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05-14-2018, 06:54 PM
I actually think he's doing a pretty good job.The problem is he alienated everyone trying to get the job to the point that they see everything as black and white. Plus he stole it from the one the corporations wanted in there, never a good idea if you don't want to end up like Seth Rich. The thing that always intrigued me about him was that he was not owned by anyone. It's just too bad he lets every criticism get to him and reacts in a very immature way.I can't imagine being 70 and being that insecure. At this point though it doesn't matter who has that job, that job died on nov 22 1963.If he gets the Job done in Korea he kind of deserves the Nobel

Oh my god... Seth Rich? Really? And he's not owned by anyone? How do you know? Have you seen his tax returns?

05-14-2018, 07:07 PM
crafty? donald fucking trump DESERVES a nobel PEACE prize?

jesus. gurl, bye. you said you'd see your way out, so ...

EDIT: from my pm's, Bad Witch has something to say --

"does the baby need a diaper change? poor wittle baby need his ba ba ? Suxk it liberal"

i guess i need a diaper change. and to figure out how to "suxk" something. thanks for your insight!

05-14-2018, 07:23 PM
Easy cowboy.

Easy cowboy? Look, I'm disagreeing with your estimation that he's not owned by anybody, when this is the least forthcoming and dishonest administration I've certainly seen in my lifetime. I also think the Seth Rich conspiracy theory is horseshit, and the proliferation of it has caused a lot of suffering to his surviving family, so I think lazily dropping it is a shitty thing to do, but I didn't even call you an asshole for it.

Don't even get me started on this Nobel prize shit. How has he facilitated jack shit with resolving the Korean conflict? By calling Kim Jong Un rocket man?

05-14-2018, 07:34 PM
Yeah, let's recap this real quick:

Also Republicans: Trump threatened to nuke North Korea back to the stone ages! Un is willing to talk (because his test site collapsed and a TV star will agree to meet with him). Give Don the Nobel Peace Prize!!

*slow clap*

05-14-2018, 09:46 PM
Bernie had another town meeting on Iran really good would have made an excellent president sounds himself with experts listens not about him leaned a lot made a good case why we should have stayed in the deal

05-15-2018, 09:45 AM

He actually said that it's fake because it's negative. What an idiot.

05-15-2018, 10:20 AM
i dealt with my share of trump supporters i find it's kind of a fruitless in endevour,much like trying to discuss religion with a so called devout bible thump-er you can point out out countless contradictions and logic flaws to no avail you just have to move on and think if it makes you happy. I try and it's a big try to objective UN-judgemental as possible, but i find if i am honest with-myself i usually fail, look when i reflect i will engage and give more credit, to say an attractive e lady then say someone then a less attractive over weight person less attractive woman if I am honest yes i do is it right no! look i just watched the Israeli ambassador in front of the UN to justify their actions yesterday saying they were defending their boarders, from people with rocks and burning tires with snipers an tear gas using catch terms like Hamas terrorists and Iran, look to i believe in Israels right to exist i do i agree with the far right government no or their treatment of the Palestinians as a people no i also don't believe in the amount of political or military money we pour into the country no, does that make me anti Semite i don't think so and i am more than willing to have a fact based discussion about it. look i guess that brings me full circle to how can you give someone to engages in policies that directly provoke one side or the other, in a perfect world every time that guy uttered the phrase "it's a horrible deal asked excuse me sir what is horrible or repel and replace, excuse me sir what exactly are you going to replace it with? look I've jumped on the highway to the ramble zone look there's my exit i got a ton of shit to do street. so try to make well thought out decisions and as the great HST said try not to take any guff from the swine. have a great day

05-15-2018, 11:39 AM
The truth is about to catch up to Trump. He has Giuliani to thank for it. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/05/15/the-truth-is-about-to-catch-up-to-trump-he-has-giuliani-to-thank-for-it/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.76f6a925fb76)

Very interesting read. Poor Rudy.

05-15-2018, 12:52 PM
God, I wish ETS was restricted to people over the age of 12.

Im guessing you haven't met 14-16 year old me then? I was just as bad back then, it even showed up here sometimes when i first joined here long ago. It's quite amazing how much ive changed but im getting off topic

05-15-2018, 03:04 PM
Poor Rudy. my ass the guy is a buffoon, completely blowing an interview on a trump friendly network square head sponge pants no less who supposedly talks directly to trump on a daily basis, so bad that your own law firm disowns you. he also totally exploited the greatest tragedy in American history for your own gain. look i kind of get of our collect false hero worship for doing your job. look i take Bart to work everyday god forbid if the big one hit and i was under the bay(does that make me a hero?) nope. it makes me one of thousands who takes a train to work. the other thing is more personal giving himself the tag "cyber security expert, how, why? do you know what SQL injection is? do you know what method swizzling is? ever given a talk at black hat def con B-sides anywhere? never seen you name attached to any of the dozen paper i read, so how is it you're an expert? without disclosing too much personal info, own business card reads name mobile security analyst, I don't use the word cyber, security and certainly not expert, by choice, if i have to set through one more meeting were some ass states"block chain security
" somethings going to get broken! now if have to get back to leveraging my core competencies across the enterprise. but something real event first can some one explain how this is making America great again? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-china-zte_us_5af9f701e4b0200bcab7fa66


05-15-2018, 05:27 PM
And now my father's friend who had been supporting our dictator now realizes the man is a fucking idiot.

05-16-2018, 10:00 AM
Okay, reading reports that a 22 year old man was mocked for wearing a MAGA hat at a Cheesecake Factory. By the staff no less - not another customer.

1) Not cool.

But...the guy went on to say that he was wearing it because he thought that Trump was "a really good president". So...

2) You clearly think that mocking people is a great leadership quality, so you'd better be able to handle being on the other end of it. By your own logic, you should be praising the staff for having the stones to make fun of those who are different from them, just like your hero president does all the time. But just to reiterate:

3) Still not cool.

05-17-2018, 04:35 AM
"These aren't people. These are animals."

05-17-2018, 04:42 AM
I am afraid Mueller can't and won't do shit. You have to get rid of these f***s yourselves.

(i want to add that this assumption is not based on Giuliani's latest statements! just a gut feeling i've had from the beginning of the Russia probe)

05-17-2018, 07:02 AM
I am afraid Mueller can't and won't do shit. You have to get rid of these f***s yourselves.

(i want to add that this assumption is not based on Giuliani's latest statements! just a gut feeling i've had from the beginning of the Russia probe)

My fingers are still crossed for an indictment the day Trump is no longer president. Assuming that there is, in fact, evidence of criminal wrongdoing, I want to see private citizen Trump dragged into court.

05-17-2018, 12:18 PM
The stupidest thing Donald Trump ever did was run for president, and he's done some spectacularly stupid things.

Maybe Giuliani is "right" about how Trump's going to reign untouchable for another two years. Maybe. However, if our system doesn't throw this motherfucker in jail at some point, what kind of message does that send out to the rest of the con men in this world? Trump regrets putting himself into this realm of scrutiny, but he doesn't know how much worse it's going to get.

You think THIS is the greatest witch hunt of all time? Buckle up buckaroo

05-17-2018, 02:31 PM
GODDAMN it people are so easily led by the nose... Oh, so Trump promises to donate his first quarterly 2018 salary to the VA. Great, so that comes out to be, what, two porn star hush-money payments? Are we really talking about reforming spending to benefit veterans? Throwing them a dime doesn't mean shit except a symbolic empty gesture. It's a shell-game, "look-at-me-being-generous cuz I love this country so much" moment, and anyone who doesn't see through it was already stupid enough to vote for this motherfucker.

I thought he was already promising to not accept his salary to begin with.

05-17-2018, 02:46 PM
GODDAMN it people are so easily led by the nose... Oh, so Trump promises to donate his first quarterly 2018 salary to the VA. Great, so that comes out to be, what, two porn star hush-money payments? Are we really talking about reforming spending to benefit veterans? Throwing them a dime doesn't mean shit except a symbolic empty gesture. It's a shell-game, "look-at-me-being-generous cuz I love this country so much" moment, and anyone who doesn't see through it was already stupid enough to vote for this motherfucker.

I thought he was already promising to not accept his salary to begin with.

What are you ranting about?

The fiscal year 2019 budget seeks $198.6 billion for the VA - that's a TWELVE BILLION DOLLAR INCREASE over the previous year. https://www.va.gov/budget/products.asp

Are you really suggesting that donating even MORE to that doesn't mean shit and is an empty gesture? Jesus, I'm as anti-Trump as they come, but this comment is absurd.

Ridiculous was when he promised to donate to the Parks Department after slashing their budget into tatters. THAT'S a shit move.

But what you're saying is that you think it's terrible that the man who has already requested a $12,000,000,000 increase for the VA's budget is being an asshole by giving them another $100,000 on top of that? That's BAD?

It's hard to take someone's criticism of a person seriously if they even make fun of the rare good move.

Someone correct me if I've since missed something where he said "nah JK slash the VA budget".

05-17-2018, 03:09 PM
Meanwhile, we have educated upper class racist ASSHOLES like Aaron Schlossberg making this country a shithole



05-17-2018, 03:11 PM
As someone with close ties to the VA: They've been cutting money for a while now, it's just been kind of invisible - hiring freeze.

Paul Ryan warns that if Dems win, they’ll hold Trump accountable (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/paul-ryan-warns-if-dems-win-theyll-hold-trump-accountable)

All the while implying that they aren't holding him accountable. Good job, Paul.

05-17-2018, 03:25 PM
What are you ranting about?

The fiscal year 2019 budget seeks $198.6 billion for the VA - that's a TWELVE BILLION DOLLAR INCREASE over the previous year. https://www.va.gov/budget/products.asp

Are you really suggesting that donating even MORE to that doesn't mean shit and is an empty gesture? Jesus, I'm as anti-Trump as they come, but this comment is absurd.

Ridiculous was when he promised to donate to the Parks Department after slashing their budget into tatters. THAT'S a shit move.

But what you're saying is that you think it's terrible that the man who has already requested a $12,000,000,000 increase for the VA's budget is being an asshole by giving them another $100,000 on top of that? That's BAD?

It's hard to take someone's criticism of a person seriously if they even make fun of the rare good move.

Someone correct me if I've since missed something where he said "nah JK slash the VA budget".

Donating money to the VA is an objectively good thing, except when it's offered as a shrewd effort to ignite the base by offering an (unverified) pittance to the organization as a personal sacrifice. he's been caught promising to donate to veterans before and not following through. Here, he's throwing a dime. This isn't something he's doing out of the kindness of his own heart, it's got a pretty clear diversionary intent.

It's BAD because he's not really doing something charitable, he's buying good press w/ the Limbaugh crowd, and if we're getting to a point where we can't even call that out for what it is, how fucked are we? You really want to benefit veterans? Allocate spending of a magnitude that matters. He's using people and what they care about here to boost his approval ratings, and that's all this shit is about.

05-17-2018, 03:40 PM
Meanwhile, we have educated upper class racist ASSHOLES like Aaron Schlossberg making this country a shithole




Sometimes, when I see shit like this, I have this weird feeling that it's all an act. Because how could anyone actually care that much? That's not a natural way to act. It's just an ideological performance. This guy isn't angry about anything that's real. Nobody hurt him, nothing bad has actually happened. It's all inside his head. The guy could have just as easily felt nothing in response to seeing two people speaking Spanish and gone about his day like a normal human being. He's no different from a random maniac screaming at hallucinations.

05-17-2018, 03:47 PM
Donating money to the VA is an objectively good thing, except when it's offered as a shrewd effort to ignite the base by offering an (unverified) pittance to the organization as a personal sacrifice. he's been caught promising to donate to veterans before and not following through. Here, he's throwing a dime. This isn't something he's doing out of the kindness of his own heart, it's got a pretty clear diversionary intent.

It's BAD because he's not really doing something charitable, he's buying good press w/ the Limbaugh crowd, and if we're getting to a point where we can't even call that out for what it is, how fucked are we? You really want to benefit veterans? Allocate spending of a magnitude that matters. He's using people and what they care about here to boost his approval ratings, and that's all this shit is about.

"Allocate spending of a magnitude that matters" Did you even read my response? TWELVE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS in increased funding to the VA in his proposed budget.

And let me ask this: what CAN he do that you would consider "charitable" now? Anything? Is there literally one single thing he could do that would make you think "okay, that's charitable" instead of "he's got an angle"?

05-17-2018, 03:58 PM
"Allocate spending of a magnitude that matters" Did you even read my response? TWELVE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS in increased funding to the VA in his proposed budget.

And let me ask this: what CAN he do that you would consider "charitable" now? Anything? Is there literally one single thing he could do that would make you think "okay, that's charitable" instead of "he's got an angle"?

That's exactly my point! The allocation of REAL spending is a thing (and yeah, it's a placating gesture I'd assume, but I have no problem with it), the problem is the "oh yeah, and here's a dime out of MY pocket you poor bastards. Remember to vote."

And guess which gesture is getting seized on by Diamonds and Silk and Limbaugh and everyone else looking for a way to tie Trump to a charitable charade?

What could he do that I could give him praise for? I don't know, how about for starters he could propose a budget that actually considers the needs and concerns of people who he doesn't think will ever vote for him... just because it's the right thing to do? This is transparently phishing for a win.

05-17-2018, 04:07 PM
Meanwhile, we have educated upper class racist ASSHOLES like Aaron Schlossberg making this country a shithole



Tough Guy wasn’t such a badass today but he did lie to police:


05-17-2018, 04:29 PM
Yeah, I agree with Jinsai on this. The VA thing reminds me of the stunt he pulled where he said he was only taking a salary of one dollar a year, and the right wing internet happily ate it up. It's just more of his "populist" gimmicks. He loves shit like that. He loves the image of himself throwing wads of cash at his adoring crowds.

05-17-2018, 04:56 PM
torturer and war criminal hasple confirmed sad

05-17-2018, 10:50 PM
"Allocate spending of a magnitude that matters" Did you even read my response? TWELVE BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS in increased funding to the VA in his proposed budget.

And let me ask this: what CAN he do that you would consider "charitable" now? Anything? Is there literally one single thing he could do that would make you think "okay, that's charitable" instead of "he's got an angle"?
PROPOSED being the operative term, since only Congress creates budgets and passes spending, and they’ve already done that and now Trump is trying to revise it because he signed it before reading it to avoid a shut-down but oh well. No wall for you.

05-18-2018, 08:17 AM
i have to laugh at this talk of the deep state so when was it formed, did it exist under bush Obama? anyone? oh that's right just you? could maybe just maybe. you're a proven liar and scammer?

05-18-2018, 08:00 PM
Please allow me a very immature post. I need it after today.

Trump Likes Cox (http://vhttp://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/388414-trump-backs-leading-republican-in-calif-gubernatorial-race-john-cox-is-the)

05-20-2018, 01:28 PM
so now, via official Twitter decree, our president is "demanding" that we investigate whether or not the DOJ/FBI "infiltrated or surveilled" on his campaign. I guess he got the hint that saying "spied on" was getting him laughed at.

05-20-2018, 01:40 PM
Cool. They didn't. They engaged in traditional tactics in which a bonafide human being asked questions and got answers directly from the subjects in what most people would call a "conversation ".

05-20-2018, 01:43 PM

05-20-2018, 01:54 PM
i have to laugh at this talk of the deep state so when was it formed, did it exist under bush Obama? anyone? oh that's right just you? could maybe just maybe. you're a proven liar and scammer?

The idea of the Deep State has been around since at least the Kennedy administration, it's not a new concept. People did talk about it a lot during both Bush and Obama to try and explain various things (like 9/11 being an inside job, etc.). Even the attempted Reagan assassination was supposedly the Deep State.

05-20-2018, 04:06 PM
i think you're missing the point, what I'm saying is the FBI did everything it could to keep Trumps name out of the fact that he was under active investigation, they even said as much, while Hilary did not get the same treatment same on witch hunt we had nine congressional hearings on Benghazi, is there corruption in government yes do i believe at that level most people are pretty non partisan and just trying to do their job. I've dealt with the fed's thought even of trying to join them. my short involvement which i can say now was in help unlocking the iPhone back in the San Bernardo case and i had to turn over my lap top for two weeks to see which sights i visited and who i chatted with i was also interviewed quite extensively some of the questions were about my political leanings i was told that they did not want to be compromised.

05-20-2018, 04:10 PM
I wasn't really setting up a counterargument, just mentioning that the Deep State idea goes back aways and it's a typical political scapegoat for rogue politicians and conspiracy theorists alike.

05-20-2018, 04:20 PM
Now Giuliani is saying that Mueller will be concluding the investigation by September 1st so it doesn't influence mid terms.. uh, is that how it works?!?! Also why is he speaking publicly for Mueller?

05-20-2018, 09:37 PM
he's doing what bully's do. saying "who's gonna make me?" there is no bottom to his corruption, people should have seen this coming when he wouldn't release his returns now both Giuliani and square head our parroting he is above the law, he violated the constitution with the htz deal he's basically getting a billion dollars from the Chinese government, to build a trump branded resort in Jakarta, so shady i don't think he casts a shadow. like all bully's he just needs a single person to stand up and call him out on his bullshit.

05-20-2018, 09:58 PM
Now Giuliani is saying that Mueller will be concluding the investigation by September 1st so it doesn't influence mid terms.. uh, is that how it works?!?! Also why is he speaking publicly for Mueller?

I lol'd so hard when that broke earlier. Guiliani saying this is is like if fuckin' Fred Durst coming out and said "Nine Inch Nails are going to surprise drop two new albums the same day as Bad Witch" or some shit like that. Not an ounce of truth to it, they have no basis whatsoever for the claim, and are purely talking about of their ass for attention.

05-21-2018, 08:03 AM
Now Giuliani is saying that Mueller will be concluding the investigation by September 1st so it doesn't influence mid terms.. uh, is that how it works?!?! Also why is he speaking publicly for Mueller?

There has already been talk for weeks about the very real posibility of having to put the investigation on hold around the time of the election in order to guard against any appearance of political bias (you know, just how Comey stopped talking about Hilary before the elect....oh, wait).

So despite Giuliani making it sound like A) he has any legal authority over the investigation and B) that it will END in September, there is a very real possibility that it will go dark around that time.

05-21-2018, 09:10 AM
what i find funny/sad is that we let so called "news" organizations drive the narrative in this country "thinking" they're non-biased,look I watch meet the press sometimes face the nation, but they have writers and advertisers, look if there was npr version of this i would watch sorry frustrated people buy into news as entertainment

05-21-2018, 12:19 PM
There has already been talk for weeks about the very real posibility of having to put the investigation on hold around the time of the election in order to guard against any appearance of political bias (you know, just how Comey stopped talking about Hilary before the elect....oh, wait).

So despite Giuliani making it sound like A) he has any legal authority over the investigation and B) that it will END in September, there is a very real possibility that it will go dark around that time.

I guess we could see a halt in indictments etc, but outside of actions like raiding Cohen's office, the only light that's getting shed on the working status of the investigation here is coming from Giuliani, and I don't get how he's allowed to disclose it.

05-21-2018, 12:28 PM
I guess we could see a halt in indictments etc, but outside of actions like raiding Cohen's office, the only light that's getting shed on the working status of the investigation here is coming from Giuliani, and I don't get how he's allowed to disclose it.

He works for Trump. He's allowed to do whatever he wants. Because executive privilege.


05-21-2018, 02:57 PM
Cohen's raid was legit again the amount of money flowing into his account from all kinds of places again bank are required to file suspicious activity reports for deposits over 50,000 again being precedent doesn't mean you don't have to obey the law!

05-23-2018, 04:29 PM
After a day-long interview with Mueller, Kushner is getting his security clearance back. (https://www.npr.org/2018/05/23/613780930/trump-son-in-law-kushner-to-regain-top-clearance-following-mueller-interview?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20180523)

Color me surprised. I guess I should be thankful that this presumably means he may not actually have any relevant criminal activity to hide.

Also: Federal judge rules that Trump blocking twitter users is unconstitutional. (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/23/trump-cant-block-twitter-followers-federal-judge-says.html)
allegro quite curious to hear your two cents on the latter

05-23-2018, 05:05 PM
I feel like the way they explained the ruling, by saying Twitter is a public forum, basically opens a door where no one is able to block anyone at all. I have to wonder who the first person to push for that is going to be.

05-23-2018, 08:44 PM
as much as I like any smackdown of his childish Twitter antics, my gut tells me that blocking people on Twitter doesn't constitute censorship or violation of first amendment rights, even if you're president. MAYBE on the POTUS account, but he really doesn't even use that except to basically occasionally retweet his personal account.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Hey, if it pisses him off, I'm on board.

05-23-2018, 08:54 PM
as much as I like any smackdown of his childish Twitter antics, my gut tells me that blocking people on Twitter doesn't constitute censorship or violation of first amendment rights, even if you're president. MAYBE on the POTUS account, but he really doesn't even use that except to basically occasionally retweet his personal account.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Hey, if it pisses him off, I'm on board.

I can't find the same article now, but I think part of the 75-page opinion said that there was sufficient evidence that for all legal practicalities, his twitter handle IS the office's official account, as he frequently uses it to post otherwise unannounced information from the Oval Office.

sick among the pure
05-24-2018, 01:12 AM
I can't find the same article now, but I think part of the 75-page opinion said that there was sufficient evidence that for all legal practicalities, his twitter handle IS the office's official account, as he frequently uses it to post otherwise unannounced information from the Oval Office.

That part (his personally one being THE (unofficial) official word of the PRESIDENT OF THE US is what actually concerned me the most when the WH played off the weird misspellings as "sometimes staff write those". If there is a platform where the words typed are expressed as the thoughts/words of the president, there shouldn't be staff members writing any of them. Look over before hitting "tweet"? Sure thing. Writing them as if they were the words coming out of the president's mouth? No.

05-24-2018, 01:36 AM
After a day-long interview with Mueller, Kushner is getting his security clearance back. (https://www.npr.org/2018/05/23/613780930/trump-son-in-law-kushner-to-regain-top-clearance-following-mueller-interview?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20180523)

Color me surprised. I guess I should be thankful that this presumably means he may not actually have any relevant criminal activity to hide.

Hmm, could he have given Mueller something that was worthy of a deal to escape the heat? I just don't buy that devious looking shit is innocent in all of this but perhaps it's an issue of relevance or lack thereof with the investigation.

How do these interviews go exactly anyways in regards to the kind of information that could be divulged and what about using lie detectors? I'm guessing he would have had a lawyer present and It's not like an interrogation or anything right? I know that the questions have to be pre-approved as well.

05-24-2018, 02:15 AM
Hmm, could he have given Mueller something that was worthy of a deal to escape the heat? I just don't buy that devious looking shit is innocent in all of this but perhaps it's an issue of relevance or lack thereof with the investigation.

I don't think those two things are related at all. You can buy your way out of prison time. You can't (in theory) buy your way in to Top Secret security clearance. I'm inclined to believe that if Mueller had heard anything that made it sound like Kushner was involved in something serious, there's no way he'd have that clearance restored. Yes, I could be wrong. But I like to hope that in this instance, I'm not. To me, this honestly makes me think that maybe he's cleaner than we'd previously been inclined to believe. Still kind of a despicable weasel, sure, but not a criminal.

05-24-2018, 08:56 AM
Orange Diaper Baby canceled the summit, won’t get a Nobel Peace Prize and issued a “my dick is bigger” threat. MRGA!

05-24-2018, 05:14 PM
I finally re-installed this (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh?hl=en) Chrome extension on my new(ish) laptop today. I forgot how much easier it makes reading the news.

My personal choice was to replace "trump" with "Tiny Hands". Not outrageously derogatory or inherently offensive, but it just makes me chuckle when I see a Fox News headline that says Tiny Hands attacks so-and-so. For example, this is what Google News looks like on my computer right now.


It's the little things that get me through the day.

05-24-2018, 08:24 PM
I finally re-installed this (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh?hl=en) Chrome extension on my new(ish) laptop today. I forgot how much easier it makes reading the news.

My personal choice was to replace "trump" with "Tiny Hands". Not outrageously derogatory or inherently offensive, but it just makes me chuckle when I see a Fox News headline that says Tiny Hands attacks so-and-so. For example, this is what Google News looks like on my computer right now.


It's the little things that get me through the day.

I'll use my tiny hands card

05-26-2018, 06:00 PM
When buzzfeed - a website that asks you to rate Oreo flavors in order to guess your mental age - is a more credible and trustworthy source of White House affairs that the President himself...

I just don't have any words anymore. This isn't normal. This isn't right. The President's tweet has tens of thousands of likes and shares (probably more by now).

Look...all presidents have lied. It's politics. But this man literally has the country forming a new era of "listen to me, not the people who have been telling you the truth for 100 years". He's a cult leader. I'm scared for the future of this country. I want out, badly. I desperately hope that A) he's gone in 2020 and B) things go back to some form of rational thought very shortly thereafter. This feels like something out of a young adult dystopian future novel. This isn't your normal "I said I'll cut taxes but oops I didn't" type of lying. This is so much more dangerous. This is plunging us into some ridiculous third world anarchy territory, and I'm frightened that we won't right the ship before it tips over entirely.


05-26-2018, 07:00 PM
the scary the for me is the precedents he sets the corruption is so blatant and in your face that it's not even covered anymore such as DOD frank was repealed or that the Koch brothers literally bought an office in the FCC the internet as we know it is dying the media from the right overwhelms any voice on the left and the democrats at are just a bunch of toothless yes men with a d attached to their name, there is so much over evaluations in the market right now and the feds can't touch the interest rates so it's coming and it's going to be epic. now i need to get back to rosining but my bow so I'll have some play while Rome goes up in flames

05-27-2018, 03:58 AM
Great post, @theimage13 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=809) .
Which tweet are you referencing though?

Edit: the linked one I guess. Nevermind.
I'm a Stable Genius.

Hey, peep this
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Dr. Joseph Gobbels, Minister of Propaganda, Nazi Germany

I'm beginning to believe that trump is NOT stupid and knows EXACTLY what the fuck he is doing, and it ain't good. He's realized that the truth really doesn't matter: feelings and allegiances do.

05-27-2018, 12:05 PM
Trump's tweeting, and WHAT....

"Who's going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington DC, with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation. They went home in tatters!"

Yeah... wide-eyed, innocent, rosy-cheeked Michael Flynn... all he wanted to do was help his nation that he loves so!


05-27-2018, 12:53 PM
Jinsai your head didn't blow up, scanners style, did it?

05-27-2018, 04:45 PM
@Jinsai (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=272) your head didn't blow up, scanners style, did it? I... I don't know anymore.

05-31-2018, 10:53 AM
Trump wants to ban German cars. (https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/trump-german-car-ban-report/)

05-31-2018, 01:39 PM
wait... so Samantha Bee is actually apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt?"

Is it because most of the outraged people don't know what feckless means? I am fucking sick of the left in general for being too "whoops sorry!!!" when it comes to being offensive... and not just because of the hypocrisy on the side holding that accountable.

05-31-2018, 01:50 PM
Trump wants to pardon Martha Stewart. "I think to a certain extent Martha Stewart was harshly and unfairly treated. And she used to be my biggest fan in the world … before I became a politician."


05-31-2018, 01:56 PM
Trump wants to pardon Martha Stewart. "I think to a certain extent Martha Stewart was harshly and unfairly treated. And she used to be my biggest fan in the world … before I became a politician."


Please tell me this is a joke

05-31-2018, 02:26 PM
Please tell me this is a joke


05-31-2018, 05:20 PM

Wait, what? These news cycles are getting really hard to follow. First the Pusha T thing (which I still don't fully understand) and now this.

05-31-2018, 05:29 PM

Wait, what? These news cycles are getting really hard to follow. First the Pusha T thing (which I still don't fully understand) and now this.

I'm not saying I agree with their implication - I'm also not saying I don't - I'm just simply sharing one person's analysis of this "story".


Harry Seaward
05-31-2018, 07:31 PM
Lost a decent amount of respect for Samantha Bee as a comedian for that tepid copypasta PR apology to Ivanka for calling her a 'feckless cunt.'

05-31-2018, 08:54 PM
the right makes me chuckle with it's double standards they want Samantha "bee's head but the president can say grab the buy the pussy nugget, Roseanne and countless others can call hillary a cunt, no big deal tariffs go into effect Monday market is going plummet, adding to this his idiotic move against German auto makers and we could have a super disator i suggest you move your assets to crypt o currencies or your mattress

sick among the pure
05-31-2018, 11:31 PM
I'd love to see some actual stats on how many times Hillary (JUST Hillary, god knows they say that about a lot of Dem/Liberal/Progressive/Hollywood/not them women) was called a "cunt" or any variation thereof by the people complaining about Sam Bee.

Yeah, she shouldn't have said that. She shouldn't have given them fuel. I realize it was likely to point out a hypocrisy that they will never admit to. I know a lot of people are sick of the left being quick to apologize and play nice and all that, but this just wasn't a good move.
No, vulgar language is not even close to the same level as racism. And the idea that "it's a slur against women, it's sexist, sexism is as bad as..." is just reaching, Sam Bee is a very outspoken feminist woman. She isn't sexist against women. It doesn't work that way.

06-01-2018, 03:27 PM

Gee, I wonder why that's increased lately.

06-01-2018, 05:00 PM
Lost a decent amount of respect for Samantha Bee as a comedian for that tepid copypasta PR apology to Ivanka for calling her a 'feckless cunt.'

I had...and then Trump called for her firing, and I remembered how much worse he's said (and done). And you know what? I don't feel so bad about it anymore. We shouldn't make it a habit to fight fire with fire, but I think once in a great while, we can call a spade a spade (and given that tweet that Invanka put out that inspired Bee's commentary, I don't think it was an entirely undeserved criticism).

06-01-2018, 05:16 PM
Lost a decent amount of respect for Samantha Bee as a comedian for that tepid copypasta PR apology to Ivanka for calling her a 'feckless cunt.'
Something meta about Harry Seaward being upset about the word cunt. ;)



Harry Seaward
06-01-2018, 05:28 PM
Something meta about Harry Seaward being upset about the word cunt. ;)

No I'm upset that it was used in such a spooked, flinchey manner. If you're going to do that shit, own it.

This is one of the more transparent "Shit, I'm not sorry but I have to pretend to be" apologies yet.

06-01-2018, 08:04 PM
Do we all realize the White House just now called for a privately-owned corporation to fire a media personality they employ that criticizes their political leaders, and quite possibly in retaliation for another network cancelling someone they liked? THAT IS TANTAMOUNT TO STATE CENSORSHIP. The actual ACTUAL censorship, not fake "I'm being CENSORED by the biased press!" censorship. Are we REALLY that disappointed with her for apologizing?

Also... what the FUCK just happened in that video up there?!? What questions did he field in those eight minutes between the two clips?

I feel like this is the beginning of the end.

06-01-2018, 08:26 PM
I'm not surprised or confused by why Bee apologized, it just felt empty and disingenuous... like a form of kowtowing, and we all know the hand wringing and apologizing isn't sincere, and it shouldn't be. She's doing it because her bosses told her to. I wish she'd stuck to it, but it probably would have come at the expense of her job.

06-01-2018, 10:36 PM
I wouldn't have apologized. I would've said "I meant every fucking word I said". It seems like no one has balls to just tell it like it is. Right now, we're starting to live in a world that's becoming a Fascist state with our dictator pardoning this person and that person as a distraction and talk about fake news and all of that bullshit.

06-01-2018, 11:22 PM
I don't know what I would have done @thevoid99 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=254). Let's be real here. The top brass almost certainly made a phone call, and said that if she doesn't apologize full stop, her show is cancelled.

Maybe she felt that having that show and the soap box it provides was worth more than doubling down on the use of the word "cunt." There's some things that are worth going down in flames over... I don't think standing behind the use of a word that has a pretty harmful historical implementation would have done her any favors in that position. She would have been known as the comedian who got fired for using that word, and meanwhile the Trump camp would have a bbq to celebrate shutting her up.

It's a shit situation either way, but I'd rather her still have her mouthpiece. It's like when Bill Maher got roasted for saying "work in the fields? Oh no sir, I'm a house n*****." The reference was to a line from Gone With the Wind, but the outrage blew that explanation out of the water. It's a word so loaded I don't even feel comfortable typing it out. He didn't even bother trying to explain the reference. He just apologized, and invited guests to shame him for his ignorance.

We all moved on. Nobody really remembers that episode where Maher sheepishly asked to be dragged over the coals. This instance seems to be getting more mainstream traction, but it's the timing w/ the Roseanne thing. I'd rather not see Samantha Bee hitch herself to that dumpster fire.

Edit: On a side note, Sally Field's response to the whole controversy was pretty damn perfect. https://twitter.com/sally_field?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp %7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

06-02-2018, 12:28 AM
God bless Sally Field. An American treasure.

06-02-2018, 06:23 AM
I don't know what I would have done @thevoid99 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=254). Let's be real here. The top brass almost certainly made a phone call, and said that if she doesn't apologize full stop, her show is cancelled.

Maybe she felt that having that show and the soap box it provides was worth more than doubling down on the use of the word "cunt." There's some things that are worth going down in flames over... I don't think standing behind the use of a word that has a pretty harmful historical implementation would have done her any favors in that position. She would have been known as the comedian who got fired for using that word, and meanwhile the Trump camp would have a bbq to celebrate shutting her up.

It's a shit situation either way, but I'd rather her still have her mouthpiece. It's like when Bill Maher got roasted for saying "work in the fields? Oh no sir, I'm a house n*****." The reference was to a line from Gone With the Wind, but the outrage blew that explanation out of the water. It's a word so loaded I don't even feel comfortable typing it out. He didn't even bother trying to explain the reference. He just apologized, and invited guests to shame him for his ignorance.

We all moved on. Nobody really remembers that episode where Maher sheepishly asked to be dragged over the coals. This instance seems to be getting more mainstream traction, but it's the timing w/ the Roseanne thing. I'd rather not see Samantha Bee hitch herself to that dumpster fire.

Edit: On a side note, Sally Field's response to the whole controversy was pretty damn perfect. https://twitter.com/sally_field?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp %7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

I remember the episode. Ice cube told him just because you dated a black woman doesn’t mean you get to be comfortable throwing that word around. I feel like bill could’ve been more apologetic but he did take it on that episode.

Name calling is always the worst way to make your point. Samantha bee has been a name caller from the start. It didn’t even phase me that she said that on this week’s episode. I think she’s funny and dead on right most of the time but name calling and jokes about people’s physical appearance are low brow imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-02-2018, 12:29 PM
again the rights full on hipocracy always makes me smile (i guess is the word) smirk i guess is better, look SB dropped the "C" bomb, i get that offends people. look ABC/Disney is a huge corp that just made a huge amount of money catering to a black audience with black panther I think the shocking is the speed they moved, i think the crazy age we live in most people should handover their phone to their PR rep. look I don't think Rosanne is all there as a friend once said," not only is she a couple shy of a six pack, she is missing the little plastic thingy that holds it all together". I'm look I'm tired of excuses for bad behavior starting with trump, she made her apologizes lets move on. lets instead focus on why and what she said like invanaka's dad policies ripping families apart because someone was born at an arbitrary place on the globe. that somehow doesn't gel with your insides snowflake, some days I'm glad I don't have a voice. Because i would have given no apology.

06-02-2018, 01:26 PM
This is pathetic

It's sad to see that if some of you were in the same position, you wouldn't of apologize.

Because this is fucking immature, disrespectful and downright stupid for her to call someone, i don't fucking care who it was, something like this.

I don't care about if there was double standards or not, i don't care what political party she was, she could of been the new fucking hip party down at the supermarket for all I care and i don't care about the fact that she said it to the first lady in the sense that she deserved it

You people are better than this, you can poke fun or whatever...but theres a fucking limit and calling anyone a cunt is well over the fucking limit.

Now i await the comments about me being "a special snowflake in need of a safespace" :p

06-02-2018, 01:36 PM
We've seen that there is no limit to the horrible things that Trump and his family will say about all sorts of people. Why should ANYONE have to apologize to them? He and his family have no respect for what it means to be in a position of power and prominence. They deserve whatever mockery they receive.

06-02-2018, 01:42 PM
Thing is guys, this isn't the first time Samantha Bee has used the word. There's a major "squirrel!" moment happening here.

06-02-2018, 01:44 PM
Thing is guys, this isn't the first time Samantha Bee has used the word. There's a major "squirrel!" moment happening here.

Yep. She's known for being crass, so it shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. This is definitely meant to be a distraction though, just like all of the bullshit surrounding Roseanne.

06-02-2018, 01:55 PM
This is pathetic

It's sad to see that if some of you were in the same position, you wouldn't of apologize.

Because this is fucking immature, disrespectful and downright stupid for her to call someone, i don't fucking care who it was, something like this.

I don't care about if there was double standards or not, i don't care what political party she was, she could of been the new fucking hip party down at the supermarket for all I care and i don't care about the fact that she said it to the first lady in the sense that she deserved it

You people are better than this, you can poke fun or whatever...but theres a fucking limit and calling anyone a cunt is well over the fucking limit.

Now i await the comments about me being "a special snowflake in need of a safespace" :p

Speaking of being better than this: Wouldn’t have. Could have. There’s no “of” involved here.

This keeps me from taking you and your argument seriously but let’s say I do take your argument seriously. There’s problems there too. It’s not a double standard in this case with Roseanne. Racism is not equal to profanity. Ivanka isn’t the First Lady. How many shirts were the LCDs wearing during the run up to the election with horrible words describing HRC? How many times has Trump used “cunt?” How many times has he spoke inappropriately about Ivanka? Fuck him. Fuck his supporters. Fuck his shitty family.

sick among the pure
06-02-2018, 02:45 PM
Something I’ve also seen people try to say to make it look like Sam’s language was somehow so haneous is that it’s the president’s daughter, I actually saw someone on Facebook ask “what if someone on Fox called one of Obama’s daughters that word?”
Ivanka is a grown woman. She is not a child. She is not some innocent person in this administration. SHE HAS A POSITION IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Her inaction politically combined with her tone-deaf photo op with her kid during the explosive discussion about the administration tearing children from their mothers with no indication of when it ever they will be reunited, yeah that makes her a feckless cunt. I said it. They can fuck off with this outrage over it. Trump’s base is just pissed that we were mean to the crowned princess of the US.

06-02-2018, 02:45 PM
Maybe I'm lost here, I suppose you guy have a point. I'll be honest, I have no fucking idea who Bee is, I don't pay attention. It's probably why I tend to stay out of trying to talk about politics because more often then not, I have no idea what the fuck im saying and I try to make sense out of what little I actually know. I guess that's what happens to me, I see something I think is wrong morally....but I fail to see the bigger picture of whats going on. So I do apologize for that. I guess I'm just stuck in the "can't we all just get along" that it kinda.......blocks me from thinking....well....seeing anything else.

Still, I think there are better ways of trying to get your point across...that's just how I am, my devil's advocate works in weird ways, and honestly, I wouldn't change it. But I guess I should just stick with what I do know instead of trying to make it seem like I know what I'm doing, I honestly thought I got over that.

Again, I apologize

06-02-2018, 03:04 PM
I don't pay attention.

That much is obvious. :p

sick among the pure
06-02-2018, 04:22 PM
I guess I'm just stuck in the "can't we all just get along"

I used to be like that. Honest, I’m a tree-hugging hippie. Literally. But what is going on right now goes far beyond “can’t we all just get along”. You gotta be able to call bullshit when you see it.

06-02-2018, 04:35 PM
I know, and it was my ignorance for not seeing it. I fucked up, I will always call myself out when I have made a mistake. I fuck up, we all do sometimes, and I know I can learn from this. I can call bullshit, and tbf, when I wrote that, I had just woken up like 5 minutes ago, so I was still a bit groggy. Bare in mind that the reason why I dont like to pay attention to it is because it causes unnecessary stress on me. I'm already on edge about my mental health, I dont need any more stress than I already have. Maybe im ignorant and a coward for that, I dunno, just how I am.

Im not afraid to call out bullshit, far from it, ive done it many times on here. But I also need to learn what the fuck is going on before I call out my bullshit...which obviously, I didn't do here.

Long story short, I fucked up, plain and simple.

06-02-2018, 04:56 PM
That much is obvious. :p

It happens. A lot of the times with me is that i tend to over think or try to make too much logic or try to use too much "common sense" that it becomes really stupid. It honestly sounded fine in my head which is really common with people with Aspergers like me (not sure if Void has that problem)

All you have to do is call me out on how full of shit i am and I'll agree with you more often than not. It might take a few but i usually see my errors.

06-03-2018, 02:24 AM
Okay just listened to a Trump address moaning about obstruction of the Democrats to his appointments - like Obama never had Republican obstruction??? Also he says they’re denying the will of the people - uhh you lost the popular vote mate even with Russian help - fuck off Trump

06-03-2018, 11:15 AM
i've lost all faith in our current concept of democracy and government, to see show's that i once respected like meet the press to have Rudy go on and argue that a president can't obstruct justice, pardon anyone and do whatever he wants sounds a lot like a dictatorship to me? but i guess i'm wrong. i'll put my head back and hope we come to our collective senses soon but i don't have much hope.

06-03-2018, 12:10 PM
There's no way Rudy actually believes that the president can't obstruct justice. He just says what Trump tells him. Wasn't Rudy the only other one shameless enough to throw around the term Spygate?

06-04-2018, 06:22 AM
I have a question I’d really like the answer to. I see/get jumped by a lot of HRC supporters on Twitter due to my support of Bernie Sanders. I understand they (likely a knee jerk; not looking at the whole picture reaction) blame him for the election results and yet even though I voted for her to avoid Trump, I’m still dismissed as a Bernie Bro. They really hate him and seem to forget Jill Stein. Is this just sour grapes on their part as I have been thinking? Is it typical Wasteland Twitter? Or have I missed some valid criticism of Bernie? I really do still believe he was the only candidate that gave a shit about us. He definitely had trouble connecting with minorities but I don’t know why. His policies would have benefited them. He was right there supporting the civil rights movement.

I recognize this is unlikely but I’d like for us to come to some sort of resolution so that when November comes, there isn’t all this awful infighting. Maybe it is just rabid hatred (I was called “Just as bad as Trumpers” and I’ve seen this type of inaccurate venom thrown at many others too) but I might be missing something valid too (no politician is perfect).

So did I miss something?

06-04-2018, 06:42 AM
wow, the new US ambassador of germany is a real jerk, a mean clown. And an ugly piece of shit.

on the other hand, the whole Trump administration is a collection of the dumbest, most mean and ugliest humans on earth. And every one of them fulfils all three characteristics. Fricking amazing!

06-04-2018, 12:30 PM
Swykk there was a misinfo Russian-bot social media spam misrepresentation of Bernie supporters. I interacted with a few. Jill Stein did her part without help, but there was a big campaign to portray the average Sanders supporter as a Bernie bro or Bernie or Buster. The most egregious example was when Roger Stone starting touting around that Harlan Hill guy, a "former Bernie millennial turned Trump supporter." I know some people who were duped by this shit, but they fall in the conspiracy theory camps... which is why it wasn't surprising to see Harlan Hill make an appearance on info wars

06-04-2018, 02:54 PM
My sincerest hope is that 50-100 years from now, when kids are learning about the presidents in a textbook, this guy will fall in with the rest of the ones that no one remembers. When was the last time you heard someone other than a history buff talk about President van Buren?

This would be the best possible outcome for this presidency. His ludicrous attempts at policy fail miserably, and aside from setting the precedent of being the first truly unstable person to ever accidentally occupy the office, his tenure has no lasting impact on the nation and future generations learning nothing about his stain on our government. Partly because I hope he never achieves any of his agenda, and partly because I know that if there's an afterlife, he'd be beyond furious to be forgotten and shrugged off.

06-04-2018, 04:19 PM
i find it very scary the memo that was released RG's latest Sunday parade that stated, the president is above the law and can pardon himself. at this point i wonder if we are headed for a dictatorship or civil war. both i wound not care for

06-04-2018, 04:21 PM
Whenever I hear our dumbass dictator say he can pardon himself. All I can think of is this:


bobbie solo
06-05-2018, 01:12 PM
I have a question I’d really like the answer to. I see/get jumped by a lot of HRC supporters on Twitter due to my support of Bernie Sanders. I understand they (likely a knee jerk; not looking at the whole picture reaction) blame him for the election results and yet even though I voted for her to avoid Trump, I’m still dismissed as a Bernie Bro. They really hate him and seem to forget Jill Stein. Is this just sour grapes on their part as I have been thinking? Is it typical Wasteland Twitter? Or have I missed some valid criticism of Bernie? I really do still believe he was the only candidate that gave a shit about us. He definitely had trouble connecting with minorities but I don’t know why. His policies would have benefited them. He was right there supporting the civil rights movement.

I recognize this is unlikely but I’d like for us to come to some sort of resolution so that when November comes, there isn’t all this awful infighting. Maybe it is just rabid hatred (I was called “Just as bad as Trumpers” and I’ve seen this type of inaccurate venom thrown at many others too) but I might be missing something valid too (no politician is perfect).

So did I miss something?

People cannot blame progressives for voting for Bernie & then Jill Stein over Hillary. Those two candidates line up with our views on how things should be done, and they came and chased us for our vote. It is not the voters job to go to the politician. It is the politician's job to fight for my vote and convince ME to vote for them. Hillary did barely anything to come chase our vote. And the concessions she made/scraps she threw our way seemed like afterthouhgts anyway.

Furthermore, Hillary didn't campaign heavily enough in any way in the three crucial Midwest/Rust Belt states that ended up swinging the electoral college votes to Trump. Trump DID. He went and campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and Ohio alot. I hate that monster as much as the next guy, but one thing you can't knock about him was his campaigning effort that summer and fall. Yes it was mostly bc of the erection he gets from the crowd adulation, but he still did the work. And that's why he squeaked out a few dozen thousand more votes than her in those crucial states: he was there talking to the voters, and she wasn't.

Don't waste your time arguing with ANYONE on Twitter, nevermind Hillary supporters. Gross. I would imagine any Hillary supporter who would go out of there way to argur with you in Twitter is not an issues-oriented voter/follower, and enjoyed her cult of personality more than anything else. There certainly wasn't much in Hillary's excuse for an agenda to get any non-rich/non-establishment person excited.

How can anyone not watch videos like this one and not be inspired by Bernie?


What a leader he's going to be for us. Can't wait till he's the candidate in 2020. Only people I can see topping him are Biden or Warren. Warren would be fantastic too.

06-05-2018, 03:21 PM
I feel like this is the beginning of the end.
Dude, I was just thinking the exact same thing.
The president can pardon himself. It's ok for him to kill people. Censorship is cool.

You can't put the genie back in the bottle with some of this shit I don't think.

I'm really, seriously getting scared and I don't know if there's a way out of this that doesn't end in some sort of violence.

This might really, seriously be the beginning of the end.

06-05-2018, 03:30 PM
people have been saying "it's the beginning of the end" since the beginning of the whole Trump debacle
or: "Trump is falling apart"
but that's how he maintains power, jumping from one crisis to the next
giving his critics false hope that he's imploding
and he's about to go down

and still it grinds on
and will grind on
until it's done
which might take much much longer than we hoped

I am shitting myself that Doug Ford is going to win Ontario this week
Trumpism is part of a whole global movement of conservative nationalist populist shit
which I fear is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better

06-06-2018, 01:08 PM
Okay, I'm going to say it now, and I'm not going to apologize: feckless cunt (Trump, obviously, and not the woman who calls her out).

https://twitter.com/RVAwonk/status/1004054843630051329 (https://twitter.com/RVAwonk/status/1004054843630051329)

06-06-2018, 02:57 PM
He's pardoning all sorts of people all because Kim Kartrashian probably gave him a hummer and a free copy of Mr. Kartrashian's new album.

06-06-2018, 03:13 PM
He's pardoning all sorts of people all because Kim Kartrashian probably gave him a hummer and a free copy of Mr. Kartrashian's new album.

For what it's worth, I believe pardoning Johnson was 100% appropriate. The likely reason WHY he did it (because another kiss-ass celebrity asked him to) is what bothers me.

06-06-2018, 04:29 PM
people have been saying "it's the beginning of the end" since the beginning of the whole Trump debacle...

Trumpism is part of a whole global movement of conservative nationalist populist shit
which I fear is going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better
Oh dude.
I don't mean the end of trump and trumpism.
I'm talking about the end of society as we know it, and I'm NOT being hyperbolic at this point.

You're talking about the whole thing taking "longer than we thought;" I'm suggesting that it's not going to end AT ALL.

because see, these people who have been emboldened and the ideas that have been normalized? I don't think they're going anywhere.

I see a future that may include the assassination of a leftist president, the government using lethal force on protesters, the possibility of state censorship and the utter breakdown of the fabric of the United States.

And God help us if a terror attack unites people behind trump.

06-06-2018, 05:20 PM
I see a future that may include the assassination of a leftist president, the government using lethal force on protesters, the possibility of state censorship and the utter breakdown of the fabric of the United States.

And God help us if a terror attack unites people behind trump.

To be fair:

-I guessed at Obama being assassinated, or at least someone giving it a serious try. I was sure it was going to happen. I'm obviously beyond relieved that I was wrong about that.
-I'm amazed we haven't heard a credible threat against Trump yet. For the amount of hatred that man has stirred up, I'm shocked that no one has even attempted anything. (And to be clear: as much as I hate him, I'm also glad that I'm wrong about this. I do not want to see a president assassinated, period.)
-If a major terror attack happened on Trump's watch, I'd be shocked to see it unite people. He can't handle a ham sandwich. I think he'd botch the response so bad that only his most racist asshat supporters would follow him, while the ones who are at least starting to see their mistakes would cringe at his reply. (I use the "major" qualifier here because we've already had several terror attacks here since he was elected.)

He's pushing hard for state censorship (he's literally gone to court to fight for the right to block people from trying to reach him on twitter, he's told scientific agencies that they're not allowed to use actual scientific phrases in their work, etc). Police are already killing people so I think the "lethal force on protesters" part is here.

It's really hard to see a light at the end of this tunnel. Given that his run has emboldened more racist bigots to run for other offices and it's given media a regrettable "need" to give said people publicity, it looks like it'll get worse before it gets better. But once he's out of office - and remember, someday he will be out of office - I hold onto the hope that both the left and right will breathe a collective sigh of relief and forge ahead on a path of reasonably intelligent discourse and policy making. I feel you; it's really hard to imagine that. But his numbers are shit, more and more GOP members are speaking out against him, and yesterday Democrats made their 42nd red-to-blue flip in a state legislative seat since Trump took office - this time in a pretty deeply red district. There is hope - we just need to remember that hoping isn't going to get us anywhere. Red or blue, we need to be as active as we can to get Trump out of office (again, to be clear, in a legal and nonviolent way).

06-06-2018, 05:32 PM
Good points theimage13 and I REALLY hope you're right about a future path of "reasonably intelligent policy making."

Now that you mention it, i, too, expected Obama to be shot, specifically when he got out of his car on inauguration day.
Luckily those fears were unfounded.

I've got some more grim thoughts with which I could continue this discussion, but again, I REALLY hope you're right.
And I think I'm gonna leave it at that.

06-06-2018, 06:02 PM
One step closer to that Nobel Peace Prize! :p


06-06-2018, 06:32 PM
y'know, Rudy Giuliani might actually be worse than Trump when it comes to diplomacy...

06-07-2018, 11:01 AM

Are they finally learning?! I guess better late than never.

06-07-2018, 02:06 PM
wondering if trumps madness stupidity is contagious? Rudy's latest statement's seam to suggest so. here's what i think as some ones attorney your are obligated to listen to your client. so i think working with square head sponge pants Trump marches out Rudy out and Sarah lie lot sanders out to back up whatever lie he is peddling at the moment but is far to stupid to think things through.

06-07-2018, 03:12 PM
wondering if trumps madness stupidity is contagious? Rudy's latest statement's seam to suggest so. here's what i think as some ones attorney your are obligated to listen to your client. so i think working with square head sponge pants Trump marches out Rudy out and Sarah lie lot sanders out to back up whatever lie he is peddling at the moment but is far to stupid to think things through.

definitely! i feel a lot dumber since Trump is president too...

06-07-2018, 09:57 PM
as this all seems to get crazier and crazier, I wonder if part of the uptick in support is from the anarchist sect of libertarians... people who just want to see things function wrong

06-09-2018, 10:35 AM
Trump on Bourdain: "I liked his show. He was quite the character."
Obama on Bourdain: "He taught us about food - but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown."

Man, I miss having a president who had meaningful and insightful things to say.

06-09-2018, 03:42 PM
Trump on Bourdain: "I liked his show. He was quite the character."
Obama on Bourdain: "He taught us about food - but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown."

Man, I miss having a president who had meaningful and insightful things to say.

Same here. Oh, and Bourdain never liked El Stupido saying he would've been a terrible dinner guest. Especially with his poor eating habits, bad diet, and low-class taste.

06-09-2018, 04:05 PM
This obsession with Putin and Russia by Trump is incredibly suspicious. Now he says Obama 'let' Russia annexe Crimea and they should be let back in to the G8? Has Putin got something on Trump or does he just love a genuine dictator and wants to be one?

06-09-2018, 05:13 PM
Has Putin got something on Trump

I would assume so. I think it's more likely that Trump's lawyer paid off Stormy Daniels despite Trump never doing anything sexually suggestive with her and that he never even knew about the payoff... than it is that Putin doesn't have something on him.

And... fuck. Now Trump is pretty much insulting Trudeau.

sick among the pure
06-09-2018, 07:48 PM
Canada, I'm sorry and I love you. I'll come up soon and visit (though I wish the visit were for a NIN show in Toronto...)

06-09-2018, 08:06 PM
To all our Canadian fans, I apologize for our dumbass dictator. We take great shame knowing that we have to deal with this asshole for another 2-6 years God forbid.

06-09-2018, 09:06 PM
Oh FFS, what's the deal with Canada? Haven't read the news in a bit. Afraid to look.

sick among the pure
06-09-2018, 10:44 PM
Oh FFS, what's the deal with Canada? Haven't read the news in a bit. Afraid to look.

Trump's acting like they're not our closest ally by imposing tariffs on them for "national security" reasons, also he blamed them for when the Brits burned the White House, also general douche behavior toward them at the G7 for a tl;dr version. I'm sure someone else could tell you specifics about the summit stuff, I've been too busy to keep up with that.

06-09-2018, 10:47 PM
Oh FFS, what's the deal with Canada? Haven't read the news in a bit. Afraid to look.
He just won't let up with the insults, goes to twitter to call Trudeau weak and dishonest over the trade dispute.... but would he say that to his face? such a piece of shit.

06-10-2018, 01:28 AM
Trump said his relationship with the other G7 leaders is a 10 out of 10.
Again, this is him just blatantly lying.

06-10-2018, 04:15 AM
With only a few tweets, he's basically destroying four decades worth of solidarity with the US' global partners.

06-10-2018, 04:23 AM
With only a few tweets, he's basically destroying four decades worth of solidarity with the US' global partners.

it really does feel that fucked

06-10-2018, 11:45 AM
A historic meeting between two dictators.


06-10-2018, 04:16 PM
https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/34872858_10100649043024867_6916574939310981120_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=f0d068bb5cac4b90cadbd03ddf863cb5&oe=5BAAB96A

It's scary how little editing it took to make this.

06-10-2018, 05:58 PM
It's scary how little editing it took to make this.

It's a lot scary, considering that we're a couple days away from the NK meeting in Singapore... and president Trump knows how it's going to go, based on his touch, his feel... the fabric of our lives.

06-10-2018, 06:15 PM
It's a lot scary, considering that we're a couple days away from the NK meeting in Singapore... and president Trump knows how it's going to go, based on his touch, his feel... the fabric of our lives.

We are SO fucked.

sick among the pure
06-10-2018, 11:00 PM
Well, if everything goes to hell, at least I'll die at a NIN show.

06-10-2018, 11:56 PM
Well, if everything goes to hell, at least I'll die at a NIN show.

That's a honorable way to go. Meanwhile in NYC on Broadway.... Robert de Niro just told our dictator to go fuck himself.


06-11-2018, 05:20 PM
I think the Kim summit might go well

Surely after clowning up the g7 meet immediately before, he will want to be applauded for something

sick among the pure
06-11-2018, 06:33 PM
Considering his ass-backward base, I'm sure he's been applauded for the G7 anyhow.
Anyone stomach right-wing outlets to see how they're discussing what went down at the G7? Way too busy getting ready for Vegas to keep up with anything this past weekend.

06-11-2018, 07:08 PM
Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/10/trump-papers-filing-system-635164)

This is a really good read and I encourage giving it the time, but here's the short version:

-Everything POTUS writes on has to be saved (it's the law)
-POTUS likes to tear everything to shreds and throw it out / leave it scattered on the floor (he's a petulant man-child)
-Guys who have worked for the office of preservation for 30 years have been scrambling to make sure POTUS papers get re-assembled (it's their job)
-Aforementioned guys mysteriously fired; everyone refuses to give them a reason why (probably because POTUS is scared that things incriminating him for crimes will be saved)

This...this could either be "nothing", or this could be a red flag the size of a football field that no one is paying attention to because there are even more ridiculous things happening now.

06-11-2018, 08:13 PM

06-11-2018, 08:33 PM
HOLY SHIT Dennis Rodman is fucking INSANE

06-11-2018, 08:40 PM
HOLY SHIT Dennis Rodman is fucking INSANE

You just came to this conclusion?

06-11-2018, 08:54 PM
You just came to this conclusion?

watching him crying and getting all emotional, giving a "thank you" speech as if he were winning an award, rambling incoherently... I feel like I'm dreaming. What the hell was that?!

06-11-2018, 09:03 PM
And he's wearing a MAGA hat. He's fucking lost his mind. What an asshole.

06-11-2018, 09:04 PM
And he's wearing a MAGA hat. He's fucking lost his mind. What an asshole.

His mind went years ago.

06-11-2018, 09:11 PM
Old man hired to angrily lie through his teeth recovering from heart attack. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/06/11/larry-kudlow-trump-economic-adviser-suffers-heart-attack/693065002/)

Look, I'm not going to say "ha!" or anything stupid like that. Heart attacks suck ass. I'm just saying that the only thing I find surprising about this is that Kudlow is the first person in the administration to suffer one.

06-11-2018, 09:18 PM
Old man hired to angrily lie through his teeth recovering from heart attack. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/06/11/larry-kudlow-trump-economic-adviser-suffers-heart-attack/693065002/)

Look, I'm not going to say "ha!" or anything stupid like that. Heart attacks suck ass. I'm just saying that the only thing I find surprising about this is that Kudlow is the first person in the administration to suffer one.

I saw that asshole yesterday on CNN. What a fucking dick.

06-11-2018, 11:32 PM
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35066214_10160430101490564_4527679254141337600_o.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=8f1cdddb8157ead82d6f85e1bc23a98c&oe=5BC1F472

06-12-2018, 06:10 AM
^^ I was positive that was photoshopped.

Nope (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/464217937516040193?lang=en)

06-12-2018, 06:31 AM
Trump is turning me into a conspiracy theorist, especially after the Cambridge Analytica revelations. This whole situation feels scripted, like there are puppet masters behind the scenes of what is going on. Basically is the US just going to align itself with dictators from now on ?

06-12-2018, 07:52 AM
Trump says he trusts Kim. If he's wrong? "I may be wrong, I mean, I may stand before you in six months and say, 'Hey I was wrong,'" said Trump, adding, "I don't know that I'll ever admit that, but I'll find some kind of an excuse."
Well, there it is. (http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/391774-trump-if-i-was-wrong-about-kim-ill-find-some-kind-of-an-excuse)

06-12-2018, 08:00 AM
The Devil is in the details.

06-12-2018, 09:00 AM
NK as real estate asset for the Trump family? Chinese CP must laugh their asses off right now. what a fool.

06-12-2018, 09:52 AM
Really happy for the people of North Korea. Socialism is a cancer. Trump did a good thing for them.

06-12-2018, 10:42 AM
If you hated the Iran deal but celebrate Trump giving NK the propaganda photo opportunity it wanted (but didn't get for 60 years!!!) in exchange for the same vague promises it's been giving for decades and never kept... then you're a fool!

Praising a dictator that runs his country like a gulag as a great guy who loves his people... while shitting on the democratically elected leaders of our allies says a lot about who Trump is.

North Korea is no joke. It's a REAL dictatorship where people starve, get sent to concentration camps and forced to worship their leader.

This is not a great moment. Sorry, but Trump is wrong here.

06-12-2018, 01:07 PM
Really happy for the people of North Korea. Socialism is a cancer. Trump did a good thing for them.

Please read this.


06-12-2018, 05:20 PM
I fear this is the beginning of an unholy alliance with the U.S., North Korea, and Russia. Oh God, we're fucked.

06-12-2018, 05:41 PM
Really happy for the people of North Korea. Socialism is a cancer. Trump did a good thing for them.

Aye cause Fascist Spain really outperformed the UK when the latter had Socialist governments. Oh wait

But yes, totalitarian pseudo monarchical cold war communism is cancer, and today was a great first step

06-12-2018, 07:20 PM
trump is doing what he does running the hype machine, there are no details to this deal no time table no anything basically doing propaganda for N.K. the only thing he's done so far is screw the south. and the US.
- Louie

06-12-2018, 10:00 PM
"It's going to hit the fan pretty soon."


06-12-2018, 10:30 PM
I'm really sorry you guys, but I have a hard time seeing this as a bad thing. Everything else about Trump is objectively terrible, but we just got lucky with this throw-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach.

Consider this -- you don't actually have to give Trump credit here. South Korea recently elected Moon Jae-in for their president, a progressive (leftist) who emphatically campaigned for peace and reunification of the Koreas. He currently holds an 86% approval rating and the vast majority of South Korea's citizens are pleased with this outcome.

06-13-2018, 02:07 AM
I'm really sorry you guys, but I have a hard time seeing this as a bad thing. Everything else about Trump is objectively terrible, but we just got lucky with this throw-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach.

Consider this -- you don't actually have to give Trump credit here. South Korea recently elected Moon Jae-in for their president, a progressive (leftist) who emphatically campaigned for peace and reunification of the Koreas. He currently holds an 86% approval rating and the vast majority of South Korea's citizens are pleased with this outcome.

I'm cautiously optimistic, but this isn't the first time (by a long shot) that NK has lied about being willing to halt their nuclear ambitions. We are left with a vague celebration, loaded with praise for Kim, lacking in criticism for crimes against the NK people, propaganda, and concessions without clear reciprocation of any kind. He's done this on the heels of lambasting our allies, while legitimizing the NK regime as an equal as far as optics go... and that goes a long way as fodder for the glorious leader on his return to NK.

I'm not going to wail about where we're at right now, but I'm not buying the sunshine and rainbows. For Trump, this is all about optics to make him look like he's getting a win, and he's already acting like he has achieved one... but this is ALL political theater, and I guess both sides benefit there.

06-13-2018, 07:57 AM
I do think this might work out OK but, for the history-averse/people with lives, they did this exact shit with Jimmy Carter in 1994

edit - which calls to question... how many trumpets who hated the iran deal want to sing Carter's (oh god!) praises for that

06-13-2018, 08:17 AM
I'm really sorry you guys, but I have a hard time seeing this as a bad thing. Everything else about Trump is objectively terrible, but we just got lucky with this throw-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach.

Consider this -- you don't actually have to give Trump credit here. South Korea recently elected Moon Jae-in for their president, a progressive (leftist) who emphatically campaigned for peace and reunification of the Koreas. He currently holds an 86% approval rating and the vast majority of South Korea's citizens are pleased with this outcome.

You don't have to give him credit because you can't give him credit. But his entire base will give it to him anyway.

Korea's nuclear program crumbled when they blew up their own damn test site by mistake.
Trump has taken a shit on an extremely large number of US allies in recent months - including Canada, FFS.
WHILE doing so, Trump then went on to meet with a dictator who is guilty of severe human rights violations on a massive scale and calls him an "honorable man".
Trump also used NK's own language in regard to longstanding US military exercises in the region, which he abruptly cut with no concessions and apparently without consulting ANYONE in his administration about it.
Trump has now given Kim an appearance of legitimacy to the North Korean people, despite the atrocities he continues to commit.
And of course, let's not forget the fact that the American Cheeto failed to actually detail ANYTHING that was discussed at the summit - meaning everything they talked about is, for all intents and purposes, a complete load of crap until we actually see results years from now.

I'm having a hard time seeing this as a good thing. Best case scenario right now is that it doesn't make things worse - but given that Trump just took a massive shit on Canada and other close allies while smiling and shaking hands with fucking Kim Jong-un is very much a bad thing.

06-13-2018, 08:54 AM
Korea's nuclear program crumbled when they blew up their own damn test site by mistake.

I'd even say, this is the mere reason NK was ready to "negotiate". Kim is just playing for time. And he got it. For silly pictures with dotard. 'merica lost its god-blessed mind.


06-13-2018, 09:35 AM
Hey, guys, I have great news!!! North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat!!!! ;)

06-13-2018, 12:20 PM


06-13-2018, 03:01 PM
Hey, guys, I have great news!!! North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat!!!! ;)

Wow... that is awesome news. :D I also heard they're making a deal with Russia in creating some super-duper venture for real estate. El Stupido and Kim Jong-Un spent much of Singapore drinking and bullshitting each other as they made calls to Putin going "Wazzup!" and Putin will help Kim get China off of his ass. That's what I'd like to believe in what really happened.

06-13-2018, 11:04 PM
Sorry for the double-post but.... there's now rumors that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Raj Shah are leaving the White House later this year: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-sanders-raj-shah-planning-to-depart-the-white-house/

06-14-2018, 08:08 AM


06-14-2018, 08:44 AM
i am not a native english speaker. can someone translate that, please. I really don't get the last sentence.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) 1h1 hour ago (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1007239837529800705)More

The Republican Party is starting to show very big numbers. People are starting to see what is being done. Results are speaking loudly. North Korea and our greatest ever economy are leading the way!

06-14-2018, 10:34 AM
he keeps talking about the economy it's not doing well the tax cuts put us in a huge hole the exact same leading practices that lead to the 2000 crisis are being repeated, the clowns performance @ g7 possible trade wars the over inflated market i think an October surprise is headed our way. a lot of the safeguards that were put in place are gone this is going to hurt. most corps know this if you look at what they did with the tax cuts most of it was spent on doing with out workers money was spent on consolidation, stock buy backs and automation,

06-14-2018, 10:37 AM
he keeps talking about the economy it's not doing well the tax cuts put us in a huge hole the exact same leading practices that lead to the 2000 crisis are being repeated, the clowns performance @ g7 possible trade wars the over inflated market i think an October surprise is headed our way. a lot of the safeguards that were put in place are gone this is going to hurt. most corps know this if you look at what they did with the tax cuts most of it was spent on doing with out workers money was spent on consolidation, stock buy backs and automation,

And how is NK leading the way?!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-14-2018, 11:05 AM
Sorry for the double-post but.... there's now rumors that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Raj Shah are leaving the White House later this year: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-sanders-raj-shah-planning-to-depart-the-white-house/

"Does CBS News know something that I don't..."

Oh Huckster, you can stop the sentence right there. The answer is definitely "yes".

06-14-2018, 01:49 PM
Wow. I was worried that Eric Schneiderman's departure could mean that the NY AG's office might soften up.

Noooope. Trump foundation, accused of sweeping violations, is sued by New York Attorney General (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/14/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html)

The AG's office is even putting some of the evidence up on Donald's favorite website.


I love this. It's not going to do anything to scuttle him out of office, but the more he's held accountable for his crimes and the more stressful his life gets because of it, the happier I am. He's a common criminal and he deserves to get nailed for it.

06-15-2018, 08:08 AM
One of the only good things about Trump being so active on twitter is that I can tell him that he's a living fart and that I can't wait to see him get dragged away in handcuffs and there is a slight chance that he will read it while on the shitter at 3am.

06-16-2018, 01:09 PM
Jim Jordon. He sucks. That's all I have to say.

06-16-2018, 05:15 PM
My mother really hates our dictator. She calls him the devil as she is FUCKING FURIOUS over what Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Jeff Sessions did in using the bible to explain their immigration policy.

06-16-2018, 05:19 PM
Yes, because Jesus would have separated families and stuck the kids in a fucking Walmart for 22 hours a day. Seriously, have you seen the detention centers for the kids? They have a picture of Trump in the entrance. This doesn't even feel like the United States anymore, more like Fascist Italy meets 1984.

06-16-2018, 06:00 PM
The shit is going to hit the fan:

06-16-2018, 07:01 PM
I heard that the Mexican boys were being stuffed into an old Walmart. What happened to all the little GIRLS who were separated from their moms?

06-16-2018, 07:48 PM
The shit is going to hit the fan:

It's about time! Let's get this over with (before Trump destroys the country)!!!

06-16-2018, 11:24 PM
It's about time! Let's get this over with (before Trump destroys the country)!!!

Yes, collusion or no, let's just end the fucking insanity please. It's not a "witch hunt," he's not being persecuted... but I can barely pay attention to political discourse anymore because it's like holding your ear to a beehive.

hologram parade
06-17-2018, 02:38 PM
I heard that the Mexican boys were being stuffed into an old Walmart. What happened to all the little GIRLS who were separated from their moms?

exactly! where are the girls, and small children? I can’t stop thinking about how terrible this all is :(

06-17-2018, 03:18 PM
exactly! where are the girls, and small children? I can’t stop thinking about how terrible this all is :(

This shit pisses me off and my mother is just aghast over this.

06-17-2018, 05:44 PM
i don't get why he's never called out he lies for no reason like why lie about getting the soldier's bodies from Korea? when he stated he had parent's request of him on the campaign trail 1) he never mentioned Korea during the campaign. 2) simple math would make them at least 100 years old. is his narcissism so bad he has to lie to promote his on mythical view of himself? because he can. i think it's the later here is a def sounds like T to a T https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder also explains he's lack of empathy i really think someones need to straight up ask him why our you lying? and soon!

06-17-2018, 09:22 PM
Oh fuck.... Laura Bush just laid the smackdown on El Stupido's immigration policy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/laura-bush-separating-children-from-their-parents-at-the-border-breaks-my-heart/2018/06/17/f2df517a-7287-11e8-9780-b1dd6a09b549_story.html

06-17-2018, 09:27 PM
i don't get why he's never called out

He's called out constantly... it's tiring but people do it, and it falls on deaf ears because Trump can just keep going on ahead because the Republicans are enabling his agenda. If you call out Trump on his bullshit, you're "fake news" or you're a "libtard brainwashed by the MSM deep state," and until the Republicans stop controlling the script, that's how it goes.

Oh fuck.... Laura Bush just laid the smackdown on El Stupido's immigration policy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/laura-bush-separating-children-from-their-parents-at-the-border-breaks-my-heart/2018/06/17/f2df517a-7287-11e8-9780-b1dd6a09b549_story.html

It won't register a blip though, because she doesn't directly implicate Trump or the Republican Party in large for responsibility. I know... only a moron wouldn't be able to connect the dots there... but hey, here we are, and Trump's supporters are buying his line that this situation is actually because Democrats refused to fund his fucking wall.

Honestly, it's a little irritating that she avoids the words "Trump" and "Republican" through that entire article. A- for effort there, but if you won't actually call out who is to blame here, it doesn't amount to much.

06-17-2018, 10:28 PM
Honestly, it's a little irritating that she avoids the words "Trump" and "Republican" through that entire article. A- for effort there, but if you won't actually call out who is to blame here, it doesn't amount to much.
I too am getting so sick and tired of people pussyfooting around because they don't want to stain their goody two shoes image, fucking get MAD, get ANGRY, channel that shit and call the fucker out and make sure everyone in the back can hear you. God damn MAKE NOISE.

Why should those who are unpleasant be rewarded with niceties or the benefit of doubt? fuck them all.

06-17-2018, 11:24 PM
So, in case you guys had missed it... (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/3813-Immigration-2018)

06-18-2018, 08:29 AM
this is how it starts DE-humanize a class of people claim their something that you fear they're "terrorists" "rapists", criminals", they"re taking, your jobs money, resources when you run out of cages get rid of them, theses kids are now in the system and how that ends is not good, we are creating the very thing they are telling us to fear, then they can scream "I told you so", we as a nation need to stop this now I'll post a link to contact your rep. I called mine although i know the do nothing bitch won't do a thing this isn't a GOP or Dem thing this is a human thing!

the duder
06-18-2018, 01:41 PM
Two words: Space. Force. (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/18/president-trump-directs-pentagon-defense-department-to-immediately-being-the-process-of-establishing-space-force-as-sixth-military-branch.html)

06-19-2018, 09:50 AM
The lightspeed-fast spin of North Korea from arch enemy to best buddy should educate anyone - even centrist millenials - about the effectiveness and danger of propaganda.

and by the way: Donald Trump ist ein Nationalsozialist wie er im Buche steht.

06-19-2018, 10:26 AM
Dave Chappelle called it first:


06-19-2018, 04:34 PM
The United States of America quits the UN Human Rights Council (https://www.bbc.com/news/44537372)

Our representative says it's because the council is "hypocritical". She was right...any council that claimed it was for human rights and included the US as a member is definitely hypocritical. Our absence should solve that.

06-19-2018, 05:16 PM
here's on of the big problem is he's not intelligent and has zero intellectual curiosity so he will say something he hears thinking it's a populous opinion usually something her hears on fox then repeats it putting himself in a hole such as mexican's are rapist's and criminals, now he has to follow through with an insanely draconian immigration policy same is true with the border wall it's far more likely to put a man on mars. immigration is a tough problem to solve that's why multiple administrations have had to deal with it but his narcissistic attitude and short shortsightedness keep him from even acknowledging the truth, on which is the main reason i dislike him, there were a lot of things about Obama i didn't care for from our involvement in yeman it to the imprisonment of Chelsea but he was self-aware maybe to much did think things through and how his actions the nation as a a whole for now i am done wasting my neurons on this fool

06-19-2018, 10:52 PM
Did anyone see what Corey Lewandowski said in response to this story about a 10 year old girl with Downs syndrome being taken away from her mother? He said.... "womp womp".... If I was in that room where he said that. I'd deck that motherfucker and make sure he doesn't get up.

06-19-2018, 10:55 PM
Did anyone see what Corey Lewandowski said in response to this story about a 10 year old girl with Downs syndrome being taken away from her mother? He said.... "womp womp".... If I was in that room where he said that. I'd deck that motherfucker and make sure he doesn't get up.

For once, I agree with you. He deserves a good kick in the balls, how fucking dare he make fun of someone like that. Fuck him so fucking hard UUUUUUGH

06-20-2018, 08:50 AM
it's getting uglier and uglier we are using the same language to describe migrants that we Germany use to describe the Jews in Nazi Germany we now have Sophi's choice going on everyday, as i said before Trump is not intelligent and doesn't want to be. look immigration has long been a problem might always be there are always going to be places on the globe where quality of life and opportunity are better than where you currently are. maybe we need some form of process that we have for applying to college or university. which again there are problems with that as well. as a start let's look at countries that don't have this problem and start there. look honest problem solving is hard. look the main platform that trump ran on was racism am i calling his supporters racist yes i am. from his name calling of Mexican's to the whole birther movement against Obama, there is some deep reason for deep hatred of "the others" which feeds into the whole fox/GOP narrative, I think people, cultures, colors are to be embraced not feared. I also are life's quest in life is to learn and grow. and isolation thwarts that. do i have a solution. no not yet. I would bet large and good money that trump could not pass a us citizens test and would love someone to challenge him to just that

06-20-2018, 08:56 AM
and 'merica's leading fascist is still separating babies from their help-seeking mothers. this won't be forgotten nor forgiven.


now i fear it will be forgotten

06-20-2018, 09:43 AM
Is anyone surprised that Trump is acting like a tyrant?

I mean, this is basically how's portrayed himself all along. He's not doing anything that's out of character for him.

This is what America voted for.

06-20-2018, 10:34 AM
Is anyone surprised that Trump is acting like a tyrant?

I mean, this is basically how's portrayed himself all along. He's not doing anything that's out of character for him.

This is what America voted for.

This is correct, and most people thought he would change...or that the other branches would offset it. HAHA

06-20-2018, 03:30 PM
Is anyone surprised that Trump is acting like a tyrant?

I mean, this is basically how's portrayed himself all along. He's not doing anything that's out of character for him.

This is what America voted for.

Not the president we wan't, not the president we need, but the president we deserve. #merica

Sadly, shit like this and the "whomp whomp" are real life. The incendiary nature of top level 4chan trolls is becoming commonplace in real life discourse on very serious issues. These out of touch glad handing jack-offs in power have clued into the joys of trolling, only they seem to forget their in positions of actual power and authority. The government is looking more like a horrifying satire than its usual cluster fuck of partisan blowhards.

06-20-2018, 05:12 PM
Initial reports seem to indicate that the vague executive order signed today (meant to end the separation) was the result of the insistence of his wife.

If so...I hope she pestered him on the grounds of "this is the right thing to do" and not "everyone hates you; maybe they'll stop hating you if you do this".

06-20-2018, 09:46 PM
Okay, so the children will no longer be separated so now we'll probably have entire families kept in cages lol FML.

06-20-2018, 10:09 PM
Initial reports seem to indicate that the vague executive order signed today (meant to end the separation) was the result of the insistence of his wife.

If so...I hope she pestered him on the grounds of "this is the right thing to do" and not "everyone hates you; maybe they'll stop hating you if you do this".

Even if her heart was in the right place, I'm 100% sure Trump isn't doing it because he feels bad for the kids. This is optics. Also, I doubt Melania was the guiding influence... he didn't do anything to address it until Republicans started to call it shameful.

06-21-2018, 02:12 PM
The FLOTUS went to visit kids in the detention centers. Boarding the plane she wore a jacket that reads "I don't really care, DO U."


bobbie solo
06-21-2018, 02:36 PM
And to be clear, her fashion choices in the past have been very calculated, so if this one wasn't, it wouldn't fit with her typical M.O. SO much absurdity with her, him, this presidency, etc that won't be fully hashed out by all of us until long after this nightmare is over.

06-21-2018, 03:27 PM

06-21-2018, 04:37 PM
be very very skeptical of people who suddenly solve problems they create curious the "detention centers" are costing around 7000.0 dollars a day which is more than the resources the right is claiming immigrants take i would not be at all surprised if there wasn't some kind of no bid government contract going right into the pocket of one of Trumps cronies. same with the wall there were never enough details of where that money would come from or go, except Mexico would pay which was as we know was a lie. i totally don't trust this guy he lies on a daily basis he was convicted of running a fraudulent university, unfortunately, i don't think it's a jail able offense but he was forced to pay restitution in the millions I think think this fact should be repeatedly brought up. much worse than hillies email just saying here's were the money goes https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/06/20/company-runs-immigration-detention-centers-top-donor-two-texas-congressmen

06-21-2018, 05:05 PM
I seriously thought this picture of Melania wearing the "I don't care do u?" jacket on her way to the migrant detention center was satire (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44570688)


06-21-2018, 05:14 PM
The FLOTUS went to visit kids in the detention centers. Boarding the plane she wore a jacket that reads "I don't really care, DO U."


I’m sure she needed that jacket in Texas. It’s soooooo cold there in the summer. Seriously tho, trump claims she’s trolling the media but I bet she’s trolling him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-21-2018, 05:15 PM
I’m sure she need that jacket in Texas. It’s soooooo cold there in the summer. Seriously tho, trump claims she’s trolling the media but I bet she’s trolling him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Either that, or the person who dresses her is trolling all of this bullshit and is desperate to get fired with a giant "fuck you."

06-21-2018, 06:09 PM
And now Trump says the jacket was meant for the "fake news."


06-21-2018, 06:26 PM
And now Trump says the jacket was meant for the "fake news."


so... there WAS a (tone deaf) hidden message after all!?!?!

This is like that episode of South Park, where Mr Garrison suggests putting a flaming lower case "t" on the back yards of black people, as a way to say "it's t, for TIME to go!" because he didn't like how rich they were.

06-21-2018, 06:51 PM
I have to wonder if she wore it in order to troll her husband. She probably hates him too.

06-21-2018, 09:10 PM
Star Trek DS9 fans will find this amusing:


06-21-2018, 09:20 PM

-People who ripped President Obama a new asshole for wearing a tan colored suit.

06-21-2018, 09:27 PM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35896172_2119134551434125_1573815857094590464_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=7eaaa61bc5d2cf59a0d2f2fa87cca2dd&oe=5BA2E20B

Once again, god bless the Daily Show.

06-21-2018, 10:10 PM

-People who ripped President Obama a new asshole for wearing a tan colored suit.

And then Trump contradicted that by tweeting that it was about the "fake news". Can't even get everyone's story straight on team Trump! Also saw this time Stephen Miller went to another Mexican restaurant and got heckled, which makes me wonder what is the motivation? Is it really that shallow as trolling the media, or a distraction from other things going on. Just the idea that it is coming from people in that position is kind of mind-boggling that they are in the "highest office in the land" and able to influence people's lives like they are doing.

06-22-2018, 07:02 AM
And then Trump contradicted that by tweeting that it was about the "fake news". Can't even get everyone's story straight on team Trump! Also saw this time Stephen Miller went to another Mexican restaurant and got heckled, which makes me wonder what is the motivation? Is it really that shallow as trolling the media, or a distraction from other things going on. Just the idea that it is coming from people in that position is kind of mind-boggling that they are in the "highest office in the land" and able to influence people's lives like they are doing.

They're currently working on slashing trillions from health programs in order to fund the tax cut that billionaires got a little while back...so yeah, whether intentional or not, I'm sure they're happy to have us not lining up to protest that.

06-22-2018, 08:36 AM
and combining dept of education with dept of labor means both probably done this country is being destroyed and his supporters our still cheering this idiot. pretty soon destinies will be forced into labor to "pay" for it. I will not be celebrating the 4th this year. I want nothing to do with this "America"

06-22-2018, 12:00 PM
Always a helpful pleasure when Lord Libertarian graces us with his presence.

06-22-2018, 12:13 PM
She didn’t wear it in Texas.
The fact that you all believe she did just adds support to the “fake news” angle that Trump bangs on constantly. This is magic trolling of the gullible.


Here’s a map of the highs yesterday, the first day of summer. I’m sure it was cool and breezy where ever she was wearing the jacket for her photo ops.

the jacket is distasteful and disrespectful in any state. But, sure nitpick my not knowing where she was wearing it originally. [emoji849]

EDT 2: where did she wear it then? Everything I’ve read says it was boarding her flight to and from. So when she left Texas, she wasn’t wearing it according to your not fake news sources?

06-22-2018, 01:05 PM
made the mistake of posting a semi tongue in cheek posting on face book about not celebrating the 4th because This administrations actions were "nu-American which prompted the trump supporters trolls to flame me with hate such as commie, i should be sent to Mexico. I wonder how long it will take before he finds out he has been logged out and he's pass word changed

06-22-2018, 02:35 PM
this recent 180 from Michael Cohen appearing with Tom Arnold on Twitter is surprising... and sort of confusing. At the very least, he doesn't seem to be denying that he's working with Arnold to help out with his expose on Trump.

06-22-2018, 03:07 PM
this recent 180 from Michael Cohen appearing with Tom Arnold on Twitter is surprising... and sort of confusing. At the very least, he doesn't seem to be denying that he's working with Arnold to help out with his expose on Trump.

Forgive me, but honestly this entire fucking circus just needs to stop. Tom Arnold is not a pillar of journalistic integrity.

Nothing makes any goddamn sense anymore. I guess that's the point though. If your mind can be stressed by non-sense continually, you'll have to tune it out just to keep sane.

I was married to a narcissist, she used to do the same thing. Barrages of bullshit and things that don't make sense so that you had no choice but to ignore the ridiculous things that were being said if you wanted any chance to stay sane. You couldn't argue or fight back, because every time you do, they just say or do something even stupider.

Endurance is hard with this level of bullshit happening. But Tom Arnold as our saviour? Come on......

06-22-2018, 05:19 PM
Forgive me, but honestly this entire fucking circus just needs to stop. Tom Arnold is not a pillar of journalistic integrity.

Yep, it's pretty fucking ridiculous, but we live in ridiculous times. We're going to look back at this travesty, and maybe realize that if only the Democrats had tried running Carrottop instead of someone with legitimate political experience, maybe they could have won. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Still, the communique between Michael Cohen and Tom Arnold is bizarre, and would seem to imply that Cohen is pretty much advertising his willingness to flip on Donald.

06-22-2018, 05:28 PM
From where I sit, anybody making meaningful efforts to take Trump down is worth taking seriously. I think Arnold's aim is to do just that, and if doing so in the most flashy way possible is how he chooses to do it, so be it. We can't pick and choose who the "savior" is going to be, it's just got to happen first. Then we can complain.

06-22-2018, 05:32 PM
thing is, if Trump supporters can plug their ears and discredit legitimate news outlets, I don't think they're going to have that hard of a time doing the same thing with Arnold, even if he somehow does have all these recordings.

Speaking of that, why is he SITTING on the fucking recordings?! If he REALLY does have a recording of Trump saying the N and C words backstage on Celebrity Apprentice, what's he waiting for?!

06-22-2018, 05:37 PM
thing is, if Trump supporters can plug their ears and discredit legitimate news outlets, I don't think they're going to have that hard of a time doing the same thing with Arnold, even if he somehow does have all these recordings.

Speaking of that, why is he SITTING on the fucking recordings?! If he REALLY does have a recording of Trump saying the N and C words backstage on Celebrity Apprentice, what's he waiting for?!
I'm pretty sure his base sees that as a positive though.

06-22-2018, 05:45 PM
I think his true prize is the piss tape, and allegedly footage of him assaulting Melania in an elevator.

06-22-2018, 05:53 PM
Maybe this is what the latest stunts have been to distract us from reading via twitter: "plan for complete reorganization of the entire federal government" taken from a whitehouse.gov page


06-22-2018, 06:15 PM
I think his true prize is the piss tape, and allegedly footage of him assaulting Melania in an elevator.

He does claim to have the piss tape doesn't he? He was saying that this is going live in the fall... maybe he's planning to time it in the lead up to the November election? Who knows... but it's strange to claim you have something like that and not provide even a teaser snapshot. Then again, it'd be weirder for him to claim he has it and then show up empty-handed.

Additionally, if the tape originally was created by Vladimir Putin to compromise Trump (if it really exists), then threatening to release it at all would mean fucking around with a very ruthless guy who has already demonstrated that he's willing and able to murder people who mess with his agenda.

EDIT: aaaaand now, after Arnold did that rambling interview, Cohen has denied talking about anything with him and calls it ridiculous... which wasn't what he seemed to be doing earlier, but the whole thing was insane from the start anyway.

06-23-2018, 02:21 PM
https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36040208_10156864410004063_3593297127347847168_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4b548d0e49a254141b29106042cb35ff&oe=5BA7CCCE

06-23-2018, 04:38 PM
Yeah, now it’ll be like the Obama years!

But hey, since you are currently capable of being critical of your own government now that a non-Dem is POTUS, let’s not miss this opportunity. You should look into the US Prison system and CPS. Talk about fucking up children and their families...
I'm definitely aware of those things. Half of my posts in this thread are about my displeasure with the Democratic Party in general.

Trump has only had the opportunity to speak ill of and treat Muslim and Latino migrants in this manner because our institutions have failed them for decades; it is this crisis that demonstrates why the duopoly of Republican and Democrat is so dangerous.

06-23-2018, 04:54 PM

Here’s a map of the highs yesterday, the first day of summer. I’m sure it was cool and breezy where ever she was wearing the jacket for her photo ops.

the jacket is distasteful and disrespectful in any state. But, sure nitpick my not knowing where she was wearing it originally. [emoji849]

EDT 2: where did she wear it then? Everything I’ve read says it was boarding her flight to and from. So when she left Texas, she wasn’t wearing it according to your not fake news sources?


From what I can tell, she was wearing it as she boarded in DC and as she deplaned in DC - not IN Texas.

But that's not the point. The point is how it was tone-deaf at best and downright insulting at worst. I mean, if she flew to a visit a former concentration camp and wore a jacket that said "Jews Suck" as she boarded Air Force One, would you still be going "what's the big fucking deal; she took it off before she landed". Really?

You're grasping at straws, DigitalChaos, and it's sad to see. You're smarter than that. Whether that jacket was worn IN Texas or not is irrelevant. Anyone trying to be an apologist for this is either naive or a moron, and frankly, I don't think you're a moron. FLOTUS (regardless of Trump, Obama, Bush, etc) has no business wearing this jacket at any time, ever, unless she intends to make the text her official statement. That's how it works when you're both a politician and a celebrity. What you say, and the sign you wear, sends a message and makes a point. She knows that, you know that, and you know that she knows that.

06-23-2018, 10:05 PM
i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?

06-23-2018, 10:08 PM
being too nice to Conservatives - going "high" while they go "low" is part of what got us here

kick them the fuck out

06-23-2018, 10:18 PM
I'd say we don't stop serving these Fascists. In fact, let's give them something.... "special"


06-24-2018, 05:45 AM
i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?

As far as I'm concerned it's better to have refused them service then do something weird with their food, get the CDC or whoever involved and end up in lawsuits. These businesses will feel the heat now from conservative trolls, but it'll go away by season's end in place of something else they can get mad at.

06-24-2018, 06:53 AM
i go back and forth on sarah getting kicked out of dinner i the one hand people are finally standing up to trump his racsism and lying most restaurants do have a right to refuse service on the other seems like a total troll trap they all happen to be Mexican restaurants the right loves to play thLe victim what does ETS think?

I have no back and forth on this at all.

1) Not a Mexican restaurant in the Sanders case
2) She gets up and defends Trump's pleasure that SCOTUS ruled a restaurant can refuse to serve you because they don't like that you're gay - so what's the harm in refusing to serve her because she's the mouthpiece for the most dangerous and bigoted tyrant in America? It's not even a tit-for-tat thing. You were literally just the one screaming about how it's great that you don't have to serve someone you don't like. Well, now you know how it feels.
3) The restaurant had already served her and PAID for her meal (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2018/06/23/why-a-small-town-restaurant-owner-asked-sarah-huckabee-sanders-to-leave-and-would-do-it-again/?utm_term=.66cff29a5f10). They comped her! They simply asked her - privately, and politely - to leave.

I have no problems with this whatsoever. I intend to go out of my way to eat there next time I'm in the region as a way of showing my support.

06-24-2018, 12:17 PM
the immigrant issue is far from over this will become a midterm wedge issue. history has shown the party that holds the presidency loses seats. the only one not to do this was strangely enough was "W" and most attribute that to 9/11. look up something called the mice utopia experiment. hold on to your lids.I'm going to give trump a compliment he is savvy at media manipulation. if you look at what he was able to do with the national enquirer 90% of people will say I will never read that rag. you do see the cover every-time you buy groceries. so something as silly as " ted Cruz's father killed JFK or Hillary's heath. you might both of those might seam off the wall but combine the two and if in passing you'll go i saw something about that without having any fact or real information. so phoning into Howard stern or doing a comedy central roast. people assume 'well he must be an alright down to earth guy, look he's willing to go on theses show's and be goofed on? but he's never actually goofed on and we don't know what the stipulations were form him to be on such shows? the art of deception is a deep and heavy topic so pay attention and don't get played.

06-24-2018, 12:19 PM
here's a fun video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kkOKvPrdZ4

06-26-2018, 05:10 AM
Restaurant owners, take notes from this person.

https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36041937_10155339645411277_481817514393731072_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=238efb03ebffff71dda64c93862b9250&oe=5BA40DE6

06-26-2018, 09:34 AM
The Travel Ban clears the final hurdle: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-supreme-court-rules-for-trump-over-travel-ban/ar-AAzbMqd Looks like it's the law of the land now.

06-26-2018, 09:49 AM
This is one of the top reasons why I voted for HRC despite being a Bernie supporter. The Supreme Court seat that was held hostage by Turtlefuck McConnell was all too important to lose.

We cannot make the same mistakes in November. There’s never a perfect candidate but there’s ALWAYS a better candidate.

06-26-2018, 10:10 AM
I forget...did the dems have a "nuclear option" that they could have used to force Garland through? As much as I hate political BS, I think right now I'd say that I was okay with them using that in order to get the fucking job done.

06-26-2018, 10:24 AM
The Democrats would have to grow a spine first. This stupid "high road" crap is getting them killed.

06-26-2018, 11:17 AM
I forget...did the dems have a "nuclear option" that they could have used to force Garland through? As much as I hate political BS, I think right now I'd say that I was okay with them using that in order to get the fucking job done.

No, because Mitch McConnell has been the leader of the Senate since Jan. 2015 when the GOP took back the senate in the 2014 midterms. McConnell refused to have a hearing for Garland and held the seat hostage until the 2016 election. Democrats in the senate were powerless to prevent this since they did not have a majority. McConnell then nuked the filibuster after Democrats invoked it, meaning that Gorsuch only needed a 51 vote majority instead of 60 votes for confirmation. Gorsuch was confirmed with a 54-45 vote with zero GOP defections.

Senate Dems were powerless throughout this whole process because of the 2014 midterms. This will happen again unless we take back the Senate in 2018, which means that some of us who have Red State Dems up for reelection this year need to get out of our feelings and reelect them.

bobbie solo
06-26-2018, 04:50 PM
They might have been powerless in terms of the rules, but man were they meek about it out in public. Obama for one, never once used his bully pulpit the way he could have. He's not built for it, and the whole country is paying now b/c he never once tried to break their back and make them pay with the voters. Same goes for Dem leadership. They should have been, and should be now, out there every single day and night shouting to anyone who will listen in the media and on social media about how awful these monsters on the right are, and how they need to be voted the fuck out.

Instead we get the weak willed nonsense and handsitting that we mostly see from Dems in control of the party. And then Maxine Waters says something right and NOT kinda crazy for once, and her own party shits on her for it over and over again. CLUELESS. it's time to BREAK THEIR BACK, not play games.

06-27-2018, 01:15 PM
This is one of the top reasons why I voted for HRC despite being a Bernie supporter. The Supreme Court seat that was held hostage by Turtlefuck McConnell was all too important to lose.

We cannot make the same mistakes in November. There’s never a perfect candidate but there’s ALWAYS a better candidate.

well, breaking news... justice Kennedy has announced he's retiring... god help us