feb 25th - "the media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down"
40. Feb 24th - "FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes... Sad!"
41. Feb 20th - "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say..."
42. Feb 18th - "Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media."
43. Feb 17th - "One of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen! says Rush Limbaugh. Yet FAKE NEWS calls it differently. Dishonest!"
44. Feb 17th - The FAKE NEWS media is not my enemy, it's the enemy of the American People!"
45. Feb 17th - "...on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of the greatest ever. Fake media not happy!"
46. Feb 16th - "...so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!"
47. Feb 16th - "FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories..."
48. Feb 16th - "Failing nytimes (and others) must apologize!"
49. Feb 15th - "The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred... @foxandfriends is great!"
50. Feb 12th - "Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!"
51. Feb 12th - "While on FAKE NEWS @CNN, Bernie Sanders was cut off for using the term fake news to describe the network!"
52. Feb 11th - "I'm so proud of my daughter Ivanka. To be abused and treated so badly by the media..."
53. Feb 10th - "the failing @nytimes does major FAKE NEWS China story..."
54. Feb 9th - "FAKE NEWS!"
55. Feb 8th - "Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media [link]"
56. Feb 8th - "16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won [link]"
57. Feb 6th - "The failing @nytimes was forced to apologize to its subscribers for the poor reporting on my election win. Now they are worse!"
58. Feb 6th - "The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me... now are making up stories and sources!"
59. Feb 6th - "Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!"
60. Feb 6th - "Any negative polls are fake news"
61. Feb 4th - "the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!"
62. Feb 3rd - "The FAKE NEWS media lied..."
63. Jan 30th - "Democrats and the opposition party (the media)..."
64. Jan 29th - "Somebody with aptitude and conviction should buy the FAKE NEWS and failing @nytimes"
65. Jan 28th - "The coverage about me... gas [sic] been so false and angry that the times actually apologized... DISHONEST!"
66. Jan 28th - "The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the beginning. FAKE NEWS!"
67. Jan 24th - "Congratulations to @FoxNews... They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN - public is smart!"

Sixty seven tweets whining about fake news and media being unfair or mean or dishonest about him since the day he took office. What's amusing is that Trump used to retweet his own posts constantly on the @POTUS twitter feed, but then stopped doing that on February 8th. Maybe that had something to do with sloppily retweeting his endorsement of his daughter's clothing line?

Also, on February 28th, what the fuck was @POTUS smoking? It's a long series of tweets that I guess he was hoping would sound profound and inspirational? It comes across more like the philosophical ramblings of someone who's trying ecstasy for the first time...

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 02:40 PM
@Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272) Look at all those "Fake News" tweets I can't last another 3 years and 9 months, and don't say Trump won't make it either, a Mike Pence presidency is just as fucking scary. Most people think Trump is an idiot but with Mike Pence there is a perception of legitimacy because he is not acting like a blather idiot on Twitter, he doesn't act like some rogue maniac on bath salts. Mike Pence's policies and ideals are fucking scary and because he handles himself in a more reserved manner (of coarse anybody would look reserved next to Trump) but because he projects a calm demeanor he could accomplish more with the nut jobs on his side of the aisle. Trump hasn't figured that out yet.

Where are the February 28th tweets? Shall we call them The Lost Tweets Of A Lunatic?

05-09-2017, 03:05 PM
Where are the February 28th tweets? Shall we call them The Lost Tweets Of A Lunatic?

I just didn't include them because on that day it seems he took a break from being a unhinged dipshit ranting about FAKE NEWS to channel his inner Tony Robbins. Maybe he thought he was dropping a "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" moment?

February 28th: "A surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp. What we are witnessing today is the Renewal of the #AmericanSpirit.

We are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.

This is the American Spirit. Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present.
Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every stubborn thing can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing and hope. Our citizens deserve this, and so much more - so why not join forces to finally get it done?

Solving these problems will require us to tap into the American Spirit that has overcome every challenge throughout our storied history.

We want harmony and stability, not war and conflict. We want peace, wherever peace can be found.

Think of the marvels we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people.

We are one people, with one destiny.

We all bleed the same blood.

We all salute the same flag.

And we are all made by the same God.

I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the #AmericanSpirit.
A new chapter of American Greatness is now beginning."

-insert projectile vomit here

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 03:12 PM

05-09-2017, 04:25 PM
me think he doth tweet too much what's the old saying" he who smelt it dealt it!

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 05:07 PM
Trump fired FBI Director James Comey...............THIS IS FUCKING HUGE!!!! What is Trump trying to cover up ? is the question I have.

05-09-2017, 05:25 PM
As I said in my first post all these channels are largely editoral with their alliance to which party they serve. The problem is getting worse because especially FOX NEWS has got into to the business of manufacturing the news, and @Louie_Cypher (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=775) when they see Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones talking absolute bullshit on their conservative radio shows and getting ratings for it. FOX is like we're television we reach a larger audience and we can can get a ratings boost by making shit up.
The problem is with the general public, people listen to these conservative talk radio hosts and FOX NEWS in some cases backs up the hysteria, and then you have these hardened, conspiracy minded people, alt. right conservatives that are more interested in watching Washington burn, then try and work together to get a piece of legislation passed in bypartisan way. Hence the tea party and now the Freedom Caucus, and their only intention is to disrupt and obstruct not only the democrats but the republicans as well. When you call them on it, its "Fake News" and they say you're a liberal pinko, yet their boy Donald Trump seems to be in bed with the Russians. It's a head spinning turn of events.
On Bill Maher's show last Friday night he said there is a company called the Sinclair Group going around the country buying up television stations and they want to start a channel that is to the right of FOX NEWS. At what point is one of these conservative tv stations going to turn into a graphic novel?
As for these conservative radio hosts they are toxic pieces of shit, and they breed toxic pieces shit into our society, I have always said conservative talk radio exists because the people that listen to it can't fucking read. trump is behind buying the Sinclair Group scary indeed, can you imagine if trump had a media group https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2017/04/17/sinclair-broadcast-group-deepens-its-trump-administration-ties-boris-epshteyn-hire/216048

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 05:50 PM
trump is behind buying the Sinclair Group scary indeed, can you imagine if trump had a media group https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2017/04/17/sinclair-broadcast-group-deepens-its-trump-administration-ties-boris-epshteyn-hire/216048

That is fucking frightening, I am watching this Comey firing on one the channels that Trump calls "Fake News" and they are saying that the Trump firing of Comey is similar to Nixon firing the Archibald Cox the Watergate special prosecutor.


05-09-2017, 05:56 PM
see a pattern fires Yates then Comey i honestly think he believes he can tweet or fire all opposition like i said earlier this whole house of cards comes down in july

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 06:02 PM
I hope you're right but then we are going to get Mike Pence and I don't think that will be any better.

05-09-2017, 06:43 PM
at least pence is not a rich petulant child who could be controlled with common government checks and balances

Art Vandelay
05-09-2017, 06:47 PM
No but he is arch conservative and a religious nut job , who has no concern for the LGBTQ community, the environment and the separation of church and state would cease to exist.

Art Vandelay
05-10-2017, 03:13 PM
More "Fake News" rants in the Trump twitter feed......

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5E serp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


Art Vandelay
06-28-2017, 12:39 PM


The man who screams fake news manufactures it himself.

06-28-2017, 12:55 PM
I don't think he manufactured that; I think he saw it online somewhere and assumed it was real. The idiot constantly falls for fake news.

06-28-2017, 12:57 PM

06-28-2017, 12:59 PM

Art Vandelay
06-28-2017, 01:45 PM
I don't think he manufactured that; I think he saw it online somewhere and assumed it was real. The idiot constantly falls for fake news.

Apparently there are seven of them hanging up at Trump golf coarses around the world and Time Magazine has asked him to take them down. I think its hilarious.

06-28-2017, 01:50 PM
Apparently there are seven of them hanging up at Trump golf coarses around the world and Time Magazine has asked him to take them down. I think its hilarious.

Yeah, at least four (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/4361-Trump-2017-Year-Zero?p=357969#post357969).

06-29-2017, 07:30 AM
Morning Joe has a new EP! Thoughts?


07-23-2017, 04:30 AM



OK, I'm starting to edge back towards "fuck you." You have added nothing of substance, and you are asking the White House apologist, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for her opinion on the matter?

You live in an echo chamber that is completely insane, and since you don't live in this country (supposedly), I gotta believe you're making some shit up here about where you actually stand.

EDIT: In real news, Trump's personal lawyer, Mark Kazowitz, has resigned. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship, but hey, I'm sure someone on Youtube has some "truth" to spin that away.

07-23-2017, 07:49 AM
Project Veritas (found in the "eye roll" section of names) was created by, GASP, ultra conservative James O'Keefe. He's a bottom feeder not unlike Dinesh D'Souza. Has been on BREITBART, which is really all you need to know at the end of the day.

Far from a credible source.

07-23-2017, 12:13 PM
The rest of the world is watching,
Youtube alt right vloggers apparently?

07-23-2017, 12:33 PM
It creates an un vetted platform for disseminating an opinion as if it were on par with legit news? There's channels I like but they don't replace news outlets

07-23-2017, 01:31 PM
I will say this and I will stick to it. Social media is a blessing and a curse. The corporate media is panicking. ( that whole CNN/TRUMP wrestling meme was proof they are panicking) Its the only thing we have to keep things honest. The downside is every fucking one has a voice. We need to find a way to silence the shit and the only way to do that is to establish credibility. What we are seeing right now is everyone positioning themselves and their credibility for the next 100 years. Who's going to win? I don't know. I am just scared the lengths everyone will go to to win.

Social media IS a blessing and a curse. 99.9% of people using it have no financial stake in it whatsoever though, and are just shouting because they want to be heard.

ACTUAL news outlets, on the other hand, are decades (if not a century or more) old, and the livelihood of those involved with them depends on success. Unfortunately, the truth is only successful if people want to know the truth. These days, many people want whatever they believe is true to be the truth, instead of trusting vetted journalists with a proven track record of accurate and unbiased reporting and accepting the truth when it clashes with their desires.

It's a battle of literally "anyone with a Facebook account" vs "established media outlets", and if the former wins, this entire country is fucked beyond repair. That's all there is to it. Journalism is a noble profession full of people who work ridiculous hours and put their own personal beliefs behind them to deliver facts for a really shitty paycheck. Social media is a bunch of cranky assholes on a power trip who insist on being right whether there's a shred of evidence to support them or not, and preying off of anyone who will believe whatever bullshit they write.

07-23-2017, 03:13 PM
We all know the media is run by us liberal cuck Jews and we meet on every first and third Saturday of the month (as weather permits) to discuss what globalist conspiracy we want to promote next

07-23-2017, 03:55 PM
worse than fake news manufactured news

07-23-2017, 04:00 PM
They're the same thing, really.

Hyped news isn't fake news. Fake news is manufactured news. Kinda like most of that shit circulating on Facebook.

Here's an example that really stands out to me, that was spreading all over Facebook:

Democrats refused to stand to honor fallen Navy Seal's widow (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/03/01/democrats-refuse-stand-navy-seals-widow-received-standing-ovation-trump-speech/). <---- fake news

Here is the truth (http://www.snopes.com/democrats-stand-seal-widow/), complete with video evidence.

However, now a bunch of people online claim that Snopes is run by crazed left-wing liberals so whatever they or Politifact post is fake. Even when Snopes or Politifact have video and photographic evidence disproving the fake news. People believe whatever shit online that supports their own bullshit. They don't care about "the truth" when memes and shit that is created to stir up shit is better aligned to their own beliefs. This goes for both sides.

Real News:

Fake News:

07-23-2017, 04:56 PM
regarding Youtube politics, there's some outlets that I occasionally enjoy... I'm friends with someone from TYT from back in college days, so I'm a "fan," but occasionally I think they go too far.

If you think The Washington Post is "fake news" just because Trump doesn't like what they're reporting, you are ironically the one plugging your ears and screaming "LALALA I can't hear you"

07-24-2017, 04:06 AM
The pizzagate story was a trap. Unfortunately the folks doing critical thinking fell for it

There are times when people make it too easy. I wonder if you even see the irony in this quote.

07-24-2017, 04:08 AM
Here's some food for thought. CNN makes a mistake and they own up to it and 3 people lose their jobs. If right wing media had that kind of accountability things would be very different right now.

07-24-2017, 04:14 AM
regarding Youtube politics, there's some outlets that I occasionally enjoy... I'm friends with someone from TYT from back in college days, so I'm a "fan," but occasionally I think they go too far.

If you think The Washington Post is "fake news" just because Trump doesn't like what they're reporting, you are ironically the one plugging your ears and screaming "LALALA I can't hear you"
The thing with social media politics is that it requires critical thinking. You need to follow the facts behind it and then see if you agree with the opinion that is being espoused. What I've noticed is that left wing media sites (I don't mean CNN I mean people that are actually legit leftist sites) will take a truth and exaggerate or twist it to make a point. You need to read the primary source or full quote of the person they're criticizing or whatever to assess the validity. Right wing on the other hand seems to often just completely make up stuff. (Fox News tends to do the wildly exaggerate a kernel of truth bit)

07-24-2017, 07:19 AM
my opinion was pizza gate was the same sim-information smear campaign by the Russian's came from podesta's emails released released on wiki lead hyped on info wars same shit they always use on the west, Illuminati, satanism, pedophilia

07-24-2017, 11:08 AM
Here's some food for thought. CNN makes a mistake and they own up to it and 3 people lose their jobs. If right wing media had that kind of accountability things would be very different right now.

Alex Jones would have been shot out of a cannon into the sun while screaming and bellowing about the ultra-super-duper-secret pedophile rings that control the weather and the time that it takes for a pizza to get delivered to where you live

07-24-2017, 01:25 PM
Pizza gate was weird. At the same time there was this weird, ''where is assange'' campaign happening . We were getting these strange Assange interviews with a lot of weird stuff happening in the interview. Some people saw Pizza Gate as a trap, myself included. If turd ferguson up there would quote the whole statement. I watched it happen and it reeked like a cover or a black op. It could have been russia for sure. It could of been anyone. Assange is not a russian agent btw lmao.

Pizza Gate was a trap by SOMEONE to discredit alt media and it worked. Again Credibility is the new war. It was these poor bastards first rodeo. This shadow group has been doing this since at least jfk. The internet has just made their job easier. If anyone here doesn't believe there is a group of American intelligence who wage non stop cyber warfare , well I just think you're naive . Pizza gate was black ops, what the goal was I have no idea.

Also Allegro knows more then he lets on. Im on to you !

Weather anyone see's it or wants to admot it there is a lot of weird shit that happens. Most of it since 911. I wont even get into crisis actors !


07-24-2017, 01:45 PM
I'm not clicking on a God Damn thing you post; I don't want that shit in my YouTube history.

07-24-2017, 02:05 PM
Also Allegro knows more then he lets on. Im on to you !

I'm not sure how "on to" her you are if you think she's a he....

07-24-2017, 04:32 PM
I'm not clicking on a God Damn thing you post; I don't want that shit in my YouTube history.

Oh come on this one is really important https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

07-24-2017, 04:40 PM
C'mon guys (because there's clearly no women here and everyone is automatically a man despite them being 49% of the planet's population) we all know Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is gonna consist of you sitting at a computer screen spreading false flag pizza parlor information to discredit the Truthmasters

Also, the Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.

07-24-2017, 04:48 PM
C'mon guys (because there's clearly no women here and everyone is automatically a man despite them being 49% of the planet's population) we all know Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is gonna consist of you sitting at a computer screen spreading false flag pizza parlor information to discredit the Truthmasters

Also, the Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.Ignore is hell of a feature!

07-24-2017, 05:21 PM
Oh come on this one is really important https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

God Dammit. :p

sick among the pure
07-24-2017, 07:23 PM
Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.

I don't have to even bother, apparently he put me on his ignore list, after a single post, where I told him why nobody takes him seriously and how to have discussions online if you want to have an actual discussion and not just blurt out conspiracy nonsense. So I can just sit back and laugh at him without having to deal with having an actual conversation since I hurt his feelings I guess.

In other news (get it, news) my paper has been getting those "you guys are fake liberal con artists and I am canceling my subscription!" messages since the election. Not only have our numbers not been dropping, in the past few months, our budget has actually expanded from increased revenue. Which is awesome, because I was getting sick of ramen noodles for lunch and snack.

07-24-2017, 08:50 PM
this guy is disgusting using BSA to plead a political case sickening!

07-24-2017, 09:21 PM
this guy is disgusting using BSA to plead a political case sickening!

Yeah, well, he panders to vets even though he never served, but has no problem bashing McCain for being a captured loser. Of course he's going to bash Obama for not making an appearance at a Boy Scout's Jubilee (that he spends the entirety of his speech clapping himself on the back for). Except, Obama actually WAS a Boy Scout, and Trump, to the best of my knowledge, wasn't...

So, here's your new low... the president politicizing a speech where he's supposed to inspire kids. Trump Youth.

07-24-2017, 09:43 PM
Didn't you get the memo, there is no such thing as a he and a she nowadays. Science is sexist and racist!

Well, that was a weird, ignorant non-sequitur from the person who seems to think we can't handle the truth when it comes to "crisis actors." Seriously, it's a train-wreck watching you post, so I hold off on hitting the ignore button, but I can only keep going so long.

07-24-2017, 09:50 PM
Yawn.... because clearly Its a crime to assume someone is male. Dont worry Jinfail . you're going on it as well

I'm "going on it as well?" WTF? Are you drunk?

Regarding your earlier "point," you want to talk about scientific findings in transgender people when it comes to chromosomes? I'm going to assume that you don't.

Either way, here we go, case in point. You can't have an argument with Trump supporters. They're dumber than dogshit, and nothing you can say or do is going to change that.

sick among the pure
07-24-2017, 10:57 PM
Regarding your earlier "point," you want to talk about scientific findings in transgender people when it comes to chromosomes? I'm going to assume that you don't.

I think he's saying that he added you to his ignore list, so he won't see what you say.
Believe me, if he hadn't added me to his ignore list already, I would have already schooled him on the whole trans topic.

07-24-2017, 11:08 PM
I think he's saying that he added you to his ignore list, so he won't see what you say.
Believe me, if he hadn't added me to his ignore list already, I would have already schooled him on the whole trans topic.

I get that, he's plugging his ears and yelling "lalalalala" after accusing that of being what everyone ELSE does when faced with brilliant bullshit of the sort he has to espouse.

Well, here we have another flagrant example of that. Also, this guy is completely a troll.

Fuck this person.

07-24-2017, 11:17 PM
There's an ignore list???

07-24-2017, 11:29 PM
There's an ignore list???
Yep, and Jughead will be the second person I've had to put on it.
It'll be sad. I'll get over it.

07-25-2017, 07:13 AM
By the end, only Sallos and Volband won't be on his Ignore list.

bobbie solo
07-25-2017, 11:18 AM
It's so obvious he's a troll. Why can't he just be banned and we move on?

07-25-2017, 03:00 PM
I'm neither a he or a she, I'm a cute baby otter. So there's that.

In Canada, the CBC/Radio Canada is a tv/news station that's funded by the federal government and they tend to be conservative but it's not blatant. We don't have a media outlet like Fox who is so openly on one side of the political spectrum that it's ridiculous and which stories you cannot trust at all. Every Canadian news outlet is regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission anyway ( CRTC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Radio-television_and_Telecommunications_Commission)).

07-25-2017, 03:07 PM
This is bone chilling. Trump is quoting Stalin when he calls the media an "enemy of the people," and the USSR called for an end to the use of that phrase because they thought it was dangerous. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/26/world/europe/trump-enemy-of-the-people-stalin.html

07-25-2017, 04:27 PM
I'm neither a he or a she, I'm a cute baby otter. So there's that.

In Canada, the CBC/Radio Canada is a tv/news station that's funded by the federal government and they tend to be conservative but it's not blatant. We don't have a media outlet like Fox who is so openly on one side of the political spectrum that it's ridiculous and which stories you cannot trust at all. Every Canadian news outlet is regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission anyway ( CRTC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Radio-television_and_Telecommunications_Commission)).

The Washington Post, the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. are still pretty highly-respected sources of journalism, as are many local newspapers around this country; people buying into Trump's bullshit that all news that is honest and reports against him is "fake" are most likely people who don't read, anyway, and get their news spoon-fed to them by "entertainment" news sources like Fox, CNN, etc.

Nixon HATED the Washington Post, too, and threatened all leakers with all kinds of shit, but people who aren't guilty don't care about that.

sick among the pure
07-25-2017, 08:25 PM
The Washington Post, the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. are still pretty highly-respected sources of journalism, as are many local newspapers around this country; people buying into Trump's bullshit that all news that is honest and reports against him is "fake" are most likely people who don't read, anyway, and get their news spoon-fed to them by "entertainment" news sources like Fox, CNN, etc.

Nixon HATED the Washington Post, too, and threatened all leakers with all kinds of shit, but people who aren't guilty don't care about that.

Yeah, for the most part, print news tends to be the most reliable and least click-baity. There's something about having to full 24 hours with "news" that kind of lead major news networks down a bad path and newsprint was able to avoid.
Couple that with the ability to sit and read and edit and re-read and "ok, how can we word this to be less abrasive?" over the instant "need to be first, let's report what we do know and speculate on the rest to fill it into a news piece" that tv forces.

07-26-2017, 10:31 AM
The President bitches about fake news but spreads fake news via his Twitter account:


It's scary because many (most?) of Trump's rabid fans believe every word he says.

And he knows this.

halo eighteen
07-26-2017, 01:03 PM
^Are you trolling or just retarded?

Obama inviting same sex families to the White House should a) be fucking APPLAUDED. loudly.
and b) has nothing to do with Trump giving a completely inappropriate speech to boy scouts.

07-26-2017, 01:04 PM
can we ban this ass hat already?

07-26-2017, 03:44 PM
This whole thing is getting really, really scary.
I still can't believe this whole "fake news" talk is going on. It's also infuriating and disgusting. I just realized how much it disgusts me every time I hear that term.
I heard it on a goddamn insurance commercial yesterday.

I really, seriously think that we are precariously close to the beginning of the end of this country. How did this fucking happen?

07-26-2017, 04:12 PM
The gays got rights and it scared the shit out of the old people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

07-26-2017, 04:36 PM
The gays got rights and it scared the shit out of the old people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not blaming old people for this (just more marginalization); I'm blaming the same thing I blame for all discrimination: Ignorance.

07-26-2017, 04:48 PM
I'm not blaming old people for this (just more marginalization); I'm blaming the same thing I blame for all discrimination: Ignorance.

We have a bunch of trans members on this forum and a whole trans THREAD but some of the new ARG people haven't figured it out yet, or something. But none of this is fake news.
Oh I'm being super flip here, don't take it seriously.

07-26-2017, 04:50 PM
Oh I'm being super flip here, don't take it seriously.
Ah okay sorry :)

sick among the pure
07-26-2017, 07:08 PM
"I'm not a troll."
literally trolling
"Guys I'm not a troll though!"
trolls more
"If I don't like that you disagree with me, I am going to put you on ignore!"

The only fake news here right now is this guy. Don't bother with him, if you don't feed a troll they starve and move on to somewhere with food.

07-26-2017, 08:48 PM
This whole thing is getting really, really scary.
I still can't believe this whole "fake news" talk is going on. It's also infuriating and disgusting. I just realized how much it disgusts me every time I hear that term.
I heard it on a goddamn insurance commercial yesterday.

I really, seriously think that we are precariously close to the beginning of the end of this country. How did this fucking happen?

Everyone that has a Netflix account should definitely watch this documentary. It shows how all this "Fake News' nonsense started.


07-26-2017, 09:04 PM
I am not 'trolling' So calling someone ''retarded'' is wondering? What would of happened if I said that word? Its a double standard.

My opinion on Transgender people is this. I don't wish them any ill will, I would stand up to people bullying them. My Brother is a gay man. The difference is that gay people are not killing themselves in record numbers. I tend to agree with The shapiro's of the world who say we need to do more research. African american's have never killed themselves this much (just each other) When autism was first discovered, we studied it. This has become a political topic so that any research is met with the pro noun crowd who really don't represent those people anyways. I am just worried humanity is doing the wrong thing. If we are going to accept and indoctrinate transgender people across the board we have to do it right. We have to get it right. Now if that makes me ignorant than so be it. Transgender people have rights and should have rights, the same as anyone. They should not have exclusive rights and the idea that I can be charged with a hate crime for not using their pro noun is absurd. Again, I don't think transgender people want the attention the sjw crowd has brought to them.

So now that I clarified that. I saw there was like three messages quoting me so I had to view them even though pretty much everyone in this thread is on ignore. Including the person I am quoting now. I just wanted to clear that up. SCIENCE BITCH! is my stance.

Not fake but interesting documentary and since I don't post in the other thread I will leave it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1ZAqCi1mhs

There are so many logical and literary fallacies in this one post that it's making my head hurt trying to piece together what you are trying to illustrate.
Aristotle would lay down some furious knowledge on your post if he were alive.

You are jumping all over the place without backing up your statements and ideas; just the red hearings alone makes it painful to read.
If you want people to stop calling you a troll then you should try to clarify what you are trying to explain without getting antagonistic and refrain from letting peoples jabs irritate you.
Also, try to cease alienating a good portion of the members on this message board.
It goes a long way to admit that you were wrong, apologize, move on, and don't do it again.

07-26-2017, 09:37 PM
I'm sure your YouTube\InfoWars\4chan buddies believe you 1000%. Maybe now that you've got the whole thread on Ignore, there's zero purpose in you posting in it at this point?

08-10-2017, 12:03 AM
Anyone that bitches about "Fake News" doesn't understand real journalism or the irony in the fact that they actually support it via Fox, Breit, Blaze etc. Real news outlets and journalists are quick to post retractions or admit a mistake if they are wrong. You don't see that from the places the "Fake News" shouters support.....they'll ignore facts, believe bullshit, regurgitate it, and then scream "FAKE" at anything that challenges their manipulated world view.

09-21-2017, 06:29 PM
Love Lawrence:


09-21-2017, 07:19 PM
Anyone that bitches about "Fake News" doesn't understand real journalism or the irony in the fact that they actually support it via Fox, Breit, Blaze etc. Real news outlets and journalists are quick to post retractions or admit a mistake if they are wrong. You don't see that from the places the "Fake News" shouters support.....they'll ignore facts, believe bullshit, regurgitate it, and then scream "FAKE" at anything that challenges their manipulated world view.

The problem here is... Fake News WAS a huge fucking issue in this last election! Trump just accuses everything that makes him look bad of being guilty of what he actually is guilty of.

For instance, Pizzagate was fake news, Info Wars is fake news. Fake News is a real thing. Fox and Breitbart are fake news. Trump has worn down the focus on what is REALLY Fake News by accusing every legitimate media outlet of being guilty of it, and then he turns around and fellates Alex Jones.

09-21-2017, 07:51 PM
The problem here is... Fake News WAS a huge fucking issue in this last election! Trump just accuses everything that makes him look bad of being guilty of what he actually is guilty of.

For instance, Pizzagate was fake news, Info Wars is fake news. Fake News is a real thing. Fox and Breitbart are fake news. Trump has worn down the focus on what is REALLY Fake News by accusing every legitimate media outlet of being guilty of it, and then he turns around and fellates Alex Jones.

i feel like there is a lot of discussion to be had here. so here i go:

A whole lot of this is true.
But can we really call Fox "FAKE news?" i mean, is it "faker" than far left "news shows?" Some shows on like MSNBC report the news from an absurdly slanted angle too. Is it better just because it's slanted in a direction that makes us comfortable?
Remember that i'm a hardcore left wing pinko commie liberal. i'm just playing the devil's advocate here.
That being said however, personally, ANY blatant slant makes me sort of uncomfortable.

Also, i swear to fucking god, every time i hear donald trump say "fake news" and do that thing with his lips and his face, i want to fucking kill myself.

09-21-2017, 08:05 PM
i feel like there is a lot of discussion to be had here. so here i go:

A whole lot of this is true.
But can we really call Fox "FAKE news?" i mean, is it "faker" than far left "news shows?"

Fox News is not a legitimate source of news, just like how Huffington Post isn't, even if I'm skewed to agree with their take. Fox News is bullshit spin. Just like Huffington Post, just like Buzzfeed, just like Occupy Democrats. Regardless of whether I agree with them or not, they're not a legitimate news source.

CNN is. The Washington Post is. Even if I veer away from the slant in many of their opinion pieces and think it's unsettling that Rupert Murdoch bought them, the WSJ is still a resource that I would call legitimate news. The New York Times is legitimate news.

Fox is a counter foil to Huffington Post, masquerading as something similarly credible to The New York Times. And they aren't. They're Breitbart-lite. I like Rachel Maddow but she isn't an objective news anchor. I think Kieth Olbermann is an insufferable pretentious asshole, even when I agree with him, and he's definitely not a "legitimate unbiased news outlet."

Trump's "FAKE NEWS!!!" shit is reminiscent of Nazi "lieben presse" spin. His supporters actually do not understand the distinction between sensationalist spin and empirically backed objective coverage. Yes, mainstream legit news outlets are making Trump look bad right now... because he's fucking bad.

09-21-2017, 08:32 PM
i feel like there is a lot of discussion to be had here. so here i go:

A whole lot of this is true.
But can we really call Fox "FAKE news?" i mean, is it "faker" than far left "news shows?" Some shows on like MSNBC report the news from an absurdly slanted angle too. Is it better just because it's slanted in a direction that makes us comfortable?
Remember that i'm a hardcore left wing pinko commie liberal. i'm just playing the devil's advocate here.
That being said however, personally, ANY blatant slant makes me sort of uncomfortable.

Also, i swear to fucking god, every time i hear donald trump say "fake news" and do that thing with his lips and his face, i want to fucking kill myself.

We have three types of “news:”

* Real unedited unfiltered no-opinion-provided news
* Real news that is edited or fed through the filter of agenda, opinion, hyperbole, bombast, with an obvious eye on ad revenue, hits, profits and is no longer real news
* Fake news, which contains no actual facts, e.g. the Weekly World News of politics (pizzagate, Clinton Cash, etc.)

CNN is not real news; it’s news fed through the filter of opinion; it’s spun news. Ditto for Fox News, and Breitbart, and a lot of MSNBC.

Real news is unedited, unfiltered news, unconcerned with sponsors or ad revenue or ruffling feathers, and totally absent of opinion or spin or hyperbole or agenda.

“Fake” news is nothing but false conspiracy news, and is mostly found on deliberate fake news web sites.

Don’t confuse slanted news, deliberate out-of-context quotes, or perpetuated hyperbole as all “fake news.”

But, question everything. Trust no one.

09-21-2017, 08:43 PM
We have three types of “news:”

* Real unedited unfiltered no-opinion provided news
* Real news that is fed through the filter of agenda, opinion, hyperbole, bombast, with an obvious eye on ad revenue, hits, profits and is no longer real news
* Fake news, which contains no actual facts, e.g. the Weekly World News of politics and was never real news

CNN is not real news; it’s news fed through the filter of opinion; it’s spun news. Ditto for Fox News, and Breitbart, and a lot of MSNBC.

Real news is unedited, unfiltered news, unconcerned with sponsors or ad revenue or ruffling feathers, and totally absent of opinion or spin or hyperbole or agenda.

“Fake” news is nothing but false conspiracy news, and is mostly found on deliberate fake news web sites.

Don’t confuse slanted news, deliberate out-of-context quotes, or perpetuated hyperbole as all “fake news.”

But, question everything. Trust no one.

I agree with everything you're saying, with the exception of CNN. They have perhaps the most expansive access to news resources of any outlet in the US. Their opinion coverage slants hard left, but their objective reporting is fact based, with some rare notable missteps. It could be argued that they cherry pick the news that they want to feature, but it's a far far cry from an outlet like Fox (or HuffPo)

My biggest gripe with CNN is that they drag up straw man arguments from ludicrous panelists as a counterpoint to their debate coverage.

09-21-2017, 08:45 PM
I watch CNN to laugh.

And I’m a Socialist!

We both have degrees in English:

Ethos, Pathos, Logos, all fed through the profitable News-as-Entertainment Machine.

You only see it differently from Fox because CNN is telling you what you want to hear.

It’s why I watch MSNBC. (which has Maddow! and Lawrence O'Donnell, omg! LOL LOL)

The debates and news coverage on CNN is so over-the-top it’s ridiculous, it’s nuts. Don Lemon, come on, wtf. Even Anderson Cooper is like Geraldo Rivera.

At least Chris on Hardball can say what’s total bullshit. Maddow is laughable, though.

I get my “real” news from newspapers.

I get my “entertainment” news on TV.

09-21-2017, 08:54 PM
Yes, in a way that could be similarly knocked down to Fox, they're sensationalist. There's a weird gray area there for me though, because they have insanely expansive resources. You have to filter out the opinion slant. They have, I suppose, seemingly become more of a ratings-first sensationalism machine...

Y'know, you might be right, that Fox and CNN have far too much in common in approach. I guess I just value CNN more because of the insane access they have to information that many other news outlets are not privy to. News will break on CNN before other outlets... and they usually handle that sort of thing in a manner careful to avoid spin. It's too bad that on a whole it's devolved to what it's become.

09-21-2017, 08:58 PM
CNN “breaks” certain types of news because CERTAIN PEOPLE ARE FEEDING IT TO THEM, mostly for their own gain, and a lot of the info is questionable, at best. It’s still all about ratings and profits, and spinning it to spoon-feed their masses the stuff they lap up like peanut butter. It’s no different than The Weather Channel: facts, edited and spun for entertainment.

WaPo has them beat, hands down. Read your news.

09-21-2017, 09:16 PM
Washington Post is definitely ahead of CNN in breaking coverage that I feel is unbiased and reliable.

I can think of a few instances where CNN broke a story that they later had to retract. Their sources aren't crap, even if they're "on their side." Y'know what's funny? When it comes to Trump and this whole "the lady doth protest too much" with all this "FAKE NEWS!!!" crap, his biggest target has always seemed to be CNN. Sure, he'll do his thing where he calls The NYtimes "failing," even as they have seen their subscriptions burst through the roof, but that's how he works... it's always Opposite Day with him.

But he really has it out for CNN. Perhaps it's because they truly are the leftist equivalent of Fox at this point. Or...

Really, this whole "FAKE NEWS FUCK CNN THEY'RE FAKE NEWS FAAAAAAKE NEWS!!!!!" angle started bursting out of him when CNN reported that Buzzfeed had published an article about that dossier... Sure, it was strange of CNN to run with it like they did, but ever since, that's been a huge chip on his shoulder.

It all reminds me of that brilliant debate send up that SNL did, with Alec Baldwin saying "I have the best judgement and the best temperament, she's the one with the bad temperament. She's always screaming, she's constantly lying, her hair is crazy, her face is completely orange, except around the eyes where it's white, and when she starts talking her mouth looks like a tiny little butthole." He's the king of transparent projection, and it's weird and curious how much he hates CNN.

At this point, call me biased, but when Trump says something is "FAKE! TOTALLY FAKE!" I'm absolutely convinced it's got at least a few kernels of truth in there.


09-21-2017, 09:42 PM
But he really has it out for CNN. Perhaps it's because they truly are the leftist equivalent of Fox at this point

Pretty much. Maybe worse!

http://www.salon.com/2014/04/28/cnn_is_its_own_disaster_how_a_perversely_immature_ news_channel_blew_its_opportunity/




09-21-2017, 11:39 PM
@allegro (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=76), I'm not that young (unfortunately).

I agree that CNN takes a spin and they should be criticized for it. But what Fox does is different.

CNN will unfortunately drag up some moronic dumbfuck to poorly and hyperbolically represent the right wing counterpoint to something, and then shout him/her down. I guess it's subjective that I think the people shouting him/her down are mostly correct. There's no way around that personal bias on some level, and it is obnoxious as fuck. And it is predictable fodder for a presumed liberal fanbase.

Fox paved the way for this though. CNN does let intelligent people on their show, and they do let them write intelligent OPINION counter-arguments. We could dissect this article as comment-bait, sure, but it also lets a counterpoint enter the debate (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/28/us/fareed-zakaria-liberals-cnntv/index.html)

This doesn't happen on Fox or HuffPo. Fox only mirrors CNN in that they have (usually) two conservatives shout down a liberal. Fox often won't even let the person talk. And there's tons of instances where Fox reporters, live, have run away from interviewees who they found, to their shock, don't actually parrot their shit and feel the opposite way. Fox is more sensationalist, and I know we're scraping the barrel here with this general observation, but Fox is constantly in spin mode; never actually being objective. CNN is often objective.

I hope that more people will call them out for presenting a milquetoast straw man as the Republican boogyman. Maybe they'll stop trying to be competition for satire. But they do deliver news. Unless I missed it, Fox has almost NEVER broken a story. CNN has on tons of occasions.

I guess I've gotten used to splitting my bias feed from what I understand to be authentic news. I know when CNN is bullshitting me, but there's some gold in there. There's no fucking gold on Fox. Compare their current Twitter feeds.

CNN: Truedeau is talking about climate change and makes a dig at the US
CNN: a story about Boko Haram orphans, another story about Bangladesh's consideration of neighboring country hostility...
CNN: a fluff piece about the Jimmy Kimmel rant on health care
CNN: an article about Valerie Plame being shamed for re-tweeting an anti-semitic article
CNN: an opinion piece about how Obamacare was good from Axelrod
CNN: N. Korea's foreign minister warns his country could test hydrogen bomb over Trump's speech
CNN: Sotomayer is concerned and in the dark about her family's status in Puerto Rico
CNN: Melania is the most popular member of the Trump family

FOX: The republicans who might actually help us destroy Obamacare
FOX: Tucker Carlson weighing in on whether or not animal abusers should be registered similarly to sex-offenders
FOX: UN Mission: 80 civilians dying in terror attacks daily in Afghanistan
FOX: President Trump's approval ratings on the rise
FOX: Hannity: There needs to be an investigation of "deep state leaks"
FOX: Hannity: It's apparent in America there is a "two-tiered justice system"
FOX: Tim Tebow helps out in hurricane relief
FOX: something about how FLOTUS' pink outfit is being mocked, and that this never would have been accepted with the former FLOTUS
FOX: Bono is a hater for hating on Trump
FOX: The Left wants to talk to Rocket Man, but not Trump
FOX: "No one on the left is taking on this bill, except Kimmel"

I dunno... I see a distinction.

09-21-2017, 11:46 PM
I don't.





09-21-2017, 11:50 PM
fair enough, but I was talking about their twitter feeds... which it seems is how most people are following internet news clippings nowadays (to my chagrin).

Honestly, those clips up there are more reasonable that what I usually see from them. Sometimes it's literally like "Trump is the best" "Trump haters suck and have a mental condition" "Trump hate is a disorder" "Trump's polls way up"

09-21-2017, 11:56 PM
That's only what you see on the TV shows.

CNN makes the same money from Trump sucks, people who like Trump are retarded, Trump sucks, Trump is in beeeeeeeg trouble, because he sucks.

Cable news is just all total trash to me. It's like the Dancing With the Stars of news.

I don't follow cable news on Twitter, either. I follow the New York Times and WaPo. And the Chicago Tribune and the New York Post.

09-21-2017, 11:57 PM
no, I mean from their twitter feeds. I follow Fox. There's a pattern there. I don't have "TV" in the traditional sense anymore... or well, I guess, full disclosure, I do have access, but I don't remember the last time I watched it.

09-22-2017, 12:03 AM
I only watch TV in the traditional sense.

The only news I watch is local news shows.

I watch cable news only when I want to laugh at the "news."

I had to stop following sites like The Hill on Twitter because they're way over-the-top with sensationalism AND they re-tweet the same shit 800 times.

09-22-2017, 12:07 AM
honestly, allegro, I think you're in the minority there. I may be wrong, but I don't think most "Fox viewers" are directed to Fox articles and video clips via the traditional sense anymore. I even once got into a pointless argument with a Trump supporter on Twitter, who kept insisting they "don't watch any tv" because they had literally disconnected their cable, yet their entire Twitter feed was bloated with Fox News retweets.

09-22-2017, 12:11 AM
So they're not watching TV, they're only reading certain Twitter feeds (and comments). That's not really Fox News. Twitter from Fox is just PR for Fox News. But some people ONLY get news from Twitter. And a LOT of them never even read the linked articles. They only read the tweet, and the comments, and that's it.

I've seen John McCain tweet that he was gonna be on Fox and Friends to discuss military funding or whatever, then I read the comments.


These Twitter people are fucking nuts.

Almost as nuts as people on Facebook.

09-22-2017, 12:18 AM
yes, the Twitter people are fucking nuts, but that's what I think news has devolved into. This is the REAL fake news, and it's how it's really disseminated.

I think that's the distinction. People following CNN are more discerning, and are actually reading. Fox knows that their "viewers" aren't.

09-22-2017, 12:18 AM
MSNBC/CNN have a point of view, and that's fine.

FOX is just plain shit.

09-22-2017, 12:23 AM
yes, the Twitter people are fucking nuts, but that's what I think news has devolved into. This is the REAL fake news, and it's how it's really disseminated.

I think that's the distinction. People following CNN are more discerning, and are actually reading. Fox knows that their "viewers" aren't.

That is just because you are biased. Because we are liberal and think all the smart people are liberal because they're like us. But I've seen a ton of REALLY stupid shit on CNN. So much that I refuse to watch it.

Again, I'll take "Meet the Press" over all that other TV caca. It's the longest running television show in history. I really like Chuck Todd's interviews.

Fox viewers read their news the same way the CNN viewers read their news: Facebook

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Fox News. It's total shit.

Especially shit like this:


But CNN's coverage of the missing Malaysia flight was fucking ridiculous. WAVE PATTERN ANALYSIS.

09-22-2017, 02:33 AM
But CNN's coverage of the missing Malaysia flight was fucking ridiculous. WAVE PATTERN ANALYSIS.

Yeah, that was hard to watch...

The thing with me I guess is that I filter through all my news. I'll flip through the NYtimes, LAtimes, WaPo, Politico, Propublica, WSJ, CNN... they all carry crap, but some are obviously more serious sources of news. I'll even flip through Fox if I have time, but it tends to piss me off. Sure, bias. There's an aspect to their bias that I find really obnoxious, but it helps to understand where "the other side" is coming from. I don't touch Breitbart though, fuck that poison.

I'll also listen to right wing talk radio in spurts when I'm driving around, but I can't handle it in traffic jams. It's confusing to try to figure out where everything started getting this insane. Someday, someone's going to figure that out, and it'll be turned into a book/epiphany. Until then, I've just been refining my filter... and that's the thing, I may make assumptions about the relative intelligence of people on the liberal side of things, but they seem to be, on a whole, more skeptical, critical thinkers. Of course, a ton of liberals are astoundingly stupid, and there's some smut-level internet spin drivel out there on both sides of the political aisle... it just seems like the crazy conspiracies about Republicans don't need to be fabricated.

Do I REALLY think there's a piss-tape with Donald Trump and Russian hookers? No. Would I say it's possible. Of course. If there's one thing this administration has brought to light, it's that nothing is impossible. If I wake up one day to the news that there's actually a video going viral where Donald Trump is begging Russian hookers to piss on his orange face, I will struggle not to watch it... but I think my response, at that point, is probably going to be "huh, no shit... well, I can't say I'm surprised."

09-23-2017, 10:18 AM
I think this video does a great job of explaining wtf is going on with the news system.



I get most of my news from Dan Rather, Bill Maher, John Oliver, Washington Post, Politifacts, What the fuck Just Happened Today (https://whatthefuckjusthappenedtoday.com/) which aggregates top stories from different sources, google news, and a few others.
Are those sources I just I listed biased, absolutely, but it's near impossible to find any news that doesn't have at least a little bias.
It's the disingenuous and sensationalists news outlets that try to cover the fact that they are biased that I abhor, such as Fox News.
In my opinion, those are not news stories but media, that have been feed and manufactured through a buzzword generator with the simple purpose to distract and misinform its viewers.

09-26-2017, 01:49 PM
Internationally infamous fake-news writer Paul Horner dies in Phoenix (http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2017/09/26/z-fake-news-writer-paul-horner-dies-phoenix/701038001/)

The part that made me laugh:

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Calbert Gillett told The Arizona Republic that Horner's death was still under investigation Monday and would not rule out foul play or impairment. He died in the Laveen area of southwest Phoenix.

Horner's brother, JJ, said in a Facebook post that Paul Horner died peacefully and in his sleep.
Conspiracy theories inside of conspiracy theories.

bobbie solo
09-28-2017, 01:26 AM
damn shame Al Jazeera America shut down. They had zilcho ratings, but were a great unbiased news source on TV. I wish I got BBC News. I primarily get my news now from TYT on Youtube. Cenk keeps it reals, and co-hosts like Ben Mank & Michael Shure add alot too. Ana is pretty to look at at least.

11-12-2017, 12:39 PM
Sean Hannity lost 5 sponsors over defending Roy Moore. His trip to the NewsCorp gallows might be the best Christmas present I could hope for.

11-13-2017, 10:27 AM
I remember reading an article (maybe it's in this thread, even?) about how Fox is on every TV everywhere and that's why so many people believe in them rather than someone else. Hell, I went to Ft. Lewis this weekend and while waiting for a day pass Fox was on the TV there. Jesus. I wish there was a channel that was just about the news and not talking heads but that's all we have now.

11-13-2017, 11:59 AM
Sean Hannity lost 5 sponsors over defending Roy Moore. His trip to the NewsCorp gallows might be the best Christmas present I could hope for.

Hannity supporters are smashing their Keurig machine in support of him. I mean .. that will teach libs a lesson... smashing a $100 coffee machine.

11-13-2017, 12:28 PM
Dan Harmon‏Verified account @danharmon Nov 12 (https://twitter.com/danharmon/status/929766414063243264) Add to other Moment

Dan Harmon Retweeted Angelo John Gage
I just want to make sure i don’t miss the messaging. we’re smashing a thing we bought from a corporation that stopped advertising during a show that defended a politician accused of child molestation, and we want the guy that wrote Idiocracy to know we’re fans, is that accurate?


11-14-2017, 10:59 AM
It took them long enough but I've finally been banned from Inforwars. I had fun while it lasted. No clue what triggered the ban now. I could have been banned 1000x before.
Anyways, I only have Breitbart left to argue against Trumpbots. BB cares too much about the number of daily visits to ban anyone from commenting on their site.

11-27-2017, 07:39 PM
Yikes. Amazing article from the Washington Post about a conservative propaganda company trying to sneak in, use an actress posing as just some ordinary woman to plant a fake accusation against Moore, and then use it to discredit the newspaper.


Seriously: read this story. This is scary, and it's important to know that this kind of shit is really happening.

11-28-2017, 11:03 AM
Yikes. Amazing article from the Washington Post about a conservative propaganda company trying to sneak in, use an actress posing as just some ordinary woman to plant a fake accusation against Moore, and then use it to discredit the newspaper.


Seriously: read this story. This is scary, and it's important to know that this kind of shit is really happening.
Hah, I like that their attempt to smear WaPo as "fake news" has completely backfired and instead the paper's reputation has been strengthened by this. Everyone's like "Wow, this really shows that WaPo is the real deal." lol

11-28-2017, 01:26 PM
Hah, I like that their attempt to smear WaPo as "fake news" has completely backfired and instead the paper's reputation has been strengthened by this. Everyone's like "Wow, this really shows that WaPo is the real deal." lol

Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. I tend to think there are three groups of people when it comes to media literacy:

1) People smart enough to recognize good and well-researched journalism (they already knew WaPo was legit)
2) People who just don't give a shit either way (they're not even reading this story)
3) People who would believe that this story is itself a planted piece against conservatives, funded by a liberal version of Project Veritas, and of course aren't even reading the story because it's on the Fake Washington Post.

Group Three scares the shit out of me. Group Two just makes me sad.

11-28-2017, 01:54 PM
3) People who would believe that this story is itself a planted piece against conservatives, funded by a liberal version of Project Veritas

Hmmm, okay, but what if this so-called "liberal version of Project Veritas" is ACTUALLY a conservative group PRETENDING to be this liberal group so that they can then pretend to be "exposed" as a gang of schemers who posed as Project Veritas in an effort to make Project Veritas look bad. Think about it.

11-28-2017, 03:13 PM
Hmmm, okay, but what if this so-called "liberal version of Project Veritas" is ACTUALLY a conservative group PRETENDING to be this liberal group so that they can then pretend to be "exposed" as a gang of schemers who posed as Project Veritas in an effort to make Project Veritas look bad. Think about it.

I hate you.

Nuh-uh times infinity.


Check. Mate.

11-28-2017, 04:19 PM
Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. I tend to think there are three groups of people when it comes to media literacy:

1) People smart enough to recognize good and well-researched journalism (they already knew WaPo was legit)
2) People who just don't give a shit either way (they're not even reading this story)
3) People who would believe that this story is itself a planted piece against conservatives, funded by a liberal version of Project Veritas, and of course aren't even reading the story because it's on the Fake Washington Post.

Group Three scares the shit out of me. Group Two just makes me sad. O'Keeffe should be in jail hackers have been imprisoned for less instigation is not free speach!

12-05-2017, 02:50 AM
A friend of mine linked me to a video rant about shitty modern art. I guess it was some Breitbart talking head. Now, every recommended video on YouTube is something like "SJW has major meltdown!!!" or "male student DESTROYS feminist teacher with facts!!!"

is their suggestion algorithm really that weak?

we are so fucked


12-05-2017, 10:15 AM
YT's algorithm is why I hate watching anything on there. I watch a trailer on something that isn't the official channel and I get tons of bullshit recommendations. Ugh.

12-05-2017, 11:50 AM
YouTube is terrible and has always been terrible. I can't stand it, and I generally only search through it as a last resort.

01-01-2018, 08:15 PM
Anyone else find S.E. Cupp to be incredibly obnoxious?

01-02-2018, 09:04 AM
Anyone else find S.E. Cupp to be incredibly obnoxious?


01-02-2018, 09:38 AM
I generally find YouTube pretty good for the most part, but then i have used it for years and found the channels i enjoy and that make decent content, i rarely check out other channels anymore, especially ones recommended by the algorithm! The only time i'll look for new channels is if the ones i watch recommend them personally. There's really some great content there...but it's almost buried but the trash these days (today's news headliner is a prime example of the shit some fucks on there get away with on there, and doesn't reflect all the good people)

08-26-2018, 06:02 AM
Just came in here to say I can't stand Greg Gutfield--FOX's right-wing answer to Jon Stewart. One of the most unfunny, stupid, obnoxious people on FOX, and that's saying something.

02-19-2019, 11:13 AM
Anyone else find S.E. Cupp to be incredibly obnoxious?

I certainly do. Can't stand her. I don't care for much of the people on CNN anyway.

I miss the good ol days of news where it wasn't too biased and filled with so many opinion commentators. Journalism is becoming more TMZ than anything factual. Most of the journalists I liked are dead or retired (Jennings, Koppel, Mike Wallace). I wanted to be a journalist growing up because of them, but now I'm glad I didn't pursue that field as a career choice.

02-19-2019, 11:25 AM
A friend of mine linked me to a video rant about shitty modern art. I guess it was some Breitbart talking head. Now, every recommended video on YouTube is something like "SJW has major meltdown!!!" or "male student DESTROYS feminist teacher with facts!!!"

is their suggestion algorithm really that weak?

we are so fucked

This is a really old post, but, when it happens to me, I say "fuck it" and go down whatever rabbit hole they put in my path.

I find it interesting to see what sort of insanity is being passed around.

It's kind of a "know your enemy" thing, too.

02-19-2019, 12:13 PM
A friend of mine linked me to a video rant about shitty modern art. I guess it was some Breitbart talking head. Now, every recommended video on YouTube is something like "SJW has major meltdown!!!" or "male student DESTROYS feminist teacher with facts!!!"

is their suggestion algorithm really that weak?

we are so fucked


I don't watch youtube while signed in and regularly clear my browsing history, and I STILL get those kind of right wing hate videos recommended. You can watch any video on a brand new system and the suggested videos will be a combination of teen influencer garbage and right wing hate videos. Youtube pushes them HARD for some reason.

02-19-2019, 06:20 PM
^Engadget I think had an article where researchers are blaming YT for the rise in flat earthers. Granted they only interviewed 30 people I really want to believe that people are more critical than that but judging from the trends I've noticed i would not be surprised.

So I watched Rogan w/ Tim Poole(?) and his comments relating to journalists humping twitter got me thinking, is Twitter becoming main source of news material these days? I've noticed it myself when I go pursuing news/articles online recently, last couple years probably. It seems most of the time it references some sort of he said/she said this on twitter. I only ask as I'm still generally living in a hole without actual internets and have been for like 8 years or so.

I was honestly toying with the idea of starting a twitter just for the sake of trolling people but i doubt I'll ever get around to it as even though i spend a lot of time staring at my walls and or reading in my free time, i feel that is still a better use of my time than joining in the mass hysteria that seems to be sweeping the nation.

02-19-2019, 08:58 PM
is Twitter becoming main source of news material these days?
My Twitter feed is primarily filled with news sources, e.g. the Chicago Tribune, ABC News Chicago, WaPo, the New York Times, WGN News, NPR, etc.

A few of them push to my Apple watch.

By the time I get my actual digital or print copy of the Chicago Tribune, I've already read a LOT of the articles via my Twitter feed.

For instance, here's NPR's Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/NPR).

02-21-2019, 01:44 PM
I don't watch youtube while signed in and regularly clear my browsing history, and I STILL get those kind of right wing hate videos recommended. You can watch any video on a brand new system and the suggested videos will be a combination of teen influencer garbage and right wing hate videos. Youtube pushes them HARD for some reason.

I view them in incognito mode and even then they still appear in my feed. Google knows who you are regardless.

02-22-2019, 02:03 AM
I view them in incognito mode and even then they still appear in my feed. Google knows who you are regardless.

They apparently don't know who I am then, cause I never watch that garbage and I'm liberal.

02-25-2019, 03:06 AM
I think, and this is just me, that Google is pushing all these right wing and flat earth video's because they are popular with people who are either stupid and believe them or people who want to argue how wrong they are. People from all walks of life are watching, commenting and sharing in mass either as someone that believes them, want to laugh about how stupid they are or merely want to remind people how fucked the human race is which in YT's stupid algorithm says "this is doing great, push it more!"

02-26-2019, 01:35 PM
I think, and this is just me, that Google is pushing all these right wing and flat earth video's because they are popular with people who are either stupid and believe them or people who want to argue how wrong they are. People from all walks of life are watching, commenting and sharing in mass either as someone that believes them, want to laugh about how stupid they are or merely want to remind people how fucked the human race is which in YT's stupid algorithm says "this is doing great, push it more!"

You may be right, but I only hope YT realizes the damage constantly bombarding a future generation with videos like that will do. It makes it seem like more people agree with those videos than actually do, but if children grow up thinking that these things are a mainstream point of contention, they may grow up giving more credence to things like flat earthers. I really don't want to see the internet weaponized by false information and pseudo-science instead of being the source of almost limitless knowledge that it has been until recently. That would really suck.

02-27-2019, 08:44 AM
You mean like one day school's teaching these "different" points of view?

02-27-2019, 09:02 AM
You may be right, but I only hope YT realizes the damage constantly bombarding a future generation with videos like that will do. It makes it seem like more people agree with those videos than actually do, but if children grow up thinking that these things are a mainstream point of contention, they may grow up giving more credence to things like flat earthers. I really don't want to see the internet weaponized by false information and pseudo-science instead of being the source of almost limitless knowledge that it has been until recently. That would really suck.

its been a breeding ground for misinformation since it was publicly adopted. It’s why your nephew is sure he’s solved the Labyrinth and can’t shut up about how everything is a conspiracy, it’s why your sweet co-worker is suddenly a vehement anti-vaxxer, memes are hilarious high wit, and Donald Trump is president

02-27-2019, 09:55 AM
You mean like one day school's teaching these "different" points of view?

No, more like the students thinking the schools are part of the conspiracy to keep these things from them. Sort of the same way many conservatives feel about college already.

its been a breeding ground for misinformation since it was publicly adopted. It’s why your nephew is sure he’s solved the Labyrinth and can’t shut up about how everything is a conspiracy, it’s why your sweet co-worker is suddenly a vehement anti-vaxxer, memes are hilarious high wit, and Donald Trump is president

The difference being that before these things had to be sought out, so the people who immersed themselves in them were already crazy. Now they're pushed to everyday people and introduced to impressionable youth early enough to plant a seed. Hopefully people will eventually adapt to it the same way they adapted to chain-emails, but it doesn't currently look like it.

02-27-2019, 10:23 AM
The difference being that before these things had to be sought out, so the people who immersed themselves in them were already crazy. Now they're pushed to everyday people and introduced to impressionable youth early enough to plant a seed. Hopefully people will eventually adapt to it the same way they adapted to chain-emails, but it doesn't currently look like it.

I feel like it's always been pushed on us, though perhaps more subtly. At the bottom of legit news articles are those ads that say things like "Stomach doctors are begging people to throw out this vegetable!" Click bait in general is only a philosophical step away from "if you liked this video on youtube, maybe you'd also wanna watch this shit."

I personally think memes are dumbing us down and newly weaponized as an easy way to influence our beliefs, political and otherwise, through a form of derivative lazy sarcastic humor. If I see a route to flat-earth shit becoming a really accepted belief, it'll get there through sarcastic memes. The anti-vaxx people love their memes, just like conspiracy theorists, etc

It's reaching outside of the online realm now too... you hear younger people saying things OUTLOUD like "oh you got PWNED" and "that awkward moment when..." and "oh? tell me more about..."

02-27-2019, 10:47 AM
I think part of the reason that misinformation is spreading so easily is our understanding of media literacy.

I went to school in the 90s, long before the internet brought misinformation to the forefront. Our misinformation came in the form of tabloids, urban legends, religion and lying politicians.

Religious institutions were telling us that sex before marriage would send us to hell, and our teachers were repeating it. They also said that gay sex was a sin and would somehow destroy the world, and these views were discussed as valid positions in newspapers. Hillary Clinton was adopting alien babies. Bigfoot was secretly a scientist at Area 51. Urban Legends told us that Satanists were all around.

And my parents were convinced that the world was getting way less safe, and so they became way more restrictive about whether or not I could go outside. They moved us to a small town which had nothing to do, and was supposedly safer. And me and my friends talked about how the TV news and the newspapers were reporting on every horrific story, and that we didn't really believe the hysteria that was happening, and believed that these things were always happening, but we were hearing about them more and more.

We also learned in school about bias in writing, and by extension in news reporting. Marilyn Manson was having all kinds of false things said about him after Columbine, which taught us not to trust everything we saw in the news. It was pretty obvious to us back then that the media was biased, and that not everything was as it seemed. George Bush became president shortly thereafter and launched the USA into a war under false pretenses, so it was clear that politicians were lying to us.

Skepticism around any media is well founded, and there has been fake news as long as there has been news. People lie, and people make mistakes. Our society has been primed to believe in conspiracy theories and fake news for a long while. The internet is spreading it, and there's an appetite for it.

As long as there's an appetite for fake news, fake news will find a way to survive. It starts because someone makes something up when the position they want to hold has no basis in reality to be held. It spreads when someone else doesn't want to look at reality.

Can we make reality more appealing to the population in general somehow?

03-01-2019, 10:51 AM
Those are excellent points.

Our news has been edited (censored) for years, too; during Vietnam, we received daily updates of casualties, saw actual combat footage during the nightly news, complete with injuries and bodies. Cut to Iraq, and the Government censors everything claiming security breaches (even if the footage is submitted later) when the reality is that the Government doesn’t want the public to see the realities of war. The actual casualty numbers are covered up, too. This enables them to continue without the public protesting.

But, I'm not sure that people have an "appetite" for "fake" news; I think they don't even KNOW what "kind" of news it is - they just assume it's something they can trust. People assume that if it's coming from a source they "trust," then it's actual "news." They don't even realize that it's biased news, or hyperbolic news, or slanted news, or opinionated news, or news that is designed to appeal to a target audience or to appease corporate sponsors.

My husband has relatives on Facebook who pass around "articles" or "stories" that are - to us, anyway - OBVIOUSLY false. When my husband calls this out, his cousin says "what, am I supposed to LOOK THIS UP TO SEE IF IT'S REAL?"

YES! YES, YOU ARE! With social media and your ability to pass this shit along comes RESPONSIBILITY.

Often, this information is SO obviously fake that you shouldn't even NEED to look it up.

People don't want to have to use their own logic - what my college psych professor called our inner "bullshit bell" - to determine if it's "fake" so long as it aligns with their own predetermined beliefs.

I see headlines that are misleading and people on the left pass them around on Twitter with comments that bolster their own beliefs without even reading the actual article, which article often completely refutes their position.

02-01-2020, 01:00 PM
I guess this is the best place for this...


So this is a video about 'fake' martial arts, some of the stories around it and such, but ends on a story about MMA names Shu and his current battles with the chinese government and...it's fucking heartbreaking. Really eye opening stuff, worth 30mins of your time.

02-02-2020, 12:14 AM
^ Definitely related to the previous examples, in the sense that it examines political messaging in the media. But all media has a political message of some kind or another; it seems now that the interpretation of facts has bent so far to the point where factual reality itself becomes skewed into ever-more hopelessly lost territory.

Seems that ever since 9/11 we've been struggling for Reality, as David Bowie observed some seventeen years ago.

02-02-2020, 10:55 AM
Wow so these dudes like "Count Dante" were basically the Miss Cleo of martial arts.

06-02-2020, 11:16 AM

06-02-2020, 11:30 AM
and they most certainly will

06-06-2020, 01:28 PM

06-12-2020, 04:12 PM

06-12-2020, 05:17 PM
Am I missing some sort of meta joke here are something? I don't see any real evidence that Fox News actually did this, other than some screenshots that could be faked in a few seconds.

06-13-2020, 03:54 PM



07-05-2020, 09:41 AM
Re-posting this tidbit (https://www.wired.com/story/covid-parties-are-not-a-thing/) because the story is SO WIDELY reported now, and almost no one is retracting/updating their headlines.

07-21-2020, 03:45 PM

The worst part of this is if you pre-load your brain with the phrase you want to believe you'll hear it.

Also Paul is Dead guys, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that.

07-22-2020, 11:04 AM
I don't think I hear it

07-22-2020, 05:13 PM

it's insanity.

07-23-2020, 01:25 PM

I hate shit like this. obvious pandering puts me off like nothing else. Same thing as the "Like if you think Trump sucks!" and people start mashing that damn button. "Oh someone doesn't want you to see this, let's make sure it trends!"

and twitter just eats it up because outrage sells. it's so gross.

07-23-2020, 03:02 PM
Ugh, yeah, almost as bad as those Tweets, “it’s my birthday, can you help me hit [insert number here] followers? I follow back! Help me celebrate my birthday!”


10-30-2020, 11:13 AM

oh hey, how about that.

10-30-2020, 11:18 AM
He's so ridiculous

11-04-2020, 09:00 PM


11-07-2020, 01:29 PM
because thread integrity!


01-24-2021, 11:06 AM
Texas Supreme Court: Alex Jones, InfoWars can be sued by Sandy Hook parents after calling massacre a 'hoax' (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/01/23/alex-jones-sandy-hook-parents-texas-supreme-court/6686517002/)

oh happy day. that it took this long is terrible but it's there now.

01-24-2021, 12:58 PM
Texas Supreme Court: Alex Jones, InfoWars can be sued by Sandy Hook parents after calling massacre a 'hoax' (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/01/23/alex-jones-sandy-hook-parents-texas-supreme-court/6686517002/)

oh happy day. that it took this long is terrible but it's there now.

And he deserves absolutely everything that's coming to him for spreading that vile horse shit. Man, do I hate that guy.

01-25-2021, 10:18 AM
And he deserves absolutely everything that's coming to him for spreading that vile horse shit. Man, do I hate that guy.

I agree. Some of his depositions are available to watch on YouTube and he tries to pivot and rant through some of the questions. He knows he's in trouble but tries to dance around questions as to not incriminate himself.

03-03-2021, 09:56 AM
Wow, so if you ever need proof that the sun is strictly propaganda rather than a new source, how's this:


St. Catharines barber cut from her own reality show

There is no reality show.

The province was ordered to lockdown and barbershops were ordered to close for a while. She decided that since movies and television were allowed to continue filming, that she would film her clients getting a haircut at her studio and call it a movie. The health inspectors shut her down and have ordered her not to operate anymore.

Now, barbershops are allowed to reopen, but she's still ordered to close for violating the emergency orders.

That's what's happening. There is no reality show.

03-03-2021, 10:34 AM
Wow, so if you ever need proof that the sun is strictly propaganda rather than a new source, how's this:


There is no reality show.

The province was ordered to lockdown and barbershops were ordered to close for a while. She decided that since movies and television were allowed to continue filming, that she would film her clients getting a haircut at her studio and call it a movie. The health inspectors shut her down and have ordered her not to operate anymore.

Now, barbershops are allowed to reopen, but she's still ordered to close for violating the emergency orders.

That's what's happening. There is no reality show.

They always seasonalized content to draw in the lowest common denominator (Sunshine Girl, the Rob and Doug Ford Variety Hour).

03-03-2021, 12:10 PM

03-05-2021, 10:57 AM

cancel culture is bad!

cancel him!

cancel culture is bad!

cancel her!

man the whiplash these people have to deal with, the cognitive dissonance of holding not just two but twenty-two different, inconsistent beliefs at the same time? exhausting.

03-08-2021, 08:07 AM
really great thread about idiots.

03-08-2021, 08:29 AM
Great thread. Nothing is going to change with the Conservative movement until they, as a party, decide it's time to change. Only two things will bring them to that realization: continued losses of 1. seats and 2. donations. Aside from that, nothing will change. Not "bipartisan" legislation, not negotiations, not preservation of "norms". They'll continue to be the party of bad faith arguments and irrational grievance until it is no longer tenable to do so.

The current majority should legislate accordingly and run on that record in 22.

04-20-2021, 10:11 AM
not bumping that guy's thread.


05-27-2021, 08:08 PM
Tuned into FOX NEWS tonight for a bit. On Carlson they were talking about "The Left's War On Science," while on Hannity they were all about "Hunter Biden and his shady dinner with a shady businessman."

Pure shit.

05-27-2021, 08:38 PM
Tuned into FOX NEWS tonight for a bit. On Carlson they were talking about "The Left's War On Science,"

Wow, I need to look this up. That sounds like the most insane gaslighting I've ever heard.

08-13-2021, 01:11 PM

oh this is just bad to worse, holy crap.

08-14-2021, 03:57 PM
Is anyone really surprised, though? The fact checking from Snopes has been notoriously lazy for several years now.

09-16-2021, 10:30 AM

09-21-2021, 09:33 AM
I was thinking about this thread earlier while reading about Putin’s clear efforts to stoke fears in the West about vaccines and reliance upon the authority of medical professionals. Basically it seems that for the past five months or so, the Kremlin’s new strategy has been to promote the anti vaccine movement.

so, yeah, if you’re vehemently feeling like “this is all about my rights! Freedom!” There’s a good chance that mindset was shoved into your head by Vladamir Putin

10-01-2021, 05:49 AM
Alex Jones Found Liable in Two Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory Lawsuits

https://www.thedailybeast.com/alex-jones-found-liable-in-two-sandy-hook-lawsuits-for-failing-to-hand-over-documents?source=twitter&via=mobile (https://www.thedailybeast.com/alex-jones-found-liable-in-two-sandy-hook-lawsuits-for-failing-to-hand-over-documents?source=twitter&via=mobile)


10-06-2021, 10:47 AM

Some damning stuff in here.


01-06-2022, 12:43 PM
J6 Hysteria Is How Media And Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability For Their Rigging Of The 2020 Election (https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/06/j6-hysteria-is-how-media-and-other-democrats-are-avoiding-accountability-for-their-rigging-of-the-2020-election/)

I don't agree with any of this, but wanted to post this in order to demonstrate where "intellectual" right-wingers are.

01-06-2022, 05:33 PM

amazing that people are comparing this to a year ago. I mean on the surface, with low information individuals? sure, they're the same thing. You get past the fact that it's the same location and that people died a year ago? the paths diverge just a tad.

01-07-2022, 12:57 PM

amazing that people are comparing this to a year ago. I mean on the surface, with low information individuals? sure, they're the same thing. You get past the fact that it's the same location and that people died a year ago? the paths diverge just a tad.

And they ignore MOTIVE and INTENT.

The Women’s March was a protest. Their SOLE goal was to … SIT ON THE STEPS.

January 6 was characterized by THEM as their “1776” (which technically makes no sense since, in 1776, we were declaring independence from a foreign government); their intent was to STOP a lawful electoral election process and thereby REVERSE the election in favor of THEIR candidate, thereby invalidating the already-certified elections in many states and the votes of millions of Americans. INTENT matters.

Just like when these cretins compare January 6 to “all those BLM and Antifa riots during the summer of 2020.” First, none of those riots and arson were legal, either. And investigations took place and are still taking place holding those responsible accountable. But the INTENT behind it was related to police brutality, racism, etc. Notice we managed to get through LAST summer without a POTUS sparking riots all over the place?

04-19-2023, 07:42 AM
Fox News settles with Dominion at the last second, pays more than $787 million to avert defamation trial over its 2020 election lies (https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/media/fox-dominion-settlement/index.html)

04-19-2023, 07:58 AM
Fox News settles with Dominion at the last second, pays more than $787 million to avert defamation trial over its 2020 election lies (https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/media/fox-dominion-settlement/index.html)


04-19-2023, 10:21 AM

I can see why they settled.

04-19-2023, 10:40 AM
They’ll never have to admit they lied and can rinse and repeat as needed to keep their uneducated and ignorant audience right where they want them.

04-19-2023, 10:53 AM
on the one hand, it's amazing this company was able to basically put Fox so far against the ropes that they ended up where they did.

On the other hand, I was much more excited for it to go to trial and for the punitive damages to start adding up. Now the other voting machine companies will do the same because now they know Fox is willing to pay out the nose.

04-19-2023, 03:54 PM
787M is pretty close to what they were trying to get, right?

04-24-2023, 11:11 AM
Fox News ousts Tucker Carlson in stunning move following $787 million settlement (https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171641969/fox-news-fires-tucker-carlson-in-stunning-move-a-week-after-787-million-settleme)

Holy shit.

04-24-2023, 11:22 AM
Fox News ousts Tucker Carlson in stunning move following $787 million settlement (https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171641969/fox-news-fires-tucker-carlson-in-stunning-move-a-week-after-787-million-settleme)

Holy shit.

Didn't see that coming. He takes his marching orders from Murdoch anyway.

04-24-2023, 11:31 AM
I wonder if it was in a sealed/private part of the settlement? That or Fox doesn't need another albatross around their neck.

I mean they're going to add another one eventually, it's what they do, but for now they look like they're "doing something" about it.

04-24-2023, 11:59 AM
Don Lemon is out from CNN as well.

04-24-2023, 12:30 PM

04-24-2023, 01:01 PM
oh that's amazing. Fuck Tucker Carlson.

04-24-2023, 02:38 PM
I'm guessing that he will go to Newsmax.

04-24-2023, 04:14 PM
Tuckers def gonna just immediately get hired at OAN or Newsmax but fuck it it’s still hilarious. Can’t help but feel like firing him was part of the Dominion Settlement. Which if that’s the case, watch out Hannity and Ingram y’all fucks is next

04-24-2023, 07:13 PM
Carlson getting fired is definitely related to the settlement. he costing them too much money. it’s not about anything else except money.

04-25-2023, 02:46 AM
Tuckers def gonna just immediately get hired at OAN or Newsmax but fuck it it’s still hilarious.

Don't forget why he got fired. He's a huge liability. Newsmax might not want to dance any closer to the fire than they already have.

04-25-2023, 04:31 AM
wouldn't be surprised if he runs for president

imagine Fox reporting on that?

sad thing is, he'd have a chance, slightly

04-25-2023, 09:09 AM
wouldn't be surprised if he runs for president

imagine Fox reporting on that?

sad thing is, he'd have a chance, slightly
wasn't that a rumor at one point, a couple of years ago? I swear that I've read those words in that order before.

04-26-2023, 06:57 PM
wasn't that a rumor at one point, a couple of years ago? I swear that I've read those words in that order before.
I heard faint things of that a few years ago too

04-26-2023, 10:31 PM

yeah, he's probably running. short-lived though it may be.

04-27-2023, 07:13 AM
he won’t run for president. he’s about to be exposed. i really hope they release these messages of his that are supposed to be so damning. my guess is he sounds like bill o’reily dropping fucks and name calling.

04-27-2023, 07:16 AM
Unsurprisingly, a dweebish mini-monologue saying a lot of words but nothing at all. Carefully non-specific about what truths, what people, what lies. And of course, no self reflection on his role in, what he calls, the ridiculousness. What a weasel.

"When honest people say what's true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful..." gee whatever could he mean? Get in the sea.

05-03-2023, 08:21 AM
‘It's not how white men fight,’ Tucker Carlson reportedly said in text that led to sacking (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/05/03/us-news-anchor-tucker-carlson-text-sacking/)

05-03-2023, 09:36 AM
‘It's not how white men fight,’ Tucker Carlson reportedly said in text that led to sacking (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/05/03/us-news-anchor-tucker-carlson-text-sacking/)

Love that he questions his feelings about what he was seeing, but doesn't seem to realize (or care) that he and the people he props up are partially responsible for it.

05-03-2023, 02:06 PM
Love that he questions his feelings about what he was seeing, but doesn't seem to realize (or care) that he and the people he props up are partially responsible for it.
I think that's the reason he was fired, he started to think about what he was doing for a second.

12-10-2023, 10:25 AM
Elon Musk just restored Alex Jones' Twitter account. Lame.

12-10-2023, 09:20 PM
Twitter has completely flushed itself down the sewer since Musk took over, happily splashing in the turds and proclaiming "this is great, everything here tastes amazing and smells wonderful". I only venture in there now if I absolutely cannot avoid doing so, and am able to prepare myself mentally for the most grotesque parade of 8chan-esque racist bile and anti-intellectual vituperation. It has, in a very real sense, moved the Overton window of the entire Internet several notches down the tubes towards "regressive hellscape".

bobbie solo
01-05-2024, 04:55 AM
Twitter's value has fallen 71% since that racist egomaniac took it over.

03-18-2024, 10:40 PM
Twitter has basically turned into Parler

I just stumbled on an ignorant tweet, and the thread was full of racist bullshit. Not even dog whistles or veiled racism; just full on white supremacy, links to rants from that Fuentes guy… I don’t remember Twitter being like this. I feel like I just walked into a Klan rally

03-19-2024, 07:15 AM
I deleted the app off my phone about 3 weeks ago and don’t really miss it. It’s become a nazi hotbed with alt reich ads.

I still keep up with FB, Instagram and BlueSky.

03-19-2024, 10:22 AM
… I don’t remember Twitter being like this. I feel like I just walked into a Klan rally

I deleted last year so can't accurately speak to what it's like now but you're right...it used to be flawed but decent and useful. Now it seems flawed, willfully hateful, and literally fascist. I enjoy bluesky as it has a lot of my favorite follows that abandoned Twitter before i did but it's also pretty slow at times and doesn't feel immediate the way Twitter did. Some might argue the immediacy was a flaw, and in certain cases I'd agree, but for a lot of things it worked...like sports or events. I digress...

03-19-2024, 12:09 PM
I'd say the immediacy of Twitter was its most useful utility back when it actually functioned. It could break news, give updates on situations... Now, my Twitter feed (sorry, it's Twitter, not X...) is almost ALL right wing stuff... and not just normal conservative people, like fuckers with names like "SteveLovesAmmo" talking about The Great Replacement or some shit. I've had to block Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz (sorry, don't care what these assholes have to say)...

Elon Musk is 100% putting his thumb on the scale

03-20-2024, 07:48 PM
I’ve been taking note of open white supremacist groups on Twitter. They’re open about it. It’s like Stormfront all over the place. Individual members will post random things about “the great replacement” or share a Fuentes video clip and get 20k likes. Some straight up nazi shit.

And what do I do with it? Elon Musk doesn’t care. He openly doesn’t care, and openly refuses to do anything about it because it’s “free speech.” Maybe I should send in a compilation of user data to Newsweek or something. There’s some crazy shit people are saying out loud. Like way beyond calling for a civil war in some vague way

I’m hesitant to provide links.

03-20-2024, 09:29 PM
It's easy for me as someone who never liked Twitter to begin with but I just don't go on there at all, and I won't click links that I see are from Twitter.

Although it's not like Facebook is that much better. Facebook is *constantly* suggesting me alt right bullshit. Sexist, transphobic, homophobic bigotry *constantly* and I've tried all of the different features to say "I don't want to see this" "I want to see less content like this." And still with the far right shit. After years of posting exclusively far left stuff on my personal page. Never serves me almost any leftwing content whatsoever. I blocked Ben Shapiro and it unblocked Ben Shapiro and served it to me again. It's gotten really crazy. And I get what it's doing is it's just trying to get me to fucking argue with people to drum up interaction. Even the ads I get for Threads are always super inflammatory posts like "Hey join threads look at all of the assholes you could fight with on there."
Facebooks also got serious moderation problems. A friend of mine had her page stolen and couldn't get it back or shut down despite months of her and her friends trying and the scams from the page being extremely obvious. A ton of the stuff I'm served are just ai images of Jesus with thousands of bots underneath just commenting "amen". Yesterday I was served some 9/11 truther crap.

I've been trying to move more towards Instagram, which, owned by the same company, I know, but my algorithm is less fucked over there or something because I've gotten it to only show me pictures of hummingbirds. Really, I miss the days when you didn't see anything from pages you didn't personally follow, what the fuck happened to that? Can we get a new Zuckerberg to make a new social media that goes back to that?

03-20-2024, 10:06 PM
It’s increased on FB lately. It’s nowhere NEAR what it’s like on Twitter, which has turned into an alt right echo chamber overflowing with racism, anti-vax hysteria, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny

On Facebook, it’s been coming in via sponsored content… like, that Ben Shapiro rap song was advertised to my feed. Twitter always sucked, but it’s becoming something really fucked up lately, and I think a lot of people aren’t noticing because people drifted off. It’s still important that it’s happening though, considering this is one of the biggest social media platforms.

And Elon Musk just tweeted something about how “intelligent people can see that the far left wants to see the end of America” or some bullshit.

I don’t think most people are noticing how bad Twitter (or X I guess) is becoming since Musk’s acquisition, but especially very recently.

I haven’t spent enough time on Instagram, but it seems harmless (especially by comparison).

03-21-2024, 08:08 AM
I've been off Facebook for at least 5 years...never missed it at all. It go to the point where I muted so much shit and so many people that deleting my account was so easy. My Twitter exit is much more recent, last year, and I miss what it used to be not what it is now, so it was easier than I expected. I don't see much hateful shit on IG...not saying it's not there because it probably is, but I'm not seeing it.

03-25-2024, 02:45 PM
X loses court lawsuit against hate speech watchdog group (https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-x-corp-loses-lawsuit-against-hate-speech-watchdog-2024-03-25)

At least somebody is doing something about it

05-11-2024, 12:51 AM
Can we all agree that Jesse Watters is about the dumbest person on TV, ever.

05-13-2024, 01:49 AM
I can’t believe anyone advertises on Twitter, it’s like
nazi post
nazi post
Sponsered post : please buy my stuff
nazi post
nazi post

06-08-2024, 06:25 AM
Dumb fucking thumb Alex Jones is finally going to pay. Bye bye Info Wars? Let’s hope so!


06-08-2024, 01:17 PM
Dumb fucking thumb Alex Jones is finally going to pay. Bye bye Info Wars? Let’s hope so!


NBC is currently running a bit that’s like a mocking eulogy for Alex Jones. It’s been hilarious. They start with this recent clip of him crying and drooling all over himself, and then they showed him mocking Sandy Hook victims. I need to rewind this and watch it again. Absolutely satisfying

06-08-2024, 01:42 PM
the canonizing of steve bannon on twitter is wild. white conservative women sharing photos of him holding their baby. politicians claiming he’s a patriot. it’s so weird to me because bannon has never held elected office. who has he served besides trump?

06-08-2024, 06:15 PM
who has he served besides trump?


So my dad passed away a few days ago. I was going through his YouTube account, and JEEEEEZUS. The shit he was watching was unbelievable. The amount of blatantly false videos designed to rile people up was astounding. It's truly frightening to think that people watch some of this garbage and think they're actually informed about the world.

06-09-2024, 05:54 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

06-09-2024, 09:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Thanks. I'll miss him, but I won't miss hearing about that bullshit from him. I will never forgive those people for helping to rot his brain.

06-10-2024, 11:09 AM
Sorry for your loss BRoswell